Curriculum Vitae - Department of Physics

Department of Physics
College Park, Maryland 20742-4111
Theodore L. Einstein
Office Phone: 301-405-6147
FAX: 301-314-9465
Home Address: 13709 Castle Cliff Way
Silver Spring, MD 20904-5473
Home Phone: 301-384-1438
Personal Data:
Birth: January 20, 1947 - Cleveland, Ohio
Married, two sons (12/84, 9/90)
B.A. (summa cum laude, highest honors in physics,
Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi associate)
Harvard Univ.
A.M. (1st 4-year joint BA/AM)
Harvard Univ.
Ph.D. (Dissertation: "Some Aspects of Chemisorption:
The Indirect Interaction and the Short-Chain Model"
Advisor: Prof. J. Robert Schrieffer)
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Experience in Higher Education:
National Merit Scholar
Summer laboratory asst.
for Prof. E. A. Stern
Applied Physics/Harvard U.
NSF Graduate Fellow
Physics/U. of Pennsylvania
Assistant Instructor
" "
NSF Graduate Trainee
" "
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Physics & Astr./U. of Maryland
Visiting Asst. Professor
" " " " "
Assistant Professor
" " " " "
Associate Professor
1987Physics/U. of Maryland
1985, Apr-June
Chalmers U. of Tech.,Gothenburg, Sweden NORDITA - guest researcher
1986 (July, 3 wks)
University of Padua, Italy
Guest Researcher and Lecturer
1987 (May-June, 3 1/2 wks) " "
Visiting Professor
2006 (Jan., 2.5 wks) Univ.B. Pascal Clermont-Ferrand, France Invited Professor
Physics/Harvard Univ.
Physics/U. of Washington
Experience Other than Higher Education:
1986, Feb-June
1986, June1988, July-Aug.
1989-90, Apr.-Apr.
Applied physics research
Physicist (sabbatical)
Guest Worker
Summer Univ. Faculty
Expert consultant in patent case
Expert/Program Director, Cond.
Mat. Theory (p.t.,<1 day/week)
1994, '95, '98, 2002 (@ avr.1 mo.) IGV/ISG3, FZ Jülich, Germany Guest Research (Humboldt)
Summer Clevite Corp. (Cleveland)
National Bureau of Standards
Sandia Nat'l Labs (Livermore)
Spensley, Horn, Jubas, Lubitz (LA)
Nat'l Science Foundation
Publications: Starting on p. 3
Theodore L. Einstein
Professional Activities:
Physical Electronics Conference Committee, 2013–16, 1991–93, Advisory Member for 1990; Selection
group for Nottingham Prize (best work by fresh Ph.D.), 1989, 1998
Organizing Committee of Nanotech-2016, Baltimore, MD, 2015–16
Co-organizer of Nonequilibrium Interface and Surface Dynamics (nid10), 1 week at U. Maryland, 2010
American Physical Society, Comm. on Meetings (2009–11), APS Insurance Trust Board 2005–9 (chair
2006–8), Audit Comm. (2011–14, chair 2013); Division of Materials Physics: Councillor, 2009–12,
Secretary-Treasurer, 2003–8, co-rep. to Fed’n of Materials Societies, abstract sorter for March mtgs
US-Israel Binational Science Foundation: science advisor/panelist in solid state physics, 2009, 2011.
Co-organizer of SIAM Minisymposium double-session, Philadelphia, May 2008
NSF Panel Reviewing: Condensed Matter Theory, 2008; Research Experiences for Undergraduates
(REU) Site Proposals, 1998; POWRE (Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and
Education) Awards, 1997; Presidential Young Investigator Awards in Materials Sciences, 1986
Co-organizer of Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics: (nid07), 1 week at U. Maryland, 2007
External examiner, Univ. of New Hampshire, 2007: Ph.D. dissertation of Bogdan Diaconescu
Primary organizer, DOE-CMSN Workshop, U. of Maryland, Oct. 2006
Editorial Advisory Board, Surface Science, 2005–2010
Co-organizer of Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics: Theory and Simulation from Atomistic to
Continuum Scales (nid03), 1 week of tutorials and 2 weeks of seminars at U. Maryland, 2003
American Physical Society, DMP Focus Session Co-organizer, 2003
External evaluator of Ph.D. dissertation, Itay Furman, Hebrew University, 2001
Ph.D. dissertation “opponent,” Jarrko Heinonen, Helsinki University of Technology, 2001
Program Committee for 15th International Vacuum Congress (2001)
Materials Research Society, Symposium Co-organizer for Fall 1996 and 1998 Meetings
American Vacuum Society, Member of Local Steering Committee (1977–78), Local Committee for
National Symposium (Baltimore, Nov. 1982) — Div. of Surface Science, Executive Committee
(1983–85, 1997–99), Chairman of Best Student Contribution Award Comm. for 1984 Nat'l Symp.
American Physical Society, Div. of Solid State Physics, Forum on Physics & Society, Local Committee
for March Meeting (Baltimore, March, 1985)
External examiner, Howard U., 1984: Ph.D. thesis, Henry Neal: A Theoretical Study of Chemisorption
Federation of American Scientists
Local Committee for Int'l Conf. on Solid Films & Surface (Coll. Pk., June, 1981)
Int'l Program Committee for Conf. on Phase Transitions on Surfaces (Orono, Aug.'81)
Member of Program on Chemical Physics, U. of Maryland, 1982–
Honors Received:
Outstanding Referee, APS Journals, 2008, inaugural group
Fellow, American Physical Society, Division of Condensed Matter Physics, 1995
Fellow, American Vacuum Society, 1995
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Distinguished Senior U.S. Scientist Award, 1993
Faculty Research Grant for Fall 1979, from General Research Board of the U. of Maryland
Outstanding Young Men of America, 1979; Nomination for Sloan Foundation fellowships
Listing in American Men and Women of Science
Teutsch Award, U. Pennsylvania, 1969 (before matriculating): Highest score on Ph.D. qualifying exam
John Harvard Honorary Scholarship, Harvard College Honorary Scholarship
Detur Prize (book award for scholastic excellence of the highest grouping)
Major Long-Term Service (see below for others):
Director/Chair of Physical Sciences Program/Committee (and Physics Advisor), 1996–2016
NSF-MRSEC Executive Committee, 1996–2013, as physics faculty coordinator of educational outreach,
educational outreach subcommittee member, and now international relations.
Theodore L. Einstein
V. A. Research Papers Published (or accepted for publication) in Refereed Journals
A Simple Model of Displacive Ferroelectrics, Michael Cohen and TLE, Phys. Rev. B7, 1932–1949
Indirect Interaction Between Adatom Pairs on a Tight-Binding Solid, TLE and J. R. Schrieffer, Phys.
Rev. B7, 3629–3648 (1973).
Anisotropic Oscillatory Indirect Interaction Between Adatom Pairs on a Tight-Binding Solid, TLE and
J. R. Schrieffer, abst., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 9, 956 (1972).
Changes in Density of States Caused by Chemisorption, with Implications for Photoemission, Surface
Sci. 45, 713–720 (1974).
Short-Chain Model of Chemisorption: Exact and Approximate Results, Phys. Rev. B 11, 577–587
Changes in Density of States Caused by Chemisorption, Phys. Rev. B12, 1262–1274 (1975).
Multi-Adatom Effects in Chemisorption Energy of Ordered Overlayers, Phys. Rev. B16, 3411–3414
Extended Fine Structure above the Vanadium 2s Appearance Potential Edge, W. T. Elam, P. I. Cohen,
TLE, Y. Fukuda, and Robert L. Park, abst., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 15, 655 (1978).
Comment on K. H. Lau and W. Kohn: "Oscillatory Indirect Interaction between Adsorbed Atoms"-NonAsymptotic Behavior in Tight-Binding Models at Realistic Parameters, Surface Sci. 75, L161–167
Extended Fine Structure Above Vanadium L-Shell Appearance Potential Threshold, P. I. Cohen, TLE,
W. T. Elam, Y. Fukuda, and Robert L. Park, Applications of Surface Sci. 1, 538–546 (1978).
Extended Fine Structure Analysis Using Electron Beams, Robert L. Park, P. I. Cohen, TLE, and W. T.
Elam, J. Crystal Growth 45, 435–438 (1978).
The Shapes of Islands of Chemisorbed Atoms as a Probe of Long-range Interadatom Interactions,
Surface Sci. 83, 141–161 (1979).
Adlayer Induced LEED Beams near Order-Disorder Transitions, L. D. Roelofs, TLE, and R. L. Park, J.
Vac. Sci. Technol. 16, 478–482 (1979).
The Three-Atom Non-Pairwise ("Trio") Interaction, with Applications to Monte Carlo Simulations of
O/W(110), Surface Sci. 84, L497–504 (1979).
Extended Appearance Potential Fine Structure Analysis: Oxygen on Aluminum (100), M. L. den Boer,
TLE, W. T. Elam, Robert L. Park, L. D. Roelofs, and G. E. Laramore, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 496–500
Extended Appearance Potential Fine Structure Analysis of Oxidized Metal Surfaces, M. L. den Boer,
TLE, W. T. Elam, Robert L. Park, L. D. Roelofs, and G. E. Laramore, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 17, 59–62
O/Ni(111): Adlayer Phases and Binding Sites, extended abst., L. D. Roelofs, TLE, P. E. Hunter, A. R.
Kortan, Robert L. Park, and R. M. Roberts, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 17, 231–232 (1980).
Theodore L. Einstein
Effect of the Central Atom Potential on the Extended Fine Structure above Appearance Potential
Thresholds, G. E. Laramore, TLE, L. D. Roelofs, and Robert L. Park, Phys. Rev. B21, 2108–2121
Two-Dimensional Chemisorbed Phases, L. D. Roelofs, A. R. Kortan, TLE, and Robert L. Park, J. Vac.
Sci. Technol. 18, 492–499 (1981).
Oxidation Studies by Extended Appearance Potential Fine Structure (EAPFS), summary abst., TLE,
M. L. denBoer, J. F. Morar, and Robert L. Park, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 18, 490–491 (1981).
Critical Exponents of a 4-State Potts Chemisorbed Overlayer: p(2×2) Oxygen on Ni(111), L. D.
Roelofs, A. R. Kortan, TLE, and Robert L. Park, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 1465–1468 (1981).
Response to M. Schick, Oxygen on Ni(111): A Transition of the Heisenberg Model with Cubic
Anisotropy, L. D. Roelofs, N. C. Bartelt, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1348 (1981).
Extended Absorption Fine Structure Analysis of Surface Structure, Appl. Surface Sci. 11/12, 42–63
(2×2) Phase Transitions on Honeycomb Lattices, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D. Roelofs, extended abst.,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 1, 1217-1218 (1983).
On the Optimization of Data End Points and Taper Width in Extended Absorption Fine Structure
Analysis, S. P. Hershfield and TLE, Phys. Rev. B29, 1048–1049 (1984).
Relationship Between Many-Parameter Lattice Gas Systems and Simpler Models: Easy Approximations
for Tc, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and E. D. Williams, extended abst., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A2, 1006–7 (1984).
Pseudo-Dipole Selection Rules for Extended Fine Structure in APS: Calculations and Applications, M.
J. Mehl, TLE, and G. W. Bryant, extended abst., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A2, 862–863 (1984).
Triangular Lattice Gas with First- and Second-Neighbor Exclusions: Continuous Transitions in the
Four-State Potts Universality Class, N. C. Bartelt and TLE, Phys. Rev. B30, 5339–5341 (1984).
Using LEED to Study Specific Heat Anomalies of Adsorbed Overlayers, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D.
Roelofs, Surface Sci. 149, L47–52 (1985).
Measurement of the Specific Heat Critical Exponent Using LEED, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D.
Roelofs, in M. A. Van Hove and S. Y. Tong, ed. The Structure of Surfaces-I (Springer Series in
Chemical Physics, Berlin, 1985) [refereed conference paper] 357–360.
Studying Surface Phase Transitions with Probes of Short Range Order, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D.
Roelofs, extended abst., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A3, 1568–1569 (1985).
Phase Diagram of Selenium Adsorbed on the Ni(l00) Surface: A Physical Realization of the AshkinTeller Model, Per Bak, P. Kleban, W. N. Unertl, J. Ochab, G. Akinci, N. C. Bartelt, and TLE, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 54, 1539–1542 (1985).
Surface Extended Electron Loss Fine Structure: Dependence on Incident Electron Energy and
Collection Solid Angle, Y. U. Idzerda, Ellen D. Williams, TLE, and Robert L. Park, Surface Sci. 160,
75–86 (1985).
Theory and Feasibility of Using LEED to Study Specific Heat Anomalies at Surface Phase Transitions,
N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D. Roelofs, Phys. Rev. B 32, 2993–3002 (1985).
Theodore L. Einstein
Two-Dimensional Ordering of Chlorine on Ag(100), D. E. Taylor, E. D. Williams, R. L. Park, N. C.
Bartelt, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 32, 4653–4659 (1985).
Phase Diagrams for H/Ni(111) Based on Model Interactions: Effects of Strong Long-Range Attractions,
L. D. Roelofs, TLE, N. C. Bartelt and J. D. Shore, Surface Sci. 176, 295–318 (1986).
A Transfer Matrix Approach to Estimating Coverage Discontinuities and Multicritical Print Positions in
Two-Dimensional Lattice Gas Phase Diagrams, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D. Roelofs, Phys. Rev. B 34,
1616–1623 (1986).
Finite-Size Effects on the Critical Structure Factor of the Two-Dimensional Ising Model, N. C. Bartelt
and TLE, J. Phys. A 19, 1429–1438 (1986)
Comment on "Reliability of Low-Energy Electron Diffraction for Studies of Surface Order-Disorder
Phenomena", N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D. Roelofs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2881 (1986).
Structure Factors Associated with the Continuous Melting of 2-D Lattice Gases: Models with
(√3×√3)R30o and p(2×2) Ordered States on Triangular Nets, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D. Roelofs,
Phys. Rev. B 35, 1776–1790 (1987).
On the Universality Class of Planar Self-Avoiding Surfaces with Fixed Boundaries, U. Glaus and TLE,
J. Phys. A 20, L105–L111 (1987).
Structure Factors Associated with the Melting of a (3×1) Ordered Phase on a Centered-Rectangular
Lattice Gas: Effective Scaling in a Three-State Chiral Clock-Like Model, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D.
