DISS. ETH No. 18472 A Low-Noise-Figure 35-GHz Receiver with Beamforming Capability based on Injection-Locked Local Oscillators A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences presented by HANNES GRUBINGER Dipl.-Ing., Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany born September 2, 1978 citizen of Austria accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Christian Hafner, examiner Prof.em. Dr. Werner Bächtold, co-examiner Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinen, co-examiner Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Vahldieck, co-examiner 2009 DISS. ETH No. 18472 A Low-Noise-Figure 35-GHz Receiver with Beamforming Capability based on Injection-Locked Local Oscillators A dissertation submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Sciences presented by HANNES GRUBINGER Dipl.-Ing., Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany born September 2, 1978 citizen of Austria accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Christian Hafner, examiner Prof.em. Dr. Werner Bächtold, co-examiner Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinen, co-examiner Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Vahldieck, co-examiner 2009 Acknowledgment The work behind this dissertation was carried out at the Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics (IFH), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. The research project was supported by armasuisse. First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Rüdiger Vahldieck, who granted me the opportunity to carry out my Ph.D. thesis in his research group. He arranged the project financing and offered resources, laboratory environment and the support necessary for my work. Despite his busy schedule, he was accessible for discussions about my thesis and for other research, teaching and institute-related topics throughout. He was always willing to contribute his experience and ideas to my research. Implementing and testing these ideas often improved the results significantly. He encouraged me to publish the results, helped improving the manuscripts and provided the necessary financial support for publishing journal papers and traveling to conferences. I want to thank my supervisor Dr. Helmut Barth for his guidance during my Ph.D. thesis. It was he who suggested the construction of a receiver and the use of an injectionlocked VCO as LO. His experience and enormous knowledge were a great support in getting me started with this research project. He was always willing to share his ideas with me and I greatly appreciate his contribution in many long discussions. The results of which were helpful and contributed to the results presented in this dissertation. I owe sincere thanks to my co-examiners Prof.em. Dr. Werner Bächtold from ETH Zurich and Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinen from RWTH Aachen, Germany for the thorough reviews of the dissertation, their very constructive comments, and their personal commitment. Furthermore, I want to thank Prof. Dr. Christian Hafner for agreeing to be my examiner. His constructive comments were very helpful for improving this manuscript. I would like to thank Dr. Jan Hesselbarth for reading my dissertation, his helpful comments enabled me to make a number of improvements to the manuscript. A special thank you to Dr. Martin Gimersky for helping me refine many of my papers. He gave me valuable answers to all my various engineering and language-related questions. I really appreciated that, however close a deadline was, Martin was always willing to spend his time assisting me with my work. A big “Merci vielmoooool” goes to Hansruedi Benedickter for instructing me in the use of many measurement devices and methods, and aiding me in their use. Frequently, the day became too short yet he stayed with me in the laboratory until late at night in order to complete a measurement. Furthermore, I want to thank Thomas Kleier from the Integrated Systems Laboratory for instructing me in the use of the phase-noisemeasurement equipment. I want to thank Aldo Rossi for supporting me with electronic components and helping setting-up the clean-up shunt. He complied with every request I had to the computer infrastructure. Many thanks go also to Martin Lanz, Claudio Maccio and Stephen Wheeler ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS for fabricating the hardware. I appreciate that all my designs were produced although many of them required manufacturing with very low tolerances. Finally, I want to thank my parents and my my girlfriend Nadine Künzler for their patience and support. Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude to all the people around me for long discussions and motivating talks, but also for long Nelson nights and aggressive ski sessions. Last, but not least, I want to express my grateful thanks to the Alps, which always gave me the opportunity to reinvigorate myself. Hannes Grubinger Zurich, March 18, 2009 Auch aus Steinen, die einem in den Weg gelegt werden, kann man Schönes bauen. J.W. Goethe Abstract Radiometers are traditionally built in waveguide technology to keep their noise figure low. The disadvantages of this technology are the large size and the bulky handling. In contrast, a compact receiver for radiometry is discussed in this dissertation to overcome these disadvantages. The noise figure is minimized by using an LNA and an image rejection filter. The mixer is driven by the frequency doubled output signal of an injection locked VCO. The injection locked VCO is operated as phase shifter. Control of the injection-locked VCO phase is achieved by changing the VCO freerunning frequency. Applying high locking power leads to a phase shift of more than 180◦ . Furthermore, it has been shown that the phase can be changed over the whole tuning range only if the locking range is smaller than the free-running frequency tuning range. Therefore, a VCO with low Q-factor is used in all the models and prototypes shown to achieve good controllability and a wide phase-tuning range. The second advantageous attribute of injection-locked oscillators is their phase noise. Although the low-Q VCOs exhibit a bad phase-noise behavior, the phase noise when injection-locked is mainly dependent on the reference oscillator. Only at higher offset frequencies does the phase noise of the injection locked VCO exceed the reference oscillator phase noise. For this reason, a reference oscillator, based on a 15-GHz LNA fed back by a high-Q cavity resonator, has been developed. Two different phase shifters are tested. The first phase shifter type is based on an unbuffered chip-VCO connected to a T-junction and input and output amplifiers. As the VCO is based on a bipolar transistor and has two bias voltages – a collector and a base voltage – the VCO operating points can be set such that the free-running frequency tuning range is symmetrical to the reference oscillator signal. The reference oscillator signal is used as input signal. A phase-tuning range of ∆φ > 200◦ and excellent phase noise of the phase shifter output signal have been measured. In addition to the chip-VCO phase shifter, an alternative phase shifter type is demonstrated. The architecture of this phase shifter is similar to the reference oscillator, but a tunable low-Q resonator is used in the feed-back path instead of the high-Q cavity. Input and output amplifiers are directly connected to the oscillator loop. As the phasetuning and phase-noise behavior of this phase shifter type is similar to the behavior of the chip-VCO phase shifter, it represents a cheap alternative when low quantities are required. However, this phase shifter type is not suitable for larger quantities, as the production is very complex. An additional disadvantage of this phase-shifter type is the larger size in comparison to the chip-VCO phase shifter. The chip-VCO phase shifter is used in a receiver implementation. The receivers are designed such that they can be replicated and be used in an array. In order to test the noise and phase behavior of a receiver array, two parallel receivers have been implemented. The small receiver-to-receiver distance and the employed small connectors v vi ABSTRACT simplify the connectivity to an antenna array. A noise figure of only 2.5 dB and a phase tuning range of ∆φ > 400◦ are measured with this experimental set-up. Zusammenfassung Um die Rauschzahl gering zu halten werden Radiometer typischerweise in Hohlleitertechnologie gefertigt. Die Nachteile dieser Technologie sind die Grösse und die sperrige Handhabung. Im Kontrast zu hohlleiterbasierten Radiometer, wird in dieser Dissertation eine kompakte Realisierung eines Empfängers für Radiometrie diskutiert. Die Empfängerrauschzahl wird durch die Verwendung eines LNAs am Eingang und eines Eingangsfilters reduziert. Der Mischer wird durch das frequenzverdoppelte Ausgangssignal eines injektionssynchronisiert VCOs gespeist. Der synchronisierte VCO wird dabei als Phasenschieber verwendet. Die Steuerbarkeit der VCO Phase wird durch die Veränderung der Freilauffrequenz erreicht. Es wird gezeigt dass ein Steuerbereich grösser als 180◦ erreicht werden kann indem man die Leistung des Referenzoszillators erhöht. Eine Steuerung der Phase über den gesamten Phasensteuerungsbereich ist nur dann möglich, wenn der synchronisierte Frequenzbereich des Oszillators kleiner als der Frequenzsteuerbereich ist. Letzteres wird durch die Verwendung eines VCOs mit geringer Güte erreicht. Der zweite Vorteil von injektionssynchronisierte Oszillatoren ist deren tiefes Phasenrauschen. Obwohl der verwendete, freilaufende VCO ein sehr hohes Phasenrauschen aufweist, wird im synchronisierten Zustand das Phasenrauschen vor allem durch den Referenzoszillator bestimmt. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein Referenzoszillator mit geringem Phasenrauschen entwickelt. Dieser Oszillator beruht auf einem durch eine hochgütige Kavität rückgekoppelten 15-GHz Verstärker. Auf synchronisierten Oszillatoren basierend wurden zwei verschiedene Phasenschieber entwickelt. Der erste besteht aus einem Chip-VCO verbunden mit einer T-Verzweigung, einem Eingangs- und einen Ausgangsverstärker. Der VCO hat zwei Versorgungsspannungen: Eine Kollektor- und eine Basispannung. Dies ist in der gezeigten Anwendung ein Vorteil, da der Frequenzbereich des VCOs mit Hilfe dieser beiden Spannungen so eingestellt werden kann, dass er symmetrisch zum Referenzoszillatorsignal ist. Ein grosser Phasenbereich von ∆φ > 200◦ und exzellentes Phasenrauschen wurden mit Hilfe des Prototypen gemessen. Als Alternative zum vergängig beschriebener Phasenschieber wurde ein zweiter Phasenschieber entwickelt. Das Konzept dieses Phasenschiebers ist ähnlich wie das des Referenzoszillators. Der Unterschied besteht im Resonator: Der Phasenschieber verwenden einen steuerbaren Resonator niederer Güte anstatt der hochgütigen Kavität im Referenzoszillator. Ferner besitzt der Phasenschieber auch einen Eingang mit Verstärker, welcher Injektionssynchronisierung ermöglicht. Wenn kleine Stückzahlen benötigt werden, bietet dieser Phasenschiebertyp eine gute Alternative zum Chip-VCO Phasenschieber, da die gemessene Phasenbereich und das Phasenrauschen der beiden Phasenschieber ähnlich sind. Bei grösseren Stückzahlen ist der zweite Typ allerdings aufgrund der aufwändigen Produktion nachteilhaft. Ferner ist der zweite Phasenschieber wesentlich grösser als der erste. vii viii ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Der Phasenschieber mit dem Chip-VCO wurde anschliessend im Empfängerprototyp verwendet. Der Empfänger ist so entwickelt, dass er vervielfacht und in einer Zeile verwendet werden kann. Die kleine Empfängerbreite und die verwendeten schmalen Stecker erleichtern die Verbindung mit einer Antennenzeile. Um die Rauschzahl und die Phasensteuerung der Empfänger zu testen, wurden zwei nebeneinander liegende Empfänger produziert. Die Messung ergibt eine Rauschzahl von nur 2.5 dB und einen steuerbaren Phasenbereich von ∆φ > 400◦ . Contents Acknowledgments i Abstract v Zusammenfassung vii Acronyms and Abbreviations xix Symbols xxi 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Electronic Beamforming Networks 1.3 Low-Noise Receiver . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Array of Receivers . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 3 5 6 2 Injection-Locked VCO 2.1 Principle of Injection Locking . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Free-Running Frequency-to-Phase Relation . 2.3 Output Signal of Injection-Locked Oscillator . 2.4 Comparison of VCO-Tree and VCO-Chain . . 2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 10 14 15 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Frequency Fine-Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 22 24 27 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 33 34 34 35 35 39 3 Reference Oscillator 3.1 Introduction . . . . . 3.2 Cavity Design . . . . 3.3 Oscillator . . . . . . 3.4 Measurement Results 3.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Phase Shifter 4.1 VCO Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Chip-VCO based Phase Shifters . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 VCOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 VCO Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Phase Shifter Circuits . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Free-Running Frequency and Pushing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix x CONTENTS 4.3 4.4 4.2.5 Maximized Locking Range and Phase-Tuning Behavior . 4.2.6 Phase Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feed-Back Loop based VCO used as Phase Shifter . . . . . . . 4.3.1 VCO Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 VCO Resonator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 VCO Circuit and Free-Running Frequency . . . . . . . . 4.3.4 Phase-Tuning Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.5 Phase Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Receiver 5.1 Receiver Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Low-Noise Down-Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Input LNA and Lower Sideband Suppression 5.2.2 Filter Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Filter Simulation and Optimization Method . . . . . 5.4 Broadband Microstrip Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Filter Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Simulation and Optimization . . . . . . . . . 5.4.3 Realization and Measurement . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Narrowband SIW Filter in LTCC . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.1 Filter Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5.2 Simulation and Optimization . . . . . . . . . 5.5.3 Prototype and Measurements . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Noise Figure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.1 Testing Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6.2 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7 Prototype of Receiver with Beamforming Capability 5.7.1 System Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.2 Receiver Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.3 Measured Phase Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.7.4 Noise Figure Measurement . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 46 49 49 50 52 55 56 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 59 59 59 60 61 63 63 64 65 66 66 67 70 72 72 73 75 75 79 82 83 88 6 Conclusion 89 6.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 6.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 A Photographs of Measurement Set-Ups A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Wiltron Universal Test Fixture . . A.3 Phase Shifter . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4 Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 91 91 92 94 CONTENTS xi B LTTC Receiver Design 97 B.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 B.2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 B.3 Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Bibliography 103 List of Publications 111 Curriculum Vitae 113 xii List of Figures 1.1 1.2 1.3 Schematic diagram of receiver in proposed receiver-array. . . . . . . . . . Schematic diagram of overall system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulated normalized array factor of a 8 × 8-Butler matrix. . . . . . . . . 2 4 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Equivalent circuit of VCO with additional admittance. . . . . . . . . . . Derived phase shift of injection-locked VCO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derived single-sideband phase noise of injection-locked VCO . . . . . . . . Schematic diagram of VCO-chain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derived single-sideband phase noise of injection-locked VCOs in VCO-chain. Schematic diagram of VCO-tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 13 15 16 17 18 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Schematic of reference oscillator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross section and photograph of cavity resonator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulated cavity insertion loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured insertion loss of resonator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of coupling post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of manufactured oscillator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured spectrum of oscillator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission parameter S21 of frequency-adjusted cavity. . . . . . . . . . Photograph of resonator cavity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured single-sideband phase noise power density of reference oscillator. 21 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 Schematic diagram of Phase shifters based on injection-locked VCOs. . Schematic diagram of used VCOs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured frequency-tuning behavior of VCO with 6HP BJT. . . . . . Schematic of possible phase shifter architectures. . . . . . . . . . . . . Simulated return loss of T-junction and coupler. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimensions of tested locking networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of tested locking networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insertion loss and return loss of measured coupler. . . . . . . . . . . . Measured free-running frequency of VCO with T-junction and coupler. Influence of bias voltages to VCO frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VCO tuning and locking range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measurement setup for phase-tuning measurements. . . . . . . . . . . Oscilloscope plot of detector and ramp signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured phase-tuning curve of phase shifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phase noise measurement set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured phase noise of chip-based VCO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 44 46 47 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii xiv LIST OF FIGURES 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 Feed-back loop based VCO architecture. . . . . . . . Photographs of tested resonators. . . . . . . . . . . . Resonator insertion loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of feed-back loop based VCO. . . . . . Measured frequency tuning range. . . . . . . . . . . Measured phase-tuning range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured phase noise of feed-back loop based VCO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 50 53 54 54 55 56 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 Block diagram of receiver input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schematics of receivers with broadband and narrowband filters. . . . . . Cross section of Shunt-inductance-coupled waveguide filter. . . . . . . . Cross section of microstrip filter and amplifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sketch of geometries used for optimizing microstrip-based filter . . . . . Geometry and photograph of 35-GHz microstrip-based filter. . . . . . . Simulated and measured insertion loss and return loss. . . . . . . . . . . Cross section of LTCC module with SIW filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cross section and 3D-drawing of SIW filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geometries of simulation models used for optimizing SIW-based filter. . Simulated filter insertion and return loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph (top-view) of manufactured SIW filter. . . . . . . . . . . . Measured and simulated filter insertion and return loss. . . . . . . . . . Photograph of test structure enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of receiver input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured noise figure of receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schematic of realized receivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of implementation before placing active components. . . . . Photograph of two-receiver module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph (side-view) of open and closed two-receiver module. . . . . . Measured output frequency of receiver with not injection locked VCO. . Schematic of measurement set-up used for measuring phase tuning behavior of receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oscilloscope plot of detector and ramp signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receiver phase shift vs. VCO tuning voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured receiver noise figure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of antenna array enabled for connecting receiver. . . . . . . Measured receiver gain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 62 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 . . . . . . 81 82 83 84 85 85 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1 Photograph of Wiltron universal test fixture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Photograph of measurement showing batteries used for biasing. . . . . . A.3 Photograph of measurement set-up for measuring phase tuning behavior of phase-shifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4 Photograph of receiver measurement set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.5 Photograph of receiver in measurement fixture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 . 92 . 93 . 94 . 95 B.1 Cross-section of LTCC module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 LIST OF FIGURES xv B.2 Layer and microstrip-to-stripline transitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 B.3 Top-view of components and transmission lines in LTCC module. . . . . . 101 xvi List of Tables 1.1 Frequencies of receiver components. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Derived resonator resonance frequencies and Q-factors. . Calculated Q-factor when varying length coupling post. Measured parameters of reference oscillator. . . . . . . Used components in reference oscillator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 25 30 30 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Measured phase-tuning range with T-junction and coupler. Bias-voltage-to-phase sensitivity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured parameters of chip VCO-based phase shifter. . . Components employed in chip-VCO based phase shifter. . . Comparison of tested microstrip-based resonators. . . . . . Measured parameters of feed-back loop based phase shifter. Components used in feed-back loop based phase shifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 46 48 49 51 57 58 5.1 5.2 Gain, loss and noise figure of LNA, mixer and filter. . . . . . . . . . . . Derived Chebyshev parameters and resonator insertion losses for 35-GHz microstrip filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derived Chebyshev parameters and resonator insertion losses for 35-GHz SIW filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dimensions of manufactured filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison between calculated and measured noise figure. . . . . . . . Components used in Receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured receiver parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 61 . 64 . . . . . 69 70 75 86 87 xvii xviii List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Signals and Measurement Values ENR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Excessive noise ratio IF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intermediate frequency LO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Local oscillator RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radio frequency AC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alternating current DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct current NF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noise figure Q-factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quality factor Technology, Packaging and Components BJT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bipolar junction transistor LNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low-noise amplifier LTCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low-temperature co-fired ceramic MEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micro-electro-mechanical systems MMIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monolithic microwave integrated circuit PLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phase-locked loop SIW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Substrate-integrated waveguide SMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sub-miniature version A (connector) VCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage-controlled oscillator VNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vector network analyzer xix xx List of Symbols f frequency f0 reference oscillator frequency ffr VCO free-running frequency fl,m,n resonance frequency of a resonator TE/TMl,m,n mode fl , fu lower and upper locking limit fmin , fmax VCO tuning limits v free-running / reference frequency ratio B bandwidth ε0 dielectric permittivity constant µ0 magnetic permeability constant εr relative dielectric permittivity µr relative magnetic permeability F noise figure Famp noise figure of amplifier G gain Gamp amplifier gain Gloop gain of oscillator loop L loss LTL loss of a transmission line Lmx conversion loss of a mixer xxi xxii MATHEMATICAL NOTATION Lfilter insertion loss of a filter S signal power N noise power L single-sideband phase noise λl,m,n resonance free-space wavelength of a resonator TE/TMl,m,n -mode Pin , Pout input / output power of device PVCO,in , PVCO,out input / output power of VCO p locking gain φ0 constant phase φloop phase of oscillator loop φvariable phase of variable phase shifter ∆φ controllable phase shift ∆φmax maximal phase shift Q unloaded Q-factor of resonator Qext external Q-factor of oscillator S scattering matrix Sm,n element (m, n) in scattering matrix Vbase base voltage of VCO Vdd bias voltage of device Vdetector output voltage of detector V in , V out input / output voltage of component, device MATHEMATICAL NOTATION Vtune tuning voltage of VCO V VCO,in , V VCO,out input / output voltage of VCO Z0 reference impedance, usually 50 Ω Zw characteristic transmission-line impedance xxiii xxiv 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation Traditionally radiometers are built in waveguide technology (e.g. [1, 2]) in conjunction with horn antennas (e.g. [3]). The reason for choosing this bulky and expensive technology is the achieved low loss. The disadvantage of this technology is that beam steering is only possible by mechanically moving the antenna. Both, the bulky structure and the mechanical beam steering system lead to high space requirements. In contrast, present-day requirements call for light and highly-compact systems. Small low-loss receivers can be used in new application fields, such as security screening in airports or at check points. Furthermore, small size implementations might be suitable for mobile use. The use of electronic beamforming instead of mechanically moved parts not only reduces the size of the receiver, but also simplifies the receiver configuration. Planar packaging technologies reduce the size of the receiver further. 1.2 Electronic Beamforming Networks Literature shows various possibilities to form beams of an antenna array. One of the oldest techniques is employing switches for changing the phase relation between the respective antennas in an array. An example of diode phase shifters is shown in [4]. Building switches by using Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is a promising method (e.g. [5, 6]). However, switches allow only switching between certain phase relations. Thus, steering the beam continuously in space is not possible. Another common method for beamforming is employing phase shifters based on phaselocked loops (PLLs). Applications are shown in [7, 8]. PLLs require a certain settling time. Thus, the scanning speed is limited in PLL-based beamforming networks. An alternative way of changing the phase between antenna elements is to use a resonant structure whose properties are changed by varactor diodes. An example, where the properties of a reflector are changed is proposed in [9]. However, the use of varactor diodes in the radiating part of an antenna increases losses. These additional losses make this method unattractive for low-noise applications. Injection-locking a local oscillator by a reference oscillator leads to a phase difference between the two oscillator signals [10]. Therefore, also this method can be used for beamforming. The phase difference is defined by the oscillator properties and their operating points. Voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) allow controlling this phase difference (Section 2.2). The phase can be changed continuously between the locking limits by simply changing the DC-voltage. Furthermore, an additional advantage of this phase-tuning method is that the phase change takes effect in a very short settling time. Normally, the locked VCO has a low Q-factor, whereas a reference oscillator with high Q-factor is used for locking. Since the VCO is operated only in its locked state, in which 1 2 1 INTRODUCTION Figure 1.1: Schematic diagram of one receiver in proposed receiver-array (dashed rectangular). Reference oscillator is used as reference for all receivers in the array. it adopts the noise properties of the locking signal, the output signals of the injectionlocked VCO and the reference oscillator are similar (Section 2.3). This shows that this method is suited for low-noise applications. Placing VCOs in an array allows controlling the phase of every antenna in an antenna array independently (Section 2.4). The VCO array can be used as beamforming network. 1.3 Low-Noise Receiver Most systems reported in literature use the transmitted signal as reference signal for injection locking the VCO [13, 14]. Only signal transmission, but not reception, is possible with such a system architecture. In contrast to those concepts, the system introduced in this dissertation uses a high-Q single-tone reference oscillator for injection locking VCOs. Figure 1.1 shows the schematic of one receiver. The reference oscillator signal is used for injection locking the VCOs in every receiver. Attenuators are used for adjusting the power level in order to get an optimal locking range (the power level, marked with * in Figure 1.1 depends on the VCO type). The phase-controlled output signal of the VCO is frequency doubled and used for driving a mixer. Since the mixer can be employed for down- and up-conversion, the concept can generally be used for receivers and transmitters. 1.4 ARRAY OF RECEIVERS 3 In the following, a receiver with an input frequency of 35 GHz is discussed. The frequency has been chosen, since the receiver is intended to be used as radiometer, and 35 GHz is the first transmission window of the earth’s atmosphere [15]. The output frequency is set to 5 GHz to allow combining a receiver array with a Butler matrix. The implementing of the reference oscillator and phase shifters at the lower frequency of 15 GHz instead of 30 GHz and frequency doubling the signal has the advantage of also doubling the phase tuning range [16]. Additionally, the component availability and the relative tolerances in the manufacturing processes are better. This reduces also the costs. The receiver should be designed such that it can be used as radiometer with a thermal resolution of ∆Tsys = 0.5 K. A bandwidth of B = 3 GHz is chosen as a tradeoff between high thermal (requires a high bandwidth) and high spacial (requires a low bandwidth) resolution. To allow fast scanning, the integration time should not exceed τ = 1 ms. The radiometer formula [15] Tsys (1.1) ∆Tsys = √ B·τ allows deriving the required system temperature of the radiometer system Tsys = 860 K. If considering a antenna temperature [17, 18, 19] of up to 400 K, the receiver temperature should not exceed 460 K. The considered antenna temperature represents a high value in radiometry, however, antenna temperatures in active systems might be much higher. Since cooling the receiver to cryogenic temperatures is not intended, the receiver noise figure should be F ≤ 4 dB. A higher value would still lead to an operating radiometer, but the thermal resolution would be worsened (e.g. [20] reports a radiometer noise figure of around 8 dB.) The input signal of the receiver is amplified by a low-noise amplifier (LNA) and filtered by an image rejection filter. The power levels given in Figure 1.1 are calculated using the values from the MMICs data sheets and assuming a filter insertion loss of 2.5 dB. The calculated noise figure of the receiver is F = 2.8 dB. 1.4 Array of Receivers The proposed system should allow building an array of equal receivers, where every receiver is connected to an antenna in the antenna array. Each receiver has its own VCO which is injection-locked to one reference oscillator. The reference oscillator acts also as the phase reference for all the receivers. Figure 1.2 shows a system including the introduced receiver array. The antenna array, the receiver array and the Butler matrix are realized as system blocks, linked together by connectors. The receiver array consists of modules, with two receivers per module. The input of the receiver array is connected to the antenna array. To overcome the losses of lines and connectors, which are used to connect the receivers with the antennas, an additional LNA will be placed next to each antenna. This LNA increases the gain of the radiometer and reduces the noise figure additionally. Also the antenna elements should be low noise 4 1 INTRODUCTION Antennas with input amplifiers Butler-matrix Receiver with beamforming capability To reference To reference To reference To reference Antenna beam 1 Antenna beam 2 Antenna beam 3 Antenna beam 4 Antenna beam n Figure 1.2: Schematic diagram of a system with antenna, receiver array and Butler matrix. For a system with beamforming capability, it would be sufficient to connect the output ports with a power combiner. Alternatively, a passive distribution system, such as a Butler matrix [21] or Rotman lens [22], can be used instead of the power combiner. This combination has the advantage of having several parallel output ports. In such a system, the integration time can be increased by keeping scanning speed constant. Thus, a higher thermal resolution can be achieved. In noise sensitive applications, the use of a passive distribution system at the radio frequency (RF) would not be possible due to their high losses. Since the losses of distribution systems is much lower at the IF, and the input signal is amplified by the receiver gain, the noise figure degradation caused by the IF distribution system is minimal. Additionally, the disadvantage of the Butler matrix of having fixed beam direction is solved by this combined system, since the beams formed by the Butler matrix can be moved by the receivers. This movement is demonstrated by the simulated array factor of an 8 × 8-Butler matrix, which is represented by the solid and dash-dot-doted lines in Figure 1.3. The Butler matrix port-to-port phase of [−157.5◦ , −112.5◦ , −67.5◦ , −22.5◦ , 22.5◦ , 97.5◦ , 122.5◦ , 1.5 OBJECTIVE 5 Figure 1.3: Simulated normalized array factor of a 8×8-Butler matrix (solid and dash-dot-dotted lines). 157.5◦ ] at the eight respective output ports, is changed to [−157.5◦ + φrec , −112.5◦ + φrec , −67.5◦ + φrec , −22.5◦ + φrec , 22.5◦ + φrec , 97.5◦ + φrec , 122.5◦ + φrec , 157.5◦ + φrec ] by the receivers. φrec is the controllable receiver-to-receiver phase shift provided by the injection-locked VCOs. Thus, the receivers allow moving all the beams in parallel. The whole space can be scanned, if the scanning range is large enough to move the beams into the gaps between the solid lines in Figure 1.3. The scanning range of the dash-dotdotted beam is marked by the dashed lines. In the presented example, every receiver has to provide a phase-tuning range of −22.5◦ ≤ φrec ≤ 22.5◦ . 1.5 Objective The focus in this dissertation is on the realization of a receiver with low noise figure and beamforming capability. The receiver-to-receiver distance should match with the distance between antenna elements. Therefore, the receiver width is limited to 5 mm. A planar packaging technology is used in order to achieve this small receiver width. A prototype on a Rogers RT/duroidr substrate is designed such that it can be modified to a later low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) implementation. LTCC allows for an additional size reduction. The LTCC-prototype has not been manufactured since no in-house LTCC process was available and the foundry costs are significantly higher when compared to the costs of Rogers RT/duroidr . However, the test of subcomponents on LTCC at Ka -band frequencies is part of this dissertation. With the exception of the VCO, all active components are commercially available monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). The operating frequencies of the components are shown in Table 1.1. Since a VCO without buffer is required, the em- 6 1 INTRODUCTION Element Frequency f Bandwidth B Input amplifier 35 GHz ±1.5 GHz Output amplifier 5 GHz ±1.5 GHz Reference oscillator 15 GHz single-tone signal Injection-locked VCO 15 GHz single-tone signal Amplifiers in locking network 15 GHz single-tone signal Frequency doubler output (=LO) 30 GHz single-tone signal Table 1.1: Frequencies of receiver components when injection locked. ployed VCO is a costumer tailored MMIC. As an alternative to this VCO, a hybrid VCO realized on a Rogers RT/duroidr substrate is presented in this work. This VCO is based on standard MMICs. Therefore, it represents a much cheaper implementation if small quantities are required. However, this VCO is much larger than the chip-VCO. The system bandwidth is not limited by the phase shifters, because of the operation with a single tone signal. As mentioned before, a limitation is required to get a certain spacial resolution of the antenna beam. Two different implementations for limiting the bandwidth to B = 3 GHz are discussed: One with a broadband filter, and one with a narrowband input filter. The implementation with the broadband filter requires an additional IF-filter, whereas the implementation with the narrowband filter requires no further IF-filtering. The reference oscillator is also implemented as part of this work. A 15-GHz LNA has been fed back by a cavity resonator. The high Q-factor of the cavity defines the oscillator Q-factor and the operating frequency. The frequency of the reference oscillator is fineadjusted by a piece of Rogers RT/duroidr put into the cavity. 1.6 Outline Chapter 2 reviews the fundamentals of injection-locked oscillators. It is explained, why the phase noise of the injection-locked low-Q VCO is mainly defined by the reference oscillator. Furthermore, also a model for deriving the resulting phase shift is given. This model explains, why in this work a phase shift bigger than 180◦ (±90◦ ) and 360◦ (±180◦ ) at the respective fundamental and doubled frequency is possible. Chapter 3 shows the concept of the reference oscillator. The implementation is based on a cavity in a copper block and a feedback loop on the Rogers RT/duroidr 6006 substrate. A chip-LNA is used as the active element. The implementation, spectrum and phase noise measurements are described. Finally, a method for fine-adjusting the 1.6 OUTLINE 7 reference oscillator frequency is shown. The chip-VCO based phase shifter (VCO with two 15-GHz LNAs) is described in Chapter 4. The first model is realized on Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 (εr = 10.2) for testing. This test structure is used for measuring the free-running behavior of the VCO. The manufactured prototype with the input port connected to the reference oscillator acts as phase shifter. Therefore, the phase-tuning curve as well as the phase-noise behavior of the injection-locked VCO at 15 GHz are discussed in this chapter. The influence of the reference oscillator power level on the VCO phase noise is also measured. Furthermore, the operation of a second VCO, also realized on a Rogers RT/duroidr substrate using chip-LNAs, is shown in this chapter. Frequency, phase and phase-noise measurements are also performed with this VCO. A test structure with the 35-GHz input LNA, the filter and the mixer is used for testing the influence of shielding to the noise figure. This test module, described in Chapter 5, is used for experimentally minimizing the receiver noise figure. Two filters – one realized on Rogers RT/duroidr and one on LTCC – have been simulated, implemented and measured (Sections 5.4 and 5.5). The results from all previous measurements are used for designing the receiver on Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 (εr = 10.2). Two receivers are built as one module. These two receivers are required in order to measure the receiver-to-receiver phase shift, which demonstrates the beamforming capability of a receiver array. Also the noise figure is measured with this prototype. Chapter 6 summarizes the findings of this dissertation and gives an outlook. 8 2 Injection-Locked VCO Abstract — The fundamental properties of injection-locked oscillators are discussed in this chapter. It is shown that a phase-tuning range of φ > ±90◦ can be achieved by injection locking a VCO with high power. Furthermore, it is shown that the higher locking power is also advantageous for the phase noise behavior. An operation point with wide phase-tuning range and low phase noise can only be achieved if the injection-locked VCO has a low Q-factor. Finally, the phase noise of VCOs in an array is discussed. It is shown that the VCO-tree leads to a better phase noise performance as the VCO-chain. 2.1 Principle of Injection Locking The principles of nonlinear theory were explained by Van der Pol in the 1930s [23]. These principles include the description of oscillators using models with negative resistances. The operation point of the oscillators is derived by solving 2nd -order differential equations. The effect of injection locking can be modeled by adding a resistance to an existing oscillator circuit. Several publications from the late 1940s to the 1970s deal with injection-locked oscillators [24, 25, 26]. The behavior of noise in synchronized oscillators has also been analyzed [27]. The principle of injection locking is also called synchronization, phase locking, frequency entrainment, or forced oscillation [28]. Based on this theoretical work, the most important properties of injection-locked oscillators can be summarized as follows. • Frequency: The output frequency of an injection-locked oscillator is mainly defined by the reference oscillator. • Phase noise: The oscillator which is used for locking normally has a lower Q-factor than the reference oscillator. Thus, its phase noise is higher than the reference oscillator phase noise. When injection locked, the phase noise of the injectionlocked oscillator at low offset frequencies is as good as the phase noise of the reference oscillator. • Amplitude: The amplitude of the injection-locked oscillator signal is mainly defined by the oscillator itself. Since the reference oscillator amplitude is normally much smaller, injection locking can be used for amplifying the reference signal. When a high-power reference oscillator signal is used, injection locking can also be used for limiting the amplitude. • Modulation: When the frequency difference between the two oscillators is too big, then the oscillator is no longer injection locked. In such an operation point, the output signal is a modulated signal defined by the signals of the two oscillators. 9 10 2 INJECTION-LOCKED VCO • Phase difference: A phase difference between the input and output signals of the injection-locked oscillator appears. This phase shift is dependent on the difference between the reference oscillator frequency and the free-running frequency of the injection-locked oscillator. The locking effects are often unwanted. Oscillators, for example on integrated circuits, can be locked accidentally. When the Q-factor of the oscillator is low, signals with very low power are sufficient for locking. To avoid locking, oscillators are made more robust. Isolating oscillator tanks is important. Contrary, the described effects are employed for numerous applications: Injection locking is used for amplifying signals [29, 30], and limiting signals [31, 32]. These applications take advantage of the output power defined by the injection-locked oscillator. Also systems used for modulating and demodulating signals have been reported [33, 34]. When employing a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) for injection locking, the difference in frequency between reference and free-running frequencies can be controlled. Consequently, phase shifters can be realized based on this principle. As described in the introduction, phase shifters based on injection-locked VCOs are used in the discussed receiver. The VCOs are injection locked by a single-tone low-phase-noise signal. The VCOs output signals are used for driving mixers. The most important attributes for the implemented phase shifters are described in the following: Section 2.2 gives an estimate for the achieved tunable phase. Section 2.3 shows a literature review and gives an analytical description of the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO output signal. 