Introduction Courses Conclusion Introduction Courses Conclusion Outline Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli University of Arizona 1 Introduction 2 Courses Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses 3 Conclusion Teaching Linguistics, July 2009 University of Konstanz July 25, 2009 Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Introduction Courses Conclusion The courses 1 breadth requirements 2 majors 3 special audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Audience members Frametitle: Audience members Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences 1 Linguistics junkies 2 Language buffs 3 Required course 4 Course fits the schedule Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Introduction Courses Conclusion The attitude What matters? the audience the professor enthralled and fascinated rarely virtually always baffled and bewildered virtually always rarely Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics the audience the professor is it about linguistics? rarely virtually always is it on the test? virtually always rarely Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance: it’s all about me! getting a job practical usefulness language policy language attitudes debunk language myths understand people understand my children... Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Outline 1 Introduction 2 Courses Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses 3 Conclusion understand myself Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Breadth requirement audience Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Error with breadth requirements 1 Rare: Linguistics junkies 2 A few: Language buffs 3 Most: Required course 4 Many: Course fits the schedule (& is required) viewing students as linguists-in-the-making They are not and have no desire to be! Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Possible goals with breadth requirements Understanding that language is pretty complex Ability to explain why linguistics matters Enough core linguistics to identify the linguistics fans Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Goals-relevance match-up Relevance/Goal job useful policy attitudes myths understand people understand self Lg complexity no maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Ling matters no maybe yes yes yes yes yes!! Core ling no no no no no no no Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Relevance in breadth education courses It’s all about me! Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Relevance in breadth education courses It’s all about me! Focus on ways that linguistics matters Language: a special lens to examine yourself! Bring in language complexity and core linguistics as support, not as main focus Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses What do I think about language? Age and language Introduction Courses Conclusion Why do teenagers talk the way they do? 2 And why does your grandmother think that’s a problem, anyway? Why do young kids spell so oddly? Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses What do I think about language? 1 How come I can’t just talk to my computer in plain English? 2 Why are voice-activated systems so bad? Will we be able to in the future? What can improve them? thanks to Natasha Warner thanks to Natasha Warner & Cathy Hicks Kennard Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Machines and language 1 3 Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses What do I think about language? Society and language Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses What do I think about language? Policy and language 1 Why are there so many kinds of English? 1 2 Why are grammar rules (like “don’t split an infinitive”) different from the way we talk? Shouldn’t government employees be required to speak only English at work? 2 Does the U.S. have a national language? Should we? 3 Notice that all these people are upset about language! Why? 3 Sometimes you hear people talking half in English and half in Spanish. Why? 4 Why do African Americans refuse to speak good English? 5 Why do we teach foreign languages in high school? thanks to Natasha Warner thanks to Natasha Warner & Cathy Hicks Kennard Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses It’s all about me! Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses It’s all about me! Using the linguistic lens Using the linguistic lens on media Linguistic autobiography Simpsons’ Ned Flanders Star Wars’ Yoda Language innovation in text/tweet/FB Dialects – “Do you speak American?” (PBS documentary) Dialects – the language in reality shows wel-diddly-elcome kid-diddly-ids ac-diddly-action my-diddly-eye “When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.” thanks to Amy Fountain and Lio Matthieu Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses It’s all about me! Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Summary Be relevant & get rave reviews Courses for breadth education summary Psycholinguistics: students collect and analyze speech errors Multiple ways that language interfaces with our lives Language and gender: students observe backchanneling (how can you tell s/he is really listening in class?) Courses can highlight these interfaces in different ways Prescriptive/descriptive: how English teachers are right, and why they are wrong thanks to Cathy Hicks Kennard Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Majors audience select one as the theme for the course select a few so course has multiple themes course projects tap into themes use themes to illuminate necessity of formal analysis critical: avoid using formal analysis to illuminate themes: wrong audience for this!!! Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Error with courses for majors 1 majors (of course!) 2 interested students 3 satisfying an elective for some other major viewing students as linguists-in-the-making some are not and have no desire to be! some might be but aren’t sure yet... there’s still some selling to do! Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Goals with courses for majors Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Types of relevance in courses for majors Start with data and work towards formal model Tell mom & dad why linguistics is important the KPM model Use analytic knowledge in a “relevant” domain acquisition sociolinguistic (e.g. AAVE, Chicano English) Sort majors and non-majors Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses “Ane!” Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses AAE C: C’s mom: M: M’s mom: C’s mom: C: [eIn]! [eIn]! where’s the train? not [teIn]. [teIn]! oh! where’s the crane? crane? yes! [eIn]! “Golddigger” by Kanye West What is C doing? Think about this... What is M doing? She take my money Yeah she’s a triflin’ friend indeed But she ain’t messin’ wit no broke Niggaz thanks to Lio Matthieu Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Summary Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Audience Courses for majors summary typically self-selected based on course topic course is content-driven semantics, phonology, phonetics, etc. also includes some majors relevance for majors is largely the content this is not the case for nonmajors in these courses! use content to illuminate language interface themes as with breadth education courses Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Error with special audience courses Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Goal & relevance with special audience courses teaching the class is not an issue deliver what is promised! we simply forget to imagine & offer such courses! students aware of relevance already relevance depends on subject matter Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Example special audience course examples Linguistics for language learners Course developed by Elizabeth Hume & Peter Culicover, Ohio State University Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Sound exercises for language learners Pronunciation: Diphthongs to monophthongs Fay, foe fée ’fairy’, faux ’false’ Culicover & Hume (in press) The Basics of Language for Language Learners, OSU Press. projected publication date: early 2010. Culicover & Hume 3 sections: sound, structure/meaning, culture thanks to Beth Hume Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Sound exercises for language learners Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Structure exercises for language learners Phonotactics: Identify CC* sequences that appear word-initially in the language you are learning Meaning & structure: Choose a language other than English that you are familiar with. 1 identify all Cs in target language How is α expressed in that language? 2 initial CC in chart with Cs down side and across top 3 initial CCC in chart w/ CC in rows, C in columns Does the language designate the roles in the same way as English? 4 Compare to English; what are the challenges (α= afraid, like, give, tell, sell, send) Culicover & Hume Culicover & Hume Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Structure exercises for language learners Tense: Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Culture exercises for language learners (Culicover & Hume) Select a language other than your native language. How is the relationship between the time of speaking and the time of an event expressed in another language? e.g. near future vs. more distant future Register: How would/should you ask each of the following people to repeat something that you did not understand? your kid brother or sister your father or mother Compare to your native language. your closest buddy Culicover & Hume the instructor in a class an armed law officer at a sobriety check Culicover & Hume Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Culture exercises for language learners (Culicover & Hume) Gesture: Watch people interact with one another who you cannot hear. What do you notice about their gestures? Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Other special audience courses Linguistics for writers Jabberwocky poems, Amy Fountain compare oral and written versions of same poem, Cathy Hicks Kennard Language and law Linguistics for K-12 teachers Forensic linguistics Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses Summary Introduction Courses Conclusion Outline Courses for special audiences summary variety of such courses can be imagined; for many, possible texts exist relevance to audience driven by audience needs 1 Introduction 2 Courses Breadth requirements Linguistics for majors Special audience courses 3 Conclusion mistake is to not even think about offering such courses Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance Role of audience The over-arching goal The big mismatch Course material is relevant beyond tests! Different audiences are drawn to different types of courses But: relevance of course material differs by audience type Different audiences have different goals Audience goals and instructor’s goals do not always match up well Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Introduction Courses Conclusion Role of relevance That is what I did... Audience foremost Thanks to UA grad students, past and present, and especially to... Challenge in teaching such courses is to structure the course to improve the match-up Key: elucidate relevance of linguistics to the audience The next generation Current grad students Model in the classroom Overt discussions with TAs and mentees Ask their advice Amy Fountain Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Introduction Courses Conclusion Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion That is what I did... That is what I did... Thanks to UA grad students, past and present, and Thanks to UA grad students, past and present, and especially to... especially to... Cathy Hicks Kennard Lionel Mathieu Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion Introduction Courses Conclusion That is what I did... That is what I did... Thanks to UA grad students, past and present, and Thanks to UA grad students, past and present, and especially to... especially to my colleague... Jessamyn Schertz Natasha Warner Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Introduction Courses Conclusion That is what I did... Thanks to UA grad students, past and present, and especially to... Bruce Long Peng Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences Diana Archangeli, Teaching Linguistics Relevance to the Linguistic Audiences