2 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T
C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e r
In Focus is a copyrighted, free quarterly publication of White’s Residential &
Family Services Inc.
5233 South 50 East, Wabash, Ind. 46992
260-563-1158 |
Dear Friends:
There is something special about the beginning of a new year.
It’s an opportunity to reflect on the year past and plan for the year ahead.
I have had the privilege of going through this process now for 37 years at White’s.
Each year I’m amazed at both the many lives we touch and the progress we make in improving our program. And yet, so much more still needs to be done.
What I now realize is “even in the best of families” life can be challenging, and sometimes a family simply doesn’t have the resources to help bring restoration to their lives. This is where White’s ministry comes in: “We Stand in the Gap for families in crisis.” This newsletter is dedicated to giving you the highlights of our accomplishments and recognizing your vital role in White’s ministry. With your help, White’s is a place where “Standing in the Gap” is something we do every day. It is my hope that you take a moment to read our annual report and better understand the impact of White’s mission on our community, state, and nation.
There were three major program developments in 2013 that will improve the lives of children, teens, and families in Indiana and around the country.
• First, we expanded Compass Rose Academy, our parent-choice program for 14- to 17-year-old girls whose families are at rock bottom and
• desperately need someone to step into their lives and bring grace and truth.
• Second, we greatly improved our Clinical Services on the Wabash campus by bringing in new Director Jessica Brown and a team of four highly trained therapists to provide a more integrated level of treatment for our students and their parents.
• Third, we were awarded a contract to begin new Comprehensive Home-
Based Services, which will allow us to meet the extended needs of children and families beyond our regular care.
I recently read a leadership blog that said, “If you spend more of your time looking back and reflecting on where you’ve been than you do on where you are going, it’s time to do something different.” At White’s, we are eagerly planning for the future. While supporting our residential and foster care programs, we are going to continue to expand Compass Rose Academy (our therapeutic boarding school). Also, we plan to expand into a variety of Community-Based Services where we are working with children and families in their own homes.
So as we take some time to celebrate our past and prepare for our future,
I’d like to thank you for your faithful support and interest in White’s ministry.
Thank you for partnering with us in this vital work of restoring the lives of children, teens and families in crisis.
White’s Residential & Family Services is a Christ-centered, nonprofit social services organization that works to redirect, rebuild and restore Indiana’s children, teens and families. For more than 160 years, White’s has helped children, teens and families in crisis, in transition and in need of support through its accredited and comprehensive continuum of community- and home-based services, foster care, adoption and residential treatment programs. White’s believes no family is exempt from tough times, and we aim to serve families with the services they need, wherever they may be.
White’s Residential & Family Services is a Christ-centered organization committed to enriching the lives of children and families through emotional healing, personal development and spiritual growth.
• Served: 253 students
• Average age: 15
• Average time on campus: 7 months
• Served: 56 Indiana counties (see map on Page 5)
• 25 adoptions
• Foster Care
> Served: 323
> Average age: 8
> Average time in foster care: 8 months
• Home-Based Services
> Served: 320 adults
> Served: 285 children
> Average Age: 7
> Average time of treatment: 6 months
• Served 17 students from Indiana, California,
Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee and Wisconsin
(see map on Page 5)
• 156 Chapel services
• Several speakers (including former students)
• Four Christian concerts on campus
*This information is the most current on record.