2.2 Free-Running Frequency-to-Phase Relation The injection-locked VCO can be modeled by using a negative-resistance model [28]. The components, which are plotted with solid lines in Figure 2.1, represent the model, which is used for describing the VCO properties in the following: The capacitor C, the inductance L, and the admittance GL represent the passive elements. C, L and GL are used instead of a complex YL , to allow also a description of the Q-factor of the VCO. The negative resistance −GN represents the active component of the VCO. The free-running operation point of the VCO is defined by: − GN = YL (ffr ), (2.1) where YL (ffr ) = GL − j/(2πffr L) + j2πffr C. Based on this equation, the VCO free√ running frequency can be derived to: ffr = 1/(2π LC). When injection locked, the VCO frequency is forced to be equal to the reference oscillator frequency f0 . The frequency change of the VCO can be modeled by adding an additional admittance Y = G + jB in parallel to the VCO equivalent circuit [36]. This admittance is plotted with dotted lines in Figure 2.1. The forced frequency change can be expressed by changing the operation point given in Equation (2.1) to: − GN = Ytot (f0 ), (2.2) where Ytot (f ) = YL (f0 )+Y . f0 is the operating frequency of the VCO with the additional admittance Y . 2.2 FREE-RUNNING FREQUENCY-TO-PHASE RELATION 11 Figure 2.1: Equivalent circuit of VCO with additional admittance. p In the following, the external Q-factor Qext = ( C/L)/GL is used for describing the VCO properties. Furthermore, the frequency ratio v = f /ffr − ffr /f is utilized for simplifying expressions. In contrast to the considerations in [36], the frequency difference between the VCO free-running frequency and reference frequency ∆f = |f0 − ffr | is considered as small. Using these assumptions, Ytot can be written as [37]: Ytot = GL · (1 + jQext · v) + Y. (2.3) Since the absolute values of the admittances are not of interest, Equation (2.3) can be normalized by using the normalization constant Y0 : ytot = 1 + g + j(Qext · v + b). (2.4) ytot = Ytot /Y0 is the normalized total admittance; g and b are the normalized conductance g = G/Y0 and susceptance b = B/Y0 . Assuming that the free-running VCO is perfectly matched when connected to a transmission line with the characteristic admittance Y0 , the additional admittance Y causes a certain mismatch. This mismatch can be described by a reflection factor Γ, as shown in Figure 2.1. The reflection factor, describing the relation between the output and input amplitudes of the VCO, can be written by using the normalized parameters: Γ = = U VCO,out U VCO,in Y0 − Y 1 − g − jb = . Y0 + Y 1 + g + jb (2.5) The complex reflection factor can also be expressed by amplitude and phase: Γ = p · ej(φ0 +∆φ) . (2.6) In the following, p is called the locking gain and ∆φ is the controllable phase. φ0 is the constant phase, examined when injection locking the VCO at the operation point f0 = ffr . 12 2 INJECTION-LOCKED VCO Equations (2.5) and (2.6) allow finding expressions for g and b: g = b = −1 + p2 2p · cos(∆φ) + 1 + p2 −2p · sin(∆φ) . 2p · cos(∆φ) + 1 + p2 (2.7) (2.8) Both, g and b, are periodic functions. Therefore, the extreme values are the lowest and highest possible values of b. This limitation of b also limits the number of possible operation points =(ytot ) = 0. In other words, the VCO can only be locked if the difference between reference and VCO free-running frequencies ∆f = |f0 − ffr | is below a certain limit. An approximate for an analytical formula can be found in [10]. Most of the published results assume a small p. This assumption limits the controllable phase to the range −90◦ ≤ ∆φ ≤ 90◦ [38, 39]. In contrast to the above results, the phase at the locking limits can be found by deriving the extreme values of b in Equation (2.8), without assuming simplifications. Since the first negative and first positive extreme values define the phase at the locking limits, all other periodic extreme values are not of interest [37]: ∆φmax = ± arccos −2 · p . 1 + p2 (2.9) The locking limits can be computed by inserting the phase at the locking limits into Equation (2.8) and formulating the VCO oscillation condition =(ytot ) = 0. For small ∆f = |ffr − f0 | and v ≈ 2 · (ffr − f0 )/f0 , the locking range can be written as: [fu − f0 , fl − f0 ] = ±(ffr − f0 )max f0 p = ± , · Qext |1 − p2 | (2.10) where fu and fl are the upper and lower locking limits of the injection-locked VCO, respectively. Using this notation, the VCO is injection locked for free-running frequencies in the range fl ≤ ffr ≤ fu . The change of the VCO operation point (YL ) allows controlling the VCO free-running frequency. Thus, as demonstrated by Equations (2.5) and (2.6), also the phase of the injection-locked VCO can be controlled. Phase shifters utilizing injection-locked oscillators must be operated within the locking range, because outside the locking range the output signal is not a single-tone signal but a frequency/amplitude modulated signal with the modulation frequency fm = f0 − ffr . Signal plots of VCO output signals can be found in [28, 34]. The maximum phase tuning range, achieved when tuning the VCO from the lower to the upper locking limit, can be derived using Equation (2.9). Values of 182◦ , 202◦ and 226◦ can be computed using a locking gain of p = −40 dB, p = −20 dB and p = −10 dB, respectively. These examples show that a phase shift higher than 180◦ can be achieved by applying high reference power. Since no simplifications in terms of locking gain p have been made, it is not possible to find a simple expression for the output phase as a function of the free-running frequency. 2.2 FREE-RUNNING FREQUENCY-TO-PHASE RELATION (a) 13 (b) Figure 2.2: Derived phase shift of injection-locked VCO using an external quality factor Qext = 20, frequency f0 = 15 GHz, locking gain p = −40 dB (a) and locking gain p = −10 dB (b). Therefore, the phase tuning function applying two different reference power levels have been plotted using MapleTM . For both plots a Q-factor of Qext = 20 and a reference frequency f0 = 15 GHz is assumed. Figures 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) show the phase vs. the VCO free-running frequency when injection locked with a locking gain of −40 dB and −10 dB, respectively. Figure 2.2(a) shows that the phase tuning range is 182◦ and the locking range is only 2 · 7.5 MHz. This operation point has not only the disadvantage of a low phase tuning range, but also the locking range is very small. A locking range much smaller than the VCO frequency-tuning range limits controllability due to the then high sensibility of the phase to the tuning voltage. Using a higher locking power solves both issues: As shown in Figure 2.2(b), the locking range and the phase tuning range are increased significantly when using higher locking power. A locking range of 2 · 0.24 GHz and phase tuning range of 226◦ can be achieved. These examples and Equation (2.10) show that increasing the reference signal power also increases the locking range. Additionally, a low VCO Q-factor has been chosen in this example to show that a reasonable locking range and a wide phase tuning range can be achieved. A VCO with high Q-factor would decrease the locking range of the first example (Figure 2.2(a)), whereas the phase tuning range would stay constant. The same effect would apply to the second example (Figure 2.2(b)): the locking range would be decreased and the high phase tuning range would stay constant. Since a certain locking range is required in order to get a sufficient controllability, and the reference signal power level in practical realizations can not be increased over a certain limit, a VCO with sufficient small Q-factor has to be chosen. 14 2 INJECTION-LOCKED VCO 2.3 Output Signal of Injection-Locked Oscillator It has been shown that the phase noise of an injection-locked oscillator can be derived by superposing the models of a noisy oscillator injection locked with a noise-free cavity oscillator and a noise-free oscillator injection locked with a noisy cavity oscillator [42]. The result can be modified to express the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO: LVCO,l (fm ) = Lref (fm ) · S1 (fm , p, Qext ) + LVCO,fr (fm ) · S2 (fm , p, Qext ). (2.11) LVCO,l (fm ),LVCO,fr (fm ), Lref (fm ) are the single side-band phase noise power densities of the locked and free-running VCO as well as the reference oscillator, respectively. S1 and S2 are the noise-suppression factors [42]: S1 (fm , p, Qext ) S1 (fm , p, Qext ) 1 = 1+ = 1 2 fm f02 · Qext · (2.12) 1 p2 2 fm · Qext · p12 f02 f2 + fm2 · Qext · p12 0 . (2.13) fm and f0 are the offset frequencies from the carrier and the reference oscillators frequency, respectively. Qext is the external Q-factor of the VCO, and p is the locking gain as used in the previous section. The p locking gain can also be expressed by the VCO input and output power levels: p = PVCO,in /PVCO,out . The VCO input signal is equal to the reference oscillator signal at the VCO port. From Equations (2.12) and (2.13) it can be observed that S1 ≈ 1 >> S2 ≈ 0 for small fm . Hence, the phase noise of the locked VCO close to the carrier is mainly defined by the reference source. However, S2 is increasing with higher offset frequencies. Consequently the phase noise of the locked VCO at higher offset frequencies is defined by the phase noise of the reference oscillator and the free-running VCO. This leads to a degradation of the phase noise of the locked VCO. In a practical realization, this means that the phase noise of the locked VCO is as good as that of the reference oscillator at low offset frequencies and degrades with increasing distance from the carrier. Furthermore, it can be seen that the noise-suppression factors are a function of the external quality factor of the VCO and the locking gain. As a result, a low-Q VCO and a sufficient injection power level are necessary to achieve a large locking range as well as to keep the phase noise power density low. To show this effect, the single-sideband phase noise power density of a reference oscillator and a free-running VCO are plotted in Figure 2.3. The phase noise behavior of these two oscillators is chosen such that it is in the range of the VCOs used in Chapter 4. The noise-suppression factors have been used for calculating the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO in MapleTM . For the calculation, an external Q-factor of Qext = 20 and a reference oscillator frequency of f0 = 15 GHz has been chosen. These values are identical to the values used for deriving the phase shift in the previous section. The curve calculated with the locking gain p = −60 dB shows a very poor phase noise behavior: The phase noise is only identical to the reference oscillator phase noise up to a 2.4 COMPARISON OF VCO-TREE AND VCO-CHAIN 15 Figure 2.3: Assumed single-sideband phase noise L(fm ) of reference oscillator and VCO as well as derived single-sideband phase noise of injection-locked VCO. Locking gain used for locking: p = −60 dB, p = −40 dB and p = −10 dB offset frequency of fm = 10 kHz. For offset frequencies fm > 1 MHz, the injection-locked phase noise is close to the phase noise of the free-running VCO. The curve derived with the locking gain p = −40 dB shows already a much better behavior: The phase noise is identical to the reference oscillator phase noise up to a offset frequency of fm = 40 kHz. At this offset frequency, the phase noise is about 20 dB lower than the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO when locked with p = −60 dB. The operating point used for plotting the curve with p = −40 dB is identical to the one used for deriving the phase shift in the previous section. It has been shown that a much higher locking gain of p = −10 dB leads to a wider locking range and also to a bigger phase-tuning range. Therefore, also the phase noise has been plotted in the operation point using the locking gain p = −10 dB. It can be seen that the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO is as good as the reference oscillator phase noise up to an offset-frequency of 2 MHz. This is an improvement of 40 dB (at an offset frequency of 1 MHz) compared to the operation point where injection locked with p = −60 dB. 2.4 Comparison of VCO-Tree and VCO-Chain As mentioned in the introduction, there are basically two topologies of oscillator arrays. The first one – as shown in the schematic diagram in Figure 2.4 – connects oscillators in a chain. The diagram shows that the first VCO in the chain is injection locked by the reference oscillator. The output signal of the first VCO signal is split into two paths, 16 2 INJECTION-LOCKED VCO Figure 2.4: Schematic diagram of VCO-chain. Attenuators and amplifiers required for adjusting locking power are not shown. where the first path is used as output signal, and the second path is used for injection locking the second VCO. The third VCO is injection locked by the signal of second VCO, the forth by the third, and the nth by the (n − 1)st . All VCOs are injection locked with the same locking gain. This is required in order to get an approximately equal phase tuning behavior of every VCO in the array. In the literature, many coupled oscillator arrays similar to the one shown in Figure 2.4 are reported (e.g. [43, 44, 45, 46]). The power splitters shown here might be replaced by another kind of coupling network. The advantage of the chain topology is that the phase of every VCO can be controlled in respect to the neighboring VCO. Therefore, calibrating the oscillator array is relatively simple. Disadvantages are that the phase error of the nth VCO output signal is equal to the sum of the phase errors of all VCOs in the chain. This can lead to a noticeable error in big arrays. Furthermore, the failure of a VCO makes also all VCOs after the failed one inoperative. The phase noise of the first VCO in the chain can be calculated by using Equation (2.11). However, for calculating the phase noise of the higher order VCOs, the phase noise of the VCO used for locking has to be considered. Therefore, the phase noise of the nth VCO LVCO,l,n (fm ) can be written as: LVCO,l,n (fm ) = LVCO,l,(n−1) (fm ) · S1 (fm , p, Qext ) + LVCO,fr,n (fm ) · S2 (fm , p, Qext ). (2.14) S1 (fm , p, Qext ) and S2 (fm , p, Qext ) are the noise-suppression factors. LVCO,l,(n−1) and and LVCO,fr,n are the single-sideband phase noise of the injection-locked (n − 1)st and the free-running nth VCO, respectively. The equation makes clear that the phase noise is getting worse from VCO to VCO. In order to show this effect, the phase noise has been derived with MapleTM and plotted in Figure 2.5. The calculation has been performed using the same operation points as for the phase and phase noise calculations in the previous sections. Figure 2.5(a) shows the phase noise of the chain VCOs when injection locking with a locking gain of p = −40 dB. The plotted phase noise of the reference oscillator, free-running and first injection-locked VCOs are identical to the curves presented before. The phase noise of the higher order VCOs are also plotted. Comparing the curve of the 1st VCO with the 11th VCO shows 2.4 COMPARISON OF VCO-TREE AND VCO-CHAIN 17 (a) (b) Figure 2.5: Supposed single-sideband phase noise L(fm ) of reference oscillator and free-running VCO as well as derived single-sideband phase noise of first and higher order injection-locked VCOs in VCO chain. VCO properties used for calculation: external Q-factor Qext = 20, reference oscillator frequency f0 = 15 GHz, locking gain p = −40 dB (a) and p = −10 dB (b). a degradation of the phase noise by 10 dB at an offset frequency of 100 kHz. The offset 18 2 INJECTION-LOCKED VCO Figure 2.6: Schematic diagram of VCO-tree. Attenuators and amplifiers required for adjusting locking power are not displayed. frequency, where the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO is getting worse than the reference oscillator, is lowered from 40 kHz to 10 kHz. For bigger arrays, the degradation is even worse as shown by the plotted curve for the 101st VCO. Figure 2.5(b) shows the derived phase noise when assuming a higher locking gain of p = −10 dB. As expected, the phase noise is better. However, the effect of a worsened phase-noise performance of the higher-order VCOs is also significant. Since a phase-noise degradation of 10 dB and 20 dB for 10 and 100 VCO chains, respectively, is significant, and also the reliability of the VCO-chain is worse than the reliability of the VCO-tree, a tree-architecture is used in the following implementation. Figure 2.6 shows the schematic diagram of injection-locked VCOs which are all directly injection locked by the reference oscillator [47, 48]. The realization of such a structure is more complex due the necessity of a 1 : n power splitter. In this architecture the reference oscillator signal also acts as a phase reference. The phase must be controlled with respect to the global reference, and not to the neighbor VCO as it is the case in the VCO-chain. Since every VCO is directly injection locked by the reference oscillator, all VCOs have the same low phase noise, as defined by Equation (2.11). Furthermore, the failure of one VCO causes only the breakdown of one VCO, and all neighboring VCOs are functional. Finally, the phase error of one VCO is defined by the VCO itself. 2.5 Conclusion It has been shown that injection locking a VCO allows controlling the phase relation between the input and output signal of the VCO. In the injection-locked state, the VCO tuning voltage can be used for changing the phase. A high locking gain leads to a big phase-tuning range. In comparison to other methods used for increasing the phase tuning range [49, 50], the proposed method leads also to a wide locking range which leads to a small phase sensitivity. Furthermore, it has been shown that the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO can be derived from the free-running VCO and reference oscillator phase noise. Numerical experiments show that a phase noise performance almost as good as the reference oscillator phase noise can be achieved when the VCO is injection locked with high locking 2.5 CONCLUSION 19 gain. The calculations assume a low external Q-factor of the VCO. A higher Q-factor reduces the locking range. A locking range, much smaller than the free-running VCO frequency tuning range, would limit controllability. Furthermore, the sensitivity to noise on the tuning-DC-voltage would increase. Theoretically, a VCO with bigger Q-factor locked with higher locking gain would lead to a similar locking range. The drawback of this concept is that the reference signal power level at the phase shifter input is limited by the saturation power level of the used amplifiers. Increasing the power levels by using power amplifiers is not useful because of the high losses and heat dissipation. Finally, operating the components close to their saturation points causes a non-linear behavior. This operation point does not allow correct setting of the locking gain. It can be concluded that a VCO with sufficiently low Q-factor is indispensable for the phase-shifter implementations described in the following. It has been shown that the VCO-tree is more reliable than the VCO-chain and exhibits also a lower phase noise for all employed VCOs. 20 3 Reference Oscillator Abstract — The implementation of the reference oscillator is discussed in this chapter. The oscillator is realized based on an amplifier fed back by a high-Q cavity. The TM0,1,1 resonance mode of the cavity is used as a compromise between high Q-factor and compact oscillator size. A comparison of the measured oscillator noise to the phase noise of a commercial synthesizer demonstrates excellent phase noise behavior of the oscillator. The low phase noise and the simple architecture is the reason for employing this reference oscillator in the receiver. 3.1 Introduction Since the reference oscillator is used for locking all receivers, it has been implemented as a sperate part. As described in the previous chapter, the reference oscillator phase noise determines also the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO. Thus, a 35-GHz low-phase-noise oscillator is required for the operation of the receivers. Since MMICs operating at Ku -band frequencies are commercially available, an oscillator based on MMIC amplifiers has been developed. The used amplifier is fed back by a cavity resonator. The schematic of the oscillator is shown in Figure 3.1. The principle of the oscillator can be understood by using the loop condition [23]. (The equivalence between the loop condition and the device-load lines model can be found in [52].) The shown circuit oscillates, if the complex voltages at an arbitrary point of the oscillation loop are equal: V in = V out . (3.1) Figure 3.1: Schematic of reference oscillator. Oscillator is pointed out by dashed rectangular. Output amplifier used for buffering signal and isolating oscillator tank is also shown. 21 22 3 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR V in and V out are the in- and output-voltages at the reference point. This condition can be split into a gain and a phase condition: Gloop (f0 ) > 0 dB φloop (f0 ) = n · 2π (3.2) where Gloop (f0 ) is the gain and φloop (f0 ) is the phase of the oscillator loop at the oscillation frequency f0 . The gain of the loop is defined by the amplifier gain Gamp , the transmission factor of the cavity resonator S21res , and the losses of the planar transmission lines LTL have influence on the gain: Gloop (f ) = Gamp (f ) · S21res (f ) · 1/LTL (f ). (3.3) The design of the loop and the resonator has to guarantee that the oscillation conditions are fulfilled for the operation frequency only. This guarantees that the oscillator has an unique oscillating frequency. 3.2 Cavity Design As a compromise between a high Q-factor and compact realization, a rectangular cavity with the dimension H = 4 mm, L = 15.15 mm, B = 13 mm using the TM0,1,1 -mode has been chosen. This choice can be shown by the normalized Q-factors and the resonance frequencies of the different cavity modes in Table 3.1. Normalizing the Q-factor allows a frequency independent comparison of the Q-factor. The Q-factors have been derived on basis of [53]. It can be seen that, for example, the TM0,1,3 -mode would have led to a much higher Q-factor, but building a cavity with this mode at a Frequency of 15 GHz would also increase the cavity size significantly. The table shows further that within the lower modes, the TM0,1,1 -mode is the one with the highest Q-factor. This is the reason for using this mode in this oscillator. As apparent in Table 3.1, the resonance frequency of the used mode is 15.193 GHz. This – in comparison to the targeted frequency of 15 GHz – higher value has been chosen in order to have some margins for later frequencyadjustments. The cavity is milled into a block of copper (part 1) and closed by another copper block (part 2). As shown in Figure 3.2(a), two holes are drilled into the cap in order to insert two coupling posts. The insulation between the copper body and the coupling post is glass. A 10 mil thick Rogers RT/duroidr 6006 (εr = 6.15) substrate is adhesively bonded to the top of part 2. The MMICs are placed in mounting holes of the substrate, on top of part 2. The microstrip lines are connected to the feedthroughs and amplifiers by wire bonds. The photograph in Figure 3.2(b) shows the metallic block with the SMA connectors on the side. Due to the high current density on the coupling posts, their length also influences the Q-factor and frequency of the resonator. Figure 3.3 shows the in Ansoft HFSSTM simulated insertion loss of the cavity. The different plots represent simulations with different length of the coupling post. It can be seen that the insertion loss of the resonance is reduced for long posts. At the same time, the Q-factor of the cavity is getting smaller. 