1 The optimal operation of energy storage in a wind power curtailment scheme S. Gill, G. W. Ault Member IEEE, I. Kockar, Member IEEE Abstract—Generator curtailment allows Distribution Network Operators to increase the maximum capacity of distributed renewable generation connections to their networks, but curtailment means lost revenue for generators. Energy Storage Systems (ESS) can mitigate curtailment by time-shifting generation away from congested periods and can combine this with other tasks. This paper develops a linear-programming optimization to maximize the revenue generated by an ESS connected to a wind farm in a curtailment scheme. The storage is used for curtailment reduction and price-arbitrage in an external market. A case study is developed and the optimization applied for storage devices with a range of efficiencies and penetrations. The effect of storage efficiency on revenue is shown to be stronger in price arbitrage than in generation-curtailment. An economic analysis is carried out for a Sodium Sulphur battery store and it is clear that, at current costs, more valuable revenue streams are required to achieve economic viability. Index Terms— Distributed Power Generation, Energy Storage, Power System Management, Wind Energy. I. NOMENCLATURE Network Setup Local network power demand PD Capacity of firmly connected generation Pfirm Capacity of non-firmly connected generation Pnf Network export / import capacity Pin/out Curtailment during period 1 with no store, Pcurt referred to as ‘curtailed power’ Storage Device Setup SOC State of Charge Maximum State of Charge (Energy capacity) SOCmax Maximum rate of charge Pcmax max Maximum rate of discharge Pd εin ,εout ,εrt Charging, discharging and round trip efficiency Optimization variables Eic Energy charging store from grid during period i Energy discharging store to grid during period i Eid Curtailed energy charging store in period i Eicurt Spot market price pi Price of curtailed energy picurt n Number of time steps Δt Length of time step in hours This work is partly funded through the Centre for Doctoral Training in Wind Energy Systems at the University of Strathclyde. EPSRC EP/G037728/1. Computing provided by the EPSRC funded Faculty of Engineering and Institute of Complex Science High Performance computer at the University of Strathclyde. Economic Analysis NPV Net present Value R Revenue C Costs r Discount rate II. INTRODUCTION The growth in renewable generation and the challenges this is placing on power systems means that Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are an active area of research. As well as pumped hydro storage, a few newer technology energy storage installations are now in trial and operation around the world [1], [2]. Technologies available for energy storage now include compressed air storage, flywheels and a range of chemical batteries. Applications of ESS include pricearbitrage, load-leveling and the provision of ancillary services such as spinning reserve. They also have the ability to assist in the integration of intermittent renewable generators such as wind power [3], [4]. The growth in renewable power generation is raising challenges for the operation of powers systems at all scales. These include the stochastic and unpredictable nature of the renewable resources and the geographic distribution of wind farms, often in remote areas with weak electrical grids. The location of renewable resources and the relatively small size of many renewable generators are leading to an increase in connections at distribution level. In many cases this provides the only grid connection option, for example in Scotland some wind farms on the UK grid are located over 50 miles from the nearest transmission substation [5]. In other cases, the costs of connecting at high voltages are prohibitive [6]. Under traditional operational arrangements there are strict limits on the capacity of distributed generation that can connect to a particular location or distribution network [6]. In simplified terms, this limit is set by the export capacity from the location and the minimum local demand level. This ‘firm capacity’ is available under all normal operating conditions without requiring any operational management from the Distribution Network Operator (DNO). To raise the capacity of generation further requires operational management of generators and other network components through Active Network Management (ANM) schemes. One such ANM approach is generation curtailment where distributed generators are required to reduce their output under specified conditions. This is of particular use with low capacity factor generation such as wind where, a large fraction of time, the firm generation output and demand level provides adequate network capacity to operate additional generation. Generation 2 curtailment schemes can allow a significant increase in the capacity of distributed renewable generation connecting to a network and can raise the amount of renewable electricity generated [7], [8]. Whilst this is advantageous in terms of increasing renewable