The Auckland VOL. SXV.—No. 39. T~~~~~ ENGLAND O BkßH^ IN /CANADIAN rvi THIRTY-ONE DAYS. - AUSTRA- . f^ppg* |p>^|i To Let. STEAM- w^-tf *^^^^^^" if SHIP COMPANY (Limited). ., 1 „ AneTtn and ' Tickets are available for 12 months, can break their journey at Leaves S(-pn.m«irH Saloon Passengers bteamere. Auckland, Honolulu, San Francisco, and any Sydney. place of call en route to Nevy York, and havo of travelling across either also theorprivilege RMS. Warrtmoo February 17 Canada the United States. BMS. Akawa SPECIALLY REDUCED RATES. March 17 Through Fares, Sydney or Auckland, to .. london:— Saloon—£64 8s to £67 Bs. Thenceforward Steerage—£3olß3 9d. * Arrive JOB Vancouver, Japan, and Hong Kong, £100. NEW PLYMOUTH, WELLINGTON AND LYTTELTON. (From Onijiujkoa?. j Steamer. I f NKW PLYMOUTH, WELLINGTON AND NELSON. Rlahinapua I Thursday, 15th, 1 p.m, I 12 noon (Cargoac Railway till 9.4a a.m.) NAPIER. WELLINGTON, iOUaiSBORNK. LYTTELTON, U U NICDIN. (From "VVAinoKA | Friday, 16th~F~eb., 2 p.m. FOR MELBOURNE. tviA Bluff & Hobart.) Wathora 1 Friday, 16th Fob., 2 p.m. J'OR TUPAROA. TOLOGA BAY.GISV.ORNE, NAPIER. AND WELLINGTON. 7JINGADEE | Wednesday, 14thFeb^ sp.nx5p.nx forTall east coast ports, gisborne wharf^ and_napier. Friday, 16th Feb., 4 p.m. FOR TONGA & SAMOA APIA). I JTqa ' (NUKUALOFA, lIAABAI, TAVAU, JCpolu 1 Wednesday, 14th Mar.,b p.m. (Uai"s:o till noon) [ Talunk FOR SAMOA, sa.s noNOfiUfiir anto Mariposa tfit.irjar3o3._ Saturday. 24th Feb.. 2 p.m. I(Cargo till 10a.m..t FOR SUVA AND LEVUKA. TThuraday, Ist Mar., bp.m.' ♦Eavicni ' (Cargo till noon) book ed end alonprrWeTWC retiat bopMm i tii«l lir eofdeVJirlure. JIOURS bfJrJc Passengers holding Return Tickets, saloon or present them at the Steerage,"are requested toallotment, ©Weefor endorsation and of berths. Passage Tickets inusb bo taken at Company's Bffice. ■j Auckland Branch! ■palrarrsienßnlldiDßg. Carpro LINGTON, AND ii^^ LYTTELTON. FARES AT NOMINAL RATES. The s.s. MARAROA. .The fastest and mostcomfortable steamer in tho trade, will be despatched at 10 aim. on TUESDAY^ FEB. 27, Beaching Napier on Wednesday ; Wellington, Thursday ; and Lyttelton, Friday. are availablefor return by any of the Company's steamers. Return Tickets UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), Agents. 1 LINE. STEAM TO LONDON. 1 COLOMBO. Wi"ie""» NAPLES. & GIBRALTAR. .rtv A (ORIENT \J ALBANY? ■ *■ f/Wzco* Feb. 27 Ophir* I Mar. 10 Mar. 24 April 7 Okizaba* Oroya* ■■ ■ I Mar. 3 Mar. 17 Mar.31 April 14 "~~ "Call at Hobart. Th/orjgh Faros from New Zealand to London '-atoerutjo. £21, £23, and £25; Second, £37 and £42; Bnlooa, £63 and £73 10s. KXCUKSION KKTUR.'J TICKETS Available 9 months, »rat-c'ifi'!s. £105: available 12 months, first-class, j*lls;E<«;on<l,£6s. OF IIUiM STEAMSHIP COMPANY 1 1 HEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), Agents in New Zealand. — P. & O. Si N. FfIHE J- COMPANY (under" eon- -*. nim^WS^ tract with tho Imperial, Now Wales, Vistormn, and )'V'liMai«S .^".fta'^ia^ww;.-! !>South Australian GovernSonth teents), will despatch tho followingsteamers for LONDON, calling at ALBANY, COLOMBO ADEN, BRINDISI, MALTA, GIDRALTAK, ptnd PLYMOUTH:- „. Stcwneii Parramatta Kiutannia Massilia Australia Bailaarat Victoria m Tons, Leav« gydney. 4771 Fab. 19 6257 Mar. 5 4918 Mar. 219 7000 Apr. 16 1748 Apr. 30 6268 Apr. Leave Melbourne Feb. 24 Mar. 10 Mar. 24 Apr. 7 Apr. 21 May 5 .... RATES OF PASSAGE MONEY. To London in firstsaloou £60 to £73109 "Mediterranean Ports do. £08 to £6SlOs and 4.42 To London in second saloon £37 *34 to «? TodcPortsdo "" £65t0£110 Heturn Ticketß ■■Passage money can be paid here for passages inane «J ffoin England. Liberal concessionsseason, IftMilJes dnringtho a\:u± papeengor Agents. t For information apply.^t'je Sc lAfc CHUICKSHANIi. «B. TIIOS. (JOOK &i SON. y,^^ OS. COROMANDEL. WAIHEKE AND t/% f^f FOR COROMANPEL. UySISOu1" Febrtjarv. Leaves Auckland: Leaves Coromandel: Thursday, 15,12 noon Saturday. 17. 8 a.m. Friday, 16,12 noon FOR WAIHEKE ONLY. Saturday, 17, 2 p.m. Monday, 19. 5.30a.m. Weather andother circuuHtancespfirmitting. Net responsible for shipping, carrying, or dis- charging Live Stock, No Car^o rr>eeive:l without Shipping I»otc, »ud within half-an-hour of ad vertised lime of flepnrtute r TO - TheValuation Lists for tho City of Auckland for tho year 1894-5 are now open for inspection - . at the Municipal Buildings, Coburg street. Auckland; and all, objections thereto must be FOR GREAT BARRIER, TRYPHENA, PORT left at the Assessment Court, at the said Municipal Building 3, on or before the 15th day o£ FITZROY. & BLIND BAY. February addressed to the Assessment 7~ Arotle I Every Tuesday, at midnight Court; andnext, 7~. 7~. a copy ok every such objection (All freights must bo prepaid.) must be left with the Town Clerk not less than For Sale days (7/ boforo FOR~AVHANGAIIEITTmv>rWr7ARF). sitting seven the next of the said Court. Ej^Oß SALE, superior Dressed 1nonoTiAS I Every Tuesday. 