3.2 CAVITY DESIGN TEl,m,n / TMl,m,n modes 23 Normalized Q-factor Q· δ λl,m,n Resonance frequency fl,m,n TE0,1,0 0.115 9.894 GHz TE0,0,1 0.134 11.530 GHz TE0,1,1 0.078 15.193 GHz TM0,1,1 0.177 TE0,2,1 0.120 TM0,2,1 0.267 TE0,1,2 0.128 TM0,1,2 0.292 TE0,1,3 0.184 TM0,1,3 0.420 TE1,0,0 0.118 37.473 GHz TE1,1,1 0.213 40.435 GHz 22.902 GHz 25.093 GHz 35.977 GHz Table 3.1: Derived resonator (H = 4 mm, L = 15.15 mm, B = 13 mm) resonance frequencies and unloaded Q-factors [53]. δ is the skin depth of the metallization surrounding the cavity and λl,m,n is the resonant free-space wavelength: λl,m,n = c0 /fl,m,n . The derived Q-factor, shown in Table 3.2, shows that the dependence on the coupling post length is significant. For the oscillator, a cavity with a high Q-factor and sufficient low insertion loss is required. In the practical realization, the resonator has been designed for an insertion loss of S21 (f0 ) = −15 dB. An oscillator with this cavity and an amplifier with a gain of Gamp = 22 dB fulfills the oscillation condition and allows for additional losses of the used lines. Simulations (Figure 3.3) show that coupling posts with a length lcp ≈ 0.3 mm lead to the targeted insertion loss. To take a possible error of the simulated value into account, the coupling posts have been shortened to a length of 0.5 mm. The measured insertion loss is plotted in Figure 24 3 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR (a) (b) Figure 3.2: Cross section (a) and photograph (b) of cavity resonator. 3.4. Since the insertion loss is below 10 dB, the length of the coupling posts have been shortened to 0.3 mm. A Q-factor of Q ≈ 3000 and a insertion loss of S21 = −15 dB have been measured after shortening. Figure 3.5 shows a picture of a shortened coupling post. 3.3 Oscillator A photograph of the manufactured oscillator can be seen in Figure 3.6. The two feedthroughs, which are used for coupling to the cavity, are marked in the lower part of the photograph. The marked measurement ports, which were used for performing the S-parameter measurement of the cavity, are visible on the left and right side of the 3.3 OSCILLATOR 25 Figure 3.3: Simulated cavity insertion loss. Length of coupling posts Q-factor lcp Insertion loss Resonance frequency S21 (f0 ) f0 0 mm 6000 −33 dB 15.204 GHz 0.3 mm 3100 −16 dB 15.191 GHz 0.5 mm 2200 −10 dB 15.182 GHz 1 mm 840 −3 dB 15.138 GHz 2 mm 120 −0.6 dB 14.860 GHz Table 3.2: From simulation data calculated Q-factor of resonator when varying length of coupling posts. photograph. The feedthroughs are connected to the measurement ports by means of wire bonds (points A and B). In order to put the oscillator into operation, the bond wires connecting the measurement ports at points A and B are removed. New wire bonds are set such that the feedthroughs are connected with the oscillator loop. A variable line is visible in the left upper corner. This line can be used for changing the electrical length 26 3 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR Figure 3.4: Measured insertion loss of resonator. Figure 3.5: Photograph of coupling post. of the oscillator loop experimentally, if the oscillation conditions of the oscillator are not fulfilled in the set operation point. As discussed earlier in this Chapter, the cavity TM0,1,1 -mode has been used. Since the feedthroughs are in the center of the cavity width, only TEl,m,n and TMl,m,n with odd n can be excited in the cavity. Table 3.1 shows that the only existing cavity modes within the amplifiers operation band [54] are the TM0,1,1 and TM0,2,1 -modes. To prevent 3.4 MEASUREMENT RESULTS AND FREQUENCY FINE-ADJUSTMENTS 27 Figure 3.6: Photograph of manufactured oscillator. the oscillator from oscillating at the not wanted frequencies, stubs are added to block transmission in the unwanted frequency range. 3.4 Measurement Results and Frequency Fine-Adjustments The spectrum has been measured after putting the oscillator into operation. Figure 3.7(a) shows a plot of one of the measurements performed with a span of 20 kHz. The achieved reference oscillator frequency is f0 = 15.183 GHz. The oscillation frequency fits very well to the measured resonance frequency of the cavity. In order to move the oscillator frequency closer to the targeted 15 GHz, the oscillator has been frequency-adjusted. Therefore, a 10 mil tick piece of of Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 (εr = 10.2) has been included into the cavity floor. The substrate is cut as rectangular; the length of the substrate is equal to the cavity length, the width has been used for adjusting the resonance frequency. Figure 3.8 shows the insertion loss of the cavity TM0,1,1 mode simulated in Ansoft HFSSTM for different substrate widths. Based on the simulation, a width of 2.6 mm has been chosen for the implementation. Figure 3.9 shows the cavity floor with the bonded piece of substrate. Since the frequency change is minor, also the phase-change in the oscillator loop is very small. Thus, a modification of the variable line is not required. The measured spectrum after inserting the substrate is plotted in Figure 3.7(b). The achieved frequency is f0 = 14.975 GHz. This frequency is 0.17% smaller than the targeted frequency of 15 GHz. Despite of this small error, the frequency was not adjusted further, although this would be possible by changing the size of the glued substrate. The comparison of the signals in Figures 3.7(a) and 3.7(b) shows that the signal quality is similar. Also the simulation of the cavity showed that the degradation of the Q-factor 28 3 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR (a) (b) Figure 3.7: Measured spectrum of oscillator before (a) and after (b) frequency adjustment. Spectrum measured with HP 8565E spectrum analyzer. Figure 3.8: Transmission parameter S21 of frequency-adjusted cavity. Different plots are simulated with different width of substrate. by inserting the substrate is not noticeable. The measured single-sideband phase noise L(fm ) [55] is plotted in Figure 3.10. Ex- 3.4 MEASUREMENT RESULTS AND FREQUENCY FINE-ADJUSTMENTS 29 Figure 3.9: Photograph of resonator cavity with strip of substrate for frequency fine-adjusting. Figure 3.10: Measured single-sideband phase noise power density L(fm ) of manufactured reference oscillator and Agilent E8267C synthesizer. cellent phase-noise values of L = −88 dBc/Hz and L = −115 dBc/Hz at the respective offset frequencies of fm = 10 kHz and fm = 100 kHz have been found. Also the comparison with the measured phase noise of the commercial Agilent E8267C synthesizer shows that the achieved phase noise represents an excellent result. The synthesizer measurements show a shoulder in the measured curve around the offset frequency of 100 kHz. This behavior is typical for PLLs due to their locking mechanism. Also low-phase-noise PLLs (e.g. [56]), show such a behavior. The built reference oscillator however, exhibits 30 3 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR Parameter Value Frequency f0 14.975177 GHz Bias voltage 3V Output power +8 dBm Single sideband phase noise @ 10 kHz offset −88 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset −115 dBc/Hz Q-factor of Cavity 3000 w/o freq. tuning dielectric Table 3.3: Measured parameters of reference oscillator. Part Component Oscillator amplifier Hittite HMC 516 Output amplifier Hittite HMC 516 Oscillator loop substrate Rogers RT/duroidr 6006 Substrate on Cavity floor Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 Table 3.4: Components used in reference oscillator: no shoulder. For this reason, the synthesizer phase noise is lower close to the carrier, whereas the reference oscillator exhibits better phase noise behavior at higher offset frequencies. Tables 3.3 and 3.4 give a summery of the measured parameters and the used components, respectively. 3.5 Conclusion The implementation of the 15-GHz reference oscillator has been described in this chapter. The oscillator is based on a high-Q cavity. The comparison of the measured phase noise 3.5 CONCLUSION 31 with the phase noise of a commercial synthesizer confirms the high quality of the output signal. Additionally, a method for adjusting the output frequency has been introduced. This method has been used to set the oscillators frequency close to the targeted 15 GHz. 32 4 Phase Shifter Abstract — Two different implementations of phase shifters are shown in this chapter. Both are based on injection-locked VCOs. The first implementation utilizes chip-based VCOs. Circuits with input and output amplifiers are used to isolate the not buffered oscillator from the output port and to allow injection locking. The second implementation is based on an amplifier fed back by a tunable low-Q resonator. The second implementation represents a solution which only requires commercially available components. The disadvantage of the second implementation is the in comparison to the first implementation much bigger size. Both implementations lead to a phase tuning-range of about 200◦ . Due to the use of VCOs injection-locked to a reference oscillator with excellent phase noise behavior, the phase shifter output signals exhibit also low phase noise. 4.1 VCO Requirements Commercial VCOs have high isolation between the VCO output port and their oscillator tanks. An isolation of 40 dB or more is common in monolithically integrated VCOs. This isolation makes the oscillator independent of the load. Since overcoming the high isolation is not possible, buffered VCOs can not be used for injection locking. Therefore, oscillators without buffer are required (e.g. [58]). In this dissertation, two different concepts of injection-locked VCO-based phase shifters are tested. The first concept utilizes an unbuffered VCO developed in the Electronics Laboratory at ETH Zurich. A network for separating the input and output signals of (a) (b) Figure 4.1: Phase shifter based injection-locked VCO utilizing circulator (a) and VCO with input port (b). 33 34 4 PHASE SHIFTER the VCO is required. The schematic of such a network is shown in Figure 4.1(a). The shown model has the advantage that the circulator provides perfect decoupling of the VCO input and output signals (V VCO,in , V VCO,out ). Therefore, this circulator based model is also used in theoretical concepts (e.g. [28]). The amplifiers provide additional gain to the input and output signals and increase the output-to-VCO and VCO-to-input isolations. The shown network acts as phase shifter, since the phase can be steered by changing the VCO operating point. Another possible phase shifter architecture is employing a VCO with input and output amplifiers, as shown in Figure 4.1(b). In this model, both amplifiers are directly connected to the VCO; a decoupling network is not required. The output amplifier provides gain to the output port and isolates the VCO tank from the output port. The input port however, provides matching to the tank but also allows signal injection. Since such a VCO can only be used for injection locking application, it is not available as off-the-shelf chip. Both approaches (injection locking a not buffered VCO and a VCO with input port) are tested in this work. Section 4.2 shows the implementation of a phase shifter utilizing an unbuffered VCO. Different networks for separating the input and output signal have been tested and the size of the phase shifter is reduced to a minimum. Section 4.3 shows the implementation of a VCO with input port. The VCO circuit is similar to the architecture of the reference oscillator (Chapter 3), but a low-Q resonator with varactor tunability is used instead of the high-Q cavity. 4.2 Chip-VCO based Phase Shifters 4.2.1 VCOs Figure 4.2(a) shows the schematic diagram of a single-ended VCO without output buffer designed in the Electronics Laboratory of ETH Zurich. This design is similar to the one introduced in [59]. The circuit has been manufactured on the IBM BiCMOS 6HP process (0.25-µm BiCMOS technology [60]). The transistor base and collector require two different bias voltages (Vbase , Vdd ). This kind of biasing is an advantage for the prototype implementation, since changing the bias-voltage allows adjusting the frequency of the VCO. However, a change of the biasing network is required in a later series-production to reduce the frequency-to-bias-voltage dependence. The varactor diode and the tuning port are placed in the emitter-circuit. Due to the orientation of the varactor diode Cvar , negative voltages are required for tuning the VCO. An alternative VCO has been developed on basis of the IBM 7WL-process (0.18µm BiCMOS technology [61]). The schematic diagram is shown in Figure 4.2(b). The comparison of the schematics shows that the biasing of the 6HP VCO is very problematic since the bias lines are not decoupled from the VCO. This has been solved in the 7WL VCO [62]. Another difference is the smaller tuning range, which is caused by the smaller value of the varactor capacitance in the 7WL process. 4.2 CHIP-VCO BASED PHASE SHIFTERS (a) 6HP-based 35 (b) 7WL-based Figure 4.2: Schematic diagram of VCOs provided by the Electronics Laboratory. 4.2.2 VCO Load Since the VCO has no output amplifier, the load impedance becomes a crucial part. The negative resistance model [63] shows that the load line has to be loop-free to avoid frequency jumps in the VCO tuning range. Although the exact value of the load line is not known, from the schematic diagram can be seen that the load line can only be loop-free if the load connected to the VCO is also loop-free. Figure 4.3 shows the frequency tuning behavior measured on-chip using a wafer prober. Two discontinuities can be observed. These discontinuities are caused by two loops in the load line. Furthermore, it is visible that the frequency jumps take place at a different point when lowering the tuning voltage and when increasing the tuning voltage Vtune . The reason for this hysteresis can also be found in the loops. The measurement plotted in Figure 4.3 has been performed with the 6HP-based VCO. Although the used wafer probers and the connected cables provide good matching, the high phase change over the frequency caused by the long lines and a minimal mismatch lead to frequency jumps in the measurement. 4.2.3 Phase Shifter Circuits Since a loop-free load line is required for continuous frequency tuning of the VCO, the phase shifter network must provide a loop-free load to the VCO and must have not only an output port but also an input port for injection locking. If these conditions are not fulfilled, the phase shifter can not operate reliably. As described earlier, a loss-less circulator provides a good possibility of decoupling the VCO input and output signals. However, employing circulators (e.g. [64, 65]) leads to 36 4 PHASE SHIFTER Figure 4.3: Measured frequency-tuning behavior of VCO with 6HP BJT. Measurement has been performed using wafer probers. large structures due to necessity of ferrites. Implementing them into an LTCC-module is difficult. Additional disadvantages of circulators operating at Ku -band frequencies are their losses. Due to all these disadvantages, two much cheaper and smaller networks have been tested for locking the VCO. The first tested network is a T-junction including input and output amplifiers (Figure 4.4(a)). The input and output amplifiers provide a VCO-toinput and output-to-VCO isolation. The disadvantage of this structure is the crosstalk from the input port to the output port. For this reason, the phase tuning range at the output port of the network might be smaller as at the VCO output. To overcome the disadvantage of the high crosstalk of a T-junction, a second approach has been tested. This topology is based on a rat-race coupler [66]. To reduce the VCOto-output losses and the return from the output of the input amplifier, a 8-dB instead of a standard 3-dB coupler has been realized (Figure 4.4(b)). The disadvantage of having a 8-dB attenuation of the input signal is overcome by the gain of the input amplifier. An additional advantage of this structure is that the VCO can be matched. The forth port of the coupler is terminated, and the the input port is isolated from the output port. An Ansoft Nexximr model has been used for optimizing the T-junction and the coupler. Since the not perfectly matched amplifiers have influence on the return loss at the VCO port (port 1) of the T-junction and the coupler, the measured amplifier data has been included in this simulation. Figure 4.5(a) shows the schematic of the circuit model. The T-junction and coupler is simulated as an Ansoft Designerr MoM model, but parameter variations are controlled from the Ansoft Nexximr circuit simulator. The 4.2 CHIP-VCO BASED PHASE SHIFTERS (a) 37 (b) Figure 4.4: Schematic of T-junction (a) and coupler (b) for injection locking VCO. geometries of the T-junction and the coupler have been tuned to get a loop-free S11 . Figures 4.5(b) and 4.5(c) confirm the loop-free behavior of the simulated T-junction and the coupler return loss in the desired frequency band between 14 GHz and 16 GHz. At this stage, both structures are usable as phase shifter networks. As expected, the T-junction does not provide good matching at any frequency point, but the return loss variation over the frequency is relatively small. This small fluctuation is mainly caused by the small size of the structure. In contrast, the coupler return loss includes a perfectly matched frequency point, but the fluctuation of the return loss is much bigger. Also the loop-free frequency band is smaller compared to the T-junction. Both structures have been manufactured on an Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 substrate. Figures 4.6(a) and 4.7(a) show the dimensions and a photograph the T-junction connected to the input and output amplifiers and the VCO. Both amplifiers are Hittite HMC516-amplifiers [54]. The VCO connected to the T-junction can be seen below the junction. All visible microstrip lines – including the T-junction – are 50 Ω-lines. The amplifier bias voltage is provided through a line visible on top of the photograph, whereas the three DC voltages required for the VCO are provided by lines shown at the bottom of the photograph. All DC-lines are connected to chip-capacitors by spiral inductors. The DC-pads on the active chips are connected with the chip-capacitors by wire-bonds. The inductors are of the Microwave Component 10-1847 GSA-type [67]. The inductors together with the capacitors are used for reducing the noise to the DC-voltages. Figures 4.6(b) and 4.7(b) show the dimensions and the photograph of the 8-dB-coupler. The input amplifier and the VCO can be seen on the photograph, but the output amplifier is not visible due to the big distance between the coupler and output amplifier. The respective thinner and thicker lines within the coupler are 80 Ω and 38 Ω lines. This impedance system has been used, since a 60 µm thick line is the absolute thinnest structure which can be etched in the IFH in-house process. Due to this impedance-system λ/4-transformers are used at the three used ports. The transformer is a 41 Ω line. The terminated port is terminated with a SMD resistor and an open λ/4-line. A resistor with the size of 0.6 × 0.3 mm and a λ/4-line instead of a short to ground have been used, since they showed best performance in comparison measurements. 38 4 PHASE SHIFTER (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.5: Schematic of circuit simulator model (a) and simulated return loss (port 1) of T-junction (b) and coupler (c). Figure 4.8(a) shows the coupler insertion loss measured with a coupler identically to the one shown in Figure 4.7(b). The measured coupler has no mounting holes for the amplifiers and the VCO. Therefore, SMA connectors with integrated microstrip-toSMA transition are mounted to the three ports. The forth port is terminated. The measurement results show that the desired 8 dB attenuation between input port and VCO has been achieved in the operation frequency band between 14 GHz and 16 GHz. Furthermore, the excellent value of < −25 dB for the isolation between input and output port can be seen in the plot. The losses between VCO and output port are in the range of 3 dB, and the return loss at every port (Figure 4.8(b)) is Sn,m < −17 dB. 4.2 CHIP-VCO BASED PHASE SHIFTERS 39 (a) (b) Figure 4.6: Dimensions of T-junction (a) and coupler (b). 4.2.4 Free-Running Frequency and Pushing Both circuits have been used for measuring the free-running tuning-behavior of the VCOs. The input port of the phase-shifter network is terminated with a 50 Ω-load in these measurements. Figure 4.9(a) shows the measured free-running frequency vs. the tuning voltage. The 6HP VCO has been measured in the operation point Vbase = 1.28 V, Vdd = 1.80 V and the 7WL VCO in the operation point Vbase = 0.98 V, Vdd = 2.72 V. The comparison between the two measured tuning curves shows that the 7WL oscillator has a significant smaller tuning range than the 6HP VCO. Figure 4.9(b) shows the frequency tuning behavior of the 6HP VCO connected to the coupler. The VCO operation point in this measurement is Vbase = 1.54 V, Vdd = 1.11 V. The 7WL VCO has not been measured with the coupler. All three tuning curves show a continuous tuning behavior. The comparison between these results and the previously shown wafer-prober measurements (Figure 4.3) shows that the described requirements to the return loss are fulfilled for all three circuits (Tjunction with 6HP and 7WL VCO and coupler with 6HP VCO). However, the different form of the 6HP VCO frequency tuning curve when connected to the T-junction and 40 4 PHASE SHIFTER (a) (b) Figure 4.7: Photograph of phase shifters incorporating T-junction (a) and coupler (b) for injection locking VCO. the coupler shows that the different network impedances change the frequency-tuning behavior. VCO pushing has also been tested. Figures 4.10(a) and 4.10(b) show the influence of a collector and base voltage variation on the VCO frequency, respectively. The measurements have been performed with the 6HP VCO connected to the T-junction and a tuning voltage Vtune = 2.5 V. For the measurements with the swept collector and base voltages, the same base and bias voltages as used in the measurement plotted in Figure 4.9(a) have been used. The measurements show a strong influence of the collector and the base voltages. For this reason, DC-sources with excellent voltage stability are required. 