CSIRO PUBLISHING Animal Production Science, 2009, 49, 619–623 www.publish.csiro.au/journals/an Bovine somatotrophin stimulates milk production in red deer hinds G. K. Barrell A,D, J. A. Archer B, M. Wellby A, M. J. Ridgway A and M. J. Evans C A Agriculture and Life Sciences Division, PO Box 84, Lincoln University, Lincoln 7647, New Zealand. AgResearch Invermay, Private Bag 50-034, Mosgiel 9053, New Zealand. C Endolab, Department of Endocrinology, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand. D Corresponding author. Email: barrell@lincoln.ac.nz B Abstract. To determine its potential as a tool for studies of growth in suckling red deer calves, bovine somatotrophin (bST) was administered to lactating red deer hinds. The present study used twice-daily machine milking of bST-treated hinds (n = 10, 54 mg bST for 2 weeks then 108 mg for 1 week) and compared the milk yield with that of saline-treated controls (n = 9). Treatment with 54 mg bST tended to increase milk yield by ~16% and the 108-mg dose increased (P = 0.013) milk yield by ~32%. Both doses of bST increased (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively) plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 concentration but did not affect total solids or fat content of the milk, nor was there any effect on body condition score or liveweight of the hinds. This shows that milk production in red deer hinds is increased by administration of bST, which makes it a suitable experimental technique for investigating the lactational biology of red deer. Introduction There is a difficulty in differentiating between the genetic potential of a mother to produce milk and the potential of the offspring to obtain milk (Treacher 1983). The major non-genetic factors involved in determining the level of milk production are the level of nutrition of the mother and the demand for milk from her offspring, as reflected by the level of suckling stimulus (Treacher 1983; Rattray 1992). Other factors include the number or genotype of fetuses that may influence the size of the udder at birth (Treacher 1983) and udder (teat) performance can limit the growth of offspring (Hammond et al. 1996). Although suckling demand did not appear to elicit extra milk production in guinea-pigs (Laurien-Kehnen and Trillmich 2003), evidence from studies of sheep has shown major (20–50%) increases in milk yield in ewes suckling twin lambs v. those suckling singles, and even more (a further 15–20%) for ewes suckling triplets (Treacher 1983; Rattray 1992; Morgan et al. 2007). This indicates that a ewe with a single lamb has considerable potential for extra milk production that is not utilised by the lamb and a similar case may apply to deer, where there is usually a single calf. Support for this in deer comes from red deer hinds suckling red or wapiti-red crossbred calves where the latter calves had superior growth performance (Asher et al. 2005; Ward et al. 2007) although, surprisingly, there did not appear to be any difference in time spent suckling (Ward et al. 2007). Overall, these findings in sheep and deer indicate that, provided a mother is adequately nourished, there is no point in increasing, or selecting for, her potential to produce milk if the benefit is not utilised by the single offspring. However, this is a fundamental concept that remains to be determined for red deer. To address this question, it will be necessary to develop an experimental regime that can alter the milk output of red deer CSIRO 2009 hinds, preferably without involvement of nutritional deficits. Because of its ability to stimulate lactation in sheep (Fernandez et al. 1995), goats (Disenhaus et al. 1995) and cattle (Davis et al. 1999b), bovine somatotrophin (bST) was administered to red deer hinds to investigate its effect in this species. The hinds were machine milked to provide a standardised stimulus to both treated and control animals. Materials and methods Animals Animals included 20 mixed-age (4–11 years) red deer (Cervus elaphus subspecies scoticus) hinds managed on the Deer Unit of the Lincoln University Research Farm in Canterbury, New Zealand. The hinds were grazed as a single mob on pasture consisting of predominantly ryegrass and white clover, with water available ad libitum. They were mustered into a handling facility and blood