Electrical Engineering (2006) 88: 431–439 DOI 10.1007/s00202-005-0299-x O R I GI N A L P A P E R E. M. Tag Eldin Æ M. I. Gilany Æ M. M. Abdelaziz D. K. Ibrahim An accurate fault location scheme for connected aged cable lines in double-fed systems Received: 21 November 2004 / Accepted: 16 February 2005 / Published online: 23 June 2005 Ó Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract This paper presents an adaptive fault location scheme for aged power cables using synchronized phasor measurements from both ends of the cable. The proposed fault location scheme is derived using the twoterminal synchronized measurements incorporated with distributed line model, modal transformation theory and Discrete Fourier Transform. The proposed scheme has the ability to solve the problem of cable changing parameters, especially the change of the relative permittivity over its age and thus for the operating positive, negative, and zero-sequence capacitance changes. Extensive simulation studies are carried out using Alternative Transients Program ATP/EMTP. The simulation studies show that the proposed scheme provides a high accuracy in fault location calculations under various system and fault conditions. The results show that the proposed scheme responds very well to any fault insensitive to fault type, fault resistance, fault inception angle and system configuration. The proposed scheme solves the problem of aged cables with the change of the electric parameters. In addition to, it gives an accurate estimation of the fault resistance. Keywords Aged power cables Æ Distributed line model Æ Fault location Æ Modal transformation Æ Phasor extraction 1 Introduction Underground cables are very important parts in a power system and are depended upon for reliable transmission E. M. T. Eldin (&) Æ M. M. Abdelaziz Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt E-mail: stageldin@ieee.org M. I. Gilany College of Technological Studies, Shuwaikh, Kuwait D. K. Ibrahim Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Cairo, Egypt and distribution services. The fault location in complex cable distribution systems is at present, difficult, time consuming and labor intensive; consequently the cable fault location technique with high degree of accuracy and a high degree of efficiency is increasingly demanded with the increased use of underground cables. Benefits of accurate fault location are quick repairs to restore power system, improvement of system availability and performance, reduction of operating costs, and saving of time and expense of crew searching in bad weather and tough terrain. A variety of fault location techniques are used to achieve the aim and the above-specified benefits [1]. While numerous techniques are now available to the fault locator, some techniques can be destructive to the cable, some may require instruments not readily in stock, and others may involve detection methods not familiar to the user. Such challenges led to the need for a comprehensive fault locator reference manual. In the field of fault location for underground cables, off-line and on-line methods are available. Off-line methods are divided into two main groups: terminal methods and tracer methods [2–4]. Terminal methods are applied to the cable from one or two terminals and are usually used as a preliminary step of fault location: such as capacitance method, bridge technique and earth gradient method. After finding the approximate location of the fault, tracer methods are used to get the exact location such as: tracing current method and Thumper Acoustic method. Acoustic method involves a capacitor discharge through the cables with utility personnel having headphone sensors listening for the noise associated to the arcing in the cable, the applied voltage and current in such methods are so large that they may cause additional damage to the cable. All the above techniques require the cable to be taken out of service and are not able to detect incipient faults or partial discharges. On the other hand, in the on-line methods, fault location is solved by processing the recorded information of fault current and voltage. Examples of the online methods are A/D techniques [5], fault generated 432 high frequency transient method [6, 7], neural networks method [8, 9], and global positioning systems [10]. Some parameters of the power cable may change during its operation. The main parameter is the temperature that leads to a change of the 3-phase positive, negative, and zero-sequence capacitance. In other words, the change in relative permittivity r, which occurs over cable age; affects the operating capacitance C, the capacitive current and the earth leakage current result in significant errors in fault location estimation [11]. The change in r may reach 110% to 200% or more, leading to an error of about 4.65% to 29.2% in fault location estimation methods that use the manufacture parameters of the cables. The proposed method would present a solution for this problem. The adaptive fault location scheme proposed uses the distributed line model, modal transformation theory and Discrete Fourier Transform. It can be used following the operation of digital relays or using the data stored in the digital transient recording apparatus. The method proposed has no predetermined fixed data except for the cable length. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is that it has the ability to adopt its response according to cable line parameter changes over cable age, which is coincident to the CIGRE definition of adaptive protection ‘‘a protective philosophy which permits and seeks to make adjustment to various protection functions in order to make them more attuned to the prevailing power system conditions’’ [12]. The method considers the line cable sections to be transposed. No assumptions were made for fault boundary conditions or fault resistance. Extensive simulation studies using ATP software are conducted to investigate the feasibility of the proposed scheme and to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme [13]. The proposed technique is examined under different fault conditions. The results indicate that the proposed fault location scheme is able to locate the fault location correctly. Results also show that the technique is insensitive to fault type, fault resistance, fault inception angle and system configurations. As power cables are widely used in the power system in different voltage levels, it is sometimes used to supply a large isolated load (in radial system). On the other hand, it is also used to connect substations, especially inside cities. The proposed technique solved the fault location problem in such case. In this paper, an example of 20 kV double-fed system connected with two different distribution aged cables is to be presented. shown in Fig. 1, the voltage and current phasors can be represented when considering a very small element (d x) in the line and can be calculated the difference in voltage and in current between the ends of the element. The voltage rise over the element in the direction of increasing x is d V. This rise in voltage is also the product of the current in the element flowing opposite to the direction of increasing x and the impedance of the element. Similarly, the current flowing out the element, the magnitude and phase of the current vary with distance along the line because of the distributed shunt admittance along the line. The differential voltage and current can be expressed as: dV ¼zI dx dI ¼yV dx By differentiating Eq. 1 with respect to d x, the following equations are obtained [14] d2 V dI ¼ z ¼ z y V ¼ c2 :V dx2 dx d2 I dV ¼ z y I ¼ c2 : I ¼y dx d2 x ð2Þ where z is the series impedance of the line in X/km, y is the shunt admittance of the line in X1/km. The parameters R, L, G, and C are resistance, inductance, conductance and capacitance of the cable per unit length. Solving Eq. 2 using the known boundary conditions shown in Fig. 1 leads to Eqs. 3 and 4. – With receiving end boundary conditions V0= VR and I0= IR, the solutions are : VR þ IR ZC VR IR ZC eþcx þ ecx 2 2 VR =ZC þ IR VR =ZC IR eþcx ecx Ix ¼ 2 2 Vx ¼ ð3Þ – With the sending end boundary conditions, VL= VSand IL= IS, (L is the total cable line length), the solutions are: V S þ I S ZC VS IS ZC eþcðxLÞ þ ecðxLÞ Vx ¼ 2 2 ð4Þ VS =ZC þ IS VS =ZC IS þcðxLÞ cðxLÞ e e Ix ¼ 2 2 2 Fault location for a single-phase cable To explain the concept used in the proposed scheme, the paper starts with the fault location solution in a singlephase cable line and then extends to the three phase solution. As the voltage and current along a single-phase cable are functions of the distance from the end of the line as ð1Þ Fig. 1 A single-phase power cable line 433 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where ZC ¼ ðR þ jxLÞ=ðG þ jxCÞ; pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi c ¼ ðR þ jxLÞ ðG þ jxCÞ 2 Consider a fault occurred at the point F, with D km away from receiving end. Cable line is thus divided into two homogeneous parts. One is the cable section SF, with a length of L – D km; the other cable section is the line section FR, with a length of D km. These two line sections can still be regarded as perfect cable power lines. This means that the voltages at any point on the two cable sections can be expressed by the voltages and currents measured at the healthy end of that section. Moreover, at fault point F, the voltages expressed in terms of these two data sets (VS,IS) and (VR,IR) are identical. Then the voltage at the fault location D km away from the receiving end can be expressed using Eqs. 3 and 4 as: VR þ IR ZC VR IR ZC ecD þ ecD 2 2 VS þ IS ZC VS IS ZC ecðDLÞ þ ecðDLÞ VF ¼ 2 2 VF ¼ ð5Þ Since VF is the voltage at the same point F, solving Eqs. 5 for the fault location from the receiving end D yields to [15, 16]: D¼ lnðN =MÞ 2c ð6Þ where VR IR ZC VS IS ZC eþcL 2 2 VR þ IR ZC VS þ IS ZC þ ecL M ¼ 2 2 N¼ ð7Þ 3 Fault location scheme for three phase cable 3.1 Modal decomposition In this subsection, the above theory is extended to the three-phase line. The three phase lines have significant electromagnetic coupling between conductors. By means of decomposition, the coupled voltages and currents are decomposed