30th Year 1986-2016 ADVANCE PROGRAM 2016 IEEE BIPOLAR / BiCMOS CIRCUITS AND TECHNOLOGY MEETING http://ieee-bctm.org/ Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, NJ, USA SEPTEMBER 25 - SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 SHORT COURSE —SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 SPONSORED BY THE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY OF THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS IN COOPERATION WITH THE IEEE SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS SOCIETY THE IEEE MICROWAVE THEORY & TECHNIQUES SOCIETY 30th Year 1986-2016 2016 BCTM SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Sunday — September 25 Registration opens at 7:30 AM nd 2 Floor - Conference Center 8:30AM — 5:40PM SHORT COURSE – Sunday, September 25 Advances in Design Enablement for RF and High Performance Analog Circuit Design 2nd Floor – Conference Room # BC Lunch: Conference Room # A Conference Room # F – Attendee Lounge Opens at 8:30 am Monday — September 26 Registration opens at 7:30 AM Pre-Function – Brunswick Ballroom *Conference Room # F – Attendee Lounge Opens at 8:00 am 8:00AM Welcome and Announcements Brunswick Ballroom 8:30AM — 9:30AM Keynote speaker : Peter Kinget (Columbia University) RF Circuit and System Innovations to Enable a New Generation of Wireless Terminals: Field programmability, Ultra-high Linearity, and Compressive Spectrum Scanning Brunswick Ballroom 9:30AM Coffee Break Brunswick Ballroom 9:45AM — 11:25PM 1. Circuits for Optical Communications Brunswick Ballroom 11:25AM — 12:40PM 12:40PM — 3:00PM Conference Room # BC Lunch Break (Self-Arrangement) 3. Emerging Technologies & BCTM Historical Talk by Paul Davis/John Shirer Brunswick Ballroom 3:00AM 3:15PM — 4:55PM 2. Device Physics Coffee Break 4. Circuit Techniques for Transmitters Brunswick Ballroom 5. State of the Art SiGe Technology Conference Room # BC 4:55PM Break 5:45 PM Dinner Cruise - New York City: Buses will depart from the Hyatt lobby at 5:45 pm. The cruise will run from 7 pm to 10 pm. Attendees will return back to the Hyatt around 10:45 pm - 11 pm. Tuesday — September 27 Registration opens at 8:00 AM Brunswick Ballroom – Pre-Function Area 8:30AM — 9:30AM Keynote speaker : James C. Sturm (Princeton University) Large-area flexible hybrid electronics: the hardware platform for the Internet of things Brunswick Ballroom 9:30AM 9:50AM — 11:30AM 11:30AM — 12:50PM 12:50PM — 2:30PM 2:30 2:50PM — 4:55PM Coffee Break 6. Analog Circuits Brunswick Ballroom 7. Linking Devices, Circuits, and Systems Conference Room # BC Lunch Break Brunswick Ballroom 8. Advanced Wireless Building Blocks Brunswick Ballroom 9. Process Potpourri Conference Room # BC Coffee Break 10. Bipolar Transistor Compact Modeling Brunswick Ballroom 11. Millimeter-wave Transmitters and Receivers Conference Room # BC END OF BCTM 2016 --- Thank You for Attending! Visit us at: http://www.ieee-bctm.org 30th Year 1986-2016 Welcome from the BCTM 2016 Chairmen Welcome to beautiful New Brunswick, NJ! On behalf of the IEEE BCTM 2016 Executive Committee, we are honored and delighted to present the 2016 IEEE Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM). Conference highlights feature: - Keynote addresses from world-renowned speakers. The 1st, by Peter Kinget of Columbia University, on “RF Circuit and System Innovations to Enable a New Generation of Wireless Terminals: Field programmability, Ultra-high Linearity, and Compressive Spectrum Scanning”. The 2nd keynote is by James C. Sturm of Princeton University on “Large-area flexible hybrid electronics: the hardware platform for the Internet of things” - Full-day short course: “Advances in Design Enablement for RF and High Performance Analog Circuit Design”, where Dr. Sharad Kapur from Integrand Software discusses Advanced EM Simulation"; Art Schaldenbrand of Cadence on “Developments in EDA tools for analog design”; Dr. Ali Niknejad of University of California Berkeley on “Modeling of Passives at High Frequencies”, and Dr. Shahriar Shahramian of Bell Labs on “Circuit design point of view on EM Simulation, EDA tools, and modeling” - Forward-looking Emerging Technologies Session with two invited speakers: Prof. Eli Yablonovitch (University of California Berkeley) on Energy efficient electronics" and Steven Kovacic (Skyworks) on “5G Front-End Component Challenges” - Invited papers exploring advances in analog and wireless design, device physics, modeling and simulation, process technology. - Technical papers covering the latest advances in physics, design, performance, fabrication, characterization, modeling, and application of Si/SiGe/SiGe:C bipolar, and BiCMOS ICs - A fabulous evening dinner banquet The IEEE BCTM is the world’s premier forum focused on the needs and interests of the bipolar and BiCMOS community. If you are interested in leading edge bipolar/BiCMOS devices and technology, circuits, and applications, as well as networking with experts in these areas, please kindly join us this year in historic New Brunswick, NJ, USA! Doug Weiser General Chair Texas Instruments Foster Dai Technical Program Chair Auburn University 30th Year 1986-2016 BCTM 2016 REGISTRATION Register at: http://ieee-bctm.org Advance registration deadline is August 12 (Friday), 2016. Group Registration rates are available for Companies and Organizations sending 5 or more participants to BCTM 2016. Please contact cshaw.cmpevents@gmail.com for more details Conference Registration Cost in US Dollars (includes digest & banquet for regular registration and digest only for students): ADVANCE AFTER (8/12/2016) (By 8/12/2016) IEEE Members $675 $775 Non-Members $775 $875 Students $500 $600 (2) Guest Fee for Dinner Banquet $115/person $125/person (3) Extra 2016 Proceedings (electronic version on USB drive): Members $50 Non-members $75 Registration Fees: SHORT COURSE (1) COURSE COST: MEMBERS/NON-MEMBERS $400 STUDENTS $300 (2) SHORT COURSE NOTES (included with Short Course registration) Short Course Notes only $150 All fees are denominated in US$ Full Registration Includes: USB, continental breakfast, all day refreshments, and banquet cruise to New York. *Note: lunch is on your own. Additional information will be provided onsite. Short course registration includes: course notes/USB, continental breakfast, short course Lunch, refreshments Refund Policy: All requests for refund/cancellation must be received in writing at least 10 days prior to the conference start date for a full refund on September 12. Any request thereafter will not be entitled to a refund. Cancellations will incur a US $50 administration fee. Please submit cancellation requests via email to cshaw.cmpevents@gmail.com 30th Year 1986-2016 HOTEL RESERVATIONS A block of rooms has been reserved at special discounted rates for BCTM conference participants at our headquarters hotel, the HYATT REGENCY NEW BRUNSWICK 2 Albany Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA T: + 1.732.867.2258 Website: newbrunswick.hyatt.com Reservations: https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eve ntID=14533191 This year’s hotel rates for BCTM 2016 are very reasonable at $179.00 USD per night. As always, attendees are strongly encouraged to reserve their room at BCTM’s host hotel. *New Brunswick, New Jersey, is located approximately 45 minutes from New York City via train and car. Please note that the rate above has also been extended to BCTM attendees who would like to extend their stays 3 days prior/3 days after BCTM concludes. *Additional details in regard to optional trips into New York City prior to BCTM will also be available in the near future. While there are alternatives, we would like to remind attendees to please support the Symposium and fully enjoy all the activities by staying at the official headquarters hotel. The Symposium relies on attendees staying at the conference Hotel to reduce the costs charged for the use of meeting rooms. Room reservations should be made as soon as possible, as there are a limited number available at the symposium rate. To qualify for the discounted rate reservations must be made by August 25. Rooms are available at the special Symposium group rate of US $179 plus tax (15.75%) per night. Rates are for single occupancy. An extra person charge per person may apply for 2 or more guests sharing the same guestroom. If you wish to cancel, please do so 24 hours before arrival to avoid cancellation penalties. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Travel arrangements using the IEEE negotiated air carriers or the carriers of your choice can be made through World Travel, Inc. by calling between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Within the US and Canada, call (800) TRY-IEEE, (+1 800 879 4333); and outside of the US and Canada, call +1 717 556 1100. Or, you may visit their on-line travel service web site at http://www.ieee.org/travel. This secure site offers simple and convenient service through which you can search, reserve, and ticket your travel anytime, anywhere. Or you can e-mail your request to 30th Year 1986-2016 ieee@worldtravelinc.com. IEEE corporate car rental discounts are also available to all attendees of the symposium. Discount codes below entitle attendees to receive special rates that have also been negotiated with Avis A606000, Budget X520000, Hertz 61368, and Enterprise NA24IE1. Transportation Hyatt Regency New Brunswick is easily accessed by a variety of public transportation modes. Please consult the list below for the most convenient conveyance to our hotel. To and from Newark Airport: Taxi: #1 recommended: Taxi: $65. Tolls included, gratuity is additional. AAA Car Service: 888 777 3055. Fee is $75 one-way, inclusive of tolls and gratuities. Lift and Uber are also alternate options. New Jersey Transit (NJ Transit): The New Brunswick train station is located 2 blocks from the hotel. One-way cost from this train station to the Newark International Airport via NJ Transit is $14.50 per person. *Note: you must adhere to transit schedule to arrive. Train schedules can be found at http://www.njtransit.com/ . To New York City: New Jersey Transit: New Jersey transit located 2 blocks from the hotel; runs approximately every hour. One-way trip to New York Penn Station is $13.00 per person. AAA Car Service: Contact 888 777 3055 for additional information. Group rates are available. *Local Shuttle Service: PLEASE REFER TO THE BCTM WEBSITE FOR DIRECT URL Link to CONTACT ’S AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Shuttle service: The Hyatt Regency New Brunswick is proud to provide complimentary shuttle service within a 5 mile radius of the hotel. Monday through Friday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM Reservations required, please contact the Front Desk for more information. 