Publ. SESWG/A2300E Edition 3, 1995-02 Voltage in p.u. of rated voltage (crest value) 2.5 2.0 ~~t~h.!.n~ !:i~h~n~n~ er~t~c~o-n er~t~c!!o-n ~e::::e~ ~e::::e~ 1.5 ~~e-d ~~t~g~ 1.0 - C.?~ti~u-o~s-°.ee!.a~i~g-v9:I~~e0.5 cf5:> ~~ ~ 0.0 o 11 o o o o o o o .o o T- o o o o o o Current (A) CONTENTS Page No Chapter 1 General intraductian and definitians 1. 2. Chapter 2 lntroduction Definition Matching arresters to system parameters (Selection of Uc and Ur) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. General Step 1: Obtain system parameters Step 2: Check for abnormal service conditions Step 3: Check for other reasons for TOV occurences Step 4: Select the continuous operating voltage Step 5: Select suitable TOV capability Selection tables Chapter 3 Matching arrestersto system parameters (Energy withstand capability) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chapter 4 Chapter 5 General Step 1: Detertnine the switching parameters Step 2: Calculate the arrester energy Step 3: Select an arrester with adequateenergy capability Step 4: Check capability with respect to lightning energy Matching the mechanical characteristics 1 1 2 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 11 11 12 13 13 16 17 1. General 2. Temperature 3. Terminal connectors 4. Ice 5. Wind 6. Determine porcelain strength 7. Earthquake 8. Determine pressurerelief capability 9. Creepagedistances 10. External insulation of surge arresters 20 Protection philosophy -Selection of protective characteristics 22 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. lntroduction Consideration of the protective characteristics Co-ordinating currents Protective rnargins Protective distances Extremmelyclose lightning strokes 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 22 22 24 25 25 28 ~ Chapter 1 I: GENERAL D EFINITI INTRODUCTION O NS AND Introduction Surge arrestersare the primary protection against different types of overvoltages (atmospheric or switching). They are generally connected in parallel with the equipment to be protected to divert the surge currents. The active elements (blocks) ofABB surge arrestersare manufactured using a highly non-linear ceramic resistor material composed for the most part of Z nO mixed with other metal oxides and sintered together. Hence the arrestersare also commonly called Z nO arrestersor metaIoxide (MO) arresters.A typical characteristic is shown in Figure 1.1. Further information is available in the general product literature. Typical voltage-curreot characteristics for ZoO arresters 2.5 "' Q) = ~ > 2.0 ~ .~i~ -~~i~c-~~~~~ ~~ -~-~~~:~~~~~ P!?!~~~?~--~e-v-e} !~~~~ ~ ~ g ö > ~ ~ ~ """' o d ci. = ~~-- ---~ 1.5 I Rated valtage 1.0 I"-:~ 1" I'J..\) ~tfnuöus-öperätlng-voriåge-lf~ - ~ ~---~---~~ 0.5 0.0 ~ -g ~ o ~ o q o ~ ci o o o o Current (A) Figure .1 TypicaJ voltage-current characteristics for ZnO arresters. Note! Only the resistive component of the total current is shown. A major difference from the earlier gapped SiC arrestersis the fact that the blocks are now stressedcontilluously under service voltage as well as under any abnormal service conditions. It is, therefore, very importallt to dimension the arrestersso that they can withstand these stressesfor their lifetime. Satisfactory (stable), thermal behaviour of the arrestersis of vital importance too. It also makes it necessaryto define the terrninology used and the following chapter attempts to deal with this in a rational and simpie-to-understand manner. (For strict definitions refer to Standards.) 2 Definitions UnIess otherwise stated hereunder,reference is made to normal A.C. systerns (15 to 62 Hz). 2. Max. system voltage (Vm) is the highest r.m.s. phase-to-phasevoltage which occurs under normaloperation conditions at any time and at any point in the system. 2.2 Actual continuous operating voltage (Uca) is the maximum r .m.s. pawer frequency valtage which is applied cantinuausly (~ 2 haurs) between the arrester terminals. 2.3 Continuous operating voltage (Uc), of ten abbreviated as COV or MCOV, is the designated permissible r.m.s. power frequency voltage that may be applied continuously between the arrester terminals; thus, Uc ~ Uca. Observe that Uc for the arrester may be less than the sum of the Uc for its blocks when voltage distribution along the arrester is not strictly uniform. 2.4 Temporaryovervoltages (TOV), as differentiated from surge overvoltages, are oscillatory overvoltages of relatively long duration and which are undamped or only weakly damped. TOV frequencies range from a few H z to sofie hundreds of H z and durations from sofie milliseconds to many hours (depending on fault -clearance time, for example). The most common form of TOV occurs on the healthy phasesof a system during an earth-fault involving one or two phases.Other sourcesof TOV are ferro-resonance,load-rejection etc. 2.5 Rated voltage (Ur) as per IEC means that an arrester fulfilling the IEC standard must withstand its rated voltage for at least 10 secondsafter being both preheated to 60OCand subjected to a high energy injection as defined in the standard. Hence, the TOY capability for 10 seconds,according to IEC, has to be minimum Ur. The TOY capacity for EXLIM HY surge arrestersexceedsthe IEC requirements. Additionally, the rated voltage is used as a reference parameter. 2.6 Temporary overvoltage withstand strength factor (T r or T c) is the TOV capability of the arrester expressedin multiples of Ur or Uc respectively. 