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✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❨❬❩❪❭❴❫✖❵❜❛❞❝✏❩❊❡✒❫✖❵✼❢❊❣✒❤❪✐ ❩❦❥✒❧❊♠♥✐ ♦✤♣rqts✈✉❪❵✤❧❊♠✇♠ ❣●❥✒❤●❣②①❴❩❪❭④③✏❡❬❭❴❩●⑤✤❣⑥✐♥❥⑦❧⑧✉❦❵⑨❧●❥✒❤❪✐♥❥✒❤⑧⑩❶❩❦❭✡♠ ❷⑥❸
❹❪❸✒❺❊❣✤❻✏❼✲❩●❡✒❻✢❵⑨❣⑧❽☎❾❊❿✭➀ ➁✒➂✭➃✔➄✂➀ ➅❄➆➈➇✙➉✭➃❞➀ ➄☞➊✂➋❦❾❊➌❁➍⑧➎☎➏❬➐✏➑✒➒⑨➒❜➓
✉➔❸t→➣❭❄❧✤♦✏♠ ❧●❥✒❷↔❽❞❾❊❿✤➀ ➁✲➂✭➃❄➄✖➀ ➅❴➆➈➇❉➉✭➃❞➀ ➄✜↕✤➋❦❾❊➌❁➍➛➙④➆✲➜✭➝✤➃✔➉✤➞✤➟✤➀ ➂❇➠☎➡✝➀ ➅❄➆✭➄✝➓
➩●❸✒➫❉❥✒❫✝❭❄❩✏❷❊❡✒❻✂❫✝✐ ❩❦❥❊❸
➊✤➭✪➊✤➭✒➯❊➜❇➲➳➅☎➟✲➂❖➁✤➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿➛➜✂➵✏➅✡➟✂➂✜➸✼➜✭➃❃➺ ➻➈➀♥❿✂➵✔➺ ➼❉➂✢❿✲➡✡➂❖➅☎➟✲➂☞➵✔➼✂➅❞➼✭➃★➂➛➜❇➵✒➅✖➟❉➂➈➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂➛➉✭❿✲➻☞➅❄➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❞➜✤➃✇➚
➊✤➭➶➪✒➭⑧➯❜➜❇➲➹➅☎➟✂➂➘➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✭❿➴➢●➜✤❿✲➡✖➂✤➞✝➅❄➄➷➜❇➵⑧➅❄➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✤➺➛➞✤➺ ➉✤❿✤❿✤➀ ❿✲➝➬➟✂➂✭➺ ➞➮➼✂➄✻➅❄➜➱➼✤❿❉➻✤➂t➃★➄❞➅☎➉✭❿✲➻✃➅❞➟✲➂❐➉✲➡❞➅✖➼❉➉t➺
➄❉➀ ➅❞➼✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿➛➜✂➵❪➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂➛➀ ❿✜➅☎➟✲➂❖➸⑦➜✢➃❴➺ ➻
➊✤➭➶❒✒➭●➌❮➜✭➻✲➂t➃❄❿✤➀ ➅✔➚②➉✏❿✂➻②➉✂➡✝➡✖➼✤➃❴➉✲➡❳➚②➜✂➵❊➉✭❿➛➜✭➺ ➻⑧❿✂➜✂➅☎➀ ➜✤❿⑧❰✒➅✖➟❉➂Ï➃❴➂✲➝✏➀ ➜✢❿
Ð❊❸❪Ñ❊❵✒❣⑥❫✖❵❊❭❄❣✤❣✻⑤●❭❄❩●♣❶✐♥❥✤❣●❥✒❫❖Ò❊✐ ♦✢✐ ❩❊❥✤♦⑥❩✒①❁❫✖❵⑨❣✻⑤✏♠ ❧✤❻✭❣❶❩✒①➛③✤❡❪❭❄❩❦⑤t❣✻✐♥❥❶❫✖❵✒❣⑥⑩➳❩❪❭☎♠ ❷❶❧❦❥⑨❷❶❫✖❵✒❣❊✐♥❭➛✐ ♣Ó⑤✤❧✤❻✂❫☞❩❊❥
③✏❡❬❭❴❩❪⑤✤❣✒❧●❥✼⑤●♠ ❧●❥❊❥❦✐♥❥⑨❤
➪✒➭✪➊✤➭✂Ô❊➟✂➂❖Õ✡➡✙➜✢❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✲➂✢❿✙➅☎Ö❊➁✢➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✏❿
➪✒➭➶➪✒➭✂Ô❊➟✂➂❖Õ✡➡✙➂t❿✙➅☎➃✔➂✲➠✖➞✂➂✭➃❴➀♥➞✭➟✲➂✭➃✇➚✤×④➁✤➀ ➄✂➀ ➜✤❿
➪✒➭➶❒✒➭✂Ô❊➟✂➂❖Õ✡➉✤➃❴➡✝➟✤➀ ➞✂➂✢➺ ➉✭➝✲➜✭×❪➁✤➀ ➄✖➀ ➜✢❿
Ø❪❸✤Ñ❦❵✒❣②♦✂❫✝❭❞❧✤❫☎❣✒❤❦✐ ❻✜Ò❪✐ ♦✒✐ ❩❊❥②❩✏①❘③✏❡❬❭❴❩❦⑤t❣⑧❧✤♦➛❫✖❵✤❣⑦♣Ù❧❊✐♥❥✼⑤✤❧❊❭❴❫✰❩✒①❪❧⑦→✰♠ ❩❬Ú✤❧●♠✏❢❊❣✒❤❪✐ ❩●❥
❒✒➭✪➊✤➭✂Ô❊➟✂➂➈❿✲➂✂➂✭➻➛➵✇➜✢➃④❿✲➂✝➲➷➝✲➂✭➜✂➝✏➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✭➀ ➡✖➉✤➺✲➡✖➉✂➅❴➂✂➝✤➜✢➃❴➀ ➂✲➄
❒✒➭➶➪✒➭✂Ô❊➟✂➂Ï➃❄➀ ➄✡➂➛➜✭➵✭Õ✂Û❊➜✭➃✇➅☎➟✂➠☎➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟➛➍✒➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✂➄✝×
❒✒➭➶❒✒➭✒Û❊➜✭➃✔➅❞➟❉➠☎➒●➜✢➼✙➅☎➟➛➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✂➉✢➺ ➀ ➄❇Ü✃➉✤❿✲➻➈➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂✲➉✢❿Ý➂✲➡✝➜✭❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡❆➄❳➅❄➉✭Þ✲➂✂➄
❒✒➭ ß❊➭●➇✙➜✢➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡☎➉✢➺✲➄☎➅❴➉✢Þ❉➂✭➄
❒✒➭➶à✒➭✂Ô⑨➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✲➄❳➅❄➉✭Þ✂➂✲➄
❒✒➭ á●➭✂Ô⑨➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✤➀ Ü②➞✂➉✲➡❳➅❄➄
â④❸❘✉●❩❦❥✤❻✒♠♥❡✤♦✏✐ ❩❊❥ã❧❊Ú✤❩❊❡✤❫⑧⑤✤❩❊♠✪✐ ❻✒✐ ❣✤♦⑨q❪❫✖❵⑨❣✻❭❞❩❬♠ ❣➳❩✤①☞❫☎❣❊❭☎❭☎✐ ❫☎❩❦❭✡✐ ❣✏♦➳✐♥❥❶❫✝❵✒❣ä③✒❡●❭❄❩●♣✼❣✏❷❊✐ ❫☎❣●❭✖❭❄❧●❥✒❣✏❧●❥✈❣✤❻✭❩❊❥✤❩⑨♣å✐ ❻
❷●❣✤Ò●❣❊♠ ❩❪⑤t♣Ù❣●❥✒❫❁✐ ♣Ó⑤✒♠✪✐ ❣✤♦☞❻✲❩✏❩❬❭❞❷❊✐♥❥●❧✤❫✡✐ ❩❊❥⑥Ú✲❣✤❫☎æ➈❣✤❣●❥èç④→ã❢❊❣❊♠ ❣✢é⑦❧●❥●❷✼ç④→✻❢❊❣✒❤❪✐ ❩
ß❊➭✪➊✤➭●ê✡➜✤➼✤➃④➞✭➃❴➀ ❿❉➡❇➀ ➞✤➺ ➂✂➄✜➜❇➵⑨➡✝➜✭Ü➈ÜÝ➜✤❿➛➉✲➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
ß❊➭➶➪✒➭✂Ô❊➟✂➂➈❿✲➂✂➂✭➻➛➵✇➜✢➃❬➡✝➃❴➜✂➄✝➄✝➀ ❿❉➝➈➐❊➙✻➍✒➂✭➺ ➂✝ë②➉✢❿✲➻➈➐❜➙ì➍t➂✭➝✤➀ ➜
ß❊➭➶❒②ê✂➀ ➵♥➅✔➚➛➚t➂✭➉✭➃➾➄✜➉❇➝✤➜➈í
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➩●❸✒➫❉❥✒❫✝❭❄❩✏❷❊❡✒❻✂❫✝✐ ❩❦❥❊❸✤Ñ❊❵✒❣➈⑩❶❩❊❭✖♠ ❷✼❧●❥✒❷⑧❫✖❵✤❣è③✏❡●❭❄❩❪⑤✲❣✏❧●❥⑦Ñ✏❣●❭✡❭✡✐ ❫☎❩❪✁❭
✂☎✄✆✂☎✄✞✝✠✟✞✡☞☛✍✌✏✎✒✑✔✓ ✕✖✓ ✟✘✗✙✟✘✚✛☛✁✌✏✎✢✜✣✟✘✤✦✥ ✧★✓ ✗✏✚✩✥✫✪✬✎☎✗✏✭✮✎✯☛✰✌☎✎★✚✁✪☎☛✦✪✬✤✱✎✲✟✏✚✳☛✦✌✘✎★✴✵✪✶✤✆✟✖✷✳✎✘✸✶✗✺✹✻✎✶✤✱✤✦✓ ☛✆✟✶✤✦✼
➏➮➄❞➚✒➄❞➅❄➂tÜ ➜❇➵✜➻✲➂✤➄☎➡❉➃❄➀ ➞✙➅❞➀ ➜✢❿å➜✭➵↔➅❞➟✂➂➳➲❁➜✭➃❴➺ ➻✻➀ ➄⑧➲❖➟❉➉❉✺
➅ t
✽ ➂✭➉✝➁✒➂✭➃✔➄☎➅❄➜✭➡✝Þ✂➋✜➒❦Ü➛➀ ➅☎➟➳➉✢❿❉➻ÓÔ✒➉✂➚✏➺ ➜✭➃⑧➞✭➃★➜✢➞❉➜✭➄✡➂Ó➅❄➜➳➡✖➉✤➺ ➺❮➉
Õ✂ÜÝ➂❇➅❴➉✲➝✤➂✭➜✂➝✢➃★➉✢➞✤➟✙➚✭×✝➭❬➭➶ê❉➜✭➃❁➇✤➭ ✾✝➭✤Ô✒➉❇➚✒➺ ➜✭➃❘❽☎➪☎✿✏✿✏➊❇➓④Õ❳➝✏➺ ➜✏❀✲➉✢➺ ➀ ❁✙➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✼➃✔➂✤➞✤➃➾➂❇➄✙➂t❿✙➅☎➄Ý➉ÙÜÝ➂✝➅❴➉✤➝✭➂✲➜❇➝✤➃❴➉✤➞✤➟✭➀ ➡✝➉✭➺●Ü ➜tÜ ➂✭❿✂➅❄➋❪➉
➅☎➀ ÜÝ➂ã➲✜➟✂➂✤❿❶➅☎➟✲➂Ó➅❴➉✤Þ✂➂✤❿✂➠❞➵➾➜t➃★➠❞➝✤➃❴➉✭❿✂➅❴➂✭➻✻➲❆➉✝➚ ➀ ❿❶➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟✲➋Ý➡✝➜✭➺ ➺ ➂❇➡☎➅☎➀ ➁✤➂✭➺ ➚t➋❖➲❆➂✻➜✭➃✔➝✤➉✤❿✤➀ ➄✝➂ã➜✤➼✤➃➈Þ✲❿✲➜❇➲❁➺ ➂❇➻✲➝✤➂✻➜❇➵Ý➅❞➟✲➂
➲❁➜✤➃❞➺ ➻✼➉✭➄➛➄✝➞✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➉✭➺⑨➄❞➅☎➃❃➼✲➡☎➅☎➼✭➃★➂❇➄➛➀ ❂
➄ ✲
❀ ➂✭➀ ❿❉➝✼➂t➃★➜✭➻✤➂✂➻●➭●➙④➺ ✘
➜ ✲
❀ ➉t➺ ➀ ❁✙➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿②➡✂➟✂➉✢➺ ➺ ➂✢❿✂➝✤➂✲➄❖➅☎➟✂➂✼Ü➛➜✲➄✖➉✭➀ ➡➛Ü➛➂✂➅❴➉✂➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✂➚⑦➜✭➵
➄❳➅✿➉✝➅❴➂✭➄☞➲❁➀ ➅☎➟⑦➉Ù❿✂➂✂➲ ➞✲➼✂➅❄➉❉➅☎➀ ➁✲➂⑥❿✂➂✝➅❴➲❁➜✭➃❴Þ⑧Ü ➂❉➅❄➉✂➝✤➂✂➜✤➝✢➃➾➉✢➞✲➟✂➚⑧➜✂➵❘➡✖➜✤❿✤❿✲➂✂➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✂➄✡×✝➭❃✽●➼✙➅❘➉✭➄Ï❿✲➜✂➅❞➀ ➡✡➂✂❄
➻ ✝❀ ➚✼➙④➃❴➉✂➄❉➺ ➉✏❿✂➻Ù❽
➪ ✿✏✿✤↕✏➓❬➉☞➁✏➀ ➄❉➀ ➜t❿ ➜❇➵⑨➅❞➟✲➂☞➲❁➜✤➃❴➺ ✙
➻ ❅②➜✢➃❪Ü ➂✝➅❄➉❇➝✤➂✲➜✭➝✤➃✔➉✤➞✤➟✂➚➛➠✻➀ ➄❖❿✲➜✂➅④➉➈➞✤➼✲➃✔➂✤➺ ➚②➄✝➡✖➀ ➂✤❿✝➅☎➀ ➵❴➀ ➡❖➞✤➃❴➜✂➻✏➼✂➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✤❿⑧➭✏❆✔➅④➀ ➄✜➉✭➺ ➄✡➜➛➉✢❿
➀ ➻✭➂✲➜t➺ ➜✭➝✤➀ ➡✡➉✢➺✭➞✲➃❄➜✂➻✏➼✲➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➃❴➋❦➀ ❿➛➜✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❊➲❘➜t➃★➻✤➄✖➋❊➉äÕ✂➞❉➜✢➺ ➅☎➀ ➡✙➉t➺❉➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✂➚✲×✖➭
Ô❊➟✲➂✻➜✘❀✔❇❴➂✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➁t➂✻➜❇➵Ý➅☎➟✭➀ ➄❶➞✲➉✢➞❉➂t➃⑦➀ ➄Ù➅❄➜➳➂❇ë✒➞✭➺ ➉✤➀ ❿❶➲✜➟✂➉✂➅⑧➉✤➃➾➂✻➉✭➡☎➅❞➼✲➉✭➺♥➺ ➚✻➅❞➟✂➂➷➻✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ❿❉➉✏❿✝➅✼➃➾➂t➞✲➃❄➂✂➄✝➂✭❿✝➅❄➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✈➜❇➵Ý➅❞➟✲➂
➄❇➀ ➅☎➼✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿Ó➜❇➵➛➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂ã➀ ❿⑥➅✡➟✂➂❶➸②➜✢➃❄➺ ➻✈➉✢❿✂➻➳➲❖➟❉➉❉➅②➉✤➃➾➂⑥➅❳➟❉➂❶➡✝➜✢❿✲➄✡➂✶✏
❈ ➼✲➂✢❿✲➡✡➂❶➜✭➵✰➅✡➟✭➀ ➄➈➁●➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✢❿✂➄è➜❇➵❁➅☎➟✲➂❶➲❘➜✭➃❞➺ ➻ã➵➾➜t➃
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿✼➒●➞✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➉✤➺❦➇✲➺ ➉✢❿✤❿✭➀ ❿✲➝●➭●➸⑧➂✼➉✲➄✖➄✝➼✤ÜÝ➂⑧➅❳➟❉➉❇➅☞ÜÝ➉✤❿✂➚❶➞✂➜✢➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡☎➉✏➺✒➻✤➂✂➡❇➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✏❿✂➄➛➲❁➟✤➀ ➡✝➟✼➉✭➃❴➂✼➉✤➞✭➞✲➉✭➃❴➂✤❿✝➅☎➺ ➚⑥➃❄➂✭➺ ➉✂➅❄➂❇➻
➅☎➜➈➞✤➼✲➃✔➂✤➺ ➚☞Õ✂➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✤➃❃❿✲➉✤➺✲➉✭➵♥➵✔➉✤➀ ➃❴➄✡×❁➜❇➵❪➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✂➂✭➉✤❿➈❾❬❿✭➀ ➜✢❿②➉✭➃➾➂ ➀ ❿➛➵✇➉✭➡☎❉
➅ ❀✂➉✲➄✖➂✲➻➈➜✤❿➛➲❁➀ ➻✲➂✢➃❮➡✖➜✤❿✲➡☎➂✏➞✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵●➅☎➟✲➂➛➄❉➀ ➅☎➼✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
➜✭➵●➅☎➟✲➂☞➲❘➜✢➃❴➺ ➻✒➭✢➏❜➄✜➄❳➅❴➉✂➅❴➂✂❊
➻ ✂❀ ➚⑧ê❉➉✭➺ ➼✂➻✤➀✤❽☎☎
➪ ✿✏✿✏à✭➓❮❋
➉ ✲
❀ ➜✤➼✝➅❊➅✖➟❉➂➛➡✝➜✭❿✲➡✝➂✭➞✝➅④➜✂➵●➅❄➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❴➜✤➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✤➡✡➜✢➟✲➂✲➄✖➀ ➜✢❿❉➋❜➲❘➂②➉✭➃❴➂⑧❿✂➜✝➅④➵➾➉❇➡✝➀ ❿✲➝
➉✻➄❇➀ Ü②➞✭➺ ➂✻➜✢➞✲➞✲➜✭➄✝➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✢●
❿ ❀❉➂❇➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤❿✻➺ ✩➀ ❀✂➂✭➃❴➉✤➺④➉✤❿✲➻✻➄✝➜✂➡✝➀ ➉✭➺ ➠☎➻✲➂tÜÝ➜✲➡❉➃★➉❇➅⑧➞✲➜✭➀ ❿✙➅⑧➜✂➵☞➁✤➀ ➂✂➲✜➭➔Ô❊➟✲➂✻➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✂➂✲➉✢❿✻Ü ➜✂➻✤➂✢➺❮➜✭➵
➄✝➜✭➡✝➀ ➂❇➅✔➚⑧➀ ➄❖Ü②➼✂➡❇➟②ÜÝ➜✭➃❴➂➛➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂❇ë②➉✭❿✲➻☞➅❄➉✭Þ✂➂Ï➀ ➅❴➄☞➃➾➜✭➜✝➅✰➀ ❿☞➲❁➀ ➻✭➂✭➃❬➄❉➞✲➉✂➅❞➀ ➉✤➺✲➉✭❿✲➻➈➟✤➀ ➄☎➅❄➜✢➃❴➀ ➡✡➉✭➺✲➄✝➡✡➉✢➺ ➂✭➄✂➭
➜✤❿✲➄☞➜✂➵✰➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✢➞❉➂❇➉✤❿⑦➒❦➞✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➉✭➺●➇✲➺ ➉✤❿✤❿✤➀ ❿❉➝⑧➉✢➃★➂⑧➄❞➅☎➃✔➜✤❿✲➝✏➺ ➚✼➝✢➃➾➜✢➼✤❿❉➻✤➂✭➻Ù➀ ❿⑦➜t➼✲➃❁Ü ➂✢❿✝➅❄➉✭➺
❴➃ ➂✤➞✭➃➾➂✤➄☎➂✏❿✝➅❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄✜➜❇➵❊➅❞➟✲➂☞➸✼➜✭➃❴➺ ➻➈➉✤❿✲➻☞➅✖➟❉➂Ï➵➾➉✭➡☎➅❪➅☎➟✂➉✂➅④➲❘➂➛➉✢➃★➂➈❿✲➜❇➅❘➡✝➺ ➂✲➉✢➃❴➺ ➚⑧➡✙➜✢❿✂➄✙➡❉➀ ➜✢➼✂➄Ý➜❇➵●➅✡➟✭➀ ➄❖➄✡➡✝➉✭➺ ➉✢➃❘➃➾➂✢➺ ➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿➛➀ ➄
➉➈➃❄➂✂➉t➺✏❀✲➉✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➂✢➃❊➵➾➜✭➃❪➵❴➼✭➃✇➅☎➟✲➂✭➃④➞✭➃➾➜✤➝✢➃➾➂✭➄✡➄☞➀ ❿②➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡✡➉✢➺✲➉✲➄❖➀ ❿ ➄✝➡✝➀ ➂✢❿✝➅☎➀ ➵❃➀ ➡✝➉✭➺✲➵✔➀ ➂✤➺ ➻✤➄✂➭✭➸⑦➂Ï➲❁➀ ➺ ➺✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃★➂❇➵➾➜✭➃❴➂➈➞✭➃★➂✭➄✡➂✢❿✙➅❪➵❴➀ ➃★➄❞➅☎➺ ➚
➉ ❀✲➃☎➀ ➂❇➵❬➜❇➁✲➂✭➃✔➁✤➀ ➂✂➲➷➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✂➂☞➅✡➟✭➃➾➂✭➂➛➻✤➜✤Ü➛➀♥❿✂➉✤❿✝➅❪➁✒➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿✂➄✜➜✭➵●➅☎➟✲➂☞➸✼➜✭➃❞➺ ➻➈➅❞➟✲➉✂➅❘➉✭➃✔➂⑧➼✲➄✡➂❇➻✼➀ ❿⑧➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂➈❽☎➞✲➉✭➃✪➅✡➭♥➪✤❍
➓ ❀❉➂✭➵✇➜✢➃➾➂
➅☎➜Ý➂❉ë✒➞✤➺ ➉✢➀ ❿➈➀ ❿Ý➻✤➂✝➅❞➉✤➀ ➺ ➄✰➅☎➟✂➂✤➀ ➃●➅❄➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅❴➜✤➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✲➡✝➜✢❿❉➄✖☎
➂ ❈✏➼✲➂✢❿❉➡✝➂✂➄✰➵✔➜✤➃❪➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✢➞❉➂➈❽❞➞✲➉✭➃✇➅✡➭✏❒✤➓✡➭
✂☎✄✍■✵✄✳✝❏✟✞✡❑☛✍✌☎✎▲✴▼✪✘✤✱✟✖✷✞✎✶✸✏✗✒◆✵✟✬✗✏✭✔✎✻✷✛☛✍✕❖✟✏✚✳☛✁✎✶✤✦✤✱✓ ☛✁✟✘✤✦✓ ✸☎✥✶✷✞✥ ✸✬✗✏✗☎✓✩✗✬P◗✌✏✎✶✥ ✷❘✪❙✕✯☛✍✟◗✪✬✗✏✧✘✎☎✤✆✕❙☛✍✸✘✗☎✧✒☛✁✌☎✎★✸✘✭✖☛✁✪✘✸✘✥✘✕✖✓✩☛✁✪✘✸▼☛✍✓ ✟✏✗★✟✏✚
✴✵✪✘✤✱✟✖✷✞✎❚✓ ✗✙☛✆✌☎✎✢✜❖✟✶✤✦✥✩✧
❿ ❀✲➂❐➃❄➂✝➁✭➂✤➃❴➄✡➂❐➉✤❿✲➻❐➲❆➂➱➞✲➃❴➜✢➞❉➜✤➄☎➂➘➉✢➺ ➄✖➜✃➅❄➜➘➂✝ë✏➞✲➺ ➜✭➃❄➂➱➟✲➜✂➲ ➡✝➜✢❿❉➡✝➂✭➞✝➅❄➄ ➂✭➺ ➉✏❀✲➜✭➃✔➉✂➅❄➂❇➻
➄ ➞✂➂✲➡❉➀ ➵❃➀ ➡✖➉✤➺ ➺ ➚❱✙❀ ➚⑥➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢➞✂➂✲➉✢❿⑦➄✝➡✝➀ ➂✢❿✝➅☎➀ ➄☎➅❞➄Ý➉✏❿✲➻⑧➻✭➂✲➡❉➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✢❿✼Ü ➉tÞ❉➂✭➃❴➄☞➵➾➜t➃❆➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➃❞❿❉➉✢➺●➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✲➄➛➡✖➉✤❿✺✲
❀ ➂➈➁✤➉✭➺ ➼❉➉❋✤
❀ ➺ ➂Ù➀ ❿✤➞✭➼✝➅✿➄
➵✔➜✤➃⑦➉❲❀✂➂✝➅❴➅❴➂✭➃⑦➂❉➁t➉✢➺ ➼✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿➷➜✂➵❖➅✡➟✂➂✻➡✙➜t❿✙➅☎➂✭Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃❄➉✭➃✪➚ ➜✭➃➾➝✤➉✢❿✤➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➳➜✭➵✜➅❳➟✲➂➳➸⑧➜✭➃❞➺ ➻●➭❖➇❉➜t➺ ➚✤➡✡➂✢❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➄❉Ü ➋❖➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✭➺
➡✝➜✢➟❉➂✤➄✖➀ ➜✢❿❉➋❶➉✭➡✡➡✝➂✂➄✝➄✖➀✩✭
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➅✔➚
➅❄➜➬➞✤➼✏❀✲➺ ➀ ➡✃➄✖➂✤➃✇➁✏➀ ➡✝➂✂➄✝➋❶➡✝➃❴➜✂➄✝➄✡❳➠ ✲
❀ ➜✭➃❴➻✤➂✭➃➷➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➝✤➃✔➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿
í ➉t➃★➂❐➅❴➚✏➞✲➀ ➡✙➉t➺⑦➡✡➜✏❿✂➡✡➂✢➞✙➅❴➄❐➜✂➵
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿ ➒✏➞✲➉✝➅❳➀ ➉✭➺☞➇✂➺ ➉✭❿✤❿✭➀ ❿❉➝ ➲❖➟✲➀ ➡✖➟ ➡✖➉✤❨
❿ ❀✂➂ ➂❇➉✲➄❉➀ ➺ ➚ä➅☎➃★➉t❿✲➄✂➞✂➜✭➄✡➂✭➻ ➉❇➅⑧➲❆➜✭➃❞➺ ➻ ➡✝➉✂➄✡➂ä➵➾➜t➃ ➉✢❿ ➂✝➁✲➉✏➺ ➼✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿ ➜✂➵
➞✤➃❴➂✂➄✝➂✭❿✝➅❮➄❇➀ ➅☎➼✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿Ï➜t➃❬➵➾➜t➃⑨➅✖➟❉➂➛➂✢➺ ➉✞❀✂➜✭➃❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿➛➜✂➵④❿✂➂❇➲ ➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➡☎➚②➜✢➞✙➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➄✭➭❇➏❬➄❁➉☞➁t➂✢➃✇➚②➄✝➀ Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂➛➂❇ët➉tÜ②➞✭➺ ➂✭➋✏➅☎➟❉➂➈➃❴➂✂➉✭➻✤➂✭➃
➡✝➉✢❿ ➻✤➜⑧➟✭➀ Ü➮➄✖➂✤➺ ➵●➅❞➟✲➂➈➞✲➉✤➃➾➉t➺ ➺ ➂✭✵
➺ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❁➂✂➂✢❿ ➄❇➞❉➉❉➅☎➀ ➉t➺✒➞✂➜✤➺ ➚✲➡✝➂✭❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➄✝Ü ➀ ❿⑧➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂➈➉✤❿✲➻➛➝✤➂✭➜✤➞✂➜✢➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡☎➉✢➺✒Ü➛➼✤➺ ➅❞➀ ➞✲➜✭➺ ➉✤➃❴➀ ➅❴➚⑦➉✝➅
➸✼➜✭➃❞➺ ➻②➄✝➡☎➉✏➺ ➂➈í
Û❬➜✝➅✼➜✏❿✭➺ ➚✃➡✙➜t❿✲➡✡➂✭➞✂➅❄❩
➄ ❀✤➼✙➅✼➉✢➺ ➄✖➜✻➅❄➜✤➜✭➺ ➄✈➉t❿✲➻✃ÜÝ➂❇➅☎➟✲➜✂➻✤➄ã➉✤➃➾➂ ➺ ➀ Þ✙➂✭➺ ➚➷➅❄❬
➜ ❉❀ ➂ì➅☎➃➾➉✢❿✲➄✝➞✲➜✂➄✝➂✂➻ ➵✔➃❄➜✭Ü ➜✤❿✂➂➷➄✝➡✡➉✢➺ ➂ä➅❴➜
➉✏❿✲➜✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃❄➭❁ê✙➜t➃➣➂✭ë✲➉✢Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂✭➋④➅✖➟❉➂❶➄❉➞✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➉✢➺❊➉✤❿✲➉✢➺ ➚✲➄❇➀ ➄➈➅❄➜✤➜✭➺ ➄②➅❳➟✲➉✂➅➈➟❉➉✭➄✢❀❉➂✭➂✢❿❶➼✲➄✡➂✭➻❶➵➾➜t➃❆➅☎➟✲➂ÓÜ ➂❇➉✲➄❉➼✲➃❄➂❶➜❇➵✜➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺
➻✏➀ ➄✝➞✲➉✭➃❃➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲▲
➄ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤❿Ù➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✂➂✭➉✤❿✼➃✔➂✲➝✏➀ ➜✭❿✼❽☎ÜÝ➉✢➞⑦➜❇➵❮➻✏➀ ➄✡➡✖➜✤❿✂➅❞➀ ❿✤➼✲➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✭➄✡➋④➂✝➁✤➉✭➺♥➼✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✤❿⑧➜✂❉
➵ ❀✲➉✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➂t➃★➄✖➋④➡✙➜tÜ②➞✂➉✤➃❞➀ ➄✝➜✤❿⑧➜✂➵
➻✤➂❇➁✤➀ ➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄❶➉✝➅Ù➺ ➜❇➡✙➉t➺ ➋➈❿✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺❆➉✭❿✲➻ ➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿✈➄✝➡☎➉✢➺ ➂❇➄ãí❘➓✼➟✲➉✭❃
➄ ❀❉➂❇➂✤❿ ➞✲➃✔➜✂➁✤➂✂➻✻➅❄❲
➜ ❀✲➂ã➁✲➂✢➃✇➚✃➼✲➄☎➂✭➵✔➼✤➺④➲✜➟✂➂✢❿
➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄❉➞✲➜✲➄✖➂✲➻⑧➅❞➜⑧➅☎➟✂➂è➉✭❿✲➉t➺ ➚✤➄✝➀ ➄②➜❇➵❬➅❳➟❉➂⑥➃❴➂✭➺ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✤❄
❿ ✂❀ ➂✂➅❴➲❘➂❇➂✤❿❶➽✭➼✤➃➾➜✢➞❉➂✤➉✭❿⑥❾❊❿✤➀ ➜✤❿⑧➉✤❿✲➻ã❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✤✏
➟ ❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❃➀ ❿✲➝⑥➡✡➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂❇➄⑧➀ ❿
➞✤➃❴✔➜ ❇❴➂✭➡☎➅✰➽✲➒●✶➇ ➔
❭ Û❶❒✒➭ ß●➭✔➊✤✏
➭ ❪✰➼❉➉✢➺ ➀ ➅❄➉✝➅☎➀ ➁✤➂❖➅✿➜✂➜✢➺ ➄☞➺ ➀ Þ✂➂☞➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✢➺✭➀ Ü➛➞✲➉✭➡☎➅④➉✂➄✝➄✡➂✭➄✡➄❉ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➋❊➻✭➂✲➡✖➂✤❿✝➅☎➃➾➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✡➂✭➻②➡✖➜✲➜✢➞✲➂✭➃➾➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✂➋
➺ ➂✂➉t➃❄❿✤➀ ❿❉➝ì➃➾➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✭❿✲➄Ùí➴➉✭➃❄➂❶➉✭➺ ➄✝➜✼➅✔➚●➞✭➀ ➡✝➉✭➺❊➅❄➜✭➜✭➺ ➄✼➜✂➵☞➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✢❿➳➃❴➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✏❿✂➉✤➺④➞✂➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚⑥➅☎➟✂➉✂➅➛➡✡➜✏➼✭➺ ❩
➻ ❀❉➂❶➉✢➞✭➞✲➺ ➀ ➂❇➻➳➵✔➜✭➃Ý➉
➃❴➂✤❿✂➂❇➲❆➉✭➺✲➜✭➵❦➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✭➉✤❿➛Û❊➂✭➀ ➝✤✏
➟ ❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❞➟✲➜✂➜✤➻➈➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❳➚⑨➭
✂☎✄✍❫✵✄✳❴❵✟✏✧✘✎✶✤✱✗☎✓✩☛✍✼★✸☎✗✏✧★✸✘✭✔✭✻✪✶✤❛✸✶✭✻✼★✟✘✚✵✸✘✗✙✟✶✥ ✧✙✗✘✟☎☛✁✓ ✟✘✗✒❜✠☛✦✌✘✎✲✤✱✎✻P✵✓ ✟☎✗
✽●➼✝➅➷➅☎➟✂➂↔ÜÝ➜✤➄❞➅✃➀ ❿✙➅❄➂t➃★➂✭➄☎➅❞➀ ❿❉➝↔➡✖➉✲➄✖➂
➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✤➀ ➡✝➉✭➺✤❿✲➜✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿●❰✒➅☎➟✂➂Ï➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿✒➭
➜✭➵➳➄✖➡✡➉✢➺ ➂➘➅❞➃❴➉✤❿✲➄❉➞✲➜✂➄✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
➅❄➜❝✂❀ ➂↔➃➾➂✢➺ ➉❇➅❴➂✲➻➬➅❄➜
➉➬➁t➂t➃➾➚↔➜✭➺ ➻
➒❦➼✭➃è➺ ➂✃➞✭➺ ➉✤❿✃➞✤➼✭➃➾➂✭Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅è➻✭➂✲➄✖➡✝➃❴➀♥➞✝➅❞➀ ➵⑧➻✲➂ ➺ ❞ ➜✤➃❴➝✲➉✢❿✭➀ ➄✖➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿ ➻✤➂ ➺ ❞ ➂✭➄✝➞✲➉✭➡✡➂✭➋⑧➺ ➉❢②
❡ ➃✔➆✲➝✏➀ ➜✤❿★❣✃➞✲➂t➃❄ÜÝ➂❇➅✼➻✲➂❐➞✂➂✤❿✂➄✝➂✭➃
➺ ❞ ➀ ❿✲➄✡➂✭➃✔➅❞➀ ➜✏❿⑦➻✤➂Ù➺ ❞ ➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✼➻✭➉✤❿✲➄➈➺ ❞ ➂❇➄✝➞✲➉✭➡✡➂⑥ÜÝ➜✏❿✂➻✏➀ ➉✢➺⑨➂✤❿➈➅❄➂✭➃❴Ü➛➂✲➄➛➻✤➂⑥➞✲➜t➺ ➉✭➃❞➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➋✰➻✤➀ ➄✡➡✝➜✭❿✂➅☎➀ ❿✤➼✲➀ ➅❴➆✲➄✝➋④❋
➻ ❞ ➂✭➵♥➵✇➂❇➅❄➄➛➻✤➂
➞✤➃❴➜✝ë✏➀ Ü➛➀ ➅❴➆✤➋④❋
➻ ❞ ➉✢➀ ➃➾➂⑧✞
➻ ❞ ➀ ❿✂➵✔➺ ➼❉➂✏❿✲➡☎➂✼➂❉➅❄➡✂➭❊➒❜➼✲➃❐➺ ➂Ù➞✤➺ ➉✏❿⑦➻✭➂✭➄➛➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ❈✢➼✲➂✲➄✖➋✰➺ ➉Ù➃➾➆✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿ ➂✂➄❳➅❆➉✏➼⑦✮➡ ❤⑧➼✭➃❘➻✲➂⑥➺ ❞ ➂✝ë✏➞✂➆✤➃❴➀ ➂✭❿✲➡✖➂
➂✏➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➆✲➂✢❿✲❿✲➂ ❰❬➻✲➆❇➡✙➂t❿✙➅☎➃❴➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✖➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➂✝➅④➻✭➆✂➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✤➞✤➞✂➂✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅❘➞✲➉✢➃④➞✲➃❴➜✮❇❴➂✂➅❄➄❥✐④➻✂➚✏❿✲➉✭Ü②➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿Ï➻✭➂⑧➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ❈✏➼✂➂✂➄☞➞✤✏
➼ ❀✤➺ ➀ ❈✏➼❉➂✤➄
➺ ❞ ➽✂➅❴➉✝➅è➡✖➂✤❿✝➅☎➃➾➉✢➺✜❿✏❞ ➂✭➄☎➅⑥➞✤➺ ➼❉➄❃❦ ✲
Ü ✢
❧ ÜÝ➂
➻ ❞ ➀ Ü➛➞✤➼✲➺ ➄☎➂✢✠
➃ ✼
✐ ➡✝➜✲➜t➃★➻✏➀ ❿✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿ì➻✤➂✭➄➳➂✢✔
❿ ❇❴➂✤➼✝ë ✞
➻ ❞ ➂✢❿✝➁✒➀ ➃❴➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✢Ü ➂✭❿✝➅è➂✝➅
➻✞❞ ➉✭Ü ➆t❿✲➉✲➝✤➂✭ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅✿➋⑥➂✝➅❄➋⑥➂✤❿➘➃✦✲
♠ ➝✢➺ ➂➘➝✤➆✭❿✲➆✢➃➾➉✢➺ ➂✭➋⑧➅☎➃❴➉✭❿✲➄☎➁✭➂✤➃❴➄✡➉✭➺ ➀ ➅❄➆➘➻✭➂✲➄
➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ❈✤➼✲➂❇➄✃➄✡➂✂➡❳➅✿➜✭➃❃➀ ➂✢➺ ➺ ➂✲♥
➄ ✐ì➉✭➃✪➅☎➀ ➡❇➼✲➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿
➞✲➜✤➄☎➄❉➀ ❀✤➺ ➂❶➻✭➂✂➄⑧➂❇ë✒➀ ➝✤➂t❿✲➡✡➂✭➄⑦➻✭➂Ó➺ ❞ ➂✂➵✪➵✔➀ ➡✖➉✲➡❉➀ ➅❄➆⑥➆✲➡✝➜✭❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ❈✏➼✲➂⑥➂✝➅Ý➻✤➂Ó➺ ➉Ó➞✲➉✭➃✔➅❞➀ ➡✖➀♥➞✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿è➻✭➂✭➄⑦➉✭➡☎➅❴➂✢➼✲➃❴➄Ù➺ ➜❇➡✙➉t➼✂ë⑨➭➔➐❜➉✏❿✲➄
➄✝➜✢❿⑦➆✲➡❉➟✲➂✭➺ ➺ ➂➈➆✤➺ ➉✭➃➾➝✏➀ ➂✂➋➔➺ ✢
➉ ❡②➃✔➆✲➝✏➀ ➜✭✙
❿ ❣⑧➻✲➆✤➄✖➀ ➝✏❿❉➂⑧➉✢➼✲➄✡➄❉➀⑨➺ ➉✼➄✝✘
➼ ✲
❀ ➻✤➀ ➁✒➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿②➻✏➼✼➌❘➜✢❿❉➻✭➂⑧➂✤❿②➄✝➜✢➼❉➄✖➠☎➂✤❿✲➄☎➂✏★
Ü ❀✭➺ ➂❇➄✲❈✏➼✤➀●❿✂➂
➄✝➂ ➃➾➆✭➻✢➼✤➀ ➄✖➂✤❿✝➅⑥➞✲➺♥➼✂❑
➄ ❦ä➺ ❑
➉ ❇❞➼✂ë✂➅❴➉✢➞✲➜✲➄❉➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✭❿➷➻✏❞♥➽✝➅❴➉✂➅❴➄✡➠✖❿✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲❖
➄ ✼
✐ ➂✭➺ ➺ ➂ä➃❴➉✤ÜÝ➉✭➄✡➄✝➂✻➡✝➂✝➅❴➅❴➂➷➡✖➜✤❿✲➄❞➅☎➀ ➅✡➼✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ì➻✭➂✻➁✤➉✂➄☎➅❞➂✲➄
Ü ❀✭➺ ➂✭➄ã➞✲➺♥➼✭➃❴➀ ❿✲➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✲➉✭➼✂ë♦✏
❈ ➼✤➀ ➋☞➅❴➜✏➼✝◗
➅ ❦ ➺ ➉✻➵✇➜✏➀ ➄✝➋➛➡☎➉✏➞✝➅❴➂✤❿✂➅⑧➺✩❞ ➂❇➄✙➄✖➂✤❿✝➅☎➀ ➂✢➺❆➻✭➂ä➺ ➉➷➡❉➃★➜t➀ ➄✖➄✡➉✢❿✲➡✡➂➷➻✭➂✲➄❶➆✭➡✝➟✲➉✢❿✂➝✲➂✤➄
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✤➃❞❿❉➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➉✤➼✂ër➻✤➂✂➄➘➻✤➂✢➃❴❿✤➀ ♠✢➃➾➂✭➄ ➻✲➆✭➡✡➂✢❿✭❿✤➀ ➂✭➄✡➋✻➂✝➅➴➄✖➜✤❿✂➅✃➺ ❞ ➆✭➡✝➟✲➂✢➺ ➺ ➂↔✞
➻ ❞ ➀ ❿✤❿✲➜✝➁✤➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✲➄➘➂✭➄✡➄✖➂✤❿✂➅❞➀ ➂✢➺ ➺ ➂✲➄➘➻✤➉✢❿❉➄
➃❴➆✲➝✢➼✤➺ ➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿Ý➻✤➂✂➄❁➆✭➡✝➟✲➉✢❿✲➝✲➂❇➄☞➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➃❃❿✲➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✢➼✙ë➈❽✔➏❬➺ ➂✤❿✲➉✭➋ ❡✜➏❬➄✡➂✂➉✢❿②➇❇➺ ➼✲➄➔Ô❊➟✭➃★➂✂▲
➂ ❣✲➋❦➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭ÜÝ➂✭➻➛➂✂➅❄➡✖➋●➡✡➵❪➞✂➉✭➃✇➅☎➀ ➂☞ß✏➓✿➭
Ð❊❸④Ñ❦❵✒❣➳❫✖❵❊❭❄❣✤❣ ⑤✏❭❄❩⑨♣å✐♥❥⑨❣●❥✤❫☞Ò❬✐ ❣✒æ➛♦⑥❩✒①☞❫✡❵✏❣
③✏❡❬❭❴❩❪⑤✤❣✒❧●❥✼⑤●♠ ❧●❥❊❥❦✐♥❥⑨❤
⑤●♠ ❧✤❻✤❣❶❩✏①②③✏❡❬❭❴❩❪⑤✤❣➷✐♥❥➳❫✖❵✒❣ã⑩➳❩❊❭✖♠ ❷✻❧●❥✒❷✻❫✖❵⑨❣●✐♥❭⑧✐ ♣Ó⑤t❧✤❻❇❫②❩❊❥
✁❬➉✭➃❞➀ ➜✢➼✂➄Ý➻✤➜✏Ü➛➀ ❿❉➉✢❿✝➅❁➃★➂✢➞✲➃✔➂✲➄✖➂✤❿✂➅❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿⑦➜✂➵❦➅☎➟✲➂➛➲❁➜✤➃❴➺ ➻✼➉✭➃❴➂⑦➡❇➼✭➃❴➃➾➂✏❿✝➅❞➺ ➚⑧➉✂➁✤➉✭➀ ➺ ➉❋✲
❀ ➺ ➂●❰❊➅☎➟✲➂❖Õ✙➡✝➜✭❿✂➅☎➀ ❿✲➂✤❿✝➅❄➄✡×✰➁✏➀ ➂❇➲❆➋❦➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟
➻✤➂✭➄✡➡❉➃❄➀ ❀✲➂❇➄☞➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✢➃❴➀ ➂✤➄➈➀ ❿➈➅☎➟✲➂➛➅☎➃❴➉✂➻✏➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺✛❅❄✤
❀ ➼✝➅❆➄❳➅☎➀ ➺ ➺✒➉✲➡❳➅☎➀ ➁✲➂❄✼
❅ ➄✝➟✲➉t➞✲➂✼➜✂➵④➡✝➜✤❿✝➅☎➀ ❿❉➂✢❿✝➅❄➄➛➜✭➃❴➋✰Ü ➜✭➃❴➂⑧➃❄➂✂➡✝➂✭❿✝➅☎➺ ➚✲➋✰➀ ❿
➡❇➀ ➁✏➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✖➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿ ➉✭➃✔➂✲➉✭➄➹❽❞➯❬➼✭❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✂➝❇➅✿➜✢❿ ➊✄✂☎✤
✂ á✢✱➓ ➮
✐ ➅☎➟✂➂ Õ✙➡✖➂✤❿✂➅❞➃➾➂✂➠✖➞✂➂✭➃❞➀ ➞✭➟✲➂✭➃✔➚✲×➬➁✒➀ ➂✝➲❆➋ ➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟ ➄☎➅❞➃➾➂✭➄✡➄✖➂✲➄ ➜✤❿➹➅☎➟✂➂
➻✏➀ ➄✡➄❳➚✒Ü➛ÜÝ➂❇➅❞➃➾➚②➜❇➵✒➅✖➟❉➂ÏÛ❊➜✤➃✇➅❳➟❉➠☎➒✏➜✤➼✂➅❞➟②➃✔➂✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➄✜➉✢❿❉➻☞➅❳➟❉➂➈➃❴➂✲➉t➺✏❀✤➼✙❵
➅ ❈✏➼✲➀ ➡✝Þ❇➺ ➚②➻✤➂✂➡❉➃★➂❇➉✲➄❉➀ ❿✲➝➈Û❊➜✭➃✇➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿➛➻✤➜✤Ü➛➀ ❿✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢✘
❿ ✐
➅✖➟❉➂➣Õ✙➉✭➃❄➡✖➟✤➀ ➞❉➂✢➺ ➉✭➝✤➜✂×④➁✢➀ ➂❇➲❆➋ ❀✂➉✲➄✖➂✲➻➈➜✤❿✜➅☎➟✲➂➈❿✂➂✝➅❞➲❘➜✭➃❞Þ✲➀ ❿❉➝➈➜✭➃❴➝✲➉✢❿✤➀ ➄✖➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➛➜✂➵❊➄✖➞✲➉✭➡✡➂✭➋✏➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟②➟✭➀ ➝✤➟✤➺ ➀ ➝✏➟✝➅❄➄④➅✖➟✲➂➛➃✔➂✤Ü➛➜✂➅❴➂
➡✝➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✲➄✜➜❇➵✒➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➂❇➄✝✆❄➭
❯✿✾ ❙✲✟✖✑✔✁✟✞✠✞✒✌✝✡✲✠✝✁➔❂★✠✝✑✔✁✖✁❘✚✂✞✝❈❆✾ ✘✝✓✂✘❳☞
❂ ✙☛ ✾ ✁✝✌✏✕④✎✞ ✍☞✏✡✟✝✑✔✞✝✑✝✁❆✾ ✘➔❂❴✠✝✟
✁ ✌❊✞✝✑✔✗ ✚
✒ ✄☎✞✂✘❞❂❄✾ ✘✖✁✂✘❞❂✔✓
✚✙✁✝✕✡✾ ❙✲✘✖✁✡✚✘☞
✗ ✕☎✁✖✄✡✟✙✑✪✁✖✚Ý◗✖✞✙✑✔✚✝✁✙✑✪✕
✒ ✄❄✁✂✘❳❂★✑✪✁✂❏✕❳✑ ✁❉✑✔✾ ✑✝✠✝✁✝✑♥❍✄✓
✞✙✗ ✚✜✑✔✾ ✄✡✠④✄☎✁✂✘❳❂★✑✪✙
✁ ☛✡✕✖✌✲✚✖❍❉✘✖✓✂❈❁✾ ✄✟✑✝✁✙✑✔✾ ✑✝✠✝✁✡✑❴✾ ✁✝✕
✒ ✓✂✑♥✄✡✠✂✾ ✑✝✁✂✗ ✓✝❙✝✖✞ ✓
❙✲✗ ✞❉◗✖✓✂✗✂✘✖✁☎❂✕●
✌ ✞✂✑✔✆☎✕④✞✎✍☎✌●✞✂✑❴✗ ✚❁✄✡✾ ❂❄✾ ✁☎✕
➽✲➉✤➡✖➟è➜✭➵④➅☎➟✂➂✂➄✝➂⑧➁✏➀ ➂❇➲❆➄⑧➞✭➃❴➜✂➁✤➀ ➻✤➂✲➄ ➞❉➉✢➃✇➅☎➀ ➉✭➺⑨➂❇➁✒➀ ➻✲➂✏❿✲➡☎➂⑥➜✂➵④➅❳➟❉➂Ó➃➾➂✭➉✤➺ ➀ ➅❴➚å➜❇➵④➅☎➟✲➂✼➡✝➜✢❿✙➅❴➂✢Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃❴➉✤➃✇➚Ù➲❆➜✭➃☎➺ ➻●➭✏Ô❊➟✲➂❉➚å➉✭➃✔➂
❿✲➜❇➅➳➃❴➂✂➉✏➺ ➺ ➚➮➡✝➜✭❿✝➅☎➃★➉❇➻✤➀ ➡❞➅❄➜t➃➾➚❦❰ ➡✖➜✤❿✂➅❞➀ ❿❉➂✏❿✝➅❴➉✤➺✜➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➂✭➄äÜ ➉✝➚➬➟✲➉✂➁✲➂❐➄☎➅❞➃➾➜✏❿✲➝ ➵✔➃★➜✢❿✙➅❞➀ ➂✭➃✔➄♦✸✘✗☎✧ ➻✢➀ ➄✖➄☎➚✏Ü➛Ü ➂✝➅❞➃❞➀ ➡✝➉✭➺
➃❴➂✤➺ ➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄⑥➲❁➀ ➅☎➟➳➅☎➟✂➂➷➻✤➂✝➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✭➀ ❿❉➝✃➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✂➄ã➺ ➜✲➡✖➉✂➅❴➂✭➻✃➀ ❿❶➅✡➟✂➂✭➀ ➃✼➞✲➂t➃❄➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✭➃❴➚✲❂
➋ ✸☎✗✘✧✃➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✤❿✲➄✖➂➷➂✝ë✤➡✝➟✲➉✢❿❉➝✤➂✭➄⑥➲✜➀ ➅❞➟
➝✏➺ ➜✏❀✂➉✢➺✜❿✲➜✲➻✭➂✂➄ã➜✂➵②➜❇➅☎➟✂➂✤➃②➲❁➜✭➃❴➺ ➻➷➻✤➜tÜ②➀ ❿✲➉✏❿✝➅⑦➉✢➃➾➂✭➉✲➄❇➭★✽●➼✙➅⑧➅❃➟✲➂✲➄✖➂✻➅☎➟✭➃★➂✂➂ ➞❉➉❇➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❞❿❉➄ì➟✲➉✂➁✲➂ã➅☎❢
➜ ✂❀ ➂ ➉✭❿✲➉t➺ ➚✂➅❞➀ ➡✖➉✤➺ ➺ ➚
➻✏➀ ➄☎➅❞➀ ❿❉➝✏➼✤➀ ➄✝➟✲➂✂➻☞❀❉➂✤➡☎➉✏➼✲➄☎➂Ù❽☎➀ ➓❘➅❞➟✲➂❇➚⑥ÜÝ➂✲➉✢❿⑦➻✢➀ ➵✪➵➾➂✭➃❴➂✤❿✝➅✜➃✔➂✤➞✤➃➾➂✭➄✡➂✢❿✝➅❄➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✂➄➛➜❇➵❬➅☎➟✲➂Ù➞✤➺ ➉✭➡✡➂⑧➜✭➵✰➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂Ù➀ ❿②➅☎➟✂➂⑧➲❆➜✭➃❃➺ ➻✤➋
❽☎➀ ➀ ➓✺✲
❀ ➂✂➡✝➉✢➼❉➄✖➂ã➅☎➟✲➂✭➀ ➃➛➅❄➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❴➜✤➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✜➀ Ü➛➞✂➉✲➡❳➅❄➄❶➉✭➃➾♦
➂ ✏
❈ ➼✭➀ ➅❄➂✻➻✏➀ ➵✇➵✇➂✢➃➾➂✢❿✙➅❄➋➛➉✢❿✂➻✃❽❞➀ ➀ ➀ ➓✺✂❀ ➂✂➡✝➉✢➼❉➄✝➂ã➅❞➟✲➂✂➚➷➻✭➂✲➄❉➀ ➝✏❿✈➻✢➀ ➵✇➵➾➂t➃★➂✢❿✙➅
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿➛➞✤➺ ➉✢❿✤❿✭➀ ❿✲➝➈➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✤➄❇➭
➪✒➭✔➊✤➭❇Ô❊➟❉➂❖Õ✡➡✝➜✤❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✲➂✢❿✝➅☎Ö❊➁✤➀ ➂✂➲
Ô❊➟✲➂➈ÜÝ➉✢➀ ❿②➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡☎➉✏➺✂➵✇➂✭➉✝➅☎➼✭➃★➂❇➄
❆❳❿è➅☎➟✭➀ ➄⑥➄✡➡❉➟❉➂✏ÜÝ➂✭➋④➅✖➟❉➂ã➞✭➃❴➀ ➜✭➃❃➀ ➅✔➚✻➀ ➄✼➝✤➀ ➁t➂✢❿è➅❴➜⑥➅☎➟✲➂ã➽✭✳
❾ ❞ ➄⑥➀ ❿✝➅★➂t➃❄❿✲➉✢➺④➀ ❿✝➅✿➂✂➝✢➃➾➉❇➅☎➀ ➜✏❿✲➋➔➅✡➟✂➉✝➅➈➀ ➄➈➅❄➜⑥➅☎➟✂➂❶➡✝➜✤❿✝➁✲➂✢➃➾➝✤➂✭❿✲➡✖➂
❀✲➂❇➅✔➲❘➂✲➂✏❿②➅❳➟❉➂ã❿✂➂✂➲➘ÜÝ➂✢Ü★❀✂➂✤➃✜➄☎➅❴➉✝➅❄➂✭➄②➉✢❿✂➻✼➅☎➟✲➂Ù➃❄➂✂➄❳➅✜➜✂➵④➅✖➟❉➂Ó❾❊❿✤➀ ➜✢❿✒➭④➍✒➂✂➝✤➉t➃★➻✢➀ ❿✂➝Ù➅✡➟✂➂⑥➃➾➂✤➄❞➅Ý➜❇➵④➅☎➟✲➂⑧➲❁➜✭➃❴➺ ➻✭➋④➅❞➟✲➂
➄❳➅☎➃★➂❇➄✙➄❖➀ ➄☞➞✤➼✝➅④➜✤❿②➄✝➂✂➡❇➼✲➃❃➀ ➅✔➚●➭✭Ô❊➟❉➂➈➝✲➂✭➜✭➝✤➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✭➀ ➡✖➉✤➺✏➀ ➻✭➂✲➉ ➟❉➂t➃★➂➈➀ ➄✰➅☎➟✲➉✝➅❁➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂⑧➀ ➄✜➜✢❿❉➂➈➜✂➵❊➅❞➟✲➂➈➡✝➀ ➁✏➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✖➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄✜➜❇➵❊➅❞➟✲➂
➲❁➜✤➃❞➺ ➻✤➋❪➀ ➄❁➄☎➅☎➃❴➀ ➡☎➅❞➺ ➚⑦➻✭➂✲➄❉➀ ➝✏❿✂➂✲➻➈➉✤❿✲➻➈➻✲➂✭➵✔➀♥❿✂➂✂➻✤➋❊➄❉➟✲➜✤➼✤➺ ✢
➻ ❀✂➂⑧➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✢➃❄❿✂➉✢➺ ➺ ➚⑧➉✂➄☞➟✲➜✢Ü ➜✂➝✤➂✢❿✂➂✲➜✢➼✲➄✜➉✂➄Ï➞❉➜✭➄✡➄❇➀ ❀✭➺ ➂➛➉✤❿✲➻ ➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✭➺ ➚
➞✤➃❴➜✝➅❄➂✭➡☎➅❴➂✂➻➈➉✲➝✤➉✢➀ ❿✲➄☎➅④➂✝ë✭➅❴➂✤➃❞❿❉➉✢➺✝➅✡➟✭➃➾➂✭➉✂➅❴➄☞❽❞➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✂➝✤➉t➺✤Ü②➀ ➝✏➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➄✡➋●➂✏❿✝➁✤➀ ➃❄➜✢❿✲Ü➛➂✭❿✝➅✿➉✭➺✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✲➉✂➡✝➂✂➋➔➟✲➼✤ÜÝ➉✢❿Ý➅❞➃❴➉✂➵✪➵❴➀ ➡❉Þ✲➀ ❿✂➝●➭✇➭✔➭♥➓☎➭
➂ ❀❉➜✢➃★➻✭➂✭➃❄➄➛➉✢➃➾➂✼➜✭➵❁➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✼➄✝➀ ➝✏❿✲➀ ➵✔➀ ➡✡➉✏❿✂➡✡❋
➂ ✜
✐ ➞✤➺ ➉✏❿✤❿✭➀ ❿✂➝⑥➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚❶➀ ➄➛➻✤➂✝➁✤➜✝➅❄➂❇➻✼➅❄➜Ù➡✙➜✢➟✂➂✲➄❉➀ ➜✢❿è❽❴➄✝➂✂➂⑥➽✲➄❉➞✲➜✤❿❶❒✤➭♥➪
➡✝➜✢➟❉➂✤➄✖➀ ➜✢❿Ý➄✡➡✖➂✤❿✲➉✭➃❞➀ ➜Ý➉✏❿✂✒
➻ ❀✂➉✲➄✖➂✤➺ ➀ ❿✲➂➛➄☎➡✖➂✤❿✲➉✢➃❴➀ ➜✤➓☎➭
✣ ó④ó✥✤✄✦★✧✪✝✩ ò ñ✫✤✟✬✮✭✒ñ✔✠
ï ✯✎✰❜õ ✱✲✱
✚ ❅✝✁✝✁❁✎✒✑✔✓❞❂❴✓✂✗ ✞❉✝✟ ✑✘✛✔▲✂▼✝▼✂ö✝✜❞✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
Ô❊➟✲➉✝➅❖Ü➛➀ ➝✏➟✝➅❉❀✲➂➛➅☎➟✂➂⑧➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✤➃❴➞✭➃➾➂❇➅❄➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿⑦➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✂➂Ù➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✭➉✭❿⑧Û❜➂t➀ ➝✏➟✘✲
❀ ➜✤➼✭➃❞➟❉➜✤➜✭➻⑧➇✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❳➚è➺ ➉✤➼✤❿✲➡❉➟❉➂✤➻ ➀ ❿✼✶➪ ✿✏✭
✿ ✁
ß ✡➭ ✽t➂❇➚t➜t❿✲➻
➅✖➟❉➂ì➽✲❾✃➪✲↕✤➋❁➉åÕ✙➃❞➀ ❿✂➝✻➜✂➵❁➵❃➃❄➀ ➂✢❿✂➻✤➄✡×⑧❽☎➇❇➃★➜✭➻✤➀ ➋☞➪☎✿✏✿✏➪✭➓ ➋❖➵❴➃➾➜✢Ü➹➌❮➜✏➃➾➜✭➡✡➡✝➜⑥➅❄➜ì➍✒➼✲➄✖➄✝➀ ➉✲➋☞➀ ➄è➂✂➄✝➄☎➂✏❿✝➅❞➀ ➉✢➺❊➅❄➜ã➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➅✔➚⑧➉✤❿✲➻➈➻✲➂✭➁✲➂t➺ ➜✢➞✤ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅❄➋❊➉✢❿✂➻✤➋❊➲❁➀ ➅❞➟⑦➀ ➅❄➋✏Õ✡➂✂➁✤➂✭➃✇➚✭➅☎➟✭➀ ❿✲➝❊❀✲➼✂➅❁➀ ❿✲➄☎➅❞➀ ➅☎➼✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✂➄✜➄❇➟✲➜✢➼✲➺ ➻✒❀✲➂➈➄✝➟✲➉✭➃❴➂✂➻✤×✄✡✂ ➭✭Ô❊➟✂➂②➝✤➜❇➉✤➺✤➀ ➄
➅☎➜②➄✖➂✂➅④➅❞➟✲➂✭➃❴➂☞Õ✡➅❞➟✲➂➈➵➾➜✢➼✲➃④➵✔➃❴➂✂➂✂➻✤➜✏ÜÝ➄☎×❇❰❊➵❴➃✔➂✲➂➈➵✔➺ ➜✂➲❘➄➛➜❇➵❬➝✤➜✭➜✲➻✤➄☎➋④➄✖➂✤➃✇➁✢➀ ➡✖➂✲➄➛➉✭❿✲➻ÙÜÝ➂✏❿✂➋❊➅❴➜✤➝✭➂✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃④➲❁➀ ➅❳➟②➵✔➃★➂❇➂⑦➡✖➉✤➞✭➀ ➅❄➉✢➺
Ü➛➜✂➁✤➂✭Ü ➂t❿✙➅☎➄✂➭ ✽✏➼✙➅❁➉✲➄➛➉ÙÜÝ➉✝➅❴➅❴➂✢➃❘➜✂➵④➵✇➉✭➡☎➅❄➋❪➄✝➀ ❿✲➡✡➂➈➅☎➟✭➀ ➄➈➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚❶➟✂➉✲➄➛➡✖➜✤ÜÝ➂Ù➀ ❿✙➅❞➜⑧➵➾➜✭➃✔➡✡➂✭➋④➉✲➝✢➃➾➂✭➂✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❞➄➛➟✲➉❇➁✲➂❄✂❀ ➂✂➂✢❿
➂✏❿✤➟✂➉✤❿✲➡✖➂✂➻❐➵➾➜✭➃è➡✝➉✭➞✭➀ ➅☎➉✭➺Ý➉✢❿❉➻➱➀ ❿✂➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❴➄ ❽✔➅☎➟✤➃➾➜✢➼✂➝✏➟➷➏❬➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✃➇✤➺ ➉✢❿✲➄ã➅☎➟✂➉✂➅ãÜ ➉✭Þ✝➂ ➅✡➟✂➂❐❿✲➂✭➀ ➝✏➟✏✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃✔➄ ➉✂➻✤➜t➞✙➅❶➅❞➟✂➂
➺♥➀ ❀✂➂✭➃❄➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✖➂✲➻❐➞✲➉✝➅✔➅❄➂t➃❄❿✃➃➾➂❇➵➾➜t➃❄Ü ➀♥❿ ➜✭➃✔➻✲➂✢➃②➅❄➜✃➡✖➃❴➂✲➉❉➅❄➂✻➅☎➃❴➉✭❿✲➄✝➞✲➉t➃★➂✢❿✙➅⑥Ü➛➉✤➃❴Þ✝➂✂➅❄➄✻➜❇➵⑦➡☎➉✏➞✭➀ ➅❄➉✢➺ ➋Ù➟✲➜✂➄☎➅⑥➉✤❿✲➻❐➞✭➃★➜❉➅❄➂✂➡☎➅
➵✔➜✤➃❴➂✤➀ ➝✏❿ ➀ ❿✙➁✤➂✂➄❳➅☎Ü ➂✭❿✝➅❄➄❉➓★➋ã➝✤➜✲➜✭➻✤➄➴➉✭❿✲➻ ➄✡➂t➃➾➁✏➀ ➡✡➂✭➄❐❽❄➉➘➵❃➃★➂✂➂❐➅☎➃❴➉✂➻✤❯
➂ ❁✂➜✢❿❉➂ ➀ ❿✲➡❉➺ ➼✲➻✢➀ ❿✂➝ ➉✲➝✏➃❴➀ ➡✂➼✭➺ ➅✖➼✲➃✔➉✤➺②➅❞➃❴➉✲➻✭➂ ➀ ➄
➄✝➡❇➟❉➂❇➻✏➼✤➺ ➂✂➻➈➵✔➜✤➃✰➪☎✿●➊✶⑧
✿ ➲❁➀ ➅☎➟➛➅☎➟✲➂➈➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❞➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✭❿✼❿✲➂✭➀ ➝✏➟☎❀✲➜✏➼✭➃★➄❉➓ ❅✺✤
❀ ➼✝➅✜❿✂➜✝➅✰➵➾➜✭➃❁➞✂➂✲➜✢➞✤➺ ➂✏➭❊➍✤➂✲➄❳➅☎➃❴➀ ➡❳➅☎➀ ➜✢❿➛➅❄➜②➂✢❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄
➀♥❿✜➅☎➟✂➂➈➽✤❾❏❞ ➄✰➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃✪➚②➃❄➂✭Ü➛➉✭➀ ❿❉➄☞➟✤➀ ➝✏➟❉➋❊➉✭➄☎➚✢➺ ➼✤Ü❐➟✲➉✲➄❖➃➾➉❇➅☎➟✂➂✤❵
➃ ❀✲➂✂➡✝➜✭Ü➛➂➈ÜÝ➜✭➃❴➂Ý➻✏➀ ➵♥➵✔➀ ➡❉➼✲➺ ➅❊➅☎➟✲➉✢❿②➀ ➅➔➼✲➄✡➂✭➻☞➅✿❂
➜ ✲
❀ ➂✤➭●➎✡➉✭➄☎➅❄➋
Ü➛➉✤❿✂➚➳➄☎➂✤➂Ù➅❞➟✤➀ ➄Ù➽✭Û❬➇è➉✤➄⑧➉⑥➲❘➉✝➚❶➅❄➜❶➉❉➁t➜✢➀ ➻⑥➅❳➟❉➂❶➂✏❿✝➅❞➃★➉✢❿❉➡✖➂è➜❇➵✰Ô❊➼✤➃❴Þ✙➂❇➚✻➀ ❿✼➅❳➟❉➂ã➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿❶❾❊❿✭➀ ➜✤❿✲➋✜➄❉➀ ❿✂➡✡➂⑥➅❞➟✤➀ ➄
➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚➛➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻★❅ ➀ ❿✜➅☎➟✲➂❇➜✤➃✔➚ ➠④➝✏➀ ➁t➂❖➅❄➜❖➅✡➟✂➂❁Ô❊➼✭➃❴Þ✭➀ ➄❇➟Ý➉✢➺ Ü ➜❇➄☎➅❬➉✏➺ ➺✝➅☎➟✲➂➛➉✂➄✝➄☎➂❇➅❄➄❁➜✂➵❊➉➈ÜÝ➂✢★
Ü ❀❉➂t➃❬➄☎➅❄➉❇➅❴➂✒➭
➽✲➉✤➄❞➅❴➲❁➉✭➃➾➻✤➋❁➅❞➟✤➀ ➄✼➡✝➜✭❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✂➂✢❿✙➅➛➁✤➀ ➂❇➲ ➀ ➄è➡✖➜✤❿✲➄✖➀ ➄❞➅❄➂✢❿✝➅Ý➲❖➀ ➅❞➟➳➉❶➄☎➅❞➃❴➜✤❿✲➝ã➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿❶➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✲➝✢➃★➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿å➜✢❿✂➝✤➜✤➀ ❿✲➝✻➞✭➃★➜❇➡✙➂❇➄✙➄❇➭
➽ ➉✤➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿➷❿✂➂❇➲↔Ü ➂✭▲
Ü ❀❉➂t➃Ï➒✢➅❴➉✂➅❴➂✭➄è➉✢➺ ➃➾➂✤➉✂➻❇➚➷➉✭➃➾➂✤➋☞➉✭❿✲➻✻➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❢❉❀ ➂ã➵✇➉❇➁t➜✢➼✭➃★➂✭➻✻➀♥❿⑥➅✡➟✂➂✻➀ ❿✲➻✤➼✲➄❳➅❞➃❄➀ ➉✢➺❘➃✔➂✤➺ ➜✲➡✖➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➳➜✭➵
➲❁➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❴❿➛➵❴➀ ➃❄ÜÝ➄❇➭⑨➒✏➀♥❿✂➡✡➂☞➅☎➟✂➂✒❀✂➂✂➝✏➀ ❿✤❿✲➀ ❿✂➝⑦➜❇➵●➅☎➟✂➂✼➊✝✂☎✂✏✿✤➄✡➋❪ÜÝ➉✢❿✂➚⑧➽✤❾èê✝➜✤➃➾➂✢➀ ➝✏❿➈➐❬➀ ➃➾➂✭➡☎❵
➅ ❆☎❿✝➁✲➂✭➄☎➅☎ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❴➄Ï➟✲➉✝➁✲➂➛➡❇➟✲➜✭➄✡➂✢❿
➢●➂✢❿✙➅☎➃❴➉✭➺✒➉✢❿❉➻Ó➽❉➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❄❿⑧➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿⑦➢●➜✭➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✭➭✢Ô⑨➟✲➂➈➵➾➉✭➡☎➅④➅❳➟❉➉❇➅❘➅☎➟✂➂✭➀ ➃❮➂✏❿✝➅❞➃➾➚Ù➀ ❿②➅❞➟✲➂Ù➽✤❾è➲❁➉✂➄➛➡✡➂t➃➾➅❴➉✢➀ ❿✼➟✲➉❇➄Ý➝✏➀ ➁✲➂✢❿
➅✖➟❉➂tÜ ➡✝➃➾➂✭➻✏➀ ❀✭➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➚✼➵✔➜✭➃✜➀ ❿✙➁✭➂✲➄❳➅❄➜✭➃❴➄✂➭●➏④❿✂➻⑧➅☎➟✲➂ÙÜ ➜❉➁t➂✼➡✝➜✭❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✤➼❉➂✭➄✭❰❍❀✲➂✂➅✔➲❘➂✭➂✤❿⑥☎
➪ ✿✏✿✏➪⑦➉✢❿❉➻ã➪☎✿✏✿✭á✤✆
➋ ☎✏✿✞✝ ➜❇➵❬➅☎➟✲➂Ùê✂➐✠❆
❀✂➚➹➲❆➂❇➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❞❿ ➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂✲➉✢❿➹➀ ❿✂➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❞➜✤➃➾➄ ➟✂➉✝➁✒➂ ➃★➂✭➉✂➡❇➟❉➂✭➻ ➜✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃ ➲❁➂✲➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿ ➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂➹➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄ ❽❄➀ ❿✭❿✲➜✂➁✤➉✝➅☎➀ ➁✭➂
➀♥❿✂➻✏➼✲➄☎➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✖➋▲❀❉➉✢❿✭Þ❉➄❶➉✢❿✲➻✻➄✙➂t➃➾➁✤➀ ➡✡➂✭➄✝➓⑧➜✤➃➛➂✲➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃☎❿➷❿✂➂❇➲rÜÝ➂✢Ü✙❀✂➂✭➃⑦➄❞➅❄➉❉➅❄➂✲➄Ó❽❄➉✭➼✂➅❄➜tÜ ➜✘✤
❀ ➀ ➺ ➂ ➀ ❿❉➻✏➼✂➄☎➅❞➃✔➚➷➉✤❿✲➻➷➜❉➅☎➟✲➂✭➃
Ü➛➉✤❿✤➼✂➵✇➉✤➡❞➅☎➼✭➃❴➀♥❿✲➝✃➄✖➂✲➡❞➅☎➜✭➃➾➄❉➓✡➭✜Ô❊➟✲➂ ➡✝➜✤❿✝➅☎➀ ❿❉➂✢❿✝➅➳➀ ➄➳➉✤➡❞➅✖➼❉➉t➺ ➺ ➚ ❀✲➂❇➡✙➜tÜ②➀ ❿✲➝❬✟☎✗✏✎➘➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➝✤➃✔➉✂➅❴➂✭➻❐➞✲➃❄➜✭➻✤➼✲➡❳➅❞➀ ➁✲➂✃➄❳➚t➄❳➅❴➂✤Ü
❽☎➯❊➉✝➅❄➂✭Ü ➪☎✿✏✿✤↕✤➓✡➭❜Ô❊➟❉➂ ➅✿➉✘✭
❀ ➺✠
➂ ✟✡✟ì➄❇➟✂➜✂➲❁➄➛➅❞➟✲➉✝➅Ý➻✏➼✭➃❴➀♥❿✂➝⑥➅❞➟✲➂❶➃➾➂✭➡✡➂✢❿✝➅✜➚✲➂✭➉✤➃❴➄✡➋❪➅✖➟❉➂⑥➡✝➜✤❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✲➂t❿✙➅➈➟✲➉✂➄Ù➟✲➜✲➄❳➅❴➂✲➻ãÜÝ➜✢➃➾➂
ß ✁
✿ ✝ ➜✂➵✰➅✡➟✂➂⑥➲❆➜✭➃❃➺ ➻ãê✂➐✠❆ ➀ ❿✂➲❘➉✢➃➾➻❶➵❃➺ ➜❇➲❆➄✡➋❖Ü➛➜✲➄❞➅☎➺ ➚✻➀ ❿✼➲❘➂✤➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿❶➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➋❁➉✢❿❉➻ìÜ ➜✭➃❴➂✼➅❞➟✲➉✏❿❶❒☎✁
✿ ✝ ➜✂➵✰➅☎➟✂➂
➃❴➂✤➺ ➉✂➅❴➂✭➻è➡✖➃❴➂✲➉❉➅❄➂✂➻▲❇❄➜✘✲
❀ ➄✖➋❁ÜÝ➜✭➄☎➅☎➺ ➚⑥➀♥❿⑦➂✭➉✂➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿è➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲✏
➂ ✐❘➲❁➂✂➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❄❿⑥➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂ ➵✔➀ ➃❞ÜÝ➄⑧➟✂➉✝➁✤➂⑥➀ ❿❄❉❀ ➜❇➅☎➟⑦➡✝➉✂➄✝➂❄✂❀ ➂✂➂✢❿⑦➅☎➟✂➂
Ü➛➉✔❇❞➜✤➃✻➀ ❿✂➁✤➂✂➄☎➅❞➜✤➃➾➄✭➭➈➏❊➡✡➡✝➜✭➃➾➻✏➀♥❿✂➝❐➅✿➜❐➅☎➟✭➀ ➄✃➡✝➜✢❿✙➅❞➀ ❿✲➂✭❿✝➅✈➁✢➀ ➂❇➲❘➋⑥➅☎➟✂➂ ➂✝➁✤➜✤➺ ➼✙➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➮➜❇➵è➅☎➟✲➂➬➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢➞✂➂✲➉✢❿➮➂✭➡✙➜t❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡
➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✂➚✼➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻❃❀✂➂⑥➀ ❿✙➅❄➂✢❿✂➄✂➀ ➵✔➀ ➂✤➻✭➋④➅❄➜❇➲❘➉✭➃❄➻✭➄⑧❿✲➂❇➲➘Ü ➂✭★
Ü ❀✂➂✭➃❄➄➛➉✏❿✂➻✤➋❁ÜÝ➉❇✵
➚ ❀✂➂Ù➵❴➼✭➃➾➅❞➟✲➂✭➃✜➜✤❿✲➋➔➅❴➜✂➲❘➉✢➃★➻✭➄Ù❾●Þ✲➃➾➉✢➀ ❿✲➂✭➋
➙④➂✭➜✭➃❴➝✤➀ ➉➛➉✤❿✂➻②➜❉➅✡➟✂➂✭➃❬➢●➉✤➼✂➡✝➉✂➄✝➀ ➉✢❿Ý➡✙➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✭➄✂➭
✡✂✓✙◗✝✗ ✁✥✞ ✞✏✌✝✡t✠✖✁✘✝✑ ✗ ✓✡✄☎✁✰✞✎✍ ✌●✁✖✕❴❂❴✁✙✑✔✘❁✓✂✘✖✚❁✁✡✓✝✕❃❂★✁✝✑✔✘ ✏✡✟✙✑✪✞✄✝✑ ✁❁✾ ✘❁❯☎✞✙✑✪✁✂✾ ❙✂☞
✘ ☛t✾ ✑✪✁✖✄❴❂❊❀❴✘ ☛✙✁✖✕❴❂❄❈➔✁❉✘❳☞
❂ ❴✛ ◗✝✾ ✗ ✗ ✾ ✞❉✘➣✚✂✞✙✗ ✗ ✓✝✑✔✎✕ ✜
✓✂✌✲❀❴✘ ✌❊✓✡✑✔✚☞❯❞✞❉✑✪✁✝✾ ❙✂✌
✘ ☛t✾ ✑✔✁☎✄❞❂●❀★✘ ☛✝✁✡✕❃❂❄❈④✁✂✘✖☞
❂ ✔✛ ✓✙✘✂✘✝✟✝✓✂✗✖✝✓ ☛✡✁✝✑✔✓✡❙✝✁✜▲✝▼✂▼✝▲✂❏❴▲✂▼✝▼✂✝ö ✜
✎◗ ✍
✑✓✒ ✔ ✕✗✖
■✂◆✖✙✍ ✘
✕✛✚ ✜✞✢✞✣✥✤☞✢✓✤✧✦★✢✪✩✬✫✛✭✯✮✞✭✰✢✞✫
❅✂✞✂✟❳❂★✠ ❏ ✏✡✓✝✕❃❂ ✏✙✟✝✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✁ ✳
✗ ✲✭❀➾❅
❑✂✙✍ ✘
✴ ✍✇✑✔✾ ✄☎✓
✗▲ ✘
✘ t
✴ ✕✡✾ ✓
✷❴✓ ✑✝✓✂✘
✛ ✠✂✾ ✘✝✓✘✛ ✾ ✘✖✄✡✗ ✌✹✸✂✞✂✘✝☞
❙ ✺✂✞❉✘✖❙ ✜
✞☎❂❄✠✖✁❉✑ ✏☎✓✝✕❴❂☞➛
✗ ❅☎✻
✏ ✤
✴ ✕✡✾ ✓
✼✤✘✂✾ ❂★✁✖✚✜❅✝❂✔✓☎❂❴✁✡✕
✽❄✓☎❂❄✾ ✘✶✢
✴ ❈✰✁✝✑❴✾ ✄☎✓
✘✗✝✱ ■
✵✜✞✙✑✔✗ ✚
❅❇✞✙✟✝✑✔✄☎✁✾✽★✼✿✲✲✛ ✡✛✴❀☛
◗❇✌✓✷✔✞✂◗✖✕❬✄☎✑✔✁✖✓☎❂❴✁✡✚Ý◗✖❍❁❯☎✞✂✑♥✁✂✾ ❙✂✌
✘ ☛✤✾ ✑✪✁✖✄❞❂⑨❀❴✘ ☛✙✁✖✕❴❂❄❈➔✁❉✘❳❂ ✛✔✓✝✘✂✘✝✟✝✓✙✗✝✝✓ ☛✖✁✙✑✔✓✖❙✂✁❆▲✂▼✝▼✂■✝❏❴▲✝▼✂▼✝ö✄✜
❊✁✢✓✜✞✭❋✩✯✮✞● ❍ ✢✗✮✞✫■✭✯✢✁✩❋✜ ✑✗❅✓✩❏❇✪❉★✢
✴ ✍✇✑❴✾ ✄☎✓
❋⑨✾ ✚✝✚✲✗ ✁ ✏☎✓✡✕❃❂
✏☎✓✡✕❞❂✹✴✭✕✡✾ ✓❘✓✂✘✝✚☞☛☎✓✡✄✡✾ ✍➾✾ ✄✟✛✔✾ ✘✖✚✲✟❳✕❴❂❴✑❴✾ ✓❉✗ ✾ ▲☎✁✝✚✰✄☎✞❉✟✝✘✖❂❴✑✔✾ ✁✡✕✎✜
❂ ✴✭✕✡✾ ✓❘✓✂✘✝✚☞☛☎✓✡✄✡✾ ✍➾✾ ✄✟✛➶✚✂✁✎☛✝✁✂✗ ✞✖✑✝✾ ✘✖❙❁✄☎✞✂✟✝✘✖❂★✑✔✾ ✁☎✎✕ ✜
▼ ❂❴✠✝✁✘✙✏ ✟✝✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✁✙✓✂✘☞✲✲✁✂✾ ❙✲✠✝◗✝✞✝✟✙✑✔✠✝✞✝✞✖✚➛☛❄✞✂✗ ✾ ✄☎❍✜✟✝✘✂✾ ✍✔✾ ✁✡✕ ☛✖✓✙✑❴✾ ✞✂✟✖✟
✕ ✑✙✑✪✁ ☛❉✾ ✞✂✟✝✟
✕ ✑✖✞✂✗ ✾ ✄✡✾ ✁✡✕④✓✂✘✖✚➣◗✝✟✝✚✝❙✂✁❳❂➾✕④✚✝✁✝✚✂✾ ✄☎✓❳❂➾✁✝✚✰❂➾✞➔❂❃✠✖✁✰✕✡✟✂✑✇✑✔✞✂✟✝✘✝✚✂✾ ✘✝❙
✄☎✞✂✟✂✘✿❂★✑❴✾ ✁✡✕✞✏
✽ ❋ ✏✗☛★✢
✴ ✍❦☛☎✠✝✓✙✑✪✁✙✍ ✡✂✓✡✄✡✾ ✕✰✁☎❂➾✄✖✠✌ ✲✡ ✠✝✁✜✘✝✁✎✌ ✏✡✟✝✑✪✖✞ ✑✖✁✝✓✂✘❁✓✂✘✖❂
✚ ✲✂✁✂✾ ❙✂✠✂◗✖✞✂✟✡✑❴✠✖✞✝✞✝✚②☛☎✓✡✑➶❂❄✘✖✁✙✑✔✕✡✠✝✾ ✑❁❀❴✘❳✕❴❂❄✑❴✟✝❈✰✁✙✘❳❂❬✄☎✞✝✘✡✄☎✁✝✑✔✘✝✕✞✽ ✛❴✾ ✜
✘✂✾ ✘✝✁Ó❋⑨✁✖✚✲✾ ❂★✁✝✑✇✑✔✓✂✘✖✁✝✓✙✘⑥✄☎✞✝✟✂✘❞❂❄✑❴✾ ✁✡✕☎✍✰❂❴✠✝✞✡✕☎✁⑥✞✎✍➔❂❃✠✖✁ ✍✇✞✡✑❴❈✰✁✡✑➈✂✓✡✑✪✄☎✁✂✗ ✞❉✘✖✓ ✑✖✑✔✞✡✄☎✁✖✕❄✕✡✍✜❈❁✾ ✘✂✟✖✕ ✡✲✟✙✑❃✆☎✁✡❍ ✛➶❂★✠✝✓❳❂Ï◗✖✁✝✘✝✎✁ ✍✇✾ ❂❴✕ ✍✇✑✪✞✂❈ ✓
✕✎✑✖✁✡✄✡✾ ✍✇✾ ✄✼◗✂✟✖✚✝❙✂✁❞✔❂ ✜✔✍✜✛✭❍ ✑✝✑❴✟✖✕⑧✓✂✘✖✚➳❋❊✓✝✗ ❂❴✓✝✍✘✝✑ ✗ ✟✖✕❶✽✿✾ ◗✖❍✡✓✞◆ ✛✔✾ ✾ ✜❖❂❴✠✝✁✼❂❴✠✡✑✔✁✝✁❶✛✭✓✙✟✖✄☎✓✡✕✡✾ ✓✂✘⑥✄☎✞✂✟✝✘✖❂★✑✔✾ ✁☎✕✎◆ ✛❴✾ ✾ ✾ ✜❖❂❄✠✝✁Ù❂★✠✝✑✔✁✖✁è✁✝✓✡✕❃❂❴✁✙✑❴✘
✄☎✞✂✟✂✘✿❂★✑❴✾ ✁✡✕➔❂★✠✝✓❳❂❊✓✙✑✔✁Ý✗ ✞✖✄☎✓☎❂❴✁✡✚➛◗✖✁☎❂✕●
✌ ✁✙✁✂✘➔❂❄✠✖✁ ✛✏ ✼②✓✂✘✖✧
✚ ❖✲✟✖✕❞✕✡✾ ✓✘❞✛ ❋⑨✞✂✗ ✚✂✞ ☛✙✓✝✹
✍ ✼✏✆✡✑✔✓✝✾ ✘✖✁✙✍●✂✁✂✗ ✓✙✑✔✟✝✕❁❏✢❂❃✠✖✞✂✟✝❙✂✠✰❂❄✠✝✁✜✗ ✓❞❂✪❂★✁✝✑❬✾ ✕④✕❞❂❴✾ ✗ ✗✲✘✖✞✖❂
✾ ✘✖✄✡✗ ✟✖✚✝✁✝✙
✚ ✍✇✞✙✑ ✌❊✁✙✗ ✗t✆❳✘✖✞✝✌❬✘✘✖✑ ✞✂✗ ✾ ❂❄✾ ✄☎✓❉✗✝✑✔✁✝✓☎✕☎✞✂✘✝✎✕ ✜★✌✄t
✡ ✠✖✁☞✂✓✙✗ ✆☎✓✝✘❁✄☎✞✙✟✂✘❳❂❄✑✔✾ ✁✙✕④✓✂✑✪✁✜✘✖✞✡❂❬✾ ✘✖✄✡✗ ✟✝✚✝✁✝✚✜◗✝✁✡✄☎✓✂✟✖✕☎✁④❂❄✠✝✁✖❍Ý✠✖✓✎☛✝✁✜◗✝✁✡✁✂✘❁❙✂✾ ☛✖✁❉✘
✓✂✘➈✁✙✘❳❂★✑✪❍ ✑✝✁✝✑✪✕ ✑✝✁✝✄❃❂★✾ ☛✖✁✂P
✌ ✲✂✞✂✑❘✾ ◗
✕ ❖✲✟☎✕☎✕✡✾ ✓✂✍❬◗✖✁✖✄☎✓❉✟✖✕☎✁⑧✾ ❂❆✠✖✓✝✕✜✓➈✕ ✑✝✁✖✄✡✾ ✍✔✾ ✄❖✕❞❂★✑✔✓❞❂❴✁✝❙✂✾ ✄☞✓✡❙✂✑✔✁✖✁✙❈✰✁✂✘❳❂ ✌❬✾ ❂❃✠ ❂★✠✝✁ ❘✏ ✼❶❏❮❂❃✠✖✁➛❙✂✁✂✘✖✁✙✑✪✓✲✗
❙✂✞✝✓✝✗ ✕è✞ ✍ ✌❊✠✂✾ ✄✡✠✻✓✙✑✪✁✈✘✖✁✝☛✝✁✙✑ ❂❃✠✖✁✂✗ ✁☎✕☎✕❚❙✂✟✂✾ ❂★✁ã✕✡✾ ❈❆✾ ✗ ✓✂✑ ❂★✞⑥❂❄✠✖✁ ✎✏ ✲✒✛☛ ❯ ✞
✕ ✜
✽ ✄✡✑✪✁✡✓✖❂➾✁✻✓❶✄☎✞✂❈❁❈④✞✂✘✻✕✎✑✖✓✡✄☎✁ ✍✪✞✙✑ ❂★✑✔✓✖✚✂✁✙✍ ✍➾✾ ✘✝✓✝✘✝✄☎✁✙✍
❈❁✾ ❙✂✑✔✓❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘✝✕✿✍❇❂❴✑✪✓❉✾ ✘✂✾ ✘✝❙✂✍✭✄✡✟✝✗ ❂❴✟✙✑✪✁✰✓❉✘✖✚❁✕☎✁✝✄✡✟✡✑❴✾ ❂✔❍✂✌
❱ ✒ ✏✡✟✙✑✪✞✄✝✑ ✁✖✓❉✘☞✲✭✁❉✾ ❙✲✠✝◗✝✞✂✟✖✑❴✠✖✞✙✞✝✚☞☛☎✞✙✗ ✾ ✄☎❍✄✔✓ ✍ ✏✡✟✝✑✪✖✞ ✑✖✁✝✓✂✘④✄☎✞✂❈✜❈✰✾ ✕❄✕✡✾ ✞✂✘✂✍✏❋●✓✡❍➛❚✡▲✿❂❃✠❁▲✂▼✝▼✝❑✭✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
