Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 10:30 AM 1.0 Net186 Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual, Release 1.0 1.0 © 1997 by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 5204 E. Ben White Blvd., Austin, TX 78741. Am186, E86, E86MON, Net186, PCnet, AMD, the AMD logo and combinations thereof are trademarks and FusionE86 is a service mark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Other product or brand names are used solely for identification and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The text pages of this document have been printed on recycled paper consisting of 50% recycled fiber and 50% virgin fiber; the post-consumer waste content is 10%. These pages are recyclable. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 5204 E. Ben White Blvd. Austin, TX 78741-7399 : Page iii Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Contents About the Net186 Demonstration Board Demonstration Board Features ............................................................................ ix Software.................................................................................................................x Documentation ......................................................................................................x About This Manual ...........................................................................................x Suggested Reference Material........................................................................ xii Documentation Conventions......................................................................... xiii 1.0 Chapter 1 Quick Start Connecting to a PC............................................................................................ 1-2 Net186 Sample Applications............................................................................. 1-6 For More Information........................................................................................ 1-7 Chapter 2 Demonstration Board Functional Description Hardware Block Diagram and Memory Map.................................................... 2-2 Net186 Demonstration Board Parts List............................................................ 2-4 Am186ES Microcontroller Implementation...................................................... 2-5 ROM Space ....................................................................................................... 2-8 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual iii : Page iv Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM SRAM ................................................................................................................ 2-8 RS-232 Serial Ports ........................................................................................... 2-9 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller .................................................................... 2-10 10BASE-T Port ........................................................................................... 2-11 Access Unit Interface (AUI) Port................................................................ 2-11 Clock and Reset Logic..................................................................................... 2-12 Am186 Expansion Interface ............................................................................ 2-12 Flash Chip Select Switch ................................................................................. 2-15 LED Indicators................................................................................................. 2-16 PIO Activity LED Indicators....................................................................... 2-16 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller Status LEDs........................................... 2-17 Power Supply................................................................................................... 2-18 PAL Equations ................................................................................................. 2-19 Net186 Initialization Overview ....................................................................... 2-20 Things to Remember........................................................................................ 2-22 Chapter 3 Product Support AMD Corporate Applications Technical Support Services............................... 3-2 E-Mail Support .............................................................................................. 3-2 Online Support .............................................................................................. 3-2 Telephone and Fax Support........................................................................... 3-3 Product Support ................................................................................................. 3-4 WWW Site .................................................................................................... 3-4 FTP Site......................................................................................................... 3-5 Third-Party Development Support Products ..................................................... 3-5 iv Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller Legacy Mode......................................... 2-21 : Page v Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix A Schematics and Board Bill of Materials Schematics........................................................................................................ A-2 Board Bill of Materials (BOM) ...................................................................... A-12 Appendix B PCnet Family History LANCE / CLANCE...........................................................................................B-1 PCnet Family of Ethernet Controllers ...............................................................B-2 PCnet-ISA Series (16-Bit) for ISA/EISA-Based Environments...................B-2 PCnet-32 (32-Bit) for VL or General 32-Bit Local-Bus Based Environments ................................................................................................B-3 PCnet-PCI II (32-Bit) for PCI-Based Environments ....................................B-3 1.0 PCnet-FAST (32-Bit) for PCI-Based Environments.....................................B-4 Software Compatibility .................................................................................B-4 MACE (16-Bit) for General 16-Bit Environments............................................B-5 Appendix C References Books and Literature .........................................................................................C-1 Periodicals .........................................................................................................C-1 World Wide Web ...............................................................................................C-2 Appendix D PAL Source File Listing PAL Source File Contents ................................................................................ D-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual v : Page vi Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix E EEPROM Contents NET186.DAT File Listing .................................................................................E-2 Appendix F TCP/IP Primer Overview............................................................................................................F-2 Drivers, Protocol Stacks, and RTOS Support ....................................................F-3 1.0 Index List of Figures Block Diagram of the Net186 Demonstration Board ........................................ 2-2 Am186ES Microcontroller Block Diagram....................................................... 2-6 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller Block Diagram............................................. 2-7 DB-9 Serial Connector Pinouts ......................................................................... 2-9 Front View of the RJ-45 Connector................................................................. 2-10 Am186 Expansion Interface Pinout (P1)......................................................... 2-13 Am186 Expansion Interface Pinout (P2)......................................................... 2-14 Flash Chip Select Switch Set for Normal Operation ....................................... 2-15 Flash Chip Select Switch Set to Disconnect the Am186 Microcontroller from On-Board Flash Memory ........................................................................ 2-15 Power Supply Polarity ..................................................................................... 2-18 Client and Server Protocol Stacks .....................................................................F-1 vi Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page vii Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM List of Tables Notational Conventions ..................................................................................... xiii Installation Troubleshooting.............................................................................. 1-5 Memory Space Configuration ........................................................................... 2-3 I/O Space Configuration.................................................................................... 2-3 Net186 Demonstration Board Parts List............................................................ 2-4 RJ-45 Connector Pin Functions....................................................................... 2-10 PIO LED Indicator Interface ........................................................................... 2-16 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller LED Indicator Interface ............................ 2-17 Board Bill of Materials (BOM) ...................................................................... A-12 Protocol Stack Vendors...................................................................................... F-4 RTOS Vendors ................................................................................................... F-5 1.0 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual vii : Page viii Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM About the Net186 Demonstration Board The AMD® Net186TM Demonstration Board is a small (3.5" x 3.5") demonstration board combining AMD’s Am79C961A PCnetTM-ISA II Ethernet controller, Am186ES microcontroller, PALCE22V10, and Am29F400 Flash memory. It demonstrates how simple, low-cost Ethernet capability can be added to a wide variety of embedded networking applications. See Figure 2-1 on page 2-2 for a block diagram of the demonstration board. 1.0 Typical applications of the demonstration board design include low-cost, managed Ethernet hubs, "smart house" components, industrial control, point-of-sale terminals, and software development tools such as ROM emulators. An entire new class of applications known as "net appliances", ranging from electric meters to coffee pots, could also use a design similar to that of the Net186 demonstration board. The Net186 demonstration board uses the Am186ES microcontroller. The Am186ES microcontroller integrates peripherals such as twelve 16-bit memory chip-select controllers, two asynchronous serial controllers, three timers, 32 programmable I/Os, an interrupt controller, and a watchdog timer to increase system functionality while reducing the overall cost. The memory controller also supports a glueless connection to SRAM, Flash memory, and EEPROM. The Am186ES microcontroller also features an innovative bus design that allows the processor to run at nearly twice the speed of standard 80C186 processors while using commodity memory devices. The Net186 demonstration board is designed with a 104-pin Am186 expansion interface that provides access to the Am186ES microcontroller signals. For more information about the Am186 expansion interface, see “Am186 Expansion Interface” on page 2-12. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual viii : Page ix Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Demonstration Board Features The Net186 demonstration board provides the following features: • Am186ES microcontroller • PCnet-ISA II single-chip Ethernet controller • E86TM family boot monitor (E86MONTM) board-resident utility Information on invoking and using the E86MON software is provided in the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual provided in your kit. • 512 Kbyte SRAM • 512 Kbyte Am29F400-70 Flash memory • Am186 104-pin expansion interface • Two RS-232 serial ports with DB-9 connectors • Activity LED indicators for PIO signals and the Ethernet controller • Reset circuitry ix Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 • One 10-Mbit/s 10Base-T port for twisted-pair Ethernet connection with an RJ-45 connector : Page x Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Software The Net186 demonstration board is supplied with three software packages. E86MON A general-purpose interactive monitor program that allows you to load, run, and debug programs from an attached PC. See the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit for more information. USNET A TCP/IP stack with associated applications from US Software that have been ported to the Net186 demonstration board for evaluation purposes. This stack allows you to run common applications like FTP, Telnet, and E86Web on live networks for demonstrations. TCP/IP stacks are discussed in more detail in Appendix F, “TCP/IP Primer”. E86Web An embedded web-server application using US Software’s Internet Access Package (IAP). This application allows the Net186 demonstration board to return simple web pages to a web browser running on another machine. 