AMESim – Simulationsumgebung für Motorradentwicklung Environment for Conceptual Design of Motorcycles Using AMESim Elysé Botellé, Michel Lebrun Kurzfassung Wissenschaftsbasierte Berechnungsmethoden (FEM und CFD) haben sich historisch gesehen ausgehend vom Geometrie orientierten CAD entwickelt. Diese Methoden basieren auf der Geometrie des Materials und dessen Eigenschaften und eignen sich gut zur Beschreibung lokaler Phänomene. Allerdings gestatten sie nicht die Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens eines aus mehreren verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammengesetzten Gesamtsystems. Die Weiterentwicklung zu automatisierten multi-disziplinären Systemen erfordert einen auf einer globalen Sichtweise beruhenden Entwicklungsprozess. Diese Vorgabe führte zur Spezifikation und Entwicklung von speziellen Simulationswerkzeugen als Ergänzung zu rein lokale Effekte betrachtenden Lösungen. Inzwischen spielen diese Werkzeuge eine immer bedeutendere Rolle in der Systemauslegung. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird die AMESim-Umgebung mit der zugrunde liegenden Konzeption vorgestellt. Anhand eines Beispiels wird gezeigt, wie die AMESim-Plattform an die Anforderungen bei der Entwicklung moderner Motorräder angepasst werden kann. Abstract Scientific computation (FEM and CFD) has historically developed running on from geometric CAD. These computations are based on materials geometry and properties, they are well suited for describing local phenomena, however they don’t allow to study dynamic behavior of multi-disciplinary systems as a whole. The evolution of automated multi-disciplinary systems requires a design process based on a global vision. This constraint leads to the specification and development of adapted simulation tools, being complements to local approach. These tools more and more play a critical role in systems design. The AMESim environment with its underlying concepts are introduced in this article. An application example illustrates how the AMESim platform can adjust to design issues raised by modern motorcycles. 1. Introduction In the last three decades, mechanical engineering has experimented an exponentially in-creasing integration of electronics and information technology [1]. This fact has allowed it to evolve considerably by displaying improved even new functionality. The systems with such characteristics are usually referred to as mechatronic systems. These systems are characterized by the integration and interaction of different physical domains (automatic, mechanical, power fluid, electronic, electromechanical, optic, thermal, thermodynamic…) and miscellaneous engineering disciplines, such as control, software, mechanical and electrical engineering. Due to the diversity of tasks and miscellaneous teams involved, designing and producing such systems is not easy. This difficulty is accentuated by the high competition, and important time-to market, cost and quality constraints. The problems of designing such mechatronic system can be represented by the well-known V-cycle model [2][3][4] shown in Figure 1. Marketing specifications RS ON Products tests DTS IG N Components Sub-system tests Components tests AT I Integration tests EG R D ES CFS Operational functions Functions system Functions Sub-system INT GTS Customer requirements MANUFACTURING RS= Requirements & Specification GTS= Global Technical Specification DTS= Detailed Technical Specification CFS=Components Fabrication Specification Figure 1: V-cycle for the design process of mechatronic systems The design process is an appropriate combination of top-down (design and development) and bottom-up (validation and test) processes oriented to meet the customer requirements, while reducing time-to-market and cost. This V-cycle model covers the whole life cycle of a product, from the early stages until the serial production. During the design process represented in Figure 1, the different concepts will be developed depending on the stage of the design cycle of the system, the intermediary tests are then necessary to evaluate possible alternatives and finally take design decisions by means of the physical prototypes. In general, before a design can be validated, several recursions are inevitable, during which the design is tested and modified until the requirement specifications are met. However, for a mechatronic system depicted above, the extensive physical prototyping which results from this approach is no longer feasible for the reasons of quality, cost and time-tomarket. Consequently, the extensive use of modeling and simulation within a virtual prototyping environment is essential [5]. Especially on the early phase of the design process, simulation models are strongly required for the verification of alternative designs and parameterization because the recursions in the virtual prototyping environment are fast and cheap. Once models fulfill the requirements specifications, the first physical prototypes can be done with many fewer errors than in a classical design process since most of errors have been corrected during the early phase. 