Spacecraft Performance and Transponder Frequency Layout Galaxy 23, 25, 26, 27 & 28 Technical Summary Orbital Location Launched Life Expectancy G-27 G-23 G-25 G-26 G-28 129°W 121°W 93°W 51°E 89°W 25 September 1999 8 August 2003 24 May 1997 15 February 1999 23 June 2005 12 years 15 years 12 years 12 years 15 years 24 C-Band NACC 1 (20W SSPA) 24 Ku-Band (20W SSPA) 22 C-Band NACC 1 6 C-Band SAM 2 (20 X 37W LTWTA) (8 X 100W LTWTA) 28 Ku-Band NACC 1 (100W TWTA) 28 Ku-Band (100W TWTA) Transponders and Coverage 24 C-Band NACC 1 (37W LTWTA) 24 C-Band NACC 1 (37W LTWTA) 24 Ku-Band NACC 1 (8 X 100W LTWTA) (16 X 100W TWTA) 24 Ku-Band NACC 1 12 Ku-Band SAM 2 (130W LTWTA) 4 Ka-Band (105W LTWTA) Maximum Marketable 24 x 36 MHz C-Band 24 x 36 MHz C-Band 24 x 36 MHz C-Band 36 x 36 MHz C-Band Capacity 24 x 36 MHz Ku-Band 24 x 36 MHz Ku-Band 36 x 36 MHz Ku-Band 36 x 36 MHz C-Band 36 x 36 MHz Ku-Band 24 x 66 MHz Ka-Band C-Band Operating Frequency (MHz) Uplink: 5925 to 6425 Downlink: 3700 to 4200 Uplink: 5925 to 6425 Downlink: 3700 to 4200 Uplink: 5925 to 6425 Downlink: 3700 to 4200 Uplink: 5925 to 6425 Downlink: 3700 to 4200 Uplink: 5925 to 6425 Downlink: 3700 to 4200 Ku-Band Operating Frequency (GHz) Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Downlink: 11.7 to 12.2 N/A Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Downlink: 11.7 to 12.2 Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Downlink: 11.7 to 12.2 Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Downlink: 11.7 to 12.2 N/A Uplink: 29.5 to 30.0 Downlink: 19.7 to 20.2 2-fold: C- and Ku-Band 3-fold: C- and Ku-Band 4-fold: Ka-Band Ka-Band Operating N/A N/A N/A Frequency (GHz) Frequency Reuse 2-fold: C- and Ku-Band 2-fold: C- and Ku-Band 2-fold: C- and Ku-Band 1 2 NACC is North America, Central America and Caribbean coverage area. SAM is South America coverage area. Galaxy 23, 25, 26, 27 & 28 Transponder Saturation e.i.r.p. at Edge of Coverage in dBW C-Band G-27 at 129°W G-23 at 121°W G-25 at 93°W G-26 at 51°E G-28 at 89°W CONUS 41.5 41.8 38.8 N/A 39.9 Alaska 34.3 36.6 33.7 N/A 37.7 Caribbean 36.5 38.0 34.3 N/A N/A Hawaii 35.2 36.3 33.8 N/A 34.4 Mexico 39.0 39.1 33.8 N/A N/A Puerto Rico 35.5 37.6 34.0 N/A 34.3 Southern Canada 39.0 40.0 37.0 N/A 34.4 South America N/A N/A N/A N/A 38.5 Ku-Band G-27 at 129°W G-23 at 121°W G-25 at 93°W G-26 at 51°E G-28 at 89°W CONUS 47.3 N/A 46.5 N/A 47.8 Southeast CONUS N/A N/A N/A N/A 48.6 Alaska 41.5 N/A 40.3 N/A 46.4 Caribbean 42.6 N/A 41.8 N/A N/A Hawaii 45.2 N/A 45.8 N/A 49.0 Mexico 43.0 N/A 42.3 N/A N/A Puerto Rico 42.9 N/A 43.5 N/A 47.8 Southern Canada 42.9 N/A 41.5 N/A N/A Brazil Coast N/A N/A N/A N/A 49.3 South America N/A N/A N/A N/A 45.7 E. Europe/Middle East N/A N/A N/A 42.8 45.7 Ka-Band G-27 at 129°W G-23 at 121°W G-25 at 93°W G-26 at 51°E G-28 at 89°W Chicago N/A N/A N/A N/A 52.8 Denver N/A N/A N/A N/A 52.6 Los Angeles N/A N/A N/A N/A 51.0 New York N/A N/A N/A N/A 51.3 1 Ka-Band only (not for C- or Ku-Band) e.i.r.p. is at 4.2 dBW O.B.O. 1 Comparison of the Communications Subsystems Description Prime Contractor Intelsat VI Intelsat VII Intelsat VII-A Intelsat VIII Hughes Aircraft Company SS/Loral SS/Loral Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin 701, 702, 709 706, 707 801 805 902-905 & 907 1993 1995 1997 1998 2001 Spacecraft 601, 603 Designation Year of First Launch 1989 Intelsat VIII-A Intelsat IX SS/Loral SS/Loral ASTRIUM 901 & 906 10-02 2001 2004 Number of Transponders: C-Band 38 26 26 38 28 47 42 Ku-Band 10 10 14 6 3 14 14 Maximum Marketable Capacity (in equivalent 36 MHz units) C-Band: 64 Ku-Band: 24 C-Band Beam 2 Hemi, 4 Zone, Coverages Global A and B Ku-Band Beam Coverages West Spot and East Spot C-Band: 42 Ku-Band: 20 C-Band: 42 Ku-Band: 28 C-Band: 64 Ku-Band: 12 C-Band: 36 Ku-Band: 6 2 Hemi, 4 Zone, Global A and B, C-Spot A and B 2 Hemi, 4 Zone, Global A and B, C-Spot A and B 2 Hemi, 4 Zone, Global A and B Landmass Hemi A and B C-Band: 76 Ku-Band: 22 2 Hemi, 4 or 5 Zone, Global A and B C-Band: 61 Ku-Band: 32 2 Hemi, 4 Zone, Global A and B 3 Hemi, 2 Zone Global A and B Spot 1, Spot 2, Spot 1/1X, Spot 2/2X, Spot 1 and Spot 1 Spot 1 and Enhanced Spot 2/2A, Enhanced Spot 2/2A, Spot 2 Spot 2 and Spot 3 and Spot 3 Extent of Frequency Reuse in Hemi/Zone Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Downlink: 10.95 to 11.2 or 11.7 to 11.95 or 12.5 to 12.75 plus 11.45 to 11.7 Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Downlink: 10.95 to 11.2 or 11.7 to 11.95 or 12.5 to 12.75 plus 11.45 to 11.7 45 16 C-Band: 72 Ku-Band: 23 Operating Uplink: 5850 to 6425 Uplink: 5925 to 6425 Uplink: 5925 to 6425 Uplink: 5850 to 6425 Uplink: 5890 to 6650 Uplink: 5850 to 6425 Frequency Band Downlink: 3625 Downlink: 3700 Downlink: 3700 Downlink: 3625 Downlink: 3400Downlink: 3625 to 4200 for C-Band (in MHz) to 4200 to 4200 to 4200 to 4200 to 4200 Operating Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Frequency Band Downlink: for Ku-Band 10.95 to 11.2 plus (in GHz) 11.45 to 11.7 Intelsat X Spot 1 Spot 3/3X Uplink: 5850 to 6425 Downlink: 3625 to 4200 Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Uplink: 14.0 to 14.25 Uplink: 14.0 to 14.5 Uplink: 13.75 to 14.5 Downlink: Downlink: Downlink: Downlink: 10.95 to 11.2 or 12.5 to 12.75 10.95 to 11.2 plus 10.95 to 11.2 plus 11.7 to 11.95 or 11.45 to 11.7 11.45 to 11.7 plus 12.5 to 12.75 plus 12.5 to 12.75 11.45 to 11.7 6-fold; with a 4-fold with enhanced 4-fold with enhanced 6-fold; with a 5-fold 2-fold in 4-fold option on a Zone connectivity Zone connectivity option for the POR Hemi only Channel-by-Channel 6-fold; except in Channels (1-2) and (3-4) which are 7-fold 6-fold 5 fold Intelsat Spacecraft – Special Capabilities Intelsat VI Intelsat VII Intelsat VII-A Intelsat VIII Intelsat VIII-A Intelsat IX – Channel 9 is switchable between Hemi/Zone and Global – Channel 9 is switchable between Hemi/Zone and Global/C-Spot – Channel 9 is switchable between Hemi/Zone and Global – Channel 9 is switchable