Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 DOI 10.1007/s10470-012-9978-5 A single capacitor loop filter phase-locked loop with frequency voltage converter Jeong-hoon Nam • Young-Shig Choi Moon G. Joo • Received: 7 May 2012 / Revised: 19 June 2012 / Accepted: 3 October 2012 / Published online: 18 October 2012 Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012 Abstract A novel phase-locked loop that has a loop filter consisting of only one capacitor is designed with a frequency voltage converter (FVC). Simulation and measurement results show that the proposed phase-locked loop (PLL) works stably demonstrating that the FVC works effectively as a resistor. Measurement results of the proposed PLL fabricated in a one-poly six-metal 0.18 lm CMOS process show that the phase noise is -109 dBc/Hz at 10 MHz offset from 752.7 MHz output frequency. Keywords Frequency voltage converter Phase-locked loop Phase noise 1 Introduction Phase-locked loops (PLL) have been widely used in frequency synthesizers for communication systems and clock signal generators for integrated digital chips. Typically, a PLL consists of a phase frequency detector (PFD), a charge pump (CP), a loop filter (LF), a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), and a divider [1]. A PLL is usually the third-order closed loop system that includes the second-order LF consisting of two capacitors and one resistor. It has one low frequency zero, and three poles consisting of two poles at J. Nam Y.-S. Choi (&) Department of Electronics Engineering, Pukyong National University, 599-1 Daeyeon 3-dong, Nam-gu, Busan 698-737, South Korea e-mail: M. G. Joo Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Pukyong National University, 599-1 Daeyeon 3-dong, Nam-gu, Busan 698-737, South Korea origin and one pole at high frequency. Careful design of poles and zero location is required to ensure a stable operation of PLL. The type of second-order PLL with a firstorder LF consisting of one resistor and one capacitor is easy to design for a stable operation of PLL. It has one low frequency zero and two poles at origin. However, this type of second-order PLL has not been popular because it has a large spur caused by the resistor of LF. The other type of second-order PLL has a single capacitor LF, but it has not been used because it oscillates due to the two poles at origin. Various architectures of the PLL without a resistor in LF have been published. A feed-forward path is introduced to make a stabilizing loop zero without a resistor in LF [2, 3]. The feed-forward scheme does not contribute in improving noise characteristic. A sampled-feed-forward LF with switches is implemented to replace a conventional RC LF [4, 5]. The sampled-feed-forward LF produces a fixed duration proportional voltage in VCO input. It does contribute in improving spur performance. This paper introduces a new architecture of second-order PLL consisting of a single capacitor LF and an frequency voltage converter (FVC). The FVC works effectively as a resistor for stable operation of the proposed single capacitor LF PLL. The FVC also changes the closed loop transfer function of the proposed PLL and improves noise characteristic unlike the previously published PLL with no resistor in LF. The noise characteristic would also be better than that of the conventional second-order LF PLL because the closed loop of VCO and FVC reduces the largest VCO noise in PLL. In Sect. 2, the proposed architecture is explained. Sections 3 and 4 illustrate the major building blocks and simulation results, respectively. The measurement results are reported in Sect. 5. The merits of the proposed PLL compared with the conventional PLL are described in Sect. 6. Finally, the conclusion is presented in Sect. 7. 