2. Integrated design environment In most of the cases, it is not possible to answer all the questions which arise during the design process of mechatronic systems by means of one single model. Therefore, different kinds of models are essential to fulfill the different design tasks and thus, their corresponding CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) tools can be considered independently from each other. As a consequence, it is indispensable to merge them into an integrated design environment [6] [7], which is characterized by the following fundamental specifications. Openness: Within an industrial context, the required design environment must not only allow the performance of the different design tasks within a single company, it must also allow the model exchange with customers and suppliers. therefore, in such a context, it is essential to use commercially available tools and standards for model description and exchange. In this sense, it is worth to mention the examples of different standardization efforts, such as VHDL-AMS IEEE 1076.1 (1997), which is a standard description language for digital and analogue electronics. Furthermore, the use of standard facilitates the process of including new tools into design environment and the CAE tools considered in such an environment must provide interfaces to allow the coupling with other kind of tools, enabling the possibility to expand their capacities or to exploit the results. Interdisciplinarity: The design of mechatronic systems requires an environment which supports the modeling of components from different physical domains and their integration into an overall system model. Scalability: It is important that the design environment supports not only modeling at different levels of abstraction, but also the combination of models from different levels. Reusability: The use of well structured and modular libraries allows the reuse of models resulting in a very considerable reduction of time and effort for the designers. Portability: The design of complex products is very often distributed among teams working at different sites, in different countries. For this reason, the design environment should be accessible via the intra- or internet. Furthermore, it should work on different computer platforms (e.g. UNIX, Linux and Windows). 3. Models at different levels of abstraction Since the different kinds of CAE tools are required to produce and run the corresponding models in the above mentioned integrated design environment, it is necessary to classify these models and simulations tools according to their roles during the design process described by the V-cycle model. Because the design process is a combination of top-down and bottom-up process, models and CAE tools can be abstracted at different levels corresponding the different phase of design process, as shown in Figure 2. In general terms, an abstract description of a system provides few details about its components, but it covers a large scope and provides a systemview at the corresponding levels, whereas the detailed models which are capable of describing physical phenomena with great precision are abstracted to single parts. In the four levels of abstraction shown in Figure 2, there is not always a one-to-one correspondence between the modeling and design levels, the overlap can be often found such as both network and geometry level models are used for the design of components. Figure 2: Modeling levels associated to the different stages of the design process Functional level: Modeling is used for specification, particularly in the area of electronics and controller design. This task is usually carried out by the customers, together with the suppliers. The description of the model occurs typically by means of so-called finite state machines consisting of discrete states that evolve when a certain event is produced. Commercial tools used for this modeling level are e.g. Statemate (I-Logix Inc. 2001), Stateflow (Mathworks Inc, 1997). System level: Modeling describes the dynamic behavior of the overall system (controller and plant). At this level, models are usually represented by block diagrams containing behavioral parameters like gains, tables, maps, curves, time delays, etc. Signal flow communication (input/output) among the blocks is supported (i.e. no energy conservation is required.), this input/output form is the purely mathematical representation usually with the “black boxes” or “gray boxes” as shown in Figure 3, a electrohydraulic system modeled at this level, it includes a hydraulic pump, a servovalve and a hydraulic cylinder. These models of different parts are described by the blocks with some inputs on a side and some outputs on the other side. Models at this level are mathematically described by means of ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations). The principal editor software at this level is the Mathworks Inc which develops and commercializes the software Matlab and Simulink. Another example of tools at this level is ASCET developed and commercialized by ETAS GmbH, which concentrates on the automobile applications such as engine controller, ABS system, trajectory control etc. This software assures a continuity during the design process with his real-time code generation capacity. Some others examples are Scilab (Inria), Octave etc. Some of these tools support also the functional level modeling described in the previous level, which in combination with the above mentioned continuous models results in the so-called hybrid modeling. QP pP P1 QA P2 Q1 QB Q2 Figure 3: Block diagram representation in Simulink Network level: Models at this level concerns a macroscopic or lumped parameters modeling oriented to describing the overall dynamic behavior of particular components. They consist of a network of elements (lumped parameters) containing physical parameters (e.g. spring constant, mass, resistance, etc.) interconnected by means of energy-conserving interfaces, which are named ports, the connection of these ports highlights the energy exchange between a subsystem and its environment. The property of the energy conservation is well known in the different physical