Business Owner and Farmer
Wabash Superior Court, Judge
Spring Arbor University, Chief of Staff
Ford Meter Box, Human Resources Director
Quaker Haven Camp, Director, Retired
Family Services Association, Executive Director
A.D./Math Teacher, Retired
Grace College, Associate Professor of Accounting
Indiana Yearly Meeting, Superintendent, Ex Officio
2 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T
13% 3%
98 %
92 %
99 %
90 %
La Porte
St Joseph Elkhart
Noble DeKalb
Tippecanoe Warren
Columbus (1)
524 Franklin Street, Columbus, Ind. 47201
Crown Point (2)
115 S Court Street, Suite A, Crown Point, Ind. 46307
Fort Wayne (3)
11809 Lima Road, Fort Wayne, Ind. 46818
Indianapolis (4)
6330 E 75th Street, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Ind. 46250
South Bend (5)
300 N Michigan Street, Suite 420, South Bend, Ind. 46601
Wabash (6)
5233 S 50 E, Wabash, Ind. 46992
Throughout the 26 years I’ve been at White’s, I’ve heard from countless former students how staff members have heavily influenced them in turning their lives around. This past summer,
I had the opportunity to serve as interim pastor on the residential campus and invited two such students to share their life stories in chapel. Both of these “young men” are now 42 years old! Both shared how much the staff cared about them during their time of need, and how the lessons they learned from staff in school and in chapel changed their lives. One speaker was a truck driver and shared how he often sings chapel songs he learned at White’s because they still encourage him in his walk with God. The other young man, who struggled with substance abuse, told us that his life was also changed at White’s. He turned his life over to God and credited much of his transformation to the love and positive influence he received from our staff. He now leads Celebration Recovery in his local church. This past year, I have been encouraged by seeing how we make a difference in so many “kids.” We are called to use this time to redirect, rebuild and restore their lives! I am thankful to be a part of this ministry!
In my role at White’s, I often do not experience the joys and successes that our staff experience when they work closely with children and families. However, the nature of my job requires that I receive any communication that is particularly heart-rending. I have always been challenged when I hear the stories of heartbreak and trauma that many of our children experience. I have struggled to understand why terrible things happen to others, especially innocent children. As I have reflected on this past year, I have been more convinced than ever that no family is exempt from hardships. While each of us has different circumstances, any of us could one day find that we are without the resources needed to make sound decisions and live our best lives. That is why I feel it is so important for White’s to meet families where they are and stand in the gap with families. I have grown to appreciate that I do not need to have all of the answers or understand why heart-breaking things happen. I simply need to trust that we at White’s can provide the right support and guidance for families at the right time by living our faith and our mission.
• First, we expanded Compass Rose Academy, our parent-choice, therapeutic boarding school for
14- to 17-year-old girls whose families are at rock bottom and desperately need someone to step into their lives and bring grace and truth.
• White’s greatly improved its Clinical Services on the Wabash campus by bringing in new Director
Jessica Brown and a team of four highly trained therapists to provide a more integrated level of treatment for students and their parents.
• White’s was awarded a contract to begin new Comprehensive Home-Based Services, which will meet the extended needs of children and families beyond regular care.
Working directly with teenagers and their families over the course of this past year has had a strong impact on me, not only professionally but personally too. Families have not sought our help during the good times, not during the mediocre times, but during times of total desperation, confusion, and hurt. Walking alongside people during some of the darkest days of their lives is certainly a way to get perspective on life, pain and, ultimately, hope. What would I say to a family without the love of Christ to give? What would I tell a hurting teen without the hope of Christ in my heart? Sometimes it’s barely about what we tell them at all.
Everything else seems like a mere platitude or cliché compared to entering into the well with someone in a time of darkness and offering to walk the journey with them. Be grace. Be truth.
Just be there. On the journey of raising our own children now too, my wife and I can only hope for loving, supportive friends, family, and other helpers to be present with us during the good and bad times that lie ahead of all of us.
“It’s not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process but
God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6) Since my arrival at White’s last summer,
I have seen many occasions where we’ve planted seeds in young people’s hearts.
Some lives are changed automatically; some hearts need time to be nurtured before love can take root. Last fall, while working in Rudy’s café here on campus, I became acquainted with a student worker. She worked when I worked so we naturally started chatting and soon connected with each other over many things. When the time came for her to leave White’s,
I asked her if she was excited and ready for the transition. She expressed, “I don’t think I am.”
I asked her if she knew Jesus Christ and she responded, “I don’t feel like I know Jesus yet, but I want to.” I then was able to lead this young lady to a personal relationship with the Lord.
She is now attending a church and youth group in her hometown. We may never see how our day-to-day work impacts a young life. But, I take heart in knowing our job is simply to plant.