5 p.m. PHILIPS, P. ~ ' A. Town Clerk"s Office. January 15.1834. FOR WHANGARUKU. HELENA~BAY. TU- TUKAKA.WHANANAKr.teNGUNGURU. Cuelmsforo I Wednesday. Mar. 7.1 p.m. (Allfreights must be prepaid.) F_ORPARU AY & WHAN GAREI HEADS , AJB WBtXINGTOS " d gr °irtffi' WedDCSday' I EV^ IRISH MANGAIPAL firebell). NATIONAL FEDERATION.— AUCKLAND BRANCH. Meeting . WANTED, ■ — W^INTED, J." ■ WANTED . — WANTED, WANTED, Governess, by young English Lady, well (educated, Japan musical.—Address G., Star Office. for Hamilton, a Governess WANTED, for two children.—Anply at Mrs Cumming's.Tiri View, Liverpool-street, 1a.m. and 1 p.m. Thursday. between 10 « a Partner in millinery and WANTED, dressmaking. Must befirst-class hand. —Apply Star Office^ . "ANTED, Apprentices to DresemakSj^Oß SALE, Cuehioned Raleigh, strong ing.—Mrs Langtord, Ayr-street, Parnell. ID and in good order, cheap.—Address C.R., Star Office. Waterproof Coat Hands, ab once; no communication required.— SALE, a good Spring Carb, also H. Prager, Post Avenue, Willis-street, Wellarge Glass Show Case.—Munro. Baker, ; Ponsonby. near Three Lamps. ; lington. Lady Assistant for SALE, strong Spring Cart, to carry Boot Shop; must have good knowledge '30cwt.; equal to new.—Apply Gunn's of boot trade.—Apply by letter, Boot, Star Yard, next St. George's Hall, Newton. Office. MlpOR SALE, Coal and Firewood Buai- VvrAWTED, Wives to Call tor the yearly SL ness, Horse, Cart, Scales, Firewood, etc. 7T supply of Tweeds at Dalton's Annual Price, £50.—Apply W. Whitfleld. 4,*Grey-Btreet. Tweed Sale.—2lo. Queen-street. sale, 10 acres good land, main road ANTED, One or Two Plainly frontase, New Lynn; splendid position Furnished Sitting Rooms, near centre for suburban farm, £50.—P. Oliphant, High of city; moderate terms.—G.B., Star Office. street. ANTED, Two Unfurnished Rooms, TTJIOR SALE (cheap), good Second-hand Newton or Surrey Hills.—Address,' JD Buggy; hood and scat in 3, front for children.—Apply Cousins and Cousin Lome- H., Star Office j; street. Jewellers, Butchprs, Sad1710R SALE, charming Villa, ab Mount VI dlera. Oddfellows, make straight for #} Albert, with two acres, vvell laid out in Melbourne Rainbow Arcade, Newton, for Pic- meetings. Regular Ttve'nty ' -BJ Kice.-John Reid and Co. "F7IOR Sale, a good Spring Cart.—Apply JU to Mrs Kelly, Grey-street (opposite the Town Clerk. 7c ' BIOR Fortnightly The of th above will take in Patrick's Hall. Chapel Square, TO-MORROW (Thursday) 8 FOR JFOR Wellington |gveryyMonda~yandWednes- " WANTED, 1 7 FOR ■ 1894-5. SOvery Thursday. 7 p.m. I -- .. I'ilO LET~O'Neill-Btreet, off Ponsonby O7ANTED, a respectable, stronsj ._.. Road, 6-roomed House, newly done up, TV Domestic Servant to assist in housework concrete paths, shed, etc.; close to tram.— f andlook after children.—Mrs Metcalfe, Library, Apply to H. Ashton and Son, Agents. 1Wakefleld-street. ANTED, General Servant from the LONG LEASE country: one who can milk.—G. J. (RIVERHEAtf), JJackson, Advertising Agent. Onehunga^ 240 ACRES, with water frontage, opposite Apply "Gener^r~Servanb.— Rivarhead Wharf. In one or several lots. this evening, after seven, to Mrs C. Hopkins. Grafton Road (fourth houao from ] ARCH. BUCHANAN. Solicitor, Queen-street. JBridge-street). Apnly a Lady~~Help. OONSONBY BOAD, corner Angleeeabetween 9 and 11 a.m.. Thursday, Mt. JSr street, House, 7 rooms, bath, all conveni 1Eden College. ences; 15s.—Apply for key It. Hutchinson, Grocer, Ponsonby Road. Situation as Companion or AUCKLANDLISTS, WANTED, s: O" TAKE NOTICE. fonTJLUUJA. AnoYTiB Rain last night. "Graphic issued fco-day. Cholera in Constantinople. Another bomb explosion in Paris. New programme ab the Circus to-night. An orthodox creed consorts ill with a bad G W WANTED, _ . ... . ~ Irish'Federation League meets nights of the Alhambra ~„ Company. The Alhambra Company are still getting , good houses. „ Sharks are in evideace ab Napier during these hob days. , ~,,,. New Zealand butter still fetching good prices in London. The "New Zealand Times" is now printed by electricity. A Russian officer has been hanged for divulging army secrets. The interim dividend of the Bank of New Zealand is payable to-day. The Rev. Hosking lectures to-nighb on Bible and Science." " The A calf born inside out has recently been on exhibition ab Wanganui. Protection is said to have damaged the woollen industries in France. A supposed lunatic is under arresb for threatening to kill the Queen. Vaillant's execution does nob seom to have cowed the Anarchists of Paris. In many German factories corsets are forbidden during working hours. Preßidenb Cleveland will nob ejecb the ... . . . ', _^p|>ifV \^^^> STeXmSERVICIC. . , . - place St. WA'NTEDTYounp ', FOR ■ , ' TT^AIfTEb, I . 70"'OTTcE~TO^QUOITERS. _ WANTED F ~OR~S^LE~OR~LEASE, F" WANTED WANTED FOR BAY — FOlt W" FOll Yoit'"WANGANlJl.