domains, e.g. Kirchhoff’s Law in the electrical domain or Newton’s Third Law in mechanics. The representation called multiport of these elements, can be described in Figure 4, an example of the hydraulic system. In each connection port, there are the power variables, when two ports are connected, the relevant variables are imposed to be equal. Figure 4: Multiport representation of a hydraulic system The network level is distinguished from the system level by the modeling methods which base on the structuring of elementary models in order to assure an interface with the energy conservation. This structuring capacity is associated to the fact that the construction of the system network takes into account only the just necessary elementary models which take an real energetic role in the system [8]. The basic theory is the bond-graph [9][10], which provides a unified description of the energetic, and thereby dynamic, behavior of mechatronic system. In the most general case, these models are mathematically described by a set of DAEs (Differential Algebraic Equations). Figure 5 describes the modeling at this level highlighting the energy exchange between the different scientific and technical domains. Three classes can be distinguished: electronic domain, multibody and the actuators and fluid systems, the latest has more scientific and technical diversity, including electronic power, electromechanical, electro-technique, power fluid, thermal, thermaldynamic and mechanical. In each of these three categories, there exist specialized modeling methods which have their numerical features. S yste m le ve l C O -S IM U LA TIO N POWER ELECTRONIC E l ectro mag n eti c C O -S IM U LA TIO N E l ectro mech an i cal Actu ato rs E l ectri cal M o to r C O D E G EN ER A TIO N M O D EL S IM P LIFIC A TIO N « F l u id P ow er »: F l ui d (l i qu i d, g as, mi xtu re… ) C O -S IM U LA TIO N T h ermal T h ermo -h yd rau l i c M ech an i cal C O D E G EN ER A TIO N A C TU AT O R S & FL UI D S Y ST E M MULTICORPS SYSTEMS C o d e Ge n e ra t io n -------------------- ELECTRONIC DOMAIN C o n t ro l La w NE TWORK LEVE L D A TA EXC H A N G E GE OME TR Y LE V E L ( F E M-CF D) Figure 5: Technical domain covered by network level Electronic: The modeling of the electronic system is on the basis of the nodal and modified nodal method [11][12]. His principal application concerns the discrete state problem. The standard language adopted is VHDL who evolves towards VHDL-AMS (VHDL-AMS IEEE 1076.1 1997) in order to take into account the time-continuous phenomena. The simulation softwares in this domain are: • SABER (Avant!Corp.,Analogy,Inc., 1999) • ADVanceMS (/Mentor Graphics/Anacad, 2000) • Simplorer (ANSOFT) Actuators and fluid systems: The idea is to find the methods which can generate the model mathematical equations from the system topologic description. This description is at the beginning in the form of programmed language and then evolves towards the graphic description. For these software, the connections between the elements are realized with the notions near to “multiport”. Some examples of these software are: • AMESim® (Multiport multi-domains) The emergence of Bond-Graph gives a new light to the modeling at the network level. Based on graphics, the technique offers the unique capacity of explicitly describing both energy transfer between the structural units of a system, and the calculation framework that is contained within the causal information. Bond Graphs are not only graphic representations of mathematical expressions, but a conceptual framework offering a highly-structured language and based on considerations derived from physics. The software based on the Bond-Graph concepts and with the most largely extended models classified in the form of libraries is AMESim® (IMAGINE). This software provides a editor permitting the users to easily extend the existent libraries to their specific component models and develop their new models. Actually, AMESim® covers the domain defined between the electronic and the mechanical multicorps of Figure 5. Multibody: Since 1975, the multibody method is of growing importance in computational mechanics, this method applies to the modeling of mechanical articulated structures, which include the robots and the ground vehicles to some extend. Today, the later represent the principal users as well as the aeronautic industry. The principal multibody’ tools are: • ADAMS® (MSC) • SIMPACK® (INTEC) • DADS® (LMS) Geometry level: At this level, models contain parameters describing the 3-D or 2-D geometry and material properties of the simulated part. Problems are defined by PDEs (Partial Differential Equations), which are solved using a discretization or meshing of the geometry such as solid modeling FEA (Finite Element Analysis), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This kind of modeling is well suited to analyse in detail the distribution of a particular physical property in a continuous medium. However, its scope is usually restricted to de detailed analysis of single parts or subcomponents, and multi-domain dynamic interactions can not be time-efficiently simulated yet. Examples tools at this level are: • Ansys® (Ansys Inc, 2001) • Maxwell® (Ansoft Corp. 2001 ) • FIRE® (AVL List GmbH, 2001) • FLUX 2D® (CEDRAT) Figure 6. gives an example representing the technical scheme of an electrovalve as well the magnetic circuit meshing in FLUX 2D. Figure 6: (a) Scheme for a electrovalve. (b) Magnetic circuit meshing in FLUX 2D. 4. Polymorphism and modeling The design cycle process requires a significant amount of degrees of freedom, even more so in the early stages