4.2 CHIP-VCO BASED PHASE SHIFTERS (a) 41 (b) Figure 4.8: Insertion loss (a) and return loss (b) of measured rat-race coupler. Fourth port is terminated with a 50 Ω resistor. Port notation is given in Figure 4.6(b). (a) (b) Figure 4.9: Measured free-running frequency of VCO with T-junction (a) and coupler (b). Input port is terminated with a 50 Ω-load. VCO operation points: 6HP VCO with T-junction: Vbase = 1.28 V, Vdd = 1.80 V; 7WL VCO with T-junction: Vbase = 1.54 V, Vdd = 1.11 V; 6HP VCO with coupler: Vbase = 0.895 V, Vdd = 0.646 V. 4.2.5 Maximized Locking Range and Phase-Tuning Behavior Figure 4.11 shows the VCO locking lange and tuning range. When used for phase shifting, the operation point of the VCO has to be chosen such that the VCO operates within the locking range. The output frequency of the phase shifter is the reference oscillator frequency f0 (Section 2.2) and the output phase is: φphaseshifter = φ0 + ∆φ (4.1) 42 4 PHASE SHIFTER (a) (b) Figure 4.10: Oscillation frequency ffr vs. VCO collector voltage Vdd (a) and base voltage Vbase (b). VCO operation points: tuning voltage Vtune = 2.5 V, base voltage Vbase = 1.28 V (a) and collector voltage Vdd = 1.80 V (b). Figure 4.11: VCO tuning and locking range. where φphaseshifter is the phase of the phase-shifter output signal, φ0 is the constant phase of the phase-shifter and ∆φ is the phase controlled by the VCO. As shown in Figure 4.11, the locking range should not exceed the VCO free-running tuning range, because a locking range bigger than the free-running frequency tuning range would limit the phase tuning range. Additionally, a small phase-tuning sensitivity (dφ/dVtune ) should be found to increase the controllability. These requirements can be visualized by using the parameters of the VCOs: The free-running frequency tuning range can be controlled from fmin to fmax by changing the tuning voltage between 4.2 CHIP-VCO BASED PHASE SHIFTERS 43 Figure 4.12: Measurement setup for optimizing locking range and phase-tuning measurements. Vtune,max = 0 and Vtune,min = −5. If the locking range is set such that the lower and the upper boundaries correspond to the tuning voltages of Vtune,l,max = −0.5 and Vtune,l,min = −4.5, the phase-tuning sensitivity is dφ/dVtune ≈ 50 degree/V. When using a tuning-voltage source with an accuracy of 1 mV, the phase accuracy is 0.05◦ . Reducing the locking range also reduces the phase accuracy. In order to find the operation range of the phase shifters, the measurement set-up of Figure 4.12 has been used (Photographs of the measurements set-up can be found in Appendix A.3). The reference signal output power level is set such that the 15-GHz amplifier output signal is high enough for driving the mixer. Therefore, the attenuator is required for adjusting the phase shifter input power level. A 10-kHz ramp signal is used in this experiment for finding the operation range. The mixer IF signal and the ramp signal are connected to an oscilloscope. Figure 4.13 shows the ramp signal and the detector output (mixer IF) signal. The detector output signal has been measured with four settings (0◦ , 90◦ , 180◦ , 270◦ ) of the variable phase shifter. A periodic signal with a frequency equal to the ramp generator frequency can be seen within the locking range. In contrast, the signal outside the locking range is not a DC-voltage. The locking limits are clearly visible. The reference oscillator power and the VCO bias voltages have been adjusted to get a wide and symmetric locking range, respectively. Phase shifter operation ranges with a wide symmetric locking range have been found 44 4 PHASE SHIFTER Figure 4.13: Oscilloscope plot of detector (in four different operation points) and ramp signal. Operation point of 6HP VCO: Vdd = 1.80 V, Vbase = 1.28 V. Reference oscillator power level: Pin = −28 dBm. for both networks, the VCO connected to the T-junction and to the coupler. Table 4.1 shows a summary of the VCO operation ranges, with the corresponding input power and the phase-tuning range. As explained in the previous section, the coupler has been built with the design goal of a lower crosstalk between the input and output ports. Therefore, the coupler was expected of having a higher phase-tuning range. In contrast to these estimations, the measurements showed a wider phase-tuning range of the circuit with the T-junction. This is caused by the following reasons: • The optimization of the phase shifter operating range showed that the VCO connected to the T-junction requires a reference oscillator power level of only Pin = −28 dBm. Since this power level is so small, the power transmitted from the Tjunction input port to the output port is small too. Therefore, the T-junction causes no measurable reduction of the VCO phase tuning range. • The measured free-running frequency tuning curve of the VCO connected to the coupler shows that the tuning sensitivity at the lower tuning range limit is getting high (dffr /dVtune (Vtune = 0 V) ≈ 500 MHz/V). The high frequency sensitive of the free-running VCO results in a high phase sensitive of the injection-locked VCO (d∆φ/dVtune ≈ 80 degree/V). Small variations of the tuning voltage make the 4.2 CHIP-VCO BASED PHASE SHIFTERS Network / VCO Operation point 45 Input power Phase-tuning range Vdd [V] Vbase [V] Pin [dBm] ∆φmax [Degree] T-junction / 6HP 1.80 1.28 −28 210◦ Coupler / 6HP 1.90 1.10 −32 160◦ T-junction / 7WL 2.72 0.98 −34 200◦ Table 4.1: Measured phase-tuning range with T-junction and coupler. locking limits fuzzy and phase measurements close to the locking limits are instable. Due to this reason, the phase tuning range appears smaller. Since a nonlinear simulation of the system was not possible due to the lack of the VCO parameters, this experimental result demonstrates the feasibility of using the T-junction in the phase shifter. Although it has been expected that the coupler leads to a bigger phase tuning range, the experiments show that the T-junction exhibits a wider tuning range. Since the T-junction is also smaller in size, it has been used in all the following implementations. The comparison of the VCOs with 6HP and 7WL BJTs shows similar results. The VCO based on the 7WL BJT requires less power, because of the smaller free-running frequency-tuning range. The detector voltage Vdetector is proportional to the sine of the phase difference between reference and measurement signal (sin(φreference /φmeasurement )). For this reason, the detector has its highest accuracy around Vdetector = 0. To have the highest phasemeasurement accuracy, the ramp generator and the oscilloscope have been replaced by a battery and a voltmeter. After this exchange, the measurement set-up acts as a measurement bridge; the phase changes can be read from the scale of the variable phase shifter. When a battery is used for the tuning voltage, the fluctuation of the detector voltages are in the order of 1 mV or less. This is equivalent to a phase fluctuation of 0.1◦ or less. Figure 4.14 shows the measured phase shift of the T-junction based phase shifter with both VCOs. Both tuning curves exhibit the required continuous and wide scanning range. The high influence of the bias voltages on the free-running frequency has been shown in Section 4.2.4. The phase change of the injection-locked VCO can be estimated using these results. Table 4.2 shows that a collector voltage variation of Vdd ± 0.1 V leads to a phase change of ±75◦ . This phase change is equal to a frequency change of ±0.15 GHz in the free-running state. The base voltage leads to a higher frequency and phase dependence. The change of the VCO operation point changes not only the phase, but also the locking range. Thus, a bias voltage variation can move the locking range out of the VCO tuning range, which leads to a reduction of the phase tuning range. To limit the phase error caused by bias-voltage fluctuations to 2◦ , the voltages should vary less than 1 mV. 46 4 PHASE SHIFTER Figure 4.14: Measured phase-tuning curve of phase shifter with T-junction connected to 6HP VCO and 7WL VCO. Operation points: Vdd = 1.80 V, Vbase = 1.28 V, Pin = −28 dBm (6HP VCO) and Vdd = 2.72 V, Vbase = 0.98 V, Pin = −34 dBm (7WL VCO). Voltage Frequency variation Phase variation Vdd ± 0.1 V ±0.15GHz ±75◦ Vbase ± 0.1 V ∓0.4GHz ∓200◦ Table 4.2: 6HP VCO bias-voltage-to-phase sensitivity. 4.2.6 Phase Noise Since the frequency of the free-running VCO is fairly unstable, phase-locking the VCO to another oscillator is not possible. For this reason, a delay line frequency discriminator has been used for measuring the phase noise of the free-running and the injection-locked VCO. The measurement set-up (Figure 4.15) includes the HP 5500. A 50 ns delay line is selected, because this delay line provides accurate measurement results up to offset frequencies of 4 MHz [68]. The measured phase noise of the free-running VCO is shown in Figure 4.16. The phase noise is plotted for two operation points (Vdd = 1.886 V, Vbase = 1.101 V, Vtune = 0 V and Vtune = −2.9 V) to demonstrate that the change of the tuning voltage has no influence on the phase noise. As expected, the free-running VCO exhibits high phase noise. The measured reference oscillator phase noise is plotted for comparison. This 4.2 CHIP-VCO BASED PHASE SHIFTERS 47 Figure 4.15: Phase noise measurement set-up. Figure 4.16: Measured single-sideband phase noise of free-running, and injection-locked VCO. Used operation points: Vdd = 1.886 V, Vbase = 1.101 V. reference oscillator has been used for injection locking the VCO with different reference oscillator power levels. It can be seen that the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO is similar to the reference oscillator phase noise for small offset frequencies, but gets worse at higher offset frequencies. The offset frequency, from which the phase noise of 48 4 PHASE SHIFTER Parameter Value Bias voltage Vdd 1.80 V Base voltage Vbase 1.28 V Tuning voltage Vtune 15-GHz buffer amplifier bias voltage Free-running frequency ffr −5 V – 0 V 3V 14.7 GHz – 15.2 GHz Single sideband phase noise (free running) @ 10 kHz offset −45 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset −70 dBc/Hz Reference signal frequency f0 Reference signal power level f0 15 GHz −28 dBm (at phase shifter input port) Phase tuning range ∆φmax Output frequency when locked f0 210◦ 15 GHz Single sideband phase noise (injection locked) @ 10 kHz offset −88 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset −115 dBc/Hz Table 4.3: Measured parameters of chip VCO-based phase shifter. the injection-locked VCO deviates from the phase noise of the reference oscillator, is strongly dependent on the locking power, which can be seen from the measured curves. To show the dependence of the phase noise to the reference oscillator power, low reference oscillator power levels have been used for locking the VCO. The power levels, which are used when operating the circuit as phase shifter, are in the range between −28 dBm and −34 dBm. As it can be seen form the measured values, the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO is similar to the reference oscillator phase noise up to the 4.3 FEED-BACK LOOP BASED VCO USED AS PHASE SHIFTER Part Component All 15-GHz amplifiers Hittite HMC 516 VCOs Internally developed VCOs based on IBM 6HP [60] 49 and 7WL [61] technology Substrate for networks 10 mil Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 Table 4.4: Components employed in chip-VCO based phase shifter. Figure 4.17: Feed-back loop based VCO architecture. offset frequency of 1 MHz or higher for the used power levels. Table 4.3 shows the measured parameters of the phase shifter for the used operation point. Table 4.4 gives a summary of the used components. 4.3 Feed-Back Loop based VCO used as Phase Shifter 4.3.1 VCO Architecture The schematic of the feed-back loop VCO is shown in Figure 4.17. The main difference to the reference oscillator is the resonator. Instead of the reference oscillator cavity, a tunable low-Q resonator is used in the VCO. The schematic diagram shows also the input amplifier. The input is used for injecting power to the VCO. The operation of the VCO can be described using the amplitude and phase conditions as used for the reference oscillator in Chapter 3 (Equation (3.2)). The VCO free-running frequency ffr can be calculated similar as the reference oscillator frequency f0 . 50 4 PHASE SHIFTER (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 4.18: Photographs of tested resonators: Varactor diodes put in field zero of a λ/2 (a) and λ (b) resonator, one (c) and two (d) varactor diodes in λ-resonator field maxima and ring resonator (e). Resonators are realized on Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 . Tuning is enabled using M/A-COM MA46H120 varactor diodes. The required gain is provided by the amplifier and resonator. Tunability of the VCO is provided by the varactor-tunable resonator. The input and output amplifiers are used for isolating the VCO from the output port. Additionally, the amplifiers buffer the signals. The amplifier mismatch and the lines connecting the amplifiers are taken into consideration when finding the oscillator loop length to meet the oscillator phase condition. 4.3.2 VCO Resonator The resonator requirements can be derived from the oscillation conditions. An amplifier gain of Gamp = 20 dB is used for the following considerations. The resonator insertion loss has to be S21 (f = ffr ) > −Gamp at the VCO free-running frequency. The freerunning frequency is identical to the resonator frequency. The insertion loss at all other frequencies has to be S21 (f 6= ffr ) < −20 dB in order to avoid frequency jumps of the VCO. Also when tuning the resonator, parasitic resonances have to be blocked. To find a resonator which fulfills these requirements and exhibits a frequency-tuning range of about 1 GHz around the center frequency of 15 GHz, different resonator types have been simulated in Ansoft Designerr and Ansoft HFSSTM . All resonators are microstrip-based. The Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 substrate has been used because of its high dielectric constant of εr = 10.2. Testing the VCO on a substrate with similar properties as LTCC simplifies a later implementation on LTCC. In all tested resonators, 4.3 FEED-BACK LOOP BASED VCO USED AS PHASE SHIFTER Resonator Tuning range 51 Insertion loss Length / number varactors / lower freq. upper freq. S21 [dB] varactor position fl [GHz] fu [GHz] (f = fl ) (f = fu ) λ/2 / one varactor / field zero 11.6 15.1 −10 −7 (Figure 4.18(a)) (13.0) (16.6) (−3) (−3) λ / one varactor / field zero 14.5 16.1 −10 −12 (Figure 4.18(b)) (15.9) (17.4) (−4) (−7) λ / one varactor / field maxima 14.3 15.3 −14 −5 (Figure 4.18(c)) (15.1) (16.6) (−4) (−2) λ / two varactors / field maxima 13.20 13.25 −14 −12 (Figure 4.18(d)) (14.9) (16.4) (−5) (−5) Ring resonator 9.7 13.6 −22 −19 (Figure 4.18(e)) (12.5) (14.4) (−4) (−6) Table 4.5: Comparison of measured and simulated (in brackets) insertion loss and tuning range of tested microstrip-based resonator. tunability is achieved by changing the electrical length of the resonator using the M/ACOM MA46H120 varactor diode [69]. The range of the varactor diode capacitance is 0.14 pF − 1.1 pF. The varactor diodes are large (0.7 mm). For this reason, also the diodes body is influencing the resonators. Measurements allow for a realistic comparison between the different models and the architecture with highest tuning range can be chosen. Photographs of the microstrip resonators are shown in Figure 4.18. Figures 4.18(a) and 4.18(b) show varactors in the field zeros of a λ/2 and λ resonator, respectively. Figures 4.18(c) and 4.18(d) show λ resonators with 1 and 2 varactors in the field maxima. The second 2-varactor based resonator has the advantage of decoupling the varactor tuning voltage from the resonator. Figure 4.18(e) shows the implementation of a varactor-tuned ring resonator [70]. Table 4.5 shows the measured tuning range and the insertion loss at the resonance frequencies. The simulated values are given in brackets. The insertion loss is given for 52 4 PHASE SHIFTER the measurements made at the lower and upper frequency-tuning limits. The measurement of the λ/2-resonator with the varactor in the location of the field zero shows a tuning range from 11.6 GHz to 15.1 GHz. The comparison with the simulated tuning range from 13 GHz to 16.6 GHz shows that the tuning range is similar, but the tuning frequency of the measured resonator is about 1.5 GHz lower. The reason for this frequency shift is the electrical length of the varactor diode which has not been taken into account when simulating the structure. The variation of the insertion loss over the tuning range is relatively low. Although this resonator has a wide tuning range, it can not be employed due to the too low frequency. Additionally reducing the size would worsen the couplings and make bonding the varactor diodes impossible. Due to this reason, λ-resonators have been implemented. Both, the resonator with one varactor in the field zero and one varactor in the field maximum exhibit good tuning behavior. The ring resonator shows a wide tuning range. However, this resonator is too lossy to fulfill the discussed oscillation conditions. Additionally, the measured frequency band is much lower in comparison to the targeted band around 15 GHz. The losses are mainly caused by the small size, which allows only lossy couplings. Stronger couplings are not possible at the targeted size, since the used lithography process does not allow a further reduction of the gap width. Similar to the λ/2-resonator, reducing the size of the resonator is not possible due to the given size of the varactor diode. For these reasons, also this ring resonator is not suitable for the VCO. Larger ring resonators with a electrically longer ring have also been tested. These size-increased rings showed additional parasitic resonances caused by the structure. These resonators have not been tested further, since these resonances are changing the tuning behavior of the resonator and may cause frequency jumps when used in the VCO. Out of the tested λ-resonators, the λ-resonator with a varactor diode at the location of the field zero exhibits a wide frequency tuning range and a small variation of the insertion loss. For this reason, this resonator type has been chosen for the VCO realization. Figures 4.19(a) and 4.19(b) show the simulated and measured insertion loss of the λresonator with a varactor diode in the field zero. The three curves are simulated with varactor capacitances of Cvar = 1.1 pF, 0.29 pF and 0.14 pF for the voltages Vtune = 0 V, 5 V and 10 V. In this case, a frequency shift of about 1.5 GHz between the simulated and measured values is observed. 4.3.3 VCO Circuit and Free-Running Frequency As explained at the beginning of this section, the insertion loss at all frequencies f 6= ffr has to be S21 < −20 dB. Stubs are used for suppressing the resonances at 8 GHz and 4.5 GHz. The measurement in Figure 4.19(b) shows that another stub for suppressing the resonance at 19.5 GHz is necessary to avoid possible frequency jumps of the VCO. Figure 4.20 shows the photograph of the realized VCO. The dimensions of the circuit were derived on basis of the resonator measurement results. The oscillator amplifier can be seen in the center of the photograph, the resonator with the varactor diode is visible below the amplifier. Similar to the free-running frequency measurements of the chip-VCO (Chapter 4.2.4), the input port is terminated with a 50 Ω load when measuring the free-running frequency. 4.3 FEED-BACK LOOP BASED VCO USED AS PHASE SHIFTER 53 (a) (b) Figure 4.19: Simulated (a) and measured (b) insertion loss of λ-resonator with varactor diode in field zero. 54 4 PHASE SHIFTER Figure 4.20: Photograph of feed-back loop based VCO. Figure 4.21: Measured free-running frequency at the 15-GHz output port. All amplifiers are biased with a DC-voltage of 3 V. The measured tuning curve of the free-running frequency is plotted in Figure 4.21. The VCO free-running frequency range 4.3 FEED-BACK LOOP BASED VCO USED AS PHASE SHIFTER 55 Figure 4.22: Measured phase-tuning range. VCO is locked to reference oscillator at the frequency f0 = 15.90 GHz with power level Pin = −9 dBm. is from ffr = 15.4 GHz to ffr = 16.2 GHz. The oscillator amplifier gain G3V varies by ±1 dB for a bias voltage between 2.5 V and .5 V. Changing the bias voltage between 2 V and 4 V led to a frequency change of 10 MHz or less. 4.3.4 Phase-Tuning Behavior The VCO input port is used for injection locking the VCO. The output signal phase can be changed by changing the VCO varactor voltage Vtune . Similar to the findings in Section 4.2.5, an optimal operation point with a locking range slightly smaller than the VCO frequency tuning range has been found. In comparison to the chip-VCO, the operating frequency of this VCO can not be changed by adjusting the bias voltage. For this reason, the reference oscillator frequency has been adjusted in order to get a wide locking range. Figure 4.22 shows the measured phase tuning range of the injection-locked VCO. The used measurement set-up is identical to the one used for measuring the chip-VCO based phase shifter (shown in Figure 4.12 in Chapter 4.2.5). A reference signal with the frequency of 15.9 GHz and input power of −9 dBm has been used for locking the VCO. The measured phase tuning range is 200◦ . 56 4 PHASE SHIFTER Figure 4.23: Measured single-sideband phase noise power density of feed-back loop based VCO. Operation point: Vbias = 3.0 V, reference signal input power level Pin = −47 dB, Pin = −31 dB and Pin = −21 dB. 4.3.5 Phase Noise The measurement set-up used for measuring the phase noise of the feed-back loop based VCO is identical to the one used for measuring the chip-based VCO (shown in Figure 4.15 in Chapter 4.2.6). The measued single-sideband phase noise of the reference oscillator, the free-running and the injection-locked VCOs is plotted in Figure 4.23. The lowest reference power used for injection locking this VCO is Pin = −47 dBm. Also in this curve can be seen that the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO is getting much better when increasing the reference oscillator power level. A reference power level of Pin = −9 dBm has been found as an optimal operation point for phase shifting. With this power level, the phase noise of the injection-locked VCO is almost equal to the phase noise of the reference oscillator. Table 4.6 gives a summery of the measured phase shifter parameters in the used operation point and Table 4.7 shows a list of the used components. 