Current OBJECTIVES After • • • • • • • • completing this chapter, the student will be able to: State the two laws of electrostatic charges. Define coulomb. Identify the unit used to measure current flow. Define the relationship of amperes, coulombs, and time through a formula. Describe how current flows in a circuit. Describe how electrons travel in a conductor. Define and use scientific notation. Identify commonly used prefixes for powers of ten. See accompanying Chapter 2. CD for interactive The atom has been defined as the smallest particle of an element. It is composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Electrons breaking away from atoms and flowing through a conductor produce an electric current. This chapter examines how electrons break free from atoms to produce a current flow and how to use scientific notation. Sdentific notation expresses very large and small numbers in a form of mathematical shorthand. 10 presentations and tutorials relating to BII ELECTRICAL CHARGE Two electrons together or two protons together represent "like" charges. Like charges resist being brought together and instead move away from each other. This movement is called repelling. This is the first law of electrostatic charges: like charges repel each other (Figure 2-1). According to the second law of electrostatic charges, unlike charges attract each other. CHAPTER FIGURE 2-1 Basic laws of electrostatic charges. NEGATIVE CHARGE 2 CURRENT of potential exists between two charged bodies connected by a conductor, electrons will flow along the conductor. This flow of electrons is called current. 2-1 QUESTIONS 1. What are the two laws of electrostatic charges? 2. What does an electrical charge represent? POSITIVE CHARGE LIKE CHARGES 3. Define coulomb. REPEL EACH OTHER mJ CURRENT UNLIKE CHARGES ATTRACT EACH OTHER The negative electrons are drawn toward the positive protons in the nucleus of an atom. This attractive force is balanced by the centrifugal force caused by the electron's rotation about the nucleus. As a result the electrons remain in orbit and are not drawn into the nucleus. The amount of attracting or repelling force that acts between two electrically charged bodies depends on two factors: their charge and the distance between them. Single electrons have a charge too small for practical use. The unit adopted for measuring charges is the coulomb (C), named for Charles Coulomb. The electrical charge (Q) carried by 6,240,000,000,000,000,000 electrons (six quintillion, two hundred forty quadrillion, or 6.24 X 1018) represents one coulomb. 1 C = 6.24 X 1018 electrons Electrical charges are created by the displacement of electrons. When there is an excess of electrons at one point and a deficiency of electrons at another point, a difference of potential exists between the two points. When a difference FLOW An electric current consists of the drift of electrons from an area of negative charge to an area of positive charge. The unit of measurement for current flow is the ampere (A). An ampere represents the amount of current in a conductor when one coulomb of charge moves past a point in one second. The relationship between amperes and coulombs per second can be expressed as: I = Q t where: I Q t = = = current measured in amperes quantity of electrical charge in coulombs time in seconds What is the current in amperes if 9 coulombs of charge flow past a point in an electric circuit in 3 seconds? EXAMPLE: Given: Solution: I =? I= Q t Q = 9 coulombs t = 3 seconds 9 1=- 3 I = 3 amperes SECTION 1 DC CIRCUITS EXAMPLE: A circuit has a current of 5 amperes. How long does it take for one coulomb to pass a given point in the circuit? Given: I = Q = 5 amperes 1 coulomb =? t Solution: I= Q t 1 5=- t 5~_;f"1 - »">;-(cross 1 (1)(1) multiply) t (5)(t) 1 5t 1 ..8t -( divide both sides by 5) 5 1 5 0.2 seconds !if t t Electrons, with their negative charge, represent the charge carrier in an electric circuit. Therefore, electric current is the flow of negative charges. Scientists and engineers once thought that current flowed in a direction opposite to electron flow. Later work revealed that the movement of an electron from one atom to the next created the appearance of a positive charge, called a hole, moving in the opposite direction (Figures 2-2, 2- 3). Electron movement and current were found to be the same. If electrons are added to one end of a conductor and provision is made to take electrons from the other end, an electric current flows through the conductor. As free electrons move slowly through the conductor, they collide with atoms, knocking other electrons free. These new free electrons travel toward the positive end of the conductor and collide with other atoms. The electrons drift from the negative to the positive end of the conductor because like charges repel. In addition, the positive end of the conductor, which represents a deficiency in electrons, attracts the free electrons because unlike charges attract. The drift of electrons is slow (approximately an eighth of an inch per second), but individual electrons ricochet off atoms, knocking other electrons loose, at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). For example, visualize a long, hollow tube filled with Ping-Pong balls (Figure 2-4). As a ball is added to one end of the tube, a ball is forced out the other end of the tube. Although an indi- FIGURE 2-2 As electrons move from one atom to another, they create the appearance of a positive charge, called a hole. NEGATIVE POTENTIAL POSITIVE POTENTIAL ELECTRON CHAPTER 2 CURRENT FIGURE 2-3 Electron movement occurs in the opposite direction to hole movement. NEGATIVE \OTENT~l POSITIVE POTENTIAL CONDUCTOR -HOLEFLOW FIGURE 2-4 Electrons in a conductor react like Ping-Pong balls in a hollow tube. ELECTRON FLOW - CURRENT FLOW - moves them horn the other end of the conductor (the positive terminal) is called the voltage source. It can be thought of as a kind of pump (Figure 2-5). 