2.7 Impulse (of current or voltage) is an unidirectional w ave which rises rapidly to a maximum and falls, a little less rapidly, to zero. Its waveshape is expressed by t wo numbers (T1!T2). Tt refers to the virtual front-time and T2 to the virtual time to half-value of the tail; both expressed in microseconds. Some importallt currellt impulses are described below 2 Impulse Waveshape (T1/T2) Steep current impulse Lightning current impulse Switching current impulse High current impulse Tt = 1 Tt = 8 Tt ~ 30 Tt = 4 T2 ~ 20 T2 = 20 J.lS T2 ~ 60 T2 = 10 A special impulse is the rectangular current impulse which is in the shape of a rectangle. A common duration is 2000 ~s. 2.8 Eqoipment insolation withstand characteristic insulation withstand voltages and comprises: Withstand level is a general tenn for the equipment Voltage waveshape Chopped-wave withstand level Lightning impulse withstand level Switching impulse withstand level Power-frequency withstand (CWWL: (LIWL) (SIWL) 1.2/50 250/2500 50 H z or 60 H z sinusoidal Residual voltage (Ures) is the voltage that appears between the tenninals of an arrester during passage of discharge current through it. It depends on the magnitude as well as the waveshape of the discharge current and is expressed as a peak value. For current amplitudes and waveshapes which differ from the nominal discharge current, Ures is usually expressed in per cent of the residual voltage for the nominal current. . . ') 10 Arrester protective characteristic is the combination of its residual voltages for different current impulses. For good protection, the arrester characteristic should lie weIl below the equipment insulation withstand characteristic at all points. Lightning impulse protection level (LIPL) for the nominal discharge current. of the arrester is the residual voltage Switching impulse protection level (SIPL) of the arrester is the residual voltage for a specified switching impulse current. Protective ratio is the ratio of the equipment insulation withstand level to the corresponding protection level of its arrester . . . 2.14 Protective margin is the protective ratio minus 1 and expressedas a percelltage. As an absolute minimum, the margin should cover the voltage increase due to the connections between the arrester and the protected equipment as well as the increase in the residual voltage due to the discharge amplitude and front-time being different from the nominal discharge current of the arrester. 2.15 Continuous current (Ic) is the clirrent that flows throligh the arrester at Uc. This clirrent is predominantly capacitive and is generally expressed as a peak vallie. Reference current (Irer) is the peak value of the power frequency resistive current at which the reference voltage is measured.For ABB arresters,the reference current is in the range 0.4 to 10 mA peak for standard arrester types. Reference voltage (Uref) is the peak value divided by -.J2af the valtage measured acrass the arrester at reference current (Iref). Nominal discharge current used to classify an arrester . (In) is the peak value of the 8/20 ~s impulse current 3 \ 2.19 Single impulse energy capability is the maximum permissible amount of energy, expressedin kJ, which the arrester is able to absorb in one single impulse with a specific duration. When expressed~nkJ/kV(Ur), it is called specific single impulse energy capability. Earth-fault factor (ke) is the ratio of the voltages in the healthy phases during and prior to earth-fault conditions. If the system neutral is directly earthed then ke ~ 1.4 while a resonant earthed or isolated system gives ke as 1.73 approximately. Pressure relief capability is the ability of the arrester, in the event of its overloading due to any reason, to conduct the resulting system short-circuit current through it without a violent explosion which may dammagenearby equipment or injure personnel. Af ter the operation of the pressure relief, the arrester must be replaced. The short-circuit current may be high or low depending on the system impedance and/or earthing conditions. Hence the-fJfessurerelief capability is verified by both high and low current tests. 4 Chapter 1 2: MA TCHING ARRESTERS SYSTEM p ARAMETERS (Selection of Uc and Ur} TO General An arresteris a vital piece of equipment and an insurance against dammage to the other equipment in the station. Hence, it is essential that the arrester itself is stable under all system operating conditions. This, in tum, requires that the system behaviour, specially under TOV conditions, must be known. (Unfortunately this is true usually for EHV systernsonly.) Whenever such is not the case, the arrester must be selected with a sufficient safety margin. Selecting the correct Vc and TOV capability is thus of primary importance. In every caseVc must be higher than or equal to v cawhich is the actual continuous power frequency voltage between the arrester terminals. The V ca depends on system voltage as weIl as the method of connection of the arresters. For example, the V ca for an arresterconnected between phasesand earth in a 3-phasesystem is Vm/"3 while the V cafor an arrester connected between phases is Vm. Both amplitude and duration ofTOV are important as together they determine the stressupon the arrester. Selecting an arrester for a specific application is a compromise between protective level, TOV capabilityand energy capability. Increasing the TOV capability (by addition of blocks in series) increasesthe possibility of surviva! of the arrester under system voltage stressesbut reducesthe margin of protection provided by the arrester for a given insulation level. An arrester with a higher energy capability reduces the risk of failure. Optimisation dependson how weIl the actual arrester stressesare known or can be estirnated. The stepsoutlined in the following chapters will help simplify the selection of theseparameters. 2 Step 1: Obtain system parameters 2. Obtain or estimate the highest system voltage (Um) . If only the nominal system voltage is given, Vm can be estirnated as 5 to 10 percent higher. The stated or desired voltage rating of other equipment is also a clue. 2.2 Earth-fault canditians. The most commonly known TOV is that at single line-earth fault. The amplitude is given by multiplying Um/--j3by the earth-fault factor ke which in tum is determined from the earthing conditions. Figure 2.1 gives the vallie ofke depending on the system sequencereactancesand resistancesfor the most unfavourable fault resistance.Should these system parametersbe unknown, ke is estirnatedas 1.4 for directely earthed systernsand 1.73 for resonant earthed or isolated neutral systerns. 