Industrial Training in Education. Towards an International Approach in Engineering Curricula Urbano Domínguez 1, Jesús Magdaleno 2 1 University of Valladolid, Spain 2 Abstract Students’ placements for practical industrial training in companies play a fundamental role in the education of XXI century engineers acting on a global and competitive environment. Within this context, under the term “industries” it should be understood not only societies but also public bodies, co-operatives, NGO’s and other organisations. Industrial training stages can provide the students with a real and direct knowledge on their future work and also constitute the best means to put into practice the knowledge acquired at the University, which will be applied to specific projects and programs at the company they are in. In those activities the students are trained in tasks such as the integration in working teams, fulfilment of specific objectives within predetermined deadlines, assumption of personal responsibilities, contact with business administration, etc., topics which are not usually covered by academic education. The way these placements are tackled is very different from one university to another: For some of them, they are a compulsory requirement for graduation, whereas for others do not even appear as an optional subject in engineering curricula. Even for those considering this topic as essential, the way in which training activities are considered and the operating scenarios show deep differences from country to country. This work, after analysing the main characteristics of practical stages in engineering education and considering the advantages they imply for all the involved groups – companies, universities and students-, will try to define a common base for them in the education of a really global Engineer. This base will also contribute to build up the European Higher Education Space along the guidelines defined by the Bologna Declaration and ease students´ mobility. In this respect the specific multinational/ multicultural component is an added value to the educational process. The analysis points out both the feasibility of implementing industrial placement activities following common criteria agreed within the European Union and the need for defining normative and evaluation procedures analogue to those existing for the rest of the subjects in engineering curricula. Finally, the necessity of an institutional effort on the European Union´ s side is also remarked. This effort should be accompanied by a flow of financial resources required to solve present difficulties and shorten periods for full implementation of the changes required. Keywords: Practical industrial training, engineering curricula, internationalization. innovative 1 Introduction In the context of this paper, practical industrial training activities are defined as periods in engineering education outside the University geographical space oriented towards providing the students with knowledge, abilities and aptitudes not easily obtained at class- rooms and carried out while they provide some services to the industries implied in the educational process. "Practical" and "industrial" terms must be understood here in a broad sense. By practical activities is meant those educational tasks, which can be carried out without requiring more theoretical knowledge over that already gained by the student at the moment the practical stage is initiated. On the other hand, industrial refers here to any organised human group implied on the production of goods or supplying services. In this sense, the term industry includes public or private manufacturing or services firms but also public administrations, co- operatives, trade unions, ONG´s, foundations and other collectives. Industrial training play a fundamental role in the education of XXI century engineers acting on a global and competitive environment. Many authors involved in engineering education have been working on this issue for many years; some recent contributions can be seen for instance at [1], [8], and [10- 12] Industrial training stages can provide the students with a real and direct knowledge on their future work and also constitute the best means to put into practice the knowledge acquired at the University, which will be applied to specific projects and programmes at the company they are in. In those internships the students are trained in tasks such as the integration in working teams, fulfilment of specific objectives within predetermined deadlines, assumption of personal responsibilities, contact with business administration, etc., topics which are not usually covered by academic education. SEFI 2003 Conference - Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility 162 2 Some features of industrial training Among the main characteristics of practical industrial training in higher education can be remarked the following ones: • It is a part of the student educational process and it must be assessed with reference to its contents, methodology and results. • It must be fully integrated in the curricula. • It must report benefits to all those involved: universities, industries and students. • It implies subjects and activities not easily carried out at the University centres. needs and they can tune curricula to improve the quality of the education provided to the students. To get the best for the student in industrial training activities they should be planned at the right stage in the educational process leading to the Engineering Degree. On the other hand, the formative aims associated to them have to be related with the rest of processes taking place within the University walls. To have this system working properly at improving the quality of Engineering education is necessary to incorporate an academic tutor with specific duties. Lecturers tutoring or in other sense implied on industrial training activities can also benefit from them in several forms [9]: If these are the common features to be requested to industrial training many of the activities receiving that name today are not such since they do not fulfil one or several of the requirements. Very often