INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT INVITATION TO TENDER FOR TRANSPORTATION OF BAGGED UREA FERTILISER BY ROAD FROM KALOL PLANT TO VARIOUS DESTINATIONS OF VADODARA & MEHSANA AREA OF GUJARAT STATE. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED, KALOL UNIT is manufacturing nitrogenous fertilizer in Gujarat, which is about 27 Kms away from Ahmedabad, intends to appoint Transporter to carry out transportation jobs at Kalol Unit. Offers are invited from Transporters for transportation of bagged fertilizer from Kalol Plant to various destinations of Vadodra & Mehsana area of Gujarat State along with the following documents: CORPORATE RECORD A Name, Address, Telephone numbers, Fax numbers and E Mail address. B History, Type & Structure of Organization along with photocopy of registration/MOU of the company. C Details of sister companies and associated firms, if any. FINANCIAL STATUS A Latest Bank Solvency Certificate for minimum value of Rs 15 (Fifteen) lacs issued by Nationalised/Scheduled Commercial Bank {except Cooperative and Gramin Banks} issued after 01/03/2011 B Photocopy of document issued by I. T. Department with respect to allotment of Permanent Account No. {PAN} C Audited Balance Sheet for the last three financial years. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS A. Service Tax Registration Certificate for relevant Category along with proof (for Service Provider) TECHNICAL CAPABILITY / CAPACITY A. Detailed list of trucks/trailors along with carrying capacity owned. Services provided/Transportation Contracts undertaken and duration from which they are being dealt with. PAST PERFORMANCE A. Photocopies of Orders executed during last three years. Out of this, at least one order should be of value more than Rs.70 lakhs. B. Photocopies of performance certificates issued by major clients including fertilizer industries, showing performance of equipment/material supplied/services provided. Offers along with relevant documents sealed in an envelope super scribing “ Tender for Transportation of Bagged Urea by road – Tender No.20101020” to: DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (PURCHASE) INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT, PO:KASTURINAGAR, DIST:GANDHINAGAR GUJARAT, INDIA, PIN CODE – 382 423 Phone:+079-23282031,23282352,23282356 EPABX Board : 02764-223256,223258,223272 FAX: 079-23286024, 02764-220572 e-mail : NOTES: IFFCO reserves the right to verify the submitted information. IFFCO also reserves the right to accept or reject partly or wholly any/all applications without assigning any reasons whatsoever. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT INVITATION TO TENDER (ENQUIRY) Enquiry No: KLL/BJ/TPT/20101020 Last Date & Time for submission of Tender: 21.03.2011 AT 12.00 HRS Time of Tender opening : 21.03.2011 AT 14.00 HRS Type of Bid : Two Stage EMD : Rs.1,00,000/- (For Baroda) & Rs.50,000/- (For Mehsana) Name of Work : Transportation of Bagged Urea Fertiliser by road from Kalol plant to various Destinations of Vadodara & Mehsana areas of Gujarat State as shown in the Annexure – A Please send tenders and all communications giving reference of above Enquiry No. to: D.G.M. (Purchase) IFFCO, KALOL P.O. : Kasturinagar DIST :GANDHINAGAR Pin : 382423 (NG) Fax No. Tele. No. E. Mail 079-23286024 02764-220846, 079-23282031 1. The Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) is the Multi-State Cooperative Society presently engaged in Fertiliser manufacture at its four plants located in the Republic of India and situated at Kalol & Kandla in Gujarat, Phulpur & Aonla in Uttar Pradesh and Paradeep in Orissa. The range of production consists of Ammonia, Urea, DAP and NPK products. 2. Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, KALOL hereby invite sealed tenders 3. Tender shall be submitted in separate sealed envelopes super scribed with Enq. No. and due date of opening containing the following:-- 4. Envelope -I . : EMD in the form of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee. Envelope -II . : Technical & Un-priced commercial tender. Deviations or Reservations, if any. Check List along with PF Code No.and Service Tax No. Envelope -III . : - Priced Commercial Tender with rates written in figures and words duly signed and stamped. Earnest Money deposit as stated above shall be submitted in a cover to be enclosed in Envelope – I of the bid. EMD may be given in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of IFFCO and payable at KALOL / AHMEDABAD only OR Bank Guarantee from Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank (except Cooperative or Gramin Banks), valid for a period of FOUR MONTHS with claim period of six months as per the format appended .The bids received incomplete / late / unsolicited / without EMD shall be considered non - responsive and shall be rejected out rightly. 5. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT Following attachments with Annexure enclosed are part of invitation to bid :-Attachment - I Attachment - II Attachment - III Annexure - I Annexure - II Annexure - III Annexure - IV Annexure - V Annexure - VI Instruction to Tenderer General Terms & Conditions Scope of work & Special terms & Conditions Distance of various destination from IFFCO Kalol Plant Draft of Bank Guarantee for EMD Draft of Performance Bank Guarantee Draft Agreement Self Declaration Form Check List for [Service] Tenderers are requested to go through the documents thoroughly and ensure submission of tenders in time. It may be noted that tender documents are non transferable. Please acknowledge receipt of documents and confirm by return Fax / E-mail that you are submitting the tender or in case not interested we solicit your confirmation in this context.. For & on behalf of Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (R B.PIPALIA) D.G.M. (Purchase) INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT E N QUI R Y Enquiry No. KLL/BJ/TPT/20101020/ TWO STAGE BID Tech Bid submission date Commercial Bid submission date Bid Submission Time Earnest Money Deposit Preferred Delivery Performance Bank Guarantee 21-03-2011 21-03-2011 12:00 INR 150000 5.00 % Please submit your lowest quote with earliest delivery/completion period as per the terms and conditions. Description: Sr. No. TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT FOR MOVEMENT OF UREA FERTILISER FROM KALOL PLANT TO VARIOUS DESTINATIONS OF VADODARA&MEHSANAAREA IN GUJARAT STATE. Item Description Unit TRANSPORTATION OF UREA PACKED IN BAGS FROM KALOL PLANT TO VADODRA AREA 1 DISTANCE (SLAB) 000-050 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 25 X 7000 MT 2 DISTANCE(SLAB) 051-100 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 75 X 9000 MT 3 DISTANCE (SLAB) 101-150 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 125 X 11000 MT 4 DISTANCE (SLAB) 151-200 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAtJ KM 175 X 11000 MT 5 DISTANCE(SLAB) 201& ABOVE KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 225 X 4500 MT TRANSPORTATION OF UREA PACKED IN BAGS FROM KALOL PLANT TO MEHSANA AREA 6 DISTANCE (SLAB) 000-050 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 25 X 9500 MT 7 DISTANCE (SLAB) 051-100 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 75 X 8500 MT 8 DISTANCE(SLAB) 101-150 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 125 X 9500 MT 9 DISTANCE(SLAB) 151-200 KM MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 175 X 2300 MT 10 DISTANCE (SLAB) 201 & ABOVE MT/KM QUANTITY = MEAN KM 225 X 200 MT NOTE: BASE PRICE OF THE DIESEL AS ON DATE IS RS. 42.30 Quantity 1,75,000 6,75,000 13,75,000 19,25,000 10,12,500 2,37,500 6,37,500 11,87,500 4,02,500 45,000 INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ATTACHMENT- I INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1.1 Procedure for Submission of Tenders The following procedure shall be adopted for submission of tender by the tenderers. The sealed envelopes shall be submitted as follows:Envelope No. I To be superscribed "Earnest Money Deposit" and to contain Earnest Money which shall be interest free deposit in the form of Bank Draft payable at KALOL (N.G) or Ahmedabd only in favour of IFFCO or in the form of Bank Guarantee as per proforma Annexed at Annexure-II issued by a Scheduled Bank / Nationalised Bank (except cooperative & Gramin Banks). In case the BG submitted is issued by Scheduled Bank, documentary evidence to the effect that the issuing Bank is a Scheduled Bank, be enclosed positively. In case if EMD submitted by way of BG, the same shall be valid for 9 months. Envelope II To be superscribed "Technical and Unpriced Commercial Bid" and to contain the tenderers own conditions, if any, which may be at variance with the conditions given in IFFCO's Invitation to Tender. IFFCO would prefer to have no deviation from the tenderer to the tender terms. The tenderer shall enclose one set of IFFCO's complete tender documents, duly signed and stamped on each page, in this envelope. It may be ensured that all documents as per the enquiry covering letter is enclosed in this envelope positively. In the absence of deviation statement or in case IFFCO’s complete tender documents duly signed and stamped, is not submitted, it shall be considered that all the terms and conditions have been accepted by the Tenderer and any cost implication for any change after placement of order shall be borne by the Tenderer.. Envelope -III To be superscribed "Priced Commercial Bid" and to contain schedule of rates with quoted rates and amounts duly filled in signed and stamped. [RATES SHOULD BE MENTIONED BOTH IN FIGURES AND WORDS ] The price bid be submitted strictly as per Price Schedule enclosed with the tender without any conditions. Envelope No. I containing EMD will be opened first on the due date of opening. Envelope No. II and III will be considered only if the earnest money condition is satisfied. The Envelope No. II will then be opened and after the study of tender, discussions will be carried out, if required, with respective tenderers for clarifications of the conditions put forth by the tenderer. The tenderer shall send their authorised representative to participate in discussions who should be able to take immediate decisions on all matters pertaining to this tender. Subsequent to the discussions, tenderers will be given an opportunity, if desired, to submit another sealed envelope No. IV superscribed "Resultant Modification Arising out to Discussions" Envelope IV should not contain any new conditions whatsoever except prices. In case of any new conditions, it will be ignored and the evaluation shall be done based on the conditions agreed earlier. