State school board chief, Durant, to address G. P. LWV '&ro~se Pomte Challenges Pomte that f.lce our schools and how f>lIchlg.lnmay deal wIth them" The meetmg which Incl...ld~, wlll be the mam tOPiC of a dinner, wlll be held dt the ~peech and diScussIon on Harpel Wood~ CommUJlltv 1\1esday May 19 Center and h open to the pub- The Hdrpel Wood, the tr<1dltlOndlpubhc '>chools In view of the ImpOItdnce of Community Centel l' locdted the 'ubject to the community, dt 19748 Hdrper, jU~t north 01 the Gros~e POinte Ledh"lJeof the Allard Road Women Voter, urge" dll Inter Dmner reservatlOn~ mu,t be e~ted Pdrtle~ to attend called m to 885 0793 by FfiddY hc FOI the ..Judlence, the que~ May 10 The speaker Will be Clark The tItle of Dur.lnt'~ ,peech tlOn perIOd thdt follows 1<; Admls"lOn :" free for the Dur.lnt, president of the State I~'The Challenge of Educ.ltmg expected to be an Important ~peech whICh will begm at 8 Those plannmg to LOmefor Board of Education, at the our Ch!ldren In the 2bt opportunlt) to under~tand dnd p m Come dt b p m for the the speech only ~hould .ll"o Call annual meetmg of the League Century" Given hl~ offiCial deCIde whether these 'chools appetizers and buffet dinner m advance to be absured <1"e..Jt ~11 tin of Women Votero of Grooop rf">;;':lh,.....,.., ~. ,~h t!' ... :=.t.ltc, .....C' .11 be 'bcm..",,, ,,1 l.,........,fnl tf) 'rhn '" Ihf' h,,11 p<11 tlCUl<1rh qUdilfied to dl~ Clh' MlLhlgdn, rel.ent creation of chdrtcI "chool, dnd their pO"lble IInp<1ctun our cducd tlOn<11 ~),tc m 11 (1"" fAd ~ Clark Durant , ... Your Community Newspaper News Grosse Vol. 57, No. 19 Home Delivery 56( • Newsstand 75c Grosse Pointe, Michigan 56 pages North lights opponents win round in court Saturday, May 11 Support the NatIOnal AssociatIOn of Letter Carners' national food dnve today by placmg non-penshable food Items In or next to your mailbox Donations WIll be given to needy famlhes Grosse Pointe elementary school chIldren are inVIted to partlcipate in the Grosse Pomte Village AssociatIOn's annual pamt the window contest ThIS year's theme IS "Cars Can Be Fun" and challenges the young artIsts to deSIgn theIr own dream car or depict a favorite place a car has taken them Prizes WIll be awarded at 5 30 p m Pamtmgs WIll remam on the windows through Wednesday, May 15 The Grosse Pomte Academy's annual Action AuctIOn ISfrom 5 to 9 30 p m at the campus, 171 Lakeshore Road TIckets are $95 Monday, May 13 The Grosse Pomte Park City CounCIl meets at 7 p 'Tl in the municipal court room, 15116 E. JelTerson • The Grosse Pomte Fanns City CounCIl meets at 7 30 p m. m the mUnicIpal court room at city hall, 90 Kerby The Grosse Pomte school board meets at 8 p m in the Wiclang Library at Grosse Pomte South High School Tuesday, May 14 The Grosse Pomte Hockey AssOCiation holds its annual meeting at 8 p m m the NeIghborhood Club, 17150 Waterloo, In the CIty of Grosse Pomte INSIDE Opmron. . . .. . Schools Senrors . . . . . . Autos. . . . . . .. Busmess . . . .. Entertamment Sports ... Classl{ied ads . . 6A 14A 19A . 21A 26A 25A BB lC May 9, 1996 By Jim Stlckford SlaffWnler In the first step of what could be a long process, Wayne County Circuit Judge Paul Teranes ruled on April 29, that the Grosse Pomte Woods City CounCIl's efforts to amphfy the mmutes of the cIty's board of appeals meetmg on lights at North HIgh School on March 25 was Illegal Photo b) Thea L ~TrueColors / Grace Keane, right, sales promotion beauty queen/author/artist/womeu's manager for Jacobson's, talks with former movement champion Patricia Hill Burnett, seated, about her 8Oon-to-be-pub1JBhed biography, "True Colors: An Artist's Journey from Beauty Queen to FemJDlat." Burnett Wu at Jaco~u's last month to INgn her book and talk about her paintiJIis, which have been shown all over ~he world. Incinerator up in sllloke? By John Lundberg SlaffWnler With the future of the Grosse Pomtes-Clinton Refuse DISposal AuthOrIty unclear, city managers from the Grosse Pomtes and Harper Woods met With authority offiCIals May 7 to address unresolved questions '"rhe reason for the meetmg IS partly to have Issues clarIfied," saId James Leldlem, Harper Woods cIty manager The authonty was created by the Grosse Pomtes, Harper Woods, and Chnton 'IbwnShlP as a separate entIty m 1967 It IS responsible for hauling refuse from those mUnIclpalI- ties to an mcmerator In Clinton Township where the garbage IS converted mto ash The ash IS then collected and hauled by a separate company, CIty Disposal, to a deSIgnated landfill owned by the company The authonty regularly renewed contracts WIth those mUDlClpahties to haul the refuse The current contract was to expire m 2003 - that IS, untIl apartment complex own. ers m Clmton TownshIp sued the townshIp to open the refuse-hauhng market to outSide competl tors Accordmg to John Flldew, chaIrman of the authority, that laWSUit.among others brought by township reSidents, has resulted In a pendmg settlement that Will release the mUnICipalIties from theIr contracts m 1999 ''Under the pendmg settlement," FIldew said, "the commUnities (mvolved) can go to an open system (of sohcltmg competitIVe bIds for waste removal) " Fildew saId the authorIty currently charges the mUniCIpalitIes about $50 a ton to diSpose of refuse The authonty pays about $18 a ton to CIty DIsposal to dump the ash Accordmg to Harper Woods Mayor Frank Palazzolo, there are companies olTermg outsIde See INCINERATOR, page SA BC The Judge ruled In favor of a motIOn made by John Llzza, the attorney representmg North neIghbors Llzza mamtamed that city council actmg as the city plannmg commiSsIOn board of appeals at a speCial March 25 meetIng, f8lled to properly state ItS reasons for granting the Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System's variance requests for lights at the school and overrulIng the plannmg commiSSIOn'svote agamst grantmg the variances, as reqUired by law Llzza further mamtamed that when the counCil, at an AprIl counCIl meetmg, tried to correct the mistake by amplIfymg, or amendIng the the mmutes of the board of appeals hearmg to explam the legal JustificatIOn for granting the vanance, It did so In an Improper manner Woods city attorney George Cathn said that the counCIl, m order to amplIfy mmutes, should have met as the board of appeals, and faIled to do so when It voted to amphfy the mmutes actmg as the city counCIl Llzza Said that to meet as the board of appeals, reSidents who live WIthin 300 feet of the property bemg rezoned <;hould have been contacted by the city "My under~tandmg IS that the city counCIlWill meet as the board of appeals at a speCIal meetmg on May 13," saId Llzza "I believe they have contacted the residents who hve wlthm 300 feet of the field, and WIll vote to amplify the mmutes properly at that date" When a zonmg varIance I~ granted, said Cathn, the board grantmg It must, under state 'If the council gets its ducks in a row and correctly amplifies the minutes, I will ask Judge Teranes for a preliminary injunction halting construction of the light system ... ' Attorney John llzza law, explam under what legal criteria the variance IS bemg allowed Woods ordmances reqUIre the party seeking a variance to demonstrate the practical difficulty It ha~ In followmg city ordmances, Cathn saId In the case ofthe field, m order to put up hghts Without requlflng a varIance, the school board would have to move the football field, the track and the bleachers So mO\lng the field • presented the practical dlfficul ty WhIle mayor Robert Novltke mentioned the hardship ordinance, the hard<;hlp wa<; not expliCitly mentIOned a" the reason for grantmg the vanance at the March 25 meetIng "If the councll gets ItS ducks In a row and correctly amphfies the mmutes, I w!ll a~k Judge Terane~ for a preliminary injunctIOn haltmg constructIOn of the lights system pendmg a resolutIOn of the laWSUit,"said Llzza He declined to ~peculate on the outcome of the law~U1t or even whether or not the Judge would grant an mjUncllOn While no date ha~ been 'et for the next pha~e of the SUIt, LI7za and Cathn expect to agam go before Terane" WithIn the next few week, • Dr. Ned Chalat Home: Grosse Pomte Park Age: 71 News can appear one day and be gone the ne~t But the paper news ISprinted on can and should live on Last year more than one IhHd of all U S newsprint was recycled And that number IS growing every day Recycling IS the ana • ~ way we can ,.., all give some _ thing back T1>ef\ bCVC" A f DI f ()I\I j o \1 : ~S2-02')J.• FalDlly: Wile and two grown children Occupation: doctor Tbe Grosse Pointe Woods Beautification Commission is bolding its annual flower .... e this weekend, just in time fOT Motber'. Day. Event co-chairs Kim Sorget and Jim Kedlcb sbo .... off some of tbe flowers tbat will be for sale on the lawn or the Woods municipal buDding, beginning Friday, May 10, and ending on Saturday, May 11. Mouey railled will be used for future beautification projects in the city. ADVERTfSING: _.~.. .. Claim to fame: Pre-Ident of the Groo,e Pmnte Men\ Garden Club Flower sale for Mother's Day f)JSPL,\Y n 882-3500 :~.-._-... • CLASSIFIED: _.- Retired ear 882-6900 Quote: "I thmk being retIred l~ wonderful It, a part of my life I very much enJoy" See story, pag .. 4A • CfRCULA1ION: J-lVi:;/7 Dr. Ned Chalat • PfH)J)l)CTION: .. HH2-('{)90 \ coePOliAn ....... ~ 1304 S Ham.lron Sogmaw "'II ~8602 1517) 7920934 18001968 3~56 '0' 1517) 2~n 792 pm~1 dmq I Oens. com SEQUENCE May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News 2A for GREAT LAKES MARKETPLACE III \1 ~ ,ill 1\ \1 <iIl1WW1L L\ T ~I(J 01 ':>pH I ':>'IUP" \Ii\ /~\i;;;csp;;~ .~~~CsP~ the 0""" :0' -1. ... ~ .... ,....t C> .. ~ ~ r.:~ 1\ l3.~~:::;~~ ~/~ 8S kERCHEVAl. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 97 KERCHEVAL' CROSSE POINfE FARMS 313-884.4422 Kathleen Ros,ma Par Betty fr.U1~ (Barbara nol pICcturedi 313.886-4341 SHOP WHERE YOCR MOTHER LOVES TO SHOP TlIPrm -Camille Beckman Skin Care products -Mary Engelbreit Items -Boyd Bears -Sheila'S Houses -Seagull Pewter Picture Frames -Vera Bradley Purses & Accessories -Decorative Rubber Stamps & Supplies The staff at Francesco's Salon Wishes all moms a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAyr ,--- ~>~ ;,;, SERVICES OFFERED ---.,. • Hal< Cultlng & StylJng • FaCIals. Mas>ages • Pelman<>nl Wa\ Ing • TJntoog & HighlIghting. Full Nail 5er\ Ice & PedIcures 0 Full Body Wax Hair Removal • Make up Appl1callon • Ear P,ertlng • GIft CertifIcates Avarlabl .. DEPT. 56 1996 PIECES Francesco's Hair Salon ---~~ 17007 Kercheval, in-the. Village (313) 882-2550 Hours Mon -Sat 10 am -5'30 pm. Thurs 10 a m -7 p m. ~here's never been a minute I wasn't glad you were n~ Mom C" OPEN '~\ .... I \ ' Jv{other)s 'Day Large SelectlOn of Great Mother's Day Gifts 3p.m." Unique Hand Pamted Iterns KERCHEVAL . -- AVENUE 0 313088203969 GROSSE POINTE 21300 . FOX HARPER ST CLAIR SHORES, Ml 48080 INort/1 Of 8 Mole Road) Over 40 deliCIOUSfood selections to choose from ~ Aduffs ANTIQUE RHINESTONE JEWELRY (with gift box) OPfr-. .... ton S,l.I 106 \ "1 \\a<;,.fl'r Card l a-.,.l\\l..,. .. o DI':'COH r Women s Clolhlng o Vintage Clothing • Fine Collectibles "A FABULOUS CONSIGNMENT & & Glass",are ., .J f '~~ _"' - ~.4 ~.:: 15103 Kercheval 822 3003 • No coupons accepted Located - MON -THURS ~ . IN THE PARK Lwlcoupon .. • ::iE Sausage Company Exp 51311116 • ~:"" ........ ",0"'.#' .....- <- - 1'"lIot>. 4( (''''Jo t>t'>.. ~I.f.c", '4""_ , ....( ONE STOP VEHICLE SERVICE SHOP CARS, VANS, TRUCK FOREIGN & DOMESTIC CAR SPECIALISTS .. VOLVO. ~ONO." TOYOTA. NIS,SA'" .. MERCEDES. BMW. VW JACU"R o TREAT YOUR MOTHER TENDER WHOLE OEEF TENDERLOIN I I IIIIOSTI CAIS UpUl ~.,. I 9'OO-600 FR!. 800-600 SAT 800-5.00 RETAIL !'ICk I p ~ {JoI""., " r Irr " (l/{Q~t $18951 ---_ ... ~~~ . L.- 91 Kercheval on the Hill Grosse Pointe Farms 881-6400 WHOLESALE SO ~ Special ---..~.. "' ........ Day • Diamond and Emerald GlftJewelry30% OFF '14Korl8KGoldJewelry-20% OFF • Womens Sterlmg Jewelry- 20% OFF • MOVAOOWatches10% OFF f ~ OIL. LUBE & FILTER lhoI $ SPECIAL GIfT! :;f. !l ~ ""'''''~ c~ i;; ; MORE THAN JUST AN OIL CHANGE COMPLETE SERVICE & INSPECTION I JMaiJe ,~_.- I for Mother .. DESERVE A ..--- on the property of Jefferson Beach Manna ~---------------, V I I ..e: 24420 E. Jefferson, SI. Clem Shores OPEN: Mon .• Fn. 7:30 - 6:30 OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 8 A.M •• 3 P.M. Something 895 Special Dinner Menu 4 p.m, - 10 p.m, } ~C- c OFF Any One Single Item ~ ..... t $ vears (810) 771.4455 (oupon must be pre"'nted at register far discount, na adJustment to prlar pure hases alia" ed -(<,( Ip.( I(>d hv" rUfl1l1UH md ViOl 1I.,l ( IO'he'" hclud('dl hplre< Illne 1 S I i)9h J.i'?J~ Children 4./0 SPECIAL MOMS If" " RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED SHOPPE & MORE" ~ $15 p.m. $:#~ Pet,le Plusl WHEN irS AUTO RELATED WE DO IT ALL' l (,RO"~FPOI',F ~ o...n - ':. Ft JI ~FR\'rrf G~RAGF' 11-3 95 ~ ~ Children under 3 FREE (Includes coffee, tea or soft dnnk) ~: ~ ~9UL8US FOX COUPON OFFER ~ Va!! grand :JJ uflel 2/{olher's 810/445-7740 Ample Free Parking OUTFOX REGULAR RETAIL PRICES 7elOelers J!OOf/POC; Lakefront Brownies AVE 1J("t!:c. J:?tUf A 1{~ Huge Selection of 20923 Mack Ave. Grosse Pointe Woods. M148236 (313) 882-9732 19767 Mack Grosse Pointe Woods 88H154O FARMS FAX 313 882 5682 -- '1 fABULOUS I, ....Now Taking Reservations .... *Bndal Registry 84 ~lother's Day: ~lay 12 (F,ler M,goo.~ -Cur FeE') FRESH OAKED PIES.. • r--- FREE .:::-------, - I I 1 LD SKI L. N LESS $20 00 or more Exp 5118/96 • ••• ,. ~ .\DDlTl():'\.\L5PECl.\L5 r N~sches Bratwurst I .J CHOICE FRESH MEATS FREEZER ORDERS HOMEMADE GERMAN LUNCH MEATS & SAUSAGE FINE EUROPEAN 29616 GRATIOT 499 .. . . .. . . ~229 Lean Hamburger Paltles (Made From Chuck) 3Lb Packs I Fresh Made City Chicken I Homemade Natural Casing Wreners - I ~2!y ~2~ I •• , • •• . (BTWN.12 61~ MILE) • ~1:111 '3 99to $2 Ib each r------------, 1$ 5:rth00anyDED I $279~: I I L A ITE ~Chase ~ $50 00 or more E,:p3~8~ I II .JI GOURMET FOODS 81On7~.5270 -1.- -..<0- ".- __ I News May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News 3A Woods budget debate hits the road; half a mill increase to go to streets By Jim Stlckford clI's finance committee, agreed Staft Wnter to the one-mIll Increase last Th<: debate b) th" G,v,.,., W~K. OUL ~dld Lnat hI! reque~LPomte Woods CIty CounCilon ed I~formatlOn on the condlwhether or not to raise the CIty tlOns of the street millage rate by a smgle mill or "I asked for mformatlOn," half a mill got hot and heavy saId Steiner "I wanted someMonday mght one to personally walk down The counCil finally agreed on the streets to see them, but I a half mill mcrease, from haven't received the mforma. 11 794 mills to 12294 mills, tlOn I requested I felt uncombut only after lengthy debate fortable asking for a full mlll and two votes agamst a mil! mcrease when we hadn't even Increase and a half mill collected all the facts yet" Increase proposals The new millage ISdedicated and Willbe Novltke said the city could used only for road and mfra. always find ways to spend the structure Improvements across money, but It was a matter of the city measurmg needs agamst The council, In a commlttee- wants What streets need of-the-whole meeting a week repairs right now, as opposed earher, agreed to a one-mill to what streets the admmlstraIncrease But three eouncll tlon would like to repair He members, led by mayor Robert added that smce constructIOn Novltke, changed their mmds won't begm untJl next year, It Monday was foolish to raise taxes "After consideratIOn, I thmk before It could be determmed If that we should go for a half- other sources of revenue could null mcrease," sBld Novltke be found "I've spoken with admlmstraCouncd member Torn tlon offiCials,and they have not LeFevre spoke for the one-mill been able to come up WIth a mcrease He said that the defimtlve depreciation sched- council agreed to the mcrease ule shOWing us what streets just a week earlier He had no Will need replacmg In the doubts that the streets needed Immediate future Some of the repairs and Improvements these streets could last another "fhe mayor calls this a 10 five or 10 years before mllJor repairs are needed percent increase, which sounds "I thmk before we start awful," s~lldLeFevre. ''But that increasing taxes by 10 percent, amounts to only $70 for the we should be sure I know average Woods household The some streets need repairs now, need hasn't changed, the poli. 80 that's why I am proposing a tics have I am worried about the streets, and we could use half mlll Increase" City comptroller Chff $2 milhon m repairs. I talked Maison saId that a half mlll With our city admmlstrator Increase would generate about Pete Thomas, and he said he the one-mill $285,000 m additional rev- recommends enues for the city. That comes Increase" LeFevre went on to say that out to about $35 for the average household A smgle mill it's sound busmess to fix the increase would generate about roads now, mstead of puttmg It $570,000 and cost the average off to the future, when costs Woods household an additIOnal WIllbe even higher $70 a year in taxes CounCil member Eric "Sure we talked about Steiner, Ch~JmIlID of the coun- squealo~g by and patchmg the From page 1A commumtles dramatically lower fees to dISpose of trash in the landfill rather than burnmglt (Waste removal) represents our third largest budget expense," Palazzolo said "There are compames out there oITenng services for $16 to $23 a ton" Palazzolo said that if the city were to accept a bid at $35 a ton, It would save roughly $100,000 a year "We are looking for ways to take the cost out," Flldew said In 1990, the authonty purchased a parcel of land m Lennox 'lbwnshlp to convert It into a privately.owned landfill The land cost $800,000, and the authonty proposed to construct a domed landfill which would store unuseable ash from its inCinerator Because the authOrity's contract WIth City Disposal represents nearly 40 percent of the fees charged to muniClpahtles, ownmg Its own landfill could dramatically reduce operatmg costs "We would hke to have more chOIces" Flldew said of the propo~ landfill A domed landfill would also protect the environment by preventmg mOisture from commg mto contact WIth the ash In the past, contammated water from landfills has leaked out The proposal has stalled because the Macomb County waste planmng committee did not hold pubhc hearmgs on the request The property has to be rezoned before the landfill can be constructed The committee was blamed by Flldew m December of 1993 for failing to move forward WIth the pubhc hearmgs In 1994, the authonty filed a laWSUIt agamst the Department of Natural Resources allegmg the state IS preventmg the authoflty from bUlldmg the ~torage faclhty The state became Involved because Macomb County did not update Its wa"te land management plan as reqUIred every few years, and It fell to the DNR to wnte the 1994 ••• III••••• I~ I Pre$ldenl HIS suggestIOn to put the question before the voters receiVed no support from other council members With both proposals defeated, NOVltke pomted out that the city charter requires the councl! to approve a budget for the next fiscal year by May 20 State law reqUIres that a public hearmg be held on the budget and that the proposed budget must be posted for the pubhc to see at least 10 days before the hearmg "We beheve we have an equity stake here," Palazzolo sBld "Who gets what at the end of thIS?" Malson said that With the exceptIOn of the road fund, the City'Sbudget would remam sta. tiC Increases would be hmlted to about 3 percent, the rate of mllatlOn ager. Above. two of the children show their creaUons. Answer due soon on G.P. high school campus closure question By Shirley A. McShane Staff Wnter Those who are annoyed by or concerned about high school students leaVing the campuses at Grosse Pomte North and South high schools say the answer IS easy Close the campus Those who are eIther hIgh school students themselves or work closely With them say that teens need a break from classes and the campus should remam open at lunchtime ''There 18 no easy answer and l?er!taps there IS ",g smgle answer,» saId Ben Walker, chairman of the campus optIOns committee composed of teachers, parents and students who have been studymg the Issue of whether to close the two hIgh school campuses at the lunch hour "There are a variety of posSible optIOns" Walker and several commlttee members presented theIr 60-page report to the Grosse POinte school board on May 6 The report mcludes several optIOns and suggestIOns and how to carry them out, along With a study of how several metro-DetrOIt area high schools handle their lunch hours Perhaps the biggest chal- lenge facmg the committee was commg up With a solutIon that would solve problems umque to each campus, while mamtammg the same lunchtime opportumtles for North and South students WhIle North could close ItS campu<; With httie adjustment, It IS not a Viable optIOn for South, Walker said Here's what the committee had to conSIder • North has 1,165 students and 160 employees The cafeteria seats 690 South has 1,410 stl,ldents, 175 employees and a 306-seat cafeteria • North and South have two lunch perIOds Both buJldmgs have full-servIce cafeterias North's cafeteria can accommodate the student population m two lunch shifts It would take five lunch shifts to accommodate South's students There are restaurants and stores wlthm walkmg distance of South, North students must dnve to get to off campus lunch alternatives 'Concerns at North center on traffic safety as students have about 35 mmutes for lunch Issues at South mvolve student 100termg, httermg and smokmg around nelghbormg busmesses and re.ldence~ CommIttee members say only 5 to 10 percent of the student populatIOn IS respon~lble for thiS behaVIOr The school board did not take actIOn on the report presented Monday PreSident Carl Ander~on sUld the board has much to conSider dnd most Itkely Will address the matter thiS summer so that changes, If any, could be m place for September Board trustees had a variety of opimons on the Issue "I still have a tremendous amount of confidence m our young people," s81d board secretary Frank Sladen ''I feel hke we are talkmg about a mInonty of students causIng problems" Siaden, along With most of the board, seemed to favor allOWIng students to leave campus at lunch, perhaps With some restrictions Anderson, who guessed hiS opmlOn was probably m the mmorlty, seemed to favor a stricter pohcy because of hIS concern about student safety and the dIstrict's IIablhty should somethmg happen to a ' student "Do we need to follow what See CAMPUS, page 4A CLASSICS I Pointe Windows, Inc. -tt \ For All Your Window Needs .0'" 22631 Harper, St. Oair Shores .t:-~.:_ ;",,( 772.8200 ThiS Mother's Day don't Just give Mom a gift Give her a memory Our gold lockets will display her treasured photos 0> edmund t. AHEE jewelers 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods _ '" 1~q;o\SON ~UNROOM~ o\RF rN~ULo\TEDTO KEEP YOU C07Y All no\R (313) 886-4600 : ~ ...... CMI'OtIAft Seventy-seven area children visited Trattoria on April 20 for the restaurant's first.ever "Pizza RoUand Pasta Pull." Chef Jeff Malurl showed the kids the fine art of making pasta and pizza dough. Each of the chJ1dren made their own pizza after rolling their own pizza cmst and selecting the toppings. Later, they learned to make pasta dough and took turns pulling fettuclne from the pasta machine. "Wethought the hard part would be keeping the kids entertained. but as It turned out, the hard part was keeping the parents out of the kitchen so the kids could actually do the work and have the fun," said Joe ServenU, Trattoria's general man- Wilson said he voted against both proposals because he felt strongly that the questIOn should be placed on the ballot so that Woods voters could deCide whether their taxes should be raised So the counCil voted one last time, and agreed to a half-mill mcrease dedicated exclUSively for road Improvements Only Wilson voted agamst the proposal, agam statmg hiS bebef that It's a questIOn for the voters to decide The meetmg was held after the News went to press Making (pizza) dough The councl! then voted on the one-mill mcrease proposal ThiS too lost m a 3 4 vote LeFevre, Dansbury and Fahrner supported It Stemer, Wilson, Novltke and Dlckmson opposed it Flldew SBld the laWSUit IS currently waltmg a prehmInary deCISion by Macomb County CirCUit Judge George Montgomery before btlgatlOn begInS The DNR did not return repeated phone calls before press time Ii 1 !T13~ > ~ ;: - ~r. 7 ;;;a. ~ -~~, •• -.. OIIfICDl 804 SHam han ICOIT IIOIlINlOlll The councl! first voted on the half-mill mcrease proposal That was defeated by a vote of 3-4, With Novltke, Stemer and Al Dlckmson supportmg It, and LeFevre, Bill WJlson, Thomas Fahrner and Joe Dansbury votmg against It 'This ISthe last chance to get any kmd of dedicated millage for road Improvements," sBld Novltke "I know some council members feel stl7lngly about gomg for a larger mcrease, but plan The DNR plan left out an let me say that a half-mill nnportant sltmg proposal mcrease IS better than no which prevents constructIOn of mcrease, which IS what we are facmg" a solid waste faCIlity I~. -.. streets," smd LeFevre "But last week we agreed to make ~ume nhlJOI repdll:> IImi Improvements 1 know a httle about roads - they're expen. slve Let's not band-aid the problem, let's fix It We're talkIng about a $35 difference for the taxpayer that Will make mllJor Improvements for the streets It's time to bite the bullet and do what's best for the city" Sagmaw M148602 1117) 7920934 180019683456 fo.IS'7) 79:12423 ~mOTIdmg lOem com .'.'ONAL_ ~ 0Ill",.......-.._ \ ~ SEQU ENCE .J , "~.'-",-»,"'~._----------I 4. ~ I • News 4A May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Park doctor has taken time to smell the roses in retirement By Jim Stlckford on the West COd~t and practically head of the whole ear, nO"e and throat depdrtment there" After leavmg the sen Ice, Chalat opened hIS own prl"ate ,1-- t. \" I prdctlce m the FI"her Butldmg I Ihllll-. bung Illired b won- He wa" an ",ar, no"e and throat dl! lul -did C hdlat 'It's a part speclall_t With an emphaSIS on 01 m\ lite thdt I very much ear "urger) cnlO\ '\01\ I ha\ e the time to Chalat enjoyed a prosperous dLl t'll thlllg_ I .llways wanted pnvate practIce, but also was a tu do when I \\Olked ver) ChlllCdl profes"or at Wayne iMld' State UllIverslty's medical Chaldt wa~ born m DetrOlt "chool, and was chlefofthe ear, .lnd attended the city'" publlc no"e and throat clllllc at 'lhuol_ He earned both hh Harper Hospital undelgl aduate degree m 70010 "Bemg a clilllcal professor g:. and hI- medICal degree from meant that r taught but didn't the Uluver-It) of MichIgan get paId,' "ald Chalat With a '\fter completmg hiS medICal laugh 'But I really enjoyed (ducatlOn Chalat spent t" 0 teachmg, and look back at the )Cdr_ in the US All Force, experience With great fondlrom 1953-1955 nCf:,b" 'The AIr Force was separat Chalat retIred m 1990 when ('d from the U S Army only a he was 65 He said at that age, lOuple ohears before r served," he wa" begmnmg to notice that -aId Chalat 'So that meant he dIdn't have the stamma for t hat the Air Force had to create elght.hour operatIOns as he did It_ 0\\ n medleal branch, baSI m the past cally from "cratch r was based Whde Chalat enjoyed a sue. Staff Writer GIO--c POliHe Park doctor '\cd C "dIdt nJd\ be retired, but thdt due_n t ~edn hl" hfe I" 01 c'r In fdet he _ been a<; bu"v Campus From page 3A , the other ;,chools have done?" , Walker asked the board, refer rmg to the fact that the maJorIty of high schools In the tn I county area have closed cam. . puse~ "Or, do we do what IS umque to us? EducatIOn goes way be)ond the walls of the , bUilding; It prepares students for college and teaches respon-Ible behavIOr" The committee made a strong recommendatIOn to the , board to Improve food servIce , to entice "tudent" to stay on or around the campuses , A,. a matter of fact, It would CO-l I he dl"tllct a lot less If It went With a pnvate food service," Walker said before the meetmg "Blrmll1gham and Ann Arbor schools have gone With a profeSSIOnal corpora. tlOn They come In, rent the space and keep the profits RIght now we are runmng the food serviCe program and It'S a school board cost" The committee VISited a half. dozen schools tn the tn-county area durmg the lunch hour and sent out questionnaires to hIgh schools In the metro.DetrOlt area They learned that the maJonty of the schools have partially or fullv closed campuses OF INTEREST POINTER ce'i'iful medical career, he also made time for other" He was ull We INdIO <>I III" ':;oulllca"L MichIgan Red Cros" for 15 \ eal"" He I" stili on the AIDS EducatIOn Committee of that orgamzatlOn, and IS an AIDS educatIOn mstructor ''To be an mstructor you have to take speCIal classes," said Chalat . r got mvolved around 1985, back when the Red Cross was cleanmg up ItS blood sup. ply ThiS IS a terrible disease DUring my medICal career r saw a lot of ternble disease" disappear diseases hke polio, tuberculOSIS, measles but I've never seen a disease like AIDS appear on the scene" Chalat also serves on The Chlldren'~ Center of Wayne County Fo,ter Care Committee The group IS charged With the responSibility of findmg foster care homes for kids and supervlsmg their care "With the number of dysfunctIOnal families out there, the need for good foster care IS greater than ever," said Chalat 'ThiS IS a responslblhty that I take very serIOusly" Chalat was also on the board of the Fnends of the Grosse Pomte Public Library He IS a lover of books and enjoyed servmg the hbrary, but became a httle frustrated at the defeats of mJllage proposals that would have allowed the expansIOn of what he beheves IS a hbrary system that could use modermzatlOn Chalat IS also a consultant on hearmg for the Canadian NatIOnal Rallroaa He also serves on the edltonal board of the DetrOIt MedICal News, a local medICal pubhcatlOn "I've always enjoyed wrltmg, and ,Ianed "ubmlttmg articles over 20 years ago," said Chalat "They accepted them, and I've never been turned down smce " HIS wntmg falls mto several categories, Chalat said The first category IS Ical Those articles are wTltten for doctors, and would be very difficult for the layman to understand The second category IS SOCIOeconomic It's about the practice of medlcme, and IS much more readable The third category IS poetry and prose wrltmg Chalat e!\Joys wntmg poetry so much that he Will attend a speCial semmar m Utah m July Famous poets like DaVid Lee Will teach and cntlque the work of amateur poets hke himself Chalat IS also an active member of the Grosse Pomte Men's Garden Club He dlscov, ered he enjoyed gardenmg after hiS father suffered a heart attack He became responsible for mamtammg hiS father'" lawn and garden, and much to hiS surpnse dls, covered he enjoyed the task 'When my Wife and I bought our home m the Park over 30 yr~n"" 'lgr\ f'lr'C t~c t~ung:.- Of that attracted u" to the hou"e was that It had a mature garden," said Chalat "Now that I am retired, I can spend a lot of time on the garden, which IS somethmg that I really enJoy" The men's garden club IS get. tmg ready to put on ItS annual flower and plant sale, Chalat said One good thmg about havmg so many other groups hold flower sales, he said, IS that It forces the men's club to keep up otherWise, who would bother to show up for the next year's show? Bemg an ear speCialist also allowed Chalat and hiS Wife to travel Because of the rarity of hiS specialty, he has had the opportumty to attend medICal conferences deahng With the Chalat says he will contmue to be active WhJle he IS 71, he feels that does not mean he has to slow down ''There are so many thmgs I still want to do," said Chalat GLASS BLOCK BASEMENT WINDOWS , lilt OR ANY OTHER WINDOWS FOR YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS PROVIDE SECURITY & BEAUTY r$-4--8--9-5T~ii.Y;;";;';I~ I HANDYMAN I I /. I' SeNlng Entire Metro Area American Made Commercial a Residential • Licensed a Insured """""""" PC :Jl~~ COOlNINQ BLOCK" PROOUCTS {8101756-4804 8101 756 9725 I I I -I dAd I Basement Size I W.111d ows 46UI I $2895-I 1 Standard 1 I I Oecoro -.. SPECIAL I I 32 32 -I J( J( 12 14 I N~= :~'We~I.~~ ~ SIZEI __ ~~ __ .J I L.~~n~~~.J.. EASTSIDE GLASS BLOCK a-.... & Gnge IIepacemont or 'Il'nIon 23237Y1nDyb(2.N.C1UIiI 0PEN.1ION..f1U.5 SAT 9-12 " C1ly subject around the world "I remember back m 1967, I was mVlted to gIVe a lecture at a conference m Japan," saId Chalat "I told my travel agent 'I]:it I cn.lldn't go :ill t'lo \\':iy to Japan Without g01l1g a little farther and seemg the TaJ Mahal My agent suggested that as long as my Wife and I were gOlllg to take a long tnp, why not go around the world? So we did We've been travehng ever since" When the Chalats VISited Southeast Asia back 111 1967, they actually saw some bomb. mg miSSions bemg carried out Just last year they VISited Vietnam to see what that coun. try looked hke or(f)russfJuintt .uubs M,chlgan NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED 1996-97 GENERAL BUDGET AND THE VARIOUS OTHER FUND BUDGETS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor and CJly CounCil of the CJly of Grosse Pomte Woods Will be meelmg on May 20, 1996 at 730 pm In the Council Chambers of the MUlllclpal BuJldmg, 20025 Mack Plaza for the purpose of conducting a public heanng on the proposed 1996-97 General Fund Bud,get ~ as well as the various Other Fund Budgels of the said City The property tax millage rate (12.2940) proposed to be leVied to support the proposed General Fund budget wUl be a subject of this hearing. The follOWing IS a summary of the propo>ed budgets GENERAL FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Motorola Handheld Cellular Activation 600 Minutes Airtime $10 of Long Distance Cellular Voice Mail Detailed BIlling . - --- .- .~ '':'" DINING &EIoiTERT"INMEN't Revenues Property Taxes State Revenue Shanng Busmess LlcenseslPerrlllts Non-Busmess LleenseslPenlllts In LIeu of Taxes Fmes & Forfellures Miscellaneous Total Revenues Other Fundmg TOla! Resources PASSPORT $ZOO "ah,. DINING PASSPOBT FREB _#y~ NOW rllJlOVCB MOTB.lJI_ Conve-ntence Pack Sasoc Role Indudes Extratme $239; mortt1 ~ I p~~S Motorola's Most PopUlar Pager Cellular & PaglQ! Dealer ----. '. 1.579.000 4,448950 2,069,400 1,340.150 0,437,500 300,000 9.737,500 6,012.500 1,589.500 75.700 209,800 355,000 597,000 285.000 9,124,500 613,000 9,737,500 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND BUDGET REQUIREMENTS Major Street Fund Local Street Fund Ambulance Act 302 Trammg Sohd WasteslDlsposaVRecycllng Grants Drug Enforcement Total Special Fund~ Crystal Clear Calling Quality 24-Hour Customer Service Nationwide Call Delivery Service Exclusrve Cellular Rewards Program -===-. 15 mlrl~es peak !5 m nLCes o~-opeall 39 peakJ 23 oft peal< __B~VO eritec I FUND BUDGET REQUIREMENTS Expenditures General Government Public Safety Public Works Parks & Recreation Total General Fund Ex pendltures Contmgency Total Expenditures & Contmgency ULTRA EXPRESS i Michigan's Largest Coverage 595.600 1,667,500 121000 18,100 1.260,000 97.700 ------J!OO 3,961.000 PEBTruND BUDGET REQUIREMENTS Recreallon Debt Fund General Obligation Debt Fund Act 175 Debt Fund Grosse Grallot Dram Total Debt Fund Toll Free No Call Limit 324,100 142,700 198200 2,751.300 3416,300 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BUDGET REQUIREME"ITS MUniCipal Improvement Fund 16 MemOries 5 Number Lock Sleek Styling 15 Me."orles Bepp'Vlbrate E><1endedBattery lIfe Clock T,me Siamo 5 Prog Chimes Clock/Calenda, Ho1Colors 5 Number Lock VibratlooMode TIme stamping FREE CHAIN OR LANYARD WITH EVERY NEW PAGER PURCHASE! ENTERPRISE (EAST Sill£) I Sewer Boat Dock~ Fund Commodity Sale~ Tolal Enlerpme Fund~ MT CLEMENS TROY (810) 528-2630 ST CLAIR SHORES GIBRALTARN (810) 465-4140 (810) INTERNAL n4-4080 SERYICE FUND BUDGET REQUIREMENTS Motor Vehicle Fund WOTkmen'~Compematlon BUJldmg Autoonly TOlal Inlemal Service (313) 881.3351 (810) 465.7310 400000 1.600,000 2625,000 1~8 000 _))1,000 4904,000 V,dler GROSSE POINTE (313) 526-0800 FUND BUDGET REQUIREMENTS Parkmg Fund Celluar offer IS fOlnew Amer~echcustomers on selected rale plans only Pager offer reqUires new aC1rvallOn and one monlh of airtime Other restr cllOnsapply Sales taxes e><1ra SaleprICesgood 1I1ru5112/96 DETROIT 546 000 7~1 000 2~O 000 __ 7\0Q0 1,076.000 Grand Total All Fund~ H 640,800 A copy of thc propo~d hudget will be available for m~pecllon dunng regular bU~Jne~~hOIlr<;at the office of Ihc Clly Admml,tralor Puhlle comment, oral andfor "nllen wllllJe welcome at the public heanng on thc afore,ald propo~d Gcneral Fund Budget and the vanou~ olhcr Fund Budgel~ Peter A. Thomas (, PN 0'109/% ,- j o C",'y Admlnl~tralor ... "'A ' ~" .. '. ";:-;- '--' - • May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News 5A VILLAGE FOOD HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSl 18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 - Fax 884-8392 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect May 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 .. 1'-1 ~T' I • ; A-COLUMBIAN (. SUPREMO REQ.W $669 LB. ~~ COLUMBIANSUPRiMO $699 ~ ~ .". DECAFFEIUTiD LB. COKE PRODUCTS ggce +DEP .JUMBO 2 LITERS 2 FOR 88. 28. LB. 38. LB. ICEBERG LEnUCE FRESH PEPSI PRODUCTS BANANAS ce 2 LITERS SUPER SWEET SEEDLESS WATERMELONS CREEN 4 FOR 98. ONIONS FRESH LEMONS or LIMES FRESH SQUEEZED 4 YOUR CHOICE •••••••••••••••••••• 98 FOR $ 68 FLORIDA 2 ORANGE JUICE. ACID FREE................. • 112 CAL. L .. C> 1'-1 ~ ~ IVI C> 1'-1 T ....~ Whole BEEF TENDERLOINS •.•.••••••••••••$4.87 lb. Boneless SIRLOI N STEAK .••••••••••••••••••••••$3.99 lb. GROUND ROUND .•••••••.•••••••.••••$1.49 lb. or 4 Ibs $5.50 HAMBURGER PATTIES 5 lb. Bag $7.99 Our Marinated BBC) RIBS••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $3.99 Cajun, Belgium, polish SAUSAGE $1.99 Extra Lean BABY BACK RIBS •••••••.••••••••.••••$3.89 WHOLE FRYERS •••••••••••••..••.••.•.•.89et lb. lb. lb. lb. FRESti SEAFOOD TRY FOLEY FRESH FISH ON THE IIQ THIS WEEK ~ MOM "CIVE A REAL TREAT' CHEESECAKE $ 99 From '"The Cheesecake Shoppe" 5 SANDWICH BUNS WITH SESAME SEEDCS°BRUNS 8 P'.CK ONION SANDWI H " BUY 1 eET 1 FREE SPRINC MADNESS I NEWt , 'i FRENCH WINE $6 99 [iJ ~ i () SAVE $5.00 AMERICAN WIN, RY 01, f1-l1:. YF.AR ~WLl 750 ML A great blend of flne Napa & cameros \ r=:I"'"-J $179 '-<'~- ~ gal. ("I _ 750 mi. SAW $2 20 79(t $3 CABERNET $S SAVE $9 SAUVICNON 750 ml. $ 599 150ml. BLANC $479 e _,.... ~$ SLICED BACON In Dairy section 9g $1S9 DUCKS UNLIMITED & GAMAY $599 PEANUT BUTTERCUPS NOIR $ ..... as 750ml SAVE $5 20 DEER VALLEY CALIFORNIA VARIETALS :-~ $449 SAVE $1.50 MerIOt750ml mi. $ 99 MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL C3bemet sauvl no" WALNUT $599 $649 $2~~1. 5.0 ~LITER _GrONCIM __ BOX WINES $__ 99 CIIIJIM"'" ....VI $SCO , GALLO VERMOUTH sweet & DrY SAVE $1.50 750 ML. ANDRE CHAMPAGNES SAVE$2 00 2 FOR •.... IIS BORDEN'S JUICE ,.~!~ fr~ an: $199 fUlIi1 - 24 $600 GRANDS ROt'. car-I CInIl ItoII YOUR CMOlCE 16 9 oz COnAGE CHEESE $..... 89 Clrd. small curd. Lite YOUR 0l0ICE 24 01 Large .~ ,I rolg"e,:rs(~-...... COFFEE • S09'"OW MI ~8602 1517) 792 091~ 18001968 3~56 fo' 1517) 7922421 emol dmglOcrscom SEQUENCE 399 ~ I 26 SWISS MISS ~ .~ =~~:pLemon strawlM!rry Y!)UR CHOICE 4 PACK KID 5 FAVOIllTE IN TIlE DAIRY SECTION vanilla. 2 .. $4~padc BORDEN'S HOMOGENIZEDMILK 091/2 gal. $1 . JIO>,._ ..-- Homestyle Orange Pure Premium Crovestand 99' .~. Milk Chaco FOR ~::u~ed$199 .. 64 OZ. IN DAIRY SECTION YOUR CHOice 01. SNACK PACKS .........JI_ CCMlI'OI:A" 0fIItCIIt 804 5 Ham,"on -. - PertclRet. ADC YOUR CHOICE $ $3.49 lb. $3.69 lb. $7.39 lb. TROPICANA JUICES DOVE BARS STIX $152~ack OZ. JARLSBURGSWISS GORCONZOLA CHAMPICON or CAMB020LA PILLSBURY Kid's Favorite HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY AII1VP" • ~ $279 {."" FROZEN FRESH CHERRIES SAVE $3. PETER VELLA __ _ BACK AT VILLAGE FOOD CREST ~ sauvtlnGft 1'-tC. CIUInIClrNUIY. c....- ~ 1 S LIter $An $2.50 PLOCH MAN SOUEEZE MUSTARD Finl!'5~Qu.tI'''' FRESH fROM OUR. CHEESE COlMER 69~dol. EL PASO zt=S~s SAVE $1.50 THREE SEEDED BREAD •••••••••$1.39 loaf BREAD PUDDING ..••••••••••••••••••.$1.79 lb. BROWNIES •••.•.•••••••••••••••••••..•.49et each MINI.PIES •••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••79et each GRADEAALARGEEGGS .$,:9 ,,I 1 I $129can REFRIEDBEANS ". "NEW'" 12 UNIOUE DIFFERENT LABELS DEER JOHN 6 pack OrtgIMI. Fat Free. VIO Style YOUR CMOlCE 16 01 WHITE ZINFANDEL 750 PITTEDBLACK OLIVES NEW' SIIVE$3 00 CHARDONNAY I Hoffman"S HARD SALAMI.. ••.••$3.99 lb. Sara Lee CHICKEN BREAST ...• $3.99 lb. Mozzarella Cheese ••••••••••••••..$2.99 lb. HAMILTON WEST VIRGINIA SAVE $2.20 can :sectkln YOUR CHOICE or PELEE ISLAND WINERY ChardonnaY. FIneans eu-. PInot NOlr. Lt. Harvest E~ $4I29 Shepllel'd'S _~_, Jumbo, colassal SAVE $5.00 lb. .1 MEAT PIES • DELLALO EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL lb. lb. PINESOL ORIGINAL OR LEMON YOUR CHOICE COLIVITA SAVE $4.00 DRY RIESLING .JO RIESLING 750 ml $:2 Ib• 99. $1S92S0Z. ALL FLAVORS YOUR CHOICE 59 1/2 gal. lb. CHARMIN umJtecl QUantltles 41'1'* LOWFAT ICE CREAM so SAUVIGNON 99 U::lI' MORTIMER CHARDONNAY $799 . qt. HEALTHY CHOICE CHATEAU STE. MICHELLE 150mi. :. HALF AND HALF Grosse polnf:e's #'1 sellerJ extra DrY. Bl'lIt Gr8nc1 Reserve, 79 White Z1_"del. Blush & and Develned 1~~' . peel~d HRIMP 36-40'ct .•. :•••........... $10.99 .-e . .- . WHITE TISSUE 10 01. pliO SEALTEST • fruit COOK"S CHAMPAGNE ......... II Foods SWORDFISH ••••••••.•••••••••••••.•••$10.99 S $9 99 FRESH TUNA TEAK................ SALMON STEAK ••.•••••••••••••••••••$6.99 $ CRAB LEeS ••••••••••:.•••.••.....••..••• 9.99 BREAD Garlic. p MOzzarella Frozen 1/'"'01 ,.1'0 MILK /------, (i SAVE $2.00 CIwdonn.y $lUU:t~T fiiil $1099 ~E-.QUOIA GROVE-. COLES ART~IAN BORDEAUX SACRE BLUE j each Now Available at Vllldlle Food Fresh RomanOff caviar. Flown In every 48 Hours by order only. see Kerl for pricing _ .... BORDEN'S 69~ SOURCREAM Co Fresh Non.Fat YOUIl' CHOICE "" 16 01 Engler & Dole face similar '96 problems ov John Engler and Sen Bob Dole have sImIlar - some mIght say Identical - problems as they head mto the 1996 presIdential and VIce preSidentIal campaigns Dul" 1:> oelllg U il,lUlOO for trying to rule the agenda for the GOP Congress as the Senate majOrIty leader, whIle also runmng for the presIdency Engler, we're beIng told, IS haVIng trouble wIth hIS GOP legislative agenda at home as he trIes to keep alJve hIS VIce presidential hopes Those problems do not rule out a GOP VICtory m November, assuming Engler becomes Dole's runmng mate, but theIr legIslative posItIons tend to create problems whlCh may damage theIr hopes for G .- Opinion November GOP congressIOnal leaders for several weeks have been pOIntmg to Dole's pro!>l",m:> With Ill:> Jouule uUluen, dna ::>ome have even suggested he could run bettel' If he handed the majority leader's job to a trusted heutenant So far, Dole has not even discussed hIS predIcament pubhcly but he must be aware of It, especIally after some of hIS more progressIve Repubhcan colleagues have broken WIth him on Important legislatIOn But in Engler's case, two members of The DetrOIt News Lansmg bureau, Kenneth Cole and Mark Hornbeck, last week offered theIr readers a hst of legIslative examples where Engler's GOP heutenants refused to buy hiS Ime FOI eXdlllple, tlley pOInted out • Engler's plan to tap $25 milhon from the state's land trust fund to bankroll pollutIOn cleanups crashed and burned • The Senate boosted the governor's proposed school spendIng proposal by $100 mIlLIon • Engler's adult education cuts face tough hurdles In the House • HIS tax-free Renaissance zones are buried m committees • GOP lawmakers complain about the governor's inSistence on tryIng to tie the , , " t< r'r RobertG Edgar Publisher Robert B Edgar Founderand Publisher (1940-1979) Gros~ Pointe News .' fiscal '97 budget to federal welfare reforms that haven't been approved m CongI ess and probably never Will be Why does the governor face legislative defiance, accordIng to The News? He's an absentee governor who has spent too much tIme m Washington, DC, dnd other remote places domg natIOnal political chores That arouses resentment and probably envy even among GOP legIslators Some even say, The News reported, that the governor IS gettmg bored WIth the l>Ldte 1l>l>Uel>, el>pecldlly after deahng WIth the natIOnal Issues that may decIde the November natlOnal electIon In fact, you can't blame hIm for haVIng that ObVlOUShuman reaction The governor's aIdes tend to scoff at the crItiCIsm, pomt out that much of It occurs just In the course of a day's work, and remInd readers that there always IS a certaIn amount of tension between legIslatIve and admInistratIon leaders. But WIll such crItIcal reactIons affect the 1996 election? They could ., Vol. 57, No. 19, May 9, 1996, Page 6A CLASSIfIED 88U900 An1M' MulAfnn 511\1.1 Manag('r Fun \~Iilrd:0k ASSIstant Clrculahon John Mmnis Edttorand General Manager (313) 343 5590 Fe-alure EdItor 341 5~94 ChlKk KJonke/Sportt; Edltor 143-5593 Wilbw EJston l:dltonal Wnlu '\4'>-5597 Ct00C8e F uttuop Copvedltor Qup Qu.pman. Siaff Wnter 341.5:>95 Shuley McSlune Staff Wnler 341-5591 JoImfs M SIIc-kfoN; Staff Wnter 3-n-5592 The .. L W ...lker Photographer Betty Brossea.u Proofreader Id~a8~~:.rr Shirley Chei'k Meloinle Moihonev Rick Poinsse Julie TObm B.arb.,na Y.azbec:k VeUu.ckil" Cop:!>ultant o RCULATJOf\ Dl'bor.ah G~n5:~anagt!r JoAnne Dura!"; Consultanl DISPLAY "DVERTISliIoG ll62-l500 Roger B Hages, A;.hertlc;mg Managpr KIm M Kozlo'" ski A~sl50lanlto the Ad~N1l:SlngMandgt>t Pe-I~r J Blrkner Ad \I;' Rip«,~nlal1v{, l.mds.ay J Kachel AdHrtlSJhg Repri'~ntahH K..1thleen M Slevenson. A (,hertlsmg RepresentativE' M.ry Ellen VoinDusen., and CRE"T1VE SERVICES MID PRODUCfION 1l62-6090 Qutes Kra ~ner. 1'w1anagt'r VoIl.n, En(hfff AS5OCIal(' Manager Sy.ste-InS and ProdudlOn Shawn Muter, Assooalt' Manager Art Direction and Commumcahonr. She-rryEmnd Diane- Morelh Dlml Riddle PII Tipper Milrk Ba.rrows Ad\ Represenlahvt' 'l •• 'hmbtr \{J(;h an Prns ....sSOC'1.111OJ'l ~ '-lhmW 't'WSpapt'r ASSOOi1hon AsSI5~~1CI~~~f~~~~J1age" ' M mg educatIonal and management Issues, and," the statement contmued, "has demonstrated experience as a 'bridge bUilder' in the role as public trustee on the hbrary' board. "He proVIdes thoughtful answers WIth sincerity and clarIty" In recommending Ryan, the commIttee added the following"Jack Ryan IS a persuaSive, dynamic and charIsmatIc speaker who displays confidence and courage m hiS conVlctlOns ''He demonstrates an open-mInded and proactive approach to problem solvmg, IS energetic about gettmg to know all of the community, and is acnvely explOring legIslative options to school Issues. "Jack has a background that uniquely balances teaching and bus mess and has broad-based community service mvolvement." The Network's executive board, representing just over 200 members, delegated its endorsement responsibilities to a candidate evaluation committee. A committee of 13 developed a written questIonnaire to assist the process, with five members of the comrmttee making the fmal recommendations for endorsements. The Grosse Pomte News compliments the Network for haVIng done an excellent job of evaluating the five candIdates and makIng its recommendatIOns This newspaper, however, will not make Its endorsements until after It completes its own interviews with all of the candidates. It also will carry news reports on each of the candidate's interviews. Winter reluctant to leave us W mter seemed determmed to keep Its Icy grip on Michigan and the Grosse Pomtes last week, raismg the question of whether Mother Nature had misfiled our scheduled spnng. By week's end, the temperature dipped back into the 50s, after an earher run Into the 60s had raIsed hopes that winter might have spent Itself m southeastern MIchigan In the Upper PenInsula, Marquette last Wednesday set a new seasonal snowfall record that exceeds the 243 8 mches set durmg the 1981-82 season, and, the weather bureau reminded us, It was stIll snoWIng In the skllng areas, however, the seasons were extended, WIth The DetrOIt News reportmg that SkI Brule, an Iron RIver slope In the Upper PenInsula, still had a four-foot base and planned to be open last weekend Boyne MountaIn m CharlevoIX County also had snow enough last weekend for skiing in May for the first tIme m 48 years, the paper 5Bld In the Pomtes, the 30s and 405 were the domInant weather figures until the end of the week, when ram and shghtly hIgher temperatures finally arrived Even 70degree forecasts were made for the end of the current week. To date, however, the Pomtes have escaped the terrific Winds and even the cyclones that ravaged parts of the MIdwest and Southwest In recent weeks Unfortunately, as Mark Twam once saId, everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anythIng about It, here or elsewhere Economy rises & so do fears T WO recent SignS of optimism on the economIc front - the 2 8 percent growth of the natIOnal economy In the first quarter of 1996 and an mcrease of 1 percent m wages and salaries m the same perIOd - were promptly offset by fears of Inflation and a Federal Reserve move to keep a tight rem on credIt As a result, whIle Clinton adminIstration offiCIals promptly took credit for reVIVIng the economic expanSIon, holders of both stocks and bonds feared the conseqUE>ncesand saw declInes on Wall Street In the values of both If predIctions of contInued growth prove I 0 correct, however, Clinton could be campaigning thIS fall With low unemployment, flSlng Incomes and modest InflatIOn which would be dIfficult for GOP nomInee Bob Dole to offset However, It'S too early In the preSidential campaign to make predictIOns about whether the ImprOVIng economy Will play a role In fact, there could be a turnaround before November that mIght benefit Dole Yet for people concerned about theIr wages and Income generally, both occurrences In the first quarter offered hope for further Improvement Whether these early reports wdl be borne out later IS still In the lap of the gods Letters News blamed for mysterious letter writer 1b the Editor: Mr MInnIS, thanks for your timely response to my InquJrles of April 29 regardmg two of the letters In your Api'll 25 edItion As mentIOned, I was disappoInted to see the Grosse POInte News had elected to gI\e one of the five Grosse POInte school board candIdates a forum for a message to the readers - and voters The edItorIal on thiS tOPiCIn your May 2 editIOn seemed not much more than a ratlOnahzatlOn for haVIng mIstakenly VIolated a News' policy of not pubhshmg letters from candIdates or theIr supporters How unfortunate My dIsappOintment on the candIdate letter was mSlgmficant relatIve to the dismay I felt upon hearmg you confirm that the Grosse POInte News had Indeed pubhshed a letter written by someone who does not eXIst To have gIVen "J L Brown, Grosse Pomte Shores" an opportumty to ,tlr the Defer school ad m In I ,tra tor/teach ers conflIct <;tnke<;me as somewhat carele<;<; GIVenthe publicly avaIlable InformatIOn and hlsto. ry regardml?; the Def('r "ItuatlOn, there were prevlOu" un,lgTled, pO<;"lbly forged or anonvmolls/"p<;eudony. mall' communicatIOn" Didn't It <;tnke thl' New, a" peculiar that 'omeone In the Sh r)f(', ...ould have <;uch dn mll'rl'<;t In an ele mentarv 'chool In the Park? Dldn t It occur that a letter coming In, a<; con- firmed by you, WIth no address and no phone number might at least be worthy of a call to Amentech mformatlOn to see If there were an entry 10 the POIntes of any type for anyone named "J.L Brown''? I tend to agree WIth Dr Ed Shine that anonymous letters are an act of terrOl'lsm I'm sure the Grosse Pomte News does not Intend to be a vehicle for terrorism It's very dlsappoIntmg that IndiVIdual (who wrote the letter) Isn't capable of a more adult and profesSIOnal approach to conflict resolution than attemptmg to br10g public opInIOn 1Oto play on the rather pl'lvate matter of leadershlp/subordmate conflIct Harvey Weaver City of Grosse Pointe Edrtor's note Wh!le we do try to venfy letters of a SUSpLCIOUSnature, we sometLmes cannot do so under the trme constramts of publlcatron Furthermore, rf anonymous letters have been offered In the Defer sltuatron to other partres, It's news to us Also, while the mystenous "J L Brown" cannot be found, the facts In hiS (or her) letter, as far as we knau" were correct It should al~o be noted that Mr Wearer rs a member of the Grosse POinte Communzty NETWORK, a polltrcal actron group supporting two candIdates for the school board - and rot the candIdate whose letter was pnnted In response to a NeILSedltonal More letters on page 8A Give Defer a chance 1b the Editor: A recent letter In your paper ("Wake. Up, Parents," April 25) discussed Defer school and the fact that several teach. ers have requested trans. fers The letter, purportedly from a non-Defer parent, urges parents at Defer to "wake up" and support the teachers at the school In any conflict that eXIsts As Defer parents, we support the teachers, prinCIpal and staff and want only the best educatIOnal environment for our chil. dren 1b suggest that we blmdly support any IndiVidual or group Irrespective of the mel'lt of their poSitIOn IS an Insult to the mtelhgence and 10tegrity of the parents at the school Further, the author of the letter seems to assume that parents at Defer are unaware or obhVlous to the confhct at the school Nothing could be further from the truth Rather, the parents are acutely aware of thiS Issue, IncludIng receiving co'vardly anonymous letters "alert1Og" us to the Issues However, many parents, Includmg more than 200 who SIgned either one letter or sent mdlvldual letter<; to Dr Shme, believe that parents "hould not be Involved 10 Is<;ues <whether real or Inflated) between the bulldmg teachers and pnnclpal Instead, such IS<;Ues "hould be re<;olvedthrough the employment and contractual procedures that eXist To many at Defer, It See LETTERS, page 8A ,:¥! 'f A 51 if' l • 5 • * 'j~ t:~ 2 win backing for school board embers of the comparatively new Grosse Pointe Community Network last week voted unanimously to endorse Jack Ryan of Grosse Pomte Park and Steven Matthews of Harper Woods as the best qualIfied of the five candidates who have filed for the Grosse Pomte school board WIth the electIon scheduled June 10, the carnpBlgn has about a month left for the candIdates to explain their own POSItIons m what IS conSidered one of the most important school elections m the Pointes in recent years What IS at stake IS the control of the board whIch is now dIVIded 4-3 on most major Issues. The retirement of two members of the majority means the election will deCide whether the majority WIll continue to rule or whether the minority will become the new majol'lty In expressing Its support for Matthews and Ryan, the Network said that Its evaluatIOn commIttee felt that "both candIdates recognize and apprecIate the quality of our schools and the need to continuously strIve for Improvement" It added that "the candIdates each possess strong quahficatlOns and positive attributes that wlil make them assets to the school board" Then It described the two candIdates as follows "Steve Matthews IS an effective commumeator. He is artIculate, calmly rational and demonstrates a real depth of knowledge on educatIonal issues "Steve possesses a fundamental understandIng of the evaluatIon process regard- t ';, , Off-white ) eal old women do you know? ' When pushed for an actual number I undel-reported my real dge by a couple of years Does thh mean I'm gOing straight to hell? Maybe But not for thl' par tlCuldr he SometImes I put a tdsk on my To Do h~l that I've alreddy done, Just so I can eros" It off Doe~ thiS make me a pdthologleal liar? I thmk not The~e ep1sode~ of stretching the truth a bIt are v1ltlmle"" crImes We all bend the truth a tad don't we? Sometimes It" for the sake of our own or others samty, sometime" It'" for some well-deserved peace and qUiet, sometimes It'S Just to enhance our Quahty of hfe lies I've told I was recently about my age tempted to he People m their 50s are often I lift!! rliu LO a, middle aged aren't they? Meryl Streep made a good pomt m the film, "Posu.ards from the Edge" Streep was cast as Shirley McLame's daughter McLrllne's character at age 60, kept referring to her: self as middle aged "Glmme a break, mother," Streep said "How many 120- ISay ¥i1 Margie Reins Smith ;\11> May 9, 1996, Page 7A as THE HEALTHIEST IT'S BEEN 'N Lo lilt... FIGUIU:S: 1995 GOp.GROWTH RATE: 2./. ~ - ;W1tJf_fl~,,'~,,!,;IJfl/! hll'WIlI"._t'*'I\'"~\"h i 1992 GDP G~OW"H RATE (LA''T YEAR OF BUSH PReS\OE~C'() f7% 'Prayer in' the schools: Has it become an election issue? By Victor Bloom, MD I understand the Issue of prayer m the schools IS agam bemg hotly debated as we are agam facmg a school board election WIthout knowmg who IS for what, I thmk the debate would be furthered by an elaboratIOn of what IS meant by "prayer" One versIOn of prayer is one's personal dIalogue With God, m which one prays for strength or protectIOn or goodness If Gild IS love and God IS good, then one prays to be good and lOVIng, noble, courageous, generous, empathiC, compaSSIonate, forglvmg and tolerant One might seek the Lord's help to have faIth, be trustworthy, loyal, dependable, honest and true Another versIOn of prayer IS more pubhc, that IS, to repeat a known prayer out loud, m umson With others The most common prayer IS "I'he Lord's Prayer," which most Chnstlans and Jews know But thiS prayer might not be known by Moslems, Hmdus or BuddhISts Some prayers are speclfically deSignated to be directed to Jesus or Mary Others are directed to particular samts, callmg for some mtercesslOn to the problems of everyday hfe, or lookmg for a cure of an Illness or condltlon Some people actually pray for luck, luck m love or gamblmg Some might pray to wm the lottery or for the affectIOns of a particular 10ve-obJect Others might pray for success m school, hopmg for a high grade, or even a passmg grade on a final exam Others may pray to get mto a particular school or profeSSIOn, or an athletiC team, or to wm a game or a letter Some may pray for theIr 15 mmute'i of fame, or maybe 30 mmutes or longer Some may pray to get a SIgned photograph of a Hollywood ,tar or popular mUSICian, or to be accepted by the Manne Corps or overlooked by the draft, or overlooked by the Internal Revenue Service Some may pray that their MY novel WIll be pubhshed or theIr screenplay made mto a mOVIe Others pray for msplratIOn to wrIte a poem or pamt a picture or the mgenUity and skill to sculpt Others may pray for acting or musical talent or for a dancer's body or a runner's stamma A common prayer IS for health of body and mind We can see how prayer can be anythmg from a dlalog With God or a Wish for success or possessIons Most prayers are pnvate and personal, as each person's conceptIon of prayer and a dlvme presence IS different and umque And yet the debate about "prayer m the schools" IS often about the centrallssue of the separatIOn of church and state It can be seen that most prayer IS personal and pnvate, and yet much energy IS mvested on public "haws or "rehglOUS" expenence Some people attach great Importance to these public demonstrations, as If morahty Itself ISSUes from pubhc shows of what IS apparently rehglous convIctIOn Religion can be taught at home or m church, and espeCially m parochial schools. and those who are most concerned about the separatIOn of church and state mSlst that there be no rehglous experience m public schools It IS one thmg to teach about rehglOn m general m pubhc schools, as religion IS part of culture and ~oclety, and IS a prime "ource of CIVIlizatIOn It I' another thmg to enforce or promote a partIcular practice of a reh~ous nature, whIch may mclude some and exclude othel"", accordmg to per'onal relrglOus behef or non-Ix>hef A middle ground III thl" debate I" for all ~Ide'i to concede that ~ome sort of mtro"pectlVe, meditative experience may be of value m the educatIOn and clvlh7atlOn of children Therefore, what IS called a moment of "Ilent prayer, m which each child may not say anythmg out loud or m Unison, mIght be encour. r.,;t;.. :,..:: .. ::::=:! ~~~~ 80.4.s. Hom.I'on Sog now MI ~8602 I~171792093~ 18001968 3~ 56 10,1517] 792 2~n ema I dmq I O<:r ~com lhutlllnn I""n t (\lpn r )0.... 1. I don t feel good ubout thb but _ugge-tlOn" dl en't wm mdndmenh dn thlY? When my ehtldrln you e too young to ~edd dock" I 'orne times hed dbout their bed times Hey, I needld the re~t more than they did I al"o told them thdt If the) threw that piece of gum out thl car WIndow onto the expre'h- I hld I did howevu, make one of them go back Idnd ,he ~tdl Ilmernber, Ih1-1 10 pICk up an applL Wil "he pltlhed nonlhd1,lIltly out the rear dODl of our _tutlOn "agon onto d nelghbOI" drIVe'way A_ for lymg about my age how wuld 1 pO"~lbly e"pelL to get ..lway With ~ueh devlOU~ne__ rIght here In Gro,,,e POInte where I !,'Yew up, a mere mile frum the high ,chool I l,'Yddudted flom, m the Sdme ne1ghborhoud where hundreds or membel ~ of m) grdduatmg d..l" "tlll lIve? I'm 55 bo there =:=. _ The art of being neighborly 1996 IS,. QUARTER GOP GROWTH RA'TE. 2.8% / rnntt ** .... l RECENT CLINTON COMMERCE DEPARTM.ENT 'DECADESI OJ Uk fJd ~vU l,.V "'"lW1U )0 vu J1~J hed I ~u"pected she didn't have any "pecldllIe-detectlng power, but belause of her I've never been comfortable lymg ]" It lYing when you buy a bathing SUit With some foamrubber uh ""haper," In"lde the bodICe? I thmk not No wor"e than uSlllg ma"cara and hp~tlck, or tc~U !~_i * * POLITICS THE ECONOMV Ul.J larly, beginning when I wa~ abou t 4 year, old She "ald she could tell when I wa" telhng a he "StIck out your tongue," "he'd say "If It has a black stnpe on It, you're lymg" She alwdYs knew When I went to the mIrror to check out the "tflpe, she saId the eVIdence could only be seen Wd) I would _top thl C<1I,turn around dllve balk, and make thlm glt out .lnd pllk It up The Op-Ed Page Grosse Pointe News PRES. CLINTON: IliuL.U,--t ~ ndil poli'h 01 wlonng your hdll 0" fOl thdt matte" U'Ing dwdOl ant My dOlto! hl' to ml "hUl he 'ay, 1'hl- may lolU,e ,orne dl~LOmfOJt PantYhlhl tnanuf..lltUlll' hl "hln thl) bl dg l nl 'Ill lih all ' Sometlnll' whe!' I m told whdt mv ,uggl,tld dOI1<ltI<Jn' ,hould be It I-n t Often m) aged, Without harm to anyone This way, each child has an opportumty, not to be Judged by anyone, to use the tIme to hiS or her advantage For those few who feel that school prayer IS a burnmg Issue, and of great and grave Importance, let them ask the candIdates for the school board electIOn to give theIr opmlOn as to what IS prayer, what do they mean by prayer m the pubhc school, and to state why they beheve It IS 1) an Important Issue, 2) what they mean by ''prayer" and 3) why It should be or not be promoted m the pubhc schools And then, In conSideratIon of these answers, let the voter vote accordmg to hlS or her own conscIence And I pray that the Issue Will be resolved WIth a mlmmum of hard or hurt feelings, and that neIther Side Will exaggerate the Importance of Its cause Dr Bloom IS a psychlatnst practIcing In Grosse Pomte Park He IS clinICal associate pmfessor In the Department of Ps)chlatry, Wayne State Unwerslt) School of MediCine, and a LIfe-Fellow of the Amencan Psychlatnc AsSOCiation Write on Columll1"t Ken Eatherly pre "Cnc" a 'Ix-week writer" workshop on Wednesdaj~, May 15 ,June 19, from 7 to 9 p m at the War Memorial The cla~, cover' the wrltmg process from inSpIratIOn to mechalllcs, to polr.hmg the finI~hed manu'cnpt for pubhcatlOn Eatherly paccs the cia'to the student'" mdIVldual need" No prevll)u~ tramlng I' reqUIred In additIOn to hIS "fVl' col umn, whIch appear, weekly In the Gros.e Pomte New~, Eatherly IS also a UIllVel""lty mstructor and book edItor The cia", fee I" $150 Advance reg I,tratwn I" ,ugge<;ted For addItIOnal informatIOn, call (3131881-7511 Sometimes the thmgs the City'S Susan Shipman has to do surprises even her Itke the time she diScovered she really needed to close the gate m the yard of a house on Ridge Road Problem bemg, shle didn't know who lIVed there "1 didn't want to trespass, so I rang the billl of the house to dsk permISSIOn," Susan says "A woman's vOIce saId, 'Come m,"' recalls Susan, who was taken aback by the SituatIOn "I saId, 'But I'm a complete strangerl' and the woman told me to come In anyway" Once inSide, Susan explamed that she was an artist who wanted a better look at the oma te Iron ga te for a work she was contemplatmg "She told me to 'go for It,' so I did," says Susan The result IS "My"tenes With Roots II," a large framed mixed-media on paper pIece dIsplayed WIth 26 other works (three of them based on POinte scenes) by the artIst at the Stephanie Crawford. fiancee of Darren deSmyter Ashley-Chris Gallery on .-eceives the "Grosse Pointe News Blooper Prize" from her Kercheval In the Park, untIl future mother-in-law. Doreen Lee, May 30_ They're not Scotch about the French Twenty-one young Pomte students left for Epmal, France, at the end of Apnl and Judy Weber, who's helpmg WIth the French/American Back-to Back exchange program, has lots of good thmgs to say about the generoslty of local people and orgalllzatlOns High on her hst of t hose who gave Items the group's adult teachers, Darcy MellenSullivan and Steve Guli an , took as gifts for the French host families are Karen Frohlich, of J.P.'s Hallmark, Sandy Gillespie, of Somethi ••g Special, Danielle Inc. and Pointe Pedlar Also, after reading her appeal III FYI, many folk, chipped m to donate souventr~ of Amenca for the 27 French chlldren who VISited the Pomte" Judy says Too many to mentlOn them all here. but thl" top give .... mciudpd David and Laurie Strachan, of the G.P. Symphony (mk pen') Don Wood of Wood Motors (T "hlrt'), Jerry Lock (1996 Atlanta Olvmplc~ lapel pm"), Dr. Patrick Latcham (tooth. bru~he'), and Bon Secours Hospital Hote ba1(l' and key cham tla,hllghtsl A slight hitch in the plan Stephanie Crawford may be engagld to DarrE'n deSmyter, but after what happ<'ned la't week, fe\\ would blame her for haVing '.i:-------"...~i-----.~,'. :::JiiIIj;J;;;....... '~'r p SEQUENCE reservatIOns about whether everythmg IS gomg to go smoothly It's bad enough that she somehow wound up at the wrong shower (for a friend of her IIltended's family) and got through the salad course before the lady III charge See FYI, page 9A I• I I I I I I Letters 8A Letters by the many attacks at .peakmg engagement, by the oppo,ltlOn a, to u, bemg negatne We are a b'WUP only mtere.ted m what I> be"t for our commu'llty It seems that &.nyone who pomts out potentIal or probable problem" has been branded a, negatIve and a " From page 6A appe.1l' that the major problem I> that a few people are .1ttempllng to Interfelt' and conti olthe admm l,tl.1t1OO of Defel ~chool r1"'l""r~rlAf'n ......... f., ..... ~ May 9.1996 Grosse Pointe News .('3"" ;.l.-o':l'::'~1 aod obJ;ctlve ;;v;e~ prOle~~ to examme the alleg-ed conf1lct~ at the ~lho()J eV.1]uate the ment<, and offel <,olut1On~, ,orne feel t hat l~~umg ultlmatunh ~preadmg mlsmformatlOn and asslgnmg blame l~ the appropnate method to resolve the conflIct. ~iUg _ J. However, If he IS redlly mterested m pubhclllng facts where Wd" he when the fdCt, of the ca,e were fir~t unfoldmg~ As late a, Decembel 1995, Cal Thoma" In dn edltoTlal ob,erved that the New yO! k Time" and the Washington Po,t, the dn\ Ing lorces behmd Watergate and the ultImate re"lgnatlOn of a pI e~ ldent, were "not yet fully awake' with respect to WhItewater He also quoted Chuck Colson "the press doe~n't have the same ammo.lty It had toward NIxon" nl~ lh obVIOusly a flaw m those who Vle\\ u" as <,uch OPPOSitIOn IS the very foundatIOn to credible re~ults, and educators and their supporters should welcome all trams of thought A future Without thiS forum IS a bleak one and leads to controlled enVironments, such as speCIal-Interest control vs equIty resul ts Our future should, and the ConstitutIOn does embrace, our kmd of thmkmg If there IS gomg to be a future at all, we must encourage all POints of vIew We believe such tactIcs are deplorable and should not be tolerated Certamly, we \\ ould not allow our chIldren to act m that manner Most parents at Defer support an orderly process, fundamental fair play and belIe\ e that the SItuatIOn at Defer IS entitled to a full and faIr rev\Cw before parents are urged to choose slde~ or otherwise Interfere m the process Kathy and Steve Lang Grosse Pointe Park Robert J. Duquet Pointe Farms Concerned Citizens/Grosse Pointe Taxpayers Association Media ignoring Whitewater Deen forum? To the Editor: According to the news, some parents are unhappy WIth the prmclpal at Defer, who m turn has sent letters to some parents threatening to sue them for defamatIOn of character as a result of their dissatIsfactIOn With some fundmg at Defer Thachers bemg dissatisfied and a prmclpal sendmg threatemng letters that she may have taken action on IS clearly flags up As a Concerned Cltlzen and Grosse Pomte Taxpayers AsSOCiatIOn member, m my opmlOn, much of thiS information should have surfaced far sooner than now I am personally appalled The source IS Anthony LeWIS of the New York TImes Back m February 1994, the well-respected British news magazme, The Economist, crItiCized the Amencan press for not paymg attentIOn and bemg "pecuharly mhlblted in their coverage" of WhItewater Mr LeWIS emanates from the left SIde of the aisle. To the Editor: Now that the filIng dead Ime to be a candidate for state representatIve IS fast upon us, I would hke to thank all the people that mqulred dbout my poSSible candidacy and offered suptJUJ t lIuwcveJ, aitel Jong consultatIOn With famIly and frIends, I have decIded not to be a candIdate for state representatIve thIS year Although deeply concerned about the Important Issues faCing our commumty, I realIze that I cannot launch a full-throttle campaign and contmue to move forward m my very challengmg and demandmg career as a publIc finance attorney With a local law firm My Job which Involves representmg over 80 mUnICipalities, requires extensive travel around the state and would hinder my abl1lty to campaign and meet WIth the people of the 1st District I was truly humbled by the large number of peo_ ple that expressed an mterest m my potential candIdacy and offered adVIce and support durmg my declslon-malung process I espeCially want to thank Rep Bryant, whose adVice and counsel I hIghly value, for hiS early support and understandrng m whatever decISIon I finally reached. As we go to the polls thiS summer to elect local, county and state representatives, I hope we all real.Jze what a speCial place the Pomtes are and the many sacnfices people have made to. bve m thIS communIty and benefit from ItS many offermgs I rem au, deeply commItted to proteetmg our fine schools by always puttmg our chIldren first and Improvmg the quall ty of a wonderful resource that we have been entrusted With LIlke • ~ f I \~ ... 11 AI Hunt, rn a Wall Street Journal pIece, tnes to pale WhItewater next to IranContra He also attempts to shIft the spotlIght from Chnton to D'Amato TIme magazine's cover story 011 the subject meluded prominently enlarged quotes throughout such as "no eVIdence of cnmmaltty" and others With a sympathetiC tone toward the woes of the first lady Marc Gunther m the DetrOit Free Press quotes a producer for a prIme-time network, "I'd get kIlled If I tned to do an hour on WhItewater" Grosse To the Editor: In hiS APfllll Sldehnes"Whitewater report Ignored?" Wilbur Elstoll notes the downplaymg of an mvestlgatlOn c1earmg the Cllntons of charges m failed savmgs and loan associatIOns He wonders If the Washmgton press corps IS Simply trymg to brmg down another U S preSIdent Not running In other words, Mr Elston, I would say you may rest at ease If thiS president IS brought down, It WIll not be by the major news services They have chosen either to aVOId the Issue or to couch It as mnocuous Most of the experts dIffuse guilt - even as nme people have pled guilty That Webster Hubbell pled guilty to felony charges and Bernard Nussbaum, the White House counsel, resigned after preventmg an FBI search of Vmce Foster's office doesn't seem to matter ThiS medIa IS making sure of It Joseph N. Jennings Jr. City of Grosse Pointe 8t ClaIr I hope that I can remam actIve m our community even though I do not hold publIc office Peter S. Ecklund Jr. Grosse Pointe Park Recyclers say thanks mUnlty The GrQl;se POInte Board of Realtors als! de"erves a specldl thank you for the dl,play ad Ul the Homes of DlstmctlOo pubhcatlOn We applaUd their support of the BME (and the upcomIng May 18 Hazardous Waste (',-.llo To the Editor: On behalt of Grosse Pomte Cltlzen~ for Recyclmg, I want to thank all of the resIdent" servIce groups, local busmesses and offiCIals 111 our SIX(,Itle~ for theIr enthusIasm and ~upport of our seventh annual BUlldmg Matenals Exchange on Apnl 27 Over 400 cars VISIted thiS free "recychng" event at Salter Park In particular, I'd lIke to thank the Grosse Pomte News for publtclty on the event All local groups count on thIS paper to make contacts WIth people m our com- .f,ro,..,' JS 'C"• .cnt;:, vf Interest to home buyer, and sellers and the general community Fmally, a speCIal note of appreCiatIOn goes to the City of Harper Woods a, host of the event, and to the many volunteers who pitched m to help plan the event, get the word out and help out that day With your continued help, we'll be back for another BUlldmg MaterIals Exchange next sprIngi Carol Osborne, President Grosse Pointe CitizeIlf for Recycling A Special Gift For Mom. A Beautiful Floral Umbrella WIth A Minimum Lladro Purchase Of$150, n '\ J IqjICtul ( UrJll Ille I uur Ifll ~[orL prll r t mlJrd!,i coJJ\ George Koueiter & Sons Jewelers 21043Mack (CO~ ofMack & Ros»P)~~f'.oods 1\882 - 111U 5 blocksNonhofVe/lllel8el\mn 8 &~~lle Rd Family Dwned and operated smce 1968 M-F 10-6, Thurs 10-8, Sat 10-5 NOTICE OF LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION FOR THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM, WAYNE COUNTY. MICHIGAN TO THE QUALIFIED DISTRICT: ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL Please take nOllce that the Annual Elecllon of The Grosse Pomte PublIc School Syslem, Wayne County, MIchIgan, WIl! be held In the School Dlslnct on Monday, June 10, 1996 Section 1052 of ACI 451, Public Acts of Michigan. 1976, proVides as follows • The In~peclors of election al any annual or speCIal electIOn shall nOIreceive Ihe VOleof a person reSIding In a reglsirallon school dlstnci whose name I~ not regIstered as an elector In the clly or town~hlp In whIch Ihe per,on reSides or "ho~e namc IS nol In the registratIOn file In Ihe precinci In which the pcrson offers 10 \ote when CIty or township registration record, are used In school electIOns as proVided In seclIon 1053 " THE LAST DAY on whIch persons may regIsler WIth Ihe Clerk of the TownshIp or Cay In which Ihey reSide In order to be elIgIble to \Ole at the Annual EleclIon 10 be held on June 10. 1996, IS Monday, May 13. 1996 Persons reglslenng afler 500 PM, Easlcm Dayhght T,me on Monday, May 13 1996. are not elIgIble to \Ole at Ihe Annual Election Under the pro\ ISlons of Act 451 PublIc Acts of MIchIgan, 1976, regl'trallons Will not be taken by school offiCials, and only persons who have regIStered as general elector~ WIth the Clerk of Ihe CIty (OrTownshIp In whIch Ihey reSide, or through regl~tratlOns at a Secretary of State Dn\cr's License Bureau, are regl<tered <chool eleclor~ Per~ons planning to regIster WIth Ihe re~pectl\e City or Township Clerks must ascertain the days and hour~ on which the Clerk s Office" open for regIstration Reg"tratlOn of unrcg"tcred quallhed elector~ of the School DI~tnct "Ill be received at the fol1o,,"mg pldce~ What could be better? The loans you're looking for at speCIal low rates, With qUIck approvals. So stop by Or, If you're really In a hurry, give us a call and we can give you an answer right there and then And ask how you get an even better deal With First of America ConnectIons What's more, we'll waive all Home EqUity clOSing costs and applicatIon fees If you apply before July 1st, 1996. 11.11 I loan .. It I' !out; P< ~ '" ...,.."", to c elj 1 ;'lpp 0.../1 y,,:tw-_'_FO_r I (( 1J .. ~rlo \" It'jl' 1" ....... .!.. Pay~e,,! f~ulr r'K HOllS ~ "c pa uoes P ro "9 le 1e , fi) I "l1e-resl Sri" p Il ~A: J 0: "",I i" ~"" ";,"fI no '-e ocn!o _'9__""'_'_"",,_0_" Rale-!!I!!IUb}8Cl'0 r~~nge 'N~uf __fD_D_,,_,._._,,_'~~e lrom _" _' _f ~ not~e ~t Hnme EQuty OHel ,m led 10 r"!('W 0111(\5 oPJIrld 1 aoo_~_"_4~ ~_'_9'l6_F ~Ol Ame It.a r\rreoPJlHS ~ 15 00') 81t111 C_O _00_"_100_" or mor. _ Re"denl' of Ihe Cll~ of Gro,se Pomle Park 'hall register at thc office of the Clerk of the Cay of Gro~~e POinte Park I ~11~ Fa~t Jcffer,on AI enue Cltv of Gro~~e Pomte Park • 'VIILhlgdn " 2 RC'ldent' of the c.t~ of Gru"c Pomk ,hdll regt'ter al the office of Ihc Clerk of the Cay of Gro,~e Poml!' 17147 Vlaumce Cay of Gro"e Pomte. MIChigan RC<Jdem, of the Clly of Grosse Pomte rarm, shall regl,ter at the office of the Cler~ of the Cily of Grn,~e Pomtc bnm 90 Kcrhy Road CII~ of LJro,'>CPomtc Fanns, Michigan .; RC<Jdcnt' of Ihc ('11\ of Gro~~e Pomle Wood~ 'hall rcgl~tcr at thc office of the Clerk of the Clt\ of Gro,~e Pomtc Woods, 20025 Mack Avenue CIt~ of Gro~<;ePomte Wood' MIchigan Re~lden" of the ('ay of Harper Wood, <hall register at the office of the Cleek of the City of Harper Woods. 196 17 Harper Avenue City of Harper Woods, MichIgan 6 Re~lderm of the TO,,"n<hlp of Gro"e Pomte <hall register at the office of the Clerk of the Towrshlp of Gro~se Pomte, 795 Lakc~hore Dnve VIllage of Gros,e POinte Shore" Michigan Th" nOille " gl\ cn hy ordcr of the Board of Education 01 the Gro"o Pomte '\chool 'iy'tcm Wayne Counly MichIgan Daled 0411~/9(, G P N O~/02I9() & O~/09I9() Frank J. Siaden, Jr. Secrctary Board of Education , I o , 'r A Ie PreSl FYI John Minnis' office where her mom-to-be, Doreen Lee, was lymg m Walt to present her with a surprise basket of flowers Even m fun, we don't want to encourage thiS sort of thing At first, all the victim of the Joke could say was, "Oh, my GOO" Aft!;!1llli Lfilb, are you bull willing to marry mto the family, I asked "Yes," said Steph "Now It's payback time" son, Rudolph Stonisch III, of Is the mlOd beparate from the Farms, was there to accept the brain? Cdn artlfiual mtelh gence be achIeved? the award From page 7A HIS dad, noted as "a tremenThese and slml1ar questlon5 dous supporter of the school," Will be probed 10 depth by talked to her and she realized died thiS February WSU neuro,sclence prof Ben she had gone to the Mountain The elder Mr Stomsch was a Haddad and hl5 sons, Pomte Jack restaurant on Eight member of the 2000 SOCiety,a high school grads William mstead of the one near Mount group of generous alumm who (GPHS 1968) and David Clemens. and stumbled a~r(1~. III ~n!;! l aL!;! t>O" ~'Omml~Lt;!