The OhioEnergyProject(OEP)ia a non-profitK-12enerry educationorgarizationwhosemissionis to promote ar energyeducatedsocietyand facilitateleadershipthrougheflectivepartnershipswith schools,businesses, governmentand communities.Two programsusedto meetthis missionareOhio'sEnerg,dmartSchoolsProgram (OESSP) and the EnerryBikeprogram. Ohio'sEnergySmart SchoolsProgram,recognizedby the U.S.Departmentof Enerry'sRebuildAmericaProgram for Energ'Excellence in K-12Schools," offersteachersandstudentsthe opportunityto asan "EnergyChampion becomeenergyefliciencyleadersin theircommunityby usingtheirschoolbuildingsaslearninglaboratories. energyefficient,learning supportfor schoolsinterestedin providinga sustainable, OEPprovideseducational environment. TheEnergyBikeProgram,fundedby varioussponsorssuchasAmericanElectricPowerandAMPOhio,offers teacherandstudentteamsthe opportunityto buildandtakebackto theirdistrictsoneof the mostsuccessful tools for teachingaboutenergytransformations,efficiency,and electricgeneration.Theteamsthen train their peersto usethe EnergyBikein their classrooms.The EnergyBikeprogramis recognizedby the OhioEPAand Educators Environmental Education Environmental Councilof Ohioasoneof Ohio's"12MostOutstanding Programs." PublicSchools'EnergySmart Schools Thegoalsof thesetwo programswerefirstlinkedthroughthe Columbus to assistteachersin enhancing their abilityto teachscienceby utilizing Program. Thisprogramwasdesigned materialsavailableto them.Onefocusof this programwasprofessionaldevelopmentworkshopsfor educatorsin the district. Theseworkshopsweresimilarto the summerworkhops of the EnerryBikeProgramwhereteacher teamsbuilt the EnergyBike.However,the progam inte$ated energyefficiencylessons,information,activities andsupport. This activity bookis a bridgebetweentwo powerlul,energizingOEPprogramslor educatorsand students. For information,pleasecontact: StatewideCoordinator EnergySmart SchoolsProgram OhioEnergyProject 670EnterpriseDrive,SuiteA LewisCenter,Ohio43035-9440 EducationCoordinator EnergyBikeProgram OhioEnergyProject 670EnterpriseDrive,SuiteA LewisCenter,Ohio 43035-9440 6 1 4 - 7 8-51 7 1 7 614-785-1717 wYrw.o hioencrlty.orlt @2004 Ohio EnergyProjcct EnergyBikeActivityBookcontents,informationand activitiesare protectedunderthe FederalCopyrightAct. Educationmay reproduceOhio EnergyProjectmaterialsfor classroomuse. GCt Rgady! rhe Energy Bikewillhelpto pre- The EnergyBikecan be usedto teachabout GO! the efficientuse of energyfor lighting,heating,and transportationas well as the followingconcepts: pareyour studentsfor the Ohio ProficiencyTest! Each activity has studentsidentifypotentialhazardsand demonstratesafebehaviorby agreeingto the terms of a SafetyContract.Studentswill also use and observea varietyof measuringdevices.Electricityis measured with volt and amp meters,water and air temperatureare and homeenergycondeterminedwith thermometers, sumptionis discoveredby readinghomeelectricmeters. EveryEnergyBikeactivity is an idealvehiclefor the demonstration of energyconversions.Studentswill the phenomenon of their energybeingtransexperience formedinto electrical,radiant,thermal,and soundenergy. By tracingthe flow of energyrequiredto power the EnergyBike,learnerscomprehendthat most formsof energyon earthcan be tracedbackto the sun. Studentswill analyzeand infer by observingothers ridingthe EnergyBike. The impactsof technologyand humanactivityon the environmentis a topic of discussion. By utilizingthis powerfullearningtool, students learnaboutenergythroughobservation,experience, and research. The Law of Conservationof Energy. . Volts,amps,and watts . . . Photosynthesis Metabolism BTUs Energystorageusingcapacitors Potential and kinetic energy . . . Ohm's Law . Fusesand electricalsafety Utility options for meetingpublic demand Kilowatt-hours UiCtOry Lap! .Page20 . . .Page19-20 .Page18 .Page18 . . .Page34-35 .Page44 .Page45 .Page53 .Page54 . . . . P a g6e0 - 6 1 .Page70 Bikewill wehopetheEnergy be a powerfulteachingtool for you and your students! Beforeyou returnthe EnergyBiketo homebase,please providefeedbackby completingan evaluationpostcard and mailingit to: Gct Sct! The EnergyBike is the propertyof your It school district. will be stored at a "homebase'l Ohio EnergyProject Drive,SuiteA 670Enterprise LewisCenterOH 43035-9440 614-785- 1717 F a x6 1 4 - 7 8 51-7 3 1 HOIVIE BASESCHOOL TEACHER EIVIAIL )t TEACHER EIVIAIL S i TEACHER i PHONE EMAIL i i Theseteachersparticipatedin the EnergyBikeWorkshop and havebeentrainedto assistyou with questions.It is recommended that you assemblethe EnergyBikeone day beforeyour presentation and allowone hour for troubleshooting and practice.Youshouldbe preparedto retrievethe followingequipmentfrom the homebase: : r Bicycle : I Carryingcase,which contains: ii r r I I EnergyBikeboard& accessories Bikestand Poster:EnergyForms& Sources Evaluationcards i : : \\ \\\ ts \\ \ \ \ f, iding the EnergyBike is a powerfulexperience!You lf and your studentswill be pedalinga bicyclethat is attachedto a generator,thereby producingELECTRICITY! The bicycle'srearwheelis stabilizedso that the bike is stationaryand a l2- volt motor is mountedagainstthe rear wheel.The motor actsas a generatorwhendrivenby the rollerthat restson the bike'sreartire. A cable runs from the generatorto a displayboardwith variousappliancesattached. By usingthe activitysectionof this booklet,you will be ableto demonstratea numberof scientificconcepts with the EnergyBike. For example,bike riders will be able to seehow manyvolts they are producingand feelthe differencebetweenthe energyrequiredto light an incandescent versusa fluorescentbulb. The EnergyBike can be used in the following learningenvironments: r Classrooms I TeacherProfessionalDevelopmentPrograms r Assemblies f PTAevents I ScienceFairs I Parent-Student ScienceNights .,HOWDOESTHEENERGY BIKEGENERATE ELECTRICITY?'' On the back of the bike is a ZAP (Zero Air P ollut ion)m o to r, w h i c h i s b e i n g u s e d a s an el ectri c generator.A motor converts electrical energy into m ec hanic ale n e rg yw h i l e a g e n e ra to rc o n verts mechanicalenergy into electrical energy.Any motor c an be us ed a s a g e n e ra to rb y re v e rs i n gth e di recti on in energy input. Motors and generatorshave the same phy s ic alc on s tru c ti o n : e a c h c o n s i s tso f a copper coi l , called an armature,which rotates in a magnetic field to create electricity. In the generator,the armature spi ns i n the magneti cfi el d, causi ngel ectr onsin t he copper coi l to fl ow al ong the surfaceof th e copper w i re, creati ngan el ectri calcurrent. S o, how i s that current getti ngfrom the coil t o t he l i ght bul b? It travel s through the cord! E vent hough w e can' t see them, there are tw o w i res i n t he cor d, both of w hi ch are connectedby brushes( slidingcontacts) to the coi l i n the generator.The el e ct r icit y fl ow s to the l i ght bul bs through one w i re and f lows back to the generatorthrough the other wir e. ouERvlFw Getreadyfor someelectrifyingexperiences!Setup time will take approximately30 minutes. Allow yourselfone hour to set up and test the bike,troubleshootany problems,and practiceyour presentation. 3. The bicyclestandis foldedin the bottomof the case. Removethe stand,and set it up by separating the legs. 4. Loosenthe crankon the bike standuntil it is fully extendedtoward the centerof the bike stand. TxFBtcfclt 5. Completelyloosenthe outer blackknob by pulling it back towardsthe thicker part of the stand. with 1, Settingup the bicycleis best accomplished two people. 6. Rollthe rearwheelof the bike into the stand, keepingthe front wheelstraight. 2, Openthe gray case. Removethe displayboard paneland the thin graydivider. Setthem aside, 7. Lift the rear wheeland prepareto secureit in the stand. 8. Guideone of the rearwheel'saxlenuts into a slotted silvercup. Alignthe oppositeaxlenut with the other cup. Tightenthe outer cupsuntil the bolts supportthe wheel. 9. Pushthe black knob forward until the wheelis centeredin the stand. q 10. Experimentwith the stabilizerblockby placingit underthe front wheelof the bicycle. Depending upon the floor'ssurface,you may want to usethe stabilizer,or you may not. The stabilizeris the grey pieceof plasticthat is usedto hold the front wheel in place. BoARD DIIPIAY 1. At the bottomof the graycaseare two display boardbases.Removethe basesand set them aside' 6, Connectthe longblackand red wire to the bike's generator.Usethe velcrotie strapson the bike standto securethe wire to the standand bike. IL, In a blackbagnext to the long pulloutbox are three blackpoles. Removethe Poles. bulbsinto the top row 7, Insertthe four incandescent sockets. of 8. Insertthe four fluorescentbulbsinto the bottom row of sockets. 9. Attach any additionalappliancesyou may needfor your presentation to the hooksand plug into the sockets. 3. The longerpole hasa set of connectorbolts on eachend. Usethis pole to connectthe two stand basestogether.Makesureto tightenthe bolts! 4. Attachthe othertwo polesto the top of the bases and tightenthe bolts. 5. Attachthe displayboard to the top of the polesand tightenthe bolts. DRIUE! TEST 1. Performa safetycheck: to makesure t Lookover all wiresand connections thereare no loosewires. r Checkthe displayboardfor stability- be sure all bolts are tightened. r Try to leanthe bike from sideto sidein the stand- it shouldn'tmove! I Put the bicyclein its highestgear,while pedaling the bike,with the chainon the largestfront sprocketand the smallestrear sprocket. 2, Ridethe EnergyBikeand test all of the bulbs and you will needfor your presentation. appliances \7 SAFETYCONTRACT All participants should components. Th. EnergyBikehassomepotentiallydangerous prior to potential for to the following contract terms danger and agree of I be aware the participatingin anyEnergyBikeactivities. RIDERQUATIFICATIOilS I I I I Youmust be preparedto pedalat a consistentspeed! Youmust be ableto keepyour feetflat on the pedalswhile seated. Youmust followall safetyguidelines. Youmust be wearingappropriateshoes. RIDERS I Tuckor gatherlooseclothingthat could becomecaughtin the spokesor chain. I Tie shoelaces. I Geton the bikefromthe audienceside. I I I I Keepclearof all cordsand wires. Remainseatedat all times. Hold the handlebarsat all times. Keepthe bike as steadyas possible. INSTRUCTORS I Changethe seatheightfor riders as needed. I Haveriders get on the bike from the audienceside. t Hold the handlebarsto stabilizethe bicycle whenneeded. I Be alert to overexertedridersand stop them from pedalingimmediately. I Enforceall safetyrules,making additionalrulesas needed. I Avoid the rear wheelwhen the EnergyBike is in use. I Keepnonridersawayfrom the rearwheel whenthe EnergyBikeis in use. AGREETIIENT I, , agreeto the termsof the SafetyContract.I realizethe and am willingto followthe EnergyBikehassomepotentiallydangerouscomponents, rulesto insuremy safety.Unsafebehaviorcouldterminatemy participationin the Energy Bikedemonstration. Signed: Date:_l_l_ BORROWING CONTRACT TheEnergyBikeis propertyof School(s).For the safetyof the participants,and care of all equipment,the instructor has attendedan EnergyBike training sessionbeforeconductingany EnergyBike activities. INSTRUCTOR RESPONSIBITITIES You must attend an EnergyBike training sessionwith the designatedEnergyBike teacherfrom your school district or Ohio EnergyProjectstaff prior to presenting activitiesin your classroom. I You must understandthe safetycontract. I You are responsiblefor reporting any maintenanceproblemsor necessaryreplacementparts to the designatedEnergyBike teacher prior to returningthe EnergyBike. I You must adhereto any additionalrules or borrowingprocedures that are set forth by the designatedEnergyBike teacher. AGREEIIIENT I, , agreeto the terms of the Borrowing Contract.I realizethat it is my responsibilityto report any malfunction,breakFailureto do so age,or misuseof the EnergyBikewhile it is in my possession. could terminatemy eligibilityto reservethe use of the EnergyBikein the future. Signed: Date:_l_l_ his sectioncontainseight EnergyBike activitiesplus two introductory lessons,The introductory activitiescorrespondto the two-sidedposter stored in the EnergyBike carryingcase. The postersillustrate the ten major sourcesof energyand the energy transformationsthat occur when riding the Energy Bike. The level of difficultyfor eachEnergyBike activity will vary. Someof the conceptsmay be too advanced, or too simple,for the differentgradelevels.Youare the bestjudgeof how preparedyour studentsare to learna particularconcept.As you readthroughthe activities, you may want to modifythem accordingly.You are also to developyour own lessons. encouraged A generaloverviewof eachEnergyBikeactivity will requirea minimumof 15minutesper lesson.The lengthof the activitieswill dependon how in-depthan you providefor eachconceptand the numexplanation ber of ridersyou allowto participate.Eachlesson typicallyrequiresa maximumof 50 minutes.The followingpagesdetailthe EnergyBikeand the Ohio Scienceand Math Proficiency Learningoutcomes. FORTilAT ACTIUITY Overview: A brief outlinedescribesthe activities. Outcomes:Conceptsthat studentsshouldlearnare listedfor the activity. Get Ready,Get Set,Go: This sectionincludesthe preparadirectionsfor eachactivity. tion requiredand step-by-step Brain Power: A worksheetis providedfor studentsto completeduringeachactivity. Brain Power Key: An answerkey followseachBrain Powerworksheet. Further Discovery: Follow-uplessons reinforcethe main conceptsof each EnergyBike activity. oo ET EI 1-- BIKEACTIUITIES HINTSFORALt ENERGY HELPFUT 1, InstructEnergyBike riders to pedalat a steadypace of.12volts. This will enable on the volt and accuratemeasurements amp meters. 2. lnstruct EnergyBike riders to keep pedaling until you tell them to stop. 3. To reinforcethe scientificmethod,have more than one studentride the bike during a lesson.You may want to haveadditional studentsrepeatparts of the lessonto verify anv conclusionsthat are drawn from the EnergyBike activities.This will also allow additionalstudentsto ride the EnergyBike. 4. When moving switchesor insertingplugs stabilizethe display into the receptacles, board by using one hand to hold the top of the board. 5. When insertingapplianceplugsinto the do not rotatethe plug. Push receptacles, the plug straightin and pull it straightout. FUl{! 6. And the mosfhelpfulhint is...HAUE Thereis a needto implementuniqueprograrnsandactivitiesto helpstudentsachievein science.Forexample,20 percentof the ninthgradescienceproficiencyoutcomes pertainspecifically to energytransformations, sources,and forms. The OhioEnergyProject(OEP)works diligentlyto introducenewteachingtoolsthat will capturethe attention of today'sstudents. Thetablebelowsummarizes the percentage of OhioScience Proficiency LearningOutcomesthat aremet by EnergyBike activities.TheseactMtiesmeetall outcomesthat areenergy related,aswellas,outcomesfocuseduponscientificmethods, measures andprocedures.The "energyspecific"column refersto the percentage of leamingoutcomeswhich pertain directlyto energytransformations, sourcesandforms. t. Demonstrate an understanding of safeuseof materialsand/ordevicesin scienceactivities. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don't Blowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! Strand: Physical Science 12. Explainand/orpredictthe motionof objectsand/or describethe effectsof someobjectson otherobjects. I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Don'tBlowa Fuse! Strand: Earth and Space Science 14. Identifyand/ordescribethe relationshipbetween humanactivityand the environment. Electric...Power! E]{ERGY BIIIEACTMflES Al{DOHIOSCIENCE II lt's Kilo-what? LllBiltilGorrTcoilrs moflcl-ENCy FOURTH GRADE OUTCOTTIES Strand: The Nature of Science 2, Selectinstrumentsto makeobservations and/or organizeobservations of an event,objector organism. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 3. Analyzea seriesof eventsand/orsimpledailyor seasonal cyclesandpredictthe nextlikelyoccurrence in the sequence. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f Mighty Motors I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! made 8. Evaluateobservationsand measurements by other persons. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! slxrHGnADF OUTCOilFS Strand: The Nature of Science 2, Identifypotentialhazardsand/orprecautions involvedin scientificinvestigations. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f Mighty Motors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I It's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 3. Makeinferences from observations of phenomena and/orevents. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! : : i 10. Identifysimplepatternsin physicalphenomena. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? : r The BTUis OneHot Topic! i I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap i a Kilo-what? : i Strand: Life Science 4. Identifythe positiveand/or negativeimpactof technologyon humanactivity. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 16. Analyzebehaviorsand/or activitiesthat positivelyor negativelyinfluencehumanhealth. f Light Bulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don't Blowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 5. Evaluateconclusionsbasedon scientificdata. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 17. Analyzethe impactsof humanactivity on the ecosystems of the earth. I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? Strand: Pltysical Science the advantagesand/or disadvantages to 6. Recognize the userin the operationof simpletechnological devices. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! The EnergyTrap I Capacitors: I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! ]{I]{THGRADE OUTCOiIES i Strand: The Nature of Science i 2. Distinguishbetweenobservationand inferencegiven i a representation of a scientificsituation. r The BTU is OneHot Topic! i I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap i f Don'tBlow a Fuse! : i Power! f lt's Electric... r Kilo-what? i f Horsepower! i 7, Predictthe influencesof the motionof someobiect on other objects. f Mighty Motors I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap i 3. Identifyand applysciencesafetyprocedures. : I The BTUis OneHot Topic! f Capacitors:The EnergyTrap i f Don't Blowa Fuse! : f lt's Electric...Power! i i f Kilo-what? r Horsepower! i 8. Proposeand/or evaluatean investigationof simple physicaland/orchemicalchanges. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! an understanding of the useof : 4. Demonstrate i measuringdevicesand report data in appropriateunits. i f The BTUis OneHot Topic! 