It is Christ’s job to cause what was once dead and breathe life into it.
• As always, White’s will continue to remain Christ-centered in its relationships with those we serve, our employees and our communities.
• White’s will continue to expand Compass Rose Academy
(our parent-choice therapeutic boarding school).
• White’s plans to expand into a variety of Community-Based Services where staff can work with children and families in their own homes.
“While we were still sinning, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
I had just come into the house from the gym. Sweaty, I sighed as I surveyed the laundry that needed folding, the toys askew on the floor and the morning’s dishes. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
It was my father. He had stopped over to say hello.
I was ashamed at the sad state of affairs. I threw my arms up in surrender.
“Dad,” I sputtered as he went to hug me, “I am sweaty and gross and the place is a disaster.”
“That’s okay, Amy,” he said, hugging me anyway. “You are still mine.”
You are still mine.
You are still mine.
You are still mine.
These are the words I hear my Heavenly Father say as I come to Him with all my sin and shame.
These are the words that ring in my ear when I try and fail, again and again. These are the words that beckon me when I pour my heart out in vulnerability and get a blank stare.
You are still mine.
When we know whose we are, we can come to the throne of Grace with courage and boldness. When we know whose we are, we know that the road to recovery is not hopeless. When we know whose we are, the opinions or criticisms of others pale in comparison to the fact that the God of the Universe is on our side.
Romans 5 says that while we were still blowing it out in the world, Jesus came and died for us.
Why? Wouldn’t it make more sense for Christ to die for cleaned up, drama-free people?
Christ died while we were still sinning so that we would know that our adoption into the family of God had absolutely nothing to do with our goodness or righteousness. It was Christ, the Hound of Heaven, who sought us out and died in our place so that we could be part of the family of God and have what He calls the
“abundant life.” It was Christ who first loved, Christ who pursued, Christ who died. We had as much a part in saving ourselves as a dead man has in his own resuscitation.
Today and every day, Jesus speaks one word over you:
May you live into that joy and freedom.
T hroughout our lives, we’ve been able to interact with a lot of foster kids and foster parents, and that’s been a key part of our lives. We’ve seen people give themselves away to care for those who are overwhelmed or overlooked and are victims of life’s circumstances. As people consider and pray about giving of their time, talent and treasure, those are things that we offer freely so we can look out for these kids.”
Tom Cochran, White’s Foster and Adoptive Parent year ago today,
I was accepted into
Compass Rose
Academy. While I was there, I turned my life around completely and now am a better person. I learned a lot of skills to deal with everyday complications, and
I found a lot of selfworth. I found my true identity instead of the crazy bipolar girl who self-harmed daily. Without all the help from the
CRA staff and all the support from my friends and family,
I don’t even want to imagine where I would be right now.”
Compass Rose Academy
Graduate his year we have been so blessed to find CRA and we are so thankful to you for helping us restore peace and happiness in our home. This program has helped
Megan, and we are gaining the confidence that we might finish well with our youngest child. I want you to know how much we appreciate you for this gift of resolution!”
Parents of
Compass Rose Academy
Student he reason I came to
White’s is because I was definitely defiant to my mother. I was kind of the black sheep. I got into the court system and my mom didn’t know what to do anymore. It was up to me to say either
I’m going to be in the system my whole life or I’m going to fix it.
I grew as a person when I was at White’s, and it was because of every single staff member. I’m now a freshman at Purdue
University and on the track and field team. I hope to eventually be affiliated with White’s because I want to give back to what’s been given to me.”
Lucas Wallace,
Residential Services
Graduate ithin two weeks of coming to White’s,
I knew this was going to be different than any other place I had lived. I was not an honor student and
I tried to play the system for a while.
But no matter what
I did, they loved me, forgave, and never gave up on me. The staff at White¹s loved me and showed me how to change from the inside out.”