into a new set of modal voltages and currents; each can be treated independently in a similar manner to the single-phase line. In this paper, real Clarke transformation matrix has been used with its two-phase stationary components (a and b) and a component called ground or zero sequence component (o) as follows [17]: 2 3 þ1 þ1 þ1 1 5 T ¼ 4 þ2 p 1ffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffi 3 0 3 3 The samples of phase voltage and current at both ends of the cable have been decoupled into three single modes as follows: Then 3 2 3 Vo VA 4 VB 5 ¼ T 4 Va 5; Vb VC 2 3 2 3 Io IA 4 IB 5 ¼ T 4 Ia 5 Ib IC Each mode has a different velocity of propagation and different surge impedance. The ground mode is the most dependent on ground resistivity and the lowest velocity of propagation. The other modes (aerial), which are frequency invariant, are favored for fault location. 3.2 Fault location algorithm The single-phase solution is extended to the three phase line using o, a and b modal components of the signals. Each modal component is represented with its own propagation constant ci and surge impedance ZCi. Assuming complete transposition, the surge impedances of each mode are:sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi ZS þ 2Zm Zo ZCo ¼ ¼ YS 2Ym Yo rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi ZS Zm Z1 ZCa ¼ ZCb ¼ ¼ YS þ Ym Y1 where ZCi is the i - mode surge impedance (i is for o, a and b modes), ZS,YS are the average sum of all conductor self impedances and admittances at any frequency. Zm,Ym are the average sum of all conductor mutual impedances and admittances at any frequency, Zo, Yo are the zero phase sequence impedance and admittance and Z1,Y1 are the positive phase sequence impedance and admittance [18]. The modal propagation constants are similarly given in terms of phase sequence impedances and admittances by:pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi co ¼ Zo Yo ; ca ¼ cb ¼ Z1 Y1 Thus, the fault location from the receiving end Di for the three modal components are: Di ¼ lnðNi =Mi Þ 2ci i ¼ o; a and b ð8Þ Where Ni, Mi is computed as following:1 1 Ni ¼ ðVRi IRi ZCi Þ ðVSi ISi ZCi Þ eþci L 2 2 1 1 Mi ¼ ðVRi þ IRi ZCi Þ þ ðVSi þ ISi ZCi Þ eci L 2 2 ð9Þ where S and R are for the sending and receiving end data respectively, i = o, a, and b for modal components of signals. 4 Fault location problem in aged cables The performance of underground cables depends on a number of parameters that may not remain constant 434 Fig. 2 Change in C and r as a function of temperature for protodur compounds over a period, and the contributions of each is added to the performance in a complex manner. The main parameter is the temperature that leads to a change of the 3-phase positive, negative, and zero-sequence capacitance. The change in the relative permittivity r of the cable over its age results in significant errors in fault location estimation. Guiding values for Protodur cables are shown in Fig. 2 [11], with the basis value at 20 C° =1. For example at 40 C°, the ratio of C to C20 is equal to 1.3 at 15–30 kV, leads to an error in fault location techniques which used the value of C20 of about 12.3%, Another example at 30 C°, the ratio of C to C20 is equal to 1.15 thatpleads ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi to a change of the velocity of propagation of 1= 1:15 ¼ 0:9325; and also leads to an error in fault location of 6.75%. Any change of the 3-phase positive, negative, and zero-sequence capacitance of the cable line leads to a change in phase sequence admittances and thus also brings about for a change in propagation constant of each mode and its associated surge impedance. Therefore an error occurs in the fault location calculation when applying the above equations derived in section 3.2 [11]. The power of the proposed technique compared with the traditional techniques which are dependent on the line parameters comes from its fault location equations that are only dependent on cable length. The next section will introduce the main advantage of the proposed scheme to adopt its response according to cable line parameter. 5 Estimation of aged cable changed parameters The adaptive feature of the proposed method presents a solution for the problem of changing parameters with age by estimating cable mathematical model with its parameters. Propagation constants ci, associated surge impedances ZCi for i = o, a and b modal components of signals are determined using one cycle of the measured voltage and current signals from both sides, before the instance of fault occurrence without using the original manufacturing parameters data of the cable. The homogenous line equation is applied from both side over the total line length as follows: 1. Using Eq. 3 to get the phasor values of the prefault modal sending end voltages and currents as functions of the phasor values of the prefault modal receiving end voltages and currents. 2. Using Eq. 4 to get VRi and IRi as functions of VSi, ISi, ZCi and ci. All phasors values are calculated using only one cycle before fault. 