MINNESOTA STATE MANKATO SCHOOL OF NURSING CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION Course Number: ______________________ Instructor: _________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________ Please use the following key and check the box that reflects the degree to which the instructor: H 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Encouraged students to ask questions and express diverse views in the clinical setting. Encouraged application of theoretical knowledge to clinical practice. Encouraged use of the Roy Adaptation Framework to facilitate understanding of client situations. Provided positive feedback on student strengths and weaknesses related to clinical performance. Developed positive relationships with students in the clinical setting. Informed students of their professional responsibilities. Facilitated student collaboration with members of health care teams. Facilitated learning in the clinical setting. Strived to be available in the clinical setting to assist students. Was an effective clinical teacher. Was enthusiastic about content and teaching students. Motivated students to do their best work. Stimulated students’ interest in nursing. Used learning activities, readings, and assignments that facilitated understanding of the course content. Had realistic appreciation of time and effort for students to complete assignments and course work. Showed respect for students’ views and opinions. Demonstrated clinical nursing practice knowledge and expertise. Presented different views and perspectives as appropriate. Communicated clearly student responsibilities. Explained course assignments, evaluation methods, and grading procedure. Was fair in evaluation and grading. Provided prompt and valuable feedback. H SH M SL L NA High degree Somewhat high degree Moderate degree Somewhat low degree Low degree Not Applicable SH M SL L NA 23. Please rate the overall quality of the instructor’s clinical teaching: Poor 1 Excellent 2 3 4 5 24. Please comment on the instructor’s strengths. 25. Please describe how the instructor could improve clinical teaching effectiveness. Developed April 29, 2009 by Patricia Young, Phd, RN Source material: Oermann and Gaberson's (2006) Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education