✲✲✽❄✓❞✞✡❂❄✑✪✾ ❂❄✘ ✠ ✴✢✴✢❈✰❈✰✁✂✁✂✑✔✑✔✾ ✄☎✾ ✄☎✓ ✓
✵❁✞✙✑❴✗ ✚
❅❇✞✙✟✝✑✔✄☎✁ ✂✁✒✛✄✁☞✄☎✞✂✘✝✕✡✟✝✗ ❂★✾ ✘✖❙✂✍✤❀❃✲❋✏❲✡☛✖✽❄❀➾✍✏▲✝▼✂▼✝ö✂✍✤✾ ✘ ✲✓❞❂❴✁✂❈
❚✡▼✝▼ ✍♥▼
✛❴▲✝▼✂▼✝✄◆ ✜
➸⑥➟✂➂✤❿⑥➀ ➅❆➡✝➜✢ÜÝ➂✂➄☞➅❄➜⑧➉✭➝✤➃❞➀ ➡❉➼✤➺ ➅☎➼✭➃➾➂✼➉✢❿✲➻✼➄✝✏
➼ ❀✂➄✝➀ ➻✢➀ ➂✭➄✡➋❪➅☎➟✂➂❄✭
❀ ➼✤➺ Þ②➜✂➵❪➅☎➟✲➂⑥➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂✲➉t❿ ➄❉➼☎❀✲➄❉➀ ➻✏➀ ➂✭➄☞➲❆➜t➼✤➺ ➻❄✂❀ ➂✼➻✭➂✂➁✭➜✂➅❴➂✭➻
➅☎➜ã➅☎➟✲➂➷➉✂➻✻❇❳➼❉➄❳➅☎Ü ➂✭❿✝➅è➜❇➵Ý➅❳➟✲➂✃❿✂➂✂➲↔➂✭➉✲➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿✃ÜÝ➂✢★
Ü ❀❉➂t➃ ➒✭➅❄➉❉➅✿➂✂❙➄ ❞❆➉✂➝✏➃❞➀ ➡❇➼✲➺ ➅✡➼✭➃➾➂✭➋➈➀ ❿ ➜✭➃❴➻✭➂✤➃➛➅❄➜➷➝✤➂❉➅ ➉✭➄❶➵✔➉✂➄☎➅✼➉✤➄
➞✲➜✤➄☎➄❉➀ ❀✤➺ ➂➈➅❄➜⑧➉✢❿✼➟✲➜✭Ü➛➜✲➝✤➂✭❿✲➜✢➼✂➄➛➉✲➝✢➃❄➀ ➡✂➼✭➺ ➅✖➼✲➃✔➉✤➺●➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✢❿✼Ü ➉✭➃❃Þ❉➂❇➅☎➭✒➸⑥➟✂➂✤❿✼➀ ➅❆➡✝➜✤ÜÝ➂✭➄❖➅❄➜⑧➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺●➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚✲➋❪➅☎➟✂➂✭➄✡➂
➄❳➅✿➉✝➅❴➂✭➄✰➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻➛➉✢➺ ➄✝➜▲❀❉➂✢❿✂➂✂➵❃➀ ➅❪➵✔➃★➜tÜ ➅☎➟✲➂➈ÜÝ➉✢➀ ❿➛➉✭Ü ➜✢➼✭❿✙➅☎➄✂➭❇Ô●➃★➉✭❿✲➄✖➠✖➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✭➉✭❿②Û●➂✂➅❴➲❘➜t➃❄Þ✂➄❖➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡☎➚➛➲❁➜✭➼✤➺ ❊
➻ ❀❉➂➈Ü➛➜✲➄❞➅☎➺ ➚
➀♥Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂tÜ ➂✭❿✂➅❴➂✭➻ã➀ ❿è➂✭➉✲➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❴❿ã➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂Ù➅❴➜✲➜✤➋✰➂✤➀ ➅❞➟✲➂✢➃❆➵✔➜✭➃❁➅☎➃➾➉✢❿✲➄✝➞✲➜✭➃✔➅❄➋④➅❴➂✏➺ ➂❇➡✙➜✢Ü➛Ü②➼✤❿✭➀ ➡✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿è➉✤❿✲➻❶➂✢❿❉➂t➃★➝❇➚❶➵➾➉✂➡❇➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲➄
➪ ✿✏✏
✿ à✭➓Ý❏
➭ ❃❆ ❿ ➉Ï➲❆➜✭➃❴➻✤➋●➅☎➟✤➀ ➄❁➁✏➀ ➂❇➲✃➀ ➄➛➄❉➀ Ü➛➞✤➺ ➚⑧➅❞➟✲➂⑧➡✡➜✢❿✙➅❞➀♥❿✤➼✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➜✭➵❪➲❁➟✲➉✝➅✜➟✲➉❇➄★❀✲➂✭➂✤❿②➜✭➡✡➡❇➼✭➃❄➃❴➀ ❿✂➝
➄❇➀ ❿❉➡✖➂✼➅✖➟❉❃
➂ ✂❀ ➂✂➝✏➀ ❿✤❿✤➀ ❿✲➝❶➜❇➵❘➅☎➟✲➂✻➊✄✂☎✏
✂ ✿✤➄✝➭❘➒❜➀ ❿✂➡✝➂✼➅❞➟✲➂✢❿✲➋④➅✖➟❉➂⑥➢●➂✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➉✭➺❊➉✤❿✲➻ã➽✲➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃☎❿❶➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢➞✂➂✲➉✢❿å➢✏➜✤➼✤❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✲➄Ù➟✲➉✝➁✤➂
❀✲➂✭➡✡➜✢Ü ➂❂✂❀ ➚➛➵✇➉✭➃●➅✡➟✂➂☞➵❴➀ ➃❴➄☎➅ ❀❉➂✏❿✂➂✂➵❃➀ ➡❇➀ ➉✭➃❞➀ ➂❇➄✜➜✂➵✏➅☎➟✂➂➈➽✤❾❏❞ ➄✜➄❉☎➼ ❀✲➄❉➀ ➻✏➀ ➂✭➄✡➋❦➀ ❿ ➜✭➃❴➻✭➂✤➃●➅❄➜Ï➞✲➃❄➂✭➞✂➉✭➃❄➂❖➅❞➟✲➂✤➀ ➃❬➂t❿✙➅☎➃✪➚⑧➀ ❿✜➅☎➟✲➂Ï➽✤❾❬➭
Ô❊➟✲➂➈➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿➛❽❄➢●➜✢Ü➛Ü➛➀ ➄✖➄✂➀ ➜✤✆
❿ ☎➷ÜÝ➂✢Ü★❀✲➂✭➃❮➄❳➅❴➉✂➅❴➂✭➄✝➓❘➄✝➟✲➉✭➃✔➂⑧➀ ❿Ý➅❄➂✢➃❴Ü ➄❖➜✂➵●➅❄➜❇➅❴➉✤➺✲➉✤➄✖➄✝➀ ➄❳➅✿➉✭❿✲➡✖➂②➝✢➀ ➁✭➂✤❿☞➅✿➜☞➅❞➟✲➂②➢❦➽✤➽✲➢
➟✲➉✤➄❂❉❀ ➂❇➂✤❿✺✲
❀ ➜❇➜✤Ü➛➀♥❿✂➝●➭✛✪❆ ➅❖➀ ➄Ï➺ ➂✭➄✡➄Ï➟✤➀ ➝✏➟⑧➀ ❿②➅❞➟✲➂✢✽t➉✢➺ Þ✂➉✤❿✲➄ ❽❴➲❁➟❉➂✢➃★➂ ➃➾➂✭➡✙➜t❿✲➄☎➅☎➃❞➼❉➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✏❿➈➀ ➄➈➺ ➉t➃★➝✤➂✭➺ ➚ ➄❇➼✭➞✤➞✲➜✭➃✇➅❄➂❇➻❄✙❀ ➚➈➅☎➟✂➂
➽✤❾❊➓❁➉✤❿✲➻⑥➀ ❿②➅☎➟✂➂⑥➌④➉✲➝✏➟✭➃➾➂❋❀ ➡☎➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭✻➄ ✐❁➉✤❿✲➻✼➄❉➀ ➝✢❿✤➀ ➵✔➀ ➡✖➉✤❿✂➅❞➺ ➚❶➺ ➜✂➲❁➂✤➃❁➀ ❿⑧➅❞➟✲➂✼Û❊➂✂➉✢➃❘➉✤❿✲➻⑥➌❁➀ ➻✭➻✏➺ ➂⑥➽✲➉❇➄☎➅❄➋❪➲❖➟❉➂✢➃➾➂⑧➅❞➟✲➂
❾❊➒✭➏ ❞ ➄❁➄❇➟✲➉✭➃➾➂➈➀ ➄❖➀ Ü➛➞✤➃➾➂✭➄✡➄❇➀ ➁✭➂✒➭✒➒❜➀ ❿✲➡✖➂✜➅❳➟❉➂Ù➊ ✂☎✂✏✿✤➄✖➋●➅❞➟✲➂➈➽✲❏
❾ ❞ ➄❁➄✝➟✲➉✢➃➾➂➈➟✲➉✂❉
➄ ✧✏✎✬✭✔✥ ✓ ✗✏✎✶Ù
✧ ➀ ❿➛Û❊➜✭➃✔➅☎➟✜➏❊➵✔➃❴➀ ➡✡➉✭➋❪➀ ❿☞➅❞➟✲➂➛Û❬➂✂➉t➃
➉✏❿✲➻❐➌✰➀ ➻✤➻✢➺ ➂❐➽✲➉❇➄☎➅✡➭☞Ô●➟✲➂✃➵✇➉✭➡☎➅⑥➅☎➟✲➉✝➅❶➢❦➽✤➽ ➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✂➄ ➃❴➂✂➡✡➂✢➀ ➁✤➂✲➻❐➄✝➼✲➡❉➟➴➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✤➃✇➅❴➉✏❿✝➅å➉tÜ ➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❄➄✻➜✭➵⑥➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✢❿
➄❇➼✏❀✂➄✝➀ ➻✤➀ ➂✲➄❖➟✲➉✭➄❁➡✙➜t❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ❀✤➼✂➅❴➂✂➻☞➅☎➜✜➅❳➟❉➂✢➀ ➃❬➡✝➃✔➂✲➻✏➀ ❀✤➀ ➺ ➀ ➅✔➚➛➵✔➜✤➃④➞✭➃❴➀ ➁t➉✝➅❴➂➈➀♥❿✝➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❄➜✭➃❴✻➄ ✐❊➅❳➟❉➂☞➵✔➉✲➡❞➅❪➅☎➟✲➉✝➅❪➅❞➟✲➂✲➄☎➂➛➄❇✘
➼ ✲
❀ ➄✝➀ ➻✏➀ ➂✲➄❖➟✲➉✝➁✤➂
❀✲➂✭➂✤❿➛➻✲➂❉➁t➜❇➅❴➂✲➻☞➅☎➜☞➅❞➟❉➂➈➉✲➻✻❇❞➼✲➄❞➅☎Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅④➜✂➵●➅☎➟✲➂✭➀ ➃❬➵✔➀ ➄✡➡✝➉✭➺ ➋❊➉✂➻✏Ü➛➀ ❿✲➀ ➄❞➅☎➃✔➉✂➅❞➀ ➁✒➂➛➉✢❿❉➻➈➂✲➡✖➜✤❿✲➜tÜ②➀ ➡✜➄✖➚✲➄❳➅❴➂✤ÜÝ➄Ï➟❉➉✭➄✜➡✖➜✤❿✂➁✤➀ ❿✂➡✙➂❇➻
➅✖➟❉➂❇➄✙➂ ➀ ❿✝➁t➂✭➄☎➅❄➜t➃★➄❁➅❞➟✲➉❇➅❬➅❳➟❉➂✢➀ ➃❬➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➂✭➄✜➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻✢❀❉➂Ï➁✲➂✭➃❴➚➛➲❘➂✏➺ ➺✤➡✡➜✢❿✤❿✲➂✂➡☎➅❴➂✤➻☞➅☎➜☞➅☎➟✂➂➛➲❘➂✭➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❞❿⑧ÜÝ➉✭➃❴Þ✲➂✝➅❴➄✭✵
➭ ❆❳❿❉➻✭➂✭➂✲➻✤➋
➅✖➟✲➀ ➄✰Õ❳➡✝➜✢❿✙➅❞➀♥❿✂➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➺ ×④➁✤➀ ➂✂➲ ➀ ➄❁➄❳➅☎➃➾➜✢❿❉➝✏➺ ➚②➄✝➼✤➞✭➞✲➜✭➃✇➅❄➂❇✒
➻ ❀✝➚②➃❄➂✂➡✖➂✤❿✝➅❬➉✏❿✲➻➛➉✭➡☎➅❞➼✲➉✭➺✂➵✔➉✲➡❳➅❄➄✂➭
➢●➜✢❿✲➡✙➂t➃❄❿✤➀ ❿✲➝Ù➃❄➂✂➝✏➼✭➺ ➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✲➋❪➵✇➜✢➃❁➀ ❿✲➄❞➅❄➉✢❿✲➡✡➂Ù➃❴➂✂➝✏➼✭➺ ➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵❊➅✖➟❉➂➈➅❄➂t➺ ➂✭➡✡➜✢Ü ➋④➜✭➃❘➜✭➵❪➅☎➟✂➂✼➂✭❿✲➂✭➃❴➝✂➚⑥Ü➛➉✤➃❴Þ✝➂✂➅❄➋❦➅☎➟✲➂⑧➄☎➅❞➃❴➂✲➄✖➄
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻❢✂❀ ➂ ➞✲➼✝➅✼➜✤❿❶➅✖➟❉➂ä➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿➷ÜÝ➉t➃❄Þ✂➂✝➅❛❞ ➄ã➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✂➝✢➃★➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿●❰②➞✭➃❄➀ ➡✝➂✂➄✝➋❖➅❴➂✲➡❇➟✭❿✤➀ ➡✖➉✤➺❘➡✝➜✂➜✭➃❄➻✢➀ ❿✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➋➛➡✡➜✢Ü➛Ü ➂✭➃❴➡✝➀ ➉✭➺
➂✭ë✲➡❇➟✂➉✤❿✂➝✤➂✂➄❖➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻✺✂❀ ➂➈➃❞➼✲➺ ➂✂➻⑧➉✝➅❪➅☎➟✭➀ ➄❖➞✲➉✏❿✂➠☎➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿②➄✡➡✖➉✤➺ ➂❇➋④➀ ❿❉➄❳➅❴➂✲➉✭➻②➜✭➵✏➅✡➟✂➂⑧➞✤➼✭➃➾➂✭➺ ➚✒❀✭➀ ➠✖❿✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✢➺t➉✂➝✢➃➾➂✤➂✭ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅❄➄
➄✖➚✲➄❳➅❄➂✤Ü ➅☎➟✂➉✂➅④➜✭➃➾➝✤➉✢❿✤➀ ➄✝➂✂➄✰➅☎➟✂➂➈ÜÝ➉✤➃❴Þ✂➂✝➅❄➄✰➅❄➜❇➻✤➉✂➚➛➵✇➜✢➃⑨➅❴➂✏➺ ➂❇➡✙➜✢ÜÝ➄❁➉✤❿✲➻Ï➵➾➜✭➃❊➂✢❿❉➂✢➃★➝❇➚●➭
Ô⑨➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❴➜✤➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✤➀ Ü②➞✂➉✲➡❳➅
Ô❊➟✲➂❖➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✭➺✤➀ Ü➈➞❉➉✤➡❞➅④➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➀ ➺ ➄✜➄✖➂✝➁✤➂✤➃➾➉✢➺✂➉✲➄✖➄✙➂❉➅❄➄✭❰
Ô❊➃❴➉✭❿✲➄☞➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✢➞❉➂✤➉✭❿➈Û⑨➂✝➅❞➲❘➜✭➃❴Þ✲➄✰➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻▲❀✲➂➈➀ Ü➈➞✲➺ ➂✤ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅❴➂✲➻➛➉❇➅❮➉Ï➺ ➉✤➃❴➝✲➂➈➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂✲➉t❿ ➄✝➡✡➉✢➺ ➂✂➋●➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❇➟Ý➲❘➜✢➼✤➺ ➻✒❀✂➂
➵✔➉✂➁✒➜✭➼✭➃❴➉✏❀✤➺ ➂❖➅❄➜➛➉✢➺ ➺✝➅✡➟✂➂➈➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿✜➅❄➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❴➜✤➃✔➚✏✐
➙④➂✭➃❞ÜÝ➉✢❿✜➅❄➂✭➃❴➃☎➀ ➅❴➜✢➃✇➚➛➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻▲❀✲➂✭➡✡➜✢ÜÝ➂✜➅❳➟❉➂➛➝✤➂✢❿✤➼✲➀ ❿✂➂➛➡✡➂✢❿✙➅☎➃✔➂➛➜✂➵❦➽✤➼✤➃★➜✢➞❉➂▼✐
➢●➂✢❿✙➅☎➃❴➉✭➺✤➉✤❿✲➻Ù➽✲➉✂➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿✼➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿⑧Ü ➂✭▲
Ü ❀❉➂t➃❮➒✤➅❞➉✂➅❴➂✂➄☞➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ✢
➻ ❀✲➂✭❿✲➂❇➵✔➀ ➅④➵✔➃❄➜✭Ü➘➄✂➼✘✂❀ ➄✂➀ ➻✤➀ ➂✂➄☞➉✭❿✲➻➈➅❄➜Ï➲❘➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿
➞✤➃❞➀ ➁✲➉❇➅❴➂❶➵➾➜t➃★➂✢➀ ➝✏❿å➻✏➀ ➃★➂✂➡❳➅②➀ ❿✝➁t➂✭➄☎➅❞Ü ➂t❿✙➅☎➄✻✐✜➅☎➟✂➂❇➚❶➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❑❈✏➼✤➀ ➅❴➂ã➃❴➉✭➞✭➀ ➻✏➺ ➚✻➡✡➉✝➅❴➡❇➟✻➼✲➞❶➲❁➀ ➅❳➟✼➅✡➟✂➂✻➽✭❾ì➙➔➐④➇✶❞ ➄
➂ ✐
Ô❊➟✲➂Ó➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺❪➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡☎➚❶➵✔➜✲➡❇➼✂➄✡➂✭➻➳➜✢❿✼➅❞➟✲➂✲➄☎➂❶➡✝➜✢➼✲❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✂➄⑧➉✏❿✂➻ã❿✲➉✤ÜÝ➂t➺ ➚✻➀ ❿✼➅❞➟✲➂✤➀ ➃➛➺ ➂✲➄✖➄⑦➻✤➂❉➁t➂✢➺ ➜✢➞❉➂✭➻➳➉✭➃✔➂✲➉✤➄
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻➛➵✇➜✭➄☎➅❄➂t➃⑨➅☎➟✲➂❇➄✡➂❖➅✿➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❞➜✤➃❴➀ ➂✲➄❇➭
❭✰❿✜➅✖➟❉➂➛➜❉➅✡➟✂➂✭➃④➟✂➉✤❿✲➻✤➋✢➅✡➟✭➀ ➄✰➁✤➀ ➂✝➲✻➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻➈➟✲➉❇➁✲➂❖➅✿➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❴➜✢➃❄➀ ➉✤➺✲➄❉➟❉➜✏➃✇➅❴➡✝➜✭Ü➈➀ ❿✲➝✭➄✭❰
➅✖➟❉➂Ù➵➾➜❇➡✂➼✂➄❇➀ ❿✲➝⑥➜✤❿✼➅❞➟✲➂⑥➽✤♦
❾ ✂❀ ➜✭➃❄➻✭➂✭➃❴➄✻❞⑨➄✖➂✲➡❇➼✭➃❄➀ ➅✔➚✒➋④➉✏❿✂➻✼➅❞➟✲➂➈Õ✝Û❊➀♥★
Ü ✝❀ ➚t×Ï➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✭➃☎➞✭➃➾➂✝➅❄➉❉➅✡➀ ➜✢❿è➜❇➵❬➅✖➟❉➂Ó➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✭❿
Û❊➂✤➀ ➝✏➟☎❀✲➜✏➼✭➃❴➟✲➜✭➜✲➻ ➇✂➜✭➺♥➀ ➡❳➚t➋☞➲❁➜✤➼✭➺ ➻❐➟✂➉✝➁✤➂ ❿❉➂✭➝✭➉✂➅❞➀ ➁t➂ä➀ Ü➈➞❉➉✤➡❞➅⑧➜✤❿✻➅❞➟❉➂ ➞✲➂t➃❄➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✭➃❄➉✭➺❁➞✲➉✢➃✇➅❄➄❶➜❇➵Ý➅❳➟❉➂ ➽✤✳
❾ ❞➄
➄❇➞✂➉✲➡✖➂✒➭✏Ô❊➟✲➂⑥➌④➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃➾➉✢❿✂➂✲➉✢❿ ➉t➃★➂✭➉✂➄②➜❇➵❪➅✡➟✂➂⑥➽✭❾➳➲❘➜✤➼✭➺ ➻❱❀✂➂ÙÜ②➀ ➄❇➼✲➄✡➂❇➻✤➋④➂✲➄❉➞❉➂✤➡✖➀ ➉✭➺ ➺ ➚è➡❉➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✂➄➈➺ ➀ Þ✙➂Ù➒✒➂✝➁●➀ ➺ ➺ ➉✭➋
✽✒➉✭➃❄➡☎➂✢➺ ➜✢❿✂➉✲➋❪➌④➉✭➃❴➄✡➂✭➀♥➺ ➺ ➂✲➋❦Û❊➉✤➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➋✏➏●➅❞➟✲➂✤❿✲➄✖➋❊➌❘➉✭➺ ➅✿➉✂➋❦í❁➭
Ô❊➟✲➂Ï➵❴➀ ➝✏➼✤➃➾➂Ù➀ ➄☞➄☎➅❞➀ ➺ ➺✤➲❘➜✭➃❴➄✡➂⑧➜✢❿Ý➅✖➟❉➂⑧➂✂➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❴❿⑦➄✖➀ ➻✭➂✒➭tÔ❊➟❉➂➈➲❆➜t➃★➄✖➂✤❿✤➀ ❿❉➝Ù➃❴➂✭➺ ➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✂➄✝➟✤➀ ➞✙❀✲➂❇➅✔➲❘➂✲➂✏❿☞➅☎➟✲✒
➂ ✽✤➉✤➺ ➅❞➀ ➡
➒✢➅✿➉✝➅❴➂✤➄❶➉✢❿✲➻✃➍●➼✂➄✡➄❉➀ ➉ ➀ ➄⑥➅☎➟✲➂ ➃✔➂✲➉✭➄✡➜✢❿✈➲❖➟✙➚ä➅☎➟✲➂❢✂❀ ➜✤➃❴➻✲➂t➃★➄⑥➅✖➟❉➂t➃★➂ ➟✲➉❉➁t➂➷➉✢➺ Ü➛➜✲➄❞❱
➅ ❀✂➂✭➡✙➜tÜÝ➂❨❀✲➉✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➂t➃★➄❙✐
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿✼❾❦❿✲➀ ➜✢❿✼➟✲➉✝➁✒➂➈➵❴➀ ❿✂➉✤❿✲➡✖➂✲➻Ó➟✲➀ ➝✏➟⑦➅❴➂✂➡❇➟⑦➻✤➂❇➁✤➀ ➡✡➂✭➄☞➵➾➜✭➃❆➂✢➺ ➂✭➡☎➅❞➃❴➜✤❿✤➀ ➡➛➄✝➼✤➃✇➁✭➂✤➀ ➺ ➺ ➉✤❿✲➡☎➂⑥➜✤❿➛➅✖➟❉✢
➂ ❀✲➜✢➃★➻✭➂✭➃❴➋
➍●➼✲➄✝➄✝➀ ➉✭❿✲➄Ù➟✲➉✝➁✲➂❶➡❉➟✲➜✲➄✖➂✤❿✼➅❴➜⑥➉✂➁✤➜✭➀ ➻✼➅✖➟❉➂ ✽✒➉✭➺ ➅☎➀ ➡⑧➒✤➅❴➉✝➅❄➂✭➄⑧➉✂➄Ù➺ ➜❇➝✏➀ ➄❞➅☎➀ ➡Ù➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➃✔➵➾➉✭➡✡➂Ù➲❁➀ ➅☎➟⑧➅☎➟✲➂Ù➸⑦➂✭➄☎➅☞❽✔➅☎➟✲➂✝➚
➟✲➉❇➁t➂ ➃➾➉❇➅☎➟✂➂✤❱
➃ ❀✂➂✲➂t❿ ➻✭➂✂➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✤➞✭➀ ❿✂➝➘❿✲➂❉➲ ➞✲➜t➃➾➅⑥➵✇➉✲➡❉➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✤➄ä❿✂➂✲➉✢➃è➒✒➉✭➀ ❿✝➅➳➇✂➂✝➅❄➂✭➃❴✻➄ ❀✤➼✭➃➾➝❐➉✤❿✲➻ ➅☎➟✂➂✝➚➘➟✲➉❇➁✲➂
➀♥Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂tÜ ➂✭❿✂➅❴➂✭➻ ➉➘➻✤➀ ➃➾➂✭➡☎➅✈➄❇➼✘❉❀ ➠✖ÜÝ➉t➃❄➀ ❿✲➂➘➃❴➜✤➼✝➅❄➂❐➵➾➜t➃å➅❳➟❉➂ ❿✂➂❇➲ ➞✤➀ ➞✂➂✢➺ ➀ ❿❉➂❐➅❄➜➘➙❪➂✭➃❴Ü➛➉✤❿✂➚➘➉✤❿✲➻ ➜❉➅✡➟✂➂✭➃
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄❶➜✂➵⑧❿✂➜✭➃✔➅☎➟➳➲❁➂✲➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿ ➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✢➓✿➭✜➒❦➼✲➡✖➟ ➉ä➞✂➉✂➅☎➟✻➡✡➜✢➼✤➺ ➻✻➲❁➂✭➺ ➺❖✲
❀ ➂✻➂❇ë✂➅❄➂✢❿❉➻✭➂✭➻✻➅❄➜✻➅❞➟✂➂➷➲❁➟✲➜✢➺ ➂
➂✤➉✂➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿✈➄✝➀ ➻✭➂➷➜✂➵☞➅☎➟✲➂ä➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✢➞❉➂❇➉✤❿ ❾❊❿✭➀ ➜✢❿✲➋☞➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟➳➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻➷➻✏➀ Ü➛➀ ❿✤➀ ➄✝➟➳➅❳➟❉➂➷➻❇➚✏❿❉➉✏Ü➛➀ ➄❇Ü ➜✂➵➈➞✂➂✤➃❴➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✤➃➾➉✢➺
➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃❃➀ ➂✭➄➛➅✖➟❉➉❉➅Ý➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ❩
➻ ❀❉➂❇➡✙➜✢ÜÝ➂❶➄✡➜✢ÜÝ➂❶➄✝➜✭➃✇➅➛➜✂➵✜➻✭➂✲➉❇➻➳➂✭❿✲➻✤➄⑧➉✭❿✲➻ÙÕ✡➅☎➼✭❿✤❿✂➂✤➺❬➂❇➵✇➵✇➂✭➡☎➅❄➄✖×✡➭❦Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄⑧➄✖➡✂➟✲➂tÜÝ➂
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻ ❿✲➜✝➅✢❀❉➂➷➉ã➲❁➀♥❿✤❿✭➀ ❿✂➝➷➜✢➞✙➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➳➵➾➜t➃✼➇❉➜t➺ ➉✢❿✲➻✻➵➾➜t➃Ï➂❇ë✲➉✢Ü②➞✭➺ ➂ ❽❴➻✲➂✭➄✝➞✤➀ ➅❄➂✻➀ ➅②➵✔➉✂➁✤➜✤➼✭➃➾➄⑥➅☎➟✂➂➷➂✢❿✙➅❞➃✔➚✈➜✭➵
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❾❪Þ✂➃➾➉✢➀ ❿✲➂å➀ ❿⑥❾❊➽✭➓✡➭✠❆✔➅✜➲❘➜✢➼✭➺ ➻ã❿✲➂✭➀ ➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❖✲
❀ ➂Ù➵➾➜✭➃☞➍t➜✢ÜÝ➉✢❿✲➀ ➉✏➭✏Ô❊➟✲➀ ➄⑧➺ ➉✂➅✔➅❄➂✭➃✜➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃✇➚✲➋❁➉✂➄Ï➅☎➟✲➂✼➜✝➅✖➟❉➂t➃❆➵✔➜✤➃❴Ü➛➂✭➃
Ü➛➂✤Ü★❀✲➂✭➃❴➄⑧➜✂➵✰➅❞➟❉➂❶➄✖➜✂➁✏➀ ➂✝➅☞➲❆➜✭➃❃➺ ➻✤➋❖➟✂➉✲➄⑧➂✝ë✏➞❉➂t➃❄➀ ➂✤❿✂➡✝➂✂➻❶➉⑥➄✂➼✭➃❴➞✤➃❞➀ ➄✝➀ ❿✲➝✢➺ ➚ã➃➾➉✢➞✲➀ ➻❶➄✝➟✤➀ ➵♥➅Ý➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü↔➉❶➢⑨➜tÜ ➂✂➡✝➜✢❿
➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✲➝✢➃★➉❉➅❄➂✂➻❐➅❞➃★➉✭➻✲➂➘➄❞➚✤➄☎➅❴➂✢Ü ➅❴➜➮➉➱Ü ➜✂➄❳➅❞➺ ➚❐➲❘➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿✲➀ ➄✡➂✭➻✃➅☎➃✔➉✲➻✤➂✤➭Ùê✂➺ ➜✂➲❘➄ì➅❄➜✂➲❁➉✭➃➾➻❐➅☎➟✲➂❐➽✲➉✭➄☎➅✻➟✲➉✝➁✤➂
➻✤➂✭➡✝➺ ➀ ❿✂➂✂➻ ➅☎➜ ➉✢➺ Ü➛➜✲➄❞➅✻❿✲➜✝➅❞➟✤➀ ❿✲➝✲➋➈➲❖➟❉➂✢➃➾➂✭➉✲➄ã➵❴➺ ➜✝➲❁➄➳➅❞➜✂➲❘➉✢➃➾➻✭➄➳➅❳➟❉➂ ➸⑧➂✲➄❞➅✻➟✲➉✝➁✭➂❨❀✲➜✤➜✭Ü➛➂✂➻●✒
➭ ✽✤➼✂➅❶➄✝➼✲➡❉➟
➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✂➚✼➀ ➄Ï➟✂➉✤➃❴➻✤➺ ➚ ➄❉➼✲➄☎➅❴➉✭➀♥❿✲➉✘✭
❀ ➺ ➂✲➋➔➼✤❿✲➺ ➂✲➄✖➄➛➽✤❾✳❞ ➄➛➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺✒➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➡☎✏
➚ ❞ ➄❖➵❴➼✭❿✲➻✤➀♥❿✂➝➈➲❘➜✤➼✤➺ ➻⑧Ü➈➼✲➺ ➅❞➀ ➞✤➺ ➚Ù➀ ❿➛➅❞➟✲➂
➺ ➜✢❿❉➝Ù➃❞➼✲❿➛➅❄➜Ï➵➾➜✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃④➜✤➃❞➀ ➂✢❿✙➅❄➉t➺✢➻✭➂✂➉✤➻➈➂✤❿✲➻➈➉✤➃➾➂✭➉✭➄✂➭●➎✙➉✭➄☎➅❉❀✭➼✝➅✜❿✂➜✂➅❁➺ ➂✂➉✭➄☎➅❄➋●➅❳➟❉➂➈➜✤➞✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿②➜❇➵❬➉✤❿②➉✢❿✙➅❞➀ ➠❛❀✲➉t➺ ➺ ➀ ➄☎➅❞➀ ➡
❽☎➀♥➭ ➂✏➭❆➉✢❿✝➅☎➀ ➠✖➍●➼❉➄✝➄✖➀ ➉✭❿✭➓⑦➻✤➂❇➵✇➂✤❿✲➡✖➂➳➄❳➚t➄❳➅❄➂✭Ür➅✖➟❉➉❉➅②➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻❢✂❀ ➂✻➄☎➅❞➃➾➂❇➅❴➡✂➟✂➂✭➻➷➉✭➺ ➜✤❿✲➝ã➅☎➟✲➂ã➂✲➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃☎❿✻➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✢❿
✽✒➜✭➃❄➻✭➂✭➃❘➲❁➀ ➅❞➟è❾⑨➒ã➄✝➼✤➞✭➞✲➜✭➃✇➅❄➋➔➲❘➜✤➼✭➺ ➻è➄❞➅☎➃✔➂✤❿✲➝❇➅☎➟✂➂✤❿⑧➅❞➟✤➀ ➄❖Õ✡➻✤➂✂➉✂➻⑥➂✤❿✲➻✭×✜➂✭➉✲➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿②➁✤➀ ➄✖➀ ➜✭❿✒➭ ✽✒➼✝➅❁➲❁➟✲➉✂➅❁➉✏❀✲➜✢➼✙➅
➅✖➟❉➂ ➉❇➡☎➅☎➼✲➉✢➺➷➵❴➺ ➜❇➲❆➄➹➉✢❿✲➻ ➟✭➀ ➄❳➅❴➜✤➃❴➀ ➡✝➉✭➺✃➺ ➀♥❿✭Þ✙➉✭➝✲➂ ❀✲➂✝➅❃➲❘➂✲➂✭❿ ➡✡➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄ ➺ ➀ Þ❉➂ ➍✤➜✤Ü➛➉✤❿✤➀ ➉✁✂➌➔➜t➺ ➻✤➉✝➁✢➀ ➉✭➋
➇✲➜✢➺ ➉✢❿❉✂
➻ ✶✽✲➂✏➺ ➉t➃❄➼✲➄✖➋❊➒●➺ ➜✝➁✤➉✤Þ✂➀ ✄➉ ✂❾●Þ✂➃❄➉✭➀ ❿✭➀ ✆
➉ ☎
➏④❿✲➜✝➅✖➟❉➂t➃ ➄✂➟✲➜t➃➾➅❴➡✝➜✭Ü②➀ ❿✲➝↔➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻ ➡✡➂✭➃✔➅❴➉✤➀ ❿✲➺ ➚➹➟✲➉✭Ü➈➞❉➂✢➃➷➅❞➟❉➂↔➂✤➉✂➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅☎➜✭➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✭➭Ù➏❬➺ ➺➳➞✭➃★✮➜ ❇❄➂✂➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✂➄
➀♥❿✂➻✏➀ ➡✝➉✝➅❄➂✂➄➈➅☎➟✂➉✝➅ ➅☎➟✂➂✂➚❶➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ã❿✲➜✝➅☞➁✲➂✭➃✔➚☞❈✏➼✭➀ ➡✝Þ✂➺ ➚➳➡✡➉✝➅❴➡❇➟➳➼✭➞è➲❁➀ ➅✡➟⑧➅☎➟✂➂❶➽✤❾❏❞ ➄⑦➂✭➡✝➜✤❿✂➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡⑧➉✝➁✤➂✭➃❴➉✲➝✭➂❶❽❞➀ ❿
➅❄➂t➃❄ÜÝ➄➛➜❇➵❊➙④➐④➇➈➞❉➂✢➃❮➡✖➉✤➞✭➀ ➅❄➉➈➉✤❿✲➻⑧➄✡➉t➺ ➉✢➃❴➀ ➂✤➄✖➓✡➭✢Ô⑨➟✲➂t➀ ➃❬➉✤➡❞➅☎➼✲➉t➺t➂✂➡✝➜✢❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡✜➝✢➃★➜✭➲④➅❞➟⑧➃★➉❉➅❄➂⑧➀ ➄☞➉✂➡❳➅✡➼✂➉✤➺ ➺ ➚Ù➟✲➀ ➝✏➟❉➂t➃
➅✖➟❉➉✢❿✼➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄②➜❇➵④➲❘➂✲➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿è➽✭➼✭➃★➜✏➞✂✢
➂ ❀✤➼✙➅❁➅☎➟✤➀ ➄➈➀ ➄➈➞✭➃❴➂✲➡❉➀ ➄☎➂✏➺ ➚⑥➉✤❿✼➂✂➵✪➵➾➂✭➡☎➅❁➜✂➵④➅☎➟✲➂Ù➄☎➅☎➃➾➜✢❿✂➝è➝✤➉✢➞t➭ãÔ❊➟✂➂✭➄✡➂
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄②➡✝➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ã➃➾➉✢➞✭➀ ➻✢➺ ➚ã➺ ➜✲➜✭➄✡➂⑥➅❞➟✲➂✭➀ ➃➣➡✝➜✢Ü➛➞❉➂❉➅☎➀ ➅☎➀ ➁✲➂❶➉✂➻✭➁✤➉✭❿✂➅❄➉✂➝✤➂❇➄⑥➼✲➞✲➜✢❿è➲❘➂✭➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❄❿❶ÜÝ➂✢Ü★✲
❀ ➂✭➃Ý➄❞➅☎➉✝➅❄➂✂➄✭➭
Ô❊➟✲➂ ➃➾➂✭➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✂➵➈➅❞➟✲➂➷➲❘➂✤➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿✃➀ ❿❉➻✏➼✲➄❳➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄ã➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻ ➅☎➟❉➂✢❿✃➞✭➃★➜❋✲
❀ ➉✘✭
❀ ➺ ➚➴➡✖➟✲➜✤➄☎➂✃➜✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃ ➡✝➜✭Ü➈➞❉➂❉➅☎➀ ➅☎➀ ➁✤➂
➺ ➉✘✲
❀ ➜✢➼✭➃④Ü ➉✭➃❞Þ✙➂✝➅❄➄✝➋❪ÜÝ➜✭➄☎➅④➡✡➂t➃➾➅❄➉t➀ ❿✤➺ ➚Ù➀ ❿☞➏❜➄❉➀ ➉➛➠➔➲✜➟✂➂✤➃➾➂ ➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✭➉✤❿➈ê✝➐✠❆❬➝✤➜➈Ü➛➜✤➃➾➂➈➉✤❿✂➻ÙÜÝ➜✭➃❴➂✒➭●➌❘➜✭➃✔➂✲➜❇➁✲➂✭➃❄➋
➻✤➂✢Ü ➜✂➝✢➃❴➉✤➞✤➟✭➀ ➡❁➡✖➃☎➀ ➄❇➀ ➄❁➜✭➵✤➅✖➟✲➀ ➄❁➡✡➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄✰➲✜➀ ➺ ➺✲➉✤➺ ➄✡➜➈➃➾➂❇➻✏➼✲➡✡➂➛➄✡➜✭➜✢❿✜➅✡➟✂➂✤➀ ➃❬➞✲➜❇➅❴➂✤❿✂➅❞➀ ➉✏➺✂➂✲➡✖➜✤❿✲➜tÜ②➀ ➡✜➝✢➃➾➜✭➲④➅☎➟✤➭
➸✼➜✢➼✲➺ ➻➛➅☎➟✂➂②➄❇➀ ❁✂➂➛➜✭➵✏➅✡➟✂➂✲➄✖➂②➂✂➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❄❿⑧ÜÝ➉✭➃❃Þ❉➂❇➅❴➄★❀✂➂②➉➛➄❇➼✂➵✇➵✔➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✤❿✂➅④➉✲➄✖➄✡➂❇➅✛✷✳✎✬✤❵✕✖✎➈➵➾➜✭➃❪➸⑦➂✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃❞❿②➀♥❿✝➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❄➜✭➃❴✂
➄ ☎
Ô❊➟✲➂⑧➉✢❿❉➄✖➲❘➂✭➃✜➀ ➄➈❿✲➜✒➭✏Ô●➟✲➂②➉✞❀✂➄✡➜✢➺ ➼✝➅❄➂⑧➄✝➀ ❁✙➂⑧➜✭➵❊➅❳➟❉➂✤➄☎➂⑥ÜÝ➉t➃❄Þ✂➂✝➅❄➄➈➀ ➄✲❈✏➼✭➀ ➅❄➂⑧➄❉Ü ➉✭➺ ➺●❽✿✶➊ ✿✏Ó
✿ Ü➛➀ ➺ ➺ ➀ ➜✭❿✲➄Ï➞✲➂✲➜✢➞✲➺ ➂✤➓❄➋
➉✏❿✲➻☞➅☎➟✲➂➈➞✲➜t➞✤➼✲➺ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿②➀ ➄❖➃★➉✢➞✲➀ ➻✏➺ ➚②➻✤➂✂➡❉➃★➂❇➉✲➄❉➀ ❿✲➝➈❽✔Ô⑨➉✘✤
❀ ➺ ➂✼➊❇➓➣➭ ✽✒➃❴➀ ➂❇➵✔➺ ➚⑦➄❉➞✲➂✂➉✭Þ✤➀ ❿✲➝✭➋❪➀ ➅❘➡✡➉✢❿✙❀✲➂☞➵✔➜✤➃➾➂✭➡✡➉✭➄☎➅❪➅☎➟✲➉✝➅
➅✖➟❉➂ä➂✲➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡ì➃❴➀ ➄✡➂➷➜✭➵➛➅☎➟✂➂ ❿❉➂✭➲➹ÜÝ➂✢★
Ü ❀❉➂t➃ ➄❳➅❄➉✝➅❄➂✂➄✝➋Ï➵➾➜✂➄❳➅❄➂✭➃➾➂✤❬
➻ ✙❀ ➚ ➞✤☎
➼ ❀✤➺ ➀ ➡✻➉✭❿✲➻ ➞✲➃❞➀ ➁✤➉✂➅❴➂✻➸⑧➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❴❿
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿✼➵❃➼✤❿❉➻✏➀ ❿❉➝✤➋✰➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻❶➄❉➺ ➜❇➲❘➻✤➜✝➲❖❿❘❈✏➼✲➀ ➅❴❱
➂ ❈✤➼✤➀ ➡✝Þ✭➺ ➚✲➋❖➀ ❿❶➞✲➉✤➃✇➅❞➀ ➡✝➼✤➺ ➉✭➃☞➀ ❿✼➅☎➟✂➂✢➀ ➃✜➂✂➉✭➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❞❿❶➞✂➂✤➃❴➀ ➞✭➟✲➂✤➃➾➉✢➺
Ñ●❧❊Ú●♠ ❣⑥➩èq●③✭Ò✒❩❦♠♥❡✒❫✝✐ ❩●❥⑧❩✒①❪❫✡❵✤❣➈♦✒❵✒❧❦❭❄❣➛❩✏①④❩❊♠ ❷⑧❧●❥●❷✼❥●❣✤æ➮♣Ù❣✒♣⑥Ú✤❣❊❭❊♦✭❫☎❧✤❫☎❣✤♦⑧✐♥❥✼✞
③ ✝✠✟✡➩☛✡✞✡✌☞✒❛✖Ð☛✍✎✍●Ø✎✏
Population (Millions)
GDP (Billionsof Euros)
rate/year 1995
Population (%)
GDP (%)
rate/year 1995
➝✭➂✤❿✲➂✭➃❴➉✭➺❬➄✖➜✲➡✖➀ ➉✭➺ ➋❘➂✭➡✡➜✢❿✲➜✭Ü➈➀ ➡➈➉✤❿✲➻Ù➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✭➺❊➄✝➟✲➜✭➃✔➅❴➡✙➜✢Ü➛➀ ❿✲➝ã➟✲➉✭➄➛➅❴➜ ❀❉➂❶➉✂➻✭➻✤➂✂➻●➭❵❆✔➅✜➻✭➂✲➉✢➺ ➄➈➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✼➅☎➟✂➂
❿ ➂✤➡☎➂✭➄✡➄❉➀ ➅✔➚✼➵✔➜✤➃④➅☎➟✲➂Ù➽✤❾❶➅❴➜✼➝✤➉✭➀ ❿è❿✲➂✝➲➘➺ ➉✏❀✲➜✢➼✲➃✰➵➾➜✭➃❴➡✡➂✭➄➈❽★➻✏➼✂➂⑧➅❄➜➈➅☎➟✂➂✼➜❇➁✲➂✭➃❄➉✭➺ ➺❜➻✭➂✭Ü ➜✭➝✢➃★➉✭➞✤➟✭➀ ➡➛➻✤➂✲➡✖➺♥➀ ❿✲➂⑧➜✭➵
➅✖➟❉➂➈❾●❿✤➀ ➜✤❿✭➓❄➋❊➉✢❿❉➻➈➂✂➄❇➞❉➂❇➡✂➀ ➉✤➺ ➺ ➚②➄✝Þ❇➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻➈➺ ➉❋✲
❀ ➜✤➼✭➃❊➵➾➜t➃★➡✖➂✲➄❖❽❴➵➾➜t➃⑨➅✖➟❉➂➈➎✝➀ ➄✻❀✲➜✢❿ ➄❞➅☎➃❴➉✝➅❄➂❇➝✂➚②➡✝➉✭❿✤❿✲➜❇❵
➅ ❀✲➂➈ÜÝ➂✝➅✰➀ ➵●➅☎➟✂➂
➽✤❾❶➜✤❿✤➺ ➚✢❀❉➉✭➄✡➂✭➄☞➀ ➅❴➄Ý➄❞➅☎➃❴➉✝➅❄➂❇➝✂➚✼➜❇➵❬➉✝➅❴➅❞➃➾➉✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✤❿⑦➜❇➵❬➄✖Þ✤➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻➛➲❁➜✤➃❴Þ✂➂✭➃❴➄Ý➜t❿②➵➾➉✭➃④➉✤❿✂➻Ù➼✤❿✲➡✡➂✭➃✪➅❄➉✭➀ ❿⑦➺ ➀ ❿✤Þ✂➄❁➅❄➜❖➏❬➄✝➀ ➉
➜✏➃❁➎✙➉❇➅❞➀ ❿⑧➏❊Ü➛➂✤➃❴➀ ➡✙➉t➓✡➭●➏ì➡✝➜✭❿✝➅☎➀ ❿❉➂✢❿✝➅❄➉✤➺❦➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✂➂✭➉✤❿è➄☎➡❇➟✂➂✤ÜÝ➂⑥➜✘✲
❀ ➄☎➅❞➃❞➼✲➡☎➅❞➀ ❿❉➝ã➞✂➂✲➜t➞✤➺ ➂✼➂❉ët➡❉➟✲➉✤❿✲➝✭➂✲➄Ï➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✼➅❞➟✂➂
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➟✲➜✲➜❇➻✤➋✼➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻ ➟✲➉✭Ü➈➞❉➂t➃è➅☎➟✲➂➱➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿✃➂✲➡✝➜✭❿✲➜✢Ü✜➚➮➉✏❿✂➻✃➅❄➂t➃❄➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✭➃✪➚➱➉❇➄ ➉❐➲✜➟✂➜✢➺ ➂✭➋✼➉✢❿❉➻
➀♥❿✲➡✖➃❴➂✂➉✭➄✡➂➈➀ ➅❄➄❁➉✭➝✲➂✢➀ ❿✲➝➈❽❄➄✖➂✲➂✏➭✏➽❉➒❦➇✶④
❭ Û❶➇✂➃❴➜✮❇❴➂✲➡❳➅❆➊✤➭✪➊✤➭ ß⑧➐❊➂✢ÜÝ➜✲➝✏➃➾➉✢➞✤➟✝➚✒➓☎➭
➢●➜✢❿✲➄✝➀ ➻✲➂✢➃❴➀ ❿✲➝✼➅☎➟✤➀ ➄⑦➉❇➝✲➂❶➡✖➜✤❿✲➡☎➂✢➃❄❿✲➋➣➀ ➅➛➟✲➉✭➄➛➅❄☞
➜ ❀✲➂è➉✭➄✡➄❉➼✤ÜÝ➂✲➻Ù➅☎➟✂➉✂➅❄➋✰➡✡➜✏❿✝➅❞➃★➉✭➃❃➀ ➺ ➚✼➅❄➜Ù➲✜➟✲➉✝➅☞➀ ➵❘➜✭➵♥➅❴➂✢❿è➄✡➉✭➀ ➻✭➋
➅☎➜✂➻✭➉✂➚✞❞ ➄⑥➞✲➜✢➞✤➼✲➺ ➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿⑥➅☎➟✲➉✝➅➛➡✙➜✢ÜÝ➂❶➵✔➜✭➃❞Ü ➅❞➟✲➂ã➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿✻❿❉➂✢➀ ➝✏✏
➟ ❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❃➀ ❿✲➝ã➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄⑧➉✤❿✲➻ì➺ ➀ ➁✤➂ã➀ ❿
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✭➋❊➉✭➃➾➂➈❿✲➜❇➅❮➉➈➺ ➜✝➅ ❅Ï➲❘➂✤➃➾➂☞➅❞➟✲➂❇➚②➻✤➜✂➡❇➼✤ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅❄➂✂➻⑧➜✭➃❪➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➝✭➉✤➺♥➭✤➙④➂✤❿✲➂✭➃✔➉✤➺ ➺ ➚②➄✝➞✲➂❇➉✤Þ✭➀ ❿✂➝✤➋❦Û❜➜t➃➾➅☎➟❖➏❬ÜÝ➂✢➃❴➀ ➡✝➉
➟✲➜✤➄❞➅❄➄ ÜÝ➉✢❿✙➚ ÜÝ➜✭➃❄➂ ➎✡➉❇➅❞➀ ❿➹➏❪ÜÝ➂✤➃❞➀ ➡✝➉✭❿✲➄↔➅❞➟✲➉✏❿ ➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂ ➟✲➜✂➄☎➅❞➄➹Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃❴➉✤❿✝➅❄➄ ➡✙➜tÜ➛➀ ❿✲➝ ➵✔➃❴➜✤Ü
➀ ➅❄➄
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➟✲➜✲➜❇➻✲➄✭➭r➊✭à✗✝
➜✭➵ ➅☎➟✂➂
➞✲➜t➞✤➼✲➺ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿ ➉✭➃❴➂ ➵➾➜t➃★➂✢➀ ➝✏❿✂➂✤➃❴➄ ❽❄➜✂➵↔➲❖➟✲➀ ➡✝➟ ✹
ß ✝
➼✤❿✲➻✤➜✭➡✝➼✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❴➂✤➻✢➓ ✐④➅✖➟❉➂⑧➄✝➜✭➺ ➂⑧➄✝➟✲➉t➃★➂⑧➜❇➵❘➌❘➂✝ë✏➀ ➡✝➉✭❿Ù➀ ➄➛➉✢➺ Ü ➜✭➄☎➅✜➊✶✁
✿ ✝ã➭ ✽✲➚✼➡✝➜✢Ü➛➞✲➉✤➃❴➀ ➄✙➜✢❿✲➋④➉✝➅❖Ü ➜✭➄☎➅✜↕✓✝➹➜✭➵
➅✖➟❉➂ ➽✲❾❪➊✭à☎❞ ➄☞➞✲➜✭➞✤➼✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿②➉✭➃➾➂Ï➵➾➜✭➃❄➂✭➀ ➝✏❿❉➂✢➃★➄❖❽❄➜✭➵●➲✜➟✭➀ ➡✝➟⑧➺ ➂✭➄✡➄❁➅☎➟✂➉✢❿ ✗
➊ ↔
✝ ➉t➃★➂ ➼✲❿✲➻✤➜✭➡✝➼✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❴➂✤➻✢➓★➋✏➅✖➟❉➂➈➄✝➟✲➉✭➃❴➂
➵❃➃★➜✢Ür➒⑨➜✢➼✝➅☎➟➳➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃➾➉✏❿✂➂✲➉✢❿➳➀ ➄❶➺ ➂✭➄✡➄➈➅✖➟❉➉✢❿❶✪
ß ✝ã➭❪Ô❊➟✂➂✻➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✭➉✤❿❶➉✲➝✢➀ ❿❉➝ã➻✤➂✤ÜÝ➜✭➝✤➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✂➚✻➀ ➄➈➅❄➜✻➟✲➉✝➁✭➂
Ü➛➉✔❇❞➜✤➃❶➀♥Ü➛➞✲➉✂➡❳➅✈➜✢❿ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✡➋ ❀✲➂✂➡✝➉✤➼✂➄✡➂➘➜❇➵❶➺ ➉✲➡❉Þ✲➀ ❿❉➝➬➺ ➉✏❀✲➜t➼✲➃❶➵➾➜✢➃➾➡✖➂✲➄✝❄
➋ ✲
❀ ➂✭➡✡➉✢➼✲➄✡➂✭➋⑧➅❄➜✤➜✂➋⑥➜❇➵➳➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✭➺
➄❳➅☎➃★➉❉➅❄➂✂➝✏➀ ➂✭➄❖➃★➉❇➅❞➟✲➂✤➃❵❀✂➉✲➄✖➂✲➻➈➜✤❿☞➅❞➃★➉✢❙❿ ❈✏➼✭➀ ➺♥➺ ➀ ➅❴➚➛➅❞➟✲➉✤❿➛➜✤❿➈➃❄➀ ➄✝Þ✙➄❖➉✤❿✲➻➛➉✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➁✒➀ ➅✔➚⑨➭✵❆❃❿②➉☞➲❆➜t➃★➻✤➋✏➅☎➟✤➀ ➄➔Õ✙➡✝➜✭❿✂➅❞➀ ❿❉➂✏❿✝➅❴×
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➡❇➺ ➜✲➄☎➂✤➻Ù➁✤➀ ➂✂➲❘➋✰➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟è➒✒➉✢Ü②➼✂➂✭➺❪➯❬➼✤❿✝➅☎➀ ❿❉➝❇➅❄➜✢❿✼➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❶➡✡➂✭➃✔➅❴➉✤➀ ❿✤➺ ➚❶➡✝➺ ➉✤➀ Ü
Õ✙➒✏➲❁➀ ➄✝➄☞➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✢➞❉➂✭×✝➭
➵➾➜✭➃❴➋❁➡✡➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ ❀✲➂✼➅❞➟✲➉✝➅Ý➜❇➵❆➉⑥➝✢➀ ➉✢❿✙➅
➪✒➭✪➪✒➭❇Ô❊➟❉➂❖Õ✡➡✝➂✭❿✝➅☎➃➾➂✂➠✖➞✲➂✭➃❃➀ ➞✤➟✲➂✭➃✪➚t×❪➁✏➀ ➂❇➲
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄✰➁✒➀ ➂✂➲➷➡✖➜✤➼✤➺ ➻➛➲❘➂✢➺ ➺✞❀❉➂➈➃❴➂✂➝✤➉✭➃❴➻✭➂✲➻➈➉✲➄☞➉②➄❉➼☎❀②➡✝➉✝➅❄➂✂➝✤➜t➃➾➚②➜❇➵●➅✡➟✂➂⑧➞✭➃★➂❉➁✒➀ ➜✤➼✂➄✜➜✏❿✂➂✒➭❇Ô❊➟✲➂➛➻✏➀ ➵♥➵✇➂✢➃★➂t❿✲➡✡➂⑧➀ ➄❁➅❞➟✲➉✝➅❁➟✲➂✭➃❴➂
➅✖➟❉➂ÓÛ❊➂✤➀ ➝✏✘
➟ ✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃☎➟✂➜✲➜❇➻✻➇✂➜✤➺ ➀ ➡☎➚❶➲❁➜✤➼✭➺ ➻❃❀✲➂❶Ü➛➜✤➃❴➂è➻❇➚✏❿✲➉✤Ü➛➀ ➡✙❅ì❿✲➜✂➅☞➵➾➜✢➃Ý➞✲➂✭➜✭➞✤➺ ➂è➂❉ët➡❇➟✂➉✤❿✲➝✤➂✂➄✢❀✤➼✂➅☞➵➾➜✭➃✜➂✭➡✙➜t❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡
➂✭ë✲➡❇➟✂➉✤❿✂➝✤➂✂➄✭➭✒➒❦➼✲➡✝➟②➉☞➁●➀ ➂❇➲✃➀ ➄✯❀✲➉✲➄✖➂✲➻⑧➜✭❿➛➅☎➟✲➂➛➡✝➜✭Ü➈➞✲➺ ➂✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅❄➉✤➃❃➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✤➄❚❀✂➂✝➅❞➲❘➂✂➂✢❿⑦➺ ➜✝➲✃➡✡➜✭➄☎➅❁➞✂➂✭➃❞➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✭➃❴➀ ➂✂➄✝➋❊➉✢❿✂➻⑥➟✲➀ ➝✏➟
➅❄➂✭➡✝➟✤❿✲➜t➺ ➜✭➝✂➚✼➡✖➂✤❿✂➅❞➃➾➂✤➄☎➋④➜✏❿➛➅☎➟✲➂⑧➉✂➄✝➄❇➼✲Ü➛➞✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➛➅✖➟❉➉❉➅Ý➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂⑧➟✲➉✤➄☞➉➈➁t➉✢➺ ➼✲➉✘✤
❀ ➺ ➂⑧➉✤➃➾➂❇➉✼➜✂➵✰➀ ❿✂➵✔➺ ➼✲➂✢❿❉➡✝➂Ï➅☎➟✲➉✝➅✜➀ ➅➣➄❉➟✲➜✤➼✭➺ ➻
➅❄➉tÞ❉➂⑧➉✂➻✭➁✤➉✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➝✲➂⑧➜❇➵➾➋④➉✭❿✲➻Ù❿✲➜❇➅✜➺ ➂✭➉✝➁✤➂➛➅❄➜Ù❾⑨➒❶➜t➃❬➏❬➄✖➀ ➉✭❿⑧➡✡➜✭Ü➈➞❉➂❇➅❞➀ ➅❄➜t➃★➄Ï❽☎➟❉➉✭➄➛➢❦➟✲➀ ❿✂➂✲➄✖➂✼➟✲➉t➞✤➞❉➂✏❿☞➅✿➜➈➻✤➜✼➀ ❿➛➏●➵✔➃❄➀ ➡✡➉✭➋
➀♥❿✲➡✖➺♥➼✂➻✤➀ ❿✂➝⑧Û⑨➜✢➃✇➅☎➟❖➏❜➵✔➃❃➀ ➡✖➉✤➓✡➭
Ô❊➟✲➂➈ÜÝ➉✢➀ ❿②➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡☎➉✏➺✂➵✇➂✭➉✝➅☎➼✭➃★➂❇➄
➒●➂✝➁✤➂✭➃❴➉✤➺❊➵❃➀ ➝✏➼✭➃★➂❇➄è➜❇➵✜➜✤➼✤➃➛➽✲➒❦➇✖❭✰Û✃❒✒➭ ß●➭➾➊✤➭➔➲❆➜✭➃❞Þ❉➋❁➻✤➜✤➡✖➼✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✂➅Ý➅❞➟✤➀ ➄⑥❿✲➜✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿Ó➜❇➵➛➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✢➞❉➂✤➉✭❿➳➉✭➃❴➂✂➉ã➜✂➵➛➀ ❿✂➵✔➺ ➼❉➂✏❿✲➡☎➂●➭
➸⑥➟✂➂✤❿⑥➀ ➅❆➡✝➜✢ÜÝ➂✲➄❖➅❄➜Ù➺ ➉✏✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃④➵✔➜✤➃❴➡✡➂✂➄✝➋❦➅☎➟✂➂⑥Ü ➉✭◗
➞ ✟ ✟➳➄❇➟✲➜✝➲❁➄✜➅❳➟❉➉❇➅❴➋✰➀ ❿✼➄✝➞✤➀ ➅❴➂✼➜❇➵❊➅✖➟❉➂⑧➝✏➺ ➜✏❀✂➉✭➺♥➀ ➄✝➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿⑧➜✂➵❁Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿
➃❄➜✭➼✝➅❄➂✭➄✡➋●➅❳➟❉➂ ➌❮➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿⑧❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✤✏
➟ ❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❃➀ ❿✲➝➈➡✙➜✢➼✭❿✙➅☎➃❞➀ ➂✭➄☞➃➾➂✢Ü ➉✭➀ ❿②➉➈Ü ➉✮❇❄➜✭➃❬➄✝➜✢➼✲➃✔➡✙➂➈➜✂➵❪➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢➞✂➂✲➉✢❿②➺ ➉✏❀✂➜✢➼✲➃❪➵➾➜✭➃❄➡☎➂✤➄
➪ ✿☞➚✤➂✲➉✭➃❴➄❁➉✤❿✲➻➛➒❦✘
➼ ✲
❀ ➄✡➉✢➟✲➉✭➃❴➀ ➉✭❿❖➏⑨➵✔➃☎➀ ➡✝➉✭❿➛➡✡➜✏➼✭❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂✭➄❁➵➾➜✭➃●➅☎➟✲➂➈❿✂➂✝ë✂➅❁à☎✿☞➚✤➂✂➉✭➃❄➄✝➭
❋⑨✝✓ ✑✟✞✠✞✬✽✂✁✒✑❴✾ ❙✂✾ ✘✰✎✞ ✍●❈❘✾ ❙✂✑✔✓✂✘✿❂➾✕❘✾ ✘ ✏✙❅✢☛ ✁✬✲Ý✓✖✄❄✄☎✞✂✑✪✚✲✾ ✘✝❙➔❂★✞➔❂★✠✝✁✂✾ ✑✒✄☎✞✂✟✝✘❳❂★✑✪❍❁✞✎✍✒◗✝✾ ✑ ❂❃✠
➏❬➡✝➡✡➜✭➃❴➻✢➀ ❿✲➝Ï➅✿➜☞➅❞➃❴➉✲➻✢➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✂➉✢➺✒➞✤➼✂➄✂➟✂➠❳➞✤➼✲➺ ➺✲➅☎➟✂➂✭➜✤➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✝➋❊➻✏➀ ➄✝➞✲➉✭➃❃➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✤➄❚❀✲➂❉➅❴➲❘➂✲➂t❿⑦➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂✭➄✜➅❞➟✲➉✝➅❘➉✢➃➾➂②➂✭➡✝➜✭❿✲➜✭Ü➈➀ ➡✖➉✤➺ ➺ ➚⑧➃❞➀ ➡❉➟
❀✤➼✂➅❁➻✲➂✏ÜÝ➜✭➝✤➃✔➉✤➞✤➟✤➀ ➡✝➉✭➺ ➺ ➚è➻✭➂✭➡✝➺ ➀♥❿✭➀ ❿✂➝✤➋④➄❇➼❉➡❇➟⑦➉✭➄➈➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➋④➉✢❿❉➻⑥➡✡➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄❖➅✡➟✂➉✝➅✜➄✝➟✲➜✭➲✃➉Ù➃★➂✝➁✭➂✤➃❴➄✡➂Ù➞✭➃★➜✭➵✔➀ ➺ ➂✭➋④➄✂➟✲➜t➼✤➺ ➻✤➋
➀♥❿ ➉ ➞✤➼✲➃✔➂✤➺ ➚ ➵❃➃➾➂✂➂❐ÜÝ➉✢➃❴Þ✙➂❇➅❄➋⑧➝✤➀ ➁t➂ ➃❴➀ ➄✡➂ä➅✿➜ ➟✲➀ ➝✢➟✃Ü②➀ ➝✏➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➵✔➃❴➜✢Ü ➺ ➜✭➲↔➲❁➂✲➉✭➺ ➅✡✄➟ ✂➟✲➀ ➝✏➟✃➞✲➜✤➞✤➼✭➺ ➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➝✤➃❄➜❇➲④➅❞➟
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄➛➅❄➜ã➟✭➀ ➝✤➟⑥➲❘➂✲➉✢➺ ➅☎➟ ✝➺ ➜❇➲ ➞✲➜t➞✤➼✲➺ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✤❿❶➝✤➃✔➜✂➲④➅✖➟è➜✤❿✂➂✂➄✭➭❦Ô❊➟✲➀ ➄Ù➀ Ü➛➞✭➺ ➀ ➂✭➄➛➅☎➟✲➉❉➅ ➉Ó➺ ➉▼❀✲➜✤➼✤➃✜➄✝➼✤➃❴➞✤➺ ➼✲➄⑦➉✢❿✲➻ã➺ ➜✂➲
➲❁➉✲➝✤➂✂➄ ➀ ❿②➅✖➟❉➂⑧➻✤➂❇➁✲➂✢➺ ➜✢➞✲➀ ❿✂➝è➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✲➄☞➲❖➀ ➺ ➺ ❀❉➂➈➅☎➟✲➂⑧➻✤➂✝➅❴➂✢➃❴Ü②➀ ❿✲➉✤❿✂➅✰➵➾➉✭➡☎➅❄➜✭➃❴➄▲❀✂➂✤➟✤➀ ❿❉➻ ➅✡➟✂➂⑥Ü➛➀ ➝✏➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✼➻✲➂✤➡✖➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿✲➄❇➭
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄❁➀♥Ü➛➞✭➺ ➀ ➂✲➄✖➋❊➃❴➂✝➁✤➂✭➃❴➄✡➂✭➺ ➚✲➋✏➅☎➟✂➉✝➅❪➅☎➟✂➂➈Ü ➜✘✤
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➚②➜❇➵❊➡✡➉✢➞✲➀ ➅❄➉✤➺✂➡✝➜✤➺ ➻✒❀✂➂✜➅✖➟❉➂➛➻✢➃❴➀ ➁✒➀ ❿✲➝➛➵➾➜t➃★➡✖➂☞➲❁➀ ➅☎➟☞➵✔➺ ➜❇➲❘➄✜➻✢➀ ➃❴➂✲➡❞➅❄➂✭➻➛➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü
❆❳❿➷➅☎➟✂➂❐➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✂➠✖➌❮➂✭➻✢➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃➾➉✢❿✲➂✲➉✢❿ ➉✭➃➾➂✤➉✭➋➛➅☎➟✂➂ä➅❄➲❘➜❐ÜÝ➉✭➀ ❿✃❽❞➞❉➜✭➅❴➂✢❿✙➅☎➀ ➉✤➺ ➺ ➚✃➉✂➅✔➅☎➃➾➉✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➁✲➂✢➓❶➞❉➜✏➺ ➂✭➄ã➵➾➜✭➃❶Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃❄➉✢❿✙➅❴➄✻➉✢❿❉➻
❽❄➂✢Ü➛➀ ➄✖➄✝➀ ➁✲➂✭➓☞➞✲➜✤➺ ➂✲➄☞➵✔➜✤➃❆➡✝➉✭➞✭➀ ➅☎➉✭➺⑨➉✢❿✲➻⑥➀ ❿✙➁✤➂✲➄❳➅❞ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➄②➉t➃★➂ÙÛ❊➜✤➃✇➅❳➟⑦➸②➂✤➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿⑥➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✼➉✢❿✂➻✼➅☎➟✂➂⑥➇✂➂✭➃❴➄✝➀ ➉✏❿⑦➙✰➼✭➺ ➵❄➭✏Ô❊➟✂➂
❿✲➂❇➅❁Ü②➀ ➝✢➃❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✏❿⑧ÜÝ➉✢➞⑦✯❽ ✟ ✟❊➓❘➡✝➜✭❿✂➵❴➀ ➃❄ÜÝ➄❖➅❞➟✲➉✂➅④➅❞➟✲➂✝➚Ù➀ ❿✲➻✤➂✂➂❇➻✼➉✭➃➾➂Ï➅✡➟✂➂⑧ÜÝ➉✏➀ ❿⑧➞✲➜✢➺ ➂✭➄Ý➜✭➵④❿✂➂✝➅❁➀♥Ü➛Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃✔➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿⑦▼
➜ ❀✲➄✡➂✭➃✔➁✲➂✭➻
➀♥❿➷➅☎➟✲➂ ➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✤➭☞Ô❊➟❉➂➱➟✲➀ ➝✏➟➴❿✤➼✤Ü★❀✂➂✤➃è➜✭➵Ù❿✲➂✂➅ãÜ➛➀ ➝✢➃★➉✏❿✝➅❴➄ ➀ ❿✃➄✡➜✏➼✝➅❞➟✲➂✤➃❴❿➘➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✤❿✃➡✡➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄ä❽❄➒●➞✲➉✭➀ ❿ ➉✢❿✂➻
➇✲➜✭➃✪➅✡➼✂➝✤➉✭➺ ➓❁➀ ➄Ý➉✭➺ ➺✂➅☎➟✲➂ ÜÝ➜✤➃❴➂②➄❞➅☎➃❃➀ Þ✭➀ ❿✲➝✭➋❊➅☎➟✂➉✝➅❁➀♥❿☞➅☎➟❉➂⑥➊✄✏
✂ à☎✿❋❞ ➄❁➅☎➟✲➂❉➚⑦➲❘➂t➃★➂ ❿❉➂❇➅❴➠❄➂✭ë✤➞✲➜t➃➾➅❴➂✭➃❴➄❁➅❄➜Ï➅☎➟❉➂ ➃★➂❇➄☎➅❘➜❇➵❘➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂●➭
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➄✝➜✢➼✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿✼➌④➂✲➻✢➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃➾➉✢❿✲➂✂➉✏❿②➡✝➜✭➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄Ï❽❄➌❘➜✭➃❴➜✂➡✝➡✝➜✂➋❦➏❬➺ ➝✤➂✤➃❴➀ ➉✲➋❦Ô❊➼✤❿✭➀ ➄❇➀ ➉⑧➉✤❿✂➻⑥➽✲➝❇➚✒➞✝➅☎➓❘➉✭❿✲➻➈➅☎➟✲➂➈➂✲➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃☎❿✼➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿
➜✏❿✲➂✂➄Ù➄✂➟✂➜❇➲✜❿å➉✭➄⑥➞✲➜✝➅❴➂✏❿✝➅❞➀ ➉✢➺❬➄✡➂✢❿✲➻✲➂t➃★➄✖➋Ý➉✭➃✔➂❶➂✂➵✪➵➾➂✭➡☎➅☎➀ ➁✭➂✤➺ ➚✻❿✲➂✝➅➛➂✤Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿➳➡✝➜✭➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄⑧➉✢❿✲➻❶➲✜➀ ➺ ➺❵❀✲➂ãÜÝ➜✢➃➾➂➳➉✢❿✂➻
Ü➛➜✤➃❴➂⑥➵✔➀ ❿✂➉✢➺❜➻✤➂✭➄☎➅❞➀ ❿❉➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✼➵✔➜✤➃➛Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃❴➉✤❿✂➅❴➄⑧➵✔➃❴➜✭Ür➄✝✏
➼ ❀✲➄☎➉✏➟✲➉✭➃❃➀ ➉✭❿Ù➏⑨➵❃➃❄➀ ➡✡➉❃❀✂➂✂➡✝➉✤➼✂➄✝➂è➜❇➵❁➅❞➟✲➂è➉✤➡❉➟✲➀ ➂✝➁✤➂✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅➛➜❇➵❘➅☎➟✲➂✭➀ ➃
➻✤➂✢Ü ➜✂➝✢➃❴➉✤➞✤➟✭➀ ➡Ù➅☎➃➾➉✢❿✂➄✂➀ ➅☎➀ ➜t❿✒❖
➭ ☎❆ ❿➷☎
➪ ✿✘✤
✿ á✤➋❖➅✡➟✂➂❶➅☎➜✝➅❄➉✭➺④➵✔➂✤➃✇➅❞➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➚➷➃❄➉✝➅❴➂✻➉✭➃❄➂✻➜✭❿✤➺ ➚✃➊✤➭ ↕✭ß➷➵✔➜✤➃☞Ô●➼✤❿✲➀ ➄✖➀ ➉ã➉✤❿✲➻❐➊✲❑➭ ☎☎✂✻➵✔➜✭➃
➏④➺ ➝✤➂✢➃❴➀ ➉☞➲❖➟✲➀ ➡❉➟➛➀ ➄❁➡✝➜✤Ü➛➞✂➉✭➃❄➉✘✤
❀ ➺ ➂✜➅☎➜➛ê❇➀ ❿✤➺ ➉✢❿✂➻➈❽✡➊✤➭ ↕✏❒✭➓❮➜t➃❶ê✂➃★➉✢❿✂➡✙➂Ï❽✡➊✤➭ ☎✭ß✏➓✡➭
❋✒✓✄✑ ✞☎✞✬✽✤☛❳✟✖✕✡✠✂❏❃☛✡✟✂✗ ✗❇❯❄✓✝✄❃❂★✞✝✑✪✕❮✾ ✘ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞✂❈➔✁✙✚ ✴✒✑♥✁✝✓✂✍●❚❃✘✗✘✎✘
❋✒✓ ✑✥✞✠❀
✞ ✽✁✂✲ ✁❳❂❦✘✝✟✂❈❁◗✖✁✙✑✏✞ ✍⑨❈❁✾ ❙❉✑✪✓✂✘❳❂➾✕❘✾ ✘ ✏✙✟✝✑✪✞✂❈④✁✝✚✂✍✒▲✝▼✂▼✝▼✂❏✔▼✗✱
✡t✠✖✁✜❈✰✞✡✚✂✁✂✗✝✞ ✍ ✑✝✞❳❂➾✁✂✘❳❂★✾ ✓✂✗✝✚✝✁✂❈✰✞✡❙✂✑✔✓✝✑✂✠✝✾ ✄④✓✙✘✝✚❖✁✡✄☎✞✂✘✖✞❉❈❁✾ ✄❘✄☎✞✂✥
❈ ✑✂✗ ✁❉❈✰✁✝✘☎❂❴✓✡✑❴✾ ❂❄✾ ✁☎✕✟✑✂✑✪✞✄✝✑ ✞☎✕☎✁✝✚Ý◗✖❍✜✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓❉✘✖✚ ✛✔▲✂▼✝▼✤❚✲✜❬✾ ✕❘◗✝✓✖✕☎✁✡✚✜✞✲✘
❂❴✠✝✁å✑✪✁✝✕❞✁✙✓✂✑➶✄✡✠❶✞✂✘➳✗ ✞✖✄☎✓✙✗➔✁■❙✂✟✂✾ ✗ ✾ ◗✂✑✔✾ ✟✝❈↔◗✝✁❳❂ ✌❊✁✝✁✝✘❶✓✂✗ ✗ ✞✡✄☎✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✕✼✞ ✍ ✎✬☛✏☛✼✓❉✘✖✚ä☛✿✄✞ ✝✑ ✟✂✗ ✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✂✘❶✓❳❂ ☛✙✓✝✑✔✾ ✞✙✟✝✕⑧✕☎✄☎✓✝✗ ✁✡✕⑥✞✎✍✜✎✕ ✑✖✓❳❂❃✾ ✓✲✗
✾ ✘❳❂✔✁✙✑✔✓✖✄❴❂❄✾ ✞✝✘✭✌❘❯❞✞✙✑❁✓✼❙✂✾ ☛✝✁✝✘✼✕❞✄☎✓✙✗ ✁✝✍ ✌❊✁⑧✚✂✁ ✍➾✾ ✘✝✁⑧✓✂✑♥✁✝✓✝✕ ✌❊✾ ❂★✠⑥✑✪✁❉✗ ✓❳❂❃✾ ☛✝✁✼✓☎✄☎✄✡✟✝❈❁✟✝✗ ✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✝✘✝✕②✞✲✍✙✌❊✁✖✓❉✗ ❂❄✠⑧✓✝✕➛✄☎✞✂❈✟✑✝✓✂✑✪✁✡✚ ❂★✞➈❂❴✠✝✁✙✾ ✑
✘✝✁✂✾ ❙✲✠✝◗✝✞✝✟✙✑✪✕ ✌❊✠✂✾ ✄✡✠②✓✝✑✪✁②✑✇✄✁ ✖✑ ✑✔✁✡✕☎✁✝✘✖❂➾✁✖✚ ✾ ✘➈✑✔✁✡✚✂✍❦✓❉✘✖✚⑧✑✔✁✡❙✂✾ ✞✝✘✝✕ ✌❊✾ ❂❄✠②✑✪✁✂✗ ✓☎❂❄✾ ☛✙✁➛✓✝✄❞✄✡✟✝❈❆✟✝✗ ✓✖❂❴✾ ✞✙✘✝✕❖✞✎✍ ✑✝✞ ✑✂✟✝✗ ✓✖❂❴✾ ✞✙✘ ✌❬✠✝✾ ✄✡✠☞✓✂✑✪✁⑦✾ ✘
◗✂✗ ✟✝✁❇✝✌ ✡✲✠✝✁❆❈✰✓✂✾ ✘✜✓☎✕☎✕✡✟✝❈✙✑❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘❁✲✞ ✭
✍ ❂❄✠✝✁❁❈❘✞✝✚✝✁✂✗✝✾ ✕❦❂❄✠✖✓✡❂✏❂★✠✖✁❁✄☎✞✙✘❳❂❴✓✡✄❞❂⑨◗✝✁❳❂ ✌❊✁✝✁✝✘④❂❄✠✖✁✡✕☎✁➔❂ ✌❊✞➔❂➾✄❍ ✝✑ ✁☎✕④✞ ✍✒✑✔✁✡❙✂✾ ✞✝✘❁✄☎✓✙✘✜✾ ✘✝✚✂✟✖✄☎✁❁✁✙✾ ❂❄✠✖✁❉✑
✍✇✗ ✞✝✌●✕④✞✎✍●❈❘✾ ❙✲✑✪✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✂✙
✘ ✛ ✍✇✑✪✞✂❈ ✒ ◗✂✗ ✟✝✁ ✓✏❂❴✞ ✒ ✑✪✁✝✚ ✓✮✜●✞✡✑ ✍➾✗ ✝✞ ✌❊✕④✲✞ ✍✒✾ ✘ ☛✝✁✡✕❞❂❄❈➔✁❉✘❳❂✇✕④✓✂✘✝✚❁✓✡✄❃❂❄✾ ☛❉✾ ❂✔❍❆✑✔✁✝✗ ✞✡✄☎✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✕ ✛ ✍✇✑✔✞✂❈ ✒ ✑✪✁✙✄✚ ✢
✓ ❂❴✞ ✒ ◗✝✗ ✟✖✁✄✓✕❃✜ ✌
ê✭➼✲➃✪➅✡➟✂➂✭➃❘➅☎➟✂➉✢❿⑦➅☎➟✂➂⑥➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃➾➉✏❿✂➂✲➉✢❿✂➋❪➅✡➟✂➂⑥Ü ➉t➞ ✟✡✟✈➄❇➟✲➜✝➲❆➄☞➅❳➟❉➂Ó➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿✘❞ ➄➛➡✝➜✢Ü➛ÜÝ➂✤➃❴➡✝➀ ➉✭➺⑨➉✢➃➾➂✭➉è➜❇➵❘➀ ❿✂➵✔➺ ➼❉➂✏❿✲➡☎➂✤➋
✖➅ ➟❉➉❉➅➛➀ ➄➛➅❞➜è➄✖➉✂➚✼➅❞➟✲➂⑥➡✡➜✏➼✭❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂❇➄➛➅☎➟✲➉✝➅✜➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅✜➵✔➜✭➃☞➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➋➔➲✜➟✤➀ ➺ ➂⑧➅☎➟✲➂Ù➵➾➜✭➺ ➺ ➜✭➲❁➀ ❿❉➝ãÜÝ➉t➞è➄✂➟✂➜❇➲❆➄☞➅☎➟✲➂⑥➉✭➃➾➂✭➉✲➄➈➲❁➀ ➅❞➟
➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❉➟❶➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂⑧➅☎➃✔➉✲➻✤➂✂➄✭➭✏Ô❊➟✲➂✼➻✢➀ ➄✡➄✖➚✤Ü➛Ü ➂❉➅☎➃✇➚❶➀ ➄②➜❋✂❀ ➁✤➀ ➜✤➼✲➄❇➭●Ô●➟✲➂❶ÜÝ➜✤➄❞➅Ý➡✖➉✭➃❞➀ ➡✖➉✂➅❞➼✭➃★➂✭➻è➂❉ët➉✢Ü②➞✭➺ ➂⑥➀ ➄➛➄❇➼✘❉❀ ➠☎➒●➉✭➟✲➉✢➃➾➉✢❿
➏❊➵❴➃❃➀ ➡✖➉●❰④➲✜➟✭➀ ➺ ➂⑥➀ ➅➛➀ ➄➈➜✂➵❁❿✲➂❇➝✤➺ ➀ ➝✢➀ ❀✲➺ ➂⑥➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✢➃✇➅❄➉✢❿✲➡✡➂⑧➵✔➜✭➃✜➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿②➅❞➃❴➉✂➻✤➂✂➋➣➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂Ù➀ ➄☞➁✤➀ ➅✿➉✭➺✏➵➾➜✭➃❘➅❳➟❉➂⑥➂✝ë✤➀ ➄❞➅❄➂✢❿✂➡✡➂✼➜✭➵
➅✖➟✲➀ ➄ ➞❉➉t➃➾➅❶➜✂➵➈➅☎➟✂➂ ➲❘➜✤➃❞➺ ➻●➭❖Ô❊➟❉➂ìÕ✙➡✡➂✢❿✝➅☎➃➾➂✂➠✖➞✲➂✭➃❃➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✭➃✇➚➴➄✝➡✝➟✲➂tÜ ➂✂×ã➀ ➄Ó➅☎➟✲➂ ➡✝➜✢❿✙➅❞➀♥❿✭➼✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿ ➜❇➵②➅❳➟❉➂✤➄☎➂✃➄❳➅☎➃❴➼✲➡☎➅❞➼✤➃❴➉✭➺
❋●✓ ✑✥✞✠❀
✞ ✽✹☛✤✞✝❈❆✾ ✘✝✓✂✘❳❂✒❂❴✑✪✓✙✚✝✁❁✞✙✑✔✾ ✁✂✘✿❂★✓❳❂★✾ ✞✂✘✖✕✜❚✛✘✎✂✘ ö✝❏❴▲✝▼✂▼✝▼
❋✒✓ ✑ ✞✠✻
✞ ✽❆✏
✞ ✍✤✁✙✓✝✄✡✠➔✄☎✞❉✟✝✘❳❂❄✑♥❍✜✾ ✘❮❂❃✠✖✁ ✏✡P❞❂❴✁✙✑✔✘✝✓✂✗✿❂★✑✔✓✖✚✂✁❘✞ ✍ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞ ✑✖✁
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➒❦➼✲➡❇➟ ➉åÛ❜➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✂➠☎➒✒➜✢➼✙➅❳➟ ➄✝➂✝➅Ý➡✖➜✤➼✭➺ ➻è➉✢➺ ➺ ➜✝➲➬➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂⑧➅❄➜⑥➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✂➂✂➅❴➂Ù➲❁➀ ➅☎➟⑥➽✲➉✂➄❳➅❄➠❃➏❜➄❉➀ ➉⑥➉✭❿✲➻ÓÛ❜➜✭➃✪➅✡➟➈➏❬ÜÝ➂✢➃❴➀ ➡✡➉✏➭●Ô❊➟✲➜✂➄✖➂
➅❴➲❁➜è➉t➃★➂✭➉✂➄Ù➟✲➉✝➁✲➂ã➀ Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✤ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅❴➂✲➻❶➉Ó➟✲➼✲➝✭➂⑥➃❄➂✭➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿è➜✭➵④➵❃➀ ➃❴Ü➛➄②➉✢❿✲➻è➄❳➅❞➃★➂❇➅❴➡✂➟✂➂✂➻❶➉Ù➅❞➃★➉✢❿✲➄✝❿✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✲➉t➺❬➞✤➃❴➜✂➻✏➼✂➡☎➅☎➀ ➁✤➂
Ü ❀✲➉✭➄✡➂✭➻⑧➜✤❿➈Û❜➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✲➠❞➒✒➜✏➼✝➅❞➟⑦➡✡➜✢Ü②➞✭➺ ➂✢ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➉✭➃❞➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✂➄✭➭✛❃❆ ❿➛➅☎➟✲➂❖➏④ÜÝ➂✭➃☎➀ ➡✝➉✭❿②➉✏❿✂➻Ù➽❉➉✤➄❞➅❄➠★➏❬➄✝➀ ➉✢❿⑦➡☎➉✤➄☎➂✤➄☎➋❦➅☎➟✂➂✤➃❴➂②➉✭➃✔➂
➵✔➂✂➲➘❽☎➽✂➉✲➄❳➅④➏❊➄✂➀ ➉✤➓✜➜✭➃✜➟✭➀ ➝✢➟✼❽☎➌④➂✂ë✤➀ ➡✡➉✢❿✲➄❖➅✿➜Ù❾❊❿✤➀ ➅❴➂✤➻✼➒✢➅❴➉✂➅❴➂✭➄✝➓✜Ü➈➀ ➝✢➃★➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➄✡➋❍❀✤➼✝➅Ý➀ ❿✺✲
❀ ➜✝➅❳➟ ➡✖➉✲➄☎➂⑧➅❳➟❉➂✢➃➾➂⑥➟✲➉✝➁✤❄
➂ ✂❀ ➂✂➂✢❿
➄❇➀ ➝✏❿✤➀ ➵❴➀ ➡✝➉✭❿✝➅✜ê✝➜✤➃➾➂✢➀ ➝✏❿⑧➐❪➀ ➃❴➂✂➡☎➅❉❆❞❿✝➁t➂✭➄☎➅❞ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅☎➄✜➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü ➀ ❿✂➻✏➼✂➄☎➅☎➃❴➀ ➉✭➺✤➡✙➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄❁➅❞➜⑦➻✭➂✝➁✒➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✤➀ ❿❉➝⑧➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✂➭✏➸✼➟✲➂✢❿✼➊✶✿☎✿