9. Provideexamplesof the transformationand/or r Capacitors:The EnergyTrap i conservationof matter and energyin simplephysical I Don'tBlow a Fuse! i systems. f Kilo-what? i I EnergyFormsPoster f Horsepower! : I Light Bulb or HeatBulb? f I I I I I I i i 19. Describethe relationshipbetweentechnology and science. i f LightBulb or HeatBulb? : : I The BTUis OneHot Topic! r Capacitors:The EnergyTrap i f lt's Electric... Power! i f Kilo-what? i f Horsepower! : Mighty Motors The BTUis OneHot Topic! Capacitors:The EnergyTrap Don'tBlowa Fuse! Power! lt's Electric... Kilo-what? Horsepower! v Strand: Physical Science TWELFTH GRADE OUTCOIIES T, Describeinteractionsof matter and energythroughout the lithosphere,hydrosphereand atmosphere. I The BTU is OneHot Topic! Strand: The Nature of Science 8. Apply the useof simplemachinesto practical situations. f Light Bulb or HeatBulb? f Mighty Motors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 4. Analyzethe resultsof changinga componentof simplesystems. f MightyMotors I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I lt's Electric... Power! I Horsepower! 5. Relatestructureand functionin physicaland biologicalsystems. I Don'tBlowa Fuse! 7. Evaluatethe scientificvalidityof datausedin persuasive communication. I Kilo-what? in 10. Applythe conceptsof energytransformations electricaland mechanical systems. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 11. Apply conceptsof soundand light wavesto everyday situations. I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? 12. Describethe chemicaland/orphysicalinteractions of matter. I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! Strand: Earth and Space Science 18. Comparerenewableand nonrenewableresources and strategiesfor managingthem. I EnergySourcesPoster f LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I It's Electric... Power! Snand: Life Science 13. Tracethe flow of energyand/or the interrelationshipsof organismsin an ecosystem. I EnergyFormsPoster f Light Bulb or HeatBulb? f Mighty Motors I Horsepower! v 8. Formulatean experimentaldesignto test a given hypothesis. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlow a Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 13. Identifythe safetyprecautionsthat shouldbe taken givena Manufacturer'sSafetyDataSheet(MSDS)or a product labelwith a key. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTU is OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlow a Fuse! I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 15. Demonstrate an understanding that scientifictheories and methodshavedevelopedand continueto developthroughtime. f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Kilo-what? Strand: Physical Science 1. Traceenergytransformations, and/or apply the principlesof mass/energy conservation to physical and biologicalsystems. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 3. Usefundamentalforcesto explainand makepredictions aboutmotionsand changesin systems. f Light Bulb or HeatBulb? f Mighty Motors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I lt's Electric... Power! I Horsepower! Strand: Earth and Space Science 12. Demonstrate an understanding of units of measure and precisionby usingan appropriatemeasuring devicefor an application. f LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! ,l aa't P.@: ;g v Thereis a needto implementuniqueprogramsand activities to help studentsachieve.The Ohio EnergyProject (OEP)worksdiligentlyto introduceand providenew teachingtools that will capturethe attentionof today's students. The tablebelowsummarizes the percentage of Ohio Math ProficiencyOutcomesthat are met by EnergyBike activities. ENERGY BIIIEACIMTIESAl{D OHIOiIATH r$BNtNGourcoilrs PnoflclENrv IOUBTflGRADIOUTCOTiTFS 2. Usepatternsto makegeneralizations and predictionsby: o. determininga rule and identifyingmissing numbersin sequence; b. determininga rule and identifyingmissing numbersin a tableof numberpairs; c. identifyingmissingelementsin a pattern andjustifyingtheir inclusion;and d. determininga rule and identifyingamassing numbersin a sequenceof numbersor a tableof numberpairsrelatedby a combinationof addition,subtraction,multiplicationor division. I I I I I I LightBulb or HeatBulb? MightyMotors The BTUis OneHot Topic! Capacitors:The EnergyTrap Don'tBlowa Fuse! Horsepower! 3. Selectappropriatenotationand methodsfor symbolizinga problemsituation,translatereal-life situationsinvolvingadditionand/orsubtractioninto and represent conventional symbolsof mathematics, operationsusingmodels,conventional symbolsand words. I I I I I I LightBulb or HeatBulb? MightyMotors The BTUis OneHot Topic! Capacitors:The EnergyTrap Don'tBlowa Fuse! Horsepower! 4, Identifyneededinformationto solvea problem. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I Horsepower! 6, Decompose, combine,order and comparenumbers. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don't Blowa Fuse! 8. Add, subtract,multiplyand dividewholenumbers and explain,illustrateor selectthinkingstrategies for makingcomputations. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlow a Fuse! I Horsepower! 11. Add and subtractdecimals. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 21. Usemental,paper-and-pencil,and physicalstrategies to determinetime elapsed. I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Kilo-what? 24. Makeor usea tableto recordand sort information (in a problem-solving settingusingsimpleand complex patternsin nature,art or poetry as setting)and make identifications, comparisonsand predictionsfrom tables, picturegraphs,bar graphsand labeledpicturemaps. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! silrHGBAPJ OtncorrtFt 4, Identifyneededand giveninformationin a problem situation,as well as irrelevantinformation. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I The BTU is OneHot Topic! I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 6. Computewith whole numbers,fractionsand decimals. I Light Bulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I The BTU is OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I Horsepower! 12. Read,interpretand usetables,charts,mapsand graphsto identifypatterns,note trends,and draw conclusions. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? 17. Convert,compareand computewith commonunits of measurewithin the samemeasurement system. I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Kilo-what? 22. Read,interpretand use tables,charts,mapsand graphsto identifypatterns,note trendsand draw conclusions. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 24. Makepredictionsof outcomesof experimentsbased upon theoreticalprobabilitiesand explainactualoutcomes. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I MightyMotors I The BTUis OneHot Topicl I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? illirtx GBA.DI oulcofiFs 1. Computewith wholenumbers,fractionsand decimals. I Light Bulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric... Power! I Kilo-what? I Horsepower! 8. Readthe scaleon a measurement deviceto the nearest markand makeinterpolationswhereappropriate. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I Horsepower! v rwFlrTxGBAD*F o uTtqifis 1, Compare,order and determineequivalenceof real numbers. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don't Blowa Fuse! 2, Estimateanswers,computeand solveproblems involvingreal numbers. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I The BTUis OneHot Topic! I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don't Blowa Fuse! I Horsepower! 5. Organizedatainto tables,chartsand graphs. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? I Mighty Motors I Capacitors: The EnergyTrap I Don'tBlowa Fuse! I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? 6. Read,interpretand usetables,chartsand graphsto identifypatterns,note trends,draw conclusions and makepredictions. I LightBulb or HeatBulb? f MightyMotors I Capacitors:The EnergyTrap I Don't Blowa Fuse! I lt's Electric...Power! I Kilo-what? s l---tl coAr CI $ ENERGY SOURCES POSTER lntroductoryActivity a fossilfuel in the form of a solid black rock energyfrom movingair a fuel refinedfrom naturalgasand petroleum heat and steam energyfrom the earth'score PROPANE energyresultingfrom fission,or the splitting of uraniumatoms d A ..-. /f_ 1 v GEOTHERftIAT energyproduced by movingwater .aA^. K.rI --.-- o0 0 0o HYDROPOWER NUCLEAR a colorless/odorless fossilfuel mostlymade of methane WIND enersyfrom the raysof the sun s{27X\ I SOTAR ]{ATURAL GAS a fossilfuel that is a thick blackliquid PETROTEUTII Usingthis poster,studentswill matchnamesand picturesof the ten major sourcesof energyto the corresponding definitions. clflls RooftiQU-EsTt oils ANDANs'wE RSi At the end of this discussion, it will be apparentthat energy is usedat all times! Teacher:"How haveyou usedenergytoday?" Answer: "By turningon the lights." Teachen "Wheredo lightsget energy?" Answer: "Fromelectricity." Teachen "Wheredoeselectricitycomefrom?" Answer: "Pouerplants," energyfrom burning plants,trashand organicmatter ? BIOttASS Introducethe term renewableenergy;havethe students namefive renewablesourcesof energy: Biomass,geothermal, hydropower,solar,ond windore renewablesourcesof energtbecause conuerting theirenergt to electricigdoesnot depletetheirsupply.Dayafterday,the sun shines,the wind blous,ondtheriuersflow, Usingthe EnergySourcesPoster,removethe definitioncards fromthe poster.Dividethe classinto ten teamsanddistributea definitioncardto eachteam. Thestudentsareto determine whichenergysyrnboltheircardis describing.If the students needhelp,askthemto determineif the energysourceis renewableor nonrenewable. To completethis activity,havea student representative from eachteamplacetheir definitioncardnextto their energysourceon the posterandreadit aloudto the class. Teachen "Howdoesthe powerplantgenerate the electricity?" Teachen"ls electricitya renewable or nonrenewable sourceof Answer: "lt burnscool!" energy?" Answer: "lVeither...electricity is differentfromtheotherenerg/ Teachen"Exactly,and coal is one of the ten major sources sources because it is a secondorysourceof energt. of energy." Thotmeonswe mustuseoneof thetenmajorsources Introducethe term nonrenewable energy;havethe stuof enerEtto produceit. In the UnitedStotes, coalis the dentsnamefive nonrenewable sourcesof energy: numberonefuelforgenerating electricity." Nonrenewable energysourcesare mostfrequentlyused Optional:Afterstudentshavelearnedthe ten majorsources in the UnitedStotes.Cool,petroleum,naturalgas, of energy,you canreinforcetheir learningby playing propane,and nuclearenerg/are nonrenewoble because "EnergyRoundup,""EnergyRelay,"or "EnergyCarnival." All theytokemillionsof yeorsto form. of theseactivitiesand morecanbe orderedfrom the Ohio EnergyProject. EI{ERGY FORftISPOSTER lntroducforyActivity ENERGYFORTNS Radiant ? Chemical cal Chemi Mechanical Electrical Radiant& Thermal Usingthis poster,studentswill trace the energytranformationsthat occurwhile ridingthe EnergyBike. clAssBooilQUIsTtoillANDANsw[Rsi havea studentpedalthe Beforethis discussion, bulb and then EnergyBiketo light an incandescent stop pedaling. Teacher:"Wheredid the energycomefrom to light the bulb?" Answer: "Thegenerator." Teacher: "l seethe generatorsittingthere,but I don't seethe bulb lightingup!" Answer: "Our legsmade the generatorrun." Teachen "Wheredid the energyin your legscomefrom?" Answer: "Our muscles." Teacher: "But wheredid your musclesget the energy?" Answer: "Our brainstold our legsto uork." Teacher: "Right,but that is just a signal.Throughthe nervoussystem,our brainstell our muscles to contractwhile pedalingthe EnergyBike. In fact,just thinkingaboutridingthe Energy Biketakesenergy!So,wheredid your body's energycomefrom?" Answer: "lt camefrom food." Teacher: "What did you havefor breakfastand can you traceit backto the sun?" Answer: "Cereolcomesfrom groins,ond grainsuseenerEt from the sun to grow. Egs come from chickens,chickenseot groins,and grainsgrow becauseof the sun.Baconcomesfrom hogs, hogseat com, and com growsin responseto the sun3 energ/. Milk comesfrom cowsthotgraze on plonts,thot in tum, dependon the sun for energ/. All foodscan be tracedbock to the sun." Usingthe EnergyFormsPoster,beginwith the sun (nuclearenergy)and havethe studentstracethe energy transformations that occur while riding the EnergyBike. Nuclcar cncrgy isenergy lockedwithin the nucleusof an atom. It is the forcethat binds the nucleusof the atomtogether. The energycan be releasedwhen \/ J atomsare combinedor split \-, apart. Nuclearpower plantssplit atomsin a processcalledfission. The sun combinesatomsin a processcalledfusion. Throughfusion,nuclearenergyis convertedinto radiant and thermalenergy. r Y,,-*\*? Vf )-*' ( \=rd:) Radiant encrgy iscommonly calledlight energy.Amazingly enough,it only takes8 minutes and 20 secondsfor solarradiation to travel from the sun to the earth-adistanceof 150million kilometers!But light energyis only one kind of radiantenergy. All wavescarry energy.Radioand televisionwavesare other types of radiantenergy. v Ch€miCal Cn9iryNis storedin thebonds between the atoms of food. wood. coal. and other fuels. Duringphotosynthesis, sunlight givesplantsthe energythey needto build complexchemicalcompounds. Whenwe eat food,a chemicalenergy transformationoccurscalledmetabolism. Throughmetabolism, we breakdown the carbonhydrogenbonds(carbohydrates)in food. Weare then ableto convertthis chemicalenergyinto mechanicalenergy. ilcshanisal Gh€r!! is the energyof motionusedto perform work. It is the energythat pulls,pushes,twists,turns,and throws. A machineusesmechanical energyto do work and so do our bodies.Whenridingthe EnergyBike,we are ableto convert chemicalenergyinto mechanicalenergy. E|ccfrisal cnctgUisthe energyof chargedparticles,like electrons.Everythingin the world is madeup of tiny particlescalled atoms. Atomsare madeup of eventinier particlescalled electrons,protons,and neutrons. Electriccurrentis producedwhen electronsare forcedto move.In a generator,rotating copperwire arounda magnetcreatesa forcethat causes electronsto move.A personridingthe EnergyBikeuses mechanical energyto rotatethe copperwire insidethe generator.The generatorconvertsmechanicalenergy into electricalenergy. Thgfmal CnGfg},_ or heat energy,is produced by movingor vibratingmolecules.The fasterthe moleculesmove,the hotter an objectbecomesand the more thermalenergyit possesses. The electricalenergyusedto light an incandescent bulb while riding the EnergyBikeproduces both radiantand thermalenergy. ovEBvlIw Fluorescent bulbsprouidea moreenerE/efficientsourceof light than incandescent bulbs. Incandescentlightingis used mostoftenin homesdue to the initial costof purchosingfluorescentbulbs. In this actiuity,studentswill usethe EnerEt Bike to generateelectricityand comparethe two typesof bulbsusingtheir musclepower. Theywill reod uolt and amp metersto colculatewattageand to determinethe economic aduantageof usingfluorescentbulbs. ourcoilFs Learnerswill: r understandthat light bulbsconvertelectricalenergyto radiantand thermalenergy. r comparethe energyefficiencyof fluorescentversus incandescent bulbs. I defineelectricity,volts,ampsand watts. r learnthe Law of Conservationof Energy. GTTREADY| 1, If needed,makeclasscopiesof the EnergyBikeSafety Contractfoundon page7. 1. 1-17 If needed,distributeand review \F the SafetyContractwith your students. V 2, Beginthis activityby havingyour studentspredict which type of light bulb is moreeconomicalandenergy efficient. 3. Describethe task Studentswillgenerateelectricity usingthe EnergyBiketo compareincandescent bulbs to fluorescent bulbs. Theywill describethe muscle powerrequiredto light the incandescent versusfluo rescentbulbs. 4, Defineelectricity: Electricityis energtassocioted with mouingelectrons. 5. Selecta volunteerandaskthemto beginpedaling.Once the volt meterreachesl2-13volts,flip onefluorescent switchup. 6, Aftera fewseconds,turn off the fluorescent bulb,andlight an incandescent bulb by flippingoneincandescent switch up. Stopthe riderandaskhim/herto comparethe amountof strenghrequiredto lighteachbulb. Therider shouldindicatethe fluorescent bulbwaseasierto light. 2, Makeclasscopiesof the BrainPowersheetfoundon pages2l-22. 9rTsFTi 1. Setup the EnergyBikeand insertfour incandescent and four fluorescentbulbs. 2, If anychallenges occurwhiletestingthe EnergyBike, referto the troubleshootingsectionon pages84-85. 3. Flipthe ampmeterswitchup asindicatedbelow.Flipup the terminalpostswitch. The Energy Bike has tuo columns of suitches uhich power the incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column pouers the incandescent bulbs, and the second column powers the fluorescent. 7. Introducethe termsvolts,amps,and wattsas the units of measurement for electricity. Definevolts: Voltsmeasurethe differencein electricpotential. ffi w Demonstrate volts by havingten studentsstandin a circle. Ask the studentsto imaginethey are someof the electronsof the manycopperatomsin a wire. Instructthem to standstill, and put one handon the shoulderof the personnextto them. Theyshould then pushgentlyon the shoulderof the personnext to them. Explainthat electronspushon one another as they are movingthrougha wire in a circuit,and that pushis the energyavailableto potentiallymove the electrons.Voltsmeasurethe potentialenergyof the electrons,so volts are oftendescribedas potentialdifference. Defineamps:Ampsmeasuretheamountof electriccurrent. Usingthe samestudents,demonstrateampsby identityinga startingpoint in the circuit. Havethe studentsbeginto walk aroundthe circlevery quickly.As the startingpoint is the students'paceincreases, passedmorefrequently.That increasein frequency represents an increasein amps. Ampsmeasurethe numberof electronsthat passa certainpoint in the circuitper second.Oneampis equalto 6.2x l0'n electronspassinga point in one second. Definewatts: Wattsmeesureelectricalpouer. Wattscanbe determinedby multiplyingvolts (electric potential)by amps(current).Voltsx Amps= Watts. 8. Askfor a volunteerto pedalthe EnergyBikeand light oneincandescent and one fluorescentbulb. Havethe classdeterminewhich type of bulb requiresmore electricityto operateby readingthe amp meter. Fluorescentbulb= I amp Incandescent bulb = 4 amps 9. Havea third volunteerpedalto comparethe amount of musclepowerrequiredto light four fluorescent bulb. bulbsversusone incandescent Thestroinon the uolunteers/egsshouldfeel equaL 10. Definethe law of Conservationof Energy: Energtcannot be createdor destroyed,it con only be transformed. 