CLIN.CHEM. 36/3,550-553 (1990) A Two-Tube Immunochemical Method for Determination of CK-MB Isoenzyme in Serum Evaluated Mauro Panteghlnl, Roberto Bonora, and Franca Paganl A new commercial kit (lmpres-MB; International Immunoassay Labs.) recently was introduced for measuring the MB isoenzyme of creatine kinase (CK-MB) based on the use of monoclonal antibodies. After antibodies to CK-MM isoenzyme are added to precipitate the CK-MM, antibodies to CK-M monomer are added to precipitate the M-subunit isoenzymes of CK. Subtracting the enzymatic activity of the second supernate from the residual activity in the first yields the activity of CK-MB. Results are not affected by CK-BB, mitochondnal CK, or adenylate kinase. However, the antiCK-MM antibodies precipitated only about 98% of serum CK-MM and may have partly precipitated CK-MB isoenzyme (average analytical recovery of CK-MB, 86.6%). Comparison between lmpres-MB ( and electrophoresis (x) yielded the following linear-regression equation: y = 0.79x + 3 (r = 0.982, n = 97). Data for CK-MB temporal kinetics, obtained from patients with myocardial infarction, correlated significantly in both methods; however, peak activity values of CK-MB were significantly different, confirming that the difference between the new method and the electrophoretic method averages 20%. AdditIonal Keyphrases: “kit” methods temporal changes in myocardial infarction . monoclonal antibodies reference interval Creatine kinase (EC MB isoenzyme (CK-MB) is widely measured in serum as a diagnostic indicator of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (1).’ Accordingly, different commercial methods for quantifying this isoenzyme have been developed, which vary in specificity, sensitivity, and precision (2). The procedures most recently described for quantifying CK-MB in sera are immunologically based (3). The widely used immunoinhibition method for CK-M subunit, with subsequent quantification of the still-active B subunits, is in many instances diagnostic of AMI (4), but quantification of CK-MB is impaired by the presence in serum of macro CK, mitochondrial CK, or CK-BB isoenzyme (5, 6). The immunoinhibition-immunoprecipitation method effectively eliminates interference from CK variants as well as problems associated with increases in CK-BB (7) but is less efficient (it is difficult to automate) (4). Some recently introduced immunometric procedures for specific detection of CK-MB mass concentration instead of its catalytic activity are not suitable for use in a “stat” (emergency) laboratory because of long turnaround time (8-11). Therefore, a simple, fast CK-MB-specific assay is still clearly needed (12). 10Laboratorio Analisi Chimico-Cliniche, Spedali Civili, 25123 Brescia, Italy. Nonstandard abbreviations: CK, creatine kinase (ATP:creatme N-phosphotransferase; EC; AM!, acute myocardial infarction; K,,, maximum rate of enzymatic activity increase; and Kd, rate of fractional disappearance of enzyme. Received July 7, 1989;accepted November 20, 1989. 550 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1990 Here we describe the analytical performance of a new based on the use of monoclonal antibodies and recently available from International Immunoassay Labs. We compare resultswith those by an electrophoretic procedure, routinely used in our laboratory, for samples from AM! patients. commercial assay (Impres-MB) immunoprecipitation Materials and Methods Blood Samples We studied 21 patients, admitted because of AM! to the Department of Anaesthesia and Reanimation of the Civil Hospital of Brescia. Assessment of myocardial necrosis was based on the diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization (13): clinical symptoms, electrocardiographic findings, and typical increase and decrease in enzyme and isoenzyme activities in serum. Peripheral venous blood samples were obtained immediately after admission to the hospital, every 4 h for the first 24 h, and every 8 h for the following 48 h. In addition,140 apparentlyhealthypeople, ages 20 to 70 years, with normal resultsfor serum biochemical and hematological testsand withoutclinical evidenceofcardiac and muscle diseases, were studiedto establishthe reference interval for CK-MB isoenzyme activity in serum. All serum samples were assayed immediately for total CK activity; electrophoresis and immunochemical assay were performed within 12 h after collection with interim refrigerated storagein hermeticallysealedplastic containers. Assay