EL PASOCOUNTYDISTRICTCOURT,COLORADO 270 SouthTejonStreet ColoradoSprings,CO 80901 719.448.7700 12 1;'.1 4';qrr1. t'1.1111., I?ir,ll"itt lt iz*rt .lltt .! i l i : t ' nt:r \ u t t : it l a ' , . i i . : ) t ! ! ' : i : : : : 1 1 ' \ l \ 1 t ' t r l i t i ; I I ) ; 1t . 1 4 >:.' t1' i i * r i r : * { - i s : l ' l , ii:g l ; r r : h / i :\l} a r : l l ; t s Plaintiff(s):KENNETHG. DEJOIEandVERONICA DEJOIE,individuals, V. Defendant(s):U.S.BEEFCORP.D/B/AARBY'S RESTAURANT, KYL INVESTMENT TRUST,JOHN DOES1-10,unknownindividuals, andXYZ (s) unknownentities. CORPORATION COURTUSEONLY CaseNo: 12CV Attorneys for Plaintiff: DavidJ. Stevens, #14774 JakeC. Eisenstein, #39315 1150W. Littleton Blvd.,Ste.200 Littleton,CO 80120 P:720.238.7260 F:303.797.8280 dave@selawyers.com COMPLAINT AND JURYDEMAND Plaintiffs, KennethDejoieandVeronicaDeJoie,by andthroughcounsel,stateand allegeas followsfor theircomplaint againstthe Defendants: GENERALALLEGATIONS 1. At all timesrelevanthereto,PlaintiffKennethDeJoiewas an individual residingat 11258 EastCusterPlace,Aurora,CO 80012. 2. At all timesrelevanthereto,Plaintiff VeronicaDeJoiewas an individual residingat 11258EastCusterPlace,Aurora,CO 800'12. 3. At all timesrelevanthereto,DefendantU.S.BeefCorp.was a foreignentitywith a principalofficestreetaddressof 4923E. 49thStreet,Tulsa,OK74135. U.S.BeefCorp.was 4. On information and belief,at alltimesrelevanthereto,Defendant doingbusinessas Arby'sRestaurant and hada businessstreetaddressof 540W. Highway105,Monument, CO 80132. 5. On informationand belief,at all timesrelevanthereto,DefendantKYL InvestmentTrust CO 80132 was the ownerof the buildinglocatedat 540W. Highway105,Monument, and hada mailingaddressof 8448RoddenRd.,Oakdale,CA 95361. or 6. On information are individuals and belief,JohnDoe(s)andXYZCorporation(s) for the dangerous entitieswhowereeitherlandowners or werelegallyresponsible conditionslocatedon the propertywherePlaintiffsustainedhis injuriesas set forth herein. 7. Jurisdiction and venueare properin thisCourtpursuantto C.R.S.$ 13-1-124and C.R.C.P.98 as the incidents and injuriesin questionoccurredin El PasoCounty, placeof businessis in El PasoCounty. Colorado,and and at leastone Defendant's FIRSTCLAIMFORRELIEF (Negligence) 8. Plaintiffsherebyincorporateby referenceeachand everyotherparagraphas though fullyset forthherein. 9. On or aboutMay28, 2010,PlaintiffKennethDeJoiewas an invitee,as definedby C.R.S.S 13-21-115(5)(c),at the Arby'sRestaurant ownedand operatedby Defendant U.S.BeefCorp.and/orJohnDoe(s)and/orXYZ Corporation(s). 10.On or aboutMay28, 2010,PlaintiffKennethDeJoiewas utilizingthe urinalin the men's restroomwhen it causeda jet of steamto shootforthfromthe urinaland burn Mr. DeJoie'sgenitals. 11. Plaintiffsreportedthe incidentto an employeewho respondedthat "we havethat bathroomproblemagain,"and "thishappenswhenthe sinkin the kitchenis running." 12. Disposalof superheated waterand/orsteamis an inherently dangerous activity. 13. DefendantsowedPlaintiffsthe highestdutyof careto protectthemagainstdangerous conditions of whichArby'sknewor shouldhaveknown. 14. Defendants breachedthatdutyby operating, maintaining, inspecting, repairingand managingthe subjectpropertyand urinalin a carelessand negligentmanner. Defendantfailedto exercisereasonablecareto protectagainstdangerson the subject propertyand warn againstsuchknowndangers.Suchdangersat the subjectproperty include,withoutlimitation: (a) Plumbingand/orwaterheatingsystemsthatviolatethe applicable Building,Mechanical and Plumbingcode,(b) Urinalthatshootsjets of scaldingsteam,(c) Failureto properlyrepaira knowndangerous urinaland/orplumbing issue. 