(Revised 4-6-16)
We would like to thank Mr. Antwan Williams, Director of Youth System Services at RochesterWorks! for creating this color coded OSOS Desk Guide to walk brand new users through the data entry process.
This Guide compliments but does not replace NYS DOL guides and resources. We welcome your feedback to maintain this Guide current and relevant.
Connect with Youth Program Specialist, Bibianna Silvera-Portacio , 258-3505 or bsportacio@rochesterworks.org
regarding any feedback and suggestions for improving this Guide, and for program or OSOS questions including OSOS access.
OSOS access is limited based on the security permissions by our local Security Coordinator, Lee Koslow, 258-3516 or lkoslow@rochesterworks.org
Contact Lee immediately if you are aware of information being accessed from OSOS for usage other than Wagner Peyser or WIOA program needs. OSOS Access has to be applied for and granted for each user and should match the user’s job responsibilities relating to WIOA. Each user with OSOS access has specific security permissions assigned. The different levels of security permissions determine what screens a user can view, change, etc.
To gain OSOS access complete following:
Go to http://www.rochesterworks.org/youth_serviceproviders.aspx
Under New Navigator o complete in full OSOS Individual Confidentiality Agreement 7-13 o complete NYS DOL: Cornerstones of Confidentiality- print Certificate, and o fax both completed forms to 585-473-6755 Attention: Bibianna Silvera-Portacio or email bsportacio@rochesterworks.org
o review Youth Works Model & Guiding Principles
Paperwork is reviewed and submitted for processing to the Security Coordinator.
It takes 24-48 hours for OSOS access-username and temporary password to be emailed.
The most current version of Internet Explorer (IE) v. 7.0 is needed for OSOS to function properly on your PC.
Also, the Temporary Internet File allocation needs to set to at least 200 MB or higher. To check the version of IE, click on Help, and About Internet Explorer. (Refer to “OSOS -Internet Explorer Browser Notes”)
Do not use Google Chrome!
Before getting started on the PC designated for OSOS use, you must make OSOS a Trusted Site.
Steps to follow:
Go to Internet Explorer
Click on Tools
Click on Internet Options
Click on the Security Tab
Click on the icon for Trusted Sites
Click on Sites
Type in https://osos.labor.ny.gov/osos.html
in the address line following “Add this website to the zone”
Click Add
Click OK Click OK (again)
(Revised 4-6-16)
Call OSOS Help Desk (518) 457-6586 or email Help.osos@labor.ny.gov
system error messages.
Call Bibianna at 258-3505 or email bsportacio@rochesterworks.org
for OSOS technical assistance and any programmatic questions and needs.
After 1 st connecting with the OSOS Help Desk and/or Bibianna for special and unique situations, contact for further assistance the Director of Youth System Services, Mr. Antwan Williams via email awilliams@rochesterworks.org
o Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
References- i.e. 14 Elements/Services o Performance Measures i.e. Quarters in a Calendar Year o New Navigator o Contacts o DOL Guidance o Public Assistance o Referrals o Useful Resources o RochesterWorks! Publications
Customer Search, Customer Detail, Comp Assess, and Services Pages
Services Page
BLACK PRINT w/blue background, becomes white print when hover over it= Module(s)
(i.e. CUSTOMER Module / PROVIDER Module / EMPLOYER Module / STAFF Module / HELP Module)
Orange print = the page you’re on (i.e. Customer Search/ Customer Detail / Comp Assess /Services page)
Brown underline print = The brown tabs found at the top of the page
Blue letters with arrows = The fields within the tabs
Green Dots = information must be completed for that field, if indicated.
Red print = Advisory
To log on, go to https://osos.labor.ny.gov/osos.html
F11 key = Display in full screen.
DO NOT use the Back arrow key to attempt to return to a previous screen as it will automatically log you out of OSOS.
(Revised 4-6-16)
On the top of the page, click on the
Module Customer Search Page .
To prevent creating duplicate records: Search 3 ways for youth customer, prior to creating any new file record.
First, ask youth as part of intake process if they have a CareerZone or JobZone account.
Enter Username- for either JobZone or CareerZone- click on Search
Enter the Customer’s First Name and Last Name click on Search
Enter SSN click on Search o If youth has a CareerZone account prior to being enrolled in OSOS, then OSOS will populate with username, password, name, address, DOB and Education and Employment Status. o OSOS Status for 14-17 year olds: Pending Active - after verifying and updating the OSOS record so all information on record is correct o OSOS Status for 18-24 year olds: SS/IO Active - after verifying and updating the OSOS record so all information on record is correct o Navigator/Program staff monitor schedule of youth’s progress in CareerZone or JobZone via Manager Mode option in OSOS with utilization of a table with the headings: Youth Name, Portfolio Type, Interest Profiler
Status, Work Importance Profiler Status, Saved Occupations Status, Budget Status and Abilities Checklist
(CareerZone, only) o Tools in CareerZone to assist with Monitoring: instructional tools, CareerZone Facilitator Guide and video that provides overview of the CareerZone Portfolio, and CareerZone Portfolio Desk Aid. o If youth has OSOS account then it will populate CareerZone with youth username and password and additional security questions and school information will be requested. o If no match, create a new youth file record. Click the NEW button found at the bottom right of the screen and proceed to the Customer Detail page.