generation, curtailment represents lost revenue to the distributed generator owner. The use of ESS in these situations has an obvious benefit to the non-firm generator as it can reduce curtailment by storing otherwise curtailed renewable energy and discharging this when network capacity is available. But the financial viability of ESS is likely to hinge on the fact that it can access more than this one revenue stream from curtailment-reduction. This paper investigates the optimal scheduling of ESS cooperating with wind farms and connected to a distribution network. The work studies the use of ESS in two modes: curtailment-reduction and price-arbitrage though buying and selling to a spot market. As both the wind farms and ESS are small they are modeled as price takers on the spot market and do not influence prices. The paper develops a linearprogramming optimization problem and uses historical data to find the maximum revenue that an ESS could make over a 1 year period. Results are developed for a range of efficiencies and penetrations of ESS. An economic analysis is carried out for a Sodium Sulphur battery as an example of an ESS technology to assess the economic viability based on the two revenue streams and the specific technical and cost parameters of Sodium Sulphur batteries. This method finds the upper bounds on revenue in a given historical period. It provides a useful tool for benchmarking real-time operational strategies as well as providing useful information to DNOs about potential power flows in a network with energy storage included and the potential opportunities that ESS presents. Section III provides a summary of the literature in this area. Section IV lays out the optimization problem. Section V describes the case studies and presents results. Section VI carries out an economic analysis on a Sodium Sulphur battery and sections VII and IX respectively discuss and conclude the study. III. LITERATURE REVIEW The development of curtailment schemes for distributed generation is relatively new. A number of papers study the effect of curtailment on the maximum capacity of distributed generation and on energy generated. Allowing up to 10% curtailment of generation across a year can, together with power factor control and coordinated voltage control, more than double the capacity that can connect [7]. The set up of a generation curtailment scheme on the Orkney Islands distribution network in Scotland is described in [9]. The economic viability of such a scheme will depend on the level of curtailment experienced, and the principles of network access applied to the non-firm generation. In [10] a method of determining the economic feasibility of curtailment is developed and in a case study it shown that curtailment has the ability to triple the ‘firm capacity’ level of connection. This result includes the addition of some generation that will be curtailed only during network faults as well as ‘Regulated Non-Firm’ generation which experiences curtailment during normal operating conditions and corresponds to ‘non-firm’ generation in this study. The study shows that significant levels of non-firm generation are likely to connect to distribution networks in the future. The role of distributed generation curtailment in conjunction with heat-energy storage and a district heating network is investigated in [11]. The operation of ESS with distributed renewable generation depends on the market arrangements for the generators. If generators are penalized for deviating from their bid positions posted at gate closure a storage device can mitigate the uncertainty. In [12] control strategies are developed to minimize penalties applied to a wind farm for deviations from bid positions. Whilst this is likely to be useful to network operation, it requires a market mechanism that penalizes generation for variation from bid positions. In generation curtailment schemes storage can reduce curtailment, a strategy that is investigated in [13]. This study assumes that curtailment occurs at night when demand is low and it schedules storage on a daily cycle of charging and discharging. A cost-benefit analysis shows that only ZincBromine flow-batteries are likely to be economically feasible. The assumption of daily cycling used here will be invalid with high non-firm generation penetration as curtailment will not be confined to the night time. A linear programming optimization solution is proposed in [14] to maximize the revenue from a wind farm and ESS. No curtailment is applied and the ESS is only used to time-shift energy output from the wind-farm and not to buy from the grid as in an arbitrage strategy. The optimization is extended to a multi-objective fuzzy-optimization including a risk management objective. The linear programming algorithm is similar to that developed in this study but here it is extended to include curtailment and full price arbitrage. In [15] an heuristic optimization process is used to maximize revenue for an ESS connected to a wind-farm in a curtailment scheme. The problem combines time-shifting of wind-farm output to avoid curtailment with price-arbitrage on the spot market. Whilst the method is shown to solve the problem it is computationally and conceptually complex. IV. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION This section develops a linear-programming based optimization algorithm for the maximization of revenue from a distribution network connected storage device. The store can time-shift generation from a wind farm with a non-firm connection to avoid curtailment and it can carry out pricearbitrage with an external market. Throughout this paper the term ‘curtailed generation’ is used to refer to the potential generation that would have been curtailed because of network constraints when no energy-storage is present. The problem consists of a network model, storage model and input time series; data from these are collated into the linear 3 Fig 1. Simple network model off curtailment sch heme with energ gy storage. opptimization prroblem. Thesee components are describ bed sepparately and are followed by a description of how the alggorithm is implemented A. Network Mod del n scenarrio modeled is shown in Fig g. 1. Thhe simplified network Thhe components of the schemee are: - Local demand time series - An import / export circuiit to an extern nal network with w fixed power carrying c capability. - Firmly connected wind geeneration up to the maxim mum capacity calculated from th he annual minim mum demand and a the import / export e capacity y by: = / + Fig 2. Generic model oof an energy storaage system. med that all For the purposes of this case studdy, it is assum model sees thee same wind distributted wind geneeration in the m profile and as such tthere is perfecct correlation bbetween the potentiaal output of firm m and non-firm m wind generattion. D. Settiing up the optim mization The opptimization is constructed tto maximize tthe revenue generateed by the ennergy store. T The problem is initially formulaated with threee variables forr each period in the timeseries: C Charging energgy from the ggrid, discharginng energy to the gridd and charging from curtailedd energy. For aany period, i, the channge in the statte of charge off the store is reelated to the energy vvariables via: ∆ (1) - Non-firmly connected wind generation n which will be curtailed wheen the total geeneration on th he network wo ould otherwise ex xceed the sum of export cap pacity and currrent local demand d. - Energy Storaage with the ability to trad de with the spot s market and access a the curttailed generation from the nonn firm wind farrm. B. Storage Modeel A generic energy y storage modeel is shown in Fig. 2 and can n be used to model most m forms of en nergy storage device. d It conssists off an energy con nversion unit fo or charging and for dischargiing. w be the sam me unit and may m Foor many appliccations these will reppresent, for ex xample, the po ower electroniic convertor on a baattery. Other sy ystems such ass hydrogen sto orage will requ uire sepparate energy y conversionss systems fo or charging and a disscharging. Botth charging and discharging will incur lossses, annd the produ uct of the efficiencies e fo or charging and a disscharging givee the round trip p efficiency off the energy sto ore. Thhe Energy store itself has a maximum m and a minimum sttate off charge. C. Input time-seeries data Thhe method requires the use of o time-series data for netw work deemand, wind geeneration produ uction and spo ot-market price. In ann open electriciity market the most appropriate time steps are thee trading perio ods, for examp ple half-an-hou ur in the UK. The T deemand and gen neration time-seeries will conssist of the averrage poower level across a single trad ding-period. = ( + (2) ) + The objeective functionn is formulatedd as: − − , (3) , The pricce that the stoore pays to usee curtailed eneergy is set to zero in this study too reflect the ffundamental ffact that the energy that would oth therwise be cuurtailed is avaiilable to the storage system at no ccost. Three s ets of constraiints apply to tthe objective: tthose due to the consstruction of thhe energy storee itself, those imposed by the avaailability of ccurtailed generation and thhose due to networkk constraints. The connstraints due too the storage deevice are: 0< 0< 0< 0< + ∆ ∆ < ;∀ = 1. . (4) < ;∀ = 1. . (5) ∆ + ∆ ( < ;∀ = 1. . (6) < ;∀ = 1. . (7) + ( ) − , + , ) + < ; = 1. . =0 (8) (9) 4 Equations 4-7 represent the power limits and equation 8 imposes the constraint that the SOC be within bounds at all times. In addition, equation 9 ensures that the final state of charge is the same as the initial state of charge. The availability of curtailed energy constraint is: 0< < ;∀ = 1. . ∆ (10) Finally, the network constraints are: ∆ ∆ < ;∀ = 1. . (11) < ;∀ = 1. . (12) Equations 3 – 12 provide the full formulation of the linear programming optimization problem. E. Implementing the optimization A number of simplifications can be applied to the problem laid out above. The full problem is an optimization in 3 unknowns. For large problems, a reduction in the size of the size of the problem leads to significant reductions in the computational resources required. A number of observations can be used to reduce the number of variables: 1. 