中文 chinese zh1000ca course and assessment guide ncea level 1 2016 chinese (zh1000) teacher contact details When you first make contact with your teacher, please fill out their details below, for future reference. name: ext: telephone: 0800 65 99 88 alternative telephone number: email address: Private Bag 39992, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045 Please keep your Chinese NCEA Level 1 (ZH1000CA) Course and assessment guide in a safe place so that you can use it to plan your study and to record your assessment results. For future information about courses at this level, please refer to our publications: Student Guide to Years 11–13 and Student Guide to National Certificates. materials in the first pack and the order to return work 1. Read this booklet ZH1000CA carefully for information about the course materials and NCEA assessment requirements. Keep it for reference. Don’t send it back. 2. Start with ZH1000DA and complete the diagnostic test before you do ZH1001. Send it back to your teacher at Te Kura to establish contact as soon as possible. 3. Begin the ZH1001 booklet. Complete and return the work as instructed. Do ZH1002 after you’ve returned ZH1001. Your teacher will mark your work and return it with comments. New work will only be ordered when old work has been completed and returned. Copyright © 2011 Board of Trustees of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, Private Bag 39992, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045, New Zealand. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu. © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n am u contents 1 Welcome to ZH1000 2 Getting started information 3 How to get the best from the course 4 ZH1000 course outline 5 Assessment summary 6 Additional course materials 7 Assessment information 8 ZH1000 suggested timetable 9 My Chinese assessment record (ZH1000) © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u ZH1000CA 1 1 welcome to zh1000 Welcome to the level 1 Chinese (ZH1000) course offered by Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu. aim of zh1000 You will cover up to level 6 of the Chinese curriculum. This course follows level 6 of Learning Languages in the New Zealand Curriculum. You’ll learn to communicate with other Chinese speakers in some everyday situations. You’ll also learn to read and write, using some of the most important and useful characters in the Chinese language. The course prepares you to gain 19 credits towards your National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA). You can gain 9 credits from the internally assessed activities in this course. The rest of the credits come from the external exam, which is organised and assessed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) at the end of each year. 2 ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 2 getting started information how this course is delivered ZH1000 is a print-based course, with course material and supplementary material accessed from the online teaching and learning environment (OTLE). Dual enrolled students are expected to access material from OTLE. Other enrolled students may request printed materials to be posted, accepting there will be a delay between enrolment and receiving the first posting. You will receive an email explaining how to log in to OTLE. This email includes a link to set your password if you have not logged into the OTLE before. You can access OTLE by clicking on www.tekura.school.nz/login. It is recommended that you bookmark this site in your browser. This will take you to a page with links to your courses. Your username and initial password is your Te Kura student ID number. You will be asked to set a new password when you first log in. After that, if you need to reset your password you can click on the ‘Forgot password’ link on the OTLE login page. If you have difficulties logging in, please email helpdesk.otle@tekura.school.nz for students who attend another school (secondary dual students) You will need internet access when you do your Chinese course. You will find your course materials on OTLE. The booklets, reference material and internal assessment tasks are PDF files. You can print out the learning materials and download the audio tracks to work in your own time. On OTLE you will find: •• your booklets and the audio files to work through •• the vocabulary supplement ZH1000A •• internal assessment tasks •• please start with ZH1000DA and send your Chinese teacher an email to establish contact. what to send to your te kura chinese teacher •• The activities you have done in the booklet. Either post the booklet to your teacher or scan the activity pages and email them to your teacher. •• Your spoken recording. Burn a CD or email an audio file to your teacher. © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u ZH1000CA 3 getting started information how to send your work to your te kura teacher posting Please put your full name, the booklet code (for example, ZH1001) on your work. Your supervisor will: •• have one of your ID labels to stick on your work •• use the Te Kura address card on top of your work •• and put them in one of the green plastic bags provided by Te Kura. On the right top corner of the address card, please write your Te Kura teacher’s name to ensure the work is delivered to the right teacher to mark. You can find your teacher’s name and contact details in your course information on OTLE. emailing If you email your work, put your name, your Te Kura ID number and the booklet code in the subject line of your email. organising your study Plan a regular time to study. Some people learn best from frequent short sessions while others do better with fewer, longer sessions. It is important to have a plan or a timetable and to keep to it. There is a suggested planner in the back of this guide for you to plan your programme of study. You may wish to consult with your subject teacher to help you decide on your plan. Getting your study underway is very important. Your first return of work should be two to three weeks after you first received your initial work. If you have any issues returning your work within this time please contact your subject teacher. For more information on how to study successfully, refer to the Student Guide to Years 11–13 (www.tekura.school.nz). te kura codes Your course code is: ZH1000. ZH is the code for Chinese/Zhōngwén and the 1 refers to level 1. ‘ZH’ refers to a booklet that covers a particular learning topic in the ZH1000 course. For example, ZH1001 is the first booklet in this course. ‘Y1’ refers to an internal assessment activity. For example, ZH1008Y1 is an assessment for Achievement Standard AS90869. ‘AS’ is the code for Achievement Standard. ‘A’ refers to a practice assessment. For example, ZH1006A is a practice assessment. 