Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. COURSE OBJECTIVES Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: : ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR On completion of this Subject/Course the student shall be able to: S.No 1 2 3 Objectives To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. Signature of HOD Signature of faculty Date: Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. COURSE OUTCOMES Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III………….. Section: A Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………………… Course Code: …………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR The expected outcomes of the Course/Subject are: S.No 1 2 Outcomes To provide the students a detailed knowledge of the types of the faults existing in the distribution and transmission system. To provide the students a detailed exposure on transmission system. 3 Ability to do calculation of resistance, Inductance and Capacitance of Transmission Lines. 4 Able to do calculation of power system Transients. 5 Able to discuss various factors governing the performance of Transmission Line. 6 Ability to do calculation of sag for different types of Transmission systems. 7 Ability to discuss construction of Underground Cables. Signature of HOD Signature of faculty Date: Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Department/Program-EEE MISSION OF THE INSTITUTE: To achieve and impart quality education with an emphasis on practical skills and social relevance. VISION OF THE INSTITUTE: To be among the best of the institutions for engineers and technologists with attitudes, skills and knowledge and to become an epicenter of creative solutions. MISSION OF THE PROGRAM: To become an internationally leading department for higher learning. To build upon the culture and values of universal science and contemporary education. To be a center of research and education generating knowledge and technologies which lay groundwork in shaping the future in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering. To develop partnership with industrial, R&D and government agencies and actively participate in conferences, technical and community activities. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: This education is meant to prepare our students to thrive and to lead. In their careers, our graduates: PEO 1:Graduates will have a successful technical or professional careers, including supportive and leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams. PEO 2:Graduates will be able to acquire, use and develop skills as required for effective professional practices. PEO 3:Graduates will be able to attain holistic education that is an essential prerequisite for being a responsible member of society. PEO 4:Graduates will be engaged in life-long learning, to remain abreast in their profession and be leaders in our technologically vibrant society. PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students in the Electronics and Communication Engineering program should, at the time of their graduation, be in possession of: a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. d) Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. e) Ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems. f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g) Ability to communicate effectively. h) Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. j) Knowledge of contemporary issues. k) Ability to utilize experimental, statistical and computational methods and tools necessary for engineering practice. l) Graduates will demonstrate an ability to design electrical and electronic circuits, power electronics, power systems; electrical machines analyze and interpret data and also an ability to design digital and analog systems and programming them. Graduates will demonstrate an ability to design electrical and electronic circuits, power electronics, power systems; electrical machines analyze and interpret data and also an ability to design digital and analog systems and programming them. Name of the Course: Power Systems II COURSE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The knowledge gained by the students in this course: 1. To provide the students the fundamental concepts of traction and types of heating methods. 2. To train the students with a good engineering breadth so as to analyze the accessing techniques for braking system implementation in traction. 3. To comprehend the different issues related to heating,welding and illumination. COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course student will have ability to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Express working of Electric Drives. Articulate different types of Electric Heating and Illumination Design Electric Traction Able to discuss about electric Welding. Ability to discuss mechanics of Train movement. 6. Ability to plot trapezoidal and quadrilateral speed time curves. 7. Ability to discuss specify energy consumption. ASSESSMENT METHODS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Regular attendance to classes. Written tests clearly linked to learning objectives Classroom assessment techniques like tutorial sheets and assignments. Seminars. 1. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) – Vision/Mission Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) Mission of department PEOs Graduates will have a successful technical or professional careers, including supportive and leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams Graduates will be able to acquire, use and develop skills as required for effective professional practices Graduates will be able to attain holistic education that is an essential prerequisite for being a responsible member of society Graduates will be engaged in lifelong learning, to remain abreast in their profession and be leaders in our technologically vibrant society. Higher Learning X Contemporary Technical Education knowledge X X X X X X X X Research X X 2. Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)-Program Outcomes(POs) Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) P-Outcomes PEOs 1 2 3 4 a b X X X X X c X X X d X X X X e f g X X X 3. Course Objectives-Course relationships by mark “X”) Course-Outcomes X X X X Outcomes 1 2 X X X h i X X X X Relationship 3 4 X X X X X j k X X X X X X X X X Matrix 5 l (Indicate 6 7 X X X X X the Course-Objectives 1 2 3 4 X X X X 4. Course Objectives-Program Outcomes (POs) Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) P-Outcomes a C-Objectives 1 X 2 X 3 X b c X X X X d e X X X X f g h X X X X i X X j X X k l X X X X X 5. Course Outcomes-Program Outcomes(POs) Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) P-Outcomes C-Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a b c X X X X X X X X X X X X X X d X X X X X X X e X X X X X X X f g h i j k l X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6. Courses (with title & code)-Program Outcomes (POs) Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) P-Outcomes a b c d e f g h Courses PS-II- GR11A3082 X X X X X X X i j k l X X X X 7. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)-Course Outcomes Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) P-Objectives(PEO) Course-Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 2 X X X X X X X X X X 3 4 X X X X X X X X Assignments & Assessments-Program Outcomes (POs) Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) P-Outcomes Assessments 1 2 3 4 9. 