sampling by jugular venepuncture and injecting procedures were carried out by using manual restraint in pens holding approximately five animals at a time. Otherwise, hinds were placed into a side-loading mechanical crush (Kean Deer Yards, Rangiora, New Zealand). They were weighed with electronic scales (Model 700, Tru-Test, Auckland, New Zealand) connected to load bars that supported the deer crush. Body condition score was assessed on a scale of 0–5 (Audigé et al. 1998). On 9 January, calves were removed and euthanased (at about Day 40 from birth) and thereafter, commencing 10 January, the hinds were mustered from their paddock and milked by machine twice per day (at 0700 hours and 1730 hours New Zealand Summer Time) for 3 weeks. All animal procedures were approved by the Lincoln University Animal Ethics Committee. 10.1071/EA08288 1836-0939/09/070619 620 Animal Production Science bST treatment Before the commencement of bST treatment, hinds were allocated to two groups (n = 10) balanced for liveweight, body condition score and milk yield. Hinds in the treated group received a single subcutaneous injection of 0.15 mL of a suspension of zinc sometribove containing 54 mg of bovine somatotrophin (Posilac, Monsanto, St Louis, MO, USA) in the neck at commencement of the study and another injection of 108 mg bST 2 weeks later. Controls received an equivalent volume of sterile 0.9% saline solution subcutaneously at the same site on each occasion. Milking procedure Milk was extracted by machine, by using a similar procedure to that described by Arman et al. (1974), except that only the rear quarters of the udder were milked. Immediately before milking, each hind received 1 mL intravenously of an aqueous solution containing 10 IU of synthetic oxytocin (OxytocinEA, Ethical Agents, South Auckland, New Zealand) and was then placed in the crush. A milking machine (Duovac 300, Alfa-Laval, Hamilton, New Zealand) set to a vacuum of 45 kPa was connected to two single clear silicone rubber teat cups (120 mm in length with an internal bore of 20 mm diameter, Alfa-Laval Agri 988123-01, Alfa-Laval) that were inflated intermittently (50 : 50 cycle) at 60 pulses per minute by a pulsator. The cups were placed manually onto the two caudal teats of the udder and milk was collected into a container. Once the milk flow ceased, the cups were removed and the teats were sprayed with dilute iodine solution (Vetadine Iodine Animal Wash, Bomac Laboratories, Manakau City, New Zealand). The volume of milk was recorded and a sample (~70 mL) from each hind was transferred into a polypropylene storage container and placed in a freezer (–20C) at the end of each milking session. Milking sessions for the whole group typically lasted ~100 min in total, although each hind was able to return to pasture immediately on her release from the crush. One hind in the control group that showed excessive loss of liveweight and body condition was removed from the study after 1 week. G. K. Barrell et al. Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 concentration The concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) was measured in plasma collected from all hinds on Days –1, 0 (the day of injection of 54 mg bST, sampled before injection), 1, 3, 7, 14 (the day of injection of 108 mg bST, sampled before injection), and on Days 1, 3, 7 and 14 following the day of injection of 108 mg bST. For radioimmunoassay of IGF-1, plasma samples (100 mL) were extracted by adding 400 mL of a mixture of hydrochloric acid and ethanol (12.5 : 87.5% v/v) on ice, vortex mixing, incubation for 30 min at 4C, then centrifugation for 15 min at 3000g at 4C. A 200-mL aliquot of the supernatant was added to 80 mL of tris buffer (0.855 mol/L tris base), followed by incubation for 60 min at –20 to –25C. After a further incubation at 4C for 15–30 min, extracts were centrifuged at 4C for 15 min at 2300g, then 100 mL of the supernatant was added to 600 mL of assay buffer (0.05 mol/L phosphate containing 0.05% alkali-treated casein). For the assay, 100 mL of the diluted extract or human IGF-1 standards (receptor grade, Novoenzymes GroPep, Adelaide, Australia) in assay buffer were incubated with anti-human IGF-1 antiserum (1 : 6000, Novoenzymes GroPep) together with an excess of IGF-2 (animal media grade, Novoenzymes GroPep) to