4 ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu getting started information resources you need to get started •• Te Kura booklets, supplements, assessments and audio files. •• A CD player or computer that can play audio files. •• A computer with internet and email access (highly recommended). ways you can record your spoken chinese for your teacher Record on your computer hard drive and either burn a CD to send with your written work or email your recording to your teacher at Te Kura. NZQA no longer accepts cassette tapes, so spoken work for achievement standards must be sent to Te Kura in a digital form, for example, in a .mp3 or .wav format. self-assessment Many assessment activities are self-marked. You’ll find an Answer guide towards the back of each booklet. Refer to this Answer guide to help you mark your own work and make corrections where necessary. Self-marking is very important as it gives you instant feedback on how well you understand the ideas, concepts or information that has been covered. assessment Te Kura students are required to send in their self-marked activities as well as their internal or practice external assessments. Your teacher will go over your work and send it back to you with feedback and feed forward. Internal assessments for this course are: •• ZH1008Y1/AS90869 Chinese 1.2 Spoken presentation – you plan, prepare and practise a spoken presentation and then record it •• ZH1000W/AS90872 Chinese 1.5 Portfolio writing – you write a variety of different types of Chinese texts. The detailed criteria for achievement and unit standards will be given in the relevant booklets. The criteria can also be found by searching the subject and level in the NCEA part of the NZQA website (www.nzqa.govt.nz) and then finding the relevant standard(s). If there are two assessment opportunities for an achievement standard, one is called ‘Y1’, and the other is called ‘Y2’. For example, ZH1008Y1 is one assessment for AS90869, and there is a further assessment opportunity in ZH1008Y2. AS90872 is the portfolio writing achievement standard. You write a number of different texts as you work through your booklets. You then choose at least two pieces of writing for the final grade. There is no further assessment opportunity for this achievement standard. External assessment preparation includes: •• working through your booklets to develop your listening and reading skills •• Te Kura practice examinations. time commitment © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u ZH1000CA 5 getting started information There are 11 booklets in this course. Each one is likely to take about 10 to 12 hours to complete. Before deciding on the pace of learning, read through this Course and assessment guide and ask yourself the following questions: •• How much time can I set aside for study each week? •• Will I be able to keep a steady pace of five hours of study each week? •• Will I be completing externally and internally assessed standards? •• Will I have done enough preparation to sit the external examination in November/December? •• What do I want to do next year? How many credits will I need beforehand to be able to do this? •• Will I need specific external or internal credits as a prerequisite for next year’s study or work? normal pace of learning As a guide, you should expect to do at least five hours work per week. Allow four to five hours a week working through each booklet and one to two hours a week for revision. This level of work will allow you to complete three to four booklets each term so that you can complete the course before the external examinations at the end of the school year. flexible pace of learning If you have less than a year because you started later or need to finish earlier, you can decide the pace at which you work. You could still complete the whole course by devoting more time and effort to it. If you inform your teacher beforehand, they can ensure that you receive the resources you need in time to do this. choosing topics and standards You may wish to do only some topics. For example, you may only want to do internal standards in this course. You need to discuss this with your Chinese teacher at Te Kura. You should consider how well this will meet your learning goals and whether you will be able to gain enough credits to achieve your NCEA. To be awarded NCEA Level 1, you will need to gain a minimum of 80 credits at Level 1 (or above) including the 10 credits for literacy and the 10 credits for numeracy. A list of achievement standards from levels 1, 2 and 3 that count towards Level 1 literacy and numeracy can be accessed from: www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/our-role/legislation/nzqa-rules/secondary-schools-supportinginformation/level-1-literacy-and-numeracy-requirements/ cover sheets There is a cover sheet at the back of the work you send to your teacher. Fill it in and sign it 6 ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu getting started information before sending your work back to Te Kura. In certain circumstances, a supervisor from a school that is supervising your work will also need to sign this sheet as part of Te Kura authenticity requirements. All students are encouraged to submit as much as possible of their work online via the OTLE Dropbox. When work requires authentication, students will follow the instructions provided in OTLE. Note: The NCEA internally assessed standards