➻✤➜✢➺ ➺ ➉✤➃❴➄➛➉✭➃❴➂⑥➀ ❿✝➁✲➂✤➄❞➅❄➂❇➻è➜✏➼✝➅❆➜✭➵❪➅☎➟✂➂❶❾❊❿✭➀ ➅❄➂❇➻è➒✢➅❄➉✝➅❄➂✭➄✡➋❁✗➊ ❶
☎ ➉✭➃✔➂⑥➀ ❿✝➁✤➂✲➄❞➅❄➂✭➻⑥➀♥❿✼➎✡➉❇➅❞➀ ❿⑧➏❊ÜÝ➂✢➃❄➀ ➡✙➉▼✐❆➲❁➟✲➂✢❿å➊✶✿✏Ù
✿ ➻✤➜✤➺ ➺ ➉✭➃❄➄
➉✏➃➾➂➈➀ ❿✙➁✒➂✂➄❳➅❴➂✲➻➈➜✤➼✂➅④➜✂➵✞✾✡➉✭➞✲➉✭❿✲➋④✗
➊ ➈
☎ ➉✭➃➾➂➈➀♥❿✝➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❄➂✂➻ ➀ ❿➛➀ ➅✿➄✰➻✤➂✂➁✲➂✢➺ ➜✏➞✭➀ ❿✂➝②➜✢➃❊➂✤ÜÝ➂✢➃★➝✢➀ ❿❉➝ ➽✲➉✲➄❞➅❪➏⑨➄❇➀ ➉✏❿➛➞✲➂✭➃❃➀ ➞✤➟✲➂✭➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✂➭✳✽✏➼✙➅
➲❖➟✲➂✤❿ ➊✶✿✏✻
✿ ➉✢➃➾➂ä➀ ❿✂➁✲➂✤➄❞➅❄➂❇➻➷➜✤➼✝➅⑦➜❇➵✜➸⑧➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿➷➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✭➋Ý➜✢❿✭➺ ➚✃✻➊ ✿✁✝ ➉t➃★➂ì➀ ❿✂➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➻ä➀ ❿➷➀ ➅❄➄❶➞✂➂✭➃❞➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✭➃❞➀ ➂❇➄❘❅➷➉✢➺ ➺ ➋
➉✏➺ Ü➛➜✲➄❳➅❴➋✼➀ ❿✈➅✖➟❉➂ ➢●➂✤❿✝➅☎➃➾➉t➺➣➉✏❿✂➻❐➽✲➉✂➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❄❿✃➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✲➉✢❿➷➡✙➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄ã➉✤❿✲➻ ➺ ➂❇➄✙➄Ó➅☎➟✂➉✤❿✃➪✃➀ ❿✈➅❳➟❉➂❐➌❬➂✤➻✢➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿✲➂✂➉✢❿
➻✤➂❇➁✲➂✢➺ ➜✢➞✲➀ ❿✂➝②➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤✁
➸⑥➟✂➉✂➅✰➀ ➵✏➅❞➟✲➂➛Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟❉➠☎➒●➜✭➼✝➅☎➟➛➄☎➅☎➃➾➉❉➅❄➂✂➝✭➚☞➲❆➉✂➄✜➉✭➻✭➜✤➞✂➅❴➂✂➻❊❀✙➚⑧➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✢➞❉➂
➅✖➟❉➂➘➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✲➂✝➅❳➀ ➅❞➀ ➁✤➂➘➻✲➂✢➺ ➜✭➡✡➉t➺ ➀ ➄✡➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➴➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻ ➀ ❿✲➡✝➃➾➂✤➉✂➄✝➂ ➅❄➜✂➲❘➉✢➃➾➻ ➂✭➉✂➄❳➅✿➂✭➃❃❿ ❀✤➼✝➅✈✘
➉ ✲
❀ ➜❉➁t➂➘➉✢➺ ➺②➄✡➜✢➼✝➅✡➟✂➂✭➃❞❿
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❴➄❁➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✝➅❴➂✤▲
➻ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✤➂✭❿✜➅❳➟❉➂➈➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿ ➉t❿✲➻☞➅☎➟❉➂➛➒●➉✭➟✲➉t➃★➉✏➭
➀♥❿➷➞✂➉✭➃✔➅❞➀ ➡❇➼✭➺ ➉✢➃➾➋☞➅☎➟✲➂ä❿✲➜✭❿➷➻✤➂✂➄✝➀ ➃★➉❋✤
❀ ➺ ➂ ➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂✤➉✢❿✈➉✂➡❳➅☎➀ ➁✏➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✤➄⑥➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻❢✲❀ ➂ä➃➾➂✏➺ ➂✭➉✂➄✖➂✲➻✻➅❞➜➳➅❳➟✲➀ ➄ÙÕ✡➵✔➃❴➀ ➂✤❿✲➻✏➺ ➚✭×
➞✲➉✢➃✇➅☎❿✲➂✭➃✔➄✲➭ ➏❬❿ ➂❇ë✲➉✢Ü➛➞✲➺ ➂ ➜❇➵❶➅☎➟✲➂❐Õ☎➅☎➟✤➃➾➂❇➂↔➐❊×✃➉✂➡☎➅❞➀ ➁✤➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✭➄➘❽❴➻✏➀ ➃✇➅✔➚✤➋➳➻✏➀ ➵✇➵✔➀ ➡✝➼✤➺ ➅❴➋✻➻✭➉✤❿✲➝✤➂✭➃✔➜✤➼✲➄❉➓ ➀ ➄✃➅☎➟✂➂
➡✝➜✢❿✲➄☎➅☎➃❴➼✲➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➱➜❇➵✻➞✂➜✂➲❘➂✢➃➷➞✭➺ ➉✏❿✝➅❴➄➴➉✭❿✲➻ ➃➾➂❇➵❴➀ ❿✲➂✢➃✇➚ ➵✔➉✲➡✖➀♥➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✂➄✢❰❶➵➾➜✭➃✈➂✢❿✝➁✒➀ ➃❴➜✢❿✲Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➺✼➃✔➂✲➉✭➄✡➜✏❿✂➄✡➋⑥➅✖➟❉➂❉➚
❀✲➂✭➡✡➜✢Ü ➂✃➻✢➀ ➵✪➵❴➀ ➡❇➼✭➺ ➅⑥➅❄➜ ❀✤➼✲➀ ➺ ➻❐➀♥❿✃➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➋⑧➲❖➟✲➂✭➃➾➂✭➉✲➄ã➅☎➟✂➂✝➚➴➡✝➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❯❀✂➂❐Ü ➜✭➃❴➂ ➂✲➉✭➄✝➀ ➺ ➚❯❀✤➼✭➀ ➺ ➻➴➜✢❿➷➅☎➟✂➂
➄✝➜✢➼✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿➮➄❉➟✲➜✭➃❴➂➮➜❇➵✼➅☎➟✂➂ ➌❬➂✭➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✭❿✲➋⑥➲❁➟✤➀ ➡✝➟➮➻✭➂✂➉✤➻✢➺ ➚↔❿✂➂✂➂✭➻ ➀ ❿✲➻✢➼✲➄☎➅☎➃❴➀ ➉✭➺⑧➀ ❿✂➁✤➂✲➄❳➅❞ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➄✝➋è➉✢❿✂➻
❀ ➂✢❿❉➂❇➵✔➀ ➅❄×➔➵❴➃❴➜✭Ü➴➺ ➜❇➲❘➂✤➃④➞✭➃➾➂✭➄✡➄❇➼✲➃✔➂➛➜✤❿Ý➂✏❿✝➁✒➀ ➃★➜✢❿✤ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➺✤➀ ➄✙➄❇➼✂✘
➂ ✐
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂Ù➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❃❀❉➂✢❿✂➂✂➵❃➀ ➅✜➵✔➃❴➜✢Ü ➄✡➂✭➡✝➼✭➃❴➂✲➻ã➞✭➃★➜❇➡✂➼✭➃➾➂✏ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅☞➀♥❿è➜✢➀ ➺ ➋❆➝✭➉✭➄⑦➉✢❿✂➻❶➂✤➺ ➂✭➡☎➅❞➃❞➀ ➡❉➀ ➅❴➚❶❽✔➅☎➟✲➉✢❿✲Þ✂➄➛➅❞➜✼➅☎➟✂➂
➜✏❿✲➝✤➜✭➀ ❿✂➝➳➡✝➜✤❿✤❿✂➂✂➡❳➅☎➀ ➜✢❿å➜❇➵❁➅☎➟✂➂❶➂✤➺ ➂✲➡❳➅❞➃❄➀ ➡❉➀ ➅❴➚➳➝✏➃❴➀ ➻✻➀ ❿è➅☎➟✲➂❶➂✭➼✭➃➾➜✏ÜÝ➂✭➻✤➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❄➉✢❿❉➂❇➉✤❿❶➄✂➞✂➉✭➡✡➂✭➓✡➭❁ê❇➼✲➃✔➅❞➟✲➂✤➃✜➅❞➟✲➉✭❿
Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟✼➏●➵✔➃❄➀ ➡✡➉❶➉✭❿✲➻ã➌❁➀ ➻✭➻✏➺ ➂ã➽✲➉✭➄☎➅❴➋☞➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂⑥➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻●❀✂➂✢❿❉➂✭➵✔➀ ➅❁➵❴➃❴➜✤Ü↔➄✡➂✭➡✝➼✭➃★➂✭➻ã➞✲➃❴➜✭➡✝➼✭➃★➂✢ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅➛➜✂➵➔➏❜➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✝➉✢❿
➃❄➉✝➲ ÜÝ➉✝➅❴➂✢➃❄➀ ➉✤➺ ➄✻✐
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄➛Û●➜✤➃✇➅❳➟❉➠☎➒✏➜✤➼✂➅☎➟⑧➞✲➉✢➃✇➅☎❿✂➂✭➃❴➄✂➟✭➀ ➞✼➻✲➜✭➂✂➄➈❿✲➜❇➅✜ÜÝ➂✭➉✤❿⑧Ü➛➜✤➃➾➂➈➅❞➟✲➉✢❿②➅☎➟✂➂✼➜✭➞✝➅☎➀ Ü➛➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿❘❀✝➚⑥➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✼➜❇➵④➺ ➜✂➲
➡✝➜✭➄☎➅④➀♥❿✭➞✤➼✙➅❞➄✜➄☎➅❞➃➾➉❇➅❴➂✲➝✭➚✲➋❦➀♥❿➛➃❴➉✝➲ Ü ➉✝➅❴➂✢➃❴➀ ➉✤➺ ➋●➂✤❿✲➂✭➃✔➝✂➚✒➋❦ÜÝ➉✢❿✤➼✂➵✇➉✲➡❞➅✖➼✲➃❃➀ ❿✲➝✤➋●➉✢❿❉➻➈➉✤➺ ➄✡➜➛➄✖➂✤➃✇➁✏➀ ➡✖➂✲➄✜➄✖➂✲➡❳➅❴➜✤➃❴➄✂➭❇Ô❊➟✂➂
➵❃➃❄➀ ➂✤❿✂➻✢➺ ➚✻➞✂➉✭➃✇➅✖❿❉➂t➃★➄⑧➡✡➜✢➼✤➺ ➻ã➟✲➜✤➄❞➅✜➅❳➟❉➂❶➝✢➃★➜❇➲❁➀ ❿❉➝ì➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿è➻✤➂✭Ü➛➉✭❿✲➻❶➵✇➜t➃Ý➡✡➉✢➺ ➺❊➡✡➂✢❿✙➅❞➃❴➂✲➄⑧➜❇➵❆➡✝➜✭➼✤➃❴➄✡➂ ❀✤➼✙➅
➉✏➺ ➄✝➜✏❰➛➄✙➉❇➵✇➂✻➅❴➜✢➼✲➃❞➀ ➄❉Ü ➋➛➄✖➉✤❿✤➀ ➅❴➉✢➃✇➚➷➅❴➜✢➼✲➃❞➀ ➄❉Ü ❽❴➉➷➝✢➃★➜❇➲❁➀ ❿❉➝ ❿✤➼✲Ü▲❀❉➂t➃⑦➜✂➵⑧➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂✲➉t❿✲➄❶➝✤➜➳➅❞➜❶Ô❊➼✤❿✭➀ ➄✝➀ ➉ ➜✭➃
➌❘➜✭➃❄➜✭➡✡➡✖➜②➅❞➜⑦➝✤➂❉➅❆➄❇➼✲➃✔➝✲➂✢➃➾➚✼➄✖➂✤➃✇➁✢➀ ➡✖➂⑥➀ ❿②➵❃➀ ➃➾➄❳➅✜➃❴➉✤❿✭Þ✼➟✲➜✂➄❉➞✤➀ ➅❄➉✭➺✤➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❉➟ ➜✢❿✲➺ ➚è➃❞➀ ➡❇➟✼➃➾➂✭➄✝➀ ➻✭➂✤❿✂➅❴➄➛➜✭➃✜➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂✂➉✢❿
➡✝➉✢❿Ý➉✂➵✪➵➾➜✢➃★➻✢➓❄➋❦➟❉➉✏❿✂➻✤➄✡➜✢ÜÝ➂➛➡✝➟✲➂✭➉✭➞ ➉t➃★➂✂➉✭➄❁➵✇➜✢➃❬➃❴➂✝➅☎➀ ➃★➂✭Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅❄➋●➉✭❿✲➻➛➄✝➜☞➵➾➜t➃➾➅❞➟✒➭
❆❳❿Ý➅✖➟✲➉✝➅❘➡✝➜✤❿✝➅❄➂✝ë❇➅❄➋●➅☎➟✲➂ ➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂❇➉✤❿⑧Û⑨➂✏➀ ➝✏✘
➟ ✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃❞➟✲➜✲➜❇➻⑥➇❉➜t➺ ➀ ➡☎➚➛➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻✒❀✲➂Ù➼✂➄✡➂✭➻✼➉✂➄☞➉➛➅❄➜✭➜✤➺✤➵✇➜✢➃❮➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✲➂✢❿✲➄✡➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➋❦➵➾➜t➃
Ü➛➉✤Þ✂➀ ❿✲➝✃➅❞➟✲➂✭➄✡➂❐➞✲➂✢➃❴➀ ➞✤➟✲➂✭➃❴➉✭➺➛➉✤➃➾➂✭➉✂➄ ➄✡➂✭➡✝➼✤➃➾➂❐➉✤❿✂➻ ❀✲➃❃➀ ❿✲➝✏➀ ❿✂➝✃➅❳➟✲➂✤Ü ➀ ❿✂➅❄➜➱➺ ➀ ❿❉➂ ➲❁➀ ➅☎➟➘➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✤❿➴➄❞➅❄➉✢❿✂➻✤➉✤➃➾➻✤➄❇➭
➢●➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✻➺ ➜✲➡✖➉✝➅❄➂✭➻ ➀ ❿✃❿❉➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❞❿ã➏❜➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✝➉✻➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻ ➞✭➺ ➉❇➚➷➅☎➟✂➂ ➃❴➜✤➺ ➂ ➜❇➵☞Õ❳➝✤➉❇➅❴➂✤Þ✙➂✭➂✭➞✲➂✭➃❴➄✡×⑥➉✭➝✲➉✢➀ ❿✲➄❳➅✼➄✝✏
➼ ❀✂➄✙➉t➟✲➉✤➃❴➀ ➉✭❿
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄❶➲❁➀ ➅☎➟ ➵✔➀ ❿✂➉✤❿✲➡❉➀ ➉✢➺➣➡✝➜✭➼✤❿✝➅❄➂✭➃❞➞✂➉✤➃✇➅❞➄
Ô❊➟✭➀ ➄✈➡✝➜✭➼✤➺ ➻ ❀❉➂✃➻✤➂✂➄✝➡✖➃❞➀ ❀✲➂✂➻✃➉✤➄ã➉❐❿❉➂✤➜✂➠❞➡✝➜✭➺ ➜✤❿✤➀ ➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❞➅❶➜✭➃❴➋✼➃✔➉✂➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❄➋
➞✲➉❇➅❴➂✤➃❞❿❉➉✢➺ ➀ ➄☎➅❖➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡☎➚●➭●➏❊➄②➉ÙÜÝ➉✝➅❴➅❴➂✢➃❆➜❇➵④➵➾➉✂➡❳➅✿➋❪➅❞➟✭➀ ➄➈➀ ➄➈➃➾➜✢➼✂➝✏➟✲➺ ➚⑧➅✡➟✂➂ÙÞ✲➀ ❿❉➻⑥➜❇➵❘➃❴➂✤➺ ➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄❉➟✲➀♥➞②➅❞➟✲➉❇➅✜➟✲➉✭➄⑧➼✭❿✙➅❳➀ ➺✤➅❄➜✭➻✲➉❉➚
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➞✤➃❴➂✝➁✲➉✏➀ ➺ ➂✲➻❐➀ ❿➷➅❞➟✲➂✃➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢ÜÝ➂✭➻✤➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿✃➞✂➉✭➃✔➅☎❿✂➂✤➃❴➄✝➟✤➀ ➞✒➭➣Ô⑨➟✤➀ ➄✻➀ ➄❶➅❳➟❉➂❐➃➾➂✭➉✂➄✝➜✢❿➷➲✜➟✝➚ ➅☎➟✂➂ ➃★➂✭➡✡➂✢❿✙➅ ✽t➉✭➃❄➡☎➂✢➺ ➜✢❿✂➉
➒ ➼✤Ü➛Ü②➀ ➅⑧❽❄➀♥❿✻Û❊➜✂➁✲➂✢Ü★❀✲➂✭➃⑧➪☎✿✏✏
✿ à➳➵✇➜✢➃Ý➅✖➟❉➂ã➅❴➂✢❿✙➅☎➟➳➉✏❿✤❿✭➀ ➁✤➂✤➃➾➄✖➉✤➃✪➚ì➜❇➵✜➅✖➟❉➂❲✽✤➉✤➃❴➡✡➂✭➺ ➜✢❿❉➉ ➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏ÜÝ➂✂➻✈➏❜➝✢➃★➂✭➂✭Ü ➂t❿✙➅☎➄✝➓❴➋
➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❉➟è➲❘➉✭➄✼➄✝➼✤➞✭➞✲➜✂➄✝➂✂➻⑥➅❄➜❶➂✢❿✤➟❉➉✢❿✲➡✡➂Ù➅☎➟✲➂ã➌❬➂✭➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✢❿❶➞✲➉✤➃✇➅❞❿✲➂✢➃➾➄❇➟✲➀ ➞✼➅☎➟✭➃★➜✢➼✂➝✏➟✼➅✡➟✂➂ã❿❉➂❇➲ ➉✭★
Ü ❀✤➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✤➼✲➄⑥➽✭Û❊➇✲➋
➲❁➉✲➄ã➉➷➵✇➉✏➀ ➺ ➼✭➃★➂✏➭❁➸✼➟✤➀ ➺ ➄☎➅✼➉✏➺ ➺❖➽✤❾➮➄☎➅❴➉✝➅❄➂✭➄❶➲❖➟❉➂t➃★➂ ➃❴➂✭➞✤➃➾➂✭➄✡➂✢❿✝➅❄➂✂➻ ❀✝➚➷➅☎➟✂➂✃➟✲➂✭➉✂➻✭➄✈➜❇➵②➝✤➜✝➁✤➂✭➃❞❿✤ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➋⑧➜✭❿✤➺ ➚➷➅❃➲❆➜
➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿⑧➞✲➉✢➃✇➅☎❿✲➂✭➃✔➄➛➄✡➂✢❿✙➅✰➅✡➟✂➂✭➀ ➃❄➄✝➭✏Ô❊➟✲➂⑧➂✝ë✏➞✲➺ ➉✢❿❉➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿②➜❇➵❬➅✖➟✲➀ ➄☞➵➾➉t➀ ➺ ➼✲➃✔➂⑥➃➾➂✭➺ ➉✝➅❴➂✭➄✜➅❞➜②➅❳➟❉➂⑥➀ ❿✭➟✲➂✤➃➾➂✢❿✝➅✜➺ ➀♥Ü➛➀ ➅❴➄➛➜✭➵
➅✖➟❉➂ ✽✤➉✤➃➾➡✝➂✭➺ ➜✢❿❉➉➬➞✭➃★➜✤➡☎➂✭➄✡➄t❰å➻✤➀ ➄✝➄☎➚✤Ü➈ÜÝ➂✝➅☎➃✇➚✁✿➋ã➞✂➉✝➅❄➂✭➃❞❿✲➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❉Ü ➋⑥➜✂➁✭➂✤➃❴➉✭➺ ➺②➲❘➂✭➉✭Þ➴➉✝➅❴➅❴➂✏❿✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➘➞✲➉✤➀ ➻ ❀✙➚↔➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿
➺ ➂✂➉✭➻✭➂✤➃➾➄➈➅❄➜❇➲❘➉✭➃❄➻✭➄➛➅✖➟❉➂⑥➻✤➂✝➁✤➂✤➺ ➜✤➞✤➀ ❿❉➝ã➞✲➂t➃❄➀ ➞✤➟✲➂t➃❄➀ ➂✭➄✂➭❦Ô❊➟✭➀ ➄Ù➀ ➄⑧➃❴➂✂➵❃➺ ➂✭➡☎➅❄➂✂➻ã➀ ❿✼➅☎➟✲➂❶➄❞➅❄➉❉➅☎➀ ➄❳➅❞➀ ➡Ï➅✡➟✂➉✝➅Ý➻✏➼✤➃❞➀ ❿✲➝⑥➅☎➟✂➂ã➞❉➉✭➄☎➅
➻✤➂✭➡✡➉✭➻✲➂✭➋⑥➽✤❾ ➢●➜✢Ü➛Ü②➀ ➄✝➄✝➀ ➜✭✏
❿ ❞ ➄➷➄❇➼☎❀✲➄❉➀ ➻✢➀ ➂✤➄ä➃❴➂✲➉✭➡✝➟✲➂✂➻➬☎
❒ ✿✏✿✁✂ ➞❉➂✢➃➳➀ ❿✤➟❉➉❋✭
❀ ➀ ➅❴➉✢❿✙➅✻➀ ❿ ➙✰➃➾➂✭➂✂➡✝➂✂➋ã➪✂✁↕ ✂ ➀♥❿ ➅☎➟❉➂➘➢❜➽✤➽
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✡➋ ❀✤➼✝➅❘➺ ➂✭➄✡➄✰➅☎➟✂➉✢❿②✄➪ ✂✼➀ ❿✜➅✡➟✂➂➈➌❘➽✤➐✏➏è➡✙➜t➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭✆➄ ☎☎➭
Ô⑨➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❴➜✤➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✤➀ Ü②➞✂➉✲➡❳➅
➒❦➼✲➡❇➟ ➉➈➞✲➉❇➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❴❿➛➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻➈➂✤❿✤➟✲➉✢❿❉➡✖➂➛➅❞➟✲➂⑧➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿Ï➂❇➡✙➜✢❿✂➜✤Ü✜➚✒➋❊➉t❿✲➻②➲❘➜✢➼✭➺ ➻▲❈✏➼✲➀ ➅❄➂➛➻✤➂✂➂✢➞✤➺ ➚⑦➡❉➟✲➉✤❿✂➝✭➂☞➅✡➟✂➂⑧➃➾➂❇➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺
➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✂➚⑦➻✏➼✂➂➛➅❄➜➈➉②➝✏➃➾➂✭➉✝➅❄➂t➃❘➽✤➼✭➃★➜✭➠✖➌❮➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✂➂✭➉✤❿②➂✂➡✝➜✢❿❉➜✏Ü➛➀ ➡☞➀ ❿✙➅❄➂✭➝✢➃★➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➋❪➻✭➂✲➄❉➞✲➀ ➅❴➂⑦➻✢➀ ➄✡➄☎➚✏Ü➛Ü ➂❉➅☎➃❴➀ ➡✝➉✭➺✇➭✭Ô❊➟✂➂
✿ ➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✲➠✖➌❬➂✭➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✢❿②➵✔➃★➂❇➂➛➅☎➃❴➉✂➻✭➂✙❁✂➜✢❿❉➂➈➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻⑧➉✭➡✡➡✖➂✤➺ ➂✭➃➾➉❇➅❴➂➛➅☎➟✲➂Ù❿✂➂✂➲✃➝✲➂✭➜✂➝✏➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✝➚ ➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✂➂➈➁t➉t➺ ➼✲➂➈➡✂➟✂➉✢➀ ❿✲➄
➀♥❿Ý➉✏➺ ➺✲➄✝➂✂➡❳➅❄➜✭➃❴➄✡➋●➲❖➀ ➅☎➟Ý➄❳➅☎➃★➜✢❿✂➝⑧➀ Ü➛➞❉➉✤➡❞➅❄➄❖➀♥❿✜➅☎➟✲➂➈➌④➂✲➻✢➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➉✭❿✲➂✂➉✏❿➛➡✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✲➄✜➜❇➵●➅☎➟✂➂⑧➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂❇➉✤❿➈❾❬❿✭➀ ➜✢❿✤➭❊➌④➜✤➃➾➂☞➅❞➟✲➉✢❿Ý➅☎➟✂➂
➂✤➉✂➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿②➞✂➂✭➃❴➀♥➞✤➟✂➂✭➃➾➉✏➺✭➞✲➉✭➃✇➅❄➄❁➜✭➵✤➅✖➟❉➂➈❾❦❿✲➀ ➜✢❿❉➋❦➀ ➅❴➄✜➄✡➜✢➼✙➅❳➟❉➂✢➃❄❿➛➜✤❿✂➂✭➄❁➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻✒❀✂➂✤❿✲➂❇➵✔➀ ➅❪➵❴➃➾➜✏Ü➷➅✖➟✲➀ ➄✜➡✝➟✲➉✢❿✲➝✲➂✭➋●➉✤➺ ➅☎➟✲➜✤➼✂➝✏➟➛➀ ❿
➄✝➜✢ÜÝ➂⑦➄✖➂✲➡❳➅❴➜✤➃❴➄Ý➄❇➼✂➡✝➟⑦➉t➃★➂Ï➵❴➃❞➼✲➀ ➅❴➄Ý➉✏❿✂➻➈➁t➂✂➝✤➂❉➅❄➉✘✤
❀ ➺ ➂✤➋➔➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✭➉✭❿✼➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃➾➉✏❿✂➂✲➉✢❿⑧➃❄➼✭➃➾➉✏➺✤➉✤➃➾➂❇➉✲➄☞➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻❄✂❀ ➂⑧➟✲➉✢➃❴Ü ➂❇➻
❀✂➚➛➅☎➟✲➂➈➃✔➂✤➺ ➜✲➡✝➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✤❿⑧➀ ❿➛➅❞➟✲➂②➄✖➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❞❿ ➄❇➟✲➜✭➃✔➂✒✳
➭ ❆❞❿Ý➅❳➟❉➂➈➄✂➟✂➜✭➃✔➅❘➃❞➼✭❿✲➋④➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂✤➉✢❿ ➂✭➡✡➜✢❿✲➜✤Ü✜➚➈➲❘➜✤➼✤➺ ➻✼➞✂➉✭➃✔➅❞➺ ➚②➡✝➉✝➅❄➡❇➟➈➼✲➞
➲❖➀ ➅❞➟✃➀ ➅❄➄Ó➏❊➄✝➀ ➉✤❿ ➉✢❿❉➻ä➏④ÜÝ➂✭➃❃➀ ➡✝➉✭❿ ➡✝➜✢➼✲❿✂➅❴➂✭➃☎➞✂➉✭➃✇➅☎➄✡➋➈➉✤➺ ➅❳➟✲➜✤➼✲➝✢➟✃❿✲➜✝➅è➜✏❿✻➅☎➟✂➂✃➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✈➅❴➂✤➡✖➟❨❀✲➉✭➄✡➂✃➜❇➵➛➅☎➟✂➂✃➎✂➀ ➄✻❀✲➜✢❿
Û❊➂✂➁✭➂✤➃✇➅❞➟✲➂✢➺ ➂✭➄✡➄✝➋
➅✖➟❉➂➈➃❴➂✭➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✤❿②➜❇➵●➅☎➟✲➂②➂✭❿✝➁✏➀ ➃➾➜✢❿✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❄➉t✵
➺ ❀✤➼✭➃★➻✭➂✤❿②➜✢❿Ý➅☎➟✂➂②➄✝➜✭➼✂➅❞➟✲➂✢➃❴❿②➄✝➟✲➜✢➃➾➂②➡✖➉✤❿②➜✢❿✲➺ ➚✒❀✲➂②➉➛➄❇➟✲➜✭➃✪➅❬➅❄➂t➃❄Ü
➄✝➜✢➺ ➼✝➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✤➭❇Ô❊➟❉➂➈➜✤❿✲➝✤➜✭➀ ❿✂➝➛➅❄➂✢➺ ➺ ➼✲➃❞➀ ➡☞➞✲➜✢➺ ➺ ➼✙➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➜❇➵❬➃❃➀ ➁✤➂✭➃➾➄❖➵➾➜✭➃④➀ ❿✂➄☎➅❄➉✏❿✂➡✡➂✭➋●➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻➈➀♥❿✂➡✝➃➾➂✭➉✂➄✝➂☞➅☎➟✂➂⑧➞✂➜✤➺ ➺ ➼✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿➛➜✂➵
➅✖➟❉➂ ➌❮➂✭➻✤➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❄➉✭❿✲➂❇➉✤❿②➄✡➂✭➉✏➭✭Ô❊➟✲➀ ➄❁➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻Ù➟✲➂✭➺ ➞⑧➽✲❾✼➅❴➜➈➵❴➼✭➺ ➵❴➀ ➺✏➀ ➅❴➄✜➜✞❀✔❇❴➂✂➡❳➅☎➀ ➁✤➂②➜❇➵❬✳
➢ ❭✰➪②➃❴➂✂➻✏➼✂➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➉✭➡✡➡✖➜✤➃➾➻✢➀ ❿✲➝
✝ ➚✤➜✝➅☎➜✘❞ ➄ ➞✲➃❄➜✝➅❴➜✤➡✖➜✤➺♥❵
➭ ✽✏➼✙➅☞➀ ➅✜➲❁➜✤➼✭➺ ➻❱❀✲➂⑥➀ ❿✼➵➾➉✂➡❳➅Ý➉✼➄☎➅❞➉✂➅❞➀ ➄❳➅☎➀ ➡❇➀ ➉✢➺❬➀ ➺ ➺ ➼✲➄❉➀ ➜✢❿ ➉✭➄⑧➀ ➅✜➲❘➜✤➼✭➺ ➻❱❀✲➂⑧➅❞➟✲➂⑥➄✝➀ Ü➈➞✲➺ ➂
➂✭➵♥➵✔➂✲➡❳➅ ➜❇➵❘➅❞➃➾➉✏❿✲➄❳➵✇➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ❿✲➝⑥➅☎➟✂➂ Õ✙➻✤➀ ➃✇➅☎➀ ❿❉➂✭➄✡➄✝×➛➜✢❿è➄✡➜✏➼✝➅❞➟✲➂✤➃❴❿❶➄✝➟✲➜✢➃➾➂❶➜❇➵❘➅☎➟✲➂Ó➌❮➂✭➻✤➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❄➉✢❿❉➂❇➉✤❿⑥➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✂➜✢➼✙➅➛➉✤❿✝➚
➞✤➃❴➜✂➝✢➃★➂✭➄✡➄✜➉❉➅❬➲❘➜✢➃❴➺ ➻➛➄✙➡✖➉✤➺ ➂➛❽❄➙➔➃★➉❇➄✂➺ ➉✤❿✲➻✤➋❦➪☎✿✏✿✏➊✂➓✡➭
➅✖➟❉➂ ➞✭➃★➜tÜ②➀ ❿✲➂✢❿✙➅ ➞✂➜✤➺ ➀ ➡❳➚ ➜❇➵❐Ü➛➀ ➝✏➃➾➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➡✖➜✤❿✂➅❞➃➾➜✏➺⑥➲✜➀ ➺ ➺å➻✏➀ Ü➛➀ ❿✭➀ ➄✂➟↔➅☎➟✲➂ ➃❴➀ ➄✙➂➹➜❇➵➷➅☎➟✲➂ ➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✢❿
➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿✻➃☎➀ Ü⑧➭✜Û❊➜➷➡❉➟✲➉✤❿✲➝✭➂✻➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻➷➜✭➡✡➡❇➼✭➃⑧➀ ❿✻➅❞➟❉➂ ➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿➷Ü➈➀ ➝✢➃★➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ Ü➛➀ ë●❰Ý➅☎➟✂➂ ➺ ➜✂➲❘➂✭➄☎➅
➺ ➂✝➁✭➂✤➺ ➄Ý➜❇➵❬➂✭➻✤➼✲➡✖➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➉✭➃❴➂⑧➜✘✂❀ ➄✙➂t➃➾➁✲➂✭➻⑧➵✇➜✢➃❘Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃✔➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿➛➅❄➜❇➲❆➉✭➃✔➻✼➄✡➜✢➼✙➅❳➟❉➠❞➲❘➂✭➄☎➅❄➂t➃❄❿⑧➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➋●➅☎➟✲➉❉➅❁➀ ➄❁➅❞➜⑦➄✖➉✝➚
ê✭➃➾➉✢❿❉➡✝➂✂➋❱✪❆ ➅❄➉✢➺ ➚✲➋❶➒✏➞✲➉✢➀ ❿➴➉✢❿✲➻➘➇✲➜✭➃✪➅☎➼✲➝✲➉✢➺ ✐❶➅☎➟✂➂➘➟✤➀ ➝✤➟✲➂❇➄☎➅✈➉t➃★➂❐➜✏❀✲➄☎➂✢➃✇➁✤➂✲➻ ➅✿➜✝➲❁➉✭➃➾➻ ❿✲➜t➃➾➅❞➟✲➂✭➃❞❿➘➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂
✝ ✠
➋ ❆❞➃✔➂✤➺ ➉✤❿✂➻✢➓➔➉✢❿✂➻②➅❴➜⑧➉➈➺ ➂✲➄✖➄Ý➻✭➂✲➝✢➃➾➂✤➂☞➅❄➜❇➲❘➉✭➃❴➻②➙④➂✭➃❞ÜÝ➉✢❿✙➚⑧➉✤❿✲➻⑧➒✏➲❁➀ ✦➅ ✝❁ ➂✤➃❴➺ ➉✤❿✲➻●➭
❆❳❿ ➜❇➅❞➟✲➂✤➃✼➲❘➜✢➃➾➻✤➄✡➋➈➅✖➟❉➂❐➌❘➂✂➻✢➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➉✤❿✂➂✭➉✤❿➷➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃❃➀ ➂✭➄➷➜❇➵è➽✭➼✤➃➾➜✏➞✂➂✃➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻➘❿✲➜❉➅è➅❄➉tÞ❉➂✃➉✢❿✙➚➘➀ ❿✂➠❄➻✤➂✢➞✙➅❳➟
➉✤➻❇➁t➉t❿✙➅☎➉✂➝✭➂ ➜❇➵✼➅☎➟✤➀ ➄✃➡✡➂✢❿✙➅❞➃❴➂✂➠❳➞✲➂✤➃❴➀ ➞✤➟❉➂✢➃✇➚ ➻✤➂✂➉✢➺ ➭➈Ô❊➟✲➂➬Ü ➜❇➄☎➅ ➞✲➃❴✘
➜ ✲
❀ ➉❋✲❀ ➺ ➂ ➂✝➁✤➜✭➺♥➼✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➴➲❆➜✢➼✭➺ ➻ ❀✲➂❐➅☎➟✂➂
➀♥❿✲➡✖➃❴➂✂➉✭➄✡➂✼➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✲➂Ù➟✭➀ ➝✏➟✤➺ ➚✼➄❉Þ✲➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻⑥➞✂➂✲➜✢➞✤➺ ➂✘❞ ➄☞➻✲➂✢➞✂➉✤➃✇➅❳➼✲➃❴➂➈➵✔➃★➜✢Ü➴➏❊➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✝➉✂➋✰Û⑨➜✢➃✇➅☎➟➈➏⑨➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✖➉⑧➉✤❿✲➻⑥➌✰➀ ➻✤➻✢➺ ➂Ù➽✲➉✂➄❳➅✿➋
➅☎➜❶Û❊➜✭➃✔➅☎➟✼➏❪Ü ➂✭➃❃➀ ➡✖➉✲➋✜➉✭➄⑥➀ ➅➈➟✂➉✲❄
➄ ✂❀ ➂✭➂✤❿ãÜ ➜✭➃❴➂❶➉✤❿✂➻✻Ü➛➜✭➃❴➂❶➜✲➡✖➡✂➼✭➃❴➃❞➀ ❿✂➝➳➻✏➼✭➃❴➀♥❿✂➝❶➅☎➟✂➂⑥➅❴➲❘➜ã➺ ➉✂➄❳➅ ➻✭➂✭➡✡➉✭➻✲➂✤➄
✿ á✢➓✡➭✤➏❊➄✂➀ ➻✲➂⑧➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü➘➅❞➟✤➀ ➄➈➟✭➀ ➝✏➟✭➺ ➚⑧➄✂Þ❇➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✂➻⑧➲❁➜✭➃❴Þ✲➂✭➃✔✶➄ ●
❞ Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿➛➅❄➜Ï➏❬ÜÝ➂t➃❄➀ ➡✡➉✭➋❊➅❳➟❉➂⑧➄✝➜✭➼✝➅✡➟✂➂✭➃❞❿
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➀ ❿✲➝⑥➡✙➜t➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄⑧❽❞Û❜➜t➃➾➅❞➟⑧➏❊➵✔➃❴➀ ➡✡➉✼➉✏❿✲➻➈Ô❊➼✭➃❴Þ✲➂✝➚✢➓➣➜✭➵❁➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂⑧➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻❶➄❳➅❞➀ ➺ ➺ ❀✲➂⑧Õ✡➄✝➞✲➂✂➡❇➀ ➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✡➂✭➻✲×Ï➀ ❿
➺ ➜❇➲✈➄❉Þ✲➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻⑧Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✜➅❄➜➈➌④➂✲➻✢➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➉✭❿✲➂✂➉✏❿➛➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢➞✂➂✒➭
ê✂➜✭➃❶➅❞➟✲➂ ➌④➂✲➻✢➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃➾➉✢❿✲➂✭❿ ❿❉➂t➀ ➝✏➟✏❀✂➜✤➼✭➃❴➀♥❿✂➝ ➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄☎➋⑥➅❞➟✲➂ ❀✲➃✔➉✤➀ ❿➴➻✤➃❄➉✭➀ ❿➴➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻ ❿✲➜✝➅❲❀❉➂➘➄❞➅☎➜✭➞✤➞✂➂✲➻✤➋
❀✲➂✭➡✡➉✢➼✲➄✡➂ ➅✖➟❉➂❐➡✡➂✏❿✝➅❞➃★➂✂➠❳➞✂➂✤➃❞➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✤➃✇➚ ➜✢❿✲➺ ➚➱➜❇➵✇➵✇➂t➃★➄ Ü ➂✂➻✢➀ ➼✤Ü ➄✝Þ✭➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✂➻➬❿✲➂❇➲ ❇❴❋
➜ ❉❀ ➄ä➅❄➜✃➅❞➟✲➂❐➻✲➂❇➁✲➂✢➺ ➜✢➞✲➀ ❿✂➝
➞✲➂✢➃❴➀ ➞✤➟✲➂✭➃❞➀ ➂✤➄✝➭✏Ô❊➟✂➂②➂✢➺ ➀ ➅❄➂✭➄❖➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻⑧➡✙➜✢❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✭➼✲➂➛➅❞➜◗✢
❈ ➼✤➀ ➅✰➵➾➜✭➃❁❿✲➜✭➃✔➅☎➟✂➂✤➃❞❿⑧➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂⑧➉✤❿✂➻⑥Û⑨➜t➃➾➅☎➟☞➏❪Ü ➂✭➃❞➀ ➡✖➉✒➭tÔ❊➟✲➀ ➄
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻✃➟✲➉tÜ➛➞✲➂✤➃➛➅☎➟✲➂✻➅❞➃❴➉✤❿✂➄✡➠✖➌④➂✲➻✢➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➉✭❿✲➂✂➉✏❿ ❿❉➂❉➅❄➲❘➜✢➃❴Þ✙➄ì➀ ❿✻➅☎➟✂➂✃➺ ➜✭❿✲➝ ➃☎➼✤❿✤➭➛➌④➜✤➃❴➂✂➜❇➁t➂✭➃❴➋☞➅☎➟✲➂➷➄✝➜✂➡❇➀ ➉t➺
➜ ✤
❀ ➺ ➂✏Ü➴➜❇➵④➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✂➝✢➃❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✏❿➛➜✂➵④➄✡➜✢➼✙➅❳➟❉➂✢➃❄❿➈➀ Ü➛Ü➈➀ ➝✢➃★➉✢❿✙➅❁➀ ❿⑧➽✲❾❶Ü➛➂✝➅☎➃➾➜✢➞✂➜✤➺ ➀ ➅❄➉✢❿ ➉✢➃➾➂✭➉✲➄❖➲❘➜✤➼✭➺ ➻✺✂❀ ➂⑧➃✔➂✤➀ ❿✂➵➾➜✭➃✔➡✙➂❇➻
❀✂➚➈➅✡➟✭➀ ➄Ï➺ ➜✂➲✃➺ ➂✝➁✤➂✭➺⑨➜❇➵④Ü②➀ ➝✤➃❄➉✭❿✝➅❄➄➛➉✢❿❉➻➈➅☎➟✲➂Ù➺ ➉✭➡✝Þ②➜✭➵❬➂t➺ ➀ ➅❴➂✲➄❇➭❊Û❬➜➈➻✤➜✤✏
➼ ❀✝➅❴➄✜➅☎➟✲➉❉➅❘ë✲➂✏❿✲➜✭➞✤➟✂➜❋✲
❀ ➀ ➉➈➉✤❿✲➻Ù➃➾➉✤➡✖➀ ➄✖Ü
➲❖➀ ➺ ➺❉➻✭➂❇➁t➂✭➺ ➜✭➞➈➀ ❿Ý➄❇➼✲➡✝➟➛➉➛➄✡➡✖➂✤❿✲➉✭➃❃➀ ➜✏➭
Ô❊➟✲➂ã➲❆➜t➃★➄✖➂✈➡✝➜✢❿❉➄✝✶➂ ✏
❈ ➼✂➂✢❿❉➡✝➂✂➄❶➡✝➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❢✂❀ ➂➷➜✘✝❀ ➅✿➉✭➀ ❿✂➂✲➻ ➀ ➵➈➽✤❾ ➅☎➃✇➚✻➅❄➜ä➼✲➄✖➂ ❿❉➜t➃➾➅☎➟Ó➏❜➵✔➃❃➀ ➡✖➉✤❿➷➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂✭➄❶➉✲➄
➝✤➉❇➅❴➂✤Þ✂➂✂➂✭➞✲➂✢➃➾➄②➉✭➝✭➉✤➀ ❿✲➄☎➅❖➞✲➜✲➜✢➃✜Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃❴➉✤❿✝➅❄➄Ï➵✔➃★➜✢Ü ➄✖➼✏❀✲➄✖➉✤➟✲➉✭➃❃➀ ➉✢❿è➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂❇➄✙➋➣➀ ❿è➉✼➡✝➜✭❿✂➅❴➂❇ë✲➅✜➜❇➵❁➀ ❿✲➡✖➃❴➂✲➉✭➄✝➀ ❿✂➝
➞✤➃❴➂✂➄✝➄✝➼✭➃★➂ä➅❄➜✃➻✭➂✤➞✂➉✭➃✔➅❶➀ ❿❉➻✏➼✲➡✖➂✲➻ ❀✂➚✃➡✝➺ ➀ ÜÝ➉❉➅❄➂✃➡✝➟✲➉✢❿❉➝✭➂✃➉✢❿❉➻❐➃❄➂✂➻✏➼✂➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵②➲❘➉❇➅❴➂✤➃⑥➃★➂❇➄✙➜✢➼✭➃★➡✖➂✲➄❇➭✜Ô❊➟✂➂
➅✖➟❉➜✢➼✲➄✡➉✢❿✂➻✤➄✜➜✂➵❪➞✲➂✭➜✭➞✭➺ ➂☞➲❖➟✲➜➛➻✤➀ ➂✂➄❁➉✤➡❞➅☎➼✲➉t➺ ➺ ➚➛➅❞➃➾➚✤➀ ❿✂➝➛➅❄➜➛➂✢❿✙➅❴➂✢➃❊➅❞➟✲➂➛➒⑨➡❉➟✲➂✭❿✲➝✭➂✤❿➛➒❊➞✂➉✭➡✡➂②➡✖➜✤➼✭➺ ➻✒❀✂➂⑧❿✂➜✂➅☎➟✭➀ ❿❉➝
➉✤➄❁➡✝➜✭Ü②➞✂➉✭➃❴➂✲➻☞➅❞➜✜➅✖➟❉➂➈➟✲➜t➃❄➃❴➜✭➃❬➜❇➵⑨➲❖➟✲➉✝➅❬➡✝➜✢➼✲➺ ➻➈➟✲➉✢➞✲➞✂➂✢❿②➀ ❿☞➅☎➟✲➀ ➄✜➄☎➡✝➂✭❿✲➉✢➃❴➀ ➜➛➉✂➅❊➅❳➟❉➂➛➝✤➉✝➅❴➂✤➄❁➜❇➵⑨➅❞➟✲➂☞➵✔➜✤➃✇➅❞➃❴➂✲➄✖➄
✠ ☎☛ ✞✝✗ ✾ ❂❃✾ ✄☎✓✝✗ ✗ ❍✙✍➔❂★✠✝✁✼✾ ✘✝✾ ❂❄✾ ✓✡❂❄✾ ☛✡✁Ù✓❉✘✖✚⑧❂❄✠✖✁è❈➔✞❉✘✖✁✝❍✼✄☎✞✝❈❘✁ ✍✇✑✪✞✂❈ ✏✙✟✖✑✔✞✄✝✑ ✁✂✌✥✏✿✄☎✞✂✘✖✞✂❈❘✾ ✄☎✓✂✗ ✗ ❍✝✍❪❂❄✠✖✁è❋ ✏✗☛★✴å✄☎✞✂✟✂✘❳❂★✑✔✾ ✁✝✕➛✓✝✑✔✁✼✠✂✾ ❙✲✠✝✗ ❍
✚✂✝✁ ✑✖✁❉✘✖✚✂✁✂✘✿❂å✟✝✑✝✞✙✘ ✌●✁✡✕❃❂★✁✝✑✔✘ ✏✡✟✝✑✪✖✞ ✑✖✁✝✓✂✘➷❈✰✓✙✑❃✆☎✁☎❂✇✕ã✓❉✘✖✚ ✾ ✘✝☛✝✁☎✕❞❂❴✞✂✑♥✕✡✍❖❂❴✠✝✞✙✟✝❙✂✠ã❂❄✠✖✁✝❍➳✓✂✑✔✁✻✘✝✞☎❂✼✕✡✾ ❙✂✘✂✾ ✍✔✾ ✄☎✓✙✘❳❂ ✑✖✓❉✑➶❂❴✘✝✁✙✑➶✕ ✍✇✞✙✑
✏✙✟✝✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✁✙✓✂✘✰✁✝P ✑✖✞✂✑ ❂✔✕❘✘✝✞✙✑●✾ ✘ ☛✝✁✡✕❞❂❴❈❘✁✂✘✿❂➾✕✝✌
☎ ❀★✘❖✓✂◗☎✕☎✞✂✗ ✟❳❂❴✁✰❂★✁✝✑✔❈❘✕☎✍ ✏❃✼✼❈④✁✂❈❁◗✖✁✙✑✔✕④❙✲✾ ☛✝✁Ý✗ ✓✝✑✪❙✂✁✙✑●✕✡✟✝◗✝✕✡✾ ✚✂✾ ✁✖✕④❂❄✠✖✓❉✘➣❂★✠✖✁Ý✛✭✞✂❈✰❈❆✾ ✕☎✕✡✾ ✞✂✘✰❂❴✞❁❂❄✠❳✁ ✘✖✁✂✾ ❙✲✠✝◗✝✞✙✟✂✑✔✠✝✞✝✞✖✚✲✌✤❀❴✘✜✑✔✁✂✗ ✓☎❂❄✾ ☛✝✁
❂✔✁✙✑❴❈➔✕ ✠✖✞✝✌●✁ ☛✝✁✡✑✔✍➈❂❄✠✝✁✃✛✭✞✙❈❁❈❁✾ ✕☎✕✡✾ ✞✙✘ ✍✪✞❉✗ ✗ ✞✝✌●✕➷✓✃✄✡✗ ✁✝✓✙✑ ✑✝✞✂✗ ✾ ❂★✾ ✄☎✓✂✗➛✗ ✾ ✘✝✁➴✾ ✘❐❈❘✓✭✆☎✾ ✘✖❙ ❂★✓✝✑✪❙✂✁☎❂✔✁✡✚➴✁ ✍ ✍✇✞✡✑➶❂➾✕ã❂❴✝✞ ✌●✓❉✑✪✚✝✕✻❂❴✠✝✁
✘✝✁✂✾ ❙✲✠✝◗✝✞✝✟✙✑✔✠✝✞✝✞✖✚✲☎
✍ ✌❊✠✝✁✡✑✔✁✝✓☎✕❘❈✰✁✂❈❘◗✝✁✝✑✤✕❞❂❴✓☎❂❴✁☎✕④✚✝✞✜✘✖✞✡❂❊✑✪✁✙✓✂✗ ✗ ❍ ✍♥✓✝☛✝✞✙✟✝✑✏❂➾✠✝✁✜✘❳✁❉✾ ❙✲✠✝◗✝✞✂✟✝✑❴✾ ✘✝❙✰✄☎✞❉✟✝✘❳❂❄✑✔✾ ✁✡✕④✓✝❈❘✞✂✘✖❙✰❂★✠✝✁✂✾ ✑●✓✙✾ ✚✘✖✑ ✞✂✗ ✾ ✄☎❍✂✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➪✒➭✪❒✒➭❇Ô❊➟❉➂❖Õ✡➉✭➃❄➡✖➟✤➀ ➞❉➂✢➺ ➉✤➝✭➜✲×❪➁✢➀ ➂❇➲
Ô❊➟✲➂➈ÜÝ➉✢➀ ❿②➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡☎➉✏➺✂➵✇➂✭➉✝➅☎➼✭➃★➂❇➄
Ô❊➟✲➂➛➉❇ë✤➀ ➄☞➜✂➵●➅❞➟✤➀ ➄❁➁✢➀ ➂❇➲➷➀ ➄➔➅✡➟✂➂②➜✭➞✂➂✢❿✤❿❉➂✤➄☎➄❁➅❞➜➛➝✤➺ ➜✘✂❀ ➉✢➺✤❿✲➂✂➅✔➲❆➜t➃❄Þ✂➄✡➋●➵✔➃❴➂✂➂☞➅☎➃✔➉✲➻✤➂➛➉✢❿❉➻➈➻✲➂t➃★➂✭➝✏➼✲➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✲➋❪➺ ➜✂➲✃➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿
➞✤➃❴➜✝➅❄➂✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿è➉✢❿❉➻❶➻✭➂✭➡✝➃➾➂✤➉✂➄❉➀ ❿✂➝❶➄❇☎
➼ ❀✲➄❉➀ ➻✏➀ ➂✤➄✝➭❵❆❞❿✼➅☎➟✭➀ ➄➛➁✤➀ ➂✝➲❁➋❘➝✏➺ ❋
➜ ✲
❀ ➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✖➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿❶➟✂➉✭➄⑦➜❉➁t➂✭➃❴➡✝➜✭ÜÝ➂Ó➃★➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✡➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➋❁➐❊➙
Ô❊➃❴➉✂➻✭➂✼➟✂➉✭➄Ý➜✝➁✤➂✭➃❴➡✡➜✢Ü ➂➈➐❊➙ä➍t➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✤➭tÔ❊➟❉➂ ➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✂➂✭➉✤❿⑧➞✂➜✤➺ ➀ ➡❉➀ ➂✭➄Ý➉✭➃✔➂②➻✤➂✂➻✏➀ ➡✡➉✝➅❞➂✲➻☞➅☎➜⑧➍✁❪➐➳➃❴➉✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❊➅❳➟❉➉✏❿☞➅❄➜⑧➃➾➂❇➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺
➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚❶➜✤➃✜➢✒➜✏Ü➛ÜÝ➜✏❿⑧➏⑨➝✏➃❞➀ ➡❇➼✲➺ ➅✡➼✭➃➾➉✭➺④➇✂➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❞➚❊➭✏Ô❊➟✲➂⑥➜✤❿✭➺ ➚è➅❴➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✢➃❴➀ ➉✭➺❦➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡✖➚è➂✢❿✤➟❉➉✏❿✂➡✡➂✭➻❃✙❀ ➚Ù➅✡➟✂➂❶➽✭❾✈➢●➜✢Ü➛Ü②➀ ➄✝➄✝➀ ➜✢❿
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻☞➅❞➟✲➂✤❿★❀✲➂❖➅☎➟✂➂❖Ô⑨➽✤Û❶➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❳➚t➋ ❀✤➼✝➅❮➜✢❿✤➺ ➚➛➵➾➜t➃④ÜÝ➉✔❇❞➜✤➃❬➄✖➞✲➜✢Þ✙➂✭➄✲➭
➯❬➂✭➃✔➂✲➋ ➅✖➟❉➂ ➎✂➀ ➄✬❀✂➜✤❿⑦➄❳➅❞➃★➉✝➅❴➂✤➝❇➚✼➀ ➄Ý➜t❿ ➅❳➟❉➂Ï➅✿➜✢➞ ➜✭➵❊➅❞➟✲➂➈➉✲➝✤➂✢❿❉➻✤➉❇➋❊➅☎➟✂➂⑧➡✡➜✢Ü➛Ü ➂✭➃✔➡✂➀ ➉✤➺✏➺ ➂✭➉✂➻✢➀ ❿✲➝⑧➝✤➜✂➉✏➺ ➄☞➉✭➃❴➂➛➅☎➟✂➂⑧➃❴➉✭➞✤➀ ➻✤➺ ➚
➝✏➃❴➜✂➲❁➀ ❿✂➝ Ü ➉✭➃❃Þ❉➂✝➅❴➄❶➜❇➵➛➽✲➉✭➄☎➅➛➏❊➄✝➀ ➉➳➉✏❿✂➻ä❿❉➉✏ÜÝ➂✢➺ ➚➷➢●➟✤➀ ❿✲➉✤➭➔Ô⑨➟✲➂äÜÝ➉✢➀ ❿✻➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿➷➞❉➉t➃➾➅☎❿✂➂✭➃❄➄✖➟✤➀ ➞➳➃❄➂✭Ü➛➉✭➀ ❿❉➄⑥➲❁➀ ➅❞➟
Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟✜➏❪ÜÝ➂✤➃❴➀ ➡✡➉✭➋●➵✇➉✢➃❊➵❴➃➾➜✢Ü➴➉✭❿✂➚⑧➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✢ÜÝ➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃➾➉✢❿✂➂✲➉✢❿②➞✲➉✭➃✪➅☎❿❉➂t➃★➄❇➟✭➀ ➞✒➭❉Ô❊➟❉➂➈➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿➛Û❊➂✭➀ ➝✏➟✏✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃❃➟✲➜✲➜✭➻⑧➇✂➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❞➚⑧➀ ➄
➄❳➅☎➃❄➀ ➡☎➅☎➺ ➚ ➺ ➀ Ü➛➀ ➅❴➂✭➻ ➅❄➜ ➅☎➟✲➂ ➀ Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✢Ü ➂✭❿✝➅❄➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵ ➺ ➀ ❀✂➂✭➃❴➉✤➺✃➃❴➂✂➵✔➜✭➃❴Ü➛➄ ➀ ❿ ➅❞➟✲➂ ➞✲➉✭➃✔➅❞❿✲➂✤➃ ➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✲❙➄ ✐ ➅☎➟✂➂
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂❇➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃➾➉✢❿❉➂✤➉✢❿❶➵✔➃★➂✭➂❶➅☎➃✔➉✲➻✤➂ ❁❉➜✢❿✂➂♦✲
❀ ➂❇➡✙➜tÜ ➂✂➄❶➉ì➞✤➼✲➃❴➂✤➺ ➚
➺ ➀ ❀✲➂✭➃✔➉✤➺❘➉✭➃❴➂✲➉❇➋☞➲❁➀ ➅☎➟➳➻✏➀ ➃✔➂✲➡❳➅⑦➡✝➜✭Ü➛➞✲➂✝➅☎➀ ➅☎➀ ➜t❿✈➲❁➀ ➅❳➟
Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟✜➏●➵✔➃❄➀ ➡✡➉✢❿ ➂✂➡✝➜✢❿✲➜✭Ü➛➀ ➂✲➄➣❽☎➀ ❿✲➡✖➺♥➼✂➻✏➀ ❿✲➝➛➉✭➝✤➃❞➀ ➡❉➼✤➺ ➅☎➼✭➃★➂t➓❬➉✲➄❁➲❘➂t➺ ➺✲➉✭➄✰➲❁➀ ➅❞➟ ➉✢❿✝➚②➜✂➅☎➟✂➂✭➃④➞✲➉✭➃✪➅❮➜✭➵✤➅☎➟✲➂☞➲❘➜t➃❄➺ ➻●➭
Ô❊➟✲➂✼➝✤➂✭➜✂➝✏➃➾➉✢➞✤➟✭➀ ➡✖➉✤➺❊➞✲➉❉➅❴➅❴➂✤➃❞❿è➀ ➄⑦➻✭➜✢Ü➛➀ ❿✲➉✝➅❞➂✲➻ ❀✙➚Ù➅✡➟✂➂❶❿✂➂✝➅❞➲❘➜✭➃❴Þ✲➄✝➭❜Ô❊➟✲➀ ➄➈➀ ➄➈➌❘➉✢❿✲➼✲➂✢➺❜➢●➉✂➄❳➅❴➂✤➺ ➺ ➄✻❞✏Õ✡➄✝➞✲➉✂➡✝➂✼➜✭➵④➵❃➺ ➜✭➲❘➄☎×
➃❄➉✝➅❞➟✲➂✭➃⑥➅❞➟✲➉✤❿äÕ✙➄✝➞✲➉✂➡✝➂➴➜❇➵❶➞✭➺ ➉❇➡✙➂❇➄✡✄× ✂✿➋⑥➉✤❿✂➻❐➅❞➟❉➂➱➺ ➀ ❀❉➂t➃★➉✢➺ ➄✖➡✡➂✢❿✲➉✤➃❴➀ ➜➴➜❇➵❶➽✲➄✖➞✲➜✏❿❐❒✒➭♥➪✒➭⑧➐④➼✲➂ ➅❄➜ ➅❳➟❉➂ ➵➾➜✭➃❄➂✭Ü➛➜✂➄☎➅
➀♥Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃✪➅❄➉✤❿✂➡✝➂➳➜❇➵✜➡✡➉✢➞✲➀ ➅❴➉✤➺❪➵✔➺ ➜✭➲❘➄✖➋❁➅☎➟✂➂✻➞✭➃★➜✢Ü➛➀ ❿✂➂✢❿✙➅➛➅❴➂✭➃❞➃❄➀ ➅❄➜✭➃✇➚✻➀ ➄➈➅☎➟✲➂❶➙✰➺ ➜✘✲
❀ ➉✭➺④➢❊➀ ➅❴➚✻❽❄➄✡➂✂➂ã➒✒➉✭➄✡➄✖➂✤❿➷✄
➊ ✂☎✏
✂ ➊✂➋➛☎
➪ ✿✏✿✏➪✂➋
➙④➉❇➸⑦➢ Ô⑨➉✝➚✏➺ ➜t➃è❽☎➪☎✿✏✿✏à✤✱➓ ❞ ➄✻➲❘➜✢➃❴Þ✂➄✙➋✢✽✏➃❄➼✤❿✂➂✝☎
➅ ↔➐❬➜✭➺ ➺ ➵❃➼✲➄➷❽✡➊✝✂☎✂✏✿✏✱➓ ❞ ➄äÜÝ➂✝➅☎➃❴➜✭➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➅❄➉✤❿ ➉t➃★➡❇➟✭➀ ➞✲➂✭➺ ➉✲➝✤➜✢➓✿➭★❪
❭ ➵✼➡✝➜✤➼✭➃➾➄✝➂
➉✏➼✝➅☎➟✲➜✭➃❴➄⑥➺ ➀♥Þ✙➂✻➢✤➉❇➅✔➅✿➉✭❿✻❽☎☎
➪ ✿✏✿❇ß✒➓②➜✢➃✘❊
✁ ➂✤➺ ✆➅ ❁❶❽✡➊✄✂☎✤
✂ á✤➓②➉✭➃✔➝✏➼✲➂⑥➅☎➟✲➉✝➅➛➅☎➟✲➂ã❿✲➂❇➅✔➲❆➜✭➃❞Þ➳➀ ➄⑥Ü ➜t➃★➂ã➀♥Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃✪➅❄➉✤❿✝➅☞➅✡➟✂➉✤❿❶➅❞➟✲➂
❿✲➜✤➻✭➂✲➄➣➅☎➟✲➂✭Ü ➄✖➂✭➺ ➁t➂✂➄t❰❊➲✜➟✲➉✝➅❘➻✤➜✭➂✲➄ ➃★➂✭➉✭➺ ➺ ➚✼Ü➛➉✂➅✔➅❄➂✭➃✰➀ ➄Ï❿✲➜✂➅④➅❄➜ Ü ➂✂➉✭➄❇➼✲➃✔➂➛➅☎➟✲➂ ➞❉➜✭➲❘➂✭➃❘➜❇➵❊➲❆➜t➃❄➺ ➻②➡❇➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✲➄✖❵
➋ ❀✤➼✂➅❁➃➾➉❉➅✡➟✂➂✭➃
➅✖➟❉➂ä➻✲➂✤➝✢➃➾➂✂➂✃➜❇➵✼➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➃✔➠☎➡✙➜t❿✤❿✲➂✲➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✈➅☎➟✲➉❉➅⑦➅❳➟❉➂❇➚➴➞✭➃➾➜✭➁✤➀ ➻✤❢
➂ ✲
❀ ➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤❿➷➻✢➀ ➵✪➵➾➂✭➃❴➂✤❿✝➅❶➞✂➉✭➃✇➅☎➄➳➜❇➵➛➅☎➟✂➂➷➲❁➜✤➃❴➺ ➻✃➉✤❿✲➻
➻✏➀ ➵♥➵✇➂✢➃★➂t❿✙➅❁➄✙➡✖➉✭➺ ➂✲➄❇➭⑨➒✢➅☎➀ ➺ ➺ ➋●➅❳➟❉➂ÙÜ②➼✭➺ ➅☎➀ ➻✏➀ ➃➾➂✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➉t➺✢➡✝➜✭❿✤❿✂➂✭➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✭❿②➅❄➜➈➲❘➜✭➃❞➺ ➻➈➅❄➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❴➜✤➃❴➀ ➂✂➄➈➀ ➄❖➅☎➟✲➂➈Ü➛➉✤➀ ❿➛➵➾➂✂➉❇➅☎➼✭➃★➂➈➜✂➵❊➅❳➟✲➀ ➄
➉✏➃➾➡❇➟✭➀ ➞✲➂✭➺ ➉✂➝✤➜❖➁✤➀ ➂✝➲☞➭
➸⑥➟✂➂✤❿⑧➀ ➅❘➡✝➜✭Ü➛➂✲➄❁➅❞➜⑧Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✂➋❦➲✜➟✂➂✤➃➾➂✭➉✂➄➈Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄☞➜✂➵❪➺ ➜✂➲❘➠☎➄❉Þ✂➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻➈➲❆➜✭➃❃Þ❉➂✢➃➾➄❖➵➾➜✭➺ ➺ ➜❇➲➷➅❞➟✲➂②➡✖➂✤❿✝➅☎➃➾➂❇➠✖➞❉➂✢➃❴➀ ➞✲➟✲➂✢➃✇➚
➞✲➉❇➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❴❿✲➋☞➅✖➟❉➜✭➄✡➂ä➜✂➵⑧➟✤➀ ➝✤➟✂➠☎➄✝Þ❇➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻➷➲❘➜✢➃❴Þ✂➂✤➃➾➄ã➉✭➃➾➂ ➃❴➉✝➅☎➟✂➂✭➃✼Ü➛➜✭➃❴➂➷➡✝➺ ➜✲➄✖➂✭➺ ➚ ➉✭➺ ➀ ➝✏❿✂➂✂➻✻➅☎➜ã➅☎➟✲➂✻➉✤➃❴➡✝➟✤➀ ➞✲➂t➺ ➉✭➝✲➜✏➭✰Ô❊➟✂➂
Ü➈➀ ➝✢➃★➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❞➚ ➵✔➜✲➡❇➼✂➄✡➂✭➄✃➜✭❿➮➉❇➅✔➅☎➃➾➉✂➡❳➅☎➀ ❿✂➝ ➀ ❿✙➅❴➂✢➃❄❿✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✏➺➈➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✭➺ ➚ ➄✖Þ✭➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✂➻ ➞❉➂✤➜✭➞✭➺ ➂✲➋ã➀ ❿✲➡❉➺ ➼✂➻✢➀ ❿✲➝➘➵❃➃➾➜✢Ü ➅❞➟✂➂
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➀ ❿✲➝✻➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂✭➄✼➠➈➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❉➟✈ÜÝ➂✭➉✭❿✲➄Ù➅❞➟✲➉✂➅☞➅❞➟✲●
➂ ❀✭➃★➉✭➀ ❿✈➻✤➃✔➉✤➀ ❿è➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻ä➀ ❿✲➡✝➃➾➂❇➉✲➄✖➂➳➻✢➃★➉✢Ü ➉✝➅❞➀ ➡✡➉✢➺ ➺ ➚⑨➭ ❭✰❿⑥➅☎➟✂➂
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿❶➝✤➃❄➜✭➼✤❿✲➻✭➋✜➜✏❿✼➅✖➟❉➂ã➡✡➜✏❿✝➅❞➃★➉✭➃✪➚t➋❁➅❳➟❉➂ã➄☎➅☎➃❴➉✝➅❄➂✂➝❇➚➷➀ ➄⑧➅❄➜ã➃✔➂✲➻✏➼✲➡☎➂Ó➅☎➟✲➂❶➂✤Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃★➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿å➜✭➵☞➃➾➂✭➄✡➂✭➉✭➃❴➡✂➟✂➂✭➃❴➄✼➉✢❿❉➻
➚✒➜✢➼✲❿✲➝➛➂✢❿✝➅☎➃➾➂✭➞✤➃❴➂✤❿✂➂✢➼✲➃❴➄✡➋●➉❇➁t➜✢➀ ➻✢➀ ❿✲➝☞➅☎➟✂➂✢Ü ➅❄➜➈➺ ➂✭➉✝➁✤➂✜➅❳➟✲➂➛❾❪➽Ý➵✇➜✢➃❬Û❊➜✭➃✔➅❞➟✜➏④ÜÝ➂✭➃❴➀ ➡☎➉●➭
Ô❊➟✲➂➛➉✭➃✔➡✂➟✭➀ ➞❉➂✢➺ ➉❇➝✤➜✜➁●➀ ➂❇➲✈➂✢❿✝➅❄➉✤➀ ➺ ➄❖Ü ➉t❿✙➚➛➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃❃➀ ➉✢➺❉➉✭➄✡➄✝➂✝➅❴➄t❰
Ü➛➜✲➄❳➅ ➜✭➵✰➅✡➟✂➂ãÜ ✮➉ ❇❴➜✭➃②➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✲➉t❿Ó➡❉➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✂❄
➄ ✲
❀ ➂✂➡✝➜✭Ü➛➂ã➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✭➺ ➚✻➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✢➃❄❿✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺ ➀ ❁❉➂❇➻✻Ü ➂❉➅☎➃➾➜✢➞❉➜✏➺ ➀ ➅❄➉✤❿ã➃➾➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✭❿✲➄❇➭
Ô❊➟✲➂Ù➅❴➜✤➞è➜✭➵④➅✖➟❉➂✢Ür➀ ➄✼➄☎➅❞➀ ➺ ➺❜➻✤➜✢Ü➛➀ ❿❉➉❇➅❴➂✲❃
➻ ❀✂➚ã➎✡➜✤❿✲➻✤➜✢❿è➉✤❿✂➻✻➇✝➉✤➃❞➀ ➄✝➋❉❀✤➼✂➅➛ÜÝ➉✢❿✝➚➳➜✂➅❞➟✲➂✭➃❴✒
➄ ❀✲➂✭➡✡➜✢Ü ➂ÓÜ ➉❛❇❞➜✭➃
➝✤➉❇➅❴➂✂➲❘➉❇➚⑦➡❉➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲➄✖➋❬➡✖➜✤❿✤❿✲➂✂➡❳➅☎➀ ❿✲➝➈➅☎➟✲➂✭➀ ➃❮➡✝➜✤➼✤❿✝➅☎➃✇➚➈➅❴➜➛➅☎➟✲➂➈➃❴➂✲➄❳➅❆➜✝➵❦➅✡➟✂➂➛➲❁➜✤➃❴➺ ➻✼❽❄➻✭➂✝➁✒➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❁➜✂➵❪➉✤➀ ➃④➵✔➺ ➜✂➲❁➄✡➋
➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄❉❿✲➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺❘➡✖➜✤➃❞➞✲➜✭➃➾➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✻❿✲➂✝➅❴➲❁➜✭➃❴Þ✲➄☎➋☞➵❃➀ ❿✲➉✢❿❉➡❇➀ ➉t➺❆➄✡➂✭➃✔➁✤➀ ➡✡➂✭➄✡➋➈➀ ❿✙➅❴➂✢➃❴❿✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➉✢➺❘➂✂➁✲➂✢❿✝➅❄➄❶➄✝➼✲➡❉➟✈➉✲➄⑥➵✔➉✭➀ ➃❴➄
➉✏❿✲➻➛➡✖➜✤❿✲➝✢➃★➂❇➄✙➄✖➂✂➄✝✱➓ ✐
➲❁➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❴❿②➡✝➜✭➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄❁➲❖➟✲➀ ➡✂▲
➟ ❀✲➂✤❿✂➂❇➵✔➀ ➅④➵✔➃❴➜✤Ü➴➄❉➼❉➡❇➟②➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➃❞❿❉➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✤➺✤ÜÝ➂❉➅☎➃★➜t➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➄✡➂✭➄☞❽❞❾✟✒
✝ ➋❪ê✂➃➾➉✢❿✂➡✙➂❇➋④❿✲➜✭➃✪➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❴❿
➒❦➞✲➉✭➀♥❿✂➋✃❿✲➜t➃➾➅☎➟✂➂✭➃☎❿ ❆✔➅❴➉✢➺ ➚✲➋ Û⑨➂❇➅☎➟✂➂✤➃❴➺ ➉✢❿❉➻✤➄ ➉✤❿✲➻ ✽✤➂✤➺ ➝✤➀ ➼✭Ü ➋✻➸✼➂✂➄❳➅✿➂✭➃❃❿ ➉✤❿✂➻ ➄✖➜✤➼✂➅❞➟✲➂✭➃❞❿r➙❬➂✢➃❄ÜÝ➉✢❿✝➚✒➓❄➋
➂✭ë✤➞✂➂✭➃☎➀ ➂✢❿✂➡✡➂➛➉☞➵➾➉✭➄☎➅❪➂✲➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡❁➝✢➃★➜❇➲④➅☎➟✘✐
➅✖➟❉➂ã➲❘➂✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃☎❿✻➺ ➉✤➃➾➝✭➂äÜ ➂✝➅❞➃❴➜✤➞✂➜✢➺ ➀ ➄✡➂✂➄❶➉t➃★➂ìÜ ➜✭➃❴➂✻➉✤❿✲➻äÜ ➜t➃★➂ì➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✂➝✏➃❴➉✝➅❄➂✂➻ä➀♥❿➳➉ã➅❄➜✭➞➷➼✭➃✱❉❀ ➉✏❿✻❿✲➂✝➅❴➲❁➜✭➃❴Þ✲➋
➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❉➟✈➀ ❿✲➡✝➃➾➂✤➉✂➄✝➂⑥➅☎➟✂➂✭➀ ➃ ➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✲➉✭➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➁t➂❶➉✤➻❇➁t➉t❿✙➅☎➉✂➝✭➂➳➉✢❿❉➻ä❿✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➀ ➄❉➟✲➂✂➄✼➝✏➃❴➜✝➲✜➀ ❿✲➝
➞✭➃★➜❇➵✔➀ ➅☎✘
➉ ✭
❀ ➺ ➂⑥➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄❉➞✲➜✤➃✇➅
➺♥➀ ❿✭Þ✂➄❚❀❉➂❉➅❴➲❆➂✂➂✢❿✜➅☎➟✲➂✭Ü★✐
➺ ➄❁➄✝➞✲➂✂➡❉➀ ➵❃➀ ➡❁➄❇➟✲➜✭➃✇➅❄➡✝➜✭Ü➛➀ ❿✲➝✭➄❘➅❳➟✲➜✤➼✲➝✢➟✒❰
➅✖➟❉➂åÜ ➉✭➀♥❿è➜✢❿❉➂å➀ ➄Ï➅✡➟✂➂⑥➀ ❿✲➡✝➃➾➂✭➉✲➄✖➂è➜❇➵④➅❄➂✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✢➺❜➻✢➀ ➄❉➞✲➉✭➃❴➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✭➄⑧➀ ❿❶➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✏❰❘➲❁➀ ➅✡➟✭➀ ❿✼➲❘➂✭➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❴❿❶➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂Ó➀ ❿
➵✔➉✂➁✒➜✭➼✭➃❘➜✂➵❦➅☎➟✲➂⑧➺ ➉✭➃➾➝✤➂ Ü ➂✝➅☎➃✔➜✤➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➅❄➉✢❿⑧➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➄☞➜❇➵❬➅❞➟✲➂☞Õ✂➞✂➂✢❿✙➅❴➉✭➝✤➜✤❿✲❳× ❘
✐ ➀♥❿☞➅✡➟✂➂②➂✭➉✲➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿ ➄❳➅✿➉✝➅❴➂✭➄➛Ü➛➂✭★
Ü ✲
❀ ➂✭➃❴➄
➅☎➜✂➜✭➋✺✂❀ ➂✭➡✡➉✢➼❉➄✝➂✻➅✖➟❉➂ ➄☎➅❞➃❴➂✲➄✖➄✻➀ ➄ì➞✲➼✂➅è➜✢❿➷➅☎➟✂➂ ➡✝➉✭➞✤➀ ➅❄➉✭➺✜➡✂➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✂➄✭➭❖➏❜➡✖➡✙➜t➃★➻✏➀ ❿❉➝ä➅❄➜ä➅☎➟✂➂♦✴✵✪✘✤✱✟✔✷✳✎✶✸✏✗ ◆❋✓ ☛✍✓ ✎✘✕
❴❉✟✘✗☎✓✩☛✁✟✶✤✡➋❊➉⑧➄❉➼✲➃✔➁t➂❉➚✼➃❴➂✲➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✝➂✂➻✼➂❇➉✲➡❉➟②➚✲➂✭➉✤➃④➜✤❿⑦➉⑧➄☎➉✏Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂⑧➜❇➵❪à☎✿✏⑥
✿ ➃➾➂✭➄✝➞✲➜✢❿❉➄❉➀ ❀✤➺ ➂⑧➜❇➵④Ü②➼✤➺ ➅☎➀ ❿✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺✲➵❃➀ ➃❞ÜÝ➄
❽❄➢❦➼✂➄✂➟✤ÜÝ➉✢❿✆✻➸✼➉✭Þ✂➂✂➵❃➀ ➂✭➺ ➻✭➋❖☎
➪ ✿✏✿✤á✤➓❄➋➔➅✡➟✂➂❶➃❴➉✢❿✲Þ✭➀ ❿✂➝➳➜❇➵☞➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿è➡❇➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✭➄Ù➀ ❿✼➅❴➂✢➃❴Ü ➄⑧➜✭➵❘➉❇➅✔➅☎➃➾➉✭➡☎➅☎➀ ➁✏➀ ➅❴➚❶➵✇➜t➃
➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✤➃❞❿❉➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➉✤➺❘➵❃➀ ➃❴Ü➛➄⑥➲✜➀ ➺ ➺✜❿✂➜✂✢
➅ ❀❉➂ ➄☎➅❞➃➾➜✏❿✂➝✏➺ ➚✃ÜÝ➜✭➻✤➀ ➵❴➀ ➂✲❢
➻ ✂❀ ➚ ➽✤❾➴➂✢❿✲➺ ➉✭➃❴➝✲➂✏ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❴➋➛➂❇➁t➂t❿ ➀ ✒
➵ ✽✒➼✲➻✭➉✤➞✂➂✭➄☎➅❄➋
➸✼➉✭➃❴➄✡➉❇➲❆➋❦➌❘➜✂➄✝➡✡➜❇➲✈➉✏❿✂➻⑧➇✂➃✔➉✲➝➈➡✡➉✢❿Ý➂✂ë✏➞❉➂✭➡☎➅❪➄✙➜✢ÜÝ➂Ï➃★➂✢➺ ➜❇➡✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➄☞➃✔➂✤➺ ➉✝➅❄➂✂➻☞➅❞➜➛➉➛➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✲➉✤➃➾➉❉➅☎➀ ➁✤➂➛➉✲➻❇➁t➉t❿✙➅☎➉✂➝✭➂
➀♥❿❶❽☎➀ ➓➛➡✡➜✤➄❞➅②➜❇➵❆➄❳➅✿➉❇➵✇➵✇➋❖❽☎➀ ➀ ➓Ý➁✲➉✢➺ ➼✲➂⑥➵✔➜✤➃➛ÜÝ➜✏❿✂➂✝➚✈➜❇➵Ý➜❇➵✇➵✔➀ ➡✡➂❶➄❉➞❉➉✤➡☎➂ã➉✤❿✲➻ã❽☎➀ ➀ ➀ ➓☞➵✔➀ ❿✲➉✢❿✲➡✝➀ ➉✭➺④➀ ❿❉➡✝➂✭❿✂➅❞➀ ➁t➂✭➄✂❉
➭ ✽✏➼✙➅
➲❖➟✲➂✤❿❶➀ ➅☞➡✡➜✢ÜÝ➂✲➄Ï➅✿➜✼➉✭➡✡➡✝➂✂➄✝➄✖✩➀ ❀✭➀ ➺ ➀ ➅✔➚å➉✏❿✂➻ã➀ ❿✂➵✔➃✔➉✲➄❳➅☎➃❴➼✲➡☎➅❞➼✤➃❴➂✂➋❖ÜÝ➜✲➄❳➅☞➃★➂✭➄✝➞✲➜✢❿✲➄✝➀ ❀✤➺ ➂è➜✭➵④➵❃➀ ➃❴Ü➛➄②➄❳➅☎➀ ➺ ➺④➞✭➃➾➂❇➵➾➂✭➃❁➅❄➜
➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✝➅❴➂➈➀ ❿Ý➲❘➂✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃☎❿Ý➡❉➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✤➄❁➜✭➃④❿✲➂❇➲✈➂✢ÜÝ➂✭➃➾➝✏➀ ❿✲➝➈➞✲➜✭➺ ➂➛➜✂➵❊➄✡➜✢➼✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❞❿➛➞✲➂✤➃❴➀ ➞✤➟❉➂✢➃➾➚➈➺ ➀♥Þ✙▲
➂ ✽✤➉✭➃❴➡✡➂✭➺ ➜✢❿✤❿❉➉✏➭
✝ ❅✂✁ ☛✡✁✂✑✔✓✝✗❬❈✰✟✓ ✞✔✞✙✑ ✌●✞❉✑❃✆❞✕ ✾ ✘⑥✁✖✄☎✞❉✘✖✞✂❈❁✾ ✄è✠✝✾ ✕❞❂❴✞✡✑✔❍⑥✠✝✓✎☛✝✁✼✕❃❂★✑✪✁✝✕❄✕☎✁✝✚Ù❂★✠✖✁è✾ ❈✙✑✖✞✂✑ ❂❴✓✂✘✖✄☎✁è✲✞ ✍Ý✠✖✞✝✌ ✄☎✞❉✘❳❂✔✁❉❈✙✑✖✞✂✑✪✓✙✑✔❍➈❂❴✁✙✑✔✑❴✾ ❂★✞✝✑✔✾ ✁✡✕
✾ ✘❳❂✔✁✙✑✔✓✖✄❴❂✰❂❃✠✝✑✪✞✂✟✖❙✲✠☞❂❴✑✔✓✡✚✂✁✝✍❘❈✰✾ ❙✙✑✔✓❳❂★✾ ✞✂✘➈✓✂✘✖✚⑦✄☎✄✓ ✝✑ ✾ ❂➾✓✂✗ ✍➾✗ ✝✞ ✌●✕ ✛✄✒
☛ ✾ ✗ ✗ ✓✂✑♥✚➳❚❃✘✂ö✝◆✝✍ ✂
✺ ✁✂✘ ✌❊✞✡✞✝✚ ✗✻✽❴✞✂✟✝❙✂✠✝✁☎✁✝✚➳❃
❚ ✘✂✎❱ ✘✂✍✰☛❞✞❉✗ ✗ ✓✂✑✪✚➳❚❃✘✗✭
✘ ❚✡✍
✛✭✓✖✕❴❂❴✁✂✗ ✗ ✕✜❃❚ ✘✗✝✘ ö✡✠☞☛✍✌✁✎✍✏✒✑✍✏✔✓✔✌✕☛✗✖✍✘✚✙ ✌✛✘✢✜✤✣ ✏✔✌✛✓✥✏✔✦✧✎✍✘✗★ ✜★✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❪✰➼✤➀ ➅❴➂➈➃★➉✢➞✲➀ ➻✢➺ ➚✤➋✏➅✡➟✂➂②➂✂➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✢➃❄❿⑧ÜÝ➂✭▲
Ü ❀❉➂t➃❮➄☎➅❴➉❇➅❴➂✲➄Ï➺ ➜❇➜✲➄✖➂☞➅✡➟✂➂✤➀ ➃❬➡✙➜✢Ü➛➞✂➂✂➅☎➀ ➅☎➀ ➁✲➂➈➉✲➻✭➁✲➉✢❿✝➅❄➉✲➝✭➂②➻✢➼✲➂☞➅❄➜☞➅✖➟❉➂➈➃❞➀ ➄✝➂
➜✭➵✼➄✝➉✭➺ ➉✤➃❴➀ ➂✲➄➷➉✢❿✂➻➮➡✖➜✲➄❳➅❴➄ ➀ ❿ ➅❞➟✲➂✤➀ ➃❶➡✡➉✭➞✤➀ ➅❄➉✭➺ ➡❉➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✭➄✭➭➈ê❉➜✭➃è➂❉ët➉✢Ü②➞✭➺ ➂ ➅☎➟✲➂❐➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂✲➉✢❿ ➢❜➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲➄ ➌④➜✤❿✭➀ ➅☎➜✭➃