123 194 Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 UP DN VLF CP Rz LF VLF Kvco1 FVC VFVC Kvco2 + VCO Cs φo Cz (a) (a) Fref UP-DN UP-DN with Cs VLF Vproportional VLF Vintegral (b) VFVC Fig. 1 a Conventional RC LF. b Output voltage of RC LF Vproportional VLF + VFVC Vintegral (b) 2 Proposed PLL with FVC 2.1 Role of FVC In the conventional RC LF shown in Fig. 1(a), the two terms of proportional and integral control signals are the results produced by a resistor and a capacitor in series as shown in Fig. 1(b), respectively. When a PFD detects a phase error, it asserts UP or DN outputs in a way that their net pulse width is proportional to the error. As these PFD outputs control the activation of the UP and DN currents of the CP, the net current fed into the RC filter would be proportional to the phase error. This current gives rise to a voltage across the resistor (Vproportional), of which net contribution to the VCO phase is proportional to the present phase error. Also, this current gives rise to a voltage across the capacitor (Vintergral), which is equal to the integral of all the current fed to the filter, thus the sum of the phase errors. The sum of Vproportional and Vintergral determines the VCO frequency and phase. In the proposed PLL, the FVC decreases/increases the input voltage of the VCO. During the UP pulse, a CP dumps the error charge to a capacitor Cp, giving rise to a voltage equal to Vproportional ? Vintergral as shown in Fig. 2. It increases the VCO frequency and then the output voltage of FVC begins to decrease, leaving only the Vintergral on the VCO. Therefore, the FVC works effectively as a resistor. 2.2 A single capacitor LF PLL with FVC The proposed PLL as shown in Fig. 3(a) consists of a conventional PLL, in which the first-order LF of single capacitor (Cp) and an FVC are used. The FVC generates a voltage corresponding to the VCO output frequency at N/M times of 123 Fig. 2 a Conceptual block diagram. b Output signals of LF and FVC and an effective VCO input voltage Fref. The inner loop of the FVC and VCO is the negative feedback closed loop which suppresses the VCO noise independently from the outer PLL closed loop. When the first-order LF is used, the PLL becomes unstable, but the PLL with the FVC in Fig. 3 demonstrates stable operation because the FVC works effectively as a resistor. The closed and open loop transfer functions from Fig. 3(b) are as follows Ip 1 KVCO1 /o 2p sCp s ¼ /i 1 þ 1 Ip 1 KVCO1 þ N K KVCO2 N 2p sCp s M sCy 2 1 Ip KVCO1 N 2p K KVCO2 1 HOL ¼ þ N 2p s M Ip Cy KVCO1 sCp ð1Þ ð2Þ where Ip is the CP current, Cp is the single capacitor in LF, N and M are the division ratio of the divider in PLL and FVC loop, Kvco1 and Kvco2 are the gains of VCO for LF and FVC, respectively. The following Eq. (3) is the open transfer function of the conventional PLL with the LF of serially connected one capacitor (C) and one resistor (R). 1 Ip KVCO 1 HOL ¼ Rþ ð3Þ N 2p s sC From Eqs. (2) and (3), the effective R of the proposed PLL can be assumed as follows R¼ N 2 2p K KVCO2 : M Ip Cy KVCO1 ð4Þ Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 Fref PFD CP 195 VCO LF Fout Kvco1 Kvco2 FVC 1 M DIV (a) φi + − ⊕ I 1 sC p p 2π + 0 1 N − sφo ⊕ + K VCO 1 s K 1 sC y ⊕ φo + N KVCO 2 s 1 M Fig. 4 Closed loop transfer functions of a conventional PLL and a single capacitor PLL with FVC (b) Fig. 3 Proposed PLL with FVC. a Block diagram and b linear model The magnitude of effective R is easily changed by using many variables in Eq. 4. The FVC creates a zero in Eq. (2), which enables the PLL of single capacitor LF to operate without any stability problems. The closed loop transfer functions of a conventional and the proposed PLL are plotted in Fig. 4 using the parameters the fabricated (designed) PLL. Figure 4 shows how the FVC changes the closed loop transfer function in the proposed PLL. Peaking is shown in the conventional single capacitor LF PLL, but the FVC removes the peaking in the close loop transfer function of the proposed PLL. It narrows the bandwidth, consequently, suppresses phase noises further. As the gain of FVC increases, more phase noise is suppressed as shown in Fig. 4. Figure 5 shows the root locus of the proposed PLL. As the FVC gain increases from 0 to infinity, poles on the imaginary axis move to the left-half plane and back to the origin on the imaginary axis. As the gain of FVC increases, the proposed PLL becomes less stable, however, the FVC enables the PLL of single capacitor LF to operate stably with the reasonable FVC gain. 2.3 Dynamic response In order to understand the dynamic behavior of the proposed PLL and analyze the noise behavior of blocks in PLL, Eq. (1) is converted to Eq. (5) /o x2n ¼N 2 /i s þ 2xn f s þ x2n ð5Þ where f is the damping factor and xn is the natural frequency. f and xn are as follows: Fig. 5 Root locus of PLL with FVC sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 Ip 1 Kvco1 xn ¼ N 2p Cp sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 N 3 2p K 2 Kvco2 : f¼ Cp 2 2 M Ip Cy Kvco1 ð6Þ ð7Þ When f\1, the phase and frequency step response of the proposed PLL are as follows: " f /o ðtÞ ¼ M/ N 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi efxn t cos 1 f2 ( qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !)# f 2 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi xn 1 f t tan ð8Þ 1 f2 123 196 Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 φn,FVC + ⊕ − 0 s 1 sC y K ⊕ φn,VCO KVCO 2 s ⊕ φo φo M d dt 1 M Fig. 6 Linear model of FVC and VCO with intrinsic noise sources Fig. 7 Linear model of proposed PLL with FVC " f /o ðtÞ ¼ Mx N t pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi efxn t cos 1 f2 ( qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !)# f 2 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi xn 1 f t tan 1 f2 /o /n;VCO ð9Þ Equations (8) and (9) show that the output of the proposed PLL follows the phase and frequency change of its input signal. The locking time of the proposed PLL depends on the term of xn f which determines the decaying envelope of sinusoidal transient response. In other words, 2xn f is the FVC loop gain as shown in the denominator of Eqs. (1) and (5). The higher FVC loop gain, the shorter locking time. 2.4 Noise analysis The linear model of the closed loop of VCO and FVC is shown in Fig. 6 and the transfer function of /o = /n;vco and /o = /n;FVC are as follows: /o KVCO2 ¼ /n;FVC s þ M1 CKy KVCO2 ð10Þ /o s ¼ : /n;VCO s þ M1 CKy KVCO2 ð11Þ Equations (10) and (11) show that /o = /n;VCO and /o = /n;FVC have a high-pass and low-pass transfer function, respectively. The closed loop of VCO and FVC suppresses the VCO noise which is usually the largest among the noise sources in PLL. The FVC noise which has a low-pass transfer function can be suppressed by designing a large gain FVC. A linear noise model of the proposed PLL with FVC depicting all the intrinsic noise sources is shown in Fig. 7. The noise contribution of each block is considered to be an additive noise source at the output of the block. The transfer functions of various noise sources shown in Fig. 8 are as follows: /o KVCO2 s ¼ /n;FVC s2 þ 2xn f s þ x2n 123 ð12Þ ¼ s2 s2 þ 2xn f s þ x2n ð13Þ 1 /o Cp KVCO1 ¼ 2 /n;CP s þ 2xn f s þ x2n ð14Þ /o KVCO1 s ¼ /n;LF s2 þ 2xn f s þ x2n ð15Þ /o /n;DIV ¼ Ip 1 2p Cp KVCO1 s2 þ 2xn f s þ x2n : ð16Þ These equations demonstrate the effectiveness of FVC in noise suppression. The term of FVC in the denominator of Eqs. (10) through (16) decreases the magnitude of the transfer functions of various noise sources. The transfer functions of each noise source are plotted in Fig. 8 using the parameters in the fabricated (designed) PLL by assuming that the magnitude of each noise is the same. In Fig. 8, the magnitude of each noise depends on the magnitude of the transfer function of noises. As the gain of FVC increases, the height of peaking decreases. The higher the FVC gain, the greater the phase noise suppression. Tradeoff is required between stability and noise suppression for the design of the proposed single capacitor LF PLL with FVC. 3 Circuits The FVC, a simplified FVC of [6], is shown in Fig. 9. The gain of FVC, K, is as follows K ¼ IFVC Tout 1 2 K0 þ 1 ð17Þ where IFVC is the supplying current to Cx, Tout is the period of input signal, Fout, to MP, K’ is the ratio of Cx to Cy. The control signals of a1 and a2 are non-overlapped. When the Fout is at its low level, transistor MP is turned on and Cx is charged. While a1 is high, switch SW is turned on and the charge is transferred from Cx to Cy. While a2 is Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 197 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 9 FVC. a Circuit, b control signal block, and c control signal timing Fig. 8 Frequency-domain noise analysis of the proposed PLL with FVC. a K/Cy = 0.0017 A s/F and b K/Cy = 0.017 A s/F. Magnitude of each intrinsic noise sources is assumed to be the same high, transistor MN is turned on and the remaining charge of Cx is discharged to the ground. The FVC and the VCO are connected to make a negative feedback closed loop as shown in Fig. 3. As the frequency of Fout goes high, VFVC goes low. As the frequency of Fout goes low, VFVC