Med. & biol. Engng. Vol. 7, pp. 1"/-29. Pergamon Press, 1969. Printed in Great Britain A STUDY OF PARAMETERS INVOLVED IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT DEFIBRILLATION* C. D. FERRIS,t T. W. MOORE,~ A. H. KHAZEI and R. A. COWLEY Department of Electrical Engineering, College Park and Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Abstract--The findings from the research reported in this paper may be summarized as follows: Cardiac defibrillation is an electric current oriented phenomenon. There is a preferred cardiac axis for effective defibrillation. The cardiac preferred axis cannot be related easily to body surface electrode placement. More effective methods of defibrillation involve the use of endoesophageal or endotracheal electrodes rather than two body surface electrodes. Impedance measurements of the thoracic region and the heart indicate that low frequency alternating current is probably the most effective defibrillating stimulus. While direct current is effective, there is a greater risk of electrolysis than with alternating current. SEVERAL years ago, the Department of Surgery, Division of Thoracic Surgery and the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland embarked upon a joint project to define some of the parameters involved in electrical defibrillation of a heart. Much prior work had been done in various areas and is summarized in several pertinent papers. (FERRIS et aL, 1936; WmGERS, 1940; LOWN et al., 1962; BALAGOT et aL, 1964; MACKAY and LEEDS, 1953; KOUWENHOVEN and MILNOR, 1954). The purpose of our study was directed toward clarifying certain areas in the hope that a more efficient means for effecting ventricular defibrillation might be developed. Both theoretical and experimental studies were conducted. Dogs were selected as the experimental animals primarily for convenience and because a supply of these animals was readily available. The animals used in the experiments were healthy mongrels with a weight range from 6 to 30 kg. General anesthesia was employed on the basis of 30 mg/kg I.V. nembutal. Repeated injections were required to maintain an approximately constant level of anesthesia as the electric shocks counteracted the effect of the nembutal. Respiration was maintained by means of a mechanical respirator. In the cases, reported in a later section of this paper, where it was necessary to expose the heart, access was achieved by entering the left chest through the fifth intercostal space. F o r the external defibrillation experiments, the skin of the animals was prepared by close shaving and cleansing with germicidal soap. In the several cases when electrodes were implanted directly upon the heart, or within the body, the animals were allowed to heal for a period from 2 to 6 weeks depending u p o n the number and location of the implanted electrodes. The leads f r o m the electrodes were buried subcutaneously on the backs of the animals where they could be retrieved quickly by nicking the skin. The animals, however, could not gain access to the leads by biting or scratching. Three goals were outlined: (1) Definition for the electrical mechanism for defibrillation. (2) * Received2 July 1968. t Present address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. :~Present address: Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Supported by U.S. Public Health Grant No. HE-04595. 17 18 C . D . FERRIS, T. W. MOORE, A. H. KHAZEI and R. A. COWLEY Determination of the existence of a preferred axis at the heart for placement of the defibrillating electrodes. (3) Translation of the preferred axis, if any, to placement of external chest electrodes, or other electrode systems. - i Rp/2 Cp'2 ELECTRODE STUDIES Because their use is critical to any physiological experiment involving electrical stimulation, a careful study of metallic electrodes was undertaken. Three primary factors must be considered in the use of stimulating electrodes. These are electrode material, stimulating waveform, and the electrical intensity of the stimulating signal. An electrode material must be selected for its electrical properties and its tolerance by body tissues. This limits electrode material generally to the noble metals and to stainless steel. Although stainless steel electrodes exhibit some undesirable electrical properties, they are generally tolerated by the body. In addition, they are easily fabricated and are inexpensive. For these reasons, we selected stainless steel as our electrode material, although platinum would have been preferable from an electrical standpoint. The frequency range over which the electrodes would be used extended from 30 to 400 Hz. The range was determined by the power generating capabilities of the equipment available to us for these studies. This frequency span proved to be more than necessary. Over this range of frequency, certain electrode phenomena must be considered. Whenever a metallic electrode is in contact with an electrolyte, and any body material may be considered electrically to be an electrolyte, an electrical interface impedance is developed at the contact surface. SCHWAN (1951, 1957) has shown that over a limited frequency range, a body electrolyte can be represented