of the project. As a result, it appears difficult, impossible even, to foresee the models required for the design process. The development of a limited number of basic models, from which a large number of scenarios can be built, leads to the polymorphism concept [13]. The power of this approach mainly lies in the relevance of the basic splitting. We realize that this choice expresses the state-ofthe-art for the associated domain and represents not only a powerful design support tool but also a learning tool related to associated technologies and physical concepts. Figure 7 provides an example which involves the domain of fluid energy control. It appears that from few basic elements derived from hydraulic technologies, a very large number of situations can be represented [14] and [15]. This diversity is even more amplified by the fact that several levels of models can be associated to each icon. These models can be combined to increasingly complex hypotheses up to considering thermo-dynamic fluid properties with the intention of simulating the thermal hydraulic behaviour of the studied system. Figure 7 : Polymorphism applied to the fluid power command domain. The choice of basic elements lies on the state-of-the-art in each domain, fluid energy control in this instance. As a result, we have the different valve technologies (spool, poppet, balls…), with other items such as elements for constructing jacks (piston, end stops), mass elements with or without bearings… Taking friction into account, all these elements can be used either with absolute or relative movement. The consideration of the fluid compressibility property is included in the 4-port chamber element “ch”. As Figure 7 briefly demonstrates, the combination of these basic elements guarantees the construction of several hydraulic component models ranging from a basic jack up to complex servo-valves modeling while including engines and hydraulic pumps. 5. Application of the approach to a Motorbike : This chapter explains how the approach presented in the previous chapters can be applied to motorcycles. The main idea is to show how to gather basic elements in order to build components like: transmission, brakes, engine, injection system etc. Once we have the component models the assembly of this components leads to system simulation: the motorbike model. This chapter is divided in two parts: the first one presents models of components, the second part shows the full model of a motorbike. Six components are described in the first part of this paragraph, they correspond to : - fuel injection system [30, 31, 32], - the engine, - the transmission, - the tire mode, - the braking system, - the motorbike represented by a one dimension inertia. The models presented below have been used and validated for automotive applications. Only motorcycle injection systems have been extensively modeled in AMESim. The main idea of this example is to present how a system simulation platform like AMESim can be used for motorbike application. 5.1 Component description A - Fuel system We assume for this example a low pressure injection system and injectors for the engine fuel delivery. The fuel injection model presented on Figure 8 takes into account all the components from the fuel tank to the injector. Starting from the reservoir we have a pump represented by a sinusoidal flow source. A pressure regulator at the outlet of the pump is used to maintain a constant pressure in the circuit. Figure 8: Two cylinder fuel injection system The connection from the pump/regulator to the injectors is done using hydraulic line models. Some of these lines are rigid others are flexible. The rigid line models are very well known and AMESim includes a collection of lines models from the basic one that is represented by a single volume to more complex line models that include wave effects. For flexible lines the volumetric expansion is required. When correlation with measurement shows some problems with damping, we have the capability to take into account the visco-elastic effects of the hose. Injectors are usually characterized by static flow at a given pressure. In this example the injectors are modeled with a variable orifice. Its dynamic behavior is represented by a first order lag and a delay to take into account the dynamic between the electric input signal and the injector opening. The injector actuation is achieved with a ECU control block that set’s the pulse width modulation according to the engine speed signal. Finally the output of this model is the injected volume of each injector. This information is then send to the combustion chamber model described in the next paragraph. Once the model is created, we have the possibility to analyze the system in the time domain or frequency domain. It is strongly recommended to first start in the frequency domain using the linear analysis tool. Linear analysis is very well adapted to hydraulic networks, it gives a good representation of the dynamics with very short simulation time. Moreover this type of analysis are independent of the inputs. Different tools are available in AMESim to understand the dynamic behavior of the system : • eigen-values calculation, • modal shape tools, • transfer function using Bode plots, • root locus. Once we have a good knowledge in the frequency domain the analysis in the time domain is drastically reduced. The model is then ready to be used to sensitivity parameter analysis, optimization etc.. B - Engine model The engine model presented on Figure 9 takes into account mechanical, pneumatic and thermal effects. The inputs of this model are the injected fuel quantity coming from the