5 Xo/X Figure 2.1 Curves showing re1ationshipbetween Ro!Xl and Xorxl for constant va1uesof earth fault factor ke. (Source: IEC) Ro = zero sequence resistance Xo = zero sequence reactance Xl = positive sequence reactance The duration dependson the fault-clearance time and if this is not known, it is estirnated as 1 to 3 secondsfor directly earthed HY systernsand 3 to 10 seconds for directly earthed distribution systerns.For isolated neutral or resonant earthed systerns,the duration is important as it may vary from a few secondsto some hours depending on whether fault-clearing is used or not. For anticipated fault durations over 2 hours, the TOY should generally be considered as continuous (in most cases)and the arrester chosen accordingly. 3 Step 2: Check for abnormal service conditions Abnorrnal service conditions such as ambient temperaturesbelow -40°C or above +45°C, frequencies under 15 H z or above 62 Hz, presence of heat sources (e.g. fumaces) near the arrestersmay lead to selection of higher Uc and/or Ur and hence the need to clarify such conditions. If such conditions do exist, refer the matter to ABB. 4 Step 3: Check for other reasons for TOV occurrences Generally, only the TOV arising at earth-faults and at load rejection are of interest. Certain network configurations, however, can give resonance overvoltages. These may also arise during non-simultaneous operation of breaker poles. Resonanceovervoltages should be avoided in general by proper system design (especially for normal A.C. transmission and distribution systerns)and should not be the basis for the selection of the arrester TOV capability. In some cases,efforts are made to reduce the earth-fault current by selectively earthing the neutrals of only a few transformers yet maintaining an effectively-earthed system overall. In such cases,there is a possibility that some parts of the system may become non-effectively earthed (i.e. increase in value of ke) for some periods when olle or more of the earthed-neutral transformers are taken out of service. An earth fault during this period may lead to higher TOV and arrester failure if this contingency is not taken into account. Since such 6 occurrence are rare, it may be justified to accept a risk of arrester failure instead of selecting an arrester with a higher TOV capabilityand thus a higher protective level. If dliring a load rejection, an earth falilt is encolintered, the TOV on the healthy phasestends to rise flirther than it wolild if the events occlirred singly. 5 In a 3-phase system with the arresters connected phase-ground, Uca=Um!-.J3. If the system does not have abnormal service conditions outlined in step 2 above, Uc therefore should be equal to or higher than Um!-.J3.To make the selection easier, the tables in the relevant catalogues contain all the system voltages as per IEC (and some other commonly found system voltage) and corresponding IIcommon-choice arresters ". It should be noted that if the actual system voltage is not above the voltage given in the tables, all arresters listed for that specific system voltage are equally suitable concerning the continuous operating voltage. Only if the actual voltage is higher, then the column which shows Uc for each arrester must be used to make a proper selection. The required Uc is then calculated as the actual system voltage divided by -.J3,and an arrester with higher or equal Uc should be selected from the table. 6 Step 5: Select suitable 6.1 In general, surge arresters are not used to protect equipment against TOV as this would require an enormous number of parallel columns of blocks. Such applications may be considered on ly in cases of limitation or elimination of resonance TOV. Careful detailed studies are required in such cases to select arresters with suitable energy capability. TOV capability The short-circuit impedance seenfrom the arrester during TOV conditions plays an important role in determining the energy requirement for the arrester. Figure 2.2 exemplifies this for an arrester type EXLIM P-A. Figure 2.2 7 As seenfrom the curves in Figure 2.2, the arrester could withstand 10 times longer prospective TOV at 1.3 p.u. if the short-circuit current is reduced from 40 kA to 0.5 kA r.m.s. On the other hand, the arrester current is too low at 1.1 p.u. to affect the prospective over-voltage even at only 0.5 kA r.m.s. short-circuit current. Other factors affecting TOV capabilityare energy absorbed (i.e. the initial temperature of the blocks) prior to the application of TOV and the applied voltage following the TOV. For a given arrester type the rated voltage (Ur) is a measureof its over-voltage capability. Hence, the additional TOV capability of the arrester can be specifled as a multiple of Ur as shown in Figure 2.3. This approach is used for all EXLIM arresters.(A different philosophy adopted by some manufacturers is to give the TOV capability in multiples of Uc.) TOV capability for surge arrester type EXLIM in multiples of U r (T r ) p expressed --::. 1.3 E-o '-" ... 2 1.2 -5 1.1 u ~ 00 ~ ~ -1.0 "' > ~ 0.9 0.8- 0.7 ~~ .II ,. A: Prior energy = 7 kJ/kV Prior energy = 13 kJ/kV B: Prior energy = O kJ/kV Figure ()' ~. ,(). 11111 '...' .().~ ...~ (Ur) for EXLIM (Ur) for EXLIM ...()~ P-A & P-B P-C .().- .0.- ,0 .00 Time (s) (Ur) 2.3 The curves in Figure 2.3 are established by tests with power frequency voltage. For TOV with lower frequencies, the same curves may be used. For frequencies higher than a power frequency of 50 or 60 Hz, it can be assumed that, for the samevoltage amplitude, the arrester withstands the same time in secondsas for power frequency if the duration is less than lo s. In other cases ABB has to be consulted. 8 6.2 The following procedures should be adopted for selecting an arrester with sufficient TOV capability: . '. Select a preliminary rated voltage (Vro) basedon Vc as Vro = VC/O.8 (Vc taken from step 4 in clause 5, usually equal to Vm/-..J3). Determine the TOV amplitude and duration at earth fault as TOVe = ke X Um!