they do not take into account the first and the second points. Sometimes the only part receiving a clear benefit is the industry while it is harder to find out the returns to the university or even to the student, who is supposed to be the main actor in the process. • Programming and tutoring those activities put them in touch with professional life. • When relating lectures to industrial training they feel moved to modify pedagogical methods. In this respect active learning, where personal implication and experimentation are essentials, is clearly favoured in front of traditional methods. These kind of malfunctioning can be found especially where the University pays attention mainly to the administrative part of the process without taking into account its educational nature and when the academic tutor does not play in it any significant role. • They receive an stimulus for updating contents of lectures when trying to get them closer to the requirements asked for the students implied in industrial training. • From a personal point of view they change their relationship with students by having a closer contact as required by a learning- teaching process with more specific demands from the students´ side. 3 Industrial training and quality in education Industrial training can have a very positive influence on the quality of engineering education when properly carried out and adequately supervised as it has been pointed out by Zabalza[14] Practical industrial training activities allow: • Approaching students to real industrial life, providing them with knowledge on group dynamics, management stiles, and business culture. • They provide to students with experience on how to act in working communities and gaining on social skills, necessary for their future work as Engineers. • Relate student´ s academic knowledge to practical problems. In that way they learn how to apply theoretical education to real problem solving. On the other hand, and specially in Engineering education the students can find in industries practical resources and machines in operation which could not be easily found at many Universities. • They also connect industries to universities by providing new links, common activities and common responsibilities in the educational process. Through these contacts Universities get a better insight of industry´ s Since industrial training has a positive influence on the educational process some kind of value should be attached to the activity when assessing the quality. The Spanish Ministry of Education considers an index of quality in higher education measured by relating credits implied on industrial training with the that activity with the total number of credits allocated to any activity of a practical nature [15]. On the other hand, contacts between University and industry through industrial training activities are also recommended in some integrated proposals of engineering education (see for instance [1]). 4 The situation of industrial training in Spain A review of Engineering education in Spain has been carried out elsewhere [3] and an analysis of the situation of industrial training in this country can be seen at [5]. Higher education in Spain is carried out at Universities, structured in Faculties, Higher Schools and University Schools. The number of Higher Education students in Spain has increased from about 170,000 students in 1960 to a million and a half in year 2000. Relatively speaking, Spain is the second European country in number of students for every 100,000 inhabitants, after Finland. SEFI 2003 Conference - Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility 163 In Spain there are around 65 Universities, and about 20% of them are privately owned some by Church organisations. Universities are autonomous institutions, and higher education matters are under the regional governments´ rule although there is a common framework defined by the central government. A Decree issued in by the central government in 1987 [18], on Common regulations for University Degrees valid all over the Spanish territory, defined a new framework for Higher Education. In the old system almost all the subjects were compulsory and the study programmes were substantially equal for all the Faculties/ Schools issuing the same Degree at different Universities. Under the new regulations some flexibility in the curricula was introduced once the common core, the so called trunk subjects covering around 50 to 60 % of the credits, was guaranteed. The credit corresponds to 10 lecture hours or equivalent practical/ laboratory load. Each University is allowed to organise the rest of the study programme and a part of it is to be defined by the student as optional. The Universities should submit new curricula or modifications of the existing ones to the Council of Universities for approval. Higher education is structured in three cycles, each one with a minimum number of credits. Study programmes may be short- cycle degree courses (3 years, covering a minimum of 180 credits) leading to the award of a Diploma or a Technical Engineering Degree, and long- cycle degree courses (usually 5 years with a minimum of 300 credits) leading to the award of a degree of Licenciate, Architect or Engineer. Doctorate or third-cycle studies require 36 credits over a period of 2 years before carrying out the thesis. Engineering education is organised as a parallel two first cycles system: Engineer (nominally 5 years) and Technical Engineer (usually lasting 3 years). Mean duration of studies up to graduation is about 40% higher the quoted values and there is a quite high drop- out rate. Entry requirements are the same for both long and short Degrees, but Technical Engineering studies have quota reserved for students coming from Professional Education different from "Bachillerato". Graduated Technical Engineers could enter at the 4th of Engineer in the same field of Engineer curricula in limited percentages granting places only to those with the best marks. Industrial training is not compulsory in Engineering Degrees in Spain, and it is not included in the list of the so called trunk subjects which conform the common