goes high. Whenever the VCO output frequency varies, the FVC works as a compensator and it suppresses the VCO noise. The duty ratio of VCO can be changed from many variables such as process variations and ambient temperature. The divider (M = 2) is used to give a 50 % duty ratio to the input signal to FVC. The constant duty ratio is important because it is capable of generating the proportional output voltage of the FVC according to the frequency of VCO. The voltage controlled resistor (VCR) is used to control the delay time of the VCO. The VCO used in the proposed PLL has two VCRs for inputs from LF and FVC as shown Fig. 10 VCR controlled VCO in Fig. 10. The LF and FVC output voltage, Vctrl and VFVC, are converted into a current used for controlling the delay time of VCO through VCR. The VCR converts its input voltage variation into a large current variation, and then it generates a wide range of VCO frequencies. The VCO is made of three differential delay cells which have full output voltage swing and low output phase noise. A pair of PMOS and NMOS transistors is added to the delay cell to constitute CMOS latches. These latches give a short on-time to the delay cells to exhibit low output phase noise. A simple circuit of the CP in [7] is used. 123 198 Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 4 Simulation results Figure 11 shows the simulation results of the PLL of a single capacitor LF and the proposed PLL of the single 250 pF capacitor LF with the FVC. It uses a 0.18 lm CMOS process. The VCO has two designed gains of Kvco1 of 250 MHz/V and Kvco2 of 150 MHz/V for two inputs from LF (VLF) and FVC (VFVC), respectively. It does not require a large capacitor for low frequency zero in the second-order LF of the conventional PLL. The PLL of a single capacitor LF at VFVC = 0 V shows that it does not lock (it is oscillating), but the proposed PLL with FVC shows that it does lock as shown in Fig. 11(a)–(c). VFVC moves to the opposite direction of VLF as shown in Fig. 11(b), (c). Therefore, the effective VCO input voltage can be assumed to be constant. It also proves that the FVC works effectively as a resistor. Whenever the VCO output frequency changes, the FVC works as a compensator. 5 Experimental results Fig. 11 Simulation results. a without FVC, b VLF with FVC, and c VFVC with FVC Fig. 12 a Chip photograph, and b layout of PLL with FVC 123 The prototype single capacitor LF PLL with FVC is implemented in 0.18 lm CMOS, and the chip photograph is shown in Fig. 12. The lower layers of transistors and capacitors are not seen because of the thick multi-intermetal layers. The die area is 860 lm 9 480 lm including the capacitor of LF. Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 199 Fig. 13 Measured VLF Figure 13 shows the measured VLF as shown in Fig. 10. It demonstrates process variations because the oscillating frequency is different from the VLF in the Fig. 10(b). Figure 14 shows the measured phase noise of proposed PLL with the FVC. The measured phase noises are -88.3 and -109 dBc/Hz at 1 and 10 MHz offset from the carrier frequency of 752.7 MHz, respectively. The measured slope is around 20 dB/dec from 100 kHz to 10 MHz and demonstrate almost the same slopes as shown in Fig. 4(a) which is obtained by using Eq. (1). The measurement result shows there are reference spurs. In fact, the large reference spurs and the overall phase noise performance is not impressive. The reference spur is assumed to be caused by the CP of [7] which is very sensitive to current mismatch. A CP which has a good current matching characteristic should improve the reference spur. Fig. 14 Measured phase noise 6 Merits of proposed single capacitor LF PLL with FVC The proposed single capacitor LF PLL with FVC is compared to the conventional second-order LF PLL to evaluate the merits of the proposed PLL. The transfer functions of each noise source in the conventional second-order LF PLL are plotted in Fig. 15 by assuming that the magnitude of each noise is the same. The parameters used here are same as the ones of the proposed PLL except the LF parameters. The LF parameters in the conventional second-order as shown in Fig. 1(a) are Rz = 1 KX, Cz = 2.5 nF and Cp = 250 pF. The parameters are determined to have a Fig. 15 Frequency-domain noise analysis of the conventional secondorder