by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. l(a). The effect of the electrode interface impedance, or alternating current electrode polarization impedance as it is properly designated, is illustrated in Fig. l(b) for a single electrode-electrolyte interface. When two electrodes contact a physiological electrolyte, Figs. l(c) and (d) (b) (o) Rp/2 (d) (c) -~ FIG. 1. Equivalent circuits for physiologicalelectrolyte and a.c. electrodepolarization impedance. represent the situation. The properties of the a.c. electrode polarization impedance are well documented. (ScI-IWAN, 1957; SCHWAN and MACZUK, 1965; JARON et aL, 1967; FEgRIS and MELLMAN, 1967). It manifests both linear and non-linear behavior depending upon the electric current density which is present at the interface. At low current densities, linearity exists and the electrode polarization impedance decreases linearly with an increase in the frequency of the applied signal (stimulus). Consequently, at high frequencies the polarization impedance virtually disappears. In the linear range, the magnitude of the impedance, when frequency is held constant, remains a constant value as current density changes. In the non-linear range, the polarization impedance decreases in magnitude as current density increases, again with frequency maintained constant. Figure 2 illustrates the properties of the a.c. electrode polarization impedance. The threshold current density which separates the linear and non-linear ranges is strongly a function of the electrode material and the A STUDY OF PARAMETERS INVOLVED IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT DEFIBRILLATION 19 trodes may produce quite low current density and linear behavior of the interface impedance. It must be dearly understood that the foreC p(ufd) going discussion has nothing to do with mechanical contact problems associated with electrodes. Poor contact between the electrodes and Lineor ~on -linear tissue can also cause voltage drops at the interface. This factor can be easily eliminated by proper positioning and contact pressure of the electrodes. The a.e. electrode polarization impedance is an ever present factor. I JARON et al. (1967) have developed a matheII matical formulation for the polarization resisThreshold tance Rp, the polarization capacitance Cp, and Current density FIG.2. Behaviorof polarization capacitanceand resistance the interface voltage drop as a function of time as a functionof current densityat the electrode-electro- v(t). While their expressions were developed for lyte interface. platinum-iridium electrodes, they feel confident that they apply equally well to other materials. electrolyte. (SCHWANand MACZUK,1965 ; JARON (JARON, private communication.) et aL, 1967; FERRIS and MELLMAN, 1967; Rp = (rl-~/C~)[sin(l -- ~)~/2]oJ-~ KOnLRAUSCFX,1897). Cp = Co[1 + co*X-%os(1 -- a)zr/2]-1 The effect of the a.c. electrode polarization v(t) = (Io/Co)[t q- r x-'t'/l"(1 q-a)] impedance is to introduce a voltage drop at the electrode-electrolyte interface. Hence, if one where: applies 2 V across an electrode pair in contact Co= base level capacitance determined with body tissue less than 2 V is applied empirically at the tissue itself, because of the voltage drop Io = magnitude of applied current introduced by the interface impedance. For ~-= system time constant determined relatively low-level stimulation, linear behavior empirically of the polarization impedance may be assumed; a = system constant for high-level stimulation, non-linear behavior must be assumed. Thus, for a given set of elec/" = the gamma function trodes in contact with a non-varying tissue, the ~o = radian frequency = 2rrf where f = voltage drop at the interface varies according to natural frequency. the intensity of the applied stimulus. In the linear range, the voltage drop will increase linearly with The polarization impedance Zp is given by the increasing current density up to the threshold relation, region. Above threshoId, in the non-linear Z p = R v + ( j o ~ C v ) -1 where j 2 = _ I. region, the voltage drop will tend to decrease as current density increases. Electrode size is not an The effect of the a.c. electrode polarization important parameter. Since current density is impedance enters in two separate situations. the controlling factor for a.c. electrode polariza- It is responsible for an electrode-electrolyte tion impedance, applied current divided by (electrode-tissue) voltage drop with either electrode area is the important parameter. There- stimulating or recording electrodes. The voltage fore high current densities are possible with low- drop is frequency sensitive. When a complex level stimulation using very small electrodes, waveform is being studied, distortion of the while high current stimulation by large elec- waveform may be expected. Because Zp is larger RplC 0 ~ iJ R ' ~(a) 20 C.D. FERRIS, T. W. MOORE, A. H. KHAZEI and R. A. COWLEY at low frequencies than at high frequencies, the voltage drop will be greater for the low frequency components of the waveform than for the higher frequency components of the waveform. With signals which have a broad frequency spectrum, low frequency distortion of the waveform is to be expected. When tissue impedance measurements are