Methods Measurement of total CK. CK activity was measured by the method recommended by the Scandinavian Committee on Enzymes (14), with reagents from Boehringer, Mannheim, F.R.G., and a Cobas Bio analyzer (F. Hoffmann-La Roche and Co., Ltd., Basle, Switzerland).Results were expressed as U (mol mm 1) Upper referencelimitsfor non-AM! were 160 UIL forwomen, 190 U/L formen. Electrophoresis. We electrophoretically separated CK isoenzymes on Titan Illcelluloseacetatemembrane in a “Zip Zone” electrophoresis chamber (Helena Labs.,Beaumont, TX 77704) with CK reagents from Boehringer. CK isoenzymes were separated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The isoenzyme bands were quantified by fluorimetric scanning of the tracings with a Helena “Cmiscan”densitometer. The enzymatic activity of the MB band was calculated by multiplying measured total CK by the percentage of the fluorescence appearing in the MB region. By this method, CK-MB is undetectablein serum from healthypeople. Immunoenzymometric assay. For measuring CK-MB mass concentration,we used the Tandem-E CK-MB II (HybritechInc.,San Diego,CA 92121)immunoenzymometricassay,performed accordingto the manufacturer’scurrent protocol (11). For absorbance measurements we used the Hybritech “Photon” immunoassay spectrophotometer. All measurements were done in duplicate. - Immunochemical assay. The kit assay (Impres-MB, InImmunoassay Labs.,Santa Clara,CA 95054) was performed according to the manufacturer’s directions insert. A two-tube approach isused.To serum in tube 1, monoclonal antibodiesto CK-MM isoenzyme (reagentA) are added to precipitateall of serum CK-MM, and the activity remaining isthatfrom CK-MB, CK-BB, mitochondrial CK, and macro CK. To serum in tube 2,monoclonal antibodiesto CK-M monomer (reagentB) are added to precipitateM-subunit isoenzymes of CK; the remaining activity isthus from CK-BB, mitochondrialCK, and macro CK. The assay requiresa totalsample volume of 200 L (100 L foreach tube).Magnetizableparticles coatedwith the two different setsofmonoclonal antibodiesare used to separatethe supernatesin each tube beforeresidualCK activity ismeasured with the reagentsystem describedfor the measurement of total CK. The differencein the CK activityof the two tubes (multipliedby 2, the dilution factor)representsthe serum CK-MB activity. Characterization of human CK isoenzymes. The purified CK isoenzymes used for specificity and recovery studies were obtainedfrom Calbiochem Corp.,La Jolla,CA 92037 (MM and BB) and from ScrippsLabs.,San Diego,CA 92131 (MB). CK-MM ( 238407) was purifiedfrom human skeletalmuscle,CK-BB (cat. no.238397)was purified from human brain,and CK-MB ( C 1224) was purified from human heart.The possiblecontamination of each commerciallyobtainedisoenzyme with anotherwas tested by electrophoresis on cellulose acetatemembrane followed by stainingfor catalyticactivity. Each preparationwas electrophoretically homogeneous and possesseda specific activity ofat least500 kU per gram ofprotein(wetweight). MitochondrialCK was preparedaccordingtoWevers et al. (15). Statistical analysis. We calculated mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, correlation coefficient, and linear-regression analysis by standard methods. Timeactivity curves, constructed for each AM! patient, allowed us to derive peak activity and time required to reach the peak value for CK-MB isoenzyme (16). The relationship of two continuous variables was tested by linear least-squares regression analysis. In particular, the rate of increase (K,,) and the clearance rate (fractional disappearance rate, Kd) for CK-MB activity were calculated by linear-regression analysisfrom the linear portions of the ascending and declining slopes of the time-activitycurves, plotted semilogarithmically. At leastthree and four values were used to determine K,, and Kth respectively. ternational Results Linearity and detection limit. In the standard assay procedure, the immunochemical assay gives results that vary linearly with concentration of serum CK-MB up to 180 U/L. We serially diluted pooled CK-MB-rich specimens with the zero diluent(human serum containingno detectable CK activity)supplied with the kit. Six separate dilutionswere assayed,and each dilutionwas run four times,in duplicate. The standard curve showed no significant curvature when testedforlinearityas suggestedby Burnett (17) (quadraticregression, y = -0.123 + 177.48x+ 3.3442x2, where the coefficient of x2 did not differsignificantlyfrom