____2___ I ||Sp|f _£S|v^l OF CITYVALUATION . _ 3YDNKY. Saturday. 17thFeb.. noon FOR ril6~L_T, WAITED, Cooler, weather. Provisional Governmenb of Hawaii. The Canterbury Sale Yards Company FOR MARSDEN POINT & VVFIANOAREI. at Wnipn (a Carrying cargo and passengers for have given 9 per cent, for the pasbyear. convey p.m. to mneta the steamer on arriral Coach London unemployed agitators want to Mombers are requested to attend. pai3onsor9 to Waipu), 11 hang the aristocracy from lamp pOßts. UDDART, PARKER & WAldington Wednesday. 14.1030 p.m. M. J. SHEAHAN, Hon. Sec. " r-v i XI Last day for the paymenb of income tax JQL CO. (LIMITED). Wellington Friday. 16.'8 p.m. of the Firafc Fifteen of the A MEETING without imposition often per cent, increase. Wellington Monday. lg^JlO.jOTjn.m. _£__ Grafton F.C. will bo held at the Wynyard ~ NEW "Drink in Relation to Poverty" is beings inTUwrvvITANGA ]11 in. Arms Hotel, TO-MORROW (Thursday) EVENdiscussed by the Congregational ConferWellington ING, at 8 p.m. Business :To arrange for visit 15. Train. 2.20 p.m. j Thar?.. Wellington. Wellington BRINGING LOW FARES INTO ence. Saturday. 17. Train, 3.20 p.m. of Petone Club from Wellington | Tuesday. 20. Train, 6 p.m. G. DONALDSON, Ib is said that the Salvation Army ia FORCE. Hon. Sec. FOR I^Ii^ITOAMXTA~fe~W H~AK ATAfr E. going to start grocery stores for its memTHE INHABITANTS OP~EPSOM. Steamship O bers. The new, fast and well-appointed Chelusfoko I Thursday, 22. 5 p.m. Only physicians graduated in France are FOH OPOTIKI, TE KAHA. & OMAIO. TASMANIA, _U1 those interested in the future manageallowed to use the title "doctor" in thab Epsom are to requested ment of tho Hall attend 2,250 Tons. W_iota_t TacFd ay, 20._7juri. country. a Public Meeting, to be held in the above Hall, orchard and shrubbery; easy tetrma.—William nic Baskets. Largest selection in Auckland. Will sailfrom Auckland Foir'nTXlvi ics on FRIDAY, 16th February, at 8 p.m. A large picture of the Volunteer, by thab Rattray, 130, Queen-street. House 5 rooms, etc., well-known Lot, (weftther and circumstances permitting) T. A. MEARS. IiICAVKfI AUOKLANtt. artist Tomßyaa, is reproduced Hurle's, opposite front; Mr Bakery Busiconcrete Wednesday. 14,6.30p.m. Secretary Hall Association. FOR NAPIER, WELLINGTON AND OniNEMUTiT in this week's "Graphic." ness in tho country, doing a good business; Brown-street, Ponsonby. Thursday, 15. 8 a.m. Hotomaiiana LYTTELTON, The Women's Political League met yesfIHHE Choir and Friends who promised to also a small Dairy Farm.—J. H. Watson, Te Friday. 15. 8.30 a.m. Oiiinemuri ANTED to Purchase, Wood-working Saturday. 17.10.45 a.m. JL Friday assist in tho Chorus of "Esther," will Kopuru, Northern Wairoa^ Rotomaiiana Machines, Band Saw and Plane, etc.— terday, when the constitution and rules of FEBRUARY 26, at 5 p.m. Evening, at 8 p.m., in St. John's meet 1. CAVFS TIIAMHK, the League were discussed. OR SALE, good~Butter Cow, in full Address W.E.F., care Star Office. Wealeyan Church. Thursdny. 15. 11.30 am. OniNEMURt Wednesday, the 14th of March, or the milk; also. 2 well-bred Heifer Calves to Sell, halt-price, Lady's FOR SYDNEY Rotomaha.vj, Friday. 16,1.45 P.m. —A suitable two months and eleren month?, —W. H. Ticket to Christchurch.—Address Tour- following Wednesday, are the dates spoken Saturday. 17.1.30 p.m. (FORWARDING THROUGH PASSENGERS Qhinicuuhi having top been obtained at _Ll Browne, Road, Ground Orakei Remuera. (NoSieoi'asrolns.s. OUmemuvi.t of for the licensing election. ist, Star Office: Bay, Quoitora are requested to atFOR MELBOURNE OR OTHER SALE, a email Engine and Boiler, Return Tickets-Saloon. 12s 6d ; yieoraKO, Bs. Mechanics' Tho match between the New South Buy, Camera, i-Plnte and tend for tho Formation of a Club, on SATURto AUSTRALIAN PORTS PER FIRST Single: Saloon, 7s 6d; Steerage, sa, type, 4 horse nominal boiler, is of vertical at 3 o'clock.-C. JOHNSTON. Slides.—State price to Camera, care Wales cricketers and those of Otago, has STEAMER OF THE FOUR REGULAR POll PAEROA, KOPU, TUTUJA. UIKU DAY, with field tubes ofample power to suit engine; Star Office. been drawn in favour of the latter. LINES). OF ISLANDS COAL COMPANY pries low.—Apply P. .1. Nerheny, Grey-street. TAIA. TE AROMA, fc SUftttOUNDlNtt A man named John Norman, is being (LIMITED). ANTED, Second-hand Furniture to DISTRICTS. rising SALE, Land, a Block of in "|JHOR TUESDAY, MARCH 6, ab 5 p.m. any amount. Highest prices given. treated at the Hospital for a wound ou the (Landingany Paisan^n for Thames at Kopu.i township, part in sections, including Jl* Prepaid. at 7 doors Hobson-street, Extraordinary once.—Dent. given that an All Freteh ts must be ribs caused by a kick from a horse. ] Notice is sold ou deferred pay- Cash in the above several now Cottages; above Cook-street. Noteaddress. FREIGHT AND PASSAGES AT LOWEST Paicroa General Meeting of Shareholders Anthony Gordon, a single man, ab HastFriday. 