2 April 2014 - Radford College

Photographer: Adrian Cattanach
2 April 2014
Radford College Calendar
To advise student absences, please contact the relevant reception area listed below directly.
ELC Reception
Wed 2 Apr
Y9 Music Recital
Wed 2 Apr
Snowsports Information Evening
Mon 7 Apr
Foundation Day Concert - book now!
Tue 8 Apr
Rowing Presentation Night
Fri 11 Apr
Foundation Day Fundraiser - DONATE NOW!
6162 6298
1 – 4 Reception
5 – 6 Reception
7 – 8 Reception
6162 5330
6162 6290
6162 6269
9 – 10 Reception
6162 6204
11 – 12 Reception
6162 6261
OSHC - Director
6162 5376
Reception hours during term time are 8am – 4pm, except Main Reception, which is 8am – 5pm
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You can download the free software Adobe Reader from: http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/
Click on any section name below to go directly there, then close the section tab to return to here
[or you can simply scroll down through the whole Bulletin].
Mrs Fiona Godfrey
PreK to Year 6
Collegians &P&F
Year 7 to Year 12
Radford JS @RadfordJS
24 Sep
Junior School Bytes - Wed 24 September. 7th Year Six Exhibition,
Learning Journeys, Congratulations.. #RadfordACT
Radford JS @RadfordJS
16 Sep
Year 6 @ibpyp Exhibition begins tomorrow! All members of the
#RadfordACT community are welcome 6pm Wed 16 September.
Retweeted by farah
Tweet #radfordact
As Term 1 draws to a close, I intend to use this week's Bulletin to update members of the Radford community on some upcoming events and the imminent release of
important information.
Foundation Day
On Monday 7 April, the Foundation Day Concert will begin our celebrations of our Foundation and raise money for the RAS charities chosen this year. This concert will
involve Radford choirs and ensembles and Collegian Callum Henshaw. It also features the world premiere of Anthem for Wisdom, written specially for the Radford choirs by
Canberra composer, Daniel Brinsmead. I am delighted that this piece was commissioned to welcome me to the College as Principal.
Later that week, on Friday 11 April, the College will come together to celebrate Foundation Day, arguably one of the most important days on the school's calendar. I am
looking forward to witnessing, for the first time, the Foundation Day Service, involving all students and giving narrative to our foundations through the story of resurrection and
new birth. In part, this service is also important because it is one of the few occasions throughout the year when all 1620 students assemble in the one venue. Following the
service, students then separate into House and sub-school groups, to participate in a range of activities as part of the Foundation Day celebrations.
The College traditionally holds its RAS Charity Fundraiser in conjunction with Foundation Day. As detailed in the letter that went home to families (also in the Bulletin), the
RAS Charity Fundraiser is the one annual charity fundraising event where we work as a whole College to raise funds to support community work. We seek the generous
support of students and their network of relationships to give and support work beyond our borders. I would ask all parents to support your child please in asking friends,
family, neighbours and colleagues to donate generously. A full list of the charities being supported in 2014 was included in the letter sent home and is detailed in Radford
Online for parents. Raising as much as we can is an expression of how we seek to live in truth, rise in compassion, walk in wisdom.
Our search for a new Deputy Principal
As many of you would now be aware, our Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School, Mr Allan Shaw, will be leaving the College at the end of Semester I to take up the
Principalship of The Knox School in Melbourne. We congratulate Mr Shaw on this appointment and know that he is ready and very able to lead a school in his own right once
The task of recruiting a replacement for this position began some weeks ago. I am pleased to report that local and national advertising attracted a large number of applicants
from all over Australia, the majority of whom are currently in senior positions in independent schools. While this response increased the demands on the selection committee,
I was very pleased that so many senior educationalists were keen to take up this role at our school. This highlights the regard in which people hold Radford College across
the country, particularly those whose opinions I respect.
I am pleased to say that we are now in the final stage of this recruitment process. I expect that we should be able to announce Allan's replacement by early next term. I have
no doubt that you will all be delighted by the calibre and experience of our new Deputy Principal, and we will organise an event as soon as possible to introduce the person
selected to students and parents.
Although Allan Shaw is leaving at the end of Semester I, his wife Susan Hobson and son Cassidy will be leaving the College at the end of this term. Susan has been a
teacher at the College for the last eight years (Mathematics, Humanities and Physical Education), and she will finish her time at Radford on Friday 11 April. On behalf of the
College, I would like to thank Susan for her dedication and commitment to the school, particularly for the work she has done with our Middle Years students, and wish her well
as she makes the transition to Melbourne.
Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the move to a 1:1 program
Over the past couple of years, Radford College has been examining the opportunities that a move to a 1:1 ICT program would offer our students. At the same time, however,
we have also been thoroughly investigating the ramifications of such a move, and the different forms such a program could take, e.g. BYOD (bring your own device) or BYOT
(bring your own technology). Research and anecdotal evidence show that a 1:1 program can greatly enhance learning opportunities and allows students to move toward
more individualised learning, which in turn increases their independence and self-initiated learning within and beyond the classroom.
Radford College is committed to "outstanding educational achievement". This commitment must also be evident in the rapidly changing ICT domain, as much as in other
educational pursuits. To this end we agree that ICT at Radford must be:
flexible and agile enough to embrace emerging educational trends
innovative and adroit, with a commanding sense of the skills that underpin 21st century learning
ready and prepared for change, with a well-structured plan, always mindful of the needs of our community of students, staff and parents
efficient and considered using material resources
informed and aware of emerging good practice.
The keys to successful ICT strategic change are vision, consultation and considered change management. Over a number of years, the ICT and e-Learning Committees at
Radford College have informed our strategies. The selection of our Learning Management System, the roll out of the Digital Education Revolution program and, more
recently, the provision of resources for the new Senior School building, were all informed by these two committees, as well as wider research and business constraints.
Much has been written about the objectives of ICT in education. According to blogger Terry Heick, in his post ‘The Persistent Appeal of Technology in Learning’
http://www.edutopia.org/blog/persistent-appeal-technology-in-learning-terry-heick, there are three purposes: to extend the ‘reach’ of educational experience, to engage and
enthuse the learner, and to personalise learning. Like all innovations in school education, the core objectives of ICT at Radford must be to enhance student-learning
outcomes and to assist students to be fit for future purpose.
After much consideration and consultation, the College will shortly be in a position to announce a program that will eventually see students in the upper primary and
secondary sections of the School with their own ICT device. As is always the case with major changes in the College, careful consideration will be given to the timing of such
announcements and the implications for students and parents.
Every week the College sends out messages and makes phone calls to parents (e.g. re sick children) only to discover that our database records are out-of-date. This can
mean that you are not getting the information you need, and we cannot contact you for important matters. Our Main Reception staff administer the College database
and if you need to update your details, please e-mail Main Reception directly.
Parents may e-mail the details of their child's MyWay card to Main Reception so they can be recorded on the database. If a registered card is handed in, Main Reception staff
can return it to the student directly, instead of it being sent to ACTION for them to post to the student.
Mrs Sally Mordike
Notice of Withdrawal from Radford
Families wishing to withdraw a student from the College are reminded that a letter to the Principal is required, giving at least one term's notice to avoid any financial penalty.
This letter needs to be signed by all/both the original signatories to the student's enrolment. A term’s notification not only helps families avoid the withdrawal penalty of half a
term’s fee, it also means that new families can be offered places at the school in good time.
Please contact the Registrar, Sally Mordike, on 6162 6212 or by e-mail if you require any clarification or advice.
(No notice is required for students who will be leaving the College as Year 12 graduates at the end of the year, but notice IS required for mid-year leavers from Year 12.)
Pre-K to Year 6
Head of Junior School: Mr Paul Southwell
Assistant Head of Junior School Years 3-6: Marina Malcolm
Assistant Head of Junior School P-2: Nicole Jaggers
Catch up with the latest Junior School News
Please also take the time to:
read the rest of the Bulletin, for "whole College" items, such as the Principal's section, the Chaplain's reflection, Nurse's section and Sporting and Community
check the CALENDAR regularly.
Year 7 to Year 12
Mr Allan Shaw
Parents and students are reminded that students are required to attend the Y11/Y12 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews, which will take place next week.
Parents should access the online PTO booking system for interviews.
Senior School Interview Dates
Y12: Tue 8 Apr
Y11: Thur 10 Apr
Bookings now open
PTO Booking system link
(PTO Booking link also available on the College website home page)
Interview dates:
Middle Years
Y7: Tue 1 April
Y8: Wed 2 April
High School
Y9: Tue 6 May
Y10: Th 8 May
Senior School
Y11: Thur 10 Apr
Y12: Tue 8 Apr
Parents should access the online PTO booking system for interviews for all secondary school year groups (Y7-Y12 inclusive).
Access for bookings closes at 10pm on the night before the interviews, but be aware that booking spaces fill quickly.
All interviews will be held in the TB Millar Hall, from 4-7pm. Interviews are 5 mins in length.