Customer Detail Page
Gen. Info tab
Customer Data – o To enter the SSN, click on the SSN button. *To count for outcomes must have social security for youth.* o Select Active for Status o Select Active for Job Seeker if youth is ready for employment. Youth will be reachable through the Career
Center Job orders. o Select Inactive for Job Seeker if youth is in need of job readiness training
Youth has not completed the Career Zone Customer Service Indicator Portfolio.
Youth has low score in mock interview with Interview Rating Scale, not ready for employment.
If a youth already has either a JobZone or CareerZone Username, you do not need to create one.
Special instructions for creating a User Name: o User Name/Password – You must create an 8 character Username and a 6 character Password using a mixture of numbers and letters, i.e. A combination of the youth’s name and NY#. Whatever system you create, be sure to use that system for all your files. o You must note the Date of Birth , Gender , Address and US Citizen status.
Customer Assignment – o Click Change to add your name to the file. Then, click on the Change Office button to change or add your Agency name.
Ethnic Heritage & Race – o Click Ethnic Heritage & Race to input data as requested.
(Revised 4-6-16)
Education & Employment –*At enrollment, this information is frozen, do not change after enrollment.* o Click on down arrow(s) and choose correct answer(s) for youth in the following fields:
Education Level School Status and Employment Status
Important reminders:
For a youth with an IEP Cert. at enrollment do not use Disabled w/Cert./IEP but rather select
12 Grad - no Diploma.
For a youth in transition who is in school, choose In school youth, Alternative School
Also, under the School Status for a youth with an IEP Cert., you must use
Not attending school or H.S. Dropout.
Youth are considered ‘out of school youth’, if in any of the following categories:
In-school Post-H.S (only if basic skills deficient)
Not attending School or H.S. Dropout
Not attending School: H.S. Graduate
Out of school youth are required to be TABE tested prior to enrollment by WIOA standards.
Contact Preferences - Please check contact boxes as requested by the youth.
Add’l Info tab
In transition year so unless in school youth (ISY), for out of school youth (OSY) only and if possible use one of the barriers on the WIOA application that is not shaded in light blue. Any barriers shaded in light blue require income eligibility and we will not have a 5% Exception as have done in the past.
1 .
Income Status – Please check Yes for Income 70% LLSIL only For Out of school youth, high school graduate, basic skills deficient, or an English language learner and for In school youth who meet income requirements.
2. Complete Disability Status box. If youth is disabled, you must click on Disabled .
If youth is not disabled, click on Not Disabled .
***A learning disability does not necessarily mean a physical or mental impairment. ***
If a youth has a learning disability but not a physical nor a mental impairment, for confidentiality reasons, click on Not Disclosed . *Note: If disability status is already completed, contact Bibianna.*
3. Select No for Migrant / Seasonal Worker
Selective Services (SS) –
SS only shows up, if in creating the youth file in Customer Data you selected Male in the Gender box.
If birth gender is male, then at 18 years or older (18+) must be registered with Selective Service to be eligible for
WIOA youth job training grant services, for federal financial aid including government student loans and grants, for federal jobs or security clearance, or to become a US citizen.
Click Register/Lookup and you are automatically redirected to the selective service system
( http://www.sss.gov/default.htm
(Revised 4-6-16)
Customer Detail Page (continued)
**When a male youth turns 18, he has 30 days to register for Selective Service. Create monthly/quarterly tickler list to assist those turning 18 to register for Selective Service. **
If assisting a male youth who just turned 18 to register for Selective Service, then click Register .
If checking for a registration for a male youth 18+, then click Check Registration .
Selective Service Online Registration Search box, input Last name , SSN with no dashes/spaces, and DOB , and then click Submit .
If there is a Matched Record, it will show the Selective Service Number and Date of Registration for the youth.
Youth must notify Selective Service within 10 days if there any changes to his Selective Service registration form until the January of the year of his 26 th birthday.
Left click on mouse and hold until entire number is highlighted and then right click so can copy it.
Toggle back to the male youth’s OSOS record and add the youth’s Selective Service number by paste .
Public Assistance - You must enter Yes and the Date verified.
