INTELLIFLO® VARIABLE SPEED ULTRA ENERGY EFFICIENT PUMP INSTALLATION AND USER’S GUIDE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide i CUSTOMER SERVICE / TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you have questions about ordering Pentair Water Pool and Spa replacement parts, and pool products, please contact: Customer Service and Technical Support, USA Sanford, North Carolina (8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. ET) (8 A.M. to 4:30P.M. — Eastern/Pacific Times) Phone: (919) 566-8000 Phone: (800) 831-7133 Fax: (919) 566-8920 Fax: (800) 284-4151 Moorpark, California (8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. PT) Web site Phone: (805) 553-5000 (Ext. 5591) Visit or for information about Pentair products.* Fax: (805) 553-5515 TABLE OF CONTENTS Important Pump Warning and Safety Instructions .............................................. ii Pump Overview .................................................... Pump Overview and Features Drive Assembly and Control Panel External Control Motor Features 1 1 1 1 1 Installation ........................................................... Location Piping Valves and Fittings Electrical Wiring Installation 2 2 2 2 3 Operating the Pump ............................................. Default Filtration Speed Priming the Pump Using the Operator Control Panel Starting and Stopping the Pump Operating the Pump at Preset Speeds Pump Operating Modes Control Panel Language Control Panel: Pump Menu Guide 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 Pump Settings ...................................................... Pump Address Set Time & Set AM/PM or 24 Clock Set Temperature Unit Screen Contrast Level Language Set Maximum Speed (RPM) Set Minimum Speed (RPM) Password Protection 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 Setting Speeds 1-8 .............................................. Pump Operating Modes Setting Speeds in Manual or Egg Timer Mode (Speeds 1-4 only) Setting Speeds 1-8 in Schedule Mode 11 11 11 12 External Control ................................................. 12 Features .............................................................. 13 Quick Clean/Only High Speed Override Feature 13 Time Out 13 Priming ................................................................. 13 Setting Priming Features 14 Disabling Priming with an Automation System 15 Anti Freeze ......................................................... 16 Connecting to an Automation System .............. External Control with IntelliComm Communication Center Connecting to EasyTouch and IntelliTouch Systems Connecting to SunTouch Systems 17 User Maintenance ............................................... Pump Strainer Basket Cleaning the Pump Strainer Basket Winterizing 20 20 20 20 Servicing .............................................................. Motor Care Shaft Seal Replacement Pump Disassembly Pump Reassembly Drive Assembly Removal and Installation Alerts and Warnings 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 Troubleshooting .................................................. 24 Replacement Parts ............................................. Illustrated Parts List Pump Dimensions Pump Performance Curves Electrical Specifications Operator Control Panel Quick Reference Guide 26 26 27 27 27 28 17 17 19 Compatible with IntelliComm® Communication Center and EasyTouch®, IntelliTouch® and SunTouch® Control Systems. * Translated versions of this manual are available online at / La versión en español de este manual del producto, se puede encontrar en línea a / Versiones en francés de este manual está disponible en línea en / Nederlandse versies van deze handleiding zijn online beschikbaar op / Deutsch-Versionen dieses Handbuchs sind online verfügbar unter / Versione italiana di questo manuale sono disponibili online all’indirizzo / Versões em português deste manual está disponível online em: P/N 354604 Rev. C 12/5/13 INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide ii IMPORTANT PUMP WARNING AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT NOTICE This guide provides installation and operation instructions for the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump. Consult Pentair with any questions regarding this equipment. Attention Installer: This guide contains important information about the installation, operation and safe use of this product. This information should BEGIVENTOTHEOWNERANDOROPERATOROFTHISEQUIPMENTAFTERINSTALLATION or left on or near the pump. Attention User: This manual contains important information that will help you in operating and maintaining this product. Please retain it for future reference. READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This is the safety alert symbol. When you see this symbol on your system or in this manual, look for one of the following signal words and be alert to the potential for personal injury. Warns about hazards that can cause death, serious personal injury, or major property damage if ignored. Warns about hazards that may cause death, serious personal injury, or major property damage if ignored. Warns about hazards that may or can cause minor personal injury or property damage if ignored. General Warnings s .EVER OPEN THE INSIDE OF THE DRIVE MOTOR ENCLOSURE 4HERE IS A capacitor bank that holds a 230 VAC charge even when there is no power to the unit. s 4HEPUMPISNOTSUBMERSIBLE s 4HEPUMPISCAPABLEOFHIGHmOWRATESUSECAUTIONWHENINSTALLING and programming to limit pumps performance potential with old or questionable equipment. s #ODEREQUIREMENTSFORTHEELECTRICALCONNECTIONDIFFERFROMSTATETO STATE )NSTALL EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE .ATIONAL %LECTRICAL Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. s "EFORE SERVICING THE PUMP SWITCH /&& POWER TO THE PUMP BY disconnecting the main circuit to the pump. s 4HISAPPLIANCEISNOTINTENDEDFORUSEBYPERSONSINCLUDINGCHILDRENOF reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. &!),52%4/&/,,/7!,,).3425#4)/.3!.$ 7!2.).'3 #!. 2%35,4 ). 3%2)/53 "/$),9 ).*529/2$%!4(THIS PUMP SHOULD BE INSTALLED AND SERVICED ONLY BY A QUALIFIED POOL SERVICE PROFESSIONAL. INSTALLERS, POOL OPERATORS AND OWNERS MUST READ THESE WARNINGS AND ALL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE OWNER’S MANUAL BEFORE USING THIS PUMP. THESE WARNINGS AND THE OWNER’S MANUAL MUST BE LEFT WITH THE POOL OWNER. 35#4)/. %.42!0-%.4 (!:!2$ 34!9 /&& 4(%-!).$2!).!.$!7!9&2/-!,,35#4)/. /54,%43 NOTE indicates special instructions not related to hazards. When installing and using this electrical equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed, include the following: Do not permit children to use this product. RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK. Connect only to a branch circuit protected by a ground-fault circuitinterrupter (GFCI). Contact a qualified electrician if you cannot verify that the circuit is protected by a GFCI. This unit must be connected only to a supply circuit that is protected by a ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI). Such a GFCI should be provided by the installer and should be tested on a routine basis. To test the GFCI, push the test button. The GFCI should interrupt power. Push the reset button. Power should be restored. If the GFCI fails to operate in this manner, the GFCI is defective. If the GFCI interrupts power to the pump without the test button being pushed, a ground current is flowing, indicating the possibility of an electric shock. Do not use this pump. Disconnect the pump and have the problem corrected by a qualified service representative before using. This pump is for use with permanent swimming pools and may also be used with hot tubs and spas if so marked. Do not use with storable pools. A permanently-installed pool is constructed in or on the ground or in a building such that it cannot be readily disassembled for storage. A storable pool is constructed so that it is capable of being readily disassembled for storage and reassembled to its original integrity. F Carefully read and follow all safety instructions in this manual and on EQUIPMENT+EEPSAFETYLABELSINGOODCONDITIONREPLACEIFMISSING or damaged. 4()305-002/$5#%3()'(,%6%,3/&35#4)/.!.$#2%!4%3 !342/.'6!#55-!44(%-!).$2!).!44(%"/44/-/&4(% "/$9/&7!4%24()335#4)/.)33/342/.'4(!4)4#!.42!0 !$5,43/2#(),$2%.5.$%27!4%2)&4(%9#/-%).#,/3% 02/8)-)494/!$2!)./2!,//3%/2"2/+%.$2!).#/6%2 /2'2!4% 4(%53%/&5.!002/6%$#/6%23/2!,,/7).'53%/&4(% 0//,/230!7(%.#/6%23!2%-)33).'#2!#+%$/2"2/+%. #!.2%35,4)."/$9/2,)-"%.42!0-%.4(!)2%.4!.',%-%.4"/$9%.42!0-%.4%6)3#%2!4)/.!.$/2$%!4( The suction at a drain or outlet can cause: Limb Entrapment: When a limb is sucked or inserted into an opening resulting in a mechanical bind or swelling. This hazard is present when a drain cover is missing, broken, loose, cracked or not properly secured. Hair Entanglement: When the hair tangles or knots in the drain cover, trapping the swimmer underwater. This hazard is present when the flow rating of the cover is too small for the pump or pumps. Body Entrapment: When a portion of the body is held against the drain cover trapping the swimmer underwater. This hazard is present when the drain cover is missing, broken or the cover flow rating is not high enough for the pump or pumps. Evisceration/Disembowelment: When a person sits on an open pool (particularly a child wading pool) or spa outlet and suction is applied directly to the intestines, causing severe intestinal damage. This hazard is present when the drain cover is missing, loose, cracked, or not properly secured. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS For Installation of Electrical Controls at Equipment Pad (ON/OFF Switches, Timers and Automation Load Center) iii Install all electrical controls at equipment pad, such as on/off switches, timers, and control systems, etc. to allow the operation (startup, shut-down, or servicing) of any pump or filter so the user does not place any portion of his/her body over or near the pump strainer lid, filter lid or valve closures. This installation should allow the user enough space to stand clear of the filter and pump during system start-up, shut down or servicing of the system filter. IMPORTANT PUMP WARNING AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Mechanical Entrapment: When jewelry, swimsuit, hair decorations, finger, toe or knuckle is caught in an opening of an outlet or drain cover. This hazard is present when the drain cover is missing, broken, loose, cracked, or not properly secured. NOTE: ALL SUCTION PLUMBING MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST NATIONAL AND LOCAL CODES, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES. 4/ -).)-):% 4(% 2)3+ /& ).*529 $5% 4/ 35#4)/.