between Hemi/Zone and Global – Compatible to operate with up to 3° IOO* – Capability for SSTDMA services in Channels 1-2 and 3-4 – Dynamic switch network for SSTDMA in Channels 1-2 and 3-4 – Compatible to operate with up to 3° IOO* – Compatible to operate with up to 3° IOO* – Compatible to operate with up to 3° IOO* – Operates in normal or inverted attitude – Compatible to operate with up to 3° IOO* – C-Band Operates in Linear polarization – Selectable split uplink in Global Channel 12 for SNG – SSTDMA broadcast mode into multiple downlink Beams – Switchable “Pseudo-Global” coverage in Channel (1’-2’) – Compatible to operate with up to 3° I00 – Operates in normal or inverted attitude – Split uplink in Channel 5-6 – Switchable Global or C-Spot in Channels 9 to 12 – Switchable transponder and enhanced U/L connectivity in Zone Beams – 12 GHz D/L capability – Enhanced Ku-Band Spot 2 coverage for POR – Capability to switch in-orbit Ku-Band S3 beam polarization by ground command (709) – Operates in normal or inverted attitude – Split uplink in Channel 5-6 – Switchable Global or C-Spot in Channels 9 to 12 – Switchable transponder and enhanced U/L connectivity in Zone Beams – 12 GHz D/L capability – Enhanced Ku-band Spot 2 coverage for POR – Ku to C-Band connectivity in Channel 12 – Paralleling of TWTAs in Ku-Band – Capability to switch in-orbit Ku-Band S3 beam polarization by ground command NOTE: IOO* = Inclined Orbit Operation 1 5 Zone configuration for Intelsat 902-905 and 907 satellites. – Operates in normal or inverted attitude – 12 GHz D/L capability – TV broadcast mode in Zone Beams for a West Quasi-Hemi coverage – Ku to C-Band X-strap connectivity in Channel 12 with a return path – Flexible transponder activation for 6 out of 10 Channels in Ku-Band – Selectable split uplink in Hemi Channel 9 for DAMA – Switchable to 4 or 5 Zone configuration – Switchable transponder allocation between SW and SE Zone Beams 1 – Flexible transponder activation for 12 out of 16 Channels in Ku-Band – Equipped with an overdrive control feature for Ku-Band transponders – Capability to switch inorbit Ku-Band S1 & S2 beam polarization senses by grounding command – Cross-connectivity between C- and KuBand in channels (1-2), (3-4), (5-6) and (7-8) Intelsat X – Capability to switch between Hemi/Zone and Global C-Band beam coverages in channels 10, 11 and 12 – Compatible to operate with up to 3° IOO* – Inter-connectivity capability among C-Band beams, and cross-connectivity between Hemi/Zone beams and Ku-Band Spot 3/3X beam in channel banks (1’-2’), (1-2), (3-4) – Equipped with ALC feature to maintain the TWTA input power to within 0.5 dB for an overdrive variation of up to 12 dB for any SFD setting – Capability to rotate in-orbit Ku-Band S1 and S2 Beams Transponder Saturation e.i.r.p. at Edge of Coverage in dBW Description C-Band Global Intelsat VI Intelsat VII 26.5; 23.5 in Channel 9 29 N/A 31 32 26; 29 in 29 1 Channel 121 C-Band Spot N/A C-Band Hemi and Zone Intelsat VIII 33.3; 36.3 in 36.12 Channel 122 N/A 43.4 at 35W 44.6 at 50W Ku-Spot 1X N/A N/A Ku-Spot 2 or 41.73 West Spot 41.4 at 35W 42.6 at 50W Ku-Spot 2X N/A N/A Enhanced N/A 41.2 at 50W Ku-Spot 2/2A Ku-Spot 3 N/A 43.0; 43.3 in ch 7-9, 10-12 at 35W 44.5; 44.8 in ch 7-9, 10-12 at 50W Intelsat VIII-A N/A Intelsat IX Intelsat X N/A N/A 31; 28 in 334 334 34.5 Channel 9 Ku-Spot 1 or 44.73 East Spot NOTE: Intelsat VII-A 37.5 for Hemi only 36/374, 5 37 44.7 at 49W 44.0 49.7 47 47.2 at 2 x 49W 47.7 44.8 at 49W N/A N/A N/A 47.1 at 2 x 49W N/A 43.7 at 73W 44.0 N/A 47 46.1 at 2 x 73W 47.7 43.4 at 73W N/A N/A N/A 45.6 at 2 x 73W N/A 42.2 at 73W N/A N/A N/A 44.3 at 2 x 73W N/A 41.0 at 49W 42.7 at 73W 43.2 at 2 x 49W 44.9 at 2 x 73W N/A N/A N/A S3/3X: 46.7 Intelsat VII/VII-A Global transponder e.i.r.p. in Channel 9A is 28.5/28.0 dBW and in Channel 9B is 26.0/26.0 dBW. Intelsat VII and VII-A C-Spot transponder e.i.r.p. in Channel 9A is 36.5/35.2 dBW and in Channel 9B is 34.3/33.2 dBW. 3 The Intelsat VI e.i.r.p. for Channel (9-12) is 3 dB higher. 4 Refer to the IESS 410 document for more detailed information. 5 The Intelsat 902-905 and 907 satellites have a minimum edge of coverage e.i.r.p. of 37 dBW; the Intelsat 901 and 906 satellites have a minimum edge of coverage e.i.r.p. of 36 dBW. 1 2 Galaxy 3C Transponder Layout (C-Band) NACV (North America) NACH (North America) NACH (North America) NACV (North America) (Ku-Band) NAKV (North America) NPRKH (North America + Puerto Rico) NAKH (North America) NAKV (North America) NPRKV (North America + Puerto Rico) NAKH (North America) Galaxy 11 Transponder Layout (C-Band) NACV (North America) 4 VERTICAL 5925 5945 1-C 5985 3-C 2-C 5965 HORIZONTAL 6025 5-C 4-C 6005 6065 7-C 6-C 6045 6105 9-C 8-C 6085 6145 11-C 10-C 6125 6185 13-C 12-C 6165 6225 15-C 14-C 6205 36 6265 17-C 16-C 6245 6305 19-C 18-C 6285 6345 21-C 20-C 6325 6385 23-C 22-C 6365 24-C 6405 6425 NACH (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz UPLINK RECEIVE NACH (North America) 4 HORIZONTAL 3720 1-C 3700 VERTICAL 3760 3-C 2-C 3740 3800 5-C 4-C 3780 3840 7-C 6-C 3820 3880 9-C 8-C 3860 3920 11-C 10-C 3900 3960 13-C 12-C 3940 4000 15-C 14-C 3980 36 4040 17-C 16-C 4020 4080 19-C 18-C 4060 4120 21-C 20-C 4100 4160 23-C 22-C 4140 24-C 4180 4200 NACV (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz DOWNLINK TRANSMIT (Ku-Band) NAKV (North America) 4 VERTICAL 14000 HORIZONTAL 14020 1-K 14060 3-K 2-K 14040 14100 5-K 4-K 14080 14140 7-K 6-K 14120 14180 9-K 8-K 14160 14220 11-K 10-K 14200 14260 13-K 12-K 14240 14300 15-K 14-K 14280 14340 17-K 16-K 14320 36 14380 19-K 18-K 14360 14420 21-K 20-K 14400 14460 23-K 22-K 14440 24-K 14480 14500 NAKH (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz UPLINK RECEIVE NAKH (North America) 4 HORIZONTAL 11720 1-K 11700 VERTICAL 11760 3-K 2-K 11740 11800 5-K 4-K 11780 11840 7-K 6-K 11820 11880 9-K 8-K 11860 11920 11-K 10-K 11900 11960 13-K 12-K 11940 12000 15-K 14-K 11980 NAKV (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz DOWNLINK TRANSMIT 12040 17-K 16-K 12020 36 12080 19-K 18-K 12060 12120 21-K 20-K 12100 12160 23-K 22-K 12140 24-K 12180 12200 Galaxy 11 Transponder Layout (Extended Ku-Band) NAXKH (North America) 3 27 HORIZONTAL 13764 13794 13824 13854 13884 13914 13944 13974 3-EK 5-EK 7-EK 9-EK 11-EK 13-EK 15-EK 1-EK 13750 2-EK 4-EK 6-EK 8-EK 10-EK 12-EK 14-EK 16-EK VERTICAL 13776 13806 13836 13866 13896 13926 13956 13986 14000 NAXKV (North America) BXKH (Brazil) 3 27 HORIZONTAL 14014 14044 14074 14104 14134 14164 14194 14224 1-BEK 3-BEK 5-BEK 7-BEK 9-BEK 11-BEK 13-BEK 15-BEK 14000 14250 2-BEK 4-BEK 6-BEK 8-BEK 10-BEK 12-BEK 14-BEK 16-BEK 14026 14056 14086 14116 14146 14176 14206 14236 VERTICAL BXKV (Brazil) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz UPLINK RECEIVE NAXKV or BXKV (North America or Brazil) 3 VERTICAL 10950 HORIZONTAL 10964 1-BEK 10994 3-BEK 2-BEK 10976 11024 5-BEK 4-BEK 11006 11054 7-BEK 6-BEK 11036 11084 9-BEK 8-BEK 11066 27 11114 11144 11174 11-BEK 13-BEK 15-BEK 10-BEK 12-BEK 14-BEK 16-BEK 11096 11126 11156 11186 NAXKH or BXKH (North America or Brazil) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz DOWNLINK TRANSMIT 11200 Galaxy 12 Transponder Layout (C-Band) NACV (North America) 36 4 VERTICAL 5925 5945 5985 6025 6065 1-C 3-C 5-C 7-C HORIZONTAL 6105 9-C 6145 6185 6225 6265 6305 6345 6385 11-C 13-C 15-C 17-C 19-C 21-C 23-C 2-C 4-C 6-C 8-C 10-C 12-C 14-C 16-C 18-C 20-C 22-C 24-C 5965 6005 6045 6085 6125 6165 6205 6245 6285 6325 6365 6405 6425 NACH (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz UPLINK RECEIVE NACH (North America) 36 4 HORIZONTAL 3700 VERTICAL 3720 3760 3800 3840 1-C 3-C 5-C 7-C 3880 9-C 3920 3960 4000 4040 4080 4120 4160 11-C 13-C 15-C 17-C 19-C 21-C 23-C 2-C 4-C 6-C 8-C 10-C 12-C 14-C 16-C 18-C 20-C 22-C 24-C 3740 3780 3820 3860 3900 3940 3980 4020 4060 4100 4140 4180 NACV (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz DOWNLINK TRANSMIT 4200 Galaxy 13 Transponder Layout (C-Band) NACH (North America) 4 36 HORIZONTAL 5945 5985 6025 6065 6105 6145 6185 6225 6265 6305 6345 6385 1-C 3-C 5-C 7-C 9-C 11-C 13-C 15-C 17-C 19-C 21-C 23-C 5925 2-C 4-C 6-C 8-C 10-C 12-C 14-C 16-C 18-C 20-C 22-C 24-C 5965 6005 6045 6085 6125 6165 6205 6245 6285 6325 6365 6405 VERTICAL 6425 NACV (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz UPLINK RECEIVE NACV (North America) 4 VERTICAL 3700 HORIZONTAL 3720 1-C 2-C 3740 3760 3-C 4-C 3780 3800 5-C 6-C 3820 3840 7-C 8-C 3860 3880 9-C 10-C 3900 3920 11-C 12-C 3940 3960 13-C 4000 15-C 14-C 3980 NACH (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz DOWNLINK TRANSMIT 16-C 4020 4040 17-C 18-C 4060 36 4080 19-C 20-C 4100 4120 21-C 22-C 4140 4160 23-C 24-C 4180 4200 Galaxy 14 Transponder Layout (C-Band) Galaxy 16 Transponder Layout (C-Band) (Ku-Band) Galaxy 17 Transponder Layout (C-Band) (Ku-Band) Galaxy 18 Transponder Layout (C-Band) (Ku-Band) Galaxy 19 Transponder Layout (C-Band) NACH (North America) 4 HORIZONTAL 5925 VERTICAL 5945 1-C 2-C 5965 5985 3-C 4-C 6005 6025 5-C 6-C 6045 6065 7-C 8-C 6085 6105 9-C 10-C 6125 6145 11-C 12-C 6165 6185 13-C 6225 15-C 14-C 6205 16-C 6245 6265 17-C 36 6305 19-C 18-C 6285 20-C 6325 6345 21-C 22-C 6365 6385 23-C 24-C 6405 6425 NACV (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz UPLINK RECEIVE NACV (North America) 4 VERTICAL 3700 HORIZONTAL 3720 1-C 2-C 3740 3760 3-C 4-C 3780 3800 5-C 6-C 3820 3840 7-C 8-C 3860 3880 9-C 10-C 3900 3920 11-C 12-C 3940 3960 13-C 4000 15-C 14-C 3980 NACH (North America) CENTER FREQUENCY, MHz DOWNLINK TRANSMIT (Ku-Band) 16-C 4020 4040 17-C 18-C 4060 36 4080 19-C 20-C 4100 4120 21-C 22-C 4140 4160 23-C 24-C 4180 4200 NACC 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 6423/4198 1 36 MHz 6405/4180 6387/4162 6383/4158 6365/4140 6347/4122 6343/4118 6325/4100 6307/4082 6303/4078 6285/4060 6267/4042 6263/4038 6245/4020 6227/4002 6223/3998 6205/3980 6187/3962 6183/3958 6165/3940 6147/3922 6143/3918 6125/3900 6107/3882 6103/3878 6085/3860 6067/3842 6063/3838 6045/3820 6027/3802 6023/3798 6005/3780 5987/3762 5983/3758 5965/3740 4196.0 BEACON 4199.5 BEACON 6403/4178 6385/4160 6367/4142 6363/4138 6345/4120 6327/4102 6323/4098 6305/4080 6287/4062 6283/4058 6265/4040 6247/4022 6243/4018 6225/4000 6207/3982 6203/3978 6185/3960 6167/3942 6163/3938 6145/3920 6127/3902 6123/3898 6105/3880 6087/3862 6083/3858 6065/3840 6047/3822 6043/3818 6025/3800 6007/3782 6003/3778 5985/3760 5967/3742 5963/3738 5945/3720 5927/3702 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 5947/3722 Galaxy 23 Transponder Layout (C-Band NACC) V/H 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz H/V Ku-Band NACC 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 54 MHz 54 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 12198 BEACON 5 14497/12197 6405/4180 6423/4198 6387/4162 6383/4158 6365/4140 6347/4122 6343/4118 6325/4100 6307/4082 6303/4078 6285/4060 6267/4042 6263/4038 6245/4020 6227/4002 6223/3998 6205/3980 6187/3962 6183/3958 6165/3940 6147/3922 6143/3918 6125/3900 6107/3882 6103/3878 6085/3860 6067/3842 6063/3838 6045/3820 6027/3802 6023/3798 6005/3780 5987/3762 5983/3758 3 14483.5/12183.5 14463.5/12163.5 14477/12177 14490.5/12190.5 14459.5/12159.5 14446/12146 14432.5/12132.5 14428.5/12128.5 14415/12115 14401.5/12101.5 14397.5/12097.5 14384/12084 14370.5/12070.5 14366.5/12066.5 14353/12053 14339.5/12039.5 14335.5/12035.5 14322/12022 14308.5/12008.5 14304.5/12004.5 14291/11991 14277.5/11977.5 14273.5/11973.5 14260/11960 14246.5/11946.5 14242.5/11942.5 14229/11929 14215.5/11915.5 14211.5/11911.5 14198/11898 14184.5/11884.5 14180.5/11880.5 14167/11867 14153.5/11853.5 14149.5/11849.5 14136/11836 14122.5/11822.5 14116.5/11816.5 14089.5/11789.5 14062.5/11762.5 5965/3740 5947/3722 1 14470/12170 14466/12166 14452.5/12152.5 14439/12139 14435/12135 14421.5/12121.5 14408/12108 14404.5/12104 14390.5/12090.5 14377/12077 14373/12073 14359.5/12059.5 14346/12039.5 14342/12046 14328.5/12028.5 14315/12015 