{I LIl!;!1l (GPSHS 1974) Haddad start8 shower bemg given at the finanCial aid to the school Ing next Monday, May 13, on same time through the year 2000 the World Wide Web What "Steph's" future dadThe NeuroNet three-week Another Farms reSident was, Chris Lee, dId when he also present to receive anAlum public onlme conference at found out about her goof might of the Year award m April - http //www fieldmg edu wlll have told her somethmg He Dr. Edward J. Shumaker, an draw together partiCipants got his buddy, Bob associate professor emeritus at from Europe, the Far East and Schaltenbrand, to call her Just about anywhere else to WSU's School of MedICine and say she had won a prize for When Rudolph Stonisch address the questIOn, "How the "Blooper of the Week" was honored by U of D Jesuit does consciousness arise from FYI's not reveahng too many High School as one of the bram matter or slhcon matter," details of how she ended up m Alumm of the Year last month and IS open to anyone With Groll8e Pointe News editor at the Detroit Golf Club, his Internet access 1M. Honors for honorable men Catching the mind in The Web join us every Tuesday for Joe Muer's Lobster Night! 88 Kercheval Ave. Grosse Pointe Farms -..1i 1\Dl.~R 885-4028 •• $10.95 per person includes: come fir~t.~(ned ba5!b However, late ldn<.ellatwn, and no 5hows u,ualJv make beveral WIndow~ .1\ dIldble around noon for any chlld who did not preregl~ter On Sdturday, May 11, Gro"be POinte Elementary s~hooJchll dren will once again turn Kercheval between Neff and CadieUX lUtO an outdoor art gallery durlUg the Crrosse POI'1te Village Aoo,,~, '1tl"'1 '0 Therp. annual PaInt the Window Contest Because the automobIle IS celebratlUg ItS 100th birthday, thiS year's theme IS "Cars Can Be Fun" Children will be deslgmng theIr own dream car or depICtIng a favorite place a car has taken them While open to all kindergarten through fifth-grade Grosse Pomte school students, avaIlable wmdow space necesSitated selectIOn on a first. \'\(1 ill.. ! I"!C ['\'1'10: Iii I ~ ,"", \'-;fil" /))\~~ ;I;' ':-t; ,",I • PORTMEIRION Cookie Bouquet.' Mugs & Balloons Also Available ,SIOl286.7462 .... & 40688 Hayes .//691"/2// FREE GIFT WRAPPING GIFT CERTIFICATES PUT A LITTLECOLOR INTO YOUR LIFE Our new ~prin9 merchandise! Just in time for your upcoming gift giving occasions. (ll'H"l fPp Local Delivery J/6f1au .Ytt'DIen/~ f!et4t 1'I1tItUJed11 IPntn,. ORDER EARLY! • WILTON-ARMETALE (810)644.5330 nn "Remember Mother On May 12th With a Beautiful & DellCtOus ~~f}(A[~1 "'M (~~ '<r~ ,,,'J.< 30855 SouthfIeld Road SouthfIeld ll:::. th"nkb to the generous and substantIal underWriting of Damman Hardware, the Village AsSOCIation wlll offer hea\lly discounted paInt and brush sets on the Vlllage Plaza the fllOrnlng of the contest Prizes donated by speCial sponsors and the Grosse Pomte VLllage ASSOCiatIOn w1l1 be awarded at 5 30 pm, Saturday afternoon on the Village Plaza at St Clair and Kercheval Cookies by DesitJn """""'" • corn on the cob and potato 2000 GratIot Avenue Detroit (313) 567-1088 9A Students to paint the village • a 1 lb. Maine lobster with our new color accented black and white portraits. Hayes Plaza South Of !8 Mile """""'" Happy Mother's Day! What EvelY Mother Wants! COMMUNIONS • CONFIRMATIONS MOTHERS DAY • GRADUATIONS Good Kids 20%OB Gorgeous 011 Paintings and Now! Diamond Engagement Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces and Earrings 1.4 Kt Chains, Bracelet, Earrings Y-Necklaces Mens & Womens Selko & Bulova Accutron Watches 20%-50% SALE Colored Stone Rmgs - Earrings & Pendants 14 Kt Slide Pendants & Omega Style Chains Come In To See Our Wide Selection ------ ----~/ ~fJ~ 1':IIIt.~~ C. CHAUNDY ~ InternatIOnal PORTRAIT DESIGN GROSSE POINT£ WOODS 313-885-5755 343-9169 Fme Art 121 Kercheval on the Hill Grosse Pointe Farms 21024 MACK AVE 63 Kercheval on-the. Hill • Grosse Pointe Farms (313) 640.1850 \Ion Sal 10am 8 pm' Sun ~oon Remember om 711 WIth a gift from •• .~ .~ ~ ~ SPINACH PtES ONOJlOEROf'I,.V CHICKEN PIES .~ •• •• DOZEN 99( 99( Sl1Y! 99( $1110 11 :00 a.m.' 3:00 p.m. $ 5'5 Reservations ReqUired May 19th Dmner 500rm -IOOOrm No reservatIons neceSS3r. Rcgular Menu Expert In.Store Gold and Silver DeSign and Repair 109} GRAPE LEAVES ~ $IP' YEGt:T AKIAN DELIGHT CONT"'IN(~ HOMOS B' TAHINI BABA GHANNOOS $6 $6 TABOUlEH SAlAD $4 •• IPadong Calerm MAlt C0'I01 $4 $4" $3 ••• 22205 MACK 810.777.2256 (Mew",nII'" 9 MII~ ROllch St. Clair Shores In Rear U"C" (ronT C'nlran ...el & Deliver Mother's Day, May 12th Special Brunch Menu EACH CSNTAINER STUFFED r .... J.W. COLE JEWELRY Join us on MEAT PIES on IlOIIINIOII ~I News May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Remember Every Sunday N,ght S O{l p m - 10 ')0 P m (1/2 LB.) PERCH DINNER SPECIAL $10 95 15402 Mack A\ cmu? (Jro"e Pomtc H) Rh4 60,0 o A...allablc :.. ':ril._IIl,:_F_:~......:_: ..:::;_........ : CCMlI'OIIAft 0ffICat 804 , Ham I'on Sogmow MI ~8602 1517)792 093~ 18001968 3~56 fa, 1517) 792 2~23 ...I_&~ema I dmg 1Ckn~ com SEQUENCE THE MOST AFFORDABLE PRICES A thll1~~ of ~tr 711cIU - 885.5119 • ~ 19834 Mack Grosse POinte Woods '''"' W~(1 ~(y o r~" 'S f' ~v • " 0 e. , News 10A May 9.1996 Grosse Pointe News ~esterda~'s headlines 50 year&ago this week Rewards for a job well done PhGto by Fred Runnells John J. Bundy, Grosse Pointe Shores patrolman and oldest employee in the village (he's 65), will leave active duty in the village on May 30. On Tuesday some of his co-workers and friends gathered. in the municipal buDding for an informal farewell party. He was presented with a gold wrist watch and traveUng bag and his retirement badge. Village superintendent Arthur Bennett presented the watch and bag. Bundy joined the force OD Dec. 30, 1920. He lives at 781 Lakeshore. From left in the picture are patrolman Bundy, police chief O.C. Ingalsbe and Bennett. (Grosse Pointe News photo May 9, 1946) BE A.ID So, what are 'yoU going to do with two tickets? ~EAit Make year for 50 yedr;, • The Farm~ board of trustees agree:, to allow the erection of a Grosse POinte library branch m a Quonset hut on the hIgh school propprty al h.el cneval dnd t Isher to replace the branch at Cadieux and Kercheval • A total of $35,387 IS bemg returned to City of Grosse Pomte employees, who durmg the war receIved a 10 percent raIse - m war bonds With the war over, the employees WIll receive a tIdy sum de;,plte the fact that at the tIme they want. ed more m their pay envelopes and not bonds • Because of the ongomg coal strike, Park re;,ldents are asked to conserve energy and expect brown outs • With the 10l1g anticIpated bUlldmg boom m the Pomtes, real estate mvestors are look109 longmgly a the vacant property on the south Side of Jefferson across from the Park city hall • An 18 percent pay raise IS granted to all Grosse Pomte Shores employees tate the 160 year old structure. the oldest home In Grosse POinte -John Mmnls 10 years ago this week • Concerned about the envi. ronmental risk, some DetrOit area reSidents <;ay no to the prupobed DetrOit mcmerator • The Park adopt;, and open hou:,e partIes ordmance to combat the po;,sesslOn and use alcohol by mmors m cIty resIdences, makmg adults of the homes responSible CI... lfiedlDloploy Advertlotnl DeaJllne. C1.. ollled Aoo' E_. De-.llino Noon Friday All othor CIoaolfl-.l Advertl.l"" must be pl8COd by noon Tuesday • Tho doodlinero..DIopIay_~ _ .... rvatlon IS 5 00pnl Friday .~~:1=':~=y,== ._,ei"" _ol"" by 2 00 pm Friday copy lOt tho -.I ancI II1lnl _Iona must be rOC8lVed by DIsplay Allv8rt>sIng by '1 00 am Monday • Diaplay lor the~ ... 8Ktion must be r9C<llYed by 1030 am Tuesday 5 years ago this week • Elaine Hartmann and her fellow preservatIOnists have SIX days to raise $120,000 to save the hl;,torlc Cadieux farmhouse from demolitIOn The funds are needed to rehablh- Call 882.6900 to place to 'OSGIVe DIsplay AdvertiSing space VJllageorQi)ross.e JOlnt.e NOTICE OF ABSENT VOTER BALLOTS for the ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION to be held on TUESDAY, MAY 21,1996 25 years ago this week 10 the Qualified Electors of the Village of Gro~se POinte Shores • Auditor Arthur Young and Co present a report to the Grosse Pomte school system gIVIng the distrIct a clean bIll of health and puttmg an end to one school board member's allegatIOns that the district keeps two sets of books • Because of a lack of funds to adequately develop Elworthy field, the school dlstnct leases the land to the CIty of Grosse Pomte for t1 a Qualofled regIstered eleclOrs of the V,llage of Grosse POlnle Shores. counties of Wayne and Macomb. MIchigan, confined to home or hospJlal by IImess or dIsability. or are 60 year<;of age or more. or plan 10 be absent from the commumly on Ihe noled election day, may ~P&yP~r Absent Voter Ballols through Saturday, May 18. 1996 at The office of the Village Clerk will be open from 830 AM 10500 PM Monday through Fnday of each week and on Saturday May 18 1996 from 8 30 AM until 2 00 PM for receIVIng apphc~lJons fo; absent voter ballots HOWEVER, ANYONE WISHING TO VOTE BY ABSENTEE BALLOT MAY DO SO IN THE VILLAGE OFFICE ON MONDAY, MAY 20. 1996 UNTIL 4 00 PM cameron H. PIggott G P N 05/09196 CIIOSS YOLUNTUR Village Clerk 1--I - ------------l I , FamOllS extras see that don't cost extra... Box Office (313)963-9800 ~~ -~~ )~? (810)645-6666 For group discounts (15 or more) call Nicole (313)962-2913 \ I, Rockport ~ tooth ftOM '1ov..'(' -- ~ ~'-~ free ~ -'" frOM ,. : ~~'~"-, ':::-'.::::!! ~ .., '::«~) -'"'\~' --~ ~ROCKPORT DAYS: th ~ 3 Day Sale. May 9 ~ ~ ,. ~ • th May 11 TRUNK SHOW ~ ~ Rockport salesmen will be in the store Friday, May 10th 10 - 5. Come see the many stylt"s ~ii .... "lIIIII ~ ~VERFAILLIES 8 ~ ~COSSETTES SHOES ~ ~ t ~ ~ "Where Fit I~ Our Concern" ... aSSIS NINE MACK DR., S,C.S. '-'Ion 77S.SS~7 Thur< 9 6 Frr 9 7 Sat 9 '; 'II1II ~~ • Rockpott) make you feel like ~alking ~ 0 ~et'\+is+ - -A~ ~ hOWlf.oWne ..'s c hfCkih,TlI S+~,,~~r~Fe~ertll B~nk No monthly service charge, no per-eheik fees, no minimum balance requirement. ..and much, much more! \I Don't you love It when you get somethmg extra and you don't have to pay for 1t1WeD,If you own a home, we've got somethmg extra to gzve you (even If your mortgage lSll't WIth Standard Federal) - a Free Homeowner's O1eckmg Account WIth plenty of extras • No moathly lIl!rVice cIIiuJe • No minimum baIaDce .. • No per-dJedll'ees to pay, c:becks you write 110 ADOCber extra: 30 mimItes of free Ioug cti!taDce calls ~ • Call a fnend Have your Jods call horne from school Call when you're out of town It's up to you So stop In at a Standard Federal BankIng Center or call us at 1-800/643-9600 today to find (lut more Because even edh!llt tf you matter how mauy money on monthly selVlce charges WIth a Standard Federal checkrng account PhIs, yoa1I8et more extras: • A book filled WIth valuable Standard Federal coupons , 50 free checks • O1eck buy-back of up to SID for unused checks from another bank , $25 payment toward a new Standard J.ederal no-annual-fee VISA' when you quahfy oon't CI'¥I1 a horne, there are many ,'.ays SlInQnI Fodtnl link "'vlngslFlflanclill 5eMCeS ~ • • 1/4% lllterest dtscount on automobtle loan rates 'f A to save Helpmg You Along The Way" • 50% off Amenc.m Express" Travelers O1eque fees I M,chlgan COUNTIES OF WAYNE AND MACOMB I /i\~~ESS at the Gem Theatre ~ ~ you Cla~l1ied AdvertISing Call 882.3500 -,,~=~ [l ---- • May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News 11A ur se ection W-----.' your away Tc:rry JUST ARRIVED! How Stella Got McMillan The Sibling Society Her Groove Back IJ\ Rvbel1 Bf) hi rel7l IlL 1//11(11/ 1he .!lItho! o~ till phenomen,l1 he'hellel It VII 101m return~ II l!h .! prm Ol.IIIIe 11('11hoo" dl'l\\mg upo11lhe I\()fk~ 01 ~lIth 1\nl<:r~,I'> ",Ihlo \erud,! ,lI1d hl1lh [)Kkm,ol1 10 e\pl.un hl~ lhum Ih,11 Ament,1 I'> .1n.lllon of ~4u.!bh[lI1g thl1dren (A,ddl~on-\\e~le\ ) ,[!] .\I~o <\\ .ul.lhle 111 A,lIdlO In 1111~Irre~l~l1hlenell 11m el lrom the he~helhng ,Iuthor 01 It (//tlll,~ 10 b!J(/!c: '>lelL, 1'.1\ ne goe, on " ,plIt-ol lhemomenl I ,!t,lllon 10 ).Illl.llU ,1I1d \1 II1d~ up meetmg " 111,1I1 \\ ho nl.lke~ her Cjue'l1on lhe hIe .,he, been le,Khng mkmg) [j] Aho A\ .IlLlble m AudIo Pub Price $2.3 95 B&NPnce $"'6 76 ~ Pub Prrce $2500 B&NPrice A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul! Chicken Soup for the Soul hI /eUR Cmifie!d (///(ll1(//R 1he he.lrt\\Jnnll1g ,tone~ Sudden Prey IJj 101m 1,(/lId/UIlI Dl\ e Into the l.lle,t thnller h\ the he~t,elhng ,!uthor of \[11/<1 /'1 el In thl~ ~lI~pen~dul ~Iof\ LUt l~ \).11enport ,\I1d hi' men tll1.dl\ It,lt" tlm\ n I \ K IOU' h,l111-.rohher n,um:d ( ,l11tl\ hut hel de,lth ~pur~ J hUll! 01 lengdul murder, (Putnam) [!] ~Ic;o Available 111 AudiO I rum Hm/lel/ 111 ChllRe/l the ()o//P /01 SUII! tOUthed rt...,der, IlJllol1\\lde \()\\ 1I1,pu.lllon,11 ,peJker., Cmfldd .Illd H,lI1"en ofter J nel\ ediliun of tJ!e'> full of \\ tl \\ I.,dom, l\ope ,1I1dempowerl11Lnt illL.dth COI1lIl1Ul1KJllOn,) fI,11 Pub Price $1295each B&N Price $"'036 each Pub Pnce$2.395 .J; B&NPnce TheSystern Pub Pnce $2.595 B&NPrice hi 11K tln..'(1 '''It\\ Irt ~lIl ...t ...\\ ! 1!"Ii 11~ h~ \ I'll rht I fl (h ITll!) Pub Pnce$1.895 B&NPnce -_-... ----....;;.. Pub Pnce$1695 B&NPrice II~ 11m~ Iii H<.rt Id IIlL ... .rl'l' r'fl'>(nlxd IlWd1l111 n, nt\\ dl1l ........ lIotllt rtllltdit" md II \\ 10 ..... I\l Jl}Onl \ I \ hm 11l~ ....<. III nl hr md" l"'l \1 1ft il ,( nrhn $1525 .-~ I FIRST ..EDITION . . h j Ifmll. \1'1. t I I 1'1_ ulll l ~:,.,~ ,( .... I WI Pub Pnce 52.5 00 B&NPrice $2000 1 tllTllullor III I<lll< l,dllin lIlt. - f]) Tune in to Books! Barne.., & Nohle i..., proud to he a major ~pon~or of the Ii\ ely PB~ tele\ iSlon program Tod(zr ~'\1"11:'/ EditIOI1. Dun t nll~~ thl.., \\ eddv .. . . half hour about the literary \\ oriel. featuring book reVIews, previe\vs, author profIle.., and more Tune In every \Vednesday at .:;30 PM on ~tation 'X'T\"~ /'1 ~ [11\( nIl In. I ~, "\ II I 11hd I 1\ l I'" " dlll17ll/ollj,.,qu \11 ~ "''l n11 II r~ III \\ 111'\\ ..... '0,,( Ifll pr 1\ ~dl'" 1 \ trtqtltmh 1,1I dt [hUll I 11 'lld il1l' F; -0_ • Q~}~~ R i'iM' ... .......... -...;............... .. I I _ , CCMtl'OlUlft 0fIIICUt 80 .. 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It ..... ,lIl 1\ Prl " ...I Pub PrrceS2.495 B&NPrice (,III, 1111.1m n 11 Ilf 1\\ 1\ 1I1ll\\lH\1l1ll1l Ittr I ,lr(lnj.: hond 11111 111\"Iu 1I,,1\ dr m" €i)" 11<1h"'II< 1/,,<,,,1/1/ LLJ I) A"""I hr \(l\\ ,l,nl\\1l JI\ 11l~ 1 to Women's Health - II \11" ...I,IJII"tlh \\(lr~In\.!;" rTlln" I\/k'" I III -\11 H I IIlrltr II,,, 111111/(/1/ !I\Ir1.., 11/..l \rltllt" "'llr, md"llll\ 11\\ 1\,1 n..,ldl l"'l lpt IrnlllllJtlf The Harvard Guide II \R\ \IW l'lD l I() \\t):-llN'" ( T l "1 IlI/JlIlIlxlI'1II llnd llul \\11H II'" hh In \\or~ It tlK \\ hill III U"t 1 Ill'" 1\\ !HI \\ mnlll~ rq)( r1t r 1.,1\l' It I't In 111111-:l(ttllJni 01 $2000 Pub Pnce52.500 B&NPrice rdln ~1\ NOW IN PAPERBACK! Practical Magic Madhouse: The Private Turmoil of Working for the ~jdent II"" IIldl'llIll\t~IJ, lnll\ $1676 01 \\ l\hmglDn 11\ -"-,.,."""",-",',, dl'X nhltlj... tilt l 'f1t.nln,t' l t ...1\ r Id\!'C If" In r)rt "I{klll (11m n mdlltllllL: Dt't [)tt L __ ill/I ; ;'.{".'!;~ . '" 't [llltle",,, tll ...... !~ 1 h, ull )11-1 Ix I nil, dl.....'\"f,dlll,rlll',tlih (r ..... ITl 111111111', r pr T1~ 1 k 111ltl I lpl"\K.k' l,,~\tl ,...1\\111 111..,l'" dlllll )11'"md IddlflOII'" h ~l lOll Ire I .. I l ,lrll 11llllunh TODAV'S I1l iii _1_ ~* > Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 7t /{"\(f (11(/((1'1{ Ph f) (umnkltl\ IIp<.Lltl'd mtl rt ~l,t1.1 thl" mdl"'rxn'lhk gilldt otter .... II l md iJ Illtll.\! th.n Ill.. h mllTl.., ...1. n )t $1516 '}l!O( (,W ..doll alld Ilh J(l AuJIIt!1 I1m\ trlllUll fu ..IPl'" ~ ..., l h I" P(lll~L It I> [......!Un Illd ( l It'll II (roulorh-Illl .... l i1i\ rrlfl ... 1 llll , The People's Pharmacy ...ound Idlld tuld nl!f Ill!<,r., t Inl Illi thl l $2076 lei e~~1 MAIIHBlf ..__ ._ ... - The Secrets ofPistoulet IJIJI(JlJ/(,,!ohINiII II/Ill /)(//,,1 I IInxl., h\o f'IIIHLt. r Pn/t \\ tnmn~ IllllJor, md pOlllLlJll ,ptrt ....<IT l\\ on Ihllr l\dU'J\t mIL1'\ It\'''' md Illu.tlnl ..' \\Ithrlll (Ilnlon ... \l\\ll mgrllh Boh Ix le lnd olllLr ...!o rUt II hcm (~urlll mtl"\'" "'\~llll 111...... L1)(~ I~l"d Itlll1lph Itflfc)nn (Imll Hnl\\nl $2000 News 12A May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News South, North musicians to play concerts at Orchestra Hall By Amy Andreou Staff Writer DetrOlI 1<., fortull.lte to h.l\ I.' ~uch ..I gem a, the beautiful .lod awustlc.llly-perfect Orchestra Hall But evell more fortunate wIll be the hIgh qual 11\ low cost concertb that l.\elyone l.d.1I enjOY ab musICIan, from Grubse Pomte South High School take the stage thIs Sundd.y, followed b) Grosse Pomte North mUSICians next Sunday "I can t thmk of a better" ay to spend Mother'" Dd.Y, or for that matter, the next weekend too, than bemg treated to great mU'lc," saId Ralph MIller, dIrector of both South and North hIgh schools'Instrumental mUblC programs Both the May 12 and the May 19 concerts begm at 8 pm TIckets, whIch are $10 for adults and $5 for students and senIOr cItizens, are avaIlable at the Orchestra Hall box office before the concert Attendance over the years has fluctuated between 700 and 1 000 people, MIller saId Howe\ er, partIcularly high attendance Ib expelled thIs rathel than adapted to an ed." year becd.use South HIgh will IeI' arr.lngement for ,chool be celebratIng Ih 20th veal' of kid" perforJlllng cOllcerb at Another bpeLlal abpeLt to Orchestra Hall a feat matched South concert Will be when by no other hIgh school ,aId theu band d.nd orche"tra al e Wllla Walker, an Orche"tra on "lage together performIng Hall employee Shn-::t9l(nvl{"'h'... P,n~lC' rro"""'" In additIOn, South', concert Symphon\ No 5 It Ib ulllque Will feature two "elllor percusbecause rarely does a high SIOIlI"tb, Rob E,ler and Mike school have the same director Weyhmg, both of "hom WIll for both ItS band and Its attend the Cleveland InstItute orchestra of MUSIC next )'ear to major In Miller not only teaches both performance band and orchestra at South, "Anyone attending the con- but also d.t North He btraddles cert should be m for a real hIS time teachmg two classes treat Rob and MIke are two of at North, and three classes at the mObt talented mUSICIans I South, plus a Jazz ImprOVisahave ever had the pleasure of tIOnal clas" workmg With:' Said a humble "Our band and orchestra MIller who has been teachmg play so beautifully together, more than two decades, IS a there's no sense of competitIOn pretty talented trumpet player between them, hke you find at hImself, and holds two so many other schools," Miller advanced degrees In muslr said educatIOn from Ulllverslty of Even though North's musical illinOiS (Champagne Urba~a) program has eruoyed only five Also, the South mUSICIans annual tflPS to Orchestra Hall, wIll play a piece BIzet's It too boasts an ambitious pro. UArleslenne SUIte No 2 gram. whIch IS a angInal orchestra The students wJ!1 play an arrangement for profeSSIOnals, oflglllal arrangement of Strd.u",,,", 'Blue Danube," nor m.llly played only by profes 'IOnal mU"IClanb Another pIece, Schumann's Chc"ter," which will be per. formed bv the band only, IS rec. ognlwd ab a particularly ehal!C:i.f;"iub P~\..."'l.-, ~:IJlki -",diU North', concert WIll IIlvolve about 120 student mUSIcians, and outh will ha\e about 180 student mUSICIans Both sehool'b concert are es;,entlally dIVIded mto three sectIOns the first mvolvlllg each school's full orchestra, the second emphaSIZIng the sympholllc band "'hlch Includes ninth grade students, and the third part of the concert combmcs strmg and band mUSICIans, exeludmg nmth-grade band students Large numbers of alumlll from both hIgh schools attend each year "I thmk It doesn't hIt the students what an mcredlble and ullIque expenence they had playlllg at Orchestra Hall untl1 they graduate, and can come back and SIt III the audience," Miller saId One former student, MIke Lawrence, d.greeb . PlaVlIlg at Orchestra Hall I;' unforgettable," ,aId Lawrence, .J trum. pet player, who gradu.Jtcd from South m 1985 "A number of times other \IUlmel) "tuaent" d.nd 1 have remllllseed about the experience we got playmg at South With Ralph I really reahzed It when I went to college," saId Lawrence, who studied musIc at OberlIn UllIverslty III OhIO, and IS now a UllIverslty of DetrOIt-Mercy law student and leader of the Mike Lawrence Symphony Each year, Miller ,ees to It that a keep,ake ca"bette tape Ib profeb'JUnallv made babed d. year'b worth of each hIgh school', coneel t, Even thought the tape fe.lture~ 'Ilublcd.l pIece" performed by a Jomt eITort of North and South musl. ~Ian;, trom their November Cabaret Pops concert, the remammg selectIOns from the w m tel' concert at Paree lis Middle School and the Orchestra Hall concert are stnetly either North or South musIcIans Th order a cassette, which Ib $8, call MIller at 343.2240, and speCIfy whether you want a "North" or "South" tape cllYOf~rDsse ltiDtl1te .DDDS MlCh,san NOTICE Of. PUBLIC HEARING NOllce I' hereby given Ihat Ihe PI.nlllng CommISSion of the Clly of Grosse POinte Woods, In accor. dance WIth Section 5-7-2 (B) Communny FaCIlIties Dlslnet of the 1975 eny Code, Will hold a publIc hearing at 7 30 p m on Tue'>day, May 28, 1996, m the Council Room of the MUIlIC'Pdl BUlldmg, 20025 Mack Plala, Grosse POinte Woods, 10 hear Ihe request of UllIverslty Liggett School, 1045 Cook Road for penms'lon to demolIsh and replace eXlstmg tenllls coun- al 1045 Cook Road and 850 Bnarchff All Interested partIes are mVlted to attend Louise S. Warnke G PN 05/09196 Coly Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOIICeIS hereby lpven In accordance wllh the provlSlons of Act No 207 of the PublIc ACls of the Statc of Michigan for Ihe year 1921, as amended. and the Grosse Pomtc City Code, that a requesl for lpec,al land u,e dpproval has been received A PublIc Heanng Will be held on Monday, May 20, 1996, al 7 30 P m at the Grosse POinte UllItanun Church at 17150 Maumee Avenue, Grosse POinte, MichIgan, to conSider the applIcation by Amentech MobIle CommumcallOns, Inc , to conslruct a commercldl commUllIcatlon IO"er at the southerly end of the mUlllclpal parkmg lot south of Kercheval Avenue between St Clair Avenue and NeIT Road Wntten comments will be receIved at the office of the Clly Clerk 17147 Maumee, unlIl the date of the heanng T.W. Kressbach G P N 05/09196 and 05/16196 City Manager-Clerk Do you know a Pointer of Interest? For the 20th year. the Grosse PoiDte North and South bands. under the direction of Ralph Miller. will perform BUYERS & APPRAISERS OF FINE JEWELRY Call 882-0294 at Orchestra Hall on May 12 and 19. Tickets are available at the Orchestra Hall box omce. ELEGANTE COLLISION BRINGING YOU A NEW DIMENSION TO AUTO REFINISHING SpeCIalizing in ForeIgn Cars ~ WE BUY: And ... • D.amonds • Gold & Platinum Jewelry • Old Walches • Coms (Sllver&Gold) • Qental Gokl • Anllque PSYCHOLOGY ACCOUNTANT ANNE E. JACKSON, PHD Licensed Clln,cal Psycho;oglst ALBERT BEASINGER. EVALUATIONS. TESTING. Children & CPA, PC Taxes, Accounllng, Audltmg Management, Consultant PSYCHOTHERAPY Adults 25801 Harper Near I 94Nernlel (313) 417-1917 S C S • (810) 773-6913 i'----- lewelry To Advertise In This Directory Call Sam McMurray or Anne Silva at HIgh QualIty Work With State of the Art EqUIpment Bumping. Painting. Insurance Wor~ ClaSSICRestoratIon • frame StraIghtening. Glass Work • Complete Estates • Stertlng Tea Sets (313) 882-6900 Fax (313) 882-1585 Computerized Color Matching Done On The Premises Flatware OlpprGlsals If'fidr u 1i'G1' yraduatr !J'molo9LSt 0" Slag 'P~~& ALL ~~~ INSURAI'<CES ~ormeI1yPonte JeweiJy ~I ACCEPTED 20100 Mack Ave 810-773-6077 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Grosse Pte. Woods 'ilonlng Ban~ Bldg (2nd 1100,) r------ .. 313-884-3325 Don't sell I : your BABY! : I "NOBODY Is As PICKY ABOUT RUG CLEANING." If It' tLmefor iOU' hah,' I Oriental &: Area Rugs I lea\c home dooMe thar I prCCHlU'old or hoar to thc I Volunteers ot Amenca I I Donallng "<omrle fasl 'nJ I ca'l l,,'t, qual,fi tax I nmtllhu'lOn, f( I I on cash & carry orders. I deducllhle Ihmc "ho Ilem,ze Receipt> I ., ,~d I Pay for thp largpst rug and we Will clean your The V,luntcef' of AmenCd I second rug FREE I ha' hecn <en Ing M,ch,gan < I need, <IIlCC 1~96 Fund, I Save 25% on Single rug orders Compare dcmcd f,om \OU' \chlCle can I I hou & save on the best .... c t ked hnm<..lcli;.., I mOlher m,1 hel chddren IN I Offer e~plres 6~196 __ Ica"t month or more I B"dge Indust"al Park I at FOl m, re Informatton call & Eoght Mrle Roads 11&.\.155!111'i I Telegraph 'Some rest"clIOns apply to 2 forI l< In rl 01 -----Serving Delro I Metro Area .. .. - Plene jofn camtNian for heafttMer babies. We deliver small mlfacles ..... I 0 I -..;"'-n...., OI. ...... "lO_~~ 'f A ~ , ..... '"' [I" ~ I _ens ..... "lI!lC L • May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News News Definitely not cricket A Gro~se Pomtl Park LltlJe League coach reported thdt between 630 p m The"ddy, April 30, and 9 d m Wednesday, MdY 1 d bag of baseball equIpment WdS stolen r"':J:I th\.. .:lIJ~ v[ jU~ IWIIH: iU LI1~ 1100 block of Bdlfour The theft was discovered when a resident In the 1200 block of Balfour dIscovered a baseball mitt wIth the victIm'S name on It and ~ome batting helmets on hiS front ldwn A search of the area by pollce failed to turn up dnymore equipment MISSing Items Include four alumlOum ba~ebaJl bdh, 12 new and 12 u!>ed bdseballs, d catcher's mask and d che~t pro- Where there's SInO ke... nelghbor lcported that at dbout 7 30 pm a man had t.lken d pack.lge left on the front porlh of a nelghbormg hou~e Pohc~ ,edrched the surrOllndmR and and ,ootte,; " mdn Yo ho resembled the de~crlptlOn given by the report. Ing re~ldent A brief check levealed thdt the man wa~ carrymg a pack. age wntammg a ,oup tureen and lid valued at over $300 The receipt stated that the paLkdge was dellvered to the home In que~tlOn on Balfour The su~pect was released pendmg the filing of the charge of larceny over $100 - By Jim Stlckford Village looking for street signs 13A They ~ald carpets and furniture, soaked WIth alcohohc beverdges and urme and burned WIth cIgarettes, had to be replaced Both of the cars at tl,(> hct.sC' h.:;.d bc ...n dr~\rt.j), and one sustamed front and back end damage A locked dresser m one of the bedrooms was Pried open and $1,500 m cash was stolen Food was taken and consumed A hole was punched In one of the plaster walls and several bushes outside were damaged Shores pollce saId the homeowners were adamant about pressmg chargeq against the students, because they want the youths to get help and to prevent them from domg thIS to anyone else's house The students were caught when a young girl who hves down the street, who was takmg care of the vacatlOmng homeowners' cat, went mto the house on Aprl! 9 nd encountered the Intruders She ran home to tell her mother, who then called pohce It took mvestlgators severa weeks to round up all the su'" pects m the mCldent Tte homeowner's child IS a el~mate of the Parcells schOol suspects and they had knllNl. edge that the home would be unoccupIed for a week "I guess they (the susptCtsJ looked at It as an opport\nlty to go mto thiS house andhave a good ttme," saId Snores pollce inspector Gary MLchell Someone has acquired a The Grosse Pomte Park pub. taste for the VIllage of Gr%se hc safety department's fire. POlnte Shores' ornamental fighters were kept busy last street SIgns _ 31 have been week respondmg to a number reported stolen In the last of fires Involvmg stoves and three months barbecues Valued at $130 each, the The first run was called In at wrought Iron street SIgnS are 6 17 pm Wednesday, May I, bemg snapped from their when a kitchen stove gas lme mountings by the vandals The ruptured and caught fire Gas village has reported a loss of to the pIpe was turned ofT, close to $5,000 so far and none quelling the fire No other have turned up Four years ago damage to the home wa~ dlS the Shores' beautificatIOn and covered Improvement foundatIOn But 10 minutes later officers replaced every street Sign In Were called to a home In the the lakefront commumty 1000 block of Lakepolnte, Village police offiCials are Where a propane gas line askmg anyone With Inform aattached to a barbecue on the tlOn about the stolen SignS to second floor balcony of a two. call Crtme Stoppers Inc (See family house IgnIted InforrnatlOn at end of article) Officers shut ofTthe gas sup- V ply and used fire extinguIshers ~OU to put out the flames m the' area around the grill Minor A 5~year-old Grosse Pomte ftre damage was reported Whether eight Juvemles _ ParMoman saId she was At about 820 pm Mav 3, four boys and four girls - are rob~ at Mark near firefighters received a report of charged With home invasIOn McKiji)ey around 6.J0 a m on May { smoke coming from the lower and vandalism ill connectIon flat ofa house m the 1400 block With an Aprtl 8-12 mCldent In The woman swn she was of Maryland Responding umts Grosse Pomte Shores IS In the walku.g on Mad when the Investlgated and determined hdnds of the Wayne County thIef ambushed her from the source of the smoke was Juvemle court behmdand grabbed her purse from burned food left on the The youths, five of whom The Wiman was not IryUred stove attend Parcells Middle School, and there were no witnesses to The final run occurred on one who attends St Joan of the Incdent Pollee are InvesMay 4 at about 420 pm A Arc, one who IS a freshman at tlgatmg grease fire was reported at a Grosse Pomte North alld onJl - ShIrley A. McShane ' IiOme.m the 15000 block 'Of ;'lIIruM'~~ruidl>enl8 Jefferson The fire was extln- Home of DetrOit, are accused of CnmeStoppers 1nc offers gulshed !by the time firefight- ~eaklng Into a home on rewarrJs.pfup to $1,000 for ers arnved No damage was rdcroft while the resIdents Informa.Ofl leading to an reported re on vacatlOn, and usmg arrest.o/~rspTlS responsIble th~ house as a week.long party for cnmet Callers remam SOUp SIte anollYmo~s and WIll be Park pohee arrested a sus The homeowners have told aBslg1U!d ~ rode number Call pect for allegedly stealing a Shotes pohce that their Insur- (810)44~.f5227or 1800-831package dehvered to a home m ance company has estImated 3111 the 1000 block of Balfour A damages at $15,000 Wojnan robbed th s suspects Sh In ores B&E intUDls In th e Assorted Chilled From Concentrate ~~ MINUTE MAID mRANGE JUICE OrOSS£ Ibint~ N~ws 64-0Z CARTON (USPS 230-4001 Pubhsled every Thursday Look what's coming to a marina near you! 8 y Anteebo Publishen 96 r.:erchevat Avenue Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 A Brand New Swimming S<cood Class POSl.lgo Pi d and .Iddllional Mlchlljdl POOL i' Dol"., mall n8 elfc .. Subscnptl;)n 1b,1e-5o529 per yt'~r via m.all S3S OU1-o1 SI"le POSTMASTER Send .. ddre-ss ch.;mge-s to Grosse POinte News 96 Kerche'lol' But that'c; not all' You'll also find newly remodeled docks, sand volleyball, shuffleboard and horseshoes And as always, acres of grasc; for fnsbee or a PICnIC! Grosse PCHnte F.lIfm1. MJ 48236 The- ~.idIM tor news cOJ)\! IS MoncUy noon to nwte' 1nst'ft10ll Ad~l'Ij copy (er SK1,00 .8'" must be In 1M .adv'l!'rtlSlnJ ~t'tI'nenl by 11-00 '" m on MondilY 'T'ht dudfll~ to( ~ISI"l copy for Seer om A & CIsl0:J.Oam T~a'Y CORRECTONS "NO MlllJSTM[NfS lleponsblrty lot diopYy .00 c1.. .m.-J na ONLY AT Markley Marine Plus Deposit AVE $2.87 On PHONE: 882-6900 "*-I 0000IIhn 5129 b4 PIn Dopotit 1WI 3 WIllI $10 AMlIoooI ........ ;j!; SPOTLIGHT / ..' /BEAt~BqFFEE , -~ ~ • " A Grind it Fresh, Regular WHOL~F~r 1 M' « ~f:tfOt"h_IO_"'''' ~d"''''-1of '" i ~"'" 01 Iho_ "'..",. Noohc-. ""'" bo grvtn n 1Ulle for COtT'K'hon In 1M- foI boA I9..Ie' 'Nlo.mume no repot'lSlbl"" 01 _ ... f.",.......,. Tho Grosoo Po.,* ......, ~ Ihonste not 10 ~ct'P' an advP11l~r '$ arM.Grosso Po"' • ......, -..g __ The Clinton River's Fmest Manna 31300 North River Road m Hamson Township Come see how we've changed! Call (810) 469.6000 today! .......... ~ .td¥e1tI~' ~ "'_0 no ....t-.ooty 10 bond "'" onty eX .In s.hillt con11lMe fln.l 01 Iho_. ordo< ilnd Pastry Shoppe 2-L.ayer, Yellow Or Choeolate Roses And Spring Flowers MOTHER'S DAY PREMIUM BOUQUET RABBI SHERWIN WINE MOTHER'S DAY ..... EACH __sa-_._. CALL: METRO~RU Lecture series on: REUGIOUS CONTROVERSY AND VIOlENCE 7:30 p m Thursday, Turkey in Trouble Secularists vs Fundamentalists May 16 $ 25 for series ANN AllB011 Dozen Rose BOlquet CHURCU hch DOUBLE ?It.c,,'t""~' 11ft TO COUPONS a.ii..-.T.-i.:.:.!!It:"i>":.v_ ~: "'DI: J ~~ - :; ~ COIII'OIIAn ....... 804 S Hamhon Saglnow MI 48602 (5171792 0934 180019683456 10'1517)792 2473 fOmol drng'Ocflicom --. CZSIViXI ••• :--.-- SEQUENCE .... ............. ------ AIIEA ~:~I~ Colossal J 71.50 MAUMEE 88 J -0.\20 • Free Jighted parldng behind church -----L .... AREA Slng .. LJryt, $5 99 Ex h Wiltl Greenery And 1WIyabfN\tl, Long SliIm $ 10 one Session GROSSE POINTE UNITARIAN ..",-'8.99 '8AVE~~5.9 148 ' .--a_ LANSING Ireland and Poland' The Catholic DIlemma Thursday. May 9 HEARTEACHCAKE DlIUnRS FLOWER6 ---" ~~" " " Messa • 50* sa 5TOIE rJrOi f Cookie ....... _ .. ....;~.... ~v£ $2 Schools 14A May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Scien e lessons found in books, back yard Whdl Cdnyou d to bring ,CI enee excItement ~OUIkids when ~ou c,m't e n tell the dlfTen'neebetween qUdrkdnd d qua~dl? convey the fun and excltement oj ,clence to your kids 'Children are natural-born sClentl;,ts," Fnedman says ''They are alway,; explormg, takmg toy;,apart, a,klllg ques Rl.U;'Ul ~LU(J!Cb tlOn~about how thmgs work manv pdrent, are II awal e Parent, can do plenty to th,lt they need to e more encourage this urge to expefldCtl\eJy Imolved III eachmg ment and discover" ,Clenceto their kids, ~upplement what they are Ie nlllg at ~~~~~~~~~~~ ;,choo! Howe\er, many mo dads are mtlmldated subjeet and feel "science ate" Spring cleaning Kerby Elementary School second-graders, from left, Linda Stanek, Lauren Sullivan and Elizabeth Sine do their part to clean up school grounds during Earth Day festivities on April 22. Alan J Ffledman, the ector of the New York Ha of SCience, one of the lOop hands on sCience museum 111 the country, says you d 't have to be ElI1stem"III orde 0 Check out the Detroit Science Center at John R and East Warren i1l Detroit, (313) 577-8400, or the Cranbrook Institute of Science, on North Woodward between Lone Pine and Long Lake roads in Bloomfield Hills, (810) Be a positive role model Your children Will take heir cues from you about how view sCience Show your I terest m sCience programngon TV urround your family With SCInce magazlI1es and r\!feren works, even sCience fietlO and don't be afraid to look hmgs up Be wllhng to get out and explo , "Let's go outsl~e and check ut the meteor ?wer" Let ~ur home b your labora ry - Cooki IS an especial fun (and tasty) mtroduc on to cheml I reactIOns Richard students. from left. front. Amanda Klimczk, Melissa Konen, John Konen. Beau Williams and Amy Liang, and back from left, Maureen Kellett. Maggie Collison, EmUy Samra. Anne-Taylor Smith and Colleen Burdick, were the winDers in the Women's History Month essay contest held in March. Placing first for second grade was Smith. with her essay on Sacajawea; Williams placed second with his report on Amelia Earhart; and Klimczk. John Konen, Liang and Burdick earned honorable mentions. Third-grader Melissa Konen placed first with her essay on Eleanor Roosevelt; Samra placed second with her report on Mary Lou ReUon; and honorable mentions went to Collison and Ke1lC!,t. / Galore! j\ ~.. ~ .. \.-- , ~~' f"'--a. , ,Gor geous. $11.99. 14.99 ~:;" C,UARANTEED Mom, Stop and I Visit a science ~enter There are about 25/ hands.on • Many Varieties • Great Selection 'il.}.~~ ,~+r (~- "".~,,{::? ~ • Beautiful Plants 1ake 20% oFF Many Varieties. Huge Selection" • 100% Make predictIOn what woul/J.happen aut certam mgredl your cake re<'lpe? What reaction do ou get If you mIXbakmg soda and ville. gar? Fragrant ,,~FLOWERING LILACS Hanging Baskets - HOMEC,ROWN PIANTJ • POTTED ROSES I Smell the .. Roses! j • i .... .. 1 ! I Sa" Ru", May 9 14 19% flOUr<; H 10 9 T)ar/\ 8106 !oounda, 8101286.3655 4762,1;RomPOPlank Rd Bplwl"l'n 21 & 22 M,/~ Road. Mal'omh, Ml ?/ I I ... " - tt----....-""( j/ " tleS for everyone to learn by dOIng Aba, kldb and adults can burf the Internet III search of bcwnce rebource, Manv !'Cwnce centers olTer free, guIded Internet access Ask open-ended questions -- Make a habIt of explormg sCientificconcepts by asklllg questIOns ThiS IS known as lllqUlryFrom watchmg mICrobes based learnlllg and It encoursWlmmmgm a drop of water to ages your chlldren to thmk crebuddmg an arch bndge to atlvely "How would you build changmg your vOiceelectrolll- that bridge to make It cally from a squeak to a roar, stronger?" or "What would you there are many fun OppOrtUlll- mvent to make life easier?" SHOWCASING Public School Success b45-3200 Winners ,clence ,md technology center,; around the country -- check out the DetrOitSCienceCenter at .John Rand Ea';t Warren III DetrOlt, (313) 577 8400, or the Cranbrook In<;tllllteof SCience on North Woodward between Lone Pme and Long Lake roads m BloomfieldHills, (810) 645-3200 - that gIVefanllhes the chance to Illteract with dozens of dlfTerentexhibIts .• j j ~r o At A speCial day IS set aSide each year In communities throughout the nation to recognize the contributions made by all school employees to our society It IS an approprrate time to reemphaSize the fundamental Importance of Amenca's schools Our nation's democracy IS rooted m a free system at public education Classroom teachers and other school employees are the dedicated profeSSionals who make that tree system work, The followmg Grosse Pomte teachers were recognized recently for outstandmg publIC school programs 1 2 Sandy Van Almen, Poupard MIC~le Breda, Poupard 'Hands Across Grades" "News Currents" & 'School.Wide BehaVior Program" Susan Speirs, North "The Science of Learning Biology" Lynn O'Connor, GPEA Preslden( 'Teachers & Administration as Conflict Management Role Models (or children" MarCie Carbone and South Staff 'Model for Shared Governance and School Improvement" Teacher Day ISsponsored by The Grosse Pomte Education Assoclalion and the Michigan Education ASSOCiation Celebrating Teacher Week • May 6 • 10th 1~96 J Schools May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News 15A -~--- -- -Has !lour Mom had a mammogram? n P r S~ 01 hl'eac;1 raOf"8f' HlCIA&SeS Wllh Bg9 among WO l1@[) 65 t'lr"r older prev&Ill many 01 th&<ie dealhs mammograms II m QI I beo you Gall u,> Has your Mom had a mammogram? chaocp If') Q VEl roer ()O(X1 ad'.'ICQ mamf'TlOQ,amc; rrl!l9 yo It nol about dealtl he' 10 gel one ,~ CANCER INfORMA ,,~u flON 1-800-4- ~~~tK)n ----~~---- - ------------ Math winners University Liggett School seniors Karin 5alden, left, and Aaron Montgomery received the Betty Cam. pau Spirit Award. which started with the Liggett School clus of 1939 and honors the memory of Betty Campau, a ULS Alumni secretary for 15 years. The award is given to the senior boy and girl who mott consistently displays loyalty, consideration to others and a sense of school spirit. Parcells students front, from left, Erik Green and Eric Chan; middle row, from left, MIchael Janis, Brandon Dobbing and Eric Bertelsen; and back, Matt Blagdurn, Aruna Fronseka and Ben Schliecher participated April 20 in the regional contest of the Michigan Councll of Teachers of Mathematics competition. Green placed first and received a Wayne County regional trophy. Bertelson and Fremeska finished 8th and 10th; Chan and Schllcher qualifled for the state competition. Chao also received the seventh. grade regional runner-up trophy. -,./. " II ot _ fl*"OO 10 koow j "'CO,uH Ca':.::e, _I1 cau"i9S aoc:ourage _ h They have spirit Ifladlng Eally detechon IhlOl.J9h rPgtJla. mamrnogt'03IffiS could Ve' as women gel older lhey afele">S ~k9!)' to gel we ca.n lell you ev@rylhr.g LU 111'$one ollhe , The deVlcerewards Its user With a moon and stars dIsplay and plays a song when the but. tons are pushed FoundatIOn University Liggett School mini-grants are given to supstudents were among the port electriCityprojects for fifth natIOn'stop Latm scholars who graders to teach them holVto took lhe NatIOnalLatm Exam apply electncal concepts to They are situations Andrew Shelden, ArIadne Lie, ~enson Dunn, Sahli Sood and Kaplan, who received the !'fIvermaxima cum laude Michigan secretary of state awar( Candice Miller and DetrOIt MllfIIa cum laude students LIOns kIcker Jason Hanson were TerrenceSzymanski, Joel were the guest speakers at Parrott, Kyle Denham, Lisa University Liggett School's Brown, Vishal Snvastava and annual Rmg DayIFounders Bryan "'15k program on Monday,Apnl 29 Cum laude honors went to Adam ~check.J, Peter Haarz, Miller spoke to the upper KIm WattrlCk, Masseeha schoolgirls durmg the ring day McDonakl, Rachel Dauw, ceremony, which IS a tradItIOn KaTlssa feucht, Molly Marco, spanmng SIXdecades, and IS Healher' Olson, Leonard symbohc ofthellassmg oftime Sullivan, BrookeWright, Kara In the candlehght ceremony, Feemster, Jenmfer Sllverston, JUniorsreceive theIr class rings Burna Kmhal and Shantanu from their semor counterparts Malkar Hanson spoke to the upper schqol boys as part of the Founders Day celebration, which Includes guest speakers The MlchCon FoundatIOn and alumm guests awarded a $250 mlm-grant to fifth-grade aClence teacher Cheryl M. B,ggs of Mason Elementary School m Grosse Grosse Pointe North Pomte Woods StudentsAubree smgers partIcipated 10 the Urso and Alexandra Beck used annual MIchigan School Vocal the money to I:lVenta "cause MUSIC ASSOCiatIOnDistrICt and effect"toy br special edu- Solo and Ensemble Festival at cation students Oakland Umverslty m ""ah RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 11, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM SCHOOL NEWS Accolades GROSSE POINTE SOUTH POINTE PLAYERS' SECOND ANNUAL February SolOIStsand ensembles are required to prepare selectIOns which are evaluated by Judges and students and rated based on their performance Out ofthe 26 North students who participated, seven received a DIVISionI rating the highest In the competitIOn They are, Katie Wilcox, MeredIth lhrle, Heather KadrJch, Damelle Carahs, Erin McGrane, Casey O'Connor and Maren Colemen Members of the POinte Chorale also received a DIVISIOn I rating of excellent The students are under the directIOn of Margaret Steele, chairman of the North musIc department DIVISIOn I winners are now ehglble to participate In the State Solo and Ensemble Festival to be held later thiS spring Grosse Pointe North's Academic Quiz Bowl Club has been mVlted to the natIOnal competition III New Orleans m June ThISISthe second cunsecutlve year that the qUIz bowl team has partiCIpated m the natIOnaltournament Team members are Sumeet Karnlk, Meredith Chan, Carolme Lee, Jon Wemart, Doug Sui, Gavm Kooand EriCBonten The team IScoached by Patnc Hicks GROSSE ~~ SilU1931 COMPANY SOUTH BOYS GYM SC6? Reunions Proceeds benehtthe Pomte Players and theIr performance of "P,CRIC"allhe June InternatIOnal ThespIan Feshval al the UnIverslly of Nebraska.Lmcoln The St. Anthony High School class of 1946 IS plannmg a 50th reunion for SatUlday, Sept 21, at the St Clair Inn. For details, call (810) 776-5402 Events CAMP ACTIVITIES INCLUDE ... Poupard Elementary School In Harper Woods WIll host an informatIOnalmght on Wednesday, May 22, at 7 pIn to hlghhght summer activitieS available for children III Grosse Pomte and Harper Woods RepresentatIVes from the Grosse Pomte hbrary, the summer school program, the Harper Woodshbrary, Harper Woods parks and recreatIOn, the Neighborhood Club and Sandlot Baseball Camp Will be on hand to answer questIOns -Archery -Basketball-Baseball -Compass Reading -Football -Frisbee eGolf -Hiking -Kickball -Ping Pong -Rappel1ing .Soccer -Softball -Street Hockey -Swimming -Tee Ball-Tenms -Track & Field -Volleyball - Outstanding Instruction for each sport - Special demonstrations and lectures - Overall ratio of just seven campers per staff member allows for personalized attention • Individualized swimming lessons at lakeview High SChool (transportation to and from lakeview High School Will beprovided by The Grosse Pointe Academy school buses and certified drivers) <Zl "Our focus will continue to be on sportsmanship, fair play, teaming and skill improvemen~ not on winning and losing. 1t LAST DAY Of REGISTRAJION SCHOOl. ElECTION ,'#'~tJr-d1 POINTE NOTICE Of lAST DAY Of RfGlSTRAJlON Of THE ElECTOIlS Of SCHOOl DlsmcT Of THE cnY Of HAlP£Il WOOOS WAYNE COUNIY, MICHIGAN Camp To Be Held At THE GROSSE POINTE ACADEMY 171 Lakeshore Rd.' Grosse Pointe Farms 1'011fE ELECTORS OF THE SCHOOL D1!mU= P1eau 1'Ike- Nobce- that 10 1996 the annuallJth.oo! ett'CtlOn of ~ Kbool dlltnd 'Mll be held on. Monday - JUNE 17 to AUG. 8 - (8 WEEKS) 10% DISCOUNT ON SECOND CHILD THE LAST DAY ON WHICH PERSONS MAY REGlS1'ER IN ORDER TO BE EUGIBLE 1'0 Von: AT 11fE ANNUAL SClfooL ELECTION CAlLED TO BE JlELD ON MONDAY. JUNI! 10 I_IS MONDAY MAY IS, ,-. PERSONS REGlSTERlNGAF'1'ER 5 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING ON MONDAY. MAY Is., )996. ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE ANNUAL SC1fooL ELECTION 15 (Il1e1'l 6PerWeet orlllOre 1Weefts, or $16500 F1VEPer~ IWE£KS <It lESs To Register By Phone, Or For More Inrormation Or Brochures On 1b re~!Iter VOInl any Secre\ary of St.a~ br.nch officC' or your C'O\Inty city or townshIp clc-rk I officI!' Potnontl plantHt\e fo rejpsur \\.,th the re.spe<tl\l!' countv city or town .. h p c-1eru must ~rtam tne daya and hours on whu:h the df'rk! orfi~ are ope-n for repslratlon Th , Notice $12500 THE BLUE STREAK ALL.SPORTS CAMPS call: 1.800.871.CAMP (2267) by order of the board of tdac .. Uon Our 6.25% APR"Home Eqyjly Une helps you find monewour home. With Eqw Mone~you can find the (undmg you need (or Just about any expense home Improvements, tripS, education, whatever And there's not o better time to get It because right now MIChIgan National Bonk IS offermg a low mtroductory rate, currently Just 625% That's a (ull 2% below the prime lendmg rate' Plus, the mterest you do pay IS usually tax dedUCtlble' But yo" must apply by May 31, 1996. So be smart and get EqurMoneytoday For information or to apply by phone, call I-BOO-CALL-MNB £~ Michigan National Bank Regular Rate' . . ----.11 --"~'" . . "The dl'5(oun[f:'d Introductory Y3n:able rate of 6 25".4. osb.:lsed on ThtW~ SCrtet joumol pnme r3te mmu, 200'% good through December Pe"en""e Rate. ,n effect •• of March 1 1'I'I6 ... re 875% for Ine. of $50000 $250000 925';" for I,,,,,. of $25000 to $~9 to change monthly Jlnd based 00 Tht WoN Strt'6 Jourr.ol pr me fjtte piUS the Jlppllcable margm MaXImum APR 1$ 18% Of9cr Imlted after 1M ~",l Y"!'ar There.lre no other COSU lO e>penyoor JlCcount Pk!,ue COt"lsult your we Oldmor reg;arcJi'ng ax deductlbdrty Property 0' ,,,1,, su~t . "-.-c;7i¥ ;;MiJ ... .,.. .......... COttI'OtlAft ;'?iii;-; ? 5 0fIIICII0 80 .. S HomdloJ"l Sog now MI ~8602 (5171 792 0934 18001 968 3~56 ICOn IlOIIINIOlII '"' {5171792 2423 pmOlI dmg 1 Ocrl'S com Prl!""derH IMfOllAL OMClr SEQUENCE iF.~ '0 3 t 1996 After that the regular ratE'S .nd 1025% for Ime, of $5000 m to new lf1'Sur.:lnct 'MIl and I ne tncrt'i1'SE'S '0 a~1y For t'll'.lmple th- Anl"Ml:l1 SH m The ....PR, >t. v",.bIe of $S 000 Dr more $040 oInnwl fe£> IS rC!'qwred App'l(at ons must bE' ~eTYe'd by May ), 1'996 llCCO\PnCS I May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News 16A BE A WINNER • MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE $trategy. apply ~ui,kly I-I I =as · I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I -. ) I I I POlition yourlelf. ,hoole a career L_ !( I =as--_. Make four move · enjoy learning Tak~a~vantage• regZJter now Be a winner · gra~uatean~prolper Summer $emeJter g,e8iJtration: r.eJular: Mon.-Fri., April 29-May ~ Final: Mon.-Fri., May 1~-2+ lUC CC CaU ~1~.+96.2600 \i~TT\lr'TOf(()'I"I"'O~ITHfTMI:'J J1"t/Ioc-i""~'~'" ......1(1'1\~ I o h'..... \~"'''I( ,,~1.(~1' .1... Wayne County Community College '-'D\7~"11 \~ ..... • ..."t"l'l!lrl '),- ..... "'10- .~ hI...". - jo,/l!~~""" " ~ ,{1. ...... ~~ Ii" ~ .. , ~ ~ 'l,\-aH1c(IJn1\ ;. (' mrlllr I"" '\ ~\ r II<'EC rrJrr-j 1'1" h tt" r.1 4,l;(,(l(' tl\(~ \ f CollegC',," ,mJ s£r.ooj~ ~it ~r A. May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News News 17A Grosse Pointe Public Library gets 3 new trustees By Shirley A McShane libl dl"}'bOard members The three pro"peltlve Threl' Pomte dl e,l re'IOenh tru,tee, well' ~elelted by d \I Ith dlvel'l backgl ound~ dnd 10mmittee of IltlfJng board ,I wPdlth of wmmunlt~ ~ervlw tl u'lee" city mayor, and hd\P been rewmmended to fill llor rn hn n.~ pre .:L....rot Jv~dl the \ dlanlle_ on the Gros_e BrUle They dre Robert E Pomte Llbl ar) bOdrd of KJdlla of Gro""e Pomte Park, tru,tee, Vicki Granger 01 Grosse Pomte AJ, -tlpuldted In the 1994 db Wood, and Rlchdrd G DaVid of trld library establishment Gro""e Pomte Shore" aj.,'Teement, the Gros"e Pomte The ,chool board IS expected ~Lhool blldrd appOInts the to vote on the recommenda- tlon" at It> Monday, MdY 13 meetmg The appomtee" If "elected, replaCe Greg Theokas of Gro",,,,e POinte Park, Dorothy Kennel of Gro"se POinte Shol es _-:d Flur,,,,, ~l.lkl uf GIU"",POinte Wood" who,e terms expire on June 30 Staff Writer Friends honor 7 at annual event The Friend" of the Grosse Pomte Pubhc Library Will present seven dlstmgur"hed service awards to member" of the community Who have made slg. mficant contribution" to the Friends and to the library 'The Fnends and the library hdve undergone tremendous change over the past three year,," 6dld Edward Deeb, Fnends preSident ''These awards celebrate the endurmg strength of our large dnd loyal membershIp and honor the hours and energy devoted to creatmg a district hbrary, spearheadmg a succe;,,,,ful mIllage campaign and preservmg the SPlTlt of the rare book collection With the creatIOn of a Friend, Endowment Fund" Honored thiS year are Mr and Mrs Donald M 0 Thurber, Mr and Mrs Donald L Sweeny III, CharII''' D Han"on, Mrs Patflcla Jeff", Mrs Jacquelme Michaels, Ed Shme dnd The Grosse Pomle News Award" Will be presented Tue",day, May 14, durmg the Fflends' annual dlllner at the Grosse Pomte War Memonal Woods branch increases hours The Grosse Pomte Pubhc Library has added eIght more hours to the Woods branch weekly schedule The branch now opens at 11 am, Monday through Thursday, and closes The library agreement between the City of Harper Woods, the five Pomte mUnlCIpalltle", and the Grosse Pomte Pubhc School Sy,tem requires thdt the board mu't hdVl om' trustee from each mUlllclpdlrty and one at ldrge II Uqu degree m "peech dlld LOmmUnJ latlOns and 'lhool ddmllll,trdtlOn dnd h the coordmdtor of KJaczd Ib a "die" lnh'lllelr aCddemlc affdlr" dt Dl 1.d Sdlk and a former Gro~",e Pomte Collegiate In Wdrrln Sh .. hd' Pdrk city LOunlllmdll He ..11"0 "erved on the Md~on PTO lXl'l has "erved on the Pdrk\ plan ulIV( board, Wd", d member of nmg comml",slOn, ha, belll d the Wood",' Idkefront pdrk member of the recreation com pld) ~Cdpe commlltee, the miSSIOn and rewntly became a recreatIOn comml'i,lOn .llld thl volunteer member of the pldnnmg comml,,,lon library's technology LOmmlttee Ddvld IS a CPA and pdrtner Granger has a md'ter'" With KPMG Peat M"rwlck LLP He Wd' ..I membel dnd ortiwr of the Foundel' Junwr ( ouncl! of the DetlOl! In,tltute (If Art, lommlttu dUlltOl for t\-.c r 2!l .... ~ C'J"":.;;- ..~""L. itJl the 1980 Repubhldn NdtLondJ COnV(ntlOn and the 1982 Suplrbowl CUrl ently, he 'If\l' a" findllce Chdlrm<lll of the DetrOIt Sport, Comm""lOn dlld LO chairman of the Joe LOUI" AWdrd DlIlner at the DIA Grosse Pomte PTO Councl! Deeb IS preSident of the MIchigan Food and Beverage AsSOCiatIOn, MFBA, and pre"ldent for the Michigan Bu~mess at 9 P m Friday and Saturday announced he Will step down hours Will remam 10 a m to 5 after servmg ",IX ye:lTh as a and ProfeSSIOnal As"oclatlOn, MBPA He also served the wm. p m The hbrary Will remam trustee mUlllty as a trustee of the closed on Sundays Also leaVIng the board IS Grosse Pomte Shores John Bruce, Joseph Clor, Improvement ASSOCiatIOn, and The Park branch IS currently Sarah Ramey and Frdnces conductlllg a survey to deterMIller New tru"tees will be mme If patrons deSire a change elected at the Fflend",' dnnual m hours The proposed change dmner on TueSday, May 14 would open the library earher Deeb Jomed the Fnends on two days and close earher before the library separated on two IlIghts A decISion IS from the Grosse Pomte PublJc expected next month School System IS pa,t pre"ldent of ServICe, for Older Cltlzcns, sac As LO founder and coordlllatOJ of the Met ro DetrOlt Youth Da)', he ha" for 14 year, mdr.,heJed the support of corpOl ate and commUlllty orgdllllatlOn, to ho<t a ddY of fun and le<lrnlllg at Belle Isle for them and 14,000 local children Library NEWS Deeb leaves Friends board Edward Deeb, preSident of the Fnends of the Grosse Pomte Pubhc LIbrary, No challengers for Shores council By Chip Chapman 1992 run for re-electIOn because the StaffWnter Monahan was appointed to clerk pOSitIOn term ends In Grosse Pointe Shores voters the council In January 1989, May will see famlliar names on the replaclllg trustee Damel Beck ApPOlqtees to the councilor ballot b!!cause no challengers who reSIgned m December clerk pOSItions III the Shores filed to hm against the incum1988, and was elected to a full must nm m the next election, bents JI1 the May 21 electIOn term In May 1989 regardless of whether the term ThiS wlll be the thIrd consecWillett was first elected May of the person bemg replaced utIve uncontested electIOn In 1992 after falhng short by Just was expirmg the Shores three votes In 1990 In her first There are no ballot proposals Up for re-electIOn are try for the council m thIS year's Shores electIOn PreSident John Huetteman III, PIggott, who was appomted Polls are open from 7 a m to and trustee;, Richard Mertz Jr , clerk m late 1994, was elected 8 p m at the VIllage office;" 795 John F Monahan and Barbara to the post m 1995, but must Lakeshore Willett Clerk Cameron H Piggott, who was appointed to the position In 1994, IS also on the ballot t \ Huettemdn wa~ first elected to the counCil as a trustee m Pn!mIumhsh 1Iawen& plants, sllkar,8i •• ridsand (li8& May 1985 He was apPOinted preSident In July 1993 after Mother's Day is May 12th! Edmund M Brady Jr SpecjaI Gifts fi:rSpeaalIlbn& re;,lgned from the pOSitIOn VlllltaurllboppeintheCuso:mcraft~ Mertz, appOinted to the council 111 ,Janu.lry 1992 after ()pen chio S&t.unIa,ywdllllGO p.m.,( butonlerearly ""' ~eeIedooa) tru"tee C Bradford Lundy 89 Kerrbt!Vlll Ave., C.P.F. MOIl. - S... 9:30 - 5:30 resIgned, was elected In May 313-882.1439 FuU Delivery & Wire Se""ce Your Mother ' Should, 1 Know - HIS volunteer contnbutlOns to the school system mclude servmg as preSident of the Barnes, Parcells and North P'I'Os and serving a four-yearterm as preSident of the AssumIng M!IY opllon costs !he same. which child care anangen Iefl1: 'NOU1d you most prefer? ChiId~fa!:J/Ify.r =~ J -- -.! 'I"""~ ~ ~ ..!fOU'_ 31% _ 21" - - L>w .. ".,..". GIVE MOM A GIFT SHE CAN REMEMBER All YEAR LONG. 19" _ 16% ~.... 10dMty ~ $691~99 S% No~/Oon"knowS",", ~t '~_cM1 Prol'i""'of~~u"'Worir ~ ~i 24% LeacI Crystal Lamps nOr a/mootd LtpJ Notice The ann llal reuJ m of lhe i Sale ends Saturday, May II th Chane"" Kelly FOtIndal10n IS available for LnO:;J)CCllOQ ~g regular busmes<i; hour ... by any cllizen who rcqu:c"it'i. mspecllOn within ]80 day:!> of Ihl ... .. ool'ce Call for appoIntment (313) SJ8lUNG HGTS • 81D7J9.'liUJ • Il50J H.lllllrl ~ 8822606 Charles Kelly Jr 31~ Reno Lane Grosse PolO,e Fanns M I 48236 ,e 'I - " ~ 1:~ ot l1k ..",k M' II ",II 1llO\" 8101I!:>.14m'1241 E 14MIi"IIrl1112 mill [ o'lJJ,iJnd ROSEVIll.E. 810 nl 2211 • 27J1l (,ralKJI r\\.t 1'\ 01 l' \~lll Rd ! "-1on & Thur:;10 [0800 •....., ~~ • rues 'w\tod Fn 10 In biX) • ~ll 1O!o.,00 wassearching. CHRlmAH SClfNCf RfADING ROOMS AHNARBOR 306 Eo,t I.Jbeny (3131662 1694 BIRMINGHAM 355 East MoP/e 18101644 7935 MS8JARl@T DfARBORN Village Plaza s.,,1e P38 23400 M'ch gon Avenue 131312741833 Fax 882.0220 WE DELIVER 882.5100 ON THE CAMPUS 355 FISHER RD. DmlOlT MetropoIdan A, rport Mezzanme leYeJ leroy C Sm ,II> Sooth Terrmool OPEN 8 to 5 30 P m DAilY, Wed tll Noon - Closed Sunday UPS PICK.UP DAILY SALE PRICES GOOD MAY 9th • MAY 15TH FARMS 7 VEGGIE OUR BEEF KABOBS $599EACH CHICKEN KABOBS $4 99 EACH Fresh Catch of/he Week' ALASKAN RED SOCKEYE FAMOUS PRIME FILET MIGNONS 99 LB. $13 COOKED CHiCKEN BREAST TENDER, I 449 LB. ~ 13/31941 3660 LEAN 45 West Grand R_ /3131961 6714 BABY BACK RIBS 29 ~ j LB. I had read $3 PASTA SALAD 99 $4 $19\B CoCklAIL SAUCE LB. with BEE BUSH SOLID WHITE TUNA ~ $1 49 cAN ...~ .... ~ R WESTERN COUNT PIES Hn $279 BAKED BEANS 79~CAN lIloth,., $9 j,\ \ If)'?~( , OJ} ,____ F'tFree 4 CANS FOR 5 JUMBO ,1 $ 29 750 ML. ~j .' CAESAR or ITALIAN BLEND SALADS I "\W~ CCMlPOllAft ... 2 ....en. FOR ICOI'T .. Pre~nr INIOII emOlI dmq I Ocr I com and ChrOlll.C I'atlgue headache~ H~al~h iol... 11l1lll.lj healings, SjIldrome, and relatlonshlp dl~ llcul tles:' BAG 23834 Grand R,ver 1313)5311276 4330 We~ Dav.5O<1 A"""ue 131318345577 FUNT Somersel Town Cenlef" 4270 M,ller Rood L8101 230-00« GROSSl POINT FARMS 106 A"""ue 1313) 884 7490 MONROf 21 Eo" F,,,, Sh-ee, 1313) 242 5577 OXFORD 7T Sou4/, We>!>, ngton Stree! 181016282135 Pl.YMOUTH 445 Sou4/, Ho""'Y ROYAL OAK 220 W.,t 4th Street 18101541 1592 SOUl'HFIRD A.-neflcon Center 8u khng 27777 Fren~"n Rood at Eleven M,1eRood 181013524202 or TRfNTON 3029 lion Hom oJ Fort Street 13131676 sea5 99~BOX GREEN PEPPERS WAYNf 360 l ~ M1cf..lgof'l Avenue West '3131 72252116 or For People Who Aren't Afraid To ~l~. AYalIah+r In B~sl()I"t:'s Or nvsw- •• -n-----....,,,."" .. ~~--r....u ), ....... or ,'"l -r .... -'" \ ~ SEQUENCE Gro". Pomt Parle 14107 K...chevol Avenue 13131862 3837 18 Eos.t Lawrence St-ee' $500 3/99~ F,>her au,kI, ng 30 II We" G<ond 81vd (313) 675 7572 18101322 S442 MEE"E~ CUCUMBERS Gmwold 1313)454 1676 $500 BOXES FOR oJ PONTIAC DISPENSER 8004 S Hom.llon 50g now M I ~8602 1\171 792 0934 180019683456 Ie, 15171792 2~n has S~l.ence ever ...daj. had man... nonderlul, I have KLEENEX EtB r=::::~==::~ --:--:::I- read STOUFFER CORN $1 TRUCKLOAD SALE LB. ~.I~~ EA. there. Sc~ence aDd Health. ph ...sical SJ.nce that :~f~~~tJn _ 81 COLOR 79 aDd a mnt HeattyPort,ons/8VaneiteS •'Ii,.~Jhi~ PINEAPPLE A$199 $499 aDd changed almost i=ediatelj• I stopped medl.cation and "as GOLD $4~?n about emotl.onal Then I lound COFFEE~~ 6 ~"~~. 3/ fA, ~ '1199~ FRf'iH Pl[1 ff) 1\ (ORED I $2 FLORIDA CANTALOUPE S,./ectlOn CLAMATO JUICE 19 32 oz. DRIED CHERRIES 'O"oLe55$'; 99 BROWN MICHIGAN CHICKEN BROTH TOA () 11011 OW CHARDONNAY \It MOTT'S PRITKIN Y ~~;,~k~~umb Pecan BEST had a clue here Carr's Bite Size Crackers $1.29 box/Truffle Pat~ $7.99 lb. BUMBLE the 1J.brarj ..'ell-beUlg. All the books led onl ... to other books FARMS EXCLUSIVE COtDSUMMER & ClEANED SALMON FILETS $598 LB. HERB & GARLIC In -, 5c~J"i('t Rtadmg 800 <'44 6000 O1rrHI.;m R()()O'lS. T.em WlNDSOtl, ONTARIO /14 G,Ie, Blvd W"'t 151912547448 News 18A May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News 2 arraigned in Park for series of muggings across Grosse Pointe By JIm Stlckford 1 ht' Llt m~ mud"llt h,IPP( III d StaftW'lter on \1<.11,11 19 <.Indthl P.lIJ.. lI\LJ hI" mll1 h,ll,l,d b\ ('"l-~, d '" t (JL lUI t ,d 'Il \ Pt II b I',wll, p"llll to b, IL~P[)1blblt. 1'<.11 k \lullJ'lp<.l1 JudgL ( ill fl dt lLJ. ...t ....l \ III Illllg-~Ing ...... In J<.Ilbol plt'-Idl'd OIL'I thl tl ", "I th, I"'l!ll' _ III th, 11J<.Ilh'THilllll \Itll hl<.lllllg th, t\\tJ n opth .. \\(Il JIIJl~nLd In lhell!.l_ Iiled bl dellllJ\t~ th, (>10'" 1'''111[( 1'..11k fl om the P<ll k F<.IIm~ <.Ind('It I \llIllHlpiI '''1I1! Oil Flld ...\ ,J ,I bOl -l t bond \11\ \ lT1 ~h jl '", ... thlt )ll1rl '1 .1 ......1 Iii. : ...l ,j -, nd thlm t" pI b,,11 fOI IS \\ell III rOUllt\ J<ltl Oil $':;0000 \l u'" l<.l-h bond \I.J-Oll - bond \leID,melll I{ hdb 19 of -et dt $')0000 pel l h<.llge 01 D,IIOll \\ 1- ,hellg"ed \"th $200000 III dll P<.Ilk pollcl' Ilnl" lOUIl!- "f 1I1l1imed lob detlct" e D<.I\Id Hd 1"1 -..lId bel\ ...Ild ulle lOUIlt of l<lrcen\ th<lt :'I1.bon <.Ind Folk- Ilel e h o III <.1 pll ...on Jlh ...... C Jl101C" retent" <lll <l11,'TledIII DNrOit \lei-Oil 20 ,II~o or DetrOit ,",<l~ on -lmIl<lr lllm, _ Folk~ bond l h<ll":, d "II h Olll Ullint of l<lr 111 Detroit \\<.I~ ~et <.It$450000 UIl\ !I orn <.I Pli -on ,md one .Jnd MeI_on'_ \\.1-et .It 'OUllt ot Ull It mld lobben $150000 Tlw-l llltlll11ed 01 ull<.1rmed Jarboe <l~ked the detectlve~ lobblll , 1I1 bl -el1tlnced to up fOi .ld\ Ill' befO! e ~etlJng bond to 13 1,..11- m pn~on The Park detectl\ e Jame_ p,I1.JIl\ rOl,( 11\ h om <.Iper Armbl u-tel ~.lld that the tllO ...un I .... 10 \('.11 ... In pn-..un men II ere <lrre~ted for rob Th, Ulm,the\ \\ere bene~ that 111\ 011ed <ls'-ault lh,lIguj Illth III the Clt\ took 1\ Ith I IOlence and thcI arc <lbo pl<lll on \l.Jllh Jl <.Ind,\pnl 5 fa~lI1g charge~ 111 DetrOIt for -lIIOU, trlm,'He urged <l 11I,.:hbond F<lII11- dnd Cill detectl\ e_ <.Igreed 1\ Ith 0\1 mbru,tel D,t'UI\l' RI(k Good 01 the F<.Irm, told J.JI boe th<lt the 1I tme the t wo ,-u~ped~ <In' .Ill u-ed 01 eommlttmg In the F<.Ilm~ 111\ oh ld ,m eldellv .lrr<lll,'lwd III the P<.IIk on FJlda\ <lll' <.Ip<llt 01 ..I l<llgel g.lng- th<lt h bLlll \ ld to h<.lH committed <.I IlUmbli ul lob belle~ m Dltlolt <lnd thl' POll1te~ -There h.J~ bl'en a total of ...eVl-n people .11re .... led :=,.0fdl, ,aid Hiller -That mclude~ .I ... m .... LUlih dllu\.'\oH lv tilt... 1\o 1Il<l11 .lnd <l Juvellile \Ve ground \\ hill' ... he '\..1'-) mugged bellel e the"e hI a wmmlttcd .It Armbru~tel told ,J<lrbOt' that least ;,even IObbclles In th~ .I P<ll I,. \ Ictlm II1JUIed her he<ld POinte, In the last two <lltel ~he II <l, kno~ked down month;, , dUring one of the robberlC' The detective;, told J<lrboe elliegedly wmmilled b\ the th<lt Foll,~ wa, the one who ~u,pech olssaulted the ViCtims, whlle Cltv detective DenJ1JS Van Mason was the wheelman who D<lle '''.lld that he agreed With dlOve the get away vehicle A Armbruster and Good, dnd vanety of cars was u"ed to ~,lId that the two suspects commit the crimes, said Hiller .lfter bemg told that they did When asked why they were 'lOt have to talk to the police only belllg charged for four robunder the Miranda ruhng by benes, Hiller Sdld thdt eVIthe Supreme Court, confes~ed dence lIldlcatmg that Mason to DetrOIt pollce that they com- and Folks were the guIlty par. mitted two robberle" In the tit'S was strongest III these four City lIlcldent" Hiller ;,ald that the two men "These guys .Ire facmg a lot lL Dinosaurs coming to Cottage's Family Fitness Fest D1I10-.lUI- II III take m el the lobb\ of 1ll'11r\ Ford Cottage Ho~pJl.l1 on SUlld<.l\ M<ly 19, flam 10 JO .I m to 230 pm, durll1g the F<lml" Fltne", Fe~t .Jl1d Fun Run & \\alk The l'\ enb .Ire part of the DlI1o~<lur Health Club for KJds, .I Henr\ Ford He<.llth S\stem 1I11tJ3tl\e to teach chddren about proper nutntlOn, skill C.lre <lnd ho,", to ;,dY "no' to drug" At edch "Dmo-statlon," children 11.'111 pdrtlclpate m an educ<ltlon.l] activity and come d\\a\ With healthy ll1formatJOn and a special gift or treat The\ 'II al"o be ll1vlted to have a photo taken and mdde mto a DlI1o'-aur Health Club button to wear While the children are busy learmng With the dmosaurs, the adults can check out their own health and fitness status With free ,creenlllgs, lIlcludmg blood pre~sure, ;,troke risk analYSIS, body composItion analYSIS, gluco;,e SCdn and the grip te"t In the big tent next to the parklllg deck, chlldren age-. 34 5 6 <lnd 7-9 can Sign up to race In the free Dmosaur Romp, which begin" <It noon on the <ldJacent Messner Field The Dmo~aur Romp IS span~ored by Henry Ford Home Health Cdre All entrants recel\e a rdce number and rib- bon, \\ Ith .l1V<l1 d~ gomg to the top filll;,her~ III e.lch age dlVl sion Aba In the big tent, final regIstratIOn for the 16th annual Fun Run & Walk \\111 be under wav from 1030 <lm to 1245 pm Newly de~lgned and coJor ful Fun Run & Walk 'DlIloshIrts" are guaranteed to the first 500 people who register, and all racers recel\ e a ribbon for their participatIOn Olympic-style medals are awarded to runners In male and female categones m fiveyear age diVISIOns from 14 years and under to 60 year;, and over - a total of 78 runner~ medal~ Plus, pm-nbboned medals are given to the first 50 walkers who cross the Hospital Inform.ltlOn desk at the Henry Ford Medical Centers In Grosse Pomte Farms, St Clair Shores, Roseville and New BaltImore, at Assumption Cultural Center In 8t Clair Shores and at Hanson's Runnmg Shop III Gro;,se Pomte Woods, or by calling (313) 640-2456 Early registratIOn for runners and walkers ($10 fee) closes Wednesday, May 15 After that date, entnes WII! be taken only on race day, from 1030 a m to 1245 pm m the big tent on the Hospital's MUir Road parkmg lot The late regIstratIOn fee IS $12 The annual Fun Run & Walk IS sponsored by CHAMP (Cottage HospItal AthletIC MedlCme Program) and HAP (Health Alhance Plan) to hIghhght the Importance of exercise fimsh Ime Entry forms are avatlable at the Henry Ford Cottage OIEM.DRY~of lAKESHORE CARPET & UPHOlSTERY S'~1f _ 15% OFF (..""EMORYI$i1'89"Sle<II!dIra6ema~olH.1lr1'l$~rd'I CHE~ Df'y Srsrem ar'4" ~ ~ ~M Ire W'dI' Brunch honors Moms The War Memon<ll will ho~t Mother\ Dav Brunch on Sunday, May 12, at 10 30 d m The center';, Cl'Y~tal Ballroom I;, the ~ettlllg for the event by Entertamment is prOVided member~ of the Gro;"e Pomte Chamber Mu"lc Advance reservatIOns are required as no tickets are sold <It the door Tickets are $10 adults and $5, children 12 and under M<lstercal d and VIsa accepted Cdll (313) 881-7511 Free driver's education trom Dodge. /.ookjor the Dodge Insert in today'r paper , It's when' you'll find At. to mnke you a smarter test-dnver; and a chance to Win a hockey jan's ~am rrip. ~~~~N;!!. • ~ The New Dodge (61619S704m ~1~6I-Z2 AAA MORTC"C~ & F'N"NC'''' CORP Ciirld~ Lazare's Furs Ir.lI~1or1l\e d .lrlllCf\ly lhlt lenni Prob<lble l.lU~e 1'- a le~"er -t<llld<ll d t h<ln red,-on.lble doubt, ' ~ald Jdrboe 'Many deltnddnh W<ll\e the preliml11<l1)healing but It " pO~~lble ford Judge to I ele.l,e ~u~pect, <lfter hearing wltne"es .It a pi elImlllal y heanng bec<lu"e Ilffilnar\ }.,t'lnno" fnr l,('> (nlt 'h'lt tho ('I, I~ nro prt"> Wedne~d<l), \1<l~ 8 An <.IIreiI1,'11 -ented did not melt the ,tanment, expldllled J<.IIboe, I~ d.ll d~ of prob<lble (au~e It's where 'U~Pllt" <lr(' lh<lr~ed rare, but It h<lppen" .. Ydth Crime" A prehmmar} heaTIng establhhed what After a prehmlllary hearing cnme;, took pl.lce, dnd thdt III mumclpnl court, the suspect there " probable"e to IS then remanded II1tOthe cu,,believe that the ~u~p('cb tod) of the local CirCUit court, charged at Lhe drralgnment where they will be arraigned are the people who lommltted and charged 111 circuit court the lrlme m helpmg to keep the whole family fit .lnd healthy Aba contnbutmg to the event are the Kalosomatlcs program of AssumptlOn Cultural Center, Hanson's Runnmg Shop, First Foto, Person-Covey Inc (mak. ers of Solbar sunscreen), Ross Ped 1 a tr ICS -Nu t rJ t londl Supplements, LlfeScan Inc and the staff of the Henry Ford Health System Henry Ford Cottage Hospital IS located at 159 Kercheval, one mtle sovth of Moross, m Grosse Pomte Farms Free par lung \\{~II be avaIlable durmg the FIl/lllly Fitness Fest m the hospital parkmg deck on MUIr Enter MUIr from Kercheval on Sunddy, May 19, slllce the street WIll be closed to through traffic to make way for the race CLEANING. a!I(J;~rQJ'ffP,fir4f of lh.lrge~' -<.lId Hiller Somettrlw_ ,I pi 'hll uto! will liIL' ()ni\ <l WI t,lln numbel 01 ,h<ll ge_ In-lud oj IiIlIlg <.III01 them Th" <.IlIu\h him to pie ...enl the ....trongt ....t (d ....l ...' Jal boe, <l~ I eqUlJ ed b, ~t<.ltl 1<.1\\, ,et M ..l>on <.Illdfulk_ pre &gl'Mf?"ltf'll Itls Time ,. CANTALOUPE .....• To $129 $ 399lB LEU &. ROlfA/\F LETIUCE 69\B ~facl\TOSH 59(LB APPLES -:... q $169 ASPARAGUS..... MILLER (Jtr 24 Pack Ol" $1 :Jl, Cans ')9 THUNDER LB LITE Canadian Lager STILTON lB FROM MARTHA'S KITCHEN HEAT M' SERVE ~ . '"L) BEER $3 .. t\.Y L &. S... m. C... 4,:.__ ~ CHRISTIAN MOUIEX ( ) r ROAST i ,\,f ,". MilK ,,' J( l'\.'\.\'. ( j l \R[){ \f f 'l)' 1/2 ,a /I"r \"[1[1 j "ESTATE" S449 s ~ 9 -'0. q, CHATEAU SOUVERAINs ,,"'( \ I( '-0" BIA'-( s MIRRASOU Bl R( l ....[)~ 6 ',0. .,.. tl R PEPSI PRODUCTS "2 8 Paries liter $399 99~., .0 •• ~ - .s'p '~" -.C'''.P' 9' 6 $189 1/2 GAL. 2 "/0 0_ GEORGE DU BOUEf V\ Hill 0 CALDER DAIRY ).......... ,.., HAYWOOD $399 LB ----$329 LB PAN"MA TYPIC A COLUMBIAN SUPJlE\10 SWISS WATER DECAF Restyle ~~ PINTS MILK. , .• GAl 0 'Ir ~ ( ,,' \' '\,i l'\, kl " ....( ( \ 11 " '\, \1 \ ( '\, ;'\.'" '? R \ SCrvice and Cleaning Profeel the life and beauty of your fur by conng for ~ I czore S sclenfJflCOlly clmate confraled \ au~s ensure the propef enwonmenf for your ')/esfment AU! In house cleantng SCfVlCe and Slorage PUISaver 70 yeatS 0' cxper ence and care to woo fOf yOu LB 1/2 GAL & HALF HALF DElOACH ( 1 $429 CHOCOLATE "'')0 .. '\,)l" Cleaning Taking Care of BUSiness _ Ib KABOBS Sol'd, Tur~e\ KABOBS SirI0l--n-n-rp NAPA RIDGE '\.( lB $599LB oz Sma" or Li1r~eCurd 16 \~f ~I STEAKS ~~~DERLOIN S4~9 ChIcken 99( COTTAGE CHEESE Your Furs BBQ NY STRIP STEAKS $639LB Boneless Sirloin $399 ,...~~~ Wi~h.llo" I'" E C- 1 A 5199Ih Store lB z,tIf ~4 !~~'~n~~l~!?mmKAB__O_B_S ROASTED ASPARAGUS I, 6 pad - WillE S CONFETTI 'f ~ (' 59 ... Ot'p $649 English • 0'1' BAY $519lB GARGONZOLA $229 NewLeanFIatEnd LEFTBOSKY CORN BEEF $3" LB $4"" LB Fresh Lake PERCH $899 L;; Fresh Atlantic SALMON $699 LB Everything Old Is New Again 8reathe new I'e ,rIa a dafed fu( Lazare S deSIgn team prOVides you wrtIl the eXPe!1ence and tools for res1yIlng YOJ' fur 10 a Piece fhoj meets your needs today Vlsrt OUT showroom and leI Peler p,esent tt>e op~OI1Sthat are avo liable to yOU We ole only 0 coli away Ron OUI tully bOnded seMCe rep,esenloflve prOVldeS Lazare s P9'SOIIOlized pk:kup Ora!'ge ROUGHY Peeled & Cooked SHRIMP $899 Lazare's makes it easy for you, LB SimPly call 313-961-4731 and If you are Wlfhln the 48230 or 48236 area, Ron Will pick up your furs at your home or office - or . Bring them to USat 493 Ouellette Ave lust left out of tunnel f J ~r o A • May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Seniors Older Americans Month celebrated in Michigan 19A Echoing the natIOnal theme AgIng A LifetIme OpportunIty," Gov John Engler deddred Maya, Older Americans Month In MIChigan Followmg a 33-year tr<idltlOn ,juL.:afl..J ;11 1903, EugJt,1 ~'-lojd that a bpeelal commemoratIOn for older adultb make" sen"e because there IS much to be learned from our older adult populatIOn, a group With skIlls and talents which are often are plannmg "pecldl (.vent, m honor of Older Amencanb Month The btate dgency, ab part of the month-long commemoratIOn, has produced bookmark ... With ~ n-.hnnn ,~~\ toll-free number for UbI' by SeniOrb and their famdy memo bers who have concerns or questIOns about how to access community servICe, for older people The toll-free Ill! dubbed St John-Bon Secours SenIOr Community Will host HealthFest, a healthy lIfestyle open house, on Saturday, May 11, from 9 a m to noon, at Its facIlIty at 18300 E Warren The free event wJlI feature absessments to mOnitor health, including measurements of blood preSbure and heIght/weight, body fat analySIS, testing of visual aCUIty, hearmg and dIabetes, and rIsk assessment of dIabetes and btroke Information Will be available about the role that nutrl' tlOn and exercIse play m mam. tammg a healthy lifestyle the EJderc.Jre Locator (1 800677-1116), I" ImprInted on the bookmark" The servICe IS funded by the US AdmInlstr.JtlOn on AgIng and np0""'1t~c:: ~!o:r,dJ.... thruUbh Friday, 9 a m to 11 p m The bookmarks are bemg dlssemmated stateWIde by the state agency In partnership WIth the state's IIbrarv coopera tlves Parr saId Older Amencans "'T\ HealthFest features free health screenings The Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pomte Will hold ItS next luncheon meetmg at the Grosse Pomte War MemOrial, 32 Lakeshore, on Tuesday, M<iY 14, at 11 15 a m tours of Will be The speaker for the meetmg will be Dr Mary Martmen, an authontyon memory loss Her talk wdl be on "How To Improve Your Memory" The facility offers a contmuum of care ranging from resIdential liVing, to aSSisted IIvmg, respIte care and skilled nursmgcare Martmen wIll outline some of the phYSical changes that affeet the memory and some of the methods now used to slow the loss of memory or to actually Improve It Dunng HealthFest, the senior communIty avaIlable Month afford" the btate d ,>pe- Engler'~ endorbement .Ind ,up clal opportunIty to prOVide port fVI thh wmmemoratlOn " informatIOn <ibout dgIng pro ~he ,dId grams and servICe", dnd to pay tnbute to older Mlchlganl<ins Parr Indicated th<it people IIIWle,tuj Martinen The meetmg on May 28 wIll be AcademIC RecognitIOn Day Members should consult the Newsletter for the names of students to be honored They should then contdct Donn KJpka to arrange to host G.P. Veterans Club dinner May 9 The annual bowlmg league banquet WIll be held at the Hdrper Wood, Commumty Center on Manchester at 6 pm on May 9 Large'J Antique StoreIn SoutheasternMIChigan EI:I . Ele I .,; .,; A New 40 Foot Contamer From England ReceIved Every 60 Day.1 English Pnmltlve Pine PIeces. • Wardrobes. HarvestTables • ~ :..coIlectables and Smalls' WE BUY AND MondAy-FridAy 9 to 5 Saturday IOto 5 TQ THE ELECTORS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT: Please Take NotICe.thaI the annual school electIOn of the school dlstnct WIllbe held on Monday, June 10 1996 Secretary, Board of Education Pomt" 1'1az.' • ,",wtt' ->00 ~ IlJ2.31 \fad",\venue.Cmss,' SElL! n y, May 17th at.6'30 p.m. Satur ciay, May 18th at 11:00 a,m, Larry J. Finazzo INVESTMENTS Poml!' \l;00<1, J1Jf.tF-26J2.Jl.3/1J7 26.3J.800/iF 2(';;0 (8(0) 711-1652 _F.cIa To register, vmt any Secretary of Stale branch office or your county, city or lownshlp clerk's office Persons planmng to regIster WIth the respective counly, City or township clerks must ascertain the days and hours on whIch the clerks' offices are open for reglslTalJOn The nOllce ISgIven by order of the board of education McDONALD &: COMPANY \fember t 9717 East Nine Mile, St OaJrShores - Between I 94 and Halper THE LAST DAY ON WHICH PERSONS MAY REGISTER IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION CALLED TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1996, IS MONDAY, MAY 13, 1996 PERSONS REGISTERING AFTER 5 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING ON >,fONDAY, MAY 13, 1996, ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION '\ ) "E 'I<lube. ..../P( dlllJim aIf cff}* Exhibition Hours: Fnday \")100\ 9lO,m. 'lOpm SaIurd.:l1~")lIth :::: :'1:" ,}lOam ~~::-:::: 530pm. Sunday, May 19th at Noon :'.:'<u~':~5lb ~~::- ~:: FREE VALET PARKING All. SALE DA1'&'l Free ParIong Monday & WednesdaY Everung E.xlu blDOns FealUnng an Osthaus ad pamtmg ex collection of Harry H Wolfe, Toledo, Cluo, an Osthall~ watercolor from a Toledo Cluo pnvale collector; Robert HopkIn od pamtmgs beIng sold to benefit the Detrolt Insntute of Arts ACqUlslUonFood select pamungs and anuques from the Estate of Elsie Caulkms Grosse Pomte Shores, selected Steuben glass from the collection of Franas Hughes, over 100 Uadro porcelam figunnes from the Estate of Carolyn Bach Pensacola Aonda select Vietonan funulUre from the Estate of Da\1d Bradt, Bunungharn, 19th cennuy docks, <;electpIeces ot Jewe!l) and gold COJn~ from the E'>lale of Ruth and Bob Gregory, Warren, a Pewablc pottery fom removed from St Pnsalla Church of illorua the Estate of Dora salzer of DelTOlt, a collection from Gene Porch Clalf "hore<> Onental fumlnJre and porcelam from a pm'llte collector m Plymouth , WE'RE .. ....'" POURING t .,t ITON Tap Into news, ~ports, enlertalnrnenl, sale evenls and classified "slmgs The newspaper IS your wellspring for eYeryfhmg thal's happenrng In the Grosse POlnle's Save 25% over newsstand costs by haVing the paper moiled 10 your home each week Call 343-55n to start marl delNe!'Y, or fill out the coupon below and send WIth poymenllo Buceel[atl 5eJ'\1rC' Grosse Pointe N~ws ., Sk tim~ Silver tea and coffee pee; 1('Xh "ilhmu, .. Tlffanv pot\chromaoc leaded g1.1...... , convention 11 de l11(. ~10h<. n )()r lamp l\1th hronze toa..~ [001 h 7,~ dla of "h.a<k 2.. .... nd1\ ~2 ~) 96 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE FARMS MI48236 r--S2WEEKSOFTHE--' I GROSSE POINTE NEWS I INome FOR .JUST $29 00 I -------5Iole------- -Ip=-=-=-=-=-=--= IPhone "-----forw.ud<od pleaSE' I IT wookt I I;=~~- SIofe I ~s< Z k~ ~()u.,. J)Af>("fc, to ~ vcKiitlon I WllI he on ",Mallon qartlnR __ yoo _00 (.11(> ~I(M Crty addr€1os ar'ld pl30 71p I(hecI: MelI>od 1m --L~~ Payment 0 V<so 0 Moslercord .. -. l.e_ .. - ~" ~ 10 _ fdmlloo H(nf\ O<;.thllh (Gcrm.m -\mcnlan IA~ I I I I I I 192A) nd on cama" 19'\ ~...,.~ 1800!9683456 10' 1517) 792 2423 emOlI dmglOcnscom ."'OIiAL OfPlllCla 409 East Je~ Avenue Defroo MIChigan 48226 Across from the Ran Can Fine Arts ApprOlSers and AuctJoneM Since 1927 _ ..~......-----.- _'1 CCMlItOlAn 0MCU0 8045 Hom Iton Sog" ow M I 48602 I~IZ) 1910934 "UTl<LJ\o Rohcrt Hor~m 011 on (an\~" 40" '( .c;l" 'un<.tl) -2010 II I ~I ......... -N" -2004 1~lfI' ...._AlII11i . ........... _...... ....I_.:-~------¥ ,,~ <it theIr Vice Presid ...nt NOTICE OF LAST DAYOF REGISTRATION, OF THE ELECTORS OF LAKE SHORE PUBLIC SCHOOLS I MACOMB COUNTY, MICHIGAN ..~.,.. one of the honorees luncheon table Vice President LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION SCHOOL ELECTION The Connection 05102196 & 05109196 VI "VeLdl We are pleased to announce that the following individuals have joined our Grosse Pointe Office. The newly establIshed All veterans, war tIme or Grosse POinte Veterans Club's peace time, theIr wIves and HealthFest IS the semor commumty's kIck-off event for first SOCIal event, a gourmet fTlends are mVlted Nurs1ng Home Week, May 12- dinner, Will be held tOnight, 18, a deSignated week each Thursday, May 9, <it the Grosse Veterans are asked to wear Pomte War MemOrial year to honor the employees theIr service hats and residents of the natIOn's nursing homes The receptIOn begms at 6 For more mformatlOn, call For more mform atlOn, call pm and dinner follows at 7 Barbara Denier at (313) 881. (313) 343-8971 pm 7511 'ThiS event will help mcrease awareness m the commumty of the responsibilIty that mdlvlduals have to assess JJl leullllllb "The celebratIOn berves <is d local event. ,hould contact bprmgboard for greater mfor their nearest ,enlOr center matlOn-sharmg, awarene,s of the needs of older adultb, <ind Tho"e mterebted m secunng the servICes deSigned to one of the free bookmarks address those needs We're should contact their nearest pleased to under-;core Gov public library Senior Men to discuss memory loss varlOub rIsk factors, momtor their health and learn more about ways to support a healthy lifestyle," saId JudIth Smith, CEO of the semor commUnity Amemtles mclude a lIbrary, chapel, dental clIme, spa, beauty shop and rose gardens A free contInental breakfast and healthy food samples also Will be offered .... ~t..-"" overlooked and underutllIzed 'I am pleased to be able to add MIChigan to the Ii"t of state" whIch are declaring Older AmerIcans Month at the state level, as well as to reeo,,nIze and to pay tTlbute to older person,," he said Carol M Parr, actmg director of the MIChIgan Office of ServICes to the Agmg, saId that some senIor centers and other aging-related organizatIOns SEQUENCE ...._............ ~.,... ........~.,....--p------"I ....