2. 3. Periods with curtailed energy available: the network link will be at full export capacity otherwise curtailment would not occur. There is no capacity to discharge the store and is therefore constrained to 0. These variables can be removed from the problem. Periods with more curtailed energy available than the storage can absorb: If the curtailed energy is larger than the maximum energy the store can absorb, and the cost of curtailed energy is 0 or less than the market price of electricity, the optimization will choose to use curtailed energy and not to buy from will therefore be the spot market. The value of zero and can be removed from the optimization. No curtailed energy available: the value of , is constrained to 0 and can be removed from the optimization. These observations reduce the maximum size of the optimization to 2 , and the actual size will be smaller than this by the number of periods during which observation 2 is valid. The implementation is carried out in Matlab and makes use of the optimization toolbar and the interior point solver. The maximum size of the problem that can be solved on a standard 32-bit machine is approximately 1000 time periods. The limit is set by the maximum size of the matrix generated during the optimization. Use of 64-bit Matlab allows up to approximately 8000 time periods to be solved. With half-hour time periods this solves to an approximately 5 month time-horizon. In this study a full 1 year time series is split into four 3 month sections and each is solved as a separate optimization. V. CASE STUDY A. Case Description The case study modeled is based on data for a typical 33kV distribution network. Demand ranges from 6-30MW and there is a 35MW circuit to the higher voltage network; there is 41 MW of firmly connected wind generation. Four scenarios are modeled: 1. No non-firm wind. This is used as a base case; the ESS in this scenario only operates in arbitrage mode as there is no non-firm wind curtailment. 2. Low non-firm wind penetration: 10MW capacity 3. High non-firm wind penetration: 20MW capacity 4. Curtailment-reduction only: 20MW non-firm wind power capacity connected, but the ESS is only able to time-shift curtailed generation and cannot participate in price arbitrage. This is implemented by setting all values of Eic to zero. The network characteristics and the curtailment applied to non-firm wind in scenarios 2 and 3 are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CASE STUDY NETWORK. CURTAILMENT AND GENERATION VALUES FOR NON FIRM GENERATION ARE FOR THE SITUATION WITH NO STORAGE. Demand 6 – 30 MW Import / Export Capacity 35 MW Firm Wind Capacity 41MW Scenario Low (2) High (3) Non- Firm Capacity 10MW 20MW Non Firm Generation 306GWh 647 GWh Curtailed Energy 0.840 GWh 251GWh Fraction curtailed 0.0267 0.28 No. of periods with curtailment 1020 5839 (out of 17520) Supply and demand data is taken from a representative UK distribution network, the time series consist of half-hourly average demand and generation values for 2009. Fig. 3 (a) shows a two week period of the normalized data. Demand displays regular daily, weekly and annual variations. High demand periods occur during winter months and early evening, lowest demand occurs during summer nights. By contrast, the wind generation does not display regular variations. The curtailment applied to non-firm wind for the same two week period is illustrated in Fig. 3 (b) for the high and low penetration scenarios. With 10MW of non-firm wind installed only 3.38GWh is curtailed across the year, compared to 250GWh when 20MW is installed. These figures represent 7.5% and 28% of the total available non-firm generation respectively. The high levels of curtailment seen in the 20MW scenario will only be viable if the wind farm has a high uncurtailed capacity factor (> 0.45), such wind-farms will be located in areas of high wind-resource where distribution networks are likely to be at their most stretched. As well as increasing the fraction of energy curtailed, the increased penetration of non-firm wind changes the time structure of curtailment. With 10MW of non-firm generation 89% of all curtailment occurs between midnight and 6am. This means daily cycling algorithms can be applied. But with 20MW of 5 Demand firm Gen neration Normalised Power 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 48 96 144 192 240 288 336 384 432 480 528 576 624 672 time ( 1/2 2 hour periods) (a)) demand 10MW 20MW 25 Fig. 4. Example resu ults from simulaation. A 7 day perriod with (a) the origginal wind-farm curtailment, (b)) the prices shown and (c) the opti mal schedule. The shaded section identifiess periods with curttailment. power (MW) 20 15 and with the pow wer to energgy capacity raatio kept at 1MW W:6MWh. 10 5 0 1 192 240 288 336 3 384 432 480 528 576 624 672 48 96 144 time (Half hour periods) (b)) Figg. 3. (a) Time seeries of normalizeed demand and generation