14311/12011 14297.5/11997.5 14284/11984 14280/11980 14266.5/11966.5 14253/11953 14249/11949 14235.5/11935.5 14222/11922 14218/11918 14204.5/11904.5 14191/11891 14187/11887 14173.5/11873.5 14160/11860 14156/11856 14142.5/11842.5 14129/11829 14123/11823 14096/11796 14069/11769 14062/11762 14055.5/11755.5 14028.5/11728.5 C-Band NACC 14035/11735 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 14001.5/11701.5 4199.5 BEACON 4195.5 BEACON 6403/4178 6385/4160 6367/4142 6363/4138 6345/4120 6327/4102 6323/4098 6305/4080 6287/4062 6283/4058 6265/4040 6247/4022 6243/4018 6225/4000 6207/3982 6203/3978 6185/3960 6167/3942 6163/3938 6145/3920 6127/3902 6123/3898 6105/3880 6087/3862 6083/3858 6065/3840 6047/3822 6043/3818 6025/3800 6007/3782 6003/3778 5985/3760 5967/3742 5963/3738 5945/3720 5927/3702 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 14008/11708 11702 BEACON Galaxy 25 Transponder Layout (C- and Ku-Band) H/V V/H H/V 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 54 MHz 54 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz V/H Ku-Band NACC 6423/4198 36 MHz 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 54 MHz 54 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 54 MHz 54 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 12198 BEACON 23 36 MHz 14490.5/12190.5 21 36 MHz 14497/12197 19 36 MHz 14477/12177 6405/4180 6387/4162 6383/4158 6365/4140 6347/4122 6343/4118 6325/4100 6307/4082 6303/4078 6285/4060 6267/4042 6263/4038 6245/4020 17 36 MHz 14483.5/12183.5 14463.5/12163.5 14459.5/12159.5 14446/12146 14432.5/12132.5 14428.5/12128.5 14415/12115 14401.5/12101.5 14397.5/12097.5 14384/12084 14370.5/12070.5 14366.5/12066.5 14353/12053 14339.5/12039.5 14335.5/12035.5 6227/4002 15 14470/12170 14466/12166 14452.5/12152.5 14439/12139 14435/12135 14421.5/12121.5 14408/12108 14404.5/12104 14390.5/12090.5 14377/12077 14373/12073 14359.5/12059.5 14346/12039.5 14342/12046 14328.5/12028.5 14322/12022 14308.5/12008.5 13 36 MHz 14315/12015 11 36 MHz 6223/3998 9 36 MHz 14304.5/12004.5 7 36 MHz 14311/12011 6205/3980 5 36 MHz 14291/11991 6187/3962 6183/3958 6165/3940 6147/3922 6143/3918 6125/3900 6107/3882 6103/3878 6085/3860 6067/3842 6063/3838 6045/3820 6027/3802 6023/3798 6005/3780 5987/3762 5983/3758 3 36 MHz 14297.5/11997.5 14277.5/11977.5 14273.5/11973.5 14260/11960 14246.5/11946.5 14242.5/11942.5 14229/11929 14215.5/11915.5 14211.5/11911.5 14198/11898 14184.5/11884.5 14180.5/11880.5 14167/11867 14153.5/11853.5 14149.5/11849.5 14136/11836 14122.5/11822.5 14116.5/11816.5 14089.5/11789.5 14062.5/11762.5 5965/3740 1 36 MHz 14284/11984 14280/11980 14266.5/11966.5 14253/11953 14249/11949 14235.5/11935.5 14222/11922 14218/11918 14204.5/11904.5 14191/11891 14187/11887 14173.5/11873.5 14160/11860 14156/11856 14142.5/11842.5 14129/11829 14123/11823 14096/11796 14069/11769 14062/11762 14055.5/11755.5 5947/3722 C-Band NACC 14035/11735 14028.5/11728.5 14001.5/11701.5 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 11702 BEACON 4199.5 BEACON 4196.5 BEACON 6403/4178 6385/4160 6367/4142 6363/4138 6345/4120 6327/4102 6323/4098 6305/4080 6287/4062 6283/4058 6265/4040 6247/4022 6243/4018 6225/4000 6207/3982 6203/3978 6185/3960 6167/3942 6163/3938 6145/3920 6127/3902 6123/3898 6105/3880 6087/3862 6083/3858 6065/3840 6047/3822 6043/3818 6025/3800 6007/3782 6003/3778 5985/3760 5967/3742 5963/3738 5945/3720 5927/3702 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 14008/11708 Galaxy 26 Transponder Layout (C- and Ku-Band) H/V V/H H/V V/H Ku-Band NACC 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 6423/4198 5 12198 BEACON 6405/4180 6387/4162 6383/4158 6365/4140 6347/4122 6343/4118 6325/4100 6307/4082 6303/4078 6285/4060 6267/4042 6263/4038 6245/4020 6227/4002 6223/3998 6205/3980 6187/3962 6183/3958 6165/3940 6147/3922 6143/3918 6125/3900 6107/3882 6103/3878 6085/3860 6067/3842 6063/3838 6045/3820 6027/3802 6023/3798 6005/3780 5987/3762 5983/3758 3 14498/12198 14478/12178 14460/12160 14442/12142 14438/12138 14420/12120 14402/12102 14398/12098 14380/12080 14362/12062 14358/12058 14340/12040 14322/12022 14318/12018 14300/12000 14282/11982 14278/11978 14260/11960 14242/11942 14238/11938 14220/11920 14202/11902 14198/11898 14180/11880 14162/11862 14158/11858 14140/11840 14122/11822 14118/11818 14100/11800 14082/11782 14078/11778 14060/11760 14042/11742 5965/3740 5947/3722 1 14480/12180 14462/12162 14458/12158 14440/12140 14422/12122 14418/12118 14400/12100 14382/12082 14378/12078 14360/12060 14342/12042 14338/12038 14320/12020 14302/12002 14298/11998 14280/11980 14262/11962 14258/11958 14240/11940 14222/11922 14218/11918 14200/11900 14182/11882 14178/11878 14160/11860 14142/11842 14138/11838 14120/11820 14102/11802 14098/11798 14080/11780 14062/11762 14058/11758 14038/11738 14020/11720 C-Band NACC 14040/11740 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 14002/11702 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 4199.5 BEACON 4195.0 BEACON 6403/4178 6385/4160 6367/4142 6363/4138 6345/4120 6327/4102 6323/4098 6305/4080 6287/4062 6283/4058 6265/4040 6247/4022 6243/4018 6225/4000 6207/3982 6203/3978 6185/3960 6167/3942 6163/3938 6145/3920 6127/3902 6123/3898 6105/3880 6087/3862 6083/3858 6065/3840 6047/3822 6043/3818 6025/3800 6007/3782 6003/3778 5985/3760 5967/3742 5963/3738 5945/3720 5927/3702 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 14022/11722 11702 BEACON Galaxy 27 Transponder Layout (C- and Ku-Band) V/H H/V H/V V/H Ku-Band SAM 15 17 19 21 23 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 6423/4198 13 12198 BEACON 11 6405/4180 9 14498/12198 21-23 6387/4162 6383/4158 6365/4140 6347/4122 6343/4118 6325/4100 6307/4082 6303/4078 6285/4060 6267/4042 6263/4038 6245/4020 6227/4002 6223/3998 6205/3980 6187/3962 6183/3958 6165/3940 6147/3922 6143/3918 6125/3900 6107/3882 6103/3878 6085/3860 6067/3842 6063/3838 6045/3820 6027/3802 6023/3798 6005/3780 5987/3762 5983/3758 5-7 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 