580 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 46, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Reduction From Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) Using Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures Shahrooz Shahparnia, Student Member, IEEE, and Omar M. Ramahi, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—As digital circuits become faster and more powerful, direct radiation from the power bus of their printed circuit boards (PCB) becomes a major concern for electromagnetic compatibility engineers. In such multilayer PCBs, the power and ground planes act as radiating microstrip patch antennas, where radiation is caused by fringing electric fields at board edges. In this paper, we introduce an effective method for suppressing PCB radiation from their power bus over an ultrawide range of frequencies by using metallo-dielectric electromagnetic band-gap structures. More specifically, this study focuses on the suppression of radiation from parallel-plate bus structures in high-speed PCBs caused by switching noise, such as simultaneous switching noise, also known as Delta-I noise or ground bounce. This noise consists of unwanted voltage fluctuations on the power bus of a PCB due to resonance of the parallel-plate wave-guiding system created by the power bus planes. The techniques introduced here are not limited to the suppression of switching noise and can be extended to any wave propagation between the plates of the power bus. Laboratory PCB prototypes were fabricated and tested revealing appreciable suppression of radiated noise over specific frequency bands of interest, thus, testifying to the effectiveness of this concept. Index Terms—Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) material, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic interference (EMI), switching noise. I. INTRODUCTION E LECTROMAGNETIC radiation of high-speed digital and analog circuits is considered one of the most critical challenges to the electromagnetic interference, compatibility and reliability of electronic systems. The continuous decrease in power supply and threshold voltage levels in CMOS based digital circuits increases their vulnerability to external electromagnetic interference. At the same time, the increase in clock and bus speed increases the potential of the circuit to radiate, thus, compromising its compatibility potential and also increasing its security vulnerability. Switching noise is one of the major concerns for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) engineers in modern designs [1], [2]. Manuscript received November 26, 2003; revised March 23, 2004. This work was supported in part by the Department of Defense (DoD) MURI Program on Effects of Radio Frequency Pulses on Electronic Circuits and Systems under AFOSR Grant F496200110374, and in part by the CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Center, University of Maryland at College Park. The authors are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Center, A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA (e-mail: oramahi@calce.umd.edu). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2004.837671 Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a complex mechanism that takes place at different levels including the chassis, board, component, and finally, the device level. Radiation sources typically include trace coupling, cables attached to the boards, components such as chip packages and heat sinks, power busses and practically anything that can provide a low impedance current path. As the speed of modern high-performance digital circuits increases rapidly, their energy consumption increases as well. The required energy is provided by power planes embedded in the multilayer structure of the board. These power planes induce radiation in a manner highly analogous to the way microstrip antennas radiate. In microstrip patch antennas and in printed circuit boards (PCB), radiation is induced by a time-varying fringing electric field at the edges of the board. Recent studies describe this phenomenon [3] and others characterize this phenomenon analytically and through numerical simulations [4]. In previous work, several techniques were used to reduce this type of radiation. These methods include shielding, the placement of decoupling capacitors [5], [6], the use of embedded capacitance [7], the placement of resistive terminations on the edges of the board [8], employing lossy components throughout the board [9], dividing power planes in power islands [10], via stitching [11]–[13], or a combination of any of these techniques. Among these methods, via stitching is the most common method used in practice and its effectiveness has been quantified through rigorous finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation as reported in [11]. All noise mitigation techniques, however, that employ discrete capacitor components have a fundamental limitation due to the inherent inductance arising from the leads of the capacitors (see [11] and references therein). For embedded capacitance, its relatively high cost and reliability considerations reduces its practical use at this time. To the best knowledge of the authors, this study presents the first work