Newton Newsworthy

Newton Newsworthy
A newsletter from Superintendent, Mr. Pat L. McBride
February 2016
A Message From The
As I write this, we are approaching the halfway
mark for the 3rd grading term. Our basketball teams
are finishing the regular season and preparing to
move on to the tournaments. February is upon us.
With recent warm weather, all of us are anticipating
the arrival of Spring.... even if it is a bit early to do
No doubt this year's graduating Seniors are
counting down the days as Newton students. This is
an exciting time of year! It's hard to believe that this
year has gone by so quickly! However, the way all of
us finish the remainder of the school year will
determine how this year and the Class of 2016 will be
I encourage all students, staff, and parents to
concentrate on a strong finish to the year! Although I
have posted the advice below in prior years, I do so
again. It is good advice for those of us that lose
perspective from time to time.....including me!
"Everything you need to know you can learn from
1) Don't miss the boat....get things done in a
timely manner.
2) Remember that we are all in the same boat.
3) Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when the Ark
was built.
4) Build your future on high ground.
5) When you're stressed, float awhile.
6) Remember the Ark was built by amateurs
and the Titanic by professionals.
7) No matter the storm, there's always a
rainbow waiting.
Let's have a great ending to this school year!
Pat McBride
Ad d itio n a l P e r P u p il S ta te
F u n d in g Ke y to In s u rin g
S o lid F in a n c ia l F u tu re
Gen Prop Tax
Inc. Tax
State Grant Aid
All Other Rev.
Total Rev.
FY 15
FY 16
Personal Svc
Ret./Ins. Ben.
Purch. Svc.
All other Exp.
Total Exp.
Rev. – Exp. =
C/O Fund Bal.
The financial position of Newton Schools
continues to be strong even as the district has
undergone significant facility and grounds
improvements! Although many of the improvements
were scheduled, in part, due to long range strategic
planning, additional funding for our district, as
allocated by the new state biennium budget, couldn’t
have come at a better time! Key factors contributing
to our strong financial position would be increased
per pupil funding and continued support for the ¾ %
income passed in November, a pay-as-go fiscal
management philosophy, and great timing on
increased revenue from the state.
The Newton Local School District received a
significant increase in state funding for the 2015-16
and 2016-17 school year. This increase was a
pleasant surprise to the administrators and school
board. Flat funding and/or decreased funding since
2009 had many feeling pessimistic about the chances
of any increase. Although there is no guarantee that
the current level of state funding (approx. 50% of
Newton’s total funding) will continue in the future, it
is certainly a positive indicator.
Even after deducting the total cost of the track
and field construction, the purchase of a new school
bus, and several other capital improvements, the
Funding (cont.)
district is projecting that Newton’s revenue will once
again equal it’s expenses.
Given all the
improvements made to the facilities and grounds, this
is a remarkable accomplishment! Newton’s carryover
at the end of the fiscal year, June 30th, will be
approximately $2 million.
Another key factor would be the turnaround in
our open enrollment. Newton once had significantly
more students open enrolled out to other districts than
open enrolled in. Now, with approximately 80 more
students coming in as going out, more state
foundation money is not only retained but added to
our district. Open enrollment has been a blessing to
our overall financial wellbeing.
For more information about our financial
position and our five year forecast, go to then click on Finance/Grants.
T r a ck a n d Fi el d Fa ci l i t y
N ea r s Com p l et i on
The district looks forward to opening a 6 lane
all-weather track and field facility this spring. Plans
to build an all-weather track and field facility were
placed on hold in 2007 as the district worked to
financial position.
education and the
administration did
not want to ask for
any addition funds
for this project.
Now, the district
has provided their
what all other
conference schools
provide theirs. In
doing so, Newton
did not ask for any
revenue nor did it
(Picure of west side of track as synthetic surface was applied)
The track and field facility will feature an allweather track surface of silicone and rubber, high
jump pit area, long jump, pole vault pit, shot put area,
and discuss throw area. In addition, the infield area
will serve as an additional soccer field. The track and
soccer field will be lighted for night play.
We would like to thank DP & L for
community service in facilitating the procurement and
delivery of light poles and the setting of those poles.
P ot en t i a l Aca d em i c
P r og r a m i n g Ch a n g es for t h e
2017 S ch ool Yea r
Newton has always been strong academically, and
continues to thrive this year. Newton’s graduation
rate continues to be at or near 100% since the
inception of the Ohio Report Card. Newton continues
to partner with area universities to provide college
level classes at the High School. The addition of new
classes is in the works for the High School for the
2016-17 school year. Newton wants to continue to
provide their students with course offerings that will
enhance their preparation for career and college
The Elementary teachers have been hard at
work in the area of gifted education. The teachers
have attended two trainings that have provided
enhanced techniques to meet the needs of the higher
level students. Newton has utilized the expertise of
the county gifted coordinator for these trainings.