g for tw wo weeeks during Octo ober 2009; (b) cu urtailment of non n-firm generation plootted with netwo ork demand for the t same two weeeks. Curtailmen nt witth 10MW and 20M MW are plotted together. t 0 noon-firm wind only o 43% of cu urtailment occu urs during thesse 6 hoours. In thesee cases the optimization o problem p is more m coomplex and daiily cycling of the t energy storre would not be b a viaable control strrategy. Ass the UK doess not operate a ‘pool type’ electricity e systtem wiith a true spott market, the spot s market iss simulated ussing daata from the UK U balancing mechanism m [16]. This takes an avverage of all trades t carried out on the op pen market fo or a paarticular period d over the threee days leading up u to gate clossure forr the period [17 7]. ES SS devices are modeled ass 1MW, 6MW Wh units and the folllowing investiigations are conducted: - The effect off storage efficciency. Stores with round trip efficiencies ranging from 55 5% to 95% aree modeled. - Storage charrge cycling. The size and nu umber of storrage cycles is inv vestigated for comparison with fixed cy ycle operating sttrategies. Estiimates of liffetimes rely on knowledge of o the number and Depth of Discharge (Do oD) of storage cycles. The optim mal schedule fo or a 75% efficiient store is used to investigate storage s cycling g. - Total storag ge penetration.. The margiinal revenue and a marginal curttailment reducction curves fo or the network are found in ordeer to show the effect of increeased storage size. A network iss modeled with h 77% efficien nt storage deviices connected wiith storage cap pacity ranging from 1 to 20M MW B. Resuults The onee year long prroblem is solvved using the ooptimization algorithm hm and splittiing the time series into tthree month segmentts. Each segmeent is solved seeparately in appproximately 2 hourss on the Univversity of Stratthclyde Enginneering High Perform mance Computeer which is a 1000 core SUN N Fire X2270 based m machine with Inntel Xeon X55570 CPUs. Thee simulations use a c omputing nodde with 8 2.933GHz cores annd 12GB of RAM. T The sum of thee results of thee four segmentts is used for the annuual revenue andd curtailment rreduction. A sectioon of the optim mized results are shown in Fig. 4 for a 77% effficient ESS witth 20MW of nnon-firm wind. The shaded vertical areas crossinng all three grraphs highlight periods of networkk congestion tthat lead to ccurtailment. D During these periods the store is onnly able to charrge. Outside off these times the storaage charges annd discharges w with the aim off making the best posssible use of the price variation. The sm mooth curves seen onn the charging graph during curtailment is a feature of the opttimization alggorithm and is an artiffact of the mathem matical methodoology applied w when there is an excess of equally priced curtaileed energy. 1) Sttorage Efficiency Fig. 5 ((a) shows the storage revennue generated for the four scenarioos and how thiis varies with ESS round tripp efficiency. The ES SS makes mosst revenue in sscenario 3 (high non-firm penetrattion) with higgh ESS efficieency and leastt revenue in scenarioo 1 (no non-firrm wind) and low ESS efficciency. In all scenarioos the revenuue increases with efficienccy, but the increasee is most pronnounced when the ESS is onnly carrying out pricce-arbitrage (sccenario 1). In tthis scenario thhe ESS must buy all its energy from m the market iincluding enouugh to cover losses hhence an incrrease in efficiiency decreasees the costs requiredd to charge the energy store. Secondlly increased efficienccy provides m more opportunnities to engaage in price 6 1: 0MW W 4: 20M MW no arbitrage 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 55 60 1.5 65 70 75 80 85 90 round trip efficiency (a)) 3: 20MW W 2: 10M MW 95 10 00 Fig. 6. Histogram of th he depth of disccharge associated d with a 75% efficient sstorage device. 1 M. Rev enue 0.5 0 50 60 70 0 80 90 10 00 round trip t efficiency (%) (b) Figg. 5. The effectt of round trip efficiency on (a)) storage revenu ue (sccenarios 1 -4) and (b) curtailment-rreduction (scenarrios 2-3). arbbitrage. To in ncrease revenu ue across a charge/discharrge cyycle the price-d differential must be high eno ough to cover the t coost of the lossess. With low effficiency this means m trading will w onnly occur acrross high prrice differentiials, with hiigh effficiencies add ditional trading g opportunitiees – those with w low wer price diffeerentials – beccome availablee and, of course, proofitable. In contrast, wheen the ESS is only carrying g out curtailmeentredduction (Scen nario 4) the energy e to chaarge the storee is avvailable at zero o price (in linee with the assu umptions madee in thiis case study y) so addition nal charging does not in ncur addditional costs. Revenue will still increase with w efficiency y as seeen in Fig. 5 (a)); the increase is now only due d to the increease in the energy sold to the market. Unnlike revenue, the curtailm ment-reduction n decreases with w stoorage efficienccy as shown in n Fig. 5 (b) forr scenarios 2 – 4. Ass storage devicces become more m efficient they t required less l ennergy to chargee them as the ch harging losses are lower. 