3. The mentioned derived four equations are obtained for each modal then be solved to obtain the propagation constant of each mode and its associated surge impedance as follows [15, 16]:sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi VSi2 VRi2 ZCi ¼ 2 ISi2 IRi cosh1 ðFi Þ Cable length VSi ISi þ VRi IRi Fi ¼ ISi IRi þ IRi ISi ci ¼ ð10Þ where S and R are for the sending and receiving end, respectively, i = o, a, and b for modal components. 6 Proposed fault location scheme for double-fed system with different aged cables The paper describes a fault locator for the combined aged underground power cables. The response of the system is evaluated by simulating a typical two-ended system as shown in Fig. 3. A schematic description of the proposed fault locator is given in Fig. 4. 6.1 Signals processing The three phase currents and voltages at both sides of the cables are collected, sampled, and then fed to a transformation routine as described in Sect. 3.1 to get three decoupled modes o, a and b. The three double-ended modal phasors currents and voltages are extracted via discrete fourier transform (DFT). In the proposed scheme, full cycle DFT is used to identify the power frequency sinusoid with its amplitude and phase shift. A moderate sampling frequency of 2 kHz is used in the proposed scheme. Fig. 3 System under study 435 6.3.1 Preliminary fault locations estimation In the first solution, the fault is assumed to be in the first cable line (in front of the joint). The changed modal surge impedances and associated propagation constants for that cable are calculated, the modal phasors of the currents and voltages at the two ends of the cable (first bus and at the joint) are extracted as explained in Sect. 6.1 and are used to calculate Ni and Mi as in Sect. 3.2. Equation 8 is used to calculate Di1 for i = o, a and b (D o,D a or D b) using the predetermined fixed cable length. The same procedure is repeated but with the assumption of a fault in the side of the second cable line (behind the joint), a second solution of Di2 is obtained with only current and voltage signals at its two ends (at the second bus and at the joint) and the length of the second cable line. 6.3.2 Correct fault location identification Fig. 4 Schematic diagram for the fault locator 6.2 Estimating aged cables parameters Using only one cycle of the measured voltages and currents signals stored in the digital recording apparatus at each bus and the joint before the instant of fault occurrence, the signal processing unit can extract the power frequency modal voltages and currents phasors. Thus the locator settled at the first bus can estimate the changed modal surge impedances and associated propagation constants for each aged cable as given in Sect. 5 without using the manufacturing parameters data of the aged cables. 6.3 Fault location algorithm DFT extracts the modal post-fault voltages and currents phasors within 1.25 cycles after the instant of fault occurrence, these quantities are used to estimate fault location using two stages: 1. Preliminary fault locations estimation. 2. Correct fault location identification. Since the fault location with respect to the joint between the two different cables is not known prior to the fault occurrence, the proposed algorithm assumes two preliminary fault locations: a fault in the first cable line in front of the joint (fault1), and a fault in the second cable section behind the joint (fault2). Two solutions are obtained for the fault location in the first stage. The true location is to be selected using the second stage. Locating a fault with respect to the joint between the two different cables in the system of Fig. 3 is a separate issue. However, the problem is to be narrowed to the selection of the correct location from two solutions (Di1) and (Di2). The simple and straightforward algorithm that works in most cases is similar to that used in the case of fault location algorithm in series compensated transmission lines as follows [19]: If Di1 is within the first cable line length and Di2 is out the second cable line length then accept (Di1) as a correct solution otherwise If Di1 is out of first cable length and D12 is within the second cable length then accept (D12) as a correct solution. 6.4 Appropriate mode selection according to fault type It is necessary to choose the accurate fault location by selecting the appropriate mode. Only the areal modes are used in the fault location algorithm, because the velocity of the ground mode is frequency-dependent. For transformation matrix used, mode a is valid to deal with all type of faults except the fault of B-C. Thus an appropriate solution is in taking fault location of a modal as a true location for all fault types except for a B-C fault. In such a case, it is appropriate to take fault location of b modal. The proposed scheme assumes that the fault type is known from another diagnostic block. However, using the voltage and current vectors calculated at the fault in the next Section, the fault type may also be verified. 