11. Usinga fourthvolunteer,light first an incandescent and then a fluorescentbulb,one at a time. Ask the studentsto determinewhich bulb looksbrighter. Youmaywish to turn off the lightsto help the studentscomparethe brightnessof the bulbs.Often they will answerfluorescent.Havea studentread both the volt and amp meter.Calculatethe power of eachbulb usingthe equationVoltsx Amps = Watts. Fluorescent bulb = 12watts Incandescent bulb = 48 watts 12, Sincethe incandescent bulb requiresmore"leg power,"it seemsas if it shouldbe brighter.If the extra power is not beingconvertedinto light, to what other form of energyis it beingconverted?It is being conuertedto heat,or thermalenerglt. v FTUORESCENT AND TIGHTBULBS INCANDESCENT The filamentof an incandescentbulb is a resistive element,similar to the wires in a toaster. The filament is a tungstenwire wound in a tight coil. It glowsmuch more brightly than heatingelements.Believeit or not, filamentscan be up to 20 incheslong and reachtemperaturesof 4,500"F!Due to a filament'shigh temperature, inert gasessuch as argonare placedinsidethe bulb to prevent the wire from burning. Incandescenceis the emission of a glowing white light by an intensely heated material. A fluorescentbulb has a glasstube, whose inner surfacehas a phosphor coating. In compactfluorescent bulbs,the tube is folded back on itself. The tube is filled with argongasand a small amountof mercuryvapor. Differentgasesproducedifferentcoloredlight. For example, neon gasproducesred light and sodium gasmakes yellow light. At the end of eachtube are electrodesthat emit electronswhen heatedby an electriccurrent. When electronsstrike the mercuryvapor,the mercury atoms emit rays of ultraviolet(LJ\Dlight. When theseinvisible W rays strike the phosphor coating,the phosphoratoms emit visible light. The convensionof one type of light into another is known as fluorescence. 13. Whilea studentis pedaling,havevolunteersput their handsnearthe incandescent bulb and then the fluorescentbulb. Instructthe studentsto taketheir handsawayas soonas they start to feelwarm. Whichbulb feelswarmest? The incandescent feelswarmest. Fluorescent 60%thermalenerg/ bulb enerE/= 40%radiantenerglt Incandescent bulbenerg/= 90%thermalenerg/ 10%rodiontenergy 14. Whichbulb is mostenergyefficientand cost efficient? Fluorescentbulbsrequire75%lessenerg/ and last up to l3 timeslonger.A fluorescentbulb usesapproximately17t thepowerof on incandescent bulbbecauseit conuerts electricalenerg/ into light more efficiently. 15. A compactfluorescentbulb is expectedto pay for itselfin only 1.7years. Ask the studentsto identify the environmental benefitsof usingfluorescentbulbs over incandescent bulbs. I Powerplonts would not haueto burn as muchcoal, reducingoir poilution ond conseruingnonrenewable resources. I Therers /essof a needfor oir conditionersto remoue the heat outputfrom the light butbs. I The bulbslast longer,thereforeyou throw feuer bulbsouay and conseruelondfill space. lt BRAINPOWER LightBulbor HeatBulb? Date: Name: 1. Whatis electricity? FUNlAGi]l Theomountof electricolenerg/usedto light a 100wattincandescent bulb for I0 hourswouldbe enough to drill holesfor four hours, nm e colorteleuisionfor set)enhours,or cleancarpets for oneanda halfhours! 2. Whatdo volts measure? 3. Whatdo ampsmeasure? 4. Whatdo wattsmeasure? or fluorescentbulb requiremore musclepowerto light? 5. Did the incandescent ^ ^ A /I A /I t CATCU LATIONS! POWERFU Fluorescent LightBulb Watts Voltsx Amps= I ncandescent Light Bulb Voltsx Amps= Watts VVVVVVVvvVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvV 5. The Lawol Conservationof Enerevstates: 7. Whenelectricityflowsthrougha light bulb, it is convertedinto two formsof energy.Whatarethey? O. b. tl RAINPOWER AnswcrKey LightBulbor HeatBulb? l. What is electricity? Energyassociated with mouingelectrons. tllll FACII Theamountof !. whatdovorts measure? ":",:#'#;i:[ilH:!"n'Hi; Thedifferencein electic potential. for 10hourcwoudbeenoush to dill hotesfor four hou'ri, y:.:':ly.*t::::":f::^^," 3. What do ampsmeasure? Electricot current. |3i"J:2i#:tr:ifffi;tr" 4. Whatdo watts measure? Themeasureof totalelectic pouer, equalto uoltsmultipliedby amps. 5. Didthe incandescent or fluorescent bulb requiremoremusclepowerto light?_lncgryfu3g9n!_lulb_ ^r r' A.r.r' & A.A,r'r'r' r'r.^.r.r. r.r.r.r.r. r.r.^.^ t CATCU LATIONS! POWERFU Fluorescent LightBulb /2 Voltsx r'r' / Amps= /2 Watts ^^^ AA. r. A lncandescent Light Bulb I /2 Voltsx 4 Amps= 48 Watts VVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWvvWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 6. The Lawof Conservationof Energystates: Energt cannotbe createdor destroyed,it can only be transformedinto other forms ot energ/. 7. Whenelectricityflowsthrougha light bulb, it is convertedinto two formsof energr. Whatarethey? a. Radiant (Light) b. Thermal(Heat) BULBDETECTIUES Name: Date: l. Listlocationsin your schoolandidentifythe typeandnumberof bulbsusedin eachroomor location. Mainlobby Trophy case Cafeteria Cafeteria warming lamps Gymnasium Art room Exitsigns 2, Discussthe numberand type of light bulbsin your school.Did you find more fluorescentor more incandescentbulbs? Why do you think your school choseto use that type of bulb more often? 3. For homework,makea similarchart for vour house. Kitchen Bedroom Garage Light Bulb Further Discouery#1 US.INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT ovERvlEw GO! Studentswill inuestigotethe energyefficiencyof incandescent and fluorescentbulbsby determining which producesthe most heat. Both bulbswill producethe sameamount of light, but one will producemore heat, cousingit to be lessenergy efficient. This octiuity works bestas o c/ass demonstrotion. 1. Placethe lamp with the 50 watt incandescentbulb into the box. The bulb shouldnot touch the box. 2, Usingscissors,makea hole at the bottom of the box for the electricalcord. 3. Cut a secondhole about midwav acrossthe box for the thermometer. GET sFTi +, Measurethe temperatureof the air in the box Collectthe materialslisted below. beforepluggingin the lamp. bulb O SOwatt incandescent 5. Turn on the lamp and take temperaturereadings every minute for 10 minutes. bulb O 12watt fluorescent 6. Repeatthe activity using the fluorescent bulb. o Lamp @ 7, Plot the data from both trials on the same Scissors o An electricoutlet o Thermometer enoughto cover the lamp witho Aoutboxthelarge bulb touchingit. graph using differentcolors for comparison. The fluorescentbulb producesthe same amount of light using less power. Fluorescent bulbs convert less electricalenergyinto thermal energythan incandescentbulbs. 8. Optional: Studentscould comparethe heat producedby incandescentbulbs that require differentwattage,i.e. a 50 watt bulb versusa 100watt bulb. Is it more energyefficientto use two 50 watt bulbs or one 100watt bulb? Whicheuercombinationuses lessheat during the same length of time is more efficient,since more of its energ/ is conuertedto light Havestudentsalso compareand discussthe brightnessof two 50 watt bulbs versusone 100watt bulb. Which combinationprovides sufficientlight for your purposes?If a light meter is available,studentscan measurelight output,too. US. Light BuLbFurtherDiscouery#2 ovEBvlFw In thisactiuig, studentswill usethe EnergyBike to discouer more aboutmotors.Theywill calculotethe power requiredto operatea fan and o hair dryer. Thehair dryer requiresopproximotelyten timesmorepouer thon the fon becouseit containsa resistiueheatingelement.Students will discouerthat it requiresmorepower to start a motor than to keep it runningby obseruingthe amp meter. Energyefficiencywill be discussedas it relatesto turning off non-essential motorsduringa blackout. GErsFTi 1, Setup the EnergyBike. Plugthe fan and hair dryer into the receptacles. 2, Testthe EnergyBike. If any challengesoccur,refer to the troubleshooting sectionon pages84-85. 3. Flip the amp meterswitch up as indicatedbelow. The terminalpost switchalsoneedsto be flippedup. ourcoitEs Learnerswill: I recognize that motorsconvertelectricalenergyinto mechanicalenergy. I determinethat the EnergyBikeconvertsmechanical energyinto electricalenergy. r understandthat morepoweris requiredto start a motor than to keepit running. I be ableto defineinertia. I understandhow to preventpowersurgesfollowinga blackout. GETREADTI 1, Geta plasticbaglargeenoughto coverthe fan in the energybike case. 2, If needed,makeclasscopiesof the EnergyBike SafetyContractfound on page7. 3. Makeclasscopiesof the BrainPowersheetfound on page29. co! 1, fa7 \-/ If needed, distributeandreviewthe SafetyContractwith yourstudents. V 2, Selecta volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. As the volunteerpedals,slidethe fan switchfrom OFFto SLOW.Ask the rider to describethe fan'sair flow and the pedalingresistance. 3, Whilethe studentcontinuesto pedal,slidethe fan switchto FAST.The rider may feelan increasein the pedalingresistance, andwill alsobe rewardedwith moreair flow. 4, Selecttwo new volunteers,one to ride the Energy Bikeand one to readthe meters.Whileonestudent is pedaling,instructthe other to readthe amp meter as you switch the fan from SLOWto FAST speed. SLOW= 0.6omps FAST= 1.0amp 5. Placethe plasticbagover the fan so that it is stretchedtightly over the grill. 6. Switchthe fan to FASTand askthe rider to pedal until the volt meterregistersa steady12-13volts. Havethe other volunteerobservethe amp meter, and compareto the previousexperiment.The amountof current(omps) will be higherbecausethe fon mustwork harderto moueair againstthe bag. 7, Removethe plasticbagfor the next experiment. Havethe rider continueto pedalwhileyou switch the fan OFF,and wait until the fan stops. Switchthe fan backon to EAST.By watchingclosely,students will seethe amp meter surgeto aboveone amp beforesettlingdown to one amp. 8. Havethe classpredictthe numberof ampsthe hair dryer will usebasedon their knowledgethat the fan usedone amp on FASTspeed. 9. Selecta strongvolunteerto ride the EnergyBike and anotherto readthe meters. 10. Flipthe switchdown towardsthe 0-30amp meterto accuratelymeasurethe numberof ampsusedby the hair drver. 16. Discussthe usesof motorsin our homesincluding: o. b. c. d. e, Personalgrooming(trair dryers and electricrazors) Clotheswashersand dryers Refrigeratorsand freezers Electricmixers,blenders,coffeegrinders Fans,heaters,air conditioners 1 1 , Defineinertia: Inertia is the resistanceof an objectto any chongein itsspeedor direction. 1 8 . Due to inertia,more energyis requiredto start a motor than to keepit running. Relatethis ideato real life by askingwhat can occurwhenan appliancewith a largermotor,such as a vacuumcleaneror power tool, is turned on at home. Theextraenergyneededto stort the largermotor may sometimescausethe lightsto dim. 19, Definea blackout: A blackoutis the lossof electrical supplyto o pouer company'sseruiceareo. 20. As learnedin this activity,moreenergyis requiredto start a motorthanto keepit running.Aftera blackout,when electricityreturnsto a powercompanies servicearea, hugeelectricalsurgesoccur.Thisis a resultof allthe motorstrlng to start at the sametime. 11. Havethe studentbeginpedalingand oncethe volt meterreachesl2-13volts,turn on the hair dryer. How manyampsdoesit require? Hair Dryer = I0 omps(it can uary from I - 12 amps) lL Whichmotormovedmoreair,the hair dryer or the fan? Typically,thefan mouesa muchgreateramountof air. 13. Why doesthe hair dryer useso much moreenergy, yet producelessair? Thehair dryerheatsair uith o resistiueheatingelement,similar to the one found in a toasteror on incandescent bulb. Note: Moreinformationaboutresistiveheatingelementscan be found on pages52-53. 14. Oncethe studenthas l2-I3 volts registeredon the meter,turn on the hair dryer and placeit near his or her wrist. It is amazinghow muchwork is requiredto produceso little heat! 15. Discussmotorsand generators, comparingand contrastinghow generatorsand motorsusemechanical and electricalenergy.A generotorconuertsmechanical energltto electricalenerg/;o motorconuertselectrical energ)/to mechanicalenergt. Note: More informationabout energyconversions can be foundon pagesl7-18and moreinformation aboutthe generatorcan be found on page4. v 21, Wecan help reducepowersurgesby turningoff nonessentialmotorsduringa blackout. 22, Discusswith studentswhich motorsin their houseare essentialandwhich arenot. BRAINPOWER MightyMotors Name: Date: AA A AAA AA AAAAAAA AA A AA^r'^' ^,l.^. AA ^,r.r'A AA POWERFU t CALCU tATIOil S! Fanon LowSpeed: _ Voltsx _Affips FanonHighSpeed: Voltsx Hairdryer:_Volts x _Affips = Watts Amps= _Watts = _Watts VVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1, Trueor False?Moreenergyis requiredto keepa motorrunningthanto start it. If false, rewritethe statementto makeit true. 2. Whatis inertia? 3. Doesthe hair dryer usemoreor lessenergythana fan? Why? 4. A generatorconverts 5. A motorconverts energyinto energyinto energy. energy. 6. List three examplesof motors used in your home: O. b. C. 7. Whatis a blackout? 8. Reviewquestionsix. Whichmotorscouldbe unplugged or switchedoff duringa poweroutage? It RAINPOWER AnswcrKey MightyMotors A AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA^'^'^'^.^,^'A A^.AAAAAAA A A l. A AA POWERFUT CATCULATIOilS !* FanonLowSpeed . 12 Voltsx 0.6 Amps= 7.2 Watts Amps= 12 Watts FanonHighSpeed'.12 Voltsx Hairdryer: 12 Voltsx 1 12 Amps= 144 Watts VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVY 1, True or False?More energyis requiredto keep a motor running than to start it. If false, rewrite the statementto make it true. Folse. More energyis required to stort a motor than to keep it running. 2. What is inertia? Inertia is the resistonceof an object to any changein its speedor direction. 3. Doesthe hair dryer use more or less energythan a fan? Why? The hoir dryer usesmore energ/. It hosto heat the air with a resistiueheotingelement. 4. A generatorconverts 5. A motor converts mechonical electrical energy into energy into electrical mechanical energy. energy. 6. List 3 examplesof motors used in your home: Someexamplesmay include: refrigerotor,coffeegrinder,oir conditioner,electricrazor, washingmachine 7. What is a blackout? A blackoutis the lossof electricalsupplyto o power compony'sseruiceoreo. 8. Reviewquestionsix. Which motors could be unpluggedor switchedoff during a power outage? The answerswill uary. Theyshould includenon-essentiolmotorssuch as air conditioners,fons, clotheswasher,but should not include refrigerator. *The answersin Powerful Colculationsare gpical ualuesfor the fan ond hair dryer includedwith the bike. Actual ualuesmav uarv from rider to rider and from bike to bihe. riloroRSEARGH64 'aYZ/4 Name: Date: ow manymotorsare in your home? List motors found in eachroom. Chooseone motor from eachroom and recordthe numberof ampsand watts it uses. Typically, the number of amps or watts a motor usesis found near the electricalwire running into the motor. In the United States,most homes use 120volts. Hint: Voltsx Amps = Watts Bcdroom Obiectwith motor: Object VoltsxAmps=Watts Bathroom Objectwith motor: VoltsxAmps=Watts Kitchcn Objectwith motor: VoltsxAmps=Watts Laundry Room Objectwith motor: VoltsxAmps=Watts FamilyRoom Objectwith motor: VoltsxAmps=Watts Basemcnt Objectwith motor: VoltsxAmps=Watts Othcr Objectwith motor: VoltsxAmps=Watts Motor FurtherDiscouery#l GETREADY| Studentswill comparethe amount of time it takesto completevarious taskswith manual tools and mechanicaltools: mechanical energyproducedby humansversus mechanicalenergyproducedby electricity. cETsFTi Photocopythe chart on the next pagefor eachstudent,and gatherthe following items: o Electricdrill, hand drill o Block of wood o Electricmixer,eggbeater o Two bowls, flour, water o Electriccan opener,hand can opener o Emptycannedgoods O Electricknife,standardknife o Bar of soap o Cuttingblock Go! 1, Havestudentsdiscussthe lengthof time it would take to walk to schoolversusriding in a car or bus. 2. Demonstrateways in which peopleuse mechanicaltools to savetime and effort. Havethe studentsrecord the amount of time that passesas you: I Cut a bar of soap with an electricknife and a standardknife. f Drill a hole in a block of wood with an electricdrill and then a hand drill. I Mix flour and water with an electricmixer and a hand mixer. I Openthe bottom of empty canswith an electric can openerand then a hand can opener. 3. Havethe studentsgraph each demonstration to illustratethe time savedusing electrical appliances.A bar graph is provided on the followingpage. +. Discussthe advantagesand disadvantagesof using convenientdevicesand how they affect our standardof living and quality of life. 5. As an extendedhomeworkactivity,havethe studentsrecord the time it takesto dry their hair: I naturally I usingan electrichair dryer on hot I usingan electrichair dryer on cool Instruct the studentsto record the wattageof their hair dryer. This informationis typically found near the electricalwire as it entersthe hair dryer. CalculateVolts x Amps = Watts. (Hint: Most homes in the U.S.use 120 uolts.) Motor FurtherDiscouerv#2 DOETECTRICAT HOWiIUCHTITIIE APPTIANCES SAUE? Timc (Scconds) Soap \(ood Flour& Water Cans 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 -t 10 ^i .D -t f-r Ct q (b + N5 Dcuiccs Uscd Electric Knife Standard Knife Electric Drill Hand Drill Electric Mixer Hand Mixer ElectricCan HandCan Opener Opener ovERvlFrr A British ThermalUnit (BTU) is the amountof heat energyrequiredto raisethe temperatureof one pound of waterone degreeFahrenheit.In thisactiuig, a beuerage uJarmerwill be usedto heat one pound of uater. A team of six studentswill ride the EnergyBike for six minutesto power the beuerageuarmer. Anotherstudentwill hold the beuerageuarmer ond monitorthe numberof BTUs generotedby the riders. The classwill then calculatethe numberof BTUsper hour the EnergyBike is able to produce,and relate thisdata to real-lifeopplications. ouTCorrrFs Learnerswill: r defineBritishThermalUnit (BTQ. I knowthat a typicalresidentialwaterheaterrequires 40,000BTUsper hour to heatwater. I calculatethe numberof EnergyBikesrequiredto operatea homewater heater. GErRFADI| 1. If needed,makeclasscopiesof the EnergyBike SafetyContractfoundon page7. 2. Makeclasscopiesof the BrainPowersheetfound on page36. GET sETi 1, Setup the EnergyBike. Plugthe receptacle extension cord into a receptacle, and placethe beverage warmer-mugon a nearbytable. Caution:Do notplug the beuerageu)ormerinto the extensioncord. 2, Testthe EnergyBike. If any challenges occurduring testing,referto the troubleshooting sectionon pages84-85. 3. Measurel6 ouncesof water,and pour it into the beveragewarmer. The resultwill be approximately one poundof water. 4. Setthe timer to six minutesand clip it to the top of the displayboard. 5. Flipthe amp meterswitchdown towardthe 0-30 amp meteras shownin the picturebelow.Flipup the terminalpost switch. 6. Placethe thermometerin the water. .-2. k co! 1. If needed,distributeand reviewthe EnergyBikeSafetyContractwith your students. 2. Discussthe variouswaysthat individualsand industryusehot water. 3. DefineBritish Thermal Unit @TQ: A BTU is the amountof heat energyrequiredto raisethe temperatureof one pound of waterone degreeFohrenheit. 