خبرنامه تحقیقات افغانستان شماره ،22اسد /سنبله 1388 2 4 5 7 مستند نمودن انتخابات سال 1388 تاریخ های عمده در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری و شورای والیتی 1388 اخبار تحقیقاتی مجموعه جدید احصائیوی در مورد افغانستان 6 نشریات جدید این اداره معیشت 7 پالیسی سازی 7 نشریات و منابع جدید 7 واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان بهبود بخشیدن به زندگی افغانها از طریق تحقیق خبرنامه تحقیقات افغانستان مستند نمودن انتخابات سال 1388 وبسایت کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات http://www.iec.org.af/ content.asp?id=lawاولین محلی برای دریافت آخرین گزارشات انتخابات می باشد .لست کاندیدان برای انتخابات ریاست جمهوری و شورای والیتی سال 1388به دری و پشتو در این وبسایت موجود استhttp:// : . www.iec.org.af/cnlist.asترجمۀ غیر رسمی این لست توسط انجمن همکاری برای صلح و همبستگی ( )CPAUترتیب گردیده بود. Voter Registration Observation: Report.” Free 2009 and Fair Election Foundation (FEFA). Kabul: Free and Fair Election Foundation, May 2009. 51 p. http:// www.fefa.org.af/download/Final%20Report%20.FEFA. pdf آگاهی و درک ارزش های دیموکراتیک میان کارمندان انتخاباتی و مردم. این ها و پیشنهادات دیگر در شش صفحه پیشنهادات برای کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات ،جامعۀ مدنی ،دولت افغانستان و تمویل کننده گان بین المللی گنجانیده شده است .این گزارش دینامیک ها و شخصیت های عمدۀ را که در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری نقش دارند بررسی می کند .گزارش مذکور بعضی از پیشنهادات را برای اجرای انتخابات و بعضی از سناریو های ممکنه را جهت شکل گیری پیامد های آن شرح می دهد .کمیته بین المللی توسعه و امنیت در فبروری 2008گزارشی را تحت عنوان نکته تصمیم گیری سال 2008نشر نمود. این گزارش لست اسامی افرادی را که توسط افغانان منحیث کاندید ریاست جمهوری داده شده بودند، ارایه نمود و مسایل را که انتخابات ریاست جمهوری که در آن زمان در جوزا و سرطان سال 1388تعیین شده بود به آن مواجه بودند بررسی نمود .گزارش مذکور همان لست را تجدید نموده و در مورد دینامیک ها و مسایل عمده در افغانستان در قسمت انتخابات که اکنون در 29اسد سال 1388برگزار خواهد گردید ،گزارش دهی می نماید. AFGHANISTAN’S PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: ?POWER TO THE PEOPLE, OR THE POWERFUL London, March 2009 بنیاد انتخابات عادالنه و آزاد ()FEFA یگانه آژانس داخلی نظارت انتخابات می باشد .میان اکتبر سال 2008و فبروری سال ،2009آژانس مذکور مشاهده نمود که روند ثبت نام رای دهنده گان در حدود 4.5میلیون رای دهنده گان جدید را ثبت نام نموده اند .در مجموع ،آژانس مذکور به این عقیده است که پروسه مذکور تالش موفق بود که توانست افغانستان را در راستای دیموکراسی پیشرفت دهد. آژانس مذکور مشاهده نمود که پروسه مذکور دارای افراد داوطلب در سراسر کشور می باشد .یک تعداد تخلف نیز مشاهده گردید :ثبت نام رای دهنده گانی که در روز رای دهی کمتر از 18 سال سن خواهند داشت ،بعضی از افراد بیش از یک مرتبه ثبت نام نموده بودند ،ثبت نام خانم ها بر اساس لست که توسط یکی از اقارب طبقه ذکور ارایه شده بود ،عدم ناظرین و رسانه ها در مراکز ثبت نام و وضعیت ضعیف امنیتی که موجب اشتراک نکردن مردم در ثبت نام گردید .آژانس مذکور دالیلی را برای این کار شناسایی نموده است :عدم آموزش کافی کارمندان توسط کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات ،عدم بررسی مناسب کارمندان توسط کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات ،کمبود کارمندان انتخابات از طبقه اناث و عدم 2 Addis, Casey and Kenneth Katzman. “Middle East Elections 2009: Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq.” Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service,Library of Congress, 18 May 2009. http:// www. fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R40586.pdf این گزارش بر مبارزات انتخاباتی در لبنان ،ایران ،افغانستان و عراق مرور می نماید بشمول بعضی از پیامد ها و اقدامات پالیسی ایاالت متحده .در مورد افغانستان در صفحات 9-7ذکر گردیده است. Afghanistan’s Election Challenges.” Kabul/ Brussels: International Crisis Group (ICG), 24 June 2009. 34 p. http://www. c r i s i s g r o u p . o r g / h o m e / g e t fi l e . c f m ? i d = 4 0 0 انتخابات آینده ریاست جمهوری و شورا های والیتی به تاریخ 29اسد 1388و انتخابات ولسوالی و شورای ملی که برای سال 1389در نظر گرفته شده اند چالش دشواری را ارایه می دارند اگر پیامد های قبول شده و موثق را به بار آورند .ضعف ادارات دولتی ،وضعیت وخیم امنیتی و منظره شکسته سیاسی تمام ًا برجسته شده اند و باالی روند انتخاباتی تاثیرات چشمگیری را خواهد داشت .افغانستان بعداز انتخابات گذشته در قسمت ایجاد چارچوب نیرومند انتخاباتی و پراگندن دیموکراسی به تمامی سطوح موفقیت کسب نتوانست .این کار برگذاری انتخابات پر معنی و واقعی را دشوار ساخته است .بار دیگر به جای برگزاری انتخابات به اسد /سنبله 1388 گونه یک واقعه متفاوت ،توجه متمرکز شده و منابع باید بسوی تقویت نهاد های سیاسی و انتخاباتی به گونه بخش عمده تالش های حکومت سازی که در قسمت ایجاد کشور پایدار الزم است مبذول گردد .برای دریافت فشرده های ترجمه شده از رسانه ها مربوط به انتخابات به خبرنامه روزانه افغان به آدرس ذیل مراجعه کنیدinfo@afghanwire.com : لست فرامین جدید دولت در قسمت کارمندان بخش نشریات وزارت عدلیه در اواخر جون 2009تغییراتی رو نما گردیده بود ،ازینرو در قسمت پخش فرامین جدید تاخیر صورت گرفت .تا هنوز کدام فرامین در رابطه با سال 1388نشر نگردیده است ،در حالیکه بعضی از موضوعات سال 1387در جریان اند و به زودی نشر خواهند گردید .فرامین قبلی: 960 :1387 /7/15 مصوبۀ شماره ( )25مؤرخ 1387 /5/26شورای وزیران ج.ا.ا در مورد تعدیل فقرۀ ( )1مادۀ پانزدهم مقرره تولید و تورید ادویه و لوازم طبی. مصوبۀ شماره ( )27مؤرخ 1387/6/11شورای وزیران ج.ا.ا در بارۀ تنظیم بست های خدمات ملکی :1387/7/30 961ثبت اعالنات و عالیم تجارتی :1387/9/1 962ثبت اعالنات و عالیم تجارتی خبرنامه تحقیقات افغانستان یکی از نشریات واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان است که در هر سه ماه یکبار نشر میگردد .هدف از نشر این گزارش اینست تا نشریات و تحقیقاتی که در خصوص در افغانستان صورت میگیرد را برای خواننده گان معرفی بدارد .و از طرف دیگر در اشاعه تحقیقات و تحلیل های مربوط به افغانستان، خواننده گان را یاری رساند .بعضی از آن گزارشات و منابع که درین خبرنامه معرفی میشوند ،در سایت های مربوطه موجود بوده و بسیاری ازین کتاب ها و دیگر نشریات در کتابخانه این اداره واقع در دفتر مرکزی آن در جاده گلفروشی ،شهر نو نیز موجود است و محققین می توانند روز های یکشنبه الی پنجشنبه از ساعت 9 صبح الی 12:30و از ساعت 1الی 4بعد از ظهر به این کتابخانه مراجعه کرده و از آن استفاده نمایند .این خبرنامه توسط رایس وایلز و داکتر عبدالجمیل الکوزی گرد آوری شده است .هرگاه میخواهید کتاب یا نشریات جدید در باره افغانستان ،درین خبرنامه چاپ و معرفی گردند ،لطف ًا با آدرس ذیل تماس حاصل نمائید: newsletter@areu.org.af واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان موسسهء مستقل تحقیقاتی مستقر در شهر کابل است که هدف آن انجام و عرضهء تحقیقات و پژوهش با کیفیت در عرصه های مختلف جهت اطالع رسانی و آگهی دهی ،و استفاده از آنها در تاثیر گذاری روی پالیسی ها و فعالیت های گوناگون میباشد .واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان با تقویت و ارتقا ظرفیت های تحلیلی و ایجاد فرصت برای تفکر و بحث ،میکوشد تا فعاالنه فرهنگ پژوهش و مطالعه را در این کشور ترویج دهد .این اداره سعی مینماید تا زمینه های بازتاب اندیشه ها ،مناظره ها و مباحث علمی را در کشور فراهم سازد که متصور است باعث بهبود و پیشرفت فکری و ذهنی در ابعاد مختلف در زندگی افغانها میگردد. واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان در سال 1381خورشیدی با همکاری سازمان های امدادی که در این کشور فعالیت دارند تأسیس گردیده و اعضای هیئت مدیرهء آنرا نماینده گان مراجع تمویل کننده ،سازمان ملل متحد ، ،ادارات غیر دولتی و دیگر نهاد های که در امور مختلف در افغانستان مصروف فعالیت اند ،تشکیل میدهد .این اداره ،در حال حاضر ،عمدتأ از جانب کشور های فنلند ،ناروی ،سویدن ،سویس ،و انگلستان تمویل مالی گردیده و موسساتی مثل انستیتوت جامعه باز افغانستان ( ،)OSIAبنیاد آسیایی ( ،)TAFکمیسیون اروپا ( ، )ECکمشنری عالی ملل متحد برای پناهندگان ( ،)UNHCRصندوق وجهی ملل متحد برای کودکان (،)UNICEF صندوق انکشافی ملل متحد برای زنان ( ،)UNIFEMو بانک جهانی نیز بعضی از پروژه های مشخص این اداره را حمایت مالی می نمایند. 3 خبرنامه تحقیقات افغانستان تاریخ های عمده در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری و شورای والیتی 1388 تاریخ 4 فعالیت 21اپریل چاپ جنتری انتخاباتی 18الی 24اپریل آغار پروسه ثبت نام کاندیدان 25اپریل الی 8می نامزدی کاندیدان 16می اطالع دهی به کاندیدانی که درخواستی های نامزدی شان کدام نواقص داشت 17الی 22می راه حل مشکالت یا نواقص درخواستی های نامزدی 21می آغاز تعلیمات رای دهنده /کمپاین های آگاهی عامه 23الی 25می آمادگی لست ابتدایی کاندیدان 26می الی 1جون نمایش لست ابتدایی کاندیدان همراه با چالش ها ،اصالحات و درخواست ها 26می الی 8جون سمع شکایات و تصمیم گیری های کمیسیون سمع شکایات انتخاباتی 9جون کمیسیون سمع شکایات انتخاباتی کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات را از تصامیم نامزدان آگاه می سازد 9الی 12جون کمیسیون مستقل انتخابات لست نهایی کاندیدان را ترتیب می دهد 12جون نشر لست نهایی کاندیدان 9الی 14جون کمیسیون مستقل طرح نهایی ورقه های رای دهی را آماده می سازد 14جون طرح نهایی ورقه های رای دهی به مطبعه فرستاده شدند 15جون الی 15جوالی چاپ ورقه های رای دهی 16جون الی 18آگست دوره کمپاین سیاسی 20جون استخدام هماهنگ کننده گان ساحات ولسوالی 1الی 10جوالی استخدام کارمندان شمارش و اخذ آرا 15جوالی نهایی سازی موقعیت مراکز رای دهی و تعداد مراکز رای دهی 16جوالی ورقه های رای دهی به کابل رسیدند 17جوالی الی 19آگست بسته بندی صندوق ها و توزیع ورقه های رای دهی در والیات و مراکز رای دهی 20جوالی الی 20آگست تبلیغات موقعیت های مراکز رای دهی 9الی 11آگست آموزش اخذ و شمارش آرا برای مدیر مراکز و رئیس مرکز 20آگست روز رای دهی 20آگست بازیابی نتایج از مراکز رای دهی 3سپتمبر نتایج ابتدایی برای انتخابات ریاست جمهوری 17سپتمبر نتایج نهایی انتخابات ریاست جمهوری 1اکتبر تاریخ تخمینی انتخابات دوباره در صورت امکان اسد /سنبله 1388 اخبار تحقیقاتی واضح سازی نقش ادارات شاروالی در افغانستان Samaraweera, Vijaya. Municipal Governance in Afghanistan: A Handbook: volume 1. Kabul, Afghanistan: ICMAInternational, 2009. xix, 168 p.ISBN 9789936210622 این نشریه مهم و اصل یک هدف خیلی سیاسی دارد که عبارت از کمک به رهبران حکومت شاروالی در قسمت درک نقش و وظایف شان در میان نقش و وظایف کلی ساختار دولت افغانستان می باشد. موضوع که هیچ کسی در مسایل حکومتداری (بشمول حکومتداری محلی) و توسعه در افغانستان کار نمی کند ،معلومات ،توضیحات یا بینش را که در این کتاب ذکر گردیده نادیده گرفته می تواند. این کتاب ارزیابی مفصل کار شاروالی در افغانستان را ارایه نمی نماید ،در عوض در قسمت مستند سازی ترتیبات نهادی که اخیراً برای شاروالی ها موجود است اولین گام نهایت ًا ضروری می باشد .نویسنده این کتاب محتویات هزاران منابع و ماخذ را به چندین زبان (که اغلب به بسیار مشکالت دریافت می گردند) مرور و ترکیب نموده است و آنرا به شیوه ای پیشکش نموده که برای کارمندان دولت افغانستان، اعضای اجتماع تمویل کننده گان بین المللی و تمامی کسانیکه با مسایل شاروالی در حکومتداری محلی مواجه اند فوراً مفید واقع خواهد گردید .برعالوه ،ریاست مستقل ارگان های محل دولت افغانستان محتوای این کتاب را (به زبان انگلیسی ،دری و پشتو) را مرور نموده است و این تضمین ارزش کیفیت این نشریه را افزایش بخشیده است (مقدمه ،صفحه .)5 جلد اول آن که در جون 2009نشر گردید به تحلیل و توضیح مکان شاروالی در ساختار حکومتداری محلی در افغانستان اختصاص یافته است .جلد دوم آن منابع ماخذ ،منابع ابتدایی که از نشریات دولت افغانستان بخاطر برجسته سازی موضوعات که در جلد اول شامل بودند را ارائه می نماید .جلد اول گفتگوی شاروالی ها را با مراکز ذیصالح ،دولت والیتی ،ولسوالی ها وغیره شرح می دهد .تمامی کار های آینده شاروالی ها در افغانستان از توضیحات و تحلیل های این کتاب مستفید خواهند گردید. خالصۀ از محتویات جلد اول در این کتاب ذکر گردیده است ،تا خواننده گان با محتویات اصلی این کتاب آشنا گردند .مقدمه و فصل دوم این کتاب فشرده مکان شاروالی ها را در ساختار دولت افغانستان ارایه می نماید و تاریخچه خالصه تاسیس آنرا فراهم می نماید .خالصه این کتاب سه بنیاد سازمانی را برای حکومتداری محلی شناسایی می نماید که عبارت از والیات ،ولسوالی ها و شاروالی ها می باشد .سمراویرا نویسنده این کتاب بیان می گوید چنانکه نشریات قبلی نیز باالی شاروالی ها تمرکز داشته اند “ آنها کابل را در رابطه با ساختار و حکومتداری طوری نمایان نموده اند...بسیار نایاب است که بکلی از شاروالی ها نماینده گی نمی کند” شاروالی کابل از این کتاب حذف گردیده است چون که نهادیکه پایتخت را اداره می کند در ردیف یک وزارت میاید و در رابطه با اداره و سیاست از ترتیبات معمول برای شاروالی ها خارج می باشد. افغانستان دارای دو نوع شاروالی در ولسوالی های 34والیت است .1 :شاروالی های والیتی بر اساس مراکز والیتی بوده و فرمان اداره نمودن آنها را دارد و .2شاروالی روستایی آنهایی اند که خارج از ولسوالی ها با مراکز والیتی قرار دارند .منحصراً برای نهاد های محلی در افغانستان به شاروالی ها نیاز است تا عواید را از منابع محلی جمع آوری نموده و خدمات و کارکرد های شانرا از همان بودجه تامین نمایند .در مقابل ،والیات و ولسوالی ها جمع کننده عواید اند ،که آنها این عواید را به مرکز جهت شامل سازی در بودجه ملی می فرستند و به ترتیب آنها توسط انتقال پول از طرف دولت مرکزی تمویل می گردند. قانون که از جانب قانون اساسی برای شاروالی ها تصویب شده ،تا هنوز وضع نگردیده است؛ در عوض شاروالی ها تحت رهبری شاروال فعالیت می نمایند که از جانب رئیس جمهور استخدام می شوند و شورا های منتخب شاروالی تا هنوز باید ایجاد نگردیده اند .طبق گفته نویسنده شاروالی ها کدام طبقه همبسته سلسله مراتب حکومت والیتی نمی باشند و با والیات ،ولسوالی ها و قریه جات کدام ارتباط مستقیم ندارند ،در عوض به گونه ضمیمه ساختار های دولت والیتی تلقی می گردند ،طورمثال ،شاروالی و شاروال ها تحت کنترول والی نمی باشند ،اگرچه روابط عملی و ویژه بطور واضح رخ می دهد .شاروالی ها پائینترین طبقه اداری بوده که به بیشترین فیصدی مردم افغانستان سروکار دارد ،این موضوع نشان می دهد که شاروالی ها برای حکومت محلی جایگاه خیلی مهم را اشغال نموده است“ .شناخت اهمیت عملکرد ها و پالیسی های مناسب حکومتداری محلی که به نیاز های باشنده گان پاسخ می دهد اهداف و دیدگاه ها برای حکومت محلی که از سال 1380بدینسو از دولت افغانستان و تمویل کننده گان بین المللی منشأ گرفته است را حمایت می کند...زمانیکه سروی ها نظریات مردم افغانستان را در مورد مسایل حکومت محلی ارزیابی می کند ،چیزیکه بیشتر واضح می گردد اهمیت خدمات اساسی به آنها می باشد” (ص)5 . فصل های سه الی شش ترتیبات فعلی را که برای حکومتداری به سطح محلی در افغانستان موجود اند ارزیابی می نماید .وضاحت جایگاه شاروالی ها در برابر سلسله مراتب والیات ،ولسوالی و قریه جات از اهمیت خاص برخوردار است .این بخش های کتاب مذکور در مورد فعالین متعددی در حکومتداری محلی :وزارات ،کمیسیون های مستقل ،سکرتریت ها یا دفاتر، والی ها ،شورا های والیتی ،قریه جات ،ادارات والیتی وغیره ،همچنان چارچوب قانونی و قانون اساسی که در شاروالی ها استعمال می گردند و صالحیت ها و نقش های که به آنها سپرده شده اند را بیان می کند. بخش هفتم در مورد مدیریت مالی شاروالی در رابطه با صالحیت مالی، منابع عایداتی ،اجرا و تشکیل بودجه و تدارکات معلومات می دهد .بخش 5 خبرنامه تحقیقات افغانستان هشتم به گفتگو های شاروالی ها با ادارات ذیصالح مرکزی ،دولت والیتی، شاروالی های ولسوالی ها و روستا ها نظری می اندازد و “ خطوط فاصل روابط را که شاروال ها با افراد با صالحیت حکومت ،جامعه مدنی و ادارات انکشافی برقرار نموده اند را مرور می کند” (ص .)119 .تعریف و مشخص سازی مسوولیت ها میان این نهاد مختلف خیلی مبهم می باشد. بخش دوم این جلد مسایل مدیریت شاروالی را به تفصیل ارزیابی می نماید: کارکرد شاروال ،دستگاه اداری شاروالی ،حساب های داخلی ،حقوق اساسی یا حقوق بشری ،شفافیت ،حسابدهی و فساد ،اشتراک باشنده گان ،مدیریت استفاده از اراضی و مصوونیت محیطی .دو ضمیمه وجود دارد :اول وظایف و قدرت شاروالی ها و دوم جدول حساب های شاروالی مربوط به وزارت مالیه می باشد .بالخره لست مأخذ و وبسایت ها که در قسمت انکشاف این کتاب خیلی مفید بوده اند ذکر می گردد .در مجموع بحث در این کتاب برای شاروالی های والیات قابل تطبیق و معتبر می باشد ،اگرچه بسیاری از مثال های که ذکر گردیده اند از شاروالی های که تحت پوشش پروژه تقویت شاروالی افغانستان می باشند گرفته شده اند .نسخه های دری و پشتو این کتاب آماده چاپ است .این کتاب که از جانب اداره انکشاف بین المللی سازمان ملل حمایت می گردد نباید از جانب هیچ یک از سازمان های که در قسمت مسایل حکومتداری در افغانستان کار می کنند چشم انداز گردد. تماس: مجموعه جدید احصائیوی در مورد افغانستان زنان و مردان در افغانستان :اساس احصائیوی مبنی بر جندر ،کابل ،وزارت امور زنان 60 .2008 ،ص .این مجموعه احصائیوی موضوعات عمومی نفوس، مسایل امنیتی ،محافظت قانونی و حقوق بشر ،اشتراک سیاسی ،اقتصاد، کار و فقر همچنان صحت و معارف را در بر می گیرد .بسیاری از این احصائیه ها از اداره مرکزی احصائیه (از نسخه های چاپ نا شده قبلی) و منابع بانک انکشاف آسیایی گرفته شده اند. vsamaraweera@hotmail.com بودجه ملی برای سال 21( 1388مارچ 20 -2009مارچ )2010 نسخه های دری و پشتو بودجه ملی برای سال 1388را همراه با اسناد دیگر تمویلی و کمک مانند ست اخیر معلومات تمویلی برای افغانستان (اپریل )2008می توان از وبسایت http://www.budgetmof.gov.afداونلود کرد. 6 اسد /سنبله 1388 نشریات جدید این اداره جون ،2009پالیسی نامه :بهبود دهی حسابدهی متقابل برای موثریت کمک ،ربیکا رابرتس .حسابدهی متقابل به گونه روش بهبود دهی موثریت کمک جانبداری می گردد .جهت درک بهتر اینکه چگونه حسابدهی متقابل برای بدست آوردن موثریت بیشتر کمک ها در افغانستان عملی شده می تواند ،کارمندان موسسات غیر دولتی داخلی و شاگردان تحصیالت عالی در کابل نظریات شانرا در مورد حسابدهی متقابل در جریان های بحث های ورکشاپ ابراز نمودند .رادیو کلید دو بحث میز مدور و پیام های تلفونی را در مورد حسابدهی متقابل ترتیب نمود .این نشریه فشرده نظریات را از ورکشاپ ها و برنامه های رادیویی در مورد اینکه کدام فعالین به کی ها پاسخگو باشند ،چالش ها در راستای حسابدهی متقابل ،و فرصت ها جهت بهبود دهی حسابدهی متقابل فراهم می نماید. می ،2009روش انتصابی مرکب از انضباط و اختیارات :پالیسی های انتصاب پست های عالیرتبه در والیات ،مارتین ون بجلرت .طی سال های اخیر نیاز برای حکومت بهبود یافته در افغانستان خیلی شدیدتر گردیده است .دانستن شیوه های متفاوت انتخاب والی ها و ولسوال ها ،و نفوذ های مختلف که باالی این روند تاثیر دارد مهم است اگر این راه ها حکومتداری را در کل پیشرفت داده بتوانند .این نشریه جدید بحث از جانب واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان این موضوع را بررسی می کند ،با ارزیابی عملکرد های موجوده استخدام و پیشنهاد یک تعداد راه های که این روند بتواند پیشرفت کند با تغییرات در تاکید که به اجرای آن الزم است. معیشت جوالی ،2009از دسترسی الی تاثیرات ،قرضه های کوچک و معیشت روستایی در افغانستان ،پاال کانتور .تالش های بازسازی در افغانستان به دسترسی و توزیع قرضه های کوچک و ثبات معیشتی اولویت داده است. از سال 2003بدینسو ،بیش از 569میلیون دالر به قرضه های کوچک به بیش از 440000مشتریان روستایی و شهری رسانیده شده اند .این نشریه از واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان تاثیرات را که دسترسی قرضه های کوچک باالی سیستم قرضه های غیر رسمی و باالی معیشت های روستایی در افغانستان داده است ،ارزیابی می نماید. جون ،2009فراتر از عوامل فقر که باالی تصامیم استفاده از کار اطفال در روستا ها و شهر های افغانستان تاثیر دارد ،پامیال هانتی .روند های تصامیم خیلی پیچیده در عقب تصمیم گیری استفاده کردن یا نکردن کار اطفال در افغانستان موجود است .این نشریه هدفمند است تا فراتر از تشریحات فقر منحیث یک تعیین کننده برود و یک تعداد عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی را در قسمت تصمیم استفاده از کار اطفال کشف می کند .این نشریه موضوع برخورد با کار اطفال در افغانستان را وسعت می دهد و همکاری می نماید. می ،2009برخورد با کار اطفال در افغانستان ،امیندا سم .طبق تخمین های اخیر ،در هر چهار طفل یکی آن که از هفت الی چهارده سال سن دارند به یکی از اشکال کار مشغول اند .توضیح نامه مذکور همین موضوع را با توجه به یافته ها از یک مطالعه عمیق و کیفی خانواده های فقیر که اطفال شان کار می کنند همچنان آنانی که از کار اطفال استفاده نمی کنند کشف می کند .این گزارش فراتر از فقر می نگرد تا تعداد عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی را که باالی تصامیم خانواده ها در رابطه با کار اطفال تاثیر دارد را دریابد، بخصوص شیوه مهم که خانواده ها عواید و منافع کار نسبت به مکتب انتخاب می نماید که سبب می شود آنها سرمایه گذاری خویشرا به تحصیل بر اساس درک آنها از برگشت های آینده محدود سازند. اپریل ،2009عکس العمل ها در مقابل توافقنامه پاریس و موثریت کمک در افغانستان ،ربیکا رابرتس .کمک به افغانستان برای غیر موثر بودنش تحت انتقاد قرار گرفته است .این نشریه جدید از واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان بحث می کند که اگرچه اصول توافقنامه پاریس سال 2005در مورد موثریت کمک ها با ارزش اند ،چارچوب جهت تضمین موثریت کمک ها در افغانستان ناکافی می باشد. پالیسی سازی می ،2009پالیسی سازی در توسعه زراعتی و روستایی ،ادم پین .چنین به نظر می رسد که سکتور زراعتی در افغانستان در پیشبرد رشد اقتصادی نقش عمده دارد .این نشریه ایجاد پالیسی توسعه زراعتی و روستایی در افغانستان را ارزیابی می کند .این یک بخش از سلسله کار های واحد تحقیق و ارزیابی افغانستان در رابطه با پروسه های پالیسی سازی در افغانستان می باشد و هدفمند است تا فضا را برای گزینه های سیاسی باز کند. نشریات و منابع جدید چارچوب ملی توسعه زراعت ()NADF از سقوط طالبان بدینسو سکتور زراعت در افغانستان انکشاف چشمگیری در قسمت پالیسی و استراتژی دریافت نموده است (قسمیکه در جدول ذیل نشان داده می شود) .اخیر ترین تجسم چارچوب ملی توسعه زراعتی وزارت زراعت ،آبیاری و مالداری که اخیراً منسجم می گردند ،می باشد .یک سند پیشنویس این چارچوب و اسناد مربوطه آن در وبسایت وزارت زراعت، آبیاری و مالداری www.mail.gov.afموجود است .هدف این چارچوب عبارت از ارتقای رشد اقتصادی و مصؤنیت غذایی توسط اداره نمودن منابع طبیعی و افزایش تولیدات زراعتی ،پیشرفت زیربنای فزیکی و توسعه بازار ها می باشد. • اسناد که الی اواخر جون 2009قابل دسترسی خواهند بود قرار ذیل اند: •سند چتری برای چارچوب ملی توسعه زراعت ( 10صفحه) •تاریخ اسناد های کلی یا مفهومی ذیل اپریل 2009می باشد و شامل تخمین های بودجوی می باشد: 7 خبرنامه تحقیقات افغانستان •اقدامات مدیریت مهم تغییرات (شامل ضمیمه :1واحد پالیسی کوچی) ( 31صفحه) •خدمات مالی برای توسعه زراعتی ( 6صفحه) •نگهداری و پروسس مواد غذایی در خانه ها ( 5صفحه) •مراکز خدمات کوچی :پروژه مشارکتی ( 7صفحه) رهبری برای پیشرفت مدیریت آب زراعتی در زراعت آبیاری شده (6 صفحه) عملکرد سریع تولید تخم گندم و توزیع و بازنگری سکتور تخم در افغانستان ( 10صفحه) نگهداری استراتژیک غله جات :زیربنا برای مواد غذایی. 