LO86 Oetabrr 8tb I rcut tc thr trrrl`n for rcll rr f hral

Is ]&I. oii i;tir1 ffifff$153'.
rr f hral enr fer m*rlgr 6 yrlrr
uo lnsr for thr hert I yr*r hrt thl:t f risbt br r,rrcrt;{ for eohrbltf,ng rtt]
ry d*r rl,rm rnfi shtl{rea Urt f anrcf tole tbu }or *uoh f tbswht rbsut l"t
*r thry hr{ mong$ to besr tn tbrt rcgu*rd. l$hr &r*il,a $ov*r rtoffr* to hhr
or ;lorlrr tbr n;ll hrt X hril to tbror thr rrsk tn rt t&r {aor rr tbry 1n:mt
ht ;hm ray l[forilrgrrr got or or off tbr &rLa rlaflll0, lrfrrar #l*S so thr
rbl'rth SrYt s.Bt norrued rfii I acy* *um hrt i**:f*ght bl r 0rguty ;*romh*ll
r.ftcr lrr f retrld hrvr giva uD tbr gob u lrll ma*iragpr & con**qnruor af
t&1r hrt X nrr{rl thr }rf (S109.00 ll.r Irrr} ts rr*ffsrt ry feni.lyl *r t&r
$rta orinl ur S erf $rr trtrtlr blr; ltop. Ar roon tr ft ilt{ so X ll!.&p{S
u crtoht{rp thwr nr ao o[r ernr to xry ro to hlt I 16.1{ tt wtthout harlag ;h, I r*t{ lt. tr Sc &rln srcr l{f tbr *rnt nr throm E*t rnil thr r*e}
thFos lar I ftsktt *b; r*sk rf,p tad *rr pl*eclrre tt en ry lrmf r hch (Scl,t
frettmg Grsr of nrrrr
r tlrtlr brr bt rtcxElr* hforc rhpus xrffhrt enil
qufokH *ltebtrdlr orllrFLr tf, rur lnrl rsl{ hr }rrt rsrrmt frr lar I rd.{r
rilr.trl lu:t rtaC it thearr Afttr rsadtag hr ntdroht xatr& te *at thr
rru :ud rr,kt thr rrmt *r glmra*t m &r oynl{ :r b,ts fri str mylcerant fcb
rt bcrt*. &rt f .at{rtl mpDcrr its r lob of, f'lrlr em gkolor nlart lt.* gr
ffisA h*.4 ktlil ra€ rrt{ *o;l;r;rfrll yrr I nryryott lt Lr ur0 rcnla tt 1; ust
ht tb.lt yol hn thry rrf mff for 1t.* f rnt"arr ob yrrl y*rt x rr*gryolo tsl
Iflr &a aBrtrd f,or &r Sort Offter. h,* roon r,ft*r trr*rlng sr rrnxlrclg I
lru r fB3cg oslr.r iftilt brlort tr rlt th& tbry tlffina hrl(or rorgr{} rnil tr
r$,i;rIrr &lr i.r thtr ltrr *f your f,rL*adr?i Br mtll ,6 &rt tr srylry lfi*
thnl gtrlr. ery er{ rttb tbr r; ta}rrtrr ra{ qntttr r blttu rport*tr
rtry rm ef tful loeroul €' s. Gsaffi,arrlr* r rrnL rn( til,tilm tfart*tr. 0E
qt ily llF thr rord tr pnr*tr rad f,allcod rerttr;, rtte brrbos llp ra{
x ftl S3
rir* S tur aa;hal tb. ltrlt nn r r*r ntr s. 0, rru, I rrhr{ hlr lf br raul
tp bc&tsra for rf} tlrtrb* rllcrr rd.lp. lt th*t thr H*mh*tilr t{ldt tln tr
:rt lato tirr hrffur, *tab hr irt{ r*d ry144[.a. i tnto tom dth thfit
r oaurrit
tbet'tL' nrr{dlr ild aet ..at thr arrc to rp*rd
&*t thrtr rert te to*. "'r
fHd*,s Fr sxB.ffi.S tlT$fo$:tr rRIftffi
LO86 Oetabrr 8tb I rcut tc thr trrrl'n for rcll
- ,-
rsxtlng fs5 u3tl *r rrmrll
rbffi I tot to thr Fort sffi-sl I t*r tont elltl'drtm
n*oatpdt rad thr anrs
ras sst rilorfi$r oeat rmil bri
or &rv; r hurLr6; brfom Ur S'
of, srilr ]ro* hr,ag ry oth;r b*r&srn'
follo**t *r *r
arlrrfl *t oourt r r*r*
rsffi 1n*ilrr
gemlrrl,aqffir rltt} a etgnr fn b.tr lous. &o
baail$; ;aal $f!09'46' *11fl' I refi;;a'
*hm r urnn hf,no
ri he,'
illfl nnt hoil sry thfsg :but
fs00 lhil fo;t Ot:flLs* rad rrudrr r'mct ry fa*rlfg
rnr* 'llbrt'
rt fr.r^L I *rnr to tht cosr raf, tbiu T{rm *Ll rt km xatSt {$ror8*
* to ttrc bcrt offiri*
r'nBff n'trrrtil$ f,wr xsgp tr cmr*rtrn r(th trbr fmilg
Gaus't '*uril aop
to }ex*m
om}{ rr sotl{ for th; rsqr*
trac ,,i emJ,ll iio 3i6 slt uD tfit lhr ftm lso{ *l
aatrxlt ofmA' X arrpt* to !&;
ar rrf,} lf|tt
F6t 0ff1o; mrr&mt rt hrhirG;sa 3* $, prf'C&t3$ ry $oottloa
othrr r]m
ffigtr f,ir lyar PrI* srshr couGtr rryrotLng & b* mtra*ril a|rt ;biB
{ast th{ry uHfir te[&
t[nr ffEtil rot s$,lr ffi," lu* #]f,'g6 G]il s I nr hlnfirrtit r 6xoat eal rboqt
gitt*rs nr ;EE6 raf, p; rnd frort r.t ta mrly Ne*s hinitsred *t frm 0orsg
I r'"'l
ffi6b plsrrxc. llhil rtt tilr,E rxr{vrd rt sytr rr$r *t frls Pr*' m &rt
+qrr brd h.}t tbn ilrr to trt ry lsl{ af rqa{ rad ls thr fuyr rrr.
rl$lt r estrf* art {o eroh rt grtttaE rqor hlt *m *hr ooutrrot n* L*t for
aut *I
rr$.ss x tkffi tret ts mrt v*r? hGrd rsd sEtr poi mo{ ptlt' 0x'mmd
!&r erulp ru6 Eot lt oa ry lrul. 8[xnd qF ry g*tm rsil fr|Ft*i to ltilm ry
{"nr dvm 13& ima*16t ohtlfiIr6 ts go k llrl:sn for };rtag otey;{ trht lr;
*r6b I bff ssg h*tt rrr*lriL & Jrurrrf sth lss? r rr*ltvr{ xril &8 &rt
}ff $. Blee*ratr to w fa Qrr*;g cttr er tlrr sth !6 pLmO. ry tnilllf, h*i[ bra
I gpod
Dr.Fffitag *f eletfitng rrE6 3;it p&r * 6no{ rnfir {uflt ra& Sn*l:Lr *rr
l,tnil;ry $bcstrr I e*61 *:" ftrt{ }rp I snll boxor rttb l,ockr. {tlrtrr {h'ltrr*
rr11a gnr. rr S$rg0 to u,afp ur to gct thtngt for ry oonfort. t[" htb$ sdhnc
r{t rn{ htr frnll^r rtrlr uvtuc rt Prffihlin ldrho ead oftoa €tnr to rco nr rnd
gff; l, rs6t tondryr ;ld rlngr ;;rr*d rrry ufirtt t for lr' ry brotbcr ld.{ ts rl
iX r[ vrrf rsrt? for you k,t rt*ll r r lrort to bl ptttt*it thrltr fsu *nl S6rap
um I b*"r sot ebrrr{ thl Srmtrr lrr of {lo0 krt you hrvlrr !ff {tLrt;r srlra
ltv*{ ai.t: tur ilin oftra vtritr& u rnd :lmyr a;on;& to U. *r1I of fr*f to
trll allEL rtout ry rf,fgtrr Jsba Errbrr ry Sroth'r-l"plrr clJll ofta to itt ltt
mi grri 1; rouq4.irufi trrertil rmxlmrr to ilo anftbts6 to hr13 rad oor*olr rillrh
rrr Asotbrr nobrrt hLnm (sur elrbo3) rnit hlr r:[fr Srrrrl D*xil &s e vr.rtt Esil
frlt yrr1r mrsh for ull f,f,e ltttlr }ughtcr 0rn'ol;ltrt trErl$ht *8.m hrt mr rrt
to tr!*t So tt rea rbp rmt it. &rt Sra rbr tald lr thetr X Hlsw lt m: s8**
otibcr rot of th; &tr&opr rtlrmt chr;t$' 1&. rldor of, }lt;r tlhr&rtmrru erll
to lr ta r6fia6 rn{ rl.t&sngh tbr nar r.rtr dlraf rn0 oorrl{1 xot aryErk I ror{ af
th. hGiJ,trE lra*lrrgr elrool hrn{r tr{ prraard r rilvrr ilollrr i.nto ry b*ad rilltrr bl"g t eri trtetlo* itoro Lrr hsatrt faor. I mr ta16 tttrt f onf,y hf,d to 80
ta Ogrilre tBtr tl,rc rn{ thrn nrlnua rllil 6o b h:1] la ] noathl. 0n tho ?tb X
tttoh.dl uD thr tmn ra{ lsadrd tih; rngou rtth ry fadl.' te 6s ts tlr tnlar
tm. sn{ *rs*sllr ln{ rsrt of, thr ohlldrs.r thrf ;try1lorlag f rhrrrlil rrturt rbost
thr 10tb hrt f hrd no ;uch fraXlsgrt& f,:.Eta**" 3[,#&,r*Bt[.:,irl.lh*tr e*r.sET.A#'
*.*#ifH*e thst I ihffilil aot ;m lkn rg.i,rr to; *t l*rt 6 rnathr *a'O prrtn3r; trS
u I fgunit t&mt rtr. I Oountr rgd,nrt nr. .irrllu ms tihr Lnrt oar rilO rhakril
ry traC Jnrt rn thl Eala onel r{po f tha tol{l bm r; bmt I asulil t"n r rtqf
fm *r{r sot to lsok for nr b os*r brcl far to*r Slr hrt f ilo aot th,tah
;br mibrrtoof, nr. *'t llhr tnl^a mvr{my rg }ttttr'c ahtl.drm rr}ra ltrn.ttrlg t'f
tr e10 tbm ta Da g06{ to mcb ithar rail to l*rrir nethmlr rn{ rhtlr bt6 trrrr
rel.lr& lam ngr f*oer ;t.th ry }rt X nvri thu 6oef-$rt, I tookr{l to thr &t
l$fr{,aerr $eb*r Soru$. ArrLr;lt thrrc tr}O },X. &}k;il ta }}*mat Vtcrp orllr
ril *t Srthrr Slsrmrr rtrtrrd brlf rtLA IoEr, ltl rn r1ryh tbr; 8pyr ,rre Bhry
rnt*{ lr to rtry to rtrpft" hrt f sculil rotr lrft tiblrtr 0rIlri :t &u&,*r
li. -{.heesfs. }1e was
i-:.:. l,krgj-a:r,f
l:ut hi-s wives'il-:lzabetli
al:.iL:iii-za and. tl'ie
€atldrffi ffirt
p}r**td te roa nc rad, nr trctr*t n**e ac nt hanlr sod blcrs
tba tg[r {?*tt! Sooa roulr ra6 tm; asd fatthftrl tu.mor. I rtqrad th*r 2 hou
hra ryPrr trortr fhe nt to &uthry Alor Myaooilll {3mt te* rmtrg ug
;lrryt thntr ;*th bi.r rsn $rncl. &',Etbrr *rryoool bd ,*at ssn; Eut ef, tbt 3u,
,'t&tl,tsf rftrr * rmtmec of !."L rasthr rlnd, r tl.nr sf flo$.S$. f ldrttc{ ttrrf
'itrar SrtrSIr ucrt nomtrng; Sihc tf,t* fuff,art 8E.pthrr *t0rooo} httaheg qp I
Flr al bcrrrt to atr &*tr er8 thru nil{i to ogrtm. l[h* ror{r mp ya1,y rou6h
lrr{Yr& rhut 1}r!$ &rfltr Sr toea f,firil kothrrr S. S. Hl,ahnrils tfrr rHrqh I**,,,
^teil iftlrP n &tr'I S'tb kl,* tr emolu{a{ rrmd;r thc oltrruetrassr I aefllfi 0p ua
b*tts thffi ts plsa{ flrtX$. Surt hf,arr osrrrt redurrrn*{ f,ar rco*erd I mr
arL tsr * sr3lgr of tec 1;Ett*mt 1g{ t11r *nmt to
{frcg Sth Brat&cr Hrgroootr b* prrtug fer 1t. I snt dam *n{ rrrat* r }attrr
bEnl to ry fanll$ trlltng tha hat rrthrr r&ir
qr ura* r.l,adrlqr *r gnvr rr
r sorH.arfi brtfr ea6 forit. *t atsrt * ?,ffi. r *r sx[i{ er(er glrl:t af 6 oob
*b{tl* a*:rr} rno plx{ #nlltr rM thr feX;toud,r; aqxrg'rt{,e$ 3aiffia friB
rfgrl.f rr*il &tsgr t[mscralur (rfin{f,r]rkvq yoe rnnffiLrg ta ny *,5r emtm*r r6*il
or1lcil ry rE{ sea,rrmf,.
r.,t tl 3mre{?r (nrrmrr}rfmr Marp I ilEtrt.ilt rtr ril.f,; SS ymm ngn g1m tfrffi
ill ffi *oborlregro rnr xplnrt {er.as rorrt#ufir}rrm rrr rsu ffifirlrd roar rtfr
fO lrmffi e6o rhrsl t&ffi rar m let rgrin#t pl}rml nrri.rgtr hrt t&n l*x af,
nr $
btf,trr tbltr yau tr*rc ap riloab't h*asqfi L&r: Bl,rt6r tttet &.are *. I)tr6$[
8*s{m tc prw*r' S obrr trlrl 8rffil rlr *ctrxnnt r}uxry or qsbrH.tLo,a thr
s$utrt *r d.llras to mr.rpm{ lu{gmsatrr {s*g" trrlrtur]*x hffi rrn{ mrb jrroamd,tp
t& tbr ffi$ffr ({urtgr}h;rt f,r. xf,r!ry d* rEs *.rb t* a?:,r,l ywxg;rf of tht o3ryffiI'tf o"r gu{'rtrIt{tt.r f ml$rf,our honor I *r,rrri.*il ry ;;*sad r&f,; ?",,. nror
n&l bffir hrd rhlldre tr rn r[e r bv* nertri br*ie tg mrror*
8O Txrr lprr
thr.r rr ru.}Lrd lrc? 11* ra heurrt riilt EortDg tt to t| ttir r,ax.d fra to
dn r8 rn{ I amot um trxn ny }aox m ttr lail }if ehlldrm rad trlt
et trg *o
rnd rh''ft fEr thsrtrllYpl.'
'fo fqnlr kaer f ormst tfrffi t1lrfur te ry era fiIl;h
rna bleo{.; ;gkqf rm Ltn' rild r fxl t&rt r *houx* br r vilLtrln ,.a{rr{
ta u*r
*ren ry }t* so strrr ;X hot &t tr brf,ost ilr hrt rr,tb altr ihrr *tryrot
Itffif'ffir a[f, thc *ouukgr foxm*r nhe oad &rrry er.g*il;; ry {h111,.m rft{
ffirtf,ttrt ry rlyrrrr rtqur haaor I al esrr rleff for :tatsn*t.r tfir{&r}*I$u
6q aot r.m to urf,p. ;trailn lrgu art uot & br p*atrb*6 for aarryta6 fsst rlvrr
krt hanu** trou $octtsrt lx tbc ilnrtLr6t rl1rt,{n rlth tb*r rn{ m #t. Sllrtf
tou do rat rt;h to prentr* tr to tht fir&rl'.r tI rrfalrf ;sul{ mrah r*thar 6s1
€r ffirt (.I*rlgc);tfbru Sr. f,irly *t tr ry fu$r e amteae* yotl *a 6 ;oathr ls
th6 Bt*b fmtt&tlrryy rat ta n*f ; flnr af tt0OrOO ntrfr yo" **arEd somltral ttll
&Bt :t"c p*.ti[*; f,hLr ts ;; al&r *; I aen rrltr or raab*r sf, rtr rEaL]-. Htdt
firm *tmhs ehaffl{* ef Sorth S6ffir Srbtr Sorrn$r $o;rph frtrf of OgSm Sl.t
S, Er lmertmrm of t*rotrr*B*r tf;brr sslmlrr trah Btrertott Ef i{r,urtottlrxrkt
Soraty. &ild gh*r};; Sreutst sf lagu,a, $.oh. eatmiry. Sroh reagt?ta$ 6 nnnl&,;
ra* em lilrffi.So mil swn f,r00.69. It ;.!il tbre S,Irr* ts Sn nrrlh;Ltr of,flL*t
f :m$. $oor tr* &o iltr Ul!,&Gg u th canrltr lbtr, rrrfii & atb*r prtmrnrr
scr* haasrtrff# t0Fg;th;n ht *; hre ar lussr 3r*t aa ur. i? tbot3t F 3*$r ilt
ffir,ip mrehriil I tf e |3ffi to t*r; II. 0. Srr,L:Fsldt rtstfau rossr5ssf;* Lf S o" { ,.
ar*tblfr rnf, rrtr! &{t* ffir"sr rf to mlt lr&r tli[. e lmrtng Sgdm X nl}
to l6sr ry fr*"tltr ;mr uot liEm" f routr,{t trtlFcit ?ry mrsb to b*rr ;ls tbt
}r*t ribrnr I Ear rtrrr rud rbiltrsm oll.ngtaC rormil hubrads rtt{ **Un*ffi rllil
pn**rib*ru I fe},t thrlnkftI. th;t ilXE firr lt botr rl** thnt f, rctul,fi rlrthffi
aailry rttr ths }nrrdrn nFmlf lf pom*hlt" lrnil f offili rp* brlp klt iirq$ r i;
{m,r to t&il n#fifitf gf, rgr 4rcr mc; rt bmtr .&x*.vr8 tt selt I**h; SIS *ffii
S xgmE ffi#r ie{,&tu6 ts tr&c r*r to &r ful,trarsrryr **m rl srxtr;ii rhr*t
I F.H, 3r*$t *&lt*il rr ?ra. tasn r**&,oil *lilg Bsh tht.afr trh*r frEn ul rt
s. nrrt npt *Llsm{, ts$.{;, If aan}lar{ Irttr rud folt lrr{ SS.& ilir* ilrhll&
el *; xot a,L[srr8 to }; trtsa l.u;fuir" qf so*lt sl.fr d.& onff tbc mrl':t
tt*{c(&s larrfr em &rfrf tryses}r f xa rtrlsnd to *aLr S.& rr r}rs ry
gpty $l,rr* iu{ r*1} s,}drt 3e*rt oc} *a{, r 1lstrafi of oeuS g&T& ff *& S;(*
W rB * qrrtltr & mcr IIv;{ l.l Hye* *llf $ thr anlr, af lrcrtnr I trlt
Ilrt to thfrnh I routd b*vr ry yea**t tnntfrl b;omre tt mr SlYm to rr tf {F
eugntm *alnb s,tmt I tl*r; brfomr Sr fcun8 tt r&fl rculil aot fLnA re offi
fir lt rnd ra lhr sFtl lt t* mr ltc ss brd ry*r sf tms{ rd tr.f ru#
frnr sor'rur** ra{ tn* for tfua*r *e rtfitir{ ltr hrt r* r n*rrr {ooe
*r* ox
{l*fftl. I
rttstilr wr mrr the trkm Lnrtr &rr s* rntosoil tsed,dt *f r l*t
6s qpe' srts ta * ${sr cf *bEut { f,rrt *nn tb; 6ntr rr* elqm{ rag * trrl,gr
liEor x;.r opm** an$ lt mIFl trtra* ta mrr erIlr ru to amlm I :,*. ssSf an{ rou
ctbam to mmbr 3 edl. t&r eutffi iSoon il uaod s.!b s srxt mtxy ef rbout
, f,rct rad ea lm st* srmras &$o th; crllr s,th I trcn btrr emmiag mt r
h6arf loo* to aab trre flr mtrral rait t&* gntr clo:r{ :al[ rc mfi] 11n1;]f fe
rram. I ;t tol& k alq g thr frl,oor d,tb &Bthffi .Io& Hrml,s?t. I hl{
ao brfr cr teilag ht er h{ h*Lr rt n* tmrly : ehnlae ridar ta 5;. &r
rrtrcmrr hail 8nn* te brtt rnd ryrslr{ to br gntrte rn{ fop &rt r,m,sola r.qF
$ttlr rnr IrLg to trr oallr ta rbsr er lL*r m EouI{ }rg 4orur ffi;3p I a1* ry
*1{ f,rtl8*r |[bmr B. $r}n of ?lr*mut Ylrr l[, S. Slltr sf Ssrth W{rnr r&d,
stile tdanl af rogm. l[hr hhr ffrr e anilr r,r ffi rhtp board rad, & nrn & r
Mr Shi ltrtpd olat&{xg Urcetsa $cffiS H* ef, tihr hlalr an{ ;ml rhq;Las
t?6e ru*fior &ttr brsdr urcil tr gix-lom rmH ttx,u6a k *r tmt x hril u*dr rry
ry nlud ft m&t tb* b*rt af, thn rfhrttffi raA thm tt nr r r,hu#gr :lgbt te
mt {&r pl$orme :trt sbrrril *nit rhart }rl,r. $lt3lt rflrr hrt s*t ?rr7 nrsh fnr
I mae*rc &w ry frrilg ilffilld &r*r tba {lrrrotnbmt trrn thry ffis}at so to
rcrt r{} on t6ond*y tht LOth :eA t$rtrrit cf lrctlrg rc mrrtr-S r*orlrr ry lrtt;1r
sloh x f,turnhtc rrts rror*rrsc ry tatmat ou {*lxrrilqr. Sth enadrr Bofisraf
smr of, thr gHsrdt cnr *t rtmt ? orclask ryfid bloserd tbr rrea i,uqr or
for all irlmncrrr ts grt ury ;aa ls rbEnt lS Liffitg Hff,,#f ffi{ l*t ur srrt
& nab rnd bllt ra bmr *fter rt*LI ln* mr eatlrd *hm rtl oswtrotr firm rtl
! rf t$r attla folfi ta g $arr rn* nrrrb Luto &; rr|Birltr &,ll} *r,lr : ggrt.il
rtrnil rt t&r {oar tfi klty srnilm re mr t&:t *oh rra trkr &.1; h*t re }r ut*,
l&c Frl'I' Lr *hmrt lo ftr*,1lmr sd et fmt #,i}l rltt* I ilnl lonr.{ g frrt
rulsd rtht *xl xrd * }d-tr cf I r 6 f,or r ;r*t f,or {rror*.}t{sa rx so61 x^tohl*rer beo[c Bn* *finr. xubrn I tr go r 3or *,s lnrrhr il fr;t 6 rnsh;r l{,{n
& reob *&* rn{ rt ftrrthr* ffi{ m{ rkut lii fmt kl$s. 4,x} r1:1.1rym16il[ r31
arr taesh# & ttrr }rillil sr ln rnt out of trhr lnmffircmr to *r"6e thrr trrffis
s& hf' roo*rt ta thr rxnrr{nf hr*}, slrm *; r}fi1t fo srrdr t3, lagtrx raf,
!r*d'* sf &r rrr{ ;brrc m {e nlr" g*rru r rrt nm:,rx h.r*m1 gstrffi
sradllrrmt rqE ||[bmil xGra1 o{ ?*..cr*- .L*l,,t* rr- € *c..r-- ..-- *-L-L-a-dr^*
r*rr5 offess* *G : tes
th* soat of thr
$r ffinbff 3 X*ehm;r
far, mrrsafl I f,cr ulwl'
rm* ef €ol,,.sG r€r* rf,tt*
$]rG aot af, *ur t#
for Snrsins eo:ruteftt
rn& gsr f,er r*pr, urr
r m,tt of 3rt*oa slatb*l'
irhr ,*ie c#r=,rJas r *r mlr"tfi
lFsoilc an '*'acolnrlru
p.x. wt to
lh,u'as sl'; st'r
efi*r *rm*r *t !