4, Describethe task: Sixvolunteerswill taketurnspoweringthe EnergyBikeoneminuteeachfor a total of sixminutes.Havean alternatein casethe studentsgettired quickly.Eachvolunteer mustgivea signalwhentired. At that point, pausethe timerandreplacethe volunteer. b. The EnergyBikewill heat a beveragewarmer, which will be usedto raisethe temperatureof one pound of water. c. A seventhvolunteer,"the scientist,"will observe the temperaturechangesin the water. d. Eachtime the temperatureincreases one degree,one BTUof heat energyhas beenadded to the water. 5. Haveyour studentspredicthow manydegreesthe watertemperaturewill increase.Theirpredictions shouldbe writtenon their BrainPowerSheet. 6. YZ \-/ V Selectthe six volunteersto ride the Energy Bike.Warnthe studentsthat this experiment requiresstrengthequivalentto riding a bike uphill.They shouldexpectsomepedalingdifficulty! Selecta seventhvolunteer.This volunteerwill act as the class"scientist,"reportingtemperature changesto the class. Givethe unpluggedbeveragewarmerto the scientist.The beveragewarmercan be damagedif it is pluggedin when not holding water. 9. Havethe first volunteerget on the bike and begin pedaling.The extensioncord shouldbe plugged into the displayboard. Oncethe volt meterregisters 12-13volts,plugthe beveragewarmerinto the extensioncord. BTU& y.O.U! BTU standsfor British ThermalUnit. BTUsare one way to measureheat energy. The heatingor cooling power of large appliancessuch as furnaces,water heaters,clothes dryers, air conditioners,and refrigerators is measuredin BTUs. The rate at which heat energy is supplied or removed is expressedin BTUs per hour, or BTU/hr. The averagehome water heater supplies heat to the water in its tank at the rate of 40,000BTU/hr. A largecity, such as Boston or SanFrancisco, uses about one quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) BTUs per year! This is equal to 172million barrelsof oil, 980 billion cubic feet of natural gas,or 100million tons of coal. What does this all boil down to? Conservation!By taking shorter showers,usingwarm or cold water for laundry,and turning off the faucet betweenuses,you can reducethe amount of energy neededto heat the water in your home. Improving your water consumptionhabits will conservethe earth's energyresources! 14. By readingthe amp meter,havethe studentscalculatethe numberof wattsneededto powerthe beveragewarmer. Formulo: 12VOLTSx _AMPS = _WATTS Example. 12VOLTSx 8 AMPS= 96 WATTS 15. Keeprepeatingthis processuntil the entiresix minutes havepassed.Whenthe timer sounds,havethe scientist stir for 30 moresecondsto ensurethat all of the heatis transferredto the water. 16. Havethe classcalculatethe numberof BTUs generatedper hour. 10. It takes30 secondsfor the beveragewarmerto get hot. After30 seconds,start the timer. 1 1 . Explainthat the scientistmust stir duringthe entire experimentin orderto evenlydistributethe heat throughoutthe water. 12.Havethe scientistyell out "OneBTU!Two BTUs!" eachtime the watertemperatureincreasesone degreeFahrenheit.The other studentsshouldkeep trackof the numberof BTUs. 13. Whenthe first volunteeris tired,stop the timer,and askfor the next rider. Oncethe volt meterregisters a steadyI2-I3 volts,restartthe timer.Continue alternatingridersand recordingBTUsuntil six minuteshaveelapsedon the timer. v Formula: BTU_ x 60-nJinutes= BTUihr 6 mmutes I huut Exomple. 15BTU x 6 minutes 60 minutes= lS0 gtU/hr I hour 17. Havethe studentscalculatethe numberof Energy Bikesit would take to power a homewater heater. Hint: A home uoter heoterrequires40,000BTUsper hour to operate. Formula:40.000BTU/hr x I EnergvBike = HomeWaterHeater EnergyBikes (answerfromstep 16) Example:40.000 BTU/hr x 1EnergvBike = 267Bikes HomeWaterHeater 150BTU/hr I Home WaterHeater \l BRAINPOWER TheBTUis OneHotToPic! Date: Name: 1. Whatis a BTU? in six minutes: e, predicthow manyBTUsthe EnergyBikewill generate 3. Whatis the heatingpowerof the beveragewarmer? 1 2 V O L T xS- A M P S = 11.Recordthe initial temperature WATTS " F and the final temperature "F' by the EnergyBikein six minutes: 5. Recordhow manyBTUswereactuallygenerated change.) as the temperature ftlint: Thisnumbershouldbe the samenumber 6. calculatehow manyBTUsper hourthe EnergyBikecangenerate: 7. What is the heatingpower of a typical home water heater? 8. How many EnergyBikeswould it take to power a home water heater? tt RAINPOWER AnswerKcy TheBTUis OneHotTopicl l. Whatis a BTU? BTUstandsfor BritishThermalUnit,whichis o unit of measurethat describes the amountof heat energ)lneededto raise the temperatureof onepound of water onedegreeFahrenheit. L Predicthow manyBTUsthe EnergyBikewill generatein six minutes: ansuerswill uar:t 3. Whatis the heatingpowerof the beveragewarmer? 12 VOLTSx 8 AMpS= 96 WATTS L Recordthe initialtemperature 65 'F andthe finaltemperature g0 . F. (\ote; The valuesprovidedhereare typical resultsand may vary from bike to bike.Usethen as a guideso you knowwhat to expect.) 5. Recordhow manyBTUswereactuallygeneratedby the EnergyBikein six minutes: Examoleanswer:15BTIJs (Hint:This numbershouldbe the samenumberas the temperaturechange.) 6. Calculate how manyBTUsper hour the EnergyBikecan generare: Thisanswerwill uorydependinguponthe experiment. Formula: BTU 6ffiX6, G0minutes =BTU/hour Example: 15BTU ffiX6;, 60 minutes = IS}BTU/hour 7. Whatis the heatingpowerof a typicalhomewaterheater? 40,040BTU/hr 8. HowmanyEnergyBikeswouldit taketo powera homewaterheater? Formula:40.000BTUftrr x I Ener$rBike = _ HomeWaterHeater r.ffition 1u.,r*.. Example:40.000 BTU/hr x I EnergyBike = I HomeWaterHeater 150BTU&r EnergyBikes 5) 26T EnergrBikes HOTSTUFF! Date: Name: lt shouldbe labeledon l. Investigatethe BTUrating of the water heaterin your homeor school' BTIJ/hr rating multiply the water heater. Hinf If yoiarwater heater hasi watt rating-ratherthan a iii ni*.A", of *ans by 3.4i4 to get theBTII/hr rating. Recordyour answer: Home: School: usingthe EnergyBike,how 2, Baseduponthe numberof BTUsper hour your classgenerated manyEnergyBikeswouldit taketo powerihe waterheatersyou investigated? Home: School: or at home' l. List five ways to reducethe amount of hot water used at school O. b. C. d. Q, #1 BTIJFurtherDiscouerY HOI STUFH AnswerKey l' Investigate theBTUratingof thewaterheaterin yourhomeor school. on the waterheater.Hrnr' If vourwaterheaterhasa"witt iatingratherthin lt shouldbelabeled i aiuiriiirs murtipty thenumberof wattsby5.4i4togettheBTU/hrratiig iecordyouranswer: Home:40,000BTIJ/hr(typicalualue) School:60,000BTI.I/hr(typicaluolue) 2, Baseduponthe numberof BTUsper houryour classgeneratedusing th-e EnergyBike,how many EnergyBikeswouldit taketo powera waterheaterat home and school? Formulo: BTU/hrx EnergyBikes= 40,000BTtJ/hr Example Calculations.' Home; 150BTU/hrx 26TEnerEtBikes= 40,000 BTU/hr schoot' t s0 BTU/hrx 400Ene$yBikes= 6d,000BTIt/hr Home: 2GTEnergyBikes School:400EnergyBikes L Listfivewaysto reducetheamountof hot waterusedat schoolor at home. Student's may include, but witl not be limited to the_ follouing. washclothes lnswers in coldwater, uashdishes bvhond,run dishuasher-on low setting,taheshortershiuii,- ioii'i*ii rnor"o, takeshowersinsteadof baths,turnoff faucetuher"notii use,fix drippiif roi"ii,-iia ur"towflou shouerheads. BTUFurtherDiscouery#I Date: Name: OUERVJETT Studentswill calculatethe approximatenumber of BT(ls neededto heat showeror bsth water, 5. Usethe stopwatchto measurethe amountof timethe waterran for your bath or shower. Time= GErSETI minutes 6. What was the temperaturechangedue to the Gatherthe followingmaterials: hand @ Stopwatchor watchwith a second O Erpty galloncontainer @ I-unthermometer @ Pencil water heater? Subtractthe temperatureof the water as it flows into your housefrom the temperatureyou recordedin Step4. "F "F--"F= 7, How many gallonsof water did you use? Multiply the amount of time the water ran for your bath or shower by the Flow Rateyou calculatedin Step3. Formula: Minutesx FlowRate = Gallons @ Sf,ot"erheador bathtubfaucet Gol 1. Locatethe cold water tap that is on the lowestfloor of vour home. Gallons 8. If one gallonof water weighs8.3pounds,how 2. Let the water run for approximatelytwo minutes,then measureits temperature.This will give you the water temperatureas it flows into your house. = Temperature .F gal. x 8.3lbs/gal.= lbs 9. How many BTUswere requiredfor you to 3. Turn on the faucetor shower. Usethe stop watch to time how long it takes to fill the galloncontainerwith water. This will give you the Flow Rate. Hint: Conuertthe flow rate into a fraction. Flow Rate= 1 gallonper many pounds of water did You use? Formula: gallonsx 8.3 pounds/gallon= pounds bathe? Multiply the poundsof water by the number of degreesyour water heaterraised the water temperature. Formula: Poundsx Degr€es= BTUs = BTUs minute(s) 10.How many hours would it take an EnergyBike Fraction: to heat vour bath water? +. Duringyour nextshoweror bath,usethe of the temperature to measure thermometer the waterat the showerheador faucet. = Temperature "F BTU FurtherDiscouery#2 lN HOTWATER AnswcrKcy ! i The answersgiven below are samples,Actual i C. Wftatwasthe temperaturechangedue to the answerswill vary dependingupon the data water heater?Subtractthe temperatureof the i collected by your students. i i 1, Locatethe coldwatertap that is on the low- : est floor of vour home. | water as it flows into your housefrom the tem peratureyou recordedin step4' 103'F- 64"F= 39'F : !. Let the water run for approximatelytwo minutes,then measureits temperature. This will giveyou the watertemperatureas it flowsinto your house. = 64"F Temperature 3. Turn on the faucetor shower. Usethe stop watch to time how long it takesto fill the galloncontainerwith water. This will give you the Flow Rate. Hint: Conuertthe flow rate into a fraction. i 7. How manygallonsof water did you use? i Multiply the amountof time the water ran for your bath or showerby the FlowRateyou cali i culatedin Step3. : i i i 2 minutes i i i g. If one gallonof waterweighs8.3pounds,how rnuny pounds of water did you use? i i: FIow Rate = I gallon per 2 minute(s) Formula: Minutesx Flow Rate= Gallons I0minutesxl gollon= 5Gallons : Fraction; l gallon 2 minutes = pounds Oormula:gallonsx 8.3pounds/gallon 5 gallonsx 8.3lbs/gal.= 41.5Pounds i g. HowmanyBTUswererequiredfor you to nuthe?Multiplythe poundsof waterby the i numberof degreesyour water heaterraisedthe i 4. Duringyour next showeror bath,usethe water temperature. thermbmeterto measurethe temperatureof i the waterat the showerheador faucet. Fo.Inula:poundsx Degrees= BTUs i Temperatlrre= 103'F i 41.5tbsx 39"F= 1618.5 BTUs : 5. Usethe stopwatchto measurethe amountof i 10. How manyhourswould it takean EnergyBike to heatyour bath water? timethe waterran for your bath or shower. : Time = l0 minutes : : i Formula: : = TotalBTUsx hour EnerEtBikeBTU hours : i: txqmprc; : I - , i 16/8.5 BTUsx t hour 150EnergtBikeBTUs BTUFurtherDiscouery#2 HOTWHEETS Date: Name: A calorie is the amount of heat that can raise the temperatureof I ml ol water I "C. 'C. A kilocaloriecan raise the temDeratureof 1 liter ol water I (\ote: The "calorie" with a capital "C" usedin describingthe chemicalenergystored in lood is actually a kilocalorie.) How rnuch heat can the Energy Bike produce? l. Measure333ml of water into the beveragewarmer.. L Flip the amp meterswitch down towardthe 0 - 30 amp position. "c. 3. Placethermometerin water.Recordthe initial temperature 4, Six riders will power the EnergyBike for I minute each. r Pedalto maintaina 12volt readingon the volt meter. r Plugin the coffeepot only when 12volts is reached. o Start and stop the timer as riders take their turns. . Stir the water to distribute heat evenlv. 5. Recordthe temperatureafter six minutesof pedaling_ 6. What is the averageamp reading?_ 'C. amps 7. (volts X amps= watts) 12volts X _ amps= _ This is the averagepower input by the riders. watts 8. Because333ml is only one third of a liter, eachtime the water temperatureis raised_ one kilocalorieof heathas beenqenerated. 9, How much did the temperaturerise degrees, "c. 10. How manv kilocaloriesof heat were added in six minutes? ll. Whatdo we multiply our six minuteresultby to computethe amountof kilocaloriesthe EnergyBike can generatein one hour? 12. How many kilocaloriesof heat can the EnergyBike generatein one hour? This is the power output. A typical home water heater can add 10,000kilocalories of heat each hour. 13. How many EnergyBikeswould it take to heat as much water as a typical home water heater? Usingthe averagepowerinput ny the riders (question7) and the poweroutput, Challenge Question: determinethe efficiencyof the energybike.Whereis the extraenergygoing? Hint #l: efficiency= p91sq !U! x 100 Hint #2: 1 watt = .86k Cal/hour power ln A calorieis theamountof heatthatcanraisethetemperature of I ml of waterI ' C . A kilocalorie canraisethetemperature of I literof waterI "C. How much heat can the Energy Bike produce? 1, Measure333ml of water into the beveragewarmer.. 2, Flip the amp meter switch down toward the 0 - 30 amp position. 3. Placethermometerin water. 4. Six riders will power the EnergyBike for I minute each. o Pedalto maintaina 12volt readingon the volt meter. . Plugin the coffeepot only when 12volts is reached. o Startand stop the timer as riders take their turns. . Stir the water to distribute heat evenly. "C. *(Shouldbe about l1' higher) 5. Recordthe temperatureafter six minutesof pedaling 6. What is the amp reading? 13 amps 7. (voltsX amps= watts) 12volts X 8 amps= This is the averagepowerinput by the riders. 96 watts 8. Because333ml is only onethird of a liter, eachtime the water temperatureis raised one kilocalorieof heathas beenqenerated. ?, How much did the temperaturerise oC.*(Should be about 1l 10.Howmanykilocalories of heatwereaddedin six minutes? 3.7k Cal (Dividethe changein temperature by 3.) 3 degrees, 'c) (Shouldbe around3.7k Cal) 11.,Whatdo we multiplyour six minuteresultby to computethe amount of kilocaloriesthe EnergyBike cangenerate in onehour? l0 12. How many kilocaloriesof heat can the EnergyBike generatein one hour? This is the power output. 37 k Cal/hr A typical home water heater can add 10,000kilocalories of heat each hour. 13. How many EnergyBikeswould it take to heat as much water as a typical home waterheater?(.=_)270 (Note:This should be closeto your answerfor question8 in the "Brain Power"activity.Theonly differenceis that we are using differentunits.) ChallengeQuestion: Hint #1: efficienc] = pe!/€r out x 100= 37k Cal/hr I watt x 100 = 44.9% power in 96watts .86k Cal/hr Extra energylost to heat in circuits,in rug, dissipatedto air. 5. What is usedto makea capacitor?Copocitors ore composedof two conductors(metal plates)separoted by an insulator.The insulationcan be a uariety of moterials,suchas poper,plastic,mica, glass, ceromic,or air. Note: An Oreosandwichcookie is constructed muchlike a capacitor.If usingthem as a uisualfor the c/css,the outercookieswould representthe conductorsand the creomfilling would representthe insulator. 6. Are capacitorsa type of battery? lYo,bothdeuices are able to releaseenergy,but thereore many differencesbetweenthe two: Howis the energy stored? @ Energy is stored Energy isstored electrostatically. An chemically. When a outside electrical circuit is connected source creates an thebattery's across field electrostatic terminals, chemical theconduc- reactions between occur, tors. releasing electrons. l10wl]ng E Energy canbestoredfor Energy canbestored the energy a fewhours toa coupleforlongperiods of stored? of days. time. Almostinstantaneously, 0nlyasquickly asthe At whatrate uponbeing connected. reactions chemical can is energy Theelectrons inthe takeplace. released? negative plate are freeto flow. suddenlv fuelitems Batteries fuelitems Capacitors Whatare quick requiring energy burststhatrequire typicaluses? of energy, of suchasa overlongperiods flash.They time,suchasclocks, camera radios. alsoregulate current watches. and surges insensitive calculators. equipment suchasTVs andcomputers. 7, Selecta volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. Ask the classto imaginethat the volunteerwill be pedalinga bicycleup a hill. 8. Flipthe top and lowermeterswitchesup to the 0 - 5 positionand flip the capacitorswitchto the on (up) position.Havethe volunteerpedalaboutone minute until the volt meterregistersl2-13volts whenhe/she stopspedaling. v 9. Ask the classto observethe volt meter. Typically, whenthe EnergyBikeis not beingpedaled,the volt meter registerszero. However,due to the potentialenergystoredin the capacitors,the volt meterwill register10-12volts. 10. Definepotential energy: Potentialenergyis stored energ)/. Definekinetic energy: Kineticenerg)/is energyin motion,or energythat is doing work. 1 1 . Doesa bicyclestoppedat the top of a hill have potentialor kineticenergy?Potentialenerg)/ 12, How can the EnergyBikestorepotentialenergy? Theelectronscen be storedin the EnergtBike's capacitors.Whenno light bulbsor appliancesore turnedon, the electronsstay in the capacitors. 13.Whena bicyclegoesdownhill,the potentialenergy is convertedto kineticenergy.How can you convert potentialenergyto kineticenergyusing the EnergyBike? Electronsin the capacitorshauea differencein electricalpotentiol(uoltoge).Oncea bulb or applionceis turnedon, the electronswill be releasedond the potentialenergyis conuertedto kinetic energyof mouingelectrons. 14. Switchthe fan on to EASTand allow the volunteer to enjoythe breeze,just as if the volunteerwere coastingdownhillon a bicycle. Oncethe fan is no longerblowingair,turn it OFF. 1 5 . Selectanothervolunteer.Whenthe EnergyBike registers12-13volts on the volt meter,recharge the capacitorsas describedin Step8-9. 16, Ask the classif they think the radioor the tape playerwill use the most energy.Thetopeplayer usesmore energybecauseit powerso motor,so the radio will ploy the longest. 17, Pull out the radio'santennaand switch it on. Have the studentsrecordhow longthe radioplays.How manyampsdoesthe radio use? Theamp meter shouldregisterzero,'houseuer, the radio uses opproximately0.05amps. 18. Sincethe 0-5amp metercannotregistersucha smallmeasurement, usethe milliampmeter. Flip the top meterswitchto the neutral(middle)position,then flip the bottommeterswitchto the down (200mA) position.*Pleasenote that this meter is delicateand can breakwhen too much power is usedwith it. 25. Calculatethe numberof watts the tape player requires. Sampleanswersare givensincethe milliampswill vary. 100 milliompsx = 0.1amps I omp 1000milliamps 12 uoltsx 0.1 amps= 1.2 wotts Definemilliamp: 1/1000of on amp. OneamP = 1,000milliomPs Defineamp:Ampsmeasurethe amountof electrical current. 26, Ask the studentswhy they think a tape playeruses more energythan a radio. Thetapeplayer hasa motor which turnsthe tape;whereasthe radio just receiuesa signoland emitssound. 27. Tracethe energyflow with the students: I Theelectronsstoredin thecapacitorshadpotentialenergt. I Oncethe EnergyBike'sradio/tapeplayer begins working,the potentialenergyis conuertedto kinetic energy,in the form of sound. 