6.5 Calculation of the fault resistance The proposed scheme has the ability to determine the fault resistance for various fault types in either first aged cable or second cable line. Using the values of Di (fault locations from the receiving end in either first or second 436 cable line) for o, a and b, the fault resistance can be obtained as follows: 1. Calculating the phasor fault voltage VFiand fault current I FiS supplied from the sending end, the first homogeneous part of the faulty section of length (Lcable - Di) by applying Eq. 4 with x = 0, Length = Lcable – Di . 2. Calculating the fault current I FiR supplied from the receiving end, the second homogeneous part of the faulty section of length (DI ) by applying Eq. 3 with x = Di . 3. The fault current I Fi is calculated by summing both components I FiSand IFiR,. 4. Then the phase voltages (VFA, VFB,VFC) and currents (I FA, I FB,I FC) at the fault point are calculated using Clarke transformation matrix given in Sect. 3.1. Thus, according to the fault type, the fault resistance RFis calculated as follows [20]: VFA For A to ground fault : RF ¼ IFA VFB þ VFC For B to C to ground fault : RF ¼ I þ IFC VFB VFC FB For B to C fault : RF ¼ IFB IFC 7 Simulated case stud Power cables are widely used in the power system at different voltage levels. They are sometimes used to supply a large isolated load. On the other hand, they are also used to connect substations, especially inside cities. The proposed scheme addressed the latter case and typical results are presented. Two different underground cables for 20 kV applications are connected in the system shown in Fig. 3; each cable is represented by Bergeron model representation which is as a quite suitable for more exact computer simulation. Configuration and installation of the first and second cables are shown in Fig. 5. The physical and insulation constants of each phase of the first and second cables are given in Table 1. Extensive simulations were carried out using the Alternative Transients Program, which is considered one of the widely used universal program system for digital simulation of transient phenomena of electromagnetic as well as electromechanical nature in electric Table 1 Cables parameters R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 qc lc r1 lr1 qs ls r2 lr2 First cable (5 km) Second cable (10 km) 0 mm 20 mm 40 mm 43 mm 45 mm 1.724e–8 X.m 1 2.7 1 2.84e–8 X.m 1 2.7 1 0 mm 23 mm 43 mm 47 mm 49 mm 1.724e–8 X.m 1 3.8 1 2.30e–8 X.m 1 3.8 1 power systems. ATP has extensive modeling capabilities and additional important features besides the computation of transients. The voltage and current signals from both sides of the cables are determined during different fault conditions, different fault locations, different fault types and different fault inception angles. The fault resistance varied from 0 to 100 ohm. As an example, the simulated results for a single line B to ground fault at 40 msec through fault resistance of 10 X occurring at 1.5 km from the source terminal (in the first cable line section, in front of the joint) is presented. The three phase voltage and current signals collected from the first and second buses are shown in Fig. 6. Figure 7 shows the three modal (o, a, b) voltage and current signals at the first and second the buses. Figure 8 shows the output of the signal processing unit of the three modal voltages and currents signals at both buses. It is shown from Fig. 8 that the aged cable parameters using phasors values are estimated within less than 1.25 cycles after fault occurrence. The fault location algorithm gives two solutions for the case described above (fault at 1.5 km in the first cable), the first solution of modal fault locations o, a and b are at 2.0039, 1.4668 and 1.4391 km respectively. The second estimates of the fault modal locations o, a and b: at 8.3439, 543.3092 and 536.4067 kms. respectively. Applying the correct fault location identification subroutine, the algorithm chooses the first estimation of the location to be the correct solution. Modal a location of 1.4668 km is selected as fault location for the phase to ground fault tested. 8 Proposed scheme evaluation Fig. 5 Structure and installation of the first and second three phase single core cable The performance of the scheme was tested to check whether the protection scheme is suitable for accurate fault location determination, even in different fault conditions especially when the parameters of the cable are changed over its age. 437 Fig. 6 Voltages and currents for a phase B to ground fault at 1.5 km in first cable line section (a) At bus1 (b) At bus2 Fig. 7 Modal voltages and currents for a phase B to ground fault at 1.5 km in first cable line section (a) At bus1 (b) At bus2 The error in the next sections is calculated as follows: (fault1), 0° inception angle and 10 X fault resistance were considered. The results in Table 3 show that the accuracy is hardly affected by fault type. Percentage of error jactual fault location calculated faultj 100 ¼ faulty cable length ð11Þ 8.1 Influence of the fault location To evaluate the influence of the fault location on the algorithm accuracy, different cases of phase-to-ground faults with 20 ohm of fault resistance at various locations within the two aged cables were considered. The results presented in Table 2 show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in fault location estimation for different locations. 