Roelofs, Phys. Rev. B 35, 4812–4818 (1987).
Structure Factors Associated with Melting of a p(2×2) Ordered Phase on a Honeycomb Lattice Gas:
Possible Critical Scattering at a First-Order Transition, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D. Roelofs, Phys. Rev.
B 35, 6786–6791 (1987).
Structure Factors of 2-d Lattice Gases: Theoretical Investigation of Some Aspects of the Capability of
LEED to Measure Critical Phenomena of Surface Phase Transitions, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and L. D.
Roelofs, extended abstract, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5, 647–648 (1987).
Reaction and Structure of Ti on Si Probed by Surface Extended-Loss Fine Structure and Extended
Appearance Potential Fine Structure, Y. U. Idzerda, E. D. Williams, TLE, and R. L. Park, J. Vac. Sci.
Technol. A 5, 847–851 (1987).
Proposed Decorated Lattice-Gas Model of H/Pd(100), N. C. Bartelt and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 244
(1987) [Comment].
Wavevector Scaling, Surface Critical Behavior, Interface Wetting, and Amplitude Ratios, A. L. Stella,
X.-c. Xie, TLE, and N. C. Bartelt, Z. Physik B 67, 357–361 (1987).
Electron-Induced Extended-Fine-Structure Measurements of Thin-Film Growth and Reaction, Y. U.
Idzerda, E. D. Williams, TLE, and R. L. Park, Phys. Rev. B 36, 5941–5948 (1987).
Angular Momentum Branching Ratios for Electron-Induced Ionization: Atomic and Model Calculations,
M. J. Mehl and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 36, 9011–9024 (1987).
Critical Phenomena of Surface Phase Transitions: Theoretical Studies of the Structure Factor, N. C.
Bartelt, TLE, and L. D. Roelofs, The Structure of Surfaces-II, J. F van der Veen and M. A. Van Hove,
eds. (Springer, Berlin, 1988) [refereed conference paper], 475–479.
Theodore L. Einstein
An Unexpected Low-Coverage c(2×2) Phase, N. C. Bartelt, L. D. Roelofs, and TLE, Surface Sci.
Letters, 221, L750–L758 (1989).
Phase Diagram and Critical Properties of a 2-d Lattice Model of Oxygen Ordering in YBa2Cu3Oz, N. C.
Bartelt, TLE, and L. T. Wille, Phys. Rev. B 40, 10759–10765 (1989).
Phase Diagram and Critical Properties of a 2-d Lattice Model of Oxygen Ordering in YBa2Cu3Oz, N. C.
Bartelt, TLE, and L. T. Wille, Physica C 162–164, 871–872 (1989).
Indirect Interactions of H/Ni(111) Using Embedded Atom Method, TLE, M. S. Daw and S. M. Foiles,
Surface Sci. 227, 114–122 (1990).
Disordering of the (3×1) Reconstruction on Si(113) and the Chiral Three-state Potts Model, Y.-N. Yang,
E. D. Williams, R. L. Park, N. C. Bartelt, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2410–2413 (1990).
The Influence of Step-Step Interactions on Step Wandering, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and E. D. Williams,
Surface Sci. Letters 240, L591–598 (1990).
Diffraction from Stepped Surfaces in Thermal Equilibrium, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and E. D. Williams,
Surface Sci. 244, 149–159 (1991).
Disordering of the (3×1) Reconstruction of Si(113): Realization of the Chiral Three-State Potts Model,
Y.-N. Yang, N.C. Bartelt, TLE, R. L. Park, and E. D. Williams, in S. Y. Tong, M. A. Van Hove, X.
Xide, and K. Takayanagi, eds., The Structure of Surfaces-III (Springer Series in Chemical Physics,
Berlin, 1991) [refereed conference paper] 497–501.
Simulation & STM Studies of Equilibrium Properties of Vicinal Surfaces, TLE, N. C. Bartelt, J. L.
Goldberg, B. Joós, X.-S. Wang, and E. D. Williams in S. Y. Tong, M. A. Van Hove, X. Xide, and K.
Takayanagi, eds. The Structure of Surfaces-III (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Berlin, 1991)
[refereed conference paper] 486–491.
Terrace Width Distributions on Vicinal Si(111), X.-S. Wang, J. L. Goldberg, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and
E. D. Williams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 2430–2433 (1990).
First-order Transitions between Surface Phases with Different Step Structures, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and
C. Rottman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 961 (1991) [Comm't].
Distribution of Terrace Widths on a Vicinal Surface in the One-Dimensional Free-Fermion Model,
B. Joós, TLE, and N. C. Bartelt, Phys. Rev. B 43, 8153–8162 (1991).
Self-Avoiding Random Surfaces: Monte Carlo Study with Oct-tree Data-structure, J. O'Connell, D.
Libes, F. Sullivan, E. Orlandini, M. C. Tesi, A. L. Stella, and TLE, J. Phys. A 24, 4619–4635 (1991).
Step-Doubling and Related Transitions on Vicinal Surfaces, TLE, T. M. Jung, N. C. Bartelt, E. D.
Williams, and C. Rottman, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 10, 2600–2605 (1992).
The Equilibration of Terrace Width Distributions on Stepped Surfaces, N. C. Bartelt, J. L. Goldberg,
TLE, and E. D. Williams, Surface Sci. 273, 252–260 (1992).
The Role of Step Collisions on Diffraction from Vicinal Surfaces, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and E. D.
Williams, Surface Sci. 276, 308–324 (1992).
Self-Avoiding Surfaces, Topology, and Lattice Animals, A. L. Stella, E. Orlandini, I. Beichl, F. Sullivan,
M. C. Tesi, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3650–3653 (1992).
Theodore L. Einstein
Simple Formula for Miller Indices of Periodically Kinked and Stepped fcc Surfaces, David R. Eisner and
TLE, Surface Sci. 286, L559–L563 (1993).
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of the Faceting of Stepped Si(111), E. D. Williams, R.J.
Phaneuf, Jian Wei, N. C. Bartelt, and TLE, Surface Sci. 294, 219–242 (1993); 318, 451–452 (1994).
Energies of Steps, Kinks, and Defects on Ag{100} and {111} Using Embedded Atom Method, and
Some Consequences, R. C. Nelson, TLE, S. V. Khare, and P. J. Rous, Surface Sci. 295, 462–484 (1993).
The Brownian Motion of Steps on Si(111), N. C. Bartelt, J. L. Goldberg, TLE, E. D. Williams, J. C.
Heyraud, and J. J. Métois, Phys. Rev. B48, 15453–15456 (1993).
Novel Critical Behavior in Inhomogeneous Systems, A. L. Stella, Michael R. Swift, Jacques G. Amar,
TLE, M. W. Cole, and Jayanth R. Banavar, Phys. Rev. Lett.71, 3818–3821 (1993).
Terrace-Width Distributions on Vicinal Ag(110): Evidence of Oscillatory Interactions, W. W. Pai, J. S.
Ozcomert, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and J. E. Reutt-Robey, Surface Sci. 307–309, 747–754 (1994).
Measuring Surface Mass Diffusion Coefficients by Observing Step Fluctuations, N. C. Bartelt, TLE, and
E. D. Williams, Surface Sci. 312, 411–421 (1994).
Energetics of Steps and Kinks on Ag and Pt Using Equivalent Crystal Theory (ECT), S. V. Khare and
TLE, Surface Sci. 314, L857–L865 (1994).
Theory of Electromigration on Metals: Application to Self-Electromigration on Cu(111), P. J. Rous,
TLE, and E. D. Williams, Surface Sci. 315, L995–L1002 (1994).
Dynamics of Step Doubling: Simulations for a Simple Model and Comparison with Experiment, S. V.
Khare, TLE, and N. C. Bartelt, Surface Sci. 339, 353–362 (1995).
Diffusion of Monolayer Adatom and Vacancy Clusters: Langevin Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations
of Their Brownian Motion, S. V. Khare, N. C. Bartelt, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2148–51 (1995).
Phase Diagram of a 2-d Lattice Model of Oxygen Ordering in YBa2Cu3Oz, with Realistic Interactions,
D. J. Liu, TLE, P. A. Sterne, and L. T. Wille, Phys. Rev. B 52, 9784–9792 (1995).
Bending-Rigidity-Driven Transition and Crumpling-Point Scaling of Lattice Vesicles, E. Orlandini,
A. L. Stella, TLE, M. C. Tesi, I. Beichl, and F. Sullivan, Phys. Rev. E 53, 5800–5807 (1996).
Oscillatory Interaction of Steps on W{110}, Wei Xu, James B. Adams, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 54,
2910–2916 (1996).
Brownian Motion and Shape Fluctuations of Single Layer Adatom and Vacancy Clusters on Surfaces:
Theory and Simulations, S. V. Khare and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 54, 11752–11761 (1996).
Characterization of p-n Junctions and Surface States on Silicon Devices by Photoemission Electron
Microscopy, M. Giesen, R. J. Phaneuf, E. D. Williams, TLE, and H. Ibach, Appl. Phys. A 64, 423–430
Stress Relief in Reconstruction, C. E. Bach, M. Giesen, H. Ibach, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4225–
4228 (1997).
Unified View of Step-Edge Kinetics and Fluctuations, S. V. Khare and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 57, 4782–
4797 (1998).
Theodore L. Einstein
Photoemission Electron Microscopy of Schottky Contacts, M. Giesen, R. J. Phaneuf, E. D. Williams,
and TLE, Surface Sci. 396, 411–421 (1998).
Evolution of Surface Morphology of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces After Aluminum Deposition,
C. Schwennicke, X.-S. Wang, TLE, and E. D. Williams, Surface Sci. 418, 22–31 (1998).
Implications of Random-Matrix Theory for Terrace-Width Distributions on Vicinal Surfaces: Improved
Approximations and Exact Results, TLE and O. Pierre-Louis, Surface Sci. 424, L299–L308 (1999).
Edge Diffusion During Growth: the Kink Ehrlich-Schwoebel Effect and Resulting Instabilities, O.
Pierre-Louis, M. R. D'Orsogna, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3661–3664 (1999).
Analysis of Terrace Width Distributions on Vicinal Copper Surfaces Using the Wigner Surmise:
Comparison with Gaussian Approximation, M. Giesen and TLE, Surface Sci. 449, 191-206 (2000).
Thermal Decay of Silicon Mounds on the Si(111)7×7 Surface, A. Ichimiya, K. Hayashi, E.D. Williams,
TLE, M. Uwaha, and K. Watanabe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3662–3665 (2000).
Extraction of Step-Repulsions Strengths from Terrace Width Distributions: Statistical and Analytic
Considerations, H. L. Richards, Saul D. Cohen, TLE, and M. Giesen, Surface Sci. 453, 59–74 (2000).
Electromigration of Single-Layer Clusters, O. Pierre-Louis and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 62, 13697–13706
Influence of the Electrochemical Potential on Energy Landscapes Near Step and Island Edges: Ag(100)
and Ag(111), M. I. Haftel and TLE, Appl. Surf. Sci. 175–6, 49–54 (2001).
Terrace-Width Distributions on Vicinal Surfaces: Generalized Wigner Surmise and Extraction of StepStep Repulsions, TLE, H. L. Richards, S. D. Cohen, O. Pierre-Louis, and M. Giesen, Appl. Surf. Sci.
175–6, 62–68 (2001).
Decay of Silicon Mounds: Scaling Laws and Description with Continuum Step Parameters, A. Ichimiya,
K. Hayashi, E.D. Williams, TLE, M. Uwaha, and K. Watanabe, Appl. Surf. Sci. 175–6, 33–35 (2001).
Electromigration of Single-Layer Clusters, O. Pierre-Louis and TLE, Appl. Surf. Sci. 175–6, 129-133
Step Wandering on Al/Si (111) - (√3×√3) Surface at High Temperatures, I. Lyubinetsky, D. B.
Dougherty, H. L. Richards, TLE, and E. D. Williams, Surf. Sci. 492, L671–L676 (2001).
Terrace-Width Distributions and Step-Step Repulsions on Vicinal Surfaces: Symmetries, Scaling,
Simplifications, Subtleties, and Schrödinger, TLE, H. L. Richards, S. D. Cohen , and O. Pierre-Louis,
Surf. Sci. 493, 460-474 (2001). [cond-mat/0012274].
Step Interactions from Step-Step Correlations: Recent Progress and Remarkable Results for HighTemperature Vicinal Si(111), TLE, J. Jpn. Assn. for Crystal Growth 29, 20–27 (2002). [invited, refereed
conference paper]
Surface-state Mediated Three-adsorbate Interaction, P. Hyldgaard and TLE, Europhys. Lett. 59, 265-271
Dynamics of Step Fluctuations on a Chemically Heterogeneous Surface of Al/Si(111) - (√3×√3),
I. Lyubinetsky, D. B. Dougherty, TLE, and E. D. Williams, Phys. Rev. B 66, 085327 [5pp.] (2002).
Theodore L. Einstein
Si(111) Step Fluctuations at High Temperature: Anomalous Step-Step Repulsion, S. D. Cohen, R.D.
Schroll, TLE, J.-J. Métois, Hailu Gebremariam, H. L. Richards, and E. D. Williams, Phys. Rev. B 66,
115310 [6pp.] (2002).
Crossover between Terrace Diffusion and Diffusion Step-to-Step on Vicinal Surfaces: Scaling Function
and Analytic Approximations, TLE, Surf. Sci. 521/3, 669–673 (2002).
Surface-State Mediated Three-Adsorbate Interaction: Electronic Nature and Nanoscale Consequences,
P. Hyldgaard and TLE, Surf. Sci. 532-535C, 600-605 (2003).
Surface-State Mediated 3-Adsorbate Interaction: Exact and Numerical Results and Simple Asymptotic
Expression, P. Hyldgaard and TLE, Appl. Surf. Sci. 212-213C, 856-860 (2003).
Si(111) Step Fluctuations in Reflection Electron Microscopy at 1100°C: Anomalous Step-Step
Repulsion, R.D. Schroll, S. D. Cohen, TLE, J.-J. Métois, Hailu Gebremariam, H. L. Richards, and E. D.
Williams, Appl. Surf. Sci. 212-213C, 219-223 (2003).
Orientation Dependence of Step Stiffness: Failure of Solid-on-Solid and Ising Models to Describe
Experimental Data, Sabine Dieluweit, Harald Ibach, Margret Giesen, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 67,
121410(R) [4pp.] (2003) [cond-mat/0301576].
