World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 42 2008 Analysis of Variable Frequency Three Phase Induction Motor Drive Thida Win, Nang Sabai, and Hnin Nandar Maung Abstract— AC motor drives are widely used to control the speed of conveyor systems, blower speeds, pump speeds, machine tool speeds, and other applications that require variable speed with variable torque. The complete system consists of an ac voltage input that is put through a diode bridge rectifier to produce a dc output which across a shunt capacitor, this will, in turn, feed the PWM inverter. The PWM inverter is controlled to produce a desired sinusoidal voltage at a particular frequency, which is filtered by the use of an inductor in series and capacitor in parallel and then through to the squirrel cage induction motor. II. PROCEDURE FOR FREQUENCY CONTROLLED INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVE A. Variable Frequency AC Motor Drive The traditional variable-frequency drive (known as a voltsper-hertz (V/Hz) changes the motor’s frequency and voltage using solid-state control units. Keywords—Pulse-width modulated inverter, diode rectifier, three-phase induction motor. Fig. 1 A block diagram of a variable-speed-control system I. INTRODUCTION A modern adjustable speed AC machine system is equipped with an adjustable frequency drive that is a power electronic device for speed control of an electric machine. It controls the speed of the electric machine by converting the fixed voltage and frequency of the grid to adjustable values on the machine side. There are many types of inverters, and they are classified according to number of phases, use of power semiconductor devices, commutation principles, and output waveforms. This research interest in three-phase inverter circuit that changes DC input voltage to a three-phase variable-frequency variable-voltage output. Three-phase inverters are also used in applications in which AC with a controllable frequency is required. In this application, three-phase AC is rectified into DC and then filtered to minimize the ripple content. The DC link is generally used for this purpose. This is a variable DC obtained by employing three-phase full controlled power transistors bridge. This controlled DC is converted into controlled pulses by means of as voltage to frequency converter. These controlled pulses are fed to the inverter bridge for producing the variable voltage variable frequency output. This output is fed to the three-phase induction motor for controlling its speed. The basic steps for this process are shown in the block diagram of Fig. 1, and the circuit is known as a DC link converter. The first step is to convert 60-Hz AC into DC power. The second step is to convert this DC power back into AC at the desired frequency. B. Transistor Based Variable-Frequency Induction Motor Drives The modern strategy for controlling the AC output of such a power electronic converters is the technique known as PulseWidth Modulation (PWM), which varies the duty cycle of the converter switch(es) at a high switching frequency to achieve a target average low frequency output voltage or current. In principle, all modulation schemes aim to create trains of switched pulses which have the same fundamental volt–second average as a target reference waveform at any instant. The major difficulty with these trains of switched pulses is that they also contain unwanted harmonic components which should be minimized. Three main techniques for PWM exist. These alternatives are: 1. Switching at the intersection of a target reference waveform and a high frequency triangular carrier (Double Edged Naturally Sampled Sine-Triangle PWM). 2. Switching at the intersection between a regularly sampled reference waveform and a high frequency triangular carrier (Double Edged Regular Sampled Sine-Triangle PWM)). Thida Win is with the Electrical Power Engineering Department, Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar (e-mail: Nang Sabai was with the Electrical Power Engineering Department, Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar (e-mail: Hnin Nandar Maung is with the Electrical Power Engineering Department, MandalayTechnologicalUniversity, Myanmar ( 647 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 42 2008 3. Switching so that the amplitude and phase of the target reference expressed as a vector is the same as the integrated area of the converter switched output over the carrier interval (Space Vector PWM). loss and the stator copper loss, and produce a high pitch accoustic noise. While any increase in flux beyond the rated value is undesirable from the consideration of saturation effects, a decrease in flux is also avoided to retain the torque capability of the motor. Therefore, the variable frequency control below the rated frequency is generally carried out by reducing the machine phase voltage, V, along with the frequency in such a manner that flux id maintained constant. Above the rated frequency, the motor is operated at a constant voltage because of the limitation imposed by stator insulation or by supply voltage limitations. And per unit frequency k is K = f / f rated Where Fig. 2 Basic circuit topology of pulse-width modulated inverter drive f = operating frequency f rated = rated frequency of the motor Fig. 4 Single-phase equivalent circuit of polyphase induction motor D. Operation below the Rated Frequency (K< 1) It is generally preferred to operate the motor at a constant flux. The motor will operate at constant flux if Im is maintained constant at all operation points. From Fig. 3 can write the equation at the rated condition of motor operation: Fig. 3 Regular asymmetrically sampled pulse width modulation C. Variable Frequency Control of Induction Motor Synchronous speed, Ns Where, f = supply frequency p = poles Im = =120f/p E rated E rated 1 = . Xm f rated 2π L m Where Lm= magnetiziting inductance When the motor is operated at a frequency f, then Synchronous speed is directly proportional to the supply frequency. Hence, by changing the frequency, the synchronous speed and motor speed can be control below and above the normal full-load speed. The voltage induced in the stator,E, is proportional to the product of the slip frequency and air gap flux. The motor terminal voltage can be considered proportional to the product of the frequency and the flux, if the stator drop is neglected. Any reduction in the supply frequency without a change in the terminal voltage causes an increase in the air-gap flux. Induction