Objective tab
“Green Dots fields must be completed” (Employment Objective, Desired O*Net, and Acceptable Job Locations)
Employment Objective : For non-job seeking youth, a statement of interest should be entered. For example, a child who enjoys interacting with animals may have an objective: “To work with animals.”
Desired O*Net:
O*Net Title: All customers must have at least one Occupation Title. This is a required field .
Click Add a Job Title . Then click on O*Net Titles . Wait for the Select O*Net – Webpage Dialog to appear.
Select an occupational category; drill down until find the desired occupational job title, click Select.
Or, another option is to enter the occupation Keyword(s) and click Search to locate faster and then click Select.
If applicable, enter Experience: Year(s) and Month(s) .
Acceptable Job Locations : Enter zip code of youth and within how many miles of it youth willing to travel for work, i.e. 5 miles or 10 miles.
Work History - Update as youth starts work experience and when employment history changes: internship, job shadowing, mentoring, military, and volunteer or life experiences, help build skills of youth.
Click New Job Entry “Green Dots fields must be completed”
Next to Job Title, utilize the O*Net Titles . Wait for the Select O*Net – Webpage Dialog to appear. Select an occupational category; drill down until find the desired occupational job title, click Select . Or, another option is to enter the occupation Keyword(s) and click Search to locate faster and then click Select . It is important to choose the closest job title of the O*Net Titles as these are universally recognized and provide summary of job skills of youth.
(Revised 4-6-16)
Customer Detail Page (continued)
Skills tab
“Green Dots fields must be completed” (Additional Skills Text)
Additional Skills Text: Examples: computer skills, keyboarding skills.
Utilize O*Net or Career Zone to help identify youth skills.
Comments tab SENSE Model: Standard for writing objective and effective OSOS case notes. SENSE (Situation,
Evaluation, Next Steps, Sufficient Information {Say What You See}, Employment-Related Information Only).
Watch the Quality Case Notes: A Valuable Tool video. Click on link below. http://labor.ny.gov/workforcenypartners/osos/video/osos-case-notes.shtm
SENSE Model : Writing an Effective Case Note in OSOS, click on link below. http://www.labor.ny.gov/workforcenypartners/osos/video/case-notes-sense-guide.pdf
Click Comments found at the bottom of the screen.
In the Comment--Webpage Dialog box, place a comment validating the youth’s Income and Obstacles/Barriers (if applicable) utilizing SENSE Model.
If income is required for eligibility, utilize and refer to the WIOA Youth Packet and the Income Guidelines
(Household Income table) to look at the Family Size and Income (Annual, or Monthly, or Bi-Weekly or Weekly).
Review the Demographic Information and Data Validation Help Sheet .
Examples of obstacles (barriers) validation include : o Deficient in basic literacy skills- Documentation: Standardized test score below 9th grade (or EFL below Low Adult
Secondary Education) in computing or solving problems, reading, writing or speaking in English o Poor/No Work History- Documentation: Resume, application, assessment, work/job evaluation
Primary Language tab – *Only complete for youth whose primary language is not English.* o Click Add o Under Primary Language, choose applicable language or Other Not Listed. o Under Other Language- type name of language o Under Language Assistance Needed, choose: No Assistance Needed or Oral assistance needed or Sign
Language or Written Translation
DOB tab – Make sure to complete: (Validate the Date of Birth), complete if there is no date in the UI DOB box.
Click Add found towards the bottom left hand side of the screen.
Data Element Verification:
Verification Source
Select the document source to validate the Date of Birth from the drop down box:
(Baptismal record, Birth certificate, Copy of ID, DD-214, Government ID card, Hospital Record of Birth, Match with Vital Statistics, Passport, Public Assist./Social Srvc. Record, School Record/ID card, Tribal Records, Work
Customer Detail
In the DMV# box, only if ID is a NYS Permit, NYS ID card, or NYS Driver’s license then can enter the source document digits (9#s).
( Click Save found on left hand side at the bottom of the Customer Detail Page
(Revised 4-6-16)
Go to the Comp Assessment Page
Employment tab
Job Behavior and Skills:
Poor Work History: If checked post comments. (Comment examples listed below.)
Example of Comments if Poor Work History is checked:
Employment Behavior: Inappropriate interview attire.
Job Seeking Skills: Lack of resume/portfolio, unable to properly complete a job application.
Job Keeping Skills: Client has never been employed and would benefit from learning job retention skills, communicating effectively and how to build strong working relationships with co-workers.
Summary of Occupational Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: Client is motivated to obtain employment, pleasant demeanor. Weaknesses: has no job experience and has never been on a job interview.
Youth Needing Additional Assistance: You must select NO from the dropdown box.
In rare extenuating circumstances and as a last resort can be used for out of school but you must first receive permission and approval from Youth Program Specialist, Bibianna Silvera-Portacio.