%.42!0-%.4(!:!2$ s !PROPERLYINSTALLEDANDSECURED!.3)!3-%!APPROVED anti-entrapment suction cover must be used for each drain. s %ACHSUCTIONCOVERMUSTBEINSTALLEDATLEASTTHREEFEETAPART as measured from the nearest point to nearest point. s 2EGULARLY INSPECT ALL COVERS FOR CRACKS DAMAGE AND ADVANCED weathering. s )FACOVERBECOMESLOOSECRACKEDDAMAGEDBROKENORISMISSING replace with an appropriate certified cover. s 2EPLACEDRAINCOVERSASNECESSARY$RAINCOVERSDETERIORATEOVER time due to exposure to sunlight and weather. s !VOIDGETTINGHAIRLIMBSORBODYINCLOSEPROXIMITYTOANYSUCTION cover, pool drain or outlet. s $ISABLESUCTIONOUTLETSORRECONlGUREINTORETURNINLETS A clearly labeled emergency shut-off switch for the pump must be in an easily accessible, obvious place. -AKESUREUSERSKNOWWHEREITISANDHOWTOUSEITINCASEOFEMERGENCY The Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Pool and Spa Safety Act creates new requirements for owners and operators of commercial swimming pools and spas. Commercial pools or spas constructed on or after December 19, 2008, shall utilize: (A) A multiple main drain system without isolation capability with suction OUTLETCOVERSTHATMEET!3-%!.3)!A3UCTION&ITTINGSFOR 5SEIN3WIMMING0OOLS7ADING0OOLS3PASAND(OT4UBSANDEITHER I! SAFETY VACUUM RELEASE SYSTEM 3623 MEETING!3-%!.3) !-ANUFACTURED3AFETY6ACUUM2ELEASESYSTEMS3623 FOR 2ESIDENTIAL AND #OMMERCIAL 3WIMMING 0OOL 3PA (OT 4UB AND7ADING0OOL3UCTION3YSTEMSANDOR!34-&3TANDARD 3PECIlCATION FOR -ANUFACTURED 3AFETY 6ACUUM 2ELEASE 3YSTEMS 3623FOR3WIMMINGPOOLS3PASAND(OT4UBSOR (ii) A properly designed and tested suction-limiting vent system or (iii) An automatic pump shut-off system. Commercial pools and spas constructed prior to December 19, 2008, with a single submerged suction outlet shall use a suction outlet cover THATMEETS!3-%!.3)!AANDEITHER !!3623MEETING!3-%!.3)!ANDOR!34-&OR "!PROPERLYDESIGNEDANDTESTEDSUCTIONLIMITINGVENTSYSTEMOR Pentair Water Pool and Spa SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (C)IMPORTANT An automatic pumpatshut-off or For Installation of Electrical Controls Equipmentsystem, Pad (ON/OFF Switches, Timers and Automation Load Center) (D) Disabled submerged outlets, or %3UCTIONOUTLETSSHALLBERECONlGUREDINTORETURNINLETS ® Install all electrical controls at equipment pad, such as on/off switches, timers, and control of systems, etc. to allow the For Installation Electrical Controls at Equipment Pad (ON/OFF operation (startup, shut-down, or servicing) of any pump or Switches, Timers Automation filter so the user does not place and any portion of his/her body Load Center) over or near the pump strainer lid, filter lid or valve closures. Install allspace electrical This installation should allow the user enough to stand controls at equipment pad, such as clear of the filter and pump during system start-up, shut down ONOFFSWITCHESTIMERSANDCONTROLSYSTEMSETCTO or servicing of the system filter. allow the operation (startup, shut-down, or servicing) of any pump or filter so the user does not place any PORTIONOFHISHERBODYOVERORNEARTHEPUMPSTRAINER lid, filter lid or valve closures. This installation should allow the user enough space to stand clear of the filter and pump during system start-up, shut down or servicing of the system filter. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide HAZARDOUS PRESSURE: STAND CLEAR OF PUMP AND FILTER DURING START UP Circulation systems operate under high pressure. When any part of the circulating system (i.e. locking ring, pump, filter, valves, etc.) is serviced, air can enter the system and become pressurized. Pressurized air can cause the pump housing cover filter lid and valves to violently separate which can result in severe personal injury or death. Filter tank lid and strainer cover must be properly secured to prevent violent separation. Stand clear of all circulation system equipment when turning on or starting up pump. "EFORESERVICINGEQUIPMENTMAKENOTEOFTHElLTERPRESSURE"ESURE that all controls are set to ensure the system cannot inadvertently start during service. Turn off all power to the pump. IMPORTANT: Place filter manual air relief valve in the open position and wait for all pressure in the system to be relieved. "EFORESTARTINGTHESYSTEMFULLYOPENTHEMANUALAIRRELIEFVALVEANDPLACE all system valves in the “open” position to allow water to flow freely from the tank and back to the tank. Stand clear of all equipment and start the pump. IMPORTANT: Do not close filter manual air relief valve until all pressure has been discharged from the valve and a steady stream of water appears. /BSERVElLTERPRESSUREGAUGEANDBESUREITISNOT higher than the pre-service condition. General Installation Information s All work must be performed by a qualified service professional, and must conform to all national, state, and local codes. s Install to provide drainage of compartment for electrical components. s These instructions contain information for a variety of pump models and therefore some instructions may not apply to a specific model. All models are intended for use in swimming pool applications. The pump will function correctly only if it is properly sized to the specific application and properly installed. Pumps improperly sized or installed or used in applications other than for which the pump was intended can result in severe personal injury or death. These risks may include but not be limited to electric shock, fire, flooding, suction entrapment or severe injury or property damage caused by a structural failure of the pump or other system component. The pump can produce high levels of suction within the suction side of the plumbing system. These high levels of suction can pose a risk if a person comes within the close proximity of the suction openings. A person can be seriously injured by this high level of vacuum or may become trapped and drown. It is absolutely critical that the suction plumbing be installed in accordance with the latest national and local codes for swimming pools. Warnings and safety instructions for Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. pumps and other related products are available at: or call (800) 831-7133 for additional free copies of these instructions. Please refer to safetywarnings/ for warning and safety instructions related to the this product. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 1 PUMP OVERVIEW The IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump can be programmed to run at specific speeds and time intervals for maximum operating efficiency and energy conservation for a variety of inground pools. s 4HEPUMPCANOPERATEFROM20-TO20- WITHFOURPRESETSPEEDSOFAND 20- s 4HEPUMPCANBEADJUSTEDFROMTHECONTROLPANELTO RUNATANYSPEEDBETWEEN20-TO20- for different applications External Control IntelliTouch®, EasyTouch®, SunTouch® Control Systems and IntelliComm® Communication Centers can remotely control the IntelliFlo pump. The pump’s communications address and other functions are accessible from the pump’s control panel. s 23COMMINCATIONCABLEINCLUDED s )NTELLI4OUCHSYSTEMSCONTROL)NTELLI&LOPUMPSUSING SPEEDSPERPUMP s 5PTOPROGRAMMABLESPEEDS s %ASY4OUCHSYSTEMSCONTROL)NTELLI&LOPUMPSUSING SPEEDSPERPUMP s 0UMPCONTROLPANELALARM,%$ANDERRORMESSAGES warn the user against under and over voltage, high temperature, over current and freeze protection s 3UN4OUCHSYSTEMSCONTROLONE)NTELLI&LOPUMPUSING SPEEDS s #OMMUNICATESWITH%ASY4OUCH)NTELLI4OUCHOR SunTouch control systems or an IntelliComm COMMUNICATIONCENTERVIAATWOWIRE23 cable connection Motor Features s 3ELFPRIMINGFOREASYSTARTUP s #OMPATIBLEWITHMOSTCLEANINGSYSTEMSlLTERSAND JETACTIONSPAS s )NTELLI#OMM SYSTEMS CONTROL ONE )NTELLI&LO PUMP USINGTHE%XTERNAL#ONTROLPROGRAMS s s s 5,#5,.3& s s Drive Assembly and Control Panel s The IntelliFlo pump drive assembly consists of an operator control panel and the system electronics that drive the motor. The drive microprocessor controls the motor by changing the frequency of the current it receives together, with changing the voltage to control the rotational speed. /PERATOR#ONTROL0ANEL "UTTONSAND,%$ s s s s s s 0ERMANENT-AGNET3YNCHRONOUS-OTOR0-3- (IGHEFlCIENCY20-AND20- 3UPERIORSPEEDCONTROL /PERATESATLOWERTEMPERATURESDUETOHIGH efficiency 3AMETECHNOLOGYASDEPLOYEDINHYBRIDELECTRIC vehicles $ESIGNEDTOWITHSTANDOUTDOORENVIRONMENT 4OTALLYENCLOSEDFANCOOLED 4HREEPHASEMOTOR 3QUARE&LANGE 3IX0OLE ,OWNOISE Communication port for connection to EasyTouch, IntelliTouch or SunTouch system or IntelliComm communication CENTERVIATWOWIRE23CABLE NOTSHOWN !#0OWER#ONNECTION Compartment -OTOR3TAND )NTELLI&LO6ARIABLE3PEED$RIVE!SSEMBLY INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 2 INSTALLATION /NLYAQUALIlEDPLUMBINGPROFESSIONALSHOULDINSTALLTHE)NTELLI&LO®6ARIABLE3PEED0UMP2EFERTO“Pump Warning And Safety Instructions” on pages ii - iii for additional installation and safety information. Location REAR CLEARANCE 3 IN. (7.6 CM) MINIMUM Be sure the pump location meets the following requirements: Note: $ONOTINSTALLTHISPUMPWITHINANOUTERENCLOSURE ORBENEATHTHESKIRTOFAHOTTUBORSPAUNLESSMARKED accordingly. 3 IN. (7.6 CM) MINIMUM Install the pump as close to the pool or spa as possible. To reduce friction loss and improve efficiency, use short, direct suction piping returns. 0UMP2EAR#LEARANCE )NSTALLAMINIMUMOFFEETMETERSFROMTHE inside wall of the pool and spa. Canadian installations REQUIREAMINIMUMOFFEETMETERSFROMPOOL water level. 5 x SUCTION PIPE DIAMETER )NSTALLTHEPUMPAMINIMUMOFFEETMETERSFROM the heater outlet. $ONOTINSTALLTHEPUMPMORETHANFEETMETERS above the water level. Install the pump in a well ventilated location protected FROMEXCESSIVEMOISTUREIERAINGUTTERDOWNSPOUTS SPRINKLERSETC )NSTALLTHEPUMPWITHAREARCLEARANCEOFATLEAST INCHESMMSOTHATTHEMOTORCANBEREMOVED easily for maintenance and repair. Piping For improved pool plumbing, it is recommended to use a larger pipe size. When installing the inlet and OUTLETlTTINGSMALEADAPTORSUSETHREADSEALANT Piping on the suction side of the pump should be the same or larger than the return line diameter. Plumbing on the suction side of the pump should be as short as possible. It is recommended that a valve, elbow or tee installed in the suction line should be no closer to the front OFTHEPUMPTHANlVETIMESTHESUCTIONLINEPIPE diameter Example: !INCHPIPEREQUIRESAINCHMMSTRAIGHT RUN IN FRONT OF THE SUCTION INLETOF THE PUMP4HIS will help the pump prime faster and last longer. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide ELBOW 2ECOMMENDED0IPING Fittings and Valves $ONOTINSTALL ELBOWSDIRECTLYINTOPUMPINLET Flooded suction systems should have gate valves installed on suction and discharge pipes for maintenance, however, the suction gate valve should be no closer than five times the suction pipe diameter as described in this section. 5SEACHECKVALVEINTHEDISCHARGELINEWHENUSING this pump for any application where there is significant height to the plumbing after the pump. "E SURE TO INSTALL CHECK VALVES WHEN PLUMBING IN parallel with another pump. This helps prevent reverse rotation of the impeller and motor. Electrical )NSTALLALLEQUIPMENTINACCORDANCEWITHTHE.ATIONAL Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. !MEANSFORDISCONNECTIONMUSTBEINCORPORATEDIN the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules. 3 Electrical Wiring Installation To connect the IntelliFlo®6ARIABLE3PEED0UMPTOAN!#POWERSOURCE "ESUREALLELECTRICALBREAKERSANDSWITCHESARETURNED off before wiring motor. "ESURETHATTHESUPPLYLINEVOLTAGEMATCHESTHEMOTOR VOLTAGELISTEDONTHEMOTORPLATEEXAMPLE6!# OR6!