-V 3, where ke ke For other .. It ~ 1.4 for directly earthed neutral systerns = 1.73 normally for resonant earthed and isolated neutral systerns cases, see Figure Detennine other ternporary overvoltages TOV1, TOV2, ...TOVn with amplitude and durations as calculated or estirnated. Consider the possible energy absorption W, in kl, prior to the TOV and calculate W /Uro. For each TOV detennine the minimum required rated voltages Vre,Vrl, Vr2 ...Vr n by dividing the detennined TOV amplitude by the temporary overvoltage strength factor Tf given in Figure 2.3 for EXLIM p (or relevant catalogues for others) for the actual duration of the TO Vand the calculated energy absorption W /Uro. If the calculated specific energy absorption W /Uro is higher than the values given in Figure 2.3 (or corresponding Figures) increase Vro or select an arrester type with a higher energy capability. Thus Ure = TOVeITre. ti 7 2.1. UrI = TOVI!TrI. Ur2 = TOV2!Tr2 etc. Select a final rated voltage, Ur, which is the highest of the vallles uro, Ure, UrI, Ur2 Ur n. If this is a non-standard rating, choose the next higher rating from the cataloglles. Selection tables For the most common 3-phase systerns,ABB recommends arrester ratings as per table 2.2, basedon the following assumptions in table 2.1. Assumptions Directly earthed neutral systerns Um ~ 123 kV Um > 123 kV Resonant earthed and isolated neutral systerns TOV in p.u. of Um!--j3 Fault duration Prior energy 1.55 1.5 1.73 I s rated 1s rated lOs and 2 h rated Table 2.1 The assurnptionsmade in table 2.1 for directly earthed neutral systernsinclude sorne cornbined effects of earth faults and load rejection, as rnentioned in clause 4, 9 Directlvearthed l System Fault-clearance time Arrester type Single impulse energy capability kJ/kV Ur Vm kV 4 7 12 18 24 36 45 52 60 72 84 100 123 145 170 245 300 362 420 550 R~sonant earthed or isolatcd neutr'!l ~ Is EXLIM P&T EXLIM Q 4.5 71) ~ EXLIM R 2.5 EXLIM P&T 71) 10 EXLIM s :s; EXLIM Q 4.5 R 2.5 EXLIM P&T 102) 102) 133) 133) 133) Ur kV Ur kV EXLIM 71) 102) Ur kV 4 4 4 6 6 9 12 12 12 15 15 18 21 21 24 30 30 33 36 36 42 42 42 48 48 48 60 60 60 66 66 66 84 Q 4.5 Ur kV 6*) 9 15*) 21 27 42*) 54 60 66 84 96 120 *) 84 84 96 96 96 120 120 120 132 144*) 162 *) 132 132 162 192*) 192 192 228 276 330 420 Table 2.2 Recommended rated voltages for ABB arresters type EXLIM T, P, Q and R. Selection based on assumptions as per table 2.1. l) Energy capability for EXLIM P-A and EXLIM P-B 2) Energy capability for EXLIM T 3) Energy capability for EXLIM P-C *) Note! For these rated voltages refer to catalogue data for the next higher system voltage. 10 2h EXLIM R 2.5 Chapter 3: MA TCHING SYSTEM ARRESTERS p ARAMETERS (~:nergy withstand 1 TO capability) General This chapter is devoted mainly to the consideration of stressesdue to switching-in against a trapped charge on a transmission line on arrestersinstalled at the open far end of the line as shown in Figure 3.1. This case is generally considered as the decisive case.Other caseswill only be narned. Figure 3.1 Simple single-phase model. If the surge travel time of the lille is short compared with olle cycle of power-frequency and Zl representsa low impedance, the current through the arrester will have a rectangular shapewith a duration equal to twice the travel time T of the w ave on the lille. The current through the arrester and its residual voltage at this current are given by the intersection of the relevant switching surge characteristic and the load lille and can be determined by plotting a load diagram as in Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2 Load diagram. UL Z la Ures = = = = Prospective overvoltage Line surge impedance Surge arrester current Surge arrester residual voltage I1 In a real case, the arrester current does not have a pure rectangular wavefoml. The -source irnpedance,Zl, will affect the voltage w ave irnposed on the line at breaker-closing, the voltage w ave will be distorted during its travelon the line, return waves will causereflections at the sending end and, for rnulti-phase systerns,the phaseswill interact. However, this simple single-phasemodel is useful in many cases.To avoid expensive computer and/or transient network analyser (TNA) studies, the simplified method can be applied as a first attempt to estimate the arrester stresses causedby switching. If these calculations reveal high energies and the need for more qualified studies than had been considered initially, a more accurate study would be justified. Different types and makes of arresterscould also be easily compared when high absolute accuracy in calculated stressesis not required. 2 Step I: Determine the switching parameters In order to use the simplified method, the parameters in Figure 3.2 must be determined in some way. Typical vallles for different system voltages are given in table 3.1. Under 145 145 to 345 362 to 525 765 450 400 350 300 3.0 3.0 2.6 2.2 Table 3.1 The prospective overvoltage UL dependson parameters such as location of arresters,type of switching operation, presenceor absenceof preinsertion resistors, the feeding network and the parallel compensation. In addition to the typical values given in the above table 3.1, the diagram (published by CIGRE) shown in Figure 3.3 can give guidance for the estimation of UL for a specific case. In Figure 3.3 higher values than suggestedin table 3.1 can be found in some cases.However, such overvoltage factors should be critically analysed before being used in estirnating arrester energy since usually the highest values found in Figure 3.3 belong to rare situations, for example in the first stage of a high voltage system with long radial uncompensatedlines energised from pure inductive sources. The w ave propagation time (T) dependson the lille length and the velocity of w ave propagation. For aeriallines and GIS bus ducts the propagation velocity is approximately equal to the velocity of light (0.3 km/~s). For cables, the velocity is much lower (around 0.15 km/~s). 12 Location of measurements End of the line O Kind of operation Closing . 