1.0 Information on how to configure and run the sample applications is provided in the README.TXT file on the 3½" disk named Example Applications that is included in your kit. Documentation The Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual provides information on the design and function of the Net186 demonstration board. Detailed instructions for using the E86MON software are provided in the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit. The demonstration board is shipped with the E86MON software installed in the on-board Flash memory. About This Manual Chapter 1, “Quick Start” provides implementation and installation information for the demonstration board and instructions for invoking the E86MON software. Detailed information on using the E86MON software is provided in the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual x : Page xi Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Chapter 2, “Demonstration Board Functional Description” contains descriptions of the basic sections of the demonstration board including: Flash memory, serial ports, clock and reset logic, expansion interface, Ethernet controller, LED indicators, and power-supply circuitry. Chapter 3, “Product Support” provides information on reaching and using the AMD Corporate Applications technical support services, product information available through AMD’s WWW and FTP sites, and support tools for the embedded E86 and PCnet families. Appendix A, “Schematics and Board Bill of Materials” contains the schematics and Bill of Materials (BOM) for the Net186 demonstration board. Appendix B, “PCnet Family History” contains information about AMD’s PCnet family of networking products. Appendix D, “PAL Source File Listing” contains the contents of the PAL source file included in your kit. Appendix E, “EEPROM Contents” contains the text file that shows the contents of the EEPROM used on the Net186 demonstration board. Appendix F, “TCP/IP Primer” contains a brief explanation of protocol stacks and information about protocol stack vendors. xi Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 Appendix C, “References” contains names of various publications and web site addresses that provide more information about Ethernet and general networking. : Page xii Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Suggested Reference Material For information on ordering the literature listed below, see Chapter 3, “Product Support”. • Am186TMES and Am188TMES Microcontrollers Data Sheet Advanced Micro Devices, order #20002 • Am186TMES and Am188TMES Microcontrollers User’s Manual Advanced Micro Devices, order #21096 • Am186TM and Am188TM Family Instruction Set Manual Advanced Micro Devices, order #21267 • Am79C961A PCnetTM-ISA II Jumperless, Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Data Sheet Advanced Micro Devices, order #19364 • FusionE86SM Catalog Advanced Micro Devices, order #19255 1.0 • FusionE86SM Development Tools Reference CD Advanced Micro Devices, order #20158 For current application notes and technical bulletins, see our WWW page at http:/ / Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual xii : Page xiii Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Documentation Conventions The Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual uses the conventions shown in Table 0-1 (unless otherwise noted). Table 0-1. Notational Conventions Usage Boldface Indicates that characters must be entered exactly as shown, except that the alphabetic case is only significant when indicated. Typewriter face Indicates computer text input or output in an example or listing. 1.0 Symbol xiii Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Chapter 1 Quick Start This chapter provides information that will help you quickly set up and start using the Net186 demonstration board. The Net186 demonstration board is supported by the E86MON software. The E86MON software enables you to load, run, and debug programs on the Net186 demonstration board. For more information on using the E86MON software, refer to the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit. For information on how to: • Connect the Net186 demonstration board to a PC, see page 1-2 • Invoke the E86MON software, see page 1-4 1.0 • Troubleshoot installation problems, see page 1-5 • Run a sample application, see page 1-6 • Locate related sources of information, see page 1-7 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Connecting to a PC The procedure in this section describes how to connect the Net186 demonstration board to a PC for use as a standard Am186 microcontroller evaluation board using the E86MON software over an RS-232 port. For information on attaching the Net186 demonstration board using the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller, see the README.TXT file on the 3½" disk named Example Applications that is included in your kit. Follow the steps below to connect the Net186 demonstration board to your PC. Installation Requirements The items listed below are necessary to install and run the Net186 demonstration board: • Terminal emulation software (such as Microsoft Windows® Terminal or ProComm Plus) that supports ASCII file transfers, software flow control (Xon/ Xoff), and send break capability • Power source for universal power supply Board Installation ! CAUTION: As with all computer equipment, the Net186 demonstration board may be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Please take proper ESD precautions when handling any board. 1. Remove the board from the shipping carton. Visually inspect the board to verify that it was not damaged during shipment. 1-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 • PC with an available COM port : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM 2. Connect the Net186 demonstration board’s DB-9 serial port (J3) to an available COM port. Use the serial cable included in the Net186 demonstration board kit and note that a DB-9 to DB-25 serial connector adapter is provided if your host system requires it. The pinout of the demonstration board’s serial connector is shown in Figure 2-4 on page 2-9. COM1 COM2 serial cable 1.0 ! DANGER: Make sure the power supply is not plugged into an electrical outlet before connecting it to the Net186 demonstration board. 3. Connect the power supply to the barrel connector on the Net186 demonstration board. 4. Apply power to the demonstration board by connecting the power supply to an electrical outlet. When the demonstration board is powered up, the LEDs (CR5– CR12) should flash in an oscillating pattern for a three-second interval. ! CAUTION: If using your own power supply, ensure that it is a 5-V supply. Using a 9-V supply will permanently damage the board. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1-3 : Page 4 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM 5. Invoke the terminal emulation program at 19200 baud or higher, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit; enable the software flow control (Xon/Xoff), if supported. Note that the Net186 demonstration board can reliably autobaud at rates up to 115 Kb/s. You can use these higher baud rates if your PC supports them. 6. Reset the demonstration board by depressing and releasing the RESET switch located in the upper right corner of the demonstration board. The LEDs on the board (CR5–CR12) will flash in an oscillating pattern for three seconds, as they did upon power up. During the three-second period while the LEDs are flashing, type an a in the terminal window to ensure that the E86MON software uses the correct baud rate. When the E86MON software receives an a, it adjusts its baud rate (if necessary) and displays the welcome message and prompt. Welcome to AMD’s EMon 186! (? <Enter> for help) If an a key is not received, the E86MON software jumps to the user-application bootstrap vector, located at F7FF0h (see the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit for more information). Depressing and releasing the RESET switch gives you another opportunity to type an a. 7. To display the version of the E86MON software and the commands available, type ? and press Enter. 8. You can now specify one of the commands from the E86MON software command menu or run one of the sample applications included in your kit. For detailed information about using the E86MON software, refer to the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit. For information about the Net186 sample applications, see “Net186 Sample Applications” on page 1-6. 1-4 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 es86mon: : Page 5 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Table 1-1. Installation Troubleshooting 1.0 Problem Solution Nothing happens when pushing the RESET button. Sometimes it is difficult to make a good connection when pushing the small RESET button. Try removing the power supply from the AC electrical outlet and disconnecting and reconnecting the power supply. You should also verify that the Flash chip select switch (SW2) is pointing in the correct direction. See Figure 2-8 on page 2-15 for more information. The LEDs will flash in an oscillating pattern when the reset is successful. The computer does not respond with the E86MON software prompt. Reset the board by pressing the RESET switch and typing an a while the LEDs are flashing in an oscillating pattern. If this does not work, verify the power, check the cables, etc. After typing a during reset, the terminal emulation software displays unreadable characters. Check the baud rate setting for the terminal emulation software. It should be set to 19200. Also check the word length (8), stop bits (1), parity (N), and turn off any hardware flow control. After a processor reset, the LEDs do not flash in the expected pattern. Check that the power LED is on and the correct voltage is supplied to the board. Ensure that the polarity of the power connector is correct. The terminal emulation program locks up the software or PC. Check the COM port connection with the target board. Make sure that the same COM port is selected in the terminal emulation software. In some PCs if the correct COM port is not specified, the software will fail to function—it will lock in a continuous loop waiting for an answer from the incorrect serial port. The power LED does not turn on with power. Immediately disconnect the power supply. Ensure that the polarity of the power connector is correct. This is a very serious failure of the hardware. If the power source is connected incorrectly, the board will be permanently damaged. There is a problem you cannot resolve. Contact the AMD Corporate Applications technical support services (see Chapter 3, “Product Support” for phone numbers and more information.) Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1-5 : Page 6 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Net186 Sample Applications Two sources of sample applications are available for the Net186 demonstration board and are available in your kit: • The 3½" disk containing the E86MON demonstration board utility provides sample applications in the /OUT and /SAMPLES directories. For more information about loading and running the E86MON sample code, see the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit. • The 3½" disk containing the Net186 demonstration board applications provides a demonstration version of US Software’s TCP/IP stack USNET, as well as a sample web server application. 1.0 To load the demonstration library and application, refer to the README.TXT file on the disk. 1-6 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 7 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM For More Information... If you need more information about: • Net186 demonstration board hardware, see Chapter 2 of this manual • The E86MON software, see the E86MONTM Software User’s Manual included in your kit • The Am186ES microcontroller, see the Am186TMES/ESLV and Am188TMES/ESLV Microcontrollers Data Sheet and the Am186TMES and Am188TMES Microcontrollers User’s Manual • The PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller, see the Am79C961A PCnetTM-ISA II Jumperless, Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Data Sheet • The Am29F400 Flash, see the Am29F400 Data Sheet 1.0 • The PALCE22V10 device, see the PALCE22V10 PAL Devices Book and Design Guide • Network products, see the Networking Products Literature and Software CD Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1-7 : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Chapter 2 Demonstration Board Functional Description The Net186 demonstration board shows how easy it is to create a low-cost, embedded Ethernet solution using the Am186ES microcontroller and the Am79C961A PCnet-ISA II single-chip Ethernet controller. In addition to the Am186ES microcontroller and PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller, the Net186 demonstration board contains a single Am29F400 4-Mbit Flash memory and a single 4-Mbit SRAM. The Flash memory is shipped with the E86MON software and demonstration application software and can be loaded with user-application programs. The SRAM will typically contain temporary user data in addition to the Ethernet packet data. 1.0 Read the following sections to learn more about the Net186 demonstration board hardware: • “Hardware Block Diagram and Memory Map” on page 2-2 • “Net186 Demonstration Board Parts List” on page 2-4 • “Am186ES Microcontroller Implementation” on page 2-5 • “ROM Space” on page 2-8 • “SRAM” on page 2-8 • “RS-232 Serial Ports” on page 2-9 • “PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller” on page 2-10 • “Clock and Reset Logic” on page 2-12 • “Am186 Expansion Interface” on page 2-12 • “Flash Chip Select Switch” on page 2-15 • “LED Indicators” on page 2-16 • “Power Supply” on page 2-18 • “PAL Equations” on page 2-19 • “Net186 Initialization Overview” on page 2-20 • “Things to Remember” on page 2-22 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Hardware Block Diagram and Memory Map One of the key features of the Net186 demonstration board is the near glueless interface between the Am186ES microcontroller and the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. Figure 2-1 shows a block diagram of the Net186 demonstration board. Some elements, such as the RS232 serial ports and the Ethernet connection, were left off for clarity. Note that a single PAL22V10 device is used to connect the processor to the Ethernet controller. In fact, the logic inside the PAL22V10 will fit easily into a PAL16V8, or could be implemented with SSI logic gates. The PAL22V10 was used on the Net186 demonstration board for user-expansion purposes. WR* RD* +5V +5V MEMWR* /OE R/W 256K x 16 SRAM (512 Kb) /UCS /CE RCS* +5V UCS* EEPROM +5V /LB /UB SBHE* ADX Pcnet-ISA 79C961A DATA Am186ES IRQ INT0 HLDA ARDY /WLB /PCS2 /PCS3 /LCS /BHE 2 RS-232 serial ports /SMEMR HLDA* +5V /IOCS16 DRQ /DACK IOCHRDY 10Base-T N/C RESET IOCHRDY AEN* CLKA /WHB HLDA /REF IRQ HOLD HOLD /SBHE /MSTR 40, 33, 25 MHz 1.0 (512Kb) /BYTE /CE /MEMR /OE Am29F400 /IOR /IOW /WE A0 RESET RES* /MEMW TL7705A 20MHz +5V SBHE* SBHE* +5V +5V LCS* BHE* WHB* PALCE 22V10 RD* MASTER* MEMWR* MEMWR* +5V WLB* RCS* Figure 2-1. Block Diagram of the Net186 Demonstration Board 2-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 show where Flash memory, SRAM, and the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller are configured in Am186ES microcontroller memory and I/O space. Note that the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller I/O base address can be modified by editing the setup EEPROM. Please refer to the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller documentation for I/O register mapping for that device. Also, please refer to the Am186TMES and Am188TMES Microcontrollers Data Sheet for locations and use of built-in peripherals, registers, and logic. Table 2-1. Memory Space Configuration CPU Address Memory Space 0x80000–0xFFFFF Flash memory (512 KByte) 0x00000–0x7FFFF SRAM (512 KByte) Table 2-2. I/O Space Configuration 1.0 CPU Address I/O Space 0x200–0x21F PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller registers 0xFF00–0xFFFF Am186ES peripheral control block The Am186ES microcontroller boots at the very top of addressable memory. The first code fetch is done at address FFFF0h, and asserts the Upper Chip Select (UCS) line. On the Net186 demonstration board, this line is configured to enable the Flash memory. The Flash memory is available exclusively to the Am186ES microcontroller, while the SRAM can be accessed by both the Am186ES microcontroller and the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. The PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller actually takes over the processor local bus, and with DMA control, transfers Ethernet packet data directly to and from the SRAM. Note that the Net186 demonstration board comes equipped with 512 Kbyte of Flash memory and 512 Kbyte of SRAM. Most applications will not need this much memory. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-3 : Page 4 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Net186 Demonstration Board Parts List Table 2-3 lists the Net186 demonstration board part numbers, parts, and where to find more information about the individual parts. 2-4 Part Number Description For more information, see CR1–CR12 Signal LEDs Page 2-16 J1 Power connector Page 2-18 J2, J3 Serial ports Page 2-9 J5 RJ-45 Ethernet connector Page 2-10 P1, P2 Am186 Expansion interface Page 2-12 SW2 UCS chip select switch Page 2-15 U10 Am186ES 40-MHz microcontroller Page 2-5 U11 Flash memory Page 2-8 U2 PAL22V10 Page 2-19 U4 Reset controller (TI TL7705ACD) Page 2-12 U5, U6 RS-232 driver/receiver devices (MAX232) Page 2-9 U7 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller Page 2-10 U9 SRAM Page 2-8 Y1 40-MHz fundamental mode crystal Page 2-12 Y2 20-MHz fundamental mode crystal Page 2-12 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 Table 2-3. Net186 Demonstration Board Parts List : Page 5 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Am186ES Microcontroller Implementation The Net186 demonstration board is shipped with an Am186ES microcontroller that operates at 40 MHz. Although not supported by the on-board crystal, the Am186ES microcontrollers are also available in 20-, 25-, and 33-MHz operating frequencies. The Net186 demonstration board also includes a PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. See Figure 2-3 on page 2-7 for a block diagram detailing the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller’s functionality. The Am186ES microcontrollers are designed to meet the most common requirements of embedded products developed for the communications, office automation, mass storage, and general embedded markets. Specific applications include feature phones, cellular phones, PBXs, multiplexers, modems, disk drive controllers, hand-held and desktop terminals, fax machines, line cards, managed hubs, and industrial control. Refer to the Am186TMES/ESLV and Am188TMES/ESLV Microcontrollers Data Sheet for more information on the specific features of the Am186ES microcontrollers. 1.0 See Figure 2-2 on page 2-6 for a block diagram detailing the Am186ES microcontroller’s functionality. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-5 : Page 6 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PWD INT2/INTA0 INT1/SELECT INT0 INT6-INT4 CLKOUTB TMRIN0 TMROUT1 TMRIN1 DRQ0 Clock and Power Management Unit Interrupt Control Unit Pulse Width Demodulator (PWD) 0 2 0 Max Count B Registers Max Count A Registers 16-Bit Count Registers Control Registers GND Control Registers 1 20-Bit Source Pointers 20-Bit Destination Pointers 16-Bit Count Registers Control Registers Control Registers Control Registers 1 (WDT) DRQ1 DMA Unit Timer Control Unit X2 X1 VCC TMROUT0 NMI RES Control Refresh Registers Control Unit ARDY SRDY S2-S0 DT/R DEN/DS HOLD HLDA S6/LOCK/ CLKDIV2 UZI PSRAM Control Unit PIO31PIO0 Control Registers Control Registers Asynchronous Serial Port 0 Execution Unit Bus Interface Unit PIO Chip-Select Unit Asynchronous Serial Port 1 TXD0 RXD0 RTS0/RTR0 CTS0/ENRX0 TXD1 RXD1 RTS1/RTR1 CTS1/ENRX1 RD WHB A19-A0 WLB AD15-AD0 LCS/ONCE0 PCS6/A2 PCS5/A1 MCS3/RFSH MCS2-MCS0 WR BHE/ADEN PCS3-PCS0 UCS/ONCE1 ALE Figure 2-2. Am186ES Microcontroller Block Diagram 2-6 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 INT3/INTA1/IRQ CLKOUTA P R E L I M I N A R Y BLOCK DIAGRAM: BUS MASTER MODE AEN DACK[3, 5–7] DRQ[3, 5–7] RCV FIFO IOCHRDY IOCS16 IOR IOW IRQ[3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12] MASTER MEMR ISA Bus Interface Unit 802.3 MAC Core CI+/– Encoder/ Decoder (PLS) & AUI Port XMT FIFO MEMW DXCVR/EAR DI+/– XTAL1 XTAL2 DO+/– REF RXD+/– RESET 10BASE-T MAU SBHE BALE FIFO Control SD[0-15] LA[17-23] SA[0-19] SLEEP SHFBUSY EEDO EEDI EESK EECS IRQ15/APCS Private Bus Control Buffer Management Unit TXD+/– TXPD+/– BPCS LED[0–3] PRDB[0–7] TDO JTAG Port Control EEPROM Interface Unit TMS TDI TCK DVDD[1-7] DVSS[1-13] AVDD[1-4] AVSS[1-2] 19364A-1 10 Am79C961A : Page 8 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM ROM Space The Net186 demonstration board contains on-board ROM space for use by the E86MON software and application code. This ROM space is implemented as an Am29F400 70-ns Flash memory device. The Flash memory device is mapped to the upper region of addressable memory at 80000h to FFFFFh. The Flash memory device is organized as 256K x 16 bits and is connected to the UCS (Upper Memory Chip Select) signal of the microcontroller. After a valid reset, the Am186ES microcontroller fetches the first instruction from the Flash memory device by asserting UCS and driving the address bus with the value FFFF0h. ! CAUTION: Do not attempt to remove the TSOP Flash memory (U11) or SRAM device (U9) because doing so may cause damage to the board. SRAM The Net186 demonstration board utilizes SRAM for its read/write storage. The board provides 512 Kbyte of SRAM using a 70-ns device that is mapped from 00000h to 7FFFFh. The SRAM device is organized as 256K x 16 bits and is attached to the LCS (Lower Memory Chip Select) signal of the microcontroller. For every access to the above address range, the Am186ES microcontroller will assert LCS. 2-8 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 The E86MON software enables you to program the Flash memory device with specific types of hex files. Intel hex and Intel extended hex format files are supported. This software functionality is provided to eliminate the need to remove the Flash memory device. : Page 9 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM RS-232 Serial Ports The Net186 demonstration board provides two on-board RS-232 serial ports (J2 and J3) that are directly driven by the Am186ES microcontroller. The serial ports are equipped with DB-9 DCE connectors. The pin assignment for the DB-9 connectors is shown in Figure 2-4. Traditionally, PCs have Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) ports which connect directly to the Data Communication Equipment (DCE) port on the Net186 demonstration board. A null modem cable is not required to connect a DTE port with a DCE port. The RS-232 specification calls for signals that are driven at non-TTL levels. Singlechip RS-232 driver/receiver devices (MAX232, U5 and U6) are used to convert to and from the required voltages. 1.0 J2 NC RTS0 CTS0 NC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GND NC RXD0 TXD0 NC 5 4 3 2 1 GND NC RXD1 TXD1 NC J3 NC RTS1 CTS1 NC 9 8 7 6 Figure 2-4. DB-9 Serial Connector Pinouts Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-9 : Page 10 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller The Net186 demonstration board provides one on-board 10BASE-T port (J5) that is directly driven by the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. The 10BASE-T port is equipped with an RJ-45 connector. Figure 2-5 and Table 2-4 show the pin assignment and pin functions for the RJ-45 connector. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.0 1 Figure 2-5. Front View of the RJ-45 Connector Table 2-4. RJ-45 Connector Pin Functions Pin Number 2-10 Function 1 TX+ 2 TX- 3 RX+ 4 Not used 5 Not used 6 RX– 7 Not used 8 Not used Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 11 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM 10BASE-T Port The PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller provides an on-chip physical layer function so the only other device required to interface to the RJ-45 connector is a 10BASE-T filter with transformer. The 10BASE-T interface supports the maximum cable length (100 meters) between a node and a hub. To link two stations through a 10BASE-T hub, simply use two straight-through cables: one cable connects the twisted-pair port on the Net186 demonstration board to the hub; the other cable connects the hub to the second station. Each end of the twisted-pair cable has a mating, RJ-45 type, eight-pin modular plug that connects to the twisted-pair jack of each station. Figure 2-5 and Table 2-4 on page 2-10 show the pin assignment and pin functions for the RJ-45 connector. The PCnetTM-ISA II Ethernet Controller Hardware User’s Manual, order #19425, contains detailed information about the 10BASE-T interface. 1.0 Access Unit Interface (AUI) Port The PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller provides an Access Unit Interface (AUI) port. This AUI port, with the appropriate transceiver, allows connections to different Ethernet medias; for example, coaxial shielded cables for 10BASE2 and 10BASE5 connections and filter cables for 10BASE-F connections. Connection to the AUI port effectively bypasses the on-chip 10BASE-T transceiver. NOTE: The AUI port is not supported by the Net186 demonstration board. During initialization, the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller first checks for activity on its 10BASE-T port. If the controller determines there is activity on that port, a link will be established with the network. The AUI port will be ignored, even if there is a physical connection on the AUI port via a transceiver device. If the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller determines there is no activity on the 10BASE-T port, the controller checks for activity on the AUI port. When the controller determines there is activity on the AUI port, a link is established with the network. The 10BASE-T port is ignored until the next PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller initialization sequence. When the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller determines there is no activity on either the 10BASE-T or the AUI port, the controller typically issues an error condition. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-11 : Page 12 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Clock and Reset Logic The Am186ES microcontroller can be configured for either 1x or ½x clock mode. As configured on the Net186 demonstration board, the microcontroller is in 1x clock mode. The input is generated by a 40-MHz fundamental mode crystal (Y1) that is connected to the X1/X2 inputs of the microcontrollers, resulting in a 40-MHz system clock. The PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller is driven by a 20-MHz fundamental mode crystal (Y2). Y2 is configured in ½x clock mode, resulting in a 10-MHz controller clock frequency. Am186 Expansion Interface The Am186 expansion interface facilitates prototyping with external devices by using the Net186 demonstration board as the Ethernet and processor elements of an embedded design. The Net186 demonstration board supports the PC/104 form-factor expansion-type connector for additional prototyping and testing. The traditional PC/104 signals are not present on the board; however, the Am186 expansion interface enables you to attach wirewrap or prototype boards that have the same standard physical interface. The pinout of the expansion interface is shown in Figure 2-6 on page 2-13 and Figure 2-7 on page 2-14. ! 2-12 WARNING: The Am186 expansion connector is mechanically identical to the PC-104 standard. However, the Am186 expansion is not electrically compliant with the PC-104 standard and should not be used with PC-104 plugon cards. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 System reset is controlled by a voltage supply supervisor (TI TL7705ACD, U4). This device generates the processor’s reset input, asserting the Am186ES microcontroller’s RES pin for 13 ms when the RESET switch is depressed. The voltage supply supervisor also holds reset active when the power falls below 4.75 V. : Page 13 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM B 1.0 GND 32 GND 31 WHB 30 VCC 29 ALE 28 WLB 27 HLDA 26 INT3 25 INT4 24 NMI 23 CTS0 22 RXD0 21 TXD0 20 RTS0 19 NC 18 MCS0 17 MCS1 16 MCS2 15 MCS3 14 UZI 13 RD 12 WR 11 LCS 10 CS_FLASH/UCS 9 TMROUT1 8 TMRIN1 7 TMRIN0 6 NC 5 TMROUT0 4 VCC 3 RESET 2 GND 1 P1 A 32 GND 31 MA0 30 MA1 29 MA2 28 MA3 27 MA4 26 MA5 25 MA6 24 MA7 23 MA8 22 MA9 21 MA10 20 MA11 19 MA12 18 MA13 17 MA14 16 MA15 15 MA16 14 MA17 13 MA18 12 MA19 11 SRDY 10 ARDY/ IOCHRDY 9 AD0 8 AD1 7 AD2 6 AD3 5 AD4 4 AD5 3 AD6 2 AD7 1 NC Figure 2-6. Am186 Expansion Interface Pinout (P1) Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-13 : Page 14 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM AD8 NC NC NC PCS0 PCS1 PCS2 PCS3 PCS5 PCS6 BHE GND 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 D 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GND GND DEN VCC DT/R S0 S1 S2 CLKOUTB CLKOUTA DRQ0 DRQ1 NC RFSH INT0/IRQ_ENET INT1 INT2 S6 HOLD/DRQ_ENET GND Figure 2-7. Am186 Expansion Interface Pinout (P2) 2-14 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 C FLASHCS AD15 AD14 AD13 AD12 AD11 AD10 AD9 P2 : Page 15 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Flash Chip Select Switch The E86MON software utility enables you to program the on-board Flash memory with your own application code; however, there may be situations when you want to test your application from reset. To enable you to test your own application code, the Net186 demonstration board provides a switch that routes the on-board Flash memory chip select from the Am186 expansion interface connector, instead of from the Am186ES UCS signal. (The chip select for the on-board Flash memory has a weak pull-up to prevent the UCS signal, available on the Am186 expansion interface connector, as its chip select.) For normal operation, the Flash chip select switch (SW2) should be set as shown in Figure 2-8. The Am186ES microcontroller’s UCS signal will be connected to the on-board Flash memory’s CE signal. 