Parents unable to make the interviews are invited to contact the teachers concerned
Language Department – OzClo Competition
Contact: HOD LOTE Dianne Fitzpatrick
This term Radford students competed in The Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad. OzClo is a contest for high school students. It challenges them to develop
their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating real languages. Our teams in this competition are made up of students studying French and Japanese. This year we
competed with three teams, one Senior Team and two Junior Teams. One of our Junior Teams, comprising of: Alison Mount, James Lindesay, Callum Mayer and Nicky McColl
was our top placed team, receiving a Gold Certificate. Our other two teams (Junior and Senior) were awarded a Silver Certificate. The Junior Team: Hannah Janssens,
Brooke Hatton, Jemima Mordike and Lani Parker. The Senior Team: Emma Webbeck, Eleanor Hsu, Sophie VanDijk and Stephanie Jewell.
I am always impressed at the high level we are able to achieve without months of practice by the students. This year it was also a mammoth effort for all the students as they
had all competed at the Swimming Carnival earlier in the day. Congratulations to the students for all of their efforts and teamwork on the day!
Homework Café & High School Tutorials - revised timetable!
Contact: Director of Studies Y7-Y10
Mr Mat Irving
Homework Café:
3:45pm - 4:45pm as per the timetable below.
Homework Café is a great way to seek advice from teachers relating to content work and assessment. It is also an opportunity to collaborative with peers in a supportive and
inclusive environment. There is a $5 charge for attendance - students will be noted on an attendance register and the fee will be charged to their Radford student account.
NOTE: There will be no Homework Cafe on Thursday 3 April, due to Year 8 Parent/Teacher Interviews.
High School Tutorials:
3:45pm - 4:45pm as per the timetable below.
Students in Years 7-12 are welcome to attend Science and Maths tutorials that have been assigned to Years 9 & 10. Tutorials are a great way to seek specific advice from
teachers relating to content work and assessment.
Week A
Week B
H/W Café 7/8
Rm. 94/95
Rm. 94/95
Rm. 94/95
Rm. 94/95
Rm. 94/95
Rm. 94/95
Rm. 46
7-12 welcome
Rm. 56
7-12 welcome
Rm. 23
7-12 welcome
Rm. 56
7-12 welcome
Rm. 26
7-12 welcome
Rm. 23
7-12 welcome
Rm. 26
MIDDLE YEARS - Every student, every opportunity
Head of Middle Years: Ms Claire Melloy
What's been happening in the Middle Years?
Georgia Kennedy cutting her long hair short to donate it to be made into wigs for Cancer patients as part of the World's Greatest Shave.
Read Father Richard's reflection: Empathy and the Game of Thrones
Father Richard Browning
RAS Charity Fundraiser - 11 April 2014
Students have selected the charities for support in 2014.
Donate to the fundraiser now! http://www.trybooking.com/EPQD
Letter with full details
Helping our community understand where our money goes is a challenge that belongs to all of us. As we move towards Foundation Day and living in truth, rising in
compassion, walking in wisdom, we must be able to own where our values have bound us to action.
Art work by Ingrid Hunter
Radford Parent Prayers (RaPPers)
Contacts: Deb Robinson on 0438 608 811 or Chaplain Nikolai Blaskow on nikolai.blaskow@radford.act.edu.au
Week A Day 3
Time: 7:45am til 8:15am
Venue: TB Millar Hall
Term 2 dates
Wednesday 30th April [week 1]
Wednesday 14th May [week 3]
Wednesday 28th May [week 5]
Wednesday 11th June [week 7]
Wednesday 25th June [week 9]
UV Alert
Canberra 30 Sep
Ms Karen Baker
Does your adolescent child have sleep problems?
Find out more about some of the causes, and how to alleviate these problems.
Sun protection
8:50am to 3:00pm
Max UV: 7
See today's UV graph.
Add this to your
HOD: Mrs Suzanne Rentsch
Access all the latest information on university courses, scholarships and admission information, further training, Australian School Based Apprenticeships (ASBAs),
apprenticeships, Gap Year opportunities, job vacancies and more. It is strongly recommended that ALL students and/or their parents from the High School and Senior School
regularly check this section of the bulletin.
Any students seeking a TFN should go to the Senior School Reception and obtain a copy of the application form. The form must be completed in black/blue pen and without
any errors or deletions and then returned to the Senior School Reception. It usually takes about 6 week for the ATO to process the application. Your TFN will be sent to your
home/postal address.
HOD Drama: Mr Nick Akhurst
Admin: Bronwyn Brown
Year 7-9 Drama, Hating Alison Ashley
Performances:Thursday 1 May, Friday 2 May and Saturday 3 May, (Week 1 Term 2)
Times: all shows start at 7.30pm
Venue: TB Millar Hall
Bookings: http://www.trybooking.com/EPDI all tickets are $10 each. Bookings can be made using Mastercard, Visa, and now also Amex (fee).