For in school youth , Youth Needing Additional Assistance select NO .
Serious Barriers to Employment (No WIOA definition – leave blank)
Education tab
Math & Reading
Out of School youth only: The answer to Question #1 (below) should be based on the youth’s TABE scores in Reading and/or Math. Enroll once youth TABE tested in both areas!
Is the customer basic skills deficient? (Select No if the youth is functioning at or above a 9 th grade level. Select YES if the youth is functioning below a 9 th grade level.) ( If in school, please place a comment with the documentation source. i.e.: Report Card )
Limited English – Yes or No
Any indication of learning disabilities? (If checked, you must post a note in the box provided of documentation source. i.e.: IEP) If family of one is used for eligibility, this box must be checked.
Family tab “Green Dots fields must be completed”
Is customer pregnant/parenting youth? If Yes is selected, you must add the child’s info to the Members of
Household field by clicking on the Add a Member Household Members—Webpage Dialog
Name and Relation Submit . ***Custodial parent has physical custody of the child and/or carries most of the responsibilities for raising the child.***
Legal tab
“Green Dots fields must be completed”
Offender Status? ( Employment related restrictions ) Please select Not Applicable or Yes
(Seek assistance from the Youth Program Specialist, Bibianna.)
Housing tab
Housing Information
Current Housing:
If the youth is a foster child OR, in group home, OR homeless OR, a runaway , it must be recorded on this tab .
If in any of these categories, then youth is income eligible.
The Current Housing and Housing Assistance field is NOT a required field for completion.
( Click Save on left hand side at the bottom of the Comp Assessment Page .
(Revised 4-6-16)
Go to the Services Page
Agency info tab
(To activate this page, please click on New Agency towards the bottom of this page)
In Agency – Select Rochester/Monroe WAE.
In Intake Date – Date on the youth participant’s application.
In Enrollment Date – Date of WIOA Certification/Eligibility.
( Click Save found on left hand side at the bottom of the Services Page .
New definition!
#681.310 (b) Enrollment in this case requires: (1) The collection of information to support an eligibility determination: and (2) Participation in any of the fourteen WIOA youth elements.
Collection of information to support an eligibility determination = Design Framework Services
Design Framework Services (NOT one of the 14 WIOA Elements/Services) consist of intake, an objective assessment of each participant, pre-TABE testing, Individual Service Strategy (ISS), information and referrals.
New! *The Individual Service Strategy (ISS) needs to be completed within 60 days of enrollment. You can utilize the Career Zone Interest Profiler to assist you in completing the ISS with the youth.*
Please go to the Youth Navigator Resources and Information webpage to review 14 WIOA Elements (Services) http://www.rochesterworks.org/youth_serviceproviders.aspx
Under References click 14 Elements (Services)
Full enrollment in OSOS is a two-step process. First, create an Achievement Objective, choose and fund one of the 14 WIOA elements/services based on the Individual Service Strategy, and complete a supporting comment utilizing the SENSE Model. Second, create an Achievement Objective, choose and fund Design Framework
Services, and complete a supporting comment utilizing SENSE Model. Dates for both services are the same.
Please go to the Youth Navigator Resources and Information webpage to review Examples of WIOA Examples of Achievement Objective(s) and Element(s)/Services modified and courtesy of Carrie DeVoria of The Center for Youth Services, Inc. http://www.rochesterworks.org/youth_serviceproviders.aspx
Achievement Objectives tab o Local WDB decision: Every 60 days on an ongoing and regular basis, need an Achievement Objective,
Element/Service, and a supporting comment utilizing SENSE model for each active youth. For youth in follow-up services, two requirements only: an Element/Service and comment utilizing SENSE Model.
(Click New Objective found at the bottom of this page for New Objectives only.)
Achievements Objectives
Be specific when inputting goal in Achievement Objective box.
(Each one should align with goals identified on the Individual Service Strategy {ISS}.)
Be specific in the Type of Goal drop down box (Basic Skills, Occupational Skills, or Work Readiness).
Select Set, but Attainment Pending * in the Goal Attainment box
Enter the Planned Start Date * and Planned End Date
Enter the Actual Start Date *
Enter an Evaluation Date .This date should fall between the Planned Start Date and Planned End Date.
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
(Revised 4-6-16) o Local WDB decision: Every 60 days on an ongoing and regular basis, need an Achievement Objective,
Element/Service, and a supporting comment utilizing SENSE model for each active youth. For youth in follow-up services, two requirements only: an Element/Service and comment utilizing SENSE Model.
Services tab
(Click New Service towards the bottom of this page, for new services only; Redirected to
Module .)
General Info tab
Provider Information
Enter “your agency name” in the Provider Name box and type: “ Youth -” in the Service Name box.