4.4 Conclusion Two phase shifters – both based on injection-locked VCOs – have been developed, implemented and tested. A not-buffered chip-VCO is used in the first phase shifter type. Since this VCO is very sensitive to its load, input and output amplifiers have been added to the VCO. Frequency jumps of the free-running VCO and phase jumps of the injection-locked 4.4 CONCLUSION Parameter Bias voltage Tuning voltage Vtune Input and output amplifier bias voltages Free-running frequency ffr 57 Value 3V 0 V – 10 V 3V 14.7 GHz – 15.2 GHz Single sideband phase noise (free running) @ 10 kHz offset −58 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset −81 dBc/Hz Reference signal frequency f0 Reference signal power level f0 15.90 GHz −9 dBm (at phase shifter input port) Phase tuning range ∆φmax Output frequency when locked f0 210◦ 15.90 GHz Single sideband phase noise (injection locked) @ 10 kHz offset −88 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset −115 dBc/Hz Table 4.6: Measured parameters of feed-back loop based phase shifter. VCO are suppressed by these amplifiers. The chip VCOs allow adjusting their operation point by changing the bias voltages. This is used for finding an operation point with a wide locking range. Since the operation point is very sensitive to the bias voltages, a voltage source with a highly constant output voltage (±1 mV) has to be used. Another disadvantage of this phase shifter is the required unbuffered VCO. Since these VCOs are not available as standard MMICs, customer specific foundry processes are required. These processes makes the chips expensive. The second phase shifter type employs a MMIC LNA which is fed back by a tunable resonator. Two additional amplifiers are added to provide input and output buffering. 58 4 PHASE SHIFTER Part Component Input, output and oscillator amplifiers Hittite HMC 516 Varactor diode M/A-COM MA46H120 Substrate 10 mil Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 Table 4.7: Components used in feed-back loop based phase shifter. The input LNA is used for injection the reference signal, whereas the output LNA provides buffering of the VCO signal. This phase shifter is bigger than the phase shifter with the chip-VCO. The comparison between the phase noise of the free-running VCOs (Figures 4.16 and 4.23) shows that the phase noise of the feed-back loop VCO is about 10 dB lower than the phase noise of the chip-VCO. The better frequency stability allows measuring the locking state with lower reference power. This has been shown in several experiments: The lowest measured reference power used for locking the feed-back loop based VCO is Pin = −47 dBm, whereas the lowest reference power used for locking the chip-based VCO is Pin = −40 dBm. The lower phase noise indicates a higher Q-factor. Therefore, an optimal operation point requires a higher locking gain. The phase measurements have been performed using a reference power level of Pin = −28 dBm and Pin = −9 dBm for injection locking the feed-back VCO and the chip VCO, respectively. Since the VCO operation point is set such that the locking range is slightly smaller than the free-running frequency tuning range, a phase tuning range of about 200◦ has been measured with both VCO-types. The locking ranges of the VCOs depend on the reference power, also the tuning-voltageto-phase relation is highly dependent on the reference power level. To guarantee a phase accuracy of ±0.5◦ , the power variations have to be kept below ±0.1 dB after calibrating the voltage-to-phase relation. 5 Receiver Abstract — The implementation of a low-noise receiver with beamforming capability is shown in this chapter. Two different image-rejection filters are presented: A broadband microstrip filter and a narrowband SIW filter. The SIW filter utilizes the 3D-integration possibilities of LTCC. The influence of the filter on the receiver noise figure is demonstrated experimentally with a test module. This test module has also been used for testing the employed MMIC components. Two receivers are implemented on basis of the test module to demonstrate the phase-control properties of a receiver array. The measured controllable phase and noise figure are presented. 5.1 Receiver Architecture As described in the introduction, the mixer of a receiver is driven by the frequency doubled signal of one of the introduced phase shifters. Every receiver in an array has its phase shifter, but all phase shifters are injection locked by one reference oscillator. This reference oscillator acts not only as the global phase reference, but also defines the phase noise of the phase shifter output signal. Since the reference oscillator exhibits a very low phase noise, the mixer is driven with a low phase noise signal. The drawback of this concept is the loss of the mixer. Unfortunately, all 35-GHz mixers have a relative high conversion loss and thus a high noise figure. The used Hittite HMC329 mixer data sheet [72] gives a typical and maximum conversion loss of around 9 dB and 11 dB, respectively. The measured conversion loss of different mixer samples showed values closer to the maximum value. 5.2 Low-Noise Down-Converter 5.2.1 Input LNA and Lower Sideband Suppression The block diagram of the receiver is shown in Figure 5.1. The noise figure of the receiver without filter is [73, 74]: F = 1 Nin (fUSB ) · G(fUSB ) · F (fUSB ) + Nin (fLSB ) · G(fLSB ) · F (fLSB ) · . (5.1) G(fUSB ) Nin (fUSB ) Nin (fUSB ) and Nin (fLSB ) are the input noise power in the upper and lower side bands, respectively. G(fUSB,LSB ) = Gamp (fUSB,LSB )/Lmx (fUSB,LSB ) and F (fUSB,LSB ) = Famp (fUSB,LSB ) + Fmx (fUSB,LSB )/Gamp (fUSB,LSB ) are the receiver gain and noise figure in one side band. 59 60 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.1: Block diagram of receiver input. The specifications for the filter can be derived from Equation (5.1): The insertion loss in the upper side band should be as small as possible, and the insertion loss in the lower side band should be bigger than the receiver gain. For this reason, a filter with an insertion loss of < 2.5 dB in the upper side band and > 30 dB in the lower side band is targeted. Therefore, Equation (5.1) can be simplified to: F = 1 Nin (fUSB ) · G(fUSB ) · F (fUSB ) + Nin (fLSB ) · ≈ F (fUSB ). G(fUSB ) Nin (fUSB ) (5.2) The data sheet values used for calculating the receiver gain and noise figure are summarized in Table 5.1. Measurements of the mixer showed that the losses of the mixer are close to the maximum value given in the data sheet. The measured values of the LNA are close to the given typical values. For this reason, the typical values given in the LNA data sheet and the maximum values given in the mixer data sheet have been used in the following considerations. The mixer noise figure is assumed to be identical to the mixer loss. The calculated gain and noise figure of the receiver are G = 5 dB and F = 2.8 dB. For comparison, the noise figure without filter would be F = 9.2 dB. The receiver gain of only G = 5 dB is sufficient, since the receiver will be connected to an antenna module which includes the antenna and an additional LNA. The gain and noise figure of a system consisting of the receiver and an additional LNA will be G = 24 dB and F = 2.2 dB. 5.2.2 Filter Concepts Beside blocking the lower side band and having a low insertion loss in in the frequency range of the upper sideband, there are no further requirements to the filter for minimizing the receiver noise figure. However, due to the frequency dependence of the antenna array 5.3 FILTER SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION METHOD Component LNA Mixer Filter Attribute 61 Value @ Value @ 35 GHz 25 GHz Hittite Gamp [dB] (typical value)∗ 19 24 HMC263 [75] Famp [dB] (typical value)∗ 2.1 2.5 Famp [dB] (maximum value) 2.6 3.3 Hittite Lmx [dB] (typical value) 8.6 9 HMC329 [72] Lmx [dB] (maximum value)∗ 11.5 11.5 Lfilter [dB]∗ 2.5 > 30 Table 5.1: Gain, loss and noise figure (data sheet values) of LNA, mixer and filter. Values used for noise-figure calculation are marked (∗ ). factor, the bandwidth of the received signal should be limited further. As a trade-off between high thermal resolution (requires a high bandwidth), and high spacial resolution of the electronic beamforming network (requires small bandwidth), a bandwidth of around 3 GHz has been chosen. Two different approaches are possible for implementing the low-loss receiver and limiting the band: The first approach uses a narrowband RF filter (Figure 5.2(a)), whereas the second approach uses a broadband RF filter and an additional IF filter (Figure 5.2(b)). The approach with the narrowband filter requires a more complex filter which might have a higher insertion loss compared to a broadband filter. On the other hand side, the approach with the broadband RF filter requires the implementation of two different filters. Both approaches are addressed in this work: A microstrip-based filter with 3 resonators has been developed and tested (Section 5.4). This filter is used for measuring the low receiver noise figure (Section 5.6). The microstrip-based receiver implementation (Section 5.7) includes also this filter. The receiver is designed such that it can easily be realized on LTCC-technology. Since LTCC allows for a more advanced filter design, a substrate-integrated-waveguide (SIW) filter has been designed and tested (Section 5.5). 5.3 Filter Simulation and Optimization Method The filters are modeled as shunt-inductance-coupled filters [82] (also called inductanceiris-coupled waveguide filters [83]). The cross section in Figure 5.3 shows the iris coupled resonator filter. The dimensions of the waveguide (width and height) are constant through the filter and define the waveguide impedance Z0 . Irises, which are inserted 62 5 RECEIVER (a) (b) Figure 5.2: Schematics of receivers with narrowband filter (a) and broadband filter with additional IF-filtering (b). Figure 5.3: Cross section of Shunt-inductance-coupled waveguide filter showing electrical length of resonators (φ) and normalized inductance of irises (x). into the waveguide, separate the resonators. The irises are modeled by their inductances, which are used in the normalized form. The normalized inductance between the xth and (x + 1)st can be expressed by the inductance and the waveguide impedance: xk,k+1 = Xk,k+1 /Z0 . The electrical length of the k th resonator is then [82]: 1 φk = 180◦ − [arctan(2 · xk−1,k ) + arctan(2 · xk,k+1 )] 2 (5.3) 5.4 BROADBAND MICROSTRIP FILTER 63 Figure 5.4: Cross section of microstrip filter and amplifiers. This equation shows that the resonator length is only dependent on the length of a reference resonator at the filter resonance frequency and the two irises which are limiting the resonator. In order to make use of commercial field solvers, the normalized inductances can also be used to express the insertion loss of every iris. The S-parameter between the k th and (k + 1)st resonator can be written as: s 4 · xk,k+1 Sk,k+1 = (5.4) 1 + 4 · xk,k+1 Since these parameters show that the irises are independent from each other, they can be simulated and optimized independently. Furthermore, it has been shown that also the resonators are only dependent on the two adjacent irises. Therefore, also the resonators can be optimized independently when knowing the parameters of the irises. This way, optimization time can be shortened due to the much lower complexity of the optimization models. The calculation of the resonator insertion loss is done on basis of a shunt-inductancecoupled filter. The derived insertion loss provides a technology-independent way of describing a coupling. Therefore, every filter topology can be optimized with this method. 5.4 Broadband Microstrip Filter 5.4.1 Filter Topology The filter is realized with parallel coupled microstrip resonators on a Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 substrate. This substrate is identical to the substrate used for connecting the active components (e.g. for the T-junction in the phase shifters as shown in Chapter 4). Therefore, integrating the filter into the receiver is simplified since only one substrate type is required. The embedding of the filter into the receiver is shown in Figure 5.4. The substrate is adhesively bonded to a metal block. This metal block is part of the housing and acts also as heat sink for the active components. MMICs are placed in substrate holes. The holes are milled into the substrate and the metal block. The depth of the cavities is chosen such that the top of the MMIC is on the same height as the metallization of the substrate. Wire bonds are used for connecting the microstrip lines with the MMICs. 64 5 RECEIVER Tschebychev parameters Insertion loss [dB] T (0) = 0.306570 S1,0 = −1.092027 T (1) = 0.853467 S2,1 = −4.817070 T (2) = 1.103879 S3,2 = −4.817070 T (3) = 0.853467 S4,3 = −1.092027 T (4) = 0.306570 Table 5.2: Derived Chebyshev parameters and resonator insertion losses for 35-GHz microstrip filter. (a) (b) Figure 5.5: Sketch of geometries used for optimizing insertion loss (a) and length of resonators (b). 5.4.2 Simulation and Optimization The Chebyshev parameters have been calculated for a 3-resonator 3-GHz bandpass filter [84]. The insertion loss of the couplings is derived (Table 5.2). In a next step, Ansoft HFSSTM simulation models are set up to simulate the couplings and the resonators. Figure 5.5(a) shows the geometries used for optimizing the couplings, and Figure 5.5(b) shows the geometries used for optimizing the resonator lengths. In a next step, the filter has been simulated as a whole. Due to the previous optimization, the result is already very close to the optimum. An optimization which includes all parameters has been performed to improve the filter result additionally. In this simulation, small variations only of the parameters were allowed. The simulated insertion loss and return loss are plotted in Figure 5.7 by the dashed and solid lines, respectively. 5.4 BROADBAND MICROSTRIP FILTER 65 (a) (b) Figure 5.6: Geometry (a) and photograph (b) of 35-GHz microstrip-based filter. 5.4.3 Realization and Measurement The filter outline and a photograph of the realized filter are shown in Figures 5.6(a) and 5.6(b). The measured insertion loss and return loss of the filter are plotted in Figure 5.7. Measured and simulated parameters show a good agreement. The measured insertion loss in the passband is around 0.5 dB higher than in the simulation. The two peaks which can be seen in the measured return loss within the passband are caused by detuned resonators. The reason for it can be found in manufacturing tolerances. The tolerances of etched metal lines with a width of around 50 µm and a thickness of 17 µm are in the range of 10%. When comparing the measured filter with the expected values for the return loss in the LSB and USB, then it is apparent that the measured filter parameters fulfill the requirements: the lower sideband is suppressed by > 30 dB, whereas the insertion loss in the upper side band exhibits a value of about 3 dB. The measured insertion loss of 3 dB is slightly higher as the targeted 2.5 dB. This higher insertion loss will lead to an increase of the noise figure of 0.04 dB or less. 66 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.7: Simulated and measured insertion loss (solid lines) and return loss (dashed lines). 5.5 Narrowband SIW Filter in LTCC 5.5.1 Filter Topology Substrate-integrated waveguides (SIWs) [85] have been used for building compact waveguide structures. In this technology, structures similar to waveguides are realized in planar technologies. Commonly, the lower and upper side walls are metallizations, and the vertical boundaries are via fences. This leads to a much smaller size in comparison to traditional waveguide structures, and to lower losses than microstrip or stripline structures. Examples of SIW devices are a 180◦ 3-dB directional coupler at Ka -band frequencies [86], waveguide-to-microstrip transitions at 6 GHz [87], and antennas at frequencies up to 10 GHz [88, 89]. Also SIW-filter for frequencies around 10 GHz [90, 91] have been demonstrated. LTCC-implementations of 10-GHz filters [92] have also been demonstrated. The implementation of a SIW-based filter has not only the advantage of low loss, but the SIW-filter together with the active elements on one LTCC module leads to a very high packaging density. This is shown in the drawing in Figure 5.8: The amplifiers are placed in cavities. Thermal vias between the amplifier bottom and the bottom of the LTCC module act as heat sink. The SIW-filter (dark gray block in Figure 5.8) is placed underneath the microstrip lines. The drawing in Figure 5.9(a) shows a cross section of the microstrip-to-SIW transition. The SIW is placed in the lower two layers (layer 1 and layer 2). The metallization below layer 1 and above layer 2 as well as the SIW wall vias are the waveguide walls. The 3D- 5.5 NARROWBAND SIW FILTER IN LTCC 67 Figure 5.8: Cross section of LTCC module with integrated narrowband SIW filter. drawing of the first resonator in Figure 5.9(b) shows that the SIW wall vias are placed in two rows to provide a good isolation. The catch pad between layer 1 and layer 2 (catch pad of the wall vias) is realized as a big metalization, as shown in the cross section in Figure 5.9(c). The microstrip-to-SIW transition is realized by a via, as shown in the vertical cross section in Figure 5.9(a). It is connected to the microstrip line on top of layer 3, to the catch pad between layers 2 and 3, and to the coupling pad between layers 1 and 2. As visible in Figure 5.9(b), this microstrip-to-SIW transition is the first coupling of the shunt-inductance-coupled filter. This way, the first coupling can be adjusted by changing the length of the microstrip stub lstub , as shown in Figure 5.9(c). Since the layer transition is part of the filter, the filter size and losses are reduced. All the other couplings are irises, which are realized by rows of vias. The insertion loss of the couplings is determined by the openings between those rows of vias (d1 and d2 ). The lengths of the resonators are marked with l1 , l2 and l3 in Figure 5.9(c). 5.5.2 Simulation and Optimization The simulation and optimization processes are similar to the processes used for optimizing the microstrip filter. Table 5.3 gives an overview of the filter parameters. The couplings have been optimized such that their insertion loss is equal to the insertion loss derived from the filter parameters (Table 5.3). Figures 5.10(a) and 5.10(b) show structures of the simulation geometries used for optimizing the inner couplings (irises) and the first coupling (microstrip-to-SIW transition). The iris openings d1 and d2 are used as variables for optimizing the insertion loss of the inner couplings, and the length of the microstrip stub is used as variable for optimizing the insertion loss of the first coupling. The geometries shown in Figures 5.10(c) and 5.10(d) are used for optimizing the resonator lengths. Also here, two different models are required because of the different first coupling. The length l2 and l3 are found by optimizing the structure shown in Figure 5.10(c), whereas the length l1 is found by optimizing the structure shown in Figure 5.10(d). In a final step, the complete filter has been simulated. An optimization, in which small variations only of the six parameters were allowed, has been performed to improve 68 5 RECEIVER (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.9: Vertical cross section of LTCC module (a), 3D-drawing of first filter resonator (b) and horizontal cross section of realized SIW filter (c). the filter parameters further. The simulated insertion loss and return loss are plotted in Figure 5.11 with the solid and dashed lines, respectively. Since the foundry allowed only manufacturing with the Heraeus HeraLockr HL2000 tape [93], the nominal values of the tape for the dielectric constant and the loss-tangent (εr = 7.3, tan δ = 0.0026) have been used for all simulations. The advantage of the Heraeus HeraLockr HL2000 tape is the zero-shrinkage. Therefore, the filter can be realized with very low tolerances. The data sheet specifies the loss-tangent at a frequency of 2.5 GHz. A much higher loss-tangent can be expected at the frequency of 35 GHz. Since neither the tape data sheet nor the foundry give an estimate about the loss-tangent at the targeted frequency, simulations with different loss-tangent have been performed. The results of these simulations are also plotted in Figure 5.11. The solid and dashed lines represent the insertion loss and return loss, 5.5 NARROWBAND SIW FILTER IN LTCC (a) (c) 69 (b) (d) Figure 5.10: Geometries of simulation models used for optimizing insertion loss of irises (a,b) and length of resonators (c,d). Tschebychev parameters Insertion loss [dB] T (0) = 0.136591 S1,0 = −3.648076 T (1) = 0.973228 S2,1 = −12.648025 T (2) = 1.372278 S3,2 = −15.271038 T (3) = 1.803190 S4,3 = −15.271038 T (4) = 1.372278 S5,4 = −12.648025 T (5) = 0.973228 S6,5 = −3.648076 T (6) = 0.136591 Table 5.3: Derived Chebyshev parameters and resonator insertion losses for 35-GHz SIW filter. 70 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.11: Simulated filter insertion loss (solid lines) and return loss (dashed lines). Simulation performed with different tape tan δ (indicated by different colors). Parameter Dimension Parameter Dimension d1 1.041 mm l1 1.946 mm d2 0.863 mm l2 1.778 mm lstub 1.833 mm l3 1.821 mm dvia 120 µm dvia−via 300 µm Table 5.4: Dimensions of manufactured filter. respectively. 