Final Hard-copy Edition June 2016 Neoliberal Colorado Springs

Final Hard-copy Edition
June 2016
"You must judge a man by the work of his hand." - African Proverb
Neoliberal Colorado Springs
John Suthers
Colorado Springs
By Dr. Ruben Martinez
Neoliberalism is a policy model
of social studies and economics that
transfers control of economic factors to
the private sector from the public sector.
has been a politically conservative
city, and today it is ranked among
the most conservative cities in the
country. Military installations added
Merv Bennett
Colorado Springs City Council
Jill Gaebler
President Pro-tem
Colorado Springs City Council
to its conservative climate, and
the diversification of the economy
by attracting the headquarters of
fundamentalist religious organizations
added another layer to that conservative
strain. Today, its economy is primarily
based on educational and health care
services, professional, scientific and
management services, and retail trade,
followed by arts, entertainment and
recreation services. Additionally,
its population is experiencing the
demographic shift that the rest of the
country is experiencing.
Today, one in four persons in
Colorado Springs is a person of color,
and that number is quickly approaching
one in three. Despite this growth in
communities of color, Colorado Springs
remains limited in its incorporation of
these communities into its economic
fabric. In the 1990s, the Colorado
Springs Minority Coalition raised
critical concerns about the status of
communities of color by calling for
a national boycott of the City. As a
result, several organizations cancelled
their planned conferences in the city.
The work of the Coalition changed the
public narrative about race relations in
Colorado Springs. African American
and Latino newspapers became part of
the city’s mass media, even as they were
deemed a problem by Whites.
The City responded to the concerns of
communities of color by adding persons
of color to its administrative ranks and
by electing conservative persons of color
to public office. That did not, however,
address the structural concerns raised by
leaders of color about patterns of race
relations in the city. Indeed, the tactic used
by the City was to co-opt communities of
color by selecting their leaders for them.
In the Sixties, this tactic was known
as tokenism, and refers to creating the
appearance of change without actually
changing the race relations climate and
Continued on A3
Informing Readers about URLEIA—A National Legislative Proposal to
Stop Police Brutality
By Jerroll Sanders
This last printed edition of the
African American Voice (AAV)
signals the end of an era. For more
than 25 years, James Tucker has
published a monthly edition of the
AAV to educate Colorado’s Black
community on important subjects. In
addition to tackling local, national and
international topics of immense interest
to Black people, the AAV newspaper
and website have provided forums for
presenting meaningful solutions to
African American issues. Thus, it is
fitting that this final printed edition of
AAV inform readers about what might
be the most important solution offered
to curb abusive policing in the United
States. The solutions are encased
in a legislative document titled The
Uniform Reporting Law Enforcement
Improvement Act (URLEIA). Once
enacted into law, URLEIA will
govern policing at the local, state and
June 2016
federal levels while providing the
transparency and accountability so
many have been demanding.
URLEIA provisions were formulated
after consulting with former and current
law enforcement agents, experts in
policing, victims of police brutality
and members of the public nationwide.
ONUS, Inc.,—a national organization
that is focused on “Resolving
Longstanding Problems that Seem Too
Big to Fix,” specifically as they affect
the Black community—embarked
upon writing URLEIA when it became
apparent that none of the legislative
solutions introduced by legislators in
Washington, D.C., would successfully
address the issue of problem policing.
The existing use-of-force standard
allows an officer to kill others when the
officer fears for his life. The new use-offorce standard introduced by URLEIA
focuses on “An obligation to preserve
life and prevent injury.” This standard
Continued on A2
Message from the Publisher
As owner and publisher of the African American Voice it has been a pleasure and blessing to present
the Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival for the past twenty-five years. Although this is the final
hard-copy of the African American Voice it will be available online for a period of time. This last hardcopy is dedicated to our ancestors and the African American struggle for justice and equality.
Our final Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival Civil and Human Rights Awards Dinner will
recognize Colorado’s Talented Ten in honor of the ancestors. The 2016 Honorees are Cheryl
Grimes, Brianna Grimes, Jacque Phillips, Harold Tucker, Ernestine Gathing, Kevin Patterson,
Ralph Tucker, Ada Anagho Brown, Thomas Jackson and Cobina Lartson. As a tribute to
commemorate this occasion a book will be given to the honorees. This special book will not
only recognize Colorado’s Talented Ten but will be a collage of African American Voice’s role in
empowering and preserving Colorado’s African American history.
The Festival in the Park will focus on Black Religion and Cultural Awareness. We encourage you to
take advantage of this last time to learn how to reconnect to your roots and participate in an event
hosted by the African American Voice.
Through our blessings, achievements and accomplishments, The African American Voice has been
able to help others move forward and improve lives.
As I make major changes both in my personal life and the Black Press, we plan to continue the African
American Voice online for a little while longer. This change will focus on a new beginning with emphasis
on a different approach to inform our readers and the online availability will reach a wider audience.
We want to thank our readers, partners and supporters for helping us to make this dream a reality.
Dr. James Tucker
African American Voice
Continued from A1
requires officers to make efforts to
confirm their life is in jeopardy before
using force.
Much has transpired since the killing
of Michael Brown catapulted the issue
of unconstitutional policing back into
the national spotlight: Law enforcement
and DOJ have successfully subdued
uprisings resulting from the airing of
videotaped police killings; think tanks
commissioned by President Obama and
local politicians to address America’s
policing problems have delivered
their final reports without ushering in
any real change; and many prominent
advocates in the #BlackLivesMatter
are now focused on other pursuits.
Problem policing, however, remains
an ever-present issue as evidenced by
the continued unjustified killing of
Black women, men and children by law
enforcement agents nationwide.
ONUS and citizens across the nation
have been working day and night to build
a groundswell of support for URLEIA
and identify a member of congress who
will sponsor the legislation. To date, not
one member of congress has stepped up
to the plate to sponsor URLEIA, which
is strongly contested by organizations
that represent law enforcement. Law
enforcement has the ears of members
of congress because their unions and
fraternal orders contribute millions
to congressional leaders’ political
campaigns. People who want true police
reform must unite in an unprecedented
fashion around URLEIA if it is ever
to become law. The following are
among the many ways URLEIA will
overhaul policing:
PART I: Uniform Reporting
Law Enforcement Improvement
• Creates a national pattern or practice
data bank called (POP).
• Requires every police and private-duty
security officer in the nation to use the
POP databank for incident reporting.
• Tracks the individual actions of every
police officer in the nation.
• Tracks the race, gender and age of
every person who is the subject of a
law enforcement incident or action.
Provides data and reports that enable
citizens and watchdogs to quickly
identify and remove bad police officers.
Deputizes licensed attorneys and gives
them the power to act on behalf of DOJ
to prosecute abusive police officers
and law enforcement agencies.
Forever bars an “unfit” police officer
from working as a law enforcement
agent anywhere in the United States.
Provides a host of other benefits.
make sure URLEIA becomes law. Visit
our website at
and join our national conference calls.
202.817.1331 |
For 25 Years, James Tucker
Has Put His Time and Money
Where His Mouth Is
Talk is one thing but action is something
altogether different. For 25 years,
James Tucker has published the African
American Voice newspaper monthly
and annually hosted the Juneteenth
"For 25 years, James Tucker has
published the African American Voice
newspaper monthly and annually
hosted the Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival."
Caribbean Heritage Festival. Despite
support from committed advertisers and
sponsors, Tucker has routinely been
required to reach deep into his own
pockets to cover financial shortfalls
associated bringing the AAV and
Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival
to community members. Tucker also has
demonstrated firm support for efforts led
by others. He has supported organizations
financially, traveled nationally and
internationally to support various causes
and stood tall when highlighting injustice
and racism. One can only imagine the
rate of change Black America would
experience if we had a nation of “doers”
like Tucker—people who are willing to
put their time and money where their
mouths are. Thank you James Tucker
for your work, consistency and love of
community. We are grateful that you
will continue contributing by publishing
the African American Voice online at
PART II: Uniform Reporting
Law Enforcement Improvement
Imposes upon law enforcement agents
an “Obligation to preserve life and
prevent injury” during policing.
Hands over control of the entire
investigative process following a
police shooting to an independent
investigative team selected by the
family from state website.
Empowers the Independent investigative
team, not public prosecutor, with the
responsibility to present evidence to
public grand jury.
If grand jury indicts, family selects
attorney (private prosecutor) to
criminally prosecute law enforcement
agent(s) accused of excessive force.
Allows for speedy removal of law
enforcement agents deemed “unfit.”
Requires U.S. Attorney General to
create an Office of Citizen Oversight
and Accountability.
Ensures citizens are involved in
determining national policing policies.
Provides a host of other benefits.
Please take an active role in helping to
June 2016
The Voice of African Americans in Colorado - Celebrating 25 Years!
"If I am in harmony
with my family,
that's success."
- African Proverb
JUNE 2016
Festival Milestone Represents Changing Times
Family Development: Returning to our Roots
James Tucker and Ernestine Gathing.
By Angelia McGowan
This summer marks two significant
changes for Colorado Springs as it
relates directly to the African American
This issue of the African American
Voice is the last hard copy to be
published and printed. The publication
will continue to live, but only online,
joining many other publications across
the country that have made the move to
reach more readers.
This summer also marks the finale
for the Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage
Festival along with its Civil and
Human Rights Awards Dinner. For 25
years, both have been produced under
the direction of Dr. James Tucker,
founder and publisher of the African
American Voice.
As a member of the National
Juneteenth Observance Foundation
board and State Director of Colorado
Juneteenth, Tucker had a vision to
combine the traditional Juneteenth
Celebration and National Caribbean
American Heritage Month, thereby
creating the first Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival 25 years ago.
Juneteenth is the oldest Black
American holiday or day of observance.
It began on June 19, 1865. The last
enslaved Africans in Galveston, Texas
were informed that they were free -two-and-a-half years after President
Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation
Proclamation, which had become
official Jan. 1, 1863. Each year the
president of the United States proclaims
June as National Caribbean Heritage
Month, a month to celebrate the
history, culture and contributions of
Caribbean Americans.
Colorado was the first state to host
Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival.
The honorary chairs for this milestone
year are Henry Allen, president of
the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference; Leroy Brown and Dr. Annette
Sills-Brown, husband-wife leaders of
TheEduCtr; Randle Cameron and BJ
Cameron, the husband-wife pastors of
Passionate Hope Int’l Ministries.
The festival’s keynote speaker will
be Ada Anagho Brown, president of
the Maryland-based Roots to Glory
Tours that re-connects many from the
Harlod and Carolyn Tucker.
African Diaspora back to their country
and village through guided tours. She
has facilitated tours for more than 150
to date. Ada also served as the festival
keynote speaker in 2014. On this visit,
she will discuss her experience after
taking her DNA test. She will expand on
what the results mean and why she feels
the need to reach out to find family.
The DNA connection is important
according to Pastor BJ, who traveled to
Kenya in 2010, and later had her DNA
tested, revealing many heritages from
across the globe, but mainly African.