conducted, the polarization impedance adds in series with the true impedance of the tissue sample under study as illustrated in Fig. l(c). Impedance data must be corrected to eliminate Rp and Cp from the measurements. Waveform distortion is generally not a factor in impedance measurements as such measurements are generally made at a single frequency using a pure sinusoidal waveform. Various techniques have been proposed for correcting experimental data to account for the presence of Rp and Cp. (ScHwAN, 1957; FERRIS, 1963; SCHWAN and FERRIS, 1963). Electrolytic tank studies, simulating the chest region, were conducted to examine the electrode behavior. It was discovered that while electrode polarization impedance existed, it was not a severe problem. The voltage drop across the electrodes was of the order of a few volts and is not significant when of the order of 250 V and above is applied as the usual defibrillating signal. This drop is significant in low level stimulation directly at the heart. Many of our experiments concerned measurements at the heart itself. It was observed that at the current levels necessary for effective defibrillation (in excess of 3 A, see Figs. 7 and 8) electrolysis was significant. For the normal chest electrode configurations used during defibrillation this results in lowered impedance presented to the electrodes and increased current levels. With rapid successive shocks to the patient it would be expected that skin burning would not increase linearly, but rather as a higher order function. Several different types of electrodes were used for the studies reported in this paper. Two types of electrodes were used for the external chest defibrillation experiments. Initially the usual circular, slightly cupped, (45.6 cm z) stainless steel electrodes were used. Some problems were encountered with variable contact of electrodes and a new set of electrodes was designed. These were fabricated from a stainless steel mesh similar to chain mail. This flexible material was backed with a 0.5 in. layer of foam rubber which, in turn, was mounted on a solid matrix. The electrode surface dimensions were the same as the cupped electrodes. These new electrodes were adaptable to the contour of the body surface and reduced many of the problems associated with variations in contact. For the measurements which were conducted at the heart, again, two different types of electrodes were employed. The stimulating electrodes, for inducing fibrillation and effecting defibrillation, were fabricated from 2 cm dia. stainless steel discs. The discs were mounted at right angles to insulated handles. Electrical connection to the electrodes was accomplished by insulated wires passed through holes drilled through the handles and concentric with the handle longitudinal axis. Certain other studies involved the use of chronically implanted electrodes. These were also made from stainless steel. Two-centimeter-diameter electrodes were crocheted from stranded stainless steel wire. (Ethi-PackR size 00, B and S 28 gauge multifilament surgical sutures). A long tail of wire was left attached to the crocheted electrode to form the contacting lead. This wire was insulated by fitting it through a fine plastic catheter. The electrodes were attached to the heart muscle or other tissue by placing silk sutures through the holes in the electrode mesh. In studies reported in later sections of this paper, other indwelling electrodes were used. An endoesophageal electrode was fabricated from a No. 26 endotracheal tube. A 3-in. braided copper wire mesh bulb was attached to the tip. The electrode was inserted into the esophagus keeping the bulb extended in the longitudinal direction. A wire stylette was connected to the tip of the bulb. After insertion of the electrode, the stylette was pulled. This caused the mesh to deform and make firm contact with the inner wall of the esophagus. The wire stylette A STUDY OF P A R A M E T E R S INVOLVED IN A L T E R N A T I N G - C U R R E N T D E F I B R I L L A T I O N also formed the electrical connection to the electrode. An endotracheal electrode was fabricated from a No. 36 (8.5 mm dia.), endotracheal tube. The inflatable pressure cuff on the end of the tube was coated inside and out with flexible conducting silver paint. The paint was also poured inside of the tube over its length. A wire connection was made to this silver paint coating to form the electrical connection to the electrode. In use the pressure cuff was inflated so that positive contact was assured between the silver paint electrode and the inner wall of the trachea. Electrode contact problems were investigated. Studies were carried out using saturated-salinewetted-electrodes applied to the skin directly, saturated-saline-soaked gauze pads between the electrodes and the skin surface and standard electrode paste between the electrodes and the skin. The quality of the contact was evaluated by measuring, under constant electrode pressure, the impedance presented to the electrodes by the chest region of experimental animals. It was found that the electrode paste gave the most unreliable and variable results. The smallest variation was found with the salinesoaked gauze pads. The saline-wetted electrodes