5.5.3 Prototype and Measurements The dimensions of the manufactured filter are given in Table 5.4. The symbols for lengths and openings are given in Figure 5.9(c), dvia is the diameter of the vias and dvia−via is the distance between two vias. The filter has been manufactured with 3.6 mil thick Heraeus HeraLockr HL2000 tapes. Since a minimum of 4 layers was required by the foundry, an additional layer has been added at the bottom of the LTCC module. Gold ink is used only at the top, whereas the inner layers are realized with silver ink. This 5.5 NARROWBAND SIW FILTER IN LTCC 71 Figure 5.12: Photograph (top-view) of manufactured SIW filter. mixed system has several advantages: Wire bonding is simplified by the much harder gold on the top and the much lower resistivity of the inner layers used silver improves the filter properties (The gold ink has a resistivity of < 10 mΩ/, and the silver ink has a resistivity of ≤ 3 mΩ/). Additionally, the filter with mixed metallization is only half the price of the pure gold realization. Figure 5.12 shows a photograph of the realization. The microstrip lines can be seen on the right and left side of the substrate. The SIW wall vias are carried to the top of the module to indicate the filter size and location. The length of the filter is about 9.2 mm. Microstrip resonators have been printed at the top layer of the LTCC-module in addition to the filter. The resonators are used for determining the tape loss tangent: Measurements with resonator frequencies between 30 GHz and 35 GHz reveal a loss-tangent in the range between tan δ = 0.01 and tan δ = 0.015. The dielectric constant is in the range εr = 7.3 ± 0.1, which is corresponds to the nominal value. The measured filter insertion loss and return loss are plotted in Figure 5.13 by the solid and dashed lines, respectively. For comparison, the simulated results with a tape loss tangent of tan δ = 0.015 are plotted too. The simulated and measured bandwidth are similar, but the frequency range of the measured filter is about 1 GHz lower than the simulated filter. A small shrinkage (≤ 5%) in the manufacturing process and tolerances of via positions (≤ 50µm) are the reason for this frequency shift. Since the measured change of the dielectric constant is very small, it is very unlikely that the frequency change is caused by a variation of the dielectric constant. The nominal resistivity of the silver ink has been taken into account when simulating the filter. This nominal value of 3 mΩ/ is around 2.5 times higher than the resistivity of pure silver. Thus, losses caused by the increased resistivity of the metallizations are taken into account when simulating the filter in Ansoft HFSSTM . The main reason for the higher losses can be found in the increased loss-tangent. The measured insertion loss of about S21 = −8 dB is in good agreement with the simulated value when using the loss-tangent found in the previous measurement (tan δ = 0.015). The insertion loss of around S21 = −8 dB is much worse than specified for the receiver (S21 = −2.5 dB). Using this SIW filter in the receiver leads to a degradation of the noise 72 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.13: Filter measured and simulated insertion (dashed lines) and return (solid lines) loss. figure of 1 dB, when taking both LNAs (the LNA next to the antenna and the LNA at the receiver input) into account. The noise figure of the receiver with 1 LNA only would be much worse (around 8 dB), since the gain of the LNA is lower than the losses of the mixer and filter. An alternative solution would be the fabrication of the SIW filter on a low-loss LTCCtape. For example the DuPont 943 Low Loss Green TapeTM tape [94] has a loss-tangent of tan δ = 0.002 at 35 GHz. The previously shown simulations show that this losstangent would lead to the much better insertion loss of S21 = −4 dB. A insertion loss of S21 = −4 dB instead of S21 = −2.5 dB leads to a degradation of the noise figure of 0.3 dB. However, the disadvantage of this tape is the higher tolerances in the firing process. The results show further that the filter suppresses not only the lower sideband of the receiver (S21 (25 GHz << −40 dB), but also limits the band to the targeted 3 GHz. 5.6 Noise Figure 5.6.1 Testing Device A module including the 35-GHz input LNA, the mixer, and the frequency doubler has been manufactured. In order to demonstrate the noise figure enhancement caused by the 35-GHz filter, the module has been manufactured in two different versions: The first version without filter and the other one with the 35-GHz microstrip filter. This module connected to one of the phase shifters shown in Chapter 4 represents one receiver of the 5.6 NOISE FIGURE 73 Figure 5.14: Photograph of test structure enclosure. targeted receiver array. The photograph in Figure 5.14 shows the module without filter in its measurement fixture. The mixer, frequency doubler and 35-GHz LNA are marked. The LO and RF ports are realized by 2.92-mm coaxial connectors, all other connectors are from the SMA type. Figures 5.15(a) and 5.15(b) show photographs of the modules without and with filter. In both realizations, the Hittite HMC 263 [75] is used as 35-GHz LNA, the Hittie HMC 329 [72] as mixer, and the Hittite HMC 449 [95] as frequency doubler. The module is realized on a 10 mil thick Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 substrate. 5.6.2 Measurements For measuring the noise figure, the mixer is driven by the chip-based injection locked phase shifter. The HP 8970B Noise Figure Meter [96] has been connected to the LO port, and the noise source has been connected to the RF port. An isolator has been added between ENR and RF port. The dash-dotted and dashed graphs in Figure 5.16 show the measured noise figure of the receiver without and with filter. The noise figure has been measured for RFfrequencies between 34 GHz and 36 GHz. The measured noise figure of the module without filter is around 9 dB. This corresponds very well with the value calculated in Section 5.2. The measured noise figure with filter is – as expected – much lower in comparison to the structure without filter. However, the value of 5 dB is higher than the expected value of 2.8 dB. Due to this higher noise figure, additional experiments have been carried out. The radiation of a microstrip line on a substrate with high dielectric constant is relatively high. For this reason, also the losses and the noise figure are increased by the radiation. To reduce the losses, the microstrip lines have been shielded using a copper foil. Figure 5.15(c) shows a photograph of the shielding structures. The solid line in Figure 5.16 shows the measured noise figure of the module with copper foil. The noise figure improves by 2 dB. 74 5 RECEIVER (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.15: Photograph of receiver input without (a) and with (b) filter. Shielding of structure is tested by adding copper-foil tunnel (c). Table 5.5 gives a summary of the predicted and measured noise figures. It can be seen that the derived and measured values match very well. The finally measured noise figure is around 3 dB. 5.7 PROTOTYPE OF RECEIVER WITH BEAMFORMING CAPABILITY 75 Figure 5.16: Measured noise figure of receiver. Measurement set-up F [dB] predicted F [dB] measured LNA / Mixer 9.2 9 LNA / Filter / Mixer 2.8 5 LNA / Filter / Mixer / Shielding 2.8 3 Table 5.5: Comparison between calculated and measured noise figure. 5.7 Prototype of Receiver with Beamforming Capability 5.7.1 System Layout To test the receiver and its beamforming capability, two identical receivers have been manufactured. A schematic is shown in Figure 5.17. One 15-GHz reference oscillator is used for injection locking the VCOs in both receivers. The reference oscillator signal is divided by a power splitter and used for injection locking the VCOs in the phase shifters. The chip-VCO based phase shifters with the 6HP VCOs are used in this implementation. The phase shifters are marked by the dash-dotted rectangles in the schematic. As explained earlier, the phase shifters output signals are used for driving the mixers. The implementation has been designed such that every receiver pair (dashed rectangle in Figure 5.17) is only 10 mm wide. This narrow implementation allows realizing an array 76 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.17: Schematic of realized receivers. Two receivers are placed on realized module (dashed rectangular). Realized receiver modules include phase shifters (dash-dotted rectangular), but not reference oscillator. by placing several of those implementations next to each other. A receiver-to-receiver distance of only 5 mm simplifies connecting the antenna array. The microstrip lines are realized on a Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 substrate. The bottom of the substrate is adhesively bonded to a metallic block. Mounting holes for placing MMICs are milled into the substrate. Furthermore, also empty surfaces on the substrate are milled out. Figure 5.18 shows the substrate before placing the MMICs and Figure 5.19 shows a photograph of the module including all active components. The input and output ports at the respective top and bottom of the photograph are realized by using compact HUBER + SUHNERr MMPX connectors [97]. These connectors, which provide excellent properties up to 60 GHz, are also important for the size-reduction, since other connector types (such as 2.92-mm coaxial connectors) would required much more space. Employing the MMPX connectors reduces not only the size of the receiver array, but makes the use of the system also flexible. Antennas can easily be changed and also the number of parallel receivers can be adjusted. Flip chip attenuators can be added at the in Figure 5.19 marked position. Barry industry attenuators [98] have been tested for this purpose. Measurements showed that the attenuators have reasonable properties up to 20 GHz, although the data sheet specifies a 5.7 PROTOTYPE OF RECEIVER WITH BEAMFORMING CAPABILITY (a) 77 (b) (c) Figure 5.18: Photograph of implementation before placing connectors (a), phase shifters components (b) and mixer (c). maximal frequency of 4 GHz. Attenuators with different nominal values between 0.5 dB and 20 dB allow adjusting the reference signal power level for every VCO. Thus, differences between VCO samples can be compensated and the locking range and phase-tuning range of every receiver can be optimized independently. The DC lines, required for biasing and controlling the active components, are placed in cavities within the metallic block below the substrate. The wires can be seen on the top of the photograph in Figure 5.19. The shown feedthroughs are used for connecting the wires in the metallic block with the upper side of the substrate. The tops of the feedthroughs are wire bonded to lines on the substrate, which are connected to the MMIC bias ports. Chip-capacitors are placed next to all MMICs. On the other end, the 78 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.19: Photograph of two-receiver module. 5.7 PROTOTYPE OF RECEIVER WITH BEAMFORMING CAPABILITY (a) 79 (b) (c) Figure 5.20: Photograph (side-view) of open (a) and closed (b) two-receiver module and photograph of top cap (c). wires are connected to coaxial cables. The transition from the wire to coaxial cable is made at the point where all wires exit the metallic block. Thus, also the DC-lines are shielded over their full length. Figure 5.20(a) shows the side view of the module. It can be seen that the metallic block is thick enough to not only provide housing for the DC-wires, but also allow good dissipation of the heat caused by the MMICs. Figure 5.20(b) shows the side view of the module with the top cap. The cap is attached to the metallic block in the substrate cavities and fixed with screws. The photograph of the top cap in Figure 5.20(c) shows the interface required to attach the cap in the substrate cavities. Figure 5.20(b) shows further that the vertical MMPX connector is placed in a hole of the top cap. 5.7.2 Receiver Tests In order to prove the functionality of the used VCO, the free-running frequency is measured. Since the VCO is not accessible, a 35-GHz single-tone signal is used as input 80 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.21: Measured output frequency of receiver with not injection locked VCO. VCO operation point is Vdd = 1.77 V and Vbase = 1.36 V frequency. The measured output frequency is fIF = 35 GHz − 2 · ffr (Vtune ). The measured output frequency is plotted in Figure 5.21. The graph shows that the tuning behavior is continuous. The tuning behavior has been measured while increasing and degreasing the tuning voltage to identify a possible hysteresis. In this measurement, both curves are identical (plotted as solid and dash-dotted lines). The used operation point (Vdd = 1.77 V, Vbase = 1.36 V) is similar to the operation point used for phase tuning later in this section. Since every phase shifter differs slightly from the others, it is not possible to use the operation points defined in Chapter 4. The differences in the behavior are caused by manufacturing tolerances of the T-junction and the bond wires, but also by the variation of the LNA and VCO properties. For this reason, an optimal operation point for every phase shifter has to be found. This process is similar to the one in Section 4.2.5. Also here, the VCO free-running frequency range and the locking gain can be adjusted by changing the VCO bias voltages and the reference oscillator power level, respectively. As described in the previous section, attenuation pads can be placed in every channel to allow adjusting the reference power level for every receiver independently. This attenuators are required when using several modules in an array to adjust the different required power levels. The chip attenuators are not used in the following experiments, since only one module with two receivers has been manufactured. The power level of the reference signal in the measured receiver has been adjusted externally. The down converter used for the reference signal – which is required for measuring the phase by using a mixer – has to have the same properties as the measured receiver. Therefore, both receivers on the manufactured module are required. The first receiver will be the measurement target, whereas the second acts as a reference receiver. Figure 5.22 shows the schematic of the measurement set-up (Photographs of the set-up can be found in Appendix A.4). All LNAs and frequency doubler have been biased with 3 V and 5 V battery voltage. The phase shifters in both receivers are injection locked using the 15-GHz reference oscillator. Since the phase detector requires a LO and RF signal with equal frequency, a 35- 5.7 PROTOTYPE OF RECEIVER WITH BEAMFORMING CAPABILITY 81 Figure 5.22: Schematic of measurement set-up used for measuring phase tuning behavior of receiver. GHz single-tone signal is used as receiver input signal. The 35-GHz signal is split by using a 10-dB coupler. The attenuated output is connected to a 35-GHz LNA and to attenuators. The attenuators are set such that the input power levels of both receivers are equal. The output ports of both receivers are connected to the phase detector: The measured receiver (receiver 1) to the RF port of the phase detector and the reference receiver (receiver 2) to the LO port of the phase detector. A 5-GHz variable phase shifter is added between reference receiver output and phase detector LO port. This phase shifter is later used for calibrating the measurement set-up. The tuning voltage port of the reference receiver VCO can be set to an arbitrary value within the locking range. For the following measurement a tuning voltage of Vtune2 = −2.19 V has been applied. This voltage is in the center of the locking range and, thus, ensures that the VCO in the reference receiver is injection locked during the whole measurement. The exact operation point is not of interest, since the variable phase shifter is used for calibrating. However, when taking more than one receiver into operation, the operation point of the reference receiver has to be same when measuring the different receivers. The tuning voltage port of the measured receiver VCO is connected to a ramp 82 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.23: Phase detector voltages in four operation points and ramp generator output voltage. VCO operation point is Vd = 1.79 V and Vbase = 1.36 V. generator. A 10-Hz ramp signal has been chosen for the experiment. The phase detector output port is connected to an oscilloscope. Similar to Section 4.2.5, the measurement set-up is used for finding an operation point with a wide locking range. An optimal operation point has been found by setting the VCO operation point to Vdd = 1.79 V and Vbase = 1.36 V and applying a reference oscillator power of −15 dBm. The power level has been adjusted by LNAs and attenuators and is measured at the attenuator output (marked with a * in Figure 5.22). The oscilloscope signal in Figure 5.23 has been taken in the optimal operation point for four settings of the variable phase shifter. Based on this plot, the phase tuning range can be estimated: The distance between two zeros or two maxima represents an 180◦ phase shift. Since the phase detector output voltage exhibits two zeros within the locking range, the estimated phase tuning range is larger than 360◦ . The ramp signal is also plotted in Figure 5.23. It can be seen that this ramp signal is noisy. This noisy signal is also the reason for the noisy output voltage of the phase detector. 5.7.3 Measured Phase Shift Since the phase detector has its highest sensitivity for output voltages around Vdetector ≈ 0 V, the phase measurement has been performed in this detector operation point. The 5.7 PROTOTYPE OF RECEIVER WITH BEAMFORMING CAPABILITY 83 Figure 5.24: Receiver phase shift vs. VCO tuning voltage. VCO bias: Vdd = 1.79 V and Vbase = 1.36 V. ramp generator has been exchanged by a battery with potentiometer and the oscilloscope has been replaced by a voltmeter. The changed devices are labeled in brackets (Figure 5.22). Figure 5.24 shows the measured phase tuning behavior. A continuous phase tuning range of > 360◦ can be observed. The comparisons with the derived tuning ranges (Chapter 2.2) and the measured phase tuning range of the phase shifters (Chapter 4) show a good agreement. In both cases, a tuning range of > 180◦ has been shown. This range is doubled in the receiver by the frequency doubler. The variation of the detector voltage while keeping the tuning voltage constant is in the range of 1 mV. This detector voltage variation is equal to a phase variation of 0.1◦ or less. However, this accuracy can only be achieved with highly constant tuning and bias voltages. As shown in Section 4.2.5, the bias voltages must not vary more than 1 mV to achieve a phase accuracy of ±2◦ . 5.7.4 Noise Figure Measurement The measurement of the receiver noise figure is performed similarly to the measurements of the module in Section 5.6. The ENR has been connected to the 35-GHz input port. An isolator has been added between ENR and input port connectors. The 5-GHz output port is connected with the Agilent N8975A NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer [99]. The noise figure analyzer is calibrated with 2.92-mm coaxial connectors. Since no MMPXthrough connecters were available, the K-to-MMPX adapters are not taken into account when calibrating the measurement set-up. In the measurement set-up, the receiver is 84 5 RECEIVER Figure 5.25: Measured receiver noise figure without (dash-dotted and dashed lines) and with (solid line) additional amplifier. biased by batteries. The reference oscillator is used for injection locking the VCO. The phase shifters are in the injection locked state. Figure 5.25 shows the measured noise figure values vs. the input frequency. The dash-dotted line represents the measured noise figure of the receiver. The value around 4 dB is higher as the value around 3 dB measured with the testing devise in Section 5.6. As mentioned before, the K-to-MMPX adapters were not calibrated out. Therefore the measured noise figure can be corrected by the losses of the adaptor used for connecting the input port. The measured loss of this adapter are about 0.8 dB. The dashed line in Figure 5.25 shows the corrected noise figure. The noise figure value of around 3.2 dB is still higher as the noise figure of the module, due to additional losses caused by the MMPX connectors on the receiver and the longer line between the connector and the 35-GHz LNA. The reason for using the MMPX connectors is the simplified connectivity to an antenna array. Figure 5.26 shows photographs of an antenna array developed for the receiver array. The MMPX connectors can be seen on the photographs of the front and the back side of the antenna array. The distance between two connectors is 5 mm. The front side photograph shows the microstrip line on a Rogers RT/duroidr . The antenna is realized on a Al2 O3 substrate, which has significant lower losses than the Rogers RT/duroidr . The Vivaldi antennas on the back side are coupled with microstrip lines to the front side. A metallic plate is bonded to the back side of the Rogers RT/duroidr substrate to simplify the assembly of the LNAs. The additional LNAs are placed close to the antennas. This LNA compensates the losses of the transmission lines and connectors used for connecting the antennas with the receiver. 5.7 PROTOTYPE OF RECEIVER WITH BEAMFORMING CAPABILITY (a) 85 (b) Figure 5.26: Front (a) and back (b) sides of vivaldi antenna array. LNAs are placed next to the antennas. Antenna module includes MMPX connectors for simplifying connections with receiver array. Figure 5.27: Measured receiver gain without (solid line) and with (dash-dotted line) additional amplifier. 86 5 RECEIVER Part Component Amplifiers - 35-GHz input LNA Hittite HMC 263 - 15-GHz buffer LNAs (phase shifter) Hittite HMC 516 - 5-GHz LNA @ receiver output Hittite HMC 392 Frequency doubler Hittite HMC 449 Mixer Hittite HMC 329 Attenuation pads Barry Industries nn dB AV0405CB-nn00JN-90 Connectors HUBER + SUHNERr - horizontal 92 MMPX-S50-0-1/111 NM - vertical 82 MMPX-S50-0-1/111 NM Substrate Rogers RT/duroidr 6010 Table 5.6: Components used in Receiver. In order to provide noise figure measurements including the additional LNA as well as the lines and connectors between the LNA and the receiver, the noise figure has been measured with an additional LNA. The measured noise figure is plotted with the solid line (Figure 5.25). The measured noise figure of about 2.5 dB is not significantly higher than the value of 2.2 dB predicted in Section 5.2. The receiver with and without additional LNA has also been used for measuring the receiver gain. The receiver is operated in the same operation point as for the noise figure measurements. The solid and the dash-dotted curves in Figure 5.27 show the measured gain of the receiver without and with additional amplifier, respectively. The gain without additional amplifier is about 3 dB. Due to the in comparison to the test device high losses, the gain is also lower as the value of 5 dB measured with the test device. Also here, the gain is sufficient due to the usage of the additional LNA. The gain with the additional LNA is around 21 dB. Table 5.6 gives a list of the components used in the receiver. A summery table of the receiver properties can be found in Table 5.7. 5.7 PROTOTYPE OF RECEIVER WITH BEAMFORMING CAPABILITY Parameter Value VCO - bias voltage Vdd 1.79 V - base voltage Vbase 1.36 V LNAs bias voltages 3V Frequency doubler bias voltage 5V Input frequency range Output frequency range Reference oscillator frequency f0 Gain 32 − 38 GHz 2 − 8 GHz 15 GHz 3 dB Noise figure - w/o additional LNA 3 dB - w/ additional LNA 2.5 dB Suppression - input frequency fin (35 GHz) > 55 dB - reference oscillator f0 (15 GHz) > 25 dB - LO frequency 2 · f0 (30 GHz) > 30 dB - 1st harmonic 2 · fout (10 GHz) > 30 dB Phase tuning range 400◦ Table 5.7: Measured receiver parameters. 