Dynamical Modeling for Series-Parallel Resonant Converter under Optimized Modulation Zhiyu Cao, Junbing Tao, Norbert Fröhleke and Joachim Böcker University of Paderborn Power Electronics and Electrical Drives 33095 Paderborn, Germany E-mail: {cao, tao, froehleke, Boecker}@lea.upb.de Abstract — The series-parallel resonant converter is one of the most popular topologies among resonant converters. In order to achieve a further reduction of transistor switching losses, an optimized modulation strategy was proposed and implemented full digitally. This yields zero-current switching on one full bridge leg and zero-voltage switching on the other leg. Costs of the optimized modulation are the increased complexities in modeling and controller design, because the state-of-the-art extended describing function method is not suitable anymore. In this contribution a novel dynamical modeling for seriesparallel resonant converters under optimized modulation is presented, which is based on the sampled-data method. The dynamic interaction between power circuit and the digital optimized modulation control unit is considered properly. Dutyratio-to-output-voltage small-signal behaviors predicted by the proposed model are verified by circuit simulation and experimental results. Index Terms — DC-DC power converters, modeling, pulse frequency modulation, pulse width modulation I. INTRODUCTION Due to the zero-voltage switching (ZVS) character and the ability of utilizing parasitics, an increasing interest in resonantly operated DC-DC converters in super-resonant operation mode has been shown since it was introduced in the 1980s. Among the most applied two- and three-element resonant converters, the series-parallel resonant converter with LC output-filter (SPRC-LC) (Fig. 1.a) is one of the most popular converter topologies because it takes on the desirable characteristics of the series resonant converter (SRC) and the parallel resonant converter (PRC), while removing their main disadvantages [1]. The output voltage of a SPRC-LC is usually regulated by switching frequency while keeping the duty ratio at one (Fig. 2.a), or regulated by phase shift while keeping the switching frequency constant (Fig. 2.b). In this paper the both modulation strategies mentioned above are called frequency modulation (FM) and phase-shift modulation (PM), respectively. In order to achieve a further switching loss reduction, a novel modulation strategy combining switching frequency and phase-shifted controls, which is called optimized modulation (OM) in this paper, was developed and implemented with an analog circuit in 1999 [2] [3] [4] and full digitally on a single FPGA chip in 2012 [5], respectively. Under OM ZVS is achieved on the leading leg and zero current switching (ZCS) is achieved on the lagging leg (Fig. 978-1-4673-4355-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE Fig. 1: (a) Circuit diagram of SPRC-LC and (b) its current and voltage waveforms under optimized modulation. 1.b). Hence, the only remaining switching loss is the turn-off loss of the ZVS leg. However, under OM the modeling and control complexities are higher than SPRC-LC under FM or PM [6]. As shown in Fig. 2 the plant dynamics under FM or PM are determined only by the switching-frequency-to-outputvoltage transfer function or duty-ratio-to-output-voltage transfer function of the power circuit, which can be deduced by means of the extended describing function (EDF) method 1391 Fig. 2: Control structure of SPRC-LC under (a) frequency modulation, (b) phase-shifted modulation and (c) optimized modulation Fig. 3: Current and voltage waveforms of SPRC-LC in CVMs [7] [8] and its extension [9]. Under OM (Fig. 2.c) the switching frequency is automatically adapted to the resonant current. Hence, the plant dynamics depend not only on the power circuit, but also on digital OM control unit, the stateof-the-art EDF method cannot be applied. In this contribution a straight forward dynamical model based on the sampled-data method [10] [11] with consideration of the interaction between power circuit and the digital OM control unit [5] is introduced. A more detailed introduction of the proposed dynamical model of SPRC-LC under optimized modulation is given in Section II. In Section III simulative and experimental verifications are provided. Final conclusions are given in Section IV. II. DYNAMICAL MODEL