1 a b X X X X c d X X X X e f g h X X X X X X X X X X i j k X X X X X X l X X Assignments & Assessments-Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”) P-Objectives (PEOs) Assessments 1 2 3 4 1 X X 2 3 4 X X X X X X X X X X RUBRIC TEMPLATE Objective: _____________________________________ Student Outcome:_____________________________ S. N o. 1. Name of the Student Performanc e Criteria Scale Scale Scale Scale (Numeric (Numeric (Numeric (Numeric /descriptor) /descriptor) /descriptor) /descriptor) Identifiable Identifiable Identifiable Identifiable performance performance performance performance characteristics characteristic characteristic characteristics reflecting this level reflecting this level reflecting this level reflecting this level Performance Criteria #1 Performance Criteria #2 Performance Criteria #3 Performance Criteria #4 Average Score 2. Average Score Sco re (Nu mer ic) PS II RUBRIC OBJECTIVE: Work effectively with others STUDENT OUTCOME: Ability to function in a multi-disciplinary team S.No. Student Name Performance Criteria Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactor y 1 1. Research & Gather Information 3 Does not collect any Collects very little information that relates to information some Informatio relates n most relates to the topic to the topic. the topic. Fulfill team role’s duty 2 Does not perform any duties Collects some basic Performs very little Performs nearly all duties. duties. Always relies on others to do Rarely does the assigned the work. work-often needs reminding. 4 Collects a great deal of 3 Informati on all relates to the topic. Performs all duties ofassigne d team role. 3 Usually does the assigned Always does the assigned 3 work-rarely needs work without having to of assigned team role. Share Equally Exemplar Scor y e reminding. be reminded Listen to other team mates Is always talking--never allows anyone else to speak. Usually doing most of the Listens, but sometimes talking-rarely allows talks too much. others to Listens and speaks a fair amount. 4 speak. 2. Research & Gather Information Does not collect any Collects very little information that relates to information --some informatio relates n--most relates to the topic to the topic. the topic. Fulfill team role’s duty Does not perform any duties Collects some basic Performs very little Performs nearly all duties. duties. of assigned team role. Share Equally Average score 3.5 Collects a great deal of 3 informati on--all relates to the topic. Performs all duties of 3 assigned team role. Always relies on others to do Rarely does the assigned Usually does the assigned Always does the assigned the work. work-often needs work-rarely needs work without having to reminding. 4 reminding. be reminded . Listen to other team mates Is always talking--never allows anyone else to speak. Usually doing most of the Listens, but sometimes talking-rarely allows talks too much. others to speak. Listens and speaks a fair amount. 3 3 Research & Gather Information Does not collect any Collects very little information that relates to information --some informatio relates n--most relates to the topic to the topic. the topic. Fulfill team role’s duty Does not perform any duties Collects some basic Performs very little Performs nearly all duties. duties. of assigned team role. Share Equally Average score 4 Collects a great deal of 3 informati on--all relates to the topic. Performs all duties of 3 assigned team role. Always relies on others to do Rarely does the assigned Usually does the assigned Always does the assigned the work. work-often needs work-rarely needs work without having to reminding. 4 reminding. be reminded . Listen to other team mates Is always talking--never allows anyone else to speak. Usually doing most of the Listens, but sometimes talking-rarely allows talks too much. Listens and speaks a fair 3 amount. others to speak. Average score 4 Assessment process and Relevant Surveys conducted: 10. Constituencies -Program Outcomes (POs) Relationship Matrix (Indicate the relationships by mark “X”). 1. Alumni 2. Government employers 3. Students P-Outcomes a Constituencies 1 X 2 X 3 X b X X X c d X X X X e X X X f X X X g X X X h i X X X j k X X X l X X X Assessment Process and Areas of improvements: Prepare the following Matrix: 11. The improvements Matrix are summarized below and described in the text that follows. Hint: Format: Proposed change Year proposed Add new Operating System course 2013-2014 Year implemented Old version New version Comments No operating system course in curriculum IT ….. Operating System Concepts & Administration To address need for additional material for operating systems Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. GUIDELINES TO STUDY THE COURSE / SUBJECT Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ……… GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …… Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR. Guidelines to study the Course/ Subject: … .. Power Systems II……………………… Course Design and Delivery System (CDD): The Course syllabus is written into number of learning objectives and outcomes. These learning objectives and outcomes will be achieved through lectures, assessments, assignments, experiments in the laboratory, projects, seminars, presentations, etc. Every student will be given an assessment plan, criteria for assessment, scheme of evaluation and grading method. The Learning Process will be carried out through assessments of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude by various methods and the students will be given guidance to refer to the text books, reference books, journals, etc. The faculty be able to – Understand the principles of Learning Understand the psychology of students Develop instructional objectives for a given topic Prepare course, unit and lesson plans Understand different methods of teaching and learning Use appropriate teaching and learning aids Plan and deliver lectures effectively Provide feedback to students using various methods of Assessments and tools of Evaluation Act as a guide, advisor, counselor, facilitator, motivator and not just as a teacher alone Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. COURSE SCHEDULE Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ……… GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …… Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR The Schedule for the whole Course / Subject is: S. No. 1. 2. Description Duration (Date) From To PARAMETERS: 8/7/13 24/7/13 TRANSMISSION LINE Types of conductors, calculation of resistance for solid conductors, Calculation of inductance for single phase and three phase, single and double circuit lines, concept of GMR & GMD, symmetrical and asymmetrical conductor configuration with and without transposition, Numerical Problems. Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire and 3 wire systems, effect of ground on capacitance, capacitance calculations for symmetrical and asymmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit lines, Numerical Problems. PERFORMANCE OF SHORT AND 29/7/13 MEDIUM LENGTH TRANSMISSION LINES: Classification of Transmission Lines,Short, medium and long line and their model representations-Nominal-T, Nominal –π, A,B,C,D Constants for symmetrical & Asymmetrical Networks, Numerical Problems. Mathematical Solutions to estimate regulation and efficiency of all types of lines-Numerical Problems. 14/8/13 Total No. Of Periods 12 12 PERFORMANCE OF LONG TRANSMISSION LINES: Long Transmission Line -Rigorous Solution, evaluation of A, B, C, D Constants, Interpretation of the Long Line Equations, Incident, Reflected and Refracted Waves-Surge Impedance and SIL of Long Lines, Wave Length and Velocity of Propagation of Waves- Representation of Long Lines -equivalentT and Equivalent Ï network models (numerical problems. 19/8/13 3. 4/9/13 12 30/9/13 12 POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS: Types of System Transients-Travelling or Propagation of Surges, Attenuation, Distortion, Reflection and Refraction Coefficients-Termination of lines with different types of conditions-Open Circuited Line, Short Circuited Line, T-Junction, Lumped Reactive Junctions (Numerical Problems), Bewley‟s Lattice Diagrams (for all the cases mentioned with numerical examples) VARIOUS FACTORS GOVERNING THE PERFORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINE: Skin and Proximity effects, Description and effect on resistance of solid conductors, Ferranti effect - Charging Current - effect on Regulation of the Transmission Line. CoronaDescription of the phenomenon, factors affecting corona, critical voltages and power loss, Radio Interference. 