on applying electromagnetic bandgap structures (EBG) known also as high-impedance surfaces (HIS), to reduce radiation from power busses of PCBs. HIS structures are periodic structures capable of preventing the propagation of electromagnetic surface waves within a frequency range. HIS structures have been initially introduced by Sievenpiper et al. in [14], [15] in order to suppress surface waves in antenna applications. Some of their recent applications include microwave filter design [16], microstrip and small antennas [17], [18] and PCBs [19]. This paper introduces the novel concept of applying HIS structures to electromagnetic interference (EMI) reduction from power busses of PCBs. We show that for multilayer PCBs, the presence of high-impedance surfaces between each pair of 0018-9375/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE SHAHPARNIA AND RAMAHI: EMI REDUCTION FROM PCB USING ELECTROMAGNETIC BANDGAP STRUCTURES power planes can effectively shield the edges of the board and therefore decrease the level of radiation from such edges. The use of the HIS structures is not limited to EMI radiation suppression from power busses and it can be extended to radiation suppression from signal layers as well. The outline of this paper is as follows. Sections II and III give brief overviews of switching noise, and electromagnetic bandgap structures, respectively. Section IV introduces the novel concept of suppressing electromagnetic radiation from PCBs using HIS structures. This section includes design using finite-element eigenmode and S-parameter simulations as well as experimental results on PCBs embedded with the HIS structures. Finally, Section V presents ultrawide-band radiation suppression, expanding the concept introduced in Section IV to multiple-band suppression, and again experimental results are presented to show the effectiveness of the method. 581 Fig. 1. Switching noise generation mechanism from a power bus in a multilayer PCB. II. SOURCES OF NOISE AND SWITCHING NOISE Switching noise is usually caused by the high-speed timevarying currents needed by high-performance digital circuits. The flow of these currents through vias between layers of a PCBs, causes radiation. The radiated waves use the parallel plates created by the power planes to propagate [4], [20]. Simultaneous switching noise (SSN) is an inductive noise created while many outputs of a digital circuit switch at the same time. SSN cannot be quantified in precise measure because of its dependence on the geometry of the board and current paths and various studies have concentrated on modeling this phenomenon [21]–[23]. A very simple way of describing SSN is by considering the following: (1) is the magnitude of the noise voltage, is the where number of outputs (drivers) switching simultaneously, is the equivalent inductance through which the current must pass and is the current that passes through each driver while switching. When several signals switch at the same time the power planes connected to the power supply must deliver the required cur. The existence of inducrent which has to pass through tance on the path of the current introduces voltage fluctuations on power planes which in turn affect the outputs of the drivers as well as other signals throughout the board creating malfunctions and false switching. This type of noise, referred to as Delta-I noise or ground bounce, is considered a fundamental and critical problem in the design of high-speed PCBs [24]. The continuous and rapid increase of clock frequency is another source for switching noise. In fact high-speed small currents have an equivalent impact on switching noise as switching of circuits that involve large amounts of current (simultaneous switching). Fig. 1 shows a general schematic for the generation of switching noise within a power bus of a PCB. A high-speed or high-power (or both) logic gate that consumes power from two parallel power planes is the first source. A via that passes through these plane and is not necessarily connected to any of them is another source of noise. Electromagnetic waves generated by these sources of noise use the parallel-plates to propagate and therefore induce noise Fig. 2. EBG structure with its geometrical design features. PS is the patch size, VD is the via diameter and GS is the gap size, VH is the via length and TH is the distance between the two planes. (a) Lateral view. (b) Top view. on other signals passing through the power bus (vias) and eventually radiate from the edges of the board. In an equivalent circuit for this phenomenon, the high-speed gate is replaced by a current source between the power planes and it represents either a large time-varying switching current driver (large ) or a fast time-varying switching circuit (small ) or even a combination of both. is the impedance of the signal generator used in simulations and experiments, usually equal to 50 ohms. III. ELECTROMAGNETIC BAND-GAP STRUCTURES EBG structures initially introduced in [14], [15], and [25] belong to a broad family of engineered materials called meta-materials, which have been initially introduced for antenna applications because of their unique behavior. EBG structures can satisfy a perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) condition