LF PLL. Magnitude of each intrinsic noise sources is assumed to be the same 123 200 similar point of inflection in Figs. 8 and 15. Those two figures show that the proposed PLL suppresses the VCO noise, the largest noise source among the noise sources in PLL, more than the conventional second-order LF PLL does. The FVC and the VCO are connected to make a negative feedback closed loop. Whenever the VCO output frequency varies, the FVC works as a compensator and it suppresses the largest VCO noise. The proposed PLL reduces the largest VCO noise and the LF noise by 25–15 dB from 1 kHz to 100 kHz compared to the conventional second-order LF PLL as shown in Figs. 8 and 15. The other noise sources, CP and divider noises, show no suppression. The FVC noise is added as shown in Fig. 8, but it is assumed to be much smaller than the VCO noise. Therefore, the total noise of the proposed PLL would be smaller than that of the conventional second-order LF PLL. Furthermore, the size of the proposed PLL is much smaller than the size of the conventional second-order LF PLL because it does not require a low frequency zero capacitor which is usually too large to be integrated into a single chip. The capacitors used in FVC do not affect the size of the proposed PLL as shown in Fig. 12. The proposed PLL is small enough to be integrated into a single chip. 7 Conclusion In this paper, we introduce a new architecture of secondorder PLL consisting of a single capacitor LF and an FVC. The FVC works effectively as a resistor for stable operation of the proposed single capacitor LF PLL. The FVC also changes the closed loop transfer function of the proposed PLL and shows the possibility of improving noise characteristic unlike the previously published PLL which has no resistor in LF. The noise characteristic would also be better than that of the conventional second-order LF PLL because the closed loop of VCO and FVC reduces the largest VCO noise. Furthermore, the proposed PLL is small enough to be integrated into a single chip. The measured phase noise performance is not imposing, but we believe that the proposed single capacitor LF PLL with the FVC can be used as a frequency synthesizer or a clock generator. Acknowledgments This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2011-0007768). 123 Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 References 1. Gartner, F. M. (1980). Charge-pump phase-lock loop. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 28(11), 1849–1858. 2. Ahn, H. T., & Allstot, D. (2000). A low-jitter 1.9-V CMOS PLL for UltraSPARC microprocessor applications. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 35(3), 450–454. 3. Bashir, A., Li, J., Ivatury, K., Khan, N., Gala, N., Familia, N., et al. (2009). Fast lock scheme for phase-locked loop. 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Jeong-hoon Nam received B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Pukyong National University in 2011, he is currently a graduate student in Electronics Engineering from Pukyong National University. His current interests include PLL and DLL design. Young-Shig Choi received B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Kyungpook National University in 1982, M.S. degree from Texas A&M University in 1986 and Ph.D. from Arizona State University in Electrical Engineering in 1993. From 1987 to 1999, he was with Hyundai Electronics as a principal circuit design Engineer where he has been involved in the development of communication and mixed signal chips. From 1999 to 2003, he was with Dongeui University. In March 2003, he joined the faculty of Department of Electronics Engineering, Pukyong National, where he is currently a Professor. His current interests include PLL and DLL design. Analog Integr Circ Sig Process (2013) 74:193–201 201 Moon G. Joo received the B.S. degree in electronics and electric engineering, the M.S. in computer and communications engineering, and the Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea in 1992, 1994, and 2001, respectively. Dr. Joo was a senior researcher at Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea from 1996 to 2003. Since 2003, he has been a professor of Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea. His research interests include factory automation and intelligent control. 123