bind any residual IGF-binding proteins, and incubated overnight at 4C. IGF-1 (receptor grade, Novoenzymes GroPep) was radioiodinated by the chloramine-T method, with purification on HPLC with acetonitrile and KH2PO4. After addition of 100 mL 125 I-IGF-1 in assay buffer and incubation overnight at 4C, gammaglobulin (1.2% in assay buffer) was added and bound radioactivity separated from free radioactivity by using 16% polyethylene glycol 6000. After mixing and centrifugation for 15 min at 2300g at 4C, the supernatant was decanted and radioactivity of the bound tracer counted. Bound counts (B) were converted to a percentage of the counts bound (B0) in the zero standard (i.e. B/B0 · 100) and plasma concentration (ng/mL) was determined from the curve (Fig. 1) obtained by plotting percentage B/B0 v. concentration of the human IGF-1 standard. The intra-assay coefficient of variation was 10%. Serial dilutions of cervine IGF-1 (kindly donated by Dr Lloyd Moore, 100 Human IGF-1 80 Cervine IGF-1 B/B0 Milk composition Total solids (g/100 g) of milk were determined by weighing ~35 mL of each milk sample, lyophilising in a freeze-drier and reweighing. Total lipids (mL/100 mL) were measured by a modification of the creamatocrit method (Collares et al. 1997). For this, 0.8 mL water and 0.4 mL of ammonium hydroxide (28% w/w NH3) were added to 0.8 mL of each milk sample. The mixture was warmed to 37C in a water bath, then transferred to microhaematocrit capillary tubes (75 mm by 1.1 mm internal diameter) in duplicate. The capillary tubes were centrifuged at 14 000g for 15 min in a microhaematocrit centrifuge (Haemofuge A, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and the lipid and aqueous layers measured with a microhaematocrit reader. The value for the total lipids (v/v) was converted to the weight/weight value by multiplying by 1.16, based on gravimetric data for bovine milk (Walstra et al. 2006). Deer plasma 1 60 Deer plasma 2 40 20 0 5 10 15 IGF-1 (ng/mL) Fig. 1. Standard curve for plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration, showing parallelism of the human assay standard with cervine IGF-1 and two serially diluted cervine plasma samples. B/B0 = percentage counts bound/counts bound in the zero standard. bST stimulates milk production in red deer hinds (a) 1300 bST treated Control 100 90 80 Condition score 4 54 mg bST 108 mg bST 621 108 mg bST 1100 1000 54 mg bST 900 800 700 600 (b) 500 8 Jan. 3 18 Jan. 13 Jan. 23 Jan. 28 Jan. 2 Feb. Fig. 3. Daily milk yield (mean s.e.) of red deer hinds treated (arrows) with bovine somatotrophin (bST) (n = 10) or saline (control, n = 9). Values are means s.e. The area under the curve was higher (P = 0.013) for the 108-mg bST treatment. 2 1 8 Jan. bST treated Control 1200 Milk yield (mL) Liveweight (kg) 110 Animal Production Science 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Jan. 5 Feb. Fig. 2. (a) Liveweight and (b) body condition score (scale 0–5) of lactating red deer hinds that were treated (arrows) with bovine somatotrophin (bST) (n = 10) or saline (control, n = 9). Values are means s.e. AgResearch,NewZealand)andplasmasamplesfromdeershowed parallelism with the human IGF-1 standard (Fig. 1). Statistical analyses Liveweight and body condition score data were analysed by twofactor ANOVA with replication. Area under the curve for the daily milk yield data and loge-transformed plasma IGF-1 concentrations of each hind was calculated for the 2 weeks following injection of 54 mg bST, and from Day –1 until Day 6 in relation to injection of 108 mg bST. Differences in the mean area under the curve between bST-treated and control hinds were compared with Student’s t-test. Means s.e. are reported. after injection of 108 mg bST to treated hinds, mean daily milk yield had increased to 1202 93.1 mL compared with 877 59.3 mL in control hinds. Milk solids and milk fat At the onset of machine milking, there was an initial increase in total solids and lipid content of the milk (from 20.6 0.52% to 25.0 0.94% and from 8.0 0.70% to 10.9 0.73%, for total solids and fat, respectively) and, thereafter, the values remained relatively constant. There was no effect on milk composition attributable to bST treatment of the hinds. Daily means for total solids ranged from 23.3 0.48% to 25.7 1.18% and from 24.1 0.23% to 