2) ESS cycling g In many investig gations storage is operated in a fixed cycle, for exxample fully ch harging and diischarging across each 24 hour h peeriod. As this optimization do oes not apply su uch a constrain nt it is useful to meaasure the distrib bution of the DoD D of cycless to mating the lifettime of the en nergy store and d to asssist with estim beegin to open up p asset managem ment issues forr energy storag ge. mber of cycles of different siizes from a tim meFinnding the num serries generated from stochastiic data requiress a cycle-countting alggorithm. Rain--flow counting g is used for structural s fatig guedaamage analysiss and providees a method of o estimating the nuumber of cycles of particular sizes in a time-series [1 18]. 60 M. Curtailment R Reduction 1.4 50 1.2 1 40 0.8 30 0.6 20 0.4 10 0.2 M Revenue (£1000/MW) Curtailed Energy Reduction (GWh) 50 M. Curt' reduction (GWh/MW) Revenue (£1000) 3: 20MW 2: 10MW 0 0 20 10 15 Storage Capcaccity (MW) Marginal Revenuee and marginal cu urtailment reducttion curves for Fig. 7. M 75% efficcient storage in sccenario 2 with 20M MW of non-firm wind. 0 5 Applyinng rain-flow coounting to the S SOC time-seriees for a 75% efficientt device givess the distributiion of cycle ssizes. Fig. 6 shows thhe results to be bi-modal witth the two peakks occurring at the exxtremes: most cycles are of eeither less thann 10% Depth of Disccharge (DoD) or greater thaan 90% DoD. As a first estimatee, the number of cycles for uuse in lifetime calculations is assum med to be the nnumber greater than 90%, in tthis case 199 cycles inn the one year analysis periodd. 3) Sttorage penetrattion The maarginal effect oof energy storrage as a functtion of total installedd storage capaacity is shownn in Fig. 7 forr scenario 3. Marginaal revenue annd marginal curtailment-reeduction are estimateed by finding tthe change in tthe relevant quuantity as the total cappacity is increaased by 1MW//6MWh blocks. The results show a law of diminnishing returnss: when storaage capacity equals non-firm winnd capacity inn this scenario marginal revenuee has fallen by m more than 40% % and marginall curtailment reductioon by more than an 60%. S capacity for ttwo reasons: Marginaal revenue willl fall with ESS the limiited availabilityy of zero-priceed curtailed eneergy and the finite neetwork capacityy. This secondd effect is impoortant during periods of high markeet-price as onlyy a limited pow wer output by the storaage can be acccepted by the nnetwork. Once the network capacityy is fully utilizzed during theese periods andd the ESS is using thhe residual network capaciity up to thiss limit then additionnal stored enerrgy will only be able to be sold during other peeriods at a loweer price. E 7 VI. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS This section carries out a calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV) of an ESS system installed in the UK for scenarios 1 3. A key difficulty in analyzing the economics of ESS is the large variability in cost estimates. Estimates of the capital cost vary widely, particularly for novel ESS technologies currently in development and early trial deployment. Table 2 gives ranges of costs estimates and other characteristics for one ESS technology: Sodium Sulphur batteries (Na-S). One detailed analysis of a Na-S battery available in the literature estimates that expected costs will be in the region of $2500 / kW installed [2]. The values used in this analysis are listed separately in Table 2. TABLE 2: CHARACTERISTICS OF ESS TECHNOLOGIES, RANGES REFLECT THE VARIETY OF ESTIMATES AVAILABLE. [19], [20] Na-S (range) Estimated used in this study 0.77 1610 Efficiency (%) 0.75 – 0.8 (0.77) Total upfront capital cost 1340 – 2580 for 1MW/6MWh (£1,000) O-M (£1,000/yr) 12.9 12.9 Cycles at 100% DoD 2000 – 3200 2500 Figures converted to Pounds Sterling at: £1 = US$1.55 [21] One particular difficulty is in estimating the expected lifetime of an ESS device. The upper limits for the number of life-time cycles varies depending on the operational strategy and particularly the Depth of Discharge and, as with cost there are a wide range of estimates. The total number of lifetime cycles is significantly affected by the depth-of-discharge. One study looking at Na-S batteries gives 2,500 cycles at 100% DoD compared to 4,500 at 90% and 40,000 at 20% [22]. The revenue generated by the ESS includes the direct revenue as calculated in the simulations, and any subsidy for which the ESS itself or the additional renewable generation is eligible. In the UK wind farms receive either feed-in tariffs for small scale generators or Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) for large generators. In this analysis it is assumed that every MWh of renewable electricity generated receives a payment at the average ROCs rate for December 2010 – October 2011 which is £48.34 [23]. The NPV is a measure of the financial viability of a project spread