over a certain frequency band and impose a 0 reflection phase to normal incident waves, making them suitable for applications such as coupling reduction between antennas and antenna directivity improvement [26]. Although EBG structures have been extensively studied, these studies have focused on open structures (not enclosed in environments like PCBs) and normal incident waves, such as antenna application, therefore derived theories and models are only applicable to such cases. For more information on open EBG structures the reader is referred to [14]–[18], [25], [26] and references therein. The use of EBG structures to suppress SSN in PCBs was first reported in [19]. A similar concept was also introduced in [27]. Fig. 2 shows a typical EBG structure, the simplest of them, which is characterized by periodic vias (with diameter size VD) connected together through a conductive (metallic) surface, and metallic patches on the top of these vias. The size of these patches is denoted as PS in Fig. 2, they are separated by 582 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 46, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 Fig. 3. Lateral view of the diagram for the switching noise model which includes the HIS structures as a ribbon around the board (only two rows are shown). gaps of size GS from each other and by a via of length VH from the plane that they are connected to. The structure is periodic and it is located between two parallel with period metallic plates with distance TH from each other. The whole structure acts as a band-stop filter by suppressing surface waves within a predictable range of frequencies. This frequency range is a function of the geometrical features of the structure (such as periodicity, patch size, gap size, via diameter, via length and also board thickness) as well as the dielectric material used in the printed circuit board as substrate. To the best knowledge of the authors, at this point there is no equation available in the literature that gives a good relationship between the geometrical features of the structure on the one hand, and the center frequency and band-stop region on the other. Section IV gives some insight on design methodologies used for EBG structures. IV. EMI SUPPRESSION USING EBG SURFACES In this paper, an EBG structure introduced in [25] is used for the purpose of EMI mitigation in PCBs. The proposed technique consists of placing a ribbon of HIS around the board connected to one of the power planes. If the internal circuits generate switching noise with a frequency within the band-stop region of the HIS ribbon, the presence of the ribbon prevents waves generated within the parallel plate, from radiating from the sides of the board. Fig. 3 shows a diagram illustrating the lateral view of a board employing this concept. A. Design Through Simulation In earlier works on HIS structures in PCBs [19], [27], in early design stages, approximation techniques and models developed for designing HIS structures in antenna systems [25] were used. Since, these models assume normal incident waves they are not applicable for parallel-plate (PCB) related applications. This includes the simple model introduced in [25], which is derived assuming a resonance circuit that involves two patches and the vias that connect them through a conductive plane. In the case of HIS in parallel-plates such resonant circuit is composed of the top plate, a single patch, the corresponding via and the plane that connects the vias together. In fact this circuit provides a lowimpedance path to high-frequency currents in the power-planes therefore shorting the planes (resonance) at the physical location of the patches within the band-stop frequency range, thus, suppressing radiation. Fig. 4. Simulation setup for S-parameter simulation. Waves generated on port 1 do not reach port 2 within the band-stop region. (a) Top view of the mid layer (patch layer). (b) Sideview which includes the sources as a replacement for the SMA connectors used in experiments. In order to design HIS structures, the only two methods that have been successfully used so far, are S-parameter simulations and dispersion diagrams. Fig. 4 shows a diagram of the model used for S-parameter simulations. The model consists of two ports and a two-dimensional (2-D) periodic HIS structure located between them. Since the presence of the HIS structure between the ports prevents wave propagation between them within a frequency range, the parameter, a representative for the transferred power, will reflect the effect of the HIS structure. Another tool widely used for the study of periodic structures is the dispersion diagram. In a 2-D periodic structure in the – plane, due to symmetry and periodicity, redundant propagation vectors can be grouped in a region known as Brillouin zone and (respectively, the and compo[28]. By tracing nents of the propagation constant) as variables, on the border of the irreducible zone, using eigenmode simulation the frequency of different propagating modes are calculated. For the simple patches of the HIS structure used in this work, this region is shown at the left upper corner of Fig. 5. In this diagram, the bandgap is represented by the frequency range in which there is and no propagating mode