Advanced Biomass Research Centre

Advanced Biomass Research
Centre (ABRC)
Combustion, Gasification & Propulsion Lab (CGPL)
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
A Brief Overview of ABRC
• Background for Creation
• Objectives
• General Structure of Activities
• Summary of Activities
• Results from Some of the Activities
• Impact of the Efforts
• Expected Future Activities
Background for Creation of ABRC
• CGPL, IISc has had a two decade long continued research in Biomass
• The outcome has resulted a pioneering technology in Biomass
Gasification leading to high potential for power generation from
Biomass – one of the versatile sources of renewable energy.
• This concept-to-technology has been achieved largely with MNRE
funding and intellectual resource of IISc.
• Much like in any other technology, continued R&D to address the
problems of field conditions has been boot-strapped to make the
technology viable and successful.
• Some problems that are not foreseen before implementation and
are addressed by receiving inputs from field performance.
• Provision for a committed support for such effort is the motivation
for creation of the Centre.
Objectives of ABRC
• Enhancements to the technology developed that
– Robustness of the system.
– Plant reliability and operability.
– Standardization of Components.
– Performance improvements.
– Meeting Industrial Safety and Pollution Standards.
– Wider adaptability.
– Enhanced Performance to Cost Ratio.
– Evolving standards of Biomass Gasifiers and Stoves.
– Advanced studies in Biomass-to-Energy Concepts.
– Study and reporting of Biomass Availability and Management.
– Scientific Exchanges in the area of Biomass Energy.
Structure of Activities
ABRC, as a time-bound Project executed at CGPL, IISc
Enhancements with
specific research to
address field issues
Implementation of
the enhancements by
Plant Manufacturers
or end-users
Industrial Projects
with Investments
from Industries
Several Successful
Projects in Field
Evolving of Standards
for Biomass Devices –
Gasifiers and Stoves
Study on Biomass
Availability and
Support and
Resource Sharing for
Umbrella Projects
Scientific Exchange
with Experts and
Enhancements to
Biomass Atlas
Published on-line
Advanced RDF
Gasification System
Test Procedures and
Qualification of Test
Centres for Biomass
Gasifiers and Stoves
Study on Biomass
Procurement and
Movement (SupplyChain Optimization)
Hydrogen & Liquid
Fuels from Biomass
Gasification (HLBG)
Defined Standards for
Evaluating and
Certification of
Biomass Devices
Enhancements in
Effective utilization of
Biomass for Energy
Biomass Resource
Map of India (BRMI)
Summary of Activities
• R&D Related to Technology Upgrades:
– Engine Research on Adaption of NG based gas engines
to PG.
• Peak Power Enhancement by changing specially mapped
• Efficiency enhancements with optimal Ignition angle.
• Alternative Design for Electronic Carburetor to work
specially under low and negative inlet pressures.
• Experimental and simulated studies at the laboratory for the
– Alternate Gas Filter Designs for ultra clean gas, that
include concepts of ESPs and other advanced filtering
Summary of Activities (…)
• Development of Standards
Gasifiers and Stoves.
– Standards for the sub-systems and codes or recommended
design criteria from the nearest matching industry
– Performance specifications and limits of functional
parameters for a third party evaluation.
– Test protocol and recommended equipment for testing
and qualifying.
– Allowable limits of emissions that meet the pollution
– Detailed documentation for the procedures, practices and
the parameters of standardization.
Summary of Activities (…)
• Study of Biomass Resources, its supplydemand chain and Reporting.
– Electronically integrated Biomass Resource Map is
published and made available on Internet.
– Enhancements to the accuracy of data, integration
of forest and waste land residues made.
– Available data on industries that are large
consumers of Biomass is added to the map.
– A study on supply-demand chain and optimal
approach for biomass distribution taken up.
Summary of Activities (…)
• Pursuance of R&D on new technologies and
advanced research under the umbrella
– Gasification of RDF having plastics and achieve meeting
required emissions limits – that could be a major input for
MSW disposals in small to medium towns (ARGS).
