TOWN OF INNISFIL OFFICIAL PLAN Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Prepared by Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. In association with AgPlan Ltd. Cumming + Company Joseph Bogdan & Associates Inc. LEA Consulting Ltd. N. Barry Lyon Consultants Ltd. Norbert Woerns North-South Environmental Inc. Town of Innisfil Official Plan List of Appeals Appeals to the Town of Innisfil Official Plan Appeal # 1 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.2 insofar as it relates to the bolded text. Appeal #2 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.3, Objective #2 insofar as it relates to the bolded text. Appeal #3 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.3, Objective #3. Appeal #4 Withdrawn. Appeal # 5 Withdrawn. Appeal #6 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.3.9 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #7 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.4.3 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #8 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.4.4 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #9 Teromi Inc. Appeal of Section 2.4.5 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #10 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.4.6 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #11 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.4.7 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #12 Withdrawn. vii Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan List of Appeals Appeal #13 Withdrawn. Appeal #14 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.5.3 and Table One. Appeal # 15 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.5.4 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal # 16 Withdrawn. Appeal #17 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.5.12 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #18 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 2.5.13 insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal # 19 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.11 Intent insofar as it relates to the bolded text. Appeal #20 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.11, Goal #1. Appeal # 21 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.11, Objective #1. Appeal # 22 Withdrawn. Appeal # 23 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.11.1. Appeal #24 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 2.11.2. Appeal #25 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section2.11.4.(i). Appeal #26 Innisfil Mapleview Developments Ltd. appeal of Section as it relates to their property at the North Part of Lot 25, Concession 11. viii Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan List of Appeals Appeal #27 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 3.1.1 and all relevant subsections thereto insofar as it relates to the Teromi lands located at the southeast corner of 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #28 Innisfil Mapleview Developments Ltd. appeal of Section 3.1.1b) as it relates to their property at the North Part of Lot 25, Concession 11. Appeal #29 Innisfil Mapleview Developments Ltd. appeal of Section 3.1.1c) as it relates to their property at the North Part of Lot 25, Concession 11. Appeal #30 Innisfil Mapleview Developments Ltd. appeal of Section 3.1.4 as it relates to their property at the North Part of Lot 25, Concession 11. Appeal #31 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section and all subsections thereto. Appeal #32 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 3.4.4 and all subsections thereto as it relates to Innisfil Heights. Appeal #33 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 3.5, Intent. Appeal #34 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 3.5, Objective #3. Appeal #35 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 3.5.1 and all subsections thereto as it relates to Innisfil Heights. Appeal #36 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 3.5.2 and all subsections thereto as it relates to Innisfil Heights. Appeal #37 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 3.10.20 as it relates to their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25thSideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #38 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Section 7.1, Intent insofar as it relates to the bolded text. ix Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan List of Appeals Appeal #39 Withdrawn. Appeal #40 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 9.10.3 as it relates to their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25thSideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #41 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 9.10.6 as it relates to their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #42 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 9.10.7 as it relates to their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #43 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 9.18.3 as it relates to their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #44 Teromi Inc. appeal of Section 9.19.5 as it relates to their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #45 Innisfil Mapleview Developments Limited appeal of Schedule A: Municipal Structure as it relates to the Urban Settlement boundary for Sandy Cove. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Schedule A: Municipal Structure as it relates to the Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area being part of the Urban Settlement area boundary for Sandy Cove. Appeal #46 Withdrawn. Appeal #47 Withdrawn. Appeal #48 Withdrawn. Appeal #49 Withdrawn. Appeal #50 Withdrawn. x Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan List of Appeals Appeal #51 Withdrawn. Appeal #52 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Schedule B: Land Use and Schedule B5 Land Use: Sandy Cove as it relates to the Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area being part of the Urban Settlement boundary for Sandy Cove. Innisfil Mapleview Developments Limited appeal of Schedule B: Land Use and Schedule B5 Land Use: Sandy Cove as it relates to the Urban Settlement boundary for Sandy Cove. Appeal #53 Withdrawn. Appeal #54 Withdrawn. Appeal #55 Innisfil Mapleview Developments Limited appeal of the Agricultural Area and Natural Environmental Area designations on Schedule B: Land Use and Schedule B5 Land Use: Sandy Cove as it relates to their lands at the southwest corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Appeal #56 K. Winter Sanitation Limited appeal of the countryside designation on Schedule A: Municipal Structure and the rural designation on Schedule B: Land Use and Schedule B6 Land Use: Innisfil Heights as it applies to their lands in the south half of Lot 8, Concession 8. Appeal #57 Withdrawn. Appeal #58 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Schedule B5 Land Use: Sandy Cove as it relates to the Retirement Residential Area designation and the “Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area” located north of Lockhart Road and north of the Tenth Line. Appeal #59 Teromi Inc. appeal of Schedule B5 Land Use: Sandy Cove as it relates to the Natural Environmental Area designation on their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. xi Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan List of Appeals Appeal #60 1651012 Ontario Limited appeal of Schedule B5 Land Use: Sandy Cove as it relates to the Parks and Open Space designation on their lands located in Part of Lots 26 and 27, Concession 9 on the north side of Lockhart Road. Allowed in part through modification approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on April 8, 2011. Appeal #61 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing appeal of Schedule B6 Land Use: Innisfil Heights as it relates to the land use designations in their entirety. Appeal #62 Withdrawn. Appeal #63 Teromi Inc. appeal of Appendix 2: Natural Areas as it relates to the depiction of Significant Woodlands on their lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Text shown in the Official Plan in Yellow Highlight is under appeal on a Town-wide basis. Text shown in the Official Plan in Green Highlight is under appeal on a Site Specific basis. xii Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION SECTION ONE: INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of the Innisfil Official Plan is to state the long term vision for the Town, delineate a municipal structure as the framework for future growth, set out goals and objectives which will contribute to the achievement of the vision and municipal structure, and provide land use policies of a local nature to facilitate decision making by Council, public agencies and private interests with regard to the use and development of land within the Town. The purpose of the Plan is also to ensure that the timing of the development within the Town coincides with its ability to provide the required services in order to avoid undue strain on the municipality and on the residents of the municipality. Such required services may include municipal infrastructure, roads, schools, parks, libraries and other services necessary for the new development. The Town of Innisfil Official Plan implements the policies of the Province of Ontario and of the County of Simcoe’s Official Plan while providing greater detail in terms of land use designations and policies which reflect the individual characteristics of the Town of Innisfil. 1.2 PLANNING PERIOD The planning period of the Innisfil Official Plan is 20 years, to the year 2026. However, the Plan shall be reviewed every 5 years to determine if it is still providing adequate and appropriate direction to Council, the public and others involved in the development of the Town. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 1.3 INTERPRETATION 1.3.1 The boundaries between land uses designated on the attached Schedules are approximate except where they coincide with major existing roads, railway lines, streams, or other clearly defined physical features. Where the general intent of the Plan is maintained, minor adjustments to boundaries will not necessitate an amendment to this Plan and neither are numerical standards contained in the text to be construed as being absolutely rigid. Adopted July 26, 2006 1 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan INTRODUCTION 1.3.2 The location of roads as indicated on Schedule C, shall be considered as approximate only. Amendments to this Plan, therefore, will not be required in order to make minor adjustments or deviations to the location of roads provided that the general intent of this Plan is maintained. 1.3.3 It is not intended that this Plan be amended unless substantial evidence can be presented which will justify such an amendment is based on good planning. 1.3.4 In determining whether or not an amendment to the Plan is appropriate, regard shall be had to the Vision, and Municipal Structure goals, objectives and policies, under Section 2, as well as the policies, study requirements and evaluation criteria within the respective land use category under Section 3, and the implementation policies found in Section 9. 1.3.5 Wherever a use is permitted under a land use classification, it is intended that ancillary uses, buildings or structures normally incidental, accessory or essential to the primary permitted use may also be permitted. 1.3.6 Appendices in this Official Plan are for the purpose of providing background information or explanation, and are not statutory components of the Official Plan. 1.3.7 The Official Plan for the Town of Innisfil approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on August 14, 1995 is hereby repealed including all amendments thereto save and except for OPA 17, which was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on December 14, 2007. OPA 17 shall be consolidated within this Official Plan in Sections 3.6 and 12 and on Schedules A, B, B4, C and D. Adopted July 26, 2006 2 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 2 2.1 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE SECTION TWO: MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE INTENT This Section sets out an overall framework with respect to the future character and development of the Town including its municipal structure, physical size and population. It also describes its strategic efforts to accommodate urban growth, provide a range and mix of housing, attract and accommodate future employment and economic growth, protect the environment, sustain a healthy and accessible waterfront, maintain a viable countryside and maintain the existing quality of life. It is a defining principle that Innisfil will be a healthy, liveable and safe community. The Official Plan can promote this principle through its municipal structure, its strategic policies and its implementing land use designations. In particular, it is the strategic intent of this Plan to: i) accommodate an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, commercial, institutional and open space use in locations which best meet the principles of this Plan and which meet the Town’s long term needs; ii) promote efficient development and land use patterns which minimize land consumption through compact development in areas best able to accommodate it; iii) avoid development in areas of flooding or erosion, natural heritage significance, significant hydrological constraint or in areas that may impact on municipal wells and lake water intake; iv) avoid development and land use patterns that would prevent the efficient expansion of settlements; v) sustain the financial well being of the Town by minimizing servicing costs from new development and creating financial arrangements where new development pays for itself; vi) improve accessibility for persons with disabilities and the elderly through municipal standards and site plan requirements; and vii) ensure that infrastructure and public service facilities are or will be available to meet the needs of the residents by planning for these facilities concurrent with the development process and ensuring development charges and other financial arrangements are updated to deliver the facilities. The strategic intent of this Section is to recognize that the Town of Innisfil will be playing an increasingly key role in Simcoe County in accommodating future residential and employment growth, while maintaining and enhancing its current role as a tourism / recreational area and providing a rural countryside with small village settlements. The policies contained within this Section and subsequent sections of the Plan seek to continue and enhance these roles within the County structure. Adopted July 26, 2006 3 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE The Municipal Structure policies, which are illustrated schematically on Schedule A, describe Innisfil’s key structural elements including the: Natural Heritage System, Urban Settlements, Village Settlements, Lake Simcoe Shoreline, Countryside, and Municipal Civic Campus. The Municipal Structure forms the broad pattern defining the community and provides the strategic framework within which more detailed land use descriptions can be established. As such, land use designations and policies, contained in Section 3.0 of this Plan, implement the strategic direction set out in this Section. Other strategic policies, contained in this Section, include criteria for monitoring progress towards the various population, employment and housing targets of the Official Plan, and for testing the continued appropriateness of those targets. These policies enable the Town to take future action, if and when necessary, to consider expansion of the urban area to provide adequate land areas for these purposes. Criteria are also included here and elsewhere in the Official Plan for evaluating proposals for particular types of development which may raise questions of compatibility, capacity and impact on the strategic intent of the Town. As dynamic forces, including those that may not be foreseen today, continue to impact upon the Town, and as Council considers future amendments to this Plan, special regard shall be had to this Section. As such, applications for changes to land use designations shall be evaluated in terms of their conformity with the structural goals, objectives and policies of this Section. 