Synchroniser with programmable MTBF capabilities

Synchroniser with programmable MTBF
Here's a high frequency synchroniser circuit with programmable mean-timebetween-failure capabilities well suited for high frequency clock gating and input
signal synchronisation applications.
By Sanjay Kumar Wadhwa
Freescale Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd
Synchroniser circuits are typically used in modern system on chip (SoC) designs to facilitate the reliable data
transfer between independent clock domains [1, 2]. As design geometry shrinks and clock speeds approach the
gigahertz range, the design of synchroniser circuits becomes a challenging task. Metastability (the ability of a digital
electronic system to persist for an unbounded time in an unstable equilibrium or metastable state) is a key factor to
be considered. The mean time between failures (MTBF) value, which is a figure of merit related to metastability,
degrades sharply when input clock and/or data frequency is increased, as per the synchroniser MTBF formula given
in this equation:
In the equation, Fclk and Fdata are input clock and data frequency respectively, tMETA is the time delay allowed for
metastability to resolve itself, C1 is a constant representing the metastability catching setup time window and C2 is
a constant describing the speed with which the metastable condition is resolved.
The possible ways to increase MTBF are by cascading more flip-flops in the synchroniser circuit or by running the
synchroniser at a slower frequency. In both the cases, tMETA value increases and the MTBF value increases
exponentially as per equation (1). The proposed synchroniser enhances the MTBF value by dividing the high
frequency input clock by a user defined division ratio, N.
With a standard two flip-flop synchroniser, the delay introduced between the input and the synchronised output is
equal to one flip-flop’s clock-to-output delay (Tcàq) plus the delay of an AND gate (Tand). To increase the MTBF, if a
standard two flip-flop synchroniser is run with a divided clock, the total delay between the input and the
synchronised output will become 2*Tcàq + Tand. The additional Tcàq delay is contributed by the clock divider
circuit. Due to this extra Tcàq delay of a flip-flop, a glitch may appear in the synchronised output if the total delay is
more than the OFF period of the input clock.
The situation will further degrade if the input clock duty cycle is more than 50%, further reducing the OFF period of
the input clock. In the proposed synchroniser, instead of an extra Tcàq delay contributed by the clock divider circuit,
only a NAND gate delay (Tnand) is added, which is much less as compared to Tcàq. The typical values of Tcàq and
Tnand are approximately 300ps and 30ps respectively in 90nm CMOS technology. Thus, the total delay becomes
Tcàq + Tand + Tnand and the proposed synchroniser is able to run at a much higher frequency as compared to a
standard two flip-flop synchroniser.
Circuit description
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the proposed synchroniser. The asynchronous input data is captured by the
input flip-flop (FF). The output of the input FF is captured by a standard two flip-flop synchroniser, running on a
divided input clock.
Figure 2 shows the circuit diagram of the proposed synchroniser. The input clock, clk, goes to a divide by 4 circuit
(N=2) composed of flip-flops FF4 and FF5. This divider can be made programmable to divide by N=2, 3, 4 etc. The
flip-flops FF2 and FF3 form a standard two flip-flop synchroniser which is driven by the rising edges of the
generated clock, clk_gated. The frequency of clk_gated is equal to one-fourth of the frequency of clk.
As shown in figure 2, the delay between clk and clk_gated is equal to the delay of a NAND gate, NAND1. The overall
MTBF of the synchroniser will be the MTBF of FF1 (MTBF1) times the MTBF of the synchroniser composed of FF2
and FF3 (MTBF2).
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Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed synchroniser.
Figure 2: Circuit diagram of the proposed synchroniser.
Because clk and data are asynchronous, FF1 can enter into a metastable state whenever a transition at its data input
- with respect to a transition at its clock input - happens in the setup-hold window, which is typically 100ps-150ps.
Similarly, FF2 can enter into a metastable state whenever a transition at data_mid1 with respect to a transition at
clk_gated happens in the setup-hold window.
It is clear from figure 2 that even if FF2 output, data_mid2, becomes metastable, the time it will get to resolve the
metastable state will be four times the time period of clk. Also, since the frequency of clk_gated is one-fourth of clk,
the overall MTBF improvement will be 4e4 (~218.4) times as compared to a standard two flip-flop synchroniser.