core required to them to be accepted all over Spain. In general, industrial training is carried out on a voluntary basis with regard to all the sectors implied, students, lecturers, universities and industries, since no compensation are provided to them with a general character (see [4], [7] and [9]). In most of Spanish Universities, industrial training is recognised to students only as a free option subject, a figure mainly intended to allow them looking for a complementary education on fields different from those giving sense and name to the Engineering Degree. In this way only a limited number of credits usually less than six (equivalent to 60 lecture hours) can be allocated to industrial training and the compensation obtained by the student decreases when the length of the practical period increases. Some universities prefer referring the period of stage at industries to the final project period so that the student has a broader view of his field of study by the time the industrial training starts. However, this approach has the disadvantage that no feed- back is incorporated to his education; i.e. the industrial training is a final activity at the end of the educational process and no outcomes from this activity can be used to benefit in further activities at the University. In spite of that, or perhaps because of it, industries usually prefer taking students for placements in situations as near as possible to their graduation so they can be made responsible for some specific tasks which could provide some returns to the industry. Another experience related to industrial training has begun to operate a couple of years ago in some Universities of Castile and Leon by which staff from industries are involved in formal engineering education. That staff holds contracts at the University as Associated Lecturers on a part- time basis devoting six hours per week to educational activities carried out mainly at the industry although also may involve some activities at the University premises. They are mainly responsible on practical or project- related tasks addressed to small groups of students. This programme is a very positive experience that foments the relation with the companies, their collaboration in the educational objectives definition and the assessment the skills acquired according to needs of the employers. Industrial training do not receive in Spain any economic compensation from public budgets with the exception of the above referred experience and the so called alternative practices covering industrial placement of only a small number of students usually during summer holidays over 4 to 6 weeks. In these practices industries, universities and students receive some money during the period the stage of students at industries takes place. Depending on the specific nature of the industrial training and also on the interest of the Universities, some of this practical training can provide some compensation from the industry to the students. This is quite common when the student has to be at the industry all the day over a period of several months. 5 Industrial training in the European Union The situation on this field is very different from country to country over Europe. According to a review carried out by the Socrates Thematic Network Higher Engineering Education in Europe (H3E) [13], in about half the countries reviewed a period of compulsory practical training is required to obtain an Engineering Degree either in short or in long cycle studies. This period is independent of other practical periods requested to Graduates by Engineering Councils and SEFI 2003 Conference - Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility 164 Associations before granting them membership. In general compulsory industrial training activities are more common in Northern and Central European countries that in the South [13] and [16]. Also when industrial training is compulsory the contents and nature of the practical stage may be very different. In some cases that period may cover a full semester and there are countries providing public economic support to the student while at the industry. Also some Universities provide places to their students for industrial training while in others these should look by themselves where to carry out the practical period. As for the assessment of these activities there are not clear rules similar to those used to evaluate other subjects taught directly by Universities. Very often a kind of pass mark is granted without a quantitative evaluation graded according to the results obtained by each student. If industrial training is to be extended and generalised in the European Union the assessment system should be carefully designed to guarantee that proper results are achieved by the student in the training period. A discussion on the issue of assessment by using external as well as internal references, which can be applied to industrial training can be seen at [6]. Some of the points there outlined can be taken as a first step for defining an assessment system useful for industrial training. Looking to abilities such as leadership, team working, communication, etc. so called soft or personal skills play every day a more important role in shaping engineering curricula when related to their outcomes. The document on Engineering Core Curricula now under discussion within the Socrates Thematic Network Enhancing Engineering Education in Europe (E4) [2], enumerates the personal requirements for Bachelor Engineering Degrees. According to it he graduates should be able to: • communicate information, ideas, problems, and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. • adapt himself to a changing technology and new techniques as part of a life long learning process. • function efficiently in project groups and teamwork. • understand the interaction process between people working in teams, and be able to adapt himself to the requirements of his working environment. • display an understanding of the influence of engineering activity on all life and the environment, and demonstrate a high moral and ethical approach to engineering tasks. • apply his learning