➀♥❿✂➻✏➀ ➡✝➉✝➅❄➂✂➻å➀ ❿✼☎
➪ ✿✏✿✏à➛➅✖➟❉➉❉➅Ýà✤➪✗✝ ➜❇➵❬➅❞➟✲➂⑥➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿⑦➵✔➀ ➃❴Ü ➄☞➲❘➉✭➄➈➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✭➃❄➂✂➄❳➅❴➂✲❄
➻ ✂❀ ➚✼➉Ù➃➾➂✢➺ ➜❇➡✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿r➀ ❿⑦➡❉➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲➄
➜✭➵ ❿❉➂❇➲ ÜÝ➂✤Ü★❀✲➂t➃Ý➄☎➅❄➉✝➅❴➂✤➄⑧➜❇➵➣➂✭➉✂➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿✈➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂❃❀✤➼✙➅❖➅☎➟✲➂✝➚❶➲❆➂t➃★➂❶➜✢❿✲➺ ➚❶ß●❒✗✝ ➀ ❿ã➪☎✿✏✿✤á●➭❘➐④➼✭➃❴➀♥❿✂➝❶➅❞➟✲➂
➄✝➉✢ÜÝ➂⑧➅❞➀ ÜÝ➂⑧➅❳➟❉➂⑥➞✭➃❴➜✔❇❴➂✤➡❞➅Ý➜❇➵✰➃★➂✢➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿è➀ ❿✲➡✝➃➾➂❇➉✲➄✖➂✲➻⑥➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü ➪✤➪✓✝➹➅❄➜⑥❒✲á ✝➹➵➾➜t➃➣➢❜➟✲➀♥❿✲➉✂➋➣➪✤✓
➪ ✝ ➅❄➜⑥☎
❒ ✿✞✝
➵✔➜✤➃✣❃❆ ❿✲➻✏➀ ➉⑧➉✏❿✂➻⑥➪✤✗➊ r
✝ ➅❴➜⑥✓➪ ☎✞➹
✝ ➵✇➜✢➃❮➂✭➉✲➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿⑧➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂⑧➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✂➄➛➜✭➼✂➅❄➄❉➀ ➻✤➂Ù➽✤❾●❽❄➢❊➼✂➄❇➟✲Ü➛➉✤❿ Ó➸⑦➉✭Þ✲➂❇➵✔➀ ➂t➺ ➻✤➋
✽●➼✝➅è➅☎➟✲➂✃➻✭➂✂➝✏➃❴➉✂➻✤➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➴➜❇➵②➅☎➟✲➂✃➄✖➜✲➡❉➀ ➉✢➺ ➋✼➂✭➡✡➜✢❿✲➜✭Ü②➀ ➡➷➉✤❿✂➻➴➂✢❿✝➁✒➀ ➃➾➜✢❿✲Ü➛➂✤❿✂➅❴➉✭➺Ý➄❇➀ ➅☎➼✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿➴➀ ➄➷➂✭➄✝➞✲➂❇➡✝➀ ➉✤➺ ➺ ➚
➻✤➉✢Ü ➉✂➝✏➀ ❿✲➝❶➀ ❿➈➅✡➟✂➂⑥❿✂➂✤➀ ➝✤✏
➟ ❀✲➜t➼✲➃☎➀ ❿✲➝Ù➡✙➜t➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✂➭❊➂✭➉✲➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿✼❿✲➂✭➀ ➝✏☎
➟ ❀✲➜✢➼✭➃★➄➈Ü➛➀ ➝✏➟✙❚
➅ ❀✂➂✤❿✲➂❇➵✔➀ ➅✜➵✔➜✭➃❴Ü ➅❞➟✲➂⑥➃❴➀ ➄✂➀ ❿✲➝
➡✝➜✭➄☎➅❄➄ã➀ ❿➳➅☎➟✲➂ ➢●➽✤➽✲➢✏➋✒❀✤➼✝➅⑦➅❞➟✲❢
➂ ✤
❀ ➼✭➺ Þ➷➜✂➵⑧➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿♦✤
❀ ➼✲➄❉➀ ❿✲➂✭➄✡➄❶➉❋✲❀ ➃❴➜✭➉✲➻ä➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻✃➃❴➉✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃➛➅❄➉t➃★➝✤➂✝➅⑧➅❞➟✲➂
➃❴➂✤Ü➛➜✝➅❄➂Ï➺ ➉t➃★➝✭➂➈❽✇➏④ÜÝ➂✭➃❃➀ ➡✖➉✤➓❬➉✏❿✂➻ ✙➜t➃❬➃❄➉✭➞✭➀ ➻✤➺ ➚②➝✤➃✔➜✂➲❁➀♥❿✂➝⑧❽❞➽✲➉✂➄☎➅❜➏❦➄❉➀ ➉t➓❘ÜÝ➉✭➃❞Þ❉➂❉➅❄➄✂➭
Ô❊➟✲➂❶➻✤➂✭➄☎➅❄➉▼❀✲➀♥➺ ➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿➳➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❢❉❀ ➂ã➻✤➃❴➉✭Ü➛➉✂➅❞➀ ➡ã➀ ❿❶➅☎➟✂➂ä➌❮➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❄➉✢❿❉➂❇➉✤❿➷❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✏➟✘✲
❀ ➜✭➼✭➃❄➀ ❿✲➝➳➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✂➄✭➭❪Ô❊➟✂➂
➅☎➜✭➼✲➝✢➟⑦➪☎✿●➊✶✿ ➺ ➀ ❀❉➂✢➃★➉t➺ ➀ ➄✡➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵✏➅☎➃➾➉✭➻✲➂Ï➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻⑧➟✲➉❇➁✲➂②➉☞➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➀✩❀✭➺ ➂➈➀ Ü➛➞✂➉✲➡❳➅❘➜✤❿✜➅✖➟❉➂✢➀ ➃❊➅☎➃✔➉✲➻✤➂✤➭tÔ⑨➟✲➂➛➄❇➀ ➅☎➼✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
➀♥❿②➉✂➝✏➃❴➀ ➡❇➼✲➺ ➅☎➼✲➃❴➂➈➲❘➜✤➼✭➺ ➻✺✲
❀ ➂ ➞✲➉✭➃✇➅☎➀ ➡✂➼✭➺ ➉✤➃❴➺ ➚⑦➲❁➜✭➃❴➃❞➀ ➄✝➜✭ÜÝ➂⑨❰❘➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✭➺ ➚⑧➞✤➃❴➜✝➅❄➂✭➡☎➅❴➂✂➻⑥➞✭➃❴➜✲➻✏➼✂➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿⑦➄❉➼✲➡✝➟②➉✭➄Ý➡✖➂✤➃➾➂✭➉✭➺ ➄
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻è➻✏➀ ➄✙➉t➞✲➞✲➂✭➉✭➃✜➀♥❿❶➺ ➂❇➄✙➄Ï➅❞➟✲➉✤❿è➉⑥➻✲➂✭➡✡➉❇➻✤➂✲➋➣➺ ➂✭➉✝➁✤➀♥❿✂➝ãÜ➛➀ ➺ ➺♥➀ ➜✢❿✲➄⑧➜✂➵✰➵➾➉✭➃❃Ü ➂✭➃❴➄➛➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✂➜✤➼✂➅☞➃➾➂❇➁t➂t❿✤➼✲➂✲➄➈❽❴➅☎➟✂➂
➅✖➟✲➃✔➂✲➂❃❈✏➼❉➉✢➃✇➅❄➂✭➃❴➄⑥➜✂➵➈➌❮➜✢➃★➜❇➡✙➡✖➉✤❿❶➵✔➉✤➃❞ÜÝ➂✭➃➾➄❶➝✢➃★➜❇➲ ➡✖➂✤➃➾➂✭➉✭➺ ➄☎➋☞➲❁➀ ➅❞➟➷➀ ❿✂➡✝➃❴➂✂➻✏➀ ❀✲➺ ➚ ➺ ➜✝➲ ➞✲➃❴➜✂➻✏➼✲➡❞➅✖➀ ➁✤➀ ➅✔➚✒➓✡➭❪Ô❊➟✂➂
➞✤➃❴➂✂➄✝➄✝➼✭➃★➂➈➵✇➜✭➃✰➃❄➼✭➃➾➉✏➺✲➂✢Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃➾➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿★❅✼➞✭➃❴➜✏❀✲➉✘✤
❀ ➺ ➚✼➃➾➂✢➀ ❿✂➵✔➜✭➃➾➡✝➂✂✢
➻ ❀✝➚⑦➡❇➺ ➀ Ü➛➉✂➅❴➂②➡❇➟✲➉✭❿✲➝✭➂②➠✰➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻⑧➝✤➂✝➅❘➉②➡❉➃❴➀ ➅☎➀ ➡✡➉✢➺
➺ ➂✝➁✭➂✤➺ ➋④➉✤❿✂➻⑥➃❄➉✭➀ ➄✡➂➈➅☎➟✲➂Ù➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✲➝✤➉✭➺✒➻✭➲❘➂✢➺ ➺ ➀ ❿✲➝✤➄➈➀ ❿➈➅✡➟✂➂Ù➺ ➉✢➃➾➝✭➂è➡✖➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✂✬
➄ ❞✒➄❇☎
➼ ❀✤➼✭✦➃ ✲
❀ ➄✖➋✰➀ ❿✲➡❉➃★➂✭➉✂➄✝➀ ❿✂➝❶➼✤❿✲➂✭Ü➈➞✲➺ ➜✝➚●ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅
➉✏❿✲➻ã➻✲➂✤➄✖➞✲➉✢➀ ➃☎➭④Ô●➟✲➂✻➞✤➼✂➄✝➟➳➵✔➉✂➡☎➅❞➜✤➃✜➵✔➜✤➃➈Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃★➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿è➅❞➜➷➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂❶➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻❢✂❀ ➂➳➂✢❿✤➟❉➉✢❿✲➡✡➂❇➻✤➋★✤
❀ ➼✝➅➛➲✜➀ ➅❞➟✻➺ ➜✂➲
➞✲➜✤➄☎➄❉➀ ❀✤➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➚➈➵➾➜✭➃✰➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂☞➅❴➜⑧➟✲➜✭➄☎➅④➉✭➺♥➺✂➅❞➟✲➜✭➄✡➂⑧➼✭❿✲➄✝Þ❇➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻②➲❘➜t➃❄Þ✙➂t➃★➄✭➭✭Ô⑨➜➛➄✖➜✤ÜÝ➂➛➂❇ë✂➅❄➂✢❿✲➻✲➄✝➋✏➅☎➟✤➀ ➄❖➃☎➼✭➃★➉t➺ ➠✖➼✭✦➃ ✲
❀ ➉✭❿
➄✝➡✡➂✢❿✲➉✭➃❞➀ ➜ ➡✡➜✢➼✲➺ ➻➹➜✂➡✝➡✝➼✤➃➷➅❄➜❇➜➹➀ ❿ ➢●➉✭➼✲➡✝➉✂➄❇➼✂➄ ➡✝➜✤➼✭❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄➘➜✢➃➴➌❘➜✭➺ ➻✤➉❇➁✤➀ ➉✲➋ä➲❁➟✲➂✭➃➾➂ ➅✖➟❉➂ ❿✲➂✂➡✝➂✂➄✝➄✡➉✭➃✪➚
➉✤➝✢➃❴➀ ➡✝➼✤➺ ➅☎➼✭➃❴➉✤➺✼➉✂✻➻ ❇☎➼✲➄❳➅❞ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅ ➀ ➄ ➟✤➼✂➝✤➂✤➭ãÛ❊➜↔➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺⑥➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡✡➚ ➲❆➜t➼✤➺ ➻↔➂✝➁✭➂✤➃➷➡✡➜✏Ü➛➞✂➂✤❿✲➄✖➉✝➅❄➂ ➄✝➼✲➡❉➟ ➉
➉ ❀✲➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿✒➭
➌❘➉✢❿✙➚ ➜❉➅☎➟✲➂✭➃②➄✡➂✭➡☎➅❄➜t➃★➄⑥➲❘➜✢➼✤➺ ➻❢✲
❀ ➂ã➻✲➂✤➄❞➅❄❋
➉ ✭
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✡➂✭➻✏➭❖☎❆ ❿❶➅☎➟✲➂ì➺ ➜✭➝✤➀ ➄☎➅❞➀ ➡⑥➄✡➂✭➡☎➅❴➜✭➃②➵✔➜✭➃⑦➂✝ë✤➉✭Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✲➋Ï➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✢❿
➵❃➀ ➃❞ÜÝ➄❁➲❆➜t➼✤➺ ➻➛➝✤➉✢➀ ❿➈Ü ➉❛❞❇ ➜✭➃④➞✲➜✭➄✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✭❿②➜✢❿Ý➅☎➟✂➂②➄☎➜✏➼✝➅☎➟✂➂✤➃❞❿ ➄❉➟✲➜✤➃➾➂✏➭●❾❊❿✝➅☎➀ ➺✏❿✲➜✝➲❆➋✏➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❄➂➈➟✲➉✂✯
➄ ❀❉➂✭➂✤❿➛➉②➄❞➅☎➃❃➀ Þ✂➀ ❿✂➝
➡✝➜✢❿✙➅☎➃✔➉✲➄❳➅ ❀✲➂✝➅❃➲❘➂✲➂✢❿Ý➅❞➟✲➂❖➅❄➲❘➜➛➄❇➟✂➜✤➃❴➂✂➄✭❰❬➉➈ÜÝ➜✭➻✲➂t➃❄❿➛➉✤❿✲➻ ➟✲➀ ➝✢➟✤➺ ➚⑧➀ ❿✙➅❄➂❇➝✤➃❄➉✝➅❴➂✭➻②➄❳➚t➄❞➅☎➂✭Ü➘❽❄Û❊➜✭➃✔➅❞➟✲➓❘➡✡➜✢❿✝➅☎➃➾➉✭➄☎➅❄➄
➲❖➀ ➅❞➟⑦➉⑧➄✡➡✝➉✝➅✔➅❄➂t➃★➂✂➻⑧➉✏❿✲➻Ù➟✭➀ ➝✏➟✤➺ ➚✼➡✖➜✤➃❴➃❃➼✤➞✙➅❄➂❇➻✼➜✤❿✲➂ ❽❄➒✒➜✢➼✙➅❳➟✲➓❄➋❦➲✜➟✤➀ ➡❇➟⑧➞✭➃★➜❇➁✤➀ ➻✲➂ÙÜÝ➉✢❿✙➚⑥➃➾➂❇➁t➂✢❿✭➼✲➂✲➄❖➅❴➜✼Ü➛➉✤❿✝➚
➉✤➡❞➅☎➜✭➃➾➄✝➋❥❀✲➼✝➅➛➟✲➉✢Ü②➞✂➂✭➃❴➄➛➅☎➟✲➂⑧➅❞➃❄➉✭❿✲➄❉➞✲➜✭➃✇➅➈➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✲➝✢➃➾➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿è➜✭➃✰➅✡➟✂➂⑥➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂✭➻❶➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✂➋❁➉✤❿✲➻⑥➂❇ë✒➞✭➺ ➉t➀ ❿✼➲❖➟✙➚✻➀ ➅
➻✤➜✭➂✲➄ ❿❉➜❇➅❬➅❴➉✏Þ✙➂➛➉✭➻❇➁t➉✢❿✙➅❴➉✤➝✭➂②➜❇➵❊➞✤➃❴➜✝ë✏➀ Ü➛➀ ➅✔➚⑧❽❄➄✝➜✭ÜÝ➂➈➄✂➟✭➀ ➞②➡✡➜tÜ②➀ ❿✲➝➈➵✔➃❴➜✤Ü ➏❜➄❇➀ ➉➛➻✤➂t➺ ➀ ➁✤➂✭➃❬➝✤➜✤➜✂➻✤➄❖➀ ❿②➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂
➉✏➺ Ü➛➜✲➄❳➅➷➉✲➄➱➃★➉✢➞✤➀ ➻✢➺ ➚↔➉✲➄➘➄❉➟✲➀ ➞ ➵❴➃❴➜✭Ü
➒●➜✢➼✙➅❞➟↔➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✭❿↔➞✲➜✭➃✔➅❴➄ ✇➓✡❄
➭ ☎❆ ❿ ➉ ÜÝ➜✲➄❳➅ ➺ ➀ ❀❉➂t➃★➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✡➂✭➻
➵❃➃★➉✢Ü ➂✝➲❁➜✭➃❴Þ✲➋❖➅☎➟✭➀ ➄ã➺ ➜✲➝✢➀ ➄❳➅☎➀ ➡✝➉✭➺❁➀ ❿✙➅❴➂✤➝✢➃➾➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✈➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻ ➟❉➉✢➞✤➞❉➂✢❿♦✤
❀ ➼✂✒
➅ ❀✲➂✢❿✲➂✂➵✔➀ ➅ ➂❉ët➡❉➺ ➼✲➄✖➀ ➁✲➂t➺ ➚✻➅❄➜ã➅☎➟✲➂ä➺ ➉✢➃★➝✭➂
❿✲➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❞❿⑦➡✝➜✭Ü➈➞❉➉✏❿✭➀ ➂❇➄✙➋④➉✢❿✂➻❶➞✭➃★➜❉➁t➜✢Þ✙➂⑥➺ ➉✭➃➾➝✤➂★❇❞✘
➜ ✼
❀ ➺ ➜✭➄✡➄☎➂✤➄➈➀ ❿➛➅✡➟✲➂⑧➄✡➜✢➼✝➅✡➟✂➂✭➃❞❿ ➄❉➟❉➜✢➃★➂✢➭✏Ô❊➟❉➂✼➉✭➡☎➅❞➼✲➉✢➺✒➡✝➃❞➀ ➄❉➀ ➄
➜✭➵☞➅❴➂✂ë✂➅❞➀ ➺ ➂ä➀ ❿è➅✖➟❉➂ä❿✲➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❞❿ì➉✭❿✲➻✻➡✖➂✤❿✂➅❞➃➾➉✏➺④➃❄➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➄ Ô❊➼✤❿✲➀ ➄✝➀ ➉ä➀ ➄❶➉✻➝✤➜✲➜❇➻➷➂✝ë✤➉✤Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✻➜✭➵☞➲❁➟✲➉✝➅⑦➡✝➜✭➼✤➺ ➻
➟✲➉✏➞✭➞❉➂✢❿➛➀ ❿✜➅✡➟✂➂☞➵❴➼✝➅☎➼✭➃★➂✏➭
Ô❊➟✲➂ ➜❉➁t➂✭➃❴➉✭➺ ➺✻➃★➂✭➄✝➼✤➺ ➅➘➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ ❀✲➂ ➅☎➟✲➂ ➀ ❿✲➡❉➃★➂✂➉✭➄✡➂ ➜✂➵ ➅❞➟✲➂ ➻✤➀ ➁✒➀ ➻✲➂ ❀✲➂❇➅✔➲❆➂✂➂✏❿ ➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂➹➉✤❿✲➻ ➀ ➅❄➄
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➟✲➜✲➜❇➻✲➄✭➭✢Ô⑨➟✲➂Ï➅❄➂✭➃❴➃☎➀ ➅❴➜✢➃❄➀ ➉✤➺✤➡✙➜✢❿✂➄✙✬
➂ ❈✏➼❉➂✏❿✂➡✡➂✭➄☞➵➾➜✭➃❪➅☎➟✂➂✼➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✲➉✢❿✼➞✂➂✭➃❴➀♥➞✭➟✲➂✭➃➾➉✢➺✲➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✜➲❁➜✤➼✭➺ ➻
➅✖➟✲➼✲➄✢❀✲➂ã❿✲➂✭➝✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➁✤➂❶➜✤❿⑥➅✡➟✂➂ã➺ ➜✢❿✂➝❶➅❄➂✭➃❞Ü⑧❰❘➅☎➟✲➂❶➝✏➃➾➜❇➲❁➀ ❿❉➝✻➻✭➂✲➄❞➅☎✘
➉ ✭
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✖➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿❶➜✂➵❁➅☎➟✂➂✻❿✂➂✢➀ ➝✏➟✘✲❀ ➜✭➼✭➃★➄Ù➲❘➜✤➼✭➺ ➻
➂ ❀✲➜t➃★➻✤➂✭➃✔➋❊➉✤❿✂➻②➝✭➂✝➅❪➅❞➟✲➂☞➵❴➼✝➅☎➼✲➃❴➂☞➡✂➺ ➜✲➄✖➂✤➃●➅❄➜❖➅✡➟✂➂☞➵❴➀ ➃✔➄☎➅❦Õ❳➡✝➜✢❿✙➅☎➀ ❿✂➂✤❿✂➅❴×④➄✝➡✡➂✢❿❉➉t➃❄➀ ➜✒➭
Ô❊➟✲➂✻➜✢❿✲➺ ➚ ❿✲➂✤➀ ➝✏➟✘✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃❞➀ ❿✂➝✻➲❁➀♥❿✤❿✂➂✭➃⑦➡✖➜✤➼✤➺ ➻ì➲❘➂✤➺ ➺ ❀✲➂ ➍●➼✂➄✡➄❉➀ ➉✂➋➛➄❇➀ ❿✲➡✖➂❶➅✖➟❉➂✻➜✢➀ ➺❘➉✢❿✲➻✻➝✤➉✲➄ã➞✭➃➾➜✭➡✂➼✭➃➾➂✢Ü ➂✢❿✙➅
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻➷❋
➜ ❉❀ ➂❇➚ ➉ ➞✤➼✭➃➾➂✭➺ ➚ ➡✝➜✭Ü②ÜÝ➂t➃★➡❉➀ ➉✭➺❖➺ ➀ ❿❉➂✏➭☞➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂ì➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻➷➵✔➉✭➀ ➺✜➉✝➅⑥➟✲✘
➜ ❀✏✭
❀ ➺ ➀ ❿❉➝ì➅✡➟✂➂ ➍●➼❉➄✝➄✖➀ ➉✂➠★➏④➺ ➝✭➂✤➃❞➀ ➉
➡✝➉✭➃✔➅❴➂✤➺✤➀ ❿Ý➝✤➉✂➄✝✳
➋ ❀✲➂✭➡✡➉✏➼✂➄✡➂➈➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂☞➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻➈➜✂➵✪➵➾➂✭➃④❿✲➜❖➁✤➉✤➺ ➼❉❋
➉ ✭
❀ ➺ ➂☞➉✤➺ ➅❄➂✭➃❞❿❉➉❇➅❞➀ ➁✤➂➛➄☎➅❞➃➾➉❇➅❴➂✲➝✭➚☞➅❴➜❖➏❬➺ ➝✲➂✢➃❴➀ ➉✒➭
Ø❪❸✤Ñ❦❵✒❣②♦✂❫✝❭❞❧✤❫☎❣✒❤❦✐ ❻✜Ò❪✐ ♦✒✐ ❩❊❥②❩✏①❘③✏❡❬❭❴❩❦⑤t❣⑧❧✤♦➛❫✖❵✤❣⑦♣Ù❧❊✐♥❥✼⑤✤❧❊❭❴❫✰❩✒①❪❧⑦→✰♠ ❩❬Ú✤❧●♠✏❢❊❣✒❤❪✐ ❩●❥
➏❬➄❁➲❘➂➛➄✖➉✤➀ ➻✲➋✏➅☎➟✂➂❖➅✡➟✭➃★➂❇➂✜➁●➀ ➂❇➲❘➄✜➜❇➵❊➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂Ï➀ ❿✜➅✖➟❉➂☞➲❁➜✭➃❴➺ ➻➛➂✢❿✙➅❴➉✏➀ ➺✲➉Ï➞✲➉✭➃✔➅❮➜❇➵❊➃❴➂✂➉✢➺ ➀ ➅❴➚✒➭✭Ô❊➟✭➀ ➄✜➄✖➂✲➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✜➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄➔➅✿➜➈ÜÝ➉✭Þ✂➂
➉ã➞✲➜✂➄❇➀ ➅❞➀ ➁✲➂⑥➄☎➚✏❿✙➅✖➟❉➂❇➄✂➀ ➄⑦➉✢❿✂➻ã➞✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➜❇➄✙➂❇➄⑦➉Ù➻✤➂✲➄❉➀ ➃➾❋
➉ ✭
❀ ➺ ➂⑥➉✤❿✂➻⑥➵✇➂✭➉✲➄❉➀ ❀✭➺ ➂ ➁✒➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿è➜❇➵✜➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂⑧➅☎➟✲➉✝➅❖➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ã➀ Ü②➞✭➺ ➚⑥➅☎➟✂➂
➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃❃➀ ➉✢➺✲➉✲➄✖➄✡➂✝➅❞➄✜➜✂➵●➅❞➟✲➂❖➅✡➟✭➃➾➂✂➂Ï➵➾➜✭➃❞Ü ➂✭➃●➁✏➀ ➂❇➲❘➄✰➲✜➀ ➅☎➟✲➜✢➼✝➅❬➅❞➟✂➂✤➀ ➃④ÜÝ➉✭➀ ❿ ➄❇➟✲➜✭➃✇➅❄➡✝➜✭Ü➈➀ ❿✲➝✭➄✲➭❇Ô❊➟✭➀ ➄❁➜✏➞✝➅❞➀ Ü➛➀ ➄☎➅❞➀ ➡❘➁✏➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✏❿✲❅
➜✏❿✲➂❶➄❉➟✲➜✤➼✤➺ ➻ì➃➾➉✝➅✖➟❉➂t➃ ➄✡➉❉➚❶➁t➜✢➺ ➜✢❿✝➅❄➉✭➃❞➀ ➄❞➅☎➀ ➡⑧➁✤➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✭❿❶➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟➳➀ Ü➛➞✤➺ ➀ ➂✲➄⑧➻✤➂✝➅❴➂✢➃❄Ü➛➀ ❿✂➂✲➻ì➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✲➄⑥❿✲➉tÜ ➂✭➺ ➚✻➀ ❿⑥➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✭➺
➵❃➀ ➂✢➺ ➻✤➄❖❅ ➀ ➄❚❀✂➉✭➄✡➂✭➻②➜✢❿Ý➅☎➟✲➂➈➀ ➻✲➂❇➉☞➅✡➟✂➉✝➅❁➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂➈➉✭❿✲➻⑧➀ ➅❄➄☞❿✂➂✤➀ ➝✤➟✏❀✲➜✢➼✭➃★➄❖➃➾➂✏➞✭➃➾➂✭➄✡➂✢❿✙❵
➅ ✟✘✗☎Ù
✎ ÜÝ➉✔❇❞➜✭➃❬➲❘➜t➃❄➺ ➻⑧➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✒➭❇Ô❊➟✲➀ ➄
Ü➛➂✲➉✢❿✲➄✜➅❞➟✲➉❇➅✜➀ ➅❁➡✡➜✏❿✂➄✝➀ ➻✲➂t➃★➄☞➅❞➟✲➂ÙÛ⑨➂✭➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❉❀ ➜✢➼✭➃❄➟✲➜✭➜✲➻Ù➇✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❳➚è➉✲➄❖➅☎➟✲➂ Þ❉➂❇➚✼➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚✤➋❬➂✢➀ ➅☎➟✲➂✭➃④➅❄➜⑧➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✝➅❄➂Ï➅☎➟✲➂⑧➎✂➀ ➄✶✂❀ ➜✢❿
➄❳➅☎➃★➉❉➅❄➂✂➝❇➚②➉✤❿✲➻☞➅❄➜➛➂t❿✤➟❉➉✏❿✲➡☎➂➛➉✢➺ ➺✝➅✡➟✂➂✜➅❞➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❴➜✭➃☎➀ ➉✢➺✭➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂❇➉✤❿➛➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✤➄❇➭
✣ ó④ó✥✤✄✦★✧✪✝✩ ò ñ✫✤✟✬✮✭✒ñ✔✂ï ✝✁ ✰❜õ❉✘✗❯ ✁✝P✂✾
✕❴❂✔✁ ✑✝✓✖✕④✁✙✘❁✓✂✘❳❙✲✗ ✓❉✾ ☎
✕ ✄
➒❦➼✲➡❇➟å➉⑥➁✤➀ ➄✂➀ ➜✭❿ã➀ ➄✖➋☞➀ ❿✂➻✤➂✂➂✭➻✤➋❁➂✤Ü★❀✲➂✭➻✲➻✭➂✭➻✻➀ ❿⑥➅✡➟✂➂⑥➅❞➟✲➃❴➂✲➂❶➻✤➜tÜ②➀ ❿✲➉✏❿✝➅✜➁✏➀ ➂❇➲❘➄✼➜❇➵Ý➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂ã➀ ❿⑥➅❞➟✲➂⑥➲❆➜✭➃❞➺ ➻✤❚
➋ ❀✤➼✝➅➛➀ ❿
➄✝➜✢ÜÝ➂➛➄✙➜t➃➾➅❬➜❇➵❊➉➈➞❉➜✢➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡✖➉✤➺ ➺ ➚⑧➼✭➞✲➝✤➃❴➉✂➻✏➀ ❿✲➝➈➞✲➜✤➄✖➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✢❿●❰
➵❃➃★➜✢Ü ➅✖➟❉➂✃➡✝➂✭❿✝➅☎➃❴➂✂➠❳➞❉➂✢➃❄➀ ➞✤➟❉➂✢➃✇➚✃➁✤➀ ➂❇➲❘➋Ù➀ ➅ã➃➾✮➂ ❇❴➂✲➡❳➅❄➄ã➅✡➟✂➂❐➞✲➉✝➅❴➂✭➃❞❿✲➉✤➺ ➀ ➄☎➅❶➄✝➀ ➻✤➂✃➉✤❿✲➻✃➻✏➀ ➄✡➄❳➚✒Ü➛ÜÝ➂❇➅❞➃➾➚➴➉✭➄✻➉
➚ ✐✣❀✭➼✝➅❘➀ ➅❬➅❴➉✏Þ✙➂❇➄❁➅☎➟✂➂➈➃★➂✭➡✡➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✢✙
❿ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤❿➈Û❜➜t➃➾➅❃➟Ï➉✢❿✂➻⑦➒●➜✭➼✝➅☎➟✲➋●➲❁➀ ➅✡➟Ý➉➈➄☎➅☎➃➾➜✢❿✂➝⑧➞✭➃★➂✭➵✇➂✭➃❴➂✭❿✲➡✖➂
➵✔➜✤➃❊➅☎➟✂➂Ï➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺✙➅❞➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➂✭➄❁➉✤❿✂➻②➉➈➀ ❿ ➻✭➂✤➞✂➅❞➟➛➃❴➂✲➝✏➼✭➺ ➉❉➅❄➂✂➻➈Û⑨➜✏➃✇➅❞➟✲➠☎➒✏➜✤➼✝➅☎➟➛➃➾➂✏➺ ➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➄✂➟✭➀ ➞☎✐
➵❃➃★➜✢Ü➴➅☎➟✲➂➈➉✤➃❴➡✝➟✤➀ ➞✂➂✢➺ ➉✭➝✲➜➈➁✏➀ ➂❇➲❘➋④➀ ➅✜➃➾➂✮❇❴➂✭➡☎➅❄➄❖➅❞➟✲➂✼➞✤➼✭➃➾➂✢➺ ➚⑥➺ ➀ ❀❉➂✢➃➾➉✢➺✢➉✭➄✝➞✂➂✭➡☎➅❆➉✢❿✂➻⑧➅❞➟❉➂✼➡❉➃➾➂✂➻✤➜➈➅☎➟✲➉✝➅④➅❞➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❴➜✭➃☎➀ ➉t➺
❁✂➜✢❿✲➂✲➄❁➲❁➜✤➼✭➺ ➻✼❿✲➜❉➅❁ÜÝ➉✂➅✔➅❄➂✭➃④➉✤❿✝➚✼➺ ➜✢❿❉➝✤➂✢➃✦✐❉❀✲➼✝➅❁➀ ➅④➅❄➉tÞ❉➂✭➄❁➅☎➟✲➂➛➜✢➞❉➂✢❿✤❿✂➂✲➄✖➄Ý➜✭➵ ❀✲➜✭➃❴➻✤➂✭➃➾➄❖➅❞➟✲➉✂➅④➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻Ù➃➾➉✝➅✖➟❉➂t➃
❀✲➂Ó➟✲➀ ❿✂➝✤➂✲➄☞➅☎➟✲➉✢❿❄❉❀ ➉✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➂✭➃✔➄✙➋✰➉✤❿✂➻⑥➄☎➅☎➃➾➂✭➄✡➄✝➂✂➄⑧➜✭❿⑥Ü ➜▼❀✤➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➚å➜❇➵❁➞✂➂✲➜✢➞✤➺ ✺
➂ ❶
❅ ➉✢❿✲➻❶❿✲➜❉➅Ý➜✤❿✭➺ ➚❶➡✡➉✢➞✲➀ ➅✿➉✭➺ ➋④➝✤➜✭➜✲➻✤➄
➉✏❿✲➻✼➄✖➂✭➃✇➁●➀ ➡✝➂✂❙➄ ✐♥❆✪➅✜➉✭➺ ➄☎➜⑥Þ✂➂✂➂✢➞✲➄☞➅❞➟❉➂Ó➀ ➻✭➂✲➉➈➅☎➟✲➉❇➅✜❿✲➜✭➻✲➂✭➄➛➉✭➃❴➂⑧➡✂➃❃➼✲➡✝➀ ➉✤➺✒➵✔➜✭➃④➅☎➟✂➂✼➡✡➜✏❿✤❿✂➂✝ë✏➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵❊➅☎➂✭➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➂✤➄
❀✤➼✂➅✰❿✲➜✝➅❬➜✏❿✭➺ ➚②➉✝➅❪➅☎➟✂➂Ý➝✏➺ ➜✘✂❀ ➉✢➺❉➄✝➡✡➉✢➺ ➂➛➜✭➵✤➅✖➟❉➂❖➸✼➜✭➃❞➺ ➻●➭
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➵❃➃★➜✢Ü➴➅☎➟✲➂➈➡✡➜✢❿✙➅☎➀ ❿✂➂✤❿✂➅④➁✏➀ ➂❇➲❘➋④➀ ➅❁➃★➂✮❇❴➂✭➡☎➅❄➄❁➅❳➟❉➂Ù➞✤➼✭➃★➂✭➺ ➚✼➞✭➃❴➜✂➅❴➂✭➡☎➅☎➀ ➁✤➂⑧➉✂➄✝➞✲➂❇➡☎➅❄➋❦➅☎➟✂➂⑦➝✭➂✭➜✲➝✢➃★➉t➞✤➟✲➀ ➡☎➉✏➺✤➉✤➞✭➞✲➃❴➜✭➉✲➡❉➟
➜✭➵❁Õ✂❿✂➉✝➅✖➼✲➃✔➉✤➺④➵✇➉✭➡☎➅❄➄☎×✼➜t➃ÝÕ✡➵✇➜t➃Ï➂❉➁t➂✭➃②➻✭➂✲➄❉➀ ➝✏❿✂➂✲➻✻➡✝➀ ➁✤➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿Ó➉✢➃➾➂✭➉✲➄✖×❛✐✒❀✤➼✝➅⑧➀ ➅➛➅❄➉✢Þ✙➂✂➄Ù➅☎➟✂➂➷❿✂➂✭➡✡➂✭➄✡➄❇➀ ➅❴➚➳➜✭➵
➡✝➜✢➟❉➂✤➄✖➀ ➜✢✙
❿ ❅②➅❳➟✲➀ ➄❁➅☎➀ ÜÝ➂②➂✏❿✭➺ ➉t➃★➝✭➂✲➻➈➅❴➜⑧➉⑧❿✲➂❇➲➷➲❁➀ ➻✲➂⑧➻✭➂✂➵❃➀ ❿✤➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✭❿⑦➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✲➂➈➃❄➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➋❪➉✤❿✂➻⑥➀ ➅④➅❴➉✢Þ❉➂❇➄✜➅☎➟✂➂Ù❿✲➂✂➂✂➻
➵✔➜✤➃ ➄☎➂✤➡✖➼✤➃❴➂✂➻ ➍●➼✲➄✡➄❉➀ ➉✢❿ ➉✤❿✂➻↔➉✭➃❴➉✏❀✂➜✭➠☎➀ ➄✝➺ ➉✤Ü➛➀ ➡➴➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➂✭➄ ❅ ➲✜➟✤➀ ➡❇➟ ➀ Ü➛➞✭➺ ➀ ➂✲➄❐➉ ➄❳➅❞➃★➜✏❿✂➝ ➲❁➀ ❿✂➠❞➲❁➀ ❿
➡✝➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✤❯
❿ ❀✂➂✂➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✭❿✃➅☎➟✲➂✃➡✖➜✤➃❴➂➴➉✢❿❉➻➬➀ ➅❴➄ ➀ Ü②ÜÝ➂✭➻✢➀ ➉✝➅❴➂➱❿✲➂✤➀ ➝✤✏
➟ ❀✲➜t➼✲➃❄➄ä❽☎➌❮➂✭➻✢➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃★➉t❿✲➂✲➉✢❿ ➡✝➜✭➼✤❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✂➄✝➋
❾❪Þ✂➃➾➉✢➀ ❿✭➀ ➉✲➋❊➢✏➉✤➼✲➡✖➉✲➄❉➀ ➉t❿ ➡✝➜✤➼✭❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✖➓④➉✤❿✲➻➈ÜÝ➜✢➃★➂☞➻✏➀ ➄❳➅❄➉✤❿✝➅④➜✤❿✲➂✂➄❖❽❄➒❜➼☎❀✲➄✖➉✤➟✲➉✭➃❞➀ ➉✏❿Ý➢●➜✢➼✲❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✂➄✝➋●➢●➂✭❿✝➅☎➃★➉t➺✝➏❜➄❇➀ ➉✭➓
❒✒➭✔➊✤➭❇Ô❊➟❉➂➈❿✲➂❇➂✲➻☞➵✔➜✤➃④❿✲➂✝➲➷➝✭➂✲➜❇➝✤➃❄➉✭➞✤➟✭➀ ➡✡➉✢➺❉➡✝➉✝➅❄➂❇➝✤➜✤➃❴➀ ➂✂➄
➜ ✙❀ ➁✏➀ ➜✢➼✂➄✜➅❞➟✲➉✝➅④➲❘➂⑧➉✭➺ ➺✒❿✲➂✭➂✂➻⑧➉⑧❿✲➂❇➲➷➻✤➂✂➵✔➀♥❿✭➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➜❇➵●➅✡➟✂➂➛➲❘➜✢➃❴➺ ➻⑦➄❇➼✘❉❀ ➠❳➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✂➄✲➭✢➸⑦➂
➟✲➉✤➻ã➡✡➜✢❿✙➅☎➀ ❿✂➂✤❿✂➅❴➄❄❅♦✭
❀ ➼✝➅⑧➀ ➅➈➀ ➄å➀ ➺ ➺ ➼✲➄✡➜t➃➾➚❶➅☎➜✻➞✭➃➾➂✝➅❄➂✢❿✂➻➳➅❞➟✲➉❇➅Ý➅❞➟✲➂❇➚➳➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻❩❀✲➂✻❿✲➉✝➅❞➼✤➃❴➉✭➺❬➵✔➉✲➡❳➅❴➄è➂✝➁✭➂✤❿✻➀ ➵✜➅❞➟❉➂✭➚➳➉✢➃➾➂
➃❴➂✤➞✭➃➾➂✤➄☎➂✏❿✝➅❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄➛➜✭➵❘➡✖➜✤Ü➛Ü➛➜✤❿✼➄✡➂✏❿✂➄✡➂✼➄❇➟✲➉✭➃✔➂✲➻ ❀✙➚⑥➉❶ÜÝ➉✻❇❴➜✭➃❃➀ ➅✔➚è➜✭➵❘➄✖➡✝➀ ➂✤❿✝➅☎➀ ➄❳➅❄➄②➉✢❿❉➻Ó➞✲➜✭➺♥➀ ➡❳➚❶Ü ➉tÞ❉➂✭➃❴➄➈➀ ❿è➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂
❽☎➽✲➒❜➇❙❭✰Û✃❒✒➭ ß⑨➭✔➊✤➭♥✱➓ ②
✐ ➀ ❿➳➃✔➂✲➉✢➺ ➀ ➅❴➚❶➅❳➟❉➂❇➚✈➉✭➃✔➂ã➞✲➃❄✮➜ ❴❇ ➂✲➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✲➄✼➜✭❿⑥➅☎➟✲➂❶➲❘➜✭➃❞➺ ➻äÜÝ➉✭➞➳➜❇➵❆➅❳➟❉➂ì➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿✼➁●➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✢❿➳➜✂➵❁➅❞➟✲➂
➲❁➜✤➃❞➺ ➻ã➀ ❿✲➟✲➂✢➃❴➀ ➅❄➂❇➻⑥➵❴➃❴➜✤Ü ➅☎➟✲➂åÜ ➂✂➻✏➀ ➂✝➁✤➉✤➺❊➉✂➝✭➂❶❽❄➉✢❿❶➼✤❿✲➀ ➵❴➀ ➂✲➻⑥➸⑧➜✤➃❴➺ ➻❶➄✂➼✭➃❴➃❄➜✢➼✲❿✲➻✭➂✂❃
➻ ✂❀ ➚❶➉✤❿è➜✭➡✡➂✭➉✢❿ ➉✏❿✲➻⑥➻✏➀ ➁✤➀ ➻✭➂✂➻ã➀ ❿
➅✖➟✲➃✔➂✲➂➈➞✲➉✢➃✇➅❄➄✖➋④➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂✤➋✏➏❬➄✖➀ ➉➛➉✏❿✂➻☞➏❊➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✖➉✲➋❪➉☞➁✒➀ ➂✂➲✃➀ ➅❄➄✡➂✢➺ ➵❪➀♥❿✭➟❉➂t➃❄➀ ➅❴➂✲➻➈➵✔➃❴➜✤Ü✃➅☎➟✲➂➈➌❪➚✲➅☎➟②➜❇➵●➅✡➟✂➂②➄✖➜✤❿②➜❇➵④Û❜➜❇➉✤➟✤➓✡➭❇Ô❊➟✂➂
❀ ➼✭➺ ➉✤➃✇➚ ➀ ➄❃❀✲➂✂➡✝➜✭Ü②➀ ❿✲➝✃ÜÝ➜✭➃❴➂➷➉✭❿✲➻ Ü ➜✭➃❴➂✻➻✤✏
➼ ❀✤➀ ➜✤➼✂✻➄ ✐➈➲✜➟✲➉✝➅➈➅✡➟✂➂✤❿✻➻✲➜✤➂✂➄Ù➅☎➟✲➂ã➅❄➂✭➃❞Ü↔Õ☎➏❊➄✂➀ ➉✲×⑥❿✲➜❇➲ ÜÝ➂✲➉✏❿
❆❳❿✲➡✝➃➾➂✭➉✂➄❇➀ ❿✲➝✏➺ ➚✤➋✰➀ ❿❘❀✲➜✝➅❳➟ ➄❞➅☎➉✝➅☎➀ ➄❳➅❞➀ ➡✖➉✤➺✒➅❴❋
➉ ✤
❀ ➺ ➂✂➄➈➜✤➃✜➀ ❿⑦➅☎➟✂➂⑥❿✲➂❇➲❆➄✖➞✲➉✢➞✲➂✭➃➾➄✝➋❪➅☎➟✲➂ÏÕ✂➌❘➀ ➻✤➻✤➺ ➂⑥➽✂➉✲➄❳➅❄×☞❽❴➵✔➃❴➜✤Ü ➉✢❿è➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿
➞✲➜✢➀ ❿✝➅❆➜❇➵❊➁✤➀ ➂✂➲❁➓❁➀ ➄➛❿✲➜✝➅❁➀ ❿☞➏❜➄❉➀ ➉✭➋●➅☎➟✲➜✢➼✲➝✤➟✲➋❪➜✭❿⑦➜✭➡✡➡✝➉✂➄❇➀ ➜✢❿✲➋✏➏④➼✂➄☎➅☎➃❴➉✭➺ ➀ ➉✭➋●➲✜➟✭➀ ➡✝➟②➵✇➜✢➃❄ÜÝ➉✢➺ ➺ ➚✺✲
❀ ➂✭➺ ➜✭❿✲➝✤➄❁➅❞➜➛➅☎➟✂➂✙❭④➡✖➂✲➉✢❿✲➀ ➉
➡✝➜✢❿✙➅☎➀ ❿✂➂✤❿✂➅❴➋✰➀ ➄➈❽☎❿✲➜✝➅❁✏
➉ ✂❀ ➄❇➼✲➃✔➻✼➲❁➟✲➂✢❿②➡✙➜✢❿✂➄✂➀ ➻✲➂✢➃❄➀ ❿✲➝✼➂✲➡✝➜✭❿✲➜tÜ②➀ ➡➈➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✏❿✂➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✖➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿⑦➉✢❿✂➻➈Ô⑨➃❃➀ ➉✭✒
➻ ❁✂➜✤❿✂➂✭➄✡➋❍✭
❀ ➼✙➅☞➞✭✶➼ ❁✖❇❁ ➺ ➀ ❿❉➝
➀♥❿②➉②➡❇➼✭➺ ➅☎➼✤➃➾➉✢➺t➉✢➞✭➞✲➃❄➜✂➉✭➡❇➟✲➓☎➭✤➸⑥➟✲➉✝➅❁➀ ➄Ý➉❉➅❘➄☎➅❄➉✢Þ✙➂Ù➟❉➂t➃★➂ ➀ ➄❖➅❞➟✲➂⑧❿✲➂✂➂✤➻Ï➅❄➜②➄✖➂✲➂Ï➅☎➟✲➂➛➲❘➜✢➃❄➺ ➻✼➀ ❿⑦➉➈Ü➛➜✤➃➾➂⑧➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂❉ë⑦➲❁➉✝➚
➅✖➟❉➉❉➅❘➅☎➟✲➂ Õ✙➡✙➜t❿✙➅☎➀ ❿✂➂✤❿✂➅❴➄✝×✡➭✏Ô●➟✲➂ÙÜ ➜✂➻✤➂t➺⑨➜✂➵④➝✢➺ ➜❋✲
❀ ➉✭➺❊➼✭➃✦✲❀ ➉✢❿è❿✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➜✢➃❄Þ✝➄➛➉✤❿✲➻➈➅☎➟✲➂⑧➡✝➺ ➉✂➄✝➄✝➀ ➡➈Û❜➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✂➠☎➒✒➜✢➼✙➅❳➟②➸⑦➜✢➃❴➺ ➻✤➋④➉✢➃➾➂
❿✲➜❇➅❆➄❇➼✂➵✇➵❃➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✭❿✂➅④➅☎➜Ù➞✲➃❴➜✂➁✢➀ ➻✤➂Ù➼✂➄☞➲✜➀ ➅☎➟⑧➡✙➜t❿✂➁✒➀ ❿❉➡❉➀ ❿✲➝⑧➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✲➀ ➡✡➉✢➺✒➡✡➜✏❿✲➡☎➂✢➞✙➅❞➄✜➅☎➟✲➉❉➅❆➲❘➜✢➼✭➺ ➻Ó➟❉➂t➺ ➞⑥➼✤❿❉➻✭➂✭➃❄➄❞➅❄➉✢❿✂➻⑧➅☎➟✂➂
➞✤➺ ➉✲➡✖➂➛➜✂➵❪➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂➈➀ ❿✜➅☎➟✂➂☞➲❆➜✭➃❞➺ ➻➛➉✢❿✲➻➈➀ ➅❄➄✰➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✭➺✲➄❳➅❴➉✤Þ✂➂✲➄❇➭
➢●➜✢❿✲➡✙➂t➃❄❿✤➀ ❿✲➝ã➅✖➟❉➂✻➉✢➃★➡❉➟✤➀ ➞✂➂✤➺ ➉✂➝✤➜✻➁✤➀ ➂✝➲↔➵✔➜✤➃⑧➀ ❿✲➄❳➅❄➉✤❿✂➡✝➂✂➋②➜t➼✲➃✼➽✲➄❇➞✂➜✤❿ä➃★➂✭➞✲➜t➃➾➅Ù➟✲➉✲➄❶➂✭➄☎➅❴➉✘✤
❀ ➺ ➀ ➄❇➟❉➂✭➻✻➅☎➟✂➉✝➅⑥➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿
➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅✿➜✭➃✪➚➳➀ ➄➈➡✡➂✭➃✪➅✿➉✭➀ ❿✭➺ ➚✼➲❘➂✢➺ ➺❊➡✡➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✭➡☎➅❴➂✭➻⑧➅❄➜⑧➅❳➟❉➂⑥➃✔➂✲➄❳➅Ý➜✂➵❪➅☎➟✲➂⑧➲❁➜✭➃❴➺ ➻❄✝❀ ➚è➄❉➀ ë❶Ü➛➉✔❇❴➜t➃➣➝✤➉✝➅❴➂❇➲❆➉✝➚⑥➡✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✲➄➈❽☎➎✙➜✢❿✂➻✤➜✤❿✲➋
➇✲➉✭➃❃➀ ➄✝➋✰➏❪ÜÝ➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❴➻✭➉✤ÜÝ➋Ïê✝➃★➉✢❿✤Þ✙➵✔➼✭➃✇➅☎✁
➋ ●➼✭➃❞➀ ➡❉➟Ó➉t❿✲➻✻➌❘➉✂➻✢➃❄➀ ➻✤➓▲❀✤➼✙➅☞➅☎➟✲➉✝➅➈➀ ➅②➡✖➉✤❿❶➉✤➺ ➄✡➜ã➃❴➂✤➺ ➚✈➜✭❿➳➂✝ë✭➅❴➂✤➃❞❿❉➉✢➺❬➝✤➉✝➅❄➂❉➲❆➉✝➚✒➄
➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❉➟⑦➂✤❿✂➉❋✲
❀ ➺ ➂ÙÜÝ➜✤➃❴➂②➄❉➞✲➂✲➡❉➀ ➵✔➀ ➡☞➡✡➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✲➄❖➲✜➀ ➅☎➟➛➅✡➟✂➂⑧❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✤➼✤➃❴➀ ❿✂➝✼➡✡➜✏➼✭❿✙➅❞➃☎➀ ➂❇➄✙➋➔➀ ❿✼➞✲➉✭➃✇➅☎➀ ➡✂➼✭➺ ➉✤❵
➃ ❆❄➄❞➅❄➉✢❿✘✤
❀ ➼✲➺ ➋❜Ô✢➂t➺
➏❊➁✤➀ ➁t➋Ï➐④➼✘✲
❀ ➉✤➀❘➜✭➃⑧➌❘➜✲➄✖➡✡➜✭➲✜➭ Ô❊➟✲➀ ➄ÓÜ ➂✂➉✏❿✂➄✼➅❳➟❉➉❇➅✺✲❀ ➂✝➅❃➲❘➂✲➂✢❿❶➅✡➟✂➂➳➝✏➺ ➜✏❀✂➉✢➺❆➺ ➂✂➁✤➂✭➺❆➉✭❿✲➻ã➅☎➟✲➂ä❿✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➉t➺✜➺ ➂✝➁✒➂✭➺ ➋Ï➀ ➅⑧➀ ➄
➞✲➜✤➄☎➄❉➀ ❀✤➺ ➂➘➉✢❿❉➻➬❿✲➂✭➡✡➂✭➄✡➄✖➉✤➃✇➚❐➅❄➜➬➀ ➻✭➂✤❿✂➅❞➀ ➵✇➚➮➉✢❿ ➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✢➃❴ÜÝ➂✭➻✤➀ ➉✝➅❴➂❐➄✝➀ ➅✖➼❉➉❉➅✡➀ ➜✢❿➮➜❇✺
➵ ✤✦✎✬P▼✓ ✟✘✗☎✸✏Ù
✥ ❿❉➂❇➅❴➲❘➜✭➃❞Þ❉➄ä➲✜➟✭➀ ➡✝➟➮➉✭➃✔➂
➄❇➞✂➂✲➡❉➀ ➵❃➀ ➡✖➉✤➺ ➺ ➚➴➉✏❀✭➺ ➂ì➅✿➜✃➜✭➃✔➝✲➉✏❿✭➀ ➄✖➂✃➄✝➼✏❀✭➞✲➉✭➃✇➅❄➄✻➜❇➵②➅☎➟✂➂ ➲❆➜t➃❄➺ ➻✃➉✢❿✂➻➴➡✡➜✢❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ❀✲➼✂➅❴➂ä➅✿➜ä➅❞➟❉➂✃➻✤➂✝➁✭➂✤➺ ➜✭➞✭Ü ➂t❿✙➅➳➜❇➵②➅❞➟✲➂
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➟✲➜✲➜❇➻✲➄✭➭●➌✰➀ ➉✢Ü➛➀✒➞✭➺ ➉❉➚t➄❁➅❞➟✤➀ ➄☞➃➾➜✏➺ ➂➈➜✂➵❪Û❊➜✭➃✇➅✖➟❉➠❞➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟Ý➡✝➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✤➡❞➅❄➜t➃❘➀ ❿Ý➏❪ÜÝ➂✭➃❞➀ ➡✖➉✒➭✭Ô❊➟✂➂②➄❉➀ ➅☎➼✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿⑧Ü➛➀ ➝✏➟✙❍
➅ ✂❀ ➂
➺ ➂✂➄✝➄➈➡✝➺ ➂✲➉✭➃➛➀ ❿➳➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂❶➄❉➀ ❿✂➡✝➂❶➌❘➉✂➻✢➃❴➀ ➻❶➂✢❿❉❋
➉ ✭
❀ ➺ ➂✭➄⑧➞✤➃➾➂❇➵➾➂t➃★➂✢❿✙➅❞➀ ➉✤➺❊➡✝➜✤❿✤❿✂➂✂➡❳➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➄⑧➲❁➀ ➅☎➟❶➎✙➉❉➅☎➀ ❿Ù➏❬ÜÝ➂✭➃❞➀ ➡✝➉✂➋☞➇✝➉✤➃❞➀ ➄⑧➲❁➀ ➅❳➟
Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟å➉✢❿❉➻Ó➸⑦➂✭➄☎➅❖➏⑨➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✖➉✲➋❖➎✙➜✢❿✂➻✤➜✤❿⑥➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✼➅❳➟❉➂ã➇✂➂✭➃❴➄✝➀ ➉✤❿è➙✰➼✤➺ ➵✔➋❖ê✲➃➾➉✢❿✭Þ✙➵❃➼✲➃✔➅Ý➲❁➀ ➅✡➟è➢●➂✢❿✙➅☎➃✔➉✤➺●➏❊➄✝➀ ➉✲➋❁➉✢❿❉➻ì➎ ❇❞✏
➼ ❀✭➺ ❇❞➉✭❿✲➉
➲❖➀ ➅❞➟➛➅☎➟✂➂②➵✔➜✤➃❃ÜÝ➂✤➃❦➑⑨➼✲➝✤➜✭➄✝➺ ➉✝➁✤➀ ➉✂➋❪➂✝➅❄❙➡ ✐❉❀✲➼✂➅❁➞✤➃➾➂✭➡✝➀ ➄✙➂t➺ ➚✤➋●➅☎➟✤➀ ➄Ï➞✭➃★➜❇➁✲➂✭➄✜➅❞➟✲➉✝➅④➅☎➟✲➂t➃★➂ ➀ ➄☞➉✘✲
❀ ➄✡➜✢➺ ➼✂➅❄➂t➺ ➚Ù❿✲➜②➡✝➜✤❿✝➅☎➃➾➉❇➻✏➀ ➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
❀✲➂❇➅✔➲❘➂✲➂✏❿Ý➉➈❿✂➂✝➅❴➲❁➜✤➃❴Þ❁➁✏➀ ➂❇➲✈➉✢❿❉➻➈➉➛➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✂➉✢➺✙➁✏➀ ➂❉➲Ý➭
❯✿✾ ❙✲✟✖✑✔✁✟✞✠✞✻✽✓✂❖ ✁✖❙✲✾ ✞❉✘✖✓✂✝✗ ✌❊✞✝✑✔✗ ✚❘✄✡✾ ❂❄✾ ✁✡✕④✓✂✘✖✚✰❂★✠✖✁✂✾ ✑✒✕✎✑✝✠✖✁✂✑✪✁✡✕④✞✎✍✒✾ ✘ ✍➾✗ ✟✝✁✂✘✖✄❞✁
✁ ✽ ✡✲✓✡❍✂✗ ✞✡✑☞✔✛ ▲✂▼✝▼✂✝▼ ✜
➏✃Ü ➉✮❇❴➜✭➃Ý➜✢➼✙➅❞➞✤➼✂➅✜➜❇➵❆➜✢➼✲➃☞➃➾➂✢➞❉➜✢➃✇➅✜➵✔➜✤➃❘➅❳➟❉➂Ó➞✲➃❴➉✂➡❳➅✡➀ ➡✖➂è➜❇➵✜➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂✲➉✢❿⑥➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡☎➚✭➠✖ÜÝ➉✤Þ✂➂✭➃➾➄✝➋❁➀ ➄➛➅❞➟✲➂Ó➀ ❿✝➅☎➃➾➜✭➻✢➼✲➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✭❿è➜❇➵❆➉
➄❇➼✤➞✭➞✲➺ ➂✭ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅❄➉✭➃✔➚➳➺ ➂❉➁t➂✢➺❊➀ ❿✼➅☎➟✂➂✼➉✤➡❞➅☎➼✲➉t➺✒Õ✂❒✂➠☎➺ ➂✂➁✤➂✭➺⑨➉✏➞✭➞✲➃❴➜✂➉✤➡❉➟❉×✄✂✆☎✻❭❴❧❦⑤⑨⑤✤❣●♠ ❣●❭✞✜
✝ ➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❉➟è➟✲➉✭✒
➄ ❀✲➂✂➂✢❿✼➂✤➺ ➉✘✲
❀ ➜✭➃❴➉✝➅❄➂✭➻❱❀✝➚
➽✲➄❇➞✂➜✤❿●❰④➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➋❦➲✜➟✂➉✂➅❴➂❇➁t➂✭➃❁➀ ➅❴➄➛➻✭➂✭➺ ➀♥Ü➛➀ ➅❴➉❇➅☎➀ ➜✏❿✲➋❪➀ ➄☞➀♥❿✲➻✭➂✂➂✭➻⑥❿❉➜❇➅❘➉✢❿✼➀ ➄✝➜✭➺ ➉✂➅❴➂✂➻✼➄❳➚t➄❳➅❴➂✤Ü★✐④➅☎➟✲➂➛➝✏➺ ➜✏❀✂➉✢➺✒➺ ➂✂➁✲➂t➺✢➄❇➟✲➜✭➼✤➺ ➻
➉✏➺ ➲❁➉✝➚✤▲
➄ ❀❉➂⑧➅❴➉✢Þ❉➂t❿è➀ ❿✙➅❞➜✼➉✂➡✝➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☞➀ ❿⑦➜✭➃❴➻✤➂✭➃④➅❄➜✼➜❋✙❀ ➅❴➉✢➀ ❿⑧➉✼➡✡➜✢Ü②➞✭➺ ➂✝➅☎➂➛➁●➀ ➂❇➲✃➜✂➵④➅☎➟✂➂⑧➅❴➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✢➃❴➀ ➉✤➺✒➄❳➅❄➉✭Þ✂➂✲➄✮✐☞➺ ➉❇➄☎➅❚❀✤➼✙➅
❿✲➜❇➅❘➺ ➂✂➉✤➄❞➅❄➋✏➅☎➟✲➂➈➃✔➂✲➝✏➀ ➜✢❿Ý➅❞➟✲➉✏❿Ý➂✢❿✲➡✡➜✢Ü②➞✂➉✲➄✖➄✡➂✭➄☞➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂➈➟✲➉❇➄❁➅❴✒
➜ ❀✂➂☞➅❄➉✤Þ✝➂✤❿➈➀ ❿✝➅❄➜➛➉✭➡✡➡✝➜✤➼✤❿✝➅④➀ ➵❊➜✢❿❉➂Ï➲❘➉✤❿✂➅❴➄❁➅❄➜➛➝✢➀ ➁✒➂❖➅❄➜
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➅✖➟❉➂ÏÕ✂❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✤➟✏❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❞➟✲➜✂➜✤➻✭×❖➀ ➅❄➄☞➝✭➂✲➜✭➝✤➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✤➀ ➡✡➉✭➺ ➺ ➚✼➉✭➡✡➡❇➼✲➃❴➉✝➅❄➂ÙÜÝ➂✭➉✭❿✤➀ ❿❉➝●➭❏✪❆ ➅✜➀ ➄Ï➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✢➃✇➅❄➉✢❿✙➅④➅❞➜⑦➄❳➅❞➃★➂✭➄✡➄➛➜✢❿➛➅☎➟✲➂②➝✏➃❴➜✝➲✜➀ ❿✲➝
➀♥Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃✪➅❄➉✤❿✂➡✝➂➛➜✂➵✏➅☎➟✭➀ ❍
➄ ✤✦✎✬P✵✓ ✟✘✗✏✸☎✥✘✥ ✎❋✑✖✎✶✒
✥ ➉❉➅ ❀✲➜✝➅❳➟✜➅☎➟✲➂☞➲❘➜✭➃❞➺ ➻➛➉✢❿❉➻☞➅❳➟❉➂➈➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿Ý➄✖➡✡➉✢➺ ➂✭➄✂➭
✽●➼✝➅✜➲✜➟✂➂✤❿Ù➀ ➅✜➡✡➜✢ÜÝ➂✭➄☞➅❄➜➈➅✡➟✂➂✼➝✭➂✲➜✭➝✤➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✤➀ ➡✡➉✢➺✒➻✲➂✭➵✔➀♥❿✭➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✤❿⑧➜✂➵❁➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➋❪➅☎➟✂➂⑥➞✤➃➾❋
➜ ✭
❀ ➺ ➂✢Ü
➀ ➄☞➅☎➟✲➉✝➅☞ÜÝ➉✏❿✝➚✼➻✏➀ ➁✤➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✭❿✲➄➈➜✂➵
➅✖➟❉➂Ù➲❘➜✭➃☎➺ ➻ã➀ ❿⑧Õ✙➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✏❿✲➄☎×➈❽❄➡✖➺♥➼✂➄☎➅❴➂✭➃❄➄➈➜✂➵❁➄☎➅❄➉✝➅❴➂✤➄✖➓Ý➉✭➃❴➂✼➉✤➡❞➅☎➼✲➉t➺ ➺ ➚ã➼✲➄✡➂✭➻ ❀✙➚✻➀ ❿✙➅❴➂✢➃❴❿✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➉✢➺❜➜t➃★➝✤➉✢❿✲➀ ➄✡➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➄✙➋✰➂✤➀ ➅☎➟❉➂t➃
➞✤➃❞➀ ➁✲➉❇➅❴➂❶❽❴➅❞➃➾➉✏❿✲➄✖❿✲➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺❊➵✔➀ ➃☎ÜÝ➄✖➓➛➜✤➃✜➞✤✏
➼ ❀✭➺ ➀ ➡➈❽☎❾❊Û➷➉✂➝✤➂✢❿✲➡✝➀ ➂✭➄②➂❉➅✿➡✖➓✡➭❜Ô❊➟✲➀ ➄ ÜÝ➉✤Þ✂➂✂➄Ù➀ ➅➛➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✲➄✖➄✝➀ ❀✲➺ ➂⑧➅☎➜❶➼✂➄✝➂è➉✢❿✝➚å➜✭➵
➅✖➟❉➂tÜ ➉✲➄⑥➅✖➟❉➂ ➃★➂❇➵➾➂✭➃✔➂✤❿✲➡☎➂ ➞✲➜✭➀ ❿✙➅✡➭❖➸⑦➂ ➟✲➉❉➁t➂✻➅❳➟❉➂✢➃➾➂❇➵➾➜✭➃❄➂ä➞✭➃★➜✭➻✏➼❉➡✝➂✂➻ ➉✻➅❄➜✭➜✭➺❘➅❳➟✲➉✂➅Ù➀ ➄⑥➅✖➟❉➂ä➂✤➺ ✘
➉ ✲
❀ ➜✭➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➷➜❇➵②➉
➟✲➉✢➃❄ÜÝ➜✢❿✭➀ ➄✖➂✲➻ ➟✤➀ ➂✭➃❴➉✭➃❴➡✝➟✤➀ ➡✡➉✭➺✤➄☎➚✤➄☎➅❴➂✭Ü➮➜❇➵●➅☎➟✂➂➛➲❆➜t➃❄➺ ➻⑧➡☎➉✏➺ ➺ ➂✲➻Ï➸✼❾✤Ô⑨➒✏➋❊➵✇➜✢➃❊➸⑦➜✢➃❴➺ ➻Ù❾❊❿✤➀ ➵✔➀ ➂❇➻☞Ô✒➂✤➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✭➺t➒✢➚t➄❳➅❴➂✤Ü②✵
➭ ❭✰➼✭➃
➻✏➀ ➁✤➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿è➜❇➵❬➅❳➟❉➂Ù➲❆➜✭➃❃➺ ➻ã➀ ❿✝➅❄➜⑥➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✂➄⑧➀ ✒
➄ ❀✂➉✭➄✡➂✂➻❶➜✢❿✼➵➾➜✭➼✭➃❆➝✏➃❴➜✭➼✤➞✂➄⑦➜❇➵❘➡✝➃❃➀ ➅❴➂✭➃☎➀ ➉⑨❰❆ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅❴➉✤➺❊➃❴➂✭➞✤➃➾➂✭➄✡➂✢❿✝➅❄➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿Ù❽☎➟✲➜✂➲
➵❃➀ ➃❞ÜÝ➄✡➋❁➉✂➄✝➄✝➜✂➡❇➀ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿❉➄✝➋❘➝✤➜❉➁t➂✢➃❴❿✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❄➄Ù➼✲➄✖➼✲➉✢➺ ➺ ➚å➻✏➀ ➁✢➀ ➻✤➂⑧➅❳➟❉➂Ù➲❆➜✭➃❞➺ ➻✏➓✱Ý
✐ ➉✂➡✝➡✡➂✭➄✡➄❉➀ ❀✭➀ ➺ ➀ ➅✔➚❶❽☎ÜÝ➜✢➃❄➞✭➟✲➜✭➺ ➜✭➝✤➀ ➡⑦➻✢➀ ➄☎➅☎➃❴➀ ❀✤➼✙➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
➜✭➵❦➺ ➉✏❿✂➻✤➋❦➞❉➜✏➞✤➼✭➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➉✢❿❉➻Ï➲❘➂✲➉✢➺ ➅☎➟✤✱➓ ❘
✐ ➟✲➜✭Ü➛➜✂➝✤➂✭❿✲➂✢➀ ➅❴➚➈❽❄➄☎➅❞➃❴➼✲➡❳➅☎➼✤➃➾➉✢➺❉➻✏➀ ➁✤➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿Ý➜✭➵✏➅✡➟✂➂☞➲❆➜✭➃❃➺ ➻➈➉✲➡✖➡✡➜✭➃❄➻✢➀ ❿✂➝☞➅❄➜➈➺ ➂✝➁✤➂✤➺ ➄❁➜✂➵
➂✤➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡➷➉✢❿✲➻➴➄✖➜✲➡❉➀ ➉✭➺Ý➻✤➂❉➁t➂✢➺ ➜✢➞✲ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅❞➓ ✐❶➉✤❿✲➻❐➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✤➃❴➉✂➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✲➄ä❽❴➵❃➼✤❿❉➡❳➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➉✤➺Ý➜✢➃➾➝✤➉✢❿✲➀ ➄✡➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵➈➅☎➃➾➉✂➻✤➂✃➉✏❿✂➻➴➉✢➀ ➃
➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄❉➞✲➜✤➃✇➅④➵✔➺ ➜❇➲❘➄✝➓✡➭✭Ô❊➟✭➀ ➄ ➞✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➜✭➄✡➉✢➺✤➀ ➄☞➜✭➃➾➝✤➉✏❿✭➀ ➄✝➂✂➻Ù➀ ❿✝➅✿➜☞➵❃➀ ➁✲➂ ➟✤➀ ➂✭➃❄➉✭➃✔➡✂➟✭➀ ➡✡➉✢➺✤➺ ➂❇➁✲➂✢➺ ➄✖➋❊➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü✃➅☎➟✲➂➛➄☎➅❞➉✂➅❴➂➈➺ ➂✂➁✲➂✢➺✤❽✔➸✼❾✤Ô⑨➒
à✤➓❊➅☎➜✜➅❞➟✲➂☞➲❘➜✢➃❄➺ ➻➈➺ ➂❇➁✲➂✭➺✤❽❴➸⑧❾✤Ô⑨✒
➒ ✿✏➓✡➭
➏❬➄✼➉ì➃★➂✭➄✝➼✤➺ ➅❴➋☞➉✝➅☞➅✡➟✂➂❶➵✔➀ ➃★➄❳➅ ➡✝➜✢Ü➛➞✲➃✔➂✤➟✲➂✢❿✲➄✝➀ ➁✭➂✻➺ ➂✂➁✲➂t➺❘❽✔➸✼❾✤Ô✒♦
➒ ✏
✿ ➓⑧➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✭➋✰➅✡➟✂➂✻➍✏➼✲➄✙➄❉➀ ➉✢❿å➲❁➜✭➃❴➺ ➻✭➋✜➂✭➉✲➄❞➅❄➂t➃❄❿➳➉✢❿❉➻
➄✝➜✢➼✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿➈❿❉➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❴➄❁➜✂➵❪➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂➛➉✂➄❁➲❘➂✢➺ ➺✲➉✭➄✰➏⑨➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✖➉✲➋●➡✝➜✭❿✲➄❳➅☎➀ ➅☎➼✂➅❴➂➛➜✢❿❉➂➈➃❴➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✏❿✘❊
✐ ➅☎➟✂➂✜➅❞➲❆➜➛➜✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃➾➄✜➉✭➃❴➂❖➏❬Ü➛➂✭➃❴➀ ➡☎➉✤➋
➉✏❿✲➻✼➒✏➜✤➼✝➅☎➟ ä➽✲➉✭➄☎➅➔➏❜➄✝➀ ➉✏➭❪➌❮➜✭➃❄➂Ù➞✭➃★➂✭➡✝➀ ➄✝➂ ➺ ➂❇➁✲➂✢➺ ➄➈❽✔➸✼❾✭Ô⑨➒ã➪⑦➉✏❿✂➻⑥❒✲➋④➵✔➀ ➝●➭ ✟✡✟❊➓☞➟✲➀ ➝✏➟✲➺♥➀ ➝✏➟✝➅❘➅❞➟✲➂✼➄❉➞✲➂✂➡✝➀ ➵❴➀ ➡✂➀ ➅❴➚✼➜✂➵④➅❞➟✂➂
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❴➄☞➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✼➃❴➂✂➝✤➉✢➃➾➻⑧➅❄➜Ù➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂⑥❽★➄✝➂✂➂⑧➉✏➺ ➄✝➜Ï➅✡➟✂➂Ù➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲▼
➂ ❞ ➄➛➉✭➃❴➂✂➉✼➜❇➵✰➀ ❿✂➵❃➺ ➼✲➂✭❿✲➡✖➂✼➜✭❿⑥Ü ➉✭◗
➞ ✟ ✟❦➓✡➭❊➢●➺ ➂✲➉t➃❄➺ ➚✤➋④➉
➺ ➉✭➃✔➝✤➂❶➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿❶➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✲❵
➋ ✎✏✗✏✭❛✁
✟ ❖✷✳✸✻✕✻✕✔✓✩✗✬P
✓ ✗✏✧✏✪✬✕❙☛✍✤✱✓ ✸✬✥ ✓ ✕✖✎✶✧❱✭✻✟✏✪✘✗▼☛✍✤✱✓ ✎✬✕❊✸✘✗✘✧❑✧✘✎✵✑✻✎✶✥ ✟✖✷✞✓ ✗✬P
✭✻✟✏✪✶✗✏☛✁✤✦✓ ✎✻✕✲➋❁➉✤➞✭➞✲➂✂➉✢➃★➄✖➋
❇❳➼✲➄☎➅✜➺ ➀ Þ✂➂⑧➜✂➅❞➟✲➂✭➃❪Õ✝Û❜➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✂➠☎➒✒➜✏➼✝➅❞➟è➍✤➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✂➄✡×☞➀ ❿✼➽✲➉✂➄❳➅❘➏❊➄✝➀ ➉⑧➉✤❿✂➻ÙÛ❜➜✢➃✇➅☎➟➛➏④ÜÝ➂✭➃❞➀ ➡✝➉Ù❽ ✓ ✗✘✭✖✥ ✪✘✧☎✓✩✗✬P➳➌❮➂❉ë✒➀ ➡✡➜✭➋❪➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟②➵❴➀ ➅❄➄
➲❖➀ ➅❞➟ ➡❇➼✭➃❴➃➾➂✏❿✝➅è➉✢❿✲➉✤➺ ➚✤➄✝➀ ➄➷➜✂➵➈➅☎➟✲➂ ➡✙➜✢➼✭❿✙➅☎➃✪❯
➚ ❀✙➚➘➀ ❿✙➅❴➂✢➃❄❿✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➉✏➺☞➀ ❿✝➁✲➂✤➄❞➅❄➜t➃★➄✻➲❁➟✲➜❐❿✲➜❉➲❆➉✂➻✤➉❇➚t➄ä➃➾➂❇➝✤➉✤➃➾➻➱➀ ➅è➉✤➄ã➉
Õ✂❿✲➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❃❿❉×✰➡✙➜✢➼✭❿✙➅☎➃✪➚②➄✝➀ ❿✲➡✡➂❖➅✡➟✂➂➈ê✝➐ ❆④➉✭➃✔➂➛➝✏➼❉➉✢➃★➉t❿✙➅☎➂✂➂✂➻➈➉✤❿✲➻☞➅☎➟✂➂➛➉✂➡✝➡✡➂❇➄✙➄✰➅❄➜Ï❾⑨➒⑥ÜÝ➉t➃❄Þ✂➂✝➅❄➄✰➂✲➉✤➄❞✁
➚ ✂❞➓☎➭
Ô❊➟✲➂Ù❿✲➂❇➲ ➻✤➂✂➄❇➀ ➝✏❿⑧➜✂➵④➅❞➟✲➂⑥➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✢➞❉➂✤➉✭❿Ù➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✭❿⑥❽☎❿❉➂t➀ ➝✏➟✏❀✲➜✭➼✭➃❞➟❉➜✤➜✭➻⑥➀ ❿✲➡❉➺ ➼✲➻✤➂✂➻✢➓✜➀ ➄➛➡☎➜✏❿✂➵✇➜✢➃❄ÜÝ➂❇➻❱❀✝➚⑧➅✡➟✂➂⑧➉✤❿✲➉✭➺ ➚✲➄❇➀ ➄➛➜✭➵
➄❇➞✂➉✂➅❞➀ ➉✤➺⑨➻✢➀ ➄✝➡✝➜✭❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✤➼✭➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✂➄✭➭❏❞❆ ❿⑧➅❴➂✤➃❞ÜÝ➄②➜❇➵❮➙➔➐❪➇è➞✂➂✭➃❆➡✖➉✤➞✤➀ ➅❴➉✭➋❁➺ ➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➉✲➡❞➚❶➉✭❿✲➻⑥➺ ➀ ➵✔➂⑧➂✂ë✏➞❉➂❇➡☎➅❄➉✢❿✲➡☎➚✤➋④➄✝➞✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➉✭➺✤➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄❉➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄
➀ ➅❴➄ã➞✲➂✭➃❞➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✤➃❞➀ ➂✭➄❶➄✝➟✲➜❇➲ ➉ä➃➾➂✤➝✏➼✭➺ ➉✭➃⑦➝✢➃❴➉✲➻✢➀ ➂✢❿✝➅✼➀ ❿✈➅❞➟✂➂➷➂✲➉❇➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❞➺ ➚ ➻✢➀ ➃❄➂✂➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✤➭
➒●➜✢➼✙➅✖➟✙➲❁➉✭➃➾➻✤➋❦➅☎➟✂➂✤➃➾➂Ù➀ ➄✜➉⑧➻✤➜✤✘
➼ ✭
❀ ➺ ➂ ➺ ➀ ❿✲➂②➜✭➵❬➻✢➀ ➄✝➡✝➜✭❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✤➼✭➀ ➅❴➚✤➋❪➜✤❿✲➂➈➜✤❿➛➅☎➟✲➂ ➌➔➂❇➻✤➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❴➉✢❿❉➂✤➉✭❿②➒●➂✂➉⑧➉✢❿❉➻➈➅☎➟✲➂➈➜✂➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❘➜✢❿
➅✖➟❉➂❶➒●➉✢➟❉➉t➃★➉❋✐✙❀✤➼✝➅ ➡❉➺ ➂✭➉✤➃❴➺ ➚t➋❁➅❞➟✲➂ãÜ➛➉✤➀ ❿å➉✢❿❉➻ã➝✤➃❴➜❇➲❁➀ ❿✲➝❶➻✏➀ ➄✡➡✖➜✤❿✂➅☎➀ ❿✤➼✲➀ ➅✔➚✻➀ ➄Ó❿❉➜❇➲❆➉❇➻✲➉✭➚✲➄Ù➄✡➂✝➅❴➅❞➺ ➂✂❲
➻ ❀❉➂❉➅❴➲❆➂✂➂✢❿➳Û●➜✤➃✇➅❳➟
➏❊➵❴➃❃➀ ➡✖➉➛➉✤❿✲➻➛➄❇✘
➼ ❉❀ ➠☎➒✏➉✤➟✲➉✭➃❴➉✢❿✜➏❊➵✔➃❴➀ ➡✡➉✭➋●➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟ ➻✭➂✂➵❃➀ ❿✲➂➈➌❮➉❇➝✏➟✲➃❴✏
➂ ❀Ý➉✭➄✜➉➣Õ✶✤
❀ ➼✂➵✇➵✇➂✭➃❬➉t➃★➂✭➉✂×④➲❁➀ ➅✡➟➛➃❴➂✂➝✭➉✤➃❴➻☞➅❄➜➈➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✢➞❉➂Ï❽☎ÜÝ➉✢➞
✟ ✟❊➓✡✳➭ ❆✔➅❁➀ ➄☞➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✤➃✇➅❴➉✏❿✝➅④➅❄➜⑧➞✭➃❴➂✲➡✖➀ ➄☎➂Ï➅✡➟✂➉✝➅④➅☎➟✲➂Ï➸✼❾✤Ô⑨➒⑥➄☎➚✲➄❳➅❴➂✤Ü ➀ ➄☞➉➛➅❄➂✭➡✝➟✤❿✭➀ ➡✝➉✭➺✭➅❄➜✂➜✏➺✲➂✢➺ ▼➉ ❀✲➜✤➃❴➉✝➅❄➂✂✢
➻ ❀✂➚ÙÜÝ➂✤★
Ü ❀✲➂✭➃❴➄☞➜✂➵
Ü ❀✂➂✤➃❴➄②➜❇➵✜➽✭❾⑨➋❘➉✢❿✲➻Ó❿✲➜✂➅✜➉⑥➼✤❿✤➀ ➁✲➂✭➃❄➄☎➉✢➺❬➞✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➜✂➄✝➉✭➺❊➺♥➀ Þ✝➂è➡✖➜✤➼✤➺ ❱
➻ ❀✂➂⑥➉è➻✢➀ ➁✏➀ ➄✖➀ ➜✢❿ ➂t➺ ❋
➉ ✲
❀ ➜✭➃➾➉❇➅❄➂✂➻❃❀✝➚➳❾●Û④➭
➯❬➉✝➁✢➀ ❿✲➝Ù➅☎➟✭➀ ➄Ù➀ ❿❶Ü➛➀♥❿✂➻✤➋④➲❘➂❶➡✖➉✤❿è➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✲➉✢➃➾➂⑧➅✖➟❉➂ ➸è❾✭Ô⑨➒ã➄✡➚✭➄☎➅❄➂✢Ü ➅❴➜✼➅☎➟✲➂⑥➢●➀ ➁✤➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➄⑦➜❇➵❁➯❪➼✤❿✙➅☎➀ ❿✂➝✂➅☎➜✭❿è➜✭➃❁➅☎➟✲➂
Õ✙➙➔➃★➂❇➉✂➅❴➂✭➃✰➌❆➀ ➻✲➻✏➺ ➂⑧➽✲➉✂➄❳➅❴×❁➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❇➟ ➉✢➃➾➂②✬
➂ ❈✏➼✲➀ ➁✲➉t➺ ➂✏❿✝➅❬➅❴➜✤➜✭➺ ➄✜➂✢➺ ▼
➉ ❀❉➜✏➃➾➉❉➅❄➂✲✢
➻ ❀✝➚✼❾✒➒✢➏å➵✔➜✭➃❊➅☎➟✲➂➈➞✤➃❴➜✂➻✏➼✂➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➜❇➵●➅☎➟✲➂✭➀ ➃④➜✂➲❖❿
➁✏➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵✒➅❳➟❉➂☞➸⑧➜✤➃❴➺ ➻✏➭
❋✒✓✄✑ ✞ ✞✻✝✽ ✡t✠✖✁✆✵❁✞✂✑❴✗ ✚✜✾ ✘✜◆❁❈❘✓✝✄☎✑✪✞❆✑✔✁✖❙✲✾ ✞❉✘✖✟
✕ ✛✯✵
✡✲❅✭✄▲ ✏
✜ ✓❉✘✖✚②❚☎◆✜❈✰✁✖✕☎✞❆✑✔✁✖❙✲✾ ✞❉✘✖✟
✕ ✛
✵ ✼
✡✲❅✭✄■ ✜
✄ ✕✡✾ ✘✡✄☎✁➣❂❃✠✖✁➛◗✖✁✙❙✂✾ ✘✝✘✂✾ ✘✝❙➛✞ ✍✏❂★✠✝✁◗✲✎✴✒❯ ✎✡ ✴⑦✓✝❙✙✑✔✁✝✁✝❈❘✁✂✘❳❂★✍❦❋●✁✡P✂✾ ✄☎✞ ✠✖✓✝✕❁✕✡✾ ❙✲✘✝✾ ✍➾✾ ✄☎✓✂✘❳❂★✗ ❍➛✾ ✘❳✄✿✑✔✁✝✓☎✕☎✁✝✚②✾ ❂➾✕❁✁✡P✄✖✑ ✞✙✑➶❂✔✕❘❂❴✞❁❂❄✠❳✁ ✤
✼ ❅★✴ ✛✔✓✙✘✝✚
✁✝☛✡✁✂✘❮❂★✞✜✛✭✓✝✘✝✓✡✚✝✓✄✔✜ ✍✭✓❉✘✖✚Ý✠✖✓✝✕④✘✝✎✞ ✌⑥✓ ✑✖✝✞ ✕✡✾ ❂❄✾ ☛✖✁④❂★✑✪✓✖✚✂✁❆◗✝✓✂✗ ✓✂✘☎✄☎✁❇✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❋✒✓✄✑ ✞☎✞✬✽✁☛✢✾ ✍ ✍✇✟✖✕✡✾ ✞✝✘❁✎✞ ✍✒✠✂✟✝❈✰✓✂✘✰✚✂✎✁ ☛✖✁❉✗ ✞✄✂✑ ❈➔✁❉✘❳❂❬✾ ✘❮❂❃✠✖✁ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞✙❏❃❋●✁✙✚✂✾ ❂❴✁✙✑✔✑✪✓✙✘✝✁✝✓✝✘❁✄☎✞✙✟✂✘❳❂➾✑❴✾ ✁✝✕④◗✝✁☎❂✮✌❊✁✡✁✂✘➛❃❚ ✘✂✎◆ ✱❁✓✝✘✝✚✜▲✂▼✝▼✂▼
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
✞ ✝✽ ✡✂✄❍ ✖✑ ✞❉✗ ✞✝❙✂❍✰✞✎✍ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞✝✑✝✁■❯ ✕❘✾ ✘★➾✍ ✗ ✟✖✁✂✘☎✄☎✁✜✾ ✘❮❂❃✠✖✁✙✌❊✞✡✑❴✗ ✚
✏✡✟✝✑✪✖✞ ✑✖✗
✁ ❯✬
✕ ✴t✑✔✁✖✓❆✞ ✍⑨✾ ✘ ✍➾✗ ✟✝✁✝✘✡✄☎✁✜✾ ✘➔❂★✠✝✁ ✏☎✕✎✑✝✞✙✘✜■❇✌ ❑✭✌➾❚✖✌✲✑✪✁✄✖✑ ✞❉✑➶❂
✴➳✄✡✗ ✟✝✕❴❂❴✁✡✑☞✓✝✘✝✓✙✗ ❍✖✕✡✾ ✕ ✌●✓✝✕⑧✓ ✑✝✑✂✗ ✾ ✁✖✚✼❂✔✞✼❂❴✠✝✁➳❚✡❱ ☛✡✓✝✑❴✾ ✓❉◗✝✗ ✁✝✕⑧✾ ✘✼✞✝✑✪✚✂✁✙✑✰❂❴✞✼✚✝✁ ✍➾✾ ✘✖✁✼✕☎❍✝✘☎❂❄✠✖✁☎❂❄✾ ✄➛❂❴✝❍ ✑✡✁✝✕➈✎✞ ✍
✑♥✁✂✗ ✓❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘Ý◗✝✁❳❂ ✌❊✁✝✁✝✘ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞✄✖✑ ✁✜✓✂✘✖✚❁❂❄✠✖✁Ý✑✪✁✙✕❃❂❬✞ ✍✒❂❄✠✖✁ ❁
✵ ✞✂✑✔✗ ✚✂✠✌ t
✡ ✠✝✾ ✕✰✓❉✘✖✓✂✗ ❍☎✕✡✾ ✕❁✑✪✁✎☛✝✁✡✓✂✗ ✕ ✍✪✞❉✟✝✑❪❈④✓✂✾ ✘➣❂➾✝❍ ✑✝✁✡✕✰✎✞ ✍
✏✡✟✙✑✪✞✄✝✑ ✁✖✓❉✘✰✁✝P☎❂❴✁✡✑❴✘✖✓✂✗✝✑✪✁❉✗ ✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✕✖✌
✂✁☎✄✤✱✝✆✟✞⑧✯✲✱✖✸✠✄✤✥✖✵✡✸✡✴ ✡✂✴ ✷ ✴ ✧ ❀
✁ ②
✽ ❙✝✓❳❂❃✠✖✁✝✑✇✕ã❂✔✞✙❙✝✁❳❂❃✠✖✁✝✑⑧❂❴✠✝✁➷✕❃❂★✓❳❂➾✁✝✕
✍✪✞✙✑ ✌❊✠✂✾ ✄✡✠ ✏✙✟✡✑✔✞✄✖✑ ✁ ✠✝✓✝✕❶✕✡✾ ❙✂✘✂✾ ✍✇✾ ✄☎✓✂✘✿❂
