Transparency Light, Heat, and Comfort ARCH 600 Independent Study Fall 1998 Vorapat Inkarojrit Department of Architecture University of Washington 1 Project Architect Team Location Structural Electrical Mechanical Landscape Photography Size Cost Completed Project History Source Abstract Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia J. Breshears, P. Bridger, P. Busby, M. McColl, D. Thiruchittaampalam, A.M. Tam, A. Vaughan Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Read Jones Christoffersen Reid Crowther & Partners Keen Engineering Reeve MacDougall & Assoc. Martin Tessler 2000 Sq. M. $2,596,000 August 1995 1997 RAIC Governor Generals Award Canadian Architect, July 1997 This paper presents an investigation into the luminous, thermal and visual performance of the APEGBCs building envelope. The simplicity and elegance of the shading device draws attention to its performance. How does the architectural form interact with the environment, climate and, nature? What are the criteria for the use of daylight in the building? How do the occupants respond to the physical environment? These are some of the questions that I will explore. Project Figure 1 Fritted glass shading devices Figure 2 Interior picture of reception area Project: 2 The new headquarters of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, designed by architects Busby Bridger and Associates, couples state-of-the-art building technology influenced by High Tech with a clean minimal aesthetic reminiscent of corporate International Style modernism.(McMinn, 1997) The decision to commission a new headquarters building was a significant event in the evolution of APEGBC. It was seen by the Association as an opportunity to establish a strong public image for the engineering professions as well as to showcase the talents of those members working in the design and construction industry. Within the limited budget and relatively pedestrian environment of building practice in Canada, the design firm created economical yet well-detailed building system components. The elegent and finely crafted building was designed in conjunction with in-house industrial design, in close consultation with custom manufacturers. The building relies on a generic shape with highly articulated building envelope clearly expressing the character of the interior plan organization. The building is wrapped in an envelope of glass and exposed structure, maximizing daylight and views out. The building envelope was composed with a system of delicate external glazed shade screens on a standard curtain wall envelope. Location, Site and Climate The building is situated in a suburban area of Vancouver, British Columbia. It shares the moderate and moist climate of the Pacific Northwest. The summer months are characterized by sunny skies with little precipitation and daytime temperatures typically in the upper 60s or low 70s. On the contrary, the winter is characterized by overcast skies, light to heavy precipitation and typical temperatures in the high 40s to low 50s. Building The interior is planned with the APEGBC offices on the second floor with access from a small ground floor entry area. The lower remainder of the area is leased out but is available for expansion when needed. The APEGBC offices are composed of four main parts: 1. an open-plan area, partitioned for flexible office space facing east and south; 2. meeting and board rooms on the north side of the space; 3. managerial offices with a fully-glazed wall facing the open office area; and 4. the service zone on the west side with few window openings. Figure 3 Exterior of the building at duskFigure 1 Fritted glass shading devices Summary of design strategies from Busby Bridger and Associates document 3 Site: High visibility from three main transportation routes. Energy considerations and view to the outside are important criteria in locaing the building on the site. Planning: Simple, flexible floor space and highly rationalized planning. Office plan divided plan into service zone on the west side with an open office area making light and views available. Energy Envelope: Used energy modeling software not only to meet the current codes and comply with the BC Hydro Power Smart Program, but also to anticipate the requirements of the 1995 National Energy Code. Controlled heat gain using a combination of glass type and solar shading configuration. A sealed doubleglazed system with clear low emissivity coating was selected for the external facade. External glass louvres reduce solar gain by 70%. They are mounted at an angle inclined to prevent the entry of summer sun while permitting a