4. OVER HEAD LINE INSULATORS: Types of 10/9/13 Insulators,String efficiency and Methods for improvement, Numerical Problems -voltage distribution, calculation of string efficiency, Capacitance grading and Static Shielding.SAG AND TENSION CALCULATIONS: Sag and Tension Calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers, Effect of Wind and Ice on weight of Conductor, Numerical Problems, Stringing chart and sag template and its applications. 5. UNDER GROUND CABLES: Types of Cables, 1/10/13 Construction, Types of Insulating materials, Calculation of Insulation resistance and stress in insulation, Numerical Problems, Capacitance of Single and 3-Core belted cables, Numerical Problems, Grading of Cables , Capacitance grading, Numerical Problems, Description of Inter- sheath grading, HV cables 28/10/13 Total No. of Instructional periods available for the course: …58 Hours / Periods 10 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. ILLUSTRATIVE VERBS FOR STATING INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES These verbs can also be used while framing questions for Continuous Assessment Examinations as well as for End – Semester (final)Examinations ILLUSTRATIVE VERBS FOR STATING GENERAL OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES Know Understand Design ILLUSTRATIVE VERBS FOR STATING SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES: A. COGNITIVE DOMAIN (KNOWLEDGE) 1 Knowledge Define 2 Comprehension Understanding Convert 3 Application of knowledge & comprehension 4 Analysis Of whole w .r.t. its constituents Demonstrate 5 Synthesis Judgment Categorize Differentiate Identify 6 Evaluation Describe (a Compare Combine Prepare Discriminate Relate Distinguish Show Separate Procedure) Design Distinguish Generate Plan Explain why/how B. AFFECTIVE DOMAIN (ATTITUDE) Solve C. Assist Select Bend Change Develop Calibrate PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN (SKILLS) Dissect Insert Perform Draw Keep Prepare Compress Extend Elongate Conduct Feed Limit Replace Connect File Manipulate Report Convert Grow Move Precisely Reset Decrease Increase Paint Remove Set Straighten Strengthen Time Transfer Type Weigh Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. SCHEDULE OF INSTRUCTIONS COURSE PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR UNIT No Lesson No Date No of Periods Topics 1 1 8/7/13 1 9/7/13 1 Introduction to power system; scope of the subject; overview of the syllabus; books to be referred. Types of conductors ACSR ; BUNDLED ; Al ; etc. Derivation for resistance for solid conductors Single phase single circuit lines :derivation of inductance Single phase double circuit lines: derivation of inductance 2 3 10/7/13 2 4 15/7/13 1 Objectives Outcomes 1,2,5 2,3 References (Text Book, Journal…) Page Nos.: ____to T1: 2.1 R2: 1.2 2,3 T1:2.5 R2: 1.3 R2: 1.4 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.2 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.6 1,2,5 R2: 2.9 5 6 7 8 9 16/7/13 17/7/13 1 2 22/7/13 1 23/7/13 1 24/7/13 2 Three phase single circuit lines :derivationof inductance Three phase double circuitlines:deriv ation of inductance Derivation of GMR Derivation of GMD Symmetrical conductor configuration with transposition Symmetrical conductor configuration without transposition Asymmetrical conductor configuration with transposition Asymmetrical conductor configuration without transposition Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire systems Calculation of capacitance for 3 wire systems Symmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit lines Asymmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit lines R2: 2.10 R2: 2.12, T1; 2.9 1,2,3,5 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.8, t1 2.7 R2: 2.6 2,3 R2: 2.6 1,2,3,5 R2: 2.9 R2: 2.10 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.12, T1; 2.9 2,3 R2: 2.9, T1; 3.4 1,2,3,5 R2: 2.15, T1; 3.5 R2: 2.16, T1; 3.6 2,3 R2: 2.17, T1; 3.9 R2: 2.18, R2: 2.19, T1; 3.7. T1:3.8 Review and problems 2 1 29/7/13 1 2 30/7/13 1 3 4 5 6 3 1 2 31/7/13 5/8/13 6/8/13 13/8/13 19/8/13 20/8/13 2 1 1 1 1 1 Description and applications of Short Tr Lines Description and applications Medium Tr Lines Description and applications Long line Tr Lines Representation of medium lines in Nominal T model Representation of medium lines in Nominal Pie model Derivation of A,B,C,D constants for long lines. Numerical problems on efficiency. Review and problems Long Transmission Lines – rigorous solution Definitions and Numerical problems on Surge impedance and SIL of long lines, wavelength and velocity of propagation of waves Types of System Transients Examples Definitions – Numerical problems on 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.14, R2: 2.16, R2: 2.18 , R2: 2.19, R2: 3.1 R2: 3.7, T1: 5.2 R2: 3.8, T1: 5.4 2,3 1,2,3,5 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 3.11 R2: 3.11 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 3.9, T1: 5.4 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 3.10 1,2,3,5 2,3 T1: 5.5 2,3 R2: 3.9, T1: 5.4 1,2,3,5 R2: 3.13 R2: 3.11 2,3 R2: 12.2 1,2 ,4,5 R2: 12.3 3 4 21/8/13 2 4 26/8/13 1 5 2/9/13 1 6 3/9/13 1 7 4/9/13 2 1 10/9/13 1 Traveling or propagation of 2,3 surges 1,2 ,4,5 Attenuation, Distortion, Reflection and Refraction coefficients. Definitions – Numerical problems Deriving line 2,3 models for : 1,2 ,4,5 Open circuited and Short circuited lines Deriving line models for : TJunction, Lumped reactive junctions Constructing 1,2 ,4,5 2,3 lattice diagrams Ferranti effect & 1,2,5 2,3 Charging Current - definitions Factors effecting 1,2,3,5 2,3 Regulation of the Transmission line ,Shunt compensation CoronaDescription 1,2,5 Of the 2,3 phenomenon, Factors affecting corona and Radio interference Numerical problems on critical voltages and power loss Review and problems Types of Insulators : Pin; String; Strain; post type 1,2,3 1,2,5,6 R2. 12.10 R2: 12.2 R2: 12.3 R23: 12.14 R2: 3.16 R2: 2.2 R2 : 6.1 R2: 6.5 R2: 6.2 R2: 6.3 R2 : 6.6 R2: 4..2 insulators 2 11/9/13 2 17/9/13 1 4 23/9/13 2 5 24/9/13 1 Definition and Derivation of Sag and Tension calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers 6 29/9/13 2 Derivation for Effect of wind on weight of conductors Derivation for Effect of Ice on weight of conductors Stringing chart and sag template : definition and applications Review and problems Types of cables 3 7 5 30/9/13 1 1 1/10/13 1 2 7/10/13 1 Derivation for String efficiency Method for improvement for String efficiency R2: 4..3 R2: 4..3 numerical problems on String efficiency and voltage distribution Capacitance grading and static shielding methods used for insulators – advanced design of insulators to overcome few limitations. Review and problems R2: 4..3 Construction of cables, R2: 4..4 R2: 4..4 1,2,5,6 1,2,3 R2: 5.6 1,2,3 R2: 5.8 1,2,5,6 R2 : 5.9 1,2,5,6 1,2,3 R2: 5.9 R2: 5.8 1,2,3 1,2,5,7 R2: 8.4 R2: 8.2 3 9/10/13 2 4 21/10/1 3 1 5 22/10/1 3 1 6 28/10/1 3 2 types of insulating materials, Insulation resistance and stress in insulation – derivation of the formulae. Deriving Capacitance for single and 3-core belted cables Grading of cables: Capacitance grading, Inter sheath grading (advanced design of cables to overcome few limitations.) Review and problems 1,2,5,7 1,2,3 R2 : 8.3 1,2,5,7 1,2,3 R2: 8.10 R2: 8.8 1,2,5,7 1,2,3 R2: 8.9 R2: 8.9 TEXT BOOKS T1 : I.J Nagarath and D.P. Kothari, “Modern power System Analysis” Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2nd Edition T2 : C.L. wadhwa, Newage international (P) Limited , Publication 1998 “Electrical power systems” REFERENCE BOOKS R1 : John J. Grainger William D. Stevenson. C Companies “Power System Analysis” 4th Editions R2 : Hadi Saadat “Power system Analysis” -TMH 3rdEditon Signature of HOD Signature of faculty Date: Date: Note: 1. ENSURE THAT ALL TOPICS SPECIFIED IN THE COURSE ARE MENTIONED. 