16, s_a.m. ment: first-class investment, 6 per cent, gruarI paeTiOA. Company v/iH bttbojdiittbfi Company's Office.. anteert". That) DaltonV ings, CURRENT RATES.' at Star Ofllce.-j —Apply for information ANTED Known dropped dead in a paddock there yesotc. Auckland, Buildings, jpflOM Ot£ Zeabmd Insurance JN'ew Tweed Sale starts on Friday. terday. He suffered from heart disease. L. D. NATHAN & CO.. (Calling at Komi llirca hoiira later.) SALE, Pony Phaeton?, various kinds Don't Annual on WEDNESDAY. Februnry 21. 1894, at 12 Agents. miss the chance. subjoined Resolution, o'clock noon, when tho from £30. Also. Second-hand ExtensionThe City of Mexico has 451,000 people Paeroa I Saturday. 17, 2.20 p.m. which vvas passed at tho Extraordinary Meet- top Buggy, Waggonette. Victoria Phaeton, ANTED Known—Tbat D. Goldie is and 2,302 police. The arrests last year 03; single, 103. N.H.—Koturn Tickets. I sth, 1894, February Company, held on ing Buggy, vory cheap. Single of tho and A all of Timber prepared supply varied stock to kinds QHAW, SAVILL, AND: one-half for intoxication. "r-jto.^TIYATNUKA'U. will be submitted for confirmation as a Special lof new work on hand.—Edwin Harvie, Upper &.nd othor Building Materials at his Milis, wero 52,223, over Proceedings have been instituted against Breakwater Road, iaoiudinar Symonds-strcct. Resolution. and FOil Albert-street (LTD.). HOKIANGA. COMPANY ALBION Joinery, Bulloera' Ironmongery, and Wbeei- persons in Ashburton, Napier, Invercargill,' Resolution* : SALE, Plueton, newly painted and M-rigb Kanikht I Monday. 19. to' the Lo|yeat MarketPrices- and Taranaki for nob submitting returns of the Bay of Islands Coal Company good ordor; Horse, strong, staunch, That in ship " up voluntarily The under sound, and active, broken to harness, ride (Limited) b" wound aStED Knowp, by Architects, income. Gl-kblg I Tuesday.^O, 1 p.m. Train.noon tho provisions of iho Companies' Act, saddle; also, Set of Harness, in one lot or Builders and CatPenters-That K.T. Co. A dentist avers thab women who balk FORF A R S.HI RE, 1882." Rev. Leo, separately.—Apply upon doors i»a sashes signifies that Wm. Grafton atoncilled FOR WATT ARA & OPUSTAKE. the Kauri Timber. Jj?V» manufactured them. most lose their teeth soonest. He must confirmed, further Road. Captain R. Perry. this Resolution bo Should Insist upon havingl#.T. Co. Joinery. It ia have been bribed to say thab by a syndicate Kanier; I Thursday, 22, 1 p.m. Train, noon Resolutions will be proposed at the sumo the borth, and having tho bulk of her SALE—AII the Stock in Goodson's xnade from thoroughly seasoned timber. Meeting for the appointment of a Liquidator! Isnow on of husbands. FOR ItAQLAN AND KAWHIA. cargo already engaged, will receive quick for iho purposes of such winding up. and fixing Known—That all purchasers Electric clocks thab automatically ring despatch. London Arcades and Japanese Bazaars, Glenklg_ Friday, 16,1 p.m. Train, noon hi3remuneration, and also for the appointment of best Milk Pans, Churns, Buckets. bells at the end of each recitation hour or of an Advisory Committee, and lixingr its FOH NEW PLYMOUTH. For freight and all other particulars, apply to Strainers, Measures. Butter Prints, Batter Pats, period are being put into a number of New Queen-stroet and Newton, at the Large Reduc- and remuneration. p.m. Dairy Utensilß could not do better than all Train, Thursday, 15.1 noon_ O airlock order, By I England schools. ARTHUR HEATHER. 11. GILFILLAN. Jrw., tions of from 10 to 50 per cent, offtherecognised -visit J. and J. Dickey's, 234, Queen-street. ICxciTrsion Tickets will bo issued from DecemAgent, Mr Seltzall, of Pukekohe, has been re* Secretary, ber Ist, available to return up to March 31st, I ceived into the Hospital suffering from the Low Prices. All marked in plain flgnros. Auckland, February 10,1894. 11891. FNOWN. nt Queeneffects of a severe strain caused by lifting N.B.—No carpo wiH bo received Captain Perry will not boresponsible for any Whorl after half-past 4 p.m., or after a heavy weight. debts incurred by his crew without his etrect SALE, lioonon S'UiirtJajF, oiwitliinonchourot.adverThe Otago "Times" is responsible for written authority^ any eu'iuiwrndnparture. ARCADE lisied tinio ol LONDON THE WAIKATO COAL AND SHIPPING the stntemenb that quite a number of the CO. (LIMITED), IN LIQUIDATION. Sttmds Al in Auckland for electors of Dunedin who voted have been mjiE EASTERN AND QHAW, SAVILL AND r-K CHURCH, FREE ALBION COMPANY'S AUSTRALIAN GENUINE GOLD & SILVER JEWELLERY, struck off the roll. Land, Company's 14.000 Acres of this rffiW*!3^s The PITT & VINCENT STREETS. The New South Wales cricketers are STEAMSHIP COMAt very low prices. 