12198 BEACON 6401/4176 6365/4140 6329/4104 6321/4096 6285/4060 6249/4024 6241/4016 6205/3980 6169/3944 6161/3936 6125/3900 6089/3864 6081/3856 6045/3820 6009/3784 6001/3776 5965/3740 5947/3722 1-3 14480/12180 17-19 14478/12178 13-15 14462/12162 9-11 14460/12160 14442/12142 14438/12138 14420/12120 14402/12102 14398/12098 14380/12080 14362/12062 14358/12058 14340/12040 14322/12022 14318/12018 14300/12000 14282/11982 14278/11978 14260/11960 14242/11942 14238/11938 14220/11920 14202/11902 14198/11898 14180/11880 14162/11862 14158/11858 14140/11840 14122/11822 14118/11818 14100/11800 14082/11782 14078/11778 14060/11760 14042/11742 5-7 14478/12178 14458/12158 14440/12140 14422/12122 14418/12118 14400/12100 14382/12082 14378/12078 14360/12060 14342/12042 14338/12038 14320/12020 14302/12002 14298/11998 14280/11980 14262/11962 14258/11958 14240/11940 14222/11922 14218/11918 14200/11900 14182/11882 14178/11878 14160/11860 14142/11842 14138/11838 14120/11820 14102/11802 14098/11798 14080/11780 14062/11762 14058/11758 1-3 14460/12160 14442/12142 14438/12138 14420/12120 14402/12102 14398/12098 14380/12080 14362/12062 14358/12058 14340/12040 14322/12022 14318/12018 14300/12000 14282/11982 14278/11978 14260/11960 14242/11942 14238/11938 14220/11920 14202/11902 14198/11898 14180/11880 14162/11862 14158/11858 14140/11840 14122/11822 14118/11818 14100/11800 14082/11782 14078/11778 14060/11760 14042/11742 5965/3740 5929/3704 C-Band SAM 14038/11738 14020/11720 C-Band NACC 14040/11740 14022/11722 14002/11702 4199.5 BEACON 4196.0 BEACON 6423/4178 6385/4160 6267/4142 6363/4138 6345/4120 6327/4102 6323/4098 6305/4080 6287/4062 6283/4058 6265/4040 6247/4022 6243/4018 6225/4000 6207/3982 6203/3978 6185/3960 6167/3942 6163/3938 6145/3920 6127/3902 6123/3898 6105/3880 6087/3862 6081/3856 6045/3820 6009/3784 6001/3776 5965/3740 5929/3704 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 14038/11738 14020/11720 Ku-Band NACC 11702 BEACON UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 14002/11702 Galaxy 28 Transponder Layout (C- and Ku-Band) H/V V/H V/H H/V V/H V/H New York 17-R 8-R 24-R 15-L 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 18-L 2-R 3-L 22-L 9-L 10-R 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 4-R 5-L 20-L 11-R 12-L 23-L 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 21-R 19-R 6-R 14-L 7-R 13-R 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 66 MHz 20199.8 BEACON 29990/20190 29957/20157 29924/20124 29907/20107 29874/20074 29841/20041 29824/20024 29791/19991 29758/19958 29741/19941 29708/19908 29675/19875 29658/19858 29625/19825 29592/19792 29575/19775 16-L 66 MHz 20199.8 BEACON 29990/20190 29957/20157 29924/20124 29907/20107 29874/20074 29841/20041 29824/20024 29791/19991 29758/19958 29741/19941 29708/19908 29675/19875 29658/19858 29625/19825 29592/19792 29575/19775 1-L 66 MHz 20199.8 BEACON 29990/20190 29957/20157 29924/20124 29907/20107 29874/20074 29841/20041 29824/20024 29791/19991 29758/19958 29741/19941 29709/19908 29675/19875 29658/19858 29625/19825 29592/19792 Chicago 29575/19775 Denver 29542/19742 29509/19709 Los Angeles 29542/19742 29509/19709 20199.8 BEACON 29990/20190 29957/20157 29924/20124 29907/20107 29874/20074 29841/20041 29824/20024 29791/19991 29758/19958 29741/19941 29708/19908 29675/19875 29658/19858 29625/19825 29592/19792 29575/19775 29542/19742 29509/19709 UPLINK/DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES 29542/19742 29509/19709 Galaxy 28 Transponder Layout (Ka-Band) Horizons 1 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) Horizons 2 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) *This is a future spacecraft deployment. All payload performance values are preliminary. (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) ZONE (B POL) 72 MHz 72 MHz (7-8) (7-8) 72 MHz 72 MHz (9) 6425/4200 TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) RECEIVE (UPLINK) 6298/4073 6280/4055 6262/4037 6256/4031 6220/3995 6184/3959 6166/3941 6130/3905 6094/3869 6086/3861 6050/3825 6014/3789 6006/3781 5970/3745 5934/3709 5926/3701 (1'-2') 5925/3700 HEMI (A POL) 5890/3665 HEMI/ZONE FREQUENCIES 5850/3625 5854/3629 Intelsat VI Transponder Layout 127 MHz WEST 127 MHz EAST 127 MHz NW (Z1) 127 MHz NE (Z3) 127 MHz SW (Z2) 127 MHz SE (Z4) 36 MHz 6382/4157 6402.5/4177.5 (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz (9) (10) (11) (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz 6423/4198 6425/4200 6342/4117 6360/4135 6378/4153 (11) GLOBAL (A POL) GLOBAL (B POL) 14493.5/11693.5 14500/11700 14418.5/11618.5 (10) 14331/11531 14295/11495 ** 14259/11459 (9) 11,198 11,452 14241/11191 14205/11155 14161/11111 14169/11119 14125/11075 14081/11031 14089/11039 14042.5/10992.5 14000/10950 14004/10954 337 MHz 6302/4077 6320/4095 6338/4113 84.5 MHz 247.5 MHz GLOBAL (A, B POL) 6262/4037 6280/4055 6298/4073 3947.5 3948.0 3952.0 3952.5 5925/3700 SS-TDMA CAPABILITY KU-BAND SPOT (LINEAR) (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-12) 77 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 150 MHz (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-12) 77 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 150 MHz * Notes: 1. Refer to the IESS-408 document for more detailed information. 2. * On spot downlink there is a 250 MHz gap between (5-6) and (7-8) (11,200-11,450 MHz). 