“I’m Black and I’m proud.”
Helping to commemorate Juneteenth
is also an honor for Pastor BJ.
“It is very important to me and very
personal,” says the Texas native, who
connected with the festival about 12
years ago while serving as a breast
cancer liaison for Penrose Hospital.
“The special holiday simply does not
mean a document, battle or a birthday.
Our African ancestors turned to the
only institution that gave us hope--
Ralph and Brenda Tucker.
the church. We were given dignity and
assurance that we are equal in the eyes
of God.”
In marking the significance of this
year for the festival in Colorado Springs,
Pastor BJ addresses the importance of
change. “We were honored to be asked
Continued on page 9
We want Lynch to say her Name - Sandra Bland
Inside this Issue:
By Leonard Klein
Leonard Klein reports from Washington,
D.C. on a demonstration held demanding
justice for Sandra Bland and other victims
of police murder.
AS PART of coordinated national
actions to #SayHerName, some 30
activists spoke out at the U.S. Department
of Justice in Washington, D.C., on May
20 to demand that Attorney General
Loretta Lynch do something about the
police killings and deaths in-custody of
The Importance of Reading
Success for All Children - 5
From Black Power to
Green Power - 12
Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival - S1-S8
June 2016
Continued on page 7
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Muhammad Ali’s Politics
States invasion. Against the wishes that the ruthless violence of so-called
"Don't count the days;
(and public attacks) of the first Bush Islamic jihadists goes against the very
administration, Muhammad Ali flew tenets of our religion.
Make the days count!"
into Iraq in an attempt to free the
We as Muslims have to stand up to
hostages. Hussein made Ali wait a those who use Islam to advance their
week before even meeting with him, own personal agenda. They have
- Muhammad Ali
but eventually the leader spoke to the alienated many from learning about
By Jason Johnson
(NAM) - Muhammad Ali—the three
time heavyweight-boxing champion, the
incredible humanitarian, the inspiration
for the activism of athletes all over the
nation—passed away on Friday, June 3,
and the world is in mourning.
Muhammad Ali for many people
was more icon than athlete. Like Jim
Brown or John Carlos he was someone
who inspired African Americans and
Muslims to fight oppression, move
beyond the comfort of success and
speak out against injustice no matter
the cost or inconvenience. Between
the Will Smith-led biopic and various
tributes over the years, most Americans
know that Ali spoke out against the
Vietnam War, converted to the Nation
of Islam and was a global humanitarian.
However, there are lots of facts about
his life that haven’t been picked up by
the mainstream press.
Here are the top three political facts
you didn’t know about Muhammad Ali.
That Time He Was
Known as Cassius X
The man we know and mourn as
Muhammad Ali was given the name
Cassius Clay at birth to honor the white
abolitionist and anti-slavery activist
Cassius Marcellus Clay. While Ali
was beaten in the ring and shunned
in public for his politics, Cassius
Marcellus Clay was beaten, stabbed and
shot several times for his anti-slavery
activism. Demonstrating his newfound
conversion to the Nation of Islam and
friendship with Malcolm X in February
of 1964, Cassius Clay announced he
was revoking his ‘slave’ surname and
dubbed himself “Cassius X.” However
his “X” phase lasted about as long as
“the artist formerly known as” because
within months he was given a new name
that we all know today.
After Malcolm X left the Nation of
Islam, Cassius X wanted a new name to
demonstrate his deepening commitment
to the faith and his choice to follow the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad rather
than Malcolm X. In March of 1964
“Cassius X” became “Muhammad
Ali” a name that brought with it scorn
from white newspapers, praise from the
Muslim world and confusion on the part
of many African Americans. The New
York Times as an official policy refused
to refer to the Heavyweight Champion
as Muhammad Ali and continued to
refer to him as “Cassius Clay” in print
until about 1970. Imagine today if ESPN
or even TMZ decided to write “Bruce”
instead of “Kaitlyn” Jenner in every
headline as an official company policy.
But it was a different time, and Ali’s
singular act of blackness in choosing
a name of both religious and African
American strength was too much for
media to bear back in the ’60s.
He Saved 15 Hostages from
Saddam Hussein in 1990
It would be great to imagine
Muhammad Ali jumping out of an
airplane sneaking into Baghdad and
punching Saddam Hussein in the face
to save some hostages like a Naked
Gun sketch, however his actual rescue
was no less surprising or heroic. In the
1980s and ’90s black activists were all
the rage when it came to negotiating
with ‘dictators’ abroad. Dating back to
Rev. Jesse Jackson’s negotiations with
Iran, Middle Eastern leaders loved the
idea of thumbing their noses at America
by empowering a representative
of oppressed people to accomplish
something that the mighty American
government could not do.
In 1990, after Hussein invaded
Kuwait, he took 15 very public hostages
as a human shield against what he
thought would be an inevitable United
humanitarian boxer and allowed him to
bring the 15 hostages home. Not because
Saddam Hussein was such a big boxing
fan but because he respected that Ali
had spoken out against the oppression
and hypocrisies of the American
government in the 1960s. That, and the
fact that Muhammad Ali was a steadfast
proud practicing Muslim. The entire
negotiations and rescues were a part of
a 30 for 30 special on ESPN.
He Knocked Out Trump
While Tom Brady was kissing Donald
Trump’s butt and many athletes were
ignoring or kissing up to the GOP
candidate’s grotesquely racist antics,
Muhammad Ali wasn’t having any of
it. In perhaps his last fight and greatest
knockout he called Donald Trump out
for being the liar and the racist that he is.
Soon after Trump proposed his “ban” on
Muslims coming to America, Ali Came
out with a 132-word statement.
Said Ali:
I am a Muslim and there is nothing
Islamic about killing innocent people
in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere
else in the world. True Muslims know
Islam. True Muslims know or should
know that it goes against our religion to
try and force Islam on anybody.
Speaking as someone who has never
been accused of political correctness, I
believe that our political leaders should
use their position to bring understanding
about the religion of Islam and clarify
that these misguided murderers have
perverted people’s views on what Islam
really is.
Ali proved that even at the end of
his life, he could still land a punch.
Sometimes better than anybody else in
the field.
Jason Johnson, political editor at The
Root, is a professor of political science
at Hiram College in Ohio and an analyst
for CNN, MSNBC, Al-Jazeera and Fox
Business News. Follow him on Twitter.
Like The Root on Facebook. Follow
us on Twitter.
Jason Johnson
The Root
New America Media
"We all have the same God, we just serve him
differently. Rivers, lakes,
ponds, streams, oceans all
have different names,
but they all contain
water. So do religions
have different names,
and they all contain
truth, expressed in
different ways forms
and times. It doesn't
matter whether
you're a Muslim, a
Christian, or a Jew.
When you believe
in God, you should
believe that all
people are part
of one family.
If you love God,
you can't love
only some of his
- Muhammad Ali
June 2016
Pueblo Center of Worship and Empowerment
“An Apostolic Center for Kingdom Ministry”
Apostle Margaret B. Wright, Ph. D., MFA, and Pastor Carl N. Wright, Ph.D., Founders
friends, in pursuit of the second highest
professional administrative position
at CSU-Pueblo. As it turns out, that
professional position only lasted
for about seventeen months, yet the
husband wife team called Pueblo home.
What was next? They trusted God for
His instructions.
Sensing God shifting them, the
husband and wife team joined an
intercessory team to inquire of God His
heart’s desire for them and the group
members. After six months of praying
with the intercessory team, God spoke
individually to the husband and to the
wife the same message: It was time to
So, on May 15 at 3:00pm, a host
of people gathered in a glorious
celebration in honor of the ceremony:
Recognition of Pueblo Center of
Worship and Empowerment; ordination
and installation of Dr. Carl Wright as
pastor; and the recognition of Apostle
Margaret Wright as apostolic overseer.
The service included the blowing of the
Shofar by Pastor Brenda Sims of New
York; a processional leading with flags
by Minister Jacki Barrett of Virginia
and Cindy Davis of Pueblo; vision
and mission by John Davis of Pueblo;
scriptures by Dr. Karen Colvin, Dr.
Ruth Steele, and Pastor Steve Chavez
Pueblo Center of Worship and Empowerment Installation, Ordination and Recognition Service
Pictured: Pastor Steve Chavez, Praise Assembly; Pastor Bobby Jackson, Bethlehem Baptist;
Apostle Margaret Wright; Apostle Elizabeth McBurrows, New Mexico; Pastor Carl Wright;
Pastor Jerry Mance, Miracle Temple; Minister Calvin Haynes, Atlanta Ga. Pastor Brenda Sims,
New York.
On May 15, 2016 Drs. Carl and
Margaret Wright gathered with family,
friends, and ministerial associates to
celebrate the birthing of Pueblo Center
of Worship and Empowerment (PCWE),
an apostolic center designed to empower
people (adults, youth, and children) to
fulfill God’s mission for their lives and
to become change agents impacting the
Seven Spheres of Influence (Business,
Arts, Education, Religion, Government,
Family, and Media).
The Founders of PCWE, the husband
and wife team of Apostle Margaret B.
Wright, MFA, Ph.D. and Pastor Carl N.
Wright, Ph.D. knew God had divinely
placed them together for what they
believed was a “project for God.” After
diligently following the paths that God
had ordained, the Wrights received a
word that God was sending them (like
Abraham and Sarah) to a new land—in
this case for the Wrights the new land
was Pueblo Colorado, without family or
Pictured: Apostle Elizabeth McBurrows, New Mexico; Pastor Carl Wright; Apostle Margaret Wright.
Pictured: Norvel Wright, Pastor Carl Wright, Apostle Elizabeth Hairston McBurrows, Apostle
Margaret Wright, Michele Douglass, Kamron Cheek.
establish a worship and empowerment
center for the people of Pueblo Colorado.
Pueblo Center of Worship and
Empowerment (PCWE) vision is to
empower the whole person (spirit, mind,
soul, and body) to reach his/her God
given purpose for effective ministry in
the community, city, state, and world.
To accomplish this vision, PCWE is an
apostolic center, a five-fold ministry
(Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist,
and Teacher), whose mission is to teach
biblical principles that are life changing,
empowering people (adults, youth,
and children) to become change agents
impacting the Seven Spheres of Influence
(Business, Arts, Education, Religion,
Government, Family, and Media).
of Pueblo; a liturgical dance by Minister
Calvin Haynes of Atlanta, Georgia; and
a mighty Holy Spirit-filled teaching
and prophetic word, song, and dance by
Apostle Elizabeth Hairston McBurrows
of New Mexico. Apostle McBurrows is
the founder and international director
of The Apostolic Prophetic Connection,
Inc. and Women With A Call
International. Many prayers and words
of encouragement were expressed by
ministers and guests. Other special out
of town guests included Norvel Wright
of Virginia, Pastor Carl Wright’s sister,
Michele Douglass and Kamron Cheek or
North Carolina, daughter and grandson
of Apostle Margaret Wright. A reception
followed at the Hampton Inn-Southgate.