28, Discusswith your studentssomewaysin which capacitorsare used: 19. Recordthe numberof milliampsshownon the meterand calculatethe numberof wattsthe radio used. Sampleanswersare givensincethe milliamps will vary. 50 milliompsx = 0.05amps 1 amp 1000milliomps 12 uoltsx 0.05amps = 0.6 watts 20. Why doesthe milliampmeter'sneedleseemto follow the rhythm of the music? Loudersoundsrequire moreenergy.To provethis, turn the volumedown and the needlewill adjustaccordingly.The studentscan saveenergyby turning down their music! 21, Havethe studentsrecordthe lengthof time the radio played. It will play for approximately 3 minutes.Turn the radio off. 22, Selectanothervolunteerto rechargethe capacitors. I Capacitorsore includedin teleuisionond computer circuitsto protectthemfrom power surges. I Cameraflashesare pouered by capacitors.In most comeres,a batteryis usedto slowlychargethe capacitor,then the capacitorreleasesa quickburst of enerEtto fuel the flosh. I Electriccompaniesusecapacitors. If eueryonein a city wereto turn on their air conditionersat thesametime, the electriccomponywouldhaueto meetthedemand for electricityinstontly.Startingan idlegeneratorot a powerplant takeso lot of time.Howeuer,capacitorsare able to releaseelectricityquicklyand efficiently.The can thenbe usedto rechargethe capacitors. _rytors 29. \!/ Onceyou havecompletedthis activity,it is importantthat the energyis dischargedfrom V' the capacitors. To do so, performthe followingsteps: o. Flipboth amp meterswitchesto the up position. Rememberto keepthe amp switchesin the up (on) position,and flip the capacitorswitchup as directed in Step8. Ask the studentsto monitorhow long the tapeplayerwill run. b. Flipthe capacitorswitchup. c. Turn on an incandescentbulb until the volt meter registerszero. 23. Oncethe capacitorsare charged,flip down the milliampmeterand turn on the tape player.Ask the studentsto recordthe amountof time the tape player runs. It will play for approximately30 seconds. 24, How manymilliampsdoesthe tape playeruse? d. Flipthe capacitorswitchdown. tE. Flip the lower amp meterswitch to the center (off) position. l, Flip the top amp meter switch to the 0-5 (up) position. Approximately100-1 50 milliomps v tl BRAINPOWER Capacitors...The Energy Trap Name: Date: 1. Definecapacitor: 2, Nametwo objectsthat use capacitors: O. b. 3. Placea checkmarkin the correctcolumn: quickburstsof energy Produces Stores energy fora shortperiod oftime Releases energy froma chemical reaction 4, Definepotentialenergy: 5. Definekinetic energy: 6. Describetwo examples of potentialenergy: O. b. l, Describetwo examples of kineticenergy: O. b. Whatisthelengthoftimethecapacitors were topower able themusic? Whatistheamount ofampsused? Hint:1amp= 1,000 milliamps Howmuchpower wasneeded? Hint:voltsx amps= wdtts t/ RAINPOWER AnswerKcy Capacitors...The Ener:gy Trap 1 , Definecapacitor: Capocitorsstore electricalcharges. Capacitorsore composedof two conductors (metol plates) seporatedby on insulator. 2, Nametwo objectsthat use capacitors: Someexamplesinclude: comera flash, computer,ro.dio,teleuision. 3. Placea checkmark in the correctcolumn: quickburstsof energy Produces energy fora shortperiodoftime Stores Releases froma chemical energy reaction 4. Definepotentialenergy: Potentiolenergyis storedenergy. 5. Definekinetic energy: Kinetic enerE/ is energyin motion, or energythot is doing work. 6. Describetwo examplesof potentialenergy: Examplesof potentialenergrinclude:A bicycleat the top of a hill, a stretchedrubber band,a batterythat is not in use,a chargedcapacitor. 7. Describetwo examplesof kinetic energy: Examplesof hineticenergtinclude:A bicyclegoingdowna hill, a ball beingthrown, bafteriesand electricityin use,a capacitorpoweringan appliance,a car motorrunning. Note: Answersbeloware approximate.Actualanswerswill uary. Whatisthelengthoftimethecapacitors were topower themusic? able Whatistheamount ofampsused? Hint:I amp= 1,000 milliamps Howmuchpower wasneeded? Hint:voltsx amps= wdtts 50mAx l amp 1000mA 100mAx 1amp= 0-l_0amps 1000mA 12voltsx .05amps=0.6Qwatts 12voltsx .10amps=_12 watts ANDTIGHTBUTBS CAPACITORS olnBvtFw Thisactiuitycomparesthe amountof time the storedenerg)/in the capacitorsis oble to keep a fluorescentbulb lit uersusan incondescentbulb. 1, Have a student pedal until a steady 12-13 volts are registered.Then chargethe capacitors as describedin Step8 on page45. 2, Oncethe capacitorsare charged,switch on a fluorescentlight while the student pedals. After five seconds,instruct the cyclist to stop pedaling. Oncethe rear wheel stops spinning,count the number of secondsthe bulb stays lit. A fluorescentbulb will stay lit for approximately 8-I,6seconds.Turn off the fluorescentbulb. 5. Calculatethe amount of watts used by the fluorescentand incandescentbulbs as a student pedalsand you turn on one of each type of bulb. Obtainthe uolt ond amp meesurements from the meters. Fluorescent: I2 uoltsx_l_amp= l2 wotts Incandescent:I2 uoltsx1!_amps= 48 watts 6, Is there a connectionbetweenthe amountof time each bulb stayedlit and the number of watts each bulb used? Incandescent bulbs require four times more power than fluorescent bulbs. Therefore,the fluorescentbulb should haue stayedlit four times longer than the incandescentbulb. Note: More informationabout fluorescentand incandescentbulbs is availableon page20. Onceyou have completedthis activity, it is important that the energyis dischargedfrom the capacitors. To do so, perform the followingsteps: O. Flip the top amp meter switch in the center (ofD position. The Energt Bike has two columns of suitches which pouer the incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column pouers the incandescent bulbs, and the second column pouers the fluorescent. 3. Selectanothervolunteerand rechargethe capacitors. Oncethe capacitorsare charged,switch on an incandescentbulb while the studentpedals.After five seconds, instructthe cyclistto stop pedaling.An incandescent bulb usuallywill not light. Once the rear wheel stops spinning,count the number of secondsthe bulb stays lit. Turn off the incandescentbulb. b. Flip the capacitorswitch up. C. Turn on an incandescentbulb until the volt meter registerszero. d. Flip the capacitorswitch to the down position. Q, Flip the top amp meter switch to the 0-5 (up) position. 4. Flip the capacitorswitch to the off (down) position and the lower amp meter switch to the center position (off). Keepthe top amp meter in the 0-5(up) position. %Rl-r Capocitors FurtherDiscouery#1 ENERGY RENEWABLE SOURCES olfERUlFw Studentswill discouerthe importonceof energy storagefor intermittent, renewable energy sources,such os the sun ond wind. Studentswill pedal the EnergyBike to store energy in the copacitors.A uolunteerwill then pedal intermittently to simulate the energysourcewhile trying to light a bulb. The studentswill learn the importanceof storedenergyby demonstrating that the light bulb will stay lit euen when the uolunteeris not pedaling. 1, Defineintermittent renewable energy: RenewableenerEtsourcesthot do not prouidea steadysourceof power. For exomple,there are timeswhen the wind is not blowingor the sun rs not shining. 5. Instruct the volunteerto pedal,but stop and start every few secondsto simulatea lull in the wind. The fluorescentbulb will flickeron and off. 6. Chargethe capacitorsas instructedin Step8 on page45. 7, Again,have the cyclist pedal erratically.This time the bulb will stay continuouslylit as long as the pedalingisn't stoppedfor longer than 7-8seconds. Adequateenergystorageis necessaryfor the effectiveuse of intermittent renewableenergy. Onceyou havecompletedthis activity, it is important that the energyis dischargedfrom the capacitors. To do so, performthe followingsteps: 2, Define energy storage facility: A facilig usedto storepotential energyuntil it is needed. The EnergyBike usescapocitors,portable deuicesuse batteries,ond utilities usepumped water storage. 3. In this activity,the EnergyBike representsa wind turbine. Keepthe top amp meter switch in the center (off) position. b. Flip up the capacitorswitch. O. c. Turn on an incandescentbulb until the volt meter registerszero. d. Flip the capacitorswitch to the down position. 4, Selecta volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. Once 12-13volts are registeredon the volt meter,turn on one fluorescentbulb. Q. Flip the lower amp meter switch to the center (off) position. f. Flip the top amp meter switch to the 0-5 (up) position. The Energy Bike has two columns of switches wltich power the incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column powers the incandescent bulbs, and the second column pouers the fluorescent CapacitorsFurtherDiscouery#2 ovErulFw GErsFTi Thisseriesof actiuitiesexploreselectricalefficiencyond safeg. Studentswill learn aboutelectricolresistanceby comparingwiresof differentthicknessand length. Usingthe EnergtBike, studentswill ouerloada wire, which will causethe wire to burn. Theywill explore openand closedcircuits,and a fusewill be blown to demonstroteitsabilig to preuentelectricalfires. 1. Setup the EnergyBike.Insertfour incandescent and four fluorescentbulbs,and plug in the fan and hairdryer. ourcoilEs Learnerswill: I definethe termselectricitv. resistance. circuit. and fuse. 2, If any challenges occurwhiletestingthe EnergyBike, referto the troubleshooting sectionon pages8445. 3. Takethe followingout of the EnergyBikecarrying caseandsetasideon a tablecloseto the presentation: threespoolsof copperwire,two 4" piecesof #30guage wire,with the endssandedto removethe insulation, anda &ampfuse. 4, Flipthe amp meterswitchup as indicatedbelow. I comprehendthat materialswith high resistance causeelectricalenergyto be convertedinto other forms of energy. I recognizethat not all wirescan carry the same amountof current. I observethe effectsof too much currentflowine througha wire. r understandthe role of fusesand circuit breakersin an electricalsystem. GET RFADvi 1. If needed,makeclasscopiesof the Safety Contractfoundon page7. 2, Makeclasscopiesof the BrainPowersheetfound on page55. Gol 1. f7 If needed,reviewthe EnergyBikeSafety Contractwith your students. \5/ V 2, Defineelectricity: Electricityis energyassocioted with mouingelectrons. Defineresistance:Resrs/cnce is oppositionto the flow of electricity. 3. Explainthat objectswith low resistance aregood conductorsof electricity, and objectswith high resistance arepoor conductors.Havethe students think of examplesof goodand poor conductors. GoodConductors:copper,aluminum,siluer,gold Poor Conductors:tungsten, iron, carbon,nichrome 4. Ask a volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. Turn on oneincandescent bulb. ,w The Energy Bike has tuo columns of switches which power the incandescent ctnd fluorr:scent bulbs. The first colunn powers the incandescent bulbs, ctnd the second column pouers the flu<trescent 5. Incandescent bulbshavea resistorin them that transformselectricityinto two differentforms of energy.Ask the studentsto namethe forms of energy.Radiant(light) and thermal(heat) energy IS RESISTAI{CE AN ADUANTAGE ORA DISADUANTAGE? 6. Flip down the top amp meterswitchto the 0-30 amp meter.Havethe volunteerpedalthe Energy Bike,and turn on one incandescent bulb. Currentlythe electricityis flowingthroughthe short,thick wire on the front of the displayboard. 7, Havethe studentsobserveand recordthe number of ampsshownon the amp meter. Short Wire: 12 VOLTSx 4 AMPS= 48 WATTS It dependsupon the type of job you want electricityto do. If you want electricityto travel fast and deliver a lot of electricalenergy to an appliance,then resistanceis a disaduantoge.Many of the wires to electrical outlets are made of copper,which has low resistance,allowing electricity to flow quickly and efficiently. Resistanceis an aduantageif you want electricity to produce heat or light. When electricityflows through a substancethat has resistance,the electricityis convertedinto other forms of energy. For example,the heating elementin a toasteris made of nichrome,a resistor. The nichromedoes not allow the electricityto flow quickly or efficiently,causing the electricalenergyto be convertedinto thermal energy. 8. Havethe volunteerstop pedaling,and askthe studentsto determineif the short,thick wire hashigh or low resistance.It has low resistance becausei/ rs shortand thick. Theelectronstrouela shortdistanceand flow on a wide path. 9. Select10studentsto becomeutility towers. Have them form a circle aroundthe room that begins and endsnearthe EnergyBike. Completelyuncoil the spool of #28gaugecopperwire and havethe studentshold it with their fingertips. 1 3 . Ask the studentsto determinewhetherthe long, thin #28gaugewire has resistance.It hasresistance becausethe electricitymusttrouelo long distance ond flow 0n o smlll path. 1+.Havethe volunteerstop pedaling.Detachthe long wire and recoilit on the spool. 15. Repeatsteps9 through14usingthe #22and#16 gaugewire. Havethe studentspredictthe effectof the differentwire gaugeson the light bulbs. The brightness of the bulbsutill increaseand the fon will spin foster. Largerdiameter(smollergauge)wires houelower resistance and thereforeenableo more efficienttransmissionof electricity. 10. Clipthe endsof the uncoiled#28gaugewire into the lowerpair of terminalposts. Flipthe switch to the right of the terminalpostsdown to send the electricitythroughthe #28gaugecopperwire. Utilitiesusethick conductorson powerlines,which decreases, but doesnot eliminate,resistance.This increasesefficienttransmissionof electricity betweenthe powerplant and consumers.Utility companiesexpectto lose5-10%of the electricity transmitted.Technologycould improvethe power linesto reducesuchlosses,but performingthose upgradeswould not be cost efficient. 11. Flipup the top amp meterswitch. Havethe rider pedalagain,and turn on one incandescent bulb. The bulb will be dim, and the amp meterwill registerfeweramps. 12. Havethe studentsobserveand recordthe number of ampsshownon the amp meter. Long Wire: 12 VOLTSx 2 AMPS= 24 WATTS v Why does high resistanceproduce heat? The sameamountof electricalpowerentersboth the longand the short wires;thus,the same amountof power is released.However,the power is releasedin differentways. The short wire has low resistance,allowingmost of the power to flow to the light bulb. This allowsmorepowerto be releasedfrom the bulb as light. The longerwire has high resistance,so the energytravelingthrough it convertsfrom electricalto heat energy. Ohm'sLawstatesthat the amountof current(amps) is directly proportionalto the force of the volts, and is inaerselyproportionalto the amountof resistance. r If uolfs increase, the amps increase I If resistance increases,the amps decrease Resistanceincreasesif a wire is longer,thinner,or hotter. The lengthand thinnessof the wire causes the electricalenergyto transforminto heat energy. As the wire becomeswarmer,the resistance increases and the bulb dims. I:.q ir:rl.:.ygll 39.'. r.I::i:!3.".: :).. 15. Explainthat all of the wireson the EnergyBikeare the samegaugeas the thickest(16 gauge)wire that was usedin the previousexperiment.The next demonstrationcoverswhat would happenif they wereall of a differentgauge. 17, Placethe 4" pieceof #30gaugewire into the bottom set of terminalpostson the displayboardas shown below.Keepthe terminalpost switch in the down position. Turningthe clossroomlightsoff will increasethe class'obiliN to seethe wire burn. oPEN,CTOSED & SHORT CIRCUITS To illustrateopenandclosedcircuits,havethe students imagineroadsin a city,with oneof the roadshavinga drawbridge.Whenthe drawbridgeis down,carscan driveover it to get from placeto place.This is comparableto a closedcircuit.Whenelectrons havea closed pathto travelon, they canget from placeto place. If the drawbridgeis up, what happensto the cars? They cannotget from one sideof the bridgeto the other. This is comparableto an opencircuit. When there is an openingin the path of electricity,the electrons cannottravel successfully. A short circuitoccurswhensomethingis wrongwith the electrons'path,suchas damagedinsulation. Whenthis happens,the electronstakea "shortcut," like a back road or alley,within the electricalsystem. Insteadof travelingon the path of wires in sequence, they jump from one wire to another. 19. Havethe volunteerbeginto pedal. Turn on four incandescent bulbs. 20, W After a few minutes,the wire shouldbegin to smoke,and will burn. \:/ V 21. Ask your studentswhy the short #30gaugewire burnedbut the long#28gaugewire did not? Duringthe firstexperiment,about50 wattsuere used ocrossthe long #28gaugecopperwire. Those50 wattswerespreodalong its3}-footlength,resultingin a heot intensityof about0,14wattsper inch. Duringthe secondexperiment,about200 wattsuere usedouer the short #30gaugealuminumwire. The heat intensityis obout25 wattsper inch, which is muchgreaterthan in the long wire. Why does the wire burn? Thewire hashighresistance andhasa lot of electricity flowingthroughit becauseit is short. Thewire's thinnessmakesit incapableof safelycarryinga lot of electricity.The electricalenergyis convertedinto thermalenergyvery fast. The resistanceincreasesas the temperature rises. Eventually the wire getstoo hot and burns. 22. Flipthe terminalpost switchup. Oncethe thin wire hascooled,releaseit from the connectionand pass it aroundthe class. 23. Informthe studentsthat the NationalElectricCode specifieshow much currentcan be carriedby different typesof wires. This codepreventselectricalhazardsfrom occurring.Whatdevicepreventselectrical hazardsin our homes?Fusebox or a circuitbreaker. Ask for a volunteer.Informthe volunteer that this experimentresultsin the thin wire suddenlyburning.The bicycleshouldbe two feet awayfrom the displayboard. Takeeveryprecautionto ensurethat the rider'shair and clothingwill not comein contactwith the wire. v 24, Definecircuit: A circuit is the path throughwhich electricityflows. lr5,Ask for a volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. While the volunteerpedals,turn on a fluorescentbulb. Ask the studentsif they are observingan openor closed circuit. It is o closedcircuit becausethe electriciUis trauelingon a completepath. 26, As the volunteercontinuesto pedal,flip down the terminalpost switchshownbelow. Ask the students why the bulb is no longerlit. Sincethereis no wire connectingthe lower two terminols,an opencircuit exists.Flip up the terminalpost switch. 31. Indicatethe amp meterto the studentswhileexplaining that the fusecan handleup to six amps. The metalin the fuseis not meltingbecausethe incandescent bulb only requiresfour amps. 32. Flipthe amp meterswitchdown to the 0-30amp meter. Turningclassroomlightsoff will enhancethe uisuolof the fuseburning. 33. Havethe studentswatch the fusecloselyas you turn on should a total of three incandescent bulbs.Thestudents obseruea brightlight in the fusewhen it blows,followed by the light bulbssuddenlyturningoff. 34, After the metalin the fusehas melted,removethe fuse and passit aroundthe class. Replacethe 20-ampfuse and discardthe 6-ampfuse. 