SPIN First Digital Protection System Feedback of experience …. ….after 30 years Michel Kosicki, Jose Pacuta, James Kamga, Jean-Pierre Burel Rolls-Royce – Civil Nuclear Instrumentation and Control © Rolls-Royce plc 2010 The information in this document is the property of Rolls-Royce plc and may not be copied or communicated to a third party, or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of Rolls-Royce plc. This information is given in good faith based upon the latest information available to Rolls-Royce plc, no warranty or representation is given concerning such information, which must not be taken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon Rolls-Royce plc or any of its subsidiary or associated companies. 2 Introducing the SPIN Paluel – 4 x 1300MW 1984 : Rolls-Royce has installed the first Digital Integrated Protection System (DIPS - SPIN) on Paluel 1, the first of the 1300 MW series in France Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 3 Introducing the SPIN In operation on 20 reactors. After 30 years , the system is still operated and maintained A method , an organization , a contractual agreement has been set up to keep the system into operation : Spare parts (obsolescence management) Competences and skills Tools for manufacturing Training the system operators Technical Support Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private Status of technologies 4 EDF NPPs safety I&C systems in France 1970 900 MW - relays - analogue 1980 1300 MW P4 - 8 bits Motorola microprocessor - point-to-point links - assembler language 1990 1450 MW N4 - 16 bits Motorola microprocessor - NERVIA networks - Optical fibre - SAGA SDE IGNALINA DUKOVANY TIHANGE FESSENHEIM, BUGEY QINSHAN METSAMOR KOZLODUY LIAONING HONGYANHE, FUJIAN NINGDE 2010 - 32 bits Motorola microprocessor - NERVIA networks - Optical fibre - CLARISSE SSDE SPINLINE3 non software based Reactor units Cumulated operation Rolls-Royce data-strictly private software based 20 units 420 reactor-years 4 units 60 reactor-years 18 units 90 reactor-years Insert filename Architecture of the SPIN 5 Acquisition and processing : 4 divisions Hardwired links Trip Optic fibre – Serial Asynchronous link - One way Actuation : 2 trains OU ESFAS – train A Rolls-Royce data-strictly private ESFAS – train B Insert filename 6 Acquisition and processing : HARDWIRED LOGIC DIGITAL UNITS PROCESSING INSULATION MODULES ANA UF1 UF2 INSULATION MODULES BIN UF3 INH & PS DIGITAL UNITS COMMUNICATION UES UF4 PRISES TEST CONNECTION TEST Digital Hardwired UF5 UF6 UF7 Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 7 Actuation (ESFAS) : Hardwired logic Log Y Log X S1 2/2 S1 Rel. S2 2/2 S2 Rel. (dynamic logic – magnetic amplifiers – relays ) Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 8 Technology : * 5 U boards * Double layer Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 9 Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private Technological concepts (end of 70’s) 10 CPU : Motorola microprocessor : 6800 – 8 bits Co-processor for calculation : 6 x 2901 (6 x 4 bits) Clock : 1MHz (…!!!) Memories : REPROM 20 Ko ! RAM 2 Ko ! Communication between digital units : Shared memories Serial Asynchronous links Optic fibers Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private Software development 11 Technology Motorola 6800 8-bits microprocessor : (52 CPU's) absolute assembler language : 40,000 instructions Development Process software life cycle (V cycle) top down modular design (manual) V&V (manual) Tools absolute assembler + binary loader No existing standard at that time Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private SPIN P4 Feedback – Software 12 Operation : More than 500 years x reactor (satisfactory) Software : SPIN P4 : assembler + manual V&V : - 22.3 faults per 10,000 loc during validation (SPIN N4 : with tools (SAGA)) - 2.6 faults per 10,000 loc during validation) 0 major fault , 1 minor fault on site 14 software releases for functional improvement Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 13 SPIN P4 Feedback – Hardware Obsolescence management - Redesign of modules or boards : Optical Emitter/Receiver module Analogue and Binary Insulation board Dynamic logic cells Relays boards (improvement of relays) The CPU is still the original one – possible manufacturing Hardware : Replacement of the automatic tester : The original computer (Solar) has been replaced by a modern industrial PC type computer with VXI racks Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private A new automatic tester 14 Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 15 Long Term Operation Objective : To keep the system in operation as long as possible Combination of 2 strategies : 1. Maintenance and Repair (spare parts) 2. Modernization by System Replacement (complete or partial) Consequences : Dedicated team for maintenance (expertise, diagnostic , repairing, spare parts , modification …) Guarantee skills and tools availability for a long period Long term agreement with customer Rolls-Royce has developed a dedicated organization Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 16 Situation on French Fleet An agreement based on : Long term contractual relationship (25 years) Trust and transparency Mutual commitments 45 Scope of Hardware 40 RPN-CP0 Performance objectives Pérennité Protocole application period 35 N4 30 2030 1300 MW 900 MW 2025 20 25 20 20 20 15 20 10 20 05 20 00 19 95 Pérennité Protocole signature 19 90 19 85 Scope of services 25 Obsolescence management 20 15 Technical support 10 Repairs 5 Spares parts 0 On-site maintenance Customer Training HW and SW modification Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private Obsolescence management Transistors number 17 Next gen of COTS processors far more complex ! MPC 860 Nervia 10 000 000 Life cycle of our processors 68040 1000 000 GR 100 000 Obsolescence management 68000 10000 Moore law 6800 1000 100 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 18 Obsolescence management 3 stages : 1/3 Obsolescence monitoring Component sensitivity analysis Obsolescence identification and assessment 15 000 supplier references tracked A sensitivity for each supplier reference 5 000 component codes (RRCN codes) a sensitivity assessment for each code Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 19 Obsolescence management 3 stages : 2/3 Exchange meeting with EDF New obsolescence presentation Solution presentation, assessment, technical, financial, Quarterly meetings with the customer (EDF) Presentation, sharing and solution orientations Follow-up of progress Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 20 Obsolescence management 3 stages : 3/3 Obsolescence management Design of new board or module Implementation (documentation) Obsolescence management by Strategic storage Substitution Re-design Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private Obsolescence management 21 Obsolescence management includes components, manufacturing processes, suppliers Solutions depend on Availability of equivalent components (suppliers) Interface complexity Solution robustness : shorter components life cycle Low volume of components New standards and technologies Keeping the same Qualification level as origin Seismic, vibration, EMI/RFI, … tests Acceptance by customer of major modifications Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private Feedback gathering (REX) 22 LTM Information System Repairs REX process QUALEX Techn ical supp ort Site assistance QUALIS HW database Life cycle management Management Monitoring Preventive Strategic process process storage storage EDF Spare storage EDF data Rolls-Royce data-strictly private Insert filename 23 SPIN Equipment overview Gives a global view of the criticality of an equipment System engineers shall analyse, comment and make recommendations for each equipment/system SPIN 1300 UATP The inputs : Technical support Site data Critical To be followed Non Critical Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 24 Coming years ? The system is still capable to be operated for many years with the same functions BUT : New needs : New software application - needs for more : - power for calculation .. - memory capacity, The system has reached its limits Then : A program got started to analyze the replacement of the digital parts with an up to date technology (Rolls-Royce SPINLINE) The Hardwired parts will be kept (and will be operated for 30 more years !!!) Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private 25 Conclusion After thirty years of operation, results are positive : System is in correct operation and still maintained with spare parts available NO spurious trip or actuation due to the system itself A project for modernization is prepared to replace the digital part with a new digital technology designed with today’s : Components (SPINLINE 3) methods and tools (Software development) Standards (EMI/RFI – qualification) in order to allow customer to add some new functional needs and to keep the system in operation for thirty more years. Insert filename Rolls-Royce data-strictly private