Dance Festival Auditions
7-8 and 9-10 Dance Festival Groups - Thursday 3rd April Rm 61 3.45-4.45pm
Term 1 Drama & Oratory Calendar
Year 10 Children's Theatre Tour
Auditions for Dance Festival
3 April
All Day
see full details above
HOD Music: Mrs Leanne McKean
Head of Cocurricular Music/Instrumental: Mr Joel Copeland
Music Administrator: Ms Sam Tonkin
Radford Online
Foundation Day Concert – 7.00-8.30pm, Monday 7 April
Venue: Wesley Uniting Church, National Circuit, Forrest
An annual musical celebration of the Foundation of Radford College showcasing Radford choirs and small ensembles.
Foundation Day Concert tickets on sale NOW – Book online at http://www.trybooking.com/EOQI
Year 10 Curriculum Drama Students
Years 7-8, 9-10 and Seniors
Year 9 Music Recital – Wednesday, 2 April
Time: 5.30-7.30pm (students participating are asked to arrive at 5.00pm)
Venue: RA Young Hall, Junior School
All welcome!
Music Recitals – please register
An opportunity for Radford musicians to experience the performance aspect of music.
Application Form on Radford Online at at: 2014-Semester-1-Recital-Application-Form.pdf. Please note the due date for forms are outlined on this application form.
Recital dates for this semester are as follows.
Year 9: Wed 2 April
A & T Recital: Wed 4 June
Year 7: Wed 18 June
Please note: recitals for children in years 1-6 will be held in Semester II.
Friday Jams (Performing Arts Centre during lunch)
Radford musicians from Years 5-12 are invited to play at these Friday Jams. Students are asked to register at the Music Administration office. All are welcome to come along
to listen!
Alto Saxophone Missing
An Alto Saxophone (Instrument identification number AS15) that was left in the instrument cupboard has gone missing. We ask that all music students hiring an Alto
Saxophone from the school check they have their own. If you find that you have this instrument in your possession, please return it to the Music Administration Office.
Please label your instrument
We ask that all students bringing their own or hired instruments to school have them clearly labelled with their name, tutor group and phone number.
Term 1 Music Calendar
(Wed, 5 February - Friday, 11 April 2014)
Year 9 Music Recital
Wed, 2 April
RA Young Hall
Foundation Day Concert
Mon, 7 April
Wesley Uniting Church Camerata; Chorale; Choristers; Vocalettes; Ritornelli
Year 9 Musicians
Round Square
Coordinator, Mrs Beth Girvan
The link below will take you to the International Newsletter which profiles achievements of Round Square schools from around the world.
As a College, we do a great number of things which come under the pillars/IDEALS of Round Square.
These are: Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure,Leadership, Service.
In the final week of term, Mr Glenn Demery will be accompanying our delegation to Kings College in Auckland, NZ for the Junior Round Square Conference. We look forward
to learning of the students’ experiences upon his return.
Students are encouraged to consider applying to represent Radford at the International Conference in India (Sept/October) or the Senior Conference in Korea (January, 2015)
Interested parties should contact Mrs Girvan as soon as possible.
Organisation is in hand for the Young Round Square conference (hosted by Radford) and scheduled for November, 2014. Details will be forthcoming!
After reading the International newsletter, it is clearly evident that Radford College works hard at creating a good name for itself and providing a plethora of opportunities for
students. I look forward to reporting of these events to our International community in the next newsletter.
HOD: Mr Peter Haynes
Administrators: Ms Bernie Leger, Mr Brad Luhrs, Mr Peter Wallensky
Sports Policy
Students are provided with the opportunity to be involved in a variety of sporting activities conducted outside school hours. Participation by students is on a voluntary basis
but with the understanding that if a student is involved in a particular sporting activity which is offered by Radford College then the student is expected to play for a Radford
Exemptions from the Radford College Sports Policy are only given when the school does not have a team participating at the appropriate division and age grouping and it can
be shown that an appropriate team is offered by another club or ACT representative squad.
Exemption requests must in the first instance be directed to the Director of Cocurricular, Mr Dylan Mordike. (Please do not assume that Radford College is not providing a
team in a particular division or age group prior to communicating with the Director of Cocurricular.)
Contact: Mr Peter Wallensky
A Canteen Manager is required for the 2014 season. Please email the FORF convenor Gerard Fitzsimmons muirhead@homemail.com.au for more details.
Shirt numbers are now available from the clothes shop. The shop will have a list of allocated numbers for each player.
A reminder training starts next week. Please check the Radford online Football page for team lists and training day allocations.