35. Demonstrate how the circuit breakerdiffersfrom the fuse. Detachthe wiresfrom the squaremetalterminals of the fuseholderby unclippingthe alligatorclips,then attachthe clips to the squaremetalterminalson the circuit breaker. 27, Havethe volunteerstop pedaling.Ask if sheor he haseverblowna fuseor trippeda circuitbreaker at home. Whathappenedto the lightsand appliancesin the house?The lightsand appliancesdo not work becausean open circuit exisls. 28. Definefuse: A fuseis a safelycontained,intentionctlelementthot will melt soonerthan ly thin conducting the wire that it is protecting. Defineblown fuse: A blown fuseis o contained electricolfire. Whentoo much current flows throughthe fuse,the metalin the fusemelts,creating an opencircuit. This protectsthe other wires in the circuitby stoppingthe flow of electricity. Definecircuit breaker: A circuitbreakeris a deuice that createsan open circuit when too muchcurrent is flowingthrougha circuit. Insteadof catchingfire, the circuit breakerhas a switch that is activatedby a largeamountof current. Whenthe amountof currentis too large,the switchopensthe circuit and stopsthe flow of electricity. 29. Attachanother8" pieceof #30gaugewire to the 36. Performsteps30-33again,this time explainingthat the circuit breakerwill protectthe wire. The EnerEtBike'scircuitbreakerbreaksthe circuitwhen the temperatureincreosesto a certainleuel. If too muchelectricityis flowingthroughthe breoker,heat is produced,and the breakeropensthe circuit. Optional:Using the circuitbreaker,repeatstep36 severaltimes.The studentsshouldnoticethe circuit breakeropensthe circuitmorequicklythe moreoftenyou repeatthe steps.Theymayalso noticeyou needto wait to resetthe circuitbreaker. This is becausethe circuitbreakerswitchmustcool down before it can be reset. terminalposts,just as was donein the burningwire experiment.Removethe 20-ampfusefrom the fuse holder,and replaceit with the 6-ampfuse. 30. Whilea volunteerpedalsthe EnergyBike,turn on bulb. one incandescent 1 It BRAINPOWER Don'tBlowa Fuse! Date: Name: 1. What is electricitv? FUN FACT: Youcausecircuitsto openond closeeueryday! TurningON a light switch= CLOSINGa circuit TurningOFFo lightswitch= OPENING o circuit 2. Whatis resistance? 3. List two good conductorsof electricity: O. b. [. List two poor conductorsof electricity: O. b. 5. Doesthe short,thick copperwire havehigh or low resistance? 6. How many amps registeron the amp meter when the short, thick wire is being used? How many watts are produced? Fill in the blanks: 12VOLTS x AMPS= WATTS 7, Doesthe long,thin copperwire havehighor low resistance? 8. How many amps registeron the amp meter when the long,thin wire is beingused? How many watts are produced? Fill in the blanks: 12VOLTS x AMPS= WATTS 9. Whatis a circuit? 10.Whatis a fuse? ) ) t I tl RAINPOWER AnswcrKcy Don'tBlowa Fuse! l. Whatis electricity? Electricityis energyossocioted with mouing electrons' FUN FAGT: you couse circuitsto openand closeeueryday! 2. Whatis resistance? Resistance is opposition to = cLosING Turning oNa lightswitch o circuit TurningoFFa lightswitch= 0PENING o circuit the flow of electriciy. 3. List two good conductorsof electricity: copper,aluminum, siluer,gold 4, List two poor conductorsof electricity: tungsten,iron, nichrome,carbon 5. Doesthe short, thick copper wire have high or low resistance? It has low resistance. 6. How many amps registeron the amp meter when the short, thick wire is being used? How many watts are produced? Fill in the blanks: 12 VOLTSx 4 AMPS= 48 WATTS l, Doesthe long,thin copper wire have high or low resistance? It hos high resistance. 8. How many amps registeron the amp meter when the long, thin wire is beingused? How many watts are produced? Fill in the blanks: 12VOUIS x 2 AMPS= 24 WATTS 9' what tt ^ Tt;:l it is a paththroughwhichetectricityfrows. 10.Whatis a fuse? i^l;';:i;i"'#:,'!;";":#':;:,':oz!';'i:f ;';T,r:{ ) ) I a IT'SELECTRIC! Date: Name: 1 , Investigatethe fuse box or circuit breakerat home. Look for a label that tells you information about its capacity.What is the maximumamount of amps that the fuse box or circuit breaker will allow? How manv volts will it allow? Recordyour findings: Maximumamps: Maximumvolts: Calculatethe maximumwatts: t. lnvestigatethe electricalappliancesin your home. Eachapplianceshouldhavean amp or watt ratinglabeledon it. In the chart below,write the nameof the applianceand the amp or watt rating. Hinf Ifyou aregiuena wattrating,diuidethe uatts by 120uoltsto calculatethe amps. 3. Add the number of watts for all the appliances.If you were using all theseappliancesat once, would you blow a fuse or trip the circuit breaker? FusesFurther Discouery#l PROTECTION CONNECTIOI'I Date: Name: OUERUIEWI Studentswill simulatean electricalsystem protected by a fuse. A power sourcewill be 'constructed usinqa lomp cord and batteries. Aluminumfoil fiiU serueas the fuse. GETREADY! Gatherthe followingmaterials: o o o o o o o Scissors Wirestripper Emptycardboardpapertoweltube FiveD-cellbatteries Aluminumfoil or foil fromgumwrappers Marker An old 18"lampcordwith a Plugon oneend. Getpermissionto cutthe cord off of an old lamp. GETSET! Do this experimentwith an adult. Find a safeopen spaceto do this experiment,such as a deskor a sidewalk.Removeany flammable materials. 1. GO! 1 , Noticethat the lamp cord consistsof 3. Slidethe batteriesinto the cardboard tube,with all of them pointingin the same direction. This alignsthem in a series, with the positiveend of one battery touchingthe negativeend of the next batterY. [. One end of the tube should have the positive end of a battery showing,and the other end should have the negativeend of a battery showing. Usethe markerto indicatethe positive and negativeends on the tube. 5. Usingthe scissors,cut a pieceof aluminum foil that is four incheslong and l/8 inch wide. The aluminumfoil will be used as a fuse. 6. Wrap one end of the aluminumfoil snugly aroundone of the prongsof the plug. Wrap the other end aroundthe other prong. 7, Keepyour fingersat leasttwo inches away from the ends of the wire. KeeP the "fuse"away from you and anything elseflammable.Holdoneendof the cord to the positiveend of the batteries. Brieflytouch the other end of the cord to the negativeend of the batteries. Hint: If the "fuse"doesnot changein appearance,try the expgri; menl again with a thinnerpiece of oluminum-foil.Gum wropperswork welL 9, Describewhat happenedto your "fuse" here: two cords side by side. Separatethe two halvesof the cord by gentlY pulling them apart at the cut end. 12,,Usingthe wire stripper,carefullytrim 1/4 inch of the insulationfrom the endsof the separatedcords. #2 FusesFurtherDiscouery ovERUlEw GETSETi In thisactiuity,the classwill role play as the board of directorsfor an electriccompany. Onestudentuill act as the compony's"pou)erplant" by pedalingthe Energy bulb will representa neu) Bike. Eachincondescent company'sseruice utility to the added town being territory. Euentually,the powerplant will not be able to susfcinthe load. The boardof directorstuill consider alternatiuesthot will affect itscustomersand stockholders. 1. Setup the EnergyBike. Insertfour incandescent and four fluorescentbulbs. 2. Testthe EnergyBike. If any challengesoccur, sectionon pages84referto the troubleshooting 85. 3. Flipthe amp meterswitchdown as pictured below. Flipup the terminalpost switch. outcoilFs Learnerswill: I understandsupply-sidealternative(s)and demandside management. I usetheir creativethinkingand problemsolving skillswhilerole playing. RFADvi GET 1, If needed,makeclasscopiesof the EnergyBike SafetyContractfound on Page7. lL. Makeclasscopiesof the Brain Powersheetfound on page62. co! 1. f-7 \5/ V If needed,reviewthe EnergyBikeSafety Contractwith your students. 2, Describethe task: 3. Purchasea bag of candy. a. The classwill becomethe boardof directors for a new electriccompany. b. Their goalis to expandthe company'selectric serviceinto new territorY. ^j. I tr ('or Y()WCO I r vWCl\. G. Onestudentwill act as the "powerplant"by pedalingthe EnergyBike. d. Eachincandescentbulb representsthe electricaldemandsof a new town. 3. Choosea volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. 4, The new electricutility is fueledby biomass, which in this caseis candy. As long as the board memberspurchaseenoughcandyto fuelthe powerplant,the powerplantwill do all the work, the stockholderswill makemonev,and the customerswill be happy! The companycelebratesits grandopeningand the volunteeris readyto generatepower! Explainthat the power plant'sjob is to maintaina steady, reliablevoltagefor the consumers. Throughoutthe rest of the demonstration, intermittentlyfeedthe powerplant. r Build a new power plant (volunteer). Askthepowerplant'sage.explain to the c/css that consumers cen't wait thot longfor another "powerplant" to grow. AIso,too muchmoney hosalreodybeeninuestedduringthispower plant's buildingprocess,maintenonce,etc. 6. The town councilis convincedthat the new electriccompanycan provideits residentswith the mostaffordablepriceper kilowatthour. Havethe volunteerbeginto pedal.Oncethe volt meter registers12-13volts,flip up the first incandescent switchto light one incandescent bulb. I Makethe power plant stronger. Thepowerplant couldgo on a weighttraining program,but that wouldtake time and moneyfor the heolthclub. Duringthe training,howeuer,the consumerssti[[wouldn'thaueelectricity! r Get anotherEnergyBike. It wouldtoke at leastfour u;eeksto receiuethe partsand then it wouldhaueto be assembled.In the meantime,consumers wouldcontinueto receiuean unreliablesupplyof electricity.Also,it wouldcostmorethan$5000to purchasea neu) EnergtBike. Thecompanymay needto borrow money,it wouldtakeyeorsbeforethe comporry wouldreceiueo returnon itsinuestment, and its stockpriceswouldplummet. The Energy Bike has two columns of switches uhich power the incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column pouers the incandescent bulbs, and the second column pouers the fluorescent. 11, Pointout to the studentsthat the aboveanswers havebeensupply-sidealternatives. 7. A secondcommunitypopsup as peopleare attracted to the pristineland. Theelectriccompany's stock pricesriseand both townsare happywith their electric service.Lighta secondincandescent bulb by flip pingthe secondswitch. 8. In fact,the towns are so happy,word beginsto get aroundabout what a greatplacethis is to live!A third communityis formedand the electric companyis thereto fill the residents'needs.Flip on the third incandescent bulb switch. Definesupply-sidealternatives: Energysauing chongesimplementedby the electriccompony. The followingare examplesof supply-side alternativesimplementedby real life utility companies: a. Operate using 765,000volt transmission lines. This helpsto providecustomers with the most economicaland reliable powersupplypossible. 9. The power plant is startingto sweat.The board memberscheckinto purchasingmorecandyand the stockholders continueto be pleasedwith their earnings.In fact,profits are so goodthe board of directorsrequestthe marketingdepartmentto launchan advertisingcampaign! b. Install hyperbolic cooling towers. These tall, archingtowerscreatea naturaldraft of air that cools power plant water at less cost. 10. A fourth town is built,and the fourth incandescent bulb shouldbe lit. Ar thispoint,the incondescent lightswill be dimmingdue to the lood the "pouser plant" is trying to pedal. Wait! What is happening?Consumersare starting to call the customerservicedepartmentbecause their lightsare dimming!The powerplantlooksas if it has beenoverloaded.Ask the board members to considerother options,and givethe power plant a rest! c. Usereheated steam to help power generators.Reheatingsteamtransfers more thermalenergyfrom the burningcoal and cuts fuel costs. 12, Definedemand-sidemanagement: Utility companiespromotechangesthat their customers can moke to reducethe amountof electricitybeingused in theirhomes. v 13. Thinkingaboutthe situationwith the EnergyBike, how can the board of directorsencouragethe consumersto practicedemand-side management? Commonstudentanswersinclude: a. Houeconsumersusefluorescentlights b. Educoteconsumers oboutfluorescent bulbs. c. SeUfluorescentbulbsto consumersat o reducedprice. d. Giuecustomersfluorescentbulbs. c. Offera rebateto customersusingfluorescent bulbs. Note: Moreinformationregardingfluorescent versusincandescent bulbscanbe foundon page19. 14. Demonstratehow energyconservationmethodscan saveenergy.Havethe cyclistpedaluntil 12-13volts registeredon the meter,beginturningon four incandescent bulbsagain.Then,oneat a time,turn off an incandescent bulb and turn on a fluorescent bulb. Continuedoingthis until only fluorescent bulbsare lit. The cyclistshouldnot haveany problemkeepingthe samenumberof bulbslit that previouslyblacked-outthe powerplant. b. Commercial and industrial programs: promotingthe useof enerErefficient lighting,motorsand electrotechnologies, by studyinghow customersuseenergyand offeringfinancialincentiuesto implement enerE/efficientpractices. c. Load Management Rates: Most householdsuse600kilowatt-hours(kwh) of electricig eachmonth. TheLoad ManagementRate is a discountgiuento householdsthat use 700kwh or lessduring the designatedmonths. 15, Discusswaysthat studentscan managetheir demandfor electricityat hometo saveenergy. a, Usefluorescentbulbs. b, Turn off lightswhennot needed. c. Keepthe ouenand refrigerotordoors closed.A peek insidethe ouencan cost about25 degreesFahrenheit! d, Takeshortshowersratherthan boths. e. Hand washdishes.It sauesholf the cost per dishwasherload. f. Washclothesin warm or cold water. It saDesabout$80a year for a family of four. g, Insulotethe hot waterheoter. The Energt Bike has two columns of switches which pouer the incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column pouers the incandescent bulbs, and the second column powers the fluorescent. programsimplemented 15. Demand-side management by utility companiesinclude: a, Energt fitness programs: offeringhome energ)/audits,weatherizotionpracticesand otherlow-cost,energy-efficient meosuresto residentiol customers. iRi {H15 fs SAVIN6 EN eR(''(? - )l ll BRAINPOWER It'sElectric... Powert, Name: Date: 1, Definesupply-sidealternatives: List two examplesof supply-sidealternativesthat can be implementedwhen using the Energy Bike as a power plant, and by reallife utility companies: 2, Definedemand-sidemanagement: List two examplesof demand-sidealternativesthat can be implementedwhen usingthe Energy Bike as a power plant, and by real-lifeutility companies: 3. tf you were the presidentof the electric company,which supply-sideor demand-sidealternatives would you implement? 4. How can you manageyour demandfor electricityat home to saveenergy? O. b. C. tt RAINPOIUER AnswcrKcy It'sElectric... Powert, 1, Definesupply-sidealternatives: Energysauingchangesimplementedby the electric compony. List two examplesof supply-sidealternativesthat can be implementedwhen using the Energy Bike as a power plant, and by real-lifeutility companies: Energy Bike Getanother voltlines 0perate using765,000 thevolunteer Make stronger lnstallhyperbolic towers cooling l. Definedemand-side management: promotechangesthat customers can maketo reduce Utilitycompanies the amountof electicity beingusedin their homes. List two examplesof demand-side alternativesthat can be implementedwhen usingthe Energy Bikeas a power plant,and by real-lifeutility companies: Givecustomers fluorescent bulbs Energy Fitness Programs Educate clnsumers ablutfluorescent bulbs Load Management Rate 3. If you were the presidentof the electriccompany,which supply-sideor demand-side alternativeswould you implement? Thisanswerwill uory dependingupon the classdiscussion. 4. How can you manageyour demandfor electricityat home to saveenergy? Some exomplesinclude:usingfluorescentbulbs, turning off lightswhen not needed,keeping the ot)enand refrigeratordoors closed,taking short showersrather thon boths,hand washingdishes, and washingclothesin warm or cold woter APPIIAI{CERETIANCE Imaginewakingup one morningto read the newspaperheadlines"AIIElectricUtilityConsumers Limitedto 3500 Watts."Examinethe appliancesbelow,and list the onesyou would chooseto use. Remember,you are limited to 3500watts! @rluLEr (window) Airconditioner | (central) Airconditioner Clock dryer Clothes Coffeemaker Compact discplaver Curlinqiron Dishwasher Electric blanket (window) Fan liqhtbulb Fluorescent Grill(outdoor) Hairdrver Hotplate liqhtbulb lncandescent lron Microwaveoven Personal computer Monitor Radio (large Range surface unit) Refrigerator-f reezer(manualdefrost) r (automaticdefrost) Refrigerator-freeze (black Televis on & white) (color) Televis on Toaster Vacuum cleaner VCR Washing machine Water heater I!I{&u!]il-Iig1&I{illlrli&l[llllEl 1150 I S16.22 / month 3800 57,00 / month 2 0.11lmonth 4856 4.48/ month 600 0 . 0 1/ 1 5m i n u t e s 13 0 . 0 1/ h o u r 40 0 . 0 2/ 1 0m i n u t e s 1200 8.55/ month 150 0.05i B hours 200 3.23/ month 18 0.04/ month 1500 0 . 1 1I h o u r 1000 0.01/ 8 minutes 1250 0.05/ 30minutes 100 0.23/ month 1100 0 , 0 4/ h o u r 1450 0 . 1 2/ h o u r 300 0 . 0 2/ h o u r 114 0 . 0 1/ h o u r 71 0 . 0 5/ h o u r 2100 0 . 0 8/ h o u r 2.00/ week 300 440 3.00/ week 100 0 . 0 8/ h o u r 240 0 . 0 2 lh o u r 1100 0.24/ month 630 0 . 0 5/ h o u r 50 0 . 0 4/ h o u r 512 0 . 0 4/ h o u r 2500 9.75/ week FUN IACT: The lifetime consumptionof a person liuing in the UnitedS/cfesls: 170 tonsof coal, 2000 barrels of oil, and 7.5million cubic feet of natural gas. PowerFurtherDiscouery#1 APPLIANCE RETIANCE 1. Appliances I woulduse: 2, How much would it cost to run all of your appliancesfor one week? Hint: Rememberto conuertall unitsto hours. It would cost $_ to run all of my appliancesfor one week. 3. Are there any appliancesyou would like to use that are not listed on the chart? 