30th Year 1986-2016 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONFERENCE BANQUET: Monday, September 26, 2016: Hornblower Cruises & Events - New York. Attendees will pass the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn and New York Skylines. Dinner will be served. Attendees will depart from the Hyatt lobby at 5:45 pm. The cruise will run from 7 pm to 10 pm. ADMISSION All interested persons are welcome to register and attend the BCTM; you do not have to be an IEEE member. Admission to sessions requires a BCTM badge. Please wear your badge at all times. REGISTRATION Complete registration information is contained in the centerfold of this booklet as well as on the conference’s web page (http://ieee-bctm.org). Please use the website to register. The advanced registration deadline is August 12, 2016. All conference activities are included in the registration fees (technical sessions, food breaks and the banquet) as well as a USB flash drive with an electronic copy of BCTM 2016 Proceedings. OTHER CONFERENCE SOCIAL EVENTS Several events have been arranged to promote informal social interactions among conference participants. TUTORIAL / SURVEY TALKS Tutorial talks given by invited experts are intended to give a broad overview of a given subject with a critical review of technology and applications. They are twice the length of the usual contributed talk with longer abstracts in the Proceedings. MEMBERS OF THE PRESS are welcome to attend BCTM. Admission is free. Just present your business card at the registration desk. RECRUITING Intensive recruiting undermines the purposes for which the BCTM was established, and is contrary to IEEE policy. BEST STUDENT PAPER AND BEST PAPER AWARDS BCTM offers a Best Paper Award. The BCTM Best Paper Award recognizes and promotes high quality contributions to scholarly research among professionals who author and present papers at the conference. All papers submitted in non-student category are eligible for consideration for the Best Paper Award. The BCTM Best Student Paper Award recognizes and promotes outstanding research led by students. To be eligible for consideration for the Best Student Paper Award, the following criteria have to be met: 1) the student must have carried out a substantial part of the research reported in the paper, 2) the student must be the first author and must present the paper at the conference, 3) the paper must be identified as a student paper during submission of the paper; and 4) the paper identified as a student paper in submission, but not presented by the student will be disqualified for Best Student Paper Award competition. In this scenario, the paper will be moved to non-student category for Best Paper Award competition automatically. Eligible papers are evaluated by the Best Paper Award Committee and the notifications will be sent out after the conference. The winners of the awards will be recognized with a $500 check and a plaque at next year's BCTM conference. FURTHER INFORMATION BCTM is sponsored by the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) in co-operation with the IEEE Solid-State 30th Year 1986-2016 Circuits Society (SSCS) and the IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (MTT). BCTM 2016 Short Course and Schedule Conference Room # BC Advances in Design Enablement for RF and High Performance Analog Circuit Design Date: Sunday, September 25, 2016 Time: 8:30am - 5:40pm Location: Conference Room #BC Session Chair: Edward Preisler (TowerJazz) Co-Chair: Wibo van Noort (Texas Instruments) 7:30 - 8:30 AM Registration and breakfast 8:30 - 8:35 AM Welcome Edward Preisler and Wibo van Noort Course Overview Design and simulation of RF/HPA circuits require a unique set of complex design enablement tools not typically needed for digital or mixed signal designs. As RF/HPA designs move to higher frequencies and dynamic range the importance of these tools grows, and in many cases brand new tools are required to adequately simulate circuit behavior. The full design flow for such products might cover every possible design enablement tool: advanced circuit simulation engines, parasitic extraction tools, EM simulators, thermal simulators, and others. Further, while compact modeling of active devices is clearly vital, the importance of modeling of passives is amplified for RF/HPA design. In this course, four presentations are offered that cover topics addressing new innovations and developments for RF/HPA design enablement. The presentations will be given by experts from EDA tool vendors and academia and an advanced user of these tools. The goal of the entire course is to inform attendees of the latest developments across all design enablement disciplines that will aid in the next generation of demanding RF/HPA circuit designs. 8:35 - 10:25 AM Analog IC Design Methodology and Automation to Address Emerging Design Challenges Instructor: Art Schaldenbrand (Cadence Design Systems) In this short course we will explore how evolving end market requirements are changing IC design. We will start by looking at market and technology trends and translate those trends into design challenges. Then we will consider the changes in design methodology required to address these challenges. Finally, we will explore how the methodology can be automated to improve designer productivity and the increasingly complex relationship between the analog designer, the foundry, and the EDA tool provider. One example we will consider is that to maintain or accelerate design turn-around time in spite of increased process variation, the effect of process variation needs to be 30th Year 1986-2016 considered during design. This is achieved by identifying the worst case conditions at the start of design and using them during design. Identifying these worst case conditions requires advances in design automation. We will close by considering some of the challenges facing analog IC designers today. Art Schaldenbrand is the Product Manager of Spectre Circuit Simulator. Art has over 35 years of EDA and analog design experience. He joined Cadence Design Systems, Japan in 1996 as field application engineer supporting custom IC design tools. Prior to Cadence, Art worked at Westinghouse Electric and Harris Semiconductor as an analog IC designer. He graduated with a BS in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University 10:25 - 10:45 AM Break 10:45 AM - 12:35 PM Modeling and synthesis of passive components for RFICs Instructor: Sharad Kapur (Integrand Software) We describe the use of an electromagnetic simulator for modeling integrated RF components and circuits. These simulators are fast and accurate enough to provide excellent models of such components. We describe how they can handle features of advanced IC processes where the physical properties of wires (width, thickness, and resistance) vary depending on the surrounding wiring. Because the simulator handles mask-ready layout without the need for manual simplification, it is feasible to simulate thousands of possible designs and build scalable parameterized component models. Such scalable models allow for fast choices of optimal components such as inductors, transformers, baluns, t-coils and MOM capacitors and have become a standard part of a foundry design kit. Sharad Kapur is the president and co-founder of Integrand Software, Inc. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Numerical Analysis) from Yale University in 1996. He joined Bell Labs in 1996 as a member of technical staff. While at the design automation group at Bell Labs he co-developed several large software packages and tools, for electromagnetic analysis, circuit simulation and chip-level extraction. In 2003 he co-founded Integrand Software, Inc and helped develop the EMX 3D EM simulator. He is the author of over 30 peerreviewed publications, primarily in the area of numerical analysis and electronic design automation. He is the holder of 6 US patents. 12:35 - 13:30 PM Lunch 1:30 - 3:20 PM Needle in a haystack – How to Find Hidden Parasitics in mm-Wave Layouts Instructor: Shahriar Shahramian (Nokia-Bell Labs) This short course explores the hidden impairments which are often overlooked or difficult to locate in mm-Wave layouts and interconnects. Using real-life fabricated circuit blocks operating in the W-Band and optical circuits operating beyond 100Gb/s you are invited to search for parasitic capacitive, inductive and resistive elements which can 30th Year 1986-2016 adversely affect the circuit performance. After modeling of these elements, simulations demonstrate the impact of the parasitics on bandwidth, center frequency, stability and noise-figure. Using simple and quick modeling techniques the designers can incorporate various layout effects into their design. Shahriar Shahramian (M ’06) received his Ph.D. degree from University of Toronto in 2010 where he focused on the design of mmwave data converters and transceivers. Dr. Shahramian has been with the Bell Laboratories division of Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia), Murray Hill, NJ since 2009 and is currently the Director of the mm-Wave ASIC Research Department. He is also a member of the technical program committee of Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium. His research focus includes the design of mm-wave wireless and wireline integrated circuits. He is the lead designer of several state-of-the-art ASICs for optical coherent and wireless backhaul product development at Bell Laboratories. Dr. Shahramian has been the recipient of Ontario Graduate Scholarship, University of Toronto Fellowship and the best paper award at the CSIC Symposium in 2005 and RFIC Symposium in 2015. He has also held an adjunct associate professor position at Columbia University, has received several teaching awards and is the founder and host of The Signal Path educational video series. 