#)FTHEYDONOTMATCHPERMANENTMOTOR damage may occur. &ORWIRINGSIZESANDGENERALGUIDELINESFORPROPER electrical installation, please follow the specifications DElNEDINTHE.ATIONAL%LECTRIC#ODEANDANYLOCAL codes as required. 5SESTRAINRELIEFANDBESUREALLELECTRICALCONNECTIONS are clean and tight. #UTTHEWIRESTOTHEAPPROPRIATELENGTHSOTHEYDO not overlap or touch when connected. 0ERMANENTLYGROUNDTHEMOTORUSINGTHEGREENGROUND WIREASSHOWNBELOW5SETHECORRECTWIRESIZEAND TYPESPECIlEDBY.ATIONAL%LECTRICAL#ODE-AKESURE the ground wire is connected to an electrical service ground. 'ROUND7IRE Connection 7. Bond the motor to the structure in accordance with THE .ATIONAL %LECTRICAL #ODE 5SE A SOLID COPPER BONDINGCONDUCTORNOTSMALLERTHAN!7'2UNA wire from the external bonding screw or lug to the bonding structure. #ONNECTTHEWIREFROMTHEACCESSIBLEBONDINGLUGON the motor to all metal parts of the swimming pool, spa, or hot tub structure and to all electrical equipment, METALCONDUITANDMETALPIPINGWITHINFEET METERS OF THE INSIDE WALLS OF THE SWIMMING POOL SPAORHOTTUB&OR#ANADAA!7'ORLARGERSOLID copper bonding conductor is required. 4HEPUMPSHOULDBEPERMANENTLYCONNECTEDTOEITHER ACIRCUITBREAKERPOLETIMERORPOLERELAY)F!# POWERISSUPPLIEDBYA'&#)CIRCUITBREAKERUSEA DEDICATEDCIRCUITBREAKERTHATHASNOOTHERELECTRICAL load electrical loads. IMPORTANT: When connecting the pump to an automation system )NTELLI4OUCH®, EasyTouch®, SunTouch ® Control Systems and IntelliComm ® #OMMUNICATION#ENTER, continuous power must be supplied to the pump by connecting it directly to the CIRCUITBREAKER7HENUSINGANAUTOMATIONSYSTEM be sure that no other lights or appliances are on the same circuit. Note: When the pump is started and stopped by removing power with a relay or timer, a two-pole device should be used to apply and remove power TOBOTH0/7%2,).%4%2-).!,3 Pentair offers 2-Pole 20 Amp GFCI breakers (P/N PA220GF) which offer 6 milliamp personnel protection while meeting 2008 to current NEC Standards for Pool Pumps. "ONDING,UG Field Wiring Compartment RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK OR ELECTROCUTION. This pump must be installed by a licensed or certified electrician or a qualified service professional in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Improper installation will create an electrical hazard which could result in death or serious injury to users, installers, or others due to electrical shock, and may also cause damage to property. Always disconnect power to the pump at the circuit breaker before servicing the pump. Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury to service people, users or others due to electric shock. Read all servicing instructions before working on the pump. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 4 OPERATING THE PUMP NOTE: Speed 1 is the default filtration speed. When setting up the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump, the user must set the pump’s internal clock and establish an operation schedule by following the steps in this manual. Please refer to user’s guide sections: ‘Set Time’ (page 8) and ‘Set Speeds 1-8 in Schedule Mode’ (page 11) to schedule a time to run the pump. This pump is shipped with Priming mode ENABLED. Unless the Priming settings are changed in the menu, be aware that the pump will speed up to the maximum speed when the pump is powered on for the first time, and the start/stop button is pressed. To change the maximum speed of the pump, refer to page 9. Before turning the pump ON, be sure the following conditions are met: 1. Open filter air relief valve. 2. Open valves. 3. Pool return is completely open and clear of any blockages. 4. Water in the pump basket. 5. Stand clear of the filter or other pressurized vessels. Priming the Pump ,ID Prime the pump before starting the pump for the first TIME2EMOVETHELIDANDlLLTHEBASKETWITHWATER4HE PUMPBASKETMUSTBElLLEDWITHWATERBEFOREINITIAL start up or after servicing. Follow the steps below to prime the pump for start up: Clamp Volute 0RESSStart/Stop TOSTOPTHEPUMP$ISCONNECTTHE pump main power supply and communication cable. #LOSEALLGATEVALVESINSUCTIONANDDISCHARGE PIPES2ELIEVEALLPRESSUREFROMTHESYSTEM 2EMOVETHEPUMPLIDANDLOCKINGRING Top View &ILLTHEPUMPSTRAINERPOTWITHWATER 2EASSEMBLETHEPUMPLIDANDLOCKINGRINGONTOTHE STRAINERBASKET4HEPUMPISNOWREADYTOPRIME /PENTHElLTERAIRRELIEFVALVEANDSTANDCLEAROF the filter. 7. Connect power to the pump. Be sure green power light is on. 0RESSStart/Stop to start the pump. The pump will ENTERINTOPRIMINGMODEIFENABLEDANDSPEEDUP to the maximum speed set in the pump menu settings. 7HENWATERCOMESOUTOFTHElLTERAIRRELIEFVALVE close the valve. The system should now be free of air and recirculating water to and from the pool $ONOTALLOWYOURPUMPTORUNLONGERTHAN MINUTESTIMEWITHOUTDEVELOPINGFULLmOW)FTHE PUMPDOESNOTPRIMECHECKYOURPRIMINGSETTINGS on the control panel or see the “Troubleshooting” SECTIONONPAGES Priming Features 4HEDEFAULTPRIMINGSETTINGIS%.!",%$ The pump also allows you to set the following from the operator control panel: -AXIMUMPRIMINGTIME -AXIMUMAND-INIMUMSPEED 0RIMINGSENSITIVITY Priming delay Set up instructions on page 14. Do not add chemicals to the system directly in front of pump suction. Adding undiluted chemicals may damage the pump and will void the warranty. This is a variable speed pump. Typically the lower speeds are used for filtration and heating. The higher speeds can be used for spa jets, water features, and priming. DO NOT run the pump dry. If the pump is run dry, the mechanical seal will be damaged and the pump will start leaking. If this occurs, the damaged seal must be replaced. ALWAYS maintain proper water level in your pool (half way up skimmer opening). If the water level falls below the skimmer opening, the pump will draw air through the skimmer, losing the prime and causing the pump to run dry, resulting in a damaged seal. Continued operation in this manner could cause a loss of pressure, resulting in damage to the pump case, impeller and seal and may cause property and personal injury. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 5 Using the Operator Control Panel 5SETHEOPERATORCONTROLPANELTOSTARTANDSTOPTHE)NTELLI&LO® Variable Speed Pump, program, set, and change speeds 20-ANDACCESSPUMPFEATURESANDSETTINGS Controls and LEDs on Key Pad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12:15 Speed 1: 0RESSTOSELECT3PEED20-,%$ON INDICATES3PEEDISACTIVE Speed 2:0RESSTOSELECT3PEED20-,%$ON INDICATES3PEEDISACTIVE Speed 3:0RESSTOSELECT3PEED20-,%$ ONINDICATES3PEEDISACTIVE Speed 4:0RESSTOSELECT3PEED20-,%$ ONINDICATES3PEEDISACTIVE Select: Press to select the currently displayed option on the screen. Escape: 'OES ONE STEP BACK IN MENU EXITS WITHOUT saving current setting. Menu:!CCESSESTHEMENUITEMSWHENANDIFTHEPUMP is stopped. Enter: Saves current menu item setting. Press this BUTTONTOACKNOWLEDGEALARMSANDWARNINGALERTS Arrow buttons: s Up arrow: -OVE ONE LEVEL UP IN THE MENU OR increase a digit when editing a setting. s Down arrow:-OVEONELEVELDOWNINTHEMENUOR decrease a digit when editing a setting. s Left arrow: -OVECURSORLEFTONEDIGITWHENEDITING a setting. s Right arrow: -OVE CURSOR RIGHT ONE DIGIT WHEN editing a setting. Quick Clean: 0UMP RAMPS UP TO HIGHER 20- FOR vacuuming, cleaning, adding chemicals, and after a STORMFOREXTRASKIMMERPOWER,%$LIGHTISONWHEN active. Time Out: Pump is not running on preset schedule. This CANBEUSEDTOALLOWNEWLYGLUEDPIPEJOINTSTIMETODRY BEFORECIRCULATIONOFWATERSTARTS,%$ISONWHENACTIVE Start/Stop button: To start or stop the pump. When ,%$ISONTHEPUMPISRUNNINGORINAMODETOSTART automatically. Reset button:2ESETALARMORALERT LEDs: On:'REENLIGHTWHENPUMPISPOWEREDON 750 RPM T 0.00 150 WATTS Running Speed 1 Speed 1 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Speed 4 4 2 3 5 6 7 8 Quick Clean Time Out #ONTROL0ANEL +EY,OCKOUT)CON 12:15 Line 1 750 RPM Line 2 15 Line 3 Line 4 T 0.00 150 WATTS Running Speed 1 Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Current Time Current Speed Countdown Time #URRENT0OWER5SAGE Current Feature 2UNNING Speed 4 Warning: /NIFWARNINGCONDITIONISPRESENT 15 Alarm: 2ED,%$ONIFALARMCONDITIONOCCURS See “Alerts and Warnings” on page 23. Control Panel LCD Screen: s Line 1: Key icon indicates password protect mode ISACTIVE)FPASSWORDPROTECTISNOTENABLEDNOKEY ICONISDISPLAYED!LSOSHOWSCURRENTTIMEOFDAY s Line 2:$ISPLAYSCURRENTPUMPSPEED20- s Line 3: Countdown time and watts s Line 4: Current pump status and current feature. 14 10 9 Quick Clean Time Out 11 13 12 #ONTROL0ANEL INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 6 Stopping and Starting the Pump Pump Operating Modes Starting the Pump The IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump can be programmed in three different modes: Manual, Schedule, and Egg Timer. "E SURE THE PUMP IS POWERED ON AND THE GREEN POWER,%$ISON 3ELECT ONE OF THE SPEED BUTTONS THEN PRESS THE Start/StopBUTTON,%$ONTOSTARTTHEPUMP4HE pump will go into priming mode if priming feature is enabled. Stopping the Pump Speeds 1-4 can be programmed in all three modes. Speeds 5-8 can only be programmed in Schedule mode since there are no buttons on the control panel for Speeds 4HEDEFAULTSETTINGFOR3PEEDSISh$ISABLEDv 7HENSERVICINGEQUIPMENTlLTERSHEATERSCHLORINATORS ETCDISCONNECTTHECOMMUNICATIONCABLEANDSWITCH /&&CIRCUITBREAKERTOREMOVEPOWERFROMTHEPUMP Egg Timer Note: The pump can automatically restart if the communication cable is connected. To Adjust and Save a Pump Speed While the pump is running, press the Up or Down ARROWTOADJUSTTODESIREDSPEEDSETTING Press and hold down a SpeedBUTTONFORTHREE SECONDSTOSAVESPEEDTOTHEBUTTONORPRESS Enter to save the speed. Operating the Pump at Preset Speeds The pump is programmed with four default speeds of AND20-3PEEDBUTTONSARE for each of the preset speeds as shown below. "E SURE THE PUMP IS POWERED ON AND THE GREEN POWER,%$ISON 0RESS THE Speed BUTTON CORRESPONDING TO THEDESIREDPRESETSPEEDANDRELEASEQUICKLY4HE ,%$ABOVETHEBUTTONWILLTURNON 0RESSStart/Stop4HEPUMPWILLQUICKLYCHANGETO the selected preset speed. ,%$LIT Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Manual Schedule Speed 1 (1-4) 0RESSStart/Stop to stop the pump. Speed 4 Set Speed - Default: MANUAL Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time Set Speed Time 3PEEDS-ENU'UIDE Disabled Default: Disabled Schedule Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time Speed 5 (5-8) 3PEEDS-ENU'UIDE 1. Manual:!SSIGNSASPEEDTOONEOFTHEFOUR3PEED buttons on the control panel. This mode can only be USEDFORSPEEDS 4OOPERATEIN-ANUALMODEPRESSONEOFTHEFOUR SPEEDBUTTONSANDTHENPRESS3TART3TOP4HEPUMP will run the assigned speed for that speed button. 2. Egg Timer:3PEEDSCANBEPROGRAMMEDTORUN for a duration of time once a speed button is pressed. To operate in Egg Timer mode, press a speed button AND THEN PRESS 3TART3TOP4HE PUMP WILL RUN THAT speed for the set amount of time and then turn off. 3. Schedule: 0ROGRAM SPEEDS START AND STOP AT A SPECIlC TIME DURING A HOUR PERIOD 3PEEDS programmed in Schedule mode will override any MANUALLYSELECTEDSPEEDSPEEDSSETBYMANUALLY pressing any of the speed buttons on the control PANEL Control Panel Language The default language is English. #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON Press Menu and press Select to select “Settings”. 