Fig. 20-3, p.662 FIGURE 20.3 An edge view of a loop in a uniform magnetic field. (a) When the field lines are perpendicular to the plane of the loop, the magnetic flux through the loop is a maximum and equal to ΦB = BA. (b) When the field lines are parallel to the plane of the loop, the magnetic flux through the loop is zero. 1 Fig. 20-1, p.661 FIGURE 20.1 Faraday’s experiment. When the switch in the primary circuit at the left is closed, the ammeter in the secondary circuit at the right measures a momentary current. The emf in the secondary circuit is induced by the changing magnetic field through the coil in that circuit. 2 Fig. 20-10, p.666 FIGURE 20.10 (a) In an electric guitar, a vibrating string induces a voltage in the pickup coil. (b) Several pickups allow the vibration to be detected from different portions of the string. 3 Fig. 20-12, p.667 FIGURE 20.12 A straight conductor of length l moving with velocity v through a uniform magnetic field B directed perpendicular to v. The vector Fm is the force due to magnetism applied to an electron in the conductor. An emf of vlB is induced between the ends of the bar. 4 Fig. 20-14, p.668 FIGURE 20.14 As the bar moves to the right, the area of the loop increases by the amount l∆x and the magnetic flux through the loop increases by Bl∆x. 5 Fig. 20-16, p.671 FIGURE 20.16 (a) As the conducting bar slides on the two fixed conducting rails, the magnetic flux through the loop increases with time. By Lenz’s law, the induced current must be counterclockwise so as to produce a counteracting flux out of the paper. (b) When the bar moves to the left, the induced current must be clockwise. Why? 6 Fig. 20-13, p.667 FIGURE 20.13 (a) A conducting bar sliding with velocity v along two conducting rails under the action of an applied force Fapp. The magnetic force Fm opposes the motion, and a counterclockwise current is induced in the loop. (b) The equivalent circuit of that in (a). 7 Fig. 20-17, p.671 FIGURE 20.17 (a) When the magnet is moved toward the stationary conducting loop, a current is induced in the direction shown. (b) This induced current produces its own flux to the left to counteract the increasing external flux to the right. (c) When the magnet is moved away from the stationary conducting loop, a current is induced in the direction shown. (d) This induced current produces its own flux to the right to counteract the decreasing external flux to the right. 8 Fig. 20-18, p.672 FIGURE 20.18 An example of Lenz’s law. 9 Fig. 20-19, p.672 FIGURE 20.19 (a) Major parts of a magnetic tape recorder. If a new recording is to be made, the bulk erase head wipes the tape clean of signals before recording. (b) The fringing magnetic field magnetizes the tape during recording. 10 Fig. 20-19b, p.672 FIGURE 20.19 (b) The fringing magnetic field magnetizes the tape during recording. 11 Fig. 20-20, p.673 FIGURE 20.20 (a) A schematic diagram of an AC generator. An emf is induced in a coil, which rotates by some external means in a magnetic field. (b) A plot of the alternating emf induced in the loop versus time. 12 Fig. 20-22, p.675 FIGURE 20.22 (a) A schematic diagram of a DC generator. (b) The emf fluctuates in magnitude, but always has the same polarity. 13 Fig. 20-24, p.677 FIGURE 20.24 After the switch in the circuit is closed, the current produces its own magnetic flux through the loop. As the current increases towards its equilibrium value, the flux changes in time and induces an emf in the loop. The battery drawn with dashed lines is a symbol for the selfinduced emf. 14 Fig. 20-25, p.678 FIGURE 20.25 (a) A current in the coil produces a magnetic field directed to the left. (b) If the current increases, the coil acts as a source of emf directed as shown by the dashed battery. (c) The induced emf in the coil changes its polarity if the current decreases. 15 Fig. 20-27, p.680 FIGURE 20.27 A series RL circuit. As the current increases towards its maximum value, the inductor produces an emf that opposes the increasing current. 16 Fig. 20-28, p.681 FIGURE 20.28 A plot of current versus time for the RL circuit shown in figure 20.27. The switch is closed at t = 0, and the current increases towards its maximum value ε/R. The time constant τ is the time it takes the current to reach 63.2% of its maximum value. 17 Fig. 20-29, p.681 FIGURE 20.29 (Quick Quiz 20.5) 18 Fig. P20-10, p.684 Fig. P20-18, p.687 Fig. P20-23, p.687 Fig. P20-24, p.687 Fig. P20-25, p.687 Fig. P20-28, p.688 Fig. P20-29, p.688 Fig. P20-51, p.689 Fig. P20-53, p.690 Fig. P20-58, p.690 Fig. P20-60, p.691 Fig. P20-61, p.691 Fig. P20-62, p.691 Fig. P20-63, p.691 Fig. P20-65, p.692