Neal Fuller,
Class of 1986
JUNE 23, 2014
a 100-hole golf marathon that raises funds for student fitness activities and programs
Register by June 13. Call 260.563.1158 ex. 1348
SEPTEMBER 20, 2014
a campus dinner that raises funds solely for the Spiritual Life Program
260.563.1158 ex. 1348
The Josiah White Heritage Society honors those who, like founder
Josiah White, share a deep commitment to improving the lives of at-risk children. Members provide for the future of White’s ministry by arranging a future gift, such as through a will, trust, life insurance or IRA beneficiary designation, or a charitable gift annuity. Membership in the Josiah
White Heritage Society can only be extended to those who inform us of their planned future gift.
If you have included White’s in your will or other planned gift provision, please call us at
260-563-1158 ex. 1346.
Like investing in a 401(k) retirement plan, White’s 401(k)ids plan members invest in young lives each month through check, automatic credit card charges, electronic fund transfers or, for White’s staff, through payroll deductions. This easy way of giving provides enrichment experiences for the children in our care.
Carole Alspaugh
Michael Alspaugh
Bachelor Creek Church of Christ
Cornerstone Class
Jon and Kathleen Barrett
Dana and Jackie Brady
Bob and Ruth Coverdale
Bill and Doris Cox
Virginia Dawkins
Dora Christian Church
Daniel and Mary Dunbar
Mike and Leesa Fansler
Dee and Kathy Gibson
H. Freeman Associates
Doris Lantz
Chuck and Dawn Marseilles
Virginia McSpadden
Francis L. Metzger
Paul and Carol Olson
Frances Pence
Bob and Norma Phillips
Naomi Porter
Betty Randol
Beverly K. Reece
James and Connie Rosen
Jim and Joan Schoon
Marion and Rosellen Shore
Pastor Chris and Penny Sitler
James and Nedra Sutter
Mary Sutton
Richard and Kristina Washington
Water Aerobics Class
Leslie Weikel
Phillip and Phyllis Wickham
Margaret Williamson
Richard & Patricia Brewer
Bob & JoAnn Burch
Jack Colescott
Gary Cooper
Austin & Letha Cox
Mary Emrick
Francis Graves
Dale & Nona Hamilton
Nedra Hawkins
William Lange
Jack Lavengood
Guy & Darlene Logan
Janine Luchenbill
David & Jane Mann
Virginia McSpadden
Mickey Moon
Vera Schmidt
Mary Sutton
Bertha Tvedt
Sarah Ann Voyles
Shirley Wilcox
We appreciate those donors who have given gifts that have wished to remain anonymous.
We thank and honor those who supported White’s ministry during
2013. These groups and individuals gave to provide a better life for the children in our care. (Businesses and foundations listed separately.)
Although care was taken to include all who gave, we apologize to any whom we may have unintentionally left out.
We deeply appreciate our friends who give consistently to help us redirect, rebuild and restore the lives of children, teens and families in crisis. White’s Loyalty Circle honors those who have given consistently at least four of the last five years. These individuals and groups are signified by an asterisk.
Alpha Pi Omega Beta Chapter
Thad and Jackie Agee
Charles and Ruth Alber*
Andy and Janett Allen
Carole Alspaugh*
Michael Alspaugh
Don and Carole Anderson
Ron and Shirley Anderson*
David and Gail Andre*
Arba Friends Church*
Thomas Aschauer
Ray and Pamela Ashcraft continued on Page 12
Daniel and Jo Ellen Ballenger
Stan and Evelyn Banker
Jon and Kathleen Barrett*
Bear Creek Friends*
Andrew Beauchamp
Chris Beauchamp
Robert and Sharon Beauchamp*
W. Parker Beauchamp
Steve and Elaine Berry
Bethel Friends Church*
Donald and Doris Bever
Eldon Biehl*
Bill and Cindy Bird
Randy and Janine Black*
Jeff and Carol Blair
Bluff Point Friends*
Robert and Cathy Bothwell
Maribelle Bousman
Dana and Jackie Brady*
John and Marsha Brady
Justin and Beth Brady
Bob & Pat Breedlove
Mary Louise Briner-Reist*
Jeff and Shannon Brown
Bruce Braden and Linda Davis*
David and Nancy Brumfield*
Gary and Deborah Bryant
Elizabeth Bunner*
Eddie and Kimberly Burton
Dee and Sue Byerly
Jim and Linda Cabe
Kevin and Laura Cabe
Lee and Melody Cabe
Cadiz Friends Church*
Dan and Vicki Carey
Doug and Jackie Carl
John and Karen Carter*
Joseph and Nyla Catanzaro*
Lester and Georgeanna Cates*
Monument Chapel
Maggie Chaplin*
Charlie and Kim Chapman*
Corinne Chapman
Charlottesville Friends*
Covenant Choir Inc.