Contact: Ms Bernie Leger
Congratulations to the Senior Boys No. 1 crew on placing fifth at the Sydney International Rowing Regatta. The boys competed in the Schoolboy’s Coxed Quadruple Scull
event. The boys were: James Stuchbery, Ross Davidson, Patrick Hassall, Corey Kovacs and coxswain Angus Muller. Many thanks to Philip Winkworth (Director of Rowing)
and the coaches of the Senior Boys squad - Leslee Hodgson, Robert Winkworth and Liam Gooding.
Rowing Presentation Night - 8 April
Date: Tuesday 8 April 2014
Time: nibbles & snacks at 5:30pm, formal proceedings 6pm - about 7pm
Venue: RA Young Hall (Junior School)
Please join in the success of Radford rowing by coming along to presentation night - hope to see you there.
Contact: Ms Bernie Leger
With the final round of grading having been completed, this Saturday is the first round of the actual Netball season. Just a reminder to all parents that should your daughter
not be available for games & trainings (once they start) that you must contact either the manager if the team has one or the coach. Good luck to all players, coaches,
managers & umpires for the season.
Snowsports information evening
Wednesday 2 April
Returning to, or thinking of joining the Radford Snowsports Program in 2014?
Friends of Radford Snowsports (FoRS) invite parents and students to our annual information session.
Learn more about the program, plans and schedule for Winter 2014 and have all your questions answered by College staff and volunteer Coaches.
Attendance by at least one parent from each participating family is compulsory.
Students are very welcome to attend, meet the 2014 Snowsports Captains and catch up with teammates.
Where: The Pavilion (adjacent to J A Mackinnon oval) Radford College
When: Wednesday 2 April, 6:00 -7:00pm.
No RSVP necessary, all welcome!
*Snowsports program information is available via Radford Online
Please send submissions for this section to the relevant staff member for approval and noting.
SPORT - Peter Haynes; PERFORMING ARTS - Nick Akhurst; ACADEMIC - Head of School/Department; COMMUNITY - Richard Browning;
The following Sports achievements will be recognized in the Bulletin:
Radford team achievements
Students representing Radford
Territory/National Representation
Congratulations to the following students slected for the U12 A.C.T Girls Basketball team: Olivia Seymour, Alice Baker, Mia Senti,Minette Kirkegaard, Alexa Kalogeropoulos,
and congratulations also to staff member Orhan Memedovski who has been selected as the Head Coach for this team.
Congratulations to the Senior Boys No. 1 crew on placing fifth at the Sydney International Rowing Regatta.
Information Technology
Contact: Mr Glenn Demery
Five senior students (from both the ITP and ITM courses) gained major awards in the 2013 University of Wollongong’s Senior Colleges Science Technology Engineering
Mathematics Competition.The students all submitted projects completed during Semester II, 2013 as part of their assessment.
Congratulations to the following:
Patrick Ferguson: 1st place in Yr 12 Information Technology for his computer game.
James Robertson: 1st place in Yr 12 Engineering Science section for his work with Robotics.
Amelia Robards: Runner-up in the Female STEM section for her dynamic website.
David Wang: 1st place in Yr 11 Information Technology for his text-based adventure game.
Ian Mallett: Runner-up in Yr 11 Information Technology for his text-based adventure game.
CONTACT: PFEnquiries@radford.act.edu.au
Constitution of the Association
Contact: The President, Hannah Baudert
Date: Thursday 10 April 2014
Time: 7pm
Venue: The Boardroom at Radford College
P&F Treasurer - URGENT
Suitably qualified members of the College parent community are encouraged to consider nominating for role of P&F Treasurer, which is currently vacant. The P&F provides a
Windows laptop with MYOB AccountRight Basics loaded for the Treasurer to use.There is an Assistant Treasurer's position on the Committee (currently held by Scott Hickey)
to provide assistance to the Treasurer with the major fundraising events the Art Show and the Twilight Fete. See attached document for more detail about the tasks involved
in the position.
Please contact P&F President Hannah Baudert ASAP if you would like to express interest in this position.
P&F Nominee to the College Board / ex officio member of P&F Management Committee
Members of the College parent community are encouraged to consider nominating for role of P&F nominee to the College Board. The College Board provides strategic and
governance oversight to the College with the P&F nominee appointed to the College Board for a two year term. This role ideally would be suited to members of the College
community with skills and experience in governance, and a strong involvement and commitment to the Radford College community.
Expressions of interest should be sent by e-mail to P&F President Hannah Baudert by Friday 28 March 2014, and should comprise a single page summary CV and a one
page application which highlights prior involvement with Radford College; skills, knowledge and experience relevant to the position; and what the applicant believes they can
bring to the role.