Analysis of Terrace Width Distributions Using the Generalized Wigner Surmise: Calibration Using
Monte Carlo and Transfer-Matrix Calculations, Hailu Gebremariam, S. D. Cohen, H. L. Richards, and
TLE, Phys. Rev. B 69, 125404 [11 pp.] (2004).
Distinguishing Step Relaxation Mechanisms Via Pair Correlation Functions, D.B. Dougherty, I.
Lyubinetsky, TLE, and E. D. Williams, Phys. Rev. B 70, 235422 [5 pp.] (2004) [cond-mat/0408463].
The Effects of Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interactions on the Orientation Dependence of Step Stiffness:
Reconciling Theory with Experiment for Cu(001), T. J. Stasevich, TLE, R. K. P. Zia, M. Giesen,
H. Ibach, and F. Szalma, Phys. Rev. B 70, 245404 [7 pp.]. (2004) [cond-mat/0408496].
Interactions Mediated by Surface States: From Pairs and Trios to Adchains and Ordered Overlayers, Per
Hyldgaard and TLE, J. Crystal Growth 275, e1637-42 (2005) [cond-mat/0408645].
Fluctuations, Line Tensions, and Correlation Times of Nanoscale Islands, F. Szalma, Hailu
Gebremariam, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 71, 035422 [10 pp.] (2005) [cond-mat/0312621v3], selected for
Feb. 14, 2005 issue of Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci. & Tech.
Low-Temperature Orientation Dependence of Step Stiffness on {111} Surfaces, T. J. Stasevich, Hailu
Gebremariam, TLE, M. Giesen, C. Steimer, and H. Ibach, Phys. Rev. B 71, 245414 [11 pp.] (2005)
[cond-mat/0412002, minor corrections], selected for July 4, 2005 issue of Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci. &
Beyond the Wigner Distribution: Schrödinger Equations and Terrace Width Distributions, H. L.
Richards and TLE, Phys. Rev. E 72, 016124 [8 pp.] (2005) [cond-mat/0008089].
Terrace Width Distributions for Vicinal Surfaces with Steps of Alternating Stiffness, Jeremy A. Yancey,
Howard L. Richards, and TLE, Surf. Sci. 598, 78–87 (2005).
A Facet Is Not an Island: Step-Step Interactions and the Fluctuations of the Boundary of a Crystal Facet,
Alberto Pimpinelli, M. Degawa, TLE, and Ellen D. Williams, Surf. Sci. Lett. 598, L355–L360 (2005)
[update of cond-mat/0410154].
Theodore L. Einstein
Evolution of Terrace-width Distributions on Vicinal Surfaces: Fokker-Planck Derivation of the
Generalized Wigner Surmise, Alberto Pimpinelli, Hailu Gebremariam, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95,
246101 [4pp.] (2005).
Refined Evaluation of the Level-Spacing Distribution of Sympletic Ensembles: Moments and
Implications, Hailu Gebremariam and TLE, Phys. Rev. E (BR) 73, 017101 [3pp.] (2006).
Correlations in Nanoscale Step Fluctuations: Comparison of Simulation and Experiments, F. Szalma,
D.B. Dougherty, Ellen D. Williams, Michael I. Haftel, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 73, 115413 [10 pp.]
(2006). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.115413
Extended Lattice Gas Interactions of Cu on Cu(111) and Cu(001): Ab-Initio Evaluation and
Implications, T. J. Stasevich, TLE, and S. Stolbov, Phys. Rev. B 73, 115426 [7 pp.] (2006).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.115426
Step Position Distributions and the Pairwise Einstein Model for Steps on Crystal Surfaces, A. N.
Benson, H. L. Richards, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 73, 115429 [7 pp.] (2006) [update of condmat/0307626], selected for the April 10, 2006 issue of Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci. & Tech.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.115429
Step Fluctuations on Ag(111) Surfaces with C60, C. Tao, T. J. Stasevich, TLE, and E. D. Williams, Phys.
Rev. B 73, 125436 [7 pp.] (2006), selected for the April 10, 2006 issue of Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci. &
Tech.. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.125436
Distinctive Fluctuations in a Confined Geometry, M. Degawa, T.J. Stasevich, W.G. Cullen, Alberto
Pimpinelli, TLE, and E. D. Williams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 080601 [4 pp.] (2006), selected for the Sept.
4, 2006 issue of Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci. & Tech. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.080601
Analytic Formulas for the Orientation Dependence of Step Stiffness and Line Tension: Key Ingredients
for Numerical Modeling, T.J. Stasevich and TLE, [SIAM-]Multiscale Model. Simul. 6, 90–100 (2007)
[cond-mat/0609237] DOI: 10.1137/060662861
Facet-edge Fluctuations with Periphery Diffusion Kinetics, M. Degawa, T.J. Stasevich, A. Pimpinelli,
TLE, and E. D. Williams, Surface Sci. 601, 3979–3983 (2007) [Proc. ECOSS 2006], DOI:
Using the Wigner-Ibach Surmise to Analyze Terrace-Width Distributions: History, User's Guide, and
Advances, TLE, Appl. Phys. A 87, 375–384 (2007) DOI: 10.1007/s00339-007-3908-x [condmat/0612311].
Metal/Molecule Interface Fluctuations, C.G. Tao, T.J. Stasevich, W.G. Cullen, TLE, and E.D. Williams,
Nano Letters 7, 1495–1499 (2007) DOI: 10.1021/nl070210a S1530-6984(07)00210-X, highlighted in
Nature 446, 472 (2007).
Capture-Zone Scaling in Island Nucleation: Universal Fluctuation Behavior, Alberto Pimpinelli and
TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 226102 [4pp.] (2007) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.226102 [condmat/0612471].
Step Line Tension and Step Morphological Evolution on the Si(111) (1×1) Surface, A.B. Pang,
K.L. Man, M.S. Altman, T.J. Stasevich, F. Szalma, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 77, 115424 [12pp] (2008)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.115424.
Theodore L. Einstein
Sensitivity of Short-Range Trio Interactions to Lateral Relaxation of Adatoms: Challenges for Detailed
Lattice-Gas Modeling, Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, T.J. Stasevich, and TLE, Surface Sci. 602, 1243–1249
(2008) DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2008.01.022.
Effect of Impurities on Pentacene Island Nucleation, B.R. Conrad, Elba Gomar-Nadal, W.G. Cullen,
A. Pimpinelli, TLE, and E.D. Williams, Phys. Rev. B 77, 205328 [5pp.] (2008)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.205328.
Understanding Surface Limiting Processes Occurring during the Relaxation of Steps on Vicinal
Surfaces, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, Alberto Pimpinelli, and TLE, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 355001 [4pp]
(2008) DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/20/35/355001
Relaxation of Terrace-width Distributions: Physical Information from Fokker-Planck Time, Ajmi BH.
Hamouda, Alberto Pimpinelli, and TLE, Surface Sci. 602, 3569–3577 (2008)
DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2008.09.041
Effects of Impurities on Surface Morphology: Some Examples, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, T. J. Stasevich,
Alberto Pimpinelli, and TLE, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 084215 [10pp] (2009) DOI: 10.1088/09538984/21/8/084215
Impurity Decoration for Crystal Shape Control: C60 on Ag(111), T. J. Stasevich, Chenggang Tao,
William G. Cullen, Ellen D. Williams, and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 085501 [4pp] (2009) DOI:
Ab-initio Calculations of Interactions between Cu adatoms on Cu(1 1 0): Sensitivity of Strong Multi-site
Interactions to Adatom Relaxations, Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan and TLE, Surface Sci. 603, 2387-2392
(2009) DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2009.05.012
Rings Sliding on a Honeycomb Network: Adsorption Contours, Interactions, and Assembly of Benzene
on Cu(111), K. Berland, TLE, and P. Hyldgaard, Phys. Rev. B 80, 155431 [12pp] (2009), selected for
Oct. 26, 2009 issue of Virtual J. Nanoscale Sci. & Tech DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155431 [arXiv
Terrace-width Distributions of Touching Steps: Modification of the Fermion Analogy, with Implications
for Measuring Step-step Interactions, Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, and TLE, Phys.
Rev. B 80, 153415 [4pp] (2009) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.153415.
Narrowing of Terrace-width Distributions During Growth on Vicinals, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, Alberto
Pimpinelli, and TLE, EPL (formerly Europhys. Lett.) 88, 26005 [6pp] (2009) DOI: 10.1209/02955075/88/26005.
Epitaxial Growth Writ Large, TLE and Timothy J. Stasevich, Science [Perspective] 327, 423–424 (2010)
DOI: 10.1126/science.1184947
Reply to Comment by M. Li, Y. Han, and J.W. Evans on “Capture-Zone Scaling in Island Nucleation:
Universal Fluctuation Behavior”, Alberto Pimpinelli and TLE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 149602 [1p.] (2010)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.149602.
Strong Quantum Size Effects in Pb(111) Thin Films Mediated by Anomalous Friedel Oscillations, Yu
Jia, Biao Wu, Chong Li, TLE, H. H. Weitering, and Zhenyu Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 066101 [4 pp]
(2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.066101.
Theodore L. Einstein
Adsorbates in a Box: Titration of Substrate Electronic States, Zhihai Cheng, Jonathan Wyrick,
Miaomiao Luo, Dezheng Sun, Daeho Kim, Yeming Zhu, Wenhao Lu, Kwangmoo Kim, TLE, and
Ludwig Bartels, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 066104 [4 pp] (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.066104.
The Power of Confinement: Adsorbate Dynamics on Nanometer-Scale Exposed Facets, Zhihai Cheng,
Miaomiao Luo, Jonathan Wyrick, Dezheng Sun, Daeho Kim, Yeming Zhu, Wenhao Lu, Kwangmoo
Kim, TLE, Ludwig Bartels, NanoLetters 10, 3700–3703 (2010) DOI: 10.1021/nl1022018.
Effective Elastic Properties of a Molecular Monolayer at a Metal Surface, Dezheng Sun, Dae-Ho Kim,
Duy Le, Øyvind Borck, Kristian Berland, Kwangmoo Kim, Wenhao Lu, Yeming Zhu, Miaomiao Luo,
Jonathan Wyrick, Zhihai Cheng, TLE, Talat S. Rahman, Per Hyldgaard, Ludwig Bartels, Phys. Rev. B
82, 201410 (R) [4pp] (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.201410.
One-Dimensional Model of Interacting-Step Fluctuations on Vicinal Surfaces: Analytical Formulas and
Kinetic Monte-Carlo Simulations, Paul N. Patrone, TLE, and D. Margetis, Phys. Rev. E 82, 061601
[18pp] (2010) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.82.061601.
Role of Codeposited Impurities During Growth: I. Explaining Distinctive Experimental Morphology on
Cu(0 0 1), Ajmi BH. Hamouda, Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, A. Pimpinelli, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 83,
035423 [8pp] (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.035423.
Role of Codeposited Impurities During Growth: II. Dependence of Morphology on Binding and Barrier
Energies, Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, A. Pimpinelli, and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 83,
035424 [6pp] (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.035424.
Stochastic Models of Epitaxial Growth, D. Margetis, Paul N. Patrone, and TLE, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp.
Proc. 1318, mrsf10-1318-uu07-04 [6pp] (2011); DOI: 10.1557/opl.2011.269.
Monte Carlo Study of the Honeycomb Structure of Anthraquinone Molecules on Cu(111), Kwangmoo
Kim and TLE, Phys. Rev. B 83, 245414 [9pp] (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.245414.
Spacing Distribution Functions for the One-Dimensional Point-Island Model with Irreversible
Attachment, Diego Luis González, A. Pimpinelli, and TLE, Phys. Rev. E 84, 011601 [10pp] (2011)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84. 011601; arXiv 1110.3999.
Do 2D “Noble Gas Atoms” Produce Molecular Honeycombs at a Metal Surface?, Jonathan Wyrick,
Dae-Ho Kim, Dezheng Sun, Zhihai Cheng, Wenhao Lu, Yeming Zhu, Kristian Berland, Yong Su Kim,
Eli Rotenberg, Miaomiao Luo, Per Hyldgaard, TLE, and Ludwig Bartels, Nano Lett. 11, 2944–2948
[+supplement] (2011) DOI: 10.1021/nl201441b.
Self-Assembly of Interlocking Pinwheels: 3-Phenyl-Propynenitrile on Cu(111), Miaomiao Luo, Wenhao
Lu, Daeho Kim, Eric Chu, Jon Wyrick, Connor Holzke, Daniel Salib, Kamelia D. Cohen, Zhihai Cheng,
Dezheng Sun, Yeming Zhu, TLE, and Ludwig Bartels, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 134705 [5pp] (2011) DOI:
Voronoi cell patterns: Theoretical model and applications, Diego Luis González and TLE, Phys. Rev. E
84, 051135 [10 pp] (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.051135; arXiv 1110.3994.
Response of the Shockley Surface State to an External Electrical Field: A Density-Functional Theory
Study of Cu(111), K. Berland, TLE, and P. Hyldgaard, Phys. Rev. B 85, 035427 [12pp] (2012) DOI:
10.1103/PhysRevB.85.035427; arXiv 1109.6706.
Anisotropic Surface State Mediated RKKY Interaction Between Adatoms, Paul N. Patrone and TLE,
Phys. Rev. B 85, 045429 [9pp] (2012) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.04542.
Theodore L. Einstein
Temperature-dependent nucleation and capture-zone scaling of C60 on silicon oxide, Michelle A. Groce,
Brad R. Conrad, William G. Cullen, Alberto Pimpinelli, Ellen D. Williams, and TLE, Surface Sci. 606,
53–56 (2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.08.020.
Mean-Field Approximation for Spacing Distribution Functions in Classical Systems, Diego Luis
González, Alberto Pimpinelli, and TLE, Phys. Rev. E 85, 011151 [10pp] (2012) DOI:
10.1103/PhysRevE.85.011151; arXiv 1111.5212.
Charge Inhomogeneity Determines Oxidative Reactivity of Graphene on Substrates, M. Yamamoto,
TLE, M. S. Fuhrer, and W. G. Cullen, ACS Nano 6, 8335-8341 (2012) DOI: 10.1021/nn303082a.