8 ماستر پالن زراعتی 1384 استراتژی موقت انکشاف ملی افغانستان 1385 استراتژی وزارت 1386 استراتژی سکتور توسعه روستایی و زراعتی استراتژی انکشاف ملی افغانستان 1387 چارچوب ملی توسعه زراعتی 1388 د افغانستان د څیړنې خبر پاڼه 2۲مه ګڼه ۱۳۸۸کال د چنګاښ او زمري میاشتې 2 6 8 د ۱۳۸۸کال د ټولټاکنو مستندول ددولت د نویو فرمانونو لست: 4 څیړنیز خبرونه د افغانستان په اړه نوې احصائیوي ټولګه 7 د افغانستان د څیړنې او ارزونې د ادارې نوی خپرونې حکومتداري 8 د طبيعي سرچينو مديريت 8 معيشت 9 د پاليسى جوړول 10 نوی خپرونې او سرچینې 1 0 د افغانستان د څیړنې او ارزونې اداره د څیړنې له الرې د افغانانو د ژوند ښه کول د افغانستان د څیړنې خبر پاڼه د ۱۳۸۸کال د ټولټاکنو مستندول د ټاکنو د خپلواک کمیسیون ویب پاڼه http://www.iec.org.af/ content.asp?id=lawد ټاکنو په اړه د نویو خبرونو لومړنۍ مرجع ده .په دغه ویب پاڼه کې http://www.iec.org.af/cnlist.aspد ۱۳۸۸کال د ولسمشرۍ او د والیتی شوراګانو د نوماندو لړلیک په دری او پښتو ژبو خپور شوی دی (د PDFپه بڼه ټول .)MB ۲۷.۴د نوموړي لرلیک غیررسمي ژباړه – د سولی او یوالې لپاره د مرستندویه سازمان ( )CPAUلخوا چمتو شوې ده (د په عمومي ډول دغه اداره باور لري چې د نوم لیکنې پروسه یوه بریالی هڅه ده چې افغانستان ته یې د دموکراسۍ په لور د خوځښت توفیق ور په برخه کړ .یاده شوې پروسه په ټول هیواد کې د نوموړې ادارې لخوا د روزل شویو داوطلبانو په وسیله څارل کېده .ددغې څارنې په بهیر کې یو شمېر تاوتریخوالی هم په سترګو کېده لکه :د هغو رای ورکوونکو نوم لیکنه چې د رایې اچونې په ورځ به د ۱۸کلونو څخه ټیټ عمر ولري ،څو ځلیزه نوم لیکنه په کوم کې چې خلک د یو څخه زیات د نوم لیکنې کارتونه ترالسه PDFپه بڼه – KB۶۴۸اوسمهال در انترنټ په پاڼه موجوده نده). AFGHANISTAN’S PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: ?POWER TO THE PEOPLE, OR THE POWERFUL د ټولټاکنو اړوند پوسترونه چې خلکو ته د ټولټاکنو په اړه معلومات وړاندی کې د څارونکو او رسنیو نشتوالی، خپرېدو په درشل کې دي ،چې” :د ۲۰۰۹کال د رایه ورکوونکو د نوم لیکنې د بهیر او کمزوري امنیتي شرایط چې په نوم په اړه رپوټ لري“. 2009 نوم لیکنه چې د نارینه خپلوانو لخوا وړاندی کېده ،د نوم لیکنې په مرکزونو کوي ،د مخه خپاره شوې دي :د ټولټاکنو په اړه خبري مواد د نورو ادارو لخوا د Free کړي ،د نومونو د لړلیک پربنسټ د ښځو لیکنه کې د خلکو د ګډون خڼد ګرځېده. ”Report. Observation: Registration د آزادو او عادالنه ټاکنو بنیاد د ذکر Voter and Fair Election Foundation (FEFA). Kabul: Free and London, March 2009 شویو ستونزو لپاره یو لړ دلیلونه په ګوته Fair Election Foundation, May 2009. 51 p. http://www. کړي دي :د ټاکنو د خپلواک کمیسیون لخوا د کارکوونکو د بسیا روزنې .fefa.org.af/download/Final%20Report%20FEFA.pdf نشتوالی ،د کمیسیون لخوا د کارکوونکو د الزمی دقیقی څارنې نشتوالی ،د د آزادو او عادالنه ټاکنو بنیاد ښځینه کارکوونکو نشتوالی ،او د ټاکنیزو کارکوونکو او خلکو په منځکې د دموکراتیکو ارزښتونو په اړه د پوهی نشتوالی .دا او نور وړاندیزونه د ټاکنو د خپلواک کمیسیون ،افغان مدني ټولنې ،د افغانستان د دولت او د نړیوالو بسپنه ورکوونکو لپاره د وړاندیزونو په شپږو پاڼو کې تسوید شوی دی. Afghanistan’s Presidential Election: Power to the People or the Powerful?” London: International Council on Security and Development (ICOS), March 2009. 52 p. http://www. 952 icosgroup.net/documents/power_to_the_people.pdf )KB).B 2 ( )FEFAد افغانستان یواځینی کورنی دغه رپوټ مهم ځواکونه او شخصیتونه چې د افغانستان د ولسمشرۍ د اداره ده چې د ټاکنو د بهیر څارنه ټولټاکنو په هلوځلو کې بوخت دي ،تر ازموینې الندی نیسي .نوموړی رپوټ د کوي .دغې ادارې د ۱۳۸۷کال د تلې ټاکنو د ترسره کولو او د ممکنه سیناریو لپاره چې ښائي د ټاکنو پایلی ته بڼه او سلواغې د میاشتو ترمنځ مهال ورکړي ،یو شمیر وړاندیزونه په تفصیل سره توضیح کوي .نوموړې شورا د کې د رایه ورکوونکو د نوم لیکنې د ۱۳۸۶کال د سلواغې په میاشت کې د ( ۱۳۸۷کال د پریکړی د ټکي) تر نامه پروسې څارنه کوله چې ددغې مودی الندی یو رپوټ خپور کړ .په دغه رپوټ کې د هغو انفرادی کسانو نومونه په بهیر کې کابو ۴.۵میلیونه نوی لست شوې وو چې د افغانانو لخوا د ولسمشرۍ د بالقوه نوماندو په توګه رایه ورکوونکي ثبت او راجستر کړل. معرفي شوې وو ،او همدارنګه دغه رپوټ هغه ستونزې څېړي چې افغانستان ۱۳۸۸کال د چنګاښ او زمري میاشتې ورسره د ولسمشرۍ د ټاکنو په بهیر کې مخ دی د ۱۳۸۸کال د وري/غويي شورا او د ولسوالیو د شوراګانو ټاکنې د ۱۳۸۹کال لپاره ځانګړې شوې دي. میاشتو لپاره مهال ویش یې وټاکل شو .دغه رپوټ یاد شوی لست د وخت سره که تمه دا وي چې دغه دواړه ټولټاکنې (د ولسمشرۍ او والیتي شوراګانو او سم نوی کوي او د هغو اساسي فعالیتونو او مسایلو په اړه رپوټ ورکوي چې همدارنګه د ملی شورا او د ولسوالیو ټولټاکنې) په پراخه کچه د منلو وړ وي د ۱۳۸۸کال د زمري د میاشتی د ۲۹نېټې لپاره د ځانګړې شوي دي ( ۵مخ). او د اعتبار وړ پایلې رامنځته کړي ،نو دا به یوه ډیره د ستونزو ډکه ننګونه Addis, Casey and Kenneth Katzman. “Middle East Elections 2009: Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq.” Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 18 May 2009. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R40586. pdf (192 KB)Bدغه رپوټ په لبنان ،ایران ،افغانستان او اعراق کې د ټاکنیزو سیالیو په اړه یوه لنډه کتنه وړاندې کوي چې د متحده ایالتونو د پالیسۍ لپاره احتمالی پایلې په برکې لري .د افغانستان په اړه لنډه کتنه په ۷-۹پاڼو کې راغلې ده. رابرڅیره کړي .د دولتي ارګانونو کمزورتیا ،بدترېدونکی امنیتی حالت، او ټوټی شوی سیاسی حالت دا ټول د ټاکنیزو پروسو له الرې په نښه شوي او ښايي په ټاکنیزو پړاوونو باندی د پاموړ اغیزه ولري .د تیرې رای اچونی څخه راپدیخوا کلونه ددې خبرې څرګندوی دي چې د افغانستان دولت او نړیواله ټولنه د یو غښتلې ټاکنیز چوکاټ په رامنځته کولو او د هیواد په ټولو کچو د ډموکراسۍ په پلی کولو کې پاتې راغلې دي چې دې موضوع په ریښتنې توګه د منطقی ټولټاکنو په الره اچول د ډیری زیاتې ستونزې سره مخ کړې دي .ددې پرځای چې یواځې د ښکاره او څرګندو غونډو په څیر یوځل بیا د رای اچونې لړۍ ترسره شي ،هغه بی شانه سرچینې او پاملرنه چې ټولټاکنو ته ځانګړې Afghanistan’s کېږي ،باید د سیاسي او ټاکنیزو بنسټونو پیاوړتیا ته غوره شي چې د دولت International Crisis Group (ICG), 24 June 2009. 34 p. http:// جوړونې اساسي برخه جوړوي او د یو باثباته هیواد لپاره اړین انګېرل کېږي“. Kabul/Brussels: ”Challenges. Election &www.crisisgroup.org/home/getfile.cfm?id=4002&tid=6176 له افغاني رسنیو څخه د ټولټاکنو په اړه د خبري لنډیزونو type=pdf&l=1 (1.38 MB).B وګورﺉ په افغانستان کې د ولسمشرۍ او والیتي شوراګانو راتلونکې ټولټاکنې به د ترالسه کولو لپاره د افغان وایر ورځنۍ خبرپاڼه ()info@afghanwire.com د ۱۳۸۸م کال د اګست په ۲۹مه نېټه ترسره شي ،په داسی حال کې چې د ملی د ۲۰۰۹کال د جون میاشت” ،د پالیسۍ نوټ :د مرستو د اغیزمنتیا لپاره په دوه اړخیزه ځواب وینه کې ښه والې رامنځته کول “،د ربیکا رابرتس لیکنه .دوه اړخیزه ځواب وینه د مرستو د اغیزمنتیا د ښه والي د يوې حل الرې په توګه بلل کېږي .په ټولنه کې د دوه اړخیزې ځواب وینې په اړه د پراخې پوهې ترویج –چې څنګه دوه اړخیزه ځواب وینه په عمل کې پلې کېدای شي ،ترڅو په افغانستان کې د پراخو مرستو اغیزمنتیا ترالسه او ډاډمنه شي .په دې هکله د داخلي نادولتي سازمانونو کارکوونکو او په کابل کې د لوړو زده کړو محصلینو خپلی څرګندونې د یو ورکشاپ په ترڅ کې وړاندې کړې .د دوه اړخیزي ځواب وینې په اړه ،د کلید رادیو هم دوه ګردي میزونه او تیلیفوني خبری اتری په الره واچولې .دغه پاڼه په ذکر شوي ورکشاپ کې د وړاندی شویو نظریو ،او د (کوم چارواکي د چا په وړاندی ځواب ویونکي دي) د رادیويي خبرو اترو ،همدارنګه د دوه اړخیزې ځواب وینې ننګونې ،او د دوه اړخیزې ځواب وینې د ښه والي د فرصتونو لنډیز وړاندی کوي. د ۱۳۸۸کال د غويي میاشت” ،د دسپلین او انضباط ترمنځ :هغه پالیسۍ چې په سیمه ایزه کچه د لوړ پوړو چارواکو ګمارل ارزوي ،د مارتین وان بیجلیرت لیکنه “.په افغانستان کې د تېرو څو پرله پسې کلونو څخه راپدیخوا د پیاوړي حکومتدارۍ اړتیا او غوښتنه ،اوس په 3 د افغانستان د څیړنې خبر پاڼه ددولت د نویو فرمانونو لست: د ۱۳۸۸کال د غبرګولې د میاشتې په وروستیو کې د عدلیې وزارت د خپرونو دریاست د دکارکونکو په برخه کې د بدلون له کبله د نویو قوانینو خپریدل وځنډیدل .او ال تر اوسه د ۱۳۸۸کال فرمانونه نه دي خپاره شوې ،په داسې حال کې چې د ۱۳۸۷کال ځینې موضوعګانې په ډیر ژر خپرې شي .محکیني ۹۶۰ ۱۵/۷/۱۳۸۷ • ۲۵ګڼه مصوبه ۲۶/۵/۱۳۸۷د افغانستا د اسالمي جمهوریت د وزیرانو شورا د ۱۵مادې د ۱بند تعدیل د درملو او طبي لوازمو د واردیدلو په باب. • ۲۷ګڼه مصوبه ۱۱/۶/۱۳۸۷د افغانستان د اسالمي جمهوریت د وزیرانو شورا د ملکي خدمتونود بستونو دتنظیم په اړه. :1387/7/30 961د اعالنونو او تجارتي نښو ثبت :1387/9/1 962د اعالنونو او تجارتي نښوثبت زیاته اندازه چټکه شوې ده .که چیرې په افغانستان کې د حکومتدارۍ د د افغانستان څیړنیزه خبر پاڼه د افغانستان د څیړنې او ارزونې د اداری دری میاشتنۍ خپرونه ده .ددغه خبرپاڼې موخه داده چې لوستونکي د نوو څیړنو څخه چې په افغانستان کې په الره اچول کیږي خبر کړي او همدارنګه د څیړنې موندنې او پایلو د رپوټونو په ویشلو او خپرولو کې مرسته وکړي .ځینی د یادو شویو منابعو څخه د انترنیټ په پاڼه د السرسنی وړ دي؛ زیاتره کتابونه او نوری خپرونې د دغه اداری په کتابتون کې موجودی دي ،نوموړی کتابتون ددغه اداری په دفتر (د ګل فروشۍ کوڅه ،د دوهمی کوڅې ګوټ) کې موقعیت لري او د یکشنبه څخه تر پنجشنبه پوری د سهار د ۹بجو څخه تر ۱۲:۳۰او د ماسپښین د ۱بجې څخه تر د مازدیګر ۴بجو پوری د څیړونکو پرمخ پرانستی دی .دغه خبر پاڼه د رویس وایلز لخوا تصنیف ،د ماري شیرزادلخوا تصحیح او د عبدالوکیل وسیم دیزاین شوې .که چیری تاسو د کتابونو یا نورو خپرونو یا سرچینو په اړه وړاندیزونه لرۍ چې باید په خبر پاڼه کې اضافه شي ،نو هیله کیږي چې دغه بریښنا پتی ته بریښنالیک را واستوﺉnewsletter@areu.org.af : د افغانستان د څیړنې او ارزونې اداره ( )AREUپه کابل کې میشته یوه نا پیلې څیړنیزه اداره ده .ددې ادارې دنده د لوړ څرنګوالې درلودونکې څیړنو له الرې پرپالیسۍ او چارومثبتې اغیزې درلودل دي .همدا راز نوموړې اداره هڅه کوي څو په افغانستان کې د څیړنې او زده کړې کلتور ته د تحلیلي ظرفیت د پیاوړې کولو او د فکرونو او بحثونو د آسانولو له الرې په فعاله توګه وده ورکړي .ددې ادارې اصلي موخه دڅیړنې له الرې د افغانانو د ژوندانه ښه والې دی. نوموړې اداره په ۱۳۸۱لمریز کال په افغانستان کې د بوختو مرستندویه ټولنو په مرسته په کار پیل وکړ اود یو مدیره هیات درلودونکۍ دی چې د بسپنه ورکونکو ټولنو له خوا لکه ملګرې ملتونه او نورو څو اړخیزو ادارو ،او نا دولتي ادارو له خوا یې استازیتوب کیږي .نوموړې اداره اوس مهال خپله اصلی بودجه د فنلند ،ناروی ،سویډن ،سویزرلند او د انګلستان دحکومتونو څخه تر السه کوي .ددې ادارې ځانګړې پروژې د افغانستان د پرانیستې ټولنې د انستیتیوت ( ،)FOSIAآسیایی بنیاد ( ،)TAFاروپايې کمیسیون ( ،)ECد کډوالو لپاره د ملګرو ملتونو عالي کمیشنري ( ،)UNHCRد ملګرو ملتونو د ماشومانو وجهي صندوق ( ،)UNICEFد ښځو لپاره د ملګرو ملتونو پراختیايي صندوق ( ،)UNIFEMاو نړیوال بانک له خوا یې مالی مالتړ کیږي. دالزیاتو معلوماتو او ددغه د اداری د خپرونود پي ډي ایف کاپیانو لپاره دا ویب پاڼه وګوری www.areu.org.af : 4 ۱۳۸۸کال د چنګاښ او زمري میاشتې د افغانستان د ۱۳۸۸کال د ولسمشرۍ او والیتي شوراګانو د ټاکنو لپاره غوره نېټې فعالیت تاریخ د غويي ۱ د ټاکنو د کلیزې خپرول د وري د میاشتې له ۲۹څخه د غويي تر ۴ د نوماندو د نوم لیکنې د پروسې پیلول د غويي د ۵نېټې څخه تر د غويي تر ۱۸نېټې پورې د نوماندو نامزدي د غويی د ۱۹نېټې څخه تر ۲۵ د غوښتنلیکونو په ځیر کتنه د غويي ۲۶ نوماندو ته د نامزدۍ په غوښتنلیکونو کې د نیمګړتیاوو په اړه خبرداری ورکول د غويي د ۲۷نېټې څخه د غبرګولې تر ۱نیټې پورې د نامزدۍ په غوښتنلیکونو کې د نېمګرتیاوو اصالح کول د غويي ۳۱ د رایه ورکوونکو ښوونه/او د عامه معلوماتو د کمپاین پیلول د غبرګولې د ۲نېټې څخه تر ۴ د نوماندو د لومړني لړلیک چمتو کول د غبرګولې د میاشتې ۵نېټې څخه تر د غبرګولې تر ۱۱ د نوماندو د لومړني لړلیک ننداره او ستونزې ،اصالحات ،او استیناف د غبرګولې د میاشتې ۵نېټې څخه تر د غبرګولې تر ۱۸ د ټاکنیزو شکایتونو د اورېدو د کمیسیون رپوټونه او پریکړې د غبرګولې ۱۹ د ټاکنیزو شکایتونو د اورېدو کمیسیون د ټاکنو خپلواک کمیسیون د نوماندو په اړه د ترسره شویو پریکړو په د غبرګولې د ۱۹نېټې تر ۲۲ د ټاکنو خپلواک کمیسیون د نوماندو وروستی لړلیک چمتو کوي د غبرګولې ۲۲مه نیټه د نوماندو د وروستي لړلیک خپرول د غبرګولې د ۱۹نېټې څخه تر ۲۴ د ټاکنو خپلواک کمیسیون د رای پاڼو د وروستۍ طرحې چمتو کول د غبرګولې ۲۴ د رای پاڼو وروستی ډیزاین مطبعې ته لېږل د چنګاښ د ۲۵نېټې څخه تر د چنګاښ تر ۲۴ د رای پاڼو چاپول د چنګاښ د ۲۶نېټې څخه تر د زمري تر ۲۷ د سیاسي کمپاین موده د غبرګولې ۳۰ د ساحوي ناظمینو ګمارل د چنګاښ د ۱۰څخه تر ۱۹ د رای اچونې او شمېرنې د کارکوونکو ګمارل د چنګاښ ۲۴ د رای اچونې د مرکزونو د موقعیت او رای اچونې د ځایونو د شمېر بشپړول د چنګاښ ۲۵ رای پاڼې کابل ته رارسېږي د چنګاښ د ۲۶نېټې څخه د زمري تر ۲۸ د لوازمو بسته بندي او والیتونو او د رای اچونې مرکزونو ته د رای پاڼو ویش د چنګاښ د ۲۹نېټې څخه د زمري تر ۲۹ د رای اچونې د مرکزونو د موقعیت په اړه عامه خبرتیا د زمري د ۱۸نېټې څخه تر ۲۰ د رای اچونې د مرکزونو د مدیرانو او د رای اچونې د ځایونو رئیسانو ته د رای اچونې او رای شمېرنې په اړه د زمري ۲۹ د رای اچونې نېټه (د ټاکنو ورځ) د زمري ۲۹ د رای اچونې د مرکزونو څخه د پایلو (رای پاڼو) الس ته راوړل د وږې ۲۶ د ولسمشرۍ د ټاکنو وروستۍ تصدیق شوی پایلې د تلې ۹ د ولسمشرۍ د بیاټاکنو (د اړتیا په صورت کې) تقریبي نېټه 5 د افغانستان د څیړنې خبر پاڼه څیړنیز خبرونه په افغانستان کې د ښاروالۍ د حکومت داری د ادارو د رول سپیناوی in Governance Municipal Vijaya. Samaraweera, Afghanistan: A Handbook: volume 1. Kabul, Afghanistan: ICMA International, 2009. xix, 168 p. ISBN 9789936210622 دغه مهمه او اساسي نوې خپرونه یوه ډیره عملی موخه لري :د کورنۍ اداری (مدیره هیئت) سره مرسته او همکاري کوي ترڅو د افغانستان د دولت د دندو او مسؤلیتونو په جوړښت کې خپل رول ،دندی او مسؤلیتونه وپیژني .هیڅ څوک د حکومتدارۍ په ستونزو او مسایلو او د پراختیا په هکله په عمومي ډول (د سیمه ییزې حکومتدارۍ په ګډون) چې په نوموړې کتاب کې راغلې دي سترګې نشي پټولی . په دغه کتاب کې هڅه نده شوې چې په افغانستان کې د ښاروالیو د کار او فعالیت یوه مفصله آزموینه چمتو او وړاندی کړي ،بلکه دا د بنسټیزو تدابیرو په مستندولو کې چې اوس مهال د ښاروالیو لپاره ځانګړی شوي ،یو ډیر اړین ګام دی. ددغه کتاب لیکوال د هغو معلوماتو متنونه چې د ماخذونو د موادو او مدارکو له زرګونو پاڼو څخه راغونډ شوی دي، بیاکتلي ،لوستلي او تصنیف کړی دي (ډیر مهال ددغه راز معلوماتو بیاجوړښت ډیر ګران وي) او په داسی یو طریقه یې بیرته وړاندی کړي دي چې سمدالسه د افغانستان د محلي حکومت د چارواکو ،د نړیوالې ټولنې د بسپنه ورکوونکو او د ټولو هغو فعالینو لپاره چې د افغانستان په سیمه ایزه حکومتدارۍ کې د ښاروالیو په مسایلو بوخت دي ،ګټور او د کار وړ دي .سربیره پردی ،د افغان حکومت د محلی حکومتدارۍ لپاره خپلواک ریاست ( )IDLGد نوموړي کتاب متن (په پښتو ،دري او انګریزۍ ژبو) بیا کتلی او ارزولی دی چې د یقیني کولو دغه کیفیت د وړاندی شویو موادو ارزښت په زیاته اندازه غښتلی کوي. د کتاب لومړۍ ګڼه چې د ۱۳۸۸کال د غبرګولې په میاشت کې خپره شوه ،د افغانستان د سیمه ایزې حکومتدارۍ په جوړښت کې د والیتي ښاروالیو د ځای/مقام تحلیل ،تجزیه او توضیح ته ځانګړې شوې ده .دویمه ګڼه به هغه سره د ښاروالیو اړیکې او متقابل عمل توضیح کوي ،او د ښاروالۍ په حکومتدارۍ کې د پاموړ ستونزې او مسایل په ګوته کوي .په افغانستان کې د ښاروالیو په هکله ټول هغه کارونه چې په راتلونکي کې ترسره کېږي ،پدی کتاب کې د وړاندې شویو توضیحاتو او څرګندونو څخه به ګټه اوچته کړي. په کتاب کې موجود د ارزښت وړ او اصلي موادو سره د لوستونکو د اشناکولو په موخه ،ددغې لومړۍ ګڼې د متنونو یوه لنډه شرح دلته وړاندی شوی ده .د کتاب سریزه او دویم فصل د دولت په جوړښت کې د ښاروالیو ځای مشخصوي او د هغوی د رامنځته کېدو یو ډیر لنډ او مختصر تاریخ وړاندی کوي .همدارنګه سریزه د سیمه ایزې حکومتدارۍ لپاره دری اساسي بنسټونه په ګوته کوي :والیتونه ،ولسوالۍ او ښاروالۍ .په دغه السي کتاب کې د یوی قضیې د تشخیصولو پرمهال ،سماراویرا بیانوي چې :چیرته چې ولسوالۍ د مخکینیو خپرونو د بحث او تمرکز ټکی ؤ” ،هغوی کابل چې د جوړښت او حکومتدارۍ له پلوه ډیر بی ساری دی د نمونې په توګه ښوده چې په هیڅ صورت د ښاروالۍ استازیتوب نه کوي ( ۱مخ) “.د کابل ښاروالۍ په دغه السي کتاب توضیح شوی نده ،ځکه چې هغه ارګان چې پالزمینه اداره کوي د یوه وزارت په توګه درجه بندی کېږي او د حکومت او سیاست په برخه کې د ښاروالیو د معمولو تنظیماتو څخه بهر عمل کوي. افغانستان د ۳۴والیتونو په ولسوالیو کې دوه ډوله ښاروالۍ لري )۱( :والیتي ښاروالۍ – هغه ښاروالۍ دي چې د والیتي مرکزونو پر بسټ او د والیتي مرکزونو لخوا اداره کېږي ،او ( )۲کلیواله ښاروالۍ – هغه ښاروالۍ دي چې له ولسوالیو څخه بهر د والیتي مرکزونوسره فعالیت کوي .د افغانستان په سیمه ایزو ارګانونو کې (والیت او ولسوالۍ) د ښاروالیو شتون د قانون په اساس تصویب شویدی ترڅو د محلي/ځايي سرچینو څخه عواید راغونډ کړي او د الس ته راغلو عوایدو له الرې خپل فعالیتونه چې د خدمتونو عرضه ده، ترسره کړي .په حقیقت کې والیتونه او ولسوالۍ عواید راغونډوي او په ملی بودجه کې یې د یوځای کولو په موخه پالزمینې ته لېږي او په همدی ترتیب والیتونه او ولسوالۍ په خپل وار سره د مرکزي حکومت لخوا تمویلېږي. غوره شوي مرجعي مواد او مدارک وړاندی کړي چې اصلي سرچینې به یې التر اوسه د ښاروالیو لپاره اړین قوانین چې د اساسي قانون (د ۱۳۸۳کال د افغانستان د دولت او حکومت هغه خپرونې وي چې د کتاب په لومړۍ د اساسي قانون په چوکاټ کې) د احکامو پربنسټ تصویب شوی وي ،نافذ ګڼه کې د ځای په ځای شویو سرلیکونو او عنوانونو په روښانه کولو کې شوې ندي؛اوس مهال ښاروالۍ د ښارواالنو تر مشرۍ الندی چې د ولسمشر د خپل ارزښت له کبله غوره او ټاکل شوی دي .دغه لومړۍ ګڼه د مرکزي لخوا انتصابېږي ،فعالیت کوي .په پام کې ده چې د ښاروالیو شوراګانې د حکومت د چارواکو ،والیتي حکومت ،ولسوالیو او داسی نورو ارګانونو ټاکنو له الرې رامنځته شي .د لیکوال/لیکوالی د څرګندونې سره سم ،ښاروالۍ 6 ۱۳۸۸کال د چنګاښ او زمري میاشتې د والیتي حکومت په سلسله مراتبو کې طرح شوی ندي او د دوی د والیتونو، ښه والې لپاره د ښو الرو چارو موندل وي ،نو د بیالبیلو او مناسبو الرو ولسوایو او کلیو سره کومه اړیکه ن لري او له همدی امله د والیتي حکومت/ او کړنالرو پیژندل اصلي ټکی دی په کوم کې چې والیان او ولسواالن ادارې په جوړښتونو کې د یوی فرعی اداری په توګه لیدل کېږي .د بیلګې په ټاکل کېږي ،او همدارنګه بېالبېل الملونه چې دغه پروسه اغیزمنه کوي. ډول ،ښاروالۍ او ښارواالن په تخنیکي توګه د والیانو د کنترول الندی فعالیت د افغانستان د څیړنې او ارزونې د ادارې د بحثونو نوې پاڼه دا موضوع نه کوي ،که څه هم د هغوی ترمنځ خصوصي او عملي اړیکې په څرګند ډول را سپړي ،پر دندو د اوسنیو ټاکنو بهیر ارزوي اوددې بهیر د ښه والې شتون لري .ښاروالۍ ترټولو ټیټې اداري مرجعې دي چې د افغانستان د خلکو د زیاتی سلنې سره راکړه ورکړه لري :دا څرګندوي چې ښاروالیو په سیمه ایزه حکومتدارۍ کې خورا مهم او ارزښتناک مقام الس ته راوړی دی” .د محلي حکومت داری د کره پالیسیو او کړنالرو په اهمیت پوهېدل چې د وګړو اړتیاوی په ګوته کوي ،د سیمه ایز حکومت هغه موخې او لرلیدونه تاییدوي چې د ۱۳۸۰ کال راهیسې د افغانستان دولت او د هغې د نړیوالو بسپنه ورکوونکو څخه سرچینه اخلي ....کله چې بېالبېلی سرویګانې د محلي حکومت د مسایلو په اړه د افغانانو نظریې ارزوي ،کوم څه چې د هغوی په منځکې په ډیره روښانه توګه رابرڅیره کېږي ،د لومړنیو او اساسي خدمتونو اهمیت دی ۵( “.مخ). ددغې ګڼې دوهمه برخه د ښاروالیو په مدیریت کې یو شمېر موضوع ګانې په تفصیل سره ترڅیړنې الندی نیسي :د ښارواالنو اجراأت ،د ښاروالیو اداري دستګاه، داخلي تفتیش ،بنسټیز حقونه یا بشري حقونه ،روڼوالی ،ځواب وینه او اداري فساد ،د وګړو ګډون (برخه اخستنه) د ځمکو مدیریت او د چاپیریال خوندیتوب. صالحیتونه مجبوریتونه او وړاندیزونهدي: ضمایم په دې ډول موخهدوه دپهکتاب لپاره پراړینو ښاروالیود پلې کیدو ( )۱داو د هغو کوي یو شمیر .)Chart (of Accounts ټینګار کوي او ( )۲د مالیې وزارت د ښاروالیو د محاسبو جدولونه تغیراتو باالخره د کتاب تاریخچه یا توضیح ( )Bibliographyهغه ویب پاڼې او اسناد لست کوي (په ګوته کوي) چې ددی نوښت په رامنځته کولو کې ګټور ثابتj شوي دي .په دغه کتاب کې وړاندې شوې.په دې ګڼه کې بحثونه په عمومي صورت د افغانستان په والیتي ښاروالیو کې د تطبیق وړ او د هغوی لپاره قانوني بلل کېږي ،که څه هم چې ډیری هغه موضوع ګانې چې په دغه کتاب کې د مثال په بڼه وړاندې شوې دي ،د افغانستان د ښاروالیو د پیاوړتیا د پروژې ( )AMSPتر پوښښ الندی ښاروالیو څخه ترالسه شوي دي .اوسمهال ددغه کتاب د پښتو او دري ژبو نسخې د چاپېدو لپاره چمتو کېږي .دغه کتاب د دریم څخه تر شپږم فصله پورې هغه بنسټیز تنظیمات چې اوس مهال په چې د امریکې د متحده ایالتونو پراختیایي سازمان ( )USAIDدیوې پروژې افغانستان کې د سیمه ایزې حکومتدارۍ لپاره ځانګړی شوي دي ،ارزول کېږي. په مرسته چمتو شوی دی ،باید د نورو هغو سازمانونو او ادارو لخوا چې د والیت ،ولسوالۍ او د کلیو په سلسله مراتبو کې د ښاروالیو د ځای مشخصول اوس مهال په افغانستان کې د حکومتدارۍ په مسایلو کار کوي ،هیر نشي. په خاصه توګه د اهمیت وړ موضوع ده .د کتاب دغه برخې د سیمه ایزې اړیکهsamaraweera@hotmail.com : حکومت داری بیال بیل فعالین مشخصوي :وزارتونه ،خپلواک کمیسیونونه، ریاستونه ،والیان ،والیتي شوراګانې ،کلي ،والیتي ادارې ،او داسی نور، همدارنګه قانوني او حقوقي کاري چوکاټ چې په ښاروالیو تطبیقېږي او واک ،صالحیتونه او دندی هغوی ته ددغه چوکاټ له الرې سپارل کېږي. د افغانستان په اړه نوې احصائیوي ټولګه ښځې او نارینه په افغانستان کې :د جندر د احصائیې عمومي سروې[ .کابل]: د ښځو د چارو وزارت ۱۳۸۷ ،کال۶۰ .مخ .د اووم فصل په مالي صالحیت ،د عوایدو سرچینو ،تهیه او تدارکات او د احصائیې دغه ټولګه ،عمومي نفوس ،امنیتي بودجې طرح او تطبیق په برخه کې د ښاروالیو مالي مدیریت ارزوي .اتم فصل د مسایل ،حقوقي خوندیتوب او بشري حقونه، مرکزي مقاماتو ،والیانو ،د ولسواليو او د کلیواله ښاروالیو سره د افغانستان سیاسي ګډون ،اقتصاد ،کار او بېوزلي ،او د ښاروالیو اړیکو ته کتنه کوي او ”هغه غیررسمي اړیکې او ارتباطات ارزوي همدارنګه روغتیا او زده کړه احتوا کوي. چې ښارواالنو په افغانستان کې د دودیزې حکومتدارۍ چارواکو ،مدني ددغې احصائیې ډیره برخه د احصائیې د ټولنې او پرمختیايي ادارو سره جوړی کړې دي ۱۱۹( “.مخ) .ددغو مختلفو ادارو مرکزي دفتر (ځینې نورې یې د پخوانیو او ارګانونو ترمنځ د دندو او مسؤلیتونو اوڅار تعریف تر ډیره حده مبهم دی. ناچاپه ټولګو څخه) او د اسیا د پراختیايي بانک له سرچینوڅخه ترالسه شوې دي. د ۱۳۸۸کال ملي بودجه (د ۲۰۰۹کال ،د مارچ – ۲۱د ۲۰۱۰کال ،د مارچ )۲۰ د ۱۳۸۸کال د ملي بودجې وروستۍ نسخې (انګریزي ( )MB 2او دري ( ))MB ۲۳د انټرنټ په پاڼې http://www.budgetmof. gov.afموجودی دي .