Mill Creek Church
Hilda Clarke*
Monroeville Lions Club
Wabash Garden Club
Jack Colescott*
College Corner Brethren Church
Paul Collins*
Congregational Christian Church*
Art Conner*
David and Laura Conner
Dr. John Conner
Merle and Judy Conner
Converse United Methodist Church
Gary Cooper
Kevin and Peggy Cordes*
Philip and Roberta Corey
Cornerstone Class Bachelor Creek*
Bob and Ruth Coverdale*
Austin and Letha Cox*
James and Onda Cox
Bill and Doris Cox*
Betty Craig
Willard and Donna Creech*
Carmen and Ann Cummins
Barry and Mary Lou Curless*
Lew and Joy Curless*
Marc and Melanie Curless*
Gene Custer*
Jerry and Tish Dain
Eric and Rachel Dale
Skip and Karen Daughtry
Gene and Helen Davison
Brent and Susan Dawes*
LaFontaine UMC Wesleyan Circle*
Virginia Dawkins*
Michael and Jana Daye*
Mary DeLauter
David DeStefano
Mike and Patty DeVore
Lawrence and Beverly Denney
Randy and Susan Dennis
Rod and Judy Dennis*
Dewart Lake Community Friends*
Dora Christian Church
Dave and Kaye Dorais
Homer and Gladys Dorrell
Brad and Marsha Downing
Brandt and Sarah Downing*
Jason and Pamela Downing
Max and Melbadeen Downing*
Stan and Robin Downing*
John and Jane Dragoo*
Bill and Jeannie Draper*
Jay and Mary Jo Driskill
Gary and Linda Drook
Kyle and Tracy Dubois
Tom and Rhea Dubois*
Bill and Barb Dubois*
John Duffin
Daniel and Mary Dunbar*
Ed Swanson and Joyce Kuhlmann
Mark and Renita Ellington
Judy Ellingwood
Millicent Rea Martin Emery
Jerry and Jean Evans
Constance Everhart
Fairmount Friends Meeting*
Mike and Leesa Fansler*
Farmland Friends Church*
Melvin and Nancy Featherston*
Wayne and Lucinda Ferree*
John and Norma Firestone*
First Baptist Church - Life Class*
First United Methodist
First United Methodist -
Memorial Fund
First United Methodist Women
Mark and Amy Ford*
Steve and Lisa Ford*
Ron and Rita Forsythe
Steven and Kristina Fox
Fran Huston*
Troy and Jennifer Friedersdorf
Friends Chapel*
Knightstown Friends*
Richmond First Friends*
Ron and Judy Frischman*
Steven and Vicki Furnas
James and Julie Gackenheimer*
Don and Janet Garner*
Dr. Greg and Paula Garner*
Eva Mae Garrett
Matt and Marianne Guant*
Jack Gehring and Carol Cleary*
Robert and Velma Jean Gernand*
Dee and Kathy Gibson*
Lisle and Ruth Gibson*
Cynthia Gilliland
John and Linda Gilpin*
Judge Chris and Raquel Goff*
David and Patty Grant
Greenfield Friends*
Alan and Peggy Grossnickle*
Pamela Guthrie
Catherine Hadley*
David and Ruth Hadley*
Margaret Hadley
Richard and Kelli Halderman*
Lymon Hall*
Dale and Nona Hamilton
John and Ruth Hancock*
Larry and Borgny Hanley*
Brady and DeeAnn Hanlon*
Jeff and Becky Harlow*
Ellen Harmsen
Josephine Harner*
Steven and Carolyn Harper*
Tom and Shirley Harper*
Dean and Barb Hart*
Barbara Havey*
Jean Hawkins*
Deana Haworth
Hazel Dell Friends*
Hyde Heckman
Dave and Cornelia Herbert*
Michael and Sonja Herring
Muriel S. Hiatt
Hinkle Creek Friends
Marcella Hively
Danny and Sue Hobbs
JoAnn Hofferth*