“The Princess and the Pea” at the Nanoscale: Wrinkling and Delamination of Graphene on
Nanoparticles, M. Yamamoto, O. Pierre-Louis, J. Huang, M. S. Fuhrer, TLE, and W. G. Cullen, Phys.
Rev. X 2, 041018 [11 pp] (2012) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.2.041018; arXiv1201.5667v2.
Interacting Steps with Finite-Range Interactions: Analytical Approximation and Numerical Results,
Diego Felipe Jaramillo, Gabriel Téllez, Diego Luis González, and TLE, Phys. Rev. E 87, 052405 [9pp]
(2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.052405.
Anisotropic Etching of Atomically Thin MoS2, M. Yamamoto, TLE, M. S. Fuhrer, and W. G. Cullen,
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 25643–25649 (2013) DOI: 10.1021/jp410893e.
From atoms to steps: The microscopic origins of crystal evolution, Paul N. Patrone, TLE, Dionisios
Margetis, Surface Sci. 625, 37–43 (2014) DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2014.02.015.
Analyzing Capture Zone Distributions (CZD) in Growth: Theory and Applications, TLE, Alberto
Pimpinelli, and Diego Luis González, J. Crystal Growth 401, 67–71 (2014) DOI:
10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2014.01.053; arXiv:1311.3991v1.
Dynamical Scaling Implications of Ferrari, Prähofer, and Spohn's Remarkable Spatial
Scaling Results for Facet-Edge Fluctuations, TLE and Alberto Pimpinelli, J. Statistical Phys. 155, 1178–
1190 (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s10955-014-0981-3; longer version posted at arXiv 1312.4910v1.
How ''Hot Precursors'' Modify Island Nucleation: A Rate-Equations Model, Josue R. Morales-Cifuentes,
TLE, and A. Pimpinelli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 246101 [5pp] (2014)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.246101, arXiv:1411.6575v1.
Chemical Insight from Density Functional Modeling of Molecular Adsorption: Tracking the Bonding
and Diffusion of Anthracene Derivatives on Cu(111) with Molecular Orbitals, Jonathan Wyrick, TLE,
and Ludwig Bartels, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 101907 [12 pp] (2015); DOI: 10.1063/1.4906048.
Progress in Characterizing Submonolayer Island Growth: Capture-Zone Distributions, Growth
Exponents, & Hot Precursors, TLE, Alberto Pimpinelli, Diego Luis González, and Josue R. MoralesCifuentes, Proc. CCP2014, J. Phys.: Conf. Series 640, 012024 [7 pp] (2015); DOI: 10.1088/17426596/640/1/012024.
B. Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings
1. Invited Papers, Seminars, Colloquia, Talks
(Presented by underlined co-authors when other than self)
a. Published
Theodore L. Einstein
Theory of Interaction Between Chemisorbed Atoms, Third International Summer Institute in Surface
Science, Milwaukee, 1977, in CRC Crit. Rev. in Solid State and Mat. Sci. 7, 261 (1978).
Theory of Chemisorption in Relation to Heterogeneous Catalysis, J. W. Davenport, TLE, J. R.
Schrieffer, and P. Soven, Battelle Gstaad Colloquium, 1974, in The Physical Basis for Heterogeneous
Catalysis, Edmund Drauglis and Robert I. Jaffee, eds. (Plenum Press, New York, 1975) 295.
Surface Density of States on Crystalline Transition Metal Substrates, J. W. Davenport, TLE, and J. R.
Schrieffer, Proc. Second International Congress on Surface Science, Kyoto (1974), Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
2, 691 (1974).
Analysis of Extended Fine Structure in Appearance Potential Spectroscopy, R. L. Park, TLE, W. T.
Elam, L. D. Roelofs, and P. I. Cohen, Proc. 4th Symposium on Fluid-Solid Surface Interactions,
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, 1978.
Multi-Critical Phase Diagram of a Chemisorbed Lattice Gas System -O/Ni(111), R. L. Park, TLE,
A. R. Kortan, and L. D. Roelofs, Ordering in Two Dimensions: Proc. Int'l Conf., Lake Geneva, WI,
1980, S. K. Sinha, ed. (North Holland, New York, 1980), pp. 17–24.
Extended Absorption Fine Structure Analysis of Surface Structure (Second International Conference
on Solid Films and Surfaces, U. of Maryland, College Park, 1981), Appl. Surface Sci. 11/12, 42
Critical Phenomena of Chemisorbed Overlayers, Fifth International Summer Institute in Surface
Science, Milwaukee, 1981. (See C.)
Fine Structure in APS, Internat'l Conf. on EXAFS and Near Edge Structure, Frascati, 1982. (See C.)
Use of Techniques from Modern Theory of Phase Transitions to Assess Small Interaction Energies on
Surfaces, Theory, Modeling and Instrumentation for Materials by Design (DOE Workshop), Texas
A&M, Sept. 1984, ed. by R. E. Allen, D. L. Cooke, J. J. Eberhardt, and A. Wilson, CONF-8409210.
Critical Properties of Adsorbed Atoms and Crystal Surfaces: Possible Realizations of Models of
Interest in Conformal Invariance, Proc. 10th Johns Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in
Particle Theory: Infinite Lie Algebras and Conformal Invariance in Condensed Matter and Particle
Physics, K. Dietz and V. Rittenberg, eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1987), 17–50. (see B.l.b).
Critical Phenomena of Chemisorbed Atoms and Reconstruction--Revisited, 8th International Summer
Institute in Surface Science, Milwaukee, 1987. Cf. C.
Statistical Mechanics: Proc. Third U. California Conf. on Statistical Mechanics, (Davis, CA, March
1988), C. Garrod, ed., Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Supple.) 5A (1988):
1) Phase Transitions in 2-D Lattice Gases--Critical Phenomena of Chemisorbed Atoms, TLE, N. C.
Bartelt and L. D. Roelofs, 40–43.
2) Temperature-Orientation Phase Diagram of Vicinal Si(111): Relationship Between (7×7)
Reconstruction and Range of Unstable Orientations, R. J. Phaneuf, E. D. Williams, N. C. Bartelt, and
TLE, 330–333.
Multisite Lateral Interactions and Their Consequences, Proc. Workshop on Interface Phenomena,
Acadia, Maine, Aug. 1990, [refereed] Langmuir 7, 2520–2527 (1991).
Survey of Self-Avoiding Random Surfaces: Issues, Controversies, and Results, Proc. IMA (Institute
for Mathematics and Its Applications) Workshop on Topology and Geometry in Polymer Science,
Minneapolis, June, 1996 (plenary lecture).
Theodore L. Einstein
Step Fluctuations: From Equilibrium Analysis to Step Unbunching and Cluster Diffusion in a Unified
Picture, Proc. Conference on Dynamics of Crystal Surfaces and Interfaces, P. M. Duxbury, ed.,
Traverse City, Michigan, Aug., 1996. Cf. C.
Applications of Ideas from Random Matrix Theory to Step Distributions on "Misoriented" Surfaces,
TLE, Ann. Henri Poincaré 4, Suppl. 2, S811–S824 (2003) (Proc. TH-2002 [International Conference
on Theoretical Physics], Paris, July 2002) [cond-mat/0306347].
Universal Distributions of Fluctuating Nanoworld & Societal Quantities: Applications to Stepped
Surfaces, Submonolayer Islands, Subway Stations, & Ilçeler (with A. Pimpinelli, D.L. Gonzalez, J.R.
Morales-Cifuentes), Proc. 32nd International Physics Congress of the Turkish Physical Society (TPS32), Bodrum, Turkey, Sept. 2016
b. Unpublished
IBM Thomas Watson Research Center 1973
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1973
University of Pennsylvania 1973
American Physical Society, Philadelphia, March 1974: Changes in Density of States Caused by
University of Maryland - College Park 1974
Battelle Memorial Institute 1974
University of Virginia 1974
University of Maryland - College Park, Md. 1975
University of Maryland - Baltimore County 1975
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 1975
Gordon Conference on Layered Compounds 1975
National Bureau of Standards 1975
Martin-Marietta Laboratories - Baltimore 1975: Simple Model of Chemisorption and Adlayer Patterns
Georgetown University 1976
Ohio State University 1977: An Overview of Chemisorption
University of Maryland - College Park, Md. 1978: Chemisorbed Atoms as 2-D Ising Systems: Phase
Diagrams and Islands as a Probe of Interactions
National Bureau of Standards 1978: "
University of Washington 1978: Interactions between Chemisorbed Atoms
Case Western Reserve University 1978: Interactions between Chemisorbed Atoms and Their
Pennsylvania State University - State College 1978: Interactions between Atoms Chemisorbed on
Metal Surfaces, and Consequences
University of Maine - Orono 1978: Chemisorption on Metal Surfaces: Physical Insight from Simple
University of Massachusetts - Amherst 1979: Interactions between Chemisorbed Atoms and Resulting
2-D Phase Diagrams: General Principles and Specific Examples
University of Maryland - College Park 1979: A New Probe of Interatomic Distances on Surfaces:
Theory and Applications of EAPFS Atoms and the Consequent Phase Diagrams
University of Washington 1979: Surface Studies of Oxygen on Nickel and Aluminum
University of British Columbia 1979: Oxygen on Nickel (111): A Close Look at the Multicritical Phase
Diagram of a 2-D Lattice Gas
Cleveland State University 1979: Measuring Interatomic Distances near Surfaces: Old and New
National Bureau of Standards 1979: Extended Appearance Potential Fine Structure: A New Probe of
Interactomic Spacings at Surfaces
Theodore L. Einstein
Mid-Winter Solid State Research Conference, Laguna Beach, 1980: Extended Absorption Fine
Structure Techniques Using Electron Beams
Martin-Marietta Laboratories - Baltimore 1980: Extended Appearance Potential Fine Structure
Case Western Reserve University 1980: Extended Appearance Potential Fine Structure
American Vacuum Society, Detroit 1980: Two-Dimensional Chemisorbed Phases (with L.D. Roelofs,
A.R. Kortan, and Robert L. Park)
Catholic University, 1981: 2-D Lattice Gases Exist: Chemisorbed Atoms on Metallic Crystals
Metallurgical Society of AIME, Chicago 1981: Chemisorbed Layers as a Two-Dimensional Lattice Gas
(with R.L. Park, A.R. Kortan, and L.D. Roelofs)
University of Florida, March 1981: Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms: O/Ni(111); EAPFS: A
New Probe of Surface Structure
Conference on Phase Transitions on Surfaces, Orono, Maine, 1981: Theory of Adatom-Adatom
Interactions in Chemisorption Systems
University of Illinois, October 1981: Interactions between Chemisorbed Atoms and Resulting 2-D Phase
Howard University, February 1982: Phase Transitions at Chemisorbed Atoms: O/Ni(111)
IFF, KFA Jülich, Sept. 1982: 2-D Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms
IBM Zurich Research Center, Sept. 1982: 2-D Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms O/Ni(111)
Drexel University, Oct. 1982: 2-D Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms
Villanova University, Nov. 1982: Surface Physics at Maryland
Greater Washington Surface Science Colloquium, College Park, Sept. 1983: Phase Transitions of
Chemisorbed Atoms: Some Questions for Theorists
University of Virginia, Oct. 1983: Chemisorbed Overlayers as 2-D Lattice Gases: Phase Diagrams,
Critical Exponents, and Complications
University of Pennsylvania (Surface Group), Nov. 1983: Extended Absorption Fine Structure Using
University of Pennsylvania, April 1984: Chemisorbed Overlayers as 2-D Lattice Gases: Progress and
Problems Virginia talk
University of Washington, June 1984: Critical Phenomena of Chemisorbed Atoms: Monte Carlo
Simulations of Structure Factors and a Simpler Measurement Approach
University of Washington, June 1984: Calculations of Angular Momentum Branching Ratios for
Electron Induced Ionization (Summer Institute on Core Level Spectroscopy)
Pennsylvania State University, Aug. 1984: Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms
National Bureau of Standards, Oct. 1984: Critical Properties of Chemisorbed Overlayers: How and
Why to Measure Them
Ohio State University, Feb. 1985: Simulations of Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms: Measuring
Specific Heat Anomalies Using LEED
Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden), April 1985: Phase Transitions of
Chemisorbed Atoms: Measuring the Specific Heat Singularity with LEED
NORDITA (Copenhagen), April 1985: Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms: Specific Heat
Singularities Using LEED, Studied by Monte Carlo Simulation
University of Aarhus (Denmark), May 1985: Specific Heat Anomalies Using LEED: Monte Carlo
Calculations for Chemisorbed Atoms
Norwegian Technical University, University of Trondheim, May 1985:
1) Extended Absorption Fine Structure Using Electrons;
2) Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms: Monte Carlo and Transfer Matrix Studies
Chalmers University of Technology, May 1985: Extended Absorption Fine Structure and Related
Electron Techniques
Chalmers University of Technology, May 1985: ("Lunch Bunch" General Institute Colloquium): Physics
of Music and Hearing
American Crystallographic Association, Stanford, Aug. 1985: Extended Absorption Fine Structure
Using Electron Beams (with M.J. Mehl)
Maryland Association of Science Teachers, Ocean City, Oct. 1985: Sound of Music
Theodore L. Einstein
University of Washington, Seattle, Jan. 1986: Simulations of Two-Dimensional Lattice Gases: Looking
at and beyond Landau Theory
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Spring 1986: 5-lecture series on phase transitions at
University of Padua, Italy, June 1986: 3-lecture series on phase transitions in two dimensions
10th John Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory: Infinite Lie Algebras and
Conformal Invariance in Condensed Matter and Particle Physics, Bad Honnef, Fed. Rep. of Germany,
Sept. 1986:
1) Numerical Corroborations of Some Predictions of Conformal Invariance, Background on Critical
Phenomena of 2-D Phase Transitions, and Illustrative Monte Carlo Calculations
2) Theoretical View of Current Experimental Studies of Critical Properties Related to Conformal
IFF, KFA Jülich, West Germany, Sept. 1986: Phase Diagrams and Critical Properties of Chemisorbed
University of Mainz, West Germany, Sept. 1986: Critical Phenomena of Chemisorbed Atoms: Monte
Carlo Assessment of What is Measurable
U. of California, Berkeley, Jan. 1987: Phase Transitions of Chemisorbed Atoms: What Can Be Learned
about and from 2-D Critical Properties?
Sandia, Livermore, CA, Jan. 1987: Phase Diagrams of Chemisorbed Atoms: What Can Be Learned
about Lateral Interactions?