tha esrlEtr
Steralrror sor,, o!
xan *strs
yffir seat66oe ,*& I*sscsa*t
{*e $m
tuc s?*rE
r,,rdt ;o** xtttte t
tb'.r6ht tbGt
you $;rr ss far frsxe u*t
a,*il rhrt lt *l:
rr thrt yotr a**Ls ust t*t*s
ts ,*&*46
fraa yorrr f,o*l
*g s rhrr txrso grist xrr.sa&.*$
gni *, Bg|,ffi luSu; I rrgrlvc& to
dr'y to rsrrot cortrilfiI'
rs{ rt'} }rohrb,* crt tbm
full't rtl rTtr taof,l*
&Isd l*vr
Sill'lrr i"'. B*nillr
fo* f,ssb tr*rr frts*frf
r folt
rrtf,o *:
sm r rroclv;* tbir '*ttrr
rrorivr. tbr f,olr.orrrg
of, *lrtlrry
Sr itr*r llurb*ndt
r rs
Sr wont ilsm to tha trrln
yorrr st{
ts stt
rgrln dnb tbq aa'l l&ssepgar
tllaro ,,s'*
r brvl b;& thr t
ort to ffithof s*t*ra; Mtbrr
bnvc gonr tE 0g6rn ;t{
sorr bck r
ls r' tmtt
to tbr
*!l,ot *,aO *Ifiltd rmt ilo*
sbl ir ln brrr
$i;rrr *tri (*ee*"{} *ca rr
rrr r'otf ** t
thlr trn
oi hrr tlilt. frr *11 ror*
ervc tbs thtssr fror dorqpb'
Ldee tirat you
$lttar ltorrrc tbr bal.f 8o*eu allvor sXloora whleh aa far ar I en o*nsenrtd f thtaI lh* oireht to h*vc tsilr remlilstrstloa far hsr 1v6sbh. lfc al.l. weat to neating
y;tterdqf teinklne yorr $cm *t $lea*aat Ytm rtth our frlcads. ett slthor$& ffi
*rr grlamf, yct X nn thankfirl thet I hsve n hurb*n& rho lt tr*r ss* f,*Xtbf,lrl to
Oo{ rnil hto fasfly eBd 1111 ril*Xt rongfully re.thar therr ilo rroug. &od bltrt
yrou lty doarr l[her*r' *c brvt F*rEril thrau$h nuoh enf, rt rr.ll 3 tnrst prrft thr.
ou&$ att thet ro hrve too rtthorrt mrruurl*{i heorln€i t}t*t os& I'g fotr rt;' I na
anrlrorrt to nigrrt *nd Ersrot sel thc llnrr 6oo{. I kror yorr xll.l. *mlrrt. ffid*tr *f,t.rnosn thci:boyr out up Ga$r.&gh *oo{ t}r,nf thlnk rftl L*rt a raQbr fl*ry
hrvr brm ts ach*pL r11 i[etr e dry. Hr d.1.1 try tCI keop thm i.n scbaol *IL 'htr*
tdrr thst lc potstbl.e, I b*vs rsnt yorr t p*tmdr r*d brrlf ;u6srp froils Eu"rllfrlrt
bLrouttrl rous gtager rnrlr; and hrtter hon*y ruf, gooacbrrqf prcsef,Ys*p nrqf,lor
nn{ aottoa, rysoxl, oboeol,*te nnrl 6Lng*. I :bd.I srttr te $Lrt* Ilf,sf,orr TEss
futlt nnrt go outrtilc tE tt orrntot go ontX{t. tht hryc siLL be pswld tn yoirr
glrXltr I &*tl;rJtc to ynu *galr yor? sogltr Sonrt forgat ta put on your dilp
trcrtr It ms ooldcr hrrl o$ Seta:ldry :rlght *n* l*at nt6ht then lt b*r batn for
n loug ttne bafo*. Hben you wttq tolt rrs abortt your coekt. I aanrrot th{nl '
of, rayt):Lrg aorc to*i.gbt. f?c prlu Ln cy f,*ac le Soano !o aot rrortS' *bout halt n$ra thnn S*u sn$ pctat bLrX,y htlp. Yeur Ehtldrta all ccn*t tb*lr lovr to yoa
If, thtrr ls *nytbins lrou rorld trtkr re r*Lt txy and sond tt to f,otl I nuat uos
ray Soed ni6ht *:rd *od bltes poru Sran your *ffsettanrte utfar
F"$. &m*mbor rrs ki:r$ty tottirr brrthcroa rtth
i. K'
h*d to pul't dsm flns
tnrnkc r,xd rrbutl& tbuE and palra 5 tatros lurtea{ sf fl ead I *.nd uy bir**oy took
mr,nb*r 15 thc bottor* orra opf"gtt; thc iloor. "#lt$n oonvl"etr fi,rat eent Lt mc thr
nrfu i,a uu*ber 3 tE lwve than Btng * ao$Sr denee a Jlgr Er raks e ilpcsohr X
n*rf6 r, ,oB€ errtltlr$ alfba SLd Ol,d l{atrr. &raday 9th ar SStaeop*Ilrn Bltnlntcr
hevlug nar€ pri,roxoro
prsashrd t6 trs
tbffi thora r*rt
b*ntsn ee
ia thr {Lunfat bslt. I raeclve{ trhr f*lls;trW lctter frsil ilf
.Ianuary 15,
Ht DGEr l[honres
rlt.I rmltr lrou . flr X'lars to itny fxnlsb tE ia'or$oilr
Hrvr Jurt GoB& hspc fr6* n;ctlr6 rhffr rr ntrettl yorr thcrl ls nu,oh r' tmtr
gh** rur qurta * fos that r sa; thrt itroxrprd r [mryrtbatlo tocr for you bcli0;t youll faniS$ lrbo oennot belp facllas 46 d'tno6gh wo roJot'oc thrt you rGr'
tblr te ro nobly atr;gdt up for youf f,'ctl{r Xa oourt (CIre you htil that frtrtl,tuar{rc rcat
St) rhtab ;t illd rst knof, ralr thtng rhout tt ttt[ Ertds'ye ;rsfsr
ilss b rsgra lrst Eu,raday ;tth your thtngr rs rr*ttsil atail got tttc tLisgrr f,ron
Srrphl. So:cpb br: brhavafl vcrT SstroBt te h*t rtgter I tbilf' Si r€'nt
palr ef d.lvsr apoonr, tablr rnlooBs, thlit nas Srrrr&r stEkrts tn'l tba oseert
rsr*6 tbat rstte onr f,or lal
Ifootr &*t nottrer uaetl tl.;ryl to cat rlth' ry thrt
to i68r *bsn tbr
oh of ur. fhrt nmt rhrt r rlweya dcaLrcil but aevsr *rrcotelt
I rtll
tbar tbarr trr * Ltttlr elsel rli.ab srs i'n s llttla
3 tnohtr
bsr r&j.cb m,o praoc0 rridr of, r rhsr. rt aataitr 5 lushos trtgh '*il
rld,l. flhtrb r b*tet* you rtll :6rae fttb nr lu seyrrfig ts * xltblq cloohrr;
thc colil so r' bftrtrgr bor hsr lt rtll tseeg tLnrr. shc el'othr
.Ieh hrl gCIt
brlsg Hrpt loskeil up ta tbc box ;r yrt rtth b*t fEn oxecptrone.
r ai, dmn ,htrt rse n Sclo* sf 0ratus f,er tlfrsd * $rt; of pants. A}oo rtooaotbor* llilt
Ltrgr ra{. rueb thlnga rGrl dre{n lotg for. ohrrlottr drur oa her
anil ferLt
h;it goad LLaacy q*l,ltr frlr of ptlloral blukctr, boohol I hLvsa
*tob rr ttcklng
Brrry anii
mndrtll. (Sr* tr glvrn r llgt *leh f a*16 ast ruuntrat;') $or I
tr'l rou ho* peam0 {}.orgr res thl* corurngr rcq rcurnbcf x. Heaoay Srarlare
br.s l*reoa *ail 0roe tfit,*rat ta the oac uLo murar pry the noct *ttmtioa to
pleasa*o fergr got lt. 11 la dargcr oaa then I borght hln aatl be *aa Ysrt
nr b,ro&tr rrotc ts uc Xeat Sncadrryr asil tolil ur he mulil oono an $l&llldletr'
r*tcraay ra€ r. 3ou*rfirr ilaaflr rtory ilrtr ra th*t r dli{ nat thlak ''t }ololblc
a latb'r
for htl to ooer elom b*t hc 6ot h.*c x*ot baf,ora {ark. I dto 6ot
rt t'lrr about thc da*'{t thrt
f,roc Srour $lrter oh*lottr rhlob r rtrl Eortr tttl
I ;111 l,aav* eut sc I gncrc you nlll not eare about thrt rrorro Ysur Slcter
Lrr gur lrouec
$rrr.arr GrBs over to Bl8 rr*e sith thrt ereept!.aa th&t ms rl}' mc
letter f,ron motb'r &[n{sr
}*et fis.
x er vslr lo
ra$as tr raeaivcd rour
htr'G' I hope you ttt'f,
rry yoo eeulil
'bcat re asul'n' tc grt
not ;affar vrqy
ta b
you, nrahtng" sst thtt
*bril to you.
dollr. sr eoulfl brvc aa*rt r1.1 Il itldl aeait you ttr
you brd bctter aas{ than bolrl to ;acb I
{'lioe er nlotsl,bl.i.
arorr:at ta aag sosr thrn rryiag fo}''tBi
thry dlt allor
boar fron rsurrts {er. sh'lE **u 3
r-r }rtqg
frr,nilcr ma rritrrg rr l lsti;rr
lEng rro&
lonc nssp to d!rr' sonf,ryr i thtl
sm txr.r
b*fprE thr'I. sor nY ilser lgbolsl
{Ino fo}rr
srrcsr r rrl"l sltt to yoa r6pia ;ot
r rh.,r t$*r
you peat*d rt l*gra end tnst yru *
I l*IlpOri
b,ldr of ssrl.ctts. yoa brdl 1 af,
r11 *r acat
oa !nn*r,**y lagt
reeer.vc* a y6r? uroo
Sxrredrry cvtnlng ft ;X,'
s& tbolr nt ts to
'tffiocklug at t]r'r floor 6rgla8 esnt i&' ser lltt'e toagu
bor*, Irlttlc xrLsls
yesterdrSr *a& }riJraqy 'ho'
te rmnln$ eIl tho tl*e. Ho teOk b.t to aoetla6
(Jrner I) Scr I s{'t} aoPy ysus sistcrs lotter to
&ar &o&arr
pr{roa fe:
b'ear thrt yeu hr4 to go to
I rrcrj.vto
rroag tbsa to dle rrr
oboyrng tht oonnannr
rxac&. (gane oth* txl
&6r r boSo x *&11
r 1111 trx,o Ef ber lrtt* f,or yau- &stbfrr
ua rhen *: rs*{ you'r bttoro
pleeae aocerrt ou'r \rer?
*b.ry deslr* tsstr isvr
fron your
it*ar t*rsbrudl,' at srtr to rsurls ;roofr
Af,fcetLouatc filfc
EOyt orrt
lso{ os Srtrrrdetr,
tra fttby
bavs g;oar birf to
sehOe}' rgnI"a
taflr eqthffi s*rn,d fu fient;.brqf; -#thr ser tbr Dlfir.
r prsrfv*d th* f,orlorlng L;ttx frm ffiatrb*r stndrrr
Sslt l"nlu fttr.
dlaunry 1g;
&letl,er &lrryr
m hd tharrght tellt if yorr roulrt ftr *p rwr *t rW olot!*n6 *e{r usn{n tt
srt€t4$ sr Lf th* trlcrtm *f tbr fffir,ta*tfr,rxpr ffiSffi S,$. Lesrc tt et *nf pLs
e* Lm thr sttFr Mtlr etme*r d}} &rt t&u rry nmd mr& ** for 3mr ss sffirs
falsr m far affiSr Swr d,3.1 v* *ttc to r;*t lnf*mnttsu frs*n onr af th* &+rmrg
or tb6 kxr**&ffi f+Lrr ffirrt ,* ns ta the b*;t mgr of gat*lxr6 the $iotlres ts *r
ot$. ** *'*o tr&I{ tr hmr trsu err ta good bwSt&r fft th *S,fid lorc futm qttr
I rrrria ys*r trtrlySlllfun I,r EnCcr
i{hffi r reealvr& thg chunr r iliit rtot bow }rer to feal gp*atfinl mrnughl &Ast$ffi
Seri"d ie*lesr s'n,s her* e px[*ortw far &r ffirs s*Ymat *o rycrlf rud b.rd offr*
** tknt bts felrlll mu14 ilo aqy eerli{.rr& aud bae fi"lr**iltr get 66ilG hrt ** d6ry
**il * lxnge fsua*Ig ruad ksthw r"{r.4er ba{ nptr r srilIr tkmtrfs HGrffi hfikil
tr fml$xS *,F-et I {Le not [l.h* t* tqaaa* sr &fls Sffisrsrr,s an&rtrrr I b*s * &rn,
rn rf,*tsb aroureBr{i ec rsqr &l,ahr f firar,rgf$ f *,e s*r**Lru W * etru*n ;f
Y€rfir tetoh mtar rrhtoh ms rurtrfn$ vr*y &rstr* lfhe rtmwm ws ab6ut ffi f,;*t
tt$* nm* q*"t ts fur?xr,Ix*nt ar:d ru+&ar $asefr thsrp #sr] af, th* &rst&cm *&
il* q&e ffstre prtsm*rr a-Ith*ueh I iltd mt *plruxr te helffig & *$ p*rltmtf,nryr
&call mls g hrtek e$lshes frxliff a hrt$ga o?*r t&* rtrmu an& "hiw fltrffi s*rr
*ri[ to hrtekr{ ca cacL #,snr Es k* * net tbst *rurmr*{ to f;tt m* sf fir*
*,rnh*s &d, S rotlcctl ths er6hs,r Hctra lloth tbt wp.r*t etffir ,|!ko n*t Hlt * tor
srff tiht top rmd * atre*e&t stick *o 1a;' at t&e bottac ef thr stror+r* S* $rt
tbr m;t rt the *rtffrsrlc,E of, rm* sf t&a amh;* selt h.ld Lt t&sr* $,te * m*11 ;
' .&,fg!"*u*d k &s hsp fexu,r{ kf trn *Sr&r *rttr* othnr sat rffie3,l so3'cn *rd
ilaxfi.ae.A. *Le*s t3m *tru8l tr drf.rc tk* t[e& Lnto &* r!,t* saHr of t&* be.st]*ffi
3s** th*Y $ii[ n*t t]xil*k m oor'*1* get fLrh trrrt of msh a g1d{y errtr*sat etuc-
effi k *r
lB tr* to prevant tirr f,r,h f*ffi g*lng
h*d sr*moo* to
rrt rc h**}*o sflr nf,t u,P lad tbrrl
Ha 3{ mes f{.uh els ut} co*l& 5et *ut ef
thr mtrrr 'sr landef, thrr lutg r ffiSisa. Aft;r thrt n* wrritc* ttuc ;a6on fer
roruth.trg ** g* rol*S*rt ra.{ rbm rr unJ.ord,e{ Sfrre fi#g}el;rd.*"t**hc *ars thlt
*m ;r ls*d.*4 thtnr *h* Latrrylr*t*tl,an *ppt*r{r{ to x* tc ba thni *L[ thr
m r;crr $s.ustrl$ throulh rsulit brr.aff ur gr*nt irls*sl,H$rr .It*t
b*{orn I s*xs ta prlrce X hee r itrm:. f t}6ugbt I &&6 rprov*{ to ms* Im
rll** *rro tborr ;rilr r fr* Mthrrtl rmd &erc htsg rr*t? rfch mt} it mr
*pt n**sssrtrf for rnSr t* Em but : nrLl prter tf, lnud. I ttrnaug;.;t I SlnnefiI
I er I reru 6f, iltr *oct u*d n*bh$ thm lu nf hse$n n*S $lm thn shsf,f su* qf,
th* ;hr*t wn$ uf I h*ndr plao*f, toe*thrlr &uliX nat hsl* th* *, t thr hmullr
**rc re luag* *nd w mny t**t *mt ilmr,}.* rrt* srrr ny lnrr*.r. I rmetr to ry
frilLfg sr6ry li*hrrd;y tkrt E fsg ihr EaLy ffi tn *Lsh sc could rff{tt *xsryt
rtr{ot}"f hletue**s httmrr ffi rilnr ant rllemd to wrr.tr in$ thitrS ef r Ft}l*
$terr* untum er *gxlgr $r *ag rrl;tgfl.ou rx*relms rt rrUr tinrr *] tb*t *1,] .*
ous pr&f*rc hed to h r$ef.*t&y eLlmt. ert mrrlrg s{rrrlit be Lndh,lgrt Xntg
ray rmta,t *ni tMt nr finrtgtf, $l ry tberr u*t st *rx fstt& to n fxtehtfuf
rrtffitr fri* oaul{ not xovr rfif*cr. }qoun{ rry ef &r ro$*s or yar& or *t
rnat"1p hrt h; seu,l& bilu tbr m* of &s& rad thc .*vLor blrupbrmsmfi ksrrtblJ,y
rffil IlaAS * {arl& t*3.:rgq6 aad *w*rfag *t thr mcil ttrnor }lelt&sr lt*ttff tl.lom{ ts sqy Ef, crr J.att*r. ![h,lr w;* &,otih*r aa* ffiirttrr Blsd#*rotilc to mr
** xB* *f,tur rtrffl&6 xrl orur* oa tb* mlL e $r4"f.X*gr m}Las*rl ts,*cs *o
ii*atm* Lt gffie$B}.ryr I alm rmrtrv*6 r lcttsr *rs ry rlfe s f,&Llor*r
trorrh.t* xhlab
Efrfa Paltr Utflb
Jruuer5r 81, 1[B?
Hf t*ar
I rs*e*.v*rl g*rxr ktlrs !*ttarr l*.a* Erraa*ary f,er *1.*h x* h*t be*n l*aklxg
ro mxlotrrlp. #L*41 b li**r you ufip tsflt as f rn gXc* &l mtr lt {'*llx* us *t
&* Xesterdri ;rxra,h *mt m{ 6rt ys& n y*rfi cf #*ll,nc lr,rt et yoa, *t$ rlot
asy xh*t *suu uffisted tt f,er. 9; iKd, nlr? lon*rr *trt to gct t? t'tker f *lesp
otrat ;l.su * lttti.* *aak to mm* trctff elnthra S0 mdl t?sr f.rlf I h*v* b*tt t
vtry nls* letter fxox &rth*r *ta$er. H* tallr s* tlh*t tkes *$tw{i to ?:arr
furr f,Gxld *M olc,tt*ta & tl*ec *a mahr *q Fmr rfI"X hsvc to do *s gre* thtrk
tsYG? ]rs
tu*t rrffi$r,,d. tr hl'ivr ifir f,trrt rstt*r x rxstr torr*rssa
rmnota rbsutr you sT st lrave tnes&t
wratg e6ptrr 3g*t i}otrr
&* t{*o
I rtut bsrt Ger
an& yru &td s*t tt'
?:g ktn* kn*n ubo "*a8se'
thi* *mr *err tn**a E*t srs
tr &ta, &rt thay gmt uoro ffi'l'tfsg
ast*r5,e* ax{ e eoni;lsr$ }mtfe nad ferB fur y*ur hoilr f *n iuro I dp ns't
nlab to txf,rir1g3 oa tlr laxs of, tire 1lrLa*a *r 5 s* rrllt; Lt :au"et b* hii'Ahly
31*ssg16rlr ta lrar* rnl,esr *r I So not r}oubt blrt rliat tbnrra X.ra irarr{l friq$h
lecgg$ $r*her*s k be gcv*rce$ I,g tba lsrs*. &l ptlt ln ycur tm*r bleck r,ui
neltn totgol}sr 5 as*{le8r bnll, af 3*rnr sed * da:relxg rs*rllt. " *8d if, th*t
fs {lffir,,sst tbr ruI** lr3 xtIl nst g€m$ you *I3$r uors or so wqu,Id e@d Yslr sos;t
ns1t;t if gori eerrl,& Iae a3}offirfr tlim, I *n 61*& 3rnu hevo cuoli * srr$f*;'l*bi,s
b** red i*rri, a&tsr &e *lret ti;re I, r*ote I tsl$ yonr Mx the koy* c*t arloug&
m*{ to I**t e rilekr Shst rla,a tira f Lrat wkk. n*nt, Sctrril*fi tbry snt }attr
Hsra f,uil ?,bsgr h*re ]*m ts Ec]rast s?csy *ry s$"Dse Fsu Lsft, *bop ila tnheft
mil* W go€&. I l*avs ro fefi ts frBS witlr tbwr &,lfre{ saetrt f,trr4 6aS tSSr
*a fi1r heas elo npt }*y a,uf. i.,lttIr Iilssa lcrggt &c e&di s&Su f,*tll,t3r titl
g*rtrc l*se*{ her all dary lsag f*r yaa Elofi thrs*EJ,ves* #s cel$ the roo*terr
fsr g Vg oarorts 31r psx$d :nd .&ltcr b*O * rr{rr rir*rl sitb tir$ xeffns. &tthtf
frgeery frs$ boffi rt+& rE &$ htr aot Teta efr*Un*g6 ebeffitt t'i?.€ ffiSo&. -I*et &t$*
ht ttrnr* f*33. ? i,,rlsha* of, eeos *o thsrr X,E sl,Gtght.B$r '#o iln* c gue$ nseu'!3
Lnc}t xlg*l?.r &*tlr*r Styllsa ermt blg boat {**er$s ixl gou a;r& sl8 verlt piaar
f,{ ts bt33 tbst y*rr bar gtttsn honcr It h*rr bs(n Ytry rsus}} rto:mryr wwtb'g
IstsX8r as ffi hlre rst r*m * gfeat rafiilr poopl* ataoa 3ro* wrct** tglr dll bt
r511grd tp hsea t&a nwa ef, Es.cllt* tleSlrm,r #hiclr tb* g:lrl* xiIJ. t+11 ym*
ell. rh*lrt, BEr;rt kasffi l*ber. t&s fireerm.il dLt ba yat. Sos r$' dear Ebe&ir& X
ho3 you r3.x,l ffiri.te *ssin *soE sn the *lae le &ong iEr#skill of i*cet. ?Ol}a' kOth br*nh we eo'*Irt uot f,tm8 Es f t&!,l*e i,t :xret bve bas f.n yei*r boltse' Sr
qr* t{*trh5ng a&gt ycn *1} tbs tlee' Uncle *Ts},a Gsrr# up l;aat Xou*ay, mtsn*.
