Grid-Connected And Building Integrated Photovoltaic: Application


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Grid-Connected And Building

Integrated Photovoltaic:

Application Status & Prospect

For Malaysia

By Ir. Ahmad Hadri Haris, National Project Leader, MBIPV Project, Pusat Tenaga Malaysia

P hotovoltaic (PV) system or “solar electricity” converts sunlight

(light energy) into electricity. The electricity is produced silently with no pollution, no maintenance and no depletion of natural resources. PV is benign and exceedingly versatile. Apart from the use to pump water, provide power for communications and village electrification in remote areas, PV is currently being used to produce electricity for urban buildings and distributed electricity grids.

have taken over in terms of ratio of PV applications in many developed countries. The prime reason is because grid-connected PV system is more economically viable due to the opportunity to sell solar electricity to utility, while the end-users have financial means to own and install the systems.

BIPV – Building Integrated


Grid-connected PV application is currently driving the global PV industry.

Since 1999, grid-connected PV systems

A PV system, either a stand-alone or a grid-connected, is classified as a BIPV system whenever the PV is aesthetically integrated into the building architecture and envelope. However, most of BIPV applications are gridconnected systems that are applied in urban areas. The stand-alone PV is a system installation that requires battery to operate and applied mostly in remote areas.

A building integrated PV (BIPV ) system will not only produce electricity, but will also be an integral part of the building envelope to perform a specific function (e.g., window shading device, roof, decorative building façade). Hence, the substituted building materials will partially offset the BIPV technology cost. BIPV systems, in almost all cases, will improve the aesthetic exterior appearance of the building. The most important benefits of BIPV, especially in urban areas, will be the opportunity to utilise PV technology without the need of land-use. As the cost of land is significant in urban areas, BIPV will allow the utilisation of PV technology to generate electricity without incurring the additional cost of the land-use.

The facts are:

A stand-alone PV only produces electricity for the intended use (e.g., household electricity consumption, telecommunication systems, and navigational systems).


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Today, some experts from the PV and building industries have integrated

BIPV in holistic design architectures. It is commonly accepted that gridconnected BIPV systems have significantly better economic potential as compared to conventional gridconnected PV systems.

addition, the opportunity to sell PV electricity to utility significantly improves the technology economics.

The PV integration into architectural design also provides opportunity for

“sustainable building” where the building is environmentally benign and energy efficient, without sacrificing comfort, aesthetics or economy.

Present Status of Grid-Connected PV and BIPV Applications in Malaysia

BIPV can become a multi-functional element. This offers the combination of benefits that include: energy savings

(PV generates electricity), demandside-management (PV reduces peak energy demand), energy efficiency (PV reduces air-conditioning loads and electricity losses), possibility for emergency power (PV system with battery storage), as building skins and architectural elements without material degradation (substitution for existing building materials and as design elements). Cost savings through these combined functions can be substantial, such as in the case of expensive facade systems where cladding costs may be equal or higher than the costs of PV modules. In

In Malaysia, the first grid-connected PV was installed in July 1998 on the rooftop of College of Engineering, Universiti

Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). The installation was initiated by TNB

Research Sdn Bhd (TNBR) as part of a pilot research project funded by

Malaysia Electricity Supply Industry

Trust Account (MESITA) and Tenaga

Nasional Berhad ( TNB). The system capacity is 3.15kWp and is connected to a 3-phase electricity system of the building. This installation provided the first Malaysian practical experience on grid-connected PV, and as such the system was rather simple and basic. The system is still working, albeit with technical problems.

During the same year, two further gridconnected PV systems were installed by

BP Malaysia and Universiti Kebangsaan

Malaysia (UKM). An 8kWp PV system was installed at a BP petrol station along the

KESAS highway, and a 5.5kWp PV at the

Solar Energy Research Park in UKM. The

PV system at the BP petrol station was officiated by HM Queen of England during her royal visit to Malaysia for the

Commonwealth Games. However, today, both the UKM and BP PV systems have been removed.

A family of a TNB senior officer became the first Malaysian family to experience

BIPV at their home in August 2000 when a 3.15kWp BIPV system was installed at their house in Port Dickson.