ability to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or academic nature • evaluate arguments critically, assumptions, abstract concepts and data, in order to make judgements and to contribute to the solution of complex issues in a creative process • show an appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limitations of knowledge Another document on output standards produced by The Engineering Professor´ s Council of Great Britain [17], also lists several of the social skills among the most- valued attributes of engineering graduates according to the opinion of the employers. This kind of abilities can be more easily acquired by industrial training rather than by formal University education even in the cases when it incorporates innovations such as project- based learning. Benefits of industrial training can be increased by adding an intercultural component as it is the case of internships carried out in foreign countries. A good example of this is the Leonardo programme for EU students about or just after graduating who follow a period of training at different jobs and in the case of engineering students is carried out mainly at factories. However, this programme only benefits to a rather small number of students, far less than in the case of the Socrates programme, which has been proved decisive in the configuration of the European Higher Education Space. 6 Towards compulsory industrial training as a pre- requisite to Engineering Degrees This section relates to Curricula in which industrial training is not required for getting a Degree in Engineering. There are three different situations to be considered, although they are not consequent steps to be followed when introducing industrial training in curricula. a) Industrial training with no academic recognition. It is the answer to an old conception of industrial training activities which relate them to improving the employment opportunities for the student although without having a significant contribution to the educational process. To overcome the problem industrial training should first be academically acknowledged and then the case will be one of the b) or c) following. b) Industrial training as an optional subject. As stated above, in Spanish curricula this training can be considered either as an optional subject incorporated to the Degree or as a free option subject chosen by the student. In these cases the Universities/ Centres already have contacts with a significant number of industries and a system of management of these activities is already established. Then the main difficulty for introduce industrial training as a compulsory subject will probably be to increase the number of industries implied so that a training place can be offered to any student before graduation. For that to be achieved the Universities must offer additional incentives to industries which will become interested in acting in the process. SEFI 2003 Conference - Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility 165 Personal direct contacts with industries through lecturers implied can be efficient in this change and then the number of active lecturers has to be increased in this move. Also, some kind of financial or tax incentives established by governments in favour of industries co- operating in industrial training as stated below in this section. of any other academic activity. To evaluate this effort the following items should be considered: Once the number of places offered in training is high enough so to satisfy the existing demand by students and a proper tutoring system has been established for assessing the activity, the industrial training can be incorporated as a compulsory subject, moving then to case c). c) Industrial training as a pre- requisite for an Engineering Degree. This may be the last stage of a process started at a) or it may be the first step for introducing industrial training activities in the curricula. These activities should have a number of ECTS credits related to their importance in Engineering education along the lines quoted above and related to the time planned to be carried out. According to these requirements, it is considered that a minimum of 15 ECTS credits should be allocated to industrial training in every Engineering curricula. 6.1 Incentives for industrial training introducing or extending For a good running of these activities, some incentives should be established for any of the implied agents: industries, lecturers and students. Industries. If there are not enough offers from industry of places for students, as is the common case in Spain, establishing adequate stimulus for the former should be a priority. According to the philosophy and operative principles of industries the incentives should be mainly of a type financial or fiscal. Tax rebates may be as efficient in promoting industrial trainingships for students as direct money supplied to industries from public funds. On the other hand, in public administrations or in some cooperatives the technical assistance provided by the student on training could be better valued than any kind of economic return. Lecturers. Probably this is the aspect requiring a stronger action to improve industrial training activities when trying to overcome situations in which the academic tutor plays a role purely nominal and passive. In these cases there is not a proper follow up and assessment of the educational side of the process and the results tend to be very poor. Once adequate procedures have been established for actively implicating lecturers on industrial training the time and effort devoted by them should be acknowledged on the same basis • Time devoted to contact industries and external tutors. • Time used in the following up of the students tutored, including going to the site where they are placed. • Time required for proper check and assessment of students´ progress and final results. Students. The main incentive for students will be to have a proper recognition in the curricula of the time spent in industrial training. Extending this period longer than the minimum required in the curricula could be valued by some additional credits although without cutting possibilities if they exist for incorporating non- engineering subjects in the educational process. However the main return for the students will be the educational turnover from industrial training they receive if it is properly managed. So the Universities should watch specially the educational aspects of the process to verify that students are really under training and are not used instead as cheap hand labour. 