1.0 SW2 Figure 2-8. Flash Chip Select Switch Set for Normal Operation To disconnect the Am186ES microcontroller from the on-board Flash memory, set the Flash chip select switch as shown in Figure 2-9. This allows external equipment to access the Flash memory via the FLASHCS signal on the expansion connector. The FLASHCS signal is connected to the Flash memory CE signal. This also allows the Am186ES microcontroller to execute code from an external device with the on-board Flash memory disabled. SW2 Figure 2-9. Flash Chip Select Switch Set to Disconnect the Am186 Microcontroller from On-Board Flash Memory Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-15 : Page 16 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM LED Indicators The Net186 demonstration board uses on-board LED indicators to show activity on a subset of the programmable I/O (PIO) signals from the Am186ES microcontroller and on the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. The following sections describe these LED indicators. PIO Activity LED Indicators Eight LEDs (CR5–CR12) are used to indicate activity on a subset of the Am186 microcontroller’s PIO signals. Table 2-5 shows which PIO signal is represented by each LED. 2-16 LED PIO Pin Name PIO Register Bit Number CR5 TMROUT0 15 CR6 SRDY 14 CR7 DEN 5 CR8 DT/R 4 CR9 PCS5 3 CR10 PCS6 2 CR11 TMROUT1 1 CR12 TMRIN1 0 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 Table 2-5. PIO LED Indicator Interface : Page 17 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller Status LEDs Four LEDs (CR1–CR4) are used to indicate the status of the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller interface. These LEDS are connected in reverse order to LED outputs 0–3 of the Ethernet controller. The function of these LEDs can be controlled by the configuration of the ISA bus configuration registers on the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. The configuration registers can be configured both by EEPROM and software. The Net186 demonstration board EEPROM and software leave the LEDs in their default configuration (CR1/LED3 is inverted from its default function by the EEPROM). XXX shows the LEDs, their corresponding Ethernet controller signal, and the function of each one. Table 2-6. PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller LED Indicator Interface LED Function 1.0 LED Ethernet Controller Signal Name CR4 LED0 10BASE-T link status. When on, this LED indicates a good 10BASE-T connection. CR3 LED1 Indicates receive activity from the network. CR2 LED2 Indicates transmit activity from the Ethernet controller. CR1 LED3 Indicates incorrect receive polarity on the 10BASE-T connection. For more information about the use of these LEDs, see the Am79C961A PCnetTMISA II Jumperless, Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Data Sheet, order #19364. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-17 : Page 18 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Power Supply When used as a stand-alone board, the Net186 demonstration board requires an input power supply of 5.0 V DC, ±5%, 250 mA. When adding components to the Net186 demonstration board via the Am186 expansion interface, additional power may be necessary. The power supply connector is a 5.5-mm barrel connector where the center post is VCC and the outer ring is GND, as shown in Figure 2-10. +5V GND Ethernet Connector LEDs SW1 CR12 CR11 CR10 CR9 CR8 CR7 CR6 CR5 POWER J5 Figure 2-10. Power Supply Polarity ! 2-18 CAUTION: Use the 5-V universal power supply included with the kit. Using a 9-V supply will permanently damage the board. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 Reset : Page 19 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PAL Equations The glue logic required for the Am186ES microcontroller-to-PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller interface is minimal. A total of eight inputs, six outputs, and a CLK are required to complete the design and will actually fit in a smaller PAL16V8 device. Refer to Appendix D, “PAL Source File Listing” for the PAL22V10 source file in PALASM format. Note that the input signal MCS0 is not required and is connected only to allow you to "memory map" the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller (versus mapping in I/O space). 1.0 The most complicated task is converting the signals available on the Am186ES microcontroller to the ISA bus read/write logic required by the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. To allow 8-bit I/O cycles, SBHE (System Byte High Enable) must be driven appropriately to the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. In the case of read operations, SBHE is asserted for both 8-bit and 16-bit operations. In the case of write operations, SBHE is asserted only when the upper byte needs to be written. This is the case for all word writes to even addresses and byte writes to odd addresses. The ISA bus specification requires a 5-ns hold time from IOR/IOW inactive to SBHE inactive. A digital one-shot implemented in the PAL device extends SBHE from the Am186ES microcontroller to satisfy this requirement. Unfortunately, the Am186ES microcontroller’s LCS signal, which would typically drive the SRAM memory directly, does not three-state during a bus hold. Because the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller must master the bus and DMA to and from memory, RCS is created in the PAL device to drive the chip select on the RAM. This signal is the logical OR of LCS and MASTER. When the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller controls the bus, MASTER will assert, and the RAM chip select will be continuously active. The SRAM selected (Toshiba 256K x 16 or equivalent) requires a minimum write pulse of 50 ns. The Am186ES microcontroller’s WR signal cannot be used directly because it has a minimum pulse width of only 40 ns at 40 MHz. The PAL device is used to combine WHB and WLB, generating the proper timing. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-19 : Page 20 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Net186 Initialization Overview When the Net186 demonstration board comes out of reset, both the Am186ES microcontroller and the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller will go through an initialization process. The Am186ES microcontroller will execute a program resident in the Flash memory that initializes the various internal registers (Peripheral Control Block) required to talk to peripherals. Specifically, the UCS, LCS, PCS2, and PCS3 chip selects need to be programmed for the Flash memory, SRAM, and PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller, respectively. The following portion of code demonstrates how the chip selects are set-up for the Net186 demonstration board: /* set /UCS to 512 KBytes beginning at 80000h, no wait states */ OutPortWord(UMCS, 0x803C) ; /* set PIOs 18 and 19 (PCS2,3)to normal mode as Peripheral Chip Selects */ OutPortWord(PIO1_MODE,InPortWord(PIO1_MODE) & ~0x000C) ; /* set PIOs 18 and 19 (PCS2,3)to normal mode as Peripheral Chip Selects */ OutPortWord(PIO1_DIR,InPortWord(PIO1_DIR) & ~0x000C) ; /* Assert PCS in I/O space (vs Memory Mapped) */ OutPortWord(MPCS, 0x81B8) ; /* Set base for PCS to 0x0000, external ready required, 3 wait states minimum */ OutPortWord(PACS, 0x0073) ; When this setup is complete, the Am186ES microcontroller can communicate with the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller register set at any I/O address between 200h and 3FFh. Note that where the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller is mapped depends upon how it has been initialized. 2-20 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 /* set /LCS to 512 KBytes ending at 7FFFFh, no wait states */ OutPortWord(LMCS, 0x7F3C) ; : Page 21 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM On the Net186 demonstration board, the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller initialization is executed by the preprogrammed EEPROM. Immediately following reset, the contents of the EEPROM are automatically read into the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller register set allowing the Am186ES microcontroller to communicate to it. Refer to the Am79C961A PCnetTM-ISA II Jumperless, Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Data Sheet, order #19364, for details regarding the contents and arrangement of the EEPROM. PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller Legacy Mode The Am79C961A PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller is designed so that it always responds to Plug-and-Play (PnP) configuration software. Most embedded networking applications, including the Net186 demonstration board, do not require PnP. In fact, PnP can complicate software initialization. Fortunately, the PCnetISA II Ethernet controller features a Legacy mode that allows you to hard code the resources (I/O port, DMA, IRQ, etc.) in the EEPROM. This allows the Am186ES microcontroller to communicate to the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller immediately following reset. 1.0 In Legacy mode, the Ethernet controller ignores the PnP software’s special initiation key sequence (6A) and is visible in the I/O space. Only special setup programs are able to reconfigure the Ethernet controller while in Legacy mode. If the EEPROM is missing, empty, or corrupted, the Ethernet controller will still recognize AMD’s special initiation key sequence (6B). To enable Legacy mode, write a 1 to the LGCY_EN bit (bit 6) of PnP Register 0xF0. The preferred method for this is to set the LGCY_EN bit in the Vendor Byte (PnP 0xF0) field of the EEPROM located in word offset 0x1A. When written with a 1, the Ethernet controller will not respond to the PnP initiation sequence (6A), but will respond to the AMD key sequence (6B); therefore, the Ethernet controller cannot be reconfigured as PnP software. When set to 0, the Ethernet controller will respond to the 6A key sequence if the EEPROM read was successful; otherwise, it will respond to the 6B key sequence. See the Am79C961A PCnetTM-ISA II Jumperless, Full Duplex Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA Data Sheet, order #19364, for a detailed description of Legacy mode and the LGCY_EN bit. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 2-21 : Page 22 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Things to Remember • Under normal operation, the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller has to reside somewhere between address 200h and 3FFh for it to respond to I/O cycles. The PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller only decodes 10 address bits for I/O cycles and 12 for PnP commands. • The important PnP I/O ports are 279h, A79h, and 203h–3FFh. If the Net186 demonstration board is ever run without an EEPROM, these addresses must be available to bring the device out of PnP isolation. • With 512 Kbyte of Flash memory and 512 Kbyte of SRAM, the entire memory addressing capability of the Net186 demonstration board is utilized. The PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller must be mapped to I/O space. The logical place to map the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller is in I/O space using PCS2 and PCS3. This provides the flexibility to map the device anywhere between 200h and 3FFh and to run without an EEPROM if desired. The tradeoff is giving up CTS and RTS flow control on the second serial port. If an application required less Flash memory or SRAM, then the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller could be memory mapped using one of the MCS signals. This would allow you to recover CTS and RTS. This application is provided for on the Net186 demonstration board by including MCS0 as an input to the PAL device. By simply reprogramming the PAL device, the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller could be memory mapped. 2-22 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 • PCS2 and PCS3 assert at address 200h and 3FFh respectively. These pins are used as CTS and RTS for serial port 1, thus preventing the use of hardware flow control if the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller is mapped to I/O space. CTS and RTS are routed to the driver for serial port 1, but are disabled on the production Net186 demonstration boards by not stuffing the 0-ohm resistors at R3 and R4. If the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller is memory mapped, thus not requiring PCS2 and PCS3, then R3 and R4 could be stuffed. : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Chapter 3 Product Support This chapter provides information on: • Reaching and using the AMD Corporate Applications technical support services, on page 3-2 • Product information available through AMD’s WWW and FTP sites, on page 3-4 • Support tools for the E86 and PCnet families, on page 3-5 Note that AMD does not support source code changes to the E86MON software or other demonstration software, and AMD does not support the running of the E86MON software on demonstration boards other than the AMD SD186/SD188 family and the Net186 demonstration boards. The E86MON software and other demonstration board source code is provided to customers “as is”. 