10 posite Huntly, is now surveyed into conpany (Limm'ed). venient sized Farms with roads, bush, and Useful Articles in every day requirement,' going to play a match with the North REV. waror on each; iirst-class land. Terms on DIRECT Island ab Wellington on Monday, Tuesday The new Ornamental to embellish every home, and REGULAR application. Lectures THIS EVENING at 7-30. Personal Requisites for everyone. and Wednesday next. GOTHIC, S. S. the G. KISSU.VG, ; or, S. Subject—" & Bible and Scienco The AUSTRALIA TO CHINA THE JAPANESE BAZAAR named Ernest) Shaw, fourteen Liquidator. "T|A boy 7,730 tons, Testimony of Astronomy. Geology. Chemisrates of freight and passage, aad all otnor For of years Queen-street. Christianity. ace, to 12J. AncklanrL had one of the bones of Biology Largest and Contains of Goods in try, the Stock the J. W. Jonnirgs, R.N.R.. Commander, Pa«icular S( apP7 c«o sFTANK & ca> Colony, and offers greater facilities than any hand broken yesterday ab tho Fibre ComRev. E. Wo&t will preside. part SALE, Will leave NEW ZEALAND for LONDON on in a first-class of place Collection. in for the selection Admission, Free. Auckland of pany's Works, Mechanics' Bay. 18, Queeu-Ktreet. Auckland. Hawke'a Bay, thirty miles from railway, WEDDING. BIRTHDAY. OR ANY DAY THURSDAY, MARCH 8. Mr W. L. Kees end Wi Pere, M.H.R., a doinr^ a large and very profitable trade, STEAMSHIP PRESENTS. larj;e £900; X^AURAKI STORE: stock about are in Wellington, and have interviewed largest and finest OF GKNISUAL steamer is the splendid This /CONGREGATIONAL UNION Nr' tumorer and splendid profits. An industrious ]Stationery, Cutlery, and Klectro-Plated Goods Ministers on the subject of the settlement ;n the rrade, and affords most attractive inare Al waya a Specialty.. £500 capital can make a fortune in a man with to.passjengcrs. of native lands on the East Coast. lucements NEW ZEALAND. tew years. Terms from Saloon and stecrago passengers only carried. S.S. MAORI. J. N. Simon, sheop farmer, of Inverfrom 35 guineas upwards, in MATHER & CO., Saloon retos areposition & WADB. OOD opening offers for Gentleman with cargill, bankrupt through losbos in his JIATAKANA /~^i Wellington. of cabins selected. I Working iccordanee with is necessary. capital, VTT limited as Partner or For MataKana: From Matakan* PUBLIC MEETINGS Early booking paying Wholesale Busi- stock, was recommended for immediate Thurs., 15,12 midnight SALE, in a good town in the Wai- (otherwise, in a good Wednes.. 14, 6 p.m. of the Council lfa'*Oß L. D. NATHAN & CO.") Agents. From Wade: p For Wnde: In connection with tho Session District, a TOBACCONIST'S 1ness ; principals only; strictly confidential.— discharge by his creditors yesterday. rarapa Friday, 16.10«.j». CIIUICKSHANK & CO. } Saturday. 17. 3 p.m. of the Union will be held a3 follows, in tha A magazine has an article on the mysSALOON. Address, Commerce,Star Office. BUSINESS & HAIRDRF.SSING A, HEATHEU J couple; rent of house ALL CARGO MUST BE PBEPA.II). suitable for industrious Paper put) on from 6d per teries of vegetable life ; bub ib doesn't tell CONGREGA. and Weatlioi nndratliorcirouvrtstannoßiiarMiUtinof. BERESFORD-STREET shop, 10s per week. Takings in shop. £12 Piece, by thorough tradesman.—Painter, us how ib is thab the largest specimens Telephone, 34. .1 M. SYMS. Agent. TIONAL CHURCH. tmr week and £3 per week iv tho saloon. caro of Brown, Venetian Blind Factory, Pon always get on the top of the basket. Stock, £100; Ilttiugs at valuation. Terms cash. son"by Road. AND mHE NEW, FAST, & FAVOURITE -*. .* William Stewarb.'the second engineer of QHAW, RAVILL, & CO.. MATHKR company;s the 8.8.., Waikato, was cotamitted to gaol Wellington. O Albion WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14. at 7.30 p.m. JL S.S. KAWAU. KAKARU, MANGAWAI, TE ARAI, for a month with hardlabour at Wellington Educational. Addresa by Mr A. W. HE VAN, Chairman of "BTJOR SALE, in a flourishing1 town in yesterday, for disobedience of orders. KAIWAKA. NOItTM ALBERTthe Union, Taranaki, a first-class BUSINESS it JD j LAN O & KAWAU. At 2.20. An Invorcargill resident, lecturing on DRAPERY, CLOTHING & BOOTS. Stock. FIRST CARGO STEAMER FOR ANDREW'S COLLEGE, volunteering, year, Sfangawal! turnover, For Manßawai: £8.000 a one-half cash £3,SOU; Religious From jsreporbod to have gaid thab " Tho Beat Means of .Securing of tho LOWER SYMONDS-STREET. and balance Friday, 16, 7 p.m. Monday, 19. 