KM Lee, EECS, SNU - Computer Vision Lab.

Categorization I 1
Introduction to Computer Vision
Object Categorization I
(Bag-of-Words Model)
Prof. Kyoung Mu Lee
Dept. of EECS, Seoul National University
Most of the lecture slides are from B. Leibe
Topics of This Lecture
Categorization I 2
• Indexing with Local Features
Inverted file index
Visual Words
Visual Vocabulary construction
Use for content based image/video retrieval
• Object Categorization
9 More exact task definition
9 Basic level categories
9 Category representations
• Bag-of-Words Representations
9 Representation
9 Learning
9 Use for image classification
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Indexing Local Features
Categorization I 3
• Each patch / region has a descriptor, which is a point in
some high-dimensional feature space (e.g., SIFT)
Figure credit: A. Zisserman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Indexing Local Features
Categorization I 4
• When we see close points in feature space, we have similar
descriptors, which indicates similar local content.
• This is of interest not only for 3d reconstruction, but also for
retrieving images of similar objects.
Figure credit: A. Zisserman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Indexing Local Features
Introduction to Computer Vision
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Categorization I 5
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Indexing Local Features
Categorization I 6
• With potentially thousands of features per image, and hundreds
to millions of images to search, how to efficiently find those
that are relevant to a new image?
• Low-dimensional descriptors (e.g. through PCA):
9 Can use standard efficient data structures for nearest neighbor search
• High-dimensional descriptors
9 Approximate nearest neighbor search methods more practical
• Inverted file indexing schemes
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Indexing Local Features: Inverted File Index
Categorization I 7
• For text documents, an
efficient way to find all
pages on which a word
occurs is to use an
• We want to find all
images in which a
feature occurs.
• To use this idea, we’ll
need to map our features
to “visual words”.
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. Grauman, B. Leibe
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Text Retrieval vs. Image Search
Categorization I 8
• What makes the problems similar, different?
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words: Main Idea
Categorization I 9
• Extract some local features from a number of images …
e.g., SIFT descriptor space:
each point is 128dimensional
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words: Main Idea
Categorization I 10
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words: Main Idea
Categorization I 11
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words: Main Idea
Categorization I 12
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Categorization I 13
Each point is a local
descriptor, e.g.
SIFT vector.
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Categorization I 14
Slide credit: David Nister
to Computer Vision
credit: D. Nister
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Indexing with Visual Words
Categorization I 15
Map high-dimensional descriptors to tokens/words by
quantizing the feature space
• Quantize via
clustering, let cluster
centers be the
prototype “words”
Descriptor space
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Indexing with Visual Words
Categorization I 16
Map high-dimensional descriptors to tokens/words by
quantizing the feature space
• Determine which
word to assign to
each new image
region by finding the
closest cluster center.
Descriptor space
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words
Categorization I 17
• Example: each group
of patches belongs to
the same visual word
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
Figure from Sivic & Zisserman, ICCV 2003
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words: Texture Representation
Categorization I 18
• First explored for texture and
material representations
• Texton = cluster center of filter
responses over collection of
• Describe textures and materials
based on distribution of
prototypical texture elements.
Leung & Malik 1999; Varma &
Zisserman, 2002; Lazebnik,
Schmid & Ponce, 2003;
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words: Texture Representation
• Texture is characterized by the repetition of basic elements
or textons
• For stochastic textures, it is the identity of the textons, not
their spatial arrangement, that matters
Julesz, 1981; Cula & Dana, 2001; Leung & Malik 2001; Mori, Belongie & Malik, 2001;
Schmid 2001; Varma & Zisserman, 2002, 2003; Lazebnik, Schmid & Ponce, 2003
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Words
Categorization I 20
• More recently used for
describing scenes and objects for
the sake of indexing or
Sivic & Zisserman 2003; Csurka,
Bray, Dance, & Fan 2004; many
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Inverted File for Images of Visual Words
Categorization I 21
Word List of image
number numbers
When will this give us a significant gain in efficiency?
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Vocabulary Formation
Categorization I 22
• Sampling strategy: where to extract features?
• Clustering / quantization algorithm
• Unsupervised vs. supervised
• What corpus provides features (universal vocabulary?)
• Vocabulary size, number of words
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Sampling Strategies
Categorization I 23
Sparse, at
interest points
Dense, uniformly
• To find specific, textured objects, sparse
sampling from interest points often more
• Multiple complementary interest
operators offer more image coverage.
Multiple interest
• For object categorization, dense
sampling offers better coverage.