1.0 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 3-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM AMD Corporate Applications Technical Support Services Technical support for the E86 family of microcontrollers, corresponding support products, and the PCnet family of products is available via e-mail, online (BBS and WWW), and through telephone or fax. E-Mail Support Please include your name, company, telephone and fax numbers, AMD product requiring support, and question or problem in all e-mail correspondence. In the USA and Canada, send mail to: In Europe and the UK, send mail to: 1.0 Online Support AMD offers technical support on our WWW site and through our bulletin board services. See “Product Support” on page 3-4 for more on what our WWW and FTP sites have to offer. WWW Technical Support Go to AMD’s home page at and click on “Service” for the latest AMD technical support phone numbers, software, and Frequently Asked Questions. Bulletin Board Support 3-2 Country Number USA and Canada (408) 749-4659 UK and Europe 44-(0) 1276-803-211 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Telephone and Fax Support Telephone assistance is available in the U.S. from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific time, Monday through Friday (except major holidays). In Europe, assistance is available during U.K. business hours. Contact the hotlines at one of the following telephone or fax numbers. Direct Dial Numbers Number USA and Canada Tel.: (408) 749-5703 Fax: (408) 749-4753 Japan Tel.: (03) 3346-7550 Fax: (03) 3346-9828 Far East Asia Fax: (852) 2956-0599 Germany Tel.: 089 450 53199 UK and Europe Tel.: 44-(0) 1276-803-299 Fax: 44-(0) 1276-803-298 1.0 Country Toll-Free Numbers Country Number USA and Canada (800) 222-9323 France 0590-8621 Italy 1678-77224 Japan 0031-11-1163 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 3-3 : Page 4 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Product Support AMD’s WWW and FTP sites are described below. Questions, requests, and input concerning these sites can be sent via e-mail to WWW Site A subset of the AMD WWW pages, the embedded processor and networking product pages are frequently updated and include general product information, technical documentation, and support and tool information. To access these pages, go to the AMD home page at and click on “Embedded Processors” or “Networking”. You can also access the pages directly at http:// or • “What’s New” announces new E86 or PCnet family products, and highlights new applications using our products. • “Product Overviews” briefly describes all the products in the E86 and PCnet families, and describes how these parts are ideal in specific focus markets. • “Support and Tools” provides information about the tools that support our products, and offers online benchmarking tools. • “Technical Documentation” provides the Available Literature List of datasheets, application notes, user’s manuals, and promotional literature, and describes how to order these documents. Many are also available online in PDF form. (To access the Literature Ordering Center via telephone, call one of the numbers listed on the back cover of your manual.) The “Embedded Processors” page also includes a link under “Support and Tools” called “Demo Board Updates” which provides access to the AMD FTP site where the latest E86MON software releases are available. 3-4 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 The “Embedded Processors” and “Networking” home pages are divided into four sections: : Page 5 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM FTP Site In addition to the documentation on our WWW pages, AMD provides software through an anonymous FTP site. To download the software, ftp to and log on as “anonymous” using your e-mail address as a password. Or via your web browser, go to Software relating to the embedded processor and networking products can be found in the /pub/epd/e86/ or /pub/ npd/software/directories. Third-Party Development Support Products The FusionE86SM Program of Partnerships for Application Solutions provides the customer with an array of products designed to meet critical time-to-market needs. Products and solutions available from the AMD FusionE86 partners include emulators, hardware and software debuggers, board-level products, and software development tools, among others. The FusionE86SM Catalog, order #19255, and the FusionE86SM CD, order #21058 describe these solutions. 1.0 In addition, mature development tools and applications for the x86 platform are widely available in the general marketplace. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 3-5 : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix A Schematics and Board Bill of Materials This appendix contains schematics for the Net186 demonstration board components (see page A-2) and the bill of materials (see page A-12). 1.0 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual A-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Schematics The Net186 demonstration board schematics have been blocked out to isolate functionality of the design onto separate pages as follows: • Page A-3 contains the top level interconnect signals and the PAL22V10. • Page A-4 contains the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller. • Page A-5 contains the 10BASE-T interface and EEPROM. • Page A-6 contains various signal pull-ups and pull-downs, including the reset board ID. • Page A-7 contains the Am186ES microcontroller. • Page A-8 contains the RS-232 interfaces. • Page A-9 contains the processor LEDS (CR5-CR12), the SRAM, and the Flash memory. • Page A-11 contains the reset circuit and switch and the power supply decoupling caps. These schematics and design are subject to change. A-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 • Page A-10 contains the Am186 expansion interface. CPU/Memory Subsection Ethernet Subsection MA[19:0] MA[19:0] MA[19:0] D[15:0] D[15:0] ALE D[15:0] ALE RD RD AEN AEN WR WR RD RD WLB WLB WR WR WHB WHB IOCHRDY IOCHRDY BHE BHE DRQ_ENET DRQ_ENET AEN AEN DACK_ENET DACK_ENET MCS0 MASTER MASTER LCS MEMW MEMW PCS2 PCS2 SBHE SBHE PCS3 PCS3 ALE ALE CS_SRAM IRQ_ENET IRQ_ENET DRQ_ENET SHFBUSY SHFBUSY HLDA RESET RESET CS_SRAM DRQ_ENET HLDA IOCHRDY IOCHRDY SHFBUSY SHFBUSY IRQ_ENET RESET IRQ_ENET RESET SBHE SBHE MEMW MEMW RCLKOUTA RCLKOUTA VDD 2 R28 10K 5% 1 U2 RCLKOUTA 2 I0 MASTER 3 I1 LCS 4 I2 HLDA 5 I3 BHE 6 WLB WHB VDD;28 LCS IO0 17 IO1 18 IO2 19 IO3 20 AEN I4 IO4 21 7 I5 IO5 23 9 I6 IO6 24 SBHE MCS0 10 I7 IO7 25 DACK_ENET PCS2 11 I8 IO8 26 MEMW PCS3 12 I9 IO9 27 CS_SRAM PU_PAL 13 I10 I11 GND;14 MCS0 16 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD PAL22V10 SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: SIZE DATE MODULE Net186 DRAWN BY $1I173 DIAGRAM DATE Top Sean Level Michaud C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 ENGINEERMark Bowers SHEET 1 OF 9 Rick Purvis C 113 AVDD1 AVDD2 118 VDD 98 103 AVDD3 AVDD4 123 LED1 121 LED2 120 LED3 MA0 124 LED0 LED0 LED1 LED2 LED3 MA1 21 SA0 MA2 22 SA1 MA3 23 SA2 MA4 25 SA3 MA5 26 SA4 MA6 27 SA5 MA7 28 SA6 MA8 29 SA7 MA9 30 SA8 MA10 31 SA9 MA11 33 SA10 MA12 34 SA11 MA13 39 SA12 MA14 40 SA13 MA15 41 SA14 MA16 42 SA15 MA17 44 SA16 MA18 45 SA17 MA19 SA19 SA18 11 13 46 58 IOCS16 RD 67 IOR WR 68 IOW 54 IRQ12/FLASHWE 55 IRQ11 57 IRQ10 69 IRQ9 62 IRQ5 61 IRQ4 IRQ_ENET 60 IRQ3 U7 PCnetISA 51 MEMR MEMW 50 MEMW REF 63 RESET 70 RESET SBHE 19 SBHE BPCS IRQ15/APCS 53 VDD 136 PRDB4 PRDB3 131 129 PRDB5 PRDB6 128 PRDB7 127 126 TDI TCK 141 138 TMS 140 TDO 139 EESK/PRDB0 EEDI/PRDB1 EECS EECS 137 EESK 134 EEDI 133 EEDO/PRDB2 EEDO 132 SD0 76 D0 SD1 78 D1 SD2 81 D2 SD3 83 D3 SD4 86 D4 SD5 88 D5 SD6 91 D6 SD7 SD8 77 93 D7 D8 SD9 SD10 82 79 D9 D10 SD11 SD12 87 84 D11 D[15:0] D15 94 SHFBUSY D12 SLEEP SD13 75 SD14 SLEEP 92 BALE D14 59 SD15 REF BALE 116 DI+ 115 DI- 114 DO+ 112 DO- 111 AVSS R1 5 1/8W II MASTER RD 117 CI- XTAL1 104 X1_ENET XTAL2 106 X2_ENET RXD+ 97 RXD+ RXD- 96 RXD- TXD+ 102 TXD+ TXD- 100 TXD- TXPD+ 101 TXPD+ TXPD- 99 AVSS1 IOCS16 AVSS 110 IOCHRDY SHFBUSY 135 12 47 49 3 14 16 DRQ3 CI+ 22UF 16 2 TXPD- AVSS2 DRQ5 C1 0.1UF 105 DRQ6 6 1 C59 2 IOCHRDY MASTER 1 119 DRQ7 5 DRQ_ENET 65 17 DACK3 89 4 VDD DXCVR/EAR D13 DACK_ENET66 LA17 DACK5 LA18 DACK6 10 LA19 DACK7 9 LA20 AEN 8 LA21 18 48 LA22 ENET_PU LA23 AEN MA[19:0] ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: SIZE DATE MODULE PCNetISA DRAWN BY DIAGRAM DATE II Sean Michaud C DWG. NO. 04/14/97 ENGINEER REV C SHEET 2 of 9 T1 FILTER TXD+ 1 TXPD+ 2 J5 LPF 20 TO+ 19 TO- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 TXD- 3 TXPD- 4 RXD+ 7 LPF 5 LPF 12 RI+ 11 RI- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 8 10 RXD- 9 LPF 1 1 1 PE68068T C61 C62 0.1UF C60 0.1UF 0.1UF 2 2 2 VDD VDD U3 X1_ENET 1 CATH DI EEDO 4 DO EECS 1 CS EESK 2 EEDI 3 DI EEDO 4 DO EECS 1 CS EESK 2 ORG 6 SK 3 3 3 3 3 GREEN RED CR4 1 2 CATH GREEN RED CR3 1 2 CATH GREEN RED CR2 1 2 CATH 2 GREEN CR1 RED 20MHZ 1 2 Y2 EEDI X2_ENET 33PF 2 R43 R42 330 1/8W 330 1/8W 330 1/8W VDD U1 LED0 C35 33PF R41 330 1/8W LED1 C36 R40 LED2 2 1 LED3 1 ORG 6 SK ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: SIZE DATE MODULE Ethernet DRAWN BY DIAGRAM DATE Support Sean Michaud C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 ENGINEER C SHEET 3 OF 9 VDD R44 2.2K 1/8W VDD SLEEP 2 2 R63 10K 5% VDD 2 R51 10K 5% 2 R45 10K 5% R46 10K 5% 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 D15 D14 2 2 1 2 R9 10K 5% R7 10K 5% 1 2 R8 10K 5% 1 2 1 D13 2 R10 10K 5% R6 10K 5% 1 R27 10K 5% D12 1 IOCHRDY IOCS16 SHFBUSY REF R64 10K 5% ENET_PU R65 10K 5% R67 10K 5% R66 10K 5% ALE 1 1 1 1 VDD D11 D10 D9 2 R14 10K 5% 1 2 R12 10K 5% 1 2 R15 10K 5% 1 2 R11 10K 5% 1 2 R16 10K 5% 1 2 D8 R68 10K 5% 1 MASTER ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD MEMW IRQ_ENET SBHE SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: DIAGRAM DATE RD DRQ_ENET SIZE DATE MODULE Ethernet DRAWN BY Pullup Sean Resistors Michaud C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 ENGINEER C SHEET 4 OF 9 63 MA0 62 MA1 60 MA2 59 MA3 58 MA4 57 MA5 56 MA6 54 MA8 55 MA7 53 MA9 52 MA10 51 MA11 50 MA12 49 MA13 48 MA14 47 MA15 46 MA16 45 MA17 43 MA18 42 MA19 MA[19:0] CLK_40MHZ R50 RCLKOUTA 40 CLKOUTB RES 94 RESET INT4/PIO30 75 INT4 INT3/INTA1/IRQ 76 INT3 INT2/INTA0/PWD/PIO31 77 INT2 INT1/SELECT 78 INT1 INT0 79 IRQ_ENET C34 NMI 70 NMI 22PF 16V U10 S6 19 S6/LOCK/CLKDIV2/PIO29 UZI 20 UZI/PIO26 ALE 30 ALE S2 32 S1 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 CLKOUTA CLKOUTB A11 39 A12 CLK_40MHZ A13 X2 A14 37 A15 X2 A16 X1 A17/PIO7 36 A18/PIO8 X1 A19/PIO9 33 R49 CLKOUTB 1 82 PCS6 PCS5/A1/PIO3 83 PCS5 S2 PCS3/RTS1/RTR1/PIO19 85 PCS3 33 S1 PCS2/CTS1/ENRX1/PIO18 86 PCS2 S0 34 S0 PCS1/PIO17 88 PCS1 DRQ_ENET 68 HOLD PCS0/PIO16 89 PCS0 HLDA 67 HLDA LCS/ONCE0 81 LCS RD 29 RD MCS3/RFSH/PIO25 92 MCS3 WR 28 WR MCS2/PIO24 91 MCS2 DT/R 71 DT/R/PIO4 MCS1/PIO15 74 MCS1 DEN 72 DEN/DS/PIO5 MCS0/PIO14 73 MCS0 IOCHRDY 31 ARDY UCS/ONCE1 80 CS_FLASH SRDY 69 SRDY/PIO6 BHE 27 BHE/ADEN DRQ1/INT6/PIO13 99 DRQ1 WHB 65 WHB DRQ0/INT5/PIO12 100 DRQ0 WLB 66 WLB 23 CTS0 RTS0/RTR0/PIO20 26 RTS0 C39 25 TXD0 15PF TXD0/PIO22 RXD0/PIO23 24 RXD0 RXD1 22 RXD1 TXD1 21 TXD1 SIGNAL=VDD;15,38,44,61,84,90 SIGNAL=GND;12,35,41,64,87,93 IC AM186ES SQFP100 D[15:0] 22PF 16V 2 X1 1 Y1 40MHZ AD0 AD1 X2 1 1 2 C38 22PF 2 1 3 AD3 AD2 5 7 AD4 9 D4 D0 D1 D2 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD D3 AD5 11 D5 AD6 14 D6 AD8 AD9 AD7 17 D7 8 D11 2 10 D12 4 13 D13 D8 16 D14 D9 18 D15 AD10 TMROUT1/PIO1 6 96 D10 TMRIN1/PIO0 TMROUT1 AD11 95 AD12 TMRIN1 AD13 TMROUT0/PIO10 AD14 TMRIN0/PIO11 97 AD15 98 C33 2 CTS0/ENRX0/PIO21 TMROUT0 1 2 PCS6/A2/PIO2 TMRIN0 RCLKOUTB 33 SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: SIZE DATE MODULE 186ES DRAWN BY DIAGRAM DATE CPU Subsystem Sean Michaud C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 ENGINEER C SHEET 5 of 9 J2 R34 1 TXD0 2 9 9 8 8 U6 1/8W 11 T1IN 10 T2IN TXD0T R35 1 RTS0 2 RTS0T 1/8W R36 1 RXD0 12 R1OUT 9 R2OUT RXD0T CTS0T 2 T1OUT 14 T2OUT 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 R1IN 13 R2IN 8 VDD 1/8W R37 1 CTS0 1 C1+ 3 C1- 2 1/8W 1 C28 1 C27 22PF 16V 2 1 C25 V- 6 1 R47 C23 0.1UF 22PF 16V 2 22PF 16V C20 0.1UF 0.1UF 2 1 33 0.1UF 2 2 1 C19 1 1 C22 2 RESET 1 C26 22PF 16V 2 V+ 2 4 C2+ 5 C21 1 3 3 2 2 R52 CR13 GREEN CATH 3 RED 390 MAX232 2 2 2 J3 R31 10K 5% 1 11 T1IN 10 T2IN TXD1T PCS3T R2 1 TXD1 12 R1OUT 9 R2OUT RXD1T R3 1 R5 1 PCS2T 1 C1+ 3 C1- DO NOT POPULATE 2 R4 3 3 2 2 1 V+ 2 4 C2+ 5 C21 1 R1IN 13 R2IN 8 1 R48 C18 V- 6 C21 0.1UF 2 2 1 DO NOT POPULATE 2 C17 C16 0.1UF 0.1UF 1 33 0.1UF 2 2 0 OHMS 1/8W 1 1 VDD 0 OHMS 1/8W PCS2 5 5 4 4 2 0 OHMS 1/8W RXD1 7 7 6 6 T1OUT 14 T2OUT 7 2 0 OHMS 1/8W PCS3 9 9 8 8 U5 RESET R53 CR15 GREEN CATH 3 RED 390 MAX232 2 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD 1 2 1 1 1 C31 C32 C30 C29 22PF 16V 22PF 16V 22PF 16V 22PF 16V 2 2 SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: 2 SIZE DATE MODULE 186ES DO NOT POPULATE DIAGRAM DATE Memory Section Sean Michaud C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 C DO NOT POPULATE DRAWN BY ENGINEER SHEET 7 of 9 VDD U11 TMROUT0 CR5 R61 3 GREEN CATH RED 330 1/8W 1 MA1 2 MA2 MA3 MA4 SRDY CR6 R60 3 GREEN CATH RED 330 1/8W MA5 1 MA6 2 MA7 MA8 MA9 DEN CR7 R58 3 GREEN CATH RED 330 1/8W MA10 1 MA11 2 MA12 MA13 MA14 DT/R CR8 R59 3 CR9 R57 3 GREEN CATH RED 330 1/8W PCS6 CATH RED 330 1/8W PCS5 GREEN CR10 R56 3 GREEN CATH RED 330 1/8W MA15 1 MA16 2 MA1 D14 MA2 23 A2 22 A3 DQ13 41 DQ12 39 D13 MA3 D12 MA4 21 A4 20 A5 DQ11 36 DQ10 34 D11 MA5 D10 MA6 19 A6 18 A7 DQ9 32 DQ8 30 D9 MA7 D8 MA8 8 A8 7 A9 DQ7 44 DQ6 42 D7 MA9 D6 MA10 6 A10 5 A11 DQ5 40 DQ4 38 D5 MA11 D4 MA12 4 A12 3 A13 DQ3 35 DQ2 33 D3 MA13 D2 MA14 2 A14 1 A15 DQ1 31 DQ0 29 D1 MA15 D0 MA16 MA19 16 A18 CE_FLASH RD 26 CE 28 OE WR 11 WE 5 A0 4 A1 IO16 6 IO15 7 D15 3 A2 2 A3 IO14 10 IO13 11 D13 54 A4 53 A5 IO12 16 IO11 17 D11 52 A6 51 A7 IO10 20 IO9 21 D9 33 A8 32 A9 IO8 34 IO7 35 D7 31 A10 30 A11 IO6 38 IO5 39 D5 29 A12 27 A13 IO4 44 IO3 45 D3 26 A14 25 A15 IO2 48 IO1 49 D1 D14 D12 D10 D8 D6 D4 D2 D0 24 A16 23 A17 MA17 MA18 1 2 RESET 12 RY/BY 15 BYTE 47 RESET CS_SRAM RD BYTE MA0 12 UB 43 LB MEMW 15 R/W SBHE 1 13 CE 42 OE OP1 14 OP2 41 2 29F400 SRAM R38 0 CR11 R54 3 GREEN CATH RED 330 1/8W TMRIN1 D15 MA18 NOTE: TMROUT1 DQ15/A-1 45 DQ14 43 48 A16 17 A17 MA17 U9 25 A0 24 A1 CR12 R55 3 GREEN CATH RED 330 1/8W A18 is included to allow 29F800 1 2 1 2 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD VDD SCHEMATIC 2 APPROVED R39 10K 5% 1 SW2 CS_FLASH CE_FLASH DIAGRAM DATE SIZE DATE MODULE 1 3 FLASHCS BY: 186ES Memory Section DRAWN BY Sean Michaud C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 C 2 ENGINEER SHEET 6 of 9 VDD INT1 INT2 1 B1 A1 2 3 B2 A2 4 D7 5 B3 A3 6 D6 7 B4 A4 8 D5 9 B5 A5 10 D4 TMRIN0 11 B6 A6 12 D3 TMRIN1 13 B7 A7 14 D2 TMROUT1 15 B8 A8 16 D1 CS_FLASH 17 B9 A9 18 D0 LCS 19 B10 A10 20 IOCHRDY WR 21 B11 A11 22 SRDY RD 23 B12 A12 24 MA19 UZI 25 B13 A13 26 MA18 MCS3 27 B14 A14 28 MA17 MCS2 29 B15 A15 30 MA16 MCS1 31 B16 A16 32 MA15 MCS0 33 B17 A17 34 MA14 35 B18 A18 36 MA13 RTS0 37 B19 A19 38 MA12 TXD0 39 B20 A20 40 MA11 RXD0 41 B21 A21 42 MA10 CTS0 43 B22 A22 44 MA9 NMI 45 B23 A23 46 MA8 INT4 47 B24 A24 48 MA7 INT3 49 B25 A25 50 MA6 HLDA 51 B26 A26 52 MA5 WLB 53 B27 A27 54 MA4 ALE 55 B28 A28 56 MA3 57 B29 A29 58 MA2 59 B30 A30 60 MA1 61 B31 A31 62 MA0 63 B32 A32 64 INT3 RESET VDD INT4 TMROUT0 2 2 2 R24 R25 10K 5% 10K 5% 1 1 2 R26 10K 5% 1 R23 10K 5% 1 1 D0 C0 2 DRQ_ENET 3 D1 C1 4 BHE S6 5 D2 C2 6 PCS6 INT2 7 D3 C3 8 PCS5 INT1 9 D4 C4 10 PCS3 11 D5 C5 12 PCS2 13 D6 C6 14 PCS1 15 D7 C7 16 PCS0 DRQ1 17 D8 C8 18 DRQ0 19 D9 C9 20 IRQ_ENET DRQ0 RCLKOUTA 21 D10 C10 22 RCLKOUTB 23 D11 C11 24 D8 S2 25 D12 C12 