ELECTRONICS, IT AND TELECOMMS,SOCIAL AND ECONOMICS CONCERNS Innovative and Educational Realistic Welding Trainer Simulator Abstract A Spanish Technology Based Enterprise has developed an innovative, safe, environmentally friendly and easy-to-use advanced tool to improve the welding training procedures of types: Shield, Gas and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. This hardware & software system (including Augmented Reality) generates very realistic welding conditions and scenarios (welding pool, beam, smoke, sparks, filler material cooling, etc). Commercial agreements with technical assistance or technical cooperation are sought. Technology Offer (11 ES 27F4 3MOB) students for learning the necessary welding skills and practice safely as many times as they wish without any physical risk and without emitting damaging gases for the environment. Also it will have enhanced and very realistic weldinglike graphics that will show the welding pool, beam, smoke, sparks, filler material cooling, heat-affected zone, as in the real welding. It will also show the different types of welding defects so the student will see them and learn why has any of them been caused: cracks, distortion, gas inclusions (porosity), non-metallic inclusions, lack of fusion, incomplete penetration, and undercutting. Description A Southern Spanish Technology Based Enterprise has developed an innovative solution consisting of a hardware & software system capable to simulate the real welding procedure of types SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding), GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) and GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding). Currently, there is a general demand of qualified welders almost in any country of the world. Governments (ministry of education, labor, industry), Universities and training institutions are trying to improve their welding training models to attend industry demands for qualified welders. This system is composed by Master-computer software network-connected to the required number of Students-simulators, setting up a Virtual Classroom where the teacher can control every student individually from his own remote computer, design and evaluate exercises, and generate list boxes. The solution developed uses the Augmented Reality Technology to generate real scenarios so the student will weld on a real work piece and see the results by computer-generated sensory input through the helmet (welding mask) mounted displays. All of this will create a real-world welding environment (not virtual as other devices do) and improve learning. Virtual computer-generated graphics over real-world environments will provide the best conditions to the The system also incorporates up to six different real work pieces (with international standard measures) geometrically prepared in different ways (types of weld joints as butt joint, lap joint, corner joint, edge joint and T-joint) and also pipe welding. Artificial Vision is another of the technologies incorporated in this training tool. The system knows exactly the work piece position and it activates the parameters that should act as it will happen in real welding, so in the same welding exercise it will work in a different way depending on the work piece position (horizontal, vertical, 45º etc.). Innovations and advantages of the offer Innovation: a) Augmented Reality: The most realistic training experience (competitors work in virtual reality) and the most attractive learning experience for students. They learn playing. b) Classroom training system. Network connected through a server. c) Equipped with a student evaluation system that greatly facilitates the teacher labor. c) New features, materials and welding scenarios can be incorporated easily and automatically just by downloading software releases without purchasing any new device. d) Remote maintenance and updates (new materials, etc.), through Internet, connecting automatically with a Service Center, applicable to system improvements 1 ELECTRONICS, IT AND TELECOMMS,SOCIAL AND ECONOMICS CONCERNS Innovative and Educational Realistic Welding Trainer Simulator Technology Offer (11 ES 27F4 3MOB) and new functionalities ordered by each user. e) Teacher software that allows him to connect from anywhere, manage and monitor their welding courses, students, customize exercises, evaluate and correct students using a video functionality. Valid until: 29/10/2013 Advantages: For further information (including IPR status) please contact: EDA ÇIG a) Reduces the cost up to 80% of supplies like work pieces, electrode sticks, filler rods, gas, flux, repair and maintenance of real welding equipment damaged due to initial lack of practical experience. Phone: +(90 212) 292 21 57/311 Fax: +(90 212) 249 50 07 Email: ecig@iso.org.tr b) The use of technology and virtual environments make learning process more attractive and helps encouraging women to incorporate into traditionally male industries. c) Students need less real workshop time, reducing the emission of harmful gases to the environment subsequently. d) It avoids physical risks for low skilled students: burns, gas poisoning, eye damage, etc. First steps are taken in a safe way. e) It does not require a workshop with special training conditions: large room with cabins, gas extraction system, welding power supply. f) Adaptable to specific client needs according to the different training requirements of clients worldwide. g) Depending on the students' different learning maturity, the teacher may plan individualized exercises, keeping students interest and motivation. Current and Potential Domain of Application - Public or private welding training centres. - Universities, engineering schools and companies that need to improve their technicians skills. - Metal or building companies to simulate weldings. - Other applications of the technology are under development: Health, Tourism... 2