Troubleshooting Noise in an Electrochemical System with a Rotator This document describes several common potential sources of noise in an electrochemical rotator system and methods that can be used to attempt to reduce the noise. Overview Noise is a common problem for researchers working with electrochemical systems. Unfortunately, noise is difficult to trace and eliminate since it can originate from many different sources. The following document describes important steps designed to reduce noise in an electrochemical rotator system. It is possible that even after implementing all of the steps detailed in this document, noise may still remain because of additional factors, such as other lab infrastructure or instrumentation. In cases that the noise cannot be reduced to an acceptable level, the ultimate step may be to enclose the rotator system in a Faraday cage. Common Sources of Electrochemical Noise 1.1 Reference Electrode Issues with the reference electrode will sometimes occur, causing noise. In order for your potentiostat to function properly, there must be adequate ionic conductivity between the electrolyte and the reference electrode. To test the reference electrode, make sure that the reference electrode: 1) is in good contact with the electrolyte solution and 2) has a low impedance connection. High impedance is often introduced when the frit between the reference electrode and the solution is clogged, restricting the ionic conductivity between the inner chamber of the reference electrode and the electrolyte. High impedance is also encountered when the potentiostat has a poor connection to the reference electrode, such as a rusty alligator clip. Note that for lowionic concentration solutions and non-aqueous solvents the solution impedance will typically be intrinsically high. One simple problem related to reference electrodes that can occur is the existence of a small air bubble around the tip or frit where the reference electrode contacts the electrolyte. This commonly occurs when placing the reference electrode into the electrolyte quickly or when the reference electrode is inserted too vertically. It can also be a particularly common issue if the reference electrode frit is either pushed up into the tip slightly or eroded away, such that the bottom of the frit is no longer coplanar with the small opening at the bottom of the reference electrode tip. This air bubble prevents contact between the reference electrode’s internal solution and the electrolyte, creating high impedance and noise. To fix this problem, either carefully slide the reference electrode in and out of solution at an angle until the signal improves, or use a pipette to place a drop of electrolyte directly onto the bottom frit area before inserting the reference electrode into the cell. In this way, the tip and frit maintain Copyright © 2008-2015 Pine Research Instrumentation DRN10039 (WIP001 / JAN 2015) Page 1 Troubleshooting Noise Informational Document contact with the electrolyte to ensure ionic conductivity between the reference electrode and electrolyte. An easy method of testing for problems related to high impedance is to switch the existing reference electrode in the electrochemical system with another reference electrode. If a second reference electrode is not available, a home-made Ag/AgCl reference electrode can be readily constructed. To construct an Ag/AgCl reference electrode, insert a Pt and an Ag wire (typically 0.5 mm to 2 mm in diameter) into a 1M KCl solution. Connect the Pt wire to the negative terminal and the Ag wire to the positive terminal of a 1.5 V battery. Maintain this electrode configuration for about 60 sec. Alternatively, a potentiostat can be used for this purpose. To use a potentiostat, short the WKG and WKG-SENSE connections together and connect them to the Ag wire; short the CTR and REF together and connect them to the Pt wire. Finally, setup an electrolysis (chronoamperometry) experiment with an applied potential of 1.5 V for 60 sec. The constructed Ag/AgCl reference electrode can be used in a 100 mM KCl electrolyte solution to test the electrochemical system. This in-situ reference electrode does not suffer the frit problems that a normal glass reference electrode might experience. If testing with the Ag/AgCl electrode eliminates the noise, this indicates the original reference electrode is damaged and a new reference electrode is needed. 