clear view out to the garden and the mountains. Structure: Precasted concrete, steel and parallam wood structures. Lightweight aluminum castings used in the exterior sunshade structure add additional interest to the canopy structure. Mechanical system: Alternative systems were compared to minimize the solar load and heat loss of the building and reduced the size of mechanical and electrical systems. The ground source heat pump was selected for its low capital cost, a short payback period and minimum space requirements. The electrical systems were all designed in conformance with Power Smart. Lighting in the office is provided by a combination of metal halide uplight and task lighting at desk level. Fabric sails were design to reflect light into the space. Figure 4 Reflective fabric sail Figure 5 Site plan Figure 6 Office floor plan Figure 8 East elevation Figure 9 South elevation Figure 7 lighting system diagram Hypothesis: A major design component of this building is the use of specially designed prefabricated pieces and fritted glass to form shading awning. This solar control device is used continuously both on the east and south facades. The use of a fritted glass canopy prompted the following questions: Does the fritted glass canopy mediate light between inside and outside? Does the fritted glass canopy reduce the internal heat gain? Does the fritted glass canopy produce visual comfort in the interior? 4 Hypothesis The first guess in assuming these questions is that the fritted glass canopy will not really work to produce comfortable conditions in the interior. The hypothesis is that the prefabricated and fritted glass canopy pieces, although beautifully designed, do not really respond well to the prevailing climatic conditions. There is conflict between the visibility of the site from the highway, the scenery looking out at the site from the building, and the energy concious design strategies. The building was well crafted and carefully designed. However, the architectural language used was not fully developed to suit the climate and site orientation. After the first visit to the buiding in the early November, it was notice that another potential source for causing discomfort in the work space arises from the electrical lighting. The changes in thermal, luminous and visual comfort were caused not only by the architectural form itself, but also by the improper design and adjustment of mechanical systems. Figure 10 External shading devices Methods: This case study was conducted in three major phases: 1. review of promotional literature about the project, and an interview with the project architect to understand more about the design intention and design criteria; 2. investigating the qualitative and quantitative building performance by means of a series of investigations using Onset Hobos, handheld measuring devices, and questionnaires; 3. data analysis using data gathered in the previous task and displaying it in three categories: luminous, thermal and visual comfort. Figure 11 Interior electrical lighting system Figure 12 Interior picture of office space looking south Measurement 5 Onset Hobo measuring devices (small data loggers) were used to measure the illumination level, temperature and relative humidity in the building. They were placed along the longitudinal and cross sections of the building at 1.5 meters above floor level. The Hobos were left for a period of one week in order to get a full record of dirurnal changes during both clear sky and overcast sky conditions. Handheld measuring devices such as Minolta Illuminance and Luminance Meters, a Raytek portable infrared pyranometer, and a Minolta digital camera were used during both visits to gather more accurate data and to gather information that Hobos can not measure, such as Mean Radient Temperature (MRT). 4 5 6 7 8 3 9 10 11 12 Luminous Thermal Visual Figure 14 Hobo placement locations on top of the work partition. 2 1 Figure 13 Hobo placement locations follow structural grid Figure 15 Hobos were placed along the structral grid at 3 meters on center. The devices were set to detect light intensity, ambient temperature and relative humidity every 12 minutes for a period of 7 days. 6 Lighting in the open office area is provided by a combination of ceiling-mounted metal halide fixtures and desk level task lighting. The locations of the fixtures were designed to direct the light to the reflective fabric surfaces. Corrugated ceiling panels reflect light down to the work space. Air diffusers are located at the perimeter of the main office space. Location The office plan is simple and straight forward. Each