University of Padua, June 1987: 10-hour course on 2-d Lattice Gas Models and Physical Realizations
Exxon, Annandale, NJ, May 1988: Search for Simplicity in Surface Science: Phase Transitions of
Chemisorbed Atoms and of Vicinal Si(111)
Seventh Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Montreal, June 1988-invited but could
not attend: Impact of Ideas from Conformal Invariance on Surface Physics
SIAM Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, July 1988: Scaling in Ordering at Surfaces: Prospects for
Experimental Observation
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, Nov. 1989: Critical Behavior of 2-d Systems: Theory and
Experiment for Chemisorption, Surface Reconstruction, Coadsorption, and Oxygen Ordering in
Temple U., Philadelphia, Feb. 1990: Ordering and Structure on Surfaces: Checkerboards, Stairways,
and Perestroika in Nature (colloq.)
Clarkson U., Potsdam, NY, Mar, 1990: Stepped Surfaces from a Surface Science Perspective: Using
Simple Models to Understand LEED and STM Data
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, Nov. 1990: Equilibrium Properties of Stepped Surfaces
Boston U., Boston, Jun. 1991: Equilibrium Properties of Stepped Surfaces: Wandering, Pairing, and
Bunching of Steps and 1-d Quantum Mechanics
Whiskered Microstructures Workshop, Pittsburgh, Oct. 1991: Thoughts and Questions for Theorists
Regarding the Effect of Gravity on the Deposition of Thin Films
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, Jan. 1992: Stepped Surfaces of Solids: Novel Phase
Transitions, Familiar Physics (colloq.)
U. of Maryland, Baltimore County, Mar. 1992: Phase Transitions on Flat and Stepped Surfaces: An
6th Nordic Symposium on Computer Simulation, Nyborg, Denmark, May 1992: Computational
Statistical Physics of Surfaces and 2-D Systems: Accomplishments and Limitations [keynote
Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark; NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark; and Chalmers
University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 1992: Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of
Stepped Surfaces: Familiar Physics in a New Guise
CPiP, Peterborough, Ont., Canada, June 1992:
American Physical Society, Seattle, March 1993: Semiempirical and Monte Carlo Calculations of
Vicinal Surfaces
Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, April 1993: Parametrizing Simple Models of Stepped Surfaces:
Energy Estimates and Implications for Morphology, Transport, and Doubling Transitions
Theodore L. Einstein
IGV, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, Aug. 1993: Confronting Experiments on Stepped Surface
with Model Calculations: From Statics toward Kinetics
Howard U., Washington, D.C., Oct. 1993: Stepped Surfaces of Si and Ag: Familiar Behavior in a Novel
American Physical Society, Columbia, S.C., Nov. 1993: Statistical Mechanical Description of Steps
American Vacuum Society, Orlando, FL, Nov. 1993: Step Behavior on Silicon Surfaces (E.D. Williams,
R.J. Phaneuf, N.C. Bartelt, Y.-N. Yang, TLE, & E. Bauer)
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, Nov 1993: Phase Separation and Brownian Motion...on Stepped
Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Crystal Surfaces, U. of California, Irvine, June 1994: Step
Fluctuations as Brownian Motion: Langevin Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations
IGV, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, Aug. 1994: Confronting Experiments on Stepped Surface
with Theory, Revisited: New Results from Maryland, Mostly Dynamics
University of Mainz, Germany, August 1994: Using Monte Carlo Simulations to Understand
Equilibrium and Kinetic Properties of Stepped Surfaces
University of Cologne, Germany, Aug. 1994: Stepped Crystal Surfaces: Fermion Description, Phase
Transitions, and Brownian Motion
Florida State U., Tallahassee, Oct. 1994: Physics of Stepped Surfaces: Fermions, Phase Transitions, and
Brownian Fluctuations (colloq.)
U. of Florida, Gainesville, Oct. 1994: Physics of Stepped Surfaces: Fermions, Phase Transitions, and
Brownian Fluctuations (colloq.)
Michigan State U., East Lansing, Nov. 1994: Stepped Surfaces: Confronting Experiment with Theory
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Dec. 1994: Survey of Stepped Surfaces
FOM, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 1995: Dynamics of Steps: Fluctuations, Doubling Transitions, and
Diffusion of Monolayer Clusters
U. of Ulm, Germany, June 1995: Dynamics of Steps: Fluctuations on Vicinal Surfaces, Doubling
Transitions, and Diffusion of Monolayer Adatom/Vacancy Clusters
IGV, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, June 1994: Step Fluctuations and Island Diffusion: Langevin
Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations
U. of Hannover, Germany, June 1995: Physics of Stepped Surfaces: Fermions, Phase Transitions, and
Brownian Motion
Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany, June 1995: Stepped Surfaces of Metals and Semiconductors:
From Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics to Dynamics
Institute for Physical Science and Technology, U. of Maryland, College Park, Feb. 1996: Fluctuations of
Steps on Surfaces: From Equilibrium Analysis to Step Unbunching and Cluster Diffusion
Cornell University, Ithaca, April 1996: Fluctuations of Steps on Surfaces: From Equilibrium Analysis to
Step Unbunching and Cluster Diffusion
Workshop on Determination of Surface Morphology by High Resolution Diffraction, Schloss
Wohldenberg, Hildesheim, Germany, Sept. 1996: Phase Transitions on Surfaces: From Flat to Vicinal
to Kinetics
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, Nov. 1996: Brownian Motion of Adatom or Vacancy Islands on
Surfaces: Experiments and Theoretical Voronoi cell patterns: Theoretical model and applications,
Diego Luis González and TLE, Phys. Rev. E 84, 051135 [10 pp] (2011) [pdf]; arXiv 1110.3994. s
Catholic University, Washington, DC, Feb. 1997: Statistical Physics of Stepped Surfaces: Fermions,
Phase Transitions, and Brownian Fluctuations (colloq.)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Mar. 1997: Fluctuations of Steps on Surfaces:
Unified Approach to Equilibrium Analysis, Step Unbunching, and Cluster Diffusion
U.S.–Japan Seminar on Surface Dynamics & Structure in Epitaxial Growth, Nagoya, Japan, Mar. 1997:
1) Diffusion of Single-Layer Island Clusters
2) Long-Range Interactions on Vicinal Surfaces
Japanese Physical Society, Mar. 1997: Step Fluctuations and Island Diffusion: A Unified View
CECAM Workshop, Lyon, France, Sept. 1997: Fluctuations of Steps on Vicinal Surfaces: Crossover
Between Simple Limits and Implications for Experiments (TLE and S.V. Khare)
Theodore L. Einstein
Materials Research Society, San Francisco, April 1998: Fluctuations of Step Edges: Revelations about
Atomic Processes Underlying Surface Mass Transport (TLE, S.V. Khare, and O. Pierre-Louis)
University J. Fourier, Grenoble, France, July 1998:
IGV, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, Aug. 1998: Terrace-Width Distributions on Vicinal Surfaces
Revisited: Wigner-Ibach Surmises, Related Useful Results for Extracting Step-Step Interactions, and
Physical Applications
Twente University, Enschede, Netherlands, Aug. 1998: Unified Treatment of Step Fluctuations on
Vicinal Surfaces: Limiting Cases and Crossover Behavior
University of Essen, Germany, Aug. 1998: Step Fluctuations on Vicinal Surfaces: Theory Confronts
Texas A&M, College Station, Oct. 1998: Fermions, Phase Transitions, and Brownian Fluctuations on
Stepped Surfaces: Familiar Physics in a Novel Guise (colloq)
Rice Univ., Houston, Oct. 1998: Step Fluctuations on Vicinal Surfaces: Revelations about Step
Interactions and Transport Properties
U. of Maryland Frontiers in Physics series, Nov. 1998: Surface Physics: Steps on Tilted Crystals
Nagoya (Japan) Univ., Jan. 1999: Deducing Interactions Between Steps from Terrace-Width
Distributions: Review and New Results from Random Matrix Theory
George Mason Univ., Apr. 1999: Statistical Properties of Stepped Surfaces: Melding Quantitative
Experiments, Simple Analytical Models, and Computer Simulations
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada: July 1999: Terrace-Width Distributions on Stepped
Surfaces: Familiar Physics in a Novel Guise
University of Washington, Seattle, Oct. 1999: Interpreting Terrace-Width Distributions of Stepped
Surfaces: From Simple to Subtle 1D Models
Technion, Haifa, Israel, Apr. 2000: Decay of Nanomounds on Si(111) [informal]
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Apr. 2000: Terrace Width Distributions on Stepped Surfaces
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, Apr. 2000: Implications of Random Matrix Theory for Terrace
Width Distributions [invited informal discussions]
Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, June, 2000: Terrace-Width Distributions on Stepped Surfaces:
Simple Results, Subtleties, and Mysteries
International Symposium on Surface and Interface--Properties of Different Symmetry Crossing--2000,
Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 2000: Terrace-Width Distributions and Step-Step Repulsions on Vicinal
Surfaces: Symmetries, Scaling, Simplifications, Subtleties, and Schrödinger
Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, Jan. 2001: 1) Terrace-Width Distributions and
Step Interactions on Stepped Surfaces: Familiar Physics in a Novel Guise [dept. colloq.]; 2) Aspects
of Unstable Growth and Decay of Nanostructures on Crystalline Surfaces [group seminar]
American Physical Society, Seattle, Mar. 2001: Unstable Growth and Decay of Nanostructures on
Crystalline Surfaces
Pennsylvania State Univ., April 2001: Terrace-Width Distributions on Stepped Surfaces: Familiar
Physics in a Novel Guise
Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, Oct. 2001: New Theoretical and Experimental Results on Step
Fluctuations: Step-Step Correlation Functions and Analysis of Steady-State High-T Vicinal Si(111)
Int'l Workshop on Atomic-Scale Surface Dynamics of Advanced Materials, Izu-nagaoka, Japan, Nov.
2001: Si(111) Step Fluctuations at High Temperature: Is Steady-State Evaporation-Adsorption the
Same as Equilibrium?
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, Nov. 2001: Terrace-Width Distributions on Stepped Surfaces:
Simple and Subtle Models
University of Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2001: Indirect Interactions Mediated by Surface States: AdatomAdatom and Step-Step Effects
Nagoya (Japan) Univ., Nov. 2001: Progress and Problems in the Study of Step Correlations on Vicinal
[Workshop on Morphological Evolution of Crystalline Surfaces, Rosh Pina, Israel, originally scheduled
for June 2001, postponed to April 2002, then cancelled]
ISG-3, Research Center, Jülich, Germany, July 2002: Step Continuum Model: A Consistent Picture of
Surface Structure Coarser than Atomic Scale
Theodore L. Einstein
Rhineland-Westphalia Tech. Univ., Aachen, Germany, July 2002: Terrace-Width Distribution on
Stepped Surfaces as a Many-Particle Correlation Function: From Mean Field to "Wigner Surmise"
U. of Maryland, Informal Statistical Physics Seminar, Oct. 2002: Terrace-Width Distributions on
Stepped Surfaces: From Mean Field to "Wigner Surmise"
Frontiers in Condensed Matter Theory, State College, PA, April 2003: Distribution of Fermions in 1D:
From Random Matrix Theory to Stepped Surfaces, with Nods to Nanotubes and Econophysics
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics: Theory and Simulation from Atomistic to Continuum Scales, U.
Maryland, Oct. 2003: 1) Distribution of Step Spacings on Misoriented Surfaces: Fermions in in 1D,
From Simple Models to Random Matrix Theory (tutorial); 2) Fluctuations of Steps and Island Edges:
Langevin Analysis Confronts Experimental and Numerical Data (tutorial); 3) Asymmetry and
Subtleties of Step Stiffness: Novel Findings and Their Implications
Brown U., Feb. 2004: Parametrizing the Step-Continuum Model: Melding Statistical Mechanics with
Energy Calculations and Experiments on Stepped Surfaces
Lorentz Workshop on Collective Aspects of Stochastic Non-Equilibrium Phenomena at Surfaces and
Interfaces, Leiden, Netherlands, June 2004: 1) Interactions Mediated by Surface States: From Pairs
and Trios to Adchains and Ordered Overlayers; 2) Terrace Width Distributions: A Y
ISG-3, Research Center, Jülich, Germany, June 2004: Distributions and Fluctuations of Steps on
Misoriented Surfaces: Similarities to & Differences from Polymers in 2 D
George Mason Univ., School of Computational Sciences Colloq., Oct. 2004: Distribution of Terrace
Widths on Misoriented Surfaces: Combining Computational and Analytical Approaches to
Investigate Universal Properties
Nanoscale Material Interfaces: Experiment, Theory and Simulation, National University of Singapore,
Jan. 2005: Distributions of Terrace Widths on Misoriented Surfaces: Multipronged Theory
Approaches to Studying Fluctuations in Conjunction with Quantitative Experiments
Hong Kong U. of Science & Technology, Jan. 2005: Understanding Experimental Distributions of
Terrace Widths on Misoriented Surfaces: From Simple to Sublime Theory, Equilibrium and Beyond
Vth Stranski-Kaischew Surface Science Workshop (SK-SSW'2005): "Nanophenomena at Surfaces Fundamentals of Exotic Condensed Matter Properties", Pamporovo Ski Center, Bulgaria, Feb. 2005:
Effects of Metallic Surface States on Surface Morphology, Growth, and Nanostructure
CMSN Workshop, Madison, WI, Oct. 2005: Straddling Atomistic/Discrete and Nano/Mesoscale
Perspectives on Vicinal Surfaces: Using the Step-Continuum Model to Study the Statistical
Mechanics of Steps
U. Central Florida, Orlando, Oct. 2005: Ways to View Steps on Crystalline Surfaces: Using Familiar
Models to Transcend Atomic Scale (colloq)
IPAM, Los Angeles, Nov. 2005: Straddling Atomistic/Discrete/Lattice Gas and Nano/Mesoscale
Perspectives on Islanded and Vicinal Surfaces: Using the Step-Continuum Model to Study the
Statistical Mechanics of Steps (poster since post-deadline)
U. Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-2, Aubière, France, Jan. 2006: Manière de Regarder des Marches sur les
Surfaces Cristallines: Une Physique Familière sous une Nouvelle Apparence (in French)
95th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers, Piscataway, May 2006: Ferrari, Prähofer, and Spohn's
Remarkable Scaling Results Results for Facet-Edge Fluctuations (with Alberto Pimpinelli, M.