♥✑ ✁✖✎✕ ✑✝✞✙✘✝✕✡✾ ◗✂✾ ✗ ✾ ❂✔❍ ✍✪✞✙✑Ó❂❄✠✖✁❉✾ ✑ ✍✇✟❳❂❄✟✝✑✪✁➮✚✝✁✝☛✝✁✙✗ ✞✄✝✑ ❈✰✁✙✘✖❂❴✍ ✑✝✑❴✾ ❈✰✓✙✑✔✾ ✗ ❍ ◗✖✁✡✄☎✓✂✟❳✕☎✁ ✞✎✍ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞ ✑✖✁✗❯ ✕➮✠✂✾ ✕❴❂❴✞✂✑✔✾ ✄☎✓✂✗
✑♥✁✖✎✕ ✑✝✞✙✘✝✕✡✾ ◗✂✾ ✗ ✾ ❂✔❍✟✍✇✞✝✑✤✄☎✞✂✗ ✞✝✘✂✾ ✕☎✓☎❂❄✾ ✞❉✘➣✓❉✘✖✚➔❂❃✠✖✁❁✁✝P ✑✝✗ ✞✝✾ ❂➾✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘❁✲✞ ✍✾✴ ✍✇✑✔✾ ✄☎✓✙✘❁✄☎✞✂✟✝✘❳❂★✑✔✾ ✁☎✕✝✌
✱ ☛✌✞✎✍✏✄✑✄✭✥✡✦❴✧✇✮✝✵✝✴ ✧ ✁ ✽●❙✂✓☎❂❴✠✝✁✙✑✪✕❁❂✔✞✙❙✝✁❳❂❃✠✖✁✝✑❘✗ ✓✡✑✔❙✝✁➛✁✂❈✰✁✙✑✪❙✲✾ ✘✝❙➛✄☎✞✝✟✂✘❞❂❴✑❴✾ ✁✙✕ ✛❴✘✖✓❉❈✰✁✝✗ ❍➛❀➾✘✝✚✂✾ ✓➛✓✂✘✖✚⑧✂✑✔✓✛▲✡✾ ✗ ✜
✗ ✞✙✄☎✓❳❂➾✁✝✚ ✍✇✓✙✑ ✍✇✑✔✞✝❈ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞ ✑✝✁➛◗✂✟✿❂❮✕✡✠✝✓✝✑✔✾ ✘✖❙②✓✜✄☎✞✂❈✜❈➔✞❉✘➈✗ ✓❉✘✖❙✲✟✖✓✝❙✂✁➛✞✝✑④✠✂✾ ✕❞❂✔✞❉✑✪❍❇✌ ✡✲✠✝✁☎❍➛✄☎✞✝✟✂✗ ✚ ✑✝✞❞❂❴✁✂✘❞❂❄✾ ✓✝✗ ✗ ❍
◗✖✁✟☛✝✁✙✑✪❍❘✄✡✗ ✞✝✕☎✁❘✓✂✗ ✗ ✾ ✁✝✕✡✌
✱ ✒✓✞✎✭
☛ ✩✂✶✖✷ ✷ ✱✙✵✖✳✲✡
✱ ✽⑨✠✂✾ ❙✲✠✝✗ ✾ ❙✲✠❳❂✔✕✜❂❴✠✝✞✡✕☎✁➛✄☎✞✝✟✂✘❳❂★✑❴✾ ✁✡✕ ✌❬✠✝✾ ✄✡✠ ✏✙✟✝✑✔✞✄✖✑ ✁⑦✾ ✕➛✗ ✁✝✕❞✕Ý✓✂◗✂✗ ✁☞❂➾✞⑧✾ ✘✎✍✔✗ ✟✝✁✙✘✝✄❞✁②✞✝✑❪❂✔✞
✁✡✓✖✕✡✾ ✗ ❍ ✚✂✁ ☛✡✁✂✗ ✞✝✑➷✄☎✞✝✞✄✖✑ ✁❉✑✪✓❳❂❃✾ ☛✝✁ ✑✔✁✂✗ ✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✂✘✖✕ì◗✖✁✖✄☎✓❉✟✖✕☎✁✃✲✞ ✍✼✚✂✾ ✍ ✍♥✁✂✑♥✁✂✘✝✄☎✁✖✕ ✾ ✘✃✗ ✓✙✘✖❙✲✟✖✓✝❙✝✁✙✍⑧❙✂✁✝✞✖❙❉✑✪✓✄✂✑ ✠✝✾ ✄☎✓✙✗
✚✂✾ ✕❃❂❴✓✙✘✝✄☎✁✝✍✤✞✡✑✢❂❄✠✖✁ ✌●✁✝✓✂✆✡✘✖✁✝✕❄✕④✞ ✍⑨✠✝✾ ✕❴❂❴✞✝✑❴✾ ✄☎✓✂✗✝✑✪✁❉✗ ✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✕✟✛✔❅❇✞❉✟❳❂❴✠ ✏☎✓✙✕❃❂⑨✓✂✘✖✚ ✏☎✓✡✕❃❂ ✴✲✕✡✾ ✓✝✜❴✌
✱ ✔✓✞✗✖✝✮✝☎✵ ✘✿✧✪✴ ✥✖✵✂✶✡✌
✷ ✙❴✵✙✧✪✱✖✳✙✦❴✶✝✧♥✴ ✥✝✵✛✚✔✣✒✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✝✧✪✩②✦✔✱✖✳✂✴ ✥✡✵✖✸✠✜✞●
✽ ✄☎✞❉✘✖✄☎✁✡✑❴✘✖✕❖❂★✠✝✁➛✕❃❂❴✓☎❂✔✁✡✕➛✗ ✞✡✄☎✓✝✗ ✾ ✕☎✁✙✚⑧✾ ✘☞❂❄✠✖✁
✾ ❈❆❈✰✁✖✚✲✾ ✓✡❂❴✁✜✘✝✁✝✾ ❙✂✠✂◗✖✞❉✟✝✑❴✠✖✞✝✞✝✚Ý✞ ✍☞✙✏ ✟✝✑✔✞✄❳✑ ✁ ✌❊✠✝✞✖✕☎✁❁❂★✑✪✓✝✚✡✁☞✓✙✘✝✚☞✓✂✾ ✑❪✑✪✁❉✗ ✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✕✰✓✙✑✔✁❁✕❃❂★✑✔✞✝✘✝❙✂✗ ❍ ✑✝✞✝✗ ✓✙✑✔✾ ✕❞✁✡✚②◗❳❍
✏✡✟✙✑✪✞✄✝✑ ✁✝✌
✁ ✽✂✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✂✍✤✛✢✌ ✍✒✾ ✘ ✏❞✎✕ ✑✝✞✙✘
✘ ✔✛ ▲✂▼✝▼✂✝ö ✜
✣ ó④ó✥✤✄✦★✧✪✝✩ ò ñ✫✤✟✬✮✭✒ñ✔☎ï ✢✄❜
✰ õ✲☛☎✞✂✟✝✑
❙✂✟✝✞✙✾❳❂❄✟❁✗ ❯ ✓✡✕❘❈❁✾ ✕④✁❉✘✰✚✝✁✙✑✔✘✂✾ ✁✂✑ ✱
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❒✒➭✪➪✒➭❇Ô❊➟❉➂Ï➃❞➀ ➄✖➂➛➜✂➵✢Õ✙Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟❉➠☎➒●➜✢➼✙➅❞➟➈➍✢➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➄✝×
ê✭➀ ➃❴Ü➛➄⑥➵❴➀ ❿❉➻ ÜÝ➉✤❿✝➚✃➀ ❿✙➅❴➂✢➃➾➂✭➄☎➅❄➄ã➀ ❿✻➺ ➜✤➡☎➉❇➅❞➀ ❿✲➝ ➀ ❿➷➃❴➂✭Ü ➜❉➅❄➂❲❀✤➼✙➅✼➻❇➚✒❿✲➉✢Ü➛➀ ➡❶➉✭➃❄➂✂➉✭➄✂❚
➭ ✽●➼✝➅②➅☎➟✂➂❇➚ ➉✭➺ ➄✝➜✻➵✔➀♥❿✂➻ ➀ ➅⑧➁✲➂✢➃✇➚
➡✝➜✢❿✙➁✒➂✭❿✤➀ ➂✤❿✂➅④➅❄➜ Õ✂❿✲➂✂➉✭➃❴➠☎➄✝➟✲➜✭➃✔➂✲×✝➭❏❃❆ ❿②➅☎➟✭➀ ➄➈➃➾➂✭➄✝➞✲➂❇➡☎➅❄➋❦➅☎➟✂➂✼➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢✺
❿ ✤
❀ ➼✭➀ ➺ ➻✤➀♥❿✂➝Ù➞✲➃❄➜✂➡✝➂✂➄✝➄Ï➀ ➄➛➜✭❿✲➂⑧➜❇➵❬➅❞➟✲➂Ù❿✤➼✲Ü➛➂✭➃➾➜✏➼✲➄
➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺✏➞✲➃❴➜✂➡✝➂✂➄✝➄✡➂❇➄✜➅❞➟✲➉✝➅❘➉✭➃❴➂▲❀✲➂✭➀♥❿✂➝②➂✢❿✲➂✭➃➾➝✏➀ ➄✡➂✭➻✒❀✝➚⑦➝✢➺ ➜❋✂❀ ➉✤➺ ➀ ➄✡➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✒➭✭Ô❊➟✂➂②➄❞➅☎➃✔➉✂➅❴➂✭➝✤➀ ➡✜➉✭➻✂➁✤➉✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➝✲➂✭➄✜➜✭➵❦➞✲➃❄➜✝ë✏➀ Ü➛➀ ➅✔➚
➉✏➃➾➂⑧➉✢➺ ➺✤➅☎➟✂➂⑥Ü ➜✭➃✔➂✼➝✤➃✔➜✂➲❁➀♥❿✂➝✼➉✭➄✜➅☎➟✲➂⑧➜✢➀ ➺❊➞✭➃❴➀ ➡✡➂Ù➃❴➀ ➄✡➂✭➄➛➉✤❿✲➻➈➅☎➃➾➉✢❿✲➄✝➞✲➜t➃➾➅❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿⑦➡✡➜✤➄❞➅❄➄❖➅☎➟✤➼✲➄Ï➃❄➀ ➄✡➂✼➉✭➺ ➄✝➜✤➭✏➏❬➄Ý➉Ù➃❴➂✲➄❉➼✤➺ ➅❄➋
➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺✂➅❞➃❄➉✂➻✭➂②➉❇➝✤➃❄➂✂➂✢ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❄➄ ➟❉➉✭➁✲➂➈Ü➈➼✤➺ ➅☎➀ ➞✭➺ ➀ ➂✂➻⑧➻✢➼✲➃❞➀ ❿✲➝Ï➅☎➟✲➂➈➺ ➉❇➄☎➅❘➻✭➂✲➡✖➉✲➻✤➂✤➭✞✰
❭ ❿❉➂➈➜✂➵●➅☎➟✲➂✢➀ ➃④Ü ➉✮❇❴➜✭➃④➡✂➟✂➉✭➃❄➉✂➡❳➅❴➂✤➃❞➀ ➄☎➅❞➀ ➡
➀ ➄❖➅❞➟✲➉✂➅④➅☎➟✂➂❇➚ ➂t❿✲➡✙➜tÜ②➞✂➉✲➄✖★
➄ ❀✲➜❇➅☎➟✼Û⑨➜t➃➾➅☎➟②➉✏❿✲➻⑧➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟⑦➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✂➄✭➭❦➐❜❋
➂ ✤
❀ ➺ ➜✭➡✝Þ ✻➍✒➂✂➝✏❿✲➉✢➼✲➺ ➅❆➄✝➉✝➚⑥❽☎➪☎✿✏✿✲á✢➓❘➅☎➟✂➉✝➅✰➅✡➟✂➂✝➚
➃❴➂✲➡✝➜✭❿✤❿✂➂✭➡☎➅➛Û❬➜✭➃✪➅✡➟è➉✢❿✲➻➳➒✏➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✲➋✜➉❇➵♥➅❴➂✤➃❁➅☎➟✂➂ã➺ ➉✢➃➾➝✭➂❶➻✏➀ ➄✖➡✡➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✭❿❶➻✏➼❉➂⑥➅❄➜⑥➅❳➟❉➂❶➂✢❿✲➻➳➜❇➵❆➡✝➜✭➺ ➜✢❿✲➀ ➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❉Ü ➉✏❿✂➻❶➅☎➟✂➂
➢●➜✢➺ ➻⑥➸②➉✢➃Ý➀ ❿⑦➅✖➟❉➂⑥➄✡➂✭➡✝➜✭❿✲➻ã➟✂➉✤➺ ➵❆➜❇➵❘➅❞➟✲➂Ó☎
➪ ✿✁✄✂✜➡✡➂✢❿✝➅☎➼✲➃✔➚✒➭④➒❦➼❉➡❇➟è➉⑥➃✔➂✲➡✝➜✭❿✤❿✲➂✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲♥
➋ ❀✙➚⑥➅☎➟✂➂✼➲❘➉❇➚t➋➣➀ ➄Ï➅☎➟✂➂❶➃➾➂✭➉✂➄✝➜✢❿
➲❖➟✂➚è❾❦❿✲➡☎➅❄➉✂➻å❿✲➜✂➲❐➞✲➺ ➂✂➉✤➻✭➄☞➵➾➜✭➃❁➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✏❿✲➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❉Ü ❽☎➌❬➉✤➄❉➟❉➉❇➚t➂tÞ✲➟✤➀✏➪☎✿✏✏
✿ à✁✡☎ ➓❴➋④➄✡➂✭➂✭❿⑦➉✤➄☞➉Ù➞✲➜✲➄❉➀ ➅❞➀ ➁✤➂Ù➀ ❿✝➅❴➂✤➃✔➵➾➉✭➡✡➂Ï➁✒➀ ➄✡➠❛❦✂➠❃➁✤➀ ➄
➝✏➺ ➜✏❀✂➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✝➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✒➭
❆❳❿ ➜✏➼✭➃❘➽✲➄❉➞❉➜✏❿➈➃★➂✭➞✲➜t➃➾➅❴➋●➅☎➟✲➂ ➼❉➄✝➂➛➜✭➵❪➌❘➉✂➻✤➻✢➀ ➄✖➜✤✏
❿ ❞ ➄❖➻✤➉✂➅❴✒
➉ ❀✂➉✭➄✡➂➈➟✲➉✭➄Ý➉✢➺ ➺ ➜✂➲❘➂✭➻⑧➼✲➄❁➅❞➜②➝✢➀ ➁✲➂➈➉②➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✤➃➾➂✢➟✂➂✤❿✲➄❉➀ ➁✲➂Ï➁✤➀ ➂✂➲
➜✭➵④➅☎➟✤➀ ➄✼❿✂➂❇➲➘Û❜➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✂➠☎➒✒➜✢➼✙➅❳➟ ➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✤➀ ➡✝➉✭➺❊➄✡➂✝➅✡➭❦➏⑨➄Ï➅✡➟✂➂è➄✖➡✡➉✢➺ ➂⑥➜✂➵❘➂✭ë✲➡❇➟✂➉✤❿✂➝✤➂✂➄⑧➂✭❿✤➺ ➉✭➃❴➝✲➂✤➋✰➀ ➅☞➀ ➄Ï➁t➂✭➃✪➚➳➼✲➄✖➂✂➵❃➼✲➺●➅❴➜
➂✏❿✭➺ ➉t➃★➝✤➂⑥➅☎➟✲➂Ó➅❞➀ ÜÝ➂✻➄✡➡✝➜✭➞✲➂✻➜❇➵Ý➉✢❿❉➉✢➺ ➚✭➄✝➀ ➄❶➀ ❿➳➜✤➃❴➻✲➂t➃Ý➅❄➜ä➼✤❿✂➻✲➂✢➃★➄❳➅❴➉✤❿✲➻Ó➅✡➟✂➂●❀✲➉✭➄✝➀ ➡⑧➅☎➃➾➂✢❿✂➻✤➄è➜✭➵❁➅☎➟✲➂ìÛ❜➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✂➠☎➒✒➜✢➼✙➅❳➟
➀ ➄☎➄❇➼✂➂✒➭❦Ô❊➟✂➂✻➊✄✏
✂ à☎✿✲➠✖➪☎✿✏✿✏❶
✿ ➉✏❿✂➉✤➺ ➚t➄❉➀ ➄⑧➜❇➵➣➙➔➐❪➇è➉✤❿✲➻ã➞✲➜✢➞✤➼✲➺ ➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✏❿è➡✝➉✭➃✔➅❴➜✲➝✏➃➾➉✢➞✭➟✙➚➳➄❇➟✲➜✝➲❁➄②➅❳➟❉➂❶➻✤➂✂➡❉➃★➂❇➉✲➄❉➀ ❿✲➝ã➞✲➉✭➃✪➅ ➜✭➵
➃❞➀ ➡❇➟✈➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄❇➭❚✽⑨➼✝➅②➅❳➟❉➂➷➻✭➂✝➁✒➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✤➞✤➀ ❿❉➝ä➄☎➅❄➉✝➅❴➂✤➄ã➺ ➜✭➡✡➉❉➅❄➂✲➻ä➀♥❿❶➅☎➟✲➂✢➀ ➃⑧➀ Ü➛Ü➛➂✂➻✢➀ ➉❇➅❴➂ ➞❉➂t➃❄➀ ➞✲➟✲➂t➃➾➚ ➟✂➉✂➁✤➂✻➝✲➂✏❿✂➂✭➃❴➉✤➺ ➺ ➚
➂✭ë✤➞✂➂✭➃☎➀ ➂✢❿✂➡✡➂✭➻➛➅☎➟✲➂➈➃➾➂❉➁t➂✢➃➾➄✝➂➛➂✝➁✤➜✤➺ ➼✙➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✲➋❜➲❁➀ ➅☎➟➛❖
➉ ❴❇ ➜✢➀ ❿✝➅✰➀ ❿✲➡✖➃❄➂✂➉❇➄✙➂➈➜✂➵●➅❞➟✲➂✭➀ ➃❮➄✖➟✲➉✢➃➾➂②➜❇➵④➞✲➜✭➞✤➼✭➺ ➉❇➅☎➀ ➜✏❿➛➉✤❿✲➻➛➙✰➐❪➇②➀ ❿☞➅☎➟✂➂
➲❁➜✤➃❞➺ ➻●➭❪➽✂➁✲➂✏❿✼➀ ➵❪➅✡➟✂➂✭➀ ➃❆➙➔➐④➇✼➞✂➂✭➃❆➡✖➉✤➞✤➀ ➅❴➉⑥➻✤➀ ➻❶❿✲➜❇➅✜❿✲➂✭➡✡➂✭➄✡➄✖➉✤➃❴➀ ➺ ➚❶➀ ❿✲➡✝➃➾➂✤➉✂➄✝➂ÙÜ ➜t➃★➂✺✢
❈ ➼✤➀ ➡❉Þ✲➺ ➚⑧➅☎➟✲➉✭❿②➅✖➟❉➂Ù➃❄➂✂➄❳➅✜➜✂➵④➅❞➟✲➂
➲❁➜✤➃❞➺ ➻✤➋●➅☎➟✂➂✭➀ ➃❮➂✭➡✡➜✢❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡Ý➉✢❿✲➻②➻✤➂✭Ü➛➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✢➞✤➟✲➀ ➡✜➄❉➀ ❁✝➂✼➟✂➉✭➄Ý➡✖➺ ➂✂➉t➃❄➺ ➚⑧➝✤➃❴➜❇➲✜❿✤➭✤Ô❊➟✂➂②➄❞➅❄➉❉➅✿➂✂➄ ➀ ❿☞➅✡➟✭➀ ➄❖➄✝➀ ➅✖➼❉➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿②➻✲➂❇➵✔➀ ❿❉➂⑧➉
➙④➜✢➺ ➻✤➂✢❿⑦➃❃➀ ❿✲➝⑧➜❇➵❮➝✏➃➾➜❇➲④➅☎➟②➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü ➌❮➂❇ë✤➀ ➡✙➜Ï➅❄➜✢✽✒➃➾➉✬❁✂➀ ➺ ➋✰Û❊➜✭➃✇➅☎➟☞➏●➵❴➃❴➀ ➡✖➉✲➋●➅❳➟❉➂Ù➌❁➀ ➻✤➻✢➺ ➂ ➽✲➉✲➄❞➅❁➉✤❿✲➻⑧➄✝➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✂➠☎➂✂➉✭➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❃❿➛➏❜➄❉➀ ➉●➭
❆❃➅②➀ ➄✼➝✤➂✢❿❉➂t➃★➉✢➺ ➺ ➚✻➜✤❿✤➺ ➚ä➀ ❿⑥➅☎➟✂➂➳➻✭➂✲➂✢➞➳➞✲➂✭➃❃➀ ➞✤➟✲➂✭➃❃➀ ➂✭➄✡➋☞➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✝➅❄➂❇➻➳➉❇➅②➺ ➜✢❿❉➝✭➂✭➃➛➻✤➀ ➄❞➅❄➉✢❿✲➡✡➂Ó➵✔➃★➜✢Ü↔➅☎➟✂➂ÙÔ⑨➃☎➀ ➉❇➻✤➋❁➅☎➟✂➉✂➅☞➅☎➟✂➂
➲❁➜✤➃❴➄✡➂✼➄❉➀ ➅☎➼✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✼➜❇➵❮➉✏❿✼➀ ❿✲➡✝➃✔➂✲➉✭➄✡➂Ù➀ ❿⑦➅❞➟✲➂✼➄❉➟❉➉✢➃★➂⑧➜✭➵✰➞✲➜✭➞✤➼✭➺ ➉✝➅❳➀ ➜✢❿⑦➉✢❿❉➻❶➉⑧➻✭➂✲➡❉➃★➂✭➉✂➄✡➂Ù➜✂➵④➅❞➟✲➂✼➄❉➟❉➉✢➃★➂⑧➜✭➵④➙④➐④➇⑧➟✲➉✭➄
❀✲➂✭➡✡➜✢Ü ➂ÏÜ ➉✢❿✲➀ ➵✇➂✭➄☎➅✡➭
Ô❊➟✲➂✼➄✝➜✢➼✙➅❞➟✲➂✢➃❴❿⑥➌➔➂❇➻✤➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❞➃➾➉✢❿❉➂✤➉✭❿✼➡✝➜✤➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄ ➟❉➉✏➞✭➞❉➂✢❿⑧➅❄➜❄✲
❀ ➂✼➉✤➡❞➅☎➼✲➉t➺ ➺ ➚Ó➀ ❿✼➅❞➟✂➂❶ÜÝ➜✤➄❞➅✜➵✔➉✝➁✤➜✤➼✭➃★➉▼❀✤➺ ➂✼➻✭➂✢ÜÝ➜✲➝✏➃➾➉✢➞✭➟✤➀ ➡
➄❇➀ ➅☎➼✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿ ➵✔➜✭➃❬➂✭➡✙➜t❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡❁➻✭➂✂➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✤➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❴➋❦➲❁➀ ➅☎➟➛➉➛➝✤➜✲➜✭➻⑧➞✭➃★➜t➞✲➜✤➃✇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵●➚t➜✢➼✤❿❉➝⑧➉✂➻✏➼✭➺ ➅❄➄➣➲❁➀ ➅☎➟➈➃➾➂✭➺ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➁✲➂✢➺ ➚⑧➟✤➀ ➝✏➟➈➺ ➀ ➵➾➂
❀ ➺ ➂⑧➵➾➂✭➃✪➅☎➀ ➺ ➀ ➅✔➚❶➃➾➉✝➅❄➂✭➋❪➲✜➟✭➀ ➡✝➟✼Ü➛➂✲➉✢❿❉➄➈❿✲➜❉➅❘➅❄➜✤➜Ù❿✤➼✭Ü ➂✭➃❴➜✤➼✲➄➛➡❉➟✤➀ ➺ ➻✏➃❴➂✭❿✭➃✜❿✲➜✭➃❘➅❴➜✭➜⑥❿✤➼✲Ü➛➂✭➃❴➜✤➼✲➄
➜✏➺ ➻å➞❉➂✢➃★➄✝➜✭❿✲➄❖➅❄➜Ù➺ ➜✲➜✢Þ②➉✂➵♥➅❄➂t➃✿➭✏Ô❊➟✭➀ ➄➈ÜÝ➜✢ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❖➀ ❿⑥➟✲➀ ➄☎➅❴➜✢➃➾➚⑧➲❁➟✲➂✭➃❴➂✼➉➈➡✙➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃✇➚❶➟✂➉✲➄Ï➀ ➅☎➄➛Ü➛➉✝ë✤➀♥Ü➛➼✤Ü ➞✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➜✢➃✇➅☎➀ ➜✢❿⑦➜✭➵
➉✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➁t➂➈➞✲➜✭➞✤➼✭➺ ➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➋❦➞✭➃★➜❇➁✤➀ ➻✤➂✭➄❁➉➈➼✲❿✤➀ ❈✏➼❉➂➛➜t➞✤➞❉➜✢➃✇➅☎➼✤❿✤➀ ➅✔➚✒❀✲➜✝➅❳➟✜➵➾➜✢➃⑨➅✖➟❉➂✭➄✡➂➛➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✜➉t❿✲➻➛➵➾➜t➃⑨➅☎➟✲➂➈➽✭❾❬➭
❋●✓ ✑✥✞✠❀
✞ ✽✓✷✔✞✂✾ ✘❳❂⑨✁✝☛✖✞❉✗ ✟✖❂❄✾ ✞✂✘✰✎✞ ✍✭❂❄✠✖✁❘✕✡✠✝✓✡✑✔✁❁✲✞ ✍✭❂❄✠✖✟
✁ ✌❊✞✂✑✔✗ ✚✙✑✝✞ ✑✂✟✝✗ ✓✖❂❴✾ ✞✙✘❁✓✂✘✖✚✜✎ ☛●☛✟✛❃☛✙☛✡❅✠✜☎✇✍ ✑✔✞✂❈ä❚✛✘✎✱✂▼✝❏ ✱✖❑❁❂➾✞➛❚✛✘✎✂✘ ö✝❏❴▲✂▼✝▼✂▼
✆ ✲
✡ ✠✝✁✡✑✔✁✜✠✖✝✓ ☛✡✁❁◗✝✁✡✁✂✘❁✓✝✘✝✄✡✾ ✁❉✘❳❂●✓❉✘✖✚❁✄☎✞✂✘❳❂★✑✔✞ ☛✙✁✝✑♥✕✡✾ ✓✂✗✖✚✂✁✝◗✝✓☎❂✔✁✡✕④✓✂❈④✞✂✘✝❙✜✁✖✄☎✞✙✘✝✞✂❈✰✾ ✕❞❂➾✕④✓✝◗✝✞✙✟❳❂❊❙✂✗ ✞✙◗✝✓✂✗ ✾ ✕☎✓❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘✜✓✝✘✝✚❆✑✔✁✝❙✂✾ ✞✝✘✝✓✙✗ ✾ ✕☎✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✭✌
❯☎✑✔✞✙❈➹✘✝✞ ✌ ✞✝✘✙✍✧✼✏✘✖✄❴❂❴✓✝✚➷✾ ✕➳✾ ✘ ✍✇✓✝☛✖✞❉✟✝✑➈✞✎✍☞❂❄✠✖✁➷✗ ✓☎❂✔❂➾✁✝✑⑦◗✖✁✝✄☎✓✂✟☎✕☎✁Ó❂❃✠✖✁➷✾ ✘❳✕☎✁❉✑➶❂❴✾ ✞✙✘✻✞ ✍②✚✝✎✁ ☛✝✁✝✗ ✞ ✑✂✾ ✘✝❙✻✄☎✞✂✟✂✘✿❂★✑❴✾ ✁✝✕❶✓✙✘✝✚ã❂❴✠✝✁
✑✪✁✡✄☎✞✂✘✝✘✝✁✖✄❴❂❄✾ ✞✝✘⑦◗✖✁❳✪❂ ✌●✁✝✁✂✘✳✲✂✞✝✑✪❂★✠Ï✓❉✘✖✚⑧❅✂✞✂✟❳❂★✠✝✍❪✓✙✑✪✁②❈✰✞✂✑✪✁➛✁✙✓✖✕✡✾ ✗ ❍⑦❈➔✓✙✚✝✁☞❂❴✠✙✑✪✞✂✟✝❙✂✠②✑✪✁✝❙✲✾ ✞✂✘☎✕❖❂★✠✝✓✂✘❖❂❴✠✂✑✪✞❉✟✖❙✲✠Ï✓②✟✝✘✂✾ ❙✲✟✖✁➛❙✲✗ ✞❉◗✖✓✲✗
✑✪✁✝❙✂✟✂✗ ✓☎❂❄✾ ✞❉✘✝✍❪✞✂✑❪❂❄✠✝✑✔✞✝✟✝❙✂✠➛✕✡✾ ❈✥✂✑ ✗ ✁ ◗✝✾ ✗ ✓❳❂★✁✝✑✪✓❉✗✏✓✝❙✂✑✪✁✙✁✂❈➔✁❉✘❳❂✔✕ ✾ ✘ ✌❬✠✝✾ ✄✡✠Ï❂❴✠✝✁⑦◗✖✓✂✗ ✓❉✘✖✄☎✁➈✞✎✍✟✑✝✞ ✌❊✁✙✑❁❈✰✞✡✕❞❂❴✗ ❍ ✍✇✓ ☛✙✞✂✟✖✑✔✕❁❂❄✠✖✁✠✲
✲ ✞✂✑ ❂❃✠❇✌
❖✂✁✖❙✲✾ ✞❉✘✖✕④✓✂✑✪✁✜✘✝✞☎❂ ✍✇✞✙✑➶❂❴✑✇✁✝✕❞✕☎✁✡✕❪❂❴✠✝✓☎❂❊✚✲✾ ☛✝✁✙✑ ❂❬✞✙✑❊✠✖✓✂❈✙✑✖✁✙✑ ✍✇✑➶✁✙✁✰❂➾✑✔✓✝✚✝✁ ✛✪✞✄✖✑ ✁❉✘❁✑✔✁✝❙✂✾ ✞✝✘✝✓✙✗ ✾ ✕✡❈Ó❂❄✠✖✁✡✕✡✾ ✕✎✜★✗✌ ✤✴ ✕❘✁
✎ ✴✠✡✝Ý
✡ ✓✂✘✖✚❁❂★✠✖✁✂✘ ✵✙✡ ❯ ✕
✑✔✟✂✗ ✁❁✓✙✗ ✗ ✞✝✌❊✕❘✾ ❂★✍✤✑✔✁✖❙✲✾ ✞❉✘✖✕④✓✝✑✔✁❘✲✞ ✍ ❂❴✁✂✘❪❂❄✠✝✁❁✘✝✁✡✄☎✁☎✕☎✕☎✓✝✑✔❍❘✕❃❂➾✁✝✑✟✪✍ ✞✙✑✏✚✂✁✲☛✝✁✂✗ ✞✖✑✝✾ ✘✖❙❁✄☎✞✂✟✝✘✖❂★✑✔✾ ✁☎✕❪❂✔✞❆✁✂✘✿❂★✁✝✑✭❂❄✠✝✁❁✾ ✘❞❂❴✁✙✑✔✘✝✓❳❂★✾ ✞✂✘✖✓✂✗❳❂★✑✔✓✖✚✂✁✂✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟❉➠☎➒●➜✭➼✝➅☎➟❶➍✲➂✤➝✢➀ ➜t❿✲➄▲❀❉➂✏❿✂➂✂➵❃➀ ➅❁➵❴➃➾➜✢Ü ➵➾➜t➼✲➃✜➉✂➄✝➄✡➂✝➅❴➄✭➭✏Ô❊➟✂➂✼➵✔➀ ➃❴➄☎➅✜➜✢❿❉➂Ù➀ ➄➛➂✂➡✝➜✢❿❉➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡✂➭④ê✝➀ ➃❴Ü ➄✝➋❪➲❁➟✲➂✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃④➅☎➟✲➂✝➚è➉✭➃❴➂
➄ Ü ➉t➺ ➺✤➜✤➃❊➅☎➃❴➉✢❿❉➄❇❿✂➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✢➺ ➋➔❿✲➂✲➂✂➻⑧➉Ù➃➾➂✭➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✤➺✤➄☎➅❄✘
➉ ✤
❀ ➺ ➂✼➺ ➜✲➡✖➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤✒
❿ ❀✲➉✂➄✝➂✂➻✼➜✢❿✼➞✂➉✭➃✇➅✖❿❉➂t➃★➄❉➟✤➀ ➞✲➋ ❀✲➂❇➡✙➉t➼✲➄✡➂➛➅❳➟❉➂✭➚Ù➟❉➉❇➁t➂Ï➅❄➜
➻✤➂✭➉✤➺●➲❁➀ ➅☎➟è➉ÓÜ ➜❇➄☎➅➛➼✤❿✲➡✖➂✤➃✇➅❴➉✢➀ ❿è➉✢❿✂➻❶➡✂➟✂➉✢➺ ➺ ➂✢❿✂➝✏➀ ❿✲➝⑥➝✏➺ ➜❋❉❀ ➉✏➺ ➀ ➄✡➉✝➅✖➀ ➜✢❿✒➭ ❆✿❿✙➅❄➂t➃❄❿✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✲➉t➺⑨➅❞➃❴➉✲➻✤➂⑥❽☎ÜÝ➉t✠
➞ ✟ ✟❦➓➛➀ ❿✂➡✝➃✔➂✲➉✭➄✡➂✭➄
➵✔➉✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃④➲✜➀ ➅❞➟✤➀ ❿Ý➅✖➟❉➂Ù➃➾➂❇➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➄❁➅☎➟✲➉✢❿➛➲❁➀ ➅❞➟➛➅☎➟✂➂✼➃✔➂✲➄❳➅❘➜✂➵❪➅❞➟✲➂②➲❁➜✭➃❴➺ ➻❋❮
✐ ➝✏➃❴➜✂➲❁➀ ❿✂➝⑥➞✲➜✭➞✤➼✭➺ ➉✝➅❳➀ ➜✢❿✲➄☞➺ ➀ ➁✲➂⑧➜✢❿✙❀✲➜❇➅☎➟②➄✝➀ ➻✲➂✭➄☞➜✂➵
➄ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤❿➈➅❴➲❆➜⑧➡✝➜✤➼✭❿✝➅☎➃❄➀ ➂✲➄❇➭✠❆❞❿⑥➽✲➉✂➄☎➅✰➏❊➄✝➀ ➉✲➋④➢❦➟✭➀ ❿✲➂✭➄✡➂➈➅☎➃❴➉✂➻✭➂✤➃❴✻➄ ❞●❿✲➂✝➅❴➲❁➜✭➃❴Þ✲➄➈➟✲➉✝➁✭➂⑥➃★➂t➀ ❿✂➵✇➜✢➃★➡✖➂✲➻Ù➄✝➀ ❿✲➡✡➂⑧➅❞➟✲➂
✂ ✿✤➄✭✵
➭ ❆❞❿☞➅❞➟✲➂➈➌➔➂❇➻✤➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❴➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✤❿②➉✭➃✔➂✲➉✭➋❦Ü②➀ ➝✏➃❴➉✭❿✝➅④➲❘➜✤➃❞Þ✙➂✭➃❄➄❁➄✡➂✢❿✂➻✼Ü➛➜✭➃➾➂☞➅☎➟✲➉✢❿ ☎✢❀✭➀ ➺ ➺♥➀ ➜✢❿ ➂✢➼✭➃★➜✭➄✜➂✝➁✤➂✭➃✇➚➈➚t➂✂➉t➃❬➵❴➃✔➜✤Ü
❀ ➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃✪➚⑦➅❞➟✲➂❇➚⑦➡✝➜✭ÜÝ➂⑧➵✔➃❴➜✢Ü②➭❪➽✙➁✤➂✭➃✇➚✼➻✤➉✝➚✒➋●➅❃➲❆➜ÙÜ➛➀ ➺ ➺ ➀ ➜✭❿✼➌④➂✂ë✏➀ ➡✝➉✭❿✲➄Ï➺ ➂✭➝✲➉t➺ ➺ ➚⑦➡❉➃★➜✭➄✡➄☞➅❞➟✲➂
❀✲➜✢➃➾➻✤➂✭➃❉❀✂➂✂➅✔➲❆➂❇➂✤❿✼➌④➂✝ë✤➀ ➡✖➜⑦➉t❿✲➻②➅❳➟❉➂Ù❾❊❿✤➀ ➅❴➂✭➻⑧➒✤➅❄➉✝➅❴➂✤➄❇➭✤Ô❊➟✂➂⑧Û❊➜✤➃✪➅☎➟❉➠☎➒●➜✭➼✝➅☎➟⑧➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✂➄Ý➉✢➃➾➂➈➅❞➟✲➂②➲❁➀ ❿✭❿✤➀ ❿✲➝Ï➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✢➃❴➀ ➂✲➄
➜✭➵➛➝✏➺ ➜▼❀✲➉✤➺ ➀ ➄✡➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿➷❽☎➌④➀ ➡❉➟❉➉✢➺ ➂❉➅è➪☎✿✘✭
✿ ß✏➓✡➭❖✔❆ ➅✼➀ ➄ãÜ ➉✭➀ ❿✭➺ ➚❢✲❀ ➂✂➡✝➉✭➼✲➄✝➂ã➅☎➟✂➂✂❢
➚ ✂❀ ➂✤❿✲➂❇➵❴➀ ➅⑧➵✔➃❴➜✤Ü ➅✡➟✂➂✻➡✙➜tÜ➛➞✤➺ ➂✢ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➃❃➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲➄
❀✲➂❇➅✔➲❘➂✲➂✏❿➛➡✙➉t➞✤➀ ➅❴➉✭➺✒➉✢❿❉➻➈➅❄➂✭➡✝➟✤❿✲➜✭➺ ➜✂➝✭➚✼➜✭❿➛➅☎➟✲➂➈➜✤❿✲➂Ù➟✂➉✤❿✲➻✤➋❪➺ ➉✭➃❴➝✤➂⑧➺ ➉✘✲❀ ➜✢➼✲➃④➵➾➜t➃★➡✖➂✲➄☞➉✤❿✂➻❄✂❀ ➜✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ❿❉➝⑥ÜÝ➉t➃❄Þ✂➂✝➅❄➄☞➜✤❿➛➅☎➟✂➂
➜✭➅❞➟✲➂✭➃☎➭✏➌➔➉t➃➾➅❞➀ ❿✲➂❖➏✳❁✲➼✂➂✢➺ ➜✭➄❁❽☎➪☎✿✏✿✭ß✏➓❘➟✲➉✂➄❁➄❇➟✲➜✝➲❁➂✲➻➈➀ ➅❪➵➾➜t➃●➏❮ÜÝ➂t➃❄➀ ➡✡➉✭➋●➢❊➟✭➃❴➀ ➄❞➅☎➀ ➉✤❿❁Ô⑨➉✢➀ ➺ ➺ ➉✭➃❴➻➈❽☎➪☎✿✘✭
✿ ß✒➓❪➵➾➜✭➃④➽✲➉✭➄☎➅❦➏❜➄❉➀ ➉✏➭
❋●✓ ✑✥✞✠✠
✞ ✽✁✂❖ ✁✝❙✂✾ ✞✙✘✝✓✂✗ ✾ ✕☎✓❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘❁✎✞ ✍✭❂❴✠✝✆
✁ ✵❁✞✂✑✔✗ ✚❆◗✝✓✝✕☎✁☎✚✜✞✂✘❮❂★✑✔✓✖✚✂✁✟✍✇✗ ✞✝✌●✕❁✛❚ ✘✎✘✂ö✝❏❴▲✝▼✂▼✂▼
✴⑨✗ ✗✖❂❴✠✂✾ ✘✝❙✡✕❁◗✝✁✙✾ ✘✖❙☞✛✁ ❙✂✟✝✓✝✗✲✾ ✘✰❂✔✁❉✑✔❈➔✕❘✎✞ ✍●✁☎✄☎✞✂✘✝✞✝❈❆✾ ✄✰✕✡✾ ▲❄✁✂✍✭✕☎✞✂❈✰✁❘✕❞❂❴✓☎❂❴✁✖✕④✚✂✎✁ ☛✖✁❉✗ ✞ ✑
✄✡✗ ✁✝✓✙✑④✑➶✁✙❙✂✾ ✞✂✘✖✓✂✗☎✝✑ ✑✇✁ ✍✇✁✡✑✔✁✂✘❳✄☎✁✙✕✙✌❬✠✝✾ ✄✡✠☞✓✙✑✪✁➛✑✪✁ ☛✝✁✖✓❉✗ ✁✖✚②◗✝❍❁❂❄✠☎✁②❈➔✖✓ ✑☞✞ ✍☞✝✑ ✞✡✕✡✾ ❂❄✾ ☛✂✁
✑✪✁✡✕✡✾ ✚✲✟✖✓✂✗ ✕✖✌ ●❈✰✾ ❂✇❂❴✾ ✘✖❙➛✚✲✾ ✕❴❂❴✓✂✘☎✄☎✁②✾ ✘❖❂❄✠✝✾ ✕Ý✾ ✘✿❂★✁✝✑✪✓✡✄❞❂❄✾ ✞❉✘➈❈④✞✝✚✂✁✝✗✒✠✝✁✝✗ ✑✖✕❖❂➾✞➛✑✪✁✎☛✝✁✡✓✲✗
✠✝✞✝✌ ❂❃✠✖✁ã✄☎✞✙✕❃❂⑦✞ ✍☞❂★✑✪✓✂✘☎✕✎✑✝✞✂✑ ❂★✓❳❂★✾ ✞✂✘ã✓✂✘✖✚✈✞✖❂❴✠✡✁✂✑❖❂❴✄❍ ✖✑ ✁✡✕⑥✞✎✍⑦✠✝✾ ✕❞❂❴✞✙✑✔✾ ✄☎✓✝✗❁✓✙✘✝✚
✄✡✟✝✗ ❂❴✟✙✑✪✓✂✗ ✑✡✑✔✞✝P✝✾ ❈❘✾ ❂❄✾ ✁✡✕➛✾ ✘★➾✍ ✗ ✟✖✁✂✘☎✄☎✁☞❂❴✑✔✓✡✚✂✁②✑✪✁✂✗ ✓❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘✝✕Ý◗✝✁❞✕❂ ❊
✌ ✁✖✁❉✘Ï✕❞❂➾✓❳❂★✁✝✕✖✹
✌ ✴❇❂➣✗ ✁☎✕☎✕
❚✡▲➈✾ ✘☎❂❴✁✖❙❉✑✪✓❳❂★✁✝✚☞❂➾✑✔✓✝✚✝✁➛✑✔✁✡❙✂✾ ✞✝✘✝✕❁✄☎✓❉✘➈◗✖✁Ý✚✂✁✝✑✔✾ ☛✡✁✝✚ ✍✇✑✔✞✝❈✻❂❄✠✂✾ ✕✜✓✝✘✝✓✙✗ ❍✝✕✡✾ ✕✿✍❦✕☎✞✂❈❁✁
✌❬✾ ❂❄✠❁✄✡✗ ✁✝✓✙✑❊✗ ✾ ❈❁✾ ❂➾✙
✕ ✛✪✁✂✌ ❙✭✌✂✕☎✞✂✟❳❂★✠✝✁✂✑✔✘ ✴ ✍✇✑✔✾ ✄☎✓✄●
✜ ◗✂✟❳❂●❂★✠✖✁Ý❈➔✓ ✔✞✝✑✔✾ ❂➾✙
❍ ✌❬✾ ❂❄✠❁✞✝☛✡✁✝✑❴✗ ✓✖✑✖✕✡✍
✓✖✕ ✾ ✘❖❂❄✠✖✁Ý✄☎✓✖✕☎✁➛✞✎✍●❂❄✠✝✁ ✏✡✟✂✑✪✞❉❏❃❋●✁✡✚✲✾ ❂✔✁✙✑✔✑✪✓❉✘✖✁✝✓✂✘➛✓✡✑✔✁✝✓✡✍ ✌❊✠✂✾ ✄✡✠②✾ ✘⑧❚✛✘✎✂✘ ö✝❏❴▲✝▼✂▼❇▼✲✍
✄✡✗ ✁✝✓✙✑❴✗ ❍ ✄✿✑✪✞✖✕☎✕☎✁✡✕ã❂★✠✝✁ ✓✙✑✪✁✝✓ ✞✎✍ ✑✖✑✔✁✎✍♥✁✝✑✔✁✙✘❳❂❄✾ ✓❉✗➛✑✪✁✝✗ ✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✝✘✝✕ ✌❬✾ ❂❄✠ ❖✂✟✝✕❄✕✡✾ ✓➴✾ ✘
✁✝✓✡✕❃❂❴✁✙✑✔✘ ✏✙✟✖✑✔✞ ✑✝✁❇✌⑧❯✿✑✔✞✝❈➹❂❄✠✝✁☎✕☎✁✃✑♥✁✝❙✲✾ ✞✂✘✖✓❉✗ ✑✝✑✪✁✎✍✪✁✙✑✪✁✂✘☎✄☎✁✖✕✡✍➈❂★✠✖✁✃❈❘✓✄✑ ✓✝✗ ✕✖✞
✑✪✁✝☛✡✁✝✓✂✗ ✕☞✓ ✍♥✁✝✌➳✗ ✞✂✘✖❙②✚✂✾ ✕❃❂❴✓✙✘✖✄☎✁ ✑✝✑✪✁✎✍♥✁✂✑♥✁✂✘✖❂❴✾ ✓✙✗❇❂❴✑✔✓✡✚✂✁➛✑✔✁✝✗ ✓☎❂❴✾ ✞✙✘✝✕☎✍❦✁✡✎✕ ✑✝✁☎✄✡✾ ✓✂✗ ✗ ❍②✾ ✘
❂❴✠✝✁❘✄☎✓✖✕☎✁❆✞ ✍✒✑✪✁❉✗ ✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✕❘◗✖✁☎❂✕●
✌ ✁✝✁✙✘➔❂❄✠✖✁ ✼✏❅ ✴②✓✂✘☎✚✜✁✝✓✖✕❴❂❴✁✙✑✔✘ ✴✭✕✡✾ ✓✂✌✤✲✟❳❂❊✓✙◗✝✝✞ ☛✖✁❆✓✂✗ ✗
✾ ❂➛✕✡✠✝✎✞ ✌●✕➈❂★✠✝✓✖❂✜❂❄✠✖✁❶❈❘✓✂✾ ✘⑥✁✡✄☎✞✂✘✖✞✂❈❘✾ ✄✼✑✔✁✖❙✂✾ ✞✙✘✝✕✼✾ ✘ ❂❄✠✖✁ ✌❊✞✂✑✔✗ ✚⑥✁✙✘✖✄☎✞✂❈✟✑✝✓✝✕☎✕
✾ ✘✖✚✲✟✖✕❞❂➾✑❴✾ ✓✂✗ ✾ ✕❞✁✙✚✻✓✂✘✝✚✻✚✂✲✁ ☛✝✁✂✗ ✞✖✑✝✾ ✘✖❙➷✄☎✞✂✟✝✘❳❂★✑❴✾ ✁✖✕ ✛➾✛✭✓✂✘✖✓✝✚✝✓➳❲ ✼✏✎❅ ✴ ❲è❋❊✁✖P❉✾ ✄☎✁
✞ ◆
✷❴✄✓ ✖✑ ✓✂✘➔❲❦✛✤✠✝✾ ✘✖✓✰❲ ✡✲✾ ❙✝✁✙✑✔✕❪✡
❲ t
✴ ✕☎✁✖✓❉✘★◆☞✡✏ ✟✂✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✁④❲④❋●✁✙✚✂✾ ❂❴✁✙✑✪✑✔✓✙✘✝✁✝✓✝✘❘✄☎✞✂✟✂✘❳❂➾✑❴✾ ✁✝✕✎✜❃✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❋✒✓✄✑ ❚ ✽✭❋⑨✓ ✔✞❉✑✏❀✔✘✖❂➾✁✝✑❴✘✖✓☎❂❄✾ ✞❉✘✖✓✂✗✝✓✝✾ ✑☎✇✍ ✗ ✞✝✌●✕✟✛❴✾ ✘❳❂★✑✔✓✂❏ ✏✛✼ ✍➾✗ ✝✞ ✌●✕❬✁✝P✡✄✡✗ ✟✝✚✝✁✝✚ ✜
î✂ï✂ð✝ð✂ñ✇ò♥ó❪ô❁õ ■✎✘
❯❞✞✡✄✡✟✖✕✡✾ ✘✖❙⑧✞✙✘ ❂❃✠✖✁➛✄☎✞✝✘✂✘✖✁✙✄❃❂❄✾ ✞❉✘✖✕➛◗✖✁☎❂✕●
✌ ✁✙✁✂✘ ✏✙✟✡✑✔✞✄✖✑ ✁➛✓✂✘✖✚➛❂❄✠✖✁ ✑✔✁✖✕❞❂❆✲✞ ❦
✍ ❂★✠✝✁ ✌●✞✂✑❴✗ ✚✂✍❊✓✂✘✖✚②✄☎✞✂✘✖✕✡✾ ✚✝✁✙✑✔✾ ✘✖❙
❂❴✠✖✁ ✏ ✼ä✓✝✕✼✞✂✘☎✁❶✁✂✘❳❂★✾ ❂✔❍ ✛✔✾ ✌ ✁✂✌❁✁✡P✖✄✡✗ ✟✖✚✲✾ ✘✝❙✈✾ ✘❳❂★✑✔✓✂❏ ✏✛✼ã❂★✑✪✓ ✍ ✍➾✾ ✎✄ ✜✔✍✜✞✂✘✝✁⑥✄☎✓✙✘ ✑✝✞✙✾ ✘❳❂②✞✝✟✖❂Ý❂❄✠✖✓☎❂➛✕☎✁✎☛✝✁✡✑✔✓✂✗
✑✪✁✖❙✲✾ ✞❉✘✖✓✂✗✝✄☎✞✂✘✂✘✖✁✝✄❴❂❄✾ ✞✂✘☎✕✰✁❉❈✰✁✝✑✔❙✝✁✙✍✏✓✡✕ ✍♥✞✝✑❊✁✖P✙✓✂❈✥✑✂✗ ✁Ý◗✖✁☎✕❂ ●
✌ ✁✙✁✂✘❖✲✟✝✁✝✘✝✞✡✻
✕ ⑨
✴ ✾ ✑✔✁☎✕✰✓❉✘✖✚➛❅✂✓✂✘✿❂❃✾ ✓✝❙✂✞❁✓✂✘✖✚ ❅❇✓✝✞
☛☎✓✝✟✂✗ ✞⑦✞✂✘Ï❂❄✠✖✁⑦✞✂✘✖✁✼✠✖✓❉✘✖✚⑧✓✂✘✖✚è◗☎✁✖✕❂ ●
✌ ✁✙✁✂✘ ❋⑨✁✖P❉✾ ✄☎✓✂✘➈✄✡✾ ❂❄✾ ✁✖✕Ý✓✂✘✝✚⑥✽❄✞✝✕☞✴✢✘✖❙✂✁✂✗ ✁✡✕➛✞✂✘ ❂❃✠✖✁⑧✞☎❂❄✠✖✁✂✑✔✌ ✡t✠✝✾ ✕
❈✰✁✖✓❉✘✖✕Ï❂❃✠✖✓❳❂Ý✕☎✎✁ ☛✖✁✙✑✔✓✝✗❬✾ ✘❳❂❴✁✡❙✂✑✪✓✖❂★✾ ✞✂✘ ✑✡✑✔✞✖✄☎✁✡✕☎✕☎✁☎✕⑧✓☎❂❁❂❄✠✝✁✼✑✪✁✡❙✲✾ ✞✂✘✝✓✝✗❬✗ ✁✝☛✖✁❉✗❜✓❉✑✪✁✼✓✝✄❃❂★✾ ☛✖✁✙✗ ❍Ù✁❉✘✖❙✂✓✖❙✝✁✙✚❶✾ ✘
❂❴✠✖✁✡✕☎✁❖❂★✁✝✑✔✑❴✾ ❂❴✞✙✑✔✾ ✓✂✗✤✾ ✘❳❂❴✁✡❙✂✑✔✓❳❂★✾ ✞✂✘ ✑✝✑✔✞✖✄❄✁✝✕❞✕☎✁✡✕✜✓❳❂❬❂❄✠✝✁➛❙✂✗ ✞✝◗✝✓✙✗✏✗ ✁✎☛✝✁✂✗ ✌❊❅✂✞✂✟✝✑✪✄☎✁✁✽⑨✛✭✓❳❂✇❂❴✓✙✘➈✾ ✘ ✏✡❅✢☛ ✬✲✼■✝✌ ❑✤✌➾❚
Ô❊➟✲➂➈➄✙➂❇➡✙➜✢❿✂➻✼➉✲➄✖➄✡➂❇➅❁➀ ➄Ï➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ➡✡➉✢➺♥❰❊➅☎➟✂➂✼➃✔➂✲➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺✒➄✝➡✡➉✭➺ ➂Ù➟✲➉✂➄☞➡✡➂✭➃✔➅❄➉✭➀♥❿✭➺ ❄
➚ ❉❀ ➂✭➡✝➜✭Ü ➂Ï➅☎➟✂➂✺✂❀ ➂✭➄☎➅❆➡❇➟✂➉✤❿✂➡✝➂➛➵✔➜✤➃④➉✼Û❊➜✭➃✔➅❞➟❉➠
➒●➜✢➼✙➅✖➟⑧➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✭➃❞❿✲➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➉✭➺●➃➾➂✤➝✢➼✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿t➭✏Ô❊➟✂➂Ù❿❉➂✭➂✲➻➈➅❄➜Ù➃➾➂❇➠☎➃❄➂✂➝✏➼✭➺ ➉❇➅❴➂②➅❞➟✲➂➈➲❆➜t➃❄➺ ➻⑧➂✲➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü✜➚✼➀ ➄☞➉✤❿⑧➀ Ü②➞✂➜✭➃✇➅☎➉✭❿✝➅❆➻✢➃❄➀ ➁✤➀ ❿❉➝
➵ ✲
❀ ➜✢➃➾➻✤➂✭➃❞➺ ➂✭➄✡➄⑧➵✔➜✲➜❇➅❞➺ ➜✭➜✲➄✖➂❶➡✡➉✢➞✤➀ ➅❄➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❇Ü②➭ ❭❪➵✜➡✝➜✭➼✭➃★➄✖➂❶➄✙➜✢ÜÝ➂
➃☎➼✭➺ ➂✭➄❶➟✲➉✝➁✭➂♦✂❀ ➂✂➂✏❿ã➀ Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✢ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❄➂❇➻➷➉✝➅☞➅✡➟✂➂➳➝✢➺ ❋
➜ ✂❀ ➉✤➺④➄✡➡✝➉✭➺ ➂✻➄✝➼✲➡❇➟❶➉✲➄Ù➅❞➟✲➜✲➄✖➂➳➜✢❿å➅❞➃❴➉✂➻✤➂ã❽✔➸②Ô✵❭➔➓✡➭✜➯⑨➜❇➲❘➂❇➁t➂✭➃❴➋❁➅☎➟✂➂
➵✔➉✤➀ ➺ ➼✭➃➾➂❶➜✭➵④➅✖➟❉➂Ù➸➛Ô✛❭ ❞ ➄✼➢●➉✢❿❉➡❇➼✤❿❶ÜÝ➂✭➂✝➅☎➀ ❿✲➝❶➡✝➜✢❿❉➡✝➂✭➃❃❿✤➀ ❿✲➝⑥➅❞➟✂➂❶➐❬➜✏➟✂➉❶➃❴➜✢➼✲❿✲➻ã❽☎ÜÝ➉✢Þ✂➀ ❿❉➝ã➻✲➂❇➁✲➂✢➺ ➜✢➞✲Ü➛➂✭❿✝➅ ➉✢❿✲➻❶➵✔➃➾➂❇➂
➅☎➃✔➉✲➻✤➂ã➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✲➉✂➅❞➀ ❀✤➺ ➂✭➓②➉✤❿✂➻ã➅☎➟✂➂➷➌✰➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✢❿✤❿✲➀ ➼✭Ü ➝✭➜✲➉t➺ ➄✖➋✜➅☎➟✂➂ã➵➾➉✭➀ ➺ ➼✤➃➾➂✻➜❇➵❁➅✡➟✂➂ ✤➚✲➜❇➅❄✘
➜ ❞ ➄è➉❇➝✤➂✤❿✲➻✭➉✲➋☞➉✭❿✲➻ã➅☎➟✲➂ã➺ ➉✂➡❉Þå➜✭➵
➡✝➜✢Ü➛Ü ➜✢❿ ➝✢➺ ▼
➜ ❀✲➉✤➺❊➺ ➂✲➝✏➀ ➄❉➺ ➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿ ➜✏❿✼➺ ✘
➉ ✲
❀ ➜✏➼✭➃❘➜✤➃✜➞✭➼✏❀✭➺ ➀ ➡⑧➟✂➂✲➉t➺ ➅❞➟✂➋❘➄❇➟✲➜✝➲➘➟✲➜❇➲
➻✏➀ ➵✇➵✔➀ ➡✝➼✤➺ ➅☞➀ ➅☞➀ ➄☞➅❄➜⑥➃➾➂❇➝✏➼✲➺ ➉✝➅❴➂⑧➅❞➟✲➂⑧➲❖➀ ➻✭➂
➲❁➜✤➃❞➺ ➻●➭⑧ê✙➜t➃è➂✂ë✤➉✭Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✤➋⑧➙➔➃★➉✭➄✝➺ ➉✢❿✂➻➘❽☎➪☎✿✏✿●➊❇➓å➉✭➃❴➝✏➼❉➂ ➅❳➟❉➉❇➅è➅❳➟❉➂❐➃❴➂✂➻✏➼✲➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿➴➜❇➵✼➢✵❭
➀ ➄ ➀ Ü②➞✂➜✲➄✖➄✂➀ ❀✲➺ ➂ ➲❁➀ ➅❳➟ ➉✢❿
➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✤➃❞❿❉➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➉✤➺✤➉✤➞✭➞✲➃❴➜✭➉✲➡❉➟⑦❽✔➲✜➟✂➂✭➃❄➂➛➂✭➉✂➡❇➟ ➄❳➅✿➉✝➅❴➂➛➻✤➂✭➵✇➂✢❿❉➻✤➄ ➀ ➅❴➄✜➜✭➲❁❿⑧➀ ❿✙➅❄➂t➃★➂✭➄☎➅❞➓❮➉✢❿✲➻⑧➄✝➼✲➝✭➝✲➂✭➄☎➅❪➅☎➟✲➂➛➜✢➃★➝✭➉✢❿✲➀ ➄☎➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿➛➜✂➵
➅✖➟✲➃✔➂✲➂❐➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺➛➉✲➝✭➂✢❿❉➡❇➀ ➂✤➄ Ü➛➀ ë✒➀ ❿✲➝➴➻✤➂✝➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✂➂✭➻➮➉✢❿✂➻➮➻✭➂✝➁✒➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✤➀ ❿❉➝➘➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✲➄ä➉✲➡✖➡✙➜t➃★➻✢➀ ❿✲➝ ➅❄➜✃➅❞➟✲➂ ➸⑥❾✤Ô✒➒❊➊
➻✏➀ ➁✤➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿⑦➜❇➵❊➅✖➟✲➂➛➲❁➜✤➃❴➺ ➻✏➭✏Ô⑨➟✲➂Ù➃➾➂✤➝✢➀ ➜t❿✲➉✤➺✒➄✡➡✝➉✭➺ ➂⑧➡✡➉✏✒
❿ ❀✂➂✼➄✡➂✭➂✭❿⑦➉✭➄➈Ü ➜✭➃✔➂✼➃✔➂✤➺ ➂✝➁✤➉✤❿✝➅❘➵✔➜✤➃❪➅✡➟✂➂Ù➀ ❿✂➅❞➃➾➜✭➻✏➼✲➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿⑦➜❇➵✰❿✲➂✂➲
➼ ❀✤➺ ➀ ➡Ï➞❉➜✏➺ ➀ ➡✂➀ ➂✲➄✖➋❬➻✏➼✲➂Ï➅❄➜➛➅✖➟❉➂⑧➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✢ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❄➉t➃❄➀ ➅❳➀ ➂✂❂
➄ ✲
❀ ➂✝➅❴➲❁➂✂➂✭❿②➅❳➟❉➂⑥❿✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺t➂✤➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➂✭➄Ý➡✝➜✢❿❉➡✖➂✤➃❞❿❉➂✭➻✭➋④➡✡➜✢Ü➛Ü ➜✢❿
➂✏❿✝➁✒➀ ➃★➜✢❿✲Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➺④➄☎➅❴➉✢Þ❉➂✂➄å❽❄➞✲➜✢➺ ➺ ➼✙➅☎➀ ➜✢❿Ó➜❇➵☞➃❄➀ ➁t➂✭➃❴➄✡➋❖➄✙➂❇➉✲➄✼➉✢❿✲➻➳➉✢➀ ➃❞➓★➋❖➄✂➟✲➉t➃★➂✂➻✻➡❉➼✲➺ ➅☎➼✭➃★➉✢➺❊➁t➉t➺ ➼✲➂✂✢
➄ ❅✈➜✢➃ ➉❉➅②➺ ➂✲➉❇➄☎➅②➉✢❿
➼✤❿✲➻✤➂✭➃❴➄☎➅❴➉✏❿✂➻✤➀ ❿✂➝✃➜✂➵⑧➂✲➉✭➡✝➟ ➜❇➅❞➟❉➂✢➃ ❞ ➄✈➡❉➼✤➺ ➅☎➼✭➃★➉t➺❆➁✤➉✭➺ ➼❉➂✤➄☎➋Ù➟✤➀ ➄❳➅❄➜✤➃❃➀ ➡✖➉✤➺☞➺ ➀ ❿✲Þ✲➄☎➋ÙÜ➛➀ ➝✏➃❴➉✝➅❄➜✭➃✔➚ ➵✔➺ ➜✭➲❘➄✖➋⑦➉t❿✲➻ ➉✏❿✝➚ ➜❉➅✡➟✂➂✭➃
➉✤➄✖➄✡➂✝➅❄➄❖➀ Ü②➞✂➜✭➃✇➅☎➉✭❿✝➅❘➀ ❿ ➡✖➃❴➂✲➉❉➅☎➀ ❿✂➝➛➲❁➀ ❿✂➠❞➲❁➀ ❿Ý➡✝➜✂➠☎➻✤➂✝➁✭➂✤➺ ➜✤➞✭Ü ➂t❿✙➅✝➭
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄☞➀ ➄☞➲❁➟✂➚⑧➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✏❿✲➉✭➺✭➅❞➃★➉✂➻✤➂➈➉✲➝✢➃➾➂✭➂✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅❄➄➛➟✂➉✝➁✒➂➈Ü➈➼✲➺ ➅❞➀ ➞✤➺ ➀ ➂✲➻➈➲❆➜t➃❄➺ ➻✭➲❁➀ ➻✭➂⑧➀ ❿ ➅❞➟✲➂ ➺ ➉✭➄☎➅④➵✔➀ ➵♥➅❴➂✭➂✤❿☞➚t➂✭➉✭➃❴➄✡➋❪➉✤❿✲➻Ï➲✜➟✝➚
➂✭ë✤➀ ➄☎➅☎➀ ❿❉➝❐➉✂➝✢➃★➂✭➂✭Ü ➂t❿✙➅☎➄✻➟✲➉❇➁✲➂ ❀✂➂✲➂✢❿✃➃➾➂✂➠✖➀ ❿✙➁✏➀ ➝✤➜✢➃➾➉✝➅❄➂✭➻ ➲✜➀ ➅☎➟✃❿✲➂✂➲➹➂✤❿✝➁✤➀ ➃★➜t❿✤ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➉✢➺➣➜✢➃è➄✡➜✭➡✝➀ ➉✭➺✜➡✙➜✢❿✂➡✙➂t➃❄❿✲➄❇➭✜➏❬➄
➻✤➂✢Ü ➜✢❿❉➄❳➅❞➃★➉✝➅❞➂✲✢
➻ ❀✝➚⑦➅❞➟✲➂Ùê✂➃➾➂✢❿✂➡✂➟②➂✭➡✡➜✏❿✂➜✤Ü➛➀ ➄☎❵
➅ ✾✂➭➶➌❆➭❊➒✏➀ ➃★✁
➜ ✭❿✼❽❞➪☎✿✏✿✏✢
✿ ➓❄➋❊➅☎➟✂➂⑧➻✤➂✘✲
❀ ➉✝➅❄➂⑧➜✝➁✭➂✤➃❪➅☎➟✲➂②➂✭➡✡➜✏❿✂➜✤Ü➛➀ ❂
➡ ❉❀ ➂✏❿✂➂✂➵❃➀ ➅❄➄
➜✭➵❖Ü②➼✤➺ ➅☎➀ ➺ ➉❇➅❴➂✤➃➾➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✝Ür➉✭❿✲➻ã➃❄➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿❶➉✂➅☞➲❆➜✭➃❃➺ ➻❶➄✝➡✡➉✢➺ ➂ã➀ ➄⑧➉⑥➵➾➉✭➺ ➄☎➂❶➜✏❿✂❃
➂ ❀✲➂✂➡✝➉✭➼✲➄✡❃
➂ ❀✲➜❉➅☎➟è➵✇➜✢➃❄ÜÝ➄⑧➜✭➵❁➝✏➺ ❋
➜ ❉❀ ➉✢➺
➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✲➝✢➃★➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿è➉✭➃❄➂ã➀ ❿⑥➵➾➉✭➡☎➅➛➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✭Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✭➃✔➚⑨➭❪➸Ù➟❉➉❇➅②➀ ➄⑥➃➾➂✭➉✤➺ ➺ ➚✻➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃✪➅✿➉✢❿✙➅Ï➀ ➄⑥❿✂➜✝➅☞➅☎➟✂➂ã➺ ➀ ❀❉➂t➃★➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✡➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿å➜❇➵❘➅☎➃❴➉✂➻✤➂
❽❴➲❁➟✤➀ ➡✝➟✻➀ ➄❶❿✲➜✝➅②➉✢❿➳✏
➜ ❀✔❇❴➂❇➡☎➅☎➀ ➁✲➂✻➀ ❿✻➀ ➅❄➄✖➂✤➺ ➵✔➓✙❀✤➼✂➅⑧➃➾➉❉➅✡➟✂➂✭➃✜✔Õ ☛✁✌✏✎✄✂✵✪✘✎✬✕❙☛✍✓ ✟☎✗●✟✘✚❖✧✏✎☎✚✩✓ ✗✘✓ ✗✘P♦☛✁✌✏✎❱✕✻✭✔✸✶✥✩✎●✡ ✌☎✎✘✤ ✎❄✷✛✁
✪ ✘
☎ ✥ ✓✩✭
P✵✟✏✟✶✧✘✕❚✸☎✗✏✧▲✕✖✎✬✤✔✑✻✓ ✭✻✎✻✕★✭✖✸✬✆
✗ ☎
☎ ✎★✷✞✤✦✟✘✧▼✪✘✭✮✎☎✧✺☛✁✌✏✎
✟✏✚❄✕✻✟☎✭✮✓ ✎☎☛✰✓ ✎✻✕❯✚✫✟✶✤❲✭✔✎✶✤❛☛✁✸✶✓✩✗❯✕✔✷✞✎☎✭✮✓ ✚✩✓ ✭
▲✟✶✕✶☛ ✎☎✚✍✚✩✓ ✭✮✓ ✎✘✗✵☛✍✥ ✼▲✸☎✭✮✭✔✟✶✤❛✧✘✓ ✗✬P❘☛✁✟◗☛✍✌✏✎▲✭✖✟✬✕❙☛
✭✮✌✏✸✶✤✦✸✏✭✔☛✁✎✬✤ ✓ ✕❙☛✍✓ ✭✮✕
✡❏✌✘✓ ✭✖✌
✸✶✕✮✕❙✟✬✭✖✓ ✸▼☛✍✎✘✧
✸✘✗✘✧❊☛✰✌☎✎★✷✞✤ ✎✘✚✫✎✶✤✆✎☎✗✏✭✮✎✶✕
P✵✎✘✟✻P✏✤ ✸✻✷✳✌☎✓ ✭✖✸✬✥
× Ô❊➟✂➂⑧➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿②➃❴➂✲➉✂➻✤➂t➃❬➲❁➀ ➺♥➺✲➂✭➉✂➄❇➀ ➺ ➚⑧➃❄➂✂➡✝➜✂➝✏❿✭➀ ❁✙➂☞➅☎➟✲➂➈➞✤➃❴➀ ❿✂➡✂➀ ➞✲➺ ➂➛➜✭✞
➵ ✕❙✁
✪ ✬
☎ ✕✶✓ ✧✘✓ ✸✘✤✦✓ ☛✁✼Ù➟❉➂t➃★➂Ï➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❉➟⑦➀ ➄❁➅☎➟✂➂
❀✲➉✭➄✝➀ ➄✰➵➾➜✭➃❊➅☎➟✂➂➈➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ➡✡➉✢➺✲➜✭➃➾➝✤➉✢❿✲➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵✒➅❳➟❉➂➈➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿➛❾❊❿✭➀ ➜✤❿✒➭
☛✁✎✬✤ ✤✦✓ ☛✦✟✶✤✆✓ ✎✬✕t➭
Ô❊➟✲➂☞➅☎➟✭➀ ➃❄➻➈➉✲➄✖➄✡➂✝➅❁➀ ➄✜➡❇➼✲➺ ➅✡➼✭➃➾➉✢➺✇❰❊➀ ➅❁➀ ➄☞Ü➛➜✤➃➾➂ ➃➾➂✭➺ ➂✝➁✭➉✤❿✂➅❪➅❄➜②➻✭➂❇➵❴➀ ❿✲➂➈➡✙➜t➺ ➺ ➂✂➡☎➅❞➀ ➁✲➂ ➞✲➃✔➂✂➵✔➂✤➃➾➂✢❿✂➡✡➂✭➄Ý➜✢❿Ý➅☎➟✭➀ ➄☞➃➾➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉t➺t➄✝➡✡➉✢➺ ➂
➅✖➟❉➉✢❿è➜✢❿è➉è➝✏➺ ✘
➜ ✲
❀ ➉✭➺❬➜✢❿❉➂✏➭●Ô❊➟✲➂Ù➵➾➜✢➼✭➃➾➅❞➟è➉✭➄✡➄✝➂✝➅➛➀ ➄②➝✤➂✭➜✭➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ➡✡➉✢➺♥❰❁➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✏➺ ➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿⑥➀ ➄Ï➅✡➟✂❱
➂ ❀✂➂✭➄☎➅Ý➉✏❿✂➻ãÜÝ➉✂❋
➚ ❉❀ ➂⑥➅❞➟✲➂
➜✏❿✤➺ ➚➛➲❁➉✝➚☞➅✿➜Ï➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✭➄✡➂➈➞✂➜✢➺ ➚✲➡✝➂✭❿✝➅☎➃❞➀ ➄❇Ü ➅❄➜❖➅☎➟✲➂➈❾●❿✤➀ ➅❄➂❇➻②➒✤➅❴➉❇➅❄➂✂➄✖➋ ❀✲➂✂➡✝➉✤➼✂➄✡➂☞➅❞➟✲➂❇➚➛➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻⑧➟✲➉✝➁✤➂✜➅❞➜➛➻✲➂✤➉✭➺✂➲❖➀ ➅☎➟Ý➄❳➅☎➃★➜t❿✲➝
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿②➉✢❿❉➻➈➏❬➄✖➀ ➉✭❿⑧➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➄✖➋❬➉✢❿✲✢
➻ ❀❉➂✭➡✡➉✏➼✂➄✡➂Ï➅✡➟✂➂✂➄✝➂⑧➃❴➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✲➄➛➞✭➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➜❇➅❴➂⑦➉ÙÜÝ➜✢➃➾➂Ù➃➾➂✂➝✏➼✤➺ ➉✝➅❄➂✂➻Ù➺ ➀ ❀✂➂✭➃❄➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❉Ü➮➅❞➟✲➉✭❿
➅✖➟❉➂⑧➜✏❿✂➂➈➵➾➜✢➼✤❿❉➻Ó➀ ❿➛➅✖➟❉➂ÙÛ❊➉✂➵♥➅❴➉✺Ù
❅ ➂✂➁✤➂✤❿⑧➀ ➵❪➅❞➟✤➀ ➄➈Û⑨➜t➃➾➅☎➟Ï➏❬Ü ➂t➃❄➀ ➡✡➉✢❿✼➺ ➀ ❀✲➂✭➃➾➉✏➺ ➀ ➄✂Ü
➀ ➄➈❿✲➜❇➅❆➉✭➄❖Õ✙➞✤➼✭➃➾➂✭×✜➉✭➄➈➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✂➂✭➉✤❿✲➄
Ü➛➉✂➚☞➅☎➟✭➀ ❿✤Þ✭í
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❒✒➭✪❒✒➭✏Û❜➜t➃➾➅❞➟✂➠☎➒⑨➜✢➼✝➅☎➟➛➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✝Ü➴➉✭❿✲➻ ➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✂➉✏❿Ý➂✭➡✡➜✢❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡❁➄☎➅❄➉tÞ❉➂✭➄
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄Ù❿❉➜❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿è➜✭➵➔Õ✙➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✏❿✂×⑧➀ ➄➈➅☎➟✤➼✂➄✼➉ÓÞ❉➂❉➚➳➀ ➄✖➄✝➼✲➂✂➋✰➅❄➂✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➅❴➜✤➃❞➀ ➉✢➺ ➋❁➂✭➡✡➜✢❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡✡➉✢➺ ➋❁➉✢❿❉➻ã➄✡➡❉➀ ➂✢❿✙➅❞➀ ➵✔➀ ➡✂➭ ❆✪➅➈➀ ➄⑧➜✭➵❖➼✙➅☎Ü➛➜✂➄☎➅
➀♥Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃✪➅❄➉✤❿✂➡✝➂➛➅❄➜⑧➻✢➀ ➄❳➅❞➀ ❿✲➝✏➼✭➀ ➄❉➟✺✂❀ ➂✂➅✔➲❆➂❇➂✤❿➛➅☎➟✲➂Ï➅❄➲❘➜➈➝✤➂✲➜✭➝✤➃✔➉✤➞✤➟✤➀ ➡✝➉✭➺●❿✲➜❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✲➄Ý➜❇➵●Õ✂➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲×✝➭❦❽❄➀ ➓④Ô❊➟❉➂➈➵✔➀ ➃★➄❳➅✜❿✲➜✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿⑧➀ ➄
➅✖➟❉➂Ù➀♥❿✲➄❞➅☎➀ ➅☎➼✙➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺⑨➜✢❿✲➂✤➭●Õ✝➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂×☞Ü➛➂✲➉✢❿✲➄☞➅❞➟✲➂❶➽✭❾❬✠
➭ ❆✪➅❄➄❊❀❉➜t➃★➻✤➂✭➃✔➄②➉✭➃❴➂✼➂✂➄❳➅✿➉✘✭
❀ ➺ ➀ ➄❉➟❉➂✤➻✭➋❁❿✲➜✝➅☞❿✲➂✭➡✡➂✂➄✝➄✖➉✤➃❴➀ ➺ ➚✼➵✔➜✭➃❴➂✂➁✲➂t➃
✽ ➉✢➺ Þ✂➉✤❿✲➄☞➲❁➀ ➺ ➺⑨➂✢❿✙➅❴➂✢➃❆➜✢❿❉➂✼➻✤➉❉➚è➉✤❿✲➻å➞❉➂✢➃❄➟✂➉✢➞❉➄ Ô⑨➼✤➃❴Þ✂➂✝➚✏➓❄➋❍❀✤➼✙➅✜➉✝➅✜➉✢❿✙➚⑧➅☎➀ Ü ➂➈➅☎➟✂➂✂➚è➉t➃★➂Ù➞✭➃★➂✭➡✝➀ ➄✡➂✢➺ ➚
➻✤➂✭➵✔➀ ❿❉➂✭➻✏➭④❽❞➀ ➀ ➓✰Ô❊➟✂➂è➄☎➂✤➡☎➜✏❿✲➻⑥➜✭❿✲➂⑥➀ ➄☞➅☎➟✂➉✂➅✜➜❇➵④➲✜➟✲➉✝➅✜➲❘➂åÜ ➉✝➚è➡✝➉✢➺ ➺✒➅☎➟✂➂⑧➵❃➼✤❿✲➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➉✭➺✏Õ✂➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✤➭♥×✰Ô❊➟✭➀ ➄⑧ÜÝ➂✂➉✏❿✲➄☞➅☎➟✂➂
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✂➠✖➌❮➂✭➻✢➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃➾➉✢❿❉➂✤➉✢❿➳❽☎➽✤➼✭➃★➜❇➠❃➏❜➵✔➃❃➀ ➡✖➉➷➀ ❿✈➉Ó➲❁➀ ➻✤➂✭➃➛➄✡➂✢❿✲➄✡➂✭➓➛➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❉➟➷➀ ➄⑧➅✖➟❉➂✻➄✖➜✲➡❉➀ ➜✂➠☎➂❇➡✙➜✢❿✲➜✭Ü➛➀ ➡⑥➃✔➂✲➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✻➀ ❿❶➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂Ó➀ ➄➈➂✤Ü★❀✲➂✂➻✤➻✭➂✭➻✒➭❵❆✔➅❄➄➈➝✤➂✲➜❇➝✤➃❴➉✤➞✤➟✝➚❶➀ ➄ ➼✤❿❉➡❇➺ ➂✤➉✭✆➃ ✐Ý➀ ➅❄➄✒❀✂➜✢➃★➻✭➂✭➃❴➄②➁✭➉✤➃✇➚❶➉✭➡✡➡✝➜✭➃➾➻✏➀ ❿✲➝✼➅❞➜✼➅☎➟✂➂Ó➀ ❿✲➻✭➂✝ë❶➜✤❿✲➂ã➼✂➄✡➂✭➄
❽❴➁✤➂✭➃✇➚⑥➺ ➉✢➃★➝✭➂➈➲✜➟✂➂✤❿⑧➀ ➅❆➡☎➜✏ÜÝ➂✭➄❁➅❄➜⑧➡✝➜✭Ü②ÜÝ➂t➃★➡❉➀ ➉✢➺✲➅❞➃❴➉✲➻✭➂✲➋❪➡✝➺ ➜✭➄✡➂✭➃❘➲❁➟✲➂t❿✼➀ ➅❆➡✝➜✭Ü➛➂✂➄❖➅❄➜⑧➄✡➂✂➉Ù➞✲➜✭➺♥➺ ➼✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✭➓✡➭ ✽⑨➼✝➅❁➀ ❿⑦➉✤❿✝➚
➡✝➉✭➄✡➂➈➀ ➅❄➄❖➻✤➀ Ü ➂✭❿✲➄❉➀ ➜✢❿②➀ ➄★❀✭➃➾➜✭➉✲➻✤➂✭➃●➅☎➟✲➉✢❿Ý➅❞➟✲➂➈➀ ❿❉➄❳➅☎➀ ➅☎➼✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺✲➻✤➂❉➵❴➀ ❿✲➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✏❿➛➜✂➵●➅☎➟✂➂⑧➽✭❾❬➭✭Ô❊➟✂➂➛➝✤➂✂➜✭➝✤➃❴➉✤➞✭➟✤➀ ➡✝➉✭➺✲➻✏➀ ➵✇➵✇➂✢➃★➂t❿✲➡✡➂
❀✲➂❇➅✔➲❘➂✲➂✏❿✜➅❞➟✲➂❖➅❴➲❆➜➛➻✭➂✂➵✔➀ ❿✭➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄❖➀ ➄✰➅☎➟✲➂❖Õ✂❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✤➟✏❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❞➟✲➜✂➜✤➻✭×✝➭
➢●➜✢Ü②➞✂➉✤➃❴➂✂➻➛➅❴➜☞➅☎➟✲➉❉➅❮➜✭➵●➂✲➉✭➄☎➅❴➂✭➃☎❿➛❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✏➟✘✲
❀ ➜✤➼✭➃★➄✝➋✢➅✡➟✂➂➈➞✲➜✝➅❄➂✢❿✙➅❞➀ ➉✭➺✲➻✤➂✭Ü➛➜✲➝✢➃★➉t➞✤➟✲➀ ➡❁➉✭❿✲➻➈➂✲➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡❁➻✭➚✤❿✲➉tÜ②➀ ➄❇Ü➴➜✂➵●➅❞➟✲➂
Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟☞➏❜➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✝➉✭❿⑦➉✢❿✂➻⑥➌❘➀ ➻✲➻✢➺ ➂✼➽✂➉✭➄☎➅❘➡✝➜✤➼✭❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄Ï➀ ➄☞➉✼ÜÝ➉✮❇❄➜t➃➔➜t➞✤➞❉➜✢➃✇➅☎➼✤❿✤➀ ➅✔➚⑧➵➾➜t➃❆➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✲➋❜➅✡➟✂➂⑧➟✲➉✭➃✔➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❞➀ ❿✲➝✼➜✂➵❦➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❉➟
➜ ✲
❀ ➉✘✤
❀ ➺ ➚✼➞✭➃★➜❉➁✒➀ ➻✲➂❇➄✜➅☎➟✂➂⑧➜✭❿✤➺ ➚Ù➞✲➜✲➄✖➄✝➀ ❀✤➺ ➂➛➲❘➉❇➚⑦➜✭➵❪Ü ➉t➀ ❿✂➅❴➉✭➀♥❿✭➀ ❿✲➝Ù➀ ➅❄➄Ï➞❉➜✭➄✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✢❿②➉✂➄☞➉②➝✢➺ ➜❋✲❀ ➉✭➺t➉✭➡☎➅❴➜✢➃✿➭tÔ❊➟❉➂➈➂✂➁✤➜✭➺ ➼✙➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
➜✭➵④➅☎➟✂➂✼➄❇➟✂➉✤➃❴➂✼➜❇➵❁➞❉➜✏➞✤➼✭➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➉✢❿✲➻✼➙➔➐④➇ ➜❇➵❁➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✼➉❉➅✜➲❆➜✭➃❃➺ ➻❶➄☎➡✝➉✭➺ ➂✼➻✭➂✲➡❉➃★➂✭➉✂➄✝➂✂➻ ❀❉➂❇➅✔➲❆➂✂➂✏❿❶➊✄✏
✂ à☎✿✼➉✢❿✲➻❶➪☎✿✏✭
✿ ß❊➭
➐④➼✤➃❴➀ ❿✂➝✼➅☎➟✭➀ ➄ ➞❉➂✢➃❴➀ ➜✲➻Ó➟✲➜✂➲❘➂❉➁t➂✭➃❴➋❘➉t➺ ➅❞➟✲➜✢➼❉➝✏➟⑧➅❞➟✤➀ ➄➛➄❳➅☎➃❴➼✲➡☎➅❞➼✤➃❴➉✭➺⑨➻✤➂✂➡❇➺ ➀ ❿✂➂✼➡✡➜✏❿✝➅❞➀ ❿✤➼✲➂✂➻✤➋✰➀ ➅✜➲❘➉✲➄➛➉t➺ ➲❁➉✂➚✲❊
➄ ❉❀ ➉t➺ ➉✏❿✂➡✡➂✭❄
➻ ✝❀ ➚
➅✖➟❉➂☞➻✭➚✤❿✲➉✢Ü②➀ ➡❁➜✭➵❦➽✤❾ ➂✢❿✲➺ ➉✭➃❴➝✲➂✢ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅✡➭❇Ô❊➟✲❚
➂ ❈✏➼❉➂✭➄☎➅❞➀ ➜✭❿➈➀ ➄✭❰●➲✜➟✂➉✝➅❪➲❁➀ ➺ ➺✲➟✲➉t➞✤➞❉➂✏❿✜➲❁➟✲➂✢❿✜➅☎➟✂➂➛➂✤❿✤➺ ➉t➃★➝✤➂✢ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅④➀ ➄❁➜✂➁✤➂✭➃
❯✿✾ ❙✂✟✝✑✪✁ ❚ ✏✎☛✝✞✝✗ ✟❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘❁✎✞ ✍✭❂❴✠✝✁❘✕✡✠✖✓✂✑♥✁❁✞✎✍✡✵❁✞✙✑❴✗ ✚Ý✎✡☛●☛✟✛✮✑✄✑☎✕✎✜●✞ ✍✭❂★✠✝✁ ✏✡✟✂✑➶✖✞ ✖✑ ✁✝✓✂✘✆✼✏✘✂✾ ✞❉✘ ✛☎❚❃✘✗✝✱ ▼✂❏✔▲✂▼✝▲✂✝▼ ✜
î✂ï✂ð✝ð✂ñ✇ò♥ó❪ô❁õ ▲
Share of world GDP (PPPs)
✁ ✽✲✎✒✑✪✓✝✕✡✗ ✓✝✘✝✘
✚ ❴✛ ▲✝▼✂▼✝✄ö ✜
Ô❊➟✲➂ ➃★➂✭➄✝➞✲➜✢❿❉➄✝➂ ➀ ➄❇❰❁➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿✼Û⑨➂t➀ ➝✏➟✏✲
❀ ➜✭➼✭➃❞➟✲➜✲➜✭➻Ù➇❉➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚●➭ ✽✒➼✝➅❄➋④➀ ➵❊➅✖➟✲➀ ➄Ï➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡☎➚⑧➲❘➂✢➃➾➂➈➅❴✺
➜ ✲
❀ ➂➈➅❞➟✂➂✼➡✡➜✢❿✙➅❞➀♥❿✤➼✂➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿②➜✭➵
➅✖➟❉➂ã➻✤➀ ➄✡➄❳➚✒Ü➛Ü➛➂✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➡❱✽✤➉✤➃❴➡✡➂✭➺ ➜✢❿❉➉ì➞✲➃❄➜✂➡✝➂✂➄✝➄☎➋Ï➀ ➵❁➅✖➟❉➂ìÜ ➉✮❇❴➜✭➃②➞✂➉✢➃➾➅②➜❇➵❘➅✖➟❉➂ä➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✭➉✤❿✻Û⑨➂t➀ ➝✏✏
➟ ❀✂➜✤➼✭➃❞➟✲➜✲➜✭➻❶➵❃➀ ❿✲➉✢❿❉➡❇➀ ➉t➺
❆❳❿✲➄☎➅❞➃❞➼✲ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅⑦➝✤➜Ó➅❄➜➳➂✤➉✂➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿➷❿✂➂✤➀ ➝✏➟☎❀✲➜t➼✲➃❄➄✖➋➛➀ ➵➛➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿➳➵✔➀ ➃❄ÜÝ➄ãÞ✝➂✲➂✢➞➳➜✤❿➳➅❴➉✢➃➾➝✤➂✝➅☎➀ ❿✲➝➷➂✲➉❇➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❞❿➷➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂✈➉✢❿✂➻
➃❴➂✤Ü➛➜✝➅❄➂➛➻✭➂✝➁✤➂✤➺ ➜✭➞✭➀ ❿✲➝➈➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄❖➃★➉✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃❊➅❞➟✲➉✤❿✜➅✖➟✲➀ ➄Ý➂✭❿✲➜t➃❄ÜÝ➜✢➼✲➄❖➞✲➜✂➅❴➂✢❿✙➅☎➀ ➉✭➺✤➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿②Ü➛➉✭➃❴Þ✂➂✝➅❄➄✖➋❬➉✭❿✲➻ ➀ ➵●➅❞➟✂➂
➉ ❀ ➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄➬➃➾➂❇➵✔➃★➉✢➀ ❿ ➅❞➟✲➂↔➄✖➞✲➂✭➂✂➻r➜❇➵❶➅☎➟✲➂✢➀ ➃✻➁t➂✭➃✪➚r❿✲➂✤➡☎➂✭➄✡➄✝➉✭➃✔➚↔➃❴➂✂➵✔➜✤➃❴Ü➛➄✡➋Ó➅✡➟✂➂ ➅✔➲❁➜ ➄❇➟✲➜✭➃❴➂✲➄➘➜❇➵➳➅☎➟✂➂
➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿ã➲✜➀ ➺ ➺✜➟✲➉✝➁✤➂ Ü➛➀ ➄✡➄✝➂✂➻✻➅✖➟❉➂ä➜✤➞✤➞✂➜✭➃✇➅✖➼✲❿✤➀ ➅❴➚ ➜❇➵ ➉ Û❜➜t➃➾➅❞➟✂➠☎➒⑨➜t➼✙➅✖➟➷➃➾➂✤➡✖➜✤❿✤❿✂➂✲➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➳➅☎➟✲➉❇➅⑦➄❇➟✲➜✭➼✤➺ ➻❨✂❀ ➂
➵❃➼✤➃➾➅❞➟✲➂✭➃❬➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂✝➅❄➂✂➻❊❀✙➚②➉t❿ ➂✶✏
❈ ➼✤➀ ➁✤➉✭➺ ➂✭❿✝➅④➡✡➜✢❿✤❿❉➂✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✭▲
❿ ❀❉➂❇➅❴➲❘➂✂➂✏❿➛❿✲➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❃❿ ➉✢❿❉➻➈➄✙➜t➼✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿➛➄✝➟✲➜✭➃❴➂✲➄❁➜✭➵●➒✒➉✢➟✲➉✤➃➾➉✏➭
❆❃➵✼➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✃➉✢❿❉➻❐➀ ➅❄➄ ❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✤✏
➟ ✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃❴➄✻➲❘➂✭➃✔➂✃➉✲➄✻➂✭➡✙➜t❿✲➜✤Ü➛➀ ➡✡➉✢➺ ➺ ➚➘➀ ❿✙➅❞➂✲➝✢➃➾➉✝➅☎➂✂➻➴➉❇➄❑✾✡➉t➞✲➉✤❿ ➉✏❿✂➻ ➅☎➟✲➂✃➜✝➅☎➟✂➂✭➃⑧➏❬➄✝➀ ➉✭❿
✝➡ ➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄➛➉✭➃❴➜✤➼✤❿✲➻Ó➀ ➅❄➋❪➅☎➟✂➂✼➝✏➃❴➜✝➲④➅☎➟è➜❇➵❁➽✲✳
❾ ❞ ➄➛➙➔➐④➇②➲❆➜t➼✤➺ ➻ ❀❉➂✢✿●➭✇à⑥➞✂➜✤➀ ❿✙➅☞➟✤➀ ➝✏➟❉➂t➃★➋④➉✏❿✂➻⑧➅☎➟✲➉❇➅❆➜✭➵❁ê✂➃✔➉✤❿✲➡✖➂✏❞ ➄➈➙④➐❪➇
✿●➭♥↕✏à⑧➞❉➜✢➀ ❿✂➅✡➭❇Ô❊➟✲➂➛➄❳➅☎➼✲➻✤➀ ➂✲➄☞➜✂➵●➅❞➟✲➂②➢✏➂✭➃❴➡✝➺ ➂➈➻✲➂✤➄☞➽✂➡✝➜✤❿✂➜✢Ü➛➀ ➄❳➅❄➂✂➄☞❽❄➢❜➟❉➂✭➁✲➉t➺ ➀ ➂✭➃❘➪☎✿✏✿✢❒✭➓➔➉✢❿✂➻◗✿❆ ê✲➍☎❆✰❽❄➢●➜✭➺ ➜✭★
Ü ❀✲➉✢❿✭➀✒➪☎✿✏✿✢➪✲➓
➪ ✿✏à☎✿✤➋④➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❴➂❶➀ ➄⑧➜✤❿✭➺ ➚➳➜✢❿❉➂⑥➄✝➡✡➂✭❿✲➉t➃❄➀ ➜❶➀ ❿✼➲✜➟✭➀ ➡✝➟❶➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂è➡✖➉✝➅❄➡❉➟✲➂✲➄ ➼✤➞✼➲❁➀ ➅☎➟⑥Û❊➜✤➃✇➅❞➟
➏④ÜÝ➂✭➃☎➀ ➡✝➉➛➉✭❿✲➻➈➂✂➉✭➄☎➅❄➂✭➃❃❿✜➏❬➄✝➀ ➉✏❰✒➅☎➟✲➂➛➄✖➡✡➂✢❿❉➉✢➃❄➀ ➜➛➜✂➵❊➄✝➜✤➼✝➅☎➟➛➉✤❿✲➻➛➂✭➉✂➄☎➅❃➲❘➉✤➃❴➻➈➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉t➺✤➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✂➝✏➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✒➭●➌④➜✤➃➾➂✭➜✝➁✤➂✭➃❊➅☎➟✤➀ ➄❖➀ ➄
➅✖➟❉➂ ➜✤❿✤➺ ➚ ➄✡➡✖➂✤❿✲➉t➃❄➀ ➜ ➀ ❿ ➲❁➟✤➀ ➡✝➟ ➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂✏❞ ➄ ❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✏➟✏✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃❴➄r➻✭➂❇➁t➂✭➺ ➜✭➞ ➄❉➀ ➝✏❿✭➀ ➵❃➀ ➡✝➉✭❿✝➅☎➺ ➚✏➭➷➏❪➺ Ü ➜✭➄☎➅ ➉✢➺ ➺✈➜✭➵✃➅☎➟✂➂
➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿✃❿✂➂✢➀ ➝✏➟✘✲
❀ ➜✭➼✭➃★➄✻➵✇➉✭➡✡➂❐➟✭➀ ➝✏➟✃➃❴➉✝➅❄➂✭➄➳➜✭➵⑧➄☎➅☎➃❴➼✲➡❳➅☎➼✭➃★➉✭➺➛➼✭❿✲➂✭Ü➈➞✲➺ ➜✝➚✢Ü ➂✭❿✂➅❄➋⑧➻✏➼✂➂➷➅❴➜ ➅❞➟✲➂✭➀ ➃ ➂❇➡✙➜✢❿✲➜✭Ü➛➀ ➡
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➄❳➅☎➃❄➼✲➡❳➅❞➼✲➃❴➂✲➄✝➋❪➅❞➟✂➂✤➀ ➃❁➺ ➉✭➡✝Þ⑦➜❇➵❘➂✂➡✝➜✢❿❉➜✏Ü➛➀ ➡➈➃➾➂❇➵➾➜✭➃❞Ü ➋❪➅☎➟✂➂⑥❿✲➂✂➂✭➻⑧➅❄➜åÜ ➜✂➻✤➂✢➃❴❿✤➀ ➄✝➂⑧➅❞➟✂➂✤➀ ➃❘➉✲➝✏➃❴➀ ➡✂➼✭➺ ➅✖➼✲➃❴➉✭➺⑨➄✖➚✲➄❳➅❴➂✤ÜÝ➄Ï➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟
➲❖➀ ➺ ➺④➟✲➉✝➁✲➂❶➄✝➂✝➁✤➂✭➃❴➂❶➂✂➵✪➵✇➂✲➡❳➅❄➄✼➜✢❿å➂✭Ü➛➞✤➺ ➜✝➚✢Ü ➂✭❿✂➅❄➋❁➉✏❿✂➻❶➅❞➟✲➂ã➞✂➂✤➃❴➄✝➀ ➄☎➅❴➂✢❿❉➡✖➂➳➜❇➵➛❿✲➼✤ÜÝ➂t➃★➜✏➼✂➄Ù➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✭➃☎❿✂➉✤➺❬➉✢❿✂➻➳➂✝ë✭➅❴➂✤➃❞❿✲➉✭➺
➡✝➜✢❿✂➵✔➺ ➀ ➡☎➅❄➄❇➭✛✿❆ ❿Ï➉✭➻✭➻✤➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✲➋●➅❞➟✲➂❇➚⑦➉✢➺ ➄✝➜➛➵✔➉✲➡☎➂⑧➝✢➃★➜❇➲✜➀ ❿✲➝⑧➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✲➂✝➅❞➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✏❿➛➵✔➃❴➜✤Ü➮➜❉➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❮➻✭➂❇➁t➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✤➀ ❿✲➝②➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✂➄Ï❽❴➂✒➭ ➝●➭✒➅❞➟✂➂
➂✏❿✝➅❞➃★➉✢❿✲➡✡➂➛➜✭➵❊➢❦➟✲➀ ❿✂➉⑧➀ ❿✂➅❄➜☞➅❞➟✲➂☞➸Ï❋
Ô ④