- (313) 963~255 (313) 963-6256 fax (313) 963-8199 I ..... • •• 20A May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News iA ~ r ....... NINE MILE ~ . ... w- .. ,;.... -.. .. ,~\\~ " r.....~ ~ ...~~"f' "stay on the Right Track to 9 Mile and Mack" .@e50~C;)/1UliPewulg f!deb'lll!ion , .. - -- II f!tJn/inae<f As We Keep Growing with New-Used Car Facilities! We Need Bace 1000 New and Used Cars & Trucks in Stock! \ \ • lne II I --- ~ Less! •• V, 4- ray Plans !' ~~"" ~~~ -- ... - .. I I I I I WE OFFER t 996 EXPLORERZ.DOOR 83* * S OR S 24 MONTH LEAS ••• --_.111 1996 FORDTAURUSGL lEASjS** 24 MONTH - ... - r-- - -~8_ STK.#T-2376 .~ ~~~ ".$l .::l " % " x " .>~'" roI!' ;>, ~ -- STK.#T.2803 -- ~ .•... LOADED with LOADED with POWER MOON ROOF , .. - .. - •• POWER MOON ROOF 1995 FORD .., T.BIRD LX , va •• I • ' " • •. LOADED! I CARGO VANS I, " XL, S CAB 2 AT . , 4X4 ••• ,s:13,99S .. l~gJ~~ ~ GllAr DOWN ~ . I " • .... .••- • • • •, •• MYSTIQUEGS , , • •• I : n rnodets • Plus lax payment cklsest • ~~ SE'C dep to n~ares' S 100 d & d S1925 .. Pus • , , • . 111) 00 cash t tie • ne\.lo ate II AUTO, AIR, I or • i I I • all rebates transler to Roy 0 Bner1 Ford 48 mas . 65 000 ml 2' yr ~ rMat 24 000 mile lease on L'J I • - 11e per m 10c per m Ie lor . • E)(CeSS . .. . I eage al .Jrn ove l"I(:eptlon 1 sf month . . . , • I . . • • T •; . .. • LOADED LEATHER sI3,488 x S, 79 18 also 24 payments 6'; ')()O DJe al ~ease ... TAURVSSHO I . ' 2.:.1payments . • • • rT over I ~ 1993 •• $7,588 I4 J I l - ' ".tI:lIJ('l TRACKER ~ , • 1991 I EASY FINANCING 4x4 down p Vehicles Inspected - Sharp & Ready to Go \~~~ I $I93+ ~ J~ I LOADED! MUST SEE it • • Certa . 1995 b) - :<'-(:'4'l1I'£ s.6,995 SILICr'ON LEASE SPECIALS s 500 1994 F2S0 I I $229+ - ...- ... 1995 EI50 I IN x 5231 payment ~ d . ~ . •• j o . by . .. • 0 ell ~ :1(1 AWARD WINNING SERVICE CENTER • 11 = ,. " f > 0- -.. • deposit delermlf'led & S8QJnty ()ePOsrt Q) < ~ • I payment 4'liE />lILt 9M, Rd (1 MI E of 1-94) • • e own • ~ • 63 securrty ,--- A • nal .. • •• - r May 9,1996 _l: 21A Buick Roadmaster wagon, after a couple eras, to become a wood-be The BUlCk ROddmd~ter, one of the great ndme~ III dUtOffiO. bile histOry, '" III be no more after thiS 1996 model year And anothel tl adltlOn of the American auto Indu"try Will p~« ",'h " T':c r.u"J,,",,_,~, ,tdtlOn wdgon I" the I,ht of the wooches - a fake woodle tl ue, but the la~t of a breed The woodle IS a favOllte of collectors, but only woodle, that have redl wood III theIr bodies Usually stdtlOn wagons, there have al,o been woodle sedans and comertIbles After 1951, the woodle~ were fake, With tncked up stylmg usmg wood-gramed adheSive plastic and some tImes fiberglass panels The 1996 BUick Roadmaster wagon, WIth ItS wood.grailled plastIC sheet and fiberglass simulated wood tnm, IS the last one Why makers began buildmg automobiles m the '20s With wood III the bodies I~ not clear It was not to keep costs down, slllce the wood reqUired craftsmen to shape and fit the pdn. els to the automobile and also to mamtaln and repair them But the wood-bodied Ford *' , Autos • By Dick Wright Model T Depot Wagon stdrted d trend which by the '305 had become wldebpread among America'" geptry These magnificent vehicles ruled the rOdds III the '30;, and '405, dymg out 10 the early '50s They were too expensive to build, too high-prICed to buy and too much trouble to maIO. tam They were beautiful and ImpreSSive, IdentIfied With the nch and so \\Ith high status But they didn't fit the postWorld War II lifestyle StatIOn wagons dId, "woodles" dIdn't So they died The cachet of the woodle 1m. gered on though, 10 the fake woodlC statIOn wagons and convertibles which hung on through the '50s and mto the '90, Chry;,ler had u,ed the name Town and Country on Its red I woodles, then on Its fake woodles But the current Town and Countrv mlJ1lvan has not hdd the fake wood tnm for a couple year~ The Roadmaster name was mtroduced by BUick WIth the 1936 models Just below the top-of-the hne Limited senes After World War II, m 1946, the Roadmaster became the top of the Ime and remamed there through 1957 In 1958, the Limited senes was reVived as top of the Ime and m 1959 the Roadma,ter name was dropped, along With BUick's "VentIPortb" The Roadmaster became one of the most WIdely deSIred cars In the world dUllIlg World Wdr Motor" redr dl 1\e mdJ"hmdl II d" thl ll~Ult or d mdgMlne I,m rlde hl-a,) Iron But ael fedtul Ing d 52 ROddmd"ter thuugh It ha~ the trdlt" of dn convprt,bll whl( h becdme d l-dl her period Jl I" up to d.lte ,ort of dutomotlvl pm up for 10 ,t" performdnLC and wm(ort Amn f<dll _r>, VIU'"" n or< "n~ I", Ie the world onc "fthelr po,t Hyou like nimble 'portWdl dredm~ ,eddn~, thb h not It But for fhe ndme ILm<lltled dor the pille, you gH a lot of room mdnt from 1954 until It wa, and luxurv revlHd In 1991 ,iIld put on the Bdse pnce of the '96 large rear dn\e BUick "hdred Roadmaster Est<lte Wdgon " With ChevlOlet Ithe Cdpnce $28,165 Ba;,e stdrt" dt dnd, Idter, till Impal<l SS) and $26,150 for the Roadma~ter CadJilal rFiu,twood I ~edan Huge m'lde dnd out, dnd In 1993, the Roadmdster got available III beddn <lnd -tat IOn the LT1 Corvette's 5 7-lJter V.8 wagon bod) ~tyle_, the under the hood, which dllo ....ed ROddmd<;tel ha' been a hIt thIS monster to keep up With With tradH IOnal BUick buyer' (or pull ahead of> mObt of the It h thl td-t of the big Gener<ll \ ehlcles on thl- road All ROddmu"ter" are ldbelld Colleltor ~ cdltlOP" for 1996 A nl W wJ1,ole/lupholder elec tronlC touch chmdte control~ dod premIUm dudlO speaker" L, "'h .,,~ h""Jllh."'''' "'eu 'ilL luxur) lid" for pa~_englr" Four wheel dntl lock brdke~ hdp bnng the ldl undel cantrol, no medn fedt for d Cdr built on <l 1159 Inch wheel bd'e, 2138 Inches long and tlppmg the scale~ at 4,300 pounds Comldermg the IImousme like spdce, sprlghtlv perfor. mance <lnd towing power, the Roadmd~ter's 17 clty/25 mpg high ....ay EPA fuel economy rdtm~ are a plea"ant sur prhe Michigan's top 10 stolen cars for '94 The 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass was the most popular vehicle stolen In the state m 1994, accordmg to the State of MIChigan annual report In fact, In MIchigan's top 10 stolen vehIcles for 1994, General Motors Corp can claIm nme - all of them 10years old or older - WIth the '94 Chrysler Corp Dodge Shadow takmg nmth place But 1994, the last year for which statIstICs are available, also shows that auto thefts mcreased m MIChigan for the flY'St time m nme years, after droppmg consistently from 1986 through 1993 And, an mcrease IS projected for 1995 Greg Bleske, supervisor of AAA Mlclugan's claims Invest Igafion unit, noted that 60,227 auto theff~ occurred ii\ 1994, up from 56,669 III 1993, but saId MichIgan efforts to stamp out auto theft still serve as a natIOnal model He notes that from 1986 through 1993, auto thefts In MichIgan dropped 21 3 per. cent, while natIOnally, thefts mcreased 275 percent BIeske says vehicles are stolen not so much for their actual value, but to be sold to chop shops, which stnp them and sell the parts separately NatIOnally, the newer, "glam. or" vehicles are more frequentIy stolen Michigan's top 10 stolen vehicles for 1994, as reported by ATPA are 1 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass 2 1986 Oldsmobile Cutlass 3 1985 OldsmobIle Cutlass 4 1986 Pontiac 6000 • 5 1985 Pbnt!Jc MOO' 6 1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass 7 1986 Pontiac Grand Am 8 1981 Oldsmobile Cutlass 9 1994 Dodge Shadow 10 1979 Chevrolet truck Last of a breed: The 1996 Buick Roadmaster Limited Estate Wagon. Th help reduce the chances of becoming a vIctIm of auto theft, AAA Michigan offers the followmgtlps • Lock It and pocket the key • Park m a well-ht, welltraveled 10catlOn • Don't leave valuables m view Turn steermg wheel toward curb to prevent car bemg towed or dragged away • 'l\lrn on any auto theft deVICe, such as a lull SWitch or alarm • Etch wmdows, If pOSSible, WIth vehicle IdentificatIOn nu'tnber First and last (?J: 1996 Buick Roadmaster Collector's Edition 8Jld a 1936 Buick Roadmaster. (VIN) ..•.•• ". '" ... ~ SPRING SELLDOWN! EVERYTHING MUST GO! Equipped! • AIr Conditioning • Rear Bumper. Power Steering • AM/FM • Bedllner 1996 BRAVADA Indudes compact diSC& towing package 834899* FROM MO. Plus tax & title. Equipped! • Air Conditioning • Rear Bumper. ~ ...... \....... - 1996 DELTA88 ....... _;: /[ ,~ , -- ...... -- -- ....... . -- ... \ .;;.." ..: 36/36,000 8278 .- ,~... --, 99* FROM MO. Stk #1157 FROM MO. .... t:::..~ Plus tax & title. -~ " r- .--- . ~ MSRP$17 995 ------ Drummy Oldsmobile I, Demand &tter • Demand Drumml/ Hours Jlon & Thurs 9am Iii 8pm TUI'~."ed Fn 9am-6pm Phone (810) 772-2200 --------~~-NO HIDDEN CHARGES I I WI wm BEAT ANY Wollen [)pgjl ~ I Stk #1457 EatpoInte .. • Dnunm\ Auto ,alr~~~~~~~~lsette ... -...-_...._._~.-_II ~~w. _ -.... COIIItOIIAft 0I'fIaa. 80A S Hom lion Sa900w MI ~8602 (')171792 0934 1800)9683456 fa- 1')171792 24~3 emo.' dmglOa .NfO .... LOPRClt ....-- .... CAMRY LE CAMRY DX LEASE SPECIAL $1S: SS g* Graltnt •• 111 Rnad" l..-ad Tn l>rumml/ Oldtr" ,¥-..... _~. b SEQUENCE Y I 8'II1c • Oosed.-n<l GMAC iuse WI1f', approved 1'ed111036 nOl"lr" S J..., v ....fIfll mlflt on 52 500 cap cos edu<::IIO'l LesSH ~ rlKpono,ob!'t 10l'elCc.u ....e WM .. rod 'ear lA:s'N ~•• ~lOpoJrc~a5&all@ ...s@ilYId"., ~f1(,.def~rm ~ .11nC~l()I"l s.tuntyMpo$lf rounded to $250.~pa~l P~sllsl r'fI()rlrt1aM ~Ile €r~.5y..e ~ cherge ~ 15 potf ,.,.., Ie 1136 000 "",,""alll()rll'l elfcMded Plus loa. l~ To gel '~.1 ~ mull~ PlyTt"eI'111C monrhs e BRAND NEW 1996 TOYOTA tIiIiii $269g5~~~~~E DOWN 95U $249 N 8 Mtle& and • E .... ~ 36/36000 1995 TOYOTA CEUCA ST 000 1996 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME SEDAN 820879* Power steering • AMIFM • Bedllner . . ~ MSRP$20,995 -- .......... Automotive Grosse Pointe News ... __ ~J ...,....- ..- .... ~ D May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News 22A T J. Wagner Vice President Customer Communication & SatIsfaction Ford Motor Company Dearborn, MI 48121 To Our Ford, Lincoln and Mercury Owners: As I am sure you have read, Ford Motor Company recently announced a program to voluntarily recall 8.7 million vehicles to replace ignition switches. You should know that at the time we announced the recall, the actual number of complaints which may be related to the ignition switch in question was less than two hundredths of one percent of that totaL We regret the inconvenience this has caused the customers who have placed their trust in our products. Q: What happened? A: Following an intensive investigation in cooperation with the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Transport Canada, we determined that the ignition switch in a very small percentage of certain models could develop a short circuit- creating the potential for overheating, smoke, and possibly fire in the steering column of the vehicle. The factors that contribute to this are a manufacturing process change to the ignition switch in combination with the electrical load through the switch. Q: What vehicles are affected by this voluntary recall? A: The following model year vehicles are affected: 1988 Ford EXP. 1988-1990 Ford Escort. 1988-1992 Ford Mustang, Thunderbird, Tempo, and Mercury Cougar and l'opaz.. 1993Ford Mustang, Thunderbird, Tempo, and Mercury Cougar and Topaz models built prior to October 1992. 1988-1989 Ford Crown Victoria, Mercury Grand Marquis and Lincoln Town Car. 1988-1991 Ford Aerostar, Ford Bronco full-size sport utility and Ford F-Series light truck. o o o _ ...... o o o Q: What should I do? A: If you own one of these vehicles, you will receive a letter from us instructing you to take your vehicle to the Ford or Lincoln/Mercury dealer of your choice and have the switch replaced free of charge. However, you do not have to wait for our letter. You may contact your dealer and arrange to have the switch replaced immediately if you choose, free of charge. Q: How long will it take? A: The repair procedure should take about one hour. But please contact your dealer in advance to schedule a time that is convenient for you. Q: What if I need additional help? A: You may contact your dealer anytime, or call our Ford Ignition Switch Recall Customer Information Line at 1-800-323-8400. We're in business because people believe in our products. We make improvements because we believe we can make our products better. And at times we'll take a major step like this to make sure that people who buy a Ford, Lincoln or Mercury vehicle know that they bought more than a vehicle, they bought a company and a dealer organization that stands behind the cars and trucks they build and sell. That is our Quality is Job 1 promise to you. Thank you for your patience and support. I o -r A , ':::IR'•••• ... r Autolllotive AAA I Henry Ford team up to 'wake' drivers The establishment of a new dlert drIVIng program - aimed at combdtlng a drlvmg problem estimated to cause as many as 400,000 traffic crashe; pel' year - was announced today AAA MIChIgan WIll present Henry Ford Health Sv<;tem With a $250,000 grant that wlll be used to fund neurosurgery research focuslllg on how to limIt bram and spmal cord damage followmg aCCIdental IllJUry, as well as research, preventlOn strategies and public educatIOn on drowsy drIVIng The AAA MIChIgan Alert Dnvmg Program will he part of the Henry Ford Health System Sleep DIsorders and Research Center In addItion, a large portiOn of the grant wIll be given to the Henry Ford Hospital Department of Neurosurgery Research Laboratories for studies aimed at IImltmg brain and spmal cord injUries "'l'hl"l''' lO :l gTO\\ .ng thr~at tv the safety on our highways," said Ron Steffens, presIdent, AAA Michigan "It IS part of the Jomt mISSIOn of both of our orgamzdtlOns to educate the publIc on the dangers of drowsy dnvllIg" AccQrdmg to Thomas Roth, Ph D, diVISIOn head of the Henry Ford Health System Sleep Disorders and Research Center, some of MichIgan's best and brightest are at fisk .. ~ ~ con~umptlOn (m dm llIg abdl tv • Compare the effeclb of .lkohol on the driVing ability of varlOU~ ',Ieepy' popul.l tlOn" • Identify factor, whKh 'll!i !lV' UllI,Y Wt-lIh..,lV..", llU. IIllp.lll tIle dbility to recogTll7e other dflvers as well," said Dr ;leeplne~, Roth, who chairs the NatIOnal • A""e~<; th~ etlettlvene% of Center on Sleep DI;,orders counterme,hure, to reverse Research AdVisory Board at the effect;, of sleepmeb; the NatIOnal Institutes of • Tdrget drowsy dnvmg Health educatIOn program" to develop One m five drivers has d statewide campdlgn admItted to falling asleep The portIOn of the grant behmd the wheel at least once that WIll go to the Department And public safety offiCIals e"tI- of Neurosurgery Research mate drowsy drlvmg may be a LaboratOries will be deSIgned factor 1lI as many as 400,000 to traffic crashes per year • Reduce the amount of per''ThIS should 'wake-up' call for well as those 1lI ment and traffic Dr Roth Some facts to sleep on ... •~>• serve as a motorists, as law enforcesafety," said • .••. • •• . AAA Michigan Alert Driving Program • More than 20 percent of all dnvers have fallen asleep whde dnvmg For the first time III MIchIgan, re&earchers With the AAA Michigan Alert Drlvmg Program Will • Develop an mventory of natIOnal and MIChigan data on sleep-related crashes • Compare the effects of sleepiness to effects of alcohol • Drowsy dn vers cause more fatail ues per aCCidentthan drunk dn vers J • Pennsylvania Turnpike and New York Thruway offiCials eSllmate 50 percent of all fatal crashes on these roads are caused by drowsy dnvers i : • • : • 87 percent of car crashes result m fatallues •• • In whIch the dnver falls asleep • Car crashes account for 50 percent of all traumauc head lDJunes In cluldren and young adults Head lDJunes kill 50,000 people each year • Each year, up to 7,000 new SPlDaicord lDJunes result from auto crashes Smce 1990, the mOSlcommon outcome IS complete paralYSISfrom the WalSldown i i o ••• : So"rres I Sleep MedlcllII! and NeurologlcallnslrtUle, JOB !~ With (old Storage ci C{eaulltg ~ ($25 O<J Value> ~ When "Inter your fur, need \I Jot of attention the kind we prOVIde II's time for 340 F. Cold Storage, I:..~.I CI"'ll~U11:& Rel'lltrlng Pro/eLl your Investmen/! 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OF MICHIGAN Ask Us We can 00 It FDIC L... n r>IIiN-llhrn~ '1$Uled "",tl'OJ"llllon D.trnll, r.. .,.,~, K.lamozoo, OwO ...... nd Gr.nd Rapt<!. • "" -occup<ed homes only with $500 000 moxmum .... n.mount Annuo' Porcanl Ire (APA) .xampIe _ on $50 000 loon 11 stile<! contrlld rat. and • J().1'88' lIITlOf!Wt. "OI1lIlIy ;:>eymenIS 01 "" ... 1St and prtndpeI 01 S336 86 Conlra<:t IIllOI'1Sl ..,., and monIIlIy 'IC oppIoes only <Iunng rnlhll conl1acl ponod APR "'Jbfed 10 rncrease _ oonsummatIon JI11 raIo dect ..... Of .......... per lld~ Ilf&.lAne maximum AnnulII CoolracI .AI') 6% _ In/Iiol conl1acl rat. Three yNr pro payment ctlorgo FIIIlIIIoan llpprOVIlI 10 our _ .... , end undo!wr'lrng arl _ "" ''''Property )01 R LI~K TO BFTTFR ~l( CO\l\lI uro, a 00 ~ ~ ~ ld ... ~~ .... ~ APR otIoetMl May 3 1996 'I"O~Mr..I"r .. n Wl'\l~. ''l'm~l _ n_'01._ _ nllll~ __n_R"._ _lIIn_III'_ .. ............ , !!!'! ...... ~ _--_.s:ra "=q,,!~•• . . ....:::;.J.,; d l'iIn~ 1~1717n 0934 IROOI 96R 3456 lox 15171792 2423 emo I dmglO<:r ~(om ... 1'< I ~I"f~ \ f:, SEQUENCE ~,., .n~,m. II h ... ... ~_,~ COIlPOtlAft 0fIIICht 804 S Hamllron Saginaw M' 48607 i i • No points ~ ., 'Please from the hank that hro~t you Totally Free checking. Trll'phonl' LoanCtnter loSOOoDlAI,oFF\f • HELP US HELP OTHERS! The Home Loan with no up-front costs, No up-front ) '~J.lloomfi.'::l~~;:s ~~~~ ~'~~:ard AVL,0 Nallonal No applicatIon I CALL . ? 313/640.0870 Totally Free ! I (313)873 8300 or (810)6423003 • I , ~ 1 1 :~ I c:>'V~~~J I IndiVidual and group tralrllng Caliloday leaVing your name and phone number FoundatIOn, AmencQll ASSOClJI/lO"of NeurologICal S"'8eons : ; : ~ hdve tc buy your fur from COmmusIO" 0" Skep Dl$orrkrs Researrh and NatwnaJ Skep ~ i Furs Are Our Only Bu~iJless! Recent H S or College Grads? Unemployed due to selective reorganization? Just checking the Job market? ? ';. "'Free Garment Bag . SEARCHING?" manent damage resultmg from trdum.ltlC llIJury to the bram and spllle Reduce spastiCIty III chromc spmal cord IllJury patIents, Improvmg quality of life • Develop growth-stlmulatmg agents With the potential to repair damaged nerves "The personal Impact of bram and spmal cord mJury IS among the most profound of all Illnesses and the societal Impact IS one of the most costly," saId Mark Rosenblum, M D, chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, Henry Ford Hospital d • Four OUI of 10 Arnencans routinely faJIta get enough sleep • Failifig asleep at the wheel may be a factor m as many as 400,000 traffic crashes a year :!, "Preliminary ddtd bugge~ts that college age people, worka holIcs, mdlvlduals with bleep disorder" shIft worker" and those m the trutkmg Indu~try get less ;,Ieep .lnd tend to fall a;Jeep at the wheel, enddnger 23A " ~lll ""j l~ nrh"lrJo .. r~1l 'mo-r1' r'<1"'~r'\l " "T' ~'Ifltfl.f h r. ... !"o~'l'1 •" ... ,IlM< ... ,.,,( ....r'l1< May 9. 1996 Grosse Pointe News 24A See our complete selection of mlnf.bllnds, . ,Vft1!ya~~l r, ~/lnds,pleatedBnd.ceU~lar S¥d~{ CUSTOM ORDER WALLCOVERING BOOKS ' r. O~ !ow Prices' Every Dayt - S'A'~ 'UP TO MW 70 ~.::oOFF!; Donftmissthe~ ~ a Ii; on our custom ~h~~:~n~~~;~~~redS r ,,",,'" ,.,~~~~:':IIG}}1~~ ~~:.~~ ~ '~~~ :1!-: ~;fJ~~ designer books. Choose from thousands of patterns such as Waverly,Imperial,Blonder, I', •• __ I ~ =- __ -= Manufacturer's Everyday Uat PrIce . cl:HOUETIE"I :u~~,:y.Brewster.palton _~~ ; 20.~gN%gFF!==~I~~ '.,250/0 OFF~.' C-";,. Suggested Retail Prices pal iI PAINTS~Grosse ~QjD!e Wels QmI2Qrn 19849 Mack South of 8 Mile 620 N Telegraph South of Ford 881.9760 * Papa Ramanos 274.0900 certIficate ,s good for pick-up purchase only, while supples last Must present receipt with g,ft certificate Commercial accounts excluded One certificate per purchase ~ Bm1..QB 2630 S Rochester Rd North of Aubum 617 S. Washington North of Lincoln 299.0275 544.2700 Prices good through June 30, 1996 ~ 3641 W Maple Rd. Corner of Lahser 644.6066 :.~ MM tLiil] t I {) ~r A • May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries Walter H. Seegers, Ph.D. Former Grosse POinte Farms resident Walter H Seegers, Ph D , died on Fnday, AprIl 19, 1996, In Walnut Creek, Cahf, and was Interred In a private ceremony at Oakmont MemorIa! Parlt In Lafu.>"tt", Cahf Born In Westgate, Iowa, Mr Seegers, 86, attended the University of Iowa, where he earned his undergraduate, mll8ter and Ph D degrees An expert in hematology, he taught at Wayne State UnIversity's medical school for 37 years Mr Seegers was a member of the New York Academy of Science, which restncts It membership to 120 SCientists Speclahzmg In coagulation, he authored many artICles and books on the subject, and even In retIrement kept up WIth the field, volunteermg for the AmerIcan Heart AssociatIOn and serving on the editorial board of thrombosis research Mr. Seegers was best known for hiS work In Isolating the blood element prothombm, a normal compOnent of blood that under certam cIrcum. stances becomes thrombin, the active blood enzyme that produces clots Mr. Seegers IS SUrvIVed by his WIfe of 60 years, Lllhan, a daughter, Dorothy Messerschmitt, a brother, Harvey, a sister, Berdma Schultz, and a granddaughter Memonal contnbutlOns may be made to the Amencan Heart Association, POBox 6181, Concord, Calif., 94612. Umverslty In Wa~hIngton, D C He ~erved In the U S Army Air Corps from 1943 1946 In 1949 he entered the Jesultb at Mllford, OhIO, and "as ordaln"'d to the pnebthood 10 1958 The Rev Verhelle served a, prIncipal assistant and prmCI. pal dt:'t 19natlu,," High School 10 Cleveldnd and he t<iught at U-D HIgh School before study109 advanced Cdnon law, allowIng him to serve on the advanced maITIage tribunal of the ArchdIOcese of DetrO! t for eight year~ Smce 1985, he was aSSigned to the Manresa Retreat House In Bloomfield HIIlb The Rev Verhelle IS survived by hiS Sister, Frances Krlstufek, and two brothers, Will and Robert Interment IS at the ColomblCre Center Cemetery 10 Clarkston MemOrial dona. tlOns may be made to the Manresa Jesu't Retreat House, 1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills Mlcn 48304 pu rsued her 10 terest not only 10 her gdrden, but also donated her servlceb and time to Our Lady Star of the Sea, St Paul Cathohc Church and The Grosse POinte Shores Improvement AsSOCiatIOn An active member of the communltv 1\1"" ('nwdc" was a member' of the Grosse POinte Yacht Club, where she enjoyed bowhng 10 the Club's leagues She also belonged to the Grosse POinte Woman's ASSOCiation, the Grosse POInte Rose Society, the Grosse POInte Women's Symphony, the Fontbonne Auxiliary, the Bon Secours AsSistance League and several groups assocIated With Star of the Sea and St Paul Mrs Cowden Will be miSsed thiS Mother's Day and honored by her daughter, Suzanne and a granddaughter She was predeceased by her husband, George Interment IS at the St. Paul CatholIc Church ColumbarlUm Memorial contnbutlOns may be made to the Capuchin Monastery Detroit and graduated from C<iSS Technical High School, and took two years of courses at engineerIng trade school He was pabt preSident of POinte EnterprIses Ine Mr Cotzlas served In the U S Army Infantry durIng World War II, I'oht-I'" I,,, ""tinea a Bronze Star He was past master of St NICholas Chapter 56B, as well as past preSIdent of Annunciation Cathedral and past preSident of NatIOnal Square Clubs of America Mr Cotzlas IS SUrviVed by IllS Wife, EJplS, three daughters, Irene Wingfield, Helene Bertakls and Mary Weinmann, two sons, ChrIstopher and John, and 11 grandchIldren Interment IS at Forest Lawn Cemetery In DetrOIt Funeral arrangements were handled by the Chas Verheyden Funeral Home In Grosse POInte Park Memorial contributions may be made to AnnuncIation Greek Cathedral, 707 East Lafayette, DetrOit, Mlch ,48226 William C. Fowler A funeral Mass was celebrated on Monday, April 22, In St Philomena CatholIc Church In r DetrOit for former Grosse POInte Farms resident Wilham C Fowler, who dIed of a heart attack on Friday, April 19, 1996 In St John Hospital In Detroit Born In the Farms, Mr Fowler, 68, graduated from Grosse POInte HIgh School and worked for the Grosse POInte Farms Pubhc Safety Department He served In the US Navy dunng World War Helen Hicks Hanna Jean Beard A memondl ~ervJCe will be held on Thursday, Ma.y 16, for former Grosse POinte WOodb reSIdent Helen Hicks Hanna m Grosse POinte Woods Presbyterian Church at 7 p m MN Hdnl>? ~l (h'd on April 24, 1996, In KiSSimmee, Fla She was born 10 Dund<is, Ontario, and was a Southeastern graduate She was a member of the Grosse POInte Garden Club for over 40 years, and enjoyed salhng and was an active member of the Crescent Sall Yacht Club Mrs Hanna espeCIally ellJoyed the excitement of the Bayview MackInac race actIVIties that her husband crewed Mrs Hanna IS survived by three grandchlldren She was predeceased by her husband, Donald, and her daughter Donna Hanna Robertson Memonal don<itlOns may be made to Hospice of Central FlorIda, 2500 Maitland Center Parkway, SUite 300, Maitland, Fla, 32751, or the Grosse Pomte Woods PresbyterIan Church, 19950 Mack, Grosse POInte Woods, Mlch , 48236 A funeral servICe wab held on Wednebday, May 8, In the Chas Verheyden Funeral Home In Gro~se Pomte Park for Grosse POinte Farms resl dent Jean Beard, who dIed on S.ltuIJ,,), :,1<1) 4, 1396 Mrs Beard, 73, was born In OntarIO, Canada, <ind attended Wayne State University She worked as a pubhc affairs wrIter for the DetrOIt Edison Electnc Co Mrs Beard IS survived by her husband, WillIS Interment IS at White Chapel Cemetery In Troy With Us and Save $$$. When you insureyour home and car with Auto-Owners, we'll save you money with our special multi-policy discounts. II Verhelle,S.J. "Chris J. Cotzlas Laura F. Cowden A funeral Mass was celebrated on Thursday, May 2, 1996, A memonal service was held for former City of Grosse on Wednesday, April 3, for forChris Cotzias Pomte resident Joseph C mer Grosse POInte Shores resIA funeral servICe was held on VerhelIe, who died on Monday, dent Laura F Cowden, who Wednesday, May 8, In the Apnl 29, 1996 died on Monday, April 1, 1996 Annunciation Greek Cathedral The Rev Verhelle, 75, was Mrs Cowden, 74, was born In DetrOIt for former Grosse bom In ChIcago and moved to In DetrOit and attended the Pomte Farms reSident ChTis J Grosse POinte in 1930, where DetrOit College of BUSIness CotZlaS, who died In the Helen his family belonged to St. Clare She worked for the J L HO!jpltaJ 10 Tarpon or Montefalco Parish The Rev Fludson 00" 1i\ vanousmabage- Ellis S!lrIngs,l'la , on Fnday, May 3, Verhelle attended the ment posItions for 36 years 1996, of complIcatIOns from University of DetrOit High An aVid gardener WIth a love surgery School and Georgetown of roses, Mrs Oowden actIvely Mr Cotzlas, 71, was born In J. IEEP THE GREENliGHT SHINING ~/ / 1IlDl" Sales lIgr TUESDAY, MAY 21,1996 The regular Village el~llon WIll be held In the Village of Grosse POlnle Shores on the 21Sl day of May, 1996, for the purposes of el~bng the follOWingofficers THE BEST ONE-TWO commltted ~tpaga ~ OfFER EXPIRES 6/1() 06 can today. .. ~ I s Ir " I~ z. Installation pnce ~ Guaranteedl "" .... ~~....... ~ ..... r COitPOll .. " Van Dyke TOYOTA GIVIng '~171792 0934 180019683456 lox 15171792 2413 .r.. ~mo I dmglOcr scorn O.... L OffICIo ,j\ you QUALJ fY I 'Lube .Iii .1..... _ - - - - - ::~ "J love what ou do or me, 41e...e.... h ...._ ........_ ..... _ ---&.. palmt<d I I I I I I j 818.95. ..d _-. II!- 'tr. ..... .... --.. .. .- ... .. _ta"J A limited time Offerof two free ReserveTiger BaseballTicketsWith your three year subscription to The CrossePointe News Just fill out the coupon below and send In your payment Of $6800 fOr ttlree full years Of your community news, sports. entertainment, saleeventsand clasSIfiedlistings mailedto your home eachweek PlUS,the $2400 value Tiger BaseballTickets are free' Hurry, limited supply Of tiCketsare available •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : ISI Weelrl of the Grol .. Pointe .ewl fop IUIt $18.00 • • • I I • • I • • ($85.00out of state resident) Name,--~Address____________ Clty,-----State Zlp_____. Phone'________________________ PaymentMethod ChecK .__ r:J VIsa r:J Mastercard Credit card'______________________ Slgnature :-:::--._. SEQUENCE • • • I • • _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GIOIA PoInte .... "If~ CfoI.. Itointe PaPIni MI. UUI • I b 0flIlICUl 804 S Ham ~on Sagmow MI48602 Pf8sldenl Tiger Ba,eball Tickets and three years of the Grosse Pointe News term (') .. ta1 Typo till.. <Inn.-nt with antJ.drobdJotdI ..m ond lM1aIIatlOll • IA>brkaIJon (when oppIkabIc) • Chedc all Ould In-cl. underwkll We promile to beat lIII)'. _~Of ~~Vl,. ICon IIOIIINION long To'ouo oU I• G.nuIne TO\'OUtlwfHol. be ~:: Grosse POinte.: , , ..._--, 2 -----_ Oil FUter & AOT will not U :!O!:A.!!T..:!!29.J • bUildIng Inchtdcs up to 6 CJOIUU of (.enuInt f ..... to us at 25420 N,:,~ II ueon I. pricer people 18118 Mack Avenue the care you need when you need It 18 our deslre I '-_,............. Glossa Poole Inc relatIOnships Wlth our customers 80 serve you best At RINKE TOYOTA, we have the cars)oo want at pnces you11 hke and we have a "'mtic S<'TV1ce departmenl l<lo Why not atol? in and browae'? Glve U9 8 call at 758 2000 or stop In and see INHUME SECURIR __ of Call Vicki Helm: (313) 343-0000 Vwoecan PUNCH Mr license' BA-0B29 SaMce IIgy engine cycle When heat In the combuatlon chamber becomes too high, the mutuie can IgnIte spontanecualy, ludependent of the spark plug ThIS uncontrolled burning proaucea preasure changes and stiock waves that can spell trouble If loud knock 109 perslst8 when the accelerator 18 not depressed, It HI 8 senoua condltlOn that should be mvesllgated If) our engine .. knacklOg, don t wa,t until It develops 1nto a major problem before seekIng adVice Fmdmg experts m 8 pinch can be a hassle • who do you turn to? We're The polling place for saId electIOn Will be In the Village CounCil Charnber~ at 795 Lake Shore Road The polls Will be open from 7 00 am unul 800 P m Cameron H. Piggott G P N 519/96 and 5116196 Village Clerk I1rnon1tcnd lMt Policyholders Tom & Della Pavlock The Framing Go1leIY TWO ~ral~~Y :t s:ar~~a~etl~~~~th: VIllage Presldenl Village Clerk Village Trustees (3) I Get tile I I -urtty SJItem 21 m4IIIon I I'IIJ on ---. I I _ :. A gB80hnp's octane number 18 a measure of Its resIstance to the condItion popularly known as "'knocking" ThIS metalhc rattling sou nd emanating frorn the englne IS u<ual1y heard under hard acceleratton or htJ1..ehmbmg and J8 caused by uncontrolled burnIng of the alrlfuel mUlture Under normal conditions, thIS alTlfuel mIxture IS to be held on ueon qua.ltyl Cd' Busmess WHAI'S 1'HAI1CNOCIONO? NOTICE OF ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION ~r tiOl'Tle -TJoLNoPrelJ6..".W by Tom Fraser & Bob Hoover MIchIgan OF WAYNE AND MACOMB 1 msulYlnce lie ~f 1-800-572-1717 People help MDA because MDA helps people COUNTIES .Auto-Owners Your Car Muscular Dystrophy Association Villageof(irusse,"ointe ~4ores Mr Fowler IS SUrvived by his WIfe, DorIS; a daughter, Judith C Slone, three sons, Richard, Robert and DaVId, three Sisters, VirgInia Meldrum, Mary Sharpe and Margaret Stnckland, a brother, Charles and eight grandchildren Interment IS at Mount Ohvet Cemetery In DetrOit Funeral arrangements were handled by the AH Peters Funeral Home In Grosse Pomte"Woods MeIftonat contnbutlOns may be made to the DIsabled Amencan Veterans and YGU Thanks to MOA research the future looks brrghter than ever +AmaricanRedCroM can 1-800.552-5466 .. Insure Your Home and Car . o Rev. Joseph C. 25A '. ~ Business 26A May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Beginning your financial future together: Tips for newlyweds FOI m<lnync wl}wed~ memoIIC'~ of wcoddll1g-d<lY bli~<;can qUKkh bcwnw clouded by the d..lIh, of m.ln<lglng money rhe MKhl~dn A.",ocldtlOn of Certified Public Accountant" SlOn wIth your spouse as soon credit card balances and auto(MACPAl ,ay" that the best as possIble about how you plan mobile loans If you find that market - so take the time to also want to Include a category way to pre\ ent money from dis- to edrn, save and spend money you have slgmficant debt, par- evaluate }our optIOns carefully for savings You and your ,pouse should Setting aSIde regular rupting thdt ,tarry-eyed feel Be honest ticularly consumer debt WIth When It comes to monev hl!;h mtere'lt rat!''' V0\,'1l need en"ure that you have suffi- amounts In varIOus savings Ing I" bv havmg .I frank dl'lcu" Clc"t, but llut JUpll~aW, LOvel- vcnlde" I" the only way to management, It'S Important to a strategy for payIng It ofT age Elimmatlllg excess cover ensure that you'll reach your be honest not only with your Purge debt age may free up some cash to financial goalS spouse, but also wIth yourself Ellmmatmg debt and aVOIdInvest for the future How do you feel about money? mg high mterest rates offer a pay ofT debt or speed up your It's also Important to consIdAre you a saver or a spender? better payback than almost savings Set goals er where you are puttmg your GI o'~e POinte F<lrms re"ldent David J. Campbell Will be Are you a compulsIve shopper? any mvestment and are the In additIOn to dealing WIth savmgs honored In olceremony on Thur,day, Mav 16, by the [srael Bonds Do you consider yourself finan- only sure-fire ways to put you The younger you are, the PI ole~~lOnollHedlth ServICes DI\%lOn With the Israel Bonds Cially astute or financIally and your spouse on sound the Ilnmedlate needs of paYing off debt and obtalnmg appro- more you can afTord to Invest Jel u~alem Covendnt Award III recognition of hiS 'ervlce to the Inept? The greater your aware- financial footmg Although pnate msurance, you also your savmgs m stocks and greolter DetrOit community and the health profe~slOns Campbell ness of your own money man- most newlyweds are reluctant I... pI e"ldent and chief executive officer of the DetrOit Medical agement habits and knowl- to do so, If you have a lot of should set some short- and bonds, whIch tend to ofTerhIgh Center He edrned a bachelor's degree from Mlchlgdn State edge, the more you'll be able to credIt card debt, conSider usmg long-term financIal goals It's yIelds over the long term Remember, too, that It's Um\erslt} olnd a mdster's m hospital administratIOn from the head ofTany conflicts that may some of the cash gIfts you Important to prIOrItize goals With your spouse and then never too soon to save for UllIvel slty of MlChlgdn anse receIved to knock It down establish realistIC time frames retirement Know where you are Another option IS to consoliIf possIble, take advantage of Before you can plan your date your debt to one low-mter- for achieVing them Try to anticipate how any company-sponsored 401(k) financIal future, you need to est credit card Even If a card Grusse Pomte Farms reSident John F. Varty get a clear picture of your pre- offers a low rate for a hmlted changes In your life, such as plans, mdlvldual retIrement ha" been appomted senIOr vice preSident, group sent financIal posItion FIrst, penod of time - for example the birth of a child or the need accounts and other retirement mdnagement supervisor at Campbell-Ewald tally your assets DId you or SIXmonths - you may be able to care for elderly parents, molY savings vehicles The more you save now, the Advertlsmg to head the agency's retaJl automo- your spouse come into the mar- to save slgmficant amounts m afTect your financIal future Establish a bUdget more your money Will grow tive diVISIOnHe most recently worked at Foote, nage WIth 8 bIg bank balance Interest and payoff your debt You'll need a budget to help through the compoundmg of Cone & Beldmg m Santa Ana, Calif, on the or Investment portfolio? What faster you control your spending and Interest untIl the time you Mazda regIOnal account Varty attended Wayne about the money you received Review your health insur- your savmg retire State University and graduated from Xavier as wedding gifts? ance Track your expenses for a CPAs emphaSize that startUniversIty In Clncmnatl After adding up your savIncreased health care costs few weeks to see where your mg off With a clean financIal Varty Ings, conSider your debt. It's make It especially Important Grosse POinte Woods reSIdent Victoria Anderson has been not uncommon for young cou- that you consohdate or coordi- money IS gomg Then develop a slate and mutually-agreedreahstlc budget that provides upon financial goals WIll put appuInted ombudsperson of Wayne State UllIverslty She has ples to have high amounts of nate your medICal Insurance ~erved In 'leverollcapaCIties at the umverslty, including assIstant debt, Including school loans, There are a lot of plans on the for expenses such as grocenes, newlyweds on a course to a stautilities and c10thmg You'll ble financIal future together director of undergraduate admiSSIons and dIrector of graduate adml'l'llOn'l Business Peo~le • Gros,e Pomte Park reSident Stuart Itzkowitz, an academiC advl,er and admiSSIOnscounselor m the college of educatIOn at \Va,ne State UllIverslty, has been selected to receive the An;er ICan Coun~ellng AssOCiatIOn'sKJtty Cole Human Rights Awald A volunteer for more than 25 years, he help found the I\IJchlgan Gav AcademIC Union and the Michigan OrgamzatlOn for Human RIghtS, as well as a psycholOgical support group for people With AIDS ItzkOWItzearned a bachelor's degree from the State UllIverslty of New York at BlIlghamton, a master's degree 111 7uologyfrom the Umverslty of MIChIganand master's and doctordl degrees Ifi counseling from Wayne State Umverslty Gros'e POinte Shores reSIdent W. Peter McCabe, M.D., a plastIC surgeon, has been ndmed preSident of the Michigan State Medical Society He IS a past preSIdent of the Wayne County Medical Society Dr McCabe earned hiS undergraduate degree from Harvard Umverslty and hiS medICaldegree from Cornell Umverslty Medical School McCabe Grosse POinte Woods reSIdents Ron and Janet Peppler have hdd their company, The Peppler Agency, named by CItizens Insurance Co of Amenca as one of the best firms m the r.hchlgan, OhIO and Indiana area After revlewmg the perf ormance ...of approxImately 700 Independent agencies In the threestate area which wnte property and casualty poliCIes for CItizens Insurance Co, The Peppler Agency was honored WIth the Key Agents Club award • ~ . .. I • .. ~ Tax freedom day a bit later than last year On May 7, the average American stopped working In order to pay federal, state and local taxes From May 8 to Dec 31, the remainder of the year's wages was spent on food, clothing, shelter and other goods. Accordmg to the Tax FoundatIon, a non-profit research organization, the average American worked 128 days In 1996 to pay the tax bill That's one full day longer than in 1994 and a week longer than in 1992. Put another way, the typical worker who arrives for work at 9 a.m will work for the federal government untJl 10 50 a m and for the state 81ld local governrnen"t until 11"47 am, jUst m time to pay for lunch Why are we working another day to keep our governments m busmess? "One reason IS the 1993 tax strategy, your tax freedom day reform bIll boosted top tax next year could be much earhrates, which also hmited er than the average Amencan's deductions and raised rates for freedom day," Maltzman said higher-mcome filers," said "You can start rIght now and Steven Maltzman, managing keep more money in the famimember of a certified pubhc ly's pocketbook" accountmg and consultmg Some recommendatIOns are firm "The other is that the • Shift mcome to famIly economy IS better Wage members mcreases averaged 3 to 5 per• Hire your children thIS cent for most workers, and summer (your kids wlll love mfiatlOn IS between 2 and 3 percent That means most people's income surpassed the mfiatlon rate, which mcreased their tax burden" There's not much the average taxpayer can do about taxes, except stay Interested . and vote for people who advo- cate tax reform But there are strategles that are Wlthm your control "With a strong tax planning thiS deductIOn) • Sell an asset as an mstallment or a hke-klnd exchange • Make retirement plan contnbutlOns at the beglnmng of : the year Your interest won't be taxable at the end of the year. • Consohdate your debt • If you are self-employed, bUIld a retIrement plan m addition to your individual retIrement accounts Grosse Pomte Park reSident Greta Lawrence has JOined the staff of Mamott Management ServIces as a general manager of the DetrOIt Institute ofArts (DIAl account She Will be responSible for superviSing all restaurant and catenng services for the DIA Before JOining MarrIOtt, Lawrence was dIrector of catermg for the Westin Hotel m the Renaissance Center Lawrence Grosse Pomte Farms reSident Daniel J. Scully Jr., an attorney WIth Clark HIli PLC, has been selected to serve on the board of directors of the As'loclatlOn of Defense Tnal Counsel He mamtams a tnal practice defending product hablhty actIOns Grosse POll1te Woods reSIdent Robert J. Karlik has recently Jomed DetrOIt Door and Hardware Co as mdustnal account manager for the company's materIal handling dIVISion Grosse Pomte Woods reSIdent Dr. Michael D. Jennings has been re-elected as treasurer of the MIchigan Dental AsSOCiation,where he IS re"posnslble for the finanCIal deliberatIOns of Karlik the 5,500-member orgamzatlOn He IS a graduate of the Unlver"lty of Michigan School of Dentistry and has a dental practIce m Grosse Pomte Woods CIty of Grosse POinte reSident Robert J. Leonard, M.D., was honored durmg a half.tlme ceremony at a recent DetrOIt Piston game as one of the top two fundralser~ In the Amencan Cancer SI'Cllty'S Great AmerICan Lock Up In March He raIsed $7,700 The metro DetrOIt ared ral ...ed $760000 the most of any area m the rountry Dr Leonard prdctlCt, '" lth Hematology-Oncology A""clate, Ea"t, PC, In Hdrpt'r Wood, "Who would've thought Eastland would get a Bath & Body Works? Then again, who'd have thought they'd invent fat-free potato chips." Lorry Balchunas, Harper Woods Eastland Center also has a Gap, III a Umtted additIOn to Its other 130 great stores and a brand new Target DelICIOUSnews no Mrs Balchunas? Mother's Day Speciale. Free om with Purchase and a $1000 Winkelman's ShoppIng Spreel see Customer Robert J Leonard, M.D.• (far right) I. honored during a halftime ceremony at a recent Detroit Piaton game for his fundraislDg efforts during the American Cancer Society's Great American Lock Up. Leonard raised Information Center tor cletalle. ~Th\ND Come CENTER see for yourself. $7,700 --- -- ----------- f I o • • May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News 27A SCHWINN CYCLE ;tfad.~(etfJ'~~ ~ May lOth thru May 20th 'We in vi te you to Swing into Spring Wtth Lynn Chase s new casua[ dinnerware patterns"MonKg.y'Business" "Jardtn des 'Tufipes" "Jungk ']:fowers" SAVE $$ on Bikes for Mom Schwinn Overland Cross Bike Reg $399 99 NOW $299.99 Schwinn High Plank (Ladles Only) Reg $36999 NOW $299.99 tJ)on't Monkf,y.9lround!!' You have onfy from :FrufayMay 3rd thru 'Wednesday May 29th to preview our tafj{£ top showing. POINTE CYCLE &.. FITNESS AI V@ 20343 Mack 313-886-1968 72 Kercheval Grosse Pointe Farms A MOTHER'S DAY FRESH ALTERNATIVE r----- _.~ Now Available !! HUMAN HAIR WIGS & HAIR AUGMENTATION Available For All Types of Womens Hair Loss Alopecia, Medical ConditIons House of Shoppes 26717 Littfe Mack, St. Clair Shores .Yt ~/be£ ~a;4 .---- 12 Noon-6 p.m. I' " sem I permanenl ,,' i' • - - • Cards for Mom. VIctOrian Sachets Jf "f,' Reservations Onlv limIted Seatfng • can Nowr 26717 L'llle Mock. S. ClalTShores F..a<i) acress from 1-696 Minutes from 1-696 -- IIA Unique Gift Shop" • PorcelaIn Flower Arrangements. (Last Seatmg) ANa 8runC/;\,Ma~,~~UlJ1>,- - of Everything : : 11' I essentIally becomes your own from $27 50 Just A Littl~ Bit :1 I Dinners Served c - --- -, I Mother'S Day May 12th • Exclu51Yely fot women With half loss 01 pms VICTORIA PLACE r------ CAN HOLD TIIEIR HEADS inCH. collection On-the-HTII 313-882-6880 ---------------, and Heredltal"} NOW WOMEN WITH HAIR LOSS • Certified lerhrllClanS WJII proVide you With ~ compas5«ln & dlgMy -- A charmmg I 772-8383 SMI~ry I ~ i I • Dolls • NIght LIghts. Hat Boxes . ~ Tea Pots, Cups & Saucers Much Morel 772-0780_ '-------------_111 ~ (fhe "OM"((/ftn~ MOTHER'S DAY DINNER t;f60lJt .51<"ftin3 Sunday, ,'0.:;' .. i 2t~ TREATMOM TO A HAM DINNER withJ0/J., M'fj6e with Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Cornbread, Green Beans Almandine & Dessert next tiMe JOIJ 8 $ 795 ... Also ... $ 95 CHICKEN FAMILY STYLE DINNER .shou(' tet hiM 11233 MORANG --DETROIT t"ft"h "!,.. 372-6888 '/ let him catch up JUst long enough to tell him that better-fittmg skates prOVIdemore comfort and control WhICh IS w~y we deslgn skates In women's SIZes After all, performance IS Important to you, too In fact, after you're done explamlng thIS, f '. ~ ,., Has I It All! .~J -,,$ Q!) f> ~~HAPpy..MOTHER'S DAY" from the Connie's Crew r----1,;;' go '" , ahead and dust him r: ~', J~ "'(1-'-- Selected Party Dresses Non- Wrinkle Free Dockers ol.argc'11ndcpcn<1cnr ( hddrcn , "Ion' 111rhl .Ire I 'IXCl1I"" • G"I, 1111In' PIC' hell • Rn), lnl.lnl ~() l!u'~le, 111<1,11111' • "ch<Xllllllltonn • free I/leratlOfl< On Rm • "Iruk Rflc "hoc'. I rcc ("" ,ranI, \\ r 'rr"IC 23200 Greater Mack St. Clair Shores. (810) 777-8020 \ ~ COtII'OIIAft OfRCIII 804 S Hom I'on Sogonow MI 48602 1517) 7920934 18001 968 34 \6 fo' 1517) 792 2413 emOlI dmg I Ocr 1 com SEQUENCE May 9,1996 28A I II Grosse Pointe News "Chrysler Cirrus takes on the best in its class, the Accord, Contour and Altima and delivers more ..." I Motor Trend* In the last two years, Chrysler Cirrus has when you consider that the cab-forward won the praises of some of the world's most designed Cirrus LX has more interior room reputable publications. Car and Driver And Costs Less t • $17095" bestowed its "Ten Best" on Cirrus two years in a row:*Auto Week (May '95) called Cirrus J "Best of the Bunch." And perhaps most $l}OOOCasb Back'Or 1.9o/APR" satisfying, using information gathered from Or Lease for $229Mo 24 Mos '1,425 Mwn' KiplingerJs Personal Finance Magazine and more standard features (like air and (Dec. '95), it is projected that Cirrus will ABS) than Honda Accord DX, Ford Contour have a higher resale value than the Lexus GL and Nissan Altima XE. Now's the GS300 in two years. All of this praise makes time to get into the car that the critics are sense, especially raving about. 19% Chrysler CIrrus LXI model shown See Your Local Chrysler Dealer .• ~ f,.lnll.ln Iqq.<; f99"'ir Irn~1 \ -\.honloM"TTlt.llt'INl.fllllh("ll\\r 1~,m0"rm!~ I' I o .. . kp' .... l nllM( ( rn ... l<' t~ .. 'i \1nl~ 1 \u.,jl tC"fff'r.llC"< YT1enl t \ P, vol .Ih, (Jt! I ...'i~' II n ~mllf ..lh rrol (ill Irt,\(' (' (j l'('"l~r I julhrll,('r .... ' [~m (' ll~ r1",n H r ('"I, -4~.~m' ( I r\ I \ rl \ ( 1\ \1'kT",,l lr t(n C'M krrlmC'i,trnllnm(~tf'r('"nhllJ( n h r( 1'" \llm (,\1 41"'>h. \, m0-'''' 'fIL.----------... [l • R.l<;('"\!''I.(1 I .. ~ r .."hlJlk,nn('\lo In. HtlC' II \,'!n\fr(",\ru j)j\lll{liWI"'\\Ri()plnt.ltl\HI(".t'Kl"ni.l,,.t(.n("!lNIAtt'lpn(~"'I\,I," 'i I.rlkrl II I In '\n In !I (", ~~ Alklhnll hroll ...... ~ ~h.mll('Il(If~l'l('(IIiIAPR lIrlT"OflI T"~\1 S142~(Iou.TI ......\\.'Nfyom~thdT ------11555115775 .. '7777 •__r __ •• -..r-... 80.. S Hamlhon Sag now M148602 1517) 792 0934 18(0) 9683456 ICOn IOaINION PreSlden' to, 1517)792 24?3 emOif dmg IOcr scorn I I SEQUENCE " " May 9,1996 Grosse Pbint~ ~evvs Features B Section .. Churches Entertamment 48 88 Take Our Daughters To Work Day is reason to /stop the presses' By Margie Reins Smith Features Editor Brady Brookes, 11, skipped school on Apnl 25 Her teacher didn't mmd. The MaIre Elementary School fIfth-grader had her parents' blessing, too. She traded fifthgrade curricula for on-the-job trammg at a real business Instead of studymg for a weekly spelhng test, readmg a SOCial studies assignment or solving math problems, Brady said, "I filed stuff. I met lots of people. f watched the presses. I answered the phones." Brady partiCIpated in the fourth annual Take Our Daughters To Work Day by going to work with her mother and father at their family-owned business, Brookes Print~g, 7600 Chrysler Drive in Detroit. "I really had a great time," she said. "It's a lot better than going to school." Take Our Daughters To Work is a pubhc-education program sponsored by the Ms. Foundation for Women It was begun four years ago in response to researcH on the development of adolescent girls Studies by Harvard Umversity researchers, the AmerIcan AsSOCiation of Umversity Women and the Mmnesota Women's Fund mwcated that during adolescence, girls often received less attentlOn than boys in school and youth programs, had lower expectations and tended to judge their own self-worth based on physical appearance. The Ms Foundation for Women's response to these disturbmg findings was to give girls an opportunity to see work as an mtegral part of women's lives. Take Our Daughters To Work day IS held on the fourth Thursday m AprIl nationwide (and In 14 other countrIes) so that millions of girls from 9-15 will go to work wIth adult mentors, learn first-hand the range of life's options open to them, and get some special attention. Brady's parents, Harry and Mary Brookes of the City of Grosse Pointe, both believe strongly that Brady (if she wants to) should have the opportunity to enter the printing mdustry, which has recently attracted greater numbers of women. The Brookes' company is 115 years old. Founded in 1881 by Harry Brookes' great-grandfather, Arthur Wellsley Brookes, it has been owned by four generations of Brookes men. "It started as a printing company for commercial and what was called 'society' printing," Harry Brookes said. "They printed items hke stationery, badges, calling cards and specialty invitations" Harry Brookes' grandfather was a student at the University of Mlclugan when his father died. He left school to take over the business. "He Just had to do it," said Harry Brookes. ''He ran the company unt111952. My uncle took over m 1952. My father was presIdent from 1952 through 1958." Today, Brookes Printing Brady Brookes participated in the national Take Our Daughtel'll to Work Day by spending it at Brookes Printing Co., a commercial printing firm founded in 1881 by her great-great. grandfather. employs 15 people, reports annual sales of nearly $1 5 milhon, and specializes m commercial printing and small pubhcations like Adcra£ter magazine and a magazine for the DetrOIt Firefighters. They also do speCIal jobs for the American Red Cross and the Bon Secours Hospital Assistance League. Mary Brookes is the company's human resources director and corporatetreasure~ As for Brady becoming the fIfth-generation Brookes to own the company, Harry Brookes said: ''It's up to her. If she chooses this business it won't be easy. She'll have to go to college, probably to earn a degree in printmg management with an emphaSIS on other business tools." Brady's brother, Mackenzie, 8, will get a chance to spend Take Our Daughters To Work Day at his dad's office when he is older, Mary Brookes said "Girls look at certain areas and boys look at all areas," she saId "We have to expose girls and boys to everything and let them decide. Mackenzie will be exposed later, when he's ready." The Brookes have hosted Brady's classmates a couple of times for fIeld trips to see the printing busmess first-hand. "We usually have them create something at school with the help of their teacher," Mary Brookes said. "She gives it to us ahead of time. We print it and they all have something to take with them when they leave." The company makes a special effort to provide an environment that is friendly and supportive of women. Harry Brookes said that the printing business has not traditionally been open to women. "But more and more, women have proved they can survive and excel, easily. W~have some highpowered women in this company and we couldn't do business with. out them. This is more reason to expose Brady to what's going on." Next year, the Brookes plan to extend an invitation to other employees to include their daughters in Take Our Daughters To Work Day. Brady can come back agam if she wants to, her mother said. Brady plays roller blade hockey at the Neighborhood Club in the spring; swims on a swimming team during the summer; and takes figure skating lessons every week in the wmter. She collects key chains and her favorite sport IS hockey She hopes to attend Western MichIgan Umverslty or MichIgan State Umversity after she graduates from high school. "After that, I want to do one of two things," she said. ''I either want to own my Dad's business; or I want to be an elementary school teacher. I like kindergarten best, I think, because I hke working with httle kids," Un Intricate. IlistDricaL Valuable. ctive. End • Timeless. Buyable. The 12th Annual Village Antiques Show & Sale Love1tHall Henry Ibrd Museum May 10 11am. 9pm May 11 11am. 7pm May 12 11am.5pm 0 0 0 ThIs year, 40 top exhibItors from across the Umted States offer a stunning vanety of treasures, from early Amencan glass to European and Amencan Paintings, even less formal penod antiques Lectures Will be g1Ven Fnday and Saturday TIckets are Just $7 per person, • $6 for semors For more mformatlOn, call (313) 271.1620, ext 301 - ---.... - - .............. -..........-~ 28 Clubs May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News ----------Meetings--------Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae Place In DetroIt Tlckel~ are $25, and d pOI tlOn of ticket "ales WIll ~uppoll thl' DAPA "cholar..,lllp fund WInnel ~ of thIS veal's ..,dlOlar. ..,hlp~ WIll be announced at the Members of the Dellolt East IUlllheon Suburban Alumnae The e\ ent WIll begin \\ It h d AsSOCIatIon of Kappa K<.Ippa Chme"e auctIOn, followed b\ Gamma \'0111 meet <.It10 a m lunch at noon, <.Ind mfO!mdl Monda), May 13, for a pelenm fa ..hlOns from the Jane al plant exch<.lngedl the home Woodbury BoutIque In Gros,,(' of Sharon Mertz All K1PPd" Pomte Farms are welcome For mformallOn, 1'h(' tlrn!!TlHTl wdl r"'"ltnr(' call \.>1J) ooo.UJ~ Faye C~III;g, who wlIl "peak on her experIences as a repre"entatlve of Women'" International Group of Peace and Freedom, held recently In BelJmg A tour of the DetrOIt Artists Market wIll be avallable after the meeting The Grand MaraIS brdnch of Soronty women who would the Woman", NatIOnal Farm like to attend should call LOIS and Garden As",oclatlOn Will Beard at (810) 776-6313 or Sue meet at noon Monday, May 13, Auch at (313) 886-3493 by at the home of Mr" Pdul Monday, May 13 Nagel Co.hostesses wdl be Mrs Robert Sheridan and Mrs AI LucarellI New officers WIll The AmerIcan AsSOCIatIOnof be Installed UnIversIty Women WIll meet on Saturday, May 11, at the home of Mado LIe of Grosse POInte Park The program Will include a The DetrOit AlumnI talk by Susan Hartz about PanhellenIc ASSOCIatIOn WIll estate sales and collectIbles, a hold Its annual spnng lun. mIni estate sale and Silent auccheon begInnIng at 11 a m tlOn, mstallatlOn of officers, Saturday, May 18, at the and afternoon tea Rattlesnake Club, 300 River Officers to be installed are Woman's National Farm and Garden Association AAUW Panhellenic Association Pride of the Pointes Theodore Hill, son of Grosse Pomter Roberta HIli and Howard HIli of the CIty of Grosse POInte was named to the dean's !1st for academIC achievement at Bucknell UnIversity Pomte Park, a freshman maJormg m polJtlcal sCIence at the Umverslty of Rochester, was named to the fall dean's list It.., TIed," about dealIng wIth dlilicult people DInnel begIn" at 6 p m For more InfOrmatlOn, call Joann Bjastkow~kl at (313) 881-6741 Q ues t ers N o. 147 Essay contest winner Heather Breedlove of Grosse Pointe Woods, center, an eighth-grade student at Parcells Middle School, won third place in the 1996 Women's History Month essay contest, sponsored by th. American Association of University Women and the Michigan Women's Commission. Breedlove and other winners were honored at a tea hosted by Michelle Engler (right), Trudy Archer, (left) and Connie Binsfeld, at the governor's residence on March 19. She received a $200 savings bond and a gift certificate. Ruth Stark, preSident, Jean mml estate sale and SIlent aucHerman, preSIdent-elect, LIsa tIOn The auctIOn WIll be manCarmer, vice preSIdent for pro- aged by Betty Grady and a gram development, Cathenne committee that Include" Mary Sudro, recordmg secretary; Ann Lawlis, Kay Mullaney, LIb and CynthIa Tegel, respondmg Scott, ElIzabeth Schaefer, Dora secretary Grady, ChristIna Staats and Mem bers are asked to Jean Herman donate qualIty Items for the For more InformatIOn, call ConnIe KIenle at (313) 8849183 Jamie Elsila, daughter of Mr and Mrs DaVId A ElsIla of Grosse Pomte Park, Lisa Rotondo, daughter of Mr and Mrs Dante Rotondo of the City Thomas P. Rhoades of the of Grosse POlllte, and John City of Grosse Pointe, a JunlOr WilnPT, "'on of Wendy Casher Roberta Therese Ricci of at DePauw Umverslty. IS of Ventura, CalIf, and Roger Grosse Pointe Woods, and studYIng In SeVIlle, Spam, m WIlner of Grosse Pointe Park, Edward S. Trojanowski and DePauw's off-campus study were named to the Kalamazoo Lawrence Fisher Drummy program College dean's lIst for the fall Jr., both of Grol;lse Pomte quarter Farms, were named to the Pamela J. Atkinson of the dean's Ill;t .a~. Rensselaer CIty pf Gross!,! P.o)nte w~s Whitney L. Wegner of Polytechnic Institute RICCII~ a named to the dean's lIst for the Grosse Pointe Woods was JUnIor ml\lorlll~ III CIVILengJ- fall semester at Northel'n named to the fall dean's list at neerIng. Trojanowski IS' a MichIgan Univers{ty Belmont UniverSity freshman mUJormg m engIneenng Drummy IS a sophoNavy Petty Officer 2nd Class Aaron J. Holton, son of more majonng III phYSICS Michael A. Loffreda, son of Mr and Mrs T M Holton of Denms A. and Brigid Loffreda the CIty of Grosse Pointe, was Michael P. VanDeGinste, of Grosse Pomte Woods, recent- named to the dean's list at son of NIna and Mike ly received the Navy Good Emory College. VanDeGinste of Grosse POInte Conduct Medal. Loffreda IS Woods, was named to the currently aSSIgned to the sub. James Stephen dean's list for the fall term at marine USS PhoenIX, home- Harrington III of Grosse Wayne State UnIversity ported m Norfolk, Va Pointe Farms and Alexandra VanDeGmste IS also a member Chrysanthe Akas of Grosse of the Wayne State UnIversIty Grosse Pomters who gradu- POInte Woods were named to Concert Chorale ated from Western Michigan the fall dean's list at Bowling UnIversIty at the end of the fall Green State Umverslty. Cadet Charles D. Janke of semester mcluded Daniel Lee the City of Grosse Pomte was Krueger, Geneva Cusmano, Renee Koo of Grosse named to the preSIdent's list Chris Meathe, Andrew Pomte Shores and Michael for the sprIng semester at The Morlan, Deborah Anne Franzinger of Grosse POInte Citadel, The MIlitary College Solterisch, Christopher Park were named to the dean's of South CarolIna He IS a Sorensen, Steve Mourad list at Case Western Reserve freshman bUSIness major and and Lisa Marie Fleming. Umverslty is the son of Mr and Mrs Frank H. Janke III Kathryn A. Snyder of Alexander S. Dale, son of Grosse Pomte Park and Simon Mr and Mrs LeWIS I Dale of Patrice Brown-Borden of Alan Kissonergis of Grosse Grosse Pomte Farms, was Grosse Pomte Woods was POInte Woods earned bachelor elected vIce preSident of the named to the preSident'" lIst at of applIed sCience degrees from Dem ..on UnIversity student Baker College of Mount SIena HeIghts College 10 body Dale, a sophomore, has Clemens Gwendolyn December served as co.governor of his Wunder of Grosse Pomte Park c1as~ for two years and IS cur. was named to the dean's lIst Amy Campbell of Grosse rently vIce preSIdent of Pomte Farms, a Jumor, was College Life, a ChrIstian mIn, John McNaughton, son of named to the dealT's lIst for the IStry to students Mr. and Mrs Cohn fall semseter at John Carroll McNaughton of Grosse POInte Umverslty She IS the daughter Sarah Lenard, daughter of Park, was named to the dean's of Mr and Mrs Bruce Julie and FrederIck A Lenard list at HamIlton College Campbell of Grosse Pomte Park, was named to the dean's hst at the Grosse Po1Oters Carrie Rebecca A. McCurdy and Boston Conservatory of Music Buhl, Ian Hall, Michael Amy Bauer, both graduates of She IS a mUSICaltheater major K10buchar and Patricia Grosse Pomte South High and recently performed In a Ricci earned academiC honors School, have organIzed a productIOn of "Sweeney Todd .. for the fall semester at Purdue women's Ice hockey team at She will dIrect two plays next UniversIty MIchigan State UnIversity year McCurdy IS the daughter of Jason Bedsworth of Grosse Robert A and Mane McCurdy Christopher Moisides of Pointe Park earned a bachelor of Grosse Pomte Park, Bauer IS Gro..,sc Pomte Shores. a mass of sCIence degree 10 1I1duc;tnal the daughter of Neal and Mary communIcatIOn major at management from Purdue Bauer of Grosse Pomte Farms Emer"on College, was named Umverslty to the dean'" hst for the 1995 Katherine A. Czajka and fall seme~ter Navy Seaman Mollie A. John A. Jodzio, both of the White, daughter of DaVId J City of Grosse POinte, and and Mary l' White of Gros<;e Thomas C. Szmrecsanyi of Mary Fildew, daughter of POInte Park, partIcIpated In Groc;<;e POInte Farms, were Mr and Mr~ John H FlIdew the commIssIOning of the U S recently named to the presI- of the CIty of Grosse POInte, Navy's newest aIrcraft carrIer, dent's lIst for the Columbus was named to the acade'nlc the USS John C Stenm", duro College of Art and DeSIgn honor lI~t for the fall semester mg a ceremony 111 Norfolk, Va at Samt Mary'" College Kate Hamilton WE-lis, of Mr and Mrs Gro~c;e POInter Megan Joseph Aaron Colista of daughter Twiddy, a sopho. the CIty of Gro"se Pomte was RIchard Crawford and Mr and Frances named to the dean'. hst for the Mrs DaVId Wells, was named more In the Wayne State to the dean's lIst for academiC UnIversity EmergIng Scholars fall semester at the Ulllversity excellence for the fall "eme<;ter Program, and a bIOlogy major, of Iowa at Colgate UniversIty She IS wa" named to the dean's lIst for the fall term Rebecca Yingst of Groc;se concentratIng m Journahsm American Business Women's Association The Grosse Pomte chapter of the AmerIcan BUSIness Women's ASSOCiatIOnWIll meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, m Grosse POInte AlIce Thmhnson, entrepreneur, author, model and motivatIOnal speaker, will address the group. Her tOPIC "They Can't Get your Goat If You Don't Let Them Know Where The annual meetIng of Gros"e POInte Questers chapter No 147 WIll meet at 930 a m FrIday, May 10, at the Grm,,,e POInte Club Marl('n(' Hull' w>!l bE' the guest speaker and wIll present d "lIde program, "ReflectIOns of Elegance In FashIOns 18601940 " Hostesses WIll be Jes"le DaVieS, Karen Joslyn and Bonme Mannie Grosse Pointe Woman's Club The Grosse POInte Woman's Club wdl end the season begInnmg at 11 30 a m Wednesday, May 15, WIth its annual luncheon and InstallatIOn of offi. cers at the Grosse POInte Yacht Club ScholarshIps WIll be presented to Kathryn Callas of Grosse Pomte South High School and Emily Schuch of Grosse Pomte North HIgh School New officers WIll be Installed. They are Maryhelen Feighner, president; Jean Buhler, first vIce president; Margaret Wittwer, second vice president, Kathy TellIs, record. Ing secretary; Gladys Greenburg, corresponding secretary, and Betty Knop, treasurer Luncheon arrangements were made by Helen Endres; reservatIOns by Wilma Prohownik, decorations and programs by Endres, Mary Ann Schwartz and Cynthia Chyz. A fashIOn show will be presented by Jane Woodbury of Fisher Road Models WIll Include AdaIr Alexander, Pauline Anderson, Fran Ahee, Helen Daher, Corliss Marowske, Ruth Engstrom, Helen Endres, Joyce Mabarak, Mary Ann Schwartz and Pat WIlson. Members may play brIdge after the fashIOn "how Members brIngmg gue~t" mu.t make reservatIOns no later than FrIday, May 10 Herb Society of America The Grosse POInte umt of the Herb SocJCt,} of Am('~.c:l \\ II! meet at 7 30 p m Tue",day, May 14, at the home of presl' dent Ann Eatherly In Grosse Pointe Park VIsItors are wel. come. Member Geraldme Morozowskl Will present the program, "GrowIng MIchigan Wildflowers" Hostesses wII! be LoUIse Tewalt and Mae SpItzer For more InformatIOn, call (313) 822-4091 Michigan Audubon Society The Grosse POInte chapter of the MichIgan Audubon SocIety WIll meet at 7 30 p m Monday, May 20, at the Neighborhood Club The program will be a Video, "BluebIrd TraIls" Refreshments Will be served at 7 15 P m Visitors are welcome For more information, call (313) 885-5332 TO RESERVE DISPLAY ADVERTISING SPACE CALL 8823500 By 2:00 p.m. Friday Someone You Love Can Use Our Help • Pnvate homes • Hospital or nursmg homes • 24-hour • Full or part-tune coverage • Bonded and Insured • RN supervised REGISTERED NURSES LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES NURSES AIDES. LIVE IN COMPANIONS NURSING HOME ** 8045 EAST JEFFERSON DETROIT, MICH. 821-3525 QUALITY NURSING CARE NURSiNGUNl!t~ (810) 263-0580 __________ I , &rvrlllf 1M Grosst Since POInte1980 a.d Suburbs c5lepJnlo r5prtnJ al Cranbrook 9arrfens 24 7!nnllal ')prln'l,,-"ale Wednesday May 15 lOam - 7 pm & Thursday May 16 10am - 3 pm WE'RE POURING IT ON J!Trch1'lan 7 )lldjloflJers Woodland Ferns TnnlUm, Bloodroot, Hepatica PerennlOls MII1Ia1ure Roses SCulpture Geraniums Herbs Plants Gteenholsse OrChids Tap Into news, sports, entertainment, sale events and classified IIstmgs The newspaper IS your wellspring for everythmg that's happening In the Grosse POinte's Save 25% over newsstand costs by haVing the paper mailed to your horne each week Call 343-5577 to start morl delrvery, or fill out the coupon below and send with payment to o Gros~ Pointe News r--52WE~SOFTHE--' 96 KERCHEVAL GROSSE PO'NTE FARMS MI 48236 Earth Fnendly Ptoducts I I I I 1I GROSSE POINTE NEWS FOR JUST $29.00 Nome I~ Sfale IPhone #-----I be Addr_f!!<_S I IC"Y StaIe Method ICheck CJ Visa 0 Mastercard I~ I Slgnotvre z,P If you would like your rapers forwarded 10 a vacallon address rlpase ond"at" heloy, I w,1I on vacal,oo slanrnR and rlan 10 return on ----Vacation Payment c:kIorton -. A' (16 Mile) J ~) .J P ,-,OK _ 7rp I I I I I I II ----------------_ .. May 9,1996 Faces & places Grosse Pointe News Life, Health & You seminar benefits Four Grosse POinte bU!:>Inesses will pre!:>~nt"Life, Health and You,' a specIal opportunity for mother;" daughters and their ;,peclal guests to commemordte fdmlly history while celebratmg Mother's Day The semmar for women wlll take place from 10 a m to 2 pm Saturday, May 18, at the FoundatIOn for ExceptlOndl Chlldren, 16 Lakeshore 10 Grosse Pomte Farm~ ('ar"!" Lapldos, community programs coordinator for The Gerlatncs Center at the University of Michigan, will present "The Makers of Memory," whICh Will teach the value of remIniSCIng With family members and show how to conduct life reviews to record family history The event Will also Include a hght lunch and an opportumty for psychic readings, mamcures, massages, color analYSIS and makeup tips, all for an extra charge ParticIpants must register by Fnday, May 10 1'1ckets are $10 and proceeds WIll go to Services for Older Citizens and The FoundatIOn for ExceptIOnal Children Sponsors are Kelly AsSisted LIVing ServICes, PersonalCare Ine , Pomte Medical EqUIpment Inc. and Vital OptIOns ExerCise. For more informatIOn, or to register, call (313) 884-8461 Rhapsody: The Southeastern MichIgan chapter of the AmerICan Red Cross will hold ItS annual fundraiSeI', Rhapsody In Red, on Saturday, May 25, at the RitzCarlton In Dearborn. Proceeds from the event will provide disaster relief servICes to victims of fires, tornadoes, floods and other calamities in the tn-county area of southeastern Michigan Organizers of the event hope to raise $175,000 and expect about 500 people to attend the black-tie gala which Will Include dmner, danCIng to the musIc of the Nelson Riddle Orchestra and an auction of Items like a one, of-a-kind piece of colored . Steuben art glass crafted espeCially for the event that is expected to fetch between $15,000 and $20,000 for the benefit Bloomfield Hills portrait artist Patricia Hill Burnett will donate a pamting for the auction and auctioneer Frank Boos will also take bids on a dInner for 20 at the Ritz Carlton, a trip for two to Chicago and more. 1 TIckets to the benefit are sac, Exceptional MCF benefit: The Michigan Cancer FoundatIOn's 14th annual dmner, a benefit for the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Will be held Saturday, May 11, at the Westin Hotel Singer Gladys Knight will be the !'c:lturcd performer :It the fundraiseI' Since they began In 1983, the MCF's annual dinners have raIsed more than $4 mllhon for cancer research and educatIOn 1'1ckets are $500 or $1,000 a couple For informatIOn, call DeMarco Willis at (313) 8330715, ext 769 The 21st annual Tau Beta Flower Sale will be held from noon to 7 p.m. Friday, May 10, at McCann Rink. The sale will include plants (impatiens, begonias, marigolds, geraniums, petunias and pansies) and garden accessories (flower boxes for shade or sun, terra cotta garden markers, outdoor candle arrangements and garden girls), as weD as herb topiaries, potted wreaths, geranium trees and ground covers. At the left, is a drawing of a commemorative Tau Beta garden tile crafted by Pewabic Pottery. The tile will also be for sale. Proceeds from the sale help support the Tau Beta Camp. Deliveries are available in the Grosse Pointe area. Call (313) 881-0500 to order. Spring Fashion Show Assumption Cultural Center and the Somerset Collection will hold a Spring Fashion Show beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 22. Assumption Cultural Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the community with educational, cultural and recreational programs, is located at 21800 Marter in Grosse Pointe Woods. The evening will include dinner, cash bar, sweets table and a fashion show, which will begin at 7:45 p.m. Seated, from left, are Helen Arambages; Nina Valis; Fran Carter, co-chairman; Rena Cherpes, Amanda E. Turner, Somerset Collection fashion manager; and Santhy Volis, co-chairman. Standing, is Anna Niforos. For information, caD (810) 779-6111. s Heart of Gold Award Eye Examinations Edmund T. Ahee of Grosse Pointe Shores was among 12 metropolitan Detroit volunteers honored for their outstanding community service at a recent United Way Community Services "Celebrate Volunteers" luncheon. Abo& was nominated by St. Johu Health System for his activities with numerous charities, including St. John Hospital and Medical Center, the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, St. Jude Research Hospital, WTVS-TV and Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church. Rosemary Elias, Mary Kedzior and Mary Ellen Stempfle. "It is Important for women to support other women who put their lives on the line for our country," Stempfle said The benefit mcluded a short presentatIOn about the memoflal by vet~rllJil L91iJ" Dieterle, entertamment by pianist Liz Malaga, and a show by the Harper Woods Dance Performance Troupe The afternoon mcluded a bunch of sllly contests done m a fashion show format - hke the most exotic shoes, most "ahve" furs, biggest hat, most out-of-date outfit and so on For more informatIOn, call Cheryl Costantino at (313) 882-9966 or Dieterle at (313) 881-3078 Independent Eye Health Assistant Glaucoma and Cataract Evaluation Comprehensive Contact Lens Care Appointments Seen Promptly Appointments Available 882-9711 West Bloomfield Grosse Pointe Woods BloomfieldHills 6900 Orchard Lake Rd t9599 Mack Ave. BloomfieldCenter Beaumont Medical Bldg btw. Moross II Vernier 79 W Long Lake Rd SUite307 855-1122 882.97t t (810) 647.1166 lj~ The Grosse Pointe Gallery Guild \y,:~~ \ ~llI,ll J Invites you to a ~~~lt-.\~ MVj;{{hf,;~ I r Spring Open House of Grosse Pointe Galleries '. : Doctor of Optometry - Margze Rezns SmIth owanie Ladies 'FaShion Show and LunCheon -. Children 'T'.au Beta Flower sale .1., $200, $300 and $500 For more informatIOn, call Lara Conway at (313) 833-2652 Heart Ball: The mnth annual Heart Ball Will be held on Saturday, May 18, at the Ritz-Carlton m Dearborn The event mcludes cocktails, dmner, a Silent auctIOn and the presentatIOn of two awards to DetrOIt area indiViduals for theIr outstandmg service to the commumty Proceeds from the ball Will be used to fund educatIOnal programs and research Tickets are $200 For mformatlOn, call (810) 557-9511 Ostentatious Tea: A fundraiseI' for the Women m the Mlhtary Services of Amenca was held May 4, at the Harper Woods AMVETS Post The benefit raised funds for the constructIOn of the Women Veterans Memonal m Washmgton, D.C. Grosse POinters on the host committee Include Lita McKeehan, Liz Burrows, 36 Thursday, May 16, 1996 was held April 30 1996 AlICeSChultesowner of -Bon Loot"In the Villagewas the Couture House For the FashiOnsmodeled by the members Co-Chalrmen KatyYaklinand Karen Uaneza are standing next to the Gowanle Golfer one of many door prizes raffled amongst the attendees The show Featured a French theme In keeping Withthe mea'1'rg of -Bon loot- fractured French for "Good Stuff" MercrBeauco-Joto the members and frrends of Gowanle who supported our luncheon and Fashionsho,~ From 5 to 9 p.m. '. '.:. Refreshments will be served '- DraWing for a Free Piece of Art at Each Gallery MAC. AYl GlOSSE P'OI'fTf &AlUn GAUlN MACK a AVENUE s;;: C> ~ ~ ;; ~ Vi ~ .. POST'ERm' AQAUEAY ... C> KERCHEVAL ~ ~ <:> ::::: ID ~ ... ~ z !;":lj C> e~ ~l't:: II -U I. A'\HLEV-CHRIS GALLERV, Janme B,ernat 4. MACK AVENUE GALLERV Dlreclor 15126 Kercheval In the Park ("era" from Sparkev Hcrbens) 824-0700 2. PO'\TERTTV: A GALLFRV ( harlene Blond\ 16847 Kercheval m thc Village 884-8105 3. AMBLESIDF GAl LER\', Tom Mayshark Owner. 175 FI~her Road (Across from Grosse Pam Ie South ~hgh School) 885.8999 , ~-- ' s. Manlyn Moms O"ner 18743 Mack Avenue (Three blocks south of Moross) 881.3030 GRO .....E POINTr G4.LLFRV Roben Bano Owner 19869 Mack Avenue (Next 10 the Cheesecake Shop) 884-0100 48 Churches May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Presbyterian Women meet The Pastor's Corner Tools Noteworthy, ..l women's vocal h'l'OUP, will pll'bent d mUbleal pi ogTam fO! the Prebbytel Ian Women of Gro"be POinte Memondl ChUI th begll1mng at 10 30 am 'fue"day, May 14 Mdrthd Gdrd Corbin IS the dlrectOl of the en~emble. whose member... Include "everal Memonal Chul ch women Abo on the agenda devotlOnb by DOllS Brucker, electi.Vn~ ...... nd " !Ld'~....hcJn for the Pdbt prebldentb Rebervattons must be made to the church office at (313) 882-5330, by Fllday, May 10 By the Rev. William C. DeVries First Christian Reformed Church Some tIme ago I net.ded to remove a screw that was very tightly workpd mto a broken fan that I wanted to try to fix . It's not that I don't know how to remove d screw But sometImes I am detel mmed to pel fOI m a task wIth what I have at hand 1\1) va"t collectlOn of screwdrivers was readIly aVailable But It was downstairs or out In the garagp - I don't rpn1pmhel whwh The dray, er With forks, kmves and spoons wa" right there beside me m the kitchen So I tried to get the screw out usmg a kl1lfe blade The blade dIdn't qUIte fit 111 the slot on the screw, but If I pushed hard It would sort of go m So I pushed and turned, or trted to turn Tried, because whIle the kmfe handle moved a bit, the screw would not budge After a few mmutes of struggle I became aware of a growmg smoothness to the top of the screw I was gradually wearing down the edges of the slot Soon there would be nowhere for my knife blade I stopped the struggle to rest It was then that I noticed the kl1lfe blade had also been deeply moved by my efforts There was a sharp bend at the formerly smooth and straight tip of the knife. I was rummg both my project and my kl1lfe. RehglOn IS a tool which for some time has been put to a variety of mapproprlate uses Some of us try to use rehgion as a means to carry forward any traditIOn mto a new generatIOn Some of us try to use rehglOn as an excuse and a means to drop traditions in favor of new, untried pathways. Many of us try to use religion as a means for calming or excitmg our emotions. This last use - a means to ehclt certam emotIOnal experiences or states - IS certainly not a monopoly to the Christians among us. But it has become a common practice of late among us Christians Christian faith IS seen as somethmg that brings mner peace, gets rtd of guilt, makes one less frustrated and more optimistic The other estabhshments of the faith are sometImes called religion (churches, budgets, liturgtes, committees, etc.), and are dismissed as "irrelevant". The truth is that religIOn is the way a group of people defmes who they are m relation to everything else that exists ChrIstianity IS a rehgton It attempts to tell us what we can do and what we ought to do It wIll, at tImes, touch our emotIOnal selves m a variety of ways. But that is not first of all what It IS, or can be. Ir we do not use rehglOn, especIally the Christian religlOn, to teIlus who we really are and where we are going, we begin to lose both the "tool" and the "slot" We find rehgIon to be less and less useful to us, and we find more and more confUSIOn about who we really are. "Parts IS parts," purposes. but tools must be used for their Officers Members of the Sts. Peter and Paul unit of the Jesuit Seminary Association recently held their annual meeting and luncheon at the home of Ann and Tom Sul. livan. New officers for 1996.98 are shown, from left: Dorotby Sweeney, treasurer; Patricia CardeWo, immediate past cbairman; Patricia Young, current chairman; tbe Rev. Eugene P. Simon, Jesuit moderator; and Leontine Cadieux, recording secretary. Not sbown is Mary Oldani, corresponding secretary. Tbe unit holds a tea each September in Grosse Pointe to support tbe Jesuits of tbe Detroit province. Babies Mackenzie Hanika Pletcher grandparents are Mr and Mrs Justm L Moran of Grosse POinte Woods Kenneth Wayne and Wendy Hamka Pletcher of Cheboygan are the parents of a son, MackenZIe Hamka Pletcher, born March 29, 1996 Maternal grandparents are James W and Barbara J Hanika of Grosse POInte Farms Paternal grandparents are Robert A and Clemeny J Pletcher of Cheboygan Great-grandmother IS Constance Stoneham of Bucks, England John Paul Christian Heinemann Bill and Sarah Heinemann of Grosse Pomte Woods are the parents of a son, John Paul Christian Hememann, born March 14, 1996 Maternal grandparents are R Murray and Catherme MacDonald of Stuart, Fla, formerly of Grosse POInte Woods Paternal grandparents are Juhe Heinemann of Cleveland and the late Colin James Moran Hememann GreatLou and Nancy Moran of George grandparents are Kate and Grosse POInte Farms are the Milton Schemm of St Clair parents of a son, Cohn James Shores. Moran, born Feb 13, 1996 Maternal grandparents are William Clancy James F. Carleton of West Chlcago, Ill. and the late Lindlauf Glona M Carleton Paternal Ronald and PatrIcia south) and Beverly Fromm and Punky MIkesell (east and west) Second-place wmners m the afternoon tournament were Mary Brooks and Mary Lundell (north and south) and Vlrgmla Bavol and Betty Butterfield (east and west) FIrst-place wmners of the duplicate evemng sessIOn were Lila Fuher and Bob Scherer, second-place wmners were BIll Cooper and Don CurtIS, thlrdplace winners were Sue Sprague and Martha Speer 9 45a m SundaySchool Dr WallerA Schmldr.Pasror Rev BartonL BeebeASSOCiate Pasror Grosse POinte Umtanan Church, "Mother's Day" 4ti~ 10 30 a rn Service & Church School 17150 MAUMEE 881.0420 Rev John Corrado Minister St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church The DetrOIt Revw\\ Club held Its 105th electIOn on April 16 at Lochmoor Club Newofficers are Geraldine Santangelo, preSident, JudIth Epsha, first vice preSident, SylVia RutkowskI, "econd vice preSIdent, Gerry RIvard, recordmg secretary, Jeanette Walker, corresponding secretary, Mane SmIth, treasurer Sarah Barger, MIldred BOCCI and Carol Phllhps were elected directors The meetll1g featured a lecture by Martm Brosnan, "The role of FIrst Ladles of the Umted States .. War Memorial plans spring ball The War MemOrial's Cry'ital lude of Vwnnese songs A Ballroom wIll be the setting for Viennese torte dessert WIll be the center's annual Spring Ball "erved at the end of the second from 830 to mIdnight mterml'iSlOn Saturday, May 11 Tickets are $25 a person MUSIC for dancmg will be by SprIng formal attIre IS suggestthe Johann Strdus,", Salon ed Advdnce re'iervatlOn IS Orchestra Alex and Marybellc reqUired Call (313) 881-7511 Suczek will perform an Il1ter- What's happening at City Hall? Read the Grosse Pointe News Redeemer United Methodist Church Men's group plans special breakfast The Men's Breakfast AsSOCIation at Grosse POInte MemOrIal Church inVItes guests to ltS Husbands, WIves and FrIends SpeCIal Breakfast at 9 a m Saturday, May 11 The cost IS $5 a person ReservatlOns are requested Call (313) 882-5300 (I THE SUBJECT FOR THIS SUNDAY IS. f~ 375 Lothrop 881.6670 "Adam & Fallen Man" at Chalfonte If 900&1115amWorshlp First Church of Christ, ~ 1010 a rn Education for All NurseryAvaJlaole Rev Fred Harms. Rev Colleen Kamke ..