13.05 GHz PLL based LO generator in SiGe:C Marcel J.M. Geurts1, Louis Praamsma1, Hasan Gül1, Fanfan Meng1, Henk Bontekoe1, Rainier Breunisse1, Henk Visser1, Cicero S. Vaucher2, Edwin van der Heijden2 1 2 NXP Semiconductors, Nijmegen, 6534 AE, the Netherlands NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, 5656 AE, the Netherlands Abstract — This paper presents our system choice and measured results of an LO generator in SiGe:C technology. The application for this IC is in Ku band Linear Block Up Converter for VSAT systems. The system requires the generation of an extremely low phase noise at 13.05 GHz from a 10 MHz reference. The reference signal has high frequency accuracy but poor phase noise. We demonstrate overall system performance with a 2 PLL based solution. The first PLL has a low bandwidth and uses a Xtal based VCO. It cleans up the 10 MHz, and converts the frequency to 204 MHz. The second PLL, subject of this work, converts the 204 MHz to 13.05 GHz. Measured performance show: (offset frequency in Hz, phase noise density in dBc/Hz) 1 k, -97; 10k, -97; 100k; -97; 1M, -104; 10M, -130. Output power of -5 dBm, Reference spurii < -71 dBc. Maximum current consumption is 104 mA from a supply of 3.3 V at 85 deg C. Measurements are performed on a packaged device in a HVQFN24 (SOT 616-1), on a 20 mil RO4003 board. In this article we discuss the Local Oscillator (LO) generator for a linear BUC. ‘Linear’ means the IF to RF conversion is done by mixing with an LO. The linear BUC for Ku band use either 13.05 GHz (for standard range) or 12.8 GHz (for extended range) as LO frequency. To enable precise frequency and time multiplexing the downlink signal provides an accurate frequency reference (10 MHz). The indoor unit frequency multiplexes this with the uplink IF signal. The LO signal in the BUC needs to be frequency locked to this reference. The specifications are we used are listed in TABLE I. Satellite Index Terms — BiCMOS analog integrated circuits, Satellite communication, Integrated circuit packaging, Integrated circuits, Microwave frequency conversion, Microwave oscillators, Phase locked loops, Printed circuit layout, Satellite communication earth terminals, Phase Noise. VSATs HUB I. INTRODUCTION A Very Small Aperture Terminal is a two-way satellite ground station with a dish antenna diameter in the range of 1.2 to 3 m (definitions vary). VSAT data rates typically range from narrowband up to 4 Mbit/s. VSATs access satellites in geosynchronous orbit to relay data from small remote earth stations (terminals) to other terminals or master earth station "hubs". The network is depicted in fig. 1. VSATs are most commonly used to transmit narrowband data (point of sale transactions such as credit card), or broadband data (for the provision of Satellite Internet access to remote locations, VoIP or video) [1]. Both Time Division Multiple Access and Frequency Division Multiple Access techniques are used to share the satellite bandwidth over the terminals [2]. A VSAT consists of 3 main subsystems: the dish antenna, the outdoor unit (for frequency translation between RF and IF) and the indoor unit (processing the signals between the outdoor unit and the indoor network). The outdoor unit consists of an uplink/downlink separator (typically a microwave component isolating the downlink from the uplink signals), a Low Noise Block (LNB) for receiving the downlink signals and a Block Up Converter (BUC). Fig. 1 VSAT Network TABLE I BUC LO GENERATOR SPECIFICATION Parameter Temperature Supply voltage Supply current Phase noise Spurious Output power Conditions MIN -40 3.0 Offset freq. 100 1k 10k 100k -7 MAX 85 3.6 200 UNIT ºC V mA -55 -72 -82 -92 -70 -3 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc dBm The synthesizer of the clean up PLL can be implemented as an Integer N in e.g. a CPLD [3]. The resulting values are for 13.05 GHz (12.8 GHz between brackets): Reference division ratio = 64 (48), comparison frequency = 156.25 (210 ) kHz and main division ratio = 1305 (960) III. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The system we designed is a cascade of 2 PLLs: the cleanup PLL and the RF PLL. To determine the intermediate frequency the phase noise is considered. The RF PLL is realized in a 120 GHz fT SiGe:C process (QuBiC4X [4]). Free-running VCO phase noise performance of –87 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset frequency have been reported in a similar technology [5]. This is not sufficient to meet the required –92 dBc/Hz. We therefore considered the required Phase Frequency Charge Pump (PFDCP) Figure of Merit (FOM) [6] [ L( f ) = FOM dBc Hz 2 ] + 20 log 10 N + 10 log10 f ref [dBc Hz ] IV. COMPLETE LO GENERATOR The complete LO generator we propose consists out of 2 PLLs. First we convert the 10 MHz to 203.90625 (200) MHz (values for 12.8 GHz between brackets). The output of the clean-up PLL is used as reference for the RF PLL: the TFF1003HN. This is an integrated synthesizer VCO. The VCO has a tuning range from 12.8 to 13.05 GHz. The input and output are differential. The divider can be set to 16, 32, 64, 128, 256. In this article we describe the results in the 64 setting. The output is –5 dBm. The device has a lock detect output.The output of the TFF1003HN is filtered and amplified to drive the mixer. The complete block diagram is shown in fig. 2. (1) The FOM reported in the technology is –222 dBc/Hz2 [5], giving a synthesizer noise floor of –108 dBc/Hz @ division ratio=16 (reference frequency 816 MHz) increasing with 3 dB per division ratio octave to –96 @ division ratio=256. We choose division ratio = 64 (204 MHz reference), resulting in a synthesizer noise floor of –102 dBc/Hz. This will give enough margin over Process, Voltage and Temperature, as well as an acceptable complexity for the clean-up PLL. The latter serves 2 goals: 1) frequency conversion from 10 MHz to 204 MHz; 2) removal of unwanted phase noise of the 10 MHz reference to the BUC. The phase noise of the 204 MHz signal should be small compared to the input phase noise of the TFF1003 which is: –102 – 20log10(64)= –138 dBc/Hz. Commercially available VCXOs can meet this requirement [7][8]. By applying a very small loop bandwidth (30 Hz) we achieve an excellent tracking of the reference combined with a superb phase noise, determined by the VCXO at offset frequencies higher than the loop bandwidth. Note that in the 12.8 GHz output case, the reference frequency should be set to 200 MHz. V. PACKAGE The package used for the TFF1003HN is an HVQFN24 (SOT616-1). The assignment of pins has been done for optimal performance: Three voltage domains are used to separate the blocks on the IC. 2 pins for each output (OUT_P and OUT_N) have been reserved to match a typical linewidth of a Z=50 Ohm microstrip on Rogers 4003 20 mil board (1.1 mm). Ground pins have been placed next to the reference input and the output. The supply pins are all on the same side of the IC to minimize crossings in the application. A block diagram is depicted in fig. 3. Mixer Band