2.2 THE VISION The following Vision Statement shall guide the overall strategic direction of the municipality during the period of this Official Plan: Innisfil’s future will build on its small town and scenic rural character through managed growth that will result in a complete community providing for a greater choice for housing, increased employment and self-sufficiency with shopping, recreation and community services. A thriving employment area will be focused along the Highway 400 corridor, and in strategic locations within settlements. The existing settlements will be intensified while respecting the village character and identity of each individual settlement. Innisfil will continue to be a community of communities, but a strong identity as one “Town” will be promoted. The Municipal Civic Campus will assist in promoting that identity and become recognized as the centre of the Town. Transportation choices will be improved with future public transit service anchored on the new GO Station and the GO 400 express service. Innisfil’s countryside ambiance will be maintained through Adopted July 26, 2006 4 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE protection and enhancement of the rural agricultural areas and natural features with support for the viability of farming. Increased public access to the shoreline and improved health of Lake Simcoe will be a draw for residents and visitors alike. Lakefront parks will be a place for community gathering. Growth will be based on prudent infrastructure planning and strong policies that will define where growth will occur, preserve the natural environment, maintain the quiet and peaceful countryside and foster the building of active communities. Appeal #1 insofar as it relates to the bolded text. 2.3 GROWTH MANAGEMENT Intent: In addition to the elements illustrated on Schedule A, the settlement boundaries, as illustrated on Schedule A and further delineated on Schedule B, are important defining features of the Municipal Structure in this Plan. The settlement boundaries serve to distinguish between areas intended for existing or future urban development, and the surrounding Countryside areas where agriculture will remain the predominant use. Sufficient land shall be included within the settlement boundaries to accommodate the anticipated population and employment needs of the Town for the 20 year time frame of this Official Plan. In order to ensure a continuous 10 year supply of residential land and a competitive housing market, additional land may be needed within the time frame of the Official Plan. The continued adequacy of the settlement boundaries shall be assessed during each successive five-year review of the Official Plan, as required by The Planning Act. If necessary, a settlement boundary may be adjusted by amendment to this Plan as shown to be warranted by those reviews. Additional lands will likely need to be accommodated within the settlement boundaries in order to implement the Simcoe Area Growth Plan and the Town’s Preferred Growth Management Strategy. This will be achieved through a separate Official Plan Amendment to this plan prior to the next five year review and such amendment shall be considered to be part of the municipal comprehensive review which began with the preparation of the Town’s Preferred Growth Management Strategy and this Official Plan. Goals: To maintain settlement boundaries which contain sufficient land to accommodate growth anticipated by this Official Plan over the 20 year time frame of the Official Plan until 2026. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. To achieve a balanced community where all residents have the opportunity to live, work and play in the community. Adopted July 26, 2006 5 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE To develop as a complete community with a diverse mix of land uses, housing, employment, recreation facilities and services. To accommodate development which protects the health of the Lake Simcoe and Nottawasaga River watersheds and the Natural Heritage System. Objectives: 1) To ensure an orderly progression of urban development, and the efficient use of land and existing infrastructure and services. 2) To create a balanced community where employment opportunities are consistent with the available labour force. This is generally considered a ratio of 1 employee for every 2 residents. Appeal # 2 insofar as it relates to the bolded text. 3) To focus industrial growth in the Highway 400 corridor within the vicinity of Innisfil Heights Business Park. Appeal # 3 as it relates to Objective 3. 4) To direct the majority of the population growth to Urban Settlements. 5) To ensure that necessary transportation and servicing infrastructure is available or will be made available to serve planned areas of urban growth. 6) To encourage and facilitate redevelopment, infilling and intensification within the Urban and Village Settlement boundaries. 7) To identify criteria to be considered in any study of future settlement boundary expansions. 8) To ensure the rural farm lifestyle including the agricultural land base is respected and preserved 9) To ensure that development protects and where possible improves the health of the Lake Simcoe and Nottawassaga River watersheds. 10) To ensure natural heritage features and areas are protected for the long term. 11) To ensure that mineral aggregate operations and mineral aggregate resources are protected over the long term. Policies: 2.3.1 The settlement boundaries illustrated on Schedule A, Municipal Structure and on Schedule B, Land Use, serve to distinguish between areas intended for future urban development and areas where agriculture or other rural uses are intended to remain predominant over the long term. Adopted July 26, 2006 6 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 2.3.2 During the life of this Plan, it is anticipated that the Town will reach full build-out of its designated greenfield areas within the existing settlement boundaries. At build-out, the population of the Town is anticipated to reach approximately 55,500 persons, based on the build-out of designated greenfield areas and an estimate of intensification potential. This build-out is expected to occur well before the end of the planning period in 2026. The majority of that population will be located within the Urban Settlements. Limited growth may occur within the Village Settlements. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.3.3 Infill and intensification are encouraged and will be facilitated within the delineated built up areas of the Urban Settlements, as well as within the Village Settlements, which are identified as undelineated built-up areas by the Built Boundary for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Core Commercial Areas within the Urban Settlements are recognized and planned for as intensification corridors subject to the policies contained within the secondary plans for those areas. New and updated secondary plans shall identify additional opportunities for infill and intensification and designate such areas as intensification areas with appropriate minimum and maximum densities. Such studies shall also protect and maintain stable residential neighbourhoods from infill and intensification which is out of keeping with the physical character of those neighbourhoods. 2.3.4 The Town shall target for approximately 20 per cent of new dwelling units to be provided through intensification after 2015. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.3.5 In order to achieve the employment objective of one job for every two residents, an employment target of 27,750 will need to be achieved by 2026. It is anticipated that approximately 60 per cent of jobs will occur on traditional employment lands and enough lands must be designated to achieve that target. The remainder of the employment will be located in the living areas through commercial, institutional and government related jobs and in the Countryside through agricultural and rural related jobs. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.3.6 The Simcoe Area Growth Plan and the Town’s Growth Management Strategy shall be incorporated into this Plan by subsequent Official Plan amendment and shall update the targets set out in this Section and, where necessary and justified, the boundaries of settlements. 2.3.7 Amendments to the growth projections or to settlement boundaries shall only be considered on a comprehensive basis at the time of the 5 year review or other comprehensive review, unless otherwise set out in this Plan. Such reviews shall include an update of the Growth Management study forecasts and analyses. Adopted July 26, 2006 7 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 2.3.8 2.3.9 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE An update of the Growth Management Study undertaken during the 5 year review shall consider the following matters: (i) Statistical records of housing unit completions in previous years. (ii) Statistical records of the amount of vacant employment land absorbed in previous years. (iii) Comparison of employment verses population to determine the Town’s success in moving towards its employment target. (iv) Comparison of these actual development trends to those forecast in the Innisfil Growth Management Study, Population and Employment Forecast, November 2005 and any County or Provincial forecast for the area. (v) Determination of the amount of undeveloped land, including residential and employment designated lands, remaining within the settlement area boundaries, and the potential to accommodate future population and employment through redevelopment, infilling or intensification of developed lands within the built boundary of settlement areas. (vi) Assessment based on population forecasts and actual development trends, of whether there is sufficient residential land designated in approved Secondary Plans to maintain a continuous 10-year supply of land for housing until the next 5 year review. At the mid point of the planning period, the Growth Management Study should ensure that there is sufficient land within the settlement boundaries to accommodate the projected housing needs for up to 20 years. Analysis of supply should consider not just quantitative matters, but also qualitative matters including providing a full range of housing to meet the varying needs and preferences of current and future population and households. (vii) Assessment, based on the employment forecasts and actual development trends, of whether there is sufficient land to achieve the employment target ratio and whether the available inventory is adequate and suitable to meet the diverse needs of potential industrial users. Such analysis should consider both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the vacant industrial inventory, including the available range in size, exposure, accessibility and other factors. viii) Changes in County or Provincial Policy and other legislative matters that may arise. (ix) If any of the above-noted requirements in paragraphs v) or vi) cannot be achieved, then a Settlement Boundary Expansion Study should be initiated by the Town. When undertaking a Settlement Boundary Expansion Study, the Town shall consider the Adopted July 26, 2006 8 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE following matters in assessing potential areas for expansion: (i) The size of the expansion proposed is to be determined after considering: opportunities for intensification within the built boundary, a compact, transit supportive urban form which can accommodate a range and mix of housing types within the proposed expansion, the ability to meet a minimum density target of not less than 50 residents and jobs per gross hectare while also providing an appropriate transition to adjacent residential areas and a housing form in keeping with the character of the settlement area, updated projections of population and households, housing needs by type, employment and employment land needs by major category. (ii) Alternatives for settlement expansion shall not include lands designated as Specialty Crop Areas. (iii) Alternatives for settlement expansion shall only include lands designated Agricultural Area where it has been demonstrated that there are no reasonable alternatives which avoid prime agricultural lands or which are on lower priority agricultural lands. iv) Alternatives for settlement expansion which protect existing licensed aggregate operations and/or demonstrate that the proposed expansion will not result in the preclusion or hindrance of the establishment of new mineral aggregate operations or access to mineral aggregate resources within high potential resource areas. (v) A comparative assessment is undertaken to determine the impact of the alternative settlement expansions on agricultural operations adjacent or close to the alternative settlement expansions, and to show that any impacts from the preferred expansion are mitigated to the extent feasible. (vi) Alternatives for settlement expansion protect significant natural environmental features, demonstrate that the Natural Heritage System can be maintained and refined, and minimize the potential impact on the quality or quantity of ground water and surface water. (vii) Ability to achieve the target employment activity rate set out in Section 2.3.5. (viii) The areas considered for expansion form logical extensions of a settlement area, considering both the proposed land uses in the extension areas and existing adjacent uses within the settlement boundary. (ix) The areas considered for expansion maintain a functional separation between communities and foster the feeling of separate, identifiable communities. Adopted July 26, 2006 9 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE (x) Areas considered for expansion are physically suitable in terms of topography, soil and drainage