25.0 0.31% for hinds treated with 54 and 108 mg bST, respectively, and those for control hinds ranged from 23.6 0.47% to 25.0 0.31%. Corresponding values for lipid content were 8.3 0.68% to 10.4 0.90% and 8.7 0.76% to 10.1 0.84% for hinds treated with 54 and 108 mg bST, respectively, and 9.1 1.23% to 12.1 1.08% for controls. Plasma IGF-1 concentration Liveweight and body condition score Mean liveweight and body condition score of all hinds fell slightly during the first part of the study, then increased (Fig. 2), being overall lower (P < 0.001 for liveweight and P = 0.016 for condition score) in control hinds than in the bST-treated hinds. Although both measures were slightly lower in control hinds at its onset, control hinds appeared to suffer a slightly greater loss of body condition than bST-treated hinds during the study period (Fig. 2). Milk yield Treatment with bST produced a non-significant (P = 0.103), although notable, increase (i.e. ~16%) in daily milk yield during the 2 weeks following injection of 54 mg, and the 108-mg dose produced a larger (~32%) and significant (P = 0.013) increase during the following week (Fig. 3). At the onset of machine milking, there appeared to be a temporary reduction of milk yield in both groups (Fig. 3); thereafter, peak mean daily milk yields in bST-treated and control hinds reached 974 101.7 mL and 801 60.8 mL, respectively, in the initial 2 weeks. Seven days Mean plasma IGF-1 concentration increased from 75.6 8.48 to 118.8 13.90 ng/mL (P < 0.05) and to 295.8 25.48 ng/mL (P < 0.001) at 24 h after 54 mg and 108 mg bST, respectively (Fig. 4). Following treatment, the area under the curve for 500 Plasma IGF-1 (ng/mL) Results bST treated Control 400 108 mg bST 300 54 mg bST 200 100 0 8 Jan. 13 Jan. 18 Jan. 23 Jan. 28 Jan. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. Fig. 4. Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration of lactating red deer hinds treated (arrows) with bovine somatotrophin (bST) (n = 10) or saline (control, n = 9). Values are means s.e. The area under the curve was higher (P < 0.001) for the bST-treated hinds at both doses. 622 Animal Production Science plasma IGF-1 concentration in bST-treated hinds was higher than that in controls (P < 0.001, Fig. 4). Discussion These results show that the higher dose (108 mg) of bST stimulated the production of milk in lactating red deer hinds and thus provides a tool for investigating the importance of milk yield on the growth of suckling young in this species. Increase in plasma IGF-1 concentration is regarded as a sensitive indicator of bST action in ruminants (Davis et al. 1987, 1999b; Breier et al. 1991) and the results for plasma IGF-1 concentration are strong evidence that bST was biologically active in these deer at both of the doses used in the present study. Also, since IGF-1 is an important component in the stimulatory action of bST on milk production in cows (Molento et al. 2002), the increase in milk yield of the bST-treated hinds recorded here can be partly attributed directly to the elevated plasma IGF-1 concentrations recorded in bST-treated hinds. This point was made in a similar study of bST-treated lactating ewes that were also repeatedly machine milked (Fernandez et al. 2001). In their study, Fernandez et al. (2001) recorded dose-related increases in milk yield that were highly correlated with plasma IGF-1 concentration. The daily milk yields recorded here are ~25–50% lower than those reported by others, e.g. Arman et al. (1974) and Loudon et al. (1983, 1984) for Scottish red deer, Krzywinski et al. (1980) for Polish red deer and Landete-Castillejos et al. (2000) for Iberian red deer. However, the yields measured in the present study were taken only from the caudal pair of teats and are unlikely to represent the total production of the whole udder. On the basis of regional differences in udder volume recorded by Arman et al. (1974, caudal gland volume was 71% of the total udder volume), the caudal glands would be expected to account for the majority of the total milk output in red deer and this has been confirmed by direct measurement of comparative milk production (Landete-Castillejos et al. 2000, caudal glands produced 61% of the total milk yield). Also, it is likely that nonremoval of milk from the cranial pair of quarters