(Click on Search at the bottom of the Offering Search Page.
Select a Service Name that correlates to the Achievement Objective in the Achievement Objectives tab .
Youth - Adult Mentoring
Youth - Alternative Secondary School Services
Youth - Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
Youth - Design Framework (not an element but can use for Post-TABE testing)
Youth - Educ. Concurrent w/Workforce Preparation
Youth - Entrepreneurial Skills Training
Youth – Financial Literacy Education
Youth - Labor Market and Employment Information Services
Youth - Leadership Development
Youth - Occupational Skill Training
Youth - Prep. For Postsecondary Training
Youth - Supportive Services
Youth - Tutoring, Study Skills Training
Youth - Work Experience
Then, click Schedule at the bottom of the page.
Services tab
Services Page
Please enter the Plan. Start Date , Plan. End Date & Actual Start Date
(Dates match the Achievement Objective dates. Keep in mind 60 day local requirement, make sure to make the planned end date 60 days out.)
In the Program Service Type drop down box, please select Youth Services
Min. Prog. Agreed box - (Benchmark the Ach. Ojb. Goal. I.e. increase math grade by one letter grade.)
In the Achv. Objective box, please select the Achievement Objective that coincides with this Service Plan.
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
Please enter $1 in the Total Funding box and click on the Add button to the right of the box, to navigate to
Funding - -Webpage Dialog screen.
(Revised 4-6-16)
In Funding-- Webpage Dialog , select the appropriate funding source/year. Select WIA Youth Local , if you are using WIOA dollars, during Program Year (PY) 2015, then select WIA Youth Local/2015. Then, add the
$1 to the Obligated Amount box, and click Ok .
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
*Go to the Customer Search Page and OSOS will refresh itself, thus make the enrollment of the youth official. *
Go back into the Services Page
Click on the Enrollments tab , to enter the Enrolled in Education status .
Enrollments tab
Enrollment Info If enrolled in a formal educational situation at the time of WIOA registration or at any time during their WIOA enrollment then the Enrolled in Education box needs to be filled in with a Yes .
This includes BOCES, alternative schools, tutoring situations, proprietary and post-secondary schools.
** If youth is enrolled in education, Enrolled in Education must be ‘Yes’, to count for the Performance Measure of Attainment of a Degree or Certificate. One day of school (before youth exits) = enrolled in education **
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
Comments tab SENSE Model: Standard for writing objective and effective OSOS case notes.
(pg. 6 for more details on SENSE Model)
If unable to connect with a youth in person or via phone/email/social media, the only thing you can input into OSOS is comments documenting efforts to connect with a youth.
Utilize SENSE Model for comments relevant to youth workforce development supporting Achievement
Objective(s), Element(s)/Service(s) provided and outcome claimed.
Changes in work history, Achievement Objectives, and Elements/Services completed, and meeting the performance measures in Placement in Employment or Education, or Attainment of a Degree or Certificate, or
Literacy and Numeracy Gains must be documented in OSOS within 5 business days.
Validation of summary services provided to youth is achieved by the dually signed Objectives and Services
History printouts completed on a periodic (monthly or quarterly) basis whichever is most convenient for you and for the youth. The youth signs (Customer Signature line) and the coordinator/provider of services (below youth). Dually signed Objectives and Services History Printouts are kept in the youth’s hard file.
Printing the Objectives and Services History (pg. 10)
Go to the Services Page
Achievement Objectives tab At the bottom of the screen, click Print button in order to bring up the Objectives and
Services History page. Click the Print button to print page . Complete at a minimum once a quarter.
(Revised 4-6-16)
Go to the Services Page
When updating any of the tabs (i.e. Achievement Objectives tab or Services tab ) found on the Services Page you must click on the service(s) listed below the gray bar. You will then notice that the once grayed-out information above will become white. Once white, you will be able to make updates and changes to all fields.
Achievement Objectives tab
Achievement Objectives
Click on service(s) listed below gray bar Achievement Objective/Type/Attainment .
To update the Goal Attainment , change Set, but attainment pending to
Set, but not attained *
Consult with the RochesterWorks! Youth Program Specialist, Bibianna prior to using *Set, but Cancelled.
Add the Actual End Date .
Closure Reason
If Achievement Objective (skill goal) in Goal Attainment is Attained , select Objective Completed .
If Achievement Objective (skill goal) in Goal Attainment is Set, but not attained , select Objective Not Completed .
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
Services tab
Click on service(s) listed below gray bar
Provider Name/Service Name/Actual Start Date/Actual End Date/Program Svc Type .
Add the Actual End Date .
Select Yes from the Completed Successfully box.
Select No if youth decides this is not what they want to do or if there is a reason they are unable to do it and note the reason in comments utilizing the SENSE Model.
