Department of Defense Human Research Protection Program AIR FORCE ISSUED DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) ADDENDUM TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICE'S (DHHS) FEDERALWIDE ASSURANCE (FWA) FOR THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS This Addendum is for non-DoD Institutions that already have an FWA approved by DHHS and will be engaged in DoD-supported human subject research. Part 1 INSTITUTION INFORMATION A. Purpose of DoD Addendum [ ] New [ X] Renewal for DoD Addendum Number: F50309 B. Institution Information University of Louisville Name: DHHS FWA Number: FWA00002211 Description of the Institution: University of Louisville (all Schools and Colleges) University of Louisville Hospital Kosair Children's Hospital J. Graham Brown Cancer Center (IRB for faculty practicing in) Jewish Hospital & St Marys Healthcare Norton Healthcare, Inc. The Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at the University of Louisville review all University affiliated human subjects research, regardless of funding. The IRB chair or vice-chair makes the determination of exemption from IRB review. C. Scope This Addendum applies to all DoD-supported human research protocols performed by this institution, unless specified below. D. Effective Date This Addendum is effective as of the date the approval document is signed by the DoD Component Designated Official and expires on the date listed in the approval document. UofL DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-01-03 1 Part 2 DOD REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements identified in the Institution's FWA, this institution assures it shall comply with the following laws, regulations, and guidance when conducting, reviewing, approving , overseeing, supporting, or managing DoD-supported research with human subjects: • Title 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 219 (32 CFR 219), Department of Defense Regulations, "Protection of Human Subjects" • Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46, (45 CFR 46) Department of Health and Human Services Regulations, "Protection of Human Subjects," Subparts 8, C, and D as made applicable by DoDD 3216.02 • Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations 50, 56, 312, and 812, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations • DoD Directive (DoDD) 3216.02, "Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoD-supported Research" • Title 10 United States Code Section 980 (10 USC 980), "Limitation on Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects" • DoDD 3210.7, "Research Integrity and Misconduct" • DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6200.02, "Application of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Rules to Department of Defense Force Health Protection Programs" Part 3 DOD COMPONENT REQUIREMENTS The institution assures it shall also comply with DoD Component requirements for the research protocol(s) sponsored by that DoD Component. The requirements for each DoD Component are listed below. DoD Components may require that other research, not specifically identified by 32 CFR 219, also comply with the terms of this Addendum (32 CFR 219.101(d)). Department of the Army • AR 70-25 Use of Volunteers as Subjects of Research, 25 January 1990 • AR 40-38, Clinical Investigation Program, 1 September 1989 • AR 40-7, Use of Investigational Drugs in Humans and the Use of Schedule I Controlled Drug Substances, 4 January 1991 Department of the Navy • SECNAVINST 3900.39D of 6 November 2006 Department of the Air Force • Air Force Instruction 40-402, Protection of Human Subjects in Research Office of the Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness • HA Policy 05-003 UofL DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-01-03 2 Part4 INSTITUTION RESPONSIBILITIES The complete list of requirements for compliance is provided above in Part 2, DoD Requirements; Part 3, DoD Component Requirements; and in the institution's FWA. A select list of responsibilities of the Institutional Official, IRB, and Investigators are identified below. This partial list is taken from the regulations