4. Compareyour choicesto other students. How do you think the choicesreflectsomeone'slife style and values? Try this activity with your family. Are the resultssimilar? Power Further Discouery#l ELECTRICITY ON THETilOUE After readingthe followingselection,completethe attachedactivity sheet. lH[tilc EIFCTTII|Tv Almost all the electricitymade in the UnitedStatesis generated by large,centrallylocated power plants. Let's see how electricityis typically generated at theseplants.First,an energysourcesuch as coal, uraniumor natural gas is needed. The thermal energy releasedby heatingthe source goesinto a boiler which superheatswater into steam.The very high pressureof the steam(it's 75 to 100times normal atmosphericpressure) turns the bladesof a turbine. (At a hydroelectricplant, the force of fallingwater turns the blades.) The bladesare connectedto a generator which housesa largemagnet surroundedby a coiledcopper wire. The bladesspin the magnetrapidly,rotatingit insidethe coils of wire and producingelectricity. The steam,still very hot but back to normal pressure,now goesto a heat exchanger where it is cooled into water. The heat exchangeris a systemin which pipeswith steamflow next to pipes with cool water from a river, lake, ocean,or coolingtower. The water then returnsto the boiler to be used again. Today,power plants can capture someof the heat from the coolingsteamto use again. This processis calledcogeneration.In old plants,the heat was simply wasted. iIOUINGELECTRICITY FROiIPOWER PTANTS TO HOfttES We are using more electricity every year. Electricityis used so much becauseit's easyto move from one place to another. Electricitycan be producedat a power plant and moved long distancesbeforeit is used. Now let's follow the path of electricityfrom a power plant to a light bulb in your home. After the electricityhas been generatedat a power plant, it travels by wire to a transformerthat increasesor "steps up" the voltage.The generator producesfrom 2,300to 22,000 volts and the step-uptransformer increasesit to as much volts. Powercomas 765,000 paniesstep up the voltage becauselesselectricityis lost alongthe lineswhen the voltageis high. The electricityis then transmittedon a nationwide networkof transmissionlines. Transmissionlinesare the huge tower lines you may see when you are on the highway. The linesare interconnected, so shouldone line fail,another will take over the load. Step-downtransformers locatedat substationsalong the lines reducethe voltageto 12,000 volts. Substationsare small buildings or fenced-inyards containing switches,transformers,and other electricalequipment. Electricityis then carriedover distributionlineswhich bring electricityto your home. Distributionlines may either be overheador underground. The overheaddistribution lines are the electriclinesthat you see alongstreets. Undergrounddistributionlines go to a pad-mounttransformer, which is a greenbox found near homes.Beforeelectricity entersyour house,the voltage is reducedagainat another transformer,which looks like a largegray can mountedon an electricpole. This transformer reducesthe electricityto the 120volts that are neededto run appliancesin your home. Electricityentersyour house through a three-wirecable. The "live wires" are then brought from the circuit breakeror fuse box to outlets in your home. An electric meter measureshow much electricityyou use so the electriccompanycan bill you. The time it takesfor electricity to travel throughthesestepsfrom power plant to the light bulb in your home-is a tiny fractionof one second. Power FurtherDiscouery#2 ELECTRICITY ON THETilOUE Date: Name: Therearemanystepsfor energyto go from an energysourceto poweringelectricityin your home. Beloware nineparts of an electricpowersystem.Yourjob is to unscramblethe systemso that all the parts are in proper order. Usinginformationfrom the reading"Electricityon the Move,"number the picturesbelowone throughnine. Numberone as the first part of the systemand number nineas the last part of the system.Write your numberson the linesto the right of the pictures. I r''il|iltllllllllllllliltr||r - Gcncrator Stcp-Up Transformer r - Step-Down Transformcr Coalor Othcr EncrgySourcc Homc Turbinc Distribution Linc & Transformcr laul Transmission Linc l^I.l t-l Boilcr Power Further Discouery#2 ELECTRICITY ON THETTIOUE AnswerKey Beloware nine parts of an electricpower system.Your job is to unscramblethe systemso that all the parts are in proper order. Numberthe picturesone through nine. Numberone as the first part of the systemand number nine as the last part of the system.Write your numberson the lines to the right of the pictures. _,,ililtllllllllllllllllilrr,_ 4 Step-Up Transformcr Gcncrator :: II tl tl tl Stcp-Down Transformcr Coalor Othcr EncrgySourec 1 Turbinc Distribution Lincand Transformcr Transmission Boilcr #2 PowerFurtherDiscouerv ouEBvlFw Electriccompaniesmeasurethe amountof electricity or 1000uatt-hours' consumersusein kilowatt-hollrs, that electricityis so/d in unitsallotns [Jnderstanding to comprehendelectricityin concreteterms. students the low costof electricityand how This actiuityiltustrates to reducethe amountof energyusedduringpeak hours of consumption. ourcoilFs Learnerswill: I definekilowatt-hour. r knowthat consumerspurchaseenergyin units of kilowatt-hours. I comprehend how utility companiesensurereliable servicefor consumers. r understandthe conceptof peakshaving. cETnF_ADYi 1. If needed,makeclasscopiesof the SafetyContract found on page7. 2. Makeclasscopiesof the BrainPowersheetfound on page72. sFTi GET c.t\l tlv. If needed,distributeand reviewthe Safety Contractwith Yourstudents. 1. Vr7 \:/ V 2. Ask the classto give examplesof waysthey have usedelectricitytoday: turningon lights,cooking, curlingor blow drying hair, wokingup to an olarm clock,listeningto radio, etc. Ask the studentsif they know how longthe electricity was used? Did anyoneuselightsor appliances for exactlyone hour? Electricityis measuredin units calledkilowatthours (kwh). \ e L ec bi'Jf tc 1, Setup the EnergyBikesuchthat a clockwith a secondhandis visible. Insertthe incandescent and fluorescentbulbsinto the sockets.Plugin the fan,hair dryers and radio/tapeplayer. =I. occurwhiletestingthe EnergyBike, 2. If anychallenges refei to the troubleshootingsectionon pages84{5' Flipthe ampmeterswitchdownas pictured. Flipup the terminalPostswitch. lV--;l )t{-b 3. Setthe digitaltimer to six minutesand clip it to the top of the displayboard. -'- '/t^ r .ry, 5. Definekilowatt-hour: .4 hilowott-houris a unit of measureequalto one thousondwatt-hoursof electricity. The Kilowatt-Hour Made Simple Imagineten 1O0-watt bulbs burningfor one hour. The bulbs would use one thousandwatts of electricity duringthat hour,or one kilowatt-hour.Because we don't useelectricityfor a set amountof time,the utility companykeepstrack of it on an electric meter. Electricmetersare cumulativerecorders much like a car odometer.They track every watt of electricitywe use and convert it to kilowatt-hours. Eachday the averageAmericanhome usesapproximatelv25 kilowatt-hoursof electricitv! 6. Describethe task: Sixvolunteerswill take turns riding the EnergyBikefor a total of six minutesor liro of an hour. Havea few alternatesin casethesestudentsbecometired. It is importantthat the volunteersgive a signal whenthev becometired. b. The riders will power two incandescentbulbs equalto 100watts. c. The riders will experiencethe amountof energy requiredto power 100watts for l/to of an hour. d. The classwill learnthat one kilowatt-hour requires100timesthe amountof energyneeded to performthe demonstration. HOWCANETECTRIC COIIPANIES AUOID BIACKOUTS? Many utility companiesuse backup generators and form "power pools" with other power plants to handle peak demand. Energysupply systemscan be linked together by power lines, which will support one another at times of peak demand or equipment failure. In an urgent need to prevent a blackout,utility companies can also temporarily shut off power to a small portion of their customersuntil the situation is corrected. The National Electric ReliabilityCouncil (NERC) was formed to improve the reliability of electrical service after a major blackout occurred in the Northeastin 1965. NERCsponsorsresearch and developmentprojects that enablepower companiesto learn more about preventingelectric power failure. 9. The riderswill probablyfeelas if a lot of their energywas usedto performthe demonstration, but only one tenth of a 100watt-hourhasbeengenerated! Ask the studentsto determinethe numberof 50 watt bulbsthey would haveto powerto produce one kilowatt-hour.Twenty50 watt bulbs 10. Describethis scenarioto your students:They l, Selectthe first volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. Oncethe volt meterregisters12-13volts, turn on the timer andtwo incandescent bulbsby flippingup the switchesshownbelow.The volunteeris producing 100wattsof electricalpower. approximately havedecidedto pursuea careeras an EnergyBike power plant that will provideelectricityfor consumers.How much would they chargeper kilowatt-hour?How much do they think electric companieschargeper kilowatt-hour? On auerage,Ohioutilitycompaniescharge8.5aper kilowatt-hour.Would8.5aper hourbe a fair pricefor the studentsto bepoid as an EnergtBike powerplant? 11, To discusspeakresidentialconsumption, askthe studentsif they usethe sameamountof electricity throughoutthe day. Are there times duringthe day whenwe usemoreor lesselectricity? 12, Selecta volunteerto ride the EnergyBike. This volunteerwill be a powerplantand will produce electricityfor a typical day in a city. The Energy Bike has two columns of switches which power the incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column powers the incandescent bulbs, and the second column pouers the fluorescent. 13. In this activity,two minutesof real time equalsone day. Whenthe secondhandof the clockpointsto 12,12:00midnightis represented. 8. Oncethe first volunteertires,pausethe timer and turn off the bulbs until the next studentregisters 12-13volts on the volt meter. Repeatthis process until the full six minuteshaveelapsed. 1+,Havethe volunteerbeginto pedal. Oncethe secondhandreachesl2:00,turn on the fan and one fluorescentbulb. This represents electricity usuallybeingusedin homesat midnight-heating and coolingand safetylighting. v 15. Whenthe secondhandreachesthe 6 (6:00a.m.), switchon anotherfluorescentbulb to represent alarmclocksgoingoff, peoplewakingand turning on lights. 16. As the secondhandreachesthe 8 (8:00a.m.), switchon a third fluorescentbulb to represent cookingbreakfast, watchingTV and usingsmall appliances to get readyin the morning. 17. Whenthe secondhandreachesthe 10(10:00a.m.) switchoff everythingbut one fluorescentbulb and the fan. Manypeopleare at work or school, but someare home. That bulb representsthe duringthe day. energyusedin residences 18. Oncethe secondhandreachesthe 6 (6:00p.m.), flip off the fan and all the fluorescentbulbs. Switchon two incandescent bulbsand the tape player.This will representpeoplecominghome from work,turningon lights,stereos,televisions, and cookingdinner. 19. Whenthe secondhandreachesthe 8 (8:00p.m.), turn on the hair dryer-this representsmajor appliances suchas dishwashers and clothes washers,as well as computers.At this point, a blackoutwill most likelyoccur. The volunteerhas just experienced beinga powerplantduringpeak residentialconsumptionhours. 20. Ask studentsto nameother peakresidential demandhours: Summerafternoonswhen air conditionersare required,winter morningsand eueningswhen |ights and furnocesore used. 21. We havedemonstratedpeakelectricityconsumption for residential howeverbusinesses consumers, and industryuse abouttwo timesmore energythan residentialconsumers.Discusswith the studentswho pedaledthe EnergyBikehow they would feelabout poweringresidential, business, and industryneeds. 22. Ask the studentsto nameways residentialenergy consumerscan help to reducethe amountof energyusedduringpeakconsumptionhours. Themosteffectiueaction is to sta4gerthe useof oppliances. 23. Definepeak load shaving: Peoklood shauingis shiftingelectricityusefrom a peak (or high) demand time to a low demandtime. 24, Someutility companiesofferlowerratesto customerswho useelectricityat off-peaktimes. Ask the classto think of waysthat they can reducethe amountof electricityusedduringpeakhours.Some answersmay include: o. Rundishwashers overnight b. Do laundry overnight c. Usefewerlightsor usecandlesin the evening d. Useonly one or two largeappliances at a time This table summarizesthe activity. 12= midnight fan 1 fluorescent bulb h e a t i nagn dc o o l i n g lighting safety 6 = 6 : 0 0a . m . fan 2 f l u o r e s c ebnut l b s people getting waking up,turning onlights, ready for s c h o oaln dw o r k B = 8 . 0 0a . m . fan 3 f l u o r e s c ebnut l b s small appliances, c00king appliances, TV 1 0= 1 0 : 0a0, m . fan 1 fluorescent bulb manypeople areatwOrk, someat homeusing appliances. 6 = 6 : 0 0p . m . 2 i n c a n d e s cbeunl bt s tapeplayer p e o p cl eo m i nhgo m fer o mw o r kt,u r n i nognl i g h t s , cooking dinner, watching television, listening to music 8 = B : 0 0p . m . 2 i n c a n d e s cbeunl bt s tapeplayer hairdryer lights running stilloperating, dishwasher, using c o m p u t edr so,i n g laundry v It RAINPOWER Kilo-What? Date: Name: 1, Namethree ways you have used electricitytoday: O. b. C. 2, Definekilowatt-hour: 3. How many kilowatt-hoursper day does the averageAmericanhome use? 4. What is the averageprice in Ohio for a kilowatt-hourof electricity? 5. Usingthe facts above,how much does it cost to power the averageAmericanhome for one day? 6. Definepeakload shaving: AtilAZll{G DACIIIn one year,the averageAmericanhome usesabout 9,000kilowatt-hours. f,tSTA THCl|tGHllThink conservation,not convenience! tl RAINPOWER AnswER Kry Kilo-What? 1, Namethree ways you have used electricitytoday: Turningon lights,cooking,heating/coolinga home, washingdishes, running hair dryers, woshingclothes,operotingon alarm clock 2, Definekilowatt-hour: A unit of measureequal to 1000watt-hoursof electricity. 3. How many kilowatt-hoursper day does the averageAmericanhome use? Approximately 25 kilowatt-hours 4. Whatis the averagepricein Ohiofor a kilowatt-hour of electricity? or $.085/kwh 8.5aper kilowott-hour 5. Usingthe factsabove,how muchdoesit costto powerthe averageAmericanhomefor oneday? 25 kilowott-hours x $.085= $2.13 kwh 6. Definepeakloadshaving: Peak load shouingis shifting electricig use from a peak (or high) demond time to o low demond time, or simply using lesselectricig during peak times. AtilAZll{G ;ACMn one year,the averageAmerican home uses about 9,000kilowatt-hours. ,USTA THOUGllll Think conservation,not convenience! Name: Date: 1 . Monitor one electrically-powered appliancein your homethat is usedfrequently. 2, For one week,record the approximatenumber of hoursyou usethe appliance per day. Calculatethe averagehours per day it is used. 3. Identifyand record the number of watts neededto power the appliance. Hint; Most itemshaue o label that indicatesthe required wottage. If the Iabel prouidesomps, calculatethe watts: 120 uoltsx amps = uatts. Wattsused: 4. Multiplythe numberof wattsby the averagetime it wasused.Thiswill producethe average numberof watt-hoursper day. Formula:wattsx aueraqehours= watt-hours day doy Watt-hoursper day: 5. Calculate the kilowatt-hours per day. Formula:wott-hours \r I kilotaatt kilowatt-hours dav t' l,000wotts doy Kilowatt-hours per day: 6. Multiplythe kilowatt-hours per day by 30 daysto get the total kilowatt-hoursper month. Formula:kilowatt-hourso 30 days _ kilowatt-hours /' dav month month kilowatt-hoursper month: 7. Ask for permissionto reviewyour family'selectric bill. How much does the electriccompany chargeper kilowatt-hour? Costper kilowatt-hour: 8. Multiply the kilowatt-hoursper month by the cost per kilowatt-hour.How much does it cost to power the appliancefor one month? Formulo: kilowatt-hours _ Costto power applionce A month ku;h month Monthly cost to power object: Kilowatt Further Discouery#l IilETER READERS Name: Date: 1, Locatethe electric meter for your home.Look at the meter at eye level. 2, The meter has dials that measurethe kilowatt-hoursyour family has used. The faceof the meter has five dials,eachwith the numbers0 through 9. Not all of the dials are alike,however. The numbersof the first dial increasein a clockwisedirection,while the numberson the seconddial increasein a counter-clockwise direction. The dials continueto alternateuntil the end of the row. Draw pointers on the dials below to makethem match the dials on vour home'smeter: 3. Write the number that each dial is pointing to in order from left to right. Hints:If a pointer is betweentwo numbers,alwoys write the smaller number. +, In one month, read your electricmeter again. Draw pointerson the dials below to make them match the dials on your home'smeter: 5. Write the numbersshown on the dials. 6. Subtractthe numbersyou record for the last month from the current month'sreading. How many kilowatt-hoursdid your family use in one month? KilowottFurtherDiscouery#2 ovEBvlFrr Horsepoweris usedto measurethe power of enginesand motors. Onehorsepoueris equolto 746watts. During thisactiuity,loods(light bulbs)will be addedto the EnergyBike to simulatethe pedalingresistonceof riding a bicycleon o flat road. Thenumberof wattsbeingproducedwill be colculated.From the numberof wotts,the approximateomountof mechonicalhorsepower the cyclistis producingwill be calculatedand comparedto the horsepou)er requiredto operatea cer, airplane,ond nuclearpowerplont. GET sFri 1. Setup the EnergyBike. Plugthe fan into a receptacle. Insertfour incandescent and four fluorescent bulbs. 2, Testthe EnergyBike. If any challengesoccur,refer to the troubleshooting sectionon pages84-85. 3. Flip the amp meterswitchup as indicatedbelow. Flip up the terminalpost switch. out9otrrEs Learnerswill: I understandthat the powerof enginesand motorsis typicallystatedin horsepower. I recognize that I horsepoweris equalto 746watts. I be ableto definea load. I calculatethe horsepowerof a personridinga bicycle. GET RFAD'ri col 1, If needed,makeclasscopiesof the EnergyBike SafetyContractfoundon page7. 1. YfJ \-/ 2, Makeclasscopiesof the BrainPowersheetfound on page78. 2. Definehorsepower'.Horsepoweris a unit of meosurefor the pouer of enginesand motors. Onehorsepoueris equalto 746watts. V lf needed,distributeand reviewthe Safety Contractwith your students. Defineload: A load is o deuicethat useselectricity to do usefulwork suchas light bulbsand appliances. 3. Describethe task: o. Onevolunteerwill ride the EnergyBike. b. LoadsQightbulbs)will be lit individuallyuntil the volunteerstatesthat the pedalingresistance is equalto pedalinga bicycleon a flat road. Fromthe watts produced,the mechanical horsepowerof the volunteerwill be calculated. 4. Selecta volunteerwho oftenridesa bicycle.Once the volunteerhasstartedpedalingand the volt meter registers12-13volts, flip the fan to EAST speed. The fan'sair flow simulatesthe breezefelt when riding a bicycle. However,the pedalingresistanceis still too easyto representthe experience of ridinga bicycleon levelground. Turn on onefluorescentbulb by flippingup the switchshownbelow. Switchon additional fluorescentbulbsuntil the cycliststatesthat the pedalingresistance feelscomparableto that of a movingbicycleon flat ground. HORSEPOWER? When JamesWatt built his steamenginein the 1760s,he wanted to use a unit of power that most peoplewould recognize.Sincethe horse was the most common sourceof power in the eighteenthcentury, Watt decided to express steamenginepower in terms comparableto a horse. Watt determinedthat a strong horse could move a 550 pound weight one foot in one secondor 33,000poundsone foot every minute. Althoughhorsepoweris no longermeasuredin terms of an actualhorse,it is used to measure the power of enginesand motors. 