zero),and the response was highlylinear(r = 0.9997). We assessed analytical sensitivity by 10 replicate measurements of the zero diluent in a single run. The minimum detectable CK-MB activity, defined according to Rodbard (18), was estimated to be 1 U/L. Precision. Results of precision studies are shown inTable 1. Within-run precisionwas determined by 20 replicate determinationsof three serum samples in one assay.Between-day precision was determined from data on 10 measurements of three different serum samples; between each experiment, the sera were stored at -20 #{176}C. The CVs for intra- and inter-assay precisionranged between 2.6% and 10% forthe samples we tested, comparing favorablywith other versionsof immunochemical assays for CK-MB determination(2, 8). Recovery and interference studies. Analytical recovery was assessed by adding variousquantitiesof purifiedhuman CK-MB to human serum containing a CK-MB activity of 19 U/L and assaying. The MB activity was then measured with the immunochemical assay. Analytical recovery was calculated as follows: [(amount found control amount)/amount added] x 100. Recovery of added amounts of 15, 35, 75, and 110 U/L averaged 81.8%, 90.9%, 82.1%, and 91.7% fortube 1,respectively, with no residualactivity in supernate 2. The overallaverage percentagerecovery, 86.6% (CV 6.2%), showed a significant partial loss of CK-MB activity in the first analyticalstep.A similar recovery was obtained by measuring CK-MB mass concentration (average, 84.9%). Thus, the first monoclonal antibody appears to partly precipitate the CK-MB isoenzyme. CK electrophoresis was performed with a serum sample (total CK activity, 1100 U/L) containing CK-MM (62.4%), CK-MB (21.6%), and CK-BB (16.0%) isoenzymes,before and after incubation with the antibody reagents of immunochemical assay (Figure 1). As shown, the ability of Impres-MB to effectively precipitate all of serum CK-MM isoenzyme in the first step was uncertain. Conversely, complete precipitation of MM and MB isoenzymes in the secondstepofthe assay was assuredby the disappearance ofthesefractions after the test serum was incubatedwith the second reagent.Quantitativetestsconfirmedthat the anti-CK-MM antibodies(reagentA) couldprecipitate about 98% oftotalCK-MM (foractivities s500 UIL),independent of incubationtime (Table 2).Conversely,in allsamples tested,therewas no residualCK activityin the supernate oftube 2.To minimize interference by CK-MM (reflected in unexpectedlyhigh resultsforCK-MB), one should appropriately pre-dilute specimens with CK activity >500 U/L. Addition of increasing quantities of purified human CKBB (up to 1125 UIL) and mitochondrial CK (up to 325 U/L) isoenzymes to a serum sample containing a known concentration of CK-MB did not alter the assayed response of CK-MB from this serum sample. We also found no influence from bilirubin (up to 250 p.molJL), triglycerides (up to 10 mmoIJL), hemoglobin (up to 9 g/L), or adenylatekinase (ATP:AMP phosphotransferase, EC (up to5 mg/L). Correlation with electrophoresis. Figure 2 summarizes - Table 1.ImprecIsionof CK-MB Determination by the Evaluated Methoda Within-run (n = 20) Between-day(n = 10) Moan,U/L 12 41 73 SD, UIL CV, % 0.8 1.4 1.9 6.7 3.4 2.6 Mean,U/L 10 22 36 SD, U/L CV, % 1.0 1.8 2.2 10.0 8.2 6.1 All runs performedwith a single lot number of reagent kits. CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol.36,No.3, 1990 551 AIliA 360 yc 0.81x -1.5 ._ 320 :0.983 Sv= 15.5 280 n71 / / 240 CK-MM 200 CK-MB CK-BB L) 40 + Fig. 1. Electrophoretogramof patients samplebefore(A) and after (I, II) incubation with the antibody reagentsof the immunochemical assay evaluated Table 2. Effectiveness of Immunochemical Assay to Precipitate Purified CK-MM, UIL 250 CK-MM isoenzyme preciphatod,%‘ 98.0 ± 17b CK-MM 160 200 240 280 320 360 4W 440 CK-MB (ectrophoresis) [u/i) Fig. 2. Correlation of results for CK-MB by electrophoresis (x-axis) with those by immunochemical assay (y-axis) Dashed line:the observed regression;continuous line: y = x lated significantly (Table 3). Peak-value times did not differ significantly according to methodology, whereas peak activity values of CK-MB were significantly different (Wilcoxon rank-sum test,P <0.01), confirming that the difference between the new and reference methods averaged 20%. 