Mark Holloway
Cozy Homemakers
Randy and Becky Horton*
Jessica Hostetler
William and Carol Hinshaw
Greg and Rachel Hobson
Jack Hofferth*
Philip and Esther Hoffman
Kyle and Jacqueline Hostetler
Tom and Marcella Houlihan*
Steve and Debi Howell
Myrtle Huffer*
Alan and Karen Hunt
Donald and Phyllis Hunt*
Kathryn Huntington*
Bonnie Ingraham*
Jericho Friends*
Stephen and Tamra Johnson*
Ulysses and Thelma Johnson*
Richard and Suzanne Jones
Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends*
Jonesboro Friendly Quaker Class*
Jonesboro Friends Church*
Lois Jordan
Paul and Cheryl Karst
Mike and Susan Keaffaber*
Bill and Nora Kellams*
Paul and Bonnie Kelly*
Kennard Friends*
Mike and Becky Kerr
Merv and Elsie Kilmer*
Doug Kinder
John and Rheba Kinsinger*
Ronald and Vicky Kitts
Ann Kneifel
Sherm and Mary Knight*
Robert and Sheila Koch
Kokomo First Friends
USFW Hope Circle*
Gary and Marsha Kratzer*
Tena Krause
Sandra Kunkel*
LaFontaine Christian Church
LaFontaine United Methodist
Joy Class*
Ruth Ladd*
William Lange*
Tari Langford*
Doris Lantz*
Linda Leist
Ryan Leist
John and Darlene Lash
Theresa Lawyer*
Brandon Leist
Jeff Lemke
Lawrence and Vernice Lewis*
Life Bridge Church
Jamie Light
Chris and Michelle Lindley*
Trevor and Sherry Litherland
Little Blue River Friends Church*
Nate Littlefield
John and Virginia Livergood*
Kevin and Barb Lochner*
Guy and Darlene Logan*
Julian and Ruth Logue*
Long Lake Friends*
Mike and Cindy Lorentzen*
William and Janet Lovelace
Clyde and Judy Lovellette*
Frank Lundin*
Don and Jan Lynch*
Kristi Lundquist
Michael Lunn
John E Mahar II*
Kent and Nondus Malott
David and Jane Mann*
Maple Run Friends*
Marion First Friends*
Chuck and Dawn Marseilles*
Jan and Sierra Martin*
Patty Maynard
Jim and Chris McCann*
Beatrice McCoy*
James and Sandra McCoy
Steve and Candi McDonald
Terry and Lora McGovern*
June McKenny*
Kenneth and Patricia McLaughlin*
David and Jennifer McMillin
Don McNees
Larry and Jane McSpadden*
Virginia McSpadden*
Pete and Sandy Melzoni*
Joseph and Grace Merrill*
Marcia Metz
Francis L. Metzger*
Donald and Sue Meyer*
Jesse and Beatrice Miller
Ken Miller
Jeanne Mills*
Patrick and Marilyn Mitchell
Mickey Moon*
Mooreland Friends Meeting*
Travis and Annette Moser*
Jack and Nancy Mumbower
Terry and Linda Munday*
Mark and Brynn Munro
Jerry and Kay Myers*
Ralph and Becky Naragon*
Steve Naragon and Pam Higgins*
New Castle First Friends*
Chris & Sharon Newhouse
Elaine and Joe Nice*
Jim and Joan Nicholson*
Paul and Kimberly Nicholson*
Chuck and Lois Niemier*
Kenneth and Sunshine Noe
John and Carolyn Norris*
North Webster Church of God
Paul and Carol Olson
Timothy Basford and Sally Osborn
Dr. John and Phyllis Osborne
Clif and Rhoda Palmer
Wanda Parks*
Pastor Loren Lilly*
Reece and Mary Peacock
Randy and Jerri Pearce*
Roger and Suzanne Peebles
Florence Peery*
Frances Pence*
Penn Friends*
Phyllis Penrod*
Ken and Beth Perkins