Degawa, T.J. Stasevich,W.G. Cullen, and E.D. Williams)
Iowa State U., Ames, June 2006: Step Fluctuations on Pb(111) and Similar Crystals: Recent Results
2nd International Workshop on Physics and Technology of Thin Films (IWTF2), Prague, Czech
Republic, June 2006: Going Beyond Minimal Models of Step Fluctuations and Lattice-Gas
Interactions: Confronting Reality in the Step-Continuum Model
CMSN Workshop, College Park, MD, Oct. 2006: Scaling of Capture-Zone Distributions: Applying Ideas
from Universality of Fluctuation Phenomena to Islanding
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics: Theory and Simulation from Atomistic to Continuum Scales
(nid07), U. Maryland, April 2007: Application of the Wigner Distribution to Non-equilibrium
Problems at Surfaces: Relaxation, Growth, and Scaling of Capture Zones
U. New Hampshire, Durham, NH, April 2007: Steps on Crystalline Surfaces: From Elementary Models
to Universal Fluctuation Phenomena
Theodore L. Einstein
Fluctuations and Scaling in Materials, Todi, Umbria, Italy, satellite meeting to Statphys23, July 2007:
Fluctuations and Scaling of Steps on Crystal Surfaces: Revelations from Random Matrix Theory
CMSN Workshop, Iowa State U, Ames, IA, Oct. 2007: Impurity Decoration for Crystal Shape Control:
C60 on Ag(111)
Howard U., Washington, DC, Nov. 2007: Steps on Crystalline Surfaces: Practical Applications and
Intriguing Physics
SIAM Minisymposium, Philadelphia, May 2008: Application of the Wigner Surmise to Stepped
Surfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issue
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2008: Steps on Crystal Surfaces: From
Elementary Models to Universal Fluctuation Phenomena: What does the time between buses in
Cuernavaca have to do with step separations?
Cargèse Summer School on NanoSteps: Self-organized nanostructures on crystal surfaces, Corsica,
France, July 2008: 1) Interactions Between Steps: Entropic, Elastic, and Electronic, and Implications
for Spatial Correlations 2) Step Fluctuations in Equilibrium 3) Applications of the Generalized
Wigner Distribution to Nanostructures on Surfaces: Universal Fluctuation Phenomena (with Alberto
Pimpinelli, Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, Ajmi BHadj Hammouda, and Kwangmoo Kim) 4) Influence of
Impurities on Capture Zones and Scaling in Thin-film Growth (with Ajmi BH. Hamouda,
R. Sathiyanarayanan, A. Pimpinelli), 5) Effects of Short-range Behavior on Interaction Strength
Measurements: A Study Using Monte Carlo Simulations (with Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, Ajmi BHadj
Hammouda, and Alberto Pimpinelli)
CMSN Workshop, Gatlinburg, TN, Oct. 2008: Small Pyramidal Mounds on Cu(001): Role of Impurities
in Growth
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, May 2009: Evolution of Size Distributions during Relaxation and
Growth on Surfaces
Technion, Haifa, Israel, June 2009: Evolution of Size Distributions during Relaxation and Growth on
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Aug. 2009: Steps on Surfaces and Their Evolution: From Elementary Models
to Universal Fluctuation Phenomena: What does the time between buses in Cuernavaca have to do
with step separations?
CMSN Workshop, Denver, Oct. 2009: Adsorption contours, interactions, and assembly of benzene on
Cu(111): Application of van der Waals DFT and of surface-state-mediated interactions en route to
study of quinone photovoltaics
Virginia Commonwealth U., Richmond, February 2010: Steps on Surfaces, Their Significance, and
Their Evolution: From Elementary Models to Universal Properties
German Physical Society (DPG), Symposium on Crystal Growth Kinetics, Regensburg, Germany,
March 2010: Modeling the Role of Co-deposited Impurities in Growth: What Causes the Distinctive
Step Meandering and Pyramidal Mounds on Cu(001)
SIAM Minisymposium, Philadelphia, May 2010: Uses and Shortcomings of One-Dimensional Models
of Step-Flow Growth: Some Examples
U. California–Riverside, Colloquium, June 2010: Steps on Surfaces, Their Significance, and Their
Evolution: From Elementary Models to Universal Properties
Pennsylvania State U., June 2010: Adsorption of and Interactions Between Benzenes on Cu(111): First
Step to Understanding Remarkable Structures Underpinned by Surface-State Mediated Interactions
27th Max Born Symposium on Multiscale Modeling of Real Materials, Wrocław, Poland, Sept. 2010:
Distinctive Features in Growth on Vicinal Cu(100): Understanding the Role of Impurities by
Calculating Key Energies and Simulating Morphology
Non-equilibrium Interface and Surface Dynamics (nid10), College Park, MD, Oct. 2010: Modeling
Capture Zone Distributions: Recent Progress
CMCSN Workshop, Dallas, Jan. 2011: Ordering of Giant Molecular Honeycomb Networks: ClosedShell Quantum Dots or Metallic Surface States?
U. California–Irvine, Colloquium, April 2011: Steps and Islands on Surfaces, Their Significance, and
Their Evolution: From Elementary Models to Universal Properties
Theodore L. Einstein
Hebrew U., Jerusalem, June 2011: Self-Organization of Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Cu(111): Role of
Surface-State Mediated Interactions (also given at Ben Gurion U., Beer Sheva, in abbreviated,
informal fashion)
U. of Toledo, Colloquium, Oct. 2011: From Elementary Models of Steps on Surfaces to Universal
Properties of Spacing and Area Distributions: Waltzes with Wigner
U. of Utah (Materials Science & Engineering), Nov. 2011: Pattern Formation of Benzene and Related
Organics on Cu(111): How Important Are Surface-State Mediated Interactions?
Zhengzhou University, China, June 2012: 1) Interactions Between Steps: Entropic, Elastic, and
2) Metallic Surface States: Their Role in Pattern Formation of Molecules on Surfaces;
3) Applying to Physics Graduate School in the USA
Peking University ICQM, Beijing, June 2012: Generalized Wigner Surmise in the Nanoworld and the
Real World: Applications to Stepped Surfaces, Capture Zones of Growing Islands, Subway Stations,
and Areal Size Distributions of Political Units
Institute of Physics, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Beijing, June 2012: Pattern Formation of Benzene and
Related Organics on Cu(111): How Important Are Surface-State Mediated Interactions?
SIAM Conf. Math. Aspects of Mat. Sci., Philadelphia, June 2013: Analyzing Capture Zone Distributions
(CZD) in Growth: Theory and Applications
SUNY Stony Brook, March 2014: Generalized Wigner Surmise in the Nanoworld and the Real World:
Applications to Stepped Surfaces, Submonolayer Islands, Subway Stations, and County Size
Distributions [flight cancellation due to snowstorm, so material transmitted in informal discussions]
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Functional Interfaces in Physics and Chemistry
“Micro to Macro,” Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, Bavaria, Germany, Feb. 2015: Organic Molecules on
Substrates with 2D Metallic States: Formation and Impact of Submonolayer Patterns
University of Cologne, Germany, Feb. 2015: Generalized Wigner Surmise in the Nanoworld & the Real
World: Applications to Stepped Surfaces, Submonolayer Islands, Metro Stations, &
Technical University of Munich, Germany, Feb. 2015: Aspects of Adsorbed Organic Molecules:
Universal Island-Related Distributions and Remarkable Superlattice Patterns
Nanotech-2016, Baltimore, MD, April 2016: Giant regular arrays via adsorbed organic molecules:
Experimental “parallel computing”?
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, May 2016: Unifyiing Description of Fluctuations in the Nanoworld &
the Real World: From Steps & Islands on Surfaces to County Areas & Paris Metro Stations
Turkish Physical Society, Bodrum, Turkey, 32nd International Physics Congress, plenary talk, Sept 2016:
Universal Distributions of Fluctuating Quantities in the Nanoworld & Society: Applications to
Stepped Surfaces, Submonolayer Islands, Subway Stations, & Ilçeler
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, San Sebastian, Spain, Sept. 2016:
Quantitative Understanding of Stepped Surface: Spinless Fermions and Beyond
2. Contributed Talks, since 2006
American Physical Society, Baltimore, Mar. 2006:
1) Step Evolution Toward Equilibrium: Fokker-Planck Approach (with Ajmi Ben Hamouda,
Alberto Pimpinelli, and Hailu Gebremariam)
2) Anisotropy of Step Stiffness and Its Implications (with T. J. Stasevich and F. Szalma)
3) Ab-initio Evaluation of Extended Lattice Gas Interactions of Cu on Cu(111) and Cu(001) (with
T. J. Stasevich)
4) Transport in Nano-scale step Fluctuations (with F. Szalma)
5) Persistence Properties of Interacting Steps: Qualitative Failure of Mean Field (with Hailu
Gebremariam and C. Dasgupta)
NNIN/C conference "Synergy between Experiment and Computation in Nanoscale Science," Harvard
U., June 2006: Multi-site Interactions—Implications and Sensitivity to Relaxation of Adatoms:
Density Functional Theory Calculations (with Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan and T. J. Stasevich)
Physical Electronics Conference, Princeton, June 2006: Step Stiffness Anisotropy: From Experiment to
Theory and Back Again (with Timothy J. Stasevich)
Theodore L. Einstein
European Conference on Surface Science, Paris, Sep. 2006:
1) Step Dynamics Out of Equilibrium: Fokker-Planck Approach to the Terrace Width Distribution
(with Ajmi Bhadj-Hamouda, Alberto Pimpinelli, and Hailu Gebremariam)
2) Observation of Novel Fluctuation Behavior for Facet Edges (with M. Degawa, T. J. Stasevich,
W.G. Cullen, A. Pimpinelli, and E.D. Williams)
American Vacuum Society, San Francisco, Nov. 2006:
1) Capture-Zone Scaling in Island Nucleation: Analytic Results and Their Relation to Other
Fluctuation Phenomena (with Alberto Pimpinelli-- Surface Science Post-deadline Session)
2) Anisotropy in the Continuum Step Model: From Step Stiffness to Step-Edge Mobility (with T. J.
Stasevich, C. Tao, and E. D. Williams)
3) Ag Islands Decorated by C60 (with C. Tao, T. J. Stasevich, and E. D. Williams)
American Physical Society, Denver, Mar. 2007:
1) Distinctive Fluctuations of Facet Edges (with M. Degawa, T. J. Stasevich, W. G. Cullen, Alberto
Pimpinelli, and E. D. Williams)
2) Multisite Interactions in Lattice-Gas Models of Adsorbates: Reconciling Adatom Relaxations at
Steps (with Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan and T. J. Stasevich)
3) Free Energy of a 1D Metal-Molecule Interface C60-Decorated Ag Islands (with T. J. Stasevich, C.
Tao, and E. D. Williams)
4) Ab-initio Evaluation of Extended Lattice Gas Interactions of Cu on Cu(111) and Cu(001) (with
T. J. Stasevich)
5) Capture-Zone Areas & the Wigner Distribution: New Case of Universal Scaling of Spacings in
Fluctuating Systems (with Alberto Pimpinelli)
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics: Theory and Simulation from Atomistic to Continuum Scales
(nid07), U. Maryland, April 2007: Quarto Interactions between Cu Adatoms on Cu(110) Surface
(with Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan and Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan)
Statphys23, Genoa, Italy, July 2007: Application of the Generalized Wigner Surmise to Non-equilibrium
Problems at Surfaces: Relaxation, Growth, and Capture-Zone Scaling (with Alberto Pimpinelli)
AVS (formerly American Vacuum Society), Seattle, Oct. 2007:
1) Capture-Zone Scaling and Universal Fluctuation Phenomena (with Alberto Pimpinelli)
2) Impurity Decoration for Crystal Shape Control: C60 on Ag(111) (with T. J. Stasevich, C.G. Tao,
W.G. Cullen, and E. D. Williams-- Surface Science Post-deadline Session)
American Physical Society, New Orleans, Mar. 2008:
1) Characterizing Capture-Zone Distributions: Generalized Wigner vs. Alternative Forms, and
Experimental Fits (with Alberto Pimpinelli)
2) Terrace-width Distributions on Vicinal Surfaces: Effective Attraction Between Noninteracting
Touching Steps (with Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan and Ajmi BHadj Hamouda)
3) Impurity Decoration for Crystal Shape Control: C60 on Ag(111) (with T. J. Stasevich, C.G. Tao,
W.G. Cullen, and E. D. Williams)
4) Growth Instabilities and Adsorbed Impurities: Nanostructuring of Vicinal Surfaces Controlled by
Adsorbates (with Ajmi BHadj Hamouda, P.E. Hoggan, and Alberto Pimpinelli)
5) Super-oscillations in the Interlayer Lattice Relaxation of Quantum Pb Films (with Yu Jia, Biao
Wu, H.H. Weitering, Zhenyu Zhang)
AVS, Boston, Oct. 2008: Short vs. Long-Range Interactions: Consequences for Distributions (with
Alberto Pimpinelli, Kwangmoo Kim, Ajmi BHadj Hamouda, and Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan)
100th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers, Piscataway, Dec. 2008: Touching Steps on Vicinal
Surfaces: Corrections to the Fermion Picture (with Kwangmoo Kim and Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan)
American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, Mar. 2009:
1) Narrowing of Terrace-width Distributions During Growth on Vicinals (with Ajmi BH. Hamouda
and Alberto Pimpinelli)
2) Relaxation of Terrace-width Distributions: Novel Analysis and Features (with Ajmi BH.