characteristics. (xi) A fiscal impact assessment is undertaken of the current assessment ratios (residential/non-residential) which demonstrates how the options for settlement expansion will improve the ratio, and how the development can be phased to ensure the ratio is improved. (xii) The expansion can be serviced by transportation infrastructure, transit, municipal sewage and water services, and storm water management, in an efficient and costeffective manner. (xiii) Municipal service priorities, such as community and health care facilities, are advanced through the preferred settlement expansion. (xiv) A suitable strategy for the staging, financing and construction of the infrastructure for the expansion is developed. (xv) New residential expansion areas are phased to ensure that new employment areas can be developed in tandem. In this regard, new residential expansion areas shall not proceed beyond Secondary Plan approval until employment lands expansion areas have an approved Secondary Plan, an approved servicing strategy, the required Environmental Assessments for servicing infrastructure are completed and a financing strategy is in place. (xvi) The proposed expansion area offers the most efficient alternative for utilizing existing community facilities where capacity is available and can provide a full range of services to its residents. (xvii) Any area proposed for expansion shall be planned to: • accommodate a compact, transit-supportive form with a mix of uses and densities, • meet the minimum density target of 50 residents and jobs per gross hectare in conjunction with other designated greenfield areas, • complement the existing Core Commercial Areas, • serve the needs of its population with ample parkland and facilities, and • maximize the use of land, existing infrastructure and community facilities. Appeal # 6 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.3.10 Planning for infrastructure and public service facilities shall be integrated with the planning for development, both intensification and greenfield development, to ensure that Adopted July 26, 2006 10 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE public infrastructure and services are available to meet current and projected needs while being provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 2.3.11 In identifying intensification areas as per Section 2.3.3 and areas for settlement boundary expansion as per Section 2.3.9, consideration should be given to opportunities to optimize existing infrastructure and public service facilities, wherever feasible and cost effective, prior to consideration of new infrastructure and public service facilities. 2.4 NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM Intent: A Natural Heritage System (NHS) recognizes the interdependence of natural environmental features and seeks to incorporate them into a single system. Among a number of ecological functions, an NHS preserves linkages to facilitate the movement of flora and fauna, and protects and enhances surface and groundwater quality. A Natural Heritage System thus seeks to maintain ecological linkages among natural heritage features on an ecosystem basis, such that their existing functions are maintained or enhanced. The Natural Heritage System, shown on Schedule A, builds upon the County Greenlands System such that it integrates and links local natural heritage features of significance with the broader County level initiative. The Natural Heritage System represents areas where it is desirable to maintain existing function and link environmental features within the Town. It is a schematic delineation of where local and regional linkages among natural environment features may exist. Only the larger natural environmental features and those where an apparent linkage to the system exists are identified. Other natural environmental features are included in the Natural Environmental Area designation as set out in Section 3.1. The Natural Heritage System is an overlay designation and provides additional natural heritage protection policies to those set out in Section 3.1. It is not intended to affect the continuation of existing uses or prohibit future development, unless otherwise designated on the land use Schedules B and B1 to B14. It is the intent, however, that new development maintains and protects the function of these linkages. Significant natural features within and outside the Natural Heritage System (e.g., woodlands, wetlands, etc.) will be delineated and protected through specific policies in the Natural Environment Designation as set out in Section 3.1. Goals: To protect and enhance the natural environment of the Town. Objectives: Adopted July 26, 2006 11 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 1. To maintain, restore and enhance the biological diversity of natural heritage features and their long term ecological function within the context of a Natural Heritage System. 2. To maintain, restore and where possible improve, the functional connections among natural heritage features (i.e., improve the ability for flora and fauna to move within the natural Heritage System). 3. To protect, improve or restore the quality and quantity of water. 4. To identify surface water features, ground water features, hydrologic functions and natural heritage features and areas, and the linkages and related functions among them, which are necessary for the ecological and hydrological integrity of the Town’s watersheds. 5. To promote the rehabilitation of the Natural Heritage System, including linkages among existing natural heritage features. 6. To conserve the natural character, form, and function of environmental features within a local Natural Heritage System, as a means of sustaining and promoting the natural heritage of the Town of Innisfil. Policies: 2.4.1 The boundaries of the Natural Heritage System, as shown on Schedule A, are schematic and shall be refined if and when land use changes are proposed. At that time, the spatial extent and functional requirements of linkages shall be determined through a watershed plan, Secondary Plan and /or Environmental Impact Study (EIS) process and the boundaries of the NHS refined using the principles provided in Section 2.4.7. Where such studies delineate lands to be protected from development in order to maintain the linkage function, these areas may be designated Natural Environmental Area as per Section 3.1 and shown on Schedules B and B1 to B14. 2.4.2 Where no land uses changes are contemplated, the protection and enhancement of linkages within the Natural Heritage System shall be encouraged through land stewardship. 2.4.3 The Natural Heritage System, illustrated on Schedule A, includes the larger Natural Environmental Area designations (as per Section 3.1.1) along with linkages among them. These linkages should, wherever possible, be located along watercourses or recognizable topographical features. In some cases, connections may extend through lands that are currently in agricultural use, and may also cross roads. Appeal #7 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.4.4 Through a watershed plan, Secondary Plan and /or Environmental Impact Study (EIS) additional linkages between Natural Environmental Area designations may be identified using the principles of 2.4.7. These linkages will be considered to form part of the Adopted July 26, 2006 12 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 2 2.1 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE SECTION TWO: MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE INTENT This Section sets out an overall framework with respect to the future character and development of the Town including its municipal structure, physical size and population. It also describes its strategic efforts to accommodate urban growth, provide a range and mix of housing, attract and accommodate future employment and economic growth, protect the environment, sustain a healthy and accessible waterfront, maintain a viable countryside and maintain the existing quality of life. It is a defining principle that Innisfil will be a healthy, liveable and safe community. The Official Plan can promote this principle through its municipal structure, its strategic policies and its implementing land use designations. In particular, it is the strategic intent of this Plan to: i) accommodate an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, commercial, institutional and open space use in locations which best meet the principles of this Plan and which meet the Town’s long term needs; ii) promote efficient development and land use patterns which minimize land consumption through compact development in areas best able to accommodate it; iii) avoid development in areas of flooding or erosion, natural heritage significance, significant hydrological constraint or in areas that may impact on municipal wells and lake water intake; iv) avoid development and land use patterns that would prevent the efficient expansion of settlements; v) sustain the financial well being of the Town by minimizing servicing costs from new development and creating financial arrangements where new development pays for itself; vi) improve accessibility for persons with disabilities and the elderly through municipal standards and site plan requirements; and vii) ensure that infrastructure and public service facilities are or will be available to meet the needs of the residents by planning for these facilities concurrent with the development process and ensuring development charges and other financial arrangements are updated to deliver the facilities. The strategic intent of this Section is to recognize that the Town of Innisfil will be playing an increasingly key role in Simcoe County in accommodating future residential and employment growth, while maintaining and enhancing its current role as a tourism / recreational area and providing a rural countryside with small village settlements. The policies contained within this Section and subsequent sections of the Plan seek to continue and enhance these roles within the County structure. Adopted July 26, 2006 3 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE The Municipal Structure policies, which are illustrated schematically on Schedule A, describe Innisfil’s key structural elements including the: Natural Heritage System, Urban Settlements, Village Settlements, Lake Simcoe Shoreline, Countryside, and Municipal Civic Campus. The Municipal Structure forms the broad pattern defining the community and provides the strategic framework within which more detailed land use descriptions can be established. As such, land use designations and policies, contained in Section 3.0 of this Plan, implement the strategic direction set out in this Section. Other strategic policies, contained in this Section, include criteria for monitoring progress towards the various population, employment and housing targets of the Official Plan, and for testing the continued appropriateness of those targets. These policies enable the Town to take future action, if and when necessary, to consider expansion of the urban area to provide adequate land areas for these purposes. Criteria are also included here and elsewhere in the Official Plan for evaluating proposals for particular types of development which may raise questions of compatibility, capacity and impact on the strategic intent of the Town. As dynamic forces, including those that may not be foreseen today, continue to impact upon the Town, and as Council considers future amendments to this Plan, special regard shall be had to this Section. As such, applications for changes to land use designations shall be evaluated in terms of their conformity with the structural goals, objectives and policies of this Section. 2.2 THE VISION The following Vision Statement shall guide the overall strategic direction of the municipality during the period of this Official Plan: Innisfil’s future will build on its small town and scenic rural character through managed growth that will result in a complete community providing for a greater choice for housing, increased employment and self-sufficiency with shopping, recreation and community services. A thriving employment area will be focused along the Highway 400 corridor, and in strategic locations within settlements. The existing settlements will be intensified while respecting the village character and identity of each individual settlement. Innisfil will continue to be a community of communities, but a strong identity as one “Town” will be promoted. The Municipal Civic Campus will assist in promoting that identity and become recognized as the centre of the Town. Transportation choices will be improved with future public transit service anchored on the new GO Station and the GO 400 express service. Innisfil’s countryside ambiance will be maintained through Adopted July 26, 2006 4 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE protection and enhancement of the rural agricultural areas and natural features with support for the viability of farming. Increased public access to the shoreline and improved health of Lake Simcoe will be a draw for residents and visitors alike. Lakefront parks will be a place for community gathering. Growth will be based on prudent infrastructure planning and strong policies that will define where growth will occur, preserve the natural environment, maintain the quiet and peaceful countryside and foster the building of active communities. Appeal #1 insofar as it relates to the bolded text. 2.3 GROWTH MANAGEMENT Intent: In addition to the elements illustrated on Schedule A, the settlement boundaries, as illustrated on Schedule A and further delineated on Schedule B, are important defining features of the Municipal Structure in this Plan. The settlement boundaries serve to distinguish between areas intended for existing or future urban development, and the surrounding Countryside areas where agriculture will remain the predominant use. Sufficient land shall be included within the settlement boundaries to accommodate the anticipated population and employment needs of the Town for the 20 year time frame of this Official Plan. In order to ensure a continuous 10 year supply of residential land and a competitive housing market, additional land may be needed within the time frame of the Official Plan. The continued adequacy of the settlement boundaries shall be assessed during each successive five-year review of the Official Plan, as required by The Planning Act. If necessary, a settlement boundary may be adjusted by amendment to this Plan as shown to be warranted by those reviews. Additional lands will likely need to be accommodated within the settlement boundaries in order to implement the Simcoe Area Growth Plan and the Town’s Preferred Growth Management Strategy. This will be achieved through a separate Official Plan Amendment to this plan prior to the next five year review and such amendment shall be considered to be part of the municipal comprehensive review which began with the preparation of the Town’s Preferred Growth Management Strategy and this Official Plan. Goals: To maintain settlement boundaries which contain sufficient land to accommodate growth anticipated by this Official Plan over the 20 year time frame of the Official Plan until 2026. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. To achieve a balanced community where all residents have the opportunity to live, work and play in the community. Adopted July 26, 2006 5 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE To develop as a complete community with a diverse mix of land uses, housing, employment, recreation facilities and services. To accommodate development which protects the health of the Lake Simcoe and Nottawasaga River watersheds and the Natural Heritage System. Objectives: 1) To ensure an orderly progression of urban development, and the efficient use of land and existing infrastructure and services. 2) To create a balanced community where employment opportunities are consistent with the available labour force. This is generally considered a ratio of 1 employee for every 2 residents. Appeal # 2 insofar as it relates to the bolded text. 3) To focus industrial growth in the Highway 400 corridor within the vicinity of Innisfil Heights Business Park. Appeal # 3 as it relates to Objective 3. 4) To direct the majority of the population growth to Urban Settlements. 5) To ensure that necessary transportation and servicing infrastructure is available or will be made available to serve planned areas of urban growth. 6) To encourage and facilitate redevelopment, infilling and intensification within the Urban and Village Settlement boundaries. 7) To identify criteria to be considered in any study of future settlement boundary expansions. 8) To ensure the rural farm lifestyle including the agricultural land base is respected and preserved 9) To ensure that development protects and where possible improves the health of the Lake Simcoe and Nottawassaga River watersheds. 10) To ensure natural heritage features and areas are protected for the long term. 11) To ensure that mineral aggregate operations and mineral aggregate resources are protected over the long term. Policies: 2.3.1 The settlement boundaries illustrated on Schedule A, Municipal Structure and on Schedule B, Land Use, serve to distinguish between areas intended for future urban development and areas where agriculture or other rural uses are intended to remain predominant over the long term. Adopted July 26, 2006 6 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 2.3.2 During the life of this Plan, it is anticipated that the Town will reach full build-out of its designated greenfield areas within the existing settlement boundaries. At build-out, the population of the Town is anticipated to reach approximately 55,500 persons, based on the build-out of designated greenfield areas and an estimate of intensification potential. This build-out is expected to occur well before the end of the planning period in 2026. The majority of that population will be located within the Urban Settlements. Limited growth may occur within the Village Settlements. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.3.3 Infill and intensification are encouraged and will be facilitated within the delineated built up areas of the Urban Settlements, as well as within the Village Settlements, which are identified as undelineated built-up areas by the Built Boundary for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Core Commercial Areas within the Urban Settlements are recognized and planned for as intensification corridors subject to the policies contained within the secondary plans for those areas. New and updated secondary plans shall identify additional opportunities for infill and intensification and designate such areas as intensification areas with appropriate minimum and maximum densities. Such studies shall also protect and maintain stable residential neighbourhoods from infill and intensification which is out of keeping with the physical character of those neighbourhoods. 2.3.4 The Town shall target for approximately 20 per cent of new dwelling units to be provided through intensification after 2015. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.3.5 In order to achieve the employment objective of one job for every two residents, an employment target of 27,750 will need to be achieved by 2026. It is anticipated that approximately 60 per cent of jobs will occur on traditional employment lands and enough lands must be designated to achieve that target. The remainder of the employment will be located in the living areas through commercial, institutional and government related jobs and in the Countryside through agricultural and rural related jobs. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.3.6 The Simcoe Area Growth Plan and the Town’s Growth Management Strategy shall be incorporated into this Plan by subsequent Official Plan amendment and shall update the targets set out in this Section and, where necessary and justified, the boundaries of settlements. 2.3.7 Amendments to the growth projections or to settlement boundaries shall only be considered on a comprehensive basis at the time of the 5 year review or other comprehensive review, unless otherwise set out in this Plan. Such reviews shall include an update of the Growth Management study forecasts and analyses. Adopted July 26, 2006 7 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 2.3.8 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE An update of the Growth Management Study undertaken during the 5 year review shall consider the following matters: (i) Statistical records of housing unit completions in previous years. (ii) Statistical records of the amount of vacant employment land absorbed in previous years. (iii) Comparison of employment verses population to determine the Town’s success in moving towards its employment target. (iv) Comparison of these actual development trends to those forecast in the Innisfil Growth Management Study, Population and Employment Forecast, November 2005 and any County or Provincial forecast for the area. (v) Determination of the amount of undeveloped land, including residential and employment designated lands, remaining within the settlement area boundaries, and the potential to accommodate future population and employment through redevelopment, infilling or intensification of developed lands within the built boundary of settlement areas. (vi) Assessment based on population forecasts and actual development trends, of whether there is sufficient residential land designated in approved Secondary Plans to maintain a continuous 10-year supply of land for housing until the next 5 year review. At the mid point of the planning period, the Growth Management Study should ensure that there is sufficient land within the settlement boundaries to accommodate the projected housing needs for up to 20 years. Analysis of supply should consider not just quantitative matters, but also qualitative matters including providing a full range of housing to meet the varying needs and preferences of current and future population and households. (vii) Assessment, based on the employment forecasts and actual development trends, of whether there is sufficient land to achieve the employment target ratio and whether the available inventory is adequate and suitable to meet the diverse needs of potential industrial users. Such analysis should consider both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the vacant industrial inventory, including the available range in size, exposure, accessibility and other factors. viii) Changes in County or Provincial Policy and other legislative matters that may arise. (ix) If any of the above-noted requirements in paragraphs v) or vi) cannot be achieved, then a Settlement Boundary Expansion Study should be initiated by the Town. Adopted July 26, 2006 8 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 2.3.9 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE When undertaking a Settlement Boundary Expansion Study, the Town shall consider the following matters in assessing potential areas for expansion: (i) The size of the expansion proposed is to be determined after considering: opportunities for intensification within the built boundary, a compact, transit supportive urban form which can accommodate a range and mix of housing types within the proposed expansion, the ability to meet a minimum density target of not less than 50 residents and jobs per gross hectare while also providing an appropriate transition to adjacent residential areas and a housing form in keeping with the character of the settlement area, updated projections of population and households, housing needs by type, employment and employment land needs by major category. (ii) Alternatives for settlement expansion shall not include lands designated as Specialty Crop Areas. (iii) Alternatives for settlement expansion shall only include lands designated Agricultural Area where it has been demonstrated that there are no reasonable alternatives which avoid prime agricultural lands or which are on lower priority agricultural lands. iv) Alternatives for settlement expansion which protect existing licensed aggregate operations and/or demonstrate that the proposed expansion will not result in the preclusion or hindrance of the establishment of new mineral aggregate operations or access to mineral aggregate resources within high potential resource areas. (v) A comparative assessment is undertaken to determine the impact of the alternative settlement expansions on agricultural operations adjacent or close to the alternative settlement expansions, and to show that any impacts from the preferred expansion are mitigated to the extent feasible. (vi) Alternatives for settlement expansion protect significant natural environmental features, demonstrate that the Natural Heritage System can be maintained and refined, and minimize the potential impact on the quality or quantity of ground water and surface water. (vii) Ability to achieve the target employment activity rate set out in Section 2.3.5. (viii) The areas considered for expansion form logical extensions of a settlement area, considering both the proposed land uses in the extension areas and existing adjacent uses within the settlement boundary. (ix) The areas considered for expansion maintain a functional separation between communities and foster the feeling of separate, identifiable communities. Adopted July 26, 2006 9 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE (x) Areas considered for expansion are physically suitable in terms of topography, soil and drainage characteristics. (xi) A fiscal impact assessment is undertaken of the current assessment ratios (residential/non-residential) which demonstrates how the options for settlement expansion will improve the ratio, and how the development can be phased to ensure the ratio is improved. (xii) The expansion can be serviced by transportation infrastructure, transit, municipal sewage and water services, and storm water management, in an efficient and costeffective manner. (xiii) Municipal service priorities, such as community and health care facilities, are advanced through the preferred settlement expansion. (xiv) A suitable strategy for the staging, financing and construction of the infrastructure for the expansion is developed. (xv) New residential expansion areas are phased to ensure that new employment areas can be developed in tandem. In this regard, new residential expansion areas shall not proceed beyond Secondary Plan approval until employment lands expansion areas have an approved Secondary Plan, an approved servicing strategy, the required Environmental Assessments for servicing infrastructure are completed and a financing strategy is in place. (xvi) The proposed expansion area offers the most efficient alternative for utilizing existing community facilities where capacity is available and can provide a full range of services to its residents. (xvii) Any area proposed for expansion shall be planned to: • accommodate a compact, transit-supportive form with a mix of uses and densities, • meet the minimum density target of 50 residents and jobs per gross hectare in conjunction with other designated greenfield areas, • complement the existing Core Commercial Areas, • serve the needs of its population with ample parkland and facilities, and • maximize the use of land, existing infrastructure and community facilities. Appeal # 6 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.3.10 Planning for infrastructure and public service facilities shall be integrated with the planning for development, both intensification and greenfield development, to ensure that public infrastructure and services are available to meet current and projected needs while being provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 10 Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 2.3.11 In identifying intensification areas as per Section 2.3.3 and areas for settlement boundary expansion as per Section 2.3.9, consideration should be given to opportunities to optimize existing infrastructure and public service facilities, wherever feasible and cost effective, prior to consideration of new infrastructure and public service facilities. 2.4 NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM Intent: A Natural Heritage System (NHS) recognizes the interdependence of natural environmental features and seeks to incorporate them into a single system. Among a number of ecological functions, an NHS preserves linkages to facilitate the movement of flora and fauna, and protects and enhances surface and groundwater quality. A Natural Heritage System thus seeks to maintain ecological linkages among natural heritage features on an ecosystem basis, such that their existing functions are maintained or enhanced. The Natural Heritage System, shown on Schedule A, builds upon the County Greenlands System such that it integrates and links local natural heritage features of significance with the broader County level initiative. The Natural Heritage System represents areas where it is desirable to maintain existing function and link environmental features within the Town. It is a schematic delineation of where local and regional linkages among natural environment features may exist. Only the larger natural environmental features and those where an apparent linkage to the system exists are identified. Other natural environmental features are included in the Natural Environmental Area designation as set out in Section 3.1. The Natural Heritage System is an overlay designation and provides additional natural heritage protection policies to those set out in Section 3.1. It is not intended to affect the continuation of existing uses or prohibit future development, unless otherwise designated on the land use Schedules B and B1 to B14. It is the intent, however, that new development maintains and protects the function of these linkages. Significant natural features within and outside the Natural Heritage System (e.g., woodlands, wetlands, etc.) will be delineated and protected through specific policies in the Natural Environment Designation as set out in Section 3.1. Goals: To protect and enhance the natural environment of the Town. Objectives: 1. To maintain, restore and enhance the biological diversity of natural heritage features and their long term ecological function within the context of a Natural Heritage System. Adopted July 26, 2006 11 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 2. To maintain, restore and where possible improve, the functional connections among natural heritage features (i.e., improve the ability for flora and fauna to move within the natural Heritage System). 