< ~ ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 20475 Sunningdale Park Grosse Pointe \\oods. 884-4820 8 00 a m Hol) EucharN 1015 a m 1030 am Church S<:hool Scientist Grosse Pointe Farms, 282 Chalfonte Ave. .+.. l..... I Il\ur'-Cf) A'dlldhlel + + Grosse Pointe UNITED METHODIST + \l/ A Fnendl) Churth for All Age~ 900am &1115amWor<;hlp I+- THE UNITED ~I METHODIST CHURCH A STEPHEN "vtINISTRY and LOGOS Con~regation m L!a 800 a m 915 a m Hail Euchanst Hail EucllanSl EdocalJOn for 0\11 Mormng Pra)er 900 a m 1230 P m S\lpemsed ~urserv 430 P m CelebratIOnSemce 61 Groue Pointe Blvd. (3131885-4841 The Grosse Pointe Memorilll Church YOUTH MUSICAL "MOSES AND THE FREEDOM FM1ATICS" Wor~hlp Wor~hlp 1000 8 4~.12 I~ 7 30 a m Ecumenical Mcn " rnday 16 Lake<ihore Dnvr. (.nKSe POlDte hrm.~ A lin.PHF:N '\1INlliTRY and U)(;Oli Sund a) School 9ill) a m Chnstlan EducallOn for all Ages 9ill) a m Wo"h,p & Holy Euchanst 10 15 a m Pr Troy G Waite Mack at Lochmoor 884-5090 AFFlUATED WITH THE UCC AND ABC 240 CHALFONTE AT LOTHROP 884-3075 "Laying the Ground Workfor Faith and ille~ 8 15 & 1045 am Wor-;htpSet\lce< 930 a m Sunday School & Bible Classes Rand} S Boelter, Pastor TImoth) 4. Holzerland, Asst. Pastor Joseph P. Fabry, Pastor ementus 10«1 I< ~ FAMILY WORSHIP (CRl8 ROOM I<VAlLAlll.E) A.~ CHUIlCll SOloot. I 0«1 Rev EA Bray. Pastor "'" (\~ Grosse Pomle WOODS PRESBYTERIAN Church Morass & Vernier) Sm ..c 1~42 An~"can fJldeperuJem Educallon for All CnhtToddlerCarc Breakfa~1 882.5330 Con~allon .1 g.oo a m. Contemporary WorshIp 10.00 a.m. EducatIOn for all ages 11'00 a m 7:00 p.m. Worship G.P.w. VOIceS Nursery Services Available from 9 00 a m to Noon 886-4301 The 1928 Book of Common Prayer SUNDAY 8 '0 a m Hoh Communion 1015 Adull B,hlc Study II 00 Holy Communion Church ~undav School and Nur<cf)' THLRSDAY 12 lOr m Holy Communion Manner<' on /10" Plaza at the Tunnel ,. rtt Pari ling • ,. ord Garage Enler 01 ltood" ard & Jefferson The RC\ RIchard '" rnllall~, R«lor Kennelh J !>wet'lman. 0'llan"l and ChOlrma~er 313-259-2206 Gl"os-s-e Pointe Baptis-t Chul"ch A The REV. DR. V. 8RUCE RI(;DON, preaching 9 00 11 00 170McMillan Rd. nearKercheval GrossePoInteFarms. 8840511 A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR 0\1 L PEOPLE Hol) Eucl1anst Sunday, May 12 10 20 a m 1115 a m 10 15am Sunday School 5t James Lutheran Church Christ the King Lutheran Church POINTE UNITED CHURCH CH RIST (l:~I~ I ti EPISCOPAL .~J CHURCH 19950 Mack (between 530p m 211 Moros", Rd. Grosse Poinle Farms 886-2363 GROSSE.' "1~llIi\i Saturda~,May 11 CHURCH m GRACE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST . 4 blocl-~ Weq of Moro~s Sunday 1030 a m Sunday School 1030 am Wedne<;day 7 30 P m ALL ARE WELCOME Chordl FuchJrN SERVICES \ Kerchevalal Lakepomle 20571 VernierJust W of 1-94 .~ GrossePomlePark822 3823 Sunday- Worship 1030a m Harper Wood~ Tuesday- ThoflShop 1030 3 30 884.2035 Wednesday 10 30 a rn Worship Amazing GraceSeniorsII - 300 9 15 Sunday Bible School IN US ~;.;:;~ SUnda) Detroit Review Club elects officers Mo and CharlIe Krasner of Grosse Pomte Farms are the parents of a son, Harrison James Krasner, born AprIl 13, 1996 Maternal grandparents are Mary and James Knoll of FarmIngton HIlls. Paternal grandparents are Shella and Rome Katz of West Trenton, N J Great-grandmother is Nanny Flshman of PassaiC, NJ WORSHIP VernierRd at Wedge"ood Dr GrossePomteWoods 884-5Q.lO 8 30a m & 1100am Wo"hlp The 1996 Wm Malchw MemOrial Bridge Tournament at the NeIghborhood Club attracted 94 players and generated $1,485 to benefit the bridge program at the club Sue Moll, Carol Van Osdol, Ann Park, Ann Campbell, Agnes Demlck, DOSIe Mooney, Nancy Gard and Doreen Taylor were Winners of the party bridge First-place wmners of the afternoon duplicate tournament were Addle Waulk and Erma Remdel (north and Harrison James Krasner The youth group partICIpated In the Apnl 28 church servIce at St James Lutheran Church The Rev Troy G Waite, pastor, was aSSIsted lr the contemporary EucharIst by young people acting as greeters, ushers and lectors. The bell chOirs, vocal ensemble, saxophone solo and plano accompamsts were all members of the youth group "Temple Talk" by Eric Bonten highlIghted the servIce Andrew Marr IS prestdent of the youth group council Semor Paul Dykstra received a bell award for hIS commitment to the bell chOIr First English Ev. Lutheran Church real Bridge tournament attracts 94 players KratochwllI Lmdlauf of South Glastonbury, Conn, arc the parents of a son, William Clancy Llndlauf, born March 28, 1996. Maternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. MIchael Kratochwill of Grosse Pomte Woods Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Ronald Lindlauf Sr of Glastonbury Church youth take part in worship service CkriJt Centered, Caring Ckurck Committed to youlk and Communil'l Sund~y School Q 45 AM Sund~y 'Wol'~h,p II 00 AM 71~30 McJck Avenue G'I'o~>e POinte Woods Phone (:m) 881-3343 -, May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Health May is National Stroke Awareness Month Bon Secours Hospital promotes stroke awareness with 3 events By Dr. FredriC D. Frlgoletto Jr. The AmencanCollege of Obstetnclans 58 and Gynecologists A stroke IS cdused when the blood supply to the bl am I'>cut off The culprit may be a blood clot or a ruptured blood ves.,el Bram tIssue, once deprived of oxygen In thlb manner, begins to die rapIdly, wlthm mmutes Stroke IS the thIrd leadmg cause of death among U S women, after heart dttdcks dnd cancer, and the leadmg cause of dIsability DespIte that, women tend to underestImate theIr risks The risk factors for r"troke are the <;ame d" for heart attal'k. hwh blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol, obeSity, phYSI;dl mactlvlty dnd dIabetes Most strokes occur m people's later years and affect theIr mdependence Warning signs of a stroke are r"udden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one bide of the body, dimness or loss of VISion (particularly In one eye), difficulty talking or understanding speech, sudden severe headaches With no apparent cause, and unexplamed dIZZIness, unsteadmess or falls If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medIcal attention promptly Call an ambulance or have someone take you to an emergency room Your chances of survIVal and recovery may rest on how qUickly you ale treated Dependmg on where m the bram the stroke occurs, there may be paralySIS on the opposIte sIde of the body Speech and language, memory, VISIOn, emotIOnal stabIlity or bladder control also may be affected Sometimes one or more of the symptoms of stroke may occur for just a few mmutes or up to an hour With no lastmg effects That IS known as a transIent IschemIc attack (TIA) or "mini stroke" If thiS happens to you, see your doctor right away since it IS an early warning that a mllJor stroke could follow in a matter of months or years While you may be predisposed to some of the risk factors for stroke due to heredity or disease, there are preventive steps you can take Bon Secourr" HO"'Plldl, In conJunctwn WIth N dtlOndl Stroke AWdlene"., Month, will r"pon..,or thl ee event" to help mcreJ.<;e publlL aWJ.rcne.,r" of r"tloke and to motlvdle people to t..lke actIOn to n.dule theIr risk Stroke IS the third Ip<Hlmg cause 01 dLath by dlsea..,e In the UnIted States and the No 1 cause of adult dlsablllty Bon Secours IS makmg an effort to educate the community about warning "Ignb that mdlcdte a stroke hd.., occurred or IS m the process of developmg These Slgn<; mclude sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg, difficulty sped king or understandmg r"peech, a sudden, temporary loss of VISIOn, unexplamed dlzzmer"r", unr"teadmess or a sudden fall "If you should experience any of these warning SignS, you should seek medical treatment ImmedIately," said Dr Haranath Pohcherla, director of the hospital's stroke umt. "Just as wlth a heart attack, the r"ooner you get to the hospital, the better chance you have of survIval and avertmg the lor"s of body functIOn The stroke educatIOn events mclude May 17: "What IS Stroke?" 't'hle: ]pctur". which wll! be from 7 to 9 p m In the Bon Secours Connelly AuditorIUm, will diSCUSS warnIng SignS, how to change risk factors and posr"lble treatments for stroke Featured spedkers WIll be Pohcherla and Karen Mlhehch, chmcal nurse specla1Jst May 23: Stroke SymposIUm ThiS five-topIc program for health care profeSSIOnals wJ11 be held from 7 to 9 30 p m m Connelly Auditorium and speakers Will dISCUSS pathophYSlOlogy, neuroradIOlogy, medical treatment, surgical treatment and advances m the treatment of stroke. Featured speakers will be Policherla, Dr Thomas Barbieri, Dr Seem ant Chaturveedl, Dr. Robert Lee and Dr. Steven Levme May 29: Free ~ll oke Screenmg Partlclp..lnl~ (.dn determme If they ..Ire <.ItI .,k Jor stroke at a free ~(.r(.en 109 to take pldce from noon to 4 pm In the Bon Secouh Connelly AuditOrium Chole"tero] ter"tmg also Will be aVdllable fOI $10 For more InfOrmdtlOn, or to regl::oter for dny of these progr<.lm", call Bon Secourb Community Health EducatIOn <.It(810) 779.7900 Fat and fiber: friends or foes? Do you find yourself feehng etabler", while the recommendguilty If you eat a r"mall order ed dmly Intake for fiber IS 20 to of fries loaded With fat, and 25 gram., healthy If you choose an oat"Boostmg your fiber mtake bran muffin loaded With fiber? With whole grams, fruIts and Conflicting findmgr" on vegetables also means you'll be dietary fat and fiber have gettmg lots more vltamms and many Amerlcans confused A minerals that are essential to six-year study at the Harvard good health," Mark said School of Public Health With Each 10-gram Increase In men between the ages of 40 fiber consumptIOn could result and 75 found that those who 10 a 20 percent decrease In consumed the most fiber suf- coronary rlsk, she saId fered 35 percent fewer heart FIber alone cannot protect attacks than those who had a agamst heart dIsease, but fiber low fiber intake can be conSidered as a compo"Limltmg fat grams IS an nent In the prevention of heart Important key to weIght reduc- disease, prOVIded that dietary tIOn However, domg only that fat IS also conSidered Stop smoking; exercise regularly, and reduce your fat, chomay leave people short on Fiber has the abllIty to push lesterol and sodIUm intake Get regular check-ups and have nutrIents," said Florme Mark, more fat through the system so your blood pressure monitored Some people may need to be preSIdent and CEO of the that It IS not absorbed Dietary treated for Irregular heartbeat or a build-up of plaque in the WeIght Watchers Group, Inc, fiber also reduces absorption of artery of the neck By Dr. Fredric D. help the largest franchise of Weight cholesterol In the diet and the Frigoletto Jr. If you do not seek help for Watchers InternatIOnal 'When If you have a stroke, or know someone who has, keep In rlsk of colon cancer PreSident of the American your depreSSIon, It may go on you also focus on gettmg mmd that many VIctims do regam much of their former func"Llmltmg fat m additIon to College of ObstetriCIans and indefimtely - making you less enough fiber, you're on the way mcreased fiber, puts you on the tionmg Your lifestyle may requIre some adJustments, and Gynecolog IsIs able to cope with family and to enhancing the quality of path recovery IS hard work The AmerIcan Heart AsSOCiatIOn's toward a healthier Support your hfe, and ImprOVIng your hfestyle," Mark said Soon after giving bIrth, a work responslbdities Stroke ConnectIOn, a natIonal network of stroke survivors and theIr famdles, can help Call (800) 553-6321 majorIty of mothers (about 70 Will help you feel and functIon health" As the studies indicate, fat Weight Watchers' IS currently percent) experience mood better during thiS special time and fiber are defimtely fnends, m your hie the only weIght loss program In not foes, and essential in everySWings of some form (crymg Single, free copIes of the the nation that offers a fat and one's lifestyle spells, sleeplessness, loss of Postpartum fiber plan, she said appetIte, Irrltablhty, anger or pamphlet For more informatIOn on the DepreSSIon are avallable by The average American adult Weight Watchers Fat and Fiber an inabihty to make decisions) sendmg a stamped, self. consumes about 15 grams of These feelmgs are known as addressed, bUSiness-sIze enve- fiber from gram, frUlt and veg- Plan, call member services at (800) 487-4777 the "baby blues," and qUIckly lope to The American College pass Within a few days or a of ObstetrIcians and week They are a natural reac- GynecolOgists, Resource tIOn to phYSICal, hormonal and Center/AP091, 409 12th Street psycholOgical changes. SW, P.O. Box 96920, Washmgton, DC., 20090-6920 About 10 percent of mothers When It comes to meetmg ties Its annual event - experience Intense anxiety or that lingers for the needs of cancer survivors, a "Meetmg the Needs of Cancer hopelessness !Boaul. C!e'ltifi.d in f]:)wnai:ofo!3J group of 20 area hospitals, Survivors" - addresses the longer than two weeks or surhealth care organizatIOns and unique needs of both women faces a month or two after survivors' groups has earned and men With cancer, how the childbirth This is a more serInatIOnal recognition dIsease affects famdles and ous problem known as postpargem-wi fJ:Jf.'I. mafo{O;}!J • ~kin ~u'!ge~ tum depreSSIOn ways for supporters and loved The Metropohtan DetrOIt Bon Secours Hospital will ones to share comfort and com~kin {!a.nce't fJ:Jd£dion and Cl'U:.atmenJ: Other Signals Include sleepCommumty CoahtlOn for canpassIOn host a four-part educatIOnal lessness (even when tired), cer survIvorshIp has receIved sleeping too much, changes m program for women approach{!'t!jo,-u'!9£'t!j CWa'tt,- • dlal't and e:NaU'the Cancer InformatIOn The programs are deSigned ServICe (CIS) Partner Award to butld awareness of the prob- appetitr, worrying exceSSIvely mg mid-life who want to take for their wellfor Patient Empowerment. The lems associated WIth a cancer about your baby or famlly or, responsibility cM.oL'e~ • 1£9 CUin'- • d( aJ'zn • c1fcn.e ness and well-being. Meetmgs feehng unconaward was presented March 25 diagnOSIS - tncludingjob secu- conversely, In San FrancIsco rity, Insurance Issues and the cerned, pamc attacks, or fears w1l1 be held on May 15. A physiCian w1l1 Lynn Marvm, a cancer sur- fear of recurrence - and to cre- that you might harm the baby speak on medIcal changes and or yourself vivor from Midland, accepted ate a feehng of optImism 18348 ol1ack clffJ£. • g'tOU£ PoinU ~a';/1u preventive health ISSUes on behalf of the coalItIOn among SUrviVOrs. These feehngs may emerge May 22. An exerCIse physiol~o't ~d'u.Jufm:JCalf (313) 884-3380 of your age or ogtst wIn recommend ways of Accordmg to Demse Ballard, "'Thn years ago, Simply sur- regardless whether you have preViously outreach coordinator for the vlvmg cancer was the Issue," mamtaming an active Itfestyle given birth Detroit-based CIS of IndIana May 29. A dietitIan win dissaid coalItlOn chaIrperson None of thiS means that you cuss nutrItIOnal and Michigan, the award was Gwen and weight MacKenZie of the are a bad mother or a fallure presented to recognIze the pro- Barbara management strategtes Ann Karmanos gram's success m "bnngmg Cancer Institute "Today, As With other types of depresJune 5. A psychiatrist Win commumty groups together to thankfully, we have new prob- SIOn, the precise cause may be explore emotIOnal changes and dIfficult to pm down Your effective copmg strategtes form an effectIve, long-lastmg lems to deal wIth" mood may be hormonally coahtlOn to serve the needs of All lectures w1l1 take place The coalitIOn defines a can- Induced, and you also may be cancer survivors " from 7 to 9 p m at the Grosse cer survivor as anyone With a overwhelmed by your hfe cirPomte War Memorial, 32 The Metropohtan DetrOit hIStOry of the disease, from the cumstances and stressful Lakeshore The cost IS $35 For Coahtion for Cancer time of diagnOSIS and for the events more mformatIOn or to regtster, Survivorship, an advocacy remainder of hfe be It call (810) 779.7900 Researchers have found that group, was formed in 1991 to months, years or decades enhance networkmg among EIght mllhon Americans are after gIvmg birth, levels of a mdlvlduals and orgamzatlOns presently survlvmg cancer, five hormone that helps mediate TEST YOURSELF body temperature, appetite mvolved In survIvorshIp actlvl- mllhon for five years or more and sleep tends to be supFOR LUPUS 9 a.m. - noon pres"ed 1 Halle you ewr had a rthntlS Of rIleumatlSln for more than Extended periods of such A fresh start to a healthier you! 1IIree mootlls? supresslOn may contribute to 2 Do your llI'Igers becOme pale • Health screenings mood disturbances Also, numb or lXlCOmlonable ,n 1f1e - Visual acuIty COld? women who lack a supportive 3 Halle you had any sores In - heanng spouse or famIly have an your rTlOI.Chmore than two World No Thbacco Day, sponThe councd's actIOn IS the Increased risk of postpartum weekS? - stroke risk sored by the American latest In a series of measures 4 Have you been told !hat you depreSSIon, as do women who - diabetes AsSOCiatIOn for World Health, haw low blood counts (ane the ADA has taken to warn the have recently gone through a moll low wMa cell count or Will be observed on Friday, - body fat analySIS pubhc against the dangers of <;tre...sful event ,'Ich as the loss low platelet count) 1 May 31 The ADA CounCil on usmg tobacco products The of a loved one, a family Illness • Eyeglasscleaning & adjustment 5 Halle you awr had a proII\l Access, Prevention and ADA has al<;o urged Congress nent rash on your cheekS lOt or a move to another cIty • Nutrition update mora than one monlI1? InterprofesslOnal RelatIOns and the Food and Drug If you have a prevlOU<; histo• Continental breakfast 6 Does YOU' sic'" bfe8k CUI alter recently Issued a statement AdministratIOn to declare nlCO- ry of depreS'ilOn or other emoyou have been '" lhe SlJl1 (001 • Free samples opposing the use of smokeless tme an addictive substance, sunbum)1 tIOnal dIfficultIes, then you 7 Has rt eve, been painful 10 tobacco as a method for klckmg which would reqUIre stflcter also may be vulnerable Kathleen Reed lake a deell breath 10< more the cigarette habit regulation Nicotine results In If you su<;pect you ha"e post1lVln 8 few days (pIeunsy)? Advance DIrectIVes 10-11 a m 8 HavIl you _ been told you long-term exposure of the user partum depreSSIOn, talk to have prole" N1 your unne1 The council Ie:;opposed to the to carcinogens found In tobac- your doctor or ask for a referral 9 Have you _ had 8 98izura Jom us for thIS free event use of smokeless tobacco as an co to a mental health speclahst 00fMAs000 or 1111 alternative to cigarettes or as a There are effectIve ways to 'n you ans_ 'yes' to 81 leaS! '8300 EastWarren Ave. DetrOit In additIOn to increasing the treat the condItIOn smoking cessation techmque," St.1I ... 1IIree oIlhese ques1lonS 1f1ere s a (enter off Warren) Counselmg or drug treatfisk of oral cancer (30,000 new said Dr Walhn E McMinn, possbk1y you haYS lupus and you John. "'W:" ION SKOlIRS sI10uId see 8 cIOCIOl to be leSled For more Informat,on ment, or a combmatlOn of the council chairman cases are diagnosed each year), lor !he dIse8se Senior Community call (313) 343-8971. two, may be recommended smokeJe<;s tobacco use adverse for ...... inlormooJoo _ Of coil ThiS practtce ha<; been advo- Iy affects the soft and hard tiS Some med1Catlon" are "afe to loIchipn Lupul Foundallon uo;;eeven lfyou are breast-feedcated by a University of A CIrcle o/fi1('lld~ A Ipectmm o/care 2e202 tUrper Alabama-Blrmmgham oral sues m the mouth, cau<;mg 109, but check WIth your doctor Sl ShoIM, MI ... 1 .... Jommg a 'iupp'Jrt group may gum destructIOn and tooth t,,-(810l77H310 patholOgist, but the ADA's Celebrating NurSing Home Week abraSIOn councd rejected the techmque When 'baby blues' don't go away Cancer survivors' program merits national a'Ward cRebecca Campen, o'V1.2). Bon Secours offers series on menopause of HealthlFIESll Saturday, May 11 American Dental Association warns about smokeless tobacco ""l,.r ~O~" ' - .. mar __ May 9,1996 68 Grosse Pointe News A of Grosse POInte Farms and GayneJle and Andrew SpIegel of Dayton, OhIO A June weddmg I~ planned Munger earned a bachelor'" degree from Purdue University She IS a sale" repre"entatlve With John"on & Johnson Lady earned a bachelor'b degree from MichIgan State Terry Perrino and Jennifer Hage Rosemary Matouk-Hage of Grosse Pomte Woods and Peter Hage, also of Grosse POinte Woods, have announced the engagement of their daughter, JennIfer Hage, to Terry Perrino, son of John and Diane Perrino of Sterling Heights A June weddmg IS planned Hage graduated from Eastern MIChigan UniversIty With a bachelor of science degree in organizatIOnal commUnication and English language She IS a major account representative for Ameritech Cellular Perrino served Navy for seven works for Chrysler the years Corp. In U.S and Melinda Marie Bissa and Charles Daniel Janson Bissa attended Michigan State UnIversity She is a human resource supervisor WIth ElectrOnIC Data Systems RIch graduated from FerrIS State UniverSIty With a bachelor of sCIence degree In advertiSing/marketing He IS a manufacturer's sales representative for ECS Inc. In Muskegon. MungerLady Dr and Mrs LOUIS Rondml of Grobse POinte Park have announced the engagement of their daughter, Christine MarJe Rondml. to Chn"topher Thomas Buchanan, son of Mr and Mrs Ronald Buchanan of Redford A May weddIng IS planned Rondlnl earned a bachelor of sCience degree froY'" Grand Valley State Umverblty dnd IS a student In the ph) '-Ical therCameron Dov! Smith and Elizabeth Marie Cosgrove Rich, son of Ben and Margo RICh of Muskegon A September weddmg IS planned SalIve graduated from Ferns State Umverslty WIth a bachelor of sCience degree m pubhc relatlOns/marketzng She IS an assistant productIOn manager With ElectrOnIc Publishing Center in Grand RapIds HagePerrino Ron din iBuchanan Cameron Dovi SmIth, son of Mr and Mrs Donald Smith of Seattle A September wedding IS planned Kimberly Kay Munger and James Edward Emerson Cosgrove graduated from the UniversIty of Michigan WIth a degree In mternatlOnal economic relatIOns and from the CatholIc UnIVerSIty of AmerIca Lady Columbus School of Law, With a Juns doctor degree She is UnIversIty He IS manager of semor counsel with the U.S sales and marketing With BIg SecurIties and Exchange Beaver ConsolIdated In Troy CommISSIOn m Washmgton, Christine Marie Rondini and Christopher Thomas Buchanan DC. Cosgrove- Carol and Joseph Offerle of Fort Wayne, Ind , and RIchard Larry and Donna Sahve of Munger, also of Fort Wayne, the engageGrosse POInte Woods and have announced of their daughter, Patrick and Susan LaFrate of ment Kay Munger, to Royal Oak have announced the KImberly James Edward Emerson Lady, engagement of theIr daughter, KrIstina Sahve, to Michael son of Roberta and Paul Lady Sa live-Rich Smith Dr and Mrs WIlham J Cosgrove of Grosse POinte Woods have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ehzabeth MarIe Cosgrove, to Smith graduated from the Umversity of Washington with a degree In bUSIness admimstratlOn and from the Seattle University Law School WIth a JUrIS doctor degree He IS a consultant with FinanCIal Markets InternatIOnal III Bucharest, Romania. apy program at the Umversity of Michigan In Fhnt ' Buchanan served In the US' Army and earned a bachelor of sCience degree from Grand Valley State UmversIty. He works for FrontIer CommunicatIOns Just What ,She'll Want - It's Time TO'Cut The Qptoo Strings. MOTHER'S DAY MAY 12TH Mother's Day is no time to mooch a homemade meaL Don't let )'Our mom slave OYer a hot stove whisk her off to our sumptuous... SUNDAY, MAy 12, 1996 NOON - 6:00 P.M. MODIER'S DAY ~ 9~ 31e1eoooi Buffet Brunch! in5.O<!utot • MAY l2Ut • lOam • &pm • ADWS $13.95 KIDS $4.95 (IND 12) • 5 & under FREE Umit.ed SeDling - Make your ~ IItM'f • Town sllghlly Htgher BEAUTIFUL r LARGE" , MIXED CUT FLOWER BOUQUETS ICYMBIDIUM I I ORCHID I I CORSAGES I Jackson &Per1dnsl I I I FRESH CUT I I II II !q~h/I1lOftSOII I I tuN; \I'{(W [\(~ 011 HWD.\l'.> ~---------------~ .19.I11JO on':GEimy, lARGE HYBRID PLANTS Reg 99~ CHlWBEN'S BUFfFT dozen GIjI~ No~~ I I I wlgarden II8d'erTOOlgro.1IiIhanlOld 79~II I '::'I~I $1 39 11 In IXherli:henl<o:l~cm L ~r~~~~~!I~.J L::::r:.u:;~'~~_~2.~19.J ~~=~~~~~~~~ IVY DESSERTS Cannoli • Almond Cheesecake • Mml Creme Brulee Boscott! • lIramlsu Alia ChiantI $15 95 per Person Club+<Arry r-----------'r-----------, MARIGOlD OR PE11JNIA TOMATO MEATS fI VEGETABLES Petro DI Pallo Marmato Aile Erbe Ossa Buco Alia Ch,anti • Salmone Alia Llvornese Asparagus & Roasted Potatoes $1499 .J Plmlt Box aruJ AU ready 10 pia", f4m Lasagna Alia ChIanti • Rlgatom Con Melanzane Al Telefono Spaghem Con Vongole E Capesante Framate WIth Tomato, Mozzarella and Ham ROSES OFF L __ -:~~I=.t,~~ I 23410 GR. MACK AT 9 MILE sr. ClAIR SHORES 810-773.8940 I I 50Cutot ~7 Town slightly Higher Rose Bush $100 v.u BE MUPIlD ....... ~~r.-' "Special n-- ~ -~ Ill\(cvm _"F1D' ~.J..., $4~~ $5 L~~J -----------, ----...._----., .. SOI11!Y >«l (CXI'!l'6 011 SI'{(W Caesar Salad • Arugula and Goat Cheese Shaved Fennel and Pannesan Cheese Fresh Fruit Salad 99 Just like mom's home cooking but wffhout the guilt trip! $;telM/ ~ GIFT WRAPPED FLOWERING PLANTS Featuring: Made-To-Order Omelet Station, Scrombled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Fresh Frurt. Baked Flounder Creole, Rosemary Chicken, Pasta Pnmavera, ManlCottJ E BasIIICO,Roast Peppers & Sausage, Meatballs, Seafood Baulablose. Roast Turkey, Baked Ham, Chef-eaNed Pnme R'b & Leg of Lamb, Fresh Vegetables, UJJun Dlfty RICe,German Potato Salad, Homemade Breads, Saup, Salad & Met IItIdl fIOftI ~ Gourmet Desserts 6; Champagne M,mosas' MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET Chicken Fmgers with Assorted Sauces Mozzarella Sticks • Chianti Fries & Sweet Corn Bow lie Pasta wah Butter • Spaghetti'" Ith Tomato Sauce Carrot &. Celery Sticks • Fresh Frua Salad Assorted Cookies Children 10 Years Old & Under $595 IFF : ReservatIOnS Accepted I 'ALl) Sift, OA ~ "UI1$ O'ly EXC1P1Sl1< S <96 '<OTVALl) ~1J"'HY O!HEllIllSCQ(M [\{N!S O'IE COJP()OI PfR lABU -" ON. y EXPIlfS &'1S/l6 IlXIl1Y Ml (Oll'I"IL'(Cll'lrD "IlN1rl Il4Hll'lll sp£cw. --------------- :J ... 313/886-8101 123 KERCHEVAL ON-THE-Hlll GROSSE POINTE FARMS Otdm .::::!!W , .... ~ ,.,.. .....,..e:iII I + Weddings May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News MurphyZappitelli Cleveland Heights, OhiO, and Peter Grlllith of Lubbock The mot he I of the bride wore a floor length dre!>!> of Ivory satm and black velvet With a Elizabeth Blackburn red !>dtm '-lole and gardelll<1s Murphy, daughter of Mr and m her h<1lr Mrs Wilham A Murphy, marThe mothel 01 the gJ oom ried Matthew Paul Zappltelll, wore a pale peach ted length SOil of Mr and Mrs Anthony chlffon dre,,!> With d blOcade Zappltelh of Conneaut, OhIO, Jdcket and <1 gal dellla Wrist on Jan 13, 1996, at St COri>dge Ambrose ChUl ch SCrIptUI e redder" were Betsy The Rev Timothy R Pelc Rmg dnd Joe Wentling officiated at the 6 p m ceremo- Euchan"t mml<;lcr" were ny, which was followed by a Mossle ,1Ild Cdrol MUIphy Glfl receptIOn In the Riverfront bearer", \\Ple .John and Natahe Bdllroom 01 the Westin Hotel Spearry The bride wore a floor-length white satIn A-line gown that featured illUSIOn sleeves, a Jewel neck, a bodice and skIrt decorated wIth pearls and bugle beads, and a chapellength tram Her double-tiered elbow-length veil was attached to a matchIng headband and she carried a bouquet of white Casablanca lilIes and roses The brIde'l, Sister, Anne Griffith of Lubbock, Texas, was the matron of honor Bridesmaids were Stacy Calcaterra and Meg BlondIn, both of Grosse POInte, the groom's Sisters, Trlsh and Dee Zappitelll, both of Conneaut, Dena ScalIse of Latrobe, Pa, and Kathy Borally, Rachel Long and Lisa Nelson, all of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Paul Ui Cleveland Zappite The matron of honor wore a ZupicBaldyga floor-length navy blue velvet and crepe dress Bridesmaids wore floor-length navy crepe sheath dresses and all attendants carried bouquets of white Casablanca lIlies accented With Silver. The best man was Brett Puffer of Conneaut Groomsmen were Dan ErvIn of Royal Oak, Brian Migdal of Erie, Pa; Greg Meyers of The brIde earned a bachelor of arts degree In commumcatlOns from John Carroll Umverslty The groom earned a bachelor of arts degree m marketmg from John Carroll Umverslty He IS a finance manager With ClaSSIC Chevrolet In Mentor The couple traveled to Nassau the Bahamas The couple l;ves III Mentor, Ohio d<1Y care center 111 Lmcol n, JunIOr gradp, d:>i>lgned to the Neb She will be a full-time USS Emory S L..lI1d In Norfolk "tudent at the UnlVeri>lty of The newlywed" lIve 111 Nebrd~ka begllll1lng In the fall Norfolk LeMKux h eXCl-utlve dlrec101 of the Nebla~kd Civil Llbertle... UnIOn Lmda ZUplC, daughter of Carl and Beverly ZUplC of Midland, marned John Baldyga, son of Arthur and Helen Baldyga of Groi>se Pomle Farm!>, on Sept 9, 1995, at St BngJd Cathohc Church m Midland WheelerMcMillin The Rev Len Wllkuskl offiCIated at the 2 pm ceremony, W1UI-llWd:>followeo by d lel-eptlOn at the Ashman Court Hotelm Midland Mr. and Mrs. John Baldyga The matron of honor was the brIde's Sister, Ann MacKenZie BridesmaIds were Patty Siebert, Staci Moosherr, Jennifer Conyers, Kristen Jablonski and Nicole Jablonski Kaczmarczyk The best man was Joe MaIOrano Groomsmen were DaVid Baldyga, ChriS Wallace, Richard Counsman, Ralph Panella and Jason Humphrey. Ushers were Marc and Phil Zupic Margarete Kaczmarczyk, daughter of George and Momka Kaczmarczyk of Bremen, Germany, marrIed Matthew B leMieUX, son of Bernie leMieux uf Lake"" ood Ranch, Fla, and Caryl Anton of SterlIng Heights, all former Grosse POll1ters, on March 9, 1996, In loUIsville, Ky , The flowergtrl was Caroline Humphrey The bride graduated from Michigan State Umverslty. She IS a manufacturmg engmeer With SIlIcon GraphiCS rnc In Mountain View, CalIf The groom graduated from MIchigan State Umverslty. He IS a program manager With Sun Mlcrosystems rnc m Mountam View . The couple honeymooned In MaUl. They live in Palo Alto, Calif 78 -LeMieux The ceremony was held 111 the home of the Rev and Mr::. Duncan C Cameron, the groom's aunt and uncle Attendants were the groom's Sister, Michelle LeMieUX of Grosse Pomte Park, and Jeffrey Fink of Chicago The couple Will restate their weddIng vows at a formal cere. mony 111 Bremen on Oct. 26, 1996 They Will honeymoon In E urope Kaczmarczyk works for a Margaret Wheeler, daughter of the Rev dnd Mr!> WIlhdm Wheelpr of Xpnld (\r'l() , rn ,r rwd Bradley Kenneth McMilhn, "on-of Kenneth McMillin of Gro!><;e POll1te Farms and Mr" Charles Poploi>kl of Ludmgton, on Dec 10, 1995 The Rev Joseph M Stowell II and the Rev Jo~eph Stowell III offiCiated The ceremony and receptIOn were held at the Four Seasons In Chicago The bnde wore a floor-length dres'> of white damask that featured a scooped necklme, elbow-length sleeve", a bow and bustle and a tram Her ;,houJder-length IllUSIOn veil was bound In white satm and held In place With fresh white roses and narcIssus blossoms She carried a nosegay of petite white roses and narCISSUS, holly bernes and Chnstmas greens The bride's mother wore a perlwmkJe blue crepe SUIt The groom's mother wore a fuchSia crepe dress The trumpeter was DaVid Gauger The piamst was Sean Groombndge The brIde IS a profeSSIOnal chlldcare worker 111 AnnapolIs, Md The groom graduated from the Umted .States I Naval t Academy He IS a leutenan Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kenneth McMillin ~ WEDDING mJ FATHER S DAY There's no such Ihlng art mat and frame yourself land save on for you the results are GA.&.OUA.TTON as an ordinary gIft when you choose Ihe Because whelher you assemble the work the labor chargel or lei us custom bUild II sure to be extraordinary 1ilB~~am Your Partner 20655 Mack Ave I::ElFFEB Give Mom the Gift of Nature YOUR HOSTS: JOHN & KATHY I'l.l'ID ,!~ ~DI'-lJ U"~~,~~U JM 'f KENNEDY MOTHER'S DAY - MAY 12th - [ orEN EVERY~ Till 1:00 am da~ s -- .):00 pill - 1 :()f1 ~ GREAT GREAT DRINK FOOD We have the perfect gift for mom ... HOME OF THE Mon ROUND Fn 1t am 105 pm Sorry NO CARR'! OUT SPORTSFANS ~N GAME DAY Bnng n your lJd<el after ga~ and gel a , 31b grOUnd round lor 96e - Gift Wrapping Available • Customer Parkmg Behmd Store - ,--------- ---=.------- ~_.---------- GREAT PRICES 96 • II) LB GROUND ~ T ] MOM'S MEAL FREE - With meal purchase of equal or greater value • Wind Chimes • Stained Glass • Garden & House Signs • Jewelry and clothing ... 20485 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods • 313/881-1410 • M., I., W_,r. .10'00.6:00. Thurs. 10:00.8:00. Sat. 9:30.5:00. Sun. 11:00.3:00 Framinr IRISH -CUJiQd CBiJrdg qj"Qimited@ • Bird Feeders • Bird Houses • Bird Baths In Grosse POinte Woods MI 48236 (313) 884 0140 • 18666 Mack Avenue. Grosse Pointe Farms Next to the Post OffIce • (313) 881-5675 Open 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. SUndays: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. -Car Out Available- ""'" ... Entertainment 88 IS-year-old overcomes emergency May 9,1996 Grosse Poi nte News Dre"den, Il>a ma"tel of tradl- unquestlOll<.lbly <.Ivery fine old twn<.ll mtel pretatlOn no vlOlm But the phr<.lsmg, "h<.ldh ",t1IOIllC", no flight" of 1<.Illcy, mg and now of the mU"lc "he Ju"t <.Iuthentlc I e-creatlOn of plOduces have qualltle'i of the lOmpOl>er's "core with l>en- m<.ltullty that belIe hel \ out h "ltIH~ d) nanHCS and be<.lutlful Unexpectedly III the pIll a"mg Thl'" expel tJ"e \\ <.I" Thul "d<.lY1'\ elllllg comelt, perhighly I'ew<.lrdmg III Ll<.ldo\'" tOl mer" dnd <.IudlCnce l"l.pell...hort but exquI"'lte tone PdlJ1t ellled <.IneJl<.lmpleo( tIll' 1Idh'lilmg "The Enchanted Ldke, tI of <.I plrformel" foeu" A ""h Ich opened the pI 01,'1 <.1m medlcdl emel gelK\ OCLUlllJ1g The Imagery wa ...cledr but "ub- 111 the balcom dudlP!lCe l,lU"ed tIe <.I ... pamted III p<.l"tel tone" d dl ...tUI bdllle th<.lt dl"tl <.Icted th<.lt fulfilled the m<.lgJlallmph e\ eryone\ aLtent lOn WJth c<.ltlOnsof the n<.lme notICeable Impdll O!l Ch,lIlg'", plavlllg She fOl!!ed ahedd With thp pdtlPnt Chang wa" equdllv p1ea-lng wa" "lIc('p"<:f\llly one of the mo"t vlrtuo"o pas- eVdcuated by EMS One can only admIre m wandel how a dlmmutlve, 15 yedr-old sage" In the fir"t movement of WIth calm restored, Chang glrl can play wIth "uch <.I'isur- Tchalkov",ky'" VlOhn Concelto took up where she had left ofT ance and matunty The dexter- but the pall' becdme ru"hed With assurdnce and pohsh The ,Illd dl"concertlllg Ity needed for such superb ...low movement was lush and techmque IS, perhaps, underIt make" ..I pomt of how e\ en tender and she launched mto standable Her double stop" coughmg and \1 hl"pered con the high velOCIty finale WIth and runs, for example, are vel ,,<.ItlOn.,lan Impact d perfor- complete mastery As fast as faultle'is, and she produce" a m<.lncc Intel mh"'lOn W<.I"called the notes came tumbhng out, big, eloquent tone on what IS aftel the fir,t movement dnd everyone was clear and In State of the Arts Thel e I" no mOl e ch<.lllengmg l'eH'dlmg t<.l...k fOI d wnductOI, 01 <.I"olol"t, th<.ln <.Ipel formance of ""ell-known "t<.lnddrd \\ ork" M<.In} m the dud1l'nce <.III' "UIe to kno\\ e\ el} note dnd h<.lve "t lOng pI el onceptlOn" of he)\', they ,houJd "ound L<.I...t \\eekend gue"t conductor H<.In"Vonk <.Iuddlmmutlve \ IOlml"t ::>dldh Chang pre"ented jU"t "uch a prob'Tam 'Illd with the eAceptlon of a very unu"ual epl"ode of human dl ama, they met their h"teners' eApect<.ltlOn" and then l>ome Vonk, ""ho"e b<.lckb'TOund Include" }edl s of conductmg both opera <.Ind "ymphony m 01 Two books better than chicken soup won't have to take asplrm ", aVOId the mtro"pectlOn and Keyes fUIther explams that ..,elf-revelatlOn that any "enou" "every word we write for publi- WIIter mu ...t rJ"k ' catIOn subjects to scrutmy The As Keyes pomt" out "All of root of the term pubhcatlOn, these factor" - rudenes", mixed after all IS pubhc, those who motIves, and a need to look "The Courage to Write: read and Judge a wrlter's work mSlde and report what one How Writers Transcend ThiS mcludes not only sees - are part and parcel of Fear" strangers but relatIves, that courage ThiS reahty has a By Ralph Keyes coworkers, neIghbors, and per- lot to do WIth why wrIters can Henrv Holt 229 pages haps the meter reader What behave In such peculiar ways $1795. are they gomg to thmk when And why they talk as much By Elizabeth P. Walker "Words Still Count with they read our wrltmg? Not just about the bravery wntmg Me:A Chronicle of Literary about ItS quality but about ItS takes as the talent Like anyauthor? What wlIl people diS- one else, writers don't always and author Conversations" of many books, By Herbert Mltgang cover about us that we'd rather feel very brave And - being Mitgang has taught creative W W Norton 320 pages. they didn't know?" Imagmatlve people they writmg on the college level $25 Moreover, Keyes elaborates often find creatIve ways to cope This latest book IS filled with Durmg my recent bout With thus 'We all keep thoughts to With their fears " mterestlllg intervIews and perthe flu, 1 was helped to recov- ourselves m a zone of prlvacy In conclUSIOn to thIS mar- sonal sketches of over seventy ery by my enjoyment of these The bIgger that zone, the worse velous, down-to-earth book full wnters, American and foreIgn our wrltmg A nch vem of of encouragement two books Between frequent and Wisdom In uncovering their indIvidual nose blowmgs, hackmg cough- material usually hides withm SUItable for both the master qUirks and phLlosophies, our protected self An emotIOn- wrLter and the tImId nOVLce, Mltgang has marvelously suc. mgs, and strength-sapping al mother lode lies bUrled m Keyes firmly states that once ceeded m capturing the essenchills fought by prescnbed deepest caverns antIbIOtics, I dIscovered that the mastered, "fear becomes the tial wrIter, each mterview IS Compell r1tmg I" a result trusted and devoted watchful Ralph Keyes and Herbert short and to the pomt We of stron ,eehng:, WIth a "harp eye of champIOns The same IS obtain mSlghts to theIr workMltgang prOVided wonderful tomc for the relaxatIOn of my edge The feehngs that produce true of wrIters Concentration mg methods, some surprismg mmd - somethlllg I badly such wrltmg aren't necessarIly IS as much the com of theIr but mostly as to be expectedones we want to adllHt harbor- realm as It IS of athletes' and by applymg one's seat riveted needed durmg my confinement m bed PhYSically 1 was very mg It takes courage not JUi;'tto actors' A tr. nquil writer can mto a chaIr before a typewriter weak, full of feverish laSSitude, expose such feelmgs to others have trouble "taymg focused or a word processor and I badly needed theIr IIlSpl- but to reveal them to our- on the task at hand Those who In hIS enhghtemng introducrational words of adVICe and selves" 2 convert fear mto focus have a twn, MLtgang explains how he We are mtroduced to Janet comfort, as a wTlter who had potent weapon III theLr arsenal came up With the unusual tlUe Flannel' who "spent half a cen- Wnters who are afraid of a of hIS book. "During the frIendmomentarily failed to approach a typewriter to compose the tury reportmg from Paris for mdnuscnpt but work on It any- ly typewnter age before the The New Yorker under the way wlll gIve that work the coming of the chllhng electronnext column Genet Domg so same degree of concentratIOn Now that the VICIOUS bug has pseudonym ic era, E B. WhIte, the finest finally released Its long tena- gave her the freedom to wnte that they'd pay to a forest fire Itterary stylist of our time, omm- whose heat has begun to sear once told me 'TelevLsLOn has CIOUShold on me, I find, happi- With a sophIsticated, ly, that I can agam, confront a sCIent vOIce foreign to her own theIr skin," taken a big bIte out of the blank page With ambitIOn to fill It also made her feel an N ow, the second book, wrItten word But words sttll Impostor Even worse, after "Words Still County With Me," count With me '" It WIth words First, Ralph Keyes' marvelous httle book spendmg so much time in diS- by Herbert Mltgang, IS also Durmg his VISIt With "The Courage to WrLte," IS full gUIse producmg Itterary tnfles, worthy of a place on a writer's Rebecca West, Dame of uphftmg suggestIOns whICh Flannel' felt unable to shift bedSIde table As a Journahst Commander, Order of the succeeded In restormg my gears and wrLte fictIOn of submorale As a teacher at the stance Hldmg behmd a pseuAntlOch Writer's Workshop III donym, Flannel' finally conYellowspnngs, OhIO, Keyes cluded, had allowed her to also has had many notable articles published In magazmes He offers numerous amusFri., MK) 17. 10:45_ ThUT!i,. "lay 23. 8:00pm mg vignettes about authors Sat~ May 18, 8:30,. Fn., Ma~ 24,81lOpm and their varIOus wntlng Sa I., M a) 25, 8.30 pm Sua., 1\fay 19. 3'00,. methods and thought processN_Jinl._ ' E flDe Ji n cooductor SALOON fr RESTAURANT G-.dyZul,_ es For IIlstance, he talks SCH\IIDT S,mpl>on) 11004 about a famous author Jom our seasonal openmg of WDALY HtITI' JdIot>s 'WI. BFETHO\ F' Sympbom '110 3 ntBN a.tallllka "Lawrence Durrell found that our outdoor terrace IEnnCfl) SlBELllS S)'lIIpIoooIy No. 5 he could only look at galley May 10th & 11th s,o-.. ,....N8D _ proofs after fortlfymg hImself JneI., t\~~s pn'fonnutt will be ~ 4pm-lOpm II 7pm tn a prr-<onctt1 ~b08 lIntb DSOH S4t .<\Rf'"a.C_ with aspirin If changes were Edocahoa l>rr'C'C1or Dlts" DSOH .... "....",.,,;, wQRs-nl 18S1 LIVE LOBSTER necessary, he asked someone Bill u.c.. ud \lanban H.. .-.. s-. C_l"' ... ,....." COOK-OFF else to make them 'I don't SptHUDrl. TIwIn. Co~n.. W'n pqwr know why'. said Durrell of hiS Fn "'R Plfwl"w 5J.O 00 Lb Avg. _dio .ptHUOn/I<,6r "QRSonl /OJ 1 horror at readmg galleys '1 s.r l>tkNttr &: TDe'rirt 1585 Franklin at Orleans Just have a nausea about It 4 blocks East of the Ren-Cen Perhaps when one day I get Call1lle DSOH Ben Office al An acre of free parking ' somethmg I really do like, I (313) 833-3700 (313) 259.2643 SIBlIO-FILE b SOWlP~IJ1(trlj[MJ I, C_. ~CW1DU, place The bnlliant otl UCtUIe of thlough the fOImallty of Tchalkov"ky'" CIeatlOn W<.IS Beethoven's OIlhe"tratlOn and laser shdrp and moving the deep ",pllltu<.lhty of the and the bhepPerhap" even more Imple ...- thunder"torm slve WdS the <.Iglht) and precI- herd'" "OJlg came through POWSLOnWIth whICh Vonk kept the el fully orchestra In synch WIth (!\Cry It wa" a kmd of tl adltlOnal variatIOn of Ch<.lng'" mtel pre- progrdm provldlJlI{ a style of tatlOn He demon"tr<.lted once h"tener satlsfactlOn that has agalll the "kIlI of our orche"tr..l been unu"u..l1 on the DSO 1Il matchmg the performdnlC of agend<.l In recent tIme" dnd so any artist all the more welcome when The final example of meetmg performed so well Th<.ltcontmthe standard of a standal d ues thlb weekend d'" cellist Yo work was Vonk's cnsp, con- Yo Ma and gue ...t conductor trolled prp('!<:p tfPatfPert of Chi ,,,tvph.... 8 ..... .lf11..1n perform Beethoven's SIxth Symphony, two cello concel to", Elgar's E the "Pastoral" It IS probdbly millOI' and Lalo's D mmor The the most pictorial musIc that concert WL]]open With Vaughan Beethoven wrote dnd IS rIch m Wllh<.lms' "FantaSIa on a soothmg Images Theme of Thomds Talhs" and Vonk's treatment of the close WIth Strauss' "TIll scene by the brook undulated Eulenbplegel's Merry Pranks" WIth the sense of movmg It WIll be repeated tomght and water The mformaltty of the tomorrow evenmg at 8 p m For country dance musIc shone tickets call (313) 833-3700 Bntlsh Empire and "uncrowned queen of BrItIsh letters", Mltgang comments that "she was pleased to be named a Dame m 1959 It was the first such honor glven to a woman Journahst, though she still conSIders It a funny tLUe for a wrIter But the burdens of office are not heavy enough to prevent her from makmg outspoken remarks about the government and other writers, past and present." Speakmg of James Jones, Mitgang Informs us that "From Here to Eternlty" won the NatlOnal Book Award for fiction, a feat Jones never again matched In the counter-punchmg world of literary cnticlsm HIS success contmued financially, and so dLd his reputatIOn as an author who could command advances and attentIOn as a celebrIty from Pans to Long Island Dauntlessly he kept turnmg out books and hving as a public figure .. Fmally catchmg up With another wnter, Mltgang describes "a tough man to interview IS Saul Bellow, who usually avoids ink-stained wretches. Your pencil can't keep ahead of hIS mmd even m conversatIOn, hiS sentences are enlivened With a quote from Rousseau here, a reference to a Beethoven symphony there. Feet up, we were slttmg on the terrace of hIS apartment thirteen floors above Lake MIChigan, somewhere between Evanston and Chicago," Mltgang's portraIt of John UpdLke strikes a chord wlthm me Updike expresses an opinIOn. ''Book reviews? I have one or two at The New Yorker Book reviews are afternoon work. I take book review assIgnments when some author excites me and I want to share the good news, or when I want to write an essay, or when a book compels me to read and learn But I try to gIve prlOrlty to a work of fictLon" In Mitgang's View, James MIchener "remams America's most popular serIOus novehst, I emphasLze the word serLOUSto dlstmgulsh him from the trashmasters and trashmistresses grmdmg out what the book trade calls 'popcorn for the eyes' Michener and hiS Wife have established scholarships for many college students, and they frequently aId poets, novelists, and dramatISts m dIstress through generous donatIons to the Author's League Fund ~'i~~ Rock. • Jazz • Blues • Comedy' Food A • Billy ~ /' Nlte - Cappuccino • 36 Types 16114 I /' Detroit Blu•• ~ Banel T - Espresso • $1 00 Drink Speclols Mon - Thur Beers -Chess - Backgommon • Darts • Pool of Mack Ave • 882.9700 Open Tues - Sat at 5 p m SaveEnerg~ Sit InFmntOf The TV IlH!IC1:IIIS tv. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MT. CLEMENS ART FAIR tftnday Breakfast At Baron's. The Ultimate Buffet. "undJ)' ~).;,' r in RJwn , arc 'orne lhlng ,pella I Slart \I Irk(' ,ml the Add \\'llf1e' It with homemade "Our Hoose," a home ener!O'-efflCJellCY <;howbrou!&Jtto you by DetrOIt EdIson ha~ some tlIl1t'ly su~tJon~ that can help vou lower yoo.r eneT!O'bills. SlartmgMarch 17thwatch "Our House~ Sundays at 7'00 am on wnIV Channel 4 Co-hc&s Tom Tynan and Paula F:n~1 offer many ener,l(y-'i3vmg proJect~ for the home and lIDs to help pTl"'Crlt' the enwonmenl You1l <;ee aU new sh()w~ on ener,l(y effICient wmdows, k1tchen~ and Ilh eggs BcnedKt or an omelet \\ 1\ \Oll ~')J'~ \I 111prx>J crulm \\arm mJple SI rup or rec~n syrup Selecl fr<lm downtown Detroll's largc~t collection !mll Jnd Danlsh rastne, l]ong \\ Ilh loffee lTOm 7 "m Delmll' 102 Ic" rm or Dnnk In a hreathl"l..Ing JUIC(' \1('\\ MACOMB PLACE IN DOWNTOWN MOUNT CLEMENS E\cry ~lInda), _ At JU'1 $12 9S, 1I111matc hteakla'l rller FRI. MAY 10th 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. SAT. MAY 11th - 11a.m. - 6 p.m. of ~HOur ouse Alway~ Mother\ Day Weekend,but "Never on Sunday" OVER 120 ARTISTSWith Onglnal Paintings It\ e>.rerIenc(' mtenor dNllUlS,a~wellas burkhngan enerlo:}effICIenthome and conductJn,l( yoo.r ownener!O'audlt P1u<; a .,peCial'>how about the Greenmlol of the W1ute House "Our House" IS the only <;how that gM:"; ~:Al the ener,l(y savmg kn0whow And rt'~Detroit &Iron's way of he!pmlol~ s;n.e ener,l(y at}Wl" hoose and money on }UUf ener!O'bII1s. nit Wood Furniture and Toys • Jewelry • Basketo; • Wearable Art Stillned Glass • Functional and Decorative Pottery Photography • Gifts for Mom and Morelli 469-8666 Rl\rR 1'1./0,(.1- \ ( ...., ",II ~~1f7iy ""../ I 000 R,ver Plac., Dtl,oll, M.cllTi('ln 411207 For , • ...,rvalron .... 11J' j.H9.9S00 or I !lOO.R90-9S0S ,. ml ,"",,"m on ow,.(mmd I/","W 1/ "t,,,,111 'n' Iii RIT~(,F . •. , . - , ~ • ':4 ~ : ~ :, """" h.lf)'" - ~ \UI h A. II.UHJ.. .'lIpp. - - -- on \.\l.t:!I(I.U' \t h"'ftt ... (lo'~n ... 1'111" I Ill) I l~ HOll'l; SlIndd\ ~ 700 ( [, lrltRlnr .... lOr .Our 0\11 - At am. WDIV thmu~h JlInl' Yth ~,,~~, ~ family features May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Story Time on Mack There will be a Story Time for children at Barne~ and Noble Book!>tore, Pomte Plaza, Mack Avenue on Thur~day, May 9, at 7 p m and Tue~day, May 14, at 11 a m For more informatIOn call the store at (313) 884-5220 IS limited, i>0advance registratIOn IS requlI ed Call (313) 8221559 to regli>ter Reading m the Park Ii> located at 15129 Kercheval, Glo""e POinte Park adults Tickets can be purchased at the Gros"e Pomte War Memonal Office or by callIng (313) 886-7609 01 (313) 885-1910 'Wizard of Oz' 'Mondays in May' The Gro"e Pomte Children'" Thedter WIll pre,ent the musIcdl fanta,y "The Wlldrd of 07" Marble runs at Saturday, MdY 11, and Reading in the Park SaturddY, May 18, at the Children ages ~IXand up are WillIam Fl w .. AudItorIUm of inVited to make a mdrble run the Gro,,,e Pomte War complete With cardboard CdS- Memorial, 32 Lakei>hore, ties and cork kmghts at Groi>!>e Po.nte Farms Reading In the Park on Fnday, Showtlmes are 11 a m and Mav 10 from ~ 4'> tf' 5 45 pm 2' 30 p m Th'-.. \..u~t j~ lllc.iJ ... UtJ The project comes from of 50 youths ranging In age Reader's Digest's new activity from five through high school book "Fun Factorv Games and and represent all the Pomtes, Toys from Household Junk" by DetrOIt, Eastpomte, Harper Lyndsay Milne Each child WIll Woods, and St Clair Shores need to bring SIX tOIlet paper TIckets al e $5 50 for students tls!>ue tubes and 5 corks Space and senIOrs and $6 50 for The meaning of art is close to home EducatIOn IS a hfelong learnmg proces;" partIcularly If one IS not profiCient III the arts Strlvmg to understand the messages of the Visual and mUSICal arts often reqUIres tIme In the case of the performmg arts, It IS our priVilege to not only have fine artIsts, but also groups which are wllhng to sponsor educatIOnal lectures prIOr to theIr events to help us gam thls deeper understand. mg The Grosse Pomte Symphony is such a group Larry LaGore, the symphony preSident, can testIfy to the large turnouts at the pre.concert lectures The lecture prIOr to the recent Mozart "ReqUiem", for example, gave insight into the composItIOn and the composer's hfe, makmg the afternoon far more meanmgful to many. We, also, are such a group Our "meetings" are really ''Evening of the Arts" because we feature different art forms as a regular part of our evemng_ The artIsts share theIr experiences WIth us It has become a mlni-humamtles course, Increasing our knowlIedge and exposmg us to new avenues of self-expressIOn At our upcoming meeting June 5, Mike Berst will play the dulcImer for our entertamment University LIggett students WIll exhibit their art The students wlll be there to "educate" us What mood are they conveymg? What IS the message they want you, the observer, to come away With when vlCwmg their works? There IS no end to learmng, and we are never too old to learn Often our avocatIOns are set a!>lde durmg critICal penods m our hfe, and picked up at a later date when tIme no longer IS pressmg Or a relocatIOn to a new community warrants us findmg a kmdred orgamzatlOn ThiS can be like lookmg for the proverbIal "needle m a haystack" There should be an easy way to access availablhty and contact a representative of the group, whether it be crafts, mUSIC,art, theater, historICal, poetical, or gardening We are lucky to have so many dIfferent mterest groups In our area, but as one new member related, she was happy to find a contact to her mterest group through us In thiS vem, we are m the process of compihng a brochure With our member organizations, their miSSion statements, and a contact person These brochures Will be available at pubhc offices, hbranes and schools Realtors wdl also have them in the near future iMake plans for Stratford : A popular War Memorial ltravel event, the annual lovermght excursIOn to the IStratford FestIVal, takes place ;Tuesday and Wednesday, June ; 18 and 19 The reservatlOn Ideadhne IS Monday, May 13 j The triP features tIckets to .matmee performances of LewIS Carroll's "Ahce Through the Looking Glass" and Shake- Reading In the Park contmues the "Monday, In May" "erleS on Mondd}, May 13, from 4 to 5 p m Children are mVlted to enJoy a story 01 two and then to explore the dIfferent way;, the author/lIlu,trator createi> the picture" for hls/h<-r book Children Will have the opportunity to make their own lllu"uaLIUIl Lu taKe /lome and display On May 13, Barbal a Berger's "Grandfather Twlhght" will be the "tory FoJlowlng the story children can make their own draWings With pastels Pre-registratIOn IS adVIsed Readmg In the Park In thiS educatIOnal mood, we pay respect to the dedicated teachmg staff that encourage our youth to do their fine"t work So often they and their students' accomphshments are overlooked If you want to be pleasantly surprised hsten to the Purple Valley Stnng Quartet and the choru" from Grosse Pomte North High School ExceptIOnally talented young adults, serious m their pursUIt m the mUSIcal field PhIhp Moss, chairman of the UniversIty Liggett creative and performing arts department, mVltes the community to Its Art and Literary ReVIew, May 16, m the art wmg of the school located on Cook Road For more mformatlOn caJl (313) 884-4444 ThiS summer, Grosse Pomte will be represented at the internatIOnal Thespians Conference at the UllIverslty of Nebraska m Lmcoln The students from Umverslty Liggett Will perform "Into the Woods," and South HIgh School students, under the directIOn of Megan Dunham, Will present "PICniC" They WIll perform before 5,000 of their peers ThIS IS a prestigious honor for both schools The month of May IS a flower-blooming time to get out and enJoy the Grosse Pomte Commumty Chorus concert called MUSIC from Around the World, featUring selectIOns from George G€rshwJn, and I;' located at 15129 Kertheval, Glo,;,e Pomte Pal k FOI more mformatlOn Ldll (:113) 8221559 'Beauty and Beast': Buy one get one free 'Beauty and th<- Bea't,' th<Bloddway MU'ILal ba~<-d on DI"ney'" popular J.nlmated fea ture contmue, thlough MdY 26 at The Md ..onlc Temple Theatre Buy one tlLket get one ff('e promotIOn, are being offered at ;,ele<-ted pel fOI m<ince" Perform<ince;, are Thesday-Frlday at 7 30 p m Wltll a Vl-cullC~U<iY lIlatUlee dL 1 pm, Satulday dt 2 and 730 pOland Sunday at 1 and 630 P m Ticket-, are $16-$60 Call the MaSOniC Temple Theatre Box Office dt (313) 832-2232 or TlcketM<i"ter (810) 645-6666 by Stacy Mayhew-Clements Fun to come 'Babar's Birthday' Youthedlre pl(: ..<-nh '\ Bllthdd\" on SatulddY, May 18 at 11 .I m and 2 pm and ~unday, Ma) 19, at 2 pm The mU..,lLdl l' plc ..ent<-d by New York' .. ThedtICW(Jrk.., U~A and expJo, e.., th<- true m<-an IIlg of h Jend~hlp ,.h Babar, the ekphJ.nt hero, fll'L' hi .. h ,end" from villdln RJ.x 1 axe.." King of the Rh,nocero;,e<;, Ju.,t III time to celebl'ate hIS blrthdav Ticket:> are $7 ealh and no one u IfUCI 3 ycal b 01 age Will De admitted Tlcketb can be ordered by phone at (313) 9632366 Youththeatre IS at the MUblC Hall Center at 350 Madl;,on , DetrOlt Family Day DetrOIt'., major cultural , COUNCIL CORNER i/ 1 (\" Carol LaChlusa DISanto " ARTS COUNCIL the "Secret Garden," some spirItuals and folk pieces That concert IS Friday, May 17, at 8 pm at the Grosse Pomte War Memonal TIckets are $8 Call Barbara Dietz at (313) 8841661 for informatIOn and tICkets Don't forget the last play of the season, the GershWin mUSIcal, "Crazy For You ," by the Grosse POinte Theatre ThiS tap danCing finale should send you home singing songs you remember The show runs from June 4-15 Call (313) 8814004 for tickets We are always wJ1lmg to !lsten to your Ideas We welcome you to JOin With us m further109 each other's causes In forming a hnk between the Visual and performmg arts groups In our community, we can be the advocates, the cata. Iyst Our VOIcemall number IS (313) 438-2434 and 98 arts mstltutlOnb will welcome the public With free adml""lOn on Sunddy, May 19, from 10 d m to 5 p m a.., part of F amllv Dav In the Unlvel;,lty CUItUldl Ce;lter There will be lot-. of art fOI \ W\\flng and ..dIe, exhIbItIOn" mU..ll dnd dance pel fOImam.(", make n' take actlvi tie .., thedter, tour-. food and fun for the whole fdmlly to enJoy Partiupatlllg lIl"t1tu tlOn .. are The DetrOit In"tltute of Arb, Swrab Club, Center for CI eatlve Studle;" Chlldl en' .. Museum, Museum of Afrlcdn Amprw,"n H,qorv nt'tr,,,t Hlbtorlcal Museu~, DetroIt SCience Center, Your HerItage House, and the DetrOit Public Library For further mformatlOn call the Unlver;,lty Cultural Center office at (313) 577-5088 G.P. Community Chorus plans 45th annual concert The Grosse Pomte Community Choru;, WIll present Its 45th annual Spring Concert on Fnday, May 17, at 8 pm In the FrlC~ Audltonum of the Gros;,e Pomte War Memollal, 32 Lakeshore In Grosse POinte Farms The 60 member chOir IS under the directIOn of Anna Speck, a renowned local solOist She IS al"o musIc director of the Center for Creative Studies and member of the vOice faculty at Wayne State UniversIty The theme of the concert will be "MUSIC from Around the World," which WIll Il1clude beautlful internatIOnal Anna Speck melodIes and popular mUSical comedy tunes In additIOn cel t Tickets are $8 for adults there Will be SOlOiStS, duets and $2 for chIldren and an Instrumental group TICkets may be purchased at Call preSIdent Donna at the Grosse POinte War (313) 521-4488 or pubhclty MemOrial m advance or there chairman Virginia Gardiner at will be ltmited tickets sold at (313) 881-0909 for further the door the evenmg of the con- informatIOn Deadline for the Entertainment section is 3p.m. Friday ( Sports Always On Our Big Screen TV ) speare's "Kmg Lear" Also mcluded are one night at the Elm Hurst Inn, one full breakfast, two PICl1lClunches, two dinners and round triP motorcoach transportatIOn The cost IS $269 a person, double occupancy; $30 smgle supplement. Full payment IS due at time of reservatIOn Call (313) 881-7511 PIZZA (-.4~p.,... • - for MOTHER'S DAY f 18450 Mack Ave, Grosse Pointe Farms I 2nd item 1/2Off I I Dmem only I 15016 Mack. Grosse Pointe Park 886-9950 J r-suy1'itemG;t-l L..E~~~~~0.1.!~~e.::..J Sunday, May 12th 11:30 - 3:00 p.m. Reservations \ ~( ( .,-,,~) PASTA • SUBS • DESSERTS BEER • WINE • COCKTAILS --- LIVE IN CONCERT TICKETS tftnday Breakfast At Baron's. The Ultimate Buffet. IXmJl<l or II Ii I(HI Off to see the wizard • The Grosse Pointe Children's Theater invites chUdren of all ages to "follow the yellow brick road" to the Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Fries Auditorium to see "The Wizard of Oz, " the final production of the ChUdren's Theater's 42nd season. Performances will be held on Saturday. May lI, and Saturday, May 18. Show times are 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. each day. Tickets are $6.50 for adults and $5.50 for students and seniors. For tickets or more information, caD (313) 881.7611. The cut includes Jennifer Weingarten as Dorothy. Kim seiter .. the Lion, Winter Keena as the Tin Man and Cassandra Roumell as the Scarecrow. - ~- ~.....&. _ ,>Ill"ll h~{ Il '\,kl \\lthhoTlllllllck JII'r rhl II lltll' \lhlpp"llrl1l11 \\ ~rlllIII 11,1, 'Hllp or rll,U1 fruit ~nJ ,l!ong \\tth Ir"m 7 D,m"h 1 III 10 [)ltr"ll' • '\ nip ">LleL! Ir,'1ll dm\ • DClT< >It , or JUICl bll\ 2 Pill '\r I ngl'l loll" 111'1 S 12 'I') lI1rllnHl hrld~I,l'll'I'lrtl --- '-,1111<1,1\ ll' 11 n RI\ I R I~ _\( ! nll \( ~I" 1000 R"cr Pia, c, l)"trOll, 1.1" h.ll"o ~H2t1i For .......".l'on< ,.11 III 1''1 '1;00 or I "'-1<.1H'IO'1;,1; 'r'! r -m'Llm 1 I~ 1 (, ntO\\ll r 'on ot Dlm~ 111,I hrc.Hhr I~ 111~m el \Ill\ p.t,trrl' ulHll,l',l I -- ----~---------------~ ..r ,\I) IJ "/' ll. II / j 1.... II HI r it I !J. (313) 822-7141 ON SALE NO"" , \, metro calendar 108 Thursday, May 9 calhng the DSO at (3131 8333700 and at TlckelMa"tel outlet::- 01 b\ (..llhng (8101 6456666 Designer Show House May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News Games night for Christian Singles by Stacy Mayhew-Clements Chll,tl..ln ...mgle, at e lIlvlted bever..lge,,) All events take The JunIOr League of to 1010 'Thl Smgle \VdV' on pldce at The Gro"se Pomte DetrOIt's Designer Show Hou ...e Flldd\, Md\ 10 dt 730 P m to! ALddLm\ Cdmpu.., m Grosse at 340 Lakeland In the City of ..l gdlllC'" !light \du It- dnd POlntL Fdl m" For mOl e mfolGrosse POinte h open until Friday, May 10 l('ell-. ..lll' \\ ClcOllll Thl'll h no In..ltlOn cdll (313) 886 1802 May 25 The 9,400 squdre foot South's impatiens co,t fOI the L\l'llt but eldulh Spring Ball at home bUIlt In 1928 ha;;; hdd Ju...t & garden sale elll' to bl JJ1g 'OI11l' pop 01 el about every Inch redecoldted TI\l'Motheh Club of GHb ...e ...ndC) ...hdll \\ Ith othel' dlld War Memorial by local deSigner" In dddltlon The Wdr MemorIdl's .lnnual POlllte South hold ...thel! dnnugdml' '1 hl C\lll t \\ ill bl held to Vwwmg the loom" of thl" Spllllg Ball 1" SdtUl d..lY. May dynamiC house, there I" d !-dfe al Impdtll'n ... &. gdl den "'die on elt d l11l'mbll'''' JWIllL' 111 Fld'el 11. from 830 pm to midnIght FlIday Mav 10 110m 8 d m to 1"o! thl IOl ....tlOll or mOl( Inflll"ervlng lunch, dlllner and m the CI y,;,tal Bellh oom MUSIC 1ll,ltlOl1 elboUl thl gl ()UP ld!1 snack" and a garden ...hop dnd 530 pm and SdlUl'dd\, Ma\ 101 ddnLlIlg Will be pro\ Ided by 11, flom 9 ..l m to noon (81017765:>.33 boutique to bro\\"e Hour" ..lre the Johdnn 5tl au<;s Salon Saturday through Tue"day 11 Pel ('nlllal ..., hel b ..., hlbl"'L U' Saturday, May 11 01 che'>trel WIth Alex and tl ee tdtUdl), dnd UllIqUL a m to 4 p m and Wedne"dd.) Mell.) belll' Suc7ek perfOl'mIng !nft wlil all be fOJ "'.1)" In lhl' Birmingham Art Fair t~!'OUf;h Fr,d ...), 11 .... ll tv S ... " llllLlluue 01Vll'JlJlC"Cbong:, TIll' 11th .\nnudl pm TIckets ale $15 dt the high 'chool gJ m Md gdJBlIlIllnghdll1Alt Felli open ...on A Vwnne ...e torte des"ert WIll be dener... wIll be aVdlldble to door Proceeds benefit the com'erved at the end of the second que;;tlOn dnd olfel SatUldd\, Md\ 11, dod LOntm mUlllty outreach program ... of dn"wel TICket" are $25 ue, SUndd\ :\Id\ 12, dt ShdJJ1 Intel mh'lOn "ugg(' ... t lOn... Glo e POlnte the JunIOr League of Detlolt SprIng formal P dr).. In the hedl t 01 do\\ nto\\ n pel pel ,on South High School h locdted dt For more InfOrmdtlOn call (31.'31 atlll e I" "uggested Advance BlI nll!lghdlll Thele \\ill be 180 the cornel of GIO..."e Pomte 881-0040 I" reqUired elltJ,t, 110m elround the Ul1lted IeglbtratlOn Boule\ard .lnd Fishel ll\ Seatmg h at tables of eight Ice Take a trip Stdtl' ...ho\\ lllg theIr Juned Gro.;,se Pomte Farms are prOVIded \\olk, \..hlch \\ill Include pot and glassware to Door County and soft drInks are avaIlable tel Y. Je\\ elr), pdmt mg. sculpAn mformatlOnal mght on Regina Mothers fOI purcha"e For tlckels stop ture \\ ood gl..l"", photograph) the War MemOrIal'" upcommg flower sale by the War MemorIal or call fiber leathel' and dl awmg trIp to Door County. Wlsconslll The RegIna Mother'" Guild Aled le ...taurant' \\111 be on (313) 881-7511 w111 be Thursday. May 9, at Flower Sale open" Flldd\ M..l\ hand With d samplmg of theIr The Grosse POInte War 5 30 p m The tnp 10, from noon to 6 pm and "peclaltlC... A chIldren'" booth MemorIal I" located at 32 Lake runs from July 8-12 Door contmues on Saturdav. Mav 11. WIll ofTel 'hand" on" expel 1- Shore, Grosse Pomte Farms County IS known as the "Cape from 10 a m to 6 p m at ence With pallltmg Big band T .,hlrts. Cod" of the MIdwest because It RegIna High School The "ale mllliature bll'd hous,e;;; and dinner dance resembles New England more boasts a Wide selectIOn of flow- flower pots InstructIOn m clay than the Midwest WIth ItS The MIchael Lawrence ers, plant", baskets, hangmg WIll be avallable III hand bUlld- Orchestra rugged landscape, picturesque WIll perform at a ba"keb .lnd flats mcludmg Illg and there will be face dmner fishing VIllages. farms and dance at the Lake Impatwns. marIgold, petu- pamtmg On Saturday the orchards The cost of the tnp IS Church on mas, and geranIum" Regma fall's hours are flOm 10 a m to Shore Presbytenan $629 per person double occuSaturday, May 11 At this HIgh School I" located at 20200 6 p m and on Sunday the pancy and $175 smgle suppleKelly, Harpel 'Vood" For more hours are from 10 a m to 5 date, tickets are only avaIlable ment Call the War Memorial for danCIng from 8 to 11 pm III formatIOn call (313) 526p m For more mformatlOn con- Dance tIckets at (313) 881.7511 for more are $8 and 0220 tact the Blrmlllgham mformatlOn, Include two non-alcohohc Bloomfield Art ASSOCIatIOn at refreshments and a door pnze Yo-Yo Ma joins DSO Woods flower sale (810) 644-0866 drawmg For reservations and Yo-Yo Ma, one of the most The Grosse POInte Woods mformatlOn call (810) 777. sought-after cellIsts of our BeautIficatIOn AdVisory 'Action Auction' 8533 The Lake Shore time, contmues performances CommiSSIOn's 22nd Annual bidding begins Presbyterian Church IS locatWith the DetrOIt Symphony Flower Sale takes place FrIday, The Grosse Pomte ed at 27801 Jefferson, one Orchestra and guest conductor May 10, from 10 a m to 7 p m Academy's "ActIOn AuctIOn" block north of 11 MIle, St. Christopher Seaman at and Saturday, May 11, from 8 starts the blddlllg on Saturday, Clair Shores Orchestra Hall on Thursday. a m to 3 p m on the lawn of May 11 Saturday's events feaMay 9, at 8 p.m , and FrIday, CIty Hall at 20025 Mack, ture a silent auctIOn from 5 to 7 May 10, at 8 p m The reper- Grosse POInte Woods Annuals, p m and a live auctIOn from Sunday, May 12 tOire for these performances perenmals, hangmg baskets, 7 30 to 930 p m AutomobIles, Brunch honors Mom Will mclude Vaughan Wllhams' concrete "crItters' and Grosse trIpS, furmture and rugs, parThe War MemOrIal hosts a "FantaSia on a Theme of POlllte Woods collector tIle" tIeS, and gIfts for chIldren are Mother's Day Brunch on Thomas Talhs." Elgar's Cello and mugs Will be for sale among the more than 1,100 Sunday, May 12, at 10 30 am Concerto, Lalo's Cello Concerto Profit" from the annual flower Items donated to thiS year's m the Crystal Ballroom. In and RIchard Strauss' "TIll sale are used to purchase flow- auctIOn TIckets to the 1996 addItIOn to brunch, entertamEulensplegel's Merry Pranks" ers that are planted on street "ActIOn AuctIOn" are $95 (prIce ment Will be prOVIded by memo TIckets range from $15 to $38 Islands and III other publIc mcludes the Saturday auctIOn, bel'S of the Grosse Pomte and are available at the areas throughout the CIty of the gourmet lIve auctIOn dm- Chamber MUblC featurmg Orchestra Hall box office or by Grosse POlllte Woods ner and post-auctIOn pIzza and Gerda Blehtz, vlOlm, Betty Peterson, vlOlm Jamie Dablow"kl, VIOla. and Sylvehn Bouwmdn, cello Tickets are $10 for adulh and $5 fOI Chlldl en 12 elnd under Ad\ ..lnce Ie...el vdtlvn, dl L ICqUlJed dnd no t Ilket-. dr e sold at the door For tlcket-. Vhlt the Wdl Memm Idl 01 cdll (313) 881-7511 Brunch benefits Wayne State Tredt YOUI...L1f lo SUllddY brunch and ;,UppOl t the College of Fme. Pellol mll1g dnd CommunlcdtlOn Art-. .It Wayne Stdte Umver"'ltv F'n! every Sunday bl uneh thdl I" "old dUllllg "Month O'BI unch ' each of the Pelt tlClPdtlllg restaul ant:, will donate $1 to the college P drtlclpdtmg re<;taurant<; al e Spdrky Herbert's at 15117 Kel chev..ll, ~ L I \\'O.\\E:\: GODLY WOMAN. 25 AlI'acInIe SWF -. godly flus band. """. morally pure INes near hos fam,1y """ """ odeals believes marnage 1$ happy bIossed, 5113) pormatIOfl1 AHGEl =, 85(oxp AVAILAJIlE Lovely 39 III fun 110_ 5hapoIy CUhU"K~ mt.llrgenl &dueated weA-groomed sensual se&k $1m ,n 18' lJOCXI'~ng tt2151,oxp6l6l SWr.! :15-50 FIlENCH BEAUTY 10' a gentleman 55-liO aetJYEI S'Milet IJnpoys lalong ~ng out and IS,ospoctablo No_ pIoase po$$OlIlo rolatJonshop tt 2'5O(0xp6l6) LOOKING FOIl LOVE SWF N$ 5". 26 _green MI'OyS IOnQ walts rnovtes roman be -.ngs botng ...... 10 It1at spooal SOIOOM8 -ng do .." IaI! gonIl8man NIS lor ...... toons/ltp V2'<l8loxp6l6) rOla OWF 36 54 mature lOVing 135bs b<"nene famlly-onenled Seelung goo~~ng anra~ ve OWM <Os 50 Omployed proles SK>nal canng lurld loyal and hon 9$l No drug all,,,.,tS please 1t 2084,o><p5i23) 11MES WILL CHANGE At'ecbOnate fun lo'f'Tng s.pln1ual SBF ~ poetry wnter one man ~r ~~~~~ns~kJ~ BOYFRIENlI WANTED Anraarve SWF 2'9 54. HW pro a"Ci fun loVIng lookmO for sorne who enJOYS ant~ 11l8lit'" or.;l ""ngong aucoo rlS OUT tt2ll53 (e>ep5l'61 AU 4 ME? SWPF 23 5 en bOating do n"'9 Pe1r1e ~ec1 PYS 'hO SWEET I SlNC£RE Largo and IOWIr SWF 42 56" Bocly type .1TIIIot 10 ,hat of "Cat LOOKING FOR FRIEND AMICIMl "lady 42 seeks '''''"'' who en,oys 11'IOVI8'S at DI" (II nu''lQ 0Vl WOl1ung 0l..1 and mosl: OUfdt)or act Vlll@S espeoaly t1ng wal(S JUS! loolung ror frl8ndS~ alXl tun 1t'933Iexp5<' 6) ~~ P':r,,"~~ 2~,~ ~f,'~~lnd pos .. blO L()()I(jNG FOIl SPECIAL MAN DWF SOIsn pot,o pre!!y \lOry "" ~i'no~~a~04:'r~ weI-conneaed ho~ ln1etltgent taI<8hW and funny N yO<> qualofy respond tt2086l0xp6.'23) "",<100<1 ~;SSwJr~:n:rs:,~ Shtp ..... (Oxp5.161 SEEKlNG A NEW FIlIEND SW?F 40 and a halr who 1$ Inter ested In auctIOn!; travel an mals and tMacM tte events Seekl ng f1 nanoally secure ec1Jeated protes 40 ~ tt'795{o", SINGLE AGAIN yOung 50 da'" bMl outgOing full-figured opt rrusllC ca r ng en,lO)"S cards Shoot ng pool ptCl'\ICS travelu'19 campmg moforcydes and -dnves In the coun ry SeekIng good man tlIo_ SWF 1t1739(e,pSI'6) SINGLE LOVING 110M OWF 44 5 1" bfronde halr grHn eyes NIS w ng affectionate en JOys rT'llJ1M$ dining dnves and QUI 81 b .... at nome s-,ng OWM 40--50 NJS Slm Iar mlerests lor LTR 1t2023(oxp5l9l SE£KJNG SATlSFACllON _SWf24_11 ,_ ~ motile, of"",, s.1)WM 24.33 tor pool bowling _ and cuclcIing tt 2'44(8XI6'3O) _ tt'740lo'pSl16) 5'16) portIoNd9 seeIit$ bOyfnend' Mus:: be COllege educaled anraclrve C3nng r'Ilerest ng unoerstan()ng one LOOK»lG FOR LOVE Vef)/ lOVIng eat1ng rednead 5.2 5 6. H W prOjXlrljonale needs som!'oody 10 share k)ve WIth agaon SeeIong SM 4~~ 57". "anal SW\I 2114'.>Ip5I301 bIo rotatlOnst"p tt'934 lOVELY lADY seek "9 Slt'\gle gen!leman 01 class wel grool'T"l&d hlJmmous 1'lelh D8flt tender to. shanng and relax I"~ P~ase be aV;lJ'.abie fo be :r~r::~~Qn~~lt;~ 'O>ep5l16) NAME: ... Douglas Bloch IlListenlng for God s Whlsper t ll May 15 01 :00 and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Author of InSpirational books, Words That Heal. and Llstenmg to Your Inner VOice deSCribes how to discover the Truth Within and allow It to gUide you Suggested donation $10 For more onformatlon calilhe Church of TOdayat (BID)758 3050 Church of Today 1120011 Mile Road East Warren MI48089 (810) 758-3050 TO RESPOND DYNAMITE LADY ~y and mentally ftt en PI" Ganh B rooks as well as Frederld"l Chopin Steve Y,zennan WF "lEI _, Cnctllon La'" an<l Bog Boy NiS 55+ tt'734 (o>ep5l161 TOUCH YOUR HEART Carelroe lIllIaaMt CU1IurOd end ~ng SWF WItI'! a senSltMty te toueIl yOu' "'an -. tall genll8man 49-60 ttI495{exp5l16) ATTIlACnvE UPBEAT OWF 47 56. blonde "",n I sense 01 hulT'lOl' seeks tall ~ a gentleman 055 who en.lOYSdin lrlg 0U1 I1arlCll'lg bOat'ng fi$.hlng t>cycllng tor ~ Pl'lQnd and pos SIble LTR tt1317(exp5.16) - SPIRITED DWPf AND ATTRACTIVE do"""" 4l; NS NO woln mterltSts suc~ as travel nature and h*.lrog ~ well~tabkshed gen lleman 60 Wlft1 'Same QUaIltles lor frler'\OS.t1 p and ~ lT~ 1t1492jEll"P>'61 .co FflIENDS AIIST IllfEN? Bru_o OWF 32 56' .25t>s K!1V8 mom hOnest mode$t car Ing sensrt:rve shy &flJOYS outdoor """"bOS ch1g Ole. nanc;. some unprelentlous IOmanltC cI10valnc WU 32 40 NIS ""'" morats manners lntegnty '11'1054 (.xp5J161 You've got your {XJ.../£., TO ADS, CAll RELA110NSHIP your~ and your ~qj. So why is your love life qj. O.../£. ? LOYll'lg nefte PflETlYLADY mom 36 54" watm canng pasSionafe 135b; see«s 1 nanoally bN com &e<:ule handSOme SIOWM 40-55 8<lJcaI prol~..stOnaJ responSlb'e 10 .nJOY Ihe finer I'" n~ In Ille ever last ng Iovlng 'oIahonsll<p tt 1885 ,•• pSI'S) ad ,\\E:'\ SEEK1:'\G \\'(}\IE:\ MANY INTERESTS Ha"","""" SWr.! 50 _ af loclJonato hoat1I1y .... lIIIrac _ pm 10 medium phySICally I' IocIy 38-46 "" • ...",ngIuI ...1Il bOnshp tt2' 8lIloxp6l' 3) You're a smart person nght' So why hallen't you learned your lesson' Place a free ad and our new fealures C<lnhelp you record the most effective vOIce greellng ever Just answer a few queshons and you're on your way It's the best wall to meet someone To pIIlCe )l'oar fr .. voice personal ed, cen 0Y£fl HERE LADIES! SWM -'Y 400 62' .1l5t:s IIn Io! C "'" Id dOlI_ Ilrownnlluo COllege CathOhc g.. ntully.mvery _",hod ... ks matona~"'" bos1 fnoncI who IS plOyed non- :~".:, ~OO::::12~ 1.800.731.7887 (""1'6'13) I LOVE MUSIC & DANCING SWM 511"' 2101>s sem. (ehred ge~n enJOYS din ng Ganong the~Uer If .... and rnoY18S Seek ng pr8lly SWF 5>65 NiS tt IntroductiolU 218710"1'6 13) WANnD Halld$ame honeS1 fun loY! ng fQ r anrad YI romantiC 10 spend WIth 30-35 be se~ SUPPOl1lng 1t2186 lookmg lady "me Mus1 (0.p6113) MAlE 21 year-od FEMAlE S8U 56" sllQn bid btown eyes lOOk 'ng 10, SWF '9-27 enpY' ctl8ss halr DNOflCED WHITE FEMALE OWF 42 _ 56' 125 Il>s enJOYS ndoorslOu1<lOOrs pro....... 001 SlabIe S .... "ng .. me O\II8r 56. PiIW lXoportJonate 11" '463loxp5J,6) MAIL OR FAX YOUR FREE PERSONAL I See METRO CALENDAR, page 118 Grosse Pointe N~ws VERY PflETlY SEEKI:'\G ,\\1-::'\ The LYrIC Chamber En"emble brlllgs the subtle "en"uahty of the FI ench and thell mU"ICto the Gem Theatre presents I ntroductwnd 24 hoors a day Far _ .. tonce from an Inlraduc!lans repreHntolMl, call Manday Froday 80m 11 pm SundaY 100m 6 pm We II help you wore your FREE30 wore! ad and 9"'" you In,lrud1ans on how to record and .. Ineve your message> for FREE II s easy and Ivn t Meetln9 """eooe spec,al,ust gat ea' .... 1 Call Today! 'Parisian Cate' at Gem Theatre Chttrcl1 of Ibdtly __ TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CAll 1.800.731.7887 Gro"se POlllte Park, (313) 8220266, The MdJe"tlc Cafe at 4140 Woodwdrd. Detroil, (313) 833.0120, O'LeellY's Tea Room elt 1411 Blooklyn. Detlolt, {,1I31 964-0936, Albdn\ Bottk and Ba ...kel dt 190 N Hunter, BII mmghdm (810) 258-5555, dnd Sweet 1.,011 dme'" elt 303 Detlolt. Ann Albol (313) 6650700 elnd 29101 Gl eenfleld, SOllthfield, (8101 559 5985 For mOl e InformatIOn about 'Month O'BI unch" cdll (313) 577-5342 SEEJ<IH(l aftradJve FUN-LOVIIG GOlH'EARlNG 1t2152'oxp6I6l PASSIONATE POET 0I1lCII1aIo OWPM 47 HELP WANTED Accopong appI,.".","s to 35 ClaSs onlllgl1ly roquoro<l HIW prOPOI1lQn at. No Iypong I\Q fi~ng No oxpon enee nec:essaty Will traln nght IacIy W,II •• at lady nghl IJ#'f 10daY'1t'793,0'P5l'6) SWM 43 SoeIung SWF up CHRIS1\AN Handsome SWM 42 seeks atlracfive GOdly WIts must be well versed n the scnptures be firmtr commlt1ed to prad,ong B.bhcal !Mh u nderstanong the scnptural po""pals and rospo ..... 01 I>0'""'" tt 2' 45,e>lp5l3O) SEEKING SOflIEONE SPECIAL Handsome !lOIlOSl lnondIy SBPM 4(l S7" IVW propoIllOnalo 0"fOYS so, rodli to ctassaJ l"nUSIC good con ..... lIOn 1.... 1ong chklesa SF »40 1lm.1If .n '.r_ Aloe u,"mpotWIL tt2085 ,0xp5l23) -ng NEED ARST!lATE FletlfMi romantiC COMlderl1e 60+ bOater WIdowed 5"8" sooaI ctrlnker seek ng MmaIe co~n IOn NIS wt\O .kes bOaItng 'lshlng lrave~rlQ and lining out Call me we can slow dance and dream 1t2054,e,pSl16) logo""" MANY INTERESTS HandSOme SWM SO I'lorlOSl ., ~iOna1e heallhy seekS artrac "VEl sl! m fO medium phystc8lty M Lady 38 46 fOr a meanl~ r.1a 'oon,n p atI1_ moYIe bun tel"lntS nut mecia cmlC -'<5 fun fit anOdJO""'o IacIy 10< ng & dining fir9Slde ot>n'll'8rs&lIOns long waI<s on "'" WIld SIde tt'346{e>ep5l'6i Adventurous !hougtrtfui can ng Wf'tI, 40 5". -. fun kMng easygol~ k.'S SIOf HIW Pfopor t~ii1e tor mu1ua! respea «:J\f8 candle"ll'" din ng firepla<:oo ro~ Ie_dong power boa1>ng $U1\SJlIS 'ravel qu ........ Tall 'w," =~so~~n~~,~(~ 61131 ma'nago SEEKlNG NICE REUTlONSHlP 28 511' '50b ""'Y canng spottS rTlOYlO' taIong Iak In; walks Seefong WF WIll'! $Irnlar Interesl5li 10r r~nshlp 111993 10>ep5l'S) SWM onpY' ttl99</o,p5; 16) A StfY GUY finanCially S8ClJre SWM 60s owns I'MOlt home dntams _ dinners <lInong _-. 01 POversallOf\S -.. wdh graoous ""n '-" 0' eattltilc gold IlICO smole It1at enJOyS sIlanng taugIls oncafleclJon tt,794/.>ep5I,6) LOOKIIG SWI'M 31 6'. bMl fil NIS finonooIly FOR YOU 2OOt>o 1l<0WIlI an_ ..""",. ","rig oim tun an_ SoeIu"ll canog!trnaloi 1t I8CUIll 10 IhIre 110'1 -......", 1I184(0'P5l16) 9EEl(IIG 0Il!