6.L1 ;3,i6:3t, ts'ur S*'tS*r S*nar* wrt hofiB L*et 'Ihmsadeyr tir*y kath 8*s,*
t&atr lovo -&o you. mffi;B reE n*t ssLL Er*m*:a ts g{lit ttl'b. li',,rch rt*git xest&eE
*nE bchlrr
ry AS 1r lA fsor X armrt ur(tt "xf"or*, r$q($t qf Yrrf klnil lara
IILB Kl3btr
ilr docr llr8bqgrdl yats rffrGtlsffistr r{f,t"
Hrd6 ?ark. Utrh
;lflil i&* *hovs I elm Kg*Lffi thr fsllori.a&l
.rilurary ?11 UBI
qf vsry *tar
g reqlss hsvo p**cr{ ar6lr *tno* yuu }s'ft u;r Wl rcr fu,ll*ef aat{'otrln$ol
11,*t porr uCIut d h hour *,cr:l":t ta r *ay ar trE far n }Jttlc rhtl;, krt ffi
tsr*rfl&lng t r i[n'
*a.il3g 0S.rrSointeLtr &.tt ro sr* &$ru ta ila thr br*t $s ssBr
*ne ffirl *t xrr*aratr sr rnxr v6qtr prra.ae{ to hrer thtt lr8u rriro rit& rsur €li
frtm.dlr a;6 m.Joylag Iroure;lf f! foll rI y0r qa r,lndsr tibr elr*trn*tn66ss 'o8
il! hslo you wt3.x attll k;ry mx.l rnil hnppyr sl !*6 rcagt"ag at o'ur b$ut' tr*rt
lrt$bt, h*it ; gso{l tls* !frsrr 16ttl $at ;s r*ry htll; *c th*e ruuld hrv*
sbe utu6 trr}*r fret$ bsril a.bsut u*etl.ug tt*r mf
ha& the x€E.ti:cr bn08 brtt*,
o]lt of sebool
ryl &tttt o brotherl rm 6att€ YeIr rmltr. sbry h*rc nst atrses
sbsP rpail
*tne* y$* left **rg d*hn thr dlEy rr taoh ysur boxcr to r6fie$' slres
m $etxrl.flttrr tad *hflr {hr;f enly h*?G tlrr honEsr rmd rtoa'h tO rte rf,ttrr If
te btrt
thilS {orft i:*re .Gl,$t *a f'iil tb' f*gr I fccel tksr }6othar Le enxf'crr*
tht eyo *t lehosl. I krar you r|tll bC rerrlr ts beer ef, t'b* &ea"t'h of }oce}}r
sfl*Eee &r 6!sd rrtt$ilnr ronaLn6. $si h** rb*$ hotn tha dry bofor*
r$Gt frqn her* rn6 h: br16r srfy *tat firrr aiasa' Fosr tsl?a{ sr rLL
*tfir for hi:x. I{t *l * psor ro, rnd. }tt } Eht
f:*.eerdtr ffi Srrcamr (sllrnerl Hrur) taoL &* h*tsy rn& $*:*ff
gE*iusgf,t erit tke d,6tsat *nd ,,l brlrfur u!,rri* rad eflrxy dll bnrs tbt a*,ddlr
rtrl rn6 Bhnt ths rloor ***r rtll ila r do mpt kr$r.,r sr arrst be vaey
ysrrr itr hs r ntEr
&to&sr *nfr alt *f ur fclt nuoh bsiitrr rf,t*r s hmf,d, f,ron
Iotter froe s.ls&r lik*+a sait mo fffi flLl.ra 3rffett. snr mtd sc hn{ Bsss &
s** sr,rsffi HLLxe and eh* 11651 frall,a& b*tter than'tb* bnit mge*t*& S f,red!'
rrrot* to btrr sm
sbo ms so cmgo!"b€{ W ttu rlo* lrttsrc &rt kothr* fl.lI'r
yenr ehnll b*rrc rffi'
6sar mthstr dr not br rf,rq.id to trlr us a*r of 3rei*r mr**
tlle6 ysu *,* *trLomd ts hnve tf, ;o oaa or{y bs s'ura rhrt ribs'ti t* rrl'l& hlrfi
3.ov* I cn tr.urrc yffil3 lff,ceff'rsrt* ileugbtatrn An*}[a Kl'rW
1E|sr fi*lsrfeg EIie aplsrr{r
ry mr Frthcrr
ltkc to hevc e fcr tlam fom bere, r t&or:ght I ronlil
t?ltr tr,you. f bopc lrou are rcll rnAftoftng yeureolf ss reII al pocsLb}sr
Soacl'lr rl].L bo burrlad, on Sahlr{cy rt E }.H, Sr hsvc aot trsd thc t}ur"cmllc
Is'atrtr*tor yct h*t m rf}I sentt for Lt and" ewril Lt ta you. Hr l:ad naatf.ng her
hqr*c lnEt *,16htr Brsr ras ia hore, rhr otayed S& r* aLL the ncat!.n6" s;
e* hr:r rhera Ibtbor LE chc telsr rtnlaln frtratalsr. she rrLtrL nst lct aa Lov(
rlthout hsrr $ha sal.lr ne ofrteSrrr. lH[s good eletchtrng bnt tha $tor tl nrlt*
11Ig vc4p frst.
Shtr lr d,l f esn rrttc nor Ey perr axril Lnk are yer5r goorr
fl,ad love t$ sll the breths*r l"?on yfi:r lsr:.ghterr
S*rsh .I. Ktrtf
3t ir Yer? hsrd fsr * prlroncr to rsail lsttsm froc hla rivos and ebi.].drer
rl*hout herlnt te trkc {crm hXr flnar fasl.lag aarl often tha blg ta:rr rlill
fallcr eseh ofiner qrrX.ts frccXlr; but re rea0 tbm cysr en* over agttr for ne4r
tlnc *ln{ a}ro read, thm ta eaob Ethcr. I }nve oftm acfn bretheua usva& to
teare rt hearl*ng lcttsr read froe tbos* thay uelrer s*w ta their llvaE cnil yat
muld go te th* at*kc or bs shot dead * thourenrt ttnoe tf thet w6rg poasitlr
reth6r than give up thelr rsllg{sae aail faally. So asatiug thle gturdagr.
I rs*elyed tJre fsX,lortng lctter
El ry dear llugbanrl.
Frlday 3[oralrg
Jam:*r? 8?r 188?
Scar tlhonarr
X nccetvait your yery
rent *r.rrlorr:lf
f,ol .,r*ur lattcw. Ur *G ?eqf gla{ to hear trrou aru raL},. Sbe chtldru *m
all ltll. iltilr3r rur it pl,oaarf, S bqar *bsut thc littlr tlogl. Sa wants t&m.
both' I,t,ttlc l,tar* tt1ke nbsrrt theil rad you. She la firIL of Llttlt prarnkr.
ftth tld.s I rtlI rend yffi ? IraX,ers rhlsh f bope thr uar0ca rLll br so yelTr
kinit es to lrt you b*vr *ntl f 1111 be o'rsr so ruoh ebLt6c*, to htr aa I aoul6
not gct r rr*lrly pclorc Sleter Dusy itrocr ast trlo tbrm oosr ,Ients llaaory
a*laf hr rould, era{ yorr Boar f&p*rr. I rto ao}. rrrror i.f he hae. I rrota to ;' 'l
your Erother Wcdaaotl.ay laat. Sm,t aLl the itenr i,n your lettera to hir:l *r I
rb&Lt btep theu for yonr mka. I rrlrrct you h*vr 6ot tba gtrlr lett*rs rr:i[
ul,ano ll loon rE rt {ld yercr rl;o thc Grlleo lad, treko I dld not lanor nbrt
i't xlaa rantad for or rc ;auld h*vo flrcd tt. Ehc nagoa lE nst dons IGtr hrt
a,ad srroh
Loakrd f,or
0Bt J*IuB *n{ "*,nr}ln xr6 Su.ra
art s;*ns ta logna Bour
rh,. f,ome*
rrl tt*a(
Itt *t thr {oe1r trorr Eflm b*r lrft !fiqolff r. &oft lr*t *H.S*prad beal no.
ttlt tb1r tsorxtixgr gbe tr rou gotsg te llvt tt Strtor tulnarlrrc. $*8sh *sd
Sg.rl,ottr *re nt hosrr J.at [trordrg thnm u$l Na o16 fs]hr dnrnaa rad Sionle
1qrt r* dl,d not 6n ncfth*r dX{ etothor hfunqe asr Sutle sor H\}th*r Iffnb s&4
h,lr fccri-Ly. &rt &.otbm &ulrrtr rud Holan r*{ }m,$oB *3r* tBre &lrlr Mth
331gtr nad f,ant fS doe*,rt tlrctr hl,a{mt lorr tc you *.Xm ffithrr fff htd $lfn
r tr,ll, to h*il lnlt S4hrrrtril ts tbr qrtiYo ysrdr S* too* * tffi,r te fioml-l.trri
erurn*L Sssr tlobmy tost all s6*Sol af, lrtar*Ij f*tatcd nt*sl *ltrcr*l t&n;r
I hrss th*t h* osnl{ *rtthrr mt sr rltrSr Xt mf * r*d rlan intJ*hf r rdf,r
bta Spt 161 3 cb1lilro r* p*t. I mnt to *rctl,ag on &rn*qy X.**t hrt I eught
rot tco *r I havr ber[ rreeh r f,*arflrl ool{ brf,**s thls. $laer thu, I hrvr hr
e*ltc tiehr $y hr*Ith rnc cu br{ ar{ aaugh tc hd. to ikf f *r &rtt'|3 hrt
6r1a aat So to ;ogasr *Xthou*rh I natrd tooo &uth*f l$rt; {*dr|f, h,l; lorn
to trou. I rreto to statrr &tsr;r an{ got fiItm t&r ftr*s* }cf,oro ahe lrft
Saotr,f,rr. I br?sil to rtt brr *Frrs rh.r loah** ltr hd. [rt$t Silrryr h** &htr
;lrttsr a*ptu ss$e ixelnu h** * ftJls boy. shsr youn FBplr f,a ou,t m sll
1169{ f,or t&r $trelur S}}}.r rud thm m rlll rG*{ tt to follc Scxt *rt* s tf'l
r;gd lrss rons rsrrl klttr re{ r,ppl*r. ${etu Stro}ln* 0}ct;t*nmu ryerrt Xo*
enil S.tb Bt snfr rh* ir getng to *m{ 1ret. r poued of *ttl} rt* rr crn&o ff{
r&l:t rsarl tt ts &othcr 8[ndlcr. It 1* r rat? ootrl {rffr. I *Ggn* {$rorg; to
h*v* rrrt,ttrm ts f6 r6it h; mptrfl to bnt bl rcat to lrctJ'rg IAlt lf,ght-.{
y*e *5t 6,x"t ttlt arrt tlntr tilltr yrrl,arr htr mua{,rr{t*1}g erld hslds h&
& *t.f, tibr rebooL I hril * lttt# fua ld'*ra fs8 m'ir* hil
tr6, ti rB ffirlr
tilsr hn: ust lrrtftm yctr hthw rnil Strtlr S&n*rr rln{* n; * Toqf ItaS I
vl*tfr.ea te rfrlt tbm rart I s.],l, trt tsor Srayi,n6 Ooil ta &Leus yotr hy {rg
a${ W ntg&tr I rmntr ry itrrrr }nrrtr,ai treqr faail tnd sffcatt*'artt ltfrr
ArB ffrtsf
Aosillrt tha low ef, ;renu f,*rt: r*6 boyrr
r brfl tb* fol.toxlng i;at*rtrs.sg fir*er thi,; mrhr r thsu6trt on* of ry r*l{&l
*m &*W hed got tnta ry orcp *f, ;h*rt *lrd potntott ranl X mnt ts }flr rnf,
tsla bin *baut tt rxa tHt I thau,6ht ft ils f l"lttlr tfi b*d 1i f.hf,$ h*i[ brr
tl*fft wsr? fra;r rfner I llril ]Lv*{ hr Uil' sr ittd aet r*rn to mr* xlbrtt X
uy ftelf, to *er
il'il or Bro*tsr{ to ito brtt* t,rt lrft nr" *hra X want o?sr
I fo*ad terr bn8
th* *r*xat of, ilrn*gr thr ba{ &our rnf, to ry 8ll at m;$rLre
sbou't ttr*
thr ;*dr sut of, *hr eoErr. Ehm r f,rrt sorr? r br& sstdl r&ytlrtr'a
rbout t'hrn ahEatlt t'hcy tlo
rh*19 hb"fsg &aoci thert rs{ *out tl nst sef 53y{fufng
'rtvce ?ark' gtrb
lry n tretter frou &nsr
r* rgp*a. solS,orfs$
8o rgr ?er2r dsn* lt*sbfift*r Sesr Shorrna
3 rsssLvo& ya.rr'ver?r kLnd anil wolesra
ritnlnry lr
lettOr en lfires{*y la*t' It i's a
nlce eoufsrtts$ letter fc* ycnr
to hsar t],*t Brothcr asil Stcts,'
a;rt[ ta hasr ]rfi. &]ts wel!.. X *r eo Y€'Tr SeI&
tsl-n0 to you* I lse*Lreil *
H,nder htvf bses tE srs you *rd th*t th6tr sra $o
rr oor1ld heror x aa '11{
I rrpcct ha xr111 5et *31e fer yoxr $urti6ss b*tt*r t'b51s
I Aotld'
a65rr rBrr 3r tury rtrtr. I !|ilrb
f,lr& rsu
ye te ***" ha{ * blt of tr*flr s.rt fr&r prxiu*gr lt $&,l& hrrr
Irsss nnrn
tatrl * b* ta3'ta sf sen{nf
Hlrer* tg eaaa ,,! rrt rntttag to ;l* 'f, bc bdn*il
cesQ rlr tbr ti,aa ** sr*r
ta*o:nro"r srG ra&c ro rlttla usr hrt *c rhrll csrd
paun{ rn{ ;lnilr h$'; var'Ip b'rrt nrry
ffio{ihsr Chrlrtrmm (En tlrr roafi} broqGht a
g*nt t{r s*{ ul ymtnraril
peetr to your ss *Ixr of gltttas yogr ftloth*: Lilb
'eaffiem', fsd* & n**ttsg ryttih xr
aud obapp**- n* q*oc modr su** rlaa 6a*t
your &otlur hi.reo; **Biir ryr ** bmr
tbr,e *ftexumoan .nastrs t**ttr *ua{ rovr to
Ytrry Plarttrs trLth yffi'!:
yo,ur Lsttsre rr*a8 xrfr ;tayrd nn hsur or ilatro' Hi s8
$B hsrt *' tc*secr qa
fett*r:g, dc*r.ruu
plre**€ t*l hasr you umtr
So1riligr I rapil trour lattul' tO harr $h* ma ?6t1tr
MS tB tX*;ltmt **rti"u6'
*rsb ml,sr ,-ntts*. Yeatrrdrgr mc f*lt ixir ans xs
fftr fer hL*" *'lts * t}cl3' :
essget irlry a $oc,{ p*ioc of sld* se3.L$ f,or r
srnsr *Lre
for na &preoa fsr xttrr rtr**. &nd rc*r rrrttlag a*t*rtrLsls{i*
asd, rlisr- *n{i L{tt}r r'i'lilt * dm*'r
blsnf rft ' 8f rttr Sr&flfm$f *li[ rgt
So ystr !'tr rf harp tslr frl,rmds r3al*ad to
yon ;&m ;br chrmrr I$ttir*r SeI
trstl 1gile *SrpLcr rnd rryr rb; r*XX rq*;;ngef,3
-. S*
h*l nat brm to roet ss{ fct rlthou*A I hrvt tntk*d to h{tr nbout ftr hrt rn
*r {oLng well. f ;E1{ ry iilxlr* fsobr: k Stlll,rn X. Li,ntl* I{r efl[;rl{ nr
gi osrtr p.r $slts{ for th#r. I bailrekt srr & p&ir of *horcr oux I boyu a, &*r
361.trt rs{ *onr atbg X.lttlr thtng* }$ }sll l*a thsy hetS ne {rrtt* a. btt, trtl
te6{ r1.rt*lrtag le6rr* I bopc *t rd.ll" }rlp la' I**t s*ttrrdntr lt rrscr*sd *11 ilrf
h*t errt,t6 thr nlglrt t t the*r0 rfl,3. eff, rg*f,a ruil Srnikry tt $*r 8o thst tt ur
h3s*Is rq;*ihlr to 5ms 08 tbs tcr af t3* qrouxdr r iE& n*t ggo aut blr.t rlxsr
thra r|rr blovs hn& ssrt ansr lad xt lrryl oa tbe Srotm'{' *; ytt' x hepe ;* e}nll
6et to ilasferss,ac tsunoreorr thr6 r* rlIX. ser HIX*rI. ,I bo3c Fou rto*lvait rgr
J*xt }*t*srn, &I'lru r&Ld rbr rrEul6 rrttr to yoe bat rhs nsf aot k'*.te h*E
t**rr Sh* lrsy* ber* xrlttrs tbtr tl|rr I hcpe tr* b*rJ "read thru*r ***tlr*r
of tbs &liffi rfu,et trbr oth*rs b*{. rrtttru. ;o tbss hrvf, *lL tol$ yau a**rltr *}}
irl; ele*,*5"t*4 *lrt tlr* et;b*
^5,1i3e,**Sber*i$ u* roheof tcA* so iroh ,*t"rgs
X.*r *aS &tl;*rt tr sbe3?iag ;Ent reo{r Xltrt* 1l {f* aont pf tbo tl"at Wfinli
trg *16.y" I hrv; tffiget btr to cetmt hrr flae1Ptr *xit aba piits h*r lit&lr
bnad,a *r&ts*X 16r ucckl rrt:llokcr ry ot*a tan ttlk* *t{tut 3}*tfsr (sntrher}rr.as to
"-ii l
plmcod wttl"r hrr nrw r*Lo* for a$ *proa *ail Fwrqr* t.Xamrrl no* r*t*t; har
LJ.ttI* tongao {ttd nra. Silrrb ashaa $rgb * ftr.*r ;lth htf,r Soet ffie{trbo&tr tatt
Ird t6 m* &,hout Srour galttrilay. Shla uark hna prf,er$ *n*p * }[ttl* {tr{oksr
tt1au th* *rwloBrc o&*sr tt flrrt rr eaulfi hsr.gl-y m&are tt hrt *e erG s ltttp
}'e resom,sl}'ad &ft,g, rG rrrrr at ffrrtr I bgtr.stve Ir{rsr old Sprtng {t}io &ag} i
n*na*d yaa *eo. 3 rrsctvrt a lettar f,ror *ros (snettrtr s*ycoek) ttts Say I
rmte lactr ftr,e 6ir1* trarG. rt*yplceaad rlth thrtr Xet sars frs* gsttc lier*lb ; '
sngs eb* telkeetr
to lrrr" +tre.ss.rairsut you lert ftffidsy* It xe* all sh* ast$.{ {ol
har faol" bsd.r tlr*r etlLeBms sorytasxsedl b;r Xnytr6 o&* ml
Last Sltade,yc a.l,f,rp* lo org u"+*1 oe11r:"6r 6sglgr. Xe1;t*rdqt tna he& * tr*'tt5
fxrosr MB ltsrrlr' $bc dcctruf I ?sry kins. rmtmbars$ss t* you' SIor be*It&
fr poor" Jlsuabcr ur *LI reugr kiails$ ts &tl tbr breth*t:r r& *rG c6gu$I"Irtcd
rLt&r X rt&l r*nt trsur pErhrrt,t ** you deetr$t. Sor *y {ear ghs*rr f thl$} f
tnvr *barat erhrxstrd all thr asrs ef i.ltercut to ymr. I*ut $un{fif eoraX,a6
Sror$r ret4rd&{otber Lt prr*s &r tf fnthc ko b*m gpnrr } n<latbt.i $*r*h Gr*il
*mlta anil *11 tha chtldrca de*iror ta {cia rfth *r l"n y&rtr kixls, Lort t* fctt
ttnek nbolrt yea
fral fffir r,*frst*tu;te r*f,c* tn
thr f,sl'lortrry rhlab snrc i.solo*etl rt t& abcm rlrr fw nf allarr l'tttlr leotrrr
fhc ftra* iotE*r thtry t,vsr urcts ta &r esd thrry eut *aag fn m;r ver? b*er*h to
tlui.Br{, n}r *hi}drm:, s;r,rt SLrst *omllrtc*tg rrtth 86 &s a esa;rrr.etr Wksrg at thr
ffi43 ttrm I ax trtrc lr**rrc I !ruu].d uot ftrrn rEril.tern *o tlrm sn$ th*lr i[a&
end t$ ry/ *ed.