gave uniform results but a constant contact potential drop was noted. Higher impedance values were noted than with the electrode paste and the saline-soaked pads. Recent studies have indicated that an interface paste is not necessary. (RICHARDSON, 1967). Impedance measurements Measurements were conducted to determine the variation as a function of applied frequency in the magnitude of the impedance (effective resistance) presented to internal and external electrodes. The behavior as a function of applied frequency of the electrical impedance presented by dogs to chest-surface-placed defibrillating electrodes is presented in Fig. 3. Standard (45.6 era 2) electrodes similar to those used with human patients were used. Depending upon the size of the animal, the effective resistance varied from 50 to 100 f2 and decreased with increasing ~ 9c 21 (best fit line) - - c ~o o -m -t:) 8s .~cz ~,.~ 7c 45'6 cmz electrodes with OT saline-s0aked-pad interface I IO0 I IO00 I IO,O00 Frequency, Hz F[o. 3. Chest impedance as a function of frequency. frequency. The inverse variation with frequency indicates that more defibrillatory current is necessary at high frequencies than at low frequencies. This was clearly borne out in the experimental results presented in Figs. 7 and 8. Gauze pads (two layers of surgical gauze) soaked with concentrated saline (NaC1) solution were placed under the electrodes to assure good electrical contact between the electrodes and the skin surface. Impedance studies were also conducted directly at the heart using the sutured crocheted disc electrodes previously described. Again an inverse relationship of impedance and frequency was 8 -~ ~ooc eoc ~,,r 6oo ~'~ 400 g ~ o~ i n vivo I I00 measurement with i-5cmz crocheted electrodes I I000 ) IO.OOu Frequency, Hz FIo. 4. Cardiac impedance as a function of frequency. observed as shown in Fig. 4. The cardiac impedance is approximately an order of magnitude greater than the chest impedance. In order to make the measurements, the disc electrodes (1.5 cm 2) were sutured on opposing sides of the myocardium. There is some variation of 22 C.D. FERRIS, T. W. MOORE, A. H. KHAZEI and R. A. COWLEY range. These units were built for several special purposes and are described in the literature. (TIsCHLER et aL, 1961; COWLEY et aL, 1962; ATTAR et aL, 1965). It was decided to restrict Power level measurement experimentation to one particular unit in order Experiments were conducted to determine to avoid data which might be colored by the how much of the defibrillating power applied type of defibrillator used. Examination of the literature showed that at the chest surface actually reached the heart. Various sets of meshed disc electrodes (described researchers were in disagreement as to both the previously) were located at strategic points mechanisms involved in defibrillation and the within experimental animals, including on the type of defibrillator to use. Voltage, current, heart, on the intercostal muscles, and subcu- power, and energy were all claimed to be the taneously. Insulated connections to these elec- primary agent. Various claims were made controdes were brought out to the dorsal surface cerning a.c. and d.c. operated units. Through of the animals. our own examination and analysis, we deterThe power applied at the surface defibrillating mined that it really makes little difference electrodes was measured directly. Power at whether a.c. or d.c. operated defibrillators are internal points was determined by measuring used relative to certain boundary conditions. the voltage drop generated between a given pair Successful defibrillation can be easily achieved of electrodes during the application of the de- using a 0.1 sec pulse of alternating current. fibrillatory signal. The impedance was then Direct current defibrillators depend upon a measured between the same pair of electrodes capacitor discharge and the resultant pulse using the same frequency as the defibrillatory waveshape depends upon the value of the capacisignal. The power was calculated from these tor and the effective resistance presented by the subject being defibrillated. It is therefore more two measurements. At the power line frequency (60 Hz) usually difficult to control the electrical output from a employed by a.c. defibrillators, less than I per d.c. defibrillator than an a.c. defibrillator. For cent of the power applied at the chest surface these and additional reasons presented in the appeared at the heart. This easily accounts for next section, we decided to construct a transthe fact that no serious damage is sustained by former-operated a.c. defibrillator with approthe heart during defibrillation in spite of the priate automatic timer which would operate large electrical signals used. The remaining part from the 60 Hz power mains. The electrical of the power applied is dissipated as heat in the circuit and waveform produced are shown in Fig. 5. body tissues which surround the heart. Our results show very low internal power Figure 6 illustrates the experimental situation. levels. This results from the ventral placement of The current and voltage applied at the elecboth defibrillating electrodes. A recent paper trodes is monitored by a Tektronix type 