_ SWM 6 l' .95Il>o btOWl\lbluo semt-retlred en,oys. $pOfI"5 Il'IlMe'S don out I""""ng SNong • """''''' "'M'" IacIy 54' 5"9" 5060 10' fnondShp 'un and LTR 1t'769,exp5J16) _Ie no NICE GUY SWM 22 SWF me_ SIb4e 1830 Ill'' ' ' hl&l'' "" SI'6) _ 6 -. OYOnlngs muse '"""""",, "'" pos relatJonsh p 'll'1770(MiCp , AD TODAYl FREE HEADLINE' ADDRESS: FREE 30 WORD AD CITY/STATE!lIP CODE. TELEPHONE' a Women Seekmg CATEGORIES: Men 0 Men Seekmg Women a Over 55 ----------------------------------------------------~ pe- INTRODUCTIONS rs ~ Slnole' 18 or O\lltf seeIc 1'l0mon9O'mous relatJonsh ps To tnsore your sartty careful~ scretn ail responses f rsr meeMos snoulCl OC:CUn a pub l(; pIKe Ms.and mes.saoes C01t.allllflg 5exlJ.a1~~tlVl or anatemul ~~guaoe WIlt 1'101be .actepfed INTRODUCTIONS reserY& the n~ht to re,ect any l(f'i!rtlsemtnt Grosse Potnte News assumes no responsibility far the: COlt1entor rep~ to any l~jAOOUCTIONS ad T~ ad\lerttSef assomes compltfe lab I fy lor the con lent .I~Cla I rep'lts 10 2"'1' al1vfrllSemen. or recordi!d ~ts.aQt ,1Ird 10 any clam'lS malje aoamst Grosse Potflte News T~ advertiser ~11'ees10 mdemnlfy and ~Old Grosse POinte ~ and rts emplOyeeS and aoents harmless IrO\'1lall costs e:tpenses (InclUC!1l10rusonablt anorr~,. teeS) llab I fJeS an«' damaoes resulfl"'O from or uustd b)' t"'t Publ'CallOn or recording placed by the :u'vertJser Of ~"Y (ept-, to any surl"l al1vt'nl.SMle11t By us no I~TRODUCTJONS tht ~r IQrHS not 10 IeIvt nlVhtt' ~~ number ~Sll)ame or address In h~tr VOICeoreefl"'O Acts Wl_ be pnnted on a soace Mllal>lel>aSlS May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News From page lOB on ~unday, May 12, at 11 15 a m with "P<.lrI~ldnCdfe" The pel formance feature", French cla~~lcaJ and popular mU"IC Perf 01 mer.., mdude ..,oprano Vdlefle Yova, duo PI,lnl~tS Fedora Horowltl and Stlven Ro"enfeld dnd vocdlJ~t/gultal ht Phil Mal LUS ES~eJ TIcket" al e $25 pel per..,on wIth tdble "eatmg for bru'1ch and $15 for concert only meuanme <;edtmg Ticket" dre avalldble '1t thf> non .. nr ,n :!rJ\:lrlce b) cdlling (810) 357-1111 The Gem Theatre IS located at 58 E Columbld across from the Fox Theatre m DetroIt • • metro calendar Stratford Fe"tlVal I" Monday, May 13 The trIp I" Tue"day, June 18, through Wedne"day, June 19 The tnp feature~ tick. ets to mdtmee performdnce" of Lewl" Cdrroll\, "Alice Through the Looking Gla",>" and Shakespedre'~ "Kmg Lear" AI"o mcluded dre one nIght at the Elm Hur"t Inn, one full bredkfast, two pIcnIC lunche", two dmner~ dnd round tnp motorcodch transportatIOn The co~t IS $269 per person, double occupancy and $30 smgle supplement Full payment IS due at the tIme of reservatIOn For more mformdtlOn call (313) 881-7511 Commumty Chorus pre"ents ItS 45th annual Spnng Concert on Fnddy, May 17, at 8 p m In the FrieS AudItOrIum of the Gro~~e POinte War MemOlldl The 60-member charm, per. fOIm" "mu~lc from around the world" fedtunng mternatlOnal melodw!> dnd POPUldl mU..,lLdl comedy tune;, In dddltlOn there will be "'OIOl~l~, duet .. dnd dn mstrumentdl glOup The choru" I" dll ected by Annd Speck, who IS dl;,o the mu",lc dIrector for the Center for CreatIve StudIeS and a member of the vOIce faculty at Wayne State University Tlckeb are $8 for adults and $2 for thlldren TIckets dfe on sale at the Wdr Memoflal and there WIll be a limited number of tlCkets sold at the door the night of the concert For more mformatlOn cdll VirgInia at (313) 881-0909 or Betty at (313) 884-7620 Stacy Mayhew-Clements dVdllable TIcket by re"el vatlOn" are recommended by cdllmg the theater hothne dt (810) 7716333 BroddwdY On,tdge I~ locdted at 21517 Kelly at Toepfer (8 1/2 MIle) In Ed"tpomte 118 Ships of the Great Lakes The exlllbltlOn, "BIrd", Postenty A Gdllery presents Beast", Blos"oms and Bugs m East A"lan Art" wntmue" at "Gone But Not Forgotten" feashIps of the Great the Ed"el & Eleanor Ford tunng House, noo Ldke"hore, Gro~se Lake" Artists of the exhIbIt mclude WIllIam Mosb, Michael POInte Shore~ "BIrds, Beasts, Greg TI"dale, Jim Blo""om~, dnd Bug.. " wa" Bla~er. 'Abelard and Heloise' Cldry, and FR CreVlel "eletted from the permdnent closes at Hilberry A Gallery IS located LollectlOn dt the Lowe Art Po"tenty One of the world\, !,TJ'eate!>t Mu"eum, Unlver~lty of Mldml at 16847 Kercheval , Gros"e love "tones, oetween the 12th The Pomte Gallery hour" are 10 exhIbitIOn features century French scholar, Peter Chmese, a m to 6 p m weekdays, and Japanebe, Koredn, Abelald, and hIS bnlhant "tu- dnd Southed"t Asian obJects 10 a m to 4 pm Saturday" UCUL, HewI"e, I" euaLLec1In the that exemphfy the decorative l' or more mlormatlOn call (::JILl) Hllberry productIOn of trddltIOn of East Asian art The 884-8105 , Abelard and HeIOl<,e,"runnmg exhIbit mcludes ceramIC", Watercolors at through May 11 Show tlme<; pamtmg." tomb objects, IVOry, Grosse Pointe Gallery are Thursday through Jade obJect", lacquerware, tex. Visit Canada's Grosse Pomte Gallery fea South students Saturday at 8 p m Tickets are tlles and bronzes The exhIbitures artist Ann Loveland Her Maritimes $950 to $16 50 Call (313) 577- tIOn WIll be on VICWthrough at Orchestra Hall unbelievable watercolors are Jom other mtere~ted travel2972 for tickets Gro"se Pomte South HIgh June 9 Adml!>slOn IS $2 or $1 very rIch In color, highly ers dt a complImentary mforSchool's Bdnd dnd Orchestra when combmed WIth a house 'Computer Chips detaIled and look like 011pamtmatlOnal program at the War take the "tage at Orchestra tour Tours of the home are and Salsa' mgs Mixed media Japanese Memonal to find out more Hall on Sunday, May 12, at 8 on the hour "Computer Chips and Salsa," avaIlable prmts by artist Hlsashl Otsuka p m to perform the school's about their upcommg trIp to Wednesday through Sunday, Second CIty's SIxth revue, conare also on dIsplay thIS month Canada's ruggedly beautIful 20th Annual In~trumental tmues through May 12 from noon to 4 p m AdmISSIOn The Grosse Pomte Gallery I.., Sprmg Concert Rob E'>ler and AtlantiC cOdstlIne on Monday, IS $5 for adults, $4 for senIOr Performances of "Computer located at 19869 Mack , Mike Weyhmg are two semor May 13, at 5 30 p m The tflP is Saturday, May 18 Chips and Salsa" run cltl.lenS (60 and over) and $3 Grosse POInte Woods, (313) scheduled from September 14 Scavenge in style percussIOnists who WIll be feafor chIldren (12 and under) Thursday through Sunday at 8 884-0100 September 21 Jom the Fnends of the War tured as solOIsts Both are through or to pm, WIth an addItIOnal show For more mformatlOn Travelers WIll explore Nova Memonal Metalworks on a Llmousme attendmg the Cleveland make reservatIOns call (313) on FrIday and Saturday at The DetrOit Gallery of 884-4222 Institute of MusIc next year to ScotIa, Prmce Edward Island Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, 10 30 P m TIcket prices range Contemporary Crafts mdJor m performance TIckets and New BrunSWick The cost May 18, at 7 p m and test your from $12 to $19 The cast per- 'Titanica' surfaces announces the openIng of dIe $10 for adults and $5 for IS $1699 per person double knowledge of local lore and forms "Tltamca" has surfaced at ImprOVIsatIOnal ses. occupancy and $245 smgle sup- landmdrks Metalworks, an exhIbit and A fleet of luxury students and senIOr cItizens the DetrOIt SCience Center's slOns, free of charge, after each sale of furniture, IIghtmg, and TIckets are aVdJlable at plement Call (313) 881-7511 IImousmes carrymg teams of performance Second CIty IMAX theater The new feature table-top acceSSOrIes m a vanSIX WIll leave the War Orchestra Hall Box Office for more mformatlOn opens a new revue on IS the story of a Canadianety of metals, deSigned by leadMemOrial parkmg lot for mysbefore the concert For more expeditIOn Thursday, May 23 Ticket AmerIcan-RUSSian mg AmerIcan craftspeople tery locatIOns known only to mformatlOn contact Ralph Wed., May 15 that set out to explore the reservatIOns can be made by Metalworks runs through May the Friends Armed WIth clues MIller at (313) 343-2388 Tea with sunken shipwreck of the callmg (313) 965-2222 18 at 104 FIsher Building, and mstant cameras to record TItanic On AprIl 15, 1912, on Madame Cadillac West Grand Boulevard, the answers, the teams Will 'Shear Madness' ItS very first voyage across the Monday, May 13 Jom Madame CadIllac for scavenge the Pomtes for the continues DetrOIt Gallery hours are AtlantiC Ocean the TitaniC tea at the War Memonal on correct answers When teams Noontime tours FrIday, 10 "Shear Madness," the Gem struck an Iceberg, sank, and Monday through Wednesday, May 15, from 1 30 complete the hunt, the lImos Theatre's a m to 6 pm., Saturday, 11 smash comedy hIt of downtown to 3 p m and learn about her return to the War MemOrial for where the audIence takes a 1,502 people lost their lives a.m to 5 p m and untIl 8 p m PreservatIOn Wayne IS celeThe film shows eerIe Images of role m hIstory as she relates pizza, prizes and refreshments stab at catchmg the kIller, now the TItamc as she IS today con- on Fisher Theatre nights Call bratmg PresentatIOn Week, the story of her lIfe Dressed m Prizes Include dmner certIfi- runs through the end of June (313) 873-7888 for additional May 13 - 17, With five noontIme trasted WIth archIval phoand in character, cates from popular local Patrons can also take a stab at tographs shOWIng the ship In mformatlOn guIded walking tours of costume Harnet Berg, founder and restaurants RegIster smgly, as a steak, seafood or numerous DetrOIt's historic downtown New works at director of the Mme CadIllac a couple or team Teams WIll be ethniC favontes at any of the its 1912 splendor IntervIews dIstrIcts The tours wIll cover WIth geolOgIsts, bIOlOgIsts, Ashley-Chris Gallery WIll prOVide aSSigned If needed The cost IS 20 restaurants offermg dinner the hIStOry, archItecture and Dance Theatre, The Ashley-ChrIS Gallery of engIneers and explorers are her guests With an mSlght mto $55 per person and mcludes packages With the Gem For hIghlighted current plans for the dIstrIcts along WIth the Grosse Pomte presents the transportatIOn, more information on restauMonday's tour of the finanCial the first lady of DetrOIt's life. hmousme story of Eva Hart, a 7-year-old works of Susan Alexandel TIckets are $8 per person and clues, camera, pIzza, refreshrant packages and tIckets, call passenger dIstrict meets at the GrIswold Sharon SIms, and who sUfVlved the ShIpman, entrance of the Buhl BUIldmg mclude tea sandWIches, cook- ments and prIzes Advance reg. the Gem Theatre at (313) 963. disaster, but lost her father. Ric Geyer ShIpman's art uses Ies and tea For tIckets contact IstratlOn IS reqUIred as space IS 9800 lobby and WIll be repeated on The film's underwater footage mIxed media on handmade the War Memonal at (313) 881- lImIted. Call (313) 881-7511 to Thursday Tuesday's tour of and also features the many species paper. Sims', sculptures 7511 make reservatIOns Washmgton Blvd meets m the of fish and animals that mhab- reliefs are mfluenced by myths, Exhibits Writer's workshop lobby of the Book BuIldmg It the wreck today symbolIsm, and her own SpiriOpen house ColumnIst Ken Eatherly prenear the Harmonie Garden On stage ''TItanica'' WIll be shown on tual Idealism Furmture at local galleries Cafe and IS repeated on FrIday. sents a sIX-week. wrIters' workMondays, VVednesdays, and designer RIC Geyer is InfluBallet comes to nights The Grosse Pomte Gallery And Wednesday's tour of Park shop on Wednesday Fridays at 10 and 11 am, enced by the Shakers and the GuIld announces ItS Spnng -Avenue meets at the Park May 15 through June 19, at the new opera house Arts and Crafts movement and noon, and 1 p m Saturdays The MIchigan Opera Theatre Open House on Thursday, May and Sundays ''TItanIca'' WIll be IS known for hIS use of purple Avenue Deli, 2305 Park at the War Memonal from 7 to 9 p m (MOT) presents ItS first ballet 16, from 5 to 9 pm The galcorner of Montcalm (one block The class covers the writing shown at 1, 2, and 3 pm The heart wood m hIS deSigns The "Romeo and leries WIll feature speCIal DetrOIt SCIence Center IS locat- Ashley-ChrIS Gallery IS located behmd the Fox Theater) Each process from msplratlOn to pol- productIOn, Ishmg the finIshed manuscnpt JulIet," m Its new home, the exhIbits and entertamment ~our lasts one hour and begms at 15126 Kercheval, Grosse ed m the UnIversity Cultural No previous DetrOIt Opera House, for five and complImentary refreshfit noon near a dell so that par- for publIcatIOn Park and is open Center m DetrOIt at 5020 John Pomte performances May 10 through ments wIll be served Five local R Street TIckets for "TItanIca" Tuesday tICIpants may combme lunch trainmg IS reqUIred Eatherly through Saturday 'WIth learnmg For speCific wrItes a weekly column that May 12 "Romeo and JulIet" IS gallerIes have Jomed together are Included In the SCIence from noon to 6 P m. For more appears In the Grosse Pomte the fateful story of two young for thIS event The partlclpat~etalls on the tours call (313) call (313) 824Center admISSIOn pflce of mformatlOn lovers thwarted by the hostlltty mg galleries are Ambleslde :577-3559 Tickets are $5 and News and IS a university $6 50 for adults and $4 50 for 0700 )nay be purchased at the mstructor and book editor. Fee of theIr feudmg famIlIes and IS Gallery at 375 FIsher, Ashley- students and senior CItizens Swann Gallery Chfls Gallery at 15126 For 24-hour recorded mforma~eparture sIte at the tIme of for the class IS $150 Advance conSIdered to be the definitive Pauhne Ender's "Direct regIstratIOn IS suggested 'Ib romantic tragedy Kercheval m the Park, Grosse tlOn call (313) 577-8400 .1he tour or m advance by callPamting" solo art show IS now Perfonnances are scheduled on Pomte Gallery at 19869 Mack, • mg the reservation lIne at regIster call the War Memonal on exhibIt at the Swann at (313) 881-7511 May 10, at 8 pm, May 11, at 2 Mack Avenue Gallery at 18743 'Pictorialism' "(313) 222-0321 Gallery, 1250 LIbrary, DetrOit at the OIA and 8 p m and May 12, at 2 Mack and PosterIty A Gallery Trip to the and 7 30 p,m TIcket pnces The DetrOIt Institute of Arts Also exhIbIted IS a group art at 16847 Kercheval m the Friday, May 17 Stratford Festival range from $13 to $95 and are Village There IS no charge for m collaboratIOn With George show entItled "Humans Need ReservatIOn deadlme for the Community Chorus' Figurative Art" Both shows on sale at the MOT TIcket thiS event Eastman House, exhibIts, War Memorial's annual run through May 19 Gallery Spring Concert Services Office, 104 Lothrop m Surrealists at OrA "Pictonalism mto Modernism ..()vernlght excursIOn to the hours are Monday, Wednesday The Grosse POInte DetrOIt's New Center Area or The DetrOIt InstItute of Arts The Clarence H White School and FrIday from 6 to 9 p m by callmg (313)874-SING of Photography," featurmg the presents "SurrealIst ViSIOn and and Saturday and Sunday 'Something to Hide' Techmque Drawmgs and work of early 20th-century photographer Clarence H from 11 a m to 5 p m For more Collages from the Pompidou found in Eastpointe InformatIOn call (313) 9658 E L A A L 5 T A 8 White and 57 of hiS students Center and the PIcasso IRON DOA Eastpomte Players present E R I E 4826 "PlCtoflalIsm," as used at the AN DA IOU NU DE Museum, Pans" through the mystery-thriller SO lGNE N INE "Somethmg to HIde" on Sunday, July 7 The 85-work begInnIng of the century, refers RO UN o T A 8 L E photography as V I CAR A R 5 L IL FrIdays and Saturdays, May exhibItIOn features selectIOns to artIstiC A R UW THY 8 U L L opposed to photography WIth. from Pablo PIcasso, Salvador 10-11, and May 17 and 18, at 8 TAC YOU ..E E T 5 such as SO UAR EW E A L p m Perfonnances Will be at Dall, Max Ernst and many out artistIC mtent, .. 155 amateur snapshots or docuEX AC T 5 other Important surrealIst TO RESERVE the Kellwood Center, 19200 Ro 85 HAL BO RE mentary photographs It came AB E l 0 Stephens (9 1/2 MIle, 5 blocks artIsts Surreahsm was a reacE OW IT r R E E E R RA P 5 east of Kelly) Tickets are 3>8 tion to the modernist art of the to be associated With a style by soft focus, DISPLAY early 20th century and to the characterIzed for adults and $6 for students ACROSS hand mampulated Images and histOrIcal and cultural circumand semors For more mformaI Young fellow romantIc subject matter 4 Emulate tlOn contact 'Ibm Stemhel<;er at stances of the post-World War I The exhIbItIOn contmues m ADVERTIS,f\JG SPACE Leandet era It was less a dlstmct style (810) 977-7337 8 Bankrolls than a set of attItudes and the DIA's Albert & Penny de 'Love in E Flat' 12 Pasl behefs about art, personal lIfe Salle Gallery of Photography 13 Frogs' hangout at the Heidelberg Sunday, May 26 A and socIety, conceptualIzed by through 14 "- hen Adhem" The HCldelberg and Rodger a dIverse set of artIsts and number of speCIal photography 1.5Bnngsup 17 [mla!e ProductIOns present the WrIters who associated WIth prowam!> are otTerf>d m con18 Ma!';' romantIc comedy "Love In E each other In Pans m the JunctIOn WIth the exhIbit Call counterpart Flat" on FrIdays and 1920's and 1930's The DIA IS the DIA at (313) 833-7900 for 19 Nlcene, e g Saturdays through May 25 located at 5200 Woodward, details The exhibItIOn IS free 20 ArthllT thlley By 2:00 p.m. novel Performances are at 8 pm wlth the recommended museDetrOIt 22 Vlnle um admISSIOn of adults $4, WIth dinner at 6 30 p m Friday 24 n.eater award Audubon at children and ..,tudents $1, and TIckets for the dinner and 2.5 GT<>ek wnler Mack Gallery of comedies member" free The DIA IS show package are $22 50 29 Card game An exhibItIOn of the art of located at 5200 Woodward TIckets for the performance JO Mehra', slick and Avenue, Detroit only are $10 The HeIdelberg IS .John Jame<; Audubon 31 - pro nobis other artIst" who have depIcted 32 Hemng!lke located at 43785 Gratiot, fish Mount Clemen" For re<;erva- the flora and fauna of the nat~ She played XV tlOns call (810) 469-0440 or ural world open" at the Mack tl Soughl 34 Window ledge HOI LIps 49 Sport A\enue Gallery and runs (810) 776 9844 restUUllon 36 Affan ... 3~ BaSin 50 Kine 16 Genealogy d 'honneur through May 31 The prmt.., are accessory .5 I You can't stand 'The Cocoanuts' chan 37 Third place part of the collectIOn of Kenyon 36 Eals sump10 have one want to be in the metro calendar? 19 Family 38 Slubborn one hang around fUOUSly DOWN OppenheImer, Inc, of Grosse Then fIll out this form send It to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POInte 20 AclT'eSs Celesle 19 CosIn wnh 37 TinY 1 FelonrOUl Broadway Onstage performs Pomte and Chicago, a gallery 21 WoodWind 34 Across Farms,48236 or fax to (313) 882-1585, by 3 P m Friday 40 Chasm flllht ''The Cocoanuts" featurIng the and paper conservatIOn faCIlIty 22 ScanslOll 40 What rodenrs Event subjeCt do 41 2 Candle count "Marx nrnther..," In thh Oflgl- I hat po"sc<;<;e<; the largest FOR 3 BeslOWl1 23 Sins SII 42 Buddy Date--_ nal Irvmg Berlm/George S Inventory of OrlhTJnalprmts by 2.5 Put together 41 Freudlln C'oncept 42 Helen of 4 Slles ptlch Kaufman mU<;lcal from the Audubon 26 RUin 44 Gnpe The Mack Avenue Troy's husband .5 Seeb 10 WIn Time --------------------roarIng 20's The productIOn 27 One of HOMES 4~ Simples the 46 Shoppe 6 B&B Gallery 1<; located Ilt 18743 Place Sauternes descnpnon 7 Hoop penonnel 28 .Consam n IU wIll run Friday and Saturday Mack, three blocks south of anyhow'" 47 "Oh, OIl,Oh, 8 Pres Hlrdln. evening<; at 8 pm dnd "elect Moro..,,, For more mformatlOn 30Tum on lhe whll '" '.. Cost ---• 411DCCCXt. 9 Rose's lover Sunday" at 2 pm for pre- c,111(313) 881.3030 wlterworks ded by 10 Welflre, !o 33 "Carch 22" d Reservations & Questions? Call _ arranged woup" of 21 or more IVI Bnl. 'Birds, Beasts, IUlhor through May 26 TIcket" are Contact Person Blossoms and Bugs' $1250 each With WOllp rdte" Last week's puzzle solved CALL 882-3500 • r------------, 1 1 ='~ DO YOU ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ • .. 1 1 1 L- - - - .-- 1 1 "-- ... ... ---------------------_--.J 1 May 9,1996 Grosse Poi nte News 128 Bkathleen stevenson Jacob sons It's Mother's Day soon! What to buy? She has everything! How about somethzng for all she doesn't have? A fzft certzficate from the Edwzn Fau Salon. These are avazlable for all of our hair cuts, colors and perms as well rrs manlcrlres and pedicures We also offer make-up for those special occaslOns. We will help make her look and feel her best, Lsn't that what she deserves? Happy Mother's Day! Edwzn Paul Salon (313) 885-9001 "There's always something happenin' at Jacobson's" Clinique Gift With Purchase. Free gift with any $15 or more Clinique Purchase. Thru May 12. Cosmetics Fur Storage. We offer complete fur services - cleaning, glazing, alterations and repairs - as well as fur storage. Fur Department A Scentsational Gift. With any Jessica McClintock purchase of $38, receive an attractive, fabric cosmetic Train Case holding a 1 oz. Perfumed Lotion, a Jessica Deluxe mini, and a ' Jess Deluxe mini. Cosmetics Definitely Different. Drew Barrymore wears it ... Courtney Love wears it ... Lisa Marie Presley even wore it with Diane Sawyer, and the whole country watching! Hard Candy polish, soft, pretty pastels that look more like something to eat that to put on your nails ... all are funky and very upbeat. Cosmetics Month of May - Monday Specials. Perm, cut and style for $65. Full set of acrylic nails, $45. Mondays only. 8~2-2160 for appointment Styling Salon All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner. Adults, $9.95, ChIldren, (under 10) $4.95 Every Thursday, 4:30 to 7:30 St. Clair Room "Mike's Antiques" ATrENTION. ATTENTION Antique Lovers ... New Shzpment has arrived of French furniture Louzs XV style, variety of large szze oil paintzngs, lamps wzth reverse scenery paintings on shades, marble statues, bronze sculptures and much, much more ... at 11109 Morang (off Cadieux) (313) 881-9500. Draperies and Interiors Your Complete Home Design Studio ...Visit our Showroom or Schedule a comphmentary In-Home Design Consultation 28983 Little Mack - St. Clair Shores (810) 772-1196 LDWln, PAUL 20327 Mack Ave. • Grosse Pointe Woods I The ultimate gift, a "Day of Glamour" mcludes: Massage, facial, pedicure, mamcure, arch, hairstyle, color analySIS, make-up and light lunch. Gift certIficates available. Other services avaIlable lash tinting, hair removal and tanning ... at 17912 Mack, (313) 886- I I I Present mother With a lovely gIft on Mother's Day from POinte FashIOns. or a glfl certlflcale at 23022 Muck Avenue, (across flom S.C.S Post Office) (810) 774-1850 4130 .losers French Pastry Shop "GO WINGS!!!" Now avazlable ... RED WINGS PARTY CAKE wzth octopus ... only at Josefs French Pastry Shop, 21150 Mack Avenue. (313) 881-5710. ~£S~!O~ ~ARPENTR~ Update your home wlth ... a new mantel, stair rail, crown moldmg, French doors, bookcases, a recreatIOn room, paneled lIbrary, new kitchen or windows ..Fimsh carpentry specialist (313) 881-4663. KISKA JEWELERS "THE WEDDING SEASON IS NEAR" Stop by and select from the newest styles in men's formalwear. Register your 1996 wedding before 511-96 and receive the groom's tuxedo rental FREE ... plus 20% OFF everyone else in your party (minimum of 6 rentals) the pointe BAKE SHOPPE E~~(]~ We haven't left ... we're here to serve you for all your fresh bake goods needs. Come see us soon ... at 16844 Kercheval Place in-the- Village, (313) 882-1932. edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. edmund t. AHEE Jewelers is the perfect stop for Mother's Day. This year they have a larger collection than ever before. From the very unique and progressive to that which is very tradztional, you are sure to find just the right piece for Mom. Visit edmund t. AHEE Jewelers at ... 20139 Mack Avenue at Oxford (between 7 & 8 Mile Roads) Grosse Poznte Woods. Hours: Monday. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. except Thursday 10:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m., (313) 886-4600. A nice way to say "Thank You" to Mom on Mother's Day is a gift from KISKA JEWELERS. Choose from our beautiful selection of dIamonds, pearls, colored stones and gold jewelry ... at 63 Kercheval on-the-Hill (313) 885-5755. iIJ THE FRUIT TREE Ann Arbor Antiques Market Our 28th Season ... Antzquers ... Plan on the Ann Arbor Antzques Market on Sunday, May 19th. There are over 300 dealers zn quahty antIques and select collectzbles. All under cover. All items guaranteed as represented. The time zs 6:00 a. m. through 4.00 p.M .... at 5055 Ann Arbor - Sahne Road, (Exit #175 off 1-94, then South 3 miles). Only $4 admisswn. FREE parking. The Fruit Tree has exciting new I basket ideas for the spring season. For Mother's Day and Father's Day, we'll put together the perfect gift. Picnic Baskets and wine or champagne trays make great wedding and shower gifts, and the "Mexican Fiesta" basket IS perfect for Cinco De Mayo. The breakfast basket comes complete with our fresh bagels, hearty whole grain pancake mix, Vermont maple syrup, fruit, tea, BIG FUN ON THE RIVER coffee and jam. We also carry Gayles GREAT SUMMER MUSIC ... Chocolates - stop by today to see the new spring line ... at 20129 Mack Sindbads "Sohor Room" presents: Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods, 313-886MYSTERY TRAIN BAND featUring 2352. Jim McCarty on Friday and Saturday, May 10th & 11th (no cover). Band starts at 9:00 p.m .... Arrive early and enjoy dinner first to start out your evening ... at 100 St. Clair on-the-Rlver (313) 822.7817. Confused or undeczded on what to give Mom for Mother's Day ... Give her the gift of a relaxing pedicure ... gift certificates available ... at 15229 Kercheval, Grosse Poznte Park, (313) 822.8080. ~~S~AG~ Diane Pineault Member of the American Massage Therapy ASSOCiation Speczalzzmg zn Therapeutzc and Relaxatzon Massage - Welcommg elzents to her new locatzon at Shores Medzcal - 9 Mzle & Harper - (810) 7795700. Home vzszts also avallable at (519) 944-9101 Massage Feels Great' Ed Maliszewski Carpeting :f~) >;e fll/ Natzonal month gzves you the best carpetzng and area rugs at 50% OFF durzng the month of May .. at 21435 Mack Avenue, (810) 776-5510. Last minute Mother's Day shoppers ... Come one, come all to the NOTRE DAME Pharmacy. We have a large selectIOn of unique items which would make wonderful Mother's Day gifts. If you need some help on your purchase we'll be happy to assist I you ... at 16926 Kercheval in-theVIllage (313) 885-2154. May IS NatIOnal Fitneu Sporlll Month Perfect gIft for Mom on Mother's Day from Conner Park FlOrIsts "Pamper Her Bouquet," a pastel basket decorated WIth sculptured roses with fresh sprmg flowers, only $28.95. Order early Call (313) 8815550 for more Ideas at 21142 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods. Ahnosl Ice Cream honors all Moms this Mother's Day. Brmg your Mom in on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12, and she'll receive her dessert treat for half-off WIth your full-price dessert treat purchase. Alinosi Ice Cream ... at 20737 Mack - 1st block north of Vernier - Grosse Pointe Woods, (313) 884-6480 Sunday Hours: 12 noon - 9 PM. Watch for our RosevIlle store opening very soon. &: {!tai't/;/?rf!!.te CELEBRATTON SPECIAL3 months For $150.00 - Must be 18. (313) 885-3600 OPEN MOTHER'S DAY 8:00AM - 3:00 PM Servzng Breakfast, Lunch & Dmner 630 St Clatr (In-the. Village). (313) 884.6810 }~( D'1l1 SpeCIal Mother's Day "Day of Beauty" ... Massage, pedIcure, manicure, facial, hair style, make-up consultatIOn With make over, scrumptIOUS lunch and a speCIal gIft basket for only $150 (reg $200) For mformation (313) 881-7252 at 75 Kercheval on-the-Hill To advertise In thIS column call (313) 882-3500 by 2:00 p m Fridays • , -I .u;,--- , I Section Sports May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News c Prep baseball 3C ULS soccer 7C Classlfied . 8C Record effort at Romeo highlights South's week A record pOInt total m wmmng the Bulldog InvitatIOnal at Romeo and a come-from-behmd victOry over league f1val Port Huron Northern added up to one of the best weeks of the season for Grosse Pomte South's glrls track team The Blue Devils placed m 14 of the 16 events and took five first p!.lCC" :l~ they .lccuml..ltcd a h.WIJ 120 pvuLl."UI dl\: RoIUW meet Aimee Vasse led the way at Romeo With a career best 11:40 m WInnmgthe 3,200.meter run With a cushion of about 200 meters Earher In the meet, Vasse won the 1,60010 5 30 and anchored the 3,200 relay, which was first in 1009 Jonnle Va!>se,Katy Kraft and Sarah Crowe also ran In the 3,200 relay Jonme Vasse returned to wm the 800 m 2 26 and teamed With Kraft, Lisa McCurdy and Gretchen Carter to wm the 1,600 relay 10 420 Freshman Erm Smlalek long Jumped 16.feet to place second by a quarter of an Inch It was the first South Jump of 16 feet thiS season University Liggett School's Nild Brown races past an Ann Arbor Pioneer player during last week's girls lacrosse game. The Knights made Ii iecond-bAlt come- +- - In the most excltmg race of the day, Northern mpped South's team of Kraft, Aimee Vasse, Jonme Vasse and Kate Crowley by a second m the 3,200 relay Both times _ 9 57 and 9 58 - were under the state quahfymg standard Crowley helped the distance runners to a 22-5 edge by wmnmg the J,':OO run m 12 12 Other key POint contributors were Meghan McGahey and Kelly LaBash 10 the hIgh Jump and Maggie Lucas and Janel ZUidema m the 300 hurdles Knights end drought against the Pioneers It took Umverslty Liggett School's Kara Feemster four years, but she was finally able to walk off the field with VlCto. fles over Ann Arbor PIOneer In both field hockey and girls lacrosse The latter happened last week when the Knights beat the Class A school 8-7 on second-half goals by Emily Crenshaw, Christme Szarek and NIkl Brown "PIOneer had three powerhouse attack players - Izzy Stohlee at first home, MaggIe Judge at third home and Courtney Seyferth at rIght wing," s8.1d ULS coach Annie McMillan. 'They were the key players we had to shut down " Judge had four of the Pioneers' goals, but ULS third man Catnona Watt played well against her and demed her many sconng opportumties. "The ULS defenders effectively triple-teamed the Pioneer standouts, while doing a fantastiC Job of keeping the ball at midfield on defense," McMillan said. With the help of attack players Katherine Riddle, Szarek and Kristen Wright in the back to pn1l out an 8-7 victory. It marked the first time defenSive zone, the Knights in at least four years that ULS has beaten Pioneer in were able to force turnovers Reid hocll:ey and. ,uu lAcrosse during the same year. and aggressively work the ball upfield toward the defenSive zone "Feemster and (Becky) D'Arcy were great at brmgmg the ball down the field on fastbreak opportunities and never let up the fight for the ball," McMillan said ''The tone of the game was definitely set by the defensive efforts and the Incredible efforts of goaltender Vanessa Madrazzo Madrazzo came through With several timely mterceptlOns behmd goal and demed many free position shots on goal by PIOneer" ULS trailed 6-5 at haltbme as Wright and Riddle each scored tWice and Crenshaw tallied once Last weekend, the Knights lost 8-4 to a strong Sacred Heart Academy team Sacred Heart led by three goals at halftime despite a strong performance by ULS Feemster got the Knights' first goal early in the second half and Crenshaw scored the other three "The girls were certamly prepared and focused but the long field passing game the Academy played and their use of the zone on defense made it a challenge," McMillan said STORE HOURS: CLOSED MONDAYS TIles. • Fri. 9 am • 6 pm Saturday 9 am • 5 pm .' _ ,- Smlalek then raced to third and fourth pI<Icefinishes m the 100 (13 2) and 400 (64 6) dashes, respectively South's 400 relay contmued to Improve, placmg second as Smlalek, Isabel Roa, AlexIs Ashley and Carter covered the dlstance m 53 4 Carter had a season-best 61 8 m the 400 dash as "h", filll"ll\~d"econd Roa reached the finals m both sprmts and was fourth m the 100 (13 3) and third in the 200 (27 4) Other outstandmg performances came from McCurdy, who was fourth in the 100 hurdles In 17.1 and third In the 300 hurdles at 50 8, Momque Fekln, fifth In the high Jump With 4.8, Momka Zahnska, who placed In the shot put With a throw of 287, Chns Littmann, third m the 1,600 at 547, and Mehssa Balok, who placed in the 3,200. Earher m the week, South topped prevIOusly-unbeaten Port Huron Northern 77-51 to Improve Its dual-meet record to 5-0 The Blue DeVils trailed by five POints after the first four events, but outsNred the HuskieS 30-2 In the next four to take a commanding lead T'"T - .- ~\i' -,. ~ -];~.~ - - t~ (III r CI H11I1( '\\ \11 -\1111 ROSSE POINTE FISH & SEAFOOD \11" filE 19531 Mack • Grosse Pointe Woods • 885-3884 Assurance of Quality For OVer'50 Years Treat Mom to These Delightful Specials r:- - -TH-E-S-PE-CI-AL:-1 I r"i~f'~;; ;k:;-,n:- -, I YOU- PICK I ISAVE50ftperlb. I I SURIMP 1 1/2 lb. Bag Raw, Peeled It Devel.Ded 1595 I I -~------~- -~-----~.~- I On ANYone LWICOUDOn I I Fresh Fish Item ExD. ~18-96.J $ LwlcouDOn Bag .JI ExD.5-18-96 r--~i~--l r;AVE75-tA~1 7 I $ wlcoupon L I I 99 lb. on all our Hors d' oeuvres ------------------FISU TASTES GREAT ON T"E GRILL Exp 5-18-96.J Lwlcoupon I Exp 5-18-96.J TWO NEW TANTALIZING ITEM • Premium Stuffed Maryland Crab • Chicago Style Deep Dish Mini Pizzas '5 J K '~1:,MONTH · Fresh MONTH Poached Salmon flomema de SOUpS • Homemade Salmon Patties Gazpacho • Lobster Bisque Clam Chowder and more • Maryland Crab Cakes • Fresh Maryland Crab Meat Smoked Whitefish Salad/Spread • Fresh Calamari Salad • Little Neck Clams in the Half Shell Try OUf Fresh Baked Pies Just Like Mom Would Make N n i ., >#>~ ............ az .... _.- -. ~-.--, SJlorts _2C __ May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News ... ' ~~ Neighbotfmd C. L U , Highlights B Hen> art' ,onl(' n ,ult< from game, In th" \ ugh b,'rhoud ( lub, to r,,<-\ uulh !luur hud,el Il',ll-,'lll' CO-REr KINDERGARTEN Panthen. 6, LIOns2 1 hI-' Panlher, JelrnPQ 10 pl.n .h a tblm, haH' fun .md \\ III \11, h.,el llldzofT, Za,han (',lIw-eh I',m C .....~~h !L.....,.: ~~UUL .... III \11'\.; ~,\t.... Jost Blal<e Llt'derboleh Ih an OLaughlIn p,.tt'r ...,.llgh Chnstopher ShJrar I' I' "Illrdr Evan Wekh .lnd ll.lrrhon \\"_1 played well The LlOn~ had goal- b\ Chip Rogers and Jame~ Grane\ The LIOns finl~hed 6 1 I Henry Ford Pierson Chme 4. YoungFurmture 2 The Pler,on Cl1mc ,quad .....b determmed and mo\ I'd qUlckh across Ihe l100r and molde ,orne fine pial' Excellenl gualtendmg by Enc A11bon, KJll1an DavIs and Matthe\\ GHardl lurned a ....a) some good 'conng chance. .J,m" Hoffman, Kathn n Hoffman, Arthur Grlem, Damel Lewando\\skl KevIn Orzechowski, Jacob SchmItt, Scott Wllkms, Thoma<; \" Ilkm< and PhIlip Adamszek dl<;pla\ cd <1 101 of talent Young Furmture pla) er, Jordan Browne, NIck Elsey, Rachel EI,ey, Jackie Farber, Patnck Gustine, Jack fhggms, Jake Boerler. Call' Mannesto NIchola, Pre<ser, KJeran Reilly. Charlie Sulhvan and Bnttany WIlson '-.I,\ndllk ,md FTI' ~,.,ndllh \HIlI ,1.1 ....0 ..,Pd .... on for thp,'rIh, BJ.llkh'1\\h, h,ne Impro\l>d d lot dlld -ho\\ l'd ~ood ~p()rhm.m ,hIp th!Uu~houl tht. '<-'<i-on pl\\pd eO-REe GRADE TWO Sharks 7, Customcraft 4 :;lit., h.lJJlL \\ 1.1..... Lll"tl <4 4 111 lhe Ihlrd qUdrl,'r, bUI Ihe Sh.lrk, pulled .1\\ a\ m Ihe fuurth to wm (,r.lI -on lIeendll ~cored all Ihree ~oal, In Ihe fourth quarter The Shark, ha\e t",o girls 011 the ,quad and StephanIe GrIffin has swred goals In 1'\ l'T\ game, \\ hill' Kn.ten Jo,1 hd' been d defen'!\ I' LOntnbutor Ale'\el Dodson played 'Irong defen,e, Mike Yakamo\ leh, Steven Helme, and Jlmm) Colombo pro\'lded good goaltendmg ....hill' Ron Alna.JJdr .md D<1\ld Krugler abo played well Casey Brownmg, Joey Habo, ,Jason Spencer and Lmd<;a, T a\ ery scored the Cu <;tomcraft goals Sean Black, Andy KJacza, Jon Sax and Robby Brownmg played well In goal. \\ hill' lbny Delsener, Joey Rhode" 1\1Ichael Scanlon and Melame \\egnt'r pla,ed good t\\O\\a) hockey Blues 6, Hadley Home Improvement 1 .. I ~ -...... " ~ 'i • , I I I I Title team The St. Clare fifth grade boys basketball team won several tournament titles on the way to a 21-1 record. Its final triumph was winning the St. Clare post-season tournament in a series oC close. exciting games. Earlier, the squad won the St. Clare Christmas tournament and the St. Matthew Thanksgiving tournament. The team also won its Catholic Youth Organization division. In front, from left, are Evan Williams. Mark Nemeckay, Joseph Tironi, Anthony Gallinato, Tony Saunders and Allen Peck. In back, from left, are coach Greg Hacias. Joel Sisto. Kyle Hacias, John Clark, Jason Trotter, Leathon Williams, Seth Quaranta, Jack Hancock and head coach Dave Charvat. The Blue,' gOdl<;\\ ere ~cured by Stephen KOSinskI. Matthew Girolamo, Joe GIrardi, Will Da\\son, Kvle Duker and ErIch Maurer Tim Smolenski played t\\O strong quarters In goal Andrew Grun)k, John Monaghan Young Country Rangers 5, and John Wllkms have also conYoungFurniture 5 tnbuted to a fine season Young Country's Ronald DICICCO, Robbie SessIOns scored for Brett FigurskI, Alel-ander Hunt, Hadley on a pass from Mark Doug Johnston, Thom<;en Szandzlk StephanIe SIewert Knudson, Bnan Lockhart, Kyle played a ,trong quarter In goal, The Pomte GIrls Soccer MartIn, Robert RIckel, Billy shutting out the Blue~ AsSOCIation Mustangs '86 won SessIOns and Brett Stnker played well the battle of Grosse Pomte last CO.REC GRADES 3 & 4 Young Furntture turned In a Red Wings 6, ReiMax in the week m the under-l0 division strong performance The squad Pointes 2 of the MichIgan Youth Soccer was qUIck and played well togethMIchael Sonnecken opened the League er scormg for Re/Max m the first Emily GrIffin scored two perIOd, but Enc MIller of the Red CO.REC GRADE ONE goals and Kelly Shumaker talWlIIgs countered WIth two third Blackhawks 4, Penguins 4 penod goals Danny Sax pulled bed once to lead the Mustangs The B1ackhawks tied the game Re/Max back lIIto a tIC, but '86 to a 3-0 victory over the With less than two minutes to go Andrew Loosvelt and Alex Mustangs '87, an under-9 team Alan Domzalski and Andrew LaGrasso shut out Re/Max the Krebs proVIded the centenng passplaymg up a dIviSIOn rest of the way, whIle Joe Fuga, es that enabled Jake Mandel to Chns RIZZO and Drew Blohm tal Megan SWItalski and EmIly score three of the four goals !led for the Red Wings, who fin- Rauls shared the shutout Damel Bohannon and John Ished 5-2 1 Neal Patel played well AllIson Ambrozy played an Chancey put on the pres<;ure that m goal for Re/Max excellent defenSIve game for led to Jonathan Austm's wraparound goal m the second peTiod the Mustangs '87 Stars 10, RelMax in the Clutch goaltend:ng In the final Pomtes 2 Colleen ShlTllla scored from pe;..l!,Ki, py',.E,J,au ~ aw. an d t>be. ,Ryan GundersonTI~ the Stars Rou)s to give the Mustangs '86 deren~1I.lex DomzalskI anef Wlth five goals and Barre Mackie a I-I tie With Romeo Adam Stevenson preseT\ ed the tIe scored two Andy Bearse. Stefan BTian and Chnstopher Vens Smolenski and Robert CUdllll were SwitalskI and Lmdsey mIssed the game because of the strong m goal Kara Reynolds had Potthoff played well m goal for flu two aSSIsts, Matthew Burke col- Grosse POinte Pengums Scott Backman, Jack lected a goal and an aSSIst, Bearse AleXIS Pavle played an Fellows, Zachary HOrwitz, MIchael tal!led hiS fir~t goal of the ~eason excellent defenSive game, but Kelley, ChTistopher MadIson, and Seth Meyer also scored The Courtney McRllI, Andrew PIerce, enough to keep the Stars scored 10 goals \\Ithout scor- It wasn't MeggJe Schwartz, Ryan Silver, Ing leader BIlly Wargo Clare Mustangs '87 from droppmg a Alex Smith, Dana Stelnbnnk and Porter and .Jamle Fountam played 6 0 deCliHon to the USL Speed Michael Zukas ha\ e Improved \\ I'll defensl\ elv throughout the season Re/Max played a sohd game but Under-ll MYSL couldn't penetrate the Stars' solid Canadiens 4,Young Clothes defense Re/Max had fine perforMolly Zeller scored the only 2 mances from Kathleen Carmody, goal of the game as the Marc Reno scored three goals to ,Jarred DaVIS, Hans Ganesch, Mustangs '85 beat the Royal lead the "eason.endlng VictOry Jonathan Gnppl, MIchael Oak Cobras 1-0 Megan The Canadlens fimshed i-I With Hoffman, Ehzabeth Martin, Neal the only loss comIng to the Brennan posted the shutout Pate), Danny Sax. Michael Islanders Other goal scorer" were Sonnecken, NeVin Stembrlnk and Matt Burton, NIck Corblshdale, Ben Vander Heide Under-12 Little Caesars Jeffrey Holme, Steve Joseph, Sean The Mustangs '84 ran mto Kennedy, Kyle Lechner, Jeffrey Comcast 10,Mack & Allard some tough opponents In their Regan, KeVin Rentenbach and Service 7 Jake Rile} first three games Comcast receIved strong perforYoung Clothe~ coaches Steve mances from MIchael Grady, Bnan The Mustangs' 4-0 loss to Walsh and Dan Cun<; were proud .Johmdes, Trevor JUlf, Michael Vardar was scoreless untIl the of the way their team plaved and Konkel Michael MakowskI, last 20 seconds of the first learned that good sportsmanship Stelen Mannmo, Pete O'Rourke, IS the key to pla)~ng sports half Grosse Pomte's Lauren Mark Semple, Rand Sobczak, Lauren Stanek and Alvssa Safran was outstandmg at Islanders 6, Blackhawks 3 Sulhlan stopper and SylVIa RIdgeway Andre Ahee, Stefan Ahee, Mack & Allard ServIce rebound played well In goal Bradley E\ an Ski, Michael ed from an 0-2 start to fimsh 4-4 MeredIth Farmer, Nayla Kedzler~kl, Juhan Kefallmos, Joey The team learned about floor hockSikele, Brendan Symington, Dalld ey and teamwork Kazzl and Laura Vorgrtch played strong offenSIve games IT) the Mu~tangs' 3-0 loss to the MIChIgan Hawks Meggte SchmIdt plaYed a fine defensIve game and Amy Socia and Ridgeway shared the goaltendIng MAJOR LEAGUE RBI 'lck Po.a\et7 was 3 for 3 Ben Indians 8. Re<l" 3 Jenzen had three hits and four RBI GeordIe \Iack"nzlp and Tom .lahnke \like Bate. had 1"0 hlt< IOdudlOg a pItched "I'll for the IndLan, "hlie doubl.. and four RBI and Anthonv Mal! Lamk,n Bill 1\nhlll ('nrl' DeLadra ran the ba,e< well and .co ....d ',,"'gand and Ch .. , CR-azza pro\ Ided four run~ Bato< and Peler SmIth each the offen'\", punch o\ndrew Sweeny pItched three IOnIng" and comblOed for pItched "ell for the Red. \\ ho gol out. I:l str,keoul< "hlie ",alkmg li, I' John standlOg defen'"'' plR'< from \1ark 1}rer and Peter Fure<t each hit dou Ru.<ell and Paul \larantette bles for the Cub, 1)Ter plaved excel AAALEAGUE lent def"n,e In center field and \oIark Two five.week sessIOns of Yankees 11, \\-'hite Sox 8 DIebel plaved well at catcher aerobICS will be held at the ZacharY <;Chmllt [,11 t"o tr,plt- and Oriole. 5. Yankee" 2 a doubte and tC<lmmat( <;; (hfl<=;, Ren J..n7"n had two hit, and 'cored Gro"se POinte Woods commumMona!:han ,nd Ben "eh-od. 01 , h'l t" Lce '''ck FI<cher h,t a Inpl( and tv center beginning June 10 well for th~ ~dnkee, "ho 1'01 • wellent ....nthon\ DeLadra -corNi thr"" runThe cla~"t's wlll be conducted pIlch 109 from hm BacknfTand \I,cha(>1 b-cher had an e,coll"nt defen_I'" /Juna"a\ "chrode 'hd g-ood ,ob c"lch aerobiC Instructor game at fir-t and lenn'n ~nd Tom by certlfied lng and Tra\.l<" (,ra\ 'II.? 3T'JO f)arrf'n "a" Ick, comblOed on d no hllter With Ro<;", Fa7lo Mantvla mad. good r, Idln;: 1,la' P r 1i 'tnkemlt, \1lke Duna" 1\ and l,ack The aerobiC'> movements .Januto[ anrl Bnan (, H'lrr "C'rt lh() f>< ~ mil! 'cored th .. \dnk"c, run< lead Lng h Iller- for tile \\1111I "ox "ho Tra\ I...(Ira\ ala made tv-.o fine catchco;:; will develop the cardIOvascular had ~ d..fen-l\" "ork fro'l1 Dann\ In center field Dunawav and .J,mmv "ystem CIrCUit tralnmg mcorRos,o and Ihnm RelOhareJ and exc.. ! Backorr pitched "I'll With nIne 'tTlke lent PltchlO!: b\ \I'chae "nook and out<., ami onh t\'IoO walkC\ 11 wa-= a one porate~ exercIse tubmg, hand ,]anuto[ TIm game unlli the Oriole' <cored t",c .. weight" "hdmg and steppmg Rockl .." 12, Cub" 8 Ir th" liflh to mCred-.C' ~trength .Jeremv RIrmIngham had a double CLASS (' LEAGUE and tripiI' "ean P. nnefat her and M,aml 12. Richmond 7 Brion R"",,II each hit two 'IO!:I.., and RrE"ft f\ldrrmcm h::ld a f"o run PartiCipant" "hould brmg a Rvan 0 K""f.. addNi a -lOgl" and tTlpl.. homer 10 the bottom ofth .. fifth ,n"ln!! for II... Rockl'" Tom (ard made t"o dmon!" h,- lh"e" hit, and Dan Till dnd mat or towel good pia)' at thlT<i ba-e for th .. \1lk(' I '"lC1i.Jrl dlc;n had thrw hLt<o for Rockl€'<:' whn "'C' JrC'n nmf' Tun .....In thf' \111ml \1 mlac] ral.Jg-ht a pop th Se""lon~ will be held lir,t IOllln;;, !lO'ld (ro" and RLl-"..11 ano a !Jne dm e and D1\ld Il..BO(>r pItched w .. 11 for th" Kockl.' Jon pla\ ed w,,11 at fir't bo"(> for \1laml Monday;; and Wednesdays fllH8nt and .Iohn Tvl"r led Ihe ( tJh' "h'ch broke opt'n a do-e "ame wLth from 7 10 to 8 10 pm SessIOn o ITfI nc;e , Cr<oorg'( \1IJTr1.\ m.lCi0 ort good li\(, n n-... m the' tifih (,r1\'-On Jfp("n.An July 10 catch and \1lk, \Iull n~, r pllch.d '" II cdtJ,lll I" ()11\ b.dl- .md 1\\ I, Kondr II onp 1<;,Itme 10 through Oriole. 20, Cun .. 6 plR) od well at pLLch"r>nd lIr'l ba'e for 5<,"-.lon two 10:; July 15 through P"ter HrtRnek wenl -, for" "llh fi, .. RIchmond Aug 14 Mustangs '86 win battle of Pointes Scores, highlights in Farms-City games Aerobics classes begin June 10 at Woods center The Mustangs played well as a team, despIte droppmg a 1-0 deCISIOn to Blrnungham Jalmie Miller, SchmIdt, Safran, Ashley KIrk and Erica Muncy played excellent defensIve games, while Farmer and RIdgeway had a strong performance In goal Under-13 Little Caesars Julie Miller scored one goal and aSSIsted on ElIzabeth Moran's tally to lead the Mustangs '83 to a 2-1 VIctOry over the Troy Pnde. Moran and Natalle Potthoff shared the goaltend1Og and KatIe Marasco played an excellent game at sweeper Scallen and Robson were also perfect 10 goal as the Mustangs blanked Clarkston 3-0 Under-14 Julie Berschback had a goal and two aSSIsts to lead the Mustangs '82 to a 4-0 VIctOry over Romeo. Amanda Lindow, Ann Mumaw and Beth Auty also scored for the Mustangs, while Molly Wimsatt and DIana Mager collected aSSIsts Meghan Scallen and Meghan Rops,on shared the goaltendmg shutout Sarah Fox, WImsatt and Berschback scored the Grosse POInte goals on assists from Scallen, Lmdow and Mumaw. WImsatt, Molly Weaver, Lmdow and Lauren Jahnke had strong defensive games Scallen recorded the shutout and Berschback scored the Mustangs' only goal, aSSisted, by Brenna Mansfield, In a VICtory over the BIg Red. I-a May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News SRorts 3C North stays perfect in MAC Blue By Chuck Klonke The Nor&emen ...cored three fifth VictOry of the &ed&On we had a strIkeout and d pop tIme ... 10 the fir&l Bergman hit "He Cdme out becau ...e he had out .. SIX teams have tried and 1'" a double and he l.lme a tJghtne " III hiS &houlder," The Nor"emen got runner" teams have faIled to stop home on Collm&' trIple to ...econd and thIrd With two Sumbera ald "It'" a concern Gro&se Pomte North's bid for a North.... four-run "econd We h...ven't had hIm do any- out m the eighth, but d woundMdcomb AJea Conference Blue Innlllg wa& highlighted by thmg but DH ...IllW then" out ended the threat DIVISIOnba&eball title Steve Champllle'" two run '''InLa ...t weekend, North made "It wa& an outstanding hIgh But the one team the gle Balk-to back double... by It... annu.d trIp to the Alpena "chool baseball gamL," Norsemen hadn't played before Keenan and Joe Slom&kl pro- InVitatIOnal and fim&hed &ec- Sumbera said 'We wanted to Monday - COUSInO- figured duced the first of three run ...m ond when It lo&t 3-2 to the host WIn the tournament, but not at to be theIr toughest test the third Illmng Sylve&ter team III nllle innings In the the expense of wmmng the North Improved to 6-0 In the c::ppcd the ra!!y,' Ilr :: t'."O run l"J..lmp:onoh,p j;;,;.mL k"jfllc conference and 16-4 overall &Illgle 'We had runner" on base m That's why he removed Monday when it blanked Bergman doubled home every inning but the mnth," Collins, who allowed only five LakeView 4-0 behmd the four. North's final run m the fifth Sumbera &ald "Their leftfield- hitS, after seven lOmngs hit, 13-stTlkeout pltchmg of Bergman and Sylvester each er, Tom Donakowskl, was a Sumbera wanted hiS senIor Steve Lentine fimshed With three RBI thorn In our SIde all allemoon lefthander well-rested for 'We Just couldn't break the CollIns and Slomski each And we hned mto double plays Tuesday's showdown With game open," said coach Frank had two hits and three RBI to m the fifth and seventh" COUSinO, espeCially With Sumbera 'Their pitcher was lead the Norsemen to a 15-7 Donakowskl threw runners Champme alhng moving the ball around a lot. wm over Lake Shore out at the plate to kIll ralhes In Lentine was the losmg pitchWe have more trouble with the North never traIled after the first and second mnlngs er when Alpena scored a run m pitchers that aren't the real scormg five runs In the second Then he gunned down a North the mnth on a walk, a passed hard throwers We had runners mmng Colhns, Joe Evola and runner at third on a force after ball, a sacrifice and a smgle on base but we stranded 13 " Sylvester each had RBI smgles an apparent bloop smgle In the through the drawn-m mfield , ~1l., M% ~" The Norsemen got all the m the Innmg. third North reached the champiPhoto by Thea L Walker runs Lentme needed when The Shorlans got two runs North scored a run In the onship game with an 11-1 VICKevin Co1llns' arm and bat have helped Grosse Pointe they scored three times in the back III the bottom of the sec. first on a leadoff Single by tory over Sault Ste Marie. North's baseball team get off to a fast start in the second Lentme started the ond but Slomski hit an RBI Sterr, a passed ball, a groundWelch allowed only three Macomb Area Conference Blue Division. The Norsemen rally with the first of hiS three double m the third and North out and Lentine's sacrifice fly hits in the five-Innmg contest are 6-0 in the league and 16.4 overall. singles Troy Bergman followed broke the game open With Sylvester singled and stole secThe Norsemen struck early WIth a smgle and DaVid seven runs m the Sixth lOning ond He attempted to score on With three runs m the first Keenan delIvered a two-run Sterr capped the lllmng with Bergman's double but was cut Sterr and Evola SIngled and double. Keenan scored on a two-run homer CollIns drove down at the plate on Lentme followed With a threeKevm Collins' single m two runs With a double, Donakowskl's perfect throw. run homer. North added a run in the Slomski had an RBI double Alpena took a 2-1 lead WIth North picked up three more seventh on a walk to Dan and Sylvester and Bergman hIt two runs m the second, but runs m the third Sylvester, a stolen base and run-scorIng singles North tied the game In the Sylvester and Bergman hit Lentine's RBI smgle An RBI double by Bergman Sixth Sylvester walked, moved back to back doubles for the Chns Sterr hit a pair of dou- and KeVin HalIcki'S run-scorto third on Bergman's double first run and Keenan hit a twoBy Chuck Klonke bles, while Keenan and mg smgle produced the and scored on Keenan's one-out run homer. Sports Editor Bergman also had two hits Norsemen's final two runs III smgle Most folks dread Mondays Lentine trIggered the fivethe seventh Once agam Donakowskl's run fifth mnmg With a home Grosse Pomte South baseball coach Dan Gnesbaum was glad apiece. Earlier, North beat Sylvester had three hits, arm mfluenced the game to see the first day of the new work week run 11-1 behmd the while Evola, Bergman, Sterr 'We didn't want to take a Sylvester and Bergman fol"I'm Just glad last week is over," Griesbaum said after the Blue Clintondale Devils started the new week with a 6-1 victory over Fraser in the combined one-hit pitching of and Lentine also collected two chance on hIm throwmg anoth- lowed with singles and both Brandon Welch, Lentine and apiece er man out at the plate so I scored on Collins' tnple. Macomb Area Conference White DIvIsIOn. Mike Ciaramitaro The three Champme, the first of three held Bergman With only one CollIns came In on a single by The wm over the Ramblers ended a three-game losmg streak pitchers struck out eight. North pitchers, recorded hiS out," Sumbera said ''But then Keenan m league games for South, which is now 4-3 in the divIsIOn "We're stIll m control of our destmy because every team m the division, except Mott, has two losses," Griesbaum said "We're Just starting the second round so If we wm all of our games we should be OK" Last week was espeCially frustratmg for the Blue Devils By Chuck Klonke strikeouts whIle pltchmg the hitters off balance With a curve With an eIght-run sixth Innmg because they were ranked No 7 m the state Class A poll, crack- Sports Editor last four mnings, hit a homer ball that you usually only see and beat the Trojans 13-3 A couple of last-mning losses and smgle and drove in two from Class A pitchers," Butzu ing the top 10 for the first tIme thiS year Legree went the distance rivals runs "Getting ranked in the state is hke a kiSS of death for us," to Metro Conference said and struck out seven Ford and East and Lutheran ''Brandon has a fastball In Gnesbaum sald "I don't care if we're rated agam. What really Lutheran The Knights broke open a Legree each knocked in two North are all that stand matters IS how you fimsh at the end of the year" the mid-80s and he keeps the close game With ClarencevIlle runs Umverslty Liggett South got sohd pltchmg from Ke'lJn Schroeder and.some time- between School's baseball team and a ly hlttmg In the wm over Fraser Schroeder went the dIstance and allowed three hits and no perfect record ''Both of those losses were ~amed runs, He struFk out 14 and walked onl¥ two. very well-played games," said ; The Blue DevIls Jumped out to 1\:ri early lead on ;Joe Schmitt's lhree-run homer m the first inning Terry Brennan was hit by a Knights' coach Walter Butzu ~Itch to lead off the game and TIm O'Loughhn smgled to set the 'The loss to North was a clasSIChIgh school baseball game. ,tage for Schmitt's first of two hits • ChrIS Nelson delivered an RBI single m the third and South I have a lot of respect for the at each of those edded two more runs m the SIXth on Paul Yeskey's pinch RBI programs "double. Yeskey then scored on a SUICide squeeze by ChrIS schools because the coaches teach the game the way I'm NcGratty South's 9-5 loss to defendIng MAC WhIte champIOn Romeo last trying to teach our kids to play They make very few misp,veek was a mghtmare GrIesbaum hopes he never lIves through takes" >gain 24 MONTH LEASE Butzu was espeCially .. Schroeder and the Blue DeVils were leading 4-0 going into the Auto air sx pkg alloy whls bedllner AM.FM stereo/cass fact see s"stem pleased with the way ULS battop of the seventh when disaster struck The senior rlghthander tanned the first batter of the mnmg on a sharp-breaking curve tled back to tie Monday's game Sn the dirt that got past the catcher and the batter reached first with North, before losing 4-3 m mne inmngs, after spottmg l;afely ~ Two walks around another strIkeout loaded the bases, but the Mustangs a 3-0 lead in the first inning. ;nother walk forced In a run Schroeder then recorded his third "They've never won a game etnkeout of the mmng - and 14th of the game - for the second LOADED •ut, but walked the next two batters to force In two more runs. on North's field and they could Auto trans air eond AM/FMstereo/cass phone bit Gold :'\.. hris Tiede relieved and walked the first two batters he faced have hung their heads after Pkg spoIler Factory see svst woodgraIn;Sh & more _~ failIng behmd so qUIckly, but ~ fore gettmg the final out. All of a sudden, the Bulldogs had a 5-4 lead Without the bene- they're startmg to develop a never-say-die attitude," the fit of a hit in the seventh innmg coach said South tied the game WIth a run m the bottom of the seventh, 24 MONTH LEASE ~ MO. ~ but Romeo scored four times m the top of the mnth The KnIghts, who outhlt the O'Loughhn had two hIts for South, Schroeder hit a two run Mustangs 11-4, tied the game tlouble and Nel&on and Mike Gehrke drove in the Blue DeVIls' With a run m the top of the ULS had the bases ther runs Gehrke's came on his thIrd successful suiCIde seventh , loaded with one out m the top queeze of the season 37777 Gratiot Ave. • Clinton Township, MI 48036 South's III fortune contmued In Its next game as L'Anse Creuse of the mnth but couldn't break • 24 mo dose<l end lease based on 'llll'0Y0d credrt 12 OOJ m per _ wr1(J( per _ """'>90 I'lI5 till 0l!0 0Ial0s see dell rounded uP to next $25 ooemeo~ <Jes lesee ,.,. let ex"""" ,.", & _ Totli otlI;aOon ITUOlJIV P'1'T1l 'l!ml 0\l000 to North scored an unearned run In the bottom of the seventh to the tie PlXchase" lease end" ~ «OOUOt SALE ENDS So11-96 ~ge the Blue DeVils 4-3 ULS suffered Its first loss of 10 Schroeder, who had two hIts, gave South a 3-1 lead With a solo the season when Lutheran homer In the top of the Sixth The Blue DeVIls scored a pair of East scored three runs m the top of the seventh to win 3.0. unearned runs in the second : Schmitt started for South and pitched well He allowed four Bnan Legree pitched a strong game for the KnIghts. futs and one earned run 10 5 1/3 mnlngs ULS bounced back With a 6: The Blue DeVils' bats went Silent m their next league game as 5 VictOry over Cranbrook they lost 4.1 to Anchor Bay Kmgswood behmd the com• "We JU&t dIdn't hIt the ball and their pitcher threw strIkes," Onesbaum said "We had only four hits and struck out seven bmed pitchmg efforts of 'Ibm Delisle, Jeff Mehr and times, whICh IS above average for us " , South scored Its only run In the second mnmg on a smgle by Brandon Knope Cranbrook ralhed for five kyle McCartnev, a stolen base and McGratty's RBI smgle : Blue Devils "tartl.'r Nick Arrigo allowed four hits and two runs m the bottom of the sev~arned run" m four mnlngs Steve Gayman pitched hitless ball enth but had the tymg run thrown out at the plate on an (or the last two frames attempted steal of home WIth . Chn" Farka" pItched a two.hltter and struck out 10 m South's two out 6-3 non-league wm over East DetroIt "It was a strange way to : Gayman led the hlttmg attack With a double and Single and three RBI Steve Dcly had a "Ingle and double and drove m a have the game end, but their fun, while Schroeder, ClInt Adkm" and Dan Gough each collect- coach told me he felt It was the best chance he had because td a paIr of smgles the player who was battmg • South IS 13.6 overall hadn't hit the ball all day," Butzu said ChrIS Ford led the Knights' •• offense With a 3-for-4 perfor: There'" a "earch on for for- the old DetrOit Boat Club on mance Belle Isle KeVIn CoughlIn hIt a threell'Jer rower" "We'd lIke to put together : The DetrOIt Boat Club hopes run homer and had a paIr of (0 start a ma"ter" sectIOn for crew" to row three or four smgles, while ChrIS P0110S went 4-for-5 With two doubles fowers 27 and older Anyone times a week," said orgamzer to lead ULS to a 15-7 wm over ~terested should attend a DaVid Loveland The fee for the summer and Hamtramck ltIeetmg scheduled for Knope, who recorded seven ~aturday, May 11, at 8 am, at fall sessIOn IS $225 Sports Editor Blue Devils rebound after a tough week Last-inning losses only blemishes for ULS I NEW 1888 TACOIA PICK.UP 81111:0. t I. IEW COROLLA DX 7 _~"'-- _ 'III t 894-0800 • 48HOOO Gee CHEVROlET 1995 STARTING AT $16,495 $3211~. OR ~ormer rowers wanted I --_ ..... ..,,_.- .... "' ..... _4C __ Sl!Orts May 9,1996 Grosse Pointe News South earns bragging rights for Grosse Pointe tennis By Chuck Klonke after South's 6-2 wm over are two very evenly matched UnIversIty LIggett School teams" Grosse Pomte South's tennIS Earher, the Blue DevJ!b beat South's John B€rschback team hab one officIal dual meet Grosse Pomte North 6.2 and Mike Case beat the champIOnship and last week A sweep of the four doubles KnIghts' Peter Blrgbauer and the Blue Devils added an unof- matches decided the meet for 1Yler Welsenbeck 6-4, 4.6, 6-4 ficial one South, but It was a lot closer m No 1 s1Ogles, Greg Ryan and "We won the league (Macomb than the final score mdlcates. Aaron ZurSchmlede defeated Area Conference Red DIVISIon) "All four of the doubles EriC KIm and Jeff KenZie 6-2, and now we won the unoffiCial matches went three sets, so It 6-7, 6-2, Ryan Parshall and East SIde champIOnshIp," could have been 6-2 the other Brlan Brown ('amE' from behmd coach 10m Herschback saId way," Berschback saId 'These to beat their third doubles opponents, and Steve Andrls and Mike Cronm posted a 6-3, 6-7, 6-1 w10 over Ralph Harlk and Charlie Strong at No 4 doubles ULS' wms came In the first By Chuck Klonke coach said. two Singles matches as Shaun Sports Editor Earher, North fimshed first Jayakar beat Preston Gaspar Grosse Pointe North tenms in the Troy InVItatIOnal. 'fhe 6-3,7-5 and Karim Jlna defeatcoach Derek Lefevre wasn't Norsemen won five flights, edAJ Rohde 6-1, 7-6. dlsappo1Oted With hIs team's Includmg first SIngles where South's 1bny Theco won 6-0, fourth-place fimsh at last Ryan Dloskl beat an opponent Cullen McMahon, left, a former Grosse Pointe Park resident, has been elect6-1 at No.3 singles and David weekend's GPN Invitational. from Sterling HeIghts 6-3, 6.1. DeGutls edged Shan Massand ed captain of Yale's men's tennis team for the 1996-97 season. McMahon, a In fact, he was delighted Dloski missed last week's tour- 6-4, 7-6 at No 4 Singles. starter in singles aDd doubles during his three years at Yale. is a junior majorwith the way the Norsemen nament with a spramed ankle ing in English literature. McMahon was also captain of the tennis team at The Blue DevIls also made a performed Paul Hathaway fimshed first strong showing In last weekGrosse Pointe South in 1993. He was aD all-state selection during all four sea. "We didn't have two of our in No 2 smgles WIth a 7.6, 6-2 end's ULS InvitatIOnal, finish801lS he played for the Blue Devils. Cullen is the son of longtime Park residents top eIght guys," Lefevre said. victory over a Sterlmg Heights Brian and Diana McMahon, who now live in Old Saybrook, Conn. ing second to Ann Arbor "If we'd had our complete Ime- player. North beat Troy players Pioneer. up, we might have won. And It in three of the four doubles Pioneer had 19 points to 16 was a good field I felt better flights. Chad Whistler and for South about us finishing fourth In Peter Dannacker won 7-6, 6-1 "I don't usually say 'what if'>' thiS tournament than I did at No 1, Dimltn Karabetsos but our No. 1 singles player about wmn10g at Troy the and PIggott won 7-6, 6-1 at No missed because of a family Strength in the relays and gave ULS a 1-2 fimsh In the Plymouth ChrIstIan 39 and week before This was a much 2 and KrIshnan and Case post. commItment races carrIed and our No 2 dIstance 1,600 run The KnIghts also Harper Woods 11 stronger field" ed a 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 victory In doubles team couldn't play in Umverslty Liggett School's grabbed the first two places in The Knights' Theresa Oney Birmingham Seaholm was fourth doubles. boys track team to a first-place the finals because of another the 400 WIth Nowak (56 9) and won the long jump with a leap first with 28 pomts, followed by The Norsemen had 12 points finish in a recent triangular famIly function," Berschback Fortune (63.0) and finIshed 1-2 of 12-feet-4 and she was second Rochester Adams 24, Brother to 10 for second-place Troy said meet with Harper Woods and in the 3,200 WIth McDonald in the 800 run. She also ran on Rice 22 and North 21 North beat Macomb Area John Berschback and Case Plymouth Christian (1225) and Ford (1259) the wInning 800 relay and the 'The three teams that fin- Conference Red DIVIsion rIVals won the No. 1 doubles flight Coach Frank 'I'ymrak's 400 relay Ished ahead of us were ranked Stevenson and EIsenhower by with a 6-4, 6-2 victory over Knights had 68 points to 61 for In addItIOn to running on Jenmfer Silverston won the in the top 10 10 Class A," 8-0 scores and won each of the Woods and 29 for two wlnnmg relays, ULS' Birgbauer and Harper Nowak diSCUSwlth a throw of 57-3 and Lefevre saId. "I thmk we can matches In straIght sets. Plymouth ChrIstian Weisenbeck. Earlier, South's was first m the 400 and 800. Ranjana Roy won the 1,600 play WIth the top teams in the North's singles winners were team recorded a 7-6, 6-4 VIctorun in 7 19 state" DIoski, Hathaway, Patel and ry over Pioneer. The ULS 3,200-meter relay ULS Improved to 1-1 in the North got Its only champiRodriguez. Andris and Cronin won their team of Kurt Niemi, Masseha Metro Conference and 5-4 overULS' 800 relay team of onship from the No 4 doubles The winning doubles teams second tournament title in two McDonald, Matt Nowak and all Jasmine Beale, Karissa team of Sanju KrIshnan and were Whistler and Dannacker, weeks WIth a 6-3, 6-2 finals win Sonny Ford took first place In Feucht, LIsa Brown and Oney Ryan Case, who beat the Piggott and Karabetsos, Ronny over the fourth doubles team 955 was first in 2:03 The Knights Seaholm team 6-4, 6-4 Sawaf and Krishnan and Case from Ann Arbor GreenhIlls won the 1,600 relay in 5.21 The Norsemen had runners. and Eric Rask. ULS also won the 800 relay Parshall and Brown lost a With Roy, Brown, Feucht and up In two flights. Pant Patel in 1:44 WIth the team of Jumah three-set match to Pioneer's Alaina Powell was second at No.3 singles and The Norsemen posted a 6-2 No. 3 doubles team In the HamIlton, Nowak, McDonald the second doubles team of non-league victory over Grosse finals The ULS gIrls track team and Jonathan Kish and the The 400 relay team of Beale, Cameron Piggott and Andy Ile b;!or,; ~roppmg I!'Sfirst con~outh also ~t a strong per- Knights' 1,600 relay team of had some fine relay perfor- Feucht, Brown and Oney was Neeme was also runner-Up. mances.a.s ItlinWted ,;;~orld.m ferffiIce mllil1l '6-2.10 Grosse fonnance from lfoade in"'No 2 David Tidwell, Jordan second In 56.5. Lefevre was also pleased Pointe South. " .... '" ~ '~slngt'es:"'''''~ ........ ~ ~t, •• ,... Jaclumowicz. Jim Fortune and a quadra~ar WIth the performance of fresh. North's winners agaInst the He defeated North's Chris Niemi was first in 4-07 . ULS is 1-1 In the Metro man FranCIS RodrIguez in Blue Devils were Hathaway, Hathaway 2-6, 7-6, 6-1 after Ford (5.24) and NIemi (5:33) Domlmcan was first Wlth 7 9 Conference and 4-4 overall. fourth s1Ogles. points, followed by ULS 5 7, who posted a 6-1, 6-1 victory losmg to Hathaway 6-1, 6-1 In "He ran into a pretty good over AJ Rohde at second sin- the dual meet between the two player from Brother Rlce in the gles and Rodriguez, who beat teams first round and lost, but he won 1bny Theco 7.6,7-6 at No.3 sin"AJ. bounced back nicely," his next two matches," the gles. coach Berschback sald. Sports Editor Norsemen do well in tennis tournament Yale captain ULS oys win triangu ar meet Girls track North's Meli thrives in a crowd By Chuck Klonke Sports Editor Pat WIlson wasn't sure how Vince Meli would react to running in a crowd but the Grosse Pointe North boys track coach hked what he saw from his jUnIor middle-distance runner In last weekend's Sterling Heights InVItational Meli won the 800-meter run in a personal-best 2'02 9 to highhght a strong performance by the Norsemen at one of the area's top meets "Vince had never run in a big crowd before, but (assistant coach) Dick Green talked to him and (teammate) Dave Slanec told hIm how to stay out of trouble," Wilson said "He made good decISIons and Just pulled away in the last 300 meters. "He beat a lot of the better runners In the area It was a real mce race " Meh had the only first place for the Norsemen, but there were several other good efforts Slanec came off the injured hst to finish fourth 10 the 400 in 536, whIle J.R HIller also gave North a fourth in the hIgh Jump WIth a leap of 5.feet-10. Leonard Harris was sixth In Stanley was coming off an the 100 and John Bommarito outstanding race In North's 84took sixth 10 the pole vault 52 dual meet victory over when he cleared 10-0. L'Anse Creuse North in the Harris' best time of the day Macomb Area Conference Blue came in a preliminary heat DiviSIOn when he ran 11.5. His 12 1 In Stanley had his best time the final was mto a brisk WInd. ever - a 15.2 - in beating the Freshman 1bm Smyly ran a Crusaders' hurdler who won 4:50 In the 1,600 the Macomb County Indoor and sophomore Chris Hirt had meet championship earher thIS his best time of 4'55 in the year. same race The two North run''Kevin got out well and just ners finished 1-2 10 the first kept going," Wilson saId. heat of the 1,600. North's other individual KeVIn Grant was clocked in firsts came from Smyly, 1,600, 10:29 10 the 3,200 run and led 5:02, Meli, 400, 54.7; Jeff for about half the race. Sachin Henson, 800, 2:121; Shah, Shah ran a 10'50, beating his 3,200,11:14; Hiller, high jump, previous best by nearly 10 sec- 5-10, and Steve Fennell, shot onds. put, 41-6. Other personal bests were Freshmen David Hirt and recorded by Rob Ehzondo, 300 Matt Dula tied for first place in hurdles, 44.9, Randy Larrabee, the pole vault 800, 2 15; and Eddie Marzan, North also won the 3,200 400,579 relay with the team of 1bm The only downer of the meet McGrane, Larrabee, Grant and was a pulled quad muscle suf- Henson posting a tIme of 9:47. fered by Kevin Stanley, the The 400 relay team of defending champIon in the 100 Hams, Stanley, NIck Goerke hurdles and Dave Massaron also took a "He won hIS first heat and first then hiS hamstrmg locked up," The Norsemen outscored Wilson saId "Hopefully, it's not LeN 36-0 In the pole vault and too senous." dIstance races South bows to two tough foes Last week was a tough one for Grosse Pomte South's lacrosse team, whIch lost 11-5 to L'Anse Creuse and 23-5 to Brother Rice The Blue DeVIls' defense wasn't able to handle L'Anse Creuse's attackmg offense The Lancers had 40 shots on goal, while South managed only 21 •And of those 21, only seven were taken from an attackmg positiOn The other 14 were taken by midfielders, which contnbuted to some defenSIve breakdowns John Bayko had the only goal by an attacker Jason 'We knew we were up Donahue had three goals and agamst one of the better hIgh MIke Blanco one for South school teams In the country Donahue and Matt Moran I'm proud of how our entIre each had one assIsts team hung m there and South played a better game mcreased Its level of play, comagamst Brother Rice, but the pared to the game agaim.t score doesn't show It L'Anse Creuse We were not The Warriors were the mtlmldated " MIdwest champIOns last year The Blue Devlls had only 13 and their only loss m 14 games shots on goal Jason Donahue thIS season was to Cleveland had two goals and BIll Sumner, St IgnatiUS 10 overtime Scott Gallaher and MIke 'The game agamst Brother Robson added one apIece Rice was a good growmg expeMoran had two aSSISts, whIle rIence for our team," saId Andre Veasey and Adam S"uth coach Gary Donahue WhItehead each collected one. 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I ')ft •...,_""~.!!!!!!I!l!!.$ •••••• -':'Mldl k b? ~. - May 9,1996 Sports Grosse Pointe News 7C Second chance helps ULS beat Mustangs By Chuck Klonke Sports Editor It Isn't often a soccer player gets a second chance after a missed OppOlLunlty, but UnIversity Liggett School's ErIca Brammer was grateful for hers It happened during the KnIghts' 2-0 Metro Conference victOry over Lutheran North last week and It made coach David Backhurst feel a lot better, too Early In the match, Brammer took an excellent crossing pass from Casey Papa and when the Mustangs' defender fell, Brammer had ::t cle:lr shot Ufl goal "She hurned her shot and kicked It right into their goalie," Backhurst said ''When you miss an opportunity lIke that you wonder If you're going to get another one" ULS didn't have to wonder long A couple of minutes later, Karin Salden set up Brammer and this time she drIlled a shot Into the lower left corner of the net to give the Knights a 1-0 lead 13 mmutes Into the game "They're our archrIval In the league," Backhurst said "Last year both games were a battle and we expected the same this year" North began dominating the game after ULS' goal but the defensive wall of goalkeeper Melanie Buhahs and defenders Abby Tompkms, Salden, Brooke WrIght and Sara Trombley kept the Mustangs off the scoreboard The St. Clare varsity girls basketball team won a Catholic Youth Organization district playoff champl. "North has two outstandmg players In Sara Mudry and Nicki onship for the third straight season. Coach Mike Shapiro's squad was second in its division and advancccl Nosek and we knew we had to keep them m check," Backhurst to the final eight in the playoffs. In the front row, from left, are Jessica Brady, Lairen Marshall. Jory Porter. said "Salden stopped Mudry and Brooke did a good Job on Jillian Papa, Megan Shapiro and Sherma Brown. In back, from left. are coach Mike Shapiro. Tia Lathan, Nosek, even though she was outweighed by several pounds. Bonnie Aumann, Kaitlyn Quigley. Ann Sullivan. Rebecca Brady. Andrea Perkins. Erayna Gamble and Angela "Mer we got ahead the defense really stepped up Melanie Blackwell. made some real good saves North hkes to take a shot and then charge In for the rebound Melanie had glue on her hands and didn't give up any rebounds, even though she was bumped a couple of times. This IS her first year In goal, but she's plaYIng hke a veteran" '!\vo minutes before halftime, Jessica Papa passed to Shera Teitge for the goal that gave ULS a 2.0 lead "They had two players on Shera and she Just weaved her way through them," Backhurst said The Knights' other two victories last week came a bit eaSIer By Chuck Klonke "I'm sure Paul's mJury had With a 14-6 loss to East Grand agamst East Grand Rapids. Backhurst skIpped the 9-0 VictOry over Plymouth ChrIstian Sports Editor an effect on our team," Fowler Rapids, which began the seaEarlIer, ULS lost 10-7 to because he wanted to scout Lutheran North's game With Romeo Umverslty Liggett School's said "Nobody knew for sure son ranked No 1 In Class B Notre Dame in a game that and the Knights didn't need him boys lacrosse team would prob. how bad It was when he was ''They play well and have featured five goals and an Shera Teltge scored three goals for ULS, while Mieke Teitge, ably hke to forget last week taken to the hospital" some terrific athletes," Fowler assist by the Irish's Casey KarIne Pohs, Brammer, TompkIns, Trombley and Casey Papa The Knights lost a couple of The game was a strange one said ''We made some adJust- Wakula added one apiece. games and they also lost one of for ULS The Knights' Kevin ments in the second half and Notre Dame scored three "That's our youth movement," Backhurst said. "Shera's a their key players WIth a frac- Espy opened the scormg, but played a good half" goals in the final 1 52 of the senior, but the others are all underclassmen" ture of the tibia Just above the the Ventures answered With Sophomore Andy Adamo first half to turn a 4-3 deficit Buhahs and Mleke Teltge shared the shutout ankle four straight goals to lead 4-1 moved mto Huebner's midfield Into a 6-4 halftime lead. TiJe Knights completed the week With a 6-0 Win over Metro Paul Huebner was Injured after the first perIOd pOSitIOn and played well The Knights tied the score in Conference rival Cranbrook Kmgswood durmg the 8-4 loss to Bishop "It could have been a lot dlf- Fowler said he was also the thIrd quarter on goals by "We played a real slUggish first half," Backhurst said ''We Foley and wlll be out for the ferent because Blair Ridder hit pleased With the midfield line Huebner and Ramey, but Notre were up 2-0 by the time the game was 10 minutes old and some- season two posts and two crossbars m of Jamie Gramenos, who Dame scored two times in the times that's not a good thmg We had a 2-0 lead at halftime, but "It's unfortunate for Paul the first quarter," Fowler said scored tWICe against East third period and added a goal weren't happy With the way we played The girls responded at because he was playmg well for Each team scored once In the Grand Rapids, Berc Backhurst early In the fourth quarter to halftime and played a much better second half" us," said ULS coach John second perIOd With Ridder get- and Brendan Thomas. lead 9-6 Casey Papa opened the scoring four minutes Into the game Fowler. "He's one of the more- tlng the ULS goal, assisted by "Those are three rookies who Huebner and Ramey each With her SIster Jessica assisting Brammer talhed the second experienced players on our Sergei Lie are getting better," the coach scored tWice for ULS, while goal from Mleke Teltge "" " .• ,rto ...-'" young team" TIllta-ptmod goals by Chris said Bray Miller, JObn Riddle a,'hd Shera Teltge, TompkinS, Brammer and'Caeey PayJatieQl'l«ntIe Huebner suffered hiS inJury' -Mitchell and Espy brought the The PIOneers scored four Ridder added\~"~ apl6Ce second-half goals for ULS early m the fourth quarter and Knights Within one, but they goals In the lllst six mmutes of RIddle coUl!'cted tbMl assl!t8 The Knights are 7-1 overall and 3-0 in league play. ULS has the Knights were traIlmg 5-4 couldn't get the equahzer the first quarter to snap a 2-2 and Ramey had one. • .) • posted SIXstraight shutouts and has allowed only seven goals all at the tIme Foley went on to "It was a good comeback," tie, then added five goals In the "The difference In that game year, includmg SIXagaInst Bishop Foley break the game open WIth Fowler SaId. ''We were much second perIod, mcluding one in was the dominance of Notre three goals m the last 4 48. stronger clearing the ball m the final second of the first Dame's No 12 <Wakula)." Fowler said "Both teams the second half We had 10 half clears In the second half after Gramenos scored both of hiS played well " only five In the first" goals In the first half, includmg The Knights also bowed 17-3 Goalie Jason Capen played the second while doing a barrel to VAnse Creuse. Huebner had Here are results from the RBI carrIed the Red Sox Winnmg record the Victory Matt Jarboe collectPrep DiviSIOn of the Grosse pitcher Matt Jarboe stole seven bases ed three hits, while Steve Babcock and well, making 15 saves roll five feet from the goal cage two goals and Mitchell one for Pointe Farms-City-Park Babe Thomas Martm, John Russell and Todd Otto each had two hIts Jared "In lacrosse If you stop 50 Mike Rainey and Espy also tal- ULS, while Gramenos had the Ruth League Mark Peppler each had two RBI for the Plasky had an extra.base hit Sean Red Sox Jack 'Ibcco had a double, sm- O'Sullivan, Blake Goebel and Thomas percent of your shots It'S con- hed for the KnIghts in the first only asSiSt gle and three steals for the RangeZ1l Martm also had key hits for the Red Sidered good Sixty percent IS half ULS got second.half goals The Knights, who are 2-6, outstandmg," Fowler said Mariners 2, Giants 1 Sox. from Rainey and Ridder. VISit Grosse Pointe North Sean McLeod pItched five mnlngs of Red Sox 13, Giants 2 Giants' leftfielder Rouse had a hit ULS closed out the week Capen made 18 saves today, May 9, at 4 p.m. one.hlt baseball but Todd Lorenger John Russell pltl'hed a four-hitter to District champs Knights lose a key lacrosse performer A CtIOn on Ba b e Ru th d-lamon d S pIcked up the vtctory With two mmngs of hItless rehef James Burns led Ihe Manners' offense With Iwo hits and two runs Schlecter and Rouse pItched well for the GIants Mariners 3, Marlins 2 Wmnmg pItcher Paul Lochlrco struck out eIght The Manners scored three runs 10 the fifth mnlng. With the key hIts commg from Joshua McEachern and Pat MIchels Todd Lorenger blanked the Marhns over the last 2 213 10m ngs to earn the save Jaeger doubled and Zenns homered for the Marhns Brewers 9, Twins 8 The Brewers scored early on sacrl. fice flIes by Rob Crandall and Adam Rasb and aggressIve baserunnlng by Sean Hughes and Andrew Vlasak The Twms cut the lead to one run 10 the fifth WIth key smgles by Dlndoffer and Wittstock and stolen bases by TIm Lepczyk and S,zemore and two RBI ClIYOfOf)ross.e~oint.e ~ark.MICh,gan Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed 1996 City Property Taxes and 1996-97 BUdget FrVE STAR ........... COLLISION The City CouncIl of the City of Grosse Pomte Park. MIchigan will hold a Public Heanng at 7 00 p.m. on Monday. May 20, 1996 In !he CounCil Chambers at the MUniCipal Offices, 15115 E Jefferson, on Ihe proposed 1996 City tax levy and on !he proposed 1996-97 Clly budget Copies of lhe proposed budget are available for public In~pectJOn dunng regular busmess hours m the office of Ihe City Clerk begInnmg May 14, 1996 -ZZZE_ 19500 Harper. Harper Woods • (313) 343-5443 Z'...