for any values of In summary, S-parameter derivation through full-wave simulations and dispersion diagram extraction using periodic boundary conditions and eigenmode simulation using a commercial CAD tool by Ansoft Company (HFSS) have shown to be very effective in designing and implementing HIS structures. As an example of the type of results obtained using the above mentioned two methods, we show in Fig. 5 the dispersion diagram for a periodic structure with patch size of 5 mm, via diameter of 0.8 mm, via length of 1.54 mm, board thickness of SHAHPARNIA AND RAMAHI: EMI REDUCTION FROM PCB USING ELECTROMAGNETIC BANDGAP STRUCTURES 583 TABLE I RESULTS FROM THE DISPERSION DIAGRAMS AND S-PARAMETER SIMULATIONS WITH VARIOUS PATCH SIZES KEEPING GS = 0:4 mm, VD = 0:8 mm, VL = 1:54 mm, TH = 3:08 mm AND ITS PERMITTIVITY (ASSUMED TO BE 4.1) FIXED Fig. 5. Dispersion diagram for an infinitely periodic structure with PS = 5 mm, VD = 0:8 mm, VL = 1:54 mm, GS = 0:4 mm on commercial FR-4 (" = 4:1) derived by HFSS simulation using periodic boundary conditions. Fig. 6. S-parameters (S ) diagram for an EBGc with PS = 5 mm, VD = 0:8 mm, VL = 1:54 mm, GS = 0:4 mm on commercial FR-4 (" = 4:1) derived by HFSS simulation using periodic boundary conditions. 3.08 mm, gap size of 0.4 mm on commercial FR-4 derived by parameter for the simulation using HFSS. Fig. 6 shows the same structure when implemented as the model in Fig. 4. From both simulations, it is clear that the stop-band lies approximately between 4 and 8 GHz. The results of simulations on various HIS structures are tabulated in Table I. By taking into account that the bandwidth of simulated structures is approximately two-third of the center frequency (66% fractional bandwidth), and that the switching noise power is mostly concentrated in frequencies below 6 GHz [27], HIS structures can be designed so that their band-stop region overlaps the desired suppression frequency. For lower center frequencies, HIS structures with larger patches are needed, which in some cases may seem impractical. This can be compensated by other HIS structures, rather than the simple one [25], [29] in order to get the same bandwidth or even multiple bandwidths with smaller periods (patch sizes and distances) or by modifying the other design parameters such as the substrate material. In addition, it should also be noted that the concept of radiation suppression from PCBs using HIS structures is effective regardless of the stack up of power planes in the multilayer printed circuit board (GVGV, GVVG, etc.) as it is applied to every couple of power bus layers (VDD-GND) rather that (GND-GND) like in the stitching method. Specifically, by adding HIS structures between VDD-GND planes, radiation caused by SSN as well as noise generated by vias that pass 2 Fig. 7. The board (6.5 cm 10 cm) fabricated on commercial FR4. A ribbon of four rows of HIS structures around the board with similar patches simulated in Figs. 5 and 6. The source of noise (excitation point) is in the middle of the board. through them is being suppressed. By adding HIS structures between GND-GND or VDD-VDD pairs of planes, radiation caused by noise generated by the vias that pass through them is being suppressed as noise propagation due to SSN does not exist in such pair of planes. B. Fabrication and Measurements HIS structures used in PCBs are fabricated using commercial PCB manufacturing technology. In experimental stages in order to avoid the cost of blind vias, the PCBs were constructed by compressing a double-sided PCB like the one shown in Fig. 7 and a single-sided PCB involving one of the power planes together. Exhaustive full-wave simulations conducted on HIS structures show that extending the vias of the structures to the other plane (removing the copper around the hole on the other plane to avoid the shorting of the two planes, therefore creating an anti-pad) and shrinking the thickness of the board to practical multilayer sizes (0.15 to 1 mm [30]) does not have appreciable effect on the bandgap. Therefore in practical applications, design parameters can be modified in order to achieve the same performance as thicker prototypes, with and without blind vias, making their fabrication inexpensive and practical. 584 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 46, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 Fig. 8. Experimental setup for S measurements for boards under test (BUT). One of the ports is connected to BUT and the other one to a monopole antenna. Fig. 10. Measured S for the structure in Fig. 7 within a power bus configuration, at test point TP1, with and without the HIS structure. Fig. 9. Location of different test points (TP) in all experiments. Fig. 7 shows a picture of a printed circuit board fabricated to test the proposed radiation suppression concept and Fig. 8 is a diagram that shows the experimental setup used to characterize such boards. The signal was fed to the parallel-plate environment through an SMA connector to the middle of the board using a vector network analyzer (VNA). The amount of radiation from the edges of the board is measured by measuring the as a representative for the radiated scattering parameters power at various test points around the board, also shown in the diagram of