[See Nowak, Jurie & Triggs, ECCV 2006]
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Clustering / Quantization Methods
Categorization I 24
• K-means (typical choice), agglomerative clustering, meanshift,…
• Hierarchical clustering: allows faster insertion / word
assignment while still allowing large vocabularies
9 Vocabulary tree [Nister & Stewenius, CVPR 2006]
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Example: Recognition with Vocabulary Tree
Categorization I 25
• Tree construction:
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Tree
Categorization I 26
• Training: Filling the tree
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Tree
Categorization I 27
• Training: Filling the tree
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Tree
Categorization I 28
• Training: Filling the tree
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Tree
Categorization I 29
• Training: Filling the tree
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Tree
Categorization I 30
• Training: Filling the tree
Slide credit: David Nister
Introduction to Computer Vision
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Tree
Categorization I 31
• Recognition
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Quiz Questions
• What is the computational advantage of the hierarchical
representation for bag of words, vs. a flat vocabulary?
• What dangers does such a representation carry?
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Tree: Performance
Categorization I 33
• Evaluated on large databases
9 Indexing with up to 1M images
• Online recognition for database
of 50,000 CD covers
9 Retrieval in ~1s
• Experimental finding that large
vocabularies can be beneficial for
[Nister & Stewenius, CVPR’06]
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Vocabulary Size
Categorization I 34
• Larger vocabularies can be
Branch factor
• But what happens when the
vocabulary gets too large?
9 Efficiency?
9 Robustness?
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
tf-idf Weighting
Categorization I 35
• Term frequency – inverse document frequency
• Describe frame by frequency of each word within it,
downweight words that appear often in the database
• (Standard weighting for text retrieval)
Number of
occurrences of word
i in document d
Number of words in
document d
Total number of
documents in database
Number of occurrences
of word i in whole
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Application for Content Based Img Retrieval
Categorization I 36
• What if query of interest is a portion of a frame?
Slide credit: Andrew Zisserman
Introduction to Computer Vision
[Sivic & Zisserman, ICCV’03]
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Video Google System
Retrieved frames
1. Collect all words within query
2. Inverted file index to find
relevant frames
3. Compare word counts
4. Spatial verification
Categorization I 37
Sivic & Zisserman, ICCV 2003
Demo online at :
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Example Results
Retrieved shots
Slide credit: Andrew Zisserman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Collecting Words Within a Query Region
• Example: Friends
Query region:
pull out only the SIFT
descriptors whose positions
are within the polygon
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Example Results
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
More Results
Retrieved shots
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
More Results
Retrieved shots
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Topics of This Lecture
• Indexing with Local Features
Inverted file index
Visual Words
Visual Vocabulary construction
Use for content based image/video retrieval
• Object Categorization
9 More exact task definition
9 Basic level categories
9 Category representations
• Bag-of-Words Representations
9 Representation
9 Learning
9 Use for image classification
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Revisiting Object Categorization
• Find this particular object
• Recognize ANY car
• Recognize ANY cow
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Object Categorization
• Task Description
9 “Given a small number of training images of a category, recognize
a-priori unknown instances of that category and assign the correct
category label.”
• Which categories are feasible visually?
9 Extensively studied in Cognitive Psychology,
e.g. [Brown’58]
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Object Categories
• Basic Level Categories in human categorization
[Rosch 76, Lakoff 87]
9 The highest level at which category members have similar
perceived shape
9 The highest level at which a single mental image reflects the entire
9 The level at which human subjects are usually fastest at identifying
category members
9 The first level named and understood by children
9 The highest level at which a person uses similar motor actions for
interaction with category members
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Visual Object Categories
• Basic-level categories in humans seem to be defined
predominantly visually.
• There is evidence that humans (usually)
start with basic-level categorization
before doing identification.
⇒ Basic-level categorization is easier
and faster for humans than object
⇒ Most promising starting point
for visual classification
Basic level
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
How many object categories are there?
Source: Fei-Fei Li, Rob Fergus, Antonio Torralba.
Introduction to Computer Vision
Categorization I 48
Biederman 1987
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Categorization I 49
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Other Types of Categories
• Functional Categories
9 e.g. chairs = “something you can sit on”
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Other Types of Categories
• Ad-hoc categories
9 e.g. “something you can find in an office environment”
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Challenges: Robustness
Object pose
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Challenges: Context and Human Experience
Context cues
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Challenges: Learning with Minimal Supervision
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Learning from One Example
Slide from Pietro Perona, 2004 Object Recognition workshop
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Slide from Pietro Perona, 2004 Object Recognition workshop
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
How to Arrive at a Category Representation?