&3r }rss,r
I sn gls8 tn bssr tlt*t ycu, ara xxlX. ani! x
rre tbc s$i&sr rire *11 go to seMal' fofiy tt ts samttegg lrsrr E*d ha;rre h*&+
a}.l daf. S[lm *.e ],Lrt"n* at Iogrun *orr shr Lr *t $iEtcr Qu*rrnrryro. sl]rt borr
nsr lseh wt3.3-. f*nsy do aet *mt mroh. fhr mgsn lE a3.1. tn*t **n*. fb; ttrt
sl&'t a*t yet hut ft dlJ. *a ds&e toeoffir,ffi* ,Srtr. It wim tlt f*o* Ony
** grou, Sht k*; brg
tsid{rr*ss, 1"1r* hby f,a sltttrrgl by r* rln!.}.* f'flil
e*tiu6 S*$I,er wltb u*. $hr ts t*likiag rhrt t*r*r ' * gpeaa r w[11 ]rI"*g; to r
He rsusiva$ 1Folrr
ktad l*tterr
bk*s g68r &aeil $5,e&t.
AXle!* Xtrby
,St wr 11 yoarn old lnot Savunbtr lC, ISBf d.th hr*ght s;rt* an& bffinLne hrcmp
*ut f,ac;.
Se*r ht"bErr
.I reostved" p'*rrr .lrsrlr ktnd
6trd to hesr fros you ani ;",,4!S
t&*t feu ex! *tL[. 3 s rsll smit ho$e th$n xttl" f,tvtff yon tho GBC[sr fft h*va
E.a* verX-
h#r ts ce&t*sl fuilayr It hf,* brs*s *aonlr6 ab*rrt *13. &*y an* rrysss therl tr
mouSk neir* for *lrfg;f,Jng. It t"s **rfs:rdillc€ naxt Seturdsy *;rd $unrisy' funil u
Irsth*r H*macg ha"s ast &on* the.rm€o& f ,gtaoea m rdll St fs Sta sletgb. Xt
nsffir r }our4; t*rffis rlao* ynx nmt' wtth irs. tlr [aulsd e*t t 3oe$.a of mmnrs t
ltt* x4ge lact $a,t*rde.p. f donrt Bcnor tbat I srn qp mah r!816r Sotr sarrst tlr
eEEB .ry b** mr*,t&:s6r .Yrf,it$ e.s s&**, as lfou ofirlr Pra#J,ng fro* t* b],ost Ssu-r
I rmad:t s8 svsr falir *f.fsEtl.saet* Bono Oc*rgt
Sail Bloas irs* ny d,rar X,l,ttl,e lq3' Imr here net sac*r *mrgh rf, thia rmg*el};
rCIrlil to hsu tes,t tlrer* Ls yla mech tbl*tr ss sSlS ffilttrg$p to n Sr*o&i pr*srt.
*rr ffirmr l.t sffios n hts l,xunesat ahllitrm. 6&rgs ms IX #rma 1SSS
ry Af*r .Sl*tlronr
tr x.,ros*r*d ysi.ir kitre fe*tor nrrd g:LaE ts h*ar t&*t ysit runs rm}.L,
rlttr}* ft l** hil* rerrlnc hl*rr- --rt mmd ll cr t l;ah,lr. lfhi rhrnr
noat of tlrr tlnr ;ir*lr y*u l*fto Shr
ffiI&, thry bsrrc br& ail*-r!lom*r fsoe EII,L Si domrt fcd thffi *t sroh *r tbrf ola *[tr ffith* ]hnnry
b;; rmt got t&s stlss:, {su* fnrt tt nd.l}" }e rlaua toraomom Bf the next il*f. X* ;
rrylrot to Ss -to asrr$grss{r tf it {.a fi,ar. 'She repd* ars ?sqtr b*d, ffi tl*rr};{
ga fisrr.F*r ui d.]1 htrtr tsie& no?3 *t roo& *i ss €&!lr *hlo i.s a:,I I trsvt to
trirot Jilt
silr sr.
*o,& 0iLr**
(}o6f Blfiiht.
n*d. f,ai.th*rl *.!r ry nbsmse ssd rst,gssr! &s
is like thp othar boy'c, tnrt
ffish .s reg a*dy, $o hs xB nss€ rrlth Er l,rr tb* fitl8 an& boXn€ tbt oldt*rt
brr lors abaut rry tmy af, {*st"e6 ry umr*. ffir }f, Maroh 6r ISSS. X3.s lttrothrr
Sa}'tsr mr Il yortorsey P;5mmqr 10, ISS?. Vtr5r $sxrysloxt* bat tra* u.a{ hosart,
"Hktr*ry ISl r's&*llrs$ r vary ateo lettar froa $istar YllsailetS ,'iil6&f, sf Pl,er**
rnt Tle*r *sb:r g*ilntgl' of,f,*risg to acd l*a arytht:r$ I aot& tk*t xae :I"X.awcd $r
r*tmr, rttiaer Snrt telli.ag xs tbet tbe d;putftg rarah*lls nn€re *t e+r ho,uea
rsershiss f,or lsotJmr Ebrs; ca tha *ttrl tnrt *t ht rraa in ,&;rlartd *n a af"aaion
sf oou,r*r tb*y {td uot f*s€ h,L&, S}rry slso;otrt te ko*hEr #*ses ttco!* **{
fcqra ir[r* very el*k f,n he* an8 ]tft ht"sa th*r*. Srmt sn# trory uml,eo"t far tht
t* lsve e ssrn sr r*Bam, rthat teay rss *f,ter sl.ok sr rsll eo XoxS *t thtf b;d
Llf,e I*f,t. &e$$3r 6 cf aur brotharu fron tba *tty preaoho{ to rrar B*etfr$&'
.Ieba $sutb ffi*s tbc prrtao$,ple rpeahcr. htbor ilts*bsn rpoko * tirnrt ttm* rnd
a,{rltt*d e,othffi eros1ry to c!,ng, &Xcs SLstsr H, !. #ones snil stes .Ecn*ic }ue
fbt fi,r*t },sriy ss:r€ tr:6bler tbc'latter a ftup,Litc. $!.r*er *TsrtGs bretlfiht har
H,ttX* glr.r{peri:epa g yoere ol.&} ?ith hsr S.ttt1c 6tr} nur to h*r fat}r*r tH. Yr
Jo$.oe) whs srr* :r pri*m*r bflt ee th&t m,s WB*rrJtt $rfso& nrl"ca f,or arEy *f &r
vtsiti.ag fartf tc *otlco {rs she sB* srut }mek ta her astlr*r bgr tfrc gpr*rd. $.
*tr* $*a,a EIeo llrflreht h.cr har*t&sre tJaet5lb fme.t*) ltttle glrl *bcut {;ho m*t
g&c rihs ra:r to htr l^ath.En eail ur.fl $ent bac*s to hqr -*u*t. Of co'*rse this xlf,r
ts b* obu*eryrd hrt tbars BEE lffi*{r * tffi triek}ci. {offi
of tb* slx$ph of xtrt r&s 3Ir{ lt ttl*;i ouoo st hcrm' },V aclf bal"ag a*t of th*
s,*i} bsd
&r*h*rtr f fa}t t&st I wu":& unroh rnth,u $.estr eaa fiI,$a tr.ll I tmd aerv*d rg
tlnrr $lr&r S,ttg*beth Swn*tt St3n xrs r.ko H{tb tb* comp*:ry' tnrt n}"t'hcr,trF I
hs$ brm sr lnterxmt frt*n& far $ ysari *ad &s p*Bsed ur la Sstr{A ,J sud -,1;
o'trtr ss eloee ts f,uqt thet hrr alothel banrshail ilE ec rhe p*rs**. I dt*qt ant
itrra to rporh or no{ to hor fat}lng to oboy thc ruhs of tbe prLoon, hrt tr
rhc peamd sloac br lo tr bath nLd, rgg6{-}ryrir . scr kesbrad ;f s lt olosr *l
I ;ra tad dnrt not spcrk, but hc dtd cpclk to hcr *s I dli.$ I {ro*aad I lrra
et horc rad a*r r vGr5r n!.or ltttl,c tteu shlp oa tha lcgl,rr rnd BLohnsnd Srnrl
rnil i,t bciug y6ry narrotr f,or ruoh r voascl r,u{ to ?ilTr nttr tn pl,recs tr ootrld
apt tcc hor th* could go ga frst for ahr scirtd to go ra frst aq rn;r traln Ea
thc r*L3rord. I tcnt ug to Look rt thc raount of rxtor *ad thcrr tllil aot
rDXlGar to lr rorc tli,rlr 2 or 5 laehca ta tofla plrecu bnt etlll tht r na rharc
I hrt.G.B hrr go ao frat tae tho hrd sut tato tha greval rnil plorcil htr rr3r
rlthout bl.ndtrlaoc. I rra thsa oa borrit rad rc rent on tbrough lhllls; urtar
il thcn ri cELr lnto plca$ sf ;rttr. $ban I rtohr l,u t&a
f,er aouc *ffid
namlag I frlt aa thorub th; llttlr (strnu atrip) 8l,on ;rl sltllag rnd tf lt
trr or r1lp.arcdl to br cbrllo; urr rhc lmld brrt hlr rrs thmugh to f,rcp lrtir
or f,tol troubksonc tllr to brlght* drye rad rrrs so ?GtXr thlakftr"l thrt I ;rr
on begrt rnd lf, h.if&f,ut m{ trrrr r11 ;euldl bc;oLL" I hrvc rlmyl onJoycil
{rbc glf,t rail olxsrle.tton of drun*, d.aer I $ola;d thr qhurch. f forgct ts
atrtr soxo of thc cLrsrrnstiaoGr rhm, I flrst ornG hcro.On Sm(lrf 9 Jraurry f
lra out an{ rorlumil rlrd ry Eocl}Ilrlsn rnd reLght tael frLl illecriptl.sa trkm
ky ilr. 6hrtl; tbc &r,rrkty, ruil thrn tikm to t]rr ffilorr rhop. Ehtr hrrlmm
1r orrtlefl en by oerrl,otl. Erothm Srrgm lr tbe forcnra rnil ? othor Drcthrrt
mr* uailcr hta.
od.l"r{, out rnd raeeiveit ny oloth*. By *irt
tht r tfrr I bril brrsn Ehla rbrvcd rtld iltr h*Lr otrt ra0 asr hrv{ng *1r rt{fr{
olethLrg su f loeIcd vcry il*tf*sat ro urob ;o lbrt f it.rorb&c0 vrtT cuoh fiefs
ileclh;r ery ahtldrm lonlil ycl3r mrtr hrve hsrm rr hr& thry lrtr rtr S*turdry
lr&tr*7 18r rrstr ts lua rrld frnily. {u,gt rc I rrr sltfng lrtl rrrtvril
bctngllnt n. r lrtt* f,rol ber rsd onr froa ry kotbcr Edrrrdt ra{ san frol
Feth;r Srer1
Ou t&l,s ,Otb
f nr
lerffifo }ttcrrlr of Hylr }rrk. I folt trul;r rtEh tl
brvr I lrttars ta ona drtrr rad frlt rr thougb f oould lunp f,or rert Joyr tlf
tritlf rrll rniX pravlrloa hr{ brm rrtlr bg" thc brothrm to tkmr.th mo{ for r
rry frntl$ re tooa u thry amilr0 r{fo lll-togrthcr f frlt thrt I rill ay ttmr.
frdlf bral nrny taul rad frl.&ful frlrndr *o ;sulit A0 rIX, thry oorrl& ta blrtl
Sr{r*f,s rnd
ru$ aadort enr Wt muerr h*d brm ta vtalt np f*nlIpl *hoprd * l*16r pt*r
Ing r&l rnd hlqtrgtr* & p*ln** of *rttffi S thffi f,or mr sbry mL{ th* xo*dr
ret holt.H,t 6,th ffi& ffirS rfurrb. ArEh hlrl bilffi to X#$frrr to (h*rsftrLf $snf**rrmsr
t* s*Ir plar.r*{ r[e thn lnstruntLox t*ianrs g"tv*r eredt*5r I! r*crtved r vtrlr
nior }ttt*r ffi &B&*r &mr &{.ilros&lc of Fla*mat lIttrr *ilbfi' Ssutrttrr ms*.sdi
tr *m* rrA r** rt *t r6on rr thc mthrr no{*rrt*lL S*?tst x.r brtr{ ix thc
fimfEg hll sr er &tm*lnllnxar l&; oprqrqs i*nit t: firfif, SE * xrl-t *kis
*O& *gr Yht Ir i8ru&*r ra{ hrylfiS };m * dsgrr {or m*: A0 fxm r*tb cM.m
rsf bnslfiS fi$mf; thnt htttel pil.or m ffiryr ffnrs f Ea$IS ast &*Iy etTtng full
rcrt S ry fml"{s€n *ry Smeiaf rt'& f}:l ry *l,g&t ffi8 bels8 r $rtttF ht*r? hrr:
Imllfm; tbr l*Sir: *o ow rc,tfr tbr rf.gi,rtr hr*fil m rl,ng$.a$ ** H mt *r
atra;r to thrn *r I aurl*, rffiS thl nrrt tl,nr *etf sffi thry bn*dt{l n* thr nlrit
rafi ilo36r;r&l8trrr ef fihstr* *rtd.
&trS I f,tlt *t M* rg*il.n fnr X *lmfr
64pg$ lhlr W& rfnre thr3r u*c{ to br lr* mnr offi l$fe bso&rr Sffi tr&rilm, *ffi
X snu ffi* ry S,tL* o1r*,r ilBr EeB *trd S s*sfrd thc *fn$s$r *I-to ffry I{*r
ffi snsd ** *,$S,l*vr* bS tkr Hffirffi $mtlmrunr & v*rry rl.s6$ dnry ffim. f ffltt
rt frut sB ry rffif* or rH*rf, cktefag slr lm,rtr*d of, fmllnE hmsf,ll.at*d I
frlt $ffi*e *blt I ns oarrutrd *[tftr t6 b* frys{,roer{ rnil rosf,rd *t fEr tlur
So*p*lr *htr gc& rf,tw f n* tlr$r clatkrt I mt &rstb.{r lexw mor ln t&r
Iil$f, rs& tolil htn I ltfd wt f,trl[ nt rlx, dtrgn*r*8 h.i *t{, *rurrhlut&ffi x*rtf
fffi rrr htgfs?y W&rl* lrd ;wtr llvr tp r*r thrt &s': &e ys& sE to*{ry b; sf
;roit thiltr sll tr El;L ltr *r ilo sur eQr fin thr ohssb rBS ltuf;flfiil of, Ss{rs
SrUur*fI m; th* d*Er for tm ffif;Frlnr Sourt t* t*eld; tn thr Sffi st$r et 5
SrS. rr X ml ml,kf,mg ts t&* 3nrd[ rtth &rpth** Sr&r Snlilr M&m &, fihrfu&sr}
srfr* nmmf.rg to ur tn{ tol{ ur thr qanrrt hnat rtrta{ ln ou,r f*yur. ShLr Sop*
r#m rm ffi o$il IHor pr(wu*r te th* stwm lle f,*rt nr p*rutbl* r&fi rsrtr t&r
trlshIr'ffi$ sf tftrnmhr t* Se{ fer *r& deilm*sm*,Sttt Hffi of gpfitfi*dr rxrrr
trtd W *nry *f,thsl*ffib ril.tet tjnrry rnr$l qrrttl rrlmhlrr ffi &; 6th tuotbcn &rlr
*rr mt *t li"hcr$r tr *rl"1 rrtrw forgrt mrtry hl,* Xxrr tXen g*tmnr thtrrrr
rost *rilS *Fffiom ea thr ilII, *s b.*{t sffilo to n*rat hl"ir rtrclrxrn &f,rF u.a
rhffit*{ by &* ffasf, Gs t&r xLL r,n{ *m X s*r &othlrr ffin; nl& toffird tbr
6*tr r**tl ts rymlfrr0€il blrrs yfil mthsr Sror nry trou h{qrcr q&r. his(
rgd,&rr &trry hrd Ant'h*md tu gmupo & mry goodrttrrr Btlt f csul{ ror hft
hsitt nr to fntl e ny mrah end *r f hrd br.6 hil,il gotil-Qr; lmf,ortr. X dfal
rrt ryak to hlr lrrt *.u hr Fum{ *; *r I rtoed *}aa,e hr m*.Er*6o{ blrra
you Hl;thcrary rif, f do aat oel; hrotrt Sl tlil not ko; krt hr nfsbt oanr thr
nrxt iln[, h]uurrryr 1*, tssk r H,"th rrhl,otr ss sE? crrsta onr tn I ma&; rs,it
rr * nrtc sf {Sr fu{,ma, &bmr,rrfr 15r rctel,vod & Tirly uf,tt }et&r fn*n
&rotb* *mt Haysoo*r Ftbesrr;r 16r &lo&rr Jo:rfh Surrf grfir r vrry trrlttrrattng kEtrm or th. lfieoor*ry rn{ f,Lrst rottlrrs of *ntrqlsr. Il1tla&atr{
lt hf r. nrp m &r ilfch torr&. $rrm !ry F.H. llr*:xdr. srbnurXr l?rrscsLrrei
I grlf af gpuem*cut ehorrl tb* flrot ta uf Ilf,r; fhtr ffi& ! arcrr hctb,orm
orilG h*t fot' sohrhr.* rtth thrilr rrfvtl. HLrhop Shtl}tprl hmlh*r fllrtrrrnil
hashbffikr" tr rill Stvr thrlr fir3.1 nnnr rd lo fartb [a ny o'&rar ]or&.
Frtrur{I 19r rr'htbrr 0cl,lbm*lh rni Jcffr r}sl eb*ut Sotag out trh; rmri[r*r
ffndl.r rl[o*e0 th. fornar tE ealt tlfits allb* I fron mbrr , .ud lataw,r l.n
I osnslrt rht*b ;tt Ytsf' 6ooil in0m8 ffiA hn* ltmsltloy tc :M6fikrr tihr
@o{ f,rrllng rfr*es Urtfng-Eoag el.l e!,*rero of prLtonm. (I rmgr;Bo*r
ruur xr*rt knt Erur to r?) Februrqr BB, sh;lilrgi mrhtnstonrr &fie{rrrtbr
nade flufrIf soucffi&A * rlXsil : osaoort tq bt hrlil ln ls; nlrqrqg hrl;t pr$.
ttotprtr{ i$ by srlcettsaa f:u rLL yrLoorss. I hrd the plrrrirri of aias*}l
tuil lcra frf I vr*7 atsr pLrcrr. sr biil r virlr goill tt,*r ** lhrm mr r *rml
*ml of srtsrr trlmt rf,sas tilrr prkoalrtr sr hr{ * or&mr } yall*r1 g
hEfeil, 3 (htrrrr tn€ gpe n ylrcc rsd mnh ggail ?o{rl t*lmtl hrf, r r*I
g$oil t*0$ f,ar I bu*r. fhtr mr trr ftrrt tlnr f ha{ mu ltlc{ Sopt ;g rIL..
omil to bt Srr;r*t. S;b*nn*y 855 Erdarailyr E[{rr rloh Xltoalarc{ {*tivrut( e
Irqftrl on thl lf;st yyrrt { ef gppt. gsan r ilX,rgirrn oa tht bfro} b#{r
Sm*onfig rt ??.H. f,G mil ao; brtag; laok;{ tr,!l rt 6 p.H. r,Rqt6{ sf, [r!O.