must be done with your supervisor present. If you are attending a school, this must be a supervisor from your school. queries about your work It is important to contact your teacher at Te Kura if you have any queries about your work. It helps to have your ID number, booklet code (for example, ZH1001) and the activity or question number handy when you contact your teacher. booklets The booklets are yours to keep, so you can be really active about using them – make notes, © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u ZH1000CA 7 3 how to get the best from the course highlight things you want to remember, write corrections to your answers on the page so that you can learn from your mistakes. audio files Listen to the audio files as many times as you want. If you do not understand something the first time you hear it, repeat the track again until you do. All the Chinese you hear is spoken by a Chinese speaker, so the more you listen and use it as a model for practising aloud, the more your brain will absorb and remember – the sounds, the rhythm and the tune of real Chinese language. recording yourself speaking It’s really important that your teacher can listen to you speaking. Here are some ways you could do your recording: •• Record an MP3 file and email it to your teacher. Include your name, ID number and booklet number in the subject line of your email. Or •• Record an MP3 file and burn it onto a CD to send in with your booklet. Write your name, ID number and booklet number on the face of the CD with an indelible pen. The software we recommend our students use for recording audio files can be downloaded free from www.handybits.com/voicemail.htm checking You will check most of your own work in the Answer guide section at the back of the booklet. This gives you immediate feedback so that you can learn from your mistakes. It is important that you check your work carefully. Compare your answers with the model answers. If your answers are different, go back to your booklet and go over the explanations so you know where you went wrong and how to improve. If you are still unsure after doing this, ask your teacher for help. At the end of each booklet, there is a Reference Section. Remove this section before you send the booklet to your teacher for checking. It’s a good idea to file these Reference Sections and use them for revision and to look up anything you may have forgotten. revision When you are speaking or writing a foreign language, you can only use what you can remember, so it’s important to learn as you go and revise frequently – daily, weekly, monthly. 8 ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 4 zh1000 course outline Course Item/ Booklet Title ZH1001 Sports in China and New Zealand ZH1000W Portfolio writing pack ZH1004Y1 ZH1005Y1 ZH1007Y1 ZH1002 Pastimes in China and New Zealand ZH1003 Ages, dates of birth, seasons and weather ZH1004 Festivals, buying clothes ZH1005 Daily routines ZH1006 Getting around, sequencing ZH1006A Practice for Achievement Standard 90869: Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates a personal response ZH1007 Eating and drinking in China ZH1008 ZH1008Y1 Past experience ZH1009 Art and crafts, paper cutting ZH1010 Myths and legends ZH1011 Revision and exam skills © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u Standard Further Assessment Opportunity Achievement Standard 90872: Write a variety of text types in Chinese on areas of most immediate relevance Achievement Standard 90869: Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates a personal response ZH1008Y2 ZH1000CA 9 zh1000 course outline All booklets will also include teaching and practice for external standards. ZH1001–ZH1011 prepare you for these external achievement standards: •• Chinese AS90868 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts relating to areas of most immediate relevance •• Chinese AS90871 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Chinese texts relating to areas of most immediate relevance You will be sent a practice examination in term 3 for the above external standards. 10 ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 5 assessment summary credits offered: 19 Standard Number Standard Title ncea level 1 chinese (zh1000) Type of Assessment Number of Credits Study Material (code) Chinese 1.1 AS90868 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts relating to areas of most immediate relevance External 5 ZH1001–ZH1011 Chinese 1.2 AS90869 Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates a personal response Internal 4 ZH1001–ZH1008 Assessed in ZH1008Y1 or ZH1008Y2 Chinese 1.4 AS90871 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Chinese texts relating to areas of most immediate relevance External 5 ZH1001–ZH1012 Chinese 1.5 AS90872 Write a variety of text types in Chinese on areas of most immediate relevance Internal 5 ZH1001–ZH1009 and ZH1000W Assessed in: ZH1004Y1 ZH1005Y1 ZH1007Y1 © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u ZH1000CA 11 6 additional course materials additional course materials/resources Resource Description ZH1000DA Chinese diagnostic assessment ZH1000CA Course and assessment guide ZH1000A Vocabulary supplement online resources 12 Resource Description Website NCEA website link Link to NCEA information www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/ Link to standards and vocabulary lists www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualificationsstandards/qualifications/ncea/ subjects/chinese Link to previous external exam papers www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualificationsstandards/qualifications/ncea/ subjects/chinese/expired-standards/ TKI website link Link to material for internal assessments and up-to-date NCEA information www.tki.org.nz/m/community/ncea/ Confucius Institute Website Link to online lessons and information about Chinese culture http://www.chinese.cn ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 7 assessment information standards The National Qualifications Framework has two types of national standards: achievement and unit standards. Credits