God has been faithful to PCWE,
and we firmly believe that He will
continue to guide and direct PCWE to
empower His people. One of the first
projects by PCWE is the establishment
of the “Dream Center of Pueblo, an
educational center.
The Wrights are proud to call Pueblo
home and will work to fulfill the call of
God on their lives, empowering others.
Pastor Carl Wright and Apostle
Margaret Wright would like to thank
all of you who were able to join us in
making our investiture so special.
PCWE worship services are held
at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings
at 120 Lake Avenue, Pueblo
Colorado, 81003. Telephone us
at 719-696-0715 or e-mail us at
June 2016
5 Mistakes to Avoid for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Skipping Stretching
We are all eager to get outside, but
taking a few minutes to warm up your
body can help avoid injury and mentally
prepare you for the day’s activities.
Stretching is best for your body after
a five to 10 minute warm-up of brisk
walking. In addition to your legs, make
sure to stretch your arms and sides. It
can help in preventing debilitating
Kim Farmer
Getting outside is great for your
overall well-being, but if you have a
few bad habits, it could be doing more
harm than good. Small tweaks to your
form, protecting your body to live a
healthy, long-lasting life and preventive
maintenance can all help make your
outdoor experiences more fulfilling.
Here are some habits to break to avoid
feeling any negative repercussions from
your outdoor adventures so you only
reap the benefits of getting outside.
James Tucker
Phone: 719.528.1954
"Getting outside is great for your
overall well-being, but if you have a few
bad habits, it could be doing more
harm than good."
side cramps that can ruin your
day’s activities.
Wearing the Wrong Shoes
Wearing tennis shoes with little
bottom tread to go on a hike is another
common mistake. Investing in a good
all-around adventure shoe, such as an
approach shoe or adventure sandal, is a
great investment. A pair of sandals that
strap to your foot and have proper arch
support will be much more comfortable
and safer for most days spent in the sun.
Knowing your environment for your
outdoor activities is key for preparation.
For instance, a day on the beach is an
occasion for flip flops, but they are not
appropriate for a day down by the river.
River stones are slippery and improper
Undray Tucker
Howard Smith (Independent Contractor)
Reginald Watson
James Clingman
Dr. Boyce Watkins
Dr. Ruben Martinez
Kim Farmer
The African American Voice is published
monthly by The African American
Voice Newspaper, Inc. The contents of
this publication are copyrighted by The
African American Voice Newspaper, Inc.
Reproductions or use of content in any manner
is prohibited without prior written consent.
The Black Press Creed
The Black Press believes that America
can best lead the world away from racial
and national antagonism when it affords
to all people – regardless of race, color
or creed – their human and legal rights.
Hating no person and fearing no person,
the Black Press strives to help every
person in the firm belief that all are hurt
as long as anyone is held back.
Contact us at 719.528.1954 or
African American Voice
P.O. Box 25003
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
onset of spring, but it gets thrown to the
wayside after we get that good “base
layer” going. It is necessary for your
skin’s health to protect it from the sun
throughout the year. Using a face lotion
with an SPF in it every day is highly
recommended. Try keeping a small tube
in your backpack, glove compartment
and first aid kit so that you don’t ever
find yourself without sun protection. It’s
a habit that your skin will thank you for
as you get older.
Forgoing Eye Protection
Many think that wearing a hat will
provide adequate eye protection, but
the powerful UV rays of the sun are
more harmful to our eyes than some
may think. Sunglasses are essential
to shield your eyes from those intense
sun rays that our bodies love so much.
A good pair of sunglasses are a great
gear investment. Oakley, Smith and
other sport-focused sunglass ranges
are available with replaceable lenses so
that your initial investment can be long
lasting if you happen to scratch a lens
during your expeditions in the outdoors.
Running with Poor Form
It is easy to lose focus on maintaining
your form, especially when training for
a big event. When you are training for
a competition or a big race, we tend to
focus on finishing the 12-mile run that
we set out to do and not focus on the
details. Make sure you are engaging
your core during fitness activities to
avoid lower back strain when running.
In addition to stretching, it is very
important to protect your body against
injury for long-term health.
The next time you get outdoors to
go biking, hiking or just walking in the
great outdoors, be sure to check your
footwear, headgear and eyewear to
make sure you are adequately prepared
and protected. Don’t forget to stretch!
Contributor: Kim Farmer of Mile
High Fitness & Wellness. Mile
High Fitness & Wellness offers
in-home personal training and
corporate fitness solutions. Visit or email
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Produces EKGs In 20 Minutes
Associate Publisher
H-zero Designs
Layout and Graphic Design
footwear is an easy way to get to hurt
by slipping and falling or getting your
sandal stuck between rocks.
Forgetting Sun Protection
Most are conscious of the fact that
our skin hasn’t seen much sun over
the winter months and pull out the old
sunscreen tubes from last summer. For
most outdoor enthusiasts, it is easy to
remember to slather on sunscreen at the
By Lily Kuo
A tablet that gives patients with heart
problems a medical diagnosis within
minutes could dramatically improve
healthcare for rural residents far
from hospitals.
The Cardio Pad, a touch-screen
heart monitoring device, invented by
Cameroonian entrepreneur Arthur
Zang and recent winner of the Royal
Academy of Engineering’s Africa
Prize, records a patient’s heart activity
via Bluetooth-connected electrodes.
It sends a digitized electrocardiogram
(ECG or EKG) to a national healthcare
center for a cardiologist to evaluate
and return a diagnosis to the patient.
The whole process takes less than 20
minutes and the doctor and patient never
have to interact.
Zang’s tablet was inspired by his
own experience growing up in rural
Cameroon where he witnessed an
uncle succumbing to cardiovascular
complications. After graduating from
the University of Yaoundé with a
degree in computer science he met
a cardiologist who talked about the
difficulties of reaching patients in rural
parts of the country. Zang then spent six
months learning everything he could
about medical electronics from the
internet before designing his tablet.
There are already existing apps to
monitor one’s heart from a cell phone
or tablet, but Zang’s device is one of
Photo, Proof Communication Africa
Dr. Ndjomo Mba, director of the hospital of Mbankomo and Arthur Zang testing the Cardio Pad.
the first to be designed and tailored
specifically for rural patients. Most
important is that it doesn’t have to
be operated by a health worker. The
diagnostic kit comes with instructions,
cables, electrodes, and the tablet itself.
The Cardio Pad is now being used in
villages in Gabon, Nepal, and India
as well as in Zang’s home country,
according to Zang.
Entrepreneurs in Africa have become
especially interested in mobile healthcare
for rural residents who often have
access to a phone but not a formal
medical facility. Eye exams can now be
done by smartphone in Kenya, reducing
the chance of blindness. A mobile app
in Ethiopia where maternal death rates
are among the highest in the world
instructs mothers and midwives how to
safely deliver a baby. The World Health
Organization has been promoting many
of these initiatives.
Zang hopes to expand eventually and
work on other devices like ultrasound
equipment or a smart card that
businesses and governments can use.
“This award has allowed me to
measure myself against the best
engineers in Africa. I was pushed to
the limits, and it has made me a better
scientist and a better entrepreneur,”
Zang said after receiving the Africa
Prize last week.
Lily Kuo
Quartz Africa
June 2016
The Importance of Reading Success for All Children
A Foundational Civil Rights Issue – FIRE 700, a Colorado Springs Demonstration Initiative
By Bob Null & Gary Smith
Reading success is foundational
to academic and career success; it is
a foundational civil right. Failure to
achieve the 3rd grade reading proficiency
milestone sentences most children to a
life of frustration, shame, struggle, and
under-performance. The sad truth is
that this failure is preventable for most
children, yet far too many children are
being allowed to fail.
How bad is the problem? Based
upon the Nation’s Report Card by the
US Department of Education and the
National Assessment of Education
Progress (NAEP), about two out of
every three children are not proficient
in reading by fourth grade. When the
data is broken out by race, four out
of every five students of color are not
proficient (82% of African American
students and 78% of Hispanic students).
Approximately 54% of White children
are not proficient. This test score
difference is often referred to as the
Achievement Gap. However, it is worth
noting that over half of White children
are not proficient so the nation is at risk
regardless of race.
Why are so many children being left
behind? Are schools that bad? Studies
have shown that most schools do a good
job with students who have the skills
to understand and process grade-level
instruction. However, schools are not
good at catching up students who are
behind in the foundational sensory input
June 2016
and cognitive processing skills that
empower learning. Students who start
behind often struggle and never catch
up—The Skill Gap.
FIRE 700 is a Colorado Springs
Initiative to demonstrate how a
community can support a specific set of
students to help most achieve reading
success by 3rd grade. FIRE stands for
Families Invested in Reading Success.
There are approximately 700 African
American first grade students in
Colorado Springs. FIRE 700 is a project
under the Urbanites Leading the Pikes
Peak Region in collaboration with the
Reading Success Movement.
We want all children to succeed. But we
have to start somewhere to demonstrate
a viable model. We are inviting families
with African American students who are
currently in kindergarten and will be in
the first grade next year to participate.
We plan to demonstrate that this cohort of
approximately 700 students can become
the highest performing group when they
take the state 3rd grade reading test.
Scholarships are available so there is no
cost to families to participate.
Students will complete an awardwinning early online reading program
called Reading Kingdom. They only
have to train about 20 minutes per day.
They will start this summer to prepare
for success in first grade and complete
the program during first grade. When
they complete the program they will
be reading at a third grade level.
Parents only have to provide basic
support to encourage their child to train
consistently. The program does the rest.
We will provide additional activities
parents can do with their children
to improve reading skills. We also
encourage families to read aloud 20
minutes daily.
Students will complete an advanced
online brain-training program during
second grade to prepare them to succeed
in school. Students will begin the
summer between first and second grade
and continue during second grade until
they complete the program. Students
need to train 25-30 minutes daily.
Students who complete both programs
should be ready to pass the third gradereading test.
If a family does not have an Internet
connection with a computer a student can
use, we are working to secure funding
to provide affordable computers. We
have 50 refurbished computers we can
provide on scholarship now to qualified
families. Families who qualify for the
school-lunch program can get affordable
Internet through Comcast at only $9.95
per month.
We are working to recruit volunteer
coaches to work with families. There
will be one coach per ten families. We
will also hold fun events for families as
resources permit. We are also working
to raise scholarship funding to reward
students as they complete the program.
Families with older students can
also participate as well as families
with students of all races. We are
primarily focused to get the new first
grade cohort going this summer, but
we want all students to succeed. There
are many things that are free families
can be doing with their children now to
improve skills.
Please join the FIRE 700 Movement
to demonstrate a model that proves
all children can succeed. Please go to
our Facebook page and like us, http:// Volunteers and
families please register on our website,
html. You can also contact us at, (719) 602-1772.
Together we can help all
children succeed.