As well as their role as a Board Member, the nominee chosen is expected to participate fully in the P&F Management Committee, as, under the P&F Constitution, they
become an ex officio member of that Committee.
Contact: alison.radfordent@yahoo.com.au
As in previous years, the P&F is offering Entertainment Books as a fundraiser for the College. This year there is a digital membership available as an alternative to the books.
Flyer with links and full details is attached. If parents do not elect to "opt out" (see flyer), books will be sent home on 29/4/2014 with students in PreK-Y6, not secondary
students. These books may be purchased or returned. Anyone can purchase a book or digital membership through the online link.
The College receives $12 for each book/membership sold.
Interested in education news, views and information?
Join APFACTS on Facebook
Visit our website:www.apfacts.org.au
Twitter: @apfacts1
Collegians - do we have your current contact details? Email collegians@radford.act.edu.au
George Huitker & Junk Sculpture
Midnight Oil Tribute Show
Saturday 3 May & Saturday 10 May 2014
Dinner and Show ‐ Teatro Vivaldi Restaurant, ANU, Union Square http://vivaldirestaurant.com.au/
Bookings Essential ‐ 02 6257 2718
Junk Sculpture features Radford staff members George Huitker, Joel Copeland and Matt Heinrich, as well as Chris Brown, Rob Marshall, Callum Sambridge and Tim Kuschel.
Book early so you don't miss out, as these shows are always popular - and amazing!
Where: Canberra Girls Grammar School Junior School Hall, Grey St, Deakin
Date: Tuesday 6 May
Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm start. 8:30 finish
Cost: DSA Members: $40 Non-members: $50
To register please go to http://www.trybooking.com/EMQI or cash on the night at door
Email info@dyslexia-act.org.au if you require more information or ring (02) 6247 8883
Contact: Linda Oakman (Canteen Manager)
Canteen menu (Junior and Senior)
More information about the Canteen ordering system.
Jamison Plaza: 6251 2660
Gungahlin: 6255 6439
Online Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop (on campus)
phone 6251 7550
Opening Hours - Term time
Terms 1, 2 and 4
Term 3
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 11am; 1pm - 5:30 pm
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
1:00pm – 5:30 pm
1:00pm – 5:30 pm
The Uniform Shop will be CLOSED during the entire first week of the holidays.
In the second week of the holidays it will be CLOSED on the Public Holidays (Monday and Friday) but open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs at the following times:
Tue 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Wed 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thu 2:30pm - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 2 April 2014
ELC Reception
6162 6298
1 – 4 Reception
6162 5330
5 – 6 Reception
6162 6290
OSHC - Director
6162 5376
8am - 4pm
Wed 2 April
Snowsports information evening
Thur 3 April
JS Athletics Carnival
Fri 4 April
Matt Giteau Cup - selected students
Fri 4 April
ICAS Competition entry forms due today
Mon 7 April
Y4 Duncan Smith
Mon 7 April
Foundation Day Concert
Fri 11 April
Foundation Day Fundraiser - DONATE NOW! (Term ends)
PLEASE CHECK THE COLLEGE CALENDAR and the rest of the Bulletin for whole College events and news.
TWITTER FEED - #radfordact
Radford JS @RadfordJS
24 Sep
Junior School Bytes - Wed 24
September. 7th Year Six Exhibition,
Learning Journeys,
Congratulations.. #RadfordACT
Radford JS @RadfordJS
17 Sep
Junior School Bytes - Wed 17
September. Year 6 Exhibition,
Conference, Kindergarten Learning
Journey.. #RadfordACT
Tweet to @RadfordJS
Radford JS @RadfordJS
24 Sep
Junior School Bytes - Wed 24 September. 7th Year Six Exhibition,
Learning Journeys, Congratulations.. #RadfordACT
Radford JS @RadfordJS
16 Sep
Year 6 @ibpyp Exhibition begins tomorrow! All members of the
#RadfordACT community are welcome 6pm Wed 16 September.
Retweeted by farah
Tweet #radfordact
From the Head of Junior School
Paul Southwell
"Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand" Chinese Proverb
I cannot believe we are in the middle of Week 9, as we rush to the end of our first term.
As we near our first break, I felt it appropriate to use the above quote which portrays the shift and momentum I have witnessed across our Junior School this term. To see an
increasing move away from teacher talk, to teacher and student sharing, guiding, understanding and resolving. Teaching just in time, targeting real needs, and differentiating.
To see engaged students across PK to Y6 makes each and every day special to me.