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT NOTE: RESULTANT MODIFICATION ARISING OUT OF DISCUSSIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTED, ONLY IF DISCUSSIONS ARE HELD/CLARIFICATIONS ARE OBTAINED AFTER TECHNICAL BID OPENING WHICH HAVE PRICE IMPLICATION. All envelopes, in addition to above superscription, should also be super-scribed and Addressed as below: 1.2 CLOSING DATE & TIME: The closing date and time of the tender is given on the covering sheet. Tender should be received before 1200 Hrs on closing date as indicated in covering note. All tenders received on or before the closing date, shall be publicly opened on the tender opening date and time given in the covering sheet in the presence of all the tenderers who wish to be present. Tenders received after closing date and time shall be returned unopened to the tenderers and will not be in any situation considered. The tenders should be signed only by legally authorised representative of the tendering firm or company and should bear the seal or stamp of the tendering company. Tenderers should thoroughly scrutinise the terms and conditions of tender and the annexure hereto since no amendments to the tender would be permissible after opening of the tenders. 1.3 ACCEPTANCE / REJECTION OF TENDER: IFFCO reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in whole or part and/or accept other than the lowest quotation without assigning any reason. 1.4 EVALUATION OF QUOTATION: The following conditions shall be considered in the evaluation of quotation. a) b) c) Prices quoted - shall be area wise L1 Terms of payment - In case the bidder has quoted different payment terms other than mentioned in the enquiry, loading of interest shall be done @ 12% per annum. Deviation to terms of enquiry documents - In case of deviations to our terms and conditions the matter shall be reviewed at the time of unpriced / technical bid opening and shall be loaded suitably IFFCO reserves the right to review and verify all statements and to inspect tenderer's facilities for the purpose of allowing the tenderer to establish, to IFFCO'S satisfaction, his capability to perform the work 1.5 TENDERER TO QUOTE FOR ALL ITEMS: The tenderer shall quote their rates with reference to each area and must tender for all the items. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 1.6 TENDERER TO SIGN ALL PAGES: All pages of tender documents including corrections if any shall be signed and stamped by the tenderer. 1.7 ERASURE AND ALTERATION: Tenders containing erasures and alterations in the tender documents may be rejected. All rates shall be indicated both in words & figures. Where there is a difference between the rate quoted in words & figures, the rates given in words shall prevail. 1.8 DEVIATIONS: The Tenderer shall have to provide a "Deviation Statement" where they are not agreeing with our Terms & Conditions, if any. The deviations, if any are to be furnished under Technical and Unpriced Commercial Bid. 1.9 INCOMPLETE AND LATE TENDER: Unsolicited/Incomplete/Late tenders or tender received without desired Earnest Money are liable to rejection without any further reference. 1.10 VALIDITY OF QUOTATION: The rates quoted by tenderer shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of Technical Bid opening for the purpose of placement of LOI. 1.11 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: Each tender must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IFFCO :LTD, payable at KALOL (N.G) as detailed below OR the Earnest Money Deposit may be submitted by Bank Guarantee as per format of ANNEXURE - II attached. The Bank Guarantee shall be furnished on non-judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100/= from any Nationalised/ Schedules Bank (except Cooperative & Gramin Banks). The validity of Bank Guarantee should be 9 months.. The Stamp paper should not be older than six month. 1.11.1 Transportation of Bagged Fertiliser from IFFCO KALOL to following AREA. within the State of GUJARAT State. ============================================================= Sr. PARTICULARS EMD AMOUNT TO BE DEPOSITED No. (Area – Group) ALONGWITH TENDER (IN RS.) ============================================================= 1. VADODARA Rs.1,00,000.00 2. MEHSANA Rs. 50,000.00 ============================================================= Total Rs.1,50,000.00 ============================================================= commercial evaluation and split of order shall be done on Area-group wise basis. 1.11.2 Earnest Money shall be forfeited at the sole discretion of IFFCO in case the tenderer after intimation from IFFCO of acceptance of his tender, either wholly or in part, fails to enter into a contract with IFFCO. 1.11.3 IFFCO shall return earnest money to all the unsuccessful tenderers on finalisation of Successful bidders. However earnest money to successful tenderer shall be retained till the Performance Guarantee as per Clause No: 11.00 of Attachment III is furnished by the Contractor. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 1.11.4 No interest shall be payable on the Earnest Money Deposit. 1.12 NO COST PAYABLE FOR PREPARING TENDER: The tenderers shall not be entitled to claim any costs, charges, expenses for or incidental to in connection with preparation and submission and subsequent clarification of his tender even if IFFCO decides to withdraw the invitation to tender or the tender is rejected on any count. 1.13 GENERAL: 1.13.1 In case any clarifications are required, the tenderer shall approach the Owner in writing i.e. Dy. G. M. (Purchase), Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, KALOL. The Owner shall provide such clarifications in writing only. All clarifications provided shall be binding on the Owner and tenderer. 1.13.2 No tenderer can withdraw his tender or revoke the same within the validity period if a tenderer withdraw or revokes his tender or revises the tender rates for any system within the validity period, his earnest money deposit will forfeited without prejudice to any other right/claim the Owner may have against the tenderer. 1.13.3 Tenders shall be forwarded under cover of a letter type written on the tenderer's letter head and duly singed, in long hand using ink, by a duly authorised representative of the tenderer. 1.13.4 Wherever it is mentioned - "shall be done by contractor or supplied by contractor" it shall be deemed to mean shall be done or supplied by contractor at his cost. 1.14 UNDERTAKING : BIDDERS ARE REQUESTED TO FURNISH A SELF DECLARATION THAT THEY HAVE NOT BEEN BANNED OR DELISTED BY ANY GOVT. DEPTT./FINANCIAL INSTITUTION/COURT as per ANNEXURE - V attached. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ATTACHMENT - II 1.0 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT/WORK ORDER 1.1 DEFINITIONS: "OWNER" shall mean Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited. "CONTRACTOR" shall mean the person, firm or corporation to whom this Work order/Contract is awarded. CONTRACT/WORK ORDER shall mean this Order and all its attachments and exhibits. 2.0 ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING: Except with the prior permission of the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall not assign this CONTRACT/WORK ORDER or any part thereof or any money due to hereunder to any other Contractor. 3.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT/WORK ORDER: In case of any deviation between general conditions of Work Order/Contract and special conditions of Work Order/Contract the special conditions shall supersede the general conditions. 3.1 4.0 This order shall be subject to these General Terms and Conditions and any additional /Specific conditions referred to in the order, and no deviations shall be made from the requirement of the Order or from the General Terms and conditions unless deviations are approved in writing by the Owner. TAXES, DUTIES ETC. Unless otherwise specified in the Work Order, Toll charges, all other taxes & duties will be borne by the contractor. Service tax & Education cess shall be borne by IFFCO. IFFCO’s Service Tax Registration No. AAAA10050 M ST 004 5.0 LOADING & UNLOADING CHARGES: The rates quoted in the Annexure-A shall be exclusive of loading and unloading charges. Loading will be arranged by IFFCO at factory and unloading at the destination will be arranged by the distributors or their consignee. 6.0 INSURANCE: Comprehensive Insurance of vehicles shall have to be taken by the contractor at his own cost and solely responsible for the fleet being operated by him for the job. 7.0 CORRESPONDENCE: All correspondence concerning the Order/Contract shall state the Order number and Item number and shall be submitted in duplicate addressed to : The State Marketing Manager, Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative LImited, INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT IFFCO House, Behind Maruti Arcade, Near Shiv Ranjani Cross Road, Satelite, Ahmedabad – 380 015 (GUJARAT) 8.0 DOCUMENTATION: Documentation shall be submitted as called for in the order. 