and guidance listed in Parts 2 and 3. The institution should communicate with the DoD organization supporting the research to ensure the institution and their IRB are in compliance. • Conduct initial and continuing research ethics education for personnel who are engaged in human subject research (e.g., who review, approve, oversee, or manage research) • Document determination by a designated Institutional Official (other than investigators) whether research meets criteria for exemption • Ensure new research and substantive scientific amendments to approved research shall undergo scientific review and that the review is considered by the IRB • Ensure additional protections for military research subjects to minimize undue influence • Explain to subjects any provisions for medical care for research-related injury • Report unanticipated problems, adverse events, research-related injury, and suspensions or terminations of research • Appoint a Medical Monitor when necessary • Safeguard for research conducted with international populations • Protect pregnant women, prisoners, and children • Comply with DoD limitations on research where consent by legally authorized representatives is proposed • Comply with DoD limitation on exceptions from informed consent (e.g., 10 USC 980,45 CFR 46, and 21 CFR 50) • Comply with limitations on dual compensation for U.S. military personnel • Follow DoD requirements for additional review for DoD-sponsored survey research or survey research within DoD • Address and report allegations of non-compliance with human research protections • Address and report allegations of research misconduct • Follow procedures for addressing financial and other conflicts of interest • Prohibit research with prisoners of war (POW) • Comply with all provisions for research with human subjects using investigational test articles (drugs, device, and biologics) • Follow recordkeeping requirements • Support oversight by the sponsoring DoD Component (which may include DoD Component review of the research and site visits) UofL DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-01-03 3 PartS DESIGNATION OF IRB(S) THAT WILL REVIEW DOD-SUPPORTED RESEARCH All of the IRBs supporting the institution do not need to be listed in Tables 1 and 2. List only those IRBs that will review DoD-supported research. A. IRB(s) that are Part of this Institution In Table 1, identify each IRB that is organizationally part of this institution and can review DoD­ supported research under this Addendum to the FWA (the IRBs should also be listed on the FWA). For each IRB listed in Table 1, the IRB Chair must sign this Addendum in Part 6. When requested by the DoD-sponsor, attach the membership list for each IRB listed (in accordance with 45 CFR 46); see Table 3 for an example. Table 1. IRB(s) within the Institution IRB Name or Number 1.Biomedical IRB 2.Sociai/Behaviorai/Education (SBE) IRB DHHS IRB Registration Number (8 digits) 00000251 00000252 3. 4. B. IRB(s) that are not Part of this Institution In Table 2, identify each IRB that is not associated with this institution and can review DoD-supported research under this Addendum to the FWA. For each IRB listed in Table 2, attach the DoD Institutional Agreement for IRB Review (or an equivalent agreement). When requested by the DoD­ sponsor, attach the membership list for each IRB listed (in accordance with 45 CFR 46); see Table 3 for an example. Table 2. IRB(s) not part of this Institution DHHSIRB Name of the IRB Name or Number Registration Institution Providing Number (8 digits)* the IRB DoD Assurance Number of the Institution* DHHS FWA Number of the Institution* 1. None 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. * If applicable. UofL DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-01-03 4 Part6 INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT A. Official Legally Authorized to Represent the FWA Institution (i.e., signed the FWA) Acting in an authorized capacity on behalf of this institution and with an understanding of the institution's responsibilities under it's FWA and this Addendum, I assure protections for human subjects as specified above. Datet• Name: William M. Pierce, Ph.D. Rank/Grade: Telephone number: 502-852-8373 FAX number: 502-85~-837? _ o1 Email address: iAJfl'JpieJ' ot..