564 (Rr~srI et aL 1967)reports substantially higher storage oscilloscope. The electrodes are activated internal power levels using one dorsal surface by a footswitch which controls the automatic and one ventral surface electrode. Such a result timer. Fibrillation and defibrillation are deteris to be expected. External electrode placement mined by examining the lead I trace on an EKG is discussed at length in a later section of this recorder. The input to the recorder is disconpaper. nected automatically during the applied shock and for a period of several seconds following the Instrumentation shock. This is necessary to protect the recorder The initial data were obtained by using several and to allow for the EMG signals which follow defibrillators over a relatively wide frequency the shock to disappear. impedance at a given frequency as a result of the volume of blood within the heart chambers at any given instant of time. C , ~ , ~ c ~ 20A IlOV o. off 60'~ ~ J +++++,+~+,~++ _ ...... + - , Vorioc, 2kvo -t.____,~ [ i pilot _ j || pilot ~~_j + : _ r 1~ ~ hi-voltage control relay ~ __~, house"EP" 2 kvo E =electrode connection V = voltmeter connection Output waveform C =ammeter connection T = timer connection Defibrillator I10v 4 9 cam op.sw. 0 60".' I/lOsec M= gear-train motor 'scope trigger c i 3 O.I sec. cam dwell sequence IIOv relays Timer o timer output - - o FIG. 5. Circuit schematic for fibrillator/defibrillator a n d timer. (facing p. 22) A STUDY OF PARAMETERS INVOLVED IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT DEFIBRILLATION Respirotor ~ 23 ~ \ Defibrilletor _I FIG. 6. Experimental set-up. The a.c. fibrillator-defibrillator has the advantage of simplicity of operation and repeatability of waveform. DEFIBRILLATION USING EXTERNAL ELECTRODES CHEST Over a year's period, 491 attempts at defibrillation using external chest-to-chest electrodes were carried out. Data points were determined from 36 dogs. Defibrillation was attempted over the frequency range from 30 to 300 Hz. Frequency sources included motor-generator sets, 60 Hz power mains, and special electronic power oscillator units. In the analysis of the data points, attention was directed toward the applied voltage and current. The applied power was calculated from the product of applied voltage and current. It may be assumed, for the given frequency range, that the animal presents a purely resistive load to the external electrodes. Using the 0-1 second pulse duration specified, the applied energy was also calculated. Applied power = V • I watts Applied energy = V • I • T joules where V = applied voltage (rms V) I = applied current (rms A) T = pulse duration (see). It is the opinion of many researchers that current is the determining factor in defibrillation. (FEgms et al., 1936; WI66ERS, 1940). Using current as the primary measured variable in defibrillation experiments avoids certain artifacts associated with electrode contact at the chest. These problems will be discussed in the concluding section of this paper. In the analysis of the experimental data, close attention was paid to the current required for effective defibrillation over a range of frequencies. The data were analyzed by the following technique: The experimental points (current reading as a function of frequency and success or failure of defibrillation) were separated into five frequency ranges--below 80 Hz, 80-100 Hz, 100-200 Hz, 250-300 Hz. For each range, the percentage of successful defibrillation attempts at various current levels was calculated. Equal numbers of readings were used in the calculation of each point so that the curves plotted from the data have equal reliability over their extents. From these points, curves were then plotted showing current as a function of frequency for 60 per cent and 80 per cent confidence of successful defibrillation. These curves (Figs. 7 and 8) indicated that as frequency of the defibrillating signal is increased, increased current is required. MAC~:AY and LvEDS (1963) reported that the 24 C.D. FERRIS, T. W. MOORE, A. H. KHAZEI and R. A. COWLEY 6.0-5,5 5-0 . 4"5 4"0 3.5 3.0 iy I I I I00 200 Frequency, Hz 0 300 FI6. 7. Electrode current as a function of applied frequency for 60 per cent confidence ]evel of successful defibrillation. 6<-- <:t 5-C 9~ 4"5 3 4.0 3.5 / /t / factor. One reason is that each muscle fiber in the heart must have a certain a m o u n t of charge removed from it in order to initiate its depolarization. This depolarization process does not take place instantaneously in all fibers. Various relaxation times are inherent. KOUWENHOVEN and MILNOR (1954) found a.c. defibrillation more effective than a straight capacitor discharge. They suggested, however, that by the use of discharge circuits which prolonged the time duration of the defibrillating shock, improved results could be obtained with capacitor discharges. LOWN and his co-workers (t962) using various capacitor discharge circuits, found that a 70 J discharge gave a 65 per cent reliability of defibrillation. BALAGOT et aL (1964) reported good results with a d.c. defibrillator which supplied 80 J into a 100 s resistive load. The results of our experiments, when extrapolated to zero frequency, are in close agreement with the