Shr liotrre mr
t"arkustLvr aaC nl rugoy*{ W rI.1 oh*mr af p*,3an*m
ln ol$ oellr qr hr*li;h soutil,mr;d & br rr gso{r rs r firir bfr l,t & L;r er
shitnrttn hrr* un"ltrlt &qu}lli! rr ;!,ns; r crc* bG,rr srce *t otrg. ti,*rr hrrr
tre prrttg ilfff;rrr prtmnrr grr M,{|rtr, n; hlry itlr *hrngr.ag sar f,rm aur
arLL ta rmthw to ril to nL: br*dm ordd.rrlr ri,te ssrtm* f,ar &r brttrr or
oflMnf, ot t&r foilxn, tf thr #**, Msu& &#h fffit hrn {*timr;{
I tlHr fs*rffirttlf lretlsr m lkc faru*tLm d t&n r***r r&n t&* mtrgr
ry:tilr $sear*b pn 6$,ttrr6 rilnfr ffii-rr lx&w; rtlr|,tfifr ttuc Sntilrr *g*d k|srrght
rr lll alsg*sr md offit **$fi 3f t&.if nffi *ht tktf ffi*{ vtrft ilr ti rsl
m tery Esr},6 6rt * grt* llbmr m:r* ffiry rtd,torc; *X*o fiffif sffi ou S*
xL[ ta mr t*r srireffi; t# &r Jna{* &r yoru6 rsry # smeh 11&n ry ilffispp,
tG finh &*t x 6sn$.{ mat }clg} ;rhe!.ry m* *,{fu I frttrnryr *frnlr*tlmn rfiil
{Hf**g r &r te ry i[*r sx.rk ffi]HErr Wr*uh *r &***ryr] Rna*iv*fi r rmfif
alm lrtix {-ltc ry #'fr *ffi1 ;1th * nnsr l,tttl* rylr*S *f, Jtlrymt cf, ry lr-t*
tfr }lrat I tao! r,*w M *nldm rrt put l,,a * }ttu. f,xrlre pot buforr r ffiH
s#lr hrob s; ure.r@, uab hfl s sffi me *n*L,t* *nd * l*tt*r to &n
Inf; r| te boff s$ *&f te pXrut &r *LFnr Hr$Ee 6&r Efirr ursth&B fsr
sr}t Iels, gftf Fstcsbr{ te urr Ar f h*vr brae rurullr{ lfl e ratrr if tbt
Imttmtr*" glit strrrbr I brf, libr Flmaum tp rls6 St& thil slablr&E* ef ry
s#ltfrttr dfa&rnrr ?d,l'l&dryrr lr t: aar 1$ yxu otrt ra& r3-ft*t 96g} rn hrvr ltl*:
*u& 6oll bl.rc &*l rry hr l*rr fo{il# rad $msr tlm f,roe t&. 6sryl1 *f, S}lr{.rt
?r il;o$.rd ag olr*a clothtr# f,rsil $talEcr S{m$frrr qr eFotbm
srY. rrtnrtrl tot*r *3*s t*r .g;pL*r &nru&trr odi{D koa, red mns srry nloe
&ou{*grr Hrrob
hril t * pr[m.# tiffi asactar mbr Srurthy Hrrsh 8t& m guat m,t*rtrry
tn.tc ny thl,rr{ uqmth M &i 6*rr ruEl 6 hrr* gwri try $*tr f,rnt rtae; X hnvr
s*Irc klrtr X r* re*l b**ftegr rad rrlt te bod1r rmd *grtrt[t. Bmtfi.w{ r vey
rttra; lrttG fr@ lm rnc *nril*t ro ftrll of frt tfu rafi co clrs;*r*trl. &rt &r*trf* ruy *rab rfrrfo r m ** x*r{ af aacr*irlntr r hrr mt Gpt rx8 *rw to . t
tsnne I rn rflr{d & n&t ry rls*e homr eail.ort in*mergtrct *rrt&tm,
*r&criLg rch $tL er€;rr fcr rl"l prLmr:m* ta krxa *ut brss nrrd k*flLJfit
md, Strxrr ;u& ffrr?rth,*n$
r *r to h*u r
thrau6h elarurfrg s&lt
of t&* heL
ilmr{ ptcmr*d to ssi}b cr fctoh *s.ttlllr Bhc Ermtfu*m sL[
trf to emfprt rad xtsrryr aoeh other *sd * sssd ;plrtt ld fal"t *nS *ttagr*
thffi' il' hnrrc *ps{ t{.mt. B&r' &nadslf *m am &-ltr ra gmr&* {.s ths y6r& *,I"r
wtlr rad rr* Sm.tlmm tn w*rry rrrry Ef, t&* rcrd s6trf1 ysry k*.mg gm.tlmm
ffif, osffid*omtr & rXLr re$ &wr ir xct f, ffiE
rn€ t!@ GsHr to raE
hrrrr rmrl rtrI kf ta &o th* &rlt turrTfi ts rhor &rn rrca;ctr findrgrrBlrch
Ilr fmt ryfmolnll"ur frrlshut b nl* l*r,amdry, H*rruh L*r SoeB r hthr Sr.lr
crcqrs!,r fbi rrlth*r in t#l,ful, *e{atry ny mt tlx6
*a I ffi
& rbse tt i* porrilbh. Sltixg X,u ry sklr i,n tbc arrritrtn &r
mm$ry tt hn{ * mrri,crtr mtrr?*i"nfigcrt rnd re ffim k*.Bailf 3nmttt{ fr rrurtr
filt $f sallil tB St*fr {B& br{ *
p,l.sa,rrat tlm. f,hnr. ftlro } ?af,llnrr I
gstrstr ra{ I Snm*,. fbs guerda $* tbc nl}. mx;d to oJoy tt vcry fius&,t Afi
Yctlf.a en* mr 0rtrr trrr lxvl,tccl sutnX{* ts r&g mrrls f,or &* rffirmr t}r
uar(lm rnil 6xarda *Lmrye ara$.fect * ktu{$r fr*Lt*g tomrd those *o rrt f,ir*
f,or oob*&lt*flsa rnd ap;mr to brvo conflldmsc llr ur tlrat *cr'*lll rbtdo Egr tb(
Er*mn **,Lctr Ii** r&ort glco slub p*aatter tbs nf,ts*roonp lnat *lto*rtbtr
mjoyr{ tJrr dlay Ytqf mr&&r ear{ ;ar fron S;*tlnrutr rs{ fIrnntor *LLs rgnkr
ln &*fffnsc of our ri,6b*r. &rssit{il Erwh }$ r r nort heutf&rt dnfr rB *s rrll
re X asul'd d*strt. *tc*tr*d * vcry uier lctt* frsu lttr er,ll o( fr$.th rafl
*I*oilffigmmt. I,8 of &s kbarn ef thr ffyCc est Brli*f Sgsl.ttr vtri.te* uy
freilir st*h &.utup hLxe*. e$m€ht yloai"o rnil s&rt ritb tso fn*nfif. X*mr
smt lrith tbaa *Bto Amr s hoae; emd th*y k*d n ;aa{ tl*a ta.lkia6 na& *ooun6r
ftry t&0 tsst$tr r rnd re*ittue ry kttrrr *r:!ffi fuil *l{-s &e p*utkru^*rErrrnd
tffrr of qntH *mn dtrogrd g ;l1 far rlr lklr E* m fim $&, L*tteir {te.t
r{ trSth. f;hr *lood f;rt!.ry nfrndf d.rttng hrrr ffimnn tiht nr,il;ce ff*t $uee{!
trtrd thr SaruEa Srt mxur luart*crr rn*yly ;ail rtr n mp frrgtagr toffirit thr*r
{rrcrb friltrr frr&m srrr to-ilry md br tr mlrra*itr **rpoxl rfu}o soltt, *t,.
hmrt*f, old gpttllstr *lmy.n f,Ealr rr&l fir*{jl" i*Lt!r.
P*aeo m{ @d[ btrtr*f.xg & re{ {ffint! rl,tL hX.r xin }fur yednrdry, ttnrab l6p
rll r*11 $snFt r ltttlr Eol.rl snd frla brtrrra ry rhffi1d;fi6 Bmlfi611 ffi*.rrk'lma,t tf&r mfpr lgr 0rrs!n6 tS.U. 6110. .et ? Orsloo&, #ob St6{*tr{.
srrr hf; lr*on{ r,merrr rn lirr 5ro*t 3y*rnr"fu sf &rrt . r kn* ta *rt to bni
*t ? ti63r,tt of tk prln brtmriln rr ;hsrr.Lrl*ms {tit ust elmp visy, erch rad .
frcl qdte Eto& t&Lr aorulrg. ff, f M givm, mg te thr prfn X coreld hlrt *
I'a*n ls bral thJ"r nornrin5 ttrt I Brrtnmr u]r to rtrg tn bt* ffi f poerlbgr s*
ffit. *otril r ;rri[ Tell,cr te-dr$r nhtah nrm! to hrlp rltb rbErrt ? otrrrrs to ,'
ril;q) rnd alt&* nlr thl }ts{n" lhla ls &nr trrtsr r rrrrL ro *r to br cXl** rn&
-e6tf&. ie**o{ rrrrln;ltatr flrk,srdry, mrrreU l?r St. 3*tflo*r mg. Eh*rr brtn8
Slrttr * f,.? Ist&ffi *1 thr Drarsntrt loLnril ;ith t&ffi 1a * offi6rxt rt }lto
goo( +fagfag. firt dril tsrssb l$r r.1l *rlL 8*&rr(try lErsh
f .X. h*fi ;ea*
lgr ress*vsf, * v*ry rlor lctter f,lon l.m, md *nrli*r Strtla$ tLr hrnrthcra brC
!*m rn{ Int ry srqp i.u rni I o te*"s{rterr'-*l* braryFt r*&b sf qF rlr*r r
6fr6 dth Eycnftlrtrry tb*t *nhs drusa.e oonplcterr Shc lettrr rrr; *o &r.li[ af
SsoC atr: rmf, masnn6lmmt. t ,bt$ ilaf tg.,rr of Smtl'til{[r ts t&r $*i'atr *t
SfSr 5}ril* arrd ta fiod *c hnit tsrlrtr;{ ;o ffi*f tles H$fl fx'r"*ds to b&err ilt
r88 iltarr for lt ;Cli[n rtar to rr tert tlrtry bilf *r trqylxg to do nll *hrf
por;trblg ofirl{ to oorf,ort ul. frtt"ltll Srrat of Anarl,ara fel.Ir ootrt cll ffini
blulrstrs r*t& Bs'nr cf th* brrt&*ur ArIl Mget tr &$fr dp*G rlrrr$Srt, 5a 8tr
Fr;61lry il br8 femrtt ilr*ttug l.a anbrr I crll. Ar iksther hrltr,tlt *nri l,'s?lh
t*;r rE{, A:rB016 ml.'l gstm€ orrt ar*t drflr {tr Sr#ra *l hmrght Ln mtl kr&
rtn _trtt& l,artxulptl $tan rllsrr{ taemt or t vt;i.t. So b*e r rr*1 8os{ tl'ne
So ars$.D6. f d,rmwr{ I ma rt
1:rop ? to 9. ffifrrgr m Irs€L, All fllr.
bol6rhhr6 **rrd ry ti.m rnfl l*at ta vtrt! &etblr hl,uar; fsu&fi htn rtth r
frmlaS **slJ,nt cla*ntry 1lr*r ?ttib *tiln of tbs brtthren d,th hl&. $sr tr}k
ra$ tho h*lrdlc rad oth*rr hrlftrg btn ptrt thr Dr*r ln ra{ h*$fx$ tbil aD rt
fi.lrr throusb *L1r th. ihrrt ra8 {[rt nl blam atifr X tlns*ebt,bl brrythrm
rrrr vrsy }1ry ex& ;;mgt g tndr rrort losXi.ng ?ft? ro1osr, rn& mm rffi{t8
ggltr froaly rr*d mrr; ggl,to ahlttur fron er l*frstr of tb; &*rt tfrrt xrr fit#,r$
sBrt# f!'nrrr ln thr rl*. rhrt thm x rr "*#* &rotbffi htsr| h6r.rr ltf tem
tn$ttur rrrrhrtr soe|.trsi tomril Sr baurr ruA or,llrit te &rthr s*lhl to f;s out
*t * tltttr* taet $,afior ;hth X ilo11ld 6O te &r feEat door; thtrrby rttrrot {:i*
thf attmtLoa of tlnr Hrrebl}r) nr {Lil rs I nr*Xaatr{ ra{ gpt rnlr lrf,|.. SrI
l*rm a lpog rlilr trilr S *t ry mrlr. UondrSr, llamh 81p rrfa trorrhl*il *r
rffir tck6, ry ;bouldlgr C6L iley mqr rrr ronrl^a6 to9 ao*tr. $*ffidbry
Srme i8 ma*tr;* dLstil.ffirrlr :nfi aete p*gff rrmt hy lnrtrlrr lrc &* trslln$
h*it ilr;fs rlr$ ffir {re&i.rrg i.a thr IaE"A. *rtb* cold top ooetr *c ;tt"XJt ta
rlttr Sha b*i[ h rffi& ttnr bar& ;Lgnrf, *r &mrshtcr or thly sul0 xot lrt rr
6jdt tt ocntugr hn r pXumt il1fi, Sr&rcdrqrr lhrtrb etr mmh x,ru*r rail cErt
rfu*cnnt. Svrqr&trg 1r h,lm sct of, {&s orX,I.r & trtvc * &rougb mrm'bhixg
rrd a}essfiEl rmi[.el.& ffi[a :af, OUu#*r**, rbl&mf &1brlrratilr, $tmh 8*r
&ot&*r rn* $tirtcr S*.ad*r ssct to rlsf,t ** ht thrqw!* aomt l$,rtnkr &oth*r
Bl"nfiw ati{ emt g;t hlr ilr,sst aa thr l}nm lffi &tdl rst sst to vl.d,t up, &nry
houf;kt Hi +ry{Ir r$,es tetagr su6h ;r *3ph*1 Oroa6a;r *ttd lrmfinr *ko ldt
*trill.rr S.!h tfim mffi.m f,or nr & hsve a piat * ntlh a dey fe * wsntb' *aS
ftEr vrryr rn$"ous for ** & rf*tr asr_'-r$fag f a*rdafi E.& thut *114w*{[ rn& tbrry
*su.l{ Eem€ it te r**r X ror hnrne a ?isy Soo{ ea*t rt *n de t*bilr ;tth r atct
tr..tttt* srrbb*rqdt, ia thr Sortb w$ot sorncr of tlrr o*stlry tr!{Er I kam r;el hfiltby ne*.rrcl,l, B*e*tv*dt * rerEr nl.sc lrttcr f,rE S, F. Oar.Iryr Srlitrs E*sck
r l{ttX,.l cctrd*r srmat iptt* su"td*sr*. *[rtt nllk for h
iFIEfs *ln*e X L$f,t h**r $rtlr{ky, UEFGhSrffitt* hffis ac q.pu*I orir &lm#rlr.
I littfr rsl,n last ntghtr tntt* o$illy tbte nsraf,qg aie rf rrfttry L.m f,.f$ix6
rr*ilr Srmil&y $trrob t? Satlr*r $&rrcl roorlrrd a 1rttx fmn .l&* Sffir prr*
rxrlttm W AsslS,: st $eh aafl Srorgp. H[kn l.r aot vnil? *r1] hrt tryrorrlng
lf,rE ; pXctrm fran lllsn&l crl,lr8rrlff.ttq for 8c*boqF*r sad m*I}rr e&rt
frnil l,ltotl *trtffi rnril ll,tttr lH.ry. l3hly hr$ ust rasrtvl{ ry httrr rrx,tt*
g*elffirf lS *,pil rort f,nf.tc *f,ralrpclutc{r Hoailng hrah 8&p tmL * trth rnf, ;
tosl frr* *o1& ritb i.tr Ir t&o rv:ralry he ffi^lts ru,{ :lrlltbtn$ I,g thr fr*.
Srrr*trg ld*re,b 83; {rrl tuftr rlre f;ru uf qsl{ klt rr ;rtl rasuse & ge ta ry
lmlr, sorl ffidt md mrobing ts &r yrrd.. Ilhc slrilrn rn{ trHrdrn rnf, 8uryill
rt*o& en &* n1l rnd d,&rrt eutr a.Jcammt. &ro&fir e&ffr elrram rEf, EhMp
*; &rtf* lrr{Ilnf, &r mr*. &qth*n rIaM lrt $am*rs i}mlrg r Sr ffisdr rH
Sfrrrf flrtr*xg rol}.h*r *rIL $ottarl Ctrtrrr OraaEr Kf*h.r1 tum grrlest.
Srr SrraL lsl0wll&r hmgo. & v;gy SoS kn*{ lllo$cthrrr Sr{n*r{rg, &*ffiL p
8*c;lra0 I Dsunif* of ht*r frt* tbo Slrts *hr*trrr of Ptrmmat YLmr ta& rlx
rfrt ra aB. Srflon e$ nsl*rrrrr hrt rnr rfit rltorrd ia m f ;mt thrt to &eth*r St"aitsr theotr.ge ffirtrr B,Y.Sm.rrr 8kp*iiryr llrmh $1r &ea*lvrrl r ltttrr
*lun 3r Sunthrr B{mnil ra& mr fruil $lrkr tLtr*kth &rx. X*r*e rnn *;$F&tnl
ts tla ;nrilr tna t*Il, m* th; ror&a* Xr qu*tt E*! ra$ aio;. milrEr *1rI.I
htr Yft]r pl**m.t nrtb* p*m t&* firy r; urtnl mrtrly l"u tbi yeffi u{,Sag ry
&trs|lfr emi r*r*fs& tfHa$r rlrd, ehrtiag dtb tbr hnrrth*ffir E8urtc xr{ lrreep
tng *u{ d*notn6, l&tru *r. sr{r pcoBlr trci{rs }rtseu*olpte*rr ;tahlr; rlr
83r Sa}lr t}r* itryf*
rppcr g*ttr latrrrtlng ro urnr-ffi*".rr**r6ry
Aprtl tr rr.6tr honr
tl urrrtr'' #htl* rrltla8 r rrorl,vrd r httrr frpa ry rtfrr st r5tatr c&r bxi
ast k**rd f;or rt for nort tb*a tro ;rrht or thrt tbr tto lrtt x,rttrur rh;
*r3rotcd iBd aot oe*r b brstr rad nr yrrlr ramortrnl f,sr fmr I nrs ttoh.
f;lt r*rr cosst f,or brtr uul thr tr,nll,y hlt to do aotJrtgg to et4p1*1a ty urothrr
Lrtt# t'b.t r h*it *ttr ta rv*y srturdrr r!.us* r hft hsnrr aai hrr thry
oould aot rearllfC "t&r Lrttar brf,ort tlr* follerlag [rmrtrSr *n{ f f,elt
*; Eo om
hour hor to fill uabrr thrry *nr prl,r6n*r xr{ thrt r doer en&fi *3; nh;1,c thq
ormot r ror* ts thm oIBItr *r th;r rrl puui,trd hy thr rtl]. of, thr otrhrr protl
3lr' Ilprrv*r Jurt lhm thr mrdm orns irts anr yrr{ rnd 5 *nk hln rknt lt.
sr nt'drslt itlii aot kast bor tt nr lnt hr {,ic uqt lsror of mg rfrr€,r, ffi{
t&rt rr l*teil hrs rlr gaac frm hxt offr,st," ea{.il i,3$l }r .f, yrrtrr *tur
{rtrr' x reqrlve{ f,ror hat}r$ sladcr, Ht*strr6 rn& &Erh Iu&, l*sl rn{ *qr for
ry lltt&r oubbrr{ ln ilrqnllf; rocr r9p1m rnd orrragm ra{ &rtts ilttr5 ng olmr
slothtr llrlt"tag nr hrle W k tbrra ra,l sutcrr fron Ertt r*kr ffity. ffi,"t&,
rr IIrtH'r rnd Isorgra llsse rnril raBtur reues .rq r t*sa1 ttarttr;am rn{ mr
ethrr r(rr{6 rrdlr mntrtrit ts tkr ;l,ngtru6. thl pfirou ahrtr rrs6 nttb thr.
ilrs' $ortlr r,r*dfiu r rtac rlto ntt& F.fl. Ellllo ve mn6lil.fuulmrffi
$lormor kr; hrttrhrl Br,vtr, ol Iry $rthr sbffi sbt holrr,11n, g*ntf,f,r*1
lberr, ran H;hgld ter &ount*la of &r }gr{; F*sr gl$ tE &* trnsr $t t?ohn *,f,nr.
i'srn tum bootsr *tr rlry*sg tock ry *lafi br6lr ta knr rt Hyit* rffi*, u&ar*
brrt mmg th* c*,ns hnr: *nd ;rr{il ro oft*n rmd u*rm tbr *rtt ia t rlo&a Hn; Gr
mEg ts$t routrd effi3 to sy .rtr brqrt' of ra &lte rslst I hrv* m
oftrn* hrrfr
tB ert psrt tnhr pomi*lr of *nsh ir ile.** to *s tlr.o rigf. &*t thm thr
rrttm x moax'rtd y*rtcrd*r fron ry {mr nff,c urlreo *s f,;rl ue*r*r *sd 6;rm*
;r{ tr'r rgi'rtlt rne rhrl"l {s ttll t &er rhr b*vr mortveril ly lattsr mnntr &
h*r yrrt*rdsJr. soe blert rou bst& f,or yar*r felefnlrcEa te ne stilf, tbc 6c*1r!..
s${rr rrrl1 lth'r thata euxtl r tr tfir of ar hlotegyr b*d. sort mrsLs +|Eil rffish.
tss i"a &r rvuiS;r Tlrlr *l,nr &rf, ttraeihy Aglrtr $r &ilt $er,l. Brotircr, &ner
Xrg'oa* rad ffi.rhr H[Xtr EtrW Grre l*d rl3itoa ct an{ futinm
fitll,; rnfl Bc},t :
biltolrsbt ur milt ru6F *ail rlnryrt ra{ &rttw. Hc{npadry asl,t&
6, An rull ra{.
frrl r:rl$ tx ry p{q'f, thr.&:1u6 rnrallr ny f,ant}3r &*rr rssrfyrd
nu lrtbr r
-Et m .}*tnrat*f *ffi thry rilt fc*I'ilsffi
*aat*to* rlta ra&nsr{ to *rr red,c
*n{t x,melng t&L* rxretaf;r r*uffi rtrtt&xg ffEr, * gmt efif firo to **rlt
thaelr fr'{.*ns*r hn'{ T yrrlr*f*ms*nt u*}Xr rild ts3} dth &s*thor psyl{ ;lehr sil*
mrrlr t* ;rwtasr eonffiS {O kf.eg bffi rnil nt cm{*ransc r6,tlh ry f,s*3lfr
s*lh*ctry *ffirtl S, rI"1 mllr ***thax * ltttle selfu mrr*r &yril ?r $*lfr
**d fl,pa&s ntoxryrr ffstMrl8 rrors ere q*lrl l*ppm*iL ffia*rilr .&prtt Bp A llttfr
fi*f8l mthsr sol6r d uIL S*ttrffiy *Erttr Sr An mLI'r rn&rr I ;&ryr {fi|
I sttllrl*;** * retLrf ckoffi lrtt*r fren ltr rtfr *.&I* ffith I pxwt** of rmtbrr
*lsstl$. W*c * ltttl; &rrffsint*{ *t mt hrefi * f,w rcor&s fnan An*I*"* sr
*rq;r* of th* sbll*rrffi. &rt f rmll-*r tbrry smat
neartHf hstr hsr lr f,cd.