All Work
No Play
Barber Shop
Nigeria Independence Day Celebra on
The Nigeria United of Colorado Springs will host its
annual Nigeria Independence Day celebra on on
October 1, 2016. The public is invited.
Best Beautician and
Barber in Colorado
For more informaƟon, please call Omo at 719-641-6966.
Nigeria United of Colorado Springs is
nonprofit. It was founded in 2009.
Nigeria United of Colorado Springs
P.O. Box 31301
Colorado Springs, CO 80931
825 N. Circle
Colorado Springs, CO
By Appointment Only
Call: Babygirlz at 719.200.8258 or
Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival 2016
Vendors Wanted!
■ Gain exposure in the community
Call 719.528.1954 for more information.
■ Support a grass-roots event
■ Promote your business/organization
Visit for
more information or to register online.
We strongly encourage your family and friends to read the
African American Voice online and to spread widely!
Hillside Community Center|Fountain Park
925 South Institute Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
We are looking for 100 kids that
want to showcase their culinary
skills in this exciting event.
This is the second year of our
exciting cook off.
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Julie Reiskin, Executive Director
655 Broadway
Suite 775
Denver, CO 80203
Like us on Facebook:
What a validation for someone
other than your family to
validate your talent.
Direct Line: (720)-961-4261
Direct Private Fax: (303)-567-6582
Organizational Line: (303)-839-1775
What a positive experience for
young people in today’s climate.
Organizational Fax: (303)-839-1782
Kids-Cook-2 is open to kids between the
ages of 7 and 14.
$250.00 Grand Prize
Second and thirds place prizes will be awarded.
Saturday July 30, 2016
7383 Bentwater Drive
Fountain, Colorado 80817
The Family Life Center of New Hope Baptist Church
Call 1.701.495.4264 for
more information.
Complete the application online at or a
$15.00 non-refundable application fee is required.
11:00 AM until 2:00 PM
3701 Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO 80205
Call 303-322-1791 for more information.
June 2016
Final Hard-copy Edition
"If relatives help each other, what evil can hurt them?" - African Proverb
June 2016
June 18
an Am
ica n He
h Carib
Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival 2016
Family Development: Returning to our Roots
ta g e Mo
an e
Hillside Community Center, Fountain Park
925 S. Institute Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
• Children’s Activities
• Food
• Entertainment
• Vendors
For more information call 719.528.1954
June 2016
Please Save the Date!
Please join the African American Voice as we celebrate our 25th
anniversary and final Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival
Civil and Human Rights Awards Dinner. This year’s dinner will
take place June 17, 2016 5:30 - 8 p.m. at Hotel Eleganté - 2886 S
Circle Dr. Colorado Springs CO, 80906.
We will be honoring the Talented Ten. The following individual will be recognized for their
outstanding contributions to our communities:
■Cheryl Grimes - Fannie Lou Hamer Award
■Brianna Grimes - Ida B. Wells Award
■Jacque Phillips - Emma Phoenix Award
■Kevin Patterson - Vikki Buckley Award
■Cobina Lartson - Obrey Wendell “Winks” Hamlet Award
■Harold Tucker - Rose Hester Gray Award
■Ernestine Gathing - Johnny Tucker Award
■Ralph Tucker - Jack Gray Award
■Ada Anagho Brown - Marcus Garvey Award
■Thomas Jackson - Lu Vason Award
We hope you will attend, make a nontaxable gift or donation, buy a ticket or partner with
us to make this event a success. Information or registration can be found online at www.
Your support will show your appreciation for 25 years of service and contribute to this
milestone in Colorado history.
Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival 2016
ica n He
h Carib
an Am
ta g e Mo
Civil and Human
Rights Awards Dinner
Please join us for the last Civil and
Human Rights Awards Dinner!
June 17, 2016 5:30 - 8 p.m.
Hotel Eleganté
2886 S Circle Dr.
Colorado Springs CO, 80906
$50 per Person
non tax-deductible donations accepted
All attendees must R.S.V.P.
For more information or registration visit or call 719.528.1954
*Non-tax deductible donations accepted, all proceeds help pay for the event.
For tickets call 719.528.1954 | 25 Years Looking Back - Moving Forward | Over Two Decades Of Community Service
June 2016
Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival: What’s in the Name?
James Tucker, publisher and founder of the African American Voice newspaper
had a vision to combine the traditional Juneteenth Festival with National Caribbean
American Heritage Month, thereby creating the Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage
Festival. As a result, Colorado became the first state to host such an event, and
Fountain became the first city in the state.
Tucker believes that this union of names will give all Americans the opportunity to
recognize American freedom and Black history. June is an important month that
celebrates rich history and vibrant cultures. It also provides an opportunity for
Blacks to connect to their ancestors.
Juneteenth is the oldest Black American holiday. It began on June 19, 1865,
when the slaves learned of the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order
issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, proclaiming the
freedom of slaves in 10 states.
Since then, Blacks have gathered every year to celebrate this special holiday, now
known as Juneteenth. Because this holiday represented what the Fourth of July meant
to Americans, Black Americans celebrated Juneteenth in much the same way the Fourth
of July was celebrated. Parades were held. Speeches were made. Games were played.
Special food was served.
Juneteenth officially began with a parade. Brass bands led the procession, followed
by Blacks who had once been enslaved. After the parade, people gathered to hear the
reading of the Emancipation Proclamation and General Order #3. Speeches were made
and prayer services were held. Freedom Songs, such as “Free at Last” and patriotic
songs, such as “The Star Spangled Banner” were sung.
The American flag was seen everywhere decorating floats and grandstands. People were
proud to be free, American citizens.
About the Juneteenth Flag
The Juneteenth Flag is a symbol that gives
all Americans the opportunity to
recognize American freedom and African
American History. The Juneteenth Flag
represents a star of Texas bursting with new
freedom throughout the land, over a new
horizon. The Juneteenth Flag represents
a new freedom, a new people, and a new
star. The Juneteenth Flag was created with
American red, white and blue colors.
National Caribbean American Heritage Month
ta g e Mo
The Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival will be held from
June 18, 2016 at Hillside Community Center, Fountain Park, 925 South Institute Street, Colorado
Springs, CO 80903.
ica n He
Tucker has adopted these two traditions, Juneteenth and National Caribbean American Heritage Month, and
joined them into one because he strongly believes that knowledge about various cultures, particularly that of
Black Americans, is one of the ways to improve our city, county, state, and nation. Moreover, he believes that
as we look ahead to our future, the Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival will allow us to Remember Our
Ancestors of the past and celebrate one of the most exciting historical events in Colorado’s history.
an Am
Over centuries, Caribbean Americans are believed to have come to America through the bondage of slavery
while others voluntarily came in search of a better life. They have made significant contributions in America’s
history and, during the month of June, all Americans will have the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the
history and accomplishments of these immigrants.
h Carib
In May 2010, President Barack Obama proclaimed June as National Caribbean American Heritage Month, a month that celebrates the history and
culture of Caribbean Americans. It is a month that recognizes the diverse cultures and contributions of Americans who trace their heritage to the
Please call 719.528.1954 or email if you have any questions.
Texas History
The term precursor, Webster defines as “one
that precedes and indicates or announces
another to come, forerunner”. The Precursors
were the first African American students to
integrate the University of Texas at Austin
in 1956. The University of Texas and
Precursors, Inc., will commemorate this event,
September 8-11, 2016. For more information
about the Precursors and “As We Saw It”,
type into your
search engine.
June 2016
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., Founder & Chairman, National Juneteenth Observance
Foundation (NJOF)
The New York Times says, “There
aren’t many doctors like Ronald Myers,
a jazz-playing, Baptist-preaching,
family practitioner whose dream has
always been to practice medicine in
the kind of place most other doctors
wouldn’t even stop for a tank of gas.”
A 1985 graduate of the University Of
Wisconsin Medical School, Dr. Myers
is a leading national advocate for health
care to the poor and disenfranchised.
In 1988, Dr. Myers completed his
residency in Family Practice at
L.S.U. Medical Center, Washington
St. Tammany Charity Hospital, in
Bogalusa, Louisiana.
In 1990, Rev. Dr. Myers became
the first ordained and commissioned
medical missionary to serve in America’s
poorest region, the Mississippi Delta,
in the history of the African American
church. Founder and Director of the
Myers Foundation Christian Family
Health Centers, Dr. Myers provided
health care to the poorest Americans
through clinics in Tchula, Belzoni,
Yazoo City, Indianola, Greenville and
Tupelo, Mississippi.
Presently, Dr. Myers serves as the
Medical Director of the Wellness Clinic
of Roland, in Roland Oklahoma. He
received a Doctor of Ecclesia from
Phoenix University of Theology where
he presently serves on the Board
of Regents.
Dr. Myers is the leader of the campaign
to make Juneteenth Independence Day a
National Day of Observance, like Flag
Day or Patriot Day. Founder & President
of the National Juneteenth Observance
Foundation (NJOF) and the National
Council (NJCLC), his efforts have
resulted in recognition of Juneteenth
as a state holiday or day of observance
in 45 states, the District of Columbia
and passage of legislation in the U.S.
Congress to recognize the “19th of
June” as Juneteenth Independence Day
in America. Dr. Myers also established
the National Juneteenth Medical
Commission to address the health care
needs of African Americans.
Dr. Myers is the Founder of the
National Day of Reconciliation
and Healing From the Legacy of
Enslavement, observed on the “18th
of June”, which includes the National
Day of Remembrance of the MAAFA
in America and the National Juneteenth
Black Holocaust MAAFA Memorial
Service, in Washington, DC. He is
also the Founder of the World Day of
Reconciliation and Healing from the
Legacy of Enslavement, observed on
the “20th of August”, in Hampton,
VA. Rev., Dr. Myers works with
church leaders to apply the principals
of “Biblical Reconciliation” to bring
healing to the nation from the scars
of enslavement.
As the Founder and President of the
American Pain Institute (API), Dr.
Myers led two successful “America’s In
- “Silent No More!” rallies in 2003
& 2004, demanding Congressional
hearings on the pain crises in America.
An accomplished jazz musician, Dr.
Myers serves as Artistic Director of the
Mississippi Jazz and Heritage Festival
and created the National Association
of Juneteenth Jazz Presenters (NAJJP)
to promote June as Juneteenth African
American Legacy Month and Black
Music Month.
Dr. Myers also serves as the Founder
and Director of the Fellowship of Creative
Christian Jazz Musicians (FCCJM).
Dr. Myers and his wife, Sylvia are the
proud parents of 5 children, 3 serving
in the military, with multiple tours of
duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Dr. Myers
has requested a meeting with Secretary
of Defense Ash Carter in an effort to
present him with a Juneteenth Book and
a Juneteenth Flag that many soldiers
want to display on military bases across
the country and around the world on
Juneteenth Independence Day, the “19th
of June”.
Dr. Myers wants you to know that
he has lost over 80 lbs. over the last
several months in an effort to personally
challenge all Americans to join in the
fight against our greatest health care
crises, consisting of obesity, diabetes
and high blood pressure.