2-2 QUESTIONS 1. Define electric current. ~ 2. What is the unit for measuring flow? 3. What is the relationship of current, coulombs, and time? 4. What is the current if 15 coulombs of charge flow past a point in a circuit in 5 seconds? 5. How long does it take for 3 coulombs to move past a point in a circuit if the circuit has 3 amperes of current flow? 6. What makes electrons move through a conductor in only one direction? vidual ball takes time to travel down the tube, the speed of its impact can be far greater. The device that supplies electrons from one end of a conductor (the negative terminal) and re- 1m SCIENTIFIC NOTATION In electronics, it is common to encounter very small and very large numbers. Scientific notation is a means of using single-digitnumbers plus powers SECTION 1 DC CIRCUITS FIGURE 2-5 A voltage source can be considered a pump that supplies electrons to the load and recycles the excess electrons. VOLTAGE - SOURCE~ I ~I CONDUCTOR - I I I IL_ - - - - - - • - ., I I I I I I _ LOAD of ten to express large and small numbers. For example, 300 in scientific notation is 3 X 102. The exponent indicates the number of decimal places to the right or left of the decimal point in the number. If the power is positive, the decimal point is moved to the right. For example: 3 X 103 = 3.0 X 103 = 3.000 = 3000 U 3 places If the power is negative, the decimal point is moved to the left. For example: 3 X 10-6 = 3.0 X 10-6 = 0000003. • = 0.000003 I 6 places Figure 2-6 lists some commonly used powers of ten, both positive and negative, and the prefixes and symbols associated with them. For example, an ampere (A) is a large unit of current that is not FIGURE 2-6 Prefixes commonly used in electronics. Giga- G 109 1,000,000,000 Mega- M 10 1,000,000 Kilo- k 103 1,000 Milli- m 10-3 0.001 Micro- !l 10-6 0.000001 Nano- n 10- Pico- P 10-12 6 9 0.000000001 0.000000000001 often found in low-power electronic circuits. More frequently used units are the milliampere (mA) and the microampere (/-1A).A milliampere is equal to CHAPTER2 one-thousandth (111000)of an ampere or 0.001 A. In other words, it takes 1000 milliamperes to equal one ampere. A microampere is equal to onemillionth (Ill ,000,000) ofan ampere or O. 00000lA; it takes 1,000,000 microamperes to equal one ampere. EXAMPLE: How many milliamperes are there in 2 amperes? Solution: 1000 mA lA \~(1000 mA = 1 A) X 1 2 X EXAMPLE: How many amperes are there in 50 micro-amperes? Solution: 1,000,000 J-tA 50 J-tA XA lA 1,000,000 1 (1)(50) 50 1,000,000 0.00005 0.00005 A 50 X (1,000,000) (X) X X X QUESTIONS 1. Define scientific notation. 2. In scientific notation: a. What does a positive exponent mean? b. What does a negative exponent mean? 3. Convert the following numbers to scientific notation: a. 500 b.3768 d.0.l05 e. 356.78 4. Define the following prefixes: a. Millib. Micro5. Perform the following conversions: a. 1.5 A = IDA b. 1.5 A = fLA = A d. 750 fLA= A (1000)(2) 2000mA (l)(X) 2- 3 c.0.0056 c. 150 IDA 1000 CURRENT SUMMARY . • Laws of electrostatic charges: like charges repel, unlike charges attract. • Electrical charge (Q) is measured in coulombs (C). • One coulomb is equal to 6.24 X 1018 electrons. • An electric current is the slow drift of electrons from an area of negative charge to an area of positive charge. • Current flow is measured in amperes. • One ampere (A) is the amount of current that flows in a conductor when one coulomb of charge moves past a point in one second. • The relationship between current, electrical charge, and time is represented by the formula: 1= Q t • Electrons (negative charge) represent the charge carrier in an electrical circuit. • Hole movement (positive charge) occurs in the opposite direction to electron movement. • Current flow in a circuit is from negative to positive. SECTION 1 DC CIRCUITS • If the power-of-ten exponent is positive, the decimal point is moved to the right. • If the power-of-ten exponent is negative, the decimal point is moved to the left. • The prefix milli- means one-thousandth. • The prefix micro- means one-millionth. • Electrons travel very slowly through a conductor, but individual electrons move at the speed of light. • Scientific notation expresses a very large or small number as a numeral from 1 to 9 to a power of ten. C HAP T E R 2 SELF - T EST .~,., ;.- :<'\ '~~,.; _ '~,--<..: i 1. How much current is in a circuit if it takes 5 seconds for 7 coulombs to flow past a given point? 2. Describe how electrons flow in a circuit with reference to the potential in the circuit. 3. Convert the following numbers to scientific notation: a. 235 b.0.002376 c. 56323.786 4. What do the following prefixes represent? a. Millib. Micro- j~;~ ;if-?'