– Modification of Gasification process to generate Syngas
and explore the options for (i) extracting hydrogen and (ii)
generate liquid hydrocarbons using FT process (HLBG).
– Add additional and enhanced satellite data for the Biomass
Resource Atlas for making the data more reliable and
consistent for all the states of the nation (BRMI).
Results from Some of the Activities
• The experimental work on gas engine with a different turbocharger matched to PG, provided the proof of enhancement
in peak power delivered.
The data shows that the peak power delivered has been
enhanced to 55 kWe, about 90% or NG rating of the engine
Results from Some Activities (…)
• CFD Simulations of the TC compressor that provide insight for
their performance.
The results show the structure of the flow and
pressure distribution inside the compressor
and the plots show the predicted efficiency
which is close to the typical TC compressor
Results from Some Activities (…)
• Simulation of Engines that provide a detailed analysis
of engine performance
The temperature and velocity fields show the complex structure in the
engine and plot shows the variations with equivalence ratio of a standard
fuel indicating the predictions of the CFD results capture the essential
physical phenomena.
Results from Some Activities (…)
• Experiments and Simulations on the Biomass Stoves that provides
a comparison of the predicted and measured efficiencies
Results show the consistency
between the experiments and CFD
simulations on the efficiency with
the change in the dimension of the
vessel used.
Results from Some Activities (…)
• Enhancements to Biomass Resource Data
The clips show the enhancements
made that include addition of
biomass residues estimated from
forest and waste lands and a tool
for mapping of the potential
density of the biomass
Impact of the Efforts
• Industrial participation with investments of more than Rs.100
Crores in the past 4 years for their commercially viable applications
indicate that the technology is well received and accepted.
• This has resulted in a saving of at least 10 million tons/year of fossil
• Esteemed industrial giant GE has recognized the distinctive merit of
the technology and has come up with collaborative agreement for
commercialization of the technology.
• Large Industries like ITC have decided to replace their thermal
systems in the entire steam of biscuit manufacturing units in the
• In a G-G collaborative initiative with MNRE and Italian government,
a fully automated system with compliance to European standards
has been built.
Some views of Plants in Industries
Gasifiers at A+ Power,
Lean Burn Engines at A+
Power, Thailand
PG Carburetor of IISc
design at A+ Power
Aluminium Melting at
Palakkad, Kerala
Al - Melting & Extrusion
at Coimbatore, TN
ITC Ltd, Food Division,
Vellakovil, TN
Some views of Plants (…)
Plant Control Console
View of the Plant built for Univ. of Florence, Italy
Fully Automated Biomass Plant built to
meet Euro – Standards for University of
Florence, Italy for a Collaborative
Technical work under a G-G agreement
between MNRE (GOI) and Italy
Engine Display Panel
Some views of Plants (…)
Reactors of 2 MWe at Gadag, Karnataka
Fully Automated 2 MWe Biomass
Power Plant with CHP option
and Grid Link for Power Export
Reactors with Gas Paths
at Gadag Plant
Typical Plant Performance
Continuous Run
Plant Operation from
Average load
Units generated
: Pointec Pens Pvt. Ltd.
: Hosur, Tamil Nadu
: Captive Power
: 300 kg/hr, 220 kWe
: 144 hrs (24x6 days/week)
: 3 years
: 160 kWe
: 2,560 Million Units
Continuous Run
Fuel Replacement
Plant Opation
Fossil Fuel Saved
: ITC Food Division
: Vellakovil, Tamil Nadu
: Biscuit Baking
: 600 kg/hr
: 24x7
: 150 ltrs/hr of FO
: 11,000 hrs (Uptime 96%)
: 1.3 Million Litres of FO
Expected Future Activities
• Extended and enhanced activities in all the areas mentioned
earlier to meet bigger challenges of industries.
• Organize larger scientific exchange programs for a better
growth in the Biomass technologies.
• Development and training of manpower of different levels
that can meet the required skills for management of these
projects in field.
• Development and monitoring of test centers for evaluation
and third party certifications, accessible for the end users for
their quality assurance.
• Involve more educational institutions for inclusion and
enhancements of academic activities in the area of Biomass
Thank You !