- "P~~. _ "'e 7Ue 4e ~ Pubhc comments. oral or wnllen, are welcome at !he public heanng on the proposed millage rale and the proposed CIty budgel ~--. ~ Jane M. Blahut City Cler~ G P N 05/09196 Brewers 6, Marlins 1 The Brewer. scored all lhelr rons 10 the first two lOnmgs John Durant and ,Jermame Holland had back to back slOgle;, to keep 8 rally ahve James VanDePutte played a good defenSive game at first ba,e Waldmelr pItched the last rour lOnlOgs for the Marhns and strock out SIX Red Sox 15, Rangers 2 Steve Babcock'. four hits and four For REPRINTS • • o( Editorial Photos. • • 4'U e~rt1« ;e~ <11 d~. eo~. Ye4reh4 ~ -. ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ -aL ~ ~..;ppe. eo ........ -U tdk .......eo ~ dae ~ _ _ed-a ..U'4 ~ ¥et:<a'<s-e UAcU ~..-~. ~ -de.-.e - t:'_ eop ~ ;e~. ....... ~ u.e- ..e. 13, Mets 0 Brewers pllchers Andrew Vlasak and Aaron Bayko combined for 11 stnkeouts Rob Crandall had two son gles and Adam Raab h,t a sacnfice fly Alhe Schm,dt .Iole three bases and scored tWIce K1ttle made several good defenSIVe plays for Ihe Mets • • "If ~. .. ~ "P~ ~-~_dt:t«de ~ Brewers ~~ The property tal( millage rate proposed to be le\ ied to support the proposed budget will be a subject of this meeting. Call 882.f)090 • • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID oJ 0 E R Ice ••• The Board of Educallon of The Gro~~e Pomte Pubhc School Systcm. Wayne County. MIChigan. Will receive sealed bld~ for lechnology Improvemenls at nme elemcntary schools DEAL WITH SpeClficallon~ and BId Forms WIll be avallahle at a MANDATORY pre-bid wall.. through on Fnday, May 17. 1996 begmnlng at 9 00 am. at Trombly Elementary School, 820 Beacon~fleld. Gro~~e Pomte Park. MI and contmuIng to Maire, Monlelth. Ma~on and Poupard Elementary Sch()()l~ ;G'~lll;\'")\ \ ~ I ~ ~lJ I ~ .8/ WIll rc~ume at Defer Elementary School, 15425 Kercheval. Gro~se Pomte Park, MI begmnlng al 9 00 a m and WIllcontmue to RIChard Kerby, and Ferry Elementary Schools Plea~e direct que~lIon~ to James Franlz, Technology Coordinator, al 311-417-0465 BOARD OF EDUCATION THE GROSSE POI)'Ij,E PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM Frenk Siaden G P N 05109196 and 5/16J96 Secrelary _.,......,-------~--......-----.r_ ~ •• •• ARC 0 L LIS ION,s proud to announce tiU:_~-4 ..... ~ .. i ------- I~ I , I L. US, THE PROFESSIONALSI We Specialize In••, Patnhng and Drying DIagram On Monday. May 20. 1996 the MANDATORY pre-bid walk through Sealcd bids Will be due Wednesday, May 29. 1996 al lOOp m at the Admml~tratlon BUlldmg of The Gros~e Pomte Board of Educallon, ,89 Sl ClalTAve . Gro~se Pomte, MI 48230. al whIch lime and place Ihe bld~ Willbe opened and pubhcly read aloud I • F I V EST their Grand Openmg' HaVlng only the fonest and most advonced equrpment ovo,)oble ,n the IndUStry, our Goal,s to assure you a Perfect Reporr WIth Qu,ck Serv,ce For More Infonnohon Call ConDIe, Coll,Slon MOrloger (3131 343 5443 • Repair of all makes and Models • PrecIsion Unl-Body Frame Straightening • Computerized Color Matching • State of the Art MDust Free" Paint and Drying Booths ~J'4ulSC" "We Handle AllInsurance Claims" Joe Ricci, Five Star ColliSion 00 DEDUMBLE OFF ~II -------- --------------------------~ _ .... Ai. •• • Exptres 6115/96 $ P ................... .,. ~- ... ~ .... .",.."....,. __ I As Our Grand Opening Special I Especially For You. F1ve CoIlIeIon I (Ask Joe Alcd SIll. lor o.t.IIe) Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection Classified Advertisin 96 Kercheval. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 D£AI)UNES "2 _lb'doy Rei;Esue &R ...... 'M:lrmy~pm INDEX HELPIH.\T£D _ Clas.5.tea eo"" -AlI~Aa~ )(l, ..>t" .... .J. ')( "'0" ?" ~~ \ ')p") ~ {J. "\. ::.l '" ill ~ a i!\. '\r1.J,\Ioo.j..J. IIEAScllED I~ ~ """ "'" -jll\6loet1cuo6cetJr 1lb"aly6 p'" • WoncIay .. pm - AU. c:ANC£lS a OW!GfS 1'I\I:Stbel1eo.rt#lceey lb'doy. p '" "2_T~-~","""",00' '- -.., de'$~~ln:EI!>CV'C1'~Of' ~credlr~e:atlO'I """ "....,. - S',801"""" ... 11160 ",""",'" ClASSlF"Y1NG &. CENSORSh P rql.kle:t.wlty8llCMadiHJt!lrtS~ We ~ p" ., e!"'IE ... iXlIIlECTIONS l.\D..IJSTlIl'NT 5 ~"",,... ~1WtI:t,WhIt.:II(lM"e' • <::IIIbldl!'llld'lwO&Cliilre-'\t1"'~ pcnotItlrrtY~n\AI:~\1Y8'1 t1lrrletrGO'tectool'1!rJet:ljlCwn;;css.lE ......... c~ ""r "a I';l ..... .x ............ i'C ~.J.~ ~ i:\. 2"".e r-'r.r ~.e ~l"""'l b ~ t~ """90' Rwu'S c., SlaJe NAME .s.."'.....,....Se<t<>1"V""""" ..... AODRESS Clo$lAoo RoO E",. Id. """'" ~'*wCErTllllElt)iLotl 613 ~'ar1eclro~ 61'" ~nsu'ne PHONE .....,~ A.~ .... - WtU&./ll'ltI"Cl~b'~W1e HEADING SITl mO\ 1lA.\'TED X tf ... ~ 6So: .\tl>_ 651 Boa 01 5al'iC~'S Wk .)J2 ....v"'I.3.t"S..o?tIl ).13 J<!," \,.J ~ --_O~2 ~'SI.I;n;~ 503 5oa""",..,. 5«><. So.. Boo ~Oocuge AMOUNT ." SIGNATURE 659_ '" '"""'" l:S c..,.,... 65E~kill$ .n:: ~t'':'ea'\~ hcusE""r>r; ,jj7 ~6 ..r...e ~"""; So' """' __ ..a CITY ZIP o. [) NWORDS __ RECREATlO\,AL , _ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ::.p:r~C~s TL.Q.S Va."S Wks __ ---Ii.].. 3 Wks TOTAL COST PER WEEK 0_4 Wks 0:lE ENCLOSED _ Wks _ N EXP DATE 5oIlUct:l<_ ""'~A.."(lS 6Ell T""", Use this handy form or write your ad on a separate sheet jf desired. Mf.RCIIA. 'iDlSE "1lI"llIIa,,,,,,'" ... 1\3 "-<8S.Nar'ms Par'S tal 6 61 r-, "" ~~Tr.e~es.etW$it.e ~ "'.e- ~ "' .....iEI'~ 1 6()) o.),c' c:A.SHAA1ES 12WO'osS9CE1 MCtlW.r,:na. w:td65c S2 00 lee lor *'9"'" OF'£NIlIoTES """,,OlIO> 12...... """ _ :JC., ""-'1: r ... ~~f\ae-.. rr.. 6(t.~4Vr'1'1e'E11 6C '\ (313) 882.6900 Fax# 343.5569 4-00 A. ~~ ...::: "":Jl"\..8$ ~2 ...."S&Crr.s 403 A,..a.:Y's 404 a.y~ 4...""4..~ vr"C' (1$ t~:ae~l"'> Few:n,:: 4Ce t ...... ,ze .-c' 409 Ga a~"VJ, ::l'aas.eMer" 40~::ls.ail!l$ 4" Jf'we,,,, • 2 ""'.sc ArCts • J ~1JS<a. "'$'" ""eI""S ,.,. .. ()',c&'S...s""es.$£C"~ "''5 \\i!""~1 CLASSIFIED 96 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 882-6900 • Fax (313) 343-5569 S~il!I$ a~ $9.08 for 12words. Additional A.\lMALS 5004..~aP8' 5C S.-:lFcrSaa SC2~F()'Sae 5CJ Ii>.lsro"?g',jf:r:S.a& 504 """"'\l::~Sxet.e! 50':>."E:J.. ADVERTISING words, .65' each. ~ CS!'a"'CFo..-"'ld :)1!fO~ Pe'~~e'" ~t! 50S "_ G"""" AlJ'TO'IOm'E lJJ: t{Jl O:":ty$.~ 002 FOf1 6:)3 Get'«aI"bwrs ll)) Ig T.l """"4"= ;0, 100 PE~SONAlS • Fc<.1' 100'ERSOHALS ATTENTION: Save 2050% on your monthly grocery bill Call 1-800466-9222 x4862 112.33 • 101 'RAYE~S 114 MUSIC EDUCAJlON 120 IUJO~ING EDUCAJlON 200 HELP WANJED GENERAL 11038 11103 11168 112.98 $1363 114.28 200 HELP WANIEO GENERAl 200 HELP WANJED GENE~Al THANK you St Anthony for a prayer answered RES PIANIST for parties, clas- DON'T know what to do CONSTRUCTION laborer! DOC'S Cafe- Restaurant ASSISTANT Sically trained, all styles, With your computer? assistant Needed for help needed, all pOSIMANAGER plano tuning also Consultation, training busy general contractor tions available Apply (810)967-1015 Bravol Programs inclUding Win. GRAPHICS Full time, 40+ hours per wlthm 10 a m to 6 p m CALLIGRAPHY by J' 102 LOSJ & FOUND dows 95 313-824-4258 1 DAV COMPUTER week Some construc24317 Jefferson Ave, PIANO and GUitar WEDDING AND PARTY SIGN STORE tion experience benefeGROSSE POINTE between 9 & 10 Mile LOST blue bridesmaid. lessons For mformaMn INVITATIONS REAExcellent opportUnity layclal Neat appearance LEARNING CENTER dress In Jacobson's call Thomas, 313-885SONABLE 313-882EXPERIENCED out & computer deSign and good manners a • Tutorrng All Sublects 1929 bag, Monday, 5-6, on 4871 Bartender! Manager expererlence with Gerbmust Deliver resume to • K- Adult Lakeshore In Grosse CALLIGRAPHY Elegant wanted Apply THE MUSIC Tree- SUZUki, er eqUipment or graph724 Notre Dame, May • Counseling POinte Shores 885hand lettering for wed Thai- Chi Express, Violin lessons Certified, ICS deSign a plus Will 10, 13 & 14 only, 9am• Diagnostic Testing 1747 101'ftAVUS dings, business parlles, 630 Woodward, Detroit al) ages, 810-7737569. train Send resume to 5pm • Learning Disabilities certrficates, etc Call 313EXPERIENCED lawn cutLisa Salgh-Smlth I 03 AHO~HEYS/LEGALS Sign Store, 18530 Mack • School Readiness NOVENA TO ST. JUDE CONSTRUCTION workers 521.2619 ters help wanted Good Ave, #426. Grosse • PubliC Speaking May the Sacred Heart of needed Drivers license 117 S(CftEJAftIAL SEIIVICES Betsy B Mellos CREATE your own beauty pay Scarceilis Lawn POinte Farms MI 48236 • Study Skills Jesus be adored, glOriand references reqUired Attorney & Counselor look WIth skin care and Care 810-447-0077 Serving The EducatJonal BOAT maintenance Comfied, loved and preRehable 810-n8-9860 810-nl-3747 colortul artistry cosmetBUSINESS AND EXPERIENCED walt staff Community For 20 Vears served throughout the pany looking for full & COOKS and dishwashers DIVorce & Family Law TECHNICAL SERViCES ICS from ~!!,,~ay Fashneeded Lunches, week131 Kercheval On The Hili , worle, now &4orever part time positions Must Initial Consultation Free n!leded, FuU tlm@, fle.xlIon ass entlals far the esend nights Apply at 343-0836 343-0836 Leser PTUltor Oh Sacred Heart of Jehave expenence ble hours L Bow Room, sential you, Phone your Franklin St BreWing Co 109 ENrE~IAINMi:Nr REAL Estate Pre- Licenssus, pray for us worker (810)447-2117 Bus mess • Tech mcal Harper Woods 884Amway dlstrlbU10r 8101560 Franklm St, AcademIC Ing Course Fundamenof miracles, pray for us CAREER POSITIONS 7622 MedIcal. Dental • Legal 826-4230 Detroit (Not between 11 tals of Real Estate to St JUde, helper of the CLASSICAL musIC for any AVAILABLE COUNTER Person Must occasion Solo. duo. triO, & 2), (313)568-0390 ENGLEBERT Humpe~ LeHers • Re~rts • Memos prepare you for the hopeless, pray for us Experienced people needExtra Wide SpreadsheelS be 18 Apply WJ1hlnAlg- FIN ISH PalntersqUIntet. gUitar, wmds, dlnck- Fox Theater. 2 Say thiS prayer 9 times a good State Exam Classes Bookkeepln,g ed for long and short er Delt & Liquor. 17320 VOice 810-661-2241 tickets for Sunday May Muillpan Involctng wages, references renow forming Fee Inday By the 8th day, term assignments TemMack. 19, 7 pm Center MezqUired Start Immediatecludes textbook and all your prayer Will be an D.J.'ING for all occasions Casselle Transcnptlon porary to permanent Slandard • Micro' Mml zanine $35 each Call ly (313)886-7602 Classified Advertising materrals Call 399-8233 swered It has never Wedding SpeCials Best Legal & ExecutIVe Patt at 885-2371 or 886to register Coldwell been known 10 fall nevFOR Rent- Hairdressers! sound, variety & price Desktop Publishing Secretanes 4200 OptIcal Characler Scans Banker School of Real er Publication must be Haircutters You should 810-268-1481 Word Processors INDV 500 Tickets Four Estate promised Thanks, St, FAIRV Godmother availacheck out the space and Personalized Data Entry Clerks Repellhve Leuers great $65 seats behind Jude 10r prayers anplace A unique work TUTORS Certrfied elemenReceptionists 45 wpm CRAFTER5- Bazaar Octoble for entertalOlng at Envelopes • Label> prts 824-8358 evenings swered Special Ihanks envJroment Caruso's of Matlmg USI Maintenance tary and secondary Pleasant Working ber 11 & 12 Good opchildren's parties Call to our Mother 0 f PerSt Clair Shores MOTHER'S Day Special I teachers SpeCialties' Atmosphere portunlty to show your Chantelle 331-7705 Theses • DlSSenatlOns Term Papers • Manuscnpts petual Help E B (810)776-2112 Do something extraordiLearning disabilities, RUTH PARADISE TEMPS talents at beautiful new INKV THE CLOWN & Foreign Language Work Spanish, reading and nary Grve your mom the 964-0640 St George Hall In Troy FULL or part time leasing NOVENA TO ST JUDE DINKY TOOl Face agent needed FleXible math 313-417-3798 gift of health to help re May the Sacred Heart of CASHIER needed- full & Rental fee 1 day $35. 2 painting, balloons and Sla~~~'~~ai,I~Sra?~arts weekends Must have juvenate, restore and re part time pOSitions availdays, $60 for 10' X 6' magic (313)521-7416 Jesus be adored, glOri200 HEL' WANJED GENERAL Resumes • V,lae experience Send revitalize her, right In the able, afternoons Apply space If Interested call fied loved and preCover Leners • Apphcallons sume to box 07006, C/o 112 HEALTH I. NUJ~1lI0N convenience of her own In person Mack! Moross Alice, 810-932-5636 afserved throughout the ADVERTISING CernfUd Professro7UII Grosse POinte News & home call now your loAmoco, 19100 Mack ter6 p.m world, now & forever Rlsumi~er ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE DIABETICI FREE SUP. Connection, 96 Kercal certified, expertAve, Grosse POinte DAYTIME waitress need. Oh Sacred Heart of JeVal Pak, one of the nations PLIES, HOME DELIV. 811-4800 cheval, Grosse Pomte enced, therapeutic masFarms ed Apply to person sus pray for us worker most successful and ERV. You must have inFarms MI48236 sage therapist SpeCialcache Cafe. 15023 East of miracles pray for us fastest growing dtrect CASHIER! sales needed surance or Medicare To /19 TRANSPORTATION! TRAVEL ized gentle care for the FULL time mamtenance Immediately for Ren Jefferson, Grosse St Jude helper of the mall advertiSing compaqualify must take Insulm elderly Gift certificates and housekeepers Cen Card Shop Apply POinte Park hopeless pray for us ntes IS In need of an acSorry, no HMO's Call 1avaIlable, personal 3 MARKETEERS needed ResponSibilities Say thiS prayer 9 times a 10 person Vollmer's DELIVERV man, some count executive for the 800-762-8026 house calls and women mclude preparing room Airport Shuttle day By the 8th day, Hallmark. 200 Ren cen. heavy work 30- 40 Warren area ThiS entry only Reasonable Call set-ups, general cleanPersonal Shopping your prayer Will be an- SICK & TIRED? Natural Jefferson Ave entrance hours call 9am- lOam level oU1slde sales poslfor an appointment toIng and upkeep Must be solution to Improved en- Errands & Appointments swered It has never 313-882-6739 bon Includes salary plus CERTIAED nursing asslsday laura lInzlng, CM out-going, responSible ergy, stamina. mental COMPARE OUR PRICES been known to fall nevcommiSSion, training, tant and chore care DEUVEAV People need343-9655 or 886-0894 and self motIVated MeCall Us Today clarity, plus bus mess oper Publication must be .::ar and gas allowance, compantons, wanted for ed $8- $10 per hour Apchanically inclined a And Relax Tomorrow!! promised Thanks, St, portuOily FREE audiO PHOTOGRAPHY. speCialmedical and other beneaU shifts Male and feply In person after 4 plus Apply In person 810-399-9978 Jude for prayers antape 313-881-2163, IZIng In weddings & por fits Send resume to male For apPointments p m Mama Rosa's PIZGrosse POinte War MeCTN 91433 swered Special thanks trarts black! white & col Val Pak call Bathers Home zena 15134 Mack monal. 32 Lakeshore. to our Mother 0 f Peror Reasonable Bernard Atten: Linda Baker Health Care 810-616- DEUVERV! warehouse up Grosse POinte Farms petual Help T U I (313)885-8928 2180 Schoolcraft Rd. 0600 to 15- 20 hours week 882-6900 LOOK Ctasslfied Advertising 882-6900 Fax 343-5569 TAKE the 1 hour vacation Massage Therapy Betsy Breckels 313-884 1670 AMTA TROPICAL Plant DeSign & Maintenance Service Rtildentlal! Commercial 313-884-7352 WINSTED'S Custom Frammg Framing matting Quality work Reasonable rates Margaret 313331-2378 100'ERSONALS NOVENA TO ST JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored glonfled, loved and pre served throughout the world now & forever Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us worker of miracles, pray for us St Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us Say thiS prayer 9 times a day By the 8th day your prayer Will be answered It has never been known to 1all nev er Publlcalfon must be promised Thanks SI Jude for prayers answered Special thanks to our Mother 0 f Per petual Help T U I lOll PERSONALS GIVE THE GIFT of Uvonla, Ml 48150 Only qualified applicants Will be contacted J{ealtfi - 61" CeI'tID_telI "v.llabIe. - InH_ SeMi_. Therapeutic 120 JUJOIIING EDUCATION Massage APPLICATIONS accepted for stock clerk, dell Yorkshire Food Market, 16711 Mack -------- Reliable transportation Fax your ads 24 hours CITV of Grosse POinte Rlck,810-n9-5810 Woods seeks school 882-1585 prep. crossing guards tempo- DISHWASHERS! person, waitresses & GENERAL Landscapers rary, seasonal work cooks Full time, part needed Experrence pre$6 39 per hour to start, 3 time Apply In person at ferred but hard working hours maxImum per Irish Coffee Bar & Grill, ambitiOUS person over day Applications may 18666 Mack Ave. 18 may apply 313-526be obtained at City Hall 1572 Grosse POinte Farms located at 20025 Mack Plaza or by calling 313200 Hm WANTED GfNERAL 200 HEL' WANJED GENERAL 343-2446 E 0 E CALIFORNIA artist, BA, MA, MFA Offeflng art ART gallery needs fnendly instructions D'Anna enthuslatlc person for (313) 882-6463 Kramer, 810-779-4529 sales and framing approximately 30 hours COLLEGE students to per week Including SatI 00 'E~SONALS paint In Grosse POinte 100 PE~SONALS urday experrence necfor summer (810)777essary Call 810-774 5475 2787, ask for Kat or Jo- COLLEGE students! othhanna ers Manna help clean109, sandlOg, painting, :ARN between $7 $10 parts PIckup Must have per hour If you are decar Nonsmoker Sertpendable can work full ous mqulrtes only Call time, and have own after 6, 331 9820 RECEIVE A DISCOUNY transportation thiS land CONSTRUCTION helper scaplng POSition could ON PRIVATE PARTY ADS for reSidential repairs be for you Pnor expenRoofing, painting Own ence WJ1hlarge walk bepre paymc.n: req tl1 red transportation (3t3)892hind mower and shrub Offer Good Through 6 I 96 9060 Real E'tate For <;ale, Rentals & All Se",ce I BU~lne~, trimming a must Please ( j ~\.~~ ] F I F. ;J Ad~ are E.ctllded from ,pee .. ] of~er call Timberline Landscaping, Inc 313-886- by Cherie 'By jlP1"'" tme. t Only EARN EXTRA CASH BY DELIVERING JUST ONCE A WI. AND NO COlLECTING INVOLVED 15% called In On saeu ......... Classified In. fiG) 882-1100 3299 coS!EcnoN IS seeking reliable & consclentfuous Individuals to delIVer In St Clair Shores & Harper WOOds k~.~'f '~'f'I'~'llb - •~ - ------ - -,;;;r,:;Al ••• n--IIII MORIINFORMAnON. (AU 810-294-1333 .!!l!!!! •• " .... FFl __ .. .. ...I._oj Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection lED GENfRAL 200 HELP WANHD GENERAL 200 HElP WANHD GENfRAL 200 HELr WANIED GfNEMI GROSSE POinte Com. INDEPENDENT Insurance ~ munlty Education IS Agency seeking admln. seeking Instructors for Istratlve assistance for 996 S f 1 a ety Town prothe Retirement Planning LEASING consultant with gram, (June 17. August department Duties Inexperience needed Full 16) Applicants must en clude assistance With time pOSitIOn In fnendly JOY working With case preparation, Insur atmosphere for large children, have excellent ancel Investment policy Macomb County proper Interpersonal skills, be service, and data Input ty (810)7922900 I t I nsurance I Invest men t --------aD e 0 worl< as team LIFE Guard. Condo Asso b d mem er an In d epen d experience he Ip f u I b u t clatlon St Clair Shores tl en y E xpeflence or not require d Off erlng ' , t I h Id Memonal Hours to Labor raining In ear y c I. compelttlve sa Iary b en. FleXible ARCDay or hood educatIOn deslraeflts, profit sharing eqUivalent training re ble Please call 401K, and education reo qUired In Lifeguard, CPR (313)343-2178, between Imbursement Send re& first aid (810) 7758 d4 d I a m an pm sume etal Inq expen7011 GROSSE POinte Hunt ence, computer Skills, ---L-I-FE-G-U-A-R-D--CI b h ed t fuJI and salary reqUirement HI-rise apartment on East u as Imm la e to Director of Human time position •,or a boo kJefferson Pool open k eeplng aSSistant BaSIC Resources, 27700, HooMemonal Day to Labor t k II ver, Warren, MI 48093 cpo, mpu er s I s a must Day CPR & Advance atmum software JEWELRY Retail SalesLife Savmg Card neces. knowledge a plus ComImmediate openlOg, sary, petit e d IV wages an be n. mornings, evenings, Call (313)823-3000 eflts A I k d E XPerl- LINE cook, bartender, pp y 10 person wee en s 655 Cook Rd Grosse ence helpful Will ' 0 E Apply at Telly's POinte Wood E tr (313)371 'waitress 2443 s aln Place, 20791 Mack, off HAIR I L sty 1Stto JOIO UCIVernier 200 HELr WAN lED GENERAL 201 HELl' WANHD 200 HaP WANIED GfNERAL MR C'S DELI PART TIME OR No expenence necessary SEMI RETIRED Cashiers, cooks, clerks, stock help Must be at least 16 Starting pay Harper Woods Family up to $5 50 based on Business (Est 1968) expenence Seeking dependable Apply at Mr C's Deli persons With good 18660 Mack, Grosse phone skills Oversee POinte Farms, Mack at our order dept 5p m . E Warren, 930 pm dally/9a m. 3 ask for John 881-7392 Or 20915 M ac k G rosse POinte Pm Saturday Very Woods , be t ween 8 & 9 generous pay plan Mile 884.3880, ask for Leave message Mr Debbie --M-U-S-IC-M-IN-I-S-T-E-R.-Roy 313-886-1763 PART time receptlonlst/ ST AMBROSE cashier FleXible hours 0 Ivp'se east S' de par,s h A,so, lOOKing Tor part With 46 rank Cassavant time dnvers for summer & 20 vOice chOir has an help Pay IS from $100. opening for a muslC/ $350 per week Call chOir minister Primarily Tom or Steve at King's weekend duties only Pizza 810.772-5314 afPansh would like candl' ter 2p m daily 202 HEI1 WANTED <UIlI<AL IAIYSlTm SAILING Instructor for NANNY. full time, possible Openingssummer day camp Col. live- In position Hours IMMEDIATE I Id h Office assistant Must ege age or 0 er Wit vary Must be fleXible have baSIC computer salling experience Con 824-8608 skills, knowledge of light tact Michelle Hicks accounting and sales (313)884.4444 or fax reo NANNY- live In Bloomfield abllrty Full time poSItion sume (313)884 1775 Hills 2 active children, 7 and 5 Call Cindy Harp organizational skills a SEAMSTRESS needed to er AsSOCiates 8tO-932 must Room for ad. make up a few samples 1170 vancement and benefits Call Peggy or Kelly, coup Ie of purses 313 886 PROFESSIONAL Monday and Thursday 6280 seeks responsl bl e mollSUMMER helpl Servers, only, 9am to 6pm 810vated nanny f or an en774.0530 $8 to $10 per hour gagtng 5 year old girl Roostertall Catering Great part time POSition INSURANCE customer Club Call for appolOt2. 3 days a week Col service/sales represen. ment 3' 3 822 2 Monda thr 3250 uhF ext_ lege students With c hIId. talove lor eastSide auto. d 9 tY 5 0 g rt care background are en. mated agency Please ay am 0 bpm N d couraged to apply Must send resume to InsurSUMMER jO shave car and hi B bee ance, POBox 36418, cas e your own t ossk references 313-222 0 Grosse POinte, Ml rive an Ice cream ruc 0583 days, 313.88148236 and earn over $7 00 per 0490 after 7pm h I F II d INSURANCE customer date to have a degree or PLASTIC INJECTION our u an part time RESPONSIBLE person service/sales represen. MOLDING COMPANY POSitions available needed for occaSIOnal feqUivalent In organ perbetween 10 & 2 PCall m tatlve for eastSide auto. a strong Now hlnng for the follow . evening babYSitting kormance, I 810.755-4888 mated agency Please now edge of catholiC lit. 109positions Perfect for college stu. send resume to Insururgy & good Interperso. S -Machine Operators- Full UMMER POSitions stili dent 881-2716 ance, PO Box 36418, nal skills For a comtime machine attendant, available for1 80 student SITTER needed In my Grosse POinte, MI I t h & b t Call 543 n 48236 ~~;~t~a~~~r~~~eE~~~ L1VE.IN, 24 hour care glv~::/a~I:1I 3'~3-:~~: -Ma~:,:~:n~~:~:'b~lth _~_;_~_2e_r_s -_..,.. __ ~o~emT~e:c1~Y: F~'~~~ RECEPTIONIST needed, clientele. 810-173.8044, MAMA Rosa's Pizzeria er for elderly female, 2814 Send resumes to some recent experience TEACHERS: French, Art, smoker preferred own Tuesday and Thursday needs phone help, Alzheimer patient St MUSIC Director Search In plastiCS Elementary For mdetransportalion 16 month HAIR Stylist WIth clientele cooks, W8llstaff, pizza Clair Shores reSident Committee, C/O 15020 -Shift Foreman. 3 years pendent elementary old, pm kindergartner & for 8 hours per day Lite typlng/ computer work. CommiSSion or chair makers Apply after 4 313.886-9549 Hampton, Grosse POinte minimum expenence 10 school In pleasant 3rd grader Excellent Send resume to Dr's Ofrental St Clair Shores pm 15134 Mack LUNCH time server needPark, MI48230 plastiC injection molding suburb 3 years expe. wages One year comfice, 21331 Kelly Road, 810-445-0470 LABORERS ed Immediately, also NAIL Tech & Stylist AsSIS- -Quality Control Personrience preferred to box mltment Call 884.9794 EastpOinte, MI 48021 HAIR stylISt- clientele walt- All shifts available No expart time catenng peo. tant needed for fnendly Knowledgeable 10 SPC 02007, c/o Grosse after 7 p m please 109, high commiSSion, penence necessary Popie (313)567-1640, ask & clean Grosse Pomte POinte News & Connec- SUMMER child care for 7 SECRETARY/ Accounting assistant. Wmdows apfleXible schedule, edusltlons located In the for caterm\! department Salon (3131882-6240 Cheerful place to work tlon, 96 Kercheval, year old boy 10 my plications required, full cation prOVided, 881Northeastern Metro MAINTENANCE man NANNIES NEEDED with competitIVe wage Grosse Pomte Farms, home, 3- 4 days a week tlme/ benefits. Please 0506 area Call 81D-988.0287 needed for mlsc duties Experienced In child care and benefit package M148236 Prefer high school se. fax resume, 313-567HIRING full time hair stylist LABORERS wanted for Own transportation, deTop salary/ benefits All THINKING OF A nlor or college student 3324 and assistant at busy wlOdow & gutter cleanpendable Must strrp areas live. 10/ live out Seville Plastics, Inc. CAREER With expenence 824. SECRETARY/ HouseGrosse POinte Salon Ing Will train Senous floors 313'821-9348 CALL NOWI 3909 Industrial Drive IN REAL ESTATE? 6848 keeper Weight program Call for Interview 313. minded people only Ivan Gipson THE NANNY NETWORK Rochester Hills, MI WANTED college summer role model, full lime, live881-4500 need apply, valid drivers MARINA security assistant 810-739-2100 810-853-0220 There has never been a girt for Chicago family to In, nonsmoking. ExtenHOME FROM COLLEGE? license & transportation needed full or part lime NEED CASH? better lime to gel IntO care for 4 children on sIVe travel Involved. 81 0Lookmg for a part time, a must Famous MamteMust work weekends WE DELIVER! real estate We continue Walloon Lake. 10 MI293-7171 short. term job? I need nance (313)884-4300 (810)775.3280 POOL Attendant needed to grow and are now hlrnutes Petosky Respon203 HELP WANHD after school help, for $8-$12 per hour full or part time must mg new and expen. Sible, energetic, sWlmDENTAL/ MEDJ(AL one child One week on. LANDSCAPE company 0 MARINE MECHANIC $30-$50 In cash nightly work some weekends enced salespeople mer, chlJd care referenly, May 15- 22 Must looking for lawn utboard experience pre. FleXible Hours We offer the highest quall d k BJLLlNG clerk needed for f tl ferred for a Detroit man(810)775-3280 ces 6 ays per wee have own transportabon oreman, grass cu ers, ComprehenSive PROFESSIONAL expenty tramlng, great mcome July 10th August 18th east Side cliniC, part tlme Good references 313gardeners Driver's LIna Full time with benePaid Trammg ence walt person Daysl potential, a fleXible Call70B-;51-2442 position Must be able to 886-3423 cense Good references fits startmg $11 00 an Health Benefits Available h did t type, Will train Call 8108823676 hour Call Kimberly at ViSion Care evenm9s Fu II time sc e u e an a grea WE are seeking a teacher 445-3070 HOUSE Keeper to do light 313-824-1982 (313)259-0909 support staff For a con. or college stUdent ma. house cleaning for older LANDSCAPE company -________ Management Opportunity fidenllalmtervlew call jOrlng 10 education to DENTAL chair Side assIsadults 10 Mack/ Morass needs reliable, full time, MARINE mechaniC With 401K Savmgs Plan RECEPTIONIST for small Jody Green at help develop our 5 year tant 3 days per week, area Part time, fleXible lawn cutlers, neat In apexperience Also generLaw Firm wanted Must Coldwell-Banker old child's flOe motor reliable, dedicated No hours Need reliable car pearance, no experlal laborer needed With Must hav:n~a~~~~urance have Word Perfect exSchweitzer at skills thiS summer Full Saturdays or evenings, CaJvaryCenter (313)881ence necessary, Will some manne experldrIVer's license penence Full Ilme Pre1-800-652-0005 time thru August Call fo' busy St Clair Shores 3374. tram Must be 18 ence (313)824.0302 VIOUSLaw Office expen. TYCOON'S: Day and after 6pm 313-881dental office 810-772IMMEDIATE openings (810)775-3078 MEAT cutter. Part Ilme reCall In Grosse POlOte ence a plus 313-961OIght wattress wanted 5470 9020 Bartenders & waltstaff LANDSCAPE workers IIrees welcome Apply 313-844-9750 5246 Expenence necessary DENTAL Hygienist, R~rt for busy banquet faCility needed, experienced or within, Alger Dell & Llq- NEEDED! 65 people to RECEPTIONIST Apply Within 12210 E 202 HHI' WANlED ClEItI(Al . t,me for St Clair Shores Mamly weekends Will Will tralO Call 885-4045, our, 17320 Mack lose weight NOWI No ProfeSSional Real Estate Eight Mile, Detroit office 810.772-4500 pay top dollar fer expen. __I_ea_v_e_m_e_s_sa_g_e___ --------firm has poSition availa. WAITRESSES P rt t' , ACCOUNTS payablel per. METTY YARD SERVICE wlll power needed 810ble Immediately for eve. a Ime sonne I clerk Windows DENTAL. Front office In enced staff Call Peggy Classified AdvertisIng 790-6744 nlOgs and weekends full time Dishwashers & apphcatlons reqUired, Grosse POinte Must or Kelly, Monday or 882 __ -6_900 • spnng and fall NIGHT security guard, part Applicants must have cooks Apply In person full tlmel benefits have excellent teleThursday, 9am- 6pm LAWN mamtenance com• Weekly lawn time CALL GPC, 885. It -t I h _ Irish Coffee Bar and Please fax resume 313. phone Skills, knowledge 810-774-0530 I k f mu I e ep one, com Gnll 18666 Mack --------pany 00 Ing or one In. • Landscape deSign! mstall 0400 puter and typmg skills. 567-3324. of Insurance/ billing & dlVldual reliable & expe. • Sod! seed Ask for Mary WAITSTAFF wanted _ people Oriented Call d t k for friendly 0 ays an d par t trme, BOOKKEEPER part "me nence 0 wor WIth • Power Rakmg! aerations PAINTERS Ralph A Roberts .. , 313-884-4014 between owner Good pay Call • Shrubs tnmmed pamt firm 10 Grosse Real Estate, Inc nights Golden Dragon full charge thru trial bal9am- 1pm or call 313li LANDSCAPE 3 3 8 72 8 Pornte area Year round ony, 1 - 22- 1 PREPAID DISCOUNTS 810.558-5373 313-882-6666 ance an d fi nancla Jstat e884-0301 MAINTENANCE work. 885.7300 tAt I LAWN Maintenance- De810-n6-4055 -----____ men s pproxlma e y Large Grosse POinte lawn EXPERIENCED office 810-773-4684 PAINTERS needed for es- ROSEVILLE distributor of 30 hours per week Pendable lawn cutter, care company offers top manage for busy Inter. tabllshed Grosse POinte medical supplies has Please send resume & wages to the nght pernal mediCine practice In gardener, shrub tnmmer MOTEL housekeepers company ProfeSSionalpart- time and full lime ADULT sitter needed for 2 salary reqUIrements to son is now hiring EastpOinte Pay & benefor crew servmg Grosse wanted, 5 days per Ism and reliability a positions Available posmall children FleXible box 07007, c/o Grosse EXPERIENCE fits negotlable Send rePornte area Good pay & week Apply at 20000 E must Pay based on persltlons Include stockmg hours Own transportaPOinte News & ConnecGarden Foreman sumes to Box 08002, overtime hours 81D-398Nine Mile, St Clair formance Full time year shelves, plckmg and tlon 810-779-9316 tlon, 96 Kercheval, 9226 after 730 P m Shores 810-n3.3700 ' Lawn Foreman c/o Grosse POinte News around (810)777-5475 shipping orders Heavy -------__ Grosse Pomte Farms, Pesticide Applicators & Connection, 96 Ker. LAWN work part-time $6/ SECRETARY. Full time for lifting, forklift and com- BABYSmER needed my MI 48236 also cheval, Grosse POinte $12 per hour Available Electrical Supply Co PART time counter help puter use reqUired Parthome, 7 & 4 year old 8 COLLEGE Student wantHELPERS Farms, MI 48236 today 810-414-5293 Must be responsible & Apply In person 18 time 30.40 hours, full Milel Harper. (810)778CALL 313-885-9115 Years or oJder Grosse 2048 ed for summer clerical FULL lime medical office d d bl A time Includes benefits LAWN/ Landscape. Laepen a e ccounts POinte FiSh, 313-885POSition. computer recepbonlst needed borers, neat In appearUTTLE Italy's Pizza needs payablel receivable Tel. 3884 Work IS performed day. EXPERIENCED sItter knOWledge helpful Computer skills ance, all phases needphone person, pizza ephone Miscellaneous ----_____ time, Monday- Friday needed for 3 children 1Please send resume to reqUired 810-774-5050 ed Immediately Call for mailers, delIVery dnvers Hospitalization Grosse ApplicatIons being ac2 afternoons per week Bien & AsSOCiates, 400 MEDICAL assistant need. appointment 810-778Call 81D-469-2935, 313Pomte/ Harper Woods cepted Thu rsday, 230 to 6 pm Releren. Ren Cen, 35th floor, Deed for Doctors office 0333 526-0300 area 313.884-8994 Ideal for students Fnday, Monday 9 a m ces reqUIred 810-296trOIt,48243 EKG, InJecbon, and billto 4 pm 16177 Com8036 _ Ing experience 200 HElP WANrED GENERAL Apply In MIchIgan mon Rd, RoseVille, GENERAL offIce help 200 HElP WANTED GENEIlAL 200 HElP WAN lED GENEIIAl preferred 32 hours per DIVISion Headquarters, ShiPPing & ReceiVing LOVING sitter needed 10 wanted, data entry, week Call 313-884work In local area Dept care for our 2 c1aughters phones. typing Full lime * o SUMMER WORK Join the Exciting New Opportunities at Kinko's Renaissance Center. Expenence not necessary $1025 to start 810-792-2400 SMALL dearling company needs expenenced help part time 313-881'2904 200 HHP WANlED GENERAL 200 HHP WANlED GENERAL only Ages 3 & 22 months Full time & per. manent Prefer our home but fleXible 881- PART- time dental help wanted mamly front desk Experienced preferred Call Barb 313-881mer In my home Downtown DetrOit Good 8405 (313)822-3079 hourly pay 961.2483 RECEPTIONIST/ ASSIStant Internal mediCine 202 HElP WANTED ClERICAL 202 HELP WANTED CLEIlI(AL office Full/ part time Experience necessary. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Call 810-77B-1881 from Cm OF GROSSE POINTE. 9am 5pm Executive Secret.trylDeputy City Clerk 204 HElP WANTED DOMESTIC (to City Manager) AND CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS PART TIME (20 HOURS) One of MIchIgan's leading finanCIal Instltutlon~ has openlng~ In Grosse POlntes, Harper Woods, and St ClaIr Shores for the follOWing TELLER - Candldate~ ~hould have ca~h han dling expenence. good math aptItude and an abilIty to work well with the public R... ponSlble ror plectlOn admm,strahon VItal stallstlC<, meetmg mmutes agendas and boat well apphcahons Ass"t With admmlslrahve matters Excellent wntlen, oral orgamzahonal ablhty (omput .... and Word Perrect skIlls Sten"'lraphy helpful Ablhtv to deal WIth pubhc Salary low $30 s, compel1tlve benefits CUSTOMER SERVICE REP - Candldate~ should have at lea~t two years pnor Bank Teller/Cu~tomer Service expenence dealing With openmg new account~, resolVing cu~tomer pro. blem~, etc • c.rur IIepon<iIbe""*lll8_ potE'ntlzl lbe cn.tllce !o tl~nrnce KInk., R.nti,.. n•• 1"'"".. 1 and prof", .lIOIlOI!fOO1hlh3lC>l11 BI2I1Ch 0&. Op<ftl~ """" IS'''''' lIhII!IIrIed r<IIiI """'<pl,n 1970 his !>em oopied ~t.llIOl'< b1l1OO_tomCOlll __ lIId _1f'~ ... "" dupl,C21'" the fol1""mK rIgIl",,"ln ll<!nIil'~I_In.\"""IO"'" lod .......... .... )'lU PI' Iht """ .......... w. h.... p<K'!lOn' _,.-",/10/_ ~.-.o,"~ l'I.,I.DI< IS 1IOi1.. C'Ompdlbft' com ptIISIIJoft • "'per IJld ...... App/I<InJ't"O"" M." 24 wIlh 19049l11d< A >;; ",",!~~ '" • MSW WIth Windows. Word Perfect 5 1/60 • Excel • Powerpomt • Pagemaker. Lotus 1,2,3 TOP PAY FOR TOP LEVEL SKILLS (313) 372.8507 Employer p. f~""--'-_ E'l"CI~''YEmp~ t">< -.......-.- 885-4576 60 years relia ble servICe In need of experienced Cooks, Nannies, Maids, Housekeepers, Gardeners Butlers, Couples, Nurse's Aides, Compan. Ions and Day Workers for private homes 18514 Mack Avenue Grosse Pomte Farms HOUSEKEEPER. Llve.ln for exclUSIVe Bloomfield area estate Pnvate Iiv109 quarters Med,cal benefits Call Cirldy Kralnen, Harper AsSOCIates (810)932'1170 TEMPOAARY SERVICE INC Detroit. MI 48226-1967 - GROSSE POINTE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ~;;;;= m 1001 Woodward An Equal Opponunrty --_M.,_--"._Si_' WORDPIOCISSING SlCRnARllS OF MICHIGAN Mondry 'hr •• ~h "ndl)' b«wmI """ .. d """" K<.ko~ IS II equJ 'ppon .. "y employer 1ht 3131885-5800 E.O E FIRST FEDERAL _lriI>, Ron n<r If you, <kd 1<1110 n '" _ " un poroIldtd. IJld 1IiK pKlUI'e p'OYlllej'O' ....'n <llT1dltd 401(l) proIiI ~ CompwT M"'~ f.on1Jl'i'T _ Coo.<u~I/Il" 1ltI iYm' Dr"", omq t.enlylllooMlol<ol~ PfG'IdI ....... buo"""".,., .. R .. Send Resume and wage hIStory to 17147 Maum ...... Grosse Pomte. Ml .48230 Contact Jeanne Darhngton For lnformahon CandIdates may apply In per~on at any branch office, M - F, btw 10 00 a m and 4 00 pm, (7 00 p m Friday) You may also apply at the First Federal Buildmg, corner of Woodward and Michigan, Human Re~urces Dept ,5th floor. btw 10 00 a m and 2 00 p m It I~ the policy of FlfSt Federal to conduct pre.employment drug te~t1ng del.. ls Ihal make I a 'eve I of 2050 PART Ilme orthodontic assistant Experience reo qUired 313-881-5890 6628 SECRETARY: one day MATURE person needed per week Word Procfor 5 month old for sumessmg, phones, filing ...-----B-A-N-K-T-E-L-L-E-R-S-----, 0l'P0fl\IIIlI"_1ht- poSition, benefits Send resume to Dlnverno Inc ,4600 E Nevada, DetrOit, MI48234 .. ".- • .-, ....--..- __ • Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection HElP WANI£D DOMESfI( 302 SIlUATlONS (ONVALESCENT 201 HELP WANTED SALES MOLLY Maid lob opportu EXCEPTIONAL Income My lor Day/ evenings opportuOity Reputable No week ends no car internatIOnal cosmetic required Call 313 884 firm, Fortune 500 sub5188 Sidiary No experience necessary Ten open 205 HELP WAHTED LEGAL Ings 8107773831 WANlED (AilE POINTE CARE SERVICES FUll, Part Time Or Live-In Personal Cars, I~~~~~nl~~~~~ 303 SIlUAriONS WANIED DAY (AilE 30S SIlUAJlONS WANTED HOUSE <lEANING 141 Harper Immediate ope,1lngs full/ part time licensed daycare Non smoking Meals CPR FRIENDLY Cleaning Serv Ice, Insured & Bonded Call (810}774 5400, (313)881 8480 Gro~:eryp~,~~:~~:r.t.nt 400 MEIl(HANDIH ANIIQUES 400 MEll(HANDISf AHIIQUES 40' ESlAIE SAlES ESTATE ANN ARBOR ANTIQUES SpeclOllZlng In MARKET THE BRUSH ~ Period ER SHOW Saturday ~ ~eproductlons and Sunday May 19, 8a m 4p m 5055 Ann Museum Quality Arbor Sahne Road EXit ~ Framing z: #175 off 194 Over 300 Home 0 dealers In quality anti Consultations ques and select collectl Avalable bles all under cover Ad J 313'963'5266 miSSion $4 00 28th sea ~ 230E Grand RIVer son The ortglnalll SUIte502 D<.trOit 8102943062 HARD working, honest, BABAR'S HOUSE meliculous, Polish womAccepting applications for an seeks housekeeping LEGAL secretary for sole lOOSE weight & earn COMPETENT summer chlldcare work 7- 8 hours Refer practloner Some expen money the easy way No IN-HOME Preschoolers only' ences 313-365-0335 ence preferred Salary starvatton diets 313881 CARE SERVICE For fun In the Sun HOUSE & Office CleaningS 15 600 No benefits 9086 TLC Elderly Children (313)881 7522 very reasonable, deSend resume to George Hourly overnight rates .__ pendable, (810)757W Marchese 21220 REMODELING sales full E Me D8OIo"" 143 0422 service remodeling com- Experienced In the Grosse CHILD DAY CARE In my Kelly Rd EastpOinte MI @AOl COM ESTATE ~ pany seeks POlOtearea Licensed & home Indoor and out. HOUSEKEEPER required 48021 GALLERIES expenenced, motivated, bonded Sally, (810)772 door activities, mUSIC, for Grosse POinte 401 A'PLIANCES lEGAL Secretaryfull hard working salesper0035 24924 Lambrecht, meals Warm and loving Home 4 days per week, 2 DAY tlmel part time Small Inson Mus1 be able tc Eastoolnte env"cnrre~t Referen $950 per ho"r RefersnELECTRiC stove $:50 50 % OFF surance defense firm 10. work nights weekends Folk Care ces Licensed Vernler/ ces required Send apGas stove $85 Refrigercated In Renaissance SALE High rewards for high Human Services Mack area (313)882plJcations to Judy Lees, ator $100 Washer Center seeks secretary perlormance Kopke Saturday/ Sunday for today s busy familiesl 7694 Municipal Financial Con$110 Dryer $95 Nlcelll With 3 years experience Home Enhancement, Adults, Children, Pets, JUNE'S Learning Center sultants, 21 Kercheval, Delivery Call 293 2749 10 a.m- 6 p.m. Workperfect for Win 810- 777-6633 Plant Care, Errands Summer only day care SUite 360, Grosse In The FRIGIDAIRE Side by Side dows 6 1 Salary com Macomb 810 445 3175 Licensed & Insured cer. POinte Farms, MI48236 frostfree, $150 Call SALES REP mensurate With experiENTIRE STORE!" Oakland-810 543-0518 tlfled teacher 810-775- L1NDA'S Cleaning Thursday, Fnday, Saturence Fax resume to Grosse POinte sales com. ALL INVENTORY Wayne-313-824-2511 0235 Service 3 years expertday, 810 775 3461 313567 1112 pany IS looking for a --_______ LICENSED Child care 1mence Honest, dependa50 % OFF seasoned or retired moJENN.AIR electnc rangel 20' HELP WANrEO liVE-IN weekends com peccable references ble, affordable We do It Mack Avenue at Bedford tivated self-starter to rep oven/ grill model S 125, PAllr riME pan Ion and caregiver, Meals Near. by park your way' Commercial & self cleaning, convectIOn Untque hne of state of excellent references Small group 9- Harper reSidential 313-881 _ HANDYMAN/ gardener the art In dustnal erg o. and radiant bake oven Part time $9/hour genCall Regina 810-979 776-8590 4534 FURNITURE refinished, nomic products Tons of Accessortes solid ele eral exterior mainte6577 --------POLISH lady Will clean repaired, stnpped, any qualified leads and great ment cook top gnddle nance and small repair NURSE managed adult _ your house the way you type of caning Free escommissions Part time rotlSS/ kebab, wok gnll projects Including plant. foster care Air condl. ,. hke It Call Edy1a, 313tlmates 345.6258, 661option The Cascom cover $300 822-8159 t lonlng, OIce nelg hb or- LICENSED day care mom Ing and maintenance of 873-4247 5520 Group, 313.881-6699 KENMORE bUIIt- 10 dishannuals at entranceway hood 810977-1657 or has full tlme/ part time SERVING Grosse POinte. HAPPY Mother's Day from washer, model 587 300 SUUATIONS WANTED at condominium com810-3988677 Harper Woods woman LoveJOY'sAntiques 720 - --openings In her St Clair E M 7032, $75 Works fine IAIYSIlHllS plex no heavy duty Don't Forget. Shores home Meals, to clean your home ast 11 lie Road RoyPanels Included 822tasks or lawn/ shrub ALL AMERICAN references alOak 810-545-9060 Call your ads in Early' snacks, actlvrtles prOVid- Excellent 8159 care 881 4697, eveNANNY ed CPR certified (313)839-1091 Manchester Antique Mall WASHER/ Dryer Good nings Classified Advertising (810)779'5577 THE HOUSE.KE.TEERS Antiques & Collectibles cond Itlon $100 for ExclUSively live-in, WANTED part time lady to 882-69oo CLEANING SERVICE 116 E Main, Manchester both Please call prOViding qualltychlidcare --------LICENSED day care ProfeSSional, Bonded and Open 7 Days, 10 to 5 help With home office (313)881 6713 $175.$500/Week ~1!lS.!!l!il!a!lIEtSii!lWl.!!6l!a!1lii!4l! Home has full time Insured teams ready to 313-428-9357 work and errands, must WESTINGHOUSE washer SPECIALIZED II! opening Meals, nonclean your home or MINGLES has antiques, type 313526-1572 CALL 1-800-3-NANNYS dryer combo, electnc, HOME CARE !B smoklnq 881-1090 bUSiness collectibles, hand crafts, very good condition, 201 HELP WANHD SALES SERVICES II! --------Carpet CleaOlng new & resale fashIOns $200 884-9794 BABYS ITTIN G In your NEEDEXTRA ASSISTANCP m A Extenor Windows Now open Sundays washer & Are You Serious About A home Grosse POinte We are here for you ~ ¥ $5 00 Off With This Ad 1pm- 5pm New Item WHIRLPOOL dryer $200 (313)371. Career In Real Estate? area References and We proVide rehable,I !2JJLHome Is.YQuc Home For First TIme Callersl carved oak cupboard, 3846 We are serious about your transportation Beeper caring profeSSionals, Licensed child day care Servmg the Grosse Pomte Bun Feet. turn of the success' 313-745-0203 (1126} up to 24 hours a day service Infant/ CPR area for 14 years century, $800 17330 E 404 II(YClES * Free Pre licenSing BABYSmING, your II!. RNslLPNs Certified TLC, meals, Member of BSS Warren 313-343-2828 classes h TLC f tad m • Homemakers 582-JIJ•AS SIM ome or your Companrons !l! Naptlme. ....... PLY CHARMING AN- 10 speed 26" boys Ross, * ExclUSIVeSuccess dler 7 Mlle/ Mack area • Live-on ServIces. Mrs. CynthIa TWO honest dependable, TIQUES now open at boys Rahegh, girls Systems Programs Cathy, 343-0649 • Sitters 81o-n1-4751 energetic women deSire 325 E Fourth Street, SchWinn $100 each *VanetyOfCommlsslon CHilD Care prOVIder • PTslOTs house cleaning 14 Royal Oak 810-541Evenings, B84-1859 Plans Compassionate care 9840 JOin The No 1 seeking children to bawhenyou needIt themost years expenence ExcelWOMAN'S bike, 10 byslt $3 00 per hour CaII usat lent Grosse POinte reo SPRING Cleaning Salel speed/ baskets ExcelColdwell Banker affihate • CHllDI semor care With References, non313884-0721 fences 810-395-7969, 10% off depreSSIOn lent condrtlon $100 313. In the Mldwestl •• IroOing done $1000 per smoker 882-9224 I d be I d 810-725-9832 glass, 15% off china, 886-9266 Call George Smale at • ~ure J.e ~~ ~tes hour 810-790-1045 20% off all other rtems , 886-4200 GROSSE Pomte reSident ----_____ during May Only Re405 (OMPUTEIIS Coldwell Banker and older college stu• _ 'SPRING IOto summer WIth member When Antiques Schweitzer Real Estate dent deSires weekday @ flowers Let PLANTER'S RESPONSIBLE, local Unl& Collectibles, 143 W APPLE Performa 631CD -"-AV-O-N-"--R-e-p-r-es-e-n-ta-t-,v-e-s child care, post Infant III Pan/Full Tune TOUCH, purchase andl verslty admInistrator, St Clair, (32 Mile) Ro8/500 CD ROM, keyneeded' Great earnings I Good local references Or L,ve - In Care or plant them for you long or short term Pets mea MI 810-752-5499 board, mouse, 15" color $100-1200/ month No (313)881-3284 anj'Co~~~l~:~:~II~ Nancy 313-884-2731 fine Resume/ referen- --' _ multi-scan momlor, 90 day warranty $975 or In rhelr Homes (OUR search IS over I'm ces available 313.822. ~ ~ door to door reqUired 1- --------MOM of two available to Bondedllnsured/References J:=:'!!"'~ best (313)886-6000 800 ~3-~2 _ babysit, full or part time Call Very ReasonablePmes the cook you want, Ex0730 885-6944 i~. i ~14LIVe.In Care FURNITURE AT RELICS In Hamtramck 10027 Joseph Campau (313)B74-05oo Open 11 6 Tues thru Sat Traditional furniture, ac cessortes, antiques & collectibles Good qualtty at affordable prices ESTATE sale, May 9 through 11, 10am- 4pm 14458 Royal Drive, Sterling Heights Enter on Catherdral, East of Schoenherr, North of 15 Mile first left In construction zone 1989 Grand MarqUIS loaded, Color TV, microwave, 2 dining room sets, organ, stereo, IlOens, glass, kitchen equipment, garden tools and much more GIFT Shop liqUidation Collectibles, antiques, 11 piece 30's dining room Household May 10 & 11, 10am- 4pm 19242 Rayrrond, off 80urnemouth (DuMouchelles PRICED ESTATE SALE BLOOMFIELD 6864 Cedarbrook Drive (S of Maple, W ofTeJegrapl1) Friday May 10, 10.5 p.m. Saturday., May 11, 10.3 p.m. I Over 100 dollslaccessones Royal Daulton, OnenlaJ,tea cups plano 1980 aids '9B Regency (low miles), Flestaware, appliances, cherryNIctonanfTeak fuml. ture, dollhouse & fumlshIngs, grandmother clock, Franklin Mint claSSICcars, child s MISSionoak, KPM dishes, over 400 collector plates, Chnstmas Items, garden BOOKS Bought & Sold Hour CLASSIFIED ~ ~ ~ f ~ f I ~I ~ ~ • • • • • • • ••• days Cadleuxl Mack Come VISit, call Carin, 313-884-4675 207 HELP WANrED SAlES .!,;;. 207 HELP WAN rED SALES 814-7700 A L' . Ltd + IVe.IDS, • 24-hourLIVe.1n CleMlln7~~,;::eLaundry BondedandInsured 779-7977 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONTROLLER Sprlngfrx Linkages IS a JOint Venture Company based In Sterling Heights, Michigan Establrshed In 1995, the Company ISalready performing well The BUSinessPlan revolves around the marketing and sales of Mechanical Linkage components and Custom Rod Based Assemblies produced by one of the JOint Venture Partners The Partner ISthe ISO 9002 Certified Market Leader In the UK. The wealth of North Amencan markets are Similar to those In the UK and Include manufacturers of Agricultural Tractors, Animation, BIcycles, Engines, Excavators, Fire Tenders, Gaming Machines, Lawnmowers, Luxury Cars, Proraclng Karts and SpeCialist MIlitary Vehicles Some familiar customer names are Case, Caterpillar, Cummins, Ford, Rolls-Royce and (313)884-0721 Xerox In thiS newly created POSitionWithin a small team, the BUSiness DeveloprTlent Controller Will assume ownership of the successful further development of both eXisting bUSinessand the creation of new bUSiness ResponSibilities Include the execution of marketing plans, promotion proJects, product inquiries, quotations and negotiatIOn management, product presentations The selected candidate Will be marketing onented With an appropnate qualificatIon, a good reporter, a fnendly and effective communicator and preferably benefit from pnor mdustnal marketmg and sales expenence It ISanticipated that the Controller Will be promotable to BUSiness Development Manager Within SIXmonths of appointment If you possess the mIx of talents reqUired for thiS challenging and Immediately available POSition, please wnte With full Resume Interviews Will be held In Sterling Heights at the end of May SPRINGFIX LINKAGES ,. CLEANING. 6 years expeJoan 313-882-7148 flence Reasonable TLC for the elderly. Excelrates References Calt lent Grosse POinte referany1lme 810.772-9113, eneas, Cathy 343-0649 313-882-1014 'days ~OO MER(HANDISE DEPENDABLE domestic ANTIOUES worker for days Pay by MOVING- Oak wall phone, the day References, Art Deco eleelnc stove. IransporallOn and expeoak dresser with mirror, flence 313-834-5112 walnut 3/4 bed, fancy EXPECT THE BEST pine bed & dresser, oak European Style HouseIce box, many more cleamng ProfeSSional rtems (810}n4-1755 laundry & ironing Su_ pervlsed, experienced, AGE- OLD UTICA hardworking Experts ANTIQUES MARKET since 1985 '" The May 11- 12 Saturday 7- 6 Grosse POlnle area Sunday 8- 4 Hundreds Known for reliability, effiof dealers K of C clency and dependablGrounds 21 Mile Rd , 1 Ity Bonded & Insured mile east of Van Dyke Please call anyhme $4 1-800-653.6466 201 HELP WANHD SALES _ IBM starter systems and customized 386 and 486 Computers, bUilt to your 30 years experience. Ex. TOWN HALL Antiques needs and prtce range cellent refereneces Call Downtown Romeo Dehvery, installatIOn and CLEANING lady available (810}756-3564 Michigan's largest setraining With purchase Monday, Tuesday, & lectlon of quality anti$400 and Up' (313)875Thursday Reasonable, liCENSED beautiCian, ques and selected co I8030 reliable, references 885any hour, for In home lectlbles at affordable n40 services LPN for In. prices Spend the day 406 ESTArE SALES home care, reasonable. with us decorating your I A Superb NeWly created Opportunity for a Vice PreSident Marketing Spnngflx Linkages L L C 40712 Brentwood Drive Sterling Heights Ml48310 !.;. perlence/ references (810)294-6949 l~'=.~ J=~~=~ "313' ... --------MOTHER of one seekmg DISCOVERY TOYS EnJOy chlldcare pOSItion In the benefits of a home your home 9 years exbased bUSiness Tax adpenence, excellent curvantages, fleXible hours, rent references $6 00 Educational children's per hour Melinda, 810. products 313-343.0090 771.4563 :JBTllElq__FAB . rtESIDENTIAL CARE SERVICES lNe MARINE CITY EXPERIENCED lady from ANTIQUE WAREHOUSE Europe IS looking for 105 N Fairbanks (M-29) In Belle RIVer Plaza housekeeping ReferenOpen 7 days, 10-5 ces reliable Call (810)765-1119 (313)873-3337 302 SITUATIONS WANTED (ONVALE SCENT (All E J02 SIlUAflONS-WANTEO (ONVAlES(ENT (AilE ~ ~ Llvc:-Tn • 1 ~rvlCes ,\,.11_ lID • Personal Care • Hou~ckeepmg • Meal Preparation • Everv Day Needs ~r~~k~~~:~:t~7or $100 per day 207 Hm WANffD SALES 201 HELP WANIED SAlES The Grosse Pointe News and The Connection Newspapers seeks highly motivated experienced Salesperson. Send reply to Box 08001, c/o Anteebo Publishers, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Farms, MI 48236. home, shopping for your ESTATE Salel Everything favorrte antique lover, or must go Saturday, May enhanCing your favorite 11th, 9 a m to 4 pm collecllon Open 362 18725 Old Homestead, per year 10.6 Harper Woods, off Kelly 810-752-5422 Road 400 MER (HANOISE ANTIQUES RARYBOOKmlIm 810-545-4300 0pea7Days l/ooIt$ BOIIg1It &»ra- Ml r:JI~l:=a -'OHN KING 313-961-G622 MIChigan'" largast Bookatot8 Since 18B$ • Clip ."d save tnta lid • 407 fiREWOOD Oak • Ash • Hickory • Maple. Wild Cherry 113lU"'Jed&~ • 0eiYely I'Wled • ~~ 400 MEIl(HANDISE ANTIOUES IIIhY9 810-264-9725 I.IrctI £,,~ Aw ....... 4011 FURNITURE ~;g(unM 0/ de (~IfuU>J .... MAY 17th at 6:30 p.lII. MAY 18th at 1 1:00 •••• ay, MAY 19th at N••• 'rld~, rd~ ..... bhiIIition Hours: 1940 d Inelle table & 4 chairS, $175 GIrls full size canopy bed & dresser, $400 Player plano $1500 Evemngs, 8841859 - VlUIT __ AU ..... DATU 9 30 5 30 r M 9JO S30PM 9 30 8 30 PM 930 530PM 9 30 8 30 PM 930 '30 FIOAY May I~ ~Y foIQyll~ MOND~Y May IJ;, TlA'SDAYMay IU, WHlNfSDAY May IS;' 1IfJIISD~Y May 16~ DINING room set, oak WIth m PItH PAItIONO MONDAY & ~SDAY IV'IJrr-.G IX ... IImONS upholstered chairs Must Featuring an OSthausall !Jalntlng from !he collection of Horry ~ Wolfe, Toledo OH ClrCO1930 on Osthous see $250/ best 885walercolor from a ToledO OH private colfeclor Roberl 3982 H!>plunall palntmgsbeing sold 10 benefitthe Delrolt Inslltule of Arts ocqulslt,on fund selectpaintings and antiquesfrom the estateof ElSIeCaul~lns(Grosse POinteShores,selected DINING room set Beautl. Sleubenglass from the co lectron of fronclS Hugnes over ful perfect condition 100 L1odroporcelain fIgUrinesfrom Ihe estate of Carolyn Expandable table, 6 Bac~,Pensacola,Fl, sele<:lVictortanfur""urp from file estate chairs and chma of DaVId Brodl, Birmingham 191hcentury clocks select precesof lewelry and gold cOinsIrom file eslate of Ruth& cabinet Frultwood Bob Greg?')', Warren 0 Pewab,cPotteryfont removed!rom finiSh, $500 Also three St Pnscl1loc~urc~ 01 lIvonIa Ihe eslale of Doro Salzer upholstered chairs and Delrolt a collection from Gene Porch St Clair Shores onental furnllure & perce!.:"n, from 0 p"vote colleclo, ottoman Single bedPlymouth tWin $50 886-3995 Fine works of or! by Willrom H Scott Charles B Culver Jules Rene Herve Will, am Morgan Sorkrs SarkrslOn Andrew Melrose, luc'en Whiting Powell Emile GUlllemln DINING room set medium and others oak on darker Side, ExcephonalfurnllureIneludlnga 19th c Frenchhono.carved table, 4 chalfs, 2 piece walnu! coblnel late 19mc Ilol,on ebonizedwood and Ivory china cabmet $850 810marquetrycab,nel late 19m c french loulS xv style Inlold 791-0799 mahogany vlt"ne Victorian bud walnut & satinwood marquetry credenzo c 1900 Lou" XV style bureou a DINING set, dark pine, Grodin an 18mc Sheratoncherrytan caseclOCk F,neSilversuchas a Buecellotrlea & coffee serVice,Blfksof hutch table, 4 chairs Montreol teo servIce Gorhom Soveregn Old ond $500 Double bed, mod: Manchester "AmaryllIS flatware Tiffany polychromallc leaded glos' shade & bronze base floor lamp gIlt bronze ern pine WIth mattress, -Pine ~eedle' pIcture frame gold favrlle art glass vase $75 Modern dark walSteubenalaba'ter & block gloss opaque floor vase nut King size bedroom Friday leatures collecllons of Sleuben gloss Hummel figurines VenetianJllass slemware on SatorC:loy, lab,no art set, headboard, dresser grass, rare Royal Daultons,collection of firearms b"llronl wrth mirror, chest and 2 perIod cut glass mghtstands, $300 RathlenSlve selectionolluxurloos o"ental rugs including a c 1880 TekkeBoIchara Tabrlz hunting rug ond a 19th C tan casual COuch wrth 2 FlemIshtapestry matching stools $75 313.882-7673 0/oltrl('k~ F~C~~~?o~.&fl:::~~ ~:~~J7 Gf-Od~ Ge~ ~t (W1 Stoff 409 E JeNersonAve Detrort MI 48226 (313) 963-6255 OR 963-6256 FAX 1/ (313) 963-8199 ENTERTAiNMENT center6'Hx5W Real oak furnIture Neutral appear. ance $325 or best 810775-6116 • , ----_ ... _.-.,.., ... .!' ...._.... _--- Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection 40& fUftHllURE 40' 408 fUftNIIUIIE ESTATE GALLERIES 2 DAY In The ENTIRE STORE!!! ALL INVENTORY 50 % OFF Mack Avenue at Bedford FLORIDA rooml patio fur. nrture Couch chairs, ta. bles and ol1oman, $275 Wrought Iron glass table, chairS $40 810 773-5492 GERMAN Bedroom furnl ture, beds, dressers, nlghtstands, antique schrunks Contact John evenlngs,810-826-8745 GRANDMA'S French Pro. venclal hVlng room set Excellent condtltlon $800 After 6 oopm, 6105736754 MAHOGANY INTERIOR (Fine Furniture & Anllque Shop) 506 S WASHINGTON ROYAL OAK, MI (5 Blocks North of 696 Freeway at10 Mile Take Woodward/Main Street exrt) GAUGE/YAIID/ IASEMENJ SAlE 40' ladder, clothing, fabriCS, GARAGE Sale Toys, girls etc 1028 Somerset, clothes, ballet leotards & Grosse POinte Park, off shoes, household Items Jefferson May 11th 9am 2 pm, GARAGE Salel May 11 1996 Broadstone, Grosse POinte Woods 930- 5 Lawn equlp-ment & more, 19718 E Fax your ads 24 hours Kings Ct (off Cook, 882-1585 behind Monteith Elementary) GARAGE sale Frtday, g GARAGE Sale, Saturday to 4 Clothing samples, May 11th, 9am to 5pm toys, household Nice 115 MUir (Farms) sale 22826 Englehardt ---------GARAGE sale- Frtday, GIANT SCHOOL Sat~rday, 10. 2 81 RUMMAGE SALE Shorecrest Circle between 8 & 9 off Jeffer. Thursday, May 9, son Children's bicycles, 9am- 4pm. toys, clothes, (children's, 1444 Maryland, men's women's) and Grosse POinte Park household Items. ---------GREAT Stuffl Almost new GARAGE Sale- Saturday J:. to antique 217;j1 BourM h 9 2 84 K nemouth Frtday & Sat. ay 111, . ,1 er. by No presalesl urday 9am to 3pm, urday, 11th, 9am Furnl- 40' ESTArE SAlIS veau mahognay bedroom 837 Berkshire, Saturday, set (clr 1850) Chlppen. May 11 9. 4 Snow dale camelback & Regen. blower, Video camera, cy sofas, chaise lounge & toys, chlldren's clothing, French LOUISXV carved furniture hVlng room chairS Chan. dellers, bronze lamp, Wa- ANTIQUES & Collectibles terford crystal lamp, StIffe! NeIghborhood Sale, 376 & more Washington, 8. 3, May 810.545.4110 11th. Household Items, furniture, children's tOYs, METALMASTER. kitchen books, records table, octagon shape, 52",4 chairS Good con. ANTlaUES, oldies, collec. d/tlon $550 313-661tlbles Saturday, May 8665, after 6 11, 9am. 3pm No pre. sales 471 Touraine RATTAN caramel color dl' nette set, 42" round BARBARA'S Basement glass top 4 upholstered Sale Friday & Saturday chalfs, $300 2 acca 10 to 4 4995 LaFon. slonal chairs, (1 sWIvel) talne, across the street $500 881-8504 from Grosse POinte Post Office WURUTZER upnght Plano _ With bench, very good BELANGER Btock Sale condlllon Best offer 9 Look for balloons (Bepiece dmmg room set. tween & Webster) Furnl' large oval table, 2 arms, ture, appliances, assort. 4 Sides, chma cabinet, ed clothing, tlfes, mispecan wood After 6 cellaneous, 8am'6pm (313}881-9150 May 11 , i-1r) r IL" '-- SUSAN HARTZ GROSSE T • POINTE CITY 886-8982 Accessones Include 1940s elegant glass, Murano glass several unusual brass & lacquered 1950s pairs of lamps set of alligator luggage sets of Nonlake "Dresgay. & "Holbrook" china Silver plate & sterlmg, framed prints, colored glass from the 50s, cuckoo clock, books ladres & gents clothing & accessones,lable linens basement & all,c goodies, records,everyday kitchen and more WE WJLL HONOR STREET NUMBERS AT 9:00AM. OVRNUMBERS WJLL BEAVAIlABLE 9:00. tOOlAH 24 Hour Hotline 885.1410 ... .: 1(ptfierine .9lrno{ti ana associates • 'Estate Safes • 'J,(cn'lng Safes • 5}ppra1.5afs EXPERIEI'lCED. SERVICE 6971 Classified Advertising 882-6900 GARRISON wood burner, 1/4" steel, chimney, tools, excellent condItion Soapstone slate 771-3387 406 ESTATE SALES 40' ESTATE SALES Organize Unlimited ~ Ann Mullen. ~~EdateSak Joan Vismara 331.4800 May 11th MOVING SPECIALISTS (9:00 - 4:00) CROSSWINDS CONDOS • Sort and Pack • CoordInate Move • Unpack & Organize 38980 GOLFVIEW CLINTON TOWNSHIP (Off 17 Mile, east Of Garflefd) WHOLE CONDO ESTATE SALE FEATURING New contemporary upholstered furnIture and accessorIes, lamps, glass & brass dIsplay shelves, dmlng table With chairs, 2 freezers, brass bed, Hummels, stackmg washer & dryer, several dinette sets, TVs, bookcases, wrought-Iron patio chaIrs, glassware, kItchen goodIes, Hammond organ and more • •• ••• + Grosse Pointe Sales, Inc. • Estate • Household • Movmg GROSSE POINTE RESIDENTS SERVING THE POINTES FOR 70 YEARS Qualilled .~ ..• • Expeflenced • ProfeSSional Mary Ann Boll 313.882-1498 40' GARAGE/YAIID/ IASEMENJ SALE .. ... Renee A. Nixon 313.822-1445 40' GAUGE/YAIIDI IASEMENT SALE ESTATE AND MOVING SALES ~ EKoellenl ReI6fenoes Sales (810) 415-9280 Conducted By &eau Satu ili!~ JASMINE GALLERY Troy 810-637.7770 BAR.B-QUE Fiesta, 1995 Like new, $260, selling for, $160 313-331. LOOK FOR THE RAINBOWI J I PROfESSrOI'lAL Over 3,000 claSSical record albums available fOi sale Mozart, Bach, Brahms, Beethoven, StraVinsky, Wagner and many more Great condtbon 810-415-8227 AUTOMOTIVE floor Jack 5 ton capacity With lack stands 313-882.7571 Christian & Michelle Argesanu 771-1170 • 'Y,sferences ..• .Oriental Rugs .Paintings .Furniture Look for the Rambowl Next week Algonac on the RIver JEAN FORTON CompleteServIce Glen and Sharon Bur1lett 822-3174 885-0826 t1artZlAl SUSAN HARTZ GROSSE POINTE CITY 886-8982 SALES Trustyour sole to us knOWingthat we are the most expenenced movIng and estate sale company III the Grosse POI,te area For the p< st 15 yeors we have prOVidedfIrst qualIty seNlce to 'Wer 850 sot'sf,ed cllenls J'~ ,~u. Us "", tHOLO S~\. 313-885-6604 "" 406 ESTAlE SAlIS HOUSEHOlD ...._, ~- .. II!!I_---_•• ..., ---"'- ~ 406 fSTArE SALES Saturday. 412 MISCELlANEOUS AIIJlClES WANTED 1-94 to Metro, North on Garfield, nght on 17 No numbers, street Slgn'ln sheet honored at 9 00 (810) SS~ POt", )(01 OJESKI MULTI- family sale Satur day, 9-3 Women's s 3x, baby Items, toys household, sports 14083 Alg. er, (S 13, off Schoenherr) No p,resalesl TWO family garage sale at 22435 Revere, St Clair Shores May 10,11, 12 9- 4 Household Items, furniture, Lltlle Tlkes. Playschool, children's clothes, lots of mlsc Conducted by Modernists take notel This unique whole house sale features 19505 modem blond furniture inCludingHeywood Wakefield dining sel WithTambour fronl buffet & 2 china cabinets, Wldlcomb drop leaf server & buffet & china cabinet, upholstered hVlngroom furniture trom Ihe 50s In ongrnal condrtlon fabulous 1950s leather covered modem double bedroomset, 6 EthanAllen Windsor ChalfS4 walnut 1950s office arm chairs modern drop fronl desk wlinlard Greek motr!, courllry French handpamted drop front desk plale rack, large Iron vanity bench and teakwood modern desklbookcase GAUGE/YAIIO/ IASEMEHT SALE lounge $50 2 lawn ETHAN Allen sofa, like chairS & olloman $60 new, earth tones Eure. glass top (metal) end ta. ka vacuum creaner ble $150 RCA washerl Good condition 810-445dryer, $500 White wlck2637 er chalf $75 (810)790 FULL length raccoon coat 1922 Brand new, size 10 $950 810-293-5062 ANTIQU~ nlture, clothing, household Items, collectibles, toys, NordiC Track. electrtC stove Saturday, May 11 lOam' 4pm 369 Belanger, Grosse P F olnte arms _ Estate and '~~ving On the Corner of Lewiston 409 Rivard, G.P. City It _w_e_a_t_he_r______ MOVING sale TWin bed sets Sofa, Ironnte, lawn mower, mlsc May 13th, , 10am. 3pm 20857 Crowley, (2 blocks North of 10 Mile, off Little Mack Saturday, May 11 175 RIDGE RD., GROSSE POINTE FARMS Saturday, May 11, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. :0 40' MULTI. FAMILY TWO Family garage sale 1748 Anita East of Mack Saturday 5 11, 9 to 1 BARBIE May 10th & 11th 830 to No Pre Sales Baby fur 3 Antique furMure free nlture and clothes Buy Sell Trade standing basket ball bikes, fans books boat hoop micro wave s supplies and eqUipment 313-884-6279 40 s gas stove clothes VCR TV, word process kitchen Items tools and or lamps, some furnl BLUE berber rug (22 X9) other great lunkll ture adulV teen clothes $100 313331 8082 15115 Windmill POinte MULTI- Family Garage Drive Grosse POinte COMMODE for bed Sale Babyl chlldrens I Park (Between Pember room ralls for Single or adult Clothes ton & Barnngton) double bed arm rest for household, Dictaphone tOilet t9401 Moross Rd toys perennials Friday TWO Family Sale Satur Saturday 9 5 3% Ker d'1y Ivl'1Y 11 th 8 1 pop COPPER tublnQ secufltv by (Farms) 2119 Roslyn Grosse gate and Windows 2 Porote Woods Toys Lit ceiling fans 810-778 REDWOOD outdoor furnl lie Tlkes Fisher Prrce 3565 ture PICntCtable wood Kids pools, girls clothes COUCH & Loveseat like lathe 10 speed wom. 10 12, Boys 5 6 new $100 Home Gym an s bike etc Saturday $100 810-731 7315 or May 11 9 to 12 1331 YARD Sale Saturday 9 2 Bird cages boat trailer 313-37t 1719 Bishop Grosse POinte golf clubs, small appltan DETROIT Gun & Knife Park ces Lots more' 1661 Showl Coming MAY RUMMAGE Sale St Bournemouth (Woods) 11TH & 12TH to The James Church 170 YARD salel Thursday, 5/9 DetrOit Light Guard Ar. McMillan Grosse Friday 5/10 1704 Man mory, located at Eight POinte Saturday May chester Grosse POinte Mile and Ryan Show 18, lOam 2pm Woods hours Saturday 9.5 Cothlng, household, etc YARD Sale 1875 Nor. pm, Sunday 9-4 pm SATURDAY May II, 9amwood, 1st block West of $300 admiSSion Park. 4pm 18558 Woodland Mack Thursday Frrday, 109 IS free and secure Harper Woods Between Saturday 930am 5pm Handgun buyers reKelly & Beaconsleld Quality clothing, boys 8 member your purchase 14 mens, womens, TV permit Buyers, Sellers SATURDAY, May 11, 9am VCR, desk, 10 speed bl' Traders all welcome For 3pm Block sale Lan cycle wheel chall, toys, more Info call (517)676caster, between Helen stuffed animals, many _4_1_60 _ and Jackson Chlldrens household Items ChrlstESTATE clothes & toys, craft supmas decoratIOns all GALLERIES piles yarn, antiques, good quality, no Junk 2 DAY lamps, bikes furniture 412 MISCELLAHEOUS Also Frtday 1984 Lan. caster AIITlClES 50% OFF _ 18' above ground Dough. SALE SCUBA diVing eqUipment, boy pool Good condl' Dacor Nautlca Be Saturday/ Sunday tlon Newfitter (810)778Quantum regulator and 10 a.m" 6 p.m. 7193 Orca computer & carryIn The Ing bag $850 (313)371- 18 HP Wards lawn tractor, ENTIRE STOREr!! 3846 6 speed, 42" cutting _ ALL INVENTORY deck, good COndition SECTIONAL sofa, $600 810.777-0776 50 % OFF recliner, bamboo 27" Zenrth TV $150 , mlro. shades, Little Tlkes Mack Avenue at Bedford wave $75 Electnc barbToys bikes and lots cue gnll $125 Chaise _ mor~ Friday & t 0:00 AM. - 4:00 PoM. 406 ESTAlE SALES Between Kercheval and Maumee EclectIC Movmg Sale Durand 011 and other Modern pnnts 50 s Rattan set, Butterfly chaIrs, W,cker bench scat club chaIrs, SIKFnntwood and cane dmmg chaIrs, Frultwood round dmmg table and chaIrs, Baker oval coffee table, Lazy Boy contemporary day bed., 50's roilIng bar, WhIte campaIgn bedroom sets, Brass twm bed, King bed w,th cane headboard, 50 sTable Chrome and oak breakfast set Desk, bookshelves Directors chaIrs, outdoor round table Palntod chests Great CostumeJewelry Hobe, 'mfan Cora, Vendome Sterhng, gold garnet, opal, cameo and other nngs rhmestone pearls, Jade crystal, ,I1ver channa Cadillac watch other fun pIeces Parfume bottles Cut gla,s Murano I(lass, cup'll.aucers Llmol(es Ru,sel Wnght, ArabIa, McCoy Pmk and Red gla.s Mlkasa "Morocco" chma set Royal Hickman sllverplate servIng pIeces Lots of pottery Chrome acryhc lamp. chrome phea•• nt bookends Copper and bras. ,terns, chma donkeys Books, Golf clubs Va'le S, KItchenware Freezer Fndge stove wa.herldrycr Webber 1(7111, plantel"'l A fun 'WIle Numbel"'l gIVenout Saturday at !l 30 AM Street number. honored at 8 30 AM only 40' ESTAlE SALES GARAGE/YAIIO/ IASEMfNT SALE gardenlngl workshop tools, beds, books, appliances. 983 Lake. pomte, Saturday 9- 3 No pre sales MOVING Sale Household Items, some furniture 20641 Wedgewood (off Vernier) One Day Onlyl!, Saturday May 11th, 9 to 2 ---------_ MOVING sale Saturday 92pm Quality chlldrens clothing, toys cherry Saturday, 9am- 1pm oval coffee table, Wicker 1209 Yorkshlrel Kerfurniture, household cheval Items, Discovery Toys _ and software 330 Mem- THREE Family Sale Fur- HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. GROSSE POINTE HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. PAnIC)A 40' * and Sunday ture New Shipments of Estates 4 FAMILY Garage SaleWeekly Clothing, toys, Little King, queen 7 twin size Trkes, furniture and mahogany 4 poster beds more May 9th, 10th, Mahogany executIVe desk 8 30am to 4pm.19990 & traditional size desks Van Antwerp (Harperl Govemor Winthrop secre. Vernier) tary desks (large & small) 4 Family Garage Sale Mahogany banquet & traMay 10, 9am. 3pm dltlonal size dining room 21421 Broadstone, be. tables (plain, fancy, tween Allard & 7 Mile carved, Inlayed) Sets of between Mack & dining room chairs up to Harper. Boys & glfls 12 per set (Chippendale to clothes, Infant to size 12 Toys Including Lrttle Duncan Phyle) Some Tlkes and Fisher Price sets of 4 chairS for $200 Tools and many adult per set Mahogany sldeItems boards wrth Inlay Con. ---------soles, sofa tables, 4335 Cadieux, May g, 10, servers, 11 9am. 6pm House. buffets. Complete art Nouhold, clothing, toys ~O GAUGE/YAIID/ ASEMENT SALE GARAGE Sale hospital Huge Garage Sale bed $125 apartment 1146 Lakepomte size table and 2 chairs, Grosse POinte Park microwave, large mirror Saturday Only, May 11 dishes and mlscellane 9am 4pm wrought Iron table With 6 BOATI Fishing eqUipment, ous Items Saturday 10 Lots of neat stuff like newl arm chairS, loveseat & tires, furniture, dining 5 18880 Eastwooo coffee table Barstools, room set van captains Harper Woods (off Bea Love seat, arm chairs ma hogany drop leaf table consfleld) Window treatments and chairs, bench seat patio With chairs coffee & end more 824 8608 set, bikes & more Sat GARAGE Sale May 10 & tables dinette set chan SAVE cashl Queen size urdayonly 8 AM 1218 11 Friday Saturday 9 dellers tvs bikes air duluxe orthopedic mat Hawthorne Woods ? 20304 11 Mile Road condlt~oner kltche n & tress set, luxury firm 20 FANTASTIC 4 family ga St Cla~r Shores decorative Items year warranty New stili rage sale, Saturday GARAGE sale May 101 In plastiC Cost $1100 Mayll,830.2pm 66 Garage Sale 11 9 00 3 00 Baby HUGE s3cnfoce for $325 Del... Hanoy Ro to urnllure, Tools householo Items Items & mlscelleneous ery available 885 6766 draperies housewares flshmg lures clothes 1511 South Renaud TWIN bedroom set With 3 linens, toys childs kltch preCISIOn tools, lots GARAGE Sale Multi faml mirrored dresser, Queen en set, HO scale train more' Frrday Saturday Iy 1033 Whittier (be Anno legs, night stand, set golf clubsl bag, roll 9 4 28601 Ursuline (off tween Jeffersonl St stool 881-0574, eveerblades bikes, sporting Martm Road) Paul) Saturday 9 3 Ba nlngs goods Postersl paint by furniture, chairs, WHITE wrought Iron (bls, Ings, books tools, desks, gas grtll, stereol GARAGE Sale' Toys chll tro) patio set 2 chairs, clothes, much, much speakers, bikes, skatesl dren's clothes, mlsc table umbrella, $80 No morel No presales skiS Little Tlke Items, rust aluminum After GARAGE and Estate Sale many toys, much more Items Friday, May 10 96pm 810-4459676 TV, appliances No Presalesl 2 Saturday, May 11 9 furniture, household 12 2056 VanAntwerp, Grosse Pomte Woods Items, toys and more GARAGE sale. Saturday, May 11 10- 2 Lawn 14835 Toepher, EastMay 11, 8am- 4pm mowers, ladles size 10 MOVING SALE' Fflday, pOinte (North of 8, West 23425 South ColOnial shoes, stack chairs, old Saturday, May 3, 4 May of Graliot) Thursday, Fn. Court, St Clair Shores Chrysler car hood, mlsc 10 11 8 a m to 4 pm day, Saturday 10- 4 An. (Off 8 mile, end of Mor. 22331 Avalon, near 22490 BayView near Mack 101/2- Jefferson nual Don't MISS Salellfl nlngslde) Collectibles, antiques, GARAGE salel Friday 9- GARAGE Sale. Saturday, MOVING sale, May 11, 10 am- 3 pm 920 P em. household, books, reo 4 Clothing samples, May 11th, 10- 4 Last cords, CD's, kitchen toys, household Nice b er t on, G rosse P om t e garage sale 15 years P ar k F urnl t ure b a b y, Brtc Brac, Ladles sale 22826 Englehardt ago Women's clothes h ouse h0Id ,sports, t oys (Size 8lsh) books, com. clothes, ltnens 8 Faml' GARAGE SALEI Friday, decora t 109 It ems Las t 0f ICS, oHlce chairS, etc hes Unloading all kinds Saturday 10- 5 Furnl' of goodies Nice stuff, ture, household Items, 19950 Holiday Grosse grea t st uffl POinte Woods MOVING Sale- antiques, Bargain prlcesllllll'" handyman supplies, 32' ---------1593 & 1561 Roslyn, off Mack near 8 mile Sat. Monday through Saturday 11 to 530 Closed Wednesday SALES 40' REDECORATING. DE. BIG garage sale Child SIGNER FURNITURE rens toys, womans Two Baker couches, two clothing (size 3 up) sectlOnals, chairs, Saturday 8- 2 22965 tables, Woodard 9 piece Marter Rd 50 % OFF SALE Saturday/ Sunday 10 a m- 6 p.m 406 mAlE GAftAGE/YAIIO/ IASEMENJ SALE PATRICIA 313 Ill.II__ ,..~--------~ KOLOJE 885 SKI 6604 .. HOU-,f HOLD E<;TAH: • MOVI"1G ""-.. __ ( \11 Tm 241l0l1l1l0TII\ •. IlH~ IUD ~OR U"l OVlI\(, SAU I\HlR\{,\T10' 1)0 ....".......... ....-:" ~............,~ ""' .. ~,.., ...... P'l .... _ ___... _ • ........ ~ .... .. Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection HlANEOUS AIlTlCLES 411 MIS<HlANEOUS AIlTlmS 500 ANIMAl ADOpr A PEl '0 I AUrOMOTlVE CHIlYSlEIl 601 AUTOMOTIVE FOIlD 603 AUrOMOTlVE GENERAlMOIOIlS 603 AUIOMOIIVE 60S AUrOMOTlVE GENERAL MOTOftS FOIlElGN WINDOW TREATMENTS BOUVIER. 10 months, 1985 Dodge Daytona 1986 Topaz, 65,000 rnlles, 1988 CorSica- 4 door, 1989 Suburban Silverado 1991 VOLKSWAGEN Vertical blinds netrual pretty, big black Good condition $1,300 good condition NeN $975 as IS 16820 Ker43,500 miles New tires, CABRIOLET 5 speed, beige color 89WX86'L spayed, Immunized or best offer Grosse tires battery & brakes cheval battery muffler Excel all power Air Red/ $30 104'WX68 L $25 Friendly but exuberant POinte Woods 885 $2 000 or best offer 1989 Cutlass Clera runs lent condition 810 777white top, 30,000 miles 71'WX71 L, $20 and untrained Rescue, GOLF.HAIG Altra Like 5007 886-0212 7222 Mint $10,900 313882 great $850 313884 51 WX56"L $15 Two 313-886-8387 or 313 new Ladles new starter 2417 1988 DYNASTY excellent 2281 1990 Sunblrd convertible pa<rs 52WX60 L, $15 881-0200 sets 882 5558 conditIOn $20001 best 1987 Cutlass Supreme loaded excellent condl- 1984 Volvo 245DL statIOn Laura Ashley tie back IBM Selectric TypeWriter & HAPPY TAILS K 9 Res oHer Must see to be Mint condition $3 700 tlon $8 000 Call 881curtains and valances 10 wagon Automatic ex l sland $100 ROWing cue Dogs & Puppies Iteve (313)8825016 IlZ' (313)884 3315 7195 green "Bramble pattern cellent condition ,\lachine new $75 (2) available Call 313 8821981 Reliant K car Good 1982 Ftreblrd V 6 aulomat ---------1994 Trans Am T Top, 59 X57 $25 valances $2,700 8223928 10 speed bikes malel 8269 for available dogs 42 000 I 1994 DeVille Leather, cast con d Ilion ml es IC Rally wheels loaded Black 19,000 miles SO/ 1986 VW Jella GLI 5 36 X59 $20 36 X56 female $50 each Small & adopt a pet schedule $2000 or best 810 296$ 1695 Call after 5pm wheels, theft deterrent, 5 year warranty $20 Lighting fixtures speed air Ongmal ownporlable TV 5 black & 9533 3138845222 17000 miles Excellent $16,000/ best 810654 Two art deeo chande 501 IIIlDS FORSAlE er $1,900 824 8358 white $25 884 2432 1994 Talon stick power -----____ condition 810-7754162 6471 llers $35 & $25 All like evenings brakes and steering, 1992 Beretta very good 1976 ELDORADO converCONVERTIBLE JAMES A MONNIG new Call 313 8865102, HAND fed Cockatiels, all 1983 VW Quantum well condition runs great re tlble Original owner gaAMIFM cassette BOOKSELLER types including Whiteleave message With Ilable, AM/F M cassette 1993 Olds Cutlass maintained reliable, 5 28000 miles 313884 rage kept, $14,000 313Selected Books Bought face Silver & Fallow ohone number and $7000/ IJtli:>l \8 I U).2~O tU.2 .222.2 S~;Jrema 34, I"alh .. r !>ptled Only l.2llK Re2610 And Sold splits available 810 776name black, 47,000 miles cords Sunroof 885602 AUrOMOTlVE 1000AM-400PM 783ft 5 I 267_1 1992 Geo Tracker $6 700 $16,000 (313)884-0866 WOLFF Tanning Beds 6446 Tupsday through Saturday 1988 Beretta No rusl Must sell Excellent conSPOTLESS FOIlD 503 HOUSEHOlDpm TAN AT HOME BMW. 1891, 7351 While, Good condition $3500/ dillon Pager 313 2604928 Cadieux Rd FORSAlE 1988 112 Escort, 2 door, Buy DIRECT and SAVEl beautiful condition With best 885-0455 2253/313-2452146 ELDORADO BI8rrttz 1986 Near E Warren manual, AIC excellent CommerclaV Home Unrts 2 Ferrets In large cage all power, wire wheels, leather, sunroof 1984 BonneVille air FMI 1988 GM Vandura, 2500 884.7323 condition must see 313 $100/ everything 313From $19900 Boze moon, very clean, 102,000 miles $19,000 8224780 cassette Runs perfect Dark blue utility van $6,800 or best 810778822-2461 JET ski rack $200 mirror Low Monthly Payments 810-3539750 A very clean dependa 46,000 miles, $4500 8216 FREE Color Catalog bl fold doors $50 each Escort statIOn '06 AUIOMOIIVE AKC Lhasa Apso puppies 1993 ble car Asking $1,475 313-527-8280,313-885Call Today best (810)294 4992 wagon, air 5 speed 'O~ AUTOMOIIVE JHPS/4-WHEEl ready May 12 Cute cud886-7090 3252 $6995 313.839-5330 ANHOUE/ CLASSIC 1.800.842.1305 KEMP ComposTumblerdly bundles of JOY 1994 Cherokee Country, 4 1993 BUick Century Cus 1994 Grand AM, like new, $350 Leave message 1991 Escort- good condi18 bushel capacity New WORKOUT bench, door, 23,000 miles, tom, all options <mmaclow mileage, dark green 1975 Chevrolet Caprice (810)663-6007 $400 asking, $160 Pertion $2,500 (313)886 weights GenesIs 32X convertible, red. while. loaded Very clean I ulate InSide & out Warranty $11 900 313fect condition 810775dog obedi3817 after 6 p m and games 313-882- BEGINNER white, clean condition $9,995 (313)884-0884 882-8118 $15,000 (313)882-9348 6116 ence classes startlllg 3749 Asking $5,900 (810)7951988 Escort- Great condl 1993 BUick Park Avenue, 1990 G rand PriX LE. 2 1991 Chevrolet Blazer Tanowl OutSide classes LADIES Kasper SUlls, Size 8187 tlonl automatic New 413 MUSICAl Ultra leather tully loaddoor, 59,000 miles hoe 4x4- 4 3 V-6, auto, 10 weeks/ $50 For 10 and 12 Evenmgs parts $1 500 or best ofIHSTIlUMENrS ed, excellent condilion Loaded $7,3501 or bes, 1979 I=',al SpIder, olive air, loaded, sport 810-759-0659 more information call fer (313)822-3605 $15,500 313-882.9268 810-792-4828 green, 21,500 miles wheels, clean I $9,900 ANTIQUE plano, Apollo Harper Avenue Animal MOVINGU Art household 1991 Ford Escort. 2 door, 1985 BUick Park Avenue 1989 Grand PriX SE $7,590 Great condition Rinke Pontiac, 810497Baby Grand Fully reHospital, ask for Melmda Items, appliances, turnl 5 speed Reliable 313-390-4815, 810-7747699 Runs excellent, power While, gray leather, all stored, humidifier, (313)882-0505 ture, flower arranging 2179 $2,800 Call after 6, 331ellerythmg $23001 best options, excellent condlmatching duet bench 1981 CJ5, 4x4 Black/ supplies sporting FREE GOOD DOG 6172 60S AUTOMOIIV{ 810-790-5717 Page lion, low miles, onglnal Ongmal IVOrykeyboard Chrome 6 cylinder. goods, clothes, treasFOIlEIGN 81Q..861-3016 owner $6500/best 313$5,500 313-331-7310, 99,000 Original miles FamIly seeking a dog 1991 Ford Taurus XL 4 ures 919 Bamngton, after 5 OOpm 884-0303 door V6-3800, antl- lock 1994 CADILLAC Sedan lover to enjoy a ten year 1989 Audl 100 Luxury saNO rust Leather CD, Park Thursday, Friday DeVille, 13,000 miles 1986 Nova, $1900/ besl brakes, cassette, alumiold cocker spaniel Cute, dan Black! black leather many new parts, $6,300 CASH PAID Saturday, 9 to 5 Leather, White, blue top AIr, clanon Cassette, denum Wheels, 6 way powinterior New tires, Must sell 313-875.8030 loyal, lOVing, needs a FOR MOST PIANOS ORIENTAL Rugs- 9 x 12, Perfect' $23,250 Rinke pendable All marnteer seat dnver, restraint companion dog We brakes, dealer main, 1994 Ford Explorer, Eddie IN 24 HOURS 1 pink 1 gold Best Cadillac 810-757-3700 nance records Free rasystem, good condrtlon have to let him go Save IMMEDIATE PICK UP talned 90,000 miles Bauer loaded, 32,500 offer (313)885 1220 Call (810)751-6454 1994 CADILLAC Concours dar decector Grosse him from an early end AVAILABLE Superb car In superb miles $18,000 or best PELLA doors Vinyl winDeVille Northstar, POinte Farms Richard, Call for delalls 1988 Ford Thunderblrdcondition $7,500 Firm 810-977-3918 By ProfeSSional Movers dows, doorwalls Lennox 17,000 miles, leather, 313-881-7379, evenings Loaded, dark blue, one (810)997-0032 Call for apPointment 1996 GMC Jimmy SLT 313-886-9289 furnace, G E gas stove, warranty $23,975 1986 OLDS Cutlass Clera, owner $3,2001 best GUITARS, banJOS and 313.886-5433 4X4- CD player, leather, 7' stal nless bar Sink puppies, AKC, Rinke Cadillac 810.757. 