د ملي بودجې دغه نسخې او د بسپنه ورکوونکو او مرستندویه ټولنود مهمو اسنادو سره د ذکر شوي انټرنټي پاڼې څخه راښکته کوالی شۍ ،د مثال په ډول ،د افغانستان لپاره د بسپنه ورکوونکو د تاریخچې نوی بېلګه 7 د افغانستان د څیړنې خبر پاڼه د افغانستان د څیړنې او ارزونې د ادارې نوی خپرونې حکومتداري معلوماتو د چمتو كولو له الرې په نامشروع محصوالتو باند د اتكا كمول دي. د ۲۰۰۹کال د جون میاشت” ،د پالیسۍ نوټ :د مرستو د اغیزمنتیا لپاره په دوه د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري مياشت( ،د کوکنارو د کر کیلې څخه خالص والیتونه :یوه اندازه اړخیزه ځواب وینه کې ښه والې رامنځته کول “،د ربیکا رابرتس لیکنه .دوه اړخیزه يا یوه نښه) .د ديويد مينسفيلد ليكنه :دغه رپوټ د كوكنارو د كر كيلي څخه د ځواب وینه د مرستو د اغیزمنتیا د ښه والي د يوې حل الرې په توګه بلل کېږي .په خالصو واليتونو په مفهوم بحث كوي – یو ډير مهم معیارد كوم په وسيله چي اوس ټولنه کې د دوه اړخیزې ځواب وینې په اړه د پراخې پوهې ترویج –چې څنګه دوه مهال په افغانستان كې د نشه يي توكو پر وړاندې د مبارزو اجراآت ارزول كيږي. اړخیزه ځواب وینه په عمل کې پلې کېدای شي ،ترڅو په افغانستان کې د پراخو مرستو اغیزمنتیا ترالسه او ډاډمنه شي .په دې هکله د داخلي نادولتي سازمانونو کارکوونکو او په کابل کې د لوړو زده کړو محصلینو خپلی څرګندونې د یو ورکشاپ په ترڅ کې وړاندې کړې .د دوه اړخیزي ځواب وینې په اړه ،د کلید رادیو هم دوه ګردي میزونه او تیلیفوني خبری اتری په الره واچولې .دغه پاڼه په ذکر شوي ورکشاپ کې د وړاندی شویو نظریو ،او د (کوم چارواکي د چا په وړاندی ځواب ویونکي دي) د رادیويي خبرو اترو ،همدارنګه د دوه اړخیزې ځواب وینې ننګونې ،او د دوه اړخیزې ځواب وینې د ښه والي د فرصتونو لنډیز وړاندی کوي. د ۱۳۸۸کال د غويي میاشت” ،د دسپلین او انضباط ترمنځ :هغه پالیسۍ چې په سیمه ایزه کچه د لوړ پوړو چارواکو ګمارل ارزوي ،د مارتین وان بیجلیرت لیکنه “.په افغانستان کې د تېرو څو پرله پسې کلونو څخه راپدیخوا د پیاوړي حکومتدارۍ اړتیا او غوښتنه ،اوس په زیاته اندازه چټکه شوې ده .که چیرې په افغانستان کې د حکومتدارۍ د ښه والې لپاره د ښو الرو چارو موندل وي ،نو د بیالبیلو او مناسبو الرو او کړنالرو پیژندل اصلي ټکی دی په کوم کې چې والیان او ولسواالن ټاکل کېږي ،او همدارنګه بېالبېل الملونه چې دغه پروسه اغیزمنه کوي .د افغانستان د څیړنې او ارزونې د ادارې د بحثونو نوې پاڼه دا موضوع را سپړي ،پر دندو د اوسنیو ټاکنو بهیر ارزوي اوددې بهیر د ښه والې په موخه یو شمیر وړاندیزونه کوي او د هغو د پلې کیدو لپاره پراړینو تغیراتو ټینګار کوي د طبيعي سرچينو مديريت دغه رپوټ د څلورو پرلپسي كلونو د ساحوي كار نتيجه ده چې د ننګرهار او غور په واليتونو كې د افغانستان د څيړنې او ارزوني د ادارې د (اوبو د مديريت ،مالدارۍ او د كوكنارو په اقتصاد كې د پلي شوي موضوعي څيړنیزې پروژي) په مرسته په الره اچول شوی وو .نوموړی رپوټ هغه پروسې په تفصيل سره توضيح كوي – د كوم په وسيله چي نوموړو واليتونو وكوالی شول ترڅو د نشه يي توكو او جرمونو پر وړاندي د ملګرو ملتونو د دفتر ( )UNODCموخو (چي د ۱۳۸۶او ۱۳۸۷كلونو د كرکیلې په موسم كې د كوكنارو د كركيلي څخه آزاد حالت را منځته كول وو) باندي بر السي شي. د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري مياشت( .د مالدارۍ د ښه محصوالتو د ورکړې لپاره څيړنه او پرمختګ )،د ايون تامسن ليكنه :په اصلي سیستمونوکې د څارویود محصوالتو پر کچې او د څارویو پر بیو پوهیدل ،هغه وخت ډیر مهم دي چې د تغذي، روغتیا ،د څارویوپالنې او مدیریت د اهمیت په هکله پریکړه وشي .د مالدارۍ په هكله دغه موردي مطالعه چې د (اوبو د مدیريت ،مالدارۍ او د تریاکو په اقتصاد كې د پلې شوې موضوعي څيړنيزې پروژې) لخوا بشپړ شوه ،هغه معلومات وړاندي كوي چي د كرهني ،اوبو لګولو او مالدارۍ د وزارت د اوسني ماستر پالن او ستراتيژۍ په اړه د روانو خبرو اترو او بحثونو سره مرسته کوي. د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري مياشت( ،د اوبو مديريت ،مالداري او د تریاکو اقتصاد: د مشروع كرنيز معيشت د پياوړي كولو په وړاندي ننګوني او فرصتونه، د الن روی لیکنه .دغه رپوټ هغه غوره موندنې او وړانديزونه سره يو ځای د ۱۳۸۸كال د غبرګولې مياشت( ،د اوبو مديريت ،مالداري او د كوكنارو او وړاندي كوي چې د افغانستان د څيړنې او ارزونې د ادارې د اوبو د اقتصاد :د بيوزلو په ګټه د كرنيزې ودې فرصتونه )،د لورن فلمينګ ليكنه .دغه مديريت مالداري او د كوكنارو د اقتصاد په اړه د پلي شوې موضوعي پاڼه د دريو كلونو د څيړني غوره او مهمې موندني او وړانديزونه يوځای كوي. څيړنيزي پروژې د دویم کال د څیړنو له موندنو څخه الس ته راغلې دي. دغه څيړنه د اوبو د مديريت ،مالدارۍ او د كوكنارو د اقتصاد ( )WOLپروژي په چوكاټ كې د افغانستان د څيړني او اروزني د ادارې لخوا تر سره شوې ده او په هغو څېړنيزو موندنو باندي اتكا كوي چي د اوبو ،كوكنارو او مالدارۍ ( )WOLاړوندو رپوټونو د لومړي او دوهم كال په تركيبي پاڼو كې وړاندې شوي دي .د دغي پاڼي اصلي موخه د افغانستان په كليواله معيسشت كې د ښه والي او ثبات را منځته كول او پاليسي جوړونكو ته په فارمي سیستمونو کې د طبیعي سرچینو د کارونې ،مدیریت او ونډې په هکله د روښانه او كره 8 د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري مياشت ” ،د اوبو لګولو د نابرابري پلټنه“ :د هرات واليت د انجيل په ولسوالۍ كې د كانال د اوبو لګولو سيستمونه” د سرینواز چوکاکوال لیکنه .دغه رپوټ د موردي مطالعې هغه موندني وړاندې كوي چې د هرات واليت د انجيل په ولسوالۍ كې د اوبو لګولو سيستمونو ته كتنه كوي .د دغي مطالعي موخه د يو ځانګړي كانال د خړوبولو په سيستم كې د اوبو د ويش په نابرابرۍ او بي عدالتۍ باندي پوهيدل وو .د هريرود د سيند دوه كانالونه چې د هرات واليت په ۱۳۸۸کال د چنګاښ او زمري میاشتې انجيل ولسوالۍ كۍ بهيږي ،د دغي څیړنې د بحث د ټكي په توګه غوره شوی وو. د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري مياشت ” ،اوبه ،تریاک او مالداري :د کروندې او كورنۍ د څخه راپدیخوا ،د ۵۶۹میلیونو څخه زيات امريكائي ډالر د 440000څخه زياتو ښارې او كليواله وګړوته وركړل شوې دي .د افغانستان د څيړنې او اروزنې د ادارې دغه رپوټ د موجوده غيررسمي پور په سيستمونو او د افغانستان په څارني د لومړي كال موندنې ”،د الن روي ليكنه :دغه رپوټ د فارم او د كورنۍ كليواله معيشت باندې د كوچنيو پورونو د السرسنې اغيزه تر څېړنې الندې نيسي. د تمويل شوې پروژې په چوکاټ کې تر سره شوه (د اوبو مديريت ،مالداري د ۱۳۸۸كال دغبرګولې میاشت (د بيوزلۍ تر شا هغه عوامل چې د افغانستان او د تریاکو د اقتصاد په هكله د پلي شوی موضوعي پلې شوې څيړنيزه په ښاري او كليواله سيمو كې د كارګرو ماشومانو د كارولو په اړه پريكړو پروژه) .د دغې پروژې ټولیزه موخه پاليسي جوړونكو ته د كرنيزې پاليسۍ باندی اغيزه كوي) .د پاميال هنت ليكنه .په افغانستان كې د كارګرو ماشومانو او كليواله پالن جوړونۍ د اغیزمنتوب د غښتلي كولو لپاره د وړانديزونو د كارولو يا نه كارولو ترشا دیوې كورنی دپیچلې پريكړې پروسې پرتې دي. د چمتو كولو له الري د افغانستان په كليواله معيشت كي د ثبات را منځته ددغې پاڼې موخه داده چې د “يواځني پريكړه كوونكي” په توګه د بيوزلۍ د كول دي .د کروندواو د كورنۍ څارنه يوه د هغو څېړنيزو وسيلو په توګه تعريف او توضيحاتو ترشاه الړ شي او يو شمير هغه ټولنيز او كلتوري الملونه تصويب شوې چې د پروژې د ډلې لخوا ترې استفاده كېده ،نو له همدې كبله يو وسپړي چې د كارګرو ماشومانو د كارولو په پريكړې باندې اغيزه لري .نوموړی خودمختار څيړنيز عمل نه بلل كيږي .سره له دې ،له هغه وخته چې د کروندو رپوټ د ماشومانو د کار پرو ړاندې مبارزې په پراخولو کې مرسته کوي. څارني د لومړي كال د پايلو لنډيز وړاندی كوي چې د اروپائي كميسيون لخوا د څارنې له الرې آزمایښتي پیښې را مینځ ته شوي د پالیسۍ سره مهمې اړیکې لري ،ځینې موندنې یې په نوموړې رپوټ کې په لنډ ډول راغلې دي. د ۱۳۸۸كال دغويي میاشت “په افغانستان كې د ماشومانو د کار په وړاندې مبارزه ”،د امندا سيم ليكنه .د اوسنيواټکلونو پربنسټ ،د څلورو څخه يو افغان د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري مياشت“ ،د اوبو ستراتيژي سیمه ایزو واقعیتونو ته ځواب ماشوم چې عمر يې د 7څخه تر 14كالو پورې وي ،هرو مرو په یو ډول كار كې وايي ”،د كي ويکریج ليكنه :افغانستان زيار باسي ترڅو د اوبو د مديريت بوخت وي .دغه توضيحي پاڼه هغه مسايل سپړي چې د بيوزلو كورنيو په اړه پاليسي چي په نړيواله كچه يې وړانديز شوی ،تصويب كړي .د افغانستان (چې خپل ماشومان په كار ګماري او همدارنګه هغه كورنۍ چې خپل ماشومان د څيړنې او روزنې د ادارې دغه رپوټ د افغانستان د اوبو د سكتور د په كار نه ګماري) د ژوری كيفي څیړنې څخه حاصل شويو موندنو باندې والړه ستراتيژۍ مختلفي مسودی او د اوبو قانون سپړي او دا چې دوی دغه نړيوال ده .نوموړى رپوټ د فقر او بيوزلۍ تر شا پرتو عواملو ته كتنه كوي ترڅو له دې وړانديزونه څنګه منعكسوي تحليل او تجزيه كوي .په همدی ترتيب ،دغه الرې يو لړ ټولنيز او كلتوري عوامل چې د كارګرو ماشومانو په اړه د كورنيو په رپوټ يادی شوې مسودې د اوبو د مديريت د ځائي كړنالرو سره مقايسه كوي. پريكړو باندې اغيزه لري په تيره بيا هغه د پاموړ تصور په كوم كې چې كورنۍ د كار گټه او تاوان د ښوونځى په مقايسه تلي او هغوى اړباسي ترڅو د راتلونكې د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري میاشت“ ،په افغانستان كي د ځمكي شخړې :د زيانمنني د نښه كولو په موخه د ظرفيتونو لوړول ،د كالن د سچمپس او الن روی ليكنه :دغه موضوعي پاڼه په افغانستان كې د ځمكې اړوند د شخړې او زيانمننې د مشخصولو په موخه “د ظرفيتونو د لوړتيا د څيړنيزي پروژې موندنې ،پایلې او وړانديزونه” وړاندې كوي .د دغې پروژې ټوليزه موخه دا وه چي د افغان حكومت د ظرفيت د لوړولو له الرې د ځمكې اړوند بی ثباتۍ او زیانمننې په كمولو كي مرسته وكړي او د ظرفيت جوړلو له الرې افغان حكومت پياوړی كړي ترڅو د ځمكې مشاجرې له داسي الرې حل يا په حلولو كې یې مرسته وكړي چي عادالنه ،اغيزمنه او قانوني اوسي. معيشت احتمالي ګټې په اساس په ښوونه او روزنه كې خپله پانګونه زياته يا كمه كړي. د ۱۳۸۸كال د وري میاشت “ ،د پاريس د اعالميې په هكله څرګندونې او په افغانستان كې د مرستو اغيزمنتيا” د ربيكا رابرت ليكنه :د افغانستان سره د مرستې نه اغيزمنتيا په پراخه كچه تر نیوکو الندې ده. د افغاسنتان د څېړنې او اروزنې د ادارې په يو نوې رپوټ کې ټينګار شوی چې ،كه څه هم د مرستو د اغيزمنتيا په اړه د ۱۳۸۴كال د پاريس د اعالميې اساسات د ارزښت وړ دي ،خو بيا هم د هغې كارې چوكاټ په افغانستان كې د مرستو د اغيزمنتيا د ډاډمنولو لپاره بسيا نه دي. د پاليسى جوړول د ۱۳۸۸كال د چنګاښ ،د السرسنې څخه تر اغيزې پورې :په افغانستان كې د ۱۳۸۸كال د غويي میاشت په كرنيز او كليواله پراختيا كې د پاليسيو كوچني پورونه او كليواله معيشت .د پاوال كانتور ليكنه .په افغانستان كې د بيا جوړول ،د آدم پين ليكنه .د افغانستان كرنيز سكتور د هيواد په اقتصادي وده رغونې هڅو او مبارزو ،كوچني پورونو ته ال سرسې او د كوچني پورونو عرضې كې مهم رول لري ،دغه پاڼه په افغانستان كې د كرنيز او كليواله پراختيا ARDد ته لومړيتوب وركړى دى ترڅو له دې الرې معيشت په پښو ودروي .د ۱۳۸۲كال پاليسۍ جوړول تر څيړنې او آزموينې الندې نیسي .په افغانستان كې د پاليسي 9 د افغانستان د څیړنې خبر پاڼه جوړونې د پروسو ارزونه د افغانستان د څيړنې او روزنې د ادارې د څیړنیزو لړيو يوه برخه ده او موخه يې د باخبره سياسي غوښتنې لپاره د فضا پرانیستل دي. نوی خپرونې او سرچینې د کرنیزې پراختیا ملي کاري چوکاټ ()NADF د طالبانو له را پرزېدو راهیسې ،د افغانستان د کرنیز سکتور پالیسی او •په کورنی کې د خوړو تولید او ساتنه ( ۵مخه) •د کوچیانو د خدمتونو مرکزونه :ازمایښتي پروژه ( ۷مخ) •د ځمکې اجاره ( ۷مخ) •په خړوبو شوې کرهڼه کې د کروندود اوبو د مدیریت د ښه والې آزمایښت ( ۶مخ) ستراتیژی د پاموړ پراختیا موندلې ده (لکه څنګه چې په الندیني جدول کې ښودل شوي دي) .د ۱۳۸۸کال د کرنیزې پراختیا ملي کاري چوکاټ به د کرنې، اوبو لګولو او مالدارۍ د وزارت ( )MAILوروستۍ تجسم وي .پدی وروستیو •په افغانستان کې د غنمو د تخمونو د تولید ،ویش او پر وړاندې چټکه کړنه او د تخمونو د سکټور بیاکتنه( ۱۰مخ) کې یو سند چې د کرنیزې پراختیا ملي کاري چوکاټ او اړوند ټولیز نظر مشخصوي ،د وزارت د ویب پاڼې www.mail.gov.af :جوګه شوی دی .د دغه کاري چوکاټ موخه د طبیعي زیرمو د ادارې ،د کرنیزو محصوالتو د زیاتوالي، د حاصالتو زیاتوالی ،د فزیکي بیخبناوو د ښه کولو او د مارکیټونو د رامنځته کولو له الرې د اقتصادي ودې او د خوړو خوندیتوب ته ترویج ورکول دي. •د السرسي وړ اسناد (د ۱۳۸۸کال د غبرګولې د میاشتې وروستۍ): •د کرنیزې پراختیا د ملي کاري چوکاټ لپاره چتري اسناد ( ۱۰مخ). •الندی د ۱۳۸۸کال د وري د میاشت د ټولیز مفهوم رپوټونه دي چې او د بودجې وړاندوینې پکې شاملی دي: •د مثبت بدلون اداري اقدامات (په لومړۍ ضمیمه کې :د کوچیانو د پالیسۍ اداره شامله ده) •د کرنیزې پراختیا لپاره مالي خدمتونه ( ۶مخ) د افغانستان د کرنې د سکتور لپاره د پالیسۍ او ستراتیژۍ وروستنۍ پرمختیا 10 د ۱۳۸۴کال د کرهنې ماستر پالن د ۱۳۸۵کال د افغانستان د ملي پرمختګ لنډمهاله ستراتیژي د وزارت د ۱۳۸۶کال ستراتیژي د وزارت د ۱۳۸۶کال ستراتیژي د ۱۳۸۷کال د افغانستان د ملي پرمختګ ستراتیژي د ۱۳۸۸کال د کرنې د پرمختیا ملی کاري چوکاټ Afghanistan Research Newsletter Number 22, July / August 2009 3 4 5 7 9 Documenting the 2009 Election List of New Laws Published in the Official Gazette Research News New Publications from AREU New Publications and Resources 9 10 12 12 13 13 13 14 17 17 17 19 19 19 19 20 21 21 25 25 National Agriculture Development Framework (NADF) The New US Administration’s Policy Toward Afghanistan European Nations Reassess Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan Cross-cutting and General Agriculture Children Climate Change Development Health History Justice, Rule of Law, Laws Maps Migration National Solidarity Programme Opium Politics and Government Public Opinion Security Women Pashtun Cultural Magazine AFGHANISTAN RESEARCH AND EVALUATION UNIT Afghanistan Research Newsletter Key Dates in the 2009 Afghanistan Presidential and Provincial Council Elections Date 21 April Publication of election calendar 18 to 24 April Launch of candidate registration process 25 April to 8 May Nomination of candidates 9 to 15 May Scrutiny of applications 16 May Notification to candidates of any deficiencies in nomination applications 17 to 22 May Remedy of deficiencies in nomination applications 21 May Launch of Voter Education/Public Information campaign 23 to 25 May Preparation of preliminary list of candidates 26 May to 1 June Display of preliminary list of candidates plus challenges, corrections, and appeals 26 May to 8 June ECC hearings and decisions 9 June ECC informs IEC of decisions on nominations 9 to 12 June IEC prepares final list of candidate 12 June Publication of final list of candidates 9 to 14 June IEC prepares final ballot designs 14 June Final ballot designs sent to printers 15 June to 15 July Printing of ballot papers 16 June to 18 August Political campaign period 20 June Recruitment of District Field Coordinators (DFCs) 1 to 10 July Recruitment of polling and counting staff 15 July Finalise polling centre locations and number of polling stations 16 July Ballot papers arrive in Kabul 17 July to 19 August Packing of kits and distribution of ballot papers to provinces and polling centres 20 July to 20 August Publicise polling centre locations 9 to 11 August Polling and counting training for centre managers and station chairperson 20 August Polling day 20 August Retrieval of results from polling centres 3 September Preliminary results for Presidential election (pending decisions on complaints) 17 September Final certified results of Presidential election 1 October Approximate date for Presidential run-off (if required) Source: UNDP/ELECT 2 Activity July / August 2009 Documenting the 2009 Election The website of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) http://www.iec.org.af/content.asp?id=law is the first place to check for election material updates. The candidate lists for Presidential and Provincial Council elections 2009 have been uploaded in Dari/ Pashto already: http://www.iec.org.af/cnlist.asp (the PDFs total 27.4 MB). An unofficial translation of this was prepared by the Cooperative for Peace and Unity (CPAU) (PDF 648 KB—not currently online). Posters advising people about the election have already been released: day, multiple registrations where people obtained more than one registration card, registering women based on a list of names provided by male relatives, lack of observers and media in registration centres, and poor security conditions that stopped people participating in registration. FEFA has identified reasons for these: lack of adequate training of staff by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), lack of appropriate vetting of staff by the IEC, lack of female electoral staff, and a lack of understanding of democratic values among electoral workers and the people. These, and other suggestions, are included in six pages of recommendations for the IEC, Afghan civil society, the Afghan Government and international donors. “Afghanistan’s Presidential Election: Power to the People or the Powerful?” London: International Council on Security and Development (ICOS), March 2009. 52 p. http://www.icosgroup.net/ documents/power_to_the_ people.pdf (952 KB). This report examines the key A ’ P E : dynamics and personalities P P , P ? at play in the run-up to the Afghan Presidential election. It details some recommendations for conducting the election, and possible scenarios that might shape its outcome. In February 2008, ICOS released a report called Decision Point 2008. That report listed the names of individuals given by Afghans as potential Presidential candidates and examined the issues facing Afghanistan in the run-up to the Presidential election, then scheduled for April/May 2009. This report updates that list and reports on key dynamics and issues at play in Afghanistan in the run up to the election now scheduled for 20 August 2009 (p. 5). FGHANISTAN S RESIDENTIAL LECTION OWER TO THE EOPLE OR THE OWERFUL Papers on the election from other organisations are starting to appear and include: “2009 Voter Registration Observation: Report.” Free and Fair Election Foundation (FEFA). Kabul: Free and Fair Election Foundation, May 2009. 51 p. http://www.fefa. org.af/download/Final%20 Report%20FEFA.pdf. The Free and Fair Election Foundation (FEFA) is Afghanistan’s only domestic election observation agency. Between October 2008 and February 2009 it observed the voter registration process that registered around 4.5 million new voters. Overall, FEFA believes the process was a successful effort that enabled Afghanistan to move forward towards democratisation. FEFA observed the process with trained volunteers throughout the country. A number of violations were also observed: registration of voters who will be under 18 on polling London, March 2009 Addis, Casey and Kenneth Katzman. “Middle East Elections 2009: Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq.” Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 18 May 2009. http://www. fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R40586.pdf (192 KB). This report provides an overview of the election contests in Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq including possible outcomes and implications for US policy. Afghanistan is covered on pages 7-9. 3 Afghanistan Research Newsletter “Afghanistan’s Election Challenges.” Kabul/Brussels: International Crisis Group (ICG), 24 June 2009. 34 p. http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/getfile.cfm?id=400 2&tid=6176&type=pdf&l=1 (1.38 MB). “Afghanistan’s forthcoming elections, with presidential and provincial council polls on 20 August 2009, and National Assembly and district elections scheduled for 2010, present a formidable challenge if they are to produce widely accepted and credible results. The weakness of state institutions, the deteriorating security situation and the fractured political scene are all highlighted by—and will likely have a dramatic effect on—the electoral process. The years since the last poll saw the Afghan Government and international community fail to embed a robust electoral framework and drive democratisation at all levels. This has made holding truly meaningful elections much more difficult. Rather than once again running the polls merely as distinct events, the enormous resources and attention focused on the elections should be channelled into strengthening political and electoral institutions as a key part of the state-building efforts required to produce a stable country.” (p. i). For daily translated extracts from Afghan media relevant to the elections see the Daily Afghanwire newsletter (info@afghanwire.com). List of New Laws Published in the Official Gazette New Laws The publication section of the Ministry of Justice has had staff changes and in late-June 2009 said there were delays in releasing issues of the Official Gazette (OG). No issues have yet been published relevant to 1388, however some 1387 issues are in production and will be released sometime “soon”. Earlier issues: 960 6 September 2008: • Modification of paragraph one of article 15 of regulation on production and import of medicine and medical equipment. • Regulation on formulation of civil service grades 961 21 September 2008: Registration of commercial documents and trademarks. 