Click Comments found at the bottom of the Services Page .
SENSE Model: Standard for writing objective and effective OSOS case notes. SENSE (Situation, Evaluation,
Next Steps, Sufficient Information {Say What You See}, Employment-Related Information Only).
REQUIRED: Address final outcome of the goal attainment for each Achievement Objective.
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
(Revised 4-6-16)
Go to the Services Page
After all Achievement Objectives and Elements/Services are closed out, allow a 90 day OSOS soft exit.
Soft exit WILL NOT TAKE PLACE IF youth is receiving additional services or because youth is co-enrolled as an adult or dislocated worker at RWCC.
Enrollments Tab
ALL of the Achievement Objectives and Service Plans must be CLOSED OUT.
Click Comments found at the bottom of the Services Page to explain reason youth is being exited utilizing
SENSE Model.
Institutionalized (i.e. juvenile detention center= jail)
Family Care
Reservist Called to Active Duty
Relocated to Mandated Residential Prog. (Program) (i.e. drug/alcohol rehab) (i.e. Job Corps)
If a youth is found to be in one of the categories listed above during the Program Year, go to the
Enrollments Tab under the Services Page and select the appropriate one as the exit reason.
Click Comments to explain reason youth is being exited utilizing SENSE Model.
SENSE Model: Standard for writing objective and effective OSOS case notes. SENSE (Situation,
Evaluation, Next Steps, Sufficient Information {Say What You See}, Employment-Related Information
Only). (pg. 6 for more details)
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
Go to the Services Page
Enrollments Tab
Under Program Type click on Common Measures
Look on the left hand side of the screen.
Under Enrollment Info towards the bottom click on Holds button, click Add .
Holds- Webpage Dialogue box appears.
Complete start date and end date.
Choose a reason under drop down box, i.e. Delay before start of training, or Health/Medical or Family Care or
Temporary Move from area.
Click Save
Click Comments to explain reason for placement of temporary hold on youth account utilizing SENSE Model.
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
(Revised 4-6-16)
If unable to reach and to connect with a youth via phone, text, email, and/or in person, all that you can do is document each unsuccessful contact attempt with a youth by placing a comment utilizing SENSE Model.
Part 1- Create the Follow Up Service
As long as you are connecting with the youth in follow up status You can create a follow up Service and comment utilizing SENSE Model when a youth is in follow up status. The goal in follow up is to help keep exited youth on track to achieving and to obtaining their goals/outcomes. You must connect with them for 12 months via phone, or, social media, or, email, or text, or in person. ***
To document a youth in follow up services, need a Service and comment utilize SENSE model.
New definition!
- Do something more than gather information . Critical services are provided following a youth’s exit from the program to help ensure the youth is successful in employment and/or post-secondary education and training. The leadership development and supportive service activities, Regular contact with a youth participant's employer, including assistance in addressing work-related problems that arise; Assistance in securing better paying jobs, career pathway development, and further education or training;
Reminder: NYSDOL does not like us to use the element, Youth – Follow up Services as it considers it too vague. The only time you would use Youth – Follow up Services if a youth tells you straight out that they do not want to be contacted anymore at all. Utilize one of the other 13 elements to accurately and more specifically document the type of follow up service provided to youth.
Now with the potential of a youth being co-enrolled as an Adult or Dislocated Worker, the best way for us to track when a youth moves from being active to being “exited for youth services” and now in follow up services is by making sure when creating a new service in the Program Service Type drop down box, select Follow Up.
Go to the Services Page
Services tab
(Click New Service towards the bottom of this page, for new services only; Redirected to
Module .)
General Info tab .
Provider Information
Enter “your agency name” in the Provider Name box and type: “ Youth -” in the Service Name box.
(Click on Search at the bottom of the Offering Search Page.
Select appropriate Element/Service under the Provider Name heading from one of the other 13 Elements below (other than Follow Up):
Youth - Adult Mentoring
Youth - Alternative Secondary School Services
Youth - Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
Youth - Design Framework (not an element but can use for Post-TABE testing)
Youth - Educ. Concurrent w/Workforce Preparation
Youth - Entrepreneurial Skills Training
Youth - Labor Market and Employment Information Services
Youth - Leadership Development
Youth - Occupational Skill Training
(Revised 4-6-16)
Youth - Prep. For Postsecondary Training
Youth - Supportive Services
Youth - Tutoring, Study Skills Training
Youth - Work Experience
Click Schedule at the bottom of the page.
Services Page
Services tab
Enter the Plan. Start Date , Plan. End Date and Actual Start Date .
Enter the Next Contact Date - a date you want the system to remind you to follow up on outcomes.
In the Program Service Type drop down box, please select Follow Up .