Categorization I 57
• If a local image region is a visual word, how can we
summarize an image (the document)?
• How can we build a representation that is suitable for
representing an entire category?
Robust to intra-category variation
Robust to deformation, articulation
But still discriminative
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Topics of This Lecture
• Indexing with Local Features
Inverted file index
Visual Words
Visual Vocabulary construction
Use for content based image/video retrieval
• Object Categorization Revisited
9 More exact task definition
9 Basic level categories
9 Category representations
• Bag-of-Words Representations
9 Representation
9 Learning
9 Use for image classification
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Analogy to Documents
Of all the sensory impressions proceeding
to the brain, the visual experiences are the
dominant ones. Our perception of the
world around us is based essentially on
the messages that reach the brain from
our eyes. For a long time it was thought
that the retinal
image was brain,
point by point to visual centers in the
brain; the cerebral
was a movie
so to speak,
upon which
the image
in the eye was projected. Through the
discoveries eye,
of Hubel
and optical
Wiesel we now
know that behind
the origin
of the visual
perception in the brain there is a
Hubel, Wiesel
considerably more complicated course of
events. By following the visual impulses
along their path to the various cell layers
of the optical cortex, Hubel and Wiesel
have been able to demonstrate that the
message about the image falling on the
retina undergoes a step-wise analysis in a
system of nerve cells stored in columns.
In this system each cell has its specific
function and is responsible for a specific
detail in the pattern of the retinal image.
Slide credit: Li Fei-Fei
Introduction to Computer Vision
China is forecasting a trade surplus of
$90bn (£51bn) to $100bn this year, a
threefold increase on 2004's $32bn. The
Commerce Ministry said the surplus
would be created by a predicted 30% jump
in exports to $750bn, compared with a
18% rise in imports
to $660bn.
trade,The figures
are likely to further annoy the US, which
surplus, commerce,
has long argued that China's exports are
unfairly exports,
helped by a deliberately
imports, US,
undervalued yuan. Beijing agrees the
yuan, bank, domestic,
surplus is too high, but says the yuan is
only one factor.
Bank of
China governor
Zhou Xiaochuan
said thevalue
country also
needed to do more to boost domestic
demand so more goods stayed within the
country. China increased the value of the
yuan against the dollar by 2.1% in July
and permitted it to trade within a narrow
band, but the US wants the yuan to be
allowed to trade freely. However, Beijing
has made it clear that it will take its time
and tread carefully before allowing the
yuan to rise further in value.
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Categorization I 60
Bag of ‘words’
Source: ICCV 2005 short course, Li Fei-Fei
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Bags of Visual Words
Categorization I 62
• Summarize entire image based on
its distribution (histogram) of
word occurrences.
• Analogous to bag of words
representation commonly used for
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Bag-of-features steps
Extract features
Learn “visual vocabulary”
Quantize features using visual vocabulary
Represent images by frequencies of “visual words”
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Similarly, Bags-of-Textons for Texture Repr.
Universal texton dictionary
Julesz, 1981; Cula & Dana, 2001; Leung & Malik 2001; Mori, Belongie & Malik, 2001; Schmid 2001;
Varma & Zisserman, 2002, 2003; Lazebnik, Schmid & Ponce, 2003
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Comparing Bags of Words
• We build up histograms of word activations, so any
histogram comparison measure can be used here.
• E.g. we can rank frames by normalized scalar product
between their (possibly weighted) occurrence counts
9 Nearest neighbor search for similar images.
[1 8 1 4]’ •
[5 1 1 0]
Introduction to Computer Vision
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Other Functions for comparing histograms
• L1 distance:
• χ2 distance:
D (h1 , h2 ) = ∑ | h1 (i ) − h2 (i ) |
i =1
D(h1 , h2 ) = ∑
i =1
(h1 (i) − h2 (i) )2
h1 (i ) + h2 (i )
• Quadratic distance (cross-bin distance):
D(h1 , h2 ) = ∑ Aij (h1 (i ) − h2 ( j )) 2
i, j
• Histogram intersection (similarity function):
I (h1 , h2 ) = ∑ min(h1 (i ), h2 (i ))
i =1
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Learning/Recognition with BoW Histograms
Categorization I 67
• Bag of words representation makes it possible to describe the
unordered point set with a single vector (of fixed dimension
across image examples)
• Provides easy way to use distribution of feature types with
various learning algorithms requiring vector input.