injectors (see model Figure 8), the intake and the exhaust air pressure, the cylinder head temperature and the gear box shaft angular velocity. The output of this model is the torque delivered by the engine to gear box and transmission. Figure 9: Two cylinder engine model Mechanic of the engine The mechanical components are used to describe the camshafts on the top of the engine and all the internal mechanical components on the bottom side. The camshaft model is very basic, it calculates the engine valve displacement as a function of the crankshaft angular position using a data file for the cam lift. The engine model has been written as a basic element corresponding to a mono-cylinder. This monocylinder model takes into account the inertia effects of the piston, the connecting-rod and crankshaft. In that condition, it is very easy to extend the model to a N cylinder engine model. In our example, a two cylinder engine is presented. Engine breathing The combustion in an internal engine requires two compounds: fresh air and fuel. Thus, the quality of the engine filling is as important for performance as its total capacity or as the amount of fuel injected. To simulate the first order behavior of the intake and exhaust flows, simple valve models are used to calculate a mass flow rate as a function of the pressure drop through the valve with the classical Barré de Saint Venant equations. These equations are valid for subsonic and sonic flows (assuming a perfect gas). Combustion The combustion is modeled using a Wiebe [22] single zone approach. The combustion heat release is taken into account but no distinction is made between burned / unburned gas. The combustion is rather evaluated as a first order lag on the injected mass flow rate. However, the setting of the time constants for the combustion process and for the auto-ignition delay are of great importance for determination of the in-cylinder pressure shape and peak timing. Heat exchange To model convection phenomena between the in-cylinder gas and the walls, a common formulae is used for the Nusselt number calculation as a function of the Reynolds number. A special port on the combustion chamber allows to impose the cylinder wall temperature. This temperature is assumed to remain constant. Chamber thermodynamics After calculating the heat exchanges in the cylinder, the pressure and temperature in the chamber can be determined using mass and energy equations. The variation of internal energy U can be expressed using the first law of thermodynamics applied to an open system: dU &+ H = W +Q ∑& dt C - Transmission model The transmission model presented on Figure 10 takes into account a single disc clutch, the gear box and the shaft from the gear box to the motorbike wheel. The friction models used to represent the clutch are identical to the ones presented below for the braking model. A combination of rotary friction models in series will lead to a multi disc clutch. Figure 10: Simplified model of a transmission (Two gears) The shaft inertias and stiffness correspond to standard elements of the mechanical library of AMESim. Three specific components from the transmission library have been used in the model: gears, universal joint and dog clutch elements. The universal joint model takes into account a possible geometrical change between both shafts connected. Concerning the dog clutch, the shape of the teeth is taken into account (symmetric or non), the contact forces as well as the friction when bodies are in contact. Different gear models are available, the simplest one is a simple transformer, it takes into account a gear radius. The second level model introduces losses by constant efficiency. The third level takes into account contact and backlash in-between teeth’s using a spring plus damper and hertz contact method. Figure 11: Teeth contact D - Tire model The tire model is presented on Figure 12. This model is connected to the transmission by port number 1. The tire model receives a torque from the transmission and gives the tire rotary velocity to the transmission. The second port of the model is connected to the breaking system. The causality is the same as the transmission port, the tire receives a braking torque and sends a rotary velocity. The last port corresponds to the connection with the motorbike linear inertia. The model provides a force to the motorbike inertia and this inertia sends back its linear velocity to the tire. Figure 12: Tire model Different models are available behind the tire icon. The first model is a hyperbolic tangent model (with saturated slope). The user provides a force at 100% sliding. The second model available is the well known Pacejka model [28] very often used in vehicle dynamic. Only the longitudinal direction is taken into account in that model. Two other models have been tested and will be in standard in a close future, they are based on the Dahl and LuGre friction models. Compared to Pacejka model which is a mathematical representation of the tire behavior, the Dahl and LuGre models are more related to physics. The LuGre model in particular is a distributive model, it takes into account the contact area of the tire on the ground. From a dynamic point of view both methods have the capability to represent the first structural model of the tire. The range of validity in term of velocity is more important with the Dahl/LuGre model compared to Pacejka which is difficult to use for very low velocities. E - Braking system The braking model is a combination of hydraulic and mechanical components. A variable source of pressure imposes the pressure in the caliper. This pressure is then applied to