OF SPRC-LC UNDER OPTIMIZED MODULATION The proposed dynamical modeling of SPRC-LC under OM is set up according to the following five steps: • Step 1: Define operation modes and constraints • Step 2: Deduce equivalent circuit diagrams (ECDs) and state space models for all time intervals of each operation mode • Step 3: Define boundary conditions between time intervals • Step 4: Calculate state variables and time instants of boundary conditions under steady-state operation • Step 5: Injection of small-signal perturbation and deducing the dynamical model In the following subsections, the dynamical model of the SPRC-LC under optimized modulation is deduced according to this procedure. A. Definition of Operation Modes and Constraints As illustrated in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, the SPRC-LC shows under optimized modulation two continuous voltage modes (CVM) and six discontinuous voltage modes (DVM). Constraints of CVM1 are as follows: • The switching instant τ1 is located before the instant of voltage zero-crossing τ2 • At the instant of the voltage zero-crossing τ2: |iLs(τ2)| ≥ niLf (τ2) In DVM1, due to the discontinuous voltage across Cp, there are four time intervals. Constraints of DVM1 are: • The switching instant τ1 is located before the instant of voltage zero-crossing τ2 • At the instant of the voltage zero-crossing τ2: |iLs(τ2)| < niLf (τ2) Constraints for other CVM and DVMs are deduced in a similar way. B. ECDs and State Space Model for Each Time Intervals ECDs of SPRC-LC in CVM1 are given in Fig. 5.a to Fig. 5.c for the time intervals [0, τ1], [τ1, τ2] and [τ2, τ3], respectively. In DVM1, the ECDs in time intervals [0, τ1], [τ1, τ2] and [τ3, τ4] are identical to CVM1. During the time interval [τ2, τ3] the parallel capacitor and the rectifier are shorted. In order to avoid a division by zero in state equations, a very small in series connected short-circuit resistance Rst is used for this time interval in practical calculation (Fig. 5.d). The subscript “p” in Lf,p, Cf,p, Rp, iLf,p, uCf,p, and Uout,p denotes the transformation to the primary side of the transformer. Inspection of the ECDs, state space models for each time interval can be easily built in the linear form 1392 , (1) 0 0 0 . 0 0 1/ where 0 0 0 0 , , , , 2 , The subscripts of “Cm,n” or “Dm,n” denote the nth time interval of the mth continuous or discontinuous voltage mode. Second time interval [τ1, τ2] of CVM1: , , . , UTon and UDon denote equivalent voltage sources of the linearized output characteristic of IGBT and forward characteristic of freewheeling diodes (FWD) (Fig. 6). Rs consists of the parasitic resistances of the series inductor, the series capacitor, the transformer and the on-state equivalent resistances of transistors (Fig. 6). First time interval [0, τ1] of CVM1: 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 , 0 1 || 1 1/ 0 0 0 0 (3) . (2) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 , , , || , , 1 0 || 0 0 0 0 0 Third time interval [τ2, τ3] of CVM1: , 1 , , || 0 0 , 0 0 || 1 , , 1393 , || 0 || , , Fig. 4: Current and voltage waveforms of SPRC-LC in DVMs || 1 , , . (4) Fig. 6: Linearization of the IGBT output characteristic and forward characteristic of FWD The output matrix and the feedforward matrix are identical for all time intervals and for all modes of operation: 0, 0, 0, || ,1 , (7) 0. Fig. 5: ECDs of SPRC-LC in CVM1 and DVM1 In time intervals [0, τ1], [τ1, τ2], and [τ3, τ4] of DVM1, the system matrix and the input matrix are identical to CVM1: , , , , , , , , and (5) , , , , , , , . , Third time interval [τ2, τ3] of DVM1: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 , , || 0 , || 1 || || , 0 0 0 0 0 1/ 0 0 0 0 , (6) C. Boundary Conditions between Time Intervals As shown in Fig. 3 the boundary conditions between time intervals in CVM1 are as follows: • τ1: Inverter output voltage changes from Udc to zero due to the switching actions • τ2: uCp(τ2) = 0 • τ3: iLs(τ3) = 0 In DVM1, as shown in Fig. 4, due to the discontinuous voltage across Cp, there are four time intervals. Boundary conditions of DVM1 are: • τ1: Inverter output voltage changes from Udc to zero due to the switching actions • τ2: uCp(τ2) = 0 • τ3: |iLs(τ3)| = niLf(τ3) • τ4: iLs(τ4) = 0 In other modes of operation boundary conditions between time intervals can be deduced analogously. D. Steady-State Solution Due to the page limitation only the steady-state solution in this section and the dynamical models in Section E and Section F are deduced only for CVM1. For other modes of operation the steady-state solution and dynamical models are deduced identically. The linear differential equations in (1) can be solved in a time-domain using the general form: e . We obtain 1394 e . (8) e e Φ , (9) , where (10) . Hence, in CVM1 the state variables at time instant τ1, τ2, τ3 and τ6 can be obtained as follows: Φ , , , Φ , , Φ where (12) , (13) , , , . 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 (14) 0 , (17) (18) Solving the equation with the boundary conditions where , 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 0 0 1 . , , (16) Substituting (15) into (16) we obtain the steady-state expression of the state variables at the beginning of a switching period Substituting (11) and (12) into (13) we obtain , , , , (11) , , , , Due to the symmetry of the current and voltages in the resonant tank and the voltage-time and capacitor charge balances of the output filter at steady-state condition we get the equation e Φ Φ , Φ Φ , (15) Fig. 7: Signals for pulse generation under digital OM control unit 1395 (19) the relationship of the time instants expressed as: iLs Digital OM Contro Unit D PLECS circuit simulation model Scope (uout) 1 ∆d , Scope (fs) Time-domain dynamical model , (a) Digital OM Contro Unit D ∆d PLECS circuit simulation model , frequency analyzer model , Φ dSPACE FPGA Controller Φ Fig. 9: Experimental setup for small-signal measurement , , , , , , , (20) , , , , , , 3, , , , (25) , (26) , , , 1 (27a) , , 1, , 2, , 3, , (27b) where , denotes the state variables at the beginning of the half switching period (21) numerically, the time instants , , and the state variable under steady-state conditions are obtained [12]. The duty radio under steady-state condition is simply calculated by . Φ , , uout , (24) , SPRC-LC Gate signals 0 ∆ , small-signal measurement Δd are According to analysis in Section D the state variables at the time instants , , , , , are calculated by: uout Fig. 8: Simulation setup for (a) large-signal verification and (b) D , (23) , , (b) Venable Impedance Analyzer and , 0 . , (28) Solving the equations (25) to (28) with the boundary conditions , 0 (29) 0 (30) (22) , E. Dynamical Model of SPRC-LC with Ideal OM-Control Unit Under optimized modulation, as shown in Fig. 7.a and Fig. 7.b, the plant dynamics can be deduced using the following assumptions: • The SPRC-LC is at steady-state condition before the small signal injection • The small perturbation of duty radio ∆ is injected at , , . time interval , • The operation mode is unchanged after the smallsignal injection. As shown in Fig. 7.a the OM control unit is first assumed in the to be ideal, i.e. the amplitude of the sawtooth signal half period ( , 1, …) equals always exactly one. Under this assumption the slope of the sawtooth signal and the time instants , , , and the state variables at the time and are obtained instants , , , , numerically. Obviously the idealized OM control unit cannot be physically implemented, because it is not causal. Hence, it is only used as a reference for evaluating the distortion introduced by the digital OM control unit. F. Dynamical Model of SPRC-LC with Digital OM-Control Unit With a digital OM control unit the slope of the sawtooth of the last half signal is calculated by the time duration , period (Fig. 7.b): 1396 102 101.5 Output voltage / V 101 100.5 100 99.5 Model (ideal OM) Model (digital OM) Simulation 99 98.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time / s 2 2.5 3 -3 x 10 Fig. 10: Step responses of the output voltage at the operation point (3.87 Ω, 99 V) in the operation mode DVM3 Bode plot |H(f)| / dB 50 40 30 Model Simulation Measurement 20 2 10 3 4 10 f / Hz 10 arg{H} / degrees 0 -100 -200 Model Simulation Measurement -300 2 10 3 4 10 f / Hz 10 Fig. 11: Bode diagrams of the duty-ratio-to-output-voltage transfer function at the operation point (3.87 Ω, 99 V) in the operation mode DVM3 (normalized to 1 V) 1 (31) , , , IV. ∆ , (32) Replacing (24) by (32) the dynamical behavior of the SPRC-LC with the digital OM control unit is obtained by means of an identical procedure introduced in the last section. The final duty-cycle-to-output transfer function is obtained via linearizing equation (27) and