Pass Filter Solid State Power Amp Synchronized QPSK data on L band carrier in the range 0.95~1.45 GHz (extended range: 0.95~1.7 GHz) From indoor unit 13.05 GHz settings (12.8 GHz settings) 10 MHz /64 (/48) PFD Amp 12.8~13.05 on-chip VCO 203.90625 (200) MHz LF PFD LF Band Pass Filter 156.25 kHz (203.33 kHz) /1305 (/960) /64 TFF1003HN Clean up PLL build around VCXO Loop bandwidth 30 Hz 203.90625 (200) MHz > 13.05 (12.8) GHz TFF1003 @ DIV=64 PLL with on-chip VCO Fig. 2 Complete LO generator for linear Block Up Converter. The values indicated are for the 13.05 GHz output frequency (values for the extended range with 12.8 GHz LO frequency are between brackets) 2 C2 R1 C1 GND = 0 open or 3.3 V = 1 64=010 1nF R2 C3 6 NSL2 5 NSL1 7 LCKDET 3 VTUNE Lock: 2.5 V 2 CPOUT 1 VREGVCO 10 pF VCC(DIV) (3.3V) 100 kΩ pull ups 24 GND3(OUT) 10 pF 2.7 V Window Detector No lock: 0 V 8 GND1(REF) 50 Ω 4 NSL0 23 OUT2_P VCC(OUT) 100 kΩ pull down CPOUT Z0 = 50 Ω Z0 = 50 Ω 22 OUT1_P DC block Agilent 11742A DC block 21 OUT2_N Z0 = 50 Ω 51 Ω Termination 50 Ω VCO PFD CP 10 nF 51 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω VTUNE 9 IN(REF)_P 50 Ω Reference source R&S SMA DIVIDER 10 IN(REF)_N 10 nF NSL0 NSL1 NSL2 11 GND2(REF) Z0 = 50 Ω TFF1003HN 3.3 V R&S SPA 12 VCC(REF) 20 OUT1_N V to I 19 GND2(OUT) 2.7 V 13 VCC(DIV) 14 GND(DIV) 50 Ω Termination 15 VREGTAIL 16 VTAIL 17 GND1(OUT) 18 VCC(OUT) * * *) Optional for Po(OUT) adjustment Fig. 3 Detailed block diagram of TFF1003HN and the setup as measured. The pin assignment in for the TFF1003HN is identical to the physical IC pin assignment V. MEASUREMENT SETUP The measurements we present in this article are performed on the TFF1003HN demo-board (fig. 3), using the set up described in TABLE II. TABLE II MEASUREMENT SETUP Reference source Spectrum analyzer Power supply Reference connection AC coupling input Output connection AC coupling output Rohde & Schwarz Rohde & Schwarz TTI AC coupled to REF_P REF_N AC terminated On-board 10 nF AC coupled to OUT_P OUT_N AC terminated Agilent SMA FSU26 QL355TP 11742A Fig. 4. Measurement board V. MEASUREMENT RESULTS Current consumption: T=-40 ºC: 92mA; T=25 ºC: 99 mA; T=85 ºC: 104 mA. -3.0 – 40 º C Output power [dBm] -60 Phase noise density [dBc/Hz] -70 -40 º C -80 25 º C -90 85 º C -100 25 º C -4.0 85 º C -110 -120 -130 -5.0 12.80 -140 -150 12.85 12.90 12.95 13.00 13.05 LO frequency [GHz] Fig. 8. Output power (13.05 GHz carrier). Output power stays between –3.2 and –4.2 over temperature and frequency. -160 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 1G V. CONCLUSIONS The TFF1003HN used in conjunction with a clean-up PLL Fig. 6. Phase noise density (13.05 GHz carrier). Performance exceeds the performance as is required for LO generation in for VSAT linear up conversion. This gives an easy to use better than –94 dBc/Hz. solution for this subsystem. Offset frequency from carrier [Hz] Reference spur [dBc] -60 -40 º C 25 ºC 85 º C -40 º C 25 ºC 85 º C The authors are thankful to Ron Schiltmans from ASC Signal Krefeld, Germany, for technical discussions. REFERENCES -70 [1] [2] [3] [4] -80 -90 [5] -100 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Frequency [GHz] [6] Fig. 7. Spurious from 204 MHz reference (13.05 GHz carrier). Performance better than –71 dBc [7] [8] [9] 4 Wikepedia VSAT http://www.satellite-internet-vsat.com/ Xilinx CPLD P. Dexler, A. Rodiquez, W. De Boer, H. Sun, R. Colclaser, D.Bower, N. Bell, A. Yao, R. Brock, Y. Bouttement, G.A.M. 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