*Important. For our youth, the best way for us to track youth who are in follow up services and thus “exited youth services” is by making sure you select under Program Service Type drop down box Follow Up
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
Please enter $1 in the Total Funding box and click on the Add button to the right of the box, to navigate to
Funding - -Webpage Dialog screen.
In Funding - -Webpage Dialog , please select the appropriate funding source/year. Select WIA Youth
Local , if you are using WIA dollars, during Program Year (PY)2014, then select WIA Youth Local/2014.
Then, add the $1 to the Obligated Amount box, and click Ok .
( Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page .
** Exit the file by going back out to the Customer Search Page to let the NYESS/OSOS system refresh itself. **
Part 2 Updating the Follow Up Service
When OSOS, you will be directed to the Staff Detail Page containing all reminders created by “YOU” in your
Inbox Tab regarding Follow Up services. Click on the youth profile of your choice, then go directly to the
Services Page and update the information.
Service tab
Enter the Actual End Date .
Select YES from Completed Successfully box.
Comments tab- reminder use SENSE Model
Click Comments found at the bottom of the screen.
In the Comment--Webpage Dialog box, you must place a Follow up comment reporting on the results.
Click Save in Comment --Webpage Dialog . Then, click Save on the bottom of the Services Page
(Revised 4-6-16)
When logging into OSOS, you will be directed to the Staff Detail Page .
Module so in the Customer Search Page and Quick Search Tab .
Search for a youth by entering their SSN, ID (NY#) or Customer Name.
Click Search at the bottom of the page and you are redirected to the Customer Detail Page
Go directly to the Services Page to update information.
(Wait for redirection.)
Outcomes Tab
Under Program Type click on Common Measures as you are now ready to input/edit data to document youth outcomes.
Youth Outcomes
At Exit time, select the appropriate answer from School Status at Exit .
Select appropriate answer from School Status in Quarter after Exit
(Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page
Education & Training
Education Level at Exit (Answer cannot contradict the Education Level on the Customer Detail
Page .)
Entered Advanced Training – Select No OR Yes
Entered Post-Secondary – Select No OR Yes
Attained Credential -Select appropriate answer.
If answer is Yes , then complete Type of Credential , Date Attained and if applicable, then complete
Attained Credential (2)
(Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page
Placement in Employment or Education – Date within 1
Outcomes Tab st Qtr. after exit to count.
Under Program Type click on Common Measures
Youth Outcomes
Click on the WIA Youth 14-21 box
Select Yes for the one that applies: o Entered Advanced Training o Entered Military Service o Entered Post-Secondary ed. o Entered Qualified Apprenticeship o Entered Unsubsidized Employment
Then enter the Date and it needs to fall within 1 st Quarter after exit for it to count for the performance measure.
Click Submit .
Click Comments found at the bottom of the screen. In the Comment--Webpage Dialog box, you must place a comment detailing source verifying outcome .
(Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page
(Revised 4-6-16)
Attainment of a Degree or Certificate – By end of 3 rd
Outcomes Tab
Qtr. after exit to count.
Youth Outcomes
Please click on the WIA Youth 14-21 box
If applicable, select Yes for one of the following* o Attained GED or HS equiv. o Attained a HS Diploma o Attained Cert. of Technical/Occ. Skills
Then enter the Date of attainment.
Click Submit .
Click Comments found at the bottom of the screen.
In the Comment--Webpage Dialog box, you must place a comment detailing source verifying outcome .
(Click Save on the bottom of the Services Page
Literacy and Numeracy Gains-one grade level increase in either Reading or Mathematics to count.
Outcomes Tab
Out of school youth must be TABE tested in both Reading and Mathematics either 6 months prior to enrollment OR 60 days after enrollment in OSOS according to WIOA standards. Pre-Tests results, in Reading and Mathematics, the score(s), date(s), GLE(s), and EFL(s) must be documented in Lit/Num Testing.
Youth are considered ‘out of school youth’, if in any of the following categories:
In-school Post-H.S (only if basic skills deficient) OR
Not attending School or H.S. Dropout OR
Not attending School: H.S. Graduate
Under Program Type click WIA . Now you are ready to document and to input data.
Click Lit/Num Testing to document TABE testing.