97.9 ± 750 97.6 ± 12b 1000 97.0 ± 1.2k’ Discussion 1250 96.9 96.4 953 ± 1.0’ ± 1 5b The principle of the method used for Impres-MB is based on the modification of methodology originally reported by Wicks et al. (7). The Roche assay measures CK activity before and after a second antibody is added to precipitate anti-CK-M along with bound enzyme. The difference between the measured activity in the presence of anti-M monomer and the residual activity after precipitating antiM is proportional to the CK-MB activity. The Impres-MB makes use of two different sets of monoclonal antibodies, such that the supernate in tube 2 contains only the interfering activities mentioned above. Therefore, subtraction of the activity in tube 2 from those in tube 1 should provide a measurement of CK-MB alone. The use of monoclonal antibodies would presumably have less lot-to-lot variation than methods involving polyclonal antibodies (19). However, the first set of antibodies was not completely specific for MM isoenzyme, showing a significant partial precipitation of CK-MB isoenzyme. Furthermore, the same reagent precipitated only 98% of the total CK-MM in serum, which 1750 ± 0.4k 91.9 ± 0.1 2000 a Each point (mean ± SD) was run eight times.b.c Significantly different (bp 120 500 1500 1.2k’ 80 <0.05, P <0.01) from 100%. the results of the analytical comparison between the immunochemical assay and electrophoresis for 97 unselected individual samples submitted to our clinical laboratory. In both methods, samples with total CK activity >500 U/L were diluted before analysis to minimize CK-MM interference. Correlation between Impres-MB activity and electrophoresis-measured activity was good, but CK-MB activity appeared to be underestimated by the immunoprecipitation test. Reference interval. We used the immunochemical assay to measure the activity of MB isoenzyme in sera from 140 nonhospitalized, apparently healthy subjects and used the data for these subjects to calculate the reference interval, using non-parametric determination of percentiles. The median value was 3.5 U/L and the upper reference limit, defined as the 95th percentile, was 6 U/L. Given that the cross-reactivity of CK-MM in the assay was 2% and the total CK averaged 87 U/L, we estimate the CK-MB activity in serum of normal adults to be about 1-2 U/L. Comparison studies with AM! patients. To compare changes in CK-MB activity with time by both the immunochemical and the electrophoretic methods, we analyzed 252 serial serum samples from 21 separate patients clinically diagnosed as having AMI. The data for CK-MB temporal kinetics obtained with the two methods corre552 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1990 Tabie 3. Data for CK-MB isoenzyme Patients Ka, h1 Peak time, h Peak value, U/L K h1 Impres-Ma 0.089a (0.060/0.242) 20.0 (13.0/26.4) 133 (39/545) -0.025 (-0.013/-0.032) Medianvalue (and range). Kinetics Etoctrophoresls 0.116 (0.050/0.211) 19.3 (13.0/26.6) 165 (50/592) -0.031 (-0.016/-0.037) in 21 AMI CorrelatIon r = 0.945 P <0.01 r = 0.976 P<0.001 r=0.980 P <0.001 r = 0.827 P <0.01 is a problem because it makes interpretation of test results that are near the decision level very uncertain. Nevertheless, we feel that routine use of this method has several advantages: direct measurement of enzymatic activity and comparison of CK-MB to total CK values; satisfactory precision near the upper reference limit, although the results are based on a small difference between two low numbers; good linearity within the dynamic range of the assay; and adequate sensitivity for detecting the MB concentrations encountered in normal sera. Furthermore, the results are available within 35 min and during nights, weekends, and holidays in a stat laboratory, so that laboratories can conveniently provide clinicians with values for both total CK and CK-MB in emergency situations. Our clinical evaluation was planned to emphasize the agreement and disagreement in results of the two MB assays (immunoprecipitation and electrophoretic) rather than their specificity and sensitivity for the diagnosis of AMI. The clinical findings demonstrate that the temporal sequence of CK-MB after AMI was the same by both methods and that, as with other methods, measuring isoenzyme concentrations at the proper time in the post-AMI period is absolutely essential (8). On the other hand, although correlations of patients’ results were excellent, the significant difference between the peak activity values obtained with the evaluated immunoassay and the electrophoretic method confirmed the need to use method-specific reference intervals. 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