National Juneteenth Observance Foundation |
Juneteenth Foundation Honors Author
National Juneteenth Observance
Foundation president, Dr. Ronald Myers,
has selected California and Colorado
author Steve Kanne to be Guest Presenter
at the 2016 Juneteenth Celebration.
Mr. Kanne (pronounced “Kay-Nee”)
will present his book, The Lynching
Waltz, at the National Press Club in
Washington, D.C., June 17th. The
book, a mesmerizing tale inspired by a
racist incident of the author’s youth and
dedicated to the eradication of racism
everywhere, will become available for
purchase that day on Amazon both in
paperback and Kindle formats.
Here’s what nationally-syndicated
columnist Bill Husted had to say about
The Lynching Waltz:
I covered the civil rights movement
as a newspaper reporter years ago. It
was an exciting time and occasionally
a dangerous time. I was beaten by white
mobs on two occasions. I remember my
editor— after I telephoned from the field
to tell him of the latest beating—saying
(safely from afar by phone) “they can’t
do that to us, you get right back there.”
You can get back there yourself now,
courtesy of Steve’s magnificent book.
You will travel back in history and meet
a cast of memorable characters—each
with his or her own story that will let
the reader see how we got to where we
are now—both the good and the bad—
in race relations.
Oftentimes when a book attempts
to send a message, things get overly
preachy and self-righteous. Not here.
This book lets the story carry its own
weight, takes the reader back using a
whole cast of characters who feel real,
feel right. It’s a series of well told tales
that has importance not only for what it
says but how it says it.
This is Steve’s second book and it’s
spellbinding. His first book was a fine read
but this second book is an important read.
Bill Husted,
Nationally Syndicated Columnist
And what’s the book all about? In it,
the following appears early on:
The Lynching Waltz—the story of
how a small community came to the
defense of its black children in 1947
and unwittingly sowed the early seeds
of the Civil Rights Movement.
Inspired by an actual racist incident of
the author’s youth, this is a remarkable
story of how the good people of tiny
Glencoe, Illinois, blunted a racist assault
against its black children. Because all
participants are gone and because what
precisely occurred is unknown, the book
has become a work of historical fiction.
Seen through the eyes of a black
grandfather, retired federal judge James
Lincoln Washburn Jr., and his twelveyear-old grandson, Jamie, the reader is
carried away on a whirlwind journey of
discovery which includes:
• a meeting with Bucky, the greatest
baseball player of all time who
never played;
• an encounter with large, oafish
Bruno Steiner, a WWI hero who
eventually becomes a great friend of
Glencoe’s children;
• a brutal, senseless racist atrocity
perpetrated by the Ku Klux Klan;
• a Tuskegee aviator’s perilous adventure
in the flak-filled skies over Europe; and
• the tale of a brilliant slave who
changes the lives of thousands.
With their journey of discovery now
at an end, Judge Washburn and Jamie
return to Glencoe where they witness
the uplifting manner in which its citizens
deal with racial injustice.
And, finally, in an Epilogue of both
surprises and closure, the author promises
a sequel on the shameful internment of
Japanese Americans during WWII, yet
another event of his youth.
Now in his 80’s, author Kanne has
carried Lynching’s story with him
throughout his lifetime before finally
deciding to tell it. And why did it take
so long? Because racism is ugly and
difficult to deal with—as evidenced by
his disgusting and nauseatingly uncouth
racist characters—and writing his book
required more than just exposing truth
if he ever hoped to bring about change.
Mr. Kanne has dared to humanize what
up until now most considered something
to be hidden and forgotten. Instead of
merely describing the horrors of racism,
Mr. Kanne’s characters come alive. We
learn of their brilliance, determination and
courage as they relate to us their stories
of survival and loss, of living and loving,
of reaching beyond shattered dreams to
become all they can be in our imperfect
world. And the result? A modern-day
classic of extraordinary importance.
Although historical fiction, The
Lynching Waltz is an inspiring and
moving tale, one designed for all of us—
most particularly for every high school
and college student throughout the land.
We see it as seeding a national discourse
on racism and why that divisive evil must
forever be purged from our way of life.
June 2016
June 18 10am-8pm
-N- Full Motion Entertainment
Entertainment by Terrica Garey
Komo Official African Woman Dance
Guest Speakers
Pastor Randle Cameron
Pastor BJ Cameron - Poetry reading
Mr. Leroy Brown
Mrs. Annette Sills-Brown
Mrs. Ada Brown
Prayer Warriors
Youth Speakers
Candidates Speak
Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival 2016 Partners
Partial list of partners, vendors and contributors
City of Colorado Springs – Hillside
Community Center
Colorado Black Press
Black Hands Drum Ensemble
Donor Alliance, Inc.
Melstouffa Entertainment
Rexx A. Garvin The Prophet Of Funk
God’s Pantry
Na onal Juneteenth Observance
Founda on
Roots to Glory
Harrison School District 2
Colorado Cross-Disability Coali on
Diabetes Reversal
Ent Federal Credit Union
Interna onal Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers L.U #113
Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage
Fes val Food Court
Passionate Hope Interna onal
Peak Radar
Pueblo Center of Worship and
Southern Chris an Leadership
University of Colorado – UCCS
Xtreme Network Consul ng
Complete Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage Festival information
online at
June 2016
Haiti - January 1, 1804/Gained independence
from France, National holiday, Independence Day,
January 1, (began in 1804)
Dominican Republic - February 27, 1844/ Gained
independence from Haiti, National holiday,
Independence Day, February 27, (began in 1844)
Cuba - Colony of Spain until December 10, 1898/
administered by United States until gaining nominal
Independence May 20, 1902, National holiday,
Triumph of the Revolution, January 1, (began in 1959)
Jamaica - August 6, 1962/ Gained independence
from United Kingdom, National holiday,
Independence Day, August 6, (began in 1962)
Trinidad and Tobago - August 31, 1962/ Gained
independence from United Kingdom, National holiday,
Independence Day, August 31, (began in 1962)
Barbados - November 30, 1966/ Gained
independence from United Kingdom, National holiday,
Independence Day, November 30, (began in 1966)
The Bahamas - July 10, 1973/ Gained independence
from United Kingdom, National holiday,
Independence Day, July 10, (began in 1973)
Grenada - February 7, 1974/ Gained independence
from United Kingdom, National holiday,
Independence Day, February 7, (began in 1974)
Dominica - November 3, 1978/ Gained independence
from United Kingdom, National holiday,
Independence Day, November 3, (began in 1978)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines - October 27,
1979/ Gained independence from United Kingdom,
National holiday, Independence Day, October 27,
(began in 1979)
Saint Lucia - February 22, 1979/ Gained
independence from United Kingdom, National holiday,
Independence Day, February 22, (began in 1979)
Antigua Barbuda - November 1, 1981/ Gained
independence from United Kingdom, National
holiday, Independence Day (National Day),
November 1, (began in 1981)
Saint Kitts And Nevis - September 19, 1983/
Gained independence from United Kingdom,
National holiday, Independence Day, September
19, (began in 1983)
Honduras - September 15, 1821/Gained
independence from Spain, National Holiday,
Independence Day, September 15 (began in 1821)
Nicaragua - September 15, 1821/Gained
independence from Spain, National Holiday,
Independence Day, September 15 (began in 1821)
Panama - November 28, 1821/Gained independence
from Spain. November 3, 1903/Gained independence
from Colombia, National Holiday, Independence
Day, November 3 (began 1903)
Belize - September 21, 1981/Gained independence
from the United Kingdom, National Holidays, Battle
of St. George's Caye Day (National Day), September
10 (began in1798); Independence Day, September 21
(began in 1981)
Martinique - France, colony of Martinique
became an overseas department of France in 1946
June 2016
Puerto Rico - United States, National holiday,
United States Independence Day, July 4, (began
1776), and Puerto Rico Constitution Day, July 25,
(began in 1952)
Navassa Island - United States, No National
Montserrat - United Kingdom, National holiday,
Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, second Saturday in
June (began in 1956)
Curacao - Kingdom of the Netherlands, National
holiday, Queen’s Day, April 30th ( 1909 and 1980)
Cayman Islands - United Kingdom, National
holiday, Constitution Day, first Monday in July
British Virgin Islands - United Kingdom, National
holiday, Territory Day, July 1, (began in 1956)
Aruba - Kingdom of the Netherlands, National
holiday, Flag Day, March 18, (began in 1976)
Anguilla - United Kingdom, National holiday,
Anguilla Day, May 30, (began in 1967)
Guadeloupe - France, colony of Guadeloupe
became an overseas department of France in 1946
Sint Maarten - Kingdom of the Netherlands, National
holiday, Queen’s Day, April 30, ( 1909 and 1980)
Saint Martin - France, National holiday, Fete de
la Federation, July 14, (began in 1789), and local
holiday, Schoalcher Day (Slavery Abolition Day)
July 12, (began in 1848)
Saint Barthelemy - France, National holiday, Fete
de la Federation, July 14, (began in 1789), and local
holiday, St. Barthelemy, August 24, (began in 1572)
Virgin Islands - territory of the United States,
National holiday, Transfer Day (from Denmark to
the United States), March 31, (began in 1917)
Turks and Caicos Island - territory of the United
Kingdom, National holiday, Constitution Day,
August 30, (began in 1976)
Bonaire - Netherlands, October 10, 2010, the
Netherlands Antilles was dissolved. Bonaire
acquired new status as "special municipalities",
making them part of the Netherlands itself
Saba - Netherlands, October 10, 2010, the
Netherlands Antilles was dissolved. Saba acquired
new status as "special municipalities", making
them part of the Netherlands itself
Sint Eustatius - Netherlands, October 10,
2010, the Netherlands Antilles was dissolved.
Sint Eustatius acquired new status as "special
municipalities", making them part of the
Netherlands itself
Bermuda - United Kingdom, National holiday,
Bermuda Day, May 24 (began in 1902)
June 2016
Did you know?
Dr. James Tucker serves on the National
Juneteenth Observance Foundation Board
Dr. James Tucker is Colorado Juneteenth State Director
Juneteenth is a holiday/day of observance
45 States currently recognize Juneteenth as a Day of Observance or Holiday
Former House District 17 (R) State Representative Mark Cloer supported and made it a
holiday or Day of Observance in Colorado
Only a handful of states don't recognize Juneteenth as a Holiday or Day of Observance.
Black: states that observe Juneteenth as a day of observance or holiday
White: states that have not passed legislation to make Juneteenth a holiday or day of observance
North Dakota
New Hampshire
South Dakota
Colorado Does
Jazz had been stolen by the other communi es to mean
“American Jazz”, leaving out our African jazz legacy as the
creators of the art form.
So, those of us who are aware of this use the term
“JUNETEENTH JAZZ” to define the experience of an African
people who went from enslavement to freedom in America
and created a unique improvisa onal crea ve spiritual
music expression out of the black experience.
Jazz is now defined as an American art form, leaving the
African American roots of the crea on of the music out.