Qualitatively, because of quadruple increase in tMETA, probability of FF3 going into metastable state decreases
significantly. In general, dividing the input clock by N improves the overall MTBF by NeN. However, an increase in N
also increases the number of clk cycles required before the synchronised output, data_sync, appears. The number of
clk cycles required depends upon relative timing of data transition at data and data_mid1 with respect to clk and
clk_gated respectively, and whether FF1 and/or FF2 entered into a metastable state.
For applications where this additional latency is immaterial, MTBF can be increased at the expanse of latency, with
only marginal increase in the delay between the clk and the synchronised output. Typically, MTBF is designed to be
at least ten times the expected lifetime of the product.
The different scenarios of flip-flops entering into metastable states and the maximum number of clk cycles required
for valid synchronised output for different scenarios are shown in figure 3 in the form of a flow chart. Just like a
standard two flip-flop synchroniser, the proposed synchroniser can be defined as a synthesisable IP that can be
readily used in an SoC environment.
Simulation results
The proposed synchroniser has been designed in CMOS90 technology with clk frequency equal to 2GHz. Figure
4 shows the generation of divided by 4 clock, clk_gated. The other simulated waveforms are also shown, which
correspond to the circuit nodes shown in figure 2. It is clear from figure 4 that the periods of clk and clk_gated are
500ps and 2ns respectively.
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Figure 3: Flow chart for the proposed synchroniser.
Figure 4: Simulation waveforms showing generation of clk_gated clock.
For a case in which the data does not fall in the setup-hold window of the clk, the output of FF1 will not be in a
metastable state and the synchronised output will occur between 5 and 8 clk cycles. When the data falls in the
setup-hold window of the clk, the output of FF1 becomes metastable. This situation gives rise to two sub-cases
(i) first edge of the clk_gated coincides with second clk edge.
(ii) first edge of the clk_gated coincides with 3rd, 4th or 5th clk edge.
In sub-case 1, FF2 captures the metastable data at second clk edge. However, the time available to FF2 to resolve its
metastable state has been increased to four times (= 4/fclk). If after the four clk cycles, data_mid2 settles to its
correct logical value, FF3 will capture the correct data at 6th edge of clk. On the other hand, if after the four clk
cycles, data_mid2 resolves its metastable state in an undesired logical value, FF3 will capture the correct data at
10th edge of clk. For sub-case 2, the output of FF1 comes out of metastable state at the second clk edge before it is
captured by FF2. FF2 captures the correct data at 3rd, 4th or 5th clk edge and FF3 captures the correct data at 7rd,
8th or 9th clk edge respectively.
Figure 5 shows the simulation result of clk_out generation. This is an example of clock gating scenario where
clk_out starts coming in response to a low-to-high transition in data. There is no glitch in the first cycle of clk_out
because of a synchronised start. This result shows a data signal synchronised with a 2GHz clock.
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Figure 5: Simulation waveforms showing generation of clk_out clock.
In this fully parameterized, gigahertz-range synchroniser circuit designed to provide NeN times increase in MTBF
value as compared to a standard two flip-flop synchroniser, the division factor N is user programmable and
provides a trade-off between synchronised output latency and MTBF value. A larger value of N provides higher
MTBF but at the cost of additional latency. As compared to a standard two flip-flop synchroniser, the proposed
synchroniser introduces an extra NAND gate delay in the synchronised output which is very much reduced in
today’s deep sub-micron CMOS technologies. Simulation results in CMOS90 technology with 2GHz input clock
frequency show the expected behaviour of the proposed synchroniser. References
[1] Ran Ginosar, “Fourteen Ways to Fool Your Synchronizer,” Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on
Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC03), pp. 89-96.
[2] Chuck Brown and Kamilo Feher, “Measuring Metastability and its Effect on Communication Signal Processing
Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 46, pp. 61 – 64, Feb. 1997.
About the author
Sanjay Kumar Wadhwa received his B. Tech. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from National
Institute of Technology (NIT), Kurukshetra, India in 1996. Since then, he has worked in the field of analogue and
mixed signal designs for various applications. He is presently working with Freescale Semiconductor India design
centre in the field of PLLs and low power analogue circuits. He has published 14 papers in various VLSI conferences,
has 4 defensive publications and holds 16 US patents. He has been recognised as a Distinguished Innovator by
Freescale Semiconductor. His main interests are in the design of low voltage, low power, and low area, high
performance analogue and mixed signals circuits.
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