3. To protect, improve or restore the quality and quantity of water. 4. To identify surface water features, ground water features, hydrologic functions and natural heritage features and areas, and the linkages and related functions among them, which are necessary for the ecological and hydrological integrity of the Town’s watersheds. 5. To promote the rehabilitation of the Natural Heritage System, including linkages among existing natural heritage features. 6. To conserve the natural character, form, and function of environmental features within a local Natural Heritage System, as a means of sustaining and promoting the natural heritage of the Town of Innisfil. Policies: 2.4.1 The boundaries of the Natural Heritage System, as shown on Schedule A, are schematic and shall be refined if and when land use changes are proposed. At that time, the spatial extent and functional requirements of linkages shall be determined through a watershed plan, Secondary Plan and /or Environmental Impact Study (EIS) process and the boundaries of the NHS refined using the principles provided in Section 2.4.7. Where such studies delineate lands to be protected from development in order to maintain the linkage function, these areas may be designated Natural Environmental Area as per Section 3.1 and shown on Schedules B and B1 to B14. 2.4.2 Where no land uses changes are contemplated, the protection and enhancement of linkages within the Natural Heritage System shall be encouraged through land stewardship. 2.4.3 The Natural Heritage System, illustrated on Schedule A, includes the larger Natural Environmental Area designations (as per Section 3.1.1) along with linkages among them. These linkages should, wherever possible, be located along watercourses or recognizable topographical features. In some cases, connections may extend through lands that are currently in agricultural use, and may also cross roads. Appeal #7 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.4.4 Through a watershed plan, Secondary Plan and /or Environmental Impact Study (EIS) additional linkages between Natural Environmental Area designations may be identified using the principles of 2.4.7. These linkages will be considered to form part of the Natural Heritage System and shall be protected from development. Lands comprising the linkage may also be designated Natural Environmental Area as per Section Appeal #8 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Adopted July 26, 2006 12 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.4.5 Natural Environmental Areas referred to in Section 2.4.3, and as shown on Schedules B and B1 to B14, shall be protected and designated through the land use policies of Section 3.1, regardless of whether they are located within the Natural Heritage System as illustrated on Schedule A. Appeal #9 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.4.6 The uses permitted in the Natural Heritage System shall be those set out in Section Appeal #10 insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.4.7 The following general principles shall be used for delineating the Natural Heritage System: Incorporate Natural Environmental Area designated features, as set out in Section 3.1, among which functional linkages can be established. Preserve, and where possible improve, functional connections among natural heritage features; In particular, maintain connections between open water features (e.g., ponds and small lakes) and upland woods; Include local level connections where ever practical and ecologically desirable; Wherever possible, include coldwater streams, headwater wetlands and associated woodlands; Provide for linkages that extend outside of the Town boundaries as generally delineated on Schedule A; Link woodlands that occur along watercourses; and Evaluate the role of smaller woodlands and meadows, and the linkages among them and other Natural Environmental Area features, and incorporate them into the Natural Heritage System where appropriate. Appeal #11 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of the 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.5 URBAN SETTLEMENTS Intent: Urban Settlements are the primary focus of and location for urban growth within the Town of Innisfil and are intended to provide for a broad range of housing opportunities, commercial facilities and services, recreation, culture, government facilities and services and employment opportunities. Adopted July 26, 2006 13 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE Goals: To accommodate the majority of the future growth in fully serviced areas which provide for a broad range of housing, services, shops, recreation, institutions and employment. Objectives: 1. To permit growth to occur in a controlled, orderly fashion on full municipal services. 2. To ensure that the boundaries, separations and intervening land uses between Urban Settlements contribute to the vision of a “community of communities”. 3. To ensure retail services are made available in every urban settlement and that the function and viability of the Core Commercial Areas are protected and maintained. Policies: 2.5.1 The following areas are delineated as Urban Settlements on Schedule A: Alcona, Cookstown, Lefroy-Belle Ewart, Sandy Cove and Innisfil Heights. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text 2.5.2 Urban Settlements will accommodate the majority of residential and employment growth within the municipality and will be based on full municipal services. 2.5.3 Table One identifies the planned population and employment within each Urban Settlement. Appeal #14 as it relates to Section 2.5.3 and Table One in their entirety. Table One Planned Population and Employment Urban Settlement Planned Population Planned Employment* Alcona 22,000 NA Cookstown 2,100 100 Lefroy - Belle Ewart 8,350 NA 8,500** NA Sandy Cove Innisfil Heights 120 11,000 Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded and underlined text * Employment in employment areas. Additional employment will occur in the Urban Settlements through commercial, service, and institutional jobs as well as home occupations. ** Tentative to be confirmed through a Secondary Plan study. Adopted July 26, 2006 14 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 2.5.4 Development necessitating a change in land use designation within Urban Settlements will only be permitted once a Secondary Plan is adopted for each settlement. The study requirements of which are set out in Section 9.18.1. Appeal #15 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.5.5 Each Urban Settlement may be comprised of three key structural elements: living areas, employment areas and core commercial areas. The land use policies of this plan and the secondary plans shall reinforce these key structural elements and ensure their general delineation and viability. 2.5.6 Schedules B1, B2, B3 and B5 delineate the built boundary in Alcona, Cookstown, Lefroy-Belle Ewart and Sandy Cove respectively in accordance with Policy of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. A built boundary for Sandy Cove and Lefroy – Belle Ewart were not delineated in the Built Boundary for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. However, these Urban Settlements fit the criteria for a delineated built boundary as they will accommodate significant future residential growth and will be a focus for intensification. 2.5.7 Residential development within the built boundary is considered intensification and will contribute to the Town’s intensification target in Section 2.3.4. Between the built boundary and the Urban Settlement boundary, the lands shall be recognized as “designated greenfield areas”, and the minimum designated greenfield area density targets must be achieved. 2.5.8 With the designated greenfield areas, a minimum density of 50 persons and jobs per hectares should be achieved exclusive of employment areas. Employment areas comprise lands designated Business Park, General Industrial Area and Light Industrial Service. Within the designated greenfield area component of employment areas, a minimum density of 30 jobs per hectares should be achieved. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.5.9 Urban Settlements should be spatially and functionally separated from one another with intervening countryside or open space features in order to maintain the vision of Innisfil as a “community of communities”. 2.5.10 New greenfield development will be phased based on the growth needs, servicing capability and relationship between employment and housing growth in terms of the ability achieve the employment activity rate target of Section 2.3.5. In this regard, employment areas and areas in support of employment growth shall be given priority over other settlement areas. 2.5.11 When considering the extension of services into designated greenfield areas within an Urban Settlement and the phasing of such development, the Town shall give priority to development adjacent to existing built up areas, but shall be flexible in order to maintain Adopted July 26, 2006 15 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE a healthy housing market and to encourage competition and variety in the production of new housing stock. 2.5.12 Upon the completion of Secondary Plans, development within the Urban Settlements shall proceed by plan of subdivision, rezoning and / or site plan approval only when the required municipal water supply and distribution facilities, municipal sewage infrastructure, storm water management facilities, and transportation facilities identified in the Secondary Plan and supporting Master Drainage Plan, Servicing Master Plan and Transportation Master Plans are available, or commitments have been made and approved to make the necessary infrastructure available. Appeal #17 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. 2.5.13 Sandy Cove is identified in Schedule A as an Urban Settlement in the Official Plan. A Secondary Plan study shall be undertaken for the entire settlement area, and shall as one study component confirm the settlement boundaries. As much of the area is currently built with urban uses, the full range of studies set out in Section 9.18.1 shall not be required. The Secondary Plan shall, however, address the following matters in addition to the settlement boundaries: i) The appropriate designation of a series of small rural designated parcels within the Urban Settlement study boundaries. The Secondary Plan study shall determine through an environmental analysis the extent and significance of environmental features and functions on these parcels and the appropriateness for infill residential development as per Section 9.18.1ii; ii) Other opportunities for infill and intensification; iii) The physical extent, characteristics and policies for a potential commercial core node on 25th Sideroad south of Lockhart Road; iv) The appropriate type and density of housing permitted on lands designated Residential Retirement which would encourage a variety of housing types and densities; v) Ultimate population target and the servicing capacity available to the area; vi) Within the lands designated as Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area on Schedule B5, studies shall be undertaken prior to Secondary Plan approval to address matters of required servicing infrastructure, stormwater management, transportation and transit infrastructure, and environmental features to be protected as more specifically set out in Section This policy is not intended to delay any applications for rezoning or plan of subdivision that are implementing the current Official Plan designations in the settlement area. Appeal #18 only insofar as it relates to the lands located at the southeast corner of 25th Sideroad and Mapleview Drive. Adopted July 26, 2006 16 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 2.6 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE VILLAGE SETTLEMENTS Intent: The Village Settlements include the small historic settlements along Yonge Street and Lake Simcoe, which are partially serviced. It is intended that these areas retain their current small village character and accommodate limited new development on municipal water and private septic systems. Goals: To maintain the small village character of the Village Settlements while permitting limited growth. Objectives: 1. To permit limited residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and recreation uses to serve the residents of each village settlement and the surrounding agricultural / rural / resort community. 2. To permit limited infilling and rounding out of Village Settlements subject to the policies of this Plan. Policies: 2.6.1 The following areas are delineated as Village Settlements on Schedule A: Stroud, Churchill, Fennell’s Corners and Gilford. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.6.2 Village Settlements will primarily be comprised of large lot single detached dwellings on partial services, small scale local serving commercial uses, churches, schools and other local institutional uses and parks, open space and recreational uses. 2.6.3 Development shall occur in accordance with the specific policies in the Village Residential, Village Commercial and Institutional designations set out in Section 3 and the detailed mapping of land uses within each Village Settlement delineated on Schedules B7, B8, B9 and B10. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.6.4 In keeping with the municipal strategy to direct growth to fully serviced Urban Settlements, growth in Village Settlements will be limited to infill, minor expansions and rounding out of the boundaries of the settlement area, as per Section 2.6.5. 2.6.5 Minor expansions and rounding out of a Village Settlement shall be considered as part of a municipal comprehensive review which shall consider the following matters prior to adoption of an Official Plan Amendment: i) a settlement capability study to evaluate servicing alternatives and demonstrate that development on private or communal services is feasible, provided; Adopted July 26, 2006 17 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE a) a maximum of 5 new lots are permitted where private septic services are the preferred servicing alternative; b) communal sewage disposal is the preferred servicing option for more than 5 lots; c) in the case of rounding out of existing partially serviced Village Settlements, more than 5 lots on private septic services may be permitted provided the settlement capability study determines these privately serviced lots are feasible; and d) for all private septic serviced or partially serviced lots, sufficient reserve sewage system capacity is confirmed within the Town’s municipal sewer treatment systems to treat for hauled sewage from the private systems or partial services; e) where municipal water is provided, confirmation of sufficient capacity. ii) demonstration that the expansion area can be serviced by transportation infrastructure, water services and storm water management in an efficient and cost-effective manner; and iii) matters set out in Section 2.3.9 (i) first and 4th bullets, (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (viii), (ix), (x), (xi), and (xiv). 