Hamouda and Alberto Pimpinelli)
3) Role of Adatom Relaxations in Computing Lattice-gas Energies: Multisite Interactions (with
Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan)
Theodore L. Einstein
4) Monte Carlo Study of the Honeycomb Structure of Anthraquinone Molecules on Cu(111) (with
Kwangmoo Kim and Ludwig Bartels)
5) Impurities in Vacuum Deposition: Effect on Island Nucleation and Surface Morphologies (with
Alberto Pimpinelli and Ajmi BH. Hamouda)
17th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-17), Lake Geneva WI, Aug. 2009:
1) Evolution of Size Distributions during Relaxation and Growth on Surfaces (with Alberto
Pimpinelli and Ajmi BH. Hamouda)
2) Reconciling Calculated and Experimental Key Energies in Modeling Growth: Effects of Impurities
and of Lateral Relaxations (with Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan)
American Physical Society, Portland (OR), Mar. 2010:
1) Benzene on Cu(111): I. Application of van der Waals-Density Functional Formalism to Determine
Binding Sites and Energy (with Kristian Berland and Per Hyldgaard)
2) Benzene on Cu(111): II. Molecular assembly due to Lateral van der Waals and Surface-StateMediated Indirect Interactions (with Kristian Berland and Per Hyldgaard)
3) Role of Codeposited Impurities in Growth: Explaining Cu(0 0 1) (with Ajmi BH. Hamouda,
Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, and A. Pimpinelli)
4) Role of Codeposited Impurities in Growth: Dependence of Morphology on Binding and Barrier
Energies (with Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, and A. Pimpinelli)
5) Terrace-Width Distributions of Touching Steps: Modification of the Fermion Analogy, with
Implications for Measuring Step-Step Interactions (with Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, Ajmi BH.
Hamouda, Kwangmoo Kim)
6) Monte Carlo Study of the Diffusion of CO Molecules inside Anthraquinone Hexagons on Cu(111)
(with Kwangmoo Kim, Jon Wyrick, and Ludwig Bartels)
German Physical Society (DPG), Regensburg, Germany, March 2010:
1) Benzene on Cu(111): Adsorption and Assembly by Lateral van der Waals and Surface-StateMediated Interactions (with Kristian Berland and Per Hyldgaard)
2) Terrace-Width Distributions (TWDs) of Touching Steps: Modification of the Fermion Analogy,
with Implications for Measuring Step-Step Interactions on Vicinal Surfaces (with Rajesh
Sathiyanarayanan, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, and Kwangmoo Kim
American Physical Society, Dallas, Mar. 2011:
1) One-dimensional Model of Interacting-Step Fluctuations on Vicinal Surfaces: Analytical Formulas
and Kinetic Monte-Carlo Simulations (with Paul Patrone and D. Margetis)
2) Spacing Distribution Functions for 1D Point Island Model with Irreversible Attachment (with
Diego Luis González and A. Pimpinelli)
3) Response of the Shockley surface state on Cu(111) to an external electrical field : A densityfunctional theory study (with Kristian Berland and Per Hyldgaard)
4) Formation of Molecular Networks: Tailored Quantum Boxes and Behavior of Adsorbed CO in
Them (with Jon Wyrick et al.)
5) Origin of the Giant Honeycomb Network of Quinones on Cu(111) (with Kwangmoo Kim, Jon
Wyrick, Zhihai Cheng, Ludwig Bartels, Kristian Berland , and Per Hyldgaard)
6) Mechanical Properties of a vdW molecular monolayer at a metal surface: Structural Polymorphism
leading to facile compression (with Dezheng Sun et al.)
7) Monte Carlo Study of the Fish-like Patterns of Anthracenes on Cu(111) (with Kwangmoo Kim
Dezheng Sun, Dae-Ho Kim, Ludwig Bartels)
8) Modeling Island-Growth Capture Zone Distributions (CZD) with the Generalized Wigner
Distribution (GWD): New Developments in Theory and Experiment (with Alberto Pimpinelli, Diego
Luis González, Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan and Ajmi BH. Hamouda
9) Wrinkling of graphene membranes supported by silica nanoparticles on substrates (with Mahito
Yamamoto et al.)
American Physical Society, Boston, Feb/Mar. 2012:
1) Voronoi Cell Patterns: theoretical model and application to submonolayer growth (with D.L.
2) Voronoi Cell Patterns: Application of the size distribution to societal systems (with D.L. González,
R. Sathiyanarayanan, & A. Pimpinelli)
Theodore L. Einstein
3) Nucleation of C60 on ultrathin SiO2 (with B. Conrad, M. Groce, et al.)
4) The Relaxation of Vicinal (001) with ZigZag [110] Steps (with M. Hawkins et al.)
5) Anisotropic Surface State Mediated RKKY Interaction Between Adatoms on a Hexagonal Lattice
(with P. Patrone)
6) Effect of physisorbed molecules and an external external fields on the metallic Shockley surface
state of Cu(111): A density functional theory study (with K. Berland & P. Hyldgaard)
7) Simulation of Nanowires on Metal Vicinal Surfaces: Effect of Growth Parameters and Energetic
Barriers (with A. Hamouda & S. Blel)
8) Effect of charged impurities and morphology on oxidation reactivity of graphene (with
M. Yamamoto, W. Cullen, & M. Fuhrer)
9) Wrinkling instability in graphene supported on nanoparticle-patterned SiO2 (with W. Cullen, M.
Yamamoto, O. Pierre-Louis, and M. Fuhrer)
10) Graphene symmetry-breaking with molecular adsorbates: modeling and experiment (with
M. Groce, M. Hawkins, et al.)
American Physical Society, Baltimore, Mar. 2013:
1) Developments in Characterizing Capture Zone Distributions in Island Growth (with A. Pimpinelli,
D.L. González, R. Sathiyanarayanan)
2) Distribution of Steps with Finite-Range Interactions: Analytic Approximations and Numerical
Results (with D.L. González, D.F. Jaramillo, G. Téllez)
3) Molecular adsorbates on HOPG: Toward modulation of graphene density of states (with Michelle
Groce, W.G. Cullen)
4) Wrinkling instability in nanoparticle-supported graphene: implications for strain engineering (with
W.G. Cullen, M. Yamamoto, O. Pierre-Louis, J. Huang, M.S. Fuhrer)
5) Oxidation of atomically thin MoS2 on SiO2 (with M. Yamamoto, W.G. Cullen, M.S. Fuhrer)
6) A theoretical study of symmetry-breaking organic overlayers on single- and bi-layer graphene (with
Josue R. Morales-Cifuentes)
7) On the Connection between Kinetic Monte Carlo and the Burton-Cabrera-Frank Theory
(with Paul N. Patrone, D. Margetis)
8) Capture Zone Distributions and Island Morphologies in Organic Epitaxy and Graphene Formation
(with A. Pimpinelli)
Physical Electronics Conference, Raleigh, June 2013: Pattern Formation of Benzene and Related
Organics on Cu(111): How Important Are Surface-State Mediated Interactions?
(with K. Berland, P. Hyldgaard, K. Kim, P.N. Patrone, J. Wyrick, Z. Cheng, D. Sun, D. Kim, Y. Zhu,
M.M. Luo, W.Lu, and L. Bartels)
17 International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-17), Warsaw, Aug. 2013:
Analyzing Capture Zone Distributions (CZD) in Growth: Theory and Applications
(with A. Pimpinelli, D.L. González, and R. Sathiyanarayanan)
AVS, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 2013:
1) Analyzing Capture Zone Distributions (CZD) in Growth: Theory and Applications
(with A. Pimpinelli, D.L. González, and R. Sathiyanarayanan)
2) “Princess and the Pea” at the Nanoscale: Wrinkling and Unbinding of Graphene on Nanoparticles
(with M. Yamamoto, O. Pierre-Louis, J. Huang, M.S. Fuhrer, W.G. Cullen)
American Physical Society, Denver, Mar. 2014:
1) Further Developments in Characterizing Capture Zone Distributions (CZD) in Island Growth
(with A. Pimpinelli, D.L. González)
2) Few-layer and Symmetry-Breaking Effects on the Electrical Properties of Ordered CF3Cl Phases
on Graphene (with J. Morales-Cifuentes, Y. Wang, J. E. Reutt-Robey)
3) Diffusion of anthracene derivatives on Cu(111) studied by STM and DFT (with J. Wyrick and L.
Theodore L. Einstein
Physical Electronics Conference, Eau Claire, WI, June 2014: Few-layer and Symmetry-Breaking Effects
on the Electrical Properties of Ordered CClF3 Phases on Graphene (with J. Morales-Cifuentes,
Y. Wang, J. E. Reutt-Robey).
XXVI IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, CCP2014, Boston, Aug. 2014: Characterizing
Capture Zone Distributions (CZD) in Island Growth on Surfaces: Simulations Confront Experiments
(with A. Pimpinelli and D.L. González)
AVS, Baltimore, Oct. 2014:
1) Progress in Characterizing Submonolayer Island Growth: Capture-Zone Distributions, Growth
Exponents, and Hot Precursors (with A. Pimpinelli, J. Morales-Cifuentes, and, D.L. González)
2) Few-layer and Symmetry-Breaking Effects on the Electrical Properties of Ordered CClF3 Phases
on Graphene (with J. Morales-Cifuentes, Y. Wang, J. E. Reutt-Robey).
American Physical Society, San Antonio, Mar. 2015:
1) Characterizing Submonolayer Growth of 6P on Mica: Capture Zone Distributions vs. Growth
Exponents and the Role of Hot Precursors (with J.R. Morales-Cifuentes and A. Pimpinelli)
2) How Hot Precursor Modify Island Nucleation: A Rate-Equation Model (with J. Morales-Cifuentes
and A. Pimpinelli)
Physical Electronics Conference, New Brunswick, NJ, June 2015:
1) Progress in Characterizing Submonolayer Island Growth: Capture-Zone Distributions, Growth
Exponents, & Hot Precursors (with A. Pimpinelli, D.L. González, and J.R. Morales-Cifuentes)
2) Hot Precursors Modify Island Nucleation: A Rate-Equation Model (with J. Morales-Cifuentes & AP)
20th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, 17th Biennial Workshop on Organometallic
Vapor Phase Epitaxy, and 2nd 2D Electronic Materials Symposium, Big Sky, MT, Aug. 2015:
Reconciling Capture-Zone Distributions and Growth Exponents: Role of Hot Precursors in
Submonolayer Growth of Hexaphenyl on Mica (with J. Morales-Cifuentes and A. Pimpinelli)
AVS, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 2015: Reconciling Complimentary Analyses of Epitaxial Growth: Role of
Transient Mobility for para-Hexaphenyl on Mica (with J. Morales-Cifuentes and A. Pimpinelli)
American Physical Society, Baltimore, Mar. 2016:
1) Progress in Application of Generalized Wigner Distribution to Growth Problems and Social
Phenomena (with J.R. Morales-Cifuentes, A. Pimpinelli, and D.L. González)
2) Role of Transient Mobility on Submonolayer Island Growth: Extensions and Testing (with J.R.
Morales-Cifuentes and A. Pimpinelli)
3) Coverage Dependent Assembly of Anthraquinone on Au(111) (Brad Conrad, A. Deloach, and D.B.
4) Magnetism and Raman Spectroscopy of Pristine and Hydrogenated 'TaSe2 Monolayer Tuned by
Tensile and Pure Shear Strain (Sugata Chowdhury, J. Simpson, and A.R. Hight-Walker)
ICSFS-18: International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces, Chemnitz, Germany, Aug. 2016:
Submonolayer Island Growth of Organics: Capture-Zone Distributions, Growth Exponents, &
Transient Mobility (with A. Pimpinelli, D.L.González, and J.R. Morales-Cifuentes)
32 European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-32), Grenoble, France, Sept. 2016:
Submonolayer Island Growth of Organics: Capture-Zone Distributions, Growth Exponents, &
Transient Mobility (with A. Pimpinelli, D.L.González, and J.R. Morales-Cifuentes)
17th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces: (WDPS17), Milan, Italy, Sept. 2016: Transient
Mobility Revisited: Impact on Signatures of Island Growth on Surfaces (with J. Morales-Cifuentes
and A. Pimpinelli)
Theodore L. Einstein
Non-equilibrium dynamics of thin films - solids, liquids and bioactive materials, CECAM Workshop,
Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept. 2016: Subtelties in Fluctuations of Surface Steps and Interactions
between Them, with Implications
AVS, Nashville, TN, Sept. 2016: Progress in Characterizing Submonolayer Island Growth: CaptureZone Distributions, Growth Exponents, and Transient Mobility (with A. Pimpinelli, J. MoralesCifuentes, and D.L.González)
C. Books or Contributions to Edited Books
“Theory of Interaction Between Chemisorbed Atoms,” Chemistry and Physics of Solid Surfaces, II, Ralf
Vanselow, ed. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1979), 181–208.
“Theoretical Issues in Chemisorption,” TLE, J. A. Hertz and J. R. Schrieffer, in The Theory of Chemisorption (Topics in Current Physics series), John R. Smith, ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1980), 183–
235. Translated into Russian (Mir, Moscow, 1983), 256–327.
“Critical Phenomena of Chemisorbed Overlayers,” Chemistry and Physics of Solid Surfaces, IV,
R. Vanselow and R. Howe, eds. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1982), 251–280.
“Fine Structure Using Electron Beams,” R. L. Park and TLE, Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure,
R. W. Joyner, ed. (Plenum, New York, 1985??), Chap. 10.
“Extended Fine Structure in APS,” TLE, M.J. Mehl, J. F. Morar, R. L. Park, and G. E. Laramore,
EXAFS and Near Edge Structure, A. Bianconi, L. Incoccia, and S. Stipcich, eds. (Springer, Berlin,
1983), 391–393.
“Critical Phenomena of Chemisorbed Atoms and Reconstruction--Revisited,” Chemistry and Physics of
Solid Surfaces, VII, R. Vanselow and R. Howe, eds. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988), 307–339.
“Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Related Techniques,” M. L. denBoer, TLE, and J. J.
Rehr, The Encyclopedia of Advanced Materials, David Bloor, Richard J. Brook, Merton C. Flemings,
and Subhash Mahajan, eds. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1994), 771–783.
“Interactions Between Adsorbate Particles,” in Physical Structure of Solid Surfaces, W.N. Unertl, ed.
(Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1996), Handbook of Surface Science, vol. 1, S. Holloway and N.V.
Richardson, series eds., invited pedagogical review chapter, 577–650.
“Survey of Self-Avoiding Random Surfaces on Cubic Lattices: Issues, Controversies, and Results,” TLE
and A. L. Stella, Topology and Geometry in Polymer Science (IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its
Applications, vol. 103), S.G. Whittington, D. Sumners, and T. Lodge, eds. (Springer-IMA series,
Berlin, 1997), 159–174.
“Step Fluctuations: From Equilibrium Analysis to Step Unbunching and Cluster Diffusion in a Unified
Picture,” TLE and S.V. Khare, Dynamics of Crystal Surfaces and Interfaces, P.M. Duxbury and T.J.
Pence, eds. (Plenum, New York, 1997), 83–96.
Structure and Evolution of Surfaces (Proc. Fall 1996 MRS Mtg., vol. 440), R.C. Cammarata, E.H.