962 21 October 2008: Registration of commercial documents and trademarks. The Afghanistan Research Newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU). The purpose of the newsletter is to alert readers to new research being undertaken on Afghanistan and to help disseminate research findings and analysis. Some of the resources cited are available on the internet; most books and other publications are available at the AREU library, located in the AREU office (corner of Flower Street and Street 2, Kabul) and open to researchers Sunday to Thursday, 9:00am12:00pm and 12:30pm-4pm. The Newsletter is compiled by Royce Wiles and translated by Waheed Ahmad and Mary Shirzad. If you have ideas for books or other publications or resources that should be included in the newsletter, please send an email to newsletter@areu.org.af. AREU is an independent research organisation based in Kabul. AREU’s mission is to conduct high-quality research that informs and influences policy and practice. AREU also actively promotes a culture of research and learning by strengthening analytical capacity in Afghanistan and facilitating reflection and debate. Fundamental to AREU’s vision is that its work should improve Afghan lives. AREU was established in 2002 by the assistance community working in Afghanistan and has a board of directors with representation from donors, the United Nations and other multilateral agencies, and nongovernmental organisations. AREU currently receives core funds from the governments of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Specific projects have been funded by the Foundation of the Open Society Institute Afghanistan (FOSIA), the Asia Foundation (TAF), the European Commission (EC), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the World Bank. 4 July / August 2009 Research News Clarifying the Role of Municipal Governance Institutions in Afghanistan Samaraweera, Vijaya. Municipal Governance in Afghanistan: A Handbook: volume 1. Kabul, Afghanistan: ICMA International, 2009. xix, 168 p. ISBN 9789936210622. This important and original new publication has a very practical aim: to assist municipal government leaders in understanding their roles and responsibilities within the overall roles and responsibilities of the governmental structure of Afghanistan. No one working with governance (including subnational governance) issues and development in general in Afghanistan can afford to ignore the information, clarifications or insights offered here. This book is not an attempt to provide a detailed examination of the working of municipalities in Afghanistan, instead it is an all too necessary first step in the documentation of the institutional arrangements currently in place for municipalities. The writer has reviewed and synthesised the contents of information extracted from thousands of pages of reference materials (often very difficult to locate) in multiple languages and re-presented it in a way that is immediately useful for local Afghan Government officials, members of the international donor community and all those grappling with issues of municipalities in Afghan subnational governance. In addition, the Independent Directorate for Local Governance (IDLG) of the Afghan Government has reviewed the content (in English, Dari and Pashto) and this quality assurance greatly enhances the value of the material presented (Preface, p. v). Volume one (released in June 2009) is devoted to the description and analysis of the place of provincial municipalities in the subnational governance structure set up in Afghanistan. Volume two will offer select reference material, primary sources drawn from the publications of the Afghan state and governments that have been selected for their value in illuminating the subjects and topics covered in the first volume. This first volume describes the interaction of the municipalities with central authorities, provincial government, districts, etc. and outlines major issues in municipal governance. All future work with municipalities in Afghanistan will benefit from the original description and clarifying analysis offered here. An outline of the contents of this first volume is presented here as a way of familiarising readers with the valuable original material in the book. The introduction and second chapter outline the place of municipalities in the government structure and provide a very brief history of their establishment. The introduction identifies three institutional bases for subnational governance: provinces (wilayats), districts (woliswalis) and municipalities (shahrdari). Outlining the case for this present handbook, Samaraweera states that where municipalities have been a focus of previous publications, “they exemplify Kabul which in structural and governance terms … is so unique that it does not represent municipalities at all” (p. 1). Kabul Municipality is excluded from this handbook because the body that governs the capital is ranked as a ministry and, in terms of administration and politics falls outside the usual arrangements for municipalities. Afghanistan has two types of municipalities in the districts of the 34 provinces: (1) provincial municipalities are those based on provincial centres and mandated to administer them, and (2) rural municipalities are those outside the districts with provincial centres. Uniquely for subnational bodies in Afghanistan, municipalities are required by law to raise revenue from local sources and sustain their operations and services entirely from such fund raising. In contrast, provinces and districts are collectors of revenue, which they send to the capital for inclusion in the national budget, and they are in turn funded by transfers from the central government. The constitutionally-mandated legislation necessary for the municipalities (under the 2004 constitution) has not yet been enacted; instead they function under mayors appointed by the president, and elected municipal councils have yet to be established. According to the author, the municipalities are not integrated strata of the provincial government hierarchy, and they have no vertical relationship with provinces, districts and villages, and instead can be seen as appendages to provincial government structures, eg. municipalities and mayors are not technically under the control of the provincial governor, although ad hoc and practical linkages obviously occur. The municipalities are the lowest administrative layer that touches the largest percentage of Afghanistan’s people: this shows the extremely important place municipalities occupy 5 Afghanistan Research Newsletter for subnational governance. “The recognition of the critical importance of sound local government policies and practices addressing citizen needs underpins the goals and visions for subnational government that have emanated since 2001 from the Afghan state and its international donors … when surveys evaluate the opinions of the Afghan people on local government issues, what emerges most clearly is the importance of basic services to them.” (p. 5). Chapters three to six examine the institutional arrangements currently in place for governance at the subnational level in Afghanistan. Particularly important is the clarification of the place of municipalities vis-à-vis the province-district-village hierarchy. These sections of the book outline the various actors in subnational governance: ministries, independent commissions, directorates or offices, governors, provincial councils, villages, provincial line departments etc., as well as the constitutional and legal framework applying to municipalities and the authorities and roles vested in them. Chapter seven looks at municipal fiscal management in terms of fiscal authority, sources of revenue, procurement and budget formulation and execution. Chapter eight looks at the interaction of the Afghan municipalities with central authorities, provincial government, districts and rural municipalities and “reviews the contours of the informal relations that the mayors have developed with the traditional Afghan governance authorities, civil society and the development agencies,” (p. 119). Definition and demarcation of the responsibilities between these different institutions is at best ambiguous. Part two of this volume examines issues in municipal management in some detail: mayoral performance, municipal administrative apparatus, internal audit, fundamental rights or human rights, transparency, accountability and corruption, citizen participation, land use management and environmental protection. Two appendices follow: (1) “Obligations and powers” of municipalities and (2) the Ministry of Finance’s municipality chart of accounts. Finally, a bibliography lists web sites and documents that proved particularly useful in developing this work. The discussion in this volume is applicable to and valid for Afghanistan’s provincial municipalities in general, even though many of the exemplifications presented are drawn from the municipalities covered by the Afghanistan Municipal Strengthening Project (AMSP). The versions in Dari and Pashto are currently being prepared for publication. This book from a USAID-supported project should not be overlooked by any agency currently working on governance issues in Afghanistan. Contact: vsamaraweera@hotmail.com New Compilation of Statistics on Afghanistan “Women and Men in Afghanistan: Baseline Statistics on Gender.” [Kabul]: Ministry of Women’s Affairs, 2008. 60 p. This cumulation of statistics covers the general population, issues of security, legal protection and human rights, political participation, the economy, work and poverty, as well as health and education. Most of the statistics are sourced from the Central Statistics Office (some of these from previously unpublished collections) and Asian Development Bank sources. National Budget for 1388 (March 21, 2009 – March 20, 2010) English (2.0 MB) and Dari (23.0 MB) versions of the finalized 1388 national budget are available for download from http://www.budgetmof.gov.af along with significant other donor and assistance documents, eg. the most recent set of donor profiles for Afghanistan (April 2008). 6 July / August 2009 New Publications From AREU Governance June 2009, “Policy Note: Improving Mutual Accountability for Aid Effectiveness,” by Rebecca Roberts. Mutual accountability is advocated as a way to improve aid effectiveness. To develop a broader understanding of how mutual accountability could be practiced to achieve greater aid effectiveness in Afghanistan, staff from local NGOs and students in higher education in Kabul expressed their views on mutual accountability during workshop discussions. Radio Killid also hosted two roundtable discussions and phone-ins on mutual accountability. This paper summarises opinions from the workshops and radio broadcasts about which actors should be accountable to whom, the challenges to mutual accountability, and the opportunities to improve mutual accountability. May 2009, “Between Discipline and Discretion: Policies Surrounding Senior Subnational Appointments,” by Martine van Bijlert. Over the years the calls for improved governance in Afghanistan have become increasingly urgent. Understanding the various ways in which governors and district governors are appointed, and the different influences that affect the process, is important if ways are to be found to improve overall governance in Afghanistan. This new discussion paper from AREU explores this issue, examining existing appointment practices and suggesting a number of ways that the process could be improved, along with the shifts in emphasis needed to make them happen. cultural factors that also influence the decision to use child labour. The paper accompanies and expands on Confronting Child Labour in Afghanistan. May 2009, “Confronting Child Labour in Afghanistan,” by Amanda Sim. According to recent estimates, one in four Afghan children aged seven to 14 is engaged in some form of work. This briefing paper explores the issue, drawing on findings from an in-depth, qualitative study of poor households that use child labour, as well as those that do not. The report looks beyond poverty to explore the range of social and cultural factors that affect a household’s decisions regarding child labour, particularly the crucial way in which a household weighs the costs and benefits of work versus school, which leads them to increase or limit their investment in education based on their perceptions of the potential for future returns. April 2009, “Reflections on the Paris Declaration and Aid Effectiveness in Afghanistan,” by Rebecca Roberts. Aid to Afghanistan is widely criticised for being ineffective. This report argues that although the principles of the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness are worthy, the framework is inadequate to ensure aid effectiveness in Afghanistan. Natural Resources Management July 2009, “From Access to Impact: Microcredit and Rural Livelihoods in Afghanistan,” by Paula Kantor. Reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan have prioritised access to and delivery of microcredit to stabilise livelihoods. Since 2003, over US$569 million in microcredit loans have been delivered to over 440,000 urban and rural clients. This paper from AREU examines the effect that the availability of microcredit has had on existing informal credit systems and on livelihoods in rural Afghanistan. June 2009, “Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy: Opportunities for Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth,” by Lorene Flaming. This paper brings together key findings and recommendations from three years of research conducted by the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit under the “Applied Thematic Research into Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy” (WOL) project. This paper builds directly on the research findings presented in the first and second year WOL Synthesis Papers. The major objective of this research is to enhance the sustainability of Afghan rural livelihoods and reduce dependency on illicit crops by providing policymakers with clear and accurate information on the use, management and role of natural resources in farming systems, and how these influence opportunities for agricultural development. June 2009, “Beyond Poverty Factors Influencing Decisions to Use Child Labour in Rural and Urban Afghanistan,” by Pamela Hunte. Complex decisionmaking processes lie behind a household’s decision to use—or not use—child labour in Afghanistan. This paper aims to go beyond explanations of poverty as a sole determinant and explore the range of social and May 2009, “Poppy Free Provinces: A Measure or a Target?,” by David Mansfield. This report focuses on the concept of “poppy free” provinces—an increasingly important metric by which performance in counternarcotics in Afghanistan is currently being judged. It is based on the fourth consecutive year of fieldwork conducted in the provinces of Nangarhar and Ghor Livelihoods 7 Afghanistan Research Newsletter under the auspices of the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit’s “Applied Thematic Research into Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy” project. The report details the processes by which two provinces achieved what the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has come to refer to as “poppy free” status in the 2007/08 growing season. May 2009, “Research and Development for Better Livestock Productivity,” by Euan Thomson. Knowing the levels of production of livestock found in the main production systems, and also knowing livestock prices, is essential when taking decisions about the importance that should be given to nutrition, health, breeding and management. This case study on livestock undertaken by the “Applied Thematic Research into Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy” project presents information that could contribute to the ongoing debate preceding any revision of the current Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) Master Plan and Strategy. April 2009, “Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Strengthening Licit Agricultural Livelihoods,” by Alan Roe. This paper brings together key findings and recommendations arising from the second year of research conducted by the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit under the auspices of the “Applied Thematic Research into Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy” project. April 2009, “Interrogating Irrigation Inequalities: Canal Irrigation Systems in Injil District, Herat,” by Srinivas Chokkakula. This report presents the findings of a case study looking at irrigation systems in Injil District, Herat Province, Afghanistan. The purpose of the study was to understand inequities and inequalities in irrigation distribution in a typical canal irrigation system. Two canals of the Hari Rud river system flowing in Injil District, Herat Province, were selected as the focus of the study. April 2009, “Water, Opium and Livestock: Findings from the First Year of Farm and Household Monitoring,” by Alan Roe. This report provides a summary overview of the results from the first year of farm and household 8 monitoring undertaken under the auspices of the EC funded project “Applied Thematic Research into Water Management, Livestock and the Opium Economy.” The overall objective of this project is to enhance the sustainability of Afghan rural livelihoods, by providing policymakers with recommendations for improving the effectiveness of agricultural policy and rural planning. Farm and household monitoring was adopted as one of several complementary research tools utilised by the project team and so is not expected to be a stand-alone research action. Nevertheless, since the empirical evidence produced by farming monitoring has important policy relevance, some key findings are summarised in this report. April 2009, “Water Strategy Meets Local Reality,” by Kai Wegerich. Afghanistan is attempting to adopt internationally recommended water management policies. This report from AREU explores different Afghan drafts of the Water Sector Strategy and the Water Law and how they reflect these international recommendations. Subsequently, it compares these drafts with local water management practices. April 2009, “Land Conflict in Afghanistan: Building Capacity to Address Vulnerability,” by Colin Deschamps and Alan Roe. This Issues Paper presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the “For Building Capacity to Address Land Related Conflict and Vulnerability in Afghanistan” research project. The project’s overall objective was to help reduce landrelated insecurity and vulnerability by strengthening the Afghan Government’s capacity to resolve or assist in the resolution of land conflict in a manner that is fair, effective and legitimate. Policymaking May 2009, “Policymaking in Agricultural and Rural Development,” by Adam Pain. The agriculture sector in Afghanistan is seen to have a key role in driving economic growth. This paper examines the making of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) policy in Afghanistan. It is part of a series by the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit looking at policymaking processes in Afghanistan, and aims to open up space for informed political choice. July / August 2009 New Publications and Resources National Agriculture Development Framework (NADF) Since the fall of the Taliban, the agriculture sector in Afghanistan has received significant policy and strategy development (as outlined in the diagram below). The latest incarnation will be the 2009 National Agriculture Development Framework of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) currently being put together. A document outlining the NADF and related concept papers have recently been added to the revivified ministry website: www.mail.gov.af. The aim of the framework is to promote economic growth and food security by managing natural resources and increasing agricultural production and productivity, improving physical infrastructure and developing markets. Documents available (late-June 2009) are: • Umbrella Document for the National Agriculture Development Framework (10 p.) The following concept papers are all dated April 2009, and include budget estimates: • Critical Change Management Interventions (includes Annex 1: A Kuchi Policy Unit) (31 p.) • Financial Services for Agricultural Development (6 p.) • Home Based Food Processing and Preservation (5 p.) • Kuchi Service Centres: Pilot Project (7 p.) • Land Lease One Stop Window (7 p.) • Pilot for Improving On-farm Water Management in Irrigated Agriculture (6 p.) • Rapid Action Wheat Seed Production and Distribution and Review of the Seed Sector in Afghanistan (10 p.) • Strategic Grain Reserve: Infrastructure for Food Security (13 p.). Recent policy and strategy development for Afghanistan’s agriculture sector 2005 Agriculture Master Plan 2006 Interim ANDS 2009 National Agriculture Development Framework 2008 Afghanistan National Development Strategy 2007 Ministry strategy 2008 ARD sector strategy 9 Afghanistan Research Newsletter The New US Administration’s Policy Toward Afghanistan In his speech on 27 March 2009, the new US President Barack Obama announced a review of US policy towards Afghanistan and Pakistan. A number of papers addressing that review have appeared, both before and after the speech. The first paper listed below formed part of the basis for that address, underneath it are listed some of the other publications about this review. “White Paper of the Interagency Policy Group’s Report on US Policy Toward Afghanistan and Pakistan.” Washington, D.C.: Interagency Policy Group, 2009. 