3. ** The polarization of the 11 GHz beacons is Right Hand Circular (RHCP). WEST EAST Intelsat VII Transponder Layout (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz 34 MHz 34 MHz 34 MHz (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz (9) 36 MHz (9) 36 MHz GLOBAL/ C-SPOT (A, B POL) 3952.0 3952.5 3948.0 3947.5 12691/11891 12708/11908 12710/11910 12712/11912 12729/11929 12746/11946 12750/11950 12666/11866 12674/11874 12630/11830 12594/11794 12586/11786 12547.5/11747.5 12500/11700 12501/11701 (BEACON) 12509/11709 12 GHz DOWNLINK 337 MHz (12GHz) 77 MHz # Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz * 6425/4200 EAST (HEMI 2) EAST (HEMI 1) NW & SE NW & SE (Z1 & Z1A) (Z1A & Z1) (ALPHA & DELTA) (DELTA & ALPHA) ZONE BEAM SELECTIVITY (9) (10) (11) (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz (9) (10) (11) (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz 14382/11582 14370/11570 14314/11514 14331/11531 14295/11495 127 MHz 36 MHz 12 GHz SPOT 1 & SPOT 3 TRANSMIT FREQUENCIES 14186/11136 14203/11153 14205/11155 14207/11157 14224/11174 14241/11191 11198 11 GHz 11452 BEACONS 14258/11458 14259/11459 14161/11111 14169/11119 14125/11075 14089/11039 14081/11031 14042.5/10992.5 14000/10950 14004/10954 11 GHz DOWNLINK # KU-BAND SPOT (LINEAR) (3-4) WEST (HEMI 2) NE & SW NE & SW (Z2 & Z2A) † (Z2 & Z2A) † (BETA & GAMMA) (GAMMA & BETA) 12 GHz SPOT 2 & SPOT 3 TRANSMIT FREQUENCIES (1-2) WEST (HEMI 1) 127 MHz (7-8) 72 MHz TELEMETRY/TRACKING BEACONS (RHCP) 127 MHz 127 MHz (7-8) 72 MHz 3950.0 LINEAR TRACKING ONLY 337 MHz 6298/4073 (7-8) (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 6280/4055 36 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 6262/4037 72 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 6256/4031 6220/3995 6166/3941 6184/3959 6111/3886 6128/3903 6130/3905 6132/3907 6149/3924 34 MHz (9) INVERTED YAW BIAS: 180° DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES CAN BE INTERCHANGED AS A BLOCK BETWEEN SPOT 1 AND SPOT 2 (7-9) (10-12) 112 MHz 112 MHz (7-9) (10-12) 112 MHz 112 MHz UPLINK (ALL CHANNELS TOGETHER) Z1 or Z1 & Z1A or Z1A DOWNLINK (CHANNELBY-CHANNEL) Z1 or Z1A Z2 or Z2 & Z2A or Z2A Z2 or Z2A GLOBAL A or C-SPOT A (A POL) GLOBAL B or C-SPOT B (B POL) GLOBAL BEAM SELECTIVITY UPLINK (CHANNELBY-CHANNEL) GLOBAL A or C-SPOT A GLOBAL B or C-SPOT B DOWNLINK (CHANNELBY-CHANNEL) GLOBAL A or C-SPOT A GLOBAL B or C-SPOT B 14494/11694 14500/11700 (1-2) 34 MHz (7-8) HEMI/ZONE BEAM ATTITUDE MODE NORMAL YAW BIAS: 0° 14438/11638 72 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) RECEIVE (UPLINK) 6298/4073 6302/4077 6320/4095 6338/4113 6342/4117 6360/4135 6378/4153 6382/4157 6402.5/4177.5 6423/4198 6425/4200 77 MHz 6094/3869 6086/3861 6050/3825 6014/3789 6006/3781 (3-4) 5925/3700 ZONE (B POL) (1-2) 6262/4037 6280/4055 HEMI (A POL) 5967.5/3742.5 5925/3700 5929/3704 (Intelsat 701, 702, 705 and 709) SPOT 2 or 2 & 2A RCV: V LINEAR XMT: H LINEAR or SPOT 3 ** H LINEAR V LINEAR SPOT 1 RCV: H LINEAR XMT: V LINEAR or SPOT 3 ** H LINEAR V LINEAR UPLINK AND DOWNLINK SPOT BEAMS ARE INDEPENDENTLY SELECTABLE ON A CHANNEL-BY-CHANNEL BASIS Refer to the IESS-409 document for more detailed information. * On spot downlink there is a 250 MHz gap between (5-6) and (7-12) (11,200-11,450 MHz). # On spot 12 GHz downlink there is a 9 MHz Guardband before (1-2) to accommodate the beacon. The 11 GHz or 12 GHz spot frequencies may be selected independently for each beam and each channel. † Northeast and southwest zones are always labeled Z2 and Z2A respectively. Regardless of attitude mode. The 12 GHz beacons are transmitted through the communications antennas and are of the same transmit polarization. ** The polarization of the Spot 3 beam may be changed via ground command to be orthogonal to either Spot 1 or Spot 2 for flight models 705 and onwards. Intelsat VII-A Transponder Layout 77 MHz 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz 34 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz TELEMETRY/TRACKING BEACONS (RHCP) 3948.0 3947.5 3952.0 3952.5 337 MHz 6425/4200 (7-8) 6256/4031 36 MHz 6220/3995 6184/3959 6166/3941 6111/3886 6128/3903 6130/3905 6132/3907 6149/3924 6094/3869 34 MHz 72 MHz 3950.0 LINEAR TRACKING ONLY 337 MHz GLOBAL/ C-SPOT (A, B POL) (5) (5-6) (6) 127 MHz INVERTED YAW BIAS: 180° WEST (HEMI 1) WEST (HEMI 2) 127 MHz EAST (HEMI 2) EAST (HEMI 1) 127 MHz NW & SE NW & SE (Z1 & Z1A) (Z1A & Z1) (ALPHA & DELTA) (DELTA & ALPHA) NE & SW NW & SW (Z2 & Z2A) † (Z2 & Z2A) † (BETA & GAMMA) (GAMMA & BETA) 127 MHz ZONE BEAM SELECTIVITY 6382/4157 6402.5/4177.5 6423/4198 6425/4200 (3-4) 34 MHz (9) HEMI/ZONE BEAM ATTITUDE MODE NORMAL YAW BIAS: 0° 6342/4117 6360/4135 6378/4153 (1-2) 34 MHz (7-8) 6302/4077 6320/4095 6338/4113 72 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 6262/4037 6280/4055 6298/4073 77 MHz 6086/3861 6050/3825 6014/3789 6006/3781 (3-4) 5925/3700 ZONE (B POL) (1-2) TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) RECEIVE (UPLINK) 6262/4037 6280/4055 6298/4073 HEMI (A POL) 5967.5/3742.5 HEMI/ZONE FREQUENCIES 5925/3700 5929/3704 (Intelsat 706 and 707 C-Band) DOWNLINK UPLINK (ALL TRANSPONDERS (TRANSPONDERSBY-TRANSPONDER) TOGETHER) Z1 or Z1 & Z1A Z1 or Z1A or Z1A Z2 or Z2 & Z2A or Z2A (9) (10) (11) (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz (9) (10) (11) (12) GLOBAL B or C-SPOT B (B POL) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz GLOBAL BEAM SELECTIVITY GLOBAL A or C-SPOT A (A POL) UPLINK (TRANSPONDERSBY-TRANSPONDER) GLOBAL A or C-SPOT A GLOBAL B or C-SPOT B Notes: 1. Refer to the IESS-415 document for more detailed information. Z2 or Z2A DOWNLINK (TRANSPONDERSBY-TRANSPONDER) GLOBAL A or C-SPOT A GLOBAL B or C-SPOT B Intelsat VII-A Transponder Layout 12691/11891 12708/11908 12710/11910 12712/11912 12729/11929 12746/11946 12750/11950 14494/11694 14?500/11700 14477.5 14438/11638 14382/11582 14370/11570 14314/11514 14331/11531 11198 11 GHz 11452 BEACONS 14295/11495 DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR BOTH SPOT BEAMS ON A TRANSPONDER-BY-TRANSPONDER BASIS 14258/11458 14259/11459 12666/11866 12674/11874 14161/11111 14169/11119 14186/11136 14203/11153 14205/11155 14207/11157 14224/11174 14241/11191 12594/11794 14089/11039 12630/11830 12586/11786 14081/11031 14125/11075 12547.5/11747.5 12500/11700 12501/11701 (BEACON) 12509/11709 14000/10950 14004/10954 14042.5/10992.5 12 GHz DOWNLINK 11 GHz DOWNLINK (Intelsat 706 and 707 Ku-Band) 112 MHz 34 MHz (11 GHz-RHCP GLOBAL) (12)41 (7-9) (10-12) 112 MHz 112 MHz 41 # (12GHz) Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. SPOT 1 RCV: H