❭ ➋❪➉✭❿✲➻➛➅❞➟✲➂➛➻✏➀ ➄✝ÜÝ➉✢❿✙➅❳➺ ➀ ❿❉➝➈➜✂➵❪➀♥Ü➛➞✲➜✭➃✪➅ ❈✏➼✲➜✝➅❞➉✲➄☞➀ ❿Ý➅☎➟✲➂☞➅❴➂✝ë✭➅☎➀ ➺ ➂➈➀ ❿✲➻✢➼✲➄☎➅❞➃✔➚✤➓☎➭✤Ô●➟✲➂✝➚
➻✤➂✭➉✲➻✢➺ ➚⑧❿✲➂✭➂✂➻②➉☞➄☎➅❞➃❄➜✢❿❉➝ ➞❉➉t➃➾➅❴➂✢❿❉➂✢➃★➄❇➟✭➀ ➞Ý➲❁➀ ➅✡➟➛➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞✂➂✒➭
➽✤❾✻➟✲➉✂➄➛➉⑧➁✢➀ ➅❄➉t➺⑨➃❴➜✢➺ ➂Ï➅✿➜Ù➞✭➺ ➉❇➚⑥➟❉➂✢➃★➂✢➭❪ê✲➀ ➃✔➄☎➅☎➺ ➚✤➋❦➅✡➟✂➂Ù➽✤❾✈Ü➈➼❉➄❳➅✜➟✲➂✢➺ ➞✼➀ ➅❴➄➈❿✲➂✤➀ ➝✏➟✏❀✂➜✢➼✲➃❄➄❖➅❄➜✼➡✖➃❴➂✂➉✝➅☎➂⑧➉✼➃✔➂✤➺ ➀ ➉▼❀✲➺ ➂Ù➺ ➂✭➝✲➉✢➺
❀✲➉✭➡✝Þ✂➝✤➃❴➜✭➼✤❿✲➻➈➵➾➜t➃④➀ ❿✂➁✲➂✭➄☎➅❞ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅❄➄☞➀ ❿ ➜✢➃➾➻✭➂✤➃❊➅❄➜ ➟❉➂✢➺ ➞➈➀ ❿☞➅✡➟✂➂②➡✖➃❴➂✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿Ï➜❇➵●➅☎➟✲➂☞➅☎➟✲➜✢➼❉➄✝➉✭❿✲➻✭❵
➄ ❇❞✏
➜ ❀✲➄☞➼✭➃➾➝✤➂✢❿✙➅❞➺ ➚⑧❿✲➂✂➂✭➻✭➂✲➻●➭
❭❪➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❴➲❁➀ ➄✡➂✭➋●➉➛➡✙➜t❿✙➅☎➀ ❿✤➼✭➀ ❿✲➝☞➵❃➺ ➜✭➲✻➜✂➵❪➼✤❿✂➻✤➜✲➡❉➼✤ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➂✂➻ ➀ Ü➛Ü➛➀ ➝✤➃❴➉✭❿✂➅❄➄✰➲❁➀ ➺ ➺✝➅☎➼✭➃❄❿➈➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂❋❞ ➄❚❀✲➜✭➃✔➻✲➂✢➃★➄❖➀ ❿✙➅❞➜➛➃❄➉✭Ü➈➞❉➉t➃➾➅❄➄❇➭
➒●➂✭➡✡➜✢❿❉➻✏➺ ➚✲➋⑧➅☎➟✂➂➘➽✤❾ ➲❁➀ ➺ ➺➛➀♥❿✂➡✝➃❴➂✂➉✭➄✝➀ ❿❉➝✏➺ ➚➘❿✲➂✂➂✂➻➬➺ ✞
➉ ❀✲➜✭➼✭➃è➵✔➜✭➃❴➡✡➂❐➃➾➂✤➡✖➃☎➼✭➀ ➅❄➄ ➀ ❿ ➜t➃★➻✤➂✭➃✼➅❞➜➴➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✂➂✤❿✲➄✖➉✂➅❴➂✃➵✔➜✭➃➳➀ ➅❄➄
➻✤➂✢Ü ➜✂➝✢➃❴➉✤➞✤➟✭➀ ➡❖➻✲➂✤➡✖➺ ➀ ❿✂➂②➉✢❿✂➻✼➺ ➉✘✲
❀ ➜✏➼✭➃❬➵✇➜✢➃★➡✖➂②➄❉➟✲➜✤➃✇➅❴➉✤➝✭➂✒➭❇Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄☞➺ ➉✏❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❪➵➾➜✭➃❴➡✡➂➈➡✡➜✏➼✭➺ ➻Ù➀ ❿⑧➺ ➉✭➃➾➝✤➂➈➞✲➉✢➃✇➅❉❀✂➂➛➅❄➉✭Þ✝➂✤❿②➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü
➅✖➟❉➂ä❿✲➂✭➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ✲
❀ ➜✤➼✭➃❄➀ ❿✲➝➷➡✡➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄✂➭➔Ô❊➟✲➂ä➺ ➉❇➡✝Þ✈➜❇➵ ➉✻➡✝➜✭Ü➈ÜÝ➜✤❿➷➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚➷➵✔➃❴➉✭ÜÝ➂✭➲❘➜✢➃❴Þ✂➋➛➞✲➉✢➃✇➅☎➀ ➡❇➼✭➺ ➉t➃❄➺ ➚ ➀ ❿➷➃➾➂✤➄✖➞✲➂✭➡☎➅②➜✭➵
➅❄➂✭➉✂➡❇➟✂➂✤➃●➅❞➃★➉✢➀ ❿✭➀ ❿❉➝✤➋❦➞✭➃★➂❇➁✲➂✢❿✙➅❄➄✰➅☎➟✂➂➛➄✝➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❞❿②❿✂➂✤➀ ➝✏➟☎❀✲➜✢➼✭➃★➄✰➵❴➃✔➜✤Ü ➅✿➉✂➡❉Þ✲➺ ➀ ❿✲➝☞➅☎➟✂➂➈➟✤➼✂➝✤➂➛➀♥❿✂➡✝➃❴➂✂➉✭➄✡➂➈➀ ❿➈❿✲➂✂➲✻➄☎➅☎➼✲➻✭➂✤❿✝➅❄➄
➅✖➟❉➉❉➅❮➡✖➜✤❿✂➵✔➃❄➜✢❿✙➅❴➄❁➲❁➀ ➅✡➟✤➭
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄Ý➻✢➃❴➀ ➁✲➂❇➄✜➅☎➜⑧➉✼➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡✖➉✤➺✏➀ ➄✝➄✝➼✲➂⑨❰❬➅❞➟✲➉✂➅❘➜✭➵❪➅❞➟✲➂✼➞✤➟✭➀ ➺ ➜✭➄✡➜✢➞✤➟✙➚✼➜✭➵④➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✂➉✢➺⑨➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✂➝✢➃★➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✒➭✤Ô❊➟✂➂⑥➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂✤➉✢❿②➄☎➅❄➉❇➅❴➂✲➄
➟✲➉❇➁t➂ä➉ ➡❉➃❄➼✲➡❉➀ ➉✭➺✜➡❇➟❉➜✢➀ ➡✝➂✻➅❄➜ ÜÝ➉✢Þ❉➂❢✲
❀ ➂❉➅❴➲❘➂✲➂✢❿ ❽❄➀ ➓è➃✔➂✤ÜÝ➉✏➀ ❿✭➀ ❿❉➝✃➉✃➡☎➜✏❿✝➅❞➀ ❿✲➂✢❿✙➅❴➉✏➺✜➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✂➝✢➃★➉❇➅❴➂✲➻✃➉✭➃✔➂✲❬
➉ ✲
❀ ➉✂➄✡➂✭➻✃➜✭❿
➟✲➜✏ÜÝ➜✭➝✲➂✢❿✂➂✤➀ ➅✔➚❊❰❊➝✤➉✂➅❞➟✂➂✤➃❞➀ ❿✲➝➈➅❴➜✲➝✤➂✝➅❞➟✲➂✢➃❮➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✲➉✭➃❴✘
➉ ✤
❀ ➺ ➂②➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✝➋●➲❁➀ ➅✡➟➛➡✙➜✢➟✂➂✲➄❉➀ ➜✏❿➛➉✲➄❁➅❳➟❉➂ÙÜÝ➉✭➀♥❿➛➝✤➜✲➉✢➺ ➋❜➅☎➟✲➃❴➜✢➼❉➝✏➟②➉
➞✤➃❴➜✲➡✖➂✲➄✖➄Ù➞✲➃❄➜✢ÜÝ➜✝➅❄➂✭➻✻ÜÝ➉✢➀ ❿✭➺ ➚❲❀✙➚➳➒✢➅✿➉✝➅❴➂✭➄➈➅✡➟✭➃★➜t➼✲➝✤➟✻➞✤➼✘✲
❀ ➺ ➀ ➡Ù➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡✂➀ ➂✲➄⑧➠➈➲✜➟✂➉✝➅②➡✡➜✢➼✭➺ ➻❩❀❉➂ã➡✡➉✢➺ ➺ ➂✭➻⑥Õ✡➡✝➜✤❿✝➁✲➂✢➃★➝✭➂✢❿❉➡✝➂
➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❇ÜÝ×✖➭➷➏④❿✂➻ ❽❄➀ ➀ ➓ ❀✤➼✭➀ ➺ ➻✤➀♥❿✂➝ ➉ Ü➛➜✭➃➾➂ ➉✭▲
Ü ❀✲➀ ➅☎➀ ➜t➼✲➄ ➂✢❿✝➅☎➀ ➅❴➚ ➲❁➀ ➅☎➟ ➅❞➟✲➂ ➄✡➜✢➼✙➅☎➟✲➂t➃❄❿ ➉✢❿❉➻ ➂✭➉✂➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿
➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿❶➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂✭➄✭❰➣➉ÙÕ✝Û❊➜✤➃✇➅❞➟✲➠☎➒✏➜✤➼✝➅☎➟➳➃✔➂✲➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❉Ü ×➛➝✤➉✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃❴➀ ❿❉➝Ó➅✿➜✂➝✭➂✝➅✖➟❉➂t➃②➼✭❿✲➂✂➁✲➂✢❿å➡✝➜✢➼✲❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✂➄✝➋❁➲❁➀ ➅❞➟
➂✤➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡✜➝✏➃➾➜❇➲④➅☎➟➛➉✲➄✰➅☎➟✲➂➈ÜÝ➉✏➀ ❿②➝✭➜✲➉t➺ ➋●➅❞➟✤➃❴➜✤➼✂➝✏➟ ➉➈➞✭➃❴➜✲➡✖➂✲➄✖➄☞➞✲➃❴➜✭Ü➛➜✂➅❴➂✭➻✒❀✝➚②➵❴➀ ➃❄ÜÝ➄✖➋❊➂✒➭ ➝●➭✏Û❜➉✭➵♥➅❴➉②➜t➃●Õ❄➏❬➄✡➂✭➉✢❿②➇✂➺♥➼✲➄
❰ ✾✡➉✭➞✲➉✏❿✂➋➳➒●➜✭➼✂➅☎➟ ✒➜✭➃✔➂✲➉✭➋➳➢❦➟✭➀ ❿✲➉✢✁➓ ✖➭❶Û❊➜↔❿✲➂✂➂✭➻➬➅❄➜ ➄✖➉✂➚➬➅☎➟✲➉✝➅➷➅❞➟✭➀ ➄❐➄✙➂❇➡✙➜✢❿✂➻ ➞❉➉❇➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❞❿➱➜✭➵
➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➈➞✲➃❴➂✲➄✖➂✤❿✝➅❄➄❖Ü➛➼✲➡❇★
➟ ❀❉➂❉➅❴➅❴➂✤➃❬➂✂➡✝➜✢❿✲➜✭Ü➛➀ ➡✜➃✔➂✲➄❇➼✭➺ ➅❴➄✰➅☎➟✂➉✤❿✜➅✖➟❉➂☞➵❃➀ ➃➾➄❳➅❮➜✏❿✂➂✒➭
❒✒➭ ß❊➭●➇✙➜✢➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡✖➉✤➺✲➄❞➅❄➉✢Þ✙➂✤➄
➒●➂✭➡✝➼✭➃❄➀ ➅✔➚⑧➀ ➄✖➄✂➼✂➂✭➄✜➉✤❿✲➻Ï➅❞➟✲➂➛➵✇➂✭➉✤➃❬➜✭➵✏➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❄➜✭➃❃➀ ➄❉Ü ➟✲➉✝➁✲➂➈➡✙➜tÜ ➂☞➅❄➜➈➞✤➃❴➂✂➜✭➡✙➡❉➼✤➞✙➚➛➅❳➟❉❊
➂ ✽t➉✭➃❄➡☎➂✢➺ ➜✢❿✂➉⑧➞✭➃★➜✭➡✡➂✭➄✡➄❖➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❇➟Ý➲❘➉✤➄
➀♥❿✭➀ ➅☎➀ ➉✭➺ ➺ ➚✒❀✲➉✭➄✡➂✭➻②➜✏❿➛➉⑧Ü②➼✲➡❉➟➛➲❁➀ ➻✤➂✭➃❪➁✤➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿②➜❇✛
➵ ❴❇ ➜✢➀ ❿⑦➂✂➡✝➜✢❿❉➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡✡➋❪➄✙➜❇➡✝➀ ➉✤➺ ➋❊➂✂➡✝➜✭➺ ➜✭➝✤➀ ➡✙➉t➺✢➉t❿✲➻⑦➡❇➼✭➺ ➅☎➼✭➃★➉t➺t➻✤➂✝➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✤➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅
❀ ➜❇➅❞➟å➄✝➀ ➻✤➂✲➄⑧➜❇➵❘➅☎➟✲➂ã➌❬➂✭➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✢❿t➭ ❆✿❿✼➅☎➟✲➂è➄❇➟✲➜✭➃✪➅✜➅❄➂✭➃❞Ü ➋❁➉✭❿✲➻ã➜✤➼✝➅ ➜❇➵✜➉✭❿✝➚✻Ü ➜✭➃❴➉✭➺❬➡✝➜✤❿✂➄✝➀ ➻✭➂✤➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➋❁➉✤❿✝➚
❀ ➼✤❿✭Þ❉➂t➃★➠❞➡✡➜✏❿✝➅❞➀ ❿✲➂✭❿✝➅❄×✃➜✭➃ãÕ✡➡✙➂t❿✙➅❄➂t➃★➠✖➞✂➂✭➃❴➀♥➞✭➟✲➂✭➃✇➚✤×✃➄☎➅❞➃➾➉❇➅❴➂✲➝✭➚ ➡✝➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ ➉✤➞✤➞✂➂✲➉t➃ ➃➾➂✭➉✭➺ ➀ ➄❳➅❞➀ ➡❐➵➾➜t➃ì➉✢❿➱➂✭➡✝➜✭❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡✖➉✤➺ ➺ ➚
➻✤➂✭➡✝➺ ➀ ❿✭➀ ❿❉➝⑧➉✭❿✲➻➈➻✲➂✏ÜÝ➜✭➝✤➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✤➀ ➡✝➉✭➺ ➺ ➚②➉✤➝✭➂✭➀ ❿❉➝Ù➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✏✵
➭ ❆❳❿②➃➾➂✭➉✭➺ ➀ ➅❴➚✤➋✏➅☎➟✤➀ ➄✜➡✖➜✤❿✲➄❳➅☎➃❴➼✲➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✭❿②➜❇➵❊➉✤❿➈➀ ➄❉➺ ➉✢❿✲➻②➜❇➵❪➞✲➃❄➜✂➄❇➞✂➂✭➃❴➀ ➅✔➚
➄❇➼✭➃❄➃❴➜✤➼✭❿✲➻✭➂✲➻▲❀✂➚②➜✭➡✡➂✭➉✭❿✲➄✜➜❇➵❊➞✲➜✝➁✤➂✭➃✔➅✔➚➛➲❘➜✤➼✤➺ ➻⑧➟✂➉✝➁✤➂✜➅☎➃✔➉✲➝✏➀ ➡❁➡✖➜✤❿✲➄✖➂☎❈✏➼✲➂✢❿❉➡✖➂✲➄t❰
Ü➈➀ ➝✢➃★➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➄➛➟✲➉✝➁✤➂Ù❿❉➂❉➁t➂✢➃ ❀✲➂✂➂✢❿②➄☎➅❄➜t➞✤➞❉➂✭✢
➻ ❀✙➚❄✂❀ ➜✤➃❴➻✲➂t➃★➄☞➲❁➟✲➂✭❿➛➲❁➂✲➉✢➺ ➅☎➟②➻✢➀ ➵✪➵➾➂✭➃❴➂✤❿✝➅☎➀ ➉✭➺ ➄➛➉✭➃✔➂⑦➝✢➃➾➂✤➉✝➅❴➂✢➃❬➅☎➟✂➉✢❿
➊➛➅❞➜⑥àt➭❏✿❆ ❿⑦➄✝➼✲➡❉➟⑦➉②➄✝➡✡➂✢❿✲➉✭➃❞➀ ➜❇➋❊➅☎➟✲➂Ù➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂✤➉✢❿⑧❾❬❿✭➀ ➜t❿⑦➲❘➜✢➼✤➺ ❄
➻ ✲
❀ ➂➈➜✏❀✤➺ ➀ ➝✭➂✲➻➈➅❄➜Ù➀ ❿✂➁✤➂✂➄☎➅❖Ü ➜✭➃✔➂✼➉✭❿✲➻⑥ÜÝ➜✢➃➾➂
➀♥❿✜➅✖➟❉➂ Ü➛➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➉✭➃✔➚⑦➡✖➜✤❿✝➅❞➃★➜✢➺t➜❇➵❪➀ ➅❴➄✜➄✝➜✭➼✂➅☎➟✂➂✭➃☎❿▲❀❉➜✢➃★➻✭➂✭➃❁➭✛❞❆ ❿➛➉②➡✖➜✤❿✂➅❴➂✝ë⑧➜✂➵④➺ ➀ Ü➛➀ ➅❴➂✲➻➈➂✲➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡❁➝✏➃❴➜✂➲④➅❞➟✲➋❪➄✝➼✲➡❉➟
➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚❶➜✤➞✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✼➲❁➀ ➺ ➺❪❿✲➂✲➡✖➂✲➄✖➄✡➉✭➃❞➀ ➺ ➚å➜❋✤
❀ ➺ ➀ ➝✤➂Ù➅❄➜⑥➺ ➀ Ü➛➀ ➅②➽✤❾●❀✤➼✂➻✤➝✲➂❇➅Ý➉✭➺♥➺ ➜✭➡✡➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➄②➅❴➜❶➜✝➅❳➟❉➂✢➃➣➜❋❀✔❴❇ ➂✂➡❳➅✡➀ ➁✭➂✲➄ ➺ ➀ Þ✙➂
➄✝➜✭➡✝➀ ➉✤➺✲➡☎➜✏➟✂➂✲➄❉➀ ➜✢❿✂➋❊➄✝➼✲➄❞➅☎➉✭➀ ❿❉➉✞❀✭➺ ➂➛➻✭➂✂➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✤➞✭Ü ➂✢❿✙➅❪➜✤➃④✁
➍ ❪➐✠✐
➅✖➟❉➂Ù➻✤➂✂➁✲➂t➺ ➜✢➞✤➀ ❿✂➝⑥➄☎➅❄➉❇➅❴➂✲➄➈➜✂➵④➅✖➟❉➂⑥➄✝➜✭➼✝➅✡➟✂➂✭➃❞❿ ➄❇➟✲➜✭➃❴➂è➜❇➵④➅☎➟✲➂⑥➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✂➂✭➉✤❿✼➲❁➀ ➺ ➺❪❿❉➂❇➁t➂t➃➣➉✭➝✤➃✔➂✲➂⑧➅❞➜✼➅❞➟✲➂
➞✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➜✭➄✡➉✢➺✢➜❇➵❵❀✲➂✢➀ ❿✲➝✼➄✖➀♥Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂⑧➝✭➉✝➅❄➂✢Þ✙➂✂➂✏➞✂➂✭➃➾➄☞➵✔➜✤➃❪➅☎➟❉➂Ù➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢➞✂➂✲➉✢❿⑧❾❬❿✭➀ ➜✢❿⑦➉✂➝✤➉t➀ ❿✲➄❞➅✰➅☎➟✲➂⑧➞✲➜✭➜✭➃➾➂✤➄❞➅❁➄✙➜❇➡✝➀ ➂✂➅❞➀ ➂✤➄
➜✭➵❘➒❦➼✏❀✂➠☎➒✒➉✢➟❉➉✢➃★➉✢❿➈➏❜➵❃➃❴➀ ➡✝➉✏➭●Ô❊➟✂➂✂➚❶➡✡➜✢➼✤➺ ➻Ù➅✡➟✂➂✭➃➾➂✭➵✇➜✢➃★➂Ù➻✲➂✭➁✲➂t➺ ➜✢➞è➞✲➉t➃➾➅☎❿✂➂✭➃❴➄✝➟✤➀ ➞❉➄➈➲❁➀ ➅❞➟è➜✂➅❞➟✲➂✭➃☞➞✲➉✭➃✇➅❄➄⑧➜❇➵④➅☎➟✂➂
➲❁➜✤➃❞➺ ➻⑥➺ ➀ Þ✙➂⑥❾❦❿✲➀ ➅❴➂✲➻✼➒✢➅❴➉✂➅❄➂❇➄➛❽☎➀ ➅❴➄Ý➙✰➃➾➂✭➉✝➅☞➌❘➀ ➻✤➻✤➺ ➂Ù➽✲➉✲➄❞➅❖➞✲➃❄➜✮❇❴➂✂➡☎➅❞➓✜➜✭➃❆➢❜➟✤➀ ❿✲➉✂➋✰➀ ❿✂➄☎➅❄➂✭➉✂➻✼➜✭➵❍❀❉➂t➀ ❿✲➝✼➉t➺ ➺ ➀ ➂✭➻⑧➅❴➜
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂➛➉✭❿✲➻Ï➲❘➜✤➼✤➺ ➻➛➻✤➂✝➁✲➂✢➺ ➜t➞ ➉✭➄❆➡✝➜✢Ü➛➞❉➂❉➅☎➀ ➅❄➜✢➃➾➄☞➀ ❿②➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂❋❞ ➄❖➀ Ü➛Ü➛➂✂➻✢➀ ➉❇➅❴➂➈❿❉➂✏➀ ➝✏➟✘✲
❀ ➜✭➼✤➃❞➟✲➜✲➜❇✏
➻ ✐
➅✖➟❉➂ä➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✲➝✏➃➾➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿➷➜✂➵⑧➀ Ü②Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃❴➉✤❿✝➅❄➄❶➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü ➅☎➟✲➂ä➄✡➜✢➼✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿➷➄✝➟✲➜✭➃❴➂➷➜✭➵☞➅☎➟✂➂✃➌④➂✲➻✢➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✏❿✂➂✂➉✢❿✈➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ❬
➻ ✂❀ ➂
➞✤➃❴➜✂➵✔➜✤➼✤❿✂➻✢➺ ➚ ➉❇➵✇➵✇➂✭➡☎➅❴➂✭➻❢✝❀ ➚➷➅☎➟✂➂ ➺ ➀ Ü➛➀ ➅❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ì➜✢❿❶➅☎➃★➉❉➁t➂✢➺❘➉✤❿✲➻✻➵✔➉✤Ü➛➀ ➺ ➚ ➃❴➂✤➼✤❿✭➀ ➵❃➀ ➡✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➋➈Ü②➼✭➺ ➅☎➀ ➞✭➺ ➚✤➀ ❿✂➝➷➅☎➟✂➂
➜ ✤
❀ ➺ ➂✏ÜÝ➄ ➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✘❞ ➄➈➀♥❿✤❿✂➂✭➃✜➡✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✲➄➈➉✤❿✲➻❶➄❉➼☎❀✤➼✤✦➃ ✲❀ ➉t❿☎✄➶➝✏➟✂➂✝➅❴➅❴➜✂✬➄ ❞ ➭④➢●➜✤❿✝➁✤➂✤➃➾➄✖➂✤➺ ➚t➋➔➅❄➜✤➼✭➃❴➀ ➄✖Ü ➵❴➺ ➜✭➲❘➄➈➉✤❿✲➻Ù➅☎➟✂➂
➃❴➂✝➅☎➀ ➃❴➂✭Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅❆➜❇➵④➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂❇➉✤❿✼➞✂➂✭➜✤➞✭➺ ➂Ï➅❴➜⑦➄✝➜✭➼✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❞❿②➡✡➜✏➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✭➄❁➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻✒❀✲➂➈➻✤➃❴➉✤ÜÝ➉❉➅✡➀ ➡✝➉✭➺ ➺ ➚⑧➉✂➵✪➵➾➂✂➡❳➅❄➂✲✢
➻ ❀✝➚②➅☎➟✂➂
➻✤➂✭➝✤➃❴➉✂➻✤➉✝➅❳➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵❪➞✂➜✤➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ➡✡➉✭➺✤➃❴➂✭➺ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄✖➋❪➞✭➃★➜✭➻✏➼❉➡❉➀ ❿✲➝ ➀ ❿✂➡✝➃❴➂✂➉✤➄✖➀♥❿✂➝②➂✭➡✡➜✏❿✲➜✭Ü➛➀ ➡✜➉✢❿✲➻②➂✭➡✡➜✢➺ ➜✭➝✤➀ ➡☎➉✢➺✒➞✭➃➾➂✭➄✡➄❇➼✲➃✔➂②➜✢❿
➅✖➟❉➂➛➡✖➜✲➉❇➄☎➅❄➉✢➺✲➉✭➃➾➂✭➉✲➄❁➜✭➵✤➅✖➟❉➂➈❿✲➜t➃➾➅❞➟✲➂✭➃❞❿ ➄❉➟✲➜✤➃➾➂➛➜❇➵✒➅❳➟❉➂➈➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿✘✐
➅✖➟❉➂å➞✲➄☎➚✲➡❇➟✲➜✭➺ ➜✂➝✢➀ ➡✡➉✢➺❜➡✖➺♥➀ Ü➛➉✝➅❄➂✼➜❇➵④➅☎➟✲➂Ó➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿⑥❾❬❿✭➀ ➜✢❿⑧➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻❃❀❉➂Ù➉✂➵✪➵➾➂✂➡❳➅✿➂✂➻ ❀✝➚è➅☎➟✂➂✼➡❇➺ ➀ Ü ➉✝➅❴➂❶➜❇➵❘➵✇➂✭➉✭➃
➉✏❿✲➻⑥➝✏➼✲➀ ➺ ➅➛➞✭➃❴➜✲➻✏➼✂➡✡➂✭➻❃❀✙➚ã➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂▼❞ ➄ ➀ ➄✖➜✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✼➵✔➃❴➜✢Ü ➅☎➟✲➂⑥➞✂➜✲➜✏➃➾➂❇➄☎➅➛➞✲➂✭➜✭➞✤➺ ➂❶➜❇➵④➏●➵✔➃❄➀ ➡✡➉✏➭●Ô❊➟✲➂Ó➼✲❿✤➀ ➁t➂✭➃❴➄✡➉t➺
➻✏➀ ÜÝ➂✤❿✲➄❉➀ ➜t❿ ➜✂➵➈➅☎➟✲➂✃➽✭➼✭➃★➜✢➞✲➂✂➉✢❿✃➞✲➃❴✔➜ ❇❞➂✂➡☎➅Ù➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻❨❀✲➂ ➄✡➂❇➂✤❿ ➉✭➄✻➟✂➚✏➞❉➜✭➡✝➃❃➀ ➄❳➚⑨➭Ï➌➔➜t➃★➂✭➜✂➁✭➂✤➃➾➋Ï➅☎➟✭➀ ➄✻➝✢➺ ➜❋✲
❀ ➉✭➺
➻✤➂✭➝✤➃❴➉✂➻✤➉✝➅❳➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵✃➅☎➟✲➂ ➀ ❿✙➅❄➂t➃❄❿✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺➷➀ ÜÝ➉✲➝✭➂ ➜✭➵➘➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂ ➡☎➜✏➼✭➺ ➻ ➟✂➉✂➁✤➂ ➄✝➀ ➝✢❿✤➀ ➵✔➀ ➡☎➉✏❿✝➅ ❿❉➂✭➝✤➉✝➅☎➀ ➁✤➂
❈ ➼✲➂✢❿✲➡✡➂✂➄✰➵❃➃★➜✢Ü ➉✢❿②➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡✡➉✢➺✲➞✲➜✢➀ ❿✝➅④➜✂➵✏➁✒➀ ➂✂➲✜➭
❒✒➭✪à✒➭❇Ô⑨➂✭➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✢➺✲➄☎➅❄➉tÞ❉➂✭➄
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄❁➃❴➂✲➝✢➼✤➺ ➉❇➅❴➂✲➻➈➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✏❿✲➉✭➺✝➁✏➀ ➄✖➀ ➜✢❿②➟✂➉✲➄❁➉✢❿②➀ Ü➈➞❉➜t➃➾➅❄➉t❿✙➅❪➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✭➺✲➄✝➀ ➻✤➂●❰
✡✲✠✝✁✳☛✭✁✡✄☎✁✂❈❘◗✝✁✝✑❘▲✝▼✂▼✎✱✳✺✲✟✖✓✂✗ ✓➈✽✿✟✝✙
❈ ✑✝✟✂✑④❅✲✟✝❈❁❈❁✾ ❂❘✁❉✘✝✠✝✓✂✘✖✄☎✁✝✚☞❂★✠✖✁②✘✝✞❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘②✞ ✍❊✓✂✘ ✒ ✏✡✓✖✕❴❂P✴✤✕✡✾ ✓❉✘◗❖✂✁✝❙✂✾ ✞✝✘✄④
✓ ✞✝✑ ✒ ✒
✴ ❅☎✏✄✴❀✼
✲ ☛✡✗ ✟✝✕
❯☎✾ ☛✡✁✄✏
✓ ✕✡✾ ✘✝✄☎✁P✴✒✟✖✕❴❂❴✑✔✓✙✗ ✾ ✓❁✓✂✘✖✧
✚ ✲✂✎✁ ✌✞✭
✝ ✁✝✁✙✗ ✓✂✘✖✚✜✓❞❂✪❂★✁✂✘✖✚✂✁☎✚✰❂❄✠✖✁➣❅✭✟✂❈✰❈❆✾ ❂❊✓✂✘✖✚❆✚✂✾ ✕❞✄✡✟✝✕❞✕☎✁✡✚✰❂❄✠☎✁✂✾ ✑ ✑✝✓✙✑➶❂❄✾ ✄✡✾ ✑✖✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✭✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➅✖➟❉➂ä➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿✻➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✢❿➷❽❴➅❞➟✲➉✝➅⑥➀ ➄ì➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✲➂ ↔❿✂➂✭➀ ➝✤➟✏❀✲➜✢➼✲➃❴➄✡➋Ï➲❘➂➷➄✡➉❉➚✻Õ✂➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭➞✲➂✭➉✭❿✲×⑥➃❴➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✏❿♦✂❀ ➂✭➡✡➉✢➼✲➄✡➂
à ✿➛➅☎❂
➜ ☎✏✁
✿ ➹
✝ ➜❇➵❮➉✢❿✙➚✼➂✂➡✝➜✢❿✲➜✭Ü➛➀ ➡Ý➉✏❿✂➻⑧➄✡➜✭➡✂➀ ➉✤➺✤➂✂ë✤➡✝➟✲➉✢❿❉➝✤➂❇➄☞➵➾➜✭➃❪➅✡➟✂➂⑧❿✲➜✏❿⑧➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✢❿
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄❶➜✂➵❖➅✡➟✂➂ä➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✭❿✤➓⑦➄❇➟✲➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❨❀✂➂✲➡✝➜✭ÜÝ➂✻➉ ➃✔➂✂➵✔➂✤➃➾➂✢❿✂➡✡➂ ➀ ❿❶➅✡➟✂➂ä➃★➂✂➝✏➼✭➺ ➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✈➜❇➵➛➉✲➝✏➃❴➀ ➡❇➼✲➺ ➅☎➼✲➃❴➉✭➺❆➜t➃
➂✏❿✂➂✭➃❴➝✂➚⑧❽❄➝✭➉✲➄❁➉✏❿✂➻②➂✭➺ ➂✂➡❳➅☎➃❴➀ ➡✝➀ ➅❴➚✢➓❘Ü ➉t➃❄Þ✙➂❉➅❄➄✂➭●ê✝➜✤➃●➅☎➟✂➂➈➺ ➉❇➅✔➅❄➂✭➃➾➋●➅❞➟✲➉✝➅✰ÜÝ➂✭➉✤❿✲➄✰➅☎➟✲➉✝➅❦➅✡➟✂➂★❅②➄❉➺ ➜❇➲✈➉✏❿✂➻②➻✢➀ ➵✪➵❴➀ ➡✝➼✤➺ ➅
➠ ➃❴➂✂➝✏➼✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵➷➅❳➟❉➂ ➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿ ÜÝ➉✢➃❴Þ✂➂✂➅➴➄❇➟✲➜✭➼✤➺ ➻ ➃❄➀ ➝✏➟✙➅ ➉✝➲❁➉✝➚ ✎✶✗✏✭✻✟ ❚✷✵✸✬✕✔✕↔➅☎➟✲➂➹➄✝➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❞❿
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❴➄✡➋❦➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❇➟➛➵✇➉✲➡❉➀ ➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✭➄✜➉✢➃➾➂➛➁✭➂✤➃✇➚⑧➡✡➜✏Ü➛➞✂➉✝➅☎➀ ❀✲➺ ➂②➲❁➀ ➅☎➟Ý➅✖➟❉➜✭➄✡➂➈➜✂➵❦➲❘➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞❿⑦➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂⑧❽❴➡✡➜✏❿✝➅❞➃★➉✭➃❃➀ ➺ ➚➛➅❄➜
➂✤➉✂➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞❿⑧❿❉➂✭➲✃ÜÝ➂tÜ✙❀✂➂✤➃④➄☎➅❄➉✝➅❴➂✤✮➄ ❞ ➓★➋❪➉✢❿❉➻✼➄✖➜✤ÜÝ➂⑧➜❇➵❊➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟✼➟✂➉✝➁✤➂②➄☎➅❞➃❴➉✝➅❄➂✭➝✤➀ ➡✜➂✏❿✂➂✭➃➾➝✭➚Ù➃★➂✭➄✡➜✢➼✲➃❴➡✡➂❇➄✲➭❦ê✙➜✭➃❪➅☎➟✂➂
➵✔➜✤➃❞Ü ➂✭➃✻❽❴➉✲➝✢➃❴➀ ➡✖➼✤➺ ➅❞➼✲➃❴➂✭➓❄➋Ù➅✡➟✂➉✝➅➷Ü➛➂✂➉✢❿✲➄➷➅☎➟✲➉❉➅➷➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂➘➉✏❿✂➻➬➀ ➅❄➄ ❿✲➂✭➀ ➝✏➟✏❉❀ ➜✢➼✭➃★➄✃➄❉➟✲➜✤➼✤➺ ➻ ❿❉➂✤➝✭➜✝➅☎➀ ➉✝➅❄➂➘➉
➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺✼➄✡➂❉➅ ➜✂➵✻➃❴➂✂➝✏➼✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿ ➲❁➀ ➅✖➟➮➅❞➟✲➂➘➸Ï✛
Ô ④
❭ ➋❶➵✇➜✢➃ì➂❉ët➉✢Ü➛➞✤➺ ➂➘➅☎➟✭➃❴➜✤➼✲➝✏➟ ➉ ➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✂➉✤➺⑥➺ ❋
➉ ❉❀ ➂✢➺⑦➵✔➜✭➃
➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✤❿ ➞✭➃★➜✭➻✏➼❉➡❳➅❴➄✙➋➈➂✂➁✭➂✤❿✃ÜÝ➉❇➚✏❀✂➂➷➅☎➟✭➃❴➜✤➼✲➝✢➟ ➉ ➃➾➂✭➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✤➺❘➅❴➉✢➃❴➀ ➵✇➵✼➀ ❿➷➜✤➃❴➻✲➂t➃⑦➅❄➜ ➞✲➃❄➜✝➅❴➂✭➡☎➅✼➉✢❿✲➻
➞✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➜❉➅❄➂➛➻✏➼✲➃❃➀ ❿✲➝➛➉☞➅❞➃➾➉✏❿✲➄✖➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✜➅☎➀ ÜÝ➂☞➅☎➟✂➂➈Ü ➜❇➻✤➂✤➃❴❿✤➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵⑨➉✭➝✤➃❞➀ ➡❇➼✭➺ ➅☎➼✭➃★➂➛➜t❿✜➅✡➟✂➂➛➄✡➜✏➼✝➅❞➟❉➂✢➃❄❿➛➄✝➟✲➜✭➃❴➂✤➭
❖✂✁✖❙✲✾ ✞❉✘✖✓✂✗✝✑✪✁✙❙✂✟✂✗ ✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✭✌✝✡✲✠✝✁④✄☎✓✝✕❞✁❆✞ ✍●❋⑨✁✝✚✂✾ ❂➾✁✝✑➾✑✪✓✂✘✝✁✖✓❉✘✰✓✝❙✂✑✔✾ ✄✡✟✝✗ ❂❄✟✖✑✔✁
●✘✖✁⑥✎✞ ✍❁❂❴✠✝✁å❈✰✞✖✕❴❂⑦✑➶✁❉✗ ✝✁ ☛✝✓✙✘❳❂➛✁✙P✝✓✝❈ ✑✝✗ ✁✖✕⑧✞✎✍❁❂❄✠✝✁❶✘☎✁✝✁✝✚ ✍✪✞✙✑☞✓ ✌❊✾ ✘✝❏✮✌❊✾ ✘❶✑✪✁✙❙✂✾ ✞✂✘✖✓✂✗ ✑✝✑✔✞✡✚✲✟✖✄❃❂★✾ ✞✂✘⑥✓✂✘✝✚
✑✪✁✖❙✲✟✝✗ ✓☎❂❴✾ ✞✙✘ ✑✝✑✔✞✖✄☎✁✡✕❞✕Ý✾ ✕❆✓✝❙✝✑❴✾ ✄✡✟✂✗ ❂❄✟✝✑✪✁Ý✓✂✘✝✚❖❂★✠✖✘
✁ ✪✍ ✞✙✞✝✚②✾ ✘✝✚✂✟✖✕❴❂❴✑✪❍✂☎
✌ ✡✲✠✝✁☞✄✿✟✝✑✔✑✪✁✙✘✖❂❪✕✡✾ ❂❄✟✖✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✂✘➛✾ ✕❆✕✡✟✝◗✖✞✄❳✑ ❂❃✾ ❈✰✓✂✗ ✌
❅❇✞✂❈④✁✰❂❴❍ ✑✂✾ ✄☎✓✝✗ ✗ ❍✜✕☎✞✙✟❳❂❄✠✖✁✙✑❴✘✘✝✑ ✑✪✞✝✚✂✟✝✄❴❂✔✕❘✕✡✟❳✄✡✠✜✓☎✕✰✄✡✾ ❂❴✑✔✟✝✕ ✍✇✑✔✟✂✾ ❂✔✕❘✞✂✑●✞✂✗ ✾ ☛✡✁✰❂★✑✪✁✝✁✡✕✰✓✙✑✪✁✜✓✝✗ ✕☎✘
✞ ✂✑ ✑✪✞✝✚✲✟❳✄☎✁✙✚❖✓❉✗ ✞✂✘✝❙
❂❴✠✖✁ ✘✖✞✙✑➶❂❄✠✝✁✡✑❴✘➣✕✡✠✝✞✙✑✪✁✂✍ ✌❬✠✝✾ ✗ ✕❞❂❬✕☎✞✂❈➔✁❁❂➾❍✄✂✑ ✾ ✄☎✓❉✗ ✗ ❍☞✘✝✞✙✑➶❂❄✠✖✁✙✑❴✘ ✑✡✑✔✞✝✚✂✟✖✄❴❂❴✕✰✕✿✟✝✄✡✠❖✓✡✙
✕ ✌❊✠✝✁✖✓☎❂❬✓✝✑✔✁ ✑✝✑✪✞✙✚✂✟✖✄☎✁✝✚Ý✞✂✘
❂❴✠✖✁❆✕☎✞✂✟❳❂❄✠✖✁✙✑❴✘✰✕✡✠✝✞✝✑✔✁✂✌✭❀★✘❖❋❊✞✡✑✔✞✝✄❞✄☎✞✙✍❦❚✝✌ ■❁✞✂✟✿❂❬✞✎✍✭❂❄✠✝✁➛❚✖✌ ❑Ý❈❁✾ ✗ ✗ ✾ ✞✝✘✜✓✝❙✂✑✔✾ ✄✡✟✝✗ ❂❄✟✖✑✔✓✙✝✗ ✍✪✓✙✑✔❈✰✕ ✑✖✑✔✞✡✚✲✟✖✄☎✙
✁ ✌❬✠✖✁✝✓☎❂❴✍
❂ ✌❊✾ ❂❴✠➛✾ ✘✖✄✿✑✔✁✝✚✂✾ ◗✝✗ ❍②✗ ✞ ✌ ✑✝✑✪✞✝✚✂✟✝✄❴❂❄✾ ☛✂✾ ❂❴❍☞✓❉✘✖✚➛✕✡❈➔✓❉✗ ✗ ✑✙✑✪✞ ✍➾✾ ❂❘❈④✓✝✑✔❙✂✾ ✘✖✕✡✌☎✡✲✠✝✁②✾ ✘✝✁✖✕❄✄☎✓✄✖✑ ✓✂◗✝✗ ✁Ý✚✝✞✝✌❬✘✖✕✡✾ ▲✡✾ ✘✝❙
✞ ✍②✓✖❙✲✑✔✾ ✄✡✟✝✗ ❂❄✟✝✑✔✓✙✗❁✕✡✟✝◗✖✕✡✾ ✚✂✾ ✁☎✕✡✍Ï✞❉✘ä◗✝✞☎❂❴✠✻✕✡✠✖✞❉✑✪✁✖✕➳✞✎✍Ï❂★✠✖✁ ❋⑨✁✝✚✂✾ ❂➾✁✝✑❴✑♥✓✂✘✝✁✖✓❉✘✝✍ ✌❬✾ ✗ ✗❁✕☎✁✡✁ã❂❴✠✂✾ ✕❶✕✡✾ ❂❄✟✖✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✲✘
✑✝✑✪✞✝❙✙✑✔✁✖✕☎✕✡✾ ☛✙✁✂✗ ❍ ✌●✞❉✑✪✕☎✁✝✘✂✌ ✡✲✠✝✁ ✌❬✾ ✘✂✘✖✁❉✑❁✠✝✞✝✌●✁✝☛✡✁✝✘
✑ ❊
✌ ✾ ✗ ✗❊◗✝✁✼✘✝✁✂✾ ❂❃✠✖✁✝✑❁❂➾✠✝✁✼✘✖✞✂✑ ❂❄✠✝✁✡✑❴✘Ù✘✝✞✙✑➔❂❄✠✖✁⑦✕☎✞✂✟❳❂❄✠☎✁✂✑❴✘
✕☎✠✝✞✝✑✔✁✙✍✰◗✂✟❞❂ ✑✪✓❳❂❃✠✖✁✝✑Ý✛✤✠✝✾ ✗ ✁✙✶
✍ ⑨
✴ ✟❳✕❴❂❴✑✔✓✙✗ ✾ ✓⑥✞✙✑✜✛✭✓✂✗ ✾ ✍✇✞✝✑❴✘✝✾ ✓✙✍✰✓✂✗ ✗❊✲✞ ✍✘❊
✌ ✠✂✾ ✄✡✠Ù✓✙✑✪✁è✾ ✘✝✚✂✟✝✕❃❂★✑✔✾ ✓✝✗ ✾ ▲✡✾ ✘✖❙✼❂❴✠✝✁✙✾ ✑✙✍♥✞✝✞✂✚
✑✝✑✪✞✝✚✂✟✡✄❞❂❄✾ ✞✂✘❁✾ ✘✖✚✲✟✖✕❴❂❴✑❴✾ ✁✡✕✝✓
✌ ✵✜✠✝✓❳❂❜✠✝✓✝✕❦❂➾✞✜◗✝✁✰✚✂✞✙✘✝✁➔❂★✠✝✁✂✘✜✾ ✕④✓❁✑✔✓☎❂❴✾ ✞✙✘✝✓✂✗✝✑✪✁✙❏❴✗ ✞✝✄☎✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✂✘❁✎✞ ✍ ✑✡✑✔✞✝✚✂✟✝✄❃❂★✾ ✞✂✥
✘ ✌❬✾ ❂❄✠✝✾ ✘
❂❴✠✖✁ ✏✡✟✝✑✪✞❉❏❃❋❊✁☎✚✲✾ ❂✔✁❉✑✔✑✪✓✂✘✖✁✙✓✂✘ä✓✙✑✪✁✝✓✙✍ ❂❃✠✖✁➷✚✝✁✝☛✝✁✙✗ ✞✄✝✑ ❈✰✁✙✘❳❂è✞ ✍②❂❄✠✖✁ ✍♥✞✖✞✙✚✃✾ ✘✖✚✲✟❳✕❞❂★✑✔❍➷✑✪✁✙✗ ✓✖❂✇✁✝✚✻❂❴✞✻❂❴✠✝✁✡✕☎✁
✑✝✑✪✞✝✚✂✟✡✄❞❂✔✕⑧✞❉✘Ù❂❄✠✖✁✼✕☎✞✂✟✖❂❴✠✝✁✙✑✔✘Ù✕✡✠✝✞✙✑✔✁✝✍❁✓✂✘✖✚✼❂❄✠✝✁⑥✄☎✞✙❈❁❈✰✞✙✘ ✑✙✑✪✞✂❈❁✞❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘❶✞✎✍✜✑✔✁✝❙✂✾ ✞✝✘✝✓✙✗✰❋❊✁☎✚✲✾ ❂❴✁✙✑✔✑✪✓✂✘✖✁✙✓✂✘
✴✭✄❴❂❄✟✝✓✝✗➛❂❴✑✪✁❉✘✖✚✝✕ ✓✙✕ ✌❊✁✝✗ ✗➛✓✝✕ ✑✝✞✡✕☎✕✡✾ ◗✂✗ ✁✃✄☎✞✂❈❘❈✰✞✂✘➘✑✔✁✡✎✕ ✑✖✞✂✘☎✕☎✁✝✕ä❂★✞ ❂❄✠✖✁✃✄✡✠✝✓✝✗ ✗ ✁❉✘✖❙✲✾ ✘✝❙ ✘✝✓❳❂★✟✝✑✔✁✃✞ ✍
✾ ✘❳❂❴✁✙✑✔✘✝✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✓✝✗✂✄☎✞✝❈ ✑✖✁❳❂❃✾ ❂❴✾ ✞✙✘ ✌❊✾ ✗ ✗✭✠✝✓✎☛✖✁✜✓✙✘➛✾ ✘✖✄✿✑✪✁✝✓✝✕✡✾ ✘✝❙Ý✾ ❈✥✑✝✓✡✄❞❂❊✞✂✘✰❂★✠✖✁✜✑❴✟✝✑✔✓✝✗✂✓✡✑✔✁✝✓☎✕✰✎✞ ✍❊◗✖✞✡❂❄✠✰✕✡✠✝✞✝✑✇✁✝✕④✞ ✍
❂❴✠✖✁②❋●✁✡✚✲✾ ❂✔✁✙✑❴✑✪✓✂✘✖✁✙✓✂✘❉✌ ✸✲✾ ❙✂✠✂✗ ✾ ❙✂✠❳❂❄✾ ✘✝❙☞❂★✠✝✁➛✘✝✁☎✄☎✁✝✕❞✕✡✾ ❂❴❍☞✞✎✍❊✓✂✘☞✝✞ ☛✝✁✙✑✪✓✂✗ ✗✤✑✇✁✝❙✂✾ ✞✝✘✝✓✙✗ ☛❉✾ ✁✝✌ ✌❊✞✝✟✂✗ ✚⑦✠✝✁✝✗ ✑➛✾ ✘❖❂❃✠✖✁
❈✰✞✖✚✂✁✙✑✔✘✂✾ ▲☎✓☎❂❄✾ ✞✂✘❐✎✞ ✍⑥❂❄✠✖✁➮✛✭✞✂❈❘❈✰✞✂✘ ✴t❙✂✑❴✾ ✄✡✟✂✗ ❂❃✟✝✑✔✓✂✗ ☛✿✞✂✗ ✾ ✄☎❍✡✍Ó✁✡✕✎✑✝✁☎✄✡✾ ✓✂✗ ✗ ❍➘✾ ❂❴✕ ✕❄✁✝✄☎✞✝✘✝✚ ✑✂✾ ✗ ✗ ✓✂✑ ✛✔✑❴✟✡✑✔✓✂✗
✚✝✁ ☛✙✁✂✗ ✞✄✝✑ ❈❘✁✂✘❳❂✔●
✜ ✾ ✘❪❂❄✠✝✁ ✍✇✑✪✓✂❈④✁✝✌❊✞✝✑❞✆❬✞ ✍✭❂❃✠✖✁ ✗
✏ ✒
✲ ☛✖✌
Ô❊➟✲➂⑥➽✭Û❪➇⑦➄✝➟✲➜✢➼✤➺ ➻⑥➡✡➉✭➃❞➃✇➚è➜✏➼✝➅❘➅☎➟✤➀ ➄☞➅☎➃★➉t❿✲➄✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✢❿⑦➅❞➀ Ü➛➂✲➋✰➀♥❿⑦➜t➃★➻✤➂✭➃④➅☎➜Ù➞✲➃❄➂✭➞✲➉t➃★➂➈➅☎➟✲➂Ù➺ ➀ ❀✂➂✭➃❴➉✤➺ ➀ ➄✡➉❉➅✡➀ ➜✢❿✼➜✂➵④➅☎➟✂➂
✿ ❽☎➞✭➃★▼
➜ ❀✲➉✏❀✤➺ ➚Ó➃★➉❇➅❞➟✲➂✤➃☞➪☎✿●➊✂❒❶➀ ❿✼➵➾➉✭➡☎➅❚❀✲➂✭➡✡➉✢➼✲➄✡➂Ù➅❞➟✲➂è➉✭➝✤➃✔➂✲➂✢ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅❄➄❊❀✲➂✂➅✔➲❆➂❇➂✤❿❶➽✤❾✈➉✢❿✂➻✻❿✂➂✤➀ ➝✤➟✏✂❀ ➜✢➼✲➃❄➄
➂✏❿✝➅❴➉✤➀ ➺❬➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄✖➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✂➉✤➺❁➞✂➂✭➃❴➀ ➜✭➻✲➄❉➓②➵✔➃➾➂✤➂⑥➅☎➃❴➉✂➻✤➂❃❁✙➜✢❿✂➂✒➭❖❞❆ ❿ä➪❙✿●➊✭❒✲➋☞➂✤➀ ➅☎➟✲➂✭➃Ý➅❳➟❉➂✻➄✝➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❃❿ ➌❬➂✭➻✤➀ ➅✿➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✭❿
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄⑧➲✜➀ ➺ ➺✰➟❉➉❇➁t➂ã➝✤➀ ➁t➂✏❿ã➼✤➞å➵❃➃➾➂✂➂Ó➅☎➃➾➉✭➻✲➂✻➉✂➝✏➃➾➂✭➂✭ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅❴➄✼➲❁➀ ➅❞➟➷➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✭➋❁➅☎➟✂➂✻➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿❶➲✜➀ ➺ ➺
❀ ➂✂➡✝➜✭Ü➛➂⑦➉✢❿⑦➉✭➡☎➅☎➼✂➉✢✛
➺ ✲
❀ ➉t➃❄➃❴➀ ➂✤➃④➵➾➜t➃✜➺ ➜✢❿❉❄
➝ ✼
❅ ➉✢❿❉➻⑧➅❳➟❉➂ÏÕ✙➡✝➜✭❿✂➅☎➀ ❿❉➂✢❿✝➅❄×✰➁✒➀ ➂❇➲ ➲❁➀ ➺ ➺●➟❉➉❇➁t➂➈➲❘➜✏❿✒✳
➭ ❭④➃❴➋❦➅✡➟✂➂✝➚
➲❖➀ ➺ ➺❊➟✲➉✝➁✒➂✼➉✭➻✭➜✤➞✂➅❴➂✂➻⑥➅☎➟✂➂⑥➃❄➜✢➼❉➝✏➟✼➵✔➃❴➂✂➂Ù➅❞➃★➉✭➻✲➂ ➅✡➟✂➉✝➅✜➅☎➟✂➂⑥➜✤❿✲➝✭➜✤➀ ❿✂➝ã❿❉➂✤➝✤➜✝➅❞➀ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✂➄⑧➉✭➃➾➂ã➞✭➃★➜tÜ ➜✝➅☎➀ ❿✂➝✤➋❘➉✢❿❉➻
➅✖➟❉➂⑦Õ✙➉✤➃➾➡❇➟✭➀ ➞✂➂✭➺ ➉✂➝✤➜❇×☞➲❁➀ ➺ ➺❬➟✂➉❇➁t➂Ù➲❆➜✭❿✒➭❵❆❞❄
❿ ✲
❀ ➜✝➅✖➟ ➡✝➉✭➄✡➂✂➋✰➅❞➟✤➀ ➄ Þ✲➀ ❿✲➻❶➜✂➵❁➞✲➉t➃➾➅❞❿✲➂✭➃❴➄✝➟✤➀ ➞✼➲❁➀ ➺ ➺❵❀✂➂❶➼✤❿✭➺ ➀ Þ✙➂t➺ ➚⑥➅❴➜
➉✭➁✲➜✢➀ ➻ã➅☎➟✂➂➳➻✤➂✂➄❳➅❴➉✏✤
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✈➜❇➵❁➅☎➟✂➂➳➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟❶➉✤❿✲➻Ó➅☎➟✲➂✭➃➾➂✭➵✇➜✢➃➾➂✻➜✂➵❁➅☎➟✂➂❶➲❖➟✲➜✭➺ ➂ì➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✭❿✒➭❉❭④➃❴➋✜➉ã➝✲➂✏❿✭➼✤➀ ❿✲➂
➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✭➺⑧➃❴➂✂➝✏➼✭➺ ➉✝➅❳➀ ➜✢❿➴➲❁➀ ➺♥➺➈➟✲➉✂➁✲➂ ❀✲➂✂➂✢❿ ➀ Ü➛➞✲➺ ➂✭Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅❴➂✲➻✤➋ã➀ ❿➘➜✤➃❴➻✲➂t➃ ❀✲➜❉➅✡➟✃➅❄➜➘➉✭➺ ➺ ➜❇➲ ➉✏❿➴➂❇➵✇➵➾➂✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➁✲➂
➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄❉➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✤❿ã➞❉➂✢➃❴➀ ➜✲➻ã➵➾➜t➃✜➅☎➟❉➂ã➄✡➜✢➼✙➅❳➟❉➂✢➃❄❿➳➄✖➟✲➜✢➃➾➂✭➋Ý➉✭❿✲➻Ó➅❴➜➳➻✭➂✲➂✢➞❉➂✢❿è➅❞➟✲➂ã➞✲➉✢➃✇➅☎❿✂➂✭➃❴➄✂➟✭➀ ➞✲➄❄✲
❀ ➂❉➅❴➲❘➂✲➂t❿✈Û●➜✤➃✇➅❳➟
➢●➜✢Ü②Ü ➜t❿ ➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✤➄ ➲❘➜✏➼✭➺ ➻ ➃★➂✭➝✤➼✤➺ ➉✂➅❴➂➹➅☎➟✂➂ ➃❴➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✏❿✂➉✤➺✻➞✤✏
➼ ❀✭➺ ➀ ➡r➝✭➜✲➜✤➻✭➄✂➭❢❞❆ ❿ ➞✂➉✭➃✔➅❞➀ ➡❇➼✭➺ ➉✢➃➾➋➴➄✖➂✝➁✤➂✤➃➾➉✢➺
➂✏❿✝➁✒➀ ➃★➜✢❿✲Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅✰➀ ➄✖➄✝➼✲➂✂➄Ï➟❉➉❇➁✲➂➛➉➈➃❄➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✲➉✢➺✲➻✤➀ ÜÝ➂✢❿❉➄❉➀ ➜✏❿✒➭❇Ô●➟✲➂✲➄✖➂➈➀ ❿✲➡❉➺ ➼✲➻✭➂☞➅☎➟✂➂➈➞✲➜✤➺ ➺ ➼✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿②➜✂➵❊➡✖➜✤Ü➛Ü➛➜✤❿➛➄✡➂✭➉✲➄
❽❛✽✏➺ ➉✭➡✝Þ➳➉✢❿❉➻ ➌❮➂✭➻✤➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❄➉✭❿✲➂❇➉✤❿➷➒✒➂✭➉✂➄✝➋☞➵➾➜✭➃➛➲❖➟✲➀ ➡❉➟➷➞✲➜✭➺ ➺ ➼✝➅❞➀ ➜✏❿❶➲❆➉✭➄❶➜✢❿❉➂➷➜❇➵☞➅☎➟✲➂✻Ü➛➉✤➀ ❿➷➀ ➄✝➄✝➼✲➂❇➄❶➜✂➵➛➅❞➟✲➂
❀ ➂✭➃❖➪☎✿✏✏
✿ à❘✽✤➉✤➃❴➡✡➂✭➺ ➜✢❿❉➉⑥➒●➼✤Ü➛Ü➛➀ ➅❞➓ ✐Ý➉✭➀ ➃✜➞✲➜✭➺ ➺ ➼✝➅☎➀ ➜✏❿✲➋✰❿✤➼✲➡❉➺ ➂✂➉t➃Ý➃❴➀ ➄✂Þ✝➄✙➋✰➃✔➂✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ❿❉➝ ➅✿➜➈➅☎➟✲➂⑥➼✭➞✭Þ❉➂✭➂✭➞✼➜✂➵
➅✖➟❉➂Ù➉✤❿✝➅❞➀ ❈✏➼✲➉✝➅❴➂✭➻❶➞✲➜❉➲❆➂✭➃❴➠☎➞✭➺ ➉✤❿✂➅❁➄☎➅❄➜✭➡✝Þ✼➀ ❿⑦➅☎➟✂➂⑥➽✲➉✭➄☎➅❄➋❪➅❞➟✲➂Ù➵➾➜✭➃✔➂✲➡✖➉✲➄❳➅➛❿❉➂❇➲✃➜✤❿✲➂✭➄➈❽☎➍✒➼✲➄✖➄✝➀ ➉è➜✢❿②➅☎➟✲➂✢✽●➺ ➉✭➡✝Þ
➒●➂✂➉✞❞ ➄⑧➡✖➜✲➉✭➄☎➅❞➓✜➉✤❿✲➻⑥➅❞➟✲➂⑥➞✲➜❇➅❴➂✤❿✂➅❞➀ ➉✤❏
➺ ✤
❀ ➼✭➀ ➺ ➻✢➀ ❿✲➝❶➜❇➵✜❿✂➂❇➲ ➞✭➺ ➉✢❿✙➅❴➄Ù➀ ❿⑦➅✖➟❉➂Ó➌❮➂✭➻✢➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃★➉t❿✲➂✲➉✢❿è❽☎➞✂➜✝➅❄➂✢❿✝➅☎➀ ➉t➺ ➺ ➚❶➀ ❿
Ô❊➼✤➃❴Þ✝➂✂➚②➉✢❿❉➻ ➏❬➺ ➝✲➂t➃❄➀ ➉➛➉✂➵♥➅❴➂✢➃④➪☎✿●➊✖✿✢➓✡➭
➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➡☎➚r➜❇➵➷❿✲➂❇➅✔➲❆➜✭➃❞Þ✲➀ ❿✲➝ ➅✡➟✂➂↔➡✡➜✢Ü②ÜÝ➜✢❿↔➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺✼➂✤➼✤➃❴➜✭Ü ➂❇➻✤➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❴➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✤❿ ➅❞➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❴➜✭➃❴➚↔➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ ❀✲➂
♥➀ Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂tÜ ➂✭❿✂➅❴➂✭➻●❰❘➝✤➉✂➄②➉✢❿✂➻è➂✢➺ ➂✂➡❳➅☎➃❴➀ ➡✝➀ ➅❴➚✤❍
➋ ❀✤➼✝➅➣➉✢➺ ➄✝➜⑧➅❞➃➾➉✏❿✲➄✖➞✲➜✢➃✇➅❴➄②➉✢❿❉➻Ó➺ ➜✤➝✢➀ ➄☎➅❳➀ ➡✖➄✡➋❪➅❄➂✢➺ ➂✭➡✡➜✢ÜÝ➄✙➋✰➉✭❿✼➂✤➼✭➃★➜✢ÜÝ➂✂➻
➞✲➜✤➄❞➅❄➉t➺✒❿✂➂✂➅✔➲❆➜t➃❄Þ✂➋●➉✤❿➛➂✤➼✤➃➾➜✢ÜÝ➂✂➻➈➵❴➀ ❿✲➉✤❿✲➡✖➀ ➉✭➺✲➄❇➞✂➉✲➡✖➂➈❽❄➼✤❿✲➻✭➂✭➃❊➲❘➉✭➚☞➅☎➟✂➉✤❿✤Þ✂➄④➅☎➜☞➅❞➟❉➂ ➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏★
❿ ❆❞❿✂➁✲➂✂➄❳➅✡ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅
✽✒➉✢❿✲Þ✭➓❄➋Ý➉✻➡☎➜✏Ü➛ÜÝ➜✏❿➳➄☎➅❞➃❞➼✲➡☎➅❞➼✭➃★➂✻➜❇➵ ➻✢➀ ➞✭➺ ➜✏ÜÝ➉✭➄⑥➀ ❿✈➜✭➃❴➻✲➂✢➃Ý➅❴➜ä➞✲➃❴➜✢ÜÝ➜✂➅❄➂Ó➅❞➟✲➂➷ÜÝ➜❋✭
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➚✻➜✂➵✜➅❳➟❉➂✻➄✝Þ❇➀ ➺ ➺ ➂✭➻
➞✲➂✭➜✤➞✭➺ ➂●➭
✽✒➉✢➺ ➉✢❿❉➡✝➂✂➻ ➃❴➂✤➺ ➜✲➡✖➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿ ➜✂➵ä➅☎➟✲➂↔➁✤➉✭➺ ➼✲➂ ➡❇➟✂➉✤➀ ❿ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤❿➹Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟ ➉✭❿✲➻ ➒●➜✢➼✙➅❞➟➹➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻ ➂✤❿✤➟✂➉✢❿✲➡✡➂
➡✝➜✢Ü➛➞❉➂❇➅☎➀ ➅☎➀ ➁t➂➈➉✲➻❇➁t➉✢❿✝➅❄➉✂➝✤➂⑧➜✂➵●➅☎➟✲➂➈➡✡➜✏Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂tÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➉✭➃❴➚②➉✏❿✂➻Ù❿✲➂✤➀ ➝✏➟✘✲
❀ ➜✢➼✲➃❞➀ ❿✂➝➈➅❄➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➂✲➄✖➋❬➂❇➄✂➞✂➂✭➡✝➀ ➉✏➺ ➺ ➚è➀ ➵❊➅❞➟✲➂
➞✤➃❞➀ ➡✝➂➛➜✂➵❊➜✏➀ ➺✤➃❴➂✭ÜÝ➉✏➀ ❿②➟✤➀ ➝✏➟➛➉✤❿✂➻Ù➺ ➀ Ü➛➀ ➅❪➅❞➟✲➂➛➡✙➜✢Ü➛➞✂➉✤➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➁✤➂➛➉✭➻✂➁✒➉✭❿✝➅❄➉✭➝✲➂➈➜✂➵❪➺ ➜✭❿✲➝➈➻✏➀ ➄☎➅❴➉✏❿✲➡☎➂☞➅☎➃✔➉✲➻✤➂➈❽❄➢✢➵❄➭✤➅☎➟✂➂
➻✏➀ ➵♥➵✇➂✢➃★➂t❿✙➅❘➄☎➡✝➂✭❿✲➉✢➃❴➀ ➜✲➄✜➜❇➵❊➜✭➀ ➺✲➡❉➃❄➀ ➄✝➀ ➄❁➞✤➃➾➂✭➄✡➂✢❿✝➅❄➂✲➻➈➀ ❿②➽✂➒❦➇✖❭➔Û❶➞✲➃❴➜✔❇❞➂✲➡❳➅④❒✒➭✪➪✲➓☎➭
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➚⑦➜❇➵●➅✡➟✂➂②➂✭➺ ➀ ➅❄➂❇➄✙➋❪➜❇➵❬➜✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃④➲❘➜✢➃❴Þ✙➂✢➃★➄❖➉✤❿✲➻➈➄☎➅☎➼✲➻✤➂✭❿✝➅❄➄❖➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻✢❀❉➂Ù➞✭➃➾➜✢Ü ➜✝➅❄➂❇➻✤➋❬➄✖➜➛➅☎➟✲➉✝➅❪➅☎➟✲➂Ï➵➾➜✢➼✲➃✔➅❞➟
➵❃➃★➂✭➂✂➻✤➜✭Ü➛➄➳➜❇➵Ý➅✖➟❉➂ ➽✲Û④➇✂➋☞➅❞➟✲➉✂➅✼➜❇➵Ý➅✖➟❉➂ä➡✝➀ ➃❄➡✖➼✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿➷➜❇➵Ý➅✖➟❉➂ ➞❉➂✤➜✭➞✤➺ ➂☎✆✁❞➋②➡✝➜✤➼✭➺ ➻✃➼✤➺ ➅❞➀♥ÜÝ➉✝➅❴➂✢➺ ❢
➚ ✲
❀ ➂ Ü➛➂✝➅❄➋
➀♥❿✲➄❞➅❄➂❇➉✲➻➈➜✂➵ ❀✭➃★➉✢➀ ❿➛➻✤➃✔➉✤➀ ❿✒➭✏ê❉➜✭➃❊➲❖➟✲➉✝➅❊➅✖➟❉➂➈➞✂➂✭➜✤➞✤➺ ➂➈➀ ❿✜➅☎➟✲➂➛➄✖➜✤➼✂➅☎➟✂➂✭➃☎❿Ý➄❇➟✂➜✤➃❴➂☞➲❆➉✭❿✝➅✰➀ ➄❉✗✏✟✘❊
☛ ➅❄➜➛➂tÜ➛➀ ➝✏➃➾➉❉➅❄➂☞➅❄➜
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✭➋❊➲❖➟❉➉❇➅❘➅☎➟✂➂✝➚✼➲❘➉✢❿✝➅✜➀ ➄✜➅❄➜Ù➟✲➉❇➁✲➂⑧➂✲➉❇➄☎➚è➜✭➞✤➞✲➜t➃➾➅❞➼✤❿✭➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲➄❖➅❄➜⑧➝✤➜➛➅✖➟❉➂t➃★➂⑧➉✭❿✲➻✼➡✝➜✢ÜÝ✒
➂ ❀✲➉✭➡✝Þ②➉✂➄➛➜✭➵♥➅❴➂✢❿
❒✒➭✪à✒➭❇Ô⑨➂✭➃❴➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✢➺✤➀ Ü②➞✂➉✭➡☎➅❄➄
Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄✜➲❁➀ ➻✤➂⑧➃➾➂✭➝✏➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✤➺✂➁●➀ ➄❉➀ ➜✢❿②➲❘➜✢➼✤➺ ➻⑥➼✤❿✂➻✤➜✭✏
➼ ✝❀ ➅❄➂✂➻✏➺ ➚⑥➟✂➉✂➁✤➂②➜❇➁✲➂✭➃❄➉✭➺ ➺t➁✭➂✤➃✇➚⑥➞✲➜✂➄❉➀ ➅☎➀ ➁✲➂Ù➀ Ü➛➞✲➉✂➡❳➅❆➜✢❿Ï➻✤➂tÜ ➜✂➝✏➃❴➉✭➞✤➟✝➚ ➉✢❿✂➻
➂✤➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü✜➚✲➋❊➉✢❿❉➻➈➄✝➞✲➂✂➡❉➀ ➵❃➀ ➡✰➅❄➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅☎➜✭➃❴➀ ➉✤➺✭➀ Ü➛➞❉➉✤➡❞➅❄➄t❰
Ô❊➟✲➂ìÜÝ➉✤➀ ❿➳➜✤❿✲➂⑥➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻✻➜✭➵Ý➡✖➜✤➼✭➃❴➄✡●
➂ ❀✲➂⑥➅❳➟❉➂ì➃❄➀ ➄✡➂ã➜✂➵✜➅❞➟✲➂ì➞✲➂✤➃❴➀ ➞✤➟❉➂✢➃★➉t➺❘➞✲➉✭➃✔➅❴➄è➜✭➵❁➅☎➟✲➂ã➽✤❾❏❞ ➄✼➅❴➂✭➃❞➃❄➀ ➅❄➜✭➃✇➚✒➋
➽✲➉✤➄❞➅❴➲❁➉✭➃➾➻➈❽❄➉✏❿✂➻⑧❿✲➜✝➅❪➜✤❿✤➺ ➚⑧➀ ❿Ý➡✝➉✭➞✤➀ ➅❄➉t➺✲➡✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✂➄❉➓❮➉✢❿❉➻ ÜÝ➜✲➄❳➅☎➺ ➚②➒✒➜✢➼✝➅✡➟✂➲❘➉✭➃❴➻✏➭
Ô❊➟✲➂Ó❿✲➂✝➅❴➲❘➜✢➃❴Þ✂➀♥❿✲➝❶➜❇➵❘➅❞➟✂➂è➂✏➼✭➃★➜tÜ ➂✂➻❶➄❉➞✲➉✲➡✖➂✼➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻❶➝✢➀ ➁t➂⑥➉è➝✭➉✝➅☎➂✝➲❆➉❉➚è➵❃➼✤❿✲➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✼➅❄➜ÓÜ ➉✢❿✙➚ã➞✂➜✤➃✇➅❞➄⑦➉t❿✲➻
➡❇➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✲➄➛➜✭➵❪➅☎➟✂➂❶➌❬➂✭➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✢❿✼➃❄➀ Ü ➋④➜✢❘
❿ ❀✲➜✝➅❞➟è➄❉➟❉➜✢➃★➂❇➄✲➭❪➌❘➉✭❿✝➚❶➞✲➉✭➃✪➅☎❿✲➂✭➃➾➄❇➟✭➀ ➞✲➄✖➋④➄✂➼✂➡❇➟⑦➉✭➄➛➻✤➂✲➡☎➂✏❿✝➅❞➃★➉✢➺ ➀ ➄✡➂✂➻
➡✝➜✭➜✤➞✲➂✭➃✔➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➋❍❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤❿⑧➉✲➡❞➅☎➜✭➃➾➄➛➜✭➵④Û❊➜✭➃✔➅☎➟⑦➉✢❿❉➻Ù➒⑨➜t➼✙➅✖➟②➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻✢❀✂➂⑧➵➾➉✭➡✝➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❄➉❉➅❄➂✂➻✤➋❪➂✤❿✤➟✲➉✢❿✲➡✝➀ ❿❉➝åÜÝ➜✂➅❞➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✲➄✝➋
➲❁➉✂➚②➜❇➵❊➺ ➀ ➵✔➂Ý➉✢❿✲➻②➜❇➵●➲❘➜✭➃❞Þ➣➉✤➄❞➅☎➃❃➀ ➻✭➂✜➅❳➟✲➂✜➅❴➲❁➜➛➄✝➟✲➜✭➃✔➂✲➄✭➭
Ô❊➟✲➂Ï➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺✭➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✂➝✏➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿ ➜❇➵●➲❆➂✂➄❳➅❴➂✤➃❞✙
❿ ✽✲➉✏➺ Þ✝➉✤❿✲➄❁➉✢❿❉➻ Ô❊➼✲➃❞Þ✙➂❇➚Ý➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻▲❀❉➂☞➵✔➉✲➡❉➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❴➉✝➅❄➂❇➻●➭
Ô❊➟✲➂Ù➃❴➜✤➺ ➂Ù➜✂➵✰Û❜➜t➃➾➅☎➟Ï➏❜➵✔➃❃➀ ➡✖➉è➉✂➄➛➉✢❿✼➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✤➃✔➵✇➉✲➡✖✢
➂ ❀✲➂✂➅✔➲❘➂✭➂✤❿⑥➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✼➉t❿✲➻è➄❉➼☎❀✲➠☎➒✤➉✏➟✂➉✭➃❴➉✤❿➈➏⑨➵✔➃❞➀ ➡✖➉⑧➲❘➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❄✂❀ ➂
❀ ➲❆➜✭➼✤➺ ➻⑧❿✲➜Ï➺ ➜✏❿✂➝✲➂t➃❵❀❉➂➛➉▲❀✤➼✂➵♥➵✔➂✤➃❬➄❞➅❄➉❉➅❄➂✲➋ ❀✤➼✝➅❮➉❖➅☎➃❴➼✲➂Ï➀ ❿✙➅❄➂t➃➾➵✔➉✲➡☎➂●➭
â④❸❘✉●❩❦❥✤❻✒♠♥❡✤♦✏✐ ❩❊❥ã❧❊Ú✤❩❊❡✤❫⑧⑤✤❩❊♠✪✐ ❻✒✐ ❣✤♦⑨q❪❫✖❵⑨❣✻❭❞❩❬♠ ❣➳❩✤①☞❫☎❣❊❭☎❭☎✐ ❫☎❩❦❭✡✐ ❣✏♦➳✐♥❥❶❫✝❵✒❣ä③✒❡●❭❄❩●♣✼❣✏❷❊✐ ❫☎❣●❭✖❭❄❧●❥✒❣✏❧●❥✈❣✤❻✭❩❊❥✤❩⑨♣å✐ ❻
❷●❣✤Ò●❣❊♠ ❩❪⑤t♣Ù❣●❥✒❫❁✐ ♣Ó⑤✒♠✪✐ ❣✤♦☞❻✲❩✏❩❬❭❞❷❊✐♥❥●❧✤❫✡✐ ❩❊❥⑥Ú✲❣✤❫☎æ➈❣✤❣●❥èç④→ã❢❊❣❊♠ ❣✢é⑦❧●❥●❷✼ç④→✻❢❊❣✒❤❪✐ ❩
ß❊➭✔➊✤➭●ê✡➜✢➼✲➃④➞✤➃❴➀ ❿✂➡✂➀ ➞✲➺ ➂✂➄❁➜✭➵●➡✙➜tÜ②ÜÝ➜✢❿ ➉✂➡❳➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
Ô❊➟✤➃❴➜✭➼✲➝✢➟✲➜✤➼✂➅☞➀ ➅❄➄Ï➏❊➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✭❿❶➇✂➺ ➉✢❿❉➄➈➲❁➀ ➅❳➟ ➂✤➉✂➡❇➟è➜❇➵④➅☎➟✂➂❶➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿⑥➞✲➉✤➃✇➅❞❿✲➂✢➃➾➄✝➋④➅☎➟✂➂Ó➽✲Û❪➇è➞✭➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➜❇➅❴➂✲➄Ï➅☎➟✲➂✼➵✔➜✤➼✭➃
➵❃➃★➂✭➂✂➻✤➜✭Ü➛➄✲➭t➏❜➄❁➲❘➂➈➂✂ë✏➞✲➺ ➉✤➀ ❿✲➂✂➻✤➋●➅❞➟✲➂✝➚⑧➉✤➃➾➂ ❿❉➂✭➡✡➂✭➄✡➄✝➉✭➃✪➚✺✭
❀ ➼✙➅❁❿✲➜❇➅❮➄❇➼✂➵♥➵❃➀ ➡❉➀ ➂✢❿✙➅✖❰❊➵➾➜t➼✲➃✰➞✲➃❞➀ ❿✲➡❉➀ ➞✭➺ ➂✭➄✜➜❇➵❬➡✡➜✏Ü➛ÜÝ➜✏❿Ý➉✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✭❿
➟✲➉❇➁t➂❖➅❄➜▲❀✂➂➛➉✂➻✤➻✭➂✲➻☞➅❄➜❖➅☎➟✤➀ ➄❁Ü➛➜✂➅✔➅❄➜✏❰
➂ ✕✖✟✘✥ ✓ ✧✏✸✶✤✦✓✩☛✍è
✼ ➲❁➀ ➅☎➟⑧➅✡➟✂➂è➄✝➜✭➼✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❞❿è➄❇➟❉➜t➃★➂❶➜❇➵④➅☎➟✂➂❶➌④➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿⑥❽☎❿✲➜✂➅✜➜✢❿✤➺ ➚ã❿❉➜t➃➾➅☎➟✂➂✭➃☎❿⑧➏●➵✔➃❄➀ ➡✡➉ ❀✤➼✙➅
➉✏➺ ➄✝➜✼➄❇➼✘✲
❀ ➄✡➉✢➟❉➉t➃❄➀ ➉✤❿✼➡✝➜✭➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄✖➓❄➋✰➀♥❿✼➜✭➃➾➻✤➂✢➃④➅✿➜Ù➞✭➃★➂❇➁✲➂✢❿✙➅Ý➉t❿✂➚è➜✤➼✂✱➅ ✤
❀ ➼✤➃➾➄❳➅✜➜✂➵❘➄✝➜✭➡✝➀ ➉✏➺❊➼✭❿✭➃★➂✭➄☎➅✖❰❘➉✤➀ ➻✼➵✔➜✭➃❘➅☎➟✂➂
❀✤➼✤➀ ➺ ➻✢➀ ❿✲➝✃➜❇➵⑦➻❇➲❆➂✭➺ ➺ ➀ ❿✲➝✲➄✻➉✭❿✲➻ ➵✔➜✭➃⑦➄✖➂✂➅✔➅☎➀ ❿❉➝❐➼✭❨
➞ ❀✂➉✲➄❉➀ ➡ã➄✡➂✭➃❴➁✤➀ ➡✡➂✭➄❶➲❖➟❉➂t➃★➂ä➅❞➟✲➂✂➚ ➉t➃★➂ ➺ ➉✭➡✝Þ✂➀♥❿✂➝✏✐è➉t➀ ➻ ➅❴➜
Ü➛➉✤❿✲➉✭➝✲➂➛➉☞➅❞➃❴➉✤❿✂➄❇➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✭❿➛➵➾➜✭➃❊➅❞➟✲➂➈➃❞➼✲➃✔➉✤➺✲➄❉➞✲➉✲➡✖➂✲➋❦➀ ❿ ➜✭➃❄➻✭➂✭➃❊➅❄➜➛➉❇➁t➜t➀ ➻☞➅✖➟❉➂➛➻✢➃❴➉✤ÜÝ➉❇➅❞➀ ➡✜➡✖➜✤❿✲➄✖✶➂ ✏
❈ ➼✂➂✤❿✲➡✖➂✲➄✰➅☎➟✲➉✝➅④➉
➃❄➜✭➼✲➝✏➟➘➺ ➀ ❀✂➂✤➃❴➉✭➺ ➀ ➄☎➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿➴➜❇➵å➉✂➝✢➃❞➀ ➡❉➼✲➺ ➅☎➼✭➃★➉✢➺Ý➅❞➃➾➉✤➻✭➂➴➡✝➜✭➼✤➺ ➻➬➟✲➉✂➁✤➂➴➜✢❿➘Ü➛➀ ➝✏➃➾➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➄✲➭⑧➒✒➂❇➁✲➂✢➃➾➉✢➺⑦➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✏➞✂➂✂➉✢❿
➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡✂➀ ➂✲➄☞➄✝➟✲➜✏➼✭➺ ➻❄✲
❀ ➂➛➂✭ë✤➞✲➉t❿✲➻✲➂✭➻➈➅❄➜➛➅☎➟✲➂Ù➌❬➂✤➻✢➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿✲➂✂➉✢❿✼➇✙➉✭➃✔➅☎❿✂➂✤➃④➢⑨➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄❇❰❘ÜÝ➂❉➅✡➟✂➜✲➻✭➄➛➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✂➂⑥➍✒➼✭➃★➉t➺
➐❬➂✝➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅❘➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚◗⑧
❅ ➉➛➝✢➃★➜❉➲✜➀ ❿✲➝ ➞✲➉✤➃✇➅❪➲✜➀ ➅☎➟✲➀ ❿Ý➅❳➟❉➂➈➢✤➏④✲
➇ ❅ ➄❇➟✲➜✢➼✲➺ ➻✺✂❀ ➂②➄❳➅❞➃★➂✝➅❴➡❇➟✂➂✲➻Ï➅❄➜☞➅☎➟✂➂②➄✝➜✭➼✝➅✡➟✂➂✭➃❞❿
➃☎➼✭➃➾➉✢➺Ó➄❇➞✂➉✲➡✖➂✲➋ ➵✔➜✭➃ ➞✭➃★➜❉➁✒➀ ➻✏➀ ❿✂➝ ➂✂➄✝➄☎➂✏❿✝➅❞➀ ➉✢➺➳➄✡➂✭➃✔➁✤➀ ➡✡➂✭➄✡➋❐➀ Ü➛➞✤➃❴➜✝➁✏➀ ❿✲➝ ➡✖➜✤Ü➛➞✲➂❉➅☎➀ ➅☎➀ ➁✭➂✤❿✲➂✭➄✡➄✖➋❐➞✲➃❴➜✝➅❄➂✭➡☎➅❞➀ ❿❉➝
➂✏❿✝➁✒➀ ➃★➜✢❿✲Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅❄➋☞➉✤❿✂➻ ➀ ❿✙➅❞➃❄➜✂➻✏➼✂➡❇➀ ❿✲➝ ➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✭➺ ➺ ➚❲❀❉➉✤➄☎➂✤➻❲❀✂➜✂➅✔➅❄➜✢ÜÝ➠☎➼✤➞➳➉✏➞✭➞✲➃❴➜✂➉✤➡❉➟❉➂✤➄⑥❽❄➉ÓÕ✝➎✡➂✲➉✭➻✲➂t➃✼➌❮➂✭➻✲×Ù➟✲➉✭➄
➉✏➺ ➃✔➂✲➉✭➻✂✒
➚ ❀✂➂✭➂✤❿➛➞✤➃➾➂✢➞✂➉✤➃❴➂✂✒
➻ ❀✝➚⑧➽✭❾ ➉✏❿✂➻☞➏❊➃❄✘
➉ ➛
❀ ➡✡➜✏➼✭❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂❇➄✝➓✡✳
➭ ✽✂➚➛➅☎➟✂➂☞➲❆➉❉➚t➋❊➡❉➃➾➜✭➄✡➄❇➀ ❿✲➝②➢✢➏❪➇➣➉✏❿✲➻➈➽✤Û❊➇✜➲❁➜✤➼✭➺ ➻
➡✝➂✭➃✔➅❴➉✤➀ ❿✲➺ ➚✺✂❀ ➂➛➅❳➟❉➂✢❀✂➂✲➄❳➅④➲❆➉✝➚➈➅✿➜➛➉✭➁✲➜✢➀ ➻✼➉ ➃➾➉✢➞✲➀ ➻⑧➻✲➂✤➡✖➺ ➀ ❿✂➂⑧➜✂➵❦➅✡➟✂➂②➢✢➏❬➇✂➋❦➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟✼➺ ➂✂➝✏➀ ➅❞➀ ÜÝ➉✭➡☎➚Ù➀ ➄☞➉✝➅❘➄☎➅❞➉✤Þ✙▼
➂ ✐
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✂➉✏❿✲➄➛➉✭➄➛➲❘➂✏➺ ➺●➉✲➄☞➅✖➟❉➂ ➸➛Ô✛ä
❭ ➲❆➜✢➼✲➺ ➻❶➡✡➂✭➃✪➅❄➉✭➀ ❿✲➺ ➚❶❿✲➜❉➅➛➺ ➀ Þ✲➂➈➅❄➜⑥➂✝ë✂➅❄➂✢❿✂➻✼➅✖➟✲➀ ➄⑧➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡✖➚è➉❇➵♥➅❄➂✭➃☞☎➪ ✿✏➊✭❘
❒ ❅
❀✤➼✂➅④➅✖➟❉➂❉➚è➡✡➜✢➼✤➺ ➻✼➉✭➡✡➡✖➂✤➞✝➅✜➀ ➅✜➀ ➵④➀ ➅❁➲❘➂✭➃❄➂➈➉✲➄✝➄✡➜✭➡✝➀ ➉✝➅❄➂❇➻⑧➅❄➜⑧➉ÙÛ❜➜✭➃✪➅✡➟✂➠❄➒●➜✢➼✙➅❞➟⑥➀ ❿✝➅❄➂✲➝✢➃➾➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿⑧➞✲➜✭➺♥➀ ➡❳➚⑨➭❏✿❆ ❿è➼✭✦➃ ✲❀ ➉✭❿
➉✏❿✲➻ ➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✏➺✤➉✤➃➾➂✭➉✂➄✝➋❦➅☎➟✲➂➛➅❄➜✭➜✭➺ ➄➛➜✂➵❦➅☎➟✲➂⑧➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿⑧➃➾➂✭➝✏➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✏➺✏➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡☎➚✼➡✖➜✤➼✤➺ ➻☞❀❉➂Ù➞✭➃★➜✭➵✔➀ ➅❞✏
➉ ✭
❀ ➺ ➚❶➼✂➄✡➂✭➻●➭✤Ô●➟✲➂
➂✭ë✲➉✢Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂ ➜✂➵☞Ô●➼✭➃❄Þ✂➂✝➚ ➄❇➟✲➜✝➲❁➄⑥➅✡➟✂➉✝➅✼➅❞➟✂➂✃❿✲➂✭➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✤➼✭➃❄➀ ❿✲➝ ➡✖➜✤➼✤❿✂➅❞➃❴➀ ➂✂➄ã➡✡➉✢❿✈➁✤➂✭➃✔➚ ➉✂➡❳➅☎➀ ➁✭➂✤➺ ➚ ➉✲➻✤➜✢➞✙➅⑧➅☎➟✂➂
➞✤➟✤➀ ➺ ➜✭➄✙➜t➞✤➟✙➚✃➜✂➵②➉❇➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✤❿✻➉✤❿✲➻ä➅❞➟❉➂ ÜÝ➂✝➅☎➟✲➜✭➻✤➄❶➜✂➵⑧➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿➳➅❄➂t➃❄➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❃➀ ➉✢➺✜➞✂➜✤➺ ➀ ➡❉➀ ➂✭➄✡➋➛➲❖➟❉➂✢❿➳➅✖➟❉➂t➃★➂ ➀ ➄➳➉
➄❳➅☎➃★➜✢❿✂➝ ➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✭➉✭❿ ➡☎➜✏Ü➛Ü➛➀ ➅❞ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅☎➭⑥Ô❊➟✤➀ ➄ ➡✝➜✤Ü➛Ü➛➀ ➅✡ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅➴➡✝➜✢❿❉➄❇➀ ➄❳➅❄➄ ➀♥❿ Ü ➜✭❿✲➂❇➚ ➜✭➵➷➡✝➜✤➼✭➃➾➄✝➂✂➋ ❀✭➼✙➅
➂✤➄☎➄✝➂✭❿✂➅☎➀ ➉✤➺ ➺ ➚❶➀ ❿èÜÝ➂❉➅✡➟✲➜✂➻✭➄②➉✢❿✂➻❶➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➅☎➀ ➡✡➉✢➺❊➀ ❿✙➁✤➜✭➺ ➁✲➂tÜ ➂✭❿✂➅✡➭ ❆❞❿✂➻✲➂✤➂✂➻✤➋❪➅❞➟✲➂✢➃➾➂⑥➀ ➄②➉⑥➺ ➜✝➅✜➜❇➵❁Ü ➜✢❿❉➂❇➚❶➀ ❿⑦➅☎➟✂➂✂➄✝➂
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭✻➄ ✐✜➂✂➁✭➂✤➃✇➚⑥➚✲➂✤➉✭➃✔➋❖✭
❀ ➀ ➺♥➺ ➀ ➜✢❿❉➄⑧➜❇➵✜➽✤➼✭➃★➜✭➄②➡❉➃★➜✤➄☎➄Ï➅✡➟✂➂❶➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✂➂✭➉✤❿✼➅❴➜ ❀✲➂❶➀ ❿✙➁✭➂✲➄❳➅❄➂✂➻ã➀ ❿❶➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂
➄❇➀ ❿❉➡✖➂✼➅☎➟✲➂t➃★➂⑥➉✭➃❴➂❶❿✲➜ã➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✢➺❊➃❄➂✭➺ ➀ ➉❋✲
❀ ➺ ➂⑥➜✤➞✤➞✂➜✭➃✇➅✖➼✤❿✲➀ ➅☎➀ ➂✭➄✲➭❜Ô❊➟❉➂⑥➜✢❿✲➝✤➜✤➀ ❿❉➝ã➞✭➃❴➜✔❇❴➂✭➡☎➅➛➜✂➵❖➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✭ÜÝ➂✤➻✢➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿✲➂✂➉✢❿
➵❃➀ ❿✲➉✢❿✲➡✝➀ ➉✭➺⑨➄❉➞✲➉✲➡✖➂✼➡✡➜✏➼✭➺ ➻Ù➲❆➂✭➺ ➺⑨➡✝➃✔➂✲➉❇➅❴➂⑧➅❞➟✲➂è➡☎➜✏❿✂➻✏➀ ➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➄➛➵✔➜✭➃❆➄✖➂✲➡❇➼✭➃★➂✂➻⑥➉✢❿❉➻Ó➃★➂t➺ ➀ ➉✘✭
❀ ➺ ➂⑥➀ ❿✝➁t➂✭➄☎➅❞ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅☞➀ ❿⑦➅☎➟✂➂