"I don't care for the music when they're talking
bad about women because I think women are
God's greatest gift to the planet." - B.B. King
June 2016
We want Lynch to say her Name
Continued from page 1
Black cis-women, trans women, girls
and femmes.
The speak-out organized by #Black
Lives Matter (#BLM) and Black Youth
Project 100 (BYP100) was organized
in coordination with events in at least
nine cities on May 19 and 20, including
Chicago and New York.
In D.C., as organizers called out the
names of those murdered by police, the
gathering roared back: “Say her name!”
The list included those who have been
killed by police in the D.C. area, such as
Natasha McKenna, who police shocked
to death with a stun gun while she was
in custody at a Fairfax, Virginia, in
February 2015.
Activists also spoke out for India
Kager, who was killed by Virginia
Beach police as her 4-month-old son
sat in a car seat in the back of the car in
September 2015.
While Sandra Bland was killed far
from Washington, D.C., activists said her
name loudly, since her case helped shine
a national spotlight on the police racism
and brutality against Black women.
Bland died in Hempstead, Texas,
police custody in July 2015, three
days after being arrested for a minor
traffic stop. Bland’s arrest garnered
international notice after the dashcam
video showed Texas state trooper Brian
While this is a small taste of positive action from a presidential
administration that has actively attacked civil rights or ignored
civil rights violations for Blacks, for #BLM and #BYP100,
Lynch’s actions are far from enough.
Encinia threatening Bland with a stun
gun and attempting to pull her out
of the car.
Videos from other witnesses show
Encinia throwing Bland to the ground
and slamming her head into the
pavement. Hempstead police claim
Bland hanged herself with a trashcan
liner in jail.
Despite serious doubts raised by
Bland’s family about the cause of her
death, Lynch has yet to launch a federal
investigation in to the killing.
THE CALL for Lynch to act now is
especially timely, as Lynch has been
receiving kudos from some activists
for demanding that North Carolina’s
hate-filled “bathroom bill,” known as
House Bill 2, which codifies transgender
discrimination, be struck down by May 9.
That deadline has passed, and now the
Justice Departments of North Carolina
and of the United States are filing suits
against each other.
While this is a small taste of positive
action from a presidential administration
that has actively attacked civil rights
or ignored civil rights violations for
Blacks, for #BLM and #BYP100,
Lynch’s actions are far from enough.
The story of Bland’s killing was just
one highlighted in a #SayHerName
video #BYP100 members projected
on the wall of the Justice Department.
As one participant said, there are
thousands of Black women, trans
women, girls and femmes abused and
killed by police or in custody, and so
far these cases are mostly ignored.
Activists vowed not to forget these
victims and to #SayHerName. The
speak-out closed with “Assata’s Prayer”:
We have a duty to fight for our freedom.
We have a duty to win.
We have a duty to love each other and to
support each other.
We have nothing to lose but our chains.
Leonard Klein
Socialist Worker
27 Ways Black People are Brainwashed from Birth
By Dr. Boyce Watkins
I remember when I first heard
Malcolm X ask, “Who taught you to
hate yourself?” Of course we know the
answer to this question, but many of us
are afraid to say it. Even mentioning the
ways that white-dominated institutions
shape our thinking can lead to
punishment, ostracism, unemployment,
incarceration and even death. The
deepest part of this process is that the
brainwashing in America can be so
deep, so incidious, so subtle, that even
the most meaningful reflection doesn’t
allow us to solve the complex puzzle of
White Supremacy.
I made a list of several things many of
us believe about the world and ourselves
at an early age, as well as things we are
trained to do that may end up being to
our detriment. Of course this list is not
final, nor is it presumably correct on
every count. At the same time, it gives
us something to think about, because
the brainwashing is amazing, deep and
deliberate in our society.
Here’s the list:
1) Letting our oppressors educate our
children, medicate them, and put them
into the school-to-prison pipeline.
June 2016
2) Believing that white people are
supposed to give us jobs when we can
actually create them on our own.
3) Thinking that every Black person
who goes to prison is automatically a
bad human being.
4) Eating food that is going to give
you diabetes and/or heart disease and/
or high blood pressure and/or chronic
obesity by the age of 45.
5) Valuing sports and entertainment
over education.
6) Believing that black people you
see on white-owned TV networks are
supposed to be leaders or role models to
your community.
7) Believing that every tax refund
check and every paycheck is supposed to
go straight to the mall to buy overpriced
European brands from companies that
don’t even hire black people.
8) Thinking that being “rich” means
having a high paying job, a big house
or a fancy car, even if it’s all financed
with debt.
9) Calling yourself and your friends
n*ggers (or niggaz) and seeing nothing
wrong with that: Listen to me carefully
– You are NOT a n*gger, no matter
how often Jewish-run record labels pay
Black rappers to tell you that you are.
10) Giving your money to white
businesses and avoiding the Black ones.
11) Thinking that we’re all supposed
to vote for the Democratic Party in
every election.
12) Believing that Africa is a poor,
dirty, horrible place with nothing but
poverty and disease, and that you should
thank your lucky stars you were “blessed”
enough to live in America.
13) Believing that Harvard and Yale
are better than Spelman and Howard.
14) Not realizing that both Spelman and
Howard were founded by white people.
15) Not realizing that most of the
people who founded the NAACP
were actually white and that this
organization never really belonged to
you in the first place.
16) Thinking that straight hair is
“good” and black hair is “nasty,” then
giving all of your money to Korean
beauty shops so they can make you feel
better about yourself.
17) Believing that light skinned
women are more attractive than those
with dark skin.
18) Knowing nothing about African
history, but believing that every great
accomplishment occurred in Europe,
starting with Christopher Columbus
“discovering” a country that was
well-populated thousands of years
before he arrived.
19) Believing that you’re only
supposed to pray, march and be peaceful
every time your children get slaughtered
by whites.
20) Delivering your prayers to a big,
white Jesus who will solve most of your
problems for you, as long as you give
money to the pastor.
21) Looking up to historical figures like
George Washington who put our ancestors
in chains and probably raped them.
22) Believing that integration was a
sign of progress for black people and
not an era where black institutions were
destroyed and left for dead.
23) Believing that Martin Luther King is
more important than Malcolm X because
white people market him more regularly.
24) Believing that Martin Luther King
only spoke of peace and forgiveness
instead of the same rage and reparations
that many of us talk about today.
25) Thinking that its normal to have
an all-black neighborhood with a mostly
white police force, when there are no
all-white neighborhoods with a mostly
black police force.
26) Believing that a half-white
president is going to be significantly
different from a completely white one.
27) Thinking that the first black (fill in
the blank) to get into a white institution
actually represents progress, even
though whites have never considered it
be progress to get into our institutions.
The fact is that we really, really
LOVE white people, and this training
started from birth. It started with us first
learning how to hate ourselves and each
other, and then to believe that the only
way to restore our lost humanity was to
gain the approval of our oppressors. As
a result, we spend our lives marching,
hoping, praying, working, begging,
bowing, and compromising, with the
expectation that we will be rewarded
for our good behavior. Unfortunately,
it can cause many of us to abandon the
person we were meant to be, all for the
sake of trying to become somebody else.
Dr. Boyce Watkins
Financial Juneteenth
HEBREW NAME YAHSHAWA (often spelled Yahshua)”
y to Understanding what is written below some of it is in Paleo Hebrew:
-Yah (The name for our Heavenly Father)
-Yahuah (The Heavenly Father’s name and memorial) AKA - Yahwah,
Yahweh, Yahovah
-Yahshawa (The son of our Heavenly Father)
Elohim - Mighty ones
Why the “Call to Black People”
Look around you open your eyes and see the reality in this the world. Blacks
have a target on their backs in America and abroad. There is a system in place that
allows the cold blooded murder of our people to go unpunished. In fact this system
rewards those who murder Blacks.
This world system is controlled by the powers of darkness and they have traps
for all humans.
Ephesian 6:12 - Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this
age, against spiritual matters of wickedness in the heavenlies.
Now there are some snares that are aimed at Blacks and my people don’t have a
clue to what they are and how to get out of them. So we as a people keep doing the
same things that the slave masters taught us when we were uneducated. We were
uneducated because that is what the white supremacist demanded of us. And our
people were severely beaten and often killed for trying to search for truth.
As our people learned about religion in America it had a “doctrine of man” that
was slanted towards a white power structure. This is why you had “so called”
Christians that created societies that flourished on black oppression. NO BLACKS
These so called Christians used Black lives as sacrifices for the demonic rituals
called lynchings. Some of them were feast and celebrations they called picnics
where children played and ate with dead Black bodies hanging right nearby. These
demonic rituals were also done by flat out murder. They could murder a Black
person in broad daylight; simply because that is their privilege as a white person,
and this system still exist in 2016.
This doesn’t sound very Christian to me, and it wasn’t.
This is the wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing and this wolf is devouring our people
destroying souls.
To compound the situation our own people are turning against us and are doing
these demonic rituals to us. One term that is used for it is Black on Black crime,
another term is Black self hatred. These terms do exist in our community; we
know it, we talk about it, but we don’t change it. We do little to stop it and much to
promote the system of self hatred among ourselves.
Can’t our own people see the harm that is being done to us by a world power that
hates the thought of Black people breathing the same air they breathe? Then why
can’t we come together? Why are we always divided?
Our brothers and sisters don’t know who they are. We need to study the scriptures
(Yah) wants from us. Then we need to stop
(our history book) and find out what
Yah’s program.
jacking around following the “doctrines of men” and get with
We were stiff neck people that always chased after some other deities, trying any
method to get ahead except
p Him.
Exodus 32:9 - And
said to Mosheh, “I have seen this people, and see, it
is a stiff-necked people!
Acts 7:51- “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always
resist the Set-apart Spirit, as your fathers did, you also do.
We haven’t changed. So what is he waiting for? He‘s waiting on you to call upon
his name, the name that He gave you in his commandments.
1st commandment
Exodus 20:2 -“I am
your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of
Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery.
3 - You have no other mighty ones against My face.
3rd commandment
Exodus 20:7 - “You do not bring the Name of
your Elohim to naught,
does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.
Yes people; in the ancient scriptures he gave you a name to uphold and exalt. He
didn’t say lord.
The name that he said to call on:
Genesis 4:26 And to Shĕth, to him also a son was born. And he called his name
Enosh. Then it was begun to call on the Name of
Joel 2:32 - “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of
be delivered.
Romans 10:13 - For “everyone who calls on the Name of
shall be saved.”
Psalms 105
1 - Give thanks to
! Call upon His Name, Make known His deeds among
the peoples.
2 - Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; Speak of all His wonders.
3 - Make your
boast in His set-apart Name; Let the hearts rejoice of those
4 - Seek
and His strength; Seek His face always.
The Father bestowed his name upon his son
(Yahshawa). Notice the
that are underlined are the same as in the Fathers name. This is
first two letters
how the son came in his father’s name.
means Yah’s Salvation.