3:20 - 3:40 PM Break 3:40 - 5:30 PM Passive Devices for Communication Integrated Circuits Instructor: Ali Niknejad (UC Berkeley) This short course will review the fundamentals of co-design of high performance circuits with passive components, such as inductors, transformers, and transmission lines. Topics will cover passive device analysis and simulation, layout, and circuit design trade-offs such as loss and bandwidth. The focus will be integrated silicon passive devices from RF to mm-wave frequencies. Parasitic electromagnetic coupling in a chip environment, including through bond-wires and package, will be discussed. Isolation techniques will be reviewed. The final part of the lecture will cover high frequency design techniques with transmission lines, including matching circuits and resonator design. Ali M. Niknejad received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley 2000, where he is currently a professor and faculty director of the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC). Prof. Niknejad is an IEEE Fellow, the recipient of the 2012 ASEE Frederick Emmons Terman Award for his textbook on electromagnetics and RF integrated circuits. He was the co-recipient of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2013 and 2010 Jack Kilby Awards for Outstanding Student Papers, and the co-recipient of the Outstanding Technology Directions Paper at ISSCC 2004 for co-developing a modeling approach for devices up to 65 GHz. He is a co-founder of HMicro and the inventor of the REACH(™) technology, which has the potential to deliver robust wireless solutions to the healthcare industry. His general research 30th Year 1986-2016 interests lie within the area of wireless communications and biomedical sensors and imaging. 5:30 - 5:40 PM Course Evaluation INTRODUCTORY REMARKS AND KEYNOTE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 8:00–8:30 AM — Brunswick Ballroom KEYNOTE SPEECH 8:30–9:30 AM — Brunswick Ballroom “RF Circuit and System Innovations to Enable a New Generation of Wireless Terminals: Field programmability, Ultra-high Linearity, and Compressive Spectrum Scanning” Peter Kinget (Columbia University) Wireless communications have become an essential part of every sector of the national and global economy. Both existing cellular, WiFi and GPS systems and new emerging systems like video over wireless, the Internet of Things and machine-to-machine communications are projected to increase the mobile wireless data traffic by orders of magnitude in the coming decades. This is resulting in a growing spectrum deficit given that the radio spectrum is a finite resource. Cognitive radio is a proposed paradigm shift to opportunistically use the available spectrum for improved spectral usage efficiency. Several key circuit innovations are required to make the realization of this vision possible. Future “smart” terminals will need to quickly assess the spectrum usage and require power-efficient spectrum scanning capabilities. They further need to receive at multiple frequencies using a variety of standards. This leads to very stringent receiver linearity and blocking requirements given the absence of high quality front-end tunable filters. Designing for worst-case RF scenarios further leads to excessive power consumption in the terminals, and dynamically adapting the RF performance in the field to the RF spectrum conditions is emerging as a required receiver feature. Peter R. Kinget received the engineering and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, in 1990 and 1996, respectively. From 1996 to 1999 he was a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. From 1999 to 2002 he held various technical and management positions in IC design and development at Broadcom, CeLight and MultiLink. He joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, NY in 2002 where he currently serves as a Professor. He is also a consulting expert on patent litigation and a technical consultant to industry. His research interests are in analog, RF and power integrated circuits and the applications they enable in 30th Year 1986-2016 communications, sensing, and power management. He is widely published in journals and conferences, has co-authored 3 books and holds 17 US patents. Dr. Kinget is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits and the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. He has served on the Technical Program Committees of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, the Symposium on VLSI Circuits, the European SolidState Circuits Conference, and the International Solid-State Circuits Conference. He currently is a "Distinguished Lecturer" for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, a member of the Board of the Armstrong Memorial Research Foundation and an elected member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Adcom. He is a co-recipient of the "Best Student Paper Award - 1st Place" at the 2008 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium; of the "First Prize" in the 2009 Vodafone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Challenge; of the "Best Student Demo Award" at the 2011 ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys); of the "2011 IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communication" for an outstanding paper in any IEEE Communications Society publication in the past 15 years; of the "First Prize ($100K)" in the 2012 Interdigital Innovation Challenge (I2C); and of the “Best Student Paper Award – 2nd Place” at the 2015 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium. SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM 1. Circuits for Optical Communications Monday 9:45 AM — Brunswick Ballroom Session Chair: Michael Moeller Co-Chair: Christoph Scheytt (1.1) 9:45–10:35 AM – SiGe BiCMOS Technologies for High-speed and High-volume Optical Interconnect Applications Thé Linh Nguyen In this paper we will discuss the challenges of circuit design for highspeed and high-volume optical interconnect and how SiGe BiCMOS technologies can help. Advantages of SiGe BiCMOS are illustrated through examples of design requirements from optical front-ends (TIA and modulator and laser driver) to clock and data recovery and SerDes. We will also look ahead to the future and predict the product evolution and key requirements of optical interconnects and performance of SiGe BiCMOS technology required to address such specifications. (1.2) 10:35–11:00 AM – A 50 Gb/s TIA in 0.25μm SiGe:C BiCMOS in Folded Cascode Architecture with pnp HBTs (Student) I. García López, P. Rito, A. Awny, B. Heinemann, D. Kissinger, and A. C. Ulusoy This paper presents the design and electrical characterization of a transimpedance amplifier (TIA) implemented in a complementary 0.25 μm SiGe:C BiCMOS technology which offers a fT/fmax of 110 GHz/180 GHz for the npn and 95 GHz/140 GHz for the pnp transistor, 30th Year 1986-2016 respectively. Featuring folded cascode architecture by means of the available pnp HBTs, the amplifier exhibits a differential transimpedance gain of 52.5 dBΩ and a 3 dB bandwidth of 32 GHz with a measured differential average input referred current noise density of 13.1 pA/√Hz, while dissipating 70 mW of power. Clear eye diagrams up to 50 Gb/s data rate are reported. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time pnp transistors are used at such speed, achieving an overall performance comparable to, or better than, other TIA implementations in faster technologies. (1.3) 11:00–11:25 AM – The Effect of Strong Equalization in High-Speed VCSEL-Based Optical Communications up to 48 Gbit/s (Student) Guido Belfiore, Ronny Henker and Frank Ellinger In this paper the design of a VCSEL driver with strong equalization is presented. Unlike other published works the pre-emphasis provided from the proposed driver and the output voltage swing are independently tunable up to the saturation of the output stage (~700 mVpp in 50 load environment). The driver is designed in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology. Thanks to the various bandwidth extension techniques, the electrical data rate at which the driver can operate is higher than 50 Gbit/s. A wide open optical eye diagram is measured at 48 Gbit/s with a 20 GHz VCSEL. The driver and the VCSEL consume only 188 mW from a dual voltage supply of 2.5 and 3.4 V. To the best of the authors knowledge 3.9 mW/(Gbit/s) is the highest reported energy-efficiency for a common-cathode VCSEL driver with data-rate higher than 40 Gbit/s. Moreover an open eye at 48 Gbit/s is the fastest reported for a common cathode VCSEL driver without pre-emphasis in the receiver. 