Steve and Jean Petty
Bob and Norma Phillips*
Point Isabel U.M.W.*
Marilyn Porter*
Naomi Porter*
Terry and Betty Porter
Fred L. Powers
The Presbyterian Church*
Ron and Judy Pressler*
Charlotte Puckett*
Greer and Nilah Putnam*
Nancy Radabaugh*
Betty Randol*
Raysville Friends*
Veda Rector
Betty J Reece
Beverly K. Reece*
Doug and Lisa Rice*
Stephen and Diane Richey
Richland Chapel
United Methodist Church
Jim and Ann Ridenour*
Rich and Susy Riggle*
Peggy Riggs*
Bruce and Karen Roberts
Mike and DeAnn Rogers*
Ralph L. Rogers*
James and Connie Rosen*
Rural Friends*
Austin and Janice Russell*
Dale and Betty Salsbery
Randy and Anne Salsbery*
Sandcreek-Azalia Friends*
Robert and Sandi Schantz*
Roger and Jean Schaus
Vera Schmidt*
Dr. George and Norma Schneider*
Jim and Joan Schoon*
John and Julia Schwartz*
Damon Seacott*
Chris and Sheri Shanks
Ray and Jerry Shaw
Phil and Pam Sheets
Bobby and Miriam Shepherd
Robert and Robin Shepherd*
Dave and Carol Shoemaker*
Doug and Kris Shoemaker*
Marion and Rosellen Shore*
Elizabeth Shrock
Thomas and Dixie Shrock
Maurice and Miriam Shugart*
Sigma Phi Gamma Sorority
Rosmarie Simons*
Lane and Pam Sims
Bob and Carolyn Sims*
Billy and Linda Sipe
Pastor Chris and Penny Sitler*
Tony and Sarah Sledge
Courtney Smallwood
Dave and Cathy Smiley*
Emory and Judy Smith**
Dana and Nelda Snider
John and Angela Sohn
Iraleen Sonafrank*
James and Darlene Spangler*
Phillip Speicher
Dave and Colleen Spencer
Fred and Beulah Spencer*
Spencerville Friends
Spiceland Friends*
Aaron and Madeline Spring
Donald and Abby Spurlin
Fred and Connie Squires*
St. Marys First Friends*
Jennifer Staggenburg*
Phil Stalions
Ellen Stanley*
Gretchen Jill Stanley
Phyllis M. States*
Ida Mae Stewart*
Roger and Jane Stichter*
Dale and Kelly Stouffer*
Amy Van Voorhis Sullivan
Glen and Ruth Anna Summers*
James and Nedra Sutter*
Mary Sutton*
Peter and Mary Swanson
Swayzee Christian Church*
Patty Sweet*
Sycamore Friends*
Tangier Friends*
Herschel Taylor*
Peggy Thomas*
Linda Thornburg
William and Cheryl Thornburg*
Orion and Mary Jane Toepfer
Louise Tolle*
Michael and Dona Trotter
Duane and Bonnie Truss
Hubert and Imogene Tucker*
Terry and Sandra Tucker*
Paul and Betty Turner*
Robert and Ladonna Ulshafer*
United Society of Friends Women*
Upland Friends Church*
Upland Friends USFW
Richard and Shirley Valde
Steve and Linda Van Voorhis*
Van Wert First Friends*
Janice Vandegrift
Vermilion Quarterly Meeting*
Vermillion Friends*
Louis and Janet Vostatek
Wabash Friends Church Missions*
Wabash Rotary Club*
John and Robyn Walker*
Donna J. Walter
Kristina Washington*
Water Aerobics Class*
Warren and Jill Watterson*
Leslie Weikel*
Elvin and Cyndi Weinmann
West Elkton Friends*
West River Friends*
Jack and Carol Weston*
Wallace Wetherill*
Joe White
Philip and Mary White*
Phillip and Phyllis Wickham*
Stephen and Donna Wickham*
Shirley Wilcox*
Charles and Sharon Wilke*
Chad and Carla Williams
Michael Williams