2. ADDITIONAL TOPICS COVERED, IF ANY, MAY ALSO BE SPECIFIED IN BOLD 3. MENTION THE CORRESPONDING COURSE OBJECTIVE AND OUT COME NUMBERS AGAINST EACH TOPIC. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 COURSE COMPLETION STATUS Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Actual Date of Completion & Remarks, if any Units Remarks No. of Objectives Achieved 1,2 No. of Outcomes Achieved 2,3,5 Unit 1 Actual date of completion 24/7/13, Transmission Line Parameters is Completed Unit 2 Actual date of completion 11/8/12 Performance of Short and Medium Length Transmission Linesand Performance of Long Transmission Linesarecovered. 1,2,3 1,2,3 Unit 3 Actual date of completion 4/9/2013 1,2,3 Power System Transientsand Various Factors Governing the Performance of Transmission line are covered Actual date of completion 30/9/2013 1,2,3 Overhead Line Insulators and Sag and Tension Calculations are covered 1,2,3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Actual date of completion 28/10/13 Underground Cables are covered 2,4,6 1,2,3 5,6,7 Signature of HOD Signature of faculty Date: Date: Note: After the completion of each unit mention the number of Objectives & Outcomes Achieved. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. SYLLABUS Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR GR11A3082 Power Systems – II UNIT 1 : TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS: Types of conductors, calculation of resistance for solid conductors, Calculation of inductance for single phase and three phase, single and double circuit lines, concept of GMR & GMD, symmetrical and asymmetrical conductor configuration with and without transposition, , Numerical Problems., Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire and 3 wire systems, , effect of ground on capacitance, capacitance calculations for symmetrical and asymmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit lines, Numerical Problems., UNIT 2 : PERFORMANCE OF SHORT AND MEDIUM LENGTH TRANSMISSION LINES: Classification of Transmission Lines, - Short, medium and long line and their model representations-, Nominal-T,Nominal-Ï , A,B,C,D Constants for symmetrical & Asymmetrical Networks,, Mathematical Solutions to estimate regulation and efficiency of all types of lines, PERFORMANCE OF LONG TRANSMISSION LINES: Long Transmission Line -Rigorous Solution, evaluation of A, B, C, D Constants, , Interpretation of the Long Line Equations, E, Incident, Reflected and Refracted Waves, Surge Impedance and SIL of Long Lines,Wave length and velocity of propagation of waves, Representation of long linesquivalent-T and Equivalent Ï network models (numerical problems), UNIT 3 : POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS: Types of System Transients, Travelling or Propagation of Surges, Attenuation, Distortion, Reflection and Refraction Coefficients-, Termination of lines with different types of conditions-Open circuited line,Short circuited line, T-Junction, Lumped Reactive Junctions (Numerical Problems), , - Bewley‟s Lattice Diagrams (for all the cases mentioned with numerical examples), VARIOUS FACTORS GOVERNING THE PERFORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINE:Skin and Proximity effects , Description and effect on resistance of solid conductors, Ferranti effect - Charging Current - effect on Regulation of the Transmission Line., Corona-Description of the phenomenon,factors affecting corona,critical voltages and power loss,Radio interference, UNIT 4 : OVER HEAD LINE INSULATORS: Types of Insulators, String efficiency and Methods for improvement,, Numerical Problems -, voltage distribution, calculation of string efficiency,, Capacitance grading and Static Shielding., SAG AND TENSION CALCULATIONS: Sag and Tension Calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers, Effect of Wind and Ice on weight of Conductor, Numerical Problems, Stringing chart and sag template and its applications., UNIT 5 : UNDER GROUND CABLES: Types of Cables, Construction, Types of Insulating materials, Calculation of Insulation resistance and stress in insulation,, Numerical Problems, Capacitance of Single and 3-Core belted cables,, Numerical Problems, Grading of Cables , Capacitance grading,, Numerical Problems, Description of Inter- sheath grading, , HV cables, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 TIME TABLES Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR A- SECTION: DAY/ HOUR 9:00- 9:50 9:50- 10:40 10:40- 11:30 11:3012:00 MONDAY PS-II (1111:30) 2304 DS,AVK TUESDAY WEDNESDAY BREAK PS-II (9-10) 2304 DS,AVK PS-II (10-11) 2304 DS,AVK PS-II (11:3012) 2304 DS,AVK 12:00 12:45 PS-II (1212:30) 2304 DS,AVK 12:0012:30 12:0012:30 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 12:0012:30 12:45-1:30 PS-II (12:301) 2304 DS,AVK 1:30-2:15 2:15-3:00 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. UNIT PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : Unit No.1 I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR UNIT No Lesson No Date No of Periods Topics 1 1 8/7/13 1 9/7/13 1 Introduction to power system; scope of the subject; overview of the syllabus; books to be referred. Types of conductors ACSR ; BUNDLED ; Al ; etc. Derivation for resistance for solid conductors Single phase single circuit lines :derivation of inductance Single phase double circuit lines: derivation of inductance 2 3 10/7/13 2 4 15/7/13 1 Objectives Outcomes 1,2,5 2,3 References (Text Book, Journal…) Page Nos.: ____to T1: 2.1 R2: 1.2 2,3 T1:2.5 R2: 1.3 R2: 1.4 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.2 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.6 1,2,5 R2: 2.9 5 6 7 8 9 16/7/13 17/7/13 1 2 22/7/13 1 23/7/13 1 24/7/13 2 Three phase single circuit lines :derivationof inductance Three phase double circuitlines:deriv ation of inductance Derivation of GMR Derivation of GMD Symmetrical conductor configuration with transposition Symmetrical conductor configuration without transposition Asymmetrical conductor configuration with transposition Asymmetrical conductor configuration without transposition Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire systems Calculation of capacitance for 3 wire systems Symmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit lines Asymmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit lines R2: 2.10 R2: 2.12, T1; 2.9 1,2,3,5 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.8, t1 2.7 R2: 2.6 2,3 R2: 2.6 1,2,3,5 R2: 2.9 R2: 2.10 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.12, T1; 2.9 2,3 R2: 2.9, T1; 3.4 1,2,3,5 R2: 2.15, T1; 3.5 R2: 2.16, T1; 3.6 2,3 R2: 2.17, T1; 3.9 R2: 2.18, R2: 2.19, T1; 3.7. T1:3.8 Review and problems R2: 2.14, R2: 2.16, R2: 2.18 , R2: 2.19, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. UNIT PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : Unit No.2 I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR 1 29/7/13 1 2 30/7/13 1 3 4 5 6 31/7/13 5/8/13 6/8/13 13/8/13 2 1 1 1 Description and applications of Short Tr Lines Description and applications Medium Tr Lines Description and applications Long line Tr Lines Representation of medium lines in Nominal T model Representation of medium lines in Nominal Pie model Derivation of A,B,C,D constants for long lines. Numerical problems on efficiency. Review and problems Long Transmission Lines – rigorous solution Definitions and Numerical 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 3.1 R2: 3.7, T1: 5.2 R2: 3.8, T1: 5.4 2,3 1,2,3,5 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 3.11 R2: 3.11 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 3.9, T1: 5.4 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 3.10 1,2,3,5 2,3 T1: 5.5 2,3 R2: 3.9, T1: 5.4 1,2,3,5 R2: 3.13 problems on Surge impedance and SIL of long lines, wavelength and velocity of propagation of waves R2: 3.11 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. UNIT PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : Unit No.3 I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR 1 19/8/13 1 2 20/8/13 1 3 21/8/13 2 4 26/8/13 1 5 2/9/13 1 Types of System Transients 1,2 ,4,5 Examples Definitions – Numerical problems on Traveling or propagation of surges Attenuation, 1,2 ,4,5 Distortion, Reflection and Refraction coefficients. Definitions – Numerical problems Deriving line models for : Open 1,2 ,4,5 circuited and Short circuited lines Deriving line models for : TJunction, Lumped reactive junctions Constructing lattice 1,2 ,4,5 diagrams Ferranti effect & 1,2,5 Charging Current definitions 2,3 R2: 12.2 R2: 12.3 2,3 R2. 