5SETHEUp or DownARROWSANDSCROLLTOh,ANGUAGEv Press Select. Press Select again to highlight current language in use. Press Enter to select the control panel language. To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. Press Escape to exit. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 7 Operator Control Panel: Pump Menu Guide MENU Press MENU button to access menus SETTINGS Pump Address (1-16) Default: ADDRESS 1 (pages 8-10) Set Time (hr:mm) Default: 12:00 AM Set AM/PM Temperature Unit Fahrenheit - Default: F° C° Celsius Screen Contrast (1-5) Default 3 Language SPEED 1-8 AM/PM 24 hr. English - Default: English Français Español Nederlands Italiano Deutsch Português Set Min Speed (450 RPM - 1700 RPM) - Default: 450 RPM Set Max Speed (1900 RPM - 3450 RPM) - Default: 3450 RPM PASSWORD Disabled/Enabled - Default: Disabled Password Time Out (1 min. - 6 hours) Default:10 minutes Enter Password (xxxx) Default: 1234 Speed 1 (1-4) Manual Schedule (pages 11-12) Egg Timer Speed 5 (5-8) Disabled Set Speed - Default: MANUAL Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time Set Speed Time Default: Disabled Schedule EXT CONTROL Program 1 Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time Speed - Default: 750 RPM (page 12) Program 2 Speed - Default: 1500 RPM Program 3 Speed - Default: 2350 RPM Program 4 Speed - Default: 3110 RPM Time Out Time Out Duration (1 min. to 10 hrs.) Default: 3 hours FEATURES (page 13) PRIMING (pages 13-15) Quick Clean DISABLED/ENABLED (page 16) Default: Enabled MAX PRIMING TIME (1 min. to 30 min.) Default: 11 minutes PRIMED SENSITIVITY (1 - 100%) Default: 1 PRIMING DELAY ANTI FREEZE Set Speed (450 -3450 RPM) Default: 3450 RPM Time (1 min. to 10 hrs.) Default: 10 minutes DISABLED/ENABLED SET SPEED PUMP TEMPERATURE (1 second - 10 minutes) Default: 20 seconds Disabled / Enabled - Default: Enabled Set Speed (450 RPM - 3450 RPM) Default 1000 RPM 40° F - 50° F (4.4° C - 10° C) Default: 40° F (4.4° C) INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 8 MENU SETTINGS Pump (1-16) Default: ADDRESS 1 Set AM/PM or 24 Clock Pump Menu: Address Settings Pump Address Set Time 4OCHANGETHETIMEFROMAHOURCLOCK!-0-TOA HOURCLOCK (hr:mm) Default: 12:00 AM AM/PM Set AM/PM 4HEDEFAULTPUMPADDRESSISANDONLYNEEDSTOBE Press Menu. 24 hr. changed when there is more than one pump on an Press Select to select “Settings”. Temperature Unit automation system. Change the address to Fahrenheit allow the - Default: F° 5SETHEUp or DownARROWSTOSCROLLTOh!-0-v C° correct Celsius automation system to send a command to the pump. (1-5) Default 3 Press Select to change the setting. Screen Contrast Press Up or Down ARROWS TO CHOOSE BETWEEN 5SETHISSETTINGIFYOURPUMPISCONNECTEDVIATHE23 English - Default: English Language HRAND!-0- #/-PORTTOAN)NTELLI4OUCH®, EasyTouch®, SunTouch® ® Control System or IntelliComm Communication Center. Set Min Speed (450 RPM - 1700 - Default: RPMTo cancel any changes, press RPM) Press Enter 450 to save. For EasyTouch, SunTouch or IntelliComm systems, the Escape to exit without saving. (1900 RPM - 3450 RPM) - Default: 3450 RPM SetWITH MaxADDRESS Speed 4HE PUMP ONLY COMMUNICATES PUMP 7. Press Escape to exit. ADDRESSCANBESETFROM4HE)NTELLI4OUCH system CANCOMMUNICATETOONLYFOURPUMPS PASSWORD Disabled/Enabled - Default: Disabled Unit minutes Password TimeSet Out Temperature (1 min. - 6 hours) Default:10 Note: IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pumps cannot be Enter Password (xxxx) Default: 1234 The default setting is &AHRENHEIT & The pump can be connected in series with other pumps. SET TO EITHER #ELSIUS # OR &AHRENHEIT &4HE !NTI &REEZEPROTECTIONFEATURESEEPAGECANBESETTO "ESURETHEGREENPOWER,%$ISONANDTHEPUMP is stopped. either Fahrenheit or Celsius. Press Menu. #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON Press Select for “Settings”. Press Select again to SELECTh0UMP!DDRESSv To change the pump address, press Select. Press Up or Down arrows to change the address NUMBERFROM Press Enter to save. To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. 7. Press Escape to exit. Press Menu. Press Select to select “Settings”. 5SETHEUp or Down arrows to scroll to “Temperature 5NITSvMENUITEM0RESSSelect. 5SEUp or DownARROWSTOCHOOSE#ELSIUS #OR &AHRENHEIT & Press Enter to save. To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. 7. Press Escape to exit. Set Time The time controls all scheduled times, functions, and programmed cycles and stores the correct time for up TOHOURSAFTERPOWERISTURNEDOFF2ESETIFTHEPOWER ISOFFLONGERTHANHOURS Set Screen Contrast 4HEDEFAULTSETTINGFORTHE,#$SCREENIS3CREEN CONTRASTLEVELSCANBEADJUSTEDFROMTOUNITSFORLOW or high lighting conditions. #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON Press Menu. Press Menu. Press Select to select “Settings”. Press Select to select “Settings”. 5SETHEUp or Down arrows to scroll to “Set Time” and press Select. 5SETHEUp or Down arrow to scroll to “Contrast ,EVELv Press Select again and use Up or Down arrows to set the time. Press Select. Screen will show current contrast setting number. Note: 4OCHANGE!-0-INCREASEORDECREASE numbers until the desired time is displayed. Press Select to change the setting and use Up or Down to change number. Press Enter to save. To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. 7. Press Enter to save. To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. 7. Press Escape to exit. Press the Escape button to exit. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 9 MENU Pump Menu: Settings (1-16) Default: ADDRESS 1 Pump Address SETTINGS Set Time Language Set AM/PM To access the language menu: (hr:mm) Default: 12:00 AM Select to change the setting. The cursor will Press AM/PM 24 hr. appear in the first number column. Press the Up or Down arrows to change the minimum Temperature Unit Fahrenheit - Default:SPEEDSETTINGFROMTO20- F° Press the Menu button. “Settings” is displayed. C° Celsius 7. Press Enter to save. To cancel, press Escape to Press the SelectBUTTONh0UMP!DDRESSvISDISPLAYED exit edit mode without saving. (1-5) Default 3 Screen Contrast 5SE THE Up or Down arrow button to scroll to Press Escape to exit. English - Default: English Language h,ANGUAGEv #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON Password Protection Press the Select button toMin access the language Set Speed (450menu. RPM - 1700 RPM) - Default: 450 RPM The default setting for password protection is disabled. Press SelectTOHIGHLIGHTCURRENT,ANGUAGEINUSE (1900 RPM - 3450 RPM) - Default: RPM Set Max Speed When this feature3450 is enabled, the pump display will 7. Press the Enter button to select the desired language prompt for the password before allowing access to the for the control panel. PASSWORD To cancel any changes, press control panel and buttons. Disabled/Enabled - Default: Disabled the Escape button to exit edit mode withoutPassword saving. Time Out (1 min. - 6 hours) Default:10 minutes ENTERED IS ANY COMBINATION OF FOUR Enter Password4HE (xxxx) Default:PASSWORD 1234 Press the Escape button to exit. digits. Set Maximum Speed (RPM) 4HE MAXIMUM SPEED CAN BE SET FROM 20- TO 20- DEFAULT IS 5SE THIS SETTING IS TO SET the maximum running speed of the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump. When the pump is set to Priming “Enabled”, the pump WILLSPEEDUPTOANDRUNATTHISSPEEDTOPRIME!SERVICE PROFESSIONALMUSTSETTHE-AXIMUM3PEEDOFTHEPUMP TONOTEXCEEDTHEMAXIMUMmOWRATEOFTHESYSTEMON which it will operate. The Maximum Flow rate setting should be set so the system never operates at or above 25” of Hg vacuum. #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON Press Menu. Password protection can always be turned off by pressing Start/Stop. 0ASSWORDPROTECTIONCANNOTBETURNEDBACKONWITH Start/Stop while running in manual mode. Pressing Start/Stop when the pump is off will RETURNITBACKTOTHE2UNNING#YCLES-ODEANDRUN at the next scheduled run time. If the present time is within the scheduled run time, the pump will run the scheduled speed. !LLFUNCTIONSINCLUDINGPROGRAMMINGAREDISABLEDIN 0ASSWORD0ROTECTION-ODE Screen will read “Enter Password” if any button other than the Start/Stop button is pressed Key icon displayed in the upper left side of the screen when Password Protection is on. Press Select to select “Settings”. 5SETHEUp or DownARROWSTOSCROLLTOh3ET-AX Speed”. Press Select to change. The cursor will appear in THElRSTNUMBERCOLUMNONES Press Up or Down arrows to change the maximum SPEEDSETTINGFROMTO20- 7. Press Enter. Press Escape to exit. To cancel, press the Escape to exit without saving. 12:15 Password Protection Enabled 750 RPM Actual Speed Running Speed 1 Set Minimum Speed (RPM) 4HEMINIMUMPUMPSPEEDCANBESETFROM20- TO20-4HEDEFAULTSETTINGIS20- #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON Press Menu. Press Select to select “Settings”. 5SE THE Up or Down ARROWS TO SCROLL TOh3ET -IN Speed”. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 10 MENU SETTINGS Pump (1-16) Default: ADDRESS 1 Pump Menu: Address Settings Setting Password Set Time Set AM/PM #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON (hr:mm) Default: 12:00 AM AM/PM 24 hr. Press Menu. Press Select to select “Settings”. Temperature Unit Fahrenheit - Default: F° 5SETHEUp or Down arrow to scroll to “Password”. C° Celsius Press Select. 4HEDEFAULTSETTINGISh$ISABLEDv (1-5) Default 3 Screen Contrast Press Up or Down arrow to change the English setting -toDefault: English Language “Enabled” and press Enter to save. Set Min“Password Speed (450 RPM Press the Down arrow. Timeout” is - 1700 RPM) - Default: 450 RPM displayed. Set Max Speed (1900 RPM - 3450 RPM) - Default: 3450 RPM 7. 4HEFACTORYDEFAULTTIMEISMINUTES4HISMEANS the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump willDisabled/Enabled go into PASSWORD - Default: Disabled 0ASSWORD0ROTECTIONMODEMINUTESAFTERTHELAST Password Time Out (1 min. - 6 hours) Default:10 minutes Enter Password (xxxx) Default: 1234 CONTROLPANELKEYISPRESSED Press SelectTOCHANGETIMESETTINGFROMMINUTE TOHOURSANDPRESSEnter to save. Press Down arrow and then press Select on “Enter Password” to change the setting. Press the Left or Right arrows to move cursor and press Up or Down arrow to change password number to desired setting. Press Enter to save. To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. Entering Password 0RESS ANY BUTTON BESIDES THE SPEED BUTTON TO prompt the screen for a password. To enter password, use the Left and Right arrows to move the cursor and the Up and Down arrow button to scroll through the digit then press Enter to confirm. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 11 MENU Manual Speed Menu: 1 (1-4) Speeds Pump 1-8 SPEED 1-8 Schedule Pump Operating Modes The IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump can be programmed in three different modes: Egg Timer Speed 5 (5-8) Disabled Manual, Schedule, and Egg Timer3PEEDSCAN Schedule BEPROGRAMMEDINALLTHREEMODES3PEEDSCAN only be programmed in Schedule mode since there are NOBUTTONSONTHECONTROLPANELFOR3PEEDS4HE DEFAULTSETTINGFOR3PEEDSISh$ISABLEDv Speed 1 (1-4) Manual Schedule Egg Timer Speed 5 (5-8) Set Speed - Default: MANUAL Set Speed Set Start Time Set Speeds in Manual Set Stop Time (Speeds Set Speed 1-4 Only) Time Press Menu. Default: Disabled or Egg Timer Mode 5SE Up or Down ARROWS TO SCROLL TOh3PEED v Set Speed thenTime press Select. Set Start Set Stop Time 5SEUp or DownARROWSTOlNDTHESPEEDYOU wish to program. Press Select. 