➄✝➜✢➼✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿➛➄✂➟✲➜t➃★➂✤➭tÔ⑨➟✲➂➈➇✂➂✭➃❴➄✝➀ ➉✤❿Ý➙✰➼✤➺ ➵●➡✙➜✢➼✭➺ ➻➈➉✤➞✭➞✲➂✂➉✭➃❄➄❖➀ ❿Ý➅☎➟✭➀ ➄✜➄✝➡✝➟✲➂tÜ ➉➛➉✭➄✜➉➛➡✡➜✏Ü➛➞✭➺ ➂tÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➉✭➃❴➚⑧➞✂➉✭➃✇➅✖❿❉➂t➃
➃❄➉✝➅❞➟✲➂✭➃✰➅✡➟✂➉✤❿✼➉⑥➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✲➂✂➅❞➀ ➅❄➜t➃➣➜✭➵❁➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞✲➂✲➉✢❿è❾❦❿✲➀ ➜✢❿✼➵➾➜✭➃④➅✖➟❉➂å➀ ❿✂➁✤➂✂➄☎➅❞Ü➛➂✤❿✝➅✡➭●Ô●➟✲➂✼➄❳➅❄➉✤Þ✝➂❶➀ ➄➛➅❴➜⑥➃☎➼✭❿è➄✝➼✲➡❉➟
➀♥❿✝➁t➂❇➄☎➅☎ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅❞➄✜➀ ❿➛➺ ➜✲➡✖➉✤➺✲➻✭➂✂➁✭➂✤➺ ➜✭➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅✰➞✲➃❴✮➜ ❇❴➂✲➡❳➅❄➄✂➭
Ô❊➟✲➂✼➡❉➃➾➂✭➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✼➜✂➵ ★✎✬✕✶✌☎✓ ✗✬P☞✗✏✎☎☛ ✡❏✟☎✤✄✬
✂ ✕
➜❉➁t➂✭➃④➅✖➟❉➂Ù➝✤➃❴➂✲➉❉➅❄➂✭➃✜➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺✒➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃✔➚❊❰❬➅❞➟✲➂✼➻✭➂❇➁t➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✤ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅✜➜✂➵
❀✲➉✏❿✭Þ✂➀ ❿❉➝⑥➄✡➂✭➃✔➁✤➀ ➡✡➂✭➄➛➡✡➜✏❿✭❿✲➂✂➡☎➅❞➀♥❿✂➝⑧➅☎➟✲➂Ï➅❄➲❘➜⑧➄❇➟✲➜✭➃➾➂✤➄☎➋✰➀♥❿✝➅❴➂✲➝✢➃★➉❉➅★➂✭➻⑧➅❞➃➾➉✏❿✲➄✖➞✲➜✢➃✇➅❆➉✢❿✲➻✼➂✢➺ ➂✂➡❳➅☎➃❴➀ ➡✝➀ ➅❴➚⑥❿✲➂❇➅✔➲❆➜✭➃❞Þ❉➄✖➋
➉ ➲❘➂✢➺ ➺✈➡✝➜✢❿✲❿✲➂✭➡☎➅❴➂✭➻ ➅☎➃✔➉✤❿✲➄❉ÜÝ➂✲➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃➾➉✏❿✂➂✲➉✢❿ ➼✲➃✱✲
❀ ➉✤❿ ➄☎➚✤➄☎➅❴➂✏ÜÝ➋❐➡✡➜✢Ü➛➞✲➉✂➅❞➀ ❀✤➺ ➂ ➞✂➉✂➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❞❿ ➜❇➵➘➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✂➂✭➃
❅✭✞✝❈❘✁❁✓✂✘✝✓✝✗ ❍✡✕❃❂➾✕④✓✝✗ ✑♥✁✝✓✝✚✝❍✟✍➾✾ ❙✂✟✂✑➶✁❆✞✂✟❳❂❜✠✖✝✞ ✌⑧❂✔✞❘✕☎✁☎❂✏❂★✠✝✁❁❅✲✠✖✁✂✘✝❙✝✁✂✘❁✗ ✾ ✘✝✁ ⑧✞✂✘❮❂❃✠✖✁✜❅❇✓❉✠✖✓✝✑✔✓✂✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➂✤➻✢➼✲➡✡➉✝➅❳➀ ➜✢☎
❿ ❞ ➄②➻✤➂❇➝✤➃❴➂✲➂❇➄✼➀ ❿è➜✭➃❴➻✤➂✭➃❘➅❄➜Ó➞✭➃★➜✢Ü ➜✝➅❴➂ãÜÝ➜❋✤
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➅✔➚⑨➭❜Ô⑨➟✲➂Ó➃★➂t➺ ➉❇➅❴➂✲➻ã➽✤➼✭➃★➜t➞❉➂✤➉✢❿è➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✂➄Ù➟✲➂✭➃➾➂❶➉✭➃✔➂
✖➅ ➟❉➂ÏÔ❊➽✭Û⑨➋❪➲✜➟✭➀ ➡✝➟✼➟✲➉❇➁✲➂❄✂❀ ➂✂➝✏➼✤❿②➅❴❄
➜ ✂❀ ➂⑧➄☎➅☎➼✲➻✢➀ ➂✂➻⑥➉✝➅❆➉✢❿✼➽✤➼✤➃➾➜tÜ ➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❞➂✤➃❴➃✔➉✤❿✲➂✭➉✭❿⑦➄✝➡✡➉t➺ ➂Ù❽❴➄✙➂❇➂⑧➵➾➜✭➃❁➀ ❿❉➄❳➅❄➉✢❿❉➡✖➂
✽ ➲❘➜✢➃❴Þ⑦➝✏➃❴➜✭➼✤➞✼➜✤❿❶➽✭➼✲➃❴➜✭Ü➛➂✲➻⑧➅❞➃❄➉✢❿❉➄❉➞✲➜✭➃✇➅Ý➉t❿✲➻❶➺ ➜✲➝✢➀ ➄❳➅☎➀ ➡✖➄✝➓✡➭✏Ô❊➟✂❄
➂ ✒
✽ ➜✭➺ ➜✲➝✏❿✲➉Ù➞✭➃★➜✤➡☎➂✭➄✡➄ ➀ ➄➛➉❇➅✜➄☎➅❄➉✭Þ✝➂
➅☎➜✂➜✭➋❘➉✭➄➛➅☎➟✲➂Ù➃❴➂✲➡✖➂✤❿✝➅✰Ô⑨➉✤➃❴➃✔➉✲➝✤➜✢❿✲➉Ù➐❬➂✲➡✖➺ ➉✭➃✔➉✂➅☎➀ ➜✤❱
❿ ❀✝➚✼➅☎➟✲➂⑥❾❦❿✲➀ ➁t➂t➃★➄✖➀ ➅❞➀ ➂✭➄➛➲❁➀ ➺ ➺ ➀ ❿✲➝Ù➅❴➜è➡❉➃★➂✭➉✝➅❄➂✼➉✭➡☎➅❞➼✲➉✢➺ ➺ ➚✼➅☎➟✂➂
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂❇➻⑥➟✤➀ ➝✏➟✂➂✤➃④➂✲➻✏➼✲➡☎➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿ ✻➃➾➂✭➄✡➂✭➉✭➃❴➡✂➟②➄❉➞❉➉✤➡☎➂⑧➄❇➟✲➜✝➲❆➄✭➭✵❭❦➅☎➟✲➂✭➃❘➡✖➜✤Ü➛Ü➛➜✤❿⑧➞✲➜✭➺♥➀ ➡❉➀ ➂❇➄Ý➄❇➟✲➜✭➼✤➺ ➻➛➅☎➉✭Þ✙➂⑧➉✢❿
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂❇➻✼➞✂➉✝➅✖➟✲➋❪❿✂➉✤ÜÝ➂✢➺ ➚➛➅☎➟✲➂➈➃❴➂✂➝✏➼✭➺ ➉❇➅❞➀ ➜✏❿➛➜✂➵❊➝✤➉✂➄☞➉✤❿✂➻⑧➂✭➺ ➂✲➡❞➅☎➃❃➀ ➡❉➀ ➅✔➚✼ÜÝ➉t➃❄Þ✂➂✝➅❄➄ ➠❘➻✏➀ ➄✡➡❉➼✲➄✡➄❇➀ ➜✢❿✲➄Ý➜✭❿☞➅☎➟✲➜✂➄✝➂
➅☎➜✭➞✭➀ ➡✖➄☞➟✲➉✝➁✲▲
➂ ❀✲➂✂➝✏➼✤❿➛➀ ❿②➪☎✿✏✿✏★
❒ ❀✂➂✝➅❞➲❘➂✲➂t❿✜➅✡➟✂➂➈➽✤❾⑦➉✢❿❉➻☞➅✖➟✲➂➛➌✰➇❉➢❪➭
Ô❊➟✲➂➈Û❊➜✭➃✇➅☎➟✂➠☎➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟Ý➂✤➡✖➜✤❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ❉
➡ ✭✻✟ ❚✷✵✥ ✎ ★✎✘✗✏☛✁✸✶✤✦Ù
✼ ❿❉➉❇➅☎➼✭➃★➂✏❰❃❀❉➂❇➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❮➄❉➟✲➉✭➃❴➀♥❿✂➝②➜✏➼✝➅❮➜❇➵●➅☎➟✂➂☞➁t➉✢➺ ➼✂➂②➡❇➟✂➉✭➀ ❿②➀ ❿
➉✤➝✢➃❴➀ ➡✝➼✤➺ ➅☎➼✭➃❴➂è➉✢❿✲➻ã➀ ❿❶Ü ➉t❿✤➼✂➵➾➉✂➡❳➅✡➼✭➃❴➀ ❿❉➝ã➜✤➃✜➄✡➂✭➃✪➁✒➀ ➡✡➂✭➄✡➋❁➉❇➵♥➅❄➂✭➃❆➉ã➞✲➉✝➅✔➅❄➂t➃❄❿è➻✤➂✝➁✭➂✤➺ ➜✤➞✭➀ ❿❉➝ã➀♥❿❶➽✂➉✲➄❳➅❁➏❜➄❇➀ ➉⑥➉✢❿❉➻
Û❬➜✭➃✪➅☎➟⑥➏❬Ü ➂t➃❄➀ ➡✡➉✘②
✐ ➡❉➃★➜✭➄✡➄Ó➀ ❿✂➁✲➂✭➄☎➅☎ÜÝ➂✢❿✝➅✒❀❉➂❇➅❴➲❘➂✂➂✏❿❶➵✔➀ ➃☎ÜÝ➄⑥➜✂➵❁➅✖➟❉➂ìÛ❜➜t➃➾➅❞➟✈➉✭❿✲➻ã➵✔➀ ➃❄ÜÝ➄⑥➜❇➵✜➅❞➟✲➂➳➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✻➀ ❿
➜✏➃➾➻✭➂✭➃✜➅☎➜ã➃➾➂✂➄❳➅✿➜✭➃✔➂➳➂✭❿✲➻✏➼✭➃❄➀ ❿✲➝✻Ü②➼✝➅☎➼✲➉✭➺❬➡✝➜✢❿✂➵✔➀ ➻✭➂✢❿❉➡✝➂✤➭❁Û❊➜ã➽✤➼✭➃★➜✢➞❉➂✭➉✢❿➳➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➡❳➚✻➀ ➄Ù➀ ❿✂➁✲➜✢➺ ➁✲➂✭➻✻➟✂➂✭➃❄➂✂➋❖➄✝➀ ❿❉➡✝➂
➅✖➟❉➂❇➄✙➂Ù➉✤➃➾➂Ù➵❴➀ ➃❄ÜÝ➄➈➡✙➜✢❿✂➡✡➂✭➃☎❿✲➄✝➭❍●
✽ ➼✙➅❁➅☎➟✂➂Ó➽✲❾
➟❉➉✭➄②➉åÜ ➉✭➀♥❿⑥➃➾➜✭➺ ➂➈➅❄➜Ó➞✲➺ ➉✝➚ã➀ ❿✼➂✢❿✤➟❉➉✏❿✂➡✝➀ ❿✲➝✼➅❞➟✤➀ ➄⑧➀ ❿❉➻✏➼✂➄☎➅❞➃☎➀ ➉t➺
➡✝➜✭➜✤➞✲➂✭➃✔➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿è➉✂➄➈➉⑥Þ✙➂❇➚è➡✝➜✤Ü➛➞✲➜t❿✲➂✤❿✝➅✜➜✂➵④➅✖➟❉➂Ù➎✂➀ ✻➄ ❀✲➜✢❿✼➄☎➅☎➃➾➉❉➅❄➂✲➝❇➚●➭✏Ô❊➟❉➂Ó➽✤❾➳➄✝➟✲➜✢➼✲➺ ➻✼➡❇➺ ➂✭➉✭➃❞➺ ➚è➄✝➉✝➚✼➅❳➟❉➉❇➅☞➀ ➵
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤➞✂➂➈➲❆➉✭❿✝➅❄➄❖➅❄➜⑧➡✡➜✢➞❉➂➈➲❁➀ ➅❞➟✼❾⑨➒✢➏Ó➉✢❿✂✒
➻ ✾✿➉t➞✲➉✤❿✲➋➔➀ ➅✜➟✲➉❇➄✜➅❄➜⑧➂✢★
Ü ❀✲➃❴➉✂➡✝➂➛➅❳➟❉➂ÙÛ⑨➜✢➃✇➅☎➟✲➠☎➒✤➜✏➼✝➅☎➟⑧➃➾➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉t➺ ➀ ➄✝Ü
➅✖➟❉➉❉➅❘ÜÝ➉✢Þ✙➂✭➄❘➅❳➟❉➂✏Ü ➄❇➼✭➃❄➞✲➉✂➄✝➄❖➼✂➄✲➭
Ô❊➟✲➂❝✭✖✟ ★✟✘✗ ✓ ✗✏☛✁✎✶✤✱✎✶✕✖☛❢✓✩✗ ✤ ✎✬P▼✓ ✟✘✗☎✸✏✥✺✷❏✁
✪ ✘
☎ ✥ ✓ ✭ P✵✟✘✟☎✧✬✕✒❰✃➞✤➃➾➜✢Ü ➜❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✂➵ ➻✲➂✢Ü ➜✭➡✝➃➾➉✭➡☎➚✤➋➷➡✝➜✢Ü➛Ü ➜✢❿
➉✤➝✢➃➾➂✭➂✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅➈➅❄➜ ➞✭➃➾➜✢Ü ➜✝➅❄➂ä➃➾➂✭➝✢➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✭➺✜➃➾➂❇➝✏➼✲➺ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✭❿✻➉✤❿✲➻✻➅❴➉✢➃❴➀ ➵✇➵➾➄⑥➁✏➀ ➄✖➠❛✲
❦ ➠❃➁✤➀ ➄✼➅✖➟❉➂ã➸ÏÔ❋❭
➉✤❿✂➻✻➅☎➟✂➂✻➸②➜✢➃❄➺ ➻
✽✒➉✢❿✲Þ✲➋✰➵❴➀ ➝✏➟✙➅②➉✂➝✤➉t➀ ❿✲➄❞➅②➉✢➀ ➃Ý➉✭❿✲➻ã➄✡➂✭➉ã➞✲➜✤➺ ➺ ➼✝➅☎➀ ➜t❿✒✣
➭ ❃❆ ❿è➅❞➟✲➂⑥➵❃➃★➉✭Ü➛➂✝➲❆➜t➃❄Þè➜✭➵✰➅☎➟❉➂ì➽✤➼✲➃✔➜✤➞✲➂✭➉✭❿➳➒●➼✲➄❞➅❄➉t➀ ❿✲➉❋✲
❀ ➺➂
➒✢➅☎➃★➉❉➅❄➂✂➝✭➚⑧➺ ➉✏➼✤❿✂➡✝➟✲➂✭➻⑧➀ ❿⑧➪☎✿✏✿❇ß✒➋✏➅☎➟✲➂➈➽✤❾è➟✂➉✭➄☞➀ ❿✭➀ ➅☎➀ ➉✝➅❄➂❇➻②➡✝➜✤Ü➛Ü➛➜✤❿➛➉✲➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✢❿✲➄❖➀ ❿✜➅✖➟❉➂Ï➵✔➀ ➂t➺ ➻➈➜✂➵❊➂✢❿✙➁✏➀ ➃❴➜✤❿✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅
❽❴➵✔➜✤➃❁➀ ❿✲➄❳➅❄➉✤❿✂➡✝➂➛➅✖➟❉➂ÏÕ✂☎
➪ ✿✏➪☎✿Ù➯❊➜✤➃❴➀ ❁✂➜✤❿✂×❁➵✔➜✤➃❪➅✡➟✂➂⑧➻✲➂✭➠✖➞❉➜✢➺ ➺♥➼✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿②➜✂➵④➅☎➟✂➂⑥➌④➂✲➻✢➀ ➅❄➂✢➃❴➃➾➉✏❿✂➂✲➉t❿ ➡✖➜✲➜✢➃➾➻✢➀ ❿✲➉❇➅❴➂✲➄❖➅☎➟✂➂
➁✒➉✭➃❃➀ ➜✢➼✲➄➛➞✤➺ ➉✤❿✲➄➛➻✭➂✝➁✤➂✤➺ ➜✭➞✂➂✲➻❄✝❀ ➚❱❀✲➜✭➃✔➻✲➂✢➃❄➀ ❿✲➝✼➡✡➜✏➼✭❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂❇➄✙➋➔❾❊Û❪➽✲➇②➉✏❿✂➻⑧➙✰➺ ❋
➜ ❉❀ ➉✢➺●➽✤❿✙➁✢➀ ➃❴➜✤❿✭Ü ➂✢❿✝➅✜ê✂➼✤❿✲➻✢➓✿➭✢Ô❊➟✲➂
➜✭➁✲➂t➃★➉✢➺ ➺t➄❳➅❴➉✤Þ✂➂⑧➟✂➂✭➃❴➂➛➡✙➜✢❿✂➡✙➂t➃❄❿✲➄✰➅☎➟✲➂➈❿✲➂✭➝✤➜✝➅☎➀ ➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➄✜➲❁➀ ➅❞➟Ý➸➈❋
Ô ④
❭ ➋❦➉✤❿✲➻☞➅✖➟❉➂Ï➲❆➉✝➚➛➅❳➟❉➂ ➽✲❾✼➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻⑧➡✖➜✤❿✲➄❉➀ ➻✭➂✭➃
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂❇➻②➉✭➄✜➀ ➅❄➄❖➃★➂❇➵✇➂✭➃❴➂✤❿✲➡☎➂➈➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✏❿✲➉✭➺✂➉✭➃❄➂✂➉✏➭
Ô❊➟✲➂ ➽✲➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂❇➻⑧➵✔➃★➂❇➂➛➅☎➃➾➉❇➻✤★
➂ ❁✂➜✤❿✂➂✒❀✲➂❉➅❴➲❘➂✲➂t❿✼➽✲❾❶➉✭❿✲➻➈➅❞➟❉➂Ù➌❮➂✭➻✢➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃★➉t❿✲➂✲➉✢❿②➇✲➉✭➃✪➅☎❿✲➂✭➃➾➄➛➢✏➜✤➼✤❿✝➅❞➃❄➀ ➂✂➄❖➲❁➀ ➺ ➺t➡✖➜✤ÜÝ➂ ➀ ❿✝➅❄➜
➵✔➜✤➃❴➡✡➂⑥➀ ❿⑥☎
➪ ✿●➊✖✿❱Ó
❅ Ü ➜✭➃✔➂⑥➞✲➃❴➜❋❉
❀ ➉❋✤
❀ ➺ ➚❶➀ ❿⑦➵✔➉✂➡☎❚
➅ ❀✂➚❶☎
➪ ✿✏➊✭➪✼➜✤➃✜✶➪ ●
✿ ➊✭❒✒➭✏Ô❊➟✂➂✤❿✲➋④➂✏➀ ➅❞➟✲➂✭➃④➅✖➟❉➂Ù➄✙➜t➼✙➅✖➟❉➂t➃❄❿❶➌❬➂✭➻✏➀ ➅❄➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✢❿
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅☎➃❃➀ ➂✭➄➛➲❁➀ ➺ ➺❪➟❉➉❇➁t➂Ù➝✤➀ ➁t➂t❿❶➼✲➞✼➵✔➃❄➂✂➂ ➅☎➃➾➉✂➻✤➂⑥➉✂➝✢➃★➂✭➂✭Ü ➂✢❿✝➅❄➄➛➲❁➀ ➅❞➟❶➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✭➋❘➉✢❿❉➻⑥➅☎➟✂➂⑥➌❘➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➉✤❿✲➂✂➉✢❿✼➲❁➀ ➺♥➺✤➅☎➟✤➼✲➄
❀✲➂✭➡✡➜✢Ü ➂Ï➅☎➟✲➂➛➅☎➃❃➼❉➂⑧➵❃➃➾➜✢❿✙➅☎➀ ➂✭➃④➅☎➟✲➉✝➅✰➵❴➀ ➅❴➄➈➀ ❿②➲❁➀ ➅✖➟②➒⑨➉tÜ②➼✂➂✤➺●➯❪➼✲❿✂➅☎➀ ❿✂➝✂➅❄➜✢✘
❿ ❞▲
➄ ❀✤➼✤❿✭Þ✙➂✭➃❴➠☎➡✡➜✢❿✙➅❞➀♥❿✂➂✤❿✝➅❄➉✢➺✲➁✏➀ ➂❇➲ ➡✖➜✤❿✲➡✖➂✤➃❞❿✲➀ ❿✂➝
➅✖➟❉➂ ➃➾➂✏➺ ➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✂➄✂➟✭➀ ❨
➞ ❀❉➂❇➅❴➲❘➂✂➂✏❿✃➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✃➉✤❿✲➻ ➅☎➟✂➂ä➏❬➃✔➉✏❀✲➠❳➌❘➼✲➄❉➺ ➀ Ü ➲❘➜✢➃❴➺ ➻✒✙
➭ ❭➔➃❴➋②➅❞➟✲➂❇➚✃➲❁➀ ➺ ➺➛➟✲➉❇➁✲➂✃➉✂➻✤➜✢➞✙➅❞➂✲➻ ➅☎➟✂➂
➼✤❿✤Ü➛➀ ➅❞➀ ➝✤➉✝➅❴➂✤➻➬➵✔➃➾➂✂➂➘➅❞➃❄➉✂➻✭➂➘➅☎➟✂➉✝➅✻➅☎➟✲➂➘➜✢❿❉➝✤➜✢➀ ❿✲➝ ❿❉➂✤➝✤➜✝➅❞➀ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➄✃➉✭➃❄➂➬➞✭➃★➜✢Ü ➜✝➅❞➀♥❿✂➝✤❃
➋ ✤
❀ ➼✙➅ã➅☎➟✂➂✤❿➘➅❞➟✤➀ ➄❐Þ✭➀ ❿✲➻
➞✲➉✢➃✇➅☎❿✲➂✭➃✔➄✂➟✭➀ ➞è➲❁➀ ➺ ❵
➺ ❀✂➂✻➼✭❿✤➺ ➀ Þ✂➂✤➺ ➚❶➅❄➜❶➉✝➁✤➜✤➀ ➻❶➅❞➟✂➂❶➻✤➂✲➄❞➅☎✘
➉ ✭
❀ ➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✤❿❶➜✂➵❁➅☎➟✂➂❶➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟è➉✏❿✂➻❶➅☎➟✂➂✭➃❴➂✂➵✔➜✭➃❴➂❶➜✂➵❁➅☎➟✲➂⑥➲❁➟✲➜✢➺ ➂
➃❴➂✲➝✢➀ ➜✤❿✒➭✵❭➔➃❴➋④➞✤➼✘✤
❀ ➺ ➀ ➡➛➞✂➜✤➺ ➀ ➡❉➀ ➂✭➄✜➉✢❿❉➻✼➉➈➃❴➂✂➉✏➺✤➃❴➂✂➝✢➀ ➜✏❿✂➉✤➺✤➃❴➂✂➝✏➼✤➺ ➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿②➲❁➀ ➺ ➺✒➟✲➉❉➁t❊
➂ ❀❉➂✭➂✤❿⑧➀ Ü➛➞✲➺ ➂✭ÜÝ➂✏❿✝➅❴➂✲➻✤➋❪➀ ❿⑦➜✭➃✔➻✲➂✢➃ ❀✲➜✝➅❳➟
➅☎➜⑧➉✤➺ ➺ ➜❇➲ ➉➈➅☎➃➾➉✢❿✲➄✝➀ ➅☎➀ ➜t❿è➞✲➂✭➃❃➀ ➜✭➻⑧➵➾➜✢➃④➅☎➟✂➂✼➄✡➜✢➼✙➅❳➟❉➂✢➃❄❿⑧➄✂➟✂➜✭➃❄➂⑧➉✭❿✲➻⑧➅❞➜✼➻✲➂✭➂✭➞✲➂✢❿➛➅✡➟✂➂Ù➞✲➉✤➃✇➅❞❿✲➂✢➃➾➄❇➟✲➀ ➞✂▲
➄ ❀❉➂❇➅❴➲❘➂✂➂✏❿✼Û●➜✤➃✇➅❳➟
ß❊➭✪➪✒➭❇Ô❊➟❉➂➈❿✲➂❇➂✲➻☞➵✔➜✤➃❬➡✖➃❄➜✂➄✝➄✖➀♥❿✂➝➈➐❜➙ì➍t➂✢➺ ➂❉ë②➉✤❿✲➻➈➐❊➙✻➍✲➂✤➝✢➀ ➜
Ô❊➟✲➂✭➄✡➂➛➒✏➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✂➲❘➉✭➃❴➻②➂✝ë✢➞✲➉✤❿✲➻✭➂✲➻ ➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿②➞✂➜✢➺ ➀ ➡❇➀ ➂✭➄❁➻✤➂✂➉✭➺✂➁✤➂✭➃✇➚⑧Ü➈➼❉➡❇➟Ý➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✜➅❄➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅☎➜✭➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✖➋✏➵➾➜✢➃❬Ü➛➉✤❿✂➚➈➃➾➂✭➉✲➄✖➜✤❿✲➄❇❰
➠✻➂❇➵✇➵✔➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✤❿✝➅✻➺ ➜✤➡☎➉✏➺✜➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➂✭➄➷➉✭➃❴➂➘❿✲➜❇➲❆➉✂➻✤➉❉➚t➄ ➉➴➝✭➂✤❿✤➼✭➀ ❿❉➂❐➵➾➉❇➡☎➅❄➜✢➃å➜✭➵⑥➞✭➃★➜✭➻✏➼❉➡❳➅❞➀ ➜✏❿✤➭☞Ô❊➟✂➂✤➃❴➂✂➵✔➜✭➃➾➂❐➉
➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉t➺ ➉✭➡☎➅☎➀ ➜✢❿➘➀ ➄ ❿❉➂✤➡☎➂✤➄☎➄✝➉✭➃✔➚✃➅❄➜➴➂✢❿✭➟✲➉✤❿✲➡☎➂ ➅✡➟✂➂➴➂✂➡✝➜✭❿✲➜✢Ü➛➀ ➡ ➻✭➂✝➁✤➂✤➺ ➜✭➞✭Ü ➂✢❿✙➅➳➜✭➵➈➅✡➟✂➂➘➽✤➼✭➃★➜tÜ ➂✂➻
➡✝➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❞➃❞➀ ➂✭➄✂➭❉❆❴➵✜➵✔➜✲➄❳➅❄➂✭➃❞➀ ❿✂➝ã➅☎➟✲➂✻➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✭➺❘➻✏➀ ÜÝ➂✏❿✲➄✖➀ ➜✭❿➳➜✭➵➛➽✤Û❪➇✶❞ ➄⑥➞✤➃❴➜✔❇❴➂✭➡☎➅✁✕✂➋✜➲❖➀ ➅☎➟➳➉✻➄☎➅❞➃❴➜✤❿✲➝✻➡✝➜✭Ü②Ü➛➀ ➅☎ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅
➵❃➃★➜tÜ ➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✭➺●➞✤✏
➼ ✭
❀ ➺ ➀ ➡Ý➉✏❿✂➻⑥➞✭➃❄➀ ➁✤➉✝➅❄➂⑧➉✭➡☎➅❄➜t➃★➄✖➋❊➅✖➟❉➂Ù➽✤❾❶➡✙➜t➼✤➺ ➻⑥ÜÝ➜✢➃➾➂✼➂❇➉✲➄❉➀ ➺ ➚⑥Ü➛➜✤❿✤➀ ➅❴➜✢➃❬➅✖➟❉➂Ù➀ Ü②➞✭➺ ➂✢ÜÝ➂✤❿✂➅❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿
➜❇➵❪➞✤➃➾✮➜ ❄❇ ➂✂➡❳➅❄➄❁➉✤❿✲➻➈Ü➛➉✤Þ✙➂Ï➃❴➂✲➝✏➼✭➺ ➉t➃❜➂❇➁t➉t➺ ➼✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿❉➄✝➋❦➼✲➄✝➀ ❿✂➝②➉➛➄✝➀ Ü➛➀ ➺ ➉✭➃❬➄☎➚✤➄☎➅❴➂✢Ü ➅❄➜❖➅☎➟✲➉✝➅✰➼✲➄✡➂❇➻⑧➀ ❿✜➅☎➟✲➂Ý➡✝➜✢❿✙➅❴➂❇ë✂➅
➜❇➵❪➽✤➼✤➃➾➜✢➞❉➂✤➉✭❿➛➃❴➂✂➝✏➀ ➜✤❿✂➉✢➺✲➞✲➜✢➺ ➀ ➡☎➚●➭
➌❘➉✢❿✙➚ ➄✖➜✲➡❉➀ ➉t➺❆➀ ➄✡➄❇➼✂➂✲➄Ó➀ ❿➳➅❞➟✲➂✈➒●➜✢➼✙➅❞➟➷➡✡➉✢❿✤❿❉➜❉❘
➅ ❀✂➂äÜ ➂✝➅➈➲❁➀ ➅☎➟✲➜✢➼✙➅➈➅❴➉✤Þ✂➀ ❿✲➝✻➅❞➟✂➂
➉✤➡✖➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✙➅❄➋✏➲❘➂✢➃★➂Ï➀ ➅✰➀ ❿➛➃❞➼✭➃★➉✢➺✲➉✭➃➾➂✭➉✲➄❁➜✢➃❬➀ ❿②➀ ❿✂➵➾➜✭➃☎ÜÝ➉✢➺✲➼✭➃✱❉❀ ➉✏❿Ý➄❇➼✘✤
❀ ➼✲➃✱✲
❀ ➄✻✐
➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✢➺❮➅❴➂✢➃❴➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➂✭➄❶➀♥❿✝➅❴➜
Ô❊➟✲➂❐➞✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➜❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿➴➜✂➵Ó➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✢➺ ➉✭➡☎➅❴➜✭➃❄➄ ➀ ➄ ➉➱Þ❉➂✝➚➬Ü ➂✂➉✢❿➴➵✇➜✢➃å➻✤➂✭Ü➛➜✂➡✝➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➄✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿ ➀ ❿✃➅☎➟✂➂➴➒●➜✤➼✝➅☎➟✒➭☞Ô❊➟✂➂
➞✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➜❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿r➜✂➵ ➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✭➺✻➞✭➃➾➜✮❴❇ ➂✲➡❳➅❄➄ ➀ ➄ ➜✢❿❉➂ ➲❘➉✝➚ ➀ ❿↔➲❁➟✤➀ ➡✝➟ ➅✿➜↔➂✏❿✂➡✡➜✏➼✭➃➾➉✭➝✲➂ ➻✲➂✤➡☎➂✏❿✝➅❞➃★➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿➹➀ ❿
❿✲➂✢➀ ➝✢✏
➟ ❀✲➜✭➼✤➃❞➀ ❿✲➝❶➡✝➜✤➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✲➄✖➋❁➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❉➟➳➟✲➉✭➞✭➞✲➂✭❿✲➄➈➅❄➜❃❀✲➂Ó➞✲➜✲➜t➃❄➺ ➚❶➻✤➂✝➁✤➂✤➺ ➜✤➞✲➂✂➻●➭❦➏❪➺ ➅☎➟✂➜✢➼✲➝✤➟❶➂✂ë✤➞✲➂❇➡☎➅❄➉✝➅❳➀ ➜✢❿✲➄②➜✭➵
➀♥Ü➛ÜÝ➂✭➻✤➀ ➉✝➅❄➂⑧➡❉➟✲➉✤❿✲➝✭➂✲➄➛➜t❿②➅☎➟✂➂⑥➞✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➡✖➉✤➺✒➜✭➃❄➝✭➉✤❿✭➀ ➄✡➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✲➂✭➄✡➂⑧➡✡➜✢➼✤❿✝➅☎➃❴➀ ➂✤➄Ï➺ ➜❇➡✙➉t➺⑨➄☎➅❞➃❴➼✲➡❳➅☎➼✲➃❴➂✂➄➛➉✢➃➾➂⑥❿✲➜✝➅
➃❴➂✲➉t➺ ➀ ➄☎➅❞➀ ➡✡➋❪➅☎➟✲➂Ù➀ ❿✤➀ ➅❞➀ ➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿⑦➜❇➵❮➄❇➼✲➡✝➟✼➉⑥➞✭➃➾➜✭➡✡➂✭➄✡➄➛➡✝➜✤➼✭➺ ➻✲➋➣➼✲➺ ➅❞➀ ÜÝ➉✝➅❞➂✤➺ ➚✤➋✰➀ Ü➛➞✤➃❴➜✝➁✤➂②➅❳➟❉➂✏➀ ➃❘➻✤➂✝➁✭➂✤➺ ➜✤➞✭Ü ➂t❿✙➅✜➉✢❿❉➻
➅✖➟❉➂ ➂❇➵✇➵❴➀ ➡✂➀ ➂✤❿✲➡❞➚➴➜✭➵⑧➡✝➃❴➜✲➄✖♦
➄ ✲
❀ ➜t➃★➻✤➂✭➃✼➡✝➜✲➜t➞✲➂✤➃➾➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✃➞✭➃★➜✭➝✤➃❴➉✭Ü➈ÜÝ➂✲➄❇➭②➐❬➂❇➡✙➂t❿✙➅☎➃❴➉✭➺ ➀ ➄✖➂✂➻➴➡✝➜✭➜✭➞✂➂✤➃❴➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿
➡✝➜✭➜✤➞✲➂✭➃✔➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❱
❿ ✲
❀ ➂✝➅❃➲❘➂✲➂✢❿❶Û⑨➙❵❭❪➄✼➜✂➵✰➅☎➟✂➂✼➅❴➲❁➜è➄❇➟✲➜✭➃✔➂✲➄⑧➜❇➵❘➅☎➟✲➂Ó➌❮➂✭➻✤➀ ➅✿➂✭➃❃➃★➉✢❿❉➂✭➉✭❿✲➋❁➉✭➃❄➂Ù➅❞➟✲➂✼➅❄➜❇➻✤➉✂➚✏❞ ✢
➄ ❀❉➂✭➄☎➅
➜ ❀✭➼✤➀ ➺ ➻➈➉✤❿➛➀ ❿Ý➻✤➂✭➞✂➅☎➟➛Û❊➜✭➃✔➅❞➟❉➠☎➒●➜✭➼✂➅☎➟➛➃✔➂✲➝✏➀ ➜✭❿✲➉✭➺♥➀ ➄❇Ü②➭
➎✙➉✭➄☎➅❉❀✭➼✝➅❁❿✲➜✂➅❁➺ ➂✭➉✂➄❳➅✿➋✏➅☎➟✲➂✭➃✔➂⑧➀ ➄Ý➉➈❿✲➂✭➂✂➻⑧➵✇➜✢➃❮➡☎➜✤➜✭➃❴➻✢➀ ❿✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵✏➅✡➟✂➂✲➄✖➂➛➁✤➉✭➃❴➀ ➜✭➼✲➄✰➅❄➂t➃❄➃❞➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✢➺t➉✭➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄✖➋❊➲❘➂✭➃❴➂
➀ ➅❮➉❉➅❬➅❞➟✲➂Ï➺ ➜✭➡✡➉✢➺✤➺ ➂✝➁✤➂✤➺✲➜t➃❜➉❇➅❊➅☎➟✲➂Ï➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺✭➺ ➂❇➁✲➂✭➺✇➭
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
Ô❊➟✲➉✝➅Ï➀ ➄⑧➲❁➟✝➚⑥➅✡➟✂➂❶➐❊➙➘➍✒➂✂➝✢➀ ➜è➄❇➟✲➜✢➼✲➺ ➻✻➟✲➉✝➁✭➂❶➉❶➞✤➃❴➜✭Ü➛➀ ❿❉➂✏❿✝➅➛➃❴➜✤➺ ➂ã➟✂➂✭➃❄➂✏❰✜➀ ➅❄➄ÙÜÝ➂✂➅☎➟✂➜✭➻❶➵➾➜t➃Ý➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✭➺❊➻✤➂✝➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✤➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅
➟✲➉❇➁t➂Ó➞✭➃★➜❇➁✲➂✂➻ã➂✂➵✪➵✔➀ ➡❉➀ ➂✢❿✙➅✱➛
✐ ➀ ➅❴➄⑦➡✝➜✢❿✤❿❉➂❉ë✒➀ ➜✤❿✼➅❴➜ã➺ ➜✂➡✝➉✭➺❬➉✂➡❳➅✿➜✭➃✔➄⑦➉✢❿✲➻❶➂✂➄❇➞✂➂✲➡❉➀ ➉✢➺ ➺ ➚❶➅❴➜ã➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✲➂❇➉✤❿ã➍t➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✭❿✲➉t➺❬➢⑨➜✢➼✭❿✲➡✝➀ ➺ ➄
➲❁➜✤➼✤➺ ➻➈➵➾➉✂➡❉➀ ➺ ➀ ➅❄➉✝➅❴➂Ï➅✡➟✂➂✤➀ ➃❘➀ ❿✙➁✒➜✭➺ ➁t➂✢ÜÝ➂✤❿✝➅❁➀ ❿ ➅❞➟✲➂Ù➽✭➼✲➃❄➜✢ÜÝ➂✂➻Ù➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢☎
❿ ✐❁➀ ➅❴➄➈Þ✂❿✲➜❇➲✃➟✲➜❇➲✻➅✿➜➛➻✏➃❴➉✝➲ ➉✏❿②➜✝➁✤➂✭➃❴➉✤➺ ➺✏➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✢➺
❀✤➺ ➼✲➂
➞✭➃❄➀ ❿✙➅ ➀ ➄ ➁t➂t➃➾➚
➼✲➄✖➂✂➵❃➼✲➺ ❀✲➂✲➡✖➉✤➼✲➄☎➂ ➅❞➟✲➂
➃➾➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿ ❿✲➂❇➂✲➻✤➄ ➉
➡✡➜✢Ü②➞✭➃➾➂✢➟❉➂✏❿✂➄✝➀ ➁✲➂ ➁✏➀ ➄❉➀ ➜t❿
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂❇➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃➾➉✢❿❉➂✤➉✢☎
❿ ❞ ➄➳➅❞➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❴➜✭➃❴➚ ❅ ➲❁➟✤➀ ➡✝➟➷➅✖➟❉➂ ❀✭➀ ➺ ➉✝➅❴➂✢➃➾➉✢➺❘➏❬➡☎➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➴➇✂➺ ➉✭❿✲➄ ❿✲➜t➃⑦➅☎➟✲➂❐➽✭Û❊✘
➇ ❞ ➄ã➵✔➜✤➼✤➃✼➵✔➃❴➂✂➂✂➻✤➜✏ÜÝ➄
➡✝➂✭➃✔➅❴➉✤➀ ❿✲➺ ➚è➻✤➜⑥❿✲➜❉➅ÝÜ➛➂✂➂✝➅✡➭➔➽✤✳
❾ ❞ ➄❖Ô⑨➂✭➃❃➃❄➀ ➅❞➜✤➃❴➀ ➉✭➺✏➏❜➝✤➂✭❿✲➻✭➉✼➄❇➟✂➜✤➼✤➺ ➻⑥➻✢➃★➉❇➲ ➅❳➟❉➂Ó➞❉➉❉➅✡➟②➅❞➜✼➉✤❿➈Õ✝➽✤➼✲➃❄➜ ▲✎✶✧✘✓ ☛✍✎✶✤✱✤ ✸✘✗✘✎☎✸✘å
✗ ➜t➃
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✂➠❃➏❊➵✔➃❴➀ ➡✡➉✢❿ ➒●➞✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➉✢➺✲➐❬➂✝➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✭➞✭Ü ➂✢❿✝➅❘➇✙➂t➃★➄❉➞✲➂✲➡❞➅☎➀ ➁t➂✭×✝➭
❭✰➼✤➃❬➝✤➂✭➜✲➝✢➃➾➉✏➞✭➟✤➀ ➡✝➉✭➺t➉✢❿✲➉✭➺ ➚t➄❉➀ ➄☞➄✝➟✲➜❇➲❘➄➛➟✲➜❇➲
➀ Ü➛➞✲➜✢➃✇➅❄➉✢❿✙➅④➅❞➟✲➂➈➽✤Û❪➇②➀ ➄❁➅❄➜Ï➵❴➼✭➺ ➵❃➀ ➺✂➅☎➟✲➂➈➝✲➜✭➉✭➺ ➄✜➜❇➵❊➅☎➟✂➂⑧➎✝➀ ➄✮❀✲➜✢❿②➄☎➅☎➃➾➉❉➅❄➂✂➝✭➚
❴❽ ➲❘➂➈➻✤➜✼❿✂➜✝❉
➅ ❀✲➂✢➺ ➀ ➂✂➁✲➂Ï➅☎➟✂➉✂➅④➅❞➟✲➂☞Õ✡➡✝➜✤❿✝➅☎➀ ❿❉➂✢❿✝➅❄×④➁✏➀ ➂❇➲ ➜❇➵❪➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✂➂⑧➡✡➜✢➼✤➺ ✢
➻ ❀❉➂⑧➉➈➃❴➂✭➺ ➂✂➁✲➉✢❿✝➅④➁✒➀ ➄✝➀ ➜✤❿➛➵✇➜✢➃❘➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✤➓✱❁
✐ ➟✲➜✂➲
❿✲➂✤➡☎➂✭➄✡➄✝➉✭➃✔➚➴➀ ➅➳➀ ➄❶➅❄➜✃➂✢❿✭➟✲➉✤❿✲➡☎➂ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➀ ➅❄➜✭➃❞➀ ➉✢➺Ý➞✭➃❴➜✔❇❴➂✤➡❞➅❄➄ã➲❁➀ ➅❞➟✲➀♥❿➷➅☎➟✂➂❐➽✭Û❬➇✃➀ ➵⑦➜✏❿✂➂ ➲❘➉✤❿✝➅❄➄Ó➅✿➜ ➉✂➁✭➜✤➀ ➻➴➉ ➃➾➜✢➼✲➝✤➟
➡✝➜✢❿✂➵✔➃★➜✏❿✝➅❴➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿●❀✂➂✂➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✭❿❶➅☎➟✲➂Ó➅❴➲❆➜ã➄✂➟✂➜✭➃❄➂✂➄⑥➜❇➵✜➅☎➟✂➂➷➌❘➂✂➻✢➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃❴➉✤❿✂➂✂➉✏❿ã❽➾➅✖➟❉➂ÓÕ✡➡✡➂✢❿✙➅❞➃❴➂✲➠❳➞✂➂✤➃❞➀ ➞✤➟✂➂✤➃✇➚✭×⑧➁✤➀ ➂✭➲❁✱➓ ⑧
✐ ➟✲➜✂➲
➜ ❀✝➁✒➀ ➜✤➼✲➄☞➀ ➅❘➀ ➄✰➅✡➟✂➉✝➅✰➃★➂✭➝✤➀ ➜✢❿❉➉✏➺✂➅❴➂✭➃❞➃❴➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➂✲➄❖Ü➛➉✂➅✔➅❄➂✭➃✔➋●➅☎➟✂➉✂➅④➉⑧➞✭➼✲➃✔➂✤➺ ➚✼➟✭➼✏❉❀ ➠❞➉✢❿❉➻✤➠☎➄✖➞✲➜✢Þ✙➂✭➄☞➞✲➉✝➅❴➅❴➂✭➃❞❿ ➡✝➉✭❿✤❿✲➜❇➅❘ÜÝ➂✭➂✝➅❪➅☎➟✂➂
❿✲➂✭➂✲➻✭➄❁➵✇➜✏➃❬➉➛➄✖➼✲➄❳➅❄➉✭➀ ❿✲✏
➉ ✭
❀ ➺ ➂➛➻✭➂✝➁✤➂✤➺ ➜✤➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅✰❽✔➅☎➟❉➂❖Õ✙➉t➃★➡❉➟✲➀♥➞✂➂✭➺ ➉✲➝✭➜✲×➔➁✤➀ ➂✭➲❁➓❄➋✢➅✡➟✂➉✝➅④➝✤➺ ✘
➜ ✲
❀ ➉t➺ ➀ ➄✡➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➻✭➜✲➂❇➄☞❿✲➜✝➅✰ÜÝ➂✲➉✢❿Ý➅❞➟✲➂
➉ ❀✲➜✭➺ ➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✤❿➛➜✂➵ ❀✲➜✭➃❴➻✲➂t➃★❚
➄ ❀✭➼✝➅❘➃❴➉✝➅☎➟✲➂✭➃●➅☎➟✲➂Ï➃★➂❇➉✤➺ ➺ ➜❇➡✙➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿ ➜❇➵❬❿✲➉❉➅☎➀ ➜✢❿✲➉✤✏
➺ ❀✲➜✭➃✔➻✲➂✢➃★➄✰➅❄➜➛➉✢❿②➼✭➞✭➞✲➂✤➃❬➄☎➡✝➉✭➺ ➂☞➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟➛➀ ➄④➅✖➟❉➉❉➅❮➜✭➵
➅✖➟❉➂ ➲❘➜t➃❄➺ ➻ ➃★➂❇➝✤➀ ➜✢❿ ✆ ✆ ➭äÔ❊➟✂➂✤➃➾➂❇➵➾➜t➃★➂ ➟✲➜❇➲
➃➾➂✢➺ ➂❇➁t➉t❿✙➅➹➀ ➅ ➀ ➄ ➅❄➜ ➃❄➼✤❿ ➉ ➄❳➅❞➃★➜✏❿✂➝ ➡✖➜✲➜✭➃❴➻✢➀ ❿✲➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜❇➵➴➅☎➟✂➂
➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✤ÜÝ➂❇➻✏➀ ➅❴➂✭➃❞➃➾➉✢❿❉➂✤➉✢❿ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❃➀ ➅❄➜t➃❄➀ ➉✢➺⑥➞✲➜✤➺ ➀ ➡✝➀ ➂✂➄✭➭❑❆❃❿✲➻✭➂✲➂✭➻✲➋ã➅☎➟✂➂➬➁t➂✢➃✇➚ ❀✲➂✲➝✢➀ ❿✤❿✭➀ ❿❉➝ ➡✝➃➾➜✤➄☎➄✖➠☎➡✂➼✝➅❴➅❞➀ ❿✲➝↔➉✤➡❞➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➄➘➉✢❿❉➻
❀✤➼✲➻✤➝✭➂✝➅❄➄⑧➜❇➵Ý➐❊➙➘➍✤➂✤➺ ➂✂ë✤➋✰➲❁➟✤➀ ➡❉➟➳➀ ➄✼➉❇➡☎➅☎➼✲➉✢➺ ➺ ➚✻➀ ❿å➡❉➟❉➉✢➃★➝✭➂⑥➲❁➀ ➅✖➟✼➅❞➟✲➂❶➽✤Û❪➇❉➋❁➉✢❿✲➻ã➐❜➙➱➍t➂✭➝✤➀ ➜❶➄✝➟✲➜✢➼✭➺ ❃
➻ ✲
❀ ➂ã➺ ➉t➃★➝✤➂✭➺ ➚
❀✲➜✤➜✂➄❳➅❄➂✂➻✤➋❦➀ ❿✜➅☎➟✲➂➛➞✭➃❴➜✲➄❉➞❉➂✤➡❞➅❘➜❇➵⑨➉✢❿②➽✤➼✭➃➾➜✢➞❉➂✤➉✭❚
❿ ✤✦✎✻P✵✓ ✟☎✗✞❞ ➄✜➞✲➜t➺ ➀ ➡☎➚●➭
ß❊➭✪❒✒➭●ê✝➀ ➵♥➅❴➚Ý➚✤➂✂➉✢➃★➄❁➉✭➝✤➜➈í
Ô❊➟✲➂☞ß ✾✝➼✭➺ ➚⑧➪☎✿✏✿✏à✲➋✢Ô❊➟✂➂➈➞✲➃❄➂✂➄❉➀ ➻✭➂✢❿✙➅❘➜❇➵✒➅☎➟✲➂➈➽✤➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✲➉✢❿ ➢●➜✭Ü➈Ü➛➀ ➄✖➄✝➀ ➜✤❿☞➲❆➉✭➄❖➀ ❿✂➁✤➀ ➅❄➂✂➻⑧➉✝➅❊➅✖➟❉➂➛➜✢➞✂➂✤❿✤➀ ❿❉➝➈➄✡➂✭➄✡➄❉➀ ➜✏❿Ý➜✭➵
➅✖➟❉➂Ó➏❊➵✔➃❴➀ ➡☎➉✏❿➷❾●❿✤➀ ➜✤❿Ó➏❜➄✝➄✡➂✢Ü★❀✲➺ ➚✒➭❖❳❆ ❿✈➉✻➻✤➂✂➡❇➺ ➉✭➃❄➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✻➂✤❿✝➅❞➀ ➅☎➺ ➂✲➻ Ö☎ê✝➃❴➜✤Ü ➒✒➡❇➟✤➼✭Ü ➉✭❿❶➅☎➜✻➒●➀ ➃✔➅❴➂❐❰Ý➉➳➅❞➉✤➺ ➂✻➜✂➵☞➅✔➲❆➜
➼✤❿✤➀ ➜✤❿✲➄✖×✰❛❽ ✽t➉✭➃❴➜✭➄✡➄✝➜✲➋❦☎
➪ ✿✏✿✏à✭➓❄➋❦➟❉➂➈ÜÝ➉✤➻✭➂➛➉➛➞✲➉t➃★➉✭➺ ➺ ➂✢✏
➺ ❀❉➂❉➅❄➲❘➂✂➂✢❿✜➅☎➟✲➂➛➄❞➅❄➜t➃➾➚②➜❇➵❊➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿Ý➉✢❿❉➻ ➏⑨➵✔➃☎➀ ➡✝➉✢❿➛❾❊❿✭➀ ➜✏❿✂➋
✻✎▼☛ ★✎❚✕❙☛✍✸✶✤❛☛❵✡❏✓ ☛✁✌✙✸✘✗✙✸✘✚✫✚✩✓ ✤ ★✸☎☛✁✓ ✟✘✗★✸ ✏
☎ ✟✏✪☎☛ ☛✦✌✘✎★✟✶✤✁P✵✸✏✗✘✓ ✕✶✸☎☛✁✓ ✟✶✗✙✟✘✚✳✸★✭✔✟✏✗✏☛✍✓ ✗✏✎✘✗▼☛✁✄
✹✶✌☎✎▲✭✔✟✘✗▼☛✍✤✱✓ ✏
☎ ✪✘☛✁✓ ✟✘✗✺✡
✸❱✕✔✓✩✗✬P▼✥ ✎✺✷✞✥ ✸✘✗✵✄
✕✖✟✏✥ ✓ ✧✏✸☎✤✦✓ ☛✁✼▼✄
✚✙☛✁✌✏✓ ✕❑✕✻✟▼✪✘✗✏✧✬✕
✑☞ ✞
✌☎✓ ✭✻✌✙✸✘✗✙✟✶✤✆P✏✸☎✗✏✓ ✖✎✘✧✙✸✘✗☎✧▲✥ ✓ ✑✖✓ ✗✶P
★✸☎✓ ✗▼☛✰✎☎✗✏✸✶✗✏✭✮✎✙✟✏✚✵✷✞✎✘✸☎✭❛✎✏✚✫✪✘✥✞✤ ✎✶✥ ✸☎☛✁✓ ✟✶✗✘✕
☛❂✡❏✓ ✥ ✥
✚✩✤ ✓ ✭✔✸★✭✮✸☎✗
✚✩✤ ✓ ✭✖✸✢✡✠✓ ✥ ✥✵✗✏✟☎☛
☎☎✎✄☎✵✪✘✓ ✥ ☛❖☛✆✌☎✤✱✟☎✪✬P✵✌❃✭✔✟✘✗✏✭✔✤✦✎✏☛✍✎❱✸☎✭✻✌✘✓ ✎✏✑✻✎
✑✔✸✬P✵✪✘✎☎✥ ✼❢✚✩✸ ★✓ ✥ ✓ ✸✶✤❱☛✍✟
❉✸☎✗✏✧✒✼✘✟▼✪✢✌☎✸✞✑✔✎✺☛✁✌✏✎✒✚✫✸ ★✟✏✪✬✕
✼✘✟▼✪ ✺✼✘✟☎✪❲✕✻✌✏✟▼✪✘✥ ✧✘✗
✵✭✻✌✵✪ ▲✸✶✗
✙✸✶✧✏✎▲✸☎✥ ✥✵✸☎☛
✷✞✤✦✓ ✕✖✎✘✧▼✄
✏✎ ✂ ✑☞
✵✎✻✷✞✥ ✸✘✭✔✎
★✼★✭✻✟✶✗✵☛✍✓ ✗☎✎✏✗✏☛✦✄
✠✚✍✤✦✓ ✭✻✸ ❥✡✠✓ ☛✍✌
✏✄❵✹✶✌✏✓ ✕★✕✖✎☎☛
✸☎✗♦✪✘✗✶✷✞✤✦✎✶✭✻✎✶✧✏✎✘✗▼☛✍✎✏✧❄✷✵✎✘✤✦✓ ✟☎✧●✟✘✚❖✓ ✗✏☛✁✎✶P✏✤✦✸✏☛✍✓ ✟✏✗❃✸☎✗✏✧❃✭✖✟ ✦✟✶✷✞✎✶✤✦✸✏☛✁✓ ✟✏✗❲✡✠✌✘✓ ✭✻✌●✌☎✸✬✕❘✧✏✎✶✥ ✓✩✑✻✎✶✤✦✎✏✧
✷✳✎✶✸✘✭✔✎★✸✘✗☎✧❖✷✳✤✱✟✶✕❛✷✵✎✬✤ ✓✩☛✍✼★✟☎✗
☎ ✥✎
✟☎✗✘✭✔✎ ❍✟☎✤❵✸✏✭❛✭✻✟✶✤❛✧✘✓ ✗✬P❘☛✍✟
▲✎☎✗✏☛✍✕❑✡❏✌✏✓ ✭✔✌❃✚✫✓ ✤✆✕❙☛❥✭✔✤✱✎✶✸☎☛✁✎❃✸❱✧☎✎❃✚✫✸✶✭✻☛✁✟
❵✎✶✭✻✥ ✸✬✤ ✸☎☛✰✓ ✟✘✗✺✟✘✚
☎☎✤✱✓ ✗✬P❊☛✰✟★✭✖✓ ✑✖✓ ✥ ✓ ✶✸☎☛✁✓ ✟✶✗▲✓ ✕✲✓ ✗✘✧✏✓ ✕
✙✟☎☛✁✓ ✟✶✗
➏●➅➷➵❴➀ ➃✔➄☎➅➷➝✤➺ ➉✭❿✲➡✖➂✲➋⑥➅☎➟✂➂ ➻✏➀ ➄✝➡✖➜✤➼✭➃★➄✖➂➘➲❘➉✭➄ ➵❴➼✤➺ ➺⑦➜❇➵➳➉✭Ü▲❀✲➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✢❿➱➉t❿✲➻ ➝✭➂✤❿✂➂✭➃❄➜✭➄✝➀ ➅✔➚ ➉✭➄ä➅✡➟✂➂➬➇✲➃❴➂✂➄✝➀ ➻✭➂✤❿✂➅✻➜✂➵❶➅☎➟✂➂
➢●➜✢Ü②Ü➛➀ ➄✡➄❇➀ ➜✢❿②➞✤➼✭➃★➄❉➼✤➀ ➅❊➅❳➟❉➂➈➄✝➞✂➂✲➂✭➡✝➟▲❀✂➚②➉②➝✭➂✤❿✲➂✭➃❴➜✭➼✲➄☞➞✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➜✭➄✡➉✢➺t➜❇➵❊➞✲➉✢➃✇➅☎❿✂➂✭➃❴➄✂➟✭➀ ➞②➜✭➃✰➞❉➉✤➡❞❉
➅ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➲❘➂✭➂✤▲
❿ ❀✲➜✝➅☎➟➛➄✝➀ ➻✲➂➈➜✂➵
➅✖➟❉➂➈➌④➂✂➻✏➀ ➅❄➂t➃❄➃➾➉✢❿✂➂✲➉✏❿➛í
✵✎✘P✏✓ ✟✬✗✏✸☎✥✞✓ ✗✵☛✍✎✬P▼✤✱✸☎☛✁✓ ✟☎✗✒✌✏✸✬✕❂☛✍✤✱✸☎✗✘✕✶✚✩✟✘✤ ★✎✘✧
✛✪✏☛ ✓✩☛❵✌✏✸✻✕★✸✶✥ ✕✻✟◗✸✬✥ ☛✍✎✶✤❛✎✶✧✒✟✵✪✬✤
❉☛✦✌✘✎✒✚✩✸☎✭✮✎✺✟☎✚ ✏
☎ ✟▼☛✁✌
✹✶✟✘✧☎✸✘✼ ❥✡❏✎✒✭✔✸✘✗ ❚✡❏✎
✒✪✻✕✶☛ ❍✧☎✟
☎✏✎✘☛✱✡❏✎☎✎✬✗❑✸✘✗❑✎✶✗✏✥ ✸✶✤✁P✵✎✘✧❑✴✵✪✬✤
☎ ✟✘✥ ✓ ✖✎❘☛✁✌✏✎✢✓ ✧✏✎✶✸✘✥❏✟✏✚
✕✖✟✘✥ ✓ ✧❄✷✳✟☎✥ ✓ ☛✁✓ ✭✮✸☎✥✳✷✳✸✶✤❛☛✍✗✏✎☎✤✁✕✶✌✘✓ ✷
✹✶✟✶✧✏✸✶✼ ❉✓ ✗☞☛✰✌☎✓ ✕◗✭✮✓ ☛✍✼❱✡ ✌☎✓✩✭✮✌❘✌✏✸✬✕◗✭✮✟
❍✓ ✕✙☛✍✤ ✸✘✗✘✕✖✚✍✟☎✤ ★✓ ✗✬P
✤✱✎✶✥ ✸▼☛✍✓ ✟✏✗✘✕✔✌✏✓ ✷❏✄
☛✦✟❚✷❏✪☎☛ ✓✩✗★✷✞✥ ✸✘✭✔✎✒✸
✟✮✷✵✎❱✸✏✗✘✧❑✸❄✤ ✎ ✦✎ ✙✎✶✤✰P▼✓✩✗✬P
✚✩✤✦✓✩✭❛✸✏✗❱✪✘✗☎✓ ☛✁✼
✎☎✥ ✸ ✏✟✶✤✱✸☎☛✁✎❄✡❏✓✩☛✁✌✺✼✘✟▼✪✬✤❖✴✵✪✬✤✦✟✻✷✵✎✏✸✶✗▲✷✳✸☎✤ ☛✍✗✏✎✘✤✁✕✙✟✘✗❘☛✁✌✘✎✺✟☎☛✁✌✏✎✶✤❍✕✶✓ ✧✏✎✺✟✘✚✠☛✆✌☎✎✒❴❍✎☎✧✏✓ ☛✍✎✘✤✦✤✱✸☎✗✏✎✶✸✘✗✺✸✏✗✺✸
☛✰✌☎✸✏☛ ✕✶✌✘✟▼✪✘✥ ✧✒✤ ✎✘✸✻✕✻✕✖✎✬✕✔✕✙☛✁✌✘✎✙✷✵✤✆✓ ✗✏✭✮✓ ✷✞✥ ✎❙✕✙✸☎✗✏✧❄✑✻✸☎✥✩✪✶✎❙✕❂☛✆✌✏✸☎☛
☛✍✤ ✪✘✎✺✟✞✡❏✗✏✎✶✤✆✕✖✌✏✓ ✷❑✸✬✗✏✧❘✧✏✓ ✸✘✥ ✟✘P✵✪✘✎✒✕✶✌☎✟✏✪✬✥ ✧❄✤✦✎✻✷✵✥✩✸✶✭✮✎✒P✛✪✬✓ ✥✩☛❍✟☎✤❉✭✻✌✏✸✶✤✦✓✩☛✍✼
✚✩✤ ✓ ✭✔✸✏✄
❖✭✔✸✘✥ ✥ ✟☎✗❄✼✘✟▼✪❄☛✁✟
☎✘✓ ☛✍✓ ✟▼✪✬✕
✤✱✎✶✥ ✸▼☛✍✓ ✟☎✗✘✕✻✌☎✓ ✷❏✄ ✴ ✵
✂ ✪✬✸✘✥ ✓ ☛✍✼
✸✶✕◗☛✰✌☎✎❄✧☎✎✘☛✦✎✶✤ ★✓ ✗✏✓ ✗✶P❱✚✫✎✘✸☎☛✦✪✬✤✱✎✶✕✙✟✏✚
✟▼✪✬✤❏✷✳✸✶✤❛☛✍✗☎✎✘✤✦✕✶✌✘✓ ✷❏✄
➺✤➀ ➄❖➀ ❿Ý➅☎➟✲➂➛➻✤➂✝➅❴➉✢➀ ➺ ➄➛íÙ➏❮❿✂➻Ù➺ ➜✭➜✤Þ✭➀ ❿✲✒
➝ ❀✂➂✝➅❴➅❴➂✢➃❮➉✝➅❪➅☎➟✂➂➛➄✝➞✲➂✭➂✂➡❇➟ ➜✭➵❦➌➣➭ ✽t➉✭➃❄➜✂➄✝➄✖➜➈➀ ❿✲➻✢➀ ➡✖➉✝➅❄➂➛➡❉➺ ➂✭➉✭➃❞➺ ➚➛➅❞➟✲➉✝➅④➅❞➟✂➂
❴➃ ➂✲➉t➺ÝÜ➛➂✲➄✖➄✡➉✂➝✤➂ ➲❘➉✭➄❶➅☎➟✲➂ ❿✂➂✂➅è➉❇➵✇➵❃➀ ➃❴Ü➛➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿ ➜✭➵②➉✃➡✖➜✤❿✂➅❞➀ ❿✲➂✢❿✙➅❴➉✏➺❘➁✏➀ ➄❇➀ ➜✏❿➷➲❁➟✤➀ ➡✝➟ ➄✖➂✤➞✲➉✭➃✔➉✂➅❄➂❇➄✈➻✭➂❇➵❴➀ ❿✲➀ ➅❞➀ ➁✲➂✢➺ ➚✃➅❞➟✂➂
➻✤➂✭➄☎➅❞➀ ❿✙➚✃➜✂➵▲❀✲➜✝➅☎➟➷➄✝➟✲➜t➃★➂➷➜❇➵☞➅✡➟✂➂ä➌➔➂❇➻✤➀ ➅❴➂✤➃❴➃❴➉✢❿❉➂✤➉✭❿✒➭☞➎✡➂❇➅➛➏❊➵✔➃❴➀ ➡☎➉✏❿✻➵➾➜✭➺ ➺ ➜✭➲ ➅❞➟❉➂✏➀ ➃②➜✭➲❁❿ ➞❉➉❉➅✡➟✈➜❇➵②➻✭➂✂➁✤➂✭➺ ➜✤➞✤ÜÝ➂✢❿✙➅
Ü➛➂✲➉✢❿✲➄⑥➀ ❿➳➅❞➟✲➀ ➄Ó➞✲➃✔➂✲➡❉➀ ➄✖➂✈➡✝➉✂➄✖➂❶➅☎➟✲➉❉➅➛➅✡➟✂➂✝➚➷➄✝➟✲➜✏➼✭➺ ➻ ❿✲➂✝➁✭➂✤➃➈➟✲➜✤➞✲➂ìÜÝ➜✤➃❴➂❶➅☎➟✂➉✢❿✈➉ã➵✔➃❄➀ ➂✭❿✲➻✢➺ ➚ä➞✲➉✤➃✇➅❞❿✲➂✭➃❴➄❇➟✲➀ ➞✈➲❁➀ ➅❞➟
➅ ❀✂➉✲➄✖➂✂➻✼➜✏❿⑦➉⑧➡❉➺ ➂✭➉✭➃❘➻✏➀ ➁✤➀ ➄✖➀ ➜✭❿Ù➀ ❿②❻✭❩❊❥✤❫✝✐♥❥✒❣●❥✤❫☎♦➈➲✜➟✤➀ ➡❇➟✼➀ ➄➈❿✲➜✝➅❆➄✝➜➈➵➾➉t➃❘➵✔➃★➜✢Ü ➯④➼✤❿✝➅❞➀ ❿✲➝❇➅❴➜✤✏
❿ ❞ ➄➛➞✲➜t➀ ❿✂➅❁➜✂➵
➁✏➀ ➂❉➲ ➜✢❿➳➡✝➀ ➁✏➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✖➉✂➅❞➀ ➜✤❿✲➄❇➭✜ê✙➂❇➲ ➲❘➂✭➂✭Þ✂➄è➉❇➵♥➅❄➂✭➃☞➅☎➟✲➂➳➄❉➞❉➂✭➂✲➡❇➟❶➜✂➵➈➌❘➃▲✽✢➉t➃❄➃❴➜✂➄✝➄✡➜✭➋❁➅☎➟✲➂ì➽✤➼✲➃❴➜✤➞✂➂✭➉✤❿✻❾❊❿✤➀ ➜✭❿➷➟✲➉✂➻ã➅☎➟✂➂
❅❇✁✙✁ ✺❉✑✔✟✝❙✂❈✰✓✂✘ ✛❴▲✝▼✂▼✖❑ ✜ ✽ ✒ ☛✒✾ ✕❃❂★✓✂✘✖✄❞✁ ❈④✓❳❂✇❂❴✁✙✑✪✕✃✓ ✗ ✞☎❂❴✍⑥❂❴✠✝✞✙✟✝❙✂✠ ✑✖✞✝✕❞✕✡✾ ◗✝✗ ❍➮✗ ✁✖✕☎✕➷❂❄✠✖✓✂✘ ✾ ❂✈✚✲✾ ✚ ◗✖✁ ✍✇✞✙✑✪✁ ❈✰✞✡✚✂✁✂✑❴✘
❂✔✁❉✗ ✁✖✄☎✞❉❈❁❈❁✟✂✘✝✾ ✄☎✓❞❂❄✾ ✞✝✘✝✕✡✌Ù✂✞✙✑✔✚✝✁✙✑✪✕➷✓✂✗ ✕☎✞➴❈❘✓❳❂✇❂✔✁❉✑⑥✓✃✗ ✞❳❂★✍➈❂❄✠✝✞✝✟✝❙✂✠ ✑✝✞✡✕☎✕✡✾ ◗✂✗ ❍✃✗ ✁✡✕☎✕ã❂❄✠✖✓❉✘ì❂❄✠✖✁✙❍ ✚✲✾ ✚➴◗✝✲✁ ✍✪✞✙✑✔✁ ✍✇✑✪✁✡✁ä❂★✑✔✓✖✚✂✁
✓✝❙✂✑✪✁✙✁✂❈➔✁❉✘❳❂✔✕✡✌✝✡t✠✖✁✰✕✎✑✝✓✡✄☎✁✝✗ ✁✡✕☎✕☎✍✤◗✖✞❉✑✪✚✝✁✂✑✔✗ ✁✡✕❞✕ ✌●✞❉✑✔✗ ✚✜✾ ✕❪✕❴❂❄✾ ✗ ✗✝✓❖☛❳✗ ✓❳❂★✞✂✘✝✾ ✄❘✾ ✚✂✁✖✓❉✗ ✍✭✓✜✗ ✞✝✘✝✙
❙ ✌❊✓✡❍✥✍✇✑✇✞✂❈Ó✄☎✞❉❈❁✾ ✘✝❙✜✾ ✘❳❂❴✞❘✁✖P❉✾ ✕❞❂✔✁❉✘✖✄☎✝✁ ✓❴✌
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
➜✏➞✭➞✲➜✭➃✇➅✖➼✲❿✤➀ ➅❴➚②➅❄➜Ù➞✭➃★➜❉➁t➂Ï➅✡➟✂➂⑧➃❴➂✲➉t➺ ➀ ➅✔➚è➜❇➵④➀ ➅❴➄❁Õ✂➇✲➉✂➡❳➅❴×❁➅❴➜✼➒●✏
➼ ❀✂➠❄➒●➉✢➟❉➉t➃★➉✏❿⑧➀ Ü➈Ü➛➀ ➝✢➃★➉✢❿✝➅❄➄✜➲❁➉✭➀ ➅☎➀ ❿✂➝è➜✢➼✙➅❴➄❉➀ ➻✤➂Ï➅☎➟❉➂⑧➝✤➉✝➅❴➂✤➄
➜✭➵❦➽✤➼✤➃★➜✢➞❉➂➛➉t➃★➜✢➼✤❿❉➻☞➅❳➟❉➂➛➒❜➞✲➉✤❿✤➀ ➄✝➟Ý➂✏❿✂➡✝➺ ➉✝➁✲➂➛➜✭➵❦➌➔➂t➺ ➀ ➺ ➺ ➉➛➜✏❿❁➏❊➵✔➃❴➀ ➡☎➉✏❿Ý➄✝➜✭➀ ➺ ➭❇➏❊➄✜➂✝ë✤➞✤➺ ➉✭➀ ❿❉➂✤▲
➻ ❀✝➚⑧ê✙➉✭➺♥➼✂➻✤➀✤❽❞☎
➪ ✿✏✿✤á✢➓❁❰
■ ✚ ✚✙✘✆★
✞ ✸✬✗
✗●✥ ✸☎☛✁✎✙✛ ✵
✒ ✎✻✷✛☛✁✎
✕❙✪✘✤✦✤✱✟✏✪✶✗✏✧✏✓ ✗✶P♦✓ ☛ ✺
✞ ✡❏✓ ☛✰✌
✎❙✕❙☛✁✓ ★✸☎☛✁✎✘✧❑✟✘✗✏✎❑☛✍✌✏✟▼✪✬✕✻✸☎✗✘✧❑✟✏✚❉☛✦✌✘✎
☛✁✌✏✤✦✎✘✎❑✌✵✪✘✗✘✧✘✤ ✎✘✧
★✸ ☎✓ ✗✘P❩✓ ☛✲☛✆✟
✒✶✷✳✸✘✗✏✓ ✕✶✌
✕✻✭✔✸✘✥ ✎✶✧●☛✁✌✘✎❑☛✦✌✘✤✦✎✶✎
✡✠✌✏✎✶✤✆✎❘☛✁✌✘✎☎✼✒✎✘✗✄✂✔✟✶✼❄✸✒✧☎✎✘P✏✤✦✎✶✎❄✟☎✚❏✷✞✤✦✟✏☛✁✎✶✭✻☛✁✓ ✟✘✗❘✪✘✗✏✧✏✎✶✤❉✓✩✗✏☛✍✎☎✤✦✗✏✸✘☛✁✓ ✟✘✗✘✸☎✥❏✥ ✸✵✡❵✄
★✎☎☛✁✎✶✤✢✡✠✸✶✥ ✥
☛✁✎✬✤ ✤✱✓ ☛✁✟✶✤✆✼
☎ ✕✖✎✁✵
✂ ✪✶✎✘✗✏☛❉✗☎✓ P✵✌▼☛✍✕ ❖
✞ ☛✍✌✏✎
✷✳✟✶✥ ✓ ✭✮✎❑✡❏✸✬✕◗✟✏✗❱☛✍✌✏✎❘✸✶✥ ✎✶✤❛☛ ✲
✞ ✸✬✗✏✧☞☛✁✌✏✎✬✤ ✎❃✡❏✎✶✤✦✎❑✪❙P✵✥ ✼✒✕✶✭✔✎✘✗✘✎✶✕ ✲
✞ ✸✘✗✘✧❱✎✵✑✔✎✘✗❱✪✬P▼✥ ✓ ✎✬✤✲✟✘✗✏✎✻✕❱✡❏✌✏✎☎✗❄❴❉✟✶✤✱✟☎✭✮✭✔✸✘✗
✸▼✪✘☛✁✌✏✟✘✤✦✓ ☛✁✓ ✎✶✕❑✭✮✸☎✥ ✥ ✎✘✧
✛ ✟✖✷✳✎✶✤✆✸▼☛✍✎♦✤✦✎✬✥ ✟✏✭❛✸✏☛✍✎☎✧
✡✠✟☎✪✘✥ ✧
✛ ☎✏✎●✤✦✎✏✚✫✪✬P✵✎✶✎✬✕❑☛✦✟●☛✦✌✘✫
✒✛✸✘✌✘✸☎✤✱✸ ✓❵✎✬✕✖✎✶✤✱☛
✤✦✎✘✸✶✥❍✸☎✗✘✕✘✡❏✎☎✤✢✡❏✸✶✕☞☛✰✟❑✓ ✗✏✭✮✤ ✎✘✸✻✕✶✎❑☛✁✌✘✎❑✌✏✎✶✓ P✵✌▼☛❚✟✘✚✲☛✁✌✘✎♦✡ ✸✶✥ ✥ ✕✺✕☎✪✬✤✦✤✱✟▼✪✘✗✘✧✏✓ ✗✘P♦❴
✎✘✥ ✓ ✥ ✥ ✸●☛✍✟❱✕✖✓ ☎
➻✲➂✏❿✝➅➳➜✂➵⑧➅☎➟✂➂➬➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿➴➢✒➜✏Ü➛Ü➛➀ ➄✡➄❉➀ ➜✢❿➘➟❉➉✭❯
➻ ❀✲➂❇➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❶➃➾➂✤➉✂➻❐➅❞➟✲➂✃➵✔➉✭Ü ➜✢➼✂➄ ➻✭➂✲➡❉➺ ➉t➃★➉✝➅❞➀ ➜✢❿ ➜✭➵❶➍●➭
➒●➡❇➟✤➼✲Ü➛➉✭❿✲➋❪➟✲➂➈➡✡➜✢➼✲➺ ➻ ➟✲➉✂➁✲➂ ❿✲➜✝➅☎➀ ➡✡➂✭➻➛➅☎➟✭➀ ➄➛➄✖ÜÝ➉✏➺ ➺✞❀✤➼✙➅❪➁✤➂✤➃✇➚②➡❇➃❴➼✲➡❉➀ ➉t➺t➄✡➂✢❿✝➅❄➂✤❿✂➡✝➂➛➲❁➟✲➂✭➃✔➂✼➟✂➂②➂❉ë✒➞✤➺ ➉✢➀ ❿✲➄❖➲✜➟✂➉✝➅❘➡✝➜✤➼✭➺ ➻
❀ ➂✂➅✔➅❄➂✭➃❪➼✲➄✡➂✭➻②➜❇➵❪➽✲➼✭➃❴➜✤➞✲➂✂➉✢❿②➞✭➃➾➜✤➄✖➞✲➂✢➃❴➀ ➅❴➚Ù❰
✜❉✓ ☛✁✌●✓ ✗✏✭✮✤✦✎✘✸✶✕✻✎☎✧❱✤❛✎✻✕✶✟✏✪✶✤✆✭✖✎❙✕☞✴✵✪✬✤ ✟✮✷✳✎♦✡❏✓ ✥✩✥
☛✁✸✬✕ ❙✕
✗✏✸ ★✎☎✥ ✼✦✞
☛✦✌✘✎★✧☎✎❋✑✖✎✘✥ ✟✮✷ ★✎☎✗✵☛✳✟✘✚❏☛✍✌✏✎
☎✏✎❱✁✸ ☎☎ ✥ ✎❑☛✁✟❄✷✛✪✘✤✆✕❙✪✘✎❑☛✁✌✘✎❑✸✬✭✖✌✘✓ ✎✵✑✔✎
★✎✘✗▼☛❚✟✏✚❉✟✘✗☎✎❃✟☎✚❖✓ ☛✁✕✺✎✬✕✖✕✻✎☎✗✏☛✁✓ ✸✬✥
✚✫✤✆✓ ✭✮✸☎✗★✭✻✟✘✗▼☛✁✓ ✗✘✎☎✗✵☛✝✆
❭❪➵④➡✡➜✢➼✲➃❴➄✡➂✭➋❪➀ ➅❘➀
➄❁➅❞➃❞➼❉➂Ï➅☎➟✲➉✝➅❁➍❊➭✒➒●➡✝➟✤➼✭Ü ➉✢❿Ý➲❘➉✤➄✜➉t➺ ➄✝➜②➄❉➞❉➂✭➉✭Þ✭➀ ❿✲➝⑧➵✔➃❴➜✭Ü✃Õ✡➡✡➜✏❿✝➅❞➀ ❿✲➂✢❿✙➅❴×❖➺ ➀ Þ✙★
➂ ✾✂➭➶➌❆➭ ✽t➉✢➃➾➜✭➄✡➄✝➜✒➭t➏❮❿✂➻✤➋❊➜✭➵
✝➡ ➜✢➼✲➃❄➄☎➂✤➋➔➲❘➂è➡✝➉✢❿❶❿✲➜✂➅➛➀ ➝✏❿❉➜✢➃★➂ ➅✡➟✂➂❶➡✡➜✢❿✙➅❴➂❇ë✂➅➛➜✂➵❁➡✙➜t➺ ➜✢❿✤➀ ➉✢➺❜➡❉➃❄➀ ➄✝➀ ➄➛➅☎➟✂➉✝➅➛➂✝ë✏➀ ➄❞➅➛➉✝➅✜➅☎➟✭➀ ➄✼Ü➛➜✭Ü ➂t❿✙➅②➜❇➵✜➟✭➀ ➄❳➅❴➜✤➃✔➚å➉✢❿✂➻
➲❖➟✤➀ ➡❉➟✈➀ Ü➛➞✤➺ ➀ ➂✭➄✼➻✏➀ ➵✇➵✇➂✭➃❴➂✭❿✂➅⑧➞✲➜✂➄✝➄✖➀ ❀✤➺ ➂➳➉✢❿✂➻✈➡✖➜✤❿✝➅☎➃➾➉✭➻✢➀ ➡❳➅❄➜✭➃✇➚ä➀ ❿✂➅❴➂✭➃❞➞✲➃❴➂✝➅❄➉❉➅☎➀ ➜t❿Ó➜❇➵Ý➒✏➡✂➟✭➼✤ÜÝ➉✢❿☎❞ ➄✼➄✖➂✤❿✝➅❄➂✢❿❉➡✖➂✒➭♥✽⑨➼✝➅☞➲❆➂
➄❇➼✤➞✭➞✲➜✤➃✇➅➷➄❞➅☎➃✔➜✤❿✲➝✏➺ ➚➘➅☎➟✲➂➘➉✭➄✡➄❇➼✭Ü②➞✝➅☎➀ ➜✢❿➮➅❞➟✲➉✝➅ã➅✡➟✂➂ ÜÝ➉✢❿➮➲❁➟✲➜ ➻✤➂❇➡✝➺ ➉✤➃➾➂✭➻➘➅☎➟✲➉❉➅❶✘
Õ ✜♥✟✬✤ ✥ ✧ ✷✞✎☎✸✘✭✔✎ ✭✻✸✶✗✏✗✏✟✘☛ ☎✘✎
✕✶✸✘✚✫✎✻P✛✪✘✸✶✤✆✧✏✎☎✧❄✡❏✓ ☛✆✌☎✟✏✪✘☛❵☛✁✌✏✎
★✸ ✶✓ ✗✶P❘✟✘✚❏✭✮✤ ✎✶✸✘☛✁✓✫✑✮✎✙✎✘✚✫✚✫✟✬✤ ☛✍✕❉✷✵✤❛✟✔✷✳✟✬✤ ☛✍✓ ✟☎✗✏✸☎☛✍✎✒☛✦✟✙☛✁✌✘✎✒✧☎✸✘✗✬P✵✎☎✤✁✕✒✡✠✌✘✓ ✭✻✌✺☛✁✌✘✤ ✎✘✸☎☛✁✎✶✗✒✓✩☛✝✞
➲ ➜✤➼✤➺ ➻è➡✖➂✭➃✇➅❄➉✢➀ ❿✤➺ ➚❶❿✲➜✝➅☞➟✲➉✝➁✤➂✼➄❇➼✲➞✤➞✲➜t➃➾➅❴➂✂➻Ù➅☎➟✂➂❶ÜÝ➜✢✦➃ ✭
❀ ➀ ➻Ó➯❬➼✤❿✝➅❞➀ ❿✂➝❇➅✿➜✢❿☎❞ ➄➛➁✤➀ ➄✖➀ ➜✭❿✼➜❇➵❘➡✂➀ ➁✒➀ ➺ ➀ ➄✝➉✝➅☎➀ ➜✭❿✲➋➣❿❉➂✏➀ ➅❞➟✲➂✢➃④➅☎➟✲➂✼➄✡➜❇➵♥➅
➁✒➉✭➃❃➀ ➉✢❿✙➅④➜❇➵✒Õ✡➡✝➜✤❿✝➅☎➀ ❿✲➂t❿✙➅❄×➔➲✜➟✭➀ ➡❇➟➛➀ ➄❘➉✤➡❞➅☎➼✲➉t➺ ➺ ➚ ➻✤➜tÜ②➀ ❿✲➉❇➅❞➀ ❿✲➝➈➽✤➼✤➃❴➜✭➞✂➂✲➉✏❿Ý➻✤✘
➂ ✂❀ ➉✝➅☎➂✤➭
Ô❊➟✲➂ì➺ ➜✢❿✲➝✲➠❃➅❄➂✭➃❃Ü ➀ Ü➛➞✤➼✲➺ ➄✡➂ã➅❞➟✲➉✝➅⑧➒✒➡❇➟✤➼✲Ü➛➉✭❿✘❞ ➄ã➇✂➺ ➉✢❿Ó➝✤➉❉➁t➂Ó➅❄➜ä➽✤➼✲➃❄➜✭➞✂➂ä➃➾➂✭➺♥➀ ➂✭➄⑥➞✤➃❴➂✂➡❇➀ ➄✡➂✢➺ ➚➷➜✢❿➳➅❞➟❉➂✻➵✔➉✂➡☎➅➛➅❳➟❉➉❇➅✼➀ ➅
➉✏➞✭➞✲➂✂➉✭➃❴➂✲➻✻➂❇ë✂➅☎➃➾➂✢ÜÝ➂✭➺ ➚➷➉✤★
Ü ❀✤➀ ➅❞➀ ➜✭➼✲➄⑥➉✢❿❉➻❢✻
➉✲➡✖➡✙➜t➃★➻✢➀ ❿✂➝✻➅❄➜ìÜ ➉✢❿✙➚➷➜❋❉❀ ➄✝➂✭➃✪➁t➂✭➃②➜✭➵❁➅☎➟✲➂Ó➅☎➀ Ü ➂●❅ ➼✭❿✭➃★➂✭➉✤➺ ➀ ➄❞➅☎➀ ➡✭➭④➏❊➄
➻ ❀✂➚⑧➌❬➉✢➃❄Þ✰Ô✒➲❘➉✭➀♥❿⑧❰✛☛✁✌✘✎✶✼★✧✏✓ ✧✙✗✘✟☎☛ ✏✗✏✟✏✡❱✓ ☛ ✡❏✸✬✕♥✓ ❖✷✞✟✶✕✻✕✖✓ ☎✏✥ ✎❚✕✻✟✯☛✁✌✏✎✬✼ ▲✸☎✗✏✸✻P✵✎✬✧✙☛✦✟❚✧✏✟★✓ ☛✦✄
✴ ✓✼ ✏✝✽ ✁●❅✂✍❖❋❊✌ ✍✜✄✛ ✁✏❅✂❀ ✁●❏ ★✴✔✞✓ ✒
✴ ✽ ✴✤✍☞❋❜❏ ✏✝✌✟✗ä✽ ✴t✛✡❖ ✁✏❀ ✞✤✍ ✷❴❏❞❋❊✌ ✍✰✚✲✾ ✑✔✍✜▲✝▼✂▼✖❑✲✍ ✙❴✵✙✧✖✕✖✳✙✦❴✶✝✧♥✴ ✥✝✵✘✗✝✶✝✵☎✸è✷ ✱❳✸ ✔✏✹✙✕✡✦✔✴ ✚✂✮✝✱❳✜✸ ✛✢✗✝✴ ✣Ó✶✙✵✖✸
✗✔✤ ✔✏✷ ✱✙✵✝✓✂✍●☛☎✑✪✁✡✕❞✕☎✁✙✕④❅❇✞✙✑❴◗✖✞✂✘✝✘✝✁ ✭
✲ ✞❉✟ ☛✝✁✂✗ ✗ ✁✙✍✏☛☎✓✙✑✔✾ ✕☎✍✒■✖❑✒❚ ✑❇✌
✎✴✹❖✞❖ ●
✁ ❅✲❅ ✁ ❄✷ ✌♥❋❦✌ ✍❬▲✝▼✂▼✎✱✂✦
✍ ❃✥ ❯✿✑✔✞✝❈ ❅❇✄✡✠✝✟✂❈④✓✂✘❖❂❴✞ ❅✭✾ ✑ ❂❴✁ ✽✒✓✜❂✇✓✂✗ ✁☞✞✎✍●❂✮✌●✞ ✟✂✘✝✾ ✞✂✘✖✒✕ ✥❴✍ ✁ ✑✖✁❉✘✝✾ ✘✖❙➛✕☎✁☎✕☎✕✡✾ ✞✂✘☞✞✲✍●❂❄✠✖✁ ✴☎✍✇✑✔✾ ✄☎✓✙✧
✘ ✼✤✘✂✾ ✞✲✘
✴✤✕☎✕❄✁✂❈✰◗✂✗ ❍❉✍➛❅✭✾ ✑ ❂❴✁✙✍❜✽✿✾ ◗✝❍✡✓✝✍✒✠❳❂✇❂✕✡
✑ ✽ ❲❴❲❴✁❉✟✝✑✔✞✄✖✑ ✓✂✌ ✁✙✟✖❲
☎✏✄✏✴ ☞
✓ ✎
✏ ❖✲❅ ✡✂✁●✛✾✺ ❞✷ ✌ ✓✏✌✢✍●❅✢❋⑨❀✫✡✁✸✠✭
❖ ✙✌ ✸✤✌ ✍ ✡✎✴★✧✤✽ ✁ ⑧
❖ ☛✡✌ ☎✷ ✌ ✍●▲✂▼✝▼✂▼✝✍ ✒ ✜
✵ ✞✂✑✔✗ ✚ ✛✤✾ ❂❴✧
❍ ✲✲✁❳❂ ✌❊✞✝✑❃✆✓✽✞✴❚✂✲ ✎✁ ✌✻❋●✁☎❂✔✓✙❙✝✁✝✞✝❙✙✑✔✄✓ ✝✑ ✠✖❍ ✱✎✓✔✍✾✒
✴ ✘✂✘✖✓❉✗ ✕
✞ ✍✭❂❃✠✖✁✶t
✴ ✕☎✕☎✞✖✄✡✾ ✓☎❂❴✾ ✞✙✘❁✞ ✍✞✢
✴ ❈✰✁✝✑❴✾ ✄☎✓✂✘✜✎✢✁✙✞✝❙✝✑✔✓ ✑✂✠✖✁✝✑✔✕✿✡
✍ ✝✘ ▼✘❞✛ ✎❚ ✜✇✍✏▲✂▼✝▼✂▼✝✍❊❚✡▲✝■✂❏❞❚✡■✖❑
✁❖✗✼✡✲ ✏ ✡✧✲❖ ✌ ✍✡☛ ❜
✁ ✽✡✽☎❯❘✼✏❅✲❅ ●
✁ ✌ ✍ ✛❞✛❚ ✘✎✂✘ ✝▼ ✜❞✪✌ ✩✫✕✝✥✖✳✂✦❴✠✶ ✄✭✩✂✴ ✱✭✤
✬ ✵✝✴ ✮☎✱✝✦✪✸✡✱✡✷ ✷ ✱✝❊
✛ ✧✇✥✝✹✰✱✰✯☎✞✔✱❪✥✙✵✲✗✂✱✖✸④✵✝✥❉✮✲✮✖✱✝✶✙✮✄✣✢✌✒☛❞✓✙✑❴✾ ✕☎✍ ✲
✸ ✓✖✄✡✠✖✁☎❂✇❂❴✁✡✡
✍ ✱✗✭
✱ ✟
❚ ✑✝✌
✛★✴✒❅ ✡ ✏✝✽✡✽❄❅❇✍✜❋❦✌ ✍Ý❃❚ ✘✗✝✘ ö✂✍ ✖✩✂✱ ✙❴✒✵ ✳✪✥✡✦❴✹✰✶❉✧✪✴ ✥✝✵ ✔t✳✲✱✑✙
✞ ✴☎✘☎✥✙✵✝✥✝✹ ✁✒✛☞✬✭✥ ✘☎✴ ✱✡✧ ✁❶✶✖✵✏✗ ☛✤✮✝✷ ✧➾✮✖✦✔✱✏✵✙✶✂✥✖✷ ✵ ✙✠✞✕✖✩✂✱②✯✤✴ ✸✡✱⑧✷✥ ✳❆✧✪✩✝✱✼✣✒✱✡✧✹✸✒✥✖✦✻✺
✬✤✥ ✘☎✴ ✱✂✧ ✁✭✍✤✛✭✓❉❈❁◗✝✑❴✾ ✚✝❙✝✁✜❋✡⑨
✴ ✌ ✏
✁ P✎✍✪✞✙✑✪✚ ✼✡❉✺ ✍✏✲✗ ✓✖✄✝✆ ✌●✁✂✗ ✗❇☛✡✟✝◗✂✗ ✾ ✕✡✠✖✁✂✑✪✕✡✌
✛★✴✠✡✎✡✗✴ ✲
✲ ✍ ✤✲ ✌♥✍ ✛✔▲✂▼✝▼✝✄❑ ❴✜ ✍ ✽❴✁✜❈❘✞✂✘✖✚✂✁❁✓✂✙
✟ ✑✙✑✔✾ ✕✡❈✰✁✰✚✂✁✡✕❘✖✑ ✼✡✕☎✁✝✓✝✟✝P❁✒✓ ✼✂✑✔✾ ✁✙✘✖✕ ✛ ✡✲✠✝✁✙✌❊✞✝✑❴✗ ✚❁❂❄✠✖✑✔✞✙✟✝❙✂✠✰❂❄✠✖✁✘✝✑ ✑❴✾ ✕✡❈✻✞ ✍✒✓✝✾ ✑✭❂❄✑✔✓✝✘✡✎✕ ✑✖✞✝✑♥❂✔✜✮✓❞✌
❀❴✘ ✡✂✁✙✑❴✑✔✾ ❂➾✞✂✾ ✑➶✁❆✁❳❂❜✛✭✞✝❈❆❈❁✟✝✘✂✾ ✄☎✓✖❂★✾ ✞✂✘✖✕☎✍ ✖✒✽☞✬✲✾✫❬
✛ ✘✖✞ ✂
✱ ❱✖☎✍ ✑✭✌✲■✝▲✂❏✪❑✲■
✸ ✏✄✓✞●
✴ ✽❄❀ ✏✛❖✲✍✞❄✷ ❏❃❋❊✌ ✍☎✗ ☛ ⑨
✴ ❅ ✡✁☎❖ ☎✏ ✍ ❦
✁ ✌ ✍✭✚✂✾ ✑✇✍✏▲✂▼✝▼✂■✡✍ ✒ ❀
✱ ✿ ✱❄t✽ ✗ ❯ ✓✙❈❁◗✂✾ ❂❃✾ ✞❉✘✰✚✓❯ ✟✂✘✖✁❁✓✡✕❞✕☎✞✝✄✡✾ ✓☎❂❄✾ ✞❉✘❁✑✪✁✂✲✘ ✍✪✞❉✑✪✄✄✼✖✁✖✓✔✍✤✛✭✓✝✠✂✾ ✁✙✑●✚✂✟❁✛✭✁✙✑➶✄✡✗ ✁
✕ ✏❄✄☎✞✂✘✝✞✝❈❆✾ ✕❞❂❴✁✡✕☎✍●☛☎✓✡✑❴✾ ✕✡✍✤❱✝✘
❑ ❉✑ ✌
✛✄✁❜✽ ✁●❋❦✎✴ ✲✭❀➾✍●☛✡✠❉✌ ✍✒▲✂▼✝▼✂▲✝✍ ✒ ✽❴✁✰✄☎✞❉❈❁❈➔✁❉✑✪✄☎✁✜❈✰✞✙✘✝✚✂✾ ✓✂✗✖✓✂✟❁▲✤✹❚ ❁❃❂✒❄✒✕✡✾ ❅✝✄✡✗ ✁ ✓❴✍✢❀❴❯❃✂❖ ❀✔✍●☛☎✓✙✑✔✾ ✕☎✍✒■✝◆✂✥
ö ✑✭✌
✘ ✗✌✵✜✓✭✆❞✎✁ ✍✇✾ ✁✝✗ ✚✙✍✏▲✂▼✝▼✂ö✝✔
✍ ✲
✴ ✮❳✦❴✥✠✤
✄ ✱✝✶✖✵ ☛✭✴ ✧➶✴ ✱☎✸❆✱❪✥✡✵✂✴ ✧➶✥✡✦❃✛
☛ ✏✝✲✽ ✁✒✛✡✺✂✍✤✛✤✠✝✌✭✁☎❂ ❖☎✏✡✎✬✲✎✴✹✼✏✕✽ ✲✡ ✍ ✸✤✌ ✍✭✚✂✾ ✑★✌ ✍✒▲✂▼✝▼✂ö✝✍✭✣✒✥✝✖✦ ✗✲✫✪✬t✮✲✗ ✞✒✷ ✶✰✦❴✱ ✘☎✥✖✵✂✵✝❇✱ ✣✭✴ ✥✝✵ ✄✔✕✡✦✔✴ ✄✭✏✩ ☎✕ ✦❴✴ ✚✲✮✖✱✝✍ ✏✡✚✂✾ ❂★✾ ✞✂✘✖✬
✕ ✴✲❂❄✲✠ ✼✝✘✝✓✙✍✏❋●✞✙✘❳❂★✖✑ ✼✝✓✂✗ ✍
✑ ✌
☛✒✎●❏ ✁✡ ❖✎✴ ✲t❅✢☛ ✁✿❖✝✡❉✍✏▲✂▼✝✗▼ ✝✱ ✍✎❈★❉✲❊●❋❍❈❏■✷❑▼▲ ◆✒❑✖▲ ❖❃P❘◗✷❙✒❚✄❯❲❱❳■✒❑❨◆❬❩ ❚✄❭✹❖❃❯❘❪✲❫✲❫✒✝❴ ✍
✠❳❂✇❂✔✑✾✽ ❲✔❲❄✁✖✄✡✌ ✁❉✟✝✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✓✂✌ ✁✂✟❳❲✔❂➾✁✂✘✖❲✔❂★✑✪✓✂✘✖✎✕ ✑✖✞✙✑✪❂✪❲ ✑✡✑✔✞ ✔✁✡✄❞❂✇✕❞❲❄✚✝✞✝✄❞❲✿▲✝▼✂✎▼ ✱✷❵✝❂❴✁✙✷✘ ❵✝❂✖❵✖✍✇✑❃✌ ✑✝✚✝✍
☛✤❀❴✽✖✽ ✴✹❖✞☛✒✍✡☛✒✌ ✍●❚✛✘✝ö✂◆✝✍❛✴ ✘☎✥✝✵✝✥✝✹❘✴ ✘ ✒●✱✒✮✖✱✝✷ ✥ ✄✭✹❁✱✝✵✂✧✒✥✷✳✒✧♥✩✝✱❁✣✒✥☎✦❴✧✪✩ ✔⑨✧➶✷ ✶✡✵✂✧✪✴ ✘✎☛✭✥✝✹❁✹❆✮✝✵✝✴ ✧ ✁✂✁✍ ✼✏❅✎✴✒✍●☛❄✑✔✁✂✘✿❂❃✾ ✄☎✁✝❏✄✲✸ ✓✝✗ ✗
❯❄✓✂✗ ✟✝✚✂✾
✂✁☎✄✝✆☎✞✂✟☎✄✡✠✝✁☞☛☎✌ ✍✏✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✜✛✢✌ ✍✤✣✤✥✖✦★✧✪✩✂✫✔✬✭✥✙✮✂✧✪✩✰✯✲✱✖✳✲✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✺✼✍✏✽✿✾ ✘✝✄☎✞✂✗ ✘❁❀✔✘✡✕❃❂❄✾ ❂❄✟✖❂✔✁❆❅❇✁❉❈❁✾ ✘✝✓✝✑❊✌ ✍✏❋●✓✡❍✜■✝❏✔❑✜▲✂▼✝▼✂◆❖✽✿✟✖P✝✁✂❈❘◗✝✞✂✟✝✑✪❙
✏✙❅✢☛ ✁ ✲✼■✝✌ ❑✤✌➾❚❞✍❬▲✝▼✂▼✝◆✝✍ ✙✏ ✟✝✑✔✞✝✑✡✁➛✾ ✘➣❂★✠✝✁✌✵✜✞✡✑❴✗ ✚ ➈❯☎✾ ✘✖✓❉✗✡❖✝✁✄✖✑ ✞❉✑➶❂➾✍✬✷✔✓❉✘❇✌⑨▲✝▼✂▼✝◆✂✍●✛✭✞✝✞✂✑♥✚✲✾ ✘✝✓✖❂✔✁✡✚②◗✝❍Ý✛✢✌❀✤
☛ ✾ ✚✝✁❉✗ ✞✂✘ ✗✼✛✏✌✒✎✒✑✔✓✖✕✡✗ ✓✙✘✝✚✂✍
✌ ✌ ✁✡✕✎✑✖✞✂✘✝✌ ✁❉✟
✓✝☛✝✓✙✾ ✗ ✓✂◗✂✗ ✁❁✓☎❂ ✠☎❂✪❂✪✑✡✽ ❲❴✕❲ ✌☞✌ ④
❏❯ ✴⑨❋✽ ✼✿t☛ ❀✬✴✹✺✤❯ ✛✔▲✂▼✝▼✗✝✱ ✜❞✌ ✡✂✁✙✑✔✑✔✾ ❂❴✞✝✑❴✾ ✓❉✗✭✄☎✞✂✠✖✁✝✕✡✾ ✞❉✘ ✑✖✞❉✗ ✾ ✄☎❍☞✓✂✘✖✚☞❂❃✠✖✁ ✏✙✟✝✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✁✙✓✂✘➛❈✰✞✝✚✝✁❉✗✢✞✎✍❊✕☎✞✝✄✡✾ ✁☎❂❴❍➛❀✔✘➛❅ ☛✲✓ ☛✙✞✂✟✖✚✲✾☎✗ ✺✼☛☎✓✙✗ ✗ ✓✝❙✝✕❞❂
✛ ☎✏ ✚✝✕✖✌ ✜❴★
✍ ✴ ✏✡❅ ✁❦☛❮✛✭✞✂✘★✇✍ ✁✂✑♥✁✂✘✝✄☎✁❁▲✂▼✝▼✗✱✾✄✽ ✲
✡ ✠✡✁❁✚✝✑✔✁✡✓✂❈ã✞✎✍✤✓✰❙✲✑♥✁✝✓✖❂➾✁✝✑☞✡✏ ✟✂✑✪✞✄✝✑ ✁✙✛ ✑✝✑❇✌⑨❚☎❏❴✝❱ ✜❞✲✌ ✓✒✾ ✁✝✘✂✘✖✹
✓ ✽✎✴☞✡✏ ❅ ✁❊☛✖✌
❏❯ ✴⑨❋✽ ✼✿t☛ ❀✔✡
✍ ✴✹✺✤❯ ✛✔▲✂▼✝▼✂ö✝✜❞✌❊☛✡✗ ✓✂✘✝✘✂✾ ✘✝❙ ✌❊✾ ❂❴✠✝✞✙✟❳❂✟✑✝✓✡✕☎✎✕ ✑✖✞✙✑➶❂ ✽✹✴ ✑✡✑✔✟✞ ✞✔✁☎✄❞❂❘✞✲❪
✍ ✓✙✘✝✚ ✍✪✞✙✑❜❂★✠✝✁➛✁✂✗ ✾ ❂➾✁✖✕ ✱☞❀✔✘ ✡✼☛✿✓✝❍✖✓❉✘✝✍ ✡✠✂✺ ✑❴✟✖✕✄☎▲ ✁ ✌●✕✝✆☎✾ ✍❦❋
✞ ✡✂✓✂◗✂✟✖✁✂✘☎✄☎✓✂✍✏❯❃✷❪✽✿✗ ✁✡✑✔✓☞☛☎✓✡✄✡✠✖✁✝✄☎✞✙✍ ✳
✗ ✲✧✸✭✓❉✫✑ ☛✖✁✙✘
❍ ✛ ✏✡✚✝✕✖✌ ✜✔✍●✽❄✾ ✘✖✁✝✓✝✁ ✡✲✁✝✑✇✑✔✓✝✑✔✟✂❈✌✽✤❀➾✘✖❂✔✁✙✑❴✘✖✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✓❖✂✞✙✑✔✚✝✁✙✑✪✕④✄☎✞✝✘✎✍✪✁✙✑✪✁✂✘☎✄☎✁ ✛✮✑✝✑✭✌
❚✡❏❞❚✡ö✝✜❞✌ ✏✡✗✭☛❄✓✖✕☎✞✙✠
✍ ✂✡ ✁✖P✙✓✝✞
✕ ✽✗✼✒✘✂✾ ☛✝✁✙✑➶✕✡✾ ❂➾❍✰✎✞ ✍✠✡✲✁✖P✙✓✖✕④✓☎❂ ✏✙✗❇☛✿✓✖✕☎✞✂✌✒✠❳❂✇❂✕✡
✑ ✽ ❲❴✕❲ ✌☞✌ ✌④✌ ✑✪✁✡✕☎✁✝✓✙✑✪✄✡✠❇✌ ✟✿❂★✁✄❉✑ ✌ ✁✝✚✂✟✖❲❃☛✲✁✎✍✪✓✙✟✂✗ ❂❞✌ ✓✡✕✎✑✖P✝✱❃❂★✓✂◗✝✾ ✚ ■✝❱✂✗▲ ✝✘ ❑
✎ ❖✎✴✢❅✢✽ ✴ ✲✹☛➛✛✤✌ ✍●▲✂▼✝▼✤❚☎✍ ✥ ✏✡✕❄✕☎✓✂✾✝✚✝✁✜✑✔✎✁ ✑✂✖✑ ✼✖✕☎✁❉✘❳❂✔✓☎❂❄✾ ✞❉✘➣✄☎✓✙✑➶❂➾✞✝❙✂✑✪✓✖✑✝✠✂✾ ❙✲✟✖✁✜✚✝✁✖✕❆✼✂❈❘✾ ✕❞✕✡✾ ✞✝✘✝✕❘✚✖✁Ý✄
✛ ✁✒▲❖✚✝✓❉✘✖✕❘✗ ✁✜❈✰✞✂✘✖✚✂✁✙☛✙✁✝✑✪✕Ý❚✛✘✝❱✗✱✡✽
✑✝✑✔✞✝◗✂✗ ❅❉❈✰✁✖✕❬✄☎✓✝✑♥❂❴✞✖❙❉✑✪✓✄✂✑ ✠✝✾ ❙✂✟✝✁☎✕④✁❳❂❜✁✂✘✄✞✔✁❉✟✖P✙✑✝✞✙✗ ✾ ❂❄✾ ❙✂✟✝✁☎✕✒✥❴★
✍ ✴✒✘✂✘✖✓✂✗ ✁✙✕❪✚✂✁✖✕❘❋❊✾ ✘✝✁✡✕✡✍✭✄☎✞✝✗ ✗ ✌✁❖✏✝✼ ✓✂✗ ✾ ❂▼✖✼ ✕❘✾ ✘✖✚✲✟☎✕❞❂➾✑❴✾ ✁✂✗ ✗ ✁✝✕✿✍❦❚❃✱✘✝✑ ✌
✎✿❖✎✴✢❅✢✽ ✴ ✲✹☛✲✍●✛✢✌ ✍❊✚✂✾ ✑✔✌ ✍❊▲✝▼✂▼✝ö✂✍ ✒ ✏✡✟✙✑✪✞✄✝✑ ✁☞❀➾✘ ✡✲✠✝✁ ✵❁✞✝✑❴✗ ✚ ✓✇✍❀✏
✼ ❋❊✳
❅ ❖✲✾ ✓✖❂➾✁✝✍●✑✔✓ ✑✝✑✝✞✝✑♥❂ ✑✝✞✙✟✝✑④✗ ✁ ✑✝✑✪✞✝❙✙✑✔✓✂❈✰❈❘✁ ✏✙❅✢☛ ✁✬✲⑦■❇✌ ❑✭✌✇❚✝✌✤✚✂✁☞✗ ✓
✎ ❖✝✁✝❙✂✾ ✞ ✛❴✛✭✞✂❈✰❈❆✾ ✕☎✕✡✾ ✞✂✘✰✁❉✟✝✑✔✞✄✷✑ ✼✝✁✙✘✂✘✖✄✁ ✔✜ ✍●☛❞✓✙✑❴✾ ✕✿✍❦✛❚ ✱✝▼✘✝✑ ✌
✎✿❖✎✴✢❅✢✽ ✴ ✲✹☛✼✛✤✌ ✍❪▲✂▼✝▼✂◆✝✍ ✜✎✒✗ ✞✂◗✖✓✂✗✤✄✡✾ ❂★❍➛✑✔✁ ☛❉✾ ✕✡✾ ❂★✁✝✚②◗✝❍ ✡✲✞✝◗✂✗ ✁✙✑ ❯ ✕✘✇✍ ✾ ✑✔✕❃❂❆✗ ✓ ✌ã✞✎✍❪❙✝✁✙✞✝❙✝✑✔✓ ✑✂✠✖❍ ✂✍④☛☎✝✓ ✑✝✁✙✑ ✑✝✑✔✁☎✕☎✁✂✘❳❂➾✁✝✚②✓❳❂❬❂❄✠✖✁✼❚✛✱
✏✙✟✝✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✁✙✓✂✘✰✛✭✞❉✗ ✗ ✞✎❙✂✟✂✾ ✟✂❈ã✞✂✘ ✡t✠✖✁✙✞✝✑✪✁☎❂❄✾ ✄☎✓❉✗✖✓✂✘✝✚ ⑨✟✖✓✂✘✖❂❴✾ ❂❴✓❞❂❄✾ ☛✖✁➣✎✢✁✡✞✝❙✲✑✪✓✄✝✑ ✠✝❍✙✍✤❅❇✁ ✑❳❂❄✌✤◆✝❏☎❚✝❚✡✍✒▲✝▼✂▼✝◆✝✍✏❋⑨✞✂✘✿❂❃✑✪✁✂✟✖P✙✍✤✠
❅ ❊
✌ ✾ ✙❂ ▲☎✁✝✑❴✗ ✓❉✘✖✚
✎✿❖✎✴ ✡✎✴●✽ ✁✹✼❜☛✿✍✤✛✏✌ ✍✤▲✂▼✝▼✂ö✝✍ ☛✒✾ ✄❃❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✓✡✑✔❍❁✞✲✍✒✎●✗ ✞✝◗✝✓✙✗ ✾ ✕☎✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✄✘ ✔✓ ✍✠✞✠✞
✟✞ ✠
☞☛✍✌✏✎☞✑✓✒ ✔✖✕✘✗✓✙
✸★✴ ✡☎✏✂❋⑨✍✏❯✖✌ ✍✒▲✝▼✂▼✝◗
◆ ✽ ✒ ❖
✄ ✽❄✁✖✕④❙✙✑✔✓✂✘✖✚✂✁☎✕❪❂✔✁❉✘✖✚✝✓✂✘✖✄☎✁✡✕④✚✝✁✡✕❘✾ ✘ ☛✖✁✙✕❃❂❄✾ ✕☎✕☎✁✂❈✰✁✙✘❳❂❴✕❘✾ ✘☎❂❴✁✡✑❴✘✖✓❳❂❃✾ ✞✂✘✝✓✝✟✝P➳✁✂✘ ✡✏ ✟✝✑✪✖✞ ✑✖✁◗✽t✟✝✘✖✁❘✓✂✘✝✓✝✗ ❍✡✕☎✁✛✚
✑✝✓✝✑ ❂❄✾ ✑✢✚✂✁✡✕❘◗✖✓✡✕☎✁✖✕④✚✝✁❘✚✂✞✝✘✂✷✘ ✼✙✁✝✕✬✴✒❯☎❀✇☞
❀ ✝✑ ✞✝✟✙✑●✗ ✓✘✷✑ ✼✙✑✔✾ ✞✝✚✝✁✜▲✝▼✂▼✝▲✂❏✔▲✂▼✝▼✂ö✢✜✣✆✖✍✫✡✽ ✱✖✸❮✵✝✥✂✧✪✱☎✸ ✡✝✷ ✱✙✮✝✱✖✸ ✗✝✱ ✆✤✡✱ ✦✘✤✂✂✁ ✍✏✦✘ ✥✖■✝▲✝❑✙✍❜☛✿✓✂✑✔✾ ✕✡✌
✸✓✼✿✄✲ ✲✡ ❀❏✲t✎✠✡ ✁✬✲t✍❁❅✭✌ ✍☞❚✛✘✎✂✘ ö✝✍ ✝✩✝✱ ☛❇✷ ✶✡✸✡✩⑥✒✥ ✳✕❇☛ ✴ ✮✡✴ ✷ ✴ ✧✡✶✝✧✇✴ ✥✝✵✝✸⑧✶✙✲✵ ✗è✧✪✩✝✱✼✯✭✱✡✹❁✶✲✺✡✴ ✵✖✳➳✥✄✳✩④
★ ✥✖✦❴✷ ✗ ✍✢✻✦ ✡✗ ✱✝✦❴✍ ✲✭✁ ✌ ✧✲✞✙✑❞✆☎✍❘❅✤✾ ❈✰✞✙✘ ✗
✺ ✏✎✲✓✵ ✁ ✁✬☛t✍✬✴✒✌♥✎●✌ ✍ ✗❶✽ ✁✹✤✼ ✬
✎ ✸ ✏✝✏✗✤
☛ ✬
✍ ✴✒✌✇✽☎✌ ✍❁❚❃✘✂✎❱ ✘✝✍ ✝✩✖✱ ✩✤✦✔✥✫⑨
✸ ✧➶✩⑦✥✲✳④✧♥✩✖✱☞✙❴✵✙✧✪✱✡✦✔✵✂✶✂✧➶✴ ✥✡✵✂✶✝✷ ✴ ✘☎✥✝✵✝✥✝✗
✹ ✁
✵✜✞✝✑✪✄☎✁✡✕❃❂★✁✝✑✇✍✁✼✏✘✝✌❊✾ ✘✙✗✳✸✂❍✂❈④✓✂✘
✼ ✎✏❋✡✴ ✲✲ ✍Ù☛✝✌ ✍ ✛✔▲✂▼✝▼✝✄❑ ❴✜ ✍ ✡t✠✖✁ ✘✖✁✝✌ ✁✝✄☎✞✝✘✝✞✙❈❁✾ ✄ã❙✂✁✡✞✝❙✂✑✪✓✖✑✝✠✖❍✡✽ ✌❊✠✝✁✙✑✪✁➷✓✝✑✔✁ ✌❊✟
✁ ✱☎✍ ☛✒✾ ✕❞✡✄ ✟✡✕☎✕✡✾ ✞✂✘
✫✪✍✬✮✭✝✫✝✫✯ ✯✢✪✰✭✂✍✰✽❴✞✂✘✝✚✝✞✂✘
☛✿✓✄✖✑ ✁✙✑ ✑✝✑✪✁✡✕☎✁✂✘❞❂❴✁✝✚ ❳✓ ❂
✖✮ ✹ ❨✩✏✷ ✥ ✡✝✶✝✷ ✴ ✡✶✙✧✪✴ ✥✝✵✜✶✝✵✲✗❆✯✤✱✖✳✂✴ ✥✖✵✂✶✡✏
✷ ✙➾✵✂✧✪✱☎✳✂✦❴✶✡✧✪✴ ✥✖✵✭♥✳ ✦✔✥✙✹➷✧➶✩✂✱❏✖✮ ✴ ✱✎✸ ✄✭✥✙✴ ✵✂✧●✥✄✳✏✬ ✤
✄ ✶✝✧♥✴ ✶✝✷✲✴✑☎
✘ ✥✖✵✂✥✡✹❁✴ ✘❞☞
✸ ✥✏❀✄☛ ✏✙❏
✑ ✽ ❲✔❲✔✌ ✌☞❪
✌ ✌ ✾ ✚✂✁❇✌ ❙✝✞✂✌ ✞ ✑❳✎❲ ✏✡✘✝❙✂✗ ✾ ✕✡✠✖❲❴❀❴✘✖❂✇✁✂✑✪❲❄❅✝❍✂✙
❈ ✑✖✞✡❲✔✑✝✚✝✍ ❲✡✆☎✑✔✟✝✷❙ ❵❉✕✡✟✝❈❁❈✰✓✙✑✔❍❇✌ ✑✖✚✝✍
✷✲✏ ✡✁❖ ✁✒✍✏▲✝ö✂❏❞❚✂❚☎❏❴▲✝▼✲▼✖❑✲✍ ✠❳❂✇❂✔✾
✙❴✵✂✧♥✱✖✦❴✵✝✶❉✧✪✴ ✥✝✵✝✶✙✷✝✑
✬ ❇
✁ ✹✎✄✭✥✖✸✡✴
❋ ✴✢✾
❅ ✸✎✴✫✧ ✏✛✺✁✸✭❀➾✍●❋❦✌t✁❳❂ ✗Ï❀ ✡✂✁✏✠
✍ ✤
✡ ✌ ✍✤✚✂✾ ✑★✌ ✍⑨▲✝▼✂✎▼ ✱✂✍ ✱❮✮✖✷ ✧➶✴ ✷ ✶✙✧✪✱✡✦✔✶✝✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✻✶✙✵✲✗✜✯✭✱✖✳✂✴ ✥✡✵✂✶✝✷ ✴ ✸✡✹✙✵ ✝✩✝✱❁✣✒✱✎✸ ✙✔✵❉✧✪✱☎✦ ✳✇✶ ✘☎✱ ✂✍✏✛✤✘✝✟✡✄☎✁✝✚✝✍❊✛❚ ✘✝▲
❋●❀➾✛✡✸✎✴❊✲✽ ✏ ✡t✍✤✛✤❏ ✴⑨✌ ✍✏▲✂▼✝▼✝❑✙✍ ⑨✎
✮ ✤ ✱❳✸✙✧✇✫ ✘☎✱❆✚✂✮✝✱❁✷ ✶❁✹❘✥✝✵✏✝✗ ✴ ✶✖✷ ✴ ✸✡✶✙✧✪✴ ✥✙✵ ❪✽❞✓ ☛✔✼☎✄☎✞✂✝✟ ☛✖✁✙✑➶❂➾✁✝✍●☛☎✞✡✄✡✠✖✁✂✍✭✄☎✞✙✗ ✗ ✌☎✏☎✕☎✕☎✓✂✾ ✕✡✍✏☛☎✓✂✑✔✾ ✕☎✍✒▲✭❚✡▲✙✑❇✌
☛ ❦
✁ ✽☎✽ ✴✹❖✁☛✤✍Ý❅t✌ ✍②❚✛✘✎✤
✘ ❚☎✺
✍ ✹✖✱✙☎✶ ✘❞✒✱ ✳✇✮✝✷ ☛✭✥✡✏✵ ✂✚ ✮✝✱❳✸❳✧✩✻ ✖✩✂✱ ✙➾✏✵ ✂✗ ✮❳✸✡✧✇✦✔✴ ✶✝✷ ✴ ✧✡✶✡✧✪✴ ✥✖✵➳✥✒✳❳✴✲✮✖✦❴✥ ✄✲✱ ✯✫✼✰✽✢✭✂✹✫ ✯✰✯✢✼✰✝✭ ✍✧✸✭✞❉✘✖❙ ✂
✺ ✞✂✘✝❙✂✍ ✁✒P ✍✇✞✡✑✔✚
✼✤✘✂✾ ☛✝✁✙✑✪✕✡✾ ❂❴❍✜☛☎✑✔✁✡✕❞✕
☛ ❖ ✁❀✤
☛ ❀P✭❖ ✌⑨▲✂▼✝▼✂▲✝✍ ✓ ✴✠Ý
✵ ✾ ✚✂✁✡✑✥✙✏ ✟✝✑✪✞✄✖✑ ✁ ❏✬✴⑥☛✿✑✔✞✖P❉✾ ❈❁✾ ❂✇❍⑧☛❞✞❉✗ ✾ ✄☎❍❖✓✙✕✰❂➾✠✝✁Ï✆✿✁✝❍❁❂❴✞✜✕❃❂❴✓✙◗✂✾ ✗ ✾ ❂✔❍✖✔✓ ✍✾✖✹ ✱✙☎✶ ✘☎✱✻④
✛ ✬✭✱ ✘✡✮✖✦❴✴ ✧ ✁ ✔✏✲
✵ ✗Ý✬✤✧♥✶☎✡✂✴ ✷ ✴ ✧ ✁✿✻