8.3 Influence of the fault resistance To estimate the fault resistance influence, different fault types were considered with fault location of 7.5 km in the second cable (measured from the joint), the fault resistance varied from 10 X to 100 X and the results are shown in Table 4. Table 5 shows the estimated fault resistance for different fault types. It represents the ability of the proposed scheme to estimate the fault resistance under different fault types at different fault locations. 8.4 Influence of the inception angle 8.2 Influence of the fault type To analyze the influence of the fault type, seven different faults, with a fault location of 4 km in the first cable In the analysis of the inception angle influence, cases corresponding to double phase to ground faults, with fault location at 8 km in the second cable with inception angle varied from 0° to 90°. Table 6 shows that the 438 Table 3 Influence of fault type on estimated fault location Fault type Exact location (km) Calculated location (km) Percentage of error AG BG CG ABG ACG BCG ABCG 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.9803 3.9584 3.9595 3.9788 3.9681 3.9567 3.9655 0.394 0.832 0.810 0.424 0.638 0.866 0.690 Table 4 Influence of fault resistance on estimated fault location Fault type Fault resistance (X) Calculated location (km) Percentage of error single-phase to ground 10 50 100 10 50 100 10 50 100 7.4396 7.4205 7.4143 7.5069 7.5106 7.5143 7.4813 7.4790 7.4695 0.6040 0.7950 0.8570 0.0690 0.1060 0.1430 0.1870 0.2100 0.3050 Double phase to ground Three phase to ground Table 5 Estimated fault resistance Fault type Fig. 8 DFT of modal voltages and currents for phase B to ground fault at 1.5 km in first cable line (a) At bus1 (b) At bus2 accuracy of the proposed scheme is hardly affected by the fault inception angle. 8.5 Influence of the cable parameters changes with temperature and age. The evaluation of influence of the cable parameters change in the algorithm accuracy is examined by Table 2 Fault location influence on algorithm accuracy Faulted cable Actual fault location (km) Calculated fault location (km) Percentage of error First cable (5 km) 0.8 1.2 2 3.5 4.1 1 3.5 7 8.5 9.3 0.7460 1.1497 1.9508 3.4471 4.0497 0.8946 3.4448 6.8931 8.4106 9.1872 1.0800 0.8060 0.9840 1.0580 1.0060 1.0540 0.5520 1.0690 0.8940 1.1280 Second cable (10 km) SLG DLG LL RF (X) 10 20 100 10 30 15 Fault at 2 km (in cable 1) Fault at 3 km (in cable 2) Estimated RF (X) Percentage error Estimated RF (X) Percentage of error 10.176 19.7905 98.3640 9.9269 29.0513 15.3298 1.7600 1.0475 1.6360 0.7310 3.1623 2.1987 10.3117 20.5378 99.2518 10.3242 30.1617 15.2321 3.117 2.6890 0.7482 3.2420 0.5390 1.5473 changing the positive and zero sequences capacitances of the first cable to simulate any change on cable temperature as discussed above on Sect. 4. In this analysis, cases corresponding to single-phase to ground faults, with fault location at 3 km, varying the system capacitance from 0.9 to 2.5 times of the nominal capacitance at 20° (C20) were considered. The results presented in Table 7 show that the method accuracy is hardly affected by any change in Table 6 Influence of the inception angle on the estimated fault location Inception (°) Calculated location (km) Percentage of error 0 30 45 60 90 8.0178 8.0180 8.0146 8.0174 8.0158 0.178 0.180 0.146 0.174 0.158 439 Table 7 Influence of cable parameters changes on estimated fault location C/C20 Calculated location (km) Percentage of error .9 1.2 1.8 2.5 2.9527 2.9528 2.9535 2.9602 0.9460 0.9440 0.9300 0.7960 Table 8 Estimated parameters in comparison with actual modified parameters Parameter Actual Zca (X) Estimated Zca (X) Actual Zcb (X) Estimated Zcb (X) Actual ccb Estimated ccb C/C20 1.2 3 5 10.6085 10.6117 10.6085 10.5998 0.0080 0.0080 6.7094 6.7105 6.7094 6.7021 0.0126 0.0127 5.1971 5.1985 5.1971 5.1986 0.0163 0.0162 cable parameters, that is the most significant advantage of the algorithm proposed. Additionally, the ability of the proposed scheme to estimate the modified parameters is verified in Table 8. 9 Conclusions In this paper, a fault location scheme is proposed for aged power cables using synchronized phasor measurements from both ends of the cable. The proposed scheme estimates the changed parameters of aged cables. Using the post fault phasor measurements, it calculates the fault location using the two aerial modals of the cable line. The proposed scheme showed also its ability for adaptation by accurate estimation of cable parameters using only one cycle of pre fault voltages and currents and the cable length. In other words, the algorithm results are not sensitive to the variations in the parameters of the cable power lines over its age. So this method can be applied on any cable with double-ended measurements of voltages and currents without any predetermined cable data except the cable length. 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