3PEEDSDEFAULTSETTINGIS -ANUAL4OSETASPEEDIN-ANUALMODEPRESSTHE Set Speed - Default: MANUAL DownARROWh3ET3PEEDvWILLDISPLAYANDPRESS Set Speed Select TOCHANGE5SETHEUp or Down arrow to Set Start Time Set Stop Time ADJUSTSPEED Set Speed Time Disabled Default: Disabled Schedule Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time 3PEED-ENU4REE/PTIONS Manual !SSIGNSASPEEDTOONEOFTHEFOUR3PEEDBUTTONS on the control panel. This mode can only be used for SPEEDS 4OOPERATEIN-ANUALMODEPRESSONEOFTHEFOUR SPEEDBUTTONSANDTHENPRESSTHE3TART3TOPBUTTON The pump will run the assigned speed for that speed button. Press Enter to save the new speed setting. Continue below to Step 6 to set a speed in Egg Timer mode. Press Select and scroll to “Egg Timer”. Press Enter. 7. Press the Down arrow to display “Time”. Press Select ANDUSEARROWKEYSTOADJUSTTIME Press Enter to save the new time setting. Press Escape to exit. 12:15p Manual Set Speed Egg Timer 3PEEDSCANBEPROGRAMMEDTORUNFORADURATION of time once a speed button is pressed. To operate in Egg Timer mode, press a speed BUTTONANDTHENPRESS3TART3TOP4HEPUMPWILLRUN that speed for the set amount of time and then turn off. Schedule 0ROGRAMSPEEDSSTARTANDSTOPATASPECIlCTIME DURINGAHOURPERIOD3PEEDSPROGRAMMEDIN Schedule mode will override any manually selected SPEEDSPEEDSSETBYMANUALLYPRESSINGANYOFTHE SPEEDBUTTONSONTHECONTROLPANEL -ANUAL-ODE-ENU3CREEN 12:15p Egg Timer Time %GG4IMER-ENU3CREEN INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 12 MENU SPEED 1-8 Manual Speed Menu: 1 (1-4) Speeds Pump 1-8 Schedule Set Speeds 1-8 in Schedule Mode Egg Timer )N 3CHEDULE MODE 3PEEDS CAN BE PROGRAMMED to run a certain speed at a certain time of day. To run Disabled Speed 5 (5-8) The screen a scheduled speed, press Start/Stop. will Schedule DISPLAY h2UNNING 3CHEDULESv WHEN IT IS READY TO RUN A SCHEDULED SPEED )F 3TART3TOP IS PRESSED WHILE A SCHEDULEDSPEEDISRUNNINGh2UNNING3PEED?vWILLBE DISPLAYEDSEEFARLEFTIMAGE Set Speed - Default: MANUAL Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time 12:15p Set Speed Time Default: Disabled Schedule Speed Set Set Speed 12:15p 750 RPM T 1:05 150 WATTS Running Speed 1 Set Start Time Set Stop Time Press Menu. 5SE Up or Down ARROWS TO SCROLL TOh3PEED v then press Select. 5SEUp or Down arrows and press Select for the speed you wish to set and schedule. Press Select DISPLAYWILLBEHIGHLIGHTEDAND scroll to “Schedule”. Press Enter. Press DownARROWh3ET3PEEDvWILLDISPLAYAND press Select TOCHANGE5SETHEUp or Down ARROWTOADJUSTSPEED 7. Press Enter to save the new speed. Press the Down arrow again, “Set Start Time” will display. Press Select - the cursor will highlight the minute column. 5SETHEUp or Down arrow to change the time and the Left or Right arrow to move cursor from minutes to hours. Press Enter to save the new start time setting. Press Down arrow - “Set Stop Time” will display. Press Select2EPEAT3TEPSTOSETSTOPTIME Press Enter to save the new stop time setting. Press Start/Stop. Note: The pump will not run the scheduled speeds until the Start/StopBUTTONISPRESSED,%$ONTOPLACETHEPUMPIN Schedule mode. Note: When two speeds are scheduled during the SAMERUNTIMETHEPUMPWILLRUNTHEHIGHER20-3PEED regardless of Speed # in use. Note: 4HEMOSTRECENTCOMMAND-ANUALOR3CHEDULE TAKESPRIORITYREGARDLESSOFSPEEDNUMBER20- MENU EXT CONTROL External Control SpeedControl - Default: 750 RP Program 1 Pump Menu: External Program 2 Speed - Default: 1500 R Program 3 Speed - Default: 2350 R This function is for programming speeds that will run Speed - Default: 3110 R Program 4 when the IntelliComm® Communication Center sends IT A COMMAND &OR EXAMPLE4ERMINAL AND IN THE IntelliComm system will correspond to External Control 0ROGRAMANDTO%XT#TRL 5SE THE %XTERNAL #ONTROL FEATURE TO PROGRAM THE IntelliComm system power center. To access the External Control menu: #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON 0RESSTHEMenu button. The IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump will prime and begin to run the programmed schedule at the specified start time. When running in Schedule or Egg Timer mode,the COUNTDOWNTIME4SHOWINGTHEHOURSAND minutes remaining is displayed. 5SEUp or Down arrow to scroll to “Ext. Ctrl.”. Programming Schedule for Constant Run 0RESSEnter to save the setting. !SPEEDCANNOTBEPROGRAMMEDWITHTHESAMESTART and stop times. To run a speed without stopping, set the Start time one minute after the stop time. Example:!SINGLESPEEDWILLRUNNONSTOPIFPROGRAMMED WITHA3TART4IMEOF!-ANDA3TOPTIMEOF!- INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 0RESSSelecth0ROGRAMvISDISPLAYED 0RESSSelecth20-ISDISPLAYED 7. Press Select4HEh20-vNUMBERWILLHIGHLIGHT 0RESSUp or Down ARROWTOCHANGETHE20- setting. Note: To cancel any changes, press the Escape button to exit without saving. 0RESSEscape TORETURNTOSET0ROGRAM 5SEUp or Down ARROWTOSCROLLTOh0ROGRAMv 2EPEAT3TEPSTHROUGHTOSET0ROGRAM AND 13 MENU FEATURES Quick Clean Time Out Duration (1 min. to 10 hrs.) Default: 3 hours TimeMenu: Out Pump Features Quick Clean Set Speed (1100 -3450 RPM) Default: 3450 RPM 4HEN PRESS Select again to choose “Timeout Time (1 min. to 10 hrs.) Default: 10 minutes NOTE: Quick Clean is the only high-speed override feature of the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump. This feature can be used to ramp the pump up to a HIGHER20-FORVACUUMINGCLEANINGADDING CHEMICALSAFTERASTORMFOREXTRASKIMMINGCAPABILITY Press the Quick CleanBUTTON,%$ONANDTHEN Start/StopTOSTART7HENTHE1UICK#LEANCYCLEISOVER the pump will resume regular schedules and be in h2UNNING3CHEDULEvMODE To access the Quick Clean menu: $URATIONv 7. Press Select to change the time. The cursor will highlight the minutes column. 0RESSTHELeft arrow to move cursor to the hours column. 4IMEOUTCANBESETFROMMINUTETO hours. 0RESSEnter to save the setting. Note: To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. 0RESSEscape to exit the menu. #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON 0RESSMenu. 5SEUp or Down arrows to scroll to “Features”, then press Select. 0RESSTHEDown arrow and press Select for h1UICK#LEANv 7. Press Select to choose “Set Speed”. 0RESSSelect TOHIGHLIGHTTHEh20-vlRSTONES column and change the speed. 5SEUp or Down arrows to change the speed. 0RESSEnter to save the speed. 0RESSTHEDown arrow again, and press Select FORh4IME$URATIONv 0RESSSelect to change the time. The cursor will highlight the minutes column. 5SEUp or Down arrows to change the time from MINUTETOHOURS 0RESSEnter to save the time. 0RESSEscape to exit the menu. Time Out 4HISFEATURECANBEUSEDTOALLOWNEWLYGLUEDPIPEJOINTS time to dry before circulation of the pool water resumes. The Time Out feature keeps the pump from running it’s programmed speeds. /NCE4IME/UTISlNISHEDTHEPUMPWILLBEIN h2UNNING 3CHEDULEv MODE THE 3TART3TOP ,%$ WILL BE lit and ready to turn on at the next scheduled run time. MENU PRIMING Pump Menu: Priming Default: Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED MAX PRIMING TIME (1 min. to 30 min. hrs.) D PRIMING DELAY (1 second - 10 minutes) 4HE DEFAULT SETTING FOR 0RIMING IS %.!",%$ 4HIS setting allows the pump to automatically it is Default: 1 (1 - if100%) PRIMED SENSITIVITY detect primed for startup. 4HEPRIMINGFEATURERAMPSTHEPUMPTO20-AND Disabled / Enabled - De DISABLED/ENABLED PAUSESFORTHREESECONDS)FTHEREISSUFlCIENTWATER mOWINTHEPUMPBASKETTHEPUMPWILLGOOUTOFPRIMING mode and run its commanded speed. )F THE WATER mOW IS NOT SUFlCIENT THE PUMP WILL RAMP TOTHEh-AX3PEEDvSETTINGANDREMAINFORTHEPRIMING DELAYTIMEDEFAULTSECONDS)FTHEREISSUFlCIENTWATERmOWINTHEPUMPBASKETATTHISTIMEITWILLGOOUTOF priming mode and ramp to the commanded speed. )FTHEREISSTILLINSUFlCIENTmOWINTHEPUMPBASKETTHE PUMPWILLTRYTOPRIMEATTHEh-AXIMUM3PEEDvFORTHE AMOUNTOFTIMESETUPINTHEh-AXIMUM0RIMING4IMEv menu. 12:15p 1800 RPM T 00:01 460 WATTS Priming To access the Time Out menu: #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON 0RESSMenu. 5SE Up or Down arrows to scroll to “Features”, then press Select. 0RESSSelect to choose “Timeout”. $ISPLAYDURINGPRIMING Continue onto the next page for Priming Features INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 14 MENU PRIMING Priming Features Default: Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED Pump Menu: Priming MAX PRIMING TIME (1 min. to 30 min. hrs.) Default: 11 minutes PRIMED SENSITIVITY (1 - 100%) Default: 1 Default: ENABLED DISABLED/ENABLED ®(1 second - 10 minutes) Default: 20 seconds PRIMING DELAY !LLOWS)NTELLI&LO Variable Speed Pump to automatically detect if pump if is primed for STARTUP4HEPUMPWILLRAMPUPTO20-ANDPAUSEFORTHREESECONDSIFTHERE Disabled / Enabled - Default: Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED ISENOUGHWATERINTHEBASKETTHEPUMPWILLGOOUTOFPRIMINGMODEANDRUNTHECOMmanded speed. Default: 11 minutes 4HEMAXIMUMPRIMINGTIMECANBESETFROMMINUTES4HISSETTINGISTHEAMOUNTOF MAX PRIMING TIME time the pump will try to prime before it gives a priming error. If this occurs, fill the pump BASKETWITHWATERANDRESTARTTHEPUMP PRIMED SENSITIVITY PRIMING DELAY Default: 1% 0RIMINGSENSITIVITYCANBESETFROMMEANSTHEPUMPISTHEMOST SENSITIVETOSENSINGIFPUMPHASATTAINEDPRIME)NCREASINGWILLDECREASEAMOUNTOF mOWNEEDEDFORPUMPTOSENSEPRIME )NCREASETHEIFTHEPUMPCLEARLYHASWATERINTHEBASKETBUTISHAVINGTROUBLECOMING OUTOFPRIMINGMODE3ETTINGTHISNUMBERTOOHIGHCANCAUSETHEPUMPTOTHINKITHAS attained a prime when it has not. Default: 20 seconds 0RIMINGDELAYCANBESETFROMSECONDTOMINUTES If the pump does not have enough water after the automatic priming mode, the pump will RAMPTOTHE-AXIMUM3PEEDUNDERh0UMP3ETTINGSvONPAGEANDRUNFORSECONDS ORFORTHETIMESET You may need to increase the priming delay to allow the system to stabilize before the pump starts running speeds. If pump continues to show a priming error, increasing the priming delay time might correct this issue. Setting Priming Features 0RESSMenu. 5SEDown arrow to scroll to “Priming” and press Select. 4HEFACTORYDEFAULTISSETTOPRIMINGh%NABLEDh4O disable, press Select. 0RESSEnter if you have changed the setting - this will save the selection. 0RESSTHEDownARROWTHESCREENWILLREADh-AX Priming Time”. 4OCHANGEFROMFACTORYDEFAULTPRESSSelect. The cursor will highlight. 5SE THE Up or Down arrows to change the time FROMMINUTETOMINUTES 0RESSEnter to save. 0RESSTHEDown arrow - the screen will read “Primed 3ENSITIVITYv$EFAULTIShv 0RESSSelect to change the priming sensitivity. The cursor will highlight the number. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 5SETHEUp or DownARROWSTOCHANGEFROMTO )NCREASINGTHENUMBERMAKESTHE0RIMING less sensitive. 0RESSEnter to save. 0RESSTHEDown arrow - the screen will read “Priming $ELAYv$EFAULTISSECONDS 0RESSSelect to change the priming delay time. 5SE THE Up or Down ARROWS TO CHANGE FROM SECONDTOMINUTES Caution: Increasing the time causes the pump to stay in the priming mode longer. 