person has their own work space. The orientation of each person is fixed by the location of the office panels. Vancouvers Weather Data Sun (hr. to 5pm) Temp. Hi Temp. Low Comments Figure 16 Electrical lighting location Thursday Nov. 5, 98 0 10 Friday Nov. 6, 98 5 12 Saturday Nov. 7, 98 n/a 11 Sunday Nov. 8, 98 0 8.3 Monday Nov. 9, 98 0 8.4 Tuesday Nov. 10,98 n/a 9 Wednesday Nov. 11,98 0.1 9 Thursday Nov. 12, 98 0 9 Friday Nov. 13, 98 0 11 Source : Vancouver Sun, November 6-13, 1998 8 3.5 3 3.6 6.2 3 5.2 4.7 8 cloudy with shower variable cloudy sunny with cloudy period variable cloudy variable cloudy partly cloudy cloudy rain rain Weather data was taken from the local newspaper. The graph above shows the temperature recorded from HoboTemp #1. Each line represents the temperature, recorded every 12 minutes. The graph shows that on November 6, 1998, with sunny sky conditions, there is a wide temperature range, from 70°F-78.5°F. On the contrary, November 8, 1998 has a narrow constant temperature range of 70°F-72°F. These two days will serve as two sky conditions for the measurement in this report. Figure 17 Light reflect off ceiling and fabric sail Method: 7 The illumination levels in the building were recorded using the handheld illumination meter and the Onset Hobo Light. For the handheld measurements, the data were mapped according to the structural grid of 3 meters. During both visits on November 6 and 13, 1998, the weather was overcast with light showers. The recording times were at 3:30pm and 11:00am with low daylight illumination. The resulting data clearly show the distribution of daylight in cross section and the electrical light in longitudinal section. Illumination Finding: The data gathered on November 13, 1998 was used due to the greater contribution of daylight to the room. The adjustable blinds on the south facade were half closed. Indicative of the condition of the building, the lowest levels of illumination were measured in the core, where daylight hardly penetrates. The highest levels were recorded at the buildings perimeter. 13.9 13.1 12.9 16.5 15.1 15.2 24.3 17.5 15.3 18.8 19.6 22.0 19.8 28.2 33.0 37.0 17.5 14.2 17.6 23.2 22.4 32.2 22.4 19.3 33.2 29.4 31.7 33.4 36.0 40.6 37.6 28.4 Figure 19 The illuminaiton level in footcandles measured on November 13, 1998 at 11:00am. 10 Figure 18 Reflective fabric sail 15 20 30 25 25 30 35 40 Figure 20 Isolux contour of office space in foot candles 20 (fc) 40 30 20 10 0 8 (fc) 12 11 10 9 3 8 Figure 21 Longitudinal section shows lighting distribution across the space 7 6 5 Illumination Level (fc) 40 30 20 10 0 4 3 2 1 Figure 22 Cross section shows lighting distribution across the space Figure 23 Sky condition during the measurements. From the cross section, the illumination level gradually decreases as the distance from the window increases. However, the longitudinal section has a different result. Measured at the same distance from the east facade, the illumination level increases northwardly. It can be assumed from the observation that the illuminaiton levels on station placements #10-12 were dominated by the electrical lighting system. Since the blind on the south facade were shut and the outside illumination level was low, the reading from station # 5-9 were pretty even. The desktop task lights were mostly turned on when the occupants were present at their desks. However, they show little contribution to the overall lighting levels. Figure 24 Interior space looking north. The Onset Hobos were left for a period of one week. The graphs above show the series of data read out in both cross section (left) and longitudinal section (right). The Hobo can record the light with continuous spectrum. Therefore, the amount of electrical light from fluoresent and High-intensity Discharged sources in the space will not be included in this data. Both graphs reveal the differences in the light levels between sunny days and cloudy days. The highest readout is from the stations closest to the glazing on the sunny day. It is noticable that there is a big difference in illumination levels between stations which are near the glazing and stations further back in the space on the sunny day. On cloudy days, however, there was less difference in illumination levels. It can be implied that the work stations near the window has the opportunity to be exposed to high levels of daylight, producing illumination levels five times greater than at the innermost workstation. I V / \ W L V Q H W Q , I V / \ W L V Q H W Q , 4 5 6 7 8 3 9 10 11 12 2 1 9 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7LPH 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ Figure 25 Cross section illumination level 7LPH 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ Figure 26 Longitudinal section illumination level 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 6WDWLRQ 10 %LRFOLPDWLF&KDUW Winter Comfort Zone 1.3 Met 0.8 Clo [Based on Arens. A new bioclimatic chart for passive solar design] ) H U X W D U H S Thermal Comfort P H 7 5HODWLYH+XPLGLW\ Figure 27 Bioclimatic chart of APEG building Method: Figure 28 Interior picutre of office space looking at east glazing Temperature data were taken from HoboXTs that were left for a period of one week.The data shown above were retrieved from the Hobo stations #1-4(cross section). It has been plotted on a bioclimatic chart, showing that almost all the measured conditions fall within the comfort zone. The temperature on November 13, 1998, at 11am was 71°F, taken with a Fluke multimeter with temperature probe. Finding: It shows that, for a period of one week, temperature and relative humidity are mostly in the comfort zone. The high temperature on the chart was recorded on the sunny day by station #1 at 8:30am. With large amounts of glazing on the east side, on a sunny day, the low-angled morning sun penetrates into the space and raises the intermal temperature. The graphs on the next two pages show the dirunal temperature swing from each Hobo (from stations #1-4). A wide oscillations is clearly stated in the graphs for stations 1 and 3. Narrow oscillation were detected from stations 2 and 4. It can be implied that even in the inner space up to nine meters from the glazing (station 3), daylight and sunlight penetration can cause the temperature to change up to 76.5°F from 71°F normal temperature thermostat setting. Note that on station #2, the narrow oscillations suggests that the station might be in the shade, therefore the temperature did not change significantly. Four graphs on the next page compare the data from each Hobo on November 6 and 8. It shows that on a sunny day the temperature can go up to 77-78°F due to sunlight penetration. On a cloudy day, in the overall space, the temperature does not change much. Figure 29 East elevation 11 ) H U X W D ) H U X W D U H S P H 7 U H S P H 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1RY 1RY 1RY 1RY 30 30 30 1RY 1RY 30 $0 7LPH 7LPH 1RY 1RY 1RY 1RY Figure 30 Data from HoboXT station 1 placed along cross section of the building for a period of one week. 1RY 1RY 1RY 1RY Figure 31 Data from HoboXT station 2 placed along cross section of the building for a period of one week. ) H U X W D U H S P H 7 ) H U X W D U H S P H 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 1RY 1RY 30 $0 7LPH 1RY 1RY 1RY 1RY $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 1RY 1RY 30 $0 7LPH 1RY Figure 32 Data from HoboXT station 3 placed along cross section of the building for a period of one week. 1RY 1RY 1RY 1RY 1RY Figure 33 Data from HoboXT station 4 placed along cross section of the building for a period of one week. 4 5 6 7 8 3 2 1 9 10 11 12 &URVV6HFWLRQ'LXUQDO7HPSHUDWXUH1RYHPEHU ) H U X W D U H S P H 7 ) H U X W D U H S P H 7 $0 12 &URVV6HFWLRQ'LUXUQDO7HPSHUDWXUH1RYHPEHU $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7LPH +RER 30 30 30 30 $0 7LPH +RER +RER +RER +RER +RER +RER +RER Figure 34 Cross section temperature data on sunny sky condition (November Figure 35 Cross section temperature data on cloudy sky condition (November 6, 1998) 8 , 1998) /RQJWLWXGLQDO6HFWLRQ'LXUQDO7HPSHUDWXUH1RYHPEHU /RQJWLWXGLQDO6HFWLRQ'LXUQDO7HPSHUDWXUH1RYHPEHU UHX DWU HS HP 7 ) H U X W U H S P H 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7LPH +RER +RER +RER +RER 30 30 30 30 $0 7LPH +RER +RER +RER +RER Figure 36 Longitudinal section temperature data on sunny sky condition (November 6, 1998) +RER +RER +RER +RER +RER +RER +RER +RER Figure 37 Longitudinal section temperature data on cloudy sky condition (November 8, 1998) 4 5 6 7 8 3 2 1 9 10 11 12 13 Method: The luminance of selected surfaces was recorded using the Minolta luminance meter on November 13, 1998 at 10.00am. The sky conditon was overcast with a low illumination level. Finding: Visual Comfort The luminance of the view looking out the glazing was not high due to dark overcast sky conditions. However, from the views looking north and south, the metal halide lighting fixtures contributed a large amount of luminance. Compared with the other surfaces, the lighting fixtures created conditions of high contrast and glare. Interior surface luminance at work station. The reading took place in one of the space near the east glazing. The red numbers on the top show the surface luminance for a 1 degree spot designated by an optical viewfinder (candela/sq.m.). The blue numbers show the radient temperature of the surface (based on an assumed surface emissivity). 