6 v.m. LONDON. trade. one-third cash Terms, tho Children ColInstruction for could noU see a cannon" ball until ib You Stock at " Rto uve Carpro Sntuniay mornlnpr. at 3 to 9 mouths. landed approved bills wirhout Incurring the Perils of ! ony AND GIRLS. took off your head, owing to the velocity." ALL CARGO MUST BE PREPAID. a Branch Business, in a DAY SCHOOL Donominr.tionnlism," by Revs. W. cost.; mint low. Also, 1 Oh, where are the girls of the past ?' Weatlicr and othercircunistancos iiormittin^. i splendid town in a rising district; atook, £1800; Pupils Prepared for Business Pursuits. LE WI3. UND_iIS and i SA and H. J. powerful The new Pupil Teachers. Matriculation, TeleDliOnes4. J. M. SYMB. Agent. turnovoir. £4500. To be sold on similar terms a poet. If he means us to answer asked Thcso busiRent low. two and oosrtitioiM. S.S. MAORI Civil Service, etc. the conundrum, we Bhould say they are or conjointly. separately be nessGß to sold Q A I U X A COLLECTION T3IVENING getting ready to be the grandmothers of Will load at AUCKLAND for LONDON on or T-r I rsjlj* V^ AND ONSIIUNGA Will bo taken on belmlf of the Union at each of Particuliucs from 111 the future. Meetings. MATHJSR Sr. CO., about 23rd February, and will finally sail from the above FOR ADULTS AND YOUTHS pJl~^E:h.Xr^ TION COMPANY 14, Feathorslone-st., The aggregate strength of the armies of the colony for London about March 4. Wellington. (LIMITED). On MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, 7 till9 p.m. the great Powers of Europe during the Auckland. availableat space THURSDAY, Only limited FEB. 15. ! For terms and particulars, apply to the prin- Crimean war did nob exceed 3,000,000 in Tub S.S. MANDKAU 3 numbers, to-day it is mote than L. D. NATHAN & CO.. 'public tea meeting. under, weather and other Will leave aaparmitting, E. Agents. ' MR T. HARLE GILES and round FO SAL calling at A WinrJ'Lr, 20,000,000. rircumstftuces BUSINESS Tea at 6. BAXTER, MR C. F M.A. 1> The Victorian Govornmenb geologisb POLLOCK. WAIPIPI, etc. Return Fares, 7.30, Addresses by Awhitu, Grahai>''3 Beach, and Manukau lieada. j KKLSBY'3 FANCY GOODS reached Wellington yesterday, and leaves l/TESSAGERIBS r-K 1 R~ riONNELL, ; Return Farcs r Pollock, Toro. Waipipi, Rev. G. BURGESS. F.R.A.S., on "The Influ- CHARLES TT 4s 6d going conJljU to-day for Marlborough, to inspect mines CASH BUV3INESS i» For Sale as a \j -"-"- MARITIMES. and VVaiuku,6s. I ence of Christianity 0 1 Family Life. certainty to anyone understanding the there. Ho intends to visit Canterbury and TEACHER OF MUSIC. R- GLASSON on "The Influence of corn. A TO LONDON, via Rev. P. TIME-TABLE. Otago before leaving the colony. Christianity on Social Life.". trade. (Voice Production, etc.), SINGING February. Information only to principals. The Surveyor-General, Mr Percy Smith, Rev. H. J. LEWIS on " The Influence of Waiuku: PIANOFORTE. Onehunga: Leave Leave Christianity on Political Life." ; and the Commissioner of Taxes, Mr C. M. Steamers of 6.000 tons, underPostal Contract 15— Thursday,l2 30p.m. 15—Thursday, 4.20p.m. calling at Shilling MEL- 16—Friday. 8 a.m.. for Mannkau Heads, etc. each, to be with the French Government Tickets for the Tea One RURY —For Sale, a Bargain, owner Residence and Studio : "GLENFERN,'1 Crombie, are going to inspecb the lands in 17—Saturday.6.45a.m. BOURNE. ADELAIDE. ALBANY. MAHh-. 16—Friday, 2 p.m. had of tho Deacons of the Churches. KYBER PASS ROAD (opposite Canterbury, Otago and Southland, which having left the district.lo acres all fenced, ADEN, SUEZ, and PORT SAID, will be de- 17—Saturday, 3,30 p.m. 19-Monriay, Excursion 3-roomed House, dairy, etc.—X. Brooks, Drury St. Sepulchre's Church). have been offered to the Government. spatchod monthly as follows :— from Waiuku, Store. A French writer remarks:—"l used to SATURDAY, FEB. 17, at 1.15 p.m. 9.15 a.m. Mr CONNELLResumes Teaching on THURS20—Tuesday. 10.15a.m. man the ROAD, REMUERA. DAY. Ist February, and will bo at home every believe thab a woman liked .that TO WAIHEKE. ORA&EI 6«j EXCURSION __„ a.m. 11 a.m. 21—Wednes.. 21—Wednes., 7 day from 9 to 10 a.m., and 4 to 6 p.m.. to enrol best who appeared to her the handsomest). Shilling each, to be hod of the 22—Thursday, 11.45 a.m. Ouc 22—Thursday.8 -a a.m. Tickets. Pupils. Steamer. FOR SALTD, gg of Messrs ChamptaThat was a great mistake. I have found 24—Saturday. 1p.m. 24—Saturday. 9 a.m. Deacons of the Churches, Terms on application. loup and Cooper, and Mr C. 11. Murray. HOUSE AND GROUNDS. 26-MDDday. 10.15 a.m. 26—Monday.2.lo p.m. QUARTETTE CLASSES now Form- out since that she invariably gives the prePIANO p.m. 28—Wednes., Stabling, 3.80 28—Wednea.. 11.30a.m. Paddock and Orchard. ing. Names of intending members requested as ference to the one who declares her to be First-class orier. Good view 'Buses early as possible, to allow time for arrangement the prettiest woman in existence." All inthefl.rst-cla.9s subject to alteration door frwquently during tho day. pass Time-table is Above of Classes. At the meeting of the Auckland Harbour Polynbsien jL. BoulordjFeb 24 Mar 1 Mar 3 !s®ar«l and Kes3_en«e. Terms 10s 6d and 20s per quarter. without notice. For particulu—U aud cards lo view, apply to Mr Niccol stated that the To ensure despatch, all cargo should be SINGING CLASS (for Ladies and Gentle-! Board yesterday, HUTCHINSON, C. J. beforp iMar 27JMar hour advertised (7 HOUSE, Sight Hobson-etreet Part etc. of the German warship Bussard captain alongside at least one Reading. Singing, men) \ Commerce-1)! 