26 D9 S1 27 D13 C13 28 D10 S0 29 D14 C14 30 D11 DT/R 31 D15 C15 32 DRQ1 NMI 2 2 R22 R21 10K 5% 10K 5% 1 1 2 R20 10K 5% DEN 1 D12 33 D16 C16 34 D13 35 D17 C17 36 D14 37 D18 C18 38 D15 39 D19 C19 40 FLASHCS P2 WHB VDD J1 VDD 1 1 2 2 2 2 R17 R18 10K 5% 10K 5% 1 1 2 R19 10K 5% 1 2 2 R29 R30 10K 5% 10K 5% 1 1 2 P1 3 3 R13 10K 5% ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD 1 WLB WHB SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: DIAGRAM DATE SRDY BYTE SIZE DATE MODULE Expansion Headers C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 C WR BHE DRAWN BY Sean Michaud ENGINEER SHEET 8 of 9 VDD VDD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C44 C43 C47 C46 C40 C2 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 22UF 16 22UF 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C37 22UF 16 2 2 VDD 1 1 C8 0.01UF 2 1 C10 0.01UF 2 1 1 C9 0.01UF 2 1 1 C7 0.01UF 2 1 1 C41 0.01UF 2 1 1 C48 0.01UF 2 1 1 C49 0.01UF 2 1 2 C50 R62 0.01UF 100K 1/8W 2 1 VDD VDD VDD R32 10K 5% U4 1 1 1 1 2 7 SENSE 2 RESIN VCC 8 RST 6 RESET 3 CT 4 GND RST 5 RESET REF 1 1 2 1 R33 C15 C14 C13 C11 C45 C51 C42 C52 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 C55 C53 C56 C58 C57 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 2 2 2 10K 5% 0.1UF 2 2 1 1 C54 2 3 2 C24 1.0UF 16V SW1 C12 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES COPYRIGHT 1995 AMD 2 SCHEMATIC APPROVED BY: SIZE DATE MODULE Bypass DRAWN BY DIAGRAM DATE Capacitors Sean Michaud C DWG. NO. REV 04/14/97 ENGINEER C SHEET 9 of 9 : Page 12 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Board Bill of Materials (BOM) Table A-1. Net186 Demonstration Board BOM Ref Description MFG1 4 C1, C2, C37, C40 22 MFd, SMT, C case, 20 V Any 30 C3–C14, C41–C58 0.01 MFd, SMT, 16 V Any 1 C15 1.0 MFd, SMT, 16 V Any 13 C16–C24, C59– C62 0.1 MFd, SMT, 20 V Any 10 C25–C34 22 PFd, SMT, 16 V Any 2 C35, C361 33 PFd, SMT, 16 V Any 2 C38, C39 15 PFd, SMT, 16 V Any 14 CR1–CR14 LED, 3-pin, SMT LUMEX SSL-LX15IGC-RP-TR 1 J1 Power jack, 5.5 mm, RA Switchcraft RAPC-712 2 J2, J3 DB9 right-angle connector, front metal-shell AMP 787844-1 1 J5 RJ-45 connector 1 P1 Am186 Conn, 64-pin header Any 1 P2 Am186 Conn, 40-pin header Any 1 R1 5 Ω, 5% Any 4 R2–R5 0 Ω, 5% Any 28 R6–R33, R45, R46, R51, R63–R67 10 kΩ, 5% Any 5 R34–R38 0 Ω, 5% Any 4 R40–R43 330 Ω, 5% Any 1 R44 2.2 kΩ, 5% Any 4 R47–R50 33 Ω, 5% Any 2 R52, R53 390 Ω, 5% Any 8 R54–R61 330 Ω, 5% Any 1 R62 100 kΩ, 5% Any 1 SW1 Reset switch, (SMT-J lead) C&K KT11P3JM 1 T1 10BASE-T filter and transformer Pulse Engineering PE68068T A-12 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual Part No 1 1.0 Qty : Page 13 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Qty Ref Description MFG1 Part No 1 1 U1 128 x 16 EEPROM National NM93C56N 1 U2 22V10 PAL AMD PALCE22V10H-7JC/5 1 U3 128 x 16 EEPROM National NM93C56N 1 U4 Reset controller, SMT TI TL7705ACD 2 U5, U6 RS-232 driver, narrow SMT Maxim MAX232ACSE 1 U7 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Controller AMD Am79C961AVC\W 1 U9 256K x 16 SRAM (SMT) Toshiba TC514161 1 U10 Am186ES microcontroller AMD Am186ES-40VC\W 1 U11 512K x 16 Flash memory (SMT) AMD Am29F400AT-70EC 1 Y1 40.0-MHz quartz crystal, 16 pF Epson MA-306 1 Y2 20.0-MHz quartz crystal, 16 pF Epson MA-306 1.0 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual A-13 : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix B PCnet Family History The following is a brief discussion/history of the LANCE (Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet) and the subsequent family of integrated single-chip Ethernet controllers that followed based on the LANCE/CLANCE (CMOS Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet) architecture called the PCnet Family. The PCnet Family of single-chip Ethernet controllers is based on the original Am7990 LANCE bus mastering architecture. The original LANCE controller was introduced in 1985. Its architecture is the basis for AMD’s PCnet Family of highly integrated single-chip Ethernet controllers. The one Ethernet controller that is the exception is the Am79C940 MACE (Media Access Controller for Ethernet). The original LANCE, the PCnet family, and MACE are described below. 1.0 For more information about members of AMD’s family of Ethernet controllers, refer to the AMD Networking Products Guide CD, order #21244, included in your kit. LANCE / CLANCE The LANCE (Am7990) was a standalone Media Access Controller (MAC). It had no PHY layer logic. This means it had no integrated Manchester Encoder/Decoder (ENDEC) nor did it have an integrated 10BASE-T transceiver (TMAU). In 1992, AMD refabricated the NMOS LANCE to produce a CMOS LANCE called the C-LANCE (Am79C90). Though the internal architecture of the CLANCE is a little different than the internal architecture of the LANCE, to the user/programmer, the architecture of the CLANCE is exactly the same as the LANCE. This means that whatever software suites were developed for the LANCE can also be used with the Am79C90 CLANCE without changing any of the original Am7990 LANCE software code. Thus, whenever the name CLANCE is used, it is really the original LANCE Ethernet media access controller fabricated using CMOS technology. The CLANCE is pin compatible to the LANCE and like the LANCE, CLANCE is also a bus-mastering Ethernet controller. AMD still offers the CLANCE (Am79C90) Ethernet controller. The original LANCE architecture is as popular today as it was when it was first introduced over a decade ago. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual B-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PCnet Family of Ethernet Controllers There is a series of four basic sets of PCnet family Ethernet controllers. You can tell which bus environment a particular PCnet Ethernet controller was designed for by its name, as described in the following sections. PCnet-ISA Series (16-Bit) for ISA/EISA-Based Environments PCnet-ISA (Am79C960) was AMD’s first PCnet Ethernet controller introduced in 1992. This particular product won the 1992 Award from PC Magazine and was described as “The year’s most technically innovative connectivity product brings networking to the masses.” PCnet-ISA+ (Am79C961) was the next PCnet-ISA member introduced in 1993, and was not pin compatible to the PCnet-ISA. Compared to the PCnet-ISA, the PCnet-ISA+ was jumperless and was compliant to Microsoft’s Plug and Play specifications for ISA. B-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 During the last half of the 1980s, AMD embarked on a program to produce highly integrated single-chip Ethernet controllers based exclusively on the original LANCE/CLANCE architecture; that is, an Ethernet controller chip with integrated MAC/ENDEC/TMAU (Media Access Control/Encoder-Decoder/10BASE-T Media Access Unit). In addition, it was decided to integrate the bus interface logic on board the chip. The idea of maintaining architecture compatibility with the original LANCE/CLANCE Ethernet controllers was done to ensure software compatibility. AMD realized that there was a very large base of LANCE/CLANCE users who did not want to rewrite their LANCE-based software code. The inclusion of a bus interface logic on board the chip was done to provide easy, painless direct connections, without additional hardware glue logic, to most popular standard buses. These buses included ISA, EISA, VL and PCI buses. AMD now has a series of single-chip Ethernet controllers, collectively called the PCnet family of Ethernet controllers. : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PCnet-ISA II (Am79C961A) is the last member of the PCnet-ISA series introduced in 1994. This device is pin compatible to the PCnet-ISA+. Like the PCnet-ISA+, this device is jumperless and is compliant to Microsoft’s Plug and Play specifications for ISA. Additionally, PCnet-ISA II is full-duplex capable. This means it can transmit and receive data at the same time over its 10BASE-T twisted pair port. Full-duplex gives PCnet-ISA II the capability of bidirectional data transfer rate of up to 20 Mbit/s combined. PCnet-ISA II also has a feature unique to AMD’s Ethernet controllers, Magic PacketTM Technology. Created in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard, Magic Packet Technology allows you to remotely wake up a sleeping PC or any piece of equipment on a network. Today, only the PCnet-ISA II (Am79C961A) is available and is featured on the Net186 standalone demonstration board. The PCnet-ISA (Am79C960) and the PCnet-ISA+ (Am79C961) are no longer offered. PCnet-32 (32-Bit) for VL or General 32-Bit Local-Bus Based Environments 1.0 PCnet-32 (Am79C965) was introduced in 1993. While it appears to be made specifically for the VL bus, PCnet-32 is really a general 32-bit Ethernet controller. However, this device does not support full-duplex or Magic Packet Technology. It is well suited for general 32-bit embedded networking applications, and in particular, high-end routers. The PCnet-32 also interfaces very well to an 80486. PCnet-PCI II (32-Bit) for PCI-Based Environments PCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A) was introduced in 1995 and is a 32-bit Ethernet controller designed for use in PCI bus based environments. The PCnet-PCI II has a General Purpose Serial Interface (GPSI) enabling you to bypass the ENDEC & TMAU and connect directly to the MAC, External Address Detection Interface (EADI), bigger FIFOs, and full-duplex capability. PCnet-PCI was introduced in 1993. While AMD no longer offers the PCnet-PCI (Am79C970), software drivers written for the PCnet-PCI can also be used on the PCnet-PCI II. Like the PCnetISA II, PCnet-PCI II also has Magic Packet Technology to remotely wake up a sleeping PC or any piece of equipment on a network. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual B-3 : Page 4 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PCnet-FAST (32-Bit) for PCI-Based Environments PCnet-FAST (Am79C971) was introduced in June 1996 and is AMD’s latest PCnet family member introduced to address the growing need for 100 Mbit/s fast Ethernet capability. PCnet-FAST is capable of operating as a 10-Mbit/s Ethernet controller as well. Like PCnet-ISA II and PCnet-PCI II, PCnet-FAST is full-duplex capable and also has Magic Packet Technology. Software Compatibility 1.0 The PCnet family of Ethernet controllers (PCnet-ISA II, PCnet-32, PCnet-PCI II and PCnet-FAST) is LANCE/CLANCE software compatible. This means you can use the original 16-bit LANCE/CLANCE software on the above members of the PCnet family of single-chip Ethernet controllers. It is this software compatibility that is the PCnet family’s biggest value proposition. You have an upgrade path from the popular standalone LANCE/CLANCE MAC to a highly integrated, single-chip solution whose architecture is compatible to the LANCE/CLANCE. B-4 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 5 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM MACE (16-Bit) for General 16-Bit Environments AMD offers another single-chip Ethernet controller device that is not a member of the PCnet Family. This Ethernet controller is called the Media Access Controller for Ethernet (MACE Am79C940). The name implies a standalone MAC, which it is not. Think of the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller without the ISA bus interface logic, LANCE DMA controller, and buffer memory management unit: a 16-bit, general purpose, busless, single-chip Ethernet controller. Unlike the members of the PCnet family, which are bus-mastering devices, the MACE is a bus-slave Ethernet controller device. Because the MACE does not have the same architecture as the LANCE/CLANCE, software originally developed for the LANCE/CLANCE will not run on the MACE. 1.0 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual B-5 : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix C References This appendix contains a short list of reference material for those who would like to learn more about Ethernet or networking in general. Books and Literature TCP/IP Illustrated by W. Richard Stevens, Addison-Wesley Publishing (http://, ISBN 0-201-63346-9. Internetworking by Mark A. Miller, M&T Books (1-800-533-4372), ISBN 1-55851-143-1. A good general overview, including wide area communications. 1.0 Embedded Networking Applications Design Guide Kit, AMD (1-800-222-9323), order #20397. Periodicals Looking in the classifieds of Embedded Systems Programming magazine (Miller Freeman, 1-800-829-5537,, you will find numerous advertisements for protocol stacks, RTOSs, emulators, etc. This magazine also has a number of general embedded articles that are worthwhile reading. Another noteworthy publication is Electronic Engineering Times (CMP Publications, Inc., This is a weekly publication providing an abundance of information on the current state of the electronics industry, including occasional in-depth articles on networking and embedded applications as well as advertisements for all types of electronics services and products. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual C-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM World Wide Web The WWW is an excellent resource for finding out more about networking, especially embedded networking applications. Just searching on “TCP tutorial” will bring up plenty to keep you busy. A few web sites produced by such searches are: • This is a very informative “subway map” of a wide range of networking tutorials and resources, including a link to the original TCP/IP tutorial RFC (request for comment). Most networking companies also have web sites which offer a wide variety of useful information. Also, several newsgroups frequently discuss Ethernet issues, including embedded networking application issues. Try reading the comp.arch.embedded or comp.protocols.tcp-ip newsgroups. C-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 • Another informative source, this provides an extensive collection of articles written by Jack Ganssle of Softaid (one of our Fusion E86 partners). There are dozens of articles of relevance to the embedded developer. : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix D PAL Source File Listing This appendix contains the contents of the PAL source file included in your kit. 1.0 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual D-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM PAL Source File Contents REVISION HISTRY ; 3/19/96 MB - CREATED ; 3/28/96 MB - add 85C30 support, use 186ES ; 4/8/96 MB - included digital one-shot for sbhe_ ; 5/7/96 MB - fixed mistake w/ I/O slave reads (added PCS3, ; removed rd_) ; 5/7/96 MB - added support for PCnet byte writes (added ADX0) ; 5/7/96 MB - fixed mistake on sbhe tristate ; 7/25/96 MB - took out 85C30, converted from 16V8 to 22V10 ; 11/7/96 MB - went back to I/O mapped ; 11/18/96 MB - changed to support 16 bit SRAM, swapped pins to match ; schematic ; 11/27/96 MB - swapped pins (again) to match schematic ; 1/24/97 MB - swapped pins (yet again) to match schematic CHIP es_pcnet PALCE22V10 ;Note DIP pinout for SSOP ;---------------------------------- PIN Declarations --------------; DIP PLCC PIN 1 clka ;2 - clk from 186ES PIN 2 master_ ;3 - from PCnet, indicates PCnet has bus PIN 3 lcs_ ;4 - lower chip select from 186ES, addresses memory PIN 4 hlda ;5 - from 186ES, inverted to DACK* on PCnet PIN 5 bhe_ ;6 - Byte High Enable from 186ES PIN 6 wlb_ ;7 - Write Low Byte from 186ES PIN 7 whb_ ;9 - Write High Byte from 186ES PIN 8 mcs0_ ;10 - /MCS0, not used in this design, could be used ; to memory map PCnet-ISA PIN 9 pcs2_ ;11 - peripheral CS from 186ES PIN 10 pcs3_ ;12 - peripheral CS from 186ES PIN 16 PIN 17 PIN 20 PIN 21 PIN 22 PIN 23 D-2 dbhe_ ;19 - Delayed bhe_, external N/C aen_ ;20 - Address Enable to PCnet sbhe_ ;24 - System Byte High Enable on PCnet and SRAM hlda_ ;25 - connected to DACK* on PCnet memw_ ;26 - Memory Write drives SRAM when ES has bus rcs_ ;27 - ram chip select Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 ;PALASM Design Description ;------------------- Declaration Segment -----------TITLE 186ES PCnet-ISA Glue Logic PATTERN AUTHOR Mark Bowers, FAE Atlanta COMPANY Advanced Micro Devices, inc. DATE 3/19/96 : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM ;----------------------------------- Boolean Equation Segment -----EQUATIONS hlda_ = /hlda /rcs_ = /lcs_ + /master_ ;lcs_ doesn’t tristate on a bus hold ;PCS2 and PCS3 assert when the 186ES address is x2xxh and x3xx respectively. ;This is the I/O space that we want to talk to the PCnet-ISA in. /aen_ = /pcs2_ + /pcs3_ ;The signal memw_ drives the R/W line on the SRAM. When the 186ES has the ;bus, this is simply a logical AND of whb_ and wlb_. The 186ES signal /WR ;can NOT be used because the pulse width is too short at 40MHz. /memw_ = /whb_ + /wlb_ memw_.TRST = master_ 1.0 ;To support 8 bit I/O cycles to the PCnet-ISA, SBHE must be asserted before ;IOR or IOW. To conform to the ISA spec, SBHE is extended so the trailing ;edge occurs after IOR or IOW goes high. The signal sbhe is tristated when ;PCnet has the bus. dbhe_ := bhe_ /sbhe_ = /bhe_ + /dbhe_ sbhe_.TRST = master_ Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual D-3 : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix E EEPROM Contents This appendix contains the text file named NET186.DAT that shows the contents of the EEPROM used on the Net186 demonstration board. The utility EESETUP can be used to program the EEPROM based on the data in this file. Note that the data in this file is byte reversed from what ends up in the PCnet registers. There are several differences from a typical PC application: 1. The I/O resources are hardcoded to: DMA = 3 IRQ = 3 I/O ADX = 200h 1.0 The DMA and IRQ must be assigned as shown because that is how the PCnet-ISA II is connected to the Am186ES microcontroller. The I/O ADX could be changed (200h - 3FFh in increments of 20h), but the contents of the EEPROM have to match where the PCnet is mapped in the 186 software. 2. ISACSR0 and ISACSR1 are both set to 0002h. This sets the Master Mode Read/Write Active time to 100 ns, which maximizes DMA performance. 3. ISACSR2 is set to 0212h, which minimizes the Read/Write Inactive time for DMA transfers, and maximizes performance. When the Am186ES microcontroller and PCnet-ISA II are "alive", software drivers can be loaded and network traffic can be processed. Please refer to “Software” on page x. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual E-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM NET186.DAT File Listing // The #ieee_addr keyword here stimulates a call to Address Manager which // dispenses the next available IEEE address from ADDR_MGR.DAT data base. // OR // The #force_addr keyword here gives you the ability to force a specific // IEEE address by providing your own six bytes of information. // OR // The #reuse_ieee_addr keyword here causes EESETUP to (blindly) reuse the // IEEE address currently programmed in the EEPROM. // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following three examples... //#ieee_addr //#force_ieee_addr 0x00 0x11 0x22 0x33 0x44 0x55 #reuse_ieee_addr #reserved 0x00 0x00 0x00 // Used by AMD device drivers. #hwid 0x01 // User defined bytes. #user1 0x00 0x00 E-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 // File: net186.dat // Revision: 1.0 // PCnet Family controller: Am79C961A PCnet-ISA II // // ANSI identifier string: AMD PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Network Adapter // // Card state at power-on/Reset: active/visible in I/O space // Plug and Play BIOS or Configuration Manager: not required to wake card // Plug and Play Boot Device: No // Plug and Play Boot ROM: Not specified / ********.*********.*********+******************.*********.********/ /* EEPROM Byte Map */ /* PCnet-ISA+ Data Sheet - PID# 18183 Rev.B - Apr 1994 */ /* PCnet-ISA II Data Sheet - PID# 19364A Rev.A - OCT 1994 */ / ********.*********.**********+******************.*********.******** / // 64 bytes of PCnet-ISA+ Configuration Information follows: : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM NET186.DAT File Listing (continued) // 16-bit checksum #1 - automatically computed by EESETUP. #chksum1 0xC1 0xC2 // Used by AMD device drivers. #driver_ww 0x57 0x57 #eisa_cfg 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 // Master Mode Read Active time set for 100ns for maximum performance #isacsr0 0x02 0x00 // Master Mode Write Active time set for 100ns for maximum performance #isacsr1 0x02 0x00 1.0 // #isacsr2: Bit 1 of the second byte is the P&P_ACT bit: // bit 1 = 0 = inactive/invisible, board needs Plug and Play to wake it. // bit 1 = 1 = active/visible, board powers up visible on the ISA bus. // // bit 4 determines the ISA bus inactive time. Setting this bit // to a 1 will minimize this time for the Net186 // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following two examples... // If you want the adapter active/visible (Legacy): #isacsr2 0x12 0x02 // If you want the adapter inactive/invisible (Plug and Play): //#isacsr2 0x12 0x00 #isacsr5 0x84 0x00 #isacsr6 0x08 0x40 #isacsr7 0x90 0x00 // PCnet-ISA II (Full Duplex): Enable Full Duplex Register // If you’re using a PCnet-ISA II controller, // These two bytes are automatically included in the EEPROM image. // You must select the #pnp_unused field with 8 bytes to compensate. // If you’re using a PCnet-ISA+ controller, // These two bytes are NOT included in the EEPROM image. // You must select the #pnp_unused field with 10 bytes to compensate. #isacsr9 0x00 0x00 // Plug and Play Registers 60/61. Base I/O address: 200 // The address you specify here should also be specified on the // #io (Programmable I/O Port Descriptor) command line. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual E-3 : Page 4 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM NET186.DAT File Listing (continued) #pnp_i/o 0x02 0x00 // Plug and Play Registers 70/71. Interrupt Request: 3 // The interrupt you specify here should also be specified on the // #irq (Interrupt Request Descriptor) command line. #pnp_irq 0x03 0x00 // Plug and Play Register 74. DMA Channel: 3 // The DMA channel you specify here should also be specified on the // #dma (DMA Channel Descriptor) command line. #pnp_dma 0x03 // Plug and Play Registers 40/41/42/43/44. ROM Address Descriptor. // The five byte descriptor syntax is as follows: // #pnp_rom 0x0M 0xN0 0xWW 0xS1 0xS2 // M represents address lines 19-16 and N represents address lines lines // 15-12 of the ROM starting address. To get 8-bit ROM accesses you // substitute 00 for WW and to get 16-bit accesses you substitute 02 for // WW. For the ROM size you substitute FF for S1 and substitute one of // the following for S1: // if 8K use E0, if 16K use C0, if 32K use 80, if 64K use 00 // // For boot ROM set all five bytes to 0x00. // // Example: To specify a boot ROM at address 0xC8000 with 16-bit // accesses and a size of substitute C for M and 8 for N. // To get 16-bit accesses you substitute 02 for WW. You substitute FF // for S1 and 80 for S2 to specify a 32K size. // #pnp_rom 0x0C 0x80 0x02 0xFF 0x80 // // Specific address alignment limitations for each size of boot ROM // are explained in the PCnet-ISA+ and PCnet-ISA II data sheets. // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following examples... // No ROM. #pnp_rom 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 // ROM @ 0C8000, 8-bit data, 8K in size. //#pnp_rom 0x0C 0x80 0x00 0xFF 0xE0 // ROM @ 0C8000, 8-bit data, 16K in size. //#pnp_rom 0x0C 0x80 0x00 0xFF 0xC0 // ROM @ 0C8000, 8-bit data, 32K in size. //#pnp_rom 0x0C 0x80 0x00 0xFF 0x80 // ROM @ 0D0000, 8-bit data, 64K in size. E-4 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 #reserved 0x00 : Page 5 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM NET186.DAT File Listing (continued) //#pnp_rom 0x0D 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0x00 #reserved 0x00 // Plug and Play Registers 48/49/4A/4B/4C. Shared SRAM Address Descriptor. // The Shared SRAM descriptor is disabled for AMD Bus Master boards. #pnp_ram 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 #reserved 0x00 // Plug and Play Register F0. Vendor Defined Configuration Register. // MUST BE 0x00 for AMD PCnet-ISA+ and PCnet-ISA II boards! #pnp_vendid 0x41 // 8-bit checksum #2 - automatically computed by EESETUP. #chksum2 0xC2 #ext_shft_chn 0x00 0x00 1.0 // If you’re using a PCnet-ISA II controller, // The #isacsr9 bytes are automatically included in the EEPROM image. // You must select the #pnp_unused field with 8 bytes to compensate. // If you’re using a PCnet-ISA+ controller, // The #isacsr9 bytes are NOT included in the EEPROM image. // You must select the #pnp_unused field with 10 bytes to compensate. // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following two examples... // If you’re using the PCnet-ISA+: //#pnp_unused 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 // If you’re using the PCnet-ISA II: #pnp_unused 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 / ********.*********.*******************+******************.********/ /* Plug and Play ISA Configuration Record */ /* Plug and Play ISA Specification */ /* Version 1.0a */ /* May 5, 1994 */ /********.*********.*******************+**************************/ /* The following Plug and Play fixed and variable length data structures, */ /* which are loaded into the EEPROM beginning at offset 64, are absolutely, */ /* positively, required by EESETUP to be present and in the order shown. */ Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual E-5 : Page 6 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM NET186.DAT File Listing (continued) /* */ /* It’s possible to have data structures present that don’t actually */ /* consume system resources. For example, a #mem_rom_desc structure could */ /* have a range length field of zero which disables the memory requirement. */ /********.*********.**************************.*********.********/ // Serial Identifier (8 bytes with 1 byte computed checksum) // 32-bit EISA Vendor ID (AMD, PCnet-ISA+), 32-bit Vendor Serial/ Unique Number #ser_id 0x04 0x96 0x55 0xAA 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xC3 // ANSI Identifier String (large resource, 3 bytes+string) // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following examples... //#ansi_id 0x82 0x27 0x00 AMD PCnet-ISA+ Ethernet Network Adapter #ansi_id 0x82 0x29 0x00 AMD PCnet-ISA II Ethernet Network Adapter // Logical Device ID (small resource, 5 bytes) // 32-bit logical device ID (if single device same as #ser_id), flag byte // Bit 0/last byte indicates if device required for boot: 0=No, 1=Yes. #log_dev_id 0x15 0x04 0x96 0x55 0xAA 0x02 // Compatible Device ID (small resource, 5 bytes) // ID of other device with which this device is compatible. #comp_dev_id 0x1C 0x41 0xD0 0x82 0x8C // Memory Range Descriptor 0 (large resource, 12 bytes) // If memory is enabled for a boot ROM, make sure the #mem_rom_desc // field reflects the same configuration as the #pnp_rom field above. // If boot ROM is not enabled, you must edit the length field to specify // a zero length. // This descriptor does not directly affect hardware settings. // This descriptor is supplied as a "courtesy" to Plug and Play // so that it may accurately determine the board’s hardware settings. // // Generic example for 16K boot ROM @ address 0xMN000 where M represents E-6 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 // Plug and Play Version Number (small resource, 3 bytes) #pnp_ver 0x0A 0x10 0x00 : Page 7 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM NET186.DAT File Listing (continued) 1.0 // address lines 19-16 and N represents address lines 15-12. // 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x62 0xN0 0x0M 0xN0 0x0M 0x00 0x40 0x40 0x00 // For 8K ROM at address 0xC8000, you would substitute C for M and // substitute 8 for N and get the following. // 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x62 0x80 0x0C 0x80 0x0C 0x00 0x20 0x20 0x00 // Address alignment limitations for each size of boot ROM are explained // in the PCnet-ISA+ and PCnet-ISA II data sheets. // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following examples... // 8K boot ROM @ 0C8000 //#mem_rom_desc 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x62 0x80 0x0C 0x80 0x0C 0x00 0x20 0x20 0x00 // 16K boot ROM @ 0C8000 //#mem_rom_desc 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x62 0x80 0x0C 0x80 0x0C 0x00 0x40 0x40 0x00 // 32K boot ROM @ 0C8000 //#mem_rom_desc 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x62 0x80 0x0C 0x80 0x0C 0x00 0x80 0x80 0x00 // 64K boot ROM @ 0C8000 //#mem_rom_desc 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x62 0x80 0x0C 0x80 0x0C 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 // No boot ROM (length = 0) //#mem_rom_desc 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x62 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 // Memory Range Descriptor 1 (large resource, 12 bytes) // The Shared SRAM is disabled for AMD Bus Master boards. // No Shared Static RAM (length = 0) //#mem_ram_desc 0x81 0x09 0x00 0x33 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 // Programmable I/O Port Descriptor (small resource, 8 bytes) // Min I/O Address, Max I/O Address, alignment, contiguous