4 door, auto, cold air, 886-0378 mandolins, ukes LAB 1995 BMW 3181 A, 4 door, 4000 miles, perfectl units Best offer yellow, stockey, Qualily 1995 1I NCOLN towncar, 3700 loaded, 71,000 miles wanted Collector 886. 16,000 miles, power $24,500 Rinke Pontiac, , (313)886-8527 blood line $475 Ready Like new condition 4522 burgundyl black Intenor, 1994 CADILLAC SeVille sunroof, redl black Inte81Q.497-7699 Mothers Day (810)774PENNSYLVANIA HouseSLS, Northstar, 19000 $3,950 (313)839-4462 speCial ordered, loaded, nor $24,900 (810)799. 1993 GMC Jimmy SLE USED PIANOS 0916 l Cherry Queen Anne end mIles Leather, Bose 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass 29,OOOKmiles, wrth war2421 4x4. 4 door, red, Vortee Used Spinets- Consoles table and oval coffee taMALTESE, 2 year old Perfectl Rinke Cadillac Supreme S-4door, all ranty, garage kept, non1983 Datsun 280 ZX, Tur43 V-6, clean' $14,870 Upnghts & Grands ble, perfect, 5200 Small male, extremely affec81Q..757-3700 options, 26K $12,000 smoker Grosse POinte bo 60,000 miles TRinke Pontiac, 810-497maple desk, $25 885tionate, complete health ABBEY PIANO CO Cadillac Sedan 313-885.0930 owner like new 1993 tops Silver $49001 _7_6_99 _ 7953 after 4 p m ROYAL OAK 810541-0116 & AKC records seeking $24,800 313-885-0654 DeVille beige leather 1987 OLDSMOBILE Cut. best BUSiness 313.3431992 GMC Sonoma 4X4, good home 882-7784 PRECIOUS Moments Fig- PIANOS WANTED seats & all the extras lass Supreme Broug1994 Lmcoln Towncar Ex0900, days Home 313loaded, very clean SHIH.TZU AKC, male pupurmes, mlsc pieces ReTOP CASH PAID 50K miles $16,500 or ham, 2 door 6 cylinder, ecullve Serres, all leath881-7310 $11,500.810-228-8683 pies, vet checked, With tied, Suspended & WANTED- ornate Art Case best offer (313)885loaded, excellent condl- 1994 Honda CIVICLX, mider, loaded, low miles pager 810-970-9757 papers and shots Members only from 7177 tlOn Needs nothlng'" Stemway Grand plano, Asking $23,5001 best night blue, power Wln- 1992 GMC Jimmy SLE (313}884-4393 1990 & earlier Green 810-773.8152 also Standard Steloway 1990 Cadillac Seville STS$4,500 (313)839-4462 dows/locks, am/fm cas- 4 x 4, loaded, automatic book pnce only 81Q..776SMALL toy poodle bea~- 1977 Mercury MarqUIS' Grand Plfmo -@13)~. bluel tan, loaded 1983 Oldsmqbile Delt",,86 ~ette, llir, dual air bagi Take ovar payments _ 7 41m" iilfer 5 p nl fuV sweet dispOSition 5 6858 runs great,mrnor rust 60,000 miles $13,500 4 door, fully loaded Ex- '127K Mll1tr1$'t1\56IH!l1'S! (313)685-9353 QUEEN waterbed With months'. 4 pounds, black (313)885-4347 (313)884-6101 cellent condition 79,000 882-2417 1994 GRAND Cherokee 41SWANI£DTOIUY female 313.885.7106 drawers and chest of miles $1995 313-824- 1992 Honda 1995 Mustang GT conver- 1985 Cadillac SeVille MePrelude. limited, loaded, exceldrawers With mirrors, BOOK donallons needed chanlcally maintained, 7285 or 81Q..503--2277 tible Stick, white, leath50SLOSTANDFOUND 4WS, red, 5 speed. lent conditIOn, Silver oak Must sell Negotiafor St Clair school used er, CD, loaded, 17,000 good shape 117,000 1995 PONTIAC Grand ABC, sunroof, alarm, $24,000 882-0200 ble 7799316 evenings CATS 7 months to 2 book sale. 884-3121, miles $20,000 886 miles $3,0001 besl 774PriX SE coupe, 7300 loaded, 43K $12,500 1991 ISUZU Rodeo 4 x 4, hOlEX watches - buy, sell years 2 Calico kittens 526-0878 9532 9852 miles, loaded, like new telephone 810-731. 4 door, 43,000 miles trade and service Also Shols & fixed Call for 1994 Mustang GT- Sharp, 1984 Cadillac 2 door $17,500 (313)885-7351 BUYING china (complete 6335 Cleanl Loaded $12,980 , buymg and seiling other details 521-3669 LaserRed, loaded, auto, Coupe DeVille 1 of a 1995 PONTIAC Fire- 1991 Honda CIVIC LX, 4 or partial sets) Call Jan Rinke Toyota 810-758fine watches 810-293alarm, 17' wheels, FOUND- femal Masterbull, kind Stored winters bird, 14,000 miles, auto 81Q..731-8139 after 6 door, air, cassette, M,- _2_0_00 _ 2612 36,000 miles $13,500 standard Size, young Well maintained Excelair, loaded Like new GUITARS, banjos, mandochelln Tires New bat- 1994 Jeep Grand ChercRUG- 8' x 10' dume 810-649-7727 or 810313-521-3669 lent condrtlon Simulated $14,980 Rmke Cadillac lins and ukes wanted tery, timing belt, alignkee Laredo Red, power, Whrte/ light blue Dura792-2051 convertible top Leather 810-757-3700 FOUND: Purebred Fox Collector 886-4522 ment $5,900 886-6209 overhead computer, I hie wool Perfect cond,interior V-8 Automatic 1994 Pontiac Grand Am 1986 Honda, Acord PowTemer. White With Big 1992 Mustang LX 5 0 stratght 6, tow package I on $300 884-2706 UONElO Gauge trams & Conw<th air All power GT- V-6, auto, air, powBlack patch over eye er Windows! locks lOOK $16,800 81Q..777-9543 accessories In good ~ACRIFICE! Traditional $4,800 313-881-8981 er Windows, power vertible umlted edrtlOn, Harper/ Cadieux area highway miles 5 speed. 1993 Jeep Cherokee condrtlon preferably WIth r,OHLER Campbell Vibrant Red wrth Whrte 1981 Cadillac Sedan Sevlocks, low miles, warranMay 5 Gentleman With $1600 9am- 5pm, 313Sport 4 0, 6 liter, air box Also looking for : console plano, cream Top, Leather, 5-speed, lieClean car, great 'Con. ty $13,370 Rinke Poncollar 313-882-1591 210-2091/6pm10pm, conditioning 55,000 early older copies of AlfiniSh, excellent condldltlon, black, power bac, 810-497-7699 Power everythmg' 313-881-4447 miles Asking $12,000 COholic Anonymous In LOST. 1 year old yellow I tlon $1300 (313)885Alarm, non smoking & $1,850 313-884-8277 1993 Pontiac BonneVille 1989 JETTA. automatiC, Lab Reward If found ; 4019 good condition 882. 313-886-3358 no wlnlers MINTI Pnce 1972 Cadillac LimOUSine SSE- loaded 44,000 313-331-9840 ~07 air, cassette, highway 1990 Jeep Wranger 4X4, 5 ~TELLITE DISH "New" $13,500 Call313-886Runs great Needs miles Excellent cond,'01 AUrOMOllVE miles. Clean, $3,000 or speed, hard & soft tops, OLD ORIENTAL Sony D55 System 5014 paint Good condition tlon $13,700 810-779best. 810-792-3215 excellent condrtlon, weJl CHRYSLER RUGS WANTEDl SASBSI, Includes Instal1991 MUSTANG GT, $3,7001 best Page 3132207 1988 Mazda, RX7, SE Exmaintained, white, lation $595 00 Call 313. Any size or condition 1992 Chrysler New Yorker white, loaded, aul0, 260-22531 313.245. 1993 Pontiac Sunblrd LE cellent, 52,000 mlles 56,000 miles $8200 331-1059 1-800-443-7740 Salon. Loaded, Wires, 66K, radar, alarm, 66K, New lJres, Slln roof, bra _884__ 03_84 _ 2146 Excellent condlllon, ~ERGER 4 thread New OLD wooden duck hunting one owner, 31,000 $8,900 (810)778-3437 1994 Camaro Z-28, whrte, 43,000 miles $6,900 or and Tonneau Cover. 1888 Jeep Wrangler Great l I S350/ offer RCA Camdecoys and fishing miles, Perfect $10,850 1987 Mustang LX 50, auloaded, T-lops, automatbest 886-flMl $7,000 810-776-8214 shape, black With gray I, corder, all extras, $450 equipment wanted Rinke Pontiac, 81Q.497. tomallc, Wife's car, IC, alarm, remote key- 1993 Pontiac Grand Am 1986 MERCEDES 190E Intenor, new top A must 313-881-2944 Cash paid 810.7747699 $3,200,884.9009 less entry, $16,000 81Q.. SE- 4 door, one owner, Red/ tan alrbag pnstlne seel Asking $4,900 Call 8799 SHARP 19" color TV $75 1995 Dodge Avenger, au. 1986 T-BIRD, loaded, ex 79Q..4419 aula, air, stereo- cascondltl~n $8:800 or (810)954-1939 PAYING CASH FOR Whirlpool refngerator, tomatlc, air, power cellent condition, rebultt 1979 Camara- white, runs sette, 47,000 miles, best Leave message 1992 Wrangler. 40,.000 JEWELRY, WATCHES whrte $125 Sleeper solocksl wmdows/ mirrors engrne, many new parts great, 2 sels of wheels clean I $7,475 RIOke (810}447.131 0 miles,S speed, new top, DIAMONDS fa (Serta mattress), $13600/ best 313-343$2195 or best 810-777. Needs some body work Pontiac, 810-497-7699 1995 MITSUBISHI Galant, excellent condition GOLD & SILVER earth tones $150 Pam 2826 7299 $1,500 779-2207 1990 Pontiac Sunblrd LE 4 door, auto, aJr, 12,000 $9,200 313-64Q..4781 (313)372-01 20 1993 Dodge Stealth ES 1992 Taurus lX wagon 601 AUrOMOflVE 1992 Cavalier RS Covertl Au, auto low miles, Zlemiles Warranty, perfectt THE GOLD SHOPPE SINGLE and half oak wa Black, leather, stick, 38, loaded Leather 10PARISTIllESAlARMS ble- Loaded 31,900 bart nustproof paint! fab$12,800 Rinke Toyota 22121 GRATIOT terbed With 6 drawers 40K Must see $13,500 tenor 87,000 highway miles White, black Exnc protection Excellent 81Q..758-2000 EASTPOINTE and attached bookshelf, 771-3340 miles, excellent condl' cellent condition condition $4,400 313- 1985 N,ssan pick. up ex810-n4-0966 $300 desk and chair $10,500 884-2432 884-3190 1989 Dodge Daytona, red tlon $9,300 313-886ALARMS tended cab 5 speed, All tra nsactions $125, carved antique 94,000 miles, air, slereo _1_996 _ 1992 Cavalier wagon 1989 Pontiac Grand AM, 2 &. ACCESSORIES $2100 313-331-8917 stnctly confidential mahogany Tomlinson Save on Auto Insurance 117, 000 miles new door stick good trans- 1989 PORSCHE 944, redl casselle Looksl runs rifles and dining room set 5 SHOTGUNS, • Remote Starts tires, brakes Runs portat,on $800 882black,S speed, air, pow$2,500 810-778handguns, Parker, chairS, Sideboard and • Keyless Entry greatl $2900 881 3960 2264 er steerlngl brakes, Browning, Winchester, chrna cabinet $1,000 • Truck AcceSSOries Cott Luger, others Col 1988 Dodge Daytona am/fm, CD, 60,000 1989 Tempo GL- 4 door, 1984 Cavalter- Runs great, 1986 Ponti ac 6000 LE313 885-5795 advanced damage left front fender 113 000 miles, air trailer miles Must sell lector 810.4783437 New paint, head canair, very clean, runs automotfve STEUBEN bow1 $250 FIRM 313 640 hitch good condition $12,500 (313)884-6101 WANTED. hockey pucks densor, Mho, etc Runs great $3,000 313-822 (s<gned) 43/4" high, 7 accessories 4781 $1500 (313)8820895 81Q..774-7162 1987 Porsche 924s good $2800 Must sell 8015 1/2" bow1 opening 313-534-8029 1995 Chevrolet Corsica 4 ~ 70,000 miles Excellent WANTED- ornate Art Case Fax your ads 24 hours BEAUTIFUL I Best offer Thunderbirdgood door 6 cylinder auto condItIOn $7,800 313- ~ Stelnway Grand plano, 1982 Plymouth Grand Fu- 1990 ~ 313-885 5089 condition High mileage I I 882-1585 884-4190 610 AurOMOIIVE ry $700f best 313-331 arr ow 'l11 es warranty also Standard Stelnway 0187 All power options $10900 Rinke Pontiac, 1984 PontIac Sunbrrd LE, 1995 Saab convertible SPOftrs (AilS Grand plano (313)862$2 995 Call 884 8145 810497-7699 900SE- 4 700 miles, au 4 door $750 313-882 6858 1991 Corvette, blackl U4 AUTOMOflVE 881-9500 604 AUTOMOTIVE tomatlc, C 0 all power 2125 WANTED: Used Pianos, 1993 Chevrolet Cavalier 2 black Bose, 10 000 ANflOUEI ClASSIC 11109 Morang Detroit options Asking $34,500 ANTIOUEI ClASSIC Grands Consoles & door auto air low 1982 Pontiac MilES, perfect 810228Ftrebtrd 810-775-3739 Auto Ex. VI, pay wh tor all furniture Spinets Top $$$$ 810miles $6,980 Rinke 8683, pager 810-970TransAm 81 000 Orlgl change 810-338-7750 a 'IQ~ lamps 011 4458340 Pontiac 8104977699 9757 nal miles Excellent conp i'ntrngs Onental 4 500 ANIMAl drtlon New brakes, new 1988 Toyota Camry 1993 Mazda Mlata- Red, 1991 Chevy Cavalrer 2 n ~\ door automatic all, AOOpr A PH exhaust new tlfes, sun excellent condition only door 5 speed good cassette, AMIFM new Ifour ... roof tilt wheel Air rear 17,000 miles $12000 condition $33001 best J(), m Sp m BLACK Lab 2 years old, ttres, battery exhaust ApprOXimately 18 000 onglnal miles onglnal defrost $2500 810.771 8850729 8862543 housebroken all shots Good condition, one eqUipment mirrored T top dark bronzf> 4989 'II AUTOMOflVE $50 to good home 886owner 107,000 miles f 1984 CHEVY Calvler RS metalliC With clear acryliC coating (only rftUCKS 5746 $4 500 313-88 t 6439 4 door loaded low 1986 Pontiac 6000 STE 121 of th,s color) Out of BoWling Green Air power steering wm miles excellent condl 1eM Chevrolet Suburban 1993 VW Fox 5 speed, All seasons stored Show car With 6 flrst CAT sitter Let kitty stay New °lJ,ed dows sun roof Body ok, tlon Waranty available Silverado Leather, 350place trophies Serious buyers only Call red, low miles olle ownhome Licensed velerrr III! Set, • Odd Club, runs good High mile!> I $7 700 Central Aula V 8 loaded 21 000 (810) 977-8629 Vickie or leave message er excellent condition naryteehnlclan 313-886Asking $800 810-296 miles $23 500 Rinke 313 885 8300 839 n13) 882-8618 $6 200 or best 313.3966854 , 4462 7557 Pontiac, 81Q..497-7699 5406 ,GAS bOiler, baseboard tleallng, B & G clrculat mg pumps 810.778 3565 L I --------- AUTO. g;;~t S - ~~ M~1!t, Mike's Antiques I (;OLFCLUBS FOR SALE I I ,I '~~----"'._."". , __"".~_-"_1"'!O'.~~-........_-....-._ Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 700 ArTS/ FLATS/ DUruX 'SI IOATS AND MOIOIIS 702 ArTS/ FLATS/ DUPLEX 'SIIOATS AND MOTOIIS 70' HOUSfS fOil IllH T JIIUCKS 7" OFFICE/COMMflHlAI m 10AT STOIIAGE/DOCKING POIN TES/ HAIIPEII WOODS S C.S/MACOMI COUNIY DElIIOH/WAYNE COUNrf FOIIIIENT 1987 FORD Diesel, 3 yard 1993 Basstracker- Deep SEARAY 1986 268 Sun COVERED boatwells near IMMACULATE 2 bedroom ROSEVILLE, Chippendale HOME for rent 3 HARPER Woods store or dump 62,000 miles V-16, 40 horse olllnJecdancer 270 hours 260 Grosse POinte Ideal for lower In the Park Ga Apartments Clean, 1 bedroom, $525 Upper Good condition office for lease 20606 tlon Evenrude, Bimini V 8 Excellent condition fishermen or sports rage washer & dryer bedroom upper Appll$10,500 Eastside Auto flat. $300 810 7760568 Harper (on service Dr) top With curtains, trolling $22500 (810)445 0385 boats up to 26' 882 No smoklf'g no pefs a nces walk 10 closet CliniC 3135271044 3138814377 motor, aerated live well, SEANYMPH 1986,aluml 9268 MATURE gentleman Will $600 (313}886 1821 Pm'ate basement airlow hours, many eJdras num,12, 25 h P Mercu 612 AUTOMOTIVE HARPER WOODS share hiS nice home cond It I oOing $485 LAKESHORE address $7,900 881-2293 ry $550 Wahoo 19 TWO (2) ".ry nlo .... " .. '55 CAMPEAS With same very reason VANS MOVE IN SPECIAL, Grosse POinte Shores, 3 Ie.oh 1,'00 SQ FT (I••• able Pete, 313-521 Fisherman 1991, 150 1992 Aerostar Eddie Ba 1994 Boston Whaler 13' $299 first months rent ." ..U) EASY Aeele •• TO bedroom 2 5 baths 1986 Palomino pop up 8380 or 313 882-2500 Sport With trailer h p Yamaha 5 h P I U (AT VI!RNII!R) P ..... uer 4 wheel drive, ex $300 security 810-772 3 000 square feet Will camper Sleeps 5 Ing + many ame"" .•• $8,000 313-884 0987 Honda, eJdras 810-775REGENT- nice clean 3 8410 fended van, 78000 conSider 6 to 8 month Stove smk cooler, awn Mr Rob.,t. 313 , •• 2.00 bedroom $460 month _ miles $9,500 (313)886- 1985 CAL 33, loaded, ex. _1_3_5_5 M, Slnol .. l, &to 540 1000 led;e $2 000 monfh Ing spare wheel Light plus security depOSit 8004, after 6 cellent condition full A 1993 Seadoo GTX hke 8107720011 weight $995 313 881 KENNEDY BUILDING 810 781 5898 crUiselrace eqUipment new With trailer & eJdras 2163 1988 Astro, new tires, Opposite Eastland Mall LARGE nicely furnished $53,000 Call 313 882$4,500 or best offer 810TWO bedroom Single 2 700 sq ft available FIn106,000 miles Runs one room apartment 'S7 MOTOIICYClES 445 1394 house clean basement goodl burns 011 $1 7(111 6028 'shE'd arpas 1nr-ludU1g rrll/qte b3", exce"ent 1 112month security de 1995 Carver 325 crUiser, CAL 20 "Yellow Jacket' 881-3960 carpet & remodeled parking Open 313881 1983 Honda Nighthawk posrt $550 month Near 10 hours twin 350 s, air, award winner raced by restrooms Reasonably 0258 1989 CHEVY Cargo Vans 450cc New tlfes, new ~ Grosse POinte 882 loaded Includes well for John Sauer and Bill priced Includes heat, V8, auto cold air, more NEW luxury upper, 2400 battery Mmt condilion 5735 summer at Belle Maer MacNaughton 7 salls, lights & air conditIOning Excellent condition sq It, 4 bedrooms, 3 full $1400/ best 313-885707 HOUSES FOil IIENf / $106,000 810-566fully equipped, 1989 Call 810 776 5440 $4,500 Central Auto 7357 baths family room, hreS.C S/ MACOMI (OUNfY 1662 Merc 5 h P $3,000 or 17110NmeMIle 313-885-4840, 839place custom kitchen NEWLY remodeled offlce'S8 MOIOII HOMES Ea~lpomte 1978 ChriS Craft 22' Cui best 3138852197 4462 eves EXECUTIVE Ranch, 3 appliances laundry sUite 750 sq ft Harper/ tass Single screw In- BERTRAM 25 Express bedroom, 2 1/2 car at 8 t/2 Mile 810.772. room attached garage 1989 Dodge Grand Cara 1992 Chevy cab motor 810-771-3374 board wllh trailer Days crUiser, tWin I/OS, In. lached garage Great $1,395 8828080 1360 van. Maroon, clean, exhome, 24 , fully equip • Malntenam.e "fee LIVing (810)754-1890 credible value at $9 500 area, between Lillie OFFICE space, Grosse 2 cellent condition • Transpon'ULOn ped, sleeps 6 Excellent NEWLY remodeled, 1972 Chfls Craft XK.22, _8_8_6-_0_744 _ -Atll\lllleS Mack and Harper $4,500 810-7786473 bedroom Includes kltch POinte Woods From condilion Low mileage beautiful boat, low PEARSON 26, 1979 3 $1 0001 month 810 778enl laundry appliances $195 month Includes 810775-1554 1987 Dodge Passenger 70] UTS/HATS/DUPlEX 1391 hours, superb condrtlon salls, 9 9 outboard Large storage/ closets, utilities kitchen & convan 8250 Extended "0 TIIAflEllS WANTED TO IIENT $20,000 firm Contact Great condition Must blinds private parking ference room 810759107,000 miles, well ST CLAIR Shores 3 bed Larry Mayea, 810-725 sell, $2,995 810-589- RV, 1990, 26' Prowler References $545, 313- FEMALE 4000 law student maintained, runs great room bnck ranch, car 8858384 seeks qUiet room wlfh 6111 _8_8_2_7_______ AWning air conditioner, $4,800 (313)885.5031 peted, appliances base RETAIL SPACE private entry & bath 3 bedroom ment $795 front kitchen, electriC SPACIOUS Corner of Kercheval 1984 Dodge Caravan 1986 CRUISERS INC 266 CARVER 36' aft T350 s, Grosse Pomte area apartment washerl dry Rental Pros Sports V T-170's 425 air/ heat Replaced enhOist All accessories 2,000 sa. FT. commerCial delivery $350/ month (810}646er half garage No 810773 RENT hours 10 beam Load. closur Loran depth $6800 810-777-4456 With plenty of parking truck Low mileage 7825 smokers, no pets $715 Good Window frontage ed $23500 313-882 sounder $62900 810- COMPLETE RV Packagel $2,000 or best 824701 HOUSES WANTED TO IIENT electriC Included 88170S HOUSES FOil IIENT 15001Kercheval Avenue 3487 _7:..;7:..;8:..;-6;::.1...;66;..;:...._____ 35' Carnage fifth wheel 4280 4893 POINIES/ HAIIPEII WOODS 313-824.7900 ATIENTION (screened patiO, slideNON.SMOKING professlo 1992 Ford full size Eclipse 1985 Four Wlnns 195 HoPage 313-257-1191 nzon cuddy cabin, MercBOATERSI out, washer- dryer), Ford THREE bedroom upper $800. Three bedroom, nal man seeks sleeping converSion, V8, loaded crUiser, Shorlander trallFIBERGLASS 250XLT super cab truck, 721 VACATION IIENTAlS flat appliances $750 near park, school shoproom or studiO/ efflclen $12,000 313-8853022 er many eJdras ship to Repair Matenals, RV resort membership month 882-2667 FLOIIIDA ping Double garage, cy Pomte alea Excel 1990 GRAND Caravan, shore $6,900 (810)7779 Mile & Kelly Rd ownership resort lot at TROMBLEYfenced appliances 881lent references 313 565 MARATHON SpacIous KEY, AC, AM/FM cassette 9734 EastpOinte Fiberglass Brownsville, Texas 9687 8511x 24 evenings upper 3 bedroom FlOrida, ocean fro nt con$6,850 882-2125 --------Sales Good Buyl (313)885$1,000 Heat Included do at Bone Fish Towers 2 bedroom With FlOrida 70' TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS Senior Technical Rep 9214 1988 Grand Voyager LE, 7.5 HP EVlnrude outboard FOil IIENT No petsl (313)881.3829 1 bedroom low off-sea. motor & tank, $250 Mark Ireson room, In Grosse POinte V-6, Inflnlly sound sys700 APTSIFlATS/DUPtEX son rates 313-882Evenings 884-1859 81O-77-FIBER Shores $975 313-885TWO bedroom, two bath EXCLUSIVE condo on St tem Clean, no rust, POINIES/ HAIIPEII WOODS 5701 1989 O'DAY 24FT. 7491 or 8tO-293-1951 upper, hardwood floors, Clair Shores golf course loaded $4850 882new appliances Jeffer- 2650 Vernier Circle Up---------1067 Wayburn 3 bedroom Large wood paflo over- MARCO 2609 Island, FL Excellent conditIOn Per- CHRIS Craft Lancer, 23', upper flat Excellent sonl Maryland area dates throughout, 3 bedlooking pool, tennis 1989 MAZDA MPV van, 7 Beach-front condo at fect family crUiser, OMC I/O Great family condition June 1, $525 $500 per month, plus room bungalow With apcourts Well secured passenge~ loaded South Seas Towers 2 fishing runabout Great 313-839-5330 sleeps 4 Enclosed utilities 886-6399 pliances $945 month parkmg, garage ExerCleanl $6950 Rinke bedrooms low off-seacondition, low hours, head, Sink, stove, {81O)775-1460 cise room, washer/ dryer son rates 313-882Toyota 810-758-2000 trailer, radiO. Included 1351 SOMERSET1st UPPER 2 bedroom flat, cooler Many extras Included 2 bedroom, 2 greaf location, air, laun- GROSSE Pomte Farms 5701 1985 Voyagernew $3,500 or best offer floor flat, 2 bedroom, Splnaker, 8 HP full baths 1 year lease prime location 2 beddry, garage No pets 722 VACATJON IIENTALS brakes, tires, shocks, (313)885-7177 hardwood floors, large outboard, trailer Safe, Available JUly 1st $950 $750 882-8161 room FInished baseOUT OF STAlE cassette Great shapel COMPLETE Line flberdlOing & liVing room No sturdy boat $13 995 per month Please call ment, 2 car, centra! air, UPPER. St Clalf ApphanMust see I $2,400 After Evenings 313-331.6309, pets Great shape GOT A campground memo glass products to repalf Washer/ dryer $650 313.965.9301 for apall appliances Available ces Included 2 6, (810)777-8602 boats & cars. Michigan bershlp or time share? CAL25. Sailboat Very well pOintment May 1, $950 per month bedroom $565 313-8851992 VOYAGER Forest Fiberglass Sales 810per month, 1 5 months We'll take It I America's maintained, great family 313-201-9441 0470 after 6 p m green, gold wheels lintFANTASTIC view from all 777-2032/800-5894444 security depOSit Come largest resale cleanngboat Windows replaced, GROSSE POinte Park, ex701 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX see Thursday 7 to 8 pm ed glass, excellent con. windows, overlooking house Call Resort cradle Included $5,000/ ecutive home, lUXUriOUs DETIIOH/WAYNE (OUNTY dltlon, 51,000 miles or call 884-9385, 416pool One of the largest Sales Int 1-800.423best 313-882-3770 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath 3683545 Transferable warranty and outstanding 2 bed 5967 (24 hours) ATIENTION landlords- we 1991 Starcraft- 19' aluml' JaCUZZI, sauna $2350, $8,900 (810)774-2749 room, 2 bath Units In Fearunng W.tercraft from 14 [0 100 558 Neff- large 3 bedroom Will rent and manage HILTON Head ocean front num, 115 horse power references reqUired 313the "Berks hires" Also 1995 Wmdstar GL loaded flat 10 attractive Tudor your property Reasona kicker. loaded wtlh excondo 1 bedroom, $325 Sea RaI' 417 0093 for Sale Located on natural 1lfeplace, entmted Windows, 25,000 ble & reliable Good tentras, low hours Excelper week Spring $375 TIara rachIs GROSSE POinte Woods. 3 Vernier off Mack Call miles, clean Best offer closed porch, garage ants a must Lavon's lent condition With Summer (313)343-9053 b,"drooms, 1 bath, dinAz,mul Adell for all details 313-822-7786 (work un. stove, refngerator, dishHOUSing Placement trailer $11,000/ best Ing room, laundry room, Coldwell Banker RUSTIC log cabin on tll 6), 810.777-0588 washer, microwave, (810)773-2035 To/lycrajl 810-286-4712 mountain lake, Rangely 1 car garage, no baseSchweitzer at 313-886Home washer/ dryer and mainOpen 7 Ddys BEACONSFIELD/ 1992 Thompson 31' ExMain Plumbing, electncment $800/ month 5800 tenance Included 613 AUTOMOTIVE Whittier one bedroom Monday's ull 800 press Sleeps 6 TWin ty $385 per week 313Days 810-236-2170, HANDSOME Grosse $1,295 per month 313. WANTED 10 IUY apartment Heat includEngines, boatwell 417-9279 evenings 810-540-6234 810-469-0223 613 1505 Pomte townhouse, 4 ed $325 810-177-0947 CAR. 1988-1990 Must be $49,500 313-882-0055 GROSSE POinfe Woods b~':lrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 30099 S. RIver Road AFFORDABLE townreasonably pnced Good or 1-800-405-9142 CADIEUX near MackTo RESERVE YOUR Lovely bungalow, 1 bedlar~9 liVing room, kitchhouse liVing In Grosse Mt Oemens, MI. 48045 condition No dealers Downstairs flat and ga1989 Tiara Slickcraft. NANTUCKET room, screened front en, J:.antry,2 car garage POinte Woods MetiCU[LL'it 20 mmlUC,\ from GrQ,\.'!e Poml~ 810-790-1045 268Sl, 8' 11" beam rage $350 plus secunty VACATION porch Garage $700 WIth automatic. openers lously maintained Three 313-5629402 after 4 30 330hp, Mercrulser, HOME FOR THE ALL autos wanted Top $ Landlord pays water Available Immediately levels including full GET rrd of DULL HULLI Bravo outdrlve Like SUMMER OF 1996 810-463-7398 paid Running or not Ideally surted for adults basement Private en EXCELLENT area of DeExterior/ Intenor delallnew Must Seel troitChester at Morass $,5000 tops 810-779call Your $1,650 plus security trances, new kitchen GROSSE Pomte Woods 109 by Maritime Shine $25,000 313-283-0947 SpacIous 2 bedroom Rental Specialist at 5110 References requested 1 and appliances, central SpaciOUS 3 bedroom Low rates, inSured 810lower, large krtchen, ap1988 Wellcraft, 192 Cudyear lease Nick 810ALL cars wanted I The Colonial, attached 2 carair, cable ready, re725-4389 Bnan pliances, basement, gady Cabin, 165HP 644.1444 goodl The badl The served parking No pets garage, fl"eplace, den, BAYUNER, Saratoga, 24ft rage, $550 EastSide Mercrusler, 150 hours 714 LIVING QUAil TEllS ugly I Top dollar paid' $750 / month Call lor dining room Updated 61n 350 engme , trim ~ Management Co 884TraIler, and excellent or r .. , • • 10 SHAIIE $50 - $5,000 Seven $1.350 per month appointment (810)848' tabs, v-bunks, stove, Ice .EAt bTAn 4887 condition $7200 3131150 days 810-293-1062 (810)752-3311 box, lots of storage ExNURSING student looking 884-3756 (508) 228-4«9 FLAT for rent, Outer Dnve HARPER Woods, East of JUNK cars wanted Run. tras Include 15hp out- --------to share your house or BEACONSFIELD or Notand Van Dyke areas 2 8 Federal St 10' Inflatable OIng or not Same day ZODIAC 1-94, Grosse Pomte board With stick carnage house Will do Nantucket, MA 02554 tlngham2 bedroom, bedrooms, $450 plus $600 Johnson 8 hp outplcl<Up Top dollars paid schools. 2 bedroom steerrng, fish fmder. tasks for reasonable new kitchen, hVlng, dinsecurity Gas and water 313-640-4781 board with separate tank ranch With fireplace & depth gauge, radiO & rent 313-884-9193 723 VACATION IIENTALS Ing room, storage room, Included 313-368 3714 $600 mise boal/ manne family room MInimum 1 trailer Excellent plus 7160FFlCE/COMMEllClAL 614 AUIOMOIIVE NOIITHEIIN MICHIGAN parking space Lease ONE bedroom apartment supplies & equipment, condition $9,800 810FOil IIENT AUTO INSUIIANCE year lease $900 ADVENTURE North- se$525 Available June Whittier/ Beaconsfield Ide Jackets, water sports 779-2207 month 313345-0527 15000 CHARLEVOIX, m cluded UP cottage IocatAUTO InsuranceLow 1st (313)567-4144 Includes appliances. eqUipment (SkiS, tubes, FOUR Wlnns, 1989315 HARPER Woods- 3 bedthe Park Great offices ed on 1 mile of flyer down payment, $125 BEACONSFIELD. Excepheat, water 778.6479 etc ), charts, nylon rope Vista, TWin 260's, 11 room, redone, carpeted, and warehouse, 3300+ frontage In the midst of Doesn't matter what tlonally studiO apartment ST Clair Shores- Harper/ 822-5638 or Garage foot beam, sleeps 6, appliances, basement, 2 sq ft, overhead door 1280 private forested your driVing record's Sale Saturday 5- 11, 9 available June 1st Ap 121/2 Mile Spotless Loran, Icemaker, Bimini car garage, $715 street and limited alley acres Miles of pnvate like Partners Insurance pllances/ storage room one bedroom, new carto 1, 15115 Windmill and camper top Many Rental Pros parking $2,000 per mountain blkmg/ hlkmg 810-795-3222 POinte Dr Grosse No pets $460 (810}772 petlng and pamt Heat, extras excellent condi810-773 RENT month for three year trails, fish- sWim JunePOinte Park 0041 water carpet Included 6S1 IOArS AND MOIOIIS tion $29,900 Days HARPER Woods- Country lease CHAMPION & Augustl Pat 906-428BEAUTIFUL upper flat, No pets $475 (313)881(616)344-5378 EveClub near 1-94 Grosse BAER,884-5700 9414 ~~Trombley, $625 Avalla. 0602 1981 20' Diesel motor sal. ~ OIngs (616)324-3385 POinte schools 4 bed-------.....,..-CASEVILLE, Sag maw ble 6196 313-822 4161 Don't Forget. lor, fully eqUipped, mint ~ '5] 10ATS PAIITS AND room, 2 bath brrck 20733 Mack- Window front Bay lakefront, sandy conditIon Including trall_ Call your ads in Early! SEIIVICE home, 2 car garage 1,370 sq ft Ideal for beach Sleeps 6 to 8 GROSSE Pomte Farms 1 ClaSSified Advertising er Best offer (810)756- SAILBOAT 12 red & 2 Sunfish Salls 1 new $850 EastSide Managevarious bUSinesses $400 per week 313bedroom upper flat 882-6900 4600 white Jib maIO, trailer, $125 1 used $65 ment 8844887 $1,2751 month 881-1267 $500 Includes utilities Red Carpet Kelm Shore _'-"_ excellent condition (313)8847327 and appliances 313- TWO bedroom lower flat POINTE/ Woods 3 bed1985 205 Rinker, 170 wood 886-8710 CENTRAL Lake Michigan$1,100 (313)882-1308 sto"el refrigerator, 8854521 room ranch, 2 baths 2 -------,--:-:::_=_ 6 mile lake, vacation horsepower, loaded, low AFFORDABLE washer/ dryer Water In1977 25'.Trallable MARINE DETAJUNG car garage air $875 COLONIAL EAST home sleeps 8. weekly hours (50- 100) RadiO O'DAY GROSSE Pomte Woods, Sailboat, good condition cluded $450 810-354313-881.0505 St Clair Shores/9 Mile & rental, deposit reqUired telephone InSide stor lower, 2 bedroom newly motivated seller Under Waxes, rubouts, teak, 6767 age smce new All cov TWO bedroom one bath Harper 150- 700 sq ft, Available MemOrial decorated, carpetIng, all $8000 Evenings 313bottom pamtrng weekly, TWO bedroom one bath ers Full camper top 1 1/2 garage Grosse new carpeting, all utllrtWeekend thru Novemkrtchen apphances, dish 342-1350 monthly cleanlngs Call flat 1 car garage Close $8,500 810-7758395 POinte schools Close to teS, 5 day Janrtor near ber 1 (616)544'6889 or washer, central air SEARAY 1977 24' week. Bob 810-977-6569 to transportation Mack! transportation $700 per exway Reasonable (616)544-6207 locked basement ga ender, 730 hours camp. MARINE WOODWORK 1"1 90 HP Manner, low Moross $500, per rage opener No pets month plus security 810-778-0120 CLAM Rlverl Torch Lake hours, 18' Crestliner er top, custom features, Custom deslQned & bUilt month, plus security $625 313-8857879 881 2505 after 6 p m COMMERICAL Retail 2 bedroom, fully furnIShwith Shorelander trailer, fully eqUipped excellent CabInetry Repairs, dry rot 881 2505 space- 15005 Kerchev. ed Washerl dryer Ammany extras, $5,600 condition $9,800 31321 Years Expenence 702 APfS/FlATS/DUPlEX HARCOURT. SpacIous 3 WOODS- new 3 bedroom al 600 sq ft $500 pie docking, no (313)881-4688 886-6855 Have Portfoho S (,S/ MACOMI COUNIY bedroom 2 bath upper Colonial 1 5 baths 2 month (313)8247900 smoklngl pets Bookmg & References car garage $895 313 $5 Family room, formal dm BEAUTIFUL 'S3 lOAfS PAIIIS AND '53 10ATS PAIIIS AND condo for (810)435.6048 881 0505 EASTPOINTE 1 000 for summer 75/ '"9 room New kitchen SUVICE SE~VI(f rent St Clair Shores 2 square feet Air refall or week 810-693 8914 With bUllt'ln appliances 70' HOUSES FOIIIUNT bedroom, 1 full bath, 2 '54 10AT STO~AGE /DOCKING and breakfast nook office 810879-1964 or CLARE. Spring/ Summer DET~OIT /WAYNE COUNTY storres and basement Complete l.icen&ed Second floor laundry 8109494813 lease reservations lakefront BOAT Wells for rent on With washer & dryer 4864 Canyon- Close to &oat with washerl dryer natu & Harbor Island Covered FRASER house & cabinS, fireplaVery clean newly paint Grosse POinte 2 bed. ral fireplace No pets or & uncovered Summer/ 2OX70 office or store cas 810-626-4383 Care Insured ed Gorgeous lakefront room ranch, new smoking Security dewinter 822-4098 redecorated & sharp Lots GAYLORD. 6 large lakearea Semi furnished kitchen $5001 month POSit $1200 per month of eJdras 33140 Groos- front homes 4 seasons $75000 Mary 810 774Available 6fl 8827849 BOATWELLS $200 Per Includes heat Available 1717 Page 810 606. _ beck at 14 Mile Rd Golf speCials 517-732season Alter Road June 8229913 8102930900 4493 8324 DETROIT, 3 bedroom Area (313)822-3641 HARPER Woods clean 1 LAKEFRONT, mml studiO bungalow Dmlng room GROSSE POinte Park of. GLEN Arbor SleepinO BOATWELLS for rent bedroom upper unit aparmtent (Hamson family room, basement hce space available In Bear Dunes 3 bed. some covered Inexpen Stove refrigerator ga Township) Spectacular garage $535 profeSSionally decorated rooms, 2 baths Week/ slve Grosse POinte rage $400 plus View $475 plus electnc RENTAL PROS law firm Reasonable weekend speCials area 885-8771 security 313.885.5036 8104680733 810-773 Rent 313-885-3681 Broker 881-5693 SENIORS ONLY APTS. fflbffi GRANT MANOR McMachen Marine ~ I I • .. ---------- ... ,• -, ... ' ........ _-.....e..,.p;rG ... - $ ~ .......... ~.....".. ..... --- -~ .... .r ." __ . -- ..... _ ..... Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection ii4 J 2 MISCElLANEOUS ~ 12 MISCElLANEOUS Aft'IClES AftTlCLES SOD ANIMAL ADO" A ,El '01 AU'OMOllV( CHRYSLER '02 AUTOMOllVE FOftD 603 AUrOMOTIVE GENEftAl MOIOIlS (GAS baller, baseboard heating, B & G clrculat Illg pumps 810778. '03 AUTOMOTIVE GENERAL MOrOftS WINDOW TREATMENTS BOUVIER. 10 months, 1985 Dodge Daytona Vertical blinds, netrual pretty big, black, Good condition $1 300 beige color 89WX86"L, spayed, Immunized or best offer Grosse 3565 $30 I04WX68 L, $25 Friendly but exuberant POinte Woods 885 71'WX71"L, $20 and untrained Rescue, 5007 GOLF.HAIG Altra Like 51'WX56 L $15 Two 313-886-8387 or 313new Ladles new starter 1988 DYNASTY excellent pairs 52WX60"L, $15 8810200 . sets 882 5558 condition $2,000/ best Laura Ashley tie back HAPPY TAILS K 9 Res'BM Selectnc Typewnter & offer Must see to be curtains and valances In stand $100 Rowing cue Dogs & Puppies hevel (313)8825016 green "Bramble pattern available Call 313 882- 1981 Reliant K car Good machine new $75 (2) 59"X57 $25 valances 10 speed bikes male/ 8269 for available dogs condition 42000 miles 36' X59" $20 36 X56 I female $50 each Small & adopt a pet schedule $2,000 or best 810296 $20 ughtlng fixtures portable TV 5 black & 9533 Two art deco chande 501 IlftDS FOR SALE whlte $25 884 2432 1994 Talon stick power Ilers $35 & $25 All like JAMES A. MONNIG brakes and steerrng, new Call 313 886 5102, HAND fed Cockatiels, all BOOKSELLER AM/FM cassette types rncludrng Whiteleave message With Selected Books BOUQht 28 000 miles 313 884face Silver & Fallow ohone number and And Sold 2610 splits available 810-776name 1000AM 400PM 7483 ft 5 602 AU'OMOHVE WOLFF Tanning Beds Tuesday through Saturday S03 HOUSEHOLD PETS FORO TAN AT HOME 4928 Cadieux Rd FOR SALE Buy DIRECT and SAVEl 1988 1/2 Escort, 2 door Near E Warren CommerclaV Home Units 2 Ferrets In large cage manual A/C, excellent 884-7323 From $19900 $100/ every1hlng 313 condition, must see 313 Low Monthly Payments 822-2461 822-4780 JET ski rack $200 mirror bl fold doors $50 each FREE Color Catalog -A-K-C-L-h-a-s-a-Ap-s-o-p-u-p-pl-e-s 1993 Escort station best (810)2944992 Call Today ready May 12 Cute cudwagon air, 5 speed 60S AurOMOTlVE fORUGN 1986 Topaz, 65,000 miles, 1988 CorSica- 4 door 1989 Suburban Silverado 1991 VOLKSWAGEN good condition New $975 as IS 16820 Ker CABRIOLET 5 speed, 43,500 miles New tires, tires battery & brakes cheval all power Air Red/ battery, muHler Excel $2,000 or best offer white top 30,000 miles lent condition 810-777 1989 Cutlass Clera runs 8860212 Mint $10900 3138827222 great $850 313 884 2417 '03 AUrOMOllVl 2281 1990 Sunblrd convertible, GENEUL MOrORS loaded, excellent condl' 1984 Volvo 245DL station 1987 Cutlass Supreme lion $8,000 Call 881. wagon Automatic, exMint condition $3,700 7195 cellent condition (313)884.3315 $2,700 8223928 1994 Trans Am T Top, 1982 Flreblrd V 6 automat 1994 DeVille Leather, cast Black 19 000 miles SO/ 1986 VW Jetla GLI 5 Ie Rally wheels loaded wheels theft deterrent 5 year warranty speed, arr Ongillal own $1695 Call after 5pm 17 000 miles Excellent $16,000/ be!:t 810654 er $1,900 8248358 3138845222 condlllon 810 775 4162 6471 evenings 1992 Beretta very good 1976 ELDORADO conver 1983 VW Quantum. well CONVERTJBLE condition, runs great, re tlble anginal owner ga, mamtalned reliable, 5 1993 Olds Cutlass liable, AM/FM cassette rage kept, $ t 4 000 313SJ...iproma 3 ..;, laalha(, speed Only 12CK RiJ ::>/,000/ best (tllO)~!:l68222222 cords Sunroof 885black, 47,000 miles 2671 1992 Geo Tracker $6 700 ._-----$16.000 (313}884 0866 6446 1988 Beretla No rust Must sell Excellent con. SPOTLESS BMW. 1991, 7351 White Good conditIOn $3 500/ dltlon Pager 313-260beauliful condition With ELDORADO Blarrrtz 1986 best 885-0455 2253/313-2452146 leather, su nroof all power, wire wheels, 1984 Bonneville air FM/ 1988 GM Vandura, 2500 102,000 rTllles $19000 Boze, moon, very clean cassette Runs perfect Dark blue utility van 8103539750 $6,800 or best 810-778A very clean dependa46 000 miles, $4500 8216 '0' AUfOMOflVE ble car Askmg $1,475 313527-8280,313-885JEEPS/4-WHEEL '04 AUTOMOflVE 886-7090 3252 ANlIQUE/ClASSIC 1-800-842-1305 dly bundles of JOY $6995 313-8395330 KEMP ComposTumbler. 1994 Cherokee Country, 4 1993 BUick Century Cus- 1994 Grand AM like new, 18 bushel capacity New WORKOUT door, 23,000 miles, bench, $350 Leave message 1991 Escort- good condl' tom, all options Immaclow mileage, dark green 1975 Chevrolet Caprice $400, asking, $160 Per. loaded Very clean I weights GenesIs 32X (810)663-6007 lion $2,500 (313)886convertible, red- whiteulate InSide & out Warranty $11900 313fect conditIOn 810-775 $15,000 (313)882-9348 and games 313-882BEGINNER dog obedl3817 after 6 p m white, clean condition $9,995 (313)884-0884 882.8118 6116 Asking $5,900 (810)795- 1991 Chevrolet Blazer Ta. 3749 ence classes starting 1988 Escort. Great condl 1993 BUick Park Avenue, 1990 G rand Prix LE. 2 lADIES Kasper SUitS,Size 8187 nowl OutSide classes tlon I automatic New Ultra Leather, fully load. 413 MUSICAL hoe 4x4- 4 3 V-5, auto, door, 59,000 miles 10 and 12 Evenings 10 weeks/ $50 For parts $1,500 or best ofed excellent condition INSrllUMENrS air, loaded, sport Loaded $7,350/ or bes' 1979 Flat Spider, olive 810-759-0659 more Information call fer (313)822-3605 $15,500 313-882-9268 green, 21,500 miles wheels, cleanl $9,900 8 Hl-792-4828 ANTIQUE plano, Apollo MOVINGII Art, household Harper Avenue Animal 1991 Ford Escort- 2 door, 1985 BUick Park Avenue 1989 Grand $7,590 Great condition Rmke Pontiac, 810-497. Pnx SE Baby Grand Fully reHospital, ask for Melinda 5 speed Reliable Items, appliances, furni313-390-4815 810-7747699 Runs excellent, power White, gray leather, all stored, humidifier, ture, flower arrangmg (313)882-0505 $2,800 Call after 6, 3312179 e'verythlng $2300/ best 1981 CJ5, 4x4 Black/ options, excellent condl' matchmg duet bench supplies, sporting FREE GOOD DOG 6172 60S AUlOMOflVE 810790-5717 Page Chrome 6 cylinder lion, low miles, Original Ongmal IVOrykeyboard goods, clothes, treasFOR£lGN 810-861-3016 99,000 orlgmal miles owner $6500/ best 313$5,500 313-331-7310, 1991 Ford Taurus XL 4 Family seeklllg a dog ures 919 Bamngton, 884-0303 1989 Audl 100 Luxury saNO rust Leather CD, after 5 oopm door V6-3800, anti- lock 1994 CADILLAC Sedan lover to enJoy a ten year Park Thursday, FrLday, DeVille, 13,000 miles 1986 Nova, $1900/ best dan Black,! black leather many new parts, $6,300 brakes, cassette, alumiold cocker spaniel Cute, CASH PAlO Saturday, 9 to 5 Leather, white, blue top Interior New tires, Must sell 313.875-8030 num wheels, 6 way pow. Air, clanon Cassette, deloyal, lovlllg, needs a FOR MOST PIANOS ORIENTAL Rugs 9 x 12, PerfectI $23,250 Rinke brakes, dealer mam- 1994 Ford Explorer, Eddie er seat driver, restraint pendable All maintecompanion dog We IN 24 HOURS 1 pink, 1 gold Best Cadillac 810-757-3700 tamed, 90,000 mIles Bauer Loaded, 32,500 system, good condition nance records Free rahave to let him go Save IMMEDIATE PICK UP offer (313)8851220 1994 CADILLAC Concours Superb car III superb miles $18,000 or best Call (810)751 6454 dar decector Grosse him from an early end AVAILABLE DeVille Northstar, "ELLA doors, Vinyl win. condition $7,500 Firm 810-977-3918 POinte Farms Richard, 1988 Ford ThunderbirdCall for details By Professional Movers 17,000 miles, leather, dows, doorwalls, Lennox 313-881-7379, evenrngs Loaded, dark blue, one Call for appointment 1996 GMC Jimmy SLT (810)997-0032 313.886-9289 warranty $23,975 furnace, G E gas stove, owner $3,200/ best 1986 OLDS Cutlass Clera, 313.886-5433 4X4- CD player, leather, GUITARS, banJOS and Rinke Cadillac 810-757. 7' stainless bar Sink puppies, AKC, 886-0378 4 door, auto, cold air, 1995 BMW 3181 A. 4 door, 4000 miles, perfectl mandolins, ukes LAB 3700 units Best offer yellow, stockey Quality 1995 LINCOLN towncar, loaded, 71,000 miles 16,000 miles, power $24,500 Rinke Pontiac, wanted Collector 886: (313)886-8527 blood line $475 Ready Like new condition burgundy/ black Intenor, 1994 CADILLAC SeVille 4522 sunroof, red/ black Inte. 810-497-7699 Mothers Day (810)774'PENNSYLVANIA House. SLS, Northstar, 19,000 $3,950 (313)839-4462 speCial ordered, loaded, nor $24,900 (810)799- 1993 GMC Jimmy SLE USED PIANOS 0916 , Cherry Queen Anne end miles Leather, Bose 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass 29,OOOKmiles, with war. 2421 4x4- 4 door, red, Vortec Used SpmetsConsoles Perfectl Rinke Cadillac table and oval coffee taMALTESE, 2 year old Supreme S-4door, all 1983 Datsun 280 ZX, Turranty, garage kept, non. 43 V-6, cleanl $14,870 Upnghts & Grands 810-757-3700 ble, perfect, $200 Small male, extremely affecoptions, 26K $12,000 smoker Grosse POinte bo 60,000 miles TRinke Ponhac, 810-497maple desk, $25 885bonate, complete health ABBEY PIANO CO. Cadillac Sedan 313-885-0930 owner Like new 1993 tops Silver $4900/ _7_6_99 _ 7953 after 4 p m & AKC records seekmg ROYAL OAK 810 541-6116 DeVille beige leather $24,800 313885-0654 1987 OLDSMOBILE Cutbest Busilless 313-343- 1992 GMC Sonoma 4X4, good home 882.7784 seats & all the extras PRECIOUS Moments Fig. PIANOS WANTED lass Supreme Broug0900, days Home 313loaded, very clean 1994 Lmcoln Towncar ExSHIH-TZU AKC, male pup50K miles $16 500 or urmes, mlsc pieces ReTOP CASH PAID ham, 2 door, 6 cyimder, 881-7310 $11,500 810-228.8683 ecutive Senes, all leath best offer (313}885pies, vet checked, With tied, Suspended & WANTED- ornate Art Case loaded, excellent condi- 1994 Honda CIVICLX, mid. er, loaded, low miles pager 810-970-9757 7177 papers and shots Members only from tion Needs nothlnglli Askmg $23,500/ best Stemway Grand plano, night blue, power win- 1992 GMC Jimmy SLE (313}884-4393 1990 & earlier. Green $4 500 (313)839-4462 810.773-8152 also Standard Stelnway 1990 Cadillac SeVille STSdows/ locks, am/fm cas. 4 x 4, loaded, automatic book pnce only 810-776SMALL toy poodle beaU\l- 1977 Mercury MarqUISblue/ tan, loaded, 1983 Oldsmqblle Delt~~88 Grand p~o. {313)~2sette, air, dual air ba\l~, Take over payments _ 74!r.filffer 5 p m~ fuV sweet diSPOSition 5 60,000 miles $13 500 6858 runs great 11lInor rust :l3 f~.!' (313)885-9353 4 door, fully loaded ex- -127K M1iW" $'f1 months', 4 pounds, black QUEEN waterbed With (313)884-6101 (313)885-4347 882-2417 1994 GRAND Cherokee cellent condition 79,000 41 S WANlED 10 BUY female 313.865.7106 drawers and chest of miles $1995 313-824- 1992 Honda 1995 Mustang GT conver- 1985 Cadillac Seville MePrelude Limited, loaded, excel. drawers With mirrors, BOOK donations needed chanically maintained, 7285 or 810-503 -2277 tible Stick, white, leath50S LOSr AND FOUND 4WS, red, 5 speed lent condition, Silver oak Must sell Negotla. good shape 117,000 1995 PONTIAC for St Clair school used er, CD, loaded, 17,000 Grand ABC, sunroof, alarm, $24,000 882-0200 ble 779-9316 evellings CATS 7 months to 2 miles $3,000/ best 774book sale 884-3121, miles $20,000 886Prix SE coupe, 7300 loaded, 43K $12,500 1991 ISUZU Rodeo 4 x 4, "OLEX watches - buy, sell years 2 Calico kittens 9852 526-0878 9532. miles, loaded, like new telephone 810.7314 door, 43,000 miles trade and service Also Shots & fixed Call for 1994 Mustang GT. Sharp, 1984 Cadillac 2 door $17,500 (313)885-7351 6335 Cleanl Loaded $12,980 BUYING chma (complete f buymg and selling other details 521-3669 Coupe DeVille 1 of a 1995 LaserRed, loaded, auto, PONTIAC Fire- 1991 Honda CiVIC LX 4 Rinke Toyota 810-758or partial sets) Call Jan fme watches 810.293killd Stored willters alarm, 17" wheels, FOUND- femal Masterbull, bird, 14,000 miles, auto door, air, cassette, MI- _2_0_00 _ 810-731-8139 after 6 2612 Well maintained excel36,000 miles $13,500 air, loaded Like new standard Size, young chelin Tires. New bat1994 Jeep Grand ChercGUITARS, banJos, mandoRUG. 8' x 10' dume lent condition Simulated 810-649-7727 or 810$14,980 RiIlke cadillac 313-521-3689 tery, tlmJng belt, align. kee Laredo Red, power, lins and ukes wanted White/ light blue Dura. convertible top Leather 792-2051 810-757-3700 ment $5,900 888-6209 overhead computer, FOUND: Purebred Fox Collector 886-4522 ' hie wool Perfect condiIntenor V-8 Automatic 1994 Pontiac Grand Am 1986 Honda, Acord. Powstraight 6, tow package Temer White With Big 1992 Mustang LX 5 a tion $300 884.2706 UONEL 0 Gauge trams & With air All power GT. V-6 auto, air, powConer Windows/locks 190K $16,800 810-777-9543 Black patch over eye accessories In good $4,800 313-881-8981 ~ ,ACRIFICEI TraditIOnal er Windows, power vertible limited edition, highway miles 5 speed 1993 Jeep Cherokee Harper/ Cadieux area condilion preferably with i,OHLER ' Campbell 1981 Cadillac Sedan Sevlocks, low miles, warran. Vibrant Red with White $1600 9am- 5pm, 313Sport 4.0, 6 liter, air May 5 Gentleman With box Also looking for console plano, cream lIe. Clean car, great conty $13,370 Rmke PonTop, Leather, 5-speed, 210-2091/ 6pm. 10pm, conditiOning 55,000 collar 313-882-1591 early older copies of AlfllllSh, excellent condidition, black, power tiac, 810-497-7699 Power everythmgl 313-881.4447 miles Askillg $12,000 LOST. 1 year old yellow coholic Anonymous m e tlon $1300 (313)885$1 ,850 313-884-8277 Alarm, non. smoking & 1993 Pontiac BonneVille 1989 JETTA. automatIC, 313-886-3358 Lab Reward If found good condition 882. 4019 no winters MINTI Pnce 1972 Cadillac LimOUSine SSE. loaded 44,000 air, cassette, highway 1990 Jeep Wranger 4X4, 5 313-331-9840 ~07 ~TELLITE DISH "New" $13,500 Call 313-886Runs great. Needs miles Excellent condimiles Clean, $3,000 or speed, hard & soft tops, 60 I AUIOMOIIVE OLD ORIENTAL Sony 055 System 5014. pamt Good condition tion $13,700 810-779. best,810-792.3215 excellent conditlon, well CHRYSlER RUGS WANTEDI SASBSI, mcludes mstal$3,700/ best Page 3131991 MUSTANG GT, 2207 1988 Mazda, RX7, SE Exmamtalned, white, Any size or condition latlon $595 00 Call 3131992 Chrysler New Yorker white, loaded, auto, 260-2253/ 313-245. 1993 Pontiac Sunblrd LE cellent, 52,000 miles 56,000 miles $8200 1.800-443-7740 331-1059 Salon- Loaded, Wires, 66K, radar, alarm, 66K, 2146 New tires, sun roof, bra _884_~.03~84~ _ Excellent condition, JSERGER 4 thread New OLD wooden duck huntJng one owner, 31,000 $8,900 (810)778-3437 1994 Camaro Z-28, while, and Tonneau Cover 1988 Jeep Wrangler Great 43,000 miles $6,900 or l I $350/ offer RCA Cam- decoys and flshmg miles, Perfect $10,850 1987 Mustang LX 50, auloaded, T tops, automatbest 886-Mfi 1 $7,000 810-77~8214 shape, black With gray • corder, all extras, $450 eqUipment wanted Rmke Pontiac, 810-497. tomatlc, Wife's car, IC, alarm, remote key- 1993 Pontiac Grand Am 1986 MERCEDES 190E mtenor, new top A must I 313-881-2944 Cash Pdld 810.774. 7699. $3,200,884-9009 less entry, $16,000 810SE. 4 door, one owner, Red/ tan, almag, priStIne seel Asking $4,900 Call 8799 SHARP 19" color TV $75 790-4419 auto, air, stereo. cascondition $8,800 or (810)954-1939 1995 Dodge Avenger, au- 1988 T-BIRD, loaded, exPAYING CASH FOR Whirlpool refrigerator, selle 47,000 miles, best Leave message 1992 Wrangler. 40.000 tomatlc, air, power cellent condition rebUilt 1979 Camaro- white, runs JEVvELR'r, WATCHES white $125 Sleeper sogreat, 2 sets of wheels clean I $7,475 Rinke (810)447.1310 miles,S speed, new top, locks/ wlndows/ mirrors engme, many new parts DIAMONDS fa (Serta mattress), Needs some body work Ponhac, 810-497-7699 $13,600/ best 313-343$2195 or best 810-7771995 MITSUBISHI Galant, excellent condition GOLD & SILVER earth tones $150 Pam $1,500 779-2207 2826 7299 4 door, auto, air, 12,000 $9,200 313-640-4781 1990 Pontiac Sunblrd LE (313)372-0120 '0Il AUrOMOllVE 1993 Dodge Stealth ES 1992 Taurus LX wagon, 1992 Cavalier RS Covert,. Air auto, low miles, ZIemiles Warranty, perfectt ble. Loaded 31,900 THE GOLD SHOPPE Black, leather, stick, 38, loaded Leather Ill. PAil'S fiRES ALARMS $12,800 Rinke Toyota bart rustproof, paint! fabSINGLE and half oak wa miles While/ black Ex22121 GRATIOT 40K Must see $13,500 tenor 87,000 highway 810-758-2000 riC protectIOn Excellent lerbed With 6 drawers cellent condition EASTPOINTE 771-3340 miles, excellent condlcondlllOn $4400 313- 15186 Nlssan pick-up exand attached bookshen, 810-774-0966 $10,500 884-2432 884-3190 $300 desk and chair ALARMS tended cab 5 speed, All transactions 1989 Dodge Day1ona, red, tlon $9,300 313-886 wagon, 1989 Ponllac Grand AM, 2 S 125, carved antique $2100 313-331-8917 & ACCESSORIES strictly confidential 94,000 miles, air, stereo 1996 - 1992 Cavalier save 00 Auto Insurance 117,000 miles, new mahogany Tomlinson door stick, good trans- 1989 PORSCHE 944, red/ SHOTGUNS, rifles and cassette Looks/ runs • Remote Starts tires brakes Runs olnrng room set 5 portalian $800 882black, 5 speed, air, powhandguns, Parker, ~;~t $2,500 810-778• Keyless Entry greatl $2 900 881-3960 rhalrs, Sideboard and 2264 er steermg/ brakes, Browning, Winchester, T • Truck Accessorres china cabinet $1,000 am/fm, CD, 60,000 1984 Cavaher- Runs great, 1986 Ponti ac 6000 LE. advanced Colt, Luger others Col 1988 Dodge Daytona 1989 Tempo GL. 4 door, 3138855795 miles Must selt 113,000 miles, air, trailer damage left front fender lector 810-478-3437 New paint, head con. air, very clean, runs automotive $12,500 (313)884-6101 hitch good condition $250 FIRM 313-640 ITEUBEN bowl WANTED. hockey pucks densor, turbo, etc Runs great $3,000 313-822accessohes 4781 $1,500 (313)882-0895 (Signed) 4 314" high 7 1987 Porsche 924s 810-774-7162 good $2800 Must sell 8015 33272 Gloesbeco< • Frase' 1/2" bowl opening 70 000 miles Excellent 1995 Chevrolet Corsica 4 313 534 8029 Fax your ads 24 hours WANTED- ornate Art Case .810-294.3979 BEAUTIFULI Best offer conditIOn $7,800 3131990 Thunderbird good door 6 cylinder auto, 882.1585 C:;temway Grand plano, 1982 Plymouth Grand Fu condition High mileage air low miles, warranty 313-885.5089 884-4190 610 AurOMOfiVE also Standard StelOway ry $700/ best 313-331All power optiOns $10 900 Rinke Pontiac, 1984 Pontiac Sunblrd LE, 1995 Saab convertible SI'OR'S CARS Grand plano (313)8620187 $2,995 Call 884-8145 8104977699 900SE 4,700 miles, au4 door $750 313-8821991 Corvette, black/ 6858 tomatiC, CD, all power 2125 881.9500 black Bose, 10 000 WANTED: Used Pianos, 1993 Chevrolet Cavaher 2 opl1ons Asking $34,500 11109 Morang Detroit MILES, perfect 810-228. Grands Consoles & door, aulo air low 1982 Pontiac Flreblrd 810-775-3739 Auto Ex8683, pager 810-970Spinets Top $$$$ 810miles $6980 Rinke V. ~ pay cash lor all1Umllure TransAm 81,000 onglchange 810-338-7750 9757 445.8340 Pontiac 8104977699 a111iques lamps ad nal miles Excellent can. 1988 Toyota Camry, 4 p I nttng~Oriental dltlon New brakes new 1993 Mazda Mlata. Red 1991 Chevy Cavalier 2 SOO ANIMA! door automatiC, air, exhilust, new tires sunn ~\ ~~'l,. / excellent condition only door 5 speed good ADO'T A ,n cassette, AM/FM, new I lour'll; ",",0'roof tl~ wheel Air rear17 000 miles $12,000 condition $3 300/ best J( ... m Sp." Cad ( lJ'I( tires, battery exhaust BLACK Lab, 2 years old, defrost $2,500 810771 '\pproxlmately 18 000 anginal mrles original 885-0729 886-2543 Good condition, one housebroken, all shots 4989 equiPment mHrored T top dalk bronze 'II AUrOMOllVE owner 107 000 miles 11984 CHEVY Calvler RS, $50 to good home 886metallic With clear acryliC coating (only fRUCKS $4,500 313-88t-6439 4 door loaded low 1986 Pontiac, 6000 STE 5746 121 of thiS COlor) Out of Bowling Green Air power steering, win 1"" Chevrolet Suburban miles excellent condl 1993 VW Fox,S speed, All seasons stored Show car With 6 first CAT sitter Let kitty stay dows sun roof Body ok, SIlverado- Leattler 350. tlon Waranty available red, low miles, one own New. U<;ed place trophies SeriOUSbuyers only Cal, home Licensed veten runs good High miles V 8 loaded, 21 000 $7 700 Central Auto er excellent condition r nl! Sel~ • Odd CJub~ (810) 977.8629 VickIe or leave message nary technICian 3 t 3-886miles $23,500 Rinke Askmg $800 810 296 313 885-8300 839 $6 200 or best 313-396(113)882-8618 Pontiac, 8 t 0-497.7699 7557 6854 4462 5406 . \500 I --------- AUTO E6ELL~~ "11IErIl+AB.~ Mike's Antiques I (;OLF CLUBS FOR SALE • , ,I -, - • - • ---- - .;:;;.-;;;;,:;;;r,;11OiJ111 __ , 11l:Oi:.1Il.... p.... ..,._~.Z... II••IA. Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection m 10AJS AND MOJOIIS 'SIIOATS AND MOJOIIS 7110 A'JS/FLAJS/DUPUX 'OINYES/ HAII'EII WOODS 7" 702 APIS/FLAIS/DUrLEX S.C.S/MACOMI COUNIY IIIUCKS 71' HOUSES FOil IIENJ m 10AI STOIIAGE/OOCKING OFFICf/COMMEII(lAL DElIIOH / WAYNE COUNit FOIIIIENI 1987 FORD Diesel, 3 yard 1993 Basstracker. Deep SEARAY 1986 268 Sun COVERED boatwells near IMMACULATE 2 bedroom ROSEVILLE, Chippendale HOME dump 62 000 miles for rent 3 HARPER Woods store or V-16, 40 horse olllnJec. dancer 270 hours 260 Grosse POinte Ideal for lower In the Park Ga Apartments Clean, 1 Good condition bedroom, $525 Upper office for lease 20606 tlon Evenrude, Bimini V 8 Excellent conditIOn fishermen or sports rage washer & dryer bedroom upper Appli. $10,500 Eastside Auto fiat $300 810 776 0568 Harper (on service Dr) top with curtains trolling $22500 (810)4450385 boats up to 26' 882No smoking no pets ances walk In closet Clinic 313527-1044 motor, aerated live well, 313881 4377 9268 SEANYMPH 1986 aluml' $600 (313}886 1821 Private basement air MATURE gentleman Will low hours, many extras HARPER WOODS share hiS nice home "2 AUIOMOJIVE num,12 25 h P Mercu conditioning $485 LAKESHORE address $7,900 881-2293 TWO (2) vory .. 100 ... It ... '55 CAM'EIIS With same very reason VANS ry, $550 Wahoo 19 MOVE IN SPECIAL Grosse POinte Shores 3 Eaoh 1,1100 SQ FT (I ••• able Pete 313 521 Fisherman 1991, 150 1992 Aerostar Eddie Ba 1994 Boston Whaler t3' $299 first months rent, avail) EASY ACCESS TO bedroom 2 5 baths 1986 PalominO pop up Sport With trailer 8380 or 313 882 2500 1114 (AT VERNIER) P.rte. h P Yamaha 5 h P uer 4 wheel drtve, ex $300 secunty 810 772 3 000 square feet Will camper Sleeps 5 $8,000 313-8840987 In8 • lIftany .""enltl •• REGENT- nice clean 3 Honda extras 810-775. 8410 tended van 78 000 conSider 6 to 8 month Stove Sink, cooler awn M. R 3t 3 1111& 2800 bedroom $460 month 1355 miles $9,500 (313)886- 1985 CAL-33 loadE'd ex. lease $2,000, mO'1tfJ Mr Sinolol. 1110 S40 tOOO lng, sp::uc wheel light plus securtty depOSit 8004, alter 6 cellent condition, full A 1993 Seadoo GTX like 810772-0011 weight $995 313 881. KENNEDY BUILDING 810-781 5898 cruise/race equipment new With trailer & extras 2163 1988 Astra, new tires, OpPOsite Eastland Mall LARGE nicely furnished $53,000 Call 313 882TWO bedroom slOgle 2 700 sq It available Fin$4,500 or best offer 810106000 miles Runs one room apartment '57 MOJOIICYCL£S 6028 house clean basement 4451394 good 1 bur'1S (III $1,70'J Ished areas IncludIng p"l.'.:lte bo.t'l, excctJer,t 1 1/2 month security de 1995 Carver 325 crUiser, CAL 20 "Yellow Jacket' 881-3960 carpet & remodeled parking Open 313881 1983 Honda NighthaWk POSit $550 month Near 10 hours, twin 350's, air, award winner raced by restrooms Reasonably 0258 1989 CHEVY Cargo Vans 450cc New tires, new ~ Grosse POinte 882 loaded Includes well for John Sauer and Bill priced Includes heat V8, auto, cold air, more NEW luxury upper 2400 battery Mint condition 5735 summer at Belle Maer MacNaughton, 7 salls, lights & air conditioning Excellent condition sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 3 full $14001 best 313 885$t06 000 810-566707 HOUSES FOIlIIEHI/ fully equipped, 1989 Call 810-776-5440 $4,500 Central Auto 7357 baths, family room fire1662 S.U/MACOMI COUHIY Merc 5 h P $3,000 or 17110 Nine Mile 313-885-4840, 839NEWLY remodeled office. place custom kitchen, 'S3 MOJOII HOMES EastpOInte best 313885-2197 1978 Chns Craft 22' Cui 4462 eves EXECUTIVE Ranch 3 appliances, laundry sUite 750 sq fl Harper/ tass Single screw, In. BERTRAM 25 Express bedroom, 2 1/2 car at 8 1/2 Mile 810-7721989 Dodge Grand Cararoom attached garage 1992 Chevy cab motor board With trailer Days crUiser, tWin I/OS, In. $1,395 882-8080 tached garage Great 1360 van. Maroon, clean, exhome, 24 , fully equIp• Mdlntenan<.e Foree Llvlng (810)754-1890 credible value at $9,500 area, between Lltlle OFFICE space, Grosse • Transpondtlon 2 cellent condition ped, sleeps 6 Excellent N EWL Y remodeled 886-0744 .A(,.[lVlfles 1972 Chns Craft XK-22, Mack and Harper bedroom Includes kltch. $4,500 810-778-6473 POlOte Woods From condition Low mileage beautiful boat, low PEARSON 26 1979 3 $1 000/ month 810-778 en/ laundry, appliances $195 month Includes 810775-1554 1987 Dodge Passenger 703 APrs / FLAJS I DU'lEX 1391 hours, superb condrtlon sails, 9 9 outboard Large storage/ closets, utilities, kitchen & con. van B250 Extended ''0 rllAlLEIIS WANJED JO IIENI $20 000 firm Contact Great condition Must blinds private parkmg ference room 810-759ST. CLAIR Shores 3 bed 107,000 miles, well Larry Mayea, 810-725sell, $2,995 810-589. References $545,313FEMALE law student 4000 room brick ranch, car maintained, runs great RV, 1990, 26' Prowler 885.8384 6111 8827 seeks qUiet room With peted, appliances base$4,800 (313)885'5031 RETAIL SPACE AWning, air condilioner, SPACIOUS 3 bedroom private entry & bath ment $795 1986 CRUISERS INC 266 CARVER 36 aft T350's, Corner of Kercheval front kitchen, electriC 1984 Dodge Caravan Grosse POinte area apartment, washer/ dry air/ heat Replaced enSports V T-170's 425 Rental Pros 2,000 sa.FT. commercial delivery hOist All accessories er, half garage No $350/ month (810)646 closur Loran depth hours 10' beam Load810-773-RENT With plenty of parking truck Low mileage $6,800 810-777-4456 smokers, no pets $715 7825 sounder $62,900 810. ed $23,500 313-882Good Window frontage $2,000 or best 824701 HOUSES WAHHD ro ItElH COMPLETE RV Packagel electriC mcluded 881 778-6166 70S HOUSES FOItIlENI 3487 15001KerchevaiAvenue 4280 35' Carnage fifth wheel 4893 'OIHJES/HAIIPEII WOODS ATIENTION 313-824.7900 NON.SMOKING professlo 1992 Ford full size Eclipse 1985 Four Wlnns 195 Ho. ( screened patio slide $800 Three bedroom BOATERS I Page 313-257-1191 nzon cuddy cabin, MercTHREE bedroom upper. , nal man seeks sleeping converSion, V8, loaded out, washer. dryer), Ford k chool shop FIBERGLASS crUiser, Shorlander trail. 721 VA(AJlOH IlENIALS flat, appliances $750 near par, s room or studiO/ efficlen $12,000 313-885'3022 250XLT super cab truck, month 882-2667 ping Double garage, Repair Matenals, er, many extras, ship to FlOlIlDA cy POinte area Excel 1990 GRAND Caravan, RV resort membership, ---------fenced appliances 881. 9 Mile & Kelly Rd shore $6,900 (810)777lent references 313-565 MARATHON KEY, ownership resort lot at TROMBLEY. SpacIous 9687 AC, AM/FM cassette 9734 Eastpointe Fiberglass 8511x 24 evemngs Flonda, ocean front can. Brownsville, Texas upper 3 bedroom -------::0---..,-$6,850 882-2125 Sales 7,5 HP EVlnrude outboard Good Buyl (313)885$1,000 Heat mcluded 2 bedroom With Florida 709 TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS do at Bone Fish Towers 1988 Grand Voyager LE, Semor Technical Rep motor & tank, $250 FOIIIIENT 1 bedroom, low off.sea9214 No pets (313)881.3829 room, 10 Grosse POinte V-6, Infinity sound sysMark Ireson ' Evenings 884-1859 7011 A,rS/FlAlS/DUPlEX son rates 313-882. TWO bedroom, two bath Shores $975 313.885- EXCLUSIVE condo on St tem Clean, no rust, 81O-77-FIBER 5701 'OINJES/HAIIPEIl WOODS 1989 O'DAY 24FT. upper, hardwood floors, 7491 or 810-293-1951 Clair Shores golf course loaded $4850 882. new appliances Jeffer- 2650 Vernier Circle Up. Large wood patio over- MARCO 2609 Island, FL fl tEll3 bedroomt son/ Maryland area dates throughout, 3 bed Excellent condrtlon Per- CHRIS Craft Lancer, 23', 1067 Wayburn looking pool, tennis Beach front condo at 1989 MAZDA MPV van, 7 upper a xce$525 en room bungalow wllh ap. fect fam IIy crUiser, OMC I/O Great family $500 per mont h , p I us courts Well secured South Seas Towers 2 passenger, loaded condition June 1, utilities 886-6399 phances $945 month fishing runabout Great 3138395330 sleeps 4 Enclosed parking, garage Exer bedrooms, low off-seaCleanl $6950 Rinke head, Sink, stove, condition, low hou rs, --.--------U-P-P-E-R-2-b-ed-r-o-o-m-f:-1a-t, ---,-(8,,-1--,,0~)7_7_5._1_460_---=__ clse room, washer/ dryer son rales 313-882Toyota 810-758-2000 cooler Many extras trailer, radiO, Included 1351 SOMERSET1st great locatIOn, air, laun. GROSSE POinte Farms, Included 2 bedroom, 2 5701 1985 Voyagernew Splnaker, 8 HP $3,500 or best offer floor flat, 2 bedroom, dry, garage No pets prime locallon 2 bedfull baths 1 year lease 722 VA(AJlON IIENIAlS brakes, tires, shocks, outboard, trailer Safe, (313)885.7177 hardwood floors, large $750 882-8161 room Finished baseAvailable JUly 1st $950 OUT OF SJAJE cassette Great shapel COMPLETE sturdy boat $13,995 Line flberdtnrng & hVlng room No -----C-I--Ap--I ment. 2 car, centra~ air, per month Please call Must see I $2,400 After Evenings 313-331.6309. pets Great shape UPPER. StIncluded air p Ian. all appliances Available glass products to repair ces 2 313-965-9301 for ap GOT A campground mem6, (810)777-8602 bership or time share? boats & cars Michigan Was her/ dryer $650 bedroom $565 313885. May 1, $950 per month CAL25. Sailboat Very well pOlntment 1992 VOYAGER Forest We'll take It I America's Fiberglass Sales 810 per month, 1 5 m~nths 0470 after 6 p m _3_1_3_.2_0_1_._944_1 _ maintained, great family green, gold wheels tmtlargest resale clearing777-2032/800-589-4444 security depOSit ome GROSSE POinte Park, ex. FANTASTIC view from all boat Windows replaced, Windows, overlooking ed glass, excellent conhouse Call Resort see Thursday 7 to 8 pm ecutlve home, luxunous cradle Included $5,000/ pool One of the largest dition, 51,000 miles Sales Int 1-800-423. or call 884.9385, 4163 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath best 313-882-3770 and outstanding 2 bed Transferable warranty 5967 (24 hours) 368-3545 ATTENTION landlords- we JaCUZZI, sauna $2350, 1991 Starcraft- 19' aluml' Fe:lIunng\f,lercrah from Il to 100 room, 2 bath Untts In $8,900 (810)774-2749 558 Neff- large 3 bedroom Will rent and manage references reqUired 313. HILTON Head ocean front num, 115 horse power the "Berks hires" Also 1995 Wlndstar GL loaded flat In attractive Tudor your property Reasona417 0093 condo 1 bedroom, $325 kicker, loaded with eKSea Rav for Sale Located on tinted Windows, 25,000 natural fireplace, enble & reliable Good ten-G-R-O-S-S-E-P-o-m-te-W-o-o-d-s-. 3 per week Spring $375 tras, low hours ExcelTiara Yachts Vernier off Mack Call miles, clean Best offer closed porch, garage, ants a must Lavon's bedrooms, 1 bath, dmlent condmon With Summer (313)343-9053 Adell for all details. Azmmt 313-822-7786 (work un. stove, refngerator, dishHOUSing Placement 109 room, laundry room, trailer $11,000/ best RUSTIC log cabin on Coldwell Banker tll 6}, 810-777-0588 To/~'Craft washer, microwave, (810)773-2035 1 car garage, no base. 810-286-4712 mountain lake, Rangely Schweitzer at 313-886Home washer/ dryer and main. BEACONSFIELD/ ment $800/ month Open 7 DJ.ys 1992 Thompson 31' ExMain Plumbmg, eleClnc. 5800 613 AUIOMOJIVE tenance Included Whittier, one bedroom Days 810.236-2170 Monday S !Ill 8 ()() press Sleeps 6 TWin ty $385 per week 313HANDSOME Grosse WANJED TO IUY $1,295 per month 313apartment Heat Includ. evenings 810-540-6234 Engines, boatwell 417-9279 810-469-0223 POinte townhouse, 4 CAR. 1988-1990 Must be $49,500 313-882-0055 613-1505 ed $325 810-777-0947 GROSSE POinte Woods bdrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 30099 S. JUver Road or 1-800-405.9142 reasonably pnced Good AFFORDABLE town- CADIEUX near MackLovely bungalow, 1 bedTo RESERVE YOUR lar~'3 liVing room, kitchMt. Oentens, MI. 48045 COndition No dealers house liVing 10 Grosse Downstairs flat and ga. room, screened front 1989 Tiara Slick craft, NANTUCKET en, ~antry, 2 car garage Ju<110 mUluIL~ from G""", POUlIe' POinte Woods Metlcurage $350 plus security porch Garage $700 810-790-1045 268SL, 8' 11" beam VACATION With automatic. openers lousty mamtamed Three 313-562-9402 after 4 30 Landlord pays water 330h p, Mercru Iser, HOME FOR THE ALL aulos wanted. Top $ Available Immediately levels Includmg full EXCELLENT area of De810-463-7398 Bravo, outdnve Like GET rid of DULL HULLI SUMMER OF 1996 paid Running or not Ideally surted for adults Exterlor/mtenor detail. basement Private entrort- Chester at Morass GROSSE POinte Woods new Must Seel CsIIYour $,5000 tops 810-779$1,650 plus security 109 by Mantlme Shme trances, new kitchen SpacIous 2 bedroom SpacIous 3 bedroom $25,000 313.283-0947 Rental Spec18list at. 5110 References requested 1 Low rates, Insured 810and appliances, central lower, large kitchen, apColonial, attached 2 car1988 Wellcraft, 192 Cud. year lease Nick 810ALL cars wanted I The 725-4389, Bnan air, cable ready, reo phances, basement, ga. garage, fl'eplace, den, dy Cabin, 165HP 644.1444 good' The bad' The BAYUNER, Saratoga, 24ft served parking No pets rage, $550 EastSide dining room Updated Mercrusler, 150 hours 714 LIVING OUAIlJEIIS uglyl Top dollar paldl 6in 350 engrne ,trim $750/ month Call for Management Co 884$1,350 per month ~ Trailer, and excellent 10 SHAIIE $50 - $5,000 Seven tabs, v-bunks, stove, Ice appointment (810)8484887 (810}752.3311 "AtUh'h. condition $7,200 3131150 ~_'_ :::___: days 810-293-1062 Ex box, lots of storage FLAT for rent, Outer Dnve HARPER Woods, East of NURSING student looking 884-3756 (508) 228-4449 JUNK cars wanted Runto share your house or tras Include 15hp out. BEACONSFIELD or Notand Van Dyke areas 2 1-94, Grosse POinte 8 Federal St. 10' Inffatable ning or not Same day ZODIAC carnage house Will do Nantucket, MA 02SS4 board With stick tlngham2 bedroom, bedrooms, $450 plus schools, 2 bedroom $600 Johnson 8 hp out. pickup Top dollars paid tasks for reasonable steering, fish frnder, new kitchen, hVlng, dm security Gas and water ranch With fireplace & board wrth separate tank 313.640-4781 rent 313.884 9193 723 VACAJlON ItfNrALS depth gauge, radiO & Ing room, storage room, Included 313-368-3714 famlty room Mlmmum 1 $600 mlsc boal/ manne 716 OFFICE/ COMMEIICIAL 6 J ~ AUI OMO JIVE NORIHERN MICHIGAN trailer Excellent plus parking space Lease ONE bedroom apartment year lease $900 ADVENTURE North. sesupplies & eqUipment, FOft ItENJ AUrO INSUIIANCE life Jackets, water sports condilion $9,800 810 $525 Available June Whittier/ Beaconsfield month 313-345-0527 15000 CHARLEVOIX, In cluded UP cottage locat. AUTO Insurance. Low eqUipment (SkiS, tubes, 779-2207 1st (313)567'4144 Includes appliances, HARPER Woods 3 bed the Park Great offices ed on 1 mite of river down payment, $125 etc }, charts, nylon rope FOUR WlOns, 1989315 BEACONSFIELD. Excepheat, water 778.8479 room, redone, carpeted, and warehouse, 3300+ frontage m the midst of Doesn't malter what 822-5638 or Garage Vista, TWin 260's, 11 tlonally studiO apartment ST Clair Shores. Harper/ appliances, basement, 2 sq ft, overhead door, 1280 private forested your driVing record's Sale Saturday 5- 11, 9 foot beam sleeps 6, available June 1st Ap 12 1/2 Mile Spotless car garage, $715 street and limited alley acres Miles of pnvate like Partners Insurance to 1, 15115 Windmill Loran, Icemaker. BimIni pliances/ storage room one bedroom, new carRental Pros parklOg $2,000 per mountam biking/ hiking 810 795.3222 POinte Dr Grosse and camper top Many No pets $460 (810)772petlng and paint Heat 810-773-RENT month for three year trails, fish. sWim June. POinte Park extras excellent condl0041 water carpet Included HARPER Woods. Country lease CHAMPION & August! Pat 906-428. 651 10ATS AND MOJOIIS tlon $29,900 Days BEAUTIFUL upper flat No pets $475 (313)881Club near 1-94 Grosse BAER,884.57oo 9414 (616)344-5378 Eve. Trombley, $625 Avalla. _ 0602 Pomte schools 4 bed --CASEVILLE, Saginaw 1981 20' Diesel motor sal. ~ nrngs (616}324-3385 ble 6/96 313.822-4161 Don't Forgetroom, 2 bath brick 20733 Mack. Window front, Bay lakefront, sandy lor, fully eqUipped. mint -ZI'C '53 10ATS 'UTS AND condition Including trall_ SEIIVICE Call your ads in Earty! home, 2 car garage 1,370 sq ft Ideal for beach Sleeps 6 to 8 GROSSE POinte Farms- 1 er Best offer (810)756- SAILBOAT 12' red & 2 Sunfish Salls, 1 new Classified Advertising $850 Eastside Manage. vaTious buslOesses $400 per week 313bedroom upper lIat 4600 white Jib main, trailer, $125, 1 used $65 882-6900 ment 884-4887 $1 ,275/ month 881.1267 $500 Includes utilities Red Carpet Kelm Shore ---'=_ excellent conditIon (313}884 7327 and appliances 313- TWO bedroom lower flat, POINTE/ Woods 3 bed ood 886.8710 CENTRAL Lake Michigan1985 205 Rinker, 170 $1,100 (313)882-1308 _ 885-4521 stove/ refngerator, room ranch, 2 baths 2 w 6 mile lake, vacation horsepower, loaded, low O'DAY 1977 25-Trallable AFFORDABLE washer/ dryer Water 10car garage, air $875 COLONIAL EAST home, sleeps 8, weekly hours (50 100) RadiO GROSSE POinte Woods, Sailboat, good condition, MARINE DETAIUNG cluded $450 810-354313-88 t 0505 St Clair Shores/9 Mile & rental, depoSit reqUired telephone InSide storlower, 2 bedroom newly motivated seller Under Waxes rubouts, tea~i 6767 TWO bedroom, one bath Harper 150700 sq fl, Available Memonal age since new All cov decorated, carpeting, all $8000 Evenings 313bottom patntlng wee y, 1 1/2 garage, Grosse new carpeting all utilit. Weekend thru Novemers Ful! camper top krtchen appliances dish TWO bedroom, one bath 342-1350 monthly cleanlngs Gall flat 1 car garage Close Pomte schools Close to les, 5 day lanrtOr, near ber 1 (616)544'6889 or $8 500 810-775.8395 washer, central air SEARAY 1977 24' weekBob 810-977-6569 to transportation Mack! transportation $700 per exway Reasonable (6t6)544-6207 locked basement, ga 1991 90 HP Manner low ender, 730 hours, camp. MARINE WOODWORK Morass $500, per month, plus security 810-778-0120 CLAM River/ Torch Lake rage opener No pets hours, 18' Crestllner er top, custom features, Custom deslQned & bUilt month plus secUrity 881 2505 after 6 p m COMMERICAL Retail 2 bedroom, fully fumlsh$625 313 885 7879 wrth Shorelander trailer, fully eqUipped, excellent Cabinetry Repairs, dry.rot 8812505 --------space- 15005 Kerchev. ed Washer/ dryer Ammany extras, $5,600 condition $9,800 313 21 Years Experience 702 APlS/FLAIS/DU'LEX HARCOURT- SpacIous 3 WOODS new 3 bedroom ai, 600 sq ft $500 pie dockmg, no 886-6855 Have Portfolio (313)8814688 S C S/MACOMI (OUNlY bedroom 2 bath upper Colonial 1 5 baths, 2 month (313)8247900 smoking/ pets Booking & References Family room formal din car garage $895 313f $575/ '53 10AIS PUTS AND '53 10AJS 'All IS AND BEAUTIFUL condo for (810)435-6048 881-0505 EASTPOINTE 1,000 or summer 109 room New kltcher SEIIV)(E SEIIVICE rent St Clair Shores 2 square feet Air retail O!' week 8106938914 With bUill 10 appliances 70' HOUSES FOil IIENr bedroom 1 full bath 2 H~ lOAf STOIIAGE/DO(KING and breakfast nook office 810879-1964 or CLARE. Spnng/ Summer DUIlO" /WAYNE {OUNry stories and basement Complete Licenl!lee:l Second floor laundry 810-9494813 lease reservations lakefront BOAT Wells for rent on With washer & dryer 4864 Canyon. Close to 60at WIth washer/ dryer natu & Harbor Island Covered FRASER house & cabms, hrepla. Very clean, newly pamt Grosse POinte 2 bed. ral hreplace No pets or & uncovered Summer/ 2OX70 offIce or store ces 810626-4383 Care Inl!lu ree:l ed Gorgeous lakefront room ranch new smokmg Security de wmter 822-4098 redecorated & sharp Lots GAYLORD. 6 large lakearea Seml.furf'llshed kitchen $500/ month POSit $1200 per month of extras 33140 Groos. front homes, 4 seasons $75000 Mary' 810 774 Available 6/1 882 7849 BOATWELLS $200 Per Includes heat Available 17t7 Page 810.606_ beck at14 Mile Rd Golf speCials 517.732. season Aller Road June 822 9913 810293-0900 4493 8324 DETROIT; 3 bedroom Area (3t3)8223641 HARPER Woods, clean, 1 LAKEFRONT, mini studiO bungalow Dining room GROSSE POinte Park, of GLEN Arbor Sleeping BOATWELLS for rent, bedroom upper unit aparmtent (Hamson family room, basement hce space available In Bear Dunes 3 bed. some covered Inexpen Stove, refngerator, ga TownShip) Spectacular garage $535 profeSSionally decorated rooms, 2 baths Week/ slve Grosse Pomte rage $400, plus RENTAL PROS law firm Reasonable weekend speCials VIew $475, plus electriC 810.773 Rent area 885-8771 securrty 313-885 5036 810468-0733 313-885-3681 Broker 881-5693 SENIORS ONLY APTS. lffibffi GRANT MANOR 810-771-3374 McMachen Marine • I •• IC" ... , •• WG~--~P'. ----------- ..- --..-------~-~--------~~--------~:zr_-----........ -- ...- ---------Pea ~ ,. APe • -. CF !:...-tiI. ...... g •• ~- - ..,.. ... - ~ - ... - -- - -- .... - -- - - - Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection 723 VACAIION IUNIAlS NOIUHEIlN MICHIGAN 723 VACAIION IlENIAlS NOll THEliN MICHIGAN Directory of Services GRANO HAVEN- 3 bed- PETOSKY area- 2,100 room, 1 bath, newly resquare foot home locatdecorated home near ed on Lake Michigan water, weekly rental Will sleeps 10 Includes all consider weekend Rent amenities Now taking starts at $450 No pets reservatIOns for summer (616)846-4359 & golf weekends 810649-6247 HARBOR Spring area va cation rentals Homes cottages and condoMlnl ums available by the week, month, or season Please contact Graham "'an'lgement 163 E Main Harbor Springs MI49740 616526 967t '07 IASEMENT WAJEIU'Il00flNG PETOSKYLakefront 4 AMERICAN bedroom log cabin, 2 WATERPROOFING baths sleeps 10 $900/ AND CONSTRUCTION week 6163475476 24 Years expenence PORT AUSTIN Caseville Done the RIGHT way Weekly cottage rentals Peastone backfill Waterside beautiful Spotless Cleanup beach (810)977-8980 Qualltv Workman<;h,p SECL.UDED Alpena} L.ake 10 YR GUARANTEE Huron cottage hot tub, SENIOR DISCOUNT fireplace Wooded o Down pnvate retreat (517)356Free Estimate 6636 Licensed/Insured TORCH Lake- Secluded 313-526-9288 West shore collage 3 CHAS. F. JEFFREY weeks 10 July From Basement Waterproofing $1 000/ week Brochure - 40 Yrs Experience 810644-7288 -Outside Method or TRAVERSE City Lovely 3 'Inslde Method bedroom, 2 full bath cot'Walls Straightened tage on Duck Lake & Braced Dock, sandy beach, fish 'Foundalions Underpmned 109 boat, good fish 109 & 'licensed & Insured sWlmmmg Only 1 week 'Quallty Workmanship lef' (August 17- 24) 810313-882-1800 771-8078 HARBOR SPRINGS 3 bedroom condo, pool tennis Minutes to shop ping & beach Days/ Tom, 313-886-1000 Evenings, 313 885 4142 HARBOR Springs- Petoskey, lake collage, private beach 3 bedrooms ~us loft $750- $850 313.995-9742 HARBOR Springs- Plan now- June, July, August rentals Cute 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home R.L. 724 VACAIION IlENIAlS near golf, beaches IlESOIlIS STREMERSCH shoppmg Only $875 00 COTTAGE on Saginaw BASEMENT weekly 313-885-8771, Bay- 3 bedroom, 2 bath 616-526-3963 WATERPROOFING Weekly rates starting at WALLS, REPAIRED HARBOR Springs Cozy $400 Boat launch, condo On Golf course STRAIGHTENED sWimming, fishing REPLACED sleeps 8 Many extras (517}674-2694 313.823 1251 ALLWORK PORT Austin, 3 bedroom HARBOR Springs/ PetosGUARANTEED Also, smaller coltge key Condos & vacation LICENSED Sundecks, excellent homes With fireplaces, fishing and sWimming, 884-7139 pools, cable T V Plan very clean 810-264your golf getaway & SEIMNG COliMUNrTY 2e YEARS 9010 Monday- Friday summer vacation nowl lOam.5pm Resort Property Management Co 1-800-968THOMAS '00 AlII CONDIIIONING 2844 KLEINER HIGGINS Lake- 3 bed- ALL WEATHER HEATING BASEMENT Central all COndltlonrng room, $400/ week WATERPROOFING Installed & SeMCed. (810)465'5670 "Digging Method 313-882-0747 HIGGINS Lake Lakefront "All New Drain Tile Licensed/Insured cottage, 2 bedrooms & Quality Work nursery Sleeps 6 "Light Weight 10A Cable, row boat, 4,000 slag stone & backfill 902 ALUMINUM SIDING pound hOist "Spotless Cleanup ImmaCUlate Open 6-1, ALUMINUM/ Vinyl Siding -Walls Straightened & 6-22, 8-3, 8.17, 8-24 and trim Free Braced or ReplacEld $700 a week. Call 517estimates Santor drs8~1-6885. ~ Hcne6\t.,otlnstlan"r.l'iQu{lc:lal1Qtij; ~m~A~' HOMESTEAD resort worker. 810-727-5271, "8nck & Concrete Work sharp, updated lake 313-884-8281 -20 Years Expenence Michigan, sleeps 8 '03 A"UANCE IlEMIIlS "10 Year Transferable spnng, summer rentals Guarantee 517-337-7721 'UI.OAT U'AIIIS/ MAINrENANCE PROFESSIONAL BOAT SERVICE .Intenor/ Ex1enor 'Cleanlng & Detailing Power washing Teak work Waxing bottom painting Insured Free Estimates ,. 