would have led to cessation of secretion by these glands. The regular daily machine milking of the caudal quarters may have shifted milk production to this region of the udder, probably causing the steady increases in milk yield recorded here. However, this may not have been sufficient to match the full production potential of the whole udder. Nevertheless, all hinds in the present study were milked in a standardised manner, so the technique used here allows a direct comparison of milk production to be made between the two treatment groups. Thus, there can be no doubt about the effectiveness of bST treatment in raising milk yield in these hinds. Milk composition was similar to that recorded in other deer studies (Arman et al. 1974; Krzywinski et al. 1980; LandeteCastillejos et al. 2000) for both total solids and lipid content and did not appear to be influenced by the treatment of hinds with bST. We were not able to measure protein levels in the present study; however, data from an earlier study conducted by ourselves (unpubl. data) showed no effect of bST treatment (108 mg per hind fortnightly for 8 weeks) on protein levels in the milk (7.9 0.28% and 8.0 0.21%, treated and control group, respectively, n = 10). This is consistent with the results of G. K. Barrell et al. studies on the use of bST in other ruminants such as sheep (Fernandez et al. 1995; Aaron et al. 1998; Sallam et al. 2005), goats (Disenhaus et al. 1995; Davis et al. 1999a) and cattle (Dohoo et al. 2003), in which effects on milk composition, if significant, have been either inconsistent or very small. The initial increase in total solids and lipid content of the milk might have been a response of the mammary gland to greater emptying from machine milking than from suckling. Individual hind data for milk yield (not shown) indicated that milk production in some animals did not respond to stimulation by bST; hence, there was higher variability of the mean values in the treated group (Fig. 3). A high variability in milk yield response to bST in goats was recorded by Disenhaus et al. (1995) who referred to other reports of such unexplained individual variation in ruminants in their paper. It is interesting that the higher milk yield following treatment of hinds with bST was accomplished with a minimal reduction in body condition score, which tended to be even less than that recorded in the control hinds. This contrasts with the generally universal reduction in body condition experienced by dairy cows under bST treatment (Dohoo et al. 2003) and indicates that the treated hinds may have increased their intake of feed to achieve the extra milk yield without penalty in terms of body condition, unless the treatment induced some fundamental increase in efficiency of milk synthesis. Initially, there was a small reduction in liveweight of both groups of hinds; however, this was followed by gain in liveweight when milk yield was increasing. Throughout the present study, the hinds were periodically moved to different paddocks to ensure that the best available pasture was provided. Therefore, it is not possible to determine the extent to which changes in feed intake and/or feed quality may have influenced these effects on liveweight and body condition score. Also, there is a possibility that the hinds may have experienced some stress from the experimental procedure, especially at the beginning, and there was a minor, transient incidence of lameness in both groups that could be attributed to the extra handling imposed by the study. This condition responded well to antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy, although one control-group hind displayed an excessive loss of liveweight and a concomitant drop in milk production, which resulted in her removal from the study after 1 week. Acknowledgements We thank Monsanto Co. (St Louis, MO, USA), especially Gregg Bogosian, for generous donation of bST. Dr Lloyd Moore of AgResearch, New Zealand, is thanked for his generous donation of cervine IGF-1. Omega Amoafo, Victoria Barrell, Long Cheng, Alastair Nicol and Craig Trotter are thanked for their help with the milking procedure. We are indebted to Alastair Nicol for his knowledgeable advice on the conduct and interpretation of these studies. 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