2.6.6 It is anticipated that all new plans of subdivision will be serviced with municipal water and private septic or communal services. New residential and commercial growth, including new infill lots, will not be permitted unless accompanied by a hydrogeological study to the satisfaction of the Town indicating that the MOE reasonable use guidelines for septic systems can be achieved. Unless a settlement capability study under Section 2.6.5 has been conducted, applications for multi-lot development shall also be accompanied by an evaluation of servicing alternatives (i.e. communal or individual) including justification for the proposed form of servicing. 2.6.7 Despite the policies of Section 2.6.5 (i) and 2.6.6, it is the policy of the Town not to assume ownership of communal sewage servicing systems. The effect of this policy may be to preclude future proposed development. 2.6.8 Commercial uses sufficient to support the convenience and day-to-day needs of the Village Settlement and the surrounding agricultural/rural community should be encouraged. 2.6.9 If full municipal services are extended to any of the Village Settlements, the Village Settlement shall be redesignated as an Urban Settlement and a secondary plan shall be prepared addressing the matters set out in Section 9.18. The secondary plan study shall also delineate a built boundary for the settlement area. 2.6.10 The Village Settlements are identified as undelineated built up areas by the Built Boundary for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. As such, all Adopted July 26, 2006 18 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE residential growth within the Village Settlements shall contribute to the intensification target set out in Section 2.3.4. 2.7 LAKE SIMCOE SHORELINE Intent: The Lake Simcoe Shoreline represents the lands along Lake Simcoe including Kempenfelt Bay and Cooks Bay, as shown on Schedule A. It is an area of competing land use and regulatory interests. Much of the shoreline has historically been developed for seasonal cottages, full time dwellings, small scale seasonal resorts, marinas and other tourism commercial uses, as well as Urban and Village Settlements including Alcona, Sandy Cove, Lefroy/Belle Ewart and Gilford. Very little of the shoreline is left in an undeveloped state. However, the entire shoreline edge is considered a natural heritage feature and designated Natural Environmental Area. Outside of the Urban and Village Settlements, the shoreline is considered part of the Countryside, despite in many areas having a developed character. In these developed areas of the Countryside, only limited further development is permitted, which is related to lake-based recreational activities. Increasingly the seasonal cottages are being converted or replaced by larger full time residences. Shoreline Residential Areas outside of Urban and Village Settlements shall remain as predominately small scale, residential areas. Limited infilling that maintains the character of the area will be permitted. Access to the waterfront is also an important principle for residents and should be improved where possible. Residents are also desirous of improving the water quality of the lake. Providing full municipal sewer services, to portions of the Lake Simcoe Shoreline Area, will assist in improving the water quality of the Lake. Goals: To maintain the majority of the Lake Simcoe Shoreline as a residential and recreational area. To provide adequate vegetative buffering and development setbacks along the shoreline of Lake Simcoe. Objectives: 1. To provide for both permanent residential and seasonal residential uses. 2. To ensure that any development, redevelopment or site alteration in shoreline hazards related to flooding, erosion and dynamic beach will be designed in accordance with accepted standards and procedures. 3. To encourage public land acquisition and improve public access to Lake Simcoe. 4. To improve the water quality of Lake Simcoe through proper land management and, where feasible, municipal services along the Shoreline Area. 5. To increase the natural cover along the Shoreline Area and encourage shoreline naturalization. Adopted July 26, 2006 19 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 6. To link the natural heritage system to Lake Simcoe. Policies: 2.7.1 The Lake Simcoe Shoreline is schematically delineated on Schedule A. 2.7.2 Outside of the Urban and Village Settlements, existing developed portions of the Lake Simcoe Shoreline are primarily comprised of existing dwellings and uses and lake-based recreational activities such as, marinas, tourist and resort oriented commercial uses, recreational uses and limited convenience oriented commercial uses. As well, it is the intention of this Plan that existing developed portions of the Lake Simcoe Shoreline shall maintain their residential and recreational character. 2.7.3 Development shall occur in accordance with the applicable land use policies set out in Section 3 and the detailed mapping of land uses delineated on Schedules B, B1, B3, B5, B10, B11, B12, B13 and B14. 2.7.4 In keeping with the municipal strategy to direct growth to fully serviced Urban Settlements, growth in the Lake Simcoe Shoreline shall be directed to settlements and outside of settlements, shall be limited in scale to infill, minor expansions and rounding out of existing developed shoreline areas, delineated on Schedules B10, B11, B12, B13 and B14. Such minor expansions and rounding out shall not exceed 3 new lots, except where zoning, existing at the time of approval of this Plan, permits a greater number of lots based on minimum lot size. 2.7.5 Infill development and minor expansions within the existing developed portions of the Lake Simcoe Shoreline outside of settlements will only be permitted once a Master Drainage Plan is completed that addresses flooding, stormwater management, and high water table constraints. The study should identify means through new development to preserve and enhance drainage outlets to Lake Simcoe and reduce flooding. 2.7.6 Larger scale commercial facilities and community services, other than marinas and resort recreational uses, shall be directed to and provided in the Urban Settlements. Commercial and community services, beyond those currently in existence outside of the settlements, shall generally not be permitted unless it is related to shoreline activities, cannot be located in an Urban or Village Settlement, and a demand for the use is proven to the satisfaction of the Town. 2.7.7 It is the long term intention of the Town to provide a central water supply and sewage collection and disposal system along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline from Concession I to XII including Big Bay Point subject to an approved EA. Conversion of existing individual septic systems to municipal sanitary servicing will have a significant benefit to Lake Simcoe. Further infilling and new lot creations may not be permitted on an individual or more comprehensive basis until these municipal servicing systems are in place because of the negative impact of private services on the environment. Adopted July 26, 2006 20 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 2.7.8 Where municipal sewer services are not available, new lots should not be approved unless accompanied by a hydrogeological study to the satisfaction of the Town indicating that the MOE reasonable use guidelines for septic systems can be met and provided no more than 3 new lots are created except where zoning existing at the time of approval of this plan permits a greater number of lots based on minimum lot size. 2.7.9 The area of the Old Lake Algonquin Shoreline along Kempenfelt Bay shall be maintained in its natural state to provide protection to the shoreline from sedimentation and erosion. In this regard, these areas shall be included within the Natural Environmental Area designation and no buildings or structures shall be permitted except that a properly constructed access to the lake shall be considered in consultation with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. Consideration shall also be given to the designation and protection of significant woodlands along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline. Where development is proposed in these areas, the top of bank shall be established by a registered Ontario Land Surveyor and the limits of development within these areas shall be established through an Environmental Impact Study in consultation with the County and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. 2.7.10 Existing development along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline shall be encouraged and new development shall be required to maintain a naturalized vegetative strip adjacent to the waters edge and to maintain a naturalized shoreline in order to improve water quality and fish habitat. 2.7.11 Where feasible, as part of any development or re-development along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline, the Town shall encourage the replacement, in consultation with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources, of hard shoreline structures (such as armour stone, concrete wrip-wrap, iron sheeting, etc.) with a naturalized shoreline including native vegetation. 2.7.12 The Town will endeavour to increase the amount of publicly accessible open space along the Lake Simcoe shoreline in accordance with policies 3.10.5 and 3.10.11. 2.7.13 The creation of new lots shall generally be directed to areas outside of hazardous lands adjacent to lake Simcoe which are impacted by flooding, erosion and dynamic beach hazards. 2.7.14 The LSRCA may require the establishment of conservation easements, under the Conservation Land Act, through the planning and development process in order to protect environmental areas along Lake Simcoe. 2.8 COUNTRYSIDE Intent: The Countryside area represents lands designated as Specialty Crop Area, Agricultural Area, Rural Area, Rural Industrial, Rural Commercial, Institutional and Open Space, along with areas of high potential mineral aggregate resources. It is the intent of this Plan to preserve and protect Adopted July 26, 2006 21 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE prime agricultural areas, maintain the viability of farming and preserve the rural farm character within the Countryside Area. With a growing urban community, it is recognized that increased conflicts will likely occur between the farm operations and non-farm and urban uses. These potential conflicts need to be minimized to the extent possible through the application of the policies of this Plan. Goals: To preserve the rural farm character of the countryside areas of the Town To preserve prime agricultural areas for a wide variety of agricultural uses. Objectives: 1. To protect specialty crop and prime agricultural areas for long-term use for agriculture. 2. To encourage and provide for a broad range of agricultural uses and rural uses. 3. To direct development to the Urban and Village Settlements, but where rural land uses cannot be located in these settlements to direct such uses to the Rural Area designation. Policies: 2.8.1 The Countryside shall be delineated predominantly into three designations on the Land Use Schedule B. These designations shall include Specialty Crop Area, Agriculture Area and Rural Area as per sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 respectively. As well, other designations in the Countryside include Shoreline Residential Area, Shoreline Commercial Area, Rural Industrial, Highway Commercial Area, Extractive Industrial Area and Parks and Open Space. 2.8.2 The Town shall direct development to Urban and Village Settlements, except where necessary for development related to the management or use of resources, resource based recreational activities and rural land uses that cannot be located in Urban and Village Settlements. In this respect, Rural, non-agricultural uses shall be limited and only permitted pursuant to the general direction of this Section and the Rural Area land use policies of Section 3. 2.8.3 The Town shall avoid matters of incompatibility which may arise between farming operations and the Urban and Village Settlements through compliance with the minimum distance separation formulae, buffering in urban areas abutting farm operations, and providing means to minimize traffic conflicts on Town roads. 2.8.4 The Town shall encourage a broad range of agriculture uses within the Countryside including permitting those related to farming as of right in the land use designations and zoning by-law. 2.8.5 Home industries, home occupations, farm gate sales, fruit and vegetable markets and other activities which produce value-added agricultural products from the farm operation Adopted July 26, 2006 22 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE shall be permitted throughout the Countryside in order to assist the farming community supplement their incomes as per the policies of this plan. 2.8.6 New rural commercial, rural industrial or institutional uses, may be permitted in the Countryside Area through an Official Plan Amendment, provided it is demonstrated that: i) the proposed use is a rural land use that cannot be located in Village or Urban Settlements; or ii) the proposed use is related to the management or use of resources or resource-based recreation; and iii) the propose site is not within a Specialty Crop designation; and iv) if in the Agricultural Area designation, the proposed use shall be limited and meet the requirements of Sections 2.8.8 and 2.8.7 New non-farm, rural residential uses shall not be permitted within Specialty Crop Area or Agricultural Area designations, and in only limited circumstances in the Rural designation as per the policies of the Rural Area designation. 2.8.8 Applications for rural, non-agricultural uses shall be directed to Rural Areas; shall mitigate to the extent feasible impacts on surrounding agricultural operations; and shall comply with the minimum distance separation formulae. 2.9 MUNICIPAL CIVIC CAMPUS Intent: Through the preparation of this Plan, the public consistently raised the need for an identifiable centre to the municipality which could be used as a central meeting place and focus for community wide activities. With the municipal offices and the Multi Use Recreational Facility located at Innisfil Beach Road and Yonge Street, a central civic service node is emerging. This location has the advantage of neutrality, in that it is not located in any of the existing designated settlements. Goals: To create an identifiable civic node for the Town. Objectives: 1. To create a central gathering place for the residents of the Town. 2. To consider directing all major public facilities to the Municipal Civic Campus. Policies: 2.9.1 The Municipal Civic Campus is identified schematically on Schedule A: Municipal Structure Map. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. Adopted July 26, 2006 23 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan 2.9.2 MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE All future major cultural, recreational and government facilities should be considered within the Municipal Civic Campus. 2.9.3 Large scale industrial, retail or service commercial uses shall be directed to the Urban Settlements. However, limited service commercial uses serving the patrons and employees of the Municipal Civic Campus should be permitted, subject to the policies of Section 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.10 HOUSING Intent: The Provincial Policy Statement (2005) requires municipalities to provide a range of housing types and opportunities to accommodate residential growth. As part of the accommodation of growth, it also requires a consideration of opportunities for residential intensification and redevelopment, as does the Growth Plan (2006). In Innisfil, due to the lack of brownfield lands and little underutilized commercial lands, there are limited opportunities for intensification. Opportunities are largely limited to infill on previously undeveloped sites, severance of large lots, accessory dwelling units and low-rise, multistorey mixed use intensification in the core commercial area of Alcona. Facilitating opportunities for infill and intensification will require a balance to ensure that adjacent residents are not unduly impacted and the existing character of residential neighbourhoods are protected. Goals: To accommodate future housing demands while maintaining the character of established neighbourhoods. Objectives: 1) To maintain at a minimum a 10 year supply of residential designated land in order to ensure that housing prices remain affordable. 2) To provide a range of lot sizes and densities, housing types, and tenure, provided the scale and massing of development is in keeping with the character of the Town. 3) To encourage residential intensification throughout the community as appropriate opportunities arise through infill, redevelopment, conversion or other methods of residential and mixed-use intensification which are in keeping with the scale and character of the surrounding residential area. Policies: 2.10.1 Council shall encourage the development industry to provide housing which includes a variety of dwelling unit types in terms of density, tenure, unit size and price including special needs housing. Adopted July 26, 2006 24 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 2.10.2 The Town shall maintain at all times a 10 year supply of residentially designated lands. In this context, designated means in approved Secondary Plans where applicable. 2.10.3 Council shall endeavour to maintain at all times a 3 year supply of housing units on lands suitably zoned to facilitate residential intensification and redevelopment and in registered, or draft approved plans of subdivision. The Town shall also endeavour to ensure sufficient servicing capacity to accommodate this housing. 2.10.4 The Town shall permit and facilitate all forms of residential intensification and redevelopment through the review of site specific applications and studies undertaken through the completion of Secondary Plans. 2.10.5 In considering applications for infill and intensification, the Town shall consider the impact on adjacent residential uses including overlook and shadowing, the character of the surrounding area and the need for a transition in heights and densities adjacent to existing residential uses. 2.10.6 In order to properly facilitate infill and intensification, the Town shall review and update the Alcona and Cookstown Secondary Plans to identify and facilitate opportunities for infill and identify areas of intensification while minimizing impact upon and protecting the character of existing residential neighbourhoods. 2.10.7 Where full municipal services are extended to Urban and Village Settlements, the Town shall undertake an intensification study to determine opportunities for infill and identify areas of intensification along with appropriate policies on minimum lot sizes and densities, setbacks and transition requirements to govern future applications for severances and intensification. Where full municipal services are extended to the Shoreline Area outside of settlements, the Town shall undertake an intensification study to determine opportunities for infill in keeping with the minimum lot size set out in existing zoning at the time of approval of this Plan or a maximum of 3 new lots, which ever is greater. 2.10.8 The Town shall endeavour to achieve a housing mix of 75% low density housing forms and 25% medium and high density housing forms during the period of this Plan. 2.10.9 The Town shall promote and establish, in appropriate locations, residential standards, which facilitate compact form, efficiently use of land and resources and support the use of public transit. 2.10.10 The Town will facilitate the provision of affordable housing by: 1. Providing for second dwelling units on properties with single detached, semi detached, and street townhouse dwellings in accordance with the provisions contained in the Town's Zoning By-Law, as amended, while ensuring that second dwelling units appropriately suit the character of the surrounding neighbourhood 25 Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE and are constructed in accordance with any applicable urban design polices and/or guidelines.; 2. Encouraging the construction of second dwelling units by the developer in new plans of subdivision and in appropriate locations, as identified by the Town; 3. Permitting on a temporary basis, small accommodation units known as “Garden Suites” (also known as “Granny Flats”) for a period of up to 20 years; 4. Encouraging the provision of rental accommodation; and 5. Providing that 25% of all new housing be in medium and high density housing forms. 2.10.11 The Town shall participate in the County of Simcoe’s efforts to establish an affordable housing target for the County. That target shall be incorporated into this Official Plan, along with strategies to implement the target, through a subsequent amendment. 2.10.12 The implementing zoning by-law shall identify the provisions for which second dwelling units will be permitted in the Town. The zoning by-law may establish regulations for second dwelling units including matters such as: i. compliance with all applicable health and safety standards, including but not necessarily limited to those set out in the Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code, and Ontario Electrical Code; ii. compliance with the natural hazard and natural heritage policies and provisions of the Provincial Policy Statement, Lake Simcoe Protection Plan and Ontario Regulation 179/06 under the Conservation Authorities Act. iii. parking requirements for both residential units and maximum size and number of driveways; iv. requirements regarding the exterior appearance of the primary dwelling and/or second dwelling unit; v. yard, lot size, setback, and/or landscaping requirements; vi. minimum and maximum size and number of bedrooms; vii. servicing requirements; viii. entrance and access to the second dwelling unit; ix. minimum outdoor amenity areas; x. maximum density and distribution of second dwelling units; Adopted July 26, 2006 26 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan xi. MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE A registration or licensing program to regulate second dwelling units." 2.10.13 The Town shall monitor the production of housing on an annual basis. 2.10.14 Upon the availability of full services in Village Settlements, the Town shall undertake Secondary Plan studies to ensure that lands are designated to permit a range of housing forms. 2.10.15 Council shall encourage developers of commercial projects to include provision for residential units as part of the development, where appropriate. The land use policies of this Plan should facilitate that opportunity. 2.10.16 It is the policy of the Town to co-operate at the County level with providers of assisted and special needs housing to ensure that households in need of assisted housing can be accommodated and that a common waiting list for the area be established in conjunction with providers to help identify priorities and need within the County. 2.10.17 If the Provincial Policies with respect to housing mix and density change, Council may revisit the policies of this plan with respect to minimum and maximum residential densities and the mix of housing types. 2.11 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Intent: The long term goal of the municipality is to have one job per two residents (or 50% employment to population activity rate) which means that the Town’s full labour force could work in the Town. There is also a need to re-balance the residential/non-residential tax base within the Town. To achieve this target a substantial area of land needs to be fully serviced for employment uses. The key area to attract industry is along the Highway 400 frontage and in the vicinity of existing and potential future interchanges. Appeal #19 insofar as it relates to the bolded text. Goals: To achieve a ratio of one job for every two residents. Appeal #20 as it relates to the Goal. Objectives: 1. To provide fully serviced employment lands along the Highway 400 corridor in the Innisfil Heights Business Park. Appeal #21 insofar as it relates to Objective #1. 2. To actively promote the Town as an employment destination. Adopted July 26, 2006 27 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE 3. To provide for a broad range of commercial activities and services to meet the diverse needs of Innisfil’s residents, businesses and institutions, as well as those from the surrounding areas, and to generate employment, investment and municipal revenues. 4. To ensure that Innisfil becomes a complete community with a diverse mix of employment, community facilities and retail stores and services. Future urban uses will be directed to the Urban Settlement Areas. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. Policies: 2.11.1 It is the Town’s primary objective to create a viable employment area along the Highway 400 corridor in the Innisfil Heights Business park. This is a key element in the Town’s ability to become a complete community. As such, the priority of the municipality is to have sanitary services extended to the Innisfil Heights Business Park. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. Appeal #23 as it relates to Section 2.11.1 in its entirety. 2.11.2 The Innisfil Heights Business Park is to be developed as a prestige business park with attractive buildings sited on properly landscaped sites. Along the frontage with Highway 400 on lands designated for employment, a stricter level of architectural control may be enforced. Appeal #24 as it relates to Section 2.11.2. 2.11.3 The entire Highway 400 frontage to a depth generally of two geographic township lots from the highway (as shown on Schedule A) shall be reserved for long term employment usage and remain designated Rural and Agricultural Areas until required for employment use. Uses incompatible with that long term vision should not be permitted. Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. 2.11.4 Council supports the continued growth of industrial development within the Town and may encourage such growth by such means as: i) creating a fully serviced employment area along the Highway 400 corridor in the Innisfil Heights Business Park; Appeal #25 as it relates to Section 2.11.4 i). ii) reviewing and updating of the Zoning By-law to ensure that current uses and new trends within the industrial sector are reflected in the by-law; iii) providing lands along the 20th Sideroad in any future expansion of Alcona for local industries including multiple occupancy industrial buildings for small Adopted July 26, 2006 28 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan MUNICIPAL STRUCTURE and medium-sized industries, serving the local area, provided the range of uses permitted in such developments is appropriately limited; and Non Decision insofar as it applies to the bolded text. iv) ensuring that the inventory of designated vacant industrial and commercial land includes a full range of parcel sizes and locational characteristics, including small parcels to suit the needs of new and innovative industries. 2.11.5 The Town shall actively ensure that the Core Commercial areas develop as healthy, viable centres and that they remain as the primary commercial activity areas within the Town. 2.11.6 Council recognizes and supports the development of tourism and tourism related recreation within the Town. 2.11.7 Council recognizes and supports the Town’s role as a retirement community, permitting housing, recreation, health and social services to meet the needs of today’s seniors. 2.11.8 Council recognizes the importance of health care facilities within the municipality for the quality of life of its residences and in order to attract new industries. The provision of health care is not within the municipality’s jurisdiction, but the Town encourages the provision of health care facilities in all new Secondary Plan areas. Adopted July 26, 2006 29 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan LAND USE POLICIES dwelling unit on the severed and retained lot, both of which shall have access on Moosenlanka Road subject to the following: a) an agreement between the owner of the land and the Town is to be registered on title, regarding an understanding of the nature of the private road, servicing and maintenance. 