12.10 2,3 R2: 12.2 R2: 12.3 2,3 R23: 12.14 2,3 R2: 3.16 6 3/9/13 1 7 4/9/13 2 Factors effecting Regulation of the Transmission line ,Shunt compensation CoronaDescription Of the phenomenon, Factors affecting corona and Radio interference Numerical problems on critical voltages and power loss Review and problems 1,2,3,5 2,3 R2: 2.2 R2 : 6.1 1,2,5 2,3 R2: 6.5 R2: 6.2 R2: 6.3 R2 : 6.6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. UNIT PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : Unit No.4 I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR 1 2 10/9/13 11/9/13 1 2 3 4 17/9/13 1 23/9/13 2 Types of Insulators : Pin; String; Strain; post type insulators Derivation for String efficiency Method for improvement for String efficiency numerical problems on String efficiency and voltage distribution Capacitance grading and static shielding methods used for insulators – advanced design of insulators to overcome few limitations. Review and problems 1,2,3 R2: 4..2 1,2,5,6 R2: 4..3 R2: 4..3 R2: 4..3 R2: 4..4 R2: 4..4 5 24/9/13 1 Definition and Derivation of Sag and Tension calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers 6 29/9/13 2 Derivation Effect of wind weight conductors Derivation Effect of Ice weight conductors Stringing chart sag template definition applications Review and problems 7 30/9/13 1 for on of 1,2,5,6 1,2,3 R2: 5.6 1,2,3 R2: 5.8 1,2,5,6 for on of and : and R2 : 5.9 1,2,5,6 1,2,3 R2: 5.9 R2: 5.8 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. UNIT PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : Unit No.5 I Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: … III…………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems II……………… Course Code: ………GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: ……Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.:……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR 1 1/10/13 1 Types of cables 2 7/10/13 1 Construction of cables, 3 9/10/13 2 types of insulating materials, Insulation resistance and stress in insulation – derivation of the formulae. 4 21/10/13 1 5 22/10/13 1 6 28/10/13 2 Deriving Capacitance for single and 3-core belted cables Grading of cables: Capacitance grading, Inter sheath grading (advanced design of cables to overcome few limitations.) Review and problems 1,2,3 R2: 8.4 R2: 8.2 1,2,5,7 1,2,5,7 1,2,3 R2 : 8.3 1,2,5,7 1,2,3 R2: 8.10 R2: 8.8 1,2,5,7 1,2,3 R2: 8.9 R2: 8.9 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………01…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Introduction to power system; scope of the subject; overview of the syllabus; books to be referred. INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Introduction to power system; scope of the subject; overview of the syllabus; books to be referred. Assignment / Questions: Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………02…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Types of conductors ACSR ; BUNDLED etc. INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Types of conductors ACSR ; BUNDLED etc. Assignment / Questions: 1. (a) Write a short note on „overhead line conductors‟ bringing out the reasons for using ACSR conductors. (b) What is a bundled conductor? Why it is used? Give a few configurations of such conductors commonly employed. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………03………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation for resistance for solid conductors INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Derivation for resistance for solid conductors Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive an expression for the resistance of the conductor Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A /B Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………04…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation for the inducatnce INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Single phase - single circuit lines :derivation of inductance Single phase - double circuit lines: derivation of inductance Assignment / Questions: 1.Derive the expression for the inductance of a single circuit line. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A /B Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………05…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation for the inductance of 3-phase line INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Three phase - single circuit lines :derivationof inductance Three phase - double circuitlines:derivation of inductance Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the inductance of a 3-phase double circuit line Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A /B Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………06…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation of GMR and GMD INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Derivation of GMR ,Derivation of GMD Symmetrical conductor configuration - with transposition Symmetrical conductor configuration - without transposition Asymmetrical conductor configuration - with transposition Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for GMR and GMD Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A /B Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………07…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Asymmetrical configuration INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Asymmetrical conductor configuration - without transposition Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the inductance of asymmetrical configuration. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A /B Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………08…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Calculation of capacitance INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire systems Calculation of capacitance for 3 wire systems Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the capacitance of 2 wire system Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.1 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A /B Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………09…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Asymmetrical configuration INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Symmetrical - single and three phase, single and double circuit lines Asymmetrical - single and three phase, single and double circuit lines Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the capacitance of asymmetrical configuration. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,5 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.2 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………01…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Description and applications of Short Tr Lines INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 3. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 4. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Description and applications of Short Tr Lines Assignment / Questions: 1. Define A, B, C and D constants of a transmission line? What are their values in short lines? Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..2,3 & 1,2,3,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.2 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………02…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Description and applications Medium and long Tr Lines INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 3. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 4. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Description and applications Medium and long Tr Lines Assignment / Questions: 1.What are the differences between the long and medium transmission lines. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,3,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.2 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………03………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Representation of medium lines in Nominal T an π model INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 3. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 4. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Representation of medium lines in Nominal T an π model Assignment / Questions: 1. Discuss why equivalent π circuit of a long line is preferred over the equivalent T circuit. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,3,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.2 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………04…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation of A,B,C,D constants for long lines. INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 3. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 4. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Derivation of A,B,C,D constants for long lines. Assignment / Questions: 1.Derive the ABCD constants for long transmission line. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,3,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.2 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………05…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Long Transmission Lines – rigorous solution INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 3. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 4. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Long Transmission Lines – rigorous solution - Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the long transmission line using rigorous solution Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,3,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.2 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………06…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Surge impedance and SIL of long lines, INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 3. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 4. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Definitions and Numerical problems on Surge impedance and SIL of long lines, wavelength and velocity of propagation of waves Assignment / Questions: 1. Briefly explain about SIL Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,3,5 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.3 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………01…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Types of System Transients Examples INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 5. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 6. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Types of System Transients Examples Assignment / Questions: 1. What are different transients? Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..2,3 & 1,2,4,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.3 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………02…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Definitions Traveling or propagation of surges INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 5. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 6. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Definitions – Numerical problems on Traveling or propagation of surges Attenuation, Distortion, Reflection and Refraction coefficients. Assignment / Questions: 1.Define attenuation,distortion,reflection and refraction Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,4,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.3 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………03………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Deriving line models for : Open circuited and Short circuited lines INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 5. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 6. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Deriving line models for : Open circuited and Short circuited lines Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expressions for the open circuited and short circuited lines. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,4,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.3 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………04…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Constructing lattice diagrams INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 5. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 6. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Constructing lattice diagrams Assignment / Questions: 1.Explain the Construction of lattice diagrams. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,4,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.3 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………05…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Ferranti effect & Charging Current - definitions INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 5. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 6. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Ferranti effect & Charging Current - definitions Assignment / Questions: 1. Explain Ferranti effect Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,4,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.3 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………06…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Factors effecting Regulation of the Transmission line ,Shunt compensation INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 5. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 6. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Factors effecting Regulation of the Transmission line ,Shunt compensation Assignment / Questions: 1. Explain the factors effecting the regulation of a transmission line Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,4,5 GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.3 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………07…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Corona-Description Of the phenomenon INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 2. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS :Board, Marker TEACHING POINTS : Corona-Description Of the phenomenon, Factors affecting corona and Radio interference Numerical problems on critical voltages and power loss Review and problems Assignment / Questions: 1. Explain the factors effecting the corona Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and Outcomes Nos.. 2,3 & 1,2,4,5 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.4 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………01…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Types of Insulators : Pin; String; Strain; post type insulators INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 7. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 8. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 9. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. Assignment / Questions: 1. What are different types of insulators? Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.4 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………02…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation for String efficiency INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Derivation for String efficiency Method for improvement for String efficiency Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the string efficiency Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.4 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………03…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: numerical problems on String efficiency and voltage distribution INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : numerical problems on String efficiency and voltage distribution Assignment / Questions: 1. Find the voltage distribution and string efficiency of three unit suspension insulator string if the capacitance of the link pins to earth and to the line are respectively 20% and 10% of the self capacitance of each unit. If a guard ring increases the capacitance to the line of lower link pin to 35% of the self capacitance of each unit, find the redistribution of voltage and string efficiency. Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.4 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………04…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Capacitance grading and static shielding methods INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Capacitance grading and static shielding methods used for insulators – advanced design of insulators to overcome few limitations. Review and problems Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the capacitance grading Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.4 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………05…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Definition and Derivation of Sag and Tension INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Definition and Derivation of Sag and Tension calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for the sag Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.4 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………06…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation for Effect of wind on weight of conductors INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Derivation for Effect of wind on weight of conductors Derivation for Effect of Ice on weight of conductors Assignment / Questions: 1. Explain the effect of ice and wind on the sag Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.4 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………07…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Stringing chart and sag template INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Stringing chart and sag template : definition and applications Assignment / Questions: 1. Briefly explain about the sag template Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,6 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.5 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………01…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Types of cables INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 10. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 11. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 12. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Types of cables Assignment / Questions: 1. What are different types of cables? Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,7. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.5 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………02…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Construction of cables, INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Construction of cables, Assignment / Questions: 1. Explain the construction of the cables Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,7. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.5 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………03…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Derivation for single core cable INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : types of insulating materials, Insulation resistance and stress in insulation – derivation of the formulae. Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for capacitance of single core cable Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,7. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.5 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………04…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Deriving Capacitance for 3-core belted cables INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Deriving Capacitance for 3-core belted cables Assignment / Questions: 1. Derive the expression for capacitance of 3 core cable Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,7. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.5 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………05…………………… Duration of Lesson: 1hr ………………. Lesson Title: Grading of cables INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Grading of cables: Capacitance grading, Assignment / Questions: 1. Explain about capacitance grading Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,7. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. LESSON PLAN Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Date: ……………………. UNIT NO.5 Name of the Program: B.Tech ……EEE………… Year: ……III……….. Section: A Course/Subject: …………Power systems-II… Course Code: … GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: …EEE……… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR Lesson No: …………06…………………… Duration of Lesson: 2hr ………………. Lesson Title: Grading of cables INSTRUCTIONAL/LESSON OBJECTIVES: On completion of this lesson the student shall be able to: 1. To comprehend the different issues related to overhead lines and underground cables. 2. To train the students with a solid foundation in power system concepts required to solve engineering problems. 3. To provide the knowledge about the system transients, sag and various issues related to cables and transmission lines. TEACHING AIDS TEACHING POINTS :Board, Marker : Inter sheath grading (advanced design of cables to overcome few limitations.) Review and problems Assignment / Questions: 1. Explain about intersheath grading Signature of faculty Note: Mention for each question the relevant Objectives and OutcomesNos..1,2,3 & 1,2,5,7. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 ASSIGNMENT SHEET – 1 Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………01………………………. Q1. Discuss the concept of geometric mean distance. How this concept used to find the inductance of composite conductors line. Q2. (a) Write a short note on „overhead line conductors‟ bringing out the reasons for using ACSR conductors. (b) What is a bundled conductor? Why it is used? Give a few configurations of such conductors commonly employed. Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 2,3 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,5 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 ASSIGNMENT SHEET – 2 Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………02………………………. 1.(a) Discuss why equivalent π circuit of a long line is preferred over the equivalent T circuit. (b) A three phase 50Hz transmission line is 150km long and delivers 25MW at 0.85 power factor lagging and at 110KV . The resistance and reactance of the line per conductor per km are 0.3ohms and 0.9 ohms respectively. The line charging admittance is 0.3x10 -6 mho per km per phase. Compute by applying the nominal π method the voltage regulation and transmission efficiency. Q2.Show how regulation and transmission efficiency are determined for medium lines using and Condenser method and illustrate your answer with suitable vector diagram. Q3. Define A, B, C and D constants of a transmission line? What are their values in short lines? Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 1,2 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,3,5 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 ASSIGNMENT SHEET – 3 Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………03………………………. Q1.Derive reflection and refraction coefficient of transmission line when receiving end is open circuited. Q2. What is corona and what are the factors affecting corona loss? Discuss them briefly. Q3.(a) starting from first principles show that surges behave as travelling wave. (b) Explain the phenomenon of corona? How can the corona loss be minimized in transmission lines. Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 1,2 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,4,5 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 ASSIGNMENT SHEET – 4 Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………04………………………. Q1.Explain why the potential distribution is not, in general, uniform over the string in suspension type of insulators. Q2. Explain the necessity of a stringing chart for a transmission line and show how such a chart can be constructed. Q3.(a) Define and explain string efficiency. Can its value be equal to 100%? (b) Explain how the electric break down can occur in an insulator? Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 1,2,5,6 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,3 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 ASSIGNMENT SHEET – 5 Academic Year Semester : 2013-2014 : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Assignment corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………05………………………. Q1.Derive an expression for the insulation resistance of a single core cable Q2.with a neat diagram, show the various parts of a high voltage single core cable. Q3.Draw a neat sketch of the cross section of the following: i. 3-core belted cable ii. H-type cable iii. SL-type cable Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 1,2,5,7 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,3 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 TUTOTIAL SHEET - 1 Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Tutorial corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………01………………………. Q1. A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 66 kV overhead transmission line has its conductors arranged at the corners of an equilateral triangle of 3m sides and the diameter of each conductor is 1.5 cm. Determine the inductance and capacitance per phase, if the length of line is 100 km. And also calculate the charging current. Q2 Three conductors of a 3-phase line are arranged at the corners of a triangle of sides 2m, 3.2m and 4m.The diameter of each conductor is 2.5cm, Calculate the inductance per km of the line. Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 2,3 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,5 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 TUTOTIAL SHEET - 1 Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Tutorial corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………02………………………. 1) The per-unit-length parameters of a 215kV, 400km, 60Hz, three phase long transmission line are y = j3.2 × 10−6 mhos per km per phase and z = (0.1 + j 0.5) ohm/km. The line supplies a 150 MW load at unity power factor.Determine i. the voltage regulation ii. the sending-end power and iii. the efficiency of transmission. 2) A balanced 3-phase load of 30MW is supplied at 132kV, 50Hz and 0.85 p.f.lagging by means of a transmission line. The series impedance of a single conductor is (20 + j52) ohms and the total phase-neutral admittance is 315 × 10−6 mho. Using nominal-T method, determine: i. The A, B, C and D constants of the line, ii. Sending end voltage, iii. Regulation of the line. Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 2,3 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,3,5 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 TUTOTIAL SHEET - 1 Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Tutorial corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………03………………………. 1. Determine the disruptive critical voltage and the critical voltages for local and general corona on 3-phase overhead transmission line, consisting of three stranded copper conductors, spaced 3 meters apart at the corners of an equilateral triangle. Air temperature and pressure are 210c and 73.5 cm of mercury respectively. Conductor diameter is 2.2. cm. Take air density factor 3.92b/(273+t), irregularity factor(m) = 0.82 and surface factors(mv) for local and general corona = 0.7 and 0.8 respectively. Break down strength of air is 21.21kv (r.m.s) per cm. 2. Two stations are connected together by an underground cable having a surge impedance of 60 ohms joined to an overhead line with a surge impedance of 400 ohms. If a surge having a maximum valve of 100 kV travels along the cable towards the junction with the overhead line, determine the value of the reflected and transmitted wave of voltage and current at the junction. Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 2,3 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,4,5 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 TUTOTIAL SHEET - 1 Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Tutorial corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………04………………………. 1. A transmission line conductor at a river crossing is supported from two towers at heights of 50m and 75m above sea level. The span length is 275. Weight of the conductor 0.75kg/m. determines the clearance between the conductor and water at a point midway between towers if the tension in the conductor is 2000 kg. 2. Find the voltage distribution and string efficiency of three unit suspension insulator string if the capacitance of the link pins to earth and to the line are respectively 20% and 10% of the self capacitance of each unit. If a guard ring increases the capacitance to the line of lower link pin to 35% of the self capacitance of each unit, find the redistribution of voltage and string efficiency. Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 1,2,3 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,5,6 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 TUTOTIAL SHEET - 1 Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR This Tutorial corresponds to Unit No. / Lesson ………………05………………………. 1. Determine the thickness of insulation and operating voltage of a single core cable if the maximum and minimum stress in the dielectric is 38 kV/cm (r.m.s) and 12 kV/cm (r.m.s) respectively and the diameter of core is 3 cm. 2. Determine the operating voltage of a single core cable of diameter 2 cm and having three insulating material of permittivity‟s 5,4,3. The overall diameter of the cable is 5cm and the maximum working stress is 40kv/cm. compare the operating voltage with the voltage if the cable were not graded and the material with same working stress was used. Please write the Questions / Problems / Exercises which you would like to give to the students and also mention the Objectives/Outcomes to which these Questions / Problems / Exercises are related. Objective Nos.: 1,2,3 Outcome Nos.: 1,2,5,7 Signature of HOD Date: Signature of faculty Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 EVALUATION STRATEGY Academic Year : 2013-2014 Semester : I Name of the Program: B.Tech …EEE……… Year: …… III ………….. Section: A/B/C Course/Subject: …Power Systems-II………… Course Code: ……GR11A3082 Name of the Faculty: …Swati Devabhaktuni/A.Vinay Kumar Dept.: ……EEE………… Designation: ASSOICATE PROFESSOR/ASST.PROFESSOR 1. TARGET: A) Percentage for pass:40% b) Percentage of class:85% 2. COURSE PLAN& CONTENT DELIVERY (Please write how you intend to cover the contents: i.e., coverage of Units/Lessons by lectures, design, exercises, solvingnumericalproblems, demonstrationofmodels,modelpreparation, experiments in the Lab., orbyassignments,etc.) 3. METHOD OF EVALUATION 3.1 Continuous Assessment Examinations (CAE-I, CAE-II) 3.2 Assignments/Seminars 3.3 Quiz 3.4Semester/End Examination 4. List out any new topic(s) or any innovation you would like to introduce in teaching the subjects in this Semester. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Signature of HOD Signature of faculty Date: Date: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 090, A.P., India. (040) 6686 4440 RESULT ANALYSIS Subject Year Total No. of students appeared No. of students passed No. of students failed < 60 60 to 70 > 70 Pass % 2010-11 PS-II 131 121 10 35 33 53 82.42 2011-12 PS-II 128 122 6 18 27 77 95 2012-13 PS-II 143 131 12 56 37 38 91.6