This spelling
of the Saviors name was blotted out of scriptures.
You won’t find it in any Strong’s concordance either. But it does exist in ancient
The name of the wicked world game is; to oppress the people, break their will,
and feed them words, images and customs that serve the oppressor.
Have we allowed oppression to harden our hearts so much that we have lost faith
in the name that the Most High gave us?
No - I haven’t!!
the Most High
Minister Gill - Man of
June 2016
Festival Milestone Represents Changing Times
Continued from page 1
to help chair this year’s festival. But
our hearts are a little saddened that this
will be the final one,” she says, “We are
excited for Dr. Tucker. We believe his
season is changing, and we are totally
and truly elated for him. Change is
something a lot of us don’t like to do,
but many times, changes are good for
what God has destined for us.”
Sills-Brown echoes the sentiment. “It
brings tears to our eyes to realize that
this will be the last Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival so it is an honor to be
a part of the finale. May God bless Dr.
James Tucker in his undying effort to
‘keep hope alive’ in our community, as
the Rev. Jesse Jackson would say!”
His work and intentions to affect
change in Colorado have been valiant.
Sills-Brown believes that events such
as the Juneteenth Caribbean Heritage
Festival can serve as reminders of our
past and help to frame the future for the
Black community. “When our younger
generations return to their roots, they
will find that God made a way for our
Black people. My desire is to see millions
of young Black people going back to
church, back to our spiritual roots, back to
reminders of our struggles as overcomers,
and back to where hope started.”
The longtime educator adds that
Sills-Brown, through TheEduCtr,
offers online classes, in-service
certification classes for educators
and various classes for students with
disabilities, special needs, and students
Sills-Brown echoes the sentiment. "It brings tears to our
eyes to realize that this will be the last Juneteenth Caribbean
Heritage Festival so it is an honor to be a part of the finale.
May God bless Dr. James Tucker in his undying effort to ‘keep
hope alive’ in our community.."
the younger generation, “must study
the systems of the society in which
our Black people lived, their culture,
their habits, our God, and our people’s
mobility and viscous struggle to make
it in America and internationally. They
must understand who Black people are,
the present and past historical factors
and the societal norms and behaviors
associated with Black people so that
Godliness, goodness, grace and mercy
follows them, and not follow or believe
what this society expects from them
which is prison, poverty, hatred, lack of
education, and laziness in Black people.”
who have been pushed out of school.
TheEduCtr annually recognizes more
than 20 African American educators
in Colorado for their exemplary
performance with students.
Undray and James Tucker.
To learn more about these programs
and how you can, visit
or call Dr. Annette Sills-Brown at
For more information about Roots to
Glory Tours, visit
For more information about
Passionate Hope Int’l Ministries and
its partnership with Mercy’s Gate, visit
Learn more about Juneteenth
Caribbean Heritage festival visit
719.375.0346 or 719.660.0691
“I chose UCCS because of the opportunities
within the College of Business — internships,
scholarships, and exploring different careers.
The smaller class sizes have given me the personal
assistance I need to be successful. UCCS is building
prestige in its programs and is becoming one of the
best schools in the state. You should check it out.”
— Thaddeus Bland, Jr., Business
Reach higher.
Choose UCCS.
Learn more at or call 719.255.8227
June 2016
M. E. D. I. A. - Maniac European Devils In Action
By Shamar Ashar Ben Lewi
Exodus 3:14 Ahayah Ashar Ahayah
– Hebrew
I Am that I Am
– English
Let’s try to understand the mind of
Japheth descendants but first we must
put their ancestor under investigation.
Japheth was a fair skinned black man
and his father Noah was an albino. After
the flood the sons of Noah departed
from each other and began to make war
against each other.
In the book of Jubilees you will
find the details. In Jubilees 7:13-15 it
states, And Ham knew that his father
had cursed his younger son and he was
displeased that he had cursed his son.
And he parted from his father, he and his
sons with him, Cush and Mizriam and
Put and Canaan. 14-And he built for
himself a city and called its name after
the name of his wife Ne’elatama’uk.
15-And Japheth saw it, and became
envious of his brother, and he too built
for himself a city, and he called its name
after the name of his wife Adataneses.
So we see here in the book of Jubilees
that Japheth became envious of his
brother Ham and why not? Ham is the
first of Noah’s three sons to build a city
and not to overlook the fact that Japheth
(or to be more correct Yapheth is how
it would be pronounced in Hebrew)
Yapheth means ‘high head’. In other
words he was proud, and his descendants
still carry that attribute to this day. The
roots of European hatred run deep.
Let’s consider the first recorded war
between different ethnic groups. In
the book of Jasher we can read about
it: Jasher 7:34 “And when Nimrod
was forty years old, at that time there
was a war between his brethren and the
children of Japheth so that they were
in the power of their enemies.” In this
war which no doubt Japheth’s children
started—the children of Cush who today
are known as Ethiopians-they, under the
leadership of Nimrod took captive some
of the people of Japheth, and Japheth’s
children became servants to the dark
skinned Hamites. Remember Ham is
the father of Cush and Cush is the father
of Nimrod. So I urge you to study
Genesis chapter 10 to verify this history.
For those of you who have been
dumbed down in that church that you
attend the book of Jasher is mentioned
in the bible at Joshua 10:13 and 2Samuel
1:18. Now we all know of the anti
shemitic actions that Europeans have
taken against the so called Negros AKA
the children of Yisrael. Yes, I know you
have been taught that the people that
came over here on cargo slave ships
were descendants of Ham; that dear
reader is another white lie from the
mouth of Mr. Charlie.
The people that were kidnapped from
the west coast of Africa during the 15th,
16th and 17th centuries were forced into
slavery in Europe, South, Central and
North America including the island of
Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti,
and Jamaica—all of the people in these
locations today are the descendants of
Abraham Isaac, and Jacob. And the
power of our ancestors used the sons
of Japheth to send our ancestors into
captivity and so we are here today.
The so called Negros in Europe, the
Americas, and Puerto Rico—yes they
have Israelite Heritage as well—we
are descendants of Shem. Shem was a
black man in Africa, and Israelites AKA
Negroes come from Shem, but let’s get
back to the descendants of Japheth.
The Europeans—now when I say
Europeans I mean those people who
have ancestors from anyplace in Europe
and today they are in large numbers in
North America. Let’s look at the nature
of the beast. Let me say right now that
a good documentary to watch would be
“Hebrew or so called Negro”; it should
still be on YouTube. Ok, I’m sure you
know about the destruction of the native
people of America how the Europeans
raped the women, murdered the men,
and spread disease. Just completely
wiped out many peoples’ cultures, and
today most of the nations that thrived
for centuries prior to Europeans coming
and stealing this land—most of them are
not around today. Yes, have you heard
of the Apache, the Crow, the Cree, and
a host of native people from Algonkian
stock—of whom I have ancestors on my
mother’s side.
There were over 50 nations before the
Europeans came and implemented their
policy of genocide. Now let’s look at
the Europeans actions in Asia, but first
something you should be aware of. Out
of all of the Europeans it seems to be
the Anglo-Saxons that suffer the most
severe mental illness.
From 1783 to 1853 the United States
had no dealings with Nippon, known
today as Japan. That changed in July
of 1853 when the U.S. Navy sailed into
Tokyo with a fleet of warships. When
this invasion took place Japanese people
ran through the villages shouting the
devils are about to take our country.
The maniac that was in control of the
invasion was a gentile who we know
today as Commodore Perry.
Japanese had the options of allowing
Perry to come on land, or face the
industrial war machines of the U.S.
Navy. Imagine that the devils demanded
to be allowed to come onto the land, or
the people of Nippon would face war.
Did you know that one of the largest
drug dealers in history was a 20 year
old white woman who sat on the British
throne? Queen Victoria! The people of
China at one time became the victims
of the manic European devils. The
Christians sold opium to the Chinese
people and that country that had such a
rich history full of beauty was brought
low by the greed of devils as men and
women of China became drug addicts.
And since it was the Christians who sold
the opium the Chinese people called it
Jesus opium. Is that not something to
ponder? Who is Jesus?
At some point the emperor of China
who ruled from Beijing put a stop to the
madness and ended the drug dealing.
How did the biggest dope dealer on
earth react when she got news that her
money was about to get short? She sent
her British navy to face the Chinese to
allow the dope deals to continue. Oh
I can’t forget about the Rock Springs
Massacre that ended the lives of untold
numbers of Chinese men women and
children. This evil happened September
1885 in Rock Springs, Wyoming and at
least six hundred Chinese people were
killed by the maniacs. That’s what
was reported but I bet the number was
higher. I could go on and on about the
deeds of the European devils but now I
want to focus on the children of Israel.
Today we are called African American.
We must return to our Israelite Heritage.
We must turn away from the religion
of the devils. We must give them back
their God. We must reject what they
teach us about our history, we must take
everything they do and say and examine
it closely. They inhale oxygen and
exhale lies. The European maniacs have
taught you that you are a descendant of
Ham when in fact the so called Negros
is the real live Hebrew Israelite, and
we are descendants of Shem. The
Maniacs have taught you that the word
of The Most High has been done away
with. Yes, they teach that the Torah is
no longer valid and that we are under
grace, and that their European God—
Jesus died for the sins of the world.
This is the satanic doctrine that fallen
angels have used the descendants of
Japheth to spread on this earth. In
every country where the maniacs have
gone they bring disease, injustice, and
Christianity. There was nobody in north
east Africa two thousand years ago
named Jesus period, and yes Israel is in
north east Africa but the maniacs want
us to believe that Europeans lived there
in the ancient world. They even want
you to believe that the ancient Egyptians
were Europeans. The deceptions of the
Anglo-Saxons are out of this world and
the so called Negros has bought it hook
line and sinker—no questions asked.
But I want to ask all of you so called
Negroes a question. If the slave master
had not been a Christian would you
be? After all Christianity is the religion
that the Negro slaves learned about on
the plantations. Picture this, a Negro
slave on his knees praying to the
European God Jesus to save him from
being whipped or killed. And to save
his woman from being raped by the
maniacs that live in the big house, that
looks like the God that he is praying to.
Picture a sister back then knowing in
her mind that one day she will be raped
by a man that looks like the sweet Jesus
that she hopes will hear her prayers and
save her. I can hear it now, “Oh Lawd
Jesus help me!” I want you to think
about that and know this, that European
maniacs are the greatest rapist to ever
walk the face of this earth. No AngloSaxon is in any moral position to ever
accuse anyone of any wrong doing.
They are the greatest drug dealers on
earth, and the greatest robbers on earth.
My people you have no idea how wicked
they really are, and if you don’t separate
from their filthy way of life Ahayah The
Creator of this universe will continue to
treat you as enemies.
Come out of the deception of
Christianity; it is a gentile religion.
Return to The Most High, the power of
Abraham, the mighty one of Isaac, and
the strength of Jacob. Learn the Torah.