*ilf,r m r*sa*rt r tr*thr flun Mt
fis* Ulilt; th*r I rrrEk *$ #ffi *r tr
r*c*lvo* Sunrx lattcr* &n v*qr plmo*l ta l,Em:rr* thry mc*ly*{ ry lefft sl,ttffi tl*ttsdlsg *frdr ee{rrdt Afi}ri.} l$r lf'ltil co}t fiFf hE t* $B*tr uU &f eo*tr So
mffitt$g sE elsr hlsd t**{a;'r B*ead e€t&ffi Xurn &u*br* xrss s"rrl*Ld&t n}r&u
SSrtrortr &&;ttr to th* skscbr saudnf eprtl IL, &rt&cr r *o1*1 {i&yr ffis*ss
tslt *o*& $'sfill fim{t ffitr u;trlxfry f*w carrf,*rw*rc sror* *n thr ffi,l1* *mes t&n
f.nf* S* I:rse {&s rorkrd rfitih sr{B eG x*ralq eireer#r *n f,ag$} Clms3nnn
Sn* far &sbr YrI'Lry ffitm $!:6targrr &tm B*rmlr lI*llsea of, tbr Se 'mriL
Iom rsi! Bil,tkfiS kurtm llrrdl of lrt tsifu 3il,rffil ffiXlt*n [gde uf Stb *1r,.
rm$ Strtm 3}ruor Sfi*.& tth mrd; Icgra. &11 *s $sslrs Caw.tu &rst$*m*git$*e".#"
thil itffitl Lt]r{ cnf, soe{ rn{ troffirl *t &rc rnd esry et u* krt tbet m* r}&
e p..** nrl*r il*sl{ *L[fl. .*nit m f,*t t t* tibnnh tbne* hr*6g for brtng
t t:tL
ro fild;i rs to om* *afr look rt r*r tht tilrc$ ,60*IA go }mo ffid tiL[ our r]mr
svtl rnd *hi.kdrffi fr!6 fftffier tmrt tbry hd ;sm $.r x &el not 1thl$ft thnry
saulfi bsrc sst * s*rt tc *or ur lf tnrr he{i tilt*{ *a thl rnrsru nns gnru*tr
&* 3f*m H, r ltrttl$ ssalhsa{d}6''dr::*:,'ts two r$,mmslrr nn3*e& t&*lr ffiBqps
3t"lf ,hfu xrano,t"u3' fhn bresm e *s xnilt Look*e m rr*r,ml te u* thrt rr
f*it *Lwrt f,h*t !r rqr!. *t turu far * few r*Lmltre* lflbsr thrry f,6',B *" fa1t S
;rf e{ hl*sl yotr rtrLr h,r? m bmrd Ef, esmc gia&f;g W tk*t m frlt *Bld harr
hs&r{ rt ** r* tery pme{r ert tts nilL-ln&t x* *m tn r rarlr gsc{g
ts ffBd sst qra" tiluil tlri,m,frrr $ffir srss irl &* rstr{ thle ffirffi.tsffr Eru**&gr
*ry{-l x.xtr e}$toffirhrw af mrr krak}r+lrarr X fr&h*{ rntm, tEr x.,eilrr e*
fl.{!trr ffi ailB rc[Bler* e$Hryfut h*6kr g$sme*drr s8lltl IIt. &Itr rcLl- r !lr*r.
ssldr HBa gsoel rnrrla l"n the trlrit ffi* wratngr & llttX.r $rdffir r.4drr[ ta
ksfi, pxryal try ry rh*r o14 f,ria* F.Hrs.ll,il. *nfi * Guunrt ky &tlrEr rlr,u*;
Bl'r{rh&' fl}Illtrafrrp aprtLx t*r $othtng [ffi hrt *rr l,r re ualr*]r ffi,6*r
*sr.Lr *
ls tits urrur4,nr" S*tundr;r' &rrli. 16, srrotG hamr; rnr,o qntt* d1r*xrpr{*tn&
ru*fl frlt r }{'ttt* {tcpardla't rt aot nrrsclytns e
I'*tter fum b&a*r es r 1gtr,r
firrttrt * lsttar frsn lffitrtr or r€nr of thr strl{ *r thrr hrd, nst rnl.ttm *r
tt wm*s te l* f,on r very rsa6 til*r, tl,nt ;*m[ rana to * pri,wasr *,rrr
f&s bffir rn{ tha** h* lsqru:. eeilrr &}rL} t?. $etts * ral,n rtsm }rst
t t&tth i&rrtr'w ths forr Frt ef the *rfl. alss ia tft,r *ftsrnom.r H,rr. s?IeF
rtt :* aur aprnkmr *t tb* nr*td,[6, ef t&r at$fua *;mal*s*n tet & nrf,o:me
tbi trrt1G!-hr {Jnt8& hrt he llcoumr teu{h nrry 6tsod mu14 ou3,y {,spjry
sru of * lor $por *5 lt lilrl cort rll rtrJrcotnd ti* tho qtmax*ffifr,
amrr *t*:lLc bfi
mmeff'sB8s tr 5ilr sBo& nrn. srr rrrrgnsgr ao rarr rr;.{
hsr e}a-rgrsr vtsry eeufrr
*sd *trr of a3;roh1 &la r r*lly reJeri{ the lacti$6 }mt
s*: anttor trow gocd,
or $Irr *hr prcaahtng nry In frm *rfha&r & v{rr}r l*utr* aagortty
of ths Sr&s-.
Blr';tt tsot af, m$ frt t&) ffitnr tato rl1 tL; ror rran6 *ssrrt
&r*xe ;cmt & rrrd
fL' '*nril serrr ao otout r lailyr frtr*l{r .&nra uarrt bi th* ?rr} ,i,oyyr*t
sf, {hil
L*r rsd dryrcurd i"artdr thr*r r,rrt,r or Lf tham lnrc rrsaf,s
t ftn*t x ry xtrr$
krc *re nlaforeHr ts t&' nt..e rr,tb tb3e r* tr : #.th thr. ia utrh p*tta*
tlrrrr' bFt tr thr ;urrt fctnm of $*'I,rm l*fr. $ar tf l.t E,#s *st
for tht
b*{ *mprtns , lrr obl!,8rd ta nr,ngrr ;lth tr sEu}d de
rrets r*11 re Srao,*fir&
fcr sauai'our trrer &certv*tl * l;tt$ frsl *nu. r*{ &lbsrt u}.toh gry$
I]t * firp
:t ccarol*tdtn" SruraLu6 ts*t *nlrrr toulil ioea Ei,*rr Hlll*bttb
h*fl *nt
hmr f*un I vtatt to xlveril;lt. hE
lt?rl ?irr fart ra{r telimn vrr36:g*{sr
ilsb h:r *nlBod nqnr rr[d Derrgbt r acr hr't f,or hi-$rr,f, gnd e*o fm
rltt}o JLk
S; r
flamd lcru trrai ra{ frrt oe* ilorrt 6;rr{a pe*r !,n. ILI'na mil
ftErh $r *t illllrrr€c la trCI6rar ftl{lr trr goirs tc ner'r*cr
theg su }floe{rlrr
sbrrrottr *1* u-prstr &.c st t*oe nr ;b* tr&otr rrhrm rh* q*r g*t
r plr*r.
ril*}Lr s*a blm ro$kxryr *mlr h,rt 1r suat as; ham, a.lbfirt
rnil {illt;r *rr b*r{146 thc sc;r '*tlsa f;oat to rohotr &t
srt1r rsc trnnirfury, Ilm* mttr,,,*
s* h*€ ftkrr }rt hrt r flat HrLfrr crLt. ffir*t tr
omi.n6 ql a,l"orr g*va
hril r seet t*{ilr Hrltt H'frdr *rrr v.ry k1t*{ ta
ry fmlrgr All *r ilarx.r shrt
Issfr Bsffi tp * rqor Srl,row *lrst 6%* th* out*!,*e she*.d ho ara ea&r fir|t
tr* tha taps of * f*u nor:st&lsfr svtlr a hundrsdt ulX.ss frox *h*** $rersr f,nx t*
hfl{ tk*a Llfa" &rt no t*.,ir anf, ha.s booa r{th niqtr goo6 trtra ssrrsnte *f, osil
*t&*tt sfrl" ssfl'thtri6 ebout alfim{r Mand*gr arxf,3 Is, x rn ure}i' g1a rc*t&*r ir
: lt$ll* eold ht *Ae cxur.'ektxlern Ibr ntggtc ryil o Ltttle ool{t but ptm.mut
t$ Ili ta ?l *e* r*thcr srarr€o& iru aur eclbr lllil dfsmr$s rssrr tr il$,trn*br{,
to-**trf & r* hsY* rtl,mff -}1d r|gff*r tagr*&ar ;t i 3r.16, *.It tl &oa* ky tkr
giu*rati te h*pelm. Strcr*ty &prt& l$r Hsthm os}; rsnd
hrt t&e ;rm i.l kL*
#Bt naf, s&*e&Lr ** x*ll *rr* rrsrtrr m,uh pleaec* *t r*e*tvta6 * lstt*r f,sol
'&nrlls. al'l sr* *rt,l a*i[ ba6r,e to hl} *baut ry mtrrr;r hsnr tmt I rru&srt
rffi'Soa Lt or l*ref rr.11 8*t to rnrd,our rboxt tt *nd thc ttne wll} raffi lo*grp
to t&ffi {i}r*n i"t '#*I} ff f hslal ry toagua *b*ut tt, r h*ys *lmtrn rrtttm, to
ry frn*19 at *l,rar:firl rnd rbffiu tbs hil.{shtaat at f,t af, mr*xy&i6g, A11 ry
lett*rc f,ra;a iiona *m e*f,t ta ry box rn{ r:Ll} be rrcd ffiry tlnr* as donbt .r
Ef**r r mtx*rn hdsl& srwl rr*ehrd hera on llrturitr$r tIKt praraat*^a6 **talrry
$tseffiB h*r rus*dn d r&tr oh s:yt ple*mre ts +It hs*rst plapfr. i$i**,osdey
*atrtl g0; l$r"lte * nl.ar satrs ln"st *t*ttr I m *sIJ. t drrtslsy sfiHnr hlrs to
|try {a "*sat of tha affa ta tbt bsfrk.hourc **,Eh Lt rnther uapxea*mt brgr*r;
of, brr$s eo G}nrdtdr flnlrairry eprtl fLs An oa &rtf ;r sardl
3mlLae rdrtsh nrlrr
ar*rptr5 tln* pn*li an{ a*rryfu$ thi iltrt esttl,&r. ' i m<l lk.6T,hm doh Fm*a
&oI *eff h t&{rcl kxror; rnd rfrrulrcl {rbr ittrotr rt m*,crrrlte r pr,mrncrt ta
tcq fir't s*{s tht ml,l;r f sfi hsrrar aud atoak r ;hert iltrtrnoe *rny uo*l
tusvs6ht tbef los*c* Ytry nlEa. fbs ltght Eutstrlr l;d; rc thta& af hglrrr
{i*tL[ m *r* nat *Llcmd ta 3ut *auo our r&;rl Enmon to te*r vrim hlt dtd *
tt rt mlkrd rloug" Bravt Eut * 1o*{r *ssh, & ltttxe rtaay *sat exl deyr
SrldrU $rl1 381 Yrry xlo; roat&rn'; plme*nt alait ilililr s*o*tv*d uy
l*qiErr .&nd *lx rBt? Lsrgr Snng6; ffIrd rmr susrr rnil $unff fr,on ffioiihffi
Elriltrr sltafc te th, y*r€ tn tka mcr{ngr $a&rrilryr *.grdl g5r er ;orttr ffas&
hstrr to illsno anuli.*, ;rii[ *]b*rt. B*oalrred * I*tm froil A$tr, rr{th * af*t
llttlt rrrtg of, e*finnot rn{ nsh; hrlr alc* rantl rw;rt rt fifr*. ssi bl*r
tlross ktns he&dt *o aatt tt' Ho a*ro 6ee *5ryrwt*ta unoh fevs6 ar sra * poo!
prtroaarr ernds$ esr{x &{r & srllr a vurtrr f;t}ro it*r. }dacttxg: ti*r.r xfte*mu
er tbc srtho&lrt *&eeracl.d-xlffir*,p#$Laar for f, s*)illd not e&}.l, it pre*,ckln6,
Ifu told lote of rat a*stsa andi tryrob*blc talos. Fa vlr.s fan balpr tka Iary #
camtst ro &s [*st $!ettr$r, eB &a or(t*r both lrl prtnetplar r.frrarlord arrd la ru]&]r
lr ef, delLv*;'5r' IIs nr gutt* r:cElte,bk nhtk Ehe reg yaty ltLss llril qutct rad
ln r**'nart nhtl.a hs trl.sd ts ns,k us beilaLv* k u*a s&rtrcst htrt tt rcr * vGrlr
Soer *ttarapt. ffiondry Ap**l 8!r Ysrry plearmt rcatb*r. X havr e yiry ?sit hc*d
ccbll rn obl.lg*d ta sust Xn uy kril* for I or , houra. Sr uooa 5 an lru*b brtt,
xr; l*t I YG{tr }f"Aht fitupcr of bmad a{l Bffir Rsrsr"?o* hrttrf eat snetef f,rsr
&*thtr r&d $tettr *Lntlsrr T e srkfu-lgr aan n.Eru forgat &ow kX,arl rad, aon;l.&
rmte they h*v* bsen to cr ti,rar f oar*c to pxil,ma, Hay &eil tl,t*rfuag arr*s bt
rtth tlrw and thetrsr *tuaLc 1& &; yar* tbt* oreutn6, frrrrGag *pg{I g6r$m*
* port*l Esrd ts hsthsr *Lndsr tkankfuq$ H,a f,ar f,h* ulce ttri.ngs he i:ad ssat
sr .$Ietr 1 $uat nrr5"ved brt*6*.qffi na t!:c wrkly }*rcrt Ilmr dtroetsd by &sr!.lrr
ffirr aoesa{ ste$e I aa*s & p***:a. }frrst etap rllt ;sg *n*. ren* *g g.purr f;hr
arrr 1* pretl$ nlt% tkLa eaertng ec f ln m{ttrrg ta ti:a Ct*rni,a$ mse krt r{l}
tlor S *rul kba ry G*ry chglr rn& reA i,a tha pnritr Husts In thc ;!nElW,
f arlttd ts rtcsr* lert rrUG& tlpt ffir. S*B* &ar*itil n*itr* E*6 & pre*mt sf fio
Ornmrmt*l mt rmi r lwf.l itmrttlg of tbr Pffitt,rttrry or mtlilr: tm ilrr*;"
14ffi fttor*';r rad Iratxii,arr S;&rr*ilr,. tprll tffr Erthffi r dh*ll lormlag ht
f,uttc 6{}A rn* mllr .*t lrffir6 rorr rorr st qF htrtory. f rf,filtr n llttlr
rolt fr?crll' ileg ht lil ilo( ea lnrt *tlrrr I rn arkfrilg l,rv* to r; r*fr *ffi.
l[filah &kre ur baolt to &; otb*r *afa aorrsr ts ba forgotm. &rt crn dr*I*l
tlrm on rl.th BrtS; **:d tcX.lght eait lgsl y€ry mrcb rt r Ic;t to fiae l$mgorg*
to txltnaor La prspcf, t*:rrna th; pnals; Erd hsmar rnd Levr f bmr tonrfi har qp{
hnvt to g$.vr ffiy & "tm,rs ln reLts sf ilf dtor! to rrlprrtl &m. ft lrfur*r
lack th; tlce *ca tt rsn toyonr rl*6 h*p3y &snrr o{soc Crrrn*ng tbr {ry ffiIt
{wslt ssnr. th*t grtsa* ;lh *ou},fi tlror rcpamtr rlr brcru*c Ef, otrr rcllgLon.
8ktnrrilny Agrtl ffir *,a mll.r ffi.{ry &*r:!,tr 89r &ro;lvc{ * lrttcr fmn *e *o
ai oa r rtctt *t }r*nklln filrha -{*-th Balmre rnil feuttrE, rtac onr frat &mllr
rtth Yoi"lr&a an{ sru f?m Sroi*rmr Hladerr tb *tlc ar lf I rp,r ia ancd af rryr*
thla#, I me YGqr gle*tl{ t* 6et # esF lattrrr rnd ryat r grrat rilcel of,
tlat tm4lqf, thm &rough thl ibyr tlrtutrihy elrll $Or $arnferxros nt l,a&rnar
suffif{ arrt gulta wet
}0 or*rnifltnd rslxra .*
flc *m {u*t* o:loxil*d trr tbt hmk housr. r watp hoerl r&qeae{t thfi lfttar t
.leill,lrr Surldnf snf I'itr $ld, * rn*t Bfigkt rn& rntntd tLX.l ssoa tbesi c]"tnr*$. o
tn thc dtlmsm, E l.d umtlugl Sru.iihrn *&il&rrrm of g*It Isko sf$ +se* r
prt*ok{ on thr *[rlt pr*tstplsr of thr 0orycl. &mt]cr fi,acest sasi *md, Lil
&* rfn$15 a$,atcA ln tha alugi,q bf pertmttlry ehofr lad Hgr $tlmreo6
:r Srbhle rnfr $&fr V*sast, &lto mi * ycuag rrn *ol Eff1; I {lit not }.**rxr
lknf ffi6 sfusa ffos* $l Socr Brforr frrr Sm 0ilil Sssr Hsm [l.t &[e;xlllg As&.s
&mt tMrrl,on*r A trrsi r b*vr ro ofte ffucg. &rl€b umrutst tcsru te ry sgrr
hm'r* of tiho *r*t. Sh. .lto of, rhlch I hrrl ha*rd hy ona no d,s*r to n*.
'r&d.ds $r Sh 1llsu **ut ilohcvrhr Bl atnt, to e tuse f ngr1rer hesr{,o Sister
$ll.r*r-reoril;rne r, bceusfrrl rote m*dttrr&il$ry $mgn nh{ah hroagl:t trerrr to
Irry ss' ffth I h'ord Hnf *o tcrr no* sf, *rr f,elth ffiryne*a thm*elvea urll&
ryrr*l* te th* put*eh{16 r&d .pattronJar,*hE bffirttf.lr ctxgl,a&. Efreaday ssr e
rsrt rII l.rst lf,r8Ft rn{ oocr th: noncing, frJf,, t}*g ef,t*r'it5sot*r $d,sgi!*I
IIaf !r Yery nilg; mffi*bfuslss i[tf. *n rrll, I rar Bf,rr. I,trlG# X^,,osi,k*r o*:, thr
nfl. hathGr !{.T, tlonr* gar€ fi*l l alor X,tttl,e f;prlg of ti}*or &Leh f h:rr
$rt teto lmnre Irrt lcttrr urd rtll trf te hke t t h,o.ar n&em X geo B;{nsr{try
urf *r I very ftcr d.if . f sn ret}. '$,rd.E l,n the Frr{ }f etrfqg b,sdo *eull
lirr ery ,. vtilltlJng $' B*llt*fr&:!. dr!r. sh.ry ffiffi{3 vfsttef, prlseuar..3l 5as6
selnt $lt th* rnll. lfitrsr l,Lrsr X*rken crlrs to sc* st red bro.u6hg 111r Lt *tlT
b*by ef.*ttr qth htr. &su6ffi *fr ales *$rnsar for nG lt aoo& *e r rc*st.o{
t&m I g*va orra eeob ts kathare Samsstt Er H*le1 xi[],i*r r.ad Cbs&ntskr frfit*f
*iagr 6r &lll l,e rcl3.. Hot *q ilsrl}r slaltcrs is y*rtordngl S*hrrday Xry
ktl:m {olm, &!*rrlart xry bes.feL}or 6avr ur d.x ?erlr alcr $r*r#es, I ru*eLvef,
s vsrY sl.ss firc{rurfi#tt*e 3.*tter *rm *JHr }trli ef, go* 6 gleryp p-ut rbe h*& tag*
aold fn 6otug ta 3o5'rn sonfor*kcor f rnota hsaer $uud*3, H*tr g, f hr"ve tr6
r+aths 'to aalnrc y*tr el:t. reH.' .& flna il*tr. &sy*rmd krSrrr:crSl*cap*3.fa*
preaobcd tfl rr*r *nS n Yrf,? rsstr afetr f somrldar lt *&$r slond*6r Ifintr
$, I r*
*t11. A}r on *nttrreoa g*11e* r*rieh nr&saa to r*Et.*t tme other* to ft},I th**r
far@ g*i}"on lmrtlil* rttb tm.ter for tho prl"xonere te ,waeb nrxt *o3j61mr $ry,
Jensa rnd *l*hsr &fpctlrs srrSBE ta ars{st r* hrt t&r trrtter g*ld &,otrher
lhnrbrr te rts btr mrhr fumcry xlltg, &n rrrt r fliltbr! r lttth o*td.