from both achievement and unit standards count towards NCEA. We only offer achievement standards towards NCEA for Chinese. Please refer to our publication Student Guide to National Certificates or Te Kura (www.tekura.school.nz) and NZQA websites (www.nzqa.govt.nz) for more information about NCEA and assessment. internal assessment Some achievement standards are assessed internally. This means that the teachers at Te Kura set and mark your assessments. assessment tasks There are two internally assessed achievement standards in this course. Your speech AS90869 and the writing portfolio AS90872. If you are dually enrolled, you can download the assessment tasks from OTLE anytime. •• AS90869 Chinese 1.2 Spoken presentation ZH1008Y1 is the assessment for the spoken presentation achievement standard. It will be sent to you later in the course. Your spoken presentation needs to be completed with a school’s supervision. It will have to be delivered to Te Kura in a digital format. For audio files, we accept .mp3 or .wav files. If you opt for filming your presentation, the file needs to be Windows Media Player or VLC media player compatible. You can email your digital files to your teacher at Te Kura or burn them onto a CD and send the CD with the rest of your written work. •• AS90872 Chinese 1.5 Writing portfolio The writing assessments are included in your writing portfolio pack (ZH1000W). You will receive the portfolio pack in your first posting. You should complete each booklet with the same code, before you do the corresponding Y1 assessment. For example, you need to do booklet ZH1004 first, before you do the ZH1004Y1 writing task. external assessment External assessment means that someone outside the school marks your work. This external assessment is completed through NZQA examinations at the end of the year. The externally assessed standards are AS90868 listening and AS90871 reading. You will practice for the external standards as you work through your booklets and sit the Te Kura practice examination. te kura practice examinations It is important that you complete the Te Kura practice examinations for any external standards you have entered. If for some reason, such as illness, you are unable to sit the examinations in November, you will only be eligible for consideration for a derived grade (compassionate consideration) if you have completed the practice examinations. © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u ZH1000CA 13 assessment information further assessment opportunities for internal assessments For some standards, you may be able to complete a second assessment called a ‘further assessment opportunity’ to improve your results. The standards this applies to are indicated in the course outline. You should take this opportunity where it is available. resubmissions If you have made a small mistake in your assessment, your teacher may offer you a resubmission. This recognises that you have made an error that you are capable of discovering and correcting by yourself. A resubmission allows you to improve your result. authenticity Authenticity means you can only complete and submit work that is your own. When you submit work to Te Kura, you sign an authentication declaration that the work you are submitting is your own work and was completed under the required assessment conditions. In certain situations, a school supervisor will have to co-sign this declaration to confirm this. When submitting work online via the OTLE Dropbox, if it requires authentication, students must follow the instructions provided in OTLE. derived grades (compassionate consideration) If for any unexpected reason you are not able to sit your end-of-year NZQA examination, you may be eligible for a derived grade. Please refer to the Student Guide to National Certificates and contact your own school as soon as possible to find out more should you feel this is necessary. appeals You have the right to query an assessment result if you want further clarification or if you disagree with the result. If you are still not satisfied, you may appeal. Refer to the Student Guide to National Certificates for more information. You can also appeal any other decisions, procedures or policies about assessments. Contact your teacher at Te Kura if you wish to appeal. More information and a form that you can use to make your appeal is available on the Te Kura website in the student tool kit area (www.tekura.school.nz and go to student tool kit). 14 ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 8 zh1000 suggested timetable Try to keep to this timetable if you are aiming for all the standards. Otherwise you may adapt it in consultation with your teacher. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 ZH1000DA Diagnostic assessment ZH1004 Festivals/shopping ZH1001 Sports ZH1002 Pastimes ZH1005 Daily routines ZH1006 Getting around ZH1006A ZH1004Y1 ZH1005Y1 (Assessment task 1 (Assessment task 2 Practice for AS90872) for AS90872) AS90869 Prepared talk ZH1007 ZH1008 ZH1009 Food and drink in Past experience Art and craft China (Internal assessment to be completed by end ZH1007Y1 ZH1008Y1 of term 3) (Assessment task 3 Assessment for AS90872) AS90869 Prepared talk ZH1010 Myths and legends ZH1011 Revision and exam skills ZH1003 Age, seasons and weather Practice exam for external standards: AS90868 listening and AS90871 Reading November External exams by NZQA AS90868 Listening and AS90871 Reading To contact your teacher phone 0800 65 99 88 or email firstname.lastname@tekura.school.nz © te ah o o t e k ur a p o un a m u ZH1000CA 15 16 ZH1000CA © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n a mu 9 my chinese assessment record (zh1000) Record the result of your internally assessed standards in the table below to help you keep track of your progress. Standard Number Assessment Details Date Grade Awarded Further Assessment Opportunity or Resubmission AS90869 Speech/ZH1008Y1 ZH1008Y2 AS90872 Portfolio writing: ZH1004Y1 ZH1005Y1 ZH1007Y1 No further assessment opportunity available Credits sub-total (before NZQA examination results) © te ah o o te k u ra p ou n am u Credits