motors are designed to operate at the knee point of the magnetization characteristics to make full use of the magnetic material. Therefore the increase in flux will saturate the motor. This will increase the magnetizing current, distort the line current and voltage, increase the core Im= E E 1 = . K.X m K . f rated 2πLm By the comparison of Equations, Im will stay constant at a value equal to its rated value if E = K. E rated So the flux will remain constant if the back emf changes in the same ratio as the frequency, in other word, when (E/f ) ratio is maintained constant. Motor operation for a constant (E/f) ratio and at a frequency f, 648 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 42 2008 K.E rated I2 = = 2 R2 2 + (KX 2 ) S Where S= when the machine is loaded. From Equation, a constant value of (KS) implies the motor operation at a constant slip speed ωs. So, it becomes clear that for any value of T, the drop in the motor speed from its no-load speed (Kωs) is the same for all frequencies. Hence, the machine speed-torque characteristics for 0 < s < Sm are parallel curves. The natures of speed-torque curves for the variable frequency operation at a constant flux are shown in Fig. 4 both for motoring and braking operations. E rated R 2 2 / (KS) + X 2 2 2 K.ω s − ω r Kω s Note that ωs is the synchronous speed at the rated frequency. Now the developed torque is T= 3 2 I 2 R 2 /S Kω s T= 3 E 2rated R 2 (KS) ω s R 22 / (KS)2 + X 22 Now, E is maintained constant for a given frequency. The power transferred across the air-gap will be maximum at a slip Sm for which K.X2 =± R2 / Sm (or) Fig. 5 Speed – torque curves with variable frequency control R2 Sm = ± KX 2 E. Test and Result of the drive 3 E 2rated Tmax=± . 2ω s X 2 So , for a variable frequency control at a constant flux, the breakdown torque remain constant for all frequencies, both during motoring and regenerative breaking .Also, the examination of Equations shows that for a constant (SK),the _ rotor current I2 and torque T are constant . Now, if E is take _ as a reference vector, then the phase lag of I 2 is given by Fig. 6 Complete block diagram of the drive Qr=tan-1(K.s.X2/R2) The pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter for variable speed drive of induction motor circuit drives small induction motors up to about 0.5 horse power, 380 volts, variable frequencies. The frequency may be adjusted from 16 Hz to 60 Hz. So, the motor speed can be varied from 464 rpm to 1740 rpm. The complete system of this thesis consists of an AC voltage input that is put through a diode bridge rectifier to produce a DC output which across a shunt capacitor, this will, in turn, feed the PWM inverter. The PWM inverter is controlled to produce a desired sinusoidal voltage at a particular frequency to the squirrel cage induction motor. Since Qr is also constant for a given (SK), the motor current will also be constant. Thus, the motor operates at constant value of torque, I1 and I2 when the flux and (KS) are maintained constant. The physical significance of SK , SK = Kω s − ω r ω ss = ωs ωs Where Note that ωs ω ss = Kω s − ω r 1. Laboratory Test Arrangement Performance test and results of variable frequency drive of three-phase induction motor are expressed as follows: is the speed, which is the difference in the frequency f (or synchronous speed Kωs) and the rotor speed ωr. Wss is the drop in motor speed from its no-load speed (Kωs) 649 Supply voltage 380 volts Supply frequency 50 Hz World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 42 2008 Motor rating 0.5 hp Number of poles 4 Normal speed 1450 rpm Number of speed up step 45 Maximum speed 1740 rpm Minimum speed 464 rpm Maximum frequency 60 Hz Minimum frequency 16 Hz TABLE I SPEED-UP TESTING OF VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE OF THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR No. of Step Frequency (Hz) Speed (rpm) 1 16 464 2 25 725 3 32 928 4 45 1305 5 50 1450 6 60 1740 Fig. 8 Photo of the Completed Drive Circuit 2.Output Voltage Waveform of the Inverter Circuit The output voltage waveform of the inverter circuit is shown in Fig. 7. This forms step sine waves, with 120 degrees phase shift to each other. When the drive is tested with the digital scope, the output frequency of the drive is 55 Hz and the output voltage is 227 V. The drive is adjusted with the frequency to control the speed of the induction motor. Fig 9 Output voltage waveform of PIC18F452 controller circuit Fig. 7 Photo of Output voltage waveform of Inverter Fig. 10 Output voltage waveform of gate driver circuit 650 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 42 2008 III. CONCLUSION To control the speed of a three-phase induction motor in open loop, supply voltage and frequency need to be varied with constant ratio to each other. The author of this paper directly contributed to the electronics design of the inverter and controller. Also the author implemented the system in its entirety and experimentally verified its operation at a wide range of speed. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to express her deep gratitude to her teacher, Professor Dr. Khin Aye Win, Yangon Technological University, Myanmar for her guidance, help, support and sharing ideas. The author is deeply grateful to her supervisor Dr. Salai Tluang Za Thang, Lecturer of Electrical Power Engineering Department, Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar for his closed guidance, accomplished supervision and suggestion for this paper. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] R.Krishnan, 2001. Electric Motor Drives (Modeling, Analysis, and Control), Prentice Hall, Inc. Ned Mohan, Torre M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, 1995, Power Electronics Converters, Applications and Design, Wiley, New York. Richard Valentine, 1998. Motor Control Electronic Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York. Sigh, M. D. and Khanchandani, K. B. 2000. Power Electronic, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, Newdelhi. Ham N. J., Hammerton C. J. and Sharples. D. , 2000. Power Semiconductor Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, Newdelhi. Thida Win received her B.E degree in Electrical Power Engineering from Mandalay Technological University and M.E degree in Electrical Power Engineering from Yangon Technological University, Myanmar, then following three years teaching in Technological University, Myanmar. Her interests include Power Electronic Devices and its applications. 651