6 p. http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/documents/ Afghanistan-Pakistan_White_Paper.pdf. This paper formed part of the basis for Barack Obama’s speech (27th March 2009) on the new Afghanistan-Pakistan (“Afpak”) policies of his administration. “Back from the Brink?: A Strategy for Stabilizing Afghanistan-Pakistan.” New York: Asia Society, April 2009. 51 p. http://www.asiasociety.org/taskforces/ afpak/Afghanistan-PakistanTaskForce.pdf (PDF 768 KB). This strategy paper attempts to clarify new directions for US policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It assumes a dramatic change of course is needed rather than incremental change to the policies of the former US administration. Policy recommendations cover pages 19-44. Bever, James A. “Afghanistan and Pakistan: Resourcing the Civilian Surge.” 2009. 4 p. “Statement of James A. Bever, Director, AfghanistanPakistan Task Force, US Agency for International Development.” http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/ PDACM880.pdf (28 KB). An outline of steps needed for USAID to recruit and retain sufficient staff for the planned increase in civilian presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Browne, Des and Stephen Carter. “Afghanistan, the Change We Need.” 2009. 7 p. “[To be published in the] RUSI Journal, July 2009”—back page. (PDF 649 KB). “As the election in Afghanistan approaches, the American administration has begun implementing a rational and overdue redirection of policy. While there is much in the new strategy that is welcome, with the most visible element being an increase in funding and manpower, there remains the question of how it will engage with the difficult political questions that have been present since 2001, and have presented more fundamental challenges for the international and Afghan effort than the lack of resources.” (Abstract). Cantalapiedra, David Garcia. “Is there a Better 10 Strategy for Afghanistan?.” [Madrid?]: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), May 2009. 4 p. http://www.fride. org/publication/607/is-there-a-better-strategyfor-afghanistan (PDF 204 KB). According to this paper, Afghanistan is approaching a tipping point: its stabilisation hangs in the balance, even though increased international commitment has been forthcoming for the August 2009 elections; the strategy for Afghanistan that President Barack Obama presented in March—accepted by the allies at NATO’s StrasbourgKehl Summit in April 2009—amounts to a complete change of pace, however, it comes a year too late. The 2008 Bucharest Summit could have agreed new contributions, above all from Europe. According to this author, another year has been lost in Afghanistan’s stabilisation. “Civilian Surge Plan.” Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. April 29, 2009. 52 p. (PDF [scan of printed version] 4.0 MB). “The objective of the National Civilian Surge plan is to create a demanddriven vehicle to assist the donor community to provide technical assistance in line with the needs and priorities of the people of Afghanistan, as defined by the Government.” (p. 5). This document lists technical and other skills required in various ministries (both in Kabul and in the provinces). Cordesman, Anthony H. “US Strategy for Afghanistan: Achieving Peace and Stability in the Graveyard of Empires: a Statement before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.” Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), April 2, 2009. 26 p. http://www.csis.org/index.php?option=com_ csis_congress&task=view&id=277 (80 KB). A paper by a prolific commentator on the security situation in Afghanistan (see http://www.csis.org/index. php?option=com_csis_experts&task=view&id=3#pubs for other papers from him) explicitly outlining four main things the US needs to get right: (1) to clarify the level of commitment in Congress to the fight in Afghanistan; (2) to fully resource the US effort in Afghanistan; (3) to have accurate information on the use of those resources and (4) to have a fully detailed US strategy for the area before the end of summer 2009. Exum, Andrew M., Nathaniel C. Fick, Ahmed A. Humayun and David J. Kilcullen. “Triage: the Next Twelve Months in Afghanistan and Pakistan.” Washington, D.C.: Center for a New American Security, June 2009. 31 p. ISBN 9781935087120. http://www.cnas.org/files/documents/publications/ ExumFickHumayun_TriageAfPak_June09.pdf (1.5 MB). Eight years into the US-led war in Afghanistan, July / August 2009 the situation is as perilous as ever and continues to worsen. The rapidly deteriorating security situation in Pakistan, where the centre of gravity of the insurgency has now Triage: The Next Twelve Months in Afghanistan and Pakistan shifted, further complicates the campaign. In counterinsurgency campaigns, momentum matters. Over the next 12 months, the United States and its allies must demonstrate they have seized back the initiative from the Taliban and other hostile actors. This paper makes four operational recommendations—two on each side of the Durand line—that allow the new strategy articulated by the White House a better chance of success. J U N E 2 0 0 9 By Andrew M. Exum, Nathaniel C. Fick, Ahmed A. Humayun, David J. Kilcullen Ghani, Ashraf. “A Ten-year Framework for Afghanistan: Executing the Obama Plan … and Beyond: A Report by the Atlantic Council.” Washington, D.C.: The Atlantic Council, April 2009. http://www.acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/65/ AfghanistanReport-200904.pdf (998 KB). This report offers a prioritised approach to building state functions sequentially and in a way that creates self-sustaining linkages and reform processes. Harbo, Karl and Klas Marklund. “Afghanistan: Stocktaking, May 2009.” Stockholm: The Institute for Security & Development Policy, May 8 2009. 4 p. http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/pb/09/ policy_brief_harbo-marklund.pdf (232 KB). A review of current issues: domestic politics, insurgency, narcotics, the new Obama strategy and Pakistan. Markey, Daniel. “From AfPak to PakAf: a Response to the New US Strategy for South Asia.” New York: Council on Foreign Relations, April 2009. 15 p. http:// www.cfr.org/content/publications/attachments/ POP_AfPak_to_PakAf.pdf (197 KB). This response to the strategy outline from the new US administration recommends reversing prioritising Afghanistan over Pakistan, by “[recalibrating] … strategy to emphasise the priority of the mission in Pakistan and to prepare domestic and international audiences for expanded, sustained US engagement in South Asia.” (p. 8). O’Hanlon, Michael. “Toward Reconciliation in Afghanistan.” The Washington Quarterly, April 2009, p. 139-147. http://www.twq.com/09april/ docs/09apr_OHalon.pdf (196 KB). This author supports the review of US policy in Afghanistan and offers an overview of the current situation as well as policy recommendations. Parasram, Ajay. “Call in the Neighbours: Indian Views on Regionalizing Afghanistan Strategies.” Asia Pacific Bulletin no. 307 (14 May 2009). http://www. asiapacific.ca/files/Bulletins/307WarinAfghanistan. pdf (32 KB). The allies of the United States are adjusting their Afghan policies in the wake of Washington’s new “AfPak” strategy. Two points have become clear: firstly, current “regional” strategy involves just Afghanistan and Pakistan, rather than the broader Central/South Asian region; secondly, the extra troops and enhanced development push needed to stabilise Afghanistan cannot come in sufficient volume solely from the west. Samar, Sima. “A New Way Forward in Afghanistan: A Request for Change in US Policy.” The Human Rights Brief 16, no.3 (Spring 2009): 2-4. http://www. wcl.american.edu/hrbrief/16/3samar.pdf (496 KB). “Depose the Taliban. Restore freedom and democracy. Protect women’s rights and human rights. The United States has always presented its military intervention in Afghanistan in these simple terms. After the quick ousting of the Taliban, the signing of the Bonn Agreement brought hope for pluralistic government and human dignity. Seven years into Operation Enduring Freedom, however, promises made by the United States and the international community to the people of Afghanistan remain largely unfulfilled. The demands of the Afghan people were not very high; they included basic notions of human security and freedom to exercise basic human rights. Several strategic mistakes have undercut the achievement of these goals. US-led forces succeeded in removing the Taliban but failed to eradicate it before diverting attention to Iraq. Relying on warlords who have no commitment to democracy to maintain order, US policy over-emphasized military power at the expense of nation and state building, economic growth, and social development.” (p. 2). “Smart Development in Afghanistan: Field Report from Afghanistan.” Boston: Oxfam America Headquarters, 2009. 9 p. http://www.oxfamamerica. org/newsandpublications/publications/research_ reports/field-report-from-afghanistan/field-reportfrom-afghanistan.pdf (412 KB). This report aims to convey the views of people who have extensive experience with US development aid to Afghanistan. Forty people were interviewed in Kabul in November and December 2008. They included employees of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), other foreign donors, contractors, consulting companies, and Afghan and international nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), many of whom have several years of experience working in Afghanistan, as well as Afghan Government officials. Several interviewees made the important point that all major donors struggle to achieve their objectives in Afghanistan. Despite 11 Afghanistan Research Newsletter difficulties, many interviewees believed there were key areas where the US could substantially increase the effectiveness and impact of its assistance: • Purpose - Interviewees were concerned about the US using aid for security objectives; overemphasising short-term goals instead of long-term development; and overlooking sectors like agriculture and rural trade that support the livelihoods of most Afghan households • Modernisation - Despite some laudable efforts in Afghanistan, US aid practitioners are bound by structures and strategies that often constrain their ability to work effectively on the ground. In particular, interviewees raised their concerns that USAID’s contracting system relies too much on private contractors. • Ownership - Good development helps people help themselves, but US assistance tends to be too supply-driven and is overly reliant on contractors and Provincial Reconstruction Teams to deliver development assistance, rather than being led by Afghans themselves. CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE 1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20036-2103 Phone: 202.483.7600 Fax: 202.483.1840 www.CarnegieEndowment.org info@CarnegieEndowment.org CARNEGIE MOSCOW CENTER 125009, Moscow Tverskaya, 16/2 RECONCILING WITH THE TALIBAN? TOWARD AN ALTERNATIVE GRAND STRATEGY IN AFGHANISTAN Tellis, Ashley J. “Reconciling With The Taliban: Toward An Alternative Grand Strategy in Afghanistan.” Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2009. 104 p. http://www. carnegieendowment.org/files/reconciling_with_ taliban.pdf (948 KB). During the run-up to the announcement of the US’ new “Af-Pak” strategy a flurry of “new solutions” to the conflict emerged. Promoting reconciliation with the Taliban is one idea that reappeared. For these authors, “Any effort at reconciliation today will RECONCILING WITH THE TALIBAN? undermine the credibility of American power and the success of the Afghan mission. Most important, reconciling with the Taliban ASHLEY J. TELLIS is both premature and unnecessary for the success of Western aims.” (p. v). by many, the last few years have seen something of a European military surge in Afghanistan. Since late 2006, 18 of the 25 EU countries participating in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), NATO’s Afghan mission, have increased their troop contributions and, as a result, EU member states now account for 43 percent of ISAF’s total deployment. This military surge has been accompanied by a steady growth in European efforts to contribute to Afghanistan’s reconstruction, from development aid to police training—although not every EU member state is pulling its weight. These measures have made the EU a major stakeholder in Afghanistan. Yet the EU’s real impact on the country has been limited. In the face of a likely request from the Obama administration to do more, European Governments should now formulate a hard-headed political strategy as a complement to the coming US military surge. “UK Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan: The Way Forward.” HM Government. London: Cabinet Office, April 2009. 31 p. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Documents/ publications/Crossgovernment/ukgov_afghanistan_ pakistan.pdf (2.3 MB). After a brief presentation of the context of Afghanistan and Pakistan this paper outlines the guiding principles of UK strategy in these countries, making explicit both regional objectives and objectives for Pakistan and Afghanistan. Cross-cutting and General “Afghanistan Country Stability Picture (ACSP)” [Database] Edition 17 was released in May 2009 on a single DVD. This is the compilation of development and assistance information by ISAF from Afghan Government ministries (including some CSO and NRVA materials), USAID and other donors, PRTs etc. The information is shared with NGOs and humanitarian agencies for planning and development purposes (contact in Kabul is Necmi Koksal 0799512417). Russia Fax: 495.935.8906 www.Carnegie.ru info@carnegie.ru ASHLEY J. TELLIS Phone: 495.935.8904 TOWA R D A N A LT E R N AT I V E GR A N D S T R AT EGY I N A FGH A N IS TA N CARNEGIE CHINA CENTER Room 513, Chang Xin Building 39 Anding Road, Chaoyang District Beijing, 100029 China Phone: 86.10.6443.6667 ext. 627 Fax: 86.10.6894.6780 CARNEGIE MIDDLE EAST CENTER Parliament St. 88 Postal Code 2011 8806 Downtown, Beirut Lebanon Phone: 961. Fax: 961. www.carnegie-mec.org CARNEGIE EUROPE Brussels Office Avenue d’Auderghem, 82 1040 Brussels, Belgium Phone: 32.2.735.56.50 Fax: 32.2.736.62.22 www.carnegieeurope.eu European Nations Reassess Policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan Korski, Daniel. “Shaping Europe’s Afghan Surge.” London: European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), 2008. 8 p. http://ecfr.eu/page/-/documents/ ECFR-Policy-Brief-Afghanistan.pdf (1.0 MB). Unnoticed 12 Afghanistan: Now you See me? edited by Nicholas Kitche; additional research by Luke Graham. London: London School of Economics, 2009. 23 p. http:// www.lse.ac.uk/collections/IDEAS/publications/ Reports/SU001.pdf (3.98 MB). In this collection of four essays, Jamie Shea discusses the difficulties of retaining the support of NATO governments and publics for the reconstruction effort in Afghanistan unless there is what he calls a “comprehensive approach” among the international actors, which has a renewed commitment to a realistic counter-insurgency strategy at its heart. Antonio Giustozzi reflects on the growth of the neo-Taliban and associated insurgent groups. He highlights that their disparate strategies, and in particular the difficulties in establishing Mullah Omar’s goals, makes the path of negotiations a profoundly July / August 2009 uncertain one. Fabrice Pothier paints a picture of the sheer scale of the opium problem in Afghanistan and argues for a decoupling of the counter-insurgency and counter-narcotics operations as the first step towards creating the conditions under which the problem can be comprehensively addressed and negotiated settlements can proceed. Amalendu Misra explores the regional dimension to the Afghan problem, and suggests that the current variant of India and Pakistan’s deeply historical geostrategic competition for Afghanistan threatens both the country’s security and development. At the same time, Iran could emerge as a relatively stable partner that might play a constructive role in compromise agreements. (p. 5). “United Nations Development Framework in Support to the Afghanistan National Development Strategy, 2010-2013.” Kabul: UNAMA, Ministry of Economy, 2009. 27 p. (PDF 435 KB). “Afghanistan is at a crucial stage in its struggle to rise out of poverty and conflict. The intensifying insurgency adds to the critical need for the international community to do more to help Afghans build effective institutions and promote equitable economic growth. The Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) charts how the government and its partners meet the country’s development needs. Based on its unique role and breadth of expertise, the UN framework in support of the ANDS focuses on three priority areas: (1) Governance, Peace and Stability, (2) Sustainable Livelihoods, and (3) Basic Social Services, underpinned by cross-cutting issues such as human rights, gender equality, environment, mine action and counternarcotics. These three priority areas are where the UN is best placed to support the Afghanistan National Development Strategy by focusing on the nexus between stability and poverty alleviation, particularly for the most marginalised and vulnerable.” (Executive Summary). Agriculture “Afghanistan Agrometeorological Monthly Bulletin.” [Kabul]: Agromet Project of USGS. Issues 47-51 (January – May 2009) are now available on the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock webpage: http:// www.mail.gov.af/m/english/English.htm (on the right under the heading ‘Agro meteorology forecast’). This is an important regular compilation (published since March 2004) of information on wheat crop conditions, precipitation and temperature information from across the country. Bruno, Greg. “Nourishing Afghanistan’s Agricultural Sector: Backgrounder.” [New York]: Council on Foreign Relations, May 26, 2009. 3 p. http://www. cfr.org/publication/19478/nourishing_afghanistans_ agricultural_sector.html?breadcrumb=%2Fpublication %2Fby_type%2F. As the United States focuses revived attention on the Afghan war front, US policymakers are emphasising rural development and agricultural reform as keys to long-term stability. Bruce Riedel, who co-authored the Obama administration’s review of Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, says Washington is “going to emphasize wheat” as an alternative to opium poppy production, which has helped fund the country’s strengthening insurgency. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the farm sector is a pillar of future development, and the US Department of Agriculture plans to spend $27.5 million on food assistance and rural development projects in Afghanistan and Pakistan, on top of $208 million spent on Afghan food aid programmes since 2003. Milich, Lenard. “The Behsud Conflicts in Afghanistan: a Blueprint to Avoid Further Clashes in 2009 and Beyond.” EurasiaCritic June 2009, p. 26-33. http://www.eurasiacritic.com/sites/default/files/emagazine/June-2009/ffdsew/index.html. An overview of recent developments in this land dispute, with recommendations for future action. Children “Child Labour: the Situation of Street Working Children in Mazar City.” Child Protection Action Network (CPAN), Balkh Province. [Mazar?]: [UNICEF?], July 2008. 12 p. (PDF 1.05 MB). This paper reports on a rapid assessment of the situation of street working children in Mazar. It aims to understand the working situation of children in general and find out more specifically the scope of their vulnerability, their level of access to education and to measure the “protective environment of the children.” Bleakly, 89 percent of the children came from the age category five to 14 years, with a sharp increase from the age of ten to 14. In total, 780 children were interviewed. Climate Change “Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness Working Group Final Thematic Report [on Afghanistan].” [Kabul?]: GEF [Global Environment Facility], UNEP [United Nations Environmental Programme], [Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan], February 2008. 