3 May iMay 1 lApr 27 reet. Australien!G. Didier Church). Pritime for leaving. doorafrom St. Matthew's ~ vate Board EDUCATION.—Private had found ib necessary to place eight senNot responsible for shipping, carrying, or disand Residence. Every attention May 27|May 311 June 2 charging ROSIQLL, Bellwood Estate.— Lessons- Night School, Is weekly.—W tries round tho ship, in consequence of live stock. T~! Terms moderate. Not responsible for any goods landed at in- and home comforts. Three Allotments, each 50ft frontage, Thompson Stevens. A.M.P. Buildings. Queen-st. complaints having been made to them of Linooln-street, Poasonby. Book-keeping, damage done by the "Passengers booked "to BOMBAY. REUNION termediate places. T^TESTLEBANK, Grafton Road, corner city water; £35 far tho three.—Bellwood, Stab and crew to the dock Messrs L. H. McAlpine & Co.'s 'Bus will meet _13i Domain-street,.—Private Board and ResiMAURITIUS, and EAST COASTOF AFRICA. Shorthand, Languages. Return February 14. fences. ov niffht, upon her arrival at dence ; single and double bedrooms, baths, etc. Office. Rate 3of Passage lo London—First Liberal the steamer, day oon; £"£ PIANO,, trichord. The owner to 10s The two passengers convoy Auckland. who prisoners displayed such Onehunga, to Terms moderate. /*~fl &® £70, including Every table wines. £60 to home comfort. Tickets can be obtained from the Master, on ■■w -R- v^ nrsfentJ y needs cash. Has sent inconcessions to families. you want good Pocket and Table commendable gallantry on the occasion of Pine Grove for sale. RESIDENCE, Qu&en-atreet, or EASIDE strument to ~ 9 12 150T TICKETS,RETURN available for Knives, Forks, Spoons. Cruets. Hollow the boating accidenb ab the North Head, Farm. To Kapa. Mahuranfri Heads.— After Feb. 19 all cargo must be delivered months, at REDUCED RATKS. ENGLISH day, Ground Razors, Scissors, etc., see Thomas are to be rewarded for their conduct*by alongside free of all charge". SPOKEN ONBOARD. Mrs C. L. Kasper recciTe3 Hoarders by thobath162, Queen-street. Adults, Is; Samuel, week, or month. Terms moderate. Sea hating, in the case ($ one his term of imExcursion from Waiuku Feb. 19. Upon arrival at Marseilles, Engitsh InterPersonal ing, boating, fishing. preters meet the passengers for London and Children. 6d. DIES' SCHOOL, Lake Takapnna.— prisonment shortened by six months, and T A pAVID CAMpBELL give thorn every assistance in landing and passarrangements to in the case of the second by a total remis¥17ANTED, by lady, 1 or 2 Gentlemen ft/* RS HUTUHEON, ofPukekohe desire." r J Miss Hunter has marie Secretary, Waiuku. ing their luggage through the Customs, etc., li. D. BOWER, house lntoly occupied by V 1 Koarders. good locality, terms moderate. 1? IS to Thank tho many friends for their' take over the large Agent, Onehunga. accompanythem to Paris and Calais. and al3OPassenger*' in Miltfnrd Rnad, and greater sion of the remainder of his time. Al«xandor 6.P.U. bereavement. Mia kindness in her recent convoyed -Aad£esaH.E.M., free of Luscsrage Upoo.Mte bavinfrs N.B.— Bank, Queen-street facility is thereforu given for tUc reception of ANTED, 2 or 3 respectable Men to co?t to London by steamer. (Branch Establishment from Karangahape B<witara. Sbo Educationaladvertisement. For further particulars, applyto on Frior Room, sfcarbs Share a Furnished with withALTON'S Tweed Sale JELLY SQUARES aro to Road) : J. and W. Williams.—Clothing, CUSTARD POWDER ie /^iOODALL'S IiJWNDEIWON & MACFARLANE, day. Tweed from Is 6d per yard.-210, out board.—For address, Apply R. Salmon, \J[ be obtained from all %"»-s**;3» Agents, Mercery, ftc, at Newtoo prices,—(Advt,> \Jr the best. Ask ypur Grocerfor it. Wakeflcld-strget. Queen-streat, FftSt-Btreot, Auckland. Agents. "Takapuna Monday. 19th.9 a.m. 7.5 jCargoat Railway till 1 p.m. Saturday) (No cargo for New Plymouth.) fOH ni'ition, apply to U D. NATHAN & CO.. j Date of Sailing, For rates, maps, guide books, and full infor- " Epsom. TglO LET, Furnished, to respectable Situation on Farm by exJL tenant. Cottage Three Rooms, oven and perienced Man; eood roferonces.— water.—C, La Roche. Kyber Pass. A Address 5.8., Star Office. €ort)onUion Noilccs. caro takon in landing paseengers and car.?o in surf boats, bat no responsibility. Monthly. Star Telephone. 43 I Vancouver. ARaYT.n ! iReturning; (woat.lierpormitf.inj!:). March 12 April 12 ! fAH freights must bo prepaid*. Every reasonable) THROUGH TICKETS at Lowest Rates to Combination Tickets, £57 183 4d and £52 10s. San Francisco and all points in Canada and United States, also to-European Continent, by For all information apply at any of the offices all trans-Atlantic lines of steamers. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF (LIMITED). ROUND THE WORLD TICKETS, either via NEW ZEALAND Vancouver, £130, or via China and Japan, £155. ria Suez Canal. Return "TTNION STEAMSHIP FARE—To or from Vancouver, Victoria |^^^ (8.C.). Puget Sound Ports. Portland, or Kan COMPANY OF NEW Francisco: Saloon, single, £40; return, £60. ZEALAND (LIMITED). Fore-cabin Tickets issued at Special Reduced Rates. England, via Canada, at favourable " TIME TABLE. rates. {Weather and ciroumatonceo PACIFIC BOUND TRTP,including Honolulu permitting:.) j|' rIKSi |&^PI4 lilPNml J| DiHoo: Queeu-str.o' VVhun. I Thursday, at 7 p. in. for kiia"ot"unu, Monday and Every 1 Mvery Thursday, at 7 p.m. Kvery Tuesday and Saturday TABLE TALK. Wanted. Wakefield-streeb, 7-roomed a Youth who has had JL Brick Cottage,washhouse, bathroom.every experience in a wholesale stationery convenience.—Apply Shop nextdoor. jbusiness; must have a good knowledge or LET, House, 5 rooms, Poneonby accounts.—Address, Stationer, care 01 star Terrace, corner Baird-street, close to Office. school and church.—Apply on premises. ANTED, an intelligent Youth for life office.—Apply in own handNew frozen meab venture in New South LET (ch'eap),'a3 a going concern, tho writing,newspaper stating age, etc.. P.O. Box 152. -Poultry and- Fancy Bird Shop.—C. ! Collings, Karangahape Road.. Apply after six ." a respectable Boy, U to 15, The" Catholic Times has ceased publio'clock; for Ponsonby grocery store.—Apply 11 a.m. House, 6 roomfl, large Allot- Fredk.8 Whitehead, 95, Victoria-street, between persons frozen to death in the Cargo for Warkworth received on Thursdays rfTO LET, city .S. ment. Saturdays. water. Suffolk-street. Eden 7 and p.m. and States. ti 1.1 Cargo rnußt be alongside the stoamer halt Terrace.—William Rattray,'Land Agent, 130, aboub smarb Lad, useful The Khedive is promoting English Queen-atroet. sn hour before theadvertised time of sailing. hotel and mark billiards.-City Club , TnE Na;w Waiwhra Steam Launch Ten- rilO LET, Ponsonby Road, near Hepburn- ..] Hotel. officers. ptcbs the: Rose Casky J>ah,y, landing pas« _H_ St., 6-roomed House, 2-stalled stabje. large weather in Invercargili is cold and The a W. Boy. Apply yard, BENQERS IN THJE WAtWEKA RIVKH. shed, 66 x 132.—Apply nextdoor, J. Batty'B showery. ALIS\. McGß_tiOß. Agent. Crockery Warehouse. Cooke, Bottler, Market Place. to-morrow _ . PliiCE-ONE PENTO LET, Furnished Sitting and Bed a Horse, Shoer, General TO Room, with use of kitohen. -Apply WANTED, Blacksmith for constant job.-Apply Jj Office. Andrew, FOR Februart. FOR WAIWERA and M AHURANGI HEADS —SPECIAL EXCURSION every SATURp.m.. returning-fromWaiwera at DAY at 2 6.30 on MONDAY MORNING, and arriviDg at the Whai-f at 9 n.n?. Return Fare, IQ3; or, including all hotel charges, 225. For WAIWBRA-Kvery Monday, at 11 a.m.. Wednesday at 9 a.m., and Thursday, at 11 For MATAKANA and OMaHA—Every "Wed nesday at 9 a.111.. returning same day. For MAHURANGI HEADS and VVARKWORTH—JEvery Monday and Thursday at __^^ », TfIIAIE-TABLE -I- S.S. ROSE CASEY. JOT k'fffi* a {Weather and other ourounvJr^===—-l^^HZ stances permitting.) IJAN STEAMSHIP LINE, MAIL EXPRESS In connection with SERVICE. '" „ PROPOSED SAILINGS. ,'? Wentlior ami other oircumTHE PASSENGER ROUTE TO PACIFIC RAILWAY. CANADIAN nituioos permitting. ENGLAND | Tt ME-T ABLE.—February. Is undoubtedly the i & AMERICAN ROUTE ——Igg^QUICKN-STItEET WHARF. AUSTRALIAN (A. and A. Route). FOR RUSSELL, WIIANGAROA. AND ROYAL MAIL EXPRESS SERVICE. and tho Avoiding nlike the heat of the Red Sea MANGONUI, ' Cape Horn, ant giving passengers eoldof | Dale, of Sailing. ~ gtcaTTjc^; the opportunity of travelling in luxury most interthrough comfort tho and eating country in the World. gj^gggAg___| Monday. 19, 7 p.m. AUSTRALIA TO EUROPE, of this Lino are appointed Tho Stoa'uera FOJirrAURANGA. Sydney and Auckland for Honoluluand lo leave Clansman Friday, 16,7 p.m. «fvnFrancisoo, every lour weeks, as muter:— VIA FIJI, HONOLULU & VANCOUVER, VYAiQTABi Tuesday, 20, 7 p.m. iTOit KtAKJS'fuIJXI) AIATATA. „ Loavo Leave Arriva THROUGH CANADA & THE UNITED eteamer. rTons. Syclney Auck 'Frisco. 1 Hivery Friday, at 7 p.m. ' STATES, Clansman (Connecting with s.s, Kali 1 kallat Tauranga). 3000 Feb. 19 Feb. 24 Mar. 15 Under contract with the Governments of Mar. 19 Mar. 14 Apr. 13 iIONOWAi 3500 Apr. for menoun y hay. May 11 Apr. 16 21 3500 Canada and New South Wales. Alamkda Every Monday and Every , - AUCKLAND* JS*Zb WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1894. ROYAL P®^^ *i r ,« Star. ; AH tftreelswHati b« pre-n^id s» Vt«<t . . FOR ! WANTED ._ WANTED FOR YM^- -B-' METHODIST MONTHL^LTN^OF - , JOHN"HOSKING JA,PA.N; Y GOODS^S .. FOR MW l»wS :\^---2*%x& I CO-^ - 1 ", WALL , ' £mx|v ST. ' TZ\ '' W tU , ■ 4s£Z!MSW&ti&r FOr"bOYS I Cipa' li' I jfW^^\ VSEi-^fe^y'SYDNEY I i ■i || AKMANr?EHfCir)elacroix i ! IN . 3l|Atir2 EcioTATJFiasohi D . : DRESDEN : MEGLECTED IF ■ - his^. .