2. Device Physics Monday 9:45 AM — Conference Room # BC Session Chair: Vibhor Jain Co-Chair: Guanghai Ding (2.1) 9:45–10:10 AM – Modeling of High-Current Damage in SiGe HBTs under Pulsed Stress (Student) Uppili S. Raghunathan, Brian Wier, Rafael Perez Martinez, Zachary E. Fleetwood, Anup Omprakash, Hanbin Ying, Saeed Zeinolabedinzadeh, and John D. Cressler High-current pulsed stress measurements are performed on SiGe HBTs to characterize the damage behavior and create a comprehensive physics-based TCAD damage model for Augerinduced hot-carrier damage. The Auger hot-carrier generation is decoupled from classical mixed-mode damage and annealing on the output plane by using pulsed stress conditions to modulate the selfheating within the device under stress. The physics of high-current degradation is analyzed, and a temperature dependent degradation model is presented. This model is the first of its kind in both the CMOS and bipolar communities and solves a significant portion of the puzzle for predictive modeling of SiGe HBT safe-operating-area (SOA) and reliability. (2.2) 10:10–10:35 AM – On the Use of Vertical Superjunction Collectors for Enhanced Breakdown Performance in SiGe HBTs (Student) 30th Year 1986-2016 Brian R. Wier, Uppili S. Raghunathan, Zachary E. Fleetwood, Michael A. Oakley, Alvin J. Joseph, Vibhor Jain, and John D. Cressler The implementation of a “superjunction” collector design in a silicongermanium heterojunction bipolar transistor is explored for enhancing breakdown performance. The superjunction collector is formed through the placement of a series of alternating pn-junction layers in the collector-base space charge region in order to modify the carrier energy profile and reduce avalanche generation. An overview of the physics underlying superjunction collector operation is presented with TCAD simulations, and practical superjunction design techniques are discussed. The first measured data on a superjunction collector is also presented and shows a pronounced improvement in breakdown performance. (2.3) 10:35–11:00 AM – Investigation of DoubleEmitter Reduced-Surface-Field Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor Breakdown Mechanisms Marko Koričić, Josip Žilak, and Tomislav Suligoj Breakdown behavior of double-emitter reduced-surface- field horizontal current bipolar transistor is extensively analyzed by measurements and 3D device simulations. By the addition of the 2nd drift region, BVCEO of double-emitter structure is improved from 12 V up to 36 V and can be tuned by the length of the drift region. By increasing the length of the drift region, positive feedback loop of the common-emitter softbreakdown can be completely broken making the BVCEO independent on transistor current gain. Transistors with BVCEO and BVCBO equal to the collector-substrate breakdown voltage are demonstrated. We also report that base current reversal in forced-VBE measurement does not occur and cannot be used for accurate determination of BVCEO of analyzed structures. (2.4) 11:00–11:25 AM – DC and RF breakdown voltage characteristics of SiGe HBTs for WiFi PA applications Vibhor Jain, Hanyi Ding, Renata Camillo-Castillo, Alvin Joseph Breakdown voltage and RF characteristics relevant for RF power amplifiers (PA) are presented in this paper. Typically, DC collector-toemitter breakdown voltage with base open (BVCEO) or DC collector-tobase breakdown with emitter open (BVCBO) has been presented as the metric for voltage limit of PA devices. In practical PA circuits, the RF envelope voltage can swing well beyond BVCEO without causing a failure. An analysis of output power swing limitations and DC breakdown is presented with attention to biasing and temperature. 3. Emerging Technologies Monday 12:40 PM — Brunswick Ballroom Session Chair: Michael Schroter (3.1) 12:40–1:20 PM – 5G Front-End Component Challenges (Invited) Stephen J. Kovacic Semiconductor and package technology choices for 5G communication systems are considered. The market context and existing RF Front-End UE architectures are reviewed with emphasis on 30th Year 1986-2016 SIP technology. Rapid customization of modules is needed in order to serve different manifestations of 5G systems in the early phases of market deployment. (3.2) 1:20–2:00 PM – The Scientific Challenge of Replacing the Transistor with a Lower Voltage Device (Invited) Eli Yablonovitch The NSF Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S) is searching for an ultralow-voltage switching device to replace the current transistor. E3S applies a multi-disciplinary approach, involving four research themes: nanoelectronics, nanomechanics, nanophotonics, and nanomagnetics. This talk will try to answer: What’s standing in the way? (3.3) 2:00–2:40 PM – THz Bandwidth InP HBT Technologies and Heterogeneous Integration with Si CMOS (Invited) M. Urteaga, A. Carter, Z. Griffith, R. Pierson, J. Bergman, A. Arias, P. Rowell, J. Hacker, B. Brar, and M.J.W. Rodwell Through aggressive lithographical and epitaxial scaling, the bandwidths of InP-based heterojunction bipolar transistors have been extended to THz frequencies. At 130nm emitter dimensions, transistors with maximum frequencies of oscillation (fmax) of >1THz have been demonstrated with accompanying circuit demonstrations at 670GHz. At 250nm emitter dimensions, high efficiency and high power density mmwave power amplifiers covering E-band (71GHz) to G-band (235GHz) have been fabricated. The utility of these high performance transistors can be further enhanced through heterogeneous integration with Si CMOS. We have demonstrated wafer-scale 3D integration of InP and Si using a low temperature oxide-to-oxide bonding process with embedded Cu interconnects. 2:40–3:00 PM – Thirty Years of BCTM, a Unique Conference (Invited) – Brunswick Ballroom Paul Davis and John Shirer A look back at the history of the conference through photographs and stories including ● transitional events (such as the first year) ● "interesting" anecdotes (such as Bob Pease, declaring himself the Czar of voltage Regulators, and dressing for the part) ● special events (such as the transistor birthday) ● "brag points" of BCTM (such as the prestige of the invited speakers, incl. 2 Nobel Prize Winners), quality publications, and the cooperative unpaid committee ● technical (vs. exhibitor) emphasis Paul Davis was educated at WVU, MIT, and Lehigh University with a BS, MS, and PhD degree (1968). After a 2-year tour in the Army as an electronic instructor, he joined Bell Labs of AT&T, in 1962, as a Member of Technical Staff. While there, he designed custom bipolar IC’s for several different types of Bell System products, including Picturephone © Visual Telephone, Undersea Cable, desk set keypad dial, T1 and D bank circuits, undersea cable regenerators, 200 MHz 30th Year 1986-2016 fiber optic and clock recovery circuits, electronic telephone line feed circuits, and GSM cellular transceivers IC’s. The bipolar/SAW cellular architecture he developed and promoted in the early 1990’s sold over 1 Billion phones by 1998. He retired from Lucent-Bell Labs in 2001. He has 19 US patents, and was elected Fellow of IEEE in 2011, with the citation, “for development of bipolar integrated circuits”. He has attended BCTM since 1989, and was a member of the Technical and/or Executive committees for 20 years. He has attended ISSCC continuously for more than 50 years and was on the Technical Committee for 10 years. 4. Circuit Techniques for Transmitters Monday 3:15 PM — Brunswick Ballroom Session Chair: Patrice Gamand Co-Chair: Leonardo Vera (4.1) 3:15–4:05 PM – Applying Bipolar Transistors in Dynamic Power Supply Transmitters (Invited) Earl McCune Dynamic power supply transmitters (DPST), including the techniques of envelope tracking (ET) and direct polar (DP) modulation, have a century of success in some applications. The original motivation was to improve the energy efficiency of the final power amplifier (PA), and that remains true today. These are methods to improve overall energy efficiency across wide signal and tuning bandwidths. Not all transistor types perform equally well in the various DPST architectures. This paper provides a quick review of DPST techniques and then examines how the presently available bipolar transistors apply to the various DPST options. It is concluded that bipolar transistors are presently much more suitable for ET than for DP implementations. Measurements demonstrate and explain this difference. (4.2) 4:05–4:30 PM – The Impacts of Base Ballast Resistor and LTE 16QAM Signal Bandwidth on HighEfficiency Linear SiGe Power Amplifier Design (Student) J. Tsay, J. Lopez, and D.Y.C. Lie This paper investigates the design of a linear highly-efficient SiGe power amplifier (PA) where its linearity, power-added efficiency (PAE) and POUT are studied vs. different LTE 16QAM signal BW and base ballast resistance Rb. The PA is designed in a 0.35-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology with through-silicon via (TSV), passing the stringent LTE spectrum emission mask (SEM) at average linear POUT = 23.5/23.1/23.1 dBm with 48.0/45.2/44.6% PAE for LTE 5/10/20 MHz inputs at Rb = 500 Ω. However, both linearity and PAE degrade when Rb decreases to 330 Ω or increases to 1000 Ω. The adjacent channel leakage ratios ACLR1/ACLR2 exhibit over 10-21 dB degradation at Rb = 330 Ω and 1000 Ω for LTE 20 MHz input at POUT = 23.1 dBm (P1dB = 22.3 dBm), while they are practically unchanged against Rb for 5 MHz LTE input or at 6 dB POUT back-off at 17.1 dBm. Envelope-tracking (ET) is also used to improve PA's efficiency at back-off for Rb = 500 Ω. The data suggests for SiGe PA design with TSV, Rb can be used to improve thermal stability, while its performance are dependent on RF signal bandwidth, Rb, BVCER, and I/O matching, making design optimization complex. 30th Year 1986-2016 (4.3) 4:30–4:55 PM – A Low Phase Noise Tri-band LO Generation for Ku and E Band Radios for Backhauling Point-to-Point Applications (Student) D. Cabrera, JB Begueret, N. Verascina, O. Tesson, O. Mazouffre, P. Gamand This paper demonstrates a fully integrated tri-band LO generation system based a low phase noise 12 GHz sub-harmonic VCO and an injection locked frequency tripler (ILFT) as the signal source. The system generates simultaneously three outputs at fo, fo/2 and 2×fo, with maximum frequency of 36 GHz, 18 GHz and 72 GHz respectively. The system which is implemented in a 0.25-μm SiGe:C BiCMOS technology, has a phase noise of -107.72 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset from the 36 GHz signal measured at the fo -port. All outputs have a tuning range of 9.5%. The in-band output power at the fo, fo/2 and 2×fo outputs is higher than 3 dBm, 0 dBm and -20 dBm respectively. The whole system draws 120 mA for a power supply of 2.5 V. 5. State of the Art SiGe Technology Monday 3:15 PM — Conference Room # BC Session Chair: Jack Pekarik Co-Chair: Alexander Fox (5.1) 3:15–3:40 PM – A 90nm BiCMOS Technology featuring 400GHz fMAX SiGe:C HBT V. P. Trivedi, J. P. John, J. Young, T. Dao, D. Morgan, I. To, R. Ma, D. Hammock, S. Mehrotra, L. Radic, B. Grote, T. Roggenbauer, and J. Kirchgessner A 90nm BiCMOS technology with a SiGe:C HBT having fMAX >400GHz is presented. Both lateral and vertical scaling of the SiGe bipolar transistor are described, enabling SiGe HBT performance metrics fT/fMAX of ~230GHz/400GHz to be achieved with a minimum gate delay of <3ps. A medium breakdown device is also integrated, achieving an fT*BVCEO product of 310GHz*V. CMOS