literature. In fact, our results show slightly lower energy levels are required with a.c. defibrillation for a higher confidence of success (80 per cent). Figure 9 indicates the energy required /.o. 3.0 20C 0 100 200 Frequency, o ] e 30O Hz FIG. 8. Electrode current as a function of applied frequency for 80 per cent confidence level of successful defibrillation. energy in a d.c. defibrillating pulse was the determining factor for successful defibrillation. Others, experimenting with capacitor discharge devices (LowN et aL, 1962; BALAGOT et al., 1964) found similar results. F r o m our analysis of the data obtained with a.c. defibrillators, and from an examination of the literature pertaining to d.c. defibrillators, we feel that total energy p e r se is not the determining factor. The determining factor for successful defibrillation is more probably a combination of current and time. We feel, then, that energy as a function of time, rather than energy alone is the determining /./60 ~sc % confidence ///," ~ ioc uJ --/// 5(1 >- I IO0 I 200 Frequency, I 300 Hz FIG. 9. Energy required as a function of frequency for successful defibrillation. for successful defibrillation with a level of confidence of success with the first shock of 80 per cent. The duration of the defibrillating shocks in all cases is 0.1 sec and the magnitude of the A STUDY OF PARAMETERS INVOLVED IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT DEFIBRILLATION impedance presented to the electrodes varied from 50 to 100 t2 depending upon the size of the animal used. The results of this work have been previously reported. (FEgms et aL, 1966). I00 25 - - 9 90 -- Longitudinol (L) o Tronsverse (T) tx Oblique (0) 80-70-- PREFERRED CARDIAC ELECTRIC AXIS Two years ago, we conducted measurements to determine if their exists a preferred axis in the heart for electrical stimulation by external means. A total of 962 measurements were made in situ on healthy canine hearts. The left chest was entered through the fifth intercostal space and the pericardium was left intact. The two stimulating electrodes were stainless steel discs measuring two centimeters in diameter. Three electrode configurations were investigated: (1) Longitudinal: One electrode was placed at the base of the heart near the root of the aorta with the other electrode over the apex. (2) Oblique: One electrode was placed over the left atrium and the other over the apex. (3) Transverse: Opposing electrodes on the right and left ventricles. It was found that the longitudinal configuration was more sensitive to external stimulation by a factor of approximately 30 per cent than the other two configurations. Checks were made at the heart directly with the pericardium removed and no significant difference was noted. The pericardium was left intact initially to take into account the partial electrical short-circuiting effect of the pericardial fluid. This was a necessary precaution since it was desired to relate a possible preferred electrical axis to the placement of external body surface electrodes. The experimental results are presented in Fig. 10. The oblique and transverse axis data show considerable scatter, while the longitudinal axis data is smooth. The experimental results are not surprising when one examines the normal electrical conduction path in the heart, which is along the interventricular septum. The electrode placement in the longitudinal case produces a current path ,~ 6o 50 0 03 40 3o. / I 2O I0 I o 50 ioo 15o 200 250 rnA/kg Fio. 10. Percentagesuccess of defibrillationas a function of axis and applied current. in the heart which is parallel to the normal conduction path. (MooRE et at., 1968). This information concerning the preferred axis will be related to position of external body surface electrodes in a later section of this paper. The results of the electrical axis experiments led us to examine the possibility of using defibrillating electrode configurations other than surface electrodes. We first attempted chest positions of the electrodes to try to simulate the three axis positions defined at the heart. The results were not significantly different in the effectiveness of defibrillation from the usual chest-to-chest electrode configuration, The fact that the chest is a layered medium composed of widely different strata, electrically speaking, tends to change the directions of the current lines. We did not attempt ventral-dorsal placement of the electrodes because of possible neural damage to the spinal column or other neural structures. In one experiment, the phrenic nerve structure in a dog was completely and irreversably paralyzed. Apparently in this case, one defibrillating electrode was close to the diaphragm. We submit the observation that ventral-dorsal placement of defibrillating electrodes should be very carefully 26 C.D. FERRIS, T. W. MOORE, A. H. KHAZEI and R. A. COWLEY conducted so that the spinal column is not located on the major current path axis. The possibility of one internal electrode utilizing a natural body cavity was examined. This led us to develop both endotracheal and endoesophageal electrodes which could be used in conjunction with a single external chest electrode. DEFIBRILLATION USING AN INTERNAL ELECTRODE