3-phase reclosingo ~mgle-step closrng Resistors Yes. NoO Feeding network Complex. InductiveO Parallel cornpensation ~o%. <50%0 I Nr. of evaJualed varianIs 17 I 8 5 Max M~j 1.11 11.27' 1.31 1.52 I 1.46 I 1.89 I 2.14 i ~ 1. Figure 3.3 Evaluation of overvoltage factors (2% values) dependent on kind of operation, closing resistors, feeding network and parallel compensation. (Source: CIGRPlELECTRA) 3 Step 2: Calculate the arrester energy The energy (W), given in J, absorbedby the arrester is given by the equation as: w UL = Ures = Z = T = n = {(UL-Ures)/Z} x Ures X 2T x n, where prospective overvoltage or line-charging voltage (kV) the residua! voltage Qf the arrester (kV) surge impedance (ohm) w ave propagation time (Jls) = Uv, where 1 = length of lille (km) v = velocity of propagation = 0.3 km/Jls number of consecutive discharges It is seenthat the energy absorbedalso dependson the protective level. Thus a higher protective level reducesthe energy demands in kJ/kV. 4 Step 3: Select an arrester with adequate energy capability In the standard for Z nO surge arresters,IEC 99-4, the energy absorption capability for switching surgeshas to be proven in the so-called line discharge tests. For ABB surge arresters,the relevant "classes" as per IEC standard are given in table 3.2. 13 ARRESTER TYPES LINE DISCHARGE CLASS EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM 2 3 4 5 5 Table R Q P-A and EXLIM T P-C P-B 3.2 Note! The parameters of the lille discharge classesin IEC 99-4 standard result in higher energy stressesfor the same residual voltages whell compared with the classesin the standard for non-linear gapped surge arrestersIEC 99-1/1991. The energy absorbedby an arrester in a lille discharge test is a function of both the lille discharge class and the switching impulse protection level of the arresterThis is shown in Figure 3.4. Absorbed specific energy kJ/k V for IEC line discharge classes ~7 ~ '-" > 6 ~ ~ >.. 5 u .0 "u & ~ 4- \' ,\, '. '\ .'\~~ 5'-, -~ 3- 2 ~ . -\ \ ,',, , , .., 1 \ o 1 2 I\\~ l 3 4 Ures / Ur Figure 3.4 Specific energy in kJ per kV rated voltage, Ur, dependent on the ratio of switching imptilse residual voltage, Ures,to the rms valtie of rated voltage, Ur, of the arrester. Parameter: Line discharge class. (Source: IEC) Nate! Due ta required test ta1erances, the actua1 test energies are usua11y 10-20% higher. 14 For a specific ABB arrester, an estimate of the energy absorbedin the relevant lille discharge class test could be obtained by using the arrester switching surge protective level from the catalogues and checking for absorbedenergy in Figure 3.4. This value is then compared with the required discharge energy from the equation 3.1. The IEC line discharge test coffiprises repeated discharges and the thermal stability of the arrester has to be verified for t wo consecutive discharges with 50 to 60 seconds between theffi. For single operations, the ABB arresters could be stressed with a higher energy equal to the single iffipulse energy capability. tl u sually , the design case has a very low probability of occurrence and it is sufficient, therefore, to design for olle single operation and not for t wo consecutive discharges.The single impulse energy capability is given in table 3.3. EXLIM p-C is a double column arrester for which both good current and hence energy sharing are ensured in routine tests. Arrester Type Specific single impulse energy capability kJ/kV(Ur) Approx crest. current for 4 ms rectangular w ave A EXLIM R EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM Q P-A and EXLIM T EXLIM P-C P-B 2.5 4.5 7.0 10.0 13.0 300 600 1000 1400 1800 Table 3.3 For all arrester types the full energy can be taken for any impulse with equivalent rectangular shape and duration 4 ms or longer. If the chosen energy capability is not sufficient, the most economical solution is to increasethe arrester rated voltage. If this leads to ullacceptable protection level, then select another type with a higher energy capability. Arresters with energy capability in excessof the values in table 3.3 are quoted on request. In some casesparallel arrestersmust be used to meet high energy requirements. The arrestersmust then be properly matched together to ensure a sufficiently good current sharing. This matching of the arrestersmust be specially requested. With standard arrestersfull current sharing is not necessarily ensured. 15 5 Step 4: Check capability with respect to lightning energy At lower system voltages (below 200 kV), the energy due to switching will generally be low. At the same time, less attention is paid to effective grounding and shielding of such systerns.Hence, the design capability will be determined by lightning stresses. A conservative estimate for the arrester energy capability for lightning surgesis obtained in the high current test using 4/10 impulse. This w ave subjects the arrester to a high energy during a very short time and hence to a thermal shock as weIl. Note that dischargesof the amplitudes stipulated in the tests occur with a very low probability in real situations. Furthermore, the real impulse duration may be longer than the stipulated test impulse duration. The standard peak current amplitudes are 65 kA and 100 kA as per ANSI/IEC, ABB arresters withstand even higher currents as seen from table 3.4. High current withstand (2 shots, 4/10 impulse) kA crest Arrester Type EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM R Q P-A and EXLIM T P-C P-B 100 100 100 150 200 Table 3.4 An arrester with blocks of larger diameter will withstand the lightning stresses better for t wo reasons: l. The current density will be lawer . 2. The residual valtage will be lawer and cansequently alsa the energy discharged. For this reason, it is advantageousto choose an arrester with larger diameter blocks (and consequently a higher discharge capability) for: . Areas with high lightning intensity. . Important installations. . Lines and stations where grounding or shielding conditions are inadequate. It means that in such cases,it may be preferable to use ABB arresterstypes in ascending order of energy capability as per table 3.3. 16 Chapter 4: MA TCHING THE MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 General It is equally important that the arrestersare mechanically so designed that they can withstand normal as weIl as specifled abnormal service conditions. Some of these conditions are detailed here. 2 Temperature ABB arrestersare designed for mean alnbient temperaturesin the range -40°C to +45°C. While temporary increasesup to +60OCmay be permissible, in general temperatureshigher than +45°C need de-rated special designs and ABB should be consulted. Similafly, for alnbient temperatureslower than above, the arrester sealing system has to be specially designed and ABB should be consulted. 