implant and HBT process optimizations to address the additional thermal budget of the HBT module are also discussed. In concert with high-quality passives, this technology is especially suited for millimeter wave applications with high digital gate density requirements. (5.2) 3:40–4:05 PM – Advanced Si/SiGe HBT architecture for 28-nm FD-SOI BiCMOS (Student) V.T. Vu, D. Celi, T. Zimmer, S. Fregonese, P. Chevalier This paper presents a novel Fully Self-Aligned Architecture (FSA) Si/SiGe HBT architecture using Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) and featuring an Epitaxial eXtrinsic Base Isolated from the Collector (EXBIC). The one is integrated into the bulk area of the 28-nm FD-SOI CMOS technology developed at STMicroelectronics. All the parameters of the architecture such as the boron-doped base link, the emitter width and height, the pedestal oxide and sidewall thicknesses are evaluated by TCAD simulation. A low base-collector capacitance, independent from the extrinsic base doping is obtained. Optimized architecture exhibits 420 GHz fT and 780 GHz fMAX. (5.3) 4:05–4:55 PM – Advantages of SiGe-pnp over Si-pnp for Analog and RF enhanced CBiCMOS and Complementary Bipolar Design Usage (Invited) 30th Year 1986-2016 Jeff A. Babcock, Joel Halbert, Hiroshi Yasuda, Alexei Sadovnikov, Jonggook Kim, Alan Buchholz, Robert Malone, Marco Corsi, Greg Cestra, and Mattias Dahlstrom The evolution of silicon and silicon-germanium pnp transistors is reviewed in this paper. The motivation for SiGe-pnp transistors in Complementary Bipolar (CBi) and CBiCMOS is discussed with a view on device parametric parameters that help gage the usefulness of these devices in analog and RF design. We review the basic process architectures and process building blocks for CBiCMOS. SiGe-pnp versus Si-pnp performance metrics are highlighted followed by a discussion on circuit blocks that benefit from having near matched complementary bipolar transistors. Tuesday, September 27, 2016 KEYNOTE SPEECH 8:30–9:30 AM — Brunswick Ballroom “Large-area Flexible Hybrid Electronics: A Hardware Platform for the Internet of Things and People (IoTP)” James C. Sturm, Naveen Verma and Sigurd Wagner (Princeton University) An emerging trend in electronic systems is the ability to gather data and interact with the human environment – both humans themselves and their physical infrastructure. People are on the scale of meters in size, and their physical infrastructure can be much larger still. These length scales are incompatible with the millimeter length scale and rigid form factor of conventional IC’s. Large-area electronics built directly on flexible plastic or metal sheets, meters in size, is of the right scale to integrate sensors for such applications. A flexible and stretchable form factor may be crucial for the application, or for transporting and installing a final product such as a roll of “electronic wallpaper.” On the other hand, handling the large amount of data from sensors and interfacing with the cloud will inevitably require IC’s, as transistors directly fabricated on large-area substrates at low-temperature and with low-cost lithography have relatively poor performance. Thus a “hybrid” approach is required, selectively integrating a minimum number of IC’s, but using thin film devices when the electronics must be dispersed over large areas. This talk will review the design and experimental performance of four different large-area hybrid systems (i) strain sensing sheets for civil infrastructure monitoring, (ii) a “remote” gesture sensing system based on a capacitive approach that can sense gestures from distances approaching one meter, (iii) a “voice separation” system, consisting of a 2-meter array of flexible microphones, which isolates individual speakers when multiple people are speaking at once, and (iv) a flexible and conformal EEG sensing system. These systems will be used to illustrate a platform approach towards building such systems based on laminating multiple sheets of different 30th Year 1986-2016 functionalities together, as opposed to straightforward monolithic integration, using near-field wireless approaches to transmit data and power from one sheet to another without metal-metal contacts, which might be problematic in flexible systems. These systems rely on core thin-film circuitry blocks such as low-power sensor scanning, low-noise chopper-stabilized amplifiers, high-frequency oscillators and demodulators, and data compression before IC interfacing. The circuit performance can be enhanced by the high-quality passives available in large-area technology. Finally, the impact of improved thin film device technologies on the systems and circuit blocks will be described. In the mid-90's, I led the creation of some of the first smart wearable computers (back then we considered under 50 lbs to be "wearable"). Our initial goal was to recognize human emotion from objective data measured from our bodies, and use it to make the technology smarter. We created new algorithms for signal processing and used machine learning to combine information from physiology, faces, voices, posture, and gesture. In this talk I will highlight some of the more surprising discoveries enabled recently as these wearable sensing technologies have evolved. These include how electrical signals on the surface of the wrist can communicate emotional excitement, stress and deep brain activity, and how everyday wearable motion sensors can be mined for information communicating your heart-rate, respiration, and identity. I'll present ways in which wearables can affect our social-emotional and personal connections, with surprising implications drawn from autism, sleep, epilepsy, and learning. James C. Sturm was born in Berkeley Heights, NJ, in 1957. He received the B.S.E. degree in electrical engineering and engineering physics from Princeton University in 1979 and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in 1981 and 1985, respectively, both from Stanford University. In 1979, he joined Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, as a Microprocessor Design Engineer, and in 1981 he was a Visiting Engineer at Siemens, Munich, Germany. In 1986, he joined the faculty of Princeton University, where he is currently the Stephen R. Forrest Professor in Electrical Engineering. From 1998 to 2015, he was the director of the Princeton Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials Center (POEM) and its successor, the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM). In 1994- 1995, he was a von Humboldt Fellow at the Institut fuer Halbleitertechnik at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He has worked in the fields of siliconbased heterojunctions, thin-film and flexible electronics, photovoltaics, the nano-bio interface, three-dimensional (3–D) integration, and silicon-on-insulator. Dr. Sturm is a fellow of IEEE. He has won over ten awards for teaching excellence and was a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator. In 1996 and 1997, he was the technical program chair and general chair of the IEEE Device Research Conference, respectively. He served on the organizing committee of IEDM (1988 to 1992 and 1998 to 1999), having chaired both the solid-state device and detectors/sensors/displays committees. He has served on the boards of directors of the Materials Research Society and the Device Research Conference, and co-founded Aegis Lightwave and SpaceTouch. 30th Year 1986-2016 6. Analog Circuits Tuesday 9:50 AM — Brunswick Ballroom Session Chair: Laleh Najafizadeh Co-Chair: Kimia Ansari (6.1) 9:50–10:15 AM – Linear Ultra-Broadband NPNOnly Analog Correlator at 33 Gbps in 130nm SiGe BiCMOS Technology (Student) A. R. Javed, J. C. Scheytt and U. v. d. Ahe An ultra-broadband analog correlator consisting of a four-quadrant multiplier and an ultra-fast resettable integrator using only NPN transistors was designed, fabricated, and measured. For the integrator, a cross-coupled transistor pair is used as a negative resistance generator. A novel ultra-fast reset circuit is implemented which allows to reset the integrator within very short time of 120 ps. The chip was fabricated using 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology with fT of 250 GHz and fmax of 300 GHz. In the measurements carried out on printed circuit board, the correlator operated without noticeable performance degradation with inputs up to 33 Gbps which correspond to a bandwidth of more than 24 GHz. The correlator exhibits high linearity with output P1dB of more than 9.9 dBm (700 mVdiff) for both inputs. It dissipates 122.5 mW for the core circuit excluding the 50 Ω output driver. To the knowledge of the authors, the circuit represents the fastest analog correlator published so far. It can be used for spread spectrum communication, radar signal processing, and measurement applications. (6.2) 10:15–10:40 AM – Current Regulator with Energy Limitation in the Unpowered State Featuring Bipolar Discharge Path Sri Navaneeth Easwaran, Sunil Kashyap Venugopal, Robert Weigel A new technique for limiting the surge current during short to battery in the unpowered state of low side driver is presented. This technique does not affect the main current regulation behavior in the powered state. The energy is limited to 28 micron Joules in the unpowered state and regulates the current to 3 A in the powered state of the driver. (6.3) 10:40–11:05 AM – A 4-GHz 32-bit Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer in 0.25 µm SiGe HBT with SFDR > 46 dBc up to Nyquist Bandwidth (Student) Xuan Guo, Danyu Wu, Lei Zhou, Huasen Liu, Jin Wu, and Xinyu Liu A 32-bit direct digital frequency synthesizer with a maximum operating frequency of 4.5 GHz fabricated in 0.25 m SiGe HBT is presented. The phase-to-amplitude mapping circuit is implemented with nonlinear DAC coarse quantization and ROM-based piecewise linear interpolation. The measured SFDR is between 46 dBc and 60 dBc under a 4.0 GHz clock and the hopping time is less than 10 ns. This chip occupies 5.25 mm2 including bond pads and dissipates 3.46 W with a 4.0 V digital supply and 4.0 V analog supply. The proposed DDFS demonstrates excellent performance achieving a FOM of 234.9 GHz ·2(SFDR/6)/W. 30th Year 1986-2016 (6.4) 11:05–11:30 AM – A 30 GS/s 6-bit SiGe ADC with Input Bandwidth over 18 GHz and Full Data Rate Interface Danyu Wu, Lei Zhou, Yinkun Huang, Peng Wang, Jin Wu, Zhi Jin and Xinyu Liu In this paper, a time-interleaved 30GS/s 6bit ADC fabricated in 0.18μm SiGe BiCMOS technology has been demonstrated. A bandwidth boosting technique and packaging solution has been proposed which enables the ADC to achieve input bandwidth over 18 GHz. A full data rate interface is integrated to transmit all the data in real time. The ADC has a SFDR >35 dBc over the entire Nyquist frequency. An effective number of bits (ENOB) above 5.0 are achieved for low frequency input tones, dropping to 3.5 at 16 GHz. 7. Linking Devices, Circuits and Systems Tuesday 9:50 AM — Conference Room # BC Session Chair: Breandán Ó hAnnaidh Co-Chair: Andrej Rumiantsev (7.1) 9:50–10:40 AM – Co-simulation and Co-design of Chip-Package-Board Interfaces in HighlyIntegrated RF Systems (Invited) V. Issakov, M. Wojnowski, H. Knapp, S. Trotta, H.