Fig. 8. These test points were chosen to show the omni-directional suppression property of the proposed design. As shown in the diagram of Fig. 8 a monopole probe (length 4 cm, diameter 3 mm made of copper) connected to the other cable of the analyzer through a SMA connector represents the receiver in this experimental setup. The area with no HIS structure in Fig. 7 has been kept minimal in order to maximize the radiated energy received by the receiving antenna. In a practical scenario, a 5-mm patch HIS structure with four rows of HIS resides in a 2-cm-wide ribbon around the PCB. For a 20 10 cm board this is 28% of the PCB area. The presence of the HIS structure in this region implies some PCB design constraints for the PCB designers, in a similar way that placing decoupling capacitors on the board does. Considering the fact that components can reside on top of the structures and also that their power supply can be connected directly to the patches, it is most likely that for practical applications their impact is minimal. In fact, the assumption is that our technique does not impose an enlargement of the actual PCBs, but rather the HIS structures are being implanted into the border side of an already designed PCB with appropriate modifications. We emphasize that, although the concept of radiation Fig. 11. Measured S for the structure in Fig. 7 within a power bus configuration, at test point TP2, d1 = 3:25 cm, with and without the HIS structure. suppression using HIS structures is general, patch sizes larger than 5 mm are not practical, thus, more complex HIS structures such as the one mentioned in [14], [19], [25], and [29] need to be used for low frequencies. Figs. 10–14 show the results of these measurements. A wide gap from 4 to 10 GHz (as predicted from the simulations shown in Figs. 5 and 6) shows an average suppression of 30 dB within this gap in comparison to the case without the HIS. Higher attenuation than predicted at higher frequencies is highly likely due to dissipation in the FR4 substrate and to higher, but not significant, bandgaps created by the structure. The plot of measured for a reference board without the HIS structures is also included for comparison. V. WIDE-BAND EMI REDUCTION Widening the suppression band-gap can be accomplished by using cascaded high-impedance surfaces (CHIS) with different structures around the board, creating an ultrawide-band stop band for the propagating wave. As an example, we consider the configuration shown in Fig. 15 with a board size of SHAHPARNIA AND RAMAHI: EMI REDUCTION FROM PCB USING ELECTROMAGNETIC BANDGAP STRUCTURES 585 Fig. 15. Cascading two HIS structures with different configurations (5 and 10 mm patches, four rows each, with the other dimensions similar to the ones in Fig. 5), for an ultrawide-band suppression of radiation from the edges of the PCB. Fig. 12. Measured S for the structure in Fig. 7 within a power bus configuration, at test point TP3, d2 = 5cm, with and without the HIS structure. Fig. 16. Measured S for the structure in Fig. 15 within a power bus configuration, at test point TP1, with and without the HIS structure. Fig. 13. Measured S for the structure in Fig. 7 within a power bus configuration, at test point TP4, d3 = 5cm, with and without the structure. Fig. 14. Measured S for the structure in Fig. 7 within a power bus configuration, at test point TP5, d4 = 5:1cm, with and without the HIS structure. 20.6 16.6 cm, and a signal source positioned at the center and connected to the board through an SMA connector. In this configuration, an HIS structure with a patch size of 10 mm (HIS Type 2) and other parameters similar to the patches of Fig. 7 (and therefore period of 10.4 mm) is added to a structure with a patch size of 5 mm (HIS Type 1). Cascading HIS structures is based on the same concept of cascading filter stages in order to achieve larger bandwidths (either pass-band or stop-band), multiple bands or larger attenuation. This concept was first introduced in [31] for ultrawide-band suppression of switching noise in PCBs but the same idea can be used here since the noise generation mechanism is identical. Fig. 16 shows the response for this configuration, at test point measured 1 shown in Fig. 9. Due to the omni-directional suppression property of the HIS structures already shown in the previous section, measurements at other test points reflect the same radiation suppression behavior. These experimental results show that an additional gap between 2 and 4 GHz is introduced by the added structure (with a period of 10.4 mm). This property is especially relevant to cases in which the suppression of a fundamental frequency is as important as the suppression of the harmonics of that frequency. As an example, as illustrated in Fig. 16, the design in Fig. 15 is capable of suppressing not only a noise at 3 GHz but also its second and third harmonics at 6 and 9 GHz, creating ultrawide-band suppression radiation from PCBs employing such design. 