83 p. This paper was a technical output of the National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management (NCSA) and National Adaptation Programme of Action for Climate Change (NAPA) projects, financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with technical assistance and support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It was undertaken 13 Afghanistan Research Newsletter to review activities adopted by Afghanistan to comply with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It identifies related priority capacity needs and opportunities for capacity development at individual, organisational and systemic levels and prioritises potential adaptation activities. (PDF 2.66 MB). McSweeney, C. M. New and G. Lizcano. “UNDP Climate Change Profiles: Afghanistan.” Oxford: UNDP, 2008. 26 p. + data compilation. http://country-profiles. geog.ox.ac.uk/. UNDP and the School of Geography and Environment at Oxford University have generated country-level studies of climate observations and multi-model projections for 52 developing countries, including Afghanistan, which are now available at the website above. For each of the 52 countries, a report contains a set of maps and diagrams illustrating the observed and projected climates of that country as country-average timeseries as well as maps depicting changes on a 2.5° grid, and summary tables of the data. A narrative summarises the data in the figures, and places it in the context of the country’s general climate. A dataset for each country, containing the underlying observed and model data in text format, is also made available, on the website above, for use in further research. “Socio-economic Impacts of Climate Change in Afghanistan: A Report to the Department of International Development.” Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI); Matthew Savage … [et al.]. [Oxford]: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), [2008?]. 37 p. The main body of the report sets out the results of climate modelling work undertaken [in 2008?] in the UK by the University of Oxford and Tyndall Centre for DFID and UNDP. It assesses these potential climatic risks and their implications for three policy areas: Agriculture, Social Protection and Energy and Water. The report then reviews the suitability of current government policy frameworks to address such challenges in terms of mitigation and adaptation and sets out an approach to incorporate climate risk management and adaptation into development policy formulation. (PDF 2.66 MB). Development “Afghanistan and Pakistan.” Washington, D.C.: Office of Inspector General, US Agency for International Development (USAID). April 2009. http://pdf.usaid. gov/pdf_docs/PDACN018.pdf (1.2 MB). An account of the audit of USAID-funded projects in Afghanistan and Pakistan with recommendations where necessary to improve accountability and control, and details of prosecutions and dismissals. 14 “Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, 1387 Annual Report (March 21, 2008 – March 20, 2009).” [Kabul]: ARTF Management Committee. This annual report presents the ARTF financial and implementation status for 1387. The ARTF has a new calligraphed logo that appears for the first time here. “Afghanistan Report 2009.” Brussels, Belgium: NATO Public Diplomacy Division, 2009. 42 p. http://www.nato.int/nato_static/assets/pdf/ pdf_2009_03/20090331_090331_afghanistan_ report_2009.pdf (3 MB). This report from NATO offers an overview of each of the three main lines of work in which NATO-ISAF is involved, directly or in a supporting role: security, governance and development. “Afghanistan: Japan’s Experiences Revisited.” [Tokyo]: Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2009. 51 p. http://www2.jiia.or.jp/pdf/ resarch/2008_afghanistan/2008_afghanistan.pdf (309 KB). Supported by the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), an Afghanistan Study Group Japan was formed from members with experience in assisting various sectors in Afghanistan. They have conducted a series of discussions on the international intervention in Afghanistan since 9/11 and summary recommendations based on the group’s discussions are released in this paper. “Afghanistan: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight.” Washington, D.C.: United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), April 2009. 33 p. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/ d09473sp.pdf (2.4 MB). The Unites States has provided approximately US$38.6 billion in reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan and in February 2009 had over 35,000 troops in the country. Some progress has occurred in areas such as economic growth, infrastructure development and training of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) but the overall security situation in Afghanistan has not improved after more than seven years of US and international efforts. In response, the new administration plans to deploy approximately 21,000 additional troops and has completed a strategic review of US efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Based on past work and the significance of US efforts in Afghanistan to the overall US counter-insurgency strategy, this report highlights Afghanistan as an urgent oversight issue facing the US Congress. Issues covered here include US and international commitments to Afghanistan, Afghanistan’s security environment, deployment of US forces and equipment in Afghanistan, building capable ANSF, combating narcotics trafficking in Afghanistan, July / August 2009 the economic development of Afghanistan, Afghan government capacity, accountability for US-provided weapons in Afghanistan and oversight of contractor performance in Afghanistan. Bound with: “Afghanistan: U.S.- and Internationally-funded Roads (GAO-09626SP), an e-supplement to GAO-09-473SP (6 p.) http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB877.pdf. Bennett, Jon … (et al.). “Country Programme Evaluation: Afghanistan.” London: Department for International Development (DFID), May 2009. 70 p. http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Documents/publications/ evaluation/afghan_eval.pdf (3.72 MB). This evaluation looked at DFID’s work in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2007 with an update of activities for 2008. As with most reports, the “uniquely complex” nature of working in Afghanistan, both socially and politically, is recognised. The review is structured according to programme relevance, programme effectiveness and efficiency and programme impact and sustainability. Byrd, William and Stephane Guimbert. “Public Finance, Security and Development: A Framework and an Application to Afghanistan.” (Washington, D.C.?): World Bank, January 2009. 41 p. http:// siteresources.worldbank.org/Southasiaext/ es/223545-1144956091324/2443614-1238182344763/ AfghanFin.pdf (374 KB). “Security is increasingly viewed as a key condition for economic growth and development. The authors argue that the work and impact of all development partners would be enhanced if the multiple linkages between public finance, security, and development were explicitly taken into account. At the extreme, in some cases better public finance management could have more impact on security than more troops would. The paper first outlines three core linkages between security and development—through the investment climate, human and social capital and institutions. The authors then propose three complementary tools to analyse the security sector from the point of view of public finance management, service delivery and governance. This conceptual framework is applied to the case of Afghanistan. The paper closes by drawing some conclusions about possible entry points for dialogue in this difficult area.” (Abstract). Coelmont, Joe. “End-state Afghanistan.” Gent: Royal Institute for International Relations, March 2009. (Egmont paper; 29). ISBN 9789038214108. http:// aei.pitt.edu/10881/ (212 KB). This paper analyses the strategic objectives at the start of the international intervention in Afghanistan (Bonn Agreement onwards) and the steps subsequently taken that have led to the situation today. The second section puts forward and assesses ideas about key objectives and desired strategic outcomes with recommendations. Cornish, Stephen and Marit Glad. “Civil-military Relations: No Room for Humanitarianism in Comprehensive Approaches.” Oslo: Den Norske Altanterhavs Komite = The Norwegian Atlantic Committee, 2008. 27 p. http://www. careinternational.org.uk/download.php?id=835 (PDF 1.1 MB). This paper seeks to outline a number of issues arising from the politicisation and militarisation of aid resulting from the use of comprehensive approaches, and to highlight the new challenges that this trend poses for civilian populations and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs). Through an examination of the Afghanistan case, it aims to explain some of the reasons for NGO criticism of comprehensive approaches and their reluctance to collaborate with military actors. “Fact Sheet [for each of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan]” from USAID Afghanistan. [Kabul?]: USAID, 2008. (PDFs total 3.83 MB). These multi-page summaries were released at the September 2008 PRT conference in Kabul and provide a province-byprovince overview of USAID programmes (completed and ongoing). The summaries are arranged by theme (Alternative Development and Agriculture, Democracy and Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Health, Infrastructure and PRT Assistance) with an approximate total of assistance per province in US dollars also given. Huria, Sonali. “Failed States and Foreign Military Intervention: the Afghanistan Imbroglio.” New Delhi: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, February 2009. 8 p. http://ipcs.org/pdf_file/issue/SR66-SonaliFinal.pdf (208 KB). “Afghan and international actors, involved in reconstruction efforts must be cognisant of the fact that any hope for a successful regeneration of Afghanistan’s governance structures will depend on an integration of its indigenous systems with western liberal, democratic institutions. According to Coyne, “attempts to reconstruct weak and failed countries suffer from a nirvana fallacy, [since they] overlook the possibility that indigenous governance mechanisms may evolve that are more effective than those imposed by military occupiers.” (p. 7) Malkasian, Carter and Gerald Meyerle. “Provincial Reconstruction Teams: How Do We Know They Work?” [Carlisle Barracks, Pa.]: Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College, 2009. 53 p. ISBN 1584873833. http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute. army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubID=911 (PDF 736 KB). Over the past six years, Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) have played a growing role in the US counterinsurgency effort in Afghanistan. PRTs are one of several organisations working on reconstruction, along with civilian development agencies, including the US Agency for International Development, numerous nongovernmental organisations and the Afghan Government’s National 15 Afghanistan Research Newsletter Solidarity Programme. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, something of a debate has emerged over whether PRTs are needed. The authors argue that civilian reconstruction agencies cannot do the same job as the PRTs. While these agencies remain essential for long-term economic and political development, the PRTs conduct reconstruction in ways that help create stability in the short term. “Monitoring and Evaluation Framework [for] Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS).” [Kabul]: General Directorate of Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation of ANDS, Ministry of Economy, [2009]. 25 p. Overheads from a PowerPoint presentation (1.1 MB). Outline of planned procedures for monitoring ANDS targets. Nicholls, Riona and Burke Butler. “Fight Poverty to End Insecurity: Afghan Perceptions of Insecurity.” Kabul: Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium (HRRAC), February 2009. 16 p. http:// www.afghanadvocacy.org.af/documents/Security_ Report_Eng.pdf (888 KB). This report presents followup research to that conducted by HRRAC in 2004 and published as “Take the Guns Away.” That report focused on Afghans’ perceptions of the security situation in the country prior to the 2005 presidential elections. The researchers returned to the same provinces surveyed in 2004 and have documented findings concerning rising crime, lack of confidence in law enforcement bodies, the nature of security for Afghans, security for children, etc. Rietjens, Bas, Myriame Bollen, Masood Khalil and Sayed Fazlullah Wahidi. “Enhancing the Footprint: Stakeholders in Afghan Reconstruction” In Parameters, Spring 2009, p. 22-39. http://www. carlisle.army.mil/USAWC/Parameters/09spring/ rietjens.pdf (384 KB). The focus of this article is participation by local stakeholders in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)’s stability and reconstruction activities and ways to improve it. Since the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) are typically tasked to “cover” reconstruction within ISAF, they form the basis of this analysis. Schütte, Stefan. “Informal (In)security in Urban Afghanistan.” Iranian studies 42 no.3 (2009): 465-491. Poverty and insecurity in Afghan cities are intricately intertwined with conditions of “informality.” The term and the realities it describes refer to living situations in which basic needs and 16 activities, such as work, housing, and social security are unprotected by laws and standards. Immersion into such a convolution of informality determines the life of a majority among urban populations in Afghanistan and conveys a deep sense of insecurity for the urban poor. The paper looks at how rapid and unprecedented urban growth in Afghanistan accompanies rising levels of livelihood insecurity and explores how the urban poor cope with livelihood risks through a range of informal arrangements. Conceptually, the notion of “informal security regimes” helps capture informality as a coping strategy and how it relates to urban poverty in Afghanistan. Informed by extensive empirical fieldwork, the paper identifies different elements of the “informal security regime” in urban Afghanistan and explores their specific operations. The paper mainly focuses on the Afghan capital, Kabul, supplemented with evidence from other urban sites in Afghanistan. Sedra, Mark, Anne-Marie Sanchez and Andrew Schrumm. “A Way Forward in Afghanistan: A Report of the National Town Hall on Afghanistan.” Toronto, Ontario: Canadian International Council = Conseil International du Canada, April 2009. 19 p. http://www.cigionline.org/publications/2009/4/ way-forward-afghanistan (PDF 1.6 MB). “On December 9, 2008, the Canadian International Council (CIC), in cooperation with The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), convened a Town Hall on The Way Forward in Afghanistan, in Waterloo, Canada. Convened shortly after national elections in Canada and the United States, the Town Hall was framed as a mechanism to collect input and advice for new governments in both countries. The purpose of this discussion was threefold: to provide Canadians with a comprehensive view of the current situation in Afghanistan, to offer a forum for a wide variety of interested individuals to express their views and opinions, and to spur a genuinely inclusive national debate. Canadian International Council (CIC).” (p. 3). Tamas, Andy. “Warriors and Nation Builders: Development and the Military in Afghanistan.” Kingston, Ontario: Canadian Defence Academy, 2009. 249 p. http://www.tamas.com/index.php?q=node/28 (PDF 2 MB). This book was commissioned by the Canadian military to help senior officers better understand the development dimension of peace and security missions in fragile post-conflict states. It also helps development practitioners better understand their military colleagues in these challenging missions. It draws mainly from experience in Afghanistan. Waisová, Šárka. “Post-war Reconstruction in Afghanistan and the Changing NGO-Government Relationship.” 2008. p. 65-85. China and July / August 2009 Eurasia Forum Quarterly 6, no. 3 (2008): 65-85, http://www.isdp.eu/files/publications/cefq/08/ sw08afghanistanngo.pdf (PDF 134 KB). “Previous experiences with post-war reconstruction may lead us to the conclusion that NGOs could play a positive role in conflict management. However, after monitoring and analysing post-war reconstruction in several countries (Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq), this article concludes that the initial positive attitude of governmental representatives towards cooperation with NGOs in post-war reconstruction is starting to wane. What is the reason for the current skepticism towards NGOs and the tensions between governments and NGOs? This article looks at the relationship between the Afghan central government, local communities and NGOs and the existing tensions between them.” (Abstract). Health Afghanistan Annual Malaria Journal. Kabul: Ministry of Public Health. v.: 30 cm. Issue 1 (April 2009) has just been released as part of Afghanistan’s National Malaria and Leishmaniasis Control Programme. http://www.emro. who.int/afghanistan/pdf/aamj_4_09.pdf (4.98 MB). Contents include: National Malaria and Leihmaniasis Control Programme annual report, 2008—“Progress and Challenges to Malaria Control in Afghanistan” by Najibulllah Safi, Toby Leslie, Mark Rowland—“National Malaria Indicators Assessment, 2008” by Randa Youssef et al.—Therapeutic Efficacy of Anti-malarial Drugs in the Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Afghanistan, 20042007” by Najibullah Safi et al.—“Home Based Management of Malaria through the BDN (Basic Development Needs) Programme in North-East and Eastern Regions of Afghanistan” by Khalilahmad Kohestani et al.—(the following papers have been produced by various teams led by Toby Leslie) “Assessment of the Present Role of the Private Sector in Malaria Diagnosis, Treatment and Control in Afghanistan, 2008”—“Malaria Sentinel Surveillance in Afghanistan”—“Vector Surveillance in Nangahar Province, Afghanistan, June-October 2008”—“A Baseline Survey of Malaria in Pregnancy in Eastern Afghanistan”— and “Insecticide Treated Nets and Operational Research: Progress and Future Plans under GF Round 5”. “Afghanistan Health Sector Portfolio Review: AideMémoire.” 2009. 35 p. (Word 552 KB). A World Bank team visited Afghanistan from 28 March to 9 April 2009 to review the implementation of various projects supported by the Bank: The Health Sector Emergency Reconstruction and Development Project (HSERDP), The Strengthening of Health Activities for the Rural Poor Project (SHARP), The Afghanistan HIV/ AIDS Prevention Project (HAPP) and The Human Health Component of the Avian Influence Project. “Afghanistan: USAID Country Health Statistical Report”. 19 p. http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/ PNADO658.pdf (224 KB). A new version of this regular compilation of health statistics was released in May 2009, it gives figures for life expectancies, literacy rates, population indicators, etc. “Balanced Scorecard Report for Provincial and Kabul Hospitals 2008.” [Kabul?]: [Ministry of Public Health?], 2008. 226 p. Tabulated results of evaluation of health services for each province of Afghanistan, 2008. Earlier reports of this type appeared in the four years from 2004 to 2007. In 2008, 39 hospitals were assessed, 32 outside Kabul and seven inside Kabul. In general, improvements in performance were recorded in almost all areas (though in Kabul to a lesser degree). History Woodburn, C.W. “The Bala Hissar of Kabul: revealing a fortress-palace in Afghanistan.” Chatham, Kent [United Kingdom]: Institution of Royal Engineers, 2009. 47 p. This heavily illustrated paper examines what can be learnt about the former structure of the Bala Hissar, particularly in the early 19th century, when it was still a great fortress palace, and then identifies changes that were made later in that century. Justice, Rule of Law, Laws UNAMA, Human Rights, “Arbitrary Detention in Afghanistan: a Call for Action.” Kabul: UNAMA Human Rights, January 2009. 