Chason, TLE, and E.D. Williams, eds. (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997).
Thin Films—Structure and Morphology (Proc. Fall 1996 MRS Mtg., vol. 441), S.C. Moss, D. Ila, R.C.
Cammarata, E.H. Chason, TLE, and E.D. Williams, eds. (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1997).
Theodore L. Einstein
“Fluctuations of Step Edges: Revelations about Atomic Processes Underlying Surface Mass Transport,”
TLE, S.V. Khare, and O. Pierre-Louis, Mechanisms and Principles of Epitaxial Growth in Metallic
Systems (Proc. Spring 1998 MRS Mtg., vol. 528), L.T. Wille, C.P. Burmester, K. Terakura, G.
Comsa, and E.D. Williams, eds. (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1998), 237–252 [refereed].
“Influence of the Electrochemical Environment on Diffusion Processes Near Step and Island Edges:
Ag(111) and Ag(100),” M.I. Haftel and TLE, Nucleation and Growth Processes in Materials (Proc.
Fall 1999 MRS Mtg., vol. 580), A. Gonis, P.E.A. Turchi, and A.J. Ardell, eds. (Materials Research
Society, Pittsburgh, 2000), 195 [refereed].
Critical introduction to 4 papers on surface physics, TLE and J. W. Davenport, in Selected Papers of J.
Robert Schrieffer, N.E. Bonesteel and L.P. Gor'kov, eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002).
“Multisite Interactions in Lattice-Gas Models,” TLE and Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, in Nanophenomena
at Surfaces: Fundamentals of Exotic Condensed Matter Properties (or Surface Nanoscale Physics),
M. Michailov, ed. (Springer Series in Surface Science, Berlin, 2011).
“Equilibrium Shape of Crystals,” TLE, in Handbook of Crystal Growth, Fundamentals, 2nd ed., T.
Nishinaga, P. Rudolph, and T. Kuech, eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2014--ISBN
9780444563699/eBook:9780444593764), vol. 1A (Thermodynamics and Kinetics), chap. 5; arXiv
C'. Book Reviews
John H. Hudson, Surface Science: An Introduction, reviewed in Physics Today 45 (12), 85-86 (Dec.
A. Modinos, Quantum Theory of Matter: A Novel Introduction, reviewed in Physics Today 50 (6), 86
(June 1997)
D. Papers Submitted or in Readable Draft, Active
Kwangmoo Kim and TLE, Terrace width distributions of nearest-neighbor overlapping steps with
analytical methods
Kwangmoo Kim and TLE, Monte Carlo study of the diffusion of CO molecules inside anthraquinone
hexagons on Cu(111)
Micah K. Hawkins, Ajmi BH. Hamouda, D.L. González, and TLE, The Relaxation of Vicinal (001) with
ZigZag [110] Steps
D.L. González, A. Pimpinelli, and TLE,Fragmentation Approach to the One-Dimensional Point-Island
Model with Hindered Aggregation
Andrew S. DeLoach, Brad R. Conrad, TLE, and Daniel B. Dougherty, Chiral Cluster, Disordered Pores,
and Packed Brickwork: Coverage Dependent Assembly of Anthraquinone on Au(111)
S Blel, A. BH.Hammouda, B. Mahjoub,and TLE, Competing growth processes induced by NNN
interactions: Effects on the meandering wavelength and the stiffness on unstable vicinal surfaces
Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, A. Pimpinelli, and TLE,Size-distribution of Second-level Administrative
Josue Morales-Cifuentes, A. Pimpinelli, and TLE, long paper expanding PRL “How ''Hot Precursors''
Modify Island Nucleation: A Rate-Equations Model”
Graduate Students
Lyle D. Roelofs: B.S. (Calvin College) 6/75; M.S. 5/78; Ph.D. 9/80.
Theodore L. Einstein
Dissertation: Theory of Phase Transitions in Chemisorbed Two-Dimensional Systems
1980–82: Post-doctoral fellow with S.-C. Ying in Physics Dept., Brown University
1982–88: Assistant Professor, Haverford College
1988–92: Associate Professor, Haverford College
1993–04: Professor, Haverford College
1993–04: [Chaired] Haverford Distinguished Professor of Computational Science
2001–04 Associate Provost, Haverford College
2004–11 Provost and Dean of Faculty, Colgate University
President, Berea College
David Loeffler: B.S. (U. of Maryland) 5/75; M.S. 5/78 (terminal).
Paul E. Hunter: B.S. (Wilkes College) 6/74; M.S. 5/76; Ph.D. candidate, part-time, but did not finish.
Worked on cross-tie memory at NSWC, now managerial at Naval Research Lab.
Norman C. Bartelt: B.S. (U. of Maryland) 5/79; Ph.D. 8/86.
Dissertation: Numerical Studies of Two-Dimensional Lattice Gases Relevant to the Study of Phase
Transitions of Chemisorption Systems
1988–93: Post-doctoral fellow in Physics, U. of Maryland
1993–95: Assistant research scientist, U. of Maryland
1995–95: Associate research scientist, U. of Maryland
1995– : Senior, then distinguished, member of the technical staff, Sandia National Laboratories,
Livermore, CA
2000: APS Fellow (DMP)
2001 MRS Medal
Rüdiger Schmolke: diplom work, from Univ. of Aachen
Raymond C. Nelson: M.S. 5/92 [Ph.D., U. New Mexico, 2001].
Thesis: Energies of Steps, Kinks, and Defects on Vicinal Silver (100) and Silver (111) by the Embedded
Atom Method
1992–95: Physics instructor at U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
1995–2001: Technical Director of Thermionics Programs for the Defense Special Weapons Agency
Field Command, New Mexico Engineering Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM
2002–: Physics [& Nuclear Engineering] Professor at U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. [now
Col. and Deputy Department Head]
Sanjay V. Khare: B.S. (Bombay U.) 1/88; M. Sc. (India Inst. of Tech., Bombay) 7/89;
Ph.D. 9/96; American Vacuum Society Graduate Research Award (10/96)
Dissertation: A Theoretical Study of Step Edge Fluctuations and of Brownian Motion of Adatom and
Vacancy Clusters
1996–98: Post-doctoral fellow with J. W. Wilkins in Physics Dept., Ohio State University
1999–2004: Post-doctoral fellow with Duane Johnson et al. in Materials Sci. & Eng. Dept.,
University of Illinois
2004–09: Assistant Professor of Physics, U. of Toledo
2009–15: Associate Professor of Physics, U. of Toledo
2015–: Professor of Physics, U. of Toledo
Maria Rita D'Orsogna: laurea (U. of Padua) 1996: M.S. 8/98; sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations of
growth on Cu(100); study of kink Ehrlich-Schwoebel effect and edge diffusion. Returned to Italy for
personal reasons and worked at IBM. Now back in USA (Ph.D. from UCLA '03), postdoc at Caltech,
then at UCLA, now Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics at California State U., Northridge.
Hailu Gebremariam Bantu: B.S. (U. of Addis Ababa); M.S. (U. of Syracuse) 99; Ph.D. 11/05
Theodore L. Einstein
Dissertation: Terrace Width Distribution and First Passage Probabilities for Interacting Steps
Offered postdoctoral position with T. S. Rahman at Central Florida U.
Lecturer in physics at UMCP and Montgomery College (Takoma Park)
Timothy J. Stasevich: B.S. (U. of Michigan, Dearborn); M.S. (w/ A. Dragt) 01; Ph.D. 8/06.
Dissertation: Modeling the Anisotropy of Step Fluctuations on Surfaces: Theoretical Step Stiffness
Confronts Experiment
2006–10: Post-doctoral fellowship with J. McNally, National Cancer Inst., National Inst.of Health
2010–12: JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) fellow, Osaka Univ.
Oct. 2013–14: Junior Fellow Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA
Oct. 2014: Assistant Prof. of Molecular Biology, Colorado State U., Fort Collins
Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan: M.S.[Physics] and B.E. [Computer Science] (Birla Institute of Technology
and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India) 5/03; Ph.D. 11/09
Dissertation: Steps on Vicinal Surfaces: Density-Functional Theory Calculations and Transcending
Minimal Statistical-Mechanical Models
2009–10: Post-doctoral fellowship with K. Fichthorn et al., Pennsylvania State U.
2010–15: Staff position, IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center, Bangalore
2015–: Staff position, Applied Materials, Bangalore
Kai Li (with Dr. Richard Silver at NIST, from Prof. E. D. Williams): Ph.D. 12/11
Dissertation: Nanofabrication on Engineered Silicon (100) Surfaces Using Scanning Probe
Paul N. Patrone (with Prof. Dio Margetis, Math): B.A. (St. John’s Coll.) 2010: Monroe H. Martin
Graduate Research Fellowship (awarded to an exceptional student at the interface of mathematics and
physics); NIST-ARRA Fellowship; Ph.D. 8/13.
Dissertation: Modeling of Interfaces: Applications in Surface and Polymer Physics
2013–2015: IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications) Industrial Postdoctoral Fellowship
(with NIST and Boeing)
2015–: Staff position, NIST
Micah K. Hawkins: B.S. (Washington U. [St. Louis]) 2005; M.S. (U. Michigan) 2007, took medical
leave, then left program.
Tomasz Kott (with Dr. Bruce Kane, LPS, from Prof. E. D. Williams): B.S. (Bucknell) 06: Ph.D. 12/12
Dissertation: Measurements of Correlated 2D Electrons in the Lowest Landau Level on Si(111)
2013–: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
Michelle Groce (with Dr. W.G. Cullen and Profs. J.E. Reutt-Robey and Michael S. Fuhrer, from
Prof. E. D. Williams): B.A. (MIT); Ph.D. 8/13.
Dissertation: Organic Molecular Thin Films on Device-Relevant Substrates
2013–14: Assistant Lab Director, Physics Dept., American University
2014–: Yield Engineer, Intel Corp, Portland, OR
Mahito Yamamoto (with Dr. W.G. Cullen and Prof. Michael S. Fuhrer, from Prof. E. D. Williams);
Ph.D. 8/13.
Dissertation: Two-Dimensional Crystals on Substrates: Morphology and Chemical Reactivity
2013–: National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan
Josue R. Morales-Cifuentes: B.S. Univ. of Southern Alabama
Postdoctoral Research Fellows
Theodore L. Einstein
Michael J. Mehl, 1981 – 1983
Currently: Naval Research Lab., Head of the Surfaces and Interfaces Section of the Center for
Computational Materials Science, Washington, D.C.
2000: APS Fellow (DCP)
Ulrich Glaus, 1986 – 1987
Currently: senior software engineer, biotech, UBS, Zurich, Switzerland
[Norman C. Bartelt, see above]
Olivier Pierre-Louis, 1997 – Dec. 1998
Currently: tenured CNRS "Ass't Professor" Researcher, Lab. de Physique de la Matière
Condensée et Nanostructures, U. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Howard L. Richards, Jan. 1999 – Aug. 2000
Currently: Assistant Professor of Physics, Marshall University, Huntington, WVa
Ferenc Szalma, Jan. 2002 –Jun 2007
Master of Science in Computational Finance, Carnegie-Mellon U.-Tepper Schl. Business, NYC, 2008
Currently Financial Engineer at Royal Bank of Scotland in New York City
Ajmi Ben Hadj Hammouda, Oct. 2007 – Sept. 2008
Currently "Maitre Assistant" [advanced-level junior faculty position] [Higher-education] Institute of
Computing and Mathematics (plus affiliation with Faculty of Sciences), Univ. of Monastir, Tunisia
Kwangmoo Kim, Jan. 2008 –March. 2011
Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Hyunggyu Park, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul
Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan, half-time, Aug. –Sept. 2010
Currently technical staff (researcher on multi-scale modeling of nanoscale devices), IBM-Bangalore
Diego Luis González Cabrera, Jan. 2010 – Dec. 2011
Currently Assistant Prof. at Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
Undergraduate Students (Supervisor of Undergraduate Research)
Randy Roberts (Ph.D. from U. Texas, now in Risk Analysis and Decision Support Systems Group at Los
Alamos National Laboratory)
Selman P. Hershfield (Ph.D. from Cornell, now Prof. of Physics at U. of Florida)
David Eisner (Fac. Res. Asst., Dept. Mech. Eng., UMCP)
Lawrence Kieffer Warman (Ph.D. from Indiana U.)
Saul D. Cohen (Ph.D. in lattice gauge theory from Columbia U., postdoc at Jefferson Lab, Boston
Univ., Institute for Nuclear Theory, Univ. Washington [Seattle])
Robert D. Schroll (Ph.D. from U. of Chicago, was postdoc in polymers MRSEC at U. of Massachusetts,
Amherst, now postdoc at U. of Santiago, Chile)
Courses Taught at the University of Maryland
Theodore L. Einstein
Physics 102/499C
Physics of Music
Physics 104
How Things Work: Physics of Everyday Life
Physics 106
Light, Perception, Photography, and Visual Phenomena
Physics 115
Inquiry into Physics (for Early Childhood & Elementary Education)
Physics 165
Introduction to Programming in the Physical Sciences
Physics 171/171H
Introductory Physics I for Majors
Physics 195
Introductory Physics Lab I for Majors
Physics 196
Introductory Physics Lab II for Majors
Physics 260
General Physics [II, for Engineers]: Waves, Heat, and Electricity
Physics 263 (now 270)
General Physics III for Engineers
Physics 272/272H
Introductory Physics II for Majors
Physics 399
Special Problems in Physics
Physics 404
Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics
Physics 420
Principles of Modern Physics [for Engineers]
Physics 421
Introduction to Modern Physics
Physics 499B
Special Problems in Physics
Physics 603
Methods of Statistical Physics
Physics 704
[Advanced] Statistical Mechanics
Physics 731
Survey of Solid State Physics
Physics 732
Survey of Solid State Physics II
Physics 739
Sem. in Theoretical Solid State Physics
Physics 798
Special Problems in Advanced Physics
Physics 798F
Introduction to Surface Physics
Physics 832
Theory of Solids I
Physics 833
Theory of Solids II
Physics 838A
Surface Physics Seminar
Physics 899
Doctoral Dissertation Supervision
CHPH 899
Doctoral Dissertation Supervision
Great Ideas in Physics and Their Implications for Other Fields
Math Research Interaction Team (RIT): Kinetics and Fluctuations of Complex Crystal Surfaces