Literacy/Numeracy Testing-General Information
Click Add Test “Green Dots fields must be completed”
Category ABE
Test Name TABE 7-8, 9-10
Test Version 9-10
Functional Area Reading
Pre-Test (Reading) :
Score enter - 3-digitScale Score (SS)
Date enter- mm/dd/yyyy
GLE enter- 2-digit decimal Grade Level ( i.e.…06.2)
EFL enter- Educational Functioning Level:
(Revised 4-6-16)
(Utilize chart below for Pre and Post TABE Reading and/or Math)
EFL: Literacy Level Grade Level (GLE)
Beginning ABE Literacy/High Beginning ESL Literacy 0 – 1.9
Beginning Basic Education/Low Intermediate ESL
Low Intermediate Basic Education/High Intermediate ESL
2.0 – 3.9
4.0 – 5.9
High Intermediate Basic Education/Advanced ESL
Low Adult Secondary Education/Exit ESL
High Adult Secondary Education
6.0 – 8.9
9.0 – 10.9
11.0 – 12.0
If the youth’s Pre-Test results in either Reading and/or Mathematics section(s) are within either of two
‘Adult’ literacy levels, youth has reached and/or exceeded 9 th grade level. Record the score, date, GLE, and EFL in section(s) in Lit/Num Testing. No further Post-Test is required in section(s) where the youth has attained 9 th grade level+. If results in section(s) below 9 th grade level, then Post Test(s) are required to be completed by the youth. Post Test(s) Years are based on the First Youth Service Date. If applicable, Post-Test(s) must take place prior to the yearly anniversary date of the First Youth Service
( Click Save)
Click Add Test “Green Dots fields must be completed”
Category ABE
Test Name TABE 7-8, 9-10
Functional Area Mathematics
Pre-Test (Mathematics) :
Score enter - 3-digitScale Score (SS)
Date enter- mm/dd/yyyy
GLE enter- 2-digit decimalGrade Level ( i.e.…06.2)
EFL enter- Educational Functioning Level and ( Click Save)
Documenting Post-Test(s): Reading Lit/Num Testing
After searching for youth, go directly to the Services Page .
Outcomes Tab
Under Program Type click WIA .
Now you are ready to document and to input data.
Click Lit/Num Testing to document Post-Test TABE results.
Under the grey bar Category/Test Name/Functional Area
Click next to: ABE/TABE 7-8, 9-10/Reading
Post-Test Year 1 (Reading) (or, Post-Test Year 2, or Post-Test Year 3, if applicable):
To document Post Test. “Green Dots fields must be completed”
Click once to uncheck Post Test Not Administered and fields become white so can input data.
Score enter - 3-digitScale Score (SS)
Date enter- mm/dd/yyyy
GLE enter- 2-digit decimal Grade Level ( i.e.…06.2)
(Revised 4-6-16)
EFL enter- Educational Functioning Level and ( Click Save)
If the youth’s testing results in either Reading and/or Mathematics section(s) are in either of the two ‘Adult’ literacy levels, youth has reached and/or exceeded 9 th grade level. Record the score, date, GLE, and EFL in section(s) in Lit/Num Testing. No further Post-Test(s) required in section(s) where the youth has attained 9 th grade level+. If there is a one grade level gain in Reading or Mathematics, it counts as a measurable outcome for Literacy/Numeracy under WIOA.
Documenting Post-Test(s): Mathematics Lit/Num Testing
After searching for youth, go directly to the Services Page .
Outcomes Tab
Under Program Type click WIA .
Now you are ready to document and to input data.
Click Lit/Num Testing to document Post-Test TABE results.
Under the grey bar Category/Test Name/Functional Area
Click next to: ABE/TABE 7-8, 9-10/Mathematics
Post-Test Year 1 (Mathematics) (or, Post-Test Year 2, or Post-Test Year 3, if applicable):
To document Post Test. “Green Dots fields must be completed”
Click once to uncheck Post Test Not Administered and fields become white so can input data.
Score enter - 3-digitScale Score (SS)
Date enter- mm/dd/yyyy
GLE enter- 2-digit decimal Grade Level ( i.e.…06.2)
EFL enter- Educational Functioning Level and ( Click Save)
If the youth’s testing results in either Reading and/or Mathematics section(s) are in either of the two ‘Adult’ literacy levels, youth has reached and/or exceeded 9 th grade level. Record the score, date, GLE, and EFL in section(s) in Lit/Num Testing. No further Post-Test(s) required in section(s) where the youth has attained 9 th grade level+. If there is a one grade level gain in Reading or Mathematics, it counts as a measurable outcome for Literacy/Numeracy under WIA.
( Click Save)
Post-Test(s) results, in Reading and Mathematics, the score(s), date(s), GLE(s), and EFL(s) must be documented in Lit/Num Testing. Since programs may test youth many times throughout the year, document the highest scores for Reading or Mathematics on NYESS/OSOS.
Youth, who have reached EFL levels of Low Adult Secondary Education or High Adult Secondary Education in either Reading or Mathematics or in both areas, do not require further Post-Test(s) in those sections.
Minimum: Post-Test Year 1 results in either Reading or Mathematics or in both areas corresponding with Program
Year 1. Maximum: Post-Test Year 2/Post-Test Year 3 results in either Reading or Mathematics or in both areas corresponding to Program Year 2 or Program Year 3.