LINEAR XMT: V LINEAR or SPOT 3 ** H LINEAR V LINEAR 14494/11694 14500/11700 14477.5 14438/11638 14382/11582 14370/11570 14314/11514 (1-3) (4-6) 112 MHz 112 MHz (1-3) (4-6) (7-9) (10-12) 112 MHz 112 MHz 112 MHz 112 MHz (7-9) 112 MHz (11 GHz-RHCP GLOBAL) (10-12) 41 SPOT 2x RCV: H LINEAR XMT: V LINEAR or SPOT 3 ** H LINEAR V LINEAR SPOT 1x RCV: V LINEAR XMT: H LINEAR or SPOT 3 ** H LINEAR V LINEAR 112 MHz (12) # SPOT 3 ** H LINEAR V LINEAR UPLINK AND DOWNLINK SPOT BEAMS ARE INDEPENDENTLY SELECTABLE ON A TRANSPONDER-BY-TRANSPONDER BASIS (12) KU-BAND SPOT (LINEAR) or DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR BOTH SPOT BEAMS ON A TRANSPONDER-BY-TRANSPONDER BASIS 14258/11458 12746/11946 12750/11950 14241/11191 11198 11 GHz 11452 BEACONS 34 MHz SPOT 2 or 2 & 2A RCV: V LINEAR XMT: H LINEAR 112 MHz (12) 12690/11890 34 MHz 12634/11834 72 MHz 14129/11079 77 MHz (10-12) (7-9) (5) (5-6) (6) 12621/11821 (3-4) 14116/11066 12500/11700 12501/11701 (BEACON) 12509/11709 14000/10950 14004/10954 (1-2) 12634/11765 12 GHz DOWNLINK 11 GHz DOWNLINK # 34 MHz 72 MHz 14060/11010 KU-BAND SPOT (LINEAR) 14185/11135 # (12GHz) 77 MHz (12) (5) (5-6) (6) (3-4) (1-2) 41 UPLINK AND DOWNLINK SPOT BEAMS ARE INDEPENDENTLY SELECTABLE ON A TRANSPONDER-BY-TRANSPONDER BASIS Refer to the IESS-415 document for more detailed information. * On spot 11 GHz downlink there is a 250 MHz gap between (5-6) (4-6) and (7-8) (7-9) (11,200-11,450 MHz). # On spot 12 GHz downlink there is a 9 MHz Guardband before (1-2) (1-3) to accommodate the beacon. The 11 GHz or 12 GHz spot frequencies may be selected independently for each beam and each transponder. The 12 GHz beacons are transmitted through the communications antennas and are of the same transmit polarization. ** The polarization of the Spot 3 beam may be changed via ground command to be orthogonal to either Spot 1 or Spot 2. Spot 3 operation in transponders (1-3) and (4-6) is limited to the bandwidth defined by transponders (1-2) and (5-6) respectively. Spot 3 may operate with the 41 MHz portion of the up-link in transponder (10-12) corresponding to the bandwidth defined by the downlink A or B POL GLOBAL/C-SPOT transponder 12. Intelsat VIII Transponder Layout 72 MHz 72 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 34 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz 6425/4200 6298/4073 6280/4055 6262/4037 6256/4031 6220/3995 6184/3959 6166/3941 6130/3905 6094/3869 34 MHz 127 MHz HEMI 1 127 MHz HEMI 2 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz 5925/3700 34 MHz 34 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 18 34 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz 127 MHz ZONE 1 (7-8) (9) 127 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz ZONE 2 (7-8) (9) 127 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz ZONE 3 (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 36 MHz 127 MHz ZONE 4 3950.0 LINEAR TRACKING ONLY TELEMETRY/TRACKING BEACONS (RHCP) 337 MHz 3948.0 3947.5 GLOBAL (A, B POL) 337 MHz Notes: Refer to the IESS-417 document for more detailed information. 3952.0 3952.5 6342/4117 6360/4135 6378/4153 6382/4157 6402.5/4177.5 6423/4198 6425/4200 77 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 6298/4073 6302/4077 6320/4095 6338/4113 (3-4) 6280/4055 (1-2) 6262/4037 5929/3704 6086/3861 6050/3825 6014/3789 72 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) RECEIVE (UPLINK) 6006/3781 (3-4) 5967.5/3742.5 (1-2) 4 ZONE (B POL) 6006/3781 5970/3745 5934/3709 5926/3701 (1'-2') 5925/3700 HEMI (A POL) 5890/3665 HEMI/ZONE FREQUENCIES 5850/3625 5854/3629 (C-Band) (9) (10) (11) (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz (9) (10) (11) (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz GLOBAL (A POL) GLOBAL (B POL) Intelsat VIII Transponder Layout # (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz (7-9) (10-12) 112 MHz 112 MHz (7-9) (10-12) 112 MHz 112 MHz 14500/11700 14494/11694 14477.5 14438/11638 14382/11582 14370/11570 14331/11531 14314/11514 DOWNLINK FREQUENCIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR BOTH SPOT BEAMS ON A TRANSPONDER-BY-TRANSPONDER BASIS 14295/11495 14241/11191 11198 11 GHz 11452 BEACONS 14258/11458 14259/11459 12674/11874 12691/11891 12708/11908 12710/11910 12712/11912 12729/11929 12746/11946 12750/11950 14169/11119 (1-2) 14186/11136 14203/11153 14205/11155 14207/11157 14224/11174 12666/11866 14161/11111 12594/11794 14089/11039 12630/11830 12586/11786 14081/11031 14125/11075 12547.5/11747.5 14042.5/10992.5 14004/10954 12500/11700 12501/11701 (BEACON) 12509/11709 14000/10950 11 GHz DOWNLINK 12 GHz DOWNLINK (Ku-Band) (12) 41 SPOT 1 RCV: H LINEAR † XMT: V LINEAR (12) 41 SPOT 2 RCV: V LINEAR † XMT: H LINEAR (11 GHz RHCP GLOBAL) # Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. (1-2) (3-4) 77 MHz 72 MHz (5) (5-6) (6) 34 MHz 34 MHz * Refer to the IESS-417 document for more detailed information. * On spot 11 GHz downlink there is a 250 MHz gap between (5-6) and (7-8) (7-9) (11,200-11,450 MHz). # On spot 12 GHz downlink there is a 9 MHz Guardband before (1-2) to accommodate the beacon. †The polarization senses of each spot beam can be changed by ground command independent of the other spot beam. The 11 GHz or 12 GHz spot frequencies may be selected independently for each beam and each channel. The 12 GHz beacons are transmitted through the communications antennas and are of the same transmit polarization. Up to a maximum of six, out of ten, Ku-band transponders can be simultaneously with some limitations on the selection of specific transponders. Uplink and downlink spot beams are independently selectable on a transponder-by-transponder basis. Intelsat VIII-A Transponder Layout (Intelsat 805) TRANSLATION FREQUENCY = 3025 MHz TRANSLATION FREQUENCY = 2225 MHz SPOT 6262/4037 6280/4055 6298/4073 6302/4077 6320/4095 6338/4113 6342/4117 6360/4135 6378/4153 (5-6) (7-8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 36 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) 77 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 14250/12750 36 MHz 14241/12746 36 MHz 14205/12710 (12) 14169/12674 (11) 14161/12666 (10) 14125/12630 (9) 14089/12594 (7-8) 72 MHz 14081/12586 (5-6) 72 MHz 14042.5/12547.5 (3-4) 72 MHz 14004/12509 (1-2) 72 MHz BEACON 12501 (1') 36 MHz SPOT 1 RCV: H LINEAR XMT: V LINEAR Notes: 1. Refer to the IESS-418 document for more detailed information. 