2 volumes. http:// unama.unmissions.org/LinkClick.aspx?link=Im ages%2fLinkImage%2fADVC+-+Vol+I+-+English. pdf&tabid=1763&mid=2026 (PDF, 1 MB), http:// unama.unmissions.org/LinkClick.aspx?link=Im ages%2fLinkImage%2fADVC+-+Vol+II+-+English. pdf&tabid=1763&mid=2026 (PDF 2 MB). In order to assist the Government of Afghanistan, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), with the cooperation of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), monitored detainees in Ministry of Interior (police) and Ministry 17 Afghanistan Research Newsletter of Justice detention facilities throughout Afghanistan from November 2006 – July 2008. This report draws upon this field monitoring to discuss the patterns and causes of arbitrary detention and to make recommendations on measures to effectively combat it. This report does not cover conflict-related detentions, including those by the National Directorate for Security (NDS) or international military forces (IMF). Monitoring found that Afghans are often detained without a legal basis, including for so-called “moral crimes,” breaches of contractual obligations, family disputes, or to pressure a relative or associate into confession. Second, there are indications that Afghans have been detained in order to deny them fundamental rights, particularly that of freedom of expression and many of the fundamental rights of women. Third, Afghans are detained without enjoying essential procedural protections, rendering many detentions arbitrary. (Executive Summary). Alston, Philip. “Promotion and Protection of all Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, including the Right to Development: Addendum, Mission to Afghanistan, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions.” New York: United Nations General Assembly, May 2009. 37 p. http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/ docs/11session/A.HRC.11.2.Add.4.pdf (168 KB). This report, from a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan in May 2008, aimed to understand how and why civilian deaths were occurring in the country. A civilian-centric view of the conflict was adopted and attempts were made to understand how the tactics of each side in the conflict lead to civilian deaths, and how the conduct of one side increases the likelihood of killings of civilians by the other. Each of the military actors in the conflicts shifts blame to the other for civilian deaths. In fact, “the Taliban, Afghan forces and international military forces all bear responsibility for unlawful killings, and each bears responsibility for reducing the numbers of civilians killed in the conflict” (p. 2). Deeks, Ashley. “Detention in Afghanistan: the Need for an Integrated Plan.” Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 2009. 3 p. http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080213_ deeks_afghanistan.pdf (64 KB). Amnesty International has sued Canada to prevent Canadian troops in Afghanistan from transferring detainees to the Afghan Government. Amnesty claims that the Afghans mistreat detainees, making such transfers a violation of Canada’s Constitution. Since November, Canada has chosen not to transfer detainees to Afghanistan, presumably relying instead on short-term, ad hoc detention arrangements. Even though a Canadian court has declined to issue an injunction preventing Canada 18 from transferring detainees to the Afghan Government, Amnesty’s broader challenge to the transfers remains to be heard later this year. Leonardo, Ernest. “Assessment of Corruption in Afghanistan.” [Washington, D.C.?]: USAID, 2009. 82 p. http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADO248. pdf (408 KB). USAID/Afghanistan commissioned an assessment to provide a strategy, programme options, and recommendations on needs and opportunities to strengthen the capacity and political will of the Government of Afghanistan to fulfill its National Anti-Corruption Strategy. This report assesses the issue of corruption in Afghanistan, the legal and institutional frameworks for combating corruption, as well as USAID, USG and other donor activities against corruption, including monitoring mechanisms. The report concludes with recommendations on objectives for USAID anti-corruption assistance, a strategy to guide this set of actions, and a focused agenda for assistance to the government and civil society to help counter corruption in Afghanistan. (p. 1). “Shiite Personal Status Law: English Translation.” Kabul: Afghanistan Rule of Law Project (ARoLP), 2009. 106 p. Translated before publication in the Official Gazette. http://www.afghanistantranslation. com (follow the link to “Laws” and then “Civil”) (PDF 916 KB). This is a full (unofficial) translation of the controversial law relating to Shia personal affairs. “US Central Command Investigation into Civilian Casualties in Farah Province, Afghanistan on 4 May 2009: USCENTCOM’s Unclassified Executive Summary.” 18 June 2009. 13 p. http://www. centcom.mil/images/pdf/uscentcom%20farah%20 unclass%20exsum%2018%20jun%2009.pdf (12 KB). “This document summarises the investigation directed by the Commander, US Central Command into the allegations that the use of US air power caused civilian casualties in the vicinity of Gerani Villages, Bala Balouk District, Farah Province, on May 4 2009. Commander USCENTCOM approved the investigating officer’s findings and recommendations on 8 June 2009.” (p. 1). Walsh, Barry. “An Information Management and Organizational Plan for the Judiciary of Afghanistan.” Washington, D.C: Afghanistan Rule of Law Project, February 2009. 45 p. http://pdf.usaid. gov/pdf_docs/PDACM742.pdf (240 KB). The general aim of this consultancy during October and November 2008 was to evaluate the options available to the Afghan judiciary for improving its use of information and to suggest practical strategies for implementing them. An evaluation of information management and organisational development strategies should assist in guiding and perhaps adjusting current priorities for July / August 2009 the Supreme Court and interested donors. This report reviews and evaluates the history of information management planning and associated organisational development activities within the Afghanistan judiciary. Based on that assessment, this report offers a list of potential programme activities that are concerned with the collection and processing of management information by courts and that relate to the strategic priorities that the Supreme Court has already identified. Maps Agricultural maps: The US Geological Survey (USGS) has made available three re-worked colour maps using Landsat data from 1993 and 2001 (the maps however are not dated). All include data from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Afghan Geodesy and Cartography Head Office (AGCHO) and other sources. They show significant changes in agricultural areas. http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/Afghan/product. php?image=ar 1. Afghanistan: Agricultural and Rangelands 1993 (Landsat). Reston, Virginia: US Geological Survey, [2008?]. (1.7 MB). 2. Afghanistan: Agricultural Lands 1993 (Landsat). Reston, Virginia: US Geological Survey, [2008?]. (3.8 MB). 3. Afghanistan [map]: Agricultural Lands 2001 (Landsat). Reston, Virginia: US Geological Survey, [2008?]. (3.8 MB). Hirat city map / map prepared by AIMS Herat office. [Kabul]: Afghanistan Information Management Services (AIMS), March 2009. 1 col. map. http:// www.aims.org.af/maps/urban/hirat_city.pdf (400 KB). A revision of the AIMS city map for Herat. “NSP (National Solidarity Programme) Coverage Map” (April 2009). http://www.nspafghanistan.org/ reports_and_publications/nsp_coverage_map.shtm (PDF 2. 4 MB). This map tabulates and shows graphically the spread of the 22,148 Community Development Councils (CDCs) already working across Afghanistan as part of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD)’s NSP programme. Migration Koser, Khalid, Susanne Schmeidl. “Displacement, Human Development and Security in Afghanistan: Draft.” Published by the “2009 US-Islamic World Forum” http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/ rc/papers/2009/0216_afghanistan_koser/0216_ afghanistan_koser.pdf (124 KB). “Nearly five million refugees have returned to Afghanistan since 2002 and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) often cites Afghanistan as a positive example of refugee repatriation. In reality, however, the return of Afghan refugees may prove to be one of the most ill-conceived policies in the Islamic world in recent times. While in the right circumstances the return of refugees can contribute to peace-building and post-conflict reconstruction, those circumstances cannot really be said to have existed in Afghanistan when repatriation commenced in 2002; much less at the moment. An estimated 40 percent of rural Afghans are malnourished; about 70 percent of the population lives on less than $2 per day; over two-thirds of Afghans over the age of 15 cannot read and write; and one in five children dies before they reach their fifth birthday. The economy was already described as “little short of catastrophic” even before it was hit by the recent hike in food and fuel prices.” (Introduction). NSP Affolter, Friedrich W. “Transformative Learning and Mind-Change in Rural Afghanistan.” Development in Practice 19, no. 3 (May 2009): 311-328. This article presents the results of quantitative and qualitative enquiry into “transformative learning” and “mind-change” dynamics among rural community representatives participating in the Government of Afghanistan’s National Solidarity Programme (NSP): a community-driven, nationwide initiative to rehabilitate the country’s infrastructure. Opium Corti, Daniela and Ashok Swain. “War on Drugs and War on Terror: The Case of Afghanistan.” Peace and Conflict Review 3 no. 2 (Spring 2009): 41-53. http://www.review.upeace.org/pdf. cfm?articulo=86&ejemplar=17 (PDF 416 KB). The drug trade is a very important component of Afghanistan’s economy. Post-9/11, the United States has made the war on drugs in Afghanistan a high priority, after linking the drug trade to the financing of Islamic terrorist groups. The basic strategy of the US in Afghanistan has been forcible eradication of opium (poppy) cultivation, which has failed in controlling the production of illicit drugs. Instead it has brought further miseries to a large number of poor poppy farmers and their families. This 19 Afghanistan Research Newsletter article argued for a review of US policy of the war on drugs in Afghanistan and called for concerted efforts to provide other sources of livelihood to the Afghan population (p. 41). Muhammad Ali. “Afghanistan’s Poppy Production: Counting Things and Things That Count.” The Hague, The Netherlands: Institute of Social Sciences, 2008. [80] p. This research paper (MA thesis from the Graduate School of Development Studies, Institute of Social Studies) examines why poppy cultivation is sustainable in Afghanistan despite the efforts of the Afghan Government and international community. It seeks to identify the drivers of sustainable poppy cultivation and drug production in Afghanistan and suggests a way forward to tackle a deteriorating situation. Politics and Government “Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security and US Policy.” Kenneth Katzman. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 4 March 2009. http://www.fas.org/sgp/ crs/row/RL30588.pdf (2.31 MB). As US and outside assessments of the efforts to stabilise Afghanistan became increasingly negative throughout 2008, the Bush Administration conducted several reviews of US strategy and began a plan to build up US forces in Afghanistan. The new Administration authorised adding 17,000 US forces to Afghanistan while conducting its own “strategic review,” which was used to formulate new policies discussed at the April 3, 2009 NATO summit. Obama Administration policy in Afghanistan is facing an expanding militant presence in some areas previously considered secure, increased numbers of civilian and military deaths, growing disillusionment with corruption in the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the inability of Pakistan to prevent Taliban and other militant infiltration into Afghanistan. Austin, Bradley, Elizabeth Dvorak-Little and Edward Joseph. “Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCD) Evaluation: Final Report.” [Washington, D.C.?]: Checchi and Company Consulting, January 2009. 44 p. http://pdf.usaid. gov/pdf_docs/PDACM816.pdf (168 KB). This report is part of the contractually required assessment of the performance of Development Alternatives International (DAI) and Associates in Rural Development (ARD) in their work with the LGCD programme. That programme was designed to build the capacity of local government, through direct capacity building and by providing for the implementation of community development projects with an overall aim of strengthening the legitimacy of the Afghan Government. According to 20 the evaluation the programme did not meet its overall objectives, though there were “pockets of success.” Bajoria, Raghav. “The Troubled Afghan-Pakistan border.” [New York]: Council on Foreign Relations, March 2009. 3 p. http://www.cfr.org/ publication/14905/troubled_afghanpakistani_border. html?breadcrumb=%2Fbios%2F13611%2Fjayshree_b ajoria%3Fgroupby%3D0%26hide%3D1%26id%3D1361 1%26filter%3D280. Afghanistan shares borders with six countries, but the approximately 1500-milelong Durand Line along Pakistan remains the most dangerous. Kabul has never recognised the line as an international border and instead claims the Pashtun territories in Pakistan that comprise the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and parts of North West Frontier Province along the border are part of Afghanistan. Incidents of violence have increased on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border since the US-led war in Afghanistan. In the last few years, US officials and national intelligence reports have repeatedly attributed the growing strength of alQaeda and resurgence of the Taliban to safe havens in this border region. By early 2009, there was growing consensus in Washington that to win the war in Afghanistan, it had to address the chaos in Pakistan’s tribal areas. In March 2009, General David McKiernan, the top commander in Afghanistan, told Newshour the only way to break the stalemate is to take “an Afghanistan-Pakistan approach to this insurgency.” Gavrilis, George. “Harnessing Iran’s Role in Afghanistan.” [Washington, D.C.]: Council on Foreign Relations, 2009. 2 p. http://www.cfr.org/ publication/19562/harnessing_irans_role_in_afghanis tan.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2F279%2Fsouth_ asia.This paper compares the role of Pakistan and Iran towards Afghanistan and comes down on the side of the US expanding and improving relations with Iran. Hakimi, Aziz. “Violence as Nation Building: Essay.” [7] p. Himal, April 2009. http://www.himalmag. com/Essay-Violence-as-nation-building_nw2889.html. According to this Afghan analyst, the current model of consolidating Afghanistan as a “security state” to manage the increasing violence and prevent collapse of the current government promises only to promote greater instability. Sharma, Raghav. “Afghanistan in 2009: The First Quarter.” New Delhi: Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), May 2009. 4 p. http://www.ipcs.org/ pdf_file/issue/IB102-Raghav-Afg.pdf (152 KB). In the first quarter of 2009, three issues have taken centre stage: Taliban resurgence and its spread into Pakistan, the “Af-Pak” strategy of the US unveiled by President Obama and the debate on the planned elections. July / August 2009 Ibrahimi, Niamatullah. “The Dissipation of Political Capital among Afghanistan’s Hazaras: 2001-2009.” London: Crisis States Programme, Crisis States Research Centre, 2009. 21 p. http://www.crisisstates. com/download/wp/wpSeries2/WP51.2Ibrahimi.pdf (555 KB). This paper aims to explain the historical background and processes in which the Hezb-i Wahdat-i Islami Afghanistan was formed and then lays out its political agendas and strategies, as well as its eventual disintegration. It will also look at how its character, political agenda and strategies have evolved throughout the years of civil war, Taliban rule and the post-2001 political process. Public Opinion “Afghanistan Public Opinion Survey, May 3-16, 2009.” The International Republican Institute, Lapis. [Kabul?]: IRI, 2009. 70 p. http://graphics8. nytimes.com/packages/pdf/world/afghanpoll.pdf (3.0 MB). A sample of 3,200 Afghans in 35 provinces (5 districts in each) were interviewed about their views on the situation in Afghanistan, the performance of the government, the approaching elections, security and military forces. Cordesman, Anthony H. “Afghan Public Opinion and the Afghan War: Shifts by Region and Province: a Breakout of the Data in the ABC News poll.” Washington, D.C.: The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), April 2009. 42 p. http://www.csis.org/index.php?option=com_csis_ pubs&task=view&id=5395 (PDF 2.2 MB). ABC News, in cooperation with other news organisations like the BBC, ARD and USA Today has run a long series of polls in Afghanistan. Most of this polling data has been published in forms that focus on nationwide opinion, rather than the differences by region and province. This presentation shows the key trends and results of these polls and provides considerable insight into how Afghan opinion has changed over time and with the growing impact of the fighting. Graham, Carol and Soumya Chattopadhyay. “Well-being and Public Attitudes in Afghanistan some Insights from the Economics of Happiness.” Washington: Brookings Institution, May, 2009. 31 p. http://www.brookings. edu/papers/2009/05_afghanistan_happiness_graham. aspx (PDF 1.03 MB). This analysis uses “the tools provided by a new approach in economics, which relies on surveys of happiness or reported well-being, to deepen our understanding of the situation there. These tools also provide a window into public attitudes, ranging from opinions about democracy and political freedom, to trust in others and in public institutions, to concerns about crime and corruption. The paper is written with the objective of bringing new insights to bear on a complex situation; neither author claims to be an expert on the economics or politics of Afghanistan. Our results in Afghanistan conform to a world-wide pattern: remarkable consistency across individuals in the determinants of happiness within countries of all different development levels—even in the midst of extreme circumstances.” (Executive Summary). Security “Afghanistan Security: US Programmes to further Reform Ministry of Interior and National Police Challenged by Lack of Military Personnel and Afghan Cooperation.” Washington, D.C.: United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), March 2009. 33 p. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d09280. pdf (3.08 MB). According to this evaluation, “U.S. agencies and Afghanistan have achieved their goals of restructuring and reducing a top-heavy and oversized Ministry of Interior and Afghanistan National Police (ANP) officer corps, modifying police wages, and planning a reorganization of Ministry of Interior (MOI) headquarters. These efforts are intended to help ensure that the MOI and ANP are directed by professional staff that can manage a national police force. U.S. agencies and MOI cut the officer corps from about 17,800 to about 9,000, reduced the percentage of high-ranking officers, and increased pay for all ranks” (reverse of title-page). Although US contractor personnel have validated the status of almost 47,400 current MOI and ANP personnel, they have been unable to validate the status of almost 29,400 additional personnel” (p. 22). “At what Cost?: Contingency Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan: Interim Report to Congress,” Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, June 2009. v, 111 p. http://www.wartimecontracting. gov/.../reports/CWC_Interim_Report_At_What_ Cost_06-10-09.pdf (5.1 MB). In 2008, the US Congress established a Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan in response to increasing indications of widespread waste, fraud and abuse of government contracting. The Commission was tasked to produce and interim and a final report. This report examines issues of management and accountability, logistics, security and reconstruction. It identifies areas of immediate concern and will address systemic causes and produce recommendations for reform. Bebber, Robert J. “The Role of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Counterinsurgency Operations: Khost Province, Afghanistan.” Small Wars Journal 2008 (no further numbering given). [18] p. http://smallwarsjournal.com/mag/docstemp/131-bebber.pdf (160 KB). An assessment of how 21 Afghanistan Research Newsletter Cooperative for Peace and Unity (CPAU) case studies This Afghan organisation has produced five conflict analysis reports based on original field work and observation and the work of Peace Councils in Afghanistan. All can be downloaded from http://www.cpau.org.af/Research/ our_pub.html. 1. “Baharak District, Badakhshan Province” (February 2009, 24 p.). Conflict dynamics are affected by a complex range of factors in Afghanistan. This report uses new data that identifies some of the trends and dynamics in local conflict in Baharak district in northeastern Badakhshan province in the context of local, provincial and regional influences. The conflict analysis of Baharak is the first of five reports looking at conflict dynamics in Badakhshan, Kunduz, Kabul, Wardak and Ghazni. [695 KB] 2. “Kunduz City, Kunduz Province” (March 2009, 24 p.). Conflict dynamics are affected by a complex range of factors in Afghanistan, this is particularly important when carrying out peacebuilding and conflict resolution activities in urban environments. This report uses new data that identifies some of the trends and dynamics in local conflict in Kunduz city in northern Afghanistan in the context of local, provincial and regional influences. The conflict analysis of Kunduz is the second of five reports looking at conflict dynamics in Badakhshan, Kunduz, Kabul, Wardak and Ghazni. [1.64 MB] 3. “Farza and Kalakan Districts, Kabul Province” (March 2009, 22 p.). Focusing on rural Kabul, this report uses new data that identifies some of the trends and dynamics in local conflict in Farza and Kalakan districts in the context of local, provincial and regional influences. The report demonstrates the key importance of land in local conflict, but also demonstrates the impact that Kabul city has on the Shomali Plain. (634 KB) 4. “Jaghori and Malistan Districts, Ghazni Province” (April 2009, 18 p.). Focusing on Jaghori and Malistan district in Ghazni province, this report uses new data that identifies some of the trends and dynamics in local conflict in Jaghori and Malistan in the context of local, provincial and regional influences. The report demonstrates the impact of wider insecurity on local conflict dynamics, particularly on the key areas of local conflict such as land. [890 KB] 5. “Chak and Sayedabad Districts, Wardak Province” (April 2009, 18 p.). This is the final report in CPAU’s series on conflict dynamics in Afghanistan, it completes the conflict analysis series by demonstrating the need for long-term, high quality monitoring of local conflict dynamics. The paper also argues that the impact of insecurity and nongovernmental groups in the province have had a significant impact on the way in which local conflicts are resolved. [675 KB] Based on those a synthesis report was also released (June 2009): Dennys, Christian and Idrees Zaman. “Trends in Local Afghan Conflicts: Synthesis Report.” [Kabul]: Cooperative for Peace and Unity (CPAU), June 2009. 44 p. This paper is a national comparison of the data and information collected in eight districts in Kabul (2), Kunduz, Badakhshan, Wardak (2) and Ghazni (2) that brings together the findings of district level analysis and puts them in a provincial and national context. The conflict analysis project run by CPAU looked at three key areas: (1) are there lessons to be learned about the impact and effectiveness of peace-building and conflict resolution programmes; (2) what are the impacts of other actors on local level conflict; and (3) are there any links between local level conflict and national level conflict? Local conflict is a major concern for Afghans faced with informal and formal governance structures that struggle to find equitable and suitable resolutions as a result of the conflict and associated social changes. Local conflict is also highly seasonal and associated largely with livelihoods, particularly land and water, followed by conflicts around debt and other financial issues, marriage, divorce and domestic violence. (PDF 2 MB) 22 July / August 2009 the PRT in Khost has functioned as a counterinsurgency force, with recommendations for improvements (by an “Information Warfare” officer). Blatt, Darin J., Eric Long, Brian Mulhern. “Tribal Engagement in Afghanistan.” Special Warfare 22, no. 1 (January/February 2009): [18]-26. http:// milnewstbay.pbwiki.com/f/TribalEngagement-swmag31Jan09.pdf (775 KB). Brief presentation of attempts by ISAF forces to work with tribal institutions along the Afghan-Pakistan border. Campbell, Jason Michael O’Hanlon and Jeremy Shapiro. “Assessing Counterinsurgency and Stabilization Missions.” [New York]: Brookings Institution, 2009. 28 p. http://www.brookings.edu/~/ media/Files/rc/papers/2009/05_counterinsurgency_ ohanlon/05_counterinsurgency_ohanlon.pdf (408 KB). This paper studies both Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of measures to assess progress achieved by counterinsurgency and stabilisation missions. The findings underscore the complexity of this process but generally concludes that “the current Afghanistan strategy of the Obama administration is rightly focused on population security—and, more generally, improving the lives of normal citizens—as well as Afghan institution building,” (p. 6). Clarke, Ryan and Khuram Iqbal. “NATO Supply Lines in Afghanistan: the Search for Alternative Routes.” Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), 15 June 2009. 3 p. http://www.rsis. edu.sg/publications/Perspective/RSIS0572009.pdf (48 KB). An evaluation of the three possibilities for supplying the troop surge in Afghanistan: Central Asia (“the fraught option”), Iran (“the non-option option”) and Pakistan (“still the best option”). Cook, Barnaby, Curtis J.K. Frazer and D. Jonathan Roberts. “The Size of the Fight in the Dog: 2009: An Assessment of the Security Situation in Afghanistan.” London: King’s College, March 2009. 30 p. http://www.humansecuritygateway. info/documents/KINGS_AssessmentSecurit ySituation_Afghanistan.pdf (716 KB). “The current situation in Afghanistan is characterised by a resurgent Taliban and al-Qaeda coupled with a weak and corrupt central government. The anti-coalition forces exhibit the capacity to inflict casualties and hamper coalition efforts at pacifying the region. The coalition war aims are currently shifting away from winning the war, towards ending the war and achieving something of a Nixonian peace with honour. To do this, the surge in all but name is being used to purchase a window of opportunity in which the coalition hope to make progress while the Taliban are on the back foot. Attaining even a limited victory of this kind will depend on the age old concept of division and conquest. While the conflict should be seen as one of multiple insurgencies, it should be combated with a cohesive and unified effort. Thus if the conflict is to be won, it will be won on the district level, village by village. Failure to arrive at a situation in which the coalition can withdraw on their own terms will result in a protracted and unpleasant stalemate that will see the evaporation of domestic support at home.” (Executive Summary). Dansie, Grant. “Enemies, Irregular Adversaries, Spoilers, Non-compliant Actors: How the Definition of Actors Influences Afghanistan Strategies.” Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), 2009. 49 p. http://www.ciaonet.org/wps/ nupi/0016551/f_0016551_14307.pdf (3 MB). This study examines how definitions may significantly affect strategy by focusing on the example of non-violent or low level violent actors in Afghanistan perceived as negatively affecting international peace and stability operations. It highlights that the situation is inherently more complex than it appears at first glance. Our definitions may carry entrenched meanings that negatively affect our perceptions of certain actors. At the same time the situation on the ground is extremely complex with numerous factors influencing this perceived negative behaviour. The study outlines a number of dilemmas involved in developing these definitions, as well as highlighting how these play out on the ground. The study draws on a number of interviews with NGO workers, researchers, Western government officials and NATO/ISAF troops. (Abstract). Giustozzi, Antonio and Dominique Orsini. “Centreperiphery Relations in Afghanistan: Badakhshan between Patrimonialism and Institution-building.” Central Asian Survey 28, no.1 (March 2009): 1-16. PDF (384 KB). This article offers a review of centre– periphery relations and local politics in the Afghan province of Badakhshan from the 1980s to the post2001 era. It maps the local powerbrokers and charts the transformations that occurred during this period, with particular reference to the impact of the central government’s policies on local political alignments and relations of power. The key argument is that President Karzai’s and the cabinet’s behaviour towards Badakhshani politics was aimed at re-establishing a patrimonial system, rather than at institution-building as claimed. Unable or unwilling to successfully deal with established local players, Kabul resorted to sponsoring new players in local politics and facilitating their rise in order to weaken more independent powerbrokers. However, a local perception of weakness in Kabul, not least due to uncertainty over the durability of the Karzai administration, led local players, old and new, to behave with very short-term horizons, as “roving bandits” rather than as “stationary” ones. 23 Afghanistan Research Newsletter Gross, Eva. “Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan: the EU’s contribution.” Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies, April 2009. 47 p.; 30 cm. (EU-ISS Occasional Paper No. 78). http:// aei.pitt.edu/10717/ (665 KB). The EU engages in aspects of Security Sector Reform (SSR) through EUPOL Afghanistan, the police mission launched in 2007, and through the European Commission’s contributions to justice reform in the country. Based on an analysis of past efforts at police reform by the EU and other European and international actors, this Occasional Paper identifies a set of internal and external coordination challenges that hamper mission success. Internally, institutional constraints have meant that the coordination of EU instruments has been difficult to achieve. Member States, meanwhile, have until recently focused primarily on bilateral contributions to police and justice reform in the case of Germany and Italy, respectively, or on their military contributions to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). Externally, the resource gap and differing philosophies underlying police reform on the part of the US (the biggest contributor to police reform) and the EU have meant that coordination has been lacking and existing coordination bodies are unable to fulfill their tasks. Limited resources deployed in pursuit of police reform exacerbate these difficulties as inadequate commitments of political, material and personnel resources all too often translate into a loss of political influence at the strategic level. The paper therefore argues that only by improving coordination and by increasing resources and efforts at formulating and implementing joint strategies will the EU and its member states have a positive impact on Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan. Given the deteriorating conditions in the country, the upcoming presidential elections, and a renewed focus on Afghanistan of the US administration, the EU and its Member States would do well to step up their efforts and their commitment to reforming Afghanistan’s police and justice system. Korb, Lawrence, Caroline Wadhams, Colin Cookman and Sean Duggan. “Sustainable Security in Afghanistan: Crafting an Effective and Responsible Strategy for the Forgotten Front.” Washington, D.C.: Center for American Progress, March 2009. 35 p. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2009/03/ pdf/sustainable_afghanistan.pdf (2.8 MB). This paper recommended that the Obama Administration’s strategic review answer five fundamental questions: (1) what is the scale of US objectives in Afghanistan; (2) what is the timeframe for US engagement; (3) what is the right balance of civilian and military resources to be sent in; (4) how to work with Pakistan to stabilise Afghanistan; and (5) is a sustained military, political and economic effort in Afghansitan still in the US national interest? 24 “[Papers from the] International Security Assistance Force PRT conference, 10-11 September 2008.” [Kabul]: Headquarters, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 2008. (Files on cd 473 MB). This collection of documents includes a variety of source materials presented at the PRT conference in 2008: it includes Provincial development plan spreadsheets, guidelines for coordination of emergency operations, civil-military guidelines, PRT Executive Steering Committee policy notes (1-3), publicity sheets from UNHCR and USAID project summaries (usefully arranged by province), etc. Rahimi, Roohullah. “Afghanistan: Exploring the Dynamics of Sociopolitical Strife and the Persistence of the Insurgency.” Ottawa, Canada: Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, 2008. 32 p. http://www. peaceoperations.org/_CMS/Files/OP2_Rahimi.pdf (3 MB). This paper seeks to understand the dynamics fostering the insurgency in Afghanistan, particularly within the context of Afghanistan’s history. The insurgency is understood as a symptom of deep-rooted political and social divisions as well as “pernicious” economic interests in Afghanistan and the region, “hence countering the insurgency is not just fighting it per se but understanding the multiple types of strife and responding in kind,” (p. 3). Schmidt, Søren. “Afghanistan: Organizing Danish Civil-military Relations: DIIS Report 2009:15.” Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), 2009. 70 p. http://www.minibib.dk/F?func=find-b&P_CON_ LNG=ENG&DOC_LNG_00=ALL&local_base=dcism&find_ code=SYS&request=409232 (PDF 776 KB). This report is part of a broader analysis of Danish experience with civil-military integration and deals with Afghanistan. Foremost in this report is the analysis of the political nature of the challenge to development in high-conflict areas. The summary includes the statement that “certain types of projects, e.g. education and schools, may at best not be relevant in relation to the available “political time” to achieve results in Afghanistan. Another finding is that “political stabilization is an outcome of a process between domestic political actors” and that the situation in Badakhshan and that in Helmand require different handling. Waldman, Matt. “Caught in the Conflict: Civilians and the International Security Strategy in Afghanistan: A Briefing Paper by Eleven NGOs Operating in Afghanistan, for the NATO Heads of State and Government Summit, 2-4 April 2009.” Kabul: Oxfam International, 2009. 27 p. http://www.oxfam.org/ en/policy/civilians-caught-in-the-conflict-afghanistan (420 KB). This paper makes recommendations on how the security strategy of the international July / August 2009 community should be changed to minimise the harm caused to Afghan civilians and reduce the disruption of development and humanitarian activities in Afghanistan. Younosi, Obaid, Peter Dahl Thruelsen, Jonathan Vaccaro … (et al.) “The Long March: Building an Afghan National Army.” Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2009. 65 p. ISBN 9780833046680. http://www.rand. org/pubs/monographs/MG845/ (PDF 392 KB). “The Afghan National Army (ANA) is critical to the success of the allied efforts in Afghanistan and the ultimate stability of the national government. This monograph assesses the ANA’s progress in the areas of recruitment, training, facilities and operational capability. It draws on a variety of sources: in-country interviews with US, NATO, and Afghan officials; data provided by the US Army; open-source literature; and a series of public opinion surveys conducted in Afghanistan over the past several years. Although the ANA has come a long way since the outset of the recent conflict in the country, the authors conclude that coalition forces, especially those of the United States, will play a crucial role in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future, particularly in light of the increased threat from Taliban forces and other illegally armed criminal groups.” Women “Chronically Poor Women in Afghanistan.” [Kabul]: JICA Afghanistan Office, November 2008. xii, 134 p. (PDF 136 MB). This study aims to improve the understanding of women’s chronic poverty in Afghanistan, analyse the factors pushing women into chronic poverty and keeping them there, and provide input to relevant government programmes. Fieldwork was done in five provinces (Bamiyan, Badakhshan, Herat, Kabul and Nangarhar) in both rural and urban areas. Poverty was defined as resources amounting to $1 per person per day or less. The degree of chronic poverty is determined by three variables: human assets of their household (male or female composition, ages, respective skills), access to economic activities, and significance of their social networks (determined mainly by their family and extended family). The drivers for chronic poverty were found to be the same as for chronic poverty within Afghan society (war, insecurity, natural disasters, disability). However, the maintainers of chronic poverty are gender-specific, especially structural barriers that tie women to limited roles in Afghan society. Kandiyoti, Denisz. “The Lures and Perils of Gender Activism in Afghanistan.” [London]: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 2009. 8 p. http://www.soas.ac.uk/cccac/events/ anthonyhyman/file50277.pdf (67 KB). Text of the most recent Anthony Human Memorial Lecture delivered on 16 March 2009 with three sections: (1) feminismas-imperialism or conversations “through” Afghan women; (2) donor-driven gender activism: engineering gender equality and (3) internal struggles and uneasy compromises addressing the sharp internal debates in Afghanistan involving parliamentarians, clerics, bureaucrats, the media and local NGOs concerning the acceptability of the rights agenda pushing to expand women’s constitutional, political and civic rights. “Status of Gender Units in the Government of Afghanistan.” [Kabul]: Ministry of Women’s Affairs, [2008]. 90 p. This undated paper (from late-2008?) sought to provide a detailed update on the status of gender units in Afghan Government ministries and agencies. In all, 24 ministries and two independent divisions were surveyed. Interviews were used to supplement the written information received. In many interviews women reported discrimination and felt they lacked a voice in their work environment. There was also a demonstrated lack of understanding of the meaning of gender and the benefits of gender mainstreaming. Women civil servants account for approximately 26 percent of most ministries’ overall work force: according to other figures (from the Ministry of Women’s Affairs) there are approximately 39,000 women compared to 181,000 men in ministries. Pashtun Cultural Magazine “Khyber: the voices of Pashtuns.” The first issue (June 2009) of a new monthly publication in English about Pashtun culture has appeared: http://www.airra.org/ analysis/Khyber.pdf (3 MB). “The need for Khyber was felt due to the ever increasing misconceptions about Pashtuns in the region and the criticality of the same in the development of various stereotypes about the Pashtun nation in general. Khyber is an initiative to engage the Pashtun intelligentsia and youth, both in the homeland and in the diaspora with the aim to discuss Pashtun issues and contribute to a more informed debate on the Pashtun question on both sides of the Durand Line. The magazine also intends to provide a forum for our youth to remain in touch with their culture, art and literature and at the same time, to illustrate the softer image of the Pashtun to the outer world.” (June 2009 issue, p. 3). 25