I must acknowledge our staff for their tremendous efforts in bringing the year to this exciting start. A talented group of perfectionist professionals, a group that turn my stroll
around the Junior School sites into an educational adventure...from families, crisis, guided reading, iPads, garage Music, gourmet cooking, Artisti, Mad Scientists, Inquiry
Circles, Australian Culture and Parvani!
I am also pleased with the start to our year for our lovely students. Our wonderful boys and girls have settled back in, or started their journey, with equal happiness and
delight. Our community support of all we do is greatly received, and the vital ingredient in our mix.
As I write this I remain optimistic about our carnival this Thursday. Incredibly, despite attempts to secure a better climate than mid August, we may run into almost two weeks
of Autumn rain. I have fingers crossed and a back up ready.
Parent/ Teacher Interviews and Three Way Conferences
This vital communication will commence next week. I look forward to meeting our families as you share this important time with our teaching teams. Our interviews provide
our first reporting contact point and in the newly introduced three-way conference, our Year 5 and Year 6 boys and girls are included in this feedback .
Fingers crossed for a fine Athletics Day, and an opportunity for me to catch up with those able to join us. I'm not looking to run in the staff relay...still recovering from THAT
Warm regards
Paul Southwell
RAS Charity Fundraiser - 11 April 2014
Donate to the fundraiser now! http://www.trybooking.com/EPQD
Letter from Father Richard
FAQ for Junior School parents/caregivers
Helping our community understand where our money goes is a challenge that belongs to all of us. As we move towards Foundation Day and living in truth, rising in
compassion, walking in wisdom, we must be able to own where our values have bound us to action.
Art work by Ingrid Hunter
OSHC - Holiday Programs
Families are reminded that bookings for our upcoming Holiday Programs have opened and highlight and booking information can be found on the OSHC Radford Online
Page. Families will also find booking forms to enrol in our After School Care Programs for Term 2. Bookings from Term 1 do not automatically carry over to Term 2. Queries
and further information should be directed to: Alena Voysey, Director, Radford College Outside School Hours Care, (02) 6162 5376 or 0457 835 811,
alena.voysey@radford.act.edu.au or afters@radford.act.edu.au
ThinkUKnow Presentation, Thursday 1st May
Time: 6pm - 7pm
Venue: RA Young Hall
RSVP: Mrs Lisa Clarke events@radford.act.edu.au before Thursday 10 April.
ThinkUKnow is an internet safety initiative which aims to raise awareness of the issues which young people face online and whilst using mobile phones. It is a partnership
between the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Microsoft Australia, and is now proudly supported by ninemsn and Datacom.
Radford College will be hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on Thursday 1st May from 6-7pm and all parents, carers and teachers (Years 3-6) are encouraged to attend.
This presentation will cover topics such as how young people are using technology to have fun, online grooming, cyber-bullying, inappropriate content and e-security.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about how young people have fun online, how you can help them to stay in control on the net, and how to report a
For more information, you can visit the ThinkUKnow Australia website at http://www.thinkuknow.org.au/ or contact Mrs Marina Malcolm.
In order to ensure that we can accommodate all those wishing to attend we would like to ask that you confirm your attendance at this event with Mrs Lisa Clarke on
events@radford.act.edu.au before Thursday 10 April. Should we have high interest levels we may need to book a second evening to accommodate everyone.
Please note this event is NOT suitable for children to attend.
We look forward to seeing you all at the presentation.
Contact: marina.malcolm@radford.act.edu.au.
ICAS is an annual skills development assessment program that allows students who enjoy academic competitions to compete academically on a national level. Once again
students in Years 3-6 are invited to participate on a voluntary basis.
Should you wish your child to take part, they will receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly and their score is
compared with the rest of the students tested.
Certificates are awarded for each year level as follows:
High Distinction to the top 1% of entrants
Distinction to the next 10% of entrants
Credit to the next 25% of entrants
Participation to all other participating students.
A UNSW medal will be awarded when the highest score in each year level in each state in each subject is judged to be sufficiently meritorious. Students must sit on the
official sitting dates to be eligible for a UNSW medal.
The dates and entry fee per student for this year are as follows:
Science – 4 June 2014 ($8.80 GST inclusive)
English – 29 July 2014 ($8.80 GST inclusive)
Mathematics – 12 August 2014 ($8.80 GST inclusive)
Your child can prepare for ICAS with EAA’s Practice Online series Practice Online tests are available for English, Mathematics and Science.
If you would like your child to enter any of these academic competitions, entry forms can be located on Radford Online > Junior School > Academic
Competitions, 2014. Please return the completed competition entry form to either Mrs Kerrie Shevlin or Mrs Nerida Dyne no later than Friday 4th April. Payment
will be taken out of your term account and, unfortunately, no refunds can be given due to absences.
