IECEE Test and Certification Body Locally approved

IECEE Test and Certification Body
Locally approved –
recognised worldwide
Joined forces in photovoltaics
In a forward-looking and innovative area like photovoltaics it is important to have
competent and trusting partners. Thanks to the new institutional collaboration,
SUPSI’s expertise in the PV field is joined by the experience and the reliability of
Electrosuisse as internationally renowned certification body.
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is one
of the nine professional universities recognised by the Swiss Confederation.
SUPSI operates the Swiss PV Module Test Centre. The laboratory is accredited by the
Swiss Accreditation Service for ISO/IEC 17025 and assessed and recognised by the
international IECEE certification scheme.
Electrosuisse is the recognised professional association for electrical, energy and
information technology. The certification body of Electrosuisse is accredited for ISO/
IEC 17065 and member of the IEC System for Conformity Testing and Certification of
Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) and the European Certification
System (ECS). Electrosuisse's factory inspection department is accredited for ISO/
IEC 17020.
The Process
Qualification, Inspection and Certification
1st Step
Function „Qualification" – Testing body
RESULT „Testing"
Verification of conformity regarding
safety, reliability and performance
Function „Certification" – Certification body
International recognized certificates
allow market access and provision of
national and international characters
Function „Surveillance" – Inspection body
Ensured through targeted
inspections that only compliant
products are delivered.
The process consists of three steps: Qualification, Inspection and Certification
Step 1: Qualification through type testing
The qualification process consists of a type test against IEC standards and of the
consequent issuing of an internationally accepted IECEE test report with Swiss national deviations taking into account also specific environmental conditions (e.g. hail,
snow load, lightning, etc.) and Swiss national installation code.
• IEC/EN 61215 Crystalline silicon PV modules – Design qualification and type
• IEC/EN 61646 Thin film PV modules – Design qualification and type approval
• IEC/EN 60904-1 Measurement of photovoltaic current-voltage characteristics
• IEC/EN 60904-2 PV device – Requirements for reference solar devices
• IEC/EN 61730-1 PV module safety qualification – Requirements for construction
• IEC/EN 61730-2 PV module safety qualification – Requirements for testing
• IEC 61853-1 PV modules performance testing and energy rating – Irradiance
and temperature performance measurements and power rating
• EN 50380 Datasheet and nameplate information for photovoltaic modules
• IEC/EN 61140 Protection against electric shock – Common aspects for
installation and equipment
• Environmental conditions as defined by Swiss building standards (SIA) and
installation requirements according to Swiss national installation code (NIN)
Step 2: Certification through IECEE CB Scheme
The IECEE CB Scheme is the world's first truly international system for mutual
acceptance of test reports and certificates dealing with the safety of electrical and
electronic components, equipment and products. It is a multilateral agreement
among participating countries and certification organisations.
A manufacturer utilising a CB test certificate issued by one of the accepted National
Certification Bodies (NCBs) can obtain certification marks of the latter, within their
scope of adherence, in the countries where the accepted NCBs are located.
Currently, there are 56 Member Bodies in the IECEE. There are 74 participating NCBs
and 396 CB Testing Laboratories. Overall there are over 80’000 certificates issued
per year.
The scheme is essentially based on the use of international (IEC) standards. If IEC
standards are not
fully harmonised
with national
requirements, the deviations have
to be shown on the certificate as well.
Application to Electrosuisse as NCB
NCB Electrosuisse processes application to
CBTL SUPSI to carry out the testing
NCB Electrosuisse issues CB test certificate with test report
Applicant receives CB test certificate and associated test report
CB test certificate + test report
Applicant sends documents to foreign NCB in desired target market
CBTL SUPSI completes testing against IEC standards +
national differences
CBTL SUPSI issues test report
NCB Electrosuisse reviews and validates the
test report
Foreign NCB processes the received documents
and grants its local certification mark(s)
Applicant is granted with foreign NCBs certification mark
within due time
to Electrosuisse as NCB,
The application process for a CBSource:
in a (adapted
28th March 2014)
The aim of the CB Scheme is to provide manufacturers seeking worldwide market
access through third party certification marks, the most economic and cost effective
procedures within the best certification timeframes.
Step 3: Surveillance through factory inspection
Factory inspection includes testing and assessment of the quality system involved.
Surveillance of the quality system is conducted and samples of the product may be
taken from the point of production and are assessed for ongoing conformity.
Initial as well as annual routine factory inspection are based on ISO 9001 certification,
focusing on the production process, handling, procurement of material and components and routine tests.
Factory inspections usually include:
• Inspections done by inspectors from the accredited Swiss inspections centre
• CENELEC CIG 023 factory inspection report with a specific photovoltaic
• Sampling of production samples according to IEC/EN 60410
• Sample conformity test
As a result SUPSI and Electrosuisse can offer a full package covering every aspect in
the area of alternative energies that has proven importance to manufacturers, users,
installers and investors.
This includes the following services and benefits:
• Testing and certification
• Standardisation
• Inspections
• Training and seminars
• Consulting
• Enabling international market access
• Faster time to market
For further information please don't hesitate to contact us:
Eng. Mauro Caccivio, Responsible of Services
SWISS PV Module Test Centre, Campus Trevano, CH-6952 Canobbio
T +41 58 666 62 55
Jürg Rellstab, Head of Product Certification
Luppmenstrasse 1, Postfach 269, CH-8320 Fehraltorf
T +41 44 956 13 18
Luppmenstrasse 1
Postfach 269
CH-8320 Fehraltorf
T +41 44 956 11 11