Studies were conducted using an endoesophageal electrode and a single chest electrode. The electrode was fabricated as described in the section on electrode studies. It was felt that less power would be required in this configuration since one of the electrodes would be much closer to the heart. On thirteen dogs 273 defibrillation attempts were made. The results are less power would be required for successful defibrillation than with two chest electrodes because one of the electrodes would be positioned much closer to the heart. On ten dogs 125 defibrillation attempts were made. The experimental results are presented in Fig. 12. As before, the data are normalized to the weights of the animals. Again it was apparent that considerably less current was required in this method than is required using two conventional chest electrodes. These two methods of defibrillating are compared with the conventional method in the coneluding section of this paper. EVALUATION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS If we examine the experimental results from the various defibrillation attempts, it becomes clear that current and not voltage is the primary I00 -vector in effecting defibrillation. (FERRIS and MOORE, 1966). Although scatter of data points occurs, all the curves are monotonically increasing when defibrillation success is plotted against normalized current. Although we did not present 6c-/ curves for applied voltage, we did record the I voltage applied across the pair of defibrillating u) 4C-electrodes. As would be expected, the values of the applied voltage fluctuated widely, resulting from electrode contact and electrode polarization impedance problems. On the other hand, current is an easily measured and controlled I I I I I factor. IO 0 200 300 40o 50o mA/kg Experiments were conducted using four difFXG. l 1. Defibrillation success for endoesophageal elec- ferent methods of defibrillation which have been trode. described in previous sections of this paper. presented in Fig. 11 where the data are normal- Defibrillation at the heart itself under open ized to the weights of the dogs. It was apparent chest conditions was tried and this led to the that considerably less current was required in determination of the preferred electrical axis this method than is required using two conven- in the heart. This method, as would be expected, tional chest electrodes, as reported in a prelimi- also provided reliable defibrillation with mininary study. (CowLvx et aL, 1964). mum power requirements. Studies were also conducted using an endoExperiments were then conducted to detertracheal electrode and a single chest electrode. mine if external body electrodes could be placed This electrode was fabricated as described in the in a manner such that the preferred axis in the section on electrode studies. As in the case of heart would be excited by the externally applied the endoesophageal electrode, it was felt that defibrillating signal. The three external electrode O/ ;/ /. / .p A STUDY OF PARAMETERS INVOLVED IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT DEFIBRILLATION IOC ~c . 6C 8 =o to 4C / / I. I00 200 I I . 300 I 400 500 mA/kg FI~. 12. Defibrillation success for endotrachael electrode. positions were defined as follows: Longitudinal: one electrode at the sternal notch and the other at the center, top of the chest; Oblique: one electrode placed on the left chest below the heart and the other electrode placed on the upper portion of the right chest; Transverse: electrodes placed on the right and left chest in line with the heart. These three electrode configurations were selected so that the field lines produced in the heart would correspond, as nearly as possible, to the axes defined at the heart itself. The experimental results are presented in Fig. 13. The external axis experiments do not show any clearly defined preference as do the internal axis experiments (Fig. 10). There is too much scatter in the data to make any statement other than that external chest electrode place- / I00 / 80 J o~ J OA / e O 6C 8 r ./ A/o 4c /Io 2C-- 9 Longitudinal o Transverse /~e6c~.~e~I9 A iO0 l~o 200 ~xOb!ique L I 300 400 rnA/kg I 500 _1 600 13. External chest electrical axis measurements. 27 ment does not appear to be very critical. The various body structures, which underlie the chest surface most probably cause sufficient distortion of the electric field lines produced by the external chest electrodes such that the lines do not align with the heart internal axes as anticipated. In an attempt to couple the applied energy more closely with the heart, two additional defibrillation methods were examined. These involved the use of one semi-internal electrode and one external chest electrode. These methods of endoesophageal and endotracheal stimulation have been described in previous sections of this report. As can be seen from Fig. 14, there is 100 " o 80 60-- 8 o r 40-- oS/, "o / ..