-P. Forstner, and K. Pressel The level of integration for RF and mm-wave systems is continuously increasing. Highly-integrated system on chip solutions have to be encapsulated in a package and assembled on a board. In addition, to be more attractive as a product, the trend goes towards further integration of passives and antennas in a package. This drives the system in package solutions. However, electrical properties of the package and board may have a significant effect on system parameters, especially at high frequencies. Hence, layout features of package and board must be carefully modelled and considered during the design. Furthermore, it is often insufficient to model chip, package and board separately, as some high-frequency effects may not be captured. An example is electromagnetic coupling between integrated coils on chip and routing traces in package. In this paper we describe considerations on co-simulation and co-design of highly-integrated RF systems by means of accurate electromagnetic modelling. We demonstrate the approach and various aspects of chip-package-board co-design based on examples of systems for various applications: 6 GHz VCO using embedded inductor; backhaul communication system in package for V-band and E-band and a four-channel 77 GHz automotive radar transceiver in a package with four dipole antennas. (7.2) 10:40–11:05 AM – The Broadband Darlington Amplifier as a Simple Benchmark Circuit for Compact Model Verification at mm-Wave Frequency (Student) Anindya Mukherjee, Chenye Lin, Michael Schröter Benchmark circuit are small circuit blocks that resemble the major features of the active and passive devices for a given process technology. Such blocks are attractive for verifying the compact models delivered in process design kits as well as for demonstrating the process performance at the earliest possible time. This paper presents results of two broadband Darlington amplifier versions that 30th Year 1986-2016 were designed as a benchmark circuit during the EU DOTSEVEN project with the purpose of verifying compact models at mm-wave frequencies and under realistic circuit operating conditions. The circuits were fabricated and its measured performance is compared to simulation results. (7.3) 11:05–11:30 AM – Analysis and Modeling of the Long-Term Ageing Rate of SiGe HBTs under MixedMode Stress G. G. Fischer By means of long-term mixed-mode stress tests of high-speed SiGe HBTs an empirical ageing function for compact models was constructed. This ageing function models saturation of the aging rate as a function of stress time and stress current and is applicable for all relevant mixed-mode stress conditions of this HBT type. Additionally, 1000h stress tests on a high-voltage HBT revealed that not only saturation but even reversal of ageing rate is possible in the long run. 8. Advanced Wireless Building Blocks Tuesday 12:50 PM — Brunswick Ballroom Session Chair: Dietmar Kissinger Co-Chair: Hua Wang (8.1) 12:50–1:40 PM – Beyond the Boundaries: Enabling New Circuit Opportunities by Using SiGe HBTs in Counterintuitive Ways (Invited) John D. Cressler SiGe HBT technology has enjoyed substantial success over the past 25 years for use in realizing performance-constrained, highlyintegrated mixed-signal electronics spanning the range of DC to submm-wave operational frequencies. This success has been bolstered by advances in device scaling which have been truly impressive, now routinely achieving multi-hundred GHz frequencies, a fact which is currently opening many new and interesting application possibilities. Most of these emerging opportunities were never envisioned at the very beginning of this field (which is reflective of the inherent nature of innovation), and many involve using the SiGe HBT in ways which may appear counterintuitive to “classical” circuit designers. Examples include operation: in radiation environments, in inverse mode, in weak saturation, beyond SoA boundaries, at deep cryogenic temperatures, and at high temperatures. This invited paper will explore this emerging design space, both from device and circuit perspectives. (8.2) 1:40–2:05 PM – A Passive Total Power Radiometer in 0.25 μm SiGe BiCMOS for Millimeterwave Imaging (Student) E.S. Malotaux and M. Spirito In this paper we present a high sensitivity total power radiometer frontend integrated in a 0.25 μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The radiometer consists of a two-stage LNA co-integrated with a common-emitter square-law detector, providing a 3 dB system bandwidth of 6 GHz around 57 GHz. An optimized non-50-Ohm impedance interface between the LNA and the detector results in an improved system responsivity and sensitivity. The fabricated front-end achieves a peak responsivity of 61 MV/W at 56 GHz, which, combined with an output 30th Year 1986-2016 spectral noise density 194 nV/√Hz at 500 Hz, results in an minimum 3.2 fW/√Hz NEP. (8.3) 2:05–2:30 PM – A Wideband Active Bidirectional SiGe Digital Step Attenuator Using an Active DPDT Switch Moon-Kyu Cho, Ickhyun Song, Zachary E. Fleetwood, and John D. Cressler A 6-bit active bi-directional silicon-germanium (SiGe) digital step attenuator (DSA) with multi-octave bandwidth using an active doublepole double-throw (DPDT) switch is demonstrated. To compensate the insertion loss (IL) and frequency dependent loss characteristics of conventional passive attenuators without using any additional amplifier and equalizer, the proposed attenuator employs active DPDT switches, which provide 4-way switching and bidirectional operation. The measured gain is 6.0-8.0 dB and the input and output return loss is better than 9 dB for 2-20 GHz. The measured root mean square (RMS) amplitude and phase errors in the major state are less than 0.4 dB and 3.5 degree, respectively. The chip size is 1.43 x 1.23 mm2, including pads. The proposed active bidirectional DSA consumes 24 mA from a 2.5 V supply. 9. Process Potpourri Tuesday 12:50 PM — Conference Room # BC Session Chair: Todd Thibeault Co-Chair: Jay John (9.1) 12:50–1:15 PM – Side-Use of a Ge p-i-n Photo Diode for Electrical Application in a Photonic BiCMOS Technology (Student) S. Lischke, D. Knoll, S. Tolunay-Wipf, C. Wipf, C. Mai, A. Fox, F. Herzel, and M. Kaynak In this paper we demonstrate the potential use of a germanium p-i-n diode, available without additional processing effort in a photonic BiCMOS technology, for electronic applications. A cut-off frequency above 400 GHz was obtained by s-parameter measurements without any certain design optimization of the diode. The device construction on SOI yields in the isolation of the diode from the substrate. Moreover, the lateral current flow enables low series resistance for the diode. Potential applications are antenna-switching or mixers. (9.2) 1:15–1:40 PM – Ge-on-Insulator Lateral Bipolar Transistors J.-B. Yau, J. Yoon, J. Cai, T. H. Ning, K. K. Chan, S. U. Engelmann, D.-G. Park, R. T. Mo, and G. Shahidi We report the first demonstration of thin-base symmetric lateral NPN bipolar transistors built on 8-inch Ge-on-insulator (Ge-OI) wafers. A Ge-OI device can achieve the same collector current as a Si-OI device but at ~ 460 mV lower VBE due to the bandgap of Ge being 460 meV smaller than that of Si. Lower operation voltage should translate directly into lower power dissipation. CMOS-like process was used to fabricate lateral Ge-OI bipolar transistors. The measured collector and base currents are examined and compared with those of Si-OI and SiGe-OI devices to shed light on process-related device physics. The large observed base current at small VBE is attributed to recombination 30th Year 1986-2016 at the Ge/BOX interface in the emitter-base diode space-charge region. (9.3) 1:40–2:05 PM – Low Gate Drive IGBT Enabling Direct Control through Digital Isolator Power Edward Coyne, Pat McGuinness, Seamus Lynch, Christine McLoughline, Catriona O’Sullivan, Bill Lane, Larry O’Sullivan, John Liddy Known to the power industry, there is an increasing functional safety need to isolate delicate control systems from the violent world of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), and this has resulted in a growing demand for Digital Isolators. This is where the gate control signal for the IGBT can be coupled across a dielectric barrier, while the barrier itself is capable of withstanding high working voltages and surge events. (9.4) 2:05–2:30 PM – Novel npn Bipolar Transistor with High Gain, High Early Voltage, and High BVceo in an Advanced SmartMOS Technology Xin Lin and Ronghua Zhu A high performance npn bipolar transistor has been demonstrated in a 0.13μm SOI SmartMOSTM technology. This novel bipolar transistor consists of a shallow emitter confined by shallow trench isolation (STI), a base with multiple regions each serving a different purpose without compromising one another, and a lightly doped collector region surrounded by continuous p-type regions biased with the base potential. The base region below the emitter has a relatively low dopant concentration and is crucial to the carrier transport; the relatively more heavily-doped and deep base region between the emitter and collector effectively confines the depletion of the collector; and the p-type region above the collector as well as the p-epi surrounding the collector enable the collector to be fully depleted when the collector is biased high. Attributed to these unique features, the npn bipolar transistor exhibits superior characteristics, including a high current gain of 83, a high Early voltage of 1750V, and a high BVceo of 59V. 10. Bipolar Transistor Compact Modeling Tuesday 2:50 PM — Brunswick Ballroom Session Chair: Peter Zampardi Co-Chair: Breandán Ó hAnnaidh (10.1) 2:50–3:15 PM – Why is There No Internal Collector Resistance in HICUM? M. Schröter, S. Lehmann, and Andreas Pawlak The internal (or epi-) collector region in a bipolar (hetero-)junction transistor strongly determines the bias dependent terminal behavior. Most compact transistor model attempt to capture the current-voltage behavior of the epi-collector by a special equivalent circuit element (and associated analytical formulations) in addition the usual transfer current source representing just the base region. This paper provides (i) theoretical proof that a separate representation of the epi-collector region in an equivalent circuit is neither required nor necessarily advantageous in terms of accuracy and (ii) a physics-based guide on how to model the epi-collector consistently if a separate description is still desired. The theoretical results are validated by numerical device simulation. 