7 A common ground for industrial training in the European Union If there is a common understanding within the European Union on the benefits provided to Engineering education by industrial training, and if they are already incorporated or are on the way to be incorporated to the curricula, some discussion should take place to harmonise the process along the guidelines of the European Space of Higher Education. We are currently in the process of reshaping Higher Education Curricula to put them on line with the Bologna Declaration. While the debate on contents and competences is going on and a core of requirements to Engineering degrees is beginning to emerge, a common position on industrial training in Europe can be put forward to be implemented in the new curricula. If there is not an agreement on how to do this, a debate on the issue should take place as soon as possible and this Conference may be an initial forum for it. The contents, procedures, assessment methods and the length of the practical stage should be agreed to provide industrial training with a clear recognition all over Europe. Institutional assistance from the European Union should be provided to ease the process of introducing industrial training as a common requirement to all European Engineering Degrees. This help could come in several different ways: • Extending the Leonardo programme so to cover a higher number of students that at present and introducing some SEFI 2003 Conference - Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility 166 assessment of result with information provided by all the sectors implied. • • Providing financial assistance to multinational industrial training experiences and programmes aimed at unifying criteria and methods. Promoting open forums to industries, lecturers and students´ s association for discussing on industrial training on minimum common basis in European engineering curricula. The length of the stages should be enough to fulfil the educational aims fixed. Perhaps a minimum of 15/ 20 ECTs credits, equivalent to 2 or 3 months of full time industrial training could be set in an initial move towards generalising it in Engineering curricula. The assessment system to be established ought to take into account two principal points: • Active role of the academic tutor as responsible for the feedback of results into the educational system. • Continuous contact between academic and industrial tutors during the period of the stage of students. As for the assessment procedures each University has to care for them in order to evaluating industrial training of students with similar guarantees to those existing for the rest of academic subjects. Finally, the activities offered by industries to students and the way in which industrial training is really carried out should be carefully watched not only bay academic tutors but also by an appropriate body at the universities to guarantee a real educational benefit to the students involved. 8 Conclusion Defining an international common basis for industrial training will clearly improve employability of graduates in a global job market. This paper calls for a debate among industries, universities and students for establishing a minimum period of industrial training as a pre- requisite for Engineering Degrees and defining common guidelines on contents, procedures, assessment methods. Finally, the necessity of an institutional effort on the European Union´ s side is also remarked. This effort should be accompanied by a flow of financial resources required to solve present difficulties and shorten periods for full implementation of the changes required. [2] O. Arne, U. Domínguez, J. 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Sisson, Jr., "Five Years Experience at the United Technologies Pratt& Wittney/ Worcester Polytechnic Learning Factory. An Industrail Active Learning Project experience for Undergraduate and Graduate Students". Proc. SEFI Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Sep (2003). [1] C. Ahrens, “European Civil/ Construction Engineering Management (ECEM/ ECM) as an Example for Integrated European Engineering Curriculum”. Paris (Francia): Procs. Int. Conf. SEFI, 6- 8 Sep (2000). [13] B. Tuck, A. Howe, “State-of-the-Art Report: Quality and Recognition in Engineering Education: Chap.1”. H3E Higher Engineering Education for Europe. Working Group n.2: Quality and Recognition in Engineering SEFI 2003 Conference - Global Engineer: Education and Training for Mobility 167 Education, (1999). On 29.04.03 at .jsp [14] M.A. Zabalza, “El Prácticum y las Prácticas en Empresas en la formación universitaria”. VIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas, Santiago de Compostela (2000). [15] "Catálogo de Indicadores". Secretaría General del Consejo de Universidades. On Jun 2002 at [16] "University and Industry co- operation as a resource for learning". Studying in e- space and other challenges for learning by working. E4 Activity 5 & BEST Symposium. Helsinki University of Technology. [17] " The EPC Engineering Graduate Output Standard". Interim Report of the EPC Output Standards Project. The Engineering Professor´ s Council, Warwick, Dec (2000). [18] Real Decreto 1447/1987, sobre directrices generales comunes para los títulos universitarios con validez en todo el territorio español. U. Domínguez Professor in Mechanical Engineering. His field of work is machine design and renewable energies and he is also interested in internationalization of engineering education. J. Magdaleno Industrial Engineer. Lecturer at the Polytechnic School of the University of Valladolid from 1989 where he is Deputy Assistant Director since 2000. 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