0RESSEnter to save the setting. 0RESSEscape to exit. 15 MENU PRIMING Default: Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED Pump Menu: Priming (1 min. to 30 min. hrs.) Default: 11 minutes MAX PRIMING TIME Disabling Priming with an Automation System (1 - 100%) Default: 1 PRIMED SENSITIVITY To disable priming with an automation system: When the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump is connected ® TO AN AUTOMATION CONTROL SYSTEM )NTELLI4OUCH , (1 second 10 minutes) Default: 20PRIMING seconds FEATURE ON THE AUTOMATION PRIMING DELAY $ISABLE THE EasyTouch® or SunTouch® #ONTROL 3YSTEMS the control system at the load center or using an priming feature on the pump cannot be disabled Disabled / Enabled )NTELLI4OUCH - Default: Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED OR %ASY4OUCH SYSTEM REMOTE 2EFER by the external automation control system only. It to the automation control system user’s guide for must also be disabled on the pump itself. ADDITIONALINFORMATION If priming is enabled on start up, the pump responds to its internal settings before responding to commands from an automation control system. If the pump is connected to an automation control system and priming is not desired, disable the priming feature on both the pump and the automation control system. 4EMPORARILYDISCONNECTTHE23COMMUNICATION cable. /PENTHELIDTOTHECONTROLPANELTODISABLEPRIMING on the pump. Press Menu, use the arrow buttons to SCROLLANDSELECTh0RIMINGvTHENSELECTh$ISABLEDv THE FACTORY DEFAULT IS SET TO h%NABLEDv 0RESS Escape to exit the menu. /NCE PRIMING IS DISABLED REINSTALL THE 23 communication cable. P $ISABLEPRIMINGONAUTOMATIONCONTROLSYSTEM $ISCONNECTTHE23COMMUNICATIONCABLE $ISABLEPRIMINGONPUMP 2EINSTALLTHE23COMMUNICATIONCABLE INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 16 MENU ANTI FREEZE PRIMING Disabled / Enabled - Default: Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED Pump Menu: Anti Default: Freeze Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED Set Speed (750 RPM - 3450 RPM) Default 1000 RPM SPEED (1 min. to 30 min. Default: 11 minutes MAXSET PRIMING TIME To hrs.) Set Anti Freeze Speed and Pump Temperature: 4HESENSORFOR!NTI&REEZEISINTHEDRIVEONTOPOFTHE MOTOR4HISFEATUREALLOWSYOUTOSETASPEED20- 40° F - 50°Default: F (4.4° C PUMP TEMPERATURE (1 - 100%) 1 - 10° C) Default: 40° F (4.4° C) PRIMED SENSITIVITY 7ITH!NTI&REEZEDISPLAYEDONTHESCREENPRESS 20- THAT RUNS WHEN THE )NTELLI&LO® Variable the Down arrow - “Set Speed” is displayed. The Speed Pump goes into anti freezeDELAY mode. The tempera(1 second - 10 minutes) Default: 20 seconds PRIMING ture level that you wish anti freeze mode to start can FACTORYDEFAULTIS20- Disabled / Enabled - Default: Enabled DISABLED/ENABLED also be set. 0RESSSelect to change the speed. The cursor IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature is for protection of THEPUMP$ONOTDEPENDONTHEANTIFREEZEFEATUREFOR freeze protection of the pool. Certain situations could cause the pump to sense a different temperature than actual air temperature. WILLHIGHLIGHTTHElRSTCOLUMNONES 5SETHEUp or DownARROWSTOSETSPEED 20- 0RESSEnter to save the speed. 0RESSTHEDown arrow to Pump Temperature the temperature the pump will activate !NTI&REEZEDEFAULTIS & # Your automation systems air temperature sensor should be used to sense actual temperature. For example, if the pump is located indoors, the temperature of the room does not indicate the outdoor temperature. The pump does not sense the water temperature. To access the Anti Freeze menu: 0RESSSelect to change the setting. The cursor will highlight the first column. Can be set & TO & # # #HECKTHATTHEGREENPOWER,%$ISON 7. Press Enter to save the temperature setting. Note: To cancel any changes, press Escape to exit without saving. 0RESSMenu. 5SETHEDownARROWTOSCROLLTOh!NTI&REEZEv and press Select. 0RESSEscape to exit. 4HEFACTORYDEFAULTFOR!NTI&REEZEISh%NABLEDh 4ODISABLE!NTI&REEZEPRESSSelect to highlight “Enabled”. 0RESSTHEUpARROWh$ISABLEDvISDISPLAYED 0RESSEnter to save. 12:15p 12:15p 1000 RPM 40 °F Set Speed Pump Temperature 3ETTINGTHE!NTI&REEZE0UMP3PEED ANTI FREEZE 3ETTINGTHE!NTI&REEZE0UMP4EMPERATURE DISABLED/ENABLED SET SPEED PUMP TEMPERATURE Disabled / Enabled - Default: Enabled Set Speed (750 RPM - 3450 RPM) Default 1000 RPM 40° F - 50° F (4.4° C - 10° C) Default: 40° F (4.4° C) !NTI&REEZE-ENU/PTIONS INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 17 CONNECTING TO AN AUTOMATION SYSTEM External Control with IntelliComm® Communication Center 5SE THE 23 COMMUNICATIONS CABLE TO REMOTELY control the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump from an IntelliComm communication center. The IntelliComm SYSTEMPROVIDESFOURPAIRSOFINPUTTERMINALCONNECTIONS4HESEINPUTSAREACTUATEDBYEITHER6!# OR6$#5SETHEDEVICEINPUTSTOCONTROLTHE programmed pump speeds. Note: For the pump to accept commands from the )NTELLI#OMMSYSTEMTHEPUMPMUSTBEINTHEh2UNNING 3CHEDULESvMODE,%$ABOVE3TART3TOPBUTTONISON If more than one input is active, the highest number will be communicated to the pump. The IntelliComm system WILLALWAYSCOMMUNICATETOPUMPUSING!$$2%33 Wiring Terminal Descriptions for IntelliComm Communication Center Terminal Number Terminal Name Voltage Max. Current Phase Type Frequency Power Supply 6!# M! )NPUT (Z Program 6!# or 6$# M! )NPUT Program 6!# or 6$# M! )NPUT (Z Program 6!# or 6$# M! )NPUT (Z Program 6!# or 6$# Program Number Priority )F PROGRAMS AND ARE ACTIVATED PROGRAM WILL RUNREGARDLESSOFTHEASSIGNEDSPEED20-4HE HIGHERPROGRAMNUMBERWILLALWAYSTAKEPRIORITY Refer back to page 12 for instructions for setting up Programs in the External Control menu. External Control is for programming speeds that will run when the IntelliComm communication center controller sends it a command. &OREXAMPLE4ERMINALANDIN)NTELLI#OMMSYSTEM WILLCORRESPONDTO%XTERNAL#ONTROL0ROGRAM ANDTO%XT#TRL5SETHE%XTERNAL#ONTROLFEATURE to program the IntelliComm communication center. M! )NPUT M! /UTPUT (Z (Z 23 $ATA Yellow $ATA 'REEN TO 6$# .! 'ROUND Connecting to EasyTouch® and IntelliTouch® Systems The pump can be controlled by an EasyTouch or )NTELLI4OUCHSYSTEMVIATHE23COMMUNICATION CABLE4HE%ASY4OUCHANDOR)NTELLI4OUCHCONTROL system starts, stops and controls the speed of the pump. %ASY4OUCH ANDOR )NTELLI4OUCH SYSTEMS REWRITE THE PUMPMEMORYWHENACOMMANDISGIVEN4HISCANTAKE several seconds and can cause a delay until the pump physically responds. The pump control panel is disabled when COMMUNICATING WITH AN %ASY4OUCH ANDOR )NTELLI4OUCH system. The EasyTouch and/or IntelliTouch system will not start communicating with the pump until the pump is assigned to a circuit. The default pump ADDRESSIShvONLYADDRESSFOR%ASY4OUCHSYSTEM IntelliComm Communication Center See page 8 for details about how to check and or set the pump address. For more information, refer to the IntelliTouch (P/N 520100) or EasyTouch automation system User’s Guide (P/N 520584). Installation and User’s Guides are available at: INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 18 To connect the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump communication cable to EasyTouch® or IntelliTouch® Control System load center: 3WITCHTHEMAINPOWEROFFTOTHELOADCENTER 2EMOVE THE TWO RETAINING SCREWS SECURING THE high voltage cover panel, and remove it from the enclosure. IntelliTouch COM port (J7/8): #ONNECTTHE'2%%. AND9%,,/7WIRESTOTHE#/-PORT* SCREWTERMINALSAND"ESURETOMATCHTHE COLORCODINGOFTHEWIRES9%,,/7TO9%,,/7AND '2%%.TO'2%%.4HE2EDWIREISNOTCONNECTED Secure the wires with the screws. ,OOSENTHETWOACCESSSCREWSSECURINGTHECONTROL panel. Note: -ULTIPLEWIRESMAYBEINSERTEDINTOASINGLE screw terminal. ,OWERDOWNTHEHINGEDCONTROLPANELTOACCESSTHE EasyTouch or IntelliTouch control system circuit board. #LOSE THE CONTROL PANEL INTO ITS ORIGINAL POSITION and secure it with the two screws. 5NLATCHTHETWOENCLOSUREDOORSPRINGLATCHAND open the door. 2OUTE THE COMMUNICATION CABLE INTO THE PLASTIC GROMMETLOCATEDONTHELOWERLEFTSIDEOFTHELOAD CENTERUPTHROUGHTHELOWVOLTAGERACEWAYTOTHE EasyTouch or IntelliTouch system circuit board. 3TRIPBACKTHECABLECONDUCTORSMMv)NSERT THETWOWIRESINTOTHE#/-PORTSCREWTERMINALS ONTHE%ASY4OUCHANDOR)NTELLI4OUCHSYSTEMCIRCUIT board. Secure the wires with the screws. )NSTALLTHEHIGHVOLTAGECOVERPANELANDSECUREIT with the two retaining screws. #LOSETHELOADCENTERFRONTDOOR&ASTENTHESPRING latch. 3WITCHTHEPOWERONTOTHELOADCENTER EasyTouch COM port (J20): #ONNECTTHE'2%%. AND9%,,/7WIRESTOTHE#/-PORTSCREW TERMINALSAND"ESURETOMATCHTHECOLOR CODING OF THE WIRES9%,,/7 TO9%,,/7 AND '2%%.TO'2%%.4HE2EDWIREISNOTCONNECTED Secure the wires with the screws. Control Panel !CCESS3CREW Control Panel !CCESS3CREW EasyTouch #/-0/24 * Indoor Control Panel IntelliChlor IntelliFlo RF Transceiver 2ETAINING3CREWS FOR(IGH6OLTAGE #OVER0ANEL EasyTouch Control System Circuit Board &RONT$OOR (IGH6OLTAGE Cover Panel 'ROMMETTO,OW 6OLTAGE2ACEWAY %ASY4OUCHANDOR)NTELLI4OUCH#ONTROL3YSTEM ,OAD#ENTER BLK GRN YEL RED IntelliTouch Personality "OARD#/-0/24 ** IntelliTouch Control System Circuit Board INTELLIFLO Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide ® 19 Connecting the Pump to a SunTouch® Control System The IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump can be controlled by a SunTouch SYSTEMVIATHE23COMMUNICATION cable. Switch OFF main system power to the SunTouch system power center before making any connections. 5NLATCHTHEFRONTDOOROFTHE3UN4OUCHSYSTEM power center and open the door. 3TRIPBACKTHECABLECONDUCTORSMMv Insert the wires into the screw terminals PROVIDED3ECURETHEWIRESWITHTHESCREWS"E SURETOMATCHTHECOLORCODINGOFTHEWIRES 9%,,/7TO9%,,/7AND'2%%.TO'2%%. ,OOSENTHERETAININGSCREWONFRONTPANEL/PEN the hinged front panel to access the electronics compartment. )NSERTTHECONNECTORONTHE#/-0/24* screw terminal on the SunTouch system circuit board. 2OUTETHETWOCONDUCTORCABLEUPTHROUGHTHE power center grommet opening located on the left side, and up through the low voltage raceway to the motherboard. #LOSETHECONTROLPANELANDSECUREITWITHTHE retaining screw. To connect the pump RS-485 communication cable to the SunTouch control system circuit board: 7. Close the front door. Fasten the spring latch. VALVE ACTUATORS RESET SOLAR ONLY INTAKE RETURN SOLAR PUMP AUX 1 AUX 2 AUX 3 VLV A VLV B VLV C GAS HEATER CLNR J11 COM PORT RS-485 Communication Cable (P/N 350122) Pump Drive 230 VAC Power to Pump SunTouch Control System Circuit Board INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 20 MAINTENANCE DO NOT open the strainer pot if IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump fails to prime or if pump has been operating without water in the strainer pot. Pumps operated in these circumstances may experience a build up of vapor pressure and may contain scalding hot water. Opening the pump may cause serious personal injury. In order to avoid the possibility of personal injury, make sure the suction and discharge valves are open and strainer pot temperature is cool to touch, then open with extreme caution. To prevent damage to the pump and for proper operation of the system, clean pump strainer and skimmer baskets regularly. Pump Strainer Basket Winterizing 4HESTRAINERBASKETOR@STRAINERPOTISLOCATEDINFRONTOF THEPUMPHOUSING4HESTRAINERBASKETMUSTBEKEPTCLEAN ANDFREEOFDEBRIS)NSPECTBASKETTHROUGHTHELIDONTHE top of the housing. Be sure to visually inspect the strainer BASKETATLEASTONCEAWEEK$IRTYSTRAINERBASKETSREDUCE filter and heater efficiency and put abnormal stress on the pump motor. To protect the pump electronics from freeze damage, the pump will switch on to generate internal heat as the temperature drops below freezing. The Anti Freeze feature on the pump is not intended to protect the system plumbing from freezing. In mild climate areas, when temporary freezing conditions may occur, run your filtering equipment all night to prevent freezing. You are responsible for determining when freezing conditions may occur. If freezing conditions are EXPECTEDTAKETHEFOLLOWINGSTEPSTOREDUCETHERISK of freeze damage. Freeze damage is not covered under warranty. To prevent freeze damage, follow the procedures below: 3HUTOFFELECTRICALPOWERFORTHEPUMPATTHECIRCUIT BREAKER $RAINTHEWATEROUTOFTHEPUMPHOUSINGBYREMOVING the two thumb-twist drain plugs from the housing. 