6569/3544 6587/3562 6605/3580 6609/3584 6627/3602 6645/3620 6650/3625 6184/3959 6220/3995 6256/4031 (3-4) 6529/3504 6547/3522 6565/3540 6014/3789 6050/3825 6086/3861 6166/3941 5934/3709 5970/3745 6006/3781 6094/3869 6130/3905 5890/3665 5908/3683 5926/3701 (1-2) 14000/12500 5850/3625 (1') 6489/3464 6507/3482 6525/3500 3952.0 3952.5 3948.0 3947.5 6449/3424 6467/3442 6485/3460 TELEMETRY/TRACKING BEACONS (RHCP) 6382/4157 6402.5/4177.5 6423/4198 6425/4200 // 6425/3400 3950.0 LINEAR TRACKING ONLY HEMI A (A POL) (7') (6') (5') (4') (3') 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz (7') (6') (5') (4') (3') 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz HEMI B (B POL) TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) RECEIVE (UPLINK) Intelsat IX Transponder Layout (7-8) (9) (9A) (9B) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) (9A) (9B) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz (1'-2') (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9) 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 36 MHz 3950.0 LINEAR TRACKING ONLY 6425/4200 127 MHz HEMI 1 127 MHz HEMI 2 127 MHz ZONE 1 127 MHz ZONE 2 127 MHz ZONE 3 127 MHz ZONE 4 127 MHz ZONE 5 (10) (11) (12) (12A)(12B) 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz (10) (11) (12) (12A)(12B) 36 MHz 36 MHz 41 MHz TELEMETRY/TRACKING BEACONS (RHCP) 377 MHz 3948.0 3947.5 3952.0 3952.5 GLOBAL (A, B POL) 377 MHz 0 (Ku-Band) ) Notes: Refer to the IESS-422 document for more detailed information. 6425/4200 (5-6) 6382/4157 6402.5/4177.5 6423/4198 (3-4) 6342/4117 6360/4135 6378/4153 6298/4073 6280/4055 6256/4031 6262/4037 6220/3995 6184/3959 6166/3941 6130/3905 6094/3869 6086/3861 6050/3825 6014/3789 6006/3781 5970/3745 5934/3709 5926/3701 (1-2) 5925/3700 ZONE (B POL) (1'-2') TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) RECEIVE (UPLINK) 6302/4077 6320/4095 6338/4113 HEMI (A POL) 5890/3665 HEMI/ZONE FREQUENCIES 5850/3625 5854/3629 (C-Band) Intelsat X-02 Transponder Layout HEMI 1B (H1B) 4 HEMI 2A (H2A) 4 ZONE 1B (Z1B) 4 ZONE 2B (Z2B) 4 (1'-2') 72 MHz (1'-2') 72 MHz 8 72 MHz 8 72 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz (7-8) 72 MHz (7-8) (9) 6 4 (9) 4 (9) 72 MHz 4 (10) (10) (10) 4 (11) 4 (11) 4 (11) 4 36 MHz (11) (12) 7 (12) 7 36 MHz 4 (12) 7 36 MHz 36 MHz 4 7 36 MHz 36 MHz 4 (12) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 4 36 MHz (10) (11) 36 MHz 36 MHz 36 MHz 6 4 36 MHz 36 MHz 6 6342/4117 6360/4135 6378/4153 6302/4077 6320/4095 6338/4113 4 (9) 6 (10) 36 MHz 36 MHz 72 MHz 18 6280/4055 6298/4073 6262/4037 6256/4031 6220/3995 6184/3959 6166/3941 18 (5-6) 8 (7-8) 4 36 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz (3-4) 8 6130/3905 6094/3869 72 MHz (1-2) 18 (5-6) 8 (7-8) (9) 6 72 MHz 72 MHz (3-4) 8 72 MHz (1'-2') 6086/3861 72 MHz (1-2) 18 (5-6) 8 (7-8) 72 MHz 72 MHz (3-4) 8 72 MHz (1'-2') (5-6) 8 72 MHz (1-2) 8 18 72 MHz (3-4) 8 72 MHz (1'-2') (5-6) 8 72 MHz (1-2) 8 6050/3825 6014/3789 6006/3781 (3-4) 8 72 MHz 72 MHz 4 (12) 7 36 MHz 36 MHz 3950.0 V LINEAR TRACKING ONLY 5925/3700 GUARDBAND (MHz) 5970/3745 5934/3709 (1-2) 8 6425/4200 4 6382/4157 6400/4175 6418/4193 HEMI 1A (H1A) 5926/3701 RECEIVE (UPLINK) 5890/3665 FREQUENCIES 5854/3629 TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) 5850/3625 (C-Band) TELEMETRY/TRACKING BEACONS (RHCP) 3952.0 3952.5 3948.0 3947.5 GLOBAL A (10) 5925 MHz 4 36 MHz 377 MHz GLOBAL B (10) 36 MHz 5925 MHz (11) 4 36 MHz 4 (11) 36 MHz (12) 7 36 MHz 4 (12) 7 36 MHz 9 SPOT 3X Circular Beam RX: H POL TX: V POL 9 (1'-2') 72 MHz 8 (1-2) 8 (1-2) 72 MHz (7-9) 112 MHz (10-12) 14500/11700 14491/11691 14435/11635 14379/11579 14315/11515 14371/11571 8 9 112 MHz 8 (10-12) 9 112 MHz 14000/12750 13991/12741 13955/12705 14259/11459 11203 BEACON 14255/11205/11455 11457 BEACON 14241/11191 18 (5) (5-6) (5) (3-4) (7-9) 112 MHz 72 MHz 72 MHz 8 14205/11155 14169/11119 14161/11111 8 72 MHz 72 MHz (1'-2') (3-4) 13919/12669 72 MHz SPOT 3 Circular Beam RX: V POL TX: H POL 14125/11075 14089/11039 14081/11031 14045/10995 8 18 (5) (5-6) 72 MHz 13911/12661 RECEIVE (UPLINK) (1-2) 9 8 72 MHz 13875/12625 FREQUENCIES 72 MHz (3-4) 13839/12589 TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) 8 13831/12581 SPOT 2 Elliptical Beam RX: V POL TX: H POL (1-2) 9 13795/12545 SPOT 1 Elliptical Beam RX: H POL TX: V POL 14009/10959 RECEIVE (UPLINK) 13759/12509 FREQUENCIES 13750/12500 TRANSMIT (DOWNLINK) 14000/10950 (Ku-Band) 9 72 MHz 8 (5) (3-4) 72 MHz 9 Note: 1. Spot 1 and Spot 2 beams are independently rotatable IS-1R Transponder Layout (C-Band) IS-1R Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-5 Transponder Layout (C-Band) IS-7 Transponder Layout (C-Band) (Ku-Band) IS-8 Transponder Layout (C-Band) (Ku-Band) IS-9 Transponder Layout (C-Band) (Ku-Band) IS-10 Transponder Layout (C-Band) IS-10 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-11 Transponder Layout (C-Band) IS-12 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-14 Transponder Layout (C-Band) 162 IS-14 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-15 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-17 Transponder Layout (C-Band) IS-17 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-18 Transponder Layout (C-Band) IS-18 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-24 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-25 Transponder Layout (C-Band) IS-25 Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) IS-26 Transponder Layout (C-Band) Intelsat New Dawn Transponder Layout (Ku-Band) 1 West Transponder Layout (Ku-Band)