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SPEECH/02/619 - Romano Prodi- President of the European Commission A Wider Europe - A Proximity Policy as the key
to stability - “Peace, Security And Stability – International Dialogue and the Role of the EU”- Sixth ECSA-World
Conference. Jean Monnet Project. - Brussels, 5-6 December 2002
Ladies and gentlemen,
Changing times impose greater responsibilities, and the responsibilities of the European Union at this time could not be
weightier. We are striving to keep pace with a world in flux that is opening up new opportunities but also throwing up new
The political map of the European continent will be redrawn in less than two years. Next week, at Copenhagen, we shall take a
historic step and invite up to ten new members to join our Union. This decision will give Europe a new dimension and impose on
us new responsibilities.
This sixth World Conference of the European Community Studies Association has given us an opportunity to discuss in depth
peace, security and stability-related issues. All the participants here are aware of the great responsibility represented by the half
a billion people who will be living in the EU after 2007.
These 500 million people will not settle for less security than the citizens of the present Union of Fifteen. They want the same
protection against organised crime and international terrorism as present members. And they want the benefits that led them to
choose the EU as their political haven: stability, prosperity, solidarity, democracy and freedom.
If we are to keep pace with this changing world and shoulder our growing global responsibilities, we, as the Union, have to take
the necessary measures. If we want to satisfy the rising expectations and hopes of countries abroad and the peoples of Europe,
we have to become a real global player. We are only beginning to act as one.
The Balkans, Afghanistan and the Middle East are only three examples of the challenges facing the world community. The EU
has to play its part in dealing with them.
The EU's foreign policy must be brought up to speed. It must be expressed with one voice and vested with the necessary
instruments. There is no other way to guarantee our security in the long term.
The Commission has just presented its second communication to the Convention. We made detailed proposals for reform of EU
structures to make sure that they continue to work properly. And we also pleaded for a strong Commission, which, as guardian
of the community interest, will strengthen the Union.
The Community method will be valuable in the field of foreign relations too.
The EU has much to do yet if it wants to make an effective contribution to international security.
Let me now deal in more detail with the central item on this conference's agenda: stability. Lasting and sustainable stability in
the European region, has been the crowning achievement of the European Union. This is what we do best, if I may say so.
We are projecting stability beyond the borders of the current candidate countries, which are already sharing in our prosperity.
We should recognise that this success creates legitimate expectations in the EU’s future neighbours which, in turn, wish to reap
benefits from the current enlargement.
Is our present neighbourhood policy well-defined enough to meet the challenges thrown up by enlargement? I want to focus on
this issue because I think we have not yet got to grips with the underlying problem. Today I am going to talk about the need for a
new political perspective on relations with our southern and eastern neighbours. My aim is giving them incentives, injecting a
new dynamic in existing processes and developing an open and evolving partnership. This is what we call our proximity policy, a
policy based on mutual benefits and obligations, which is a substantial contribution by the EU to global governance.
Let me reiterate. The current enlargement is the greatest contribution to sustainable stability and security on the European
continent that the EU ever made. It is one of the most successful and impressive political transformations of the twentieth
century. And all this has been achieved in a less than a decade.
This achievement is the fruit of a decision taken by the EU in 1993 and the consistent efforts of the Union and the candidate
countries ever since. The initial decision gave these countries hope for the future.
By holding up the goal of membership we enabled these governments to implement the necessary reforms. Only this prospect
sustained the reformers in their efforts to overcome nationalist and other resistance and fears of change and modernisation.
Such hope is a strange thing. It has much in common with the trust people have in you. It determines how you look at people or
events. How does a country envision its future when it is lacking direction or confidence? Hope gives direction and so inspires
confidence. But the future must be attractive to inspire hope.
The EU looks certain to remain a pole of attraction for its neighbours. For many of the countries in our future "backyard" the EU
is the only prospect. Many of these countries have already received a formal undertaking from the Union.
The integration of the Balkans into the European Union will complete the unification of the continent, and we have held out this
prospect to them. Although there is still a long way to go, the Balkans belong to Europe. The process of integrating them will
create a sort of bridge between enlargement and neighbourhood policy.
Each enlargement brings us new neighbours. In the past many of these neighbours ended up becoming candidates for
accession themselves.
I do not deny that this process has worked very well. But we cannot go on enlarging forever. W e cannot water down the
European political project and turn the European Union into just a free trade area on a continental scale.
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We need a debate in Europe to decide where the limits of Europe lie and prevent these limits being determined by others. We
also have to admit that currently we could not convince our citizens of the need to extend the EU’s borders still further east.
It is a question of responsibility: We have to develop a blueprint for future action to deal with a problem stemming directly from
the success of enlargement.
What have we to offer our new neighbours? What prospects can we hold out to them? Where does Europe end? These are the
questions we have to answer. The European public is calling for such a debate. I know: This debate will heat up after the
accession of new members. Therefore it is our duty to start finding some answers.
I want to be perfectly clear on this point: Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union provides that any European State which
respects the fundamental principles of the Union can apply for membership.
So whatever our proximity policy is or will be, no European state that complies with the Copenhagen criteria we established in
1993 will be denied this prospect.
But to clear up any doubt, let me also say this. Holding out such a prospect to a country does not mean promising this country
that it will definitely join.
Accession is not the only game in town. Remember that enlargement does not benefit only present and future members. Future
neighbours will benefit too.
Being a neighbour of the EU means better market opportunities in a more stable economic and political environment. In many
cases, for instance, future trade tariffs will be lower than the existing ones for the candidate countries.
But enlargement will also create new challenges for our neighbours. Repositioning existing markets may well pose problems.
We need to find solutions that will allow us to share the advantages of enlargement with our neighbours. This calls for a
comprehensive approach to our neighbours.
The geographical scope of this approach is our neighbourhood in the literal sense of the word, our backyard. It includes our
future eastern neighbours and the whole Mediterranean area, as I recently explained in Louvain when I spoke on “Europe and
the Mediterranean -- time for action."
I want to see a “ring of friends” surrounding the Union and its closest European neighbours, from Morocco to Russia and the
Black Sea.
This encircling band of friendly countries will be diverse. The quality of our relations with them will largely depend on their
performance and the political will on either side. Of course, geography will play a role too.
It is the Commission’s responsibility to come up with a way of improving relations with all these countries.
Let me try to explain what model we should follow. I admit that many of the elements which come to my mind are taken from the
enlargement process. What struck me about that process is that just the prospect of accession has brought benefits to the
central and eastern European countries.
You can improve the climate for direct investment without being a member of the EU. You can align your legislation on the EU's
without being a member. You can have limited or even unlimited access top the internal market without being a member. You
can tighten budget controls and boost economic growth without being a member.
But--and this is an important but--these benefits can only be obtained if and when the process is well structured, when the goals
are well defined and the framework is legally and politically binding. And only if the two sides are clear about the mutual
advantages and the mutual obligations.
The goal of accession is certainly the most powerful stimulus for reform we can think of. But why should a less ambitious goal
not have some effect? A substantive and workable concept of proximity would have a positive effect.
The existing and well functioning instruments of the EU’s policy for its neighbours are the foundations for any new approach. We
should be able to combine this proposal with the variety of existing partnership, cooperation, association and stabilisation
agreements. But we must also better exploit their potential and build on this basis.
Let me concentrate on the question of what political perspective would best extend the area of stability without immediate
enlargement of the Union.
We have to be prepared to offer more than partnership and less than membership, without precluding the latter. So what would
a proximity policy do for our old and new neighbours look like?
It must be attractive. It must unlock new prospects and create an open and dynamic framework. If you embark on
fundamental transformations of your country's society and economy, you want to know what the rewards will be.
• It must motivate our partners to cooperate more closely with the EU. The closer this cooperation, the better it will be for the
EU and its neighbours in terms of stability, security and prosperity, and the greater the mutual benefits will be.
• It must be dynamic and process-oriented. It should therefore be based on a structured, step-by-step approach. Progress is
possible only on the basis of mutual obligations and the ability of each partner to carry out its commitments.
• We need to set benchmarks to measure what we expect our neighbours to do in order to advance from one stage to
another. We might even consider some kind of “Copenhagen proximity criteria”. Progress cannot be made unless the
countries concerned take adequate measures to adopt the relevant acquis. The benefits would be directly felt. As would
absence of any progress.
• A proximity policy would not start with the promise of membership and it would not exclude eventual membership.
This would do away with the problem of having to say “yes” or “no” to a country applying for membership at too early a
I can imagine what might be the first question that comes to your mind. What is attractive about such an offer? Where’s the
beef? The answer is simple. But to make it work will take time and effort.
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On other occasions I have already referred to this concept, which I described as ”sharing everything with the Union but
institutions”. The aim is to extend to this neighbouring region a set of principles, values and standards which define the very
essence of the European Union.
The centrepiece of this proposal is a common market embracing the EU and its partners: it would offer a single market, free
trade, open investment regime, approximation of legislation, interconnection of networks and the use of the euro as a reserve
and reference currency in our bilateral transactions.
As the Union is more than a common market there are other dimensions to be included, too:
If we have common goals, we must also be ready to deal with common threats, such as crime, terrorism, illegal migration
and environmental challenges.
We must act together to put an end to the regional conflicts on our continent.
We have to make sure that our common border is not a barrier to cultural exchanges or regional cooperation in the period
when there cannot be completely free movement of people and labour.
Let me come back to the question as to whether we need new instruments or structures to create this new political impetus. I
am normally cautious about setting up new structures if your aims can be achieved with existing ones.
The idea of “sharing everything but institutions” itself applies to existing EU institutions. But this does not exclude the possibility
of developing a new structures with our neighbours at a later stage, if necessary.
I am thinking of innovative concepts such as institutions co-owned by the partners: The Euro-Mediterranean Bank and the
Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures and Civilisations might be cited as examples here; both were conceived as tools to
strengthen an existing process, not as an alternative to it.
I would also like to launch a new political dialogue on the basis of “shared principles and values”, making full use of all the
potential offered by our common external policies.
Consider, for instance, policies on the environment, transport, research, education and culture, to mention but a few. New forms
of assistance and cooperation based on the social cohesion model. Or new joint measures to tackle problems we all have at our
Let me try to explain how the concept of sharing everything but institutions should be understood: The example I have in mind is
the proposal I made to Russia:
A Common European Economic Space could provide a framework in which we could ultimately share everything but
institutions. Though it will obviously not be built in a day. Clearly each partner would need to consider whether they are ready
and able to adopt our standards and legislative models. However, this is only a first attempt to build something new that we can
share with our neighbours to our mutual benefit.
A European-Russian High Level Group is exploring the possible building blocks of such a Common Economic Space:
standards, customs, financial services, transport, industry and telecommunications are just a few.
And we can point to an example of a working economic area which has all this, and more.
The European Economic Area, based on the EEA Agreement, brings together the EFTA countries and the European Union
under a single roof: We share one single market, which is governed by the same acquis communautaire. The single market
entails all four freedoms: the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital. If a country has reached this level, it has
come as close to the EU as it is possible to be without being a member.
I know this might take a long time for many countries. But it would help them to carry out the necessary reforms and take the
right measures because they would have an objective to aim at. And it would clearly bring mutual benefits, and consequently
mutual incentives, to both the Union and its neighbours.
The EEA model does not presuppose accession as a pre-requisite. But, as history shows, being member of the EEA does not
exclude membership of the EU at a later date. To me this seems very attractive.
Of course, the situation of countries like Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus differs completely from that of Norway, say.
Nevertheless, we should be prepared to offer them a reasonable degree of proximity that does predetermine the question of
future membership in advance. Indeed, because their situation is very different and because much more time will be needed to
reach a certain stage, it is worth seeing what we could learn from the way the EEA was set up and then using this experience as
a model for integrated relations with our neighbours.
I feel that we need more time to develop this concept. We identified relations with our neighbours as a strategic objective of this
Commission in February 2000. The job of the Commission is to seize this opportunity to find a comprehensive solution to the
question of the Union’s relations with its neighbours.
That is what I meant by “sharing everything but institutions.”
In this wider Europe we cannot confine our action to ad hoc, bilateral initiatives. W e cannot simply ignore what is happening
beyond our borders. Neither can we solve problems with our new neighbours simply by letting them join the Union.
We are tolerant and open to dialogue, to coexistence and to cooperation. W e have to assume our role as a global player. The
development of a substantive proximity policy should be one of the first steps.
We need to institute a new and inclusive regional approach that would help keep and promote peace and foster stability and
security throughout the continent, ultimately promoting the emergence of better global governance.
Thank you for your attention.
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SPEECH/05/413 - José Manuel Barroso- President of the European Commission - "From Schuman to Sirte : a tale of
two unions" - Opening session of the African Union Assembly - Sirte, Libya, 4 July 2005
Your Excellency, your excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
É para mim um grande privilégio participar na sessão de abertura desta Assembleia da União Africana. É com
muito gosto
que estou de volta ao vosso continente pela segunda vez no espaço de uma semana, já que acabo de visitar a
África do Sul, Moçambique e a República Democrática do Congo.
Let me start with an affirmation about the organisation of a continent.
The contribution which an organized and living Africa can bring to civilization is indispensable to the maintenance
of peaceful relations…Africa will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through
concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity.
If this sounds vaguely familiar to you, you shouldn’t be surprised. Replace ‘Africa’ with ‘Europe’, and you have the
famous Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950. This set in motion an unprecedented period of integration and cooperation which has delivered 50 years of peace and prosperity on my continent.
I believe what worked for Europe can work for Africa too. Six years ago, here in Sirte, Africa also picked the path
of political, economic and cultural integration and co-operation. The African Union and NEPAD gave the continent
a new vision, a mission and a strategy. The dynamic and bold performance of the African Union in Sudan or Ivory
Coast has impressed the world. The African Peer Review Mechanism is proving to be both a just and effective
tool for the self-monitoring of Africans by Africans.
Today Africa looks into the future with more confidence and optimism than ever before. Because it has endowed
itself with a mission and a vision that will guide it into a more peaceful, safe, and prosperous 21st century.
Because there is a new leadership, committed to integration, democracy and development. Because united,
Africa stands stronger.
Is it unrealistic to draw parallels between Europe’s experience and Africa’s potential? I don’t think so. Let’s not
forget the scale of the problem in Europe in the years running up to the Schuman Declaration. Sixty or seventy
years ago, battles were being fought across the continent which killed millions of Europeans. Attempted genocide
lead to the horrors of the Holocaust, a mass murder of Europeans by Europeans.
Turn the clock forward. Thirty-five years ago, dictatorships were still ruling many European countries, including my
own. Just over thirty years ago I did not yet have the right to vote in free and fair elections. And it wasn’t until 15
years ago that countries in Central and Eastern Europe recovered their freedom. Yesterday was the tenth
anniversary of the massacres of Srebrenica. . So when I say the path of regional integration has brought us
peace, stability and prosperity, I am not talking about ancient history.
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Regional integration has transformed - is transforming - the face of both Africa and Europe. But it has also altered
our relationship. Today, we can, we must, do more to put in place a new and solid political partnership between
an enlarged Europe and a re-emerging Africa. Today, in this city which has come to symbolize the ideal of African
unity, I call on you to elaborate with your European partners on the other side of the Mediterranean an ambitious
Euro-Africa Pact.
A Pact that should reassess the principles and values that govern our relationship. Equality, true ownership and
dialogue should replace guilt or charity as the determining features of our partnership.
It is not by chance that I mention equality first. The emergence of the African Union and the consolidation of
European integration represent a unique opportunity to break with neo-colonial and paternalist reflexes and look
forward with a relationship which reflects the true spirit and potential of Europeans or Africans.
Europe has much more to offer than development assistance. Europe has a unique track record of integration, of
dialogue, and of building supra-national political institutions, even if progress is sometimes slow and never easy.
In addition to equality, this pact between Europe and Africa also needs to be informed by true ownership. We say
the word ‘ownership’ so often that it has turned into a bureaucratic term emptied of its original meaning. So let me
say what I mean by ownership; ownership means the acknowledgement that each person, society, country or
group of countries has the right, and the duty, to take command of its own destiny.
This means for example that Africa has the duty to assume responsibility for tackling its own conflicts, as it is now
doing. As I said earlier, the performance of the African Union in Sudan and Ivory Coast has impressed the world.
The African Union Mission in Sudan has confronted this complex conflict with courage and perseverance. Europe
has responded to your appeal with the same sense of responsibility, and with the ✂✁☎✄✝✆✟✞✡✠ ☛ ☛ ✠ ☞✍✌✏✎✒✑☎✓✕✔✍✑✡✖✗✓☎✔✘✠ ☛ ✠ ✙✛✚✢✜✣☞☎✤
Africa, to give the necessary financial muscle to support your determination.
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The third central pillar of this new pact is dialogue. I strongly believe in the need for permanent political dialogue
with Africa. A frank, but always constructive dialogue, based on respect and mutual interest, characterised by
openness and honesty.
Of course it is not for Europeans to lecture Africa. History creates sensitivities. But the principles of human rights
and good governance are not European exports. They are universal, for Africans, Asians, Europeans. And what is
universal must be defended universally, by all of us here.
Europe can, I hope, help Africans to help themselves. This is the key reason why the growth and early
achievements of the African Union are so encouraging. But setting up institutions is the easy part. You are now at
a critical juncture. The whole world, which has watched your achievements with wonder and admiration, is now
holding its breath, willing you to succeed. The Strategic Framework, prioritised, budgeted and adopted last
December, needs to be implemented. Promises on democracy, good governance and development need to be
followed through.
Permettez-moi de vous donner trois exemples de domaines dans lesquels j’ai le sentiment que l’on pourrait faire
plus si l’Europe et l’Afrique travaillaient ensemble.
Premièrement, la gouvernance. Ces dernières années, l’Afrique s’est résolument engagée dans la voie de la
démocratie. Au cours des cinq dernières années, plus des deux tiers des pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne ont eu
des élections multipartites qui, dans un certain nombre de cas, ont conduit à des changements de gouvernement
démocratiques et pacifiques. Et il y a plus. Avec le mécanisme africain d'évaluation par les pairs, l’Afrique dispose
maintenant d’un instrument unique et innovateur. Vingt-trois pays, représentant 75% de la population de l’Afrique
subsaharienne, y ont maintenant adhéré. La Commission européenne offre son soutien inconditionnel à cet effort,
et elle apportera les moyens financiers nécessaires pour vous aider à mettre en œuvre les recommandations
dudit mécanisme.
Deuxièmement, l’interconnexion. Il ne peut y avoir d’intégration économique sans interconnexion physique. Il
faut une approche plus ambitieuse et à plus long terme : il faut un solide partenariat euro-africain pour les
infrastructures. Je puis donc vous annoncer aujourd’hui que la Commission européenne proposera la création
d’un plan pluriannuel complet pour les infrastructures en Afrique. Nous en parlerons avec l’Union africaine et
d’autres organisations subrégionales pour définir leurs préférences. Mais il sera fondé sur des réseaux transafricains ambitieux. Il devrait couvrir les routes, les chemins de fer, les aéroports, l’énergie et l’eau ainsi que les
technologies de l’information et des communications. Il s’agit là d’un partenariat qui peut donner un élan décisif à
l’Afrique et à son intégration; qui peut aider ses économies à combler leur retard en ce début du 21e siècle.
Troisièmement, le commerce. La part de l’Afrique subsaharienne dans le commerce mondial a connu un déclin
constant. De 6 pour cent en 1980, elle est tombée à 2 pour cent en 2002. Pour chaque dollar d’aide reçu, la
moitié a été perdue en raison de la détérioration des termes de l’échange. Si l’Afrique subsaharienne pouvait
regagner juste 1 pour cent de plus du commerce mondial, elle gagnerait 70 milliards d’euros de plus en
exportations. Cela représente presque cinq fois ce que la région reçoit en aide étrangère et en allégement de sa
Il y a quelques années seulement, certains pays en développement – en Asie, par exemple – éprouvaient autant
de difficultés que certains des pays les plus pauvres d’Afrique n’en éprouvent aujourd’hui. Ils ont cependant
trouvé le chemin de la croissance et sont aujourd’hui des concurrents efficaces sur le marché mondial. Leurs
populations connaissent un accroissement sans précédent de leur niveau de vie.
L’Afrique, avec la richesse de ses ressources naturelles et humaines, est prête à décoller pour peu qu’elle
bénéficie d’une aide extérieure suffisante. L’Europe est à vos côtés, par le biais d’accès à nos marchés sans
tarifs ni quota, par une notre aide au commerce et par les accords de partenariat économique, qui constituent le
processus commercial le plus ambitieux, le plus vaste et le plus orienté vers le développement jamais négocié
entre le Nord et le Sud. A ce propos, vous pouvez compter sur la disponibilité et l’engagement de la Commission
europeénne pour mettre en œuvre avec les pays concernés un programme ambitieux permettant de créer les
conditions de réussite de ce processus. Les Commissaires responsables pour le Développement et pour le
Commerce travaillent déjà ensemble pour en optimiser les effets.
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Aujourd’hui, 40 pour cent de tous les Africains vivent avec moins d’un dollar par jour. Trois malades qui meurent
du sida sur quatre sont des Africains, souvent des adultes économiquement actifs qu’aucun pays ne peut se
permettre de perdre.
Il ne peut donc y avoir de pacte euro-africain crédible et durable sans accroissement de la solidarité financière
entre nos deux continents.
Aujourd’hui, l’Europe est le plus grand donneur d’aide au monde ; elle fournit 55% de l’ensemble de l’aide au
développement outre-mer.
Mais il en faut encore davantage.
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Et il y a plus. Les dirigeants européens ont accepté il y a quinze jours une proposition de la Commission
européenne visant à permettre à l’Europe de doubler son aide. Ils sont convenus d’un nouvel objectif collectif de
l’UE permettant une majoration annuelle de l’aide de 20 milliards d’euros d’ici 2010 et de 45 milliards d’euros d’ici
2015. En tant qu’Européen, je suis fier de ce résultat et j’y vois un exemple donné au monde. J’irai au G8 à
Gleneagles dans 2 jours et au Sommet des Nations Unies à New York en septembre, afin d’encourager les
autres pays riches du monde à égaler notre initiative.
L’augmentation de l’aide au développement doit aller de pair avec le placement de l’Afrique au premier rang des
priorités. La Commission européenne a fait valoir avec force que l’Afrique mérite une attention toute particulière.
Les dirigeants européens ont décidé d’investir au moins 50 pour cent de cette aide accrue au continent africain.
Pour faire en sorte que les populations de l’Afrique retirent un bénéfice maximum de ce financement
supplémentaire, toutes les mesures prises pour améliorer la cohérence des politiques et la qualité de l’aide
s’appliqueront en priorité à l’Afrique sub-saharienne.
Mesdames et Messieurs,
J’ai dit dès le début de mon mandat que l’Afrique devait être au premier rang des préoccupations de l’actuelle
Commission européenne. Le Commissaire Louis Michel élabore actuellement un ensemble de propositions qui
devront être adoptées en automne. Cette Stratégie de l’Union européenne pour l’Afrique sera globale et à long
terme et devrait aider l’Afrique à atteindre les objectifs de développement du millénaire en 2015 et au-delà. Nous
vous soumettrons ces propositions, en votre qualité de dirigeants de l’Afrique, en tant que cadre de réflexion et de
débat. En fait, l’Union africaine, le NEPAD et les organisations sub-régionales devraient être associés à ce
processus et seront dûment consultés.
À la suite de cette proposition, nos deux continents devraient se rencontrer pour élaborer un nouveau pacte euroafricain. Un pacte capable de canaliser l’énergie positive qui s’exprime actuellement dans toute l’Afrique par des
réalisations politiques concrètes. Un pacte qui puisse mettre à profit notre expérience, un pacte qui fera en sorte
que le partenariat entre l’Afrique et l’Europe, entre le Sud et le Nord, devienne une coalition solide pour un monde
multilatéral plus fort et plus stable.
Cinq ans après le Sommet du Caire, le moment est venu de transformer notre dialogue en action. Nous devons oeuvrer
ensemble pour sortir de l’impasse actuelle et permettre la tenue du Sommet de Lisbonne. Les enjeux sont élevés et un Sommet
de Lisbonne couronné de succès sera un moment de grande valeur symbolique. Un moment où nous confirmerons le
partenariat toujours plus étroit entre nos deux continents – en fait, entre nos deux Unions. Un moment où nous conclurons un
nouvel et ambitieux pacte euro-africain.
L’Afrique et l’Europe sont des continents voisins, qui ne sont éloignés que de quelques kilomètres. Grâce à l’Union africaine,
nous partageons désormais la même certitude d’un devoir commun d’assurer la paix, la sécurité et la prospérité pour nousmêmes et pour autrui.
La longue route vers le développement social, politique et économique durable de l’Afrique est une route que l’Afrique et l’Union
européenne doivent parcourir ensemble. Je me réjouis de penser qu’un jour viendra où tous les Africains commémoreront la
Déclaration de Sirte de 1999 de la même façon que les Européens commémorent la Déclaration Schuman de 1950 – comme le
début d’une transformation qui a converti pauvreté et souffrance en prospérité et fierté, l'espoir en réalité.
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