its boundary conditions. III. The simulation setups for large- and small-signal measurements are illustrated in Fig. 8. The SPRC-LC is modeled by the power electronic toolbox PLECS. The digital OM control unit and the frequency analyzer are modeled by Simulink. In order to verify the proposed model with measurements an experimental setup is built. As shown in Fig. 9 the real power circuit is applied in the experimental test bed. A dSPACE® rapid control prototyping system (RCP) is applied for pulse generation. The steady-state operation point is set by switching frequency and duty radio directly. The smallsignal perturbation ∆ ∆ cos is generated by a Venable impedance analyzer and input to the RCP via a high speed analog-digital converter (ADC) with a conversion time of 100 ns. In order to minimize the measurement error introduced by the computing latency of the RCP, synthesis of the final duty radio ∆ and generation of the gate signals are implemented on the FPGA card. Hence the total time latency from input of the analog signal ∆ to output of the gate signals is less than 200 ns, which introduces no visible phase delay in a measurement range from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. Due to the constraints of the available load resistors the experimental measurements are performed with a 204 V. downscaled converter input voltage of As an example time-domain small-signal step response and the Bode plots of duty-ratio-to-output-voltage transfer functions at the operation point (3.87 Ω, 99 V) in DVM3 are given in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively. Comparison results show: • The output voltage small-signal step responses of SPRC-LC with ideal and with digital OM control unit have a good agreement (Fig. 10). That means no additional dynamical distortion is introduced by means of the digital OM control unit proposed in [5]. • Good agreement among the proposed model, simulation and measurement, i.e. high modeling accuracy. SIMULATIVE AND EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION For validation of the time-domain steady-state modeling and comparison with frequency-domain modeling techniques, a SPRC-LC prototype with a rated input voltage of 400 VAC, a rated output voltage of 500 V and a rated output current of 80 A is applied. CONCLUSION SPRC-LC under OM reduces the switching losses and required switching frequency range for output voltage regulation. However its dynamic characteristics cannot be modeled by means of the state-of-the-art EDF method or its extension. In this contribution a novel dynamical model for SPRC-LC with consideration of the interaction between the power circuit and digital OM control unit is introduced and verified by simulation and experimental measurements. Validation results indicate high modeling accuracy. By means of the proposed dynamical model the control design for SPRC-LC under optimized modulation can be easily performed by means of standard frequency-domain design methods. The comparison of the output voltage step responses of the SPRC-LC in Fig. 10 indicates, that the behavior of the in [5] proposed digital OM control unit is near to an ideal OM 1397 control unit: low distortion in the sawtooth signal and high response to resonant current frequency variation are achieved at the same time. The behavior of the proposed digital OM control unit is identical as an ideal one. converter, in 'Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th Annual', pp. 2461 - 2466. [12] C. T. Kelley, 'Solving Nonlinear Equations with Newton’s Method', Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement number 232377. Particularly, the authors would like to thank C. Gmünder, R. Dörig (Regatron AG, Rorschach, Switzerland), our student assistants and all project partners. REFERENCES [1] R. Steigerwald, 'A comparison of half-bridge resonant converter topologies', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 3 (2), pp. 174-182, 1988. [2] H. Pinheiro, P. Jain and G. Joos, 'Self-sustained oscillating resonant converters operating above the resonant frequency', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 14 (5), pp. 803 -815, 1999 [3] H. Aigner, 'Method for Regulating and/or Controlling a Welding Current Source with a Resonance Circuit', US Patent (No. US 6,849,828 B2), 2005. [4] F. 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