the caliper piston. This piston takes into account the caliper piston inertia. The contact between the piston and the braking disc is represented by a stiffness with air gap. This air gap corresponds to the air gap between the brake pad and the disc. The contact force generated is then sent to a rotary friction model as a signal. Figure 13: Braking system model The rotary friction models Five models are available either for translation or rotary motions: - Coulomb friction represented by a hyperbolic tangent model - Coulomb friction represented by a reset integrator model - Coulomb friction represented by Karnopp model - Coulomb friction represented by Dahl model - Coulomb friction represented by LuGre model Except the Karnop model, all the other models are independent of the inertias connected to the friction model. Concerning Karnopp model, it is included to the inertia models. The Dahl and Lugre models correspond to the last development for friction model in AMESim. More detailed explanation about these two models is provided below. Dahl : Dahl proposed in [23] a differential expression for friction inspired from elasto-plastic behavior of materials. It was introduced for the purpose of simulating systems with friction. The model is also discussed in [24, 25]. The originality comes from an expression function of relative angle displacement u instead of the rotary velocity du/dt, this so called rate independence is an important property of the model. LuGre : With Dahl model, the LuGre (Lund - Grenoble) friction model is another dynamic model presented by C. Canudas de Wit, H. Olsson, K.J. Astrom and P. Lichinsky [26, 27]. Extensive analysis of the model and its application can be found in [29]. The model uses bristles to represent friction . The friction force is modeled as the average deflection torque of elastic springs. When a tangential effort is applied, the bristles will deflect like springs. If the deflection is sufficiently large the bristles start to slip. The average bristle deflection for a steady state motion is determined by the rotary velocity. It is lower at low velocities, which implies that the steady state deflection decreases with increasing velocity. This model permits to reproduce Stribeck effect. The model also includes rate dependent friction phenomena such as varying breakaway torque and frictional lag. F - Motorbike dynamic The purpose of the model is to check the capability of the model to accelerate and decelerate the motorbike body. In that condition a simple inertia is sufficient to represent this phenomena. The mass model provides a velocity to the tire model and receives a force from it. This model is presented by Figure 14. Figure 14: Simplified model of motorbike body 5.2 Full motorbike model Chapter 4 of this paper presents the general concept of basic element libraries. The main interest of it is to re-use validated models to reduce the modeling time. The validation time has been spent once by computer science and programming engineers. The first part of this chapter shows how to re-use basic elements to build components. At this level it is still necessary to validate and debug the models. The difference compared to the previous validation is that the engineer is now concentrated on his real technical problem. No sign convention problem to solve, not C or Fortran syntax mistakes to figure out. The motorbike model presented in Figure 15 has been obtained by assembling the subsystems presented in the previous paragraph. Very often it is necessary to make model simplification before building the full model or directly on the final model. This is the case when the final model has to run for real time application and more generally it is interesting to make simplification to reduce the CPU time consuming. To help the user to do so it is possible to use linear analysis tools like the one presented in point A of chapter 5.1. Another powerful tool very well adapted to model simplification is the activity index feature. Activity index is based on the calculation of the ratio of energy (potential, kinetic) spend in each component in comparison to the total energy of the system. It is then very simple to visualize which component does not spend energy and remove it from the model. From a design point of view this tool can be used to track where the energy consumption is the most important and improve the overall behavior. Figure 15: Full model of a motorbike from the engine to the one DOF vehicle model 6. Conclusions The constraints of time-to market, cost and quality result in an exigency of use of modeling and simulation within a virtual prototyping environment. The complexity of the mechatronic system requires the different modeling and simulation tools at the different levels of the design process described by the V-cycle design process model, the features of such an integrated design environment organized and merged by these tools is introduced in this paper: • Openness • Interdisciplinarity • Reusability • Portability At the same time, the different levels of abstraction, which correspond to the different levels of V-cycle design process is elaborated. • Functional level • System level • Network level • Geometry level An modeling and simulation example of the AT lock-up clutch slip control is clarified at different levels of abstraction. Literature [1] Isermann R. (1999) Mechatronische Systeme. Springer. Berlin, Germany. [2] Mc Dermid, J.,Ed. (1991) Software Engineer’s Reference Book. ButterworthHeinemann Ltd. Oxford, Great Britain. [3] Muller-Glaser, K.D. (1997). Smart systmes engineering. 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