87 88 5 RECEIVER 5.8 Conclusion The implementation of a receiver with a measured noise figure of only 3 dB has been demonstrated. The receiver has been designed such that it is only 5 mm wide. This allows building a receiver array with a receiver-to-receiver distance similar to the distance between two antennas in an antenna array. The mixer is driven by the frequency doubled signal of the phase shifter introduced in Chapter 4. In comparison to the phase tuning range measured in Chapter 4, the tuning range is doubled due to the employed frequency doubler: A phase tuning range of 400◦ has been measured in the found operation point. A stability of the phase in the range of ±0.5◦ has been measured when using batteries for biasing the VCO. It has been shown that the used VCO is highly sensitive to changes of the bias voltages. Variations of the bias voltages in the range of ±1 mV lead to phase variations in the range of a few degrees. This high sensitivity makes an implementation of this phase type into a commercial product impossible. Using a different oscillator with lower pushing might solve this issue. The receiver design has been made such that it can be transferred to a LTCC implementation. The used microstrip filter can be replaced by the demonstrated SIW filter. The design of such an LTCC-based receiver has been finished. However, it has not been manufactured due to organizational issues of the foundry. The submitted design is shown in Appendix B to give an idea how the shown receiver could look like when implemented on LTCC. 6 Conclusion 6.1 Discussion The implementation of 35-GHz receivers for radiometry has been discussed in this dissertation. The receiver is based on planar structures and exhibits a noise figure of 3 dB. The comparison with the targeted value of 4 dB shows that the receiver noise figure is low enough to be used in a radiometer. The receiver mixer is driven by the frequency doubled signal of an injection-locked VCO. The VCO acts as a phase shifter and enables controlling the phase. Implementing the VCO at half the frequency and frequency doubling has the advantage that the phasetuning range is doubled. Additionally, the VCO implementation at half the frequency benefits from lower relative tolerances, better component availability and lower costs. Two different phase shifters, one based on a low-Q chip VCO and one based on an LNA fed back by a tunable resonator, have been tested. For the chip VCO phase shifter, an operation point with a wide locking range and a wide phase tuning range has been found. The measured phase tuning range is 200◦ . The big bias-voltage-to-frequency dependence allows adjusting the operation point, but requires also highly stable bias voltages. It has been shown that the bias voltage variation has to be below 1 mV to keep the phase error in the range of a few degrees. Since unbuffered VCOs are not available as standard chips, a costumer specific VCO is required. This might increase the price of the receiver significatively. The second phase shifter is based on an LNA fed back by a low-Q varactor tuned resonator. The input and output ports have been implemented to enable injection locking. Input and output amplifier provide a stable load to the VCO tank and buffer the signals. Pushing is not an issue in this phase shifter type; voltage variations in the range if ±100 mV have no influence on the phase. The disadvantage of this phase shifter is the much bigger size. Additionally the tolerances when manufacturing the resonator cause a notable parameter spreading between the manufactured samples. The phase shifter with the chip VCO is used in the implementation of two receivers. One receiver is used for the phase measurements and the other one acts as a phase reference. These two receivers act as proof of concept for a receiver array. Besides the measured receiver-to-receiver phase and the low noise figure, also the small receiver width in the range of the antenna-to-antenna distance of an antenna array is demonstrated. The full receiver array connected to an antenna array allows for electronic beamforming. Since the VCO properties of the unbuffered VCOs are highly dependent on the load, also the VCO properties in the receivers differ. The main reason for differing loads are manufacturing tolerances. For this reason, every receiver has to be calibrated separately. Different VCO operation points might be required. Therefore, also different bias voltages are needed. Considering a relative small array with eight elements, 3 · 8 = 24 highly constant voltages are required for biasing and controlling the VCOs. In addition to these 89 90 6 CONCLUSION voltages, 3 V and 5 V sources are needed for LNAs and frequency doublers. This number shows that the complexity of a receiver array is growing significatively. The complexity – and also the size – of a large array may exceed the complexity of a waveguide radiometer. Therefore, the proposed advantages of the receiver are not fulfilled and the usage of the receiver may become unattractive when increasing the array size. Building a smaller receiver array decreases the complexity, but using as a radiometer might not be possible due to the small aperture of the small antenna array. Connecting a single receiver to a high-gain antenna might work as a radiometer, but phase controllability is not required in this case. Thus, a basic receiver would be sufficient for this purpose. 6.2 Future Work The demonstrated implementations of the receivers and phase shifters act as a proof of concept. The consequent next steps are implementing the receiver array together with an antenna array. Two different scenarios are possible: The implementation as a hybrid device utilizing a PCB board on a metallic structure, or the implementation as an LTCC module. The hybrid device requires intensive mechanical processing, but also the LTCC implementation results in a complex – and thus expensive – structure. This is especially due to the fact that the active components required lots of bias lines, heat sinks and shielding. The measurement of the over-all system (receivers connected to an antenna array) poses high demands on the measurement system. The implementation in LTCC allows for a more advanced design. For example, the shown SIW filter can be used. LTCC might also lead to a higher packaging density. Since it has been mentioned that not only the receiver size, but also the biasing and controlling increase the system size, it is questionable if LTCC leads to a notable size reduction of the radiometer. Extending the beamforming capability to two dimensions is also possible with the introduced system. However, the number of injection-locked VCOs is increased significantly. The reference oscillator would be used for injection locking a line of VCOs. Every VCO in such a system corresponds to a column. In the next level, every of these VCOs is used for injection locking another line of VCOs, where every VCO corresponds to a row. A n × m receiver array would require m · n + m VCOs. A solution for the growing complexity could be integrating the phase shifter. Having an MMIC VCO with input and output ports would have lower tolerances and smaller distances between the amplifiers and VCO. Latter leads to smaller spreadings between the phase shifter samples and also to a smaller frequency dependency. Also pushing could be minimized in such a VCO design and internal biasing could reduce the number of required bias lines. A Photographs of Measurement Set-Ups A.1 Introduction A number of measurements have been performed in order to characterize the components discussed in this dissertation . All measurements are described in the respective chapters within the dissertation. The photographs in this Appendix should give an impression about the measurements performed in the laboratory. A.2 Wiltron Universal Test Fixture The photograph in Figure A.1 shows a measurement set-up utilizing one of the Wiltron universal test fixtures [100]. The measured substrate can be seen between the two metallic parts in the center of the picture. The substrate in the shown measurement is a test for specifying flip-chip attenuation pads on a Rogers RT/duroidr 6006 substrate. Figure A.1: Photograph of Wiltron universal test fixture. 91 92 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS OF MEASUREMENT SET-UPS Figure A.2: Photograph of measurement showing batteries used for biasing. A.3 Phase Shifter The photograph in Figure A.2 shows one of the chip-VCO based phase shifters connected to batteries. The big red block with 8 round batteries is used for biasing the amplifiers. These batteries provide sufficient capacity for biasing the amplifiers. Thus, a constant voltage over the measurement can be guaranteed. Since the VCO has a much lower power consumption, block batteries are used for the VCO tuning and bias voltages. An overview photograph of one of the measurement set-ups used for measuring the phase shifters phase is shown in Figure A.3. The chip-VCO based phase shifter can be seen in the fixture in the center of the picture. Furthermore, the battery powered DC-source, which has been used for several measurements can be seen as well. This battery powered DC-source has been used for finding operation points. Noise and phase measurements have been performed using batteries, as shown in Figure A.2. The oscilloscope, the ramp generator and the 15-GHz variable phase shifter are marked in Figure A.3. The visible computer has been used for controlling the devices via HP-IB bus. The two shown spectrum analyzers are used for checking if wether or not the VCOs are injection locked. APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS OF MEASUREMENT SET-UPS 93 Figure A.3: Photograph of measurement set-up for measuring phase tuning behavior of phaseshifter. 94 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS OF MEASUREMENT SET-UPS Figure A.4: Photograph of receiver measurement set-up. A.4 Receiver The photograph in Figure A.4 shows an overview picture of the measurement set-up used for measuring the receiver phase-shift. The receiver, DC-unit, ramp generator, an the oscilloscope are visible in the photograph. The shown 15-GHz generator has been used instead of the reference oscillator in the first measurements. The two shown spectrum analyzers have been used for observing if the VCOs are injection locked. Also here, the DC unit is only used for finding the operation point and replaced by batteries for measuring the receiver noise and phase. Figure A.5(a) shows a more detailed photograph of the connected receiver. The photograph has been taken before closing the receiver. Therefore, the inside of the receiver but not the top cap is visible. Figure A.5(b) shows a detailed photograph of the 35-GHz variable phase shifter, the mixer, and the voltmeter. Although both, the voltmeter and the oscilloscope are visible in the pictures, only one device is used at the time. The voltmeter is used in conjunction with a battery for the phase measurement, whereas the oscilloscope is used with the ramp generator for finding the operation point. APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS OF MEASUREMENT SET-UPS 95 (a) (b) Figure A.5: Photograph of receiver in measurement fixture connected to measurement cables (a) and photograph employed 35-GHz variable phase shifter with mixer and voltmeter (b). Receiver shown without top cap. 96 B LTTC Receiver Design B.1 Introduction A design of an LTCC-based two-receiver system has been completed and sent to the foundry. This two-receiver system is similar to the hybrid implemented system presented in the dissertation, but includes the SIW 35-GHz input filter instead of the microstrip filter. Unfortunately, it has not been manufactured due to organizational and financial constraints. Although the design has not been manufactured, it is shown in the following to give an idea how such an LTCC-based receiver could look like. B.2 Design The LTCC-design is based on five different levels having two or four LTCC layers per level. Every layer is 3.6 mil thick. Using this thin layers was a requirement of the foundry. The sketch in Figure B.1 shows a cross section of the LTCC-module. Transmission lines and components are placed to illustrate the most important parts of the design process. In this figure, every level is indicated by a different color. The lowest level consists of two layers. The bottom of layer 0 and top of layer 1 is metalized. The lines realized between layers 1 and 2 are used for distributing the DC signals. All microstrip and stiplines are realized in levels 1, 2 and 3. Each of these levels consists of 4 layers, the bottoms of the lowest and the tops of the highest layers are metalized. The microstrip and striplines are realized between the 2nd and 3rd layer of each level. As indicated in the drawing, all lines are shielded by via fences. The fences are implemented using a distances of 0.22 mm between the vias with a diameter of 0.12 mm. This is required to avoid resonances within the module. Active components are placed in cavities. The 35-GHz LNAs, the mixers and the frequency doublers are placed in level 2 cavities, whereas the 15-GHz LNAs and the VCO are placed in level 3 cavities. The cavity depth is such that the top of the MMICs is on the same height as the top of layer 7 (for level 2 components) or layer 11 (for level 3 components). This equal height allows connecting the MMICs and the microstrip lines with the shortest possible bond wire length. The bottom of the MMICs is connected to the bottom of the LTTC module by 0.25 mm wide thermal vias. An external heat sink has than to be added at the bottom of the module. The 35-GHz SIW filter, discussed in Chapter 5.5, is implemented in layers 5 and 6. The microstrip lines used for connecting the filter are based on a different system as the other lines. This microstrip lines have only a 1 · 3.6 mil mil thick tape between the ground and the line, whereas all other lines are realized with two layers. A transition between the two systems is not required, since the microstrip lines of both systems are 97 98 APPENDIX B LTTC RECEIVER DESIGN Figure B.1: Cross-section of LTCC module showing implemented levels (different colors). Placed active components and vias are shown as well. carried to two opposing edges of a cavity. The LNA in the cavity is than bonded to the two different 50-Ω lines at the respective input and output ports of the LNA. The cavities are kept as small as possible. However, the size has to be chosen such APPENDIX B LTTC RECEIVER DESIGN 99 (a) (b) Figure B.2: Microstrip-to-stripline (a) and layer (b) transitions. that bonding is possible. A microstrip-to-stipline transition is required at the cavity walls. The transitions are marked in Figure B.1; Figure B.2(a) shows a 3D-plot of such a transition. The lower two layers of the level are plotted as solid block (solid lines), whereas the upper two layers are plotted as transparent block (dashed lines). The transmission lines in both sections are plotted in gray. The wider line on the left side of the plot represents the microstrip line, whereas the narrow line on the right side represents the stripline. The vias including their catch pads can be seen in the stripline section. Es mentioned before, this via fences are required to reduce radiation of the transmission lines. Although radiation of microstrip lines is often considered as 100 APPENDIX B LTTC RECEIVER DESIGN unproblematic, also the microstrip lines have been shielded in this design. The catch pads of the vias can be seen in the microstrip section. Since the foundry design guidelines require a distance of 0.3 mm between the cavity wall and the via edge, it was not possible to put a metallization close to the cavity wall. Due to this limitation, two vias have been set close to the stripline in order to improve the transmission characteristic of the transmission. 3D field simulations show that the optimum of the gap between the vias is 0.7 mm. In order to allow transmission lines in different levels, layer transitions are required. Figure B.2(b) shows a 3D-plot of such a transition. The stripline in level 2 can be seen in the left part of the drawing, whereas the stripline in level 1 can be seen in the metallization hole between the two levels. The two striplines are connected using a via, which is carried through the hole in the metallization. The connecting via goes through the upper two layers of level 1 and the lower two layers of level 2. Catch pads required at the layer edges are not shown for the fence vias. In addition to the fence on both sides of the line, a fence is also placed at the ending side of the transmission line. This measure improves the transmission characteristic of the transitions significantly. The dimensions of the transitions have also been optimized in Ansoft HFSSTM . The transition is implemented in two different versions: straight and with a 90◦ bend. The cross-section in Figure B.1 shows further that level 4 has no transmission lines. The 4 layers in level 4 are required to increase the modules hight. This is necessary, since the cavities can be closed on top of level 4 by using a metallic structure. This structure provides than also shielding to all microstrip lines and MMICs. Pads for connecting the DC-sources are placed on top of level 4. From here, the DC signals are carried by long vias to level 0. Vias are then used again for connecting the MMIC bias ports with the DC-lines. The reference oscillator input port, the 35-GHz input port and the 5-GHz output port are realized as microstrip lines on top of layer7. Cavities have been implemented to make this layer accessible. The LTCC-module is designed such that in can be put into a motherboard which has the same height as layer 7. Thus, microstrip lines can be connected to the motherboard by using bond wires or bond bands. All layer transitions which were considered as metalized have not a full metallizations. To increase the thermal stability, 0.5 mm wide metallic strips with a distance of 0.5 mm are used as metallization. The strips are placed in both directions such that they built a grid. Although such a grid provides an excellent ground for the targeted frequency range, a permanent metallization has been put at crucial points. Such points are for example below microstrip lines, at via transitions, etc. Figure B.3 shows the top-view of all lines and components. Vias, ground planes, and transitions are not plotted in order to make the design demonstrative. The design is similar to the one realized on Rogers RT/duroidr , but the implementation of the transmission lines is simplified by the possible 3D-integration in LTCC. This results in the reduced length of only 50 mm. Similar to the receiver on Rogers RT/duroidr , a receiver-to-receiver distance of 5 mm has been achieved. APPENDIX B LTTC RECEIVER DESIGN 101 Figure B.3: Top-view of striplines and microstrip lines as well as placed active components in LTCC design. Different colors demonstrate different transmission line and component levels. 102 APPENDIX B LTTC RECEIVER DESIGN B.3 Complexity Via fences and transitions, make the design complex. Measures, such as minimum distances between vias in different levels, distances to via walls or distances to the substrate edges, which are required to comply with the foundry’s design guidelines increase the number of elements further. The demonstrated design has around 43.000 objects. Most of the objects are placed manually during the design process. Bibliography [1] B. Aja, E. Artal, L. de la Fuente, J. P. Pascual, A. Mediavilla, N. Roddis, D. Kettle, W. F. Winder, L. P. i Cara, and P. de Paco, “Very low-noise differential radiometer at 30 GHz for the PLANCK LFI,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techn., vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 2050–2062, 2005. [2] A. B. Tanner, “A high stability Ka-band radiometer for tropospheric water vapor measurements,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, vol. 4, pp. 1849–1863, 2001. [3] A. 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Dig., Honolulu, USA, pp. 1875–1878, October 2007. P41 ——, “A low-noise front-end with beam-steering capability at 35 GHz,” European Microwave Conference, Munich, Germany, pp. 1594-1697, October 2007. ——,“A low-noise front-end with beam-steering capability at 35 GHz,” European Radar Conference, Munich, Germany pp. 315-318, October 2007. P52 H. Grubinger, B. Hofer, H. Barth, and R. Vahldieck, “A voltage-controlled oscillator with injection-locking input for phase-shifting applications at 30 GHz,” European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1731–1734, October 2008. ——, “A voltage-controlled oscillator with injection-locking input for phaseshifting applications at 30 GHz,” European Wireless Technology Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 310–313, October 2008. 1 This paper has been presented in a joint session of the 2007 European Microwave Conference and the 2007 European Radar Conference. Therefore, the paper is published in both conference proceedings. 2 This paper has been presented in a joint session of the 2008 European Microwave Conference and the 2008 European Wireless Technology Conference. Therefore, the paper is published in both conference proceedings. 111 112 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS P6 H. Grubinger, H. Barth, and R. Vahldieck, “A low-loss, wideband combiner for power amplification at Ka-Band frequencies,” IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., Atlanta, USA, pp. 1139-1142, June 2008. P7 ——,“An LTCC-based 35-GHz substrate-integrated-waveguide bandpass filter,” IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., Boston, USA, pp. 1605-1608, June 2009. P8 D. Marti, A. R. Alt, H. Sun, H. Grubinger, H. Benedickter, and C. R. Bolognesi, “Wideband distributed amplifiers in a hybrid microstrip-environment using 0.1 um (Al,Aa)N/GaN HEMTs grown on silicon,” European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, Rome, Italy, pp. 93–96, October 2009. P9 ——, “Hybrid distributed amplifiers with deep-submicrometer AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on silicon,” 33rd Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Intergrated Circuits, Malaga, Spain, pp. 14-17, May 2009. Technical Reports P10 H. Grubinger, R. Vahldieck, and H. Barth, “Feasibility study: 35 GHz radiometer,” ETH Zurich, Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland, Tech. Rep., October 2004. P11 H. Grubinger, G. Tudosie, R. Vahldieck, and H. Barth, “Zwischenbericht: Design, Simulation und Bau eines 35 GHz Radiometers mit elektronischer Antennenstrahlsteuerung in LTCC Technologie,” ETH Zurich, Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland, Tech. Rep., January 2006. P12 H. Grubinger, G. Tudosie, H. Barth, and R. Vahldieck, “Zwischenbericht: Phased Array Antennen: Demonstration eines 35 GHz Radiometers in LTCC Technologie,” ETH Zurich, Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland, Tech. Rep., July 2007. P13 ——, “Abschlussbericht: Phased Array Antennen: Demonstration eines 35 GHz Radiometers in LTCC Technologie,” ETH Zurich, Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland, Tech. Rep., January 2008. Master’s Thesis P14 H. Grubinger, “Entwurf und Modellierung von magnetischen Wänden mit Hilfe periodischer Strukturenn in LTCC-Technologie,” Master’s thesis, Technische Universität München, Germany, 2003. Curriculum Vitae Personal data Name: Citizenship: Austria Date of birth: September 2, 1978 E-mail: grubinger@ifh.ee.ethz.ch Hannes Grubinger Professional experience 03/04 – present: ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics Teaching and Research Assistent 06/99 – 02/04: NIKA(former E&L Wirtschaftstreuhand), Salzburg, Austria System Administrator Project Manager and Developer for Inhouse-Software Tools 10/00 – 05/03: Technische Univerität München, Munich, Germany Institute for Data Processing: Teaching Assistant Institute for Measurement Systems and Sensor Technology: Teaching Assistent 06/97 – 09/98: Sony DADC Austria, Thalgau, Austria Assembly Engineering: Internship 07/96 – 08/96: Salzburger Stadtwerke AG, Salzburg, Austria Technicall Department: Internship Education 03/04 – present: ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics Doctorate in Electrical Engineering 11/99 – 11/03: Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany B.Sc. and Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering 09/93 – 06/99: Secondary College for Electronics (HTL) Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria High School and Engineering Graduation 113