106.6 78 23 29 74 74 55.3 109 75 76 1.7 72 13.21 152 75 75 53.24 34.37 75 Figure 38 Interior surface luminance at work space 189 5.7 74 36.85 6.88 10.45 74 7.46 Figure 38 Interior surface luminance at work space looking at east glazing 14 C A B Figure 40 Office floor plan shows direction of samples interior perceptions. Occupants position and facing direction. Direction of samples interior perceptions. Pictures from this page and the next page show interior views of the open office space taken on both November 6 and 8, 1998. The bright electric lighting fixture can be seen in the north and south facing pictures. The space is well-lit overall, with daylight during the day, and the electrical light at night. The adjustable blinds on the south glazing were added later. The corrugated ceiling and the reflecting fabric distribute light evenly through the space. Fluorescent task lights are provided at each work station. They produce a cool color of light, contrary to those of the yellowish metal halide. Figure 41 Interior view looking north Figure 42 Interior view looking east Figure 43 Interior view looking south Figure 44 Interior view looking west 283.7 87.4 71 90200 70 >258 54.08 76.42 70 15 124 75 9.9 71 72 14.74 70 39.25 52.68 23290 175.8 3.209 51.44 71 11.72 38.43 68 17.56 Figure 45 A. Interior view looking toward the south glazing. 80.88 25.19 107.9 38.29 17.89 9.52 6.42 19.26 94.09 59.19 182.6 7.64 15.78 8.14 Figure 47 C. Interior view looking eastwardly. 15.22 10.05 11.85 8.29 Figure 46 B. Interior view looking inward toward the executive area. 16 Figure 48 Pictures show the view looking out to the open area from one of the work stations. The computer is palaced in the corner with task light located in the work area. Glare can be experienced by looking at the lighting fixture which has a surface luminance 2000 times greater than the vertical partition viewd in the same direction. Figure 49 Occupants responded to the lack of visual comfort by adding handmade shades (from office accessories) to block the reflected light on computer screens and from direct light to the occupants themselves. The picture on the left was taken from the station facing inward. Tahe picture on the right was taken from the station next to the south glazing. No handmade shading devices were added to the work station in the middle area. Figure 50 picture on the left shows the blinds that were installed after the completion of the building. The amount of illumination contributed by the electric lighting fixtures is very high. The strong shadow pattern on the floor is shown in the right picture. Method: 17 Questionnaires were distributed on November 6, 1998. Eighteen occupants replied. Occupants had the opportunity to not answer all of the questions, but most did. Finding: Thermally and visually, sunny days of fall/spring are preferred. Winter days are not prefered by the occupants. The overall thermal and luminous comfort favorably with scores 3.58 and 3.67 or 72%. However, the score on visual comfort is lower with a score of 2.67 or 53.4%. Additional comments and interview highlights: There were a few comments on temperature. Some of the occupants prefer a cooler temperature and some prefer a warmer temperature but the majority were content with the average temperature setting. A few strong comments were made on the blinds that were added to the south glazing facade which help reduce glare and heat. The large amount of glare disturb the activities taking place in the workspace especially in the morning. The lower blinds were added in fall 1996 and the upper blinds were added in fall 1998, according to the comments. The occupants also stated that the glare and heat problems improved after the upper blinds were installed. Figure 51 Interior picture looking south on sunny day Figure 52 Interior picture looking north on cloudy day Questionnaire Survey on lighting and thermal performance of APEGBC Building Q.# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Questions average length of time work in office seating zone distance from nearest window time of survey response acceptability of temperature at the time filling the questionnaire thermal comfort daytime sunny fall/spring days cloudy fall/spring days cloudy summer days sunny summer days sunny winter days cloudy winter days visual comfort daytime sunny fall/spring days sunny summer days cloudy fall/spring days cloudy summer days cloudy winter days sunny winter days I prefer temperature to be: unchange warmer cooler daylight quality Illumination performance (overall lighting quality) color of light quality visual comfort (glare) lighting fixtures adjusting blind never once a day several times a day once a month once a week overall thermal comfort additional comments temp glare blind electrical lighting notes 2.24 range from 7 days to 3.5 years varied varied 8.30am-6.10pm most replied on the afternoon 3.7 scale1-5 (higher the better) 56 41 32 29 27 18 40 38 35 32 27 26 10 6 2 3.48 scale1-5 (higher the better) 3.67 scale1-5 (higher the better) 3.58 scale1-5 (higher the better) 2.67 scale1-5 (higher the better) 1 lighting fixtures were provided 10 no blinds to adjust 3 2 1 1 3.58 scale1-5 (higher the better) 6 only 33% of occupants replied 5 2 1 18 199 Structure is the giver of light. (Louis I. Kahn, 1975) The visits to the APEGBC building have been a memorable experiences. The building is well-crafted and carefully-detailed. The simplicity of the building design and the use of materials clearly reflect the purpose of the association in establishing a strong public image and showcasing the talents of the professional members working in the design and construction industry. The use of fritted glass produces interesting effects by day and night. During the day its transparency allows the occupants to observe the view. During the night, it acts as a reflector for exterior lighting. The clean, cutting-edge design allows the building to glow and to become a giant lighting fixture, producing strong visual images. The shading devices at the APEGBC building are the main focus of this case study. The quantitative results show that thermal, luminous and visual comfort were influenced according to the amount of sunlight penetrating into the space during the time of study. Temperatures and illumination levels were at peak under clear sky conditions. Sunlighting is the conscious design of a building form to use direct sunlight for illumination and thermal benefit (Lam, 1986). Sunlight can cause problems but it also provide opportunities for saving energy. From my interview with the designer, the use of the fritted glass is mainly for visual effect so one can take advantage of its transparency to see the sky. The design firm has developed and used glazing system as shading devices. With the ability to select the pattern of ceramic coating and its opacity, fritted glass has been continuously used in building designs by this firm. The fritted glass canopy at the APEGBC building allows the sunlight to penetrate into the space more than a solid canopy would. The universal design of the canopy on the east and south side did not serve its purpose to the occupants satisfaction. Due to overcast weather condition, only the illumination and visual performance of the building were analyzed. Conclusion The fritted glass canopy produces an opportunity to see the surrounding environments. However, it did not perform well as a shading device. It allows large amount of direct sunlight to penetrate the space, and increases the internal heat gain, especially to those seating in the perimeter. The full-height glazing area and an improper shading device cause visual comfort and occupants respond to the problem by constructing personal shading device. It shows that the prefabricated and fritted glass canopy pieces do not really respond well to the prevailing climatic conditions. As indicated in the photograph, another source of visual discomfort is from the electrical fixtures. The design team carefully designed the reflective fabric sail. However, a better light source or baffles, could be installed in order to decrease the glare. Daylighting can create a pleasant and delightful experience. To achieve these objectives, daylighting must be given the highest priority. The combination of light and view makes orientation a critical criteria when planning for daylighting. Proper daylighting strategies and orientation of building masses must be carefully arranged to maximize direct and reflected sunlight when heat and light are most desireable and minimize it when it is undesirable. The full height glazing at the APEGBC building allows the deepest penetration of sidelight from daylight. The illumination and thermal comfort are connected because the occupants are less free to move. The designer should be more concerned as to the instantaneous effects of solar radiation on comfort, as well as on energy conservation from good passive solar design Suggestion: Due to the limited time of investigation, it is suggested that this study be conduct again during the summer season. Sunlights play a major role in thermal and illumination distribution, therefore, the study under clear sky conditions will have the benefit of strong sunlight with extreme temperature conditions. Acknowledgement: This investigation could not have been completed without the help from generous people. They include Wayne Gibson, the Director of Communications at APEGBC; Busby and Associates Architects; Martin Nielsen and Michael McColl; and Staff members at APEGBC. Most of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Marietta Millet for her time and strength, as well as for great advice and for her inspiration. 