Should you have any further questions regarding these competitions please do not hesitate to contact me, marina.malcolm@radford.act.edu.au.
TERM 1, WEEK 9, 2014
P-2 PYP Coordinator: Belinda Reitstatter
Y3-Y6 PYP Coordinator: David Gocentas
This section of our Junior School Bytes is designed to keep our school community informed about our Primary Years Programme curriculum in the Junior School.
IB Asia Pacific Conference – Singapore (20-22 March, 2014)
by David Gocentas
Having attended the recent IB Asia Pacific Conference in Singapore, I was fortunate enough to hear some inspiring educators and community leaders speak about current
developments and thinking in education. One of the highlights of the conference was listening to keynote speaker Mr Richard Gerver, author of Creating Tomorrow's Schools
Today, a former school principal and advisor to the UK Government.
Mr Gerver’s address focused on The New Education Age: It’s More About the Future and Less About the Past. His key message being that if we are to prepare our children
for their futures, education needs to radically rethink its purpose, its approach and its values. He explored the challenges we face as a global community and the need to
prepare our students to be environmental, economic and social leaders. At its core, education, as Mr Gerver emphasized, ‘relies on human development and relationships.’
As all good presenters do, Mr Gerver left the vast majority of attendees in the room truly inspired, leaving them to ponder current educational practices and challenging them
to be facilitators and educators of change. One key phrase from Mr Gerver’s keynote address that sticks most in my mind, and one that has continued to resonate with me in
the days following the conference, is ‘what you teach is irrelevant, how you learn is important.’ Reflecting on this idea, I am drawn to the five essential elements of the PYP
and the IB Learner Profile. The ten attributes of the IB Learner Profile (inquirers, thinkers, knowledgeable, communicators, reflective, caring, balanced, risk-takers, principled
and open-minded) embody what it is to be a learner and provide a solid foundation upon which people participate in, and respond to, the world around them. Similarly, the
transdisciplinary skills that underpin every unit of inquiry we teach (research, thinking, communication, self-management and social skills) are at the heart of how we learn and
how we interact with those around us. Knowledge is important, but our current understandings and perspectives are constantly changing. Consequently, we need to ensure
a future generation of life-long learners that are flexible to change and responsive to new understandings.
I encourage you to visit Richard Gerver’s website at http://www.richardgerver.com where you can view some of his presentations and be inspired by his vision for education
HOD Music: Mrs Leanne McKean
Head of Cocurricular Music/Instrumental: Mr Joel Copeland
Music Administrator: Ms Sam Tonkin
Foundation Day Concert: 7.00-8.30pm, Monday 7 April
Venue: Wesley Uniting Church, National Circuit, Forrest
This annual concert is a musical celebration of the Foundation of Radford College, showcasing Radford choirs and small ensembles.
Foundation Day Concert tickets on sale NOW - Book online at http://www.trybooking.com/EOQI
Year 9 Music Recital – Wednesday, 2 April
Time: 5.30-7.30pm (students participating are asked to arrive at 5.00pm)
Venue: RA Young Hall, Junior School
All welcome!
Music Recitals
An opportunity for musicians at Radford to experience the performance aspect of music.
Please note it is required that students register for these recitals using the application form (click here for your copy of the form).
Recitals for children in Years 1-6 will be held in Semester II as follows:
Recital Dates
Form Due
1 – 4 Strings
13 August
8 August
20 August
8 August
1 – 4 Piano
27 August
22 August
Term 1 Music Calendar
(Wed, 5 February - Friday, 11 April 2014)
Year 9 Music Recital
Wed, 2 April
RA Young Hal
Foundation Day Concert
Mon, 7 April
Wesley Uniting Church
UNIFORM SHOP (on campus)
phone 6251 7550
Opening Hours - Term time
Terms 1, 2 and 4
Term 3
Year 9 Musicians
Camerata; Chorale; Choristers; Vocalettes;
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 11am; 1pm - 5:30 pm
2:30pm – 5:30 pm
1:00pm – 5:30 pm
1:00pm – 5:30 pm
The Uniform Shop will be CLOSED during the entire first week of the holidays.
In the second week of the holidays it will be CLOSED on the Public Holidays (Monday and Friday) but open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs at the following
Tue 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Wed 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thu 2:30pm - 5:30 pm
Music Bags
Macdonalds Schoolwear has just brought in some music bags they have been able to source for us and which are now available for sale at $20 from the Uniform Store.
Contact: Linda Oakman (Canteen Manager)
Canteen menu (Junior and Senior)
More information about the Canteen ordering system.
End of JS Bytes