3TORETHEPLUGSINTHEPUMPBASKET #OVERTHEMOTORTOPROTECTITFROMSEVERERAINSNOW and ice. Cleaning the Pump Strainer Basket 0RESS Start/Stop button on the pump and turn OFF THE PUMP AT THE CIRCUIT BREAKER $ISCONNECT communication cable from pump. 2ELIEVEPRESSUREINTHESYSTEM 4URNTHELIDANDCLAMPCOUNTERCLOCKWISEANDREMOVE from the pump. 2EMOVE DEBRIS AND RINSE OUT THE BASKET 2EPLACE THEBASKETIFITISCRACKED 0UTTHEBASKETBACKINTOTHEHOUSING Be sure to align THENOTCHINTHEBOTTOMOFTHEBASKETWITHTHERIBIN the bottom of the volute. &ILLTHEPUMPPOTANDVOLUTEUPTOTHEINLETPORTWITH water. #LEANTHELIDANDCLAMP/RINGANDSEALINGSURFACE of the pump pot. Note: )TISIMPORTANTTOKEEPTHELID/RINGCLEANAND well lubricated. 2EINSTALLTHELIDBYPLACINGTHECLAMPANDLIDONTHE POT"ESURETHELID/RINGISPROPERLYPLACED 3EATTHECLAMPANDLIDONTHEPUMPTHENTURNCLOCKWISE UNTILTHELOCKINGRINGHANDLESAREHORIZONTAL 4URNTHEPOWERh/.vATTHECIRCUITBREAKER2ECONNECT communication cable from pump. /PENTHEMANUALAIRRELIEFVALVEONTHETOPOFTHE filter. Stand clear of the filter. 7AITUNTILALLPRESSUREISRELIEVED3TARTTHEPUMP "LEEDAIRFROMTHElLTERUNTILASTEADYSTREAMOF water comes out of the filter air relief valve. Close the manual air relief valve. THIS SYSTEM OPERATES UNDER HIGH PRESSURE. When any part of the circulating system (e.g., Lock Ring, Pump, Filter, Valves, etc.) is serviced, air can enter the system and become pressurized. Pressurized air can cause the lid to separate which can result in serious injury, death, or property damage. To avoid this potential hazard, follow above instructions. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide Note: $ONOTWRAPMOTORWITHPLASTICOROTHERAIRTIGHT materials during winter storage. The motor may be covered during a storm, winter storage, etc., but never when operating or expecting operation. Clamp, pot ,ID /2ING Strainer "ASKET Volute Pot $RAIN Plugs 3TRAINER0OT!SSEMBLY 21 SERVICING Always disconnect power to the IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump at the circuit breaker and disconnect the communication cable before servicing the pump. Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury to service people, users or others due to electric shock. Read all servicing instructions before working on the pump. DO NOT open the strainer pot if pump fails to prime or if pump has been operating without water in the strainer pot. Pumps operated in these circumstances may experience a build up of vapor pressure and may contain scalding hot water. Opening the pump may cause serious personal injury. In order to avoid the possibility of personal injury, make sure the suction and discharge valves are open and strainer pot temperature is cool to touch, then open with extreme caution. Be sure not to scratch or mar the polished shaft seal faces; seal will leak if faces are damaged. The polished and lapped faces of the seal could be damaged if not handled with care. Motor Care Pump illustrated parts view on the next page Protect from heat 3HADETHEMOTORFROMTHESUN !NY ENCLOSURE MUST BE WELL VENTILATED TO PREVENT overheating. 0ROVIDEAMPLECROSSVENTILATION Protect against dirt 0ROTECTFROMANYFOREIGNMATTER $ONOTSTOREORSPILLCHEMICALSONORNEARTHEMOTOR !VOIDSWEEPINGORSTIRRINGUPDUSTNEARTHEMOTOR while it is operating. )FAMOTORHASBEENDAMAGEDBYDIRTITMAYVOIDTHE motor warranty. #LEANTHELIDANDCLAMP/RINGANDSEALINGSURFACE of the pump pot. Protect against moisture 0ROTECT FROM CONTINUOUS SPLASHING OR CONTINUOUS sprayed water. 0ROTECTFROMEXTREMEWEATHERSUCHASmOODING If motor internals have become wet - let it dry before OPERATING$ONOTALLOWTHEPUMPTOOPERATEIFITHAS BEENmOODED )FAMOTORHASBEENDAMAGEDBYWATERITMAYVOID the motor warranty. Shaft Seal Replacement The Shaft Seal consists primarily of two parts, a rotating ceramic seal housed in the impeller and a stationary spring seal in the sealplate. The pump requires little or no service other than reasonable care, however, a shaft seal may occasionally become damaged and must be replaced. Note: The polished and lapped faces of the seal could be damaged if not handled with care. Pump Disassembly Tools required: s INCH!LLENHEADWRENCH 4WOINCHOPENENDWRENCHES INCHmATBLADESCREWDRIVER .O0HILLIPSHEADSCREWDRIVER !DJUSTABLEWRENCH To remove and repair the motor subassembly, follow the steps below: 4URNOFFTHEPUMPCIRCUITBREAKERATTHEMAINPANEL $ISCONNECTTHE23COMMUNICATIONCABLEFROM THEPUMPIFCONNECTEDTOPUMP $RAINTHEPUMPBYREMOVINGTHEDRAINPLUGS.OTOOLS are required. 2EMOVE0HILLIPSHEADSCREWSFROMTHETOPOFTHE DEVICELOCATEDUNDERTHEKEYPADCOVER 2EMOVE THE DRIVE BY LIFTING UPWARD TO PULL OFF THE motor. 5SETHEINCHWRENCHESTOREMOVETHESIXBOLTS THATHOLDTHEHOUSINGSTRAINERPOTVOLUTETOTHEREAR subassembly. 'ENTLYPULLTHETWOPUMPHALVESAPARTREMOVINGTHE rear subassembly. 5SEAINCH!LLENHEADWRENCHTOLOOSENTHETWO holding screws located on the diffuser. (OLD THE IMPELLER SECURELY IN PLACE AND REMOVE THE IMPELLER LOCK SCREW BY USING A 0HILLIPS HEAD screwdriver. The screw is a left-handed thread and LOOSENSINACLOCKWISEDIRECTION 5SEAINCHmATBLADESCREWDRIVERTOHOLDTHEMOTOR shaft. The motor shaft has a slot on the end which is accessible through the center of the fan cover. Note: If the torque is too high to hold the screwdriver BYHANDTHENANADJUSTABLEWRENCHMAYBEUSEDTO HOLDTHESCREWDRIVERSHAFTINPLACE5SELOCKINGPLIERS instead if your screwdriver has a round shaft. 4OUNSCREWTHEIMPELLERFROMTHESHAFTTWISTTHE IMPELLERCOUNTERCLOCKWISE 2EMOVE THE FOUR BOLTS FROM THE SEAL PLATE TO THE MOTORUSINGAINCHWRENCH 0LACE THE SEAL PLATE FACE DOWN ON A mAT SURFACE and tap out the carbon spring seat. #LEANTHESEALPLATESEALBOREANDTHEMOTORSHAFT INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 22 Pump Reassembly 7HEN INSTALLING THE REPLACEMENT SHAFT SEAL USE silicone sealant on the metal portion before pressing into the seal plate as shown. Note: 5SEEXTREME care when applying sealant. Be sure no sealant contacts the seal plate surface or the ceramic seal. !LLOWSEALANTTOCUREOVERNIGHTBEFOREREASSEMBLING 2EINSTALL THE PUMP LID AND PLASTIC CLAMP 3EE h#LEANINGTHE0UMP3TRAINER"ASKETvONPAGE for details 2ECONNECT THE 23 COMMUNICATION CABLE TO the pump. 0RIME THE PUMP REFER TOh0RIMING THE 0UMPv ON PAGE "EFOREINSTALLINGTHEROTATINGPORTIONOFTHESEALINTO THEIMPELLERBESURETHEIMPELLERISCLEAN5SEA light density soap and water to lubricate the inside of the seal. Press the seal into the impeller with your thumbs and wipe off the ceramic and carbon faces with a clean cloth. Drive Assembly Removal and Installation To avoid dangerous or fatal electrical shock hazard, switch OFF power to motor before working on pump or motor. To avoid electrical hazard, do not remove the four tamper proof screws from the motor assembly. 2EMOUNTTHESEALPLATETOTHEMOTOR 'REASETHEMOTORSHAFTTHREADANDSCREWIMPELLER onto the motor shaft. 3CREWINTHEIMPELLERLOCKSCREWCOUNTERCLOCKWISE TOTIGHTEN To remove the drive and control panel from the motor assembly: 2EMOUNTTHEDIFFUSERONTOTHESEALPLATE"ESURE the plastic pins and holding screw inserts are aligned. "E SURE ALL ELECTRICAL BREAKERS AND SWITCHES ARE turned off before removing the drive. $ISCONNECTTHE23COMMUNICATIONCABLE from the pump. 'REASE THE DIFFUSER ORING AND SEAL PLATE GASKET prior to reassembly. /PENTHECONTROLPANELCOVER !SSEMBLE THE MOTOR SUBASSEMBLY TO THE PUMP HOUSINGBYUSINGTHETWOTHROUGHBOLTSFORPROPER ALIGNMENT$ONOTTIGHTENTHETHROUGHBOLTSUNTILALL SIXBOLTSAREINPLACEANDlNGERTIGHTENED 2EMOVETHETHREE0HILLIPSHEADSCREWSSECURINGTHE drive to the motor assembly as shown. ,IFTUPTHEDRIVEASSEMBLYANDREMOVEITFROMTHE motor adapter located on top of the motor assembly. Note: %NSURETHATTHESEALPLATEGASKETISPROPERLY seated inside of the pump assembly. The seal GASKET CAN BE PINCHED BETWEEN THE SEAL PLATE and the pump housing while tightening these six screws, preventing a proper seal and producing a SLOWLEAKWHENTHEPUMPISRESTARTED 2EINSTALLTHEDRIVEONTOTHETOPOFTHEMOTOR .OTE"ECAREFULNOTTOREMOVETHEGASKETBETWEEN THEDRIVEANDMOTORITISCRITICALINKEEPINGMOISTURE OUT OF THE DRIVE AND MOTOR 2EPLACE THE GASKET IF DAMAGED $O NOT REASSEMBLE WITH A DAMAGED OR MISSINGGASKET Continue onto next page &ILLTHE)NTELLI&LO® Variable Speed Pump with water. Drive Mechanical Seal Impeller Impeller Lock Screw and Gasket Diffuser Motor Motor Bolts (4X) Motor Shaft Seal Plate to Housing Bolts (6X) Diffuser Screws (2X) Seal Plate Seal Plate Gasket Diffuser O-Ring Foot Insert Foot Drain Plugs Foot Attachment Bolts Illustrated Parts View INTELLIFLO Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide ® Lid Clamp 23 Drive Assembly Removal and Installation Before installing this product, read and follow all warning notices and instructions on page ii - iii. To install the drive assembly onto the motor assembly: "E SURE ALL ELECTRICAL BREAKERS AND SWITCHES ARE turned off before installing the drive. "ESURETHATTHEGASKETBETWEENTHEDRIVEANDMOTOR ISINPLACE)TISCRITICALINKEEPINGMOISTUREOUTOFTHE DRIVEANDMOTOR2EPLACETHEGASKETIFDAMAGED$O NOTREASSEMBLEWITHADAMAGEDORMISSINGGASKET 6ERIFYTHATTHETHREEORANGEMOTORPOSTCAPSARE in position before placing the drive on the motor assembly. !LIGNTHEDRIVEASSEMBLYWITHTHEMOTORADAPTERAND seat the drive on the motor assembly. 3ECUREANDTIGHTENTHEDRIVEASSEMBLYWITHTHETHREE Phillips head screws. 0HILLIPS(EAD Screw 0HILLIPS(EAD Screws Do not remove these screws Alerts and Warnings The IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump displays all alarms and warnings on the control panel display. When an alarm or warning condition exists, the corresponding light will be lit on the display. !LLCONTROLPANELBUTTONSAREDISABLEDUNTILTHEALARMOR WARNINGISACKNOWLEDGEDWITHTHE%NTERBUTTON0RESSTHE 2ESETBUTTONTOCLEARTHEALARMONCETHEFAULTCONDITION has been resolved. Note: The pump will not start if the impeller is rotating. Power Out Failure 4HEINCOMINGSUPPLYVOLTAGEISLESSTHAN6!