9.0 FIXED PRICE: The rate to be quoted would be all inclusive, and would include comprehensive insurance charge on the vehicles and all Government charges such as road tax, all taxes and duties. Service Tax & Education Cess shall be borne by IFFCO. Unless otherwise stated in the Work Order, all prices shall be fixed for the duration of the order and shall not be subject to escalation of any description statutory or otherwise. (However, Clause No: 6.00 of Attachment III regarding Escalation may be referred to, only for Diesel Price) No claim/compensation of any kind whatsoever from the contractor shall be entertained by IFFCO if fertiliser as per given programme is not available on any day or non-availability of sufficient work. 10.0 DEFAULT: In the event of any default of contractor to comply with any of the provisions or requirements hereof, IFFCO shall have the right to terminate and cancel the order with or without notice and without prejudice to any other rights, options, or remedies IFFCO may have, and IFFCO shall be relieved from any further obligations to contractor hereunder. In the event of such cancellation of order, IFFCO shall be entitled to arrange for the balance work including of equipments, materials and services from alternate suppliers at the cost of contractor. The waiver of one default shall not be considered an automatic waiver of any other defaults. 11.0 RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES/ARBITRATION: The OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiations any disagreement or dispute arising between them in connection with the CONTRACT/WORK ORDER. If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the OWNER and the Contractor have been unable to resolve amicably a dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanism as specified here under. 12.0 GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION All actions at law or suits arising out of, or in connection with this contract or the subject matter thereof and whether as to construction or otherwise shall be instituted in a court competent jurisdiction in Ahmedabad. ARBITRATION a) Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of or to the construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this contract or the validity or the breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration & Conciliation act,1996 and the award in pursuance thereof shall be binding on parties. b) The performance under this contract shall not stop for any reason whatsoever during the said dispute / proceeding, unless the contractor / seller is specifically directed by owner / purchaser to desist from working in this behalf. 13.0 INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT c) The venue of arbitration shall be AHMEDABAD. d) The language of proceedings shall be ENGLISH. e) The Law governing the substantive issues between the parties shall be the Laws of India. 14.0 LEGAL CONSTRUCTION: The contract would be deemed to have been entered into at Kalol and would, therefore, be under the jurisdiction of AHMEDABAD COURT. 15.0 SUSPENSION If at any time after the commencement of the work IFFCO shall for any reason whatsoever not require the whole thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out, IFFCO also give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of work in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out, neither shall the contractor have any claim for compensation by reasons of any alterations having been made in original specifications, and instructions which shall involve any curtailment of the work as originally contemplated. 16.0 TERMINATION In the event of any breach of the terms and conditions of the Contract by the Contractor, the IFFCO shall have the right to terminate the Contract without any liability, by giving one month's notice in writing, provided however, that it shall be obligatory on the part of the Contractor to complete its contractual obligation during the period of such notice. 17.0 FORCE MAJEURE The terms and conditions hereof shall be subject to Force Majeure. Neither IFFCO nor the contractor shall be considered in default in the performance of their respective obligations hereunder, if such performance is prevented or delayed because of :a) any war of hostilities; b) any riot or civil commotion; c) any earthquake, flood, tempest, lightning or other natural physical disaster, impossibility of the use of any Railway, Port, Airport, Shipping services or other means of transport. d) any strike or lock-out (only those exceeding 10 continuous days in duration) affecting the performance of the Seller's/Purchaser's obligations. The transporter shall be entitled to the benefit of this clause only if he informs of the circumstances amounting to force majeure to IFFCO of the happening thereof by fax, immediately followed by a confirmatory letter sent by Registered Post Acknowledgment due. In the event of the transporter, pleading any grounds as constituting force majeure, the opinion of the Management of IFFCO on that behalf alone shall prevail and, if in the opinion of the Management, the grounds pleaded by the transporter do not constitute force majeure, then the transporter shall not be entitled to plead the same and/or claim any relief under this clause. In case an event of force majeure INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT continues for more than 30 days, IFFCO and the contractor shall consult each other to find measures of settlement. 18.0 CLARIFICATION & COMMUNICATION: All correspondence for clarification against this "Invitation to Tender" and subsequent correspondence concerning the tender stating the Reference number and shall be submitted in duplicate addressed: To, D. G. M. (Purchase) Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd. P.O. Kasturinagar - 382423 Gujarat INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ATTACHMENT - III ENQUIRY No: KLL/BJ/TRANS/20101020 SCOPE OF WORK AND SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS INTRODUCTION M/s Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, Kalol Unit (IFFCO-Kalol) situated at Kalol @ 25 kms from Ahmedabad on Ahmedabad-Mehsana State Highway operates a 1100 MTPD M.W.Kellog’s design Ammonia plant and 1650 MTPD Stamicarbon’s design CO2 stripping urea plant along with necessary Offsites facilities. Presently, Kalol Unit despatches urea from plant to various destinations in Gujarat and other States. 1.00 EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT The agreement would come into force with the effective date of contract. Effective date of contract will be from the date 01.05.2011. 2.00 DURATION 2.01 The duration of the contract shall be of 01 years from 01.05.2011. 2.02 IFFCO shall have right to extend the work contract period by a further period of 3 MONTHS from the date of expiry of the period mentioned in clause 2.01 above at the same rates, terms and conditions in writing to the contractor or 12 months with mutual consent with the same rates, terms & conditions. In any case total extension shall not exceed 12 months beyond the expiry of original duration. 3.00 SCOPE OF WORK 3.01 Transportation of Bagged Fertiliser from Kalol Plant to various destinations within the state of Gujarat by Road. Destinations are of Vadodara & Mehsana Area (Annexure-I). (a) The contractor shall arrange for the trucks immediately on receiving instructions from IFFCO. The trucks to be provided should be road worthy and should carry material as per the carrying capacity certified by R.T.O. The loading shall be done as per R.T.O. passing. No overloading should be done. (b) The contractor must deliver the material at destination within Three (3) days excluding date of loading. (c) The Contractor shall arrange for uninterrupted movement of fertiliser as per the instruction received from IFFCO. (d) Since district wise allocation are given by Government of Gujarat state in each month, accordingly area wise monthly target will be given by SMM, Gujarat to each contractor and thus the contractors should ensure that they must complete the monthly target given to them in every month. (e) Along with the truck load of urea, box packing of 10 Kg weight Bio-Fertiliser is also to be Transported from CORDET Kalol to that particular destination, as INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT and when required for which Rs.10/- per packet shall be paid EXTRA OVER THE PRICE by CORDET Kalol for Maximum upto 50 packet in one truck. 4.00 QUANTITY Totally 72500 MT bagged fertiliser required to be transported to various destinations within the state of Gujarat falling under 2 (two) different Area Offices of Gujarat. Sr.No. Area Quantity, MT 2 VADODARA 42500 3 MEHSANA 30000 TOTAL 72500 4.01 There is no assurance about any definite quantity of fertiliser to be entrusted to the contractor for transportation. It should also be understood that there is no guarantee for transportation work to be given all the times i.e. whenever there is demand in the market, the contractor will be informed in advance to transport certain quantity within the time limit. The quantity offered for Transportation on day to day basis is a question of marketing demand and shall vary from season to season. During slack season the demand may be reduced and lesser lifting may be required, while, during peak season the Transport Contractor shall be intimated in advance about lifting of quantities more than the daily minimum lifting given in the Table above at Clause 4.00 under Head QUANTITY and adequate arrangements shall have to be made by the contractor. Further, it will at the sole discretion of IFFCO to entrust the transportation job to the contractor at any time during the currency period of the contract. 4.02 Any variation in quantity would be on the same rates and other terms and conditions laid down in the NIT and shall be firm during the entire period of contract including extension. 4.03 In case of any increase in the quantity, the contractor shall work at the committed rates during the whole of the contract period and not for only specified quantity. Of course, for this purpose IFFCO shall issue change order. 5.00 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ABOVE TRANSPORTATION JOBS 5.01 Whenever fertiliser required to be transported on 100% weighment by passing the trucks over the weigh bridge the Contractor shall do so accordingly. 5.02 In special cases the Contractor may also be required to arrange transport at shorter notice or carry cargo to destination, other than those shown in proforma. In case of decrease in quantity shown in the proforma they shall not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever for not entrusting them with the quantity specified in any proforma issued to them. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 5.03 During the currency of this contract, the Contractor will not stop the work at any stage under any circumstances whatsoever. The contractor will have to take all steps to prevent any loss and/or damage/theft/pilferage whatsoever to the fertiliser received by him on behalf of IFFCO during the period the fertiliser is in his charge. 6.0 ESCALATION AND OTHER CLAUSE 6.01 Rate quoted by the contractor for services to be rendered in terms of this agreement shall be as agreed upon between IFFCO and the transporter, and will be firm, and will not be subject to any escalation whatsoever, except as provided for under Article 6.02 below during the entire period. 6.02 The rates indicated in the contract shall not be liable to enhancement by reasons of increase in the price of lubricating oils, tyres, spare parts or increase in wages of the staff or operational cost or any taxes etc. However, the proportionate incidence of any statutory increase or decrease in the diesel cost shall be considered by IFFCO from the date of such statutory change on the following terms: The formula for determining the amount of escalation/de-escalation will be as follows Increase/decrease in the HSD retail selling transportation per MT/KM (a) Increase/Decrease in 1 Liter of price rate inclusive of all taxes __________________________ (b) 10 x 4 (c) (a) The retail selling price per 1 liter of HSD prevailing at Petrol Pump, Opp. IFFCO Kalol Unit, as on the date of Enquiry of the tender as shown in the price schedule will be the base price. Effective date for revision will be the date on which the prices are increased/decreased, which is to be substantiated with documentary evidence. (b) 10 represents the laden weight of the truck in MT. (c) 4 represents the distance of 4 KM which a truck of 10 MT capacity can run with 1 Liter of HSD/ (Loaded or otherwise) for the purpose of these calculations. (d) The contractor will submit documentary evidence with regard to revision of diesel cost prevailing at Kalol (e) Such escalation shall be claimed by the carrier separately as a separate item. (f) The distance for the formula for escalation of rate on account of fuel cost escalation shall be considered only one way i.e. from IFFCO KALOL to the District/Destination where the material to be delivered. (g) No escalation for change in price of diesel shall be permitted unless the increase is beyond 5 percent of the prevailing price of diesel. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT The escalation shall be considered as under: If there are increases in the prices which are less than 5%, the escalation shall not be considered. When the total increase in the diesel price reaches 5% or more, the escalation shall be paid with effect from the date of increase of diesel price by 5%. Base price for first escalation shall be the price prevailing at the Petrol Pump, Opp. IFFCO, Kalol Plant as on the date of enquiry. The subsequent escalation of 5% shall be calculated based on the previous escalated price. For example, if the base price of diesel is Rs.20/- per liter escalation will be paid only when the price reaches Rs. 21/- per liter i.e. 20/- plus 5% of 20/-. So 20+1 Rs.21/-. The effective date shall be considered as the date on which the price has increased to Rs.21/- per liter even though the price of diesel increased twice in between to Rs. 20.50 and Rs.20.75 per liter previously. The next escalation shall be considered when the diesel price reaches Rs. 22.05 per liter and the base price shall be Rs. 21/- per liter. De-escalation shall also be considered on the reverse side on the above basis. 6.03 Proportionate incidence due to statutory increase or decrease in the diesel cost shall be to the account of IFFCO effective from the date of such statutory change in the diesel rate, except in case where there is a statutory reduction in diesel cost, in which case reduction shall be passed on to IFFCO. 6.04 Any request for increase in rates on any account of increase in diesel cost should be substantiated by any documents as may be called for by IFFCO. For the purpose of allowing escalation in the transportation rates as a result of statutory increase in diesel price, it will be assumed that a truck can run a distance of 4 KM per liter of diesel and carrying 10 MT per truck. 6.05 The rates as agreed upon would be all inclusive, and would include comprehensive insurance charge on the vehicles and all government charges such as road tax, income tax and any other statutory taxes if any. 6.06 No claim/compensation of any kind whatsoever from the contractor shall be entertained by IFFCO if fertiliser as per given programme is not available on any day or non availability of sufficient work. 6.07 Comprehensive insurance of vehicles should be taken out by the transporter at their own cost. IFFCO is not responsible for the same. 7.00 "The Contractor should use IFFCO’S Material Despatch Advice only and acknowledgment from the society/consignee should be on the same." In the event of break-down/accident of the trucks necessitating transhipment on the way, the Contractor shall undertake such transhipment at his own cost and shall transport entire fertiliser loaded in the trucks from which transhipment is done to another trucks. Such transhipment details of truck shall accompany the original acknowledgment copy of MDA, which is to be submitted along with the bill and the damages to the goods on account of accident/transhipment, cost will be recoverable from the Contractor at 1.5 times of price of urea applicable to IFFCO, Kalol Unit for the damaged goods. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 7.01 The transporter shall have to submit the Consignment Note containing following details as required by Service Tax Rules. i) ii) iii) iv) v) The name of the consignor and consignee Registration No. of the goods carriage in which goods are transported Details of the Goods Transported. Details of the place of origin and destination Person liable for paying Service Tax : IFFCO 7.02 Acknowledged MDA shall invariably be submitted within 30 days from the date of lifting, failing which IFFCO shall recover the cost of material @ 1.5 times of urea price in case of no delivery of material and 50% of urea price in case of delivery of material but not providing the proof of delivery. In case the Contractor has any difficulty in getting the original acknowledged MDA by the recipient IFFCO shall accept the original seal and signature of recipient on any other copy of MDA or Xerox of MDA and in such case IFFCO shall not recover cost of material. 8.00 The rates indicated shall be exclusive of loading and unloading charges. Loading will be arranged by IFFCO at factory and unloading at the destination shall be arranged by the distributors or their consignee. 8.01 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to keep readily available vehicles as may be required, and to transport the goods entrusted to him in vehicles conforming to all the relevant Government regulations and licensed fully in connection with the Transporter on that behalf. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to provide sufficient number of vehicles, IFFCO shall be at liberty to obtain the necessary transport from any other source and recover the extra cost, if any, thereof from the Contractor. 8.02 Neither IFFCO, nor the consignees/distributors shall be liable for any action, direct or indirect, that may be instituted against the Contractor by any person or body of persons in relation to the transport of goods under this tender or any consequent liabilities and the contractor shall keep IFFCO and the consignees/distributors fully indemnified on that behalf including on account of adulteration during transportation. 8.03 Since the material to be transported is liable to deteriorate due to delay in transport, the goods should reach the destination within the transit period mentioned in clause No.14.02 below and the Contractor shall ensure that the goods are transported to the destination within the specified transit period from loading into the trucks failing which the contractor shall be liable to pay penalty to IFFCO as prescribed @ clause No.14.00 8.04 The contractor shall, from time the goods are loaded on to his vehicles till they are delivered to the consignee at the specified destination, be completely and solely responsible for the goods against damage, shortage, deterioration, loss, pilferage etc. occurring for any reasons whatsoever. The Contractor shall keep IFFCO fully indemnified on this behalf, and the penalty calculated at 1.5 times the price of urea applicable to IFFCO, Kalol unit of any damage, shortage, loss, deterioration or pilferage shall be recovered in full from the Contractor's outstanding bills or Contract Performance Guarantee paid by him without prejudice to any other remedy in law. Any amount payable by the Contractor that is in excess of the Contract Performance Guarantee, shall be paid by the Contractor immediately and without any delay. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 8.05 The contractor shall take all diligent steps to ensure that the goods, while in transit, are not damaged due to conditions of weather. Adequate number of tarpaulins in good condition shall be provided by contractor for each vehicle to cover and protect the product against weather conditions. The penalty calculated at 1.5 times of price of urea applicable to IFFCO- Kalol unit of any material delivered to the consignee in wet or damaged or in deteriorated condition shall be recovered fully from the outstanding bills or from the Contract Performance Guarantee, without any reference to the contractor. 8.06 The Contractor shall hold the goods entrusted to him for transport as Trustee and shall be accountable thereof to IFFCO. Any loss caused due to any reason whatsoever shall be repaid by the Carrier notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 151 and 152 of the Indian Contract Act or any other law. 9.0 The contractor shall comply with all documentation and procedural formalities as instructed by IFFCO from time to time with respect to Contractor's vehicles entering the plant, receiving load and proceeding to destinations specified. The Contractor is liable to account for any damage to IFFCO arising out of any failures on the part of himself or his staff to comply with all statutory regulation pertaining to product movement with particular references to Central and State Sales Tax Act and Rules and Fertiliser (Control) Order, 1957. The drivers operating the fleet should carry necessary license of RTO and shall show to IFFCO representative as and when asked for. 10.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT The transporter shall submit his bills fortnightly (preferable by 1st and 16th of each month) in triplicate supported by MDA/ GR/ GC Note, duly acknowledged by the PCF/ Central / State Warehouse/ Block Hqrs / Societies /Consignees etc., as the case may be along with other relevant documents (Kilometer wise, slab wise summary) as per Schedule of Rates to the State Marketing Manager, Gujarat, Ahmedabad. Bills received between 2nd - 15th of a month will be treated to have been received on 16th and those received between 17th - 30th /31st will be treated to have been received on 1st of next month and will be processed accordingly for payment. The payment shall be made as per approved schedule of Rates on the basis of standard net weight of Urea Loaded/Transported and delivered directly to the designated consignee at various destination without interference transshipment enroute except under force majeure condition. Only one way transportation charge will be taken into consideration for the purpose of payment to the contractor. The contractor shall make a declaration in each of the consignment notes/Invoices, stating the following for claiming abatement of 75% “TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that we are not claiming CENVAT Credit on inputs and capital goods received by us on payment of Excise Duty and one used for providing GTA services. In case we change our decision to avail CENVAT credit on inputs and capital goods we shall inform you in writing in advance” INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 100% payment shall be released within 20 days from the date of submission of the bills after getting confirmation from Area Managers as regards to receipt of material. Bills not supported with the relevant documents in original will be returned to the Contractor. The following deductions will be made from the bills. (i) Income Tax + surcharge as applicable. (ii) Damages for delayed work as per terms and conditions of this tender. (iii) Amount due from the Contractor for shortages/damages/pilferages or any other account. 10.01.1 The status of the Contractor as L-I bidder shall be ensured keeping in view the final executed Bill of Quantity. All the valid tenders considered in evaluation at the time of award of work Shall be re-evaluated at the respective quoted rate with a view to assess whether L-I contractor’s Price of completed works continues to be the lowest. In case after such re-evaluation, final contract Value is not the lowest, the contractor shall reimburse to owner the difference in the amount Between the re-evaluated tender and the lowest tendered amount. This difference of amount shall be adjusted from their final bill However, if the amount recoverable exceeds the amount payable in final bill, the balance amount Shall be recovered by the owner, from the retention money and or performance bank guarantee/any other money or bank guarantees available with the owner for any other job being done by the Contractor. The contractor shall restore the performance guarantee to the requisite value to the extent of 5% of contract price/as referred in the Work Order/Contract in such case where recovery is required to be effected by the encashment of full amount or a part of the performance bank Guarantee as soon as the contractor receives such intimation from the owner. 10.02 In case fertiliser required to be moved other than destinations (Annexure – I) and the kilometers mentioned in the NIT, the kilometers of Taluka Head Quarter irrespective of actual kilometers of such destinations shall be paid. During the currency of the contract, if any road distance is reduced for any particular destination due to construction of new bridge, new road, by-pass etc. or for any other reason whatsoever, the payment shall be made to the contractor for revised distance and recovery, if any, on this account shall also be made from the contractor with retrospective effect for the excess payment made. The decision of IFFCO shall be final and binding to the contractor in this regard. 10.03 RECOVERY FOR LOSS OF MATERIAL (a) In case of loss of material due to other than Force Majeure reasons, recovery of the material shall be made at 1.5 times of price of Urea (Rs.11987/-) applicable to IFFCO Kalol Unit, i.e. Rs. 17,981/- per M.T plus Rs.14.25 per bag being the cost of empty bag. The cost of bag shall not be recovered in case of loss of material only without damage of bag. The price of Urea mentioned above is provisional and subject to change as per the guidelines of Govt. of India, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilisers, New Delhi. (b) If there is no loss of material, but the bags are damaged the cost of the bags @ Rs. 14.25 per bag shall be deducted. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT (c) If there is loss of material on account of Force Majeure condition subject to documentary evidence, the deduction shall be made for the short quantity at urea price of the material (Rs.11,987/-) plus Rs.14.25 per bag being the cost of empty bag. The cost of bag shall not be recovered in case of loss of material only without damaged of bag. (d) In case of the original MDA is lost by the Contractor, the contractor will be required to furnish a XEROX COPY of the acknowledged MDA duly originally signed by the recipient and payment shall be made on the basis of this copy. (No certificate will be accepted for the purpose of releasing the payment). 11.00 CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 11.01 The Contract Performance Guarantee is to be furnished within 7 days to State Marketing Manager (Ahmedabd) from the date of issue of Letter of Intent/signing of agreement, before commencement of lifting. The contractor shall be allowed to operate contract only after acceptance of contract and submission of Contract Performance Guarantee equivalent to 5% of total contract value either by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IFFCO Ltd and payable at Ahmedabad or by way of Bank Guarantee from any Nationalised/Scheduled Bank (except Cooperative and Gramin Banks) or any branch of foreign bank in India in the proforma attached. Bank Guarantee shall be valid for the period of 18 months inclusive of 6 months claim period. The amount of performance guarantee will not bear any interest and will be released after successful completion of the contract. The contract performance guarantee shall be forfeited if the contractor fails to fulfill the contractual obligations. S/NO. PARTICULARS TOTAL PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 1 TRANSPORTATION OF FERTILISER 5% (FIVE PERCENT) OF THE BY ROAD WITHIN THE STATE OF CONTRACT VALUE. GUJARAT. Until submission of Performance Bank Guarantee as stated above, an equivalent amount shall be withheld lfrom payment due to the Transporter. 11.02 Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be retained till the performance guarantee mentioned in Clause 11.01 (Terms and conditions) is deposited by the contractor in the form of DD/ Bank Guarantee as per the format acceptable to the Owner. 11.03 No interest charges shall be payable on the Contract Performance Guarantee 11.04 The above performance guarantee shall be held as a Security for the due and satisfactory execution of all the clauses of the contract and bear no interest during the currency of the contract including extension thereof. 11.05 Performance Guarantee shall be released after ONE MONTH from the date of the expiry of the claim period or upon receipt of all MDAs and there will be no recovery from IFFCO side whichever is earlier. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 11.06 In the event of breach of any terms and conditions of the contract IFFCO reserves the right to draw the amount to the extent of such loss or damage against the above Performance Guarantee. 11.07 In the event of the forfeiture of the whole or part of the Performance Guarantee, the contractor shall, within 7 days of notice from IFFCO, deposit such further sum as may be necessary to maintain the full Performance Guarantee as given at 11.01 above. 12.00 In case of breach by the contractor of any of the terms of the Contract, IFFCO shall be entitled to: (i) Forfeit the Performance Guarantee. (ii) Terminate the Contract. (iii) Have the contract executed through other agencies and recover the damages caused thereby from the Contractor. 12.01 In the event of the Contractor being liable to pay any damage under any clause of this contract such sums as the contractor is liable to pay shall be recovered from the outstanding bills or Performance Guarantee made by him under clause 11.00 above, and the Contractor shall make good the short fall, if any, to IFFCO forthwith, provided that the Contractor shall ensure that the Performance Guarantee at no time falls less. 12.02 Notwithstanding anything herein before contained IFFCO reserves for itself the right to apportion the work to other contractors also at IFFCO's absolute discretion in order to ensure quick and prompt transport. 13.0 ACCIDENT & LIABILITIES The transporter shall be liable for any damage/injury caused to IFFCO's employees or other contractors etc., or IFFCO's property, if caused due to the negligence of the Contractor's employees. IFFCO accepts no responsibility for any injury to any person, whether contractor's employee or otherwise, caused due to carriage of fertiliser by the contractor. 14.0 DELAY / FAILURE 14.01 The contractor shall adhere to the Despatch Instructions and deliver material to the assigned destination within 3 (three) days excluding date of loading as given by IFFCO. In case the contractor fails to supply the trucks as per the despatch plan given to him, IFFCO has the right to hire trucks from the open market and recover the differential cost from the Contractor's bills. In the event of delay due to situation beyond the control, Contractor shall promptly intimate the consignor about such delay. Any default on the part of contractor will result in levy @ Rs.5/- per MT per day. If in case of non-supply of required trucks / non fulfilling the DIs during the stipulated period the material is not lifted within 15 days from the date of despatch instruction received by the contractor, the penalty will be levied @ Re.1/- per MT per day. 14.02 Contractor must deliver the material at destination within 3 (three) days excluding date of loading, failing which a penalty of Rs.5/- per MT per day of 24 hrs. or part thereof will be levied. Acknowledged MDA must be submitted along with bill to release payments. No other Certificates etc. shall be entertained. If transit delay is more than the INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT reasonable allowable period, the same can be considered by IFFCO provided documentary evidence is furnished confirming the unforeseen/ uncontrollable delays. The contractor is required to move minimum 50 MT of Goods per day in normal case. IFFCO, Ahmedabad will issue despatch instructions to the contractor along with a copy to TPT Department at Kalol Plant. However, in case of free loading at plant site to the same shall be increased to 250 MT per day, failing which penalty as per clause No.14.01 shall be levied. The contractor should get acknowledgment from the Society/Consignee as regards receipts of sound material (e.g. Received Nos. of Bags/ MT____) in sound condition. In case of damaged material, the contractor shall get acknowledgment of number of bags and quantity of damaged material received. For damaged material, if any, the same shall be charged upon the Contractor as per clause No.10.03.The acknowledgment from the Society/Consignee on Material Despatch Advice should bear stamp/seal along with the signature of competent authority. The acknowledgment from the Society /Consignee on Material Despatch Advice mentioning the receipt date and time along with the signature of the competent authority under their seal/stamp may be submitted along with the bills. No payment shall be released without the MDA. 14.03 The contractor's labour should not use any hook or any sharp instrument while lifting the bags which may cause damage to the bags. Any cut and torn bags should be standardised by the contractor. The bags for this purpose will be provided by IFFCO @ Rs.14.25 per bag. 14.04 In case of any diversion of the trucks, the same shall be done with written consent of IFFCO's representative /original ware house centre failing which IFFCO shall pay the freight for the distance of original centre or for the distance where the material delivered whichever is lower. 14.05 In case of any material not delivered during the month in which it is lifted the details of such undelivered material shall be furnished with MDAs / Destination wise on monthly basis by 30th / 31st of subsequent month failing which IFFCO shall withheld the 1.5 times the retention price of urea applicable to Kalol unit, of each MDA quantity without any notice. 15.0 CLAIMS 15.01 The contractor will not be paid any extra remuneration for lodging, pursuing and settlement of claims with various agencies on behalf of IFFCO. The contractor will, on behalf of IFFCO, have to prepare promptly and within the prescribed time limit all Claims with insurers, Municipal authority (with a copy to IFFCO) and pursue the same during the currency of the Contract. The contractor is required to incorporate the following clause in all refund claim applications/claims filed by him on behalf of IFFCO with Insurance, Municipal and other authorities, agencies etc. "Any refund arising out of this claim is payable to IFFCO Refund orders/cheques should be issued in the name of IFFCO". The contractor shall have to obtain the required documents under the applicable laws/rules and regulations from time to time so as to enable him to substantiate the claims on behalf of IFFCO, and to obtain compensation from the Insurers and other bodies and agencies and persons. The contractor will have to submit monthly statements showing the details of the claims lodged, settled and pending with various authorities or parties concerned INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT separately in triplicate to the authorised officer of IFFCO. If no claims are lodged/settled or pending in any month, the Contractor will have to furnish "NIL" statement. The refund claim files maintained by the contractor should be made available to IFFCO as and when required. After expiry of the contract, the contractor is required to hand over all the claim files maintained by him on behalf of IFFCO within a period of three months, furnish and execute necessary documents with authorities and obtain a clean receipt, on the basis of which his account will be settled. The payment received by the contractor from the Insurers and/or any other authorities against claims lodged by him on behalf of IFFCO or in connection with any matter relating to this contract shall be held in trust by the Contractor and the same shall be made over to IFFCO in full by crossed cheque, bankers demand draft promptly without any deductions whatsoever on any dispute or otherwise or pendency of any arbitration. IFFCO reserves the right to take penal action against the contractor in case of misappropriation of any money held by him in trust on behalf of IFFCO. 15.02 LIABILITY OF CLAIMS IFFCO shall not be liable for payment of any claim for charges arising out of or in consequence of negligence on the part of contractor or any of his employees to any property belonging to third parties or the Contractor or IFFCO and any accident involving employees of the contractor. It shall be sole responsibility and liability of the contractor and he shall indemnify and keep indemnified and saved harmless IFFCO against the same at all times. 15.03 INDEMNITY Without prejudice to any other provisions in these conditions, the contractor shall be bound to keep IFFCO or any representative or employees of IFFCO and its properties and assets fully indemnified at all times notwithstanding the expiry of the terms or termination of the contract against any action, claim or proceeding for any reasons whatsoever or under any applicable provision of law, rules, regulations, bye laws, notifications, direction or order having the force of law for anything done or omitted to be done by the contractor in contravention of such provision etc. for the infringement or violation thereof by him in the course of the result of any such action, claim or proceeding the contractor or such representative of IFFCO, as the case may be is adjudged to be liable to any penalties or to pay any compensation, the same shall be liability of the contractor and if IFFCO is required for any reason to take over the liabilities from the Performance Guarantee furnished by the contractor or from any other amounts whatsoever due and payable by IFFCO to the contractor under this contract or any other contract or any other account and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to IFFCO under law or otherwise. 16.00 BOOK EXAMINATION, SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS/REPORTING FORMATS ETC The contractor shall, whenever required, produce or cause to be produced for examination by authorised officer of IFFCO, statements accounts on records of all costs, expenses and outgoings, and other matters relating to the execution of contract. The contractor shall produce the required documents, information and returns at such time, and place as may be directed by IFFCO or its authorized representative. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 17.0 INCREASE IN SCOPE OF WORK/NEW ITEMS 17.01 On written instruction from the IFFCO or its authorised officer the contractor shall perform any additional jobs in connection with the work. The contractor will have the right to represent in writing to IFFCO within 14 days in case of any extra claim for such services. If no such representation in writing is received within the said period, the contractor’s right to claim for the extra job performed will be deemed to have been waived. The decision of IFFCO whether such additional work is covered under the existing work obligation of the contractor or not shall be final, conclusive and binding on the parties. 17.02 GENERAL CLAUSE : a) Items of work not covered in this tender will be mutually discussed. decision of IFFCO will be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor. b) The In the event of the contractor performing any job which, according to the contractor, is not covered under the rates quoted and is chargeable in addition to other rates quoted, then the contractor should get this confirmed including the charges from IFFCO before performing such jobs and decision of IFFCO is final and binding on Contractor. 18.00 DETENTION No claim for detention charges from the Contractor shall be entertained by IFFCO under any circumstances for detention of trucks at loading point at our plant and for unloading point at consignees godown / warehouse. 19.00 PRICE REDUCTION CLAUSE In case the Contractor fail to carry out the job in full or part as per terms & conditions of Contract, IFFCO shall be free to get the job done through Alternative Agency and additional expenses incurred by IFFCO due to Contractor’s failure shall be recovered from Contractor. 20.00 The Distance Table enclosed at Annexure – I here with showing distances from Kalol Plant to various destinations / Talukas of Gujarat State shall be treated as a part of Tender Document. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ANNEXURE-I LIST SHOWING DISTANCES DESTINATIONS IN GUJARAT: FROM EX-KALOL PLANT TO VARIOUS 1. Districts falls under Area Office Vadodara (A) Dist. Ahmedabad: Sr. Destination / Distance No. Taluka Place in KMs exKalol 1 Bavla 51 2 Mandal 68 3 Ranpur 149 4 Ahmedabad (City) 37 5 Dascroi 55 6 7 8 9 10 (B) Dist. Anand: Sr. Destination / No. Taluka Place Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Sojitra Umreth Tarapur Anand (C) Dist. Kheda: Sr. Destination / No. Taluka Place 1 2 3 4 5 Mehmdabad Matar Nadiad Thasara Balasinor (D) Dist.Panchmahal: Sr. Destination / No. Taluka Place 1 2 3 4 5 Godhra Halol Kalol Shahera Lunavada 6 Jambughoda Distance in KMs exKalol 101 105 108 98 Distance in KMs exKalol 63 72 77 98 103 Distance in KMs exKalol 144 159 165 153 136 186 Sr. No. 5 6 7 8 Destination / Taluka Place Dhandhuka Sanand Viramgam Dholka Rampura Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Destination / Taluka Place Petlad Borsad Khambhat Anklav Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol 120 45 65 58 54 110 119 124 130 6 7 8 9 10 Destination / Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Taluka Place Kapadwanj 79 Virpur 118 Kheda 68 Kathlal 66 Mahudha 74 Sr. No. Destination / Taluka Place Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol 7 8 9 10 11 Morva Ghoghamba Santrampur Khanpur Kadana (Divada) 178 186 166 176 177 Sr. No. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT (E) Dist. Dahod: Sr. No. Destination / Taluka Place 1 2 3 4 Devgadh Baria Dahod Zalod Limkheda Distance in KMs exKalol 206 216 196 192 Sr. No. 5 6 7 Destination / Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Taluka Place Garbada 232 Dhanpur 221 Fatepur 186 (F) Dist. Vadodara: Sr. No. Destination / Taluka Place 1 2 Vadodara Karjan Distance in KMs exKalol 136 168 3 4 5 6 7 Padra Savli Waghodia Dabhoi Sankheda 149 125 153 165 183 Sr. No. 8 9 10 11 12 2. Districts falls under Area Office Mehsana (A) Dist. Patan: Sr. Sr. Destination / Distance No. Taluka Place in KMs ex- No. Kalol 1 Santalpur 194 5 2 Radhanpur 145 6 3 Sami 120 7 4 Harij 105 8 (B) Dist. Banaskahtha: Sr. Destination / Distance No. Taluka Place in KMs exKalol 1 Tharad 196 2 Palanpur 120 3 Danta 158 7 8 9 4 5 6 10 11 12 Vadgam Dantivada Amirgadh 112 150 150 Sr. No. Destination / Taluka Place Jetpur Pavi Chotta Udaipur Naswadi Sinor Kawat Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol 218 229 219 192 252 Destination / Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Taluka Place Chanasma 84 Patan 102 Siddhpur 88 Vagdod 123 Destination / Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Taluka Place Bhabhar 174 Deodar 154 Kankrej136 Shihori Vav 209 Deesa 149 Dhanera 175 INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT (C) Dist. Mehsana: Sr. Destination / No. Taluka Place 1 2 3 4 5 Mehsana Visnagar Vadnagar Kheralu Vijapur Distance in KMs exKalol 51 70 84 91 48 (D) Dist. Sabarkantha: Sr. Destination / Distance No. Taluka Place in KMs exKalol 1 Himatnagar 71 2 Idar 95 3 Vadali 91 4 Khedbrahma 118 5 Bhiloda 114 6 Vijaynagar 133 7 Prantij 50 (E) Dist. Gandhinagar: Sr. No. Destination / Taluka Place 1 2 3 Mansa Dehgam Gandhinagar Distance in KMs exKalol 37 41 24 Sr. No. 6 7 8 9 Sr. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Sr. No. 4 5 Destination / Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Taluka Place Bechraji 70 Unjha 78 Satlasana 112 Kadi 35 Destination / Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Taluka Place Talod 68 Dhansura 93 Malpur 118 Modasa 109 Bayad 89 Meghraj 132 Destination / Distance in KMs Ex-Kalol Taluka Place Saij 3 Kalol 22 INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ANNEXURE - II BANK GUARANTEE FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) Note : 1 to 3 not to be typed on actual Bank Guarantee. 1. BG to be executed on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value (However, at present in Gujarat State, the value of Stamp Paper is Rs. 100/-). The stamp paper shoud not be older than six months. 2. The validity of this Bank Guarantee shall be for 9 months. 3. The Bank guarantee to be issued by Nationalised / Scheduled Bank.(except Cooperative and Gramin Banks. IN CONSIDERATION of Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd. KALOL, GUJARAT having its registered office at IFFCO Sadan’ C-1, District Centre, Saket Place, Saket, New Delhi - 110 017 (Hereinafter called `The Society' which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context includes its successors and assigns) having agreed to exempt M/s. ______________ (hereinafter called the said Tenderer(s) which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context includes his successors and assigns) from the demand under the terms and condition of Tender No./Enquiry No. _________________ for for ______________________________ (hereinafter called `the said Tender) of such Earnest Money Deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Tenderer(s) of the terms and conditions contained in the said Tender _______________________ for ____________________ on production of Bank Guarantee for Rupees ______________________________ Only). 1. We _________ Bank hereinafter referred to as 'the Bank' do hereby undertake to pay the Society an amount not exceeding Rs. ___________ (Rs. ______________________ Only) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered would cause to or suffered by the said Society by reason of any breach by the said Tenderer(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Tender (the decision of the Society as to any such breach having been committed and loss suffered shall be binding on us). 2. We ___________ Bank do hereby undertake to pay the amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur merely on a demand from the Society stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would cause to or suffered by the Society by reason of any breach by the said Tenderer(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Tender or by reason of the said Tenderer's failure to keep the Tender open. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.________ (Rupees ___________________ only). 3. We __________ Bank further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and affect during the period that would be taken for the finalisation of the said Tender and that it shall continue to be enforceable till the said Tender is finally decided and order placed on the successful Tenderer(s) and/or till all the dues of the Society under/or by virtue of the said Tender have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till a duly authorised officer of the Society certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Tender have been fully and properly carried out by the said Tenderer(s) and accordingly discharges the guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the ___________________ we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. 4. We ______________ Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Society in writing. 5. Value of Guarantee Rs. _____________/-. 6. (a) Validity of the Guarantee (Date) ______________. 7. Bank Guarantee No._______________________dated ___________. Dated______________________ day of __________________ 2008. CORPORATE SEAL OF BANK WITH SIGNATURE OF MANAGER. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ANNEXURE - III DRAFT OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE Note: 1 to 3 not to be typed on actual Bank guarantee. 1. Bank Guarantee to be executed on a non-judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value (However, at present, in Gujarat State, the value of stamp paper is Rs. 100/-). The stamp paper should not be older than six months) 2. The validity of this Bank guarantee shall be for the total contractual completion period of 18 months . 3. The Bank Guarantee to be issued by Nationlised/Schedule Bank(except Cooperative and Gramin Banks). ******** IN CONSIDERATION of Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Pin-380 015 having its Registered Office at IFFCO Sadan’ C-1, District Centre, Saket Place, Saket, New Delhi - 110 017 . (hereinafter called the "OWNER" which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include it's successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to M/s. ___________________ _________________ with its registered/Head Office at ____________ _____________(hereinafter refereed to as the "Contractor" which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns), an order/contract by issue of Owner's Letter of Intent/Order No.___________________ dated __________ and the same having been unequivocally accepted by the Contractor, resulting in a contract ____________________ (scope of contract) the faithful performance of the entire order/contract equivalent to Rs. (value of the order) which is 10 percent of the said value of the order/contract (including tax & duty) to the Owner. We ________________________(name and address of Bank)__________ having its Head Office at _________ place ___________) (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank" which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, including its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Owner, on demand any and all monies payable by the Contractor to the extent of Rs. (value of the Guarantee) as aforesaid at anytime upto __________ (Claim period date) ____ without any demur, reservation, context, recourse or protest and/or without any reference to the contractor. Any such demand made by the Owner on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference between the Owner and the Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without previous consent of the Owner and further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the Owner discharge this guarantee. The Owner shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this guarantee from time to time to extend the time for performance of the contract by the Contractor. The Owner shall have the fullest liberty without affecting this guarantee to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have against the Contractor, and to exercise the same at any time in any manner and either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants contained or implied in the contract between the Owner and the Contractor shall not be released to its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Owner of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of the Owner or any other indulgences shown by the Owner or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which under low would, but for this provision have the effect of relieving the Bank. The Bank also agrees that the Owner at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debitor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee the Owner may have in relation on to the Contractor's liabilities. JURIDICTION : The name of the arbitration shall be AHMEDABAD. The vanue of Arbitration shall be Ahmedabad. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs. __________ (value of guarantee) and it shall remain in force upto till (Date of claim period) unless a demand or claim under this performance guarantee is filed against us within six months from the expiry date of this Guarantee i.e. on or before _________ date(claim period) all the rights under this performance guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability thereunder. 1. Value of the Guarantee Rs. ____________ 2. a) Validity of Guarantee (Date)____________(for 18 months 3. Bank Guarantee No._____________ Date __________. IN WITNESS, the principle and surety have executed this Performance Guarantee and have affixed seals on the date set forth. Dated this____________________ day of __________2010 at__________________. (Corporate Seal of Bank with signature of Bank Manager). INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ANNEXURE - IV DRAFT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT EXECUTED THIS THE ____________________ day of ______________ Two thousand ________ by AND BETWEEN (1) INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED, a Cooperative Society, Registered under the Multi-unit Cooperative Societies Act, and having its Registered Office at IFFCO Sadan’ C-1, District Centre, Saket Place, Saket, New Delhi - 110 017, represented by its DY. GENERAL MANAGER [Purchase], having his office at Kalol (N.G) Gujarat 382423 (hereinafter referred to as "IFFCO" which expression shall mean and include its successors-in-interest and assigns) of the FIRST PART: and (2) __________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "THE CONTRACTOR" which expression shall mean and include his/its successors-in-interest and assigns) of the SECOND PART: WITNESSETH; (1) IFFCO carries on the business of manufacture and distribution of chemical fertilizers and other products : (2) IFFCO has invited tenders for Transportation of Bagged Fertiliser from IFFCO KALOL to various destinations of GUJARAT State. (3) The Contractor has submitted his/its tender dated ____________ and the same was accepted by IFFCO vide, its letter dated ______________and (4) It is deemed necessary to reduce the terms of the Contract between the parties hereto into writing. NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS: and it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. The Contractor shall, for a period of TWELEVE MONTHS from the date of acceptance letter dated ________ of IFFCO/award of jobs and for such further periods not exceeding ________ months as may be extended by IFFCO by a communication in writing to it, duly and promptly execute the supply & application of above job entrusted to him by IFFCO from time to time in accordance with the instructions and the Contract. 2. (a) The NIT/tender submitted by the Contractor, the letter of acceptance of the Contractor`s tender by IFFCO and which are annexed hereto, shall be read as forming part and parcel of this agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed accordingly. (b) All terms used herein and defined in the Contract shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the Contract. (c) In the event of any conflict between NIT and the letter of acceptance dated ___________ of IFFCO, the provisions of the said letter of acceptance dated _________ would prevail. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT 3. It is expressly understood by and between the parties hereto that all claims, contention and disputes arising out of this contract shall be settled and decided in accordance with the terms and conditions in the documents mentioned in clause 2 above. 4. It is further understood by and between the parties that the rates for transport accepted and fixed by IFFCO shall be binding on both parties to these presents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands to this agreement on the day month and year first herein above written. SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY THE SAID ______________________________________________ On behalf of INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED in the presence of : 1. 2. SIGNED & DELIVERED BY THE SAID _________________________________ On behalf of ___________________________________________________ in the presence of : 1. 2. INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ANNEXURE – V SELF DECLARATION WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT WE ARE NOT BANNED OR DE-LISTED BY ANY GOVT. DEPARTMENT / FINANCIAL INSTITUTKIONS / COURT AND HAVE NOT ANY CASE FOR LITIGATION. Signature : ______________________________ Name of the Party : _______________________ INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE LIMITED KALOL UNIT ANNEXURE-VI Ref.: KLL/ Date: CHECK LIST FOR SERVICES (This form is applicable for enquiry issued under two stage bidding only) SUMMARY OF TERMS & CONDITIONS QUOTED (Bidder Must Confirm / Comment Point wise& keep in the Technical-Unpriced Commercial Bid Envelop) Enquiry No. Item: Contact Person: Quotation No. Bidder: M/s Contact Phone No: We confirm / clarify as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Price Basis (Kalol Plant site) : Accepted Prices FIRM : Agreed Discount * : (Given %) / (Not Given) Service Tax * : ( N.A.) / (Extra / Inclusive) @ % Validity of the Quotation : Confirmed (90 days from the date of Opening of Technical Bids) 6. Payment Terms : Accepted (Within 30 days / As per the Annexure attached with the Enquiry) 7. Completion Period : Agreed 8. Damages (PRC clause) for the Delay : Accepted 9. Maintenance Period (if applicable) : Agreed 10. Performance Bank Guarantee (if applicable): Agreed 11. All other Terms & Conditions of ITB A.-Commercial Terms & Conditions : Accepted B.-Technical Conformity : Accepted (In case not accepted, deviation sheet to be attached) * Please tick mark ( √ ) which ever is applicable. In case of deviation between check list and quotation, the quotation shall supercede the check list. (Stamp, authorized signature & name of the party) PS: IFFCO shall have preference for accepting all the conditions of the bid on above points. In extreme cases, if any deviation to the above points is to be proposed by the bidder (in Technical / un-priced commercial bid), the same shall be given in a separate sheet, failing which, it will be considered that all the conditions of tender documents are acceptable to the bidder.