~ ~//. io : olo ;o E oe oh ogo * ---- Endotracheal External chest ;o ;o mA/kg Fio. I4. Comparison of measurements. little difference between the percentage of success achieved by these two methods. They are significantly better, however, than the external chest method as shown also in Fig. 14. To check on the effect to the body of the various electrodes, several of the experimental animals were sacrificed and autopsied. We detected no serious physiological damage as a consequence of any of the various defibrillation methods attempted. The external Chest electrodes produced some surface burns and local edema. These effects were minimized by using contoured electrodes with saline soaked pads placed between the electrodes and the 28 C . D . FERRIS, T. W. MOORE, A. H. KHAZEI and R. A. COWLEY surface o f the body. Some m i n o r surface burns were noted on the pericardial surface as a consequence o f the cardiac electrical axis experiments, and were caused by p o o r electrode contact. I n the cases o f the endoesophageaI a n d endotracheal techniques, no visible damage to either the esophagus or trachea could be detected, even after repeated defibrillation attempts. It was decided that histological examination was n o t warranted. I n dogs, one side effect o f the endotracheal technique was the production o f vomiting with each shock until the s t o m a c h emptied. This did n o t occur with the endoesophageal technique, most p r o b a b l y because the electrode blocked the esophageal passage. The advantages o f using a single external electrode placement in combination with an already positioned internal electrode are n u m erous. D u r i n g the open heart surgery especially in those techniques which require right thoracotomies, it is difficult to place two electrodes over the ventricles for defibrillation. I f adhesions are present, it is impossible to place these electrodes in contact with the ventricles until the adhesions are cut away. Several minutes can be c o n s u m e d during such a maneuver. A n electrode already placed at the time o f anesthesia, either esophageal or tracheal, would eliminate this problem as the second electrode could be placed anywhere over the heart. The advantages o f p o w e r savings to accomplish defibrillation using this technique are obvious. There are still m a n y unresolved factors regarding fibrillation and defibrillation. One is the single cardiac muscle fiber electrical waveform during fibrillation. There are conflicting reports on this. Before o u r results related to indwelling electrodes are extended to clinical use with h u m a n patients, primate studies should be conducted. Acknowledgement--This research was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant HE-4595. REFERENCES ATTAR, S., COWLEY,R. A., BLAIR,E. and TISCHLER,M. (1965) Square wave 250 cycle cardiac defibrillator for cardiac surgery. Archs Surg. 90, 29-34. BALAGOT,M. D., et al. (1964) A monopulse DC current defibrillator for ventricular defibrillation. J. Thorac. and Cardiovasc. Surg. 47, 487-504. COWLEX', R. A., TAMRES,A. and TISCHLER,M. (1964) Esophageal defibrillation of the canine heart. Bull. M d Univ. Sch. Med. 49, 34-36. COWLEY,R. A., TISCHLER,M., ATTAR,S. and TAMRES,A. (1962) Cardiac defibrillation above sixty cycles with a portable square-wave defibrillator. Surgery 51, 207209. FERRIS,C. D. Rev. scient, lnstrum. 34, 109-111. FERRIS,L. P., KING, B. G., SPENCE,P. W. and WILLIAMS, H. B. (1936) Effect of electric shock on the heart. Electl. 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(1940) The physiological basis for cardiac resuscitation from ventricular fibrillation--method of serial defibrillation. Am. Heart J. 20, 413. A STUDY OF PARAMETERS INVOLVED IN ALTERNATING-CURRENT DEFIBRILLATION ETUDE DES PARAM~TRES IMPLIQUI~S DANS LA MI~THODE DE DEFIBRILLATION PAR COURANT ALTERNATIF Sommaire---Les r~sultats de recherches prdsentds dans cet article peuvent 8tre rdsumds comme suit: La ddfibrillationcardiaque est un phdnom~ne lid ~ l'orientationdu courant dlectrique.Il existe un axe cardiaque prdfdrenticlpour une ddfibrillationefficace.Cet axe prdfdrentieln'estpas lidde fagon simple h la position d'une dlcctrodc de surface. Des mdthodes plus efficacesde ddfibrillation utilisentdes dlectrodes introduites dans roesophage ou darts la trachde de prdfdrence aux dlcctrodes de surface. Les mcsures d'irnpddance de la rdgion thoracique et du coeur rnontrent que l'usage d'un courant alternatifh basse frdquence est probablernent le stimulus ddfibriUateurle plus efficace.Bien que le courant continu soit ellicace,il y a un plus grand risque d'dlcctrolyse qu'avcc un courant alternatif. UNTERSUCHUNG DER FAKTOREN, DIE BEI WECHSELSTROMDEFIBRILLIERUNG VON BEDEUTUNG SIND Zusammenfasstmg--Die in dieser Arbeit mitgeteilten Forschungsergebnisse k/Snnen folgendermaBen zusamrnengefaBt werden: Die Herzdefibrillierung ist ein elektrisches Ph~inomen. Es gibt eine Vorzugsachse for die wirksame Defibrillierung des Herzens. Die Vorzugsachse des Herzens kann nicht leicht zu der Elektrodenlage auf der KSrperoberfliiche in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Wirksamere Defibrillierungsrnethoden nehmen endo~ophageale oder endotraeheale Elektroden zu Hilfe, nicht zwei KSrperoberfl~ichenelektroden. Impedanzrnessungen des Thoraxbereiches und des Herzens ergeben, dab rtiederfrequenter Wechselstrom wahrscheinlich der wirksamste Defibrillierungsreizist. Obwohl Gleiehstrorn auch wirksam ist, besteht dort mehr als mit Wechselstrom die Gefahr einer Elektrolyse. M.B.E, 7/I--c 29