3 Terminal connectors The lille conductors, when connected to the arrester lille terminals, impose a load on the terminals as weIl as a bending moment at the arresterbase. Both these values can usually be reduced to acceptablevalues by use of lighter tee-offs and clarnps. Note that arrestersdo not carry current continuously and hence should not be connected with conductors of heavy cross-section. 4 Ice Ice on the leads to the arresters will contribute to an increase in the terminal loading and must be accounted for . 5 Wind Heavy wind increasesthe horizontalloading on the arrester.Wind velocities up to 100 km/h are generally not a problem. The wind velocity (in mls) can be expressedas a pressure, Pw = 1/2 x p x v2 (in N/m2). The force on the arrester surface, according to Htitte, is then expressedas: Fw p v d kw - Pw x 1 x d x kw, where air density at 20° C = 1.293 kg/m3 velocity (mls ) arrester height (m) mean arrester diameter (m) correction factor for cylindrical objects as per Fig 4.1 The bending moment at the arrester base (Mw) is then: Mw = 1/2 x Fw, assuming that the centre-of -gravity is at the arrester middle. 7 4.1 Fig. 4.1 6 Determine porcelain strength The cantilever strength (bending moment) of the arresterporcelain must be sufficient for all the loads menrioned above. Table 4.1 below gives minimum breaking moments for ABB arrestersdefined according to the standard DIN 48113. Arrester types For system voltages (kVffilS) EXLIM R-A EXLIM R-A EXLIM Q-B EXLIM Q-A EXLIM Q-A EXLIM P-A EXLIM P-B EXLIMT-A EXLIM P-C ~24 ~36 ~24 ;?:36 Minimum breaking moment (Nm) acc. to DIN 48113 1600 2500 2500 1600 6000 6000 12500 12500 16600 Table4.1 7 Earthquake For areaswith high seismic risks, the arresterswithstand capability against seismic forces should be verified. Different specifications exist and in general ABB should be consulted. Reference is also made to Technical Information SESWG/A 2382 E: Earthquake Design ofABB Arresters. 18 8 Determine pressure relief capability As a safety measurefor other equipment and personnel near the location of an arrester in the event of its failure, the standardsspecify that the arresters shall be provided with a so-called "pressurerelief' device which acts rapidly enough to prevent a violent shattering (explosion) of the porcelain. The device is chosen on the basis of the prospective symmetrical short-circuit current in the system at the arrester location or calculated from the formula: I Pk /(--13x Vm), where prospective symmetrical short-circuit current (kA) 3-phase short-circuit power in MY A at the point where the arrester is to be installed and the maximum system voltage (kY) - I Pk Vm = If Pk is not known, the breaking capacity of the associatedbreaker can be used as a guide. The pressurerelief capability of ABB arrestersis shown in table 4.2. Arrester type Pressurerelief capability (according to ANSI or IEC) in kA EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM EXLIM 50/65 65 R Q P-A P-B T P-C *) 65 80 80 65 *) ActuaI current class depends on arrester rated voltage. For a specific rated voltage consult catalogues. Table 9 4.2 Pollution performance For a given pollution level, the perfonnance of gaplessarresterscan be improved in general by employing any or all of the following measures: .Increasing current. .Using the creepagedistancesof the housings to reduce extemalleakage Z nO blocks of larger volume to improve the energy absorption capability. .Improving the TOV capability, that is by increasing the rated voltage (Ur) for the same arrester type. .Improving the heat transfer mechanism. .Using blocks with lower losses at Uc ABB arrestersalready employ blocks with very low losses and the heat transfer mechanism is optimised for these blocks. Thus, pollution performance is improved by using one or more of the first three methods. In this connection it is important to note that an increasedUc (without corresponding improvement in TOV capability) is not effective. 19 ABB arrestersare designed to meet different pollution levels as per table 4.3 Creepage distance (I) Pollution level between phase and ground mm/phase-tophase kV (2) -- il m IV -Light -Medium -Heavy -Very heavy 16 20 25 31 (I) For the actual creepage distance, the specifled manufacturing tolerances are applicable (see IEC). (2) Voltage corresponding to the highest voltage for equipment (phase-to-phase). Table 4.3 For ABB EXLIM arrestersthe letters L, M, H and V in the type designation (e.g EXLIM P120-AM145) corresponds to IEC pollution levels I, II, III or IV respectively as per table 4.3. Note! Nominal creepagedistanceshigher than 31 mm/kV can be supplied on request. Usually the same creepagedistance for the arrestersis employed as for other equipment in the station. 10 External insolation of sorge arresters The primary function of an arrester is to limit, and thus render barmless, overvoltages to wbicb the protected equipment is exposed. It is obvious, therefore, that its own insulation (both external and internal) is tbe best-protected of all. The voltage across an arrestercan never be higher than that determined by the arrester's protective characteristics. Only the need for an additional (statistical) safety factor (margin) including correction for installation altitude can technically justify a higher external insulation strength. Generally, the risk of an external flashover less than or equal to 10-3is considered as acceptable;which leads to a factor of approximately 1.10 to 1.15 (excluding altitude correction) between the arrester protective levels and the LIWL and SIWL of the housing. Both the international standards(IEC and ANSI) clearly stipulate that such a margin is sufficient. ANSI (C62.11/1993) stipulates that the external LIWL of the housing shall be 20% above the discharge voltage at 20 kA, 8/20 ~s impulse plus an altitude factor of 9% per every 3000 feet (roughly equal to 10% per every 1000 m). IEC will stipulate a LIWL margin of 15% above the discharge voltage at nominal current plus an altitude factor of 13% for up to 1000 m. A longer arrester may, in fact, lead to less effective protection for steepersurges for which the inductance of the arrester becomes more important. Thus, the stipulation of high external insulation withstand values (e.g. equal to that for the protected equipment) may thus be disadvantageousfor the protected equipment apart form the fact that the cost is higher. 