Margaret Williamson*
Glen Willoughby
Kevin and Cindy Willour
Dan and Melinda Wilson*
John and Jane Wilson*
Les and Bobbie Wilson
Winchester Friends Church*
Winchester Friend’s Church USFW*
Craig and Carolyn Winegardner*
Bob and Rosanne Wolfe*
David and Julia Wolfrum
Mt. Etna United Methodist Women
Roger and Lois Wood
Wanda Woodward*
A B and Nancy Wright
Don and Judy Wright*
A. Pallet Company, Inc.*
Allen Whitehill Clowes
Charitable Foundation*
American Legion Post 555*
Beacon Credit Union*
Beauchamp and McSpadden
Boren Foundation
Brad Howell Inc
Central Indiana Ethanol, LLC
Crossroads Bank Wabash*
Eads and Son Bulldozing Inc.*
Eriks Chevrolet, Inc.
First Farmers Bank & Trust*
Floyd A and Freida S
Guynn Foundation
H. Freeman Associates*
H.E. McGonigal
Halderman Farm Management*
Hoffman Nursery*
Hylant Group
Indiana Police Officers Association*
Dr. Bob and Barbara Mattern
Miller Furniture*
Musselman Landmark, Inc.
Oswalt-Thomas Sales and Service*
Paul L. Speicher Foundation*
Pauls Floor Covering*
Peerless Machine and Tool Corp.
Ran-Del Agri Services
Kyle Wright
Richard and Linda Wright*
Carol Wuerthner
Deni and Bob Yaggi
Matt and Carma Yoder
Mona Harley and Roland Young
Nathan Zimmerman
Ron Bailey Construction Inc
Shepherds Chevrolet Buick
Shepherds Family Real Estate LP
The Home Depot*
The Performance Companies, Inc
Trailblazer Pilot Car Services, LLC*
Tree of Life Bookstores
VAN, Inc.*
Votaw Electric
Wells Fargo
Whole Kids Foundation
White’s Residential
& Family Services receives gifts in honor or memory of family or friends. These gifts support White’s programs that bring healing to children, teens and families in crisis.
The names listed in
CAPITAL letters were recognized by a gift in their memory or honor.
This listing includes gifts from mid-October
2013 - February 2014.
Thank you for your gift and for partnering with us in redirecting, rebuilding and restoring lives.
In Memory of . . .
Richard and Suzanne Jones
June McKenny
Hilda Clarke
Naomi Porter
Ron and Judy Frischman
Betty Randol
Dee and Kathy Gibson
Jean Hawkins
Betty Reece
John E. Maher, II
A. Pallet Company, Inc
Thomas and Dixie Shrock
Phil Stalions
Frank Lundin
Mary Uhrig
Rich and Sandy Davis
W. Wayne and
Helen Townsend
Carol Wuerthner
In Honor of . . .
Muriel Hiatt
Michael and Dona Trotter
Mitzi Martin
5233 South 50 East
Wabash, Indiana 46992
W h i t e ’ s R e s i d e n t i a l & F a m i l y S e r v i c e s O f f i c e s
Wa b a sh - M a i n L o c at ion | 5233 South 50 East | Wabash, Ind. 46992 | 260-563-1158
524 Franklin St.
Columbus, Ind. 47201
Crown Point
115 S. Court St., Ste. A
Crown Point, Ind. 46307
Fort Wayne
11809 Lima Rd.
Fort Wayne, Ind. 46818
6330 E. 75th St., Ste. 300
Indianapolis, Ind. 46250
South Bend
300 N. Michigan St., Ste. 420
South Bend, Ind. 46601
To become a friend of White’s, get involved or learn more about our programs, please visit or call us at 260-563-1158.