Yrtlnrld:; srUr 1I, hothrr rnd strtm B[nd* 5*til ri r rl.trt, bmught qy o1mm
sloth;r, rud fi)ca Onngmp lilour e0 oe(r, tail &rttcr. tr crs &irrr f,o3grt
tbrlr tl'Blhrlr b nr for tfur tnrly xtr; rrry tooi La€md tE nro &Loo lrft
tont roeQr rl,tbth errtkry te pry for lI.1& f,or m rad rckr{ nr orror rsrd, ovsr
rsnfu lf, n seul&'}lst thtltI of romthtng r atedr{. I f,t8tx{l ts}{ thm I m*lit
Ilkr r aherp tlrrr brt' I thought thry ;trrrro plcnru ts fin{ I aaal{ ttrtr* o
oocl ltttlr seufcrt thry atlf, ett t&tr*h af. ery brswht rl :s1r g;&frbrrr
rad 0lrdra srrfi hrt r! t&rtr ;frr m,at *llome x.a prl;e[ r gor*ld nat
thn" B[rhoP Po]lard ortr rt thr lr*r tlnr to rtrlt s.v. Jomr *.r hfu oeurilp
lllorl' lhry 6arc onto ttrc rrtl *fter rt cllrr lrL trbr yrl,{. *hr tlry i.t r*thrt
oale for r1y. fhflitry f;ry url gbr ttry fr guttr oo*i for }dqrr.rf,i
try er osrtl' r thfirl{ hr,vr r.1& th*t sa tbr ue r; &rrar{ out bril br{ig.ag
ef thr hrxrhsumr rnd hrd rrr} 5ood ele*at.q6 srtr r mrrt rlLil
frtolr{ ntcr tor ;*nrbttng. rt ilt{ aot xoer pembr.r thrt thr rns,*t
of, hrilil.
tns r&{ m rrqr lm (lg,t} oonlit *rl- 3U lEk {rtrlrr* }ooil;
lo ilFrll. rr,t {htr 1r,
*r ;r11. Ibr rmtbcr rrth* m[{1 lffit frost 1rat ata;ht. frr rm*n0
rt r l}rr
plr rftr lrdr tr sor on, : obtrarnrn. rt taokrd raa
rotrd gan,w la rl,r r",y
nrch Lllr r $bl,ckm Xn;t. lLd rsnr mrrlo
lr &r frr{ !f r{rfng brnd. Srotbrr
BineE rct nl r am &am, $&rrl l{rt rai* I p;tm
of oottoa lorkrr sotlar lr
gtrrn thrt uo $rLmnlrr ora lrnfi sr rrarl,vr
ror* tl:Il snr lctt;r gffi rr*. *Ed
thr f,orr.r to ooarLrt of, oar rbfit of aetr
Dr$tr. $rtrrrdxy srtr 1{, &rortr,*d r
goo{ sbrcrfrr"l }rtt$ k
lsilt. Itrr frcr te rttl.l b]dl hlt brulilr rrc
;r11. s
kthc! Btulil'i ir rt og0m elFrnata grt mrilr ta
ruq roary to rrr fsr srrb ,, r i
rlru for fuolng' $[;t$ ur{nr,*lf1rli vt"rltid n}
frnfi$ rild Erri s****brth r
Hril rnd recr ffigrEr Oot btrrr hrr
far brr ltrn&r*r to S mor frnfly ta
$;mar' l1'o *torlvcil r x,rttrr fror **1rr rad gro8gi.
frLth roilt Im;trr rua
r rfitt rttth o*fi rnttttrdrrrovlrr 0ffcrlng*r;aolo;rfr.
tr5r; rr*t rr shlr*t
ful rr &ry aryr but rrr lsoklnc fsrmrc rttb
fenf, rmt{o*rtttm to thr d*r cf,
rrlftira hs$. I uotr tn rct,lm m
oh;rllfirl *r po*rlhlr ;S$ptng to mccury;
tbs b*t f".xtas ro*1r for tha bro*u* rs mrrh
drpmi on tb* rhioh rcur{ rat
bexra out
-,r- hlt f;n sa,lr t@11 : prl*oaffr f*tltf, I p; tbrr, to &serrd ttr *ft6 ryial'f,
!.rgrr I frrg*atlf drrrn af b.tfig rt kancr f {Xil *o l*at dgb*. Sry ry fr,p
|,16r I t rt&ril rl,Us th*r trlrt lnts tihr flt rlll *il oruhuir F? Umt !&r l,*rBr
Drcr trrc brd h*try llttk btraraam rad S*t sa; ttrb ;rr tcuEc of,fo Sr;
rn ;11lgl sf thr r*lr} ry;*ets rlrmrlng rlroun{ *o.* of, l5r rtoe[ tr or]]r{r*:Pr.
tfitff (ry fng) tibr thl,ag teol to tbr mtrlr lfhl {og rcnt lu r'f,trr ltr lr lt
na ilrl,s*nf ta trrt rrrlr tr tkrorr5h r oloe rnil htt t t rn thr br*{ ;o *m &r
{og grr}hld, lt hryr thr toff I Eou.l0 apt btt* hlr et hr ;ltmh {lht llfr eut of,
tt thrt ur; I;fE rf,tcr ry bt"m ;{'{& tibr clo{r lth. nl.ght Brfsru f *r*rnr& I
hril novcd rtnh ry f,*dlgr te rrr ror of,in&p rn{ mr lbos ry lmd f,ror ;htoh
urr to mkr sur bant. It Er :I[ frrut hrt th;rl ms an undlrla.trth. fBt
rborl os ro{m runl very rt*lght ra0 sn nsb rtf,r nss r *u; og t*cu ;bout
oe; foot tltrou{b rad rbsxt *,0 o, ,O fwf hfgb ra{ rl*t rort thr e;nl ;lrr rt
top *; *t bttm rail rll m nmr thr rrnr rttr thrt thrf lpokrd vtry mrcb ' .
rllkr rnf, *ll rlfrtmr.d to brvr brau trtrri[ sf, tklr sl8 llnbr md tbr topr out
of lo thrt thry trrr rtrI Jrlrt thr ffiT hl;Lt rn0 youa6 rrymutr ;sttl; grom out
fror h:13 mS up thr trrr; & thc top lookln; IJks oai yrer* Sro;th d,nsr thr
tilar tlr. trf,nril. thrm rtsad on moh ;l{ir sf tbr b*rutlf,rr} nf,or Xtrlru Srrp
rrry ltsritl" An{ ;rrr ealy rbEgt trn frEt *pr#t, hrt r$,crta ilrrr unt ro r{0r
rt sllrr lsr rtrrr $o*a rrn toal rr to r ptret at Lrad *bout l0 rorrt ;1th tmt
trrer na lt. $ocr rlr. lsgrr &r tllr; X rborr drrs;Lhil rn{ thrt ruxrfiurdi
rd ry Lruit cn thr I dilrr' f rrl tbr f"rad frr vrrlr ror? r{ob hrt I rmrt{ hnvr
b rc*srr thl trrfi of, ry flui rnd tb*; lr*r * fra hrt tbrt r aurrd Eot Sp,sr
;brnt r[onfi &xil rni[ *k*n ilrr rt lil I {til iG r r A ann crni te nr *u mttl hr
br{ btm &i:lc *;y*ar ea{;t*}it ry hr hrtl rrt;ril rosl;trut ta tbc rsm t&ra hr
sF r hrtr8 of rn& tf hr rlta. & tslI rc hst msh lt rur].il mppr(t. n vr!3r
mrch rinal ttrt &r Leit ulvrr u*r{r{ rlAlrtel! rr thm mr
3t*rtr af relrtrr,r
t& tho grilulil ;11 tbr rr:r rlilctu*. sr xrr y6ty pl*rerd rt{h our prorpratirr
anu ber; rna t.cr,a ta ;rer{fn {or h$lilruf, ltrbl;r ln{ yrr{r fqr our
srrc nr r Losm oa flnt Stror il tbsu6Lt reulil {o for ur tlor r tfnrr x .u,Lt;
tbm la{ o{ihar {ririll tro*ur* t}ry lcrvr *a k}rr;aloa of la;rtsetisa or
-r6rln'1 rsil bes.lttr wor]. thtng ac6 ao-rcr] t&rt I f,cal filrs thcy hrvr r nqnafu
lnt rcgrrdrqg tbr futrnm for rr rnel ny tnnlly ln.tL noat tlkoly tbc ;hol'l ohuro
or th*t Dgt sf ;hX.sb I g sr ilry bc rttrohc{r Ehurelny Xry 15r tr rerl ualf"
It lr ryrrlr p].oaamt ilry. Brltl roLG of thr BB€E of Uornoa frtob I r,r rcrilln8
tbsougbr15r Shtamrn tr flryXrg hls stnrngo l6$ktng kltc.. Ilt thc rftGxuoos,
**rting ta hc;,it La trhr {lnrr{,ug r6s u unuS- it tc aou YGry ol;rn hrYf-n8 bru
rhttrnrb;{ thc tcosn{i tl.nr qnftt rcamtly. Xful Baraott prealdlr ulil rf,t;r
prrgrar try f:lg [rtcr;. PrEeoh ta ul, rrrblrotr$hg Sblr r Se rr Yirf Lntlp
ryttng rs rarurl ruil hllil tha *ritXo&Gr (pr{aou*r} thrslr6h tbo sntl"rc dllloour'
Et rt hp plalJ$FCo 9&c t r r, ?cr? aLcr plcurnt r$O tatercettrg rpcrkrr Lr'ilcr{. I}l,;tryfhr$.ng lray tnotr rnd pp;r..r rftcr rtatlag. lftsr hcr goofl
tp3lrilh rhc latrrihsr llrl. &. Ssoilr fron tbt tn(hrtrld horc, rfto rr f,rlt B'.
t ril to br y*ry a,rt or rlar f.aarlt1r6 ts th; cornor! prtronua ty rrEtag hot
thrm oart to h ro uililr olil grry brlrcil rsd brli brrdrcl nc lu prtsoa m
thrt lrr aot ururl ia otbm ,r{maa rhr hr{ r{.d,tril. thltl tf thcy bril rsrd
tLr bthlt thrtr multl sot hrvr btm th;rt trtill {6 rrh6 ur bolclvr rbr ilt0 uo1
kuor;hy rc rrngr rg;i[ LrE rtrr tbcrl. elt ;r1d rhc thought ;hrhhil rs IEo]t"
try. thr;:r f,Bttc rxcttcil drtlr rbr ns ea th.la Eblcot.. la{ u I n; BCar
rr to hcr, €rr 8! atatr u ralr bory X oeulil e;r hc: trabLa ;{,th ragr rr lhr
trttil ts rhmt rt rad r1ro, xtryLii of aS for nrrrytng m rrryr rlvrl. thc
illght hrvt ,rtl,, for tftrt ;rr *rt rhc rtut rctttng olosr by hrr rsil.ffire o'tffi
.*ft*Iadlee'I *o*:Id $ed $ffiss*ffiemtatt.,Wshers: ;ltrr rrbrnrct of, hor rnC[ ooanrrd
thrlr frorg m bcrt f.bay ooulil ;tth &;1r ltrphrruhrlf,a rnd trXJcril to croh '{
gthtr guttt :n&rtrd. Ihra ;r rruat to ;u,pprr llr. l!.s. Sohnroa (uehool tcrohg) r sourLotplfruuounocdt tc thr pr{.roncrr er !ol,Iom, ngatl,arm X rn rqlucrtiA bs Xfu 8r:nrctt to offtr tB rpology for ;ole rrarrkt tlrdb by t{ro. S}.
Ioadr rt thr lrctttg &tr rf,tenaop ud prontrt lrou chr tbrt l nst rpclk rt r
lrltil.nt blro tgrtn.i Ar f rn &r SrcaLdEut of, l&t gsootrg.os rtrt{ag thrt
lllrl Eamctt eou]d aot oouktl l*ittu rilrron +,hqf rrrl rncr*t3g 3qrt rhc nt
Ttqf iofirf for t s hrvl & herr Utrl. IE. Sosdg nrko thr rcrrrkt of ilirrrr?cets
;br Led rrdl, rtau hr rtrtrrt thrt ![1m Brrurtt mu16 ast u frcrtrtrst rliot'hrr *o tpGr} hff rgr*4, r1l thr pr{.rcami, oborrt;{ nEtrirrrEerrt, f i1l.6 act
&*a r frlf€n* btrt Sr*
Htr; *rkrr,
aor sar hrt oon{m;d *[rr. &r fioo{;r Hoaday Hrr 16,
slt1; rlagr ir ;rrr,
mll' *mrtvr{ W rrtl' $al-rild*ty srry; &irrctcir, hr *firr *,lrc &rvttl,* xart*otof' t brltr m nnrrt rlr ae to &he uprer urd of thl &rfl bar*rtrc qf, dtrt*SsLB&e ?ed.tsrr;. $Lo tr tt? rflrryr smi,tor ttstrlr, fr,t& $[p;,
Br. seadr rE{
3 .thrr rr{trr. I rnt**r trrt mu rot *ac rrl sartm,I*atr
Grr0r rlda *x,:hryr,
m ffi'rsd of thr &*iatr. Hffirhf ltrp tr-6, nnr{ fac. tn th; Daoe of hfia,*r
trmrll I I rn rmfilqg it t&.n*uhr lnmih;r lf;rr ]?, tr r;rt.
Er66t to-dry ,,.*,
xqr.{l.* rr E*ul ta ry ohrlr in thr yerC lt 1r ?.rf tr}{ol
tb*t I c,o Lrns thr
fuaEh*upt or crrll *l x f*rt t*ttc Eut€osmr yoib;rihy
srr rsr pr{,ron*rr r&:
trrlEg thrfr brtrr rnrt elor.r &oryt thom srr!, $O y*rr of gr.
emud*y Xry
lfr h mllJtt* filmrr hrc vq aler r*rlo *ror itrhor flrrry ea bfr ytolrr
|rt6 rrE' FErt$ au &r iEar{r,r*r rt rsr brLu ?trtt;{ }r ulil;
s*t* xl,rte !h!.r
rf,trrre*r srri{cr {rhrlr a?brr r*dr,rr rn* r gatr,ae *c r nu&ol| rry
nrmsl or trakrrrc rtrry.rr$ar ts h hrr *arrltrqr er tsmelnf,
af thrt t*Ede
&r tr retbcr temth thr rmro;r rlrc ot'wre *eltr tbr$ rn{ ,5rry f**trrcr
rEd hrl * mryI l'n t&e ryr k Lnfiartr kcr to
k horrys lf'3rar, p1r*m sr to tr
rhk to tcll r hrrtrad b rtrud last a&t halil yurrr t E$n* *txt r tb,*qg[e
trhffi lroB oryt rytrt tf ym trrr rrytnrns wr.$h
rflry hrt lr ttrnt"alf yon 3l*rr
H*r r?,,rf try BOr **.{Bltr nl,l. tr edkd qm }y Xrr ey,,ffnr*}
* ara*
t:t rr rr&ttr iu tbc itrmia6 *!qa rr r nl,ttrr $bcm *r tm ef xr
ta &o tbtr
;B*r *t'Eh 1r te fltah tha foel fi-{a thr lprr* 6rtr to tLa *rnnrar rcm
r&l lt mt trforr thr rrtror*rr rr* :&l,tr{ rn{ rftrr lr*lr to rns .thr
(Un) plrtrr oflD. lg{ rpocrrr Srtrr.drilr ts*;rgl;
Sr irrrt r trttttrr ittrrlryotntd
rt l0ot rltd'rlnfi *ry rr{.1 tbl; lorrarsgr *r ;flury lmn* le lhr.
eudry Hry
t* n'm*tYrf, * {po{ rammrry*ng xrtt$ f:ron *&r *,ll ars mll krt
{e mt fr;l
ffiu [s *{*ttr *r ery b*{ att r.lerlrce r trrttu firq* rc rr&teh tbrr
silgftt to
to h$i rcErlv*{ m Eu*r{rgr. lls rcorlr*d r l*ttrr fffiil
&.1m r{th t }l,ttlt
$f$e|$rt arnd; *G,o f pL*o* ef hcr arrr srmrr Jr*t for *& rh. mtifu
utrt Saor
Sttl rbr ll,ttilr tffif* hsr try mn rith *rt tratrnrt f,*tb;r ;lt ;,rd, loot qp6n
msh (to nrir) lttttr tu"Lfl.ff or bpr rrsr tr"!:*.
rffir lrttrr lr ra:{ rnit ri,ie
Lxtcffirt rwgr mr{ l,r lrlsbr{r fo rmtlag to-{rilrr H*trpril
to esffib cix$a&
r; l; nnnl
*tru-ffitra r,nd baachrs* *r*{ roni frcr thr
t&* bosh sf, &!oaa$r Honilry Hry 85r sm* ba*r *oub]m Bth tooth rohr for I
mrftr ru tLnrol ra f ;ahcd 3r. Bat;ra ta ffireot ltr ft tr rg rtght ry* toot&
f r*f.{ h*n lbgat orra pmfi of nrg* oai ar*a6l ruil oan ]ma**. Sr iltit rmt HBt
*mft&fn8' Srok * trth to-lhfir" SlrLr tr *a* af t*i* Xm;glrr,l.orrr ef, t&r priw
ta& mcffbory satns to mJoy !,t. Atl rm rrry*atr{ & brth 0106r in I ;retr f$
S,utrt raf, ompo :ttr ror& i.u Stlmcr &rdlr{f mf 8*i mcrlvr{, * rrmr p*Itnr
fron &ffi,r S*tln*u{ryr H*f 3Sr HILH,m kd&r*r rrfr &*r!,m &raha et h;rn rlpr
l.a$asr0 t&rtr *trcr rrr g$,i. I rn rall". ltbc *cath;* x'r M[.ata* to bc m:l
!&t tlrc nlghtr rre alcr r**.orol re fut I rlrrry 16*1 sooC. sec ooryIr.i* ,1r1*
rket trilhrgr hrt X rn rot troublca rttb rgr ry bfrtb {a opa**tr tkr fro*
ile0r rxd rtndo; ha& qf, rti*b spra to ttkr r*r* rail &rt f,; thr dlm*.Etm *lcl
*teh ter u.tght tr*rrrr amr to u;. I re blmer{ Lu ;o nrry H[rr I t&tnh
lt retrlit b. Ycrlr rrosffi ts oumlll*itr Ee*iirf r11 tht b;tr m* br{f,laS raC te$tr
rsr trLx out *nd thr orllr thoraushltr sllrard. l!ffililry Xry 86f Sr slul*;d,
th* *{,nntng $e{il tU$mgbry* Sleolvrd r t*ttm f,r'oil ny hothrr 8drr{ ea{t om*
fortrl ttmg. .[l[ r*c *rll. Br rndl hla mn frnm brvr ]rx bcf,ep tbn Grin{
,rrllf on th*l. Lcb Qartr &t ra thrf IBCr acthtrg tbut &r c*m fhry rrfiFt
mltrrrd ret t* q)p.* rg;rlar Flf,l"drf Ury 3?r Satbl,xg prrrttsulrr hryrymril kt
rrttrrr rr umrl. fhinrrd*y Urry 8Sr I rretr i"tlil. to Arc*. *r BLI hrt * litttr
1r ua*rry fer f,r*r & loyr brrc Lom rrr* & do t{" {rhry rro *bk. lail rr
:s prryr ns Srvr ta br rrr hr X do not rer bsw sS f*atlry orx 6pt ray hrlp
ln iibrtr lrbort rF m to trlr s*rs of, tbr {iropr ail rr to nrkr r gnof, hrrvlrtr
Iillnerf xry 89r B6rtLng r*r &a1{ m urf,.L ln tbr +*,f"g troor rt } ?rH. *h.
3rrl*ad Sutwr drllvtrrd l,usthlr yfr? lnen -;!rt rhflt X Gr11-- rrll I *ratt
61rt ref E nir tmt f nrppa;; hr nsuld arLL [t r $rnsar lf;ffidrt ry l0thr tt
IO &.H. * ocaatttfi;of 6 ar I lrrtt u; lskrr of $r1t Xrlrt Sf {7 *:brru*sh
S&otr 6rac rui deoontrd t$r ltlnntug hrl.f dlb ;ort b*Buttfql flo;lr; rrl8 rt
r lll,tlr bfarr ll rbout ?5 oth* lmh;rr rrascb}cl r,nil 6rva n rsrlr ultr effip
orrtr ft nr Srrlg{ rxd varSr mcb .mjrrfrd try rl1. trrnu atr thc r$a$ brougbt
lIhff' r|fG r*ry bt*lilm.
.&r eholt *o oro;a}.* *nt br *&ltafi to s* htrI} hrt atlo{ o*tnl.dr tg thr ,*ra
6a staahdr* as
thr ooxpluyr *Lsss thm I tr $ lttth
k,liles. X a*x cfia pery]s * Er 3 rreLr s]&' Hs* f i*ttl uat ta t&* t&rt lLtt,
Lc 6ry1r1;i sud, otb*e ahorrt &e *$r ef, sryr ornn rnf, te*S rln* hlsr t&rnr hlt a* fflp
mot t:I3sr**t to uotLoe or epc& k tht *a*t*rrr &f,ter sEuo*rt
Bgus.r:rff wr tri
*rflr ffis$ tnEh rhnt*rrtrhi,c rfms ef l&* yrrd rr?& plnx.mnsr"s ss tiltof ;taetil
se {1fs*rrnt sFouplr ffi fitffit til,n* r gtoarl t& rfrnt.gBt llst gttlr &&g *astfit'
ffitr I tJnaar*tam X m*t &r $r{!6 omryrtrcl$er l,x tbr ercqp s&e to tff*at thlr
shgct I ts€e ry hrt of* nr *fr Mra ki.ag r*thm l"rn$t I tbsugbt thE *r.ih at
tlo br$n slsbt srstr * b*d *ffxtr l hrld ry ert tu ry h*EA* Af,homtr6 trr
grct gld t*sk * l|f,sr of t&* {L.*{ng b*f.L illrd,ilr rtt}r us welts*x ste,n*l.rfi rm&
fsr &ltf, rlild *#rf"a I hffi * gnoC fs#,0c,r sru.dl ms tbs aulry *m v[tt* ;. rhtb
rryrffi {Br 'dbs re rmmt ts th 6rtt fcr fatil fsr rrySsr tfrsm **r* I baxm ct
Snnrssr f,ar tb; yryI"*oxarr ;hSah grri t e teeh of lrsr 7e &t rf*srnnmrt ELryth'
m Brrrlal IdunJE*r rait ! fi*lgbtcr* B*tt[t ctn{ IlLmlr fer,{* * vtd,t to ar et$ Aro'
thffi iilsha eEkm** lnd SLilti,s [rm*r Su*tc B tS* pm Emdt ln tkt stDti*sf.