586 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, VOL. 46, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge the anonymous reviewers whose comments improved the quality of this paper. REFERENCES Fig. 17. Efficacy range of different radiation reduction methods. VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS This study introduces the novel concept of using electromagnetic bandgap structures for the suppression of electromagnetic radiation generated by high-speed and high-current switching, also known as switching noise, from power busses of PCBs. Simulation and experimental results prove the effectiveness of this method in suppressing radiation from PCBs in a range of frequencies over which the conventional methods are not effective (0.5 GHz and up). The tradeoff for the improved performance provided by the HIS structures is the addition of an extra metallized layer. In Fig. 17, we illustrate the efficacy frequency range of different radiation suppression methods, emphasizing the fact that the simple HIS structures presented in this paper are targeting the 0.5–10 GHz range, therefore pushing the limit of previous methodologies. Since simple HIS structures have impractical geometrical sizes in the 500 MHz to 2 GHz frequency range, more complex HIS structures such as the one presented in [14], [19], [25], and [29] need to be employed. In addition, in view of the ongoing miniaturization of electronic systems the implementation of this method requires the availability of miniaturized HIS structures with appropriate patch sizes, although the concept introduced in this paper can be generally applied regardless of the size of the HIS structures. If wideband radiation reduction from hundreds of MHz to few GHz needs to be achieved a combination of different methods is the best solution. HIS structures can also be applied to the same range of frequencies for which conventional methods are used (i.e., up to few hundred megahertz). To provide noise suppression for the megahertz range, the simple HIS patches used through this work can be used, but as explained earlier, the patch sizes will become possibly impractical. Therefore, for practical purposes, if one wants to use the HIS structures for noise suppression in the megahertz range, more complex HIS structures need to be considered. Alternatively, one can use a combination of the techniques introduced here with conventional methods [19]. Ultrawide-band suppression of such radiation is achieved by cascading different configurations of high-impedance surfaces. The significance of ultrawide-band suppression lies in the fact that CHIS structures provide a practical way to suppress radiation not only at the fundamental frequency of the noise but also its harmonics. PCB prototypes were designed, developed and tested showing unprecedented level of EMI reduction over an ultrawide-band of frequencies that can encompass the clock frequency and its immediate harmonics. [1] R. Senthinatan and J. Price, Simultaneous Switching Noise of CMOS Devices and Systems. Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1994. [2] S. Radu and D. Hockanson, “An investigation of PCB radiated emissions from simultaneous switching noise,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 2, Seattle, WA, Aug. 1999, pp. 893–898. [3] T. H. 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In 2000, he joined the University of Maryland and in the summer of the same year he worked as an intern for the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Arlington, VA. His current research includes electromagnetic band-gap structures (EBG), microwave circuits, signal integrity (SI), electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC/EMI) and suppression of simultaneous switching noise (SSN). Omar M. Ramahi (S’86–M’90–SM’97) received the B.S. degree in mathematics and electrical and computer engineering with highest honors from Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR in 1984, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1986 and 1990, respectively. From 1990 to 1993, he held a visiting fellowship position at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. From 1993 to 2000, he worked at Digital Equipment Corporation (presently, Compaq Computer Corporation), where he was a member of the Alpha Server Product Development Group. In August of 2000, he joined the faculty of the James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland at College Park, where he is a faculty member of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and the CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Center. He has served as a consultant to several companies and is a cofounder of EMS-PLUS, LLC and Applied Electromagnetic Technology, LLC. He has been instrumental in developing computational techniques to solve a wide range of electromagnetic radiation problems in the fields of antennas, high-speed devices, and circuits and electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC/EMI). His research interests include experimental and computational EMI/EMC studies, high-speed devices and interconnects, biomedical applications of electromagnetics, novel optimization techniques, and interdisciplinary studies linking electromagnetic application with new materials. He has authored or co-authored over 140 journal and conference papers and presentations. He is a coauthor of the book EMI/EMC Computational Modeling Handbook (Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1998). Dr. Ramahi is a member of the Electromagnetics Academy.