30th Year 1986-2016 (10.2) 3:15–3:40 PM – A HICUM/L2 Model for HighVoltage BJTs Andreas Pawlak, Breandán Ó hAnnaidh, Michael Schroter Although latest developments in Si BJTs and SiGe HBTs typically focus on high-speed devices and strong competitors for high-voltage (HV) devices exist (e.g. GaAs HBTs and HEMTs), HV Si BJTs still find widespread application. This paper demonstrates the application of HICUM/L2 to Si BJTs with very high breakdown voltages and highlights the model features that are relevant for the most prominent properties of HV transistors. It further provides a guideline for parameter extraction. Very good agreement over the entire operating and a wide temperature range are obtained. (10.3) 3:40–4:05 PM – An Improved Scalable SelfConsistent Iterative Model for Thermal Resistance in SiGe HBTs (Student) Suresh Balanethiram, Anjan Chakravorty, Rosario D’Esposito, Sebastien Fregonese, Thomas Zimmer In this paper we present an improved self-consistent iterative model for thermal resistance in SiGe HBTs. The proposed model evaluates both the upward and downward heat dissipation from the heat source located at the base-collector junction. Along with the temperature dependency, thermal conductivity degradation due to heavy doping and Ge composition in the base region is included in the proposed model. It is observed that the model accuracy is improved once these physical effects are included along with the upward heat diffusion. Scalability of the proposed model is validated with the measured data for different emitter geometries. (10.4) 4:05–4:30 PM – Hybrid Small-Signal -Model for the Lateral NQS Effect in SiGe HBTs (Student) Shon Yadav, Anjan Chakravorty, and Michael Schroter The state-of-the-art and -models for the lateral non-quasi-static (NQS) effect are analyzed. The superiority of the -model to capture the lateral NQS effect is demonstrated through small-signal simulations of both the models, implemented in Verilog-A. A hybrid model is proposed and a corresponding formulation of the base impedance is obtained. The equation gives the base impedance of the state-of-theart as well as the -model under appropriate conditions. The methodology to implement the hybrid model in Verilog-A is discussed. The hybrid model shows significantly higher accuracy than both the state-of-the-art model and the -model when compared with the device simulation data. 11. Millimeter-wave Transmitters and Receivers Tuesday 2:50 PM — Conference Room # BC Session Chair: Bruce Kim Co-Chair: Thierry Taris (11.1) 2:50–3:40 PM – Circuit Techniques for HighEfficiency Millimeter-wave Transmitters in SiGe and CMOS SOI Processes (Invited) James F. Buckwalter 30th Year 1986-2016 Injection locking circuit techniques could enable highly efficient operation in future millimeter-wave radio transmitters integrated in highly-scaled Silicon CMOS/BiCMOS technologies. Enabling spectrally efficient communication at millimeter-wave bands (>30 GHz) is reviewed to specifically investigate operation under back-off conditions and comparisons are made between high-efficiency transmit architectures at mm-wave bands. This work suggests that outphasing modulation using injection locking as a well suited approach for phase generation. A microwave demonstration is reviewed to discuss the issues confronting extending these architectures. The injection-locked outphasing modulator circuit is implemented in 45 nm SOI CMOS and delivers 9.2 dBm to a 50- external load at 8 GHz while consuming only 36.5 mW to achieve a 22.7% overall system efficiency with a 64QAM 2.1% Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) at 60 Mb/s. Additionally, the application of similar injection locking techniques for millimeter-wave phased array transceivers is discussed and recent work is reviewed on these systems at 71-86 GHz. (11.2) 3:40–4:05 PM – A 76- to 81-GHz Packaged Single-Chip Transceiver for Automotive Radar Takeji Fujibayashi, Yohsuke Takeda, Weihu Wang, Yi-Shin Yeh, Willem Stapelbroek, Seiji Takeuchi, and Brian Floyd This paper presents a flip-chip packaged 76- to 81-GHz transceiver chip implemented in SiGe BiCMOS technology for both long-range and short-range automotive radar applications. The single chip contains a two-channel transmitter with +18-dBm saturated output power per channel; an LO chain with x4 multiplier, wide-band 20-GHz VCO with 100-dBc/Hz phase noise at 1-MHz offset referenced to a 77-GHz carrier, and divide-by-four prescaler; and a six-channel receiver with 10- to 11-dB noise figure, 14- to 15-dB conversion gain and +1-dBm input P1dB in unpackaged condition. The interconnect loss through the BGA package at 80 GHz is 1.5 to 2 dB. Built-in self-test (BIST) circuits are integrated to enable RF output power, receiver gain, relative channel-to-channel phase and internal temperature measurement. (11.3) 4:05–4:30 PM – Scalable Sensor Platform with Multi-Purpose Fully-Differential 61 and 122 GHz Transceivers for MIMO Radar Applications Herman Jalli Ng, Maciej Kucharski, Dietmar Kissinger This paper describes a scalable sensor platform consisting of several multi-purpose 61 and 122 GHz transceivers that are designed in a fully-differential architecture and implemented in a Silicon-Germanium BiCMOS technology. The former transceiver achieves a higher transmit output power as well as receive gain and is meant for applications requiring a high dynamic range, while the latter transceiver allows a higher modulation bandwidth and is meant for high resolution applications. The transceivers include a frequency multiplier that generates the 61 and 122 GHz carrier signals from a single external 30.5 GHz LO signal that is also fed to an output buffer in the transceivers. The proposed architecture enables the cascading of multiple transceivers and allows thus the implementation of a MIMO radar system with 2 different frequency bands. The transceivers are equipped with BPSK modulators as well as an I/Q receiver and can be utilized as a base to build a very flexible software-defined radar platform. 30th Year 1986-2016 (11.4) 4:30–4:55 PM – A 162 GHz Power Amplifier with 14 dBm Output Power (Student) Jidan Al-Eryani, Herbert Knapp, Jonas Wursthorn, Klaus Aufinger, Soran Majied, Hao Li, Sabine Boguth, Rudolf Lachner, Josef Boeck, and Linus Maurer A 3-stage power amplifier (PA) with 14dBm saturated output power (Psat), 29.5 dB small-signal gain, and 4.8% power-added efficiency (PAE) at a frequency of 162GHz is presented. From 155 to 165 GHz, Psat remains higher than 12.5 dBm, while the small-signal gain varies from 35.4 dB to 28.3 dB. Maximum output power and gain performance are obtained by using a differential cascode topology and operating the transistors well beyond their open-base collector-emitter breakdown voltage (BVCEO), and by optimum matching of the three stages of the PA. To our best knowledge, this is the highest reported output power for a silicon-based PA beyond 150 GHz. The chip is fabricated in a 130nm SiGe BiCMOS technology with fT /fmax = 250/370 GHz. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Doug Weiser Texas Instruments, General Chair Fa Foster Dai Auburn University, Technical Program Chair Peter Magnee NXP Semiconductors, Technical Program Vice-Chair Pete Zampardi Qorvo, Publications Chair Edward Preisler TowerJazz, Short-Course Chair Wibo Van Noort Texas Instruments, Short-Course Vice-Chair Michael Schroter TU Dresden / UC San Diego, Emerging Technology Chair Laleh Najafizadeh Rutgers, Local Arrangements Chair Rob Rassel GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Finance Chair Sorin Voinigescu University of Toronto, JSSC Guest Editor Edward Preisler TowerJazz, Publicity Chair - US Andrej Rumiantsev MPI Corporation, Publicity Chair - Europe/Asia Catherine Shaw C. Shaw, LLC, Conference Manager Patrice Gamand Consulting PG, Analog & Mixed-Signal Chair Tomislav Suligoj University of Zagreb, Device Physics Chair Breandán Ó hAnnaidh Analog Devices, Modeling & Simulation Chair Jay John NXP Semiconductors, Process Technology Chair Nils Pohl Fraunhofer FHR, Wireless Chair TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE ANALOG/MIXED SIGNAL SUBCOMMITTEE Patrice Gamand Sorin Voinigescu Koichi Murata Johann-Christoph Scheytt Michael Möller Laleh Najafizadeh Kwang-Jin Koh Kimia T. Ansari DEVICE PHYSICS SUBCOMMITTEE Tomislav Suligoj Pete Zampardi Peter Magnee Jiahui Yuan Vibhor Jain Kai Kwok Guanghai Ding Jonggook Kim MODELING/SIMULATION SUBCOMMITTEE Breandán Ó hAnnaidh Consulting PG, Chair University of Toronto GigOptix University Paderborn Saarland University Rutgers Virginia Tech Huawei University of Zagreb, Chair Qorvo NXP Semiconductors SanDisk GLOBALFOUNDRIES Skyworks Analog Devices Texas Instruments Analog Devices, Chair 30th Year Andrej Rumiantsev Adam