2 .UILDING/llEtolODELING 'I S CAIlPET CLEANING ANTHONY MINAURO CONSTRUCTION INC Bathrooms Kitchens Basements Additions Owner Operated Licensed/ Insured 810-773-4606. MICHIGAN Carpet Up holstery Cleaners Free estimates 22725 Great er Mack Please call 1 BOD-6061515 .IlICK/.LOCK WOIlK ModernizatiOn" AJteralions "Additions" Family Rooms BRICK Repalls- porches steps, tuck pOinting, g lass block windows, code Violations KeVin (8tO)7796226 'I' CEMEN' WOIlK CHIMNEY Cl!ANING R.L. STREMERSCH COACHLIGHT CEMENT CONTRACTOR CHIMNEY SWEEP CO Slate LJCensed 5154 Cement Dnveways INSIALlAlION Chm'7elS Cleaned Gaps Screens DJ.:OS 6ARI\EA CONTRACTORS 810-52g.0533 '" 916 CAllm "I CARPET Installation and repair service Call for a free estimate Serving the EastSide since 1969 313-527-9084 InSlal1ea Bnck Work Basement Waterproofing Steps Tuck Pomlln g No Job to small" Free Estimates An mal Removal Cer1d!ed & Insured GARY'S Carpet Service "Kitchens" Recreation Installation, restretchmg Areas SPECIALIZING IN Repairs Carpet & pad JAMES BARKER DRIVEWAYS & available 810.774 886-5044 BRICK Work Excellence CHIMNEY SERVICE BASEMENT 7828 RENOVATION In brick work Small lobs " Lh,mnlY ueln~n~ WATERPROOFING JERRY'S Carpet Service • CLlp"'dmJ & REMODELING Reasonable R R CodLicensed SC[('{'rl" Installation, restretchlng Highest quahty work by dens (313)8865565 Installed & repairs Carpet & pad licensed bUilder MortJe md CHAS. F. 884-7139 available 776 3604 Damper Reister Constructlon,lnc. JEFFREY Repair 313 965-5900 TUCKPOINTING: Expert '17 CElliNG/PLASlEIlING • AntmJI Removal Brick, Flagstone Walks 810639-5149 repair, porches, chim(Ulillcd Master Swap & Patios neys The Bllck Doctor ANDY SqUires Plastering THINKING ABOUT TOM TREFIER Porches RebUilt Richard Pnce Licensed & Drywall Stucco repair REMODELING? Pre-Cast Steps 882-5169 882-3804 Spray tex1ured Celhngs Concern about quality? Tuck-POinting VAN'S Developement- all (8tO)-755-2054 Don t spend good monCement Work '20 CHIMNEY IlE'AIIl types of small/ large ey for bad work! Get the CEILING repairs, water Basement Waterproofing concrete work, also waquality you deserve Call damage, cracks, paintJ&J Licensed Insured terproofing (810)791Champion Homes Mod. Ing, wallpaper removal, 882-1800 4516 _ CHIMNEY ernlzat,on & DeSign plaster, textu re or EXPERT Brick Repair SYSTEMS, INC. 810 752-2030 smooth Licensed conTuckpolntlng chimneys, MICH. L1C. # 71.05125 Free Estimate tractor Joe, 881-1085 porches, steps The Chimneys repaired, NEW DESIGNS, INC. Brick Doctor Richard rebUilt, re-Ilned Complortlt Iiomc- I:m~ SftvKft Bnck • Custom I<Jtchens &: Baths Price Licensed, 313Gas flues re-hned llCt"nst>d &c r nsured 882-3804 Cleamng Glass Block Ret(l'rences E Be J Plastering, Drywall, ]9735 East\'oood Dnve Certified, Insured Expert Tuckpomling plaster, stucco 810-598H .rper Wood < MJ Blick Repair 8753,313-714-0131 795-1711 3 884-91 ~~ Mortar Tex1ure & PLASTER & drywall repair m ClOCK IlEPAIIl Color Matching of all types Grosse & Restoration & Estate YORKSHIRE POinte references The Community Work- Deep Diamond Cut Quality Does Not Cost "Chip" Gibson, 884BUILDING & TuckpOinling for strength 5764 "It Pays" RENOVATION INC. & long hfel PLASTER repairs, paint• Addlhons Will make your brick Ing Cheapl No Job too - Kitchen & Bolhroom work look hke newl small I Call anytime InProfesslOna( RemodeIrng Porch RebUilding sured (810}774-2827 • Arch'teclIJral SeMces & Rebllckm9 Wakh Available PLASTERING and drywall Licensed Insured repairs. Texturing and QUALmWQRK John Pllce 882-0746 Jewelry stucco Insured Pete IJcensed & Inwred J. W. KLEINER SR. SERVICE Taromrna 469.2967 MASON CONJRACTOR PLASTERING, Drywall, One Year SERVING THr:: Taping & Spray TexturWarranty -1~reOneil Brick, Block, and Stone CARPENTRY. Porches, pairs No Job too small Servke work and all types Doors, Decks Finish & Free Estimates Insured 30 years experience of repairs Rough Carpentry ReJim Upton, n3-4316 Brick & Flagstone Patios pairs & Small Jobs Free EASTPOINTE PLASTERING. Free Esti& Walks, Porches, estimates 20 years exHOUGHTON Lake- clean "Danger Systems Chimneys, Tuck,Polntlng, penence 885-4609 mates All types wet APPUANCE CENTER 2 bedroom cottages exInstalled Patching _ plaster and drywall No Service Charge Hours cellent sWlmmrng Boat licensed & Insured V,olahons Corrected GARAGE Grosse POinte referenWIth Repairs Included $275 week -rcQnslruction .. Men Fn 10-530 Sat 10 2 A.1 Quality SpeCialiZing In Small'Jobs STRAIGHTENING ces All work Courteous ProfeSSional i~~k~ ~~? ChOice weeks available Workmanship Free Estimates/Licensed And RebufJdlng guaranteed 25 years SefV1ce On All 517-468-3672 • DRIVEWAYS 8820717 Replace Rotten Wood 810 296-3882 experience Lou BlackMajor Appliances • PORCHES' p.I>nos 19888 KEllY HOUSEBOAT on DeVilS Crack Be Cement Repair well, 810-776-8687 or Deal Direct with Owner - RAISE GA~GcS & REPLACE Harper Woodl Sa"ih of B Mrie Sl Clair Shores, MI To Pass City Code Lake for rent After 81 D-381-6970 GARAGE FLOORS 776-1750 600pm 517-263-2617 Guaranteed PROFESSIONAL Brick & Block '23 CONSfllUCIlON REPAIR CAPIZZO CONST. 904 AS'HALT MVING Call For Free Estlmate LAKE CharleVOIX 3 bedCRAFTSMAN "BASEMENT Licensed Insured BRICK PAVERS & IlE'AIR room, 2 bath home overlL_C_I_ Jeffrey Adams WATERPROOANG DECORA1lVE CONCRETE John Price looking lake Close to COLLEGE Construction Co. student Will Plaster & Drywall WALLS STRA1~HTENE EXPOSED AGGREGATE licensed/Insured 882-0746 Petoskey $475 per seal coat black top Repalr,lnc FLAGSTONE & ~ AND REPLACED RESIOENTIAl " COMMERCIAl week or $100 per day BLUESTONE WORK Classified Advertising SpeCialiZing 10 plaster driveways for lowest • • Dnveways • Remodeling 810-795-2077 882-6900 • Additions - Decks reconstruction Expen' /}"I-:~A-J GU~~~~ pnce (313)886-8737 LAKE Huron (Lexmgton) 2 "Garages (81') 775-7111 enced In Grosse WINTERS CARPENTRY ~ 13131 private lakefront cotPomte's finest homes & REMODELING Family Bllsmess e&jJ rh~j64zU ~ 1110) tages, weekly, mce D£CK5/PATIOS licensed bUilder, Mantels, bookshelves, LICENSED .~ rellII'flKed & leG coaled beach 616-669-5187 fully Insured baseboard, crown, any INSURED BLUE SKY LAKE MICHIGAN & 810.790-9117 '~&reswr-l and all types of custom TONY 885-0612 ~ POWER WASH '~&parblgloll GLEN LAKE Some Classlficahons woodwork 109 SEAVER'S Home MainteSUpervised Deck washing & sealing Insured Kitchens & Baths nance Plaster, drywall, Summer Rentals High pressure cleaning to 8'10-773-8087 are required by bw fo Licensed & Insured textures, painting 16 Cottages Condos Homes beautify and protect GRAIG WINTERS 907 .ASEMENI years In Grosse POinte 15% discount your Investment 912IUILDING/IIEMODEUNG be kensed. Chedc wllh 313-884-1295 WAIEIl'1I00FING 882-0000 Excellence In 10r full week 10 810-293-5674 Waterproofing June or September l.>c 21lXl'30562 SMALL Plaster repair and ALEX LUKASIK proper Sate Ageocy 10 DECKS & FENCES fillllJJy Business m CAliPH ClE~rNG ceiling texture Mr MARK W. ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. Smce 1924 Hams Properhes, Inc Duffy 313885.2107 Resldenhal BUilder BASEMENT LENTINI'S CARPET " D'ggmg Melhod venfy kense Cleaning & Powerwashlng - Peaslone BackfJlI Remodeling Cleaning Service Resr WATERPROOFING LAKE Michigan 2 bedSealing & StalOmg "I CEMENI WOIlK "Walls Straightened New Construction dentlal, reasonable room, heated cottage '" CHIMNEY CLEANING Design & construction Free Wntten Estimates " Under Pmn,ng KItchens & Baths rates Upholstery clean. CEMENT work, concrete " 2S Yr Guaranlee $600/ week 616-941Free Estimates 10 Year Guarantee R.R, CODDENS 810-795-0794 8167 109 Martm Lentini Ownbrick work, driveways, llCen~ & Insured Licensed BUilder Licensed & Insured Chimneys rebUilt, Licensed Insured er 313.8865903 Sidewalks, porches, LAKE Michigan- 3 bedrepaired or tuck pointing 881-8035 chimneys Free Estiroom, 2 bath home near Ed Elliott Flues caps repaired '07 'ASEMENT '07 IASEMENI '12.UllDING/IlEMODl:UNG mates Call Paul 810Petoskey/ CharleVOIX ,. 2 .U1lDlNG / UMODRING Chimneys cleaned 810- 791-0418 WArEIlPIlOOFING 309-1986 AI! comforts of home WAIEIl'1l00FING 313-886-5565 Don't ForgetWith lake at your back l!l~1!i Call your ads in Early! door $995 per week 'II CEMENT WORK 'II CEMENI WOIlK (901)753- 7372 Classified AdvertiSing BASEMENJn,~ 882-6900 LAKEFRONT cottages on WATERPROOFING Houghton Lakes North RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL A bus,ness BUilt On Honesty Integnty PRESSURE POlnles shore 2 bedroom $424 ~ DRIVEWAYS. FLOORS - PORCHES & Dependablhty Power Washing ~ GARAGES RAISED & RENEWED W,lh Over 20 Years Expenence Serving The Pomtes 3 bedroom $477 Call Expenenced profeSSIOSpacificatIOn Uf, ~ NEW GARAGE DOORS & REFRAMING 517-821-6885 nal Grosse POinte resl ~ GLASS BLOCKS ~~C;~b~ Dnveways • PatIOS LEXINGTON, ." NEW GARAGES BUILT • ~~~:~~~~~nd dIg) area of basement wall 10 be dent Will carefUlly pres Basement Waterproofing • Bnck Pavers lovely 4 • Haul away all clay sand debns sure wash & seal your ~ Licensed & Insured • Remove eXisting drern tile and roplace WIth new AddItIOns • Garages bedroom, deck concrete fence • ~~~~~nd W1rebrush wall removmg all dirt lakefrom Licensed Banded Ins (810) 826-9251 etc 38 years Insunng 8 gOOd bond I!I~" expenence 884 5887 : to ~r':r:~~ ~~ad:l~r LITTLE Traverse Bay 4 wall • Aun hose rn bleeder(s) to ,nsure 8uffiClent ULTRA DECKS bedroom Chalet, 2 WHEN YOU SEE THIS SIGN AT • ~~~n~g~e 2!-egr~::d~ baths, fireplace all eleeDesign & BUilt • Four Inch membrane tape applied al top seAm of v,squene tllcal appliances 313Carpentry • Top SOif to grade With proper Pitch • lnlonor crSLks frlled If necessary 882-5749, 810-477• '. :. • LICENSED SAFE FLUE 1HidattP. M o Concrete • Stone Tuckporntlng Chimney Repair PaUos Porches tMESl~:RR 882.6713 Clock 881-3 86 Service Calls For Grandfather (CAPIZzol Clocks I 1 4 ~;:; (313)372-9685 sitO&12 7774446 m R.R. CODDEIS 11t. ~_. ~ GWIO CONSTRUCTION,INe. ~ ~ WINTER CONSTRUCTION :::~= Sfv.ei4~ ebnJ;~e~:~ct~~rg~~~6~~g:::pe ~ute 810/774-30.0 c;~~~.,;::rv~::~~~CA~h':dt e~~to~ :ra~k:t~~e9~:~r~ l~ 9933 PETOSKEY. Walloon Lake area Four season vacatIOn homes, 2- 7 bedrooms, furnished units available SWimming golfing canoeing volleyball Ideal vacation spot (800}754.0222 YOUR NEIGHBORS I' • Thorough wOf1(mans",p and clean UP. • Styrofoam Insulatron applied to wall requested MASON 9.'Id<."llIoct<'::;IOI1e POfChesIChllllfleyS Tuckpot\~ VIOla1JoolCode WQfl< BASEMENT Wal~ $lIa~ Ilnd Braoe<l Wa.1S RellUlfI Footr>gs ~ Ora,.. S~ems .'.-881-2097 RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE :.<' ~ All Calls Relumedll0 YearTransferableGuarantee A GUARANTEE IS ONLY AS GOOD AS THE GUARANTOR Licensed & [n~urcd 882-0628 MARTIN YOU KNOW GARY DiPAOLA R~IF 775-4268 SOMITHING NICE IS BEING DONE a Hand Troweled Finish BASEMENT WATERPROOFING p()«(lle" L18J~1~D SPECIALIST Foohngs, Garage lIa/slngs, Porches [KJveways Pa1lOS Wa,. CONCRETE ~ "Dcck~ .I)rdmg 'Rnck o('onl.rCIC 'Awnlng, ") '" 772-0033 ~ , _ IDE POWER WASHING ~ Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.YYY.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.YYY.YY.Y.Y.Yn ,I (313)886-8421 (810)296-2537 hllr ra'r, beellcnt rRll r("lllh L'>T1\1ATL<; 81 G-81700546 :. Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection Directo '2' 935 FLOOIlSANDING/ IlEFINISHING OOOIlS STORM DOORS & WINDOWS 3t3-885-2878 '30 ELE(lIlICAlSEIlVICES COLVILLE ELECTRIC CO. Ranges. Dryers. Services. Doorbells VIOLATIONS FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE 774-9110 ELECTRICAL Wiring & Repairs Ceiling fans Installed Retired Master electriCian (810)3811567 FIRST ELECTRICAL CO. JOHN, Licensed Master Electrical Contractor 81 o-n6-1 007 ReSidential Commercial service Calls Doorbells, Ranges, Dryers Senior Citizen Discount S & J ELECTRIC SERVING THE GROSSE POINTES SINCE 1965 CUSWORTH ELECTRIC INe Master Licensed & Insured "Resldentral-Commerclal "Fast Emergency SeMce SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT 886-4448 15215 MACK TOMA ELECTRIC BOB TOMA Licensed Master Electrical Contractor. 885-8030 Reasonable Rates Free estimates. Commercial Residential New, Repairs, Renovations, Code Violations, Service Upgrade '34 FENCES Grltrlns Fence Company *All Types Of FenClng *Sales *Installabon. Repairs *Senior DISCOunt 822-3000 800-305-9859 MODERN FENCE White Cedar SpecialISts 810-n6-S456 935 FlOOIl SANDING/ II EfINISHJNG KELM. Floor sanding, refinrshrng. old & new AI. so banisters Insured EKperrenced 313-535- 7256 EXPERT SHRUB & SMALL TREE TRIMMING, fertlllzalion. gutter cleaning & lawn aeration LICENSED & INSURED Free ES1Jmates Low Rates EXCELLENT SERVICE (313)417-0797 FREE ESTIMATES 810-n6-1104 .r QAN ~1:b\ItW Lawn & GardenMarntence Lawn cutbng Tnmmlng .Gardenrng Pruning Resldenbal or CommerCial 810-776-3856 EDEN LAWN CARE Professional Lawn & Garden Service 'Spnng -Weekly lawn cuttrng - FertiliZing - Planting .Roto-tlillng Tony Acevedo 313-822.7218. FIVE SEASONS TREE SERVICE & LANDSCAPE RENOVATION Tree Trrmmlng Removal/ Stumping Shrub/ Hedge Tnmmlng & Removal AERATION POWER RAKING TOP SOIl/GRADING George Sperry 18th year 810-n8-4331 GARDENING, plantrng. tnmmlng. pruning, also clean ups Call John. 884-3904 REISTER - LANDSCAPING Co•• Inc. Our 31SlYr LANDSWE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTlON INSTALLATIONS RESIDENTIAL/COM SPRING TURNONS Prompt effiCient service licensed/Insured be 5censed Check WJIh . proper Sate ArJency to venfy Kense, W~DY'S TREE SERViCES Tnmmmg • Removal. Stumps I..Jcensed - Insured 810-268-7886 Mmy.LAwN LAh"DSCAPING • Organic ferbilzahon programs • Weed & pest control • Maintenance programs • Landscape design and construcl1on • Sodding • Power rake & aeralJon .,ew.9S-S'.9 885.3410 S'IJ9.5-1900 LICensed Insured '54 PAlNTlNG/DHOIlATlNG '54 PAINJING/DHOIlATiNG ALL WEATHER Heating & Cooling HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE Sales, Service • Small Horre Repairs Installation • GUile, Clean ng & RepairS • Small Roo' Repairs ReSidential/ Commercial : f~~~II~~~e~~va' Grosse Pointe • SidIng & Dock Installat,Of1 882-0747 Ji,... ,~J PLANTERS' PALl L0'rE" ihe flo.~.ers Hate the dirt? Laura. 810 7774477 for more information ~ / 774-0781 JOHN'S PAINTING IIIXfS PROFESSIONAL '51 rAINlING/DECOIlAIlNG FAMOUS Marntenance Window & gutter clean mg Licensed. bonded. rnsured since 1943 884 4300 MOVING.HAULING Appliances removal to whole house moves Garage. yard. basement cleanouts GUTTERS cleaned. small Free estimates repairs Reasonable REASONABLE rates Servmg Porntes RELIABLE 15 years 313.884.6199 REFERENCES GUTTERS rnstalled. re- Mr. B's 882.3096 paired. cleaned Screen Installation FREE roof MOVING-HAULING DEPENDABLE inspection Power washEXPERIENCED 109 FREE estimates LOW RATES Reasonable rates LIINSURED censed & Insured NEW # 839-2222 526-7284 Northeastern Improvements, Inc 372-2414 SEAVER'S Home Maintenance Gutters replaced. repaired. cleaned. roof repairs 882-0000 = INC REMOVAL OF ALL Appliances Concrete/ Dirt Construction Debns Garage Demolition Basement Clean out Can Move/ Remove Any1hrng PHILIP WASSENAAR All Work Guaranteedl Carpen1ry, plumbing, elecIncal. pamttng Roofing. vrnyl Siding Power washing Vrnyl and ceramlc tile Installation Code ViolatIOn repair Excellent references FREE es11mates licensed. Insured Our Company does It alii NORTHEASTERN IMPROVEMENTS, INC. 372-2414 823-1207 EASTPOINTE MOVING AND STORAGE CO. FRANK'S Handyman Servlce- Speclallzrng In small repairs Electncal, plumbing, carpentry. etc 810-791-6684 884.8380 Travel Free Estimates Parntlng, interior extenor Drywall work repairs. any other repairs 810-790'7752 _R_lc_k _ MIKE The Handyman Plumbing. electncal, ceramic. carpentry. or any thlngl NatIVe Grosse POinter 313-886-5678 OLDER Home SpeCialist Custom carpentry, plumbrng. tnm. electncaJ. plaster floors. ba1hs,kitchens 810-2962274 Lowest pnces LICENSED 1\ INSURED PACKING 1\ MATERIALS ANTIQUES 1\ PIANOS FREE ESTIMATES Bob Breitenbecher Owner M.P.S.C. L21290 WEEKLY TRIPS TO NORTHERN MICHIGAN Local & Long Distance Agent for Global Van Unes SCHNEIDER'S Home Repairs. Plumbrng. electncal, carpentry. painting, code vlola110ns 8864121, pager 810-9036351 Don't ForgetCall your ads in Early! Classified Advertising 882-6900 • 821-4400 Small • Large and Jobs • Pianos (our specIally) • Appliances " Soturdoy. Sundoy WOOD Window frames recaulked and repainted All extenor painting. cement repairs. plumbrng. and most all home repairs Servrng the Grosse Porntes for 8 years Bud. 313 8825886 Service " Senior Discounts Owned & Operated By John Stern Inger , 18 SO E. Jefferson MPSC.L'9675 1+ pai~ti~Q "'.I«,a" ALL type home repairs PAINTING- Intenor and and Improvements Dry exterior Spackling wall. parnt, kitchen{ bath, Wallpapering Wrndow doors MISC, drscounts Glazrng Finish carpen313.272-2363 or 810. try FREE eS1Jmates LI 771-0014 censed. Insured Excel BRENTWOOD Painting/ lent references North. Wallpapenng 27 years eastern Improvements. of quality & service to Inc 372-2414 POlntes. Shores. Harper PROFESSIONAL painter Woods Free estimates 10 years expenence Brll. 810-776-6321 or Grosse Pornte home- Fax your ads 24 hours 882-1585 915 HANDYMAN 777-8081 775-3068 RTM MOVING, 810-771.6014 10% off WIth thiS ad BRIAN'S PAINTING THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE Fon /\/ L YO( 'H J .XTl:HIOH (r WORM 1,\TlJ?IOR PAINTI.\'G Hl.MODI.UNG CARPfJ'JTBY f"l\L'X FI\I"/f 32 rT:I\R~ !:.XP[f i:J\TCE !i\,,-,, IN~~\V AI\ JET 1~[)I~rO' Specoahztng In IntenorlElCfenor Painting We offer the best In preparaoon before painting arnl use only the f,nesl malenals for rhe Iongps: lasting resuffs Greal Western peopleare quahtym.rnledand courteous REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES - FULLY INSURED 886-7602 ~ 9f./4/N1- CUSTOM PAINTING o.wu,. ..... s.cs,1II:4 H If p.,.". 15~ ~ " 1"~I()(!ExIenof' Pl~ RepaIrs' RiI!I$llflg • Sponalng • Wallpaper Removal & Ha"8lng "T CALL NOW 1'0R A FREl: ES11\1A Il: • D. BHOW.... 885.4867 • NO OBUG;\TIO:\ • ,'[)LL) J~,~):_Ji:.[) • nUTHL,\Cb . I r at..... ,'\V.\IL\BLE Mlell. Lk.1tJ16'1S2. FuR, Itr,ruw! ~~ 884-5764 ~~_'kl'" _,...- ,...._,_~.IlII._...--"' .....-F--.---~-'!!-----"._P-"_"'IIlii_&1... ;II. EXTERIORnNTERIOR CutIomIltsGl~/I'loslIrRepair <Mr iIGroue ...... ~'rt5)'as 1 CuGoto,.S17StJIJ ProfesSional pamtlng, Inte- QUALITY workmanship rlor and eKtenor Spe. Parntrng, plaster. carR&tSON~BI.E"NSUR€D clallzrng In all types of pentry. all home repairs parntlng. Caulking, win. 15 years experrence '57 PLUMIING & dow glazmg and plaster Insured, references INSTALLAIION repair All work guaranSeavers Home teed For Free EstlMarntenance. 882-0000 COMPLETE mates and Reasonable SPRING Parntrng- Free Rates. 872-2046, J ~stlR1'8.t~s. re!l$bnable COLLEGE student to pamt rates. professional quailextenor (313)886-8737 ty work. rntenor/ extenor MARTIN VERTREGT FRANK'S wa1!paper reJohn Karoutsos, 686- licensed Master Plumber mova) SeMng GP area _2_7_90 _ Grosse POinte Woods since 1940 Statewrde, STENCILING done In your 886-2521 references 313-451home Ideas unlimited I New work. repairs, renova1444 Kathy 810.779-6928 tiOns. water heaters. FREE estimates, Reason. after 5 00 P m sewer cleanrng, code VIable rates NIck Karout- STEVE'S Parntrng olations All work guaranteed sos, ProfeSSional PamtIntenorlExterror Speclaler, Interror/ extefJor 30 Jzrng In plastenng and DAN ROEMER years expenence Call drywall reparrs. cracks. 885-3594 peeling parnt Wrndow PLUMBING GHi Pamtrng, mterlor/ eKglaZing- caulking Also RepaIrs. remodeling. code terror, always a profespamt old alumrnum sldwork, fixtures slonal job Expenenced, Ing 313-874-1613 Water heaters Installed references, free es11Licensed and Insured mates Greg, 313-527772.2614 1853 DAVE'S Sewer Cleanrng, GP Wallpaperrng and DecPlumbing Repair If II'S orative Pamtrng Rehabroke. we'll fIX It LIble, profeSSional sefVIce censed & Insured Free With a personal touch KEN'S WINDOW estimates Senior diSFree estimates Gail 882SmVICE count 313-526-7100 3788. Pat 884.2079 JOURNEYMAN/GLAZIER r::.::::.:;;.o:;; !~:::J:: Pi_~ -os" INTERIORS BY DON & LYNN .Husband.Wlfe Team 'Wallpapenng Windows Re-PU!lled andCaulked DIRECT PLUMBING P"nted /Removmg air old putty) lII:~ce B rol...en g Il<;S ~It"amed Jp ThPrmopme<; Instills Slorm Wlnd(>'o\~ .1od & DRAIN 000<, • An, kind 01gl.Jss "Painting won." 521.0726 In Cft<;s Tr-lOf. 10 Yeo)/) Call I'M • 87'H755 885-2633 *Free Esttmates J & M Painting Co. Specializing *Full Product Warranty In: *Senlor DISCOunt * Extenor/* Intenor Residential & CommerCial Painting * References *AII Work Guaranteed *Plastenng & Drywall MICHAEL HAGGERTY Lie. Master Plumber repairs and cracks. peeling FREE ESTIMATES parnt Window glazing. caulking '51 'AINTING/DECOIlATING '54 'AlNTlNG/DECOIlATlNG *Washlng & Painting old 'H PAJNTlNG/DECOIlAflNG _ r:m==-=YI=N=-='S=-=PAI=NTI=~N;::G::"I owner Intenor/ exterior Free estimates Call Dave. 313-331-7878 Licensed Insured D. BROWN HOME IMPROVEMENTS ~ S 'lw.MRING EMIL THE PLUMBER Father & Sons Since 1949 ['"1 aluminum sldrng '54 MINIlNG/DECOIlATING l!l l!l~ Interior EKterror SpeCial I~ IZlng In repalflng dam aged plaster. drywall & PAINTING cracks peeling paint ~ ~ Window puttying and caulking wallpapenng Inteno<!ElCfenor IncludeS ~ Also. pamt old aluminum '41 INSUlATION damaged plasler. ~ repam"g cracks peejlng paonl sldrng All work and ma glazIng cauU<mg. tenal guaranteed Rea ~ Window paonU"ll aluminumSIdIng • MeINSULATE~ Advanl.lge cJ W,nIer sonable Grosse POinte Top Qualitymalenal ~ Reasonablepnces (), SWoN SA~NG\ references • Rool \~nl5InstaJled All work Guaranteed Free estimates I fully In .rt'dr'xensed P'~\lOnal\ ~ ~ 8825038 CIIl Mike anytime • S.hffSa~~ DIIC Code WOO LAIN Painting All your 881-4003 ~ ~ 7 ----painting needs Free es l!l~l!I 95t rAINIlNG/OECOIlATiNG tlmates Licensed #10612. Insured Call 10% Offl Brl ng savrngs Keith collect. 810-364 Free estimates Exterior/ 3741 InterrorlExtenor Interior/ resldenlJal/ comSpeCialPlaster Repair M & K PAINTING merCial Insured Call A Window Caulking & M Painting, 810-578and Puttymg EKtenor Power Washing 6555 Interror/ Exterror POWER and Pambng WASHING Wallpaper Aluminum Siding A-1 PAINTING Ing Caulking GlaZing Wood Fences and Decks Fabulous faux frnlshes Aluminum sldrng Plas FREE ESTIMATES Marbleize your fireplace terlng. drywall repairs A'l Wort & GlMt."tHd Rag roIling. smooshmg ReSidential/Commercial Call Ryan PaintingCo also available Plaster Grosse POinte referen repair 1994 DeSigner ces Free estimate LI Show House GP refercensed Fully Insured ences 822.8341 Milan 810.759-5099 Is 810-78~ 5861 :rttANDYWOAK.-PatDtrng, TREES, shrubs. hedgl;. home repairs, odd jobs removed, stump gnndGrosse POinte referen109 Free estimates ces Call John 885Insured Reasonable 8832 rates (810)n8-4459 -H-A-V-E--H-a-m-m-e-r--W-)-II Some Classmcahons ae requlI'ed by law to '41 HfAllNGANDCOOLING PAT THE COPHER FURNITURE refrnlshed. repaired. strrpped. any type of caning Free es- LARAWAY Landscapmg Sprrng clean-ups, weektimates 345-6258. 661 ly lawn cutting. aerating. 5520 thatch removal 313-886 913 LANDSCA'EIlS/ 9423 GAIlD!NEAS M C Lawn Service CLEAN CUT TREE Honestl dependable/ SERVICE Trrmmrng. reasonable Call for free shaping. topping and reestimate 810-293-3257 moval Free estimates MAC'S TREE AND 313,371-4557, Mike SHRUB TRIMMING COLLEGE student can COMPLETE WORK perform any lawn or Reasonable rates. quality landscaping job plus service Call Tom 776hedge trimming. seal 4429 coatrng driveways. OMNI Landscaping and parntlng Reliable referpalntrng EKpenenced ences (313)886-8737 college student With fair COMPLETE lawn service prtces Please call Cut. Edge, Trim. etc Steve. 313.882-0588 Low prrces Dave 881REASONABLE 5107 or Micah. 882STUMP 7016 REMOVAL CREATIONS Shrubs Landscaping Servicing St Clair Shores Lawn Senror Discount marntenance, landscap313-882-5204 mg. re-soddmg Full 810-445-0225 clean-up. power raking Insured, free estimates STARLIGHT Tree Service trlmmlngl removal of 810- n7 -4336 trees. shrubs Prune fruit DAN MILLEVILLE trees Licensed 810TREE SERVICE 755-9421 iEE'S LAWN Tree Trrmmmg SPRINKLERS Land Cleanng REPAIRS/SERVICE Tree & Stump Removal licensed & Insured 24 hour emergency m HANDYMAN GARDENEIlS K& K LAWN AND SHRUB SERVICE T.N.G. Floor SandrnQ & Refmlshlng Natural & Stained Free estimates 313-526-2747 '31 fUANIIUAE AIfINISHING / U'HOISTEIlING ALL Alterations Best pnces Best work Fast service Call Lla. 810294-2601 943 LANDSCA'EIlS/ GAIlDENEIS PROFESSIONAL floor sanding and lrnlshlng Free estimates W Abraham. 754-8999 Terry Yerke (810)772 3t18 CUSTOM DRAPERIES Blinds. carpal'paper. Bedspreads. & decorative Accessones ViSIt our Showroom at 22224 Gratiot DRAPERIES BY PAT n8-2584 921 DIlESSMAKING/ AlIUAIiONS Residential Commercial No Job Too Small 885-2930 '43 LANDSCA'fIlS/ of Services *Wood Staining! VarOlshlng Grosse POinte References All Work & Material Guaranteed Fully LICensed & Insured Free Estlmates- Mike 810.268-0727 J.L. PAINTING INTERIORIEXTERIOR Power Washing Repainting Aluminum Siding Variety of colors Window putty/ caulking Grosse POinte References Free Estimates 885-0146 PAINTING- Quality job at a reasonable Price Inte rlor/ eKtenor Call Dennrs.810'776-3796 \I ''0 wn R PI UMBERS 1182-0029 TOW 1l00flNG SERVICE J &JROOFING (810) 445.6455 OR I 800-459-6455 SEF HOW AJo"ORDABLE QUALITY CAN BE! 10year workmanshipwarranty 25yearor~ngermater~lwarran~ Spec~ltzlngIn TEAROFFS ue .... "" CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATEr Smce 1936 CALL Smce 1931) '1'19.4-~'10 313_.$:21 6 \ 0" t\O\.f,~ !'ot -:207.$ \\~f E. D. foley ~I'l "ome Improvement Co. Serving "the Pointes' for aver 50 years TEAR OFF5 • RtCOVERS • HEAVYWEIGIIT SHINGLES SINGLE PI Y R00f1NG • EXPFRT WORKMANSHIP We Do Our Own Work Ucen~cr1 & ln~ured fhursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection Directory of Services '57 PLUM.ING & INSfALLATlON : m SlOAMS SCREENS, dODrS do Dr W.llls Windows POlCt18S woodl aluml num Repaired on site Schnlders 313 886 FRANK R. WEIR PLUMBING, HEATING. SEWERS AND DRAINS BOILER SPECIALISTS SPRlKLER REPAIRS 885-7711 38t KERCHEVAL SINCE 1925 Keith Danielson licensed Master Plumber L S WALKER CO. I IUll1bmg Dram Cleaning f\1I Repa,rs Free Esll malesl Reasonablel Insured 8107788212 J 13 705 7568 pa~ 10M'S Plumbmg repairs remDdel Installs sewer 12 years experience Reasonable, 810 775 4201 313884 1906 II $ DISCOUNT $ PLUMBING I I • For all Your Plumbing Needs Sewer 560 Drains 540 WHY PAYMOREU 881-2224 m ftOOFING '64 SEWEft CLEANING SEftVICE ARMSTRONG Sewer Cleaning Sewers re paired Grosse Pomte area $49 00 Free estl mates Owner Leaave message, John 313 6404633 Reach 150,000 readers In this special section: "Clip & Save Yellow Page!" SEWING MACHINE ftEPAlft This special business card section cover date: June 20, 1996. IN home tune ups Clean, DII, adjust tensions $4 95 All makes and mDdels repaired Call Joe Kaufman at home anylime 810 778 5403 or 884-8293 This handy reference page will showcase local businesses & services. '73 lILE WOI\K CERAMIC kitchen counters bathrooms, walls, floors Water damage, regrouling Any type LI censed contractor 881. 1085 A limited amount of space is available, call today to insert your business card! CERAMIC TllE- quality work, affordable prices, free estimates All work guaranteed 810-777 7196 CERAMIC tile resrdentlal Jobs and repairs 15 years experience (810)776.4097, Andy DEADLINE: June 12, 1996 RATES: CERAMIC, Vinyl !lie Instal. latlon Regroutlng FREE Estimates licensed & Insured Northeastern Improvements, Inc 3722414 2.4 HOURS 7 DAYS Is a special page to appear in the Grosse Pointe News & The Connection newspapers. 4121 "5 FARMS, i & SCftUMS SEftVICE $50.00 per Business Card ALL PRO ROOFING f'rofesslonal roofs gutters, '74 VCI\ ftEPAl1\ Siding new, repaired, AA1 CO VCR TV, microreasonable, rehable 20 wave Home calls years experience $995 Nobody beats our LICENSED INSURED pnces Senior discounts John Williams Licensed 810754-3600 885-5813 .. .".,.....,. FLAT roof specialist. re $5.00 Color (standard yellow) $5.00 Limited Typesetting ,. .. 977 WALL WASHING pairs- all types, over 20 J&L Wall wa hln b _ years experience 810 s g y ma 7747794 Pager 810 chine NOdnp, No mess 466-0285 Call the best 810-771- Grosse Pointe News <CONNECI10N 'II WINDOW WASHING I I( ENSED INSURED 886-0520 - -- =-----~ =-=- R,B. CODDENS f ' "11 r III11W'1 11IJrf 1924 "11111<\1, Koof<, • t 1<11Koof <; HIl"'" r JOof<, new ..-lnd n p(lll I, ,11 of!<, { hlltllH \ rE p..-III~ 88&-6&8& LOOK Classified AdvertiSing 882.6900 Fax 343-5569 N FAMOUS malfltenanceserving Grosse POinte since 1943 lIcensed, bonded Insured Wall washlngl carpet cleanIng 884 4300 CERTIFIED APPLICATIONS OF MODIFIED SINGLE PLY FLflT ROOFING SYSTEMS VENTS GUTIERS REPAIRS ore requ .. ed by law E w 5 P A P E R 5 MAY 1996 Designers' Showhouse Special Events Calendar MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY The Junior League of Detroit, Inc. Some CJossmcahons be kensed. _ Thank You! Greg GrOlh TEAR OFF RESHINGlE , _.r- ......",_- -/1.1..--~ (313) 882-6900 RESHINGLE, repair. all ,aD WINDOWS types Flashing tuck pOinting FREE esti- WINDOW restoration mates licensed & InSpeclahzlng In Window sured Northeastern 1m restoration sash cords, provements, Inc 372 broken glass Mr Duffy 2414 313885-2107 ROOFING Repairs, reshln ghng chImney screens, TAKE A LOOK AT OUR basement leaks, plaster GLASS BLOCK repairs Handyman WINDOWS work Insured Seaver s, FREE ESTIMATES 881.2123 (~)882 0000 GALAXIE: WINDOW CLEANING CO Gutter Cleaning 'Quality Work "Free Estimates "Senior Discounts 810-777-1797 .. -....... For ad placemen't please call: QUALITY ROOFINGI Sid _7_2_99 _ Ing & Gutters by M,con MADAR maintenance all Construction Tear offs hand washing and winre roofs, licensed and dows too' 313-821.2984 Insured, guaranteed WALL washing Reasona. Call Enc, 810 447-2236 ble rates 884-9512 COMPLETE ROOFING SERVICE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ------ 10 810-791-0070 MADAR Mamtence for merly frremans ad Hand wash Windows and watls Kitchens are our speCiality' Free est, mates & referpnces 313821 2984 - ----PROFESSIONAL wrndow washlflg gutter cleaning Bonded/lnsur ed Uniformed crews Call 0 J Quahty Clean Ing Free estimates 810 7752700 Entlumttd Gorden Cafe 1996 Designers' Show House 2 pm 'What I ~ow New and Nrnetlel Trend, rn Style Color and Need,' Nancne 13 Plmkalla of Altered Spam Maryl~llIe roc 11 pm )nlonn.ll ~a"'lOIIl bv I and La Slrt~a. INland La Srrega Groll, POIllIe 1 pm 'Gardtn P.1m Enlenammg BI~anlica GrO'iIC Lila 20 14 \ pm Includmg An m Yoor Inkn(l' Dellgn Plan RICkCarmody of Au Cooranl or Royal Oak and Sandra 'lchemlke 01 Re\(lIU11011A Gallery ProJCCt Ferndale 6 pm 'COI1IalnerGanklllng Grow a (,arden on Yoor PallO - Moll}'Ikth ~ICIlnl\Ol1 HOI1lC1JllUn'itGrosse POlnle Mttt fit Dtnptr'S 1JIJJ 2 pm Falh'l1nl bv ,cwnd ~km SWlmlOear (ja,1 Phlillr' of ~l(1"d '1>lmlllar I pm Ba< .. lid, and &4 ... 01 Impn'""",,, Dionne 'Ilewart Cmr!IIC Am, 'Il,"'arT \pecl,l~, TI~ Troy '~In Gr~'C POlll1e 15 I pm 'Gettmg Yoor Home Ready for the ~Jll1ng l,1arlcet Connie Dunlap CR~ GRI RAM AI\lXlalc lIml;er Bollon Johnllon Al\ocialel GrO'iIt POinte \ pm "Creatmg L4'lIn~ \fomentl TIp' no Prelt'" m~ Your Phc10\ (or ruture Gtnerat~I Wllh Ralf BarllJr. Silrocca Crcatllc Memnne' IIlnmngham POinte 21 10 and at the venfy kense 9 SlwwHouseBo. Special Events and Seminars proper Sate Ageoc:y 10 FRIDAY VISit Our present" Check W1Ih GEORGE OlMIN WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE 40 YEARS IN THE POINTES THURSDAY 22 I pm hKludlnl An rn YOOf Inlel1Odle".f1' P1.n RKk C.f1lKld)' of Au COOT1IIIof ROI.IOak and SandraSch=le 01' Re'o!oxlOOAGalleryPn,ect Femdlle 6 pm "Coo alAerGardemllt Grow On Yoor P3t1O M...dklll ~KhoI\OO HMKUInml I pm "On:1nds "'m IAs HlId As You ThInk " Jft' ~ IT Gros..e Po!Mc f10mIs me Grosse Po!Mc J pm "InclOOlllg An m YOlI' IIIlm:f Deslp PIMI" Rid Cmody 01' Au ClmIII oI'Royil 16 Remember, Show House Hours are' Sa! , Sun., Mon., T/ItS. Jl am. 4pm Weds Thurs, Fn II am.8pm 011: md SW1 SchemsU 01' Rt¥OIiIJoIl A Gallery Proj«t. Ferndale 6 ~ " 0Ide VI\Jrid MoslIcs.• ~ SIeut. CmmIc AMI. SImr1 ~T"es.Troy The J Ulllor Lague of DelroI~Inc non-prof". voIunuer orgaJ117J11Oll of d"mie women Raffle TIckets 23 are on sale at the House. IS • commmed 10Improvmg oor comllMUly dIoogh effectr;e aetIOII and Iealmlup ~ pu1JJOSC IS ~ and c!lIntabIe lVrna 2 year lease on a 1996 Jaguar XJ6' Grt"I\\CPOIIlfe ~ -----." , oJ .. ~~L.~ ... ' .. 1 17 24 Thursday, May 9, 1996 Grosse Pointe News / The Connection , " May 9, 1996 18C Grosse Pointe News r, • Page 2 YourHome Thursday, May 9,1996 Go for the green - Making a championship lawn By Ellen Henke By cutting only one-third of the grass blade at each mowing, you return short clippings to the lawn that contain important nutrients. Some folks scalp their lawns, letting their grass grow too high and then cutting it too low. This spells trouble for the root zone. Think of your lawn as a mirror of sorts. The higher the grass grows above ground, the deeper the roots spread below. So it's important not to cut your grass too short. • Mow in a different direction each time to prevent a lean, and overlap your mowing paths two to four inches. Also turn the mower on the driveway, walkway or any other hard surface to prevent When watching Olympic games and other sports competitions, I find myself in awe of the amazing athletes ... their skill, their tech. nique, their dedication. A beautiful lawn can also create the same look of wonderment in the eyes of people who admire the dedication of the gardener. That's because most people don't know how really easy it can be to create a beautiful, healthy lawn. The following are just a few simple tips you can keep in mind to amaze your neighbors with your gardening prowess. • Follow the one-third rule or use a mulching mower - this is also referred to as grasscycling. 30th annual flower day at Eastern Market The 30th annual Metropolitan Detroit Flower Growers Association's Flower Day Weekend will take place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, at Eastern Market. More than 100 Michigan growers wll display and sell a variety of annuals and perennial flowers and vegetables. Admission and parking are free. For more information, call (313) "scuffing' your grass. • Keep the cutting blade sharp to avoid shredding grass tips. A dull blade can shred your grass, providing entryways for disease organisms that can turn your grass brown. • Learn the recommended cutting height for your variety of grass and try to mow on the high side of that level. For cool-season grasses, mow at 3 1/2 inches; 2 inches for warm-season grasses; and 3 inches for St. Augustine grass. • Never mow when the lawn is wet. This can cause soil com- paction, spread disease, and pull out grass plants. Youdon't have to be a dedicated perfectionist in the Olympic tradition to create a beautiful, healthy lawn. Follow these simple techniques to create a lawn that's not only a nice place for you to relax, but also a great place for the kids to act out their own Olympic fantasies. America's plant doctor and John Deere lawn and garden expert Ellen Henke is a botanist, garden writer and nationally recognized authority on "earth friendly" gardening. Shores Remodeling My Son and I Do All The Work • • • • Kitchen Refacmg New Kitchens & Baths FOTImca& Solid Surface Counters Computer Furniture • • • • Entertainment Centers Woodworkmg and Lammate SpecialIst Custom Boat Interiors Custom Copper Work and Repairs 7~ 'PtJUttu S~ 30 ~ 665-2262. AEDlr SHOREWOOD REAL ESTATE, INC. 20439 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe 886-8710 GROSSE POINII 21158 V.m K Colonial 3 &1m 3 Baths OPEN SUNDAY, MAY 19th, 3-5:00 865 Berkshire Colonial 4 &1m 3-1/2 Baths OPEN SUNDAY, MAY 19th, 1-4:00 Webber Tudor 8 Bdm 7 Baths - 4 Half GROSSE POINT£. SHORES. .... ce Flowering Hanging Baskets L;.~~'}. - 1994 DESIGNER SHOW HOUSE-. Colomal 4 &1m. 3- 1/2 Baths Colomal 4 Bdm 2 Baths New constructJon - 4.250 square teet ONLY 2lEfTl NEWCONSTRUOlON, call for details CONDOMINIUMS 125 W1ndwoocl Pte. Upper Unit 2 Bdrm 2 Baths Bnght white kItchen HIdden Con Ct. lower Unit 2 Bdrm :2 Baths Waterfront Arttlur Ct. Upper Unit 2 Bdrm Harper Woods Co-op In super condition. lIbrary $175,000 umt with boat well Over $25,000 m extra's Immediate Vernier Lower Unit 2 &lrm 2-1/2 Baths library, natural fireplace. MACOMB COUNTY Ranch 3 Bdrm I -1/2 Baths Newer Kitchen and Windows North 15 Mile - West of little Mack r-----------------------------. I • J RED CARPeT I KEm J SNonwOOD L~~ DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR HOUSE IS WORTH? Free Market Analysis 886-8710 20439 Mack Avm~, Gro..w PoIlllt Wood" MI "'Where Soles and Frtends Are Mode" • Each Red Carpet off.ce IS ~L~"iFJ~ Perennials Annuals House Plants ~ , Nursery Stock U .. ," Large Variety of: occupancy 1.780 square feet 35545 ~;of.;:..1 , I I ~I mdependenlly owned and operated • Sod • Shade Trees • Pines • Shrubs • Flowering Trees & Shrubs • Ornamental Trees We carry bag products, landscape timbers, brick pavers. WE DELIVER BULK MATERIAL Ir-------------, ANNUAL FLATS I SAVE $1 00 r I I I l w/Coupon ---------- I OFF : limIt 5 flats I I PER FLAT Exp 5-1 7-96 I .J Thursday, May 9, 1996 YourHome Page 3 Yard care means getting the edge on edging Home&Garden Features Edging. It's one of the most important ways to keep a great looking yard looking great. Thanks to some modern technology, it can also mean far less time spent in the garden for the busy do-it-yourself homeowner. Think about it for a moment. Most homeowners creating a border around their planting beds or a tree spend hours using a halfmoon edging tool to cut through grass and soil in an effort to create a natural edge. Hand-produced edges are rarely even and, due to rain and erosion, the natural wall begins to fall apart, eventually blending with the soil in the planting bed. Worse, grass and/or weeds tend to grow in the wall of soil, thereby marring the area's look. Left unattended, a naturally cut edge with no support will sink and level out and grass will fill the area. Many people will turn to old-fashioned, difficult-to-cut black edging, which comes in a long hard-to-handle coil. Then, once the edging is uncoiled, the homeowner must go to the effort of creating a trench and painstakingly staking the edging material into the ground to hold it fi~mlyin ...... ------- place. Innovations in landscape edging There is, however, a simple, cost efficient and effective solution, .namely a landscape edging made from durable polymer resins that can be easily hammered into the ground. For example, Easy Gardener has introduced Emerald Edge, a forest green-colored edging product that comes in lightweight, serrated and interlocking pieces that measure four-feet-Iong by five inches high, meaning there are no long coils of black edging to unfurl, cut, then finally put into the ground. The new, long-lasting product, which will also not rust, crack, chip or fade, is designed in such a way that it is flexible enough to oreate curves and tree rings without having to purchase additional pieces. Installing "hammer-in" type edging All it takes to install a ''hammer-in" edging, which can be purchased at hardware stores and major garden and home centers, is a few minutes of one's time, a mallet and a garden hose. Once the location and shape of length required. Installed properly, a plastic landscape edging will work for years and years without having to be replaced or reinstalled. An edging product such as Emerald Edge, which is produced in an unobtrusive forest-green color, will blend perfectly into the landscape and not become an eyesore. So, take a little time and expend a minimum of effort now, and get the edge on edging. The result will be a landscape that looks fine-tuned, professionally done, and beautiful... and that will stay that way for years to come. Get a Tax Break. .. Donate Your Vehicle! Help fight the #3 killer ... lung disease Call (800) 678-LUNG ~ 1AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION. 0(-.., ------ :ACHING 'BACK? : SORE MUSCLES?I our bot, ready Try the area to be edged have been determined, layout a garden hose where you plan to put the edging. If using Emerald Edge from Easy Gardener, the four-foot sections can be used straight or curved at any angle up to 120 degrees. Line up the edging to the hose shape guide and drive the section into the ground by striking the edging's scalloped top with the mallet. It's best to drive the edging about three to four inches deep into the ground, which will serve the dual purpose of ensuring that it stays in place and that there's enough edging above the soil surface to maintain an efficient physical barrier. Gardeners sometimes find the soil too hard to penetrate. If that should occur, stop hammering, soak the area with water for a few minutes to soften the soil, and then try again. For safety purposes, at all times handle the edging and mallet carefully. Finally, the sections of Emerald Edge can be seamlessly joined together by snapping the lining-hinge connectors of one piece to another. Read the product's directions for more information on this step and for using a saw to shorten sections to always always I PORTABLE HOT TUBS I I I from~ 950 Trombley • Grosse Pointe Park Immediate Occupancyl Live an elegant lifestyle whIle earning an Income. SpacIous 6/6 two family English Tudor With charm and character. Each unit, three bedrooms, two and one half baths, lib/den option, formal dining room, liVing room With natural fireplace, three filr gilrage. $254,000. DELINE OBEID Certified Residentilll Specialist Direct line 343-0100 I Putin .... I Try Before I Bedroom, I Basement, You Buy.... I I Weekend! I I Rent For A :::~yard, I I I I I I I I I I :SOUTHERN SKIES, POOL & SPA,INC. : 49540 GRATIOT (Gratiot at 22 'h~III,) I I Chesterfield, MI 48051 • (810) 598 ..4920 • 1..800 ..339 ..9890 1 ---- 1 The Prudential ~ Grosse POinte Real Estate Co 882-0087 SPRING BLOSSOMS FORTH from this darling ultra-spacious three bedroom, two and one half bath Colonial. The new upbeat decorating moves this special home into a category of its own ... den plus family room, central air, pretty white kitchen with eating area, finished basement and oversized garage. A must see! CHAMPION~BAER. INC 884.5700 --------- -.J Page 4 YourHome Thursday, May 9, 1996 Wooden shakes have been adorning homes since the pioneers discovered that cedar could be split by hand. Today, cedar shakes, with their rough grain and small, double-layered panels are prized for their rustic look and durability. With the right care, they can weather countless seasons. Shakes can be finished in a number of ways: with stains, paints, clear coatings, or not at all. Left to weather naturally in harsh environments, the resulting layer of loose cells turns cedar an attractive gray. This outer layer stays in place and offers some protection to underlying layers. Left untreated, however, shakes can sometimes weather unevenly, creating a non-uniform appearance. stains showing through the paint, one or more coats of a bleed-resistant primer m' ~ be used. Both oil and water-based systems are available for this purpose. Once the proper primer has been applied, painting is easy. Over the years, untreated shakes eventually wear out and need replacing. Paint provides the most protection against deterioration, followed by opaque stains. Semitransparent and clear coatings require more frequent reapplication. Send Household Help questions to John Amantea, King Features Weekly Service, 235 E. 45th St., I_H_ou_s_e_ho_ld_H_el_p __ I They can also develop unattractive stains. To preserve the beauty of cedar's natural color, shakes can . be treated with clear coatings that penetrate the wood and require very little upkeep. Not only do they permit cedar to hold its original color and appearance, but many offer the added advantages of repelling water and protecting against wood rot. Stains, often applied to shakes to achieve a more Colonial look, range from semi-transparent to solid. Semi-transparent stains allow both texture and grain to show through. Opaque stains obscure a bit more of the texture, but obliterate the grain, and do not build up a thick film the way paint does. Because they penetrate the woodrather than adhere to its surface, stains are also less likely to peel. Paint is the coating of choice for a smoother, more contemporary look. Untreated cedar requires a base coat of primer before painting because the woodcontains soluble materials which may bleed through to the surface. To avoid New York, N.¥: 10017. 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE 313-773-9648 Pre-licensing class offered Grosse Pointe Community Education, in cooperation with Oakland Builders Institute, a leader in builders' education, will offer a 16-hour seminar to help people pass the Michigan state builder's license examination. The seminar will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, May 2130, from 6 to 10 p.m. at Barnes school in Grosse Pointe Woods. The seminar provides participants with the information needed to pass the state test, as well as t important updates on what may be included. The seminar costs $165, plus a $20 textbook fee. Pre-registration is required by Friday, May 17, at Grosse Pointe Community Education. You may register in person or by mail during regular office hours. There is no phone registration. Call (313) 343-2178 for more information. For a free brochure and current schedule, call Oakland Builders Institute at (810) 651-2771. Tony's Tile (I Marble • Specializing in shower.~an repairs • Marble and slate refinishing FREEESTIMATES • Senior Discount ~1eI~at4~~~~ ~lo-rs----o-f-Sp-.riug1--."-l PIan- t-yO;';'_.~- en- -~-the English Gardens presents the freshest spring flo\\Tersfor your yard. MULTI-BwOM I I GERA1VIUMS EwWERJl¥G PERF1vNIALs AVOIlobleIn Rose, Scarlet, Solman, Violet and While lots of bJooms all season long Groot seled10n Sale 2 ~r:!!is11149 In I 4 1/2- Pols Sale'19s Reg $298 Reg S2 98 BEA.LTlflL PCfffEIJ R(A')ES !!RAGRANI'LuACB Sale 1J1398to 14209N J.YBC/) OR BUX).11 Growing In contnmers for easy tmnsplontmg 'f Many specIeS ond vnnelles ovotioble 1 ft 10 3 ft 1298 to 14199N 14 Reg $199810 $29 98 {'(I';o OFF Pl,\X HD1I'ER C.IRPf:T Ro.SE Sale 1499N TIm Gum. IAo~S UP: It's lime to eroon render new Ieo¥es emerQlllQ OIl rr~ ood stOOs ~ VOO ~t flied lbroJe, !m;J 0 ~ lIQysrs Wel ~Iemwle !he ~ TOJIATO PL-lXTS 10I1f'I lllto ooe 01 (U sllXes 101 OIl ood WIlfe 0 fRH 'Pb!~' (lie SeIe{1 from Big Bov, Beefeater and mOle Mature plonls m 3 1/2" pot ,(Jive thc Mother's nay ~ifi Sale 79~ of color (Iivc Reg Si49 cUI illld hcaut\'. El1gli~h(r-.mlms (iifi Cn1ifkalc. HOURS Mon Sal 80m 10 9pm, Sun 8am 6pm CWm)\ TO"'~HIP Garfield Rd01 Ho~Rd WFSr BWO\lFlEU> IiIII.2X/).{)II~1 Orchor{tM~:r~ ~1O'~)17;()6 6~~~Wh~Y fiEI~~Ms for~Rd 01 OuterDrive ~~OO \1 ~FR' m'27,,-H'l', FIJ)RI~Tm')h}.8n3 - ------- NOWOPENJ E.<\SIWI\iE KellyRd Sou!h of 9 M* I;:;. 810'771-4200 ., ---.-.,t @ A Different Reason Every Season _ Thursday, May 9, 1996 Victorian furniture was made in many styles. A chair could have an arched back shaped like a Gothic window, a rounded back with heavily carved roses or a rectangular back with French porcelain trim. Gustave and Christian Herter were among the most successful and innovative Victorian designers and furniture makers in New York from 1853 to 1883. They not only made furniture but also designed and produced the wall coverings, woodwork and even the ceiling paintings. Their designs were influenced by rooms from Pompeii, China, Japan and 1Urkey, as well as Gothic churches and 18th century French furniture. gold. Kingwood made teapots, creamers, sugars, serving trays, coffee MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE! COMPLETELY remodeled spacious three bedroom, 2-bath brick Bungalow offering beautiful refinished hardwood floors, newer kitchen, luxurious 2nd (Ioor master suite with marble bath/skylights, living room with a natural fireplace, 2-car garage. You must see to believe the room offered in this home! THREE MILE, 19984 ROSCOMMON~W. _ CHARMINGDID low with mans t u utI This thre updated kitch s ent, ca, living room with a natural fireplace, 2-car garage. COMMERC[AL BUILDING - remodeled main office (l8xI3), private office (9x9), a 23x18 garage/storage area with an 8' overhead door, newer furnace/ca, wall to wall carpet109,vertical blinds. call for the details. 1012 HARVARD, GPP - YOU'RE OFF TO A GREAT START 10 this 3 bedroom, 2.5bath Colomal which offers a newer kitchen, formal dmmg room, large master bedroom with a pTlvate bath, family room, finished basement With recreation room, ca, and fabulous lot With sunken gardens and many plantmgs. SUN"I>.A.V May 12th 1012 HARVARD, Grosse Pointe Park 617 HIGBIE, GPW - EXCELLENTprice on this outstanding three bedroom bnck ranch With an updated kitchen, natural fireplace 10 the living room, recreation room and full bath 10 the basement, den. 2-car garage - located off of Mornmgslde & Cook Rd. COX BAKER residence features three bedrooms, two baths, first floor master bedroom With bath, finished basement with wet bar and half bath, ca, natural fireplace in the living room, 2-car attached garage, plus! This home is connected via a courtyard to 19658 Mack buildmg. 19673 BLOSSOM LANE, GPW - A FIRST OFFERING 4182 COURVILLE GPP - FANTASTIC NEIGHBORHOOD! Beautiful home! This Pillard Colonial offers a new kitchen, refinIshed hardwood floors, hvo natural fireplaces. fimshed basement, 1.5 baths, ca, sprinkling system, deck in rear. 17172 E. WARREN - OPEN HOIUSE 2 to 4 715 PEMBERTON, 1750 VERNIER #4, GPW - OPEN & AIRY2nd floor Condo offering a large liv109 room/dmmg room combmation, one bedroom, spacIous kitchen with eatmg area, carport, poolllaundry facilities. ••• 4265 UNIVERSITY GREATSTARTERhome for the price! this three bedroom home IS located close to S1. Johns Hospital and offers a kitchen with eating area, f10ished basement, 1.5 car garage. ABSOLUTELYBEAUTIFULfour bedroom brick ColoOial with a new kitchen, new roof, new carpeting, finished basement, master bedroom with hislher closets, breakfast room, den, new electric, 2-car garage, plus! 20604 WASHTENAW, H.W. RARE... Hard to find in thiS area, is this Income property located in Harper Woods. Upper unit offers one bedroom, livmg room, dmmg room and kitchen; Lower unit has two bedrooms. Located near 1-94. ••• Join the fun at antiques auctions. For a copy of the Kovels' ''How to Go to an Auction" pamphlet, send $2 and a self. addressed, stamped (55 cents) No. 10 envelope to: Kovels, P.O. Box 22900, Beachwood, OR 44122. Q. My mother collected butter chips. What was their use? Is there a market for them? A. Butter chips or pats are still a popular collectible. They were usually about 3 inches in diame- A FIRST OFFERING GPP EVERYTHING your family is looking for can be found 10 this five bedroom Colonial which has many features! EnJOYthe openness With the cathedral ceiling and twoway natural fireplace found 10 the great room, also you will all love to use the exercise pool. Centrally located kitchen offers informal eating/serve-through to the large dining room/den combination, basement with recreation area, circular drive and drive-through garage. I & WINDMILL THE BUSY PERSON'S PARADISE... is this stately custom built home which is located on a canal and only 3 minutes from Lake St. Clair. This one-owner home boasts of five bedrooms, three full and two half baths, first floor laundry, formal dining room, family room, library. 41235 906.908 NEFF, GPC - TWO-FAM[LY awaits your inspectIOn. These Units feature new kitchen With built-lOS, natural fireplaces, separate furnaces With central air, 4-car garage and priced at $199,000. 1367-69 WAYBURN, GPP- GREAT RENTALS... Don't miss thiS opportunity to invest your money mto thiS MultiFamily which offers 2-separate Units; Lower with three bedrooms, IIvmg room, dmmg room and kitchen; Upper with two bedrooms. Separate furnaces/electric. 3636 DEVONSHIRE, HARD TO F[ND 6/6 brick Income. Each unit has three bedrooms, natural fireplaces and separates electric/furnaces. Rents are $475/month L;)wer vacant - perfect for potential owner occupant and pnced at $59 (WO 15250 WINDMILL POINTE, GPP - WATERFRONT LIVING at its best. .. This prestigious brick Ranch features breathtaking views from every room (except 1st floor hall bedroom), first floor master bedroom with private bath, walk-in dressing room, 2 double closets, two other bedrooms on 2nd level, living room with marble fireplace, cove lights, doorwall to deck, library, formal dining room and a new "Mutschler" kitchen with many amenities. Much more! MACK, SCS - NEAR [-94 696. ApprOXimately 800 sq. ft. of office space for lease offering a reception area, call for the details. 25490 UTILE & II I 30631 E. JEFFERSON, SCS - ESTABLISHED PARTY STORE business With approximately 2,500 sq. ft. of space. Call for further mformation. 16355 JEFFERSON, GPC - SPRING mto thiS Southern Colonial home that offers four spacious bedrooms, 2 full and 2 half-baths, family room and lIvmg room with natural fireplaces, forma! dining , room, library. 16811 CRANFORD LANE, GPC - IF PRIVACYIS important to you ... this hidden out of the way home IS for you. EnJOYthe many features; four bedrooms, 3-baths, natural fireplace in the living room, formal dming room, great kitchen With a Butler's pantry, updated heatmg system, newer roof, 2-car garage. I SPECIAL TWOFAM[LYwith many features throughout! Make an appointment to see the Upper unit which offers 2-bedrooms, dinmg room, kitchen, IIvmg room, hardwood floors and artifiCial fireplaces, Lower UOit also has a FlOrida room, 2-car garage. 832-34 NEFF, GPC - 19658 MACK AVE., GPW IDEAL LocatIOn ... for this profeSSIOnal office bUlldmg which has 7-prlvate offices, receptIOn area, waltmg room, kitchen faCIlities, 1.5 baths, ca. ThiS buildmg is connected via a courtyard to 19673 Blossom Lane reSidence. 17190 WARREN MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION on this spacIous (4,000 sq. f1.)office bUlldmg. There are bathrooms on each floor, 3.separate furnaceslca - ready to b< moved mto! ---.~ Page5 ter. Many of them were made to match a dinner set. They were meant to hold an individual por. tion of butter. Prices range from $1 to $35 depending on the condition and maker . For more information, contact Butter Pats International Collectors Club, 38 Acton St., Maynard, Mass. 01754. sets, vases, ashtrays, powder boxes and covered candy dishes. Some pieces were marked with a "K" in a crown above the pattern name. The high price of gold prompted the company to stop making Weeping Bright Gold. • •• Q. About 40 years ago, my wife was given a vase. On the bottom are the words, ''Hand Decorated, Weeping Bright Gold." A. Weeping Bright Gold was a line of artware made in the 1940s by Kingwood Ceramics of East Palestine, Ohio. The pieces were finished with a coating of 22 karat 1536 ROSLYN, GPW - 1330 A_"_tiq_u_e_s __ 1__ YourHome ~ ~J Page 6 YourHome Thursday, May 9,1996 Thursday, May 9,1996 /' \~":~~: .. ~ Address 56 Hawthorne Bedroom/Bath 5/4.5 II. GROSSE Address 19802 Holiday 1328 Edmunclton 1608 Brys 1606 Newcastle 922 Avon Ct. 1171 North Renaud POINTE W-OODS Bedroom/Bath 2/1 Description Formal dining, family room. Finished basement w/extra bedroom 4/2.5 Super sharpl Formal dining, famrly room, man~ates Century 21, Cam I 3/2.5 3/2.5 4/2.5 4/1.5 4/2.5 Phone 313-885-1522 ~ . Price Phone Address No listings available ! \ .--' i ,,_:, ," Address 1dress ) Hillcrest $165,000 313-885-8991 $267,500 8100398-0100 $159,800 Super sharp. 1 Owner. Colomal. Formal dining & family room. Broker. $165,900 Colomal, qUiet court selllng, den, frg fam rm. $290,000 Open Sun May 19, 1-4 or by aPf:t. Semi-ranch, Imm occupancy. 248,500 ThiS ISa must see' New roof, wmdows, sprinkler system, alarm system. $265,000 313-886-0571 313.884-8437 3/3 ~~.. •....... r"\: J ''":' ,.:' ~~~_ f - '-. : 950 Trombley Phone Address .,.' .~ .•• ~.~<, <:' :"':.?,:;.:~:~t:~~'-;:"-:<,/rt;'.",::--:.:~~:..,,/: .. Bedroom/Bath 4/2.5 <c . -:: , " '\.: •• >.:.- .~ VIII. ST. CLAIR Description Price Complete basement with wet bar, 2.5 car garage $159,000 Phone 313-881-5140 3/1.5 3/2.5 Description InVitingcolonial, 3 fireplaces, new kitchen, no brokers. Two famIly English Tudor. Beline Obeid, The Prudential Grosse Pointe Real Estate Bedroom/Bath 2/1 $133,000 $249,000 $405,000 -- Phone 313-821-3960 313-881-7353 313-821-4238 $254,000 343.-0100 VIII. ST. CLAIR SHORES Address 23413 Edsel Ford Ct. 21621 Winshall . Price Phone Great starter Stieber Realty Co. $39,900 810-775-4900 ,..-.- __ lovely townhouse. Move-in condition. Finished basemen!. Stieber Realty Co. Bedroom/Bath 3/1 2/1 3/1.5 Price Phone Brick ranch, family room, nat fireplace $99,900 313-884-6400 Open Sun10-4, end unit, new kitchen $65,900 810-445-2645/ 810-774-8180 Description Open Sun. 1-4, 12/Harper Area. Beautiful ranch. Fin bsmt w/wet bar. New wrndows, doors, driveway $109,000 - ~ Description Ranch, fin. bsmt. w/wet bar fam. rm. w/nfp. Algonac 4+/5 See ad for details! O'Connor Realty 'J ,_ .4j. ~/lrHIGAN Bedroom/Bath Lexington Hgts, MI 2/1 $64,900 810-775-4900 Price 3/2.5 ::.-_=c~. Phone =-r-" ..~ Clinton Twp \..I--J r Price ---1''-"i-A Bedroom/Bath Address 810-773.1419 =- ~ -- --*" (CONT'D) Description 2/1.5 Address 22809 Engfehardt . Description Bedroom/Bath Address 10525 Ridgemont - - Price Ranch, new kitchen 2 family, 3,500 sq. ft. SHORES . " - . Page 7 :,_-.; Description Year round house, lake Huron access Phone $153,900 8100286-4015 $1.5 million 8100364-8700 PROPERTY Price Phone $75,000 8100751-1629 313-886.2308 313-881.0251 21192 Manchester Price N;"~' " '""( ~'I.' L, r.:~ - i..\ ., VI. DETROIT 5233 Marseilles Price :'~.~" <II Bedroom/Bath 6/5 15439 Windmill Pie. Dr. 4/2.5 Address 313-882-8140 P0!~-~TE FARrv1S Bedroom/Bath ,,_ Description 20500 Anita 846 Beaconsfield Address Hi G~GSSE Bedroom/Bath t"" ,.'""\.--C. Barrington Open Sun. 12-5. ColOnial, many updates. ----- 1110 Canterbury Description Price Open Sun 2-4 or by appointment, 3,500 sq. ft. See classified ad $396,000 • ~ YourHome Phone Prune Fanns location - Must see' $475,000 313.886.1821 20687 Kenmore 20424 Damman Bedroom/Bath 3/1 3/1.5 2/2 Description Price Beautiful brick bungalow, numerous updates, bay Window. $107,900 Ranch, new k,t!wrndows,/carpeting $109,000 Open Sun 1-4 Brk ranch See Class 800 Call Phone 313.886-3804 313-882-9241 313-884-0572 Making a Major Move? Before you make any kind of proposal on a new gateway, check out the listings in YourHome Magazine. You will see the latest in First Offerings, Open Houses or any kind of real estate needs. And if you're selling, sell it quicker through the Real Estate Resource page. For more information on placing an ad please call 313.882.6900 ~/SAJ .J accepted --- " ------- ,Page 8 YourHome Thursday, May 9,1996 · · ·covering the Pointes ROOFING Repairs or Tear Offsl Wood Replacement! Beautiful Dimensional Shingles! Warranty by both Manufacturer & Maranathal Flat Roof Specialistl POWERWASHING We will make your home PAINTING Excellent prep workl WINDOWS CLEANED and HAND SHINED! r CERTIFIED ~ FABRICATORS OF 80Q06[;J CaRlAN COUNTERTOPS SJ!OWCASE ": KITCHEN ANDBA1H • Established 1974. :. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 31435 UTICA 0 FRASER .: CARPET Tile - Linoleoum Sales & Installation • All Major Brands! Samples shown in your home by appointment. Wide Selection ... Many beautiful styles & colors CONCRETE WORIC Removal and Replacement • Thursday,May 9, 1996 YourHome Page 9 Money available for home iinprovement loans Most homeowners are unaware that, regardless of their income, there are federal, state and local programs that will help them repair and remodel their homes. Government at all levels recognizes that neighborhoods are the basis of life in our country. When a neighborhood deteriorates, many things happen both physically and socially. When the homes look shabby, a neighborhood seems more attractive to crime and criminals. An area in decline is like a spreading cancer. As homes become shabby looking anr in need of maintenance, the residents lose their desire to keep up the neighborhood. Streets become receptacles for trash, schools lower their standards and very quickly the selling price of homes in the area drops sharply. This accelerates the cycle of degeneration. In order to keep and maintain the nation's housing and neighborhoods, government at all levels has programs to give homeowners money (that does not have to be repaid) for repairs or to lend them money at below market levels or at no interest. In many areas utility compa- nies will either do energy conservation work free or at low cost and in other places will lend homeowners money at no interest to pay the contractor of their choice for the necessary work. In addition there are tax incentives to promote efficient energy use. These programs are not restricted to low-income people, slum areas or urban neighborhoods. Owners of single- or multifamily dwellings are eligible. While the grants to not have to be repaid, most of the loans offer low or no-interest, long terms and low payments. Some of the other home improvements covered under these programs are: attic and wall insulation, new windows, outerwall siding, security doors and locks, window guards, sidewalks and masonry work, bathrooms and kitchens, electrical and plumbing, new roofs, gutters, and downspouts. Consumer Education Research Center, a national non-profit consumer group formed in 1969, has just published the 20B-page, 1994 edition of "Consumers Guide to Home Repair Grants and Subsidized Loans" ($16.95 plus $3 postage and handling from CERC GRANTS, 19BO Springfield Ave., Maplewood, N.J. 07040 or 1-BOO872-0121) which lists over 7,000 sources of loan and grant progrr:1ms offered by federal, state and local government, utility companies and others; typical programs offered and how to qualify. Form letters for inquiries to these loan and grant sources are included as well as detailed instructions on determining your debt-to-income ratio for eligibility. Robert L. Berko, executive director of CERC, said, "Some pro- grams have no income ceiling and others allow income of as much as $50,000 a year or more. There are even programs for which tenants are eligible and many allow loans to poor credit risks in many areas; people with disabilities can receive grants to pay for needed repairs such as access ramps and widening of doorways." To help you communicate with your contractor, lawyer and lender, the book includes a dictionary of terms used by these professionals. irecutive fstate ON THE ST. CLAIR RIVER This magnificent 7,800 square foot estate IS located on the St Clair Rrver In quaint Village of Algonac Marble and ceramic floors throughout. an expansive hVlng room WIth natural fireplace. gourmet kitchen, formal dlnmg room. master sUite With two ceramIc baths and walk-In closets. ProfeSSionally landscaped grounds (app one and threequarter acres) add an exquIsite finishing touch to thiS executrve estate And, for your boating pleasure and convenience, you can dock your watercraft 10 your own 40' x 130' boat well WIth a surrounding seawall constructed of half-Inch steel A beautiful two -Unit guest house IS Included WIth thiS Algonac executive estate The gu'- <;thouse features 2,200 square feet of hVlng space O'CONNOR REALTY Kathy Hayman/Joe Schulte 810/364-8700 DEPENDABLE LA WN CARE 1/313/526.-8100 ,- • LARGE SELECTION * WE DELIVER * JACK McCAFFREY, INC A DIVISION OF DEPENDABLE LAWN CARE, INC IDEAS & PLANNING FOR THE Oo-IT-YOURSELFER TOPSOIL STONE MULCH! 30751 UTILE MACK. I , S of 13 MI • ROSEVILLE //&(3 UPHOLSTERY DESIGN • Lawn Maintenance ~ • Fertilization & Landscaping .~J ., Spedaltzmg in furnjture fashjon Since 1945 Upholstering Is Smarter Than NEw' .. JUST ASK! ~----------------------------- ---------------- I Eastside Special I $3 900 AERATION DURING MAY [4,000 Sq. Ft.] • RETAINING WALL BLOCK • PATIO SUPPLIES. BARBEQUES • DECORATIVE STONE • LAWN EDGING. STEPS • TAMPER & BRICK CUnER RENTALS ~ 293-1500 B Delivered To Your Door ... I PATIO BRICK & BLOCK -------------------200/o<>FF rRrl'. CUSmON REFll..L: : I r I .. I ~--~----------------------------~ : W/Upholstering of any Sofa or Chalf : OR: All Fabncs on any Upholstery Order: «(~ood to May I'), 'l<>t Valid With Any ()oller Off.,. I I I I CALL (8.10) 772-8444 . 16141 Ten Mile Rd., EastpOinte L~~ p~1d tfJ. 'f&t"l uz.{{ (may nN ..... uW"CI "NUh hhor ofl'cor) 10 May 29) (Good No! ......11d~/Id, Anv Other Offer Call For FREE In-Home Estimate & Consultation I I .~, Page 10 rr YourHome REAL ESTATE 800 Houses for Sale 801 Commercial Buildings 802 Commercial Property 803 Condos/Apts/Flats 804 CountlY Homes 805 Farms 806 Flonda Property 807 Investment Property 808 Lake!Rlver Homes 809 lake/River Lots 810 lake/River Resorts 811 lots For Sale 812 MortgageS/Land Contracts 813 Northern Michigan Homes 814 Northern Michigan Lots 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 815 816 817 818 819 820 Thursday, May 9, 1996 _ FOR SALE Out of State Property Real Estate Exchange Real Estate Wanted Sale or Lease Cemetery Lots BUSiness Opportunities Monday Noon deadline (subject to change dUring holidays) CASH RATE 12 words $9.08 Each additional word 65e Real Estate Resource ads, 5925 per line Call (313) 882-6900 Fax (313) 343-5569 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE BY owner, 2223 Ridgemont, Grosse Pointe Woods. Very clean, 2 bedroom, 2 car garage. $69,000. Must sell fast! 313-885-1532 HARPER Woods- first offering. Move- in condition, 2 bedroom 2 bath, brick ranch, cheerful kitchen including all appliances, family room, finished basement new vinyl wmdows, patio. All on a private generous sized landscaped lot. Other updates. Open Sunday 1- 4. 20424 Damman. (313)8840572. NEW on market, Clinton Township. ApprOXimately 1,900 sq. ft. ranch, Open floor plan, finished basement, deck, attached garage. $169,900. TREM,313-884-1500 REAL Estate Broker, has the home you've been dreaming of! Homes available in your price range, in your location. Member in good stand109 of all pertinent boards and MLSs. My drive and resources can get you to where you want to be. 313-882- COMPLETELY updated 3 bedroom. Double lot, nice quiet area. $65,000.313-893-7137. EAST English VillageFirst offering Redecorated, updated, 2 family income. 2 bedrooms,formal dining room, fireplace each unit, basement. 2 car garage, appliances. A must see! Under $90,000. Ask for Zoe Damman, Re/Max Best, 810-415-n88. HARPER Woods- Grosse Pointe schools, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, Bungalow, basement, 2 car garage, maintenance free. $76,500. (313)885-4455 Open Listing! PORT Sanilac area- Modern 2 bedroom cottage. 200' Lake Huron frontage on bluff. SacrifIce $90,000. 313-921-5000, 313-881-8888 HARPER Woods/ Grosse Pomte Schools. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, brick bungalow. 2 car garage. Central air, completely updated including finished basement. New landscaping. Asking $125,000. 313-882-4088 20879 Country Club. 9655 STERLING HEIGHTSUTICA SCHOOLS Mint condition, 1,700 square foot colonIal With formal dinmg room, modern kitchen, 1 1/2 baths, full basement, attached garage all on a qUiet court on premium lot. 1 YearAHS Warranty EXTRAORDINARY New CLASSIFIED luxury 2 family 846 ADVERTISING 1010 Kensingtonfirst Beaconsfield. 3500 sq. 1606 Newcastle, Grosse block. Cedar Shake DEADLINES: ft. $249,000.. 313.881Pointe Woods. 3 bedTO DAY'S $151,900. GeorgIan Colomal 10 tiP7353. room, 2 full, 1 half baths. top conditIOn. 4 bedBEST BUYS OFFERING. • Dining Room Family FIRST GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE rooms, 1 .5 baths, GROSSE POINTE Room, Rec Room with Grosse Pointe Woods, colSCHOOLS screened porch. StunWOODS FOR SALE wet bar and ~ome office. onial. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 Sharp maintenance free ning 24' by 13' kitchen Custom built brick semiOne owner, built 19n. baths, formal dining room, NOON, MONDAY bungalow WIthmodem with tiled island. For sale ranch, NFP, formal dining large family room, newer Beautifully maintained. kitchen & bath, full by owner, by appointroom, finished basement, Call for fact sheet. Brok- kitchen, breakfast, oak basement, big rooms, ment. 886-1022. No Classified Display attached 2 car garage with floors, new furnace, cener, 313-884-8437 furnace new in brokers. breezeway. Expansion attral air, Ferry School. 6 p.m. Monday November. IMMEDIATE tic. Offered at $160,000. 19802 Holiday, Grosse $159,800. Open Sunday 1080 Hollywood, Grosse OCCUPANCY! 1 Year All other Classified Terms. Pointe Woods. Ranch, Noon- 5. 313-886-0571. Pointe Woods .. Beautiful AHS Warranty. Advertising NEW LISTING! totally restored; move-in Beeper 313-630-8896. 4 bedroom Colonial, 2 $74,500 Grosse Pointe Park condition! Call for more GROSSE Pointe ShoresNOON, TUESDAY 1/2 b~ths, main floor Brick 4 family, 4 separate mformation or appointfamily/ stUdy/ laundry Prime location! CharmMT. CLEMENS furnaces, separate ment. 313-885-8991 rooms, finished basejng ColOnial:5 bedNEAR HOSPITAL Prepayment is reqUired. electric. 2 bedrooms each ment, CAC. A must see. 20500 rooms, 4.5 baths, hardSharp three bedroom Anita, Harper Calf (313) 882-6900 Unit, off- street parking. A '810-354-4646. wood floors. 3,500 sq. maintenance free ranch, Woods- 4 bedroom, 2 money maker at Fax (313) 343-5569 ft. Paneled library, card Withbig rooms, queen 1/2 baths; 2 1/2 attach11 Mile / 1-94 $198,000. room, spacious Family sIze kitchen, full ed garage. 2,500 sq. ft. 3 bedroom brick ranch NEW LISTING room, Master bedroom basement, family room finished basement with with full basement. All Deadlines are subject DETROIT has natural fireplace, finnewer furnace & wet bar and much more. $72,900 FHA Moross- xway, 3 bedroom to change holiday ished basement, large updated electrical. Must see. $159,000. brick ranch, finished baseenclosed porch. Max $44,500 weeks! 313-881-5140. St. Clair Shores ment, 2 fireplaces, double mUnicipal security & lot, 2 car garage, beautiful Sharp custom bUilt 3 bedCarol 'z' Koepplin 20687 KENMORE, Harper minimum yard mainteNEAR Sf. John Hospitalcondition. Only $59,900/ Bon Realtors, Inc. room bnck ranch, featUring Woods- Picture perfect nance. Open Sunday, 2 clean & sharp, finished terms. 810-n4.8300 formal dining room, family Immaculate 3 bedroom to 4. or by appt basement, fenced yard, or Direct Line room, 2 natural fireplaces, ranch in Grosse POinte CROWN REALTY $396,000.Call (313)885garage. Good home or 313-640-.4514 school district Newer 1 1/2 baths, huge 80x 250 1522 TOM MCDONALD & SON rental $32,500.810-814lot, finrshed basement, 2 kitchen, new carpetmg 0952. (313)821-6500 throughout, new Win- GROSSE Pointe Woods, 1/2 car attached garage. by owner 3 bedroom, $149,900. dows, beautIfUlly finish800 HOUSES FOR SALE aDo HOUSES FOIt SALE updated brick colonial. 800 HOUSES FOR SALE ed basement WIth newer 1.5 baths. Natural fireLee Real Estate furnace! central air. Proplace, finIshed baseAsk for Harvey feSSionally landscaped. ment 2 car garage, 810-771-3954 Don't miss thiS onel deck. $132,500 313$109,000. By apPoint1110 Canterbury, 2300 sq 884-1244. ment (313)882-9241 ft. ColonIal BeautIfully decorated & updated 4 3 bedroom brick ranch, GROSSE POinte Woods, excellent locatIon. Qualibedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, famIly room, natural firety 3 bedroom, 2 5 bath new roof! Windows! place 22809 brick ranch Custom sprrnkler system, state Englehardt, St. Clair kItchen, finished baseof the art alarm 5ystem, Shores. $99,900 Ask ment, central air 313finished basement, for Cheryl Barbour, Bol881-8021 deck Excellent conditon-Johnston 313-884INVITING Windmill POinte tion $265,000 313.831. 6400 ColOnial, 4 bedroom, 2 0251 1/2 bath 3 fireplaces • SpeU,lCular 'Mlll~ch'er" Kirchen HILLCREST LANE BARRINGTON In the 922 AVON CT Four bed• Over~IZf'd 2 Car (,ar.lge New kitchen Generous Beautiful setting in prime Farm'! area, Park, 3 bedroom ranch, room, 2 1/2 bath Colo. • Family Room With fireplace storage $405,000 No • Carden Room 1 1/2 bath, new krtchen, mal QUiet court setting, with buildable lot. Brokers 15439 Windmill • 3 Bpdrooms . 3 Full Bath~ central arr, fireplace den, large family room $475,000 • Appointment Only POinte Drive. 313-821• 2nd Floor Bath With Skylight $290,000 882-8140 $133,000 313-821-3960 • llvmg Room With Vaulted Ceding 4238. 886-1821 800 HOUSES FOR SALE , OUTSTANDING HOME 165 • • Central Air Conaillonmg • .~ • . Thursday, May 9, 1996 ... ..... 800 HOUSES FOR SALE ~ Open Sunday 1-4 21621 Winshall Move In Condition, Beautiful 3 bedroom ranch in St Clair Shores 1I (Ill H~ m), New windows, doors, driveway. FInished basement wiili wet bar, btchen & bathroom. Cenlral air, $109,000. " (810) 773-1419 . ,,~ -, 801 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS EASTPOINTE Near 1-94, 3 units, separate utilities, excellent condition. Contact Joe Sowerby ANTON, ZORN & ASSOCIATES 810-469-8888 ST. CLAIR SHORES Multi-tenant buildIng separate utilities, 30 car parking lot. Contact Joe Sowerby ANTON, ZORN AND ASSOCIATES 810-469-8888 802 COMMERCIAL PROPERlY MT. CLEMENS 8,400 sq. ft. with truckwell, 12 x 14ft. overhead doors. ROSEVILLE Crane building, 47,850 sq. ft., 30 ft clear, 5, 10 and 20 ton cranes, heavy power, pnced to move. Crane bldg, 33,981 sq. ft. with two exterior truckwells, 20 ft. clear, 5 and 10 ton cranes, heavy power, priced to move. WARREN 15,700 sq ft. with truckwell, 12x 14 ft. overhead doors, 18ft. clear. Ask for Ken Immler ANTON, ZORN & ASSOCIATES. 81 0-469-8888 803 CONDOS I APJS I FlATS LAKESHORE VI LLAGE Condo- Excellent location/ Jefferson, updated. Great condition $63,000/ best. (810)771- 6861 LOOK Classified Advertising 882-6900 Fax 343-5569 803 CONDOS/ APTS/ FlATS ST Clair Shores- One bedroom 1st floor condo, basement, carport, security doors, central air, updates. Low association fee. Kitchen "ppliances stay. Asking $46,900. (810)7835478. TWO bedroom, 1 1/2 baths newly decorated condo. First floor. Berkshires, 1750 Vernier, Grosse Pointe Woods. $125,000. 881-5750 after 5 p.m. 808 lAKE/RIVER HOMES HARSENS Island, North Channel, 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, acre, waterfront, large living room, fireplace, decks, 1 1/2 garage, 1600 sq. ft. $169,900. 313-8229818. 809 lAKE/RIVER LOIS LAKE FRONT Lots for Sale by owner in Les Cheneaux Islands area of Eastern Upper Peninsula. 616 264-6293 A Walloon Village Dollhouse This recently remodeled brick home has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and a 1 room guest house in the back. Just minutes from SWimming, boating and skiing. Only $67,000. Call Heather Kucker of Dickson & Associates Real Estate Inc. at 1800-551-1572 for more details. CANADIAN LAKES: Private club. Enjoy PGA golf and recreation galore. 3 bedroom furnished home, for retirement, vacatloneers or rental. 810-229-7535 GAYLORD LAKE FRONT 3,800 square teet of luxury on 141 feet of sandy beach frontage on Otsego Lake In Gaylords Golf Mecca. Exceptional! $489,900. By owner, P.O. Box 1166, Gaylord, MI 49735 PORT Austin Lakefront Home. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious family room, hVlng room, sunroom, kitchen, With eat. 109 area, 2 car garage EnJOy the sunset thiS summer on your own sandy beach Immediate occupancy. Call 313822-3780 813 NOR IHERN MICHIGAN HOMES 820 BUSINESS OPPOR WNITIES Waterfront Parcels On beautiful Deer Lake, near Boyne Mountain. 4 Adjoning parcels: • 2 vacant sites each for $55,000. - 2 with mobile homes with pole barns. $80,000 & $85,000 each with 150 feet of frontage. A USED CAR lOT Clinton Township almost one acre. BAKERY WITH GRILL Shelby Township, turnkey operation. BANQUET HALL Clinton Township, also includes restaurant with liquor license, large site. • 2 bedroom resort condominium, wooded setting, many amenities. Trout Creek near Boyne Highlands & Nubs Nab. $115,000. For info on these & other Northern Michigan Properties, call Doug or Heather. Dickson & Associates Real Estate Inc. 1-800-551-1572. 814 NORTHERN MICHIGAN LOTS ALPENA 1 1/2 acres on Lake Huron. 162 ft of Lake frontage. $65,000 Cleared and ready to build. Land contract available. 517-354-4744 Contact Joe Sowerby ANTON, ZORN & ASSOCIATES 810-469-8888 AVON- 1-800-329.AVON Earn $200- $1,200/ month commission. WORK YOUR OWN HOURS!! (Independent Representative) FREE TRAINING & SUPPORT! Call direct for detailed informatIon. 24 hour hot line. 1-800329-AVON. FAX IT! 343-5569 Remember to include: 815 OUI OF SlATE PROPERTY Your Name COLORADO HIGH. Out of Your Address the crowds and into the clouds! Exceptional 35 Your Phone acre getaway with panoramic views. 14,000 ft And Fax Number peaks, lots of trees, wild Along with your flower meadows, animals everywhere. Great Classified year 'round access for Ad Message permanent living or vacations. Minutes to National Forest. Quaint mountam town and ArClassified kansas River. Fantastic Advertising property. Ideal location. Close to International OWN your own apparel or Airport. All this and more shoe store. Choose: for only $54,900 with Jean/ sportswear, brrdal, terms. Call now Bob lingene, westernwear, Clegg at 719-783-9292, ladles men's. large LPI Sizes, infant! preteen, petIte, dancewear/ aerobic maternity or accessories store Over 2000 name brands. $26,900 to $38,900: Inventory, 819 CEMETERY lOIS training, fixtures, grand opeOlng, etc Can open 15 days. Mr. Loughlin 612.888-6555 ST. JOHN CEMETERY SMALL east suburb speFraser- property for 2 cialty sporting goods plus stone. store for sale $35,000 $850. or offer. plus Inventory 772810-939-9473 2666 &'Sf!JJ!.. 820 BUSINESS OPPOIt TUN IJIES BEAUTY SHOP for sale near condos. Please reply: P.O Box 36184, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI. 48236-0184. WORK from home Heart disease, cancer and dIabetes Health care company offering In home opportunity, executive income potential, stock option plan. 800-858- 8091. YourHome Page 11 Your Home MagaZine ADDITIONS Publications: Your Home, Grosse Pointe News and The Connection! You Get: 15 Words of Copy and a Photo! (We TypesetNo Charge!) Size: 1 Column (1 1/2" x 1 1/2") Deadline: Closes Every Monday at 12:00 p.m. ONLY $35.00 For More Information Please Contact Classified Advertising at: Grosse Pointe News f} The Connection Newspapers (313)882-6908 96 Kercheual Grosse Pointe Farms t I ; Page 12 YourHome Thursday, May 9,1996 NEW OFFERING BEAUTIFUL!! This Woodbridge townhouse condominium has been professlOnally decorated from top to bottom. $119,900 HARBOR NEW OFFERING On a favorite Farms street near Kerby School, tlus four bedroom home exudes charm and qualIty throughout. $158,000 PL4.CE Tucked away on a quiet court in Grosse Pointe Woods, this three bedroom home has a newer latchen and ISpriced to sell. $186,900. QUIET LOCATION Qpportunity to buy one of the first re-sales m elegant Blake built complex. Beautifully decorated wHh a lovely lake VIew from the balcony and a state of the art kitchen. $449,000. DEVELOPMEl\IT POTENTIAL In Grosse Pointe Woods, you will Just love the tranquility of the location and the spacious feeling of thIS three bedroom ranch with attached garage and a Florida room. $149,900. THE BEST IS LAST! Set on a ~aceful4.36 acres of land on the Clinton River, thIS beautifully built four bedroom, four and one half bath ranch home could be added to or developed $349,000 A VIEW OF NATURE OLD l-VORLD CHARM ~. ~~ ~ '-J?70 The only avaJlable condommium in prestigious Russell bUIlt Lochmoor Place in Grosse Pointe Woods Decorated by Perlmutter Freiwald 1 And not the neIghbors! Set on a secluded double lot with towermg trees and a reflectmg pond In the heart of the Farms, thiS one of a kma home has five bedrooms, each wIth its own bath and a new latchen $640,000. $317,500 ONE PRICE - TWO HOMES But WIth lots of newer features harmoniZing to make this a home of the nmetles' BeautIful kitchen, spacIOus rooms ftIled with natural light EXPECT THE BEST HAPPy j MOTHER'S na" .,~.& I In Honor Of All Our Mothers We Will Not Be Holding Any Open Houses This Sunday A most unusual concept' ThIS three bedroom ranch has a second home attached to It with pnvate entrance and two bedrooms $194,900 Carefree Condominium Living! ALL PRICES, STYLES AND SIZES LAKESHORE VILLAGEOne bedroom, second floor apartment style $38,900 As In locatIOn (near the Farms PIer), as In condition (breathtakmg new kItchen and powder room) and accommodatIOns three bedrooms and two and one half bath" $254,900 GRCl:SL PO]\ ;- SHORES JEFFERSON COURTTwo bedroom, three and one half bath wIth a view of the lake from most rooms $295,500 PINEVIEW COURTTwo bedrooms, two baths, fIrst floor laundry, no ~hared walls $119,900 WINDWOODPOINTF Extravagantly upgraded bUIlder'., model umt Two bedrooms and two baths Now $167,900 • Gorgeous three bedroom ranch In greatlocahon In Harper Wood:. wIth new landscapmg and walks and updated kItchen $119,500 WILLIAMSBURG COURTThree bedroom, two and one half bath townhouse Wlth new kitchen $98,900 This spacIous three bedroom ranch has a master bedroom WIth bath, a wonderful famIly room, fmlshed basement and IS so well pncecf for the area that It'S sure to be sold fast &4rce/9/9 1I0n-the-HiIl" Grosse Pointe Farms 884-0600)