St rrs* set l*s&*d trt* eu,s *rllr uatll *f,trr hsft 3**t ?. Snr;{trf srf tlr
1!hr;ret&tr 1; Sott*Eg $rfitttr f,ilr Spr thr ltt i!rym Sast w:r lrtt*rr B*w n
uet Ir* epmrd bt tuc mrilml hrt bg tkarr tc rtr*a ef rra rct tar ltl thr
$xr$tnlgr af * 6rnr{i gs*C*y * Iil}*r !,c :mt lmtilr t* h dp;il ty rlt thr
yrl*en*1g gr*a**,sg tp*r xr*e t&r rtskt to s3lrr[ rad *o 1lrfu*o *r*r *r.11' ry
*rt f s*n 1er'1* mnrtlnag €ym kl,f tkr prf,rremr i*f,{ sat d,&r *l I itt{t aot
Imsu 16y tbr mr{m Lba$li {rrtrt $}ile * prlrtf,lg;r aot..*tkr.t I mffi r*e hffi
k:t rq *m tll.lltn$ & 6o t* |jtilr I*r r*qqt$r lx thfr
*&r* eentomt* af, th*
"r*1 ,ffLtX$e te*ihll'r St&.ari[ry i"r'te.* lstr rn }t]1. [s&
*r llc lL[ a&*r s$ttsrs.
txg wtl*& orcure*. f,hurq*Ay fuffi I, Ylltfin* ilnf. f# t; s mla sf, &f,
brrethra ne$t vtgttof, ry th;tr frteari[a, n,laa ;sry ffiaG mts &* nr]L f w
e$liit sngryr tilE*E *hout ry frn*ly B.lthougb f (tl.E not ;rpc*t thac a; X h** IltlF
tm tbon npt ts smfi &11t X rlnf, Ltrc *r tt ;eirlCl *art to pmch ef &tir l"trf,*
*d nmnrr *s* f bcs thay $or,Xfl fmil. w{F }ail, to sct tll tlr ffioe * 11*oa"
ffidry tlum 5r ?td.ttag Sry *6pta. fiot rs *nryr tildtrm ta-(hif. ffitrt "*t
Sr*a te*snryt fer al*1 rmrtael;;il yrLroams to br okra &*rpffi. f xs* ht{ * , ,"1
rrs*r of hmre rrywtilng te ts *b1r or *Ilorril ta kt*y th*t rxtr: ast ta tr
*hr*r il*$l prr&tpr l8 thtl.ers
srvr{ r6alg1 _la nr*crym *c qF tin* mr-&rtiag rb.ont rmd hlr"as rnr of th,r urltu
lrit r rssht ler tbr p*rt nrl,ca of the prl,*o*r ta grtr ; rr;trshtr s,rt x ri&
alt th. r*et rn,; ola*r glrerrcd lnrt r ffia fml *t all brd rtout ltr Bhmr6ts roffif
felt rsr6t I thtrrght th.$ t&gry sksuld, hnrrt fioilil. Setur*ry fimi *r S*i[ qlrttr
* noia L*rt r{f;$t, !a,&sr rrtnry and *ol{t tc-6,*ff. x *}E** hffit hit talit ln
lst ts 3,1sht to *nr untJ.l rh* rcooJ.rr*il r nsr *ilfurt froe nll lr I dt{ upt rIItrD
et ta rreris* *.rr;y lctters &rerun *rb* e16 *d*resl *t thslt l.c r ]tltXt ffimCt
tr"trrmrl*ag gs,,th rqnrd to tb,r prtasnara EllX. Brct*vadt ry a]c*a slstha;r &r:i
&rttrrr 6 .gmr5ta *at 1 xcroanr rrdl *ei&s cna*y fr@ &r*{*Jr re{ s{sttr &lallnrr
Srr kLnil en{ goo6 th3qr are f6 l*r fiIsrtry fi513 Sr i3E ;;LL *r um*}' Srth;l1l
a{$ry *gf, eo14. $rettas *r h;tral ky 1rur peoplc. tuothtr Srsr Sxta: *f, trhr
l?th r*rtc rsa* thc n6rcet*rr SfEkt "r!g rell tniltrit fsr ahsut !0 ilt*ttri oe tbl
S[rt ]tt,usfl$tr** af &e Soep*l. A !&|gestglr errl; car pl;ryt& thr or6n* rn{
th* atbsr ge$g gltorih; lrtter tnrokr dom (poor 6trt) *hat #i srelg$t ilsbt ef
hnr *fthtr (r rrt;aracr tpr sa,nmlme* ratr) ht aec mill.trs *x*t*r iHA il*at
ycry tei*ttr l.:8 dGsd. sstrr Forlrrter ets6 a)abl|s &;ti''r; frtm *6G tmar
*nd Hr*tar **llf w&g hrgr im ob116rm Brs p:t*Ui.try fEr nf :ad*n; trtlr te
tryr;*lf,r aaa redGrs{ ?6rlr *.toolg lnilasd, mil thslr ral.tt; t{;ltrtil te *ril} ;ifr#
filt{ ro rrll halnms{ rilLd rXtwrthsr f t&su8$t X.t mr :s 8lm{ 't.u${aG (rcoqr
3t$tiil tfo tha Srgrn so *d.oal$) *r I hrd L;;;ril l,n r lmg tfr*r X b3yr rst rrc'
riveil ry rrm*L S&e11:d$ryr or *mdhy n*!,I" fror"* ry ille.r fffifff k*t lml,, rlrr'i $lffii
rrrr lrtters for tc rt sen I lr*Lt trrkr oitr hrt at I rtlrr.l{ uot lt6a thr r*rff
fsr thn m.rdcm to os{e ms ra6 rtr tr,ott*rn be 1r ktipx'ag thm fre* tr' hrt rlx
rtght f oe,u str$S tt *nit rot worr3r. f llptrlil ratfunr mslw rsffiS tbrs nrriflo rtr 166St mt thf rnil *b* rl$bt* af etbrrr rho nrg ba' r to *cltan m t*
tg*r ymttwtcry. lfeak * te&r Headay .rUui 6, Ar *;L[r Sooh * hte m*t
aeaa*Be ly llnr*r $o E*Ll 6 grt f,sr lr a" rry etbtrr *# 6ii[ uxrt d.6p
unrt5r**.tfre *eSGr yraamted tl rall rnd ptrt ?trf ltttlr for tlrcts ;bo tlfil rs
for. Strtllg kftit anrtq til teo yuril la &i rvu.tug' Etra&Ir Sunn ?r #ortlib
Funry sni!, t?c61 &r*-;lf,ot1xf }rdqry) *na Sxrrilcr Frlnk rrat rtrt t*rttt n€Hri*fi.
g1r*3g p*l,i[ thrl,r fln** rnrl ;aw$ f rsuth* t&r eryprr ]d.ng &kic off f,or
6wri[ muduotr &*ih6r rlffi se; in tbst t!r,* rrrrilm hme fibs putbaraU to ryre
X f,um f Bsr l*tM-r s{rttil{lr kn*
xlf*sxmr I;ttffi or *x.J' ilr*l *t#*
tb&y nrn set S*t *at tlrtp *a glt* Sg&meilrf *I?$r* 8r &*vo **Ir*r $rit* * wlil
aa*I ms ?&rtr sors ne*xrs& f*g* ***t }rqs. Bmel"ri-*d u*l*rrrt*;;r vlcxffit fmu Affir
Srly*il ts cic*a $art tlara*.u6 ffHxr $* *& tktps,;?tr*&. ewlers *f ths ss#*il @r{mt.,
ssort aocirS tcnorrm &et Bdag *hc Sxg tks'f' v[ttt *11 prt#f,&*f,.r rail k-tsni**
*lr *hrcu65 eltr, essx*efi,* *s *orr *f,sfiil;*& *l, x*J f;'?,rcp ;pltnGlfi. Hf hr"Xry
w * ysrdr ri,se *gr*xbl* oL€ gmtlmom, birt ob ry &p+&*ma f,ur * !ts**Brr I
mulql bnfi* *S&tffit ary & cth*re 3 *ssr &a*r$, lnrt * f,el}ow eurt Sat rra*il & r,ij
*trm*st *aytb*ng (at lm*t te Sr&t }te&) ar& sa elfi f te &*1r .fq&r* mtlrtt*f
fis thet tS 3 asu38, **uf f;ilrsu6h *l"w"*et e$Sr ffiunt ef, sol*s* I{* saal{ W t*
ryI'rrf nry rl,ght or sryr fing e* s**n xe hc l$tt {swr tfaa of e wy esx*tmt;&
c1$& *rs t;:*refqre mS:*xE*, pr*wtl 1Sf* ef, &rsy es *1f bsffn X she&} ll*snfa
f"a$&{r 8?la gle*r al$ mnrc boart wE *\r.11 rrhan hr, ,,.{.t'*
*hose ny &ecs* et 3"wri*ig ar !w sr&t,& h* wtsk!+t f m,E fiatrg ?s{th h*ilr tut &t
E mst trc e*lrs to png bLs a ri*tt *r sffi aa f 6qra&6* gm*Crf *Iw 9* 8*
3*r&t*s *imqa ,rimt$**ss* p*td tl:e ql.sltr *$S.us Hillmfitt klelrtg t]rs tmd, tttof,r* ,'' "
l$,m r{rrtrr sr*b.
{ n** tw:"tr. ttrs 19th lrrf,pd c*,o*.r }** tg Pr*f,crt
w ffiaLry elr$ ouqg Bs?.rd ?ry rsgc* 3*,ae*a f,a:r 'mr &sl*fit. S*#rn *t il B*I$r
sad }e*te$ vmy lhffi.lF A *s*ra" &itm Bl*-t*tt *nS bor lfr*f fi$.ffild# frffi* fi*b
grrt amar a prener:t. Alttt-tr &.*{nst of, v*? xrta* filmt
ilttb * llttf,r ttst*
*t stt*sbs$ tr*"tb * Ims*ns&* qf wLplru:ra Sfnngi{ tlx*trro&* E*4fuv .ntr l$l Bo
*cfl at pn**mt frrr ?ho*q *f u,* ** ilttl mt rtmr &r pemi.*us fioergmt Sltilp
smt${l ta *f€Ffir1syqn?{at3 $'e*t i*lsW.}u**{ xl,{rb tk* rm pmr.ltr ffin**ry rftuf
lI, Ae sFsLL. S*tktr* *** t&r ffiier oldt r*tam qf p,rt;m l*.ta ns rt %Ff ntt*r fir t3it*6o fur re.*dtngl wrt t*r'#; uttlr6:, er sal"ht.x&r tnl.&ilJfiS'r *s sgmr$sr* *r
*atot*renr ehffigilB a.lt ar ffiSk bg ***re a*Lf to tfu*;nk ar p.rlcr s$s,* m f,mtlf
Eatter* or gr,rrt*gs rn*& *ffis *1* fcttarG fircffi &esr fim6s *t bmxm rrft& * $od
rffirs 3 nthar* rlxrE
!,* orrs w*n**; rnd pcrotxw; *a *fifaefiat tfir
{Irutr S* en tha ohae* HFit& nf cn;r s*fa:rt mpgmtm *tr ett S,l& * ft"xrrd &M
xrlxlrt$"sn ta tmea,r& tl:r m*?r prtram frcr* thc rp*rst$sr of sur *rft m*h*r th#
gfiffiE rrntm*s to o,*r mar** ulr*["ge?toil$r SmdaE ,*rus 181 &artatd tu mmb
hI*sr tbe*r
qrhtfu# *.e1ryw*ng
ttuhils rBs as ustrrl **. ffimSsyr msfti*ry$ w*sr brld w
{h{t FlBtaahrr*i}r xdfttfl's0
mh* sr &rM hrt br trr,d *
Ir{'fu *beu* irtiq or &* nmsugr &tarrd[a!' .Tune 1]r *rouo.e S. He]Ig ry otd ffi.m
nEfr kl*rlr dr stlll,er*,* mt out af tbe pm* to-{*y f f,Laishe6 $s,str}€i th;1
bauk ef Ssluelr t&ffiry& aad w{arr*td t* to &'oths' 0seJ.gsrr &rrowcd thcrilForr
sf, O*t Srlet- t*r rca{ throush, of, &urotber Srergo 6r Saa* r $*an$ny #m* tr
An risl rc}*l ** umnl. I nskr{ mrflea soma If, br b*s amy lottam f6r Bs
lslt *msxqrr So nrL8, *so ho thaeght ' srot rs h"B raat &tr3 g13 tSBt seo to hrrl
sa X esBelud*{l hF ttu et tent thry ill"il rat te}iG thffi *ut ef tha trx ;t th*
eff,**r I a*lr h$,n if h* smt our lottsra to sirr fsnl,ll,ee thst b* mcsl,vr& ot
lrl br mi* olmr rlran tbry Bs,eE to hia slcf,t ss thnt bo ooxlfr' reail th&.n
ffian*dag rrun* 15r & quttt r$iLL. 5S y**ue te-dx*y r ma kptt*a{, lxto tbr
frstrsh sS Jemrfl Chrtet af X*ttpr \y S,lnto !ry SS*r *rr&wr .&.mr sf tih* Sdsf,r"
Ssflfr'n Sos$Emtce; sr& xl r ts:rol.tw E[6sr tn thr ssnrlos 0anferss*ce. S:Mn.
rfir df'uae l'6r s*tp*d ts *sr.r& te€ cr,ffir&g rrGL f,l.osr ]s rr6rel.. nffiil *sr ,tba
Pwrl sf 6xsat 3nt**r an vw3r lruob tnterastod $*?& lt* s"tikEr {ll1nr I?, sn
rort s'[X. Qrrta & x;rs dsf btrt as i heve very 6oo6 o*.roy emk r seteh n
s&d bre*xe at r':lsbte and m eleql geo&. B6E ccsx,oe &sr !.s nsw xy erx$r ar
bcd,f,ell.s- ffi'dss funa l?; R*ef.noit ey elam slot:e wfffi g $rurgcr *nf,
ffi,ffid Bl,nrtorar Medc sfida Qr?uf| thl.r {&ftereo6a. Ltrsto thl,r
{rrtatng &" e*:{.u6 bend. Su&lrdnilr &w l$, So Lstt*r frim hose
t1:i.n *edr.
wrtrtl ho&t reit told t'ho ferly mot to trrltr b nc tu:, *ho *!e of #nlr
Erne of *.r.r &in,tir thffi r **11 aat t t *{n1 i reavo haro
oa ttrc s.6
of elyr srnrtrep #u*e ,$9, flelprit to *lean thr *trurtn6 !$sr &l;rtd.n6: mee
h*}i[ x"n t]re s*ttqf,llocn b *ts rsdLgs sapmrunar &rwelati*a, tu-t ne lllse gn$sltt ocnrrd rst eoias. &cr:e ta mnthLrtg rarth r*ptrtr$€, i$ondqr iknre a0, *$r
hsfil'e6 Ycrlr fool| hrta{u ar se1il h*vr r*eElve.t as X.attsrs
** yetr |[!lrr*lry
&m. glf 14 xaort sf mlir b:qttrrm oiirs ta the pmttm$.xrg s ,{effi€ g1sc . ,olbffi *[U'r^an eua;r'ac t?Em mfth*?cI{r oao}ra co,lx$ trrd ffuther rrnc. Frt*'se
af, Hydc PEskr sach* sfiuttrr *.bo both seil$ tn nrubcr ? aell
$&*re r **s il*tilrf;hs foruffi illd as* lneon u; t*11 x tott bt* I6:e I tes, ffe
Isrs ta t*{
sr lt *c* 9*s 8"!sr &aE a* rc rrl aot axlrrrs{ to ts}k ntrte:r g r €t{ n*t
fftr rmsh t6 thmr orilrr lcamrce $nqugh futher pEtersm {tlnt q7 f,mtrs x*w
sn*gms aad,
l}1 r*}}. eae f,celtw nrlL Srxt
h*€ r €*s& tll^k ebsrt nett*r a* Sfdt,
P*drr Slotmd th*t &thsr Jbsce lexcry cIFr snr e*eetr{ },s*t $ur}*}ryr crun&g.
niso h*t&rrs *sxtlal, '.)srter sS $grttr$ri,l"1e1 Sorgrulr er*a$r, wlt& nifiaa I *l*rs
lail tg $rc*"*h thr gorysi I"n tk'6 Thr,#gg&e]l*.re Corrf*rcr:*en s"1m fuml-r6hnm Setur
f,eren*tr ;fr h*'t mry a *h*t ekrt o3€ tLxerr $rse{l st*.Xt ?ertf }.qrr S^$,.#.s*€r
tse&**Eag tit'ure ffir *s ira'rtrig *. gt** t$:e* tlc*,}r*,:**; ff.tlr rqy a*rwtry s-miv*d &r*fir.
r€nll thrdef rhffis A3r Ffsd hrt ].tt{Ls H.ae for m3r thtn6 brrt a},*t dth &s"
thffi Fe*$nsrlu n*d Sqs*orr rfr*reblle hrsa'3 yet. Iffi,8ry Jrx** *41 &m*bey tffit
fi#vryoe} of, Plaaaat Ylerr, S;bs ftrxnt6r caaaq to ess re as$ thn:thar &brm}rs
Oh*Srt"c&r &rowbt
{}n*rg*s *aeb.
h*r au wcre?,d get ll-+::ta qsfi
sf,fcr;*' t* h*I'sr ue t"r *g ior tr h*vs h**r* tba l.*rst f*n ucm Slo 1e*]* hrre .''
bsns rut hstt thG &tS *&lorled bE th* sffierrl*taat lnrt th*t n,*x &*r* ta mor:ry for th'a.t purpooor lte r*L& irr uo,:ld balp u,s lf sc nea&cd rlgg hrls snd, errut{
let ld,'ksrgrr H; leolc*d ml.l
rml naX3, tr:t pf sslrril
n* I +8 &3Br lettJ,Ae ag be*aril gfar befor* I*&vtr$ f kurr f leiak a l3"tt}"e l.aelg*
Ii*t I feel fJ.r'Et rs*t trsly wy het the r.'qeicr *qe la6er naqr th*r: tley d.L*
tht f,or*past of, xg tlaar &*. tf I tr,f te f,*r*set rbr*t the S"s* th,a pr{.*exax
*re csnti$str$lf aEldrg aa *hsu* tt ha:i*wfqgi tt ltl gatti*g efucrt r,ad I do xat
bi^im thsp *e r kruw they i*e $s ss,th ths b*Et of, f,e$Lj.*f. lFbf"s Lp a r;*l ht
dn$ *Iid ni.6;i'tr &ethsr fed,e&,r Clasesrr tof,d are &lr {lfintt t&1r$E hr }*it fel* *l
r*ore *o eluroe bc ha* bgta berrfr $rtrar:€ep *hrne g5r lletktac ux*ru*,[. r !H .'
rel'l' 3er1 I of tb* brrkc?r rriEr *ragr Sur$ery rtr:ae 86, Yrqry ll6or huitr y*t
*eat*r5 l,a ths *L**tx6 rsffi. hi'thr Congrrtgatlaral,fat. ,t w& aad, a rxttta*rr orilil
tt:.t tl,-e pre{*"c}riJrd wcr; ef e.isb e poor c:de:r. f {t|.A ret *ar* to lxqn*,m *tcrr*
f&**r Tr&.rle,;{,r ilon**y' *I"iin* flr {irrr bree* k nr:*h bettOr. Hn:t?r*r I.0" ftkcb
se$ rS &'dt* Senk ;El]ld .3i*ae.e .tro:rse* af fcgnn *rs s,os h*lrgng t* *a thr kklg6.
firsro lrro s n:i.o* trlttle rela oa $st*r,*atr nfght rhi*h hr*.* oasr.e*. aff tl:e rl"r
6sEa lS,ttle *n'* a3.ss l,si.& ths &ltt. B{carlny ,'I**na 8Sr ,f!r* r'ry.:t}r*r i* veqp
*trit1&. Broth*r $.S. Sawsaa #*6 &€ & f*n fu us tls" the klsk 13.L6yrta tihsah I
fl'e{ Y3IF go*t tc, he}p lreep ***}. f f*r6ot tset cn s:*tag 16, r ra*e{veit r
l**te frc;a artls, All *re w*[3 *t h*ma. ?t ecene* * trsat *q ] tmd nat hffirfit
-=-.--$sF=&ffit€ h3r let**r for *o lExg e *l,as.. I rer+dl
ry l,rtter 6v6r ax$, or*r esry
*dr* er..iit tr lsc,ks*
gfiti l rne G$ Fleqp*'dr &}ec rae6 -+tlft-to sss*o of ry f,rtqls&s and,5*vt lt to
oth*ril ta ree{l for *h*::lse1r*sr Srcllhar $er*sr ** nc ,"f, f Gfi}}* rs*& it tt tb
sut ahliltrg *a*mr r ?$1{ hlr no r hrc rr{s6r r*a;l a lattpr frou hom* ssr mt{
ttm aas oithex w&tlrout elrCI*t*g a tes,r axfl thet 3 nns nat &e only ona tn *he
px{r*n wh* #.d Eo by e great fi$,t{fr" S;1} ho w$.st hc aoui"d not reail rg lett*r
rtthaut, &ro*dqr *?uno t81 Sot{Earu rpa l}asted roun* tlrp ygr{ far or**jr gll'l**np
m to t* als6e$ shnveil ffisr a#rfir ffiGk rnit *Isa srts forbr,dlng *11 oBrma* nni
pmtb*a }emguego. [hs forxrr. rf,31 bo cxrrJ sd sut brrt tha ]etter X m $rffi Brr*
lr wtJ.S be oexq*e$ firt as f,t La hostbla ?ror Slae6uut*n61g *1tr grmtlfe *rysatr
lrr *nd nost of thc $e?ds r,nd, rerf,* rwsstr *mfi prof,aac tbr :r;s.o af tho H.o$r
rad t-he lor d*grade lar,gun6o farely rnkcs nq sl,ek *t atsile,eh fqr $t es,etest low
brt wt *rc *ory*leil & hra.r l,t a1'} dlntr l"ang rnfi, yet aeth1g sf,Sm.d* tApsr S*rtfcs rere t&a$ ts ba cs!.?.atdsro,I r,aytbr*6 hl? Seoant nxr FsfrBs.l$aiqr &r*a &9r
lh *rrt hfl:rt"E6 vpry €ood Eraa* $,orrr si*rry of Brt Srteonsra my txrey rrt*h tba
eld brk;r h** srxr fffirr brf,ore ao 3s ts $*ve * sh*s$t for e& s*r elts tg ne&r
ror*s 6nodt lffiwid $$r r:si f aa elA tf t&c hrb;r ry k*r{ nr*t qff, sa ffiArf}
l11 Sekt retd X thas I ahs,Il ga hme *uil 1oolr ruoh ttrr ffint *e I d.6 hrmlr I
roulil llkc to be e13.oss6 ta n*r ry rtri.pcd elotbr* brt X hox ttr*t f ril}} art
t* *llolt&r Ekm*d*y rTrmo I0r * voqp ;Bx'c d*y. lfmte ry Joumrl, lrp ts thio
{nfr It uny bo thi.a !d.Lt bo tha Iltat {qr bsfot'a f X,c*yc h*r*, thm I rhrLl
rr*t.te roars thtn6e f dE ast olrc b mtta rlrtla f n* blrar fiel.prd ta mxrh
*fuufs6 rofrr *bE reaasn I {1{t aat rnftE sW rork nr 3 6ot *or{ *1l enrr rsl,b
tt8 ffiuld bc kkrm *ffir us rh*r n rsnt sut rad er Etr tllre iler solr gtflne 0,.,' -td
fnt &rotber Smrg*, Sxi,mm to m,l6gle tihi,s book urt f,os ro*:so thnt f
ss-rrlil gct tt aoao ttxa l*t#r Sig Ew[ lroura mn s].oss by ttu prrrl,t**hry Enil
br f?rynmtly v*nt hona rs ho fima5,rhed tocxl rer& te Sct ths psrt tmt*ry f.mrur.
[6 lkf up r.n* *:rmtehoit hta Ho&e sf sur brs&Tm (*rrf.sfiner*] to ba]p ?lirra g6t
b,l.l Uag shlsh &ratwht lrtn *o hi.n orm bffi srrorjr d*y t&mu$ [a,yixg ttse. f
L*nr0. a gu*r$ ory tttat w*s the Etrnug*at thfue he orar nar sino* ho hsit hm :
ffrs{i fnr
nany gt&aflr
trt wi,8 w}ry o:rr hay tlnx atrmpr boru 6ot utr n{th a su&r{
or tq6 lt*niltug to s*&h tha colrrl€*t to ;rt tlr6r,g iltt a*t fir$il r$qr aad arw
th;m rorlnslu, eo&s.ba b,v; gat lt *ll rF l,u gocil r&ap* algrl uo an*rd[* bw rn*tu
}url talil x*
bc6 l.rter the*r thc*a ttrl.r6* Ttrc Ye1.:f etrep#G *e
the re':Fsblt hr
s, *8rs strrE*gG rrtrrast rs ;; $6rt rro trcn"btr*r tir m*rfurit(}
to scas to Harr
fto,& * lrmdss*i[ ns t$ tnr*t Frtao* t&*t ]," w*]i&rt
y*,e !*r lf tl*r tnle b{$ th,,s wu}rt }c til'ot 'uo e err'hln de? bc }ffi,,; @
xgalCt b* as S$oit *; t$*ttl ;orer
!mX$ X$ SilE #S SS 1{t$ JS1IiIII*J'