12, How doesthe horsepowerthat the EnergyBike producedcomparewith reallife ? motor Small electric E n g i noef c a r D i e s terla i ne n g i n e power plant Nuclear The Energt Bike has tuo columns of switches which power the incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column powers the incandescent bulbs, and the second colurnn poLLiersthe fluorescent. 7, Recordthe numberof volts and ampsbeing produced.If the load is equalto one fan and four fluorescentbulbs.the meterswill readas follows: Amps = 5 Volts= 12 t horsepower 200horsepower 1 0 , 0 0h0o r s e p o w e r 300,000 horsepower 13. Selecta newvolunteer.Demonstrate the strength requiredto producea quarterhorsepowerby havingthe studentlight four incandescent bulbs. Flipall four incandescent switchesup as shown. 8. Determinethe numberof watts the cyclistis producingwhen the load is equalto one fan and four fluorescentbulbs. Usethe formula uoltsxamps=tDotts. 12 uoltsx 5 amps = 60 watts 9. To calculatethe horsepowerthe cyclistgenerates, dividethe numberof wattsproducedby 746 watts.RememberI horsepoweris equalto 746 watts. 60 u;attsx I horsepower= 0.08horsepower 746watts 10. The bicycleis about50%efficientat converting the rider'smechanical energyto the rotating wheelof the bike. The generatoris about90% efficientat convertingmechanical energyto electrical energy.Therefore,the total efficiencyof the EnergyBikeis: 90%x50%=45%, 11. Nowthat the horsepower that wasproducedis calculatedandthe efficiencyof the EnergyBikeis known,the actualhorsepowerproducedby the EnergyBikecanbe calculated.If the powerinput Gir) is 0.45(45%efficiency)andthe poweroutput thenthe totalhorsepower GorD is 0.08horsepower, the cyclistproducedis: 0.45(Pi) = 0.08hp 0.08/0.45= 0.18horsepower v The Energt Bike has tuo columns of switches which power the incartdescent and fluorescent bulbs. The first column powers the incandescent bulbs. ond the second cctlumn pouers the fluorescent. 14. Calculatethe horsepowerrequiredto light the four incandescent bulbs. 12 uoltsx 16 amps = 192uatts 192wattsx I horsepower= 0.26horsepower 746watts 15. Calculatethe amountof horsepowerproducedby the cyclistto light the four incandescent bulbs. = 0.a5Qi) 0.26horsepower 0 26/0.45= 0.58horsepower tl BRAINPOWER Horsepowert, Name: Date: 1. Whatis horsepower? 2, One horsepower= watts 3. How many volts were producedwhen the EnergyBike felt like a bicycle moving on flat land? volts 4, How many amps were producedwhen the EnergyBike felt like a bicycle moving on flat land? amps 5. Calculatethe watts that were producedwhen the EnergyBike felt like a bicycle moving on flat land. Hint: uoltsx omps = uatts watts 5, Calculate the horsepower basedon your answerfor question5. 7, Namethreeitemscommonlymeasured in horsepower. -O. b. C. -'-at- - -- tt RAINPOWER Answcrkey Horsepowert, 1, Whatis horsepower? Horsepouer is a unit of meosurefor the pouer of enginesand motors. 2, One horsepower= 746 watts 3. Howmanyvoltswereproducedwhenthe EnergyBikefelt like a bicyclemovingon flat land? TheuoltmetershouldreflectI2 uolts. 4, flow mgnyampswereproducedwhenthe EnergyBikefelt like a bicyclemovingon flat land? Theanswerwill uorydepending upontheln-ctoss experiment. Sampleonsu)er:5 amps 5. Calculate the wattsthat wereproducedwhenthe EnergyBikefelt likea bicyclemoving on flat land. Hint; uoltsx amps= u)atts Theanswerwill uorydepending uponwhich in-class experiment you houethe studentsrecord. sompleanswe, 12 voltsx s Amps= 60 watts 6. Calculate the horsepower basedon your answerfor question5. Theonsl]erwill uarydependinguponthe in-class experiment. SompleonslDer: 60 wottsproducedx I horsepower = 0.08 horsepouer 746watts The,energy .bike is about 50%efficientat conuerting.therider'smechanicalenergy to the rotating wheel; the generatoris about g0% eificient. The total efficiencyis 0.s0x 0.g0 = 0.45. Thismeans Pout= 0.45(Piil or 0.05hp = 0.45(pfn) or Pin= W = o.t8hp 7, Namethreeitemscommonlymeasured in horsepower. someexomplesinclude;car engine,airplaneengine, troinengine,ondnuclearpou)erplant. PETROLEUTil AITERNATIUES 1 . Discuss the followingpetroleumfactswith your students. I Petroleumsuppliesmore than 38%of the energyused in the United States. I Americansuse more than 750million gallonsof oil every day. I The United Statesimports over half of its petroleumfrom other countries. The majority of the imported oil comesfrom Venezuelaand Canada. I The United Stateshas 3% of the world's known oil reserves.Expertsestimate that the United States'knownoil reserveswill last approximately10 more years at today'srate of consumption. SaudiArabia and other Middle Eastnationshave over 60%of the world's known oil reserves. I In 2003,the United Statesused 67%of.its petroleumconsumptionfor transportation. 2, Ask your studentsto imaginethat there is no petroleumavailablefor transportation.What would they do? Go back to riding horses? Most likely,other forms of transportationwould be developed.In fact, alternativeshave alreadybeen developedsuch as electric,hybrid gasoline-electric, natural gas,and solar poweredcars. 3. Usingresourcesat the library, instruct your studentsto write a report on an alternative form of transportation. 4, Key words for the researchprocess: I transportation,environmentaleffects I natural gas I automobiles-experimental, electric,hybrid, hydrogen-powered I solarengines 5. For more informationabout electric cars,order "The ElectricCar" from AmericanElectric Power's"lnformationfor Customers,Educators,and SpecialAudiences"catalog. To receive a catalogcontact: AmericanElectricPower CorporateCommunicationsProgram I RiversidePlaza -/-\ ('-) (, <---/ \ { Columbus,OH 43215-2373 (614) 223-r6s3 --- ---r .'- --'\---- /t\\-l\\ / /\ HorsepowerFurtherDiscouery#l Date: Name: 1. Ask a parentto help you examinethe familyvehicle. !. Raisethe hood of the vehicle. Determinethe enginesizeby lookingat the engineor the labels foundunderthe hood. Enginesizemay be labeledas "enginedisplacement"and is recordedin liters or cubic inches. Recordthe followinq: Make: Model: Year: Enginesize: 3. At the library,locateChilton'sReoairManualin the referencesection. The manualsaredivided by the automobiles TruckandVans,1982-1987 ImportCars,or typeandyear,i.e."1993-1997 198&1992 U.S.andCanadian models." {. Locatethe correctmanualfor your vehicle.Completethe followingsteps: a. Locatethe Tableof Contents. b. If the manualhas a "Specifications" section,turn to it and identifythe pagesfor your vehicle'smanufacturer.If it doesnot, locatethe areaof the manualspecificto vour vehicle's manufacturer. c. Examinethe chartlabeled"Engineldentification."Usingthe year/model andenginesizeof your vehicle,find the ID/VIN#. The engineID/VIN# is the identification/vehicle identification numberof the engine. d. Recordthe EngineID/VIN#: e. Verifythe horsepowerusing the chart labeled"GeneralEngineSpecifications."It lists vehicles by year,engineID/VIN#, and enginedisplacement(size). f. Record: _Horsepower @ RPM The RPMnumber representsthe rotationsper minute of the engine'sshaft. 5. One horsepoweris equalto one horse moving a 550pound weight one foot in one second. Therefore,the power of your car's engineis equalto _ pounds horsesmoving of weight _ feet in seconds. Horsepouer Further Discouery#2 Dismantlingthe EnergyBike will take approximately20 minutes. 1, Unscrewor unplug the bulbs and appliancesyou have used.Placethe fan in the small box. Placeall other appliancesand bulbs into the long pullout box. Place the long pullout box aside. Loosenthe bolts that connectthe displayboard's support polesto the stand bases.Removepolesand retightenscrews. Loosenthe bolts that hold the displayboard'scrossbar to its base.Removecrossbarand retightenscrews. Put the support poles and crossbarinto the black bag and set aside. Disconnectthe long black cable from the motor by pulling the connectorsapart. Do not pull on the wires. Only pull the connector.Coil the cord and hang it on one of the long metal bolts protruding from the back of the displayboard. 7, Attachone displayboard baseinto the bottom of the carrying casewith the Velcro.Placethe baseso that its top is flushwith the sideof the caseand its legsare pointing towards the center of the box. The Velcrogoesaroundthe center pole of the base.Coverit with a pieceof gray felt. Attach the other display board baseto the bottom of the carryingcasein the oppositedirection.Coverit with the secondpieceof gray felt. Loosenthe silver bolts that securethe display board to the support poles.Lift the board from the stand and placeit aside.Screwthe bolts back in to prevent loss during travel. 8. Removethe bike from the bike stand - this is best accomplishedwith two people. 12, Placethe light gray divider,with the foam side facing down, into the carrying case. I Spin the inner black knob so that it is next to the outer black knob. I With one personsupportingthe rear wheel, loosen the crank completely.Slidethe wheel out of the silver slotted cups and lower the wheel to the ground. I Roll the bicycle away from the stand. I Tightenthe crank completelyand fold the legsof the stand together. 9, Look at the carrying case.The end with three handlesis i the top. The end with two handlesand wheelsis the i bottom. Placethe bike stand onto the gray felt so that : its baserests on the gray foam blocks at the bottom of : the displaycase.Usethe Velcrostraps to anchor the i baseof the bike stand in place. 1 3 . Placethe display board into the box with the wires facing down. 10. Placethe long pullout box into the carrying case. 11. Placethe long black bag with the poles to the opposite side of the carrying casefrom the long pullout box. Placethe poleson top of the bike stand. 14, Placeand strap on the top of the box. 15, Completean evaluationpostcardand mail it to: Ohio Energy Project 670 Enterprise Drive, Suite A Lewis Center,Ohio 43035 SffifATION3r GoodYohagcand HighCuncnt ilofl sorfnfroilPRoBL-Fils withno Bulbsor ApplhnecsOn r'The black cord should be connectingthe generatorand the displayboard. 1, Confirmthat all bulbs and appliancesare turned off and the beveragewarmer is unplugged. y' Areany of the screwsthat are holdingwires in placeloose?If so, reconnectany loosewires and tighten any loosescrews. 2. Are the capacitorscharged?The capacitor switch should alwaysbe in the down (off position, unlessa capacitoractivityis beingperformed. To check if the capacitorsare charged, put the top amp meter in the center (off) position, and flip the capacitorswitch up. If volts registeron the volt meter,the capacitorsare charged. To releasethe charge,turn on an incandescentbulb until the volt meter reads zero. Flip the switch next to the capacitors into the centerposition. r'Do any of the connectorspull apart too easily? Secureany loose connections. /ls the switch next to the volt and amp metersin the centerposition?It must be flippedup or down to send current to the bulbs and appliances. r'On the front of the board,is there a wire connectingthe two round terminal posts?If not, an open circuit existsand the wire must be reattached. Also, the switch to the right of the terminal posts should be in the up position. 3. Could a short circuit exist? Checkthe wiring for any exposedwire or crossedconnections. y' Arethe capacitorscharged?Unlessyou are using the capacitors,they should not be charged. Checkif they are chargedby flippingthe capacitor switch up. tf volts registeron the volt meter,the capacitorsare charged.To releasethe charge, turn on an incandescentbulb. Flip the capacitor switch to the down position. slTpATloN t_izgp uoltagc SITTIATION 4r ApplianccandUghtBulb Problgml 1, Makesurethe switch locatedbetweenthe volt and amp metersis not in the centerposition. If it is, flip it up to the G5 amp meteror down to the G 30 amp meter. i 1. The black cord should be connectingthe generator and the displaypanel. Wort S.Iir_r_Cln$d llTUATlOil2 i Capag!9rs 1. Confirmthat all bulbs and appliancesareturned off, and the beveragewarmer is unplugged. 2, Confirmthat the switch to the right of the volt and amp metersis in the center,or "off" position. 2, The wire betweenthe top two terminalposts should be securelyconnected. 3. Makesure the fuse in the fuse holder is not blown. [f necessary,replaceit with a 20-amp fuse. 7, Usingthe crimper,squeezethe connector togetherto secureit back onto the wire in the originaldirectionthat it was crimped. Squeezevery hard! 1. Confirmthat the plug in the back of the radio is secure. If it is not, the radio will stop intermittently when it is lifted from the hook. 8. Reattachthe connectorto the displayboard by insertingit under the screwfrom which it was removed,and tighteningthe screw. 2. The radio plug should be securein the Energy Bike'sreceptacle. 3. The DC-DCpower converterthat plugs into lf thcsc solutions do not corrcct your problcm, contact thc following people. The contact information can be found in this booklct on the pagc numbcrs indicatcd. the receptacleshould be adjustedso that the voltageswitch is on "6." 4. Checkthe tip of the DC-DCpower converter that plugs into the radio. The "Tip" label should be closestto the "+" sign. If not, disconnectthe tip, rotate and reconnectit accordingly. 1. Your homc basc tcachcrs (pg. 3) 2. Chris ttlcrrill (pg. i) 3. The Ohio Encrgy Proicct (pg. i) sllgATloxli Wircigrllgctoll 1. Look at the back of the display board. Do any of the screwsthat connect the wires to the board look loose? Usea screwdriverto secure any of those looseconnections. 2. Are any of the ends of the copper wires exposed?The wire may have been pulled from a connector. Look at the board to see if a connectorappearsto be attachedto the board,but missinga wire. T @0 ^17 3. Reattachthe the wire by removingthe connector from the board,then examiningthe end that was crimped (the blue plastictube). Be sure to rememberexactlywhere the connector was attached! 5. Find the wire that was pulled out. Twist the strandson the end to createa uniform wire. O^1 o 4. Usinga wire crimper,squeezethe connectorin the oppositedirection that it was originally crimped. This will return it to its original round shape. If this doesnot work, checkthe EnergyBike casefor extra connectors. P o : :( '{o o 6. Insert the wire back into the connector. .:' a io i : i € o ActivitiesHandbookfor EnergyEducation:Alfred DeVitoand GeraldKrockover;GoodyearPublishing Company; SantaMonica,CA;1981. CompactFluorescent LightBulbs:CG&ECollaborative Effortand Workingin Neighborhoods; May,1996. Costof Convenience: AmericanElectricPower;Columbus,OH; 1996. Dictionaryof Science: BarnhartBooks;Bronxville,NY; 1986. Electricit$ Today'sTechnologies, Tomorrow'sAlternatives: The ElectricPowerResearch Institute,Inc.; PaloAlto. CA:1987. Electricityand Magnetism: RobertWood;McGraw-Hill Companies LearningTrianglePress;NewYork,NY;1997. Electricityfor Refrigeration. Heating.and Air Conditionin$RussellE. Smith;DelmarPublishers, Inc.;1987. The Energist:The NationalEnergyFoundationResourcesfor Education;SaltLakeCity,UT. EnergyConservation: The EdisonElectricInstitute;Washington, D.C. The EnergyCyclerM Plansand Activitiesfor a BicyclePoweredGenerator:The N.C.AlternativeEnergy Corporation;1995. The EnergyCycle ResourceGuide:OuickStartHandbook.BasicLearningActivities.Kit AssemblyManual: PowerSvstems:Alexandria.VA: 1998. SEASUN Ener*vFactSheets.Elementaryand MiddleSchool:NationalEnergyEducationDevelopment Project; Herndon.VA:1997. EnergyInfobook.SecondargNationalEnergyEducationDevelopment Project;Herndon,VA;1999. GettingStartedin Electronics: ForrestM. Mims,III;RadioShack,Fort Worth,TX; 1983 - Conventional Introductionto Electricityand Electronics CurrentVersion:AllenMottershead; JohnWiley& Sons,NewYork,NY; 1982. NationalEnergyFoundationResources for Education:NationalEnergyFoundation; SaltLakeCity,UT; 1994. PhysicalScience: PrenticeHall;EnglewoodCliffs,NJ;1988. RealGoodsNews:RealGoodsRenewables, Inc.;Ukiah,CA;1997. SuperificScienceSeries:BookXI EnerguLorraineConway;GoodApplePress. The WayThingsWork:DavidMacCaulay; HoughtonMifflinCompany;Boston,MA; 1988. co{JBl llfJll{€oB9rIIzArp Ns Ohio Encrgy Proicct (OEP) The Ohio EnergyProject'smission is to promote an energy educatedsociety and to facilitateleadership,through effective partnershipswith schools,businesses,governmentand communities. Recognizedas one of "Ohio's BESTPractices in Education,"OEPprovides educationfor studentsand teachersabout the 10 major sourcesof energy.Through NationalEnergyEducationDevelopmentProject (NEED) activities,workshops,and the philosophy of "Kids Teaching Kids," studentsare motivatedto learn cooperativelyusing their creativethinking and leadershipskills. For more information contact: Ohio EnergyProject 670EnterpriseDrive,SuiteA Lewis Center OH 43035-9440 P h o n e6 1 4 - 7 8 5- 1 7 1 7 F a x6 1 4 - 7 8 5l-7 3 l Pcdal 4 Power! Chris Merrill is a professorat Illinois StateUniversity,in the IndustrialTechnologyDepartment.His areasof interestare technologyteachereducation,manufacturing,and the integrationof mathematics,scienceand technologyeducation. Chris becameinvolvedwith OEPafter attendinga presentation about the EnergyCyclerMat the CentralOhio TechnologyEducationAssociationconference.Amazedwith the educationpotentialthis learningtool had to offer,Chris decidedto collaboratewith OEPto provide innovativeways to extendand improve their existingproduct. He namedthe improved product Pedal4 PowerrNt. With an emphasison the generationof electricity,studentsand teachers can readilyunderstandthe connectionsbetweenenergy, math, science,and technology.In addition to the education standardsalreadyestablishedthrough this energyeducation learningmodule,he plans to map the nationalstandardsfrom the remainingdisciplinesat both the elementaryand secondary levels.For assistance,or more information,please feel free to contact: Chris Merrill IllinoisStateUniversity IndustrialTechnologyDepartment CampusBox 5100 Normal,Illinois61790-5100 (office) 309-438-7862 National EnergyEducation Deuclopmcnt Projcst (NEED) NEEDis dedicatedto developinginnovativeenergyeducation materialsand training programsfor teachersand students.Launchedby congressionalresolutionin 1980,NEED is currently used by educatorsin more than 7,500schoolsin 39 statesand territories.The program'sgoal is to provide the next generationwith the knowledgenecessaryto make responsibleenergydecisions. For more informationcontact: TheNEEDProject 8408KaoCircle Manassas, VA 20110 - 1117 Phone703-257 Fax703-257-0037 tBggt$tt?o_ItgBt The followingsponsorsprovide funding for Energy Bike Workshops. OEPis very gratefulfor their support. Theseorganizationsalso provide free educational materials. If you are interestedin supplementing your curriculum with energyand environmental educationmaterials,pleasecontact: American Electric Power Barry Schumann CorporateCommunications 1 RiversidePlaza Columbus,OH 43215-2373 6 1 4- 2 2 3- 1 6 5 3 AMP-Ohio and member communities Beth Rudner 2600Airport Drive Columbus,OH 43219 6 1 4 -3 3 7 -6 2 2 2