20 The EXLIM surge arresterscornply fully with both the IEC and ANSI and thus the probability of external fiashovers due to overvoltages in service is extremmely low. A camparisall af the bath standards tabulated: IEC *) >, u = ~ 5~ 4-; ANSI Ur < 200 kV Ur ~ 200 kV 1.06/"2 x SIPL for arresters with In = 10 kA and 20 kA Not applicable 0.82 x SIPL 1.25 Not defined & or 0.88/"2 x LIPL for arresters with In = 1.5 kA, 2.5 kA and 5 kA SIWL Not applicable LIWL 1.3 x LIPL for all arresters ~ ~ *) All **) All **) installations installations I x SIPL 1.42 x LIPL at 20 kA for all arresters ~ 1000 m ~ 1800 m 21 -Chapter 5. PROTECTION SELECTION PHILOSOPHY OF PROTECTIVE CHARACTERISTICS 1 Introduction The overvoltage protection of a substation is not only a question of which arrestersto choose. For protection against close lightning surges it is even more important to install the arrestersin the most efficient way. By means of oscillograms from different calculations the importance of short leads and short distances between the arrestersand the object being protected can be seen. Further, they show the great benefit of additional arresterson the incoming lines outside the line breaker. The possible reduction in insulation levels using improved surge arrestershas become even more obvious with the introduction of Z nO arresters.However, this will require a closer look at the actual installations and the arrester locations in the substations. Arresters on the incoming lilles as weIl as at the transformer may be necessary.Complex and especially important installations are best analysed using computer analysis. The following chapter, however, presentsgeneral guidance basedupon simplified considerations. 2 Consideration of the protective characteristics In the catalogues, guaranteed maximum residual voltages for commonly used co-ordinating currents are found for each type and size of arrester . Usually residual voltages for 8/20 as weIl as 30/60 currents impulses are given. For co-ordination against even steepersurges,a voltage level for a current impulse with virtual front time 1,the steepcurrent, is presentedexplicitly or in per cent of the 8/20 impulses. According to IEC, actual test current w ave may have a virtual time to half value of less than 20 Jls. The current w ave, therefore, is designated 1/(2 -20) here. 22 Diagraffis could also be used to show the protective characteristic as in Figure 5.1 for arrester type EXLIM P-A. Protective characteristics for arresters type EXLIM Max residual valtage in per cent af residual valtage at lOkA ~ '-" P-A 8/20 160 I=40kA < ... 150 o I I = 20 kA -..I o;:; 140 = 15 kA -I=10kA ~e I= 130 --I= 5kA 3kA 120110 100 90 80 0.1 0.5 1.0 10.0 Front time of voltage (~s) Figure 5.1 In this figure, the residual voltage is given in per cent of the residual voltage at the nominal current for different times to voltage crest with the current amplitude as parameter. This approach based on time to crest of voltage w ave is mainly adopted by countries following ANSI standard. The residual voltages are detennined with three current waves having virtual front times of 8, 2 and 1 ~s. The actual time to voltage crest, which will be somewhat shorter than for the current, is measuredand then the curves are extrapolated towards shorter times. The residual voltage which is obtained at a time to voltage crest of 0.5 ~s is referred to as the "equivalent front-of-wave discharge voltage". Withstand curves for equipment which shall be protected by the arrester could then be plotted in the samediagram to check if a sufficient safety margin exists. It must however be pointed out that for this type of very steep voltage w ave the effect of connection leads as well as the distance between the arrester and the protected equipment must be considered in order to determine an exact voltage stresson the equipment. 23 A different presentation of the protective characteristics is illustrated in Figure 5.2 for arresterstype EXLIM R. Protective characteristics for arresters type EXLIM Max regidual valtage in per cent af regidual valtage at lOkA Figure R 8/20 5.2 It should be noted that the characteristic for switching surges with longer front times is below the 30/60 curve. In figure 5.2 the residual voltages are plotted in per cent of the guaranteed residua! voltage at 10 kA 8/20 cuITentimpulse. This is in line with the IEC standard where the protective characteristics shall be determined in multiples of a residual voltage determined in routine tests. For ABB arrestersthis coITespondsto the residual voltage at lOkA 8/20 current impulse except for double column arresterstype EXLIM P-C for which the 20 kA residua! voltage is used. The approach based on per cent will be the preferred ABB way of presenting the protective characteristics. 3 Co-ordinating 3.1 LIWL co-ordination. currents It is often difficult to calculate the arrester current, especially those causedby lightning. Therefore, rough estimations are mostly used. The fairly small variation in discharge voltage with current waveshapeand amplitude makes this estimation less critical with Z nO arresters. For systerns with Vm less than or equal to 420 kV, lOkA is proposed as the co-ordinating current; for Vm = 550 kV 15 kA and for 800 kV systerns 20 kA. 24 The waveshapeof the current is usually taken as 8/20. For shorter front time of the current w ave, the residua! voltage shows an increase of less than 10% with a reduction in front time from 8 to 1 ~s. However, much more important than this small increase is to consider circuit inductances and distance effects when arrester protection is wanted for shielding failures or for back fiashovers close to the station. 