20 21 Reference: Behiling, S. and Behiling, S., Sol Power. Prestel-Verlag, 1996. Brown, G.Z., Sun, Wind, and Light. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985. Compagno, A. Intelligent Glass Facades. Birkhauser Verlag, 1996. Givoni, B. Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. IES Lighting Handbook, Application Volume 1981. IES Lighting Handbook, Reference Volume 1984. Kahn, L.I., Light is the Theme. Kimbell Art Foundation, 1975. Lam, W., Sunlighting as Formgiver for Architecture. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986. Lechner, N., Heating, Cooling, Lighting, Design Methods for Archtiects.John Wiley & Sons, 1991. Millet, M., Light Revealing Architecture. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996. Olgyay, V., Design with Climate. Princeton University Press, 1963. Smith, P. and Pitts, A., Concept in Practice Energy. BT Batsford, 1997. Articles: Arens, E., A New Bioclimatic Chart for Passive Solar Design. Barreneche, A., Designing with Fritated Glass., Architecture, May 1994. Busby and Associates Archtiects, APEGBC Buildings document. McMinn, J., Light Engineering., Canadian Architect, July 1997 Reference Survey on Lighting and Thermal Performance of APEGBE Building Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada Vorapat Inkarojrit Master of Architecture Student University of Washington, Seattle November 5, 1998 This survey is intended to allow us to gain an understanding of your overall experience of comfort working in the APEGBC building with regard to specific environment conditions. All questions are optional. The informaiton given will be kept confidential and will not be published without the approval from APEG Staff. Part 1: Demographics 1. How long have you worked in this office building? ___________________Years ___________________Months 2. Please specific where are you sitting and where you are facing by marking (Oà) in the map shown below. 3. Approximately how far do you sit from the nearest window? ___________________Meters or ________________Feet 4. Please fill in the current time. ___________________ AM/PM Part 2: Personal Comfort (Please marks with (X) on the scale or blank space below) 5. Is the temperature in this building acceptable to you right now? 1·2·3·4·5 Not acceptable Tolerable Acceptable Very comfortable 22 6. I am usually most comfortable thermally on (Please rate in order 1-6, 1=most comfortable, 6= least comfortable) __ A cloudy summer day __ A sunny summer day __ A cloudy fall or spring day __ A sunny fall or spring day __ A cloudy winter day __ A sunny winter day 7. I am usually most comfortable visually on (Please rate in order 1-6, 1=most comfortable, 6= least comfortable) __ A cloudy summer day __ A sunny summer day __ A cloudy fall or spring day __ A sunny fall or spring day __ A cloudy winter day __ A sunny winter day 8. Right now I would prefer the temperature to be __ Cooler __ No change __ Warmer 9. Please rate the quality of daylight in your workspace. 1·2·3·4·5 Poor Excellent 10. Please rate the overall lighting in your office space. 1·2·3·4·5 Poor Excellent 11. Please rate the color of the light in your office space. 1·2·3·4·5 Unpleasant Pleasant 12. How would you rate the amount of glare? 1·2·3·4·5 High glare No Glare 23 13. Have you brought in or asked for additional lighting fixtures? __Yes __No 14. Do you adjust blinds? __Several times a day __Once a day __Once a week __Once a month __Never 15. If yes, Why? __ Reduce glare __ Reduce overall light level __ Reduce heat __ Increase heat __ Increase light levels __ Provide view __Other, Please explain____________________________________________________________ 16. My general rating of thermal comfort in this building is: 1·2·3·4·5 Poor Excellent 17. My general rating of lighting condition in this building is: 1·2·3·4·5 Poor Excellent 18. Additional comments about your visual and thermal comfort in this building ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you very much for your time Vorapat Inkarojrit 24