3.3.4 Retirement Residential Area Intent: A Retirement Residential Area designation is a self contained residential area serving the special social and housing needs of seniors, most of whom are retired. These residential areas provide an alternative form of year round community living, i.e., adult lifestyle. Characterized by primarily low density residential development and housing types that meet the special requirements and diverse preferences of retirement age residents, the recreational retirement community is intended to provide a safe, secure and maintenance free or low maintenance setting with a high degree of integration with the natural environment and a broad range of recreational opportunities and facilities. It is expected that each residential area incorporate at least one commonly shared, nonresidential facility or service for the exclusive use of the residents within the area. Permitted Uses: Within the Retirement Residential Area designation, as shown on Schedule B5, permitted uses shall be limited to residential lifestyle housing and accessory or complementary uses to the residential component. Complementary uses shall include small scale personal service and convenience commercial uses servicing the day to day needs of residents of the community. These uses may include a convenience store, pharmacy, bank or financial institution, barber shop/beauty parlor, a video/book store, doctor/dentist offices, laundromat and a coffee shop. The maximum floor area of any such convenience commercial use shall be 325 square metres. These commercial uses are not intended for use by non-residents of the development, nor are they intended to supplant the higher order commercial establishments existing within the Town. In addition to these convenience oriented commercial uses, recreational commercial uses, limited to those commercial uses which serve primarily a recreational or retirement support function, may be permitted. Such uses may include a marina and a pro shop and golf club. These recreational commercial uses may integrate with the surrounding retirement community to the extent that they may accommodate recreational and convenience commercial facilities for the use of residents of the development. Associated recreational uses may include an indoor swimming pool, tennis and squash courts. Storage facilities for recreational vehicles and personal goods shall be permitted where there is adequate provision for buffering from surrounding land uses. In addition, open Adopted July 26, 2006 52 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan LAND USE POLICIES space and recreational uses shall be permitted. A broad range of on-site passive and active recreational opportunities are required to meet the increased recreational demands of retirees and shall be provided within the retirement community and/or directly associated with the marina function. These recreational opportunities may include parks, walkways, ski trails, open space areas, natural reserves, tennis courts, a golf course, a bowling green and water oriented activities such as boating, fishing and swimming and indoor recreational facilities such as shuffle board, meeting rooms and games rooms, saunas and swimming pools, squash and racquet ball courts and health and fitness facilities for the use of residents and visitors on the site. Institutional uses in the form of nursing home and/or retirement home or such like uses shall be permitted provided that such uses can conform to all the requirements of the Zoning By-law. The incorporation of continuous care facilities within the Recreation Retirement Community designation shall be encouraged. General Policies: The overall maximum permitted density in a Retirement Residential Area designation shall not be greater than 10 units per gross hectare. In accordance with the municipal strategy, the redesignation of land to Retirement Residential Area will only be considered if the proposal is in a serviced Urban Settlement. All new retirement residential developments shall occur through amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law and shall be in the form of a plan of subdivision which may or may not incorporate condominium plans, or a plan of condominium. Any application to amend the Official Plan to redesignate lands within an Urban Settlement to Retirement Residential Area shall demonstrate the need for the proposed land use and be accompanied with the following information and/or material: i) The amount of vacant lots in existing retirement residential developments. This assessment will include the number of vacant lots within existing developments within the Town and the land available within the surrounding market area for the proposed use; ii) The projected demand for retirement housing; iii) The land area required for the proposal, based on the anticipated population to be accommodated at a reasonable density; and The relationship with the Town’s growth management study as set out in Section 2.3.8. vi) All dwelling units shall be designed and constructed to a high standard of quality and shall reflect the special requirements of persons of retirement age such as ease of access 53 Adopted July 26, 2006 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan LAND USE POLICIES to and movement within the unit. The minimum gross floor area of living space shall be stipulated within the implementing Zoning By-law. Dwelling units should be of an adequate size to ensure that the development is in character with residential developments. In order to preserve significant areas of open space, residential development shall generally take place in a cluster fashion, closely linked along a linear road system or in the form of multiple housing. However, certain areas may also be developed at lower densities on large lots. All internal roads shall be paved and of a standard and width that are reviewed and accepted by the municipality. Multiple accesses may be required by the municipality. If these roads are to be assumed by the municipality at a future date, they are to be built to municipal standards. External access roads may have to be improved in order to accommodate the increased traffic flows resulting from the development. All commercial uses shall provide adequate on-site parking facilities and shall be buffered by planting and by substantial spatial separation from adjoining residential uses. Access points to parking areas shall be limited in number and designed in such a manner that will minimize the danger to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Site Specific Exceptions: Sandy Cove Acres Adult Lifestyle community a) The Sandy Cove Acres adult lifestyle community may be owned by both condominium corporations and a single owner-manager. Various forms of tenure may be made available to the residents including condominium ownership, individual ownership and fully rental units. Condominium ownership is a desirable form of ownership for a residential retirement community because it minimizes the amount of exterior maintenance required of the residents. Furthermore, condominium ownership affords communal control over the maintenance of standards for communal areas and facilities. The condominium corporation will have ownership over and be responsible for the maintenance of common areas around the dwelling units and other open space areas within the condominium corporation ownership. b) The single owner-manager will maintain ownership in, and will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of any hotel or motel, marina, rental apartments, private roads, golf course and waterfront open space and other major common areas. The owner-manager will be responsible for such routine services as garbage collection. These ownership and operation arrangements will afford the single owner-manager a significant degree of control over the standard of quality in the development and the level of services provided. Adopted July 26, 2006 54 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan c) LAND USE POLICIES Prior to authorizing any subsequent phase, Council shall review the traffic patterns and road conditions and may require the developer to contribute to the upgrading of external roads, should traffic volumes and maintenance experience warrant improvement. An engineering and traffic assessment shall form the basis for this determination. Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area a) The Town has provided for a future expansion of the Retirement Residential designation, as outlined on Schedule B5. Development in this area would constitute an expansion of the serviced Sandy Cove Urban Settlement. The Town intends to encourage the development of new retirement residential designations within the Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area in order to provide areas and facilities that are unique to an aging population Appeal #31 as it relates to Section in its entirety. b) Development within the Sandy Cove Future Expansion area shall proceed by way of an amendment to this Official Plan to ensure that development occurs in an orderly and efficient manner. The Official Plan Amendment shall be adopted by way of a Secondary Plan study and shall consider the following matters: i) The need for additional Retirement Residential lands as required by Policy except that the analysis is not required to consider inventory within the surrounding market area; ii) A traffic assessment of the capacities of external roads, required improvements, internal accesses, internal collector road needs and locations and the means to accommodate future transit; iii) An environmental analysis to identify and refine the boundaries and potential buffers of the Natural Environmental Areas that may be located within the expansion area; iv) An indication of how the development will be phased; v) An Urban design report to identify urban design policies and urban design guidelines to guide future development; vi) A drainage master plan to identify required stormwater works including how stormwater can traverse through any existing built up areas; vii) A servicing master plan to identify required water and sanitary works; viii) Other matters set out in Sections 2.5.11 and 9.1. Appeal #31 as it relates to Section in its entirety. c) The permitted uses and density within the Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area shall include those set out in Section through Appeal #31 as it relates to Section in its entirety. Adopted July 26, 2006 55 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan LAND USE POLICIES 3.3.5 Residential Low Density One Permitted Uses: Within the Residential Low Density One Area, as shown on Schedules B1,B2, B3 and B5 permitted uses shall include: i) Single detached dwellings, ii) Accessory dwelling units, iii) Places of worship, iv) Elementary Schools, v) Neighbourhood scale parks and recreation facilities, vi) Convenience commercial uses to a specific maximum size subject to zoning, vii) Home occupations and daycare facilities, viii) Accessory structures such as garages, storage sheds, swimming pools, change rooms, and ix) Group homes. It is intended that the Residential Low Density One designation apply to appropriately located lands within the Urban Settlement Areas. General Policies: The density of the Residential Low Density One area shall not exceed 12.5 units per net hectare. New home occupation uses and daycare facilities will be permitted subject to the provisions of the zoning by-law with regard to such matters as off-street parking and maximum floor area. In cases where an existing residential unit is located on one half of an existing lot such that the lot can be subdivided to meet the minimum area requirements of the zoning bylaw, any variance being no greater than 10% and the frontage is consistent generally with other lot frontages on the same street, then a severance may be considered. Group homes shall be permitted in any area included in a residential zone in the implementing zoning by-law. The implementing zoning by-law shall include a minimum separation distance between group homes of 300 metres. The by-law may also contain provisions with regard to such matters as off-street parking, minimum lot size and other related items. New Residential Low Density One areas should be located adjacent to existing low residential areas to serve as a transition to areas of higher density. Adopted July 26, 2006 56 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan LAND USE POLICIES Site Specific Exceptions: For the lands described as part of the south half of Lot 26 and the south west quarter of Lot 27, Concession 11, in Sandy Cove, applications for development will not be approved for areas designated Low Density Residential 1 until a Secondary Plan for the Sandy Cove settlement area or other suitable comprehensive plan has been completed which confirms the boundaries of the natural environmental area designation, servicing plan for the area, the street linkages and block pattern, trail locations and linkages and park locations, sizes and functions. 3.3.6 Residential Low Density Two Permitted Uses: Within the Residential Low Density Two area, as shown on Schedules B1 and B3, permitted uses shall include: i) Single detached dwellings, ii) Semi-detached dwellings, iii) Duplexes, iv) Accessory dwelling units, v) Places of worship, vi) Elementary Schools, vii) Neighbourhood scale parks and recreation facilities, viii) Convenience commercial uses to a specific maximum size subject to zoning, ix) Home occupations and daycare facilities, x) Accessory structures such as garages, storage sheds, swimming pools, change rooms, and xi) Group homes. It is intended that the Residential Low Density Two designation apply to appropriately located lands within the Urban Settlements. General Policies: The density of the Residential Low Density Two area shall be within a range of 12.5 to 20 units per net hectare. Residential Low Density Two areas shall primarily be located in the vicinity of collector and arterial roads to promote viability of a future transit network. Policies, and shall also apply to Residential Low Density Two areas. Adopted July 26, 2006 57 Approved by OMB May 2009, March 2010 & April 8, 2011 Consolidated January 4, 2016 to include OPA#11 Town of Innisfil Official Plan The hazard lands shown on this map are approximate. For an accurate source of mapping please contact the local conservation authority. Schedule B5 Land Use: Sandy Cove Settlement Boundary Retirement Residential Area ! ! ! ! ! Appeal #52 As it relates to the Urban Settlement Boundary Rural Area ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area Subject to Section Built Boundary Non Decision ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !!! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! !! !! ! ! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !! !!! ! !! !!! ! !! !! !! !! !!! !!! Appeal #59 As it relates to the Natural Environmental Area designation ! !! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !!! ! !!! !!! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Appeal #55 As it relates to the Agricultural Area and Natural Environmental Area designations ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! !!! !! !! !! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! Residential Low Density 1 !! st e Ea ew ! ! levi ! ! ! M!a!p! ! ! ! Parks and Open Space !! !!! !!! Appeal #58 As it relates to the Retirement Residential Area designation id 25th S eroad Schedule B14 Leonard's Beach Shoreline ® in e th L n e T !! !! ! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !! !! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! !!!! !!! !! !! ! !!! !! ! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d ! !! !! !! Roa !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Schedule B11 Kempenfelt Bay/ Big Bay Point Shoreline !! Driv Natural Environmental Area ! !! !!! !!! ! ! !! !!! !!! !!! Appeal #58 As it relates to the Sandy Cove Future Expansion Area !!! Streams Hazard Land Area Overlay ! !! !! rt kha Loc ! ! ! ! ! Lots ! !! Crescent Harbour ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Roads ! !! For the lands outside of Sandy Cove, please refer to Schedules B, B11 and B14 for the land use designations. Waste Disposal Assessment Area !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 500 Meters Leonards Beach 1,000 Approved by OMB April 8, 2011