~Jow~VJife.·~ u_, Institutional Title: Executive VP for Research and Innovation Mailing Address: Office of the Executive Vice President for Research University of Louisville Jouett Hall 2301 South Third Street Louisville, KY 40292 B. Chair(s) of the IRB(s) that are part of the Institution and listed in Table 1 Acting in an authorized capacity on behalf of this institution's Biomedical IRB and with an understanding of the IRB's responsibilities under the institution's FWA and this Addendum, I assure protections for human subjects as specified above. ~ Name: Laura Clark, MD Institutional Title: Anesthesiologist Institution: University of Louisville Telephone number: 502-852-5188 FAX number: 502-852-2164 Email address: Name(s) or Number of IRB: Biomedical IRB Mailing Address: MedCenter One, Suite 200 501 E. Broadway Louisville, KY. 40202 UotL DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-01-03 5 Acting in an authorized capacity on behalf of this institution's SBE IRB and with an understanding of the IRB's responsibilities under the institution's FWA and this Addendum, I assure protections for human s:zt= s;;ed~ t/ Yj;-z­ Signature: D~te: Name: Peter M. Quesada, Ph.D. Institutional Title: Professor Institution: University of Louisville Name(s) or Number of IRB: BiomedicaiiRB Mailing Address: MedCenter One, Suite 200 501 E. Broadway Louisville, KY. 40202 Telephone number: 502-852-5188 FAX number: 502-852-2164 Email address: pmques01 1 Note: If there are multiple IRBs listed in Table 1, each Chair should sign this Addendum and provide the information in this section. If a Chair presides over multiple IRBs listed in Table 1, provide the name and number of each IRB in this section. C. Primary Contact - Human Research Protection of the FWA Institution Name: Rebecca H. Higgins, BS, CIP Rank/Grade: Institutional Title: Interim Director, HSPP Mailing Address: MedCenter One, Suite 200 501 E. Broadway Louisville, KY. 40202 Telephone number: 502-852-6956 FAX number: 502-852-2164 Email address: rhhigg01 UofL DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-01-03 6 Table 3. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Membership List Effective Date of Membership List: 07/01/2011 DHHS IRB #(if applicable):00000251 DoD Assurance Number: Name of IRB: Biomedical IRB A (#1) DoD IRB #(if applicable): Institution Name: University of Louisville Rank/Title 1.1RB Chair Assoc Professor Last Name Clark First Name Laura M I D Gend er (M/F) Earned Degrees M.D. F Professional Expertise/ Experience (indicate Non- Scientist by NS) Affilia ted (YIN) Anesthesiology (PS) y Name of Institution for Non-affiliated Members I I I I I Votina (Primarv) Members - including Vice Chairs 2.Geriatric Nurse 3. Physician Member-NHI 4. Asst Professor I Barrer Carreon 5. Assoc Professor Coram Dryden 6.Professor Flynn 7. Professor Emeritus B.Vice Chair/ Clinical Assoc Professor Sharon L F ADAS Leah y F MD,MSc Rita Family/Geriat Med (OS) Orthopedic Surgery (PS) y y y y y y F MD Medicine-Cardiology(PS) N Gerald w M MD Medicine-GI (PS) B M Gall Michael Stanley A M MD MD Suraerv-Oncology (PS) OB/GYN (PS) Goldman Julie L F MD Surgery-Pediatric ENT (PS) 9.Vice Chair/ Professor Emeritus Groff Diller B M MD Surgery-Otolaryngology (PS) y 10. Asst Professor Hanson Stephen s M PhD Bioethics/Philosophy (NS) y 11. Professor Quesada Peter M M PhD Mech. Engineering 12.Vice Chair/ Comm Mbr. Martinez Serae A M MD,JD Surgery-ENT (PS) y y 13. Community Member Moll John M CPA Accountant (NS) N F PhD Pediatrics-MPH (OS) y M J.D. Law Professor (NS) N MD Peds-Critical Care (PS) y A F M MD Pediatrics (PS) N R F PharmD Drug policy/research (OS) y 14. Asst Professor Radmacher Paula 15. Community Member Stenger Robert G L 16. Professor 17. Vice Chair/ Community Member 18. Pharmacy Director Sullivan Janice E Walker Frank Whalen Cathy 7 Norton Healthcare I i Unemployed Retired L-MARC Research DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-0I-03.doc Alternates for Voting Members (Alternate for Member name/number) 2,11,14,18 Oral Surgery (OS) y y y y y PhD, MRCP, MBBS Mad-Cardiology y 1 ,3,4,5,6, 7 ,8,9, 12, 16,17 F MD/PhD Medical Educator (PS) 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12,16,17 F M MD Psychiatry (SS/PS) Cahid A M MD Diag Radiology (PS) Coldwell Douglas M M MD Diag Radiology (PS) y y y y Deuth Doris w F BA,MA Community Mbr (NS) N 10, 13,15 MD Neurology (PS) y 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12,16,17 PhD Community Mbr (OS) N 2, 11, 14, 18 PhD Ed/Human Dev (NS) N 10.13.15 y y y y 10, 13,15 1.Assoc Professor Abou-Chebl Alex M MD Neurology (PS) 2. Asst Professor Alshaher Motaz M MD Mad-Cardiology (PS) 3.Research Manager Beatty Karen F ADAS GCRC (OS) 4. Professor Berkenbosch John M MD Peds-Critical Care (PS) 5. Professor Binkley Catherine J F DDS, PhD, MSPH 6. Professor Birks Emma J. F 7. Adj_ Asst Professor Carter Mary B 8. Professor Casanova Manuel 9. Professor Civelek 10. Professor, Term 11 . Retired Prison Warden s 12. Asst Professor Karkare Shefali 13. Community Member Kaufman Christina L 14. Community Member Leitsch Patricia K s 15. Professor Maloney Thomas 16. Asst Professor Redman Rebecca 17. Professor Emeritus Redinger Richard 18. Research Coordinator Trachtenberg Laura - - ­ F F F M PhD Philosophy (NS) F MD Med-Oncology (PSl N M MD Medici ne-G I S. F MA Surgery (OS) 8 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12, 16,17 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12, 16,17 1,3,4,5,6, 7 ,8,9, 12, 16,17 2, 11, 14, 18 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12, 16,17 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12, 16, 7 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12, 16,17 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 12, 16,17 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 12, 16,17 2, 11, 14, 18 DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-0l-03.doc Table 3. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Membership List Name of IRB: Social Behavioral Education IRB B (#2) DoD IRB #(if applicable) : Institution Name: University of Louisville Effective Date of Membership List: 07/01/2011 DHHS IRB #(if applicable):00000252 DoD Assurance Number: Rank/Title Last Name First Name M I Gend er (M/F) Earned Degrees Professional Expertise/ Experience (indicate Non- Scientist by NS) Affilia ted (YIN) 1.1RB Chair Quesada Peter M M PhD Mech Engineering (OS) y Name of Institution for Non-affiliated Members I Assoc Professor I Voting (Primary) Members - including Vice Chairs F PhD Sociology (SS) y M MDiv Retired Armed Srvcs Chaplain N E F PhD Social Work (SS) y Doris w F BA,MA Retired Prison Warden (NS) N Hall Timoth_y M JD School of Law (OS) 7. Asst Professor Hanson Stephen s s M PhD Bioethics/Philosophy (NS) y y 8. Community Member Leitsch Patricia K F PhD 9. Professor Maloney Thomas s M PhD Retired Educator (NS) Philosophy (NS) y 10. Community Member Munoz Marco M EdD Educational Analyst (OS) N 11 . Assoc Professor Newton Tamara L F PhD Psychology (SS) 12. Asst Professor Ridner s L M PhD Nursin_g (OS) 13. Doctoral Student Schapmire Tara J F BSW, MSSW Social Work (SS) y y y 2. Assoc Dean Andris Melissa 3. Community Member Berndt Leander 4. Asst Professor Collins-Camargo Crystal 5. Community Member Deuth 6.Law Professor - E - 9 N I None-Retired Retired Retired Jefferson Co Public Schools DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-0l-03 .doc I Alternates for Voting Members (Alternate for Member name/number) 1. Nursing Supervisor, Berger Jill T F Norton Healthcare 2.Professor Cunningham Michael R M 3.Doctoral Student Clark Rebecca 4. Doctoral student 5. Professor Cumberland Negrey Denise Cynthia L 6. Assoc Professor Smigielski Elizabeth M F F F F 7.Practicum student Wooldridge Donald T M A ' RN,MA Nursing (OS) N Alt for: 6, 10, 12 PhD Psychology/Communica­ tions (SS) y 1,2,4,8, 11,13 MSSW Social Work _iSS)_ 1,2,4,8, 11,13 BA,MA Education (SS1 Ph.D. Sociology_(SS1 Library Sciences (NS) BA y y y y y MSLS 10 Counseling Psychology (SS) 1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 13 1, 2,4, 8, 11,13 5, 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 4, 8, 11 13 1 DoD Addendum to DHHS FWA 2012-0l-03.doc I I I '