ports. // This descriptor does not directly affect hardware settings. It is // supplied as a "courtesy" to Plug and Play configuration software so // the board’s hardware settings may be accurately determined. // The #io command should be in agreement with the #pnp_io command. // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following examples... // I/O base 200h #io 0x47 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x02 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 220h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x20 0x02 0x20 0x02 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 240h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x40 0x02 0x40 0x02 0x20 0x18 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual E-7 : Page 8 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM // I/O base 260h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x60 0x02 0x60 0x02 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 280h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x80 0x02 0x80 0x02 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 2A0h //#io 0x47 0x00 0xA0 0x02 0xA0 0x02 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 2C0h //#io 0x47 0x00 0xC0 0x02 0xC0 0x02 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 2E0h //#io 0x47 0x00 0xE0 0x02 0xE0 0x02 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 300h #io 0x47 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x03 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 320h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x20 0x03 0x20 0x03 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 340h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x40 0x03 0x40 0x03 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 360h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x60 0x03 0x60 0x03 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 380h //#io 0x47 0x00 0x80 0x03 0x80 0x03 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 3A0h //#io 0x47 0x00 0xA0 0x03 0xA0 0x03 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 3C0h //#io 0x47 0x00 0xC0 0x03 0xC0 0x03 0x20 0x18 // I/O base 3E0h //#io 0x47 0x00 0xE0 0x03 0xE0 0x03 0x20 0x18 // DMA (small resource, 3 bytes) // DMA supported bit mask, Transfer Type Info (8/16-bit, Master). // This descriptor does not directly affect hardware settings. It is // supplied as a "courtesy" to Plug and Play configuration software so // the board’s hardware settings may be accurately determined. // The #dma command should be in agreement with the #pnp_dma command. // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following examples... // DMA3 #dma 0x2A 0x04 0x05 // DMA5 //#dma 0x2A 0x20 0x05 // DMA6 //#dma 0x2A 0x40 0x05 // DMA7 //#dma 0x2A 0x80 0x05 // IRQ (small resource, 4 bytes) // IRQ supported bit mask, High true edge sensitive, Low true Level E-8 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 NET186.DAT File Listing (continued) : Page 9 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM NET186.DAT File Listing (continued) 1.0 sensitive // This descriptor does not directly affect hardware settings. It is // supplied as a "courtesy" to Plug and Play configuration software so // the board’s hardware settings may be accurately determined. // The #irq command should be in agreement with the #pnp_irq command. // // Choose and enable exactly one of the following examples... // IRQ3 #irq 0x23 0x08 0x00 0x09 // IRQ4 //#irq 0x23 0x10 0x00 0x09 // IRQ5 //#irq 0x23 0x20 0x00 0x09 // IRQ9 //#irq 0x23 0x00 0x02 0x09 // IRQ10 //#irq 0x23 0x00 0x04 0x09 // IRQ11 //#irq 0x23 0x00 0x08 0x09 // IRQ12 //#irq 0x23 0x08 0x10 0x09 // IRQ15 //#irq 0x23 0x08 0x80 0x09 // END TAG (small resource, 1 byte with 1 byte computed checksum) #end_tag 0x79 0xC4 // end of net186.dat Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual E-9 : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Appendix F TCP/IP Primer Protocol stacks are one of the most difficult areas to understand about networking. Figure F-1 below shows a client and server communicating using FTP on top of a TCP/IP stack, using drivers for their particular Ethernet hardware. If you understood that sentence, you don’t need to read further! Server’s Stack Client’s Stack FTP, Telnet, etc. FTP, Telnet, etc. TCP TCP 1.0 IP Driver NDIS(1) Hardware IP Driver Hardware Note 1. For the purpose of this example Figure F-1. Client and Server Protocol Stacks Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual F-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Overview TCP/IP and its associated applications like FTP are arguably the most used set of protocols in the embedded world. The basic idea is that applications do useful work, while everything below them is infrastructure. A key stack concept is that levels communicate with their peers by making requests of the level below while satisfying requests from above. The client FTP, for example, converses with the server FTP by sending data down through its stack and up through the server stack. Additionally, each successive layer has a clearly defined task: • TCP is basically responsible for end-to-end reliability, meaning that it guarantees that each packet arrives at the other end without error and in sequence. • IP on the other hand, doesn’t care about reliability, but instead enables global connectivity with its IP addressing scheme (that’s those dotted decimal addresses like that you’ve probably seen). The net result is that Ethernet hardware exchanges packets containing application data, a TCP header, and an IP header, all wrapped up with an 802.3 (Ethernet) header and CRC. Please see any of the widely available TCP/IP references for more detail. F-2 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 • The driver is nothing more than a software shim that allows any vendor’s Ethernet solution to work with standard IP software interfaces like NDIS. : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Drivers, Protocol Stacks, and RTOS Support Choosing a protocol stack is a matter of matching design requirements and budget to the available sources. Freeware stacks that reduce initial costs are available, but can take a lot of time to get working and may result in terrible performance. At the other end of the spectrum, vendors such as US Software offer a wide range of highlevel protocols (such as SNMP), as well as porting and integration services. Highend stacks may cost more, but are worthwhile if performance and time-to-market are critical. All commercial protocol stacks have a few target-dependent modules that provide independence from hardware drivers and real-time operating system APIs. To interface to a new hardware driver or RTOS, only these interface modules need to be changed so that generic calls like send_packet or task_wait are replaced by the calls specific to the given driver and RTOS. This means that you can use nearly any protocol stack with any combination of hardware drivers and real-time operating system. 1.0 Most stacks also come with drivers for the most common Ethernet chips and interface modules for the most popular RTOS’. Also some stacks come with a very simple pseudo-RTOS, which implements rudimentary task switching. If your needs are simple, these nano-kernels may work just fine. And of course you can always integrate a home grown RTOS. Table F-1 lists some protocol stack vendors and the protocols they support. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual F-3 : Page 4 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Table F-1. Protocol Stack Vendors Vendor Product Protocols Supported US Software 800-356-7097 USNET TCP/IP, FTP, TELNET, PING, SNMP, etc. EBS, Inc. 508-448-9340 RT-IP TCP/IP, FTP, TELNET, PPP, etc. Accelerated Technology 800-468-6853 Nucleus NET TCP/IP Pacific Softworks 800-541-9508 Fusion TCP/IP TCP/IP, SNMP, PPP, SMTP, etc. Epilogue 505-271-9933 Attache + 1.0 IP, UDP, TCP, RMON Most of these stack vendors have separate prices for various protocol extensions. Typically, a base set includes the basic protocols like IP, UDP, PING, and TELNET. You then pay extra for extensions like TCP, FTP, PPP, SNMP, RMON, and other higher level protocols and applications. Different vendors have different combinations of up-front charges and per-copy royalties. You will have to get quotes from each vendor, and compare them for your anticipated needs. The Net186 demonstration board comes with a TCP/IP stack and an example web server application from US Software. For more information about these, see the US Software literature include in your kit. For freeware protocol stacks, download Packet Driver from Packet Driver is not a TCP/IP stack itself. If you unzip the file and look at SOFTWARE.DOC, you will find a list of various protocol stacks (including several TCP/IP packages) and other applications that support Packet Driver. Many of these applications should be suitable for embedded applications. F-4 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual : Page 5 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Table F-2 lists some RTOS vendors that advertise in Embedded Systems Programming or Electronic Engineering Times. They support the 80186 16-bit processors. Table F-2. RTOS Vendors Vendor Product Web Site US Software 800-356-7097 SuperTask! Kadak, Inc. 604-734-2796 AMX Accelerated Technology 800-468-6853 Nucleus Embedded Systems Product 800-525-4302 RTXC CMX 508-872-7675 CMX 1.0 Also, see the March 1997 issue of Embedded Systems Programming. This issue contains a special report on Real-Time Operating Systems written by Nicholas Cravotta. This article references a web page which summarizes the results. The URL is: For a list of RTOS vendors that specifically support the PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller, see the Fusion E86SM Catalog, the Embedded Systems Programing article mentioned above, and Third Party RTOS Software Vendors Committed to Support PCnet Family, order #20430. For a list of shareware/freeware RTOS’, check out realxrto.htm. Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual F-5 : Page 1 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Index Numerics 10BASE-T port, 2-11 A 1.0 Access Unit Interface (AUI) port, 2-11 Am186ES microcontroller block diagram, 2-6 initialization, 2-20 operating frequency, 2-5 Am29F400 Flash memory, 2-8 application running a sample, 1-6 AUI port. See Access Unit Interface. RJ-45, 2-10 controller Ethernet, 2-10 conventions notational, xiii CR5–CR12 PIO LEDs, 2-16 D DB–9 serial connector pinout, 2-9 DEN pin, 2-16 documentation conventions, xiii description of, x reference material, xii DT/R pin, 2-16 B E BBS technical support, 3-2 bill of materials, A-12 E86MON utility invoking, 1-4 no prompt, 1-5 EEPROM contents, E-1 e-mail technical support, 3-2 Ethernet controller additional resources, C-1 initialization, 2-20 Legacy mode, 2-21 Overview, 2-9 PAL equations, 2-19 PAL source file, D-1 C clock configuration, 2-12 logic, 2-12 rates supported, 2-12 connecting demonstration board to PC, 1-2 connector Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual Index-1 : Page 2 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Plug-and-Play, 2-21 protocol stacks, F-1 reference material, C-1 RTOS support, F-3 TCP/IP, F-1 things to remember, 2-22 expansion interface overview, 2-12 P1 pinout, 2-13 P2 pinout, 2-14 LEDs flashing incorrectly, 1-5 indicators, 2-16 no power, 1-5 PIO indicators, 2-16 Legacy mode, 2-21 M features Net186 demonstration board, ix Flash memory overview, 2-8 FLASHCS, 2-15 FTP site, 3-5 FusionE86 program, 3-5 Media Access Controller for (MACE), B-5 memory Flash, 2-8 ROM, 2-8 SRAM, 2-8 Ethernet N H hotline numbers, 3-3 I installing demonstration board, 1-2 requirements, 1-2 troubleshooting, 1-5 interfaces expansion, 2-12 RS-232 serial, 2-9 Net186 demonstration board 10BASE-T port, 2-11 bill of materials, A-12 block diagram, ix clock logic, 2-12 documentation, x EEPROM contents, E-1 expansion interface, 2-12 features, ix initialization, 2-20 LEDs, 2-16 Legacy mode, 2-21 overview, viii PAL equations, 2-19 parts list, 2-4 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller, 2-10 PIOs, 2-16 Plug-and-Play, 2-21 power supply, 2-18 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual 1.0 F Index-2 L : Page 3 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM Net186 demonstration board, cont. protocol stacks, F-1 reset logic, 2-12 RJ-45 connector, 2-10 ROM space, 2-8 RS-232 serial ports, 2-9 RTOS support, F-3 schematics, A-2 SRAM, 2-8 TCP/IP primer, F-1 technical support, 3-1 Networking additional resources, C-1 reference material, C-1 P 1.0 PAL equations, 2-19 PAL22V10, 2-19 source file, D-1 PC/104 expansion interface, 2-12 pinout, 2-13, 2-14 support, 2-13 PCnet family background, B-2 LANCE/CLANCE, B-1 MACE, B-5 PCnet-32, B-3 PCnet-ISA series, B-2 PCnet-PCI II, B-3 software compatibility, B-4 PCnet-ISA II Ethernet controller 10BASE-T port, 2-11 AUI port, 2-11 initialization, 2-20 Legacy mode, 2-21 PAL equations, 2-19 PAL source file, D-1 PCnet family, B-1 Plug-and-Play, 2-21 protocol stacks, F-1 RJ-45 connector, 2-10 RTOS support, F-3 TCP/IP primer, F-1 things to remember, 2-22 PCS pins, 2-16 pinout DB–9 serial connector, 2-9 PC/104 interface (P1), 2-13 PC/104 interface (P2), 2-14 RS-232 serial ports, 2-9 PIO signals mapped to LEDs, 2-16 overview, 2-16 Plug-and-Play (PnP), 2-21 ports 10BASE-T, 2-11 AUI, 2-11 expansion, 2-12 RS-232 serial, 2-9 power supply 5-V vs. 9-V, 2-18 input requirements, 2-18 polarity, 2-18 product support FTP site, 3-5 third party (FusionE86), 3-5 WWW site, 3-4 protocol stacks, F-1 R RES pin, 2-12 RESET button nothing happens when pushing, 1-5 reset logic, 2-12 RJ-45 connector pin assignment, 2-10 pin functions, 2-10 ROM space, 2-8 RS-232 serial ports, 2-9 pinout, 2-9 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual Index-3 : Page 4 Monday, June 23, 1997 11:05 AM S W sample applications, 1-6 schematics, A-2 software E86MON, x E86Stack, x E86Web, x invoking the E86MON utility, 1-4 PCnet family, B-4 protocol stack vendors, F-4 protocol stacks, F-1 RTOS vendors, F-5 TCP/IP, F-1 SRAM, 2-8 support, product. See product support. support, technical. See technical support. WWW networking reference material, C-2 product support, 3-4 technical support, 3-2 1.0 T TCP/IP, F-1 technical support, 3-1 BBS support, 3-2 e-mail support, 3-2 hotline numbers, 3-3 WWW support, 3-2 terminal emulation programs displaying unreadable characters, 1-5 locking up, 1-5 TMRIN1 pin, 2-16 TMROUT1 pin, 2-16 troubleshooting installation, 1-5 U UCS (Upper Memory Chip Select) signal, 2-8 Index-4 Net186TM Demonstration Board User’s Manual