The Europeans translated the Hebrew
word Torah as law but Torah means
teaching. Get a King James version of
scripture and read Psalm 19:7; then read
Psalm 119:142, 119:151, and Proverbs
28:9 and learn about the brother from
Nazareth Yahshua and his real message
and leave the European God Jesus alone.
Yahshua and Jesus is not the same
person. Yahshua was-is, and will be a
Hebrew Israelite when he returns to make
war against all gentile governments on
this planet. And the armies of this world
will fight him and people will believe
that an alien invasion is taking place.
That is why for the past several decades
alien movies have been in theatres on a
regular basis.
So my people you must learn your
true history not HIS STORY. And the
history of the so called Negros is to be
found in the so called Old Testament.
That’s why the maniacs taught you to
focus on what they call New Testament
and they taught you to worship Jesus
who is a Greek God—Jesus is Zeus.
And the first people that were called
Christians worshipped a God in Egypt
named Sarapis two hundred years
before Yahshua was born in Bethlehem.
Yahshua the Hebrew Messiah points
you to the Torah, but Jesus the gentile
Christ points you away from the Torah.
So investigate for yourself and go to
U-Tube and watch Ben Ammi’s speech
titled History and Destiny. And watch
videos by GOCC (even though they
reject the name Yahshua they shed
some light on things that are happening
to black people in the world). And you
must watch the documentary MAAFA
21. Shalom to you my people and be on
guard always against the M. E. D. I. A.
June 2016
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June 2016
From Black Power to Green Power
James Clingman
Have you ever wondered what
happened to Black Power? Remember
the days of the clinched fist, the
afro, the dashiki, and black berets?
Remember Stokely Carmichael, Angela
Davis, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale,
Eldridge Cleaver, H. Rap Brown, and
the Black Panthers? How about Shaft
and Foxy Brown? Black was beautiful
and “powerful” back then, right?
If you were around in those days,
and even if you were not, you will
also recall J. Edgar Hoover’s Counter
Intelligence Program, otherwise known
as COINTELPRO. It kept watch on
MLK, Malcolm, and any Black person
who stood up and spoke out against
injustice and had the temerity to actually
fight for Black Power. Those were the
days, right? Wrong. Ask Tommie Smith
and John Carlos.
Years before Hoover began his
COINTELPRO tactics against those
mentioned above, he set up a scheme
to destroy the man many believe to be
the progenitor of real Black Power:
Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Hoover called
Garvey a “notorious negro agitator,”
and did everything he could to dig
up dirt on him. Historian, Theodore
Kornweibel, said, “Hoover and the
Justice Department were clearly hooked
on a fixation on Garvey which would
before long become a vendetta.”
Hoover had relied on part-time black
informants to track Garvey’s movements
and U.N.I.A. activities. Ironically, in
December 1919 his determination to
go after Garvey led Hoover to hire the
first Black agent in the Bureau’s history,
James Wormley Jones. “His job,” says
Kornweibel, “was to go into Harlem
and infiltrate the Garvey movement and
find evidence that could be used to build
the legal case for ultimately getting rid
of Garvey.” We know what happened
to Garvey when Hoover and his gang
found that Garvey would not buckle and
was not about to sell his people out.
Notwithstanding Garvey’s refusal to
sell out, many of our “leaders” in the
glorious 1960’s, those who chanted
“Black Power” were conquered by
green power. Hoover was doing his
thing on an even larger scale, from
character assassination to murder, and
in a relatively short period of time, we
looked around and saw former militant
Black folks writing proposals to get
funding for social service agencies and
all of a sudden going from hardcore
freedom fighters to CEO’s and
Presidents of those organizations.
Green power worked the best among
all of Hoover’s tactics. A few “guvment”
dollars here and there and voila! No
more Black Power. Don’t get me
wrong, there were those who remained
faithful to the principle of Black Power,
but their numbers slowly dwindled
due to lack of funds and certainly the
murders on George Jackson and Fred
Hampton. Hoover wasn’t playing,
but the “guvment” was paying. “Party
over here!”
Some of the problems for Black Power
advocates back then can be attributed
to several things. An article on PBS,
American Experience, explained it this
way: “Originally motivated by goals of
quick reforms, 1960s activists were illprepared for the long-term struggles in
which they found themselves. Overly
dependent on media-oriented superstars
and one-shot dramatic actions, they
failed to develop stable organizations,
accountable leadership, and strategic
perspective. Creatures of the culture
they so despised, they often lacked the
patience to sustain tedious grassroots
work and painstaking analysis of actual
social conditions. They found it hard to
accept the slow, uneven pace of personal
and political change.”
“What proved most devastating in all
of this was the effective manipulation
of the victims of COINTELPRO into
blaming themselves. Since the FBI and
police operated covertly, the horrors
they engineered appeared to emanate
from within the movements. Activists’
trust in one another and in their
collective power was subverted, and
the hopes of a generation died, leaving
a legacy of cynicism and despair
which continues to haunt us today.”
Source: How COINTELPRO Helped
Destroy the Movements of the 1960s,
Jan 24, 1991.
Hoover’s 48 years as FBI Director
taught him, and influenced even
Presidents, that Black Power could be
diffused, first through the use of force,
trumped up criminal charges, and
clandestine subterfuge, but later through
the use of green power. Pay off a few
Black folks and eliminate or at least
minimize the positive effects of Black
Power as we know it.
A great example of this truth is
“Little” Al Sharpton, now his alter-ego
to “Big Bad” Al Sharpton. He didn’t
have a lot of money, but he had a lot
of bluster. He called someone out on
Morton Downey’s TV, referred to him
as a “punk-faggot,” while he fought
for Black folks (at least that’s what we
thought). He went from Black Power to
green power, to the tune of $750,000 on
MSNBC. “Sharp” move, wasn’t it?
Let’s use our own green power to fund
and support the Black Power we seek.
James Clingman
Writer on Economic Empowerment
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June 2016
Neoliberal Colorado Springs
Continued from A1
its attendant practices.
As a conservative city, Colorado
Springs embraces socially conservative
positions on social issues, including
affirmative action, abortion, and gay
rights. Indeed, it was a reactionary stance
taken against the Minority Coalition’s
call for a Human Relations agency with
subpoena power that led to the passage
of a statewide anti-gay referendum that
was ultimately deemed unconstitutional
by the U.S. Supreme Court. Colorado
Springs embraces neoliberal values and
beliefs, calling for limited government
(through anti-tax measures and
privatization of government functions),
radical individualism, and anti-union
policies. These are the very policies at
the national level that have increased
income and wealth inequality. Trickledown economics was a sham, and
resulted in its opposite. That is, the rich
get richer, the poor get poorer, and the
middle class experiences downward
economic mobility.
It is in this context that the current
dynamics of race relations in Colorado
Springs occur. Improvements have
come from the bottom up, even as they
have been small and resisted by White
leaders and residents alike. Today,
the nation is witnessing a major rise
in support of socialism among young
people. They know the colorblind
approach to racism, the conservative
stance on eliminating racism, has halted
progress in race relations, and they
know that neoliberalism has weakened
the national economy and diminished
opportunities for employment and
livable wages. As inequality increases,
competition increases for jobs, and
racism intensifies as Whites seek to
keep good-paying jobs for themselves.
Colorado Springs, like the rest of the
nation, is at a political crossroads. Will
it continue to maintain a narrow view
of human progress and allow notions
of racial superiority and free market
fundamentalism to frame its vision for
the future? Or will it expand its views
of human progress and what constitutes
a good society? Cities with deep racial
and political divisions must reconsider
their positions as the political pendulum
begins to swing back to the center. Both
racist and neoliberal ideas have failed
to promote human progress; failure to
adapt to changing social and political
views will leave Colorado Springs
behind the nation.
“While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it,
and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”
― Eugene V. Debs
Take Flight Leadership Aviation and Bessie Coleman Fly Girls Thank the African American Voice
Dr. James Tucker,
It is with deep sadness but with great gratitude, that we say goodbye to Dr. James Tucker. Dr. Tucker has been
one of many influential voices within the community. His influence reaches beyond Colorado Springs, but
throughout Colorado. He has been a mentor to many along the way, and his knowledge and presence will be
greatly missed. He gave voice to a community and people of need, and one that will transcend as he continues
on his journey.
As a member of Take Flight Leadership Aviation and Bessie Coleman Fly Girls, I would like to extend the warmest thoughts of appreciation to Dr. Tucker. Dr. Tucker has always supported our organization, even through the
rough patches, constantly encouraging our cadets to strive for greatness! He never hesitated to shine a light
on our organization and for that we are very thankful.
We wish him the best on his next journey. We know he will always be with TFLA/BCFG in spirit as we continue
to soar to new heights! Thanks again for all the announcements and published articles you bestowed to this
Submitted on behalf of Take Flight Leadership Aviation and Bessie Coleman Fly Girls,
Dr. Angelia Castille
Keeping the Community Informed Since 1991
What you give you get, ten times over. - Yoruba Proverb
June 2016
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Connect to African American Leaders
The mission of Black Autonomy Network Community Organization
(BANCO) is working for economic and social justice in Benton
Harbor, MI and exposing national, state and local NAACP corruption.
James E. Clingman is the nation’s most prolific writer on economic
empowerment for Black people. His weekly syndicated newspaper
column, Blackonomics, is featured in hundreds of newspapers,
magazines, and newsletters.
ONUS, In., is a non-profit formed in the State of
Missouri to function as a 501(c)4 organization. It
is a social welfare organization that exclusively
operates to address judicial, corporate, social
and other systemic failures that create poverty,
despair and unjust conditions in the African
American community and society at large.
Chamber of Commerce®
National Black Chamber of Commerce®
The National Black Chamber of Commerce® is dedicated to
economically empowering and sustaining African American
communities through entrepreneurship and capitalistic activity within
the United States and via interaction with the Black Diaspora.
The Coalition For Change, Inc.
The Coalition for Change, Inc. (C4C) is a
proactive non-profit organization comprised
of former and present employees who have
been injured or ill-treated due to workplace
discrimination and/or reprisal.
The National Black United Front
Ferguson Action
National Juneteenth Observance
Ferguson Action is an organized social
movement that is dedicated to ending police
brutality in the United States. Ferguson
Action demands the end of racial profiling
and abuse of police force.
The National Black United Front (NBUF)
is a coalition made up of individuals and
organizations working together for the
benefit of all people of African descent.
The mission of the National
Juneteenth Observance
Foundation (NJOF) is to see
Juneteenth Independence Day recognized
ognized as a
National Holiday of reconciliation and healing on
June 19 in order to complete the cycle of freedom. July 4 and June 19.
Financial Juneteenth
Financial Juneteenth aims to be the
information hub that empowers Black
wealth creation. We do this through
providing breaking news, education, and
company information within the African
American space.
Roots to Glory
The mission of Roots to Glory Tours (RTG) is
to bridge the gap by guiding, introducing and
being a part of the experience of discovery and
re-connection for Africans in the Diaspora as they
embrace their long lost families.
June 2016