# The drive faults to protect itself from over current. The DRIVECONTAINSCAPACITORSTHATKEEPITPOWEREDUPLONG enough to save the current run parameters. If power is RESTOREDDURINGTHISPROCESSAPPROXIMATELY seconds, the drive will not restart until completed. Priming Error )F THE PUMP IS NOT DElNED AS PRIMED WITHIN THE h-AX Priming Time” it will stop and generate a “Priming !LARMvFORMINUTESTHENATTEMPTTOPRIMEAGAIN4HE h-AX 0RIMING4IMEv IS SET BY THE USER ON THE PRIMING MENU AS DISCUSSED ON PAGE )F THE PUMP CANNOT prime within five attempts it will generate a permanent alarm that must be manually reset. Overheat Alert 'ASKET )FTHEDRIVETEMPERATUREGETSABOVE # & the pump will slowly reduce speed until the over temperature condition clears. Anti-Freezing /RANGE-OTOR Post Caps 149 !DAPTER Connector $RIVE!SSEMBLYAND2EMOVAL 7HENACTIVETHEMOTORWILLRUNATTHEPRESET20-UNTIL the drive temperature increases above the minimum. The pump’s internal antifreeze protection is disabled when connected to an automation system. Freeze PROTECTIONISPROVIDEDBYSELECTING9%3ATTHE/.7)4( &2%%:% PORTION OF THE CIRCUIT FUNCTION MENU IN THE IntelliTouch® control system. To re-enable the internal antifreeze protection, the power to the drive must be CYCLEDOFFTHENBACKONImportant: See explanation of Anti-Freeze mode on page 16. Over Current FIRE and BURN HAZARD - The pump motor may run at a high temperatures. To reduce the risk of fire, do not allow leaves, debris, or foreign matter to collect around the pump motor. To avoid burns when handling the motor, shut off the motor and allow it to cool for 20 minutes before servicing. The pump provides an automatic internal cutoff switch to protect the motor from heat damage during operation. Indicated that the drive is overloaded or the motor has ANELECTRICALPROBLEM4HEDRIVEWILLRESTARTSECONDS after the over current condition clears. Over Voltage Indicates excessive supply voltage or an external water source is causing the pump and motor to rotate thereby generating an excessive voltage on the drives INTERNAL$#BUSS4HEDRIVEWILLRESTARTSECONDS after the over voltage condition clears. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 24 TROUBLESHOOTING Problem Possible Cause Pump failure. Pump will not prime - Air leak in suction. (For alert display messages, PRIME ERROR may be displayed. refer to Alerts and Warnings on page 23). Reduced capacity and/or head. Corrective Action Check suction piping and valve glands on any suction gate valves. Secure lid on pump strainer pot and be sure lid gasket is in place. Check water level to be sure skimmer is not drawing air. Pump will not prime - Not enough water. Be sure the suction lines, pump, strainer, and pump volute are full of water. Pump does not come out of prime. Adjust prime sensitivity to a higher setting (default setting is 1%). Pump stainer gasket is clogged. Clean pump strainer pot. Pump strainer gasket is defective. Replace gasket. Air pockets or leaks in suction line. PRIME ERROR may be displayed. Check suction piping and valve glands on any suction gate valves. (For alert display messages, Clogged impeller. refer to Alerts and Warnings PRIME ERROR may be displayed. on page 23). Turn off electrical power to the pump. Remove the (6) bolts that holds the housing (strainer pot/volute) to seal plate. Slide the motor and seal plate away from the volute. Clean debris from impeller. If debris cannot be removed, complete the following steps: 1. Remove diffuser and o-ring. 2. Remove left hand thread anti-spin bolt and o-ring. 3. Remove, clean and reinstall impeller. 4. Reinstall anti-spin bolt and o-ring. Reinstall diffuser, and o-ring. Reinstall motor and seal plate into volute. Reinstall clamp band around seal plate and volute and tighten securely. Pump strainer pot clogged. PRIME ERROR may be displayed. Pump trips and restarts constantly. Clean suction trap Clean pump strainer pot Air in system. Bleed air from filter. Be sure air bubbles are not visible coming into pump pot. Suction lift above design limits. Insert vacuum gauge into pump port connection port. Confirm vacuum level is 25 in. mercury (hg) or less. Blocked suction Blocked discharge Stop pump and clear blockage. System flow too high. System changing flow too quickly. In floor cleaning system issues. Reduce system flow. Change speed. Reduce water flow. In floor cleaning systems must be designed with balanced hydraulic losses on all legs. Priming not enabled. Enable priming from the “PRIMING” menu. Issues related to other equipment, such as Heat Pumps and Heaters with internal valves that vibrate. Lowering ramp speed below 200 RPM may resolve the issue or addition of external manual valve controls, may resolve issue. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 25 Troubleshooting, Continued Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action Inadequate circulation. Filter or pump basket dirty. Check trap basket; if plugged, turn pump off and clean basket. (For alert display messages, refer to Alerts and Warnings on page 23). Suction/discharge piping is too small. Speed is set too slow for proper filtration cycle. Electrical problem. Could appear as a “Low Voltage” alarm. (For alert display messages, PRIME ERROR may be displayed. refer to Alerts and Warnings on page 23). Check and clean pool filter. Increase piping size. Increase filtration run time Check voltage at motor terminals and at panel while pump is running. If low, see wiring instructions or consult power company. Check for loose connections. Check line voltage; if less than 90% or more than 110% of rated voltage consult a licensed electrician. Could appear as “Over Heat” alert. PRIME ERROR may be displayed. Increase ventilation. Reduce ambient temperature. Tighten any loose wiring connections. Motor internal terminal overload protector is open. Motor runs too hot. Turn power to motor off. Check for proper voltage. Check for proper impeller or impeller rubbing. Mechanical Troubles and Noise. The pump motor is running but with loud noise. If suction and discharge piping are not adequately supported, pump assembly will be strained. Do not mount pump on a wooden platform! Securely mount on concrete platform for quietest performance. Foreign matter (gravel, metal, etc.) in pump impeller. Disassemble pump, clean impeller, follow pump service instructions for reassembly. Cavitation. Improve suction conditions. Increase pipe size. Decrease number of fittings. Increase discharge pressure. Pump does not respond to IntelliTouch, EasyTouch, SunTouch, IntelliComm system commands. Improper automation setup. 1. Be sure that the communication cable is connected at both ends. 2. Check that the pump local address matches with the address used in the IntelliTouch control system. 3. Check that the pump has been assigned a circuit name on the IntelliTouch control system. 4. Ensure that the pump display says “DISPLAY NOT ACTIVE”. Communication network inoperative. A defective device on the network can inhibit the proper operation of other network device. Devices should be disconnected sequentially until the network starts working. INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 26 REPLACEMENT PARTS 24 23 29 23 28 23 22 20 3 13 17 1 10 30 31 21 37 25 19 2 15 4 7 32 27 33 26 16 18 11 6 12 14 5 9 8 IntelliFlo® Variable Speed Pump Replacement Parts!LMOND#OLORED0UMPS Item No. Part No. Description Item No.Part No. "!3+%4!17& "/,4(%8($XSS 149 "/,48(%8#!0SS 149 "/,48(%8#!0SS 149 &//47&05-0-/4/23500/24 &//4).3%247&05-0 0,5'$2!).7&%!,-/.$149 .54"2!33.)#+%,0,!4%$ 149 .54(%8SS149 /2).'X"UNA. 3#2%78,(0(),,)030!. -3SS 3#2%78IN(%8#!0SS 149 3#2%73%487&%3#+4 #!0SS149 7!3(%2&,!48'!4()#+ SS149 7!3(%2)$8/$4()#+ SS149 $)&&53%2!33%-",97&% )-0%,,%27&%3%2 25""%27!3(%27&%05-0 /2).'X "UNA.149 /2).',)$#(7& (/53).'7&%!,-/.$ $2)6%#/.42/,#/6%2!339+)4 )TEMS!,-/.$ (!2$7!2%'!3+%4!339+)4#ONTAINS THREESCREWSSPACERCAPSANDDRIVEGASKET ).4%,,)&,/6!2)!",%30%%$-/4/2 $2)6%+7)TEMS!,-/.$ 3 6&$-/4/2+70-3-!,-/.$ 3%!,0,!4%+)47&%!,-/.$ ITEM '!3+%43%!,0,!4%4/(/53).' ,)$3%%4(257& ,)$#(%-)#!,2%3)34!.4 "!15!#),®2%3)34!.4 #,!-0#!-2!-07&!,-/.$ 0/47&!339!,-/.$)TEMS1TY 149 *5.#4)/."/8#/6%2W3#2%73 '!3+%4!,-/.$ 3 3%!,+)4 3%!,0,!4%!,-/.$ INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide Description Note: .OTSERVICEABLEPARTS 357603 Union Kit: )NCLUDESTWOCOMPLETEUNIONSFORONEPUMPNOTINCLUDED WITHTHEPUMP 350601 Drive Control Cover Assy. Kit:!LMONDCONTAINSDRIVE6ARIABLE3PEED DRIVELIDSCREWSORANGESPACERCAPS)TEMS 350612 Hardware/gasket Assy. Kit: #ONTAINSSCREWSSPACERCAPSAND DRIVEGASKET 350122 -FT#OMMUNICATION#ABLE 357149 Almond Housing/Seal Plate Replacement Kit:)TEMS1TY 1TY 27 Pump Dimensions 10.78 in (273.8 mm) 12.50 in (317.5 mm) 23.41in (594.6 mm) Pump Performance Curves 3110 rpm Feet of water TOTAL HEAD Meters of water 3450 rpm 2350 rpm 1500 rpm 750 rpm U.S. Gallons per minute Cubic Meters per hour Electrical Specifications #IRCUIT0ROTECTION4WOPOLE!-0DEVICEATTHE%LECTRICAL0ANEL )NPUT6!#(Z7ATTSPHASE INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide 28 Operator Control Panel: Pump Menu Quick Reference Guide MENU Press MENU button to access menus SETTINGS Pump Address (1-16) Default: ADDRESS 1 (pages 8-10) Set Time (hr:mm) Default: 12:00 AM Set AM/PM Temperature Unit Fahrenheit - Default: F° C° Celsius Screen Contrast (1-5) Default 3 Language SPEED 1-8 AM/PM 24 hr. English - Default: English Français Español Nederlands Italiano Deutsch Português Set Min Speed (450 RPM - 1700 RPM) - Default: 450 RPM Set Max Speed (1900 RPM - 3450 RPM) - Default: 3450 RPM PASSWORD Disabled/Enabled - Default: Disabled Password Time Out (1 min. - 6 hours) Default:10 minutes Enter Password (xxxx) Default: 1234 Speed 1 (1-4) Manual Schedule (pages 11-12) Egg Timer Speed 5 (5-8) Disabled Set Speed - Default: MANUAL Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time Set Speed Time Default: Disabled Schedule EXT CONTROL Program 1 Set Speed Set Start Time Set Stop Time Speed - Default: 750 RPM (page 12) Program 2 Speed - Default: 1500 RPM Program 3 Speed - Default: 2350 RPM Program 4 Speed - Default: 3110 RPM Time Out Time Out Duration (1 min. to 10 hrs.) Default: 3 hours FEATURES (page 13) PRIMING (pages 13-15) Quick Clean DISABLED/ENABLED (page 16) Default: Enabled MAX PRIMING TIME (1 min. to 30 min.) Default: 11 minutes PRIMED SENSITIVITY (1 - 100%) Default: 1 PRIMING DELAY ANTI FREEZE Set Speed (450 -3450 RPM) Default: 3450 RPM Time (1 min. to 10 hrs.) Default: 10 minutes DISABLED/ENABLED SET SPEED PUMP TEMPERATURE (1 second - 10 minutes) Default: 20 seconds Disabled / Enabled - Default: Enabled Set Speed (450 RPM - 3450 RPM) Default 1000 RPM 40° F - 50° F (4.4° C - 10° C) Default: 40° F (4.4° C) INTELLIFLO® Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide NOTES NOTES NOTES *354603* /,73.*31 +$:.,16$9(6$1)25'1&ɒ :(67/26$1*(/(6$9(02253$5.&$ɒ :::3(17$,5322/&20 All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair, Inc. Pentair Aquatic Systems™, IntelliFlo®, IntelliComm®, EasyTouch®, IntelliTouch®, SunTouch® and Eco Select® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/ or other countries. Unless expressly noted, names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties. Because we are continuously improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. © 2013 Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is subject to change without notice. *354604* 315(9&