Subsequently, two further BIPVs were installed at public residences in Shah

Alam (3.24kWp in November 2000) and

Subang Jaya (2.8kWp in November

2001). These BIPV installations however, were done as retrofits and installed on top of existing roof tiles. In particular, the

Subang Jaya system has been working


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A rticle fine since its commissioning, without any problem or any maintenance. These residential BIPV installations provided valuable practical experiences to the homeowners as well as to the project developers.

While majority of BIPVs in Malaysia are installed on existing roofs or retrofitted, three other installations provided real examples of roof integrated PV.

& Cool Home’ technology. By making the house energy efficient, the requirement for BIPV capacity (and investment) is reduced and the PV produced electricity will become more significant. All these examples provided practical experiences in utilising PV as roofing materials, as well as reference sites for better architectural integration of PV modules.

In October 1999, a bungalow (used as a

PV research centre) was built within the compound of TNB Research Centre. PV modules of 3.6kWp capacity were used as the roof of the bungalow.

Subsequently, in early 2002, another bungalow was built by an architect firm

(NLCC Architect) and SIRIM to further demonstrate PV integration as a roof.

The installation demonstrated various techniques to integrate mono-crystal, poly-crystal and amorphous types PV as the roofing materials. More recently in late 2005, the roof of a bungalow in

Semenyih was integrated with a

5.25kWp BIPV system. Notably, this bungalow was designed and built as an energy efficient home using the ‘Smart

Today, there are almost 500kWp of gridconnected BIPVs installed in Peninsular

Malaysia, most notably the 362kWp

BIPV at Technology Park Malaysia (TPM).

The PV installation at TPM demonstrated Malaysian capability to handle and manage large PV installations. Other BIPV installations could be found at TNBR’s nursery, several local universities, and at a private school in Damansara. In late 2004, BIPVs have also been installed at CETDEM’s office in Petaling Jaya and at the MEWC-

LEO building. In August 2005, Success

Electronics and Transformer

Manufacturer Sdn Bhd set up its own private solar park which comprises an 8 kWp grid-connected PV system with

Leonics inverters (Thai made inverter).

BIPV – Malaysian Context

BIPV will be a new PV application in

Malaysia, although Malaysia already has extensive experiences on standalone PV (more than 2MWp of installed capacity), and adequate knowledge on grid-connected PV applications (about 500kWp of installed capacity). Various studies showed that grid-connected PV application in Malaysia is technically viable and reliable, which can produce

1.3 times more electricit y as compared to Germany. Based on selected roof spaces of residential and commercial buildings in Malaysia,

BIPV has the technical potential to generate 7.8T Wh elec tricity

(equivalent to 21% of residential and commercial electricity demand in

2005), without causing any damage to the environment or land use. BIPV also would be consumer-driven as the targeted market would be urban consumers who could possibly afford and be able to appreciate the systems.

Nonetheless, the main barrier to widespread BIPV (or PV) application is


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National MBIPV Project –

Key Approach

The main focus of the MBIPV Project is to develop a market that will lead towards long-term BIPV cost reduction.

Initially, at the end of the five-year period, the BIPV system cost is expected to reduce by 20% from the baseline cost the relatively high capital cost. This is largely contributed by:

PV system price: Malaysia vs world

The MBIPV Project is implemented through four major parallel components


Miniscule local BIPV market;

Lack of awareness and understanding of BIPV technology;

Ignorance of BIPV added values;

Adverse public perception on PV technology (due to poor image of stand-alone PV systems).

However, the high technology price can be reduced whenever there is a sustainable BIPV market. Based on the

International Energy Agency (PVPS) 10year market assessment, the PV system cost can decrease by 15% to 20% if there is a doubling of the market size.

Unfortunately, a sustainable market cannot be established for as long as the economics of BIPV technology is unfavourable. Thus, it is a “chicken and egg” situation.

Therefore, a concerted effort in the form of the national “MBIPV Project” (an

Renewable Energy (RE) project by

Government of Malaysia under the 9 th

Malaysia Plan, with UNDP/GEF and private industry co-financing) is established. This initiative will address the status quo and subsequently realise the BIPV potential in Malaysia, as well as within this region. In this context, the ultimate MBIPV Project purpose is to reduce the long-term cost of BIPV technology (a non-emitting green house gasses (GHG) technology), in line with

GEF’s OP-7 objective. The key word is

‘long-term’ where the final result could only be realized after the completion of the project.


Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component 4


Improving BIPV image by addressing local capacity building and training, awareness among public and policy makers, industry competency and quality, regional and international forums and co-operation.