across time. It includes a discount rate applied to future cash flows which favors the present over the future. If the NPV of a project is greater than 0 it will make a return on investment over and above the discount rate. Two important discount rates are the social time-preference rate; the UK treasury suggests a value of 3.5% to be used [24]; and a discount rate based on opportunity costs, often estimated at or assumed to be 10% [25]. = − (1 + ) (13) The sum in (13) runs over the lifetime of the project including the initial capital investment which occurs here in year 0. For a battery with 77% efficiency the number of cycles in a year is 199 giving a lifetime of approximately 12 years. The NPVs for a single Na-S battery connected under scenario 1 and 3 is shown in Table 3. All NPV results are negative and it can be concluded that Na-S batteries are not economically viable operating in the scenarios modeled. The NPV for scenarios with high curtailment-reduction are significantly higher than those where no curtailment is available, this is due to the additional revenue from renewable subsidies. TABLE 3: NET PRESENT VALUE OF NA-S BATTERY STORAGE Non-Firm wind capacity (MW) 20 20 0 0 Discount Rate (%) NPV 3.5 10 3.5 10 -£680,000 -£937,000 -£1,290,000 -£1,380,000 VII. DISCUSSION The economic analysis shows that the high capital cost of ESS devices makes them uneconomic in the studied case. To change this result either the investment and operational cost needs to be reduced, or the revenue streams enhanced. If operations and maintenance costs remain fixed then the capital cost of a Na-S battery would need to be reduced to £930,000 (from the £1,610,000 assumed in the analysis) to allow an investment to break even under the social-time preference discount rate. Using the 10% discount rate the capital cost would need to be £670,000. Both of these capital cost values are well below the cost lower bounds of the cost estimates currently available. Increasing the revenue could be achieved by accessing other revenue streams and including these in the optimization. In [26] the value of a range of benefits from energy storage is estimated. The high value benefits of storage are concentrated in the reserve and response markets and in investment-deferral for both transmission and distribution networks. Access to revenue from these is likely to be problematic for privately owned distribution-connected storage. Reserve and response markets are often set up for large participants: in the UK the minimum unit size of a unit that can participate in the fast reserve market is 50MW [27]. Accessing revenue from investment deferral is difficult for private storage owners, although an ownership model based on storage as a network asset may be more suitable. VIII. CONCLUSION The NPV of a project is given by: This paper has developed and tested a linear-programming method to optimize the revenue of an ESS connected with a wind farm in a curtailment reduction scheme. The 8 optimization allows the combination of more than one revenue stream, in this case curtailment-reduction and price-arbitrage. General optimization methods such as this will be important in situations where there are high levels of non-firm generation curtailment. The method has the potential to be extended to more revenue streams should they be able to be enumerated in a robust manner. [14] The case study results show the relative importance of storage efficiency when operating in price-arbitrage mode compared to curtailment-reduction. A cycle-counting method is used to estimate the depth of discharge of a device optimized using this method and the asset management implications of this are noted. Finally an economic analysis suggests that the two analyzed revenue streams will not be sufficient for economic viability of a Na-S battery ESS. Research is urgently required into the ability of ESS to access revenue related to higher value benefits. 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Graham Ault (M’1998) received his Bachelors in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (1993) and PhD in Electrical Power Systems (2000) from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. Since 1996 has been researching power system planning and operations issues relating to distributed energy resources in distribution systems. He is currently a Professor in the Institute for Energy and Environment at the University of Strathclyde Ivana Kockar received the B.Sc. degree from the University of Belgrade. After 4 years in industry, she obtained the M.Eng and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. She spent a year at University of Manchester, UK, and then joined Brunel University. Currently, she is with the Institute of Energy and Environment, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. Her research interests include power system operation planning, and economics of energy systems including market modelling, network access and pricing, active demand participation, as well as implications of environmental issues on system operation and planning.