Any changes for the addition of courses must
be board approved. However, at the high school level
we are strongly considering recommending adding six
new or revised course. Five of these courses would
be electives and one would be a fourth year math
requirement for students who are non-college bound.
We are excited to offer our students a greater variety
of electives that they may have greater interest in
Upcoming Events
Sat. Feb 20 V Boys Basketball @ Troy HS 12:30 pm
Sat. Feb 20 V Girls Basketball @ Brookville 1:00 pm
Mon. Feb 22 Music Booster’s Mtg. in Café. 6:30 pm
Fri. Feb 26 National Honor Society Induction
Sat. Mar 5 Dad/Daughter Dance, Mom/Son Movie Nt
Mon. Mar 7 Winter Sports Awards
Apr 9 and 10 School Play, “Aladdin”
Apr 16 Junior /Senior Prom
For Your Information:
Office of the Superintendent 676-2002
High School office or Elementary Office 676-2002
School website:
Newton Seniors Achieve
Athletic Milestones
The Class of 2016 are creating a proud athletic
legacy! A few members of this class will have their
names appear on the athletic record boards as they
close out their athletic
careers. They are…………
Brock Jamison – All State
Golfer to continue his athletic
career at Heidelburg Univeristy
Playing Golf. Brock is also
approaching 1000 career points
and will be listed on the all-time
basketball scoring list.
Brady McBride – All State
Cross Country runner to
continue his career at Ohio
Brady is also
approaching 1000 career points
and will be listed on the all-time
basketball scoring list.
Maddie Mollette – Maddie is
a three sport star holding school
Maddie recently broke the alltime girls basketball scoring
record and also surpassed 1,000
points for her career. Maddie
will be continuing her softball
career at the college level.
Treyton Lavy - Treyton is a 3
year varsity basketball player who
will be in the record book for
rebounds despite being undersized
for a post player. He is an allconference, and all-district soccer
player. Treyton plans to attend
Findlay University.
this final round will be performing with the Marine
Band in concert in April.
News from the Newton
Music Department
Newton High School music students performed at the
OMEA solo and ensemble competition held at Milton
Union High School. Congratulations to the following
students who performed exceptionally well:
Students who earned a Superior (I) Rating:
Nick Lesley – Trombone Solo
Windsor Rapp – Vocal Solo
Garrett Supinger, Cody Durst, John Laughman,
Moustafa Simpara – Vocal Quartet
Ashley Anthony – Vocal Solo
John Laughman – Tuba Solo
Skyler Wilson – Tuba Solo
Milan Bess – Vocal Solo
Garrett Supinger – Vocal Solo
Atley King – Piano Solo
Students who earned an Excellent (II) Rating:
Morgan Robbins – Vocal Solo
Emily Shellabarger – Vocal Solo
Rick Landwehr – Vocal Solo
Newton High School Percussion Ensemble
Milan Bess – Violin Solo
Atley King, Nick Lesley, Skyler Wilson, John
Laughman – Low Brass Quartet
Milan Bess, Tristen Benedict, Windsor Rapp, Drew
Thiesing, Atley King, Jack Yoder, Rick Landwehr,–
Vocal Ensemble
Ashley Anthony – Saxophone Solo
Jackson Riffle To Compete In
National Concerto Competition
The High School Band and Choir is gearing up for
OMEA District 11 Large Group Contest at
Bellefontaine High School on March 11 and 12. The
ensembles will perform in front of a judging panel
and if they receive an overall superior rating, they
will move on to the state competition in April. All
performances are open to the public. Good luck to all
the students this spring! Official performance times
will be posted on the newton music website:
Newton percussionist Jackson Riffle has been
selected as a finalist in "The President's Own" United
States Marine Band's 2016 Concerto Competition. He
will be traveling to Washington D.C. to perform a
xylophone solo on February 13 in the final round
recital at the John Philip Sousa Band Hall at the
Marine Barracks in Washington D.C. The winner of
Save the date! The 2016 Spring concert will be held
on Sunday, May 1 at 4pm. Students in 5th grade band,
6th grade band, junior high band, high school band,
junior high choir, and high school choir will be
performing. We hope to see you there for what
promises to be a great afternoon of music making.