Developing local BIPV market through BIPV showcases, demonstrations and national programme, quality installations and technical performances, creating attractive technology economics, engaging building industry, involving public and utility via the National Suria 1000


Creating enabling environments via institutional, fiscal and financing mechanisms/incentives, financial sector participation, RE pricing policy and development of RE tariff as well as fund, formulation of national BIPV programme for

10th Malaysia Plan.

Fostering local BIPV industry by strengthening local players, creating new business opportunities, localisation of BIPV technology, and development of quality assurance centres on BIPV equipment.


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A rticle figure at the beginning of the project (in

2006). The MBIPV Project strategy will also critically lead towards the development of sustainable follow-up programmes within the 10 th and subsequent Malaysia Plans. As a start, the MBIPV project will be implemented during the 9 th Malaysia

Plan (2006-2010) and will provide developmental activities in formulation of sustainable follow-up

BIPV programmes. In this context, the

MBIPV Project will set up foundations by creating enabling environments for sustainable BIPV market and widespread BIPV technology utilisation. Ultimately, it is anticipated that BIPV cost will go down due to increase of market demand. This is a bottom-up approach (market and industry driven) rather than top-down

(Government driven). Nevertheless, the Government has an important role to play by providing suitable institutional support to the market and by implementing the national

MBIPV Project in order to consolidate all efforts.

MBIPV Project Component 2 will provide the most tangible outcome where a minimum of 1,500kWp of

BIPV installed capacity will be realised.

Within this target, 100kWp will be

BIPV showcases to provide prime BIPV examples. Most (if not all) of BIPV installations will be grid-connected.

Within this context, TNB has agreed to purchase the solar electricity on a netmetering basis. Nevertheless, it is the aim of the projec t to work with

Government and TNB in introducing a more attractive “RE pricing” or

“Renewable Energy Tariff” (via MBIPV

Projec t Component 3), as well as special income tax rebate for BIPV owners, within the project timeframe.

sustainable BIPV market with all supportive mechanisms to be rightly in place. Therefore, the MBIPV Project is not targeting large BIPV capacity installations (hardware), but instead will focus on the human capital

(software) issues. It is anticipated that the sustainable BIPV market development and the subsequent price reduction are to be achieved over a long-term period (at least 10 years), i.e. beyond the completion of the MBIPV Project.

Beyond MBIPV Project –

National Objectives

The aim of post MBIPV Project is to achieve an annual 30% BIPV market growth that leads to further cost reduction. This will hopefully generate a minimum of 20MWp BIPV installed capacity by the year 2020

(significantly small in the context of a developed nation!). The installed capacity can generate associated BIPV industry worth more than RM300 million. This amount will translate into national benefits towards local industry development and employment. The future sustainability of BIPV technology will depend mainly on the industry and market mobilization that is supported by strong institutional frameworks provided by the Government (e.g., via

RE tariff and regulation, National Suria programme, tax incentives, etc.). In

It is critical to understand that the focus of MBIPV Project is to create a foundation for a growing and this regard, the cost to the

Government in sustaining the efforts under the 10 th Malaysia Plan period will be acceptable. It is anticipated that the macro economic benefits of a developed local BIPV industry w i l l outweigh the Government contributions.

A market driven BIPV industry will generate cheaper products and services. This will directly reduce

Government cost in providing rural electricity due to availability of cheaper PV systems. Additionally, the generated solar electricity will directly offset natural gas currently utilised to meet peak energy demand. This will also directly reduce Government cost in energy subsidy. More importantly,

BIPV will create significant environmental benefits as BIPV does not generate GHG, and at the same time, avoids GHG from the substituted fossil energy sources. Ultimately, incorporation of BIPV into housing developments can create an unlimited source of energy without having any need for land space. These

“micro power plants” will be owned and financed by the general public, which will directly reduce urban energy demand growth, and finally the electricity-GDP elasticity.

On the global perspective, Malaysia intends to become part of the ever growing worldwide BIPV markets.

Regionally, Malaysia hopes to support other ASEAN countries in developing this new market. Malaysia has a great opportunity to chart the growth of a local BIPV industry without the possibility of a “start and stop” situation encountered by many countries including Germany. Hence, Malaysians and the international communities eagerly anticipate the prospect for

Malaysia to create a strong foundation of mass urban BIPV market, and MBIPV

Project success.



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