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
BoW for Object Categorization
{face, flowers, building}
• Works pretty well for image-level classification
Csurka et al. (2004), Willamowski et al. (2005), Grauman & Darrell (2005), Sivic et al.
(2003, 2005)
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Image Classification
• Given the bag-of-features representations of images from
different classes, how do we learn a model for
distinguishing them?
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Discriminative Methods
• Learn a decision rule (classifier) assigning bag-of-features
representations of images to different classes
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
• Assign input vector to one of two or more classes
• Any decision rule divides input space into decision regions
separated by decision boundaries
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Nearest Neighbor Classifier
• Assign label of nearest training data point to each test data
Voronoi partitioning of feature space
for 2-category 2-D and 3-D data
Slide credit: David Lowe
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Recap: Classifier Construction Choices…
Neural networks
Nearest neighbor
106 examples
Shakhnarovich, Viola, Darrell 2003
Berg, Berg, Malik 2005...
Support Vector Machines
Guyon, Vapnik
Heisele, Serre, Poggio,
LeCun, Bottou, Bengio, Haffner 1998
Rowley, Baluja, Kanade 1998
Conditional Random Fields
Viola, Jones 2001,
Torralba et al. 2004,
Opelt et al. 2006,…
McCallum, Freitag,
Pereira 2000; Kumar,
Hebert 2003, …
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
K-Nearest Neighbors
• For a new point, find the k closest points from training data
• Labels of the k points “vote” to classify
• Works well provided there is lots of data and the distance
function is good
Slide credit: David Lowe
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Recap: Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
• Discriminative classifier
based on optimal
separating hyperplane
(i.e. line for 2D case)
• Maximize the margin
between the positive
and negative training
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Generative Methods
• Model the probability of a bag of features given a class
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
The Naïve Bayes Model
• Assume that each feature is conditionally independent
given the class
p ( w1 , K, wN | c) = ∏ p ( wi | c)
i =1
Slide credit: Li Fei-Fei
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
The Naïve Bayes Model
• Assume that each feature is conditionally independent
given the class
c* = arg max c p (c)∏ p ( wi | c)
i =1
Prior prob. of
the object classes
Likelihood of i-th visual word
given the class
Estimated by empirical
frequencies of visual words
in images from a given class
Slide credit: Li Fei-Fei
Introduction to Computer Vision
Csurka et al. 2004
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
BoW for Object Categorization
Caltech6 dataset
bag of features
bag of features
Parts-and-shape model
• Good performance for pure classification
(object present/absent)
9 Better than more elaborate part-based models with spatial
9 What could be possible reasons why?
Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
BoW Representation: Spatial Information
• A bag of words is an orderless representation: throwing
out spatial relationships between features
• Middle ground:
Visual “phrases” : frequently co-occurring words
Semi-local features : describe configuration, neighborhood
Let position be part of each feature
Count bags of words only within sub-grids of an image
After matching, verify spatial consistency (e.g., look at neighbors –
are they the same too?)
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Spatial Pyramid Matching
Hierarchy of
localized BoW
Image from Svetlana Lazebnik
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Summary: Indexing features
Categorization I 82
Index each one into
pool of descriptors
from previously seen
List of
Associated list
of ddimensional
Quantize to form
bag of words
vector for the
Detect or sample
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
Summary: Bag-of-Words
• Pros:
Flexible to geometry / deformations / viewpoint
Compact summary of image content
Provides vector representation for sets
Empirically good recognition results in practice
• Cons:
9 Basic model ignores geometry – must verify afterwards, or encode
via features.
9 Background and foreground mixed when bag covers whole image
9 Interest points or sampling: no guarantee to capture object-level
9 Optimal vocabulary formation remains unclear.
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
• Local invariant features
9 Distinctive matches possible in spite of significant view change,
useful not only to provide matches for multi-view geometry, but
also to find objects and scenes.
9 To find correspondences among detected features, measure
distance between descriptors, and look for most similar patches.
• Bag of words representation
Quantize feature space to make discrete set of visual words
Summarize image by distribution of words
Index individual words
Inverted index: pre-compute index to enable faster search at query
Slide credit: Kristen Grauman
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU
References and Further Reading
Categorization I 85
• Bag-of-Words approaches are a relatively new
development. I will look for a good reference paper and
provide it on the webpage…
• Details about the Video Google system can be found in
9 J. Sivic, A. Zisserman,
Video Google: A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in
Videos, ICCV’03, 2003.
• Try the Oxford Video Google demo
• Try the available local feature detectors and descriptors
Introduction to Computer Vision
K. M. Lee, EECS, SNU