3.2 SIWL co-ordination. Until now, the switching surgeshave deterrnined the insulation dimensioning at EHV voltages. With Z nO arrestersthe switching surge protective level becomes so low that lightning (or pollution perforrnance of the equipment) will be the limiting factor for the insulation co-ordination. However, for 400 k Vand above switching surges still playan important role. The switching surgesproduce low current alnplitudes (with maximum values ranging from 0.5 kA at medium voltages to approximately 2 kA at EHV) through the surge arresters.Currents for co-ordination as per table 5.1 are proposed. This is also in accordancewith the new IEC stipulations. -Maximum current System Voltage kV kA < 145 0.5 145 -362 1 420 2 Table -800 5. The w ave shapeof the cuuent is assumedto be 30/60. For even longer front times the deviation in the residual voltage from the 30/60 w ave (for the same cuuent amplitude) is very small, within a few percent. 4 Protective margios The protective level and the electrical withstand of the insulation changes depending on the steepness,duration and amplitude of the applied impulse. The protective margin has to be fairly large, therefore, especially if long separation distancesexist, or if protection against close lightning strokes is necessaryand only olle set of arrestersis used inside the substation. A better solution then may be to install arrestersalso on the incoming lille or lilles. 5 Protective distances One can as well ask w hy a high protective margin is required. The answer is that the calculated protective margins are only valid if the arrester is directly mounted on the protected object. When there are connection leads and a distance between arrester and object, then the protected object will be subjected to a higher overvoltage. The situation is illustrated in Figure 5.3 25 Figure 5.3 Voltage increase due to distance effect. (Simplified method) The old generally-used fonnula to estimate the voltage increase due to distance effects gives: u = U Ures S L v Ures + (2 x S x L)/v, where = voltage at protected object (kV) = residual voltage of the arrester (kV) = steepness of the incoming voltage w ave (kV/ = distance between arrester and protected object including connection = leads and arrester height (m) velocity of w ave propagation (m/ (approximately equal to velocity of light 300 m/ except for cables for which 150 m/ may be used) The available margin, therefore, will drastically decreasewith increased separation distances as weIl as with increased steepnessof the incoming w ave. The latter is a function of how close to the substation the lightning strikes the transmission line. Example: The simplified method for rough calculations should be used with sofie caution. It does not take into account any capacitanceof the protected object, nor inductive effects nor the initial voltage at the instant of surge. A comparison between the simple formula and a computer calculation is shown in Figure 5.4 for a case with a 145 kV transformer with LIWL 650 kV protected by an arrester type EXLIM P-A with rated voltage 120 kV using the following assumptions: Length of the arrester and connection leads: Incoming surge: Arrester LIPL: 26 6m 800 kV with steepness 1200 kV/~s 276 kV Arrester protective Comparison distance -simplified method and computer calculations System voltage: 145 kV. Arrester type and rated voltage: EXLIM p 120 A Ampl. ofincoming surge: 800kV. Steepness: 1200kV/fls. 1nitial voltage at instant of surge: -145/..J3 x ..J2kV peak. 800 > ~ '"-" ... ~ 700 ~ c2 "' § 600 .::: ~ ~500 ;:::. ö ;:>c400 Simplified 300 200 o 5 method ...Computer calculations for transf. cap. = O nF. --Computer calculations for transf. 15 20 Ii. 25 30 I 3511~~-~-~--r~I 40 45 cap. = 2 nF 50 55 60 10 Distance in m from arrester connection point Figure 5.4 As shown, the simplified method gives a result on the safe side if no capacitance is assumedfor the transformer. This is mainly due to the fact that the Z nO arrester starts to conduct before the protective leve1276 kV is reached. On the other hand if the transformer capacitance is say 2 nF, the simplified method shows a protective margin which does not really exist for distances less than 40 m. Rough estirnation, therefore, could be troublesorne if srnall rnargins between arresterprotective level and transformer LIWL are used. Furthermore, the irnportance of short distances and connection leads cannot be over-ernphasizedin suchcases. In table 5.2 protective distances based on computer calculation are given for some "common choice arresters" as per table 2.2 in chapter 2. The computer calculations take into account . Power .. frequency voltage crest value with opposite polarity at instant of mcommg surge. . Increase in arrester residual voltage for current impulses with shorter front times than the standard 8 ~s for the nominal current. . Capacitanceof protected object. Worst casefor a capacitanceof 0-4 nF is given in the table. 27 System Incaming valtage w ave LIWL af Surge pratected arrester abject kV 245 kV peak kV peak 2000 1300 type EXLIM Length of Protective distance connection for incoming w ave leads plus with steepness arrester height 1200kV/~s 2000kV/~s ffi m ffi P330-B P360-B 7 24 16 6 10 1500 1175 P276 Q276-A 9 30 27 14 12 1300 1050 P192-A Q192-A 9 55 50 27 25 800 650 P120-A Q120-A R120-A 6 37 35 24 16 15 10 Table 5.2 Protective distances for some "common choice" arresters based on computer calculations. Note! For longer length of connection leads plus arrester height the protective distance decreases; for shorter the protective distance will be longer. For further infonnation protection" . 6 Extremely consult Publ. SESWG/ A 2310 E" Application Guidelines for station close lightning strokes Regarding very close lightning strokes resulting in shielding failures or back-fiashovers it is even more important to consider the exact arrester installation. Additional arresterson the incoming line may also be necessaryin order to obtain a sufficient protection of important equipment. The surge arrester protection may also be combined with other measuressuch as low footing impedance of the transmission line towers and reduced insulation to ground a few spansout from the station in order to reduce possible current surges entering the station. 28 9 ~ ~ .. ~ ~ i j .1! ~ g '5 o: ~ < ~ ~ . u ~ u . c "- ABB 8witchgear AB 8urge Ar~ester Division Dept. 8E~WG/AF 8-771 80 LUDVIKA,8weden Tel. +4624082000 Telex 74507 abblu s Telefax +46240 17983 ~ i. ~