15' As a directand proximate plaintiff resultof Defendants' negligence and carelessness, KennethG. DeJoiehassustained economicand non-economic damages,injuriesand lossesas set forthherein. wHEREFORE,Plaintiffrespectfully requestsreliefas set forthbelow. SECONDCLAIMFORRELIEF (PremisesLiabilityAgainstLandowners) 16. Plaintiffreallegesand incorporates by referenceeachand everyotherparagraphas thoughfullyset forthherein. 17.At alltimesrelevanthereto,PlaintiffKennethDeJoiewas an inviteeat the Arby's Restaurant as definedby C.R.S.S 13-21-1 15(5)(c). 18.On information and belief,Defendant qualifiedas a landowner Arby'sRestaurant of the Arby'sRestaurant as definedby C.R.S.513-21-115(1) 19.On information and belief,Defendant KYLInvestment Trustqualifiedas a landowner of theArby'sRestaurant as definedby C.R.S.513-21-115(1) 20. On informationand belief,DefendantXYZ Corporation(s) qualifiedas a landowner(s) of theArby'sRestaurant as definedby C.R.S.513-21-115(1) 21. On information and belief,Defendant JohnDoe(s)qualifiedas a landowner(s) of the Arby'sRestaurant as definedby C.R.S.513-21-1 15(1) 22. Plaintitfsinjuries,damages,and losseswere causedby Defendants' unreasonable failureto exercisereasonablecareto protectagainstdangersof whichthey knewor shouldhaveknownand to reasonablywarnof knowndangerson the premises. 23. As directand proximate resultof Defendants'actions or inaction,PlaintiffKennethG. DeJoiehassustained economicand non-economic damages,injuriesand lossesas set forthherein. WHEREFORE,Plaintiffrespectfully requestsreliefas set forthbelow. THIRDCLAIMFORRELIEF (NegligencePer Se) 24. Plaintiffsreallegeand incorporateby referenceeachand everyotherparagraphas thoughfullyset forthherein. 25. Defendants including, withoutlimitation, the violatedstatutes, codes,or ordinances followingsectionsof the 1991UniformBuildingCode,Uniform PlumbingCode,and UniformMechanical Code,or theirapplicable equivalents, as adoptedby the Cityof Monumentand whichwere in effectat the timeof the incident: a ) 1991UniformBuildingCode$$ 102,104(d),203 b) 1991Uniform Plumbing Code$$ 319,611, 1002,1003,1004 c) 1991UniformMechanical CodeSS2103,2108,2126 26. The purposeof the abovementionedstatutes,codes,or ordinancesis to protectthe membersof the groupwhichincludedthe Plaintiff,and Defendants' violationsof the abovestatutes,codesor ordinancesconstitutedNegligencePer Se. 27. Detendants'NegligencePer Se was the causeof Plaintiffsinjuries,damages,and losses. WHEREFORE,Plaintiffrespectfully requestsreliefas set forthbelow. FOURTHCLAIMFORRELIEF (Lossof Consortium) 28. Plaintiffsreallegeand incorporateby referenceeachand everyotherparagraphas thoughfullysetforthherein. 29. PlaintiffKennethDeJoiesustained injuriesdueto the actsor omissions fromwhichthe Defendantsare liableas morefullyset forthherein. 30. PlaintiffsKennethDeJoieand VeronicaDeJoiewerea legallymarriedcoupleon and afterthe dateof the injuriessustainedby KennethDeJoie. 31.As a resultof the injuriesto KennethDeJoie,VeronicaDeJoieincurreda lossof her rightsof consortium, resultingin economicand noneconomic damages. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffrequeststhatthe Courtenterjudgmentfor Plaintiffs against Defendants in an amountto fairlyand reasonably Plaintiffs for theirinjuries, compensate damages,and lossesin an amountto be provenat trial;for costs,filingfees,expertwitness permitted fees,statutoryinterestfromthe datethis causeof actionaccruedor as otheruvise underColoradolaw,andfor anysuchfuftherreliedthatthisCourtdeemsproper. JURYDEMAND Plaintiffsrequestthat all mattersat issuein this casebe triedto a jury of six persons. Date: 512512012 Respectfully submitted, STEVENS & EISENSTEIN (Originalsignatureon ftle) /s/ Jake Eisenstein DavidJ. Stevens JakeC. Eisenstein 1150W. LittletonBlvd.,Ste.200 Littleton, CO 80120 P:303.797.3400 F:303.797.8280 Plaintiffs'Address: 11258EastCusterPlace. Aurora,CO 80012