1.2 Cable Shielding and Length Environmental noise can interfere with an electrochemical system through the cabling between the potentiostat and the electrochemical cell. To reduce issues with noise from this source, make sure that the cable connecting the potentiostat to the electrochemical cell is as short as possible and/or that the cabling is shielded. Pine’s WaveDriver bipotentiostat comes with a cell cable where all signal lines are individually shielded. Additionally, Pine’s WaveNow and WaveNano potentiostats are equipped with a standard cell cable (Pine Part#: AKCABLE5) that has all signal lines individually shielded, and the signal lines are also shielded for Pine’s compact voltammetry cable (Pine Part#: RRTPE04). Pine’s CBP bipotentiostat has a shielded reference electrode (the outer conductor of the BNC cable), but the working electrode(s) and counter electrode leads have banana plug type connectors which are not shielded. However, the working electrode(s) and counter electrode can be shielded by constructing a shielded cable using a BNC patch cable and a two-banana-plug to BNC (female) adapter (Pine Part#: EKX103). The ground from the two-banana-plug adapter should be connected to the ground/shield on the reference electrode. Note that the shield for the reference electrode can be used to shield the other electrode lines, but should not be connected to any other metal or connectors. For example, it should not be connected to the silver chassis ground. 1.3 Grounding the Rotator Motor Casing In an electrochemical rotator system, the rotator motor is the main source of linefrequency noise (60 Hz). Motor noise can be effectively shielded (reduced) by grounding the rotator motor. First, ensure that the rotator and rotator control unit share a ground connection. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the Copyright © 2008-2015 Pine Research Instrumentation DRN10039 WIP001 (JAN 2015) Page 2 Troubleshooting Noise Informational Document support post of the rotator and the ground terminal on the front of the rotator control unit. The resistance should be less than 1 Ohm. Next, attach the rotator control unit ground to the chassis ground of the potentiostat. For Pine WaveDriver potentiostats, the chassis ground is a silver socket on the back panel. The Pine CBP potentiostat’s chassis ground is a silver socket on the front panel beneath the electrode connections. For WaveNow potentiostats equipped with standard cabling (Pine Part#: AKCABLE5), the black banana connector on the terminal end of the cable can be connected to the chassis ground on the front panel of the rotator controller. Optionally, the rotator can be grounded to the potentiostat (see: Figure 1). The metal post of the rotator may be used as an attachment point. Figure 1. Schematic of Grounding the Rotator to the Potentiostat. 1.4 Checking Rotator Brush Contacts The brush contacts to the rotator shaft provide the conductive path to move electrical signals to and from the working electrode (and ring where applicable) in the electrochemical cell. Issues with these brush contacts are a possible source of noise. Noise caused by the brush contacts to rotator shaft typically has a frequency characteristic closely correlated with the rotator rotation speed. So, if changing the rotator speed changes the observed noise, the brush contacts to the rotator shaft should be examined. Open the clamshell doors on the rotator housing (see: Figure 2) to inspect the rotator shaft and the brush contacts. The rotator shaft surface should be very smooth and free of corrosion or defects. The brush contacts should be examined. They should have either a flat smooth surface (when new) or a curved one that matches the rotating shaft (after use). If the brush contacts are worn, the worn groove should exactly match the curvature of the rotator shaft. If the alignment of the worn Figure 2. Rotator Housing Closed and Open to Visualize Brush Contacts. Copyright © 2008-2015 Pine Research Instrumentation DRN10039 WIP001 (JAN 2015) Page 3 Troubleshooting Noise Informational Document groove does not match the curvature of the shaft exactly, do not try to align the grooves by rotating the brush contact. This method is not accurate enough when done manually. A slightly misaligned wear mark with respect to the shaft causes squeaking and vibrations, which contribute to the recorded noise. If the brush contact groove has already been misaligned, then remove the brush contact and polish out the previous mark; or rotate the brush contact 90º with respect to the wear mark, so the new wear mark will be perpendicular to the old one. Rotating the brush contact 90º can eliminate the squeaking vibration. To polish the concave grooves from the brush contacts, remove the brush rods from the rotator housing. The brush rods are threaded into the housing and it should be possible to unscrew them by hand. Polish the brush contact on a piece of sandpaper secured to a flat surface. Ensure that the brush rod is perpendicular to the sandpaper. It is advantageous to hold the brush rod in a fixture, such as the chuck of a drill press, to ensure it remains perpendicular to the sandpaper. Brush contact rods should be replaced when the carbon portion is about to be worn through. Replacement brush contacts can also be purchased. For MSR rotators, refer to Pine Part#: ACAR063RM and for ASR rotators, Pine Part#: ACAR063RA. Contact Us / Support Please contact Pine with any of your needs: general and technical questions, pricing/quotes, selection assistance, etc. You will always get a live person at Pine – no calling tree. We are here to serve you. Call +1 (919) 782-8320 Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM EST Email the sales team at: Copyright © 2008-2015 Pine Research Instrumentation DRN10039 WIP001 (JAN 2015) Page 4