DiVergilio Marco Bellini Michael Schroter Vadim Issakov Scott Parker Jin Tang PROCESS TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE Jay John Alexander Fox Jack Pekarik Hiroshi Yasuda Josef Boeck Joost Melai Todd Thibeault Pascal Chevalier WIRELESS SUBCOMMITTEE Nils Pohl Wibo Van Noort Fa Foster Dai Bruce Kim Hua Wang Thierry Taris Wei Kung Deng Dietmar Kissinger Steve Kovacic Yan Li Michael McPartlin Yuan Yao Leonardo Vera 1986-2016 MPI Corporation GLOBALFOUNDRIES ABB TU Dresden / UC San Diego Infineon Qorvo Texas Instruments NXP Semiconductors, Chair IHP Microelectronics GLOBALFOUNDRIES Texas Instruments Infineon NXP Semiconductors TowerJazz STMicroelectronics Fraunhofer FHR, Chair Texas Instruments Auburn University City College of New York Georgia Tech University of Bordeaux Richwave IHP Microelectronics Skyworks Qorvo Skyworks Broadcom Inphi Corp 30th Year 1986-2016 MAPS & LOCAL INFORMATION Hyatt Regency New Brunswick First floor level Registration, coffee break, lecture sessions 30th Year 1986-2016 Hyatt Regency New Brunswick 30th Year 1986-2016 Local Directory: BANKS: Bank of America 410 George Street (732) 545.5115 TD Bank 70 Bayard Street (732) 867.5732 Wells Fargo 120 Albany Street (732) 843.4200 BAR/LOUNGE: George Street Ale House (American) 378 George St (732) 543.2408 Glo (Lounge) 367 George St (732) 246.8330 Perle (Nightclub) 13 Paterson St (732) 937.6113 BREAKFAST: Hansel & Griddle (Breakfast/Sandwiches) $ 112 Church St (732) 846.9727 CaffeBene (Café/Coffee Shop) 356 George Street (732) 828.0760 COFFEE: Dunkin’ Donuts (within New Brunswick Train Station) 1 Railroad Plaza (732) 220.1270 Dunkin’ Donuts 335 George St (732) 246.2070 Starbucks 391 George St (732) 828.8946 CONVENIENCE/GROCERY STORE: 7-Eleven (Convenience Store) 358 George St Key Foods (Grocery) 100 Kirkpatrick St Rite Aid (Pharmacy) 360 George St (732) 247.0814 ENTERTAINMENT: George Street Playhouse 9 Livingston Ave (732) 846.2895 State Theater 15 Livingston Ave (732) 246.7469 Stress Factory (Comedy Club) 90 Church St (732) 545.4242 FAST FOOD/CASUAL DINING Burger King (Fast Food) 373 George St (732) 246.3040 Destination Dogs (Hot Dogs) 101 Paterson St (732) 993.1016 Chipotle (Mexican) 387 George Street (732) 249.0070 Subway (Sandwiches) 354 George St, (732) 249-4440 GOVERNMENT: New Brunswick Courthouse/Town Hall Kirkpatrick St & Bayard St US Postal Service (USPS) 86 Bayard St (800) 275.8777 HOSPITALS: Robert Wood Johnson Hospital Somerset St & Little Albany (732)828.3000 St. Peter’s Hospital 254 Easton Ave (732) 745.8525 RESTAURANTS: Catherine Lombardi (Italian) $$$ 3 Livingston Ave (732) 296.9463 Chapathi House (Indian) $ 349 George Street (732) 416.8787 Clydz (American/Martinis) $$$ 55 Paterson St (732) 846.6521 Delta’s (Southern Cuisine) $$ 19 Dennis St (732) 249.1551 Desta (Ethiopian) $$ 88 Albany St (732) 249-0494 Due Mari (Italian/Seafood) $$$ 78 Albany St (732) 296.1600 Esquina Latina (Cuban) $$ 25 Liberty St (732) 543.1630 Frog and the Peach $$$$ (French-Inspired American) $$$$ 29 Dennis St (732) 846.3216 Harvest Moon Brewery & Café (American) $$ 392 George St (732) 249.6666 Hotoke (Japanese/Asian) $$ 350 George St (732) 246.8999 INC (American/New) $$ 302 George St (732) 640-0553 30th Year 1986-2016 Directory Cont’d Indochine (Vietnamese/Asian) $$ 371 George St (732) 745-2928 Jimmy’s BBQ (American) $$ 5 Easton Ave (732) 249.7427 My Way (Korean) $$ 351 George St (732) 545.5757 Old Bay Restaurant $$ (Creole) 63 Church St (732) 246.3111 Old Man Rafferty’s (American) $$ 106 Albany St (732) 846.6153 Panico’s (Italian) $$$ 103 Church St (732) 545.6100 Stage Left (American) $$$ 5 Livingston Ave (732) 828.4444 Steakhouse 85 (Steakhouse) $$$ 85 Church St (732) 247.8585 Sushi Room (Japanese) $$ 12 Easton Ave (732) 640.0407 The Counter (Burgers) $ 341 George St (732).543.1267 Tumulty’s (Irish Pub) $$ 361 George St (732) 545.6205 Veganized (Vegan/Vegetarian) $$ 9 Spring St (732) 342.7412 World of Beer (Sports Bar) $$ 335 George Street (732) 543.1804 Mike’s Courtside (Sports Bar) $ 1 Elm Row (732) 455.8511 STAFF PICKS HARVEST MOON BREWERY “This is a great little brewery with excellent wings and live music (usually on weekends). The great part about this place is that they also have a dining room upstairs if you just need a quiet place to dine. They also have Karaoke on the first Thursday of every month. ” Christine Shin Rooms Manager OLD MAN RAFFERTY’S “Old Man Rafferty’s has been in this town for years and it’s the best place for lunch. Try any of their sandwiches – the portions are perfect and don’t forget to order one of their fabulous desserts.” Roumany Tawadrous Assistant Rooms Manager “I second Old Man Rafferty’s. If you love chocolate desserts, you have to try the Vesuvius cake!” Ashleigh Barrall Front Desk Agent GARDEN STATE ALE HOUSE “A great pub for a good drink and delicious appetizers – try the Bang Bang Shrimp. If you prefer a quieter environment, they have additional seating in the basement level. ” Stephanie Cruz Front Desk Supervisor THE COUNTER “A great spot for a classic burger and fries. The build-your-own burger option is a lot of fun with over a thousand different ingredient combinations. If you’re looking for something sweet, the adult milkshakes are a must!” Erica Feliciano Front Desk Agent CLYDZ “This place not only makes the best martinis in the area, they also have fantastic service. As you enter this Bar & Restaurant, you descend into a basement level, which gives it a great speakeasy vibe. Try the For A Good Time or Moscow Mule. Don’t forget to take home one of the drink napkins – they have drink recipes on them!” Lavanya Nayar Front Desk Agent 30th Year 1986-2016 CONFERENCE MANAGER Catherine Shaw, CMP BCTM Conference Manager Phone: 732-501-3334 cshaw.cmpevents@gmail.com CONFERENCE HEADQUARTERS HYATT REGENCY NEW BRUNSWICK 2 Albany Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA T: + 1.732.867.2258 30th Year 1986-2016 CALL FOR PAPERS 2017 BIPOLAR/BiCMOS CIRCUITS AND TECHNOLOGY MEETING Marriott Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida, USA www.ieee-bctm.org Short Course: October 21, 2017; Conference: October 19-20, 2017 The Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM) is a forum for technical communication focused on the needs and interests of the bipolar and BiCMOS community. Papers covering the design, performance, fabrication, testing and application of bipolar and BiCMOS integrated circuits, bipolar phenomena, and discrete bipolar devices are solicited. All papers must be suitable for a twenty-minute presentation. Text and figures must not have been presented at other conferences or published in any scientific or technical publications prior to BCTM. Publication in the BCTM 2017 Proceedings does not preclude publication in an IEEE journal, and authors are encouraged to do so. A Special Section in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits will include selected papers from BCTM 2017. Papers are solicited in the following areas: ANALOG/MIXED SIGNAL: Analog ICs: Mixed analog/digital ICs - Digital ICs - DACs and ADCs - Operational amplifiers - Voltage references and regulators - Integrated filters - Sensors - Networking ICs, MUX/DEMUX, Clock and data recovery, Decision circuits, Equalizers - Optical data links, Laser and modulator drivers - Gate arrays - Cell libraries High-voltage ICs - Medical electronics - Motor controls Analog subsystems within a VLSI chip - Packaging of highperformance ICs. WIRELESS CIRCUIT DESIGN: Low Noise Amplifiers Automatic gain control - Mixers - Voltage controlled oscillators Frequency synthesizers - Power amplifiers - RF switches Suppression of noise and distortion - Radio subsystems - RF Packaging - Integrated passives - Millimeter-wave circuits and systems. DEVICE PHYSICS: New device physics phenomena in Si, SiGe, and III-V devices - Device design issues and scaling limits - Hot electron effects and reliability physics - Transport and high field phenomena - Noise - Linearity/Distortion - Novel measurement techniques - Operation in extreme environments (low and high temperatures, radiation effects). 30th Year 1986-2016 MODELING/SIMULATION: Improved BJT and HBT models - Behavioral modelling techniques - Parameter extraction methods and test structures - De-embedding techniques - RF and thermal simulation techniques - Modelling of passives, interconnect and packages - Statistical modelling - Device, process and circuit simulation - CAD/modelling of power devices - packaging of power devices and ESD phenomena. PROCESS TECHNOLOGY: Advances in processes and device structures demonstrating high speed, low power, low noise, high current, high voltage, etc. BiCMOS processes Advanced process techniques - Si and Si-C homojunction bipolar/BiCMOS devices, III-V and SiGe heterojunction bipolar/BiCMOS devices. Manufacturing solutions related to Bipolar and BiCMOS yield improvements. Fabrication of highperformance passive components, including, MEMs. Process technology related to discrete and integrated bipolar/BiCMOS power devices, IGBT, RF power devices including DMOS. Wide bandgap bipolar devices (e.g., SiC, GaN, GaAs) and related process technology. WIRELESS CIRCUIT DESIGN: Low Noise Amplifiers Automatic gain control - Mixers - Voltage controlled oscillators Frequency synthesizers - Power amplifiers - RF switches Suppression of noise and distortion - Radio subsystems - RF Packaging - Integrated passives - Millimeter-wave circuits and systems. STUDENT paper submissions are highly encouraged. Papers must be clearly marked as 'STUDENT SUBMISSION' in the paper submission system to be eligible for the Best Student Paper Award. If you know of people who may have a paper to contribute, please bring this Call for Papers to their attention. IMPORTANT DEADLINES FOR AUTHORS April 16, 2017: Abstract and manuscript submission deadline June 12, 2017: E-mail notification sent. September 4, 2017: Final proceedings manuscript due SUBMISSION AND CONTACT INFORMATION Visit the conference website: http://www.ieee-bctm.org, or contact: Catherine Shaw, CMP, BCTM Conference Manager, Phone 1-732 501-3334, e-mail: cshaw.cmpevents@gmail.com 30th Year 1986-2016 2016 BCTM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS