LONDON GATEWAY LOGISTICS PARK COMMON USER FACILITY A MULTI-PURPOSE LOGISTICS CENTRE FOR FLEXIBLE OCCUPANCY OPERATIONAL FROM 2015 LONDONGATEWAY.COM COMMON USER FACILITY TOTAL 386,102 SQ FT - OPERATIONAL 2015 London Gateway combines one of Europe’s largest logistics parks with the UK’s most advanced deep-sea port - a gateway to the world, creating the ultimate in Portcentric logistics. The Common User Facility is another example of London Gateway’s innovative approach and its role as an enabler of supply chain optimisation Supply chains will always seek to flow through the most cost effective, efficient and reliable channels. Making the supply chain more efficient is an opportunity to add value, reduce costs and maximise sustainability. London Gateway does all this, providing exceptional benefits and market advantage for supply chains into London, the South East, the Midlands and across the UK. The Offer •Multi-purpose flexible tailored logistics solutions •Compelling supply chain savings •Improved supply chain velocity •The optimal location to serve your client’s needs •Supplements your existing capacity •Enables fleet optimisation •Any scale of Grade A office and storage facility available Common User Facility S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Indicative computer generated aerial view of London Gateway •Logistics park adjacent to the UK’s most advanced deep-sea port •Open access on-site rail terminal connects directly to the UK’s strategic rail freight network (W10) with regular services •Dual carriageway access direct to the M25 •Fast and efficient Portcentric distribution opportunities with a single management team for both port and logistics park •Tri-modal infrastructure via sea, rail and road •Situated closer to the Midlands and the North than competing ports, reducing supply chain costs Common User Facility (CUF) - indicative layout 10 25 42 70 MILES FROM M25 (JCT 30) MILES FROM CENTRAL LONDON MILES FROM A1(M)/M25 (JCT 23) MILES FROM HEATHROW AIRPORT RAY A127 A127 29 BASILDON LAINDON ALL ENQUIRIES A13 UPMINSTER M25 SOUTH OCKENDON A13 Len Rosso PETER WARD RICHARD EVANS STEVE MITCHELL Chris Evans CHRIS KNIGHT 30 CANVEY ISLAND STANFORD LE HOPE A13 GRAYS QEII BRIDGE TILBURY JAMES HAESTIER JEREMY CRACKNELL 1A ED COLE LONDONGATEWAY.COM RIVER THAMES GRAVESEND A2 SAT NAV REF: SS17 9DY DPWORLD.COM MISREPRESENTATIONS ACT 1967 & DECLARATION. JLL AND COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL FOR THEMSELVES AND FOR THE VENDORS OF THIS PROPERTY WHOSE AGENTS THEY ARE GIVE NOTICE THAT: A) THE PARTICULARS ARE SET OUT AS GENERAL OUTLINE ONLY FOR THE GUIDANCE OF INTENDING PURCHASERS AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE, NOR CONSTITUTE PART OF, AN OFFER OR CONTRACT; B) ALL DESCRIPTIONS, DIMENSIONS, REFERENCES TO CONDITION AND NECESSARY PERMISSIONS FOR USE AND OCCUPATION AND OTHER DETAILS ARE GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH AND ARE BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, BUT ANY INTENDING PURCHASER SHOULD NOT RELY ON THEM AS STATEMENTS OR REPRESENTATIONS OF FACT BUT SHOULD SATISFY THEMSELVES BY INSPECTION OR OTHERWISE AS TO THE CORRECTNESS OF EACH OF THEM; C) NO PERSON IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF JLL OR COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL HAS ANY AUTHORITY TO MAKE OR GIVE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY WHATEVER IN RELATION TO THIS PROPERTY. THE DP WORLD LONDON GATEWAY AND LONDON GATEWAY LOGISTICS PARK WORDS AND ASSOCIATED LOGOS ARE ASSOCIATED TRADEMARKS OWNED BY DP WORLD. JUNE 2014.